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President Professor of Afirriciilture and Farm Superintendent. Professor of Chemistry. O.S. Professor of (Jeology and Natural History. Professor of Veterinary Science. Professor of Dairy Husbandry. Assistant Resident and Mathematical Master. . Instructor in Drill and Gyninastios. . Assistant Superintendent of Experiments. Assistant Chemist. Buraar. ADVISORY BOARD. A. Blub.. John I. Hobso.v . . John McMillan, M.P. Edward Jekfs J. S. Smith G. B. BoYCK D. A. DowLixo . . Wm. Dovaujsos.. Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Toronto. Mosborough, County of VVollington. . Constance, County of Huron. Bond Head, County of Simcoe. Ailsa Craig, County of Middlesex. Norh,ain, County of Northumberland. . Appleton, County of Carleton. • ^ . . Woodstock, County of Oxford. lyhaii'ffian of Board Seerctari/ of Hoard John I. Hobson. A. Blub. BULLBriN Lix. Guelph, President. )rintendent. Chemistry, ral History, iry Ssienoe. Husbandry, ical Master, 'yninasticd. icperimeuts. nt Ohemiat. • Biirsar. , Toronto. ^«ilington. of Huron. of Simcoe. Middlesex, imberland. f Carleton. of Oxford. GREEN FODDER FOR SWINE. oov?riVaS"of fe? "^rr \ ''''' ^^' ''''^' ^^^^^ «. it lasted mZ^ t\ -^ , '^^^^ experiment growing out of cheape? ration^ A thirfoblct ta^to /« f /u '"^^' ^"''""'^^^ ^*»« the ,L „.d, we';: vXllL'-*Tlfe?t°e« dS° Tir" group,. Each group c„mpri.e,l three .uiLrTwo oftil^ '"■'" barrows and one a bow. The indivM,..) .-• i ■ . °'™ ''*"' from different litters, and™ e an'lr n ^1, IZr*" «"?"" "'" instance from the same litter Tl,!^!!!.? "T'' ""' '° ^'''"y fedve.7similarl:,„„m^a„dr.fuset,mThecoU:ge the 17.? tte; w'oruk" Ihou-tt '"L^T ''°-- ' -"> '«- »" were fed aboul three-fourths Tmu Zus tle°pi " Tl^-,'' and also a quantity ol ereen fodder Tiw! ^ • ^^ « *^°"P ^» about one-t^rd as'muira/'af those"^^^^ ^^^r^LZV'' ndon.third.4erelVt^^^^^^^ but 8h«ht variations were caused by the consumptforby thrZi of quantities of meal not always the same from day to day Wht definite changes were made in the n,u.ntu;o„ ^f S ° , ^; ^^^^ always noftde at the weighing periods, which were every two weeks. The meal ration consisted of ground pease, two parts ; ground bar- ley, one part ; ground oats, one part, and wheat middlings, one part. These proportions were by weight. The green food consisted of clover, oats and vetches, com and millet, as these came in season. It was cut into lengths of about one-halfinch by running it through a cutting box, and whei fed the meal was mixed with it. Water was always given alor g with the food. Estimated Value of the Food. The food was estimated at the current market values in Guelph, viz.: pease, 56 cents per bushel; barley, 50 cents; oats, 35 cents; and wheat middlings, 116 per ton. Eight cents per 100 lb. were allowed for grinding the meal. The price of the meal mixture used was, therefore, one cent per pound. Tl;e green food was charged at $2 per ton. Food Eaten. The following table gives the food consumed, (1) by each individual animal daily on an average throughout the experiment, and (2) the whole amount consumed by the pigs in each group: Group 1. Group 2. Group 3. By each Animal lb. 4^ meal. 1,520 " lb. c 3.09 meal. I 1.86 gr. fd. 1,140 meal. 628 gr. fd. lb. ( 1.39 meal. < 3.77 gr. fd. j 614 meal. » 1,392 gr. fd. By each Group Increase in Weight. The next table gives the average weight of the pigs in each group, (1) at the commencement of the expenment, (2) at its close, the average individual increase in weight and the average individual daily increase : ' ' Group 1. Group 2. Group 8. Weight at commencement lb. 161.00 248.30 97.30 .79 lb. 147.30 221.30 74.00 .60 lb. 147.30 167.00 19.70 Weight at close Average increase Average daily increase .10 ^ Values. The third table gives (1) the average value of one animal in each group at the commencement of the experiment. ^21 IT two weeks, ground iJar- |;;s, one part, consisted of le in season, ig it tlirough it. Water M estimated >5 cents per middlings, 'or grinding lerefbre, one ton. i consumed, oughout the pigs in each Group 3. lb. 1.39 meal. 3.77 gr. fd. 614 meal. 1,392 gr. fd. bhe average lent of the e in weight, Group 8. 