'« r T CIHM Microfiche Series .■ > % V ^ I',- ■.>:'^ /.t^ %<: iCMH CoUection de microfiches (monograpliies) 7. Canadlin litMhuM for MiMWIeai MIenirapradit » ■ ■ . - . ' • ., ,' . " .-^ ' - ■■•■■■. / Institut canadlM d« microraproductlons hittoriquM ■ ■ ■■■■■■. ■ . - 1 "<• ■ ■ V •"■.■ ■■'"^ " . [ ■..,;/ «A, i ■ .' : •[ »■ ': '■■-'■ ■'■''■■ ' ."-■*■- . ■ . . r / 1 "*.'■■ » ■ ■ \ ■ ■ ^ i <■-■-■ X IquM ;■>: ■„■■,. .-■•■- -v .; .\ ■ ,- ■. • '^ - ■ •" ■ ' ■• ■ ■, ■' ■ . - ' .--^■■. ■ ■ ,■ .:--:■:* ''•'■■ ' "^^ff™" ^n;^™' ■ . ■ . ■,, ■,'..■• '■ ^: ■'•■■' ^ ■ . ■ - - • '''^■■■_ ^ ' 'WK/KFf' • nBBH^w^ .. .-. :'^--'- . ■ ::■ . . 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Original copiaa In printad papar cdvars ara fjbni^i baginning with tha front covar and anding dn' tha last paga with a printad or llluatratad impraa- •ion, or tha back covar whan approprlata. AH othar original copiaa ara filmad baginning on tha first paga with a printad or illustratad Impras- •ion, and anding on tha last paga %ifith a printad^ or illustratad imprassion. Tha last racordad frama on aach microficha^ shall contain tha symbol —<►( moaning "COPl- TINUEb"), or tha symbol V (maaning "ENQ"). whichavar applias: ' J L'axamplaira fHm* fut raprodult grioa 4 la O^A^oaMda; .' :•■■ ■■ . ■ • ■' -"l : Thornai FidMr Rari Book Library, , Uinivanity of Toronto Library ^ . ■ Laa Imagaa suhrantas ont 4t« raproduitas avac la plus grand sdn. compta tanu da la condition at da la nattat* da l'axamplaira film*, at an conf ormKA avac las conditions du contrat da fllmiiga. - ■ , 'Us axamplatraa orlginaux dont la couyartura an papiar aat imprlmte sont fllmte an comman^nt par.la pramiar plat at an tarmlnant salt par la darnlAra paga qui comporta una ampfaintq d'impraasion ou dHlustratlon, i^t par la sacond plat, salon la cas. Tous laa autraa'axamplair«i orlginaux sont filmAs an commandant par la pramiAra paga qui comporta un^ ampralnta d'imprassion ou dlllustratlon at an tarmlnant par la darnlAra paga qui comporta una talla amprainta. Un das symbolas suhrants apparatfra sur la darniAra imaga da chaquanilcroficha, salon la cas< la symbola -^> signlfia "A SUIVRE"^ la aymbola ▼ signlfia "FlfT'. / Maps, platas, charts, ate. may ba filmad at diffarant raduOtioh ratios. Thosa too larga to ba antiraly includad.ht Ona axposura ara filmad baginning In tha uppar laft hand comar. laft to right and top to bottom, aa many framas as raquirad. Tha following diagrams illustrata tha mathod: Las cartaa, planchas.taMaaux. ate. pauvant ttra filmte A das taux da rMuotton diffArants. Lorsqua la documant aat trop grand pour Mra laprodult an un saul clichA. 11 ast film* A oartir da I'angia aupMaur gaucha. da gaucha A droita. |« at da haut an baa. an pranant la nombra d'Imagas nAcassaira. Laa diagrammaa sulvants illustrant la mithoda. 1 1 <1 2 « 3 ^ M. 1 - 2 o^' 3 * ■» 1 2. 3 » . . 4 5 6 * 1 — 1 « HHMiihiiii nJR OMIT (AHM and 80 TEST CHART No. 2) *.:ciJ m-'i'. trfM mN r-^?c r^'"* C-l^') ■ s, •i- -",' •' i'o ■♦'■ '-.»' »"<•!;■ .»M %»li -jy.: -Vrs.*^ ^"i •/ ..y Ia.' ■•' - - ? Jt j^y<* \K'<--.rf. i .-''k' f t:/^*. i;^,ii|ii^dj^^« T?;r!?' ^filp< 1* /«< I m^iz^im. f.'ii.iAiiiMi^ i«j4B;«xii»<*W' ''■■\l At-* 1 '■i",'*, ^ w ■ ■ ■"^^T-^;^, '-■'■■ ' ^ tv;-; A. .A ■• CATALpGUE BOOKS ON CANADA AND OF BOOKS PUBLISHED IN CANADA. Scottish F0lk-lA)r«. ^e* ~~1. ANDBRSON. REV. DUNCAN. 2. ANDBRSON, W. J. \AU of the Duke of Kent, 1870; and Churches • of Christ Jndom. A. J. Bray. 1877. 2 bookri. 8. ADAMS, J. Latin Ldssons; Montreal, 1825; Lennle's Orammar; 1831; and Murray's Grammar: Montreal, 1834. 8 books. s/^4. ALBXANDBRt SIR J. E. Salmon Pishing in Canada. 1860. v^S. ANIMALS of North America, Mammal 1^ and LilUe's Canada. 2 books. . Vt>l. The Canadian Tourist. Cloth. 1860. DAVESNB, B 2 books. ANNALS OF Map. Quebec. ASSOCIATION. Deux Frances; et Pelerinages. L. Veuillot. Soc. for Prom,jD. JK. JPOLONIAL CHURCH: oth. 8. ASSOCIATION, ftst. Convention of the Dominion Bdi Asso., held Montreal. 5-8. 1802. Clbth. . - _ 9. AORICULTUllB,^ Transactions of the U.C. Board of. 1856. Vol. 1. Cloth. 10. AUTHOR OF SAUL. Count Fillippo: A Drama In 6 acts. Mont- real, B. Dawson ft Son, I860.' Cloth. V^ik^ANDBRSON, DR. W. J. (Edin.) Life of the Duke of Kent. Ot- '- tawa. Hunter. Rose & Co., 1870. Full cloth. Perfect, % 12. AGRICULTURE, Journal of Transactions of the Board of, of -^ Upper Canada. 1868. Cloth. 18. ARROWSMITH, J. Map (in case) of Eftstern Townships of AN ACCOUNT of the Proceedin«8 of the Inhabitants of the Province of Quebec in order to obtain an House of Assembly )n that Province; also known as the Mageres's Quebec Papers. London, 1775. Full board. ARCADIA, 1892, a semi-monthly Journal devoted to music, art and literature. Half board calf. ATLAS of the City and Island of Montreal. ii 17. ANTOBIOGRAPHY of Wesleyan M. Missionary. (Pub. B. Pickup.) Cloth. 1856. ANDERSON, D. Canada, or the British American Colonies, etc. Colore* man. Full sheep. 1814. ' . AUTHOR OP OINX'S BABY Lord Bantam: A Satire. 1872, BOLTON. MAJOR. North-West Rebellion; and Sketches of th« Depression. W. W. Johnson. 2 books. V^H 16. 16. 19. V20. / • % t^r'sssK^ y t^ y26. V 26. . 27. V28. ^V 21 BROWN, WM. ll.abour Quwitlon. etc.; Montreal, 1878; Mitf HUtorlcal Uo«.n*d Oov.-««nt'rulB »odyKU»r«l. 2 bookii. ■ u 2a/\BIS00. ALEXANDER. iHitory of the North We«t. BeauM. ^ \fnlly bound In half leather, new. Toronto. 1894. 3 voU. w-23 UIBAUI), M. Hlitolre »'" <^''"»*''*' l^^*^'^"^- **'*• . .. 24 BtlCHANAS on Induatrlal I'oIUIcb of America. H. J. Morgan. BOlJCHERVlhLK. Ulotlonnaire du Langage dea Nombrea. (OeBgo* de DamlH.) Quebec. 1889. IIARTHB, J. O. I^ Canada Reconqula par I-* France. 18BB. i aoiIRNANl). ChrlBtophe Colomb; et Le» Qraoda Eaqultaaui. E. I'elltot, 2 book» ^ .^ .„„» ,^_ BAITHB. U. Wilfrid Laurler, 1871-1890. Quebec, 18»0. Prin- clpaux Dlacoura. ,„-« »v V'29. BKNGODOH. J. W. Grip Cartoona. Vola, I; and IL. 1878-74. Toronto, 1876. Cloth. ^ . , .. „, ^_ 80. BROWN. O. 8. Yarmouth, N.S.: A aequel to CamplHIlla HU- tory. Boston. Rand, Avery Co. Cloth. j ■ ai. BARNABY, W. H. The New Far We»t and the Old HVr Weat. With map* and itluatratlona. London. Edward SUfitord, 1889. V 82. BORTHWICK. REV. J. D. The Ha'P o* Canaan. / Montreal, Richard Worthlniton, 1866. Cloth Kilt. \ 33. BE^KET, HUOH W. History of the Montreal Sncuwahoe Club from 1840 to 1882. - — 84. BOUCHEiTTB, JOSEPH A Topographical Description of the Province of Lower Canada, with remarks upon Upper Canada, etc. Plates ahd maps. Londo 40. BISHOP OF RUPERT'S LAND. Notes of the Fl6od at the Red ' River. 1852. Colored plate at front. 41. BRECKENRIDOB, JAMES. Book of Poems: Toronto, A. Dredse. 1860. Cloth. f^42. BENDER. P.. M.D. Literary Sheaves, or La Lltterature a« Canada Francals. Dawson BVos., 1881. Cloth.- 48. BELCHER'S Map of Nova Scotia. 1834. 44. BRYMNER. D. Report ,pn Canadian Ar<:hlve8, 1884. Ottawa. 1885, Half boitrd. V^5. BORTjHiviGK, HBV. Ji'p/ 'Bib^tr,0al. Its Htetory, with Biogra- phical Sketches, etc. Mon^j^airw. Brysdaie ft Co., 1876. Bds. 46. BUTTBRFIEliD. C. W. rflstory of the Discovery of the North- Wedt by John Nlcplet In 1634, with a idketch of bU life. Cln- clnnail. R. Clarke ft Co.. isyi. V*"?. BACKWOODS OP CANADA, being letters from the wife of an Emigrant Officer. London, Chas. Kiitgbt, 1846. Paper. . 8 K . IF 48. DOUHOKOI8. MAKOUKIIITK. I^ Vie «. Aldltlpna by Sir Jaa. K. Alexand«r. 2 vols. M»p. Cloth. IMl. '51 BORTHWICK. Hletory of Iho Montreal I'rlnon. Cloth. 188«. «' 52. BROCK, SIR ISAAC. Memolra of. J836. '58. BARTHE, J. O. Le Canada reconqula padr la France. Paper. , V 64. BIBAUD. M. HIetoIre du Canada. Paper. 187$. - 66. BOUCHKtTK, JOSEPH. Deecrlpllon Topographlque de la ProT- Ince du B48 Canada. Half board calf. 1816. VM. BONNYCASTLB. Canada In 1841. 5 voU. PIfttei. Halt board. 1842. V67' BBNOOUOH. J. W. Caricature riUtory of Canadian Politic*. Vol 2 J- 58. BOUCHETTB. British Domlnlona In North America. 2 voU. complete. London. 1832. S<;arce. x 69. BUCHANAN on Industrial Politico of America. H. J. Morgan. V 60. BBLL. Tranalatlon of Garneau's Canada. 8 vole, complete. Montreal, 1860. Half calf. . ^ « . 61. BORTHWICK. Battles of the World; and Borthwlck CaaUe. 2 books. ' 62. BBLL, ANDREW. Garneau's History of CAnada; translated. . 18C2. 2 vola. \ . ^ « . 68. BUTLER, CAPT. Great Loan Land; and Wild Northland. Capt .^ Butler. 2 books. . ', w^. BENJAMIN, L. N. History of the St. Alban's Raid., Montreal, 1665. - 18. BOUCHETTB. Topogfaphlcal DescrliHtlon of Canada, 1816. Complete and perfect. ' "V'ee. BROCK. SIR'ISAAC. Life and Correspondence of. edited by his nephow. F. Brock Tupper. London. 