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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 t ^ ^ / ^ ] Apprc ^ INSTRUCTIVE HANDBOOK fs^ / OF REFERENCE BY SECTIONS TO D. O PhUY AND g,s -^K r? r? ih=^ on DRl iu li=o COMPILED BY W.\WALLACE, Capt, Act. Adjt, 36th Peel Battalion. Approved and Recommended bv LIEUT.-COL. W. D. OTTER. D.O.C. No. 2 Military District, Stanley Barracks, Toronto. vJ2 n PREFACE. This Hand Book has been prepared with a view, to enable Instructors to follow more close- i ly, the daily table laid down for the training to be given an Infantry Battalion in a twelve days camp, and also, that they may perceive at a glance, not only the sections to be taught, during each drill, but what part of the drill those sections refer to ; thus sparing them much unnecessary waste of time. An occasional glance at the drill to be taught will give the Instructor confidence that he IS doing the work expected of him, for while Instructors may have a fair knowledge of the Infantry Drill in general, yet they often find it difficult to keep to the sec- tions laid down for each drill. In presenting this little work the compiler hopes that It may meet with the approval of those interested in the mstruction of In- fantry Drill. t 1st DR 8. ( n 14. ( 59. ] FIRST DAY Marching into Camp. u l.v,< ^W. SECOND DAY ^ Organization of thic Comiwny. Infantry Drill, ISlHi, Part 11, Paue 71, sees. 1st DRILL 58. Paras. 1. Organization. 2. Objects. 3. Equalizing and sizin-,'. 4. Formation and telling-off 5. Application of squad drill. 6. The captain. 7. The subalterns. 8. Guides, markers, section and sub-section com- manders. 14. Officers swords when to be drawn and returned. 59. Formation of a company. — — 1st DRILL Continued 2nd DRILL 1st Half 2nd Half 3rd DRILL 1st Half SECOND DAY Continued. 60. Inspecting and proving a Company. 23. Formation of the squad in single ?ank. 3- Position of the soldier. 4 Standing at ease. 45. (r) Dismissing a squad, without arms. (2) Dismissing a squad, with arms. 75. -Dismissing a company. 24. Dressing when halted. 0. Turnings. 25. Turnings, judging the time. 7. oaluting. 9. II. 13- 26. 14. 17. Length of pace, and time. Position in marching. Marching in quick time. Marching to the front or rear. The Halt. Marking time. 'k 6. Turnings by numbers. 25. Turnings judging the time, baluting. Length of pace, and time. Position in marching. Marching in quick time. Marching to the front or rear. The halt. Dressing when halted. 7 9. II. 13- 26. 14. 24. i ■f ist — H— 3rd DRILL 2n(I Half Company, ingle rank. ,^ thout arms, th arms. ^ ist DRILL ear. 2nd DRILL I St Half I ir. 3nd Half 15- Stepping out. 16. Stepping short. 17. Marking time. 18. Stepping back. 19. Changing step. 21. The side step, by numbers. 33. The side step, judging the time. THIRD DAY 6. Turnir '^, by numbers. * 25. Turnings, judging the time. 7. oaluting. 9. Length of pace and time. II. Position in marching. 13. Marching in quick time. 26. Marching to thefront or rear 14. The halt. IS- Stepping out. 24. Dressing when halted. Manual Exercise, 1894. I. The Order, III. The Shoulder from the Order I' ^I^^^o?^'^^^^^°"^the Shoulder. A 1 he Slope from the Order. Al. The Order from the Slope. ^7,}- The Trail from the Order, v^wiiv '^J?,^ Shoulder from the Trail. vt\J ^T^J^S^'^^^^^ ^^0"^ t^e Shoulder. AlA. Ihe Order from the Trail. Infantry Drill, 181»6. 13. Marching in quick time. 26. Marching to the front or rear. 2nd Half Continued 3rd DRILL 1st Half if 2nd Half ist DRILL 14. The halt. 15. Stepping out. 16. Stepping short. 17. Marking time. 18. Stepping back. 19. Changing step. 21. The side step, by numbers. 33- The side step, judging the time. Firingr Exercise. 18i)4. Individual firing, by Numbers, Standing, Part II, Page 34. ^ Infantry Drill, mm, sees. Marching in quick time. Marching to the front or rear. The halt. Making time. Changing step. The side step, by numbers. — The side step, judging the time. 22. 1 urning when on the march. 27. The diagonal march. 30. Marching as in file. 31. Wheeling as in file. 13. 26. i4. 17. 19. 21. 33. FOURTH DAY 6. Turnings, by numbers. 25. Turnings, iudging the time. 7. baluting. 9. Length of pace, and time. II. Position in marching. 