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'rata o lelure, I a 3 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 liiiiiiiaiiitianM'nnniainMaiHMaMIHiiiMHiiiliiiSM!! liiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir lliniairiMSini IIIMIBini.Hh. ■ |iii{BiiiiiBifi|iB;itiia|i;|isiiMiai|iiiBit|iiB|i{iiB(iii nan IIIIIIBIIIIIBIIIIIBIIIIIBIIItlBlllliailll laiiiiiaiM II!!!!!!!!!!!!! iikjiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!' iiiiii iiBiMiiaiin lliiliiiiiiii anil iiili !!!!!!!!!' Hiliiiiil ii|i|iaiii|i iiiiiiiilili !!!!!' iiiili !!!!!' iiiii iiai The 9 ominion - JAMES LAMONT, PRES. t Treas. F. B GATES, VicE-PnES. & Manager JAS. D. LAMONT, SCChetary P. S. COATE, Director H. C. GATES, Director pulley i5ompan\^ CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED (limited) M ^ (^t^atl^an?, ^nt. iiMfiiiiiaii|||aiiiii|i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii laMii iiiili aiii:iaiiii|Bii iiliiiiiiiilili MBM iiiii IIIBIII iiiiiii laning'^iiiami iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil BIIII|BII|llk iiiniiiliiii HMBIMIiaiMn iiiiiiliiiiliiii iiiaimiaiiiiiBi mi imiiii aiiniB iii iiiiBiiiiiBiiiiia iiiiiiiiiiiiiliii iiiii jiiiMBnmBiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii man JAMES LAMONT, Prfs & Treas P. S. COATE, DiRECTon F. B. GATES, Vice-Pres & Manager JAS. 0. LAMONT. SegRETAHV H. C. GATES, Director THE DOMINION Leather Covered Pulley Co., CHATrHAM, ()>4'^rA RIO MANUt ACTURERS OF Ltd. AND Henderson ]JulleV (JoDering . . . gelt (Jement AND OWNERS OF THE PATENTS OF ... . HCNDCRSON'S PATENT PROCESS FOR COVERING PULLEYS WITH LEHTHCR UK imder^^igiio'l having leoogiii/.ed the ptactical value of Hknokkson's I'atent Lkather I'ri.LEY C"oVKRiN(!, aiul, after tiiorough testing, the same have purchased the ('anadian Patents and tlie ^ole rights to manufacture and sell the san\e in the Dominion of Canada. We invite your full investig'ition with it, knowing that if you do its merits will immediately cause its sale. Correspondence solicited. THK DOMINION' LKA'rHKK i OVKRKD F^ULLKY CO. Chatham, Ontario. .January 9t'i, I SO.'i, In the folloujing pages uue uiill endeavop to demonstrate to you the advisa- bility of Covering youn Pulleys by oup Patent Ppocgss, thereby enabling you to TRANSMIT MORE POWER uiith the same belt, running at the same tension, also being a complete preventative of the SLIPPING OF BELTS. The above statement being true, the question of doing more mork Luith a given a«iount of fuel is solved. Seeure the right to Cover your Pulleys by our Patent Process and you ixiill poon observe a Great Saving in BELTS, STRING LEATHER, OIL AND BABBIT METAL by removing the Strain on the Belts and the IVIaehinery mill give better satisfaction. We keep in stock Lieather especially adapted for Covering Pulleys. ijh:A.^ri±hzii c'(>viGUii:i> i^rji.r.i^:vs _^TA VK long been demonstrated as a benefit to power users, but only in a few cases and by ^^^ crude methods has it been adopted. With our process we have the only perfect cover- ing for all si/.es of pulleys, having been successful on pulleys from 2 inches to 18 feet in diameter. Our secret lies in the preparation of the iron, by which we can cement our leather around a pulley so solid that it cannot be removed except by cutting the leather away, Our leather is especially prepared so that it will not take ;\ hard, flinty polish like ordinary leather. Every particle of the leather is cemented down solid and seemingly becomes a part of the pulley. The old, expensive process of riveting leather