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Le diagramme suivant illustre la mAthode : 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 fmm^^^^,,^^^. N ■iio.nTAM la^ia !■■■■ a31 187 00606t4990b r- UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO LIBRARY ^ ntaton %. I^Wi'^ppP^^ HE Chateau Ramezay is one of the oldest and most characteristic of the French seig:neurial mansions in Ginada* Historically^ it is the most interesting^ building: on the Continent of America. Claude de Ramezay^ who built the Chateau in \705, was a disting:uished .' 'diet of noble bitth^ and Milita/y (Tovemor of I^ntreal. I om the Chateau for nearly a score of years he directed the closely connected military and commercial affairs of his postf and his generous hospitality made his home a resort for every sort of pioneer and adventurer* When he died, his heirs, unable to support so extensive an establishment, sold the Chiteau to La Compagnie des Indes. Thus the home of a powerful family became the chief warehouse of a great trading company, an open market place through which for the next twenty years moved a picturesque procession of Indians, voyageurs and coureurs-de-bois, halting only to fling down loads of furs and barter with the clerks. Then the day dawned when the heavy doors were closed and the bolts shot. Lord Amherst was knocking at the city gates ; Messieurs de La Compagnie were packing up their traps. The old regime had passed away with all its glory and its woe. Again the Chateau became private property, through pur- chase from the Company by William Grant, Baron de Longueuil. It is uncertain whet'ier the Grants ever occupied the Chateau, for during about ten years it continued to be known as '* The India House.^ Then the Government, wishing the Lieutenant- Governor of Montreal to be si;itably housed, leased it and installed therein Mr. Cramah^ Scarcely was he established, when, on a November morning in the year J 775, Montreal was peremptorily invited to receive unwelcome visitors in the persons of General Montgomery and a band of citizen soldiers just arrived from the revolting colonies to the South. Mr. Cramahe, a gentleman apparently more discreet than valorous, incontinently fled. General Montgomery saw the Chateau, liked it, and at once made it his headquarters. During the brief American occupation of Montreal, two men of world- wide renown lived there, and wasted a good deal of their time in trying to detach the French Canadians from their new alle- giance to the British Crown ; one of these was Benedict Arnold — the traitor, Benedict Arnold ; the other was the printer, scien- tist, diplomatist, philosopher, Benjamin Franklin. After the defeat of Montgomery at Quebec the visitors m j{.y." ' jj.'j."j". ■'.'*t,.-- ??iP3^^S5S5^ speedily flitted and the Ch&teau agfain waited silently for a tenant^ until the Government bought it out and out from the Grants^ and made it the official residence for Governors of Lower Canada temporarily resident in Montreal. For half a century it was occupied by successive gfovemors who made many alterations and additions, none of which may be correctly described as improvements* Lord Metcalfe was the last resident g:overnor, but for some years after his establishment in a new g:overnment house the Chateau was used for depart- mental offices When Montreal ceased to be the provincial capital, the Chateau served various purposes. For several years the courts sat there, and afterwards certain rooms were used for classes of the Normal School and of the Medical Faculty of LavaU About twelve years as:o its fortunes touched low water mark, for in the hall where the representatives of three sfreat nations had sat in council, civic magfistrates meted justice to the vulgfarest offenders. In J&93 the Qi^tcau was sold at public auction by the Pro- vincial Government, and bought by the G)rporation of the Qty of Montreal, with the intention of preserving the building and establishing in it a free public archaeological, scientific and his- torical museum. This happy result was brought about chiefly by the zeal and persistence of the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society, which in the year i&95 was given possession of the Chateau and permanently installed there as cujitodians for the people. ^ ' v-w -T- THE NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF MONTREAL Founded 1862 j» Jt Incoiporated 1870 Chateau dc Ramezay Patron His Excellency The Earl of Aberdekn, Governor-General. President Hon. Mr. Justice Baby, 77 Mansfield St. Vlce-Pfeiidentf RouRR Roy, Esq., Q.C., City Attorney, City Hall. Hy. J. TtFFiN, Esq., 318 St. Paul St. I.uciEN HooT, Esq., IJ.C.L. Mr. Justice Sicotte, Court House. VV. D. LiGHTHALL, Esq., M.A., F.R.S.L.. 180 St. Tames St. Henry Mott, Esq., McGill College Library! Treasurer and Hon. Curator R. W. McLachlan, Esq., 55 Monique St. Recording Secretary C. A. DE Lotbinikre-Harwood. Esq., B.C.L., i8o St. James St. Corresponding: Secretary Emanuel Ohlen, Esq., 180 St. James St. Cotincil H. Charles Nelson, Esq., 1724 Notre Dame St. Dr. C. W. Wilson, Metcilfe St. Dr. Louis Laberge, City Health Department. City Hall. P. O. Tremblay, Esq., 2679 Notre Dame St. VicoMTE DE LA Barthe, 99 St. Francois Xavier St. F. Percy Smith, Esq., 128 St. James St. J. i.. U. Beaudry, Esq., C.E., Imperial Building. Geo. Durnforu, Esq , 196 St. James St. G. H. Mathews, Esq., 871 Dorchester St. Editing Committee R. W. McLachlan, Esq. Hy. Mott, Esq. Hon. Mr. Justice Baby. W. D. LiGHTHALL. Esq. L. HUOT, Esq. Aisistant Liiwarian Mr. Thos. O'Leary. LADIES' BRANCH Hon. President Her Excellency the CouNTtss OF Aberdeen. President Mmk dk Bei.lkfeuii.le Macdonald, 14 St. Famille St. First Vice-President Mrs. James H. Pkck. Undermnunt, Durocher St. Second Vice-President Mme Thibaupeau, 837 Pivlace St. English Secretary Mrs. C. Spraggk, 65 Shuter St. French Secretary Mlle Barrv, 576 St. Denis St. Treasurer (pro tern) Mrs. Charles Whitehead. Executive Gmimittee Lady Lacostb Mrs. C. T, Hart Mrs. Francis McLennan Miss Van Hornb Mme Mignault Miss Watt Mmb p. Roy Owncil Miss DE Bellepeuillb Macdonalu Mrs. Peterson Mme Roubr Roy Mrs. Ferguson M.ME L. J. Forget Mrs. John Cox Mllb db B. Macdonald Mme L. db Lotbiniere-Harwood Mmr db Beaujeu Mlle oe Rocheblave Miss McCord Miss Van Hornb Mrs. G. B. Burlane Miss Skelton Mrs. H. a. Allan Mlle dr Salaberry Mrs. R. MacDonnell Mrs. Louis Masson Mme Forget Lady Kingston Mrs. VV. Miller Mme Laviolettb Mrs. W. D. Lighthall Lady Lacostb Miss M. M. Phillips Mrs. Penhallow Mmb Ryan Mrs. Whbelbr Mrs. Fayette Brown Mrs. G. W. Stephens Mks. Redpath Mme Baby Mme Dandurand Mme Casgrain Mlle Baby Mrs. Charles Hope Mrs. Charles T. Hart Mmb Mignault Mmb Rouer Roy Mmb H. Cornu Mme Arthur Boybb Mrs. Ferguson Mrs. H. G. Stbathy Mme. Alfred A. Thibaudbau Mme Gblinas Mme Fitzpatrick Mmb Gerin-Lajoib Mbs. H. Montacub Allah CATALOGUE. ). Champlain. Samuel uc Champlain, born at Brouages, France, died at Quebec, on Christmas Day, 1635. ^Vas first Governor of Canada under the French, 1608 to 1635. Founded the City of Quebec, July 3rd, 1608, and the City of Three River?, 1634, and established a fort at Place Royale (Montreal), t6ii. A cele- brated French navigator. 2. Talon* Fortrdits Jean Talon, Baron d'Orsainville. of Canada, 1663 to 1672. 3. Bienville. The first Intendant OOD Sieur Le Moyne de Bienville. A celebrated Canadian explorer. Founded New Orleans, 1717. 4« Imbert* A member of the Supreme Council of Quebec. He returned to France in 1760. 