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Ov "v^icroiEii^^^ "V. I. riii-: MTKST FA^KEdlfS WmM IK'SMl® WII-I. P.K IM Hv liASKI) r.V (JNK OF THK KIRM i_E * .'• M pa' UJ 1, l»" LM r ess u •2;::; HO. , CHEMICALS. I C3 0'VJBii]siJVEsasrT ST., 'ViCTOitiA.. i; i: s I i> I N <, ijst :i oiNTiDOisr C9 m CO o2 ENGLISH DRUGS. rnmmm mm 'mmmv-mmmm I T. SHOTBOIiT, DISPENSIXCt iiiiif mn wmmm^ IMrORTKU OF ENGLISH DKUGS, CHEMICILS, ri .-> .1 O H TV S O IV S ^^ 1 { E IC T , VICTORIA, V. I. JOHN T. LITTLE, mmmm%im MiEMiif , AND DEALER I\ AND GJ^EiXKi^^L. ]\£l^l^c:?II.v]^ 1 >i>sii:, CITY WHARF. STORft^QE hHQ WHARFAGE AT CURREMT RA.TES. E. DEVILLEES, nmEiirmEE MERCHA.NT, TO)f IS, SlTLIlf, T@®LS, AND OEIVEI^yVL IT^0]VM:01\ Ci Elt V, 88 GOVERNMENT STREET, Opposite St. Nicholas Ilott'l, m f f wX^ -, ;'/w -'tr llr ^ ^C^ ^ ..l> '-•■^ ii^- I Xl-^ VICTORIA ADVKliTLSKMKNTS. HARDWARE STORE. FELLOWS & EOSCOE, ^ IMl-'MrnCl,"^ ^\l) DKALKItS [N A[J> KINDS OF , STOVES AND TIN WARE, ^ : IRON and STEEL, of all descriptions and sizes. No. 7, COMMEliCIAL ROW, Wharf Stim;i:t, Yictoiiia. 5 • • • • X. C. .MAT]riKSSEN. P. MA'i'lllKSSKN. II. VALKX ! IXKi;. ST. KICIIOLAS HOTEL, No. Ill Government Strev^t. This Capacious and First Class Hotel, is now open for tlio accoinniodation of the public. Tlicro is connected with the Hotel A LARGE PUBLIC RESTAURANT, And A LAOIES' ORDINARY. PRIVATE ROOMS AND SUITS OF ROOMS. ^•//vr-^ r~x ^ \> i:. I / U^' ■A • '" L VICTOUIA ADVEUTi-«KMENT^. %#f :7 PIERCE & SEYMOUll, ^ YIGTOMA, Y. I. Keep constantly on luuid and for sale a largo and general Assort- ment of ^ttiUil Wm Wkn% ami fulu, c^^ ee ISMiDMif^ SlJMlJiJ S WL^Mm-^. m 4 h\ ^A^^^}i 15^1 iCri iC> 'T'S Grovei'iament Sti'eot, 18®. OPPOSITE BANK OF BRITISH COLmiBIA. LEWIS DAVIS, - Proprietor. Ill iiillTai iQfll t I AND BILLI^^r^l> N^VI^OOIV. p. MAXETTA, Projuicfor. <€i cs^ ^^'.^ci. "^cp i.si ■:s3 ss:":) =c:? 02 oti -L^-} "klPo ■p VICTORIA ADVKl'TISE.MENTS. '' rJI M i^l O ^ '^J^: W W PI fell HI yll4JJ3l4^l^ Yii'W Strt'4't, ln'twi't'ii nro.jd ;mi! Douiilus Stici'ts. Tliis elegant Brick Hotel is now open for the accoin- inodatioH of the Public. lfi-oi..The Propiiotoi- havin.u;- engaged the services of a .superior French Cook, the Culinary department cannot be surpassed. Breakfast from 7 A. M., to 1 P. M. Table D'Hote, 5 to 7 P. M. ev SUITS OP ROOMS AND SIIIGLE ROOMS ON REAS0NA15EE TE'iMS. HOflL )1 Fl ^'MAl^ ffi4 03 Grove niiiient Sti'eet. JOHN EIGNE & CO., Proprietors. t»:{ (iovciiinu'iit Strrot, South, Victoria, V. I. jf.-:5r^Best Burton Ale and London Porter in Bottles and on Draught, (Imperial measure.) Private Sitting ilooms, Single and Double-bedded Rooms C(nn- furtably furuislicd. An Ordinary daily at 5.30 P. M. J. H. HESSELTINE, ( Promuetors. A.M.HARRIS, ^iTop.ietois. ■{ ■ IB' it I ^1 "WW ■ ■Ifq in«l I III iJinipii 3BC VICTOHIA ADVKUTISEMENTS. EBERIIARDT'S HOTEL, LA.NaLEY STREET, VICTORIA, V. I. I. ERKPHAUDT, Pim.i-iiiktoi!. ISLilB HOTEL, 129 GOVERNMENT STREET, Between Yiitts ami Jolmson, adjoining riittiicii's, Viotoi'Uv, V. I. EOARD by the Day, Week or Month. Accoramodatious for Seventy-five Lodgers. BROWN & CRASWELL, Propriotors. ESQUIMALT, V. I. The above HOTEL, conducted on the most improved princi- ples, is situated immediately adjoining the Wharf, from wliich all the California and JNLiil Steamships arrive and depart. The Lodging apartments are Handsomely Furnished. UILLIAIIS & SKLLKCK, Piopiiclois. l^wm-^^^^ E E^maei f Corner Johnson Street and Oriental Alley. TIIOS. J. ItnOLS Proprietor. N. B. First Oas.- Ales. Wines and Spirits, to he had at the Bar. VICTOKIA ADVKKTISKMENTS. T !E3! IB VAlSfCOUVER COAL MINING CO., J. I M I ^r 1^: ij . Tncov]ioratcMl iindcr tlic Joint Stock Coni]i;'.iM"s' A''ls, IS,'!) miuI US.")!, wliorc'hy tlio liin'iilitics of tlic SliiurlioldcM's aiv liniitctl to tlu' anioiiiit ol' their Sluu'cs. CAIMTAL, VKHMKM) in 10.000 Mi.iits of \:10 Kadi. DEPOSIT LI jiur Slian' on ii|i|ilirati(iii, uiul Ul 10s. on Allolinicni. IIox. Mk. JUSTICF^] lIAlJUrirroN, M.r., Cliainnmi ol" tlio Caiiailiaii liaiitl and Eniij:;ration Conipaiiy. (IHoliCK CAMl'r.KLL, Ks(.., (II. N. T)icksou .^- Co., London ; nickson, CaniplK'll \, Co., N'ictoi'ia, V. 1. ; J)icksou, DrWolf tS: (,'o., San Kfaut'isfo.) IIox. C. W. WKXTWOirni FITZWILLIAM, M.P., Alwal- ton, IV'tL'rlionniiili, JOSKPII KKV, Ks(.., (AFcssrs. Tnicnian & Fry, (Jrosliam llonsc) Director ol" the Canada A.uvncy Associations. JAMES V. II. imVIN, E^;^, F.lMi.S., 7 Hereford S(ii.iaro, South Keusin,^ton. I'RIDFArX SEL15Y. Esq., 4 Lowndos Street, Director of the Canada Agency Association. S'jJicitor>i — Messrs. Fukshmklds i\: Xkwma.x, Dank FJuildini^s. Jidii/cers — Messrs. KouAitTS, Lri'.iiocK & Co., London ; TiiK Cii,\Kii;i;i;i) Rank of Jjitinsi' Coli.mdia am> YAXcorvKii Lsi,.\Nt), A'ictoria. Jimkn'—C. AV. rinri:, Esi^., .Vt Threadncedle Street. jScrrrfdriJ — il. WlM'MKl.l) '.JUACK, Esij. ()lfin'.< — lii (Ji'csliam Ilonsc, Old I5i'oad Street. Itcs'tilrnt JI<niiii/rr ai X(i)i<v'r>/" — C. J. XlCllOL, Es(}. m( liSOX, rA3IFna:B.L \ < O., Aucnts, Wlimf St. DIOKSON, CAMPBELL & CO., STOKE stki:i:t, vit ioi;ia. II. \. DICKSON & CO., ;! Gcoi-iii' Yard, IvOii.liard Street, London. DICKSOX, DE WOLF & CO San Francisco. n |u ' j.i; ^ wjw* ii I L Mi im mmfmmm* (:i VICTORIA ADVEUTISKMKNTS. i PI!' THOMAS GOLDEN, Oonicr Government and Fort Streets, VICTORIA, V. I. THE JDINTICAl i MASOV it HALLS, IMopiictors. COR. WIIAKF AM) \ATi:S STUI'IXS, THE BEST OF LIQUOKS CONSTANTLY OX HAND. T. B. WILLIAMS, No. 19 FORT STEKET, ALlIOl SAIL©®!, PLRRETT & TIftllE, Pioinictois. Cor. Yates and Waddington Streets, VICTORIi^, V. I. i .. D:7=A Large Assortment of ALES, WINES nnd SPIRITS, of the host BraTuls, constantly on hand. VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. .. TIE JliLL'S JfllAfi) TlfEIM, YATES STREET. JACOB FRANCIS, - - - Proprietor. CG^TIiis wi'll known I'^tiililislinicnt still holds its irpittiition I'nr kc(')iin<r tln' lie liramls of ALES, W1N"ES AN"T] SPIUIT8 FMl'()irrKD TO TJIH ( OLONY. !^ IIITGII FOSTER, Ju.4-GE;B„ BEEB. SilL,<3<IE, Corner of Jolinson and Store Streets. Hisic VL i:\Ti:jiTii\ni:\T i:vEirv iai:\i\(; fkee." •WIN"ES, LIQUORS AM) MG-AllS Of the Choicest Urnnils, :it tin; Biir. EUG^ENE THOMAS, WhoK'sule M\i\ IJetail Diiiler in '^mm, mwm k milt mobobs G. AV. EOARDMAN, III lAClIiil liMMm. "i^-A.TES STR-EET. 1 ■miaaiiMto-' '/ 10 VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. THOMAS PATTRICK & CO. Inniorici's Mini Di'ulcrs in w ISIS, SFimiii AND MALT LIQUORS, Corner Go\eriiiiioiit and Johnson 'trcots. , ■p^-j;r'rjj. fr /I TiiK Uniikuskjm::) in(i)riiis liis tmiin'roiis iiiitnuis //./] ! l\t* fBi^ ■>-:: '♦ "-"'l t'"-' liii''li'' CfiU'i'iilly tliiU lie \m< ircvivi'd liv n iil lf\ '1%. _^:^^'V-™? aiTiviils Iliivrt tVmn HiiVland, :i srU'ctioii ot CilOlCK Irish & Scotch Whiskey, Alsopp's Ale on draught, BYAS AND IIIBBERT'S POUTER, in Rottlhs; Also, a Choice Article of BOURBON WHISKEY direct from San Francisco, Cal. IKTSir AM. SCOTCH HOT WMISKICV rrXCIIES AND TOM AND JKKUVS Mali; to Ohmki!. I'",vvr\' liDiK'st W(}rkiii,u' man who in:iv ftivov inr wilh lii^ patmna'^o, may tk'|»;i!l ujioii ircttini:- !i ulass ot' u:(>i)il Li(|ii(ii' in mv Salnon. J-"Hi;SIl OYSTKUS" direct from !Sooi<i' always on hand. 'J\ Iff. 31<-OA1Nj\, l»i-oii>i-iot<>i-. ^' a 3 S Whtirf Street and llousset's Wharf. VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. 11 ^ est-. "^ZCStI^OXjO <Lft3 oo. WiiART Strei:t, IIeid's Block, IMPOKTEUS OF FRENCH WBS'^ES AND SPSRITS, OF KVEltV DESCRIITION. Agents for Brands of the Choicest Champagne, Wines and Cognac Q..„, . , ,...,„ .v..-.. >---;,• THE LONDON BAKERY COFFEE SALOON. EiVOET^L & YOUIVG, All kinds of Cakes and Confectionery supplied. Wedding- Cake made to Order at a Reasonable Rate. 151! FAD DKLIVFRKI) TO FA.MILIFS IN ALL PARTS OF TIIF TOWN. .^ rjfe «7. ISi^DEXH.. ..J:fi Corner GoAornnient and IJroug-hton Streets, > ic r^roiiLV, V. i. Iin]>ortL'rs and .Maniii'actiii'L'r.s of all kinds of UPHOLSTERY, BEDDING, &C. ^ Show Cases always on hand and made to order at San Francisco, I 3 -( 5 12 VICTOKIA ADVERTISK.MENTS. U i: deali:k in And Manufacturer of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, IH5="Next Door to Wi:iiSTEU Bros, Boot STORE..,:^igr WAGON AID^JiMCAEEIAGE YATES STREET. VICTORIA. Y. L OPPOSITE A. C. bailey's (UIOCERY STORE. Tlic Suliscrihi'vs would iiitiniiito to their f'rii'inis and the I'lililic tliiit tlu'v arc ImiMiiiLT iim! arc pri'iiarcd to niaimt'acturc iivcry di'srri[irioii of WACjUKS and CAl{l{lA(iK,S of tliu very liost material. D:y=UErAIRIX(; done with Neatness and Dispatch. HORSE-SHOEING promptly attcndea to. IJUIVXIlVCi^ ^\;: r>oi>r>. WILLIAM H. H. TUCKER, DEALER IN J^o. rw Y.vxEjoj jsxiiioKX. N. B. — All Liquors olitaincd at Tueker's Saloon can he depended on f(jr qiialitv. A fine ]j\i.ATi;i.i,i-; Tahle kept for the use of (iuests. TI^E EISJiFIIRE VII & ILilR RANDALL CJESAR, Proprietor. n 1 VICTORIA ADVERTISKMFNTS. 13 Yates St., Victoria, Y. I. Q)r.'tcr ai^r, Dealer m Eu.dkh an.d J^mericfm Concord and Pennsylvania Harness, Aparejos. Leather and Exameled Cloths always on hand. F. STIiMMI.KU. J. WKII.EK. IpIp^^-: shades, oil cloth, cakpets, .J^ Matting, Paper Iiangings, SPRING, HAIR, MOSS AND TULU MATTRESSES, Kopt oi\ huiid iiiiii lUiiilc 10 onlor. (? T^. ^V . O O O r» EJ I^ , WHOLESALE AND TJETAIL ''*^'jj:4J%l^ir. K!?X K Pilf r ^; liCJfli^ 3S/!lEI^OH:-A.3SrT3 51 Government Street, Victoria. Corner of Port and Douglas Streets, Victoria. Will alwi'.ys kco]) nil Imtid, at AVhok'siile and Kctail, a ^'ood siip]ily of Fresh Beef, Mutton, Pork, Venison, and all kinds of Game and Vegetables, at tih; Lowkst Rates, Demveukd FREE OF CHARGE TO ALL PAUTS OF THE ClTY, SHETTLROE & SHAW. ! .t J i u VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. DKALHI! IN Gcntloiucn's Fashionable p- GLOTHI^G, uiC^..,X-^;^ f ''i i //• 4 Shirts, Cravats, Gloves and Hosiery, French ''^ ■ /( ' 1!^ and English Hats and Caps, Water-Proof e, W^ Clothing, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings and U"! Tailor's Trimmings. Cluthin^' -.uiiac to onlci-. hi (iOVJOHXMl'.NT STUi:i'.T, Clr'>"c.\1 Door to tlif l'>iuik of' iirilisli ('olui]iliia.,v;:0 WALLACE & STE^VAliT, ag^Ali^ AND GAS FITTERS. 4r\k^fMr^^ Dealers in Gas Fittings, &c. -^^ Manufacturers of Gas, Steam and Water Cocks, Force Pumps, &c. .:M.IASS CASTlXCiS L'xi'ciiU'd witli DisinUoli. LANGLEY STREET, VICTORIA. R. A. ORO^VrHER, iF? '1^ 1? f .SI f:^ ?) f^;^ '^T /nl A.T y:^ ?^ ' ^ iW'' ^W^ '^ ''^< AND OYSTERQ^S A LOON. Governmeut Street, - - Opposite the Theatre. tm- SUPPERS AT ALL HOURS OF THE NIGHT. i VICTOIUA Al » V ERTISEMENTS. 15 WmMML naa. WM. BURLINGTON SMITH, IMl'nHri;!{ AM) DKAI.KU IN lovcigtt m\ JJomc^tif ©vaccvic^, fvovi^iou^, riivvfvdi- to II. K. tlif (lovcnim- luul to II. 15. M. Navy, Government Street, - - - - Vietoi-ia, V. I. OrFici: .M- SIIOOL'S VICTOIUA and ESQTLAIALT EXl'KF.SS. r-r Tii-f^ni-Ms mi\ .Miui-.V l.u-'Mf:,- St. .red in ..ur l'in-rnM,f Biick liniUlinj.', at tlio low clml'M.. .;!■ thm> 50 cts, t,. si n |.ucka,M. lor tiK- luTio.l of mx ,uontl,.s. luMiranco ull.ct.a .1 nijiiiix'il. , TEE COLONIAL RSSTAMANT, MNSIEIIE DEIMB, Proprietor. Q5 a-o"VEPiasriv.^E3srT sti^eibt- N. B._1U)0MS FOK TIUVATE DlNNEil'rAirriP^S. Government Street, DFALKU IX XKW AND SKCOM) HAND O L O T HI N GJ^, En^^Usb. Watcli.es, Jcwek'y, Qsim^ Piintok^ And a Variety of other Articles, wliicli he ofibrs at the Lowest Prices for Cash. AND WHOLESALE AND KirrAlL DEALER IN 69 GOVERNMENT STREET, VICTORIA. 10 VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. iiaisi aei'iiii warn ROPPJR & OO. •VIOTOX^IA., "V. I- 0LISH lAIDWARE THE LARGEST STOCK OF ^^^ *.^.,^ J'PHOST'S, Fort Street, corner Broad Street. :j RED KCOXJSS, ^ COIINER BAYLEY AND YATES STREETS, MILLER, VOGEL & CO. 5^0 Ciovei'iiiiia-^iit Street, (Ig^OPPOSITE ST. NICHOLAS IIOTEL.,,^^ VICTOUIA ADVEUTISEMENTS. 17 MRS. F. PARKINSON, IMPORT KU OV O5 * ^]\^}<\-m''^'^ (f^wifpp^ ^{^^^"^ !^P^^'^ h>Lui:^ \iiMulisi l^di^^l cuu^c Corner of Broad and View Streets, DKALKU IX fine ganittii €x%m ^ Mixm, WIK^LKWALl': AN1> iti: I'AIL, Government Street, between Yates and Fort Sts. II. W. A. k,v,,< uUvays ll.c Lost Umn.l, of Ci.ar. au.l tl>c Unest Mecv.rluunn rijif.- (Ill liaiiil. _^ GUY HUSTON, Mm^^^ FISHING TACKLE, AMMUNITION, And Sporting Articles of every Description, £3. -VV3E3C:e3.i^3ElL, No. 1 Wluirf Street, Victoria, ^. 1. GENTLEMEN'S OLOTHING'mADE TO ORDER WITH ]-ATi:ST EN*iLISll ST\];ES. Clcanin>?, Dyeing and Rq.airlug promptly and neatly executed. W CHARGES MODERATE. =iBSr 18 VICTORIA ADVKIITISKMKNTS. Si 70 Yiit»'s !»fr«M't. (third <l<»or below (ii4>v<>niiiH'iit.) lias coiistiintly mi liaiul ii liiri^'f Asxirtiiu'iit dt' CLOTHS, CISSIMERES & YESTINGS, Which he is prepared to make to order in tlie most ap- proved i^^tyles. Also, a largo Assortment of Custom-made Clothing and Gent's Furnish'g Goods ALWAYS ON IIAXJ). ekM ^GALLERY, Victor kf Theatre, Goveriiment Street. Visiting Cards, Stereoscopic Views and Portraits, Ambrotypes, Melaineotypes, Photographs and Tinted Pictures Executed in the BEST STYLE, and Artistically arranged. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Albums, Frames and Cases in Great Variety. K^VANA-GH & CO. Beg to inform the inhabitants of Victoria that they liave constantly on hand OAK AND PINE CORD WOOD ANID THE BEST NANAIMO COAL, Which they will deliver P'ree of Charge to any part of the City. » VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. 19 THE REGENT I mm %iMM m^ miiMMit 9 GOOD SINGLE AND DOUBLE-BEDDED EOOMS '•I' MoniniAi'i'; c'iiAU<ii;s. Gcntlcnion Hoarded by the Week or Month. CIGARS OF the' FINEST BRANDS. %Wm X7I[?^«» X3L3SS7i?'&l3ESl^^p Yates Str];i:t, Victoria, f til Mm lai ia I" iirvx. i*^Jii^ TENTS and BA(SS ahrai/s on hamh MINERS' HOSE made lo order. CirnATTIti:ssi:s. IMI.I.OWS. iind jill Kinds of l{i:iH)l\fv NIII:i:TS. I>II.M)W SIJ|>S. iihv:i.vs on hsind. Hotels and StcaiMlioiUs liltcil ii|) lU >li(irt iiDlicc, ami at nMliiccil jiriccs. THE LORD NELSON RESTAURANT gs^TravclcM's can ilepend upon finding a good Meal at all hours, and at the shortest notice. laieMiiAiiia. Pioinictor of i\w SAWK II \U\\\\ KKK KVAItl). Established in 1858. 9 tm- BUILDIN( J AND PRESS BKICKS FOII SALE. I .)«■ J ii m il t * Jn' ^mmm t '" •^0 VICTORl A A U V KRTI S i:.M KNTS . ^ W. F. HERRE, WIIOI.IISALI'; AM> KHTAII, \m)K AM) sTATi()M:in sToiJi:. OF EWaJC^ISJi; AND FXlUJVrCH WOXIKS. Yates Street, opposite Bank of B. N. A. COAL AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, UNIOi: WHARF, VICTORIA, Y. I. jg@^Vesscls' Car;^oos (lisfliar^od with accuracy and (lis|iatcli. Goods Stored at Moderate Jlates, and a GKNKRAL COMMIS- SION and FORWARDING ]5US1NESS TJiANSACTED. Cljcap |Iclu or ^rcDiib-ljanb Clotljing, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, REVOLVERS, KNIVES, Watches, Chains, Riiiif,s, Puts, Brooches, i\'v. M^Go to E. Axi>Eii.soN''rf Miscellaneous Stukm wliere Articles of almost every kind can be bought at t!ie Lowest Trice. A I RICHARD LEAVIS, II 1 W 11 IC VICTORIA, V. I. H V f f VirT()lir\ ADVrUTISr.MrNTS. ' 21 p I o isr K K 1? Wholesale and Retail 1 Miff I Sf ill WADDINGTON ST, VICTORIA, V. I. The uiulM-si-.KMl vvu„M must resiuTt!ully ■uifnnii 1,1^ nuincnms pntn.ns, ;,na th- i.-.l-lir in ^^.'urral, Ui.t l.y irccnt arrivals from Kn-lhina !..• I'a-^ irccivcl la.-o ii.l.liti"iH to Ins ..xtcn^ur Stuck. CLASS WARE, GU'IS AlB FISf ©LS, Garden Utensils, Cross-Cut Saws, Axes, Hatchets, Ntuls, Frying Pans, Curry Combs, Bolts, Lanterns, Brushes, ' Tinware, Stoves, Tubs, Buckets, Washooavds, AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF H/^Ji^ WARE A/so a /7//7VV//o/'8oC()iid-LMml Goods loo nnmc- ro,>s to >nn,non, Wll of >rfurh u'ill he sold ni <,<'''»'■ nnrs lo siut punhnsn-s:K)\\Y.K\' FOR CASH. KPiT'lIouso, Hotel Kccprrs a,ul Minors fittin^v out: for th. ^viutc.v wiutlul ic to their a.lvanta^e to ^ivo me a ')all betui. jauoaMUi: elsewliere. \. B.-S»'(oii(l-liaii(l <i«mmIs IJouiiiit .nul SoM. Person, hreakin- up liou.ekeci.in- ^vill th.l it tliei. mtorcst to call on me l)efore disposin.ii; of then- wares. ggr-Oracrs IVom British Colum'.ia an.l Pugct Sound premptly attended t.j. ^^ ^^ l-,-irKI<:>I.V]V. 22 VICTOUIA ADVEUTISEJIENTS. Importer and Whdli'salo juul Retail Doaler in Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Carpets, &c. 43 VATMS STKKKT, x\KXT TO BAiXK OF 13. N. A. St. Nicholas Hotel, 111 Government Street. WINES, SPIIUTS AND CIGAES. jr. C303El.]F1.3E3(5Br, ®BK^BBMhh 4 m. 1^ ^fViid Stationer, S5 FOI^T STREET, VICTOE,I-A.. PETER McQUADE & CO. 41 Wharf Street, Victoria, VrCTOUIA ADVEUTISKMENTS. •2;] ST. TVrCIXOXuy^S ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, 1(){) Govoniiiit'iit Street, Victoria, V. I. Sliiiiii|MMHiiu' iiiiil lliiir ll.X'iiiU', l^ONE IN THK JiKST STYI.K. Corner of Yates and Broad Streets, Will bo found iho Largest and Fi'eshost Assortment in tho City, consisting of SODA, BOSTON, BUTTER, SUGAR, Navy and 1*ii.ot IiKKAd sold, WIkjIosjUc and lletail, Clioapor than at any other cstahlishuient ni Victoria. SAMUEL NESBITT. VnVE. B. BOLTON, BUtLDEB fei^ %^ s ^a '£^^-- f^'^^q ^ 3 MAST AND SPAR MAKER, Indian I?/esei»ve, V^ietor-ia, > I. CI^WAYS capable of taking Vessels under 500 Tuns. Contracts Taken. 24 VICTORIA ADVKHTISEMKNTt^. €H!JEGH Bill lOHSl. ACADEMY FOR YOING LADIES. MRS. WILSON DROWN, lately from England, lui'^ (■sta1)lishod a School where ChiMreii may have the advantage (if a thorough English Education, coinhining the care and comforts of home with the useful and ornamental parts of tuition. FBENCH, GEBMAN AND ITAUAN LAtyCUAGES. Also, the usual aeeomiilishments ■ f Music, Dancing, Drawing, Use of Globes, &c. WILL ])E TAldilT liV KFl'rclKNT I NSTIU ( ToltS. Mrs. Wilson Rrown hogs to refer the parents and guaidians of children to the following gentlemen, under whose jiatronage her School has heen estahlished : /v. ///■;/.. 1 //■; A'/; .V. .1/. /'., >>«(/■./■.• m.i.i:.\ iii.wds, j:..,/.. r. s. cm- sol: I' III IS. <:. H7/./>/.l.l/>', /•'>'/., /'''.'/'■.•^'""- ';/'^'","""" '■""'• Eor Terms, aiiply to MRS. WILSON BROWN, Cm"l!r|[ liAXK IIorSK. Vl( TolUA. V. I. J. B. TIMMERMAN, iM iffif 1 ffli iiiiMi mm !)•» (liovcriiiiH'iit Street, hcfwei'ii \iites :iii(i .loiiiisoii. P PROPERTY BOUGHT, SOLD OR LPLVSlvl), AND RENTS COLLECTED. Loans Negociated and Moiie.\- Invcslcd. |Xl7°C.'uiiv('\ iiiHi'S, Li'iises, ]\Iiii li.'i\L;('>. Power dl' Atlnriicy. v^''., ]ii(']i;iriMl willi ciUT. MR. J. W. DAVIES, L.. S. A. M. !i. ('. S., r,()M)., Km;., La e HusiiU'iit ISiiri.'i'on to the Itoval Iiilinnary, Miirj;at(', Ki'iit. i'or. Vdfi'S <ni// L('it(//('>/ Sfs..(ir('r Messrs. (\ir/is iS' Mm ire's Drui/ >S(i>n\ lATKANi 1:. FlU'si' iMKiK IN i.an(;i,i;y si'i;i;i;r. VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. 25 4. \ OciK'nil Hosiutal. It US ,,iMl Reside...... v.. 1 FmI^S^H. ^ WRIGHT & SANDERS, Offk K-Corner Yates and Langley Sts. M.^ FREDERICK WALTER GREEN, CITY SUE¥ETdE, Architect and Civil Engineer, Cor. Brougl.to.. and Government Sts. THOMAS ITAREIS, Wholesale and Retail Butcher, And NAVY CONTRACTOR, WIIAUF STREET, VIGTOIUA. V. I 2(3 VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. HENRY NATHAN, 2 Commercial How, Wharf Street, TTIOTOM-A., T7"- I. JAMES ALMON, mmm WHARF STREET, VICTORIA. KcfVr.s to :\Ii-.^sKs. :\rACDONALl) >fc CO.. r.aiikeis. Victoria. \M. STEWART, MELDRUM & GO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS A^ICTORI^, V. I. I CAIEE & GKANCIia, wumm m ^mmim, Iron, Crockery and Glass Ware, 8 AVIIARF STREET, VICTORIA, Y. T. Orders from tlio Country promptly attctidod to. ! /• ;» VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. 27 SELIM FRANKLIN & CO., AND LAND AGENTS, 76 GOVERNMENT STREET, VICTORIA, V. I. WALFORD A. HARRIES, Estate, House,^nd General Agent. PKOPERTY, HOUSES, XXB BISIXESS Disposed of on favorable terms. I o.,ns ne..otii>tea a.Ia mon'oyrhivested. Decd» and "!.vements of every Oescriptum iirorared ° and engrossed. OFFICE, 36 GOVERNMENT STREET, ^QLADWIK, TARBEI-I- & CO., Aiul ^Vholesale Dealers in GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. ^ "wHA^F s™ OPPOSITE H. B, CO.S WHARF. VIOXOB.IA, V- I- ^^^^^,. ,,i„„Kl.l., W. IL CU.A1)W1N-. AGENT, SAN FUANX-lSCa A. P. MAIN, IVIEBeiaNOISE BBiiii^ WH^Iil?^ STREET, •VICTORIA., 'V". I- 28 VICTOK r A A I) VKIITISEM ENTS. LOWE BROTHERS, COMISSION HEBCHANTS, VICTORIA, V. I. OFFICE, Corner lates and Langley Str^'^ts. G. SUTRO So CO., LMLM)1{TEK*S AM) DEALKRS IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, ^4 YAiE8 STREET, J. BOSCO^VS^ITZ, l.Ml'Oiri'KR AND DEALEU IX Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Matches, Ir* laying^ Osii'tlfs*, eto., BETWEEN MACDONALD'S AND SCHLOSS & LIVING- STONE'S BANKING-HOUSES. PORT AND WHARF STREETS. SCOTT, WEBB & CO., Auctioneers and Commission Agents. VIOTOUIA ADVKHTISEMUNTS. 29 P. ■WEISSENBUHaEE, MEJIGHAI^T & COMMISSION AGENT, Betweea Fort and BrougViton, LEOPOLD LOWlvNr.I'MJG. REAL ESTATE AGENT, GOVERNMENT STREET. JOIIK J. COCIIKAjVK, IAMB Aiiiat. 42 GOVERNMENT STREET. J. NAGLE Be CO., Shipping and Passenger Agents. VESSELS CHARTERED, BOUGHT AND SOLD. SIFFKEN BHOTHERS, commission" agents, Corner Johnson and Wharf Streets. 30 VICTORIA ADVKRTISliMENTS. II. C. JANION, ) Tin; AI,I!ANV. i.i\ T.urooi,. ) (JANION. (iUKKN c^ CO., I IIONOl.ll.l;, SANUWK'll 1. JANION, GRKFN & lillODIvS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FIRE-PROOF BUILDING, Stoi-e Street and >Vhai*r Sli'cet, VICTORIA, v. I. Agents fur tlic Liverpool Underwriters' Association. Agents for llie iS'orthern Assuriince Company, London. J. A. McCREA, awe^iiiiiijiiii AND JPii'e-I^i'oorUi'iclc Hloi'e, WHARF STREET. Cash Advances made on Consignments. REFERENCES. Messrs. Jiiiiioii, Gi'i'i'ii & lihdiUs ; Dirksoii, C;iiii|ilifll i."t Co.; lli'inlcrson & Biiriiiiliv ; J. J. Soiitlijiiitu v>t, Co.; (jtiilil. Diivid & Co.; G. Vij^iiolo >.t Co.; Wells, FarfTO & Co. AITDERSON & CO., If m m w M 1? m ^ ^3 AND COfflHISSION MERCHANTS, WHARF STREET, VICTORIA, V. I. J VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. 31 SHIKPSEK BKOS, GENERAL DEALERS AND Commission prtlauts. A FULL ASSORTMEMT AT ALL TIMES ON HAND OF ^^ mmwrnm, OREGON PRODUCE, &c. &c. Particular attention is called to the Trade. Goods sold cheap for Cash. t^ BEMEMRER THE ADDRESS, SHIRPSKR BROTHERS, 3 YATES STREET, ■<7-IOTOB.I-A., T7". I- '( 32 VICTORIA Al)Vi:R'riSKMEN''S. BANK OF IVIIITISII COLUMIUA, INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. 1863. Capital, $1,250,000, in 12,500 Shares, of $100 each, ( Willi |M)\\ci' t(i iii('i'c:i-('.) HEAD OFFICE: 80 LOMBARD ST., LONDON. r> I ir K cj '^v <> rt « : T. \V. L. M. KKAN. Km.... Ciimi.mw. ijor.Kiri' (;i[;Li:srii:. -irx.. i:><,'.. Di.im ii ( mshmiw. .iaml:s am)i;i{s()N. f.^.. : dixcan ja.mfs kav. Ks^.. ; .FVMFS I'.OXAN. F.x,..: AFKX A.NDFU M.KFXZli:. Kx .. : KDFX (OLVIFU:. F:^,. : IIKXIJV >I. CII FFR Y. Ks... : LKWFS FHASFJ}. Ex..: MARFIX KMDFKV S.MFFiF Fs... VICTORIA OFFICE: GOVERNMENT STREET. B Cri!ir,.\T Aim ()rNi> dpi lie !. 1111(1 cvorv fiiciliiy yi'iiiiicil id ii-ailcr> mikI (Piliir- t'or tlie tr.aiisiiclioii of Imsiiicss. DkI'OSIT KkckH'I'S i^siicil lor inniU'V Imlnril Inr lixnl Jifliuils, liciirill^ tin' f'dllowiii;.' rates o( liiU'n'>i : Cm iiioMcy liiili.a'(l i\ty 1 iiiuntli ciTiiiiii, iii ilic rati' ol' :.' l-i' |ii'i' fciit. per Miiiunn. (.)ii iiioiiev InJu'cd |(ir :; luniilli- ctTiMiii, ,ii il.c rate of .'! ju'i' ci'iii. |ht aiiiiMin. On iiimicy liMli;ril for r, moiitlis criTuiii, at tlir rale of -t prr riiil. jicr ainiiiiii. (.)li uioiicy loil;::(.il for \- iiiiiiiili> ct'rtaiii, at the rale of .'> per cent. p<'r aiiimin. No partial jiaviiieiit luaile dii tlirse receipt-. Iiitciiv-i paya:;lc liall'-yearly, ami the priiK'ipal not due until the expii-y of the prriod tor which llie iiioiicy i- hnitrcii. Dl^roiNTS AND AhvVNrios. — Approved Hills discoinited, ami advaiii'es made upon UilU of Ladinjr, (arcompanicd hy I'oliries of Insnr.-ince,) for ;.Mi(jds shipped to or t'roni the ("olimio. Dit.MTS ANi> I.i;tti:i!s oi- ('i!i;i>rr i>siic(l on (ircat IJriiaiii and the ( 'nloiiio, alsi) on New York and San l^'ramiseo, ami liilN on these places piircha-eil or sent for eolLction. C'liKiiirs i-<iicd on (liiat IJritain, San l''rancisi'(), and \<'\v Ycirk, autliori/iiiLC payment liir (iooiN shippi'd from tlio.-c ports to the Colonics ; all -uch siiipmcnts to he insured, and hypothecated to the Hank. (;()\i;1!S.mi;nt and other .Si.eiuiiiKS received for safe (aistody, and 1 percent. Coniinis>ion charged on wiihdrawiii;^ the same. Interest and Dividends I'ldlccled on account of (dnsiitueiits, at the rate of one half per cent, on the amount col- lected, if payahk' in A'icioria. (ioi.ii l)i ST AMI I5ai:s |iiirchased, or ailvance made upon the :.,ime. OITK i: llOntS. 10 tu .t. Sufiiniavs. 1(» to I. JAMES D. WALKER, Manager. •f VICTOUIA ADVEUTISKMFATS. 33 BANK OF BRITISH^NORTH AMERICA. PAID UP CAPITAL, . . • $5,000,000. u<To«iv uuwiii J^ ESTABLlSlIMKN'^^^ IN I'llK COLONIKS : ^':;;;:;:,"- ".""m.... sr..,»xs.v. (Jl i.liiA ■ .,,1111 II' I V N N. i<i'<^'^ri>s. "','!, ,,c70/i/.i,../ TonoSTO. n//.iii.(. Agents and Correspondents: ^KW YOHK. . . l^ ♦ "•'^' ,5 i)AVII)S(JN .^ MA SANMHANflSCO i/ni', ,N' HANK OF AUSTUALLV, AUSTKALIA ' BILLS OF EXCHANGE AND GOLD PURCHASED. TI€:iS OFFICE ni. Y. OF IKKLANM). CI^EDITS C3-F,ANTEr) 03>T ^^ ItV Till. AT SYDNKV. 11(»1$AKT TOWN, Al)l'.l-AliM., LAINC'KS'PON, DUNKDiN, N. Z , Di-.rosiT, ntunuiMr on .Ifii.an.l, Tl , ,-,.iii Dr-iT on Di'.i'OSiT, 1XU11.1...M. moiu'v liiisim->>, 111 tlic l inuu J G SHEPHERD, Manager, * * VICTORIA, V. I. 34 VICTORIA ADVKRTISEMKNTS. MACDONALD & CO., YATE8 STREET, VICTORIA, V. I., Dliiwii lit si>,'lit 1)1' nil time, oil COITTS & CO LONDON. BANK OF STATE OF NKW YOliK . . . NKW VOliK. DR-AuFTS OlSr SAN FKANCiSCO, CAI-IFOUNIA ; roKTLANI), olUHJON, GOLD DUST AND BULLION PURCHASED At till' liiKlu'st rates. AdA'ances mado on Gold Dust Left for Assay at (Hivcnmiciit As>ay Ollicc, New W..-iiMiii^ti'i- ; or if mmii for Assay or ("oiiiat:e to United States Mint, San Fraiuiscij. Collections made on Reasonable Terms, and a General Banking Business Transacted. Rl ROYAL. MAIL. STEAM PACKET CO/S For British Columbia and Vancouver Island. OFFICE: .niCim\ALI» i*^ (0., ItAMilJtS, VAILS .STltFi:!. The attention of Slii[)]iers ami rnsscnjii'rs is ]iarti(iilarly directed to tiie siqicrior faeilities the Hoyal Mail Steam J'aeket ('(ini]iany's Line all'ords for the speedy coiiveyaiieo of Treasure, (ioods, and I'asseiiL'ers to and from Kn^rlaiid to liritisli Columbia and Vaneouver Island, in eoiineetioii with the Pacific Mail Steamship Company's Vessels and the Panama Railroad. The si'periority of the aceommodation and entertainmeiit on hoard the Koval Mail Steamers, totretlier with tiie time oeeiipied on the passaj^e hetween lOnciand and Aspinwall DIlvHCT lieinj; so much shorter than hy any other route, and the moderate rate of jiassai^e-nioney, render this (.'omiiany's Steamers the CHEAPEST AND MOST EXPEDITIOUS MEANS OF TRANSIT for Passengers, or for the forwurdiiifr of Goods and Treasure from Aspinwall to Europe. I'lider an arraiiKeiiieiit with the PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COM- PANY, Specie anil Bullion can he conveyed to London and Havre in France. F'urthcr information on the sulijeet of Frcii^ht and Passafi:e-Money will he fur- nished hy the undersit;ned. ALEX. D. MACDONALD, Agent. ■ J*.-. '-'^^ VICTORIA ADVKUTtSEMENTrf- 35 I'OII f HEAD offices: LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. Ao...,tsto,>.MMouvnlsl..ula.ul lUitish Colmulm.. WHAKF STKEtlT. 1 ftU I s 111 mouunWuilJ ESTABLISHED, 1803. CAPITAL, $8,000,000. AGENTS IN VICTORIA, H. O. TIEDBMANN, i^R CHIT EOT, Havin- left the Un.l Oflic i» now m-epaml to make SURVEYS m TOWN AND COTJNTEY. Also, PLANS OF BUILDINGS, to., on the shortest noUoe. Office next to Naglo's Shipping Office, BASTION STREET. :{t; VICTORIA AI)VEHT:''KMENTS. NORTH SRITISi M MUmm Incorporated by Royal Charter and Special Acts of Parliament, C iiliitiil, ^^.000.000, AiTiiiiiiiiiitcd liivcsrcd riiiuis. !:i.:{7I.OIM». OFFICE : 58 THREADNEEDLE STREET. LONDOISr BO^VIID: CiiAiKMAN— -TOIIN WIIITH CATKU. I■:s(^. ^Mcsms. .1. \V. Cater. Sou ct Co.) Dki>uty Cuaiuma.v— CHARLES 31()KUIS()N, b^v., ^.Mos.*r,s. Morrison, Dillon «S; Co.) ANSELMO Di; ARROYAVE, Es( .. (Messrs A. I)c Arroyuve c'^' Co.) KDWAKI) COHEN, Esq., (Mo-rs. Dnii^.', KIiinuoH vV Cohen.) .TA.MES DU BCISSON, E.s(^, (Messrs. Ilci.kcll. Dii IJiiisson i^ Co.) PASCOE DU PKE GRECFELL. E,S(j., (.M.ors. I'ii-oh' (m-.u- IMI & Co.) ADOLIMIUS KLOCKMAN, Erm., (Messrs. Klocknian .V Ees.,er.j JOHN iAlOLLER, Esq. JUNIUS SPENCER MOKGAN. Esq., (Messrs. (',. Peabody & Co.) GEORGE GAKDEN NICOU. Esq., (Chairman Mercanlilc Hank of India, London, and Cliina.) JOHN HENRY AVILLIAM SCIIROEDER, Esq.. (Missi-s. J. H. Schroeder & Co.) GEORGE YOUNG, Esq.. (Mes.,rs. lioghic. Younji .'I IVgUio.) Skckktauy— F. W. LANEE. Es(,.. Manager ok Fiuk Dki'autmk.xt— G. H. WHl'l'INCJ. Maxagkr of Life r)i;i>Ai!TMi:NT— AV. F. KERKMYRE. Genkkae Manager— DA\M I) SMITH. Agents f(»r Fire at ^ictoriii. \. I., SIFPKEN BROS. & CO., CORNER OF WHARF AND JOHNSON STREETS. vicTouFA ai)Vi;iitisi;mi:nts. 87 sui58Ci{ini()N rs invitei) TO 'I'lii; EXCHAIVIIE RBADIllli ill NEWS ROOM, Which i- iKtw (i|icii. iii\t III ihc Si. .Nididlas Hole!, a-0"VEIR,3Sr3S/^E3SrT STI^EET, "Wilii ,111 riilr.'iiuT liotli from the slri.'ci midI iIh' lloti I. Ami N'l'W- t'riiiii ;ill )iiifN cil' llir world. SHIPPING AND MERCANTILE INFORMATION. MIXING IXTKLLICKXCi: IKOM TIIK C^KIIIOO COUxXTRY, KTf., 'l'liniii<rh(piil the -ra-nii. SMOKING AND CHESS ROOMS, ETC. 'I\'i'iiiw 4>r ^VcliiiiH««i4>ii : .\NNr.\L srHSCliiri IiiN S24 (Ml, I'.WAnLE QUARTERLY: I(»I^ (iNi; M(»N Til ONLY, -■•! (iii; FOK OSK DAY -'•! (vnts ; ALL I'.VYAIiLi: IN ADVAXf'K. The I^ooiii" !in' ()|)r'ii every (lay. from S A.M. till lialf-past 10 1*. ^I. H. F. HEISTERMAN, Proprietor. YICTOKIA BAKERY, ^'if^^jm FORT STREET. WILSON & MURRAY, FROFRIETORS. ORDERS FROM PRIYATE FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND RESTAURANTS, Atlendod to with care and disi)atcli. L 88 VICTORIA ADViniTI.-EJIENTS. WILLIAM JEHIUY, BROKER SI COiliSSlOB AMI WHARF AND GOVERNMSNT STREETS, Buys and forwards Goods to Uritisli Columbia. Buys and sells Stocks of all kinds. Aavancets iiiad*' on Grootls ooiiMis^ntMl. i ■«•«- ► ,1^1 MRS. JEFFRAY, M:j^^\-.^JU GOVESNMENT STREET, |iuj) orlcr cf pillincr jr anti p r u (^ mh . Families and Hotel -keepers can always be sup- plied at reasonable rates with all de- scriptions of Dry (ioods. Orders from British Columbia and Wasiiijigton Territory promptly attended to. ^wm' lY. "W J .^^^tttft' w, SALT SP.ni.¥ll ISLA'NJ). DEPOT, FORT STREET, VICTORIA. Tlie Pro]ii'ittois of tliis well known Xnr.-L'ry luivf lujw ready for tlu? niarkcl a vrv clioi"" a-^ortincnl of FEOIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, iU)si:s. sMAi.i. I la' rr. iVc AUu, (iai'den and Field Seeds and Plant-, all ol' whieli will i)e war- I'aiiti'd true to name and of the lie-t (inalitw ^^P A Depot lias bi'en ooened in l-'ort Street, in eonneetion witli the idjovo Xiir.H'ry. Country Produce received and sold on Commission. A VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. a9 MUS.W.C.SliO0Lr.KKl), ISIE'^AT" A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS FROM PABI3 AND LONDON. I3T^ESSES IVtAXJB TO O^r^EIi. '"jT' •^, A. HOFFMAN, l^j WHOLESALE^ AND RETAIL STlPLlii Fill DM GOODS r^OORE'S BRICIC BU1LD5NG, 74 YATES STREET. ^ __ iMr"irir.i; and i-KAi-i-ii ix ' MMM^^MM^^ AND 33 HY G^OODB ,M)KU Tl.K sn-KK.NTKNDKXrK uK MKS. LAM., 99 GOVERNMENT STREET. 5 40 VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. COLOnillL LIFE ASSWCE CDMFAIIY. C^P»ITA.L, 80,000,000. a-o'VEE,3sroi?.: TlH'Kinhf lion. THE KAKL »F LUiW A\D RIXCARDIXE. G()Vi:rvN(»R-( r.Ni;u.VL «»!' ixpia. HEAD OFFICE: 5 ST. GEORGE STREET, EDINBURGH. Actuary— WILLI A:M JOHN 'rilO:\LS()N. SixKKTARv— D. CLI NIK GREGOK. Was estiiblishod in 184fi, for the pun'o^c of oxtendincr to the Colonics of Great Britain nnil to India the lienefits of Life Assnrance, and for tlie [lurposo of ^nvinp; increased facilities to per>;ons visitiii;^ 01" ''esidin;: in fi)reif:n countries. The ^'cnc- ral nianaeenicnt of the Company is under the direction of persons who have been lonL'- i>racticallv ac(|uaintcd with" Life Assurance institutions. Tlie Company iiave cst;i"hli^hed Brancli Otliccs and At;enries in all the liritish Colonies, where pre- miums nniy he received and claims ]r,w\. l.OCAl. BOAlin, VICTOR LA, V. 1. THOMAS HARRIS. Es(>.. Mayor; JAMES YATES. Esq.; KENNETH ISIcKENZIE, Esq. ("IIAIG FLOWER: ROBT. BERNABY, Es.... :\r. P. ; G. M. Sl'ROAT, Mkrciiant. Tlie Local Board has ]iowcr to pass (iroposal.s witliout reference to Head OHicc. Rates fjr Assurance of £100, with or without Profits. 1 ■) Aim lunt pi' ■ .Vnn ..CI . 1 •J '} . t . .") mil 14 IS y 17 t) 17 i;i in villi 4. 8 nit Profits. Amount per Ai , n inui 17 2 1-: 2 .') 2 I [iwitli Vronu 5 0() ') •) ''") ') (■) 30 1 . 1). 10. .> 3 , . ;! •) dl) , . .'f 1 4", . , 4 1 ')() . . t> .'i 11 . . . . f- i GO . . 8 10 Every information reL'ardintr the rates of iiremiuni, and frenerally as to the Comjiany's terms of Assurance, may he ohtainci] on apiilication to J. G. SHEPHERD, or JOHN J. COCHRANE, A'iotoi'isi, V. I. VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. 41 SASH, DOOR APBlie D. O. STEVENS, - - - Proprietor. SASH made in any"^or shape i.quivca^ rkr\r\T?^ n( 'inv size oi st\ic. DOOKb oi '^^^>^^^,j^j)j>^^ffs ^f any vattevn, iAwn^a ^^ siifESCxKSff PACKING BOXES MADE TO ORDER. on the edge, ^^c. »xc. Also, Ceiling, Tongucl and Gloved Floonug, Plann.g, Sawing, Sidingi-- Boavds"and'i>lanks split, Furring., Battens, &c. to save one-halt tlie wovk. auu ^ i ...«.>(/• SIWIHS ift f IMIBB FOR SIEAIBOAI WORK. Tl>c Profrictor, having mucl, experience in tl,e Ws.ness, .ml ""'""latest impboved machinery, i, „mfi.lent in intorming Ae rnblic tl,at 1«> eau snppl, any of tl-e bove artielos at the shortest not.ce, and at SAN KRiv:Nrcisco i'RlC Eb, •'VSiertt:;;r:ft.X and ardoie, for d,e Trade hept on l,a„d, and sold cl.cap for casl>.^^ ^ gTEVENS, I <«riMr (i(«.iiimont »iiil Wliarf Streets, 1 (m;a|! 'vmi:s nim>'a:.) I VICTOUI.i. V. I. 42 VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. HIBBEN & CARSWELL, 7j(i i:\iPoirr I NO STATiONERS llALD C^^^TANTLY SUPPLIED, ^.-^I'roin Euirlaiiil ami Eastern M iiuirket.-;, i Si O lEI O O Xj , Jr^i). \ M > MISCELLANEOUS i: AND sr.U'l.i: AM) FANCY S" ' -' * 't'l"- **'"■■ » , I\ ALL ITS lil{AN(^IIKy, 37 Yates Street, cor, Laugley, VICTORIA, V. I. ilERRIN EARNETT, ?; AM) 60 YATES STREET, VICTORIA, V. I. Eo C. HOLDE ANeLO.AlERICIfl HOTEL » COR. DOUGLAS AND YATES STREETS. This House has heeii ne^vlv funiishod. and all the ; DopartiiHMits will be found conducted in the best style. | The Table will be supplied with the best the market ■ ufTords, VCCTORIA Al)Vi:itTISi:MKNTS. 43 J. J. SOUTHGATE & CO., 1 :m p o k t k 11 s , GMlIiSie lElCIIAITS, ^v 1 1 A. It ij" js^rxj. 1 \: i^::"i\ VKTORTA, Y. I. Pill! PHI IllMi:! MiCIilflllM, IM'i'Y lil 1 l.DlNdS, 8 CANIslON STREET, CITY, LONDON. < ilX.X X 1 IXJ-i, A.^,^ " »« ',«. " M » I *) j. • .1 I. IJL41.a\ « .J . 'I'lii S!i;ii'. liii!,l. r- 111 llii- A- n,i:i'!(':i iniiili'-r :;''.r,ii ]',.\v 'l'!,ii:i uiiil. I r|ii(' 1 !i: :i!'i ;i • nl: rrilc il ( ';i]i';;;il of I' I .' ii'7,'.'7 1 -lirlii't;'. Animal IinMini'. f I ■_*!'.' iiii'. iiKMhr.Ui' l'i> iiniim-:, ;i:;il pop'.Iar I'l a- lai'i'-. ( laiin- : ■ ill. .1 u i.li |ir.iai|ii '■ ailr ami lil): I'aliiy. '!'!;( rii':'aiMI lilCdlUr ill I ' li 1 (■.\Ci..lril tiuil (if |M',il liv m,\\;;r(l> III' l'.",ll.lllll. CORNELIUS WALFORD, F. 3. S., &c., '('Ill' ini'Iia' 't'licil, liaviim' Imm u ap|Hi;iii .I \_;',ii; in N'ii'im-'a !(ir iln' alii'\('-!,aiiii I A -cirialinii. \~ imw |ii'ipai'i'il in i -iir l'"lic'.i-. iii-sniau' ;i,UiMii~l I''mv. :i!|(1 '(i M-llli' all rla'iiw llMji:. willi a~ liii!" .lilas' as J. J. SOUTHGATE, w VrCTOUIA ADVERTISEMENTS. AI.ICXiNllMl I). ISKLL, iJMISSION MERCHANT, ifk EDWAED COKEE, J^ Slip km STEAiBOAT SiiTH, BQXLER MAKER, ETC., VICTORIA, V. I. Iron Doors and \';inlts, for Firo-Prool' Buildings, nianii- Itictured lo order. Mi> MISS FLORENCI^ A\ ILSON. WUoLKSALi: AND RiyiAlf, DKALKi; l\ ST^TIONlllRY. A LAi!(;r. AssoirrMKxr of w A. iir^j'^ '>ii: ^mkMi ^&&MB^ ST. NirilOLAS lU ILDIXG. WAi/ri'R SJIAW I'.LACK. M. I).. M. K. ('. S.. I.. S. A.. 1856, lir.KKIlAilU'rS IIOTKL, LANCLKV STUIdn'. I . VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. 45 prcKET^r .t CO., Shipping and Commission Mercliantfi, AM) WHOLKSAM: DKALEllS IN COMMERCIAL ROW, WHARF STREET, A ICTOllIA, V. I. Agents "Merchants' Line" of Packets between San Frauoiscc and Victoria. ()Hir,> ill San l''r;niri-.('(): '2-') l-'i'diil Siri'c-t. fdriifi' of Siirrimiciit'i. WALTON & BARNETT, ^rollers, Coiiinnssion i^gtute LOANS NEGOTIATED. ni:\Ts AM) i)i:nTs ((mjjxteik MAM STOCK IIOUGRT Aj^^D SOLD. oi riCi:: BIMClv Hril.DlNCi, CORNER YATES AND L^INGLEY STREETS, XJ3? SX-A.IR,S, \ ICi (>1? I \ , > . 1. 40 VICTOUr A A D VKUTISEM KN TS . SIEGMUND ZINM, j\ri'()ii i'i;ii. oi' Ml BASKETS m mum ware, Gkim iND y;illo\y chiiiib, I/.ulios' AVorKsliUids. ( liildirirs ('iHTi;mTS. Ilohln Hoim's, AH kinds of i'ovs, TiiiK y dioods. ItcitdN, ( liiitii Viisos, ofc. liiidics' |{((i(ul('s. etc.. A T Winy I. E S A [. E A X I > K I : T A I K , Goverument Streot, near the Hotel do France, ■VICXOR-I-A., "V". I.. A. MA1{TIX, San Fuanci co. MAHTIN B: S. MAKTIX, Vh ToitiA. Importers ami Wliolesale Dealers iu \\HARI' STKEirr. •V-ICTOR.I.A-, ST. I. J. P. DAVIBS, ^^ fe^. fe=s~l. ^ tsliil! jft-nsr r> COIMISSIOK MERCHiMT wiiARr stim:et. S jiB j iiTiflBri ftiafa f V- II ]•: iVRlTlSIl COIXMPJAX i'iftoiiii O'Mudc and giicdovi); 18 6 3 U N I ) i; 1! I' 1 1 V. V A 'I' ]{ () N A ( ; !■; ( ) K His i:\( ei.i.kx( V (^OVFUXOR DOUGLAS, CM A s II I II i: tfxftutirc H both (Colouicjs: i-(iMl'll.i:i) AM> IM l!l,I-IIKI> r,Y 1'|{K1)K1{!('K 1'. IIOWAKD and (iKORdK HARNI'riT. FIRST YEAR OF PUBLICATION. A' rcro R I A. V. 1 . : di'i'ici'; OK 'I'm; dkiiisii (oi.imi'.ian and vi("r(,iiiA diuki tory, 1 .s <; A . I'.-'iipy lii^'Iil iipplicd loi'-l lMIKrAT()]iY IIKMAIIKS In MiKhiitlili'i- ihr Ulini.-ll Cnl.l Ml:l \,N AM" \'l<Ti)l;l\ DlltliC- Tdii'i I'lii; |Sii;l \i) (lir piililic, llir | iii'ili.-hcr- \\\\\c tn CMnfr ^ - tliat tlic work i-^ far IVuin liciiiL:' >" ciniiiilctc as cmild Ik' iliv-ircl. Tins is iiinrc rspcciallv tin' case willi lliat )Mirti(iii (l'\n|.,Ml [,> \\.r ('.iloiiy (if Ui'itisli ( 'iiliiiiiliia — tlic tiiiii' allnwcil I'ny ilic aii|:i'araii<-c nf the 1hi(i1< liaviii'j; lii'i'ii rninid tmi limited In adiiiil 'if tlic li'a\('l and ViiU'lv nil tiic (;<tii- rt'-^cai'cli iicrosai'V tn ('Uilmdy a cnniiirclicnsi', c diti'iii and |ii'us|u'cis nl' tliat I'isin::' cuiintry. 'I'lie piiMislici's. Iiuwcvr. ai'c saii'^'iiinc lliai llirir jii'CM'iit aili'iiijit ti) plare a derailed aeeiaiul o\' the l>i'itisli eul'iiiie.- en llie |*aeilic liel'ure (lie unrld, will meet with sueli eneiiiirat:'emeiit j'lum the cnnnnuiiitv as will indiiee them to spare im means in thrir ] nwcr in rendv'i'in;j.' tin' next ediiiuu di' the I)ii'eeliii'y a mnvc e()m|i|cte and liett.'i' expn-irer <it' the ]ii',-:itin)i and iin]ini'ianee nj' Imth Colonies. Vii loKiv, Miuvh 1, ISij;!. ■Iilv\ SV. .V IIACIIN, p|[l\ I KliS E\(.f:L-[oii oriirK, i rliiy Str.'.'t, Siin I' r:illiI-('0. mimttligimfiimmigmil Q O ( ) iN 'I' K iV T W I'.W I)(>ci'i|iii\c Ski't^'li of \'iciiiriu .... HI Siii'ierir,-, ('<)iii|iiiiiu'-i. cic 'I'lll'lr 111' I )i-;Mnrcs I )irriiiii \ i>\ \'ii|.iriii I'll pp. . 11(1 l)i:-: ri|.li\c Skilrli III Nru \\' .Vt iiiili->li'r mill I'l'ii^i l)i ■ r lv-i|niiiiiili >*i I)'mi'i tiU\ lit' Nrw \\'i>li r liUrl' iiili>li r (iovcllliurlil 111' \'nliriill\( r l-liilli| . H,") IIihImiII IJilv SuiliiiM- lllnl llir ojli iN.'rllliv r iillil rl'S M") ! ITS till I'liit'. l.cui-l; ui\i' ( 'ipinuil S.") ( 'lillUlV (if liiiii-h ( 'iiIkm .linlicinl mill Miiui -lil'i:;l iilllrrr- Kd !■: Id I i(;4 !(')('> Ki <!iiMi-niii. Ill III' l!ir ( 'iiv 111' \'iriiiri:i sd .ludirial mul I'uliri' iiliicoi'.- ... 1(1; lliirlliiil ailllinnlic:.. .M I'Mll ■.lliiill.ll nil I'lllirc l>r|i.irlU Ali-lnirt 111' ( '; Mmiiri]i:;l ( 'mniiil liiS ilT l)c|i:|l-|llirlll lew t'.rc (III licMMlllr nC lllili>ll ( uluMll !;. . I (I'.l CiislDiiis Diiiii'-. Kilt I'liljri' ( 'ill ll!lll> .liiKrr. SlMlillirlil of I'ri- i'irr |).|i,lilllh .It II. [',. .\1, .s';ii|i-, I l'"li|'l'i'ill ( 'unguis ill \' lir l^liiiimi S'.l I-iilii'ir mill 'I'raili' Lirni-c riinii;v_i' Mini I'iliil I )lir> . liaiis .4' I Kiiv.il II. . 170 . 170 . 171 . 171 ('i)liiiiial I'l.iiik ill' li. CiJmi.l 'i\ 171 n.-lili;. -jiilal ,l,i>l lit' ui-laiivr Ai-I>, Si'.siiin dI' rllliri'lic^, .Siicirlic-., cic. . 17;; -I'll I l.;iv.s III' liriiMi ( 'iiliiiiiliia 174 ^\cMii iihMr|iiuali' ( 'il\ I'l' \'ir;iiila !U Srllliiiirnl ami I'lirrlui-i' ul' l.auil Oi-.llii, rii ■laiiiatini \ I- 'lii' uhI I'i.'i . . Wy- La-. s ( •ilV 111 -ami II la a;hs 1 r ■nil Iriii linn "1 lO'.t I I'.l l-ainls 174 Ki'laiiiiu' 111 .Miiiliiu 171J On Ni ••'iiiiij •111' iiiMlcrj :ii|| ,r^ail Iiil!-.'. ill ciiiil'iiriiiily uii'i till' ( inlll l''il'll|-. .\rl 111' l,»."|l,t . . , 1S4 iializatinii lit' .Mini- i Wa'^iHi Rnii'l ( 'mi -1 1' .\1. ipaiiy I): .1' lirr Waiilcn- a.iil I'.ili.Lii'al < )li--rina.liiiii-. llril! i 'iilmiiliia fi '.;iil.iiiiiii.-; al !■ ir. ;. . I'nil i)ii'-, ( 'ily I't' \'iriiiria I'ilii; Dm. ■. ( 'i!\ 111' \'ii iiiii.i NiiiiiIht, ■rniiii 'I Di- rliiiivc SL I)i Miv.la.- iJi'i Dirr.Kirv III' D.iiiuiii I:i7 l)i'-crii,tivc Ski'tdi u\' I, ',1(1 11)4 1 ',!.■) aii'l ( 'rrw . Ill' I )irciiiii'\ I ^■ I. ill. HI \'.' -•l-^ ilraiTil ai V li- : \' Il'7 I)( i'ii.:ivc Sk.|. h 111' Vail irinna a' l)iiTi!nr\ nt' I-'mk-: 111' (Jiii--ii(!!i' . . I'.i; 1:.'': Diivi'ti .\: l'.i7 rl- : \' i.;(ina ,ii .1 jllillKlIt. Dhvrtdl-V uf Ki.-lil'l •''- \J^ IliM:iri.Ml mill ili'.-iriiiiivr Skii.ii ■.!' Ul'Vl'llllr I ( 'iiliiiiiiil 1 .1' v l-!a!:.l .. V.'.vi'. I '.lit ',~':iii;lr- liir I SIV! . 1:!:.' IIi>! Cliiiivlir^ : \'aiiriiiriri- l.-laiiil aui| onral mill i|i'-rn|i)iM' Skiini ni ll.r I iM'-c I- '\ rr .Minis ii!-'i < '"ilninliia l;i:i Hi- imiral .iml iK'-i'ri|.iivr Skciri'. ul' Scliuii!-. : N'iiiKiHiMi- NIaiiil . l;!4 J04 :'()(') XAMi:s or Ai)\ I'irrisKiis viaToni.A., 17 <inl(lril,'n AlcMiliil' r, II. W Aliiiiiii. .I,iiii('» Alllll'I'MIII .\ < (1 Aiidci-iiii. I', 2i> lliinlc-. \V III' (■I'll, .'111 (ill III, III r>:illii il Ni .';>< iiiiiii-, li Itllllk ul' lllili'lil oliilllliia '.U llri'lrl'll lima. Ill It. .\ .\iMi' lllll'lll'll. :.'l Ili'in W ri II lliivli \, ( .\ llill, Al. \;iliilir II. Ill;;ii< llliii'i. Iloilli Itillln IIUM'I lll'iiill lllllU lll(>V\ ltl'OV\ llniiii liiili'i lliiiil lliirii . Uiillir S., .Mil,. 111!, III. il. W 11, W. It •11 11 n\ il,'. .1 Ii-K, 1! 2'< •Jl II ,>^ ' 'ni-wi'll i; II. ,-<. 1 1 11. W. \l\- 1. .\..l . .V li;; ,Si n.iil.i ■■,.1 •. i; •il It l.'i I'J t; 1" ,V (Iramiiil « i Illlr. .Iiillll .1 . ', l-.ilu.inl iiil l.ir.' 1.1-:. (■..,... ■r. W A 2'.' II i:; 11. .! llirr. 1!. A . -. ,1 1' It 11 s .1, \V •-'1 12 l|r-l'!lllll' |i; iiii.Im'h \ It IImII'ih.iii. lliilili'ii, K lllltl'l ill' I llll~lllll, (■ lll|irl'hll I' II. k C.i il. Willi,. I',... ^'iiir.iiii A • llll!t.« II. II. 1'- y. Illllll- .,. «iii>\mII ,\ ( ■ ''niiK'i' IIV ill' 1 II-.. ( 11. . . . Ill .X riiKlir!,. Ilioliili- S. ;i,-i I'l'iTi'M ,Si riL'iii- rirki'll .Si 111 V, I'iii {■!■ ,S. .'"I'v iiiiiiir •'IT ri.wi'ii, .1, w., \i II 111 'Ji (.llllirli'- \ Cn r. |{l';:llll .••llliiiill Ili li'll|ll T .-V ( 11 :ill li'iiMll lll-lllilllfi' «il. I'J 1 1 r> .'^11 ,il .Miiil III W'l -lull, Willi. ,>; ( 111 III I'm I.I 1 ( II :ii lit irl. .V Ml i' ) l-'l:iiii| IliM .hiiiiiiii, (irii'ii^ l!liiiilr-> oil .^I'lil, .1. .1. Ilir Will .l.iliii Hull II'. Ill :iv Mini ;li .S. ( . Ivillv. .1. I I'J It .>t I'' .-I. ;N «>li('llli'ri.i' \: >Ii:m' . . . 'i .--liii-li.-i'i Itii'llii T- Is .^liniillinil. \\ (■ .Ml »liiitliiill, I'., Imlit ciiv |ii .<iirki'ii Iti'iilliiT- \ • ". i'i',,i.w ii .-.iiiiiii. Will r.iii'iiii ( 'llirr Ciirlii Ciiki'i ( oliiil ('iiii|ii Clin il (riiw Havii Davu Oiivis, 1,1'uh I»i'\lllii'-. \',.. rrni.l niMi-. I.iiii^li'y Iti'iillii riivrr. I.ll-ll,.l I.. lli'M'll, l> 1.1 w i-, liii liiii'il. . . . I.iiili', .1 'I'.. Iriiiil ' llM'U ."iiiillli/.ili',.! .i. Si. * Slur \ (i ili'i' III. I"! I.'l 4;t ;! I Sli'lulllii'Ml I'l.M'llllIl;;! Ill .-ii'iiiiiiii I' \ (' i;i '« 1 I, Iti'iitln ill. I.i.i|i'>|il i'Wll'-, l>. II. >li'\Mii'l, .Mi'Mi Hill .'<; • i;-* ,si. ci'iii'.ji' Hull I L",i .SI Mi'ii.'.lii.. Iliili'l ... nii'k Ml' il. .M. ('iiiii|ilii'll ."v ( Klii'iliiinll. Kii-.'II >t 1 K.\ I.-iikKii I'Vlluu-.t I I'llsll .Mll.'lll.lKllll .t t .Main, A. I'' .M.iiii'llii, r 1 .Miiiliii Itrnllii'is .Martin. |) 7 M:i-i'ii i'^ Hulls I."i Malliii -I'll K Viili'iilii riiiilii (. ,S; » II. I'.llL'I'l.i llll I'i'liniii. I''niliri», .1, l''raiiU 1 1 (iiiinlii!/, I< <ii'lilili' ,>i I tiilhinl. II. ,S. < '> , (lilniiiii', .\ (iliiihvin, Tiirlirl! ^ :.'.. '.iillHl N tu-ri'.', ;ll ■u- iV. mil .... ■I'iiii ,^ ( 1", 1" ... <>.... ti .Mavi I .Mci' ;i7 .M.I li., Il 1, 1. II 11.. I A. 1L'1> I'llM'l'. I riiiilnri'iniiii..l. I! . ■I ■. lurk. I', M 111 11.11 |:i I'liil) I' ill' 11.-. .\ I 1 i ,• \'iinruiui 1' I iial M I ;; \aii;Jili. — ■ Vi.'iiiilii .Si ( 11 Ill Walli ri' .>< Sli VMil't. Walliiii >t r.aiii.ll. ;) .Mi'lli Iil.\li>: !l M('l.lii,iili', I'l'liT .V < '.I .MilliT, Vii-i'l .K; ( i> - 1 1 Wi i'liiii'"i 1' Wlnar, I; 1' 1 II, Wi: .Iiiiiii ~. Inii'k .1. ft ( . liail. '21 Nalliaii, II. '2'2 Ni-liill, Saiiiii' I. .Niiilli Itiili-h a! Wiliiain- Ji. Sillii'l. il .Ml Will 1. II Wil-ini, I'l.ii i-aiilili' 111- iiniiu'i' Is (Iri.htal llnlil. U il- Wil- ."v .Mniiav '.r '. (• I'aik 1'. .Ml I Wii-lil ,t SaiH 17 /inn, >i.",;iimii .Mian, .lam lllackii M. .1. I.'iii ('iiiiii;ii'_'liaiii .t .\'liuill IHi ll'iiiii'i', .1. .'V. I,' ir.l I'.ili .1-, 11. ItniHii, l''.lii'iii'/i'i' US (iawli'V, K.ilii'il i:.'.' I 117 .1.1111 -. M.-Nai.':li: II I'.' It 'tl l.-il Calli'ilv, Kiluai.l 14'S (Iri'lli'v Itinlliii,- i; Ciilii ll li ik, I!. ( It'.l llaiiiiali. i: C.il.iniiil ll.ili'l 117 llar.li.'S II.. I. I , Cniiii, .s. i; ir,;; ii<.iii< ik. 11. 117 I. v.. I l.-,|| .M.I, 117 l.'aiii . M l> III-. US l.'.il'.K. .I..|,ii . I.- riau.i !.l. (,i..i . :]VEiscET-iLA.3sr:'j:oxjs. Adii'r ,^ Tian-v 11.') I', iiiliii imi tlmi r W lliili I'l LSI I'l-, \\\V • irilli'i;. I'jluanl . 1.1 I'iiii'lil.i .k .It < l.VI I'. I'll.' N. II S: Uiili I" 1.1 .■i; JI.'K r. riiiii)' W Iwai.l. .Ii lli'i kill .1. I'.'.l .sniilli .S; trr.ii. 11. ir.t iiii. r. fii (' .1.'.7. llill Wii-hl. t.. li. ,V < . . . . i:,s ' . . . l.V. \r,\ Mil UK li;o l.'aiii i:.i; ir.l R.A.3Sr Fi={.A.IsrCISCO- Ilarrctt Sc Sin rwimil, CiilH-y it l;i-il.iii . . . . Ka.stniaii fi: Kciili. . . . (inivi's, II. f. I r. .la. '21',i .Mil •^l.-i •jii:i (lie; ilis, N. 11. S; Ci. t'l;-, li.ilil , nm III anil San Hi. ., 211 San I'' ■ll 211 lain •J|i» llaliiilii', A. S. ft ( o. San l-'ii .|Iiai'/: :iiiil I'; Mi,t;,ir ( ■.iiii|iiiin .v.- I.i'll. I, \ 20!t . rcciiiii'iix & Walcrlnlt . . '.^11 Vulcan limi Wmks ■21U iil.a ")() Til K 1! U 1 S I S II (' i> ' '■ M l; I A \ hrid/.'!'. l)P('n jrrfjith- oxtciidcd. and several wliaifV are now a\ailalde for .xliippin^' al)ove llie |ioint wliere lliat olistaele to naviL'atioii existed. A eoni])any lias heen t'ornied Im hnild a UailiDail (•ninicciiiiL;' \ iciona willi (lie ea])aei()us liaihoi' of ICMiiiiniall. di~lant linir inilr-. Aniont; otlier inslimtions (lie town can boast of it.