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 Some Notes on the Rideau Canal, the 
 Sources of its Water Supply, and its 
 Early History. 
 By A. T. Drummond, 
 " Reprinted from tiie Canadian Record of Science, October, 1893." 
 Some Notes on the RIdeau Canal, the 
 Sources of its Water Supply, and its 
 Early History. 
 By A. T. Drummonu. 
 A Homewhat careful investigation into the nature of the 
 country bordering on the Hideau Canal, as well as of the 
 lakes on its course and of its water powers — all inconnection 
 with a line of railway now being surveyed — has led to mv 
 ascertaining some facts of interest which I desire to here 
 mention. It has further occurred to me that here also 
 might be a fitting place for a short resumd of the facts — 
 almost unknown now in tiii.s country — connected with the 
 inception and construction of the canal. These facts I have 
 abbreviated from the extensive manuscript notes — taken 
 from the Dominion archives and other sources, as well as 
 from personal recollection — of Mr. Andi-ew Di-ummond of 
 Ottawa, whose association and close family connection with 
 two of the leading buildei's of the canal and personal 
 acquaintance, formed in 1832, with others who planned its 
 construction, enables him to speak with not only some 
 interest, but even some authority. 
 The canal may be divided into the river and the lake 
 divisions, the former comprising the Eideau Kiver which 
 was the original outlet to the Ottawa of tne Upper and 
 Lower Eideau Lakes lying beyond Smith's Falls. The lake 
 division, besides those two lakes, includes Mud, Clear, 
 Indian, Opinicon, Sand, Whitefish and Cranberry Lakes, to 
 which may be added the long artificial lake, known as the 
 "drowned lands," created between Washburn and Kingston 
 Mills, by the erection of the Kingston Mill's dam. The 
 waters of Upper Eideau Lake form the summit level of the 
 canal system, and are admitted by the locks on either side 
 of the lake to the Ottawa Eiver slope or to the St. Law- 
 rence Eiver slope as the traffic on the canal requires. The 
 immense importance of keeping a sufficient supply of water 
 in this lake is so obvious that every means should be taken 
 to husband the waters of its feeders. Clear, Wolfe and Sand 
 Lakes, which empty into it at Westport. The forest coun- 
 try around these outer lakes should be kept, as far as pos- 
461 Some Notes on the Rideau Canal. 
 Hiblo, in its vir«fin hIjUo by prolecting it from forest fires 
 and absolutoly vvitlidniwing it from Hottloinont, in order to 
 hold back' within those forests the accumulations from the 
 melted snow and the rain which otherwise will be loo 
 quickly <lrained otf into the lak'es. Were Upper Eideau 
 Lake allowed in midsummer to i'all seriously in level at the 
 locks, the whole canal would be rendered practically use- 
 The depth of water in the different lakes, according to 
 old navigators and Hshermen, is not veiy givat. The lakes 
 on the 8t. Lawrence sloi)o do not, it is said by them, exceed 
 100 feet in depth. ^Vy own soundinirs in the up|)er half of 
 of Lowei- itideau Lake at points where our fisherman indi- 
 cated were the greatest ilcpths, gave 114 feet as the 
 maximum, but in theliocky Narrows nearer Oliver's Kerry 
 on the same lake, the lead has, it is asserted, found the b )l- 
 tom at about 200 feet. 
 The waters of these in laud lakes are in similar depths con- 
 Hiderabl3^ colder than those of Lake Ontario. On the 6th 
 July, 1893, at noon, under the conditions of strong sun, 
 with a few light clouds and a comparative calm, the ther- 
 mometer readings, at one half a mile from Grindstone 
 Island, in Lower Rideau Lake, gave the following tem- 
 peratures of the water : 
 1 inch below surface 77° F. 
 2Jfeet " " 74° F. 
 102" " " 47-0° F. 
 Half an hour later, at another locality, a quarter of a mile 
 farther fromthe island, and with more clouds in the sky, the 
 record indicated : 
 1 incli below surface 76° F. 
 2 feet " " 74-5° F. 
 <I6 " " <' 45° F. 
 In the Ontario waters, at this pei-iod, with their temper- 
 ature raised by constant accessions from Lake Erie, which 
 not only lies further south but is also very shallow, the 
 mercur}^ in the main channel oi)posito Kingston stood at 
 62-25° in 11 fathoms in one locality, and at 53° in 17 
 fathoms in another. 
