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Welland l'"en\vick Port (.'olhoine Thorold Drumniondville St Catharines Toroato Dunnville I 'on I'iobinson 01 POST OFFICES : Figure No <( (( (( *( <( n <( tt <( (< It (( (( << 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. 26, 27, 28, ?-9- 30, 31. 32, 33. 34, 35. Fort Erie. Hewitt Humberstone. Niagara Falls. Port Dalhousie. Burnaby. Fonthill. St Davids. Perry Station. Homer Effingham. Victoria. Buffalo Franconia Rainham Centre. Hamilton Princeton POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 1, the 4th aiid Sth Concessions south of Canal beeden ^ to. the Lei^idaUve Assembly: ._ Akins, Henry 13 Akins, William J4 Akins, |ohn . 29lAnthes, William 42 46 49 Brown, William • • Bradley, AH Barrick, Benjamin . 50 Barrick, Henry . . IjrJBarrick, George... 57 Burkett, William . . 58 Burkett, Adolphus m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and tenant ijg'Burkett, Ceily . p 18 & 19 p 19 p 32 ^ 33 Ip 32 & 33 Ip 32 & 33 •T IP 31 •J IS e p 34 J is e p 30 J s e p 30 m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and f son m f and f son m f and owner .•J. f orjfi owner m f and owner m f and owner I I 5 5 5 5 c 5 5 POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO I. o Di c o 6 NAME. 83 84 85 86 89 90 9« 92 102 119 123 124 125 126 *i3i 139 192 193 194 195 196 197 328 329 Chalmers. James . . . . Cline, Tames Campbell, William . . . '^'udney, Peter Canby, Benjamin F. Chalmers Stewart . . . Crane, Robert Campbell, David . . . Campbell, Benjamin . Campbell, Angus . . . Chesney, Samuel . . . . Carter, D. W Caughel, Benjamin. Caughel, Aaron . . . Caiighei, Jacob. . . 221 Doan, Isaac 22s Dean, Cyrus . . . 226 Dean, Frederick 235 Dayball, Edgar . , 236 Dayball. (leorge. 325 Daily, Thomas . 249 250 251 252 256 257 Lot, Beachin, Jesse. . . . Beachin, Richard. Beachin, Joseph . Beachin, William Buliung, Joseph. . Baily, foseph . . . Braun, Thomas . . Braun, William C Beachin, Henry. . Ellsworth, Wilson Ellsworth, William Ellsworth, John W'esley Furry, Francis Furry, (ieorge E Furry, Silas. ... s half 31 s half 31 cp3i P30 p 26 p6 s p2I p 21 P 34 & 35 s ep3i n w p 28 s e p 27 s e p 27 se p 25 p 19, 20 & 21 sp 23 P25 P24 p 15 A 16 p 24 &. 25 p 19 np34 n p 34 P e n e 27 k 24 i24 P3I pi9 P 19 P 19 s wp 30 w half s half 24 w half s half 24 z 2 H o u C/3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and f son owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and tenant ni f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and tenant m f and tenant 5 10 5 <; 24 m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and tenant m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and f son 5 24 1 24 379 3S0 381 387 394 395 396 397 399 400 401 403 404 410 I 411 1 451 452 455 688 TOLLING SUBDIVISION NO I. (A Q D o II. f son 2 owner 2 owner 2 owner 2 owner I owner I owner I owner I owner 2 owner owner owner I tenant owner owner owner J| owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant tenant 5 ID 5 24 owner owner owner owner owner tenant owner owner owner owner owner f son S 24 24 279 Foster. John . Fidler, lohn. Fidler, Thomas. Follick, Peter .. Gifford, John (iifford, tames C.iflford, Reuben... Gifford, George... Gibson, Charles . . Giffard, I homas .. Graybiel, Samuel J raybiel, John . . . Gilmore, James. . Giljson, Isaac . . . (iirtord, William . (ireer, Robert ^. . Gilmore, Geo E . Henderson, Richard . Henderson, Edward. Henderson, Robert . . Hopkins, W. B Haymes, John Haymes, Salem Haymes. Robert, Sr. Henderson, John Hoag, Samuel Hoag, Charles Hoag, Frederick Hoag, Fdward Haymes, Robert, Jr. Henderson, Joseph . . . Henderson, Thomas. pKil;l^ ^ r • Haun, Edward L. . Haun, Charles H. Kaun, AW : . . Fulbrook, Stephen •' FuUbrook. William •» Foster, Robert Fritz, Charles Fralick, lames Fralick, Benjamin. Fralick, William . . . Fralick, Thomas . . Flick, John H Flick, J S w half s half lo p lO n w p 2 P 19 P 19 P 19 p IQ p 19 p 19 p 19 n w p 3 P 3 '"t 4 P3 *4 n w I 24 n e p 26 n w p 27 n w p 27 cp3i n p 34 P 34 '« 35 s e p 24 s e p 24 s half 32 p 19 p 19 n*3i n half 34 688 Hoffman, John, n half 28 p 25 & 26 n A w p 27 p 19 s p 26 p28 28 ep30 15 14 12 & 14 e half 16 p 18 & 19 p27 p 27 P3i P 17 P 17 nhalf p29 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 t I 3 3 i m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and ni f and m f and m f and ni f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and 15 owner owner owner owner owner tenant tenant tenant owner owner owner owner f son tenant I I I I I I [ I I I 9 9 9 I 11) f aod owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner ni t and owner m f and owner rw f and owner m ( and owner m f and owner m f and tenant m f and owner m f and tenant ; m f and owner 24 24 2 I I I ^ 1 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 A 3 i2&3 2 3 3 3&4 3 3 ' 2& 3 2& 3 3 3 3 2 3 m f and owner jm f and owner |m f and owner jm f and owner , jm f and owner 'm f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and f son m f and owner r 1 ^.•w m I ailti umii-i m f and owner m f and owner \m f and tenant POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO I. o c o 6 5z; NAME. 457 458 461 470 471 Johnson, Alexander Jones, William. ... Jones, David 483 484 485 486 453 496 508 514 515 516 517 Ingram, Ingram, l''rederick . Festus . . . Kinnard, John Kinnard, Edmund . . Kinnard, Daniel E. Kinnard, Calvin Knisley, Benjamin . . Lisdow, Jolui . . . Linton, Robert . Laltimore, R F Leeder, Edward, Leeder, William . . . . Leeder, Edward, Jr Sr 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 553 554 555 559 571 588 608 G09 Lot .M Manning, Sylvester.. Manning, Richard . . . Minor, Abram Minor, William A. . . kinor, John O Minor, Asa Minor, David ....... Minor, W^illiam N . . . Minor, Laughlin Minor, George J . . . . Minor, Horatio. . . . Minor, Cyrenius McAlpine, A J .... > McAlpine, J W... McAlpine, Bruce . . . . Minor, Wm W Mains, Robert McGillivray, I) Minor, Abram A... McOuet, William , . P ' p I % 2 1'3 n e p 15 P 19 n p 3o n p 3o n p 3() p 29 P 17 s p 11 u 33 p 24 p 19 p 19 P 19 p 32, 33 & 34 p 32, 33 tt 34 s c p 3i s c p 3i s c p 3i c p e half 3o c p e half 3o s w \> 29 s e p 28 s ep 28 s w p 27 p c p 29 p 19 P 19 p «y s w p 29 s p n half 34 s e p 32 s w J 16 p s p 20 VJ £^ W w 55 a '_) O aj x I- O (A U |4 4&5 1. 