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Loraqua la document est trop grand pour Atre raproduit an un saul ciichA, il est film* A partir da Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et da haut an baa, mn prenant ia nombre d'imagaa niceaaaira. ilea diagrammas suivants iiluatrant la mithoda. 1 2 3 » 5 6 MiCROcor; resolution test chart (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) Ui |2.8 1^ "M 1^ l£ ■f 1^ ■^•° tUlAU. il.8 A .IPPLIED IIVHGE In c ^i 1653 Eosl Moin Slfecl TS Rochester, New York 14609 USA ^— ('16) 482 - 0300 -Phone ^S (716) 288 - 5989 • Fox from the Ottawa "Free PreM^," SatnrJnu, Jannari/ tOlh, 1891. A Royal Proolamation ABKID FOB ON BEHALF OK UOHKLKSS AND DgSTirOTB RUSSIAN JEWS. Elltor Fbek Pams :— Th» following let- ter! ptiat out clearly the twe metb rsjenlUI and •biolalely Indlipeniable rtquireraenti o! the pre sent »ge; whioh are now In "falbb and nape "anbDilttiid to theierloue osnilder- atlen ef the grett pabllo, ai well ai te (hat st the reoogiilzid repreaenlabivci and ruleri ef the people whoie earnetc atteniisn might other«(l<e never b3 called te tnoh lubjooti, however Inportant er a'geut they may be. HENRr Wbntworth Monk, To Lord Sillebmy, London, England : (Ehe enoloied letter te the Queen Is eent to Lerd SalUbnry, that he m>y realfz > at enoe whati* very reaionably expected ef the fere- m»it Empire ei the world In thia advanced period of the werld'i hiatory. le the Prime mlnla'er ot Englmd ( and the Brltlth people geEerally) waiting for the Chlreae to take the iaitiauve In fivor ef the aDlveraal righteona (overamentwhlabh»B new become in abiolately eiceiitial to thnfatnre 9(cutUy and welfare of all nsttloni ? Or matt we wait for a deaUra*)nn of war between Gr<at Britain and the Ualted Statea of ^meiloa on accaunt ef aeme difftrenoe of opinion aa to the ownereblp ef a few eealaktna ? Or, moat anarchy and a "lelgn ol terror" pre- vail over the whole ear.h, before the great- 08^, wealthiest a-id moat advacoad and pro- _grateiva tnplre ever kaewn, will begin to iffiah'llrlJ'' >■ t'lmo to adve«ato the r«lgn ei lltiraiitii^lttlMK*''^ "r<i«r ever the whole ti In "tbu ._._ that ef eur \ _ __ even a jpeara to he prephe gierleni ' Victory which „.„ . _^, oert»in'y crown tho tffjtta of the Queen and people »f the BiMah empire, whenever they ahall begin to act as ihongh they were reilly In earneet «h!n ut.erlag the lupreme pttl- titlon In "1 he Lord's P/aytr,' "Xhy King- dom Ceme"— Faitihfnily yonre, HiiNKY Westworth Monk. Ottawa, Caned I, 8th Jan '91. (To Her Mjesty, theQiean el Oreat Britain and Irilatid, &o. The enolosid extract fro-n the Ojtawa Frkk Press may 6er?e (o eip'ala to the Queen, In p rh»ps the fewest possible words, How the Jew'sh people happen ptov- Ideut.aly to be (aa io were) ha ktyatone of the grand arch, which the na ioni ef Chii t- eodom mnat now form to sus ain the mez- nlfioent edifice of the "Kicglom of God" upon earth; wbloh the present oondlliou of Carlsbtn <om no V renders ao absolntely ia- dlapensab'e fer ihe future securlly and welfare of ths whole werld. Hhe Queen knows well what Invaluable benefit) Chriitendm has alrcafj ly means cf the Jewlal. peoi Chrlat <kad the apjsllea being i thousands of the eullsat Chr'lati Jewi a!ao, whe with tho utmost, freely siotiBoed th as wo 1 as all their e»rihy pc that (hey might aid eCTdotually In log ChrlatUnlty thranghout th( world. It Is evident eneugh thtl tho perdatent dbrtsef those ear tl«ns of the Jewish race, all thegrei ef the earth would certainly still b( n»'.lon>, luatead ol btiog such uim; enlightened and rapidly progreaal tian rations as they are at present. Shtli the great natlona 'f Chr prove to be a» utterly destilube of of gratitu U to Gjd, or justice