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 . ♦ , 
 ^ . 
 (a) Introductory note relative to the twelve meetings of the Synod, from 
 1851 to 18G4 inclusive 7 
 (4) General statistical summary of the foregoing Synod meetings H 
 1. Declaration of the British North American Bishops, at a conference held at 
 Quebec, in 1854 U 
 i. Preliminary statement. 
 ii. Convocation in Synod. 
 iii. Church Membership. 
 iv. Cmons of 160;3-4. 
 V. Articles and Formularies. ,, 
 vi. Division of the Morning Service. ■ 
 vii. Psalms and Hymns. 
 viii. Uniformity of practice at the Offertory. 
 ix. Holy Communion— Certificate of Membership on removal, 
 z. Marriages. 
 xi. Parish Registers. 
 xii. Intercommunion with other Reformed Episcopal Churches, 
 xiii. Education : (a) General, (b) Sunday Schools, (c) Schools for the 
 Higher Classes, (d) Collegiate Institutions, (e) Training for 
 the Ministry. (/) Diocesan and Parochial Libraries. '^ 
 xiv. The Order of Deacons. 
 XV. Maintenance of the Clergy. 
 xvi. Conclusion. 
 2. Declaration of the Canadian Bishops, in Provincial Synod asscmWed, 1861 17 
 i. Preliminary Declaration. 
 ii. Unity of the Church— Her Doctrinal Standards, 
 iii. Subjects of Synodical action. ...t',,, 
 iv. Prayer for Divine Guidance. r ; 
 3. Declaration of the Queen's Supremacy by the Toronto Synod It 
 4. Declaration on the part of the Synod of the Diocese of Toronto 19 
 i. Preliminary Declaration. 
 ii. Unity of the Church— Her Doctrinal Standards, -, 
 iii. Subjects for Synodical action. 
 iv. Necessity for action— General Principles stated. 
 T, Prayer for Divine Guidance, 
 8. Constitution of tl.o S,„o,l of the Diocese of Toronto 
 >• Clerical Members. 22 
 ii. Lay Delegates, or Representatives 
 in. Time of Meeting of s_y.„o,l. 
 iv. J'raycr before n.cetiDg of Synod 
 V. rresidcnt of the Synod, ;,.o;c„j, 
 VI. Quorum of Synod, 
 vii. Secretaries and Treasurer of Synod 
 ■■ ^■'."•F.nance.nndE.xecutivo Committees of Synod 
 «. Concurrence of the Three Orders of Synod ' 
 X. Alteration of the Coustitution. 
 6. Order of Synod proceedings 
 _i. -First Day's rrocecdings. 26 
 ii. Order of Routine Iiusi°nes.s. 
 Hi. Cathedral Service during Meeting of Synod. .1 
 M. Continuous Meeting of Synod. 
 V. Evening Meeting of Synod. 
 7. Rules for the preservation of order '" 
 8. Rules reg.arding committees of Synod.'.'.".".'.."!! ^^ 
 i. Executive Committee. 28 
 ii. Ordinary Committees of Synod, 
 iii. Principal Committees of Synod." 
 9. Delegates to Provincial Synod 
 10. Right of the Church to meet in Syi" !!.'!!! ..' ^^ 
 11. Sub-divsion of the Diocese ; ." ' ^2 
 12. Election of a Bishop...-. " ' ^^ 
 13. Constitution of vestries for free churches ' ^^ 
 14. Erection and division of parishes, and settlem"e;;":f';":;;:da"ri";"a'.!! 3'' 
 16. Bishop's court for the trial of offences ^ 
 16. Management and control of church property' ^^ 
 .;• Jl^";'='; Property vested in the Church"soci;t;! ^^ 
 •, »■ Protection of Church Property. ^ 
 jii. Registration of Deeds of Church Property " ' 
 IV. Erection of Churches and Parsonages. 
 17. Church Society of the Diocese 
 _i. Parochial Associations-olil^^^riy C^H^^;;;;,, ' -" ^^ 
 ". Incorporation of the Synod-Uaiou of Church Society with it 
 111. Indian Church Missions. ""^^ly wun xt. 
 iv. Diocesan Board of Missions. 
 V. Widows and Orphans' Fund. ^^^ '* 
 vi. Clerical Sustentation Fond. 
 vii. Christmas Offertory for Clergymen 
 Tiii. Clergy Trusit Commutation Fund. 
 IX. Division of i-arocLial Endowments. 
 X. Appointments to, and Assessments of, Vacant Parishes 
 23. Pi 
 .. 22 
 .. 26 
 rtl .* 
 18. Trinity Collogo University paoe. 
 10. Canons ouKcclcsiasticnl Law. 49 
 20. Church music, anj oons..,,tlorJ,^^;;^;;^Z ^ 
 -I. Sunday Schools of the Diocese 51 
 22. Miscellaneous anj temporary ] C3 
 i- Kuaowment of the See of To.'onio ^3 
 "• Ol'^t-'-vanco of the Lord's Day 
 I". Thanksgiving at Seed-time and Harvest 
 n. Increase of Candidates for the' 
 V. Kevivalof the Hiaconate 
 vi. Discrepancies in the Celebration of Divine Service 
 Ml. Lay Co-operntinn. ""vice. 
 via. Church of J.:„g,,,„is,j,„,,,,t^g^,,^^,^_ 
 IX. Colenso and similar Heresies. 
 X. The Church in India. 
 xi. The Diocese of Huron. 
 sii. The Diocese of Ontiirio. 
 xiii. Addresses to the Queen 
 xiv. to the Prince of Wales ' 
 XV. Address to the Governor General 
 XV.. Resolutions of thanks to the Dishop of Toronto 
 • -: S:S'T:ix/ir^--- 
 t:S:;':::i-:---^y and .ster Meetings. 
 XX,. Uniformity in IVintin, R..p„rts of Synod Proceedings 
 xxa. Intemperance, and an Inebriate A.ylum '?""'""S3. 
 xxm. Ministration iu Gaols and Kcformatorics 
 1. Church Temporalities' Act, 1811 67 
 {a) Trusts authorized by the Church Temporalities' Act 
 "1. Act to amend the foregoing, l«.-,.s 
 IV. Church Society Incorporation Act. 
 V. Church Society Rectory Presentation Act 
 V. loronto .and Huron Churcl> Societies Lund Act. 
 vn. isolemuizatiou of Matrimony Act. 

 [Note.— Thiu summary of Canons and Resolutions has been prepared chiefly bv 
 J. Geohoe HonaiNS. LL.U., ii; accordance with a resolution moved by liim 
 jeconded by R. A. IlAnnisoN. B.C.L., " That with a view, to oscertain what 
 ?","„■).*/" Resolutions have received the sanction of the Synod, &c."—Setiion 
 of IbQi, paffe 28.] 
 OF THE SYNOD, 1851-18G4. 
 The Finl meeting of the Synod of the Diocese of Toronto, (then embracing the 
 present Dioceses of Toronto, Huron and Ontario,) wa? held (in connection with the 
 Bishop's Triennnial Visitation of the Clergy,) in the city of Toronto, on the first of 
 May, 1851. One hundred and twenty-seven clergy wore present, and one hundred 
 and twenty-five lay-representatives of paiishc-'. The Rev. J. Gamble Geddes, B.A., 
 Rector of Hamilton, was appointed Secretary, on behalf of the clergy, and Dr. James 
 Bovell, on behalf of the h.y repress atatives. BesiJ^a other business, two questions 
 were proposed by the Bishop for the consideration of the meeting. 
 let. Shall we, the Church of the Diocese of Toronto, take any steps to protect 
 her property and endowments ? 2nd. Shall we apply for permissi,,, from the 
 Crown to hold Diocesan Synods or Co-vocations t These questions were answered 
 in the aifirmative, and the meeting adjourned on the second of May. 
 2. The Second meeting of the Synod for the Diocese was held, in connection with 
 the Bishop's Triennial Visitation of the Clergy, in the city of Toronto, on the 12th of 
 October, 1853. One hundred and twenty clerical members were present, and one 
 hundred and five lay representatives. The Rev. J. Gamble Geddes, B.A., and Rev. 
 Thomas S. Kennedy, were appointed Secretaries on behalf of the clergy, and Dr" 
 Bovell and II. Gates, Esq., on behalf of the laity. Of this moeting, the'fiishop in 
 his address before the Synod in June, 1857, says, " The first act of this Second 
 Conference was to declare itself a Synod." The division of the Diocese and other 
 important matters were taken up and discussed, and the Synod adjourned on the 
 18th of October. 
 8. The Third meeting of the Synod was held in Toronto, on the 25th of October, 
 1854. Ninety-six clerical members were present, and one hundred and fourteen 
 lay delegates. The Rev. J. Gamble Geddes, B.A.. was apnointed nl^r.Va! "ecret.ary 
 and Dr. Bovell lay secretary. Of this meeting, the Bishop in his address of June! 
 1857, says, " A Constitution was framed, and a Declaration affixed to it, which has 
 met with much favor throughout the Church. The subject of ecclesiastical di- 
 some lengtu. The Synod adjourned on the 27th of October. 
 A t'J^'fr"'^''t'''^ °^ '^' ^^"'"' '^'"^ "°' "^''o ?'""« "°til the 1st of May 1850 
 A commutation by the Clergy to the Church Society of their'J 
 -the Clergy Reserve Fund, took place i„ the .'oantime ZulTZ 
 con. deration of her Majesty in Council, i. had to bo tZ^^'Z^rrl^ 
 .aZ? Tn'" '" "■■ '"'"" ['^-"•"'i-] colonies, who were sufferi.rg under^ 
 same disabilities as ourselves, followed our example • and one of them i^ T 
 efore us in the race, and obtained a law. while ^.r biU wa^de te^o:^^^^^^^ 
 of the Imperial Government, which enables the Bishop, Clergy and Laitv tn n > 
 for the regulation of the affairs of the Churrb lt„ . • , I ^' ^ °"^° 
 Act' ''XT.ZT' °' "" '^''°' ^"""^ P'"'^^ ("-"J- ♦he authority of the new 
 Act, 10 enable the members of the United ri>,..-ph nP w , , ,r ^'^ 
 Canada, to meet in Synod.") on the the 7th n «fE,,gland and Ireland, in 
 nineteen clerical membe s and nn. , V , '' ^^'"- ^"^ ''""'^'•«' »"d 
 present. The Rev J. G Ible Gedd MA "' '''''''' '"^ "''''"'''' -- 
 IheRev. T. S. Kennedy aTs a! dV'b-'^" "'"""■'' "'""' """""'' ""' 
 principal business Iran' a e^at his m'eUng LlTh:'7'?' '7 ""'''''''■ "''^ 
 Queen, thanking Her Majesty for assrntlll m 1°^ " °*^ "" "'^'''"^'^•^ '" ^''^ 
 Various amendLnts we e 1 made t !^^^ ^^' ^ """'"' '" "' ''""'• 
 ConstitutionoftheSynodlatairr^srd rtpll.^^^^^^^^^ ^'^r"''- 
 on the 18th of June. repubUsUed. The meeting adjourned 
 A meeting of a section of the Synod of the nin^oc. „*• m 
 city of London. Upper Canada, on'the 8 h it 857 flrTo ^ "" f /" '"^ 
 a Bishop for the new Diocese of Huron krtl L i ^ P"'' "^ "'"""« 
 mentary addresses were adopted by the Svn.d IndTe/o l eld't"':. T'" 
 .bi« Bishop of Toronto and to the"Archd;aoon of York ^'""" 
 fl. The ^a^A annual meeting of the Synod of the now circumscribed Diocese was 
 held in Toronto, on the 10th of June, 1858. Eighty-nine clerical, and eighty-eight lay 
 memhers were present. Rev. Dr. Lett was appointed clerical, and Dr. Bovell lay, 
 secretary. The principal business transacted was the consideration of » report on 
 the English Church Canons, as applicable to Canada, and the adoption of canons on 
 the division and formation of parishes ; the constitution of vestries for free churches. 
 Reports on church music, the hymn book, separate schools, and sustentation fund, 
 were also considered or adopted. Resolutions were passed relating to Indian Mis- 
 sions, and the increase of candidates for the Christian ministry ; to the observance of 
 the Lord's day, and temperance. Delegates were for the first time appointed to the 
 Provincial Synod. An address of sympathy to the Church in India in connection 
 with the Sepoy mutiny was adopted. The meeting adjourned on the 11th of June. 
 An adjourned meeting of the Synod was held in the city of Kingston, on the 14th 
 of September, 1858. Eighty-four c' .1, and sixty lay members were present. 
 The chief business transncted was the .tppointment of various committees, and the 
 adoption of a report on the sustentation of the clergy, and on separate schools. 
 Resolutions were also passed relating to registration of church deeds endowment 
 of parishes, tempeiancc, &c. The Synod adjourned on the Ifith of September. 
 7. The Seventh annual meeting of the Synod took place in Toronto, on the 7th of 
 June, 185!). One huudred and eleven clerical, and one hundred and twenty lay, 
 members attended. The Rev Dr. Lett was. appointed clerical, and Dr. Bovell lay, 
 secretary. Reports of committees on canons, endowments, separate schools, 
 divinity students, psalms and hymns, sustentation fund, assessment of parishes, 
 building of parsonages, lessening of intemperance, were taken up and adopted. 
 The subject of Sabbath observance was also considered. A petition to the 
 Queen was adopted, praying her Majesty to appoint one of the Canadian Bishops as 
 Metropolitan of Canada, to preside over the Provincial Synod. The meeting 
 adjourned on the 10th of June. 
 8. The Eighth annual meeting of the Synod took place in Toronto, on the 12th of 
 June, 1800. One hundred and fifteen clerical, and one hundred and sixteen lay, 
 members were present. The Rev. Dr. Lett was appointed clerical, and Dr. Bovell 
 lay, secretary. The revised by-laws of the Synod, with slight amendments, were 
 adopted, also the reports of committees on the sustentation fund, commutation trust, 
 psalms and hymns, divinity students, ministration of religion in gaols and reforma- 
 tories, and assessment of parishes. A canon providing for the erection of the 
 Bishop's court of discipline was adopted. Rr lutions were passed relating to the 
 application of the Christmas offertory, the establishment of a board of missions, 
 observance of the Lord's day, &c. The report upon the discrepancies in the 
 celebration of Divine Service, submitted at the previous meeting of the Synod, 
 was again considered and laid over. The Prince of Wales, being on a visit to British 
 America this year, a cordial address of welcome to His Royal Highness the 
 Prince of Wales, was adopted. The meeting adjourned on the 15th of June. A 
 special session of the Synod was convened in Toronto on the 7th and 8th of 
 September, 1800, to present this address to His Royal Highness. 
 A special session of a section of the Synod was held in Kingston, on the 12th 
 of June, 1861, for the purpose of electing a Bishop for the proposed new Diocese of 
 Ontario. Fifty-three clerical, and one hundred and eleven lay, members of the 
 proposed new Diocese answered to their name. Of the thirty-eight clerey present 
 on the day of election, thirty-ono voted for the Rev. Dr. Lewi.,, and on or 'he Vet 
 for the Rev. Dr. Lewis, one for Archdeacon Bethune. and one for the Rev W 
 Macauley. Delegates were elected for the new Diocese to the Provincial gynoT 
 The meeting adjourned on the 13th of June. 
 9. The Ninth session of the Diocese of Toronto, as now constituted wa« i,»M • 
 we.e present. The Rev. T. b. Kennedy was elected clerical, and Dr Bovelllav 
 cretary. Reports on the building of parsonages, parochial statistics, y co o f^ 
 t.on, and church mus.c, were taken into consideration and acted upon A resolu n 
 expressive of sympathy with the Venerable Bishop and the Pro^^ost of T i i ! 
 Col ege was ebated. and finally concurred in by a combined vote 8 . (fifty "r 
 clerical, and thu-.y lay,) against 24. (fourteen clerical and ten lay.) members h 
 were made. The Synod adjourned on the 29th of June. 
 IRB?" ''i" f'"-* "T '°.° "^ '^" ^'""'' "^ '^°"'''^'' •'"•"fenced on the 17th of June 
 1862. S.xty-n,ne clencal. and eighty-four lay, members were present. The Rev' 
 the h ""r" '," ""'• ''°''" ""' '''"'"' ^«"°'^'-'-- ^-endments were mad to 
 the by-laws relating to mission boards and the election of lay delegates to the 
 Synod. An animated discussion on separate schools resulted in'the adopU n of an 
 affirmative report on the subject by a vote of 74. (Clergy, forty-five Parisles,) to 21. (Clergy, nine. Parishes, twelve.) A^ extended r po o n 
 Un.ver8,ty education, submitted at the previous meeting of the Synod, was taken i"p 
 and consi ered but it was finally withdrawn. The usual reports, as well os resolutio 
 IntS A "r^'u '""'• '"""^^ ^^''''"'^' "°^ ?-"'=•""' statistics, we 
 adopted A memorial to the legislature was also adopted, praying for the establish 
 =.ent of an asylum for inebriates. The Synod adjourned on Le 20th of JuTe 
 11. The aUvetiih session of the Synod commenced on the 9th of June 18G3 
 E.g ty.five clerical and one hundred and sixty-six lay. members were presen't. Th^ 
 fn fil ' ? K • "■^•' ''"' "'■■ '"''"''' '"''' '^PP^'"'^'' -<"-'=t"'^-- Reports 
 •n Sunday Bchools, church mus.c and congregational singing, endowment of .ee 
 olergy trust fund, registration of deed., and an inebriate asylum, were after 
 consideration, adopted. Resolutions on separate schools, and on the revival' of the 
 diaoonate were also, after considerable discussion, adopted by large majorities. 
 The Synod adjourned on the 12th of June. 
 xi.TU Twtlfih session of the Synod commenced on the 8th of June 1864 
 S«' M !"""''rn 'T^"'^ ''^' "'"''"' "''' P''^^^"^- Tl^o Rev. J. Gamble 
 Geddes, MA., and Dr. Bovell were appointed secretaries. Reports on Sunany 
 schools, endowment of see, mission and commutation funds, building and repairing 
 parsonages, registration of deeds. &c.. were adopted; othsr reports were deferred 
 unUl next year. A resolution condemnatory of a late decision of the judicial 
 eommittee of thn Ppitit ronnpi! in the nnca n" tK- r T\ Tfii- 
 .!.„ . ,\t ' '/'/ "•'^°'"'' '" *°® ^^^^ °'-'"'' "^c^- Dr. ^Vilhau.s, wos passed, 
 also one relating to temperance. The Synod adjourned on the 10th of June. 
 OS ; 
 1 1851,May, 1, 2..., 
 2 1853 Oct. 12,13.. 
 3'l854'Oot. 25, 27..' 
 4185G|Mny, 1, 2..., 
 51857 June, 17, 18' 
 I " jLondon* 
 6,1858 June, 10, ll.lToronto . 
 Sept. 14, 10. Kingston 
 June, 7, 10 .iTorontc. 
 June, 12, 15.' " 
 Sept. 7, 8 ...| " 
 June, 12, \S. Kinps'n* 
 June, 25, 27. Toronto., 
 luno, 17, 20.' " 
 June, 9, 12..' 
 June, 8, 10.. I 
 II 1803 
 Meiubera , 
 Present, j Secretaries of Synod. 
 125 Rev. J.G. Qeddos. 
 ^^''i I " T.S. Kennedy 
 1141 " 
 210 " J. G. Geddea 
 T.S. Kennedy 
 88 " Dr. Lett. 
 120 " 
 lie' " 
 T.S. Kennedy 
 J. (>. Geddes. 
 Dr. Bovell 
 H. Gates.. 
 Dr. Bovell 
 f None 
 I appointed. 
 G. W. Allan. 
 J. W. Brent. 
 * Special session of a section of 
 new Dioceses of Huron and Ontario 
 tlie Synod for the election of a Bishop fortlM 
 {Being Minutes of a Conference of the Bishops of Quebec, Tmonto 
 J\eia/oumUanil, Frederidon and Montreal, holden at Quebec from 
 September 24th to October 1st, 1851.) 
 9 JnnH t.~ • ^""*"' ?*^ '"^"'''' ''" ^'=" ''^ fo"" t'^e information of members of the 
 Synod, tLis important document-which is not otherwise generally acoelsible to 
 them-is included in this collection of Canons and Resolutionf.] ^ accessible to 
 J. Preliminary Statement. 
 We, the undersigned, Bishops of the North American Colonies in the Province of 
 Canterbury, having had opportunity granted to us of meetine together hftv« 
 thereupon conferred with each other respecting the trust and cha'rge committed to 
 our hands, and certain peculiar difBculties of a local nature which attach to the 
 We desire, therefore, in the first place, to record our thankfulness that we have 
 been so permitted to assemble, and our sense of the responsibility lying upon us 
 before God and the world to promote the glory of His great name, to advance the 
 kingdom of His Son, to seek the salvation of immortal souls, and, what we feel to be 
 inseparably united with these objects, to establish and extend, wlierever there is a 
 demand for her services, the system, the teaching, the worship, and the ordinances 
 of the United Church of England and Ireland. 
 We feel that, in the prosecution of this great work, wo are surrounded by many 
 discouragements, embarrassments and hindrances, which, by the grace of God, we 
 are prepared patiently to encounter, and, while they may be appointed to continue, 
 patiently to endure, but for which, nevertheless, it is our duty to seek all lawful 
 remedy, if such remedy is to be found. 
 We have therefore prepared the statement which follows, of our views in relation 
 to these subjects of our care and solicitude ; and wo desire to commend it to the 
 favourable consideration of our Metropolitan, his Grace the Lord Archbishop of 
 Canterbury, in the hope that he may bo moved to assist us in obtaining relief 
 from those evils of which wo have to complain, as well as to counsel us in the 
 disposal of questions which come before us in the exorcise of our Episcopal duties. 
 //. Convocation in Sjnod. 
 In consequence of the anomalous state of the Church of England in these Colonies, 
 with reference to its general government, and the doubts entertained as to the 
 validity of any code of Ecclesiastical Law, the Bishops of these Dioceses experience 
 great diflSculty in acting in accordance with their Episcopal commission and 
 prerogatives, and their i;2cisions aro liable to misconst ruction, as if emanating from 
 their individual will, and uot from the general body of the Church ; we therefore 
 consider it desirable, in the first place, that the bishops. Clergy, and Laity of the 
 Church of England in each Diocese should meet together in Synod, at such times 
 and in such manner as may be agret'd. Secondly, that the Laity in such Synod 
 should meet by representation, and that their rep 'I'sentatives be communicants. 
 Thirdly, it is our opinion that, as questions will arise from time to time which will 
 affect the welfare of the Church in these Colonies, it is desirable that the Bishops, 
 Clergy, and Laity, should meet in council under a Provincial Metropolitan, with 
 poweA- to frame such rules and regulations for the better condu 't of our ecclesiastical 
 affairs as by the saidcuncil maybe deemed expedieut. Fourthly, that the said 
 council should be divided into two houses, the one consisting of the Bishops of these 
 several dioceses under their Metropolitan, and the other of the presbyters and lay 
 members of the Church assembled (as before mentioned) by representation. 
 Upoi these grounds it appears to us necessary that a Metropolitan should be 
 appointed fcr the North American Dioceses. 
 111. Church Membership. 
 Doubts being entertained as to who are to be regarded as members of the Church of 
 England in these Colonies, and as such, what are their special duties and rights, we 
 are of opinion that Church Membership requires (1) admission into the Christian 
 covenant by holy baptism, as our Lord commanded, "in the name of the Father, 
 and of the Son, nnd of the Holy Ghost ;" (2) that all Church Members are bound, 
 according to their knowledge and opportunities, to consent and conform to the rules 
 and ordinances of the Church, and (3) according to their ability, and as God hath 
 blessed them, to contribute to the support of the Church, and especially of thoso 
 who minister to them in holy things. Upon the fulfilment of these duties, they 
 may, as Church Members, claim at our hands, and at the hands of our clergy 
 generally, all customary services and ministrations. 
 We cheerfully recognise the duty and privilege of preaching the Gospel to the 
 poor, and of allowing to those who can make us no worldly recompense the same 
 claim upon our services, in public and in private, which we grant to the more 
 wealthy members of our flocks. 
 We are further of opinion that Church Members in full communion, are those only 
 who receive, with their brethren, the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, at the hands 
 of their lawful ministers, as directed and enjoined by the Canons and Rubrics of 
 our Prayer Book. Persons chosen as representatives of any parish or mission to 
 attend any Synod or Convocation, should in every case be members of the Church 
 in full communion. 
 IV. Canons of 1603-4. 
 Although it is confessedly impossible under existing circumstances to observe all 
 these Canons, yet we are of opinion that they should be complied with so far as is 
 lawful and practicable. But inasmuch as the retention of rules which cannot be 
 obeyed is manifestly iue-Kpedient, and tends to lessen the respect due to all laws, wo 
 hold that a revision of the Canons is highly desirable, provided it be done by 
 competent authority. 
 V. Articles and Formularies — Doctrinal Standards. 
 Whereas the multiplication of sects, among those who profess and call themselves 
 Christians, appealing to the same Scriptures in support of divers and conflicting 
 doctrines, renders a fixed and uniform standard and interpretation of Scripture 
 more than ever necessary, we desire to express our thankfulness to Almighty God 
 for the preservation of the Book of Common Prayer, our entire and cordial agree- 
 ment with the Articles and Formularies of our Church, taken in their literal sense, 
 and our earnest wish (as far as in us lies) faithfully to teach the doctrines and to 
 use the oflices of our Church in the manner prescribed in the said book. And we 
 desire that all the members of our Church chould accept the teaching of the Prayer 
 Book, as, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, their best help in the understanding 
 of Holy Scripture, and as the ground-work of the religious education of their 
 VJ. A Bishop may autliorize Division of the Morning Service. 
 We are of opinion that the Bishop, as ordinary, may authorize the division of the 
 Morning Service, by the use of the Morning Prayer, Litany, or Communion Service, 
 separately, as may be required ; but that no private Clergyman has authority, at 
 his own discretion, to abridge or alter the Services or Offices, or to change th« 
 Lessons of the Church. 
 Vlf. Fmlms and Hi/mns. 
 Whereas the multiplication in Churches of different Hymn Books, published 
 without authority, is irregular in itself, and has a tendency to promote division 
 among us, we nro of opinion that a judicious selection of Psalms and Hymns by 
 competent authority would tend much to the furtherance of devotion and to the 
 edification of pious cliurohnien. 
 1777. I'niformlti/ (yf Practice at the Offertory. 
 We are of opinion that it is desirable and seemly, and would tend to a 
 uniformity of practice among us, that whenever a collection is made after Sermon, 
 in time of Morning Prayer, tlio offertory sentences should be read, and the prayer 
 for the Church Militant should bo used. 
 IX. Holy Communion.— Certificate of Memhership on Removal. 
 We hold it to be of great importance that the Clergy should attend to the 
 directions of the Rubric which precede the administration of the Holy Communion, 
 respecting " open and notorious evil livers, and those who have done wrong to their 
 neighbors by word or deed, nnd those also betwixt whom they perceive malice and 
 hatred to reign," and that tiie nioinbers of the Church should signify to the Minister 
 their intention to present themselves at the Holy Table, especially when they arrive 
 in any place as strangers, or when, being residents in such place, they are purposing 
 to communicate for the first time. Wo conceive that it would greatly promote the 
 welfare of the Church, if all our members, who may be travelling from one place 
 to another, were furnished with a certificate of their membership and of their 
 standing in the Church. 
