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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmd d partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas. en prenant le nornbre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. frata to pelure, nd a 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ( 179) ANNO VICESIMO TERTIO Georgii III. Regis. CAP. VI. An A£1 to continue feveral Laws, relating to the regulating the Fees of Officers of the Cuf- toms and Naval Officers in Ainerka ; to the allowing the Exportation of certain Quan- tities of Wheat, and other Articles, to His Majefty's Sugar Colonies in America ; to the permitting the Exportation of Tobacco-pipe Clay from this Kingdom to the Britijh Sugar Colonies or Plantations in the Weft Indies ; and to the repealing the Duties upon Pot and Pearl Aihes, Wood and Weed Afhes, im- ported into Great Britain^ and for granting other Duties in lieu thereof. ^^.##^^'f^ ii3aBiR<3a® t!)c lalOiBi fjemn^after Preamble. ^I^^S^ menttoneD !)a\)c, &|) OBrpcvicncc, bern V|%#^?Sf \ founD ufeful anD beneficial, anD arc i'lRlPifW ^'^^^^ cvpiriiig ; mag it tI)crcfo?e plcafe J^n^lgisO^ jiour Cigajefti) tljat it map be en* ^ife^f-'Sr^SS% aftcn ; anD be it cnaeteb bg tl)c ming'iSf till? aobicc anti Confcnt of tbe Lo^bjs Spiritual anD Y y 2 Cempojal, i8o fid much of 10 Ceo. Ill, Cap. 37, as relates to regulating the Fees of Cul- tom-hnii(e Officers in America, further con- tinued until So much of i6 Geo. Ill, Cap. 37, as relates to allowin;; the Expoit:itiun of Wheat, dt. to His Mnjef- ty's !5Ug;ir Colonies in AmerUa, ANNO REGNI VICESLMO TERTIO Cap. 6. Cenipo?aI, anD Commons, in iW p^cfcnt parliament aiTcmijleti, anD t\> tlje autljoiiiti) of tOc fame, Cliat fo mucl) of an aft, maDe in t!)c Centb Jiiear of tfte IReign of J|)i0 p^efcnt C^ajcfli?, ag relates to tlje regulating tbe JFceiff of tlje £)fficer0 of tfjc CuGoms in America, antJ fo? ertenDing tlje fame to tlje BaDal iDfftccriSS tberc, toljiclj toa0 to be in JF0|ce from tlje JTirCt IDap of Auguft, iDne tfioufanD fetjen i)unti?eD anD feticnty, fo? ttoe Cerm of C\i)0 geatiJ, anD from tljence to tt)c (ffinD of tjje tljen nert ^eftton of parliament ; anD toljicl) toaj, Ijg Cl)?cc aftiff, maDe in tlje Ctoelftl), jTourteentlj, anD i^inetcentlj f ear0 of tbe iSeign of R)i0 p?efcnt 90ajeftg, further con* tinueD until tl)e JTirft Dap of Augufl. ©ne tljoufanD fctjen |)unD?eD anD cigftt^^tloo, anD from tljence to tlje €nD of tljc tljcn ncrt ©effi'on of parliament j Qiall be, anD tfte fame i0 ftereby furtljer continueD from tfie (ffirpiration tljereof until tlje JTirft i)aj) of Auguft, j©ne tftoufanD feften l)unD?eD anD eigljtg=(ir, anD from tljence to tlje CnD of tlje tljen nert ^eOion of parlia-- ment n. 0nD be it furtljer cnafteD bg tfje autljo?it2 afo?e= faiD, Cljat fo mucb of an aa, maDe m tbe @!irteent& ^ear of tbe Beign of Ipijei p?efent a^ajefli?, intituIcD, An A6t for allowing the Exportation of certain Quantities of Wheat, and other Articles, to His Majefty's Sugar Co- lonies in America^ and to the Ifland of Saint Helena, and to the other Settlements belonging to the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eafi Indies, and of Bifcuit and Peafe to Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Bay Chaleur, and Labrador; and for indemnifying all Peribns with refpc6l to advifmg or carrying into Execution His Majefty's Orders of Council already made for allowing the Exportation of Wheat, and other Articles; a0 related to allowing tbe Crpo?tation of certain £Xuantitie0 of aitbeat, anD otbcr articles, to lpi0 Q^ajefly'g Sugar Co^ lonic0 in America, ^bicb toa0 to continue in JToice until tbe JTirft Dag of January, ©ne tboufanD feben bunD?eD anD febentg^feben ; anD bJbicb, bp feberal aft0, maDe in tbe ^ebenteentb, €igbtecntb, l^inctecntb, CVaentietb, 5 Clvicntg^ I 1 1 1 GEORGII HI. REGIS. iBu con* lil ,a:). 