on, only a few points being fastened, with a heavy strain the leather will stretch and soon come off, the rivets will work loose»and cut the belt, rendering it nearly worthless before half its usefulness is given. Leather riveted on must be stiff and hard, and soon becomes little better than iron for transmission of power. Ours is soft and pliable. The time and skill of riveting on leather is so great that mechanics avoid the task. By our process one man and a helper.can easily put on from 50 to 100 square feet per day, with but little experience. We invite your attention to the benefits of our covering herewith presented, as well a^ a few of our many letters of endorsement. 5 THK HAMfLTON COTTOX COMPANV. F. B. (iATKS, Es4., Hamilton. Jan. 5, 1H92. Dear Sir:— h\ reply to yours of the "ind, would say that we have V)een using your pulley covering now for some lime, and so far it has given us entire satisfaction, and is superior to any we have heretofore tried. We are, yours truly, Hamilton CorroN Company. THE PATTKKSON & liKO. CO., Ltd., Mauiifarfurers of A(/ricii/htra/ Iinpleincnfs and Ilarrt^^iiKj Morhiiiery V. H. Catks, Esq., Woodstock, ()NT.,.)an. .">, 1892, Dear Sir: — We have your letter Dec. 30 in regard to ti.e pulley you covered for us more than a year ago, and although it runs at a terrifically liigh speed ai\d has been idle scarcely one working hour since the work was completed, we find, on examination to-day, that it is practically in as t'ood shape as when first applied. We are able to do a tjreat deal more work on our planer, takiuLT a heavier cut, and doing altogether better work on account of the even motion secured by the splendid grip the belt has on the pulley. We cannot too strongly recommend this covering wherever it is desirable to take advantage of the fullest possible power from overloaded, high- runnii.g machinery. We sht.uld estimate the increased driving power from the pulleys we have covered at least 20 per cent. The pulleys we have since covered for ourselves are giving eqiuvlly good satisfaction. Very truly yours, The i'ATTKRsoN (!fe Hro. Co., Ltd. .Jno. D. Patterson, Secretary. « riii: 'rKA>:sMissi<)N oi' row i:k' ^<r> \ MK-ans of a lu'lt .lepetuls .lirectly ur.on tl.o a.uoini^ <.f fri.t,i„r between the belt and the " IJ pulley. This trietum ean be increase.! in il.r oM way by ti-l.tening u,. or dopn.^ the belt with resin/Hoap and other injurious substances ; «.r in the new way by covkuin.; tuk i-i .J-KY which will increase this friction by fron. :VA\ to 7:> per cent., thereby enabling the trans.nissiun ot more power. \VM. .t .1. <i. (iKKKV, '/'oroiifo Mill F II r II I ^h ill [I Wnrlc^. Toronto, Feb. I'i, 1S9I. silm is that it i» i. ?oo,l thinj; if ti.e >-e,„ent w.l! c.i.tMuu- I" liol.l c..vonn« t., tl.o met,.! . .1 .tpr"^"" i'llH«l.ty«. V.Mus truly. w,,. .>t .1. (i. (iRKKV, Per I.auiie. MAN.SON C AMlMiKLL, M((inil'artiiri r of thf' Famom Chnthmn Ffiiniiii;/ Mill. Chatham, Ont., .Ian. \'l, IStKS. Dominion liKATiiKR C^vekkd Pillkv Co., CliaLliam, IharSir: — Vour Itather coveied [JuUt'y.s ha-, <jfiveii nie good satisfaction, and tin? -saving in powei- is (.'onsiderahle, au the belts do not slip. 1 can c-liefifully roconinicnd tlieni, ami I hope you will have the siu.