 In Cataraqui Bay, whore the waters of the canal join 
 Lake Ontario, there is what old navigators call "a tide" of 
Canadian Record of Science. 462 
 ton inches to ono foot, caused evidently by the fre([uent 
 westerly winds on Lake Ontai-io forcing the water to a 
 higher level in the gradually contracted area forming the 
 bay. Capt. Fleming, of the steamer James Swift, informs 
 me that it comes and goes, and is so well known that when 
 his boat happens to ground, through missing the channel, 
 he simply waits for the " tile" to agairi float it. During a 
 continuous calm of two or moi-o days the rise and fall cease. 
 It is an interesting fact that the summit levels of the dif- 
 ferent systems of lakes which are the soui'ces of the water 
 supply of the Rideau Catuil lie chiefly in the townships of 
 IJedford and Loughborough, and within a very modei-ate 
 distance of Lake Ontai'io. The headwaters of the Lough- 
 borough Lake system are within seven miles of Kingston ; 
 Knowlton, the uppermost of those lakes which find an out- 
 let on the canal at Mud Lake, is within thirteen miles of 
 the same place; whilst Bobb's Lake (a corruption, perhaps, 
 of liobb's Lake), the most important of the higher levels of 
 the River Tay system, whose waters eventually reach the 
 Ottawa, is also situated within twenty five miles of Kings- 
 ton. The low, broad ridge of gneiss which connects the 
 Laurentian rocks of New York State with the main range 
 in Canada, forms the watershed here of the streams falling 
 into the Ottawa, on the one hand, and the St. Lawrence 
 and Lake Ontario, on the othei*. The strata are, however, 
 thrown up into very immorous subordinate ridges, which 
 lie here in directions generally north-east and south-west, 
 and somewhat parallel to each other. These ridges, pro- 
 longed far to the south-west towards Kifjgston, have led to 
 the formation and extension of lake basins in that direction. 
 Those who plaimed the Rideau Canal, notably Col. \\y, 
 showed their engineering skill in taking advantage of the 
 number and different levels of these h'ke '■jiqs to procure 
 an adequate supply of water for navigatic.i on the summit 
 level as well as on both slopes, causing the waters some- 
 times, as in the Loughborough Lake and the Devil's Lake 
 systems, to almost double on themselves. 
 This groat water system, including in it fifty-three lakes 
 which are from one to fifteen miles long, has another pecu- 
 liarity, that these lakes lie, with only four unimportant 
 Some Notes on the Rideau Canal. 
 exceptioii!^, on the west ami north-west side of the canal. 
 Between Kingston Mills and the mouth of the Tny the 
 canal lies, as it wore, on the side of a gentle slope fi-om the 
 south-west, the lakes thus on that side discharging into it, 
 whilst those on the other find their outlet chiefly through 
 the Gananoquo River to the St. Lawrence. 
 We ai*e apt to regard the townships of Htorrington, 
 Loughborough and Bedford and the east half of the town- 
 ship of llinchinhrooke, all in the county of Frontonac, as 
 unattractive for settlement, and to assume that when the 
 pine and spruce are removed from their forests there will 
 be nothing loft in this somewhat rugged country but the 
 possibility of minerals. It is consoling, however, to think 
 that all the lakes which, wallod in by heights of verdure- 
 clad gneiss,, picturesquely stud these townships in every 
 direction, arc the great lesorvoirs from which chietly is 
 drawn the supply of water needed to keep the Eideau Canal 
 navigable as well in its course to Ottawa as in its course to 
 Kingston. Had the great forces of nature not placed these 
 Laurentian ridges in positions to form lake basins between 
 them, and left the country rugged and unattractive, so that 
 the virgin foi-osts might largel}' remain and in tlieir depths 
 hold back the waters from being too quickly drained away, 
 it would be hopeless to maintain uninterrupted navigation 
 on tlie canal. 
 The more that considoi-ation is given to the subject, the 
 more reasonable does it seem to be to regard these Lauren- 
 tian lidges as having long preceded the ice age, and to view 
 the lakes, scattered over this archffian area here in such 
 apparent, picturesque confusion, as in reality occupying 
 still older lake basins whose position and general direction 
 was due to the presence of the ridges, and through which 
 guided in their course by the lie of the ridges, the glaciers 
 during the ice age flowed. These ancient ridges have suf- 
 fered from the decomposing forces of perhaps centuries of 
 the growth and decay upon their surfaces of plant life, of 
 the extremes of heat in summer and cold in winter, and of 
Canadian Record of Science. 
 the wearing eft'ecf, of wtorms and floods, and possibly may 
 have felt the force of even former ice peiiods, and their 
 woi-n Hhapes must not be altogether 'ittributed to po'^t-piio- 
 ceno timo.s. 