-, (ia^ Work-. A cipiniianv has been also oi'jiani/.ed to sn|)|ilv the town with water tVoai I'.lk I-ake, a distance of eijxht mile-. TIk.' value of Heal K>la(e in the town of Nietmiii lia- inerea-rd. in many places, over seventy-live per cent, duri' .. the pa~l nine ini/nth-. I'^'ontajre on tlu! lie- business sH'ivi- command^ a rental of from two t(j si.x dollars ]ier Wnn per month. The city is a Fi'ee Port, ami tiici-efore not ti'oublid with eu-loms. (hnies or bonded wai'ehouses. \'e.— els drawing; i'ourlciii to lil'iren I'eet of water mav. tmder ordinary eiicum-tanee<. ero-- the luir of tin' leu- b(tr at hijrh watei-, and ships dra.w ini:' sevcntern feet ha\ e eniiiid. lli"UL:h only at the to]) of sprinir tides. A -um of t'IO."(M) Ims hem dixoled by the Leirislatnre to iiie imjiro\ cmi'nt of the iiarlHjr. Steam comminiication is carried on threi' time- a momh bciwcin San Fi'ancisco and N'ictoria by the \csseis of tin' California S. \. ('omp;iny. Every alternate trip is made ria Portland. OrcLi'on. A -li ;idy and inerensing tra(h' iscan-ied on with San Fi-anci<eo. the S.uidwieh 1-laiid-, ()i'e;j;iin. ^^'ashinulon Tei-ritory and the coa-t of l>rili>!i Cohnnliia. I'li'' inhabitants of the latter Colony obtain iieiuly all llirii' inipurl- rin N'ietoria. The <roods exported from \'ietoria and \'aneouMr l-land ai'e ti'idini:' in comparison with the impoi'l- ; but tiie amoinil of ^idd obtaine(l from the mines of iJrili.-h Cohnnbia irocs fir to maiiilain the balance of trade. The exports of the I-land cnr-i-i ciiicliy of coal from the Xanaimo Mines, lumbia' i'roni tiie wot coa-1. fur-, -kin- and fish oil. The coal measure extends from Xanaimo a Ioiil: di-iaiirc norili. both alonji the east coast of the I-land and tln' main land: and -evrral places liav(! lately been found liy practical coal iiiiii' r- wIhh- capital could be advantaireoiisly invoteil in opeiiinii' up bed- of ibi miicial. Steam lumbei' mills are workeil at Albrrni, a I'mi of Fiilry on the west coast, by a I'n'itish company, and ,-oim' more mlil- ar.' alioiii to be erected a little fui'tlier north of that pljice l)y parlie- wlio base madi' application to the (ioscrnmcnt for the pwrcha-e ot -e\(ii tboii and acres. |t is probable that the timber trade of the l-laiid will ,-liortly assume j;reat imporlance, as the spar.s i()r shii> biiildin;.; have attained an rairojieaii e •bi'it' The ti.-heries ol' the inland waters of both cohiiiie- ha\ c uji to the pres- •nt time, been {greatly ne<rlecte(l. as it is inipo— ibii' that the immense minbers of salmon, herrini' ami halibut which exi-l in them cm be r- A N I) V I (' T o II I A It 1 U K (• 'I' (I R Y \!ilii('l<'ss i'nr cxpiii'l \vliil>l in siicli clii-c jiroxiinily Id tlic Soiitli mcficiiii Jiiiil ('l:ina iiiarkcls. The slnli'iiicnt of iin|K>r!~ lur |S(i'_'. which will he I'ouikI clx'w] ICl'C, shows a \cry llaltfriiiu' iiicrca.-c when cinnijarcd wilh ihc iircccdiiig yaw. T!m' aiiKiunl (if diircl sliipmciits I'luni (Jreat lirilaiu lunii ii rf'spcclahlc lii^iiri'. and lead- one lo hnpc thai ihc time is not rardi>lant when \'i<i(ii-ia will Ix'comc ihc distribiiling iiuini <it' Ikihu' luanut'actiiro i'of ihc wlinlc Ndiih I'acilic Cna^l. A s(jnicwlial ~iirpri>inL; iinpclus has been jiivcii to the development of aji'i'icullnrc in Ihc colony l)_v the niniilier of newly arrived inuniurants. who have -ctth'd in the ino.-t fci'tilc districts in the iici^irhhorhood of \'ictoria. Wilh land at tin' low liuiirc of four sldllings. two pence per acre, and lime allnweil for payincnis, loi^'clher ^vith the im|iro\ed state of coinnumicalion helwcen N'icloria and the hack siMllcmcnts. we may rca-onaldy hope thai the inhahiiants of the town will not in fntnre he -() dependent on iieiLrlihorini:' coniilrit's i'oi' their sup|)lies of prodnce. I-'or a more detailed notici^ of the trade and in-titntion- of \'ictoria and \'ancon\cr I>land ihereailer i- referred lo the stati.-lic- hereinafter contained. Mf TABLE OF DISTANCES FHO:\I VICTOIUA TO THE FOLLOWING PLACES. Ni iiiik'fi. Victoria to Now Westminster "'^ " NiUiiiiiiK), 1)y tlie inner channels •''' " Niinainio, hy the outer cliannels •'^'i " tlie Cduiax Settlement HO " Fort Rupert • -"*^ " Alberni 1 •'<^ " Socklace llarhor, Queen Charlotte Island 4:)0 « head of Bute Inlet 1 ■'>0 " head of South Bentiiick Arm -''lO « head of North lientinck Arm ^lOo " mouth of the Skeena River •')00 " Fort Simpson -")"•* " month of the Stickeu River "SO " Sitka (or New Archan,ii;el ) ''^•>') " San Francisco "TO To the Cariboo Mines. Victoria to Vale by Steamer 1'iO miles. Thence by road to Lytton •>•• From Lytton to William's Lake via the ><'ew Wa,u:on Road 1^»'") From William's Lake to the Foi-ks of (^icsncUe. . . ">;} From the Forks of (Juesnelle to William's Creek or Richtield ;")0 Total •">-'! miles. A'ictoi'ia to Lillooet, rid I)ou,;j;las and the Portaires '2^~ miles. From Lillooet to William's Lake, rl<( the New Wa--oii Koail !•-)•> From William's Lake to Richfield, via Forks of Quesnelle 108 Total •"J-"';") miles. •. i THE BRITISH COLUMBIAN VICTORIA DIRECTORY FOR 1803. i Aiii!(»TT, J. !{., clerk with Dickson, Campbell & Co., Wharf. Acklaii, Francis, laborer, Quadra. Acklan, Thomas, carpenter, Quadra. Adams, I. \V., (Jovernment. Ada'".s, jNIoses, l(i ( Jovei'nnient. Adolphus, Kdward, builder, Johnson. Adanis, I). F., Douglas. Adanis. d., Douglas. Adanis, I{obt., blacksmith with Duck & Co., Fisguard. Adamas, licvi. Quadra. Adder, Jolni, Superior. Aime, , ( F^dgar & A.) provision merchant, Wharf. Akeruian, -Ino., Cormorant. Akers, J. 1*.. (A. N. Sayers & Co.) fruit dealer, o Jolmson. ALFXANDKIJ, II. W., tobacconist, (Jov'nt bet. Yates and Fort. Alges, J., I'ioneer Hotel, Yates. Allan, Alexander, with K. Hrodi-ick, dwl IJroughton. Allatt T. Smith, contractor and l)uilder. Fort. Allen, ('has. W., reporter "Colonist," 47 Fort. Allen, Fi., lodging-house, F\»rt. Allen, Jlenry, Market Alley, Johnson. Allen James. Iilacksmith witli II. li. Co., 1(5 Covernment. Allen, John, dentist, Quadra. AliMON, J., connnission merchant. Wharf. Alport, ('has., Yates. AXDl-lllSON & CO., agents Koyal Insurance Company, Wharf. Anderson, A. C., Vicc-I 'resident Agricultural Society, Fort. AN1)I<:KS()X, FLIJAU, variety store, (Jriental Alley. Anderson fl., (Jovernment. Anderson, J. K., clerk Avith Dixon, Campljcll & Co., AVharf. i ! ii I I 1 T II !•; 1! K I T I S U (' I. r M v. I A N AiKlcrsnn. Siinoii, sliip o;n']it'iitei', Hae. Andrews, Klijah, (Irayintm, Vatcs. Andrews, Hicliavd, Yates. Andrews. .)., ('(inudrant. Andrews, J. A., Meares. Anthony, Lewis, clothier, etc., .") .Johnson. Arnold. Thomas, carpenter, Herald. Ashworth, James, Sujierior. Atwell, lioliert, Cormorant. Atwood, T. \\. Ifumboldt. Anstin, .lames, carpenter, (^ladra. Austin, K. II., merchant, Fort. Ault, Thomas, Coinnorant. Ayrc, Charles, blacksmith, (lovernment. 13 ]?Acivrs, P. M., auctione(M-, ti Commercial Urk.Wharl", dwl lian.irl Bailey, V. K., mason, Meares. Haillie, M. Mrs., ])rivate hoardinir-house, 47 Fort. ?)aker, Samuel ^c David, boot and shoe store. 1' Vates, dwl lien Haldwhi, ,]ohn, variety store. Cormorant, dwl Fis,i:uard. ]>aldwin, H., irrocer, Market Alley. Bales, J. C. (Kavanajih & Co.) (Iwl Humboldt. Balls. Cieor-,^', (Mason iS: Balls) Identical Saloon. 2 Yates. Bauelli, K. (Banelli i^ Meyer) 07 (iovernment. ?)ankart, E. II. (Cleal, Hastic & B.) baker, .") Fort. Banks, B. C, lOcS Yates. ]>anks, .John. ])ainter and glazier, al Vutes. ]^anks, Jiio. II., blacksmith and wheelwright, Yates. Barber, Kobt., shoemaker, Fis;i;uiird. ])arbetta, F., provision store, St(»re. Barker, S., Cormorant. ]krlev, Wm., with J. \V. Williams, .Johnson. BAI{XI<:TT, 15KHHIN, importer, »'.(» Vates. BARXETT, (;E()K(H% (Walton .^ Harnett) ,;^eneral a.irnt, ( Curtis iS:, Moore's, cor Yates and Lan,i:'ley, dwl Meares. Barnett, J., clerk with .Mac<lonald & Co., Yates. Barnswell, James, .Johnson. Barron, D. F., cabinet store, •> (lovernment. liarry, .John, boot and shoemaker, IManchard. Barry, Thomas, tinsmith, 44 Fort. Baubeanyau, Ambrose, lishmonii-ei'. Oriental Alley. Baucus, -James, (Jovernment. Jiauman, Fred., coni'ectioncr. View. Bawdoi, Alfred, builder and contractor, lOH Yates. Baxter, Patrick, Johnson. ev. Uil )ver i: 11 1 A N 1) VICTORIA I) I R !■; <' T O 11 Y. 00 I'axtor. Will. (Kvans & H.) IdiU'ksniitli and wa,Lron-mnk(M\ .lolnisini. IIAYl/KY, <■. A., wholc'salr and retail ^^roccr, S(i and ScS Yates, dwl l>road. IJayley, lit'slie, ( I'riseoe k 1>.) St. Janies IFotel, '^^ r,(iveriinient. Havley, 'I'li'is,, Havley. P.e'ale". K. W.. Yates. lU'attie, Alexr., Ilevald. IJeattie, .Inlm, stuneeiitter, lliinilxildt. IJeatty, AV alter, lirieklayer. iMSLniard. Heavan, Holiert. ( 15. it i^vans ) cnmniission a;j;ents, Fort. IJeeirau. I'rank, Ituut and sJKieniaker. Iian,i:'ley. IV'laseoe. A'lraliani, tohaeeoiiist, 4 Yates. UKIili. A. !>., eiininiission niereliant. Wharf. Hell. John, with .liihn Coles. Inroad. IJell, Thomas, ])li_vsieian. Oriental Alley, liell, William, stonecutter. .")1 Kort. Henrinio M. tS; Co.. i^roeeries, Johnson. I'erry. Mo>(\>, mason. Herald. I>i,Li',i:'s. .lolii). Major. Yates. l>i,Lrne. .Ino.. Ijveeum Saloon. ( !overnment. IJHJNK. JOll'X .t CO.. Hotel de Kranee. t)8 Government. Bishop, .lohii S.. eollector and aecountant. Covernment. r>isho|i. Ivoliert. solicitor. 40 (Jovernment, dwl llroiightou. liissell. John, tinsmith. Miehiiraii. Hissett. I'\. S\i|i('fior. Hissi'tt. Janies, eleiK Hudson Bay t"o., Wharf. I'laek. K.. (Turner it 15.) suru'oou. Broad. BLACK. WALTKB SHAW'. M.D.. M.B.C.S., L.S.A.. Lan-ley. I51aeklnini. .los.. shoemaker. Mat'lure. B>laekman. Ahraliam. ( 15. it Marks) hardware (h'aler, 1 :> Yates. Blaiiuire. I'M. (Olynn it \\.) hakers. Cormorant. ISIake. Jno.. tinsmith. 10 Fort. Blanc, ii. A., jeweler. '.Mi (lovernmeiit. 151ane]iard. Hr.. ]>hvsician. Kisiruard. l5rnikhorii. Mrs., lit |5road. I51uin. Leopold, merchant. Lanii'lev. r>OA|{|).\L\N'. (IKOKCK. Bank" lv\. Saloon, :5:; Yates, dwl Yiew. Bo^'an, ('has.. otHce '• I5ritish Colonist." Bollard, Alex., shoemaker. <,>uadra. i50LT0N, W. 15.. ship liuilder, Indian Beserve. l»i>iid, Willis, contractor. Yiew. 15ooth, K.,.')! Fort. Bmoth. (!eo.. huilder. l!* ( lovernment. Booth. John. 7 Fort. BOSCOWIT'/. J., tohaeconist, 7 Yatr>. Bxissi. Carlo, liipior and provision dealer, corner Johnson and Store. 15oswell, <ieo., shoemaker, ('orniorant. ■)() T II i: 1! K I T I S II (■ () I, r .M I! I A N Iidtsford, , diatliani. Ijottci'cll, Mattliew N: Co., Islaiid Markot, ;)•! (Jovonuiu'iit. Unwed, Madame, Fiviieli lauiidrv, Ciiatliain. Mowers, -J,, ^'ates. lliiwhnid, .1. (15. 1*1: McKeiizie) ()\erlaiid Kestaiiraiit. IJroad. J}owiiiaii. S., ."iT Vates. IJdwiuaii, \V. (J. ( H. & Ifalst'v) livery staples, oT \'ates, dwl i") Hrtiad. Brackin, Jno., carpenter, ("oriiinraiit. Hraekin, Win., laborer, (^Miadra. Hraeknian, II., waivlidust'nian with .lanion i^ (Irei'n. AVliarl'. I>radle_v, .Jni)., shoemaker, Pandora. ]iramwell, Jaeoh, en.^ineer, Jolmson. liraverman, Isadoi'e, ( 15. iS: hewin) tol)aeconisf, Tli Yates. J5ri,u';i;s, \Vm., contractor. Trounce AHev. ]Jriscoe, Wastell, (Bay ley tie 15.) St. -lames Hotel, -W (Jovermnent. 15roekaway, Tlios., carpenter, Chatham. BKODKICK, H., Avharfin,i:er and coal dealer, I'liion Wharf, dwl lianiilev. P.BOW'X, ('. i5. (15. v^ Craswell) Island Hotel. Il'H (Jovernment. Brown. C. II. (S: Co., tish market, U Waddin,i:tnii Alley. Brown, K. .Mrs., si-amstress, Fort. Brown, Kd. (.Johnson i^ 15.) hoot-hjaek. S'.l ( iuvcrnment. 15ro\vn, (lodt'rey, casiiier with -lanion i^ (ireen, Whari'. Bi'own, J I. H., Meares. Brown, .1., tailor, 4') Fort. 15rown, .Jas., Bed Houst' Kestaurant, Yates. I5rown, .). J., Vates. r)rown. dno., Vates. P.KOWX, STFIMIFX (!.. hair-dresser, l(l!> <io\ernment. BBOW'X, W., Mks.. Church I5ank School, eor I!ae and Bdanchanl. Brown, Willsoii. eorner Kae and I5lancliard. I>ro\vn, Wm., Bayley. Brown, Win., ship carpenter, Cormorant. l5rown. Wm., haker uith K. Doiinlu.i'ty. .Johnson. I5rowii, Wm. (15. >.vc Matthews) clothiers, ,") Wa(hlin,Lrton Allev. I>ruiida<re, Fd., Hae. I)IU XX\ A. .J., draper and clothier, "jS (ioxcrimient. Bryant, ('has., (io\crnment. ]5uckley, .1., hoardin^'dioiise, John.sdu. Budddivent. V. B.. ek'rk. Foi't. 151 liFIl, .\., clothier, etc., 77 iioveriiment. 15nlloek, .):is., hnotmaker, ")4 F<»rt. Bullock, Wm., car|)enter. Pandora. I5unstei-, \\\n.. Colonial 15rewery, .Johnson. Punster, .Jno., Imilder. C'lii"!'"'- P.l'X'I'lXli, C. F. (B. c^: J)o(hls) carriaire huihier, T).') Vates. I I '■!! A N I) V I (' T o i; ] A n I 11 !■; c t o u y .')( Buniaby, Uobt., (Hi'iiderson dt B.) coiinnissiou iiicrchant, 4 Com- nicrcial Iilock, Wliart". JU'ItNS. T. J., JMoiR'i'r Saldiiii, cor .lolinsim and Oriental Alley. IJui-m.iie, W. K., ^Toeer, '■)'■) Fort. IJurrell, l>nl»t., aeeountant at JJank liritisli Xortli Anioriea, Yate>s. liUfsiin, .Iiio., cai'ja'iiter, Hlanelianl. I C (\\I1N, AVdlt', dry ;j;(Mids and elotliin^:', -•> .Tolinson. rAlRF, J. (('. i^ (iraneini) wliole.sale liardware, IS Wliarf. Caldwell, .las., Fis^iiard. ("anieron, David, Cliief Justice of Supreme Cdurt. Cameron, Dunean, boot and shoemaker, Sujierinr. Cameron, TIkis., ( ( '. tS: lluntj Idaeksniitli and carriage builder, Cormoi'ant. Camp, .).. l*andi)ra. Campbell, K., toliaeeonist, etc., :'•> Johnson. <'ampbell. Win., Douglas. Canning, Ji:o., Kae. Carman, Jno., carpenter, Jnhnson. Carswell iS: Co., importers, etc.. iiamiiev. CAHSWKLL, JAS. ( ilibben .^ C.) bookseller, :5T Yates. Cary, Ceo. Hunter, Attorney-(ieneral, ti:2 < lovernment. ( 'ary, J. W ., Kane. <'ai'slin, Oliver, Park Street, James Jiay. (-'arter, Paris, Fort. ('arvetli. J., with ^Fansell \. Co., 7.") ( Jovermnent. Carville, J., tobacconist, Yates. C;osar, Uandall, hair-dresser, 71' Cmernnient. CASAMAYor, A., provision dealer, 1:! Wharf. Castello. Marvin, Chelsea IJakery, Store. Cauliei', 11. ( C. .S: lassett) builder, :i7 Fort. Cliadwick, Thos., International Hotel, <i7 ^'ates. Cliamliei's, A. J., Houglas. Charity, C. 11., bootmakei', i'S (Jovernnient. Charles, W. !>., blacksmith. Store. Charlton, Jos,, (,). C. ^: Co.) caliinet-maker, Pandora. Cheda, J. )>., milkman, (iovernment. Cliielovich, K., Lyceum Hall, dwl till Yates. Cliilds, Henry, ch'rk with Hudson Hay Co., (iovernment. Chipp. Di'., Al.H.C.S., surgeon, 7t> (iovernment. ChiMstie, Andrew, carpentei'. (iovernment. Christopher, A., poi'ter with Hickson, Campbell tS: (.'o.. Wharf, ('hung Wa, Chiiu'se boarding-house, Cormorant. Clark, \Vm., cutler, (iovi'rnment. ('lai'ke, F. C, carpenter, James liay. fxS T II I-: 1! H r T I s II (' (» I, i: m is r a x Clarke, G. 1)., IjiitcluT, Colonial ^larkot, .V2 Johnson. Clarke, Wni., eaqiontor, Vatcs. Clavoroa, Pierre, toliaccoiiist, Vates. Clayton, .Ino., Kane. Cleal, I). (C., llastie .S: IJankart) restaurant, .') I^.rt. Clehnaii, Jvlmond T., artist, Hae. Clcrjoii, J)r., Hrojid. Cliiie, J. P. (Manscll. C. & Co.) Imteher, 7") ( Jovernnieiit. Clinton, Antlionv, taili»r, Kisirnai'd. Clyde, Hiram, engineer, Cliatliam. Coelirane, .1., earpeiiter, Mieliii:aii. COCIIKANH, .1. ,).. real estate a-eiit, 4:J <io\enunent. COCK Kl(, W., ^r.lM'.. with .Meadonald .^ ( 'o., linkers, nroii-hton. Coffin, (ieor^^e, hlaeksniith. lli ( Joveninient. Cohen, 11., tohaeeonist, "Jl and (!S Vates. Cohen, Henry ]\[os(.'s, elothinir store, liT Vates. Cohen, 11. M., dwl nrouij;hton. Cohen, Mike, Chea}) John, (I Vates. COKKK, Kl)., ■general hlaeksniitli, \'iet..ria. V. I. Cole, C. II. (C. & Lane) harher and hair-dri'sser, -Vl J()hns(..n. ('ole, (ieor;;-e, llunilioldt. Cole, (;. W., Park. Coles, ,)ohn. livery stahles, r>i-oad. dwl IJrounlitnn. Collins, .lohn, Capt., eor l)rou(>;liton and l)on;i;las. Col(|uhoun, -Ino. ('., City lns]n'c-tor. l'andni-;i. Conipton, Pyni \V., elerk Hudson l>ay Co.. \'anrou\i'r. Cool, (I. W., dentist, over Curtis (S: Moore's store, Vates. COOPHH, W. A., retail -roeer, ')1 Covernnicnt. rlwl Miehiiran. Copeland, , machinist. <^>uadra. Copland, .Ino.. M.P.P., commission merchant, Laii.uhy. Coppold, James. Louisiana Restaurant, 40 .lolmson. Corhineau, M. Mielnuan. Corhui'iere Prospere, ;:'roci'r, Yates. Cordin,ir, J . \l. k Co.. assavers. 1.") Vates, COHIX. JOS., stationer, etc., '2.') Fort. Costello, Jiio., hoatman, Ilumholdt. Cotsford, Thos., Chatham. Couch, Jno. P. (8. Vi<rnolo & Co.) Ih-oad. Courtney, II. O., solicitor. 7»I (iovernmi'nt. Cowan, Francis, drayman, (Jovernment. (V)x, (Jeori^e, painter. Herald. Cox, John, hetween Cormorant and Pandora. Coxon, (Jeor;j;e, merchant, Kane. Coxten, (lustavus, lahorer, Fisiiuard. Cramiey & (h-ennan, lumher-merchants, cor Ilumholdt and Wharf. Cranford, , with Dickson, Camphell .^ Co., Wharf. CHASWELL, W. (Urown & C.) Island Hotel, 12i> (lovernment. ''• A N I) V I (' T <i I! 1 A 1> I I! i; t' I' iM! V . Al) 'f CVcspol, M., tiiilor, ^Farkct Alley. Crid^c, I'Mwiird, lU'v., Hector nV Clirist Climrli. llmulHildt. ('rnssi)ii iV ('ii. ]iriivi : )n dealffs, Vatcs. ("roii-ii, .). S., '■■'•• ^<.ii. Crowther, .I(»lm. imiiitcr, lor> N'atcs. ("MOW'l'llKlu II. A., iiaintcr, Hid Vatcs. dwl Pandora. ("niickshauk. iicnrLrc. accoimtaiit at Uaiik !>. ('olmii'iia. ( idvcnim't. ("(illcn, M., frrd-st'oiv, 11 <» Vatcs. CuhfrwoU, Will., ^-(Mioral a.^cut. .VJ ^'atcs. ('iimniiiiirs. Win., shucinakcr. Ciiatliain. ('iiiiiiiii.Lrliam, .las., Imildi-r. (,hiadra. Curtis, v. (('. iS: Moore) dni,ii-,2:ist, :)'.• Vatcs. Curtis, Will., lilaeksuiitli. Herald. Cushuiaii, C. ('., proiluee ilealer, 1.") ^VIlal•^■. Cuthl.ert, Will. [{., Hudson iJay Co., Wharf. 1> 1)an'1»ki1)»ii;, .lolm, .Inhnson. Haviil, .las., dravnian, (Jovi'muient. ()avid..Iules, ((iuild, |). c^ <'o. ) nierel:ant. Wliari". dwl St. Nieliolas Hotel. Davis, H. K., Collinson. Davis. .Ir., II. K.. Fort. Davis, .lolm, plasterer, Huinlioldt. Davis, .lolm Cliai>inan, surp'on, ete., -"'.X (iovernnrr, dwl .Mieliipin. DAA'IS, .1. W., M.K.C.S., sur,i:con and aeeouelieui-. cor Yates and LauLiley. DAVIS. liKWlS.'Star i^ Carter Hotel. 7:') iiove'nt.dwl Pandora. Davis. Win., l)laeksniitli, Coi'iiiorant. J)a\vson, Henry, Ulacksiuitli, .lolinson. Dawson. .los.. printer. Pandora. DkCOSMOS, amok, eilitor " P.ritish Colonist," Covernuient. Devi. Clias.. slioemaker. Cormorant. Di'lany, .las., inolder, I'andora. Delliit. 'I'lios.. en--i"iver and desipier. Kis;j;uard. Demers. Ki-iit liev'd Dr.. Honian Catholic Pishop. Iluiul)oldt. Demies. Ceo. I"]dpir, solicitor and commissioner of deiMls for Cali- fornia, <••• < loveriiinent. Derham, iJartliolomew. grocer and haker, !•) .lohnson. DeSt. Ours, .1. K. (St. Ours iS: < 'o. ) conuuissioii iiierchant. Wharf. DiA'lPLlKUS, KDWAIJD. hardware dealer, (iov'nt.dwl (,>iiehec. De Wolfe, C. H. Dr., hath-hoiise. -orncr View and Douitlas. Dexter, H. T. ( D. i^ lleenan ) P.ritish Anier'n Saloon. Cormorant. DeVoiin.ir. N. N. ^c Co.. jirovision dealers, !'.• Wharf. Dicki'iis, W., hootmaker, ~-\ Fort. Dickson. Canqtlx'll ^c Co.. uierchiints, Store. Dickson, ('has., Fis^-uard. i I CO T II !■: I! It I T I s II CO r, (' :\i i: i a x hii'ksoii, .lii.s., M.I)., coiviiicr \';iii('niiv('r Ishiiid, n-i (iovcnniR'nt. DickHoii, Juo., stnvc's iiiid tiiiwiii't', 17 .Jdlinsdn. Dies, Joliii, H-2 Vatcs. Dictz, I'Vaiik, iiootiiiakor, ^'att-s. I>ictz. (;. ( I). N: Xi-lsDii's K.xpivss) at ^^Vlls, Kai-^r,» ^s^ (',,'s, Yates. Dillon, Andrew, tailor, Fisiruard. Dillon, K., (.'al>inot-iiiakcr, lliinilioldt. Billon, Mii'liacI, (Jovornnicnt. Dix, T. ( \VIiyni|ici' it D. ) London ('ofto'-ironsc, Cormorant. Dixon, Wni., cai'in'iitcr. Cnnnorant. Doaiio, Jo.s. II., Ilac. Dohrcii, M. K., c'lotliior, 11 Johnson. D()|)|),Mi!., (Duntin,! it I). ) carria.L'o-niakcr. ').") Yates. Dodd, Francis, ^^roccr, 44 (iovfrnniciit. Douifhertj, John, Kis;.niard. Doiii:hort_v, IJirhard, liakcr, 4(1 Johnson. Doii,i.das, ,Ino., lilacksniitli, Yates. DoMuilas, Wni. P.. dravnian, l>l-iiieliard. Don,i;'all it Sons, ii'on Innndrv, 'ndian Kesei've. Doun;all. Jiio., niolder at iron foundiT. Indian Reserve. ]>o_vle, Mii'hael, stone-niasnn. Fisi;-uai'(l. Drake, M. \V. T., solieitor eimnnissioner of dee(ls fni' State nf Cal- ifornia, 1 14 Covei-nnieiit. Driard, J., Colonial Restaurant ami Colonial Market, it.') .Idhnson. Drumniond, J, S., hardware, ."):{ Yates, dul Rae. Diiek, S. it Co., earria^'e-niakers and Maeksiniths. l'"is:j.Miard. Dueorrin, (J. Mrs., 41 Fort. Dui^H-au, Wni., laliorer. Pandora. Dumas, C, Market Alley. Dunn, Jno., stone-cutter," Ilumholdt. Dunn, R. I)., conmiission nieirhant. Wharf. Dwyer, Jno., porter with J. J. Soutli.Liate it Co., Wharf. Dwvro, Patrick, lahorer, l'an(h)ra. Dyers, Wm., .general jolihei-, Fis;^-iiard. 3^: Eaulhs, E. 1_].. Colonial Hotel, !>o (Jovemment, dwl cor |)..u--las and \'iew. Easton, (J., eai'iienter, l*aiidoi-a. Easton, J., physician. Ileal's JSoai'dinn--! louse. :i(; Fort. Faston. \Vm., (iovei-nnient. F^astwood, Thos.. hlacksniith, Jolnisoii. EHFRIIARDT, J., hotel-keeper. Lannley. Fckstein, , ( Leneveu it F. ) wholesa'le feed store. 24 Wharf. Fddy, (ieo. Jno., shoemaker, J*andora. Eddy, James, Royal Hotel Tap, .lohnson. I AND VII' T <» II I A U I 11 i; <• T n u Y. ♦51 I Kil^xar, I). A. ( K. i^ Ainu') wliolcsiilo )»rovi.sioii inclit, liO Wharf. Kdwiinls, David, fiirnituir (U'alcr, ^'ates. Ivlwanls, .loliii, carpctitor, (iovrniineiit. Kdwarils. .Inliu, Kane. Ivhvartls, .1.. liair-diTssiT, Vates. Ivluards. Walker, lionk-kcciicr at Dickson, Cainplicll & Co., Wharf. Khivnliachcr, .lacol), toluicconist, .")(( Vatc's*. iMc'hotf. Henry, tohacc<inist, 44 Vates. I'llh'r, II. 15., purser steamer Knlerprise, IJroad. I'llliott, An(h'ew, eontraetor, l^'isifiiard. I'lLldoTf, A. T. ( K. cS: ^^tuart) hvowcr, Lion IJrewery, The S|.rin;i;s. Klliittt, \V. A., eti,!i;ineer steamer LahoueliiM-e, <^ieliec. l-'llswood. I{. K., Fisiruard. Mlvin,:!, W. (riinrhoii ^: < 'o. ) eahinet-makers, I'anihira. Kly. \Vm.. lal)orer, Tandora. Kniei'son. Thns.. eat'iienter, l*"isLi'iiar(]. KnieiT. -lames. Kis^iiard. Kndit, Wm., molder, (^ladra. I']n,::-ell. K. ( K. vV Vouii.li-) haker, S:', (loverument. Knuiish, .lohn, laliorer, (,>ua(h'a. I']nias. (leo.. >«•") (lovernment. Mi'nest, Teter. ("arilioo llot<d. (» Wharf. Ks(hiile M. ( K. \ Windsor) --roeer, I'J Fort. Kstall. 'I'lios.. plasterer. Fort. F\ans, Clias. ( IJeavan iS: F. ) eommission merchant, Fort. Fvans, F.. D.D., WesKyan minister. IJroad. Fvaiis. .las, ( l)a\tt'r \ Co.) lihieksmith and wagon-maker, Johnson. I'^vans, Miss. Douglas. I'Ai'e, .1. Car[ii'ntei-, View. F Fau1)<»\. (I. 1\.. iihotogi-ajilier. tiS (H)vennncnt. Faujas. .1.. painter, .")" .lohnson. Fawcett. I{. W.. Kane. Fawcett. T. li.. !>2 Vates, dwl Kane. FFM-OWFS, AhFKFD, hardware dealer, IH Yates. FFFL( )\V FS. ARTIUK. ( F. & Roscoe) hardware dealer, n Com- mercial IMock. Wharf. Fie<lenian. II. O., civil engineer, r>astion. Fielding, .lohn. carpenter, Cormorant. Finlavson, (ieo. James, Kock Uay. Finla'vson, Hoih^rick. factor Hudson l>ay Co., Rock Bay Cottage. Fitzeilan. .lohn, meat market, .lohnson. Fit/gerald. .lohn, 4:2 Fort. Flauil, Adam, shoemaker. Cormorant. 11 u i I (12 T II K II I! 1 T I ,-• II (' II I, I' M 11 I A N Kliiskct. .\Ic\;iim1('1'. ciiriK'HttT. ( 'li;itli;iiii. Fk'tclicf. W. II., with llanh'. (lilliii'il \ Cn.. S,") (luMTiiiiU'iit. I''l('tt. .Inn.. Ml'iill^-Iltuil. Flint, J('ri'nii;ili. c'lriicntcr. <,>u;iili';i. I'"lint. .I.ihn. ciiiiiiiiisitir. •• l>riti-li Cnlnnist'" njlicc, ( iuNcriuiifiit. FIvini, .liis., Iiiickjiivri'. <'(innni';int. F(i;,a'lsKi, ,1., I'm II jura . Foley, Frank. Fis'/iiai'il. Fnivo, .M. .Miss. iniiliiH'i'. (1;! \'alrs. Force, W. .M., li:') Vat>s. Forces, .Vdaiii. tanner. < in\ (•rnniciit. F'orhes, lleiMT. I'andnra. Foi'lies. Tlmiiias, watelmiakei'. <'nrninrant. Forton. J.. enfVcc-di.alrr. ')-2 .Idjinsdn. Fortnne. .Inn., laliorer. I'anijora. Fiiftinie. Wni.. stiine niasun. ('nniinrant. Fiisliav. .1. W.. ^'ates. rOSI |«;|{. Ill (ill. Ia,i:('r liecr salnou. enrnei' .lolinson ami Store. Foster, Jas.. ( "oi'niorant. Forsvtli, (.laci|iies i^ F. ) sli'ieniaker, .Injmsnn. Fossier. .\ntniiie, watelniiaker. lOi' ( io\crnnient. Fox, Areliil.alil, liair ilres-;er. S'.i N'ates. Fraiieis. .laeoli. IJulls Head Hotel, ^'ates. Franklin, laimlev. audioneer ami I'eal est.te a,i:'ent, ~i\ <lovei-n- nient. dwl Meai'es. UtAMvIilN. SFId.M. auctioneer and real estate a^^i'nt. 7t! (iov- ernnient, dwl .Meares. Fraser, Ale.xr.. saddler. 1u:i Vates. FVancliette. .Ino.. .Miners' Kestain'ant. IS Waddin-toii Alley. Francis, Allen. C. S. Consul. \\'li;irl'. dwl \'ie\\. Fi-aneis, ,\rtluir. slioeniaker. ^'ates. Frayne, Tlios., wood carvi'r. Fis^'iiard. Frot'dy. Jon.iitlian. (.Miadra. F'l-eenian. .Iiio. H.. (li-y n;,,,,,!^ store. 1 :J .lolmson. Fi-eenian, ./no., Cliatliani. Frooiuan. Marcus, liootiiiaker. .V"! .Inlmson. FIJFF.MAX. T. I'.. Variety Store. JC and liS Waddin-ton .Mlev. Friedeulieinier, S. (1. \ Co.. papc r lian,irers, :i,s Wliari".' FHOST, .]. V. (Kent \ I'".) hardware store. 1.") Fort. Fuillet, Siiri'iiier, locksmith, 4.S Johnson. G (i.\iJ,A(im:i!, Anthonv. lahorer, Fis-'iia.d <iAMP,IT/, KADV; dry ,-oods store, 4.-1 Vate; (Jant, \V. M., teamster.' Fis-iiard. <iardner, Fras. II., dolmson. J •I f U -^r r A N I» V I r T n K I A l> I 1! K »' T n K V. tm (JaiiliHi', Will, jiilot, .liiiucs IJiiv. (iiirrt'tt, TliDS.. iiliistcriT, .laiiics \\i\\. (Inskcll, W. W (Wuyvv \ ('(I.) clntl.icr. II Knft. (laskiii, .liin., slidciiialxcr. Ilrrald. (iaspar.l. T., :! Market Allcv. (lastiiicau, .Imi.. siirvt'vor ami civil oiiuiiiicci', IlmiilMildt. (Iciiicr, Tims.. Iiair-ilrcsscr, 71 < iovcniiin'iit. GKNTIIil']. <J., iiicrcliaiit ami iiii]i(ii'tcr. Vnvi. (iCMii'-v. Uoiicrt. with I'. M. I'>ackiis, \l.\y\ (Jera, Ailaiii. taimcr, .lolmsnii. (icrow, ('. ( .Mar\iii vS: (i.) rariia,ii;i'-iiiak('r ami blacksmitli, (Jov'nt. (icrrnld. Jim. I-'., carpi'iitcr, Ki.s;i-iianl. (iil.l.s. ,1. W. ( Lester iSc < 'n. ) -;Tneer. l2<» Vates. (lil.l.s, l{. A.. ln,l-iiius. !ll Koi-t. (JitHii. T. II.. liarkee|.er at lldKineran-' Iiiii, Liiii;:;ley Alloy. (liMersleNc, Win., Kis;j;uar(l. (liles. lleiiiT. ( 'unimraiit. (iiles. .liin. (i.. i-aliiiiet-iiiaker, Kisi:'iiai'<l. (JIM.AUI). II.VHDV \ CO.. el.ithiers ami (nittitters. S.') (lov't. (iilli-aii. Tatriek, uTneer ami IVuiterer, .V.l .Inlmsdii. CILMnllK. ALKXANDKII. elotliier, 7!i Vates. (iilslaw. Will., cai'lieiiter. .Idliiisoii. (Jiranl. TliDS.. ear)HMitei' ami Imilder, Kis^niard. (iLADWIN. ((i., Tarliell iS: ('<•.) ciiniinissioii iiiereliaut, ") ( 'niiiiiiercial Dlnek. W liaiT. (iladwiu, ( ie<n';j,('. .Injnisini. (ileede, Tims., Orleans ISnardiiiii-l hnise, ( '(inimrant. (Ih-de, lly. ( IMa-k.tt iV Co.) liverv stal.le, :ll .loliiisoii. (llViiii. .1. W. ((i. \ r)la,::-iiire) liakiT. Cdniioraut. (iiidtVev. .Inn.. •J(i ( l(i\criiiiient. (l(lldlH■l•L^ II. iV Co.. i-Iotliiers. "S Coverninent. (lOhhKN, TIlOS., IJrown .)ii,ir SiIimmi, 4.") (lovemuient. (idldsinith, Isaae. drv ,i:-n(ids, '-W Vates. (loldstein. (has., merchant tailor, 117 (I(i\-ernnient. (JdldstiMie, Sanil., ii'eiieral merchant. -"Id Wharf. (Jdiiiliand, lly., 7 Waddin,Lrt<'n .\lley. (Iiind. Charles, Uird-Ca.ue Walk, dames l'>ay. (idddwin. dames, saddler. Market Alley. (Idddwiii. W. <i.. jiainter with d. Faiijas. .")(» dolin.>.in. (idrrie, Tims., ^'rncei'. <>.) lAirt. (Ji'ahani. (icd.. Pandora. (Jraliani, .las., Cdnt'ectidiier. Cdrniurant. (irahani. .Im>.. dohnsdii. (Iraliam. Win., slmeiiiaker, Fis;j:uard. (iraliani>la\\, (<«. i<: Mdrris) Itnilder and contractor. '.HI Vates. (Jrancini. (i. I'!. (Cairo iS: (!.) hardware uiorchaiit, iS Wharf, (iranlmin. W. II.. restaurant, 'lA dohnson. 64 THE BRITISH C L U M B I A X 1^ i \i b \ (Jratli, Jno., Market Allov. (ii'iittdii, Win., lilacksiiiitli, .lolinson. (Jroon, , with F. W. (Jivimi, l>i-nu,i;'lit(>n. GRKKX, A. H., a.ircnts IiniK-rial Ins. Co. and commission agent. Lanirlev. Green, Kdwan'l, witli S. 1^'iee & To., Wliarf. (JKKKX, F. ^\^, surveyor and civil engineer, dwl IJrouiiliton. (JKFFN, J, ((i. tfc Ithodes) commission merchant, Wliarf. Green, Samnel, Iferald. (ireenl)aum, T., Ilumholdt. GreenAvoo(l, G.. -with Hudson IJav Co., dwl dames Hav. (ireenwood, T. R., with Hudson Hay Go.. Vates. Gremian, , (G. cS: Granney) luuiher meirhant. cor Ilumli<tldt and Wharf. GRIFFIX. I'.KXd. P., Boomerang Inn, :* Langley Alley. Grimslaw, .lames. Pandoi'a. (irover, Mi's.. ]irivate hoai'dingdioiise. Vates. ('viiuhaum. Julius. Miner's Saloon, •)•') Johnson. Guest, Thos, Wliart". Guild, , (G., David tS: (^l. ) provision merchant. 1 Commercial 1 Mock, Wharf. Guml)iuiier, .1. 1j.. iin|Mirter, etc., '1'2 Wharf, dwl Park. Gunl)ainn, .1., Whai'f. n Uai; HUMAN', .Tno. C, Quadra. Haggiu. J. ])., doctor, 47 Vates. HALL, A. ,J. (}., ]thysician and accoucheur. Trounce Alley. Hall, 1). JL. teamster, Rlanchard. Hall, P., Hall Saloon. S.") Fort. Hall. Richd., agent, Chatham. llallowell. Wm.. shoemaker. Johns(tn. Halsey. C. ( IJowman i^ H.) livery scaMe. -"IT Yates. ihuniltoii. A., Fort. Hamilton, Christo|iher, Fort. Hang Lee, laundry, Cormorant. Hannah. .lanu's, (iovermuent. Hanson, Wm., teller Rank Ih'itish X. America, -II Vates. Hardisty, Jas., cashier lludsoh Hay Co.. Fort. H.VRRIFS, W. A., i-eal estati' and general agent. -W Go\crnm<Mit. Harris iSc Co.. Leadenhall .Market. <)1 -lohnson. HARRIS, A. M. (U. k Hasdtinc ) .Inhn Ihill lloiei. 2:; Gov't. Ilariis. .)no. ( Woolf. 11. ^; {%>.) (io .Inhiison. HAIHHS. TH(>:dAS, mayor of Victoria. <.iii,v I'olicc Court, and hutcher, 10:1 Gov.'rnnu'nt, ami Wharf, dwl I »ouglas. Hart. Havid. with Shii-]iso-.' I'.ros., ^'ates. Harvey Rros., com!!;;<^ioii mc'chants, '■) Wharf, dwl Fisiruard, 1 • i i i TirgTTgFiigia 1 '■- A \ 1» V 1 (.' T (I I! r A ]) 1 1! K (' T O U Y . »;.) Iliivvoy, R. II., maua^iior of Music Hall, Yates, dwl View. liai'vey, TIkis., carpenter, Herald. Harvey, Win., hlacksmitli, Johnson. ilarvey, Wright, Herald. HASKl/rrXK, d. II. (Harris & II.) John Bull Hotel, Governurt. Haster, Jas., .lolnison. Hastie, Kolit. (('leal. II. & Bankart) restaurant, .") Furt. Hatch, .hio., carjienter, Yates. Hay, Jno., haker, ^'ates. I laves, Mrs.. .Idhnsnn. Hayne, d.. Fort St. IJakery, Fort. Haynes. A. ("., Iniotiuakei', Cormorant. Heal, Jno., private l>oardin,ii'-iiouse, 2t) Fort. Heanville. I'., iVuit-ilciler, .')7 dohnson. Heath, Tims., hookd<eeper with daninn ()c (!reen. Wharf. Ileathnnie, Wni., hootniaker, ( 'oi-nmrant. Ileaton, (i. \V.. tiii (inverniiieiit. Heenan, Win. ( hexter iV. 11.) IJritish American Saloim, (.'orniorant. HeLTele, ('.. har'n'i'. 74 (loverninent. Hein. Mrs., luillinei'. (>T < iovernnient. HKISTFIIM.W. II., Fxchan-e Keadin- lloom. 111 (loverument. Ilel,--ess(.n. H. I... Fort. Ilelsniartel, li., ti'mcei', Stnre. Henderson ^c IJiirnahv, odnnnission merchants. 4 Commercial IMock, Wharf. Ilciiders(i;i. K. \V. .1.. tinsmith, 1 •"> Fort. Ileiislev. A]l)ert, clerk to Attorney-( ieneral, Yates. HI'IUUI'], W. F.. newspaper ai!;ent and stationer, Yates. Hewston, Wm.. tanner, .lohnson. Ilcwstnii. Wm.. <,hiadra. Ilcvwiidd. .Idscph. liutcher, IS Fort. lirUlil'lX, T. N. (II. tS; Caiswcll) hookseller and stationer,:!! Yates. Hicken iS: ('n., meat market, '1\ .lolmson. Hickev. ('has., carpenter, .lohnsim. HKJliLVS, I)A\dI) W.. piiolisher •• Chroniele." < iovei'innent. Hill, .Inn., carpenter, KaiU'. Hill. Dr., Pi-ht Kev. I'.ishop, IJritish Columhia. Church lieserve. Ilinil. \V. <i.. painter, |)<imj,las. nines. F. (Al-es ^: H.) V'umrrv Hotel, Yates. Ilinii; Wall, laundry, 1") ( iovermncnt. Ilinton, .Ino., machinist, dnhnson. Hintiin. dnn.. machinist, (diathani. Ilolilis, Wm., .Iiijinsdn. Hoi'ter, das., .Idhnsnn. HodLr<'ns, F., watchmaker, 10.") < iovernmciit, IIOFF.MAN, A., .lealer in dry ;;-oods, 74 Yatos. (i() T II K 1! U 1 T I S H (' L U M I! I A X Jloftniaii, S., View. Ilii^'iiii, II., Herald. ll(i^;!ui, -J. S., iiiillwri,i;lit, Fis<^uard. llotraii, W. ,]., Jloraia. ll()lii:)l']N, K. ('., An^'lo-AiiK'rican Hotel, cor Douglas and Yates, lloldeii, Jiio., book-keeper witli J. Rucft', Wharf. Holland, (i., Yates. Holland, Jas.. Fisguai'd. Hollin.^sworth, T. ('., with Wni. ( 'tilverwell, Yates. ildhiies. Miss, l)ou;j;las. Jlonifray, 11., sui'veyor and civil enjiineer. Trounce .\lley. Hoji Wa, l)oar(lin_Li;-house, Cornioi'ant. Horsier, Thomas, ))la,sterer, Johnson. Hortou, Abraham, Johnson. ]Ioskin^', J., ^rrocer, etc., Store. Hosteller, Jas., Johnson. Hdward. K. ('apt., Kane. HOWARD, v. ITtKSTON, ollice " \ictoria Dlreclory." Yates. HuflT, John, barber, Herald. Hunhes, Jas., bootmaker, (iovernment. liu^dies, R. W., carpenter, Fis;iuard. Hunt, J. M. ((.'ainoron tJc II.) blacksniitli and carriage-maker, Cormorant. Hunter, James. Market Alley, lluntei', J. (Jackson & 11.) pm'k liutcher. '■> Foil. HUSTON, (JUY, gunsmith, 17 Vates. Iluung (.'hong, laundry. Douglas. Hypnlite, N.. hair-dresser, *J7 (iovernmi.'nt. H'.iiiTSiix, Jolm, grocer, Humboldt. Ilift'e, ('has., siu-geim dentist, (iovernment. Iliffe. (Jeorge. 77 ( lovei'iiment. Jrviii''. Alexr., Fisguard. Irvine, Thos., machinist, l-'isguard. Irving, Jas.. Johnson. J-ving, \\m., capt. steaniei- Iveliance, Hi-oad. Isaacs, C, clothier, Yates. Israel, A. (Martin \, I.) Indian ti'ader. l^! .lulm-on. Ivev, W. H., laborer, Fisguard. Jacicsox, F. H., tailor, •_'<) JoJuisiDi. Jackson, J. (Hunter iV J.) |ini-k butcher. :l Fort. Jackson, J. (i. ( W. F. Stronach it J.) Junibei' merchant. Wharf. Jackson, Jas. S., with Anderson iS: Co., Vnvt. . AND ^' 1 (' T <) R I A ]) I K ]■; C T K Y , 07 - Jackson, Jno., provision morcliant, 101 Fort. Jackson, Tlios., dravnian, Johnson. Jackson, Mr., suv^oon, etc.. Store. Jacobi, Diivid, irstauratenr, 4iS Vates. Jacobs, A,, cleaner and dyei-, '2'2 Waddiniiton Alley. Jacobs, li., Tuohnnne Kestaurant, 41 Johnson. Jacciues, (J. iV l-'oi-syth ) l)ootniaker, Johnson. Janiieson, ('. O., ij;rocer, ~'I (iovei'nnient. JAN ION. (iJlKKX i^ IIIIODKS, commission merchants. Wharf. Jeddini:. I^•bt.. Johnson. Jeddinu', Hnf'us, Johnson. Jeffery, .lames, carpenter, Jaines I'ay. JertVay, Ileni-y, cabinet-maker, l*andt)ra. JettVay, Henry, cabinet-maker, Cormoi'ant. Jett'ray. JdIiii, with I'iercc c^ iSeymonr, Broad. Jerti'ay, T.. carpenter, Vates. Jelli'av, '!". \V. ('.. ]»ainter. Doiiu^las. JKKKIJAY. WILIJAM, broker, 2t; Wharf. _ JKKFI^AV, MiiS., dry ixoods and millinery, 57 (iovernment. Jefts, Mrs., di'essmaker, Courtney. Jelly, -bmathan. .Johnson. Jeml, II. M.. provision deidei-. Store. Jersev. Wni., laborer, (iovernment. .n-:SS()I». 'r. C, Central School, Fort. -lewil, I leiiry. carpenter, Pandora. .I(iel, Saiiil.. I'anddi'a. .Johns, M.. eai'pentei', ('ormnr;int. -Johnsim, F. Mrs., seamstress. 4:1 Fort. Johnson. II. ('., baker. :'> Wadilin,:iton Alley. .lohiison, K. !>., v,ith (i. IVarkes. solicitor, (Iovernment. Johnston, Adam, waterman, ^'iew. Johnston, D. !>., cai'penter and l)uilder, Yates. Johnston, Isaac, ( IJrown iS: .J.) bootblack. Sl» (iovernment. .Johnston, -James, .Johnson. .Johnston. .J. .J., waterman. Fort. .Johnston, \Vm., Idacksmith, Waddin.iiton Alley. Jones, Charles, eai'pentt'r and builder. Yates. Jones, Columbus. .Johnson. Jones, 1)., Douglas. Jones, .Jas. ('apt., l*an<loi'a. .Jones, '1'.. clerk Hudson Day Co., (.^leen's Aveinie. .Joshua, ('has., Cormorant. Junesoii, I'eter, tinsmith, .Johnson. Jun^'crman, T. L., watchmaker, ;">.") Yates. Juslin, W., 15road. r 68 T II K I! K I T I S l[ COL U M 1! I A N IC Kaitmax, D., tiiilni-. View. KA\'ANA(ilf, DHNIS, (K. i: Bulcs) dealer in woud and coal, lluinholdt. T\(H\Lj;aii, Adam, eariienter, ConiKH'ant. Keciran, Luke, Johnson. Keeiiaii, J. C, Fashion Hotel. 21 Yates, dwl 7 Lan.iiley Alley, Keithley, Louis, hrieklayer, (,>uadra. Kellei', Auirustus, ( K. iS: I'huniiier) San Franeisco Hestauraut, 4^') Johnson. Kello,ir,:r, Adam, eariienter, (^Miadra. Kelly, ('has.. Cormorant. Ki'liiLV. J. jj.. hardware de.ili'i'. Yates. Kelly, Sand. h.. tinsmith. -Vl Vates. Kem|», Misses, Maelure. Kempton, F. <J.. Ill (Jovei'nment. Kennedy, John, with !'. M. I>ael<us. dwl Wuv. KFXT.'.I. (". (K. \, Frost) hardware store, 1;") Fort. Kerr, llolit.. Su|)erior. KFVSFIJ. J AS. W.. tent-makrr. 12 Vates. KiiiLi'. .1. II.. liarkeeju'i'. Moiisi|nctaire Saloon, Johnson. Kini:, |{o))t.. Cormorant. Kiiii:'. Wni., restaurant and hakery, -l') Johnson. Kim:', Mi's., Superior. Kirlpy. Jno., (^>uadra. Kirk. \y. II.. provision dealer. Ii2 Yates. Kirline. I'atriek, (K. \ Scitz ) liu'ricr. ete.. -Jt! Johnson. Kirslon. Franeis, shoi'maker, ( 'ormorant. Kna]»p. II.. Imilder, LanLiley. Knox, Jonathan, hlaeksmith, (,>nadra. Ivoshland Hrothors. dry iroods and elotliicrs, 1 Vates. Krinder, John, (St. (>ur-^ iS: Co.) commission merehant. Wharf. Kun Lee. laundry. (^Miadi'a. Kuper. \Vm.. carpenler. <^>u;idra. KwoiiLf Lee iS: ('()., eomniis>ion merchants. Coi'morant. Kwoiii:- Sin-', Sacramento Kestaiu-ant. Waddin-ton Allev. / li\i;i!ii;. Louis. (^Miadi'a. Lacy, <iilliert. .M.L'.<'.S., siii'L^'eon. '\'ates. liaiiranLiC Mrs.. lioardini:-liouse. Store. i-aniliert, K. ( li. ^ KcimI) ;;-i'(iin'r. \'ates. Ijane, Lenjamin. (Cole \ L. ) liarhei'. \'iew, Lau'j:. (!.. Scotch iiaker. liastion. Lan;/. . shiphuilder. Laurel I'oint. Lanii', (i.. Herald. 1 A N 1) VI C T U 1 A I) I H K (' T U Y 69 < 1. T.AN(3LEY BROTHERS, diu.ir-ists, ni Yatos. ljan,u;li'y, Kdwai'd, earjionter, .JoIuiskh. Laii;4rick, Charles, carpoiitor. JdlmsDii. Lanuaii, James, Ixiot and slmeinaker, in Yates. LASH, ISADOIJK, inilliiier, ',!!» (iovennaeiit. liatluun, .James, cai']ieuter, rourtiiey. liaiimeister & (Joweii, brewers, Cruvenmient. Laundi'i's, Chai'les, (Ji)veriiment. Lavarretla, Manuel, Yates. Lauder, M., shoemaker, Johiisou. Lawrenee. (Jeo., Kaue. Jjawsou, (.'lias., Yiew. Lawsdii, W. (L. & Stcedo) restaurant. Fort. Ledlow, paiutei' and liuilder, Vates. Ledi'ier, A., Mous(juetaire"s Saloon, ~'2 Johnson, Lee Sonu;, J*andora. Lee, William, James Ray. Lee-y-shan,i!', J)i*., Chinese doetoi'. Cormorant. LE>ii:\'Hi', DAYll), (L. .!c Eekstein) wholesale feed store, 'li Wharf. Lennie, C., Market Alley. Leonard. C, E., Rlanehai'd. Leopold, Chas., hlaeksmitii with Duek iS: Co., Fisguanl. liei'ritsen. .loliii, iirocer, iluni'toldt, Lestt'r i*c (iihhs. ^'I'oeers, llO "N'ates. lietaire. A., (."alil'ornia Restaurant, 111 Johnson. Lettier, Jlohi-rt, earpenter, I'andora. iievi, .lohn. (Jlolte Hotel, ^id (iovernment, Levi. Jiio. .L. jeweler, 40 ^'ates. lii'vieh .1., eli'fk Hudson \]\\y Co.. ( ioveriuuent. licvisiiii. John, earj)ent('r, Fisu;uard. Levy, i>ros., L. \, N.. Ciieap .loliu Store. '2'} Johnsnn. Levy. Cliai'Ies, importei', '2\ Wharf. Levy. .L. taijoi'. .Johnson. Levy. .John, Inroad. Levy, iiouis. eloiiiier, 1 .Johnson. Lcwin. Slerman. ( Draverman \ \,.) tnhacconist. ": '2 Yates. Lewis. H. {' , Ihidson Ray Co., dwi .lames Lay. liewis, .1.. merchant tailor. 71 ^'at('S. I^ewis, .John, Johnson. Lewis. .John Richard, architect, (iovennnent. liCwis, Lewis, clothier, 4:i ^'ates. liCwis. IMiilip, tohaeconist, ii2 Yates. LEWIS, IL. undertakei'. 2'J (iovernment. iJ'lWlS. JHCIIAHI). architect, (Iovernment. Lindsay, Haniel, China ami ,uiass ware, 2-> Fort, liissett, Jas., (^("aulier t^ Co.) laiilder, liT Fort. 70 T l[ K 1! l: I T I S II C L I M li I A N liittic, JatiK's, Pandni'ii. LnTLK, .I.XO. T., .-"Ill uicirliaiir, Wiiai-f. <l\vl IJao. Littlci-, Kivdk. i\: <'(>., iimtfiii liakcrv. Puiitlora. Tiivin^n'stoiic, K. ( Sclildss i\; K. ) liaiiktT, Vatcs. Ti'l/Ildtelicr, wiuc mcrcliatit. 7 Wliarf. Loat, (.'hristojilier, clerk Aiiilcrsnn i^ Cd., Wharf. LiXiV.own, J()SO[>h, la,i;x'r hvcv salixm. S4 ( invenimotit. Lolise, K. W., liaine-dcalcr, !K) (Mivcvmiicut. Tiomas, \V. n., odiumissinu aiiriit, '2\ Vt>vt. Ijonaii, J. J., View. Loiiard, ^V. II., Jolmsoii. Liiiiddii, William, ,L^•u•^l^ll('r, Mirliiii'nii. liiiii.LT, 'J'Ikiiiuis, iifws rc'jiorter, 41 Kurt. Loufks, Kdward, fiirricr, .Johnson. Loson, .lames, .Jolmson. Lovell, .)., clerk with S. Price .^ Co., Wharf. Lowe, Charles, dwl llei-ald. LOAVK. .lAMKS. (L. Hr<K^. ) commission a-ent. :'.0 Yates, LOWKM'.KIMi. i.KOi'OlJ). real estate a-vnt, :;;• Covenmient. liiui,::; liUnii:, ^trenei'al packers and iirocers. Cormorant. Lync, Henry, printer " Chronicle" ollicc, \'ates. S^ S f i 1 I ■ j * M MacAlisteh, .1. C, clerk with (ii-eeman i^ Crawnev, Wharf. ^rACDOXALI) .^ CO., hankers, :> Yates. Macdonald, A. I). (M. i^ Co.) dwl S]»rin,iitield. Mack, K., clerk with Anderson iSc Co., Ilnmlioldt. ^^ackie, .John, clerk to S. Franklin i\: Co.. 7<i Cdveriiment. Ma^'ce. Mrs., l)oardinii'-house. Yates. M.ilN, \. R, hroker, '2i\ Wharf. Malatesta & Co., .grocers, cor .Johnson and < )iicnial Alley. Mallandaine, M. !)., Yates. Malov anski. .)., dwl Fis^-iiard. Afalowanski, M., tohacconist. 4.") Yates. M.dstei', William, lahorer. dwl DoiiLiias. Mancri't, .J., at Hotel de France, tlwl Uroad. MAXFTTA, 1?., Oriental Alley. 4(1 Yates. Mansell, (leor^o, .irrocer, .V.> Fort. ^lansell. If., hootmaker, S7 Covernment. Mausell, .las. (M., ('line .S: Co.) hutchcrs, 7.") ( Jovcrnment. Mansell, Thos., hlacksmith. Herald. Manson, Phincas, Humholdt. Manson, Th(»mas, wheelwriii'ht. .lames Pay. flannel & Lyons, clothit'rs, L") Johnson. Marks, Flias, watchmakei' and jeweler, ■'!<• Yates. .Marks, , (Plackn,ni .Sc M. ) hardware, etc., \-] Yates. J, iff A N U VI C T 11 I A 1) I U K C T K V 71 V Marks, Simon, View. Miirsli, Charles .)., clerk lliulsoii Udy ("<>., Oak Farm. Martin vS: Israel, Imlian traders, "):> Johnson. Martin, Ahrani, merchant, .lolmson. MAirriN,.!. l).,sa(hller. :5S Vutes. ^^artin, John, iiTocer, lliimholdt. Martin, T. K., hook-kcepei-, 44 Wharf. Marvin, Hdi^'ar, hardware merchant. Fort. Marvin, K.V... saihuaker. 4:2 Wharf. Marvin iS: <lerow, carria.^-e-makers and l.lacksmitlis. (ioveniment. Mason, , (Spenee cS: M.) ]ilumlier, Uastion. MASOX. CFOlKiF. ( M. cS: i'.alls) Identical Saloon, d Vates. Mason, Richard, ( .M. & Creen) hlacksmith, (roverimient. Masterson, .1. A., l)lacksmitli, F'isguard. MastersiHi, Wm., Cormorant. >ras>iri'. Joim. watchmaker. Cormorant. Matthews. (!. 11. ( P.rown .^ M. ) clothier, ') Waddiii,i;ton Alloy. Matthews, .Ino. (i., (,>iiadra. Matthie, Alexi-.. cari>enter. Uroad. MATTIIIFSSKX. T., St. Nicholas Iloti'l, 111 (Jovernment. MA'rrillHSSKN. N. C.. St. Nicholas Hotel, 111 (iovernment. Mattocks, C. 1).. compositor, " i>i'itish Colonist" office. Maud, llenrv, machinist, Fisi^uard. >Taxwell, Aiiam. tanner, Fis;:uard. >[a\\vell. John, ship carpenter, Cormorant. Maxwell, Thomas. (,)nadra. Mav, Knoch. (Jovernment. McCAXN, Tiros. 11.. PhuMiix Sah«on, K) Yates, dwd ."i,") Fort. .NFcCartv. Dennis. Cormorant. >rcCaskell. K., - P.ritish Colonist" offiee. (iovernment. McCrea. A., with Fraser v^ Co.. saddler, 1(»2 Vates. MfCUFA,.). A., auctioneer. -J.") Wharf, dwl Doii^irlas. McCredy. dohu .)., huildei'. \'iew. McDonalil. .). NV.. carpenter. Store. .Mcl)onnell. .1.. tailor. 1 (iovernment. M( DOXXFi.li, U. T. .Mits.. restaurant. iO (iovernment. McDouicall. (ieorire. Maclure. Mcllanly. ,17 Wharf. Mclntosii, A. K.. carpenter and Imilder. 100 Yates. McKav, .1. (i.. wine merchant. P.astion, dwl Rae. McKav, .1. 11., .James Hay. McKe'n/.ie, D., hook-keopor " JJritish C<iloni'-'t "' office, (iovernment. McKenzie, .1. ( Rowland .^: ^\.) Overland lu ;t. I'.road. McKenzie, Kenneth, .lames Ray. ^fcKcan, Wni., Wharf. McKeon. Wm.. har-keeper at \\ Manctta's, dwl Rro\i,i.diton. McLean, Alexr., hootmaker, t» Fort. Jt. r 72 T II !•; li K I T 1 S II C L U J] J! I A N 1 J i ' MfManus, .)., o;ir|K'iiti'r, Doii^jilas. Mc-MillMii. Alex-., riiiitliam. M. MI I. LAN, .lAMKS K., ].u1.Iisli(T - ("Im.nii-U'."' (i.^vrrimaMii. M('<^>ii!i(U', .liuiii's, slii)! i-lianillcr. 41 Wlutif. .M( ^X'ADK. ri-;TKI!. ship diainllcr. 41 Wharf. .Iwl V'>r[. McTavisli, l)ii;ial(l, chief factor lliidsnu l!ay Co., dwl Uastimi. Mc'IVniaii, P., jjjoiicral dealer, '•) .Inlmson. Meliius, <'harli's, C(M)|icr. Kis^iiiianl. Medina, I*., iiierehaut, Fort. Medi'old, lleiirv, tailoi', -7 flohiismi. Meldi'iiin, (leorn'e, shi|) cai'iieiiter. View. MKIiDKl'M, X. K. (M., Stewart vS: Co.) 0(nniHissioii uicreliaiit, iiau^ii'lev. Melertieli. Saiul., Adelplii Saloon. L") \'ates. Merrett, IJ. -J., Hndoljili Saloon. L") Waddin-ton Alley. .Meyer, Arnold, (Charlton i^ M.) ealiinet-niaker, Pandora. Meyer, M. (.M. iS: Trieste) elothier. ri'.i Vates. dwl I'andora. -AfeVer, M. ( Uanelli >S: .M. ) haii- ilresser, '.'7 ( io\ernnient. Middlet(.n. Koht.. Herald. Milliy, W.. uroeer. Is .lohnsun. Miles, Walter, (Wilson \ M.) Austi'alia House, .") and !• (iove'nt. Miller. Krnest, shoe tindin;j:s, 2^ .Johnson. Miller,.!. ( A'o,i:el iS: M.) haker, Sd (iovernnient. ]\Iiller, .1.. waterman. \'ii'w. Miller, Wni. ( M. <^ I'helps) Miner's Restaurant. US .Johnson. Minis, John, Kisixnard. Mitchell, T.. groceries and provisions. Stori". Mitchell, Tlios., What Cheer House, Yates. >[oles, W., Dou-ias. Mojito)', S. c^ Co., assayers. 11 ^'ates. ^fona^dian, Terence, Coi'uiorant. Monet, . (Morris \. M.) toliaceonist, 71 Cmcrnnient. ]Monitz, M., Vates. Montahio. (Jiovanni, {ishnioniicr. 17 Waddin,ii.tou .\lley. Mooilv, .J. A., newsiMiUi. 1(J.') ^'ates. MOORI-:, .lAMKS, .'Seirhy \ M.) dru--ist. ■'>:] (lovcnmient. dwl < "orilon. Moore, M. (Curtis \, M.) dru,i:-,:j;ist, •")'■• \'ate.s. Moore, N. ^l Co., diy li'oods, .")S \';ites. Mori'is, 11., Kis^Miard. Morris, II. .1. (M. cS: Co. ) Yates. Morris, John, surveyor, Su])enor. .Moi'ris iS: Monet, tol>acconists, 71 (Iovernnient. .Morris, Thomas, carpenter, Kae. Morris, , (Craliamslaw \ .M.) Imildei', \H\ Vales. Morrison, Chas., Snu^ij; J{estaurant, oS Whari'. Morrison, .John, IJroad. v^ 1\ • N- lit A N 1) V 1 (' 'I' (I U 1 A I' I II K <• I' <i U Y :\[(.iTis(.ii, 'M. fl., cUtIx, ?ark Cottage, llumUoIdt. Muses, Firdk., Di'., Kiiiie. ]\I()uatt, Wni.. (.'apt. stcaiiicr Kiitcriirisc. .Jaincs Uay. Moiiltoii. AirliiliuM. lilai'ksmitlu Dmi^las. Moutoii, Aujxiistc, Park. Moiittct, L., ])rniliicc' iiicivliant, '22 .lolinson. Miiir, William, rnuniiissinu iiiiciit. iiaiitilt'y. ]\[uiini, AU'xaiulcr. acniiintant lluilsdu Uay Co. Muiisim. .laiiR's, cai'|ifiit('i'. Herald. Muiisnii. Tlioiiias, Kisjiuard. Mur|iliy, IV'ti'r. lalioi'i-r. Kis;i;uard. Murray, .laiiu's, Vates. Murray, .)no. K., liaker, ilti .Inlnisoii. MriiUAV, N. (Willsuii ,^ M.) baker, 20 F..rt. Murray, Siiiinii, lilarksiuitli, (l(ird<iii. Mustrove, Knliert. ( Idyernuieiit. Mu.xley, -Joseph, earpeiiter, l*'isg\iard. (•) 1\ • w IS" NAdLE. .IKIJKMIAII, (.I.N. .^ Co.) shippin.^ a-eut. Bastion, dwl .lames iJay. Xatliaii, Alexander, meirliant. Wharf, dwl ( loveriiineiit. NATHAN, IIMNKV. Sk., merdiant, 2 ("oiumereial 151(.ek, Wharf, ilwl < lovenuneMt. Nathan. Henry. .Ir.. merehant. Wharf, dwl ( lovernnient. Nathan S.. 'I'emple Saloon, :')•» Yates. Neal, W. H.. earpi'nter, .lohnsuii. Neelan. Michael, HT Kort. N'eely, Aarnn. stoni'-entter. Herald. Nelson, -lames, .lohnsun. Nelson, , expressman Wells, Fari:o c^ Co., Yates. Nes'iitt, -Ino., shoemaker, -lohiisdii. NKSr.rrr, SAMI... hlseult l.akery, -V.t Yates. Neustadt, N., Yates. Ne\vl>er,ii;er, Wm.. (.'hrysnpolis Saloon, 4.") -Johnson. Newman, Isaac, llae. Nias, Mrs. K., .Michi,ii:an. Nicholls, -Ino., -Idhnson. Nicholls. William, painter, l'aud(»ra. Nicholls, William, carpenter. Uroad. Nicholls, Di'., (irove Lud^-e Ix'tween Hoii.irlas and Pdanchard. Nicholson, A. N., family ^irocei', -Vl Fort. Nicholson, ,J. C, clerk with Dickson, Camphell .Vc Co., Wharf. Ninas, Salva, ]irivate hoardin<i--h(mse, Trounce Alley. Noldermiei'. M., Yates. Noltemeier, Auirust. liootmaker, 102 Yatos. Vs., I T II K I! U 1 T I S II (• (» I, !• M I! I A .V Nowliui, , iruiiil.oldt. Nuttall, Tlios. C, l»ouk-|<,.,.j„.,. \vitli J. ,J. Soiitliiiiitc .S; ('(,.. Wliaif. O'huycf. I'., l.akcr, |;! < lovcnimcut. Olillidiii, \V., Kane. Olivor, \V. II., ;i:r<RTncs. fk'.. 1(> Jnlmscn. Oliver, W. li., lH,wliii-sal(M,n, II Wa.Miu-f.m Vllcv. Ollanl, Will., ;;as-fitt('r. .loinis.m. Oniiistoii, JiKi., shociiiakcr, <,)iiaili'a. On-, lidhcrt, carpenter, (Jiiadra. OM,irIit..i,, W., - IJritisl, Cnl.M.ist- „ffiee, (mveninieut. P.