te r make no > ff rt whatever bow I the Jewiih race for the great benefit received at their hande ? Why ahou 8 iverelga of the feremott empire □] DOW canae a royal prooUmatlon to a«lllag uf 01 Btl lah auV jots evary favor as much as poasll Ic the restoi the homi 1 -aa aud destitute Jewish p " the land if their fathers? " and to nte fredy and liberellyef their ah fer thia pnrpeae; that ihey may ha erportunlty to actala to the hii;beat tien of which they ate capall ; th country may soon become e the fittest leoatien upon earth supreme iiteroatfoual tilbunal whi heuoeforbh leave the nations ueithe; ner occailon for war. Beiij*min D'l.raoll, late Prime mli EBgland, and hundreds ef ethers Jewish raoe, prove oonoluslvel] Tkloabla Jewish people may beoom faverabla clroamataitoi s. ■ 'nai hla^faM'TI j^ , <»«BnwillliB Husila In pa fer the prcs: nb oendltloii ef the Jc natloBS ef Obrtsteodnm generally h» Mason to thank Rui«l» tor allow! Billions, of jjtws a refuge In ihat i **"'" - — ' **-' the tlmeJite at hst , ive for se much betl , .. , „ ^ themielvea and others e »,<'*»^W^' their fathers." Shm ™lm,«;MpKign and pio^le new I thtfffilTvir^ln earnett In the Imt rcstor atlen ef Israel, all the other Ea natlene, as well as the United St America, wenid denbtlets scun gladl forward the grand and hnmine mo^ ro mauifettly fer the future bentfit whole werld. (The clergy of the vailoas denemic can (eitify that the divinely icsplredwi declare therettcra'.un el Israel to be the most esiential matters i i oonncctto "(hiKlnglomof God"aioioartb, for allChiiitendem Is inppoiedto bed^ily log. Tho present oondlllon and olrcnmsl ef the Jewish people alao proolalm I and distinctly, that the time for their r atUn has at- last arrived; fer huudre thouBinds of them are now exposed to Inte starvation destitution and mhe RaiHla, while no other na'lon upon eai wllliig to receive them In their present ,.Jp»'i8n« e' ^w« 'mm now, Wtb i^pen tbwmay 11? ibne <!>eWb)r thee 'AfWM' Otlaicrt "Frte PreM," Saturday, Janiiurij JOlfi, IHUt. Eloyal Froolamatlon ON BXHALr OF UOMKUI.Sjl AND (8TIT0TR RUSSIAN JRWS. BRK Pbe-!B :— Th» following let- ludoUarly the tw« meit rasanil*! ely indUpeoiable requlrementi of »ge; whtoh are now la "faith lubmlctud te theterloni osntlder- grett pabllo, ea well mi to that '>fz)<) r«{>reaenlatlvei and ruleri e whole earDem attsni ion might Bver bj called te inoh lubjuoti, portant er a'gsut they may be. Hknrt Wkntworth Monk. Iibaiy, London. Englacd : lad letter te the Qaeen li lent to iry, that he may reaUz > at enoe reaionably expected ef the fere- 9 el the world In thd advanoed the werld'e blitory. la the 'er o\ Gnglund ( and the Britlth ally) waiting 'or the Chlreie to tlaiilve In f »vor ef the nnlveraal verament whiub huB new become ' eateiitlal to thnfatore stcutity of all natloDB? Or maat we solaraMon of war between Gnat the Ualted State) of ^metioa I aeme diffrrenoe of opinion ai ehip ef a few lealaktna ? Or, J and a "lelgn ol terror" pre- whflle ear.h, before the great- lb a<id moat advacoed and pro- Ire erer kaewn, nill begta to la time to adveoato the reign ef (jjgC^ard order ever I he whole lilMMlriBtel^ "aMroy and may b« eae^it ;e he proj stoBY wbloh mil.. rn tba (ffjrta of the Queen and Bii:il8h empire, whenever they ait ai ihoogh they ware rejtily ^nui.erifig the inpreme petl- Lird'a Prayer. ' "Xhy Klng- Faithfnlly yonra, Iknky Wjsntworth Monk, itd>, 8th Jan '91. ;y, the Q aean ol Oreat Britain d, &o. d extraot Uo-n the Ojfawa nay ser^e (o etp'ain to the rhtpa the feweat posible e Jew.'ah people happen prov- B (as in were) <he kcyatone of . which the na ioni ef Chii t> low form to lua ain the ma^' of the "KiDglom of God" lioh the preieut oondliiou of IV renders 10 abiolntely