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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I M. riB # ifewT. # J ^f^ m # m «^- *: InIs -''■ n ^ ^ tl mr iu I*. >m ,/. ¥; , HIT f^pPf ■W'- "^T-tS AHUUH K0 w TO BE OBSBRVEI) BY f^fflB — ifii— It is the indigpenaible duty of every Menaber of # Community, more especially in compact Towns, to/ guard against the fatal effects of Fire ; and to p^^veeM as much as possible, the dreadful consequences of so alarming and destructive a calamity. And it is gene- rally acknowledged, from the exp^rienqe of every w^H regulated Society, tha|^ttM| Associations have ^!m best tendency to preveljjH^P evils— which s^re tpi^ frequently felt by the uc^Biptte*, from the bfisei*e^s and treachery of wicked and designing persofls, yvpiQ avail themselves of the confusion, inciqenttP sUcV events, ats affbrding a favourable opportunity for t3^(fk perpetration of tncir vile and inhuman praptiqes. yjtpl. the President and ^embers of the "Hand in pJ^p Fire Company." Convinced of the t^h of tliese facts, and satisfied that many and great IKefits resu]i^i[|^ from the eslabUshment of Fire Companies, andreposin^Hjp special trust and confidence in the honor and integrity* of each other, do agree to tke following Rules-^(being a revision and consohdatioji%f the standing R<^iati«at:^ of the Society)— as passed at a Special Meeting (rftii#W Company, held on the 10th day of March,'' 183^. Ai J we pledge ourselves to each other to observei these Rules — and all others which ms^ be duly made in addition, amendrftent or alteration thereof. •« ^ 3Br is m I MULE I. • MEMBERg.—The Society shall be confined to kItI .v,^"/r"*'^°'' S,6crelary, and Special Fire Cbnstables, to be chosen from th6 actingllem- *nv«r l?^!*'' ""'^'' '•*""°''ed or incapacitated Any'^.cancy whifh may happen, shall be fified u»^a presented for the usual Annual Election;. . . ■ ,' ' * ■ JIJ' J, ■ , Election op 1 ibmi- ■ .»■» v. n followine manner •— ». JbtL "' ^ ■■°''^° '" i*« "uig raauner. — BuJawiieniber present shall' ^ite on a slip ofpaperUlL;.* of the pS whom ?L I .1^.'^',"'^'" 5 who, when the whole are cXf ted, shall ^declare the Cai,didite for Mfhom^st rotes Zf'a^A t"'"^- ™ ^'•'^ ^residemldr^e next elected m the same matafier as the President. Elbction or SECRETARr.—The Secretarv f«r the time bemg,, shall a Listor ftoa,^r «f •U the acting J«emfa«rs of fte Co«Si^ ' [ntT(^ ow,n5 order-that is to say :-At thS oft ij t" ^M be placed thenamps of al! such Membew a« have never served in theoffice of Secre ar? or pafd ttir nT/'"? 'S' »°'?""ng-i„ theorder'in wh c J th«r names stand on the Books m the Company- m^-i IP » % % -.^iiLa&tJkt^ - onfined to f Honorary insist of a d Special ng'Mem- Jr. They pacitated. iJed up'^at Qanner at Presi- n in jtJie mt shall' •n whom it folded' ? collec- >st rotes shall be- I next the names of such Members, as have not servea or paid the composition within five years in ^ the .Jikei of(^er, and lastly the nanies of all the remaijfiiog acting M(^mbers of the Company, ih tlie like order. ^ The President shall then call upon each TVIfember individual- ly, as they stand upon the said Lisi Or Roaster (ex- cepting always the Presid^nt'andVice President elected for the ensuing yearj~to serve in the'^office of Sacre-^ Ury, or pay the omposition money for not 'serving ; and each Member, ni '^order shall answer if he wdl sprve or pay the composition. And upon