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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Stre filmds i des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film6 d partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 r^ <■ ' *> WKmimmm.mi' '^li l91 • ^%l '"'^^a <, / ^,'P i - > , *-^ 1 ^ -^ i 4 '^i 3 1.' ,^ 'P i ^ 1 v%^ UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA LIBRARY l» /S .^.ftr- mmmm mmmi THE BROWNIES AT HOME BY PALMER COX PUBLISHED BY THH CENTURY CO. NHW YORK (.■il'viiirlil. iS()i, iHc)2, by The (Curtis Pi'blishing Company; Copyright, i.Hcn, I'y The Cintury Co. I r mm jihl jiohliiis, arc inuigiiurr lil- tli- ij^i iirs, '.il'o arc >ul^(iosi-tt to ililiiihl in haniilt-sa f^ijiiks jml /\-lp/iil ,/,vi;- |)|.;i( — AND N(i TkACI; idlNI-. : H' Till; KlNDM lli-.i.n.Ks. 57 /-V HunWMI.S IN .llNK. I'l'dN llir. HUddKI.VN HullKiK — A (iKAM) I{A('K (ivr.i; •nii; lidi-rv K'dADWAV — Somk Si:i;k tiik Tdi- 71 OF A TdWKH — dTIIKliS 1 )l>i KNI) TO TlIK lidTT(JM OK TlIK KlVKIf. E^»— ~ ,,-1, lii;()\VMi;s IN .li i,v. \'i>niN(; Tin: ( )i.i) Stati; lidisi: in I'mii.adkmmiia, Till-; Hand IIxamini'.s iiir, Hki.ks tiikuk — Tiiky lfi;ii,i;ci' 1 I'dN Tin: liKNcTii di' ini: l»i:vdi.iTi(iN — AND h'K.lOKi; dVIOK ITS HllSlLT. 84 Ainii ,i r, I-JiiOWNiK.s IN August. A UoAT-HiDK ri'oN thi". (iur.AT Fatiii-.k of \VAI'i;iiS HKINOS TlIK HaNI) TO TlIK SiNNY S'HiTi — wiiKin: TiiKV l)i:i,i(iHT in Furrrs AND Fl.dWKHS— lUT Alii; NOT I 'LKASKD WITH Al.LKiAToUS. 95 \v/piUD'S [ C'ol^u<^l^'vfll\^ I /•il iri Alio,, LiTiowNinH IN- Sr.i"rr.Mi?i;it. TlIK 1V\N1» .IlllKNKVS 'I'O ClIM'AUd — AND M;M»S a IIaNII T(»\VAlfl> I'KKI'All- IN(i Till", WoHI.D'S KaIU— As A FiN isiiiNii Tuicii, riiK.v lloisr ■riii; Stau- SrANdLKi) Hannku a.mii) ('iii;i;us. HAOK, 104 BuoWNrHS IN OCTOHF'l. AdUicft.TruK HN'(iAfiKs THr;ri{ Attkn- TION — I'liKSSINd OllSTlNATi; Am.MAI.S INTO Skuvici;, tiikv I'l t Vurir and Vi:(ii;tahi-ks oi T ni' .Iack Fkost's Ukack. 115 Brownies in NovE:\roER. ('()LLE(TIN(i AIJ, TlIK 1)KI,I('A('IKS iW THK SkASON i^ty^ —TlIK Band I'uki-akks a Sr.Mi-Ti'ors Fkast— and TUKN Enjoys Natvue's Bounty. Brownies in December. The Brownies Select a fine Christmas Tree— WHICH IS Loaded to the tip top with (tifts — AND THE Hearts of Pook Children are jiade «Jeai). 134 xi OTHHR BOOKS BY PAI.MHR COX: PUBLISHHD BY IHH CKNTURY CO. THE BROWNIES THEIR BOOK Quarlo. i ^o pjges. Price, in ho.irds, 81.50. ANOTHER BROWNIE BOOK Quarto, m,, p;,i;es. Priee, in Uy.nds, ^,.^0. TTTE BllOWXTES IN JANITARY. 2et\} January laid tlie snow On niount.iin liigli and valley low, And glidinj^ Hloip^h and jingling bell Showed folks improved their chances well, The Brownies planned, with language bold, A ride across the country cold. Said one: "No cutter frail and lignt Will answer our demands to-night; We must have something large and strong To carrj all the })and along, And stand the strain of going fast On wintry roads where (h'ifts are cast." Another cried: "I know a place Where rests a rig to suit the case; 'T is like a life-hoat, long and wide, In which the sailors brave the tiull and haul. Some judgment there must be, withal; And that 's a quality or crown With which you are not weighted down." \ THE BROWNIEH IN JANUARY. Then brief uiscussions staried there In settling which tlie whip should hear; THE JiJtOWNlES IN JANUAKY. For Imlf ii (lozon lilod u claini To wield tliat impleineiit of sliaiue. Said oiu': "I '11 niako it snap so loud 'T will wake an echo in the cloud." But others said: "You 're far too bold; No hasty hand the Avhip should hold, That in each ti'ivial action may See cause to bring it into pla3%" Those wlio have seen the Brownie band In other scenes by sea or land, Know how the cunnini;- roijues agree Upon a scheme, whate'er it ])e; While those who have not studied o'er Their wondi'ous doings, heretofore, Will learn, if they pursue the rhyme. How much the Brownies value time. In twenty minutes by the clock That in a steeple on the block Both day and night its visage showed, Some '^"^^''^'^^ ^^A^ "^*^3B^^fe>. The happy baud to the team ^(f'B!^^^^ '^^'^^ ^^^^ ^^ attention lent, '^^^ jC^^ W the road, xind on the harness were intent. More through the yard as sprightly sped, To (b'ag the cutter from the shed, The seats to portion or divide So every one could share the ride, — 4 THE BROWNIES IN JANUARY. The Brownies wlien occasion calls Can almost roll themselves in halls, In order to conform arijitht To places that may crowd them tight. But one by one the seats were jannned, And spaces in between were crammed With Brownies well content to seat Themselves among the others' feet. A picnic party on a barge That floats, a puffing tug-boat's charge Upon the river or the bay. When workers take a holiday, Could hardly show such faces Imght As from the sleigh i)eeped out that night. 6 THE BROWNIES IN JANUARY. For several miles, with uothiiif; wrong. Behind the team they slid alonj;. But, though the start was all indeed That one could wish for sport and speed, They found mishaps, you may depend, If you i)ursue them to the end. Some, ratlier than to lie left out At such a lime, liad <'rawle