la- r ihe futnre asourily and whole world. nowa well what invalnable benefiti Chrlitendm bai alroa'fy reoolvad ly meani tf I ha Jewlal. people— Jems Chrlat 'ind the ap^allei being Jewi, and thousand! of the euUeat Chrlitlani being Jewi a!io, whe with tho utmoit zeal and esrneatn«,ia, freely iiotiQaed their live*, aa we 1 ii all their etrih'y poiieisl(n<, that they might aid eCootually In eitabllih- Ing ChrlatUnlty thrsogheub the known world. It la evident eneugh thtt, bnt fer the periiitent ifbrtief thoie early Chrli- tiani of the Jewish rioe, all the great natlocs ef the earth would certainly atill be heathen niktion', Initead ef btiog auoh 09mp»ratlvely enlightened and rapidly progreaalva CUrli- tiaa ritioni as they are at prraent. Shtli the great natlona <l Chrla'endem prove to beiauHerly deitliubeof al lecie of gratitu U to God, or jaatloe te r ., aa to make no • fT rb whatever now l iipenae the Jewiih race for the great beueflti> already received at their hande ? Why ahouHn't the S iverelga of the feremoat empire opsn earth DOW oanae a royal prooUmatlon to be mad", o«lllagn]rot Bti lab saVj'Ots ev«rywheie to favor aa mach ai poaall Ic the reateratkn ef the homi 1 'aa and daatltate Jew lab poople to " the land t f their fathen ? " and to coaV Ib- nte fredy and liberoll^ef their abun'jaiioe for thia purpeee; thai ibey may have every etportunlty to actaia to the hiitbeati cuUiva- tien o( which they ate oapall ; that their oountry may aeon become evidently the fibteat leoatlan upon earth for the anpreme iaternatlojal tiibnnal wbi^h ahall heuoefarth leave the natloni neither tx;uie nor ocoaalon for war. Betij»mln D'I>raoll, late Prime mlniatertf Eogland, and handredi ef othara of iha Jewlah raoe, prove oonolnaively how valnabi* Jewbh people may beoome under faTwabl* olroamataaci a. *-iTi h1e^—^"ti 1 — r __ , fiWBmia UILU Kuaila ID parUoular fwthe prfs^nt oeDdltioB of the Jo:r», tho natloBi ef Obrbteiiddm generally hava good ■laion to thank Ruiil* Tor allowing the itillantet Awi a rofnge In i hail country 1(1 nun^ litat the tlmeJias at list artivsd thur. may live for ao much better par- ,'M (botBter themaelvei and o'.heri alati) in •th^WPgif their fathora." Shnuld the '''*ffc§^*"'i|o ^"^^ pio^le now Intoreat thtafflvei ' In earcett In the Immediate reabetabien el Israel, all the other Earspean natiene, ai well aa the Ualted Statea of America, wenid denbtleai icon gladly help forward the grand and hnmine movameat fo mauifeatly fer the future benefit of the whole world. (Cheolergy of the va;ioai deneminatlons oanleitify that the i^ivlnelv inspired writings declare thereitcraiisn ef lara^l to be one of the moat eaaeutial mattera i i oonncctioa with "thtKlnglom ol God"ni o loartb, for which all OhiiiCendem la inppoaed to be d^iily pray- log< Tho proienl condition and ciroumalanojs ef the Jewish people alao prooUloi loudly and diatlnobly, that the time for their restjr- atlsn has at last arrived; for hnndreJs of thousands of them ate now ezpeaed to abio- Inte itarvatlon destltu::lon and misery in BaiHia, while no other na'lon upon eartib Ii Willi ig to receive them In their present ooa- dl(t 'n, coasfqueni for them now uf thf'f futheri." O'he present con el 'ihe na: ijns ef ( wich fqual Icudce the tima for the rlgbteoui goverrm flod" npen e>rth utherwiao the flra which the nations happen tn became terminate In their doiolat ox X CO grta that purpoiu bee tTherefere lot the goveromeut and enoe btgin to will ba their reaper fall to earneatly reatoratirn ef larea! dnction at ef the ii troth righteo-jai earth, by the eatal In'e nat'cnal tribal VVhat pliiiiier iu albly have (than we timx haa oertainly grand events ? I re^tsonable men ef t thunder ahocll be words the evldenli w Cre»tor, bafere they stand whao la maci benefii) of "all nil lightning be m'.