13- Marching in quick time. 26 Marching to the front or rear I f 1st Co 2nd IS 2n I 3rd Hi -8- 1st DRILL Continued s. time. >, Standing, 1 2nd DRILL 1st Half lar. 2nd Half time. h. 1 I ,r Isi Half 14 17 22 24 The halt Marking time Turning when on the march Dressmg when halted Exercise, 1894, Nos. Manuel I The Order 'V Ju^ Shoulder from the Order V Jua?''^^'r ^'^"' ^"^ Shoulder \'V n}^ ^P^ ^^^'" ^^e Order. XVT Tv.^^^^ •/r^'' ^^.^ S'^Pe- VUTT TK cu^^ ^i"?"^}^^ Order. vriTT ^rif ^i^"M^' ^^^"^ the Trail. VI V Vu^?. V^'l^'°"^ t^e Shoulder. A , \/ .^ O^^^^ ^-''""1 the Trail. And Motions of the Rifle on the March. Infantry Drill, ]89(i, Sees. ^3- Marching in quick time. 26. Marching to the front or rear. 14. The halt. 15. Stepping out. 16. Stepping short. 17' Marking time. 18. Stepping back. IQ- Changing step. 21. The side step, by numbers. 1 he side step, judging the time. 1 urning when on the march. 1 he diagonal march. Marching as in hie. Wheeling as in file. 33- 22. 27. 30. 31. Firing Exercise, 18l»4. Individual firing Standing, by Numbers and in quick time. -0- 2nd Half ist DRILL 2nd DRILL 1st Half 2nd Half Infantry Drill, 1896, sees. '3- Marching in quick time. 26. Marching to the front or rear 14. The halt. 15. Stepping out. 16. Stepping short. 17. Marking time. 18. Stepping back. 19- Changing step. 2^- The side step, by numbers. 33. 1 he side step, judging the time. 22. 1 urning when on the march i he diagonal march. Marching as in file. Wheeling as in file. Men marching as in file forming squad Co 3rd 27. 30. 31. 32. i FIFTH DAY Manual Exercige, 1894. Manual Exercise, and the Motions of the Kifie on the March. Manual Exercise. 1894, Nos. II. Fixing Bayonats. ]ll' i,^^ Shoulder from the Order. IV. The Present Arms. Yrr ^r^3 Shoulder from the Present. VI. The Port Arms. VII. The Charge. VIII. The Shoulder from the Port. lA. The Order from the Shoulder. Infantry Drill, 189(1, Sees. 13. Marching in quick time 26. Marching to the front or rear 14. The halt. IS 2n -ic— s. ear. Jnd Half Continued 1 time. :h. ning squad ^ions of the OS. der. >ent. 'ort. der. s. ir. 3rd DRILL ^ 1st Half 2nd Half 20. The double march. .1' Jr"^"l"^ '''^^" 0^ the march. 26. Marchmcr to the front or rear 2.. A single rank halted, changing front A smgle rank on the march? changing dnection. «"f>"'^ Wheeling as in file. Men marching as in file, forming squad 29 32. Firing Flxertise, 1894. Individual Firing, Standing in quick time, cxnd Kneelmg by numbers. 9 II, ^3- 26. 14. 15- 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 33. 22. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Infantry Drill, 189(;, Sees. . Length of pace, and time, rosition in marchino- Marching in quick time. Marching to the front or rear. The halt. Stepping out. Stepping short. Marking time. Stepping back. Changing step. The double march. The side step, by numbers. 1 he side step, judging the time. 1 urning when on the march Marching to the front or rear. 1 he diagonal march. A single rank halted, changing front. dirTcfion:'"'^"^''""^^''^^^^^^^^ Marching as in file. Wheeling as in file. Men marching as in file forming squad. —11— 1st DRILL 2nd DRILL 1st Half SIXTH DAY Church Parades. and 2ni 13 14 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 26. 27. 28. 29. 31- 32. 33. SEVENTH DAY Infantry Drill, 189f;, Sees. Marching in quick time. '1 he halt. Stepping out. Stepping shoit. Marking time. Stepping back. Changing step. The double march. The side step, by numbers. 1 urning when on the march. Marching to the front or rear. Ihe diagonal march. A single rank halted changing front A sig^le rank on the march changin<^ direction. '^ ^ Wheeling as in file. Men marching as in file forming sq uad Ihe side step judging the time 3rd I 1st } 2nc ist 2nd 1st Manual Exercise, 18!>4, Xos. 11. Fixing Bayonets. II}' Ji^^ Shoulder from the Order. IV. The Piesent Arms. Yt\ TJ?,^ Shoulder from the Present. VI. 1 he Port Arms. VII. The charge. )yi^- The Shoulder from the Port IX. The Order from the Shoulder, and motions of the Rifle on the march i 2nd -12- 1. ar. ing- front. chan"-incr ng squad, ne. er. mt. i »rt. Ider, and narch. and DRILL 2nd Half 3rd DRILL 1st Half ^ 2nd Half ist DRILL 2nd DRILL 1st Half 2nd Half Iiifiuitry Drill, 18HH, Sees. 22. Turnini^ when on the march. 28. A single rank halted chan^ring front ?9. A single rank on the march chan^ine direction. ^ 42. The formation of fours. Firing Exercises, 18U4. Individual Firing, Kneeling, in quicktime and lying down, by numbers. Infantry Drill, 189(;, Sees. 42. The formation of fours. 