 On its western and northwestern su'es the canal is fed by 
 seven systems of VaVq*. Two of the-;e, the River Tay and 
 Black Lake systems, supply Lower RideauLake, and event- 
 ually through the liideau River, reach the River Ottawa. 
 One system, the Wolfe Lake system, Joins Upper Ridoau 
 Lake, the summit lake, and is therefore tributary to buLh 
 the St. Lawrence and the Ottawa slope. The other four 
 systems turnish the supply of water for the St. Lawrence 
 slope, and also are thi-ough the outlet, in rcalit}' now a 
 great waste weii-, at Morton, the actual headwaters of the 
 Gananof|UO River. On the easterly side of the canal, three 
 01- four small lakes form soui-ces of supply, but of these only 
 Lish, Otter and Jiass Lakes have any impoitance. 
 The comparative fi-eedom from water courses is a singular 
 feature of the country bordering on the Rideau River after 
 it leaves the lake systems. With the exception of the River 
 (jroodwood (or Jock), [i-ish Creek and the south bi-anch of 
 the Rideau River, not one of which has pretensions to being 
 more than a eretk, the Rideau has practically no tributai-ics 
 in this length of about 70 miles. 
 (Jonsidtrable confusion appears to exist on the maps as to 
 the locality, name and outlet of many of the lakes in Fron. 
 tenac county, and it is therefore desirable to briefly refer to 
 the lakes forming each system, my authority being one of 
 the original charts on Hie in the Department of Railway's 
 and Oanf*l8 at Ottawa, which Mr, F. A. Wise, the superin- 
 tending engineer has kindly allowed me to consult. 
 River Tay S/jstem. — Long, Eagle and Elbow Lakes in the 
 townships of llinchinbrooke and Olden, are at the head- 
 waters of this system. In Bedford, it is joined by Bobs, 
 (probably, originally, Robb's), (.'rown or Crow) and Green 
 Lakes. Entering South Sheibrooke as the River 'fay, it 
 has, added to it, the waters of Farrensund Silver Lakes, and 
 Some Notes on the Rideau Canal. 
 then widens into Ciiristie'H Lal<o. Grunt's Oeok connects 
 it near Perth with Pike, Second and Third Lake>< and near 
 its outlet into Lower Hideaii Lake, it receives the waters 
 of Otty Lake. 
 Black Lake System. — Black Lake in North Burtjossand a 
 small lake beyond it in North Cro.«»by. constitute an inde- 
 pendent system which is also tributary to Lower Rideau 
 Wolfe Lake System — ( 'loar Lake (No. 2) in Bedf'.- ,1 forms 
 the summit, but Wolfe Luke and Sand Lake, the latter wholly 
 in North (Jrosby, are the principal reservoirs and supply 
 Upper Eideau Lake at Westport. 
 Devils Lake Systim. — Knowlton, Mud, Otter and Desert 
 Lakes in the township of Loughborough arc at the head- 
 waters of this system. Desert Lake is joined fiom Bedford 
 by the waters of (Jarter (or Garter), Canoe and Elbow (No. 
 2) Lakea and ihe system then expands into Birch Lake 
 which also receives the outflow from Long Salmon Lake in 
 the township of Loughborough. Mud (No. 2) and Devil 
 Lakes in Bedford are further expansions of the system, 
 which, after including Loon Lake in North Grosby, even- 
 tually reaches the (Janal system at Mud Lake proper. 
 Buck Lake System. — Draper is the largest of a small group 
 of lakes in the township of Loughborough at the source of 
 this systom. These along with Clear Lake (No. .'{) and four 
 smaller sheets of water are tributary to Buck Lake, which 
 lies partly in Bedford, and whence the waters flow by the 
 Mississagua Kivor to Mosquito Lake in South Crosby, from 
 which they reach Mud and Indian Lake on the Canal route. 
 Mock Jjake System. — This system takes its rise in the 
 township of Loughborough but its larger sheets of water. 