«de ti en the aky oefere, eneuijh what the pre onmatanoas al a 1 th earth are f o Ipadly i C onid the lo; JSoftheQueenha all M be compared w of laraal, and Mie kirglom of God " np eiriaently Impertan now, can any OLie ata time, or clrooma'ai bath «o very mach when they cauld botl quickly effected? The rayal proclam ef the British empire, government, an 1 all tb out the world- widi BrItUn, would immei Jact very effectively t( nation In Chrkt them wonld denbtl In the glorious wr enthujlasti^lly as al ally j lined ia that of was wrrk about as ap| ages " as the restorac "the KIngdemof Gud adapted to the mast greaeive ag;e the world Faithfully yoi Henry \ P. S.— Afewpsher' closed atao, In case the est the Qaeen, or any vlieri. i!f(I>n, cn<iKqgeDtlf, thoon!yinlt»ble r«fng« for (hem now np«u u*rtb, ii Uha kcd of thf'r f.theH." O'fae preaeati oocttlilon and olroainitaiia'a pf '>be oi: lini ef Chi i it«ndnm proolt i n alio wicb (qafti IcuJceai and (!ii uotneiy, tbat (ba tlma fer tha long predicted nniverik), rigbteoni govertmtnt ef "th* Kingdam of God" npon euth hai now oame at laal; utbcrwiio tha flrat le iiua ganaral war (la wbloh the natlona majr naw at any tirna happen to heosone i ivalved) may very taiily terminate lo their mutaal deattnotlon acd doiolat oi : to grta'.ly bavii tha faolllJea fer that par^oiu been maltlplled raoently, (Therefora let the Queeo and the Britiih government and peepU generally at ODoa begin to reallzi bow great will b> their raiponsibt ity thbald they now fill to earneatly advocate tlu iormtdlatn reatoratirn ef lareal, tngetber with tha Intra- duotlon ef «f the iotolaUn of "meroy and truth righl-eo-jatieia an! peace" npoB earth, by the eatabllahment of a inpram* ia'e nat*cnal tribunal In PaUatlna. What plhiaer ludloatlona oeuld we poi- albly have (than wa already have) that the timt haa oarbsinly arrived far bath theaa grand events ? Da the intelligent and reiBonable men ef tbeie daya need that t'ua thaoder aboull be mtde to attlonia'a In worda the evldtn) will and pnrpnaa ef oar Crettor, bafore they oan peraclva and auder- ttand what la macifectly dtii^oed fer tha benefit of "»ll natlona ?' Or moat the lightning be mitde to write It In'e'iterioff're en (he eky oefwro, they can read pUlnly onenifh what the praaenti conditien and olr* oanaabanoaa af a 1 tha advanoad paapla open earth are »o fondly demanilhig. Coold "" '--g rnii wiidllMw ^MMMaaMOaHa^^HmRSUy phMparona - goSf the Queen have any orewnogglaryat all t* ba oompared wlth'.h%t«f tharaataratian of IttMl, and the intradnotlan nf •• tho kingifom of God " npnn earlili? II theaa pre- eiriaeatJy Impertttnt evanta do not eoonr now, can any om atate, or even imagine any time, o- ciroama'anosa, when they were bath «e very mqch needed as tow? Or When they canld both be as vrry easily and qalokly effected! Tne royal proclamitlen of the Hovnnelgn ef the Brhiih emplre.aeosnded by the Britiih govercment.and all that la exoellent through, out the world-wldt domlniora ol Great Britain, weuH immediately briog the aub- Jact very effectively te the attentlen ef every nation in Chclttindem, and all of them would deubileaa very loen jjin In the glorlana work before them, aa enthuUaatbally aa all Chriatendem gener- ally j lined ia that of the Crnaadue; whioh was wrrk abent aa appropriate ta '■ the dark Rgea " aa tho re9torati9n ef Ijratl and the " the Kingdom of Gud " uron earth, are new adapted to the meat enllghMDed and pro- greaeive ai<e the world has yet knewn. Faithfully yours, Hknby Wbjjtworth Monk. P. 8. — A few p«her " epen letters " are en- closed alao, in case they may pesalb'y later- «sb the Qaeen, or any ef her friends or ad- vlwra. H. W. M.