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Las diagrammas suivsnts illustrant la m*thode. 1 2 3 4 Ol 6 1 ->!■!- j-^jV1^-* ^li. •^ Fourth * Annual ^ Dinnet^ ^- (AT "The Grigg,") •-0- ^priday, nth AAay, 1688. -^^ SOOTMAM ,1 «HIBRIf» PHS tONOON ' Hogt tliou thii\h bnauftf thou art birtiioiis their shall br no moi-i- lahrs and ale?"- iwclfili Ninlit. " i)f haa not bin it • ■ the blood t9 rolb." -C'oriolamis. :, MENU ->I«- . "^J^' '•» i r^ " We'll mck the sweets out of tlif comb, And make the (jo(h nphii', An they do/east in Jaen'ti ijreut room, To nee with ivhut ivc dme."~l)KA\TnN. SOUP O X '!' a i 1 FISH Haked Wliittti^li, Lohstei- Same BOILiED Mutton, Caper Sauce licef ■lV)ni,Hie Voiksliiie Cured Ham Corned Heefaiid Cabl.age Cliicken, Parsley Sauce ROASTS Ribs of Beef, \ uikshire Pudding Spring l.ainl), Mint Sauce I'ork, Apple Sauce Fillet of Veal, Stutfed Mutton, iJrown Potatoes COLtD DISHHS Beef Hani Mutton Cornell Beef Tongue EjVlTREES Apple Fritters, Rum Sauce Chicken i'ot Pie Macaroni and Cheese Fricasseetl Sweet Breads " With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles cojrte."— Shakesi'eare. f^ELiISHES Cluitney Sauce Pickles Anchovy Sauce Chou Chow i'omato Catsup Worcestershire Sauce VEGETABLiES Mashci otatoes Boiled Potatoes Tomatoes Sweet Corn Creen Peas PASTf^Y English I'hun Pudiling. lirantly Sauce Dehnonico Putlding, Cream Sauce (ireen Apple i'ie Femon Pie Rhubarb Pie Blackberry Tart DESSEf^T • "Do you look for cakes and ale here, you rude rascals?"— Hkn. VIII. Vanilla Ice Cream Cream Cake Rum Jelly Assorted Nuts Raisins Cheese Apples i^ananas Or; iii,A( K AM) (;ki;I'N- ika Java cofkkI'; " Nunc eat bibendumfratreis."— Horace. " E rouut musclf la uuihing rise so happu Jls in a soul icuumbcting my goob fiienbs. "— Draytoi -5^ Sli=l i xxnxzjc m- " (Ehf spirita I habe liiisrb llb!^n^on mt." -Myron ^ •fe. ^ i rtXitxi ::"'W "li If -O^ " i ll speak to it thouKli hell itself shall gape And hid me hold my peace." — Ilaiiili't. 1. — " The Queen." . . - " Imperial power, whose liberties are inar> hiii^ round the earth." -Mair. 2. -"The Baoonian Club." - - a. D. Hakdv. 3. — "Ouf» Country's Youth." - - r. a. Iimi:. "A proper strijiling, and an amorous." -'I'aming (if the Shmi'. 4. — "liOPd Bacon." - - - c.ko. Mokkhi-ad. "The great secretary of nature .irui all learning." — U'alfnii. 5. — "Education." - - Jno. Sn i'henson. W. THOMI'SON. " 'I'ell (for you can) what is it to be wise? Ti> but to know how little can be known ; To see all others' faults and feel our own."— /'(»//('. 6.--" The Lteattned Professions." - C. l. (".lass R. A. lUvLv. "'I'he first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." — Ilcn. VI. 7.— "Out* Canadian Scientists." - John Dkaknkss. R. A. (;kav. '" This is the age of new inventions for killing bodies and for >aving souls " — llj/iDti. 8. "The Press.' C. J. WiM.ow. (".. N. Wkkkks The sentinel of our liberties." V .ft 9. -"The Liadies."* - - - [■ c,. M> kihv. '■ l'",arth has not anything to >huw more fair. '— WitnLswortli. lO. -"OUP PsxWivs:' - •- - l!v ALL ,.1. Tmkm. .^ '"Odd quirks and remnants of wit."— lAttcA Ado. "iEliet) epnkr uol ii luoio ; jBut like butnb statues or brcatltlees etunee, i»tiii-'t) at ciui'. other, aiiti look'D iJeaMo pale."— Richard III 13 1 !^^ ^ Officers. Presideqt-A, D, HARDY, Vice-President -N, W, ROWEl.L, Sec.-Treas,- R. A. LiTTlE. C. G. JARVIS EXECUTIVE OOMMITEE : George Morehead. D, H, Tennen€^ -,v-v # nielange. TZ. .A.. o-xs^-."2r- SONGS : RECITALS : .^^. Z3. SZ-^f^SSC " Like a dull actor, now, I have forgotten my part, and I am out." — Con'olanus. ^_ 15. TEXTlTEZiTT. I^. -ta-- Z-ITTT-^. 3-^OI^(3-^ Iv£02SEXXE!J " The iron tongue of midnight hath tolled tvvf:lve." —AfidsuiHifier Ni\'-/i/'s Dreatn, It is a reeling world, indeed, my lord.' -Rick. in. SEASON. lBB/-'e. ,^,,„., ^"f^