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EDWAHO IIKINDL, Vloln ami HUDOLl'H HKNNICl, Assisted by tho dlstliiKUlsliod VcK'iillsl, Kiiifc. VIoloncillii XiSCr#« ^* W* WSSTOK" «. Overture. Anight In (Jreniuln, ....... Krenlzii' "Hogniil." ItiiUiin Uonuinee, ........ Schliii Mrs. J. W. JVesto7i. [TltAS.-LATION.] f/lsii, I dreiimt tlmtut Inst thou wert mine, And the kiss that Inave ihee had stolen my heart ; Oh ! that that <lriiini might oontlmie forever, And no tyrant hul Death had the ii>)wer to part, A dream Is our love, a dream is our life, Yet I'd die for fliee, f,isa, so deep is my love ; And sliould death here liave taljen my heart from thee, Lisa, Tlion'lt ! nd it alxive, dear, tiiou'lt find It above.- "I.n Kememlierunee," Solo for Flute, ...... Tersehalt .Edward Hbindl. tiunrtetle In I! flat, Op. 18 - - liei'thov. u Allegro — .\ndantf . Hnoinen Klaeghe (sounds from the underground spirits), for Ciarlnetle, Curl Hieiniann Thovzas Tlyan. " Anuiryllls," air composed l)y Louis XIII. Arranged forCiuintette.; SEICOKTID. i 7, " Ksn»erald»," Uipsy Hong, . . . - . JJrs. J. W. Weston. Where Is llie little (!ip.-y's iiome? I'uder tlie spreading i.;reenwo(Hl tree, Wiierever she uuiy roam. Where'er thai tree nia.v l)e, — Roaming tlie wide world o'er, Crossing t lie deep bine sea, Slie finds on every siiore A home among the free. \dila, La (iltana, K.<meralda,Zingara. Oh, leave iU'r lliu'tiie iiird, Tosing on ev'ry tree and liower; Oil, leave her iilte the bee, • To tilt from liow'r to How'r. Roaming tile wide world o'er, Crossing the deep blue sea, Hhp lliuls on ev'i',y sliore A homeamoug the free. \ Oila, 1.11 (Jit^na, Esmeralda, /Ingara S. Coueeito Vloloneeilo in A luiiua-, .... fjeve.v Tlie(liiisy is like tile bird, A bird that ^ lugs in tree and liow'r; Tiie(Hpsy Is like tile liee. The liee that tilts from flow'rtotl.iw'r: Slie loves tlie sun and sky, She loves tlie song anil dance, The groves of simnv Spain, The plains of La lielle France. Voila, Latiitanii, !';smeraldii./lngara. Oolterinr '111 I^udolpli IIenn.ia, !i. Sclierzo, from the "Midsummer Nigiit's Tireain," arranged " I'orlinliilelle, by Carl Hamm, - - . . . Meiidelssoliii Pick— How now, spirit ! wliither wander you ? FAIIO— Over liill, over dale, Tiiroiigli biisii, thidiigli lirier, Over park, over pale, Througli (loiKl, through lire, I do wander everywhere. Swifter tiian tlie nimin's spliere. 10. Solo for Violin, 11. ?;iigiisli Hong, Carl Haram. ' Little Maid of Arcudee," - (Words liy W. H. (liil)ert.) Jlrs. J. W. Weston. I'ML'tiiiinl Artlitir Stillivaii 12. Little imiid of Arciidee Sat on Consiu Robin's knee— 'I'liougiit, in laecaiid form ainl linii NoIiihI.v eoiilil eijiial him. He was rieli, and siic was fair, Triitli lliey nuiile a iiretty pail. Happy little maiden sp,' ; llapp> maid of .\readee; To liir little home si -epl, Tbtri- she sal her down and w .Maiden wept as maidens will, (irew so tiiinanii pale ami ill, Till anottier came to woo,— Tlieii again tlie roses grew. Happy Utile maiden slie • Happy maid of Arcadee ! " Helter -Marseli," composed for I'laiio, op 1^1. Quintette, l)y Curl llamm, HOD SAVE THE QI'KKN Moments sped, as moments will. Kapldly eiioin;li— until, .M'ler, sav,a !iioi;;ii or two, Hobin ilid as Kolilnsdo— i'iekle a~ the moiilii of May, .liiteil hi 1 and ran away. Wretelii 'I little maiden she. Doleful maid of .\rcadee. ■pl ; raimeil for Franz Sclinbert CONCERT WILL BEGIN AT EIGHT O'CLOCK.