-ces.s the pidleys merit in tin- manutactnre and .sale ot them in Canada. Yours truly, M anson Camthkij,. THK BKANTKOKI) C()KI)A(;K C<)M»\ANV, Ltd., Mnnnfdcfnrers atid Importers of ffunp. HKANTKoiiO, Canaoa, Feb. loth, IS'Jl. V. W. Catks, Ks(,... Dear Sir: Wv have paid particular attfution to the pulleys yon coveied for us, and have to acknowledge the principle a good or.e. We can run the Ixjit.s much loosei' <ui them than we can on the l)are iron, and accomplish the same result : this we consi'ler a great a<lvantage. There is only one uncertainty in our minds, and that is as to how long the covering will adhere to the iron witliout renewing or restieking. Perhaps you can explain this satisfactorily. Otherwise we are well pleased with the covered pulleys. ^'ouis truly, Consimkh's (\)ki)A(;k Company, Fred. Chaicraft, Manager. 8 Is a great .sourot^ of annoyance. To over.^ome this, various nostnnnes, sucii us belt L'lease, resin, soap, etc., have been used. I'liey are all very injurious to the belt. To cover the pulley is the only true solution of this problem. In all fast and even slow running machinery, laboring heavy, tlieie is more or less slipping of the belt. We have found as high as KU per cent, constant slip, w ich was entirely unknown to the operator; and, in many cases, as high as 40 per cent.; while in most cases the constant slip averages from 4 to II per cent. Now, if we can overcome this slipping the question of doliiff tnori' n'ork n-ifh a ifinii amoniif of fnej Is so/nd.; for it takes power to overcomeslipping Thus, suppf>se, there is a constant slip of but .") per cent, of main belt (which, l)y the way, is a very low supposition'), means that you are using "> per cent, more steam than is necessj'.ry to do the work. We have sawmills that are cutting fjom l.') to 25 per cent, moic lumber per day after the a'"bor pulley was covered, with no additional expense except the handling of the lumber. In fact there is not a machine made that runs witli btilts Miat cannot be ijnproved by covering the pulleys, for there is more or less slipping which we can entirely over- c<mie. Iiivestigate this and write us. 9 J. ZIT^USHEIM, Mannfacturtr of Par/or and Bedroom Sefs, Centre, Tablets, etc Hamilton, Ont., .Jan. 28, 1892. F. B. Gates, Esq., Dear Sir:— In reply to yours, your leather and cement gives good satisfp.ction. I have nearly all the pulleys covered with it. Yours truly, J. ZlN(JSHKIM. THOMAS ()R(^AN CO., Alamijacfurers of Fine Or<janx, Woodstock, Ont., Jan. 7th, 1891. ^L B. (Iates, Es«^, Dear Sir : — In reply to yours of 30th ult. ^ we would say that we have now used your (Hen- ■uraon's) patent process pulley covering for "Sonie months, and are quite satisfied that it does all your agent claimed for it. It does not show the slightest sign of coming off, even on the tight pulley of the fast and loose pairs. We tried it first on a machine that wc^s always a trouble from the belts slipping and the head slowing down, and were so well satisfied that we at once covered all the small driven pulleys in the factory. We now have steadier running machines and with slacker V)elts. Yours truly, Thomas Ok(}An Co., Per Jas. Duidop. I 10 COCKSHUTT PLOW CO.,Lti)., M(n'iiJ'arf!inr-'< of Chilh'<l oiul St(cl Pious, Sii/hj-< mid Onnijs. Brantkokd, Ont., Fi;)). 4. 1891. F. 15, (iATES, Ks(/. , /),(irS!r:—Yin\v favor of the 2ii(l lo hand, and in leply beg to state that the pulleys you covered for us with your leather and cement have since given us the ])est of satisfaction, and we can now drive our- rip saw through almost any thickness of plank without having the ))elts slide. We remain, yours very truly, ('ocKsin'TT 1'low Co., Ltd., K, Cockshutt, Treasurer THE KFLIANCF FLKlTHIC MANUFAl "1 UKIMi COAIPANV, Ltd,, MaiiiiKirliinrs of Hn' fMhiiir, Si/.s/<i» of Arr and J ncandcscDit Li</h''iii(i, the Rae, Si/s/nn nf Eltr/ric