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Laa imagaa auivantaa ont 4t* raproduitaa avac la plus grand aoin. compta tanu da la condition at da la nattat* da I'aKamplaIra fiim4, at •!% conformM avae laa conditlona du contrat da fNmaga. Laa axamplairaa orlginaux dont la couvartura an papiar aat imprlm4a aont fllmda an common^ant par la pramiar plat at an tarmlnant aolt par la damMra paga qui comporta una ampraima dimpraaalon ou dllluatratlon, aoit par la saeond plat, aaton la eaa. Toua laa autraa axamplairaa orlginaux aont fNmia mn commandant par la pramMra paga qui com('»*jS*'*' If- i If: i Speaks anDther i ^' Dn His glnry Dd Earth's shadows tall again? Far nur glarinas Monarch surely Ever Ended is the bane. Nnt far Him the hitter crying, Net for Him the Innely dying; Wcunds unhcund and aching Head — ShinR; nh G-lnry, there instead,^' Cnmes the answer i "Heart ni G-Ddhnad Cradles every human heart, Quicker; tenderer; than a mnther's Bears in every pang its part, Beating with each heart that's hrnken; Pleading in each sad plaint spoken, Feeling all His people's paiU; G-rieves the Son of Man aaain," I Ldaa; the spEakiiidi <' Rtb they ueeIess — All Dur chants nf [JratitiidE; i^dDratJGLiS; praisEs, warship; Dl cur ulnrinus aTigElliDDii ? Can t]]E hEavEnly radiancE revei' Christ thE Lnrd, frnrn Earth ^riel sEVEr? .And His pnnr with wail and fret TrniihlR thEy thE MastEr yEt?'' Cry thE WatchEPS; downward iDakina, i '' Happy mortals; yours thE tasl< j At ijijur handS; He takES tiiE CDnilnrt; b'rum ynur storES; He dsigns to ask. Yuu may hslp His poor and wEary; SoDths thE hours sad and drEary, With rjr Lord tho work dividE; Comfort Him, ijour CrucihEd," FBi'UiErj fFn'ritEP; grow the vnicES; As the haly t^RBk the liEight; GvEi' TivErj hill; and harhaur; pQll and fail' LinmES mDrnincJ light, In tliR Glty ii^tPEEts it lingers; WiiEPP Strang hands and busy fingErs Wnrk Hnd spEnd; and will nat stay; ThEy VA/Linld hElp thEir Lord tn--day, • ELLEN MURRMY.