 X. Marriages. 
 We hold that a Clergyman knowingly celebrating marriage between persons who 
 are related to each other within the prohibited degrees, set forth in a table of 
 degrees, published by our Church in the year of our Lord God, 1£63, is acting in 
 violation of the laws of God and of the Church, and is liable to censure and punish- 
 ment ; and that persons who contract such marriages should not be admitted to the 
 Holy Communion, except upon repentance and putting away their sin. And we 
 recommend that the aforesaid " Table of Prohibited Degrees" should be put up in 
 every Church in our Dioceses. We are further of opinion that injustice is done our 
 Church in withholding from our Bishops the power of granting Marriage Licenses 
 which 18 exorcised by the Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church : and that in 
 several Dioceses great iiTegu.arities, and grievous evils, prevail in consequence of the 
 defective state of the Marriage Law. We also hold that the Clergy of our Church 
 should abstain from celebrating a marriage between persons, both of whom 
 professedly belong to another communion, except in cases where the services of no 
 other Minister can be procured. 
 XL Parish Registers. 
 We would earnestly recommend to the Clergy of our Dioceses (even thouch it 
 should not bo required by the civil law) to keep accurate Registers of Marria"ge8, 
 Baptisms, and Burials, in their several Parishes or Missions. 
 . * , 
.■^>.^..,.-.^^-.^l...^.:.i.,^...-..,^^.^..v ^.~. ,.-.. ly^.-ji .jf^ 
 DIOCESE OP TORONTO, 1851-1864. 
 XU. Intercommxinion with other Reformed Episcopal Cliurchrs. 
 We are of opinion thnt it is much to be desired tlmt there ehould be no let or 
 hindrance to a full nnd free communion between ourselves and other Reformed 
 Episcopal Churches; and therefore that where we derive our orders from the same 
 source, hold the same doctrines, and are virtually united as members of the same 
 body of Christ, those impediments which (as we are advised) are now in force 
 through the operations of the civil law, ought to bo removed. 
 Xlll. Education, 
 [a) General. 
 Whereas systems o( education are very generally introduced and supported in 
 these Colonies, either (1) excluding religious instruction aUogelher from the 
 schools, or (2) recognising no distinction between Roman Catholics and Protestants; 
 whereby no opportunity is aiForded us of bringing up the children of our communion 
 in the special doctrines and duties of our faith, to the manifest depnivation of their 
 religious principles, and with crying injustice to the Church of England, we desire 
 to express our decided conviction : — 
 1. That all education for the members of our Church should be distinctly based 
 on the revealed religion of the Old and New Testaments, with special reference to 
 their duties and privileges as by baptism regenerate, and made God's children by 
 adoption and grace. 
 2. That all lawful and honorable methods should bo adopted to move the Colonial 
 Legislatures to make grants to the Church of England as well as to the Roman 
 Catholics, and other religious bodies, as they may require it, and according to their 
 numbers respectively, for the education of the members of their own communion. 
 (4) Sunday Schools. 
 1. We desire to express our sense of the importance, in the existing state of the 
 Church, of Sunday schools, especially in large towns, and we thankfully acknowledge 
 the benefits which have resulted from the labors of pious teachers both to themselves 
 and to their scholars, under proper direction and superintendence. In every possible 
 case, the Sunday schools should be under the persona! direction and superintendence 
 oftheMinisterof the parish or district: or otherwise the Minister should appoint 
 the teachers, choose the books, and regulate the course of instruction ; that there 
 be no contradiction between the teaching of the school and the Church, all Sunday 
 scholars should be instructed in the Church Catechism, and regularly taken to 
 2. We would carefully guard against the assumption that instruction in the 
 Sunday school, even by the Minister of the parish, may be allowed to supersede the 
 directions of the Rubrics and Canons, and on the duty cf catechizing in Church ; for 
 we distinctly recognise and affirm as well the great importance, as the sacred 
 obligation, of those directions. 
 (c) Schools for the Higher Classes. 
 Schools for the higher classes of both sexes are much required, with particular 
 reference to assisting the Clergy in the education of their own children. 
 (d) Collegiftto InstitutioiiH. 
 JlT/i-Tjr''" '\f "'"' '"'""'""'' """ '"''"' B-i.op «l.ouUl connect 
 prepnr«tumof young n.c„ for tl.c Ministly of the Churcl.; ,ve believe that one 
 (<■) Training for tie Ministry, 
 ttc, .hould liktwl,. be ioslrncled lo ihe dmit. or tl,. ...,,,. 
 ~di., „d d.,i,.,,„g .,■ ..„.„, ,. Jot"::,. :«;;;• jrrLf"' ■" ""~' 
 (/) Diocesan and Parochial Libraries, 
 We deem it very desirable also that libraries shnni,! k <• 
 under the direction of the clergy bo h 7^*^-' - ™ '^^ 
 parishioners ^^' °' *'" ''"^7 themselves and for their 
 A7F. r/ic O/y/fr 0/ Deacons. 
 ha^e sorleTtcl^to's^f e'n7T""7''''' ^"^^ "^"^^"^"^ ''^ ^'^ ^^^^-^ 
 young and i.e.ptrn edTerS^lCCXs'^ui"'^'"'^".' ''''''' '' '^'^ '» 
 -aeon shonid. if possible, he placed ^r^isr^j r::::^:::^!;^^ 
 ^F. Maintenance of the Clevijy. 
 .i.b U»r,telt erallcd,, lb. .id gl,.„ „ ,„ Z.,™. b, ,7 1 """'""I'lm 
 lb« Cb»ch lb th.., Clonl.. ™„ unZ r», ■', ^ "'°« "" "" ''°"»"7 
 .. d..,„ ,. ,„„d .„ :zs2::^.t^ZT:,T:, r crr'-r-""' 
 tions and to the clergy of their Church. ^^ ° '^® "•"'''"■ 
 Further, as M« 5ociWy, in consequence of numeroup nn.i • 
 parts of the world, is compelled gradually tn ^^^1 ^'""•«« claims in all 
 on all our flocks t e duty of fulfiC tel ohT f ™'' •*' "'' "" '''''' '° ''"?'««« 
 their Ministers; and vJh a vi w t" J" "' '^ "' " "'"''' "'"' '""""' °' 
 wardens in each parish or misZ I^f^fu 1:^:™ tTtt B^h'^^ ^^"^^^■ 
 return duly certified by themselves and by the cfer^m of htsr''^^ 
 towards his support for the current year. ^'^ P"^ 
 XVI. Concf union. 
 III r . ^ '"'""« "'• '" °"'- •^'^■'■'■"l «""io"s, to do .l,e work of 
 on el es to fulfil l„s work of our ministry, according to the doctrine nnd di cipline 
 01 th, ist s Holy Church, ll,c assurance of an Apostolic con^mi.Mon for cm- Ministerial; and together with it, a confession of pure and CatLoUc t h a ^e 
 all m the use of the.e prcc.ous gifts, enable us to serve him in unity of spirit in the 
 bond of peace, and in righteousness of life, and finally bring us to IjfsHavel 
 Kingdom, through JesuB Christ our Lord. lo "is Heavenly 
 (Signed,) G. J. QUEBEC. 
 In first Provincial Sj/nod asmnbleJ, 18G1. 
 1. Preliminary Declaration. 
 We, the Bishops of the United Church of England and Ireland, within the 
 Province of Canada, together with the Delegates from the Clergy and Laity of h 
 Diocesan Synods, now assembled in the first Provincial Synod under Royal and 
 constitut onal authority, and intending under God's blessing and gtdance'to con 
 suler and determine upon such matters as shall appear necessary fo'r theTel re of 
 he Church in this Province, desire to express our most hearty and humWthrnk, 
 Almighty God that it has pleased Him in his Providence to seT er us ^ 
 Metropolitan, and thus enable us, as in the ancient d.ys, to assemble as one body 
 under he direction of His Holy Spirit, whose aid we now invoke, in the name 5 
 His only begotten Son. for the consolidation and advancement of His ki.gdo" in 
 this Province. 8^^,,.. ,u 
 * Viz. : The Bishops of Montreal, bee, Toronto, Huron and Ontario. 
 //. r,ut>, oj (he Chunh-Her Doctnnal Standard,. 
 sot tt til by tlint Clmrch, on the testimony of the Primitive Cuthnlin rh,„ . . w 
 the rule nnd standard of fai.h: we ncknowledge the B ok n^ iomln r ' ! 
 Sacratne.u. together vi.h the Thirty-nine Article: of Re, io„ 7 ^e JZ ^^^ 
 formo Church government by Bishops. Priests, and Deacons, as Scriptural nnd 
 Ap ; and we declare our firm and unanimous resolution in depH n « o„ 
 t'r::i;rrHr '"'"" ""' ''" '""" -' «"'""•"-' -^ «^ '--'^° 
 In particular wc maintain the ancient doctrine of our Chu rh fl>„» i^.. a 
 rightfully of the chief government and suprlaey '^ ;Vr l^r.l' 
 L r dom,n.o„s. whether ecclesiastical or civil, ns set forth in the 37t o he An 
 Of Rehgion : and ve desiro that such supremacy should continue unimplired 
 JJI. Subjects of Si/nodical A'ti'on 
 4. To provide, with the consent of the Crow .. for the division of the trovine. 
 into new Dioceses, as occasion may require. trovinee 
 wht Jthfo "" '?" *'' ?°'r"' ^'^""''"'•^ "^ "'^'' °^ "modifications of lawa 
 whicn the circumstances of the Church may re juire. ' 
 6. To promote the further consolidation and united action of the whole of th« 
 Diooeses of British North America. ^ *"' 
 IV. Prayer for Divine Guidance. 
 Proceeding upon these principles, which as we humbly thank Qod were undar 
 H. good guidance, first among the Colonial Churches, pLicly set foriongn 
DIOCESE OF TORONTO, 1851-1864. „ 
 ourseWes, and haro boen sustained bv th« n<.«-^t 
 large part of the Colonial Z'ion' ^ :: TZZIT "'T^ '''""^'^ ^ 
 depend upon His continued ble,,,ing and guidance ndwrn' Z ' "^ "' 
 who is the God of unity and peace may ever be Ci'th , Z ^ J '""'' '"" "»' 
 t.on. purify our motives, and guide our judgme Ztt^° T """^ ''^'''• 
 contribute to the efficiency, concord, and st hi, ty "ih "c Irch IThisVnT"' '" 
 Myea ly Me Synod of the Dioce. of Toronto, i V. y„,., 1S58. 
 .^; ";rr^;s; rr r ^n:;rt:r "'^ -t'— --^ - 
 tberefore no manner of obedience or s b c o" JiJ ' S '''' 
 dommions, is due unto any such foreign power bultto ^^" ^ " ""'"^ """^ 
 realm, of En.-and. Scotland a„d Ireland, "d all otLr if ''""'' '^''''^ '^^ 
 i. the higheat power under God, to ^ho: al ^ ';:. 777 " ""'''"^^• 
 wuh,n the same, do ly God's laws owe most loyairand I , '"^"^"""'« "» Ix^^n 
 .n other powers and potentates in earth.-SesSTst^irist: it "°^^ 
 Adopted .yje Synod of tke oj Toronto, on tU 26tk of October 
 I8o4, andpreji.ed to the Constitution of the Synod. ' 
 /. Preliminary Declaration. 
 ch::hXa:dald^r:2 :^^^:t^-^ ''- ^-'^ - '^« ^^^-^ 
 and intending, under God's blei ' „. !.f , " ^'"■''"*°' ""^'"'^'^'^ '" 8^'"°". 
 .»ch matters as shall .r.ll Zl l^T^^^^^ 
 Diocese, desire, in the first place fr7h. '"r '''"""''' °*' "■" ^^^'''•«'» ^^ 'his 
 .OV.d*l. ton,ake.declarauL' f S.;;^^^^^^^^^^ °f.«» -isunder.and.g and 
 u>e prmc.ples upon which we purpose to proceed. 
 II, Unit^ i>f the Chvrch — Her Doctrinal JStandarrff. 
 We dof-ire that the Cliuich in ' » colony elioll continue, bo it bos Icen, an 
 iniffgrnl portion of tlio United Cli\ircL of Engliind nnd Ireland. 
 As mcnibtrs of that Church, we recognise the true Cnnon of Holy Scripture, as 
 received liy that Chuich, to be tlie rule and etandard of faith ; ve ncknoivUdge 
 the liook of ConijiK'U I'mj-er and Sncranients, together with the Thirty-nine 
 Articles of Religion, to be the true and faithful declnraticn of the doctrines 
 contained in Holy Scripture; we maintain the foim of Chuicli government by 
 Bishops, I'liesti', and Lciicnus, ns ScripHiriil and Ajuinolicbl ; and we declare our 
 firm and uniminious resolution, in dependence en Divine aid, to preecrve Iboio 
 doctrines and that form of Chuich goveiiment, and to trnnfniit them to our 
 In piuticuhir, we uphold the ancient doctrine of our Church, that the Queen is 
 rightfully possi'eecd of the chief government or supremacy over all pereons within 
 her dominions, in all causes, whether ecclesiabtical or civil ; and we desire that such 
 supremacy should continue unimpaired. 
 irr. Suhjo.cts for Sy nodical Action. 
 It is nnr earnest wish and determination to confine our deliberations and actions 
 to matters of discipline, to the temporalities of the Church, and to such regulations 
 of order as may tend to her efficiency and extension ; and vre desire no control or 
 authority over any but those who a; t ,r shall be, members of our own Church. 
 We conceive that the following, and such like subjects, may fitly come under our 
 consideration, apd lead to action on our part: 
 1. To frame a Constitution for the Synod, and to regulate the time and place of 
 its meetings, and the order and manner of its proceedings. 
 2. To provide for the proper exercise of Ecclesiastical discipline, in regard to 
 both Clergy and Laity. 
 3. To provide for the extension and temporal well-being of the Church, and tht 
 support of the Clergy aid school-masters, for the maintenance of public worship, 
 and the diffusion of a souad religious education. 
 4. To promote and regulate the building and conbecration of Churches, and the 
 erection of Parsonagt'S and school-houses. 
 5. To provide for the division of tin- Diocese into Tarishes, with }e:jn';; lions for 
 future sub-divisions. 
 6. To provide, with consent of the Crown, where needed, ui tc^uiatioDS for the 
 appointment of Bishops, Priests and Deacons. 
 7. To rcgulata the fees for marriages and other ofiBcea of the Church. 
 8. To provide, with the consent of the Crown, for the division of the Dioces* 
 • •. „ev¥ DiOL-oses, either forthwith, or at any future period. 
 K ' I ). ocur': fiom the Colonial Legislature any laws, or modification of laws, 
 ■«shic'> ■•- C't:„;-uiotances of the Church may require. 
 LV. Necessity for Action — General Principles Stated. 
 These are subjects which will supply abundant employment for onr Synods, and 
» "•' 
 DIOCESE or TORONTO, 1861-1864. n 
 thoyDresuch as the circumstnnces of tlm Church in this ProTinco unperatiTely herClorpy „,Kl L,,,, ,o .,eal wi,.,. ,„ ,..,.,,„i„g s,„o„icnl notion l,J7cl 
 a pnncplc, wo feol th«t we shnll not be infringing the rnyM prerogative a.ui w« 
 nr he more roo to enter upon such notion from having learned .h.t „ 1 igh 1 «al 
 au.!,or.ty„.tl.e Mother Church has declared thnt there is no reali.npedin,,.. t ,o 
 eaofono D.occHan Synods, and from Icnowi.g that tl:e Imperial Le,iB,a,ur. 
 1ms . the pnncplc that tho Colonial Church ought to have the power of 
 nsseuibling for the mnnngeniont of its internal affairs. 
 Though wo could have desired that an Act nf tho In.pcrial Legislature (founded 
 n hev.ews of the Archbi.hop« and Bishop., and other v.cll inforn,ed peZna 
 both at home and in the colonies) should have laid down the basis of such : 
 const.tution as should have been suitable for tho action of synodic.l assemblies in 
 tt I the, ,n order that the unity of nil parts of the Church miph.' bo coZ 
 ple.ely preserved; ye. tho exigency of our nflairs does not admU of no- funher 
 deluy. u, at any future period, such constitution should be framed by . -quate 
 authority, we shall cheerfully modify what has been done by ourselves -o as o 
 bring It inio conformity with t!.e decisions of such authority 
 Meanwhile we have reason to trust that the other Dioceses of British Vorth 
 Amencaw.ll adopt a line of conduct similar to our own, and thus enable ,s to 
 IZZr -r' r''"'" '^ ""'"'^' -nsultation, such a constitution m. . b« 
 adopted as w.ll mark our unity, both of principle and sentiment, and form the 
 bas.s of combined act.on for many generations to come. We trust, likewise thai 
 by .he same means, or through the action of the Crown, tho whole of 'the,, may be united into one Ecclesiastical Province under its proper Metro- 
 pol.tan, und with its Provincial Council; which may frame Canons for our jobt 
 aeon, and be a Court of Appeal, if questions should arise in any Diocese whicL 
 connot be settled by the Synod of the Diocese itself. 
 V. Prayer for Divine Guidance, 
 In conclusion, we humbly pray that the God of unity and peace may be with us 
 and so chasten our affections, purify our motives, and guide our judgment, thnt w; 
 iTthis la'd '° ""'"'"'' '° "" ^''^'^"'=^' """"^^^ "'^'^ ^*"»''''' '°f '^e Chorlh 
 (Signed) JOHN TORONTO. 
 Attested by f •?• ^AWDtB Geddes. Clerical Secretary. 
 I JAMES BovKLL, Lay Secretary. 
 [NoTR — The Synod also passed a resolution reniiestln<rHilTJ!=i * » 
 of the foregoing declaration •' to tho Arc bi^hrnTfShL •''.*'' "•?"^°>'» « <=opy 
 it laid at the foot of the throne." and „ so '^o the sSl R^r' "^ %".r ?^„'"'''"« 
 North American Dioceses, with a view ^o their „ iliT . '"P' °^"'^ [British] 
 principles therein set forth, o as t produce unifoJmitv on Co'ir-Prr,""" ."J^"" '^' 
 ment.-'_See Minutes of Proceedings^esln of^SsTpages 18:2Lf '"" ^°^"''- 
 (OriffinaUt/ adopted by the Synod on the 11 th of October, 1854, and 
 amended hy the Synod in 1850, 1857, 1858, 1860, 1862, and 1864.) 
 [Note — In 1853, a resolution was passed, of which the following is an extract:] 
 (o) That a committee for general purposes, [««., a Provisional Executive Com- 
 mittee,] be appointed by this Synod * * * to frame rules and regulations for the 
 future guidance of this Synod, touching the future election of delegates to the Synod, 
 the mode of procedure at meetings thereof, and all things necessary to insure order 
 and dispatch therein. * * * .—-Session of 1853, page 18. 
 [Note.— In 1854. this executive body, styled a " Provisional Committee," brought 
 in a report containing a " Declaration" on the part of the Synod, and a "Constitu- 
 tion and Ilules," &c.— (See pages 18-21, 29-36 of Proceedings.) The report, with a 
 Blight alteration, was concurred in, (pages 29, 30,) and the following resolution 
 adopted :] 
 (6) That a committee be named by the Bishop to consider and report to the next 
 Synod on the Constitution and Canons, &c., of the Protestant Episcopal Church in 
 the United States, whether any, and what part of such constitution may be 
 advantageously embodied in the constitution of the Church in this Diocese. — Session 
 of 1854, page 315. 
 [Note.— The next meeting of the Synod was held in 1856, but no report was 
 presented by this committee. Several suggestions on the subject were made, and 
 the following resolution was passed :] 
 (c) That tiie Executive Committee be authorized to revise the constitution of the 
 Synod, and the rules and resolutions thereof; thiit said committee do report to the 
 next meeting of Synod, and that the constitution, so revised, be printed and forwarded 
 to the clergy and lay delegates one month previous to the meeting thereof.— Session 
 of 1850, pages 34, 35. 
 [Note. — In 1857 the Executive Committee reported several amendments to the 
 constitution and rules, (pages 15-17 of Proceedings.) many of which were adopted 
 and embodied in tlie revised constitution, &c. — (Pages 30-36.) At the Toronto 
 meeting in 1858, tlie constitution, &c., underwent further amendment, and, as 
 revised, will be found on pages 77-89 of the Synod Proceedings of 1858. An Act 
 was also passed hy the Legislature in that year, embodying some of the regulations 
 relating to the election of lay delegates (See statutes, chapter 23, ii. of this collec- 
 tion of Canons and llesolutiims.) Further amendments were made to the constitu- 
 tion and rules in 1800, 1862, and 18G4, as noted in the following canons :] 
 1. Clergy. 
 1. The Synod shall consist of the Bishop of the Diocese; of the Priests and 
 Deacons, the aanie liceuoeJ by the Lord Bishop, or holding office iu any College or 
 School under the jurisdiction of the Bishop, and not under ecclesiastical censure; 
 ' Sou Chaiitcr 10, of this coUec-tlon of Canons and RcBolutions. 
DIOCESE OF TORONTO, 1851-1864. 23 
 end of Lay Representatives to be elected as hereinafter provided.— See Proceedings 
 of the Synod, No. 1, Session of 1860, on pages 142 and 180 of printed minutes. 
 2. Clergymen who have been members of the Synod, from Tvhon.i the Bishop has 
 not withdrawn his license, and who have become superannuated in consequence of 
 age or infirmity, may continue to attend the meetings of the Synod, and vote 
 thereat.— No. 7, Session of 1860, page 144. 
 //. IjQy Delc(jates, or Representatives. 
 [Note.— The following Canons are based upon the provisions of the Synod 
 Amendment Act (22nd Vict., chap. 139), which will be found under the head of 
 Provincial bUitutes, chapter 23, iii., of this summary of Canons and Resolutions.] 
 3. The Lay Representatives shall be male Communicants of at least one year's 
 standing, of the full age of twenty-one years, and shall be elected annually at the 
 Easter meeting held by each Minister having a separate cure of souls; or at any 
 meeting specially called by him for that purpose. And all laymen within the 
 cure, of twenfy-one years of age or upwards, who shall have declared themselves 
 in writing, in a book to be provided for such purpose by the parish, to be "Members 
 of the United Church of England and Ireland, and to belong to no other religious 
 denomination," shall have the right of voting at the election. Provided however 
 that no person shall have the right of voting in more than one Church or congrega- 
 tion within the same year.-No. 2, Session of 1860, page 142; see also page 180. 
 Ameiulod at the Session of 1802, pages 15 and 34. 
 3*. The Minister hiniself, if present, shall preside at the election ; and in his 
 absence, the Curate or Assistant Minister, or in case neither the Minister nor his 
 Assistant be present, a chairman to be elected by a majority of those present — 
 No. 3, Session of 1860, on pages 143 and 180. 
 4. If any lay representative is elected for more than one parish, he shall within 
 ten days after the notice of hi.s election, select the parish for which he will sit and 
 vote, and notify the same to the Secretaries of the Synod, who shall within one 
 week thereafter, notify the Minister of the other parish or parishes for which such 
 representative shall have been elected, and thereupon such Minister shall proceed 
 to the election of another lay representative in his place, upon giving two months- 
 notice of such election, and the voters at such new election shall be the voters 
 registered at the last prior election—Session of 1860, page 180; see also page 143. 
 5. The number of representatives to be elected within any cure shall not exceed 
 three.— No. 4, as amended, Session of 1800, pages 143 and 180. 
 0. Within seven days after such election the chairman of the meeting shall 
 send to the Treasurer the amount assessed on his parish or cure, as herein- 
 after provided, together with a certificate of such election according to the 
 following form : ** 
 This is to certify that at a meeting held this day for the purDone of olpotino. 
 representatives in Synod for this cure or parish, being that of ^f^'^'V^ f^^'^'l 
 full age of twenty-,., ye.^rs,- and wh^have t;^:^^JZ\^^^Vi:, 
 during the previous year, were elected by the laymen within this cue X hav« 
 the nght to vote at such election by virtue of their having declared |h;mselves In 
 (Date ) — Chairman. 
 I also forward herewith the assessment of the parish, beinc S 
 And on such certificate shall be endorsed as follows: . 
 To the Secretaries of the Synod. Toronto, 
 lour obedient servant, 
 Which certificate, so endorsed by the Treasurer of the gynod, shall by him be 
 forwarded to the Secretaries, who shall enter the names of the lay delegntes on the 
 Synod list, to be printed and sent to each member of the Synod one month before 
 the meeting thereof. " ueiuje 
 The chairman of meeting shall likewise furnish each representative with a similar 
 cerfficate ; and such certificate shall be taken as sufficient proof of the election • 
 but without It any person presenting himself as a representative .hall be required' 
 before taking his seat, to afford sufficient proof that the requirements of the Synod 
 have been complied with in his election; and representatives shall continue in 
 ifrand^lSO '"""'""'" "^ appointed.-No. 5, Session of 1860, page, 143, 
 7. If any lay representative is elected for more than one parish, he shall within 
 one week after receiving notice thereof select the parish for which he intends to si" 
 and vote and shall signify the same to the Secretaries of the Synod, who shall at 
 once noti.y the Minister of the other parish or parishes for which such representat ve 
 shall have been elected; and thereupon such Minister shall proceed to call a lu-w 
 election by giving due notice thereof on two consecutive Sundays, such new election 
 to take place within fifteen days from the receipt of the notification from tl o 
 Secretary of the Synod. And in the event of the erection oi a new parish orlrl 
 or of a vacancy occurring in the number of rcprcsentativ, s of any parish or cure' 
 either by death or otherwise, the Minister of the said parish or cure shall i„ ] 1: 
 manner, and within the same period, proceed to hold a new election to fill such 
 vacancy, and the voters at the last election shall be entitled to vote at such new 
 election without further registration.-No. 6, Session of 18C0, pnge 14J ns amendpH 
 at the Session of 1861, pages 279, 280, and 304, 305 , Session of f862, ^nges 34 35 
 8. The Secretaries of the Synod shall transmit to the Church Society a certified 
 list of the lay delegates elected to each Synod two weeks at least before the an ll 
 meeting of the Church Society.-Session of 1860, page 206, and Sess o f 6 
 page 289. ^°"'' 
 9. When the chairman of the meetings for the election of lay delegates send the 
 names of the delegates elected to the Treasurer of the Synod he shall send the annual 
 subscription of one dollar of each lay delegate to the Church Society, if such lay 
 , , '^ ■ ;■'•--- ■^■^- -" ori-vrattrd uicmtci- uf ihc cocieiy, unless such lav 
 delegate is already an incorporated member of the Society.— /A,rf. 
 III. Time of Meeting of Synod. 
 10. The byno.l shall meet annually ; the time and place of meeting being appointed 
 by the BiPhop, who shall adjourn, prorogue, or dissolve the Synod, as may appear 
 most for the welfare of the Diocese.-No. 8, Session of 1860, pages 144 and 180 
 / r. Prayer before Meeting of Synod. 
 11. During one month previous to the meeting of the Synod each Minister shall, 
 a and evening service, use the following form of prayer, for the Divine 
 blessing on the proceedings of the Synod.-No. 9, Session of 1860. pages 145 and 1 80. 
 and''p?,-?rr» i^'^^'f"; who in the beginning of the gospel didst cause the apostles 
 and to meet together under the guidance of Thr Hnlv H-irif . „„I I ! 
 promised, through Thy Son Jesus Christ, t'o be wi h Thy Chur/h to'the end of tt 
 world : vouchsafe we pray Thee, to be present with the^Synod of this D „cese now 
 about to assemble [or now assembled;] give unto them the sniril of wLnnT 
 KT; r^'rV '\«-"'l «•-<»= nnd^o' direct, sanctify and g'ovn them th^i 
 they may seek t.uth and peace ; and that through them the saving gosne of Christ 
 hi o^t^,'erid\'nrTr"Vr""p','^ T^ ^'r''^^'^' '^'^y dispersed ^shfepgatherei 
 anc ified tCi ,3 ifo ^ ^w^^"?^ stablished, strengthened, settled, united and 
 our Lord 'hc^ier-ts and intercession of the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son 
 r President of the Synod, (pro tern.) 