\<ii;, William, Fort. PaliiUT, .Iiiaii, llimihnl.lt. Parke, TIiks., draviiiau, < Ji)veriiiiu'iit. Parker, .Ino., .Maeliire. ];AHKI\S(,N, K. >ri,s.. uiilliner. eor llroad ann' View J- armcnter, Thos., Kis;r,in,-(l. PasseranI, If.. T<> Jnliiison. PASSMOjfK, K. J.. .James Hay. Patch, C, wlieelwriuiit, Ci>rmnr;mt. Patterson, Jolni, laborer, ("urmoraut. Patterson, Wm., shoemaker. Kis-uanl PATTinCK,TII(.S. ^ C()., h:;uor dealers. l:;n;,,vernnu.nt. Pea.irpo, Jiiilio. Johnson. Poarce, Tsahel. haths and restaurant. !M (lovernment Pearcj, Alexi-., Pandora. Pearkes, Fi-edk., Fort. Poarkes, (I^vm-o solicitor, puhlic n..tary, (14 and 7(» ( iovernment. I earson, Kdward, Pandora. PKXI)KK(;AST, K. v., a;.ent li.r Wells, i-'ar^o ^ (",,, ■>:, y.t,. dwi Lan,u;ley .Vllev. T'enrice, Misses, ('(■.lle-'iate ScIkx,]. dul Hue, Pepper, Hohei't. Herald. PKKRCTT, FHAXK, (P. ^ 'IVlH.) AIhi.,n Salo,.n. 14 Vates. 1 erry, J eter, shoemaker. Cormorant. Petchlear, (Mistave. .grocer, i".t .lohnson. Potro, Jno., carpenter, Herald. Phelps, Ed. (Miliar & P.) Johnson, dwI Mew Pholps, H. M., |>ioneer Lunch, 11 Johnson. hilhps, Alexr., so.la water manufacturers, h<.use 71 and 77 Fort. I liillips, t?., watchmaker, s:] (Jovenunent. ■i\ -?» <^\ M -?» A N 1> V I ( r o It I A li I It |.; (' T n It V 75 (4i\ PK'KKTT .^ ro. (W. k ir. A P.) pnivisi..,, mcirliants, :'. Cniii- iiicrcial HInck. W hurl', I'ickK-s, .1. C. 7 Knit. I'ic'ot, .Iiilia, \ icu . I'idwcll. .1. T.. MTi'ctarv I Inrticiilti 1 Sn('ict\-, lluiiilnildt. riKK*'!-: \ SKV.MoiK, niinituir (li'iilci's, '4l» IJina.l. I*i;r<itt. .).. Mcai'os. I'itts. .1. II., .").") (iuvcnmiciit. I'laskrtt. Will. ( I'. \ (Jlidf) livcrv stalilcs, '> { .Idliiison. I'liiiiiiiicr, Will. ( Keller i'^ I'.) |:'. .lolinsdii. POKTKU, .\., l.rifkiiiaker, Sai.nicli Head. I'osev. 'r. |{., cnriier h'lirt aiiil (inveriiiiieiit. Post-Ofiice, N'ictoria, Hi Wliari". I'ostdii. James (!.. iiiercliiiiit, P>r(iUL:lit<iii. POWKi.l.. .1. W., |,livsiriau, 1 Kurt. Pnyiitcr. Nalliaii, Imsier, (iu < luveriiiiient, dwl .Inlm-dii. Pra;_% .Martin, liiirduare dealer, *JS Vates. Preston, Unlit., Kisginrd. i'rice. Saiiil. »S: Co., iiiercliaiits. 4 Wliaif. Price, 'riinina-;. waterman, Fis_i:;uar(l. Pric(>, Tims, (i., Kane. Prindle, K. .1., IJae. Prinr, .las. K.. L^as-fitter, •! .Inlinsnii. PI(lTCIIAIM),''['linnias, Imrtifulturist, .\[nnnt Pleasant, Meures. Prniiiis, (J., iri'neeries and jirnvisinns, til* .Inlinsnn. Pryee, K. ( "aniiilpell, t'ltl (invernmeiit. Q (jrAlM-KS, KKKDK., St. Xiclmlas Salnnii, Onverninent. (.>>iiiek. , i'niii|insitnr. " I'ritish ('lijniiist"" ntHoe, ( Jnvernnient. <>|nnn Hall, wasliinir and imnin:^-, Stni^'. l^^<i(!.^/(>^■r, , <JnverniiK'iit. Haii'iiiizniii, .1. & („'n., jirnvisinii <lealers, T-) Vate.> IJaninns, Sanmi-l, Teiiiiile Salnnii, :\i\ Viites. Ixandall, Pliiliii, ^■;ltes. Ha|ialja, Win., lilaeksmitli, ( Invernnient. lv;iti.:aii, Ivhsard, stniie-eutter, lluinlmldt. I{avinnnd, .Itm., earver, < Jnvernnient. Read, Kdward, tailor, AS Fort. liecil, |{. I). (K. iS: lianiltert) ,-Toeer, Vates. Koid,.). N. ('., iiiercliant, lliinilioldt. Hold, W. II.. watcliinaker, ":') l''ort. Heinliart, Sininii, I Iniiibnldt. (t) T 11 !■: 1! |{ I S I S II (' n I, I M I! I A N I{('|ilHiii, \\u\., caiiih- iMMimractiirci'. '.•'» Nates. Hcviinlds, I'Vcilk.. liiitclici-, lioiidnii Miirkft. IIJ Vatcs. IHIODKS. IIKNMV. (.laiiiniudiv.-n \ 11.) Wliaif. .h\l llcniM. Hiclianl, l'"iii'tuiic. cariK'ntcr. Kurt. Iiicliai'ds, llciirv. Sii|ici'icii-, .laiiH's |»a_v. Hiclianls, Win., iiaintcr, l''is,niianl. I!icliai'(lsi)ii, (i('(i., \'ii't(>ria Iluti'l. lil ( ln\t'i'iiiiictif. |{i(lp', .Insli. Clias., fdimuissinu un'irliaut, Jil ( in\ci'iiim'iit. Hid^'c, .1.. <^U'Ik'C. Ivillcslcy. Clias. Jnlmsiin. ITni,!.', I). IJ.. I'arristcr, conicr |)ni|Mias and I'nrl. Uiu.Lro. 'I., Vatcs. Hinii'd, Saunu'l, \'orandali lintel. !• .Inlmsini. Hulierts, Tiiiintliy. dravniaii. Nates. K'dlierlsnn. Aiidi'ew, uiereliaiit tailnr. N |""urt. Knlpei'tsiiii, Kri'dk., ealiiiiet-inaker. SO .Idlmscpii. Kdliertsoii. .). .M.. \'ieu. JJdliiiisnii. A. W.. niei'cliaut. ( inNcrniiieiil. Iiiildnson. .1. IJ.. nieirliaiit. ( inveriinieiit. Hodirei-s, A. W .. clerk. Cnllinsnii. Hifdircrs. ji. S. ( K. \ Wiiilcf) ,i:riicers. Sii (idvcnmieiit. |{(illand. .In<i.. Ilci'ald. Iinjlaiid. Adam. |iai!itei'. .Injinsdii. KnlHllirs. !•;.. 1 tlliakcl'. \'2 .InhllSiill. Kniido. Matt. car|iciitcr, Fis;:uar(l. J{()I'KI{. S. (|{, cS: C.) clntliuT. n Kurt. KOSCOK. K. .1. ( Kcllnwt's \ II.) ii-..MiiinM-ers. Wliarf. I\i>sc, A., at '" llritisli C'lloiiist " nfHi-e. < invefniiient. Hnss, (J., biMitniakei, 4H delmsini. Iiossitcf. Saiiiiiel, kdinrer. Cliatliaiu. liossitei'. .lanics. |ilasterer. I'"is'^'iiai-d. Kiitliwell, (.'lias., carpciitei'. .Icjiii-nn. l{n\ve, Leonard, jiainter. IJlaiicliaiil. lidwcn. luiliert. <^>nadra. liUert". .Inles, jirnvisinu inci'ehant. \\ half. Unrt", .Martin, sli(»cniaker. Ilunilinldt. Knslitnii. IleniT. clci'k IJanl. ot" IJritisli CtilnniMa. dwl Ilunilinldt. Kiisland. \Villiaiu. tinsmitli. .Idlmsnn. Iiusscll, Ivlwin. clerk IJank i>[' Uritisli C'llninliia, dwl I-'nrt. Hiitliert'ti'd. Kniit., Jdlinsdii. Jtvaii. Patrick. Iliimlinldt. kk ^ SALKS. WILLlA>r. laundrv. Kane. SaniiiSdii. <lcnr::('. cai'iieiitei', Umad. S.VM Woo, Lord ^■els^n Restaurant. Stoiv .i A \ ii V I (' T <• It I A i> I i{ !•; (' r It It \ . :;•» Saiiilnvc, Sti'|ili<'ii. with S. |)iick iV: (Jo., lilacksmitli, [''is^iiard. Siimlrir. (J., t'niit ami tiilmccd, Sl (iovrriiiiu'iit. Sai'i'i'I, IJnlit.. iiia.-iuii. liTdail. SArNI)KI{S, , ( Wii.L'lit i^ S.) anliitcct, I'.n.ad. Savers. A. N. iS: Co. ( Akci's iS: Co.) t'niit ilcalcrs, ."> .Jolmsoii. Savers. II. A., Ulancliai'd. Saywanl, W. P., liiiii'tci' iiiercliaiit. corner Wliaif and i"'ort. Seliloss iS: liivinu'stoiie, liankci's, Nates. Sfliloss. I'\ ( S, \ i/ivin^tonc ) liankcrs. Vatos, dwl Cornioraut. Selioticld. A. .1., eontraetitr. Kis_i:;iiar(l. Soott. Clias., Ilroad. Scott. (leoi'L'e. Oovcrnnu'ut. Scott, .liio. A.. ["'isLTiiard. Scott, Wclili \ Co.. City Auction IJonins. cornev Foft and Wliai-f. Scully, M.. |iaiiitcr, Itlancliai'd. SKAHMV. W. M. (S. .S: .Mooir) dni,Lr;j:ist. ")•■'. (iovcrnnicnt. Sccoiulic, Williatii, niacliinist, Conuorant. Seelie. II. I'. ( II. I'. S. \ Co.) ( io\ crniueut. Seciie, .1. I'. ( II. 1*. S. \; Co.) (lovcnuuent. Selil. I).. Marlsct Alley. Sl'-llli, .lACOl). turniturc di-alcr, -l") (lovLM'nnicnt. dwl IJi-ouLihton, Seit/. Julius. ( Kirline iV: S. ) t'uri'ier. .lohnsou. Shanks. lluLiii, car|icntci'. \'ic\v. Sliannon, Sdlduion, toliaccoiiist. 10 Vates. Sliai'|i('s, Clias. II,. cai'iK'Htei', .Jojinsou. Sliaw. .lames, ( iovci'iinicut. Shaw, .lanics, .lohnson. SHAW, .lA.MKS A. (S. .^ Shcttlcfoc) hutclier. Fort. Shearsuiith. A., .Maclure. Sheldan. .lolin. tanner, Fisifuard. Shc|ihci-d, (iiiv Ii. (Tillv (S: S, ) nianuf. wasliiiiL;' uiachines, Vates. SIIKI'IIKKI)', .1. <J., niana,uer IJank .if 15. N. America. Vates. Sheridan, .lohn, iiiano-forte tuner, .lohnson. Sherwood, 'riios. ,1., clerk Hudson Hay Co., damos JJiiy. Shettlei'oe, .1. (Shaw iS: S. ) hutclier, :!!> Fort. SlllUI'SFi: 1;K()S., cheap .lohn store. :'. Vates, dwl l*andora. Sll()()ld5KFI), W. C.. milliner, 4 F.rt, dwl Qiiobec. Short. Ilenrv, li'unmaker, (lovernment. Sll()TI5()i;V, THOMAS, chemist ;ind drii-udst. T),") .Johnson. Sickler. .1. L., I'ony Salonn. IdO (lovernment. SlFh'KF.V. A. F. ( S. liros. iS: Co.) mercliant. 2 .rohnson. SIFFKFX, \V. C. (S. I'.ros. ,^ Co.) merchant. 2dohnson. Silva. .lohn. fruit-(k'aler. '11 .lohnson. Simjison, Clias. F.. Hudson IJay Co.. Koss ]>ay. Simsou. Aaron, dealer in camphene. 114 Vatos. Sires, l)aviil, James J>ay. Skinner, lloht. clerk with J. J. Soiitligatc, Wharf. 78 T II i: r, It 1 T I s II (■ n 1. I M i; i a n Sloaiiu'ii, IJciijaiiiiii. \Vliarr. Shiitli, .Inliii. {•iH'iK'Htcr. Mcarcs. Sinitli. Josh., tailor, A-2 Jolmsnii. Sniitli. T. I'., Kane. !<.MITII, W. 15.. -TCCHT. Nil (;,.V.'l'lllll>'llt. Smitli, W. IJ., caliiiict-inakci'. Ijivnii^htnu. Siaithic. l*'i('liliiiLf, Ki>i-t. Sdliinioii, M., IJi'oail. Soluinon, Xatliaii. clotliicr, IS Vatcs. SoiDiiicrvillc. Alcxr.. .I(iliii-;<>ii, SOLTIKiATK. J. ,). (.1. J. S. c^ C... ) moivliaiit. 12 Wharf. Sparrow. .1. M., clerk in ]ios(-fiIHct'. Pandora. SjUHmIc, .lollll. l''ol't. SpoiRv.'. .lollll. cai-pt'iitcr. Pandora. .S|i('n(H'. d. ( S. \ .Ma-;on ) pliinilicrs. I'astifiii. Sporliiiri:' .». ( I'Vicdi'iiliciini'r \ Co.) [lapci-haniA'r, '2X Wharf. Sporlnll•,L^ ^V. li.. iiicri'hant. Wharf. iSpotts, d., fodpcr, llci'ald, Sprcjirel, David, Troimce Alley. Spruat, (iiilii'it M. ( K. Stamp ^c Co.) nn'ivhant. \Vharf. StaL^iT, Philip, carprntcr. Cormorant. Sta,l:•^^ Silas. C(.rniorant. Stahlsflimidt. Thos. Pott, with llciKk'rson \. I>iirna'(\, Wharf. Stainjrrhl. AiiLCUst, ll!> ( iovcrimiciit. Staplfton. Will.. M'ith lian:iii'v Pros., dwl DoiiJas. Stark, H. H., clerk with .l'. A. M.Crea. Wharf. Stcede, , ( Lawson iS: S. ) restanrant. Fort. Steele. P., at Poval Kxehaiip'. lit Fort. Steele, P. W., Dou.das. STK.APMIiKR i^ CO.. upholsterers. 47 < lovernmeiit. Stenhoiise, Alexander, with A. K. Maine. Wharf. STK\'KNS. I). ()., steam saw-mili, corner (Joveriiment and Whai'f. dwl ( lordon. Stevens, Kdwin, siirvevor with F. W. (ireen. Prou^iiton. Stevenson. Wm., carpenter. <,iiiadra. ST!-: W AIM', , (Wallace .^ S.) hra^s founder, .". J.am^ley Alley. ' ■ ■'•■^tewart, .lames, with ,1. I). Lilt ,■, Kane. sTFWAirr. p. (S., M( 'Idrum (^ Co. ) mere laiil, Pan^iiev. Stockliain, Frcdl <., with 11. Dow- lertv. di>linsuii. Stockwell, Fredei'ick, carpionter IJIanchard. Stdddart, (ieoriii '. Pand. •ra. Stone, Kohert S v, ilnd. on P.av C(.., dwl Ru ss JSav. Storey, Thos. 1-]. , carpel ter . A'iew. Stott, M. Miss. Suiierior , Strachan. .lames , spirit ( leal er, : l-\ Wharf. Stronacli, A. N. ck'i'k with V\'. E. Stronucli Wharf. « i I \H ! 4 AND V r (' 'I' (> R I A 1) I H K (' T <i K Y . 71) STHONACII, W. E. (J. (}. Jack,s(-n & Co.) luml)cr morcliant, Wliaif. Stuart, •?. !>.. Su]i(>ri(>r. Sturirc'oii, Hi)l>t., lilacksmith, Ilcra'd. Stasko.-, Kirliard. carrier, Kane. St. Ours iS: Cii., coininissiou mcrcliaiits. Wliaif. Suuiuicrs. -lolui, iilat'ksuiitli, lilaiiclianl. Sutherlaiiil, Arthur, with Searhy tS: M(xirc', Cinvcrniueiit. Suthoilaiid, John, hakcr, IJroad. Sl'TllO. IvMIL, (G. S. & Co.) tohacco inerdiant. 24 Vates. Sutro, iiustav. ((1. S. & Co.) tohacco uicrcliant, -4 Yates. Swan. William, hricklaycr, Fisiruard. Swaiinick, T. F., general a^cnt, Hastiou. SwausdU, .John, ca]it. steamer LalMmehere, Chatham. Syehal. .Inlm, >:,'ame-dealer, -lolmson. Sykes, William, huilder. Chatham. Sylvestei', Chas., carpenter, Jolinsou. T Tait, .Tiki., clei'k Hudson Hay Co., dwi .lames Diiy. 'lalisman, .Inhn, Fnrt. TAHI'.KLL, FRANK, ((ihidwin, T. ^v Cn.) mendiant, f) Wharf. Tayloi' (Iv; Willson, restaurant, ")() and (14 -lolmson. Taylnr, .)., Scntcli JJakery, Uastion. Tayicir. .James, Brnad. Tavloi', Hohert, shoemaker. Herald. Tejihill. .1. 1?. (T. c\: Tilil.s) oyster saloon. Oriental Alley. 'riiain. .Iiilin, .ianu-s Hav. Thain..!. M.. llumhol.ft Thain, M. W.. Ilumholdt. Thain, K. A., clerk, dwl ilumholdt. Thain, W. H., llumlx.ldt. THOMAS, Kl'CKNF, wine and si)irit merchant. S Vatos. Thomas. M. j). Mi's., (hvssmaker, iMU't. Thorne, Cornelius, clerk, dwl Fort. Thornhill, Kicliard, oO Fort. '^ril»hs tS: Tepliill, oyster saloon, Oriental Alley. Tiedemann, H. O., civil en;j;ineer. ]Jastii>n, dwl Siqu'rioi'. Tiernev, -John M., "" IJritish Colonist" ottice, dwl F(»rt. riOHK, THOS. F. (Perrett .S: T. ) Alhion Sakwm, 14 Yates. rillev, Arthur. ( T. i^ Sheiiherd) machinist, dwl Uroad. TiM'.MFKMAN, J. 15., real estate a.i^ent, H^ (iovernment. Tohias. I*., li(jii(»r dealer, 4S (iovernment. 'I'odd, l{. 1).. clothier, lii.") (iovernment. 'J'odd, .1. H. ( T., Tui-nei- CC Co.) Victoria l*ro<I'.ice Market, Lan^i^loy. Todd, W., cloth'er, I'lo Govenuucut, T T 'IK so T II K I! K I T f S II (' (» I, r M I! I A N Tnlfsnii. Sctli I*... tailiir, .Idliiison. Tdli'snii, W. 15., tailor, .Ji>Iiiis(iii. Tdliiiie, W. F., trailer Itiidsou Vy.iy C>>.. Clover Dale. Toiii|ikiiis, David, wirli Maiisell \' ("n., Initt'lier, dwl Tnumce Alley. Trainer, A. .Mrs., laundress. (Jnljinson. Travel's, Aii,i:-nstiis. dravnian, ^'ates. Tra\(), Lawrence, (•(.rtee-master, 1-"1 .lolmsoii. 'IVieste, S. (.Meyer .t T. ) clothier. Vate.s. 'IVinilile, Dr., Broad. Tri|,i.. I>. K.. Herald. Trounce. 'I'liomas, contractor and Iniilder, Supei'ior. Tiu'l<er, William II. II., saloon, ~S Vates. Turner..!. 11. (T..dd. T. v^ C. ) Vic"a Produce .Market, L n-lev. Turner, . (Tui-iier ^^c I'.lack ) surireon, i5fu;id, 'i'uzo, 11. A., whariiuirer Hudson Hav Co., Ilastiou. TJ l\\.\\, Jno., whei'lwri.irlit, Park. I, jislier, .Jrio., Iioardiiiir-liouse, lluin'ioldt. A'.\i:mii;i!(;, E. IF., jeweler, (1»! Yates. VALK.NTINK, IIKNKV, St. .Nicholas Restaurant, ill (lov'iuent. ^ aricas, Horatio, land ap'ut, 17 < Joverinuent. \'Al (iil.X, . |iliotoLira.|iher. N'ictoria Theatc'r. < iovei'iiuient. \'ei'evdlu'n, C. 11., corner Douuias and Kort. VlClNOLO, (i. ((J. V. ,*c Co.) merchant, liT Whaif. Vincent, K., View. A'inson, Alexr., Store. Vinson, Hy., Sr.. liakeiy, Stoiv. \'inson, \l\., dr., Store."^ \iv^v\, John \'. ( V. c^ Miller) haker, ><i\ < iovei'nment. AV);jan, Henry, Johnson. A'uwell, Arthur, Meare;,. ¥' W ADiiHLL, John, Yates. Waddinu'ton, K. (>., Joimson. WA(;N'KI{, PHILIP, Si!., sausa-e-maker, :;0 Fort. Waii'iier. Philip. ,Ir., sausatre-maker, :'>(» Fort. Wajilschmidt, Thos. Lett, Hudson P.ay Co., I{(,ss Bay, Waincott, Jno., shocmakei', < Jovei-nment. ANaitt, J. \V.. ]>i-oduce dealer. Cormorant. Waitt, Marshall, with llihhen i\: Carswell, dwl Cormorant, Waitt, U. W., dwl. Cormorant, f A N I) Vie T U I A I) I u i; (' r n n v SI Waitt. J. Ca]it.. iii-inlucc ilcalcr, (I.') Vatc; WALKOKD A. IIAKUIKS, real r-uitf and -.M.cral a-vut, :;(; (liivcnmiL'iit. WAl.liACK, \U)\V\\ ( W. & Stewart) Lniss-tnunilcr. ctr.. :', Lanij;- lev Alley. Wallace, "C. W.', with Dieksi.ii, Caiiiplicll & Cc) l<i Wharf. Wallace. Sli'|ilien, with S. Duck i^ ('(•.. Kis.iruard. Wallace, D., I'ioiieei'. Walilron, 1. .\rrs., laundress. Walkej'. 'riids., surii'.Miu and dentist, ■) Koit. WA!d'\KR, JAS. 1)., manager IJank IJritish Nmlli America. (Jdv- ernnient. WAI/rOX, 11 V. (W. & P.arnett) .ifeneral a-ent. over Curtis & Moore's, corner Yates and LauLiley. Ward, liartoti, ai^cnt. (iovernuient. War.l. 15. W.. with W. K. Sttduach. Wharf. WAIM), M. (dillard iS: Co.) clothiers, S.") ( uncrnnicnt. Wai'iM r, .).. liakci'. '•)]. .lohnson. Washinirtou. Thomas, car[ii'nter, Yates. Watson, A., lioiler-niaker and hlacksniith, Laniilev Alley. AVatson. Kdward, watchmaker, 4'1 Wharf. Watson, lamest, ci^'ar dealer, ")4 (lovernmeiit. Wclister (S: Co., hoot and shoe-dealers, -'50 Yates. Werner, h'rcdk., I'estaui'ateur. '!'.> Fort. WKISSKNIJL'IICKR, F.. merchant and conrn a.^ent. :;0 ( h.v'ent. WeK-h, A. .1., auctioneer, !> Wharf. Welch, (ieo., messeii_;j;er at Bank of l>riti>-<h Cohimhia, CovciMiment. AVelchcr. nenjamin, iji'ocer, etc., •!•) Johnson. Wt'lchcr, W. T , civil euLiineer, Miclii,Li'an. Wells, . draynian, Colliiison. Wells, Allan & Samuel, Cormorant. WI'lLLS, FA IKK) & (^O. (C. C. h-ndcr-ast, mana.irer) hankers and e.\|'ress, 2.") Yates. Wharilv, .ias., lluniholdt. WilKAII, If. I'., tailor. 1 Wharf. Whear, Samuel, clothier, .")."> (ioNcrmnent. Wheeler, \. 11., View. White, \\. ( W. \ .Johnston) hakery, :> Waddin,irton .Alley. White. Iioht., hoardiuLi-lioust", d'.t Fort. Whitley, Stephen, laundry. I )ou,!j;las. Whym|ier. !-'. ( W. »S: Dix) London Cottee-irouse, Cormorant. Wi^ham. C. C.. with Anderson & Co., Wharf. WILCOX., IAS., |{,yal Hotel, T) Wharf. \\ illiams, .)no., t'himney sweep. Market Alley. Williams. .1. W., livery stahles, cor -lohnson and Covcrnment. Williams. Uohert. clerk Hudson l>ay Co., James 15ay. ^\ illiams, Uohert M. A., 40 (Jovernmcnt. 1. I S-2 T II K 1! 1! I T I S II (11 I, r M I! I A \ WIIJJA.MS, T. !{., H(.v;il Kx<-Ii:ni,L'c, l!» Fort, .l-vl Doii-la.s. Williams. T. (i.. i''isi:iianl. Williams, 'I'lms.. Iiak<'r, .luliiisun. Willsdii, Alcxi'.. mcssciiixfr at l>aiik <if' IJritisli N. America. Yates. Willsoii. Ivlward. Cliatliam. Willsiiii. Jii(».. Ituntmakcr, ('ini'inraiit. Willsdii, JiMi. ( W . !i .Miles) Aiistfj.liaii ir<ms(\ ,'nr Iliiin'inlilt ami ( loveriimeiit. WILLSO.N, KOirr. (Muiia.v \ W. ) l.ai<erv. -I'J F..rt. WilsDii. iMlwanl tS: r,i.. ;:i'(icei's. T'J Fitrt. WIliSON, Tims., im|ini'ter of di'v ,l' Is. tl'.t ( invcrnmeiit. Wilsmi, T. S., ealiMiet-makcr, i>i'uii-jitnii. Wilson. W. (Taylor I'c W.) restaurant, .">(! am! 'Il .lnhnsoii. Wilson, /., lilacksniitli, Stoi'c. WILSON, Miss, stationery (le|int. KIT (Jovernmeiit. W^ilson, Mi's., Jnlinson. Windsor. . ( Ksdaile i^ W. ) irneer, 12 Fort. Win,:^ Van liiin;j;. doetoi-. ( 'oi'nioraiit. Winkle. Adam. ear]K'nter. IMaiieliard. Winte)'. II. ( Ho^a-rs iS: W.) i^roeer, X'2 <ioveriiment. Wiselieri.'. I,., ci^rar-maker. <'tl .Inlmsun. Wolf. li.. elotliier. 'Jf. Vates. Wolff. Lo\iis. witli J. Hueff. ("oi'inorant. Woodcoek. W. 11., Mayley. Woods. Hielianl. elei'k in Kc'iisti'ar's Ofliee. .Tuliiisun, Woottoii. H. M. Ilarl.orand Postmaster. Wliarf, dwl Kae. Work. Jno. M., witli Hudson l!ay Co.. Wliarf. Workman. Ailam. l>i'oULdito;i. WriirirlesuMU'tli, .John ami Jas., Londun lintel. .Idhnsoii. WlUiillT, Al.fJrSTrS cV r. S.. Jr.. ror Fort and i.an-ley, uj.- stairs. WKMJIIT. T. ( W. c^ Saunders) arcliiteet. liroad. Wri,Lrlit. Ml'.. Pioneer. Wuit; T. ( W. ^; Harris) California Ilniise. tio ,l(,lin.-on. Wvndliam, (i.. la'iorer. IJIaneliard. Y \(ii;i!, i'Vank. Cormorant. Yiiles, \V. T.. Coi'iiiorant. Yaii;r Wo. San;:" & Co.. Chinese mercliants. Con;!' YouiiLr. Ale.xr., drayman, Vates. Youii;;', IJenjainin. earpciiter. Herald. Yoiiiiii;, Chas. JJ., merchant, 4 Johnson. Youn^; l)e. N. N. it IJro.. |iro\ision merchants, (il Youn;;, I). |irovisioii store, l<'ort. Youn^, W. A. (i., Colonial iSccrctary, dwl James rant. Wharl i>av, A X 1) \ 1 f 'I' U 1 A I) 1 U K (' T n K Y 83 Z.MSKi.. Julius, simsu.u'o-inakcv, 41 Yatos. Zalic'l, M, sausii;j;('-iuak('r. Vatcs. Zeliior, Wni., clicmist autl (Iru^^^-'ist, lOl (Jovonunent. Ziiiii, Kmlinauil, toy store, (i()Vt>rnuKMit. tlwl Doujilus. Ziukc, S., ]ii-(>t'fss(ir ot" music, m (ioviTunicut. Ziukc. Mrs., uiilliuorv, 1*4 Govcmincut. 84 T II K I! It I T I S II (' I, [• .M I! I A \ IlESIDI-XTS OF KSQ( nfALT. A LI, AX, James, liiiot and sIkic- niakcf. Artlnir, William, ^\\\\> Inn. 1Jatti,i;, S. K.. I.akcr. IJoacIi, William, scamstcr. IJookcr, liouis. l>iin'is. Jdlin. j CMvMI.VS, Jollli. Colter. David. Colter. Alfred. Crowley, Jno., police officer. Ciislieoii, J. I)., Ilailroad House. l)Al!i;A(ili, Jno, l)em|)ster, Alex. Dunstan, John. |)unstan. Jas. Kaiikk, F., soap Uiaiiidaetorv. IfAWKi.vs. (;eo. K., Roval Hotel. Howard. J. 'I\. |{,,val OaL Ilolswortli, lly., Iiiitelier. lRVl\(i, C. haker. Ki;i;iii,i:i!. Chas., carpenter. LivKMAX, II. 8. 1)., miner. Max Sini;, wasliin;^' i;iid ii'imini:-. iMilliniiton, Wm., hricklayei-. Mills, Jas., cook. Moore, (Jeo. McCandlisIi. Dr. McKinnon, John, waternum. Xicoi.snx, Thomas. rAKTlMlMii;. Thos. John. Kaiisox. Thomas. ;^roceries and provisions. Hod^U'crs. Aramiel. Kothwell, Wm. Smith, W. ^^ Co., All Serene Jlestaurant. Slioat, Mr.. Iv\chan,i:c Mvci'v Stahles. Smith. J. I*., groceries and pro- visions. Smith. J. K. Smith, S. r>. Smith. W. |{.. Iiakerv. Shoat, Kd., Original Msiniimalt Kvpress. Skuttell, II. Tii,i,i;\vooi). S. M. Terrence, David, hoot ami shne- mj.kcr. \'o<:i,i;, . Waki:.\iax, I*. W akeman. W. WILLIAMS, F., SteamlK.at Fx- chamic Hotel. WILLIAMS ,^ SFLLFCK, Steamhoat F.\cliam:-e Hotel. Williams. Peter. Wilhy, lly. Fd., express carrier. Wun^- Chun-f, washing- and iron- ? i mg. AND V I f T U K 1 A J» I U H (' T K Y K-* GOVERNMENT DErARTMENT. (» !■ |. 1. I (• I A I. 1. I s I I < I K \ \ N r () t. V I, US I s I, AND. EXECUTIVE 1 Siiliiry. Ills EXCI-IK'IKV .1 V.MKS |)ul (il.AS, ('.r>. (Ini'i'rti'ir '(III/ ('"iinitaii(li'r-in-('/ti<'J- Williiun A. <i. Vounjr. . . Cnlnii'mi S.^'ri'l'in/ CiyOi) (Arh'H!/) I lull" SuUiry. J(.sci>li I'ortrr ^7//V/ ^ 'Ar^^ i^^JOO (uM.iv'c lliiiitrr Cui'V Mlnnini-ilnontl CM)^) aiiJ i>nK-ticc. A. ir-Hslcy ' <V-rA'.'. ^^^JOO AlcxaiiiK'r Wiitsdii Tnnxxirr ''^^^ .Jos. l)os|iar(l Vv\\\i)vYUA\ . Siii'i'cjiiir-dinir'il •>v'0 l?fii)aiiiiii W. IV-ai'sc [sslsliHii Siirr,jinr-(tnin-<il Ilolici'l Kit \in1itor ( Arliini) Thus. !{. Uulmcs ( 'l.r/r 7;") (Ai-lliii/) K(l\v. (Iraliani Alston. . . . Ii<;iixlr<ir-(i' mntl '•/ />'V(/.s 400 ('has. (I. Wylly 1. ...,■....-,;• „/ /,'.„/ KxlaU\ dr ;')00 lloiirv Wix'ttoii PnsinKtxIir <ii(il /larhiir Mk^Ici-.. . ^JOO J. m'. S|.aiTow Chrk --^00 :5ri0 ir)0 -)\ LEGISLATIVE. liKCISLATIVI-: Cm NCll,. lion. iJodcrirk l"'inlaysnn lion. Donald KrascM" lion. Daviil ('anicroii lion. Alfivd .1. \m\vAv\ lion. Kdw. (i. Alston Hon. Alcxandrf Watson Joseph INtrtcr. Chrk. ( Acthi.ii;. ) Nouiiuativo. (( u A • 80 T II \<: 1( K I T I S l( (' o I, r M I! I A N LKiilSI.ATIVK AsSK.MItl.V — Efrcfirr fof three //I'drx. J. S. 1Ii;l.mi;ki:.\, Spenkcr (i. 11. Ciiry \'ktnna Town. 8olim Friuikliii AVilliiini Cnrkcr I']s(|iiim;ilt Town. Williani K. Tolniio, M.D \'ittona District. Josoiih \V. Tniti'h " '* Janit's Triinl)lo, M.D (.leorgf K. Foster Lako District. Williani .). McDonald l,ak<' District. J. .1. SoutliL'atc Salt Spring' Island and rhcnianio District. J). 1). ll'uv^ Xanaimo District. John ( 'olcs Saanicli I )istrict. lloliort Hui-naln' Ks(|iiinialt and lliitcliison District. K. .1. Ncsl.itt, <'/irL Salary C-2.'>0. JUDICIAL AND MAGISTERIAL. Siihiry. llis llono-: D.Wlli <'a.M1:1{<'.N . C/llrf Jllstlff tXW) Thos. (i. Willi;)''i« lii'ijlxh-Kr nf Siijir< iitr Cuini.. . l!.")(l Kichanl Woods C/rrk <•/ //„■ \Vn'/.< ■2iH) Williani IJrooke Navlor S/irrltf. 2<>() Au,mistiis V. IVnilicrton. . . .Stiiniuliitrii Miii/isfnitc nt I'ic- tor'iii iiiiif ( '/ilrf ( 'iinunhxioticr of /'"Her :!,"io Horaco Sniitli ^Hperluli mleiif -;/' /'-///cc -Jdo Williani Hales Franklyn ^lii;/i.sl,-(i/r oik/ (Inrirnt A;/e)if (it Xdnidinu l,")ll Edward Stani[> Justice of the Pe<iee at lidreltiif SoUHll tlUtI (olleetnr nf Shi/i- phtji Ptien \(>nc. Commander . I. W. I'ike, K.X. / //"/dlti;/ < '"j/ifiu'ssin/iHaxJiix- Lieut. F.N. Vei'iiey, U.X. \ tiee ,fj\<ire C'Hisf Serrie,- .'S,nn.\ MUNICIPAL AUTHORITIES. ! Tii(».\i.\s IfAKKis }[(n/(>r. I Joliu Cojiland < '(nniei/or. AND VICTORIA DIRECTORY, 87 James M. MM ' \>unc'dor. liicliard Lewis " W. >r. Searl.y Michael Stn.nach Nathaniel M. Il^'ks Al;:;eni()ii Austen T'lrn < 'Irrk. .J. ('. ( 'dhiuhiMin ('it// liix/xcfor. Richard Lewis, Jdliii ('n)!!.iiiil, Michael Strouuch. . .iVn; Wardens. EDUCATIONAL. Siilinv. llenrv <'lay|M)le. .SehnulinaxUr <>f' Dlstrlcf Sdinnl ,it \ Cl."»0 and <'i'(Ui/jli>i('ir I allowances. \V, II. r.uiT " I'irh,,-!,! '' ('(ii'ueliiis r>i'yant. '• XdiKiinio " POLICE DEPARTMENT, VICTORIA, V. I. .vu.i:". V. I'einlicrtnii. Ks(| < 'iiiiiiii/ss/oiirr "f Police. Horace Smith Sii/nriiilriii/nit <>f Puliee. I'reslon licnnett tSfofr/nrjicr (iiid ActiiKf Chrk cf the Cmirt. (leor^e Hlake Sen/eanf "f PnHi'e, Fred. Hall <'<»i>^talAe. John Michaels CotisfaUe. Wni. Kiclniioiid. Frank Hilt Matthew Ford. . John < 'arrin^L^ton. F. Thoiujison . . . .las. McMillan " William DoiM Francis Pa^re "• dolm Walker '• -lohn Crowley, station- ed at Fsi|uinialt. ... '• Stejiheu Redgrave (.'do/c inid Stetrtird. Aiiii. F. Pemherton, Ksij [ctitin ^'"i'''>'H">' "f fhe •laiJ. (leorge N'ewcomh 'Iiiihr. Daviil r>. Reid Aaxii^tatd Jailer. E<lward 'rruraii Siqwrintoident »f CouvictK. Sam. Baker Convief (luard. James Hooper '' Edward Dumiihy " (I I HH U ' ! T ir i; II II iris ii c n r, i ,m hi \ n Abktriifl ol* <'i|i>i-« Irlcil Im-IVii-c (lie I'olirt' 4 ointillMKloiicr, A I''. I'ciiiIk*!-- Ion. i:k<|.i Hi I'lt'lfii'ltl. %• I., •Iiii'liiu: llx' >riir IMO'J. ('itiriinittcil |ni' li'iiil. viiriniis dlVt'iiscs '2'\ IVtty hii'Cfin simiiii.irilv ilmlr witli Jli Assaults, (lisliirlpiiiii tlic | (•ace ami carrv in,:;' ilcinllv wca] ous. . . I'.i:'. liiiIiri-^iiuMl lor vairraiicv 1'2 Vhwd (ii- iiii|iri-nii('il I'm' sclliii'j; rn|iiiir to lniliaiis ;>■') An'cstc(l nil a \M'it ol' nijihix for sal'c l\<'i'|piiiL;'. I'lc , II AiipruMl at till' iiaiij I'..)' InilM-iiius li Ca^cs (li-^inissnl 1^(1(1 Scaiiit'ii III" Ii. M. Mcrt liaiiilrd |u llicir hwh (illiccrs .")4 Arrests and siiimiinii^ I'li' niiisai |(! Cm I ten I |.t .if < III Ml • . . li Sent aslmri' I'm' iiii].i i-iiiniinii I'lnin mi Imai-il II. M I'lcci S Mcrcliant scaiiirii n lusinu- diitv |.") (^uimiii'ii- fni' waj.! s and trade limi-i's. ctr 21 Drunk and disnrdcrJv :'.(iS Indians linrd ni' iiii|iris'(ucd Inr \ai'iniis ntVmsrs lOS Stiiwaway I Malici'Mis injurv Im |iro|H'il_v I Indurinu' dr.-rriinn Irnin II. .M. \fsscls :> Fines iniiinsed t'nr lireacli nf rasscn;ier .\ct 1(! ('nnuaitted I'or trial I'nr nmnlrr 1 Altseiit Irnni eui|ili>viiii'tit 1 Atteni[it at suicide ;! Mtatfinfiit ui° I'risitiifi'*, >■(<'., In (.iiiul at \'i<-i»rl;i, V. I., Ili-c. :(!»(, IH4I:!. iS'uinlier of I'risunei's \2 Insane -J Delitors :! On l.ail -1 Total. 4 It FIRE DEPARTMENT. <jKFiri:i{s. .lolin I lickson ( 'hi,!' hhinlmrr. .John .Malovanski [sninfatif Nnn'tto'ir. A A N l> V r< T I) II T A r» I u !•; rt " U Y. 81) Cliili'lcs (iii\\;iM Pi'ixiitiitl /i"iiril "J l>i liijittin. J. S. I >riiiiiiiiipuil Sii-rrliirii limit'il "J /fi /n/iitts. T. A . M<< 'itii Traismrr. ( >i;i; wi/ vnn\ »ii. CtiMivwii;-. riiioM llnuls ami l,a(Mri- C. Nov. liJd, IS.V.'. 1 >. A. Ivliiiif /•'(irninni. Dvhv^r lui-ilic Co.. N... 1 Milirh .'.til, istlo. .1. S. I »rmiiiiiiiii(l Fi>ri')iii(n. Ti.^iT I'.ii-iuc ('(I.. Nm. -1 Mawli :i:!(l, iNf.o. S. li. K llv i-'"i'i 1111(11. n. M. SHIPS ON THE PACIFIC STATION. riinii|ial Niual l>i'|"ii, ICMiiiiiiiiil;, \ . I. Kiar Ailiiiiial Sii- 'l'iin\i as M \i ii.anh, ('. I>. . <''>iinii<iiiil< r-iii'<'lui'f. \-,..,.,.l. (;mw. Will' If last. C'"iiMni<^ii)ni(l. IV.nl.Miilr, ( Vlv: Sl,i|.) r>l ValpuiiiiM. \^W. . . . Ciimi'lioM 17 Ma/iitla.i I^iil ('Iiarv!..li- lil \iapiilco ISdO did -J-J Atii|mli'(i IS.")'.), . . . DoviL-itaiiciii f. Ksiiiiiiiiall IStU l.',„vv,iiil 'i I",.-i(|uiiiiali IS.')'.». . . , (iia|i|ilrr •'( Kxiiiiiiialt IS.")'.! Ili'calc t^ K>(|iiiiiiali. (nnlrnd lioim) . . ISC.O. , . . Miiiiiir 17 raiiaiiui IS.")'.) Naiad ('> Callao isCO Ncri'us, (Si. .IV Sliipl f. N'alparal-o IsiU) I'aiiar ^D V'iil|iiiniis() ISIU). . . . 'I'l rniauaiil -•> raiiaiiiii, {(ndn-cil Iidiih). . . .IS.")'.) T(.|ia/i' ">1 l',s((uimalt IS")'.) 'rriliiiiu' ■-'•■! Ma/allaii I sr,2 .... Suilci .'il . Klaii- ship ol" Ailniiral I<iii;:roiii!ir. on wav out. CONSULS AT VICTORIA. Kka.v k. — r. Meiic, l'-s(i., (Vice). l'Mri;i» Statks. — Allon bVancis, lilsq. OHiof of llie Consulate on Wharf stfci't. Samiwich !si,ani>s. — Henry llliodes, Ksij., (Janion, (Jreen & Rhodes). Offices, Wharf and Stoi-e streets. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // ■<- 1.0 ^^ I I.I 1.25 121 u, Uii 12.2 m I z m — 2.0 s^ 118 1.4 11.6 Photographic Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4S03 i^^tf «^J 6^ ^ 90 THE B U I T I S II COLUMBIAN ABSTRACTS OF ACTS PASSKO BY TIIK LKCISLATrUK SIXCK TllK FIRST SKSSION, HKOIN- NINO MAUCII iM, I8(i0. Administration of Oaths Act — rrovidos for administration of oaths in tlie House of Assonihly, and the production of evidojice bid'ore Committees of tlie same. — July !»tii, ISfiO, Vancouver Maud Joint Stock Companies Act — Extemls tlie jirovis- ions of tlie Joint Stock Companies Acts, IH.")!'), 1«")7 an<l lHr),S, to Vancouver Island and its dependencies. — Au^^ "iTtli, 18()(). Act to improve the Streets of Victoria — Authorizing the collection of a tax to be called the Victoria Street Fund. Said tux to lie live- eighths of one per cent, on [)roperty assessed. — Aug. 28th, 180O. Indian Liquor Act — For preventing the .-ale or gift of spirituous liquors to Indians. — November 2d. 1800. Road Act — Provides for the repair, improvement and regulation of roads in Vancouver Island and its dependencies. — November 21lh, 18(;0. Act to amend Imperfect Titles — Coniirms certain persons in tlie fee simple of the real estate they now hold. — ])eceml)er inth, j.SOO. Real Estate Tax Act — Levies an annual tax of one per cent, on all real estate.— Decend^er 10th, ]8(;(l. Victoria and Esijuimali Harbor Dues Act. — December llHh. IsCiO. Minor Offenses Act — For rendering the administration of ju>ti('e in minor criminal cases more sjieedy and certain. — Dec. r.Mh, l.Sdd. Limitation of Foreign Actions Act — Declaring the limitation of cer- tain causes of action and suit. — Dec. IlHh. 1 «()(». Annu(d Reijistration of Vo,'ers Act — Amends the Registration of Voters Act of 18.V.).— Dec. IDth, IHCO. Victoria Gas Company Act — lncor[)orates the \'ietoria (Jus Com- pany. Gives exclusive right to su]iply the town with gas for five years from the ilate of jiassage. I'rice not to exceed thirty shillings per one thousand cubic feet. Streets to be snpidie(l at a rate not exceeiling twenty-live shillings per one thousand cubic feet. — D"c. I'.Mh, IH('><). AND V 1 C T U I A DIRECTORY. 91 i Act for confirming Titles from the Hrdmn Ba\j Company — i>ec a- bcr lOth, l-SGO. Land Ref/ixtrii Act — To farilitatc tlio triuisfcT of real estate ajul to provide tor tlie registration of titles. Five years' registration renders register<'d titles indefer.sildc. Priority in point of registration gives l»riority of title, when; the same land is registered in favor of two or more persons. Five years' registration of u eliarge renders the inter- ests tiierennder indefeasible. — Jannary ISth, IHGl. Powder Maf/azine — ( Jrants eertain privileges to the builder or build- ers of a [xtwder magazine. — February (Jth, LStil. Idnroiirer /.s/and Land Proclamation Inj the Governor, with Supple- ments lo the same. I ictoria llarhor Art — Authorizes the raising of a loan of ten thou- sand pounds upon tiie security of the dues and moneys levied l»y virtue of the Victoria and F>s(piimalt Harbor Dues Act, liSGO. — July IGth, 18(;i. Liqnor License Act — Provides for and regulates the sale of wines, sj)irits, malt and other liquors. F^ieenses to sell wines and spii-jts, etc., by wholesale £'2'> per annum. Licenses to sell wines, etc., by retail £G0 per annum. Licenses to S(dl wines, etc., by retail three miles from any town iiX'l [)er annum. Licenses granted by the Justices of tlie Peace tor one year or not less than three mouths. — .July ISlh, 18G1. ]*r<irlaijnitii)n hi/ the (Jorernor — Fstablishing Albernia in Barclay Sound as a port of entry. An Act to J'lrtend and Amend tlie />rorisions of tlic Firemanh Pro- tection Act, ISGO.—Sept. mth, IHC)]. Act to enable Aliens to hold and transmit Re(d Estate — Aliens may liold and transmit real estate as fully as British subjects. — Oct. 28th, ISGl. Snpjdementari/ Street Act — Authorizes the continuation of certain streets in Victoria.— Oct. 2;tth, ISIH. Vanconrer Island Ciril Proceilnre Act — .Xmending th(> procedure in civil cases. Ali<'n Act, 1.SG2 — Provides tor the naturalization of aliens. Aliens resident for three years witiiin tiie Colony, wiio shall tal^e the oaths of residence and allegiance, shall have ail the rights of Britisii sul>jects. — Nov. Ilth, 18G1. An Act for prerentinr Frands npon< Creditors In/ secret Hills of Sale (f Person<d Chattels. — All bills of sale to be void unless the same, or a copy thereot', be filed within twenty-one days in like manner as war- rants of att(trnev. — Nov. 28th. 18G!. 02 I' II K 1? 11 I T T S II O li U M 1! I A N Pawnhrokcrs' J<'/— Regulates the business of pawnbrokers.— Nov. 28tb, ISGl. Suminurn Pi-occdnrc on Hills of Errhnngc /Ic/— Facilitiitcs tlio rem- edies on liills of exeliange and promissory notes i)y tlic prevention ot frivolous or lietilious defenses to actions thereon. — Nov. •_'Htli, IStd. Victoria Gas Cornpauifs Kvtnisiou Act, 18G1. — Dee. IMli, IHtH. Trade Licenses Amendment Act — Amending the Aet of 1HC>0. Cas- ual traders to i)ay annual license of live pounds, and the half yearly asj-essment to be shown h\ selu'dule A. — Dee. Hth. ISC. I. T'lidci- X 100 luilf yearly. . 100 and iiiiiU'v 2,j() 2.')0 .')00 1 ,000 2,500 5,000 10,000 20,000 .■«),000 40,000 500. 1,000. " 2,500. " 5,000. " 10,000. '• 20,000. 30,000. 40,000. " ,50,000. Aliovt" 50,000. C 1 00 C 1 10 2 00 .-) 10 (J 00 '.» 00 15 00 25 00 .•55 00 45 00 , 55 00 50 00 Extension of Limitation of Fiirei(/n Ac/ions Act — Kxtend> jjrovis- ions of the same. — Dee. 2ltli. IStW. Swine and Coat Act — To jirohil)!! swine and goat- unniiig at large in N'ictoria and goats in certain di.-triels. — Jan. l-'ilh. isd:^. Iianhriipfc>/ Act. 1801 — The law I'clatliig to bankniptcy and insolv- ency in \'ancouver Inland nd its dependeneie-. — I''el». 1st. IS(J2. Act author izintj Loans for tern jura rt/ I'nrpuxes. — May "JlHh. 1S()2. An Act confinnimj the Appoinfmenf <f Memhrrs if tin' dairt of /?c7vVo/i— Under the Real Kslate Tax Act. ISCn. — Iiuie rjtiu LSlL'. G((s ('omj)um/ Ejctension Act. — .Fuly ;!d. lsi(i-J. Act (ndhoriziiaj the Chief Justice of I'ancoarer Island (oai its Dependencies to ma/cc certain necessari/ Aj)ji()inlnients. — .Fuly t'lh, iS(')2. Act estalilishin;/ Fire Limits within the Town (f \'ict(iria.—.\H\y 'Mh. 18(.12. Act to protect the Proj)crfi/ <f a Wife deserted hi/ her lliishaiid — -Jidy Ktth. 1802. Sanatori/ Coinmission Act — Appoints a eommis.-ion \\>y ihe 'I'own of Victoria and delincs their powei's. — Iidy IDlIi. 1 81)2. Act anthorizin;! the closimj oj' Part (f the (Hd Saannich and Ilnrn- side Road. — .Vug. oth, 18(;2. J'ictoria and Est/uinailt Ilarlmr Dnes Act — Amend.- the scale of fees.— Sept. 2d, 18(;2. (Api)end«'d in full.) iwR iwR AND V I C T U r A D I 11 K CJ T R Y . oa Art fo fncorporafe the City of Victoria. — Aug. 2(1, 1S(V2. (Append mI in full.) Tjoan Act — Authorizinsr the (lovonior of Vancouver Tsland to bor- row the Sinn of fi>rly llioiisiuid ponnds on the !^ecunty of tlie (Jeneral Revenue of llie Colony. — Sept. Oth, 1802. Loan Act — AuUiori- inj^ tlie tiovernor to borrow the 8un\ of fifteen tlionsand jmunds for publie works to be repaid out of tlie Forlv Tiionsaud Pounds Loan. — S(>j)t. (Jth, 1HG2. V^ancoiiccr hidiid Land Prochtmatiou hi/ the Oorcrnor — Keiteals former pnielaniation. — Sept. (itli. 18(J2. (Ai)pended in full.) Oamc ylc/— Amends an Act for the Preservation of Game. — Sejjt. 5th, ]«(!2. (Uirrcnoj Act, 1H(;2. Act to increase Number of Eepresentcitiveg for Victoria City. Pouiiicr Mayazinc Act, 1802. Truilc Licenses Anicndnwnt Act, 18G2. Ncal Estate Tax Amendment Act, tStamp Act, 18C2, idaka>_ik^i^baMi 1>4 T 11 K n R I T I S 11 C L U M 15 I A X AN ACT TO IXrOKT'OUATK THE CITY OF ^I('TOKtA "\\'in:in;AS, it is oxpodient thsit tlie Ivistriet coiniiioiii}' known a^ Vic- toria Town sliDuUl be incorjjoratotl — Ik it enarii'd Inj the dovcruor, on Her Majciitijfi Mialj\ by ami /citft the consent of the JAyislatirc (\mueil and AssenMtf of I'aiicouver Jslnnd and its Dependencies : T. Tliat fViin and ai'li-r tlu- passag-e of itiis Act. tlif tnjcl of Imid spt'cifiod in \\w first jnut of tlic lirst i^clK-dnlc iR-nto sliall W incorix^r- atcd as a city, to be calleil " Tlie City of \'ictorin ; " tUe i^'aid city shall be divided into three AVards : The Johnson Street AV'ard, the Yates Street W'aiil, nntl thv .iunjes' Bay AN'ard. Tlie Johnson Street Ward shall include the tract of land s{iecifi«i.'<l in the second part of the ^aid tirst scl.cdule. The Yates Street Ward shall include the tract of land sjitcitieit in the third part of the said tirst schedule. The Jaincs' liay Ward, the tract of lai>d s[ieci(ied in llie fourth pari of the said first schedule. II. That the j^overnment of the city shall, subject to t^c [jrovisions of this Act. bi' plact>d under the control of a Council. The Council shall consist of a Mayor and six Ctvtnicilors. j)(»^sossed of the qualifications and subject to none of the dis>iualilicatiui\s herein- after specified, namely : QUALIKICATIOX!*. Iir. Wv'wv^ a male Itritish subject of full ajje. Ilavin^f resided within the Island of Vaiu'ouver and its dopendencies for a space of six calendar months previous to election. Ik'iiig at, and having been for three calendar months next preceding [ i AND VICTORIA DIRECTORY, !>.') ffi^«S t. i the time of election, rated on the Miiiiieipal Assessment Holl of the same eity in respeet of freehuhl to at least the value of £">0, or in respeet of leaseholds to at least tiie valiK' of £ir)0: I'rovided alivdi/s, that at tiic first election of a IMayor and Couiieii- ors. the qualilieation of sueh ^Mayor and Councilors shall, as to prop- erty, be as follows : Possession in his own right oi" real property within the city to the market values, of freehold, £50, if of leasehold, £G()0. DlftQlALll'lCATlOXS. IV. Being a minister of any religious denomination. IJeiiig a Siieriff, or a Siieriff's oilicer. IJeing a iVlember of the Legislative Council or of the House of Assembly. Being a bankrupt, insolvent dei)tor, felon or outlaw. Having taken the oath of allegiance to or having become the subject or citizen of any foreign state or nation, unless he shall sibsequently thereto have taken the oath of allegiance to Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, before the Ciiief Justice of Vancouver Island, six months at least before the time of election. Having directly or indirectly any contract with the corporation. Being naval or military otlicers on full i»ay, or the Judge of any Court of criminal or civil jurisdictiori, or being in rec^eipt of any allow- ance from the corporation. MANNKU OK Kl^FCCTINO COUNCILORS. \'. The candidate for the Alayorshi]) (l)eing duly qualified therefor) who sliall obtain the greatest collective number of votes shall be Mayor. Tiiere siiall l)e two Councilors elected, in manner hereinafter men- tioned, in each of the sain wards. Tile two candidates in each ward (duly qualified) who shdl obtain the gi'catest number of votes in the ward for which tiiev may stand shall b(> Councilors. Every person possessed of the (pialifications. and under none of the di,-(pialifications hereinafter mentioned concerning electors of the said corpoi'ation. shall have one vote only in the election of a ^layor. and ill addition to his vote in the election of a Mayor, shall also have two votes in the election of Councilors tor each ward wherein he has prop- erty (pialifications : but in voting for Councilors, he shall only vote once in the same ward, and may either split his vote between the candidates or vote for one only, and if lie shall vote for one only, his vote shall only count one. The voting for INIayor and Councilors shall be open, and no person shall vote by proxy. > w ! ,|iil 06 T il H I! K I T J S II (; [i IJ M 1! I A N r,. I.'ATIOX <H' OIMICK or MWOK AM> lOrNCU.OKS. \'r. The iNJiiyor iirid Comicilors sluill l)c clrclril for one yi'iir : pro- n'f/nf idiraj/s, lliul il' llic Miiyor, or :iiiy of tlic Councilors, or any per- son on his or tlicir hclialt" or any person in piirtncr.-liip willi liini or llicni. slnil enter into or ohtain any interest, diieetly or imlirecliy. m any contract entered into hy or witii tin; corporation, sncli Mayor or Councilor. liaviiiLr any interest in any contract as aforeniil. .-liall imme- diately L)e di.-tpialilied from contimiinj,' Mayor or Councilor, a- the case niiiy bo. Pror!dc<l tiiirai/s, that if any IMayor or Councilor .~hall v<iie at any meeting of the Council, or -hall not nisign his of1ic(! within the >pace of one calendar month from the time when he ,-hidl Iiave ontereil into or olitained any interest in any such contract as aforesaid, such Mayor or Coiuicilor shall forfeit to the corporation a sum of t'.Vio. and all interest in the eoiiti'act — anil as to tli(! said -um, the >anie may ho recovered hy action, to he brought in the n;une of the vor|ioralion of the City of \'ictoria ; but all votes given under ■ ucli circumstances shall be valid. TIMi; or KI.KCTION <)|- MAVOi: \M> ('Ol N<'I1.0l!S. ^'11. The ncmiination shall boon the eighth day of Novi mber in each year, and the polling (if any) on the day following : jirorulcd, that if either of the said days shall fall on a Sunday, tin; nomiualion or election shall tak(; place on the following day. The nomination and poll at the first (dection >hall be held on the fourtoonth and lifteenth days next sui)se(|ueiit to the pa-^age of this Act : pron'drd, that if such days, or either of them, shall fall on Sun- day the nonn'nation or election shall take place on the following day : providc(f, t'lat the persons electecl at the first (dection shall retain ollice until the eighth day of November in the next year. IM.ACi; OF VOIIN*;. \'I1I. The poll shall iii' held in such place in eai'h ward — not being in or in the immediate vicinity of a Fire Departmeiu I'slablislunent or in a place licensed for the sale of li(iuor — ^as shall be in that b(dudf appointed, namely : at the first election as appointed by the SherifF; and at every election after the said first election, as the outgoing Coun- cil shall appoint, or in default thereof, as the Sheriff shall appoint. 'I'lie Sheriflf", or outgoing Council, as the case may be, ^hall give at least seven days' notice of the place of nomination and poll in each w.u'd by advertisement thereof in one or more nevspa]Mis publl.~iied in the city. The vote for iSfayor shall be given in Yates Street Ward and no other. I A N 1) V I (' T U i A I> I U H (' T O U Y 1)7 4 \OMl\.\l KiV AMI I'OI.I.. IX. The Slici'iir -Iinll ii|i]iuint tlu' ri'iuniiiig oII'km-i's. il' ruiy. tin' tlic ]]•<{ clcclioii : al'lcr wliicli. tlic ('(Hii 'il sliall iipimiiii the same [irc\ ion- to any ciisiiiiiu- t'lcctioii. The Slicriir sliall on the ilay ot" nomination, in ^'a(('.> Stri'cl AVanl. nt noon, noniinalc such persons as sliall be pnl in noiiiinalion, in that lieliall". I>y -onie (inalilied voter. a< candiilales tor the olliee ol' Mayor or ('ouneiloi\~. a^ the case may he ; a show of hands >hal! then take place, and tlii; Sheritl' sliall thereupon dcidare which of liie candidates lia< or have lieeii elected by the show of hand.-. Any candidal! or Noler. on his behalf, may thereupdu demand a poll, which -hall be taken on the day of election ; and the Sheritl' -hall, within iweiity-tliur lioiir-: after the clo-e of the poll, publicly declare the number |iolIe(l tor each candidate, ami who has or liaM' been (dected by the ureate-l nnnilier of vote-. In case of a poll beinu, ilemanded. the poll book- ;ind li-l- of voters for each ward -hall be ^njiplied at the lir-l eleeiioii by the Sherilf. and at e\"ery .-iib-e(|ueiil election by the ( 'ouiicil to the IJelin'iiinu- ( )tlic('r. The polls shall be kept open liclwecu the hours of ein^ht o'idock \. M. and fo'r o'clock r. M. At lh(3 close of the poll, the IJetiii'iiini;' Ollicers .-hall immciliately deliver to the Sheritl' the poll book- sealed. In the (deciion ot' ('ouiicilor>. if there be an cipialitN ot' Mites, the Sherilf shall have a ca-ling noIc. to be ^iiveii at the time ol' the declar- ation Ol the poll. Ill ca>e of the inunber of votes for .Miiyor lieiic; eipial, thi' Council shall, at their lir.-t sitting;', (decl a Chairman />/•(> /riiiport', who shall have a castin;:^ vote in ca-es of c(|iialily. ami '.he Couneil -hall >elect ln-twccn the candidati's havinir such equality of \otes. All exiienses alteiidant upon any (dection under this Act shall be borne by the candidate- in etiual proportion: such expenses in any ward shiill not exceed twenty pounds. QtAMlH ATION Ot' VOTKI.'S. X. The ([ualilication of voters shall be as follows: IJeiim- a iiKile r)riti>li subject of full aue. IIa\inj^ resided in ^'allcou\('r [slaiid or its dcpci'deneie- for n space of three calendar inonlhs preccdiiijr the election at which he tenders his vole. l?einu; at the time of tenderinir his vote rated on the Municipal iVs.-essment l\oll of the said city Ibr freehold ur for leasehold estate to the amount of twenty pounds. 8 T its T II K I! II I T I S II (• () L r .M II I A \ DISt^ttAMIirATKtN (»l' VOTKliS. XI. rx'iii;.'' ii liMiiknipt. insolvent dclitor. i'don or onlluw. lliiviiij,' taken tlic oatli (if allcLNancc or lierointj llic cilizcn or snlijrct of iuw f'orcij.Mi >tat(' or nation, nnlcss one; niontii prcs iiMi«ly to tin- flection at wliicli lie tender- lii< v<ili' lie .-liall have swoi'ii alle;.fianee to I fer Majesty. Her Heirs and Snece-soi's, liet'oi'e liie Clilet' ,hi>tiee oi' N'aneonver Island: /'rorit/ci/ a/irii//s. tlial al tlie lii'«t idei'tion of .^^ayor and Cnnneilors the \()les shall lie the persons at ihal time reui^lei'ed on the M-t ol' \'oters tor the (dection of I»eiiresenlati\('s for the 'low n of N'ietnria ; and at sneh (dection each voter on such li>t ^liall ha\e a \(ile for each C'onncilor ami one for the .Mayor, such votes to l)e j:iveu at one time and place. I'".very perMin tenderinjr liis \i>\i' at any (deelion of a ^layor or C'onncilor .-hall, hcfoi'c xotin;^', take sncdi of if lollowinL'' oaths as may lie recinired hy some oilier (|nalilied voter: ; I. A. I)., do hereliy swear that 1 am a Uriti-h sidijeel. horn at (place i oi liirlli) ami that I have nevei' taken the oalli of allegiance to or licet, me the citizen ot' any foreign -late or nation : I J'rorii/('(/ ii/inii/s. that any voter called npon to take the oath lastly hereinliefore contained may. if he so ehoo.-e, in lien thereof take the oath next hereinafter contained. I. A. 1).. do Milennd} swear that I was horn at (place of hirlh) and that I wa> formerly II l>riti>li ,-uipject. ami that I. on the dav of , hcliire the Chief .In.-tice of N'ancouver Island, took the nalli of alle;,dance to Her .Maje.-ty. lh:v Ili'irs and Sneces.-ors, and have not ' since that day taken the oath of alle,i,daiieu to or become iho citizen or snliject of an}' foreiirn state or nation. I, A. ]>.. do soleiiudy swear thai I am the same A. 15. who is men- tionetl in the List of N'oters, (or .MniMci|)al Assessment Koll, as the case may he) and that 1 am in my own ridit possessed of. or tenant of. (statement of (jnalification in re.-pect of which I have been entered the said List of \'oters or .Municipal Assessment Roll, as the case may be). I, A. 15.. d(, /nleiiiuly swear that I have not received or Ijeen prom- ised, or to my knowledp' has any other [lerson on my Ixdialf, or for my benefit receive(l or been promised, any money, j^ift or advantage, place or con-ideration li)r or for the piirpo.-e of intlnencing tla; vote which I now tender. OATHS OI' CAXDIDATIvS. XII. At the nomination, or at any time; before the close of the poll, any duly ([ualified voter may rvijiiire the oath first above set forth to be A N I) V I (' T n II I .\ |» I It ]■) (' T o II V. !tl» ;icliiiiiii-li'nil In iiiiy (Miiiliiliiti'". mihI in (Ict'iitili <>{' llic caiulidalc tiikinj^ such uatlis williiii twciity-luiir liums iil'iiT llir iKTsuiiiil receipt *>\' lln- siimc. (ir in <li'iiiiilt ri(' tlic ciiiHlidiitc tiikinjr •^ncli (latlis wiliiiii li\r ilay-;, ill all events, am! likewi-e ihe tiillnu inji : I (Id sdleinnly sweai' llial I i'hi iiossesseij dl' llie |)rd|ierly ciualilica- tioii re(|iiii'eil liy tlie Act di' Inedi|idi'atidii. and lli)it the ,-;nd |ird|ierly is >itiiate(l at and is of al lea>t llie valne df C (eillier l'.")ll ii" freelidld. dl- I'COd if leaxdadd). If tlie eaiididale >liidl ndt lie |iri'-ent. the Slierill' (n- I'elurnin^r ( )lli('er -hall I'di'tlnvilli ean>e a notice Id he left at the n~nai place df ahdde df tlie caiidiilate. calling;' Mpdii llie saiil candidate Id take the nalli< within Iwenly-timr lidiiis fniin tlie lime llie aforesaid notice was left at >nch [dace, and in defanll. all vd<es j^iveii fdr sncii candidate sliall he nnll and \ oid. The Sherill'. or IJeinrnini: < Hlicec. oi- l'(dl Clerk >hall Ii:ive power at (dectioiis Id ;idinini'ter the oaths renuire(l hy thi< Act. I'oi.i. ituoKS. XIII. Till' Sherill" shall (hdiNcr a certiiicd copy of tlie p(dl hooks to the Clerk of the Council within foi'ly- •i.iiiit houi'- al'li'i" the (dose of the poll, and .