1847. 67. BARRAS.S. REV. B. A Gallery of Distinguished Men. Henry & Brother, Ni-panee. Ont., 1870. , 68. BOWLES. SAMUEL. Acroes the Continent. A Summer s _ Journey to the Rocky Mountains, the Mormons and the Paclflc States with Speaker Colfax. Springfield, Mass., Samuel Bowlea ft Co., 1868. V'.69. BENDER, P. Old and New Canada. 1763-1844. Historic Scenes and Socltl Pictures; or the Life of Joseph Francois PerraUlt. Montreal. Dawson Bros., 1882. . 70. BORRSTT, GBX). TULHILL. M.A. Letters from Canada and the United States. London, J. E. Adlord. 1865. V^l. BIBAUD, M. Hlstolre du Canada et des Canacilennes aous la domination Anglalse. Montreal. 1878. 72. BOND, J, W. Minnesota and Its Resources. .N»w York, Red- field. 1*53. With maps. ^ W 78. BONNYCASTLB. SIR RICHARD H. The Canadas In 1841. S vols. London, Heilfry Colbum, 1841. V 7*- COFFIN. W. F. 1812: The War and Its Moral, a Canadian Chronicle. Montreal. 1864. ^ 75. CAMPBELL, DR. History of the St. Gabriel Street Church, MOQireal. .* itJ ^ «^?|w • <1I|. CX)RniDN. NotM of ft JouriMy td iDilftiid: and Uf« of O'MftllDy. 2 iMMlkM. P t«. CHAUVBAir. M. IMKIIUK VrMmc OMitam* 1M7. 77. CANADIAN I^BAVBU, aiid eight other booki and pftmphleta.-' IS. COMPAQNON du Chr«tt«n ct Us licrvtlilM d« la Cvramlqu* ■■■- Jaaoamart 2 books. V^fii CIIAVBAU. InatructloB Fubllqua au Canada; at llemorlal d« X; I'Kducatlott. J. D. Mellleur. 2 books. .m, CAIJiUT. RKV. PiCKB. DIctlonnaira HIstorlque, Crltlqua. ato., da la iilbl». « vols. II. CANADIAN l^resbytsrlan Mafaaln4. lUftl, 1»68. Toronto. Hall board. -4 U. UBUT. CARULB AND UBUT.-COU MARTINDALB. Recol. laotlona of Canada, a scries of skatches, with lettarprcas. Wall done and In Kood order. I^ondon, 1873. Cloth. "^M. CANADIAN HPKCTAn'OR. Vol. 2. 187f. Half board, M.P. sides. Very InterestlnK. "/ 16. CADASTRAL Flann. CUy.of Montreal. CANADIAN MOI^THLY and National Review. Acadia, or a Month with the Blue Nosai. 89. y^.'IK). Toronto, Adam dtevenson A Co., 1874. Half cloth sheep. M. CAMPBBIX, RKV. RQBT. History of St. Oabrtel Street Chwroh, Montreal. W. Drysdale ft Co., 1887. Cloth. 87. CROIL. JAMK8. The Missionary Problem, or a History of Protestant Mlsstdns, 1883. Montreal, W. Drysdale 4k Co. 88. COZZBNS; FRB*. 8. ' Plates. Cloih) CAMPBBLL, DUNCAN. Nova ScotU, HistQrl«»l. Mercantlla. and Industrial. John I.«vell, 1873. Cloth. A CANADIAN. A few months In the East. Colored platai. John I.«vell, 1861. Cloth. 92. CAMPBBLL. H. F.. M.D. Memoir of Rev. Robert Irvine, D.D., M.D. Augusta, Oa., Joseph Loveday,'1882. 98. CITY CHARTBR and other Acta. 1866. Full bd. morocco gilt, 94. CANALS. Report of the Chief Engineer of. 1880, Half red morocco. 96. CONFBbERATION OF. THE BRITISH N.A. PROVINCES. Pftf- Ilamentary Debates on. 1866. Cloth. 96. GARRY. REV. JOHN, B.D. Sermons Doctrinal, etc.. etc. Que- bec. John Loveill. 1860. 97. CHAPPBLL. LIEUT. E. Narrative of a Voyage to Hudson's Bay. liOndon. J. Mawman. 1817. Maps. Boards. ^ 97|. CArRMlCHAEL-SMYTH, SIR JAS. Precig of the Wars In Canada from 1766 to 1814. London. Tlnsley Bros., 1862. f 98. COONEY. New Brunswick, 1832 to 1887. Wants title and part of pages 226-6 atad 19S-4, otiherwlse In good order. ^ Very readable. ' ' 99. CANADIAN ECONOMICS. papeiW read before the British Asso- ciation of Science. Maps and charts. Montreal. Dawson Bros., 1886. Cloth. ^ 100. CANADA BILL IN 1774. Debates on the. Reported by Sir He^ Cavendish. Bart. With map. London, Rldgway, 1839. ^ 101. CATLIN. GEO. Letters and Notes on the Nortft American In- dians. 2 vols. Profusely tUustrftted with bigh-clug Hoe eo- ^i^ grkriuga. .Cloth..-—-: -^—:--^:.- ^:' ^-— - ' - - ■ ^^ -■- .»•---- • a' ' v_ \' ^ ( ■.-.— ^ ■W-. 114. IM. CANADA YBAR BOOK. U7« 7». lltf'76. 1M7-71. t vol*. H*il lot. CANADA YBAR BOOK. W71-4. 1171-4, 1I71-4, IWM.* 4 ♦oto. IM. CANADA PROTR8TANT IIBRALD. 114*. JnM 1, •4t, to April, •47. Half c«lf ■hMp. MP. aldM. ,' ^06. COIfNTY MAI'H of tho l»TOvlnofl «)f Qu«b<»c. I0«. CANADIAN HPMirrATOR. tH78i Kull oloth. , • " 107. CHAMHKRB. W. ft R.- (niamlMinii ICillnburgh Jmirnal for IMI. ContalDB wtynnA arllrleii on (Canada. Half \nmu\. lOS. CANADIAN iUOURAPiy||(ih DIKKCTORY. Quwlwo and Marl- tlm« Pro?lnc«a. Full noTmorocco. cllt «dgM, Iwilfd «quar and naval operatlona In the Canadaa during the late war wHli • the United Statea of America. Quebec. 1818. Boarda. 117; CHURCIIILL. CHAS. Mlaalonary Life In Nova Scotia. I^n- \ don. Jno. Ma«on, 1846. Cloth. V/118. COFFIN, WILLIAM I. The War of 1812 and Its Moral: A CaiUk- dlan Chronicle. Cloth. 1864. vll». CANADA under the Barl of Duflferln. Portrait. Cloth. 1878. 120. COLONIAL SERVICE, Rulea and Regulation for Her Majeaty'a. Half calf. 1837. 1^121. CANADIANS OP OLD, The: A Narration. Paper. 1864. 122. CROIL. JA8. Dundaa; or. a Sketch of Canadtaii Hiatory. 123^COLA,IN8. Life and Tlmej^f Sir John A. Macdonald. 124. CHRISTIE. Hiatory of Lower Canada. 6 vols.. Incomplete. 126, CANADIAN NATURALIST AND OBlOLOOlST. 8 vola., Feb.. 1866, to Dec. 1868. 126. Ditto, Second aerlea. 2 vols. -^ 127. CUGNET, F. J. TraM de la Lol dea Fiefs et Tralt« dM Aacl«B» Loix de ProprlAtd en Canada. AUjourd'hul Province de Quebec. GuUlaume Brown. Quebec, 1776. ~>128. CUGNET, F. J. Extratlts des Reglstres du Consell Superleur __- . et des Regltrea d'Intdndance. O. Brown, Quebec, 177B»-^_j : _ n-- ■■ ■ ' ■:.'■. ■•.■.'-' ' ' % ■ » ■ ^ ' t , t - . • *■ ' ■" ■ . ' *■»'-* ,« ' ' i- ' ■' ■.i-"3 IBmBSr A •» -'^^fl ■ • ^^M • * ' ,6 « 129. 180. 181. V-182. 184. 186. 136. 138. 139. 1)0. •141. 142. 143. 144. 146. 146. 147. 148. 149. l60. 161. _ 152, V1631 164. 165. >»<156. CAMPBtSLL. MRS. A. Rough and Smooth. Quebec, 1865. Harp of Canaan. 1866. 2 books. CANADIAN Monthly and National Review. Toronto, 1872. VQlfl./! and 2. 2 volB. CANADA at the Paris Exhibition, 1865i; and Atlantic to the Pacmc. Capt. Mac. 2 books. CAMPBBLiL. REV. ROBT. HlstoVy of St. Gabriel Street Church. Censbs of the Canadas, 1861-2. 2 vols. Quebec, 1858. Confederate Reports of Battles. Official. 1864. HENRY CLAY. Ufe and Speeches'. Edited by Daniel Mallory. ols. 1855. COl'lQUEST QP CANADAt by Author of HOchelaga. 2 vols. Londop, 1849- • CROIL, JAS. Dundas, or a Sketch of Canadian History, and more, p^t^ularly of the County of Dundas, one of the earliest _ settled. Counties of Upper Canada. Montreal, B. Dawson & Son, 1861. CHAMBfiSRS, WM. Things as they are in America. W. & R. Chambers, 1854. CAUCHON, HON. JOSEPH. L'Unioh des Provinces de rAmerique' Britannique du Nord. Quebec, A. Cote & Co., 1865. GARY AR, JONATHAN. Voyage dans les parties Intirieures de- L'Amerique Septentrionale pendent les Arm6es, 1766, 1767 and 1768. With miap. Paris, Pissot, 1784. / DEWART. Seleottons from Canadian Poets. Montreal, 1864. DAY, MRS. C. M. History of the Eastern Townships. Mont- real, 1869. DAWSON, REV. A. McD., Poems Of; and A French Speller by Mr. Porney. Montreal. 1810. 2 books. DAVID, L. O. Biographies ©t Portraits. 1876. DE PARIS A DANTZROY Recit d'un Prisonnier Guerre de France, 1870-71. DALSBMB, A. J. L'^Atfaire Bazafne; et Tribord et Babord. F. de St Maurice. 2 books. , DROLBT, GUSTAVE. Zouaylana; et Guide Pratique des Fab- ricants de Suclw. Fleurs. 1879. ^ books. DARNELL, REV. H. F. Sbngs by the Way. John Lovell, 1862. Cloth. • DOUGALL, JOHN, & SON. New Dominion Monthly. Vols. 8, 9. 1873. Cloth. DICK, ROBERT. The Gospel Tribune, a Monthly Journal. Vols, land 2 in one. Cloth. DAWSON, S. E." Handbook for the Dominion of Canada, pre- pared for the meeting of the British Aasoclatlon for the Ad- vancement >of Science. With maps. Montreal, Dawson, 1884. DfiNT, JOHN CHARLES. The Gerrard Street Mystery and other weird tales. Toronto, Rose. Pub. Co., 1888. Fancy cloth. DAWSON. S. E. A Study, with notes on ITennyson's poiem, "The Princess.'* « Second edition. Montreal, Dawson Bros., 1884. Cloth.. ■ . * ■ . /. ', .'■ ._y'^' DAWSON. J. W., M. A., etc. Practical Hmts on Live Stock, their Management and Improvement, etc. Halifax, N.S., 1856. DALBY. HENRY. Index of Current Events, 1889. Full cloth. DUBREUIL. J. P. Index to the Crinili^l and Penal Statutes of Canada. 1877. Cap. 8vo. Cloth. ■•*i ■ 't. w 158. 159. 160. 161. V162, V 163, 164. Vl65 166 Vl67 168 169 (,.170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. Vl77, .lt8. DIXON CAPT. GEO. A Voyage round the World performed In mB-^: and to "he North-West Cfea«t of America In the King airge and Queen CharlStte. Second edition. Maps and num- erous steel plates of birds, etc, etc. In good order, clean; lar. 4to London. 1789. Boards, cloth back. , ^ „ .. » DAWSON? J W., LL.D., etc. Archala, or Studies of the Hebrew Scriptures. Cloth. ^ \„ _. •_ ti.