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Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOUITION TfST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 I.I 1.25 12.2 1.8 III ^ /IPPLIED IIVMGE Inc S? 16S3 East Main Street S'.S Rochester, N»» York 14609 USA ^£ (716) 482-0300 -Phone SS C^'B) 288 - 5989 - Fax « tfl» ^H^tC., The articles Included in this r«iio-.. •'Family Hera.d and Weekly sJr, tntl,"": "'*'"•" '^^ '^'^ permission of the publishers of that Jour^^ tt ^ "•" *'"'"«~"« reprint them in their present form '* ''" ^""'«- '* """""ed to Retir6 de de ia Bi d0 1-1 --'lection rUnlMrM ^ i: J i M»^ S ; ^ » •• #. THE SILENT BEACON. ■V. • l-ai;, /j,j. m -^MF Paths of ?EMt ^-HY E. r. HAHR Y A-TH fl ,^,^^^,.,^^ ^^ '^ , G . Ha V Y ^ ^ s"ja ■: AN* L A ^ ■":^ II ^s*^;v% 5^" ■^ Ii TIE Patis of Peace ■Y LILY E. F. BAB BY WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY A. G. HAC£Y 3 7/^ MONTHCAL THE CANADA ENGRAVING 4 LITHO. CO. L. 1901 MITEO p Entered according to Act of Parliament of Canada by LILY EMILY FRANCES BARRY, in the OfBce of the Minister of Agriculture, In the year 1901 INDEX. The Message ok Peace '■^" Real Joy of Christmas... " Yeab Before Us Be Noble Our Mark Sklf-Help ...'....." The Pow^r ok Kind Words. ' •' Secret of True Skili DcTv OF Resting "VaLUK OF COL'RTESV " DouBTi.vo Heart Love is All Mine E.vemv Contentment True Distinction Mental Dignity The Trie Values of Things '!! Intellectual Like God's Good Gifts Revenge The Child's First School-Room " Nearest Duty Cause and Effect Provocation A Rich Inheritance The Motive Power of Love . . . . . On the Heights Searching fob Pearls The Perfect Rose Mildew of Monotony .... Relative "Values Self-Complacency The Imperative Dutv JeaIX)U3Y Perseverance Nature's Healing Touch...... ... The Seeds We Scatter Greatest Names Enjoyme.vt of Virtue Great and the Small... Ik We Had But a Day Solitude 9 U 13 to 17 19 •21 24 26 28 »t 32 ai 38 40 43 44 46 47 49 52 55 57 (iO 63 66 68 72 75 77 79 82 84 m 89 92 96 99 102 r' ^ VI lNDEX-(a,«/,««^^.) The Skchet of Holiness.. iMOKtsa Ui'Wakd Thk Fokmatiov ok Cuhactkb . Want oi Motive... ■■ TKar OK Kduc.atio.v JiNCOUKAOEMENT SVMI'ATHV IN Joy Hidden Beahtv Toleration \ KA.STER Thoiouts .... An Kastkh Mystery The Soul's Standard '■ Family " Best Way..... ..'.' ■ Art ok E.njoyment J< LOWER or Fruit ... JuiwE Not SKLK-nKLIANCE.. . . . I'OTENTIAL VlHTUfiH riiK Tell-Tale Countenance. LTnpROKITAHLENESS ok Gripp Shining at Home ' Ix)OK Forward. ... Family Strike..... Artikioial Deeos. Benekhent A( tivity *»RA1ITUDE Hospitality The Value ok Great Ideas PeRKECTION IN TltlKLES . The Prior Claims ok Duty ^VMPATHY IN Failure... Ked- Letter The Silent Beacon. " Force of Example!. Wm, Hammer and Chisel.. iv Harvest Time. ... The Wrong Way Mistakes ok Altruism Just Cri. icism . . . Unmst Criticism. The HioHT Kind OF Rivalry.. ART. THE JiDlXWTOl! Weariness Sklk-Love A Firm Footiiold •TWIXTD..WN and Dark Orowino i.v Wisdom 105 108 111 114 117 121 12.3 128 131 134 13S 141 143 145 148 lijO 133 155 l.W 159 160 1(>2 164 167 168 170 173 175 177 173 182 184 186 188 190 193 196 199 201 204 206 209 212 215 217 219 222 234 227 229 231 INDEX— ( Confhiucd.) COXVKTIOX OK CimOM HuivEss ,\xi> Faihre. TlIK PlIILOsOl'lllC Hl-IKIT OUK I)K8KKT.-< SSKUVINt; O.Ni: M ASTKK ■ ■ . . ....W.^. ., . Tick Unrkkok.mki. Hkkihmkh Dlti.Vn V Ol-' L ABOl R Mka Cui.i'a TlIK W'KAK Ml.NI) ...... ■• DiCNITV OK KoOI. ,, ' I.V.VO<-KNCK Hkkoi.«m IX Smai.i, Tiiixos..!. .SOHKOW's SWEKT IsES TlIK Two of Hi.MA.vnv ... Limit ok Asi'iu.vnox Mv Oariikn The Highest Kn()>oe ■■ BOKK i*Ei.K-RKSTKAIXT Uki.a.xatiox The Place ok i^iietxess CHAIN.S OK HAHIT The Ekkkacy ok Wokk Dkiktino .Sl'XNV SCOT.S JUriLDINO KOR KtkKMTV ACQlriESCKXCE Modesty The Pre(iol-!s.\ ok Oi-couti xhy! SWEKT AXI> SeRVICEAIII.E ' Xatukk'8 i^cllOOI.. VII •£« :.'4I n:i i'4.> •-'J: •-Mit iil 2r.4 LV>7 2.-.!( 2(ii ■i^-A 2iifi -'CO •>::\ 27.5 278 2S1 2><1 287 2<H) •J!i:{ 2!l) 2!>7 2!l<t ;«rj ;«)4 :«« *V^«^ TO MV FATHER. Across the years, I seen to see Mmelf, a chUd, upon thy knee, mth eager hand, close held in thine. Tracing the first laboHons line. Ah! loving teacher, patietU guifle. Long have I missed thee from my side, Grieving and grateful, let me come To lay this token on thy tomb. L. E, F. B. I / } ill I THE MESSAGE OF PEACE. Peace on earth, good-will to men, Christ IS horn in Bethlehem. "5^E want no sweeter nie^.a^e for tl.e week of ^ Christmas than the old, joyous refrain with angels "«^i ^^u T-'",' ^«"S' ^^hen the " herald tTwaitin. T'l"* '}^ ^'''\ "^ '^' ^°^«"t S«^'iour to the uaiting shepherds, on the first CMiristraas night How triumphantly its pure, unrestrained gladness refutes the theory that Christianity is a sad reli^on Those notes and words of cheer, ringing dol the a"es with undaminished clearness ever sin^, Zve liSd humanity, year afte. year, believers and unbel eve:^ abke from the depths of despair in which their own ha': fiTd he" ^1^^^^"^-- ^^^ Pl-^ed l.Z, Zl have failed them with sweet repentance, new hope and high aspirations Who shall calculate'the num'bl of mas. And it comes so graciously at the death of the W' "" ^.r""^^"^ ^"d silent nature must othenvise inspire us with sadness. ' umerwise But neither the frost bound, snow-sheeted landscane he spectral trees, the inclement skies, nor the wintry bias s, howling and shrieking like baffl;d spirits of evf avail when the spirt of Christmas is abroad let mcTvy A\ho cares for the cold and bleakness out of 2 '^ ''IK r^v-nis or .-kaik - •''•''-- of i'';;.;;;-7,'' ^''"i.|.v> n....... •--'•-i '--tiji: '•:;';;. 'rTT !' -'^- 77vis.nofp,i,,,,,: ,,;'-7-''-'':.n,.lnmin;,o,.r , •^"•'"ii tiM-zi..'; ;^: ^ r'"'- "•'^ "'m.v . „, j^^^^^^ •>'".i<-tio sfr.ins of tT^ ' /""" "^"- ^il<.' »1... "'^/'.oir (^l.risrn J , ;^ ^''-^ "'^ »'- '•'•il.l.VM si,... "<^;lm..^s. a„ ,,,,,, ,,„^;;,3 ^'^"'^ l>^<';v the s„rfa,ps «'"^ -v.vf .>nifi.,,„.;. Vv" .:7r'^' 't^f--ro.u.|,in.. ^%.Iuooxcoodin^Mhatof f!' ;>'''^"'^ " '^'^''^'t. have a <^roppod at the shnW f rn^T; r/'-rl "'•^•^'•^'' ^^^^ THK MKssa«;k ok l-y.M.K 3 A !.....« .. r„ HH...r <Ih. lo,H.y an.| poor u„.| nml ..t one ,N ».. .... ,1 , '"''^"' '"'loii^s jiH rime, t„ ll r» „ lillinc l«^li.'f ntHi „„., wl,i,.|, inM.t ■ .11 l,ri„„ f". h u frhul |„,,,t f,„ Chnsfmus .nornin^- ! -ks nr. . ,11 w;.t .1,1. toar. f.-on. ^^ne m-o^ | L^^l , ; -has. hearts am still son- with bitter disap- Zfv r /''''•'' ^'"' ^''^ '"•'^" ^'f ti.e littlo one. fo the sako of those who love nnd live with you Ts ^vell as for .your own. I>„t off th. vesture of Ifef ind re yo h,ve worn so ion. and put on a holiday '^ mcnt lust for the day. You are not forgotten Z are not alone, even though you cannot see yo^paVt in t}^ ?oTSnn:dlh?f;> ^^^" though t-Lgif^trind ; Toasting and the lights seem not for you There arr. "veet„e. set' ^o^^i^ ^: t:^ ::^TC!:. IN THE PATHS OF PEACE «<■ 1.0 „f ?owl n ' ""■ »P'»"<'»'"-- Whether Christinus." °* "^ -»^ Alorry *^^^^ f!| II THE REAL JOY OP CHRISTMAS. Christmas comes but once a year, And to all it brings good cheer. ' '^ yc^IZT""" "ncommon, at this season of the fhev " t "'" Ti r "^^" ^"^"^^^ '^""^'^ that iney hate and " dread " Chrio ^ TKn oxpla„ar.on of this singular attitude tolTr;^, a festha ^^l^ch, of all others, should be most favourable o a S in . I' T^ .'^""^ ^^« «««««" brings to the "^ V^^^^^S of b.towing^.luall^ bir if ^^r r edi, t^^„, ^r^oZ^ciet but It surely does not improve the situation to look afc t?^T"' "^'' ^^'^ ^'"^ ^^"«*™«« spirit i an affair of the heart, not of dollars and cents, and VI for Jho^ outade one'a immediate family. NoLe L from the „bi,vf,f •'■^.Pr/'^' '""ong us are not exempt way and at T^ttl. ^ ""^ "^™' '" ' ^<^ P-»<=efnl devces for proving . kind remembrance of^e.? 6 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE ^vo possihiv can. 1^. or Poor 1 ? '' '"'""^^ P^"^P^« «« Jikeuise. Even i ' \2T ^T"" ""^ ^^ ^"^ ^^o '"^« -e not fill I to oZZ ""'^ '^' ''"'^^^^'« «*«^k- l^ar<l, v-e can a Jo Jt !»• of! T^ ,^"''""^^ *""«« ««•«; and hollv Jive hf "' '^'' ^'""^^ ^^^^'^ ^^^s of --.y a Lapp, ShS:; ot p::t^ tijir t'' \1 storj...., s neiiiff ,|,c ol,? ^„„, 1 , . •* ""'8 "'o »'' our ,],-.„■ ,„„., |,p,,|,,,„ „,„,,■ •" ","•" """'> "-0 liiiv,. 'viti, „.. \o., v' tl" '''7 "'"'<"■ "'" '""'" ■■""*■ if o,„..n.„. ■ \:;;:;: • s - '•amiot make moro of ,> ^*' ''""'''•^ ''^^«"se yon I mi^ht I.avo done .o n" 1^^ "Vj^'V' !'^ '^''^ ^''^' ;"any a I.eart nt tlK^reZ-onc. ' of t^'f ' ^* ''^'^'''' kept no more oa earth ill ' , ,^'''' ^''''^^ ^^'^^ be parent. Yon t i Xl 'V '"''"^ '^"'^'' '"'^^'>''nd, or Hn-ldren, C ^')j^ "Tl^^' ^^ to ,-ive ^nr dear and pre.W ZL 1 ' ^-^'r^ «" I^'"'^"^^ «>•- ^he an.l cdK-erf'!:" -VroTV ' ^^^^^^/'.'^ed by love tl.0 nnmher and natnre of thl' T T"" '" '«^^'- ''f^' dHfchtfnl nivsterie. . , d 1' '''"'' ^'^''^'^^'^ *he Eve, the earlV wak;,;'' 1 ^'"^'-Pat.ons of (^hristmas ^lay toi; oC%-:^ZtT '""T'V''^ '^^-^'^"^ .voars after, and lend: Vot J'chr.';'"' ''""^ ''^'' ^^"^^ t>on and si,nifieanee wholl,'^^ rn::i.