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m fand owner m f and owner m f and owner ni f and f son ni f and f son m f and owner m r and tennnl m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and Im fand m f and jm f and m f and m f and — s 1 m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and o. < 9 31 I m f an(' owner m f and owner '.^ m f and owner 1 1 m f and owner j m f and owner | m f and owner owner f son owner f son f son owner f son owner f son owner owner owner owner owner ovfncr owner owner owner owner owner 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1- 3 II 1 1 — 05 a d » 610 McO 39 Mint 41 McL 43 Mine 44 Mine 82 Mor 140 McC 359 Mor ? 628 629 630 26 s 5 639 650 52 53 280 672 673 674 689 690 691 692 717 718 719 720 721 722 755 POU.INO SUB-DIVISION NO I. in a Q < Cu )wner 9 Hvner 9 )wner wner 9 )wner I )\vner 5 soil 5 son 5 >\vnei' 5 ennnl J ) » 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 X 1- 11 1 1 o a o 6 NAME. 6io 39 41 43 44 82 140 359 McOuet, Archibald. Minor, Edward McLean, A B • Minor, Edgar Minor, Kenry S Moriarty, Joseph... McOuet, Walter R . Morrison, Frank 628 Neff, 629 630 26 s Peter Neff, Solomon . Neff, Wilson . . Nelson, Thomas. 639 650 52 53 280 Owens, John . . Owens, Charles O'Neil, Hugh . . . O'Neil, Felix... Oit, Francis . 672 673 674 689 690 691 692 Pew, Fletcher Pickett, David . . . Pentelo, William. Palmer, E F.... Palmer, Charles O . Pheips, Thomas . . . Phelps, Joseph . . . . 717 718 719 720 721 722 755 Sodtke, Harmon. Lot p s p 20 PI8&I9 p 19 p 19 p 19 s half 3 1 p 19, 20&21 p32 W C p 28 w c p 26 cp8 P'9 , , n w X 20 p 32 & 33 p 32 & 33 p 4 & 5 s e p 26 Ip 19 P 19 p29 p 23 & 24 p 26 p27 Reavely, Edgar. Reed, John Reed, Willam... Reed, Henry... Reed, Mathias . . Radeske, August s half 14 & IS sp 13 ehalf ehalf 12 e p s half 8 e p s p 9 P 19 p 2& 3 "> oi S w 5 53 u o a! u 4&5 Q Q < n f and owner m f and tenant m f and owner m f and tenant m f and tenant m f and tenant m f and tenant m f and tenant m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and f son m f and tenant m f and owner m f and f son m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner fOLLINO SUB-DIVISION NO. I. C c o 6 S5 763 8o2 803 8o4 818 820 454 723 NAME. Shields, Andrew... .Simpson, John . . . .Schram, Ceo W... :hram, J Edward .Simonds, Duncan . Simonds, Paul Simonds, John . . . . •Simpson, Wm W. Schrani, George . . . J Lot, e p s half 14 p 19 p 19 p 19 P32 n w p n w p s e p 20 n e p 19 875 876 877 331 Tuesley, David., ruesley, John . . . Tuesley, Chauncy Tweed, William . .1 30 30 P 35 & 36 P 35 & 36 35&36 P 34 « 35 896 897 S98 916 932 934 935 Upfold, George ,'^ Upfold, William Upfold, Frank p 28 & 29 p 28 & 29 p 28 & 29 Weasner, James Willson, Thomas W'intermute, William Winvermute, Peter .r n p 22 12 & 13 s w p 27 s w p 26 o u o u Cd U C/3 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 ' r o m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and \\\ f and m fand owner owner tenant tenant owner owner owner tenant tenant m f and owner m f and tenant m f and tenant m f and owner m f ind owner m f and f son m f and f son m f and tenant m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner PART II— List of Persons Entitled to Vote at Municipal Elections ONLY 28 Anthes, Ann E . 81 Becken, William. 238 237 338 Davidson, Wilhemina. Duncan, G W s e p 27 s e p 1 P 19 n half s half 2 Graybiel, R. S . 45CJHaun, Margaret. 3901 Harper, Robert. P30& 31 n A s p 17 Pl 4&5 )wner owner owner owner owner owner owner I I I 31 I 9 I 9 o s 482 509 556 510 710 885 V 449 459 460 931 716 t POLLING SUBDIVISION NO I. Q o 0^ ■ r o Oi a o NAME. I Lot ^ - M " o 2 y o ad r, H 6 ^ o o: wner wner L*nant snant wner wner wner ;nant :nant 482 509 510 Knisley, Mary . Lattimore, Mary. Moblo, John McDonald, Magaret. 671 Pew, Jane. jwner enant tenant jwner 710 owner f son f son tenant i [■ 885 V Reuter, Herbert Taggart, Elizabeth s e p 28 n half 24 s w «4: 25 n half 24 s e p 26 n w p 3 P33 2&3 owner owner owner owner owner owner owner II 16 I 31 7 PA/iT Ill-List of Persons Entitled to Vote at Elections to the Legislative Assembly ONLY ; owner owner owner 31 449 459 460 931 716 Carl, Thomas Ingram, Joseph . Ingram, Ambros . Smyth, James Overholt, Joseph. 20 14 mf mf mf mf mf 9 9 I ♦ 9 I |9 POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. a, Comprising all the Lots north ot Canal Feeder in the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Concessions, from eastern boundary of the Township to the west side of Lot 23. PART I. — List of Persons entitled to vote at both Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assembly : o fit: B O 6 NAME. 17 18 3S8 47 70 71 72 73 75 77 78 79 888 Aulph, Joseph F . . Aulph, James B. . . Aulph, .Fohn W . . Aulph, Thomas G 127 128 129 130 142 144 146 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 365 198 Chaml^ers, fames. . . Chambers, Eusebius. Cook, John Cook, John T . . . . Clement, John E.. f 'reiger, \Vm W . . Creiger, Marcena... Creiger, Wni Copeland, Oscar. . . . Chambers, Henry . . Chambers, Jonas . . . Chambers, John Chambers, James. . Chambers , Robert . . Chambers, Wilson. . Case, William Decks, Joseph H, Lot. Bright, Sylvester Buliung, Peter . . Huliung, Arthur. . Buliung, George Bowman. John W Burgar, Uriel... Baldwin, Thomas Beckett, W 11 . Beckett, M. A Beckett, James E s e p II s e p II p 14 p 14 199 Decks, Joseph. J s half 20 s half n half 18 s half n half 18 s half n half 18 p II p6 * 7 p I & 2 n e p 18 n e p 18 n half 21 p 19 P 19 n half 20 n half 20 P 14 w c p 7 p s p 6 s p 6 ep 15 14, 14. 14. 14, p 21 p 21 16 & 17 15, 15. 15, 15. 