5. Snail* Major-General John Small, Governor of Guernsey, Channel Islands. A Lieutenant in the 42nd Royal Highland Black Watch, at the battle of Carillon, 1758, and afterwards Colonel 2nd Battalion Royal Highland Emigrants, and led a column at the battle of Bunker Hill. 6* Haldimand. Sir Frederick Haldimand, K.B., a native of Switzer- land ; entered the British Army, 1754. Greatly distinguished himself at the battles of Ticonderoga and Oswego. Lieut. -Governor of Canada, June 27th, 1778, to Nov. 18th, 1784. 7* CampbeU* Colonel John Campbell, married Mile. La Corne de St. Luc. Was Chief of the Indian Department. ?*S%>s„ *m/ < i^ PoriHIII J. Dorehejter. "-. General Guy Carleton, afterwards Lord Dorchester. Governor General oi Canada, 176610 1796; died in England in his 83rd year, 1808. 9. Dufferin. Frederick Temple Blackwood, Earl of Dufferin. An eminent British statesman, Governor General of Canada, 187a to 1878. 10* Jacques Cartier. Celebrated French navigator, a native of St. Malo. The discoverer of Canada, 1534 ; on his second voy- age, 1535, he discovered Stadacona (Quebec) and Hochelaga (Montreal). His last voyage was in 1540; he built a fort at Charlesbourg, near the present site of Quebec, where he wintered and re- turned to France in 1542. U. George III. His Majesty George HI., King of Great Britain and Ireland, 1760 to 1820. 12. Battte of Chateaug:uay. Oct. 26th, T 813. (Americans and Canadians). 13. Blair. Colonel Blair, a relative of the Selby Family. He served in Canada as Lieutenant in 93rd Highlanders. 14. Lennox. Major Lennox, son of Lord Lennox, married Mile Marie Marguerite de Chapt. de la Corne St. Luc J5. Louis XV. Arms of France under Louis XV. 151. Louis XV. His Majesty Louis XV., King of France, 1 715 to 1774. 16. Lartigfue. Mgr. Lartigue, First Roman Catholic Bishop of Mont- real ; born at Montreal, 20th June, 1777, and died April 19th, 1840. A most estimable and learned divine. 17. Christie. General Gabriel Christie, born T722, died at Mont- real, 1799. W^s Brevet Major-General under ter. lied An of alo. voy- and s in the Ire- and He ders. Mile c. 774. ont- died rned [ont- nder Amherst. 1759, and was Commander in-Chief of Porfr4lti the Forces in Canada, 1798. 18. Sydenham. Charles Poulett Thomson, created Baron Sydenham and Toronto, 1840; Governor General of Canada, 1839 to 1 84 1. He met with an accident while rid- ing near Kingston, Ont., Sept. 4th, which resulted in his death, Sept. 19th, 1841. 19. Bouchettc Lieut.-Colonel Joseph Bouchette, C.B., born 1774 died at Montreal, April 9th, 1841, and was interred in the Parish Church of Notre Dame. Surveyor- General of Lower Canada and author of the bcht | \ topographical accounts of the country ; two editions were issued, one in 181 5 and the second in 1832. 20. La G>me St. Luc Luc de Chapt de la Corne St. Luc, Knight of the Order of St. Louis. Captured Fort Clinton, 1747. Was at the battle of Carillon, 1758, and battle of St. Foye, 1760. Was one of the survivors of the wreck of the ill-fated transport " Auguste," whicii was lost in the Gulf of St. Lawrence when carrying home to France the remnants of the French Army. He remained in Canada and published a narrative of the disaster, and became an Executive Councillor under the British Government, 1788. He accom- panied Burgoyne's army as Commandant of the I Indians, and was an important witness against the General before the Committee of the House of Commons. He was thrice married : 1st, Mile Her- vieux ; 2ud, Marie Veuve de St. Pierre ; and 3rd, Mile Boucher de Boucherville. 2 J. Pothicr. Hon. Toussaint Pothier, Seigneur of Fief Lagauche- titre. A partner in the old North-West Company ar»d Legislative Councillor, 1823. Major of Volun- teers in the War of 181 2. A prominent citizen of Montreal in his day. 22. Gosford. Archibald Acheson, Earl of Gosford, G.C.B. Gov- ernor-General of Canada, August, 1835, ^o Febru- ary 26th, 1838. He died in England, 1849. 23. Metcalfe. Charles Theophilus Metcalfe, Baron Metcalfe, K.G.C.B. Born January 30th, 1785, died Septem- Portriltt I f ber 5th, 1846. A distinguished British Statesman. Governor of Jamaica, 1842, and Governor General of Canada, 1843 to 1845. 24. Prevost. Sir George Prevost, born May 19th, 1767. Died Jan. 5th, 1816. Was Lieut-Governor of Nova Scotia, r 808, and Governor-General of Canada, ; 8 1 1 to 1 8 1 4. 25. Yong:e. Sir George Vonge, a ivominent English officer. Yonge street, Toronto, is named after him. 26. Saunders. Sir Charles Saunders, a distinguished British Admiral. Commanded the fleet opposite Quebec, acdng in concert with Maj. General Wolfe at the Conquest of Canada, 1759. He died in England, 1775. 27. Wolfe Major General James Wolfe, born at Westerham, Kent, 2nd January, 1727. Commanded the British troops at the battle of the Plains of Abraham, September 13th, 1759, and expired that night from wounds received during the action. His remains were sent home to England, and were interred in the family vault at the Church of St. Alphage, Greenwich. 28. Wolfe Vide No. 27. 29. L. J. Papineau. Hon. Louis Joseph Papineau, a celebrated Lower Canadian politician, born October 17th, 1786, died September 22nd, 1871. Famous for his connection with the troubles of 1837. He retired from public life in 1854, and resided until his death at the Manor House, " Montebello," Seigniory of La Petite Nation, Ottawa River. 3a Viger. Hon. Denis Benjamin Viger, a celebrated Lower Canadian politician and writer. Was a Legislative Councillor, .'^i". and a Minister of the Crown after the Union. Died at Montreal, February 13th, 1861. 3U Fulford. Right Reverend Francis Fulford, D.D., first Metro- politan Bishop of Canada. Born June 3rd, 1803, died September 9th, iStS. Consecrated 1850, and appointed Metropolitan i860. 3 32. Tyendinagfa* Brant, a. noted Six Nation Chief, firantford, Ontario, derives its name from him. 33. De Tonnancour. Louise Carrerot de Tonnancour, wife of Louis Joseph de Tonnancour. 34. Montcalm. Loui^ Joseph De Saint Veran Montcalm, born 1712, died 1759. The brave and intrepid Commander of the French Army at the battle of the Plains of Abraham, September t3th, 1759. 35. Craig;. Sir James Henry Craig, born at Gibraltar, 1750, died in England, 181 2. Governor-General of Canada, 1807 to 1811. 36. Gosford. Archibald Acheson, Earl of Gosford. Governor- General of Canada, 1835 to ^838. Vide No. 32. 37. McGiU. Hon. Peter McGill came to Montreal in 1809 as a partnei in the old firm of Parker, Gerrard, Ogilvie & Co, Was President of the Bank of Montreal from 1834 to i860, and also filled numerous other important positions in mercantile circles. Second Mayor of the City of Montreal. 38. D'Argfeiison* Vicomte Pierre de Voyer D'Argenson. Governor of Canada, 1658 to 1661. 39. Qigfnancourt. Chevalier D' Amour de Clignancourt, an officer of the French Army. Allied to the Dj Montigny family. 40. De Lanaudi^re* ■. ■/:'?^:''--:'i:y:y-'r:-::.yr::_,<:<' Hon. Charles Tarieu de Lanaudibte. Born at Quebec 1741. Married Mile La Corne de St Luc. Wa*; a Lieutenant in Royal Canadian Volunteers. Died at the Manor de ].a Valtrie, 181 2. 41. De Tonnancottf* Louis Joseph Godefroi de Tonnancour. A sub dele- gate of the Intendant and Procureur du Roi, at Three Rivers, 17 12. Fdrtr4it$ y^ HuL' PorrrAttI 42. De Monti g^ny. 53. \t * 4 t t in Mile Charlotte des Rivibres, daughter of Julie des Rivieres, and wife of the Chevalier Jean Baptiste Testard de Montigny. 43* De Montigfny* Chevalier Jean Baptiste lestard de Montigny, Knight of St. Louis, was at Munongahela with de Beaujeu, 1 7 55, and at the Capture of Fort Bull, 1 756. Wound- ed at Niagara, 1759. Died at Blois, France, 1786. 44* De Louvigfny. Marie de La Porte de Louvigny, daughter of the Governor of Three Rivers and wife of Sieur Jacques de Montigny. Died 1763. 