 Expedition, Upper Rock nnd Rock Lakes, aie in Storring- 
 ton. It is ti'ibutary to the Canal system at Opinicon Lake. 
 Jjoughborough Lake System. — This system is ti-ibaJary to 
 the Canal near Brewer's Mills, and includes Troy, Little Cran- 
 berry and Dog Lakes, all in Storrington, and Loughborough 
 Lake which is situated partly in the township of Lough bor- 
Canadian Record of Science. 
 oiigh and partly in Storrington, and is the largest of the 
 Rldeau Canal foedern. 
 As. orii^inally, Cranberry Lake — then known as Cran- 
 berry Marsh — appears to have had a connection with White- 
 fish Lake, the waters of this systom may, in times of flood, 
 have been also tributary to the (lananoquo River and have 
 roachcd the St. Jiawi'onco at (Tananoquo as well as Tiako 
 Ontario at Kingston. 
 The duplication of names should l>o avoided by the (Jov- 
 ernment renaming some of these lakes, the scanty popula- 
 lation and small interests prosonti}'' involved, readily 
 admitting of this being done. Other defects in nomenchi- 
 ture also need pressing attention. 
 At the close of the war between K«-anceand Gieat Britain 
 which resulted in French Canada becoming a British Crown 
 Colony, the Ottawa valley had u few settlements as far up 
 the river as (-aril Ion on the north side, but the south side 
 was still an almost unbroken wilderne'*s. In J783, the 
 Bi'itisl. Government, in pursuance of its policy of settling 
 the United Empire Loyalists from the Uiiitec] States, and 
 the disbanded soldiers, upon free gracit lands in Canada, sent 
 Lieutenants French and Jones to explore the country, on 
 either side of the Eiver Ottawa. Lieuienant Fi-onch pro- 
 ceeded up the I'iver as fai' as ino Kideau Fulls and then 
 diverging inland, followed the Jii leau River to the Rideau 
 Lakes. (Joursing his way through the net-woik of lakes 
 met with beyond this, he at lengtii reached the Gananoque 
 Rivei', down which ho went to tlio St. Liiwrence. Lieu- 
 tenant Jones pushed through the country bordering the 
 River Ottawa, along its norlhorM b:iMks. until he reached the 
 Chaudiore Falls, where he crossed to the other side and re- 
 turned to Montreal by the south hank. Both officers found 
 a large amount of land available foi- settlement. No special 
 official action appears, however, to have been taken, at the 
 time^ on these reports, and the course of settlement for 
 Some Notes on the Rideau Canal. 
 years; afterwards continued rather to bo directed to the 
 valley Qf the St. Lawrence. 
 The construction of a canal to conne-^t the River Ottawa 
 with Lake Ontario formed the subject of discussion fiorn 
 time to time after this, but it was not until the breaking 
 outof the war between the United States and Great Britain, 
 in June, 1812, that the urgent necessity for such a canal 
 became apparent both to the British Government and to 
 the Canadian leaders. The transportation of ai-nis and 
 supplies from Quebec and Montreal to the upper lakes by 
 way of the St. Lawrence liiver involved gi-eat exposure to 
 the enemy along the extended frontier of New York State. 
 The expense arising from the Government's endeavor to 
 avoid this exposure was enormous. The transportation of 
 a 24-pounder cannon from Quebec to Kingston alone cost 
 nearly one thousand dollars. The earliest official document 
 dealing practically with the subject of a canal appeared on 
 the 29th December, 1814, in the shape of a letter from Sir 
 George Prevost, in command in Upper Canada, to Lieut.- 
 Gen. Sir Gordon Drummond, at Kingston, enclosing some 
 plans and reports, and asking for opinions thereon and for 
 further information. Sir Gordon's reply, transmitting le- 
 poi-ts from three of the local officers, gave his own opinion 
 that the difficulties would be immense and the expense 
 On the restoration of peace, however, Sir Gordon Drum- 
 mond was instructed by Lord Bathurst, under date of lOlh 
 October, 1815, to get " estimates of the expense of the La- 
 chine Canal, and of the Ottawa and Eideau being made 
 Tiavigable, in order that His Majesty's Government may 
 decide as to the propriety of undertaking these works, 
 either separately or simultaneously." According!}' Li^^ut. 