^ w««* nr DUNCAN, FRANCIS. M.A. Our Garrisons Jf^^"'* ^wt or Sketchea In British North America. London, Chapman & Hall, DAY.' The Eastern Townships; and Canada and her Resources; dSI^'jOHiTcHARLES. Canada since the Union of 1841> DAWSON, J. W. Archala: Studies of Cosmogony and Natural D?FSlN**'£Sfrk J?om High Latitudes; and Travels throughT DSSy'S.'LaatVY^ars'on'crnaSi since the Union. 20 parts dSnIw iIlUSTOATED news. Years 1888. 1889, 1890 and DB GASpSpHILIPPE A. The Canadian* of Old Quebec. 1864. DAY. Pioneers of the Eastern -i^wnshlps. MontrejU. 1863- . DOUGLAS. WM., M.D.. A Sumfiary. Historical and PollUcal. ot the flrtt planting. P««ref8lyejmp^v^ent8^ and present etaie of the British Sflttlements In North America. 2 vols. . London, R. BaldWlh, 1760. Very rAre. DISTURWBLL, J. A Trip throagh the Lakes of North America, -embracing a full descripttoft of the S^ Lawrence River, etc. New York. J. DUturwell. 18B7. , , ^v tt«i><>^ DUNCAN JOHN M., A.B. Trftvels through part of the Unitea Sate«^nd Canada in 1818 and 1819. Two vols. Olaagow. Hurst. Robinson & Co., 1823. , EJSSAI d'une Phllsophle de I'Art. -„-« . Sermons and Addresses lUus. Christ's Church. Montreal, Dawson Bros., 1866. FRASBR, J. A Tale of the Sea and other poems. Illustrated. Full cloth gilt. 196. FRASER. REV. THOS. Book of Sermons. John Lovell ft Son. 1867. Cloth. 196. FUHRER, CH, ^he Mysteries of Montreal. \,being recollections of a female physician. Montreal. J. Lovell, 1881. Cloth. 197. FRASER, JOHN. Canadian Pen and Ink Sketchee, with inter- -* leavings, cloth; also enclosed in edvers copy of Historic Cana- dian Ground, by J. F. 1892. Paper. 198. FBRLAND, L'A.BBB.Translation Into English of the life of Joseph-Octave Plessis. Bishop of Quebec. Quebec, Geo. ft G. E. Desbarats. Cloth. FORSYTH, J. B. A Few Months in the East. Colored rflates. Cloth; 1861. FULFORD, BISHOP. Sermons and Addresses. Plate C. C. C. Cloth. 1866. FOR KING AND COUNTRY : A Story of 1812. Cloth. 1874. FLEMINOi SANDFORD. The Intercolonial Railway. 1876. FARNHAM. ELIZA A. Life In Prairie-land. New York. Har- per Bros.. 1847. „ 204. GRANT, G. M. From Ocean to OMian: Sanford Fleming's Ex- pedition through Canada. 1872. GRUND. FRANCIS J. Aristocracy in America. 2 vols, bound In one. London. 1839. Very scarce. GUENOT. L'ABBE. Hunyad, La Hongrie au XV. Slecle. Toure, 1889; ' - _ , ., 194. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 206, 206. > •i.. "fi^at^ii^' >. )■ 9 J 807. Hlstolre de la Loulslane. NouveUe Orleana, o ' "»'■ - A ;• 80». 209. 210. 211. 213. 214. 216. Portrait et Garte de J. B. Rol- OAYARRB. CH. 1847. GORDON, OBNBRAL, Maadarln, Pacha. rAfriaue. QARNIOAU, F. X. Abrege de THistolre du Canada. land. Boards. ^ „ QRANT, MRS. J. P. Stray lieaves : A Collection of Poems, John Lovell, 1865. QBSNBR, A. New Brunswick, History of, from early times. Plates, uncut cut In g;pod order. London, Llmmons & Ward, 1847. Clothe - 212 GREAT MACKENZIB BASIN, Report on the Resources of the. Maps. 1888. Blue Book. Paper. ORIBVANCBS, 7th Repjrt on, House of Assembly of Upper Canada. Toronto, 1^35. Boards. GALT, A. T. Tables of the tradeiand Navigation of the Prov- ince of Canada for the year 1858. Toronto, 1859. GBOLOGIOAL SURVBY of Canada, Report of Progress, 1863-6. With maps. Toronto, John Lovell, 1857,' Cloth. GRIP for 1888. Cloth. w . . us. ...217. DE OASPB, P. A. Les Anclew Canadiens. Quebec, A. Cote & Co., 1877, Pulldoth. GOOCH, J. Manual of the Constitution of Canada. GODDENrREV. JOHN. Notes of a Jourtley to England. 218. 219. Mont- real, John Lovell, 1873. Cloth. A Manual of the Constitution of Canada. 221 223. 224. 225. . 226. Travels in the 1860. 227 t^ 228 230. GOOCH. JOHN. Cloth. 1867. V . OODLBY, J. R.. Letters from America. 2 vols. United States and Camda. Cloth. 1844. GAR14eaU. History of Canada. 3 vols. Half calf. GRANT, REV. G. M. Ocean to Ocean. GORDON. Mountain and Prairie. ' ^ GRANT, PRWBSSOR. Picturesque Canada. 2 vOls. complete. GARNBAU. Histoire du Canada. 3 vols, complete. Quebec, 1859. Half calf. GEOLOGY of Canada.' 1863. DE GASPB. PHILIPPE A. Canadians Of Old. Quebec, 1864. GEIKIE. liife In the Woods; 1873; and Lovell's Gazetteer. 2 GARNEIAU.. History of Canada, translated by B«ll. 2 vols. Montreal. 1862. GRAY. HUGH.' Letters from Canada, written during a residence there in 1806-7. London. 1809. GALT, JOHN. Sir Andrew Wylie of that Ilk. 2 vols. New York, W. Grattan. 1822. GRANT, MRS. Letters from the Mdiintains, being the Real Correspondence of a Lady between the years 1773 and 1807, 3 vols. London, Longmans, 1813. '' ^ GOURLAY. ROBT. General Introduction to Statistical Account of Upper Canada, compiled with a view to a Grand System of Emigration in connection with a Reform of the Poor Laws. With mapaf London. Simpkin ft Marshall, 1822. 2341. GOODRICH, REV. CHAS. A. A Hlbtory of the United States of America, from the First Discovery to the Fourth of March. 1826. W^^ engravings. New York. Russell Robins. 1825. 231 283. . 234. -TESTS ; ./ ..:.V.A r c^ b4^ bTITHS. -JULIA. /Autograph* for Freedob. being Antl- ,very TMtimonlea. Boaton, Jewett ft Co., )ig53. N. REV. D, M., B.D. Mountain and Ptalrle, a Journey frum Vloipria to Winnipeg, via Peace River Pass. With maps and lUuBtratlonB. Montq»al, Dawson Bros., 1880. 287. HOWISON, JOHN. PraiilTcal Details and Sketches of Upper Oanada. 1821. 288. DU HALLY, B. Compagnes , et Stations de la France. Paris, 1869. ; 289. HIND. HBNfRYi!}., M.A. Report on the Asslnlboine and Sas- katchewan Bxplorlng Expedition. .Toronto, Jno. Lovell, 1869. Cloth. ' ' , . 24(yHORBTZKY« CHAS, Canada in the ndon, 1839. Boards. 254. HA YNBS. DR. J.. Poems by. Quebec. Hunter. Rose ft Co., 1864: Cloth. ■ 55. tiEAVYS^OB. CHAS. Count Fllippo, or the Unequal Marriage: ^ A drama in 5 acts. Montreal, 1860. Cloth. 256. HUDSON BAY COMPANY, Reports frim the Select Committee on the. etc.. etc. With map. 2 copies. Half board, red roan., 257. HUNTER. W. S. Ottawa Scenery, 1865. Full slse tinted plates. Royal 4t^. Full cloth. . 258. HIND. H. Y. RepOrt on tlbei Assiniboine and Sftslcatchewan Bx^ ploring Expedition. With ni»ps and plates. Half cloth sheep. %. 11 269. HBAKNB, SAMUEL. A Journey from Prince Wales Fort, in Hudson Bay. to ttie Northern Ocean, undertalien . by order of H.B.C. In the yeara 1769 to 1772. London. 1796. Half board. 260. HBRIQT, OBO. Travels through the Ganadas.^ Maps And num< erous engravings. London, 1807. HaK board, law calf. Rare. 261. HIND, H. Y. Bssay on Insects, etc., Injurious to Wheat Crops. Illustrations. Toronto, Lovell & Oibson, 1857. Cloth. 262. HUNTBR, WM. 8., JR. Panoramio Guide from Niagara Falli to Quebec. Boston, 18$7. Cloth. 268. HAWKINS, ALFRBD. Quebec DKHectory and Strangers' Quide for 1844-6 Paper, clean, fair oider. 264. HtJbL, BRIOADIBR-OBNBRAL, t>efense of, U.S. Army, 1811. No cover. 1814. 266. HBAD, SIR F. B. Narrative on Canada. Cloth. 1889. 266. HOOAN, J. g. Priie Bssay on Canada. Maps. Cloth. 1855. . 267. H0WI80N, JOHN. Sketches of Upper Canada^ Full board. 1822. 268. JEIBNRY. QBO. Bmigr|i^ts' Guide to Canada as it K. Published in Quebec by WilUani Gray ft Co., Buade Street. ' 269. HARRINGTON. Life of Sir W. Logan. .. <. 270. HANDBOOK for the Dominion of Canada; British Asibclatlona MeeMng, 1884. ^ *« 271. HIBBBN, T. N. Guide to British Columbia. Victoria, 1877. 272. HAMILTON, J. C. The Prairie Province. Ton>nto, 1876; and Life of a British Soldier; Faughnan. 2 books. 273. HARRINGTON. B. J. Life of Sir Wm. Logan. Montreal, 188S. 274. HOPKINS. J. C. Ufe of the Right Hon. Sir John ThonypMn. - 276. HAWKINS. Piottjfe of Queb«c.° with historicitl recollections. Quebec, 1834. jSeod copy. . 2761. HAWKINS. Pla^ of the Military find Naval Operations before Quebec. Prpof. 1841.. 276. HOCHBLAOA OBPICTA. In fine condition. 277. HIND. Bssay of the Insects and Diseases of Wheat Crops. Toronto, 1867. \ 278. HBAD. SIR FRANCIS B. A Narrative. London, 1839. 279. HARGRAVB, J. J. Red River. Montreal, 1871. ' 280. HOWISON. Sketches of Upper Canada. Bdinburgh, 1826. 281. HALIBURTON,,THOS; C. Historical and Statistical. Account of Nova Scotia. 2 vols. H^lifax^N.S., 1829. Very scarce. 282. HALL, JAS. The West, Its Commerce and Navigation. Cin<;ili- nati. H. W. Derby ft Co., 1848. 283. bBAD. SIR FRANCIS B., Bart The Bmlgrant. New York. Harper Bros., 1847. 2S4. HALL, CAPT. BASIL, R.N. Travels in North America in the years 1827 mA 1828. 3 vols. Third edition. Eidinhurgh. . Robert Cadell. 1803. 286. INGALL, 'B. D., M.B. Report of Mines and Mining, on Lake SuperiOir. Mahy maps and views. Part 1. Montreal, Dawson Bros., 1888. Paper. 