-hall aUo. after the expiration of the ^aid I'orty-eiLihl honr,-, jiei'mit any of the Council Id examine the |ioll hook-. II -hail lie the duly of ihe Clerk of the Ciuincil In perini; any rea- Sdiiahle inspection of -nch cerlilied copies of the poll hooks hy any duly (|iialilied voter. Any |ier-on ma\' ohiain :i cei'titied copv of ttny of the poll hooks from the Shrriil' alore-aid. upon paymenl of one ,diilliiin' per fdlid. The Sherill' >hall innnediately after the election, or in ea-c of a poll, iinmediale'y after the declai'ation thereof, tile a certilicate in the Siipi'cme Court of Civil .In-tice of the re-nlt of ,-uch election or pdll. UAIIIS (IF (»||-|(i:i!S AT i:i.l'.(Tlo\S. XI\'. The Sherill'. Ketui'uinL;- (Hlicer and I'(dl Cle.k shall, hei'dre enterin;:- upon their ropective diilies. lake the oath followinjj:. liei'orc some du-tice of the Teacc for N'ancouver I-land : 1 solenudy >wear that I will faithfully fnllill the duties of my otlice without fear or t'a\di'. and that I have lad r 'i\('d, nor will receive. any ]n'\hc to inlluence my conduct. OAIIIS ')f M.VVOlt AM) (:Oi;\(,ll.(>l!S. X\'. livery person who shall have presented Iiims(df for iioiuimition, and who shall have heen (decte(l .May(jr or Cduncilor. must serve, or ill default pay a sum ol' i'.Vl toward- the Municipal revenue, smdi .-imi to he recoverahh; with co.-ts summarilv hefofu auv dustice of the IVace C"- 10(1 T II !■; I! IC I I' I S II (' II I, I .M II I A \ iif(M(>jiiil ; !iii(l fvcrv Miiyur mid ('(iiiiwlldr sluill. uilliin i^ix <1mv,>' iif'icr clcclioii, iiiiii liclnrr' ijikiii;.' Iii> -cmI. I.'iki' llic I'ullnu in;: kmiIi licl'iirc (Ik^ Cliiof Jiislicr of ilic Sii|(iTiiic CuiiM (if ('i\il ,lii>iicc: I ;iiii n l> .il'li >iilijici, |H)->c--.iii;i llir r< i|iii-iii' prdpcru (|ii,'iliru;ilii;ii, wllicll is [slillcliicill (if (|iiiililic;il;'iiij ,iil(| li.i\ciint uav \\\U |i;i>r ;inv iiilircsl. tlircclly or imIiicillN . in miiv rnntrncl f(>iiii(<'l'(i willi tlic (•(II iKnaliiiii. I have iKil. Ii_\ inv-cll' (ir aiiv nihic |icr-.(iii. know i(i).'|\ ciniilov cd aiiv liriliiry. corniiilioii or iiiliiniilalioii to ^raiii any clcciinn. and I will liiillilully |ii'r('oi'iii llic diitic.- of my ollicc. and will no| allow an\ pri- valc iii((MTsl 1(1 iiilliiciici' my ('ondiirl in piiMic maid r-. K\cry mcmlicr of llic Council >liail, licforc lakin;^ Id- >cal a( llic C'oiim-ii. prodiico a ccrlificalc IVoin llic ( 'liiif .Iii-ticc of the Supremo Conn, -latini^ llial tlic ufcfv-aiy oalli,- lia\i- lucn taken Ii\ -ih'I\ inciuhci'. \ \( \.\( II -. X\I. In ca^c of liic dcalh. li:inkriiptcy. iiixihcncv, n.-iunalion or jicnnaiient aliHiicc for llic -pace of liu'ce con-cculiM' caiendar inoiitlis from llic Colony ot' llie .Mayor fur the lime heinu. ,,)• in ea-c llic .Mavor .■^liall decline to accept ollicc or neglect li> take the ncces>ary oalli-. tlie CouiiciltM- wlio ra;;!l at ids election liave ohtaiiied llie <;reale-t miinlicr of \otes sliall pre.-ide at tiie ineetinirs of llic Council and shall liave tliu >anie powers, duties and i.rivileiic-. an<l Kc >uliiect to the >ame lial'ilities and re>|ioii.-il>ililie> v Inch the Mayor would lia\e had and l.ccn .-iilijccl to. if pi-e-idiiiir. until the day of (dection. In ca-e of the death, liaiikriiptcy. insolvency, re>iL'ii:ilion or perma- nent al>-ence afon.'said of any one or more of the Councilors, or in case of a Councilor lilliiiir siudi vacancy in llic oHice of .Mavor a> afore-aid. a new Councilor shall i»e tdecled to (ill the vacant ollice imtil the next election. -W II. 'I'hc .Mayor or pre-idiii;.r Councilor >hall. wiiliin three das.- fnjm .Midi vacancy, notity the Sherill' ihcicof. who -hall, within si.\ (lays from the )'ecei|)i of such iiotilicalion. fix the day for the iiouiina- lion and election of ,-ucli new Councilor, and the nomination and cdectii^m shall be IhM in nianm-i' alorc-aid. VAiinrr^ or i;i.i,( iiox-.. X\'II[. 'I'he validity of all conte-ted ileeiion- shall \n: tried I.elbre the Chief dii.-tice in manner followin;.r: Any voter or eandidale may present a pelilion t(; the Suiireme Court, prayin;; that the eleciion of any .Mayor or Councilor may be avoiiled on either of the fi)||owiiig grounds — by reason of bribery, intimidation or undue iiiHueuce ; by /- A N 1» VI C T (J U 1 A 1> I II U (' T II V . 101 n'.M«<iii (»!' siicli Miiyiir or {"oniicilor ii(»t Iijin iiiir '•''iMiiicd fi iriajniilv df tlif v'ltcs 1)1' tlic iliily (|iinli(i('(| clrcldis ; li\ r('(i>nii of sticli .Miivnr or ("ftiiiicilor not |»osscs>iiiir |||(. r(.(|ui,-.il(' iiropcrly (|iiMliliciilioi). of lifinir liiiili r <r»inc tlis(|iiiilit)ciiliirii ns (if'on-sjiid. 'Dw |irlilioii(T -li.'ill ill r;icli cu-f L'ivc .-iicli -cciirily for fnM~ ;{< llic Coiirl .-liiill ilirci'l. 'I'lii' onlcr oC the ('lii<'l'.lii-tl('<' oil till' said ipciilioii -liiill Im- tiiml mid I'oiirlii-ivc, :nid iiiMv roiiliiiii all ii('ci'>>ary ilirocli »n.s (or llic lioldinjr new /'Ii'i'lioiis or oilicruis*' as iiiav If rccjiiisitf.'. '1'Im' ("liicf .)ii.ii<'c may rroiii liiiic In limr iiiaki' rules tor rc;.'iilatliijf llic trial of sDi'l) jirliiioiis and llic iiiatlr'r- and lliiii'^'s (•iinncclcd llicrc- witli. 1 lie CiMiiK'il shall liold it- ordinary locciiiiiis openly, and no person shall l>c c\(diided except for ini|iroper eoiidiict. A special nieeiinLr may he opene/| (M- closed, as ill the opinion of ijie Council, expressed hy re-ohiiioii in wriliiij:, the piihlic interest recjiiire. 'J'hc .Mayor (or in case of equality of votes tin; SheritV) shall, within seven days t'rom the day ol' <dectioii, snmnion the ('omicil to meet on a day not more than fourieeii days afler the day of (dcetioii, at some place to he mciMioncd in sindi snmnKais. I'ltOCI'.l.lHMiS ()!■■ ('(MNCIl.. XIX. All ;u'(s \vhal<o<'ver authorized or re(piired l>y virtue of lliis Act to he done hy the Cmincil. anil all (picslions of adjournment, and others that may eome hefore the Coiineil, may, save whei'e otherwise expressed, he done and decided hy the majority of the niemhers of the Coiiiiii!. wlio shall he pre-ent at any tini: ladd in |inrsiiaiiee of this Act. ihr' \vh(de iiiimher of mcmhers present at such nieelin" not heiii"- less than lour; at sm-h mectinir the .Mayor, if preseiil, shall preside, and the .Mayor, or in the alisenec ot' the .Mayor such C'onneilor as the memhers ot' ('ouiicil then .issemhled shall choose to lie the Chairman of that meetintr. ~liall lane a second or eastiiiff vote in all eases of eipialily of votes ; the minnles of the iirocccdinirs of all sneli meetings shjill he drawn up and fairly enlered into a hook, to he kept for that jinrposi', anil shall l)e sii.nie<l hy the .Mayor or Councilor [iresidin;: at such ineeiinii-. and the said minutes shall he open to the inspection of any person, who may also make copies therecjf and extracts therefrom, at all rea.-onahle times, on pavnicnt of a tee of one shilliii". I'l'evioiis to the introduction of any husiness at any nieetiii,tr of the Council, a notice in writinjr i>f any husiness proposed to he hronght for- ward hy any niemlier siiall he pnhlicdy e.xhihited for twenty-four hours previously to such meeting in some jiiildic place to he agreed upon hy the Council. 102 T II K J! 11 I T J .'^ II C I, I- M 1! 1 A X ri'c\i()ii< to aiiv inccliim' oC llic Council, ollici' llian ailjoiinicd iiiitI- inir-, a notice of the tinic and jilacc of siicli intended nieelin^ sliall he piven three clear days, at least, iietore sn<'li nieetin- liy lixinn' <•; v<>\)\ of the said notice at tin; Post-Ollice. and such notice -iiall he -iirned hy the .Mavor. wiio .-liall have |>n\ver to call a nieetiuL'' oi' the (ouncil as often as he shall tliiidv ])ro|)er. In case the Mayor shall refuse or neudect to call a nieetinL'' within fortv-eij.dil houi's after a re(|ni~ition ii that iiui'|io-e. >iLrned hy three nieudiers of the Council, at the least, ,-liall have lieen iire>e]ited lo him. it >hall i)e lawful for the said three nieinhers to call a nieeiiuL of the Council 1)V u'ivinj: such notice as i~ hereiiiaftei' deelai'ed in that ludialf, such notice to hi' siLiiied hy the >aid nuMnhers instead of the .Mayor, and staling theirin the Imsiness proposed to he ti'an-acti'd at such meet- ing, and in every ca-e a summon- to attend the Council. . oecitying tht; Imsiness ])roposed to lie transacted at such nu'cling. signed hy the Mayor or the niendiei's. as the case may he. >hall he left at the u>ual places of ahode of ev<'ry mendier (if the Council, oi' at the premises in I'espect of which he is placed on the Municipal Asse^-m<■nl Roll, three (dear (lavs, at least. Ijclon .--ueh meeiing. and no liusine-s shall he transacted at siu'h nu'cting otlu.'r than the husiness which is sp( citied in the notice. The Council may. out of their own i)ody, from time to time, appoint ,su<di and so many committees and consisting of such meiidiers, as they may think fit. i'or .any purposes which in the di-cretion of tin- Council woidd he heller regnlated and managed liy mean- of such connuittees, hut all proceedings of such conninllees >hall lie >uhjecl lo the appro\al of the Council. i"(i\vi:u or ('()iN(ii,. XX. 'I'lie Council shall lia\ c power to make oi'dinance- for an\- of the following purposes : 1. The preNcniion and removal of nuisances A\ithin the cil\. •J. The regulation of the traffic within the city. 3. To regulate the maintenance, I'epair and construction of the high- ways, fooliialhs, pidilic wharfs and hridges situated within the said city. •1. To provide for the inspection of diseased ami unwholesome cattle, meats, jioidtry. li-h and vegetahle,-, and to jirevent the .-ale oi- e.\po-ure of the ,-anie. ">. To accept, purchase and hold siudi real estate as inav he re'|ulred for corporate purjioses, and to erect such huildings there(vn as may he requisite f(jr corporate purpo.ses. 'I'lie Council shall al.-o ha\c [lower to pa-s l>y-[.aws for any (»f the following purpo-es : i A X 1) VI C T U I A 1) I K E (' 'I' (» K Y . 108 :r 1. To rcj^iiliite tlic public iii!irk(!t. 2. To rcgiiliUt' and provide for the drainage and rieweragc of tlio said city. ;j. To make n'gnlations witii regard to tlic iirescrvation of the said city from iire, and to regidate all matters at^'ecting the liability of the said city to tire. I. To regulate the puldic lighting of the said city, and to regulate the public lights in the said city, but no streets shall be lighted with gas if one-half of the ri.'sidcnt property holders in that street oliject to the same. a. To establish and maintain landmarks in the said city. 0. To establish a general gra<le in tiie said city. 7. '''o regulate tlu; sanitary condition of the said city. 8. 'I'o regulate the use of weights and measures in the said city. !). To appoint an inspector of gas-meters. 10. To regulate tiie sale, carriage or storage of gunpowder. II. To acceiit, purchase and hold land for public cemeteries lieyond the limits of the nuuiicipality, and to lay out, improve, and manage and convey every part of the same. If holders of seven-tenths in value of the lots on any street of the Citv of \'ictoria sliall sign a reipr^ition calling upon the Council to grade, macadamize, pav". drain or otiierwise imi)ro'e the said streets, the said Council shall be emjiowered to make a rate upon the lots abutting on such street in order to carry out such improvements, and mav apply the rate when collected according to the prayer of such recpiisiiioh ; tiie Council api)roviug such recpiisitiou in such manner as they uuiy ajipoinl by By-Laws. Kvery Ordinance passed by the Council shall be reconsidered not less than thi'ce days after the original [lassage. and if c(^ntirmed, sludl come into eil'ect and be binding on all persons after seven days from the publication of t'le same in some out; or more of the public papers publisiied in the city, unle>s otherwise posti)on(,'d in such Ordinance. J'lvery Ordinance and By-Law sliall be jiassed by the vote or resolu- tion of at lea.«t three members of the Council, and at a meeting where at least four members of the Council sliall be present. The J5y-Laws, unless disallowed in writing within seven days by the (lovernor for the time lieing of ^'ancouver Island and its depend'Micies, (or tiie [lersou for the time being administering the Government) shall be [)ublislied in nianiu'r aforesaid, and shall williin seven days from such ])nI)lication have the force of law, unless otherwise postponed in such By-I^aw : pruruUd, that the Ciovernor for the time being may, instead of vetoing any IJy-Law, refer the same to the municipal vote, ■i 1 104 T II K ]i u IT 1 1^ J I (' () r. r:\i is i a x and tlio saifl innnifipivl vnti; slmll be taken in maimer liereiiilx'fore |ires('ril)i'(] for tlie eoiiHrmatioii or di-allowance of a rcsoliUioii aiitici- patinjf future revenue of the said nuniiei|iaiily. 'I'iie penalty liy whieii any l>y-Law or Ordinance may lie sou;:iit to he enforced may he stated in liie Uy-Law : and if no penalty is (herein mentioned, the hreaeh of any Hy-Lawsor Oi'diiiance.- shall lie punished in ii summary ■\vay hy a tine not exceedinjj; i'KI. or liy imprisonment for any term not exceedin,!^ three inonths, either \villi or wiliiout hard labor, at the discretion of any dustiee or Justices of the I'eace iiaving jurisdiction within the inunicipality. In the event of any Uy-Law or Ordinance being passed wherein no speeilic penalty is inse-rted, or in ease a specific penalty is in.-erted and no means for its recovery specified, any Justice or dustiees as aforesaid may. in case of a fine, adjadire that such offender shall pay the same, either innnediat(dy or within such period as tlu! said Justice or Justices shall think tit; and in ease such sum of money shall not be paid at the time so ai)pointed, the same may be levied liy <li-tre-s oi' --ale of the, goods and chattels of the oliend v. and for v>ant of ^uilieient distress such orteiider may be imprisoned as aforesaid at the discretiiin of such Justice or Justices, with or without hard labor, in the coie.nion jail, )(>r any term not exceeding three months, the impi'isomnenl to c(;ase upon paynu.'nt of the fmc and costs. TIr, ]\Iayor shall t)e deemed head of the Council, and the Ik ad and Chief Executive Ollicer of the coriioratlon. and shall, er njlicio. lie a Justice of the Peace, and it shall be hi> duty to eau>e the law for the improvement of the city to be duly exeeiiliMl and put in force; to inspect the conduet of all subordinate otlicers in the govermm-nl thereof, and tfir as may be in his powei'. to cau^e all negligence, ear(dessnes.s and positive; violation of duty to be [)rosecuted and ])Uiushed. and to communicate from time to time to the Council all such information and '■ecounnend all such measiu'es as may tend to the improvement of the finances, health, security, cleanliness and comfort of the city. The Jurisdiction of the Council shall be confined to the n\unicij)ality, exce[)t where authority beyond I lie same is expn'ssly given. The Council may make regulations not specially pro\ide(l for in this Aot. and not contrary to the jirovisions hereof, and not con.rary to law, for governing the proceedings of the Coimcil and the conduct of its inend)ers. The Council may. by resolution pas.-ed in manner hereinafter pro- vided, devote any portion of the nuniicipal revemie. not ex( ling in the course of the year one-third jiart, towards defraying the ordinary expenditure of the coriMiration in the condiu-t of its general business. A N i» V r (• T () 11 1 A 1) I u i: f r o ii y, lo; iij.il 1)V :i lOoliilioM iiii<~('il a- al'on'said may dcvdlc llw iiiiaiiiiropriaH'd j noriioii of the rcvcinic. ami any accimuili'.tions of pa-t rcvcmic, U> any j of tlic ]iiii'|io>cs lo wliich tlic Cimiicil 1> aulliorizcd to [la-- Uy-Laws or | Ordiiiaiiccs. and also to any of the |)nr|)os('- foliowin.ij; : { Tlie -iipply of said city witliuas and water. ' The iniprovcincnt of the approaches to the city, inclnding bridges aei'oss V.cloria Arm from I'oint Kilis. The maintenance of hospitals. XXI. A copy of everv liy-Law rhall he tran-mitled to the (lov- ernor hv the Clerk of the Conncil witliin llirty-eiuht hours of the final lias.--a,i:c of the same, sijxned hy tin; said Ch'rk, and conntersigned by the Mavor or pre-iding Conncilor. XX ir. A resohition. devoling an.y |iorti(ju of the mnnicipal fnnd- to any of the jmrposes atliresaid >liall be pa~H'd by the yote of at least four members present at a meeting where at lea-t live meniliers shall lie |ir .-eat ; such re.-olution >iiail lie afterwards conlirm<Ml hy a like vote at some meeting summoned after the lapse of >('\cn days from and before the expiry of one calendar month at lea-l from the original meeting, and snmmoned also ibr the specilic puriiose of confirming the resohition : /'r')ri(/,'(/ <i/>r/(i/s, ihiit the Conncil, save as jiereinafter mentioned, ■hall have no power to incnr any personal liability or any liability beyond the nmiiici|)al revenue for the current year: rriiridcd tihr(fi/s. that the Conncil may. by re>olulion parsed as aforc- fsaid. if confirmed by the electoral vote iiercinafter mentioned, bind one- third or any less part of' the municipal I'evemie for the .-pace of thr(>e years from the date (jf the final passage of a resolution in that behalf, for any of the purposes following: 'I'lie improvement of the highways, footpaths, bridges and public wharfs within the said city and the improvement of the approaches thereto afor''said. The sup[dy of the city with gas or water. XX 111. Kvery resolution anticipating any portion of the municipal revenue shall receive the confirmation of the nuuucipal electors in man- ner following : A. 'I'iic (,'ouncil ^hall. by pid)lic notice, fix the day, hour and i)lace f(ir the taking votes of the electors thereon at every place in the city at which the (deciion of the memliers of the Council is held, and also name, a sullicient numiier of Returning Officers to take thi' votes at every -iich place, and such day shall not be less tha i seven nor more f 106 'I II E ]i U I T I S l[ C L U M 1! I A \ tliaii twfiily-onc days jit'tcr llio st'coiid pnssajrc hy tlic t'omicil of llio j)r()|ii)s('(l rc-oliilioii. 1). Kvcry voter sliall have a vole, eitlier coiitirmiiiL;: or Mc^xatix iuj; tlio t^aid I'csoliitioii, in cat'li ward wIumt lie lias a vote tor ('omicilor. ('. TIic Coiiiu'il sliall. for at k'a.-t throe clear days before the voting day, ]itd)lisli a copy of such proposed resohitioii in some newspaper pub- lished within th(! niunieipality, and also post np a eopy thereof in at least one pnl}lie jilaee within eai'ii ward. I). Appended to each copy so published and posted sliall be a notiee, signed by the Clerk of the Couneil. to the effect following: 'J'ake notice, that the abo\e is a true copy of the proposed resolution ujion wliich t!ie vote of the municipality will b<' taken at [place, day and hour of the day]. K. The poll shall be taken on the (luestion, avk or xo. whether the resolution shall be confirmed; and the poll shall be kejit open on the day naineil between ten o'clock, A. M. and four o'clock, f. m. F. Every IJeturning Officer shall, immediately after the closing of the polls, retui-n his poll book to the Clerk of the Council, sealed and verified, and a solemn declaration annexed that the poll book con- tains a true statement of the votes. G. The Clerk of the Council shall unseal the pf)ll book at the next sitting, and in the presence of the Council add up tiie number of votes for and against the resolution, and shall cei-tify to the Council, under his hand, whether the majority have ajiproved or disapproved of the purposed resolution, and shall keep the [loU books among the records of his office. In case any proposed resolution shall be negativeil by the voles of the electors, no siicii resolution, or one of a similar nature, shall be brought forward or considered during the same municipal year. The poll books shall be open to inspection on payment of a fee of one shilling to the Clerk of the Council. >ro more than one-third of the iiiimicipal revenue shall be made liable or deinted pi-o>pecti\ely for any of the purposes aforesaid at the saim; time: /iron'i/cd, that no loan efl'ect<_d by the Council on th" |)rospective revenue aforesaid shall be effectul at a higher rate of interest than twelve per cent, per annum at par. and that if the same be elfected, directly or indirectly, at a higher rate of interest than tw(dve pel' cent, the principal moneys and interests shall not be recoverable. XXn\ The Council may, subject as hereinafter contained, 'iv a Uy-I.aw passed and confirmed as aforesaid, direct in what maiiner tiic i'unds re([uired for the municipal purposes shall I.-i; raised : Mih J A N 1) V I ( T () U 1 A J) [ 11 !•: T <) K Y 107 I I'rin-idcil. tliat not iiinr.! tli;n> dUf-liiilt' (if tliL' j)ropo<C(l aniuiul vtjvriiiic shall l)e raised l)y an assessiiii'iit on t'lrcliold and leasehold property within the said eity : Pniridcd <ilirai/s. that tli(! rate of assessment shall not exceed oni; per e<'nt. npon the (iovernnient assessment of the said property nnder tlie ')ne Per Cent. Tax Act. or any assessment Act to he jiassed in lien thereof: Prorlih'il, also, tliat no \r,\vt of the said annual revenue shall be raised by any tax in tlio nature of a tax ujion i»ersonal estate, upon ships, sliippiii.t: or passengei's. XXV. Tiie Council shall lie capable of holdinir real estate, and have entiri' control ol' all corpoi'at(,' jiroperty. Ap Assessment Knll shall, between the first day of January and the fu'st day of dune, in each year. lie pre[iared by or on behalf of the Council, and tlu' freehold and leasehold property situate within the said city >hall be therein specitied. touether with the names of the persons occupyin.L;- the same, and the nanu'S of the persons owning the same, and together also with such other matters and things as may be required liy any 15y-Law passed and conlirmeil as aforesaid in that behalf. TO Kf.l'.l' HKillWAYS IN' OKOl'-K. XXV I. The Council shall jirovide means for keeping highways, road>. jiaths and bridges within the corporate limits in an ellicient state ot' I'cpair. Al'l'OINTMKNT Of « lll-ICi;US. XXVir. Tiie Council may apjioiut such ollicers, not being a Mag- istrate or Police ( )llicer. as may be absolutely reijuircd for the conduct (if tlie coriiorate business, and may pay the same out of the corporate re\enue set apart for the ordinary expen<liture of the corporation: I'rurtdriK that it >hall lie incumbent uiion the Council to ap[)oint a Clerk to the Council. All officers shall, howevtn-, give security in such maimer as the Coun- cil shall determine for the due performance of their services. !ji:.VL. XXVIir. The City of Victoria shall have a Corporate Seal ; and the Cdiincil shall enter into all contracts uiuler the same seal, which ^hall be ailixed on all contracts by virtue of an order of the Council. I'OWKlt 01' l.KASi:. XXIX. The Council may absolutely lease any of the corporate A 108 T II !•; I! U 1 T I S II (• (I I, r .M I! I A N l)r(»[)ei'ty for nny term not cxci'odiii!.' Cuiirtccn yciirs. roccivin,!.' tlicrc- ii|i(iii tlic 'x'st rent tliiii ciiii rciisdiialily lie ol hiiiicd, t<i lu' paiil in advance, ami without tal<inu any line or |iiviniuni, or other money in the natni'e of a line or t'oriiiit : /)ruri(/c(l ti/irai/s, tliat every lease niaile by the corporution sliall he oxccnled nmler the Corporate Seal, and there shall lie thei-ein eontained a proviso for reentry on iionpavnient of tlie rent, or nonobservanee or noniierforinanec of the covenants and jirovisos therein eontaiiied. XXX. This Act may be cited as •• The \'icloria Incorporation ^Vct. l.S(;2." j I'lisscd -.he lIoiiSL' of jVsstMuIily June '.lili, ISdii. ('ouiic'il iiiiicniliiiciits aiirccd to July .'list, 18f)2. K. I'xiW l.lis l)()(;(;|.;ir, Clerk ot' tlic Ihiiis;'. Piisscd tlic ('(iiiiicil July 22il, ISCii. Josi:i'il roKTi;!!, Aclilii; Clerk ef the Coiilicil. licci'ivcd my assent this second day ot Aiinnsi, a. h. IStiii. JAMES DOCCLaS. (iov.nior, SCIIKDrLK. First Part.—AH that Tract of L:ind indo-^ed uilhin tiie lied, Black and I)otted Linos drawn on the IMan marked "A." Skcoxi) J»ai!T. — All that Tract of Land inclo-ed within tlu; Red Linos aforesaid. TniKi) r.vUT. — 7VII that Tract of Land inclosed within the lUack Linos aforesaid. F(.i uTii I'AKT.— All that Tract uf Land inclustnl within the Dotted Linos aforesaid. A N 1) V 1 t' T K I A 1» I II H •' T '• K V . 101> LAiXl) PROCLAMATION. Ihj //is Krrrl/i-iin/. Jamks Ddioi.As. Co/iipniiion of the Mtisl Jloii- untblc Onlvr (if fix' lialli. diirfiriinr and < 'oiiiUKUK/cr-iii-C/iir/ of ] iin- ronrrr hlniid int<l i/s Jh-jwin/riirics, \'lri'-A<hiiinil i>/ f/n' s(iiiii\ cfc, clr. WliKiM-.AS. I liiivc lici'ii iuilliorizcd l>y Ilcr .Aliijcsly's (iox crnnicut to liikf siH'li >l('|i> as iiiiiv ti'iid to ]>n>m(it(' llio SL'ttlfiiicnt ol' cuiiiitiT lands in tlu- Colony ol' N'ancouvfi- I>laiiil and its Dciicndcncii's. and to rcdin'c ilic np-ct iiricc of country land to lour .-iiillinjis and two-pcncr per acre ; and, ic/icrnis, it is cxiicdirnl to make puMic till' uiethods liy wliicli land may be ac(iinrcd in the said Colony; be it tlieret'ore known unto all men: Ul.l'KAl, ol I'KKVIorS I...M) 1'1M)( I.AMATIONS. I. 'I'lic iiroclamations issued by me under the imblie seal of the said Coionv. dated rer-jjeetively the nineteenth day of February. ISl!!. the tweutv-iirst dav ol' ^lareli. iSCil.jind tin ninth day of May, ]cS()l,save so far as the rijilit> and interests of any per.-o, who may have songiit to acquire land thereunder are concerned, are hercliy repeah'd. LAND ro 111. soi.i) Ar All ri(i\. IF i:i.<,ni>rri;. II. Whenever the jaibjic re(|nireinents are sucli as to render the sale of anv tract of land expedient, whether a town ^ite, suburban land, (tr ollierwi-e. the same land will be put up or sold at auction, at such iip>et price as mav be from tiini' to time determined on — not. however, in any case exceediiiLi- the >um of four shillinii's and two-jier.ce per acre for coiin'ry land, and in ibe event of any land not fetching the upset price, it shall lie lawful ibr the Surveyor-( ieneral to sell the same by private contract al such upset price. no T I! K 1! U 1 T I S II CO I, r .\I I! I A X I'dlilKITl'.l) I.ANMS TO UK S(»I.I> AT AI(TH>S. III. All t'ouiitry land lort'cilcil tor iHinpiiyincnl >>[' instiilliiH'iits .-liall from time to tiiiif be put up Cor sale at piililic auction, at an upset price of four i^liiilinL's ami two-pence per acre. I'OWKlt ro lUMTISlI M l!.li;(TS, AM) AI.IKNS Wllo I A K K TUT. OATH Ol' Al.I.KCilANCK, T<» A( <,•! Ii;i: I.AM>. I\'. 'I'iiat from and after tlio date thereof. I)riti>ii >ulijects. and alie';.- wlio >iiall take the oatii of aUe^iance to Her Maje-ly ami Iler Success- ors, ahove the a^Lte of eighteen, may acquire the riuht to hold and pur- chase in fee simple, unsold, unoccupied, and mireservcd Crown Lands in N'ancouver Island and its l)e]iendencii's, not lieinjr the site of an existent or pi'oposcd town, or aiirifci-ous land a\ailalile for miniiiii pur- poses, or i'u Indian Keservo or Setllemenl, under the following condi- tions. Tin; I'KltSOV DKSII.Mil S Ol' A('(,i| IK'INC I.AM), To I.NlKIt INK) I'oS- si:ssi().\ AM) uiaoito iiis claim. (^>i an rrrii'.s ro r.r. ui.i i)i;i>i:i). v. The person desiring to accpiire any particular plot of land of the character aforesaid, shall enter into possi'ssion and shall record his claim with the Surveyor-! ieueral, paying to him the sum of eight .shillings for rect)rdiiig such claim. The |ierson recording may rei'ord his claim t(j the following (piantities of land: If a single man. one iiim- dred acres ; if a married man, whose wile is rc-id<'nt in the Colony, one hundred and lifty aci'es ; if the ]iarent of children resident in the Col- ony, and under the ago of eighteen, ten additional acres for each such child. I'OWKI! <l|- A((,)II1!;\(; ADDITION AI. LAND AD,IA( KNr TO THK I'UK- K.MI'Tr.l) CLAIM ON I'AVMKNT ol' AN I NSTA LI..'\I KNT. \l. Any person in |)ossession of land so recorded as aforesaid, may acquire the right to hold and purchase; any further tract of unoccupied land aforcsaiil, over and ahove the ([uantilies afore.-aid. and contiguous thereto, upon payment to the Surveyor-! ieni'ial of the; sum of two shillings ami one-pence pei* acre' t()r the same, as and \)\ way of install- ment of the purchase moiu'y, to he ultimately paid to the (iovermnent upon the survey of the same land. I'OSSKSSIO.N AM) lilXUUD M;( KSSAIiV, AS l\ CASK OF I'l UK I'KK- KMI-rioN. Vir. Any person so paying .-iich deposit, shall enter into possession and record his claim to such la>t mentioned tract of land in manner hereinbefore tirescribed. MODK OK i;i:('Ol!I). A'lII. The claimant shall, in uU cases, give the l)est possible descrip- ' A N I) VI (' T (> 1{ r A I) [ 11 !•: C T n II Y 111 tinii ;)t' llic ImikI to tlic Siirvcyor-dciRTiil, toirctlxT witli .1 roiigli plim tlicrcid', iiiid idciility llic plot in <|ii('sti()ii by pliiciii^r .'it tlie corners of tiic hiiiil tour |iosi>. iiiid l»y stilting in liis (l('scni)tion any oilier hind- i uks of ii notieeahle eliiirnctei". SIlAl'i; OK I.AMt ( I.AIMr.I). IX. Evoi'y |)ie('n of land songlit to lie a('([nii'eil inidcr the jirovisions of tills proelaination. if in a snrveyed district, shall l)e sidected accord- ing to the lines of the snrvey ; ami if in an nnsnrveyed district, such piece of land shall (save as hereinafler mentioned with respect to lands ahiilting on roads, rivers, lakes r the sea-shore, or Iioinid(Ml l)y natnral boundaries) l)e of a rectaiignlar shape, and the shortest line thereof shall lie at least two-thirds the length of the longest line. I'l!()NIA<;r, OK CLAniS on lioADS, lilVKKS, KTC. X. Wherever the piece of land souglit to lie ac(|iiired in an iiiisnr- veyeil district abuts upon a road or highway, river or sea-shore, the frontage on such road or highway, river or sea-shore, shall not exceed tliirti'cn hundred and twenty feet in length. NvrruAr, noiNDAwiKs may iu; takkv. XI. AVhere the land soiigiit to l)e aci|nired in an iinsiirveyed district is in whole or in part bounded by mountains, rocks, lakes, swamiis, roads, hiiihwavs, or llie niaruin of a river, or bv other natural bonnda- ries, llien sucii natural boundaries may be adojited as the lionndaries of the land sougiil to be ac([nired; and in such case it shall be sullicicnt for the claimant to show to the .-atisfaction of the vSurveyor-( ieneral that the said form conforms, as nearly as ciiTumstuncos permit, to the provisions of this proclamation. ii!i;i;(;ki.ai{ links ok oriiKU ( KAnrs mav v,i: takk\. XII. If tiie land sought to be acipiired be bounded by a (daim, th(.> line of such claim may be adopted by the })erson so se<'king to acquire, notwithstanding any irregularily in such line which has been occasioned by the adoption of a natural boundary, or other cause, by the claimant of the adjacent claim. IMKCK OK I.AXI) INtl.OSKI) I'.KTWKKN TWO CLAIMS MAY IIK TAKKX OK wiiATKVKi; im;oi'oi;tions. XIII. AVhere a piece of land is partially or entii'(dy inclosed between two or more claims, the claimant may acipiire sucli inclosed piece, notwithstanding any irregularity of form or dispro[)ortion in length of any of the sides. DIUKCTI )N' OK I'.Ol NDAIilKS. XIV. The boundaries sliali run as nearly as possible by the cardinal ll 111 11: T II i; II I! I T I s II r n I, r y, n i a n puiuH 111' llir cninii;!--. or if llii' cbiim lir ill Mil iiii-m \i'\ I (I i|I-liiil mimI i'riiiil <iii ii I'uad, liikr. rJM'r. or- >r:i->li(irr. llic liiumdiirirs >lii(ll niii Imck friHii siicli roiid. Iiikc ii\iT. or «fii-«licni' ii- mcmi'Iv ii- iiiiu lir al riirlil Mllirlcs to I 111' tVnlltilui.'. riii; (i<»vi.i!.M)U ■^l\^ i.i.'wr i,i.\>r.s ui iiii. im ininit mim.waj.s Ndi'w II 11^ I whim; aw n;i;-i;Mi'i ion. \ \'. I 'mil ll:i' cuiiN rvaiii'c III' (111' laiiil. in rr-prci lit" wliicli a claim i-; I'cciiriliil, il >liall lir iawl'iil tlir llir ( invcniui- nl' NaiicimviT l-laml iiiid its |)i'|i('iiilriicirs. I'lU' llir time liriiij:'. ti' ^I'anl Ira-rs (^^ all nr aiiv iiiiiicriil-i lyiiiL;' iimliT tin' ^allll■ liir any Irnii nt' year-, ami \*illi •■iicli ri^ilits (if riiiry. am! ^m■ll |ii(\\ii'- oi' I'ai^iii'i ami wurkiiiL'' iin'laN ami im'tallic >iili^iaiii'r-. ami -nrli prix ili'L;r-- nt'ii^iii;: llir .'-iirlarr lirinimi liir tlic m'('i'--ar\' iiiiiiinir ii|u'i'ali(Hi> a- may ln' ilriiiiril m'rr->ary liy the said ( toM'i'mir. « (iMl'i:\> \l|u\ TO 111. M\l>i: lit llll. ()( rl I'ANl'. X\'I. l'r'»\ iilid iliat it'aiiy li'-~ii nilcr ami w mk any miiirral- iipmi (ir iimli'i- any lam! prrv i.m.-ly pi'i i'lnplrd. or in rr-pcrl nl' w iiirli any iiistallmi'iil l'.a~ liiiii paid, tin' pi'i't'inptur nr |iayri i>l' ilic in-lallmriil shall 111' cnlillrd lu t'lili i'niiipt'ii>ati(iii I'rnm sik'Ii lr~-i r t'nr liir >iirrac(' land iii'ciipii'd, tlir dimimilinn in \alm' ncca-inncd liy >m'li ri'ilil of t'lilry. and llic damaiic sii^lainrd liy mh'Ii imans of rai-in,L:'. miniii'.;'. and workiiiLT of llll' mimral- afoic id. >m'li damai:i' lo lir a-ccrlaiiird a- a (liir.-lioii o(' d('l('i'ioi-alion lo tlir land in ipir.-lion in an aL'ririiltiiral point of \ ii'w only. I'liwi:;; vo rim mask i\ srnvi.vfn nisruK is. W'll. Wlirrc the land - -iluati.' in asiirvryrd dislricl. the clainianl wlio lias entered upon llie .-aid land and recorded liis claim a- ai'oi'e-aid. his heirs and de\ i-ee-. -hall he entitled, after two year- permanent 0('C'ii[»ation, or after the i>.-iiam'e of a certilicati' of improx cnniit (which- ever sliail lir^l happen) to purchase the land -o acquired, or in re-pect of which >m'h depo.-it -hall lia\e lieeii paid a- afore.-aid at >(ich rate as may lor the time he fixed hy the ( loxcrnnienl of N'ancoiivcr Island and its Dependeiicie-, not exceedini.' four >hillimr^ .'iml lwo-|Hnce per acre. iM.i!.-i>N IN rii->i;>-iii.N M\\ ni.TiiA-i; ai iiii: k \i i. im imi! siiii.i.iN(i> AMI r\vi>-i'i;M i; i-i i; ai i;i; wiii.n riii: lanh i- >i i;- Vl',\ KI). Win. ^^'hen the (iovermneni surxcy -hall exicml to liie land claimed, the claimant who ha- entered into pos:-e>sioii of and recorded his claim ■ s afore.-aid. or his heirs or devisees, or in the c;ise of llie ixraiit of a certiticate of improxciMcnt hereinafti'r mentioned, liie a.->i;in."< of such claimant shall, if he or they -hall have lieeii in continuous occu- pation of the same land from the date of the recor<l al'oro.'^aid, he eiiti- A N i> V I r r (I It I A HI If !■; c r n u v, l|:l / tli'il (<iilij('cl Id iiiiv >ii('li Miiiicial It'Mfi's IH nf'ori'sniil) t(> pnrclm-'c the land -11 iiciinii'iil, (ii- in ic>|ic('l ot' wliicli such (lipn-ii -luill liinr liccn imiil ii- at'iirr-iiiil, at -iidi ruir a-* mav I'm' llic lliac lii'iini- lie lixrd liv III.' tidNcrniiK 111 of \'aii('oii\cr l-laiid ami il- I)(|iiiidciicics ndt cNcccdiii;: llic slim of Iniir -iiilliiiii< and l\v(i-|iiiicc per acre. roWKI! lu SI lt\ I.V(il!-(;|,M.|; \|, to issIK A ( IMil ll'K A IT. <)!•• i\ii'i;(i\ i.MKN r. XI\. Wlirn llic (daiaiaiil, liis liciis. or dcvi-ccs, -hall I'.ovc |o the Siii'vcvof-( inicral liv the cvidciic' of iiiiiisclt' and of ilil:,( |iai'tics, that lie or they has oi' have coiiiiniicd in |icniiancnt occiipalioii of the claim (VoiK the date <if rccoi'd. and has or have made |icrmaiiciil improvo- nieiils thereon to the value of ten -hilliiitrs per acre, the -aid Survevor- (Jeiieral shall Pliant In liie -aid elaiiiiant. his jieirs, or devisees, a certiti- cale of iiiipri.v cnieiil in the t'onii marked A in the -(diediile hereto annexed. I'oWKii ro M'.i.i,. MoKTfiAdK, OK i.i; Asi',, (iivi:N T<» orciivwT who MAS or.TAINT.i) A CKIMIIK ATI: <»r IM I'lJO V KM I'.N T. XX. rpon the ^raiit of the eerlilicate of iniprovenient afore-aid, the Jierson to whom the -ame is i-.-iied, nia\. -uhjecl to anv unpaid instiill- ineiil and to tlie terms of oeenpation under which the same land was ori.uinally ac(piire(l, s(dl. morl,i:a,if<'. <>r lea-e the land in ropect of which sncli ccrtilicate ha- heeu is<ne(i. imt no iiiti'rest in any jilot of laud acipiircd in eitlie" of the nieiliod> afore-aid shall, hefore payment of the purchase money, he capalile of pa--iii,u' to a ]Hircha-er. unless the vendor -hall iiasc oliiaiiied -ucii cerliticate of improvement as aforesaid. TIMi; Ul' I'AVMI.NT OF I'llK IT lt( 11 ASK MoNKV. XXI. The purchase money, except as oilierwise provided in tlie ca-e of a person desirous of ac(|iiirint:- a coiitiiiuoiis portion of land, shall ho jiayahle for land acfpiireil in manner ■•ifoie-aid hy in-lallmeiits at the i';ite of one -liillinir p''i" acre, such iiisiallmenls to lie paid once in c\'erv year .intil the purchase money is [laid in full; and the fir.-t installment is io l.c paid within twcdve months after the survey of the land is made, or in ca-i' of the land beinu; snrveved within twelve months, ai'ler the record. CkANT ol' rilK l.AM). XXII. I poll payment of the purchase money, a conveyance of the land piirchasi'd shall he executed in fiuor of the piirchaser, reserviiiii the precioii- minerals with a riizlit to enter and work the same in favor of the Crown, its as.-ij:uees. and licensees, and subject to such inincral leases as mav etlect the land conveved. mm 11 114 T II K It U I T I S II (' <t L r M I! I A N rriK. » (»:Mri;NsATi<»N' t<» pi'Iisons wiiosi: i.\m> is t\ki;n i»y (ioVKItNMKN r. will. Ill llic ('\<nl ()( llic Crown, ili iis>i«j;iM'(s. or ik-cnsccs avail- iiij; itself, fir lliciii-i'hc-. ol' ilic privilcj^c-i (oilier lli;m llir lakiiij? of laml n'f|iiire(l for roiiils) iiifritioniil in cIjiiiscs (hirly-onc mikI tliirly-two, a rcji^oiialilc coriiiMMi-ialioii for llu' laml taken, wasted, or »lama;:e(l. shall l)e paitl to tlie person whose lainl shall lie taken, wa.-tcd, or (luina},'e(l ns aforesaid. n;ior;rr» outaim.h p.y i{i,(ii.sti!.\tion wriii im»ssi;ssion. WIN'. Triorily of title ,>hall he ohtained \>y the person who, lieinj; in possession, shall lir.~t record his elaini in inaiiiur aforesaid. liixiisTi; ATioN r<> lit; ni'.roKiii.n wrrii i.\\i» iii'.<'(H!i»K,l{. XX \'. Kvery per-oii who shall have recorded hi> el;iini with the kSiirvevor-( ieiieral aforesaid, .-hall within thirty days from >iich record, record with the I.and Recorder of the District or Settlement (when appointed) a copy of the record made with the ,-aid Snrvt'yor-( Jeiierul, Jind all maps or plans accompanyinir >nch recoid. St I!Vi;v(»ij-(;i',m.i;ai. may canci;!. claims wiiosi: <k ci i-ation HAS n.KMANKMl.Y ri'.ASM). XXVr. Whenever any person shall permanently eea>e to occupy land ac([nired in either of the methods aforesaid, the Snryeyoi'-( ieiieral may in a simimary way, on l)ein;j; satisfied of sueli perinaneiil cessation, cancel the claim of the person so permanently ceasinj^ to occupy the same, juid record the claim thereto of any other person sati-fyiiij.' tla; re(piirements aforesaid. TWO MONTltrs' AliSKNCK, AS A lill.i;, SI rilCIIAI K V I liKNCK OF CKSSATION Ol (X ( ri'ATION. XXVII. As an ordinary rule, two months" absence from the land acquired shall he suHicient evidence of ]ierinanent ce<.-iUion of occupa- tion. MKANINC. OK " OCCI I'ATION." XXVIIT. 'I'lie "occupation" mentioned herein shall mean a contin- uoiis personal residence of the claiinanl himself. suuvKYOR-(ii;M:i;Ai. may ;;i!ANt a mcknsi, to a<:t as stiiSTi- Tirrr, kok tiik imii>i:mi'tok. XXIX. If any claimant shall show fjood cause t(» the Surveyor- General, he may grant him a " Licensi^ to Substitute" in the form con- tained in Schedule B hereto, and the continuous ))ersonal residence of the person named in such license (such person not being or becoming subse(iueiitly to the date of the license a claimant of land under this or any previous proclamation) shall, during the continuance of the . A N l» V I (• T () II 1 A I> I u i: <• r (' K V iir, license ami afier reennl with llie liiiml KeciHiler. l)e us ell'ccliiiil as the eoiiliiiiKHi^ |)( i',-oiiaI I'l -iilciiee of tlie elaiinaiit liimself. OS (Willi \II"N \l.l. IMIOSIlS AM» IMI'KOVKMIATS I OKI 1.1 ri:l>. X\\. All (IcpD-ii- |iai(l ill re<iieft ol^iicli rorli'iled elaiiiis >iiall l)e forleileii ; iiii'l all iiii|ir(iseiiiriits. liuiitiiii).'-. ami e^e^•ti(lll^ (liercini. -Iiall (miltsetjiienl lo llie appeal lieriiiial'tc r nieiilioneij) he i)|ieii to seilii'inent by any oilier iierstiti. Aii'i \i. I uoM I in: nr.cisioN <»k iiii. stiivi;voit-»ii;Ni.i; ai,. XWI. Tlie snimiiary (leci>i(iii of tlii^ Siirvey(>i--( leiieral may lie a|i|iealiil li\ eillier party lo llie di'eisioii of the .lii(i<»e of the Supreme Coiirl nf ('i\il .Iii--ru'i'. ill ^iieh iiiaiiiier as may he providetl by any Aet of the l.eij,i -laliire. sAvisii »>i' iMciiTs Of i'iji;i; minkks. XXXII. X'llhiiii,' liereiii eoiitaiiieii >hall he eoiistnied as j^riviii^' ii ri;:hl to an\ rlaiiiiant to exehide lieeii-ed miners from searchiii;^ for any of the iiiiiieials albre-aid. or workiiiji the same upon llie eemlilioiis afori'~aId. (KM r.i;NMi:N r mav taivI': land im-.qiiim'.I) loii ijoads hi; rt m.ic fllM'OSI'.S. XXXIil. 'I"he (lovermneiit shall, iiolwitli-laiidiii;,' any elaini. record or eoiivevaeer atorc-aid. be entitled to enter and lake >iich poirmn of the land acipiired in eithi'r of the methods aforesaid as may be re<[iiired for roads or olher public purposes. SAVlMi OF nil. liUIIIIS Of .MIN|-.I!> TO f'AltliY AM> I.f.AI> WATKU. XXXIN'. Water privileij;e.s and the ri|.dil of carryin.u' waler for min- iiiir purpose- mav. noiwilli-tandiiijr any claim recorded, lie claimed and taki'ii ii|i(iii. iiiidir or over the said land so preempted or imrchased a.-* iiforesaid. by licenced miners recpiirin^f the same, and obtainin;;- a luraiit or liceii-e from the Siirveyor-( ieiieral, and paying a coni|)eieation for daimiire to the }ier.-on %vho.«e land may be wasted or damaged by sncli water privilege or carriage ol' water, to be ascertained in case of dis- pute ill niaiiner ai'oresaid. fOHKKITl I!K Of OI.I> 1!V Uf.(i ISTK ATION' Of M.W CLAIM. XX X\'. li'any person, being already registered i\- a claimanl. regi>- ter a claim to any other land not being contiguous iherelo. the land so previously claimed sliai' ipso fad o be' forfeited, and shall, with all im- provements thereon, bi' open to settlement by .any other ]ierson. I'owfii Of itf.fKitf.Ncf- TO TiiK Mij vi;voii-(; i;,M'.K A I.. XXXVl. In caisc any dis[)tile shall arise between per.-ons with regard to any land so acquired as aforesaid, and one oi' tlie ]:aities in I ; |i i if t'Si -t I I I ; 11(5 T II !•; 1! R I T r s II (.' 1. 1: m y, i a n (lifi'ciTticc limy. IicCoiv cjootnipnt or aclioii of trcspiiss liroiiulil. VfW'v the i|ii('-(i()n in (liffcrciict' to llic Siirv('yor-(icii('r;il, who intiy jiroccod in !i sninin;irv way to rcstofo tlii' ]iosscs>ion of any laml in (li.-|inlr to tlu! pofson whom lie shall (l<'('ni i'ntitl('<l to the same, and to ahatc all intrusions, and award and k-vy snch costs and daniaiics as ]\v may thiid\ fit. TIM', (iOVl.It.NOIt MAV AIM'OINT l,\\l> I! lU ( >1! 1) KliS. XXXN'II. 'I'he (ioNcrnor may. iVom time to linir, ajipoint. remove, and reappoint a person rc.-idcnt in any District or Settlement to bu '• I^aiid IJecorder " for tlie same District or Setilement, and may. from time t(i lime, appoint a ilepiity to act in his place dtirinL;- hi- ah-ence. DtTIKS 0|- Tin; I AM> i;i:( (IKDI.I!. XXX\'Iir. The duties of the •• Land Recorder" ^hall l»e to keep a liook to be called the ••Occupation I\ecoril." in wliicii he shall enter, at the reipiesi of any person who has acMpiiicd land, a memorandum of the pi-esence of snch person in the J)istrict or Selllenient on the date of such memorandum, and in the e\('nt of such person eea-iuL'' lo occupy land aiMpiired as aforesaid for a temporary purpose, the name df the person (not being a person registered a- a ]>i'ei'mpl(a') occupv ing for him. snch jierson to appear and be identilied before such Keconirr at the time of the record. Till'. sii!vi:v()i;-(ii:M;!!Ar, to TiiwsAiir maps am> (opiks of liKOfSTKATIOX To I, AM) i; IJ -oliDKi;. XXXIX. The Surveyoi'-Cieneral shall, from lime l(Minie .a- i/iiid IJeconlers are appointed, tran--ir.it to each Recorder copies df all maps of the Di.-triet or Settlement to which such Recorder is apjioiuled. and al-o copies of the Registration Kecord of the said District or St'ltle- ment (if any). i;i;(oi;i)f.i! SUM, I, kntki; ( oi'ii:s of it;i;sii i;i:( (»i;i)s. XL. Tin; Land Recorder shall aLo re-oi'd. in a book to lie supplied to him I'or that [lurposc. ihe copies of the Records made with tlir Sur- vey(a--(;eiieral. and of the maps ami plans aforesaid, and keep them for the inspection of the [)id)lic. iM:i;s(t\ o(( iFviNc i\ riiF i'i.ack of A\oriii;i: who i;i;( oijds fou III.MSF.I.F ro CKASI'. liKfUKSFN riNO IIli: OITIIK. XLL Any person occupying laml in the place of a person tempoi'a- rily aii.-ent, wlio shall record any ciaim to any land, shall be deemed from the date of snch record to ha\-e ceased to occu]iv on bi'half of the ])ersoii temporarily absent. itKcouDFiis' liiT'oi; rs. XLII. Tlie Land Recorder shall report to the Survevor-( ieneral 4., A N I) \' r C T K I A D I 11 K V, T O II Y . 117 once every six monllis the state of his Distriet or Settlement, i)Hrlieu- Ini'iziiifv as i'.xv as possible tlie nuinher of settlers who are resident on reeorded claims, and the nnmher of claims recorded which have been vacant for two months or lonji'cr. STATr.MKNT Ol- liKCOl! D I'.l! AS TO CK KTiriCATK OV IMl'KOV KM KNT. XI. III. A Statement of tlie Land Recorder, siurned and adih-essed by him to iW. Snrveyor-( Jcneral. shall lie prima f<«'io evidence of \wr- maneiit im|)rovement< to llie vahie tiiercin mentioned. i;\i I! \( Ts ri!(».M •■ ()( ( ri'A'rio.v I'.ook" to r.r, r.vini'.NrK. XI. !\'. An extract from tiie " Occiipatimi Uccord," siiiiied by the Land Recorder, and j.rovcd lo liave been -o signed liy a eomjietent wilnc.^-. siiall be prima facie evidence of llie occupation by the person therein named as personally present on the date tlicrein mentioned, and an extract made, signed an.d jiroved. as afore-aid. of the record of tlie name of the per,-on occnpying as snbstilnte tor anotiier, shall be prima f'arir e\ idence (nnlil rebntted by evidence of ab-ence or regis- Iralion as afore-aid) of occiiiiation in lien of tlie precmptor registered. OMISSION ro KNTi-.u nil; last dait:. wiikn puksknt, to ue i-uima lAI IF, KVIUKNCK OT Ar.SKNCK lOl! TWO MON riI8 I'UI'.VIOIIS TO Till', | Al'l'I.IlM ION lOi; CANfKI.I.AITON. XL\'. Ill tlie event of any ai)plicalion for the cancellation of a claim on the gronnd of ])erin!ment cessation of occnpatioii, if the person who-e claim shall be sought to be canceled shall be shown to have quilted the Di-lricl. wilhout recording the ilate of his last i)rescnee in tlie l)i~lricl or Settlement as id'oresaid. the dale of his iib-ence shall priiiai f'arii' be taken to have iieen more than two month;, previously to the date of iIk.' apjilication for cancellation. Till-. M i;vi;voi!-< i.m:u.vi. ii.w inuji uti: Nonci; to v.v. skuvki> on I'AI.TV WIIOSK CLAIM iS SOI (;HT TO liK. ( ANCl'.l, KD. Xl.N'l. In the event of the Surveyor-( Jeneral re(iuiring the attend- ance per>onallv of the [lerson whose claim is so sought to be canceled, he may reipiire that notice to attend at the Land ( )llice. Victoria, at a time to lie fixed by the Surveyor-Cieneral, shall be >erved on such per.-oii. NoricK MAY r.i: >ir.snTi ti.d ox rm: ki-.iokdkk. XLN'll. In llHM'veiit of >U(di per.~on not being t'oiind and served with such notice, the Surveyor-(ieneral may order such notice to be let't with tile Land Hecorder for the District or Settlement where such conle^led claim is situate. (osrs Of sKuviNt; srr.sTiTrTKD notk i:. \l.\ill. A sum, not exceeding one pound, to be li.ved by the Sur- 118 THE r R T T I S H CO L U M I! T A X I i vcyor-GciK'ral, and noted on tlif notic^c, ^liall he paid to the Land Kcoordcr In meet tlio c'X|i('ns('> of .