16 k 17 16 & 17 16 & 17 16&; 17 p 19 & 20 p s half 17 C/l (J O C/2 S I 5 & & 4 4 4 4 5 6 5 5 4 5& 5** 5* S& 6tt 6& 4 m f and owner m f and f son ui f and owner m f and tenant m f and tenant 111 f and owner m f and f son m f and f son m f and owner m f aud owner ni f and owner ni f and ow ner m f and f son m f and owner ni f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and ni f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and ai a Q ■< o owner owner owner f son owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant 19 >9 6 19 I I # I «9 9 9 19 19 I m f and owner m f and owner I I I I 19 9 9 9 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 I i ! i J 70 ^77 27^ 28j! 292 758 •293 -94 '!95 041 *>4i 046 «7» 508 300 74 927 :k>i 363 364 366 367 368 389 40^ 400 409 645 814 911 I rOLOMO BUB 'icioff NO a. isions, from i Elections 19 >9 6 19 I I /» I «9 9 9 19 i9 I I I I I 19 9 9 9 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 I 5: "5 NAMI-:. a«) T)e«ks, VVjIliani ato Duclcriilgc, Thuitiati. 202 DtMlerirlge, Kol)crt . . 20.'{|Do(leridge, •lohn... JJ9 Dole, Santuel .... -2.S9 ^r; 2!S4| 292 75» •293 -94 :m 041 «>43 «;. 50S 74 y-!7 ;k>i 363 364 366 H J68 389 40JJ 408 409 645 814 911 K«»rrp!<«tr, i' Inning, l-'ftrr, Kichaui . . . . Farr, William Farr, Kclward Farr, Calvin A Farr, Hiram Farr, Peleg T Farr, F.lm«r Full»ruok, Henry. Farr, Archiliald . . l-arr, Kll»a Farr, Aaron , Flowers, William . Flowers, Samuel . Flowers. Henry ... Fiiny. Cyrus Fero, ( Iharles (iee<ly, James E. (Jadshy, William Cirolil", David . . . . (ireen, Andrew . Hewitt, Charles Hewitt, J. B Herrick, Harris Hewitt, Benjamin . . . Hickey, Parker Hoque Lemuel Henderson, Charles . Hanigan, Thomas . . , Hanigan, Peter Harper, Owen Hilton, Joseph Howaird, William . . . 493 Lfirraway, Jacob r.OT o i u ■r. p e p 10 P9 P9 p8 p s hall 21 p 13 6 6 6 n e p 20 11 c p 2C p 22 p 22 n p 7 p n half 18& 19 p n half 18 & 19 s e p 20 p 16 vfc 17 n p 14 p 10 n p 12 n p7 p 13 & p II sp 14 w half s 14 13 13 p 16 & I7 s w p II p6 pl4 s half 20 p 20 p 20 pl7 c p I.'' 22 w half 1 7 & J 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 4 5 5 5 4 4 5 4 5 A6 & 6 5 5 5 it 6 va f aod owner m f and owner m f and owtwr m f ai>d owrver m f aixl owner ni f and m f and tn f and tx\ f and m f and m f and in f and Im f and |m f and jm f and im f and ni f and 'rai f and ini f and n) f and in f and in i and owner owner f son f son owner f son owner owner tenant owner f son owner tenant tenant tenant tenant tenant m f aitd ni f and ta f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and owner m f and tenant m f and tenant u) f and owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant tenant tenant tenant tenant na f and owner «9 19 t9 19 I 19 9 9 9 19 '9 19 1 9 I I I I 19 19 19 9 «9 19 19 9 i9 »9 I 19 19 19 F I I t9 19 I »9 lo FOLLING SUB-DIVISION NO 3. c a o 6 NAME. SI2 Laltimore, William Lattiiuore, Rowan. . Lambert, Edward. . $6a Moore, A J , 565 Murphy, John . 567 Melick, Andrew. 569 McDonald, lliram 570 McCallmn, Cla^-k , 574 Misener; Edwy. 575 Misener, Elman E. 576 Misener, Henry . 577 Misener, John. 578 Misener., Frank 579I Misener, Charles . 581 Moote, Hamil'on. 582 Moote, George. . . 583 Moote, [ohn \V . . , 584 Mawhinney, John . 585 Misener, Leonard. 407 McCoppen, W. J . 887 Mains, Hiram 914 Marr, David . . . . 627 Xcwton, Joseph. 040 642 644 646 647 649 607 668 669 670 676 677 912 Pye, .Villiam I'resl, John r'hiiiips, Kvobert A. Phillips, Wm R. Priestman, Charles Priest man, Elston. Prior, Harry Lor. Overholt, Bedwell 1 J Overhoit, J W . Overholt, R. D Cverholt, J^pencer | Overholt, R. C...". Overholt, Ti uman p 18& 19 p 18 & I9 w half s w }4 21 s p 1 1 s e p lo n p 7 e half n half 9 P4& 5 s half 16 s half 16 s • alf 16 spl7 s p 17 pl6& 17 p lo p lo s e p lo 12 s half 21 n p »9 n half 21 23 n ji 1 o 1%, 1 1 p 16 & 17 n p 14 sp I3 n w p 1 3 p !o sp 12 c p I4 p I4 p S& i e p 1 23 23 22 « . « « 5^ « u o « 5r o U &6 &6 5 (y 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 4& 5 S 4 5 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 < m f and i-ivner m f and owner m f a'ld tenant m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and f son m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and fson m f and owner m f and owuer rn f and owner m f and owner m f anil tenant m f and lena: m f am! owner m f and owner ni f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and m f and r I lit 1 atiu m f and m f and m 1 and m f and owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant 19 9 9 9 I 1 I I I '% 19 i 1 I ■9 I I 19 I 19 <9 «9 19 19 19 3« "J 9' I I r i «n^ 4 i • e X c 6 y< 706 Rai 707 Rai 708 Ril 709 Ro 724 Ro 72s Ro 726 Ro 733 Ro 76 Ro "45 Ro 147 Ro 560 Ro 562 Ro 749 75' ;52 7.S9 7(K> 805 <So6 S07 808 <So9 810 8ii «I3 «I5 816 817 S49 45 870 884 889 'S ^ 899 POM ING SUBDIVISION ^O 2. CI 05 19 9 9 9 owner ; ^ I 1 I I I 1 '% 19 i 1 I 9 I I »9 owner owner owner owner owner owner I 19 <9 «9 19 19 owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant 19 9' I I 706 707 708 709 724 72s 726 733 76 "45 147 560 562 744lStokcK., 74SJSt<.kes, 74()!Stokcs, Stokes, 74S 749 75' - - • i 7! « a Ha < /. r- •/: U 1 "^ Schrani, Schram, Singer, ;52 Singer, Manipton 754iStokes, .lames 7S0JSec-i»r(l, Thomas. 058!Seconl, McCalluni 759 Sotlike, Shields, Alexant.cr, 7(>i Shields, Alexander, «)r 702!Shields, Patrick 7641 Simpson, John S 805 806 S07 808 809 810 8ii «13 «I5 816 817 S49 45 Silverlhorn, Ambrose Sowerwine, Thomas Sowerwine, fieorije -^milh, James A. . . . Smilh. William C Smith, William Smith, Ch^Jes Smith, Hurmon E Stayzer, .lacoh Stayzer, John Stayzer, Ennis Swayze, Alexander Sexsniith, Mark 870 884 889 Thompson, D. J . Traver, Lewis . . . . Traver, Chauncy . 899 ni f and in f and m f and m f and m i and ni f and in f and tn f and m f and m f iUid lu f and ru f and m f and (jwner tenant owner owner owne' owner owner owner tenant tenant tenant tenant tenant 111 f Ull<] m i and m f and in i and m f and Hi f and Hi f and lu f and in f and ni f and m f and jiii f and {11 J f and im land jm f and in f and jm f and \^\ f and tn 1 and m f and ni f and m f and m f and ni I and m f and m f and in f and n\ f and m f and Vanwick, Walter p8 Jk II S&6 owner owner owner owner owner tenant owner f son owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner f *ion owner owner f son owner tenant tenant owner tenant tenant owner tenant ni f and owner m f and owner m f and owner 19 19 19 I 19 7 7 19 9 9 9 19 •9 •9 «9 19 19 19 19 9 9 19 11 II 9 I 1 I 1 10 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 1 1 1 1 1 tn f and owner 19 I I )« ^(ALliKd 4X;k ^rvteiON Iro. 2 c Si c c d rfLitmatn: NAME. Lot. z i ^' u O « O ^^ u (A 900 901 905 906 907 908 910 913 926 928 929 566 Weall«ns, John Weallans, James . . Williams, Jacob V . . Wilford, Frederick Wilford, Robert . . . Witford, Seth Willson, P. J Willson, H. N.... Wills, Carson Wilson, John .... Wilson, Amos Waters, Hamilton . . .