2851. IMPRESSIONS OF THE WEST AND SOUTH during a six weeks^ holiday. Toronto, Annour ft Co., 1868. 286. IRVING. Life and Voyages of Columbus. 2 vbls. in one. 1841. ,287. IRVING, WASHINGTON. A Tour on the Priiiries. London., Jno. Murray, 1835. 288. JENKINS. A Protestant's Appeal to the Douay Bible; and Royalty in Canada. 2 books. ^5 a>1 r ..V . \ 12 . I '\/- ■■:. 4^ 189. 990. m. m. 298. 294. 296. 29«. W. 298. 800. 802. \ 804. 806. 306. 307. . 808. 309. v\^ 310. 8101 811. 8lli ^ — 312. JODOIN BT VINCBNT. Htttolre de Longneull. 1889. \ JOHNSON. Or^hlo StotlatiM: and 8 other books. JOURNAL de riiutruGtIon Publlqne, 1867, 1868. 1869. 1860, 1861, 1862, 1866 and 1868. 8 yean. JO0Y, S. Lea Hermltea en PrlMn; 2 vols.; et Lea ilennitea en LlbertA; 2 volt. 4 books. JBNKINB. REV. J. A Proteatant's Appeal to the Douay Bible. Cloth. JOHNSON, W. W. Sketches of the latJ Depre«jlon, etc., etc. J. T. Robinson. 1882. Cloth. JOHNSON, OBO. Qraphic St*tlstl(fs of Canada. All charts. Pafwr. JOURNAL OF BDUCATION for Lower Canada. 1866. 9th t61. -Cloth. JUOBMBNTS BT DBLIBBRATIONS d\i Conseil Souverlan de la Nouyelle France In 2 vols. UiUfonn with 888. Half moroceo, Rllt top. # JBFFBRTS. T. The Natural and Civil History of the French Dominions in North and South America. With maps and plans. ' 1760. Royal folio, in half board sheep, and in good order. London, 1760. JAMBSON, MRS. Sketches in Canada. Cloth. 1862. JBNKINS, RBV. JOHN. A Protestant's Appeal to the Douay Bible, etc. 1868. JONBS, C. H. Campaign for the Conquest of Canada, 1776, by .Montgomery. 1882. JOURNAL 8rd Parliament of Manitoba^ 1879; and Rules and RegulatioAs Legislatls^ Assembly, Quebec. 2 books. JAMBSON, MRS. Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in Canada. 2 vols. Wiley ft Putnam. New York, 1889. KIDD, ADAM. Huron Chief and other poems. Montreal, 1880. Very scarce. ' ' kiNOSLBT, C. Three lectures on the Anden Regime before the French Revolution. Macmlllan ft Ca Cloth. KINO, MAJOR W. ROSS. The Sportsman and Naturalist in Canada. London, Hurst ft Blackett, 1866. Half calf clo. sides. KIRKB, HENRY, M.A. The First English Conquest ot Canada. etc., etc. Map. Cloth. KINO, H. C. Visit of the 13th RcJgimeiit of New York to Mont- real, May. 1879. , KENNEDY. DAVID. Kennedy's Colonial Travel. Edinburgh. 1876. Illustrated cloth. KANE, DR. Arctic Explorations, 1853-6. 2 vols. Numerous plates, cuts, and map. : Cloth. , KEATING. Narrative St Peter's River and Lake WlMiepeek. Vol.2. London. 1826. Scarce. *' KINOSFORD. WILLIAM C. B. The Canadian Canals, their History and Cost, with an enqiUry into the pcdicy necessary to advance the well-being of the Province.- Toronto. Rollo ft Adam. 1866. . KER. REV. JOHN, D.D. James Robertson of Newington. a Memorial of his life and work. Cloth. ■■•> KEATING. W. H.. A.M. Expedition to St. Peter's River. Lake Winnipeek. performed In the year 18i$3. London, G. B. Whit- taker. 1826. Vol. 2. Boards. » f^<^^ I -=^ V ■, 'i ^'\ i it Wo} .' - '■ * V 1121. KINODON. WM., JR. AtneHoft and th« Brltlkh Goloolet, M abstract of all thtt Q>Mt uaetiil Inforimitlon relatlr* to the Unit«d State* ot Amerlva and the Brttleh Colonies of Canada, Cape ot Good Hope, New South Wales and Van Dleman's Land, exhibiting at oQ^ view the comparative advantages and dis- advantages each country offers for Immlsratlon. Second edi- tion. London, Whitaker. 1820. 515. KIDD, ADAM. The Huron Chief and other Poems. Boards. 18S0. SlSi. LBAVB8 from the Backwoods. Montreal, 1861. S14. KINO, THOS. D. Bacon versus ShaJiapere. Cloth. 187S. S14I. LBMOINB, J. M. Maple Leaves. Quebec, 1894. 516. KINOSFORD, W. Canadian Archaeology: An Essay. Cloth. 1886 S16|. LOVBliL'9 Gasetteer of B.N. A. 1882. ^^ ~r^ ~^r^ 7^ 516. LAPBRRIBRB. Les Ouepes C»iuullennes; et Vlngt Annfles da Mlaslons; Tach6. 2 books. S16|. KIRBY. WILLIAM. The Chlen d'Or. (English.) ISTJ. 517. KINOSFORD. Canada. 2 vols. 1887. "^ S17i. LBBLOND, A. Vie de Mademoiselle Mance. Montreal, 188S. 518. LAURENS. Hlstolre de la Suisse; et rAgrlcuItut-e. 2 books. 818i. KIRKB. The Conquest of Canada. 167l> 519. FRECHETTE, L., et WILFRED LAR08B. Varietea Cana' diennea. 8191. DUKE OF KENT, Life of the. Cloth. 1870. Y 820. LEVEQUE, C. T. P. Theatre Moral; 2 vols.; and Deux Ana an Mexldue. Quebec, 1878. S books. SSI. LADVOCAT, L'ABBE. DIctlonnaIre Hlatorlque ©t Blbliogra- phlque. 4 vola. * 522. LBS URSULINBS de Quebec depute Leur Btabllssement Jusqu'a not Jours. Life of Mad. de la Peltrle et Les Martyrs du Canada bound In the «am«t book. 523. LAOACE, L'ABBE P. Cours de Lecture a haute volx. A. Cot* ft Co., Quebec. Boards. 524. LEMOINB, J. M. Les olseaUx. B. R. Frechette, QUebeii, 1861. 525. LEMAY, L..P. Basals Podtlques. O. E. Desbaratr, Quebec, 186S. 526. LBOISLATIF REPORT. Surveyed Townships of the Province of Quebec. Quebec, C. Langlols, 1889. 527. LiNDSEY, CHAS. Life and Times - ■ \ «v^ ■ 't : ■ ■ ■ . • . . ■■ '■ • LONG, 1. Voyaces And TraVeli of tax Indian Inttrpreter «nd^ Trader, deacrlblng the mannora and cuatoms of the North American Indiana, etc., etc. London, 1791. IS6. UOHTHAm^ D. Montreal after 260 Yeara. Platea, cuta and mapa. Montreal, Orafton, 1892. Fancy cloth. tt6. LANMAN. CHA8. A Tour to the River Sacuenay, 1848. Half koard, amooth aheep. 117. LAMBBRT. JQHN. Travela through Canada and tbe United Statea of North America in the yeara 1806-7-8. Many platea and map. Clean and in good order. London. 1814. Half board oaif. tt8. LBMOINB, J. M. Maple Leavea, Canadian lliatory. Sport, ate. Quebec, 1873. Half board, roan. jC^^na. JLA COLONIE DU. LORD SELKIRK, from the Engliah edition. ^N. publialied in 1817. Precla touchant, aur la riviere Rouge aa ^ deatruction en 1815 et 1816, etc., etc. Montreial, Jamea Lane, 1818. Boarda. S40. IJTBRARY GARLAND, 1849. Steel Platea. Half board. 1849. 841. LAPAYBTTB, marquis DB, a Complete Hiatory of; Major- General In the U.S. Army In the War of the Revolution. 1825. Cloth. 1846. 842. LBSPERANCB, JOHN. The Boatoniona. (Novel.) Cloth. 1877. 848. LINDSBY, CHAS. Rome in Canada. Cloth. 1877. 844. UNDSBY, CHAS. Life and Timea of Wm. Lyon Macltenzie. (Rebellion, 1837.) 2 vola. Portrait. Cloth. 1862. 845. LiBMOINB. Pictureaque Quebec. Map. Cloth. 1882. 846. LBMOINB. Qubec Paat and Preaent. Cuta. 1876. 847. LBMOINB. Chronlciea of the St. Lawrence. 1878 848. LEMOINB. The Ghroniolea of the St. Lawrence. Paper. 1880. 849. LBMOINB. Maple Leavea: Hiatory, etc. Paper. 1878. 850. ULLIB, A., D.D. CanMa : Phyaical, Economical and Social. 1866. 861. LINDSBY, CHAS. Life fend Times of Wm. Lyon Mackenaie; and The Rebellion of 1887^8. 1 vol. complet«. 362. LEGGO. The Earl of Dufferin's Adjniniatration In Canada. 868. LILLIE, A. Canada: Phyaical, Economic, etc. Toronto, 1865. Serious Houra of a Young Lady. St. Fol. 2 books. 854. LBGOO. Hiatory of the Administration of the Elarl of Dufferin in Oanada. . 856. LORNE, LORD. Memoirs of Canada and Scotland. 866. LINDSBY, CHAS. Wm. Lyon Mackenzie and the Rebellion of 1 1887-8. . 867. Le Canada et I'Ezpoeition Univeraelle et 1866. Toronto, 1866. 858. LYBLL, CHAS. , Travels in North America, with Geological Observations oit the United States of America, Canada, and Nova Scotia. 2 vols. London; 1845. 859. LANMAN. CHAS. Adventures of an Angler in Canada, Nova Scotia and the United States. London, Bentley, 1848. 860. LILLIB, A., D.D. Canada. Physical, Economic and docial. \ Toronto, Maclean & Co., 1865. 891. Lives of Celebrated America^ Indians, by the Author of Peter ,. Parley's Tales. Boston, Rand & Mann, 1849. 861 McGBB, HON. T. b. (late), Poems of the 888. McOBB, HON. T. D. Canadian Ballads. Montreal, 1868. 864. MARTIN, GEORGE, Poems of. Montreal, 1887. JIl S66. 86«. 807. 808. 860. 870. 871. 872. 873. 874. 876. 876. 877. 878. '879. 880. 881. 882. (i883i 884. 886. 886. 887. 1882. of 1886, 390. 891. „■■■.;■-. ■■15 ■• • ' f ■ , •■ ■ . ..•,..'■ ' .i • MAPS ot Canada, by CommlMioner of Crown Land*, 1867 and 1869. 6 booliH. MAtCOI.L. BVAN. PoetUal Workn. KJnuiiton. 1888. MACOUN. JOHN. Manitoba and th«i Ureal North Weat. MULVANICY. History of the Notth-Weat Rebellion Toronto, 1886. MONTREAL DIRECTORY, 1848-4. Scarce. MIl'ES. HiRtory of Canada, 1636-1763. 