147.30 167.00 19.70 .16 the cost of food for one average animal throughout the experiment (3) the average value of ono animal in each group at the close of the experiment, (4) the average individual gain or low, and (6) average individual gain or loss per cent, (a) on value of animals at commencement of the experiment, and (b) on value of animals at commencement of the experiment with market value of food in- cluded : Group 1. Group. 2. Group 8. Value at oommenoement Cost of food Value at close Gain or loss • 6.79 6.07 12.17 + .31 + 4.5fi +2.61 9 6.63 4.03 10.84 + .18 + 271 + 1.69 • 6.68 a.18 7.10 - 1.71 -27.00 -19.41 Gain or loss per cent, on animals Gainor Iobh per cent, on animals and food. lue of one riment. ^2) The pigs were valued at $4.50 per 100 lb. live weight at-the commencement of the experiment, as prime animals brought $6.25 per 100 lb. at that time. At its close the pigs in groups 1 and 2 were valued at $4.90 per 100 lb., which was the market value, and those in group 3 were valued at $4.25. As to condition the animals in group 1 were fat, and those in group 2 prime, while those in group 3 were not improved in condition. It will also be observed that the market values had fallen in the meantime. The manure is supposed to form more than an offset to the cost of th' labor. Aftbr Expbrimekt. At the close of the experimfc„t proper on October 8 a second experiment was commenced to show the pro- bable effects of feeding green food upon pork-making during the sub- sequent fattening period. During this experiment all the pigs were fed a ration similar in kind to that fed to those pigs in group No. 1 during the first experiment. This after experiment continued forty days, and at its close on November 17 the pigs were sold at $4.10 per 100 lb. live weight. The detailed results would unduly enlarge this bulletin: It may be mentioned however that although there was a slight relative increase in the rate of gain with the p^ in groups 2 and 3 as compared with those in group 1, it was not at all marked. The prices for prime pork had in the meantime fallen from $4.50 to $4.10 per 100 lb., so that the pigs during this period were fed at an actual loss. OONCLUSIONS. The following are the more important conclusions from the experiment : . 6 b.l«.o. o» the food Wngmade^D o '^*°,!;?'' """' "«"». ^» with the meal, i„cre«. ft . «t^ V />r!.. °^.''" °? ""■ «■''«<> OB one third the .i».n"ty oU^,'"" ^Lrh""'' P> ?'«■'«< being 5!»;.Utive;X?i',::l';rn^:dlV?;;t'"'' "^'■'* d.y. in .ummer' will CburTs^^oeT™ .I." T'^ ' '"' '^^ uim.1., u in group 2 b„ "5 7 ITLT ? 'J° *"' °™" »' '•«> 3 the lo« will be 27 percent ^ ' "'' *'""' '"^ " ''" 8«>»P thetr:tirnr™rketlivr't*r,'?' r^^' '»!»«. .nd„f i. Parmer, .hoald iS,.3!^. * •/■*°"'"'' "°P»««°o«- month. »f Octowtd ^^v^boTwlr"'-""'' '""' <~'^ » "" Uuxi at any other mJa otZyZt ''"™' '"' "'"""j' 'o™' fJ!'..^n'\h' "^"ofthtt'Lj't "If' ■•"^"°" «"•"'■" of «~» bri.^ «;em into a marlcetable Iditi^t ""^ '" *""'' '' *'" f'" "> .xperimen^\t'me3''Xf?:i'°.o''':b'r ^ "" ""■- «-">» '" ""• oven- way the meet mfaLf^yXioT '° ^^'^ ' "" ''""«' » to d^iotltTuett^r^^ll^:^* r'A"^'*? " -^ •"» fading the pig. in g„„p«'2^» IJite^fSS """ ""' "'«' »