 12 When the Bishop is not present, he shall appoint a Deputy, being a 
 Dignitary or senior Clergyman of the Diocese, to preside in his place—No 10 
 Session of 1860, pages 145 and 180. 
 VI. Quorum uf Synod. 
 13 A quorum of the Synod shall consist of not less than one-fourth of the whole 
 number of the Clergy and one-fourth of the congregation within the Diocese, repre- 
 sented by at least one delegate; and no business shall be transacted without a 
 quorum.— No. 11, Session of 1860, pages j45 and 180. 
 VJI. Secretaries and Treasurer vf the Synod. 
 14. There shall be two Secretaries, one from the Clergy, the other from the laity 
 who shall be elected annually on the first day of the Synod, with power to appoint 
 an Assistant Secretary; and whose duty it shall be to keep regular minutes of .11 
 proceedings of the Synod, to record them in a book provided for that purpose ; to 
 preserve all papers, memorials, and other documents; to conduct the correspond- 
 ence and to attest the public acts of the Synod . and who shall deliver all records 
 and documents to their successors.-No. 12, Session of 18G0, page 145. 
 15 With a view to relieve the Secretaries of much of the routine duties and 
 d Us connected with their office during the sittings of the Synod, they be 
 authorized to employ an assistant, whose duty it shall be to give special attention to 
 the recording and printing of the daily minutes of nrnr.P«Hin.» _«»„:,„ „f ^oq^ 
 page 2/ ; see also Order of Proceedings, chapter 6, sections 3 a'nd 4, page 27. ' ' 
 16. There shall be a Treasurer of the Synod, who shall receive and disburse all 
 VIII. Finance nud Exoxuthe Commiltecs of the Sj/no<J. 
 be'Lied^fZ". ^r"-"r/'"i ''*"f'P°'"'«'l — ol'y. tof5x the assessment ,o 
 /X (7o«rw)Tn/ce o/ (he three Orders of the Synod 
 if a difference should bo found to subsist b ween th! 5 ^"'^^ P''''^«°*' ""^ 
 taken, then the subject under conside^aSrshals dert"!:""- ' T '^ 
 This rule not to refer to the election Of a Bishop. -;:n:sUn^\^S;^^^^^^^^^ 
 X Alteration of the Constitution. 
 [See Rules regarding Committees of the Synod, chapter 8. No. 3, page 30.] 
 mAtv of j^jjttart ^vmmnp. 
 (OriginaUy adopted in J|54; amencferf /„ 1856, 1857, 1859. I860, 
 Joo^, lood a7id 1864.) 
 I. First Dai/'s Proceedings. 
 1. The first meeting of the Synod in each Session shall be preceded by public 
 morning prayer and a sermon, together with the Holy Communion, and the 
 collection at the offertory shall be devoted to missionary or other pu^oses on 
 th^e^ recommendation of the Executive Committee.^Session of 1860, pages 147 Lnd 
 2. After divine service on the first day of liieeting, the Lay Secretary shall 
 attend at the place of meeting of the Synod, to receive the certificates of the lav 
 representatives, who shall be examined by the Secretary, and a committee of ij 
 10 DO appomiea for that purpose. No representative shall be permitted to act as 
 such until the assessment upon his parish is paid.-SesMon of 1860, page 147 
 • t Jt' ?!'''"'^ ^'"''"'^ "'"' *'■'" *""' "'" "'« "-"H °f the Clergy, to be fur- 
 mshedbytheii....op, anJ „,ark the names of those in aftendance; fnd the Lay 
 Secretary shall call over the n. „,es of the several parishes and th ir r p enta 
 tives.— Session of I860, page 147. "«'r rcpresenta- 
 77. Order of Roxuine Business. 
 C. After this, on the first day, and on all other days after morning prayers the 
 order of business shall be as follows : ^ prayers, the 
 (1.) Reading, correcting, and approving the Minutes of the previous meeting 
 ('i) Appointing Committees. "'ceung. 
 poldence"!"""""'' '"'"'' "' "'"""^ "'^""'''^•^ ""'' P^"*--' "^ Torres- 
 (4.) Presenting Reports of Committees, and of the Treasurer and the Auditors 
 Giving notice of motions. • "-nuuuors. 
 Election of Delegates to Provincial Synod. 
 Taking up unfinishea business. 
 Considerations of motions.-Session of I860, page 147 ; amended in 1862, 
 page 20. 
 pages^°47"and"4j:"" "" "'^"^"^ «'^'^" ^'« ^ -'^" ^' -^ time.-Session of 1860. 
 7. For the information of the members of Synod a summnr^ .♦.* 
 synops^ of the whole of the unfinished business b e'f 'the sZrsL b^el:! 
 ;o the daily printed notices of motion in the order in which it is propped oillt 
 It up.-Session of 1864, pages 27, 28. propo.ea to take 
 JII. Cathedral Service during Session of the Synod. 
 8 Atthemaetingsof the Synod it is deeirnble that the services of the se-^si.n 
 ndt; th 7 " '""''"• """''^ '""^ ^'^^"^^-^ -"-- of th Lth ch ;r 
 ?rom veartrr" rr""'-''^*^^ S.nod be appointed, who shall be charged 
 from year to year with carrying out this order; and the Bev Dr ' *"'"«^'' 
 appointed procentor."-Ses8ion of 1862, page 38. *'" *" 
 IV. Continuous Meeting of St/nod. 
 9. The deliberations of the Synod shall be carried on continuously and shall 
 not be adjourned for the purpose of proceeding with the annual meeting of th 
 Church Snoiety.— Session of 1863, page 18. ^ 
 V. Evening Meeting of the St/nod. 
 10. Should an extra evenincf session of th" P-nn-! h" A-u^a • j 
 l.t.t tbon 6 «'dook, p.m., „„ ,b. ,.„, d.j.»-S..>io„ „t 18C2, « 
 §tiU» for tirif ^vtmvMimt »f (dxA(x, 
 {Or[,,inaUy adopted in 1854, and revised in 1856, 1S57, 185 
 1859 and 1860.) 
 withdrawn by the mover whir ^ ''^ *''' Secretary, it cannot be 
 w/ lue mover wituout the consent of the Chair 
 ezpiaif '" "'"' *° "<^" "''"« «P-'''"« ^'^«» -^ -^own, unless permitted to 
 10. All questions of order shall be decided by the Chair 
 arJLtd."""""'" *" " '"''''°" ^"«" '^^ --=^"«^ - the order in .hich they 
 ^^'^^^'ZZZ7X^^^^^ to a.end the 
 ^^^^Z:::^^ on 
 in theirs 'at's'nd'ri'r m' u ' '"' '"'" ''"^ ^'^'^"•' '""^ "-^"^"^ ^l"^" -ntinue 
 orders; and the Lay Representatives shall in all snch easervoteCa-- ^^^^^^ 
 When so Tot,„g. .ne n,ajority shall be considered as the vote of the p"a"ri;r 
DIOCESE OF TOEONTO, 1851-1864. 29 
 18. In voting, those who vote in the affirmative shall first rUe, and then thoe« 
 who vote in the negative. 
 in tie t r''"°° ^''"^ r" '^^'""'"^'J' ^f"'" »«' "eain be brought into discussion ' 
 in the same session, without the Bpecinl sanction of the Bishop. 
 18. No protest or dissent shall be entered on the minutes of the proceedings • but 
 when required by any one member, the number of affirmative and negative 'votes 
 sball be recorded. 
 19. When the Synod is about to rise, every member shall keep his seat until the 
 T/.7' r °'^" ^""'" presiding, has left the Chair.-Scssion of 1854, pages 
 rf4-30; of 1858, pages 85-87; of 1859. page 82, and of 1860, pages 148 and 149 
 (Originalhj adopted in] 853, and amended in 1856, 1857 1858 1860 
 1863, a«c/ 1864.) ' 
 J. Executive Committee oj Si/nod. 
 inJ-t^o^if ■~-°.^®^^' » '■^so'ut'on was first passed, similar to the following Drovidini? 
 Zlv „L^°\°'°!'°* ?^ "^ " l'''°^'«!°°«l " or Executive Committee, consTZgK Ivf 
 psrntr 11 yT;?' in ^^'^:tz^ '^' '"^ .^^^^°p- («- '"^^^^ " 
 fnfori „„ f 1 J«-"r.; in iBoo, the executive committee, as at present consti- 
 fo tht:r:o?s?rrnoS:l' £oVr ''■ ''• '' ''''''''"''^ '^-^ -'^^'^'r 
 J:J\'Vi^^} ^"'" Executive Committee, to be nominated and presided over 
 by the Lord Bishop, and to consist of twenty members, ton chosen from the clergy, 
 and ten from the lay representatives; of whom seven shall be a quorum, and 
 whose office shall continue till their successors are appointed. In the absence of 
 the Bishop the committee shall elect a chairman. It shall be the duty of the* 
 Execuuve Committee to prepare in due form all sucb matters as the Bishop, or 
 .ny ther members of the Synod may desire to bring forward ; to receive reports 
 of all other committees; and to print such reports, or such parts of them as 
 they may deem expedient: and to issue a circular, under the Bishop's direction 
 « ating the time and place of meeting, the business for the ensuing Synod, and 
 the order m which it will be discussed: which circular shall be forwarded to 
 each clergyman and lay representative, one month before the meeting of the 
 Synod.-No. 15, Session of 1860, page 146. 
 .h!ilSV'T;"'? 'I ^' ^^^'"'iicd to the Synod, and all reports of committees, 
 thai be sent to the Executive Committee six weeks before the meeting of Synod - 
 No. 10, Session of 1860, page 146. See No. 4, of •• Delegates to Provincial Synod " 
 ?. Any proposition for an nUcration of the constitution, regulations, mlcs of 
 order, or cunons, shall be to the Executive Committee, and by them Inid before the 
 Synod to be considered at the ensuing meeting; and, if approved by a mnjority, 
 shall lie over to the next meeting of the Synod ; and if again approved by a 
 majority, consisting of two-thirds of both clergy and laity, it shall bo adopted.— 
 No. 18, Session oflSCO, page 147. 
 JL Ordinary/ Committees of Si/noil. 
 4. All committees shall be named by the chair, unless otherwise ordered.— No. 1, 
 Session of 1860, page 160. 
 5. The reports of committees shall be in writing, signed by the chairman, and 
 shall be received in course, unless a motion bo made for (heir recommittal.— No. 2, 
 Session of 1800, page 150. 
 6. The Chairman of the Committee, or some member deputed by him, shall 
 explain to the Synod the bearing of any portion of the report, if requested by any 
 memberof the Synod.— No. 3, Session of 18G0, page 150. 
 7. All reports of Committees recommending any action or expression of opinion 
 shall be accompanied by a resolution for the action of the Synod thereon.— No. 4 
 Session of 18G0, page 150. 
 8. It shall be the duty of the mover of a committee to convene the first meeting : 
 and if he should omit to do so for the space of three months, it may be done by 
 any other member of the committee.— No. 5, Session of 18G3, page 18. 
 9. The mover is the chairman of the committee until another chairman is 
 appointed by the Bishop, or chosen by the committee.— No. 6, Session of 1 803, page 18. 
 10. With a view to ascertain what resolutions and canons have received the 
 sanction of the Synod, it be an instruction to the secretaries to employ a person 
 to collect from the official minute-book, and append to the printed minutes for 
 this year, a copy of each canon or resolution which has been duly passed since 
 1858, with an index. — Session of 1804, page 20. 
 11. A similar appendix and index for each succeeding year shall be prepared and 
 inserted in future in the annual printed minutes of the proceedings of the 
 Synod. — Ibid. 
 ^ 12. The compilation of the proposed list of canons and resolutions, when prepared, 
 be submitted to the committee on the vestry manual for its .ipproval, before being 
 printed in the Appendix to the printed Minutes of the Synod.— i6id 
 111. Various Committees of Synod. 
 13. The Principal Committees of the Synod are 
 1. The Executive Committee. 
 2. On Assessment and Finance. 
 3. Endowment of See. 
 4. Court of Discipline. 
 5. Securing Church Property. 
 6. Registration of Deeds, &c. 
 7. Temporalities Act. 
 8. Sustentation Fund. 
 as follows: 
 9. Support of Missions. 
 10. Incorporation of Synod. 
 11. Music and Singing. 
 12. Sunday Schools. 
 13. Vestry Manual. 
 14. Diocesan Statistics. 
 15. Inebriate Asylum. 
 10. Vacant Parishes. 
 DIOCESE OF TORONTO, 1851-1864. 
 (Adojjtidin IS.TJ, and amended in 1802 and 18(53.) 
 [Note,— The Diocesan and Provincial Synods' Act of 1 850-7. (see ii. of cliapter23 
 of this collection,) having provided that "The Bishops. Cleigy. and Laity of the 
 United Church of England and Ireland, iu this Province, may meet in ceneral 
 assembly within this Province, by such representatives as shall bo detpniiined and 
 declared by them in the several dioceses, the following resolutions were adopted bv 
 the Synod in 1858 :] f j 
 1. As it is most desirable, for the well being of the Church in this province, 
 and essential to the harmonious and consistent working of synodical action through 
 its various dioceses, that there should be a general controlling power, aided by the 
 advice and assistance of the bishops, acting as a united body, his lordship the Bishop 
 of this Diocese be respectfully solicited to cniiin micate to the Bishops of the several 
 Canadian Dioceses, in order that steps way be taken as immediately as possible for 
 the formation of a Provincial Synod, under the provisions of the Act authorizing the 
 same in Canada. And that representatives from this Diocese, consisting of twelve 
 clergymen and twelve laymen, be chosen by ballot to attend such Provincial Synod, 
 if convened before the next meeting of the Synod of this Diocese.— Session of 1858* 
 page 61 ; see also pages G5, 6fi. 
 [Note.— The Bishop, in his address before the Kingston meeting of the Synod 
 (page 112 of Proceedings,) explained the cause of delay in calling together the Pro- 
 vincial t^ynod. In his address before the Synod in 1859, he also referred to the 
 subject, (page 19,) and expressed his belief that the Provincial Synod would be called 
 together during that year. The following resolution was therefore passed :] 
 2. That twenty-four Delegates to the Provincial Synod be elected, viz., twelve 
 clergymen and twelve laymen.— Session of 1859, page 83. 
 [NOTE.-Up to 1862, the mode of electing Delegates to the Provincial Synod was 
 not definitely fixed. In that year, however, the following resolutions en the subject 
 wore adopted, the system of "election by lot" having been first negatived.-Paee 
 21 of Procedings:] ^ o" 
 3. That the election of delegates to the Provincial Synod shall be the first order 
 of the day, after notices of motion, at the morning session, on the second day of the 
 meeting of the Synod, and shall take precedence of all other business —No 1 
 Session of 1862, pages 20, 21. • • . 
 4. That two clerical and one Wy member of the Synod shall act as scrutineers of the 
 votes of the clergy, and two lay and one clerical member of the Synod as scrutineers 
 of the votes of the laity ; the scrutineers for each order to be appointed on motion 
 by the members of each order separately.— No. 2, Ibid. ' 
 5. That ballot boxes shall be provided to receive the votes of the clergy and laity 
 respectively. That upon each member of the Synod depositing his vote, a mark 
 shall be placed opposite his name on the roll by the secretary of the order' to which 
 he belongs, and that upon the requisition of any three members of the Synod, the 
 number of votes deposited shall be compared with the number of those who have 
 voted upon the occnHion, That (lie scrutineers ghall Imiul ovr the v,>tes to tl,« 
 secretaries of the Synod, whose duty it shall be to preserve tlum until (ho Hoclinn 
 ofdeM<g«tc8 8h>ill be completed, and then destroyed ut the end of tho sessiou 
 — No. 3, Ibiil. ' 
 in ^^'^^T-?%?^''""^,V^?'''^ '^ ^"''•'''•'* '•'''■'''■"'' t" i" 'h* Minute, of ITnco.-r 
 1^'. . f^] ^' "'"'.'««-• P"S"« M. 151. 17... 170. 2118, 270, 2S0 ,„„1 30; lu 
 180 the (ollow.MK n.otion. m r^rnrd to tlio Prov.noiul Svnod. «;.- pn, os,.,| ' vi/ 
 ' hut in the event of c.reum.stance.s n.isingto prevent thL „ „nv Utlo 
 .■..IPRateH onculor hymen, to the Provincial Synod, their plncen nh.ll ho suppl 1 
 by those [whoHe are] l„ upon the list of vote.s: and it Hlmll he th.. duly 
 ot the delep.tes unable to attend, to advise the Secretary of tho ."^vnod .h..r,.of in 
 .iue tnne, who shall then, under the direction of his lordship the Ili>hop n.lif.thS 
 cC:d,tSws/r-"""' ■" •'"*'• '''''■" ^^ "- -''-"■' -'"'""- -^ 
 6. That the Executive Committee be requested to supgest some mode by w'-.W,- in 
 the event of any of the clerical or lay delegates to the Provincial Synod heir j u lable 
 to attend, substitutes may be provided.— Session of 1862, page 41. 
 „t^'°"-f" '*;''^- !''« I^^eculive Committee made a report on the suhjeof. (p„ge 13 
 passed:] '^''^ "'"'"' '""^' (P-^g" ^6.) and tho following resolution was 
 7. When the election of delegates to the Provincial Synod takes place six 
 clergymen and six laymen be chosen by vhe same ballot, to attend 'such 
 Provincial Synud, whenever from sickness or other cause 'le delegates are unable 
 to be present. And whenever any delegates are unable to a.t:,nd as. aforesaid thev 
 shall be excused from such attendance upon notifying the Secretary of the Synod o"f 
 the fact, at least a fortnight previous to the meeting of the Provincial Synod • who 
 shall then notify the substitutes, selecting them in the order in which they stand in 
 the list, that they are required to attend the said meeting instead of the delegates 
 excused ; and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Synod duly to certify tho 
 election of the said substitutes, in the same manner and at the same time l.e certifies 
 the election of the delegates to the Secretary of the Provincial Synod, in accordance 
 with the 28th section of the constitution thereof.— Session of 18G3, pages 10 and 24. 
 8. In publishing the list of delegates to the Provincial Synod, in the beginning of 
 the Report [of Proceedings] the name of a dignitary of the church [if elected] 
 should head the list, and the name o: the [other members] should be printed in 
 alphabetical order.— Session of 1862, page 40. 
 9. The Executive Committee be directed to provide for tho expenses of the 
 Provincial Synod, pro rata, on the several parishes.— Session of 18G2, page 41. 
 ^gljt of tU^ (^hmU ta mm in Mml 
 iit'^^°7cf-r^'*''!?'^°°'''^^'^''»"°" «f ^^^ Clergy of the Diocese of Toronto. !u 
 May, ISol, one of the questions brought before the clergy and laity tien present, 
 hy benushcp, WHsasfollowg: "Shall we. the Ch.irch gf the diocese of Toronto, 
 apply for pi-rmmsion from the Crown to hold dioc n sy.ods or cnvocutionH?" 
 ..:.Iii8hop further remarked, '• If this question l.r dec deu in the Httirmative. the 
 mo8 expedient ..nd prorer inethod of proceeding will bo to petition Il.r M.uesty 
 the Queen, through Hi8 On.ce the Archbishop of Canterbury, fur leavo to hold 
 diocesan synods, a copy of the petition to be at the sn.ue time forwnrded throuch 
 His hxcellcncy the Governor-General. Lord Elgin, to Her Mnjesty'8 principal 
 r:xzi^^JzT ""^"^'■" '" ''''''"' " ^"° ""^■■^'"'" ''" '^"""'''^ 
 1. That this meeting is of opinion that fur the more cllectual exercise of the 
 discipline of the Church, and the more odvantageous munngcment of its temporal 
 affairs, it is expedient and desirable to apply to the Crown fur the est,i!.lishment of 
 n diocesan synod or convocation, consisting of the laity, as well as the clergy, so as 
 best to meet the requirements of the Church in this diocese, and thAt [a committee 
 named] do draft a memorial to the Queen, founded on the episcopal charge of the 
 lord Bishop.- Session of 18o,, page 12. 
 [Note -At the next visitation of the clergy, held in 18.33, the right of the 
 Church to meet in Synod was again brought up, and a protest on t1 e T- bice" 
 proposed as follows: "That we. the members of the Church in tl o iot^se of 
 ,^"3urn.:!;''5'^''"':''l'''"''*" *'"' '^^^l Bishop, beg to recor,l our sl,l m , arid 
 te.pectfu protest against the present informal system of assembling the Church 
 ndnn the right of interference from any quarter." After soi^^ic di..cussiou the 
 following resolution was substituted for the protest :] 
 12. That this meeting, convened by the lord Bishop, and compoHsl. Jirsi/y, of the 
 ord Bishop of the diocese, secondly, of the clergy of the diocese, and thinll,,, of the 
 lay reprcsent.itives of the several congregations of the diocese, are the Diocesan 
 Synod of this diocese, and that we now proceed to the transaction of business which 
 wo have commenced.— Session of 1858, page 7. 
 [NOTE.-In addressing the Synod in 1854, the Bishop remarked timt the meeting' 
 ' L « hP'"'P°"'''' '" ^^^ '"'P" """ "'^ I'»P«"''l «overnment would edTem Its 
 pledge, and pass a measure to remove the disabilities which are by so ne suDnosed 
 a i'ed- bur'"'*'' i\Sfr:\ c'^"-^-.-'"^'i-• 'r>- i-p/rs no^b: „ 
 ^.wlw P , ,r. , *'^,^''^8"«8•'l authonties, and among them, I believe the 
 Sohcitor-General of England, have arrived at the conclusion that whnt;ver difficultie, 
 otVv^.n . 7 'r """^ "^ "■**'?"?' ''"'* P'-"^'"''''^' convocations of the c e Jy u' y do 
 not^extend to diocesan synods," (pages 3 and 4 of the Proceedings.) A thes^.n e 
 r™'3?3B't ir/' * *'?«'"».'''"' "»J "-"leB for i.s governmt„t\v re adopted 
 Hh^. • P t^ *o* "^^' ""^^''"S "'^'h^ Synod {in 185U) doubts having ,irisen as 
 i::oar:.:V':Jh '° """^ ""'''" '"'^^ "-' ^^'"="'""^' ^^^^^^^ 
 3 Tliat a committee of sevei» members, four clerical and three lay. be appointed 
 to draft a petition to the three branches of the legislature, for the passage of an act 
 to enable the Bishop, clergy, and laity, of the United Church of England and Ireland 
 to make rules and regulations for the management and government of the affairs 
 of he Church in Canada, and also to draft a bill to be brought in upon such petition, 
 and^to report such petition and bill with all convenient speed—Session of 1856, 
 the necessary act was passed, but it was reserved by t*he Gomnor GeneralTor'^the 
 biRnifical.on of Ih-r M.gosty's plenHu.o tliorcon. Tl,e „s,o,u „,• ||,., ,m„:^„„ 
 together ^.th the net itself, were com.nuMifa..,! ,„ the Myno.l in 1857. ( ,mKe» 12.14 
 See also chapter l!:i, .... of this collectio.. of Ch..o..h nud Kesolutions.) The co.,«li u 
 t.on WHS iimended, the following roaulution was passed:] 
 4. That hh lordship, the p.', U req,.eHtod to no..iin„(e a cn.nn.if.o.. to 
 d.'aft ,m address to Her Most Majesty the Qiioen, exprossinK the gratitude which the .Syn,,l accepts the relief fro.n the di-ahility under which it was 
 wupposud to lahoui-, and assuring Her Miijosty that our b.'st ettorts wili bo u»ed to 
 employ the power of local self govern..ieut, so gsuciouhly bestowed, as a means of 
 cementing that union by which we hope to continue an integral portion of the 
 United Church of England and Ireland.— Session of 18J7, pages, 18.24, 20, Dd. 
 NOTB — At the Kingston meeting of the Synod, in 1858, the Bisliop, in his addross 
 (page 11.! of Proceedings,) stated that some interruption to the of avno.ljoai 
 action having occurred in the Uiooese of Quebec, an explanatory act was passed \n 
 that year, "To explain and amend the act intituled • An Act to enable the members 
 of the Un.ted Church of England and Ireland, in Canada, to meet in .Synod ' " See 
 SMMion of ISoS, pages 149, 150; and also chapter 2.i, iii., of this collection of 
 Canons and Resolutions. No further action has, therefore, been taken o.i this 
 J^ttlrrtivisian of m §kmt 
 (Oriyinally adopted in 1857, and again in 18G0.) 
 1, In the e^ent of a subdivision of the Diocese, the portion intended to form 
 the new Diocese shall be bound in all their public proceedings by the Constitution 
 of the Diocese of which they formed a part, until the said new Diocese shall be fully 
 organiied by the election and consecration of the Bishop.— Session of 18G0, page 161 
 mttWm tit « ii$b0|i. 
 {Originally adopted in 1857, and amended in 1860.) 
 r«i-nV?r"~^" If"' VT° f" *^'' ^"^•'*'<" ^"^ P»8sed ; but in 1859, the following 
 resolution, on the mode of electing a Bishop, was passed :] 'oi.owing 
 1. That a committee be appointed t,o consider whether any and what modifications 
 ^jjp.j „s necessary to be made la the mode of eiectiug liisliops.— Session of 
 1859, page 100. 
moCESE OF TORONTO, 1851-18tit. 35 
 |NoTK.^-l„ I860 this ooramlttee brought In n report on th« iuhject. (mat, Ifif. 
 of I'rooeeains.,) and mo,e.l the followinR resolution. :_(l. ) That in the event of^ 
 ?ho n m ^^ ;;i:' r ""'^'"^' of tl,o Pr„vin«e of be re,,ne.tej n e'en 
 H^.. W^ "^^". '"Winento the Synml of the Dioco.e in <,uesti«n. of whom 
 H il ,?f ,1" ^7'^; '" ^^'""* ""■"'^'"''''"J. "l"^" be called upor. to eCr oneTs 
 Bi8l...p « the sa„ .lioc,.80. (2.) this recommen.latioP. be nut uml.T8too,l 
 nec..>..-«n y upply ,., ,he case of the first election of a Hi.hop i Le no^ 
 (.3.) Iha If. election shall have taken place th.. liJHhon Mhnll h„ 
 WHO nttaiivea ana the following revised canons were adopted :] 
 2 In the election of a Bishop to a vacant Sec, or to a now See, the Clorey and 
 Laity shall vote separately by ballot; the Clergy by individuals, and" the Laily by 
 rnri.hos A majority of votes in each order shall determine the choice, provided 
 Uiat two-thirds of the Clcrjjy entitled to vote bo present, and two-thirds of the 
 I nrishes uititlcd to vote be represented; otherwise two-thirds of the votes of each 
 order shall be necessary to determine the choice.-SesBion of 1857, page 80 • of 18C0. 
 page 150. 
 3 On a vacancy in the See, the senior Archdeacon, or in his absence the 
 Archdeacon next in order of seniority, or in the absence of an Archdeacon, 
 the senior Rural Dean, shall, within one week from the occurrence of such 
 vacancy, summon a meeting of the Clergy and Lay Representatives, to be held 
 nt the expiration of t^vonty days from the date at which such meeting shall be 
 Eumraoncd, to elect a successor to the See, in cases where provision for the susten- 
 tation of the Bishop has been made and accepted by the Governor-General of the 
 Province, or person administering the government thereof; and when no such 
 provision has been made, then so soon after such provision shall have been made 
 and accepted.— Session of 1860, page 150. 