[ p 2t 3 P2A3 sp 15 p I5&I6 s^So , P I9 22 23 s p I4 p I8A; I9 p 18 ft I9 s e p lo 5 A 6 54ft6 5A6 6 5 A6 5 5 S 6 6 6 m f and owner m f and f son m f and owner m f and owner ir. f and owner m f and owner m f and owner ni f and owner ni f and owner ni f and owner m f and owner m f and tenant PART II— List of Persons Entitled to Vote at Municipal Elections ONLY 143 580 563 812 886 904 930 Chapman, Racheal Misener, William.. Misener, Mrs E . McNanamon, John Smith, Melinda. . . Thompson, Eunice Will^fims, Harvey. . Wilson, S I ', Mrs n p 8 A 9 n p 1.3 n p8 w c p 1 1 cp I7 n half 21 s p 7 p 18 & I9 5 &6 5 & C 4 6 owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner 9 9 19 19 1 1 1 1 19 19 19 19 21 '31 19 22 19 PART III— List of Persons Entitled to Vote at Elections to the Legislative Assembly ONLY .• 406 313 750 753 S95 Coyle, James Graves, Charles , . . . Schram, 'Tames Edward . . . Sholts, Oliver Traver, Frank 20 23 14 4 18 m f mf mf m f mf 19 9 19 >«M r "3 c 6 8 Ac 9 Ac 10 Ac II Ac IS Ac 187 Al 42b 828 Al Ar 32 OJ 34 80 88 "3 114 3« 47 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 164 165 166 168 169 172 173 174 188 189 191 434 436 856 t/) tr. K OS C = i ' ft. • owner 9 . f son 9 owner 19 \ owner 19 owner 1 owner 1 owner 1 owner 1 owner 19 owner 19 1 owner 19 tenant 9 19 21 '31 19 22 19 bly ONLY ; 19 9 19 POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 3. Comprising all the Lots in the 5th, 6lh and 7th Concessions, from the west side of Lot 23 to the west side of Lot 35, and all the Lots in the 4th Corcc.;sion, from the west side of Lot 23, to the western boundary o*^ the Township, and all the Lots in the 3rd Concession, from the west side of Lot 3;, to the western boimt'ary ot the Township PART I, — List of Persons entitled to vote at both Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assembly : o c o 6 NAME. 8 9 10 II 15 187 426 ^28 22 ■^ -» oj 34 80 88 113 114 3«^ 47- 156 Comfort, Levi. 157 Comfort, .John I. 158 Cosby, Elmer. 159 Cosby, Aimer . 160 Cosby, William D. 161 Cosby, Andrew J, 162 Cosby, Da /id J 164 Coleman, J Arthur. 165 Cosby, John E. 166 Cos' -, William , i68CraL..er, Walter 169 Case, William .... i72Chesney» VV iHiam l73Chesney, Reuben. 1 74 ( 'hesiiey, Thomas . i88Collard, Isaac E.. iSg.uieiidentin, Vvalter , 191 Case, John T. 434 436 856 Casey, Stephen Casey, Frank Climenhaga, Abram , Lot. Acker. Henry Acker, Abram Acker, Milo Acker, George .... Acker, Menno. . . . Abell, Johnson. . . . Abell, Wm Anderson, Wm A . Bradshaw, J. Harvey. Bradshaw, Charles E Bradshaw, J H. Sr. . . Bowman, (ieorge W. . Buckner, Frederick . . Hender, Hiram Bender, John Beachin, R K Brooks, William 28 28 28 27 \- 28 P 32 P s half 35 •) 27 half 32 e li pdf 24 n half 26 w h:ilf 24 P 24 40 n p 38 n p 38 p 28 P 30 n w p 25 n \v p 25 P 25 P 25 P ^5 cp2S c p 25 s x> 30 n p s half 30 n p s half ;'sO n half s 1/iif 36 P 33 & 34 n e p 36 ' n e p 36 n e p 36 p n half 34 c p shall 35 sep 34 sp36 sp36 s w p 28 O j_ S O K '^- ^ u *6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 3 3 3 6 7 4 3 3 m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and owner owner tenant owner owner tenant tenant tenant m f;afid m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and o>wn€j owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant owner m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and rn f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m fand owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant owner owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant owner owner owner tenant tenant tenant V! « as C 27 27 27 27 27 4 27 2 I I I 27 -> J 22 22 2 27 7 / 7 7 27 27 27 27 27 3 2 3 3 3 4 4 2 5 5 2 14 POLtlNr, SUB-DIVISION NO 3. c o d 'A NAME. 217 240 823 241 243 258 287 288 289 290 770 302 305 •^34 351 352 357 ;{62 170 310 ^11 Diifl", George, Sr. Disher^ Peter A. Dills, Benson . . , . Egan, Joseph . . Easterby, Henry Gleason, EiTiersi)n . . Ciilmore, John. Gregson, Richard . . Gracy, William, Sr. , (iracy, Thi)nias . . . . Ciilniore, Joseph. . . . Groff, Henry (joodwin, I\'»l>ert . . (iilmore, j G (iilmore, William E . 372 Henry, Harmon 373 Henry, Calvin 374 Henry, Charles 377 Horton, Thomas 378 Horton, William . . . 414 Hoover, Peter. 420 Henderson, Winfielct . . 421 Henderson, .»ames V. 422 Henderson, James V. Henderson, Walter HeiiUersOi;, Gavin . . . Henderson, .Tohn O. Henderson, Adam. . . Henderson, Harry . Henderson, John 423 424 425 427 428 429, 430JHenderson, Clarlence. Lot, Forrester, John . Frank, Albert Flanigan, John. . . Flanigan, Edward Flanigan, Martin Frank, William. . s w p 27 n half s p 33 p n half 33 sp 39 s e p 33 27 s p 38 cp38 c p 38 cp38 38&39 p n half 31 s e i 29 w half s half 32 n w p 35 n w p 35 s e i 2S n e p 32 P 34 p 28 p 28 34 33 33 30 31 25 & 26 P3S w p 32 p ep3l p e p 31 sp3i sp3i p 29 & 30 p 29 & 30 p 33 & 34 p 33 * 34 ?5 O t/2 £/•) U u 'A o ai m f and owner m f and owner m f and tenant m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner f and owner m f and tenant m f and m f and m f and m f and m f antl m f and m f and m f and m f and ni f and owner owner owner owner f son owner owner tenant owner owner m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and 111 f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and owner owner f son owner owner owner owner owner f son owner ownei tenant owner f son owner f son o Q o 2 127 2 3 29 2 3 •27 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 27 il 27 4 4 4 4 27 27 27 27 4 4 I Pi a » 431 He 432 He 435 Ha 437 Ha 438 Ha 443 Hil 444 Hu 445 He 448 Ha 244 Ho 245 Ho 918 Ho 925 Ho 465 Job 467 4.68 731 480 481 488 490 494 495 498 499 506 507 346 655 859 518 519 520 521 522 525 526 POLI.INC, SUB-DIVISION NO 3. 