-■■■:••.;::;:; tlu; said nulicc hy tlic party reciiiirinf:^ tl>f sanio to l)e served. sicRvtci', OF SI T.STrTrTi'.i) NoiirH A\n UKTiiJN I'.v Tin: i;i:('<)i!i)i;i{. XLIX. Tiie Land F^'corder sliall, it' !ie jicr-on npnn wlioni tiie paid notice is to be served ean I)e t'ound in the .•ai<l l)i>!iict or Selde- ment, cause the same notiei' to be served ii|)fin him. and a- -onn as tiie Land Keeonh'r has serM'd llie -aid [lerson, or ascertained liial he can- not be found in tlie said l)i-triet or Settlement, >hail ceilily liie ,-anie under his hand, and remit such certificate by tiie eariie.-t (■i;iiiinunication to tiie Surveyor-(ieneral. Tin-; sri;\i,voi; may ruoi;i'.i:i) i:\ I'aijtk. L. The Siirvcyor-deiH'rai. n;)()n llie receipt of ijie -aid cerlilicate, and after such postponement and advertisements (if any) as he may (liink necessary, may determine the (iue>lioii on sueli evidi ;ice, wlieliier ex 2><trtc or otiierwise, as he may tiiink |iroj)er. M'.i:s i'AVAr,i,i; ro tiik kmuoimh-.u. LL Tlie Recorder sliall be entitled to tli(> \vv<. of ibur sliilliiiL^s and two-pence on reeordinu: copies of any preemption record from the Land Ollice, and to a fee of one shillin,!^ on recordinir any otlur matli/r or lhin<r. and the said W-v:^ shall be paid and payable \)\ the |ieivon rccniir- ina the record to be niade. and the Kecorder of each District or Sell le- nient fhail also be entitled to the amount of record [\'v< paid at the Land Oliice for the rej^ist ration of claims in his District or Settlement. I{I'.('<»!!I)KK To SKiN liKCOliDS. LTL I'lie Hecorder shall .-ign his name at the fool oi'e\( ry eiitr\ in tlie "Occupation Heconl." SHOUT TITI.K. Lin. This proclamation may be cited as the " Vancouver Island Land I'roelamation, 1H()2." (liven under my hand and the public seal of the said t'oionv. at Victoria, N'ancoiiver Island, the sixth day of Se])teiiiber. a. d.. one ihoiisand eight hundred and sixty-two, and in the Iwenty-.-ixlh year of Iler ^lajeslv's reign. .lAMKS DOrCLAS. IJy Llis Kxcellency's command. Wh,I,IAM a. (>. YoLNti. Cioit Savi", the Qi I'.r.x I '■ AND VICTOHIA DIRECTORY. 119 SCHEDULE A. has satisfied nu' by (-v'Kk'iicc of [^nam- I hereby certify that i)ic/ the wififcss and dctdilinff avji other eindcitrc upon which the. Snr- i-etjor-Geitertd has cume to his jiid)jnimt'\ tliat of bas made iin|)rovein('nts to tlie extent of ten shillings an acre on acres of land, situated at . Signed this. day of . SCHEDULE B. I hereby lioense- of- months, tiie claim recorded No. ord Book, in the stead of Dated this ilay of— — to occupy for the space of piigo of the Preemption Rec- Survci/or- General CITY ORDINANCES AND BY-LAAVS. Ordinance on Nuisances. ^\'\■., tlic Mayor and Councilors in Council convened, by virtue of the power and authority vested in us by an A<'t entitled ''An Act to Incorporate the City of Victoria," passed the second day of Au,iiust, A. i»., lHt;2. and in the twenty-sixth year of the reiiin of Her ]Most Gracious Majesty, (.^ueen A'ictoria; and u-hcrcas,i\ is expedient for the good government of the city. Sk»'TIon- 1. Therefore be it ordained, that iVom and after the pass- ing of this ordinance, no slaughtei-house, tannery, distiller} , or other offensive trade or occu[iation, shall be conducted in any premises ,-itu- ated within the limits of the said city, under a penalty not exceeding one pound sterling tor each oifense. Si'.c. 2. 'I'hat no person shall ride or drive through the public streets at a pace exceeding eight miles per hour, luider a j>eiialty not exceed- ing oni' pound sterling for each oifense. Si-.r. ;?. No persoi\ shall '«'ad ov drive any horse or cattle on any sidewalk or focttiiath not proper therefor, under a i)enally not exce(Ml- ing one pound sterling for each offense. 120 T II K I! 1{ 1 T I S II (' 1, V ^\ I! F A X Si;c. 1. All [ligs and jioals roiiml at lai'^c williiii llic city limits ^liall bi' (Icciiicd a imisancc, and iin|i(imidcd. and tin- owntT ^-llall f'urffil for eacii and every oilen.-e a >nni "ot exceeding one ponnd sterling, and in def'anlt of payment of the saiil jjcnally, tlie pigs and goals so iin ponnded ^llal^ after tlie expiration of seven days. lie >old l)y order of the pi'esiding ollleer. Si;c. ."). Xo person >hall wantoidy tire or set off, or dix'hai'ge. any gnns. pistols. cannon>. s(|nil)s. cracUers. or lireworks of any kiml or description, nor .-hall wear or carry on the pei'.-on any loaded lire-aiins ov dangerons weapons '.out the person within llie city limits, under a pi'naltv not exceeding live pounds sterling for each olfense. Sr.c. (). No person siiall interrupt any of the footpaths or >idewalks I»y placing thereon any lio,\e.-, hale.~. barrtds. merchandise, or articles of any description, beyond a p-jriod uf six ]iour>. under a penalty not excee;!;!ig on> pound ,-terling for each otlense. Skc 7. During the erection or repair of buildings no pei>on sliall occupy moi'e than one-third of the width ol tlic -treet. or fail to put u|) a fence round the works, and keep lights l)urning at night in the .-Ireet near such I)uildings, under a penalty not exceeding live pounds stei'ling lur each otfense. Si:c. H. iS'o pei'son >hall throw or deposit on any of tlie foot|>allis, sidewalks, higliways. thoroughfares, oi' any puldic place wiliiin thi' city limits, any rubbi.-h, liltli, ashes, or oll'al of any kind, under a penalty not <'xcpeiling one ])omid >terling for each olfense. Si;('. !). No person or persons shall interrnpt any highway or puldic thoroughfare within the city limits, by erecting thei'eon any fence, building, barricade, or obstruction of any nature or kirnl. under a jx'n- ally nut exceeding ten pound- sterling for each oll'ense. SiU'. 10. No person shall be allowed to dump any ashes, dirt, rub- bish; slones. or lillh, of any kind whalsoevei', into the harbor, or place the same in such po>iiion that it may be wa>hed into the harbor, nnder a penally, for the lir>l olfense, a >um not exceeding li\e pounds -terlijig; the second olfense to be fined or imprisoned at tiie option of the ^layor or ])re.-iding ollicer. Skc. 11. Every per.-on who in any thoroughfare -ball heal or shake any carpet, rug. or mat. except door-mats, after tin- hour of eight in the morning, or throw or lay any dirt, litter, oi' ashes, or any carrion, li>li, otfal, Ol' rul)I)i-h, or throw, or cau>e any such tiling to go into any sewer, pipe, or tlram. or into any well. .-tre.Mui. or water-course, or ]>ut the same in such a ])o-ition that it may run into the harboi-. or any pond or reser\oir for water; or cause any olfen>ive matter to run from any manufactory, brewery, .-laughter-house, butcher—hop <ir (lung-hill, or any uncovered place, whether or not surroundeil by a wall oi' fence. t A \ 1» VIC T o J{ I A 1> I 11 K (' T U Y . 121 Kvcrv ])('r.«on who sluill empty, or begin to C'nii)ty, iiiiy privy witliiii the hours of six in tlie rnorniiig and twelvi.' ut night, niul who shall niovr ailing any tiioronglifai'e any night-soil, soap-lees, annnoniaeal liqnor. or other sncli otl'ensivc matter, lietween the hours of six in the morning and eight in the evening, and who ,-hall at any time nse for sneli pni'pose any cait oi- earriage not having a proper eovering. or who shall willfnlly oi" careles.-ly >lop or sjiill any sneh offensive matter in the remo\al thereof, or who ,-hall not earefully sweep or elean away sneh place in which any >uch otfeii-ive matter shall have heen plaeiul, sjiilled, or shipped ; and in defanlt of the apprehension oi' the aetnal oiVendei'. the owner of the eart or earriage employed for any sneh [inr- pose -hall be de-jmed In he the oH'eiidi'r. Si;c. 1:^. Xo piT.-on .-hall injure any highway or pidilie ihoronghfare by running large bodies of water on to the same, so as to interrupt the tra\(d thereun. mulei' a peiiall}' not exeeeding one pound sterling for each oll'ense. Si:e. l.'J. No per>on >hall >\uk any privy, vault, or cesspool nearer than two feet to his neighlior's iiremises. and not less than twenty feel tVom the street, under a penally n<jt I'xceeding one pound sterling for each otfeiise. an<l to be compelled tu abate the luiisance under such penalty as the ]\Iayor or |)residing oilicer may direct. I'llOS. HARRIS, jMayor of the City of N'ietoria. This twenty-third day of Seplendiei'. 1802. Ai,(;i;i;non' Atsri;N. Town Clerk. Ordinance to Regulate the Construction of Footpaths. AVk, the Mayor and Councilors, in Council convened, by virtue of the jiowi'r and authority vested in us by an Act of Incorporation, enti- th'd "An Act to huuirpdrate the City of Victoria," passed on tiie second day of Augu.-t. A. i).. ISCc'. and in the twenty-sixth year of the reign of Her Mo.-t (Ji-acious Majesty , (^ueen A'ietoria. Si'.i iKiN 1. Ih' it (irdained. that trom and after the ])assage of this ordinance, all owners of real estate fronti)ig on the streets hereafter naiiu'd. shall constinicl footpaths (if wood, .'tone flagging, tiles, or bricks. The width of the footpalhs shall be one-sixth {ho width of the street, .and shall haxc an inclini; of not mure than one-(pnirter of an inch to the foot, from the Irontagc of lots towards the street, and to be of uni- form grade. Skc. 2. If the footpaths are eonslrueted of wood, the planks shall 1 m 122 T II K I! R I T I S II (' O I, U M 1!I A N ; S ijl not l)(.' less tliiin one tind a lialf iiiclu's thick, iuul securely nailed to four by f'oiu" Inch or tiirce hy six iiicii joists. Skc. ."). Provided always, that three-llfllis of the owners of sidxli- visions of any hlocks lielwecn streets and street may ])elition the Council lo have tlu; footpaliis froulin^' their properly reduced to any width not less than six feet. Si;<'. 1. Fool[)aths already con~liucted shall be made to conform to this ordinance as the Council may direct. Skc. ;"». vill foolpaths shall lie kept in good repair by the owners of the properly fronting the same. Si;c. f). Footpaths to be constrncled on the following named streets, and on all streets wilhin the limits of liie same: commencing at tlu; corner of Fisguard and Siorc streets; up Fisgnard to Douglas street . along Douglas to Yates street ; along Mali's .-trcct to I'danchard street; aljng IJlanchard street to I{ae street ; along lva<' to Douglas street: along J)ouglas to '.lumboldt street; up Ihunboldt to Uujiert street; from Douglas, on llimiboldt, to (Jovernment >treet ; along Government to Fort street; a'ong Fort sti'cet to Wharf street : along Wharf street to Store street ; along Store stret't to place of beginning: and along the front street in dames l»ay ; from the bridge to St. .John street. Sr.c. 7. Farties failing to coin])ly with this ordinance within sixty days from the publication of the same, the Council shall advertise in the public news|)apers for live days, soliciting tenders for lh(.' perform- ance of the work, and shall let out the same to the lowest responsible bidder, who shall execute a bond with Uvo or more >ureties for th(( faithful performance of l\u: woi'k. Skc. <S. After the contractor shall ha\c performed his contract satis- factorily, the Council ^llall make; the a.-se.-snu'nt to cover the amount due, in conformity to the preceding proxi^ions. The assessment shall briefly refer to the contract, the work pei'fornied, show the amomU due, the rate per foot front, the amoimt of each as>es>nient. the name of tin.' owner of each lot, and the nundier of each lot or portion of lot assesseil. Skc. 9. The assessment thu~ made >hall have attached to it a war- rant signed by the Mayor. Such warrant shall authorize the con- tractor, his agents, or a-sign . to demand and leceive the several assessments, and on this warrant the contractor *nay sue the parties so assessed at any time after thirty-live days in any Court having juris- diction of th<; amount. TIIOS. IIAWIMS, Mayor of the City of Victoria. This twenty-third day of Septendier, 1X02. Ai.GKitNoN AusTKN, Towu Clcrk. A N 1) \' [ (; T K I A I) I K !•; C T O II Y 123 Supplementary Ordinance. Any person or iicrsoiis who sliall iiilcrni|it llic. tra\i.'l on aiiv li'fih- W!iy, liy opt'iiiii.u: or cxciivaliii!' any porlii u of the roads or i'oolpatls on the same, witliout lii'st ol>tainin,i: consent of llie Conncil, sliall he deemed finlhy of coniiniltinjj; a nnisanee. and lined not nion; tlian five ponnds, or imprisoiiinent at tlic diseretiun of iIk; Alayor or any .Justice of the I'eae.'. TIIOS. IIARHIS, .Alayor of tlie Cily of Victoria. This twenty— ev(MilIi (hiy of Octoher, 18G2. Algkunon Ai .stkn, Town Clerk. By-Law, No. 1. For tlio Protrrtiitit of the ( 'iti/ (U/dinst Fire ^Ve, tlie Mayor and Councilors, in Council convened, hy virtue of the po'ver and authority \eslcd in ns hy an Act entitleil "An Act to Incorporate tlie City of Mctoria." passed the second day t)f Aiijrust, A. I).. IS('.-J. in the twenty-sixth year of the reiirn of Her Most (Ji'a- cioiis .Alaje-ty, (^ueen N'ictoiia; and ir/ifrcns, it is expedient i'or the ^(Xid u'oNcrnnient of the city. Si;( noN 1. No person or persons shall make a hoiilirt! in any ])ul)- lic street or thoroufrld'are at any time, nor have any tire hurniug out of doors after .-unset within the limits of the citv. Si.( . 2. Xo person or persons shall use a lairning candle, lamp, or taper, in any staliie or placi' edntainiuL!; hay, straw. sha\ in^s, or any comliu-liijle material, wilhin tiie limits of tlie city, indess sucii Iiurnin;^ candle, lamp, or taper, he inclosed ii; a lantern or other safe covering. Si;c. ;!. Xo person or jiersons shall lix or ])ass any .stove-pi[)e through ihe walls, ceilings, or roof ot' any wood building. Si:c. 1. No person or persons shall [)ass any stove-])ipe throngli any lath and plasier, or wood partition, except there be a free sjiace of not less than three inclies round the same, which may b(^ covered with per- Ibraled iron, zinc, or tin plate. Si;c. ;j. All chinuieys, stove-pipes, and lines siiall be kept clean; and if any chimney or sto\('-pipe take lire, tla; person ov persons using the same shall be subject to the penally hereinafter mentioned. Sf.c. ('). No per.-on or persons shall build, set, or jilace any .stov(>, fiM-nace, range, lire-place, or vessid, in which lire may be kept, in such maimer tiiat the back ther(>of be less than sixteen inches from any wood work; all stoves, ranges, etc., built in brick chimneys sliall bo lli-t T 11 K Ji It 1 T 1 S Jl t' U L L' M 1! 1 A N provided ■i\itli a sloiK' or lirick liciiilli jii'ojrctiiij:- not los limn twelve iiu'Iics from llic lii'c I'l'onl. Iron .-•toxi's, t'liniMccs. etc., dclnclicd I'loni tlic walls of any bnildin;^ .-liall stand npon ^lolll•. ln'ick. zinc, or otlici- incoinl)nstiI)l(' niatorial, wliicli sliall jirojccl not ii.'» llian one fool from the front or door ot' llic same. Si'.c. 7. The walls of all {'lunnicys adjoiniiif^ wood work >liall no! lie less tlian six inches thick. No joists, liond-tinihei. or Wdod ufany kind shall 1)1' allowed to cntei' or rest "|i(iii any cliinnu'y. Si'.c. 8. It shall lie the dnty of ;he Fii-e Wardens, in their i'e-|iectiv(' wards, or ii|i(jn complaint ma<h' to the said V'wi- ^\'ar(len- (in wrilin;^) hy tiie Chief Kni;iiicer of llie Fire Dcpai'tnieiit oi- his A-->i.-tanl. or hy any I'olicc oll'iccr, to notify jiny person or pei'.-ons I'aiiinif to comply with tlie |)rovisioiis of this T.y- 1. aw, slating' the, alterations or anienil- nients icipnred. and all peiv-on-~ mi nolilied sjiall alter, icniovc. amend, or destroy whatever uli-tacles may exi-t to the |ir(iper carryin;^' out of this Iiy-Law. within I'orly-ei^dit honrs after tlie receipt of snch notice. Skc. 9. Th(^ Fii'e Wardens may. and ai'e hereliy antliorized to enlt.'r any liuiMin^r or tenement within tln'ir respective ward-, individiiallv or in company with eitlni' the ("hiet' F^nu'iieer. his As>i>tants. or any police otlicer, to inspect any flue,-, chimneys. >to\i-pipes. stoves, I'nr- iiaces, ran;:;es, fire-]ilaees. or other vc-mI in which lire is kept, and if in his or their opinion tlu^ same is con-triictcd. erected, (ir placed con- trary to the provisions of this I'.y-Law. he -hail ui\e notice and order the alteration or removal of the same a- iiereinliefore ,-taled. Si;c. 10. Any person oi- per.-ons failinu- lo cnmply with any of the jjrovisions of this Uy-Law, >liall lie sniiject to a pen:diy not e\ceedinj>- live pounds sterliiiii- ibi- each otl'eiise. Tiios. 1 1. \ inns. Mayor of lln' ( 'iiy of X'icloria. This third day of Octolier. l.Sf.-J. Ai.(ii:i;N(i.N Ai>Ti'.\, Town Clerk By-Law, No. 2. Di'fiintKj fi,e Duties of Fire \V<(rilfits. (iml Ri'ijulitiiiiij the ntiuhivl of till' liiliaJtltitiits at Fins. SiocTKiN ]. It >liall lie the dnty of the .Mayor and Conncll. at llieir first meetin^r after the passinu^ of tlii> IJy-Law.and thereafter aiimially, to aj)|ioinl one Councilor to act in each wai'd as l''ire Warden. Skc. 2. 'J'he duty of the said Fin; Warden shall lie id attend at all fires within their respecti\c wards; and they shall hiuc cliii f com- mman A N I) V I t' T n II I A l> I K K (' T n R V. 125 iiiiiiul ill all lliiiiir-i |i(i'liiiiiiii;r to ilic id'c-crvalioii of jrnods and oilier |iro|ii'rlv tlial may 'n' I'lidaimcrrd. 'i'lic, >li;ill liavf power to arraiirn aiiv |ier«)ii or |iei's(tii- at or near llie lire in such manner a> may lii' nec'i'ssary to asr^isl tlic i-'ire l)e|iartmeiit llie more ell'eetnally to di^- eli!ir,!:(' tlieir duty. Si;c. .'). ll >liall lie the duly ol' the Mayor and each meiiiln'r of the C'oiini'il to attend -iieii lire-, lo assist the Fire Warden, and alVord him their eoiin-el and coriiieralion ; and for the more ell'ectiial e.\tin<ruisliiiii; of fires, it ~liall and may he lawful for the said Fire Warden, with the, coiu'urreiice ot' tiie Mayor or <'ithei' of the ('onneilors present, and the Chief Kii;:ini'i'r of the Fire Deiiarlmeiit. or his Assistants, il' present, (and lh<'\' are lierehy authorized and einpowered so to do) to cause to lie demolished, cut down, or removed, any liiiildinjr, ercetioii, or fence, for llie purpose of checkiii;i' the proirre-s of any conilajii'ation. Si.i . d. Ill the ali>ence oi' the Fire Warden, at any lire in his ward, either of llie oiher Fire Ward 'iis, or the Councilor who shall first arrive at the place of lire, >hall di-cliari:i' the duties of Fire Wanleii until his arrival. Si'.c. '"). All per-diis, not Iieinjf mi'inhers of the l'"ii'i-' r)e[iartiiient, shall pay implicit oiieilieiice to the orders of the Fire Warden. tli(> JNTavor, or an\' memlier of the Council, who shall, during the ali>eiic(! of the Fire Warden. a-~iime llie aiithorily of directing at tires. Si;( . fi. For the hetter di-tingiii.-hing of Fire Wardens, each shall lie pidvidetl, at the e\peii>e of thi' corporation, with a s|)eakiiig tniin- jiet painted white, having in red letters thereon tlu; words " F'iru Wardi'ii." and the minilier of tin' ward, 'riie.-e truinpets >hall he uiveu o\ir to ijieir siicce.-sors at the exp'ralion of their Icriii ol' oilice. Sr.c. 7. 'I'lic Fire Wardens >liall holil oilice until their successors shall have heeii appointed. Si'.r. )^. Tiic owner of every li<iu~e or lilocU of buildings .-hall pro- vide and keep con-tjinlly on the premises a good strong ladder, long enoimli to reach the whole hight of his principal hiiilding. Si'.<'. '.•. Any jierson or persons convicted upon inforn'fitioii licfore the Mayor or any .Justice of the I'eacc of this city, of raising a false alarm of lire, shall lie siiliject to the penalty hereinafter mentioned. Si:c. 1". No person shall oppose or in;erfere with any Fire AVanh'U in the discharge of his duty as such, or oppose any Fireman or Coii- Ptablc specially or otherwise engaged in pr-jtecting property e m aid- uig tlii^ Fire Department. Skc. 11. Any per-oii or persons violating any of the provisions of this l)V-Law. shall he suhject to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds sterling, or iiii|irisonmeiit not exceeding one month. TTT i 120 T II K I! K I T I S II (' n |, V M II I A .\ Si;c. 12. NdtliiiiL' liri'ciii (■(iniMiind .-liiill lie cuii-lnnd t.i ^i-.c the I Fire Wiirdiii-. or jiiiy iiiniilicr ol' llic ('(Hiiicil iictiiij:' in iIk ir siciid, I any .'iiilliDiiiv lo inli ilirr with ilic wurkin.i;- ol' llic lire cnuihc.- (ir nihcr i !i|>|iMi'iilns of till' File Driiiirinu'iU llint mny 1h' innlrr iIic (IIi) cii.in of tlii; C'liicf Knj.rinccr or lii.-. A>«i-I:inl. THOMAS JIAUHIS, Mi.yor. Al,(iruN().\ Ai ,-ti;n. Town Cli rk. • PORT DUE Feoa for outrancc mikI clcaraiic'c i'or vrsscls c'liti'riii"- and cleariii"- 111 <^ O the Torts of N'ictoria and Ks(|Minialt : si'lli;i>l l,K A. All vesM'l> mull I- I ,'i loiis l.iiiilcii co t o " of 15 iiiid tidt I'Ni'ccdiMii- .'iiMoiis liiinlrii o (i o •■«> •■ " 50 '• „ „ „ •'■>'» " " 100 •■ (, i-j (, " 10(1 " " 2011 ■• i 1, " -Jon " •• .•)()() •• I .-, ,, " ■iOO •■ " 4011 '• I I, Ml " 400 " " -.on 2 I (, " .")01l •• " Oon " ;( -JO Ami ail cxll-ii clliiViic of ,L'I nil I'wry Hill Kms h\hi\v Coo Ions. SCIIHDrF.K 15. Illllf-ycarlv Licoii«(s tor Coasters uiiilcr In tons c\ <'♦' 10 and not cxrccdiiii;- .■iotons liiinlcn 2 « o •"'0 " " fiO tons hiirdi'ii. ,'i ■)'■> tons and M|i\var(l.- .f o o SCIIKDILI'; c. Boat under IC, feet in lcii;.'tli. ]icr i|nancr i^\ o y " of Hi feet anil not (■xcci'diiifiin tons iMirdcii, |K'ri|nart('r | U) Lij.rliters and Scow.- under 10 ton^ luirdeii. |ier (iiiarter 2 "t' and not eNeccdin;^' 10 Ions, |i<'i' (|iiarler 2 .5 For evorv addilional ton j ^ SCUKDlfj; T). For eaeli invoice under Cldii in \aliie (^o 40 " " of XIOI) and iiui e.xceediii;.'- €250 f, ^•'" " " COO [[[ H r.no •• " looo ,j ,^ y For every additional illOO in value ^ AND V 1 <; T O U I A 1)1 K K (' T R Y , 127 PILOT DUES, ETC. Two poiiiids per loot (U'lmglit. (It is not comimlsory to tiiko a pilot. I<|peiiiti>«l I*llot». Capt. (jIaiii)[m;ii, ('a|)t. IMkh, Mr. .John Tit('i).\ii!K. NUMBER, TONNAGE AND CREWS OP VESSELS I'liitinil tiidl CIkiikI (it till I'lirl o/ I'iclnriii, Wiin'diivir Iximul, (liin'mj tlir Six Moiilhs nii/iiia Jiiiir ,".()//(, 18C.2. Kntdki ('l,F,AHi:i). Nlltlnll. No. Tun. c:ri'w. Coloiiiiil i !«()' :i4,4',ts i.tli: liriti ;t 1,21),') »').") Aiiicriiiiii .•i;t()l C.S.d.'U .T,04() ( icrtiiiiii 1 .'UC) Ihiiiovcr . . . ;t(i;! .510 i»4,887' u 11 12 4,7.V.( , Nalluii. N.I. Tun. 2:iA C .'ii;i 1 1 1 j!4,78H IJiilisli 2,4(11 iViiiuriran Danish (1T,U4; .'i4( lliuiiivcr .'5(>; :,r>c> (tO.lill Crew. l.Hr.ti 105 2,921 14 11 12 4,919 Eiilii'dl lUid Chari'il ill lhi> Pari nf \'iiliiriii, Viuirniiri r Isliiiiil, ditriiKj the Si Mmillis ciiiliiii/ / )ii-( mill r :Usl, 18G2. Enti;t!i;i). C'i.i;ai!KI). Xulioii. No. Ton. C'ololiiiil 22.') 7 ,')C.7 7 .')(), ()94 Hritisli 4,r).'!H Aiiu'i'iciui rrussiiiii (14,224 2(.l .')98 99,717 Crew. ^ i,8.'};t 170 ,8(;() 1 12 4,881 ^11 UEC.MMTII.ATION. No. Tini. f'row. Total of vc.'^sol.s PTitcrod the Tort of Victoi-iii ill '8(')2 1,1(10.. 199,2.")0.. 9, SCO uleurcd " " " .... I,l,'i4.. 193,908.. ,800 9 128 T II K I! u r T r s II !■ II r, r m ii t a m TIIK POKTS OF VKTOKIV AND KSlH IMALT. I M 1' () U I' S . Total iif im|i(irts lor first six niiuitlis dt" JMti-: Fioin Sun Fnuicisco <l .'J!*!',:.')!', " Kii-liiiiil ir.S,SL>.-, " ()n';;(iii 4M>4.'> " \ViiHliiii;;t(iii Tfnilciry ll.'i.Cns " Mriti-li ('iili'iiilp'm ('i,."i:>o " New /('iiliuiil 'J.riO.'i " Siindwii'li I.Hliiiiils '.in.ti |;i 'I'nllll •^I.TJt.Tlu' 'I'dtMl dt" illl|ll>l-t.S fiif last six llKHltllS n\' ISlIi,'. I''iiiiii Sun {''rancisco ~l .l'TlM'Jl' " ICnuland .'iJT.liiT " A\'ii-;!iiii;^ton Tcnit v sri,:i(;i ' ()rc;:(iii •!.l,n;iL> " Siiiiilu ich Nliimls •li.TCs " Cllillll I'd. til C. i'.iiti>li ('(ilmiitiia l.').ii»(t " Aii-tiiiliii .'!-', 17(1 " \'iil|iaiiiiM) 17,(MMi Last half "!' ISC.ii ->! .'.t.-.4,(ilC. l''irst lialt' of isdj 1,724, 71;' (iraiiil total •*;!,r,7'.i,.'ilis Tot.al iin]ioits for \H^\■2 •i;!,Ci7'.i..'iJ.s Total iiiiiioits for isiil L',.');i."i,L".iS Iiirrrase in favor of Isd-J ■S| .;).44,<i'!() K X r (t K r S . Tlio ])rint'i))al exports arc (loM Dust tVoiti I'nti.sli Colinuliia. and Coal from the Naiiaiiiio initics. A .small (|uaiitity of Uritish mami- factiirod ^oods liavo heen sent to San Francisco dnrino' the year, and found a )irofital)le market. This trade will no doiiht increase, hut at present much care and judi^ment is rci(iiired in .selecting suitahle <^oods. The other articles expoi-ted are chiefly Furs, Hides, and Fish Oil. Several lar;i;e vessels have also taken in car;^oes of Spars and Lumhor at the Alhcrni Mills, on the West Coast. A N' 1> V r (! T t» K I A I) I 11 !•: r T <) 11 Y . 121) i:x|i(ii-lft III' «ol<l (liirliiii (he .v<*iir IM(I«, (/■'milt til haihj Chniniih.) WkM.S, FAIHid <i- Co.'rt KXI'HKSS .\M> Bank. Ja.Miarv ^ ' - "•- ' ^^ ],',,|,n,i„;v 7(l,.T.t9 00 MaiTli . ■ 25,0«<'> O'J April H:.,r,2i h;» M„v - s-.','.t7;i 00 .rnnV. ".'.'. *.,".".,...'. 72,;);i» ho July no,!)71 8!) AiiJriHt I l',i,5t;i) 45 Srpl.mlH'V I l-'.08l 04 ( ), t(,l„T 2.')S,l()r) CO Ncvciiiiu f 4;it;,'io4 12 l),Mcinli(i- 200,G97 38 Sl,r>72,0'JG 18 III DSiiN r>AV COMI'ANV. M;in h -.l-W 1- •■ l'riii(vs> Iloyiil " $50,208 00 r>ANK or niiiTisii Cor.iMiuv. Not iiulmli (1 ill Wolis, Vm-<;^u !k. t'o.'s stnteineut 21,500 00 Scui.nss & Livin(;ht()\. Not iiu lii.l.a in Wills. Fiirn" >!i Co.'h stiitCMiiciit 187,000 00 Mai IxtNAVn & ('(). Not iiicliMr.l in WlIIs Fiir^o & (.'o.'s titiitciiient 3;!5,;)79 00 Totiil .-liiiniKUt lor ISC.2* $2,167,183 18 UHCArnULATlUX. \Vi;i.i,s, Fauc.o lit Co.'s Exi'Uiiss. 1858 « .•!n7,7f.5 17 IS;-)!) 82;i,488 41 ISllO l,2!)8,40(i 00 l,S,;i l,;)IO,:i05 72 18(i2 l,57.'i,09() 18 Tutiil ■■55,373,21 1 48 Macdonam) & Co. From 1858 to Ueci'mbor ;!! st, 1 802 SI ,207,G5f) 00 1802, not incliincd in W., F. & C'o.'s .stiiteiiiciit 305,379 00 Tofiil iuiuiiiui svui lii'low since 1858 by Miipdoiiiilil & Co. on tlR'ir own lU'count SI, 543,035 00 Kxport «if < <inl diii-IiiK the year 1H03. (/■'nun llic Brllixlt Culonisl.) Tons. cwt. .lammrv 182G 15 l<\.l„uiuv ■ • • "09 5 March. ." 747 • 'I'lK' aliuvo (iiiircs lUi nut iiicUuU i\w aiiKiiiiit sent tiildW in jirivati' liaiids, wliidi, irourroct dat.i were obtainiiljlc, woiiUl, it is liclievoO, swell the total cil tliis ytiar'.-; sliiiuufiits to ^li.UOO.OOO. 10 (i 180 THE I) R I T I S H C L U M U I A N Tons. cwt. Aiiril \27-2 It; IMay CK; j j •Iiiiie 7.i,s 14 •^'ily l.ir.i i;! An.ausr 1112 14 Se])tciiilni- 1372 ] 1,. Octobt'l- ;!SS(1 11 NuvciuIk r .' 1777 .j^ Di'coinluM' ,i_ , ;',");i,") 1 (I 'I'"l'il 1N,177 17^ Of ilie above, 7,471 'S--!') tnns were slii|)|H'(l i'ny \'ii-ini'ia mil K<((uiuia]t; 7.:)!»S tons lor San Francisro ; ^..'y^'J JUliD tniis fnr ilu? c'onsuiuiitioii of il. M. sliijis and otlicr stcannTs iliat liaNc visited tills port ; -Idii ton,ss!ii]i|ic(l \'i>y Von\a\[i\ ( ias ( 'onipanv : -All tons for New Westminster, l>. ('. It may be well to state tliat tlie above ((iiantitv was sliijiped on board 47 steamers, 1 sbip, 14 barks, ■) brigs, l:')! scliooners, and :>.") sloops — altogether '2-)l vessels. EEYENUK OF VVNCOUVEU ISLAND. Receipts for tlie year ending ISiH L'l*."),-2!'1 l'].\penditiires " •' .... liii.S:!.") Pkixcii'ai, TiKMs or Kxi'i-Norn i!i:s. Ivstablislimcnts t;!Mi71 1.") l»"'i<^^ .■,,<i.-,7 Police and Jail 1 ,:;i( | o Light 1 [ouscs 1 ,:,( IS Alisti-aot of the lt<-voiiii<- ri><'clve<l <!iii-iiiK the year IH«-». IIKADS OF KKVKXrK. < 'i \ 1 1,. Real Estate; 'J'ax ,j,;,(is:( 1 1 u Land Sak's ,..,,;„, ; , , Land K('\ ('line ij., ^ j Lii|ii()r Licenses ;{ -,-,;( r, ,, Trading;- LicLii.scs 2. Id 10 o \'iet()iia Street Tux (arrears) G4 1.'3 8 Ill .lie ms on I'd ). AND V I C T R r A I) 1 It !•; C T 11 Y . 131 Harl.or Dues .C3,;}28 2 10 Tosta-es 148 T 4 FiiK's, Fdi-rcitiiivs, Miul r'ces of ("oiirt I,(i5() 5 Fits of Ollicc (Kciiistn) odd 7 <) Rciinlmrsriiu'iit in uiil of I'.xiiciisi's 2.'!" Iti II MisiH'lliiiK'ous Ri'ci'ipts .15 ;! 2 llLiir 175 7 9 nt|iosits 10 2 Li-iit-iioiisfs ;i78 8 ;> IiiU'icst 82 ,'5 10 Loans in aiil of Kownnc i;i,000 10 Ci. T. (ionlou's DcfaicMtioii 289 14 10 X;!7,087 ;! .'t Ailviinccs accounteil for 8,745 14 1 ]\IlI.ITAI!V. Drafts upon Ilcr .Majesty's Payniastfr-( Irnci-al 1 ,fiOI 10 IJaiuiicc on liaiiil, .Faniniry 1st, 18(i;i l.'iO i:i 11 £47,565 1 -.i Abstract «>f llir I*ii.vinfiilH, ••ti-., iniKlo (liiriii;; the yt-ar IM«3. IlKADS OF KXI'HXDI'irUE. ('i\ II.. Estalilislimfiits— Salaries Fixeil »:;!,102 7 " Salaries, I'nixi.-.cmal and Tenii)orary 5,4;!S 18 4 " Oniec colli iiiLivneies I,l:!5 7 4 X9,7(if) (i .1 Adniiuislralion cif Justice, e\<-lusive of Fstalili>lnuent. . . . 279 18 9 Cliarii.iliK' Allowances 400 I'olice and Jails, exclusive of l•;slallli^ln^cnls 1,411 14 11 Kent 125 1 ('(Uivcyance of .Mails .'i,.'i.'lC) 1 4 Works and 15iiil(lin,L;s (■)2fi 9 5 Uoads, Streets, and I'.rid.ucs 7,0.'!7 1 10 Miscellaneous Services 2,9;i(') 18 4 Interest 537 7 2 Drawback^ and ri'fund of Taxes IS 12 (> J.oaiis repaiil 10,020 10 Liu'litdioiisis 1,510 10 10 .•58,012 12 10 Advances to be acecumted lor 5,.'iOO (i. '!'. (iiu-doii's ilefalcations 050 l.'i ;! Mii.i r Auv. (Colonial jiay, etc., to Hoyal MariiK's 2..'!.'i8 4 r>alaiice on hand, December .'list, 1802 OO.'i 14 lo ,1:47,505 1 ;i R(>15KUT KKK, Culouial Auditor (Acting') • Audit Oiliceof \'aiieouv(>r Island, j -lanuaiy 21st, 180,'}. \ 'W mmmmmm -1 i V\2 T II i; 1! 11 I T T S II C () li U 1\1 1! 1 A N COLONIAL ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR 18G3. Alistntrl at' llf I'l'ihiilih- liiVdiiu iif ihi < '(ilaiiidl ( . in mill' iil <>/' Viuin>iirt r Islniid /ill' till */((()• 1 ;'.().'! ; s.'i<'in'i:i/ (ilxii /III /!< c< tun iiciind intihr l!ii snnihir Iniuh ilnnmj till ijcur I iiiliii^i JJr:i lull- r :)\.<l, 18Ci2. Itrlll- i: tiiiiiilr- lor lS(j,'i, III Miiue of lSt')2. IliU'linr Dili's ]{cn) M.-taic Tax . . I'raili; Kcvcniie Land Sales Land Kcvimhu' Li<|Uoi' Lici'iises Fines, Fi)rfeitnri s ;iiid In. Posta.'^v Dues Fees (if < )llic(' Jliscellaneons Kent Stanip Tax Heinilinrseinents Liiilit-lionses \'ieliiria Street 'IV.:; (iorddii's Defaleiaiiiu , . . . . Interest Deposits Loan 'remiKirary Lnai! Home (iovenmieiit ID, HID -IS. .')(!() 2\.>i2'> i;-(,ii.")i) i',i,i()i). . . s, :•",(» . . ■J.o.'iT.. . .■!,:2i)l 1 ,4")-) ... 48;-).., :i,425... Hi, 14 1 4i» ,'i'_>,4ir) 44 i;5,77r. 4.'! 14,7',M 4:.' 1-47 1!> 17.:i.'!.-! J(i .s.do.'i 71 :.M74 .')S .. 2,4.->r> '.ts 170 .■)■-' .■s.'ii) Ci,'! ■j!.:>u). i,i.">;i ■).■>. 4.74,-) 4:2. .'H.'S 12. 1,411.") •>:>. .'i'.is (i;!, 4 St ',IS, .11,(1(11). 7,7(i7 2S. Tiita =-:!48,()KS -:>l,87,()40 HI Ahstract «/' i^niiir. mfiirul to <lr)hii/ tlic K.rji(ii-iis nf tin ('nlohiul llovcnunciil iif T'o/i- fii'irrr /sliiiiil, fi/r llir ifnir ISO.'!, n/mirhii/ iilso lii< niiin'iiit itcliial/i/ cxpi nihil iluninj llir !/(ijr tii'lliii/ /Jirijiiliij' '■\\.<l. l.Sti'J, lii'iii--' lv-liiiiiile> for ISmH, i;\|iri;(iiliiic,< of 1m;2. Salaries l-'ixed « 21,(198 S, l,-),.isl ;!4 Salaries I'rovisiinial and 'reinpiirarv ., . .'((M;!.-) 2t),.'i78 74 Ofliee eontin.i;'enries 7,8S() 'tjnn] 'r2 Administration of, Jiisiiee .'MiiS I,.'i.-)7 7() Cliaritalile Allo\v;inee< l*..')(I() 1,<.)4(M)(( I'uliee and Jails 7,1)18 (i.S4(i Oi) Kent (i(i() CoCi 41) Kdiieation ,'),(i()(). ... Convevaiiee of Mail< 7,li',)0 I('i,l7'.)',)2 AVorks and l)uililin'.:s ',i7,lti4 i .'!,();i8 ;ii) Hoads, Streets, and Jirid,ur> 47,.-).'i(i. . . .! .'i7,().'!',) ",)() .Miseelhine. i:s ii4, )'.;!(). . . .] 14, 244 (),') Liu'hllinnses ,-),so(). . . ; 7, •■(.-).') 2-"l Kcfmid of Taxes ! ;)i) ,•!;( Interest on Loan- I l,('i(i,'). . . . 2,('i()il lit Siiikinir Fund 7,217 He\eniie Services I ,,')()()... . Hepavinent of Temiioiarv Loans 24,444 48,5',)'.) :>:> Home (lovernment 1 1,,'!.'!',) ;!>■ (iiirdoii's Defaleatiotis .'i.l.j,") 71 'I'otal [ 5.308,51',) .!^2()I,7('))i .K). AND VICTORIA I) I It 10 (' T 11 Y , l;};} CHURCHES. CHURCH OF ENGLAND-ANGLICAN CHURCH. Rriti^Ii Coluinliiii and Vaiu!oiiv('r Ishiiid were (•oustiliitcil a Colonial Diocese by tiie P>ri(isli Government in 'US'jS, on tiie otFer of .Miss A. IJunlett Contts to provide in tlie new See endowment.-- i'or tiie Bishopric and tv.'o Arclideaeonries. Of tiie latter, one only as yet as been filled up. Iviglit Kev. (;i;(>i:<ii' ITii.i.s. 1).1> liisliop. R(!v. IIkm;v Pi;i.s.s AVuuiHT, M.A iVrcluleaeon. CHURCHES, DISTRICTS .\\I) CLKRCY IN VAXCOCVKR ISLAM). Vli-toi'lii. I hrlst Chiireh. Rev. E. CiMix.K, r>.A Rector. Rev. A. C. (Jaurktt, 1>.A Lecturer. [Pi'ior to tlie llisliop's appointment, this Church was the Crovi^rn- menl JVistriet Church i'or Victoria, and the clergyman was the Colonial Clia[ilain. supported by Government grant. This is now wholly dis- continued, and the .Vnglican Chui'eii. like all oilier religious bodies in the Colony, is disconnected with tlie Stale.] Ht. .lulin'H 4 hiiich. Rev. R. J. DcNDAs, M.A Rector. Rev. C. T. Wood, .M..\ Lecturer. ^'uiialnif».— f(;t. Paiil'N t'hiircli. Rev. J. 15. Good Rector. .Snuiilch nisliUt <'ii:i|iel. Rev. IJ. LuWK, IJ.A. Oulictluu'cr niKl KKqiilmnlt. Rev. C. T. Wood, M.A. Rev. A. C. GAUiti/rr, B.A. Iliircliiy Huiiiiil. Rev. C. Kmik. M.A. ISM I f lo4 T n K 1! K I T I S II (' I. If M 1! 1 A .V CHURCHES AND fLERCY IN BRITISH COLlAiBIA. Ai'w AVfstiiiliit liT. Ti'iiiH.v <'luir«'Ii. Kt V. J. SiiKKi'siiANKs, ,M.A RiM'tor. Nappertoii uikI ICoyal I>>iilii<>ei-N C'linip. K.v. ir. p. WiMciiT. i\r.A. Krv. A. 1). PKi\(ii.i,. M.A Ki'.lor. ■k»iit;l:iN,-~St. ^liii'k'K Cliiii't'li, Kcv. J. (j!a.mm.\(.i' RiH'tor. I.illooct. Nt. Itl.kVj'H 4'liiii'<'li. Rev. R. L. IJitdWN. .AI.A Rector. Rev. II. Rki;\ i;. IJ.A. CIHRCIl S(11<M)I,S. Vicloriii. t'olleulittn Kclioul Ibi- Hoys. K<'v. C. T. Wood. .M.A Rriiieipal. Rev. 1). Ri.i;( 1 . li.A Vie(-l'rinei|.al. RoiJKlM' \Vii.i,iAM>. IvM| \'iee-I'iiiieii)al. .Mr. Dk.i'.v rAi.Mi'.i: Tcaelier of Miisie. 3Ir. N'i.\(i:nt 'I'eacher ol' Drawiiiir. <;ulU>Kiate !>ch<ioI lor CililH .Mrs. Wo(M> ]^ail\ I'l'iiu'ipal. The Misses Pknuk i; Assislaiil Teachers. fi. Naaiiit'h. Rev. R. I.OWK. WaiialiHo. St'hiMtl i'lM' CilrU. Tlie ^lisst's .Je)V('i;. Yule Ncboul. Miss KvAxs. INDIAN MISSIONS. Victoria. iicw A. (". (^\Rl;l.TT Priiiei|)al. ^'analino, Kev. ,1. II. (Juoi), Mr. C. Cavk. Caleehisl. Furt Kltii|isoii, II. (', Mr. W. Duncan, Mr. Clnmn(iiiam. ' A N ]) V I (• T R 1 A 1)1 U !■: V- T 11 \ . HOURS OF DIVJNK AVOKSIIIP. (lirlMt <'Iii:ri'li. Sunday l\rorniiig 1 1 a. M. " AFtcnioon ;> i>. m. " Kvoiiinjjr (io " AVcdiiesday Evcnini:' 7 " Sunday School 2 '' 8t. •IuIiii'k <'liui'<>li. Sunday INFornin;,' 11a.m. I'iVcninjr 7 r. m. S[)c('ial wcuk-day services at various times. Sunday School . . . , 2}, v. M. 135 ROMAN CATHOLIC. St. Aiitlrew'M IC. C. t'liui'ch.— lliiinholdt Street. The lii'iiil l\ev. .Mukkstk Dkmkrs, Bishop of \'ancouver Island and Uritisli C'ohnnbia. The lie\s, F. F. D'llKiieo.v z. IJArDur. and Li'..iAC'Q. Oblates of ]\rary Inuuii-j.dale, Assistant Priests. Service (111 Sundays at <S and KK', o'clock A. M., catechetical instruc- tion from ■'! to 1 o'ldock i'. m., followed by vesi)ers and benediction. Service at the Convent at 8 o'clock A. M. Pcnialc School. -Vl<'«' Street. I'nder the suiierinlendence of the Sisters of St. Ainie. General branches of education tau;j:ht, INIusic included. IIoy'H Sohdul. Iliinibolilt Street. Fnder the jiatronage of the Kiulil Rev. r>isiio[) and manaurenienl and >U[>erin!endence of the Oblate; Fathers. Course of Instruction: Enuiish ami l''reiicli. etc.. etc. N. 15. — Xo c.vtra charL^e lor French. WESLEYAN METHODIST MISSIONS. Till' Wr^eyan ^letliodist Church in Canada, in connection wilh the P>rili-h Conference, occupied N'ancouver Island and IJrilisii Columbia as a .Mi-^Iou District by sending four ordained clergymen of tiieir body, who arri\(d at X'ieloria in l'\'bruary, 18.!)!). since which period another has been s( nt. The Missions are under the superintendence of the Ivi'v. K. ICvans, D.l).. as Chairman of the District, and the ministers are at present stationed as follows: 136 T II !•: 1! H T T 1 S 11 C L U I\r ]! I A N Victoria. Rev. K. KvANs, D.I)., Rev. I). V. Lk as. A beautiful and coiuuKKlious cluircli lias been tTcctcd. willi a .-|iarioiis school and Icclurc- room. Ai-o a iiarsona;.',^ on IJroad Slice!. \vli(>re the jiasfor rrsidos. PuMic services are held every SaMialh al 10 \--2 o'clock A. M. and ('» 1-2 o'clock i-. m. A Sahhath School and IJible classes at 2 1-2 o'clock v. m. A circuialinii lilirary has hccu rornied in connection with this Church. ^analino. Ivcv. K. RonsoN. A neat church and a parsonaj^e have he(>ii l)nilt in iJic (own. niid a building for church and school |>iir|ioses on tlie Indian Iveserve. Serv- ices are lu Id twice each S;ibbatii in the town, and a Sabbath School assembles in tin- afternoon. The iMissionary pays occasional vi.-its to Salt Spring Inland, C'nwiclian and Coniax. STe^v 'Wi'stmliititiT, It. <'. Rev. 1"]. Wiiiri;. Here a churcli and parsonage lias b(>en built. Public services and a Sabbath School are held every Sabliath. Several adjaceni places are furnished with religious instruction by the iv-ident niini-ter a-.-i.-ted by local jireachers. IIopo itHil Yale, It. <'. Rev. A. l)ii(»\v.MN(;. The minister resides at Yale, where a churcii ha-; been l)uill. Serv- ices are ludd at Hope and Yale and adjacent places. C'arlbofs Was occupied by the Ciiairman and Rev. A. r>rowniiig during four months of the mining season last year, a t(>mporary supply lieing m('an- while furnished for Hope and Yale. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH.— FORT STREET. Rev. Mr. MArriK Pastor. Morning services at 11 o'clock. Evening services al G 1-2 o'chjck. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. A. Half Pastor. Morning services at i 1 o'clock. Evening services at 1-2 o'clock. I A N 1) V m; t o w 1 a 1)1 K !•: r t o ii y . 1:57 CONGBIIGATION EMANU EL. D.wi!) SuiitrsKi; President. S. IIori-MAN Viee-rre.-iileiit. II. IIoiKM.w • • . S(!cretiUT. A. r>LA('ivMAN 'rreasiirei'. !)avii> IvAiiMAN Trustee. A. .1. Uki N\ " i\l. :\l()i:nv. Xmaber ut" CotHii'eii-iitioii. 11. SCHOOLS, ETC. Oiltral School, %'l<-torla, Viiiioouver Islaiiil. 'I'liis Iii>litiili()ii i> loealeil on Koi't street. IxMween Donj^las and r.hiiu'Iiavtl. 'I'll" hnildinijr. wliic-li is neat in ap|ieai'ance, indst eoinnio- didiis ill its internal aiTanf;einents. and well f'iirni>lii'd, is eapaljle of aecoinniodalin,^- one Inindred iind lil'ty luipils of hwtli sexes. It was IT! rtid and Diiened in tlic antiimn of 1S('>1 by tlie Priiieipal. in order to ineel ihe iirnfiit re(|nireineiits of the city for such an (stiihlishnient, at ill.' .Dst ol' about s;;.(l<)(). Tlii' school is conducted enlifcdy and exclii-ivelv on non-sectarian jirinciples, and on the adniirabh' Common School sy^em of ( 'anadti Wesi, both the l'rinei[)al and First Assistant beinix lirst class r^radiiates of the Toronlo Normal and jNIodel Schools. The I'ei s .are very low, and the Eimli>h cour.-e einliraces a wide field of , liidy. French and Fancy Work, under the supervision of IM'dme Petibeaii, is also included in the eurrienluni. Tin; Institution, in fact, was desiuned, and does, so far as is practicable, suitply the pressing need of a I'liblic Coininon Sciiool in \'ictoria. The. stalf of Teachers is as follows: ,]. .Ikssoi', K~q Prineipul. ^Ir. D. 15. Ciiisiior.M First Assistant. ^M'diiK! Pi'.Tii'.f.Ai; French and Fancy Work. jMr. K. ViNCKNT .... Drawing blaster. 138 T II K 1! K I T r S II (• (> I, U M 1! I A N COLONIAL SCHOOLS, llev. E. C'liiixii; Adiii.ii Sii|)i'i'iiilciiiliiit. I. Victoi-lu fil<lio«>l. Tcat'Iier. Mr. W. Iiiin'. Salary, X20{) per miiihiiii. Xiiiiilici' (A' jmpils on tlie Ixioks iit cxaiuiiialidii in 'Inly, ]'S('i:>, 11. II. <'i-iilu,'fl<i\.'or. Tcaclirr. .Air. Cliiypolc. SalaiT. t'l^iK* per aiiiiimi. Niiinlicr of }iii])ils on lluj books at cxaniinatioii in .luly. JSO^, 27. III. \sitiiilmo. 'IVaciicr. Mr. C. Iji'yanl. Xiunlii'r ol' pu|iil-; on llii' liooks in >liily, 18(;-J, 27. The biiii(lin,ir> arc all in ^^ood rcpaii'. A soinul Knij;lisli cdnialion is Lri\('n in all llic x'liools. 'J'iic school.- arc o]icn to all cla-,-c- at the rale ol' .1'-") |)ei' annnni. COILEGIATE SCHOOL FOR BOYS, VICTORIA, V. I. Ksr Ai;i,i-.|ii;i). iMiii. The Hiiilil Hcsereml The I.ni;i> r)isiiur N'isiior. The Hev. ('has. T. W.mH)>. M.\.. T.C.D.. and C)\on Principal. Kor.Ki! r AViM.iAMs. ."M.A.. Cantali Second .Ma-(ei'. (W'ranjrler and Meniher ol' Senate of I'nixci-iiN of {'anilirid;ie.) Mr. K. \'iN(i;,N r Drawing; .Ma-li r. >Mr. Dii.iiv l*Ai..Mi;i! I'ldfe -..r of SiiiL;'in,ir. C'oiirsc of Jiislnirlioa. — 'I'he (ii'eek and Latin (.'lassies. .Matlie- nialics — Aritliiiietic. (Jeoinelry. Al,uelna, Tri;;dnoinelry. The {".nnlisli Course comprises (;eograi)hy. Ili-tory. r>ook-Kecpiiiii-. A-lioiioniy, Natural Pluloso|ihy, etc. Modern i.angiiagi'S — Fi'encli and Spanisii. Drawing and Singing. Sr]iai)l Hdiirs — ll to .'! o'clock. Kece-s. I 2 to 1 o'clock. Terms. — I'nder twxdve years of age. S."; per nnuiih; under .-ixleen. $G ; and over .sixteen. 88. No extra-. I'ees payable in ad\aiiee. The Collegiate School i- condiicled on the pi'inciple-. of ijie olil ostal)li>he(l Kngli-h (M'aunnar Schools, a religious educnliou l)eii)g the recogni/ed ba^is of all in-lruclion. Eighteen year,-' experience as a teacher on tin' pari of the Rescreud The Principal, and con.-iderabh; experience, in tlii'ir -everal liran<hes, on the parts of the Assistant ]\Ia-l(;rs. together with I'niver.-ily degrees. A N 1» V 1 (' T U I A l» I 11 !■; •' T '• U Y im) Ok'., arc a coinplotc <^naraii(<'c of tlic tliorough oilicluiiey of tlie Col- legiate Sclionl .-til 11". As soon !is llic ii('('('"iiry biiildiiijj;:^ ciiii In' creeled, il i- iiileiided (o make the Collejiiate Seli(i(d an institution for tlie reeeptiim of a large iiuinl)!'!' of ho.'inlers as well as day pupils. Meanuliiic liie I'lineipal is pre|)ared to receive a few lioarders in ids own ]iou>e. Tiiu present school buildings (comprising a large well-Iigliled and ventilated .-eliool-rddin, cla-s-reom^. etc.) ,-tand en tlie most elevated part of Victoria, adjoining the Clmrch reserve, ai;d ai'e ailniirahly suited for their )>nrpose, being i'nlly supplied with all necessary educa- tional ai>i)iiances. LADIES' COLLEGE, VICTORIA, V. I. It is the object of this Institution t( pntvide caicfid ieligi(tns train- ing, in <'ombination with u solid E iglisli education, and the usual accomplishments. The Loiti) r.i>ii()i' of Uiili.-h ('(duml)ia and N'an. Ldand ^'i^itor. ]\lr>. Woods T^ady IVincipal. Miss rKMjici; } , 1. A • , , Ladies Assistmits. ]Miss A. I'r.Mtn i: ) 'I'he conr>e of e<lurati(ia includes Keligious and floral Training, in oonfornuty with the princi[)les of the Church of England and the Prot- estant Episcopal Church of America. English in all its branches, inchuling ■ Jraminar, Coograpliy, Hi.-tory (Ancient and ]\[odern). Arith- metic, Mathematics, Natural I'hilo.-ophv, Latin. Modern Languages — Erencli, Cerman, Spanish, ai'd Italian. .Mu-ie and Singing; Drawing and Painting: N'ei:dle Work, etc. y'enus (iuclu^i\(' of I'^ieiich) per Month. — I'nder ten years of age. So: alH)\e ten ar.d under lifleen. Si]: al»o\c fifteen, Sl<*. The only extras are Music and Singing, S2 : Drawing and Painting. S2. Schaul J/oiirs. — '.•,', to 2 o'clock. iS'o recess. For teruis for boarders, and other particulars, apply personally or by letter to the l>ady Supi;rinteiident at the College. N. I'l.— r>oys under seven years of age will be received at the low- est rates mentioned aliove. 'J\vo vacations in the year. All t'vv^ to bo paid in aihance. I i 140 T n K 11 II I T I S 11 (' O L I! M II I A .V 8ocii;ni:s, companiks. inc. MASONIC. VIrtoi'ln I^odifc, \». IOM5. Hor.FUT 1)1 UNAI.V \V. M. Tiios. Il\i;i!is S. AV. IvICIIAItlt Li.wis 1. W. M. SiMti!i;()i!(i 'I'l-cn-iircr. W. II. 'I'll A IN Sfcrclan. Kauv ( J AMi'.ri / S. I). I-l Ml.l.V FliANKI.IN J. I). .I«ni\ Mai.o\van>m I. S. (ii;oi;<ii; Ckiih.hton (). S. .1. J. SoiTiKiATi; Pa-t Master. (!i;()U"ir, I'r.AWKi'.s " Ldil'ii' room over 1111)1)011 tS: Carswcirs hook -tore. MccliiiL''^ ('\(-'rv Tliiir>(lay night at 7 1-2 i: m. Xlii> V:iii<'oiivei' I.oil;;f. .%«. I'-il. ,1. W. PowKi.i W. M. Hon. David ('ami;i;().\ 1). >r. U. T. Smith S. M. S. G(»i.i>sTu\i: S. W. J. Kank I. AV. .1. C<m;c'H Sccrctarv. Gkougic Cui.TcKsiiANK 'rria-iirff. R. MCDONNKM 'rvkT. ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY. Tliis Society was originally eoiistiliiled in the year i<S.")9, and its projectors, a few henevolent and spirited Seotehnieii, heing .'inimated by a sineere desire to do good, plaeed before them as its ohjeels the relief and assistanc^c of any of their eonntrymen wlio, while unwilling to cast themselves upon tiie charity of the general public, might be, by t A N I) V I C T II I A 1) I II K V I' (I II V . 141 force of sifkiioss, accident or otiicr iiiitowunl circiiiMsfaiiccs, rcndcrfMl proper recipients ot' aid, conCerred in a kindly manner and in a spirit of <lelicacy, or wlio niijilit Ijc in want of inl'oniialion and advice njion llieir arriviii in liii,^ new colony. Tiie Society, although at lir,-', it fell ;ill llie eirecls of ihi limiled and (•lian;.real)le nalnre of onr popiil.ilion, lias jfradually iind conslanliv pro;ri'esseil till at the iire-eut liin(> llie lunnlier of ils menibers lias readied over one linndivd ; and aniniiL'>l llio-e wlm jire iiiterosli.'d in its welfari! ai'e eni-olled llie names of mfiny of oni' nio.-l re pi'dabie iniialiilaMts — all of wlioni. more e-peciaiiy ils laic. President. Captain IJeid. liave conlrilmted larj.fely to place il in it- prcMiit pm-peroiis con- dilion. Snhjoined is a li.vl of tlie preseni oliice hearer-; and il is well for Scoiclnnen lo know that ni)i)ii ilnir aiTival lieie lliev niav, by call- inn- npnii any of the olliceiv. obtain I'elialtle infoiination re^i-ardln^i the land liny liavi; come to live in, kindly advice' as to their fulnre plans, and all lln; assistance in their power towards ohlainlajf employment, or if need he, temporary relief of pre-ent ne<:essity : HONOUMtV l'Ur.SII)i;\T. Hi-- ICxcflleney (lnvcrnor i)<»i ci.as, C. 15. il(>\(»i!Ai;v VK i; iMiLsiur.N rs. Hon. Chief .In.-lice Cami.uon. V^ I. Hon. Chief Ju-tice i;i:.;i;ii.. H. C. C.ilh(>rt :\I. Sproat. K.i| President. James \). Walker, Ivuj ^'i^c I'rc>idcnl. James Dnncan, I•;^(^ \ice Pr<>i(hMil. Rev. R. J. l)inida> Chaplain. Dr. Trimide Physician. A. I). .Alacdonald. Iv-ij Treasurer. Mr. Thomas ( iorrie Warden. Arclu 1 I\IatheM)n Secretary. (•<>MMrni:i: ok manackmcxt. Captain Irving-. Thomas l.owe, lv-;q., J. Robertson Stewart, Ercp, diaries Win. Wallace, ¥ji([. I I I riima I lli T II M It it I T I S II (' <t I. I' .M II 1 A N THE AMATEUR DRAMATIC ASSOCIATION OP VICTORIA. I lis l'i\i"('IlclllT ( !n\ ( riKif I )(IM. I.AS I'.lll'oll. K'ohcrl liiiiiiiilty, Ks(| I'ri'-idcnt. Si'iiiii l-'raiikliii. l''-t| N'i«>' I'n-iili'iil. W. A. I liini.s I'><1 I Ion. S,r. (Jfoi'irc Cruick-liMiik. \']<i\ 'I'moiirrr. A. M. I lani-, l-",-i| < Jcinial Muiijii^'cr, ((iMMiirKr.. irazlcrijr.tr l''ill. I'N<|.. I/iinili'V I''raiikliii. Iv-q., (Joilfrcy Iiinwii, l'>(|., A. 15. Vvy. 1",h|., II. ('. ('(iiirtiii'V, I'><(., ('a|ilain I.aylnn. I'. S. Dowsoii. Ks(|.. II. IJii-lihiii. I'l^i., Kilward Wliilr, Ivcj. i CIIEBRA BIKUR CIIOLIM UKEDISIIA. ()rjrani/<'il in llir inonlli id' Scva, ."ili'J I . ('(irrc^iKHKliiiii' witli .Imiic, Joliii .^^al(>^vall-ki I'ri'.-idciit. Kiiiaiiiu'l l.'\ y \ ice I'rc-idi'iit. David Sliirpscr Treasurer. David I larl Srcriiary. TiMsrr.Ks. J. \V. Kcysci', Lrwi- Davis, J,(\\i< Levy. THE VANCOUVER COAL MINING AND LAND COM- PANY, LIMITED. Tliis Company's property :it Nanainio cndiraccs ;in area of more than (1.00(1 acres, one-halt' of which is availahle tor nunin;,' purposes. 'rh(' (piality of (he coal, alrciuly beyond (jueslion snpei'ioi' to any on tli(3 I'acilic coa-t. would seian hy eveiy year's experience to he i^reatly improving; each new shaft .-unk iu\arial>ly <le\clopin,Lf coal of a much finer descri[ition. 