..«»,, *^*r^ pm ^ >• /a '^> ^ '^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 Li£12.8 ISO l*^^" == 1^ E^ u m 2.5 2.2 I.I £ US 12.0 1.8 11.25 il.4 1.6 Photograpliic Sciences Corporation ,^*% .**'' .V -^ ^O \ iV do imperial fiank of Canada do uentral Bank of Canada do Traders Bank ot Canada do Bank of Hamilton Hamilton Bank of Ottawa Ottawa Western Bank of Canada Osbawa Bank of London in Canada London Sp«d«. BipiMI. Dominion NotM. BilleU d6 la Puisaance. Total Ontario . QUEBEC. Bank of Montreal Montreal Bank of British North America do Banqae dn Peuple do banque Jacques-Oartier do Bnnque Ville-Marie do Banque d'Hochelaga , do Holson's Bank ,,.,.. do Merchants' Bank do Banque Nationale Quebec Quebec Bank do Union Bank of Canada do Banque de St. Jean St. Johns Banque de St. Fv^cinthe St Hyacinthe Eastern Townsh.^s Bank Sherbrooke Total Qnebec . Total Ontario., f eU 183,344 16 433,831 09 166,364 81 308,C;79 96 109,089 14 67,747 13 233,920 73 64,192 76 38,737 44 103,614 66 101,163 68 17,628 88 43,652 37 1,761,666 73 1,926,621 33 313,386 00 16,231 64 24,226 34 16,72^ 05 40,621 38 411,794 48 366,136 77 106,978 61 64,154 31 17,040 60 2,376 61 12,816 f9 112,612 66 Total Ontario and Quebec. NOVA SCOTIA. Bank of Nova Scotia Halifax Merchants Bank do People's Bank do Union Bank „ do Halifax Banking Company _ do Bank of Yarmouth Yarmouth Exchange Bank ot Yarmouth do Piotou Bank .....Pictou Commercial Bank of Windsor Windsor .^,320,616 96 1,751,666 73 6,072,283 69 169,927 47 146,088 68 39,623 43 20,600 98 18,(83 24 23,061 92 3,673 08 Nil. 11,652 33 Total Nova Scotia NEW BRUNSWICK. Bank of New Brunswick St. John Maritime B. oi the Dominion of Canada do •People's Bank Fredericton St. Stephen's Bank .St. Stephen Total New Brunswick . MANITOBA. Commercial Bank of Manitoba Winnipeg Total Manitoba BRITISH COLUMBIA. Bank of British Columbia Victoria Total British Columbfn 422,601 03 118,683 29 "sBisw'oO 161,892 29 6,997 83 6,997 83 278,888 46 278,888 46 I OlB 644,106 00 709,410 06 352,921 00 310,280 00 167,694 00 261,243 OO 40',40t 00 136,897 00 86,062 00 112,866 00 90,976 00 24,606 00 66,093 00 3,244,637 05 2,431,763 26 801,CC9 00 124,938 CO 66,501 00 17,485 00 40,091 00 406,867 60 532,826 00 194,738 00 166,416 00 178,984 00 3,961 00 31,951 00 93,669 00 5,160,098 75 3,244,537 06 8,394,636 80 161,463 00 239,889 00 80,810 00 63,657 00 49,825 60 24,720 00 4,892 00 Nil. 11,326 00 Not'S ot and Cheques on other Banks. Billets d'an tres baaqnes •t ohiqnei ■or d'antres banquet. S Ota. 176,234 39 461,721 23 266,263 76 196,763 18 119,443 66 216,446 89 193,662 88 106,646 61 64,147 64 112,832 81 «6.388 70 16,666 74 31,316 47 3,053,311 64 833,719 06 169,456 00 193,763 10 73,443 07 38,472 46 76,720 20 257,047 58 443,253 69 70,836 73 164,108 61 160,194 36 6,266 60 16,677 49 36,628 31 2,6:«9,676 03 2,C.