tJien^me- ot any Member absent frpmi the Meeting being catiedy such Member shall be appointed conditionally— subjeci to his refusal to serve or pay the composition ; and the President or Chairman 6? the Meeting shall proceed* to call upon the other Mfembers in order, until some Member present shall consent to serve ; and the Sec- retary shall call immediately after the Meeting upon all the absent Members, requiring them either co' ac- cept the office of Secr^-y, or to pay the composition; and' if any Member absent at the Meeiing, shall con-; sent to sferve as Secretary, theh all Members whose names stand on the List befoi-e t^ie Member so cdtisen- ting, and wbo ?hall have refused to serve shall pay the compo^itfeln ; but all Members whose names staridoil the List alter the Member so consenjing, shall be dis- charged from the payment of any composition. But if no Member present at the IVleeting will take the. Office, rMuo absent Member shall afterwards consent|^ to do so, thon at the next Meeting of the Company, the List or Roaster shall again be called, and the hke proceedings had, until sofneJ member s>iall consent to act as Secretary. In the mean time, however, the* Secretary in Office, at the time of any such Election, shall continue to serve and act as S/;cretary, until some other Member 'be chosen and appointed under iliis Rule. '• ^mm G MULE 6. Election 0. CoN3TABip< Tk c •. ConstabJes shall aerve inrotadon- W-^'-®''"'''' *"'« Mt acUflg Member of t "e C„mn=' ''^S'"'""? ?' Ae old- .he Preaid«nt, Vic, P^3idemrjl""P''"6 '^'^V'' for the ensuing yer dT«nv m'' ^^'''^'V' e'^cwd be appoi„t:d I &Sf7f Sr'" '^' " """^ Member of the Society • .Z!.i.-u"J"S' "^^ some ,, Company present, shalfb; .Ten t't^l '^Tr.'^ '^^ and the Candidate sIm I hi % .°' ""* ^eans ; havethree-foSoS ^„«,, 7;J-5d ejected if he in his faror. The MelhZ /u ^""^^'^ P^^^nt date, shall stand pfedeed tr. .h ^P'^P"'"' " <^«"di- duly authorised brtbfrandiHt. ^'"^V "'^' ^^ " •ny Candidate afL hi. £S rhJl,*"";- ^""^^^ the Society, and it shall hj?! m *i' ^^'^''"^ •<> JO'" ber who proposed WmdiH rr"* '5'' ^''^ '"em. the Company may h^^ttt T^°f "^"^ ""'bwity, atthe rat^e /pedKVe'rh?duf oVSe!!^™^ HULS 7. * P-"er<;;L^?anT:e7u!^^^^^^^^ "^ ^ as possible, when called out at a«vFi-K''t'n'' '" Cnt atSdV.. r^^'^P^^^^^^^ Jcial Fire It the old- ng always J elected h or may aiG shall ^7 some se of the 1 Beans ; >d if he present Candi- at he is In case ! to join Mem- thority, 2 ember of the as far 11 pre- >everal Mem" . He ument •y one I'i RULE S. Duty of Vice President.— -It shall be the dutjr of the Vice President to stipplv the place oft^o Preti- dent, whenever the latter shftli be absent from Fires, or the Meetings of the Conioany ; and when present on these occasions to assist him in the performance of bis duties. RULE 0. :•■ t ' ■■ ' ' Duty OF Secretary.—As soon as anew Secre- ary is absolutely appointed, and has accepted the Office, his predecessor shall immediately deliver to him all the Books, Articles ai?. 1' Money of the So- ciety in his possession. And the Secretary for the time being, shall always be answerable to the Society for the Books, Articles and Money which ought to be in his possession. It shall be the duty of the Secretaiy to attend at all Inspections of the Equipments of the Company ; to warn the Members for aU Meetmgs ; to call the Roll, and keep a Minute of the proceedings of each Meeting : to collect all Pines and Dues, and to make such payments as may be directed by the Pre- sident or the Company ; and to make a fair and perfect Entry of all the transactions oi the Society. He shall before every Quarterly Meeting, enter in a Book to be kept specially . for that purpose, any aherations o? additions which may be made to the permanent Rules of the '"ociety, so that the same may always appear distinct from the common business of the Comjjany. In such Book he shall always keep a correct List of the Members of the Company, with the dates of their admission ; and shall regularly enter on the proceed- ings, the names of those Members to whom Lanthorns, Bed Keys, or extra Buckets are given. At every Meeting he shall have a fair List prepared of the Fme» «^™-^."''t m"'"v-^ "Soinst eneli Member ; and ZToft ^""^" 't''- ''"'y W^eting with a no Socfe^^r'"'^ t""- ■ "^ ='"'" """S "'« Books on^i ■cut' aKr'fv ''• '"'^ • ^'' SeneraUy he shall e,,! ; , -Ri/i^ 10. n ■' -"^ ' ' 4 -■ . msh himself, at his own expense, with two et ' leatl... Sll '^'""5 and weJ! Lde,',o eont^rnn V ,£ strngg fi,, d j^^ ^^ Close, them when Oiled o- Wth ^' '° ^/ ■"' V^''*' '^i* i?l>t, each Member soTtXLes'' '"' '^ ^'"" ""' ^"^ «^''S«d 'o do ri.P'^J.l"'' *'=«»'='"— There shall always be nrovi ded, at the expense of the Company, fiftee^LnC; ^nd shili ^vith a no- es (if any) ooks of the shall eie- 3 Rules of ill, within Jauy, fur- ■ueatliei iy three ^bstantial yard and '», having lied, to- ags, and IS. The Buckets name at and also fldsome- ty of the tets and shall be six Bed K«ys, and fifty Buckets, ^Vch ^W ?>e S" fbuted I ' th^ Presiaent at the Meeting m ^ecen,^^S o si^Mi^ st>aU choose, and ^^^^ [y .them for a year. Every Manjber bo receivmg • Lanthorn, Bed Key or Buckets, th^ keep the $^0e fn good order, , and coijscantfy placed or hujig u^ t^ getLr with his ;) ^ci-pments.; «>d .^t^^l^^iW ibom on anv other occasion than on an alarm of fire. Each Lanthorp Wl>e cWaruly kept pi^vi^ed W le Member having ci. urge of t, T'? *^# /^S in the case, and not less than six mches of a candle m he socket'thcreof ready fittadior use. The lanthorn and Bed Keys shall be produced M every pecember Meeaug, bythe Members rbsfdcti^^lyhavmg ch4r,,e ff them^o^brdeRvered t. ^uch Members .ss^^^ appointed to receive them. Ecch Member shfitt pro- iXhhhsCr v^ith . Printed Set of the Ridos, ^ which he shall -^w- produca it every December M^tmg. Objects of the Societt— Every Membwupo. bearing an akj n of Fire, shall iipmeWr repair with his Cap, I uclcets, fogs, LSuihom V"* "^.^^ give every 4 ilance in.hfs Ww^r, for the presem- Son of the •ffects of JiisfeUpw townsmen. Mt wh«- 1 j hesh^ jver the Property bf % Mertib^ of |^e Comji^jr shall be in reft danger, the saving tlierebf^haU U^ primary object of .he Comnany's care iind attenliOtf^, S)rV;bich purpose the Members stiall severally go tp thejSouse or Store containinjg the,efffects in iianger, anrf proceed in removing them, igreebly to the oi- rections of the owner if present, or otherwise as sMU appear best for liis interest and benefit. _ And dVerr JWember wiib thro^^h reg'.ig^'nc^i or indolence shm 6mi to give Ws altetfdap^e ot^ssistaince On «!i?pn J!