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Whantvar possiMa, thasa hava baan omlttad from filAiing/ / II sa paiit qua eartainfi pagas Mandias ajouttes : kirs d'una rastauratio^ apparaissant dans la taxta. mais. lorsqua cala Mait possiMa. cas pagas n'ont pasMfilmtes. /' Additmnal' comnMhts.7 Coihmantairas SMppiiniantairas: This itam is f ilmad ft tha raduction ratio chackad balow/ / Ca documant ast fHmi au taux da rMuction indjfqui et'dasspus IPX -J4)U -«J(- L'institut a mieref iimi la maillaur axamplaira qu'if lui a M possiM« da sa proeurar . Las dit*ils da eat axamplaira qui sont pout-4tra uniquas dti point da MMkigraphiqua. qui paMvaht modif iair vmt imaga raproduHa. ou qui pautiant axigar una modif icatton dans la mltlKMla,|9omiala da f ilmaga sont kidiquis ' ei-dassous. □ CokMirad pagas/ Pagas da eoulaur * □ Pagn danwgad/ Psgas andommagaas' □ Pagas rastorad and/or lamkiatad/ Pagas rastaurtes at/oy paHicuMas Pagas diseolourad. stained or foxed/ Pagi« dieoMrtos, tachetles ou pk|u4as □ Pag«s detached/ . , , ''^ j^ , Pages ditadites ^ SSlMMWthrough/ Tfensparence □ Quality of print vari«s/ dualiti inlgala da I'hnpression if Continuous pegination/ I I Pagination continue Includes index(es)/ Comprend un (des) index ^ Title on Iweder taken from: / La titrede f'en-tCte provient: I I Titla page Of issue/ Page da titra de la liv^aison □ Caption of isSua/ i^^- -^^ Titra da depart ide la livraison ■/ I 1 Masthead/ Ginerkiue (piriodk|ues) de lie livraison '%£ 1 ^X- ^«^ ^D*- n • t2X 1«X 20X 24X 2»X^ 32X Tlw eopy fttm«4 hw Hm toMfi rtprpduovd thanks to tlM o ■* • ' ,- ':-^%'- ' ,-^-.^^- :-,'. i- " * ■ .-.;", '• '■ w ' ■ . '-■:■ ■ •' ■ '1 •*:. ' ■ -'i / " ".■■" -.^\ ." ' V ^> ' ^ ■ 'W- . .-■' -i- ■. ■ ■■- f. ■y " ■ . ■ 1 . - ■ "■■""■■ .:. ■;•■' vpn '■■- ■ ■i -.'■'; ' ■, - "^ ' / ( ■ "' ■',''>" ■ ' 1 : '^^■7^'^ ■- ' A ■-»;—. ■ '-> 4 5 ■ ':' * ¥ ■ ' .:- / ■" 1 , 1 br«ry. jtllty ilbillty i9 fllmt d on mprM> All on th« rintfd. ON. It . ^ tobt d ft to • ' ■ . tho L'oxoraplairo fllin4 fut roproduH arie* A la ' 0«nirotlt4 dt: ■ * ■ '■ .■'■■■'"'. , , , . " ,'■'■*. ' . ■-•■".''■"■.""■', 'i . ' Matrbpol I tan Toronto Rafaranca t Ibra Baldwin. Room Ut Imaofi iulvantaa ont 4t4 raproduNat avao la plus grand tain, eompta tanii da la oondlflon ar da la nattat* da i'axamplaira fllm4. at «n ' oonformit* i|vao laa eondltlont du oontrat da filmaga. \ lit l^amplalraa orlglhiun dont la eouvarturf 9n papiVr att ImprimAa tont f iNnte w oomnrtangant , par la pramlar plat at •!* tarmlnant iolt par la f darnMra paga qui oomporta una ampralnta d'impraaiion ou d'lHuitratlQn, aolt par la saoond , plat^ talon la oat. Tout laa autrat anamplairat originauK tont fllntia an oomman^ant par ^ pramlAra paga quieontporta una ampralnta' d'impraailon ou d'llluitratlon at an'tarmlnam par la darnl*ra paga qui oomporta una tan* ampralnta. • ' ■.'.'-„'" ^ ' - - ■ ■ ' ■ ■ • "H Un (fiia aymbolaa aulvanta apparaHrf aur li ry darniira Imaga da q^aqua mierofleha. aaloft la cat: la tymbola — ^ tignlfia "A SUIVRE", la aymbola^'tTgnlfla "Plff". :y Lat oartat, planohat, tablaaux. atb., pauvant Atra filmte A dpt taux darMuctlon dIffArantt.f Loraqua la doeumant att trap grand pour Atra raprodult an un aaul ollchA, II att f llmA A bartir da I'angia tupAriaur gaucha, da gaueha Ai droltaV at da haut an>at. an«pranant la nombra d'Imagat nAoattalrai Lat diagrammaa aulvanta llluttrantlamAthoda.