<3,211 64 4,582,787 67 117,304 49 99,413 C5 19,429 74 17,310 39 68,166 34 11,460 60 2,663 86 " "6,062"l6 Balances doe from other Ban!!8 ia Canada, Balances duet par d'antret banqnei en Canada. BalancBw due from Agenoipa ot the^ank, or from other Banki or Agenciei in forei^ oountnet. Balancet dues parlesagnuces de la banqae, on par d'antres banqnes on ageuces dans les pays itrangera. Balances due from Ageuci«B of the Bank, or from other Banks or Ageiicies in the United Kingdom. Balances dues paries agencea de la banquo, oupar d'autre? banques ou agences dans le Royaume- Uni, Doatlnion QcT«nim«nt IMbantarM •rStoek. Boai on •Ottado louToruo" meat IM«r»L LoMia to the Qor- •mment of tha Dominion. Prttaan goareme- ment fidiral $ Ota. 66,014 60 123,862 94 109,786 49 66,003 16 60,499 66 48,9J6 06 141,375 76 66,371 34 36,030 69 46,790 40 9L,4D9 66 119,091 30 13,137 65 965,347 31 134,258 29 17,095 00 75,569 09 a7,«77 53 31,163 67 21,987 89 60,604 30 79,683 28 138,763 66 83,536 33 39^ 16 9,053 74 16,740 33 241,771 84 974,802 90 966,347 31 626,691 60 141,647 00 141,647 00 46,400 00 46,400 00 222,147 60 222,147 60 330,731 13 63,600 00 "mIomm 1,940,150 21 49,426 65 64,146 62 65,625 00 3,664 12 9,079 79 68,466 91 30,226 62 'iii'imie f Ota. 184,009 83 1,355,400 70 020,431 69 86,686 69 4,810 28 8,993 74 140,077 47 8,949 68 7,761 44 60,230 68 76,738 31 3,676 16 6,664 63 3,163,323 98 6,773,904 39 691,016 00 11,821 63 9,723 99 3,094 36 36,347 71 106,019 08 761,806 87 40,193 83 40,887 39 10,621 24 4,816 49 37,176 07 264,660 77 8,779,986 61 2,662,233 98 88,699 68 31,696 44 21,686 44 2,144 00 2,144 00 380,328 47 36,003 34 "lioi r,7is^ 67,483 03 67,483 03 43,942 66 43,942 66 11,332,210 49 1,303,036 29 86,436 40 42,748 73 20,192 16 8,319 54 17,207 66 12,870 34 'sliso'so 9 Ota, PrAta anz goarern»- menta pro- ▼ineUoz. 9 ott. 3,337 37 30,649 32 "l'3,'929""li 37,716 80 1,693,007 68 133 66 8,340 38 60,326 34 15,846 90 1,667,664 94 37,T16 80 1,706,370 74 2,161 11 68,867 91 36,680 45 1,496,961 91 106,205 79 **'6]638"77 111,844 66 16,731 67 16,731 67 30,309 79 30,309 79 43,385 11 21,894 81 i76"l7 4,233 47 162,000 00 163,936 00 113,607 91 133,666 66 366,468 06 3,800 00 103,636 84 186,880 00 133,973 37 26,884 68 1,340,841 41 1,631,766 66 148,433 33 120,000 00 13,000 00 1,806,199 99 1,340,841 41 3,147,041 40 162,850 00 r.ooo 00 '"lil'm'oo •••••••••t«*aaa« f Ota 636,674 31 663,162 27 295,974 38 333,606 99 136,666 17 9 eta. 1,866,183 13 174 60 507,600 00 100,000 00 '"ii,m"iii 678,991 26 1,866,183 12 167,378 03 36,346 66 430 04 36,776 60 1,336 61 1,326 61 38,684 77 38,664 77 183,060 00 3,645,174 37 605,936 07 ""'3isT,4ob"oo i6,o6o"oo 174 60 913,988 .8 121 00 1,902 47 33,779 61 5,191 00 944,982 66 174 60 946,167 16 86,371 33 •«»•••«•••••••••• 720 77 806 89 843,336 07 913 18 87,813 07 47,370 00 47,370 00 236,384 36 336,284 26 Total Ontariu and Quebec " Nova Scotia, " New Brunswick .. .. " Manitoba . " British Coluinbia ,... Gritr.d Tttt%I ., 6,072,283 69 42J,601 03 151,892 29 6,997 83 278,888 46 5,031,563 30 * At present not obliged to make returna. N. S. GARLAND, Clerk of SUtiatica. FiBAHOi DaFABTiui(T,;OTiAWi,;ieth^May,;i88T. 8,394,635 80 626,591 50 141,647 00 46,400 00 222,147 60 l>,43i,4n SO 4,582,787 67 330.721 12 88,699 58 21,696 44 2,144 00 6,026,048 81 1,910,150 21 280,328 47 • 66,787 38 57,483 02 43,942 66 2,378,691 64 11,331,210 4d 1,486,961 91 111,844 66 16,731 67 30,309 79 13,988,068 42 1,706,370 74 167,378 03 26,776 60 1.326 61 38,684 77 1,928,636 76 3,147,041 40 183,060 00 3,330,091 40 2,646,174 37 842,336 07 3,387,610 44 946,157 16 87,813 07 47,370 Ob 376r28lr'36 1,316,523 49 ▲atoM dettM MtiTM nonl d»ni lef itama pr danU. 9 Ota. 6,000 ""2,785 49 72,882 69 26,478 31 67,710 51 56,191 li 16,442 13,360 26,163 OJ ""81291*84 9,295 33 294,69ola 2,176,770 01 190,000 00 438,828 49 98,134 1 166,348 61 100,000 00 7,133 98 266,932 71 290,606 Oi 13,796 3J li,611 61 87,002 111 29,443 37 301,906 3 1 -^6,971 8(j 8,337 91 11,768 31 10,787 IJ 2,060,186 67 1,130,927 68 3,311,866 7 294,fi90 8 3,181,114 16 86,676 63 62,000 00 36,900 00 48,000 00 "' SJOOO 00 22,831 00 11,000 00 3,606,446 6 44,129 6. 13,126 2 376 5( 12,000 131 5 25,7JO 9 69,929 1 257 274,367 63 166,681 1 30,000 00 2,076 ol 12,OUO 00 42,000 00 90,043 20 90,043 20 4,312 4,312 9,709 7| 8,709 RBO APITD LATION. 2,646,174 37 842,336 07 3,387,610 44 946,167 16 87,812 07 47,270 00 276r28t'26 1,31U,52S 49 809,600 44 210,617 14 292,018 46 1,312,166 03 11,686,696 22 107,767 62 222,337 60 110,960 64 80,919 69 12,107,760 97 1,916,072 35 39,970 86 2,177 00 1,958,220 21 13,004,219 43 1,042,721 09 43,230 00 66,878 67 329,767 36 14,485,846 66 271,463 31 "84,016 28 366,469 69 219,006 72 16,000 00 234, G06 72 124,367,170 19 9,644,753 78 2,173,107 45 638,6 16 82 1,050,986 36 137,874,963 60 1, 218,6^9 84 127,434 80 120 00 3,628 92 1,349,713 66 41,757 67 16 551 42 58,309 09 1,493,411 86 137,896 91 3,363 23 13,065 15 1,617,737 17 ;i, 117,441 47 32,639 47 19,184 37 ""12,66000 1,181,865 31 636,638 64 P3,42S 61 6,994 39 876,058 47 3,181,114 16 274,357 63 42,000 00 90,043 2U 3,587,614 88 3,608,446 165,681 2,075 4,312 9,709 3,788,224 Notes ot and OhequeaoD other Bankg. Billets d'an- tres banqaes et obiqnes snr d'antres banqnes. Balances due from other Banks in Canada. Balances daea par d'siitres banqnci en Oaaada, Balance,, due from Af^encifS ot the Qank, or from othtT Banks or Agencies in foreign oonntnes. Balances iues par Ics agences de la banque, on par d'autrea banques on agenceg dan 4 les pajs fttraogers. Balances due fiom AifeiiciflB of the Bank, or from other Banks or Aeeiicieg in the United Kingdom. Doninion Goreroment DabantniM •rStook. Loans ta ar dapositH mad* in ii'.her Banks asMoiured. Pr«t*4 d'antres ban- qooi on dipAts fUtsdau d'antres banqnes, noo