^nr«- ->^^ir^' Ill THE YEAR BEFORE US. Discourage fanciful ideas, abstract notions, and all ttl-cons,dered attempts to reach ends, which, however desirahle ,n fhnmehrs, are not placed vithin the compass of your abilities or duties Perform those duties ivhich ore present, plain and positive. — Daniel "Webster. OWEVER little one may be jjiven to the habit ot introspection, a backward glance or two at the opening of a Xew Year is almost inevitable. Ihey are not agreeable, these backward glances Often thev make onr cheeks bum with shame, our brows darken with self-contempt. The vista they reveal lie. tlirough a long valley of humiliation, through wiiieh arc flitting, like accusing spirits, the ghosts of our dea.l sms. bo many for pride, so many for selfishness, f..r extravagance, malice, hatred, jealousy and covetousness, Jor impatience, anger and recrimination! So manv ala^, ! for wasted hours, and unheeded opportun.tico for niisapplied energies, unworthy ambitions, neglected duties, breaches of trust and it mav be, other lances from our ideal which we hardly .larc to, even to ourselves. Truly, a disheartening record which might well induce despair were it not for the white stone here and there marking a duty faithfully performed, a sorrow nol)ly borne, an injury forgiven, a temptation resisted a ministration of mercy, a soft answer, a word in season.' lliis much at least, remains— in the mid^t of the 2 ■ \ II ■ll 8 I !l t •• ^:i IN THK I'ATir.S OF I'KAOE ano.l,er o^eal whiot L^" g ^rknl " ^ '"''' Kind of iWpS:i:^,'L"[Sv:':";rr ^'■"' surface i ^" "^ immaculate overlooking. i„ „, ,„ ™' ''"P"' '""' aspirations, tainnl,I.e,rds;, :''.■: Zt^iZ"'"" '° "='"^'' ""»'■ pnsifivo." It i. rio-l.t to? • , " P"^*"'- P'"'" and service. ' *^ "^""P'*" »PP»rt..nities of In.mUer .elf fro,; /;\.r7 ,f;'l™'nfion of freeing .y„„r. sniee yon ninst do it whv not nJ' "' ^°"' '"<> .-aH^cation. ,, p„.f„;„i;'^ i^tr^per jaT,:::-? »^.^^^ ••>^^ IV BE NOBLE. Better not he at all than not be noble. — Alfred Tennyson. OBILIT\ of ch^.acter and of purpose gives to the humblest life a dignity that raises it to the level of the highest. Not what we do, but how and why we do it, determines our rank and status in the order of true merit. To serve faithfully is more honoral.le than to command badly. True nobility adapts itself courteously to the exigencies of time, place, and circumstances, concerned not with what is due to itself, but intent rather on supplying the needs of others. In reading the lives of great men and women, one cannot fail to be impressed with at least this one point of resemblance in which they all met — namely, a readiness to accept existing conditions with equanimity, to submit cheerfully to hardships, limitations and hindrances, rising above them all eventually by sheer patience, steadfastness, and determination. With a great end in view, it is wonderful how quickly one can surmount the most threatening obstacles, counting as nothing the toil, pain, or privations that must be endured. But when the heart is set only on small selfish aims, when it is greedy of pain, pleasure, praise, and every little passing gratification, the merest trifle becomes a means to the end, and thus may prove a source of disappointment or irritation as well as of satisfaction. To discern true nobility, mark the attitude of any i i 10 'N THK rATiis OF l-KACK ^'"•"^^^ that to-nt>m.. .1 II Z '"'■'■'•'''. '•^' ""^^^^•'"•'1 proves tho sUnU^:iJ^VZ:r rr'rr ^'^ ^"'' I'ovond thorn, to riso , ■ ^^'^^ "'•'''t.v to soe nnotod .houM help to din.h h ; L'.t t' I"*' "'"'^■•" ^ '^^ "•l"M-ont woaknoss of tho ties . " ? ./ """''T «t all tlian not ho noble." ^^'"^^'"'' "^' 1)0 ':i i -^5^^^ y OUR MARK. Let our livcf hr purr ns snowfldda, where our foot- steps leove a iu<irk hut not a sluiu. — Miulaiiio Swotcliine. tS clear and iininistakcabk" as the prints of Iniiiian feet on tlie unsullied surface of new-fallen s: i-, is the impression left by the personality of each one of us on the minds of those with wiiom wo come in daily contact. All unconsciously, it may be, we reveal with extraordinary distinctness, the exact trend and limitations of our moral nature, the size and shajie, so to speak, of our souls, as well as the directir.n in which thev are travelling. It is well sometimes, by reflection, to retrace our steps and consider the character of these impressions. Stand for a moment, as it were, outside of yourself, and look dispassionately at your own life, as at that of a stranger, overlooking nothing, but regarding yourself with the same unbiassed and scientific curiosity as you w.aild an inhabitant of the planet Mars suddenly brought under your observation. How terrible the truth would seem to some of us, viewed in this cold and critical fashion, which, nevertheless, is the fashion of the world in which we live. W-^ are apt to credit our- selves with all the good intentions which we have never succeeded in carrying out, the generous impulses to which we have not yielded, the kind thoughts about others which have never found expression in words, the tenderness which has concealed itself beneath a coM exterior. We know all about our own secret emotions of gratitude, love, repentance, religious fervour, and we I • IL' i 3 i^ '•^ iUK I'.WUS ,)|.' ,.|,;.^,.K '^'tz^Z-"\^rJ"'^'""' -■'"" -■■' ""■m» ,„ „r,. ,l,,.„„.,l ]„v„l,l,. ' I ; '" ", "'"' '""""- p.'Hi u„„;, u r, I :r'''s ''r' '- ""' «"■ ""' "'"■'.vs ,„.i,h,T .n„r,. „.:'•„, '^:':;'' "" ;■'"■ •■• ■- - i«.«i,v un.i,iv ,,,",•■• ,. '"-y i'";-""«"i." •• .. I,,.,,,.. ''•■'H'iir.iiur/;;.,.,j^,:::;::;'-:;;;;-p' f"..- .■as., mav I,,.. '■ '>""'• •■'".•lfi.l,"as(k, .lifllioiiw from willinnt „. I ■.■• ""'"<^- iMscvprv ■■..<-.t,t! .rsr;:; ,„?"'• '"■™"''"'' "-■'■■■'"v '1..' citsido ;„ ,M ' i;^'°S"; "' "'" »"■" li™ tvo,;, le..!.,al crowtl, ,,,37^ ■„,;'■•""■ """••■'' ■■""' ""<•■■ accmlane. , ■ tl> ? ho " "/ ' •T"^" " P"''""''" *».• .>*. in ' wo„M mark ■"";/" r''.,^^"'r"-'^bol,i,,,| ,,3 eiideavou r?. nt not stain tlio fair fi eld of our VI SELF-HELP. The ttnlif sound mid /iralllii/ (Icsrrivlinn nf tissisliinr<> is thitl V'liirh Icnrhrx l)nI('i)fii(lt'H(T avd srif-lirlp. — W. !-:. (Jlii.l-fonr.. nlp^KOM the time that a child Ix-f^iris to h-ani the ii-«- ^K£ (if his fcf't, tlic tnolhcr gnuliially ;^ivi's up \\i<: )»ra(',ti('(' of carryiiif; him in her arms. 8h(; feel •: 110 (h'crcaso of toiMlci'Ticss towards the littlo one that toddles l»y licr side, hut fllio knows lliat for his ri^'ht physical dovclopmcnt lu- needs to exercise the unused inuHclos that are called into play only wlien he is erect and active. Xo intellifient person would accuse her of unkindness when slie resists tlio appeal of the little out- stretched arms aii<l ^'cntly insists that " Bahy will walk." If she followed the inclination of hr-r own heart she woidd keep the child in her arms as lon^' as her stron,i?th permitted her to do so, but knowing this woidd n«»t 1)0 for his ultimate good she coaxes or evfu commands him to use his feet, and thereby teaches him his first lessons in independence and self-help. How much or how little we should, in later life, assist otliers weaker or more unfortunate than ourselves is a problem that confronts us all, and is by no means easy to solve. We have hasty impulses of genero>ity which move us to ^ive of our surplus wherever it appears to be needed, or we even deprive ourselves of some accustomed comfort in order to bestow food and raiment on a suffering' fellow-creature. We do not immediately perceive the liarm that is frrquf-ntiy wrought by the indiscriminate sharing of our substance u '''^' '•"^: I'M IIS ..!• ,.,.:,^,.,, i.ii r 7;""'^ "•'"•- o„,. ,„„„,,. . : ' •;V"'".(Hv. „ ,i„, :''^""-'-' ''.v .1... .lis, .;',„;;" ""'^ i-" i^ n,.i..,v Vn-:;::jr:;!:;;;::\rrr^ n .•'(hrn,..I. II,,, , I,,,..,.' " ■^•""'•''' " ".n.v I„. ,,,-.|v ^^'V'"^"''''- '",„v UMfor ,' / '""""•«•'•"■•'">.•.• who,,, '■'^••>'"v 1.0 n,..,v ho si , ';"" "'••'" '•'"••^"'v-s. WI..M, i, '^'^-r'"-'- ''-'"rlh.M. proof n.i, "'" •,ir'-<>'"ify tl.,,s . ^ ';" >'-- nil 1„, Ll of h :. '"""••^'"'-- '•« wi.nfo.1. '•'T^^"['^^" of his I,,,,,. I '';:•; '''^7'' J'opin,,^ f,>r a ";f <^'' '^•vi,.^. ,11 tho hon , V o' ,/''''■' r''^''''^'-' ^"'<l I.o «'^^;<>i;p..n„nHosthnMj:;;v;;;--'<K^ ^-"-o„si;;.o;;:;i,;;^|;,:;;";; i^-ons who ,ro o„<.o '^--'^ 'i'->. a„.i;i;oi'u:"r^--''--o..t..o„3>io ^^•>tl. rho other wo do no '. "*^ ""^^ ''^"^ ^^ «^n-e that "^ "'^eoii.seiou8iy destroy. VII THE POWER OF KIND WORDS. ffnp,,i„rs. is „ ,,rrnl ,,n,rrr of /,n/inrss. ThuH, kind '""■.Is, In, /„•„• ,,o,rrr of ,u;.l„n,u, hnpplnr.s, ha,, also ' /";"•'•'■ "/ pn.lann;, l,„linrss, ,n„l so of uuLhn, m.u '" '""'• ~~V. W. Fal..r. ,^:Fin'r()nS ,„.,-o,H who ,,hhum,p ;, r,.„Horio,H or •,% n.|.iM,u.|ifi,l i,|ii(,„|,. (owi.nis (|„: vvcjik and <Tn.,;,r ,„,^. |„. ,H„„„..| l.y (|,„ |„,,f, i„f,.„fions, '"'< 1... MH.r,. „„«or(„„.,f.. „„,,„s co„l,| Ik. n.lopf,..] to -•-MT tlu. ,.,Hl flu-y l.av.. i„ vinw. TIm- firs,, nl„|,, of - v..n(.v or „„„„to,st ,|is..,p,,rovHl is ..nhappi,,,.., to its "''•'"'•' "•"' "'•/•'•'"'"'••■n is |c.sM fnvoun.M,. ,luu. thin fo ......v. ln.