45* De Montigfny* Jacques Testard de Montigny, born 1663. Died 1737. Knight of St. Louis and Captain in the army of France. 46. Durham* John George Lambton, Earl of Durham. Born April 1 3th, 1793. Died 1840. Governor- General of Canada, May to November, 1838. 47* Aberdeen* John Charles Hamilton Gordon, Earl of Aberdeen. Governor-General of Canada. 48* Elgrin* James Bruce, Earl of Elgin. Governor-General of Canada, 1847 to 1854. 49* Dalhousie* George Ramsay, Earl Dalhousie. Born 1770, died 1838. Governor-Generulof Canada, 1830 to 1838. 50. Beauhamois* Arms of Charles Marquis de Beauharnois. Governor of Canada, 1736 to 1747. 51. Selby. William Dunbar Selby, M. D. Married Mile Mar- guerite Baby September 4th, 18 15. Died at Mont- real, Feb. 3rd, 1839. 52. D'Ailleboust de Coulong:e* Arms of Sieur Louis D'Ailleboust de Coulonge. Gov- ernor of Canada, 1648 to 1651. 10 Arr 54. Arr Dr. •^fur 53. Lauzon. Arms of Sieur Jean de Lauzon. 1651 ;o 1656. Porffjitts Governor of Canada, 54, DeMesy. Arms of Chevalier Augustin de Saffray-Mesy. Gov- ernoi of Canada, 1663 to 1665. Died at Quebec. 55. Cadillac. Arms of Sieur La Motte Cadillac, troit, 1700. 56. Perrawlt. Founder of De- Joseph Fran9ois Perrault. Born at Three Rivers, 1753. Died at Quebec, 1844. Prothonotary at Quebec for 53 years. 57. Selby. Dr. George Selby. Born in England and educated at St. Omer, Fiance. Came to Canada, married Miss Dunbar. Died in Montreal, May 15th, 1835. 58. Selby* Miss 1 )unbar, a daughter of Major Dunbar and Mile Joseph Catherine Fleury d'Eschambault, wife of Dr. George Selby. Aberdeen. I 59. Talon. Arms of Jean Talon, Baron D'Orsain';ille. I'irst In tendant of Canada, 1663 to 1672. 60. Frontenac. Arms of Louis de Buade, Count de Palluau et de Frontenac. Governor of Canada from 1689 to 1698. Died at Quebec Nov. 28th, 1698. 6 J. Hocquart. Arms of Sieur Gilles Hocquart. Fourth Intendant of Canada, 1731 to 1748. 62. Galissoni^re. Arms of RoUand Michel Barrin, Count de la Galis- sonifere. Governor of Canada, 1747 to 1749. 63. Jonqui^re. Arms of Jacques Pierre de ^•'ffanel, Marquis de la JonquiSre. Governor of ada, 1749 to 1752. Died at Quebec, May 17th, 1/52. 1 1 "N \ PortriitS^. Dujvesnc T •,.1 Arms of the Marquis Duquesne de Menneville. Governor of Canad., 1752 to 1755. 65. Be^on. Ai... of Sieur Michel Begon. Eighth Intendant of j7rance in Canada, 1712 to 1725. 66, lyiberviUe. Sieur Pierre Le Moyne D'Iberville, a celebrated Canadian Navigator. Born at Montreal, 1642, died ^., in Havana, 1706. Founded Mobile, 1701. Was one of the pioneers of Louisiana, commissioned by the French Government to explore the mouth of the Mississippi River, 1698. 67. LaSalle. -t- Sieur Robert Cavalier de La Salle, born at Rouen, France, 1635. Came to Canada as a merchant, 1667. Made several voyages throughout the New World. Died 1681. 68* Galissoniirc RoUand Michel Barrin, Count de la Galissoni^re. Vide No. 62. 69. McGilL Hon. James McGill. Born in Glasgow, 1744, died ^ 1813. The founder of McGill College, Montreal. Member of Parliament ot Lower Canada for Mont- real. He came to Canada at an early age, and amassed a considerable fortune, which he used in benefitting all classes of the community. 70. Eeaujrs. (Copied from a minia'.jre.) Daniel Marie Hyacinthe Libna.d de Beaujeu. Knight of St. Louis. Cap- tain of the French troops, Commander General of Fort Duquesne and of the army at Belle Riviere, Ohio. Defeated Braddock m the battle of the Monopgahela, the two braves being killed on the field, as were, four years later, Wolfe and Montcalm on the Plains of Abraham. Born at Montreal Aug. 9th, 1711, died July 9th, 1755. 7U Jacques Cartier. Vide No. 10. sa Charles Aub 29th hydr 1820 Angl hi :!, ' «i 72. Richmond. PortrAltS Charles I^nnox. fifth Duke of Richmond, I^nnox and Aubigny, K.G. Governor-General of Canada, July 29th, 1819, to August ijth, liJ^o. He died of hydrophobia from the bite of a pet fox, August aSth, 1820, and was interred in the chancel of the Anglican Cathedral, Quebec. 73. Amherst. General Sir Jeffrey Amherst. Born January 29th, 1717, died August 3rd, 1797. VVas created Baron Amherst of Montreal, 1787. Seat ' Montreal," Sevenoaks. Kent, England. Was at the Conquest of Canada, 1 759, under Wolfe, and afterwards com- mander of tlie forces in C-ma ia until the ei. of 1 763. 74. Williams. Lieut.-Gen. Sir William Fenwick Williams, Bart, of Kars. Born December, iSoo. A distinguished British officer ; a Nova Scotian by birth. Command- er-in-Chief of the forces in Canada, 1858 to 1861, and Administrator of the Government of Canada (during the absence of Sir Edmund Head) i860 CO 1861. 75. Head. Sir Francis Bond Head, Bart. Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada, 1835 to 1838. 76. Dorchester. Arms of Guy Carleton, Lord Dorchester. Governor- General of Canada, 1766 to 1796. 77. Haldimand. Arms of Sir Frederick Haldimand. Lieutenant- Governor of Canada, 1778 to 1784. 78. De La Barre* Arms of Sieur Le Febvre de la Barre. Governor of Canada, 1682 to 1685. 79. Denonville. Arms of Jacques Rend de Brisay, Marquis Denon- ville. Governor of Canada, 1685 to 1689. 80. Montmagfny. Arms of Sieur Charles Huault de Montmagny. Gov- ernor of Canada, 1636 to 1647. 13 ,<^. ' . T' .t Im ■t r |l E' I ; i li 4' mi Portr«itf8t. De Tracy. Arms of Alexander de Prouville, Marquis de Tracy. Viceroy of Canada, 1665. 82. Christie Burton* General Naoier Christie Burton, Born t 758, died 1^35. Succeeded his father, General Gabriel Christie, as Commander in-Chief of the forces in Canada,, 1799. Son-in-law of General Ralph Bur- ton, whose name he assumed. See No. 17. 83. Napier. Miss Napier, wife of General Gabriel Christie. 84. Woolrych. James Woolrych, an old Montreal Merchant, 1798. Connected with the Mondelets, Connollys and Tunstalls. 85. Ragfueneau* Rev. Pfere Paul Ragueneau, a Jesuit Missionary. Came to Canada, 1636, and returned to France, 1666. 86. Wellingfton. Arthur Wellesley, Duko of Wellington. Born April, 1769, died September, 1852. Field Marshal, and one of the greatest generals of the British army. 87. Du Plessls. Rev. Pfere du Plessis, a Jesuit Priest. Born in Can- ada, afterwards became a famous Jesuit Preacher in Europe. 88. Charlevoix. Rev. Pierre P'ran^ois-Xavier Charlevoix. Born 1684, died 1 76 1. A Jesuit Priest, celebrated Traveller and Canadian Historian. 89. Napoleon I. Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French. Born August 15th, 1769, at Ajaccio, Corsica, and died at St. Helena, May 5th, 1821. 90. Lejeune. Rev. Pfere Le Jeune. First Superior of the Jesuit Order at Quebec. 91. Lafitau. Rev. Joseph Francois Lafitau, a native of Bordeaux. Died 1740 A celebrated Missionary and Author. «4 i de Tracy. T758, died ral Gabriel ; forces <n Ralph Bur- 17. istie. fiant, 1798. inoUys and nary. Came !, 1666. Born April, arshal, and h army. rn in Can- Preacher in Born 1684, Traveller ich. Born md died at the Jesuit Bordeaux, d Author. 92. Lalemant* Gabriel Lalemant, a Jesuit Missionary. Came to Canada in 1646, and was killed by the Indians, March 17th, 1649. 93. Breboeuf. Jean de Breboeuf, a Jesuit Missionary. Came to Canif^i in 1625, and was killed by tne Indians March i6th, 1649. 94. Jogfues. Rev. Pfere Isaac Jogues. First apostle of the Iroquois. A famous Jesuit Priest. Was horribly mutilated by the Iroquois, 164a, was delivered by the Dutch, and after a voyage to France he returned and was massacred by the Indians. 95. Cazot. Jean Joseph Cazot. Born October 4th, 1728, at Pali- zeux, France; ordained December 20th, 1766, and entered the Order of the Jesuits. He died at the Jesuits' College, Quebec, March i6th, 1800. He was the last member of his Order in Canada who had been under the French Regime. 