garaatia. Other eomnt loans, discounts and ad ranees to tha pablis. Antres prlts oourants, esoomptes nt aranoes au publlo. V OtM I billi disoonn OTerd and D special seoore Blll^ effets comme •scomp en soufTrai •t non I ciaioDii garant f Ota 7,063,206 B6 14,893,902 31 6,866,635 41 6,676,223 62 3,282,6i6 64 4,909,931 78 4,762,866 68 2,391,721 70 1,469,213 37 2,965,093 62 3,762,657 71 967,033 06 943,165 60 630,25 146,01 134,48 19,91 9,08 32,96 6,37 B7,0H 105 ,5« 30,44 37,71 48,27 39,22 6,76 16,32 BBOAPITDLATION, t35 80 (91 50 B47 no 100 00 Ul 60 in 80 4,583,787 67 330,721 12 88,699 66 21,693 44 2,144 00 6,026,048 81 l,9Ki,150 21 200,328 47 • 56,187 28 67,483 02 43,912 66 ■ — 1 ^»p 2,375,691 64 1 ll,33i,210 49 1,496,961 91 111,844 66 16,731 67 30,309 79 13,988,058 43 1,705,370 74 167,378 03 26,776 60 1,326 61 38,684 77 1,926,636 76 3,147,041 40 183,050 00 3,330,091 40 2,646,174 37 842,336 07 3,387,510 44 946,157 16 87,812 07 47,270 OO 23672*81 26 l,31G,u23 49 809,600 44 210,617 14 292,018 46 1,312,166 03 11,585,696 22 107,767 62 222,337 eo 110,960 64 80,919 69 12,107,760 97 1,916,072 35 39,970 86 2,177 00 l,Ui8,220 21 13,004,249 43 1,042,721 09 43,230 00 65,878 67 329,767 36 14,4li&,84e 66 271,453 31 ""84,6r6"28 366,469 69 219,006 72 16,000 00 234,(JU6 72 124,367,170 19 9,644,763 78 2,173,107 46 638,616 82 1,060,986 36 137,874,963 60 1,218, 127, 3, 1,349, Lo«ni to w lapoaitH made in other Batiki nwMourcd. PHtak faatrei b»n- |Bot on dtpAta fUUduii d'aatret banqnes, non gwaatia. Othsr eamnt loam, dilcoanU and adranoet to Uia pablis. Antrcs pr4ti oouranu, eioomptei nt araucM au publio. VotM and biUi diiooanted, OTerdaa and not •peoiallr Moarea. Billett et effeti de commerce •loomptA* en •ouffranoe •t non Bp6- cialoffleat garantli. Icti. ■•••••• *••••• ••••• *■•< •■*•(•■»• t*ll4i 6,833 31 47,991 53 58,779 96 f Ota 7,062,206 56 14,893,002 31 6,865,635 41 6,576,22.! 52 3,382,6i6 64 4,909,931 78 4,753,966 68 2,391,721 70 1,469,313 37 3,965,093 62 3,753,657 71 957,033 06 943,165 60 113,694 79 6,000 00 100,411 93 105,411 93 113,694 79 67,813,176 96 16,971,163 31 7,146,223 00 3,779,138 49 1,323,347 43 961,678 33 1,Y20,201 66 8,007,257 74 11,956,060 74 3,115,590 6,338,471 36 3,020,371 27 216,046 21 634,911 05 3,385,737 38 9 CM 2,137 17 179,771 98 96,784 13 60,497 46 11,286 64 83,987 81 35,931 37 13,316 11 3,478 38 18,631 69 3,000 14 8,967 89 14,661 16 66,553,993 33 67,813,176 96 219,006 73 124,367,170 19 16,000 00 15,000 00 630,361 31 145,013 39 134,483 00 19,915 60 9,087 00 32,963 32 6,379 76 67,080 76 105,593 18 30,444 97 37,716 63 48,376 31 39,230 33 6,783 69 16,336 69 Other do* dabta notipaoialljr Moond. Antrea orianoet en souflTranoe, non ip6- cialemeat garantis. Hit VAl iivt ml f ot«. !