|onn....,.,n. ()„,.'s |„n,H.M.o for , I over on.'s l.llmv-,.r..ntnr,.s IS ,„ a .hn..,, ratio to one's powr-r ..f «-"f.-rnM^r |M,pp„H.Hs o„ A, ^.,,ij, .„„.„^. '"■^'" -'••""••<' »l-^ lov<-.s the si.uu.r whii; l.ati,,;ttl '.H ...any n.or,. cl.aneos of survoss i„ movin^r waywanl -r s to .j.p.,.t„nc. than tho aust.rHv n-H.^ionlTo <i.. has only a froNvn or a rehnk. for hnrnan frailtios. '"•I<'''<1, It rnn hm-.liy l,o that amonrr tho H.rpn.s..s o the J„d^nu.nt Day, not iho h-a^t will 4 to 'i.-«,vor- that n.Mlt.tnclfvs of sonis wr-ro driven haek fn.n. th. paths of virtne l.y .h. ropolh-nt aspect o t h^e who wont hoforo thojn. i -- ^J uiose The kind of porfoetion which makes anv man or wo,„an Hisa^Tooahlo to those uronrul them shonid ho roirardod with suspicion. Real virtue is not ]oJ)Z ^•ven more allnrin^r than vice in any shape. Tho'holi- c.t man 1 have ever known was also the kindest and the i k; IN TIIK I'ATlis OK I'KACK fi most ni;r«>(>ahIo OnN- ♦ . i • a« Ncrlal.lo .Ml.Mir of sanc-titv. Tl... ,„„«f, irr..|.Vio,H an. „oton,>..s .sinM.-rs i,. „... ,,,„, ,,,„ ,..„ ,,^ k .av. win, -vsp,.., ,n<l„io„. , ••f">r . Uu't, paf.nuv an.l, h. ncvor ,.,., »"iH<Ml l.i.nsrlf to iiU.TfVro uifl. H ' ^ «innM, to I.„n «s to a ,„afru..t. II,. niti,.cl tlu- orrii l I . :;o:;:i;;;:, "':^^' '''\ I'r- r^''- --^-i it^-o; -nistrations l.a,l rcfl-osl..! and .^nf!^-,'! '" '"*' lovor'tvp o/ !r'"''" "" ^]'^^ ^'^•'"^' -^-'»P'«rs of this untu t\i)o of tho saviour of sonls. Most of us wiH, P.t. n, p,>s„nH.ion, rato o,„. own virtues shH. .r ^^e hold oursolvos ah.of fro.u thos,. who falter ml f 1' 1 m ho upward path or, wo n,ako thoir " ,! ' ' ^Znf^^^t ''' ^^'' disapproval o. birds'" n gm^ rebuko. and ovon ooca..ionallv by nnoallod-for and thoroforo nnportinont ron.onstranoo. Thi. i' n our part m Wo aro not tho jud:,os of on noth ' actions or niotivos. That is tho r;^ ' ^ Can wo doubt that it is safo in God's hand > K n . ' poor sinnors, and sorry failures that wo aro at tho bo ' 1 IS most booonn-no: that wo should olos- ou ■ < vo. n i nr^uithl 1 TT""^ ^"^^" '''"-' ^'y '^-'"d words, and npl ft h„n l^v a noblo oxamplo, .vo o:m at least lot h jp l„s way ,n poaco. AVo can nohold tho hoj, dv^ni<.v and beauty and loveablono.s of true o i.: o by refraining from the slightest word or aot unwoPhv of one who aspires to tho name ox Christian ""''^'''^■^ VIII THE SECRET OF TRUE SKILL. I'jfirh mi,jhl his srrrral prnrhin- null. n„niii,n„L Would all h„l sl„„i, l„ whnl Hir,j umlnshnul. ^^ — Alcxiiiuhr I'ojtc. 'IpIIK (•on.s(-i...iHn.-ss of i,.,wcr i< ;„■ unfailing s.,nr,.... ^ «>t plouHiin! to its poHscs^ur. Kimwlclj.,. is power, and theroforo wli(,vcr jic(|uircs rojil kiiowlfdm! in any dop«r(„u.nt of Hrwun-, art or, l,n<.o„„M ly m nmrii the inaHtcr of hi,,, who ivmairis J^aioraiit ..f the same suhjct. Thc-o is no livin- l„„„an bon.K who iH not fitted in .'xeel in .son.e partin.h.r kind of work, hut not all take the rijrht n,.-as,„-e fo,- aseer- tainin^r the real Lent of their natures, and the limit of their capacity for useful achievement. The avera-c girl lacks thoroughness in her methods of workin- and studying. Slu! ehoos(,s a calling often at random, or for the sake of some slight social or <,ther trivial advantage, which has n..thing whatever to do with her spcc-ial fitness for it. Then she strives for the kind of prornmeneo which is achieved l,y outward appearances and IS satisfied if she makes a decent living and wins a few agreeal.Ie friends. But she knows nothing of the sweet satisfaction that grows out of the conscious mastery of a subject, through serious and concentrated eflort to overcome its (linicltics. 0„e yirl thinks she will be a pianist, not l)ecause she is "moved l»v the concord of swot sounds," and becaus.. her love of "music surpasses every other love she has hitherto felt, but because a certain degree of proficiency in piano-plaving will ensure her popularity and bring her into prominence wherever she goes. She will not succeed, because one 80 vain and shallow will never .nderstand the exquisite IS '^ TIIK lAiiis ,,K l'i:\( K -ir,.H„, i„„,,,„ti,v ,.,''''' ^\''«;/^';m'':% <- v;iiiitv iiii.l ..u: i" . ••i"«'<r iMiilf upon i"v„i,M i,„i„i„,iv ,„,„.,,; i"'' ';."'" "f " f'-,"'/"ii.-s "^'v.''X'::,,!;i,t:: """ ri", "-'■', "■"•""■•"' •■" "- .>!, .,11 '"""""' '" "I'K'li "n,. I,,,s iKvri l,„rn or o ■• ■ r"'T' ■■"■■■"-'"■"•- Ti„. i„„n, ', ,; "^-■>";i:.:;:!;:\:;,';:r':;'z:,:::'''^;'; -r' • • . -^' "-'^N ^^"on von do not i ii-r von rnfi...;,, :;:';:;;;r",'rf ' "'•::■"'■■"• '''•■ "- '^••^' '^i..' tin- ™ .1 S: ;, : Z'l-f : i"'^ "" f"-\ i-T'"-^ -rvc. like . »; o,„. ,.,.,.,, i, ,,„„„,,, ,,.!'::,";„;:;-- - -a.!. ..PP. to ..ppi.v It to liumble tasks. «v '^*i.-4riP THE DUTY OF RESTING. n/n„ yoH havr found a d,nj lu h, nl/r, hr Ulr [,„■ a day. , . ' ^IVKN n favMural.N. op,K,rt„r.ity, iIh- ....jority of If^ ''."nkn,.! rc.., littl., ,„asi,M. .,, ,ak.. a holMlay. I{y ,„a„v, in<|..,..|, tli.. li^^M.-sf, ,,n.|..xt f..r I,ll,.^,.s.^ ,.s ..../rcl „,,o„ all t..o .aK-rly ; |,„f, lluro arr o„ 11... ..(l,,.,. j,,,,,,!, ,„„„|„.,.s of won,..,, to ^vl,o,M f|.,. art, ot r...Hf„,^. a,.<| »ak,„K n.-natio,, i, a wholly nnk.HHvn Ho,„y,. of p|,,,s„r.. and profit. To huH. an .<-• tlM| w..nls of tl.„ Chin-s. p,.,,, ,„ay l.n approp,i- atcly atlilrcsscMl. « i i Ah a n,l<., it is tl,n wonia,, wl.o has tl,„ ^roatf-st n.-..| ot a who is most avrs,. f,. ,akir.- one- TIm- ^nsy |.o„s,.krrp..r, tlu, tin-.l ,„oth..,- of a yonn^ lamilv,' wor ...,. tl... t....a.l,n II of h.r „,...,..linK .lily tasks fr.,;,! «n..k.s .....I t., w....ks ,.,„|, ...o.v.s at, last to h.-liev.. th.t. for l,or, lM.yo„.l tl... „a,-,-.,w .-in-l.. of h.-r home, th., u-orl. no l..n^n.,. ..xists. S.,„ally .I....s .sho ,.„t H-..s,.|f ofT from all .ntomsts not i.nn.o.liatdv afr....tin« !.«• ^^'v\Un■v .,t h.r fa,„i|v, that if you w..u'l,| .sn^r^ost t- l'«'r to ak.. a holi.h.y, sh,- I... at a loss to know vvhero or how t., .sp..n.l it. Sh., .,von takes mneh omiit o herself for h.,,,^. „o devote.l to her l.on.e ar..| family hat she ,s unal.lo to spare a n...ment from th.. labours her dov.,t.on It .lo..s not oceur to her that >y thus wilfully shuttin^^ her eyes on the brightness and .oauty ^,at l,elon^..s to her as n.ueh as to any one else, sfie IS ofTerin- an aflFront to Provi.lenee who placed her here am surround.-d her with so many of watchful care and love. :'^r 20 JN' THE PATHS OF I'EACK plate but wifh 1 ^ '"^' '° ^"^"^^ ^'^ contem- heroine after a S^L ""t t '"'' "'" ''" ""» ••■ !.«• persistent reS tVre , ! f T"'*"" ''"^'""•y- nuu4 «ss,„„e "tl^ee 3 a"ebS.%Tr°*r'',"'''; .-.nd children, and tl.ev too LT ctn 11. T, f ""' ...a".v „n innocent relaxation ,h„',d'''K'" ,^''8'' "."nent va „e to ti.eir bodies and ^Z ' ""■ aek otvW e "tlnl'VefZ '"-T"*"^ ^""O ""' ""- H... .-eas;U''tttTe\hoHS :? 1;.^ "^ -";?" _™nde,,r of the universe, her liWeTai.y ta ks are of.t , ^^orse, but a thousand t mes hcttar- if +u u ' s|K.ceed,ns honsehold cares, and filling Ae heartThi: fresh eom-ase to face ne«- difficulties. If !,,"?„ „' i only a ,lay to be idle, be idle, at leas, for a day ^u*y X THE VALUE OF COURTESY. Manners sometimes count for more than morals. Most of us would rather pass an evening with a well- hred highwayman, than an hour with a clownish saint. — From "Guesses at Truth." .»IK"'^^^7 courtesy, is so closely allied to real virtue ^I that It IS well-nigh unpossible for the one to exist independently of the other. The foundation of good manners being an unselfish desire to please the practice of them necessarily entails the cultivation of <dl the most amiable virtues. The proud, the covetous, the envious, the malicious, the vindictive, the irritable, or the slovenly, never aftain perfection of manners. On the other hand, the truly upright, generous, modest, oan scarcely fail, be their means of education ever so iniitod to acquire a charm of manner which renders them eligible for companionship with the most culti- vated people. A "clownish saint," is therefore in reality a paradox. No one who has scaled the heights of Uinstian perfection can have failed to perceive that the great precept of charity, " love one another " ('ujoms on all men the same gentleness, forbearance mid thoughtful consideration for their kind, as are <onimanded by the unwritten laws of politeness. There has never been a more perfect gentleman than the Pounder of Christianity. How, then, can any pretend i>e like Ilim. whose rude clownish manners inspire ineir fellow-creatures with abhorrence and contempt 'r' •ri[ 1. •)•) IN THK PATHS oi- I'KACK r(m„ „„|,.s,.„,jj Cliris,,,,,,, „.|,„ ,,r,..e,„i,„.,„rv ^^homoot. on tho snbim of J^^^^ affairs. Ilor visit, aro-c ovo K ,L t Jl"? ^"•■"•' . M^wiw '; ,«iir ' ^..t--: TIIK VALHK OF TIM i; ('(UnnKSV 23 cfficiont, auxiliary of tlic zc-al.niH Christian. WitluMit it tho l)c.«^, directed efforts are likely to rcHiilt in more harm than good, but by its aid 'mountains may be mov<.d. Politeness, like tho lever Archimedes longed for, can move tho world. ; ■( >LVV^- fi\^ V 1 w ^■^ •-« ^K« -^m ^.