1872. MAIU, CHA8. Dreamland; and The Christian's Wedding Ring. 2 books. MA8RAT. F. Fere Tranqullle, I'Apprentle ei Une Vision di MCTD, MORPHY. J. Recollections of a visit to Great Britain and Ire-„ land, 1862. Quebec, Hunter, Rose ft Co., 1863. Cloth. MACKINTOSH, C. H. Canadian Parliamentary Comdanton, 1880. Ottawa, Citizen Publishing Co. / MILITARY CHAPLAIN. Tlifee months among the Moose of the Northern WUda of Canada, 1881. John LovcH & Son. Paper. MURRAY, MISS. A Trip through Canada and the United States. New York, G. Putnam ft Co., 1866. MOODIB, MRS. Life In the Clearings versus the Bush. New York, De Witt ft Da^venport. Cloth. MOODIE, J. W. D. Scenes and Adventures as a Soldier and Set* tier, etc. Photo portrait. Montreal, John Lovell, 1866. Cloth, MELIBII, JOHN. Travels In the 'United States and Upper Canada; also Great Britain from 1806 to 1811. Maps. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1812. Boards. McCORD, P. A. The Hjuldbook qlXJanadlan Dates, 1888. Mont- roftl OftwBon Bros. ^ ^ MERCHANTS' SHIPPINi^ ACT ot 1864. Full Persian sheep. MACKENZIE, ALEX. T^e Life and Speeches of lion. George Brown, with Po.-tr.ilt. Toronto, Globe P^jc. Co., 1882. McMULLBN. J. History of Canada. BrockvUle, J. McMullen, 1866. Half cloth sheep, cloth sides. LINDSBY, CHAS. W. L. Mackenzie and the Rebellion (no title). Half cloth sheep.- M.P. sldee. In good order.' McOtBBON, R. D., B.A. The Great Pew Case (St. Andrew's Churcih). Dawson Bros., 1877. Cloth. MACKINTOSH, J. The Discovery of America by Christopher ColumbUfl. and origin of tbe N.A. Indians, 1836. Toronto, W. J. Coates. 1836. Scarce, MORGAN, H. J. Canadian Legal Directory. 'Toronto, R, Cars- well, Toronto. 1878. Cloth. MOORSOM, CAPT. Letters from Nova Scotia, Map. London, ^ 1830. \ MAGISTRATES' LAWS Ldwer Canada, 1863. Quebec, 1863. Clo. MARTIN. HORACB I. Castorologla, or the History of the Can- adian jBeaver. Numerous cuts, plates, maps, etc, Montreal, W. Drffldale ft Co.. 1892, Cloth. McGILLi COIjLBQE CALENDAR. Printed for the University, MUNRoT^LBX. History, Geography and Statistics of Britisli North Aitaerica. With many wood cuts. Montreal, John Loyell, 1864. Half board. In good order. . 4v' /; ■■ 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. k 413. \ 414. 416. 416. 417. 418. 419. ;, ■,.,;■; 10 ■■ A MILITARY IIITl, or th« nhrniM of a R«de6«t. 4ti«b«e, MIddleton 4 Dawiun. 1868. Hoards. J MON'lKBAL WATBK WOHK8. Report (in ow«) on tlli« pro- poMd enlMTgement of. With maps. MORGAN. H. J. Bio«paphy of Eminent Canadians, Montreal, R. Worthlngton, 18«ft. Cluth. MORUAN. H. J. BIbllotheca Canadensis, or a Manual of Cana- dian Literature. Otuwa, O. B. D^sbarats, 1867. Cloth. MONtiK. FRANCB8 B. O. My Canadian leaves, an Account o( a visit to Canada, In 1864-6. MACKENZIE, ALAX. Voyages from Montreal on the River Bt. Lawrence, through the Contlnont of North America to the Kroten and Paelile Ooeans, In the years 178V and 1793. Maps. Large 4to. Half calf. MAPB. REPORTS, BBTIMATE8, etc., relative to Improvements of the navigation of the River St. Lawrence, etc.. and Canal to comnect the St Lawrence and Lake Champlaln. Toronto, 1866. MEMOIRS touchant lea (yifllcultte entre l'Unlverslt« lAval de Quebec, etc., In French aid Latin. Half board, cfoth sheep. Martin, R. M., F.BJS. HIstorjLOf upper and Lower Canada, 1830. With plate and maps. Cleim^ MACKINTOSH, J. The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus JUDd the origin of the North American Indians. Tor- onto, W. J. Coates. 1886. Boards. MORPHY. J. Reoollectlons of a visit to Great Britain and Ire- land In the summer of 1862. Quebec, 1863. Cloth. MAYBRHOFFBR, REV- V. P., M.A., the Autoblographf of. Toronto. Rowsell 4k Bills. 1861. Cloth. \ / MORRIS. THE HON. ALEX.. P.C. The Tr«att^ of Canada with the Manitoba and North-Weat Indians, etc. Toronto. Willing A Williamson. 1880. Cloth. . MILITARY OCCURENCES between Great Britain and America. t vols. Half calf. 1818. The United States of America, with maps.'" 4 MATJHB80N. REV. ilfLEX.. D.^.-LIfe of, 1870. With portrait; Cloth. r MOUNTAIN, BISHOP, Memoir of. Portrait. Cloth. 1866. MORGAN. Biographies of Celebrated Canadians. Cloth. 1862. MILES. History of Canada under French Regime. 16S5-1763. Map. Cloth. 1881. MACKENZIE. ALeX. Life and Speeches of the Hon. Geo. Brown. Portrait. 1882. MUNRO. British North America. Half board. 1864. McCORD. THOS. Civil Code of Canada. Half board. 1870. MACHAR. REV. J.. D.D. Memorial. Portrait and view. Cloth. 1873. MAGISTRATES' MANUAL. 1843. Cloth. MATHEWS. JEHU. A CoIdnUt on the Colonial Question. 1872. MOODIB. J. W. D. Scenes and Adventures as a Soldier and Settler. 186fe. MOODIE. SUSANNE. Canada: Roughing It In the Bush. 1871. McCLURB'S Dl^verjF of the North-West Passage, Colored plates. 18B6. ' MacMULLEN. JOHN. History of Canada. 9 -■ is#. IT \, 420. • ^ ■ , '• j- .,.*•' 423. ■■ • ■ 424. 426. 42tf. . , ■■ 1 427. ■ '. ■ ■ ' ■" 428. * ■ 429. V" 480. . 431. 432. ' <33. ' . .' \ 484. 4^6. : '.. . • V^436. 437. 438. Hfi «f- 430, -V^ 440. 441. 442. 443. 444 MARTIN, II. T. Castorologlik. 1 vol. MACK&NZIK, W. L. Ukaloatm ut Ciinada and the Unltvit Bbtet. lA)ndon. 1H33. iuro. MmutAN, 11. J. lltoKrBphl(>B of C«l«l)rated Canadians. MACOUN, JOHN, Manltulia and tliw Ureal North Wc«t. MACLKOU, NUUMAN, Memwlre of. Toronto, lh7«. McMllhLKN. J. HUtory of Canada. DrockvlU*. 1865. MACI'IIEUUON, J. F. I^lfe of thu Itlght Hon. 8lr John A. donald. bt. JUhna, 1801. 2 voU. MciilbL, hkV. K. Diacouraca. Montreal, 1863; and tittndbook of ^ootogy. Uawnon. 2 bquka. M^uUl. HUtory of Canada undef- Fraitch UiKlniu; and Thomp- Bona Turkey. J, A. PhtlHptf. 2 buoka. MAUTIN, n. T. Caitorologiu : or, Hiatory of the Canadian" UiAver. MoUUhUOK. Uritlah America. 2 vola. Dlackwood, 1832. MUHUOCM. lllalory of Nova Bvotia or Acadia. 3 vala. Hall- fax, N.8., 1806. MOUOAN. Dominion Annual Rffglater and Review, 1880-81. Montreal, 1882. MOIIUIH, WM. Out and Home again by way of Canada and th* Dnitod Blate^. London, Fr«dk. Wurne & Co.. 1874. MACKAY, ROOT. O, 8. Montreal Direciory, 1862. Jno. Loveil, 1862. MAt'TiAGGART, JOHN. Three Yeara In Canada, an Account of the /Actunl State of the Country In 1826-7-8. 2 vola. London, llciiry Colburn, 1829. |^ MURRAY, HON. AMELIA. l^ttfra from the United Stal(>ii, Cuba and Canada. 2 vols. In 1. New York, Putnam, 1860. MAQRATH, T. W. Authentic Uttera from Upper t!jnada, with an account of Canadian field sports. Edited by Rev. T. Rad- cliffe. Etchings by Samuel Lover. Dublin, Wm. Curry, Jr., 18Jf3. MELLIBH, JOHN. travels' through the United States of America In the years 1806, 1807, 1800, 1810 and 1811, including ain account of paa^ge betwixt America and Britain and travels through various parts of Britain, Ireland and Caniada, with correctiona and Improvements till 1816. Illuslrated by colored nfups and plans. With an appendix contftining a letter from, Clements Burleigh, Esq., to Irish emigrants removing to America, and hlnta by the Shamrock Society of New York. London, Geo. Cowle, 1818. MARJORIBANKS, ALEXANDER. Travels in South and North America. London, Slmpkln & Marshall, 1863. MAGKAY. CHAS.. LL.D., F.S.A. Life and Liberty in America or Sketches of a Tour in the United States and Canada in 1867 and 1868, with ten illustrations. New York, Harper Bros., 1860. NICICleSS, JAS. Canadian Magazine, 1824. 2 vols. Montreal, • 1824, Full board sheep. \ NETTLE. RICHARD. The Salmon Fisheries of the St. Law.\ rence and its tributaries. MontreaU John Loveil, 1867. Cloth rllt. NOVA SCOTIA. Descriptive Sketches of, in prose and verse. /Halifax, N.S., A. & W. MacCurley, 1864. Cloth. #■ •v V^ 'M\ '^•^^r- .y. 460. y K«vi. 7 bol 440. O'hKAKY. PKTICU. History of th« Ojibw 447. OJinWAY liYMNH. A Collwtlon t± V Jarui)* an«l O'Moart; anil aildltlonfl h Walknr ami WlUon. OltlHNANCK OK I7HS, Inquiry U49 th«. rupt Act. IH43 and r> other pantphlHa. Ol)l»FRI.U)WH' KKtrOlin. Vu4. I.. 1846. ()(tdril(AI)T, M. CongreM d« Vtenue, Parti. 2 vols. ' >ATUI()TIS8 1837-38; «t Separation de rBcllu da da t'lOtat Ffivri>^ I'arlH, 1892. 2 book*. Il.K.H. THB PKINCK OK WAIJC8. Th« Tour of. through HrltUh jJVmerlca. etc. With Portrait. John liovcll, I860. Cloth. , 456. fATTEKHON, RBV. O. Memoir of Kuv. Jan. MucRregar, D.D.. mUilonary to Nova Scotia, ate. Philadelphia, J. M. Wllkon. CIdth. PICKRKINa. J08KPH. Bmlgranta' Qulde to CaoMla. London^ KinnKhum WIlRon. 1836. Cloth. 4Sf. PUIcrK, CAPT. MORTON. A Theatrical Trip for; a Wager. 11- lu8trat«^d. Iximlon, Chaa. Dudley, 1861. Cloth. 4fi9. PALMKU, JOHN. Journal of Travels In the Unlt«an, 447"Pbrtralt. Vol.1. Clothl 463. PROVINCE OF QUEBEC and European Emigration. Map. Que- bec, 1870.. Cloth, ^ 464. F. W. C. Lifeboat: A Juvenile Temperance Magazine., Vol. %, Montreal, F. W. Campbell, 1864. Half boardi 466. P03T0FFICE8 IN CANADA, 1866, 1872, 1862. 3 cople«.\ 466. PRICE, MAJOR SIR R. L., Brit F.R.0.8. Tl^e Two- Alberlcaa, an Account of Sport and Travel, etc. Wf. tou. Nova Scotia. 