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Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds A des taux de reduction diff6rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour §tre reproduit en un seul clich«, II est film« A partir de I'angle sup6rleur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessalre. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 ""W^ h:- '■•':'.. ■ ■ ■* ■■ -,■ ■-■■ ; . ? . . *' * * j^' -f^l /£ 'i>, «i«i« H * .!.» l\ules • (2ir)(zi ' l\equlafi0r)s. w » ■ ...^--T-w: ) 1 1/ I \ OTTAWA: Printed hy the Citizen Printing and Publishing Company. 1884 n- ".-•—». ,W"^^— ^ ^.- -H" F5b7 5 gmgn iiiiilliiil ■ ■^<«ito» The EDITH ami LORNE PIERCE COLLECTION o/CANADIANA ^eens University at Kingston It I I I % 'I I ■•a ■■f:_ V' ^Hj ^ I i^ ,* fe s V \ ■V ^ ^ I I 1.-, 1^ ^ % ^ hi. 4 REGULATIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. -=^- I . — Objects of the Society. The objects of the Society are as set forth in the preamble of the Act of incorporation as follows : first, to encourage studies and investi- gations in literature and science; secondly, to publish transactions annually or semi-annually, containing the minutes of proceedings at meetings, records of the work performed, original papers and memoirs of merit and such other documents as may be deemed worthy of publica- tion ; thirdly, to offer prizes or other inducements for valuable papers on subjects relating to Canada, and to aid researches already begun and carried so far as to render their ultimate value probable ; fourthly, to assist in the collection of specimens with a view to the formation of a Canadian museum of archives, ethnology, archeology and natural history. 2. — Name. By the gracious permission of Her Majesty the Queen, the Society will bear the name of the Royal Society of Canada; and the members shall be entitled " Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada." T^.— Honorary President and Patron. His Excellency the Governor-General shall be the Honorary President and Patron of the Society. 1^0^'/ C7 2 4. — Division into Sections The Society shall consist of the four following sections : 1. French T,iterature, with History, Archceology and allied subjects. 2. English Literature, with History, Archaeology and allied subjects. 3. Mathematical, Chemical and Physical Sciences. 4. (leological and Biological Sciences. The sections may meet separately for the reading and discussion of papers, and for business, at such times and places as may be fixed by the sections under the control of the Council. 5. — Officers. The officers of the Society shall be a President and Vice-President, with an Honorary Secretary and a Treasurer, to be elected by the whole society; besides a President, Vice-President and Secretary of each section, to be elected by the section. The elections shall be annual. The officers so elected shall constitute the Council of the Society. 6. — Members. The Fellows shall be persons resident in the Dominion of Canada or in Newfoundland, who have published original works or memoirs of merit or have rendered eminent services to Literature or to Science. The number of members in each section shall be limited to twenty. Any vacancy occurring in any section shall be reported to the section by its Secretary at the first meeting thereafter. The section shall then proceed to nominate by ballot for the filling of such vacancy. The nomination, with reasons stated in writing, shall then be transmitted to the Council and by it submitted for final vote to the Society at its next general meeting. 7. — Duties of Members. Members shall sign the regulations of the Society, shall be pre- sented by the President to the Society at a general meeting of the same, shall attend its stated meetings or send reasons of absence to the Honorary Secretary, and shall i:iay an annual subscription of $2.00 or the sum of $?o.oo in one payment in commutation of the same for life membership. These payments sha"ll entitle members to receive the Transactions of the Society. Any member may withdraw from the Society and the Society may, by resoUition in general session on the recommendation of the Council, grant to such member the privilege of retaining his title, and his name shall thenceforward be entered on the lists as a retired member retain- ing title. Any member failing to attend three years in successi )n, without presenting a paper, or assigning reasons in writing satisfactory to the Society, shall be considered to have resigned. >i.--CorresporidiTig M>-ml)ers. The Society may elect by ballot on propcjsal by three members, or on recommendation of the Council, pt '^•^ons not re'-^'uent in Canada as r(,. responding members. Such persons must be eminent in literature or science, and evidence to that effect nvist be presented to the Society at the time of their proposal or recomuicndation. 'Ihe number of corresponding members shall be limited to sixteen. 