■m K XI THE DOUBTING HEART. At every irifk, scorn to take o/fence, I Hal always shows groat pride or little sense. — Pope. (UKL J kiunv lives in a turmoil because j 1.0 «h,«I.ts sl.o in.a.^n-,u..s her friend, pnt upon li«i. Jl(>r egotism is jw-sitively a disease She .^ooms to tlnnu she o.eupies 'so large a lace in ^ In MiUo uord or perform a single action without the a oued or cover antc>ntion of wounding her feelinj ciiarit.% to harbour such unkmd and generally uniust suspicions of really woll-moaning persoi, , o ^ha her "mversa distrust of others is equivalent to rconfe Jon o ogregioiis ^^nity, which suffers unless cons antir ^d 1 St "; "'T''^ '"'r''''''- ^ ^"«"^' '^^-orbed in thought, It may be, or perhaps deeply worried about ^^ome private matter, passes hej on tL^treet wil seeing her, or bows with less than usual cordialiTy and straightway, she flushes ^nth indignation ; teZ'Joi Scrert;:^irrf •^'". ^7^^ ^'?^-^^ - " to .av " A V f "Vrf ^' ^'^"^^ "^* «^^"^ t« her to sa.v . .Afy friend looks anxious to-dav, I fear she n;ny have received bad news," and to pas^ ^n tmd turbed save by a kindly impulse of sympathy. ' far .T ''"''T ""^"^^'ered, a visit is not returned for a few weeks and the unconscious offende^ls bitterly accused of rudeness or inconstancy, while a MC • .mar,- - ^-^V- •^S? THK [M)lJirnNfJ IIKAKT 25 tlie titrio t\w. oiinHHiOn of the expenfed courtesy may ho due to illtirsa, pressing engagfimcnta, or other important causes not always easily exphiine<| to one outside tho family circle. Similarly, in countless ways, one who goes ahout seeking for causes of offence, may find them, real or imaginary, on every side. How more than foolish thus voluntarily to emhitter one's life with fancied griev- ances, when with a little less pride and a little more sense, one can readily learn to overlook trifling vexa- tions, and to suppress feelings unworthy of onesself and imjust to one's friends. The hahit of distrust, if suffered to take root in the heart is difficult to dislodge ; young girls should there- fore guard against it as one of the most formidable obstacles to their future happiness. It is better to bo generous and believing, even if we are sometimes deceived, than from too great caution, to go through life with doubt, like a canker worm for ever gnawing at our hearts. *^^^' I ■ r. r \l u XII LOVE IS ALL. The worldy amhiUom, empty cares, Its small disquietudes and insect stings DMed her neur. She was one m!de up Of feminine affections, and her life ^ ^^as one full stream of love from fount to sea. , — Henrv Tavlor. .HE poet wlio.0 linos I have quoted has taken U- f then.o -V Perfect Wonmn," and even in t and tn:^^tr "' '' ''' ^'^'^ ^ « -'^ ^-tS ^tlnsu repining, these are what make the ideal wom-m dormant, the most endearing trai^ of hpf.l? ' T-nsuspected imtn th^ *^, u J , ^^ character are them forth It it f^ '^' ^''^' ""^'^^^ ««"« be loved t th ;;;\rp"oe'riIkeV^^T \'''' ^"^ "aj' me poets like to write about, but ''i^[^aeis^^smammmm^-n%^!^mm^\p LOVK IH ALI, 27 there are other ways hardly less swnet and satisfying, in which each of us may find an outlet for our ** feminine affections." Perhaps it is an aged paront, or a helpless infant, or invalid, who leans upon our love. Be it husband, parent, child or friend, let our devotion be but unselfish enough, and it will prove the highest source of happi- ness to ourselves as well as to its object. Without this foundation, no woman can make a success of her life. She will build with cards upon shifting sands, and some day will sit weeping among the ruins, realizing when too late the cause of her failure. Let Lo, -, then, be our watchword, the end and aim of our existence here; as it also will be in the world to come. ^.^^^e^ •\;f' |C'5 XIH ii MINE ENEMY. He who ha/h a /housnud friends llaih not a friend to spare, ^^nd he who hath an enemy Wi/l meet him everywhere. — Omar Khavvani. . '"^'"^^fi^es on the immun tv thov hivo <fnur.^A m«ki„, ,„d keopi,,, «o„d. is'; oitd tr™;/ ombnrras^en^ 1 ei' fri nd"^: T'" J" ^T' °* -V"ht o„gcr,v'b,v alllho ™tt';L„'.™*^ ''^^"'^^•' ""<! Other, are „„d.r ,I,e ncc«,i.,- ,,t ,„„ki„g constant . -SB: f-^'-T^^cst '---■■ MINK ENKMY 2U efforts to vin jukI retain tlio ostecm of (Ifsirablc ncciuuintanccH, and a hick less few jw^ver snecju'ci at all in really inspiring their fellows with sincj-re feelings of atfeetion. To make enemies is nn easier matter. It is <liffieult for the most amiahly disposed perso.i iti I he world U> go through life without ex«Mting jealousy in some rpiarter, and from this unhai)py viee, <piarrels and hitter hatreds spring all too readily. Great is the ])ower of an enemy to poison one's daily peace, for, as Omar says, we meet hitn everywhere, it is then^fore wf>rtl» while to exereise sonu; <;are and self- restraint in order to avoid giving offence to any with whom we may have dealings. lint for this, it is not m'eessary to take refuge in the ignohle safety of eom- ])leto isolation, whieli must ultimately generate a narrow, selfish, suspicious nature. Tluf hotter plan is to meet one's fellow-creatures in an open, friendly spirit, making careful selection here and there of such as are worthy to grapple to one's soul with hooks of steel, and exercising tact and judgment in keeping at arm's length those who are likely to ^ rove troublesome or dangerous. True friendship, resting on a basis of mutual affec- tion and esteem, is inspired by individual worth alone, and thus is not susceptible of change ; but, if made to depend on outward circumstances, such as convenience or temporary' advantage, friendship is indeed but a name, and destined to vanish before the first real test put Tipon it. Enmity is often the fruit of a false friendship. Tf you would have no enemies, be hostile to none. Love begets love in the wide as well as in the more limited V' , ti . sense . msmfs^'Jsr-a.- TTSSP-^^ ■>.J-ir7^^if>.Sf^Z^J XIV CONTENTMENT. If the sun shines on me I mm ««/ / n ^n me, I care not for the moon. —Italian Proverb. ouo ,„ „Wi„„<y devoid oilLl Y.tZy"""'' °" IS not, at timos miilti- nf „ i;i T ,• . ^"° ""'O'isst us 'vilfu Iv in,„ri„^ ;, ' ° ''V" f'."*''""!«! How often, -ss, that?, "L't tf ,, "■"^". r"-« "f happi- <lo wo no, doliboratoTv .lM,t o "''«'" °" "^"--^ »'''<>. wondor l>ecau.c "me t . '' °-™' ""'' grieve and bevond onr roaol. '"■' ^ S™'ifi<'ation ,3 thought, for in^fnnnn . *k ' ^^ ^^^® barely a tions of whid, »),„,. ™"et.v of ap^eable sensa- dailv t Jks/we foil rrelT L"*/"'"™""'^'' °f »" «ro ,,nablo ,0 find Uric ♦fd^ n ^?^"'. °^ ""•«■ '''■» idtiring family affect ion, we cry for '»/^:j^- CONTKNTMKN'r tho moon of frmtitlrd vanity, of nn empty popularity, of passing social j)rominenco. There are women who take a far keener delight in exciting the admiration of strangers than in tightening the bonds of love and respect that unite them to husband or children. In a vain attempt to outdo a neighbour, they will spend time and money that they grudge to bestow in an effort to amuse a fractious little one or to increase the comfort of home. There is some streak r.f perversity in human nature which causes it to view with indifference the blessings actually within its reach, while attaching a quite ficti- tious value to those that appear to be inaccessible. This pecidiarity often develops into a real mania. There are women who cannot possibly feel contented while <k'nied any privilege or possession accorded to other women. The better fortune of a friend or neighbour is to them only a constant and mortifying reminder of the restrictions which prevent them from sharing in the coveted joy or gain. Such an unhappy disposition reveals a discreditably low mental and moral level, which, as long as the possessor makes no effort to rise above it, neither commands nor deserves sympathy. If, instead of counting up enviously the superior advantages enjoyed by those around us, we would give the same time to estimating at their true value the blessings vouchsafed to ourselves and denied to so many, we would not often be guilty of the absurdity of crying for the moon while the sun is shining brightly over our heads. ^L* I c- XV TRUE DISTINCTION. From lowest place where virtuous things proceed, The place ts dignified by the doer's deed. ^v . — Shakospp^irt'. ^O ITMANITV ,„av l,o divi,],,,! i.itu two cl .s.c.s Ci.,1 mnwW, those wl.o borrow ,,,> from theif surroundiiip* an,l those who lend it to thom Ihe chstmction is plainly perceptible, whe eter me n and women conp-epue in any numbers, whether iny hamlet or in the erowded metropo is. There are a ways some who shine only in reflected li^h whi e ot .e. car-, the source of illunnnation witLn' tl^lt solves. , former are not greatlv to be envied because their temporary prominenc-e, 'beinff dependent' precanous. Tlie latter, on the contrarv suffer no depreciation in altered conditions or surro^i'ndi ^7 , ^ are welcomed wherever they po and in whatever i," being readily recognized a. valuable additions to f^^ mienor ty— or of mediocrity, at least,— to make one's ncco.