Uaihrftif (iiid Poi'-f r Apparatiis. W.vTKi:i-o!:i), Ont., Feh. IDth. 1891. F B. (iAris, Ks(>.., Ihnr Sir:- We hcL' to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the "ind inst , and in reply we wi)uld say that we tind a great saving in ])ower by the use of youi- patent covering. It has proved very satisfactory to us. We remain, yours respectfully, TiiK Rkmanck Flkctkic MANriACTiuFN*; ( o , Ltd, u 'iiiK COST OK HKi/ri:xcf, i^^vc'p: i^kaiiikk, nAUBir MKi^vr. .v:n^I3 oir. Is ii heavy expense in a large factory. Auytliing that will lessen tins expens-' should l)e hailed with delight. The life of a belt depends upon the amount of wc.rk it has to perform ; th nnm.<'fxm,nj strain it is sul)jected to, and the wear and tear it is subjected to from slipping. Th first of these will remain the same in all eases, while in the second we will remove nearly twice the an.6unt of strain on the following side of the belt, as the tight side besides doing the work has to balan(.'e the str,iiii on the slack side. Belis can be run very slack after we have covered the pulley. Then as there is no slipping there can l)b but little wear and Uyay. And as you do not have to use any injurious substances, such as resin, soap, etc , there is no reason why the belt will not last twice as long. The same holds true \\ ith lace leather, for there is, not as much strain on the strings, and they are not cut into by the belt slipping on the pulley. What can be more annoying than for a man to go througii his factory and see fron» (me to half a do/en machines standing idle while the men are re-lacing tlte belt or re-babbiting the machine caused from tight belts ? When a box gets hot the tirst remedy generally applied is large quantities of oil. Remedy' the cause, which i.>; friction caused from tight belts, IIV rsiNC OTR IM'LLKV ('OVKKIN(;. I 12 BUCK'S STOVE WORKS, Hiqh class Sforcs, Bavrfcs, Warm Air Furnaas, Hoi lo>c ware, etc. Brantkord, Ont. , J uly 22(1, 1 891 . To F. B. Gates, Esq., ., i. i u i Dear Sir-lxx reply tc your in(|uiry as to the pulley covering, I would say that we have had it in use^n diffei^n parts .-t^hese works since last January, and 1 an. satished that it is all hat vo ^clL for 1 e^^^^^^ us to run with nuioh slacker belts, and as a consequence ammmjoj Him Z /W U?^^^^^^^ ifct in son.e places I have made belts from ,? ^o ^ r.u-/^e.s /on^.r than we could ever have them before the adoptic,n of the leather covering, and when properly put on it is on to .stay. Hoping to hear from you again soon, 1 remain, , Yours very truly, • J W Forsyth, Foren)an for W. I'.uck. 1). W. KARN & CO., Oninii and Phvio Matn(fa(Jn.rers. Woodstock, Ont., Aug 29, USUI. ^' ^^W^^V•--In reply to your favor of the 2()th inst., wouhl say that we find tlie pulleys all () K Send us the riSht lo use it and we will send you check for same, and oblige^ Yours, etc , u. \\ . iv. 1). \V. Karn & Co. 13 SliOP I^ICJCIVSKS. w^' E now have for sale Shop Licenses, which empower the owner to do his own work as necessity requires. CHATHAM MANUFACTURIN(i COMPANY, Ltd., Mamifacturers of Wafjons and Wcujon Sfod; Hanlirood Lii/nher and Ship Plank. Chatham, Ont., Jan, 12, 1893. The Dominion Leather Covkrep F*ui,ley Co., Ltd., (Chatham, Geiiflemen: —We take pleasure in certifying that we have severely tested your system of covering pulleys with leather on a large number of pulleys in our wagon works and find it eftectu- ;illy prevents the clipping of belts, is easily applied and diira-ble, and therefore n?nst satisfactory to us ill every lespect. Yours very truly, Chatham Manukaoturing C<>. , Ltd. D. R. VanAUen, Pres. and Mgr. 14 TOHON ro KLECTKU" LI(;H'r CO., Ltd. 0,^>ra.l Works, E.