^ /- ■■$^' :x (^■■ ^ mt-:r- '^'':-'^^-'Z ■ ■' > • ' " ■ \ ." o --." ■--"'> ■ ■■ " ■ ' ■"•'..'' ■ ■■■■.'-■ ' "-Wv 5 6 • ■'■J \ MICROCOPy moiUTION mr CHART (ANSI Qnd ISO TEST CHART No. 2) ij ' 1.1 L&B2M mtSi IM- u u HUM 13.6 uo m 2.0 1.25 iu I i 1.8 L6 /APPLIED IN/HGE he 18S3 East Main SlrMt Rpchj«»«r. Nm York 14609 USA (716) 482^ 0300 - Phona " (716) 288 - 9989 - Fox /} ''4-^ ■r.T:. '\f*''- XI > Wf.T' "/.■•■' V-M 5&ja«d ■^-"-^/j WTf^T'%'*- i ■ % ■ \ :: 1 . * -\ ■ i #• -+ ■■f l g . ^ > . . ■> > ^ > A A^A***A*AA*A, *.*/.L*.!:.i!.'^-LtJ.l.ll^..'^,J, ^i BY-Li^AVS or THI '^MANITOU CHAPTEB ov Ho. 27, 0. B. C, IE aOLIL.I»TGHW003D,rO. 'W. ESTAbLlSHED, ^.Z. 6866. BARRIE: PIIINTID BY D< CBBW, AT THK " MOBTHBRN ADVANOB*^ OrriCB. 1867. . r -V- >f f'tf f t»f >»>>»f f^f ff rryy^y^tyyTy^TTTT I-' .Ci. kAAAAAAAJkAAAAAAAAAd f •< lift of mttiB 4 35^Qnttou C[iU|iter, ^.T:. 58G6. ♦ ■ ^ - E. Coral). HENRY nOBERTSON, Z. ' ■ HENRY MACPIIERSON, H. ' E. A. WALKER, J. • JOHN HARVIE, Scribe £.' ' A. B. McPHEE, Scribe N. ' JAMES WILSON, P.S. « M. H. SPENCER, S.S. - '« EDWARD MARROW, J.S. '* HENRY GROSE, Janitor. ■ ■» E; E. E. Chapter oiteiwil, Februaiij 'Wh, J.D.IS6&. nrrrr^ ^ [Iter, ~h »>l^^A».tAAA.t>>A^AAAA*AAAAAA*tA*\>AAaAAAAAAAAAAAA ^ XiBt of Ifflttra. %X. 1867, E. E. E. E. E. •( u Comp nENilY MACPHERSON, Z. "HENRY ROBERTSON, P,Z. " JOHN XETTLETON, f/. « JOHN HARVIE, J. •« HENRY ROBERTSON, Scribe E.- « ALEX. MITCHELL, •' ti. J.AMES LINDSAY, Trfusurer. ADAM DUDG EON, P.S. JOSEPH W. PARKER, ^*?.S. CHAS CAMERON, J.S. M . H. SPENCER, M. of C THOMAS GORDON, M. Ut V. E. S. MEEKING, M.2nil V. ALLA^ CAMERON, M. 3rd V, JOHN SUTHERLAND, M. Ath V. S B. FISK, Sid. B. THOS. SCOTT, Swd. B. W. C. SUMNER, Otganisi: {^ ^ T. F. GHAPLV, y ' -" JAS. JOHNSQrN, > Stewards. P. DOHERTY, I JOHN McFADZEN, Janitor. < n p f ■pp ^ yyypi f pf f >>>>f lyyf ?fif if fytyyf f f f yt iff >^>>..^.^^VA^.>>^>^>>>.>>->>^^->.^^->^.>^^>>^^A.>^^.> FORM OF APPLICATION. TO THE EXCELLENT, The Principals y Officers, and Companiont of the Manitou .„_ Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, No. 2Tf G.R.C > The undersigDed, a Master Maion, and member of Lodge No. under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of respectfully oflTers himself as a candidate for advancempot to the Degrees of Mark Master, Past Master, and Most Excellent Master, and Exaltation ta 1 he Supreme Degree of the Holy Royal Arch io Manitou Chapter No. 27. Should his petition be granted, be pro- mises a cheerful compliance with all the forms and usages of the order. DuUd at day of this J. L. 58 Signature. Age Residence, Addition, Recommended by . ... — ^^.:v^..,>u.^;..^.^>^w../>->'kv»A^'>.^>>'k^^4i/ii^.v.*«'.'ii*»'t\vtVA' BY-LiKWS PRrAMBT.E. * This Chapter shall be known and dosignated the Manitou Chapter OF Royal Arch Masons, No. 27. . ■'-•'■^ :■-.■,■■ ^■''' ■■"' A. ^ ■ \ . ^ ■ - ' /This Chapter acknowledges the jurisdiction of the Grand Chapier of Royal Arch Masons of Canada, and will at {ill times |)ay respect and , 'obedience to . its Constitution, Orders and Regulations. :• ; J H. The Regula*- Convocations of this Chapter mje held on the first Friday of every month, at such hour as the Excellent Z. may de«;m expedient. . • ■! A ■ . ■ f ,^' Wm i i ■ iil' t ■ ■ ■'■ ^ f m f f y f » ■ » i ff » f f f > » f » » » »» »» h 1 6 »Y-LAWS OF ^e The Annuftl ElecUon of Oflicers shall' lake place at the Regular, Convocation in January, antf the elected and npJ' pointed Officers shall be installed and invested at the fcjjj- lowing liliegiilar Convocation in February > ■■ vf. ■ .' .