'riii; new J)ouglas vein in particular, hotli as re'.rards steam and stowage (inalities, is acknowledged hy mo-t com|)etent judges to he sur- passed only hy the best Widsh coal, and that nuaely liy al)uut two [ler cent. A N l» VIC T o II I A l» I 11 K C T U 11 Y. 143 'l'lintii«r|i ilir imprnvi'iiiciits ami ac|(liti(,iis in luacliincrN . |)laiis. etc., the |ir(KlMctiviii('<>; of llic Xanainio cual lidiU lia-i ticcii Lrrcallv iiicn'as( d of late; ihr yitld of llio hnl ([iiartcr In'iiij,' i'lilly (iiictliiiil in cxucss of any |>ri'\i(ii|- nuc. Willi llic aiii|il<' prdvi idii' inadi' in llir MialliTof wharfs, jctlics and liai'LTi- fur Inadinf,' vrs-tds at all lihii'> of llic lidc, tlio [lossi-.-sion of a jiooil and <(innni)dii)n- liarlior. and ilii' .«ncc(-.,-l'nl workiiiL' of ilif Don"- la.t. Xcwcasllc and Dim-nniir veins, llir ("oinpany ai'c now inaliird to sii|p|ily \cs<(ds with iclurn carL^Jcs of coal .-.nitaldc (iircvci'v piirposo ; and as a larjic snm lia. licra cxpcndrd in liii' puiclia-c of new and more powc;fnl niacliincry, (now on ils way fidin lOn'^land) and a fnillicr snni of from s|(i.(i(i() n, s.'.it.ddii. mI a-idi' lor >iidxin;r additional ,-liafl-i and niakinu' tramways to tlio liai'ijor. llic Company will he prepared to meet liial demand wliicli liic : np<'riorily of llie Xanaimo coal is daily callin;,' forth. 'I'lie l.iri^'e and iner<aslnir exporlation of e.ial to Califoi'iiia and elso- wherc and the iirowinii' demand for il in onr mid-t is a snre ;,'narranty lli:>l ill'' iiiM'Iment of cai)iiai in llie IS'anainio ('oal Mines will not pro\(' nni'eimmerali\('. liwK oi !5i;iri>ii Xmrrii Amiijk a.— The N'ictoria l.i.aneh of this e.-.tal)iishinent wa^ iorined in KS.V.t. Tlu; I'.ank ilsidf was cstab- li.dicd ill |s;!(;. niiil ha^ Iii-anches in mo-t of the principal towns in IJrili-h America. Tic paid np capital is S.").(M)(l,( )()(), and the head oHiee i- in Lon.Ion. ,1. (I. Siiepherd, Ks(p, is th.- present Manager of the \'icloria olfice. I'.AM< <.!■ l!i;iTisii Coi.i MiiiA.— This as-(icialion was formed dnr- m,u llie pa-l year, hy jiarlic, of inilnencc and po-.iti(ai in London, in (•onM.(pience of ihe exteiiHve <ro!d discoveries in Uritish Colnml)ia. and the want of hanking facilities it, ih;,t Colony. At present, oidy a hrancli exivis in ^ ictoria, hnt as soon as eiivnin-lances justify snch a -lep it is conieinplnleil l,y the Direelors to eslahlish hranches in llie neighhoring Colony, il- capiial i< sj.L'.Hl.diM), in 1l),.-,(MI -hares of sl<M) caciu The head olilce is in London, .lames 1), W.dker, Kxp, is the .Manager of the N'ictoria branch. M.vci)nN\,.„ ,t ('...—This private hmdving hon<e has hcen carried on since ijic e-ial.li-hmciit of X'icioiia in IS-lS, hy i(s present Manager, Alexander D, Macilonald, Lmj. Olfice, Vales Street. Wr.i.r.s, Fakco & ('(•.— P.ankers and Express Agents. ]Nranagor of the Victoria ollice, C. C. IVndergast, Kscp 144 llri),<o\ Bw 1 K 1! U I T r .•^ II (' <' f' I' ^^ ]! T A N C>,,^,l.\sv._l),inal;l MrTiivi-li, Iv-'i.. ("hio! Farlo 7\cC()lllll!llll. VAN('orvi;K S. Nicol, Esq.. Mm toriii. unrt). Com. MiMNii CoMi'ANV. — Work ■ al Naiiin'.n ri'.r I'. Dick-Oil. ('a>ii|)l'cll iS: Co.; AgiiU^ ill. V 10- VlOTOlMA A\I> F-'.UIM.M.T H\II.ICnAl> (u-uwNV. — Cii.'uii.'- (!. Wvllv. Iv-^M.. Scon'la, ( )\\\i c. l/iim'lt'V S'.r.'ct. VlCTOKIA (;\S { UMI-ANV.- ('. V,. K. 'niOIil].SOil. I'.-(l K-i\.. Sccrclarv. r.Krn>ii Coi.iMi'.iv AM> \'ii roKiA Si i; \ \i X.w i';.\'i ION Co.M- ,1. T. Wri'jlit. I'ANV. LaiiLdcv Sirifl.- Iv-M.. Maiia-vr. Ollicc coriuT (it 1' oi'i anil liUTK Tsi.r.T Wa(1(>N" IJmAD CoMrANV — A. R. CJircn. K .|. Si'iTctarv, on K'l', CO •nil- ol' k'oi'l ami I, au;i!«'}' Street- Vl( TdKrA MjcrclarN . W Air.i: \\'««KK- CuMi'A.NV. — .1. .1. Cocliraiie. K q. Ollici . (io\ ( inimiil Slnei. ()i:r.i;N CiiAKi.urr ("oiTKi; Coi'-.TANV. — llnliirl (icoriff, V. Seorolary. OHUt al Chahvin v^ '1" U'lir Wharf SlroL't. A \ I) V I (■ T II I! I A 1. I li |.; ,■ ■]■ ,, j. y. 14.') ACROSS r;i|-: SOITII I'OiJK ()!•' <.^ I i I ^: js ?v 1 <z !_. x^ i^: 1 § 1 ^- :i.: n, . 'i'li'H i- ihc Miilv |>i-;icli<';ililc rciilc h, ih,. (■.■irlliM,, M iiir- (l.iri.m' 1 lir S|il'il|.;;iiHl K.mII. A|.(,. |I,r (iliiv r.r.il hy uliirii ;ili;iM;il~ imII lir l^ikm In C'lrilMM. wiMidiii -wiimiiiii- r,i;,!,| ninl iI;i!i-.T(Mi^ -inv-im-.. I,v whirh iiiJiiiy .■iiiiiiial- Avrri' dniwiK ,1 iliu'ino- j],,, p.,,. vi-nc. '''"■ i'i-"|'i'ii'lnr, iias,. -|Kiiv,| IK) ,v\n..|iM' m iiiakiM;;- llii- nul nnlv THE FINEST BRIDOE IN THE OOUlJTIiY, '"" ■''■" ''''■ -l''"ii,^''-l ;iiid ,1 -rnnv : a:,,! ih, y i..-,.|, a niin.lHr ,,1' ,,icn <MMi-ianily riii|,lnyr,| h, kiM'^ln^- i!i,. roa.l- i., aii.l lV,,ni tlic lli-M^,. in .'I iliiii'iHi::li -ialr III' i'c|,aii'. « >i ADLKK & !*>AUin^ nrg '^ B--T i^t, skir"^'' FORKS OF QUESNELLE RIVER, B. C. 'I'lll': illi»ic!.;s (' UK-AM )s OF ALWAYS MX HAM). ADLEn & BARRY, Proprietors. 11 1 ! i 140 lUlITISII COLUMlilA ADVEUTISKMENTS. h. JOHN EAMAGE, ¥Af Oli MSE & llWilia \ largo and .<|tloM(li(l as>ortiiiiMil of Of till' liiRist workiiiiiiisliip aiitl llic latest stylt's. I»lt. -M(\Al(iIIT()\ .I()M;s, m. i».. TO TH12 JiOYAL lIOSriTAL OF JJlUTiSlI COLIMIVIA. I'ltl'V-A.TE 3VEEi:;IC-A.IL. OFFICE i THOMAS CUNNINGIIA.M. (JKOIUJK K. ASIIWELL. AEW FIR.MTLUE AAD STOVE EMrOIMlM. Till' siilisci'ilici's wmild aiiiiniinci' to tin' B»ik*^:.~ ,•?>» iiilialjitaiits of New Wc-lniinstrr. aixl I'.rit- ^P*'^^'j|(' isli Coliiiiiliia griicially. tiial tlicy liavc ir- ^-^ '^^ moved tlieir IIIIMII Ml nm WMII5I21 To tlieif new Hiiildiiig. And. having made airangements for DIKKCT IM l'( )1{TATI()N from the HKST .MAUKKTS. are prepared to ,mU all artieles in their line at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Orders are rcspeetfidly invited from all parts of the Colony, and will reeeive prompt and earefid attention. CUNNINGHAM & ASHWELL. 1 ■ mUTISII COLU3I15IA ADVERTISEMENTS. I 147 •j.£StX>S AEW A\ ESTMIASTEK, B. I. MESSES. GEELLEY BEOTHEES iliive a(](k'<l to tlirir coinfortablc EiTIL AlB liSTiilAlT A Sl'I.ENDIl) In wliic'h will alwfiys be found the best In ooniioction witli tlie alKivc tli<'y have ojicncd a Store, stocked with tlie elioiecst lirands of Wiuos, Iii(jiiors. Alos, Portrr, Itraudics, Rum. CUlvr, Nynip.s, 001«1>I^VLJ9<, 13IXTEKW, *£;<•., Wliieh they will sell by the Hottle. (iallon, or in Case. Also, the best Brands of CDXCSr J^TE^& , Havana, Maixila, and C'herools. rwi lOT AEW A\ESniL\STEH, 1$. C. HENRY V. EDMONDS, .... PROPRIETOR. This House offers {iccominodation equal to any in the Colony, at extremely moderate prices. SQUARE MEALS, FIFTY CENTS. CttoocI IJotls, Mild jVXesvls at all IIoiii's. m 148 iiuiTisii coiji.Mr.iA .\i»vi:i{TIS1';ments. 11-1' 0. .O.TI Tvc^r?} Vj KJ 'K K. B^aOWQW '^1 o 9 a • o • B»B6a&n'MG6'';£i'GBg. The 'IVllNclillL;' I'll'ilii' lire llii:iliril llial lllf 'r.'lMc 111' llii' ;|lio\c Hold is (•(iii>l,'nitl_v .-iiii|iliril willi llir licM tlii' iiiarkrl alllniN. niid ihal i'wvv aliriiiidii will III' |iaiil m ilirir cnnirnrl. MEALS, FIFTY CENTS. )^r^ini l¥ii.Mryyi " JslfiS IDTETV •\^EST:]VEia>TSTE:R. I Al\\a\s (111 hand, a lai\L:r ami well a^MU'li'd -luck (i\' lliiit'lisli Ales sMiii INufcr. Mines. M(|ii(»i's. iiini fi!>iirs. Ill' th;.' cii()it'c~t (jiialiiy. EDWAHl) CAliEilTY, Qrvv WAV, m:w wi:sTMi>sTi:n. 'riir; riioiciisr iujands of j WINES, LIQUORS, ALES, PORTER and CIGARS, CONS TAN 1 I.V ON HAM). ftEORfJE TEAITFIELD, CQlliSSIOM MERCHANT, ^^S) QUAY WAY, NEW WESTMINSTER. \ \ i;i!iTi~ii ciihr.MmA adnkrtiskmkntk Mil GOli ilA. riiilcr till' Ads \''il iiiid l^j\ liiiiiliii'i llic I.iabilily lo llii' Aiiiniiiit Siilisci'ihfil. 111 Twenty-five Hundred Shares, of $100 Each, WITJl row Kit TO IN CI!]; ASK. Till' WMiit III' l?;iiikiiiL:' iircoiiiiiiiiilniiiiii liv ilic JIri-cli;ini^, Mint i>, iiiiil licncral |in!ilir 111' liri;i~li C'nluinliia lia-. Iihil;- licru sr\rri'ly I'dl, aiiil il is tlmilulit tliat tliL' lime lias iHiw an■i^^ll when the liiisiiir.-s nt' thr Culiiny calls fur a iii'nnaiR-iii IJank of its iiwii ; anil iIm' iinnnot'.'rs of' this srlu ini', liaviiiii' full I'oiiliileni-e in tlii' pillilic -|iii'il aihl idinni'Tcial cntci'iiri-r uC tlii' inlialiitanis ot' Hfili-h C'nlnniliia, Ik l;' as a rrnii-ily In |i|iiliii~i.' ; 'I'liat a liank iindrr tin' almvi' liiU' In' i-iaMi-lhil in New NVL'stminsKi' ; 'I'liat thr ("apilal In- ^^>,"ill,0(iii. in :i.")iiii shares of ■^Kio each, a iK'iio>ir (if -10 In he paiil DM carh -lian' nil ihi' Isldf Fr'n-nai-y, 1 t-d'!, ~~10 on the 1st of An^ust, ISi;;!, anil -~li) nn thr Istnf l'\'lii'Mai-y, I Ml 1 : the rcniainilrr io hr at the rail (if the I)ii-('c{(irs — lint no rail at any one lime tn cxcred 10 [ler edit. i)f tin' amontit suhsrrilii'il, nnr Io lir cnfnrri'il williont ihi'i'i' inonlli<' notice, iKjr more than two calls lo he iiiaile in any one year; 'he atl'airs of the IJaiik to he inaiiaLicil hy a Hoanl of Direelofs, chosen annti- all\ , at a ;:ciieral mcetin;; of the -harc'hohlcr> ; , Sii!i~eri|ilioii hooks to he o|iriieil at once, ami whiiievei' a siiHiciiiii nui'.iher of names shall he r-uh-criin i| to fiillill the ii i|iiii-enieiiis of the existing;- laws, a ueneral inecliiii; III li:' called t'oi- the eleeiinii of I )iririors, the makiii:; of I'.y-Lav,- for the aovcrnineiil of i!ic liaiik. ami the iransaiiion of such other Inr-iiic-s as may he (lecmcil neces-ary. '{'he liiisiiie-.< of the Hank woiihl emhraer the usual transactions of sm^li cstah- lislmieiiN. and. in addilion, the iiii.-elia<e of (inld in i)ii,-t and in liars — which last hrancli would ]iro\e a ver\ j^reat heiiclil to Miners and Traders, and, in return, yield a handsonic and h'^iitimate |irolii to the sharehohlers. The o|ier.;tiiiiis of the Uaiik woiild, in ihe lir-I instance, he conliiied to the (ien- cral Oilier at New Westminster, and, in due cuiir.-e of time, a- the exten>ion of liit-iness slionld u.irranl. hrancli ollices wmild he c~tahli-lied in the dilfereiit iiji- conntry towns. It would he alniii-t n-ele~.v lo lay hefore the piihlic of ISi-ilisli Colnmhia the many ad\aiiIaL;cs all'orded hv haxiiiL;' in ihe ( 'olony a Hank of its own, where the Head Oilicc iind siihsei|ncnt liraiiches would he in the Colony, where the sharcdist Would he com|io>eil of Its own Coloiiist>, and where the |iriilil- ari>iii!^- tlicrefiDm, instead of iKiiii;' remitted to iMirciitii Shareholders, umild he handed ove.- to resi- dents, and he ai,'aiii jilaced in circulation in the Colony. The |irolils ari>ine' from the cstahlishineiu, r.nder somewhat simil.ir eirciim. stances, in the Colonics of Canada, Australia, and New /calami have I" en larec ; and the |iromoters of this ]mre|y colonial iindcrlakinL;' c.iinestiv Iicl;- tli ' co-opera- tion and assistance of the inhahitants (i( tlie Colony, coii\inccd that, hy so doilie-, they will at the same time |iro".;ote tin' |inlilie ^ood and their own intercut-. A|i|ilicaiions foj- shares to he made to the I'l'ovi^ional ^lanaiiiiif;' Committee, Xcw We-iminstiM', and uill he received iqi to the atli of .I.uniary, lS(i;!, when the lists will he closed. 150 imiTISII COLUMIilA ADVERTISPIMENTS. ''Sfe..'sr.».vi':.JJ ^m%' 71 *aiD> "N^ AND OOF'F'EE S^VLOOIV. The iiiulcr,«i!.mc<l begs to int'orin Iiis friends iiiid llie public generally, that he has removed to bis new and eonmiodioiis e-tablislnnenf on the Corner of Columbia and Hall Streets, where he hopes to reeeive, from a generous and diseriniinaling piiblie, un extended ])atr()nage, oomniensiirate with bis increased facilities for accommodating them. COFFEE, TEA, CH0C01.ATE, Supplied at all hours, and AT REDUCED RATES. Orders for Weddings and Parties promptly attended to. JAMES ALLAN. Begs leave to call the allenti((n of the iidiabitants of New West- minster, and the public generally, to his new and well selected Stock of Oraoeries and Provisions^ LA.MPS, COA^L OIL, All of which lu! otlers V01.mni\ STREET, NEXT DOOR TO S. T. TILLKY'S BOOKSTORE. I % 15RITISII COLUMUIA ADVERTISEMENTS. 151 XT HOC 33 30 XI. CONSTANTLY ON HAND, IN TIIK \EW AVESTMLXSTEU LUMBER YARD, A LAI!(iK ASSOKTMKNT OI-' RO«GH AND: BEESSEDi LUMBEIR, ALSO, OF ALL SIZKS. r>ills of Lumber cut on the sliortc'st notice, and orders from tlie interior prompllv attended to. J. A. R. HOMER. M. J. BLACKMAN, MANUFACTURER OF TIN, COPPER, AND SHEET IRON, AND DEALER IN STOVES, TINWARE, HARDWARE, .TOliUlXCi don«^. in a neat mam)er, and witli dispatch. LKADICKS and (.il'TTKliS n\ade on short notice, and at reason- uhle prices. ROBERT McLERSE, Carpenter, ^utlber, anlj Contractor, CORNER OF COLUMBIA AND MARY STREETS, Ni;\V WES'L'MINSTjni. .^1 1.J2 UllTl^ll (,'o|,r.Ml!l,\ AliVi:i(ll>K.\IK.\TS. JEiOlX'Ty HITS' ■W-A.H.DEIH'v3XJ£5::Z;- I.T^^I:l:l'( x >!. ^\'^ mm', rxiinlnl Mll:l Vvif Sl(ir:\Uf I'nr lil M I 1, ,|l~ ( J U. l'',S crv iirri iliniK iila- lidii ui\(ii Id (iiMiiU liiinli'il nil llir l,i\ criiiiiil \\ liarl. Inr ,-lli|illliil! Il|i l'i\ti'. A lari;!' M--11IIIIICI1I III GOODS FOR SALE AT VICTORIA PRICES, Wnil Till', Dl'l'V ADDKl). y^-. 4., «w --^ FIRE ARMS. AM) FIRE ARMS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, CLEANED AND REPAIRED, AM) K'l :r'r ()N iiam) i'<)1; sam;. Till' SiiIiMTibcr hv'^-i lu iiitnnii llic I'lililic llial 1m' lias (•(HiuiR'iu'ed Im-iuc-.- as a (G^r XT r-a &■ "sm: i. "£' xs: , On Columbia Street, opposite Mr. Holbrook's Store, ulirl'c III' i- jilCjiaVcil In I'XffUlr. willl lirallir-- ailil il : -j lalrll. all} wnrls ill lii~ liiir. ^1Y ( )nlrr- I'lniii ihi' iiiliTiiir will ai all liiiir- iiTiAr |iriiiiiiil alliai- linii. aii'l I'liai'Lir- will 1"' iiiuijrraii'. ROBERT GAWLEY. Sfe!>i Next Door to the Ottawa Market, ('()i.iMr,iA s^r.. NiAV wi:s'i\M iNr- ri:i{. WiitclK's iiiid J lotks chiiiirc! ami rrp.ijicd. .Scwt'ln nralh i'<']»;iii'r<i. ^Y' ^'i'ili'i'> IVdiii till' iiilrriiir will rrrci\c |iriiiii|il alli'iilinii. IIRITISIl COHMlllA .Mi\KllTISKMKNT.<. ]:.:! S. E. CHAIN, ]M. 1)., Wlii>!. >alc aihl l;. I:iil |)i-nlr|- ill ^T}^^ DRUGS AND MEDICINES, <'^-- PKUJf'rMKRY, (MLS, IVVIMS, rOAL OEI.. AM) fAMlMIKM:, COLUMBIA STREET, N I : w w K s r M 1 N s T 1 : u . SAMUEL TOMKINS, mmwB aoi mii warn (hi the Liolitniiio- Creek Trail from Willitiiiis Creek. |]\ei\" iU't.'oiuiiKMhuioii lor '1'1IA\'KLK1{S. E^EALS AT ALL HOURZ. Tin: I'.Ali SLl'l'l-IKI) Willi OF 'nii: KINKST (MALITY. SAMUEL imiLEY, Eight miles above Keitlilev's Creek, on the Direct lioute to Antler. Williams, and Liuhtnino: ('reeks. Kverv accommodation for TliA\'ELKHS. ft' MEALS AT ALL HOURS. 'Ihe 'rAlJljK snpjdied with everything the market an(»r(ls. or the very best ([ualily, to be had at the ]>ar. Jl ir,4 IIUITISII COLUMKIA ADVEHTISKMENTS. G. B. WRIGHT & CO., IIimCHAIfTS 3 A. isr ID ll^f^l'p PORT DOUGLAS AND LILLOOET, UIMi lORMAKIk (HUins IJtOM D O XJ G^ T^ A. S TO A^LE:XA.IsrJ3IlIA^ J. HERKIMER, i^ S 1 M®TMh il lillooi:t, b. o. This House is furnished in the very best, stylo, and the Table is supplied with the choicest viands. Stages, connecting with the Steamers for Now West- minster, leave daily. imiTIt^M COLUMlilA ADVEUTISKMKNTw. 1; i)>) >) "^TEiK Lir^TX>c>i^:T itocrn:. M mimmum housu, wiiKiii; TJtAviiMiKs ( A\ mi:i:t with i:vi:in (o^fout, AT REDUCED RATES. P. SMITH & CO. P. SMITH & CO., DOXJCJ^LAS ATsTD LILT.OOET, WILL FORWARD ALL GOODS INTKISTKI) TO THHllt C\l{K, P. W. FOSTER, AW©11®H111 AND COMIISSION MERCHANT, WIIULl'SALE AND llLTAli. DEALER IN BEmS Mi €i£Jif©ALs LIT^T^OOET, B. O. l.VJ llUmsn fOI.lMlllA ADVEUTISKMKNTS. I 1 . 7 W^ILLIAM BOWIE, ALKALI LAKEi liAjKlGH, Tliis llinuli is siiuiitcd on llir \{\\ \']\i TllAiL. on llic DIIIKCT l.'ni TM lo CAIIll'.OO. williiii an easy (lav's lid,, .if WII.MA.MS LAKK. • The vciv best acconinioilat ion (or Til A \' I'lLMK'S. The IJAIi well su|)i.Iir(l with WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. Constanllv on liaiid. Jai't^'c (|iianliti('s of Yjr X ^y vX/ XT Y >i p ^^ ^y,' Y ^ T JIM WOODWARD, THE WILLIAMS CREEK SALOON, UIIJJAMS (I{I:i:K. (AIUHdO. CONSTAMIA' O.N HAM), A I.AK(ii; AS,S( )irr.M KN T oV WINES, LIQUORS, ALE, PORTER, AND ('< )l(i )1AI.S. CIGARS OF THE 3E3T BR^KiUi GOME A3VI) TAKE A SAMLE. I'.lllTI.-'lI (iiMMI'.l \ \I>\ KIlTISI'lMKXrf^. i: ) I Ii'iliil isarBJ* nV-uvJt', |4,iii^ii«i, siirATKi) ON riiK i)iui;( i' uoad TO nil', }»!!Af;j: iiiVJUi AND i^AUiisrio 'I'lic'iccoiiiiiio.lalinii l.a''!'llA\'l':i.KI{S is not surpassed ))V aiiv House in the country. GHOICE WINES, Limi0?^8, AND CIG&RS. TJie Ci.okinii- Department is under tlu; superlntend- cneo of the best COOK in British ("olunil>ia. J. SELLERS, P. DUNLEVY, l»i'«)|>i*i<>toi'S- N. H. POINEER. TIE mmm wmmi ■IvfiniKrvJlll --■ I3sr o^^niBOO CATTLE AND SHEEP, I ) I K 1 : c 1' r ROM o R 1 : ( w > n . 158 imiTISII COLlMIilA ADVKHTISKMENTS. WILLIAMS LAKE, B. C, LOWEE HOUSE. PINCHBECK'S C7J Tr> r*) ]m The accoiniiiodation for THA\'ELKI\S unsurpassed by any Jlotcl in tlie country. The TABLE is constantly supplied with every deli- cacy that money can {)urchase. A I.Aliai: STOCK' <)1^ Miners' Supplies, of Every Description, CoNsrANTLV ON 11AM). TME GHOIQIST BRANDS OF WINES, LIQUORS^ TO 15 K HAD AT TIIK I5AK. PINCHBECK & CO., Proprietors. LITTLl LME HOUSE. Situated eight niiles IVom the l-'orks of t^ucsnelle Kiver, and sixteen from Beaver iiuke, on the Direct Route to CAKIBOC). Firs:t class accomuKMlalion lor TRA\'KIiKHS. THE ^MOillSTlTMIS, lIQlfOft^, AND CIGMSf A N 1 > Caroo<l Fot»<l loi* ^niiiisils. SMITH & O'BRIEN, Proprietoia. BRITISH COLUMBIA ADVERTISEMENTS. 151) EDVTAHD GHIFFIN, rHoi'Hii'/roH or the iDirrcf H, ALSO, GRIFFIN & COE, i'hoi'hii;t()ks of thi: 1VW(( 'f'\ THE MILL WILL CUT l,OOC> IH-IVJE^X^ l»li:i^ HOtJI^, AM) WILL 15K KEPT RUNNING NICHT AND DAY, I mil tlic inuiiciist (k'liiiniil for llic oiisiiiii<.r .-casoii is M\y siipjilicd. • :! V r 1(11) liiUTisii ^ol,^^ SELLEE ^:]& Xi ¥ '^ Xi ? J ^ X^ X-: iCt^i A^^. ■U.J.vJj. ^OlX^T ID iHiiiaAira Tliis is one of tin.' liiio.-l iJaiiclics in IJritish Cohnnliin. A TAlUil"] ki'pt nn<ni'|i;iss(Ml I»y any in \\\o ('olony. The linest Wines and Li<|nni's to l>e olttaliUMl in the market always on hand. Aet'onnnoihition on thi' llaiich i'nv an nniinuted nnni- 1)er ol" animals. A lai'ii'e ((uantity of FI^KD for the SjtiinL:' Tr; Kle. ti GEORGE TEAS & D. McKEON. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. xi;w WKsmixsTi'.it and riiAsr.it iiiVKU. i Nr.w AVKsr.MiN>Ti.K. the rji|iit.'il (if l'>rili-li ('(ilniiil)ia, is >lliiiil<'(l oil ilii' iicirtli or liLrlit lumk of the l-'r;i-<'i- Ri\ it. jii-t uIkinc iIic iiinctioii ot' llic Jiurili I'ni-k and tll'li'di mile.- in a licncral nnrlli-rasli'i-jv dirrciinn tVoni tin' rnti'anrc |irii|ici' ; it occniiii's ;i cdMniaiiilinL^ and \v:dl I'lid-cn |iii-ilion, l)fini:' within an ea-v di>tanc<' of ti nli-aiicc. and liaxin^ii; j:rcat t'acilitic- ti>r \vliarl'a,i;i'. and aliniLT it- watrr IVoiil a L'"t>d di|);li of walii- and c.xcidlcnl anidioraijc. 'l"iic I'isi'i' liank in .-onir places is son)e\\ iiai >tee|), and the ('onnD'y at the liaek i< like all tin' lower parts df ihe I''ia-ei- Kiscr (nnle-> in the iinmediale \ieinity ol' ihe entrance, where it i- -wanipy j:ra-s land, suh- ject to irnindalion linriiiu' tln' tVe-lni- ol' >uinnn'i') coxcred with a dense i^rowtli of' niaii'iiiliceiit piin' and cedar : the -oil. liii\ve\cr. i- widl adapteil tor aLd'iiMilliiral piu'po-e-, and con-iderahle elea'^inii- ha\e alri-a 1\' 1 n niad.e in the n ieinity of the city. There are. al-o. -ouie lar;:i- tracts ot' open L'l'ass land on Pitt lvi\er li\c miles ea-t of New W'e-tmin-ler. which. howe\(i'. i- sometime- partially ovcrtluwed dnrini:- -i.\ weidis jn the -nmmer months. New \\'e-imin-ii'r i- the only port of'^nlry in liriii-h Cohnnhia. and is admirahly litli'(l iiy it- -iinalioii to command the trade of the l-"ra>er liixcr. 'I'lii- ri\tr in point of niaiiiiil nde ami pre-enl eonnnereial inipm'lani I' i- -econd (o noni' on the north-we-t i oa-t ol' .\nn'rica. In it- entire l'rce(loni from I'i-k of life and -hipwreck, ii po--e-se- inlinite ail\ .antaL!!'- o\cr anv other river on the coa-t ; and the can-e- of this immnnitv from the d.an'jcr- and incon\ enicni'e- to which :dl ureal river- emjit\in;j' llieni-(d\es on an e\po-ed c(»a-l aii' -nliject. are -iilli- eiently ol)\ ion< : a .-Indlereil -trail, scarcidv lifteen mile- acid--, receive- il- w ater-. and the neiLi'hhoriiiL;' I-land of N am'(in\ er -er\e- a- a nalnral Ineakw.aler. prevenlinL:" lln' po--iIiilily of miv -ea ai'i-in:.; which wonid prove dmiLTcrons to \(.-,c|- even of ill'' -malle-t cla--. lo the same can-e- may he altrilmted in a uri'ai niea-nie the li.xed and nnvaryin;f characler of the -Imal-. lliiM.iiiih which thi- inaunilicent -Iream pursues il- nndev ion- eoiir-e into the Sti-ail- of < ieoi'Lria : ;md I In 're can h" little doiilii that at no di-lant period ii i- i|e-iined to j'nllill to ihe iilmo i the |iur|io-es till' v\liic|i Nature ordained ii — iheoiillei for the product- ol' a VI lii i: T 1(5:! T II !■; I! I! I r I s II (' (I I, r .m v, i a n fircal ('(luiilry. wlio-c ri<'Iii's in iiiimrnl and ii^i'icnlliiriil wcallli arc tlaily l)L'in<; iiKM'e tiilly discov ci-cd and d('\('l(i|)cd. 'I'iic I'ixcr. wiili il< nnniiTon- irilmtai-ii'-. lia- il- y\>f in tlic IJncky ^Monntains, liclwcf'n tnnr Inindrcd and live hnndri'd mile- lioni tlir coa.-t in a northerly dircclion ; I'luni w licncc it tui^'cs iis way in toiTcnis ami rapids lin'on;:li one of tlic many ^Tcal |>ai'ail(l \ alleys wliiidi inlci'^ccl this rcffion, conHncd liy i^iuantic mniinlaiii^. witli lame liacls i>\ cinnilry ricli in a.uriiMiilnral ri'^onrcr^ (in lillicr >idc, nnlil il ica.'lits tin' tnwn of II()|ic, wliicli is alinnt ('ij.dily milc> tVnm llic nionili (if liic rivci'. At lIopL' the lixt'T a^.-nrnf's the cliarach r (if a na\ii:ali]c .-trcani : .-liani- (M's of liLdit draniz'lil reach this point and the town of Vale, iifteen miles ahove it. during.' finni ^i\ lo nine nionili- n'' the year. In .Inne, • Inly and .Vnuii-t the nniiin;!' of the ,»no\\ in llir moiMilains ean>e- .>o rapid a (hiwiiwaid >li(ani thai \ (•■•.■-eN e\fn of !ii;j;h -leain jiower are re(piired to sti'in it; hut at i.anu'ley. .~i\leen milo ahose Xew \Ve.-t- min>ter. the river hecome- a limad. deep and placid ~lr( am, and except dnrin;j; three snnnner munlli- the inlhienee of ijic ijuud -ireani i> ;j;en- erally iell, and vess(ds of any draniihl may eonseniently anchor. The ri\er lioats connect with the limII 'learner- at New \\ (•^lnlin^ter. and ran to Hope and ^'; le. on ihe I'"ra-er l\i\er. and al-o to l)on;:Ia~, sitnated al the head of liarri-on Lake, which emptie- thronuli the llai'- rison Kiver into the I-'raser midway inlween Lan^lex and Hope. These ai'c the two main avenue- of ira\ I 1 to the I ppei' {'"ra-er. I>y the Harrison Lake route, a communication lia- iieen c-laiili-lied throu.irh a lonjT chain of lakes coiuiecled liy wajinn i-oad- to l.illooet. a lhrivin;r town on the I'liper- I'"ra-er. and the main depol tor ,-upplie- for the upper countr\'. l'"rom ^'ale a -uli.-tanlial and well cim inicicd roa(i c(in- lU'cts with I.ylton al the conliuence of the 'l"homp-on and i'"ra-er river.-, (tifty-fi\(' miles aliove Hope) and runs from thai poini up the Tliom|)- son and IJiionaparte ri\crs till it< jnnction wilh the main waudu road from Lillooet to l''oil Alexandria. The tirst hoii-e in New A\e-tmin-ler \\a- (reeled liv IMr. W . .1. Arm-tronu'. on the ihii-leenlh March. iS.V.t. and -ince thai iierioil the }irowth of the city \\;\< fully kepi pace wilh the local rc(piiremeiil- and the p'liei'al dev(dopinent of the connlr\ : il now comprise- alioiit three hundred hnildintrs. many of them lieiiiL! dfa nio-l -idi-lanlial character, inclndinj^ some line churches, warehou-e-. hold -. -lore- and pii\ale re>idences ot' the citi/en-; the enuine Imu-e lielonLiiu'j lo the H\ack l''ire Company, a fine Coni'l llou-e and other pnlilic liuildiii;j< are worthy of notice. Colnmliia Sii'eei i> the principal ihoronuhfarc. and is a mau'iiiiiceiit street. iMnety-nine feel in width. 'I"he lii',-1 wli;irf wa- coiisli'iiclcd liy .Mr. .1. '1'. Scoll. of the Pioneer Saloon, in the Spring' of l(S.V,i. and -ince thai linn' the wharfs ha\e A X I) V r C T i) U I .\ 1) 1 U K (' T o \\. Y, k;:; been Iiu'LicIv cxtciKb'il iiloiiLr tlif wliolr liiisiiu'ss itoi'lioii nt' llw rilv I'nml, iind siih-tjiiitiiil >lic(ls .•iiid wiircliniiscs cn-cli'd tlicnoii. Till' (liii'cl tnulc willi I'oi'lliiiiil aiiil S:m Fraiiri-cn is mI pit-riil liiii- ilnl it) cxliiii, liiil will, (loiihilr-s, M^-Miiii' larjiiT lu'itiiiiniiiu- a- Niw '\V('.-tiiiiii-lcr iiicna-iv- in iiii|)iirlaiicc. A jniiil slui'k liaiik. callcMl •• Till' (oldiiial l»aiiU of lirili-li (cilmii- liia," iia-i Jiisl licc'ii iuriiicd !)_v soiiii' of tin,' Icadiii.L: ciliziiis. Cajpilal. S2.")<t.(inii. w itii iiowcr t(i iiuTi'a-f. l)irccl((r,~ y'/v> /cm.: .Mr->r~. llol- liidoU, ('nii|irr and ( laiidft. A ( lii\ I rnnicnl A~>ay Ollicc lias Ix'fii cslalilislifd ioi* some time ; and till' niacliincry t'or a mini lias alx) lici.Mi ltccIciI and unly awaits t)rdL'i'.s i'roin llii' linnic ( ioM'rnnicnl licfiu'c licinfr pnt in (ipcration. New \\'c--lniin-li'i' i- llic rr-idcncc of the ( io\ crnnicnt oll'u'iiv-. with tlic cxcciiiiiiii of till' (ioNcrnor and Colonial Scciclary. Tlic >ociriics ot' New ^^'(•^tnlinsl('l• arc mnncrou*, and coniprisc a ^Masonic I.odiii', Aliiion C'iidi. Si. AndiT\v'.-.. (k'liatinLi' and tcni|)iTaiicf soi'iclir- ; liicrc i-. al-o. a liospilul. ^Ull|lo^t(•d Ity volinitaiy conli'llni- tioiw. 'riici'c arc thi'L'i' clnirclics — l"".|)isi'o|>aliaii. W'cslcyan and I'lc-liy- Icrian — lia\ini:- coniinoilioir-. places of \V)i'>ln|). allordin;: amjdc acconi- niodalion for iIk; |io[)nlalion. wliicli now ninnhcrs I'runi l,2<ii) |o l,.">lin |IC|->011~. Till' only ncw-])a|)cr in li'Itlsli Coiiiiuliia — " 'I'lic l>iiii-li Colninlii- an " — i> |inl)li>licd at New \\'e.--lniin>tec e\ cry \\'edne-ilay and Satniday. and i- aMy condiicled hy ihe |)i'o|irie|or and eililor. .lolni Uoli-on. Iv-q. A .Municipal Coinicil was eslalili>lied. Iiy proelaiualioii of ilie (oiv- ernni', in .New AVeslniinster on llie sixleeiilli dav ot'dnly. l>^f>ii. and llie cily disidrd into foiii- wai'd~. I'ctnrninii seven Coi.iicilor-. 'I'lii^ acl \\a< cxlenilid on llie twenty- eeond day ot' Oclolier. l^.'il, and the city is at ]ire-.ent di\ided into lisc wards, relnrnin^' nine Counciloi':-. Since the pas>a,iie ot' llii'>e acts, the most eneiyetii' iiiea-ure< lia\e liicii taUeii l>y tlie Conncil for the impio\ einent of tin' city, and aiitlioiity .ixiven tlicrn to i'ai~e jiiaii- ami le\ \ ta \ - on real estate lor that purpo-e. 'The miliiary e-tahli-limeiit or camp of the Ifoyal iMii^ineei--. a mile aho\c New Wi'-tmin-ter. is a ino-l picliiresi|ne -pot. commamlinu' an miinti rrnpted \ icvv of ilic (^neen'> Ueadi. a hroail, dei'p .and mauinlieeiit sheet of water. I'miu the Camp to I'ori Moodv, an e\c( llent liaihni- at the jiead nf rinrrar(r> Inlet, i< four miles in a norllerly diieciion. A L;(iod w.aL^on roail has lieeii constrncted to the oul< i- harhor of the inlet, w liicii is a most important work, eiiahlinu' the inhalillant-- of Xew AVe.^liiiinstcr to commiiiiicate with the uiilei' world in the event diirinij; a hard winter of a lempoiary lilockinjr up of tin' I'ver wilii ice. "iff KM T II K 1! R I T I • II «' <• I- r .M li I A .V The Wilier tin llic luir ;it llic inoiitli of tlic I^'rast'i- l{i\or. iiccnrdinjf Ik till' cliiii-ls. liiis JIM Mvcrairr (lc|(tli of Iwcnty-lwo ffct. iiiul vc-scls (Irawiiifi that amount can ascend the river to Now \Vi'stiniii>tir. At this ]i(iiiit tiic river is from 1/_'(M( to l.'ilMl yunls wide, and niiieh deeper than at its jniiclion witii tlie sea. It lias heen asserted tiiat tiie town site tor New Weslniinstei' was selected tor its nulitary advantajr's only, which is evidently a nii~lalse. As a commercial jio>ition it is lieyonil a doiiht the hesl that could have heen selected. condiininLr a-; it does all that conid he de-ii'ed. either in a naval, military, or mercantile point iij' \ iew. iii'SiDKNTS or \i:vv w i:sTMixsTi:i{. I AM. A X.J. II.. City I lake. y. Annstronii', \V. J., provision niercliant. Bacon, Ciiaim,i:s A., (iovennnent Assay < 'Hicc. — . liair dresser. I'aptiste, - l>ariiston. A. (i., Iiarrister. IJe.ii-liie, Matthew 15., .ludiic of the Supreme Court. I»ell. .1. K.. contractor. I'.I.ACKMAN. M. .).. hanlware. I'musHeld, v., (loverinneiit Assay < )|Hee. I>rew. Cliartix'S. INiJicc Ma,uistrate. 'ilrounlee, TIios. ( Klook \. |>. ) luitclu'r. I'.KOW.N, KIIKNKZKK. Liverpool Arms. I)urr, lliiji-h. CoJumliia Note!. Ijiishhev. .\rtlnir T.. IJeiiistrar (ieiieral of Deeds. Calukii. Ai.i:.\aniii:i!. clerk in the Treasury. Ckirkson. \V., New Westminster House. Claudet. h'. (I.. Chief Assayer in the (lovenimont Office Clute. .1. S., clerk with .). A. Wel.^tcr. Conn, II. !>., tailor. Cooper. Captain, llarhor Master. Cooper, .lolin, Chief Clerk in the Treasurv. C<>I{MA''K, W. K., merchant. CKAIN, S. I']., ilruLTs and medicines. Crain. S. K., sin^n-eoii. Cri'ase, II. I*. P., Attornev-(ienei'al. Cl'XMN(;ilA.M cS; ASliWKLL, hanlwair dealevs. AND V I U T (• R I A l> I |{ E i) T R Y , 1(5 )l) I) WIS, W. K., tiusmitli. nickciisiiii, li. l)i'iissiui(l, I*., Frond) Uakcrv. EDMONDS, 11. (), lliinlie's llotol. Fkkxamu;/, (I., ;4i'neor. Fiiilaismi, , clerk in tlic Customs OiKce Fitz,ii;('i'iil(l, .Jacol*. liaii'-drcsscr. l''l<"il<, W. ( K. i*(: I'udiinloc) Imtclier. . Francisco, Olnicdo, liaii'-iU'csscr. N la S-M (I ASSKTT, WiM.iAM D.. Treasurer of Mritisli Coluniliia. (lAWI.KY. IIOP.KHT, -unsHiith. (iillett, Willian), di'v-ii-oods. (iraliani. .lolm, clerk in the Treasury. (il|KLLKY, 1). F., Colonial Hotel. ( Jrieve, W. 11 A.Mi.KV. Wv.MoNi). Colleetor of Customs. llalK v., Town Clerk. IIANX.MI. R.,,-roeer. Harris. F., hutclier. lla_,'(leii, ('., Ciiliiniliia Saloon. Hernandez, .)., liair-diesser. Hicks, I'liilip, ^i'rocer and hakev. Hitchcock. \V., nielter (iovernmeut Assay Office. HOM5HOOK. HFXKV, merchant. HO.\lKI{.,l. A. 11.. lunil.er merchant. lloopei', < leoi'ire, auctioneer and conniiission merchant. .1 \.MIi:sox. Hol!i;i{T. Hev.. I'Vee Chui'ch. .loXKS, M(NAU<illToN, M.D. .lohnstone, 1). .Johnstone, \V., hoot and shoemaker. liA.MiiKiiT. .T. \V., >• IJritish Columhian" ofnce. li'lvMiyer, A., Colonial Hotel. licwin, 11., tohacconist. LFWIS, N. R., Oro H-misc. liiiidsav, S. (Policy & R.) Policy's Saloon. liVons, Isaac, watclmi.kei'. MoohV, RicilAlin C. Colonel Hoyal Fn-'ineers, Commissioner of Lands and Works, etc. Mathew, (Jreville C, J^egistrar of S\iiireme Court. Manson. A. H. llili ■1' II K I! I! I I' I S II (■ () I, I M I! I A N r >rcCiva, W. If., Cliicf Clerk in tlir Custnius Oftk-i' McI.KKSK, K(H5|';in\ l.uiM.T and mntn.ct.^r. Mead, l{. P.. |iaintc'i'. ^[iin-av, .lohn, ( Suiitli (S: .M.) ;j.r(>(-H'i'. Ni;i-S(i\, (.'., ;j;('n(Ta! dealer. IMiAcncK. \V. (i.. ('(inniiissi(iii inereliant. I'nllev. William. I'nllev's Sal(«»n. INhiI, Uoliei't, elerk with J. A. Welister. I'l-itcliavd, Captain. Siiiierintenilent (if .lail. IJA.MAdK. .lOllN. Nvatdiniaker. Keiil. -Idlin, li'iinsiuitli. JJdltson, .lojin, editor " British Coliiniliian."' R(.se, W. SciiTT, .1, S. Sedihdl. .1. Vermin, ^^.l).. Knyal Knirineers. Shee|ish;niks, Hev. .Intiii. I']iiisrn|iu]ian ('hiireii. Siuij: Lee, lamidrv. Smith, .!(ihn, ( S. iS: Murray) ^rroeer. S]ialdin,Lr. \V. !{., jxistmaster. Sullivan, J. 1)., '* British Coluinhian " olliee. TlIOAIAS, S., hiiok-keeiier with Ilenrv llnlhi'dok. Tillov, S. T., stationer. Wkijstkk, .1. A., drv-iiiiMKls. White, A. Wileox, James, hoards at the ( )i'o House, AVolsev. .lohn, clerk in the 'i'reasury. Wridit, II. I*., The \'eneralile Arehdeactni. NAMES OF THE HUDSON BAY CO IX IJini'lSII CoHMlilA, AND TIIK (IKNI'LK W. [[. .AFeNeill, Es.i 'S STATIONS MHN IN CllAUCiK. . . . l''in't Sinuison. :\rr. W. 11. .\ewtoii . . . . I'drt Kan "lev. Mr. W. Charles . . . I'Ort 1 lone. Air. (). Allard ... . l"'ort Vail". ^Ii-. J. \V. :sreKav . 'rhoiniisnii Uiver. Air. William [Nlauson .'vlevandria. Mr. 'riiomas Cliavlos - . - l<\)vf ( JeoiMfii J— t M I A N 1» V I t' T <» K I A 1> I li H (' ■]"•<) U Y . I'm Mr. IN'tcr < ),u:i1imi Fort St. .Iiniits. Mr. I'\'riliii;iii(l .McKciizii- McliCnd's Liiki". Mr. William T...1 Coiiimllv's I/ikc. Mr. .1. MulH-rly Frasor's Lake. Mr. (iaviii llamiltoii F<"'f IJal'incs. Mr. A. McDciiald F"i't Slic'iilicnl. The furc.^'nini: arc all the Statiniis now hold hy tin- Hudson May CoiDpaiiy in lU'itish Coliinilpia. Is COLONY OF r.IUTISIl COLLMIVIA. /-i .Siiliiiy. His Kxcellcnc-y Jamks Doici.as. (M5. (f'ir. (in<J CiiiiniiitiKhr-in-Ch'icf.. ,t1,S()0 /'rirafr Sfi-rcfar// •><*<' Col. 1\. ('. Moody. li.K.. (J'Jfi'-ri- III cioinixnnl <if 'Jh»>j>s mul ('iitiuitlxxioiicrfit' /adh/k if' Work" {and )n'ilitiirji puij (wd idloir'x) 1,200 AVilliani A. (i. Youn,L^ . . Cnhti'ml Smrtarii '"^OO Chiirlcs (J I Ch'irf Clerk :5'")0 John ( 'onm'll ( 'In-k :^-")0 J. dudson Youn- ( drrk '^'lO William D. (lossott, U.K. 7/vw.sv//vr I-'^O ( AllSClIt 1)11 Iciivc. ) Charh'S IJrow {A'din//), ,Iohn Cooper ('/i!(f Clerk and Cus/iier John (iraliam C/erk Alexander (.'alder Clerk John Wolsey ^ '/(•/■/" V. S. ('laudet < 'Iiief A^x'ti/er, Axxdi/ Depurfinent Charles A. P.aeon Ch'nf Mrlter " V. IJrushfield Axsistmif Assiii/er"' W. lliteheoek \ss!sfant Melirr '^ H. P. 1*. Crease [ffur)ie)/-(ieiier'd t:")00 and praetice. Wvmond llandey Cillerfnr <>f Ciistennx <i'")0 W'. 1 1. MeCrea.' ( 'lilef < 'lerk ".OO u :;.')0 ■2-2() liOO ."ioo oOO :500 f. % 1i;s Till-: 11 1! 1 T 1 S II !• 11 1, 1' M I; 1 \ \ Fii liaison . . . ( '/,;■/.■ 2")0 ('liMi-l.s L. Wvl.lc. .. . . . Hrmnir OlJir.r ;!.'.(» \V. S. Ilaviics . . . ft'i ri iiif Olfii'ir III Ivh-h' 1 'i-nj;. . , L>.")(» William A. < i. \'i>uiil; . . . Alli/i/"/- a III' fill (A'lill;/) Ni'iic, Kdlicrt Kt'i- . . .<'/i!if i'hrh :;(M) T. II. Ilnllurs . . . I'Irrk ill Ml )ll(l .laillt'S (.'niijicl' . . . Iliiili'i' Miisti r Artlmi-T. i;n>iil.v., . . . . /i'li/isfi'iir (ii ini'ill "J hiiilx .')( I( 1 W. |{. Spal.lin-- . . . Pi'xdiiiisdr :;.",(! JUDICIAL AND POLICE ESTABLISHMENTS. Mattiikw 11. r>i:(;i;ii', . .•/lll/'/< CSIHI (iivvillr ('. Matlii'W . . . . />' i/ixl /'III' "t Sii iii'iiiii' ('iiiiii , , . . :',()( 1 Cliartrt's llrcw . . . ('hl'j' llisi„ih.. ■,/ p., /In ,")(i(i IVtcT (refill V . . . //!i//i S/nril}' I'V..... .1. 1). (laLTpii . . , /'"Hi '■ Mnii'iKtriili' iif /fiiiii//iis . . . :;i)(l 1']. 1 1. Samlcrs . . .{f.'Oxfll III (Inlil ('I'lll r lllll/ I'd/ll'l' :;,")(> Mnijixlrillr lit )'i//(' II. M. Hall . . . •• III /,i)lli'ii ((III jllll William < i. ( 'n\ . . . " III /\lllll/"''flS A. C. Kllintt /// l.illnnil 4iM) r. o'li.'iiiv . . . I " III \\'///i'iiiii's l.iihi Tlmmas I'llu vn . . . 1 ' '.irili'i'i ( iii'li ) . .)(lf) 1'. 11. Sm\ . . . ( . \lixi lit "11 Iriin ) r)Ou MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. lIcillV iliillpl'onk. /'/•( xiili III. W. ('. Ciirmack, !•]. l)|-n\\l|. William llnss. W. Clal-ks,,!,. 1 l{. |)iflvrrsnli. .Idliii ( 'cMi|i('r. ' A. II. Mai.s..ii. |). Jnlmstuli, ' \'al.'nlinc Hall. T-ir,, < 'lirk. FIRE DEPARTMENT. l^ollCl't .McliCCSl". . . . .... . . . . .( 'hilt /•JtJiiIiii'i r. U. Ashwrll Is.si'.stiUit Ki ii/iiiiif. A .N 1) V 1 V T "I 11 J A 1) 1 It !■; (■ T m K V Itl'.t REVENUE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. 4'lllal«nili. ('nniiiiirativc Statciin'iit fur tin- vcjirs ciidcil hrcciii'ici' -list, ISdl (I 1S( mil I'^tij I ic( ISCl. tivciv ISllJ. £:)S,:,s4 1111 >IHI liicnasr in \Si\-2 CJUIKI 11 (J Total ivrt'iiits in iStil tl'id,!;.")!; Total ('\|icii(litiif(' •• (JTjiIliS Pl*ilRM|ial items of cxiicinlituiT : KVtal.li>lniu'nts i;i!:;.()S<l Jloa<ls and Works •\'2,'-)~\ N. ]]. — 'rij<' aiiininii III rx|ii'iicliliin' I'm' iMil clm-i not iiicliiilc tlio Militiivv l')>tiililisliiiicni, wliirli, ciiiiiiii-i.-iiif:' liiitli < 'iiliiiiiiil iiml lu'Liiiiiciiliil piiy, aiiiDiiiits to alioiit Xl'i<,(HM). Unit' lit' this sinn will liavo id lie lionic liy ihr Coluiiv. A]i]ii'o.\iniati' revenue tor iSllii CS."),(J()() Amount raised liy loans r)0,()(>0 Total Cl :•..").()(»() The e.\|ieiiditure for ^Xi^^2 has not vet lieeii made u]t .... Aiijiroxiniate amount s[ient in Roads and Works C7<',<>(M) <'llNtUIIIM l>llli«*H. An (iJ riihiroii duty ol" ten ]ier eeiu. is le\ied on all ^'oods enter- iiiir Iiritish ("olumhia, witii the exee[ition of the animals jinil articles mentioned in the followini:- ttirift': .C s. <1. Hulls, Cows, Oxrn, lIoiM's, Assi'v, ami Mules, IK'V ]iOiul 4 2 SlHr|i anil (iiials •! 1 rriiiir S|iirits, |i('r ilic Inipi'vial i:aiioii lalrulati'.l by Sykcs' llyilriinii'i( r, (ami so on in priiportiiin aciorilin;;' to -tn until). '■S (.'i;;ais ami (hi'ioots, |)C'r KMl 4 :2 'ruliactii, SniilV, ell ., jiiT 111 Oj Flonr, per liaiTcl ;) 1^( Baron. Salt ami Dried I'oik, per 11) 1 l'>eans, per )I)U liis l .'i Marley, " (i 1 .'! JJntier. per Hi u ■1\ Canilles, " i}, ],aril, " o t) 1 tl 170 r II !■; II K I T I S II (■ I, I .M It I A N Hicc, |pi r jiiii llm (I ;i \\ 'I'l'ii, |.or II <i <• •-'i CilU'c, " II (• \\ "ii-iir i» •» 1 Ale mill I'nrtcr in licittlt'«, |ii r ijii/.i'ii <' 1 H All' ami I'nrti T in \mii>i|, jut j^iillun •• i' 7 Wine ill wiiiiil Mini iMittJc, " (» '2 I Ilitlrl'o, |ii'r Liilliiill II 2 I Uliiiikft*, [icr iiiiir <• 2 I ("iiccsc, p. r III II (» i!_l (t|iimii, •■ II -' I l*riiil JM-li, |iir III II II 1 Siili Fish. •• (I II uA CIlilli'M' Mriliriltnl Wine, |ji T 'jiilliill II .'I l! Diicil Vi'-ctalilc- ((.'iiiiu-.i) per 11 ii ii I Salt " " " II II oA Tlir riilliiwiii;: iii'c ailniittcil five: Ciiiii. lVc«li iiH'iit, lVi'«li I'niit, t'ri'-li M'L:i'talilr, pmihrv (alivf m-iliMil), iiiailiiiiiTN fur a;:ririiltiiiiil piirpuM's, sccils, Imllis, ami nmis nf plants to lir iiscil I'nr ayriiiil- tiirc ami nut tiir I'imkI, salt, ]ii-iiiti'i| ami iiiaiiiisiTipt liuuks ami papers, ami tlif lia;;- L'a;ri' ami apparel, Imiiscliulil t'lirnitiiri' ami prii|'c->iiiMal apparatus dl' pasNciiMi-i's, Ami aUii all ;_'iiiiil-, animals, ami artii'li's wliatsni'vci' inipnrii'il t'nr tln' piiMii- siTvicc, or fur I lu' list' 111' Her Majr-tyV I'lirri's liy m'u or laml ; /«/'i/'/(/<'/ (//((•k//.'., tliat all artirlrs M> fxcmptril tViiiii limits an' liium liih ilir prnprity nf pa>-t'ii;,;t'i'> ami imi intcmicil fur piolit or >ali'. I.l<|il»r iiikI Xi'iiiIc I.Ii'oikk-hi Much |n'f,-<(iii tradiii,:; in S|iiritiiiiiis (n- |''criiiciit(il Iiii|iinf,s li_v retail, it' in a tnwn I'li.") |icf aiiiiiim. Hctail license t'i>i' a fiinil ilistrict 1(1 I'laeJi |iersiin ti'ailinu: in S|iii'itiiiiiis m- l'"ei-nienteil liii|Uiifs liv w'liilesale lit '• Aiiv iiei'siin eai'iTiiiLX mi any ntlief tfaile 1 vwvy •''> iiin,<. Any ]ier.siin uenipyinir ('rnwn iiainis Ky niakiiii: ei'ectinns tlierenn anil eariTiiiL' <in traile in tlie same, to pay ten sliilliiiLis |iei' ninntli in aiMitiiin to the a'mve licenses. Toiiliaurf iiihI l*lliit nili-« <'»II<')-(<')I at (lit- I'ati-t nt' \<-\v Wt-Mtmlliatfl-. On .sailin,:;" vessels almve thifty tuns n-Lrister. eiiteriiiLr m' leavin;;. jiei- tmi L'H :> On steam Ncssels. entei-inir m" leaviiii:'. |ier ti>n <• '1 ( Ml vessels oC anil mulef thifty tmis reLfister. entering; nf leavinL', each (• 7 ♦'> Fur every jiassenirer mi Imanl emivcyeil tn or f'rmii parts he VI Mill the seas (I 4 <> A N l> V I •' T n n I \ HI It i; r T •> || \ 171 llllllllll \ll« luilllllll. Mvt'i'v sti'imicr trmliii;:; nii hViiscr liivcr. mid iint lu'vniid the si'iis, twn sliilliiiL^s |icr tmi ri'^i'isti'i' per aniiinii. i*ii<i( i»iif>. \'csscls ilr;i\\ii|ii less tlimi >i.\ Irct I".) (I N'csscis (li'iiwiii;^ six Irct iiinl less lliaii seven .'» lU () h'nr CM'IT ;iililitin|ijil I'lmt lip t . t\sel\c feet (lid (I VnV eveiT iidilitiniiiil fnul ;ilin\e tweUe I'eet (I 1.") (J \'i'ss('ls reriisiiii:' tn take ;i licensed I'ilnt on Imard, ai'e enm|iell('d til |iay liall' pilutajie. with tlie e\ee|itinn nf tlinse dniuiii;:: less tliau seven I'eet of vsater. lliitcM i>i° l*<i><ii|(<' lirl««i-i'ii llir iiii<l<Tiiifii(li>iif<l I*liir<'«, In all ('ti«t'» tii l>t* l*i-c|iltl<i. ; ^^- ";•;:■■ ii-'>'K. »Af,,:. i.Mr..s ..>:::-, ^V^" ^^.'^V^vn-lk.. SIINHIi. ■ luiiir. lAKi;. M.i.ir.. X r X r X r- X r X r x r- x iii:i « i;i;n ;/ 2 ' S ' il ' i ' ••'••'•IS '• j: :"5?!: ! "^ ■ "x 1 "^ : ' ~ ~. : !;' i^'i! 1 ' : ' : 1 :; : 7 : ' : 1 : n?i: 7 ■ \ V.'- N'cw \\'i-niiiii«ti' |).mi-Im- 1 lopr I' .-111 ■)(l Vail' ".(1 Lviioii I- I.'ill,,,,,'! !>; W'illiiiin''. l-iiki'. (^•llC^III'lll' Aiiilcr . .1.4 :.il ■ r)ii ' Is i> L'> )ii .III .•|i! 1> 1- Is b I- b Is lis las' ■>> 1 4s i4s Is' |ll«' .'ts ;)« 4s: 4s Is lis :is 2sl .(> .•)> Is i Is' I- 1- :4S| UsI '•Is' Is 2s I> ROYAL HOSPITAL. s I I'i'K I! I 1.1) n\ V(i 1.1 .\ i.v i; V ((I N I I! I lu rioN s. ("a|itain .lames ('n(i|ici' I'rc^'uJcnf. .Me.\'aii,i:liti>n .Ictiii's, M.l) /'/ii/xiriioi. Koliert lliillaud Scorettiry. COLONIAL BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Capital >>•_'.")( ».(»()( I, in I'.oOO sliaivs of •'r'lOO iv.cli. iJirfi-hirs, ( j I I'll hill. ) lleiifv lliiUirook, V. (i. Clandet, -lojin Cmipcr. i U-2 ■'' II H I! I! I T 1 S il (■ () I, I .M I! I A \ ciii'i;cirKs, sociKTii-s, htc. EPISCOPALIAN CHURCH. ;'"!"■ V.nhl,.. I!. I'. Wi;mm,, \,vl„IrM.-oM. 'I'll.- JJi'\.,lu!l.\ Sll|.;i;rMIA\KS. M..\. . Urviov L'hvlA ( llllivll. PRESBYTERIAN. Till' Ui\. K.)iii;iM .Iamikmin .Mil ii>i<'r. "WESLFYAN. Tllr IJcv. !■;. \\\l ni: .Miiii>ic ROMAN CATHOLIC. riHlri-tiir iimnr.lL-.tc calV n|' i!,.. IJinl,, l',.,,i, M, ,,,,.,,■ Dim,-,., >IS||()|I. MASONIC UNION LODGE, NO. 1201, iM>i:i! Tin; .,i;am) i.um,,i; ,,1 i;n.,i.am., i>i ai!i.ihii.i. ,11 m;, is;^ < ' I' I' I (■ !: I{ s . •^^^- ^'"""■';k 'I',,,,, S. ]•:. (kmn W. II. AIr( i;,:a .".,.....'.., I\. 1 >i( Ki:\-ii\ ( i;;i»i;i.i; Fm 1. ^^ I). r>. 1 Ik K iv 'y II. II()i.i!i;.(,(K W M .1. \i:i;.NAN Sl.KI) \|,| I \y I'l'.'i-iirci'. S. I). . I. (J. .1. 1). A N 1> V r "' T '> K I A 1) 1 K i; !■ T n i; V . SAINT ANDREW'S SOCIETY. Cdl. ,Mo(.i>v. li.K I'rcsidnit. W. (I. \'\.\l o< K 1-1 \'ifc l*iv~i,|rlil. . McMllMMlV •-'<! Vicr I'lV-idcllt. John 1{(>I'.m»n 'riva-iirci . I). 1{ama(;i-. Sccrrtarv ,F. S. S( oir Ciini'iiiiitT. \V. ( ilMI.N 1'. ,hill\ MlKIIAV (■m1|). I{...;i;i:s. R.E " 17:5 THE ALBION CLUB [< )lliccfS lUlt yci rlrc'll".!. ] DEBATING SOCIETY. A. Will 11: !). K'.ii'.M.N l'r(-!(|(iil. Si'i'iTitirv. d >i 1V4 T II I-: 1! I! I T I S l( (■ (• I, r M I! I A N V. \ A W U 1:1, ATI \ 1: li' 111 1; .- 1; IT I. 1: M i:.N r A N h I' I liC II AS I! nl I, A \ l>. l'l'nrI;ilii;lliM|i li\- lli~ lv\i'il Icin'V ( I(i\iriinr I )uiiul;i~ nil llic IWfiilv- >(\(iiili An;:iiM. I.^i'l : I. Till- l'|-url.llli;il!.ill i--iH'i! liv 11)1'. UImI'I- tlir I'lllilic Sr;il of the siiiil Cnliiiiy. ilalcil till' jniiilli il:i\ I'f ,l;iiiiiai'\ . 1 Sill ', iiml llir I'ricMii|i- tinii Aini'iiiliiiciil Acl, iMll.iiinl llic l'i'ct'in|ili()n I'lirdia^r Act, iMil. ai'i- licrcli\ ri'|iialc(l. II. All |iui'c'lia-cr~ fit' iiii-iir\ r\ r<i laml in liiili-li ( '(iliiniiiia. who «liall iiavr Iliailr llirir |,liri-ha-i- ,-llli~r(|llrlll 1_\ Id I llf I W clllirth ila\- (i|' •Iimi'. Isiil. ami |ii'c\!iiii-|\ in lin- I w fill \ --i\ I'lilli (la\ nl Anuu-I. 1 sdj. ,<liall iinl'l ill'' laihl |iiii-cliai'il iiihIit |.ri-ci~i'l v iIh' -aiiic liTlii- aim cnii- <litinlW n|' (ji'i'lljialinli ainl illl{il'n\ I'lilclil ,'l- all' llli'lllinliril ill llii' ~ai(l I'riiflaiiiaiinii nl' ilic !ni;iili ni' .laimarv. jsilii. wiih i-ci^aiil In lainU nrc- <_'lii|i!i'i| w illimil |iiiri'lia-i'. III. Thai j'l'niii ami alhr lie dalf liri'ml'. Hi iil-li -iiliji'ci^ ami aliens wlin ~liall laki' llir nalli nf allc'tii.'im'c In llci' ,Ma|i'-l\ ami \\< ]■ Siic- <-c--Mr-- niav acijuirr llir riiilil In lii I I aiiil |pnrclia-i' in I'r'' -ininlc. iiniK'<'ii|ii 'il aiiil iiii-iir\ i\ I i| ami iinri -1 r\ cii ('mwn Land in lii'iti~li Cnhiniliia. iini lii'ini^- I he -iic nl' an i'\ i -ii'iil nr |ii'n|in-i'il inw n. nr .'iniirfr- un- laml a\ailali|i' I'ni' niiniii'j |Hii'|in~i'-, m' an Imlian risers alinii nr -cl- llt'inciil. immIci' llii' liillnw ini; cnniliiinii- : I \'. 'II ic |M'i-nii ilr-iiiiiL:' In ai'i|iiirr an\ |iailii'iilar |)lnl nl land. n|' ihc ciiarai'li'i' ai'nrc.-aid. >li.'i|| mii r iiiln |in--c--inii llHTcnl'. and -liall rccmd his claiin In any ({iiaiili \. imi I'MTcdiii;: niic hnndii'd and ~i.\ly acre- ihcrrnl'. w iih ihi' .M.ii;i-ii'air rc-idin;: iiran'-i therein: |.ayinjr <n the, siiiil .M;i'd-tiale tin' ^uin nl' ei'dil siiiliine- jnr reenrdini.' -ucli ciiiim. A S U \ 1 (' T II 11 1 A 1) I II !■; < T <• K V <;> v. Any piTsoii in |)()s.-i<'ssioii i>t' one IhiihIi'imI juhI ,*ix'y miti'- of Iiiiul ;i- iildi'i'-jiiil niiiy !i('<|uir(' llic rijxlit Id Imld iinil ]nircliii>(' iiiiy t'uillicr triicl III' im^urv I'vcil nini niiniM'ii|iic(l IiiihI iiiiii'i'^jiid, n\cr Miid ;i1mi\i' llii- (|iiaiilil \' III' (iiic liiiiiil.'i'd and >i\ly jicrc^ id'(irr~aid. and niiiiij:'iuiiis tlici'i'ici. u|)i'ii |iaymriii in ll iii'arr-t MaLii-lrair ot' llif .-\iiii nl' two .-lulliiiijs and (iiic |M'iiiiy per acre lor llic -aiiic. a- ami \>y way ul' iii-lall- iiH'iil (if llic |iiirclia-i' muiH\ lo \n- nllimahdy paid to tlic (ioMTimifiil lllioll llir >lll\c\- nl llir ~alll iaiKl. VI. A iiv pci'snii XI paxini;' ~m'li di'po-il >liall I'lilrr inln p(i--c~~i(iii. and rrciii'd lii> cJaiin In ~iirii ia~l iiiiiil inin'd Iracl nl' lam! in iiiaiiin'i' I ild'cilllirrnlT |ll'r-crilii'd. | \'l I. I'iir ciaiiiiaiil -liall in all ca-cs ;ii\ r the lir-i pn--ililr dc -ri iplinii j of llif land, inilir MaLdsiralc wiili wliniii his idaiiii is I'ccdi'dcd. lo;:(ilici- wiili a rnn;:li plan llirrcnf; and idi'mily llw plni in ipir-linn liy plaiinji- at till' cnrniT" nl' tln' land I'oni' pn-is. and liy ,-laliiig in hi- dL.-criptiuii I nthrr landmark- nl' a nniicialilf charactri'. \ ill. Mm r\ pircr ol' land xiuuhl In he arciiiii'id nndcr ihc proNis- i inn- nl' ihi- I'mclanialinn -hall. -a\<' a- iicTfinal'lci' nicnliniicd. he nf' i\ i ri'clanjiular shapr. and liic shorlc-l line ihcnnr -iiall lir at li'a-l twn- lliinl- llir Icnirlh nf thr lonL:<'-i line. IX. W'hi'ir llir lanil snn^hl In lie acipnicd is. in wlinic nr in pari. I Iinnndrd liy innuntain-. rnck-. lakr-, -wanip-. nr tin' margin nj' a ri\rr, | or liy -nnic niln-i' naliir;il linnndarii'-. lli"n ,-nch nalnral linumlaric- may he adopted a- tiir Imnndarif- of the land -nnLdil In lie acipiircd. and in snrli ca-r il -hall he -nllicicnt I'nr ihr clainiani to show to ihr -ali.-liio linn nf the .Majii.-I rale thai lli<' said fm-ni contln'ins as ii<arly as circmii- slaiicc- pi'rnut In the provi-ions of this I'l-nclanialion. X. If till' land .-onLiht to he aciiuirrd \n- Imundi'd liv a claim, lln- lino of -nch I'laim may lie adopted liy the per-on mi seeking' lo acipiire. nut- | wilh-landinL'' any irreunlarily in -nch line wliieii may ha\e heen orca- I -inned liy liie adeplinn of a nalnral li<iinid;n-y iiy ihe (daimanl of the j adjaci'ni I'iaim. Xi. Where a piece nf laml i- paitiall\ ni' entirely imdn-cd lietwcen Iwn Ol' mnre claims, the claimant may ac(piire -nch inclnscd piece, nut- wilh-landinii' .'iiiy irrejinlai'ily i>l' fnrm nr di-prnpnrtinn in length ol" any nf the -ide>. XII. The lioimdarii'- >hall rnn a- nearly a- pn--ili|e Iiy the cardinal points of liie compass. XIII. U hen the ( ;o\ crnnienl siM'scv shall extend to the land ! : iir T 111'; I! 1! 1 T 1 S II (' n r, !■ M I: I A \ cliiimcil. till' cliiimaiit wlm li;i- iTCdrdcd lii- claliii as atiirc^aiil. or liis lic'ir- (ir (1('\ ix'cs, or in tin' ca-f n|' ihr t;iMiil nt' a ('crlit'iratc nt' iMi|ii(i\ c- iin'iil iKTciiiaf'lir 111 ■ntidiicil. ilic a--ij:iis nt' siicli clainiaiil >liall, it' lie ni- tlicy sliall lia\c liccii in (■niitiiiiinii-- (pcciipalinn <it' tlic same land I'mm tlif date lit' tlic I'fciin! at'(iiT>aid. lie ciililli il In |iiirclia-i' llii' land so ncf|iiirrd. or in respect ol' whieli >ncli depo-it -hall iiasc 1 ii paid as al'oresiiid. at si.cli rate as may t'lr tlie time heiriu lie ti\ed hy llie (u,v- i-niii'enl ot" r»riti-li ( 'uliimiiia. nol cxeeedinL^ llie ~Mm of I'our .-liilliiiLis and two pe!