^ ^ ' ' ,i 10 occasipo, MM fote^^ . imless he can, at the next diiarterly Meeting, give a ^l^^^ctory reason to the Company for his omission. .And m order io^preserre regularity, and to prevent ^Y decjU or linposition from intruders, at the remo- y^of effects m the time of Fire, one of the Memhers «WI stto^^as sentinel^at the door of the House ^hereth^J^omp^yik employed. And on aU oc- '^r!u"''A^^- '^^' *^® Members shaJJobey the directions of the Officers. ^^; RULE 13, -^E^otm Gm^mimB.^A^ the prSwit Endpe Cowipames intlus Town are entitled to the first care and iMtention of theinliabitants in time of Fire, this Company will' extend to them die same aid and relief as il i»ey^w#re aotually Members thereof ; and also to such other Engine Companies as may hereafter be formed. hu RULE 14. Inspection jitter Fires and before Qua r- TEftLY Meetings.— Tbe Secretary and one Member ^haUniake a careful inspection of aU the Equipments o(.eve^ .Member of the Company— and also of all fteXadaers., Pumps, Fjre: Hooks and other articles ^ff^^^Y^nip^ny, at the time .of warning for each Quar- terly Meetiiig ; and a like inspection shall be made tmd^r an order from the President, within a week ^^tf^ef eve,ry Fire. , And a Report in writing oC such .^speptign, Bigne^ by the persons tiiaking it, shall be 4e|iv|red at the , next Quarterly Meeting. Every Member.upon whom thp Secretary may choose to i$^ ^W be bound to attend him on this duty, unless km as have performed the same duty tvithin a year pr«cedui g; ' ^ Art] lilie Coi I Equipn jCorapa; fkeeping ing oft declare gent ail of repfi pany . ; suchai after st Compj FtJN tion:- m soil n from a by the time u expen* moling Me ings in as the shall s cemb( at se\ monti Presi( the ^ in wr 11 Jttipany ; , give a }mission. 3 prevent re remo- Wembers ; House alJ OQ- IrectioDS Engine rst care ire, this id relief nd also lereafter QUAR- 1 ember pments ' of all articles iQuar- made 1 week C such hall be Every ose to unless a year RULE 16. Articles lost at Fires.— -If any Membtr of hhe Company shall lose at a Fire, any of his own [Equipments, or any of the Articles belongmg to the (Company, which may have been entrusted to, his keeping ; he shall report the same at the first^M^^t- ing of the Company after the Fire, ^nd if he shall declare upon. his honor, that he hath naade a,]dil|- gent and proper search for their recovery, the expense of replacing all sucl^ articles shaJUbo pafd by % Coi]a* pany. But in t ery case the loser shall replace all such articles as belong to himself, , withi^ t^n dap after such Fire, without awaiting the d^oisio/i of ^ tl^e [Company Funds op the Company, and their Applica- [♦rioN: — The Funds of the Conipahy lodged in' some Bank or other: safe place of deposit' to be chosfenby the President, and shsill bis withdrawn there- from as the same shall b^ ]feq\iited by Checks '^igoedj [by the Secretary. And the monies remaining from time to time, shall be strictly applied in: defraying the expences of replacing lost Eqhipmerits, iand if^yro- moling the legitimate objects ofthe Society. ' ,' RULElt, Meetings. — Tbei'e shall be four Quarterly Meet- ings in every year. They shall be held at such place as the President, or in his absence, the Vice President shall appoint, and upon the first Wednesday of De- cember, March, June and September, respectively ; at seven o'clock in the evening in ' the first two months, and at eight o'clock in tlie others. ,|yhe President also for thfe time being, or in his absence^ the Vice President, may at any time, onthji ^ qu^st in writing, of any six or more Members, summon a ymi i uii l iri 13 Special Meeting of