 4. Any Clergyman elected to be a Bishop, and holding at the time of such election 
 any preferment or benefice, shall resign such preferment or benefice prior to his 
 oonsecration.-Seasion of 1857, page 37; of 1860, page 151. 
 (Uowsititutiott of l^(mt$ for |we OlliuwhJis. 
 (Adopted hy the Synod in 1858.) 
 Whereas there are many churches in the country, in which, by reason of there 
 bems: no pews nr ssttjngs hsld by the members of the congrogatiou lliereof, no 
 vestry can be legally formed for the direction of said churches, the management of 
 their property, or other necessary matters ; and whereas by the Act of 19 & 20 Vic. 
 intituled, "An Act to enable tbe members of the United Church of England and 
 Irclnml, m C.nnda, to meet in Sj-nod," authority is given to the Bishops, Clergy 
 and laity, members of the said United Church of England nnd Ireland, meeting in 
 feynod, " to frame constitutions and make regulations * * * for the convenient 
 and orderly management of the property, affairs and interests of the Church • Be 
 It enacted, that in all such churches in this Diocese where by reason of tbe seats 
 being free no vestry can be formed, the members of the congregation of each said 
 church shall have power and authority to constitute and form a veetry. And such 
 vestry shall consist of such members, being of the full age of twenty-one years, as 
 shall declare themselves in writing, in a book to be procured for that purpose by 
 the congregation, to be members of the United Church of England and Ireland and 
 habitually attending worship in such church. And being so formed and consti- 
 tuted, such vestry thall have the same power and authority, and do and peifo.m 
 such matters and things as are possessed and done by vestries formed of holders of 
 pews or sittings in other churches. 
 Provided always, that such vestry shall have no power or authority to interfere 
 with, alter or change any right, rule or custom existing in such church by virtue of 
 any gift, endowment or regulation of the Bishop of the Diocese, or right or intpre«t 
 reserved by him. Such right, rule, custom or reserved right tr interest being 
 set forth and recorded, either in a deed of gift or endowment, or by order of the 
 Bishop, iu tbe book hereinbefore directed to be provided for the enrolment of the 
 members of the vestry. And which record shall be duly authenticated by the then 
 incumbent of such church, and by the first (not less than three) members of the 
 congregation then enrolling their names.-Session of 1858, pages 59, 60, 88, S9 . 
 of ^mUmm. 
 (Adojifed ill 185S, and amended m 1859 and 1862.) 
 [N'OTK.-The question of fixing parish boundaries first occupied the attention of 
 the ^ynod in 18;,;5, when the following resolution was passed :] "".ntion of 
 1. That thi.= Synod is of opinion that great practical advantages would he 
 attfl.Mod ,f hxed territorial limits were defined, for the guidance of ea.h clergyman 
 having euro of souls within the Diosese, and therefore respectfully urge upo"n hi- 
 ordship the Bishop of the Diocese, the propriety of devising and carrying out, m', 
 t.r n^ ,-,P may fv.^: hninclf empowered, a scheme of division by which this desirable 
 object may be secufed.— Session of 1853, page 17. 
 DIOCESE OF TORONTO, 1851-1864. 37 
 ceecWuas.) The consideration of if Jo /'•"""J— (^'^ pnges ]9 and 26 of Pro- 
 when rheVollo;inrrestlutlrs Ll^Zli^r^''' "'' ''' ""' ""'°°' 
 Wherens it is expedient thnt defined local bounds be nPsigned to each settled c„r« 
 u y or n„ed within this Diocese, and also .hat provision'be Jnde t t dl S 
 and,s,on of existing parishes. Be it therefore enacted, by the Synod 
 to be'etiabtl t'TuT' ':^"^'=''^"'''-« "^ -""^ -"'^^ cure, now or hereafter 
 to be e.tabl,.hed, .hall from fme to time, hold a conference or conferences with 
 the clergymen and churchwardens of the adjacent parishes, and repol the 
 same to the Lord Bishop for his consideration, and should his I.ordship'a r 
 b t r"', •" ^ ^^'""-'-'- - -—g"'. "PProved, and declaredf'hall 
 be tl c bonndnnes of "he parishes or cures aforesaid ; and that the expenses 
 attending the commission shall be borne b, the parishes intereMed, iTsZh 
 proportu^n as the commissioners may deem just.-No. 1, Session of 1868, pages 87 
 and 88*; amended at the Session of 1802. page 41. > f ^ • 
 S. That in cases where the boundaries cannot be arranged by such mutual 
 ngreement. then that the Bishop be requested to issu« a commission t two 
 clergymen, and t. one lay representative, none of whom shall be locally connected 
 with said pansh orcure, directing and authorizing them to investigate the merits 
 of the case, and to decide thereon and report their decision to the Lord Bishop for 
 his consideration, and should his lordship approve of the same, then the boundar s 
 80 arranged, approved and declared, shall be the boundaries of the parishes 
 cures aforesaid.-No. 2, Session of 1858, pages 57, 87, and 88.* 
 4. That the boundaries of a parish or cure being once defined, approved 
 .-cl declared, may not be disturbed within the space of five years auj tha 
 every new and distinct parish that shall be erected as hereinafter provided 
 shall be deemed and is hereby declared to be a parish or benefice with cure 
 of souls; and that the right ..f presentation, upon avoidance, to the said 
 benefices, unless legally vested in some other person or persons, shall vest in. and 
 be exercised by the Bishop of the Diocese; and that after collation, institution 
 and induction by the Bi.hop, the person so appointed to any such benefice shall be 
 styled, and to all intents and purposes deemed, the Rector of the said Parish - 
 No. u, Session of 1858, pages 57, 87, and 88*; amended at the Session of 1859 
 pages 3J and 90. ' 
 5. When any of the parishioners residing in any parish or any adjoining parishes 
 shall desire to have « new and distinct parish erected, the said parishioners shall 
 present a memorial to .ho Lord Bishop, stating fully the reasons moving them 
 t herot., also the proposed boundaries of the contemplated new parish, and whether 
 the rector or rectors of the parish or parishes aforesaid be a consenting parly 
 and when the Bishop of the Diocese shall be satisfied that the provisions of XVII 
 s<'c..on of the Church Temporalities Act have been complied with, or that the 
 means lor the worship of God have been provided, that then his Lordship shall 
 dechire saul portion of ,ho parish to b« . u..; p«rUh. lu cases where .he r.clor 
 of the existing parish or parishes withholds his or their consent from the pre- 
 liminary memorial, that ho be required to state his reasons in writing within one 
 month, to the Lorrl Bishop, who is to decide on thoir validity.— No. 4, Session of 
 1858, pnge.s 57, 87, and 88.* 
 (>. Tlifit the boun.laries of every parish erected under the authority of this 
 Canon, be entered and registered in a book to be kept by the Secretaries of the 
 Synod for that purpoee, and that a copy thereof be furnished to any person applying, 
 on payment pf a fee of twenty cents. — No. 5, Ibid. 
 [Note.— A description of the boundaries of various parishes in the city of Toronto 
 under the foregoing canons, will be found in the Church Chronicle for May, 1863' 
 pages 22, 23.] •" ' 
 1. That the Bishop be requested to erect his Court, under the authority conferred 
 by his Patent, at aa early day.— Session of 1859, pages 32 and 90. 
 2. That the Synod declares the Bishop's Court to be the Court for the trial of all 
 offences of the Laity as well as of the Clergy, against tha provisions of the Act 
 coustituting the Synod, or against any of the rules, regulations or Canons passed 
 by the Synod. — Ibid. 
 3. That the Synod adopt the Imperial Statute 3 & 4 Vic, cu. 86, commonly called 
 The Church Discipline Act, with the exception of the 24th section of that Act, as the 
 rule for guidance in the administration of the Bishop's Court in reference to 
 the Clergy, so far as the same may be applicable to the circumstances of this 
 Diocese, and the Bishop of the Diocese shall exercise all the powers conferred by 
 that Act, notwithstanding that he may be the patron of any preferment which may 
 be effected by any proceedings taken under that Act.— Session of 1859, pages 90 
 and 105-118; amended at the Session of 1861, page 27o. For copy of the Act 
 see also Session of 1860, page 178. 
 4. That a committee be appointed to consider the best constitution for the 
 trial of offenders under the Church Discipline Act.— Session of 1862, page 37. Com- 
 mittee continued —Session of 1803, page 18. 
 5. Tiiat the committee be re-appointed to consider the constitution of the Court of 
 Discipline, witli a view to such amendments as may be deemed advisable, and to 
 report to the Synod at its next sitting.— Session of 1864, pages 25 and HI. 
 /. Church Property vested in the Church Society. 
 184 and 206.) and adopted by it at the Session of 1861, page 289.] ^^^ 
 1 That the Synod shall vest in the Church Society the management and control of 
 all the property of the Church, in or over which the Synod may or might exerois. 
 junsdic ion, either alone or concurrently with the Church Society. Provided that 
 any by-laws respecting such property passed by the Church Society shall be sub- 
 muted to the Synod, in the same manner and to the same eflFect as by-laws of the 
 Church Society respecting the Sustentation, Mission, and Widows and OrphauB' 
 res'ol J^n!-/.,?"' """"" ^'^ '''''""' ''' ""'''•'' "»' ^«--s by a distinct 
 if L^t' 'I ''°"''! !l"''.V° '^' l>'^>-°'o"ious working of the Synod and Church Society 
 Synod l/tr '''""' Society were also the Assistant Secretary of the 
 • n. Protection of Church Property. 
 1. That a committee be appointed for the purpose of inquiring into atid reportiiiK 
 I^lfT ""'"'' "'"'' ''^ '''''''' <*' "'« ^'^"-''' -p--"y ""S 
 payment of taxes on unoccupied lands, insurance, and repairs of buildings. &c can 
 be protected, either by commissioners, as in England, or otb,rwise,'« may b" 
 oriirpaglSo": "'"'''' ^^ '^^ "^^^ ^^'"^ circumstances of this provir^e" Zon 
 ///. Registration of Deeds of Church Property, dec. 
 1. That a committee be appointed to take into cousideration the best mode of 
 proceeding for the registry and safe custody of ali deede relative to Church 
 property—Session of 1858, page 14B. ""^ 
 on rpgstrntion of deeds &<• wna r! • VT'' j • ,o° '^' '^°®" •'>« comm ttee 
 (see sl-sion of imtv^.^: Zl :n^!r:^t o%"1' '^.^^^^.^presented its report 
 corUii.ued, and, in 1«04, presented if« "rV.T.'J^M" ' us" '.°"^ """ committee was 
 page 18, and of 1 864, page 25 tI ?.„? . * ""^ject, (see Session of 1863, 
 resolutiin adopted] :-^ ^ '' ''"* '"P"'' ""^ concurred in and the following 
 materLrand ItL r ""««'<>"«. with a view to the collection of further 
 JV. Securinfj Church Propcrti/. 
 1. That until the proposition of S n Hnrmnn Vor. e 
 deeds, be adopted. tL Lral Del shoufd :;r rl'The" iZ.Tj'T''^ '' 
 adet i, , ,,, ^,,„^^,^ propert/within th":i;\Vrr " rht^r 
 olt -^H '" r''*^"'' ""'""' ^'" ^^'^^'^l "-- report totheArc dea on 
 ms p:;\r '"""''"^''^' "'^ ^°^°^"^*'°° °^*'- S3-nod.-Sessio„ of 
 prIX^-^;\ ir^ef^'e 'fh^e l^'^irf: ^^\!^'S, ^'se^e^^M^'^t °^ ?"I^'' 
 year, pages 22-24 and 31.] aaopted.-See Minutes of that 
 V. Erection of Churches or Parsonages. 
 1 That a committee be appointed on the subject of building parsonages, repairs 
 andd.lap^at:onsof the same, and report thereon at the nV.t meeting of' he 
 Synod.-Session at Toronto of 1858. page 55. 
 [NoTB.-At the meeting held at Kingston in the s^me year ^858^ a rpnnrf f 
 the committee on parsonages wr.s laid before the Synod (s^m^f I -^4 1 30^rand ?« 
 consideration postponed until thenextyear fpn(rel44 ^ TnlSV^Htic! ^f"')""V'^ 
 up and referred to a new committee (serpace 8''1 ♦"«> h- ™ • ''^ was taken 
 the Rev E ninkfl A R tn « r^l.^. i ^^ /' ♦°K«'"'=r with amendments by 
 194 ^ Tn ifiAn ' .1.' proposed canon on the subject. -(See paces 10" 118 
 lii.) In 1860 another report was nrespntpH tn n.^ «!„. „^ • ^ Vk^'^ ^"-. Jio- 
 Mr. ]31nke's suggestions. JseepieslTe 178 ^ the Synod, incorporating several of 
 come np for confi.mation. n^r was^^hf committee in tt su^e ^eZointf' X 
 1863, however, the following resolutions were passed :] appointed, in 
 2. That £. committee be appointed to draw up recommendations for congregations 
 about to erect churches or parsonages, and to embody such recommendations in a 
 report to be submitted to the Synod— Session of 1863, page 10. 
 3. That i.. future an annual report, duly authenticated, be made to the Synod on 
 account of churches, parsonages and endowments, in course of erection or forma- 
 tion, in the parishes or missions of the Diocese.— iiirf, page 17. 
 [NOTE.-In 1864 no report was presented to the Synod on the subject but a 
 motion was made to coniJrm the canons of 1861. The .„n..n. L"e'' rn-^^-l 
 JagrB^T27,aad32!]*"*^' committee on the securing of Church "property .'Zsee 
 I. Parochial Associations— Quarterl>/ Collections. 
 Ju.Tn *"; T'" °' T '^'"'■'=' *" '•"^ ^'°°^«^ ^'' "'<'«' P"««-g and urgent 
 and the Church Society ufFordn to each individual the best means of co operation in 
 promoting the cause of true religion amongst us : Be it therefore 
 „nf r"f '""^ ■ '^^"^ ''■'*''' ''°"°'''° '^"'y "^ ^'^--y '°«°"'er of the Church, clerical 
 and lay to promote and carry out, to the best of his ability, the various obkct con 
 tenjplated by the Church Society, and for this purpose the Clergy, crurchwarde„; 
 and Lay Delegates of each parish or mission are earaesUy entrea ed to givTto hS 
 of Pa ocha Assocmfons, and the Quarterly Collections.-Adopted in 1858, but 
 not entered m the minutes of that year. Bee Session of 1859. pages 84 and 85 
 2. That this Synod respectfully request his Lordship th. Bishop of the Diocese to 
 appont deputations to hold meetings in the several parishes within the Diocese n 
 TZ^ r' f^v ' "^ ^^""^ '' ''' "^""^ «°"'«'^' -^' - conjunction S^e 
 parochia to establish associations in connection therewith, where they 
 by this Synod at its last session—Session of 1859, page 86. 
 coLtrofthi^ct P?o;^^ty:?';a^e ?9.f '' '' ''''''' '• ''^ *^« " ^^-««--t -^ 
 77. ^corporation of the Si/nod-Union of Church Society with it. 
 Church Socety, as shall provide for the harmonious working oUhe two bodies 
 bo atp : T''7 ^'"•^, T"' '° *'^ '^^'^•^*"-' "°^ ^^ -''' measures cnnol 
 bo adopted, then to apply for an Act of Incorporation, if they shall deem it 
 advisable.-Sesrion of 1860, pages 178, 184. 188, and 201. 
 18^0.°;i7s'?8f 19^ m"lu^l6T'tho"ft'"°^ ""''. ^-"-i-See minutes of 
 , F s » ioi, lyd, i,H. lu 1864, the following resolution was passed :] 
 2. That a committee be appointed to collect information as to the working of th. 
 In orporato Synod of Ontario, with a view to the consideration of having an incor 
 poration of his Synod, to take the place of the Incorporated Church .So.i^t^ ." Z- 
 Dioceaeir the report of the working of the Incorporated Synod of' Ontario be 
 favourable.— Session of 1864, page 31, wniano De 
 III. Indian Church Missions. gnve an account of his vi t to mi'sior.t n?.„; ir^- ^'^ ^" ""•* "''^^^^^ 'be 
 a:d :n^the. .e.alf. At tl.e no. ^^^^r^l^Tu^l^Z^^S^-Z:^ 
 permanance.-Se«8ionof]856.p„ge82 '''"""^ their efficiency and 
 rn^aion, already eslabliXT'nnd Enil *• ''^*""'^'' -Port en the n„„,ber of 
 ordered to be laid on (hn inhi^ ,m' '^ various suggestion?. The rei,nrt LI 
 meeting ,. ,808. the"B!shoJ''' ciTe^J^ ^'ll^Ll'"' '"^ ^^-^S.) Vt XjZ 
 Indian Missions at Garden Riv,.r ii!„ li opemng address to his vi'it to tZ 
 n> rono.,.g m„i„,,.r .^^^^ «;™--._«;d^ M..i..»..L„b6 -('rlli^'j".; 
 70 and 124. '"creasing the Indian missions.- Session of I808, pages 
 IV. Diocesan Board of Missions. 
 and By-laws of the Church Society ofZ n '""^T:^ *° '"''' *'' Constitution 
 Board of Missions, be referred ^ tie c "' ^"'"'°' ^ °" ">« ^"^J-' "^ tbe 
 resolutioa on tbe Incorpor: ^n he SvT d "^ '^ "'°" ""^ ^^^^^^ ^^« 
 requested to appoint a Committee to con? ?' ""J "''* ^'^^ Church Society be 
 and that the resolutions of oh L ° r ^^ ^''' *'^« Committee of the Synod, 
 Church Society, shall be L der ^ th?;"? °" '^"^ "^"^"^^^ °^ "^ "- 
 acted on accordingly until reportea oh- '"'^"'"''""^ "^ '^^'^ Synod, and be 
 pages 183, 184.-See also pa'Tes m^ m ""''""' °' Sy-d.-Session of I860. 
 andtheWwrngfeawrfor"'t"hn'S"lT'?''*''"' ^^^^ «" 'he 6th of July 1860 
 and communicat^ed^oTe «; d TIZT ''^^^"--» ^oard /asTd p ed 
 nnereas it is desirable for tlm !,».»» . -' 
 throughout the Diocese tha there ho ^ T"'"^ ■^' ministrations of religion 
 .Upends of missioaarie::the;s:ttle:oTtrri;i:g!''" ''' "'^ ^''^'"^"' °^ '^« 
 5. 1 
 aries s 
 funds 1 
 bec„l,ed .he Mission Fund, be «nd e Icon I u^^^l ""V'^' " ''"°''' '° 
 provided. control, to be adminidtered as hereinafter 
 8. That the said Mission Fund do consist of- 
 lb. Su,tmla,l,„ Fu„j ' '^"'"' """'• '»' "• o«.|!.m.« of 
 202 and 203. ««ator.-JMo. 1, of Session of I860, pages 
 tbe Bishop to .iniste . i^t h:^ ^^ ^'^V'"'' '"'''^ """""^ »>^ 
 Diocese; provided the commit ea of ueh dLT' ;"' """"'*'°" °^»''» 
 tinioto time, place the board 1 !. "' association shall, from 
 stipends, or'sh'all MmZu ij:;^"" °'"''''^"' '^^'^ '» -'er the 
 cases, entered into with "eborrd" " ""' '"'' '""' '" ^P«<=-' 
 ■ 's:hmi:;::::::'i:;--^---thesa.eohn.ationinr^^^^^ 
 ation, and have been cc p.ed bv tf 7'l '" '''" °' ""^ ^'^'^o* «-oci- 
 Bidera,ion, before anyotS Iw It ^ " '''''"f ^'^^^ ''P^-^ its con- 
 <^- That after such mi«ionarl ' "''' provided. 
 board from the Tun^d so b::edT^:^- '''' ''"" ^-^'"'^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^e 
 any surplus there may bsr.n h T "!?'''"'*' '^'^'"«' "^^^-^i-^'io^^. 
 gu.r.nlee.l.,h.Ooar<lof Jli.,!.!,™ '"°"''" " ""*»" «»<1 
 .be B...d ^50 p„ n,„J,^:Z:/ZllTOTl """' '"" 
 ««d if, o«„,i,le,bglhe„|„„,i,..,;'''''° '""''■ °' "" """■' P«™l'. 
 P"»«f .h, D,.oL ir,,^r„ r;,'°""^'"°«"'"'l'""»l'> 
 S„.i.„ ., 1862, ^r/;. smI '' "" """' "'■•'"»' '• 8'"' «• 
 funds to the Hoard of Missions, -^.-d .n their '.nnr' "^ ^'^'''^''"i^g their 
 funds, (including the funds so Iran frdft^'t !•""*"'" '^ ''' """'"^ 
 «",; lor nis or their iupport, provided that 
 .«ch district branches recommend the same. But that in all other ca^es the require- 
 meots the District Branches for missionaries be submitted by each local ty Jo J 
 Board of Missions who shall decide upon the order in which tL said ir'me 
 •re to be carried out according to their urgency and necessity- but thaTth! 
 appointment of all missionaries rests absolutely with the Bishoo and th«tl n 
 gymaa shall be recognised by the Board, unless'ho shall h e 'p'r i' r/^ li Td 
 his lordship's License.-No. 4, Session of 2860, pngo 204. 
 6. That the Board of Missions shall Ime power to make such rules and re<rula 
 ToT-ZoTZ °:' T '^'Tr '''' ""^^ '''^ -cessary.-Sessio:of isto p'a e 
 289 803 304 ' T^ ^V^^"' P^^^ ^03; see also Session of 18C1, pag s rfo 
 289, 803, 304 ; amended at Session of 1862. page 31. See also the s^me Sessiln. 
 8. That it is expedient to raise the amount required in each year by tlio 
 e hi? T' "'? ''' ^"""^'^ "' appropriating definite sums, to bo r isi b. 
 each locality according to their means and circumstances -Session of ISPd o. 
 See also Church Chronicle for September, 1864, pages sI; 82 ' '"'" '' 
 V. Widows and Orphans' Fund. 
 [Note.— As some indefiniteness appear to exist in ro,Tn..,i f„ *i i, , 
 have been adopted by the Church Society nmf^L.f^. I ° ,*''® ^'^-'^^^ ^'''«'> 
 we can only make the folding rSn^et" T^^^^^ 
 page 201; of 1861, pages i76. 277, 287-"89 • of l8r!o"-'^"S/^^^^^ ^^"'""' "^ I860, 
 for 1863, pages 8, 39, 62 54 70 87 7nd' 1"7 • ^'/"^'', l^' ^' ' ^^"'''^'^ Ohronide 
 135; and for 1865, page 178 ] ' ' "^ ' ^^'''""'=^'' ^""^ ^864, pages 50 and 
 Vl. Clerical Sustentaiion Fund. 
 in the settlement of that queftion and L coS ta^ion ./m°''-' ""'^ "^'''^ ^'"^"^ 
 c ergy, (See Clergy TruH CornraulatZFunl)Z^^SZf^ It'" f ^'"^^ ^' '^^ 
 Clergy also occupied the early attention of the Cd J^ 185^ H "' "r^'''° 
 resolutions on the subject were passed:] '^^' ^''^ following 
 1. That this Synod are unanimously of opinion that as in the Jewish Chnr.h ♦,, 
 who mmistered about Holy things lived of the sacrifice, and they wo waited a h« 
 altar were partakers with the altar ; even so in the Christian Church Tt i b 1 n 
 o'fr85tra; r '^'^ ^'° ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^-^^^ — "- - ther;el.:SeX 
 incomeforits ministers in grnetrSin'^^Lrce"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
 evil, the people are perishing for lack of knowlerlo^P • fi,».„ existence of this 
 ..n«u.l, crippled to „.„, ; ,h, i.„« .^, diLlJdl^ .1 ' 
 rear, rather hvld ba«k than encourage their sons to take the Orders.-/«.y, ' " """ 
 . i. 
DI0CES13 OF TORONTO, 1851-1864. 
 ■"..' >' 1. in .. .,p.«u, „.„„„' ** 1:, 0^ ,z°' ;"' """""' ""■■ «»'" 
 and maintennnce of Publ'c Wnr^Mn „ . . """^ ^'^ ^'O- ^h- 78, for the support 
 -ra,., ,„ „. ,,„*; .nS'^cC:, S3": .t-'?'""' '""''^«'' 
 [Note— At the following session in ifir,p , ' F se i/. 
 and.seoonded, but it doJnotZXtllt'^^^^^ 
 again brought the motion before the Svnnwl o, •*"'.''^- ^° '^57, the Bishop 
 leaving the Episcopal, I pass o thll., , , /-^^^^ ^^ '" ^''^ following ^ords- 'In 
 of an untoward cLocZ X;,^^^^^^^^^ 
 our commutation, I was eairer tn i!^^- • *''® Sustentation Fund in aid nf 
 by man,, of the b^st frfendfof the Srch'and '""^ '''^^r'"'""' »>"' ^a' overruled 
 nl the Episcopal Endowment -^Ss'^'^^^S?'',''^ '?"' ^"^ '^""''^ ""^ «"cceej 
 with some repugnance," etc Nvhint 7 1 '"""P'^*"'!- I confess that I vieldpd 
 but at the Tor'oni sesln Hhf tnod iS^^^^ ''°'>^'>° »"« «"bject durfng'TS; 
 was appointed, (page 10) ; and during hi= ' ''°™'"'"«« »» Clerical Sustentatron 
 -port (page. C2!'n|) J^oC^stXi^r^r^Ci^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
 r^l:2rz';zi ti^u!rr r '^^"^^ ^"^' --''• ^°^-^- ^^^'^ ^ho 
 each member of the Sj.o and that bl' 'f-T"'' '' ^""'^^ ''"•^ ^-"'^''^d to 
 to take the same into onsidcration and ren 'T I '''""' *" * "^«''* -«"-'"«« 
 in order that their opinion a rrrmmeli^'^" ^'' """^ 
 meeting of the Synod-Session of TssTge ^ ' '""*'' '^'°" *^« «>"* 
 sei?c7commiUee.-7p7g"r6Vf70™^°"^ l^-' '^"« ^°''j«<=' ^^'e referred to this 
 the Bishop again broujit the ma ter Lfo'r. 1? ^''^ ""^ H°S °f the SynoS Tn ^8 
 se ect committee presen'ted a Crt(pats loo^lTth^^"^'^^- V'' ^^ «'"- -«' 
 ment, was adopted.-(Pa^e 144 ^ a*^! ^^^^'^ ^^"'''' '^''•i a slight amend- 
 appointedtoform a Central Board tn 1:1 T'^ permanent committee was a^so 
 iZZ U% " «-t-t^t-n Vuud-(P%?P? '? t TsT^^-'l throughout'^h: 
 brought before the Svnod in the ni-h-n', - i ! '' - ' ^^^ """"er was. a"-!- 
 AttUesameSessioaiheCentraBarasubSteTi^^^ 17 of Proceedin|s J 
 tWe :s no record of it having beenSotrSS;^^^^^^ 
 Board (Tfts merged Sn The D oces^ IW^nf m^'-''°^ ^P*«« 181.) and the Centr.^ 
 204 ) 8.e cdc^ SocZT'^Tb^^^^^^^^^^ '^''-m, and 201?! 
 F7/ Chmtmas Offertoru for the Incumlmt. 