^rlanarle,f^^^ ^^^^^ ,. ^^^^ V, R (Jatfs, . , . ^1 We have tried every Dear Sir ;-The pulley y<>u ->v--^ , "W-- ^^ ;:;S o^frSis as this. covering that has ome along, but "^"^j^^;;,^' f^ ^^^ ^''^'" Toronto KLE.TKir Lioht Co , hespectiuii>, ^ ^ Wright, Manager. VVM. (JKAY & SONS, J/a///'./a^'/?OY-/-.s o/ Fine Carrinu's. Chatham, Ont, Jan. 1.'^, isns. you the success you merit. We aie, >ouis >, ^^,^^ ^.^^^, ^ g^,^^ 15 THK KAIN HKOS. MAN UFACTUK1N(J CO., Ltd, Matni/arfurers of Farm and Freif/lif Wa(jofhs, Slt'ujh^, etc. liRANTFoKI), OnT., X(Tv. .Sl'd, 1 SO'2. •Mk. V. H. (iATES, Dear Sir :~-\\\ reply to yours of the 24ih of Oct >l)er, vvouM .say that the covering you put - a our pulley some months ago is giving us entire satisfaction. We shut down next week to tike stock, and are going to covei' some more. Vours truly, 1>.\IN Kkos. M.\NrF\('TrinN(i Col flohn A. Hain, Vice-Pre.s. The fi»Uowing testimonials ai-e from the Kureka Cement Co., of Owossa, Mich., who are the sole owners of Mr. Hendersons patent for the United States : IJav Citv, Mich., October 17, 1S90. TnK Ei'KKKA Ckmknt Co , Owosso, Mich., O'lif/cni'ii: ^Wii have been using a pulley covered with your patent pr(jcess for about seventy days, and as it is one that drives our main '2 inch circular, we deem it a pretty severe test and up to the present time it seems to have fulHlled all that you represented it to do. We can say it has given us gooil satisfaction and would recommend it to f)thers. Most respectfully, L'arpentkk <!!: Co., .! By T. I'. J.angitoti; Manager. (JUMMKR LUMBER C'O. Cadillac, Mini., July 25, 1800. Eureka Ce.mhm' Co., Owosso, Mich., ^ t a (lenthmn, -The covering put on our pulleys, five in all, among v/hich are one large fan and one dm kr both of wincli are doing very heavy work, so far gives entire satisfaction It s cer'ainlv a skving of belts. We are able to do better work with one-(iuarter the weight on our 'Lhtenlr We have had this covering in use about thirty days and should it prove to be durable, ;o' ndll man can afford to do without it. Yours truly, ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ Per Edward Laphani, Supt. STOREY & CLARK ORliAN CO. Chk-aco, May -2(1, 1S90 To EiREKA Ckment Co. , Owosso, Mich.: We are pleased to highly recommend your system for covering pulleys, as far as our experience of seve^at months will go^ We have tested the covering in a most dithcult place in connection with o';? Urge tan and have just covered our <lriver pulley. VVe have every reason to l>elieve m ks worth and have taken out the shop right license, and onlered stock for covering all pulleys where necessary. • Respectfully yours,^^^^ _^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ Per C. C. Russell. 17 AUSTIN TOMLINSON & WEBSTER MF( J. CO., Fann, Frrufhf, Lnnihcr mid Plnnfatlon Waf/oiis and Carts. Jackson. Mich., August 23, 1800. Thk Eurkka Ckment Co., Owosso, Mich., Dear Sirs:~A{ter thoroughly testing your patent process of covering pulleys with leather, we can heartily recommend same as a belt saviiig appliance to all who are using machinery. In our judgment it saves, at least, one-quarter of the power it formerly retiuired to run the machinery. We now run the belts loose; but without the covering we were compelled to run them very tight, which resulted in straining belts, melting boxes out, occasioning bi-eak downs and delays. Yours truly, A T. & W. Mf<;. Co. CHIEF FN(JINEEK S OFFICF, CHICA(^0 AUDITORIUM ASSOCIATION, Chicaco, June 18, 1890. The Eukeka Cement Co , (rVn^/^'meH.