15 Q Q < eu nd owner 2 nd owner 27 nd tenant 2 nd owner 3 nd owner 29 nd owner 2 id owner .3 nd owner 3 nd owner 3 nd owner 3 nd tenant 3 nd owner 2 1(1 owner 3 id owner 27 nd owner 4 nd f son 4 id owner 2 id owner 2 nd tenant 2 4 4 4 27 27 27 4 4 4 4 27 27 27 27 4 4 I O c o NAME. 431 432 435 437 438 443 444 445 448 244 245 918 925 465 467 4.68 731 480 481 488 490 494 495 498 499 506 507 346 655 859 518 519 520 521 522 525 526 Lot. Henderson, Angus . . Henderson, Elliot.... Hay, James D Hay, George W Hay, John Hiles, John Husband, Charles .... Hendershct, Hamilton Hay, Robert Horton, Daniel Hor'.on, James House, Richard Hoffman, Roland .... Johnson, Nighram Johnson, Waltei C Johnson, Daniel .... •lamieson, Emerson Kelts, lieorge ... Kelts, George D , . Kelts, George . . . Kadwell, Lawrence Lambert, John.. . Logan, Albert . . Lambert, Alfred Lambert, Johnson Lee, John Lee, George .... Lambert, Phillip Lambert, William Lambert, Cyrus . . Mcxire, Peter J . , Moore, Harris. . . . Moore, William , Moore, S. W ... Moore, George H Marr, John Marr, Wesley 32 P 32 P30& sp36 sp36 s P36 P 31 l> .39 P 39 sep34 sep33 s e p 33 n half 30 p 30 and 31 n w p 26 n w • 25 n e p 3i P 27 P 29 P 29 P 30 ^ H 33 J J s p 29 n e j) 28 s w p37 s wp37 s w p 31 J n w p 31 e half 31 n P 34 p 29 & 30 26 & 27 26 & 27 27 & 28 27 & 28 26 p 34 A 35 n w i 35 o ^ »- " w ?5 « o d ai Z '" o '■« u 7 6 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 6 6 4 4 &7 7 4 4 6& fi *7 ]6&7 6 4 & & & m f and m f and ni f and m f and ni f and m f and m f and m f and ni f and m f and m f and m f and m f and owner owner owner owner tenant tenant owner owner owner tenant tenant tenant tenant m f and owner m f and Dwner ni f and tenant m f and tenant Jii f and owner lu f and owner m f and owner m i and owner ni f and ni f and ra f and Qi f and ni f and ru f and m f and m f iind in f and o'vner owner tenant tenant owner owner tenant tenant tenant m f and owner 111 f and f soil m i and owner m f and f son ni f and owner m f and owner vn f and owner < 4 4 5 3 3 2 3 3 3 27 27 2 2 1 2 o 127 27 27 27 2 3 3 27 27 4 2 27 7 7 27 27 27 2 3 i6 POLLING SUB DIVISION 1^0. 3. o c o d ?5 NAME. 527 528 529 531 532 572 573 586 587 611 612 620 MaT, f()se|)h Marr, William . . . Maler, Samuel... Mcxire, Geo vV , . . Nioore, Ezra \V. . . Mains, John Marr, Enoch -Mater, Jacob Moore, Daniel N. Moore, Harmon . . . Moore, Curtiis . . . . Moore, Wm . 621 -Moore, Simon. 624 Moore, Mathia.s . . . 171 Moriarty, Samuel.. 487 McDonald, Wm H . 866'McIntee, James M . 921 -Middeiton, Isaac . . 743 Nash, A S . 652 653 654 663 664 675 678 681 683 684 685 686 687 347 376 858 Putman, Richard P'iestman, .Samuel Priestman, Thomas S . . F'riestman, Thomas... I'rieslman, David O... Priestman, Samuel E.. Priestman, John Priestman, Thomas E. Potts, John Putman, Richard Pierce, Jefterson 713 714 Robertson, James B . Robins, II Lot Overholt, Henry.. Overholt, Joseph . Overholt, [ohn . . . , Ovc'ihorl, Nicholas Odd, Richard n w p 35 n e p ;^5 p s w p 35 n w p 37 n w p 37 p ■■ 6 & 37 «X35 p 28 & 29 p s halt 29 37 37 e half n half 35 n half s half 34 p s p 28 p 33 ) 3o P 32 A 33 p3o & 3 1 p 27 & 28 c p 34 c p 34 n p 34 n p 34 p c p 35 n e p 32 w half 25 n e p 24 ep25 e p 25 n e i 25 s p 26 e c p 27 e half 3 1 e p 28 p s half 3o •T ^p 30 & 32 p n half 32 K 1 U Id '■J 04 y. H 'Jl U 5 5 .S 4 4 4 4 5 6 3 3 6 6 6 4 6 6& 7 6 m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f antl f and f and f and f and f and f and m f and m f and m f and m I and m f and m f and m f and tenant m f and owner m f and f son m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f a I m f and m f and owner owner owner owner tenant owner owner owner tenant tenant tenant <n Id a < Cl, owner 3 owner 3 owner 3 owner 3 f son 3 owner 3 owner 3 owner 2 owner 27 owner 3 owner 3 owner 4 owner 27 owner 27 tenant 2 tenant 27 f^nant 2 iiant 2 27 m f and owner m f and owner 27 27 o c o 6 732 734 741 742 304 764: 765 766; 767 768; 769; 822 82s 826; 827 8-,o: 831 832 838 839 840; 848 851 852 857 860: 861 862 863 864 867 869; "5 I 872 873 874 890 891 I 892 I 682 917 POU.INO SUB-DIVISION NO 3 17 and and and and and anil and and and and and and and and and and and and owner owner owner owner f son owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant tenant f^nant nant ind tenant ind owner md f son im] owner md owner nd owner nd owner nd owner nd owner nd owner nd tenant nd owner nd owner nd owner I tenant ik1 tenant ad tenant X Q o 0^ 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 27 8 3 4 27 27 2 27 2 2 27 nd owner id owner 27 27 o Pi c o 6 NAME. Lot. 732 734 741 742 304 Robins, Alonzo Reavely, Joseph ... . Robinson, George B Robertson, Gavin E. Ricker, Ilamilton. . . 764 Smith, John 765 .Storm, Henry 766 Soper, George 767 Smith, Charles 768 Smith, George H . . 769 Smith, Charles J . . . 822 Swayze, John W... 8215 Swayze, William H., 826 Smith, Peter 827 Swayze, William H. 830 Spencer, Leander . . . 83 1 Stayzer, Bradley ... 832 Swayze, Daniel R . . 838 Shantz, Frederick . . . 839 Shantz, George 840 Smith, Martin . . . 848 Sposback, George . . 851 Sett, Lewis 852 Sett, Levi 853!sider, Martin 854 Sider, Jacob 855 857 860 861 862 853 864 867 869 Sr Jr 'J "5 Sider, .'ohn F. ... Sider, Isaac Sider, John , Sider, Peter Sider, Joseph Sider, Christain Stevenett, Samuel . . . Swayze, D. J Scatchard, John N. Benjamin . . . Silvcrthorn, Thomas. 