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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be ffilmed et diffferent reduction ratios. Those too ierge to be entirely included in one exposure ere ffilmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The ffollovfing diegrams illustrate the method: Les certes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre fi i 'j K iii lVViiN .Jiii i»> r>i|i 'i' i iiiii>'i^"i/l .j.^'MiM*S.>::^ -<".-. ^-^ ^it^^rM^**!"' * -i'»»-"' ■ \ P^' ' ^ '# , >• "*»^ r The EDITH ^W LORNE PIERCE COLLECTION of CANADI ANA ^eerCs University at Kingston %-■ |j»-?s •v-rr- t-VvS'^i-/;! :v N,- ■■■ ■*;■■■*.■'■%• J^'-'-j!'^ "•<■■■ ' ■■A' . .-■■-1 --. ' " "'' --1 .V .! ^1 •|i li '■"tlsB 9 r/ vr ^rf/^,^.l NATURE'S i.AWS; NEW IDEAS CONCERNING THEM. OvJL A MEDICAL LECTURE . — DELIVKhED IN— WESLEY AN HALL, BOSTON, ON FRIDAY. EVENING, MARCH 30th. 1S77, -BY- DR. D. W. FAIRCHILD, ILLUS'^RATINO THE PRINCIPLES OF ABSORPTION, —AS DEVBLOPED IN— i% m%^ Copied from the BOSTON DAILY GLOBE, of Saturdaij, March 31st, 1877, Together with Testimonials from Men and Women of the hie^heat stanrlmg in the Dominion, including Clergymen, octors, Lawyers, Merchants, and all the other known Professions. / ^ It is a settled fact that the Holman Liver and Stomach Pad has effected more cures. The Holman Liver and Stomach Pad has made warmer friends. The Holman Liver and Stomach Pad has groivn faster in favor than all the World's treatment cc^^'hined. The Holman Liver and Stomach Pad cures the severest ■ Chronic Liver and Stomach difficulties. The Holman Liver Pad is not a "Patent Medi- * cine," hut a "scientific'' principle. H««d Offloei for the Entire Dominion: TORONTO, . . - - - . 71 King Street West. MONTREAL, 301 Notre Dame Street. ■f ^5o i:i^ / e ZO 1- I ^ S r \ \ \ This pamphlet is generously given and dedicated 'to suffering humanity of every clime and nation. It therefore goes to your hands as a mission of mercy, with the rea- sonable request that you lay a. side prejudice and suspicion, to the extent of reading every word, and the further request tliat you pander well the principles, and the unusual endorsements of their fruits, — subject to y j, fullest investigatio i and scrutiny. . When read, we trust that you will make it a matter of duty to place it in the hands of those in your neigh- borhood as mutually interested parties, not only in the general welfare of your fel- low man, in the preservation of health and the curing of disease, but also if in your power that you help make life bearable in a vast portion of the richest and fairest localities h^'retofore made desolate and uninhabitable. \ \ \ THE LECTURE. You hfivf; not been invited here for the purpose of being treated to an intellectnal repast. Neither is it my object to utter an unkind word where it is not deserved, or to trarhice character, or to wander into any extravagant statements rnjt suscejitible of proof. If I know my own heait I ;ini here to tell you, in as plain and simple a manner as I am capable, a series ot facts full of wonder and astonishment, and to endea- vor to make you better acquainted with yourself; and also to teach you the direct cause of nearly all the diseases man is heir to, and how simple and inexpensive a mode there is for you not onl}^ to prevent, but to cure tlie same. The q:iestiori will be treated seriously, and fairly as it deserves. An 1 right here I will take the occasion to say no man has a higher regard or more thorough veneration for THE CONSCIENTIOUS FAMILY PHYSICIAN ' than I. Such a man is entirely void of selfishness and prejudice. He is a constant student. He keeps pace with every fresh thought advanced; puts it into practice most willingly as an auxiliary anything that proves itseil better than he lias yet known. At least he never condemns short of a thorough investigation. Such men are sometimes found. They de- serve the confidence, love and respect of all who know them. Such d. man will tell you tliat tlie best of them are groping about in the dark; that it is one continu(;us round of experiment. The principle of an- tidotes has proved unsatisfactory — yea, a failure. A. H. Stevens, M. D.,says: "The older physicians grow tlie more skeptical they become in the virtue of their own medicines." Professor Willard Parker says: "Of all sciences medicine is most uncertain.'' Professor E. H. Davis: "THE VITAL EFFECTS OF MEDICINE are little understood." J. Mason Good, M. D.: "The science of medicine is a barL)arous jargon.'" Dr. Bostwick, author of History of Medicine; "Every dose of medicine is a blind experiment." Professor Evans, M. D.: "The medical practice of the present day is neither philosophy nor common sense." Professor Gregory: "Gentlemen,, ninty-nine medical facts are medical lies." iJr. McLintock: "Mercury has made more cripples than all wars combined." And he should have- added, that the present abuse of soda of potassi in its present various forms is destro'iiig myriads of stomachs beyond redemption. Sir Astley Coojier says: "The science of medicine is founded on con- jecture and improved by murder." Oliver Wendell Holmes said before a medical class in tiie year iSGi: "The disgrace of medicine has been that colossal system of self-deception, in obedience to which mines have been emptied of the cankering niinerais, the vegetable kingdom robbed of all its growth, the entrails of animals taxed for their impurities, the / aoV'VSa 4, • NATUIIE 8 LAWS. poison bags of reptiles drained of their venom, and all the conceivable abominations thus obtained, thrust down the tiiroats of human beings .suffering from some fault of organization, nourishment or vital stim- ulation." Thus I might enlarge to the extent of volumes in quoting th« long list of physicians' strictures on themselves, in which they tell you that medical science, thus far, is not only not beneficial, but absolutely in- jurious and killing in its effects. Notwithstanding all this, custom and early education ever hold a wonderful power over us, and it matters not how unreasonable and^bsnrd any teachings and customs or habits may seem to us, and how plainly it may have been proved to us that they are injurious and fallacious. Yet it would seem that nothing short oi long years of bitter experience, or some sudd'^n mighty power, will ever change the course of most of us from impressions made through early education and example. Yes, we are slaves to habit, custom and fashion. There is usually a wonderful lack of individuality. For exam le: we are used to our doctor: we see him daily; we rely upon him; take his medicines, poisons and otherwise; pay his bills; gradually grow worse; do no thinking or acting for ourselves; finally die, and the friends charge it to a dispensation of Providence. Less than thirty-five years ago millions up to that period Wad gone down to their graves begging for one swallow of cold water. Motliers, sisters, brother and fond lover had, each in tlieir turn, withheld from the dear one this precious and most natural antidote. This, too, when it was apparent that life could hold on but a few short hours at most. Doctors said in those days: COLD WATER IS DEATH. Give them calomel and a spoonful of warm water instead. Those loving friends were made the willing instruments through early educa- tion, to obey literally the doctor's command. Not only was the fever patient denied water, but was drugged, physicked, bled and starved, until all reactive power was lost, and he gave up the ghost to the treatment instead of the disease. 1 doubt not there are numbers here to-night who know this state- ment to be true. But to-day the patient gets ice-water in superabun- dance. And why this radical change of antidotes? If fire was once the antidote of fire, why should water now be che antidote of fever fire? Simply for the reason that nature always revolts against any system that lacks a supply of Nature's natural wants, or that is cruel to itself. In every neighborhood, more or less there were found persons of strong will-power that decided they would not oie until they had satisfied that intense thirst, and allayed the fire that was burning them up. Many interesting experiences have been told of what these creatures, in tor- ment passed through to get water. My own uncle, for one, lay, as was supposed, at the point of death. A trusty old colored man, his watch- man was called to his bed about midnight. Speaking just above a whispe.r, he, said: "Abe, I am going to ask of you one last request. Will you grant it?" "Yes, massa, anything you ask I'sedo." "Take the old wooden jug, go to the spring, back x)f the barn, fill it with cold water and bring it to me quick." "Oh, massa, massa, anything else you ask I'se do; you know what missus and doctor said; *No water, no water." ' " Abe, you go ; if you don't and I hve I'll shoot you dead," NATIIKE S LAWB. After deliberatinp; ff)r a moment he says: " Massa, I go." It was brought him. He drank his fill. By inorninf,' every drop was gone. The fever broke. He fell into a quiet, peaceful sleep, and was soon restf)red to health. And not until then was any one told what had cured him. Such examples as these finally changed the present sys- tem of treating fevers. In this specific disease common sense is at last