96» Parent. Etienne Parent, an important French Canadian Au thor. Born at Beauport, 2nd May, 1801. Was Member of Parliament for the County of Saguenay, and Assistant Provincial Secretary (East). 97. McGee. Hon. Thomas D'Arcy McGee. Politician, Poet and Orator. Assassinated at Ottawa, April, 186S. 98. Carroll. John Carroll, Archbishop of Baltimore. 99. CarroU. Charles Carroll of Carrollton. His brother was dele- gated to Canada by Congress, with Franklin and Chase, 1775. IC9. VaudreuiL Philippe de Rigaud, Marquis de Vaudreuil. Gov- ernor of Canada, 1703 to 1725. He married Mile Louise Joybert de Soulange, and died at Quebec, October loth, 1725. 15 Portraits ;*^Wii»«sgp"?!W!WW»!!«*jf'^*s: : i!. v; 4 E I PortralH rt \ fOI. VaudrcuQ. Pierre de Rigatid, Marquis de Vaudreuil. 102. Vaudreuil. Pierre Francois de Rigaud, Marquis de Vaudreuil- Cavagnal. Last French Governor of Montreal' "^ Son of Philippe Rigaud de Vaudreuil. Born at Quebec, 1698. Died in France, 1764. 103. Lotbinlire. Michel Chattier, Marquis de Lotbinifere, Knight of St. Louis. Engineer-in-Chief of New France. Seigneur de Lotbinifere; built the Forts of Carillon and Isle aux Noix. Born 1738, died 1798. 104. Roux. Jean Henri Auguste Roux, Born 1760, died 1831. A Sulpician Prieat, ordained in France, June 5th, 1784. Came to Canada Septennber, 1796, and succeeded Monsieur Brassier as Superior of the Pemin ry of Montreal. f05. Raudot. Arms of Jacques Raudot, seventh Intendant of France in Canada, 1705 to 171a. J06. Plan of the Jesuits College, Q- bee Presented by Judge Baby, {07. Members of the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of MontreaL A Group Picture* Presented by Judge Baby. 108* Monument to Sir Jeffrey Amherst At the family seat " Montreal," Sevenoaks, Kent. (See No. 73.) 109* Special Council Commission of Seigniorial Tenure* Presented by Judge Baby. no. De Salaberry* Colonel Charles Michel D'Irumbery de Salaberry, C.B. Seignior de Chambly. Born at Biauport, Nov m- ber 19th, 1778. Married Mile Herrel de Rouville. Died at Chambly, February 26lh, 1829, Hero of the battle of Chateauguay. UU Viger. Hon. Denis Benjamin Viger, a celebrated Lower Can- adian Legislative Councillor, 1848. Died at Montreal, February 13th, 1861. Vide No. 30. 16 O" iwu'i — i-^um EHa-»' l-JJ ^JS^ WSI" ^T Vaudreuil- Montreal- Born at Knight of V France, f Carillon i8. ied 183T. June 5th, 1796, and ior of the ndant of tiquarian ure. :s, Kent, gniorial irry, C.B. Nov m- Rouville. Hero of wer Can- 3ied at 30. U2. WiUiam IV. POIir«ltl His Majesty William IV'., King of Great Britain and Ireland, 1830 to 1837. Uncle of Queen Victoria. Served in Canada in the Royal Navy. William He: ry (n(jw Sorel) named from him. n3. Marie Louise. Archduchess of Austria. JH. Views of .Birthplace, etc, of Jacques Cartier,0|^ PrlNti St* Malo, France. Presented by Judge Baby. MS* Views of Birthplace, etc, of Jacques Cartier, St. Malo, Fr&ncc Presented by Judge Baby. 1(6. The Fathers of Confederation. Presented by Judge Baby. n?. Death of Wolfe. nS. Members of the Dominion History Committee. JJ9. \'ew of theVaiage of Chambly (Richeli-stt Valley). 12a View of the Village of Chambly (Richelieu VaUey). I2J. Postman of the Northwest. J22. Wolfe. General James Wolfe, from the original in Squerries Court, Kent, England. Presented by Henry .Mor- gan, Esq. J23. Dtifferin. Frederick Temple Blackwood, Earl of Dufferin. Vide No. 9. J24. Levis. Gaston de Ldvis. Commander ol the French army after the death of Montcalm, 1759-1760. Presented by Marquis de L<5vis. J25. Wolsdey. Presentation to Her Majesty of Sir Garnet J. Vv'olseley, Field Marshal of England. 17 Old Prints. 126. McAlpine. it ' , i Rev. Mr. McAlpine, Tutor in the family of General Gabriol Cliristit:. Children of Gen. Gabriel Christie. See No. 17. 127. Christie. 128. Christie. J 29. Christie. J30. View of Qttebec, 1829, t3f. Napoleon I. Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French. No. 89. Vide 132. View of the Gty of Montreal. J33. WelIin8:ton. Duke of Wellington. Vide No. 86. J34. Harbour of Quebec, 1759. J 35. Place Roy ale. Lower Town, Quebec, J 759. 136. Rue des R^Uets, Quebec, 1759. 137. Harbour of Quebec, 1759. 138. Upper Town, Quebec, 1759. 139» Vue du Canada. 140. Basilica, Quebec* 141. View of Quebec from Point L^vis. 142. Place d'Armes, Quebec* 143. Esplanade, Quebec* 144. Harbour of Quebec 145. Vue 6ii Canada (old print). 146. Quebec from Point hiy'tSf 1759. 147* View of Quebec 1759. 148* Ch^teaii St. Louis, Quebec 149* Falls of Montmorency, below Q<iebec 150. Cap Rouge, above Quebec 151* Champ de Mars, Montreal. 152. Notre Dame Si reet, Montreal, Looking East. 18 hi gsf'p:;«^p;.j(<irsa5»(^S!»^lj5SSf«»f«w5^^ /■"»*: W^TTi ^f^'^fSWHS^^HP" 153. Notre Dame Street, Montreal, Loofcine West. OM PrllltJ. 154. Place d'Armes, Montreal, 1837. 155. Great St. James Street, Montreal, 1837. 156. Chateau de Calliires, Montreal, 1780, 157. View of Montreal, 1765. 158. ''Montreal,'' Sevenoaks, Kent, En^. Seat of the Amherst family. Built by Sir Jeffiey Amherst, Baron Amherst of Montreal. J59. Vue dti Canada (Old Print). 160. Vue da Canada (Old Print). I6<. Harbour of Montreal. 162. View of Montreal. From the Mountain, 1803. 163. Plan of Montreal, J 760. 164. Old Parish Church, Montreal J65. View of Halifax, N.S., J 759. 166, St. George's Church, HaUfax, N.S., 1759. J 67. Harbour of Halifax, N.S., J 759. J 68. Perc^ Rock, Gasp«f. J 69. Louisbourgf, Cape Breton. J 70. Gasp^ Basin. I7J. Combat Naval Entre le " Quebec . t " La Surveillante." 172. Death of Wolfe. (By Gilray). Sept. 13th, 1759. 173. Death of Wolfe. (By West.) Sept. 13th, 1759. 174. Death of Montcalm. Sept. 13th, 1759. 175. Champlain. Vide No. i. 19 ■.,4S94?«W><n«i«i%¥<«i%i'W<i'ap^ 014 H11«» 17*. Qirdlyan. ii; ■^1 d 41 Lidl P: < r Earl of Cardigan, Commander ot the celebrated Charge of the Light Brigade (Cavalry), Balaklava, October 35th, 1854. 177. Life Guards at Waterloo. June i8th, 1815. 178. Poitra*. Alphonse Poitras, a Canadian Littiirateur. 179. Lacoste. Sir Alexandre Lacoste, Chiefjustice, ' of Queen's Bench, Province of Quebec, 189), ISO. G>lumbus. Christopher Columbus, a celebrated Genoese Naviga- tor. Discovered America (Island of San Salvador), Oct. 1 2th, 1493. Presented by Judge Baby. 18L Last of the Indians. 182. Lake Superior. By Mrs. Hopkins. 183. Rorke's Drift. Battle of "Rorke's Drift," South Africa, Zulu War, June 33nd, 1879. 184. Nigfht Attack at Kassassin* Egypt. Sept. 9th, 1883. 185. Manning;. Cardinal Manning. Born 1808, died 1893. 186. Remnants of an Army. 187. Newman. Cardinal Newman. Born 1801, died 1890. 188. Trial of Lord William RusseU, 1683. 189. Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. June 38, 1838. 19a Royal Higfhland Black Watch. 43nd Highlanders at the Battle of the Alma, Sept. 30th, 1854. 90 m u . . -"f-' ' mm mmmm celebrated , Balaklava, of Queen's se Naviga- I Salvador), aby. Zulu War, /'ictoria. ma, Sept. I9L Ninety-Third HlghUndm at BaUkUra. 'The 'Ihin Red Line." Oct. asth, 1854. 192. Death of Sir Isaac Brock. Queenston K ights. Oct. 13th, 181 a. 193. Battle of Tel-el-Kebir, E^pt. Sept. 13th, i88a. 194. Battle of Quatre Brai. Marshal Ney repulsed June i6th, 1815. 195. Christie. Brother of General Gabriel Christie. Vide No. 17, 196. Death of Wolfe. 197. Recit du Missionnaire. 198. Death of General Montf^cmery. Dec. 31st, 1775. 199. Medals. 200. Medals. 201. Battle of Waterloo. Defeat of Napoleon by Wellington, June i8th, 1815. 202. Norse Vessel. 203. Norse Vusel 204. House of G>nimons, England, 1893. 205. Napoleon at St. Helena. 206. Ste. Catherine Tehjahkwita. Iroquois Saint of Caughnawaga. Died 1680. 207. Old House At La Rivifere du Loup, en Bas. 208. Last Eleven at Maiwand, Afghanistan. July 27th, 1880. 