850 Steward, Jo.seph 872 874 890 1 891 1 892 1 682 i. 917 W^ills, John J Traver, Curtis f\, Traver, Samuel N Traver, Eugene Thompson, D. H Thompson, Nathaniel. . . Thompson, Elgin A Traver, Chaunc" J p 26 P37 p 30 & 32 p 27 & 28 s w p 35 '■' ^ P 39 P39 P39 38 & 39 38 & 39 :i8 it 39 p n half 33 n c p 33 p n p 32 half 32 p s half 36 e p 34 33 <6 36 s half 35 [) 34 half 28 half 28 P'J8 p28 p 28 p28 p 29 & 30 s w p 28 n half 3o p 29 i\- 3o p n p 31 n p 32 i, 33 sp 27 p28 np38 n w p 24 w w w w ep24 w half 25 w A s p 26 p s half 29 's half 32 s half 32 n e p 24 n half 30 o H u o u 6& 4 7 7 5 4 6 ."; 5 5 5 S 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 6 7 4 4 m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner ni f and m f and m f and m f and m f and ni f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and ni f and m f and m f and ,ni f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and ni f and m f and m f and ni f and m f and m f and m I and m f and owner owner owner owner owner f son owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner f son owner f son owner f son owner owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant tenant owner m f and tm f and m f and m f and m f and m f and III f and owner owner owner owner owner f son tenant 27 17 27 27 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 9 2 2 2 3 3 3 27 2 2 2 2 2 2 27 27 2 2 31 27 3 1 7 27 27 [27 2 2 I m f and owner i8 POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO 3. c Pi c o 6 9I9 92c 922 923 NAME, Lot, ^ a o ^ f< o ^ u =^ < 5 937 938 Wills, Henry. Wills, Charles. Wills, Paul... Wills, Will... Young, William Voung, John . . . , Young, A L 939 Young, David 940 941 Young, Alexander, Sr Young, Alexander, Jr n half 29 * s half 29 P 35 s half 30 A 31 e half n half 33 n e \ 28 J in e ^ 28 I s p 27 p 28 p 28 6&7 6&7 m f and owner in f and owner m f and owner ni f and owner 30 Ro m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and f son 29 Stn iRT , 2IjSop 5s;Ste\ PART If— List of Persons Entitled to Vote at Municipal Elections ONLY 167 190 246 358 361 Cramer, Dorothy. Case, Mary Ann. . Eastman, Mrs M , Gilmore, Mary (ileason, Helen C ! p 31 729 Hill, James s p 30 471 n half e half 36 P 34 A 35 n hah 32 p 28 & 29 3&4 Johnson, Hannah . 497 Lambert. Annie. 524 Miller, Abram 651 Overholt, Elizabeth. 680 727 728 Priestman, Alma I ne s p 3o s w p 37 cp3i p s half 35 S % Robins, Cyrus. Robins, Allan . p24 pcp3o 01 p 3o owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner POLIJNG SUB-DIVISION NO 3, U C/) < 3 m f and owner in f and owner m f and owner m f and owner 19 NAME. Lot 30 ; S', ! en H Id U ai '/: (-, cr. U Robins, John K . 29 Smoke, Margaret . p s half 28 4I &42 u at Q Q < o owner owner A'TI/I-Listc/ Persons E.n tka to Vote at Elections I the Le^'^i^^iZ'Z;:;:^, ONLY m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and f son 2ijSoper, Alonzo SslStevenett, Thomas. f ONLY 3i 33 owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner mf mf 2 2 POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 4 c™„ri.i„, a„ ,He Lo,s in .he 5,h, 6,h „„d ;,h Concessions, f,„„ .'hc „es, side of Lo, 3s .o . western l.oundary of the Township. ^ r^A"r I. - i.hr^jTp^ " M, /:5.L.r!ZLr'''' '- ™" "' '°™ ^^«"'">"' ^/^.^:^:-::7^^, 5 7 i6 711 83;ji 1 Angle, I'Vancis . . . 2 Angle, William./.. 3 Angle, Charles W.. 4'Angle, Absalom . . . Alley, Lewis Anderson, John Angle, Abram Angle, William Anderson, [ames . . , Atkinson, Benjamin , Ack or. Wesley 104 Barwell, John 105 Basset, Richard . 107 Burgess, Thomas J 08 109 no III Bowman, David . . Brown, Alexander D. Brown, David . . . . I-irowri, Robert l63 '"avers, William. . 175 Cohoe, David . 177 Cohoe, John E.. 181 f"ohoe, Andrew. . i86CaugheI, Ceorge 419 Crown, John 783 Clark, Henry .. 784 Clark, Thomas . . 207 209 2io 2nJDilts w half 47 n p 48 t-'P47 j\v haU 47 ep56 p 44 * 45 e half 5^ p 41 P 4S, 49, SO & 51 half 4 1 :\6 P4^<S:44 c p 50 p SI & 52 P48'49 50&SI p n half 38 p n lialf 38 P ;^8 n p38 s half 40 n half 40 p n p 39 n e p 44 P45 P 46 P 46 204 Diit.s, Elijah .... 2osDilts, John, Sr.....' Dilts, John H . , . Dilts, Alfred .... ^^^'^-ff^!~l •■:.■.■:.: ."bin part 43 "a™'ton M Ip 49 r J SP4S e half 47 p 46 e half 47 2; ] y) r^ 1/3 U a: y. r\ CA U &7 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 Q < o a; 111 f and owner ni f and owner in f and tenant in f and owner ni f and owner ni f and owner m f and owner m f and owner 111 f and tenant ni f and tenant in f ;ui(l tenant 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 3 8 4 3 m f and owner 11) f and owner m f and owner m f and owner in f and owner m f and tenant m f and owner 4 4 8 8 4 4 4 m f and in f and m f and m f and ni f and I in f and !in f and m f and owner owner owner owner owner tenant tenant f son 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ni f and owner m f and owner in f and tenant in f and tenant ni f and owner in f and owner h^ "5 PS c 2l2 Dilts 213 DeP 2'4 DeP 2IS DeF 216 Doc 218 Dev 242 880 Elsi Eal SSi.Zat 291 Fra 297 1 Fo) 299 Fos 307 339 340 341 342 343 344 348 350 ^353 Gel Gl£ Gh Gri Gij Gri Gri Gfi Gri Gri Gil 371 415 418 439 441 446 456 176 178 179 180 354 He He He Hj Hi. He He Hf Hi Hi Hi Hi wner 4 wner 4 nant 4 A'ner 4 ivner 6 vner 4 vner 4 vner 3 lant 8 lanl 4 lant ;i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 S POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO 4. ai d ti o 6 NAME. 2l2 213 2'4 215 216 218 Dilts, Elisha De Potty, Joseph C , Del'otty, Bertie G.. DePolty, .lames..., Dochstader, Darius Devitt, J. J 242 880 881 291 297 Elsie, Wm... Eaton, James. Zaton, .i^.ibert Frank, And lew Fox, (Jeorge 299 Foss, George P. Sr. 308 Gellem, Wm Glaves, John Glaves, Reuben . . Graham, Josias. . . Glaves, Joseph H Gracy, Thomas . Gracy, Robert J . Gracy, Robert . . . Gracy, Hans Gracy, Wm , Jr.. Gilmore, Roliert.. 354 Lot n e p 51 P 54 & 55 P 54 & 55 P 55 w half 37 cp4l p s half 39 n half 40 n half 40 Hanigan, Albert Holmes, D C Heaslip, Amos Harmon, Albert nendeishot, Lafayett Hoffman, William Heaslip, James W Haney, Jefferson Hiles, Joseph Hiles, Edward Hiles, George Hainer, Wm p s half 44 s w p 37 p 39 p 40 & 41 X39 X39 cp40 s e p 42 p 36 n w p 36 p. 36 p36 cp36 p 42 & 43 P 44 & 45 n halt 40 sp45 wp 58 P39 P4I w half 38 s half 40 n half 40 n half 40 n half 40 cp36 sz o ,• u o S u m f and owner m f and owner m f and f »on ni f and owner m f and owner 111 f and owner m f and owner m f and tenant m f and f son m f and owner m f -nd owner m f and owner ni f and in f and m f and m f and m f and m f and ra f and m f and in f and in f and m f and owner owner f son owner owner owner owner owner f son owner owner m f and m f and m f and ra f and t xRisr.: m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and ni f and owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant tenant tenant tenant tenant 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 « 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 462 463 464 478 479 fohnson, Hamilton Jones, John VV .' . . ' Jam«.s, (Jcorge " . . j J in p 4a ! p P 56 A 57 w half n half 43 477KiiIms, Davul., 500 502 504 505 349 535 Killins, Elisha,. Killins, Michael. Lampman, Ahram. . . Lymhurner, Solander Lambert, Wm VV . , . Lowell. James A. ... Lament, fames 50 50 J s e 39 P P40 P45 44 * 45 Lamljert, Stephen 'p 41 & 52? 