master (;f the situation. But how about the entire catalogue of nearly every other dise.ise known ? — such as bilious disorders, liver complaints, dyspepsia, female weakness, pains in the side, stomach, back, shoulders and muscles, periodical and life-long sick headaches, constipation, bilious diarrlicea, bilious colic, neuralgia, rheumatism, kidney difficulties, paralysis, irregular action of the heart, nrrvousness, liver coughs — often taken for consumption— /)6'/'m^/tYj/ dniukenness, and more especially the dreaded scourge, malari;i — such as intermittent, remittent, bilious, typhoid and scarlet fevers, fever and ague, ague cake, malaria lever, and the yearly visitation oi yellow fever in the South, a a stilj more virulent f(jrin of malaria. The above embraces a long list, and the unreflecting mind would naturally be slow in accepting all these as proceeding from a great cause — the stomach and liver. We ask the question: Do you .emember of ever suff'ering with any of the above-named symi)toins while you had a sound stomach and liver? Ask your neigh "oor the same question. But little change or advancement in the old practice has been shown during the last 200 years in the treatment of all these diseases, which are with the rarest exce'ptions, the outgrowth of a diseased stomach and a torpid liver, the latter being a ct)nseqiience of the first. Yet they are all treated specially, as if they were distinct diseases, proceeding from other causes tlian those I have just named. These are generally treuted with some of the so-called medicines: First, mercury or cilomel — a deadly and insidious poison, which has filled the world with human wrecks; once taken into the system it never ceases to and poison the sufferer until death steps in to relieve him. Arsenic, a deadly mineral {)oison, hut often used. Strychnine — one-sixth of a grain will kill a dog in half a minute, and one grain will instantly destroy human lifk. Think ol administering such a medicine as that lor fever and ague and biliousness. It is done daily, however. Bismuth — this corrosive rt:etal poison is becoming a tavorite for the treatment of disease. It deposits itself in the bones as leaii does, and entails permanent symp- toms of poisoning. Quinine — this drug is much relied upon by the profession. But we deny that it has curative power. It excites the vital forces to temporary activity. It helps to resist the shock of disease for the time being. It helps the patient over a bad spot. But it will not eradicate poison. The curse of quinine is, as you all know, that its continued use establishes an abnormal condition of the liver, kidneys and stomach, tending to congestion, irritation, torpidity, engorgement and final posi- tive impairment. Who that has ever used this drug freely did n. t find an increased quantity needed for each succeeding day ? As a con- sequence deafness, and want of memory are fastened in the system 6 natuAe'b laws. with feeHiiRS of horror and wretche(h)ess hut httle short of mtscry per- sonified. Such practice is ihscreditahle to the medical laculty. The theory of poison to cure a poison is fallacious, and cannot be home out in any illustration in nature, As well might we say hcnziiKJ is an antidote for fire; or another bile of the dog (not the hair — there is quite a difference between the two) will cure liydropiiobia; also that green apples are good tor the slrjinach-ache, etc. Doctors Disof^rec. It we examine further the recorded opinions of physicians, eminent in thfir profession, we will often find one claiming that the very remedies used by others as specijics are the causes of tiie diseases they are emjiloycd to cuie. Thus Dr. Stahl attributes the frequency of consumption to the introduction ot Peruvian bark, while Dr. Morton considers the bark an effectual cure for the disease. Dr. Reed ascribes the treijuency of this disease to the use of mercury, while Dr. Brillonet asserts that it is only curable by mercury. Dr. Rush says consumption is an iuHammatory disease, and should be treated by bleeding, pu''ging, cooling medicnies, and starvation, while Salva- dore says it is a disease ol debility, and should be treated by tonics, stimulating medicines, and a generous diet. Galen recommends vine- gar as the best prevrntativ(: to consumption. Dissault and others assert that this disease is olten bri)Ught on by a common practice of young people taking vinegar to preveui obesity. Dr. Beddoes recom- mends foxgl.n-e as aspc^cific in consumption, while Dr. Pan tound fox- glove more injurious in the practice than beneficial. In the face of such contradictory statements, is it not time to think and act for your- self? And this, my hearers, brings us to the vital question: Wliat is it that causes most o[ the suffering and disease found at this time in the human system ? y\iid wiiy is it that most of the medicines given for a cure give anything but satisfaction to the patient ? As before stated, most physicians treat everv ill or pain specifically, while they are only each a part ot tae greit wliole, proceeding fr nn or growing out of a fundamental cause. Fust, the stomach ; second, the liver. REGULATE THESE TWO ORGANS, especially the first, so they perform their functions perfectly, and you will remove nineteen-twentu^ths of all the ills that man is heir to in this or any other climate. Prove tiiis, you may say. The whole thing is in a nutshell. No mystery about it. The first stomach receives the food with no other preparation than what mastication has afforded, and if the stomach is healthy, gastric juice which is both a solvent and antiseptic appears in abundant quantities, mixing with the food, and excites the muscular motion of the stomach, propelling the food irom left to right, and back again trom right to left, until it is thorougly saturated with and disolved by the juice. Or else, in the absence of gastric juice, it mnstfennciit, decompose and rot betore it can even pass into the second stomach, called duodenum. This mass then comes in contact with juices from small glandb, and then with the juices of the pancreas, also with the bile of liver. With the a:/" of these several and ever-important properties digestion continues and separation takes place. The staicli is reduced to a sweetish mass and the fat to a soapy emulsion, and the bile on the entire mass prevents fermentation and the formation of gas, and assists in the separation of these propeities into the ing duct bag! This KATUUK S LAWS. into thr«e parts, tlie fatty portion, the albiiininous and sugary, and the indiueslible Mi.' From this condition conies the entire mak- ing up o> th(? I) tdy otlite. Tlie fluids pass into the system by way of ducts, constitntinj; bones, c;irtilaj(es, ligaments, cysts, muscles, sars or bags, tubes, glaiuls, nerves, adipose or fatty matter, membranes, etc. This is acconii)lished, by little villous i)oints which project from the muccjus membrane that take up the aliment, to be by them conveyed to the thoracic, wliich ascends along the spine. It is then emptied into the great horizontal vt.-m on the left side of the neck. It is here the sugary and albuminous parts are surrendered to the veins, to be by them carried to the liver. The liver, kidneys, lungs and skin are all constantly employed in taking from and carrying off the poisonous, dead, elFele matter ot the liuiiian system. TH£ HEART SKNOS THE BLOOD out through the arteries into the e.xtiemcs of the system and to the sur- face, where the biood vessels terminate in the smallest possible tubes. In this circle it leaves its vitalizing influences and returns thiough the veins to the heart for redistribution. This returning venous blood is dark and poisonous, and needs to be cleansed, purihed and revivified. The liver should receive a large portion of this poison, and from it secrete bile, which is Nature's cathartic and an antiseptic and solvent. The kidneys should separate the surplus water, thus preserving a uni- form temperature anci removing those poisons having nitrogen in them. Tne lungs should take from the blood carbon and impart oxygen, through contact with the atmosphere. The remainder of these poisons should pass off thmugh the pores of the skin and the natural outlets of the body. THE SPI-EEN. The spleen is like a sponge, and is susceptible of great expansion and contraction, without injury ; it is, indeed, like the air chamber of a fire engine, which serves as a cushion for the water to press against, acco- modating itself to the amount of pressure brought against it, and secur- ing a steady unremitting flow or stream. The blood passes through the spleen. The heart is a double acting force pump, forcing the blood out through the arteries into the veins. When the blood is natural and the mind free from excitement, and the body from disease, the machin- ery moves snaoothly and beautifully, with regular and uniform pulsat- tions, and without undue pressure upon any of the vessels or organs of circulation. But let the mind be suddenly brought under exciting or ■depressing influences, such as anger, grief, joy, or fear, and how quick- ly the heart responds, either by almost ceasing to beat, or by jumping, as it were, into increased vitality and strong vigorous throbs, with the blood seeming