><V' per acre. X 1 \'. A\'lien tlie elainiaiil. his lieirs or devisees »hall prove to the neari'>l Maui-ti'ate. hyllie e\ idenee ot' him-idf and ot' third |iarlie«. that he or tli"y ha- Mr have eoutlinied in permanent oeenpalion o|' thr claim from the dale of record, and has or lave made permaiii'nl improvenieul- thereon to the v aine of ten -hilling'- per acre, the -aid .Mai2i>lrate -hall grant to the -aid claimant, hi- heir- nr dev i-ee-, a certiticate of iniorovcnieni in the l'"orm marked ••.\" in the Schedule hereto. X \'. rpoii the i^rant ol' the ccrtilii'ate of improi enieni aforc-aiil. the per-oii to vvliiim the -ame is i--ued mav. -nlpject lo any nnpaid iiistallnient-. -ell. inort'ia'je or |ea-c the lani' in re-peci of which -m'h cerlilicate ha- heeii i--ued ; liiit no intere-l in anv ploi ol laml acipiiied in either ot' the method- aforc-aid -hall, liefiire pav nient of ilie piirc|ia-<' nionev. lie capalile of |ia--in'j' to a pnrclia-er. mile-- the vendor -hall have olitained -nch cerlilicate of improvement a- atoi'c-aid. X\'I. I pon |iavinciit of the piircha-e nioiiev a convevancenl i he land |iiircha-ed ,-hall lie esiciiicd in favor of tic pnrcha-er. re-erv inii' the precions mineral- vvilh a riiiht lo enter and work the -aine in favor of the Crown, il- A--iL;iice- ami laccn-ee-. X\ II. In the event of the (rovvii. il- A--iL'nees or I, icen-<'e- avail- ing it-(df'or them-elve- of the privilege- (other ihan the takin;j ot' land n (liiired t'or road-) mentioned in clau-e- l went v -live ami t\ventv--i\. a rea-onahle com|ien-alion for the land taken, wa-led or damauetl diall he paid to the per-on who-e laml -li;;!l lie lakeii, \va-lei| or damaiji'il a- aforoaid; ami in ca-e ofi|i-pnt(. the -ame -hall he -eitle(| hy .i jnry ot' si\ men. to he .-nmmoii>d l»y the neare-i Maiii-tiate. XN'IIl. I'riorily of tiiic -iiall he ohiained hy ihe per-oii who. lieiiiL; in |iosses.-ion. .-hall lir.-t record hi- claim in manner afore-aid. XIX. ^iVhenever any person -hall p"rinaneiilly ci'a-e to occupy land acipiired in either of the melliod- afoie-aid, the .Ma2i>lrate re-ideiil. neare,-l to ihe land in i[Ue-iion mav. in a >i!miiiarv vvav. on iieiiiL.^ -ali-- III. or Ins iiiiiUKvc- I. if lie (ir iml iVnlii • land >(j I |iaiil as I III' ( J()\-- ~llillillLiS I A N" |i V I (• T i» I! I A I) I K !•; (' T n \{ \ 1 ( I liril 111' -iirji |i('niiaiii'iit i'i'--.atiiiii. canrcl (lie ciaiiii nt' tlir pcrsuii >() pcllllillirllliy cra-illi;' In orcil|)V llir sainr. ami ITccird the clailll llirrrlo iif any nilni" |irr-(iii .^ali-lyini!' llir i'c(|iii-iiiiiii< al'niT-aiil. XX. All (li'|)u-il' ]iaiil in rr^pccl (if siidi rui'lcitcil cliiiin^. ami all illl|irii\rillilll-. lHlilililll.f- uinl (;fr<-|i()lis tlirrrMII. >liall. ('Illijcrl (i) llli' .'i|i|iial liiTrinai'li'i' iiiriiiicun'd ) dii >iicli I'aiifrll.aliim. lie ali-oliililv tur- ti'ilrd ; and >ni'h idaiiii,^, iin|in)\ cinints. luiildinL! and ciiriidns >liall (slllijrcl In llir aj)|ii'al liiTcin.'d'li-r nicnliunrd ) lie ujicn In .-cllli inriil hv ;ni_v nlliiT |irr>(iii. XXI. 'J'lic dccisinii nt' llir Matri^tratc may In' ajiiiridiMl hy ciilicr pails 1(1 ilic ilcfi-idii (if llu' .hid,uc of tlic Supreme C'uiirt of Civil .Instiec III i>rili-li ( 'iilninliia. XXII. An\ pi tmhi dc-irdii- of apjiealinL' in mamu r aliu'esaid nia\' lie re(|iiiii d. Iielui'c -nrli appr;d lie Inard. In tind -iieli ,-ecnrily a.> mav lie liereafiei' pniniid (ini liy ilie l\ide~ (if ( )rder> liereinafler directed to lie pnlili>lie(l. XXIII. The priieednre liefiire tlie MaLN-lrate and .lnilj:c i'e-;pectively shall lie ii eordinu til >neli Kule- and < )rder- a- -hall lie piilili-hed hy >ncli .IniL''e wiih the apiirnlialidn nf the (Jovernnr tor the time heinj^Mtf r>rili-h ( 'iihnnliia. XXI\. \\liene\er a pirsnn in (n in|ialiiin al the time of record I ;iliii'e>aid .-hall lia\e recnrded a> afnre-jiid. and he. hi- heir-, m- (in ihe I ca-e ((f a ccriiiicate nf imprnvenieni ) hi- a-.-ii.ni-. sh.all have cnnliinicd I in pernianen! nccnpalien of llie -anie land >inee the date of sncii recnrd, . he 111' ihey may. s,a\e a- hereinliefore ineniioned. lirim: ejectment or irespa-- auain-l any iiilrnder njion the .<ame land to the -aine e.MenI a> il he or ihey were -eizcd of the If'ual est.ate in po--e--ion of the same hand. X X \'. Xoihinu' hei-ein eont;iiiied -li;dl lie con-irned a- ^i\ inir a rijiht to any clannmil to e.\clude free miner- from searchinLT for anv of the precion- mineral-, or wni'lvini: the >ame. npon the condition- ,afore-aid. XX\1. The (iovcrnmeiil shall, notwilhstaiidinii' .anv claim, record or convey.ance al'ore-.aid. 1 nlilled lo enter and lake .-iich portion of the land ac(|nired in either of ihe nielhi(d> afore-aid. a- mav lie I'dpiired tor ro;iii- oi' other jinMic pnrpo>es. XX \ II. \\';iler privileu'o and the ri;.dit of caicyiiiL'' w.ater for min- ing'' purpii-e- may. nolwith-landinj; any cLaini recorded, lie cliiimed and tal.cn upon, nnder or over (he land so preempted or pnrcha-ed as afore- .-aid hy free n'iiiers reipiiiinLT ihe same, and olitaininu' ;i ^ranl or licen<(' from the ' Mild (\innni--ioiier. and payinu a conipi ii>alion for wa.-le or m i .1 178 T II K r. 1! r T r s ii c o i, r .m ii i a n ii (hmiiifri' to I lie |Mi>()ii \vli()-( liiiul iiijiy be wasted or diiinage*! by siicb watrr [ii'ivih'ijr f)r carrlajic of waliT, to Ix' aseertaiiied in ease of dis- |iiitc ill inaiipcr aforesaid. XXN'III. If any jmi-soii. lH'iii;f abrady rcixisteV'Ml as a claiinaiit, re^risler a flaiiu to any otiier land not Itcinfj: conti^ruous thereto, the land so ]in'vioii>ly elaiinecl shall, ipso fditn. he forfeited, an<l >hall. '.villi all intproveinents made ihcreoii, he open to scltlenicnt by any other |ierson. XXIX. In ea-e any di-pute shall ari-e between person-^ witli n'jianl to ;in\ land >o ae(piin'i| as afoie,-.;iiil. any one of the parlies in diilei-enee nia\', iiefore ejectment or action of trespa-s broiiLdil, rel'er the iiiie^iion in differenee to the neiii'est Majristrate. ^vilo i< liereby authorized to pro- teed in a siinmiary way to restore the po~si's>ion of any land in di-pnte to the peisoii whom he shall deem entitled to the same, and lo abate all intni-ioiis, and award and levy such costs and damaj^es as he may think lit. XXX. This rroclamalioii may be cited a> the " Prei'mptioii ( 'oii- s(di<la(ioii Act. I SCI." Issued under ihe Public Seal of llie -aid Cnlipuy. at \'ic|(u-ia. Van- cuiiver I>land. thi- Iweiily-seventh day of Anj:n,-t. \. D.. one [i.. s.j thousaml eij:ht hundred and .-ixly-one, ami in the Iwi'iil v-liltli year uf Jler .Majesty's ri'ign. I v me, dA.MKS DOl (ILAS, l>y Hi- Jv\celleii(>y"s command. William A. ( ;. Yuivd. (i(>i> Savk Tin; (^ri:i;.N ! S( lIKDlhK. 1 hereliy certit'y that has .-ali>lied n\e liy <'vi(Ieiice of [naming: the witne>.»es and detailiiijj; any other evidence upon wiiieli the Ma^dstrate has come to his judj.'ment] that of bas made improvements to tlu' extent of ton sbilliii^s an acre on acres of land, situated at [Sijrue.l] this day of I if A X It V I (" T R I A 1> I R K f T d R V 171» V. A r» s T 11 A (' r OF LAWS I! r.l. A'I'I \ (; TO MIMN(; 'I'lic iniiiiiiL^ liiw- at |ii-c-i'ul in liner in Urili-li ('ulninliia vmtc rnailr to ^nil (lie river ili'/uinu- oii lln' I''ra>cr. and arc nul alln'ji'tliii' nilaplcd Id iii(i-r -ini'i' iii-cii\eieil in ilic ('at'ilion ciinnli'S'. (Ji'cai ili-iaelinnary |ui\V('i'.- ai'c. iiipwexer. Icl'i lo (lie le-idcnt ( luld ( 'uniini-^inncr-; in tlic variitns dislricis to leL'ulalc iIm' -Izi' ot' ciaini-. di'. In the ('arilido di>tri('l all claims ai'i' "uc Innidied t'ci'i -i|naii'. it i- Ih lii ved ihat iIil' ( i((\ ri'nnicnt inlcnd Iraininu; a nrw Ad In rc^nialc tiic (inld l'"irld-, wllirli will ciinir inln u|irial ion ihr cn-ninu' ^I'.i-nn. 'I'lir iiil|i)\\ illL^ sec- linn- aie lakcn tVnni ilic "(iiilil {''idiU Acl. is.V,)." aiid -nii-c([ui'nt rcLMilaliniis |)nlili-hcd in cnnt'oi-mil y with liial Acl : III. Ii >iiall l>c llic duly (if c\ cfv ( uild Conuni—iiincr. ujinn payinciit (if (Piic |i()nnd sicrlinu, li> dclivei- in an\' |ici'-iin a|i|ilyinu' tin' ilic ~ainc a ( 'ciliticalc. Id lie called a l'"rcc Miner's Cerlilicalc. wliicli may lie in the I'dlldwinLr Idi'nr : liiilTlSll CoLrMlilA. 1' I! i; i; M 1 V i; i; s c i: i; r i i- i < \ i i: Dnt, N. \ U Ml Kni; ip\r. \ I Ml. 'i'hi- !■- Ill ccrliry tli;it uf liii> |i:iiil nic tlii- day tin' siuii 1)1' Hi!,' I'liuinl Sterling!, mill i- riiiitlcil tn nil llic villas iiihI ]ii'i\ ili'iics el' a Fi'ie Miner rnriiuc ycin' tVuiii llir dale lirrcuf. ('iiiillti'i>l^'lii-i|| A. Ii. (."^ijriiril) Ii. IV (.•^i).'ii;iliirc 111' l-'rcc .MIiiiT) (Sii'iiatMie nIThlrri lulil ( 'uimiiis^iiiiicT. iir A--i>liiiil (luld ( iiiiiini>:-ioiiri'. oi- .lu-licc 111' ilir I'raci-, as tin; caM- mai Ik. I IV. Tlie l'"ree Miner's Certilicale sliall cdnliniie in t'diee for Iwidve calendar monllis I'roni llie dale ihcreni'. incliidiiii: lli<' da\' n[' is-iiiiej, llie I il IHO T II K 1! It I T I S II (' O I, T' M 11 I A \ siiiiw. :mil iin Imi^iri', mikI -1i;iII imi lie lt;iii-t'ir;ilili' or r;i|iiiMc <it' rdii- lirriiiL: iiii\ riiilil-- ii|ii>n nw, dlliiT |ici'-cpii lliaii liir |ii'i-.iiii tlicrciii iiMiind. iiinl Hilly mii' |m'|'miii -^liiill lir miniril ii- a l-'irc .Miiici' in I'licli C'crlitir.'ilc Such ( '( riilifiilr iiiii-l ln' cciiiiilrr-iuniil liy ilic l''rrr Miner ilicrciii ii;iiiii(l lidiiii' Ixiii;; |irii(|iii'ci| \)\ liim lur niix |>iir|M)-('. And wlirrc -llcll Crrlilicdli' ~li;ill lir i--l|i(l Id ihr I'"rrr M ilitr I lnTciii liaiiinl ill |i(r-(iii. ilii'(l(i!(| ( '(iiii)ni--ii>iii'r (ir llir pir-on i~-iiiiiij- ihr -;iiiii' -luill • •Jlil»c llif >;iin<' Id 111' cdiiiilcisiLlinil li\ lln' ;i|iiili('iiiil In I'dic liiiii-i'li si^.'iiiiii;' df (liliv I rill.; iIm' s.'iiih'. \. \\\iv\ l'"nc .MiiMT -hall, iliniii'j llir cdiil iiiiiaiKv nt |ii~ ('iriili- cMli'. Iia\d llid ri;^lil Id cnici- uiliidiil Id di- liindi'aiicd upini any dt' llir \va~N' iaiiiU dt' llif Ciiiwii. iidi idp ilic liinc l)i inn lawinliy dcciijiii il liy aii\ dilii r |ii'i'-dii, ami in niinr in iln' laipl ~d iniricil iipdn. \'l. All |ici-dn- wild -liall al llid dati' dl" ihi- I'rdrlaiiial idii cdminii- iiild tnrcc. di' |iri'\ldiH Id ilir "JTlh dl' ()rinlirr. I S.V.I. ||i>l(! any riaiiii. (lilcli. dl' water |pri\ ilf L.n'. inn-l dn nv liil'di'i' ilie lir-l d|' Nun eiiilper. imw iiexl. ami all |iei'-dii» win -liail ai any liiiii' atler ilie iweiiiy— ixili dl' ()cl(iiiiT, now lies!. lldM any claim. Iea-e. (lileli. nr water |)ri\ileL;e. iiiii-i \\illiin -ih'Ii -[lace dl lime al'ier tir-i lakiiiL; |i(i--e-.-ii)n llnTedf. as .-iialliie ti\eil li\ ilie Mile-. ret:nlalidii~. dl' li_\-law- till' I lie lime lieiii;r ill tdi'i e ill llie phe r (li-li'iel in wliieh -neh elaiiii. lea-e, ilih'li. i<v water |ili\iieee lial! lie -ilnated. re^^i-ler llie -aille al llie dllice (if ihe ( Jdld ( 'dinmi- -idiier. wlm -hall rernid in a lalinlar Idrin in a liniik nr liddk- Id 'ii' ke|il liy him. the name dl ihe ImMer. ihe dale- hI' hi- Cer- liticale. Ill' hi- IjiUiiil;' |id--e--idii. and nl hi- lecdidiii'j ihe elaim. the naiii'' di' ihe mine, and the ili-liiiLini-lMnL: mimliei' dl' ihe elaim. and all -iich t'nrlhei' |iarlienlar- a- -hall I'ldin lime in inie he rei|nired li\ an\' valid li\-l,'iw' till' ihe |ila ii' di-lriei. And -neh re^i-lralidn -hall he \alid Idi' ihe -|paee dl' diie Veal' and im Idii-jii'. I'"diii' shilliii'j- -hall he lakeii li\ ihe ( Inld ( 'diiiini- -iiiaer tiir the ihc dC Iler l\Iaje-t\-. her Ileir- and Si And i'e-re'j!-iral mn dl aii\ claim. ,-lial! he eiiiiiled Id leciii'd a claim er an\ innrc-i lcce--dr-. n|dli e\e|'\ I'cl.' l-l I'al Inn or lid liel'-iin. lid! heill'J a I'"l'ee Milll'l', I herein. \ 11. I':\e|'V Free .Miner -hall I ia\ e. dnnir.: I he riuiliiinance <i| lii- ( 'erlllic.ale. (he e\chl-!\e iIliIiI Id llie -ciil ;||id L.'d,(| ill ail\ claim Idl' llie tiiiii' lieiii;^ dnl\' I'eni-icred and Wdrked li\ him accdrdim.;- |d ihe icjiila- tidii- and hv-law- herehv anthdiized Id lie i--ne(|. an Inr ihe lime Iieiiit: in Corce. in relalidii Id ihe Idcaliiv nr ili-lrici where -iicli daii sitna'i'd. II I- .\. I |ier-i,ii -hali he I'ecdniii/ed a- liaviii'.! ,'in\' lighl nr iiiii I'c.-l in. nr lit' Cdll- lllrl'ciii II f;icll IIm'I'I'im w lirrc IH'M III <• -llMll lilll-rlr rlili- nl' liii' iiil liv '111 I Hi;- I'l.'iiiii, now \{li of "I. ;i-< ll. nr llii' Ills or llir .•lll\ II I) III III" iiicr. llii' ul;i- IIIK iir \ S U V I t r u U I A ll I K i; C T n i; V IHt (n !Hiy cluiiu or any oCilic iroM (IiiMcin. iml«'s>i In- •liall ln'. or in cii-f of iiiiv (li-jiii!"'i| ii\vnci>lii|t, mill'-- lie -liall liavi' l)i-rii al (lif liiiii' ol' ilu- «lis|)ali' iiri>iiijr, a Vn-c .Minrr. \' 1 1 1. Ill ra>i' ot' any (li-|iiiii'. lln' litl"' l(» I'laiin-. lea-'- <it" aiiril'i r.)\H I'ailli or rucK, iliicli('< ami v^at'T |iii\ ili'L'i'^, \vill he iTcii;.'iii/<il liciiiriliiiLr to ll/c |it'ii>riiy (it" rcL.'i>lrati<iii. -iilijiM'l diily lu aiiv ()iii'-lii»ii •.» Iiirli Mia\' !»(' rai-c<I a< In lltr validily id' any parlii'iilar ad of rcLn>lralioii. Xi. I/'a-c-i of any |iiirlii»iis of ilic \va.«l<' lamU ut' iln' ( 'row n ina_\ l«' ^'raiili'd (ur iiiiiiiiii^ [iiir|iH>c<, lor ^ucli li-riii oi' year*, ami iqion -iicli '•oinlilion-i a> lo n'lit, and tlni iiiodf of workinpf, and a> to any waiir jirivili'jics coniiccli'd llnrcwiili. and oilni'vvi-c in cacli ca-c a~ -liail In- dccniid i'\ |i<'(liciii l)y \i\< l%\('idl'iii \ llir ( Jov crnor. X\'I. Ail di-|>nli'- ndaliiiij; to tiic liilr to any mine or claiiii, or lo any pari ol'liic proceeds lliereot', tir relatinij lo any dileli or waler priv- ileu-e. or to any e(Milrael lor lalior lo lie done in respect cd' a dilidi or wa'er pri\ ilcL'e. mine, or (daim. or rclaliii^r to llie mode (d' earryiim' on (he s.Miiie, or any of tliem, and all dispute-: eoiicerniiiL' parliiei'-lii|i- in any mine <ir (daim, may Ije iii\ c-liL'ated. in liie lir>l iii-lanee. Im'IIhc ilie liidd Coinmissiimer liavinjr jnri-d'elion a^ aforesaid, without any limit lo the \ahie (d'the pro|ierty or -iilijecl mailer in\(d\i'(l in such di~]iiil('. X\'ll. J^ni'-iilfd (ihrai/s, lliat no (i(dd {'oimnissioner ^liall have jnrixliclion in civil di-piile> heiwceii parlinr-, unle,-> it >liall, in the lir«l place l)e -liowu lo hi- -ati-l'aclioii. thai llie joint >toek ot the parl- ner~liip i- iiml.r tlie valin' of two hundred pound- >terliiip. X \' II!. An\' per-on eon\iclei| iiihIci' thi< l'i'o(daiiialion of an\ olVeu-e aiLraiiist the same oi' any hy-law. rule, or r( iiiilatioii l.erehy aiilhoiized, and -enfeiiccd t( any term (d' iiiipri-oiiineiit lieyond thirty day-, or lo pay any line Iievoiid twenty pound- .-lerliiiL;'. over and alpo\c tin e(><ts (d'snmmarv eini> ieti(ni. niav appeal lo the next a--ize> to lie hoiileii for the district or place wherein the caii-e of complaiiil -hall li;i\i' ari-eii ; pniridcil, that smdi peiv-oii. al the lime ot smdi eoinieiion, or wilhiii Uiriy-eiL'hl lioiii's tlie)^'<ifli'r, enter into reco^rni/ance with two siillieieiit, sureties. e(niditione(l personally to appea.r al the said assize- lo try siicdi appeal, and lo aliide the fiirlher 'jmi ,'meiil of ihe Conrl al >w-\\ assizes, and lo pay -mdi eii-l- as shall lie !iy >iieh lasl-meiiiioiied Court awarded. And the CMin ictiiii; ( iold ( 'iinimi>sioner may hind over any wiinessi's or Infoi-manl, under snllicieiit i'eeoi,'nizanee<, to atieiid and jiive e\i- denct' at the heariu^r of smdi appeal, and llie eo-N of sindi witno^cs >-liall lie alloweil and paid hy the Colonial Trea-nrer in llie tir-t in-iaiiee. and. if -mdi ajipial lie dismis-ed. shall he I'epaiil lo the ( 'olonial Trens- iii'ei" Itv the aiiiiidlanl. ^, t I IS J T II K I! It I T I S II r n I, I M I! I A \ \\. l\ t'ulicr |i:ill\. in iili>. I'isil cail-c \slirn' llic .-l|li|<c| llliltlri- ill <li-|im(' !■> iimrr ilnui l\\rni_\ |)iiiiinU ^Irrliiii.'. ~li;ill Ih' ili— ali-linl wiili tlic <lt'li'l'lllill,'ltiii|l, III' llliiy a|>|)i'iil I'lolii llii' -iillli' Id (III' Sil|i|rliic Culll't of Civil .lii«lii'i' ill l>rili-li Culimiliia ; /'/'/'•/'/"/. I lial llic a|i|iniliiij: parly >liall. wiiliiii tiiiir (lav- of llic ili'lii'iiiiiiaiiiui a|>|ii!ilt'i| fi'din. >/t\i' imtin- III -lull a|(|ii'al In I lie III ill' r pail \ . ami al-<i t:iM' -ii'iiiilv . In lir a|i|iin\ i il liv llir ( iiiM ( 'iiiiiiiii~>iiiiiri'. fur ilii' rii-i- of I In a|i|iral. aiiil al-i> fur tlir atiiiiiiiil pavalilr liy llic appraliiiix parly iimli'r iIh- jinlLMiiriit appialnl MiTMiii-t. Anil llii' -aiil Cinirl »[ Appeal may cillii'i' nnlrr a mw Irial on -iirli liini- a-i it -liiill think lit, or onlrr jiiil::iiii'iit to lir I'liliii'il t'or ritlirr part\'. or lr\ llir raii-r ifc iinni. ainl may niaUr -iicli onlrr a- to lIu' lo-l-of till' appi'al a^ >iii'li (oiiri -liall tliink proper, ami -iirli appeal ma\ l"' in llie form of a la-r mIiIiiI ami -i;.'iiril liy llir parlif> or llicir allorii('V>; ami if iIu'V raniiol iilmi')'. iIm' >aiil <liili| (ommis- sionrr niav srillr ami >iu;M tin' ."-aiiir upon licin;^ applinl lo liy llir par- lir- or lliril' allolliry-. XXi. Ill any ra-r of any raii-r rrlaliiiL' to a niinr. rlaini. or ililrli. lirini; hi'ollL'lll ill tlir lir-t in-laiirr hrfoir tlir Sllprrliir ( iiiirl of (ivil .lii-lii'r of l»riii-li ( 'oiiimliia. wlinriii llir .-nni of ilama^^rs «i>ii;.f|il lo lir |-rro\rrrii ^liall ln' lr» than lifly poiiml- .■.irilinii. it sliall lir lawful for till' Ciiiirl afirr i-^ur joinril. to ilirrrl llir raiiM' lo lir trinl lirfoi-r any (iojil ( 'oniiiii--ionri' wlioMi till' Court >liall iiaiiir, an<l upon -iirli trrm- a- tlir Ciiiiri -liall lliiiik lit. XXII. Till' (inlil Coiiinii-.-iniirr aloiir witliiiiil a jury -iiall lir tlir .<iilr /ludLir ot' l;i\v ami farl. X XII 1. 'llir ( iiilil ( iilliini--iii||rr >lian lia\ r llir iKiWrr III ran-r > II I'll lariirs ainl >vitnr-M'- a s III' '-liall think iiioiirr to altrml on aiiv iirin'ri'il- iiiL's hrfiii'r liim. ami lo I'lunprl ihr |proiliiriioii of ilonimnils on any Slicll proi'mliuLTS. XX\'. It -liall lir lawful tor a (ioM ( oliiliil--lolirr. Ill ra-r ot allV (li-piilr lirlwrrii parliirrs ill any rlaini. ilitrli. niiiir. or wairr pri\ilrL'r. wlirrr till' joint or partlirr-liip ^lorl^ -hall hr -hnwn not to rxrrnl thr \aiur of two hiinilrril jioiiiiils >lrrliiiL% hul iioi in oihrr ra-rs, to ilrrrrr a ilis-iiliilion of pai'ln<'r>hip .ami a -iilr, or \alnatiiiii, or ilivi.-ioii of ihr parlnrr-hip stork, ami to illirri tlir parlnrr-hip ai'i'oniit to hr takrn hrfoir hini-rlf. ami ilrrlarr what ainoiini. if any. i- iliir mi thr wliolr arroiint h\' our partnrr to anoihrr, ami i;riir!al!\ In iiiakr -iirh onlrr ami >X\W' such ilirrrlion- thri'iin a- hr -hall ihiiik lit, ami to lakr such steps (it'aiiy) a< he may ilmii rxpnliriil in thr way of taking: ,-rriiiily, or appoiiitiii;i a Urcrivrr. or otlirrwiM' for scrnrint^ lln' parim "ship iiroiirrlN' in t!ie iiirantinir. A N l» V I <■ T u 11 1 A I> I K i; r T I) II V is: XWl. It ^liiill 111- lawful liir any (Julil Ciiiiiiiii-'siniicr. n|Miii cniii- plaint inail)> of any wniii;.'!!)! <'niTiia<'lnncnt on a iluiin. ininc tlitili. or watt'i' |iri\ ili'^rc, and i|i'|)ii>it nimlr of two |i(iuniN sti'i'lini: in lii'« liaruN iiy till' nini|)lainanl. In |irnri'i'<| tiniliwiiii In tin- piai'i' at wliirli snrli alli';j;i'<l i'nri'i>j|i'lnni'iii lia- Imiwi nnnlc, ami tln'rc ami llini tu ilnnaml llir like r-nni lit' Iwii piiumU .-tiM'lin<r fi'iini lln' paity rnni|ilainril nl', ami lliiTi'al'lrr, on \ii'\v uC tin- pri'ini-i's. ami im -iirli cviili'nrr a> in sm-li ( iiilil Citniinis-iDncr-' -liall ti'Iii .-ntlirirnl. In lirar ami ilitiTiiiiiir llir ilis|Miic in a snniniary way, ami wlii'linr all |»artii's in ilitliTini'i' >liall apprai' or mil. ami in a >ninniai-y way to cuiisi- .-nrli cnrriiai-liinrnl to III- aliali'il, ami In rrstoi'i- to llir pi-rsoii who sliall appi'ai' lo ln' mlillril llirrrin. t'lill possi'-.ion itf tl ■■ I'laim. iliirli, nr mlii'i' niallrr rni'inai'lifil n|ion. nr alli';ri'<l ><> lo lir. ami al-n all ^njil m- niliir prn|ii'i'ly (if any) wliii'li may liavi- lirni unlaw t'lilly lakrii or ii'Uinvcd ; ami al-o lo awanl >ni'li ilaiiia^i's as llir iialnrr of tlu' v;\st' -liall m'i'Iu to rri|uii'i'. Ami if rarli parly .■>liall liavr (li-po>ili'il tin; said >nin of two iioiind^ .>|i'rliu;{ lie shall rrstorn tlic said sum o| iwn pounds -li'i'lin;.' to tin- parly wlioin III' >liall jmliri' to lia\r lit'cn in tin' I'ii^iii. and nlaiii llir nil if r two pmuiiU >lrrlini^ as for co^ls of Coiirl ; and if rillirr parly inakr dri'auli in ap- praraiii't' tlif (iold ('oniiiii--iom'r may inaUr >iicii nidrr as to fo-i- as sliall scrni to liiin pioprr. I'rnrlih'd, (i/irayi,, tlial it >liall lir lawful lor llir ( Inid ( 'ninnii'^inmi', if in liis discrctinii ilir imillrr >liall not lie luadi' cirar \\>r a tiiial drirr- ininalion, to take -m-li >ti'ps a^ In' shall tlim think m'i'i'--ary for tin' |)rrs('r\ alion ot' llir niallrr in di>pul('. and In adjniirn llir tinal dri'i-inii i>\' ihi' casi' until >m'h lime as lie >liall think pmprr. XW'II. Il .-hall Im- lawful for thr (Jold Cmnniissiniirr In niai'k out for thr ii-i' of anv i-ctristcrcd {''rci' Mimr in hi:- di-liict a snacc of laml not cxccrdliiL; livi' arri's. In he occupird a- j:ardrii ^.n'oiind or for a rr-i- dcncc. Thr ri^lit ciMifcrrfd hy >Uili niTiipalion >hall only rndiirr so lomr as thf occupirr shall lie a rr;iistrrrd I'l'fi' Miner ot" the district, and for such fiirllicr period as >liall lie rt'ipii.-ilc i'or the onjoyim'iil of anv crop standinjr llicicnii at the pi'rind when he >liall c(a>e in he a rciri^icri'd l"'ree Miiiri-. And for altemlinfr and inarkin<r out such laml. whatever he the size, the (Jnid Coinmissioner shall he enlilh'il to demand the .-nin of leu shiHiiiirs for the use of her .Majesty, Inr Heirs and Sncci'SMirs. XW'III. Il shall he lawful for the (Jold Coininissioner to mark out for the use of any per-on iiilemliuji' to carry on temporarily any trade on or near a mine, a pint or pints i if wa>le Ci'own land cons (■nient for thai piirpo-e and also for {jfarden turposes. not hein^ larj^er than one acre. Then ■ >hall he tlierehy eon erred enjoyment for so lou;r as .-iich IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1^12^ |2.5 1 50 *^~ MHI 1^ ^ 12.2 11.25 1.8 U IIIIII.6 6'' Photographic Sciences Corporation i< f/ f/. # \ \\ fv 6^ i: WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 'S. f fe ^.^. I 1 ! 184 THE 15 R I T I S II CO L U M U I A N tni(l(.'r sliall i)ay all lifcnsc duties in respect ihereol'. mul also die rl^fjii to any ('ro]) standing lliereon at tli(> last payment of license duties. Provided rdirai/s, that the land on or near any mine so marked out for any of the purposes mentioned in this or the last section. >hall always he resumahle l»y the Crown and applicahle to jienoral mining;- purpose's, on .-ix months' notice thereof jriven liy tlu; ( iold Connni.s- .^ioner to any occupier thereof. XXXIX. Any person who shall wilFidly and inalicioir-l} damage or dest?'oy any Free Miner's Ccrtilicate. or fraudulently till up, or |)ost, dale, or 'dter any name, or ('ale. or particular, in a I-'rce Miner's Cer- tificate, or in any ducumcut ])urporting to he a i-'ree ^liner's Cerliticate, or who shall falsely pretend that hi' is the person named in any such Certificate or document, or uiio shall willt'ully and maliciou-ly damage, destroy, or iaisify any of the records and registers hcrehy dii'i'cted to he ke|)t, sji!)]! he guilty of i'eloiiy. and hcing duly convicted thereof .-hall he liahle, at the discretion of the Court, to penal servitude lor not more than ten years. Rules and Regulations issued in Conformity with the Gold Fields Act, 1859. I. In the construction of the fi)llowii)g Kides and IJegulation-. unless there iu' some contrariely. (;r I'epugnancy thereto in ti:c conlexl, the words " (>o\'ernor," "(rold Commissionei'," "Mine," •• lo mine," ~Ii;dl have tiie same meanings as in the (iold l'"ields Act, 1 S.V.I. Tiie expres.-ion " har diggings " shall nu'an every mine o\ii- which a river extends wdien in its most flooded slate. "Dry iligging- ", -hall mean any mine ovei- which a rivr never I'xiends. " Ravines" -hall include water courses, whether usu;dly conl.'iining water or n-u;dlv drv. '• Ditch " shall incdude a flume or race, or other aititicial mean> for con- ducting water iiy its own weight into or upon a mine. " Dilcji jicad " shall in( an llie point in a natural watci coiir.-e or lake where water is first taken into a ilitcli. II. All claims ari; lo he. as nearly as may he, in rectiuigular forms, and marked liy fljur ]ieg- at the Icjist. each peg to he four inche- .-(|iiare at the least, and one fool ahove i\u'. ,-urface. and firndy fixi'd in the groimd. No hoiindary peg ,-hall h(.' concealed or nioNcd. or injured, without the pre\ious jiermission of the Cold Commis-ioiier. III. The si/e of a claim, when not otherwise e-lal)li>hed hy a liy- J>aw, shall he, for liar diggings, a strip of land Iwi'nty-five feel wide at the nuirk to wdnch the I'iver rises when flooded, jitid thence extending 1% A N 1) VI (' T O K I A Ii 1 K K (' T <) K V, ISo down direct into tlic river indetinilely. For dry diir.irings. a spiin twenty-live feet wide liy tiiirty I'eet. For ravine di,L'i:in,ir~. ii spaee of twenty-live feet alunpr tlie liaiil'i of liie I'avine and e\tendin,L' up to the ton of eaeli liank. In (|uartz ciaims tlie size, wlien not ollu'rwi>e e:4al)- lished liy a IJy-Law, sliall l)e one hundred feet in leniith. measured alouff the vein or seam, with power \o tiie miner to follow tlie vein or seam and its spurs, di|is, or anj^les. anywhi're on or h(do\v the suriace included between the two extremities ^,^' sueh leiiLith of one humh'ed feet, 1)ut not to advance upon or lienealh the >nrface of the earth more than one hundred feel in a lateral direction from the main vein or seam along which the claim is to he mea>ured. All measurements of area are to he made on the surfiice of the earlli, netilecting ineipialities. Kv.'rv claim is to have a distinguishing innnlier niarl<ed on its bound- ary jieg-. I\'. Ifanv Fre( ^Fmer, or party of Free ^liners, shall di>eover a new mine, and such discovery .-iiall be established to tlie sati.-faction of the (iold C'onnnissioner, tlie first di^cover*'r. or party of di.-eoverers. if not more than two in luunber. shall be entitled to a clain\ double the established size of claims in the nearest mines of the same descrii)tion, (('. I'., drv, liai', or (piartz diggings). If -uch party con-ist of three nu'n, ihev shall coUectividy be entitled to five claims of the established size on such nearest mine; and if four or or nmre men, sueh party shall be entitled to a daim and a half per man. A new stratum of aurifer- ous earth or rock, ,-ituate in a locality where the claims are abandoiu'il, shall for this purpose Ite deenu'd a new mine, although the sanu' local- itv shall previouslv have been worked at a ditferent level. And dry di,_r(_riiitrs di-covcrcd ill the neighborhood of bar diggings shall be deemed a new mine, and rice rersii. V. The regi-tralion of <daims shall be in such manner and form as the (;old Commissioner shall in any locality direct, and shall iiudude. l)e>ides the matters meniioned in the (;(dil Fields Act of iH">0. all such other matters as the (iold Commiss! iiier shall think lit to include. \'I. Xo Iranst'er of any claim, or of any interest therein, shall be enforceable! unless the same, or solium memorandum thereof, shall be in writing, signed by the party sought to be charged, or by his lawfully authia'izcd agent, and regi>tereil with the (iold C'onmii-sioiier. \'1I. Any person desiring any exclusive ditch or water privilege, shall make application to the 'iold Commiv-ioner having jurisdiction f(U' the place where the same shall be situat<'d. stating, for the guidance of the ('oininis>ioner in e>timating the character of the application, the name of every applicant, the proposed ditch head and (piantity oi' 1 180 T H E U HI T I S 11 (' O L IJ M ]} 1 A N wiitcr, tlif proposed locality of (listriliution ; and if such water sliall 1)C i\,v sale, tiie price at which it is [iroposed to sidl the same, the j;ciieral nature oi' the work to lie done, and the tinii' within which such work shall he complete; and the (iold Commissioner . -hall enter a note of all such matters as of reconl. VIII. I'ldess otiierwise s]iecially arranjied. the rent to he ])aid for any water privileue shall he in each montli one average day's icceipts from the sale lliei'cof. to he estimated liy the (Jold Connnissionei' with the as>islance, if he shall so think lit, of a Jury. IX. If any jxrson shall refuse or nefrlt'ct to take within the time mentioned in his application, or within such furiher time (if any) as the Golil ('onunis>ioner may. in his di.-cretion. think (it to urranl foi- the comph.'tion of the ditch the wlude of the water applied for. he >liall at the iMid of the time mentioned in his application he deemed entitled only to the (piantily actually taken by him. and the (Iold ('onnni<sioner shall make such entry in the rej^ister as shall lie proper to maik such alteration in the (|nantity. and may jrrant tlic sur|)Ius tirany other per- son act'oi'dinjr to the rules hei'cin laid do'.vn tor the ifrantin<f of walei' ]irivileges. X. Every owner of a ditch or water privilc<re. sliall he hound to take all reasonahle means for utili/.ini:' the water j:i'aiMed to and taken l)y him; and if any such owner ,-hall willfully take .mi::! wa-te any unreas- ouahlo (juantity of water, he >iiall lie chariied with the full rent as if he had sold the sann- at a full price. And it -hall he lawful for the Gold Commissioner, if .-iich 'itfoi.-e he ]ier.-i.-ted in. to declare all i'i,Ldit> to the water forfeited. XI. It -hall lie lawful for the owner of any ditch or water pi'iyile<;e to s(dl and dislrihule ihe water conxeyed hy him to >nch persons, and on sucli terms as they may deem ail\ i>ali!e. within tiie limits mentioned in tlii'ii' application. I'rurlili'd n/iraijs, that the owner of an\' dit(di or water iirivile^c .-hall he hound to -niiply water to all !ipplicant<, Iieing Free Miners, in a fair proportion, and shall not dcmanl more i'roUi one person than from anotliei'. except when the ditlicnily of -njiply is enhanced. J^rari'iJi'd j'lnihcr, that no person, not lieini;- a Free .Mim-r, shall lie entith.'d to demand to he su|iplie(l with water at all. XII. A (daim on any mine .-hall, until otherwi-e ordered hy -ome yalid Hy-Law, be deemed to lie ahandoued and open to tiie occupation of any Fre(! Min<'r. when the same shall ha\e remained unwori-ed hy some rejiisti'red holder ihei'cof foi' the space oi' se\enIy-two hours, unle.-.s in case of sickness, or lude.-s before ihe e.\pii-y of sncdi seventy- two houi's a fui'llicr e\ten>ioM of tinu' be ^iranled by the (iold Conmiis- A X 1> V r C T () K I A 1) I U K C T 11 Y 1S7 sioiuT, who nv.iy ^nmi AirtlKT time for oiiaMiii;; parties to «ro prospecting!;, or for such otlier r<'asonal)le cause as lie may liiiiik ])roper. Simdays, aii(J sncli holidays a< tlie (jloid Coiimiissioiici' may liiiiik lit to i)roclaim, arc to he oiiiiltcd in i-cckoiiiiiLr tiie tin'c of iion-workiiijr. XIll. \Vii(Mievcr ii >haii Ijc intended, in formiiiL^ or iipholdinjr jiiiy ditch, to enter njj'tn and occupy any part (;t' a reiristered claim, or to dijj; or I'Hisen any eai'tli or I'ock within [4] feet of any ditch not helon;^- inji sohdy to th<! rejiislered owner of snch claim, tiiree days' notice, in wrilinji'. ot' siicli intention shall ht; ^nven before ('n.ering or jij)proachin;^ within foni' fiM't of snch other property. Xn . If the owner of the ])roperty about to be so entered npon or ap|)roache(i. shall consider three days' notice insnllici(,'nt foi' takinji; |)roper measures of precaution, or if any ilispute shall arise between ilie parti<'s as to the pi'ojx-r ])recautionary measures to be taken, or in any other i-e>pect, the whole matter .-hall be immediately referred to llie (j(dd Commissioner acting in the district, who shall order such inter\al of time t<» be observed before entry, or make snch other order as he may deem pro|)er. XV. In quartz claims and reefs, each successive claimant shall leave three f<'M vmworked to (oi'm a Ijonndary wall l)etween his claim and iliat ot' the la>t ]>re\ ions claimant, and shall stake oif his claim accord- in^rly. not conniieneing at the boundary peg of the last previous claim, but llirec feet further on ; and if any person shall stake out his claim di>regar<ling this rule, the (iold Connnissioner shall have ])ower to come and i'cmo\c thi' lirst boumlarv peir of such wron;jf-doer three feet further on, notwithstanding that other claims may then be [)ro|)erly staked out bi'yon<l him, so that such wrong-doer shall then have but ninety-seven leet. And if such wrong-doer shall have commenced work immediately at tlu' boundary peg of the last previous claim, the (J(dd ('onnnis^ione|• may renio\t' his boundary six feet i'urthi'r on than tlie open work of such wi'ong-doer; and all such open work, and also the next three t'eet of such space of six feet, shall belong to and form part of till' last jn'evions claim, and the residue of such space of six feet shall be left a< a boundai'y wall. X\'I. Kvei'y ,-ueli boimdary wall shall be deemeil the joint pro[)erty of tiie ((wners of the two claims l)etween which it >taiMls. and may not be worked oi' inju.,'d. save by the consent of both such owners. X\'II. In staking out plots of land for Free ^Nlinrrs and traders for gardening and residential purposes, under the |)ow< rs in the said Gold Ki(dds Act. 1<S.V.>, contained, the (iold Commissioner is to keep in vi(.'w the general interests of all the min(,'rs in that locality, the general prin- I i li 188 T H K H U I T I S II (• I. U M H I \ N cijili' liciiiij; lliat every unrdi'ii lienelils indirectly ilie wlmle loenlily, .•iiid also tliat tiie I'arlier a|i|ilicati(Hi i- In lie prerened ; Inil where llie eiiui- blo spots of laiiil ari' lew, or of scanty dimensions, and especially wliere they are tlieni>!'lves anrit'erons, it may l>e injndicioiis lliiit the whole or the Ln'eater part shoidd fall into llw haniN of one or two persons: and theret'ore, in such ea-e>. the < iold ('ouuni->ioner may. in the ex.erei.-t' of his discretion, allot small jdols only to each appliciiul. Will. An\' per-on <le.-ii'iMij; to ac(piire any water pr'i\IleLie shall l»e Iionnd to re-|)ect the riulits of parties n<inL' the same water, at a point Ixdow the plaei' where the person desirinji' -neh neu' pri\ilej.'e intends to use it. XIX. Any pei'.-on ile-irim.c to liridixe acio-s any -tremn. or claim, or other place for any purpose, or to mine under or thiouL;).' any ditch or llnme. or to carry wi ■!• throiiuh oi- o\cr any land already occupied hy any other person, may hi' eiiahled to do <o in proper cases, with the sanction of the (iold Connnis-ioiiei-. In all >nch ca-es the rii^ht of tin.' party tirsf in possession whether ot' the mine or of the watei- pi-ivile^e is to prevail, so as to entitle him to full compen-alion and indenmity. Hut where\('r due compensaliou h>' indenmilv can lie triven, and i- recjnired. the ( iold ('onunissioiiei' may sancliou the execution of su<'h new work on such terms as he shall think reasoualih'. .\s 1(1 i.i:.\si;s IN' i.\i!<;ki; i'iku'oim kins iii.w i i.\r\t.s. XX. Applications for lea-es are to lie >ent in triplicate to the (Iold Commi.-sioner liavinj: jurisdiction fir the locality where the laud ile-ired j to lie taken is situated. Kvery such application -hail contain the name and additions of tlie ap]ilicant at fidl lenutli. and the names and ad- dresses of two per-ons re-idinii' in t!;,' Colony of liriti-h Colnmliia or N'aneoiiver Island, to whom the applicant is per>onall\- known. Also !i description accoin]iaiiie(l hy ;i map of the land pr(i|i(t-ed to he taken. XXI. Li'ases will n<it lie ;_n'ant<'d in ueui'rai foi- a longer term than ton years, or fiir a larLfer space than ten acres of alluvial soil, (ilry dii;- liiiiirs) or half a mile in leuLrth of unworked (piart/ Vf*-{', or a mile and a half in lenirth of ([uartz. that .-hall have heen attempted and alian- doned liy indi\idual claim workers, with lilierty to liillow tlie -purs. di|i-. and auiiles, on and within the surfaci'. for two hiuidred feet on each side of th<' main lead or seam, or in liar diuuiair-. half a mile in length (if unworked) alouii' the W\<s\\ water mark, where the same shall hiive lieeii attempted ami ahaudoned Iiy individual claim workei's. XXII. Leases as aliovi' will not in uenei-al lie granted of any land, alluvium or (uiart/, which shall l)e considered to lie innnediately a\ail- A N 1» VI r r t» K I A J> 1 U K (• T U Y IHO iil)!i' for lii'iii^'' norkcd 1)y Free Miner?, as Icildrrs of iiidiviiliial rlaiiiis. Nof will . Midi ii IcjiM' ill iiiiy Ciir-c Ihj ,i.n';uitc(l avImtc iiidiv idual Free Miners are in previous a<'tnal ()ceii|ialioii of any part i>t tlie premises, linle-s by llieir edii-iiil. Will. I'Acry ^ucli lea-e sliali eoiitaiii all reasonalde provisioiis ("or .-ei'iniii'i to llie pnhlie ri,Ldit> of way and waler. save in so far as sliall lie neees-ary for the niinerdike workin.i; of the ])reniises therelty deiiii-ed. and al-o for pivvemin.u damajie to the persons or property (tf other parlies than tin; le-ee. And the premi-e- tlierehy (h'liiised siiall lie uranled fu iiiininii pnrpo>e> only: and it -hall not lie eoinpetent for the lessee to a-/i,i:ii or >iilidel the same, or any ])art or jiarts thereof without the jirevioiis iieeiise in writing- of the ( iold Coinmisr-ioner. And every siieh lease shall contain a eoveiiaiit liy the lessee to mine the said premi-e- in a miner-like way. and also, if it shall he tliondit lit. to per- form the works therein il.lined within a time therein limited. And also a elau-e hv virtue whereof the said lease and the demise tliei- in 'oii- tained mav he avoided in ease the le-see shall refu.-e or iiedeet to ob- serve and perform all or any of tlie eovenanis therfiii contained. XXI \'. Kverv applicant for a lea-e. shall at the time of scndinjr in his application, mark out the ^romid eomiiri^ed in the ajiplicatioii by sipiare po.-ts lirnily iixed in the bonndario of ihe land, and four feet above the surface, with a notice thereon that sueh land has been a[)plied for. >talin,i: when and by whom, and >hall also lix npcii a similar post at each of the neare>t places on which miner,-, are at work, a copy of such notice. \X\'. Objections to the ^rantinji of any such lease shall be made in writiiiLi. addressed to His KNcellency the (niveriior, under cover to tlie (;old Commissioner, who shall forward all such ol)jections, to;r,"her with hi- Kejiort thereon. XXN'l, V]\rv\ applicaiioii il)r a lease shall be accomiianii'd l)y a dcpo-it of tweiily-iive iioiinds sterlinu-. which sliall be refunded in ease the appli.-aiion .-hall he refu>ed by the ( lovcrmneiit : and if the appli- cation ,-hall be enterlained. then such Mini of twenty-live ii.Minds shall be retained for the ii>e of lle>- Maje>ty. lier heirs and successors, whether the application be afierwanls abandoned or not. I ■rrf. ' — •^.^,-~--,v-/rrrT^Ut*;jX. 3UW » »L *a aei J--.--J*'lK>'-«'*''^-*^''^' ! i l!l() T Ji H i; U I 'I' I S II (' (I I, r M II I A \ THE NATURALIZATION OP ALIENS. Law cudh/iiii/ Fdn'it/iii'rs or Aliens fn itrijiiirc the /iii//ifs (Did f'r!r!Jci/os nf Britis/i Sii/)jcr/s ir/ii/sf rcsiiliinj irifJiiu lite ('o/aiii/ nj' lirltif^li. ('(ihniiliiii. — Fi-diii llic "Aliens Act. IM.V.l." ]. l^\('r\' alii'ii iKtw roidinir <>)• wIki may luTtaflfi' coiiil' Iu i-oidc in till' said ("dliiiiy willi iiiU'iit to xMtIc llicri'in. and wlio >liall liavr iictn- allv resided tlierein. or in the adiaceni C'nlonv of VaneouviT l-land. or partly in the <nie Colony and partly in the other, for a continnons period of three years, witliont havinir heen. diirinu' any |Mirlioii of tliat time. a stated resideiii in any foi-eitrn eonnlry out of Her ^[ai. -sty's dominions, shall he entille(l lo procure hini-ejf to he natnrali/ed in manner here- inafter deserihed. '2. livery alien de-ii'oiis ot' ht'coniinir so natnrali/.ed -hall proeiir" a declaration of residence and charaeler. to he made and si hsci'il)ed l)y some Hritish sidijecl. Snch alien shall, in llie nex< place, make and suhscrihi; a declaration of residence, and shall also take the oath of allejiiaiice to Her Maje-iy and Iler Successors. 3. Every such decdaralion and oath may he taken, rnadi- and snl>- scrihed hefore any .lustice of the Peace, actinji in any part of the C'ohiny of British (,'oluinhia. or liefore any per-on appointed hy Her Majtsly to he a .ludjie in liriti.-h C'idnndiia. l-'.Nci'y snch declaration and oath shall 111' forthwith delivered to such alien, with the certiticalc at the foot thereof. si;i;ne(l hy such Justice of tlu' I'eact'. or hy the Uejristrar of the said -Indire. statinjr the compliance on the part of the said alien with the regulations hereinhefore contained. I. It shall i)e lawful for the said alien to pri'sent all tin- said docu- ments, properly subscrihed and tilleil up a- aforesaid, in open Court, on the lirst day of any Assi/es or jfeneral >ittinjis of the Court of lirilish Columbia, in iiny place in the said Colony. And all such documents shall hv. then read aloud in open Court ; and it shall be lawful for the said Court, on the la.-t day of the said Assl/es or jreneral -iKinjrs, to order .all the said documents and proi-eediiiirs to be entered as of recoi'd in the said Court. And thereupon, snch alien shall be a(bnitled and deemed, while within the said ( 'olony of IJrilish Cohnnbia, to be thence- forth ii British subject, to all intents and purposes whatever, and to hold, enjoy and transmit all pro|)erty, rights and capacities, in the same man- ner as if born within Her .Majestv's dominions, 8. Kvery alien shall have the same capacity to take, bold, enjoy, recover, convey and transmit title to lands and real estate of every description, in this Colony, as if he were, at the time of the passing of A N I) V I (! T C H 1 A I) I R V. C T O ]{ Y , un tliis Act, a iiatunil Ixirii Hrilisli ,«iilij('(;t ; and no [)i'i>(tn sliall l)c dis- tiii'lx'd ill tlic possession or itrcclndiMl from lli»,' rocovcry of any lands or real cstak' in this Colony liy reason only thai some pi'i'son iVoni or thronj^h whom he n\ay derive tiili; was an alien. BUTE INLET WAGON ROAD COMPANY, LIMITED. UFAilSTKUKI) .(ANIAUY 2(1. 1803. DIKl.CTOIIS. Alfre(l Waddiiifrton, Esij Chairman. Ale.\ai\der D. .Macdonald, Hs(| Uankei', Dr. Tohnie Ilndson Uay Comiiany. 1{. Uurnahy, Ks(| Mereham. I). Leneven, Ks(| • • • • ]\If.'reliant. II. Nelson, Ks(i Lillooet. Jl. C. A. K. ( Jreen, \']m\ Seert'lary. liank of liritish Colnmhia IJankers. Capital, siiO.OOd, wiiii power to increase the same to S'2:i<l.0('<t. Tliis Company is estahlislied nnder a ]iromise of charter jiranted March '2Sili. l;S('i2, to Alfred Waddinjiton, I'^s'i., of Victoria, in consid- eration of the discovery of the ahove route and of its jir icticahility, and conveying the riuht of levying a toll, not exceeding live cents per ponnd. on all goods and merchandise, and a dnty on all animals or cat- tle for a period of live years from the completion of the tir.-t lifty miles of wagon road, togetlier with the riglit of preempting ten lotsofgronnd of ten acres each at ten different stations on tlie road, which is to be linally conii)leted before the first of .luly, 18G4. The Uute Iidet Ronte is thonght by its projectors to be by far the shortest and easiest road to the mines. It passes for forty miles through the mounlains of the Cascade range, at an ai)parently dead level, and thence throngh a fertile plain to the Fraser al)ove the jnnction of either the (^ncsnelle or Swift Kivei's. The lower part of the river, which is called the Ilomathco, is at present obstrncted by drift wood, but which when removed will n.Muler it navigable for about twenty-live nnles, and on reaching the plain above the mountains forty miles from the head of the inlet the river becomes again navigable togellur with the lake from which it flows (and which is thirty miles long) for ninety miles more. The proposed town at the head of the inlet is situated on a dry flat of 1,200 acres or more, about a mile from the mouth of the river, with a water frontage from twenty to twenty-two feet deep and accessi- ble for vessels drawing less than twelve feet; besides which, a road of I!»:i T II i: li II I T 1 S II (• (• L I M II I A N illnMll a mile ill IcllL'lll ('nllllcci- willl llic lli'iul lit' llir illli'l. w lirlr >Iii|is of any liiirilrn can nnloa'I in -al'ily. Tlic low n ^il(■ i-< In lie laid on), hy ihr ( Ids ciinni'iii and ^old in llir Sjirinii-. Tin' \allry il-idl' i> in ^inicral ii(a\iiy liinlicnil. Init |irr-riil» -rxcral M|iiai'r inilr> dC iirairic iri'oiind and |ial('iii',- (if linod ('iilli\ aide -nil. The main t'ratnrc^ in limir i^\' llir mad liy WwU' Inlrl art' : it> -liurt- iic-s (oni' liiiiidrrd a:id riidij'cn inilr- nl land lra\rl a ;a;ii-l Iwn linndri'd and lliirly-liN r mil'' ■ liy llir I''ra-ri' ruiitr) ; lln' al>-rin'r nl' all iiiniiiUaiiH or ('\ en rnniicncr- wnrtli niDiliniiinu : lln' i'n;ii|iai'ali\ r ~niall nmnlicr 111' loadings and unlnailiiiL;- (.i\c a,Lraiii-l tuinlrcn) : ii- di'v >()\\ and llic absence lit' -\vani|>-; llie cninjiaialive inildne-- nf ihe diinale ; and llie iiicilily el' appniacli (mie liiiiidred and ciiilily-liv e nanlical mile-) and safely iif na\ iiialiiiii I'rnni N'ieturia. 'I'wenly-lliree mile< of the read from tlic head nt'llii' inlet were ojieiied la-l antnnin. and llie remainder of tlio I'oiite tlironi^li llie Ca-cade mniiiilain-- .-iir\eyed and pailialh' cleMreil. 'Idie ('iini|iany will he aiile to ojieii a trail for jiack iniiles liefiire ihe nninlli of .liiiie. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. Tlie followiiiLr interesting:' Mi'teoroloiiical < Hiservatimis wei-e taken at tlic Hoyal KiiLiineei's ( 'ani|i. New Westiniiisti'r, dnrinii; the year iSlili. hy order of ( 'oj. |{. ('. Moody. Ii.l'l.. eonuiiaiidini:' the troojis. iMillCH. LATnriii. I'.i l-J'47 r)N. I.om; in in; Il'2 .■).! I'.i W . Fc'liriliirv II , , 'I'lic iiij:lK'.-t rcaiJiiiL;' of llir Itardiiiclrr, curn'rlcil I'm- triii IKTiUiiri', \vii< .'iiir)l7 " . .Menu liJLilir III '.I •ill, A. M ;i',c;)S.{ .. " " .'i .'id, r. M 2!) •'.)().'! Jiiiiiiiuy l'2. .'I'lio lowot i!<.l071 l)c';n'l'S. Aii;,^n-t li'.l . . . Mux ill mil I ti'iii])i'i';itiirc in Sim's riiy> (Ma^l^ luilli) lO-l 'U " ... " " (if llir in sliMiJi July L'.'{ " " !l .'in, a. M Aii'j:a-t L'S. . . " " .'! an, cm Mean t('.'n|i('i'atiiri' nf air in sliailr at '.i .'in, v, m .'i .'in, !■. M .Ian. l."), li. z. .Miiiiiiiimi Iciiipcraiiirc et' air in sliaijr at '.i .'in, a.m.., " " " .'t .'in, 1'. M.. .Ian. 10, 1). ■/.. " " (jii till' <:rass . . . , 8S-,5 T.')-!t S(')'(l 4t)'H •20 (•)■() IT)-!) ( Ircatcst aiiiiinnt et' Inniiiility Mian " " at i» .'in, a. m. .'i .'10, V. M. .Jaimarv .'!... Least " 1 •001) ■S42 ■772 ■.'i20 liHPWHIIlWi»lillilnll 1!miI|Iiii|iiiI|^| A N I) V 1 •' I' It R I A l> I II r: <' 'I' <• 11 V . VX) The cisliTii of tlu' I'mnuiicli r i> iilimil lil'ly-luiir t'ccl hIkac tlir IimI of llic sc;i. All tlic oltscrviitioiH were mii'li' al '.» .'50, A. M,. iiiul ;l .">i>, 1'. M., daily, lliiitii;ilii)iil tlic year. Tluiri! wtTL' slijilit l"rt)>t> iirarly every iii;Jil in tlie innntli of A])v\\, 1111(1 mice ill Miiy, (Idlli) ; lliey ilid not recomiiieiice until liic iiiiilli of ( )(•!(. her. 'riie severe i'rost-J of -laiuiary ami Feltriiary liiivc been ini- kiiowii i'ni' iiiiiiiy years. 'I'iiiiiiil; r ami liiihtiiiiei' occurred on the tweiily-foiirlli of May, tweiity- foiirtli of duly, ami twenty-.