^ in any direction, hinge on purelv exten al co„di tions or circumstances. What we are. not what wo do nor where and how we live, must ever be ?he mo't obvious and interesting fact concerning us. if we make the most of such opportunities for self- TKIIK DISTINCTION 33 improvcmont as am within our reach, wc cannot fail to achieve a kind of personal distinction tfuit will announce itself to all who meet us. If we arc nnabht to win admiration, cfltccm or popu- larity, in our native hamlet, it is extremely unlikely that prcater success will atten<l us, in that sensr-, in the crowded city. Iluiiian society, the world over, is comi)oscd of the same elements. Men and women of evei\y prade are subject to the; same emotions, the same passions, the same jealovmies and ambitions. The MUiiliticH that c.iikf Dw. \voikiM._r-^M,.i ,i favourite amoii" Imr liunihie .•niii|.iu.i(.i,.s. an, I.iu., if at iilF (lifler.:iit from iIkk,. that mmmit.- iinpiiJarity tr. th.- Avoman of rank and fashion. Personal dislikes in high life as well as low, si)rin^' from much the same cau.-^eH. The l.iuKraplii.'s ..f ^w.M uh-u and woiiic,, fiiniish numlH-rlesH mstann^s wlnCt, ,„uv<. »hat. inlicnMit nobility of character will proclaim itself, no matter how narrowly it is hedged in by unfavourable cirrvyristances. How many once obscun; villages and humble home- steads have won world-wide celebrity from the fact that this or that great poet or artist, statesman or philan- thropist once lived, or first saw the light within their limits ! And in the great capitals of the world to-dav, how often do visitors from distant countries pass coldly by the greatest triumphs of modem architecture, to penetrate to some obscure street where they pause reverently before some shabby house front which is pointed out to them as the birthplace or residence of a man of genius. It is plain enough that a place, however humble, mav be " dignified by the doer's deed." So, when we are tempted to carp at our surroundings and lay upon them the blame of an inferiority which chafes us, le<- us rather turn the searchlight' of criticism inwards, and with proper humility confess that the defect is one of t! i Hi il ■*l*5^-' 34 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE deTonr'/. *^'^ "^ opportunity. If there be any element of true greatness within us, we shall uncon- seiotisly nnpross it on our work, and reflect it in ox^r personality. When wo fail to do this, it is because of our own unfitness, a sense of which 'should suffice to keep us silent whenever the temptation to rail at our opportunities is uppermost in our hearts. m ^^^^^tx' r. «r A :: XVI MENTAL DIGNITY. If any one should set your body at the mercy of every passer-by, you would be indignant. When, therefore, you set your own mind at the mercy of every chance, to be troubled and perturbed, have you no shame of this ? — Selected. ?0 be vexed or disturbed over affairs that are entirely the concern of others is, we must regret- fully admit, a purely feminine characteristic, as harmful as it is ridiculous, and that is saying a good deal. Every woman will acknowledge that the startling piece of intelligence about a neighbour, which has filled her thoughts for a day to the exclusion of every other, is apt to be received with perfect stolidity by the men of the family who will probably dismiss the subject with a non-committal "Humph," and straightway plunge into the discussion of one quite foreign to it, but in which thoy take a more legitimate interest. This sensible attitude of the masculine mind to matters without its jurisdiction assumes the aspect of a fault in the eyes of the woman to whom gossip is as the breath of life. John's provoking indifference to the extravagances and eccentricities of his neighbours, instead of being a rebuke for her lack of sense and dignity, becomes merely a source of irritation that reacts to his prejudice in various wave. For the wrinkles and gray hairs produced by needless ,1 1 'i '. 1 r* !( ■if hi m ""*%«■- S^ii 36 IN THK PATHS OF PKACE i.l is 11 i ( patronzzes the most expensive milliner? or ufc' who has a young family, spends more time ouTof her house than m it ; or Miss Y., of uncertain age^^ assumes ^le airs of sixteen. What, then ? Each of the el only pkying her part in the great human comedy, ryou and I are playing ours, all of us being equally unfus picious of the impression we are makinfon the disb er ested spectator. Shall I fret and fume or look sour matr' ""Vt"'' ^'' ""'' ^^^^ ^«ked as to Tar ous matter which are quite without the range of my interest or sympathy ? How obviously absurd to allow ^.^equanimity to be disturbed b/such ir^LtnT " '-{^^^^^est flower of true courtesy as well as the rinest fruit of common sense is the tact which recognL7the prescriptiye right of every individual to manSrhis or her own peijonal affairs, free from interferenT d rect or tacit, on tlie part of mere outsiders. It may n^t beTn the power of all of us to command consideTaln of thS exercise it oureelves m favour of others. Not oJy hall we contribute largely by so doing to the happine^ of our family and friends, but we shaU also effect a vas^ eere'f^JlaT""" Z' ^^^"^"^^ ^^^ tot heVt reserve for later expenditure in a worthier cause A woman who made no effort to shield t bX' from MENTAL DIGNITY. 37 tion to the exclusion of what is really fine, helpful and uplifting. If we be not as scrupulous in regard to our minds as to our bodies, our sense of modesty and dignity is but half developed. A commendable degree of fastidiousness in both directions is necessary to produce the perfect flower of true womanhood. 1 1 ^^:^^^ M . ! £ ■::\iv / 1 il^ I: i nii; ^ XVII THE TRUE VALUES OF THINGS. To call things by their right names and to know their rtght value is half the science of life. Their Z names are the names God calls them by ; th7r true value ts the value He sets upon them. 2.^ — F. W. Faber. OTHIN-G is more repugnant to us than the idea that v;e are being deceived bj others, though a very httle reflection will convince us that we 7hfrZ/""' 7^?/^"b^« «^°tive is not hard to find at the root of nearly all our actions. The plausible, credit- secret, selfish ami which we would die rather than acknowledge. It has been well said that hypocrisy '^ the tribute vice pays to virtue. Most of us have the grace to be ashamed of our weaknesses, and we instinc- tively seek to cover them up with at least the appear- ance of a good intention. Unfortunately the habit of striving to seem better than we are becomes, in time a second nature and, at last, we find a difiiculty in deter- mining whether we have any sincerity in us at all. Until we are wihng to drop the mask of conscious virtue which It pleases us to wear, and to summon up sufficient courage to look at the true likeness of our souls m the mirror of absolute honesty, we shall not comprehend ever so faintly the nature of the obliga- tions iaid upon us as servants of Christ. -W-j;^^: THE TRUE VALUES OF THINGS ;;9 It is a mcK'kcry to mako our reli.i'ioii consist in certain formal acts of outward (iovotion, pc.-tornied at state<l times and in ways prescribed for us by rule or custom. It is in all the acts of our daily life th:it our faitli and love must show forth as ruling and guiding principles. If we truly love God and our neighbour as we profess to do in church, why that sudden pang of envy and resentment when we see another preferred Ixjfore lis ? If, indeed, our hearts are set on spiritual things, how can wo explain the passion of anger that invades them when some injury has bee!' done to our property ? We claim to bo humble, yet the merest shadow of a slight inflicted on us agitates us for days. We say, " What doth it profit a man to gain the whole world if he lose his own soul ?" Yet nothing delights us more than to see that we are growing rich or advaaciag to a position of greater prominence in the world. We are told " Judge not," and we cannot let the smallest short- coming of our neighbour pass unnoticed without presuming to censure him as though we were better than he. Had we the honesty and the courage to call all our sins by their right names, the names God calls them by, we would indeed often be humbled and horrified at the indictment drawn up against us by conscience. To avoid the species of self-deception which prevents us from seeing ourselves as God sees us, it behooves us to study the right values of things, to measure them by the divine standard only. So long as we are earnestly intent on the pursuit of all that is valuable in the sight of God, we cannot falter nor go astray. I--, ' ' ' 1 ■ '■ ! ^ 1 i ^^H 1' i'' ill '; ^^H r i' J II ' ■ 1 I ' ' ' i ■ . .. , ^m I ■ 1 i' ^ ■■ ■^ - ->_; *-.'!►.* 5'^^ *mMi- XVII I THE INTELLECTUAL LIFE. bJilTn'r'^f"" ^{''K'^f'' ^^'« intellectual man, tauttful thinhmg, just as moral virtue delights in rigorous and beautiful conduct. ^ ^ —Philip Gilbert Hamerton. F ,^„^.