-— Yours at hand inquiring how I like your process for covering pulleys and the results I am obtaining from those covered for us V)y your agent. I beg leave to say that I pro- nounce them an absolute success, and cheerfully recommend the same to all users of power. We have leather riveted on as well as paper covered pulleys on our "dynamos," but 1 find your covering beats them all. Yours respectfully, " J. Blaney, Chief Engineer Auditorium Building. H. 18 KUKKKA C>:mknt Co., Owosso, Micl,. ^,^^ ^., , , tested the pv.ll^ cover- a.,>l ..■ -I" ™P'y ,"; yjI'U'Tt' mL' H y that we J. ve,y •";- '•Vf'et , ,re auy »evvice to i„g, an.l, for the t"- ««'--. '^^ '[;„;.'; ti„,e/ If th« recon,M.u„.Utt,o„ it will save the price of itselt Y,„irs truly, iMKNin iiK Co., , y„u we will he very gh"l. Nkw K>..i..^no k^^ ^ ^^ Ains'len. !•'. \V. WHKK.l.KH &ru., ^'en^/e.^'.^;-The pulleys cove^^^^^^^^^^ ereby, that we are very ^^ll P ^/^^^ tune to do the ,,,,,,h the additumal V^,^^^^,,, I our work, -^^-r^^^"^;:^ ,uite inexpensive .nore of the material to ct.t a or .^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^,^^ ,ati tlu. c o . .^ i work. I.iclusivo ot the slop , i^^^t ^,^^^^.^ ^^^^y, Wueklkr. ^„ anrl would not d.. witiv>ul it. V B OooiUellow, Treas. ^ — - 19 cover- thinU lire lo den. IS'.M). ^factory x\\ want ) do the qjensive Tieas. COMMERCIAL Mil MN(i CO , Dktkoit, .July .')th, ISIK). To EiRKKA CkmkntCo., Owosso, Mich., last a life time. ' ^ h^''^^^^^' '^^^^^^^ ""^ ''''■'^''^• HAXDV BROS., Maiinjartiirer.s of Box Shool-s aii<l Ihah rs ,11 Liimlxr. Wkst l>.\v City, Mich , Ociohei- (5, IS'JO. Thk Ei^RKK.v CF.MKsr Co. , Owoaso, Mich., (lentUnrvn,:^\\e have your fav.n- of the 2(1 iust., enclosi.ig shop right for your patent oovenng fori.llevs 4fter Duttin/your covering to the severest test possible, we cannot hn.l vunds to L v^ t t^^Wv Ja^^^^^^^ are satisfied that the covering will save us the cost of the shop Sht nside o two n^^^^^^ in the cost of belts and the increased an.onnt o work turned ont. V^ e again sly wo are highly pleased with your patent pulley covering and gladly recomn.end the same. ^ "^ Yours truly, Tr i> . H.\Ni>Y r.HOS. •20 FARRAND & VOl'EY OR(;AX CO. Detroit, Mich., Sept. 10, 1890. 3,l„«y. \ ery ie»pe,;tfully, p,„„,,.„ & v..rf,v Ott.AN Co. BRUSH KLKC;TKK; LKiHT COMPANY. Dkthoit, Micii., Sept. II, ISdO. Tim K.rKKK.4 Ck.mknt Co., Owosao, Mich., ' '<L,......-A.e.HavU>,t™ayo„W>^yc^^^^^^^^ 01 ^ sure that tlie slipping nas oeeu uuu. --^.^^^^^^^ ^^.^^^^ ing in use. '''^:::■:l..■:A;e/ha;u>.t™ayourp^^^^^ eidea to purchase * «l>",V'f„ /th"iriu u "ur belts with less strain than formerly an.l are :r »e%C^n. h^A^el! fonl IwaTwiU. ^. .. boUeve it to he hy .r the he. pulley eo.er- Biirsii FiLEcn-Ric Liutrr Co., Jos, K. Lockvvoul, -Jen'l Manager. 1800. jalisfac- o buy a rurming N Co. 1890. liavc (le- ges well and are jy cover- nager. 21 WIDDICOMB FURNnUHE COMPANY. (iiiANDRu'iDs, Mk'h., Dec 14, I88J>. The EiREKA. Cement Co., Owosso, Mich., UeMlemeu -We have given the leather pulley covering, which you put on for us, a very thoroucrh test and find it very satisfactory. For a number of years we liave had a large number ot our pufleys covered with paper, but we find your leather pulley cove^;mg gives very much larger percentage of power and is very much superior to the paper. *^ ^ * Very respectfully, WiDUiroMB FrKMTrKE ( o. AULTMAX, MILLER & CO., ManiifacturerH Buckeye Mou'crx, AVa/)er.s and /iindtrs. vSui'T's Okkue, Lewis