 1. That the offertory of the respective congregations of the ChnrM, ♦. . 
 the Diocese, on Christmas doy every year shnli L ,, . , . throughout 
 Incumbent of the Church ^n whfch thL !ff ^ '" '^' ^'''^ "^« °f ">» 
 page 181. *'® °^"'°'^ '« mado.-Session of I860, 
 VIIL Clergy Trust Commutation Fuml 
 ClIr^grLTe^v'rstfp-eJds^aS/r^^ ^''o c'ergy of their 
 Proceedings of the Synod for 1860 nace 187 a I"' f "'V"'' ^'" I'" ''>-"nJ in the 
 Reserve Fund question, (down to th™ Ld of It. "^^ "''^ ''''""'•^ "^ «''« Clergy 
 be found in the Bishop 's Ivddress Sfo?e the S^JSj in sT'^p"^ '\\ '■""^•' «''' 
 Proceedings.) An account of the commutation of ZX~^fT^ 1 1 .-1 7 of the 
 Zf *'^''t?'^,'"*P •» '^'^ -address bSue Synod ^iSr/p'^ "'! 'l''^^ ""« 
 ceedings.) The following resolution on the subSwiU be t^i t'p^^g^S^ "] ^''^ 
 liberality and devotion to the cause T r„ k ^""^^sed their unbounded 
 commutLon money lateVreeivdb/^^^^^^ '" *'" ^""'•''" '"« 
 them that they on their par swlleadear ' f— «"'• and to assure 
 aesire of imitating so ^.k^TZ^Z l^Z^, ^- ^^ 7^1 '^« P-P'o '^e 
 page 36. *^ ®"'*' "=^« zeal.— Session of IBoO, 
 adSi;;^: Et'nSSS^lsstrP^^^^^^ f «5 Tn^ "o?r "^-"^ "'^ ^'^^^ '" ^'^ 
 action was taken in the matter durfnTthat aessfoS' *"7„'''"'';'''"S='') hut no further 
 trra7^h""l'«^'^"'^'°f the Synod for 1858 or 18^9 In''l8Bo"r *° ^''^ ^"'J^'''' 
 to the Church Society on the subject was laid befor« .i » « a,' ''°'^«'«'-- « report 
 and by a joint resolution of the ChurTsSty and nAS'If''' (^^P''P*« 180,-188) 
 Trust Fund was transferred to the Diocesan Board nfVr •^"°''' "'« C"n"nutation 
 i!?.!/""!!.^ 203 ''^^ ^89 of Synod Proceed n^^ In' ««,'^?"1«PP°"'«^^' !'"»' y^"". 
 /««= „ nr.T """"'"rreu lo tde Uiocesnn Boi 
 g::^ c^?2,rn! »-tr-eedingso^ ^^^^^:^'^^^:::z^::^ 
 >p.., ^"^ o" . " """ -°!' o' oynoa rrooeedini! 
 Trust committee to the Church Society was 
 Bee also paire 304 1 a aimjio.. ''^^ """"''^ '"^ syn ..| Cpnecs 
 (pages 35^i/:Vin^l6tVgri1rd2"24? T'' ^^'« >>°^ '"^862, 
 subject appears from the minites to have been tid hlrfV^'i'"''' '°'»«^«'-.-on th^ 
 one was laid before the Church Society andTf w ^r \''^ ^^"""^ '" 18"^; but 
 for June, 1864, pages 39, 40 As!rL^f k T ^^ ^'^^^'^ '" the Church ChromcU 
 the Church Societ^nMV/seecCrril V/'aws which had been adopted by 
 broughtup for conimatiTn & h? sSat^'tSs Jef"'' ''°/' P'^^^^ ^"- ^^ > -"« 
 as follows :] ' ^ "^'^^'^ "^^ 'his session, and received its sanction 
 MiLo?;L"d::ll?the''*'" r '"r'°'' """' "^ ^«^^' - --'ed that the 
 and that the Comm t on T.TsSnT'i::' T TT'''"' ""°^' '^ -P-'< 
 t.e Clergy Trust Committe!lt:sS'on8T^^^^^^ 
 2. That before there ah"!! be <iir^ -.-^»^4. i i 
 uming out of annual permanent income, over and above the amount required to 
 3. That said surplus shall be appropriated to the maintenance of the clerey of the 
 D.ocese .n prieafs orders, according to length of service in the Diocer-/M 
 4. That such service shall consist of the time during which the clpr<,rm„„ u. 
 been employed in bouaM parochial or missionary dut/in D Lts aTtI 
 case there has been any intermission in the time of such se ce Jn. n ." 
 .«.ion^^ be deducedfrom the term of service r::::;J^ ^^^^Z 
 6. That when two or more persons are ordained in the Diocese nn.l *!,»!,. cn» • 
 commences at the same time, he shall be considered senio Tho i r po™'3 ordmat,on list. But when they have been ordained out of the dI.T .J 
 «en.ority shall be determined by the date of their V.^us^ZT^^^^^^^ 
 D.ocese ,n priest's orders. And if there shall be any que ion f en Cuv 
 not^P-nded forin this by-law. it sUall be decided by the BishVp of tt DiTcr - 
 6. That as soon as the Trust Committee shall report a surplus of S4no na „k 
 provid^d, it Shall be paid to the senior clergyman of the Dio'cese JZZ.t:]] 
 not be>.g on he commutation list, and so on in respect of each luccessieumo 
 sha?!ti7 ?""".?• """'''" 1-reby distinctly specified that this proviln 
 Shalt lM interfere with any existing arrangement. No clerirvman «hnii .« • T 
 this fund more than $400 per annnm.-Itlj. '"''^y^^^ ^l^a" receive from 
 ol- '^^Vl '"."■^r"° ""*'' ?'"<=«'' °" *»»« 'i«t ^hall remain thereon so long as he 
 continues to do duty ,n the Diocese, or is on the superannuated list thereof bu 
 shall forfeit his claim by removing from it. not being superannuated or Zl!\ 
 he may be under legal ecclesiastical censure.-7A,rf. P""°°"'^''''' °' ^'' '^^^ '^^^ 
 o. No clergyman accepting after this date an endowed livinK yielding S4nfl no, 
 annum, or holding the incumbency of a church yielding, from pe w e t s oZZ 
 wise. $800 per annum, shall be placed upon the list of annuitants as atresL and 
 any annuitant accepting such living shall resign his income from the Co.nmlti n 
 Fund, and by such acceptance shall be regarded as having forfeited his presen claim 
 upon such fund. Nevertheless it shall be lawful for him, upon resigning eh ," 
 or incumbency, to be again placed on the list of annuitants as soon as a vac ncy ha,l 
 arise. And nothing in this by-law shall be construed so as to prevent an exi nge 
 be ng male between the incumbent of such endowed living and an annuitant o thi 
 fund, provided such change has the sanction of the Bishop. -/i,rf, 
 9. That as soon as a surplus arises in the Commutation Fund it shall h^ *1,« ^..t 
 of the Commutation Trust Committee to request the Lord Bi p l fa' \ ^ 
 committee with a list of those clergymen wh'o are entitled to c'ltLL 'Zt::::^ 
 IX. Division of Parochial Endoioments. 
 1. That a committee of six members be appointed to cousider whether any, and 
 TThat means can be de.i.ed for the better regulation. manRgeraent. and division of 
 endowmentBof Churches, and to report thereon a' the next Synod.-Sess.on of 
 1858, page 59. 
 TNoTE -In 1859. two reports were presented to the Synod nn tho Buhject, (see 
 MiW'of tbatyeaV. pagelsS. 64. anS 71. 72,^ and a comm.ttco was appointed fo. 
 the following purpose:] 
 " To e^a.Tiinc carefully all orders in Council, Crown grants and deeds relating 
 to churches, parishes and glebes. To ascertain the trusts upon which any church 
 property is l.eld. and whether those trusts have been fulfilled. To take such stops 
 as they may consider necessary for enforcing con.pliunco with truMs. lo 
 report especially upon the case of any township, city, town or parish, in winch 
 there exists more than one church, but with an endowment appropriated only by 
 or to one church only. To suggest a basis of division, in cases in which they 
 consider it advisable to apportion an endowment among several churches-Session 
 of 1859, page 64. 
 rN0TF,.-In 1859, a resolution was introduced to provide for the l>n'it«|ion of 
 incon?cs derived from endowments (see minutes of that year, pages 8'^.«')- 1° 
 ISoTthis r" oh t on was referred to the committee on endowments. A report was 
 l^OU tills rLSoUtionwaw but it was referred to the committee 
 brought in •^tt'''«,.^'^«''V;iw,Svnod -(See pages 103. 194) Tho committee on 
 ^nVole^uTa^ ^alin ed'^-tee tlinut^^rof ISo!., pnielTo.). In 1801 no 
 report was made! but the committee was re-appointed, and the following resolution 
 8 That a committee on Rectorial and other endowments bo appointed, and 
 that the committee inquire into the circumstances under which the endowment 
 now enjoyed by the Cathedral Church of St. James was originally granted. 
 With a view, without any interference with the rights of the present rector, 
 that the same should, in the event of a vacancy, be so adjusted, if it be found that 
 such was the original intention, that the different churches in tho city might parti- 
 cipate in the said endowment, or that the same might be appropriated to founding 
 a full cathedrii.1 staff.— Session of 1861, pages 289, 290. 
 [NoTE.-Nothing further wasdor,e on the subject of parochial endowments during 
 the Sessions of 1802, 1803, or 1864] 
 X ^jipointments to, and Assessment of. Vacant Parishes. 
 fNoTE.-In 1863, the draft of a series of canons on the appointment ! ., and the 
 assessment of, vacant parishes, was laid before the Synod, and thefoUowuig resolu- 
 tion passed :] 
 1 That a committee be appointed to consider and report upon the * * » canon 
 [relating to the appointment to. and assessment of, vacant parishes.]-Se3sion of 
 1863, page 15. 
 TNoTE — -V report from this committee was laid before the Synod in 1864, (see 
 page 10 of Proceedings,) and the following resolution was passed :] 
 2. That the report of the committee on assessment of vacant parishes be received 
 and' printed, and that the consideratiou thereof lie- over uutil the nest meeting of 
 Synod.— Session of 1804, page 10. 

 DIOCESE OP TOROXTO, 1851-1864. 
 Note —The first reference to Trinity Co]ler« in m . 
 cur8in]853. whenavoteoftlmnk8wah,,,^n^^^^ proceedings of the Sj^nod 
 t^.e Uni.ea St.Ues, for their raunificcnt c'SZ^ churchmen of 
 Dr McMurray. a deputation for 1^^^^"" " )"in ."d^o t : "'r"''T "' ""' "«'• 
 dollars, in money, land and books Jsp^'i'Ji. I-''' ""'''^^P*'- "'''■» '''''<'^'«>''l 
 ,--. — — „„„j, „, iu,„,n3 ueiivered a SDcrlu 
 subject, at the meeting in Juno fnaEea 237 2(1(1 r a r ■' -.-■■' "" '"" 
 the subject, the following resolution was pronotl' / t'?"'';"" ' ''^■"'^' '"'''"» "« 
 two amendments were made viz n - Th« • ' ^^ '"''"'•^ '^"" ""•' •'I'^-lution 
 below,) ifpersevered in, woud have tiie efflct nf""';"-?- • "' "'«"«"!"" (propn.sed 
 Synod, it is inexpclient'to entertain ! '- ' f^" "Vh'a; thn"5 '" '/'? "'"'^ " '"^'^'"'l 
 Its deep sympathy with our venerable Bishop in hi si 1 1^'"." "^TTJ" "F"'^'"^ 
 consequence of the differences in regard to TrinU JH j'' ""'' '''fli«u''i-s. in 
 those difficulties may be happily removed bvthl^ ^^'li "'"' '"* •'*'"«"« ''"Po that 
 of the institution." This amendment -„i ^- ? ]1"''>''^<"i usefulness and efficiency 
 and twenty-nine parisV f T^r fl:rTee7 del/ ' 7 h "''-• (fi^'-V-three cierg^ 
 resolution carried by a ;ote of 84 7fiftv m^' T "'^ *'',"''''^" parishes.) and a 
 (fourteen clergy, and^teu pTrishes!) ai folfows" ' "^^' ""^ ^'^"'^ P"'''^^«^.) '« -'4. 
 1. That the Synod desires (o exDress ito ,io^« - ■. 
 Bishop in his late tria. ., ..^S c n "quLT '^r'"' '^■■'V,'""'^^'« 
 upon the teachings 01 Xrinitv roi»„« j " »-o'i-equence .u J:., imput.ntions cast 
 i.i™tio..-Se..l„„ o( 1801, p.g., 285, 280. ""'" " "" "•"'" ""■^ ■!" «toln- 
 f.r,»„„Jai.gut„.Ll.T:L'7;8c',tr2Sr'"' '" ""■"• '" 
 3. That a committee be appointed to watch the course of i ■ i .• 
 to university education, and the endeavour. l^^ZZ S':'^!!:^^ 
 and by conference either with the members of the Legislatu or w 'h Zn " 
 ment, or with any other bodies aoDointed hv tha n . ^ GoverQ. 
 re-committed, in order that it be nraended, bo ns to state definitely the principles 
 wnich the church cannot concede on behalf of Trinity College, and to guard ngainst 
 misconception on tlie part of the church at large, and that the same committee be 
 appointed to watch the course of legislation, in concurrence with the Bi«liop and 
 authorities of Trinity College." In amendment to this amendment it moved, 
 (3.) "That the report lie on the table, and that a committee be appointed to watch 
 the future course of legislation on this subject." It was further moved in nmend- 
 meut to the amendment, (4.) "That the report on university education bo not now 
 adopted. The report was however withdrawn, and the motions fell to the ground — 
 Poge 35. No proceedings on the subject took place in 1864.] 
 <&mam »» mWimtM pur. 
 1. That a committee be appointed to examine what part of the ecclesiastical law 
 of England, and of the Church in Scotland and the United States, in communion 
 with the Church of England, is applicable to this portion of the Church ; to advise 
 iuch additions as may be required by the circumstances of this country, and to 
 report to the next meeting of the Synod a body of canons corresponding with the 
 results at which they may arrive. —Session of 1856, page 31. 
 [Note.— No report on the suliject was presented by the committee in 1857. In 
 1858 an elaborate report was laid befoie the Synod at the Toronto meeting.— (See 
 pages 17-40.) The canon on the Queen's Supremacy was alone adopted, and 
 the consideration of the remaining canons was postponed until the autumn session 
 (pages 18 and CO.) At the Kingston meeting in September, the following resolution 
 was passed :] 
 2. That the report of the committee on Canons be referred back to the committee, 
 together with the letter of the Rev. D. E. Blake in reference thereto, and that the 
 Hon. John Hillyard Cameron be added to the committee, and that they be empow- 
 ered to call to their aid such legal advice as they can obtain.— Session of 1858, 
 page 187. 
 fNoTK.— In 1859 the committee brought in another report on the subject, which 
 was adopted.— (See pages 29-38, and 90.) In 1860, when the canons adopted the 
 previous year came up for confirmation, the following report of the committee on 
 the subject was adopted :] 
 8. The Committee on Canons beg to report, that in view of the probability of the 
 meeting of a Provincial Synod of Canada, they deem it advisable not to bring tor- 
 ^HT<\ for dsKcnssion, on the present oeeasion, any portion of the ooltecllon of Canons 
 made by them, but to await the action of that body.— Session of 1800 naees 151 
 and 181. ^ ^ 
DIOCiESE OF TORONTO, 1861-1864. 
 (ffitrurtft flMSlr nU (jrctt^wgaticnal ^u\mo&^. 
 1. That-jrhereas it is highly desirable that eyery branch of Divine Service should be 
 conducted with as much ecclesiBstlcnl propriety and devotional reality as possible, 
 and wherens there is room for improvement generally throughout the congregations 
 of this Diocese, in celebrating the praises of Almighty God, and of His Christ 
 a committee of Synod be appointed to take into consideration, and to suggest 
 uniformity in choral, congregational, and ritual singing, to the exclusion of all 
 light and unseemly music from the sanctuary, and the more general adoption of 
 the sinjiing of God's own word, as set forth in the Prsalter, or Songs of David, 
 as apfonted to he used "daily," throughout the month— Session of IBbl', 
 pages 24, 25. 
 2. That a committee be appointed by this Synod to consider by what means 
 congregational psalmody can be best encouraged, and also whether it might not be 
 expedient to give the sanction of the Sjnod to the Hymn book now generally used 
 in the Diocese, and to make such additions to it as may render it more generally 
 useful for cotigregational purposes; or to adopt and sanction as the Hymn book of 
 the Diocese another collection, which may more fully meet the requirements of thft 
 Church than that which is at present used in it.— Session of 1857, pages i9 25. 
 [Note.— In June, 1858, two elaborate reports on the foregoing suhiects were 
 laid before the Synod (pnges 40 47). Two committees were appointed viz- On 
 Church MuMo and on a Psalm and Hymn book for the Diocese. The 'followinir 
 resolution was passed:] "» 
 3. That the report of the committee on Church Music be printed and sent to 
 every congiegation in the Diocese.— Session of 1868, page 67. 
 [Note.— In September, 1858, two reports, viz., on Church Music and Psalms and 
 Hymns, were laid before the Synod, (pnges 122, 123,) and the committees on these 
 subjects re.appointed.-(Page 144.) In 1859, two reports on the same subjects were 
 submitted to the Synod, (pages 65, 67-70.) The committee on Church Mu^ic 
 wns continued, (page 90.) The report on Psalms and Hymns was received, and the 
 following resolution passed :] 
 4. That (he committee be authorized to take such measures as they may think 
 fit for the circulation of their Hymn book, and transmit copies to the Bishops of 
 Quebec, Montreal, and Huron, with a view of obtaining their opinion and sugges- 
 tions thereon.— Session of 1859, pages 102, 103. 
 rr.iMfi^"^"?^^'"*!',* committee 00 Psalms and Hymns, aud Church Music, eub- 
 mitte, reports on those subjects, (pnges 152, 171-174.) The report on Psalms 
 a.d Hymns was adopted, (page 189.1 The committee on Church Music w^2 
 iS;l"i;";t;d';r'"" "" '"" '" ''■ ^'"'' '"'-^ ''"' '°"°''"'« ""■ 
 6. That the committee on Church Music be authorized, in order to meet the present 
 requirements of choirs and music classes, to publish a small and cheap collection 
 of Psalm and Hymn tunes and chants, embracing such metres as are likely to bo 
 required for any collection of Psalms and Hymns, so that the same be done without 
 expense to the Synod ; and that with a view thereto, they shall add to their number 
 such members of Synod as they shall understand to be acquainted with church 
 music, and invite the aid of competent professors and persons.— Session of 1860 
 page 189. 
 [Note.— In 1861 a further report on Church Music was laid before the Synod, 
 (piiges 271-273.) It was adopted, and the committee re-appointed, (page 281 ) 
 In 1862, a report from the same committee was submitted to the Synod and adopted 
 (pages 31, 32.) The following resolution was also passed :] 
 6. That the lord Bishop be requested to procure the services of some efficient 
 person as teacher of congregational singing in such of the congregations of the 
 Diocese as mny require his services.— Session of 1862, page 41. 
 [Note.— In 1863, two reports were laid before the Synod, viz: On Church Music 
 and Congregational Singing, (pages 22, 23.) The report on Church Music alone 
 was adopted, (page 19.) In reference to the other report the lollowing resolution 
 was passed :] 
 7. That the committee on Congregational Singing be incorporated with the 
 Musical Committee of the Synod.— Session of 1863, page 16. 
 •> J > 
 1. That with a viewtoprovideasfar as possible for united action in the Diocese in 
 promoting the greater efficiency of Sunday schools, a committee be formed for this 
 purpose, whose duty it shall be to present a report annually to this Synod, on the 
 condition and progress of Sunday schools throughout the Diocese, and to make suc'i 
 suggestions for their improvement as they shall judge expedient. —Session of 1862, 
 page 40. 
 2. That a committee be appointed to consider what steps can be taken to secure 
 the publication of books suitsd for libraries and instruction in Sunday schools. -—Ibii, 
 8. That the following items of statistics be added to the blank forms oi' Sunday 
 School reports, viz: — 1. The church population of the parishes. 2. The average 
 attendance at the church. 8. The average attendance at the holy commuaioQ. — 
 Session of 1863, pages 16 and 18, and Session of 1864, pages 18 and 3U. 
 4. That the blank forms of report on Sunday Sohools be printel on a separate 
 form and forwnrJed to the clergy of each parish, to bo filled up and returned. — 
 Sessiou of 18Gi, page 30. 
 5. That the tabular forms for Sunday Schools, should be oirouUtod after ha'log 
 received thesanuUon of the Bishop.— 76ii. 
 ^ I ' 
 J. Endowment of the See of Toronto* 
 [Note. — The Bishop in his Pastoral, published or. the 16th of January, 1854, 
 having called the attention of the Rural Deans, and the clergy generally, to the 
 necessity ff raising a permanent endowment for the See of Toronto, (after the 
 setting off the proposed new Sees of Huron and Ontario,) a meeting was called on 
 the subject by the Rev. D. E. Blake, A.B., Rural Dean of the Home District. The 
 meeting took place in Toronto, on the 4th of May, 1854. A committee of manage- 
 ment was appointed, suitable resolutions passed, and assessments made. Rural 
 Dean Fuller ilso called meetings on the subject in the Niagara District, and circu- 
 lated p 'iscrip'lon lists with good prospects of success. Rural Dean Osier, of 
 to i;'imcoe District, by consent of his clergy, deferred action at present, the 
 i Slit!. »8 being all rural. At this stage of proceedings it was deemed advisable, 
 • * t' ' suggestion of the Bishop, to allow the matter to remain in abeyance. — 
 kj8BSion of 1856, pages 9, 23, 25, and 29. In 1859 the subject was again brought 
 up, and the following resolution was passed :] 
 1. That a Committee be appointed to take the necessary steps for the Endowment 
 of the See of Toronto.— Session of 1859, page 103. 
 [Note.— Nothing further was done on the subject during the Session of 1860, 
 except the re-appointment of the committee (see page 175 of Proceedings ) In 
 1861, the Bishop also brought the matter before the Synod in his opening address, 
 (see Proceedings, pages 264, 265.) In 1862, no report was presented, but the fol- 
 lowing resolution was passed :] 
 2. That the strongly expressed wish of the Lord Bishop for the endowment of the 
 See of Toronto is a matter of such deep importance to our future peace and welfare, 
 that the select committee appointed on the subject be directed to proceed to action 
 without delay. — gession of 1862, page 37. 
 [Note. — At the Synod meeting in June, 1868, a report on the progress of the 
 endowment was presented ; and in August of that year, the Bishop issued a pastoral 
 letter on the subject. See Church Chronicle for September, 1863, pages 81 and 82. 
 At the Synod meeting in 1864 another report was presented, (pages 26, 27,) when 
 the following resolution was passed :] 
 3. That the committee on the Episcopal Endowment Fund be instructed to invest 
 *he moneys collected for that fund in provincial or county debentures, and that 
 investments be regulaily made wlienever the sum in hand amounts to $2,000, or 
 oftener, if advisable. — Session of 1864, pages 30, 31. 
 ♦The prpflcnt Dloeose of Toronto Includes tho cities of Toronto iinJ Hamilton, i,li« eouuUoa oi 
 Lincoln, McMiuuI, Huldimand, Wontworth, Wellington, Ilalton. Peel, York, SImcoe, Ontario, 
 Duihiim, Victoriu, Potcrhoro' and NorthumberUnd, embracing 143 tiwnships, together wiMi the 
 District of Algoma. In 1861, the Church "f England population In tho DIocbbo numbered 137,054. 
 It is n 1? uoubtlees upwards of 14O,0UO 
 I J. Observance of the LokTs Day. 
 1. That this Synod desires to sympathise with the renewed effort of our Mother 
 Churc. .0 secre tl,e better observance of the Lord's Day; to record its deepconvic- 
 lon of its vast importance to the well-being of religion, and that it bids God's speed 
 to these and all other efforts to secure the inestimable privilege of a whole Lord's 
 Day to every one of the human family.-Session at Toronto, June 1858, page 68. 
 2. That a committee be appointed to take into consideration the several laws of 
 this Province respecting the observance of the Lord's Day, and report to the next 
 meeting ot Synod.- Session at Kingston, of 1868, page 147. 
 t>,I^.?Jfo~^\'^^''' *^^ ?°™"'''*«« "^'o^" "s-ned brought up on elaborate report on 
 the state c the law lelating to the Lord's Day.-fPaees 90-%T In iSKfi Ki« 
 report of the con,mit,ee was adopted, and the follo'wing"efoluSn vis pasLd :] '" 
 3 That the religious observance of the L,rd's Day is a matter of the last 
 importance to man s highest interest for time and eternity, and that a committee be 
 appointedfor the purpose of watching over the proper observance of this most 
 mportant institution, i„ a day like this, when its sanctity is so encroached on, and 
 when -attempts are being made to undermine and destroy its eternal obligations- 
 Session of 18(30, pages 167, 168, 179. 
 the question did not comrup but iri864^^rn.,-' """^ "''P'?'''^ ^'^ ^° "^^^^ 
 existence. -Session of 1864, page 28. »"-«nay in 
 111. Thanhsgidng at Seed-tme and Harvest. 
 anJ'-^'"^"'? r ^'1 '""^'^'^ ""' ^''''"P' ""^* " ^'^y '"' ««' «P"t. both in seed-time 
 labou softie husbandman; and that he will appoint suitable pr.jers to be then 
 usea, m addition to the ordinary service of the day.-Session of I860, page ISq! 
 IV.—Increase of Candidates /or the Ministry. 
 the knowing rc'so'luLn oi the"suSt warpasL'd':"] '""'" '^'°" "^^ ^'''''' ""'^ 
 1. That the lord Bishop of the Diocese be respectfully requested to appoint a^ who shnl, report to the next meeting of'.hc Synod \ plan or Tc r g 
 wiU. he Divine blessing, an increase in the number of candidates for the sacrei 
 ministry in this diocese.— Session, at R'in"«»or rfl"" ^ i^ 
 [NoTE.-In 1859 thi. committee brought in an elaboraU report, (pages 43-50 of 
DIOCESE OF TORONTO, 1851-1861. fi5 
 fhrsSeTad^^te?-r^ considered by the Synod, and the following resolution on 
 '2. That the report on the increase of the number of divinity students [in Trinity 
 College] be adopted and printed ; and that a committee be re-appointed [with 
 additions] to take such further steps thereon, in pursuance of the object of the 
 report, as they may deem expedient.— Session of 18-39, page 96. 
 [Note.— The committee brought in an amended report in 1860, (pages 194-198 ^ 
 when the following resolution was passed :] ' vf 6 ^ ^"o,) 
 3. That the report, [on the increase of Divinity Students in Trinity College,] and 
 additions thereto, be adopted.— Session of 1860, page 199. 
 V. Revival of the Diaconate. 
 [NoTS.-ln 1857 the subject of the revival of the Diaconate was brought before 
 the Synod, (paga 22 of Proceedings,) but no action was taken on it. In 1859 the 
 subject " a body of Lay Readers or Catechists." was also broueht 
 before the Synod, (page 81 of Proceedings,) but with a like result. In 1863 how 
 ever, he subject of a revival of the Diaconate was again brought up : a motion fl 
 telow) was made, to which the following amendment was moved • "That it is 
 expedient, in the opinion of this Synod, that, if not inconsistent with the rules of 
 tw^ I'l' ' h'*"""' '^r "^ 'f"?"'" ^'\'' '°°Ser period than is now customary t 
 that der with a view to its being made a bond fide probation and preparation for 
 the priesthood, and that during their Diaconate they should be restricted so far as 
 may be practicable, to those duties which have been recognised bo'h by th^ primUive 
 Church and by our own, as their proper functions." This amendment wa,sneSed 
 and the origiaal motion carried by a vote of 58 yeas to 43 nays, as follows "3*^"''*'' 
 1. That the revival of the Diaconate in its full efficiency, as a separate and per- 
 mantnt order, would be of great service to the church.— Session of 1863, page 17. 
 yi'— Discrepancies in the Celebration r" Divine Worship. 