the Company upon any particular busiae'ss. ., , t on MULJs 18. SuMMOws. — Each Member shall be warned to at- jn^ eveity Meeting by a notice ih* writing, which the Sjpcretiary shal> leave'at his Dwelling House, a. latest n the day next preceding that on ^vhich it is to be herd. The nptic'e for the Deceinber Meeting shall I^rticularlyexprfessth^t there is an additional Pine for ilion-attendance on that evening —The amount of Fjjies due by the respective Members .shall be noted, 6ii the Suranlon^ V ^ •• >: i A, ^At|LiNG ^HE ||p?^|^j^^t the hour 6ked for Meeting tjie^oll of tlje Copapariy shall ^e called over, arid the names as we'll ofuiosewho do not answer, as of those wJiOKdo, shall' b!eejitered olr^ tbe proceedings :— but iiO Member shall be fiped for not answering who sCall ^^. !¥ J*<>oiP ^liilo ihe tto]f is being called, 'To wreyentaiiy difference with respect to the liour of Meeting, the President, or in his absence,', the Vic^ President, or Chairman for the evening, shall regulate his watch by the Towix Qlqck— and his decision as to the time of calling the Roll, shall be final RULJS 2(|. ^.r??®'^*^^ OF Meeting^.— At eacl^ Quarterly Meeung, the proceedings of the last Quarterly M^at- ifi^and subseauent Special Meetings, shall be read immediately after Roll call ; and before n adjourn- ment IS moved, the proceedings of the Meeting sh. be read by the Secretary, after wMch they shall not be called in question. '#' 18 RULE 21. ORDKn AT MKBT.N08.-For the preservaticji iS gvjod order and regularity at all Meetings, every _Men.- Lr, when addressing the President, shall stand ; and any Member who shall interrupt hxm in any manner, or shaU converse on any subject while a ^ember .^ addressing the President, shall be called to order by to, or by the Vice-President, and shall .f refrac- Zy, be,subj«ct to the fine declared for s^ch offence in tV, scbedile of Pines part of t^ese Rules. Al m^iotis shall be determined by the majority exct^pt aLlng any p;tnted rule/shall not be « o-^'dered^^* parried unless there appear a majority, ol two thirds of he company present in favor of .r. Members are not to leave fhe rootp during business, without leave of the President or Chairman ol the l-yeumg. 'IT. > I RULE 22. ■< Absence of IVj embers, -Every Member who shall be absent at eight successive Quarterly Meetings shall be considered as hayin& withdrawn from this Company, and his name shall be pmitle4 m the Hooks of the Company accordingly. RULE 23. Honorary i>1 embers. -Every Member who has been enrolled in the Company for twenty years, shall ^% his request be entered as m. Honorary Member, anrt shall be exempted from attendance at meetings, a/^ from all Fines and Dues. ' RULE 24. Every Member on his admission into the Company, shall pay a lee of Five Shillings. r 14 g^m mdof die Funds, Two Shiflings arid Six MULE 25. ■ ,•! Dite'r'^'i' """"'"^'".S ^''"^^ sJ"*" be imposed and paid for the offences undermemibhed • " Ff^S^liC"^ '''''"*'''' "'"'"' ^"^ ^"*°"'y' T„^"L Jn?'"'''"S Cap, fiuc'iets and Bags, each .ios^d oi •Cl''°r *'^^^'^^ ^''«'«^^' "fin' i« ,^:^t;^conS^':S^^^^^ .he'^Drorrli'''".?^'""'l'''''°"°'''''^'"S the same o( whSZ'hl'"^-'"^ "'';''' *^''°'« mentioned articles Using improprrly, or having out of repair, or not m proper place, or not in the order prescribed by "he ^T\>:'^'J>. ^"f''?', ««S ' Lanthorn, ^fd! or?o tie cLi Articles belonging to the Member 'l^iree pL"?""