4|1 PEDLEY, REV W" I860. Map In pi 462. PENN, ORANV Kt., etc., from 1 467. plncott ft Co., 1877. Illustrated cloth. In goojd order. PATTERSON, W 187IS-82. 3 vols. POPHAM. JOHN. 1870. Cloth, PATTERSON, REV. GEO. ■ . ■■ and other missionaries o - others through the book. 4C9a. PRESBYTERIAN College H 470. PLANS des dlfferents lacs et ir\ 468. 469. J.' Board '4if Trade Repo Half moro<:co. The Insblvitnt Act, 1869 Phllacfelphla, J. B. Ll^ )rder. 1864-8, l$p9-74, Dawson firos.. avoirs of the Rev. 8. P. Johnston I adelphla, 18^4. Cloth. . calf. .-^ VIerea entrelle lac Huroti et la ftf / Si-- rVi- • > i J % Riviere dea OutaouaU par «c< 91 npagne lea Rppports Q^ologique^ s"im ■4 '^^^-■0 i I ■'0'--» • 471 4TI. 474. 47B. 47«. 477. 4771 478. 47ft. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. 486. 486. 487. 488. 48». 4ttO. 491. 402. 493. 494. 495. 406. M cmmiti pmr ^ lanttm lili.|| fwmito, IHa yynil, 1«57. Half b«i»rt4. < loth •»4«. I>I(!KIBN, A. Tlio CimiulM. compiled furnUhfd by .l«>hu (Ult. K»«i. Hw.nn tn N»««»S •'*''■ fouHh edl- NumrmuM «ii of an EmliMiiH. tlon. rA>n ^^-y^oi. '■ BOB. ■ ♦. ■■■■ 506. .'507. 508. k 509. 510. 611.. 512. 613. 614. 516. 516. 517. 618. 619. 520. 621. 522. 523. 624. '526. 626. .0% JENNBTT. HUuiry of Canada, for ibe use of Scboola. Armour ft Ramsay, 1847. Half board. ROOBR, CHA8. HlBtoi-y Of Canada, 2 vols, Quebec, Peter Sinclair, 1856. Clotb. ^ m »^ ROSE, O. M. A Cyclopaedia, of Canadian Biograpby. Toronto, Rose Publliibing Co.,f 1886. ^^ Report of tbe Select Committee Relative to a Responsible Ex- ecutive Council. Totonto, 18?6. DE ROOS, P. F. Travels In the United States and Canada^ In 1826. Illustrated ylth plates. Londgn, 1827. Half calf, In good order, , . RICHARDSON/ MAJOR, Memoirs of. Montreal, Armour & Ramsay. 1838/ Bdards. . . ^^, . RAWLINQS, THOS. The Confederation of the Brltlab N. A. ■ ^ Provinces, ette.,/tc. With map and plates. London, Sampson, Low, Son ft Marston, 1865. Cloth. , REPORT ON «.C. SCHOOLS, 1855-57. Half morocco, M.P. ROMAN CATHOLIC not the only true Church. 1868. Cloth. ROLPH, DR. THOMAS. Observations during a visit to the West Indies, the United States and Upper Canada. Dundas, - UP. O. Heyworth, 1836. Boards. REPORT OF THE STATE TRIALS beld In Montreal In 1838-9, *^^ exhibiting a complete history of the late Rebellion In Lower;|3^ Canada, In 2 vols. Armour ft Ramsay, 1839. Boards. REPORT AND DESPATCHES of the Earl of Durham, Qovernor- Geaeral of British North America, 1839. Loose. Some leaves missing, otherwise m fair order. Cloth board. ROYAL SOCIETY OP CANADA, Proceedings and Transactions of the, for the years 1882-3. in vols. Cloth. ' ROWSBLL, HENRY. The Maple Leaf for 1849. RECIT DES EVENBMBNS qui ont eu.lleu sur le Terrltoire dea sauvages, etc., 0c. Translated Into French from the English by Lord Selkirk In 1817. A Second edition, paper. Montreial, . James Brown,, printer, 1818. Perfect, wlde^marriln, untrlmmed. ROYAL SOCIETY OP CANADA. Manual for the Me of th.e mem- bers and visitors of the. Session 1891. In French. Cloth. RUSSELL, W. H. Canada: Its Defences and Resources. Cloth. ; 1866. ROWAN, A. H., Autobiography of. Portrait. Cloth. 1840. RUSSELL, W. H. Trifles from my Portfollp, 2 vols. Boards. 1839, REPORT of the C, Commissioner, Sydney, N,S.W., 1877, Paper. .1878, ^ , RULES, ORDERS, ETC, of the House of Commons, Canada, In French and English, Cloth. 1868. RUSSELL. W. H. Canada: Its Defences, Condition and Re- , soni;(:e«. Gloth. 1865. RU^ELL, W. H. My Diary North and South. Cloth. 1863. itANKIN, MAJOR, R.B. Canada and the Crimea. 1862; REVISED Acta and Ordinances. 1845. ' REPORT British Association. Montreal, 1884, ROYER, C. History of Canada. 1855. i RAB, W. PRASER. Newfoundland to Mitnltoba, through Can- ada's Maritime, Mining and Prairie Prcvlnces. New York, G^ P. Putnams Sonfl, 1881. . ^■•^i:-;i ■It' 687. .> 628. 629. _ >: _ ... > 630. y- 681. d8Z. : 633. 634. ^36. 686. t-f.- ■ Mir 638. 639. >V-640. 541. 642. 643. /" ■ * ■ ■ '■;■. ■■ VB45. ■ -. 546. * -.• 647. 4 ' ." , -.'is- ■ \ MS. 549. 650. -■'-■- . 651. ' 552, 2t R1788BLL,W, HOWARD, LA-D. Canada, Its DetoncM. Coli41||ttL tion and RMOurcea, being a Second and Concluding Volume onH " Ifl^ Dtary," North and South. Boston. T. O. H. P. Burnham. '^ IRAK " ■ * ROCHEFOUCAULT, Duke de la. Travels through the United ^ ' States ol North Amertca. The Country of the IroQuols and ^pper Canada. In the years 1796. 1796 and 1797. with an authen- > tic account of Lower Canada, Three sfcaps, several tallies, 4 jr*' vols. Second Wltlon. London, R Phillips, 1800. « SANDHAM. ALPRBD. V411e-Marie; or, Montreal Past and Present. Montreal. 1870. Scarce. ^ SPBNCB. JAS. The American Union. 1862. Rare. , SULTB. Hlstolre dee Canadlens-Fiiancals; 1608-1880. 8 vols. complete. Illustrated. :.../*. , *v« STBWART. GEO.. Jr. Canada under the Adminlstrallon of the _ _ STATISTICAL Year-Book of Canada. 3 vols.. 1887. 1889, 1890. STRAY LBAVBS. Montreal, 1878; and Love-Sick Jap. 2 bootai. SISTBR MARY OF ST. PBTBR, Ufe of; and Anecdotes of the Ocean. Cowans. Montreal, 1JB76. 2 books. '■■■.. _ , _ STIMSON. Separation of Ohurch. and State In Canad»; and Silver's Guide to Canada. 2 books. . \. ^'^ SISTBR MARY BOURGBOYS, Life of; and Blahop Joseph. Got, SMITH'S History of Canada. Toronto, 1861. 2 vols. ^ _ 80RIPTURB CLUB of Valey Rest; and The Benwell Murder. ■ '2' books.' ~ -.•'"'' SANDHAM, A. McGUl College and lU Medala 1872. , ST. MAURICE, FAUCHBR DB. Loin du Pays. Quebec. 1889. , ST. MAURICE. P. DE. Choees et Autres; et Hist. Naturelle. J. Laugbert 2 books. .. x . 8TRASB0URGH, L'EVEQUE DE. L'Bglise Anglicane et la Reformation. 2 vols. _ „ . _* LE SUEUR, PETER. Memorials of the Wesleyan Conference at Quebec. 1863. Pull red leather gilt. SANDHAM. ALF. McQlll College Medals. Illustrated by photoa^^ * by Notman. in good order, up to 1872. Boards. ^ L , SELT^iAR, ROBERT. History Of the County of Huntingdon and"' ^tf of the Seigniories of Chateauguay andiBeauhampis from 1838. With cut of the Block House. Cacadian Gleaner. 1888. SAUNDERS, WM. Canadian Entomologist Cuts. 11, 10. 6, 1, 8. 2, 5, 9. 7, 4, 3, 12, 13. 14. London, O.* FYee Press Ptg. Co. ^ STAFF SURGEON, by a. Trifles from my Portfolio, recollec- tions and scenes and small adveAures in the East and Canada. _ 2 vols. Quebec. W. Nellaon, 1839. Boards. ST GEORGE'S SOCIETY OF MONTREAL. Act of Incorporation and Bye-Laws of the. Pounded Ini 1834. Montreal, 1867. Half boaupd cloth. Scarce. _, ■ , „^ . SICOTTE. L. ,W. Official Book of R^erence. Montreal. Mont- STEWART GEO.. JR. Canada under the administration of th* Eari of Dufterin. Portrait. Toronto, Rose Belford. 1879. . SCROPE, G. P.' Life of Lord Sydenham. Portrait. John Mur- ray, 1843. Cloth. » ^ ^^ BTr^-'T' 22 / « *- / ■W CntM, 1884, in 1^20. Quaint in the autumn t 6f8. 6&3. STEPHENS. H, B. Jacques Cartier's Four Voyages. maps. etc. Montreal. W. Drysdale ft Co.. 1890. Cloth. 564. STARKE, J., ft CO. Starke's Almanac, 1887. 1886. 1886. 1883. 1882, 1881. 1880. 1876. 1879. 1878. 1874. 656. SMALL. H, BEAUMONT. ac.L. T^fi Animals of North Ameri- ca. Numerous wood cuts. Montreal. John Lovell. 1864. Cloth. 658. SLACK'S Hotel Guide for the Dominion of Canada. 1878. With woodcuts. Clotn 657. SKETCHES of Canadian Life. Lay and Eocleslasticai, etc.T etc. London. 1849. Cloth.. 658. SANSOM, JOSEPH. Travels in Low9r Cfl picture of Quebec at front. 559. SILLIMAN. DR. BENJAMIN. A Toui^fe^:.! of 1819. Steel puates. London. 1822|,i^ 660. SANDHAM. ALFRED. Coins. To^^Bimd Medals* of the Dominion of Canada. Illustrated. 1869r Cloth. 661. STATISTICAL SKETCHES of Upper Canada fof the use of Emigrants, etc. Third edition. London. John Murray. 1833. , Half board. 662. SYDENHAM. LORD. l,lte of. His Administration in Canada. Cloth. 1843. 663. SMITH'S Canadian Gazetteer. Full sheep. 1846. 664. STEPHENS, W. A. Hamilton and other poems. Cloth. 1871. M6. ALF. SANDHAM. Montreal Past 4nd Present. 1870. 866. SLEIGH. LIBUT.-COL. Pine Forests and Hacmatack Clearings, or Life. Travels and Adventure in the North American Prov- inces. London, 1863. B67. STRICKLAND, MAJOR. Twenty-seven Tears In Canada West. 2 vols. London; 1863. STONE. Life of Joseph Brant. Thayendanegea during Indian Wars of tho American Revolution. 2 vols. New York, 1838. 569. STUART. Three Years In North America. 2 vols. Edin- burgh. 1833, • 670. STATISTICAL'CHART OF CANADA, by Roht. W. S. Mackay. Jno. Lovell, Montreal. 1851. 57L SMITH, CAPT. FRANCIS. An Account of a Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage by Hudson's Straits to the Western and Southern Ocean of America, performed in the year 1746-47, in the ship "California." 