 1. That the lord Bishop of the diocese be respectfully requested to appoint a 
 committee to consider the discrepancies that prevail in the celebration of diving 
 service in this diocese, and to suggest some mode of securing greater uniformity 
 therein.— Session of 1858, at Kingston, page 141. 
 [Note -This committee brought in a very full report on the discrepancies in 
 the celebration of divine worship in 1859, (pages 34-42 of ProceediJs r Some 
 discussion having arisen on the matter, the following resolution was passed:} 
 2. That the committee on discrepancies in the celebration of divine wo-ship be 
 allowed to sit again, with a view to the reception and consideration of sug'geationi 
 on the subject;; and that such suggestions bo sent in before the 1st of Aueuat — a««. 
 sionof 1859, page 96. -""gust, oev- 
 ifi&Tp°^^'^r''^"l'"T':^P°'''°"i^®'"''J«°*^*«'»'d before the Synod fpases 
 156-165 of Proceedings. It was read, and ordered to lie on the table (paw 189 of 
 Proceedings.) The subject does not appear to have been^brought up agSJ 
 VII. Lay Go operation. 
 [Nona.— In 1861, a comprehensive report Wfts submitted by acommitteo ^nf whno- 
 .^mious appointment there appears to be' no record in thoSutes) on La^ 
 ^r^ntion. Having be«u .., „„,, the ^Howing .solution .as 
 where practicublo.-Sossion of ISOl^pagos^ol; 3ot "' '' '" ""'""^ ""* 
 17//. C7mrch of Emjland Stparatv. Schools. 
 that of 1804. AVe ^ivcl lumn r, of rT.oErana nro '^"°' """^ ''''' ---^r-t 
 follows :] ^ '^-solutions ana proceedings on the sulyeot as 
 ....,.,,./...,,tu.:;:\:::;:;;r;:,Lre' :r:t;;r";T 
 ostablishraent of separate Churcl. JJu , ?■ legislature to permit the 
 paidb,ohurchmoa?or ,et Z t „ °''' ""' f"' *''^' —- onts ordinarily 
 anceof such as are U^Zl^^^Z^Ci:^'^ ^PpHea to the .ainten' 
 practicable and desired : and that tl!l . *^°.,f "'''> ^I>"e such appropriation is , 
 the8ame.-Sessionofl85i;pagri2 "" " '''"""" '^^ empowered to draft 
 co..ot. school cduca;L,To::ron853, p^'n^ll'""''^ ""^ ^^« ^^^^^ «^ 
 noLi"o:\Vpi?thiTzte";:"t°[ '■''?^"°"' ^° -^^-^-"^ -^---^ *« 
 separate schooUill. as eugg sTd 1 his tr^^^^ ^'^ <!"-'- of a 
 1854, pages 17, 28, 29. Lordship's opening address—Session of 
 meKo"iZorttrulSer:t'Tell't:?chol'" ^''^•^^'.-^f '''on, and an a.end- 
 Synod petition the Pro!.nciaLeTsSureoext.I?''t/"^'^^ '''' " '^^"^ «'»« 
 schools to the United Churc i ofXiland ami if t V • V^*"' "* ^''P'*'"'" «o'"»'on 
 this Synod adopt such other me-ins as in i, wi"l' '""''° ''"'^ ^'"^'"''«'- «'■ ""^' 
 secure the inestimable bless ng^f 1 1 and 1, " .'"'"^ "PP'^'"' ^««' «"i'«'^ to 
 the Cnurch within this iVovince '■ a^rrl ^'°"' "'^"^ 
 follows: (1). "That this sMTf I , •'.'n'^"^'"»«nt to this resolution was as 
 as shall i^p^art to tlV mn riZr ^ts' p" ""' ^"'^'^ f?"''^"''^'^ ^l^''" '''^"'"< " 
 as in its unhappy state of r l^Jion | iLiL c.n o'l"'' " '«'!«'<'"« «''"'''^'=ter, so far 
 Of consoienoe-atid to that ^4 thal'lul^e^^ul^^l^-Sr i;^:::;';;;!^^ 
 ;;./ •' "/""u uous nut c eem it exnedient tn « 
 superstition at (ho publ o exie' - Af,?r i 'r '^'''"' "^ intolerance and 
 amendment, were wil^hdnln'JlY ges 34 5 In I^T ^''f. '•-"'"'i"" «"J 
 introduced, and the following .T "°,,;.i ,' '^" ^"^ ^^''' "»« subject was arain 
 appoint a comtnitte; Jt'Tx'o? i"/ tr^^r I Tuo' L;;'!'"' ^f '''''' ''' "- 
 -.thou orau^unoing tho general, coua^us' ^^rn^^^lZ^ Jii^ 
■esjlution was 
 rislical Gazette, 
 be carried out 
 or Parochial, 
 1851, except 
 lie subjuct as 
 ount duty of 
 this obliga- 
 to permit the 
 ts ordiuurily 
 the mainten- 
 Topriation is , 
 ered to draft 
 [i.e., at the 
 le subject of 
 requested to 
 estioa of a 
 —Session of 
 an amend- 
 "That this 
 itu coiunion 
 Be; or that 
 it suited to 
 childri'u of 
 ion was us 
 11 be taken 
 iter, so fur 
 the rights 
 and closed 
 d therein ; 
 prayers or 
 doing so." 
 ent of an J 
 liall theni- 
 hools as a 
 •ance and 
 iitiou and 
 ''as again 
 d do now 
 ih« best 
 DIOCESE OF TORONTO, 1851-18C4. 57 
 (in connection with the secular,) education of tho youth of this Province " In 
 amendment to this motion the following resolution was adopted:] 
 4. That a committee bo appointed to collect information regarding the working of 
 tho common school law, and report at the next meeting of the Synod.— Session 
 of 1857, pag3 23. 
 [Note.— At the June meeting of the Synod at Toronto, in 1858, a report from the 
 foregoing coinmittee, with a draft memorial to the Legislature on tho subject, was 
 laid before the Synod.— (Pages 47-49.) At the September meeting in Kingston 
 this draft memorial was considered, (page 138,) and a committee of six (three clergy 
 and three laymen,) was appointed, (page 140,) to report as to the course of action 
 which It was advisable to pursue in petitioning the Legislature on tho subject. 
 The committee unanimously agreed to the following resolution, which was adopted 
 and the committee was authorized to present a petition to tho Legislature ou tho 
 subject. — Pages 141, 142.] 
 C. That a petition be presented to the Legislature at its next session, praying 
 that such alterations may be made in the Common School Acts for Upper Canada, 
 as shall recognise religious instructions in the schools, by authorising the opening 
 and closing of the schools with prayer, the reading of the Bible, the use of tho 
 Lord's Prayer, Ten Commandmonts, and Apostles' Creed, and the right of all 
 denominations of Christians to impart instruction according to their religious 
 tenets to tho children of their own persuasion, at specified times, set apart for that 
 purpose ; and that if by the law, rs it now stands, tho members of the Church of 
 England caaxiot have separate schools in cities or towns, that such further amend- 
 ments be prayed for as may remove any doubts that now exist as to tho right of 
 any denomination of Protestants to have separate schools in cities and towns, on 
 compliance with the requisitions of the 19th section of the School Act of 1850, 
 whether the teacher of the common school in any school section in which suoh 
 separate school is demanded, be a Roman Catholic or not.— Sessiuri of 1858 pages 
 141, 142. 
 [Note.— In 1859 the committee again presented a report to the Synod on separata 
 schools, (page 34,) and the Chijf Superintendent of Education also addressed 
 a letter to the Synod on the subject, (page 82.) Tuo report was virtually concurred 
 in— the Bishop having suggested, (which was agreed to,) that in case there was no 
 remedy from the courts of law; [should the boards of school trustees in cities and 
 towns persist in a refusal to establish Church of England separate schools,] the 
 matter be left to the committee, m connection with the Bishop, to propose a petition 
 to parlia,ment on behalf of the Synod ; and that should the Bishop order the petition 
 to be presented before a legal decision be arrived at, it should be so presented — 
 Session of 1859, pages 95, 96. In 18G0 tho question of separate schools seemed ta 
 have come np pro forma, and the following resolution was passed on the subject:] 
 G. That petitions on education, similar to those presented last year, be drawn 
 again, signed, and sent to both branches of the Legislature.- Session of 1860, 
 page 185. 
 [Note.— In 18G1 the following resolution on separate schools was proposed. It 
 was strongly recommended by the Bishop and adopted :] 
 7. That a committee, consisting of reven inembers, be a^iointed to consider what 
 means can best be adopted, in addition to petitions to the Legislature, to secure to 
 the United Church of England and Ireland the right of having separate schools in 
 l!!.ri*'V'"«''?''"!tl^'''*'''"''"'"'' '' '^'''''^^'' ""^ their maintenance is 
 praotioaole.— Soaeion of 1861, page '2Si. 
 [NoxB.— In 1862 a report from this committeo was laid before tl.o <?vnn,i n„.i ;» 
 gave rise to considerable discussion, (pnges 15 10 ''ol To ?ho m H '/ ^i 
 adopHon of this report, an amendment lo' L folfowiVroLl J. on wa^m v d'Tp S^ 
 2'.),) declaring " that as members of tiie United Church of Fn.rinn,l In i r! i ^ 
 this Diocese, N^e do not desire to see any in eVfSe wit . ^t " ' "I 
 system, as established bylaw, or to doLnd "iclus ve p iljs T'^T' ^^ e';;^ 
 shared m equally by other protestant denominations in IW n nLl^f^ ^^^ 
 amendment was negat ved by a vote of 74 ^fnrfv «„! i '^ ^miMa. Jhis 
 parishes,) against 21, (nine clergy and teUo par LT To'^^h?""' 'r''T''T 
 adoption of the report. \n amendment was mado as"o o w • '^Th while h"/.' *''! 
 SuJ s:S^^t^s^^:^,^t:mln cltSr' ;? h^p^^r^^^^ 
 destroy our common school system." (paRrS') rTho ami?^,^''"''^*' """"'I 
 separate schools in cities and towns, as staced in the resolution adopted by 1 
 heTA /T:, , i-"^''' ' '""'"'"''^ '° '^^"'"'^'^ ^0 -"-der what means can 
 Church Of f' "; /T/" r','""^ *° "^'^ ^''S'^"^'"-' '» --'- to the U id 
 Church ot England and Ireland the right of having separate schools in towns a^d 
 cities where their establishment is desirable, and their LintenancesmLZb,^ 
 A d jirther, to respectfully remind the Government that they seelc not any m rope; 
 mte ference with the common school system, as established by law, but c^rm o be 
 a .tied to the same privileges, and to have a similar measui' of j s i e m .^ ou 
 to hea» a, members of the said Church as have been accorded to 1 e" !„! 
 Catholic fellow-countrymen.— Session of 1802. pages 32, 33. 
 Jr rfhV s^ot^Tar ;rpr/*:s1:nts^^^^^::r t?;'' ''r^.'/T'' ^-^ * 
 separate schools is inexpedient, and a violation of J« • • ,"«''^^'''*'''raent of 
 eommon school system ofVper Canada is fiS t1 'r'^'P''/" '"'''•='' "'« 
 "That whereas the committee ap^poin ed at the last inn^f ""'"'/' ^"^ ""'^'"^> 
 inexpedient to move on this oSon in tl e mauer'bu^ 
 re-appointed, with instructions to report at next Svnn.l - ''",\* tl'e committee be 
 the mover of the original motion was nlbwed to aL/l?i« ;« , f-"" '"""^ discussion 
 follows : " That the establishraenrrfseZateschooUfV.. .''''' "■"•"' *" '""^ "' 
 An amendment was subsequently moved'^^o the amendment w'h> ""^ ■"<"'P«^ient.>' 
 a, division, as follows : J amendment, which was carried upon 
 9. That the changes which have been introduced into the common school system 
 «f his province, are enUrely at variance wtih the fundamental principle of Via" 
 system, as understood and accepted by the people of Upper Canada that inst ad 
 Of a purely secular system of education, under which all classes shoul e in uded 
 undue preference and special privileges have been conferred upon a distinc tctss of 
 Mrtof tZ"''' '"'"f • ': "'•"" -^'^---truction is giv'en, bei. reco ni e^d 
 iuZl f 7"T. "'''""" • ^^''°'' *'^'^ "°J"«' preference, this Synod enters 
 Itssoleojn protest, and demands, as an act. of c^mmnn i-i-i-p ..A; 
 M.o,«ea to ti^eKo^a, catholic Church baiVeeIygi;idr:;h;::.o';tS;rS 
maintenance is 
 Sjnod, nnd it 
 motion for the 
 IS moved, (page 
 ind Irulnnd, in 
 common hcIiooI 
 not nt present 
 ^iwiada." This 
 ;iil twenty-nine 
 motion for the 
 diile the Synod 
 , 1ms as good a 
 'xpndient an a 
 ommit itself to 
 Canada, would 
 was negatived 
 ) re-oppoiuted. 
 (, setting forth 
 nada to liave 
 idopted by the 
 lat means can 
 to the United 
 1 in towns aud 
 is practicable, 
 any improper 
 It claim to be 
 ice meted out 
 tlieir Roman 
 Synod, but a 
 blishment of 
 a which the 
 ; was moved, 
 eported, it is 
 committee be 
 le discussion 
 is to read as 
 aarried upon 
 ;hool system 
 iple of that 
 that instead 
 be included, 
 inct class of 
 ; recognised 
 ynod enters 
 t that thoae 
 DIOCESE OF TORONTO, 18,51-180)4. 
 now accorded to the Romun Catholic Church be withdrawn.— Session of 1863, 
 page 18. 
 IX Colcmo and Similai' J/cresiet. 
 [Note.— The Bishop in his opening address, in 18fi3, thus referred to the Colenso 
 heresy " * * no sooner has our b;loved mother church * * begun to recover 
 from the infidel attack of the Essays and Reviews, which were rapidly sinking into 
 oblivion, than a heavier blow from a deluded .son of her own, the Bishop of Natal, 
 IS aimed against lier," &c. In response to this portion of the Bishop's address, the 
 loUowing resolution was introduced and unanimously adopted :] 
 1. That this Synod desires to express its grateful thanks to his lordship the 
 Bishop for the protest which he was pleased to make in his address, against the 
 pernicious writings of the Bishop of Natal; and also express the hope that the 
 Church in this Diocese will, both in private as well as in public prayer, give increased 
 devotion and thoughtfulucss to that supplication in our Litany wherein we beseech 
 to bo defended from " all false ductriue, heresy, and Bohism. "—Session of 1863, 
 pages 16, 18. 
 [Note.- With a view to counteract tiie evil tendency of tht pernicious teachings of 
 the notorious " Lssays and Reviews," and as a solemn protest against these heretical 
 dootrinfis, the following document, known as the " Oxford Declaration," was signed 
 by tho Bishops and clergy in Canadi in 1801, and transmitted to the Archbishop of 
 Canterbury. See Church Chronicle for June, 1804, page 47. The dei.tical charaote» 
 of the ''Kssays and Reviews" was fully exposed by the Bishop, in his address to the 
 Synod in 18()4. See pages 11-13 of Troceediugs.] 
 2. We, the undersigned, bishops and clergy of the United Church of England and 
 Ireland, in the Province of Canada, hold it to be our bounden duty to the Church 
 of England and Ireland, and to the souls of men, to declare our firm belief that the 
 Church of England and Ireland, in common with the whole Catholic Church, main- 
 tains, without reserve or qualification, the inspiration and the Divine authority of 
 the whole canonical scriptures, as not only containing, but being the Word of God ; 
 and further teaches, in the words of our blessed Lord, tliat the "punishment" of 
 the "cursed," equally with the "life" of the "righteous," is "everlasting." 
 nn'i^r V'^^'Tr" n '''°/"'^P °^ " ^''6 Essays and Reviews," the Rev. Dr. Williams 
 and the Rev. II. B. Wilson, B. D., having been condemned in the Ecclesiastical Court, 
 lor writing what was contrary to the teachings of the United Church of England and 
 Ireland, appealed to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. The luderaent 
 of the eoramitteo (the Archbishops of Canterbury and York dissenting) as delivered 
 by the Lord Chancellor of England, declared, that, on the points submitted to them 
 on appeal, the committee did not consider the Rev. gentlemen had been guilty of 
 writing anything contrary to any doctrine of the Church ; and therefore restored 
 tiiern to tlieir Lcclesmstical preferments. This decision aroused such feeling in 
 iiugland nnd m this country, that a solemn declaration to the world of their faith 
 m the two points called in question by the above writers was signed by 12 000 cler- 
 gymen in Ensland and almost by the whole of the clergy of this diocese. (See note 
 above.) This meeting of the Synod, composed of the clergy and lay delegates from 
 every parish m the Uioeese, affording a good opportunity for an expression of the 
 laith ot the Diocese on those important points, the following resolution was intro- 
 uuced, and was unanimously adopted ;] 
 3. That this Synod views with alarm the late decision of the Judicial Committee 
 of the Privy Counci! in the case of tlie Rev. Dr. Williams end Rev. H. B. Wilson, 
 A". 77ia Cliurch in India. 
 [NoTK — At tho timo of the Sepoy mutiny in Indin. a ..«,.!«. „c i .■ 
 expros«ivo of .loop sympathy witi, it < ,hurch i"fl, "ia i, hor Z^, f . '"'""''"'"""'■ 
 trials, was unnni.uouslj; pus'so.l by tl„. Sy ,o,l "n tran niU,.rto n'n' ""^''P';"''"' 
 ]H.V.t, replies woro rccoivca«rom tho Hishops of Mn.lriis l!n,„i„.v ,.. i i /' 
 wore ontcrod ou tho n.inutos, (see pages 13, 1 ]•-•'' ! '' ?^ '" '' .'^'""'"IV ""^ 
 The fuUowiug resolution was also r'asscl in that yc"nr "]' ' ' ^ '■"«^'«'''"K«)- 
 1. That the offertory collection at this meeting of tho Syno,l bo appropriated to 
 loreign Missions, through tho agency of tho Venerable Society for tho Propagation 
 of the Gospel in Foreign parts, with a suggestion to tho venerable society that it bo 
 appropriated specially to the causo of Christ iu India. Session of 18.V,), p'ngo 27. 
 [NoTK-This offertory collection amounted to,, (p„go 80. KM „f Pro- 
 ceed.ngs). It was transmit ed to London and acknowledged iu IbOO. (Sco I'ro- 
 ooodiugs of that year, pagi 140]. V^i-o no 
 AT. The DioccsG of Huron. 
 [Note.— In 18o0, tho question having been brought before tho Synod in tho 
 addrcsj of the Bishop, a resolution was passed to momorvilizo tho ChriMtia. Km w 
 edge Society and Committ^. oj ^^.f^'^ bishops on Coloi.iul Bishopric , a g. [ 
 m aid of the Episcopal lund for the new Diocese of Huron, (page ;)7 A re . • 
 from tho Rural Ueaus on tho Endowment Fund will be found on pnco-"* •'•!l„ 
 18,)7, (tho fund having been sufficient) an election of Bishop was hold "when "rov 
 Dr. Crouynwas selected, (see introductory note, page 8). To \h\< ele. i, n #1!^; 
 Bishop of Toronto referred in his address to the Synod in 1858, (..';. p go " i'^ 
 of Proceedings). The following resolution was also passed during- tho same year : ] 
 1. That a committee bo appointed to up an address to the lord Bishop 
 Clergy and Laity of the Diocese of Huron, on tho occasion of their being separated 
 from us by being constituted a new Diocese, session at Toronto of 1858, page 73 
 and session at Kingston in the same year, pages 130, 131. l ' ' 
 [Note.— A reply to this address was received from tho Bishop of Huron and 
 entered on tho minutes of the Kingston meeting in 1858, (paues 131 I'jo iim 
 An address was also received from the Huron Synod in 1859, and cnterod'on t Iio 
 minutes of that_ year, (see pages 2G. 27. and 101). In regard to the meetinVat 
 London in I80/, for the election of Bishop, the following resolution was passed V 
 2. That the lord Bi?hap be requested to appoint a coramittoo to collect the min- 
 utes of Proceedings of a mooting of tho members of tliis Synod, residing withiu tke 
rn roiiml it by 
 I. Tliiit tliia 
 nii'l Irclfttid, 
 ppiirtunlty to 
 liti ('Inii'oli, to 
 Iiout rcHprvii- 
 il' tliti wliolo 
 of Ooil ; (ind 
 p piinialiiiioiit 
 ssion ol' IHdl 
 I mioxpciitoii 
 ishdpH (if (lio 
 n IHAH). I„ 
 "aloiittii, niui 
 iroprifttod to 
 -y, tliat it bo 
 pivRo 27. 
 101, of Pro- 
 (Sco Pro- 
 'iiod in tlio 
 itiiiii Kiiow- 
 f<»' a lii-nnt 
 . A report 
 :i2. 2;j. i„ 
 wliou Uov. 
 lection tiio 
 iK<'s 1-, 1!!, 
 mi year :] 
 rd llisliop, 
 : scparntod 
 8, page 73, 
 luron, nnd 
 ]!)2, MO). 
 •tod on tbo 
 Qceting at 
 lasscd :] 
 It the min- 
 witliin tke 
 limitN of the present Dioceno of Frurnn, nn the 8th day of July, 1857, for the pnrpoae 
 of ejcctiiin a bisliop to Iho then proposed Hee, nnd thiit said minutes, so collected, bo 
 on tlio minute book of this Hynod, and also printed in the report. Hession of 1869, 
 page 81. 
 [NoTK —-'rhoro is no record, In the printed minutes, that this resolution wbb evc" 
 acted upon. J 
 A'//. 77/« /Jioccnti <)/ Ontario. 
 [NoTK.—In 185fl, the question having been brought before tho Hynod in tho 
 addicsH of the llisliop, (pii^e K of l'r(iueedin);><, ) a reHolution was |mHsed to niemo- 
 riuli/.c the Cliristiiiii Kiiowleyo Society, ami a (j'oniiiMttei; of Kiinlj,,!, HishopH on 
 ('ol(ini:il liishopries, for a Rrant in aid of the I'lpi - upal Fund for the new DioceHu of 
 Onlaiio, (pane:i7). A report from the Jlural Dean on the Endowment l-'und, will 
 bo rouiiil on piiKi'.s lifi, li7. Tho liithop in his annual addrcHa in 18.:)7, also referred 
 to the Hulijeit, (piines 8, '.>, of I'meeedingH), |i> jiiti aililrei'.'* to tho Synod in iCilii;- 
 fitiiti in IH'iM, (jHiprs 1 |;!, 1 11,) the r.ishop nindw a stiiteineni of the amount contri- 
 buted to the eiidowiiieiit (d'the new Diocese, NothiTi^ further wftH reported to tho 
 Hynod in l«r»l( or 18(10. In 18(11, the endowment haviMnboen sullicient, the election 
 of the Kev, ,1. Tniveis l,ewii, M, I)., an iiishop of the new Diocese of Ontario, took 
 place, (pujieH 217, i;j8, of I'rneeoilinsH). To this election, tho Hishnp of Toronto 
 rj'feis ill his addrenH lieloie the Toronto Synod in the same year, (pa(;oH 2(5:1, 201). 
 ('orrcsp iiilelice reliiliii;; to the new Diocese will be found on pii){eH 2(18-270. An 
 ollicial r.'poit of the election of Dr. Lewis will bo found on pages 27(1, 277. An 
 address from the new Diocese of Onliirio, t. thu Iiishop of Toronto, with \\U reply, 
 will be found on )iiif.'e 28U284. A valedictory address to tho IJishop of Ontario 
 was also iiutliori/.ed, (see jiane 'Mi>). The consecration of the new Iiishop (the (irst 
 which took place in North America) was referred to by tho lUshop of Toronto 
 in 1802, (pii^es 1.1, It, of Proceedings). Tho reply of tho liishdp of Ontario to an 
 address presented to him, will be found in the Appendix, page iii., see also page 15 of 
 XIII. Addresses to the Queen. 
 [NoTK.— Tho to Her ^r.■ljeHty the Queen will bo found in the minutOK 
 I'or 18.i;!, pa},'e ',) ; for 18,'')7 page 2',i, and for I8ri!l page 'M. That adopted in 1%W.'. 
 •elated to the authority of the Church of England .ind Ireland in Canada to meet in 
 jynod, and prayed Her "Majesty Ki give [Her] royal sanction to such a measure 
 as shall reniovo all doubt as to tho lawfulness of tho holding of Synods in tho 
 colonial dioceses of [llor] empire." (for assent of the Queen to such a measures 
 see page 12 of Procee.linga of 18.'j7.) Tho address of 18ij7 contained the thank,s of 
 the Synod for Her Majesty's assent to the Synod bill 
 oppointmout of a Metropolitan.] 
 That of ]8o'J prayed for tho 
 XIV. Address to the Prince of Wales. 
 [Note.— In 18(50, the Prince of Wales visited Canada. The Synod at its Juno 
 meeting appointed a committee to prepare a congratulatory address to His Royal 
 Highness, (see page 184). The foUowinfr resolution was also passed : | 
 1. That the oommitteo on the address to II.R.II. tho Prince of Wales bo continued 
 and instructed to report the address to a special meeting of tho Synod, which his 
 lordship tho Bishop be rciiucstcd to call for that purpose, in order to its presentation 
 to His Royal Highness.— Session of IgOO, pages 188, 18'J. 
 [Note,— In September, 1800, this special session was held, and an appropriate 
 address unanimously adoT:ted. On the 8tli of September, the address was pre.sented 
 to tho Prince, (pages 20lt, 212 of Proceedings). His reply to the uJdresa will be 
 found on pages 207, 268,] 
 of the ProcceJingg of 185(i i„ T«r'p''"P7, " "' w»" botoiinU on pages 1-J and 30 
 the Governor GeLral ani the membe?« of' the IZ^?'''""' '" .^' Preaented to 
 Bchoola, (pages -Is, 5,3.) but it was not adont., f"?'"!?'"^®', r^^'^K f«'' "^P^^te 
 but not adopted, at the Kingston meeting of 3g8 "1 '""''"[ "^^'^-''^ '^"s proposed. 
 An address to the same, praying for the erltinn^f^^*^'? ^fr^^"^' "^ Proceedings. 
 ProlA'»^8'^»''»°J»Jopted,&erG4 7cTs «o "" }'""'''"''*' "''J''"™, was pro- 
 of I860 ; page 284 of 1^861 1 £^82^1862; 'an'd pag^'o^ Wc^f ''"""'^'"^^ 
 1 That tl?J" f 'f f "'^ '-f'^'^"'^ '0 '^« ^-^^J^op of Toronto. 
 tonUdtr oTd'^lCoT^^^^^^^^^^^ -^ - h-hy .ost cordially 
 Vere passed :] " '" '""- °' ^^^''- la 185C, the following resolutions 
 Io^'BX*ortrre3rfo:trvaL^^^^^^^^^^ ^° '^« ^'«^'Hev. the 
 at hi, lordship's vlsltation^n he 307S an'3 : rr','^ ''" '° '^« «'"«^' 
 to permit the same to be published for ^hl,!' f^ ' '"''^''''P ^^ requested 
 -Session of 1850, page 38 "'' '"'''"« *'^'fi<=''"''° "^ '»>« clergy. 