 Jel Ii was, early in 1810, directed to ascend tne Cataraqui 
 Eiver to the chain of lakes and thence continue down the 
 Eideau River to the Ottawa, and to return by the same 
 route, reporting on the land available for military settle- 
 ments and on the navigation for batteaux. His report 
Canadian Record of Science. 
 recommended corlain dams to be constructed and certain 
 channels on the Eideau Eivei- to be cleared of obstructions. 
 It was immediately subsequent to this that the military 
 settlements of Perth and Richmond were laid out, but not 
 until 1819 that construction of canals was actively under- 
 taken, by the Imperial Government, In this year the Gren- 
 ville Canal was beurun b}-- the Royal Stall' Corps, although 
 not completed until 1833. In 1821 the Carillon Canal was 
 similarly commenced by the Slatf Corps and completed in 
 1834; whilst the Lachine Canal was undertaken by the 
 Lower Pi'ovince, with some aid from the Imperial Govern- 
 ment, and finished in 1824. 
 In 1821 the interest of the people of the Upper Province 
 was thoroughly aroused, and a commission under the pre- 
 sidency of Hon. John Macaulay of Kingston, was appointed 
 to consider the improvement of the internal navigation of 
 the Province. The commission reported on the Rideau 
 Canal on the 5th October, 1825, giving three estimates of 
 cost ; that for a canal 5 feet deep, and with locks 80 feet 
 long by 15 wide, being £145,802 stg. This report was 
 apparently at once transmitted to the British Government, 
 which in the same year sent out a commission, composed 
 of Sir J. C. Smyth, Sir G. Hoste and Major Harris, C.E., to 
 enquire into the cost of construction of a canal on the same 
 scale as the Lachine Canal, which had been made 5 feet 
 deep, and with locks 108 feet long by 20 feet wide. This 
 commission in its report estimated the cost at £169,000 
 stg., and on this report being received by the Homo Gov- 
 ernment the construction of the Rideau Canal was deter- 
 mitiod on. 
 On 30th May, 1826, Lieut.-Col. By, R.E., arrived at Que- 
 bec from England, with instructions from Gen. Mann, 
 inspector of fortifications, to superintend the building of 
 the canal on the lines laid down by the Imperial commis- 
 sion. Foieseeing the p().>^8ibiIitios of steam on the great 
 river systems of Canada, and its importance on the canal 
 as a motive power instead of horses, as contemplated by the 
 Some Notes on the Ridean Canal. 
 commiasion, ho, on the 13lh July, 1826, ui'ged Gen. Mann 
 to adapt the woi-k to the use of Hteam power, inchiding the 
 enhirgement of the locks to admit vessels of 130 feet in 
 length. This was vigoi-ously opposed by Sir J. C. Smyth, 
 with the result that Ct)l. By was directed to commence 
 construction oii the original lines. 
 About the middle of September, 183(5, Col. By and his 
 assistant, Lieut. Pooloy, reached Hull, and shortly aftei-- 
 wards inaugttrated the work hy laying out the entrance of 
 the canal at "Sleigh Bay," its present locatior under the 
 shadow of the eastern block of the parliamentary build- 
 ings. The importance of the occasion was signalized by 
 the arrival, a few days aftci-wards, of the (rovernor, Karl 
 Balhousie, who formally approved of the location selected. 
 The first steps taken in actual constiuction consisted in 
 the building of a bridge across the Ottawa Rivci* fronting 
 the (Jhaudiiire Falls, on the site of the present iron bridge, 
 in order to get in material and supplies, the erection of 
 barracks for the men and magazines for stores, and the 
 construction of a road from the Chaudiere Falls to Long 
 r>^land, on the Eideau River. These works were completed 
 by the close of 1827, excepting the bridge, which was not 
 opened until a year later. In the construction of these 
 works we first meet with the names of the men who built 
 the more important structures of the canal — the Hon. Thos. 
 iVtcKay of Bytown, John Redpath of Montreal, and Robei-t 
 Drummond of Kingston. 
 In 1827 the chief contracts were given out — Mr. Penny- 
 father taking the excavation for the first eight locks at the 
 Ottawa River end, Mr. McKay the construction of these 
 eight locks, as well as those at llartweli's and Hogsback, 
 Mr. Redpath the great works at Jones Falls, Messrs. Feno- 
 lon & Henderson the earth excavation and grading from 
 the entrance locks to Dow's Swamp and thence to Hogs- 
 back, whilst Mr. Robert Drummond had the Kingston Mills 
 locks and the extensive dykes and dam near there. 
