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BRA-NTFORO, OlSTT "'^'i^^;€fefe*^ The above cuts represents our Eagle Sulky Harrow and Seeder Combined, an implement which has attained Ihe highest degree of perfection and is one which better supplies a want long felt by Farmers in general than any other Agricultural Implement manufactured. The steel used in its construction is rolled expressly for our use, and is oil-tempered and tested in the severest manner before leaving our works. The experience of the past has thoroughly demonstrated the fact that broadcast seeding where the seed is evenly distributed and properly covered is the best method of sowing grain known, and also that no harrow in use will so thoroughly prepare the seed-bed or is so well adapted for covering the seed as those of the broad-tooth class. Our Seeder Attachment is the latest improved Force-feed, and can be attached or removed from the Harrow by any person in a few minutes. It is adjustable to the frame, has land-measure, adjustable feed tubes, and ail the late improve- ments in Seeders. It is under the complete con- trol of the driver, and the large number of farmers '-"^^k # ..i?^':'^. 'p;^:-%>M^ who have used it, pronounce it the best seeder oi any kind in the market. The teeth are made from spring steel so bent, grooved and pointed, aiid so adjusted to the frame that they turn and pulverize the whole surface of the ground thus making a perfect seed-bee' and thoroughly covering the grain. The Seeder is ten feet in width, thus sowing a third more ground than any other seeder on the market, while at the same time it is so constructed that there is no weight on thfc horses' necks and the draft is no greater than an ordinary harrow. This Harrow detached from the Seeder has no equal for pulverizing the sod ; it thoroughly cuts without turning over the sod. For hard fallow or fall ploughing it can i.ut be equalled by any implement now in use. It is the most easily handled in stumpy, rooty or stoney ground of any harrow ever used, while as a fallow cultivator it cuts and combs out the trash in a manner equalled by no other Implement. This Harrow is sold also without the seeder attachment, and with a nimiber of different styles of teeth. The Eagle Sulkey Harrow Company, of Brant- fbrd, Ont., have practically the best and cheapest Harr-^vv in the market, constructed upon an entirely new and simple plan. Light Draft, no Walking, no Loading or Unloading to transport from field to field, as it can be raised entirely off the ground when desired by simply using the levers. This, too, can be done from the driver's scat to relieve the Hanow from clogs and those numerous obstructions so common to rough soil. It is constructed of the very best material in the market, Solid Steel Teeth in Every Harrow, and Solid Steel Spokes in Every Wheel, and is design- ed to fill a long felt want in the agricultural world, as it is a well known fact that the present cumber- some and altogether unsatisfactory Harrow is unable to do the necessary work, and is altogether unworthy of the age in which we live. It i.-! as far in advance of the present Harrow in use as the latest improved binder is in advance of the old fashioned sickle. Past attempts to remedy this has brought ont many other altogether unnecessary and expensive implements. The above cuts show this Harrow both in the working and travelling position.s. The great danger of leaving teams attached to Ilarrows or in turning around is entirely overcome by this invention, and any child capable of driving a team can do as much work with this implement as a full grown person, and that too without wearisome trudging that has always been necessary with the old kind. The Harrow can be extended to almost any size, and is very light in draft. We are desirious of securing a good reliable Agent in every Township to exhibit and sell this necessity. To see it is all that is necessary in order to sell it to any intelligent farmer. F"or further particulars, write to the following gentlemen who have these machines in use : Alonzo Young,- Decewsvillc, Ont. ; J. Y. Brown, Brantford, Ont. ; David Gibson, Ameliasburg, Ont ; W. A. Anderson, York ; John Hope, Ox Bow Farm, Brantford, Ont. ; Rev. R. Ashton, Mohawk' Institute Farm, Brantford, Ont. ; Richard Weir, York, Ont. ; Alex. J. McAlpine & Sons, Crowland, Ont. ; F Comfort, Ottorville, Ont. iUll^Y SppiRi-¥@8feh Gylfeii/alsp'. «,">' strong Durable Easily Adjusted ^ ^-^r ssy, This UaiTOAv lias yiveii almost universal satisfaction, and we have mnde valuable im- provements which will make it o.ven better than last season. This harrow has many advaiUaj^es over any other made or invented. It is very simple in construction and mv liable to get out of repair. The wheel runninj;' over an obstacle does not prevent any of the teeth from continuinu' the work. Any one or more teeth may pass over a fast obstacle and not prevent the balance of them working. You can cultivate a dead furrow without the least trouble. It words into hollows and cultivates them thoroughly, when others would leave them untouoh- ed. It adjusts itself to any surface. It can be fastened down rigidly if required, but Avould seldom, if ever, be so used. The Lever can be listened out of the Katchet, leaving the depth of the teeth controlled by a sliding weight. The thinest sod can be cultivated vnihotit tearing it up, or the hardest land oan be thoroughiy worked. Don't foil to see tiie Best and only Adjastable Spring Tooth Harrow made. The draft ^s Mght and easy for the hoi'ses, being directly from the horse to the points of the teeth. The gi^at weight upon the horses' necks, which is a serious objection to all other Wheel Harrows, is entirely obviated in this, the Pole being perfedily free and the horses being only obliged to sustain the weight of it alone. It can be used to CULTIVATE CORN by removing two or more teeth as desired. Oae bolt only to be taken oiit to remove a tooth. We would refer you to Mr. Daniel Whiting, of Brantford Township, also Mi-. Joseph Jackson, Bailiff' and Auctioneer, who has charge of most of the farmer's sales, he says they sqJI better timn any other Implement offered to the ftirmers at those sales. We can give yda the naimee of hundreds of our best farmers who have ttsed them, and speak of them as being owe of the best Implements in use. MANUFACTURED BY EAGI;E SVhKY HARROW GO.,