-ecoiid, tweiity-niiilli. ami tliirtielli of Alienist. T A 15 L i; ShiiwiiKi tlir ilijith of I'd!)), Ihr XiiidIio- hJ' Ihii/s i»i whirl) it J'lll, tlif Moui lliiiitiililij, Mnin '!'< Ill i>i ntl !))-(: nf tin Ai)' i)) xhiulv, (t)id llii'. Loiirst 'l\i)i}iirutU)X on the (j)ass i)) livll ,\fnnl/l. All )M IIS. lui'lic.-i. I l)!i\>. Ilmiiiditv I TMKKMdMKTKIl !) lill. A. M .'i Jill. I'. M Mill. L'l'll.^.S .laminry • .'t'-tKO [•'rlii'iiarv March .' AiM-il ' li-.'M-' May ' " .Imic July Aiiyiist Sc|itcr.'l»'r Octiil.cr Novi'iiiliir Decc'iiilii'r ;f4Kii !) • 8 J5 r.fo 2:!'li 15^() :i-r21 8 •815 ;i()-;! ;t4^2 2'() r)'s;i() 17 ■8(12 .•18^() 417 2;^() 2 ■:)■['> 14 •7(S7 45-5 5p;! 2(1^0 ;f4i.-) I.'! •718 57 ■ 1 (12 • 1 ti\ ■-> 2-:m Ill •712 (12 • 7 (17 ■ 1 4(l-() :i-T()',) \-2 •71.'! (l;i • 2 117^7 44^0 2 •',).'!() 8 •787 (l.'i ■ 5 (19^8 4.')'0 1-Gi'.^) 9 •451 58^4 (12 • 7 .•!;i ■ 5 4-0(15 10 •8(19 4!)-.i 52 '9 2.'M) 4 •():)() 8 • 9;JS ;i7-9 41-7 22'0 7-!)U0 17 •948 3()-7 ;i9^7 18-5 Tolal animint of rain, 47 -41111 inclics ; nuiiilicr day- nf rain. i;!5. IJain fell on eiiilit day- when the wind was soiitli : ei.uht wlien >()iit]i- vve,~l ; three when wcvt : live when north-wesl : eiiilit when uoilli-east : foi-ty-lhi-ee when ea>l ; twenly-.-ix when south-eu.-l. and ihirty-eight when eahii. The irreati -1 liill of rain in twenty four hours measured 2 'iGt) inches, and was on the twentieth of Marcli. The averaii'e i'all for every day of the year wa.s ()- l.'iO inches, and lor ouch v el day was • 3 ;■)•>. Rain wa^ more equally di-iribiited lhrou,u;Iiout all the months this year than in IHtid or 18<)1. In the winter months, January to March, and October to December, 31-(;s-2 iiu-lies of rain fell in LSC.-J ; in JSI'.l, 11 -^o", and in IHOO, 40 -"iSt; inches. In the remainin.u- months in l.SI'>2, 1.V7M-''; in IHOi. r.)--2").'». and in 1SG<>, i;>-8-')l inches. The [)revailin<r direction of the wind durinp; rain in each year was cast and south-cast. The absolute limiting nights of frost in the three years were nearly the same. 14 r.M r II i: i; ii i t i s ii c «> i, i ,\i i; i a .v Tin: riiASKu i!ivi;i! at nkw wksi'minsi r.i!. KAri. lli«lic.-l l.r\fl. l,iiur-l I.M.I. 1 SCO IJtll l.f .rmic tdi (it Maivli IStil Sih lit' June inii III Mmvli 1 !*i\U 1 (III (if .liiiie I'Mli lit A|iiil imiin iii'i' III' l,cM'l. 10 'r) t'c.'i !>•.•) t'.'i'l lO',") fri'l IXMG LA S. \i 'I'llK 'I'owii (iC Ddiiiiiiis i. iicaiiliriillv -iliifitcd at llic head nf llani- .-<iii I-akr. ami dor-; a larj;i' liii-iiic-- in I'nrw-n'dinL^ ^(Hnl-i in ilic iiilrrinr rill I.illiKM'l. Sc\ci'al (ii'in> dniiiL.' an <\irn-i\(' tiirwardinsi' Ini-inc-s lia\ r {•.-lalili-luiii'iil- llicrr. Sirani cniiiiiiiMiicalinn i^ caiTicd im \\iili llic l'ra-ci- and N<'\v \\'(~iniin~lrr rin llaiii-nn l{i\(i-. SiaLii'- run un llif \va,uiin I'oad Ix'lwi'i'ii I)uiiL:la< and Liili Land .-Icaniti- |il\- dailv on llii" lakes, tlin- I'lialillni:' an ca-y and cxiicdiliiHH runic I'nr Ifavflcrs. 'i'lic dir-lancc lii'lw'ccn I )iiu,L'la- ami New W'c-hnin-lcr i~ almni ninds' inik's. 'I'hc I'dlldwinL!' ai'c sdnir nf ilii' |irinci|ial rc-idcnl>: IIVAIi iSc Ti:S!ll. packi'i's ami inci'diants. I)acc,'ipllu|ii (N: ('(>.. |i;ickci's and inorcliaiits. ("o\dH \ ('n.. |iarkcfs ami iiici'cliaiits. Diitl^T. I']. T., iS: <'ii., ]ia(d\('i's and incrcliaiits. Fanxdl \ Cii.. |ia(.-kcrs and inci'diaiils. l''lofcii('c, ('liai'K's. Ildtrl ilc I'Vaiicc. I'Vaukliii. .1.. tradcf. (iA(;(il\..l. I'.OLKS. Ma,-isti:.[c. Lanilicftdii iV .McKiniidii. Macksiniths, Mel >diiaM. Win., liotol and suIihui. jNIillc'V, -laiiu's. ( 'diistalilr. Nc'lsdu. Iriali. >S: Co., ]i;ickcfs and UKTcliants. JST'nN, Cai'T.. Pdstinastcr. I'i"i,i;-or iS: I)a\is. |iiicki'fs and nicirliants. I*uin|ilifc_v iS: IJcid, I'cstaufant and salddii. Smitii l)|-ds., DiniLiias lldtrl. SMITH, I'., iS: CO., |ia(d-crs and inci'diaiits. Stott Hrotliors, wliccdwi-iiiiit and waLiou iiiakcfs. White, K., HoadToll Culkrtdf. Wilsdii, !>., ^ciiefal store. W HKJllT, (J. Jl., (Sc CO., |)uekei's and iiUMrluuits, \[ pmi mm A N I) V I (• T n It I .> HI It \: r T o It V. LI LLOOKT. Iji.i.tiKi r i- a ])lii('c (iT -uiiic iiii|i(ii-|iiiu'c on ilic l-'ia-cr, aliniil Iwo liiindrcd and iwi'nl v niili's iVdni its inonlli. A \\aL!<iii road l:a- liccn lahdy niado liy (I. Ii. W'l'iulil i*v: Co.. ..ndi'i' a cliarlif Ironi llic ( ioNcrninrnl. troin 1/iilooct to William'- I-ako. a di-lancr ol' oni' hnndifd am! >i.\ly- (ivc miles, l/illooct is coimcctfMl with l)nM_Ltlas liy a cliaiii of lal\<'s on wliicli steamers arc |ilyiiij.'. and liy wauon roads on tlie |ioi'taf:e<. The town lia-. dnrin;.' the la-t twelve month-, lapidly inerca-ed in |)o|iidation ; nd im|iorlance. A In'idiie will >liortI\' he <'on-lrneted aero-'S llie i'i\ei' to I'ai'sons illc, wliei'i' the wiijiim read eonnnenec-. 'I'liere is ^rood ,i:ra/.inLr and a small (|iiantity of i'armiiii: land in the vicinity ot" tli(! town. Ilic lullowiii'i' are amoin; the inhahilants : ('mm-.v, \'., Su|ici-iiitciidciit of Ki;.\\i:iiN , Alex., M.l>. ( loM'i-nmeiit 'Tolls. Coinior, .. i.i.rk.-f. L('SSACK, (.., ( 'oiistal.k'. (.'o.xoi. .^ Klin..iv. ineirliaids. M AriiilKsoN .^ Chaw roitl.. I'ar- sonville House. 1)o|m;i;, K. S., ineirhant. , .M,,xHcd(l. . i,ackcf. .Mi'screiix \ .Miltz, Ii.l>e('i' Sal'oii. I'lhMoMisnN iS: ( '(I., laitellCfS. Ildwards. ., uicirliaiit. .\i:i.so.\ ^V |*\i;so\s. incrchaiits. I'llil-K )T. A. <'...l.l'.,iiostmas'aT Nelson. Clias., fcsraiifaiit. Ncwl'i'ldor, . incfcliaiit. l''\lil!ll,l,. .!.. incivliaiit. Kcatlierstoue, II., (lfiii;'-stoiv. 1Vm!M:h. .'.. salooti. FOSTKK. K. W.,a]:otlKrarvaii(l •''"•''.^'■i' ^^ ''"vis. ineirliaiits. connnissioii lucirliaiit. ' l*ra<-vr, . tncirliaiit. lA'llowes, l''rauk. | ticker. Klyiiii, . terry. Fritz, Mf., ttiilor. (Ill.l.lMttl AM, ('. F., M.l). II \\l\". , ]i;ieker. I hiskell. , iiaeker. Ui:i:ii. I{. (Sc llrovii, 11. A..iiielir,s. |Kee.l. .1. 1!., Deimty Sherirt". Saijhi:, , lueivliaut. Tii\vt:u> i^ TiidMi'soN, jia(d<ers. Wam.aci:. , lihieksmitli. IIF|{Kl.MFI{,.J..P,.('.Stu<5en"l. Warden, ('., luercirt aiul |.aeker. Ilieksoii, W., merclituit. White, I'Ved., jiucker. llutdiiii!^oii,(Sr.andJi-.)i.iickers. , WRKillT, G. I]. & CO., melits. too T II K V K I T I S 11 (' L r .M 1! I A X y A L i: Ti(i> place is (lie licad of stciUiilmul navI,L'ati(iii uii tiic Fmr-ci-, and is siliiatL'il at llic inoulii of wliat is kuowii as the l,illl( ('afidn. lO.'i nil I(.'s from tlie onlraiicc of tin' river. Since liie I'razer 1 \i\(', "\eHe- ineat of ISjS, Vale iia- alwavs hceii a Iki llliii:. li'i \ lilti<' lowii. and notwitlistan.ding the eoiiipelition of llie Doiitila- i( iile, lliat n'</. Yaii,' lias always relaiiieil iis popnlarilv. Tlie irival ( iovenunent AVoi'ks wlii/ii liav(! been eairicd on in the \alle_v of llie I-'ra-e. ahove ^'ale, during llie jiast snnnrie)'. Iia\e liad a \(i_v lienelieial cllrel on (lie pros- perity of the jilaee. and cau>ed a eon.-idrraltle ri r ii ill tlie town, lly the middle of next May a road, pa-.-al I ihc \ahie nf li )l.- )ic lor wau'on,- will have l)e<'n eoniph ti d iVoin Vale to Wiiliain's Creek, a di^tanee of at least two liuiidre(! aiiil >i\ty inili-. Thr road from ^'a!e to Lyttoii. (sixty-three miles) wliieli 'j:tn':> throiiLih the pncipil uh (liaani 1 of the Frasor known as ilie Iliir Cannii. lia- 1 ten eoii.-triKied at a. Li'i'oat eos ol r-i\ iiiilrs and to the Colony. From Yale to TikeV Kitlje. a ili-taiiee six chains, the road was Imilt by the IJoyal iMiiziiiei'r- : from Tike^'s Rillle to ('liai)inan's liar, ti di>tanee of eijihl iiiihs. Iiy .Mr. Triitch tor $47,0(Kt : from Chapman's JJar to I'xi-toii T.ar. (Icmi! m Iwi Ivr mih's. by i\Iessrs. Speiice and Trut(di for sTo.Oiiu ; tVoin Uolun IJai' to r.yt- ton. thirty-two and a half miles, by .Mr. S[iener iu\- ss,s.(i()(). The I lie' al )0\ (> WOIK liiriiwii aero,--- tiie iiij^inccrin^ diHieiillies enec)iiiil( rt il in eairyinii' on have been considerable, and a laidi;!' ha- yi i to in vi\('r before lin' ebaiii of eommuniealioii i> ciiiii|il(i( i!. 'I'iicrc is n.) doubt that ibis will alway.-^ be one of the main road- into the inlerior of the coiintrv. ' Owiliir to Ilic lii-l of inliiiliiliinlf nl' Van- iuj) lia\ iiii; (■<j|iic In Iraini in t uiialilc 1(1 1,'ive thiii' iiaTiK-s to tlir iiulilic. luu', w v iiii' N 1> VI C T O 11 I A I) I K !•: C T K Y 107 FORKS OF QUESNELLF Al'.noTT & Co., restaurant Harris l>ros., mercliants. A\)\A'M & "i'.AKllV, r,riagc ll.Muli, (J., Haloon. lluiise. r>EKl»Y \ Cn., mercliants. IJoi's & ! evi. iiK'rchauts, T.AXti, , Itlacksmith. iLawk-es, ^Irs., vc-staimmt. Mt'LAKim.iN' & (.'<>., mcrcluuits. rOINKKK, W. 11., butcher. Davis, , meri'liaut. KdN'KV, -J. (llUKFiN, K., tiiisinith. „,,„,K.K., , ^vUh Unas & Julmax, Cl.as.. bakery Sciin/rz & TrK-key, mercbauts. Spiiiks, Jobn, vestaiiruut. I i ' I i A IS T L E R . liKKm- & Co., iiierebant.. j Lnskev, David, morclLant. Kn 1 V D & Co., mm-luints. I MmuussHV & ('n..Ki.ANi>, bilbar.l Kimball & (V-., nuMTbauts. sal.u,,,. lAoNS, J. II. ^^ Co., mercbauts. WiNKLEU & Makks. mercbauts. il I ^ 108 T H K B 11 I T I S II C L U iM li I A N KICHFIELl). (i.ATK \vi 1, 1. 1 AM s ci; i:i;k . ) l)i;.\TTV, II., tinsmith. j llm sKit, Jolm. l)utc-lK'r, l)f(Mly >)t Co., iiU'velKuits. ' IJlac'k, Fred. i\: Co., mcirliants. ^ Mai.oxkv, Thomas, saloon. Ijoas i^ Levi, merchants. Camkro.v, J,, restaiu'ant. Cameron. . saloon. Camei-on & Co.. hlaeksniith. Cuiniin,^ham. \V.. saloon. Cusheon, J. I)., saloon. Davis, , merchant. Fi:\T().\, ('has. ^ 15)'o., Fenton House. (JJilFFIX, E.. tuisuiith. lliMsi:v, R.,M.J). ! Smith & Co., merchants. Straus iS: Co.. merchants. Too.Mi;\, -, hutcher. Wilkinson,.). |5., M.D. \\ ilkinson. I)a(l. conmiission mi'r- cliant. WOODAIIi), .lAMKS, Woo.l- ard"?) Saloon. 1 1 1 -j^^;. AND V IC T U I A D I U E C T GUY. lit!) iior- i")(i- CAIlUiOO. Till, ili.-lrict known as Cariho') was lirst (liscovercd to \ni auriferous in tiic latter part ol' liic year ISIU). To >oin(' miners, wlio were ainonirst tlie^o who arriveil in l.S.J8 at the earlier tliL^uings on liie l''ra-er Iiiver. llie disi-overy of ,Li'oiil in larire (inantiiies i^ to 1m^ attributed. 'I'iiese men. ni.(h'terred l)y unusual dilli- ciiltie- and hardships eonse(|ueiit on the ('xtrenudy rngjied and mount- ainous eliaraetiu" ol' the country thronuh whieh they jiad to liass, sueeeeded in following tiie course (tt" the Fraser a distance of three hundred miles. iIku'c arrivinii' at the mouth of the Quesnelle River, which llows into the Fraser thirty miles above Fori Alexandria, a trad- ing po-i ot' the Hudson Uay Company. J laving ascendeil that river and linding gold on the bars and flats they reached the forks of (^hii's- ludle ninety miles above its mouth. IJoth the north and south forks lake their rise in oxteiisi\(,' lakes, whieh ari' themselves the reser\oirs of numerous streams draining an imineiiso extent of oounlry. CJold ha> been f()und on the south fork of ()uesn(dle and al.-o on llorsetiv Creek, w hieli runs into the South l'\)rk Lake. 'J'lie latter creek was deserted last season, owing to the miners being unable to get down thi'ough the Ithie clay, but it is the intention of sev- eral companies to return with larger resources and better mining ai»pli- ances during the ensuing season, as they entertain great aiitici|)ations of success. The gt)ld-beariiig formation has ikjI been traced in the section of country immei!iat(dy to the southward uf Uorselly Creek and the south fork of (^ue.-nelle River; it appears, however, that tlie range of gold-bearing hills crosses the north fork of the Columbia River near to ii> head ; and from the ipiantity of float gold found in the tributaries ol' that ri\er. which comes in from an easterly direction, it is |.i'obalde the gold-bearing range continues its course south parallel with the main chain of the Rocky Mountains into a district similar in its geological features to the Cariboo country south of the Thompson I{i\er ; it is very evident that the Columbia must be crossed, and the country {o the eastward of it ex[)lored, the ground between the Fraser and Columbia Rivers having been already [U'ospecl<'d. Some rich specimens of gold-i)earing ([uartz were brought to N'icloria from the head waters of the Kootanie River near the foot of the Rocky If , I •i 200 T II K r. K r T I S II (' <) I. V M 1! [ A N iMoinituiiis l)v sonic iin'iiilicrs df llic Iii-ilisli JSoiiiidiuy C'oimiiis-iim, ami all the ])iirtii'> wlio liavt.' truvcrM'il llii'-i- di-liicls iv^Vff llial llic indications of a rich irold-licarin;.' I'orniation arc very palnaljlc. (Jold lias been taken out of tli<' north i()i'k of C^iicsncllc IJivcr in larjrc (inanlitics. and dnriii.tf the SpriiiLr of li^li- |irc|iarations on a lai^c scale \v<'re made liy w iinj^-ilainniinii' the stream in many ]ilaces to alistract tiic anriferoii- de|p(K-Its fruni its very center; owinu-. liowescr. to an iiii]irecedentcdly early rise of its waters from the thawinii' ol' the snow on Keithlcy's Creek and the nnmerons streams wiiicli di~chai\uc their waters into Carihoo F.ake (the source of the north foi'k of (^)iie^- nclle IJiver) tiic winir-dams and walerwheels ot' the niineiv were all swept away ami N\itli them tli(> re-nlts of several months' ardiion- lalior dnrintr ihi' most severe portion of the winter. riirce miles from the head of the north fork of (^nc-nelle l{i\cr acro-s Carihoo Lake is the inoutli of ICeithley's Creek, and hci-c commences the district wliidi is now known all the world oNcr a- the Carilioo cdimlry ; l!ii< creek, with Harvey and (ioose Crci ks al-o rnnninu' into ( arihuo I,;ike, were parti- ally worked dnriii'.r the l''all of lM.'ii>. The <[rikin;;- of llc-c creeks v\-as the consummation of (he hope- and laliors of iIk,' iiardy men wiio siivj' IS.'iS liad with never iailini;' eiier'jry followc(l the golden cuiir-e ot' the Fraser in ,-carch of the rich |iriniiii\c dejio-its which a ripem-d mininiz experience had a->nrcd them exi-ied in >ome part oj' the coun- try throiiLrh which that river pniMies its course. Diirinir the month of January, l>i(i!, rich pro~pect< were di-co\ered on Antler Creek, twenty mile> from the month of I\eiiide\ V ( Veck, across a portion of the rantre of I'ald .Mountains which are -iluated in ii lai'jre biiiht or liend of the l''ra<er IJiver, which risini; in the Kocky JNIonntains runs in a north-west <lireclioii mitil a point ahi>\e i'ort (ie(n-i:c when its cour.-e is to the -outhwaril and we-iward. 'I'lie main features of this country consist of a larL'e ranue of mountain--. Liemrally hcavilv timhci'ctl. hut -onie ot' them ;ire reiiiarkai>le t'roni li-iiiL;' oiilv parliiilly coNcri'd with limtier and form the hiuhe-t point- in the ranp'. The hi;i'he>t point yet explored wa- found to he S, Kill feet ahoNeihe level of the sea. the general altitude heinu' ahoiit ."i.tldd feet. 'I'liis range forms the water>hed of licar. Swil't. ( )[ie-.iielle and other of the largest trihnlaries of tiie [""raser. Antler Creek, a ti'llmlary of liear River, formed tiie main |ioint of ;illraction during' the Summer of l.Sill ; hut in the fall of that year the heavy deposits t'ouiid on Williams, Ivouhie and other I'reeks, and tlu; promisinjx pro-pect-; olitaiiied on JJuhtnin,!Z Creek, one of the larijest Irilmlarie- of Swift IJiver, i:a\e an immense impetus to the naturally ener,L;"etic etl'orts of the miners, ami the conntiy was trav(.'Ied over, if not thorttu.uhly prospected, for a dis- tance of fifty miles round Antler Creek. IIU! I'l' ill I's to V<T. 111.' lie-- , '■■■'" j \hnv I III.' I III.' i I I is I villi I i irii- ull.) .■ .)f lie! Kill- ■; AND V I CT r I A 1) I K i; (■ T o it V . ■20\ All. Hit I. .')('<» millers w.t.' in tl <• Carili.).) .■.iniilry dnrinjr tlic season of I8lil, and ill.' ylii.l ..I' u^.i!.! lias l).'cii c-tiinat.'.l at Si'.diiii.oiKl. Diiriiii!; tlic early pari i)rtiris season provi-i.ins w.t.' pacUed in troin the liirks of (^iiesn.dle to Anll.'i- Creek liy Iii.lian<, an.l the |i!'iee raiiized f'r.Hii eiulily-llv.' cents to oii.> .lojlar p.T pound; lint liy th.' luonlh of July trails were cun-tiii.'te.l and paek traiiw hrouuht in. and .liiriii'j,- the j laiter pa"l .•(' th.' -ea-on tin' pro\ i-imi^ w.Te >.ild at iVoin lifly-liv.' cents to r-i\ty-ll\e c.'iit-. ji.'r ponn.l. IJeef, which in the early pari of tlu; sea-uii was lifiy eeiilr-. wa- n^duce.l to Iweiily cents in the laller part of th" season. In the early part of the y.'ar lS('i-_'. a lari:'.' emigration from Calil'.trnia. Canada an.l l-air.ip.'. altra.'l.d liv ih.' ri'-nlls .if the minin.L:' sea-oii of l^^iil, Hock. 'il to tiie mini's ; :ind it is eMimal.'.l lliat 1(),'MI0 per-ons .-larled for X'icloria. on. '-half, however, of whom, det.'rrcil hy tli.' .liHi.'ulli.'s .if ihe way. did not sii.'ce.'.l in rea.'hiiiL'' llic minima e...mtry. 'I'lii- imin.'ii-.' crow.l coniinji' al'l.T an imn-nally hard winter. diiriiiL:' whi.di tin.' IraiHporlati.m was mn.-h imp.'.lcd. alnio.-t c'iuised ii liimiiie at the miiies. and a lai'ti'e (pianlily of [»ro\ ision<. whicli in an onlinary y.'ar w. mid have reach.'. 1 their di'.-tination. was c.in-nmed on th.' r.ia.l liy ihe-.' uniiirtimate advenlnrers. This was a LH'iat draw- iiack on the laliors .if th.' experieiic.'.l inin.'r-, many of wlmm lost mn.'li \alnalil.' lim.' .Inrinii' ihe alr.'a.ly t.io limiU'.l season in tra\fliiiL'' afler pro\i-i.ins, which ranu'.'d in jiric.', nii to tli.' lieiiinninif of Aiiunst, from .III.' .lollar I.) .me .lollar lifty c.'iits per pound, an.l were often alnio-l nn.ilitainalil.'. Many liiindr.'d.s of claims wore thus jireveiite.l from li.mifi- worke.l .hiring tin; s.'asnn. hut ^L'.'neral c.inli.lcni'.' in the r.'s.iiirc.'~ of th.' country r.niaiiie.I nnimpaire.l. X.itwilh-landing all tlii's.' drawhacks. th.' connlry wa> .-till fnrtlier prospected, an.l many more 11. 'W creeks .-truck. Il has hen estimat.'d that o.ddo pers.ins w.'i'e in ihi' mining >ecti.m of the cmntry; many of wh.mi. ]i.i\ve\('r, owing lo ii.experi.'n.'.' and .ith.'r cans.'s, did not conirilmte any .[iiota lowanU ih.' \i.'i.l .if gol.l. which, at a m.i.l.'i'alc (;ompntation. amount. 'd to npwanls of s:).()ll().(i(iO. The yield .if g.dd on Antl.'r Creek last sea-. Ill \\a- not so gr.al as wa- anticipate.l: ami K.'ilhl. 'y's Cr.'.k. with th.' .■xci'iilion oi' she tniinel an.l hy.lraulic chdms at the m.mth of the cre.'k wa- work.'.l with in.litVerenI sue. 'ess. On William's Cr.ck the rich depo>its f.mnd in ISOl hi tlie lied of the cr.'ck w.'i'.' fonn.! to h.il.l .ml. and many new claims, botli in the creek ami hank- adjoining, were op. 'tied ami yiel.led rich returns. All presioiis di-coveri.'s wcr.' ecliji.-e.l hy the jinding, towards th.' cl.isc; of th.' seaMiii. of v.'i'v rich diggings in a la"ge liat li.'low the ean.m at a depth of from fifty to sixty feet from the surface. Ol.l eliann.'ls were struck, and the lea.l has hei'u traced a (piarler of a mile along the flat; from two hundre.l to thire Imn.lred ounces per day have' lieen taken it: i '2{)-2 T II !■; I! It I T I S II (' i> I, r M II I A N out of soiiU! of (lie rich clnlius above llii' ciifioii (liiriii;i llic l:i-l Iwo vcais. 1)111 it is aiitiripiiU'd thai ''Vcii this y'uhl .v"li he cNcccih'd (hiiiii;^ the cuiniiijr st'asoii, and lliat thi'.-c iliinrinirs will vie in ririnir— • with any yd ilisi'ovi'i'cd ill ('aiit(iriii;i or .\ii<lralia. 'I'lir lair ili^cnscric^ in \\\\- liam's Creek r(!seiiihle in charaeler the Uallaral diuiiin;^' In a lii'i'ale exieiil than any yd discovered on this eoa<t : and it is e\|ieeied that tliis creek will uive ein|iloyineiil to l.diK) or "(.IKID miiicrs diiriiiii' the C'ominu' sea-on. Hill dijrLrini.''s were >triick in llie early |iail o'' ihe season on Last Cliance. a irihiilary of Liuditnin^' Creek ; and \ an A\'inkle. Davis. .Vnder.-on and olhir tfnlclie- on the ,-aine creek paid \V(dl dnrinir the season. Liiililninif Creek, dnrinir ihe Lfreater porlion <if it- cdiir-e. runs tliroiiiih wide and deep llats. and iVoin its >ize and siidtleii i're-.liei< lo which il i- lialile, presents many olp>la(des to >peedy and ^ucce-l'iil Wdikiiii: ; in tlio~e part.- of its coiir.-e. howcNcr. where il runs ihronjrh canons, and owiiiii' to iis com])arali\(^ sliallowne-s from llii' snrlaee to tlio lied-rock, it proeiils fewer ohstacles. and the re-ull ha- lieen hijhiy succe--fiil and many rich claims ha\e heeii opened, lle-ide- ihe-e. many other creeks were woi'ked. and wiih L'reat siicce-.-. amoiiLi-t which may lie mentioned lUirns. Lowhie. .\el-on. Sntiar. and ^\'illo\\ Ci'eeks. ]Mosl tif tlioe ena'ks head in the raiiLi'c of liald Monnlain-. ami ihe-e are remarkalile for the vast mimlier of iinartz \ein-. which liny eonlain. which will iindonhiedly he foniid to eonlain anrifeioii- de|i(iHi- when tlie eonnlry is .-nllicieiilly de\(dope(l lo .allow the niininu eapiiaii-ls to niuha'take enlerpri>es lia\ ini:' oilier le.-iili- than the e\ii;-eiicies of the moment in view. The jifealest (lrawlia(.'k lo the treiieral proLn'es> of the connir\' and the indi\i(hial .-nccess of the miner hllherlo. has heen owinu' In the want ol' cheap and iinfaiiinij: commiinicalion hdweeii the -oin'ce- of sii])jily and the mines, lait diiriiiii' the last sea-on eiieri^eiie niea-nres liave been taken hy (lovernment lo iiianunrale a ilitfereiil -lale ot' affairs. I'pwardsoi' s.'JTiO.OdO have been expended in the con-lriiclion of wa,i:'nn roails. which, on their compldiim d -im;- the eii-nin.u x'a-on, will rellect credit holh on the (iovernnient and the hai<ly pioneer.- whose early hardship- .and sli'ii^rgles iia\(' naidi'icd -nch miiLinilicent iindi'r- Iakin;j:s a pos.-ihilily. Tlie-e roads start from two pnini-. \iz: Vale and Liilood. on the upper l'"raser. The road I'roni ^'ale to iis jiniction with the main trmik ro.ad from I.IIlood. has heeii eoi,-trnct<'d under the inimediale supervision oi' (.'apt. (Irani, of the Corp- of K'oyal Kimi- iieei's, and is pi'ohahly the fMie.-l public wink on the I'acilic Coast. \'ast sc'clions of the road lia\'(! been blasted alonu' the face of jneeipi- toiis rocks, w iiere ii\e years aiio the coiislinciioii of excn a mule trail was a matter of speculation. Thiiteen miles aiiove Yale the road will MBi AND VlCTnlilA D 1 II H (' T (> K Y •20:', ,,o<. tlu' riv.T, a>ul u .•ontraH fur ll.e ronMrurlinn of a ItmI^v a. tl.al ,,„1,„ ,„, l>....n tak.... a.ul will 1,. ..uuM-l.l.a -arly thi. sra-uu ; Iron. ;,„,„„. i, ,,.ns lo Lyllonat ll,.. .oulhM.n.... of ih. 'n,onM...n nn.l iTa^T viv.M- (pa-iu'.- alouo thr far., of the canmi m. faiuoiis n. iliu rarly .lays .,,• K,,.,.,.nvi.ra.lv..ntur..),an.l afl-r ,.assinj.- ..p th.. Th.nui.M..i an.l ,.„.,„,,,„„1.. riv.Ms ionn. a ju>anum will, ihc ...aiu ruu.l about lltly ..nks i'roia lall.»i).'t ,,,,,„ ,,„^„i ,.,„„. i;.lloo..t (wlii.^l. is Ih.. t.nnuu.s ot wl.al .s c-all. .1 lu. ,,riMm I.ik.'.a' l)oniila> n.ut.O will b.- H.MM.rk-.l wit!. 1 arse.nvll.', llarrir ,„ „.., „,, M.I.. of ih.. Kra...-, by a bri.l,.-. an.l rnns al.-nj. llu, !• . ...'.• ,,.„„V ,nil..sl.. Pavilion CVc.k; ih...... .... ih.. I'av.hon M.,nn,ain.an.laf,..ri..jun..u..n will. .h..r..a.l Iron. '^vH- Fo.... . „„,„„,, ( ,„-.,n^Vall. y an.l a ^......n.Uy 1..V..1 ............ lu NN .Ihau. .Lake. V, .i:;,,-!... lb.' ..1.1 a,..l ......t ,.Mnn-ally a^-.l l.-a.ls ,.a^s ... l.eavo ',^^,,^.. ,.:„,.. ,,^.,u. .r.^,...,..ll..;f.'..m.l...u.... >.,. lb.. u.u.bb,rk.. ,,,,.,,,,,,n..,rK..i.bl.y>(V....ki,,... lb.. ('a,-ib.,o ............ ...onM.- ,a b.nv..v..... ll.a, lb.. b..M r...l.. i. by F.,... Ab.xa,..b-.a. a,,.l lb.. wa,..n , .ill probablv 1.. .■on.U..u.,...l 1.^ iba, poin. .b.nu, .be e..,....., 1, .,.:un:..-wa>..o..~.n...U..lla.lyea..a.lM...,Alexa,..le...o,.ly ,;L..u,balp..inla.,.llben.o..lb..f(^.e.n..lleKiv..r;a,..n n:n.ne..lolb..nnn.,bofLi.blni...C'.-....k.a...l.,p.baU.n..^kUH^ .,,a „f .be (•a>-ib..o e.nn.nT. Tl... eo,...n...l>..u ..1 I be.e w. ik. wdb ^1 ..ul,,...n..lnee.l.e....,atlbeu.i......>faUk.,..U..tM,ppbe^ j,,..tln.V.a.....'Vlobe.l...n...,blyexplon..lan.lpn.s,e..l..^^ t: • wbieb will probably ...... the .nost su.gu.ne expee.aU.ns. ^ 1 204 T II K n R I T I S II (' \. U M 1! 1 A N THE PKAci: |{im:r minks. At llic |irc.-ciii nuiiiiciil. wlicn llicsc urw irold licMs jin* ;ittracliii,i; so iiiiicli jillciiiion ;uiiniit;' ilic miiiiiiLr |ii)|)iilatinii of the Pacific Coast, ii ,-liorl >lalcmciit of wliat lias iiccn (li^covci'cil tlicrc. ami of wlial is known rcspcctinLr tliat ])orti(tn of tiic connlrv, will douhtlcss [d-ovo intcr(.'>tinir to tlic |inl)lic. 'I'll!' Finlay lirancii of I'mcc Ixivcr I'orni- lln' norihcni lioumlai'y of IJi'ilisli f'olninliia. and is -ituatcd in aliont laliludc fifi_v->i\ dcjrri cs noitli. It (low- ca-t tlirouiili liic lJ(,cky Monntain-. and cniiitics its waters into [ho Mackcn/ic IJivcr riif llic (ircat Slave Lake. The route which has hitherto lireii trascled iiy the lew miners who liasc penelrati'il there from Carilioo. is I'roni the month ot' (^iionelle Kivcr n[) the Fra>ei' to I'"ort (ii'oru'e. a di-tance of one hundred miles; thence U|i Smart's Kiver hy water to Fort St. James, one hnndred and tifty miles; from Fort St. James a portauc of <'iuhty miles over a <j;ood Hudson liay ('om|iany"s pack trail, hrinu'^ the traveler to I''ort McFeod. on McLeod's Lake; on ilesc'.ndinu' Me Lends Ivivcr for twenty-live nnlcs, the Peace River is reached, one hundred nuhv- alio\'e its jmiction with th(^ Fiiday liran(di. which comes in from the north-west in the immediate vicinity of the pass in the Pocky Mountains ihron.Ldi which the rivei' llou- in a due ea-t I'ourse. This would i^ive a di-tancc of three hinidred and fifly-live miles Irom (^»ue>ii(dlc to Peace Piver. and four hundred and lifly-live miles to the I''inlay lirandi. on which the host dijiiriniis have heeu slnud-;. With the exception of the eighty miles [lorta.uc the entire roiUe is hy water; it is. howexcr. a-;>erted on good authoi'ity that a much nearer road can he taken, and McLeod's Liike. roat'hod from the I''ra-er without ^oinu' round hy I-'ort Stuart. In the year PSIll. Ivlward Carey and \V. Ciisl. two miners from the Qnesnelle Kiver. de~cendeil Peace Piver for two hundred miles, 'i'he^ descent was made in a canoe during': hiiih water, which is in the month of June. They returned as soon as tlu' water fell low enouixh to ena- hle them to prospect the hars, and pro-pected the entire journey hack, (iold was discovered in paying nuantities on all the hars, with the exce[)tion of those situated within the pass in the Pocky ^lountains. Owing to the want of iirovi.sioiis they had to return to McPeod's Lake, bringing with them the sum of S!,0()(t, This was obtained by working A N I) V r C T t) II I A I) I H i; (TO It V •20." It is for 11 (liiy or two on tlm.-c Iiiirs wliirli prcsciilcil tin' least iliU'iculiics to •ret ill wliilst on llicir way liack. 'I'hc liigln'.-l day's work iiiailc was ,si\ly-li\(' dollars lo llic liaiui. Messrs, Carey and Cn-I wintered that year at tlie inuiiili of the (^ne-neiiC. lail liel'ore llie winter .~e| in lliey took llie precaution to I'elnrn to iM el. cod's Lake and >loi'e at llie llnd-on l'>av l''orl a .-nllicii'nt qnanlity of pi'ov i>ion- to la-t live nii'ii tiir tlie en-nini^' -eason. In llie inoinli of .Inne, wliicli llicy consider nincli too late, lliey reached tin; Peace Kiver a.Liain. in conipiiny witli three oilier--, nai I I'cter Tov, Joseph Oates, and ICzra MNan-;. 'i'liey did lit'iy days \vasliin,!i, and s|ieiil the nv-t of the .-ea-on pro-pec n^-. retnrnini;' in the nionih of Octolx'i' with SI.l'iio each. They found >eare(dy a siiiLde liar which did not pay from ten to lifieeii didlais to the hand for a fair dav",- work. After woikin.i; lifly days on tlie main rixcr. Ihcv ascended the I'^inhiy hi-amdi i'ur u ili.-laiice of Iweiily miles from il^ jnnclion wiili ihe former stream, and found ^till better prospects than ever. They intend I'eliirn- in;:- to the Finlay this siirinjr. some of the eoinpaiiy liavinj;- relnrnetl to I-'orl .McLeod and >tored a (|iiantily of pro\ i-ions. Dnriiiir the lallcr ]iarl of the mm-oii of jS(J2 lisc more men made their appearance on I'eai'e lii\-er. l''onr wert^ in one company and did alumt twelve days' wa.~liinji'. taking out nearly Sl.dOO. The ri'mainiujr prospeclor arri\c(l jn-1 in time to n inrn in search of winter (piarlers. .mihI. eon-eipieiiily. did not make niiicli hy his expedition. The i;-old found is somewhat heavier than that on the Fraser. and is what i< knou n ;i< -caly surface j;old. The main I'eaee IJiver has a very similar appearance lo the upper l"'ra<er at Alexandria, with the exception thai the hanks are irenerally lower. 'I'lie piiu. 1 appeared to the jiro-pectors much lirmer and lietter lookiiiLT. 'i'here is some uood a'.'ricultural land alonu' tlu' river on both slopes of till' iJocky Mountains. I'lenty of' moose, cariboo and lieaver were >i'c\\ by ihe miners, m ho indbrtunately had no wea[)on~ with them. This is lip to the present time all that is known of wlial promises to become oni' oi' the best and mo>l exleu-ivc miiiinu' di-tricis in liritish Columbia. Only two miners were there in istW, and but ten in ISI'i^. Of the Irntli of their re|)ort> there can be but little doulit, a- the ,ij;old they broujflil down wa< seen by many citizens in X'ietoria. The mill- ing;' sea-on on I'eaee Uixcr will be lonui/r than in Cariboo, as, altliou<i;h some distance further north, yet llu' (devalion must be considerably less, ShouM the season of ISO;! j)ro-e by its results that Peace IJiv'r is indeed the rich country it is at ])i'(,>senl thoiii>lit to be, snridy iIk^ (!ov- ernmcnt will not allow its diseovci'ers, .Mes-rs. Cann'it CusI, who pen- etrated five hundred miles into a comparatively unknuwii country, to "o unrewarded. ! i I 20() T II K i; 1! I T I S 11 (' <) 1, V M I! r A V tin: Ti:inMToiiv or stickkn. Iv (•<ill~('{|l|rll('(' <it' tlic ili^CON (TN' i>\' L"^!)!!! nil llic Ip.'UV- (if il lil'';.'!' I'iscr (•iii|itviii;i ilscit' iiiln llii' I'iii'ilir < (craii. in l;ililuili' lil'ly-i'iiilit di'Lii'i'i'S iKii'lli. Hdwiiij^f (liioiiiili t!ic lirlt of land (lliirly milfs in Itrciidlli) wliicli till' Hii-'iiiiis own on tin- roi\<[, norlli oC lil'ly-t'oiir dcixrcc-. t'nri y niiiiiilr . llic llninc ( lovcrnnicnt di'tci'inlurd lo Intind a lU'w ( 'nliniy iinrtli ol' IJrilisli Culiiniliia. in l(c knoun a- llif 'I'lrrilnry ol' SticKcii. I'ln' Koniidai'irs of ilic 'l"iTrilnr\-. a^ driinid In' llii' ()r(lcf ot' llic l';i\y Coimcil, arc, the Fiiday lirancli of I'cacc Kivci- and llic lMiimd;iiy of 15rili,-li t'oliiinbiii on the sniilli ; llic -i\ly-lii-t |iaialicl of l:ililiidc mi tlic iinrlli ; llic Ivii-siaii |i(i--c,-si(>ns on the \vc-l ; and liic niic liiiiiilnd and twcniy-lifili meridian of Inntiitnde on tiic ea-t. llic <io\enior ot' l>rili-li Cohiniliia is cm|io\vcrcd to adnilni-ler jn-ticc and to m:il<e law- within the i'erritoi'y. 'l"hi' discoNcry of ui'ld <ui the SiieUen iJivcr \\a- lii-l made liy a [•'rciicli Canadian, iiamcil ('hoijncltc. in the Aiitiinni of ISdj. wIk) ascended tlu^ i'i\ei' with the Indians a di-laiu'c of one hinidrcd and ninety niilL's. 'I'lic rcpori-. ihal he circidalcd in X'icioria eaii-ed a I'li-h to that district in the tollowiiii/ s|iriii,L:' ; and dniiiiLr the sca^oll at least ei^lil hundred advcnliirer- lel'i 'aiieou\ cr I-laiid for the mines -, of ihe-(\ ninnliers were iiiUHcd to the hanUlii|is of a inininu' life, and did not [iroeecd any further than the inoiiih of the Siickeii. 'The iinmlier of men wUn reached the minima di-triel. whiidi (■oiiiiiien('<'s one hmidred and lifty miles u[) the I'ivcr, did not amonnl to more ilian li\c hnndrcd. Tho river has two or three; months, and its ^rc aie-t hreadtii .at the l)finciiial outlet is alionl half a mile. I'^or the lir-i one imndred miles the stream Iws many -lonuhs and heiwU. and in -ome |ilaee- the ualer rims with ureal ra|udity. It is navijjialilc for steamer- of li^dit draiiLiht, i'or four moiilhs in the yciir. for a di-tance of one limidred .and eiulily miles, and the " Flyim:' Dntchman," ('apt. Moore, mad(; sevcr.al trips to Shakesville, a miniiiu' town situated on the north hank (A' the ri\cr, one hundred and se\ciity miles from its moulli. Twenty miles .ahovc Sliakc'svillo, what is ternit'd tho (Ireat ('ai~ioii ('oimnenecs. and the ri\('r from that ))oint is no loiiircr navi.ifahlc for canoes. c\cc[tt at very h wjitcr, and is oven tlicii attended with 'ireat ri^k. )W The ditririnirs below the canon arc ot' the, same ciianicter ms those on -^: A .\ It V 1 (■ TO U I A II I It i;cTn It Y. 207 I'ccS licli lie .. Ill" til,. |.'r,.|-.T— (lie ^rolil liciliLT xfVy line iukI ilillicilll I,, s'lVr. 'I'llf l.|ir> (lid lint tiiriMHil ;i> jf | ii> wa- iit lii'-t !mlii'i|iiit<i|. (inlvdiir |iiiviiij.' (Vdiii Icii (liillfir-' In hvniiy ilullars |.rr <liiy to llic rdrkcr. ('ar|i(iiiri''s I>iif wa-; tlic Im«I Ideality .-truck, ami Iwo of tliivc claiiii- yi.Idcd alMnit iIhtc niiiK (■> a day to ihr inckrr. l''rniii tuniiy inil>'- hriuw Sliaki's- \illr ii|i lo till' iiiniiili uf till- Carioii ^n.lij i- luiind ..ii ||ir -mracc of all till' liaiN ill -mall i|iiaiititics, and llir color can he oliiaiiicd all over tlic valley and at an elevalioii of •_'.<•()(» fcrl aliove the ri\er. In tlie Capnii and in a -mall -Iream known a- ihe NDnli I^irk, eoar-e Lrold i- f.nmd on the lieil-roek ill |i|aer,, ailil liy -oliie eiini|iailie. |e|i Id f||||., i, dollars a day wa- niaili' to the liainl. l'i'o-|iecliiiL'' parlies win, jiaeknl niiind llie CaHoii, wliieh i, e-iiinaled to he fiinii einlily to one liimdred miles lonu'. ie|ioit a <j:i. n\ lonkiier mineial eoiinlry at llie head of it. The i'i\ei' ihei-e is dee|i wiili a -teailv eiii'reiii. and iIm' coiMitrv nndiilalinj,' and eo\'er«'d with hixiiiianl u'i'!i->. lOiioinjh and -iiiialile limlier can lie had I'nr lioal liiiildiii;:. ( ioM was found mi all llie liar-, and in maiiv |ila ill payiiiLr qiiaiililie-. Iml a- no |iro\i-ioii. cmild he had. no wmk wa> dour. ( 'arilioo. hear, heaver ami uroii-i' were numerous, '{'he i.'e(doi:ieal features uf the eoimiry mu-t remarkahle ahusc Sliake>\il|e and around the Canon are the wa-lied L;ra\cl hill-, whieh are (|iiiie de-litnie ot' tiinher and oi' i:real liiuhl, and al-o the iiia--es of lava and ha-allie rocks which are e\ery where met wiih. '{"hi- -ecliun of the eoiiiitry is xt-ry dry and arid diiriii;:' the -uiimier and hu-li lire- are ol' I'reijiieiil occurrence. 'I'iie ii|i|)er Siickeii Indians pay |i(ri,.'dical \i-it- to the North P'ork, where (hey are niel liy the Indians from the nionlli who trade i'lirs from them. A laru'e i(iiaiitity of valiialile furs are annually hmnoht in from a loii'_;' di-lance iu tiie iiilia'ior. and as the lo\\er Indians are rajadU' dyiii'a' oil', this trade will -horlly he carried on li\' whites and prose \erv protiialili'. 'The interior India.ns are a niiii'l and well di-po-ed j'ace, hilt ohject as \'et to Work or pack lor the whites. 'riere !- hut liltli' doiiht that the proLire-- (if the Siickiai coimlry w ill he -low for -oine time, as it is \-ery improhalile that aiiylhiii!.!- can he ileiie in the wav of road niakiim' diirinu' the en<iiiiiir -ea-on. ov until a rcNeiiiie he collected. Without pa--ah|e trails for pack animals the coiinlry does mil oM'er much inducement to the miner. It is stated that the (lo\( I'lior will send -onie siii'Neyors up this sea-on to report on the coiiiilry. which is represented as heiiij^ easily Ir.aversed. Tlia* there is a rich and extensive uold di.-trict -omewherc o'l ihe upper waters of the Stickeii is lifiicrally admitted, and ahoiit ci<:lity miners are wiiiter- iii;j: ill thai northern latitude for the purpose of makiiiir further explor- ations uext siiiiimer. It is worthy of remark that the Fiiilay hraiicli of I'eaco River, on which rich deposits of float g<ild iiave hecii found, must li I 208 TIIK I! I! I T I S II cul, rMI!l\\ It M! KCTd I! V. lictid ill llic -aiiir riinj;!' lA' niiniiiliiiii- m- tl.c Stickcii. Iml |inili;ililv liiillicr i<(iiilli. 'I'll!' Inii' rdiir-c ^>\' llir l:illrr ri\ cr I'rom llir iiiniuli np jiir ii dis- taiUM' tit' llini' liiiiiilrnl miles Un^ liccii Iniiiid (o in- iiliniit imrlli-cM-l. StickcM i- tli'lfiiil iVoiii N'icloriii iilimil ci^lil liiiiulrcil iiiiKs. Tin' l{ll-^iilll- 'llivi' -linwil every (lis|iiiili(ill lu elieoillnijre sellleiiielUs ill the iiKiiilli. and la-l >iniiiiiei' prdiiii-ed i'\cry a>-i-liiii('e in llieir pnwer to parlies sllivilijl liiel'e, I'lirlli.T I<>|' ii (lis- ■-. Tlic at llir SAN KiiANCiscd aI)Vi;uti.si;mknt.s. liO'J A. S. HALLIDIE &. CO., AM) ,!j hUrlli IMI'olil'I'.KS (IF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Wir.E: lAlFiCTURERS, soiT VM» ii\iM» ii{o\ wiiti:. faL> ni/j:n iK<r\ wuii, C'i)NS lAN I I.Y ON IIANI>. I WIRE SUSPENSTON BRIDGES. I \Vi' ;irr iPii iiiu'cil III I'onii'icl fur tlii' iTccliiiii of Wire Sii^|nli-^iiiii liiil'j- • nCiitiv I •i|i;iii mill ra|iMi itv, iiiiil wimid \\{\\- pMiMirs iiitiroiiMl to tlic miiiii'iom lJriil;.'is I rrcrt'il \>y ll> ill ( ";lliriirMi;l, of '^|iilUi Viir\illj: iVolll Jlllt 111 .'i.")lt f'l't. I Si'ViTiil yr:!!''' t'\|pi'rii lire in tin' ni|iiir!'iiii'iit'i ol' Sii;.)!; n-ioii Ui'iil;^c.s cuabli'-' Us to rri'fl SIP li Miiirliiri's rri iioiiiii il'y alul lliiiroil;^li!y. We iniiiiiifiuliiit' W'iiT l!i>|i ■ of iiiiy si/.o iiiiil l('ii,;tli. The siipcrioiily of Wire ' Uo|'i' ovri' iiiiv olIii'T kiiiii ol' |i'|n' lor lioi^liiii:', .'•laiiiliii;;, or j^i'iicral |iiii'|io r-i, i> I will iiiiilri-^liMiij, iKiviiiii' lii'rii iii 'Uci'i'S^fiil u-c ill (!i'i.'at liiit.iiii for folly ycar<. inON AND COPPER WIF:E SASH CORD, fo" hanrcint? S^shc:, COPPER WIRE ROPE. LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS, STRANDS rOR rENCING. (fee. .fee, A. S. HALLIDIE & CO., CALIFORNIA WmS WOIIKB. IT. ^r. OXJ.V^ EJ^, 412 CLAY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.. Maiiiifailii:\ -^ ;',i,il keeps eoiistaiillv on iiaiiil, WIRE GOODS OF iLL DESCRIPTIONS, >l 111 AS Wire C'lolli, Sums, llUUlU's. ('iio<,s, Rwt Tiai»,s. IViidi'is aud Vh'v (li III) ids, Sii'. &('. PRICES LOW-A LIBIRAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. IT) 210 SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS, <ll iSri .t^ ^.^^^% ^ ^^.X OREGON & SAN DIEGO =eS5^3i.; Jv;£. -.^^ ■■■. JV^S^^ t.-J STEAMSHIP LINE. For PORTLAND, 0„ and VICTOEIA, V. I. STE&HIUIS .A-OIZF-I AM) BROTHER JONATHAlSr. \ "\ For San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, San Pedro, and San Jiego, S E N^ A_ T O R . I SAMUEL J. HENSLEY, Proprielor, N. W. Corner Front and Jackson Streets, SAN FRANCISCO. -1L, EGO SAN FRx\NCISCO ADVERTL^EMENTS. 211 N. B JACOBS & CO., s y a .; %* f, I. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, From the Celebrated Anaheim Vineyards. Also, Proprietors of the Well Known N. San n 3 AM) IMPORTERS OF Slil'ERlOR OLD CORN AND BOURBON SAN FRANCISCO. s, HOWARD & BARNETT, SOLE AGENTS FOR VIOTOEIA AND BEITISH COLUMBIA, ri;3 YATi:S STREIOT, XT I O T O H. I .A-» "^- I- ■■.^ ' i i' '^.. mmma % I 212 SAN FRy*NCISCO ADVERTISKMENTS, Al SHEET IRON WORKS Corner Market and Bush Streets, Ol'I'OSlTK OIMKNIAL lH )'l'i;i-, e3 j^ >7 :iH^ 11 A. ^j^ c 1 SCO. o , MANUFACTURERS OF iiKiir AM) i-(iw ruKssriiK. OF CYLINDER, TUBULAR, OR FLUB AI^D SHKET-IRON WORK; >«»Ti:ill A.\ll ^VATIJl i»ii»ao. Of ;i Ih'lt' r (niiiliiy, and at ]irici'H more rcasiin^iMr, than ;\n_v oilur l'",-.ialilisliiiu'nl on till' I'ar'iiic (_'o;i~i. n.'inu^ I'lIACTICAL ROILF.H MAKKIiS, ..f Idn- cNjin imcc, (dniinin'c our whole linu' and allcniion cxchi'-ivcly to one lirancii ol' liu<inc<s, and n>inLr llic ln'st <]uality and lirands of Hoikr and Slicct Iron, and lioilcr Tuins, ciialilis us lo say i to all that aic in want of any work in the ahovi- linr to j^ivi' u~ a lall, and tin y shall find our work to Im' of tho licst i|nality — pri'fs rcasonahlc, and warranii'il iiccordin^'- to order. aT^OHlVKltS VUoyi TUK COTNTKY, liv .xpress ,,r otlirrui-c, with a reniittanrc or sati--t'actorv rcferciipc, will lie |ir(Jin|)tlv cxcci.teil, iuid sliipiu'd as ordered. I'artieular iillentioii paid to KKI'AIHiXt! OK SI'i;.\M HOILI'.KS. COFFEY & RISDON. SAN FRANCISCO NEWS LETTER AND Wht ^iuilii: ^iiniij) ^KouTiiBi I)i;VI>l F,l> TO The Leading Interests of California and the Pacific Coast. SAN FRANCISCO. PiiMislu'd every Sistiinfiiy Mornlnii', sit 7 o'clock, ,\. M. PRICE 12 1-2 CENTS PER COPY, OR $6 50 PER ANNUM. ^^ e^AN FIIANCISCO ADVEUTISK.MKNTS. 213 ' .. EASTMAN 8l KEI So'.jniiiisl (Oiiier Ciilil'oniisi jiiid ^loiitiiomcrvSts.. * « IIOWAin) •-'v. DAUM'yrT. Sol.> Ancnt.- f(M- Aictoiia. All or.lcis i]ilni l( il Id llicm will rri'civc ])r(iiii]ii nllciilion. Offico : next to Welb, Fargo & Co., Yates Street, Victoria, V. I. WVSl ITXCII. ('(Xi.NAc rrxciK C()i'ii:i': ITXC! I. ARUACK rrxcii. TJXi: M'l'I.K I'lXl 11, TKA ITXCll, vSTKAWr.KlJRY IMXCII, COCOA rrxcii, LADIES TEAKS' Pl.XCII, WHISKY IMXCll. Kii{scn\\Assi:it iTXCii. AXTi-Dvsi'Krric rrxcii. ANTI-DIVOHCK JH MCII, Al'PETlZKK, NECTAl}. MOIJXIXC COAIFOIIT. First l*n']iiiiiiii uf Sucnnsinito Stiife liiir, l.S<i*. First IM'niiiiiiii at Sail Francisio I8av l>istri(t Fair. MANUPACTORY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALESROOMS, :%o. M L8:ii>i^!«iDoiiir NTiii:irB\ Bctwicn Sai'i.MiU'iild and Calilnniia, ami IMuiilLiom i'_ and San>omi.', SOLE A(;EXrS AND HirOKTEKS FOR VIOTOEIA., V. L, AND BEITISH COLUMBIA, HOWARD & BARNETT, "XT' I o ■T" o 3n. I -<r^ , •\7". I. %■'■ &: *^ f n, 214 SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. IIOBERT MA Visits, \J/ 330 MONTGOMERY STREET, s .V rsr \p 14 ^v iv c.^ i >«^ c ^> , IMl'()UTi:U AND DKALKIl IN Illiiai. Elif lUlliTi ? OF KVKitV DIvSCUirTKiX. K? A X^T^^r [€?»41tj^\<^ ri tMm ^m^ TOYS, &c. SOLK AOKNTS FOI! VICTOlUA AND r.l!lTISII COM .MI5IA, HOWART) & BARNETT, 23 YATES STREET, VICTORIA, V. I. PECQUEUX & WATERLOTT, MANUFAC;TI UKKS AND IMPOUTllIiS OF 1 I J) OF EVE1{Y DKSCKIl'TIOX. FKATIIEaS DYED, GUELED, 1^'D GL.EAKKD, ON THE 8I1011TFST NOTUF. fSOLi^ A<;iCTsr» iroiJ >ioix>isrA, HOWARD & BARNETT, fi8 YATES STU1:ET, VICTOHIA, V. I, lEET, '9 lA, L V. I. T, ^ ^ 3 II), I. SAN FRANCISCO ADVKIITISEMKNTS. E ST.A. B L I SH E D 1850. 215 I IKST sihri:t, .m:ai{ (jas avohivS. Iron Founders &; Steam Engine Builders. OCT" Tlic Miicliinc i>\ui\) iios^i'sscs tlio grciiti'st imiiilier and tliu lar<;cst diiiu'iisioiis of 'I'dols ill the StiUo. Tlicy luive Latli(,'s to liirii 'J fcut ili diaiiK'tor ami .'iO I'cct liiiiLT. 'I'luir ntlicr facilities fur excciitiiif; wcirk ra]]i(lly and tlliiifntly art' iiiHiiv- ]iii--('ii. I'puaicN i]f .'idii Sti; AM I'.NdiNKS, madi; at llicir own U'oiks, are now run- niiiL; in tliis Stme and ()re'_;on, in Sleanibnats, (^iiart;; Mills, Saw and I'louriiij Mill>. Tliiir ISOILKK SI!<N». cornel- Mission antl I mnont S(s„ HAS i;vi;nv i-acimtv roii riii; i..\i:( i; iion of ^t2 OO: ZSd ISLi -C-L-^ -^ IS 112. CE) 'i^/ \S\$^C£:>:i-£oLli:^ In llie ^i'eatr-;t ]ii'rf Tlion and at slioi't notiie. MORE THAN SEVEN HUNDRED STEAM BOILERS, Of every si/,<' and variety, liave hrcn I'liiilt liy tlnni, widely otaMisliii};^- tliiir re|iniaiion as ("oni|irtc'nt and Can fid ManniiU'tiu'ei's. Tiny wonld call especial attention to tlieii- NEW STYLE OF SPIRAL STEAM BOILERS As iiosses>in^ advanla.ncs, in many ini|i(iri;int re.-pccts, siiperiui- to the old .style of parallel seams. miRY-JMmMILLJlJLiRiUS IIVDUAILIC AND <)iiii;u j'iii;ssL:s, Hoisting Machines, Gearing, PiiUics, Gudgeons, Boxes, Hangers, etc., in great variety. Wan-anied to lie nnnle of the wry hardest and lon^he.^t Iron. Railroad Machinery, Locomotives, Cars, Chilled Wheels and Tires, etc. Zit ' A l'nl)li-li( (1 Li -I (if llic I'attcri!- nf llii-.c Work^ will be ,-i'iit on iipiilication. Manufacturers of JONVAL'S TURBINE WATEE WHEELS 'Ilir CIllvM'KSl", .MOST I'OlM'AHLi; and Kf FIlC IP,!': .M ACIII M) ev.r inv<ni(d fill' ihc ii|i|ili('alii'n I'f W'aliT aN a niutivc po .\ 'i-. 'I'ni.^i: W'iiki i.s Am: -M\ni; kniikiiv oi I kov, siin|ilc and nut liaMt l<i i,'i'l onl of order. VULCAN IRON WORKS COMPANY: P. TORQUET, Mnnogrr. SAW,, AITKEN, C. R. tsTEJGER, RICHARD (VEnS. : v/ A l)iri,i)M.\ WHS awarded to llii^ Cuaiiiauv lurthe r,r>r r.'vI.iroliXIA-M AHK SrKAM KNC.IM:, liy tlie .MfX'll AMCS' KN.'STH ITK, .Seplendjer, l«.'i7. 210 SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. Ti m FIMIO k PIIPE ill CO. IXC<>RPOKATi:n. o>vi»i.''rAi^, j^.'^<>o.,<N)<>. This Company owns tlio i*^aii Francisco Sii_;^ar Roruiory and tlio Pacific tSu;j;ai' Hennery, in tlic City ol' ^'au Francisco, wiiicli, com- bined, fnrni the Lai'iUTSJ 'Sh,i.!;jU' Ii<'liuin,i»' Ilsljiblishmcnl in the I iiitrd Sltilrs, and possess a capacity C4U1I to tlie Refining of Twelve Tli:i:i,sand 'i'ons annually. Tiieir [jroditets arc — Double Eoflii d Loaf, iu Loave.i and cut, for tablo use. (A) otaudard Crushed Luij:.p Sugar. ( A i$) Second Quality Ciushcd Lump Euj^ar. (15) Common Crushed Lump Su?:ar. Powdered -Sugar, Best and Common. Granulated While Sugar, for Colice. Yellow Reiinod Coilbo Sagar, marked d'). (This vSii;^'ir i-<, lor Corie;', p!-'..ferre>l to Wliiu.' Siiirar.) Yellow Rcllnod CoiToe Eu^jr, Se.^ond Q,aality, marked ( i >). Syrup, Golden. Syrap, Sugar House. iSugars and Syrups, For ex[i<irl i> tin- Uritirih l\.isses.-i.)ns, a!-<, tlod to a ri'lurn lit" duty IVoiu tlie Ani.'U'icin (jovernuKiit, ;i ■ i.i On Wliitc Smears, three cent ■ ])er jiound. On Yellow Sii;j;ars, two ;;i;d a h'lli' cents per [,ound. On Syruiis, six cents ^ jv ,L'a!loii. Su,:i;ars ordered of this Cnui|)any nviy be paid i'nv bv t\i\ I'le Ranks of |]ritish Nortli Anioiiea or ]]ritirli Culunibla o; (bja, four months' sight, at forty-eight pence per dollar as c-t; GEO. GORDON, MA.\A(ii:U SAN l'i;A\ri:-(() and I'A( IFIC M'(iAU cnti- llows: afts of 1 r^ou- ih. l"11P"^P»!l»!?W^H»^W>^"T'7"!^!~B"»n!»^H BARRETT & SHERWOOD, [BOBETJT SUEBWOOD, Successor,! Manufacturers and Importers of HI ilWlll^'^' ■ AND • r» -^ ^^ m OF FIKST QUALITY, AT l.OxNDON PlIICES. WsitL©Ilii IE©]pmM'^B ©mirolFmEj ©s(B©uiiti;c- 517 MONTGOMERY STREET, One clooi' North, ol Coininererial. jJ£^-<'Jt»ls*-«'^ - ■^'>~' -■■." 536 Clay Street, vV^p^^^M i San Francisco, •^^/ff//n. PEOPEIETOBS ^OOK BINDERS, PAPER RtJI-E^® IX?" I'crsons residing in Vicldrin or IJritisli Ci)linnl)i:i, (\ui luuo their ORDERS FILLED AT SHORT NOTICE AND AT VERY CHEAP RATES, By sending tlieir orders thron<,Hi Wells, Far^o & Co.'s Express. IT'S-'' 2 ROBINSONS BLOCK, CORNER FORT AND GOVERNMENT STREETS. TlbT • r «« C o gH ^ en Iz; ,- >-i y§ pi o cc i (X ^ >>^ <^ h W w © ^ Sh O j«^:E=»o'3?x^]Ei3'0^iL:E^.i::E3i«s'' saz^is^XjiX-., v«& -fanjt* FUAi-via LANGLEY BSOTHEES, « .. 1 M I '' > I ; I 1 \ ( . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AUK CoN'llM A1.,I.V liKClilN INC ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND GERMAH CHEMICALS^ i)ii:i:ri' FK'o.M 'iiii; m \\i i-A(:i'n!i' ijs, am> si;m, H. H V 'ft: Barer""- ^w>'.'r!cr.' \ KJ^rOlJlA 'WWfJTWT'Mi riiTBDETBSIcrTT^WS i EO/imm 38E'0^; 7J1^^ I \I(T()KI A. V. I. JAS. WILCOX. Proprietor. 'i'!n' :iliii\i' Hotel, coiulncted on till' iiiu>i iiii|iroM'(l |irinci|ilc,s, i- •i;il;itril on WHARF STREET, iiid (if ciHY MCCOYS to 'icw iirriviilr, M iiiu- ill till.' iiiiiiii'li-iti' iiciLdilior- !inoil (if all ilic wl..u \r-. Till' t'i"|iri"tor !;i'^s to iiitnii;- llii' iPiililir ihiii lie \\.'< >tip(.'rior m • loiiiiiiodauon for ^iiiiilo ami m;ir- j I'icd pcrsoas, or runilk'S, >vi|li r;r v.itlioll! '>oa'.' 'I'll!' Il.ir i- .iir;i:-liiil witli Wines, Spiiitp, Malt Liquors, AM) , U'.AKS. .'ill of ilic licst (iiia!;iy, \. B. — 'I'lic Itiiiiiliiii^ i-. Fire- j'l.'of . •. 'm "4 ■■ -^ ^ M 1 td \ I M W i ^a \ CD " CD ^ M a> ^ • A i> ft- ' 5-j;i ■ 3.6 ' o r»> \ O H ; ^ M CO ■'■■ 1^ p ImiMitors of riioKsli iiiP! e'onisiii J».M V <.OOI>S. Ill SSril. I\STU8 Mi:\TS, iic 2 ROBINSONS BLOCK, CORNER FJRT AND GOVERNMENT STREETS.