A. Millku, Sipt. Akron, Ohio, 12, fi, '90. The Eureka Cement Co., Owosso, Mich., (7ew</e?wfi« -—We have in our factory a number of pulleys covered with leather by your pro- cess The belts on those pulleys formerly gave us much trouble by slipping, but since the applica- tion of your covering we have had no trouble whatever with them. I would recommeiul your pulley covering in any place where it is necessary to increase the power of driving a belt. Your "foment sftenis to hold the covering perfectly. Yours truly, Aultman, Miller &; Co., Ry A. L Miller, Mg'r Twine Factory. 22 AKKOX IKON COMPAXV B™.ch «t,„.e» vvi.h conn..e.o «„.U,, Now Vo.U, ' ''-^'_;.;-'"- ,,,,, „, ,, ,„, slipping; c,f iKl.s. Sine-.. v..u ...v,,-,..! tl.nn - ^ '>=.-;* ,., , \kk()N Ikon <'<> , . , . A. 1'. Baiavvin, (;en"lSui)enutetulent. LFAVIS P.. CLAIM*. IVvrn.KrKKKK, Mich , N<>v. 10, ISKO EiRr.KA CkmkntCo., ()w()y«(), Mi^li >rfect Hiiccess. It is simply ■()(). •23 LANSIX(; IROX cV KA'CIXK WOIIKS. LANsr.\<i, Mich., April A, 1S<K). The KrRKKA Ck.mknt Co., Ovvosso, Mich., Dtar Sirs: — Replying to your iiKjuiiy ;is to how wr like your patv.nt process for covering pulleys, we heg leave to say that we think it an absolute success, and after trial we are convinced that you can transmit nioi'e power with same; that the machinery will do more work; ihat the belts will last much longer ; that there will be less heating of boxes; that there will be a great saving in babbit metal and lace Icathe \ We aiso think if the largo pulleys on the line shaft are covered there will b(; a great saving in fuel. In fac^ we f iiink no user of power should be without your " I^eather Covered Pulley."' ^'t'ry respectfully, [^ANsiNd IkonCv Kn<;ink Works. .las. [.ugar. Superintendent. COM STOCK BKOS.. Majiii/'df/ !ir< rs oj' (/(iiKf ^(iir((l rim Liiiiihir. Ai.i'KN A, Mich., duly .'i, 1S<M». TiiK, KiKKKA Ckmknt Co.: The covering put on our })ulleys so far gives entire satisfaction. It is certaiidy a sa\ing of V)elts. We were able to do better work with onedialf the weight on uur tightener. If it proves to be dUi'able on many pulleys, no mill man can afford to do without it. CoMsTocK Bko>. '24 ESTEV MANUFACTURIN(J CO., OWOSSO, MICH. -ruK EruKKA Ckment Co., (.)wosso, Mid.., ^^^^ ^,^ .^ .^ wouderful the (JeMleme>,.:-YonvB is recei ed. NN ^^^^'^^^^ !^^*:"' ^"'"^^^^ . ^e have tried riveting on leather, ,vork we can do with the pulleys covered with your pr^^^^^^^^^ ^^ that soon wears that would soon stretch and come off: ^ejuue ajso ^if^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ j^F^t^^^^ ^^^^^^^ j^^ ^^^. The that wouui suuii n.acu...» .«..v. ^y...- _- . ^Y j^ jjg^d ^he pulleys in con- „ff ; but your cn-cring .» as nice a. he fi st ,^-y*^,P .■''";;, - • sunt u,e fo. t.ei.e-,n„uU,Ta.ul we^ are oo^^iug ^^ trLJr!; J .tri^ wlu K ft ti,„e» user 0I power should know of your process. ^ onvH t. ui> , 'EsTKV MANrFAC^TlKINC C-O. HITCHCOCK & BAILV Lnmli'r, Hill Timhrr and Lath Bav CiTV, Mich., Oct. 27, KSUO. Thk Eukkka CiiMKNT Co., Owosso, Mich., HlTClK'OCK &. BaMA' 25 HALBERT & KNK^HT. P/anuKj Mill. B.vttlkCrkkk, Mich., Nov. 17, 1SJ>0 The Eckeka Cement Co., Owosso, Mioli., Gentlemen: — We beg leave to say we think your patent process for covering pulleys an abs'ol- ute success, and after a trial we are convinced that we can transmit more power with its use, and machines will do more work, belti?' will last much longer, less heating of boxes, and a great saving of ])abbit metal and lace leather. In fact, we think no user of power should be without your process of