 3. That the cordial thanks of this «?rnn,i k» 
 lord Bishop, for the great abilitv Z ^ . "'' respectfully tendered to the 
 ness,both? thecl rgyand a fw U^wTT '''""''^' '^"'' '""^ P'^'"-" "i"'^- 
 this Synod._/«,rf. ^ ^' '"''^ ""^''^ ^° ^-^^ P'««'<J«d 0'" the deliberations of 
 adftd^-S^Jge 2'd ^f SXiC) **'A?rTol;'^. ^■"'"^P •'«'' -----'y 
 vo e was passed, (page 74.) and Z at the itgs on tsS^'i^^l.^'^'^ "^ ''™"" 
 148.) No vote on the subject is recorded in M,L m, •.,,,* f "*^ ^ameyear, (page 
 An address was, however presented 'o th ZZtlST^T 'S ^««3. -"'"'-1 
 Dfocese of Huron, (see Proceedings of 1859 Ses oj oV^^ ""? •-'"*"' ''^ *^« ""'^ 
 Diocese of Ontario in 1801, (pages 281 "83) in^H.l . ' ^'^ *"^ ""* '^ ''"^ t^e new 
 with the Bishop, in conne^tion^with Tri^Si" ColUe T' ^'"''\^°'^ or.ympathy 
 24. (pages285, 286). m .80, the folSg^el'^tCr Sni^s^ 
 of agi';itgt;t:r?aX'^^^^^^^^^ '"''''-' '' ''' ^-- «-^-- 
 Its members, in commoTwilh tZwlTn """'" '''''"' ""'' '"f«'=''°° -hich 
 who has so long pre^L o t he!, !„ ."^"''T'/f"'"" '"^ '''' '^""^'''^ I^-^'OP 
 which he has renSered its Chu ch T T1"' '^'=''"°^^-'g">«-t of the services 
 Session of 18G4, page 22. ^^ '' ^'^^Sihon.a episcopate [of 25 years]. 
 1 To Hon VJ^r ^'"'''^"''^"^ «/^''*««'^^ '« various parlies. 
 I. -loHon. J. H.Cameron .—IVoTE—Tr m«;« „., , . 
 Cameron by the Synod for his e^p'rHnn '•' '/'* "'^''^="~= w»« Presented to Mr, 
DIOCESE OF TORONTO, 1851-1864. ^g 
 2. To J. W. Oatnble, Esq, :_NoTK.-In 1860. « ,oto of tbanka to Mr. Gamble for 
 h.8 -eryioes in the legislature wai adopted, 87. 
 InlhTj^'T^'"" '"''"■"' *'"' ''^°"^' """"^'-y- '^«'»''""'-. Indies of Toronto 
 lunch, Cher, railway companies, &c., at tho close of each session. 
 XVHL Church Temporalifiei Act. 
 .0 .... ..,;.,..„. i„ „c.,a..o. ......ubT-'r,:: t;s 7z\i T" 
 f.l sJ'" "" '"'"°"""' " '"• ■'"""' '"i" ''" "• 11-"80J.-S...l.n of 1850, 
 ..1? :: "„■ Si'';; ".t's,:: ""f"""' "'"""^ •» i»- ™. of f»., 
 I8H PW 28 " '"""■ "' '*"""' ^"°f»"'l" A«._8..,lo. Of 
 J-AV. Mmml/or ,!«, Omjance of Ve,lr,j and Ea,ter *<■(,•„,,, 
 1. Ih.l > Commlllee be «pp.m(ed to compll, from Ih. Church T™por»liil,,AM 
 XX. Parochial and Diocesan Sfatigtics. 
 [XoTE. — In 18G1, a committee on « ParocMiI <?ioHo»;„„i n . „ , , 
 meut of which is not recorded in the mioS brSt ^^P^^ts," (the appoint- 
 wbich appears to have been adopted and .'iecoi„ded^ ^^'^ T '^'V''''^'''' 
 future guidance. "-See pages 302. 303 ]n 18^,' h! !■ "'^ "'''^^y ^'"' **>«'•■ 
 before the Synod, and the i'^llowing reso "t o„ ' '''V "'^^r^^"' "^T ^'■''"^">' 
 accordance with this resolution, the BIsl.oo isspe.l . J- f^i\ "'"' "^"P'^*^' I" 
 .opo„,,„,h.o,„.^i„,,,,u8o. 6v:s;;?cus^r£.<::i;7;.' 
 1. That it shall be the duty of every ioonmbenf nP «»„i « • u 
 incumbent, and the name or names of the lei tan 1 ni'""' """ "'''^ 
 ii t ™ . iMBiBiant minister or mmisiprq if nmr 
 he number of families, of individuals, the number of oommunicaTt n he pZ' 
 rol, the number added since last report, tho number who have died th number 
 r.nrr;;'', !°- .^_^: P-^«^; *^« --^^-who have ceased to L;:;:!-: 
 the average attendance ou divine worship i„ the morning, in the ev;r„g on ^S 
 t7u^:Z^^;;lr°T'T '"'' ''''" «'-^^. the „„.ber of visits paid 
 attcn-lanco since repo\t' numb? 'f T", " '"^ ^"'^''' ""'^ "'« •*^''™e« 
 firmed, what church J.d wh J nl "^ ' ''"'' *'"^ """^'^^'- ^^ f«"''^'«« «""- 
 frame brick/or one tlTethl, '","■' " "" P''"^" °^ '"'«^"'"' -'-'- '"K- 
 Of suc'h debt Tot e ■: ;:; '::^^ ^f -"o^. if i„ debt, the a.„o„,!; 
 since last report- 1st fl/c ^ / °"°* "^ '"'"''y raise.lin the parish 
 purposeofpaS"off tldeb onU "V"?'""^ ""' "^^'^"^"'^' -^■"'- ^^ *'- 
 same, 3rd, for tl^ poor of J " ' "" 'T* ""'^ Parsonage, and insurance of the 
 been iaken u ^u de^the ir ,r'?;, • '"^'^"'^ '°'- ''''"''' oo.lections have 
 for extra parLi a„d e ' JiJ-n ""'^'"^ ' ^th, for Synod dues; Gth. 
 property belonging to the r,arT«hT ^'"■^'"''' "'"^ ^'"'"'"' *''" deeds for the 
 deed's have been 7e Lot o'noT tZ"" T' '"" "'"'"^"' '''"' ^"^''^^ «-" 
 the Synod, and .hat'a c m.nine b' appointed t T'^'' '" ""' '^ ""' '"^'^'"^^ "^ 
 the Diocese, based unon tho nf y°'"^f *° '^'''^^^ "P * >-<"Port on the state of 
 that a com'miure b": led :T- 'Tor"d h-'f ^ ''''' ''''''''' "''''•''' ""'^ 
 printed and furnished to t^c cler J f H .n ' T "^ ''"' "^ '"^"- ^"'^^ *'-™ 
 Of 1862, pages 42, 43 ^ "''"' *" ^' ^"""^ "P "^ them.-Session 
 thJ^olI^ng^lsSS;^" p^^^^^^^ '°^"'™'^"°'' beingdeemed necessary. 
 - - - parishe -:=n ;;;^ S:^!!L;;:-r ;:^ - ^™^- 
 annuJ'::XS:inrJ^;j;^r «-«'— - the synod at its 
 reIolTion~o!."tifeu;}:er;«*;::d'';'| "'"" brought before thoSynod and the following 
 Thtd'ut;i; Z'2::zTv:j:^'fi r ^^°'=^^^° '"^'^^'^^^ ^^ -^'^p^'-t^^- 
 throughout the DiZ under th! T "" "" '''""'^ ''°«"'"-'^ obtained 
 statistical infornut on rVwo tie s7a?e"'r ''' ^'^'"^ '' ^"'^ ^'^"''^' -""^ 
 in the Diocese as it may dm td 2 ''^^'T'' "• ^'^ ^"""'^ °^ ^"^"--^ 
 presented annually to the Synoclin atl 1 . '"^^^^^tion, when compiled, to be 
 tionin the appendix to the m utes tI? ""' ,r'^'"'^''<' ^"-. ^^^ Pu^'Hca- 
 neoessarv blank forms of repol whth T"" '•'' ''"" '"^"'" ^^^ '^at the 
 resolutiou, be duly prepared a'd si/ .™"^^' "^"'"''^ '"'' ^'^'"g offect to this 
 ■y prepaied and sent out.-Session of 1864, page 31. 
 XXr. Un^orrruty in Printing Reports of Synod Proceedings. 
 .ie:;:; •::-'-::::: ----^^^^ to an .ere. 
 uui-umtncs 01 tiie (synod, uniformly with the 
nber of visits paid 
 Irish, the number 
 and the averiigo 
 loycd therein, the 
 of the school, the 
 I 2 as female,) the 
 Iron, the avcrnge 
 -f of females con- 
 sion, whether log, 
 debt, the amount 
 lised in the parish 
 ts; 2nd, for the 
 1 insurance of tiio 
 I collections have 
 Synod dues ; Cth, 
 the deeds for the 
 vnd wliether such 
 ' the Secretary of 
 rt on the state of 
 hial reports, and 
 form, have tliem 
 y them.— Session 
 eemed necessary, 
 to the Synod on 
 fpction or forma- 
 ige 17. 
 the Synod at its 
 ndtho following 
 OS be appointed, 
 uments obtained 
 his Synod, such 
 irch of England 
 compiled, to be 
 ■m, for publica- 
 Jer see that the 
 tg effect to this 
 II fui'aro ''ocre- 
 formly with the 
 : 65 
 '^'^'^Zs^U^X^^^^^ ^\ X ''" «'^'° ^" ^^'«^ *'- -P-' of the Pro- 
 be used. Similar '::^^:^^.!:^::7-^z 32^ ''' '''-' '- ''-'' 
 sa!;tiTnttlty:o^;raninsf't-"rn'°" ""' "''"°°^ ''-° ^--^ 'ho 
 collate from the offi ^1 mb^to l" ." '''^«--'-''•• ♦<> -ploy a person to 
 ye..r,acopyofearclrno ' ' , V T-T.' '" *'" ^'""^^'^ '"'""'"^ ^^^ this 
 with an index LlthaTa si- . ^"' '''° '"'^ ^'''''' ^"'«° ^^^S. 
 prepared and i^Ledrfuurin?/^"'"?''"*^^^ '" ^^'^'^ «"'='=-'^-S ^-r ^^ 
 Synod.-Session of 18cl plge 28 ' '""''' ""'^'" of Proceedings of the 
 betbi'urd^'rttrmmuir;::' '' v'"""-^ ^"^ "^"^""''"^' -•^^^ ^-p^^^. 
 printed in the appeVdr:rp:int:,rrre%::^^ ''''- -"^ 
 5. For the information of the members of tho "^vnn,! 
 synopsis of the whole of th«„nfin,^r,,. ^ ' " «"""""y statement or 
 daily printed nl of motion n, T ''''"' ''' "^""'^ ""^ P-"-'' '<> ^ho 
 up.l/A,rf. "°"°'' '" ^'^^ °"^«'' ^"^ ^^^°J^ i' i« proposed to take it 
 det'aiircl:c;XiTht;t7ffif;dr"'\f"-°' """'^ °^ "^^ ^"""- '^"*- -•^ 
 ized to employ an asstanrw?osew"'t",""^'°'"'°^^''^ '^^^ ''^ ''""^o- 
 recording and pi nfofLdaXl'f^^ ^''"'^^ ''"^"*^°" *« *!■« 
 s uu pnnnng ot the daily minutes and proceeding3._/4,(/. 
 XT//. Intemperance, and an Inelrmte Asylum. 
 meins'JfleL^rg'LTamoro^d' X ""^''^^ *"" "est subsidiary or au.illiary 
 inebriate, and Li^ re torn on solty "Ind'f '''''"V" ''"'-^--"°" ^^ "- 
 theSynod.-Sessionof 1858 pages 60. oi'. "' '' ''' next meeting of 
 2. That a petition be presented to the Legislature bv this q^n. j • , 
 establishment of an hosnital nr n=„i r^isiaiure by this Synod, praying for the 
 receive such tr atment af mav r«7 /J" '''"" '°''"'''*'^ ""^^ ^^ '"'"'^'^^^ «nd 
 and bodily condrrlsiron^ isS: ptg?!]! ^"'""^' ^"'^"^^ ^ "^'"'^ --«'' 
 thlX^tpIges SsTwS waJTdSt^rrS,""'' ^" ^^^^'^^^ -P-* on 
 lature praying for the establishmenro? an asv 'um f!n • '^r-P'''"'" '« *•>« ^"P'^' 
 amendments to the law, with a view t^rrfin .n,,V°t"'T' -^"'L-'^g-ting 
 subject was sulTered to remain in aboyanoo untiMsiia wi.„ -"^ "^^'^ ""■*^''- ^ho 
 up, and the following resolutions pasied .?] ' ^°" " """^ »Sain brought 
 6. That this Synod, through the lord Bishop of Toronto, shall memorialize the 
 co,n....on to inquire as to the best and .est e^tuTlTT 1 ZZLl 
 pies?;, S;"^' ""''"^'^ ^^"^""'P^'''" °^ alcoholic drinks.-Sea.tnor;S 
 motion w«s also made to the followlnreVor^./T P"/"" ^'^^ ^^ "^"^ "'^ ) A 
 |ion, withdrawn at the suggesti ro^^thSisI.on '''T' "f'«':«''°«id«':«'^'« di«cu«- 
 Synod. the pledge of total abstinence Lm all hu^^^^ "P""'"" ^^ th^'^ 
 with the requirements of the Church > 'To fhil^^^^^ " ""' '""""distent 
 following effect : "That this Svnnd fpM if ^".""^ ^n amendment was moved to the 
 of the Church, to d,L urage th'e rui-SuVl " !f^^"'^ '"'^"™^^'"' ''" '"'^y '"«•»*'- 
 manner, and to inculcate the practice of sobrietv nn '^P"'^"? '" ^"''y legitimate 
 principle and christian oblignVonT The or li/al mo^^^^^^^^^ 
 the amendment fell to the ground In 1S64 H?i ^L '"''""« ''^^" withdrawn, 
 the Synod, and the following rsolu Jo. ^<f,f the ^ubTeot^'w:/'''" brought before 
 practice of total abstinence from the use of fnf^vif;' r P^Po^^^J^ " That the 
 ordinary diet, hospiti.litv or luxury ^^ 111.!- *"'°^'«»""g '"luo", as an article of 
 it their duty to adopt te/peciau/kfaff^^^^^^^^^ '" bo commended in those who feel 
 resolution a^ ame„d''men't:^";:i:fe" tS w "^ f. S in S to^r^'V," '^ ^"^-^ 
 displeasure with which the Church rcatards the so.,1 /«.., • • "'V-'' ^^^ ^^*-^<^^^ 
 it is desirable that a canon should be na,L,? l^.h • •°^''"? '"'" "^ intemperance, 
 receive at holy communion, any one who sknoWnto'r^-'''' '"'W- 'V'''' '' 
 intemperance." To this amendment a sp°nn/„i '"""^ " '"« ""^ habitual 
 as follows :] ameuUment a second amendment was proposed and adopted, 
 to Ihe^'^biect 5"^'' *'""'' r' ''"'^"^ '''''' "^ -^"^ '^«'«"''« »««- in reference 
 suppression of intemperance.-Session of 1864, pages 24, 25. """^' '"' *'^' 
 .YXni. Ministration in Gaols and Reformatories. 
 wa^^aCnln"?.- • Pato 139-^' 171860 Sfo'lfr *'^ ^T'' ^''' "« ^--' -«- 
 Vi. agu loj.; la lauu the following resolution was passed •]„', .aid „ffi„ Uy. b..n f»U,l.d._3.„,„„ ,- ,86,, p^j, 2,5. °"" °' "" 
are victims of 
 ing from intera- 
 t and the future 
 om to appoint a 
 jf discouraging 
 lession of 1862, 
 ' the erection of 
 jf an inebriate 
 18 and 24) A 
 ideraole discuH- 
 piniou of this 
 lot inconsistent 
 18 moved to the 
 every member 
 very legitimate 
 es of christian 
 en withdrawn, 
 irought before 
 3d: "That the 
 IS an article of 
 those who feel 
 ith." To this 
 'k the extreme 
 y to refuse to 
 fe of habitual 
 1 and adopted, 
 n in refersnoe 
 of all proper 
 itively, for the 
 formal action 
 )assed :] 
 oommittee to 
 •e the minis- 
 tious in this 
 id before the 
 ;c8 190-192.) 
 le Provincial 
 that iustitu. 
 uties of the 
 DIOCESE OF TORONTO, 1851-1864. g? 
 3. That the report of the special committee at the last session of the Synod on 
 reformatory .nstUutions of the province, in so far as it conta.'ns, or may brsupled 
 to onta:n reflections on the Chaplain of the Provincial Penitentiary, be escinded 
 au.l erased from the records of (he Syao<l.-Ilu. -esomded, 
 ?xoiinm mmum, mm^ mt^ vfMm to mt mnmn at 
 ^^ ^ZJl Tt' T'^'^" ■^'" ""' raamjemcnt of th^ TemporaliHes of the Urited 
 ^^^^r^^land ana IreCana, .„ U.U ProHnee, and M oiUr ,1,1 S' 
 [Uoyal Assent promulgated 3rd December, 1841 1 
 the'ptvTcl'oJlf '"r on behalf of the United Church of England and Ireland,'in 
 LanaZe"'" ""^' '"'^^ P"'"^'"" ^'''''""- "^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ the intern 1 
 provision .houl! be ma Be t o^; c" acted'bit 'o 'T'''''' T' ^-'^ 
 Majesty, by and with the advice J^con en ^ihl^Tr' "r' "^T^ 
 A.sembly Of the Province of Upper C^ldrc^ itirand^^: ^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
 Dassineofthi, A./fK , \. authority of the same, that from and after the 
 said United Car' r" "', ''?'°" "' ''' ^''"''''''^^ "^ '^' Communion of the 
 8a.dU.uted Church of England and Ireland, now erected or hereafter to be erected 
 m the 8a,d Provnce, and of the church-yards and burying-grounds attach dor 
 be thereto, respectively, shnl, be in the Parson or other'lncumben thereof 
 r he t,me and that the possession therecf shall be in the Incumb t; 
 y wil rrirr ^"-«--'^«- *" b« ^PPo-ted as hereinafter is mlu 
 by wha ever title the same may now bo held, whether vested in trustees for the 
 use of the Church or whether the legal estate remains in the Crosby eson^f 
 no pa ent1,av>.g been .ssued. though set apart for the purpose of such church 
 church-yard or burying ground: Provided always, that nothing herein contained 
 shall extpnrl fn nffont fl.„ -;-i.*„ .k ., _, . * ucitiu i^uuiuiueu 
 I«„^»^ ] r , "' '''"^ °^'' Ciiui'oli, or body of Christians, to any 
 ir. Ana be It further onactod by the authority aforesaicl, that all pcw-holdcrs in 
 8uch churches, wliether holding the same by purchase or Io.ihc, and all persona 
 ho , sutmgs therein, by tho same being let to them by churchwardens, and 
 holding a ccrtilicato from the churchwardens of such sittings, shall form a vestry 
 for the purposes in this act montiouod and declared. 
 nr. And be it further enacted by tho authority aforesaid, that a meeting of such 
 vestry shall be holden on Monday in Easter week, in each and every yeir -fter 
 .luo notice thereof given during the Divine Service on tho morning of Easter 
 bunday, for tlie purpose of appointing churchwardens for the ensuing year- and 
 that at such meeting one churchwarden shall be nominated by the Incumbent of the 
 parsonage or rectory to which the said church belongs, and the other shall bo 
 elected by a majority of those present, and entitled to vote at .uch vestry meetiue 
 as aforesaid: Provided, nevertheless, that in case of auch Incumbent declining or 
 neglecting to nominate a churchwarden, then both of the said churchwardens shall 
 for the current year, be elected in the manner aforesaid; and in ease members of such 
 vestry shall neglect to elect a churchwarden, then both such churchwardens shall for 
 the current year, be nominated by the Incumbent: Provided always, that if from 
 any cause a vestry meeting shall not take place at tho time aforesaid, such appoint- 
 m-nt, of churchwardens may take place at any subsequent vestry meetiuK to bo 
 called .n manner hereinafter provided; and in case of the death or change of 
 residence ;to twenty-miles or more from any such churcl-,, of either of the^'said 
 churchwardens, a vestry meeting shall be thereupon called, for the elcct=on by tho 
 said vestry, of a new churchwarden, in case the one deceased or removed had been 
 elected by the vestry, or for tho nomination of a new church .rarden by tho 
 Incumbent, m case the one deceased or removed had been nominated by the 
 Incumbent, ^ 
 IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that no person shall be 
 eligible to the office of churchwarden, except members of the said church of tho full 
 age of twenty-one years, and who shall also be members of such a vestry. 
 v. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that such churchwardens 
 shall hold their office for ono year from the time of their appointment, or until the 
 election of their successors, except in case of an appointment or nomination to fill 
 up any vacancy occasioned by death or removal as aforesaid, and in such case the 
 person so appointed or nominated shall hold the said office until the next annual 
 VI. And bo it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that such churchwardens 
 so to be elected and appointed as aforesaid, shall, durinjr their term of office bo as 
 a corporation to represent tho interest of such church, and of the members thereof 
 and shall and may sue and be sued, answer and bo answered unto, in all manner of 
 suits and actions whatsoever, and may prosecute indictments, presentments and 
 other criminal proceedings, for and in respect of such churches and chiirchyards, 
 and all matters and things appertaining thereto, and shall and may. in conjunction 
 with the Rector or Incumbent, make and execute faculties or conveyances, or other 
 proper assurances in the law, to all pewholders holding tUoir pow- b" pi-rH.a-o or 
 leases to those holding the same by lease, and shall and may grant' cer'tificate; to 
 those who shall have rented sittings; suoh conveyances, leases and certificates, to 
pow-holdcrs in 
 nJ all persons 
 jliwanlens, and 
 II fos'Di a vestry 
 leeting of such 
 ery year, iiftcr 
 iiiiig of Easter 
 ling year ; and 
 cuinbent of tlio 
 other sliall bo 
 vestry nieetiug 
 it declining or 
 wardens ahall, 
 ambers of such 
 rdcns shall, for 
 I, that if from 
 such appoint- 
 meeting to be 
 or change of 
 ir of the said 
 lection, by the 
 ovod liad been 
 ardcn by the 
 iuated by the 
 eraon shall bo 
 rch of tlio full 
 t, or until the 
 lination to fill 
 such case the 
 e next annual 
 f office, be as 
 ibers thereof, 
 all manner of 
 ntments and 
 i conjunction 
 ces, (T other 
 pisrc.hase, or 
 icrtificates to 
 irtificatos, to 
 DIOCESE OF TORONTO, 1851-1864. ,;.j 
 bo given within a reasonable timo after demand male, and at the charge of tho 
 person applying for the same; and further, it shall be tho duty of suchci ur i 
 wardens from wne to, to sell, lease, and rent pews and sittings, uponsuch 
 terms as may be settled and appointed at vestry meetings to bo ho den for that 
 purpose as hereinafter provided; provided always, that any such 1 ,e s or 
 ren >ng. s a- be subject to such rent-chargo or other re.t, 'as may i^ll S o bo rated and assessed in respect thereof, at such vestry meetings 
 VlLAnd be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that in caso of the 
 absouto purchase of any pew in any such church as aforesaid, the sale shall be 
 construed as a freehold of inheritance not subject to forfeiture by el n"o of 
 e .dence or by d.scontinuing to frequent the same, and the same m..y be b„ 
 sold and „ss,gned to any purchaser thereof, being a member of theChurcrof 
 England ; and such purchaser, provided the same be duly assigned and con ey to 
 nm s all ho d the same with the same rights, and subject to'tho same dut s and 
 charges, as tho original purchaser thereof. 
 Vm. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that anv pew-holder 
 weter by purchase or lease, and any person renting a pew or sialng^lJlS 
 may during their rightful possession of such pew or sitting, have a riglf; of a "ion 
 against any person injuring the s,nne, or disturbing him or his f,^ ly in he 
 possession thereof. 'iminy in ine 
 IX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that such cburch- 
 wurdens, so to be appointed as aforesaid, shall yearly and every vear vi.n! f T 
 days after other Churchwardens shall be nomifiated'and'a;;7nSot Jrtl^ 
 deliver in to .such succeeding churchwardens a just, true and perfect ace un Ta 
 wrung, (f.irly entered in a book or books to be kept for that purpose. ZZTa 
 b, the churchwardens.) of all sums of money by them received, and of all sums 
 rated or assessed, or otherwise due and not received, and also of 1, goo c lateTs 
 and her property of such church or parish in their hands as such cl rcl'iw r „ ' 
 and of all moneys paid by such churchwardens so accounting, and of aT othe; 
 things concerning their said office, and shall also pay and delive over all .ms of 
 money goods, chattels and other things, which shall be in their b" s un such 
 a^ninisterthesame; J. tho'r ^l^'; Sl^ r^^X^;::^^ for such inspection, and in caso such churchwardens shall make deLltl 
 proceed agaiiLst them at law for such default, or to file a bill in t^u tv f!r di^,^^^^^^^^^^^ 
 "".I relief; and in case of the re-appci„t,nent of the same churchwa ien tl en sucT 
 of tho ..i.,„.,l,„„rclen8 th.fcof, to call a vestry meeting wheuevcc he or the .bai; 
 .estry „s af.,roHaul, nnd iu case, upon such wriUcn app)i,.tion b.h g ,.ade a., 
 aforcHauI, sue. ncumbcnt and churchwardens sh;)l ref... u. call .ucif ..ectin/ 
 then ouo wouk after such demand maJ„. it .hall bo In the pow.r of any six of suet 
 dT T" 1 : 7'"'^ ': "" ^'^ """ '^^ "°*''°« '° - ''^^-^ - t^« outer !bS 
 trJj^X "^"''''"'■'■^"'"- ^•'-^-■^ - '-- -- -ek previous to such 
 XI. And bo it further enacted by the authoHiv that in allve.^r. 
 Z'T ^''^."-"'-•-^"-■"b-'^of .l>all p.osi.Ic as chairman. „ 
 present, au.i „. ... absence, such person as tho majority present «t sue ..c.tiL 
 Bn.iU n,nn. ; ami ,i.o vestry clerk, when thero is or.o, and present, ..,- ia ca.o thero 
 be .. vos ry ,.,e,.k or he be ab.out. then such person as L shall name 
 ;'!;; ; " ■' ?"^ '' "'"'^ '""''''"^' '^^^ '^' proceedings of such vestry meeting 
 s all be u, ,v h.dc to bo kept for that purpose, and preserved in the custody 
 ofihe ohi'fPltv.artf(inH. vuoiuujr 
 XII. .And!, it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the rent-charge 
 to h-: vm upon po,v. h.ldea in freehold, and the rent to be paid for pews and, a, pews, leased or rented, shall be regulated frc.u time to time at such 
 vestry meonngs as aforesaid: provided, nevertheless, that no alterations shall be 
 made therem. except at vestry meetings, called for such snccial purpose, and so 
 expressed m tho notloo calling the same ; and further, that the charges to be made 
 in respect of such conveyance, leases and certificates, shall in like manner be reeu- 
 lated at such vestry meetings as aforesaid. 
 XIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the clerk of tho 
 church, the organist, tho vestry clerk, the sexton, and other subordinate servants 
 of the church, shall be nominated and appointed by the churchwardens for the time 
 being, and that their salary and wages shall be brought into the general account, to 
 be rendered as aforesaid by such churchwardens. 
 XIV. And bo it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the fees on 
 marriages, baptisms, services of the Church of the like nature, and the 
 charges payable on breaking the ground in the cemeteries or church-yards, and in 
 the said churches, for burying the dead, shall be regulated by the Ordinary, or in 
 o.ise there be no Ordinary, by the Bishop of the Diocese. 
 XV. And bo it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that it shall be in the 
 power ef the members of such vestries, at such vestry meetings as aforesaid, to 
 make such by-laws for the regulation of their proceedings, and the management of 
 the temporalities of tho church or parish in which they belong, so as the same may 
 not be repugnant to this Act, nor contrary to the canons of the ..lid United Church 
 of England and Iraland. 