 On the 26th October, 1827, Col. By, with the experience 
Canadian Record of Science. 
 of more than a your to guide him, as well as a personal 
 acquaintance with the details of the work, made up for the 
 Ordnance Department in London his own estimate of the 
 cost of the canal. It reached the sum of £463,899 stg. 
 This vast increase over the estimate of the commission of 
 1826 created an intense stir in the department, and resulted 
 in orders being sent out to Col. By for the immediate stop- 
 page of all woi'k wherever practicable, and in the appoint- 
 ment of a commission, composed of Sir .Tas. Kempt, Col. 
 Edw. Fanshaw and Col. Lewis, to investigate the character 
 of the work and the cause of the extraordinary expend- 
 iture. This committee, on the 28th .lune, 1828, reported, 
 on the whole veiy favorable to Col. By, and recommended 
 the canal to have a depth of 5 fee', at the lowest water and 
 the locks to be of a si/.e to admit a steamer 10,8 feet long 
 and 30 feet wide. On this report the size of the locks was 
 fixed at 134 feet by 33 feel, and the work pressed on with 
 Col. By's accustomed vigor. 
 After much difficulty and repeated failures at the works 
 at Hogsback and Dow's Swamp, near Bytown, and great 
 loss of life at some points, particularly Kingston Mills, where 
 about 500 laborers died fi-om malaria, necessitating the 
 raising of the dams in order to flood the extensive swamps 
 of the Cataraqui Eiver, the Canal was ready for opening in 
 August, 1831. Another delay however took place. Mr. 
 Merrick, of Merri(^kville, cut off the water at that point by 
 a dam in order to make repairs to his mills. This act 
 raised very serious legal questions which were not settled 
 before the winter set in. In consequence, it was not until 
 the 29th May, 1832, that the first steamboat the " Pumper " 
 with Co!. By and his family on board, passed through from 
 Ottawa to Kingston, and the Canal was formally opened to 
 On the 8th January, 1831, in writing to Col. Grlogg, for 
 the information of the Commander of the Forces, Col. By 
 mentions that his estimate of the cost of the work as pre- 
 sented to the Imperial Commission in June, 1828, was 
 /Some Notes on the Rideau Canal. 
 £693,449 st^. All of the oiticiul jiiipeivs connected with the 
 Canal do not ajjpear to have been printed as parliamentary 
 returns, but the last estimate published brought up the cost 
 to nearly £800,000 stg. 
 As the city of Ottawa owes its inception to the construc- 
 tion of the Jiidoau Caiuil, it is interesting here to note that 
 the first settler at Hull was Philemon Wright, the founder 
 of the Wright family there, who on the 3rd January, 1806, 
 obtained a crown patent coveiing lot 2 in the 3i-d range 
 including the water privileges at the Chaudiere Falls on 
 that side of the river. The original locatee of the corres- 
 ponding lot and water pi'ivilege on the Ontario side was 
 liobert Kandall, whose rights were however in 1820, bought 
 at sheriffs sale bv Lieutenant Le Bieton, from whom, and 
 from the large exposed areas here of level, Trenton lime- 
 stone, the locality acquired the name of " Le IJreton Flats." 
 In 1820, Earl Dalhousie bought for the government, the 
 Fraser property, lying between the S rks and Besserer 
 properties on the one side, and the Ottawa River on the 
 other, and on instructions from him in the end of Septem- 
 ber, 1826, ('Ol. By, laid out in town lots the upper part of 
 this, and Dr. A. J. Christie became apparently, the first 
 locatee of a lot upon the site. In 1827, the swamp then 
 covering a considerable area oast of the Canal entrance, was 
 drained, divided into lots, and became known as Lower 
 Town, to distinguish it from the part surveyed during the 
 previous year which was called Upper Town. The name 
 of Bytown — in honor of Col. By — was then given to the two 
 settlements, which were separated not only by the Canal 
 but also by what was known as Barrack Hill, now the site 
 of the Parliament Buildings. The name Bytown, soon 
 became thoroughly established. Reference is made to it in 
 the Imperial Commissioner's report of the 28th .June, 1828, 
 and on the 18th July, 1829, a petition from "some of the 
 inhabitants of Bytown " was forwarded to Sir James Kempt, 
 complaining about the conditions on which town lots had 
 been sold. Thus originated the present city of Ottawa^ 