530 Mains, George Marr, Enc- "!.... S33McComhs, fohnB. 534 Moore, David 613 Marr, Zenos. 614 615 616 617 618 619 42 Misener, Walter Misener, Malhias. . .', Moore, John ...... Miller, Jeremiah.,.. McPherson, Robert. . McPherson, Samuel. 623 Misener, L D 2o6Marlatt, Daniel... "' 298Moriarty, Nelson. .. 416 McPherson, John..., 417 McPherson, Samuel. 7i2McCann, Fred. , 776|MilIer, John .' . 781 McPherson, Solomon. 50i|Prentiss, M. H 6^2 Piper, James.,,, n c p 39 w half s half 37 P42 p 41 ft 42 seX 37 P4i P4I p w half 52 n e p 56 jn half 43 jn haT43 i '-' ■> '^' i'^ ^' -^ 43 >. h^lii 40 r> half 40 n half 41 n half 42 P39 P3 I 40 705' Rice, Charles. jn half 41 5 1^ .5 6 7 7 7 7 6 6 7 7 5 7 7 6 6 7 16 ni f and owner m f and owner in f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m fand f son m f and owner m f and owner ni f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and tenant m fand m f and m f and ni f and m f and m fand m fand m f and m f and m f and m f and m fand m fand m f and m f and m fand m fand m fand m f and owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant tenant tenant tenant tenant tenant tenant o Pi e o 6 RiRi: 738Kigl 740 Kiel 440 Rol m f and tenant m f and tenant |mf 777Stt 7S2|Sai 785|Sh 786 Se 787 Se > and owner 4 A owner 1 owner I owner i a Q O owner owner f son owner 3 owner 4 owner 4 owner '22 owner 4 tenant li iwner 1 >wner 3 )wner t )wner a >wner wn<?r 4 wner 4 wner 6 wner 6 wner 4 wner 4 wner 4 nant 4 nant H nant 4 nant 4 nant 4 nant 4 nanl 4 FOU.lNC. SUBDIVISION NO. 4. as 735 736 737 Riggi Clement, Sr. Rigg, Edward . . . • Rigg, Clemnit, Jr. 7381 Rigg, Oeoifcc 740 Ricker, Elisha. 440 Robins. Joseph 771 772 773 774 775 777 782 785 786 787 788 789 790 834 Shoalts, Shafley, Shafley, Shafley, Shafley, Lewis Paul Jacoh Nicholas \ViUiam E Steward, George. Sammons, Remy Shapley, Oscar . Sensabai'gh, lliram .. Sensaluugh, Andrew. Sutherland, G W . . . . . Sutherland, William L. Sutherland, Angus . • • .^. Sider, Andrew SsslSmith, Jacob 836 Stayzer, Andrew 837 Shirton, Thomas .... 841 Schwoob, William H 842 Schwoob, Robeit H... 843 Steward, Robeit . . 845 Schwoob, John 846 847 86S 87 106 356 739 8S2 Stilno^er, Joseph ... iuin^er, Darius Swayze, George A.. Smith, Jacob Strin'^er, Darius ... Suth>^rland, William. Smith, John Smith, Edward 878 883 Traver, Leonard Taylor, Daniel H . > lant lant 4 4 ner 18-? Taylor, Amos... 902, Walker, George. 903 Wood, James... 942Zavitz, H. B . • 948|Zwierschke, Charles p 43 p 44 ft 45 p 44 & 45 p 44 & 45 np37 w p 58 w half s half 38 p 38 & 39 p 38 & 39 p 39 ti 41 P4I & 42 n half42 p 46 p 52 & 53 p 59&60 p 59 lS: 60 e half 38 half 38 e half 38 n half 36 n half s half 36 i36 p 42 * 43 w cp39 sp4i sp4i P42&43 s e p 51 wp5i s e p38 P 38 cp5o n ep 37 P45 n half 40 e half n half 43 p 37 n P 39 , „ ., Inolfp hnlf CI epSS s half 40 cp4i m f and owner m f and f son ni f and f son m f and f son m f and owner 111 f and tenant 5 5 6 7 ^ 6&7 7 7 7 7 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 5 7 7 6& 4 4 4 A, 4 6 m f and owner m f and owner m f and occup't ni f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and tenant m f and tenant m f and owner m f and owner m I and owner m f and owner ... f and owner m f and f son m f and f son m f and owner tn f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and tenant m f and tenant m f and tenant ra f and tenant m f and tenant m f and owner m f and owner 6 6&7 7 '5 m f and tenant m f and tenant m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner 3 3 24 POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 4 PART II-Lht of Persons Entitled to Vote at Municipal Electii o c o tions ONLY . NAME. Lot. 1:82 Cohoe, Harriet . . 184 Cosby, Julia Ann. 296 Fox, Reliecca 3S5 Gracy, Marilla . , 303 Gibson, David Z . 503 Lymburner, Andrew . 844 Schwoob, Mary C 780 Sutherland, George, Sr. 879 Terryberry, Huldah y. f^ H C/J ai U u oi "A H CA) " U1 H "P39 |P48,49, 50&51 s w p 37 6 7 ;nep37 iP 34 & 35 P 56 ,SP39 P 39 n half 40 PART m-List of Persons Entitled to Vote at Elections to owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner 4 8 30 112 Abell, lames. Burtch, Webster 306 Gillem, William, Jr. 665 Persell, John . . 666 Persell, James 369 Hainer, Olicdiah 370 Kainer, John .... 36 38 42 46 46 41 41 the Legislative Assembly mf Imf mf Comprisir o c o 6 7 mf 7 mf 7 mf 7 mf I r/l t/i Cd as A Q < o (1< 25 ONLY ; 3 , Augustine, Whitmore J. Augustine, S D Augustine, Lewis . *.°.-f;n«. Tosecr 24 Augustine, Joseph. s p 21 n p i8 ,., lehalf I .1 w half I •;6 Buchanan. Thomas E. icBarrick,.S Edmund.... c6 Brawn, Edward SoBarrick, Ephraim... 62 Barrick, Wm. O 63 Barrick, Samuel 64 Barrick, Peter. 66 Harrick. Jacob 67 Biederman, John..- 68 Biederman, Jacob... g4Bessey, John C 98 Bush, Frederick.... 99 Bush, Alexander .... 100 Bush, Philip lOiBuchner, Henry ... • 116 Barrick, E J- 117 Barrick, David 118 Harrick, Wesley.... 20 Bates, George -192 Binder, Levi • • • Zc Brown, Benjamin . . J .1 .1 p 20 s half 21 s half 22 sp23 p23 n p 22 n p 21 p 19 & 20 p3&6 p3&5 , e p 4 s p2 s p 2 s p 2 p2 pep pep pep sp 21 p 7 .t 8 n e i 23 '7 17 17 p2 •2 '2 m f and owner jm f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner nif and owner m f and owner m f and tenant m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner Im f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and f son m f and f son m f and owner Im f and owner m f and tenant m f and f son im f and tenant jm f and tenant im f and tenant 1 1 1 24 1 I 1 21 U U U 11 11 11 11 15 24 24 24 11 1 n-i k^ook, Robert isJcook, WilHs. i35|Casey 136 137 138 Casey, Casey, Crow, William ] . • Charles C Walter W David H . . . 