••« -••■••*• 303 00 38,816 67 ft OU. 3,381 77 183,863 16 63,081 09 87,677 47 6,638 06 33,613 00 76,839 63 11,490 10 36,993 43 6,446 41 1,060 00 3,171 74 $ cti. 9,393 91 34,999 81 4.043 33 136,014 29 30,000 00 87,712 31 67,176 C8 23,703 36 13,636 10 688,278 63 530,251 31 3,438,684 67 3,401,006 06 926,305 88 672,734 71 1,946,953 27 498,625 74 238,963 83 140,376 31 381,103 52 )••••• ■••••• «!•••« 9,644,763 82 1,668,333 78 1,318,639 84 14,569 89 33,284 08 8,493 36 6,642 61 18,605 34 6,343 99 3,783 98 33,818 27 14,996 29 41,767 67 41,767 67 127,434 80 120 00 605,174 67 3,173,407 46 638,645 82 633,646 82 1,060,986 36 1,060,988 38 120 00 3,638 93 480,016*85 66,947 30 44,484 00 33,035 74 103,610 11 14,163 69 68,692 34 104,765 99 131,851 68 148,333 60 195,796 61 40,680 66 24,340 20 27,339 96 32,474 63 1,013,396 00 480,016 85 1,493,411 es 38,650 30 6,596 32 362,031 94 33,016 70 263 00 137,452 70 38,603 10 86,993 87 22.483 78 44,H32 20 146.095 87 130,198 19 16,774 75 67,182 47 2,450 00 24,374 10 24,799 80 MortgMM on Nal Miateiotd tba&nk. Hypo- thiauM rar del immea- bles Tcndni par U banqna. Buk Pifim. ■dlflON dela banqna. f oti 5,604 75 127,738 t3 600 00 16,627 fi7 49,932 40 3,377 73 756,409 63 362,031 91 14,111 86 3,439 67 16,561 43 >•••••»•••• 'I 47 634 60 29,560 00 1,382 03 6,660 00 8,633 80 137,896 94 863 33 3,500 00 1,117,441 47 24,813 40 203,681 28 99,953 06 " "7,883 "65 43,634 00 11,856 15 35,690 50 12,132 99 49,683 50 34,551 61 61,403 36 ""ilifoo'oo 2,499 90 91,099 73 I i'ti>. 50, '"inn 00 319,272 30 136,054 99 169,007 86 90,000 00 123,616 63 145,322 41 "'"6,613 64 46,189 85 46,650 00 .1,130,927 53 600,000 00 200,000 00 54,444 71 81,400 00 18,151 00 OthorAHMta not ln«l«d«4 radar tha iDregoIng AntrM dattea actirai non onapriMi dam lei Itaau ftioh- denti. i oti. 6,000 00 Total AiMti. Total da I'actir. 2,785 ,11 7i,882 55 36,478 31 67,710 57 56,191 16 16,449 16 13,350 00 36,163 02 8,291 84 9,295 35 394,590 83 2,176,770 07 432,057 26 303,581 28 190,000 00 438,828 49 98,134 1 166,348 61 100,000 00 ""l6,979"82 102,900 00 7,133 98 265,932 71 290,605 Oi 13,796 32 li,611 67 87,002 10 29,443 32 301,906 31 ■•96,971 80 8,337 95 11,758 32 10,787 13 « Ota. 9,222,6u7 no 21,84R,,3'18 27 9,973,465 89 7,868,553 5S 6,166,931 81 6,100,310 31 8,155,040 51 2,909,432 63 1,836,951 13 4,410,117 35 4,122,199 44 1,179,740 88 1,432,169 31 3,048 04 1,314 04 636,638 64 32,235 84 300,000 00 1,200 00 1,863 99 1,600 00 33,639 47 11,258 03 3,628 92 3,363 23 13,065 16 13,065 16 7,936 34 19,184 37 333,425 64 6,994 39 3,050,186 57 1,130,937 68 3,181,114 16 86,676 63 63,000 00 36,900 00 48,000 00 3,311,865 71 294,590 83 8,000 Ml 22,881 00 11,000 00 84,206,007 11 42,074,905 26 12,156,339 00 4,600,325 74 2,283,416 66 1,650,668 08 2,391,416 04 10,961,141 68 20,337,680 61 4,195,592 35 8,387,214 37 4,003,069 18 317,667 03 923,308 35 4,741,768 79 118,926,193 14 84,206,007 U f Oti 109,368 33 856,980 00 417,000 00 114,836 00 36,237 78 186,889 96 237,247 00 48,626 00 46,626 00 110,000 00 290,664 92 28,4C1 