43, Cap. 6. Ctoemi)--(ira, ann CVoenty^faonU ^mvgi of tbc Kcign of 'M$ pjefetit (^aiettg, tDa0 continued until tijc jTivft JDap tif May, }©ne tfMJufanD fetien l)unD?cD anD cightp ttite ; (bait he, and tfte Came itf Ijaeby furtijcr continued until [;;;2'-^^; tl)e 5ira 2:)aj) of May, £)ne tfjoufanD fetien IjiuiD^cD anD K'l."';ii4 cigl)tp^four. III. anD be it fart!)cc enafteD bg tijc autljo^ity afo^c^ ';;:";:nif faiO, Cbat fo mucl) of an aft, inaQe in tl)c @)Cl}cntccnt!) t;'.; fear of tbe JSeign of Dig p?cfent ^ajcay* intitulcD, An Act for repealing the Eleventh Rule hi the Book of Rates, fo far as the fame relates to making any Allowance upon tlie Importation of damaged Currants and Rallins, and for making the Importer of fuch Goods an Abatement in the Duties in lieu thereof j and for explaining the fald Rule with refpect to fuch Allowance for Damage on other Goods; and to permit the Exportation of Tobacco-pipe Clay from this Kingdom to the BritiJJ: Sugar Colonies or Plantations in the JVeJi Indies, for a limited Time ; permitis tfje €rpo?tation of Cobacco-pipe Claj? ffoni tbis! mingDom to tbe Britifn ©ugar Colonies o? lLi)lantation.!S in tbe Weft indies ; loljicb toas to continue \x\ jTo^cc until tbe Ctoentg'-fouttl) 2?a}? of June, iDne tboufanU fcucn JunD^eD and fet)entg=ninc, and from tbcnce to tbe (End of tbe tben nert ©effion of parliament ; and tobicb, bj) an Oci made in tbe Ctoentietb fear of tbe Eeign of l)\% pjefent J^ai'cGiJ, 'u)a0 continued until tbe Ctoentg^fourtb S^ag of June, £Dne tbouCnnd fcbcn bundled and eigbti^tb^ce, and from tbence to tbe €nd of tbe tben nert ^effion of l^ar^ liamcnt; ftall be, and tbe fame \% bercby furtber con= [!;'[J^j'^ ^y,;-;- tinucd from tbe dBrpiration tbcrcof until tbe CUJcnt}J= ^c^^^]%^, fourtb 23aj) of June, One tboufand feben bundled and cigbtL)=ffUcn, and from tbcnce to tbe €nd of tbe tben nert ©eSion of i^arliamcnt. IV. and be it furtber ena^ed bi? tbe autbo?it|i afojc^ faid, Cbnt an aft, made in tbe ^Vuentictb if'ctu* of tbe Erign of rpi0 p^cfent C^aicfiy, intituled, An Act for repealing the Duties payable upon Pot and Pearl Afhes, Wood and Weed Afhes, imported into Great E-r'anin, and for granting other Duties in lieu thc.cof, {ov a limited Z '/ Timcj 5 jjjg as permits the Expoitation r f Toii.K co- pipe Clny to the Sui'ar Coiuaits, ■0 Ceo. m, Lap. vs. iSz ANNO REGM VICESliMO TERTIO, cfc". Cap. 6. Time; \ii()ic{) luns to contiiuic in jfo^cc until tfie Cfiittp^ Cca 21)01) of May, £)nc t()OufanD fetjen JjunDieD anH Srr.'iV clsljt2=tj]?cc, fljall lie, anD tfte fame >«, jKtebt) f^j^t^, ^:^'i> 3.. i7ii6. conttnucD until t|)c Cbii'tgffirQ. pag o£ M^yV J©neiljou»;5 fand fetjen ijunDicO anti c(gl)^?fi'r. :v«**i ^.tiig* x; ■C^iTK^r^' '(?Mrr':^(n;V OS'IMA H.; v■•-i!Ay■4^>^*'**■•4»;^&•:'^J' ^; .' ■*■■ ^">i -i ; 5' -i 'i--i^*.-^J^:' i-''^ *-^- 7^:^^ .nv *3 :$ ^^■^orl8 >; :^'i.dv/ f:K'':<:i^ omtnlA ■.if- One .nu^aijrii^ &JfJ1 1o rfJ^^fl^ 5(?t ' p^^i^^J^^s^ ^3hi»y i.' .!ijn:iui3': -li-rvinsiro^ ';'ji;!0«j^diHl sff? an3:i{?af B^G^-j -i-iud iisidt:> ■:.•: itifr Hurf^iJ^t vtsfittf ,m'^-^' no dns 'i.»: "' Keticr^