2 vols. London, Mr. Jollitre, 1748. Very rare. 672. SCROPE, O. POULETT. Memoirs of the Life of the Right Hon. Charles Lord Sydeiihani, G.C.B.. with a Narration of his Ad- ministration in Canada. London. Jr.o, Murray. 1844. 673. STRICKLAND, MAJOR C. M. Twentyseven Years of Canada-" West, or the Experience of an Early Settler. EdJteff By Agnes Strickland. 2 vols, in 1. London, Bentley, 1863. 674.'Stajidine Orders of the Legislative Council of Canada. Mont- real, J. C. Beckett. 1847. ' 574i. SMALL. H. B.. S.C.L. The Animals of North America. Num- erous wood cuts. Montreal, John Lovell, 1864. Cloth. '• 675. TORONTO, Past aod Present. IHustrated. Toronto, 1884. 676. THORNEYCROPT. T. A Trip to America. 1869. Very scarce. - 677v TERRILL, F. W. Chronology of Montreal and of Canada from \ . :\ ■■'\ A.D. 1825. 1752 to 1893; and Calendars for every year from 1762 to '■-^■l ■mc:] ^z : :\ ■■'\ m I W8. THOMAS. C. ContrlbutlooB to the HlBtcry of the Eastern Towft- RhipB. MontreaI;18«6. ' v, . TANOUAY, L'ABBB. Dlctlonnalre Qenealoglque. Vol. 1. THBLLER, E. A. Canada In 1837-38. 2 vols, complete. 1841. TRAILL, MRS. Canadian ForeBt. LacroBse, National Game «^ Canada. Beera. 1869. 2 bookB. TAYLOR, PBNNINOS. Portrait* of BritiBh Americana. 1866. ■ 2 voIb. TANOUAY, MQR. C. Dictionnaire Genealogique dea Families Canadiennes depuia la Fondatlon de la Colonie Jusqu'a noa Jours. 4 vols, bound and 3 unbound. 7 vols. TACHE. Canada et rExpositlon Universelle, 1855. TARDIVAL, J. P. Notes dea Voyages. Montreal, 1890. TAYLOR, REV. W. Proper eOjployment of Human Life. Camp- bell & BecJiet, 1838. Boards. ■ , .. . . ^ TRAILL, MRS. C. P. The Canadian Settlers' Guide. Illustrated, In good order, many wood cuta. 1855. Cloth. TAYLOR, FEJNNINGS. The last three Bishopa appointed by the Crown for the Anglican Church in Canada, 1869. Portraits. Mohtreal, John Lovell. Cloth. THE NEW W)RL0 IN 1859. United States and Canada. Pro- fusely illustrated. London. H. BailUere. Cloth. TIMPERLAKE, J. Toronto Past and Present. Plates, copiously illustrated. Toronto, Peter A. Grass, 1877. Cloth gilt. THE SNOWDROP. 3 vi>ls. in 2. Illustrated. Montreal, Robt. W. Lay, 1861. Half csLlf sheep, cloth aUea- TAYLOR, REV. V/. Hints on the Proper Employment of Human Life. Montreal, 1838. Boards. ! ^ REV. W. TAYLOR, A.M., & REV. J. M. CRAMP, D.D. Colohtal Proteatant. Vol.1. 1848. Montreal, Plac d'Annea Hill, Rollo ■ Campbell. Half board. TROUT, J. M. & E. The Railways of Canada for 1870-1, Cloth-. TAYLOR. FENNINGS. 2 vols, photo portraits and biog. of British Americans. Montreal, W. Notman, 1865. Half colored THE SATURDAY REAIDER, 1865-6. Cloth. , THELLiER, E. a. Canada in 1837-38. Has a very curious let- ter paated in at fron^! from T. J. Sutherland. Vol. 1. Phila- delphia, 1841. Cloth.\ . . THELLER, B. A. , Canada in 1837-38. Vol. 2. Philadelphia, 1841. Cloth. . TOWNSHIP LAWS. A Brief Vle^ of the. Toronto, W. J. Coatea,. 1835. Cloth. . 600. TUPPBR. F. B. Life of Sir I. Brock. Half board mor. 1845. 601. TROLLOPE, ANTHONY. North AmerlCfli. Vol. 1. Cloth. 18$3. 602. TRAILL. MRS. C. P. The FemMfe Emlgrahts' Guide. Half board. 1854. ,' ^ 603.. TRANSACTIONS of the Quebec Literary and History Societies. Ps^er. 1872. C 604. TRAILL, MRS. The Backwoods of Canada. Illustrated, ^pio^^- 1836. G05. The Canadian Monthly. 1872. 606. TAYLOR. FENNINGS. British Americans. 607. THE SATURDAY READER for 1867. Title page wanting. Half board. 684. 686. 686. 687. 688. 689. 690. 691. 692. 693 694 696 696 697 » 1 '■■'■■ --/ ." '' ■:' ■• \ .■,-'.' ,-■-. ' / , .' ' ■■-. V-.-: ■■:^'":-v . ■■■. 1 J- ' > ' - ■ '. '^ - ' ♦ . • ■ '.■ » » -■.,'" .m " ■ ■ ...^ u : 608. TRAILL. C. P. Canadian Wild Ploweni. IlIiMtrated by Agnw FltsRibbon, Montreal^ John Lovell, 1M8. Clotii. '609. PBNNIN08 TAYLOB. Sketches of British North AmerlcaM. 2 voU. 610. MARK TWAIN. Glided Age. ItliMtrated. 1874. 611. TAYLOR. Are LcgHilaturts Parilaments Tjiontreal, 1879. 612. TAYI/m, HUGH. Manuaa of the Offl Llpplncott, 1864. Cloth. 691. LIFE OF W. H. PRBSCOTT, by George Tlcknor, 1864. 1 vol. Cloth. 686. 687. |i> ;i j Mr i ni» ,„„ . 1 > , ^*^*^*^^*^;*^S^^'^*''*.*^ »;•••>'... a? Lon- 8 voli. complete. 4 vols, complete, 8 vola. 692. Locke on The Human Underat&ndlng. don. 1828. H«lf calf. ' X C98. Walpole'a Reign of Qeorge III.; Le Marcbant. London, Bentley, 1845: Cloth. v6''^- Letters of Horace Walpole; ed. by Peter Cunningham. - complete. London, Bentley, 1867. Cloth. "696. Arnold's History of Rome. 8 vols, in one complete; and Sind- Ing's History of Scandinavia. 1 vol. complete. 2 books,^ 697. Morrlvale'B History of the Romans. Vols. 1 to 4. ' m698. Life of George Washington, by Washington Irving. 6. volg. complete. Putnam, 1866-69. Half cijf. 699. THIRWALL'S History of Oreeoe. 2 vols, complete. Harper, 1846. Half calf, -^r^-^—:- 700. KOHLRAUSCH'S History of Germany, translated by J. D. Haas. 1vol. Appleton, 1847. Half calf. ,. 701. Ranke's History of the Popes; translated by W. K. Kelly. I 1. . vol. Half calf. .702. Diary and Correspondence of Charles Abbot, Lord Colchester. Complete in 3 vols. London. 1861. Cloth. 703. Froude's History of England. Vols. 3 to 12, Scrlbner, 1866. Cloth. 704. Klnglake's Invasion of the Crimea. Vols. 1, 2, 6 and 6. 706. Gulzot's History of France. 6 vols. 706. Motley's Rise of the DUtch Republic. 8 vols, complete. Har< per, 1862. Cloth 707. Motley's History of the United Netherlands. 2 vols, complete. Harper, 1864. Cloth. , V 708. Hallam's Constitutional History of England. 8 vols, complete. ,- , Boston, 1864. Cloth/ w, ;, 709. A History of Our Own Times, by Justin McCarthy. Vols. 1 & 2. 710. Macaulay's History of England; edited by his sister. Laxly Tre- velyan. 6 vols, complete. Harper, 1861.. Hal' calf. 711. Life of Viscount Keppel. 2 vols, complete. London, 1842. Half calf. 712. Hume ft Smollett's HUtory of England. 16 vOIs. complete. En- gravings on copper aiid wood. London, 1803. Full calf. 713. Correspondence of the Duke of Bedford, with Introduction by Lord Russell. 3 vols, complete. London, 1842. Cloth. 714. The Works of Charles Lamb. 4 vols, complete. Cloth. 716. Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 6 vols, com- plete. Boston. 1860. Half calf. 716. Macaulay's Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Vols. 1, 5, 6 and 7.. "- i 717. Life of William Pitt, by Eafl Stanhope. 4 vols, compliete. don. 1862. Cloth. 718. Sketches of Statesmen of the Time of George IIL, by Brougham. '> 8 vols, complete. London. 18561 Cloth. 719. docial and JPolitlcal Speeches by Lord Brougham. 2 vols. comp. 720. Historical aqd PoliticpJ and Rhetorical and Literary Dlsserta- . tions and Natural Theology, by Lord Brougham. 3 books. ' 721. Wilson's Noctes Ambroslanae. 4 vols, complete, tphiladelphfa. 1843. Cloth. 722. Ersklne's Speeches; collected by Jas. Ridgway. 3 vols, com- plete. London. 1810. Cluth. 723 Library of Oratory of America, Ireland and England. 4 vols. Half calf. / 2, 8, L&n- Lord £zy*^- 2 voU. London. A tU. Smith'* Weftlth ot Nktlona. S toIs. compIetA. London, 1119. Full cftlf. • m. Lord Holland's Memoirs of th« Whig Party. 18S2. Cloth. 726. ChMterflald Letters. 4 vols, complete. London, 1800. Full calf. 727. Monarchs retired trum business. 2 rols; and Knights and thslr Days, by Dr. Doran. 1vol. 8 books. Cloth. 728. History of the Inductive Sciences, by Wm. WhewMl, D.D. S / ' vols, complete. Appleton, 1889. Cloth. 729. Athenian Letters, or The Bplstolary CMrrespondenoe of an Agent of the King of Perala residing at Athens during the Pelopon- neslan War. 2 vols, complete. Dublin. 1792. Full calf. 780. Barton on Melancholy. 2 vols, complete. Lcmdmi, 1828. Full calf. 781. The Oael and Cymbrt, by Sir William Betham; and Irish Antl- quarlan Researches, by the same author. Part 2. Dublin. 1827 and 1834. 2 books. 782. Btrurla-Celtlca, by Sir Wm. Betham. 2 vols, complete. Dub- lin. 1842. Cloth. 783. History of the Constitution of England and Ireland; Betham. Dublin. 1884. 734. Thomas D'Arcy'McOee's History of Ireland. 2 vols. 73S: Speeches by Daniel O'Connell, H. Orattan, J^ P. Bdmund Burke. 6 vols. Half calf. 786. Political Ballads of the 17th and 18th Centuries; W. W. Wi2< kins. 2 vols, cmnplete. London, 1860. Cloth. , 787. Principles of Political iBtConoiny; John Stuart Mill. 2 vols, com- plete. Awleton, 1864. Cloth. Louis XIV. and the Court of Prance In the 17th Century; hy Miss Pardou. 3 vols. Harper, 1847. 789. Ooldsmtth's Miscellaneous Works. 4 vols, complete, 1821. Full calf. 740. The Constitutional History ot Enigland, 1760-1860; by Thomas Erskine May. '2 vols, complete. London, 1861. Cloth. ,741. Hallam's Middle Ages and Slndlng's Scandinavia. 