209. Nelson's Signals. 21a Naval Heroes of Great Britain, 1798. 2n. Heroes of Waterloo. 2(2. Heroes of the Peninsula* ax mtfortc4l PIctNrcf. 4 »■< » »■» »»w»>»<.v • ZZ77CZZ rwT, u I'l li •" E liii •■■ ■ . k A ii r ) fitltOrtCAi 213. Battle of the Plains of Abraham. Pfcmm e L. ,- September 13th, 1759. 2)4. Joliet. Hon. Barthelemy Joliet, the founder of Joliette, Pro- vince of Quebec. A descendant of Ihe Discoverer of the Mississippi. Presented by Judge Baby. 2J5. H.M.S. "Condor," At Bombardment of Alexandria, July nth, 1882. 2)6. Le Due Lesdi^uites de Bonne. Last Constable of France. Ancestor of the De Salaberry Family. Lent by the Messrs. de Sala- berry. .■-;,.•■■-'.■■ :?.-; ^''''^'-z' "'/.v- 2)7. Marriage of Her Majesty Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. February loth, 1840. 2)8* Cardinal Manning's Last Reception, 1892. 2)9. Trial of King Charles I. In Westminster Hall, 1649. 220. After the Battle. Tel-el-Kebir, Egypt. Sept. 13th, 1882. 22). Death of Nelson. On board H.M.S. " Victcy " at the Battle of Trafal- gar, Oct. 3 1 St, 1805. 222. La Comtesse de Frontenac as "Minerva.'^ Copy from Versailles Gallery. 223. Marquis de L^vis. The last French Commander in Canada, 1760. 224. Battle of Oudenarde. Victory of Marlborough, July nth, 1708. 225. Rev. Pire Olier. 226. Sir David Baird at the Battle of Seringapatam. February 6th, 1792. 227. Battle of Bunker's Hill* June 17th, 1775. 2» mmmmf^^^ rva." 228. WeiIin8:ton at Waterloo. June i8th, 1815. 229. H. J. Tiffin, Esq. First Vice-President Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal, 1897. 230. General Sir Isaac Brock* Commanded the British Troops at the Battle of Queenston Heig.its, October 13th, 1812. 23t. Storming: of Seringapatam* Death of Tippoo Sahib, February 6th, 1792. 232. Evacuation of Kars, By Gen. Sir F. W. Williams, November 28th, 1855. 233. Allied Generals before Sebastopol, 1855. 234. Sir Qiarles Bagot. Governor General, 1842-43. Presented by Judge Baby. 235. Autogfraph Letter of Sieur de Ramezay. Presented by Judge Baby. 236. American Indian Chiefs. Presented by Judge Baby. 237* A Collection of Autog;raphs Of prominent Montreal and Quebec Merchants. Presented by Judge Baby. 238. Workman. William Workman, a Mayor of Montreal and pro- minent Merchant 239. Bourdagfe. Louis le Bourdage, Notary, Lieutenant-Colonel of Militia. A well known Politician during the early years of this century. Sat in the House of Assem- bly of Lower Canada for Richelieu and Yamaska respectively from 1803 until his death, in 1833. Presented by Madame Lussier. 240. De Salaberry. Ignace Michel Louis Antoine d'Irumberry de Sala- berry. Born at the Manor House of Beauport, July 5th, 1752. Studied in France. Distinguished 23 Kiftdrical Plctiirts. li^f'*^-''^''! "**"^ ' » Ml n v» .4 '"■«« I I I ; • n\ !; I f)lstoric4l Pictures. himself in 1775. Married Catherine Fran90ise Hertel. Appointed in 1 796 Major of the Canadian Royal Volunteers, under Col. Dominique Emman- uel de Longueuil. A friend of the Duke of Kent. Father of the Hero of Chateauguay. Died 22nd March, 1825. Aged 75 years. 24t. Heriot. A Naval Officer, brother of the Author of Heriot's Canada. Loaned by J. C. A. Heriot- 242* Isaacson. Robert Philip Isaacson. The well known proprietor of Dolly's Chop House, Montreal. 243. Macdonald. Right Hon. Sir John Alexander Macdonald, First Premier of the Dominion of Canada, sented by Mr. Justice Baby. 244. Mackenzie* P.C. Pre- Hon. Alexander Mackenzie. Second Premier of the Dominion. Presented by Mr. Justice Baby. 245* Abbott* Sir John Jos. C.. /ell Abbott. Third Premier of the Dominion, Presented by Mr. Justice Baby. 246. Thompson. Right Hon. Sir John David Sparrow Thompson, P.C. Fourth Premier of the Dominion. Presented by Mr. Justice Baby. 247. Fcfland. Rev. J. B. Ferland, the Canadian Historian. Pre- sented by Mr. Justice Baby. 248. Boscawen. Admiral Boscawen, Commander of the Naval Forces that operated with Lord Amherst and General Wolfe at the reduction of Louisbourg. 249. Caron. Hon. Rdn6 Edouard Caron, Judge Court of Queen's Bench. First Lieutenant-Governor of the Pro- vince of Quebec. Presented by Judge Baby. 250. St. Martin. (Silbouette.) Nicolas Dumas St. Martin. A friend of Du Calvet. 1776. Presented by Judge Baby. »4 f:. 'I "IV! flmpppu J iinijJi Fran9oise e Canadian ue Emman- te of Kent. Died 2 3nd of Heriot's 1 proprietor maid, P.C. ada. Pre- mier of the aby. ;mier of the aby. npson, P.C. •esented by rian. Pre- aval Forces d General ; of Queen's f the Pro- Baby. Du Calvet. 25f* Johnson. Sir John Johnson, son of Sir William. Knighted 22nd Novernber, 1765. After the Revolutionary War, he came over and settled in Montreal, where he mar- ried Miss Watts. He was Superintendent of In- dian Affairs and a member of the Legislative Coun- cil. Died at the age of 65 years, on Jan. 4, 1810. Presented by Judge Baby. 4, jo. 252. Maitland. Sir Peregrine Maitland, G.C.B. Administrator. Son- m law to the Duke of Richmond, Lennox and Aubignd. Presented by Judge Baby. 253. Howe. Hon. Joseph Howe. Nova Scotia's gifted Orator and Statesman. Picfiires. 254. McGiU. Hon. Peter Montreal. McGill. Second Mayor of the City of A prominent Merchant. 255. Laiontaine. Chief-Justice Sir L. H. Lafontaine. (Oil painting ) Born at Boucherville in October, 1807. He took part in the events of 1837, and left the country for a time. More fortunate than M. Papineau, he was soon enabled to return, as there was really no evi- dence against him. He now found himself in a position to lead, and forthwith set himself to con- ciliate his old opponents. He served in various offices, and was appointed Chief Justice of the Queen s Bench, in 1853, and on 28th August, 18^4 was created a baronet for his eminent services. 256. Gasp^ Philippe Auber.de Gasp^. 1 786-1871. Seigneur of St. Jean-Port-Joli. The celebrated author of " Les Anciens Canadiens." \256y2, Porteous. (Silhouette.) Thomas Porteous. Built the first water works in Montreal, also the bridges at R^pentigny in 1008. 257. Joliet. Hon. Barthelemi Joliet. Founder of Joliette. 25 ;i I I fiiiiiiiiiiii 1 I III! ■ i: • • I I. (I tl II . .41 L5; 9<fe| •Pm'i I *^ I . m |>IStorita(258. Cartier. PiCtttrCI. ^''^ George Ltienne Cartier. 259. Bagfot. Sir Charles Bagot, G.CB. Born 1781, died 1844. (By H. W. Pickersgill, R.A., engraved by J. Gur- net, F. R.S.) Entered upon the office of Goveinor- General, January loth, 1842. During his time some of our most talented Canadian statesmen came into office, and many improvements were efTected. In consequence of illness, he solicited his recall towards the close of 1843, and he survived only a few months. 260. Lord Seaton. (Sir John Colborne.) 26\* Inattgfuration of an Honorary Chief of the Huron Indians. (Robert Symmes.) 262* Hon. A. N. Morin. 263. Plan of the Operations before Quebec^ (759. 264. View of the Principal Building in Quebec after the Siegfe, (759. 265. Quebec from Point Livis in (830. 266. Cape Diamond and Wolfe's Cove in 1830. 267* Lower Town^ Quebec^ 1830. 268. Tableau Historique de la Congfregfation de Notrfr-Dame de Ville Marie* 269* Bouchett^s Large Map of Canida, (8)5* 270* Present View of the Field of Carillon. (Or Ticonderoga.) Water colour by T. Henry Carter. Presented by the artist. 271. Battle of Queenston Heights. 272. Wolfe's Soldiers Drawing Wood* Quebec 1759. Water color by J. H. McNaughton. 36 i. il :iied 1844. by J. ^jur- f Govei nor- ? his time statesmen rients were olicited his e survived lef of the thee, J 759. n Quebec in 1830. gfatton dc •illon. nry Carter. Naughton, CASE J. <-9. Stone Celts, used for skinning animals. T«(ll4H <0. Stone Gouge. JllltlqUlfkJ n. Chisel. f 2. Stone Implement. 