86 133,118 00 Araraga aaonnt of ipecia beld daring th« mootb. Oblfte mojtn del eip^oei pouMiai durant la moil. Araraga amount al Cominioa Notei bald daring the month. Obi the moyoii del biUaU do la Puiiianoa poaMtidu»H< la mola. -I- 3,320,021 84 696,382 00 13,000 00 287,182 87 102,175 00 105,858 00 126,636 28 180,464 00 1,543,796 00 333,600 00 686,896 00 309,974 66 6,870 30 67,973 19 189,164 16 S oti. 183,130 28 418.000 OO 166,000 00 208,800 00 108,430 20 68,663 00 221,034 CO 60,662 00 38,462 00 103,073 00 101,067 00 16,922 61 43,427 00 f ctt. 630,926 00 708,000 00 315,000 00 374,000 00 165,426 30 2.^6,940 00 391,652 00 104,9,150 OO 82,577 00 111,661 00 88,601 00 24,316 00 65,420 00 1,737,661 09 1,919,940 00 329,891 00 24,901 00[ 23,423 OOi 30,170 00 41,483 00 413,197 00 341,000 00 100,000 00 63,851 00 16,107 00 2,400 00 13,761 00 113,401 40 6,991 39 274,367 63 30,000 00 12,000 00 42,000 00 3,606,446 64 41,129 64 13,126 21 376 60 12,000 00 131 58 2\7J0 92 69,929 18 257 07 165,681 10 3,076 00 203,133,300 25 6,767,627 98 3,791,342 98 1,341,859 76 1,238,457 68 3,380,006 84 789,697 86 382,931 12 281,,i42 38 613,350 79 16,476,417 39 4,337,761 46l 2,320,021 84 3,187,167 30 2,678.490 00 663,586 CO 115,393 00 66,803 00 11,893 00 47,697 00 413,334 00 608,000 00 160,000 00 146,077 00 103,435 00 3,440 00 30,980 OO 93,366 00 6,657,773 30 242,911 00 285,635 00 47,794 00 312,326 00 568 00 98,071 00 Nil. 21,944 OP 133,911 81 3,321,527 40 1,727,661 09 5,049,188 49 166,771 00 141,473 00 39.499 00 19,040 00 17.500 00 22,386 00 3,798 00 mi. 11,350 28 6,129,383 00 3,187,167 30 1,133,318 81 2,606,962 69 190,236 00 613,882 44 13,600 00 13,600 00 90,043 30 90,043 20 2,076 00 4,312 00 4,312 00 3,220,845 03 988,293 77 988,293 77 9,709 70 2,718,416 10 190,236 00 24,360 46 8,316,450 30 168,529 00 175,140 0« 75,369 00 67,268 00 65,000 00 25,271 00 4,-J33 00 Nil. 10,546 24 411,815 28 118,636 60 33,000 00 161,636 60 4,673 00 24,360 46 Nil. 9,709 70 2,718,446 10 671,745 24 114,636 00 114,636 00 13,693 00 4,673 00 217,837 00 217,827 00 13,698 00 227,610 00 227,610 00 219,006 72 16,000 00 284,008 72 134,367,170 19 9,644,753 78 3,173,107 45 038,616 82 1,060,986 36 137,874,9^3 60 1,318,629 84 127,434 HO 120 CO 3,628 02 1,349,713 66 41,767 67 16 561 42 68,303 09 1,493,411 85 137,896 91 3,363 23 13,066 15 1,617,737 17 ;i,117,441 47 32,639 47 19,184 37 13,600 00 1,181,863 31 635,638 64 233,425 61 6,994 39 676,058 47 3,181,114 15 274,357 63 43,000 00 90,043 2U 3,537,514 88 3,608,446 64 165,681 10 2,075 O'l 4,312 00 9,709 70 3,788,224 34 203,132,300 25 16,476,417 39 3,320,846 0' 988,293 77 3,718,446 10 32U,&36,332 04 6,657,773 30 1,133,218 81 190,236 00 24,360 45 8,005,588 56 6,049,188 49 411,816 28 161,636 60 4,672 00 217,827 00 5,835,148 37 8,316,450 30 571,746 34 114,636 00 13,698 00 337,610 00 9,244,039 54 J. M. OODRTNBY, Deputy Minister of Finance.