•.■■■ The Excellent Z- aball annually appoint a S.tanding Committee of three, whose /duty it shall bo to audit all accounts, superintend the finances and property of the Chapter, report upon atlapplications for niembciship, or ex- altation, or for relief, and considei: any special mattei for tbegood of the Chapfer. -.••:.■■■ ■ V;'V.:" ■/.■■; ■■■:■;-' ■'•' The Scribe E. shall isaue all summonses, seven days .previous to each Convocation, notify all accepted candi- dates and prepare the returns for the Grand Chapter. ^ He shall be exempt from the payment of dues. In the absence ^f Scribe E., these duties shall devolve upon Scribe N. . The Trcnsurershall receive all fees and dues, and pay all accounts approved, by the order of the Excellent Z;, and 'shall have his books.and vouchees ready at all times for inspection He shall render an annual report at the regular Convocation in January, and on the day of Installation, nil monies and vouchers in Uis hands shall be handed over to •'his successor. ' ^■'"' .•VII.'; ■"■ •;■.'■■■ ^« The Janitor shall attend all Con vocAtions and every other >ther I f.- > . ! ■-■■■'• > ■ MANITOU CHAil»TBR or B. A. M. .7 necessary business of the Chapter. For the due perform- ance ot his duties, he shail be paW iho sum of one dollar for every meciinjf, whether regular or emergent. He njay at any time be removed by vole of the Chapter, lor neglect of duty or other sufficient cause. ■ VIII. ." The fee for Ex.»Uation shall be twen:y dollars, which shall include the cost of registry and a Grand Chapter ■ - Certiflcaie. r- — ^-^-— •' ,w V - -:--:-'--^ - - The fee I'^r a joining toembor shall DC four dollars. The fee tor Brethren wishing to be exalted who hft^e already taken the Intcrmediato degrees shall be tw«(lve dollar's. * " ' In all cases the fee must b6 paid in advance. ■; ■IX..-'.' One Black Ball shall exclude ft candidate. •;■■■-■*■■:' ■ 'r,, ■/ -X. ■...■■■■ The moDihly dues shall be twenty-five ceiiis for each member. ' i XI. / Any mt-mber twelve months in arrear, a^fter having been duly notified by the Scribe E., shall rendCylr himself liable to be Suspended. . / ' ■ 1^2 All matters not otherwise provided tor, shall be decided by a mnjprity of votes; In case of equality, the Excellent Z. basidea his own, shall have a casliojg vote. > » '#» " » '^'t '» 'i i' »'» » '»'» ^ . IIARINGTON. ^ Grand /. T f?ff t »»»»»»» y »tf'»y*»»^ " » " »*»' TT^ . ♦ jftygjjMMa«y " - ^j^^^a^a^ •Ji'(VfJ"«i'^W!l t^^ ' A v: / -. \. ' f (^ ^*'' ■'.■.7-' ■/'•: '#:''^^' '5^:;?i fep' -V ^ imt: '■•^ifjl. l^-'.'A ^*' Jf*.4 ^^^ *: ''U .ft ^ \ '-yf t -'*-.■• 1 ;::::, .-:.^ ' " » • '*■ . • ■'.;■ ', ' "■ •;/'•■■'• ■' ■■'• .-'■ • : : • '.'-,(■■■" " ^' ■ ■ -" .■'■•■■ /■ •■ :■■' .' ■ ;' ' ■'.■■' . 1 V. V':iHiiiiiAHS ^■j^^^HH 'i * : "s- v •■«»■ ■_X^ r ^ r^ *. . , ' ^ r r ■ ■ ^*'- ■ '~ - ■..-.. - f . ■. .■' ■- X/:'}: 1 /" ■: 'A ^■' r. "V -'■4-; '-: • ^. ■ - .■ „ , ;\ V ;^. ■.■ ■ '' ."" \ -V ^: ■■ •■'.'■■ /-■-: ■- "'-■..; ^ ■ ■• ' ■..■ ■'r"' .:. ''.--T ■ * , s .■^^^mm ?syiii** ^-'' '•/■>'';<, - .;. / >i ' . Ji-.* . - :.. ' * ■ • . ■:.. ^ '. '^ ■ ■ '. ' H . . v\ J F ■# ■,«•,■ -^^1 , '. ' • "t, ■ • V ^^^^^^^^^^7^< " 1 ■■;;. \\y- • '' / 'M ,- ■' ■■ '.. f: % ■''', * ■. - , ■■■■„ ;.':' ' i ' '■ * ^ >iJ^^^H SSte.