almost ready to break through some of its restraining barriers, under the great pressure. Right here comes the office of the spleen. It expands easily and readily under the pressure (like the air-chamber in the force-pump) till the crisis is passed without harm, when It gradually comes back to its natural condition as the exciting causes give way. In fever the same results follow, the fever being the exciting cause. When malarial, the blood is thick with poison, and the heart finds great difficulty in performing its work, especially in the extremities, 8 NATURE S LAWS. H i iT like an engine forcing water through a small pipe or nozzle instead of through open hose. The small vessels are easily clogged, and offer a resistance to the blood circulation, and thus bring into use and make necessary the office of the spleen. It yields and expands under this pressure, which, being constant or very long continued, gives it no opp- ortunity to contract at all, and it becomes congested, and loses its contracting p'ower ; hence ague cake or enlargement of the organ. Now, then, inasmuch as the stomachs are the great reservoirs irom which the entire system is sustained, it will be readily seen that if the gastric juice m the first stomach is lacking in quantity, then ferment- ation and decay of the food follow as a necessity — larpfe quantities of gas, lactic acid and c .her poisonous substances being formed — and it must pass into th-^ s;.'cond stomach a vile, vitiated poison. Neither the juic*-- > of the pancreas, the bile, nor any other known property can ever restore it to the condition for which nature first intended it ; and it is these vile poisons mixed with the f)oor fluids cbeinical,ly changed that btjgin their circuit tlirough the system ; first attacking the liver, then the heart, thence to the kidneys, and then the lungs, then the skin, and finally permeating the entire system. And it is in tliis manner that you can now bagin to understand yourself, and see at a <:'lance why it is your liver becomes lifeless and torpid and fails to secrete bile, and that fluttenngs and palpitations occur about the heart : why the kid- neys are diseased, and also the lungs leaving them sore and irritable and liable to colds and pneumonia ; why your skin becomes a saffron color; why the nervous centres over your digestive organs are diseas- ed and cause you sick headaches and neuralgia ; and why you should have rheumatism, seemg as you can the carbon crystallized in the blood, and why women suffer such untold misery and weakness. The ligaments are relaxed ; the fluids are weak and insufficient ; the whole system is let down. There is want of vitality ; a perfect goneness. It was once called laziness. It is now known as "a dreadful and hated disease ; and is the reason why you have cold extreniit;es.fevers,inflain- mations and obstructions, spina! disease and an innuuiciable amount of pains, and not the least of all these, why we have periodical drunk- enness. No one needs our sympathy and deserves the ])road inantle of charity extended him more than the periodical drunkard. He will Icll you it is not the love or luihit that prompts him to drink, neit'ier is jt that he does not comprehend the terrible consequences growing out of its use ; but that he is attacked at certain periods by gradual approaches, finally culminating in an indescribable gnawing feeling at the pit of the stom- ach, and a nervous prostration that pervades the entire system, such as seems to demand without delay a powerful opiate, or what is more convenient, a glass of whiskey, which will, for the time being, appease those dreadful sufferings; but once taken, and the system momentar- ily braced, he repeats the dose over and over for the same reason, un- til the stomach is finally unloaded ol all its contents, including not only the whiskey, but fermented and decomposed food and dead mucous matter it had previously accumulated. This and this only was thv*^ cause of all the mischief that produced the c.bove described symptoms; and not until this unloading is comple- ted and the dormant stomach and torpid liver begin their worn of secre- nature's laws. zle instead of I, and offer a se and make Is under this ^es it no opp- and loses its e organ. servoirs from m that if the hen ferment- quantities of nied — and it Neither the :r(y can ever it ; and it is changed tiiat )e liver, then the skin, and nanner that Jance why it ete bile, and why the kid- ind irritable ties a saffron s are diseas- ' yen should ized in the At last I decided to see the owners. I became convinced that the Pad v.'?.3 a success beyond question. ) learned from them that when the Pad was worn as directed, there could be no failure. With this conviction, and notwithstanding I partially comprehended the sacrifices I had to make — absence from my family, opposition from the doctv)rs, and prejudice, the ridicule and indiffer- ence from my /ellow-man generally — yet I decided to return to the city of Cincinnati, where I had lived seventeen years of my life, and th^^re BEGIN THE PIONEER WORK, proclaiming a principle that looked like a humbug on its face to a people who never before had heard the name of the Holman Fever and Ague and Liver Pad. If there is any one here who has ever exper- ienced all that it means to make a discovery that, if adapted, would redound to the benefit of man, or aas experienced the hope, joy, disap- poml the cout coulj manj inen| chrc Thel and! doci NATUBK S LAWS. 11 pointments, discouragements, contempt, sorrow and labour that fall to the lot of those who attempt to prouiu'gate it, then he is prepared to count the cost of the Holtnan Liver Pad to dute. Those who have not, could with j.rofit read the lives of Gahleo, Jenuer, Harvey, Fulton, and many others who have tried it. Like all new beginners, my commence- ment was . hard struggle. The first three cases were among the worst chronic, played out ones I ever had. These were the desperate ones. They had exhausted the whole list of medical science and humbugs — and the poor Pad had to come in and be put up as a target for the doctors to shoot at. The first Sv^as a case of thirty-four years' stand- ing, notoriously well known. Because the Pad did not cure niside of three weeks the doctors were heralding it all over town. But when it did cure no one ever heard from them a word of credit or praise given the Pad. The next was a case of twenty-five years' standing; there was hut one slight chill alter wearing tlie Pad. Also George Krenning. In his case, as in all otiiers, th'^re was plenty of ridicule. In his case, 1 said to him, "No cure, no pay." In five days he acknowledged himselt well ; in thiity days he gave me his testimonial, and is now at Fort Recovery, Ohio, selling Pads for a living. So with John C. Preston — a case of liver and stomach disease, pain in side and liver, constipation, diarrha;a, headache; inside of ten days he was well, alter being ill for over eighteen years. Dr. Bissell, of Cincinnati, who had suffered a thousand deaths with neuralgia in the stomach Im* over eight years, was permanently cured inside of two weeks. P. A. Moffett, of heart disease;, malaria. Col. 'I'hornton, assistant postmaster, Cin- cinnati, S. V. Curtis, banker, of Middleton, a very old case of malaria and biliousness, w!io had spent a small fortune to be cured and was never aided until he used tine pad. Thus it was that one after another, remarkable cures, covering nearly every form of disease, and including almost every kind of blood poison, came about ; also the diseases peculiar to women and children, were being duly reported from every part of the land, until this little common-sense doctor has a^^sumed a history of gigantic proportions. Important depots and consultation rooms free of charge are now to be found, not only in nearly all the important cities of this country, but also in the Canadas and portions of Europe. They have also found their way in lesser proportions to Asia, West Liberia, South America, Mexico, the Bahamas, etc. One of the remarkable facts connected with this treatment is that it seldom fails to cure where instructions are literally followed, except in cases v.rhere the coatings of the stomach are destroyed by the use of power- ful medicines, or where the short libs lay over the pit of the stomach — the result of tight lacing. In the language of another, I believe there is no disease that can be kept in subjection and modified by the use ol medicine, bu: what can be acted upon in a far more satisfactory man- ner by the Holman Pad and the auxiliaries, our medicinal plasters and medicated salt water foot-baths used with it. I believe there is no disease that n^edicine will cure but what can be cured more promptly and effectually by this treatment. I do know that times without num- ber diseases universally acknowledged to be beyond the reach of med- icine, have melted away under the action of these remedies; and the work was done so quietly and with so little inconvenience to the 12 NATURE 8 LAWS. patient, that in many cases the pain was gone ere he was aware. More than a quarter of a million earnest, intelligent living witnesses bear . testimony to the truth ot these s'^atements. The experiences that have come under my own