^' '""^ ^'''"^'^ «"« Shilling, and SliShj."'"^ '° ""'"'^ "' ^''^'' '^''^ ^''^'^bcr, Five 'ix kte ' '"''' '^"''^''' ■^'"° Shillings^apd scrS b'v'H? « r'"""^''^ .^° I'''"''""' "•« duties pre- 'hiii ^ "'' ""''^' "' '''^'=^' ^«^h Member, ^-en 15 ?rJy Mee- and Six osed and uthofify, 5s, each ere and rFine is ckei and igs, one same of Jh Can- articles - le, one or not I by the 1, Bed- i ember ng - and ■ r k I , Five requir- igs a^d 5S pre- } Ten 1^ Absence after Roll-call, Seven Pence half-penny. Absence the whole evening, hi addition to the tuarterly dues, one Shilling and Threepence. - ^^ Leaving the Room without the permission of the [President or Chairman of the evening. One Shilling land Three Pence. ^/^ [ Contumacious conduct «t a' Meeting, one Shilling and Three Pence ; if the same should be contmued, f'iue to be doubled. Absence at the December Meeting, In addition to (he Quarterly Dues, Two Shilhngs and Six Pence. 1 Not taking Lanthorn, Bed Key or Book to De- cember Meeting, each One Shilling andThree Pence, lut when a Member is absent from the Meeting, this Ine is not to be added to his Fine for absence. Refusing to serve as Secretary, each Member, ten Shillings. 1 i r Refusing to auend the Secretary, at the Quarterly )r other inspections, each Member, five Shillings.^ President and Vice President. tf r t' ^ For non-attendancf? at Meetings or Fires, or foj* fabsrnce after Roll-call, double Fiats. SECaETARY. Neglecting Quarterly Inspections altogether, Ten IShilUngj.. r' :| NeglectiBg to bring the Books of the Society to each Meeting, Five Shillings. Other neglects, (subject to reduction at the discxe- tion of tliie Meeting,) Five ShilUngs,, Constables. Refusing to serve, each Member, T^n Shilling?. For neglect, or dircleclion of duty, Ten ShiUin^s. V 41 . IC ARTICLES BLI^ONGI^G TO THE COMPANY. , .Four ladders and two (Polr) Hooks, deposited! .S. W. Corni-r oftheFufl Yardj in cha'fgeofthe Scc^l rotary for the time bring. 4 1 wo Iron { cliain) Hooks, .deposited on Coiling'! Wharf, in char^'e.of Mr. W. B. Fairbanks. One Iron (Chain) Hook, depotited / „ ,/fi, Ip/f •'O'Sfr- Ut^m ChaiuJi Air.— WHIiart A. Black ' Sicc»KT-*»Y AWDTmtAstTJiEA.— James f. Gray, SbUTH SUBURBS. fedwnrd Pryflf iirf«J Jani^i 'jfr^iLin. : > I Sfi Peter'ilf'arii.^Andreif M. tlnia^ke. and Wiiliam- touni ,St. Matthew's fFarrf.— Lawrence Hartihorne and WilUam M. Allan. /^ . , St. PauVg tVa^d.—George N. RuMeli, and Jamea P. Gray. . Cti^nt}, Court House W'aM^Jahu James Sawyer, andWm. Sf. Jb^in'* JFarr^.-~g. W; D^loiii; ahd Jcitin Howe. Janr. ' ^orM Barrack W^arrf.— Geo. P.Lawson, and M. Tobin, Junr Brumwtck ^FarJ.-Hdfn. SamuBl Cunard. James N. Shannon, »Rd Joseph Starr. ' St. Gedrgey W^ar^.^EdwarA Canard, an3 John Dempster. COMMITTfeffi TO MANAGS AWD DIRECT AT FlK i S.^WHJ. A. Black, Janseg N. Shannon. Joseph Starr, and Edvyanl IVyor. ' ViT-^***^?'*;!;*'®* KxAAiNiNo Public I^uMPsoND VVteLLi. --William A. BlHck, William M. Allan, and George F. l.uwson. . 1U aV' ^'"•««' Stairg ; No. 2, James F. Gray ; No, :. William H^Dem ** (''^<^^a-S«oti«.) Edwtrd Canaid ; xScr. D, (Etiid,) Fir Thorns Murra; derick John I Seci Daniel JohnT ford, J Thi Roben Georg( Knigh' Fou Georgf Thomi Kielle Fifi John 1 Stevei St. 4 Nq. S, tT dppositeii if the Scc"! n Coiling' am Gray. tliam'Vounl. I WilUam M. P. Gray. 3r, andWm. we, Jttnr. Tobin, Junr N. Shannon, Jeriipster. rd IVyor. . i^iiwson. . ,, '.William I 17 Fire Engine Company. Captain. Elias CaDot ; Secretary. Robert A Bigby ; Treasurer. ^ James Smith. (Hon. Member.) Firs* Dmmn.