43. Fours wheeling and forming squad. EIGHTH DAY Infantry Drill, 1890, Sees. 42. The formation of fours. 43- Fours wheelin and forming squad. Infantry Drill, 189(;, Sees. 61. Advancing or retiring. 63. A company in column forming into line. 64. A company in line forming forward and back into column. 66. A company in column changing direc- tion. 71. Formation of half- companies and sec- tions. Manual Exercise, 1894 Nos. II. Fixing Bayonets. III. The Shoulder from the Order. 10 O — 2nd Half Continued 3rd DRILL 1st Half 2nd Half ist DRILL IV. The Present Arms. V. Tlhe Shoulder from the Present VI. The Port Arms, yil. The Charge. VIII. The Shoulder from the Port lA. The Order from the Shoulder and motions of tho Rifle on the march. Firing K.vercise, 1894 Individual Firing, Standing, Kneeling and lying down in quick time. Infantry Drill, im>. Sees. 6i. Advancing or retiring. 63. A company in column forming into line. 64. A company in line forming forward and back, into column. ' 65. A company changing front as the base company of a line formation. 66. A company in column, chano-inp- direction. *" ^ 68. A company marching in fours, form- ing to the front or rear. 71. Formation of half -companies and sections. NINTH DAY Infantry Drill, 1896, Sees. 70. Changing ranks. 71. Formation of half -companies and Sections. 72. Passing obstacles, 2nd ist i> 2ndh 3rd D ist 2nd -14— ent. 'ort. ulder and march. eeling and Tiing into forward, s the base changing irs, form- nies and lies and 2nd DRILL ist Half 2nd Half 3rd DRILL 1st Half 2nd Half Infantry Drill. 181h;, Sees. 6i. Advancing or retiring. 02. Ihe diagonal march. Hne^"^^'^"^ ^" column forming into 6|. A company in line forming forward and back into column. 65. A company changing front as the base company ot a line formation do^n "^^^"^ ^" column changing direc- ^^' fn^T?K"^ niarching in fours, form- ing to the Iront or rear. 70. Changing ranks. 71. Formation of half -companies and sections. 72. Passing obstacles. 73. A company meeting an attack bv cavalry. ^ The same as ist half. PMringr Exercise. 1894. Infantry Drill, 189(1, Page 42, Sees. 47. General Rules. 4S. Extending. 49« Closing. 50. Advancing or retiring 51. Moving to a flank. —1ft I5t DRILL 3rd DRILL 1st Half 2nd Half TENTH DAY Infantry Drill, 181*6, Pago (il. Sees. 47. General Rules. 48. Extending-, 49- Closing. «o. Advancing or retiring. 51. Moving to a flank. 5 '. Firing while advancing or retiring 54. I^ormation to meet an attack bv cavalry. ^ 55. Assembly after dispersal. 56. 'J'he charge. I5t I 2nd I and DRILL ist Half 2nd Half Same as First Drill. Infantry Drill, 1896, page 69, Sec. 57. Infantry Drill, ISUO, Part III., Sees. 1^. General Rules. n. Advancing or retiring in time. A column and quarter column form- ing; into Ime. A line forming forward and back into column. 1. From the Halt. 2. On the March. 3. On the Move. 79. 80. Infantry Drill, 18'JG, Part III., Sees. 82. Formation of column, or quarter column, or columns (or quarter columns), of half-battalions, from line. 85. A column closing to quarter column. «6. A quarter column opening to column. 06. A column changing direction. s — 1«- Note- 011 the in l»resent f / Sees. ist DRILL >ec. 57. mn form- back into iecs. r quarter quarter ns, from r column. ) column. n. ELEVENTH DAY Iiilaiilry Drill, isiui. See. 57- I'lcld calls, si.crnals, and whistle sounds. ^ 2nd DRILL retiring. 77 attack by 79 80 82, 83. 8;. 88. 89. 90. 93- riifiiiitry Drill, IS'.m;, Sees, . Advancing,'- or retiring- in line. A column and (|iiarter column form- \ng into line. A line formini.: forward and back into column f From the Halt. 2. On the Marcli. 3- < )n the Move, lormation of column, or quarter column, or columns (or quarter columns) of half-battalions from line. A lineadv.incin.L; in column or columns of halfl)attalions. A column, or quarter column, or columns (or (juarter columns) of half battalions deployinj^ into Ime. A column chanc^nnj,^ direction. A (|uarter column wheeling. A quarter column wheeling on the march, and from the halt, when it is intended to move off in the new direction. A column, or quarter column, mov- mg to a flank in tours. TWELFTH DAY Marching Out of Camp. Note. -The liistnutor will find it very convenient if he will write -IT—