227 .Delator, JohnS. .T w halt 5 w half 6 Pi7 p 17 Pi7. e half P p s half 20 2 I 1 U 1 jm f and owner jm f and f son m f and owner mfand f son m f and f son m f and owner 11 11 11 11 11 21 im f and owner |24 586 POLriNO ^VS DIVISION NO. 5 ' d Pi c o 6 NAME. 228 229 230 231 233 947 24; Delator, John Delriior, Benjamin . . Dorsey, David Davis, Fletcher Davis, Benjamin . . . Davis, Raymond R Dolan, (jeorge Ellsworth, 248 Ellsworth, Wm M . Fletcher. 203 254 255 263 268 26 27 661 316 317 318 319 336 Furry, Sylvanius. Furry, Warren . . . Furry, Eli Fares, George . . , Kollick, Burton.. Ferrier, Abram. . Ferrier, Wni . . . Factley, Jacob. . 382 383 384 380 386 393 Graybiel, Asher Graybiel, Elihu M Graybiel, Elisha Graybiel, Onier Grayi)iel, Horace W . Giblions, Dominick . . , 473 474 Kling, Jacob. Lot J p s half 20 p s half 20 psp4 P i6 a, 17 P 16 & 17 P 16& 17 p n half 3 & 4 p IO& II p 10 «& II P4 p4 p4 w p7 n half 14 cp 13 cp 13 p 14 & 15 Hill, Wm Hill, Wm G... Hill, Roland... Hill, Joseph Hill, John Herrington, J H s p 7 * 8 np7&8 sei8 se^8 se J8 w half 19 pl5 ■s p 15 s p i5 il8 I 18 n w^ 23 Kling, John jp P2 '^, v: H !/5 u ai Z p" rr. U m f and f son m f and f son m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner ni f and owner m f and tenant m f and m f and m { and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and owner owner owner owner owner tenant tfinant tenant m f and owner ni f and owner m f and owner m f and f son m f and f son m f and owner m f and owner m f and f son m f and f son m f and tenant m f and tenant ni f and owner m f and owner ni f and owner m f and tenant 475 K-erner, i 476Kerner,J 489Kinnard, 492lKinnard, l2ilKinnara, i22lKinnard, 11 U ;l Minor, I Minor, , Minor, 1 Minor, 1 Minor, ;lMorga Myre, Ma'se iMalse Morn ,McGl Mino Mine I Mine ilMinc ilMini ; Min •IMoi I Min Mir .Mo Mo 'Mi [Mi m f and f son U ,ING SUB-DIVISION NO 5 27 t/i t/3 U « o Q < O cu n 24 >n 24 ler 11 ler 24 475lKerner, Frederick •• •••;;; Ip* xwlKinnard, Scott. .1 Is w K ^^^ agUinor, Henry J.. '.V. ' '-L H ^.V? Ilo Minor, Henry. Sr ;....•! M P^f S^Minor.AsaB HA 15 551 Minor, Burton P »* ^^.j^ S Minor, Jacob •• H^^ 658 Morgan Norman •; Uwp4 5?6 McGlashan, Leonard • H u^ ff 4 gy Minor, Isaac l ". : • • H T ^'i SS Minor, Burton.^-- • • , P^^^ 599 Minor, George O U i & 2 it,S?K--:::::::::lfeep' ^ S Minor, Martin E; U w p i4 ic p 7 & 8 •39llNeff, Andrew ■■■■.•'.. -l , P ?_ . ,, 632Neff. John ; l' P ^ & }| 633 Neff, Levi •• ^ 1&13 634Neff, Eh A P ^^ & ^^ 635 Neff, Ezra . • • • U T ^ i»i " 636 Neff. Henry A Jeep 15 637Neff,RoT'" , P ^^' JJ 605 Neff, Clarence V..--- „ p 21 65 Neff, Ephrann 656'0*Neil 658 Ott, " 659 O 662 V, s half 23 I " U lui4* - Henry C ieorge ^ Arbonr 2 2 2 I I I 2 2 2 2 I I u 2 12 2 2 2 I im f and owner m f and tenant ,m f and owner ,m i and tenant m f and tenant ,ni f and tenant Im f and owner m f and tenant m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and tenant Im f and owner m f and owner m f and f son m f and owner ni f and owner \m f and owner m f and owner m f and tenant m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner U f and owner m f and owner m f and owner in f and owner \m i and tenant m f and tenant m f and tenant &2 m f and tenant tn f and tenant m f and owner m f and f son m f and f son Im f and tenant m f and owner Im f and owner .... f and owner m f and tenant 2 I I 1 m f and owner m f ?.nd owner r,A nwner im I =^"" m f and owner 28 POLMNO SUB-DIVISION NO. a Pi c o 6 NAME. 37 38 223 Parker Calvin . Parker, Cieorge. Pulver, William. 693 Reeb, Andrew . . 694 Reeb, Emanuel . 69s Reeb, Charles . . . . 698 Reeb, William .. 699 Reeb, John 700 Reeb, Euphronia 701 Reeb, John A . 703 Reeb, Eugene . . . 704 Rathfon, John . . 590 Reeb, Louis 791 Snider, Henry . . 792 Snider, Abrani . . 793 Stouth, Valentine 794|Shurr, Wm 795 796 797 798 799 800 224 Stouth, Henry Stouth, George E . . . Schooley, Benjamin. Schooley, Delos B . . . Schooley, Clifton . . . Schooley, Ernest H. Schram, Charles . . . 933 Weigerich, Andrew 943 944 945 946 Lot n half 20 p 20 n half 22 s p 6 A 7 s p 6& 7 s p6& 7 c p2 np2 np2 cp3 n p 5 «& 6 sp8 c p 8 & 9 P 2 P 2 n half 17 w half 19 s half 17 s half 17 Sep i3 c p 16 c p 16 cp 16 n ha f 22 J sp3 Zimmerman, Jol Zavitz, George, Zavitz, George, ; Zavitz, Mathias n half s half 18 n p 3 & 4 s p 5dfc 6 cpn ha'f3&4 o cn fy« U M ¥ « v O c4 Z H O ^ 1 tA VI U (4 Q a < a: m f and tenant 1 m t and f son 1 m f and tenant 1 PABT n m f and owner m f and f son m f and f son ni f and owner m f and owner m f and tenant m f and f son m f and owner m f and owner m f and tenant °> « ^ A Bal 61 Ba 69 Ba 93 lii 120 1^ 141 V m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and m f and ni f and m f and owner owner owner owner owner f son owner owner tenant J24 tenant 24 f son 1 !>J m f and owner H m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner m f and owner 35 491 POLUNG SUB-DIVISION NOj. 29 at Municipal Elections only^ r=r- Q o a: tenant 1 f son 1 tenant 1 > f I20 Cross. Mrs. John HilConlon. John... Jwner son son )wner )wner enant son wner wner inant 11 35 Durban., Martha ;&3 2o sp sp 12 A'ner vner vner vner vner ion rner I'ner lant lant on 262 Fares, Candace E .2olGarringer,Marma. .••.•••; 335Graybiel, ]ane •• ••• p 20 : & s p 20 1 I I 2 I 491 iKinnard, Jenette G, p i4 & i5 cpl* --JMorgan, George. " 1 U 8 & 9 ^lo Mo don Catharine >■ g ^ ^ gffiorgan Hannah.... ...•;1 (p ,5 & 16 626MeUanby, Wm. I I ll 1 631 Neff, F-f^"^^^" 657ptt, Margaret.. sei3 p 14 & i5 nha'f 6 owner owner jowner lowner owner lowner lowner lowner lowner lowner lowner lowner owner 24 21 l^ 21 24 697lRooth, Ann ^- ;•;;;;;•..■ ■.'."l lnpsha^fi5 696Ramsden, J- -^^JfJn--List of PersonsEntt^ l^I^lZme at Elections to the Legislative Assembly O^ net 11 31I Augustine, Benjamm 95 Bessey, L?!^"?"^^ ^^BP^sev. Alfred t--- 96,Bessey, /^»-" 97 Bessey, W. »• l» • • 132 Clemo, James ler 1 ^i'flH ler 11 ■I'^^^^^l ler 11 •M ^^^^^1 ler 11 1 ^^^^^1 a98lHunt,Wimam^--;;-;; :;::i i 433Huggins, WiUiam.. 20 JOHN HENDERSON, Dated at Marshville, this 6th day of August. ,893. ""^ '^' Township of Wainfleet. Assembly, and th^t pa'rts one and wo constUut: a cote S t th:tfd"v°' ^'f "if^''^'^^'^* Dated at Marshville, this 6th day of August, 1893, JOHN HENDERSON, Clerk of the Township of Wainfleet. I'