^^^"^7^,^^^^^^ whose oppor- t tumties of self-culture are limited, to excuse their in^s nf/r'-'i'; '^% P^ ^^ unfavourable surrounT boSs T.T''"l.^^ '\ ^^^^"^*^ «f «««««« to good .W • .• ^ "^'^^^"^ ^^^'^ i« certainly a severe depnvation, but not so severe as to involve thp TnT plete sacrifice of the intellectual li^e/ ^Jllurf heS f nes'''":V"'.Pt"^-^^^ ''' ^^- mind^-^eLonnn stones and "books in the running brooks "-that with eyes to see, and ears to hear, n!t one amonf i .?e::to^^- '' ''''''''''''' ''^-'- *^ - --^ -betoSerl^ ^"^ ■''"'''' ^'''^ '^ Shakespeare would St ^en t U f^^^^«P^«^^'« time, some of the rrnufaZ ^T'i^ ^''' "^'^ ^'""^^" ^^^"^^ immortal r^utat ons have not suffered from comparison / .• T , ^ '^''"^^^ 't"^ent of our time eniovs So^r^^atrpTaf '^'"ir^-^' ^"^^"^^ *^ *^- "^-^ the 3^.T l\ '^"-^^ command, yet how few take the .ame delight m '• vigorous and beautiful thinking" THE INTELLECTUAL LIFE 41 as did the ancient philosophers at whose feet the world still sits to learn ^v^sdom. It is therefore no proof of a superior intellect to be familiar with the names and works of the greatest authors. Intellectual power may exist without any such know- ledge, and a refined taste can feed itself as well on the wonders of Mature, as on merely human masterpieces, and even, no doubt, a great deal better. Your intellectual status can be pretty accurately gauged by the degree of interest and attention which you bestow on the beauties of J^ature, and the workings of her laws. If the greatest scholar or poet in the world should come to visit you he would not care about any of your book-lore, which he would already have learned by heart, but he would be greatly interested in learning from you some facts about the natural history of your neighbourhood, and any romantic or historical associa- tions connected with it. If he should find you perfectly acquainted with every kind of flower and tree growing thereabouts, and with the habits of insects and birds, with the nature of the soil and the rQcks, with the origin of every stream, and knowing accurately the best seasons and localities for taking interesting observa- tions of various kinds, he would carry away with him a pleasant remembrance of every moment spent in your society, and a feeling of real respect for the resources of your mind. Metaphysical speculation also offers an unlimited field for the exercise of the mental faculties. Medita- tion on the great problems of existence elevates the thoughts above low and common things, and prepares the mind for the intelligent discussion of philosophical subjects. ^ High thinking is generally the precursor of noble living, and this has frequently been exemplified within 'i ! ■, t ; I'! r:?-ffl^BF'-V>i ' i M I 11. 42 IN illK PATHS or PKACE tlioroforo, hhZfZt/^'''^'^r''''''- ^o not, ipnoranco of wL h v ^'*"' «"/"-«»ment for the before y^ur ey Id wl rll'? '^^''^^ ^''' «P«" von wiil find -onrso f '''" '•'"'" ''""^ 'mastered it knowledge "lu'rwHlfi^rT'-" "' ""^ ^"^^""* ^^ M r! 3 . .»' *^m ■-^fS^'s XIX GOD'S GOOD GIFTS. God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame. — Mrs. Browning. jftyE find a singular satisfaction in counting our worldly possessions, and knowing, to the frac- tion of a cent, their precise value, whether intrinsic or relative. But we rarely think of the good gifts God has lavished on us, which are beyond price, and which, if we were rightjy constituted, would in a great measure, if not completely, satisfy our wants and provide us with a deep and unfailing source of happi- ness. Try to enumerate them all, and you will find the list practically endless. But if you had no more than your five senses to be grateful for, are not these alone incomparably more precious than all the wealth of the Indies ? What endless avenues of delight they open up to you! What a tremendous misfortune it would be to lose even one of them! Yet are we so much the slaves of habit and routine, that many of us cease to be conscious of the pure joy of living, and disregarding all real possibilities of happiness of which the germs are within us, waste our days pursuing shadows which we shall never overtake. As a powerful and pleasant antidote to the feelings of envy and jealousy which so frequontly assail those who are not favorites of fortune, I strontrly recommend the practice of counting up God's gifts. A little reflection will suffice to show that they do indeed " put man's best dreams to shame." ^1 A ! 1 ' , f j 5 f j^,«iap.i»ni':^?^^:^~-^ . XX REVENGE. Wo,nania-e, ^"^«. «.„,. fo„ ,,,, ^„, „ „.^„^. „^ i,.„, . ''• -"Maud." or apparent °^:S^' ^a^^rj::' I^hS '*"~' average woman's breast »„J^ f^ and long in the tinitTfor "pavWoff'-t^ « freqnentl.y au oppor- of character, Ving a,,? ""/""""ate defect well to its pcsessfr a tlln T''^ °^ -nhappiness as ler. It is of c™^r ^ "''!; """'' '" «»■""<" with of intel igence Ttewr"""",""" T* " '>■«'' '■^d^'' cannot faU tTperl^VZt^ ^"' J/^^ ""^ "^"^""^ effectual destroyer of 1.-. .1^ disposition is an '■r fntr?"r^^^^^^^^^^ -ae her hoth she kno.. that there a'eTh!rrf!'"^'"f"''? ^^ "'^""^^ of seeking an exnl»r,»«! ""disposal rational means How ofte^ ^e hsti„„ f " °f ,'^" ?»«™% attitude. and oali„"dTs:uS ^of r'^:','*;^;^'"!;" " ^"""^ nuarrp] f P„* j?* ,. ' ^'^ fancied cause of wholly nnpremedifated orTo trffliT tl T ""T' '.' notice : also, that life ;, J ., * ? ^ '™''"'y »* ' "*^ '= '"o short and precious to be RFAENGE 45 wasted in strife or contention, and that real sorrows and irreparable losses being inevitable, it is childisji to expend on insignificant ones regrets disproportionate to their importance. If it is womanlike to take "revenge too deep for a transient wrong " we must strive to unsex ourselves to the extent of refuting the poet's accusation. Let us not be above appealing to masculine wisdom in cases open to doubt. The injury or affront which fails to impair the appetite or destroy the sleep of an affectionate parent, husband or brother can scarcely be as grievous as it at first appeared from a feminine point of view. It is wonder- ful how much happier and light-hearted one becomes as soon as the resolution is taken and acted upon of dismissing all thoughts of resentment and revenge, and betaking one's self in moments of mental perturbation to some useful occupation or agreeable pastime. It is not precisely easy at first, no more than it is to ride a wheel or paint a picture, but with practice, the difficul- ties quickly vanish, and the exercise becomes a positive pleasure. Try it. .■A I III ■^i: XXI THE CHILD'S FIRST SCHOOL.ROOM. The molhcr^s heart is the child's school-room. "^,,, . —II- W. Beecher. heart, M-hosi rece^os vl 1^ T"'' "'^T^^'' ^^ y^^' i« .your child's Xorom Tho'T''' ^ -'^ .'^"' ^^^^ infuuny can ,,icTco t ,n , . i ^I''"''' ^tuitions of tlao soul. ^ *''" '"^'^^ fornndable barricade of meet, and wheu it is a ' 'ntr \ "'^^^rthj daro not pity of it! See the for"t Jtr",^ -worthy-the and garnished • thllT-' "" school-room is swept «lnno^; thatlh^ t" ^l^erTr ^e'et'lfd' ^^'^' 4 in^irlious disf^'are lo^ Vl^ '^'' ^^^^« ^^ ^^n^e disinfect the scLorroZbor './"''*' '' ^""^.^ ««<! to the precious little one Ind ' ''""'^'"^ '^P^^«^« "lovhor , but Avho n.v T i""''? ^^" ^^''^ "^^ not lifted to to ho "ate ;i; ^'-i " ^'^"'^^ ^'^^^hy to be selves. ■ ^''^'- ^"^'" ^^'^-^ "»«tto also to your- in some Juay^n futi're tin^p'"-' ^^^^^e^'^^'^™ ^t will be PraL.e a„.l honour 2/ S,T /',"". ''"^ ''""''^'y ^^ "» of the highest Z;av i^^' '''^' '^ ^^^ ^"^^^"-"t ■^,;jf-tV: S. XXII THE NEAREST DUTY. ''Why look for duties Ihrough a telescope f" asked Conscience of a man consulting her. '7 wish to see only the one beyond my reach," he replied. — M. S. Beeson. jJJ^ I STANCE lends enchantment, truly. The fad- ing past has Its romance, the approaching future its mystery, but the present seems ever commonplace and irksome sometimes passing endur- ance. Who among us does not grow impatient at times, of the daily routine, the common task, the perpetual rolling of stones up-hill only to see them roll down a;;ain, calling for a fresh application of strength and energy. ^Ve sigh for change and cast envious glances over the boundaries of our own narrow existence into some wider and fairer provinces of human endeavour. We witness the triumphs of those who are prospering there, and are filled with the conviction of our own capai'ity for similar achievement. If only the way were open, we think, how we should astonish the world! And in secret, we grieve with a quite pathetic sincerity, over the meanness of oppor- tunity which supplies no adequate outlet for the slum- berinir heroism in our breasts. Alas ! when the aspiring mortal, humored by Fate, is transplanted to the desired sphere, wh.°.t happens? The glamour fades as he draws near, the rungs of the ladder leading to glory are found ■:#'■" &-| I t • ii : 48 IN THK I'ATUS OK |-KA<I.: to be Wider apart than they .oe.ned in the deceptive hstanre, and, t<.o often, a backward glance reveZ the tantahzuig certainty that the real chances for heroic aclnev.n.ent have been left behind in the pur^uiPof ^ adoLt.!cri.