— William Caldwell, Lieut.; 1 homas Maelua. Thols pXter. William J. Rogers. Timothy Connors. Wm. Murray James Mahony. Hunter St Andrews Joseph CenneU, Fre- derickSturmy. William Lisw.U. William Flynn. James bmither. John Rhind. and James Humphrey. ,.va« qtnrr.v Second Divmon.-Thomtxs Cassedy, Lieutenant ; I^^^.w- S»«"^;y' Dan elMcLean, Thomas Wilson Charles Hunter •Jeremiah Muhhg, JohnRic'.urd«on, Benjamin Smithers. James Malcolm. VV m. Craw- ford, John .Johnson. Joseph Scriven, and IhomasLownd.. Third nivision,^Georoe Little. Lieutenant ; J«n^«« J^om on Robert Haverstock, Samuel Garten, Robert A.B.gby. Wn). Dillen, George Smlther.. John Johnson. Junr., Daniel Holman, Alexander Knight, and Alexander Ross. ,.. ,. . n u * \i7„„j:n Fourth Division.-John Drillio. Lieutenant ; Robert Wood.H, George Barton, J. Pallister. Stephen Studley, John Gibson Wm. Thomson, Thomas Hollovvay, James Connor.. James 1 indlay, J. Kiellev. and John McKay, ,, , r^ f * Fifk Division.-lienry Spike. Lieutenant ; Manud De reyta . John Esson.MichaelMaloney. James Ward. Joseph McGill. Wm. Stevenson, and John Forrest. j o <3t Ponl'a Thnrrh • Stations of the Engines.— No. 1 and 2. St Paul s Church , No. S, Mason Hall ; No. 4 and 5, St. George's Church. Axe Fire Company. Captain, Robert Richardson ; Lieutenant, John McNiel Seeretary. Thomas McKie. William Johnston, -Errol Boyd. William Marvin. Henry Miller William Rose, Matthew Lownds, JamesGrant Patrick Mahony. J. McPberson, Archibald^ng, Charles Marvin Ephraim Lawlor, P Artz, Nelson Maivin!: Thomas Dunbrack, Douglas Marshall, and Thomas Wells. , ^ j». ^.u^a The Hooks, Ladders, kc. belonging to the Company arc deposited in the Engine House, west side of St. Paul's Chnroh. iHjWHIiiii|iiliii||IHi?iMi lito MNi i_ I I 18 ■^me9 of the Ac(ing:]!Ieinber^. Date of Admission 2d Sept., 1828. SdMAreh. 1824. do do Ist Dec, do 7th June, 1826 do do do do do do do do do CHAS. R. FAIRBANKS WILLIAM B ALMON GEORGE P. LAtVSON J. G. A. CREIGHTON WILLIAM M. ALLAN MATHER B. ALMON ALEX. G. ERASER JbHN JAS. SAWYER Wm. B. FAIRBANKS Wm. LAWSON, JNR. MiCH. TOBIN. JNR. J. STEWART CLARKEi JAMES F. AVERY THOMAS R. GRASSIE 8tli Sept., do jSTEPHFJ^ BINNEY mh Ded., do do do do do do do do Sept., 1817 DAf ID ALLISON Wm. B. ROBERTSON LAW O'C DOYLE HENRY PRYOR 4th June, 1828 HUGI? HARTSHORN E ,."?ff,\ v y^ ;l.*»." 1 19 Dftte of Admission 8d Dec. 1328 EDWARD ALLISON do do do do Jane, ^829 2d Sept., do do do do do '? do GEORGE R. YOUNQ WILLIAM J. 3TARR ROBERT LAWSON JAMES F. GRAY JOHN STIRLING 2d Dec. 1829 .JONATHAN C.ALLISON do ^ do JOSEPH FAIRBANKS JOHN C. HALLIBURTON HEBJRY YEOMANS. JNR RICH.TREMAIN, JNR. ANDREW M. UNIACKE WILLIAM GRIGOR 3 March, 1S80 do do do lit Dec, do ^.do do 4o do do do 2dMarcl^f«til*JAMES G. RITCHIE CHAS.W.H. HARRIS EDWARD PRYOR,JNR WENT. FUEGER JAMES A. MOREN EDWARD BINNEY WILLIAM F. BLACK do do do ! SAMUEL B. SMITH J . L.-j. J nitm mmiiSfmtMm liiOw nil Ik Date of Admisiion. 20 NAMES. 6 March, 1888 it do do 4th Dec. do Sd do 1884 do do do JOSEPH HOWE JOHN W. RITCHIE THOMAS A. RITCHIE GEORGE PRYOR THOMAS C. KINNEAR REMARKS' Dateo AdmisBi k :• i Jfil i| t.fiJ^tJ : |f , m^ t n,|j^,^ , |JM^ lEMARKS* Date of Admisaion 31 NAMES. REMARKS. M 1^ m 92 Dattor Admiaaion NAMES 1 » REMARKS Dale ol AdoiiMioi . L REMARKS Date AdmiMton ^■;ryiiaiH ..j 'Ti'iVfjIltllWilW ii'