13. Stone Gorget > ^neck °'^' P'^^'^ed by which to suspend it about the J4. Arrowheads used by the Wyandots. 15. Implement. The above presented by Walter Drake, Esq. J 6. Arrowheads found in the Southern States. J 7. Spearheads found in the Southern States. Presented by H. J. Tiffin, Esq. <8, Arrowhead found in Westmount, Montreal. Presented by J. M. Nelson, Esq. t9. Arrowhead from Isle Dupads. Presented by Louts Julien, Esq. 20. Stone Gouge, used for tapping maple trees. 2J. Piece of Stone from which Arrowheads were made. Presented by H. J. Tiffin, Esq. 22. Stone Hammer from Tadoussac. Presented by de Lery Macdonald, Esq. 23. Mound-Builder's Celt, Ohio. 24-25. « Stone Pestles, Ohio. 26. Stone Implement, Ohio. 27. Stone Hoc, New Jersey. 28. Celt from Florida. 29. Algonquin Celt from R^entigny. The above presented by H. J. Tiffin, Esq *7 i r< m m I »' ^ II ;>»• IM! •■'4:i t: i: 1 1 1 ■ , 1 i 1 •1 1 ti 1 w u 1 I I 1 t l< I It 1 >• I •' I ■> i 1?; i I 1 I Tndian 30. Stonr Implement from Isle Dupads. JliltiqMltieS presented by L. Julien, Esq. 31. Discus^ used in Indian Games* 32. Modern Indian Pipe from the North-West, about tSOO. 33. Fragments of Pottery from Florida. 34. Skull-Cracker, North-West Indians. 35. Chilcat Dagger, Alaska. 36. Fish Hook, Alaska. 37. Horn Spoon, Chilcat Indians, Alaska. 38. Wooden Pipe, whale pattern, Alaska. 39. Stone Hand Mangle, Chilcat, Alaska. 4a Chilcat Knife. 4J. Gambling Game^ Haidah Indians, British Columbia and Queen Char- lotte Islands. 42. Wampum Necklet. Haidah Indians, British Columbia and Queen Char- lotte Islands. 43. Wampum Belt. Haidah Indians, British Columbia and Queen Char- lotte Islands. 44. Head-dress, modem Chilcat* 45* Sioux Pouch, with remarkable design in bead-work* The above presented by H. J. Tiffin, Esq. (:■ $ a8 67 du. Nofth-West, da. ns. aska* aska. aska. Queen Char- Queen Char- Queen Char- design in indiM CASE 2. Lent fay R. W. McLACHLAN, &q. 46. Fragments of Pottery Found on the site of Hochelaga on Metcalfe street, H«I*II„rt^ near Sherbrooke street. ^llll«Jlimet 47. Fragment of Pottery, showing inside handle by which the vessel was sus- pended over the fire. Hochelaga. 48. Fragment of a Terra-cotta Vessel Hochelaga 49. Small Qaoit made from a Broken Jar. 50. Clay Bead. 5J. Fragments of Qay Pipes. Hochelaga. 52* Stone Hammer. ** 53. Stone Mashing Knife. ** 54. Stone Axe. « 55. Small Celt. u 56. Stone Gouge or Tapper. ** 57. Flake. u 58. Arrowhead. . m 59. Bugle Beads. Made from Lake Superior native copper. Hochelaga. 60. Stone Instrument for Tracing Designs on Pot- tery. Hochelaga. 61 Bone Bodkin. Hochelaga. 62. Butternut. 63. Charred Corn Cobs. 64. Charred Wood, 65* Freshwater Unio Shells. 66* Fragments of Human Bones from Kitchen Midden. Hochelaga. 67 Human Bones from Ancient Burial Places. 2C, u u u I: ^mm i'/ iMdlAI iimiqultiet M M M 68. Fragfments of Potter/ from Islan<ls in the St* Lawrence^ near Dundee. 69. Fra(|;ment of a Qav Pipe. 70-78. Stone Celts or Skinners. Hochelag;a. 79. Fragment of a Steatite Pipe— Mound-Build- er's Pattern. Hochelaga. 80. Flint Arrowheads. 81. Gougfe or Tapper. 82. Fragfment of a Spear Head. 83. Gougfe. St. Lawrence. 84. SmaU Celt. ** 85. Broken Loquois Spearhead from Auburn, N.Y. 86. Larg:e Arrowhead. St. Lawrence. 87. Six fine Specimens of Wyandot Arrowheads from Norfolk Co., Ont. 88. Arrowhead from Trenton, Ont. 89. Rubbed i\rrowhead from Wooler, Ont. 90. Broken Algfonquin Spearhead from Qarence, Ont. 9f* Algonquin Quartz Arrowhead. ** 92. Algonquin Tapper. ** 93. Algonquin Celts. ** 94* Algonquin Sandstone Gouge from Buckingham 95i Fragment of Pottery made by Huron Indians, from Balsam, Lake Ontario. 96. Steatite Pipes. 97. Qay Pipe, snake pattern, from Bobcaygeon, Ont. 98* Copper Chisel from Bridgeville, Ont. 99. Stone Mattock from Wellington, Ont. 100. Do. (Iroquois), from Auburn, N.Y. I Of. Fine Specimen of Ancient British Spearhead. 30 Is in the St. CASE 3. 1. Documents relating; to the Seigniory of St. DO<llliem$. Anne de la Perade, 1 7 JO. Presented by J. J. Gibb, Esq. 2. Document siVned by Adhemar, second Royal Notary of Montreal, J 675. Presented by J. J. Gibb, Esq. 3. Document signed by Intendant Raudot, 1 7 JO. Presented by J. J. Gibb, Esq. 4. Document signed by Intend?nt Begon, Janu- Presented by J. J. Gibb, Esq. 5. Document signed by Delino and Dubreuil, Royal Notary, 1 728. Presented by J. J. Gibb, Esq. 6. Document signed by Monseignat, Conseil Su- perxeur. Presented by J. J, Gibb, Esq. 7. Document signed by Intendant Hocquart. J 874. ^ Presented by J. J. Gibb, Esq. 8. Autograph Letter of Gen. Gabriel Christie. (Formerly an officer under Wolfe). 1771. Presented by Hon. Judge Baby. 9. Autograph Letter of Benedict Arnold, Commander in Chief of the American Army at la Pomte-auxTrembles, November 28th, 1775. 1 10. An Order given after the Cession of the ' the tk)lony. For money to be paid to Sieur Perthuis, formerly Pro- curer du Roi, signed by le Due de Choiseul, 176? Presented by de Lery Macdonald, Esq. In.Judgment given in the Court of Common Pleas, District of Quebec, J 777. h2. Document relating to the Seigniory of Dor- I villiers, signed by Governor Haldimand, J78J. 31 f'" )i: iiii DOCUmcnft. 13. Certificate of G>mnmsioners of Lots et Ventes, jfiven in favor of Pierre Vocel, 1802. 14. Receipts for Subscriptions to Newspapers^ MagfazineSt etc> given to Justice Pyke, 1822-5. J 5. Two Receipts of City Treasurer of Quebec, given to F. Vocel, 1828. 16. Receipt given to Victor Hamel for Seignorial Rent, J83J. 17. Receipt of Alliance Fire and Life Insurance Co., given to F. Vocel, J 837. 18. Pay List of St. Eustache Volunteer Regimeit of Foot, December, (838. Presented by W. Seath, E^sq. 19. Commission appointing Francois Desrivieres and others to be Wardens in the City of Mont- real, with Great Seal of Lower Canada, 1827. 20. Commission given to L. Duvernay, Ensign, Lieutenant, etc, J853-J869. Presented by le Juge L. W. Sicotte. 2J. Summons to Frangois Broiselle (Joiner) to at- tend as Petit Juror at Quebec, April, J 827. 22. Autograph Letter of Sir James Kempt, 1827. 23. Autograph Letter of Sir Charles Bagot^ Gov- ernor-General, 1842. Presented by Juge L. W. Sicotte. 24. Sentence of Court-Martial for Desertion, on Thomas White, 93rd Regiment of Foot, signed by Sir R. D. Jackson. Commander of the Forces, 1841. 25. Unconditional Pardon in favor of Emilie Granger, convicted of assault and battery, signed by Lord Sydenham, Governor-General, 1841. 26. Unconditional Pardon in favour of Charles Jerrold Whitaker, convicted of felony, signed by Lord Sydenham, Governor-General, July 1st, 1841. 27. Unconditional Pardon in favor of William Gibson, convicted of obtaining goods under false pretences, signed by Loi * Cathcart, Governor-General, May 1st, 1846. 33 ('; ! et Ventes, 1802. Tewspapersy 'kc, J 822-5. of Quebec, Sei g:norial : Insurance r Regimeit Desrivieres Y of Mont- nada, 1827. Yt Ensign, incr) to at- ril, 1827. ipt, J 827. iagot, Gov- ■••^•■wp^pw^i Martial in favour of Oiarles Berj^evm, who took part in the Rebellion of 1837-38, signed ?Lk .1?^'"' Governor-General, November, 29. Judgment Court of Queen's Bench, Montreal, 30. Two Certificates signed by Sir Allan McNab, »846. Presented by W. D. Lighthall, Esq. 3^* ^||«n»«nt signed by Catherine de Medicis, ^2- ?g?.,."8f"«*^^»y,Louis PhiUppe Due d'Orleans (Phihppe Egahte), at the Palais Royale, Paris, May 1st, J78I. ^ ^ 33. Deed naming M. Mazthod a Baron of France, signed by Napoleon I. 34. Order caljng to Parliament, signed by the Earl of Macclesfield, J8J2. 35. Autograph letter of the Earl of Aberdeen, Governor-General of Canada. 