observation of the wonderful cures which 1 hear continually from the lips of grateful patients, have made it for me a work that transcends every other consideratu:)n. Money could not buy me to aid in suppressing it. Think for one moment what the Holman Pad will do for the spleen. PHYSICIANS ONE AND ALL will tell you that it is next to impossible to cure a chronic case of en- largement of the spleen — usually called ague cake. By the application: of the Pad, the power to correct the disturbance of this organ will be understood and appreciated, when I say to you that it will begin to re- move the enlargement, or ague cake almost as soon as applied. An ague cake under the pad is like the ice cake before the sun's rays. 1 have had repeated cases of this trouble, or disease, of from a few- months to twenty-three years' standing. Thus far I have never known a failure to cure within from two to four weeks. This may seem hard for you to believe. Ocular demonstrations will bear me out in these statements. Permit me to call your attention to its antidotal and preventive power. As a preventive and cure, the pad is worth many times its weight in gold : it is impossible to compute the value of a discovery which, without medicine, may be relied on lo prevent the most danger- ous maladies. The Holman Pad will prevent Yellow, Chagres, Ty- phoid, Remittent, Bilious Congestive, and all kinds of Fever. This has been tested and proven in so many cases, that we state it posi- tively, and without qualification. It wili rjrevent summer complaints by keeping the bowels legnlar; it will prevent dyspepsia by absorbing all poisons and arousing nervous action in the stumach and liver. It will prevent and cure heart disc;\5--e (other t}}an organic). It is seldom we meet with other than functional sympathetic heart disease, which proceeds from stomach derangement. IT HAS KEliN DEMONSTRATED beyond the possibility of a doubt, that it will prevent chronic internal rheumatism and neuralgia. The same may be said of sick headaches, also spinal diseases and nervous prostration. These are directly trace- able to a great nerve centre that pervades the digestive organs over tae pit uf the stomach. This is the battery that communicales quicker than thought to every part of the system any disturbance of the stom- ach. Disease there means nerve prostration, inaction, inflammation, obstructions. Hence, pain and suffering indescribable. These feel- ings are, of course, intensified in proportion to mi tal strain or undue excitement. Also in proportion to the amount of pt)isonous substances which are absorbed into ''.he blood that poison the brain nerves, mus- cles, tissues and organs, and cause nervousness, dizziness, general de- bility, gout, neuralgia, rheumatism, paralysis, anp ".nd manufacture them. All these imitations and counterfeits are wcithlees. To avoid imposition buy none but those having the name ALEXANDER NOTMAN, Prcprietor, on the outside of each Box and Cover. 16 NATUKE S LAWS. TESTIMONIALS. ENDORSEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! 799 Tbemont Stbeet, Boston, Mass., Oct 6th, 18G9. ALEX. NOTMAN: Dear Sir, — In reply to your enquiry as to my opinion and experience of the HOLM AN LlVEli PAD iiud its auxiliaries, I have much pleas- ure in Htatiufj that thougli I applied them without any faith in their efficacy or belief in the principles of ahsorptire treatment, for the at- tack of nervous prostration, partial paralysis and a- tonic dyspepsia, from which I had been suffering for the past two years, I can now thank God, declare that it has resulted in the E NT IKE removal of the symptoms. I had tried every system of treatment — Allopathic, Homceqathic, and Eclectic, Crude Electricity and Turkish Bath — for the whole of the two years, but without' effect. Persuaded, much against my will, to try the Pad and Piaster, I put them on, and in two days found that the paralysis of the nerves and muscles was conquered, the entire nervous system gradually toned up, and now, at the present moment, six months from the day of application, I AM FREE FROM any symptoms of nervous debility or dyspeptic tendency. In my prof(.'ssional practice as a physician, in private life, and among ray personal friends, I shall esteem it my b( mden duty and my highest privilege, as an act of gratitude, to counsel and enforce the adoption of the Holman Pad, Plaster and Ab- sorption Salts as the beet, only reliable, and effectual retneJial agency for every disease having for its origin the stomach, liver, brain, or great nervt centres. Yours faithfullv', FRED. J. GARBIT, M.D., Ph. D. Graduate of London University, Eng., 1858; Dean and Registrar Boston Medical College of Specialists; Professor of Medico-Legal Juris- prudence, and Lecturer on Diseases of Women and Children. Toronto. 19th February, 1879. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO : Genteemen, — I have much pleasure in testifying to the extreme efficacy of your remedy for Dyspepsia. My mother, Mrs. W. A. Murray, No. 146 Welliugtou Street, bad been a martyr to the sufferings induced by this malady for upviords of six years, obtaining but short temporary relief from the usual remedies- so often had recourse to in these cases. After considerable persua^on she consented to wear one of your Liver Pad, and notwithstanding her want of faith in it, she experienced considerable relief in the course of a few weeks. Since then she has used a second one, and now CLAIMS for your Pads the entire credit of having brought about a CUBE beyond expectation, for which not only does she feel deeply indebted to you, but I myself must congratulate and thank you for a cure I coulA bu at the most have hoped for. Yours most respectfully, C. STUART MURRAY, M.D., L.R.C.P., &c. nature's laws. 17 .^ Gananoque, Ont.,' Nov. (5, 1877. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO.: D. vR Sir*;, — After wearing the Pad for two woeks I feel like another n\nn. It is now four weeks since I put it on, and I am now ("njoyin-? good health. I shall with pleasure recommend Holraan's Pad to i II parties suffering from Liver complaints, etc. Yours respectfully, REV. WM. J. JOLIFFE, M. Ministei'. DuNOANNON, Ont., Jan. 14th, 1878. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO.: Gkntlemkn,— Please find enclosed $4.0') for special Pad, two Back Plasters and 'i.'i cts. we are owing you. Please send the Pad as soon as you can. The Pad lias done me immense good, I am glad I got it. A friend told me the otlier day he set th highest value upon his. Yours truly, REV. JAMES CASWELL. Feijelon Falls, Ont., 26th April,- 1878. HOLMAH LIVER PAD CO.: (lENTLRMEN, — With feelings of gratitude and pleasure I add my testi- monial to the many you have already received, as to the wonderful effects produced by your valuahle Liver Pad. I commenced wearing the Pad ftve weeks ago. Previous to th;it time I suffered from indigestion, bilious headaches and diarrhoea. Whcni I had worn the Pad two weeks njy health began to improve. My health is now good, and I consider myself cured. Liclosed you will find seven dollars for two special Pads, one for my wife and the other for a friend, my wile is suffering from Torpid Liver and constipation, the otiier from Dyspepsia. Yours, etc., REV. WM. LOGHEAD. St. Mary's, Ont., Jan. nth, 1879. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO. : Dear Sirs, — I have now much pleasure in stating that since I began to wear the Holman Liver Pad (about one year ago) I have enjoyed good health, although for several years previous I was a suiferer from bil- iousness and Torpid Liver. I earnestly recommend all bilious persons to give the Pad a trial as I.have known many to have done .so with the most gratifying results. Yours truly, REV. J„ G. CALDER. Trenton, Ont., Jan. 23rd, 1879. A. NOTMAN, HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO.: Dear Sirs, — I shall ever remain a strong advocate of the Holman Pad. Its effect on me has been truly wonderful, since the third day after putting it on I have been as well as ever in my life. It seemed to arrest my trouble at once. I have not worn it now for about two months and the symptoms have not as yet returned. I expect to keep a Holman Liver Pad in my posses- sion as long as I live. With sincere regards, yours, etc., REV. D. 0. CROSSLEY. 18 NATUIIK 8 LAWS. TivKuioN, Au«UHt 2;ir(l, 1H79. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO., CiKNTLHMKN,— -Your kiiid fiivor of rith iiiHt., to hiiiid, witli Livor Pad, which I appliml on 18tli, and lun happy to say, it acts already Hph^iididljr on Livor and StomacJi, and acc()rdin}>: to your advice, send you liereiii 60 cents for an Ahsorptivo IMastiT, for the chest. If it acts on the Lu*u<,'h, as well as the Pad on the Liver, my prospects of u speedy or rt^ould be good. Tliauk"), for pronii)tness, Yours sincerely, RKV. ALEX. aiUEN, Erin, Ont., Nov. 11, 1879. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO.. Deak Sirs, — For nearly three years I was troubled with ray stonjach aud a torpid liver. 1 was almost eonstuntly using medicine of varioua kinds, but received no permanent benefit whatever. After reading Dr. Fairchild's lecture in March la;-.t, T i)rocured a Holman Liver Pud from Toronto. I found it beneficial at once, and have not taken any medicine siace. I now have good health, and h»vo no hesitancy in recommending it to all who may be similarly afflicted. IIEV. D. ROGERS, Methodist Minister. Lachink, Quebec, P. Q., July 12th, 1877. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO. Dkak Sirs, — I, the undersigned, having been troubled with Dyspepsia for a numl)er of years back, I have tried different prescriptions from sev- eral eminent physicians, but without obtaining much perceptible reliei ; about one month ago I commenced the application of Holman's Liver Pad, and am happy to say that since then I do feel a great relief, and that I can now digest a few articles of food which I did not dare touch before. -— P. ROBERTS, Union Mutual Life Insurance Clompany Agency, at Montreal, Qukbkc, July 26th, 1877. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO., Gents, — I feel it my duty to give you the result of the Holman Liver Pad which I bought of you about a month ago. I have been troubled with 'severe dyspepsia aud indigestion accompanied with sharp pain in region of the kidneys for about a year, and it finally became so troublesome that 1 could eat nothing without great suft'ering. I had tried most of the popular medicines of the day, but with only temporary relief. I bought the Pad with little or no faith in it, but L am happy to say it has I believe entirely CURED me after wearing it 2H days, so that I can once moi'e eat anything without feeling any ill efi'ects. It is worn without any inconvenience and cannot be too strongly recommended. Yours truly, — N. P."^ HARRINGTON. Halifax, N. S., November 27, 1877. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO., Gentlemen, — I have used one of your Pads, and with pleasure bear testimony to its efficacy. I can heartily recommend it to all persons afflicted either with dyspepsia or liver complaint, feeling that it will, as in my case, effect a cure. Yours truly, EDWARD M. COLFORD, Tobaccost, 121 Hollis St. NATURE 8 LAWS. 19 I Pad, didl/ leroiu lings, lid be :n. 11879. JBuRLiNOTON, Ont.. Jiilv HOtli, 1H77. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO.: Dkar Sir,-- -With ploasure I comiuuuicato to yoti the boiiofit I have received in the uho of your Fever and Ajjiieand Livor Pud. From tlio first day. 1 put it on the pain left m-. and I now fofl comfortable ; it also acted on my bowels like a oliarra, and 1 feel thankful to my Heavenly Father that my attention wan directed to it, and also to you. I have certainly become your mis-iionary for your Pad and Plasters. Please find enclosed three dollars for Pad and Plasters, and address them to Mrs. Ilo},'gHrth, Ingersoll, Out. Yours trul>, .JAMES 0. BENT. MoNTUKAL, QuKBEc, September 12th, 1877. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO., Dkak Sirs, — I am happy to relate to you the benefit I have received from your Pad, bought about one month ago. The pnin I was troubled with is entirely gone, and my stomach is now in a perfect hoiilthy condi- tion. TIk' Pad has given me strength and removed the depressed feeling from which I was long suffering, thus making life a pleasure in place of a drag. My health was never better than it is at present, therefore cheer- fully I recommend Hohnan's Liver Pad to the suffering humanity, for it is worth more than its weight in gold. Yours respectfully, J. J. HANNAN, 303 Notre Dame St., Montreal, f Montreal, Que., 20th October, 1877. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO.; Gentlkmen, — I have worn one of your Liver Pads for about 20 days and it has completely cured me of a very bad attack of dyspepsia. Alter being once used, the Pad speaks for itself and is a genuine cure for the worst case of dyspepsia. I heartily recommend it to all my friends suffer- ing from the above. Respectfully yours, D. M. BAIRD, 210 St. James Street. Halifax, N. S., Nov. 14th, 1877. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO . Gentlemen, — I wish to state to you what the Holman Liver Pad and Plaster which I bought from you, have done for me. I suffered several years all the horrors of indigestion and dyspepsia, with weak back and severe pain in the region of the kidneys, and though 1 had tried nearly all the many medicines advertised, for my trouble I got little or no relief and rapidly grew worse, until I wis finally discouraged am'' '•'^cidod th it I must give up ray situation as I could not do the work requuv ^ "'" me. Luckily for me I saw a notice of your Pad. 1 wrote and bought one, though I must say with very little faith, feeling that it was probably another hum- bug. I have worn it only about two weeks and I can truly and thankfully say that I thii>k I am permanently and effectually cured. .My strength has returned, my paiuB are all gone, my appetite is good and I can eat anything I wish to without its hurting me, in short I feel like a new man ; the change is simply wonderful, and my friends are all congratulating me upon my improved appearance. Too much praise cannot be given to the Pad, the ^' little common sense doctor." THOS. LITTL2, 49 Garrick St. ' ' 2u NATUUE H LAWS. N [ri« ii DittrMMONnviM.E, Ont., Nov. 2nd, 1H77. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO. liuH ia to cortily that 1 Imve unetl ono of Hohimtis V\\(tr and Apue and Liver Puds, and hav») diirivud f^rt at henoHt from the Kiimo, and wonld niowt clioeifuUy reconuut'iid to nil who aro fcufferintj from d}'Kj)t'pHia or any HUcli cauHe to [)r euro ono at oniin, Yours rcspoctfnil.v, EI)\VAIM.» BUOWN, [J>rnnimondvi]h> Niii{.':ara Fallh, Out. Uaukax, N. S., Nov. 22nd, 1877. • HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO., Gents, — tt aHords me nmch pleasure to inform von of the benefit received from the; of your L'ad. l."'or more tiinn trn y( ars I havo fnuni Burt'ering Irom dyhpcpsni. , 8onie tnno a<^o I was iiidiic^'d to try n }'ad after vainly taking muMt of tiio Ho-called remcdioH, and ulttifcono \ve« U'h use I found myself inndi henttJitted. I continued wciiinii^ it, iifid at, llu' end of three weeks found myself entirely cured. >io one huftVriiig from dyHpepwift should be without one. Yburs trulv, (i. M. STKKETER, Agent N. Y. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 174 (ircnville St. Uamkax, N. S., T»ec, 7th, 1877. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO., Gkntlkmkn, — I am certaiidy gliid to be able to inform you that the Pud I purchased has comp' ^tely curtid nie of my dyspc j)Kia and indigestion, frtm wliich I suffered so long. 1 heartily advise tvery huft'erer to get one, for their eii'ects are wonderful. Yours truly, JOHN LANG ILL, Rtone-cnttor. 1<) V.'illiimi St. AuB\ BN, Ont., D«c, 27tn, 1877. LIVER PAD CO.: » ENTLEMKN, — 1 luive not wom your Pad for nearly thr«e months and .utl gh I sometimes feel the pains in my hhonldcrs, vi t 1 must siiy that I n* \- V took medicine that did me so much good 1< r that kind of rheuma- tisnu I will therefore give you a list of parties in thit lariglibojhord to v.honi (he Pad would be a benefit by sending them riicnii ih, «1f., }pup.sitt or iiidigftsti()i> to Imv.- inw. Yours truly, It. liAXTF.U, Furniture Dealer, 11 Princo St. Halikax, N. S., 2()th Dec, 1H77. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO.. (}knti.i:mk\, — I liavc sulfoicd from fjivi-r tr()ul)lc f(n' ii nuiultorof yeiira. About six \vt;((l(s ,ij^i>, I ()bt:iiiit'il Irom yjii a llolniiu Pad and Plaster, aud I UMi Uappy to say tiiat it has '^'iveu tne }(riMt relief ^u tint I atn uo.v alji;ut my liisirioss as usual. 1 would Htro»i.(lv advise ewry like sutfeit^r.s to have cue. Yours tiiily, JAMES HAKP.kU, Lobster PaeKer. lioWMASVILLK, Ont., F.b. iiGtli. 1H7H. HOLMAN LIVRR PAD CO.: Snjs, ■-[# hav.' ..iitr^ri.'vi for many yc i-s vvitli .^ovcre ,lttaek^i of Jiilious* CoUe with cou^lipatii))!, .lud })am in mv hack aud aide. I si-nt for one or your Liver Pads ,i short time a.i^o, which r>Mn )Ved thw eonstii)ation. aud paiii'iu bade and sid ■ ; aititr weafin;^' the Pad fouftoeu days 1 was takin with ia my limiis, col I ixtreuiities, aud a fullu ssand di/./.iiie,-.s in my head. Dous tin' pad causj the ? Please ^'ive me your advice on the Hubject whiih uill bo thankfully received. Y -urs respectfully, HENRY MANN. * V/ai.keuton, Ont., March iHth, 1H7H. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO.: Gknt.s, -As I ir as I am personally concerned your Pad his done a great deal for me, bofore I used it I was dreadfully troubled with Consti- pation and H'ia I Kihws, since I .have worn it, which has been six weeks, I have only hid two sli.-jht heachiches and my bowels are re.ijular. It Beem.H wouderfal, for which I thank the Lord, and you as t' e instium.:nt. Yours truly, J. HIGGINPOTllAM. Stkaturoy, Ont., March 20th, 1B7H. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO.: Dear Snts, — Havin<^ used a Holman Liver Pad, for some time, I take pleasure in statin,L( that I have found great benefit from it, and believe it to be an excellent invention, D. A. MAX\VI"]LL, Principal Public Schools. Stkathhoy, Ont., 20th March, 1878. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO.: DuAR Sirs, — I have been suffering dreadfully for upwards of thr^e years with Liver Complaint and a complication of diseases, and during that time have taken a great quantity of medicine without any permanent benefit, but having worn one of Hohnan's Liver a ad Ague Pads since the 24th January, I consider it has been worth its weight in gold to me. I therefore have mucli pleasure iu recommending it to others similarlv nfflicted. P. H. STONE. ' ■ I'i y •22 NATURE S LAWS. DoNEOANA Hotel, Montreal, Quebec, 21st March, 1878. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO . Gents, — It is with pleasure I now express the gi'eat benefit I have received from your Pad. My trouble was dyspepsia and constipation. I tried doctors and physic, but without success ; in fact, they and it only aggravated my disease. Now I can positively sayl am cured and never had better health in my life. All who are troubled with the above should not fiiil to try tho " little common sense doctor," the Pad, for I am positive it will cure. Believe me, yours truly, K. STEWART MURRAY. Montreal, Quebec, 26th March, 1878. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO., GuN'TLEMwN, — I take great pleasure in recommending Holman's Pad. I was troulded with dyspepsia for the last five years ; after wearing the Pad for three! days 1 felt a grtuit chaiig'e, unci now I can say I am entirely cured after wearing tlie Pitd thirty days. Yours truly, , FRANCIS LAPOINTE, 113 St. George St. Montreal, Quebec, 16th April, 1878. MR. NOTMAN, 301 Notre Dame Street. Deak Sir, — I have much pleasure in stating tlui.t t])e Holman Fever, Ague and Liver Pad I from you, and wore during two wi'eks has produced- very good results. I believe it to be all that you chum, and that it has bemi greatly instrumental in curing me of acute and blood poisoning from wliicli I have been suffering foi«nnme months. Believe me, dear sir, yours gratefully, R. Elmhca, Ont., 2:-hd April. 1H78. HOLMAN LIVJS3R PAD CO.: (.iKN rs, --Can you give me iin Agency for the sule ol your Mulinan Pads. I have used oni', and ha,ve recounn.'nded them, tlioy act like a ch i.rni, there i.^ several v.anttd. Yours truly, JOHN BOWMAN. Post Master. Montreal, 7th September, 1878. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO.; DioAU S'us,— -You \\aui, to know the particultrs of the case r)!' dip- thevi.i, in Lancaster. The ladv was getting bt'tter of dipt'Mtria.. Vv'hcii hhe heard of the Pad she sent: to ine fen* one, bat wIk.u it arris ed h..'r doctor would not iiilow it to bo put on her. Having it on hand she put it on one of her children, four of which she had. h\ less than two worlds from this time one w.-is all she had left, the other three having taken dijitheria, :ind all dying, the one that had the Piid on coming through unscathed, not even having any sickness of any kind; and this happened in the neighborhood where nearly vvlnde families were swept off by the scourge. One in par- ticular lost ten clnldren and one of tho parents, one lonely father ojily being left. dl tl tl if Yours truly, J. INGLIS. NATUUE 8 LAWS. 2d i78. lave I inly- had not Ive it 8. Clifton. Ont„ May 20th, 1878. HOLM AN LIVER PAD CO. : Gentlemen, — Havjug tried one ol HoJraan's Pads for Constipation and Torpid Liver, after i)eing two years under medical treatment, and one year that 1 was comjielJed to usp drugs every night, I find the Pad ha*s done more for me tnaii any ofcJier tiling I have used. From the day I put on the Pad I required no irh.diciii'.', aiid feel the most beneticial results, and findHt all tliat is claimed tor it. I heartilv recommend it to all who suffer from the above complaint. JAMh'8 C. ROSS, Clifton, Ont. FuLLARToN, Ont., Sept., 17th, 1878. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO.: Gentlemkn, — lieiug muoli tronhlrd at times with Torpid Liver, I was induced to try your Liver Pad. I am happy to say that I have been greatly benefitted by its use for liivr Troubles. I am convinced that there is no rem(uly equal to it. I take pleasure in recojn^nendiug it to others. Grateful for benefits received, I am, Gentlemen, trulv vours, REV. D. LAING. LrioN, Ont., Oct. 25th, 1878. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO.: GentleiMen, — I have worn the Pad and my health has improved con- siderjib'e. After T had worn the Pad two days 1 felt so sick, and my nerve?, would shoot so that I ciiiue near taking it oil'. I am glad that I kept it on for I ajn so nmeii better. Bef(U-e 1 used the Pad I had the chill fever. I had to take ijniniuc all the time, but since I have worn the Pad the chills have disajipi'ared aud 1 have a good appetite. 1 I'uclose two dollars and fifty cents for uiudh.r Pad. W. A. KICHAPDSON, Luton P. 0. Fin(;al. 10th December, 1878. TO THE KOLMAN LIVER FAD CO., Toronto: . Dkah Siijs,- -I received tlie Livev P".d on the 12tli lust., and adjusted it iuimediatidy. ^rucb to niy delight, I felt differently before night. I have constaiitiy l)ee'i pouring down uiedieiiie .since 1st May last. My disease -i w.fc 'wiaknes- ot tiio sloiuacli •.iiid a diseased liver, so much so that it was afl'eeli.iif the lieart. I eould not Witik an.y distance, and the 'east excit(Mneiit overcame uv.' completely. ]\fy first physician pronounced it con,'j;esti()u ()f the hss me -lo niucli tliat 1 was like a drowning person grasping at every- thing would help to bear up th'- fast sinking Itody, and I think I have taken b(tld of the sure remedy. I am feeling so uiueh better that I have hopes of a ji* iniir Ti [ir itffi iiiii MH ( ) >»i| Hffr - ' 24 NATURE 8 LAWS. GuAND Bend, Ont., Feb. 3rd, 1879. HOLM AN LIVER PAD CO. : Dkar Siks, — You will doubfclesa remember I called on yovi about the 16th ultima, aud purchased a Holmaii Pad foi- ray diughter, who had been e\iffering from iuaci.iou of the liver and biliousness. She has worn the Pad since the 17th of lasl month, aud I am happy to siy, that it has im- proved her very much. She now ha-. .1 good appetite and is t>ainiug strength rapidly. Respectfully yours', JOHN DALZIEJi*. Gouldinct Strket, Toronto, 5tii Feb., 1879. TO THE HOLM^N LIVEii PAD COMPANY; GKNTLKMiN,— Siiffiuiu:.? as I have been for four years, or more, with terrific pains m mv head whenever I have eaten anything, and at least two days every week dis;il>led from work, in fact my life was such a burden to me tinit 1 could harJiv have stood it any longer, and after trying many doctors 1 at last^udueed to piu'chase one of the Holman Liver Pads, and two h)ur.s after putting it ofi I tiiought my very head would have split, but J. kept it on. the waior ppuriug from mv left eye, over which tlie pain wis most intju-ie. Tlie secniid day 1 felt the pain subsiding and the t iste of the Pa. 1 was ([uito plain iu mv mouth. The hoiulaclies graduiilly decreased. 1 have a. id the Pad on now for throe wCidis, this last week no headaches at all. I feel like I have never felt before in my memory, and a feeling of iiie very deep^vst gratitude for tUe benefit I have received, and from the ex|Kiust' I shall iu the future be saved, bids me write this letter- of thanks to the pi'opri liors. It is needless to say I shall take every oppm'tunity of recommeudiug it, aud sliall take personal interest in oideavor- iug to app.;a-ie sufi'ernig ImmaaJfy by the very strongest recommendation of it. J. GORDON BENNETT. St. Aumanp, Que., Aj^ril 1, 1879. HOLlVrAiN LIVER PAD CO.: Srus, — r have receive.l from ynn this a.m., by Wright & Co., St. Johns, one Holman Liver Pad. In twelve hours it has done more for my fatiier — who has betMi under the doctor's care for more than two years— than the doctors have done for him in that time. Please send me one more to-morrow night by Exp. o.o.j). to Yours gratefully, L. G. BURNELL, Agt C.V.R. No.'22 Valikr Street, July 15th, 1879. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO. Gen'tlkmkn, — r liave much plf^asure in informing you that the Pad that I got for my child, who had suffered some five months with an erup- tion on her face and sore eyes, caused by teethiiig, is entirely well. A week after the Pad had been ap])lied she was much easier and seemed to suffer no pain, and now (thrtie weeks since its ajiplication) could conscientiously recojimeiul it as a safe and sure remedy to all n)others whose children are Buffering similarly. I may also state that the Pad I. got for myself has already vastly improvivl me, and I have every reason to expect a perfect and permanent cure for indigestion, etc., which I have been troubled with for some time. I remain, yours, Ac, ALEX. ERASER, Jr. NATURE S LAWS. 25 the leen [the im- (ung r St. Armand, Que., April 4, 187U. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO., Gentlemen, — My fathei has been a suiferer from fever and ague and liver couipluint for the last two yearsj and in that time has been under the care of the best pliysicians, but to no purpose. I read Dr. FaircJiiUVs lecture in the Montreal Daili^ Star, and decided to try one of your Pads. The ie.sult was that in twelve hours after ai)plyiiig the Pad the pain« in his side and head ceased, and so i'ar he has not felt any symptoms of the ague, and at the present writing (the Pad having been in use three days) he is fifty per cent. l)ettep than he has been for the last year. Very gratefully yours, L. G. BURNELL. , St. Auaiand, Que., June 18, 1879. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO., Toronto Gknts,— Not lo)ig wince 1 was induce to try one of your Liver Pads for my wife, w!io lias been iU for several years with a complication oi diseases, one of which ,vas falling ol the womb. She has worn one a month, and she is now better than sh.- has been for ye ira. Yours traly, JULIEN BRASSEAU. MuiKHAM, Ont., June 18. 1879. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO., Toronto. Sirs, — It is with pie isuro [ expre.-^s the great bGU'.'tit I have received from the Holmau Liver Pad I boas/ht from vou. For upwards of two vears I have been a great sufi'erer from general debility of the system, with )) lin in the side and back, palpitation of the iieart, with severe pains around the )ieart. I liave taken a great deal of medicine from different pliysicians (among others R. V. Pierce", of Buifalo, N.Y.), but without receiving aJiy very great benefit. I commenced the use of the Pad on the lith oi May, and since then the palpitation of the lieavt has eiitirely censcl. I am very seldom troubled with any pain, and can do my work and walk a good dis- tance with ease, whereas before I could not. I am now using the second one I got from you, and can recommend the Hcdman Pad to any one suffer- ing as I have, knowing it has been of great benefit tome. Yours respectfidly, MRS. JOHN B. ORMEROD. BuTTONviLLE, July 18, 1879. Holman Liver Pad Co., Dear Sirs, — In looking over the Markham Kcouoivist I saw the Holman Liver Pad highly recommended by" respectable persons for curing people ■without medicine, and as I have been troubled with bilious disorder for a number of years I thought I would try one, and I am happy to state that I have found great benefit from the one I purchased from you. My appetite has improved very much since I have worn the Liver Pad. \VM. PADGET, Sr. Victoria Sqitare, Jnly 18, 1879. Holman Liver Pad Co., SiuF, — I hayo worn one of your Liver Pads for a sick headiiche and constipation, and a complication of diseases, and have derived more benefit from one Pad than years of dosing in medicine. Yours truly, HENRY WHITE. M h 2G NATURE S LAWS. Markham, July 18, 187&. Holman Liver Pad Co. : Dear Sihs, — Haviug used Holman's Liver Pad for some time, I have found a great benefit from it, and believe it to be an excellent invention. Yours truly. MRS. JOSEPH BAYMER. Markham, July 18, 1879. Holman Liver Pad Co., SiKs, - I have suffered from indigestion and rheumatism for a number of years. About six montlis ago I obtained from you' a Holman Pad and Plasters, and I am happy to say tliat it has given me great relief. 1 would Bti'ongly advise everv like sufferer to get one at once. Yours truly, LUCY HUNTER. Markham, July 19, 1879. Holman Liver Pad Co- Dear Sirs,— I liave worn one of your Liver Pads for about thirty days, and it has completely cured me of a very bad attack of dyspepsia. After once used the Pad speaks for itself, and is a genuine cure for tJie worst case of dyspepsia. 1 hearily recommend it to all my friends sufi'eriiig from the above. * D. REAMOND. Markham, July 19, 1879. Holman Livar Pad Co., Dear Sirs, — I take groat pleasure in recommJerchant. Whitkvalk, Ont,, .January 7ih. 1880. Holman Liver Pad Co., Dear Siits, -Having neen nui(!h troubled with Liver and Stom;'.ch com- plaint for a number of years, with a great deal of pain in the htoniacli. I had four difkekknt doctors attending mo ii,t my house wiUiout niucii be- nefit. [ made up my Uiind to try oiuf" of >()ur Ilwlu^an Pads a^id I can now say t ani glad I bouglit one of you. I have not had a sick sp"ll since I havr' worn the Pad and Plasti-rs. I can heartily reconunend the Pad and Plasters, and would also advise every one that is troubled with the Liver or Stomach to try a Pad as it is ahead of all t h ; medicine I have ever tak- en. Yours truly, MRS. WILLIAM TURNER. l m Hf) mx . itk, l i (^y».: 28 NATUHE 8 LAWH. Markham, Ont., Dec 8, 1879. To the Holman Pad Co., Sirs,— I have much pleasure in stating that tlie Hohnan Liver and Stomach Pad I bought from you has produced good* results. I believe it to be all that you claim, and that it has been gi-eatly instrumental in curing me of livor iuid stomach complaint ai};l blood poisoiiiug, from which I have been suffering for some years. I can heartilv rec(-inmend the Holman Pad. MRS. JOHEPHUS H. REESOli, Maukham, Out.. Dec. 19, 1879. Holman Liver Po,d Co.. DicAu Sirs, — I have been troubled with liver complaint for a number of years ; I have tuken medicine for eighteen years nioro or less ; I am happy to say the Pad I purchased luts done m^^ a groat deal of good. I can heart- ily recommend the Holman Liver and Stomach Pad. J. RAYMER. Markham, Dec. 22, 1879. Holman Liver Pad Co., Sirs,— H;iviug been suffering f^»r twenty years with dyspupsi;!, and weak bai.:k, having taken a groat deal of medicine during that time without receiv- ing much benelit, I commenced the use of t!ie Hjlm m P,xd and Plasters on the 1st of Jctober. I can say it has done me a great de J of good. 1 can heartily recommend the Holman Piid and Planters. I v/ould also advise evorv person troubled with dyspepsia to get one at once, as the Pad is all it claims to be.- ' Yours truly, MRS. JAMES BOYD. SECOND TESTIMONIAL. St. Marys, Ont., Mav 21st, 1878. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO., 301 Notre Dame Street, Montreal; Grntlemen. — Having for sevi>ral years been a suffarer from hilious- Lcss, "and having tried a great many kinds of medicines, all of which failed even to relieve me, I was induced by a friend to procure one of Holman 's Liver Pads and wear it. I did so with gratifying results. I have worn it for over two months, and feel a different man. I have no doubt but a second Pad will effect a permanent cure. I have advised others to procure and wear a Pad, all of whom are satisfied with its results. It is a pity that the Pad is not for sale in every town and city in ^he Domitiiou, instead of having to order a Pad when needed, and wait until it comes. Were they kept on hand in" drug etores*more would be sold. I am advising every bilious person with whom I come in contact with to do so as I have done. Yours truly, REV. JAMES G. CALDER, Sparta, Oct. 24th, 1879. Holman Liver Pad Co., Toronto. Gentlkmen, — Find enclosed $2. .50, for wliich please send a Liver Pad and one of your PI isters to Rev. D. Laing, Sparta, Ont. This is the third Pad I have gotten. I am thankful to be able to say that by its use I enjoy perfect health. I take pleasure in recommending it to others. I want one of your Plasters to apply across the kidneys. I may be permitted to further add, that I have induced several to try your Liver Pad and have never known a case where it has not proved beneficial. I am. Gentlemen, Y'^ours respectfully, REV. D. LAING. Ind to THE PREVENTIVE AND ANTIDOTAL POWER OF THE As a preventive ot any disease that att^cl/c.i-/o;/ before and after usiiitf the Fad, in all cases of l)iH()usness and malaria, provinfj it a better Cvinplexion beaiitifier than all the cos- metiques in Clnisteudoni. Ill cases of malaria in every form, we make this bold declaration, that wc doubt if there is a case of malaria in existence the Holman Pads will not cure. W^e use Pad in the plural sense, for there are cases so chronic and so thoroughly impregnated with poisons, both malarial and medicinal, that tliey exhaust the efficacy of one Pad before t!ie system has become thoroughly drained of its poison. CONFIRMED INDIGESTION. The same will occur in cases of confirmed indigestion and bilious- ness. Of course, we say to such, continue their use until your own good sense tells ycni they have done their work. When cureil, if you would procure another Pad, and in Spring time, when all nature is undergoing a change, would wear it, say two weeks; also, dn- a few days at anytime when you feel any unpleasant sjanptoms of biliousness appearing, or when a cold is upon you, and ten days during each malarial month, as a preventive, you will find one Pad keeping you in health a whole year. The regular, sized Pad, costing two dollars and fifty cents, is quite sufficient for all ordinary cases, and for the youth and adult of both sexes; but for infants we have a Pad of appropriate size. If the com- plaint for which the Pad is worn is of long standing, and subjects the lower organs to serious olistructions, then, in that event, we recom- mend our special size, costing three dollars and fifty cents. In unusual cases of enlarged spleen or liver, and obstructions of the gall duct, or extreme bloat, our XXX large size, or Spleen Pad, may be worn, costing ten dollars. OUR ABSORPTIVE MEDICINAL PLASTERS. Made and Prepared only bv Joseph Cristadoro and Dk. D. W. Fair- child, Proprietors ot the Holman Liver Pad Company. We cannot too strongly urge the use of our Absorptive Medicinal Foot and Body Plasters, both alone and as auxiliaries of the Pad in cases ot Typhoid, Bilious and other Fevers, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Nervous Headaches, and acute pains in any part of the body, especial- ly in the small of the back and shoulders, also in all parts of the body affected by rheumatic pains. Also in cases of Paralysis, they stimulate and equalize the circulation, producing the most satisfactory and as- tonishing results. In kidney difficulties they are unprecedented in their immediate action. In connection with our Plasters, we strongly urge the use of Absorption Salt (made only by this Company), for bathing the feet and legs, before using our Medicinal Plasters. It is in- valuable for feet and hip bath ; where cold extremities exist ; for fe- males who are troubled with complaints peculiar to their sex ; also spinal affections, sluggish circulation, sick headaches, colds, &c. •^Mmssmm 84 NATURE 8 LAWS. These hot foot baths, used before retiring, are superior to all other baths known, as the properties they contain are such that, while they open the pores (jf'the skiii, yet it is impossible to take cold, as is often the case in the use of hot baths. The properties used ai<: medicinal, delit^ditlul in their use, and perfect disinfectors. ill the coml)ination of the Pad, witii our Plasters and Absorption Salt as auxiliaries, and following the ilirectious, the patient can feel but little doubt of being absolute master in the severest chronic difficulties. INSTRUCTIONS. To receive the necessary benefit from the use of the Holman Pad and our Absorptive M<''.l!cinal Plasters and Absorption Salt, you will be required to follow tlu.