covering pulleys. HaLI'.EICT <fe KNKiHT. E. BE ME NT & SONS. AyricidhirnI Implement-^ Lanhino, Mk'ii., August 2n, 1890. The Eureka Cement Co , Owosso, Midi., (ientlenwn : — In reply to yours of the loth instant, acknowledgiiig receipt of our remittance for license to use your Pulley Covering, would say we have already put yv,\\v coxxring on (juite a number of pulleys in our factory and 't is giving most excellent satisfaction and seems to l)e a certain remedy tor slipping belts. Very truly, E. Bemknt & Sons, By Clarence E. IJement, Supt. 26- DKTKOrr & Cl.K.VKLAN!) STEAM XAVIGATION CO. |0„„„a.Ui,y„fO.,„,.., „^.^,,^,„.,, „„,,,, J,,,,., >H,,,sm,. «„,„,,„.„.■ -You,- a,.unt wlK, --'-•'-'•';";<['-"';;, l^^,, "1/ "^ gla,l t„ ,10, f„r it other v„„ ,nv "Pii""" concerning your covering or '""'y^' "X se,l 'o help then, over their iliHie.llfy. ••- -" w. S. Hii-i-, Chief Knc^uu'cr. N()llLH-\V!vSTb:KN PAKLOK SUIT CO. CuK A<:(>, .luiic .'?, l.SJK). ^KKA Ckmknt ( o.. Owossc, Mich., your Patent Leather Covering for pulleys, ac.fs: In an.vv^ ^ to your numuy ^^^^^ '^^^^^.^^.^ Lave given it so far; we hav. use^l it a K to say that we arc n.ore than P^--;;^;^^ ^ ^,^:^^nno. ^eonnnend it highly enough, and r time con.paralively s])eaking, but "'^•^V';'-;,, ,,.,_ ^^ [> si>eetfullv, ^k that all user, of helt t ransnnssnn. ought to '»'^^^^.';;,.,,„.;vkIvkkn Vuium Srrr Co., Per Jus. Doetseh, Pres. •27 OWOSSO TOOL COMPANY. Scythe Siiathx, Grain Cradh'.s, Hand Rah ■<. Owosso, Mich., .Inly Stli, 1890. Ev'KKKA Cemknt (^),, Owosso, Micli., Oent.s: T\\Q pulleys which you covered for ii.s, some four months ago, are proving theniselves more than you represented. We have tried all the ditierent kinds of coverings, and Hud that your covering meets all the ditticulties, while the others do not. Enclosed, please find our che<iue for .*!100.()0, for which please send me a shop license, and consider it one of the best investments we ever made. Respectfully yours, Owosso Tool Co. A. M. Bentley, Prop'r. BUSS MACHINE WORKS, Jfainifarfni-t rs of \\\>o(l Workimj Machimry. (^RAXi) Uai'IDS, Mich., Dec. Id, ISSO. EuKKKA Ck.ment Co., Owosso, Mich., Gentleman: We have tested your cenu-nt for covering pulleys, and it gives very good satis- faction. \\{i cheerfully reconuuend it. Yours respectfully. Hi ss Maciiink Wokks. •28 JAMES DAVIDSON, SHI,. H,„M,r .., .«»«»/,;. 0,n,.r. MU.a., SUlp^a.1 W.. l^ay Ci>y, Mm,».. ' ojfire of Sfeoinship Lme, Bnjfalo. West Bay City, Mkukjan, Nov. 22, 1890. Tkk EiKKKA Ckmknt Co., Owos.o, Mich., ^^^^ .^ ^^^ ae.,lemcu : - AVe have been greatly ^^^-^:V^^:'i:^,:;:^^i:^^ Since we have nulls ana n.achine shops and the f^^l^^^^li^^Vi^^/^f ^ eys w th your pulley covering we have had no purchased the «hop right ''^"< /^^^'^r^^Xf 1 .^I'^n.^S power and none is lost. 'I his i. trouble, and tind that the belts take hold '^"^\ T^^^'J^^/'^, ^ ^^ cutting machines and punches and articuiarly noticeable on our --T pl- «- ; Uey c v r "g on our ^team punch, we had to make shears. I'revion.s to the use of Y^^^^ P^^^^^^ f^ ^.^el stmps, but since the appi nation of yo r ^ P " ^ ours truly, Jamks D.widson. 1890. s in our we have i had no This is iheb and to make of your r p'lten t receive acturers. It ""i^^Jti TF vou fellows will use The Domininn Leather rnvererl Piiliev Comnanv's natent nrocess for ^^ i ^ ,. . .. .. -J .- J^ covering pulleys, you will not be troubled with slipping of belts, save you 1 5 per cent more power, belts will last twice as long, s".ve you babbit metal and ^string leathers, and machinery will do 25 per cent, more work.