36. Autograph of Jean Baptiste Roch de Ran' > zay. Son of Governor Claude de Ramezay. He signed the Capitulation of Quebec. sertion, on ""oot, signed ler of the of Emilie id battery, lor-General, of Charles )ny, signed neral, July >f William oods under Cathcart, iZ w i CASE 4. lIUllAM Arrowheads and other Indian relics, also pieces J1lltt(|llltlt$of French cannon balls, bombs, etc, found at Fort Ticonderoga, May 24th, (897. 'li! ■II w 34 ^ " CASE 5. A a)IIection of objects of interest from the rains ''*'•*• •^ of Looisboorgf, in J 758, the strongest fortress COlHH)0«rg in French or British America (vide Park- C^pt BretOR man's ''Montcalm and Wolfe," chap. XDC), «id the scene of the str«ofO[Ie between the English iinder Amherst and Wolfe, and the French «nder the Chevalier de Drucour. \ plan of the old Fort. Wrought-iron nails from giin platforms, bolts, hinges, locks, keys, scissors, spoons, knives and forks, coins, military buttons, axes, chisels, sword buckles, pieces of crockery, glass-ware, ice-creepers, cannon balls, musket bullets, horseshoes, oak pegs and bars from the ship yard, etc 35 ■ ^ '•^**'»^mgfi^g^ll^Sllff0^^ ^l^^ m III! » Coins. CASE 6. A collection of Coins — Unclassified. 'i' M 'II tl I ■t!'S medals. CASE 7. A G>llection of Papal Medals^ Canadian Med- als, Medals of the Kingfs of France, etc M m 36 .till ,! H idlan Med- Cf etc CASE 8. J. Almanack for Year 1782. Very small size ; title page wanting. 2. Aquinas, Thomas. Primoe secundae partis summae theologise : cum com- mentariis R. D. D. Thomae de vio Caietani. Car- dinalis S. Xisti. Venice, 1588, 8vo. 3. Belfoft, Theodore Angelatios de. De Natura at curatione Maglignas febris libri IV Venice, 1593, sm. 4to. ' 4. Boucard, Andree. Digestum vetus. Paris, Jehan Petit, 1513, 8vo. 5. Catechismus Ex decreto concilii Tridentini ; ad Parochos Pii v Pont (ificis), Max (imi), Jussu editus. Pergamus. 1586, Svo. * 6. Cavalcanust Borgfumos. Tractatus de tuton et curatore. Venice, 1587, Svo. 7. Cenni biogfrafici Sulla vita di Clemente VIII. (anon.). (See Vita di Beatrice Cenci in Vizani, p. " Breve trattato "), 8vo. S. Compendium Totius theologicae -eritatis, septen. libris digestum. Venice, 1567, Svo, 9, Dant^ Alijhieri. La divina commedia. Venice, 1569, i2mo. 10. Fabius, Incamatus. Scrutinium sacerdotale. Venice, 1581, lamo. n. Francesco, da Treuigi Carmelitano Fra. Somma pacifica. Venice, 1581, Svo. J 2. Guetthem, Christian Hdnrich. Leben und Thaten Herrn Friederichs des Ersten. Breszlau, 1750, 4to. 37 Boohs. BMks. (3. Homer. , k "is i 1 4i: Odyssea ; Batrachomyomachia ; Hymni xxxii, omnia nova recognitione castigata. Venice, 155 1, 8vo. (Bound with lives of Homer, by Herodotus and Plutarcli.) f4. Horace (Quintus Horatitss Flaccus.) Sermonum sive satyrarum librum primum ; para- phrasis. Verona, 1585, 8vo. }5. Ligfhtbody, James. (The) Mariner's Jewel ; a pocket companion for the ingenious, and ed. London, 1697, i6mo. t6. Ludolph of Saxony. (A Carthusian), Vita Christi ; title page wanting, 8vo. 17. Lupisy Antonio. La Curiosita in Viaggio. Venice, 1697, i2mo. 18. Manchietta^ Bernardo. Burattata sopra li mondi del doni al sig Giorgio Giorgi. (Title page wanting, 8vo. Note. — Mutilated.) 19* Montreal Almanack; Or Lower Canada Register for 1829. Robert Armour, 1828, i2mo. 20. Octo Lingftiartsm Colloqtsia. (Title page wanting.) 2U Pajot, P. Gurolus. Montreal, Tyrocinium eloquentise, ultima ed. 1 2 mo. 22. Parochi. Venice, n.d.. Catechismo, cioe instruttione secondo il precetto del concilio di Trento ; tradatto in lingua volgate del R.P., F. Alesso Figliucci. Venice, 1579, 8vo, 23. Pfscator, M. Johannes. Analysis logic evangelii secundum Lucam ; editio se- cunda ; n.p., 1603, 8vo, 24. Poreacdu, Tomaso. Lettere di, XIH. homin illustri. Venice, 1576, 8va 38 \i. xxxii, omnia , 1551, 8vo. Todotus and num ; para- inion for the mo. wanting, 8vo. 1 2 mo. iorgio Giorgi. tilated.) Montreal, Venice, n.d., 1 precetto del la volgate del 579. 8vo. m; editio se- ce, 1576, 8vo 25. Prayer Book. Office de la Semaine Sainte, nouvelle edition. 1715, Svo. Paris, 26. Reynolds, Edward. Three Treatises of the Vanity of the Creature ; The Sinfulness of Sinne ; The Life of Christ, 3rd ed. London, 1634, Svo. 27. Rich, Jeremiah. The Pen's Dexterity ; or the Art of Short Writing Improved. London, n.d.; pp. 21, manuscript pp. 54- 28. Ross. Alexander. Pansebeia ; a view of all the religions in the world, 4th ed.enl. London, 1672, Svo. Rossi, Santo. Massime e precetti di un padre di famiglia ; edizione sesta. Terni, 1831, sm. Svo. (Bound with Vizani, P. ed Breve trattato, and two others.) 29. Salmuth, Henricus. Rerum memoribilium ; iam olim deperditarum ; and contr^ recens atove ingeniose inventarum. \m- bergae, 1599, Svo. 30. Tesauro, D. Emanuele. Del regno d'ltalia solto i barbari epitome, con I'anno- tationi dell' abbate D, Valeriano Castiglione. Venice, 1672, i2mo. 31. Testament. The Gospel of Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, accord- ing to St. Luke, translated into the Mohawk lan- guage, by A. Hill. New York, 1S33, in 6s. 32. Tindall, John. Observations on the rearing and management of neat cattle. Montreal, James Brown, 1S19, i2mo. 33. Verderio, Antonio. Imagines deorum qui ab antiquo colebantur. Venice, 1581, 4to. 34. Virgil (Publius Virgilius Maro.) Virgilius, cum commentariis quinque, videlicet servii, Laudini, etc.; no place, 1499, Svo. 39 Boohs. II Iff £ J -.1 i ■ 1 M ■;'/ : HI .1 i| IT i ; ' ■ ■ • if !■ i'W I ir^ 1 1 - 1 i i i 1 1 1 ik BOORt. 35. Vives, Johanne Ludovid. Colloquia, alioqui latinse linguae exercitatio. i6o6. Vita di Beatrice Cencl. Venice, Tratta del manoscritto antira, con annotazioni del giureconsulto Farinacci (anon). Italia, 1849, s*^* 8vo. (Bound with Vizani, P. •' Breve trattato," and two others.) Vfzani, Pompeo. Ed., Breve trattato del governo famigliare, estratto dalle Institutioni Morali di A. Piccolomini, dalla Economica Christiana del P. chr. Sanellio, etc. Bologna, 1609, sm. Svo. (Bound with Rossi, '* Massime," " Vita di Beatrici Cenci," and "Cenci Biographici." 36. Missal du Prite Maronite Donne au Soussigne par le Superieur de I'Eglise Ma- rionite de Bayreuth, D'ancienne date. T. Sasse- ville, prfitre, presente k la Soc. N. & A. madazittes 93. Agricultural Journal. Vol. I., No. 12. Montreal, 1848. 94. (Third) Annual Report Of the Society for converting and civilizing of the Indians, and propagating the Gospel among des- titute settlers in Upper Canada. York (called To- ronto in 1834), 1833. 95. Ciurrier du Quebec* Vol. III., No. 28. Quebec, 1808. 96. (La) FeuiUe d'Erable. Vol. I., No. 6 97. Journal d'Agfriculture* Vol I., No. I (and part of another volume). Mont- real, Jos. Chapleau, 1848. 98. (The) Liberal Christian. Vol. I., No. I. Montreal, H. & G. M. Rose, 1854. 99. Revue de Legfislation et de Jurisprudence. First year. Part I. Montreal, Lovell & Gibson, 1845. The above the property of the Antiquarian Society. 40 wsM-nwin^^/. Venice, :azioni del , 1849, ^"^' ttato," and •e, estratto mini, dalla lellio, etc. ith Rossi, nd " Cenci Eglise Ma- T. Sasse- ing of the tnong des- (called To- e). Mont- se, 1854. udence. & Gibson, Antiquarian fOO. (LO Abdlle C«adienne. No. I. Mcntrdal, Henri Mezifere, 1818. tOU (JJ) Agrriculteof. Vol. II., No. 4. Montreal, de Montigny & Cie, 1858. 102. Album Lmeralrc New series. Part 2. Montreal, 1848. J 03. Barker's Canadian Magazine. No. to. Kingston, 1847, 104. (La) Bibliotheque Canadienne. Vol. v.. No. 4. Montreal, 1827. JOS. Bibliotheqtie N;.i„onaIe. Vol. I, No. I. Ottawa, Stanislas Drapeau. 106. (The) British American Journal Vol. II., No. 9. \timt\Mi Of Medical and Physical Science. Montreal, 1847. 