-sc directions : Adjust thi'; Pap so that nonk of it goks ovkr thp; mrf.ast bone, but the top being just under it, so that the Pad sets into the hollow spot just under or below the breast bone — the stkknum — thereby covering the vitals, the stomach and liver. If you are very thin, or by wearing tight corsets have brought the ribs nearer together than natural, you can put your Pad on lengthwise, by changing the strings. In adjusting your clothes^ always leave plenty of room about your waist lor the Pad. Kkef thk pad soft by crumbling it with thk fingers. Should it become too hard for that, then lay it between several folds of cloth, and pound it gently with any snujoth, hartl substance, beginning at one end and beating it by degrees to the other. The Pad usually cakes when there are disease and poisons in tiie body, but may not do so, and yet be doing the work. The Body Plaster, in case of pain in the small of the back, or in kidney troubles, is to be placed crosswise (. • where the pain is located, either over the left kidney, of both kidneys should both be diseased, and also covering the spine about an inch. In many com- plications two plasters are necessary. As regards other parts of the body, the Plasters are to be applied wherever the pain is located. In cases of coldness and numbness, etc., of the extremities, the Foot Plasters are to go under the toot, with one end coming up on the inside over the pulse. Put on the Foot Plasters at night, before retiring. Before doing so, soak your feet in our medicinal foot baths. Where there is Neuralgia in the Head, or Rheumatism in the shoulder blades, and sluggishness in the spinal column, place a small Plaster over the back of the neck, at the top of the spinal column, and immediately under that a Body Plaster covering the spinal column, between the shoulder blades. At the end of three days take it off and put the top where the lower part was, and so on each succeeding three days, until it meets the kidney plasters, and has by turns covered the whole spine. Females with diseases of the womb, etc., should wear a pair over the groins and ovaries. The Plaster as a rule, comes off easily and cleanly, but should any of the compound remain on the body it can be Be to til certi Ho^ Rej Spc InfJ Oi NATL'UE S LAWB. 35 nr^ removed by rtibbinp it with oil or (grease. Then wash off with soap and water. It you ck'sirc It; allay any itching', wliicli occurs very sel- dom, and only where there is blood poison, take ofTthe plaster at ni^,dit, clean the body as above, llicn wash thoroughly with warm salt water, liy nioiniiifj; you can use the plasteragain. iJetore a[)plying it, wipe it dry and heat it a little. In applyiu},' the IMastcr, remove the pieces of innslin on the front by takinf^ hold of th(3 folds at tin; middle and pullin}^ lluiii away from each other. Should they adhere too closely moisten them and they will come of! easily, l)ut dry the Plaster well before applying. Do not remove the printed cloth at the back, as it is placed there to protect the linen. Before putting on, wash tiioroughly that part of the body where the plaster is to be applied. If constipated on fust using the Pad, take four to six figs, place tiiem in a saucepan on the sto\e and p(;ur boiling water on them. Let them boil softly for five minutes. Then cut them open and eat them hot, as soon as you can do so without scrdding the mouth. They should be so prepared and eaten in the morning, about twenty minutes before breakfast. Do this from three to live mornings. In addition to the above directions, obstinate constipation may sometimes be greatly relieved by kneading the bowels thoroughly from below upwards, and under the ribs on the right side especially, in the morning before rising. In cases of malaria or biliousness, especially in Fevers, take a hot strong, clear lemonade each morning for a week or less, as the case may indicate, about ten to fifteen minutes before breakfast or upon retiriug and take it cold during the day v/heneverit is convenient. The plain juice of the lemon may also be sucked; as it is most beneficial. VVheh adopting these Remedies make it your business to get well. Be as consistent as possible in your habits and diet, live up faithfully to the directions found in the box, and the result will be that you will certainly become a missionary in behalf of our Remedies. Our Absorptive Medical Plasters Body Plasters, - 50 cents each Foot Plp.iters, - 50 cents per pair HoLMAN Ague and Liver Pads. Regular Size, - - §2.50 Special "... 3.50 Infant's " - - 2.00 These plasters must not be confounded with the ordinary strength- ening Porous Plasters. They are a medicinal Plaster carefully made from prepared and selected medicinal ingredients. Pads and Plasters sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price. OUR ABSORPTION SALT. One Package, -* 25 cents. | Six Packages - - 1.25 This cannot be sent by Mail, and must be sent by express at the expense of the Purchaser. It is therefore adviseable to order half-a-dozen from the office rlearest to you, and thereby save in price, time and expressage. The Salt is always a most serviceable thing to have in the house, for sudden . \ ■■MH B. 86 NATURE S LAWS. colds in the chest or head. Rheumatism of the feet and ankles, sick headaches, &c., &c. Generally one regular sized Pad will cure all ordinary cases where instructions have been followed. But in all -chronic cases, where poisonous internal medicines have " set " the disease in the system, as alum "sets" dye C(jlors in cloth, or where the nervous system has become greatly prostrated, and also where the size and build of persons require, we recommend larger sized Pads, and Plasters and Salt as well, accdiding to the case. A Pad is good as long as such odor remains. Latcrexperience teaches us that, to obtain the best results, the Pad should be worn continuousl)'' at first from three to five weeks, then for a while wear it by day and leave off at night ; then follow with intervals of a few days between wearing and leaving off; after which your condition will indicate whether to leave off entirely or not. VERY IMPORTANT TO PATIENTS. As spoken of in another place, time and experience develop im- proved modes of procedure in the use of our remedies. It very often occurs that patients need such instruction and advise for the proper management of their case as only experience with these remedies can give. To such patients we would state, tiiat a great advantage will be gained, and we cannot too strongly urge it upon them in purchasing these remedies, to give the preference to our regular appointed agents, and thus receive the benefit of their extended knowledge, experience and advice at the time of adopting and during the period of their treatment with our remedies. All of which will be a great gain to patients, and cannot be obtained elsewhere. A LAST WORD. We ask those who buy our remedies to keep closely to their use, as directed in the foregoing pages. Do not give them up if they do not bring about a cure instantly. Have patience and perseverence. Try to be almost *as patient with them as you would be with a doctor and medicines, both of which cost you their price many times over. In fine, give them but half the fairness you would any other treatment, and you will be satisfied with the result. Respectfully, HOLMAN LIVER PAD COMPANY. .^ sick m^^'-n here here n, as has rsons lit as aches ousl}^ y and tween dicate )p im- / often proper ies can will be ::hasing agents, )erience ot their gain to H heir use, they do jverence. a doctor les over, eatment, r^ANY. (-" m ■i 1 THE HOLMAN LIVER PAD CURES WITHOUT MEDICINE-8IMPLY BY ABSORPTION. imf0ii*f>*>i THE TBUE TREATMENT ENDOESED BY THOUSANDS. m TWO-FOLD IN ITS ACTION. GIVES AND TAKES. NO POISONS USED. .1VER& STOiyiACH J PAD t NEW METHOD. NATUBE'S LAW. Eemarkable FACTS. li RBAD £V£RY WORD OF THE XiECTI7R£. Physic N tm It] OT TO BE j^ ELIZD P PON. Mill -IS- HONEST, EFFECTIVE, HARMLESS. " V/e have tried iUe Holinan led with most beneficial results, and found it to he all that is claimed for it. We heartily commend it.'' ^:'^i^ 'i J