2 books. 742. Smith's Wealth of Natlonp. 2 vols, complete. Dublin, 179^ Pull calf. 748, Memoirs and Correq>ondence of C. J. Fox, by Lo^d Russell. 2 ' vols, complete. Philadelphia. 1863. 744. Mosley's RemlnlBcences. 2 vols, complete. 1882. Cloth. 746. Fudge Doings, by Ik Marvel. 2 vols, complete. 1866. 746. Iliad of Homer; Earl of Derby. 2 vols, complete. 1866. 747.'Bohn's Standard Library. 8 vol|. Including works by Rosfibe, ' Schiller. MachlavelU, Schlegel and Ockley. (May be divided.) 748. B(^n'8 Scientific Library. 2 vols. Humboldt. 749. Bohh's Britikh Classics; Bdmund Bwke's Works. 6 vols, com- plete; and* Burke's Speeches.. 2 vols, complete. 760. ko>bert.pouthey's Progress of Society. Complete in one vol. With plates. London^ 1829. '761. Wordsworth's Greece and Colerldge'a Works. 2 books. 762. Don Quixote; Lockhart'3 Edition. 4 vols, complete. 768. Hugh Miller's First Impressions ot England; and Old R^ Sand-* stone. 2 books. "764. Queen Victoria's Memoirs of Prince Consort; and Prince ot Wales' Tour in India, etc. 2 books. 7 com. Cloth. Curran and London, %■■■ '['-"Mirii'ii-'i'i. 7SS. 76«. 7B7. 768. 769. 760. 761. 762. 768. 764. 766. 766. 767. 768. 76ft. 770. 771. 772. 778. 774. 775. 776. '777. 778. 779. 780. 781. 782. 788. 784. 786. 786. 787. 788. 789. 3ndon from 1819 to 1826. BDt tn lUly; by M. U. Hunan. 29 Biksh's llMid«no« at th« Court of Adventure* of Our Own Correapond t YOli. complete, 1862. Letter* of Junius. With plates. Lk>ndon, 1810. Douglas Jerrold's Comedlea/ and Uranuw ; and Man Made of Money. 2 books. London, 1863. Lord's Europe; White's Blements of History; and Cameos from English History. 3 books. Memoir* and Diary of Sir Samuel Romtlly. 2 toIs. Studies of Chess; Phllldor. 2 vols, complete. London, 1808. Chess Studies: by Geo, Walker, t book* Tragedies by Talfourd; Major's Guide to Greek Tragedians; utf Byron's Marino F4llero, etc. 3 bboka, DoUlnger's Fables and Prophecies of the Middle Age*, and 4 other books. History of the Irish Union; Ingran ; and 2 other1>ooks. Peter Pindar'* Works. With rare old plates. Vol. 1. London. 1798. . ,1- The Glided Age; by Mark Twain; ind 4 other books. The Dutchman's Fireside. 2 Vols. LondoU. 1881. The Crayon Miscellaiiy. Nos. 2 atid 8, Ktngsley's Hypatia; 2 vols.; and 4 other book*. The Betrothed; The Fair God; and Klosterbelm. 8 book*. Work and Wages; by Thomas BriMey; and HI* Life and La** hours. 2 book*. Whateley'* Rhetoric and Logic; Kamee' Criticism; and Mill*' Blair's Rhetoric. 4 bocAs. Abbott's History of Christianity; jand Smith's Mohammed, t books. Gleanings for the Curious; Bombafigh. Beaumarchals and hi* times, and British Manufacturing Industries. \ other books. 3 vols. ♦ Bridgewater TreaMso; SomervlII) I's Physical Geography and Sciences'; and Dendy's Mystery. 4 books. . ^awthOrne'* Works. 7 vols. Half calf, . ^ 4^ Blackwood'* Magaslno. 9 vol*. Bound. Popular Bhcyclopaedla. 12 vols. Blkckie ft Sons, Illustrated London News. 11 volsJ Bound. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine/ 63 part*. Holy Bible. 3 vola. Oxford, 1818. Half calf Johnson's Dictionary. 2 vols. London, 1786. Guide Books. 17 vols. Bundle of Pamphletn etc. / Scott's Poetical Work*. 7 volaj Edinburgh, 1822. Illuatrated. Byron'* Poetical Work*. Vol*. 2, 3, 4, 6, 6. *^ Scott's and Shelley's Poetical W^rk*; and Lytton'* King Arthur.Sk 2 vol*. 4 book*. ^ Library Edition of British Poejt*, with note*, etc.. by the IICT. George Gilflllan. 42 vol*. THE GARDEN; Horticultural journal, 1886-89. 9 vol*. Colored plates, THE ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY OF GARDENING : - An Encyclopaedia of Horticulture. 4 vol*, complejte. 1887. C^lt bred plate*. / " . m a r. 798. 794. 796. 796. 797. 798. 799. 800. . "■ ■ 808. ■.•';•'■. ■■ , '•' . 809, ■ . •■■ ■ ' 810. ■ " 811. ;■'■■.■ • '■■■• ^ 812. a 818. ■ ■ \814. 81(. *v 816. * ■' 817. 818. 819. ■ ■ ■ ' 820. 821. . .' '. '■ ': ■ 822. ,..-■■ 823. - 824. W'±.- 82S. .x . 826. ' 827. ■ '• ■ .■ *'■ * ■ ■ ARBORBTITM BT prflTTICBTIlM BRITANNICUM ; or, Til* Tr««B and Utarubfl uf Urltutn. 8 voIn. cumplnte. Orchid drawers' Manuftl; WllUama; Orchid Culturfl; lUnd; and OrchIdH for Amatouni. 3 books. Choice Stove and Ureenhouae |>lanU; WtlllaniH. 2 voU. Warder'B American Pomology- ^'leld'a Fear Culture; and Par- dee's Strawberry Culture. 3 f^Hi. Thomson's Fruit Culture under (mss; and The Greenhouse Com- panton. 2 books. • f? «i Robinson's Hardy Flowers; AidP^Rand's Ilu^lbs. 2 books. Fruit. Flowers and Farmlnn' ai(d 3 other books. Oownln«'s Landscape OnDhnilng'and Rural Architecture; and Smith's liandscape GanlcnlnK! 2 books. * 803. Allen's American Cattle; Flint's Milch Cowa; and Randall'a Sheep Husbandry. 3 books. 804. Mayhew's Horse MahnRement and 2 other Jiprse books. 805. Badham's Ancient and Modern Fish Tackle. 806. Bement's AmerleaaPoulterer's Companion. 807. Transactions ol»Mrd of Agriculture; 8 vols.; and The Far- mer's Guide aiicTi^ltondar. 6 books. The HortLculturaflBt' ftifd Journal of Horticulture. 2 books. The American Agriculturist; 3 vols.; Country Gentleman and Caniuiiun farmer. 5 books. ./ Herd Hooks, etc. 17 vols. » A " ■ Annual Register of Rural ACrairs, lie. 16 vols. VERY OLD AND SCARCB WORkS, AND FIRST EDITIONS Sermons of Thomas Manton, D.D.. with Portrait. London, 1689. Numlsmata: A Discourse of Medals Ancient and Modern. Lon- don. 1697. Sermons of Edward Lake. Portrait. London, 1706. Mistoriae ChrlBtianae Antlquloris Heimstadil. 1737. Cathechlsm. H. Hammond, D.D. London, 1662. Life of Thomas Halyburton of St. Andrew's, Glasgow. 1766. Essay on the Origin of Evil. Dr. Wm. King. Dubjfin, 1739i Book of Psalm#. Symon Patrick. London, 1680. i \0\%. Matho, or the /Cosmotheoria Puerilis. I^ndon, 177 Btbllotheca Blbllca, being a Commentary upon all thV Books of the Old and! New Testament, gathered from the.wfitlnKS of Fathers and I Acts of Councils, down to the y^ar. 461; Complete and clean. J4 vols. Uncle Tom's Cabin, with twelvjB illustrations. London, Partridge ft Oakey. 1862. The Rebel and other Tales, by Bulwer Lytton. New York, Harper Bros., 1836. • Renzl, from Miss Mitford's Tragedy and Bulwcr's Novel. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. Philadelphia, Care^ ft Hart, 1836. Th* Abbott, by Sir Walter Scott. FIRST EDI-TION. Edinburgh, Longman ft Ballantyne, etc., 1820. 3 vols. 1 Ivanhoe, by Sir Welter Scott. FIRST EDI'^ION. Edinburgh, ArchibaU Constable ft Co., 1820. 3 vols. Vision of Don Roderick and other poems, by Sir W. Scott. Second edition. Ekiinburgh, 1811. ; FIRST EDITION. FIRST EDITION. -A t it SX8. uo. 8S1, 8S2, M8, FIRST BDITIOM. llliiitrKied. N«w York, W. C. II. The floiiff of HUwalh*. by H. W. Lo«ff*llow Boston. T. * Tlel 8491v Adventures of Mr. Wllderspln on his Journey (hrough Life; A. Halllday. With many quaint Illustrations Jsy W. McConnell. London, 1860. / 841. Blblla Sacra, Jn»ta Vulgatam. VenetlBf<^1558. .~~ .-.^ = <41|. Poetae Senlcl, G.-aeci Gull. Dlndorflui. Lepslae, 1841. B«aii- tlfully bound. Half calf (rtlt. ,/ . 842. Academic UnlverseJle de»Jeux,J!chec8„ par Phllidore; Whist, par Hoyle, etc., etc. 8 voln. /^ L ':. ._ i* J>JiJy£\. ii..^k^^r»i}kH. , "'■•r- 145. 147. (Mtl: lititaBfla and DtUy, by R. Shaw, II.A. MOBtiwt. 1171 141. Pleturwqu* C«oad»; O. M. Onuit. Over 600 •ognvlii llluatraUoiM. 144. DmM'i InfMno. IlliwtrataU by UtMUviDoT*. WAVBRLBY NOVW^, by HIr Wtlttr llac^t. Illustr«l««. and complDlf. 34 vols. ROOT. I^. 8TKVKNSON, Worlw of. HsndMMiMly bouad In half r«d ledtb«r. 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Cbarlea .Or»liAm. Kaahub Cbundar, Bcn.'a BnflUb Visit. 8. D. Collat LondOB, 1871. -, . Oraatcr Britain; C. W. DUka; anC.ICyalyns Dliry and CorraS' pondance; Wm. Bray. 2 books. 7 LIfs and Latter* of Lord Macaulay; Trsvalyan; 2 vol*.; and Macaulay's History of Bniland. 4 vols. 6 books. History of Buropa; A. Allton. 4 vols. Abbexa. Caitlaa and Anclsnt Halls of Bngland Md W«1m; by John Tlmbs. 3 vole. ._, ,^ Invasion of the Crldtea; A. W. Klnglake. 2 vols. Offlclal. Doicrlptlve and Illustrated CaUlofua of the Great Bxhl* bitlon of the Works of industry of ail I^atlons. London, 1861. 8 vols. ^ History of the World, Ancient aqd Modem; Maunder and In- man. Illustrated, mapa, etc. 2 vols, Shakespeare's Works; Charles and Mary Ck>wden Clarke. Lon- don, 1869. ^ f , Castles, Palaeas and Prisons of M#y Queen of Scots. Illus- trated. London, C. Hackle. 1860. History of Pranc>J. 8te<>l plate portraits and other Illustrations. T. Wright, Complete In 9 divisions. Appleton's Am«*rlcan Bncyclopandla. 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