 XVI. And be it further enacted by the authority afor.. ., hat any deed or 
 conveyance of ;n... or of personalty, that may be r '« to liishop of the said 
 Church, in the s. .ovinoe. and to hj,, sn^^o^ors i 'nwr-c-^ - ' • .^ 
 or for the genera , . of the said church, as such 5;. shop m.y appoint, or other- 
ti9 or thfj t:hali 
 L\y')U application 
 ■itubers of such 
 I bru g made an 
 I buch .Jieeting^, 
 any six of sucii 
 :he outer ohurch 
 previous to such 
 at in all vQi:itr 
 chairman when 
 It fluc': ..aceting 
 ■V in cayo tliero 
 nan shall name, 
 I vestry meeting 
 I in tlie custody 
 lie rent-charge 
 1 for pews and 
 ) time at such 
 ations shall be 
 lurpose, and so 
 ges to be made 
 anner be regu- 
 le clerk of the 
 linate servants 
 as for the time 
 ■al account, to 
 it the fees on 
 ature, and the 
 -yards, and in 
 Irdinary, or in 
 iball be in the 
 I aforesaid, to 
 anagement of 
 the same may 
 nited Church 
 t any deed or 
 p of the said 
 it of his Sec, 
 •iut, or other- 
 DIOCESE OF TORONTO, 1851-1864. 71 
 wise, or for the use of any particular church then erected, or thereafter to be 
 erected, or the endowment of a parsonage, rectory, or living, or for other us€i or 
 purposes appurtenant to such church in general, or to any particular church or 
 parish, to be named in such deed, and any such deed or conveyance, to any Parson 
 or Hector, or other Incumbent, and his successors, for the endowment of such 
 parsonage, rectory or living, or for other uses or purposes appurtenant thereto 
 shall be valid and effectual to the uses and purposes in such deed or vonveyano. to 
 be mentioned and set forth, the Acts of Parliament, commonly called the Statuta, 
 of Mortmain, or other acts, laws, or usnges, to the contrary thereof notwithstandinR • 
 provided always, that in order to the validity of such deeds and conveyances, the 
 same shall be made and executed six months at least before the death of tho person 
 conveying the same, and shall be registertd not later than six months after his 
 XVir. And be it further enacted by tho authority aforesaid, that in the arent of 
 any person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, desiring to erect and found a 
 church or cburches, and to endow the same with a sufficiency for the maintenance 
 of such church and of Divine Service therein, according to the rites of the said 
 Church of England and Ireland, it shall and may be lawful for him or them to do 
 80, upon procuring the license of tho Bishop, under his hand and seal, for that 
 purpose ; and thereupon, after the erection of a suitable church, and tho appro- 
 priation by the founder thereof of such church 30 erected, and of lands and 
 hereditaments, or other property, adequate to the maintenance thereof and of an 
 Incumbent, and adequate to the usual and ordinary charges attendant upon such 
 church, such provision being made to the satisfaction of the Bishop, such founder 
 his heir end assigns, being members of the said Church of England, or such body 
 politic or corporate, as the case may be, shall have the right of presentation to such 
 church, as an advowson in fee prcsentative, according to the rules and canons of 
 the said United Church of England and Ireland. 
 XVIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that nothing in this 
 act contained shall extend, or be construed to extend in any manner, to confer any 
 spiritual jurisdiction or ecclesiastical rights whatsoever upon any Bishop or Bishops ' 
 or other ecclesiastical person, of the said Church, in the said Province of Upper 
 Canada.— Pa^re 1087 of Revised Statutes of Upper Canada. 
 Tho Church Temporalities' Act, in its 16th section, makes valid any deed, devise 
 or conveyance of land, or of personalty that may bo made to any Bishop of the 
 United Church of England and Ireland in Upper Canada, and to his successors, for 
 any of tho following purposes : — 
 1 f'o*- the endowment of his See. 
 .u ^'. ^T *?' ^"""""^ "'°' °^ *^' ^'^'""'^ '"^ ^PP^'' Canada, as tho Bishop to whom 
 the deed shall bo given and his successors may appoint; or as may be appointed 
 otherwise in tho deed, (that is, for th9 general uses of the Church in Upper Canada ) 
 to be applied under suoh pnrtiuular dirootion ae may bo given ia the deed, luid nut 
 io the general discrotiou of thu Biahop. 
 8. For the uso of any partiouliir churoh (in Upper Canada,) erected at the time of 
 the deed being made ; and this, it is conceived, may by reasonable and proper con- 
 struction bo divided, as tlio preceding head, into two; namely, to bo applied towards 
 the support of that chjrcli in such manner an the Bishop, to wliom tho deed shall be 
 given, may direct; or to bo applied towards tho support of suoh church otherwise 
 than at the discretion of tho Bishop, and under such particular direction as may be 
 inserted in the deed. 
 4. For the use of any particular churoh to bo afterwarda erected in Upper Canada, 
 to be applied towards the support of such cliurch, as tho Bishop, to whom tho deed 
 shall bs given, and his successors, may direct; or to be applied towards the support 
 of such church otherwise than at tho discretion of the Bishop, and under such 
 particular diroclion as may be inserted in the deed. 
 5. For tho endowment of a parsonnge, rectory, or living, to bo applied (as it is 
 conceived) to that object, under the direction of the Bishop, unless other provisions 
 for tho appropriation of the rents and profits shall bo made in tho deed. 
 fi. For other uses or purposes appurtenant to the Churoh in Upper Canada; that 
 is, for sorao specified use or purpose, or uses or purposes pertaining to the Church 
 generally— the proceeds to bo applied in promoting that object, in the discotion of 
 the Bishop, unless other provision shall be mado in the deed. 
 7. For other uses or purposes appurtenant to any particular church (in Upper 
 Canada,) to be named in such deed ; that is, for some specified use or purpose, or 
 uses or purposes, pertaining to such particular church ; the proceeds to be applied 
 in promoting such uses or purposes, according to tho discretion of tho Bishop, to 
 whom the conveyance shall be made, unless other provisions shall bo made in the 
 8. For some use or purpose appurtenant to some particula.- parish (in Upper 
 Canada), which use or purpose should bo specified in the deed, and should bo some 
 use or purpose connected with the church in that parish ; the rents and profits to be 
 applied in promoting such uso or purpose in such manner as the Bishop, to whom the 
 deed is to be made, shall appoint, unless other provision shall be made ia the deed. 
 The same Act, in the same section, makes valid any deed or conveyance of laud, 
 or of personalty, that may be made to any Parson or Rector, or other Incumbent, 
 and his suocessors-— 
 1. For the endowment of such parsonage, rectory, or living. 
 9. For other uses or purposes appurtenant to suoh parsonage, rectory, or living, 
 (which uses or purposes are to be expressed in the deed, or may be left to the 
 discretion of the Incumbent, or left to bo pointed out and promoted through the 
 agency of some third party, as may be directed in tho deed.) 
 [NoTJi. — In order to the validity of deeds and bequests, the same must be made 
 wad ttxeouled ais. months at least before the death or the grantor or Uuvisur, and 
 must be registered not later than six months after his decease. — Synod of Ontario, 
 Stjsion of lB62,paffes 26, 27.] 
) deed, uuil nut 
 An Act to enahic Mcmhers of the VnU.ul /7 7 . 
 ^'^luml, m Canada, to meet in i,^j,nod. 
 »"" Ireland, i„ this I'rovinco ,1 , " "' ''"' ''"""^ ^''""•'=h of Eng, „d 
 c'-c, iu matters ..Cat ; ^TV^j::'' ''/ "'^'^'""^ '^•^ "«-" Of S 
 government, ana it b just that such Tk' u""*^ ""'''''"'^ *" «'■<'<"• and .ood 
 by other religion., eommuni.Ie., ; tie "L f a f^'^-^"^"'-'"""'* that are enjoyed 
 consent oftho Legislative ^onj'':::^^^^^'^;^ 'T "' ^'"' '"""''-« ^^ 
 I- The IJishops. Clergy, and Laitv ™ x ""''*' *'"""» «» follows • 
 -^» I.-eh.nd, in thi„ i'rovi;eeL';^;eT •:;,"•'' ''" '^"""'^ ^"-^ "^ ^ ^'-d 
 "r mny be hereafter constitntod in tT fp " '"""' ^''""'^''^ ^^ioh are now 
 I-ooeding. as they «,..„ adopt nriT;!;; "!" '" ^""'^ ™-ner and by S 
 enrorcu,g.,i«eip,inei„theChureh fo ,e ann . "' and xnako regulations for 
 ">movaI of any per,on bearing i.e .J'""""' '^P''^"'""' deprivation, or 
 "ghtsof the Crown to ,ho co!urarrn i'"' "^ ^'^^''''* '''^'^ ^^ «Jegree ^ny 
 0-I.Tly n,anngo™ent of the p. on /a^'''''^'^'''^' "^"^^ '- '"0 convent TZ 
 'e'«tingto, and aflecting iT lo' LTX"*' '"'""'^ °^ '''•' ^h .reU in n,utte« 
 of other robg.ous communities or of n„v "«''*'' f^vileges, or interest, 
 -ember, of the .aid United Chu h f L^T T ''"""^ "<" ^-^'"6 "^ -ember 0, 
 «"ch eons.itutions and regulat ols , i f I'?"' ["''^""^ = Provided always, tba 
 "•lopting the .sanvo. "'""' '^PP'^ ""'j to the Dioaese or iioZZ 
 If. The Uishops, Clerffv nn,^ r •. 
 -.1 rroland, in tL; Provit ," 1 ^l^ rT °';"" ""'"'-^ ^"-- "^ England 
 by such representatives as \ij ^cdo ?' ^'^^"""''^ ^'""" ^^is Province 
 aever .1, ,,,, ,, such ol. ^'l^rj^f^;-' <^-'-ed by them i:! 
 vlZL ''"''"^' ■"""■^gon.ent and good "f, '"7 '* ^""■^"'""'>'> -^nd regula- 
 Province: provided always that noH ■ '^'^'-"""0''t of the said Chureh !» «k 
 of Ju„p ■ ,«rr ^""'-'"''"•'y the Uovernor-Qone;a o! T^ f ' ''"•'•'^*^'« P'^^^^^re 
 of June J856, and subsequently assented to, ^''"''''^'^y the Nineteenth day 
 ^-".bearing date the Twenty-^ighTh:,;;^;;4^,E^'-'^«^ - the a.J^ 
 '■ ^- ^^^"^«' ^^-^« ^7^>/<..V. Council. 
 AnAci^ to explain and amend the Act intituled, "An Act to IJnalle the 
 Members of the United Chua-ch oj Ungland and Ireland, in Canada, 
 to meet in Synod.'"' 
 [22 Vic, rlmp. 139; AMcntcd to tCtli 6f An;?u4, WM. \ 
 Whereti"! doubts exist whether in the Act passed in the nineteenth mid twentieth 
 years of Her Majesty's reign, intitiiVl ' (Vet to enable the ..lemborH of the 
 United Church of England nvv' ..UttuJ, »u (Jmadiv, 'o mcot in Synod," Hufnoiciit 
 provision la made for the represc ntation of the Lriity of tlio United Cliurcli of 
 England and Ireland in the Synods by the said act aiithorizcd to be held, and it is 
 expedient that sui^h doubts should be removed : therefore, Her Mnjesty, by and 
 with the advice aud consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, 
 enacts as follows : 
 _ 1. For all the purposes of the aforesaid act, the Laity shall meet by representa- 
 tion ; and until it shall be otherwise determined by the Synod in each Diocese, one 
 or more delegates (not exooL-ding three in any case) may bo elected at the annuiil 
 Easter meetings m each Parish, Mission, or Cure within the Diocese, or in oases 
 where there may be more than one congregation in any Parish, Mission or Cure, 
 then in each such congregation, or at meetings to be specially called for the purpose 
 by each Clergyman having a separate Tiiro of souls ; and all laymen within such 
 Parish, Mission, or Cure, or belonging to such congregation, of the luli age <>f 
 tweniy-one years, who shall declare themselves in writing, at fucIi meetings to bo 
 members of th.; United Church of England and Ireland, and to belong to no other 
 religious denomination, shnM ha\ the right of voting at such 'ection. Each 
 delegate shall receive from i.e chairman of the meeting a certifici'^' i his eltotion 
 which he shall produce when called upon so to do at the Synod ; and tlu' lirst 
 meeting of such Synod shall be called by the Bishop of the Diocese, at such time and 
 place • s he shall think fit; prd uled always, that no business shall be transacted by 
 the Synod of any Diocese unless at least one-fourth of the Clergy of such Diocese 
 shall be pi jsent, and at least one-fourth of the congregations within the same be 
 represented by at least one delegate. 
 2. All proceedings heretofore had in any Diocese under the afore- id act which 
 have been conformable to tl.. provisions of this act, shall be held to b. valid, as if 
 the same had taken plar after the passing of this aai.—Page 734 of Slalulea of 1868 
 [Note. — ' Act I 'ncorpora 
 'ho Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto* 
 f^y.^m^''^®'"^ *° December, 1843, and received Her Majesty's ossont ii. June. 
 1844, 7 Vict., ch. 68.] 
 fNoTE.— The A?n vesting the riglit of Presentation to Rectories in the Church 
 Society, or other body politic, was passed in August, l"!)!, ond received Her 
 Majesty's assent in May,— June, 1852. l 
 [Note.— The Act confirmi 
 between the Church Societii 
 certain Church Lan Is in the 
 md legalizing a certain agreement entered Into 
 the 'ioceses of Toronto and Huron, relating to 
 ese . i fiiron, was passed in 1801, and rccx-ived the 
 Royal assent on the 8th of May of that year Page 36(3 of S'rtiutes 0/I86I.] 
 [Note.— The Act to amend the laws relating to the Solemnizntjr.., of M.atrimor.v 
 in Upper Canada, was passed in lii57, and received the Royal assent the lOth of 
 June of that year.— Page 345 of the Statutes of that year, and page 787 of the 
 Consolidated Statutes of Upper Canada. In regard to mnrriagc returns in Upper 
 Canada, see page 414 of th« Consolidated Statutes of Canada.] 
 Act to A'nalle the 
 eland, in Canada, 
 liUlibf A\i!;uHt, IK.'iS. I 
 !onth mill twentieth 
 the ..leiiibi'r.s of the 
 II Syuod," Huilioiciit 
 United Ciiurcii of 
 to bo liclJ, ftnd it is 
 Icr Mnjcsty, tiy and 
 sscrably of Canada, 
 meet by rcprosonta- 
 iii oftoh Diocese, one 
 sctcd nt tlio (innuril 
 DiocPRo, or in onses 
 h, Mission or Cure, 
 illcd for tlio pur[io80 
 laymen within such 
 , of tho lull iigo of 
 ^ucli mcetinfts. to bo 
 belong to no other 
 ich 'eotion. Each 
 cri'; (1 his election, 
 ynod ; and the (irst 
 ;se, at such time and 
 lall be transacted by 
 pgy of such iiic.ceso 
 within the same be 
 aforps 11 net, which 
 eld to bi valid, as if 
 Dioct'.'-n of Toronto 
 ty's assent ii. Junoi 
 )N ACT. 
 oiies in the Church 
 and received Her 
 sement entered Into 
 Huron, relating to 
 01, and received tbo 
 to 0/1861.] 
 tion of IVIatrimon'/ 
 assent the ]Oth of 
 id page 787 of the 
 ;c returns in Upper 
 TO THE roREaoiNa sDMMAnY or 
 . PAQ«. 
 Acts Of Tarliament relating to the 
 Church 'u' England and Ireland 
 Addresses to the Synod : 
 To the Queen gj 
 To tho Prince of Wales ' 61 
 To the Governor General and 
 Legislature (52 
 Addresses from the Bishop to Synod 
 always in order 27 
 nirnment of Synod, rule for the... 28 
 mative voting in the Synod 29 
 Amendments, rule regarding „ 28 
 Articles and Formularies of the 
 Church ,„ 
 Aasessment of Vacant Parishes ........ 48 
 Asylum, Inebriate 55 
 Auditors of Synod accounts .... 
 Ballot boxes for election of Delegates 
 to Provncial Syud.I 
 Bishop's Court for the trial of oflFen- 
 Bishop;m;d;';f;;;;u;;:::::..;:;:;'^' 3' ^ ^'-"'-'' ^"''^'^ "' *'^° ^^^^'^ 
 Bishop elect to resign preferment, &o. 
 Bishops of British North America, 
 declaration of 
 Bishops of Canada, declaration 
 Bishop of Toronto, thanks to 
 Boundaries of Parishes settlement of. 
 Candidates for the Ministry le, C4 
 Canons on Ecclesiastical law 13,' 50 
 Catechists and Lay Readers '55 
 Cathedral Church of St. James endow- 
 Cathedral Choral Services at Synod 
 meeting i,- 
 Certificates of Lay Delegates 23 20 
 Certificate of Church membership on 
 Chairman of Synod Committees 
 Chairman of Easter Meetings 
 Christmas offertory for Clergymen... 
 Choral Services at Synod meetings... 
 Church Property, management of.. .39, 48 
 Churches and Parsonasps. erection of 40 
 Church member; ' p, whaUonstitutes 12 
 Church Society of the Dio;, . : . 24, 27 74 
 Church Society, Property ' 
 vested in gg 
 Church : see India, Unity, Lay IMegate. 
 Clergy Trust Commutation Fund.43, 46, 47 
 Clerical members of the Synod 22 
 Cokiiso heresy condemned 59 
 Collections for Church Society 41 
 Collego. TTniversity of Trinity... 10, 49, 55 
 Committees of Synod 30 
 Communion, Rubric at tho Holy 14 
 Communion to members of Synod... 20 
 Comraunioants, Lny Uelegates must b* 
 Commutation Fund, Clergy Trust 
 40, 47. 
 Convener of Committoo Meetings... 30 
 Constitution of tlio SynoJ, 22; how 
 it may bo altered oq ;;q 
 Continuous meeting of Synod 27 
 Court of Discipline, Bisiiop'a 18, C8 
 Cronyn, Rov. Dr., elected Ui.Lop ' 8 
 Daily printed notices of motion 27 
 Deacons, order of jg 55 
 Declnration of liritish North American ' 
 Bishops ■,■! 
 Declaration of Canadian Bishopa 17 
 Declaration of Toronto Synod J9 
 Declaration in Canada, Oxford 69 
 Deeds, Registration of Ciiurch Prop. 
 .39, 40 
 Election of Delegates to Provincial 
 Synod 2j 
 Endowments, Division of Parochial... 48 
 Endowment of See ,^3 
 Essays and Reviews condemned 69 
 Evening Meeting of Synod .' 27 
 Executive Committee 20, 29 30 82 
 Expenses to Provincial Synod ....', . ' 82 
 Finance Committee of Synod 20 30 
 First Day's Proceedings, order of 26 
 Formularies and Articles ' 13 
 Free Churches, Vestries for .".'.".'."' 35 
 Fund, Clergy Trust Commutation!..' 43 
 40, 47. 
 Fund, Church Society Mission 43 
 Fund, Sustcntation of Clergy ...39"43, 44 
 Fun.I, Widow and Orphans' .'.39,' 44 
 Delegates, raodeof election of Lny... 28 
 Delegates to Provincial Synod, elec- 
 /'"""f 31 1 Gaols and Reformatories, ministra 
 Diaconate, revival of _, 55 | tions in 
 Discipline, Bishop's Court of 18, 38 I Governor General, Addresses to"!."."..' r>» 
 Discipline Act, Church sg 
 Dignitary ifelected to head Provincial ^^" 
 ^.^^"°*^ "■'" 82 Himst, Thanksgiving at Seed Time 
 Diocese of Huron 8,11,00 and ^'"•<' T,me 
 Diocese of Ontario 9, 11. 01 Heresies, Colenso and similar!.".;"" 59 
 Diocese of Toronto, extent of 53 Huron Diocese 8 ll"ro 7i 
 Diocese, division of the a4 Hymn and Psalm Book"Z'..„'.....',l4,' 61 
 Incorporation of Synod 41 
 Indexof Minutes of Synod !.'!!. 30 
 India, Address to Church in...!.".'!!!!"* CO 
 Indian Church Missions ..!!.'." 24 
 Inebriate Asylum, petitions for.!!,'!.*!." 66 
 Insurance on Church Property 39 
 Intemperance, petitions against.!!!.!* G6 
 Discrepancies in the celebration of 
 Divine Service gg 
 Division of Parishes !! qq 
 Doctrinal Standards 13 "i& 20 
 Donations and legacies to the Church ' 
 Society ^3 
 Easter Meetings, Chairman of oq 
 Ecclcsiasfcal Law, Canons on 13, 60 Intercommunion with other Reformed 
 Education, 15, University ..49 --=- ' - "• i^e'ormed 
 (See Tnnily College and Separate slLnh ^ 
 Election of Lay Delegates. 
 Episcopal Churches 15 
 Lay Co-operation, Report 
 to Proviuoiftl 
 )f IVncliiiil.,. 48 
 I'loinncd {,',) 
 O'l 27 
 -'«, 29, 30. 82 
 Synod 82 
 ynod 26, 30 
 order of 26 
 's 13 
 for 85 
 mmutntlon... 4,'J 
 ission 43 
 'orgy ...39, 43, 44 
 "3' 39, 44 
 i, ministra- 
 ses to rj2 
 Sood Time 
 lilar 59 
 -. fi, 11,00, 74 
 a CO 
 for 66 
 rty 39 
 linst 65 
 I-ay Delegates, Election of . ... 2S I p • u 
 Lay Delegates subBoriptiou to CLuroh v u'\ ''''''''°° """^ boundaries of. 
 «°«i«»X 24 p^"" *"J°''raent8, division of 
 W R«ade,8 and Catcobists... .".' tl 1"""'^^' "'"^ ('•'"'■ches, erection o 
 U^Wm to Church Society To '"^ Associations of Church So 
 . 62 
 . 10 
 erection of 40 
 I<egiHlHturo, memoriala to 
 I-^wis. Kev. Dr.. elccled Bishop 
 Woranos, Diocesan and Parish 
 cicty , 
 Parochial Statistics re.,uired 
 - -. --"«au ana i'arish ir p'"^"'' '""'' ^'''"^ Ouidnnoe ...'.".'.".'.'.'ig 21 
 Libraries, Sunday School.... ro .VT"" ''*''""'""«'«'"°g «f Synod... 'or, 
 Wd-sDoy observance .Hi''.""*"''-''" °f Synod. ;,.<, r«« 25,28 09 
 ^^ ^""^o of Wal««, address to .. 9 7, 
 M. Panting of Synod R ' 
 Manual Vestry . 
 ~o — 14 74 u " — -'J"""! uruer of... 
 Meetings of Syned. 1851-1864 7 ;X'°P''8''"»'' "f the Gospel Society.... 
 Meetin„»-^f o.._., . * '• 11 Property of tI.nnK.,..u ' 
 . 26 
 9, 12 
 Meetings of Synod, order of Proceed 
 Metropolitan of Cana'dal"."."." 
 Ministry, Candidates for the 
 Missions, Diocesan Board of ...^.'.'.'.sg H 
 Missions, Indian Church . ' !, 
 Missionaries, Stipends of .' !; 
 Motions, Notices of, in Synod 07 
 Motions in Synod to be in writing": 28 
 Morn.ngServices,Bi«hopmayshorL 13 
 Music and Psalmody, Church 14 - 
 Mutiny in India, condolence 
 Nntal, Bishop of, heresy of 
 Negative voting in Synod 
 Notices of motions in 
 Printing of Synod Reports . 
 Pnvy Council decision in re. Wiilia'ms 
 Proceeding., of the .Synod, order 
 Propagation of the Gospel Societ,... 
 I '^7;;'^^;f'''« Church, management 
 Protest not^dmis;;;';; ;;■•;;„•;•;;•;'"' f 
 Provincial Synod, Delegate, to 27 81 
 I'salma and Hymns J^' ^J 
 Qualifications of voters for Lay Dele- 
 Quarterly CoUe^'tions f^^'^b^chu^u ^^ 
 Queen, Addresses to the.'!."." 34 n 
 Queen's Supremacy """i8""io'fin 
 Questions of Order ' ^^' f,^^ 
 Quorum of the Synod 
 Offences, Court for trial of 
 Offertory. Christmas, for Clergy 
 Offertory, uniformity at 
 Ontario, Diocese of 
 Order of Proceedings at Synod""." 
 Order, Rules for preservation of. 28 
 Orders of Synod, concurrenceofth;;"; 26 
 Orphans and Widows' Fund . Vo 44 
 Oxford Declaration in Canada.::::::. '59 
 .. 14 
 .. 26 
 Synod"::. tr J'°*°"««' Presentation to 
 ^^Reformatories and Gaols, ministra: 
 O. I tions m 
 Registers. Parish 
 Registration of Deed8'"'o'f ""churc"!! 
 Registration of p'arish"bo;„d";;;;;".. ' gj 
 Repairs of Churches and Parsonages. 89 
 Reports to Synod to be in writing... 30 
 Reports to Diocesan Synod 23,40 62 
 Reviews and Essays condemned .. ' 50 
 Right of the Church to meet in Syno'd 
 ij_ oi.„!nesa, uruerof JSynod..., 
 Parishes, assessment of, and appoint- 
 ment to... 
 48 I 
 Scrutineers at election of Delegate 
 to Provincial Synod. , ..„ 
 Secretaries of the Synod...?, 11, 24, 25-27 
 Seed Time and Harvest Thanksgiving 64 
 Sep.arate Schools, Church of England 10 
 15, 66. 
 Sermon before the Synod 26 
 Society, Church, of the Diocese 39, 41 
 Statistics, Parochial 53 
 Statistical Summary of Synod Meet- 
 Statutes effecting the Church of Eng- 
 land and Ireland, Toronto Diocese 
 Stipends of Missionaries 
 Students at Trinity College 54 
 "ubstitutes to Provincial Synod 32 
 Sunday Schools, Diocesan 10, 16, 52 
 Sunday (see Lord's Day) ' 64 
 Sustcntiition Fund 16, 39, 43, 44 
 Synod, Meetings of, 1851-1804 11 
 Synod first organized 33 
 Synod, Right of the Church to meet 
 loronto Diocese of, extent of.. 3.5 
 Treasurers of the Syjiod 7, H, 24-21 
 Trinity College University 10,' 49, 65 
 Triennial Visitation of the Bishop.!. 32,' 33 
 I Trust Fund, Clergy Commutation '43 
 Trusts, Church Property 43 
 Trusts authorized by Temporalities' 
 ^"^ , 71 
 Unfinished business of Synod 27 
 Union of Synod and Church Society.. 41 
 Unity of the Church jg 20 
 University of Trinity Collegj. ...10," 49,' 65 
 University Education iu Upper Cana- ' 
 '^'^ 16,49 
 Synod, annual meeting of 25 
 Synod dues payable by parishes 24 
 Synod, Incorporation of 41 
 Synodical Action, subjects for 18 20 
 Taxes on Church Property , 89 
 Thanks to Bishop of Toronto 62 
 Thanks to other Persons 62 
 Thanks to Secretary of Synod 03 
 Temporalities, Act, Church 67 
 Vacant Parishes, assessmcjit of 43 
 Vestries for Free Churches 35 
 Vestry Manual Committee 30 
 Votes by Parishes at Synod 28 
 Votes of Clergy and Laity 28 
 Voters at Easter Meetings 23 
 Voting at the Synod, mode of 29 
 Widows and Orphans' Fund 39 44 
 Worship, Discrepancies in the mode 
 of celebrating Divine 55 
 Writing, Motions and Reports to the 
 Synod to be in 28 30 
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