-f"V''° "•^'^^^^^""We opp<.rt„nitie8 of hn : • •: . * ''" J""""'^ i'^y' «^ childhood, aro bv the niajontv^ of human beings, recoinu.ed onlv in nd.vnlual to be able to see at the start, his tn"e place in the Creator's plan, an<l to shape his 1 f e accordiSv nchly content to work in hannony with the l3 Iftt: ,;;!f '^ own. Let us not^^lsj any time, then, searching through a teh^scope for duties fitted to our capacity, but be satisfied to perform t^L^ winch ho nearest our hand, and to do them with all our ^^miS^ XXIII CAUSE AND EFFECT. Shallow men bclirvr in luck, hfJicve in circumslaiu-es. , . .strong men believe in cause and effect. • — Emei-oou. MONG the articles of fail ^ most essential to success in life is a belief in one's own power to control circnmstanees. Trusting to luck, in nine cjises out of ten, is deliberately to court failure. There are timid and indolent natures, to whom any- thing in the shape of an obsUicle is a not unw«'lconje signal to turn back, to relinquish all further effort in a given direction. Needless to say, it is not among such that one may look hopefully for useful or honourable achievement of any kind. The sturdy soul, on the con- trary, is ever prepared for opposition or hostility, and even enjoys having its own powers of determination and resistance put to the severest test. Like the skilful engineer who cuts his way through the very heart of the mountains, bridges the roaring torrent and treafh- erous chasm, hews down the forest and builds up the valley to make a short, sure road to his distant goal, so the valiant spirit meets the chances and changes of fortune with unmoved serenity, accepting each now rebuff or defeat as an invitation to still greater exertion. To attribute the successes of others to luck, is to accuse one's self either of a defect of intelligence, or of an envious reluctance to acknowledge their superior , 50 'ii P if t uiii IN THE PATHS OF PEACE merit or ability. With rare exceotion, fh. easily explicable if traced back LT „„rce t " otW de,i.b,i' i'SC'SSerTeTv::^'^ pWe "^ °^''' " "■' "^l" »"'' to fill the vae^ wolfwh?sh?,honw'r' r™"*"' »■"* ■"' fr--i« fbev? Ifc b7,!l J °™ ^^ ^ """=1' l"eiler than Al7l,./„ I u "'^ '"""' '"""« '■>«" «». heart-free All had equal chances in his eyes In tl.« JT t^' choice he m,„t have disco4Tsome specS „ha™ other he had h.tberto met. Give her the credit dueT 5>:;ti„f:fi5i::,!r::^^r " "'"--• "'■- - - .entZnfe-bi^tS: X ^tilLf^r!'-^' '""""■ W. in life prove a'crcdil To tiSrl'ZaZC h^^l".;;^":^,'*"™-';"' "■" '?■"■" '">'' -™- ^^ _„ reared son= tu disnoiiuur their father's name. CAUSE AND EFFKCT She wonders despairingly why the first has had better luck than herself. Would it not be kinder and fairer to admit in all humility that the successful mother is the one who understood her duties best and applied her- self most strenuously to their fulfilment? Two girls are thrown penniless on the world. One becomes a burden to herself and her friends, forever bemoaning her fate, and making half-hearted, fruitless attempts to secure her independence. The other goes resolutely to work to find a secure foothold, and before long you hear of her filling some position of trust and quietly settling down into her new sphere of useful- ness with the determination to adorn it as best she can. One is not luckier than the other. She is simply braver, more steadfast and persevering. If we want luck," we may all have it if we are willing to work hard enough to secure and keep it. Let the world that knows nc;hing of our labours and self- denial mar\'el at our good fortune. "We shall personally have the deep satisfaction of recognizing in the measure of success we may achieve, the reward of our ability and honest endeavours. m *^.^^^iV ii i III I , lilt XXIV PROVOCATION. To be able to bear provocation is an araumeni nf great reason, and to forgive it of a great ZZ ^ ^ROVOCATIOX is regarded by the average ■^ human being as a quite sufficient excuse forT ebullition of temper. One would like to a^k of the man or woman who reasons in this way : " Is^here ;roU:rto^S"^ ''-' "°^^^^ ^'^- - ^« - but^ivThi'-^'T"' V?* ^^' i°in^"^ity from temptation attlc^ of tW "7'^' i^""' '' ^'^'^^ t« the fierces for !»,- f -^ "P*r\ ^ *"" ^°"^^ not praise a hermit for mamtammg an habitual serenity of mind sincT^o one comes to disturb or interfere Jth hTm 1 blind maji gets no credit for remaining unm^ed win an unfeehng person mocks him with an insulting Xre ne^er' rtlZf'"^. 1 '^ ^^'^''y bonestX ha^ never, m the moment of extreme need, been confronted a n_ar . an-, th,, reasonable mmd. It is when the :i f PROVOCATION 53 enemy is lying in wait, to torment and exasperate you, that you need to be most wary, to keep a cool head and to put a bridle on your tongue. To yield to a feeling of irritation caused by a thoughtless, or even a malicious word or act, is to abdicate the throne of reason and become the slave of ignoble passion. The true Christian attitude towards one who seeks to annoy us, is one of pity for a soul darkened by unworthy sentiments and warped by mean motives. Whenever we come in contact with an inferior nature, the obligation is laid on us of revealing by example the beauty and charm of a higher one. This end is easily secured by the "soft answer," or by a discreet silence, or an aJroit change of subject An effectual reply to a sneer, a taunt or a reproach may take the form of a good-natured admission that it is deserved. This removes the possibility of argument or recrimination, and affords an opportunity for divert- ing attention to some other topic. With practice one may become quite as expert in parrying a thrust as an ill-natured person is in dealing it. It is an art and an accomplishment well worth acquiring. While reason suffices to make provocation harmless, a great mind goes farther still, and freely forgives the author of it. This is not so difficult when we bear in mind that there are moral as well as physical infirmities and deformities. It is scarcely consistent to expend all our sjTupathies on the lame, the blind and the deaf, and keep none for the narrow-minded, the jealous, and those who are obviously incapable of noble, generous or refined sentiments. The eyes of the soul are often blinded in youth, by prejudice, or inherited predilec- tions. The heart contracted by selfishness, covetous- ness, or distrust is deaf to all appeals for affection, mercy, gentleness. We owe some consideration to those who are so afflicted, and when they falter or I ! '' '1 i 'n •|l n itu h ityi 54 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE Stumble on the way, it is our part to help them forward, by - 7ord or example, as we would lead a blind man from a threatened danger which his infirmity prevents him from suspecting. To forgive the mistakes of others, even though we have suffered from them becomes easy enough when we have learned to view them in the light of true charity. Readily enough then can we repeat the dying Saviour's prayer for His persecutors : " Lord, forgive them, for they know not what they do." ii ^^.^^-^SV 'K. XXV ' Lit ■ . A RICH INHERITANCE. They are rich who possess God, hut they are richest v:ho possess nothing hut God. All creation helongs to him to whom God is his sole possession. — F. W. Faber. ROM the lips of a little child I learned a lesson once which has left an indelible impression on m^' mind. The passage above quoted recalls this incident. We were walking along one of the lovely paths that thread the more secluded portions of our beautiful Mount Royal. It was a day in early summer. There was a delicious mildness and freshness in the air. Spring's tender green was still on every leaf, and wild flowers blossomed about our feet in generous profusion. My little companion, though not yet five years old, was keenly alive to the charms of the surroundings, and clapped hei hands for joy as we penetrated further and further into the sweet solitudes of the mountain side. Suddenly she stopped and asked me eagerly : " Who does the Mountain belong to?" After a moment's pause, I answered : " To you, my darling." I shall never forget the look of rapturous incredulity on the baby face. " To me !" she repeated ; " is it my Moun- tain?" *• Yes, dear," I replied, " God gave it to you for a playground." " Oh, isn't He good?" she exclaimed impulsively, and with a wholly new interest in the fair scene before us, she silently studied the trees, the rocks, and the sweet flowers blooming at our feet. 6 u m it! t 1 56 IN THK PATHS OF PEACE i.3»r I, too, was silent, aud asked myself if, indeed, I shared the love aud gratitude of the child towards the Creator for the great and wonderful possessions He had made mine. Alas! when we cease to be children, we cease, too often, to care about the gifts of God. The treasures of the fields and woods appeal to us no longer. Our hearts are filled so full of greed