9. — Meethigs. The Society shall hold an annual meeting in such city of the Dominion as it may determine from time to time. It may at any annual meeting appoint other meetings to be held in the course of the year. The time of holding the annual meeting shall be on a day or days to be determined at the next previous meeting, or, failing this, by the Council. The ofifices of the Society shall be in the city of Ottawa, and its meetings shall be held in that city unless otherwise determined. 10. ~ Papers. The title of any Paper, Memoir or other production, by a member, intended to be read at a meeting of the Society, shall be submitted, together with an abstract of its contents, to the Council, through the Secretary, previous to the -neeting at which it is to be read. On its approval, each such communication shall be assigned to the section to I \ \ which it belongs, and having been therein read and discussed, shall be submitted to a committee of the section, and on report of said com- mittee, may be recommended to the Council for publication, either entire or in abstract, in the Transactions of the Society. Communica- tions by persons not members of the Society may be submitted by members on the same conditions with their own productions. 1 1, — Associated Societies. Every scientific or literary society in the Dominion which may be selected by vote of the Society shall be invited by circular of the Honorary Secretary to elect annually one of its members as a delegate to the meetings of the Society, such delegate to have, during his term of office, the privilege of taking part in all general or sectional meetings for reading and discussion of papers, and to be empowered to communi- cate a short statement of original work done and papers published during the year by his society, and to report on any matters in which the Royal Society may usefully aid in publication or otherwise. 12. — Circulation of Transactions. Copies of the Transactions of the Society shall be sent to the following : — All members who have paid their subscriptions. All Associated Societies. Such foreign Societies as may be selected by the Council. The Lieutenant-Governors of the Provinces of the Dominion and Newfoundland. The members of the Privy Council of Canada. The Chief Justice and Judges of the Sui)reme Court of Canada. The Speakers of the Senate and House of Commons. The Chief Justice of each Province. The Premier of each Province. The Speakers of the Legislatures of each Province. The Minister or Superintendent of Education in each Province. The Universities, the Library of Parliament and the Libraries of Pro- vincial Legislatures. \^.— Duties of Council. The Council shall manage all the affairs of the Society in the intervals of its meetings, and shall make arrangements for the meetings. It shall meet at the call of the President. Three members shall be a cjuorum. The Counril shall report its proceedings at each meeting of the Society for sanction. The Council shall have the custody and disposal of all moneys, collections and other property of the Society, subject to sanction of its proceedings as above. In the absence of the President and Vice-President, the Council may appoint a temporary chairman, and in the case of vacancy of the office of Honorary Secretary or Treasurer may appoint a temporary Secretary or Treasurer to hold office till the next meeting of the Society. 14. — Duties of the Honorary Secretary. The Honorary Secretary shall keep the minutes of the Society and Council, and shall conduct their correspondence, shall receive and attend to all nominations for members and officers of sections, shall keep the lists and records of the Society, and, under advice of the President, shall attend to any business that may arise in the intervals of meetings. He may, with consent of the Council, delegate any part of his duties to a paid assistant appointed by the Council. 15. — Duties of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have the custody of^all moneys of the Society, shall keep account of the same and submit these to the Council at its meetings, and shall receive subscriptions, grants and donations, and make disbursements as may be ordered by the Council. 1 6. — Addresses and Special Reports. It shall be the duty of the President, or in event of his being unable to do so, of the Vice-President, to prepare an address for each annual meeting. 6 It shall be the duty of the President of each section, or in event of his being unable to do so, of the Vice-President, to prepare an address having reference to the special objects of the section, for each annual meeting. The Society in general session, or any of the sections with consent of the Society, may appoint committees to prepare reports on any special literary or scientific matters, or on the progress of literature and science or on works published in Canada, and to suggest such honorary notice as may seem desirable in the case of meritorious works or researches. The ordinary committee of the section shal. be limited to three in number, and consist of the officers of the section or any members that the section may select to make up the number.