107. (The) British Canadian Review. Vol. I, No. I. Quebec, Hunter, Rose & Co., 1862. JOS. (The) Canadian Merchants Magazhie And Commercial Review. Toronto, Wm. Wier * Co., 1858. 109. (The) Canadian Northwest. Vol. I., No r. Winnipeg, Alexander Begg, 1880. no. (La) Culture. Vol. I, No. 2. Montreal, J. Chapleau & Fils, 1876. itU (L') Echo du Cabhiet de Lecture Paroissial De Montreal. Montreal, 1873. IJ2. (L*) Encyclop^ie Canadienne. Vol. I. Montreal, Lovell & Gibson, 1842-43. 113* (Le) Fantasque. Vol. I., No. 28, Quebec, A. Tacquies, 1838. J 14. (The) Literary GarUnd. Vol. I., No. I. Montreal, John Lovell, 1838. 41 sMk^Bi IsSfiis*i*i.5rc.'.v*iii-/- '^''^^^ss ' ; k m40AXlntS 1^5* Litterateur Canadlen. Vol. I., No. I. Quebec, L P. Normand. U6» Magazin du Bas Canada* Vol. I., No, I. Montreal, 1832. n7. Maple Leaf. Vol. IV., No. 8. Montreal, J. C Becket, 1854. St8. (Le) Musit Canadien. Vol. I., No. I. Quebec, J. F. Morissette, 1875. n9. (La) Ruche Litt^raire. Part 3. Montreal, John Lovell, 1853. J 20. (La) Ruche Litteraire. Series 5, Part 3. Montreal, 1859. J2J. (The) Snowdrop; Or Juvenile Magazine. Vol. II., No. 5. Montreal, Lovell & Gibson, 1848. J 22. (Les) Veill^ Canadiennes. Veill^e ire. Montreal, 1853. The above magazines lent by the Hon. Judge Baby. <ii i 4« i8S4- 1875. Montreal, Judge Baby. ,-t f s CASE 8. J. Book containing specimens of Canadian Paper JlntlqiHtlef Currency. 2. Engfrayed Plates for Private Paper Currency used by Messrs. CuviUier & Son, Montreal, 1837. 2i. Bills of Henry's Bank, Laprairie, J 837. Also of the Agfricultural Bank. 3. Die for old Copper Coin (un sou). ** ?i*.if W,^* ^^^^^ ^*"' *^« Antiquarian Soaety of Montreal, J 837. 5. Dental Instruments, J 7th Century. 6. Seal of La Compagnie du Chemin a Rails ?i^f4^** Laurent et du ViUage d'Industrie. (Old name of Joliette.) 1847. 7- ^J^" Spikes from Steamer St. Lawrence, 8. Leadai Plate from Weather Vane of R<fcoI- let Churchi 9. Staple from French Fort at St. Johns, Qae. JO. Copper Flint Box with Embossed Heads of Seven Different Kingfs, J6th Century. n. Piece of Blue Furniture Covering, from the Blue Room, old Chateau St. Louis, Quebec J 2. Souvenir of the Franco-Prussian War. J3. Fused Brass found in the old Parliament Buddmgs, Montreal, after the fire. J4. Plate found in the Foundation Stone of an old Buildmg, (721. J5. Stont froni the Lacome Mansion, now 309 St. Paul Street. 16. Handcuffs, 1837. J7. Cross of the Order St. Louis, formerly be- 43 1/ ' m << i Ir V \ Jintl()Uitie( )7i» Letter from the G>untess Qermont Tonnerre^ presenting the same to the Antiquarian So- ciety, 1896. 18. Miniature of Jacques Francois Cus^net on a Tortoise-Shell Snuff-Box. Painted in Paris in f790. Lent by W. D. Li^hthall, Esq. 19. Staple from old French Fort at St. Johns, Que. 20. Key of General Murray's Office in the Bishop^s Palace, Quebec. 1762. Presented by R. C. Lyman, Esq. 2t. Military Buttons found at Isle aisx Noix. Presented by F. X. Langelier, Esq. 22. Four Buttons of Canadian Militia and Police* 23. Grossg;ux^«. Artillery Officer's Arm-Badgfe* Found on the Plains of Abraham near Quebec 24. Sword buckles worn by Girod, Leader of the Patriots of }837, at St. Benoit. 25. Gilt Chain Epaulettes, worn by an officer in the Canadian Militia during; the American Invasion, 1775. Presented by H. J. Tiffin, Esq. 26. Gold Epaulettes worn by a French Officer during: the War of I8f2. Presented by H. J. Tiffin, Esq. 27. Note book of de la V^rendrey. the first gfreat North-West Explorer. Presented by the Hon. Judge Baby. 28. Cannon ball found in 1866 in the Cellar of an old French House, 6) St. Paul Street, MontreaL 29. Toy Cannon hdongmg to J. B. F. Des- champs de Boishebert, f646-{703. I Presented by Mens. G. D. de Boishebert. 30. Tecumsch's Dagfgfer* Lent by W. T. Hight, Esq. 44 Jiii n'i m mimk Tonnene* ttarian So- ret on a in Paris lall, Esq. St. Johnsy X in the aitx Noix. and Police. ^rm-Badgfe. ear Quebec ider of the a officer in : American nch Officer ; first great le Cellar of 'aul Street, B. F. Des- rran9ois r'.egfts Picard. Presented by Mons. Picard (his son). 32. Bayonet used in the Rebellion of J837. Presented by Mons. Picard. 33. Pistol used in J8J2 at Chateao^ay. Lent by Judge Baby. 34. Highlander's Dirk, used at the battle on the nains of Abraham, Quebec, Sept. J 3th, J 759. Lent by Judge Baby. 35. French Officers' Sword blades found on the Flams of Abraham, J 760. Lent by Judge Baby. 36. Sword Worn by Chas. de Lanaudiire (aide- de camp to Lord Dorchester and Lieutenant m the La Sarre Regiment) when he was pre- sented to Frederic the Great along with Lieut. oe St. Ours. Lent by Judge Baby. 37. Sword of Col. Pierre Guy, who was among those who signed the Capitulation of Montreal with the Americans, J 775. Lent by Judge Baby. 38. Sword. Lent by judge Baby. 39. Sword of an American Officer in General Arnold's Division, used at the Assauk on Quebec, Dec 31st, J 775. Lent by Judge Baby. 40. Sword of the Hon. CoL Frs. Baby, Adjutant- General of Militia. Lent by Judge Baby. 41. Three Medallions, Innocent DC, Emperor Clau- dius and Emperor Domitian. Lent by Judge Baby. 42. Gorgets and breastplate Canadian Militia. Lent by Judge Baby. 45 1 III Jlllllqulti($ 43. Gofjet ot the Hon. Col. Ft*. Baby, Adjutant- General of Militia. Lent by Judge Baby. 44. Gorget of CoL de Salaberry. Gtnadian Vol- unteers. Lent by Judge Baby. 45. Regimental breastplate of the Colonel of one of the French Regiments, worn at Carillon. Lent by Judge Baby. 46. Gorget. Canadian Militia. Lent by Judge Baby. 47. Cannon-ball found at St. Charles after the battle of Nov. 25th, J 837. Presented by Mons. L. H. Hebert. 48. Key of the first Theatre Royal, Montreal. 49. Old Canadian Masonic Jewels. 50. Regimental buttons found on the demolition of St. Louis Gate, Quebec, I87t. 5J. Hudson Bay Company's Blanket Note. 52. Piece of an Exploded Shell from Fort Fron- tenac 53. Old French Cannon Ball found at Three FLivers. 54. Tassel of the Throne of Louis Philippe, taken at the Sacking of the Tuilleries, 1848. 46 AdjutMit- kdian Vol- inel of one t Girillon. ( alter the Montreal. demolition ^ote. Fort Fron- at Three lippe^ taken 848. ELGIN GALLERY. 1. Canadian Chair, <7th Centttry. 2. Cabinet. „^., .,, 3. ^rrel Organ presented by George IIL to Thayendaneffea (Brant), the celebrated Chief of the Six Nations. 4. Louisbotirg Bell. Presented by Mile Barry. 5. Cross taken from the Louisbourg Cemetery. 6. Spinning Wheel found in one of the Chiteau Vaults. 7. Iron Casting, 1776. 8. Wooden Statue, executed by a Jesuit Priest in the J7th Century. 9. Piece of the Flag presented to the Canadian Volunteers by Lady Dalhousie. JO. Cannon from the Wreck of Sir Hovenden Walker's Fleet in the Lower St. Uwrence, ^ / A *♦ n. Head of the Statue of the Virgin that stood over the main entrance of the Parish Church. Montreal, from <678 to 1778. 47 COURT ROOM. ^ntlquttUl ^* Altar Candlesticks, used in the Chapel of the Chateau. 2* Book-Rest, used in the Chapel of the Chateau. 3. Cross of the old RecoUet Church. 4. Antique Finely Wrought Iron Weather-Vane removed from Chateau, 1830. 5. Horse Saddle made by Habitant. In use be- fore 1700. 6. Ring'-bolt to which Prisoners were chained in the old Jail, MontreaL Presented by Hon. Judge Baby. 7. Piano Purchased by a member of the Grangfer Family, J800. 8. Weather- Vane off St. Gabriel Church. Erected in J 792. 9. Weather-Vane off old RecoUet Church. 10. Wainscot Panel from the Chapel of Notre Dame de Victoire. Built 1711. Presented by W, D. Lighthall, Esq. ^ MONTREAL : 'Wilson's Printing House, 47 St. John Street. ^ Chapel of the of the Chateau. :h. Weather-Vane nt* In use he- ^ere chained in r of the Grangfer Ihurch. Erected t Church, liapel of Notre n. J, , I ;iii ipjii John Street.