for the common things that pass away, there is no room in them for the sincere enjoyment of the eternally good and beautiful. We take no delight in the marvellous manifestations of dmne power and beneficence that enrich our great dwelhng-place and play-^ound, the earth, because we are too much occupied in cramming as many objects as we can lay hold of within the four walls we call our home. Our idea of contentment, of success in life, goes not much further than the possession of countless thmgs, which, once within our reach, we discover to be absolutely useless, if not cumbrous, appurtenances. It is m the crucial moments of life that our various belongings stand revealed at their true worth or worth- lessness. When the heart is swayed by any strong emo- tion, love, grief, resentment, pity or noble enthusiasm, the only influences that can attune themselves to the soul and fill it with peace, comfort, or serenity, are those that our Mother Nature wields in her own sanc- tuaries away from all the artificial restrictions and -complications of conventional life. But such influences are withheld from those who have habitually ignored or ■despised them. We cannot " possess God " by a mere momentary impulse of will. We must first dispossess ourselves of all that is useless and unworthy of our solicitude. When we can truly say that we are satisfied with Him alone, we will realize with more than common thankfulness that all creation belongs to us. XXVI THE MOTIVE POWER OF LOVE. Love is a higher intellectual exercise than hatred. — ^Thackeray. !UST as the infinite love of the Creator for the works of His hands is a corollary of the divine omniscience, so the human capacity for loving cor- responds with the degree of knowledge attained by each incUvidual. So great a perfection resides in every created thing, however humble, so marvellous is the fitus-js of each for the functions assigned to it, so ines- timable its value in its relation to its surroundings, that a knowledge of the same cannot fail to inspire the intel- ligent observer with those mingled sentiments of deep admiration, interest, curiosity, and sympathy, which constitute love. Hatred, on the other hand, is equivalent to a confes- sion of ignorance. It is a senseless negation, a denial of the inherent good in persons and things ; a revela- tion of the contracted horizon which bounds the hater's mental vision. One feels the futility of appealing from the verdict of a hater. He hates because he knows no better, because of some blind instinct of self-defence which awakens within him w^hen he is brought in contact with superior strength or skill. Sometimes it is merely the sense of being baffled by the unknown or unknowable — someone or somewhat that he cannot understand, and therefore fears, dislikes or distrusts. Ignorant persons frankly confess to " hating " men and ':l 1 'hi 58 IN THE PATHS OV I'EAf K • > ii . ' : 1; •, |l|. 1 f'lfi' ' women to whom they have never sp<.kcn a word, and who have never harmed them ever so slightly X"v on he grounds of some physical pecrdiarity or eccen- tZV- TT' '''^^''^' irrifntosby its L^larity. The trained observation is not similarly affected for he reason that it is accustomed to refer alMhin' to 8 submerged in the interesting mental process of inquiring into its wherefore. ^ evid?nl*^^"'''^ "'''^^^'*^^' ^''""^' ^^^ ""'^t repellent evidence of disease, possess for the student of medicine aereTal • "'""* "i?'^'*' ^""^^''^^^'-^ effaces the X Se w'w r""i '"* .^"^'"^^^^ '^•>' *'^^ «I-«tacle. l^ero would Lo no horror in such sights for any of us we are'TJil ? T.T ^^-^^-^^-^V It is because we are ignorant of the reason of their being that we hudder at the mere mention of them. That le art Til Busceptible to the influence of knowledge to the exten of being made to love things that we once hated I proved by some part of the experience of nearly every human being. As our knowledge of things and per^S Wtlfr^rl*^ '7 'r-^ widens^and d~ ^v ery wife and mother, for instance, learns to conquer old aversions and repugnances in the discharge of her domestic duties. The dainty maiden who onfe shr^k from contact .vith an unwashed child, marri^and e^ds by eheerfully performing the most iienial services ?or half a dozen little denizens of the nursery. Tnother 8ing, the duties of a nurse unthinkable, ultimately finds her highest happiness in ministering to sufferW humanity m a hospital ward. suuering It is then sufficiently clear that whatever or whoever 18 knowable is also in a certain degree loveable and It THE MOTIVE I'OWEIl OF LOVE 59 This view Ls as consoling to a troubled heart as it is acceptable to a philosophic mind. It converts what was once an object of hatred into one of mystery, merely, from which the former element of irritation is removed. Even a declared enemy, who robs and despoils, persecutes and calumniates one, becomes a psycholofi^cal study of surpassing interest rather than a target for useless vituperation, or a subject for ignoble revenge. The sublime passion for knowledge, havin^, its source and ultimate end in the eternal and infinite, inevitably submerges every temporary or private interest, and lifts him who is possessed by it to a plane of thought and feeling in which no pettiness or selfishness can survive. All who attain this level enjoy a god-like immunity from common, trivial cares, a serene sense of lasting separation from whatever is base and ignobly disquieting. In knowing and loving, their noblest attributes find adequate expression, their most passion- ate desires, complete fulfilment. Into these rarified regions we are all privileged to penetrate, and there we may dwell our lives long at peace with ourselves and with every other. Yet there are always some who find the height too steep to scale, and who are weakly content to dwell in the darksome vale below where ignorance, contention and hatred abonnd, where true love, knowledge and joy are things unknown. XXVII ON THE HEIGHTS. Peopled and warm is the valley, lonely and chill the height, But the peak that is nearer the storm-cloud, is nearer the stars of light. . —Selected. ANY men and women, conscious of a call to a liiphcr life than the one they are leading, lack the necessary courage and firmness to break away from old habits and associations, to set their feet in new, untried paths, and, unsupported by the sympathy of human companionship, to attempt to scale the somewhat forbidding heights that lead to the desired goal. Looking at virtue in the abstract, it seems eminently beautiful, desirable and attainable by a mere effort of the vnll In hours of soUtude, meditation and prayer, it is easy enough to assume the mantle of holi- ness, to shudder at the thought of sin, to spurn tempta- tion and to draw up a rule of life which would not dis- credit an angel. But, in practice, the average human being finds that the pursuit of the higher life involves numerous and painful struggles with nature, separates bim more or less from others of his kind, and shuts off many comforting sources of sympathy and support. It is not given to every one to stand alone on the chill height of Duty without casting backward and regretful gianees on the warm peopled valley, called Do-As- You- ON THK HRKillTH 61 Ploaae. Down thcro, familiar forms are gatheretl tofjethor in friendly comnuloship, eating, drinking and making merry. They seem to have no care for the lonely climber of the heights, or, if they look his way at all, it is with a oirious disdain. Few, even among those who loved him best, are willing to follow him into those cold upper regions. He must perforce press on alone. Sometimes, indeed, he turns and falters. A liand he loves beckons to him from below. It would be so easy and so swot-t to retrace his footiitcps, to seek tb- warm shelter that awaits him thtire, to relinquish . l' further effort, to be satisfied with the common level "♦" virtue attained by the great majority. But be ^; yielding to the fatal temptation, his eyes once moi»^ seek the heights, and lo! they are crowned with stars of light that shed a divine effulgence on the towerir.g peaks. Ilis heart quickens within him. The spell of common things is broken. The mystery, the grandeur of the eternal enthral his spirit anew and give wings to his feet. He is saved. But the same struggle repeats itself over and OTer to the end. Storm-clouds intervene between him and the heavenly vision that beckoned him on, and at such times his wistful glance strays down to the valley, and something within him urges him to go back. Many a traveller, weary and faint-hearted, thus returns to ri?e no more to the same heights. Only the dauntless few arrive at last on the Alpine summit known as Final Perseverance. And even from that glorious eminence, if they look with pity on the lower worlds they have forsaken, it is often with the pity that is akin to love. The merely human in us dies hard. "NVe are loth to kt go of hands that hold our own in a warm and friendly clasp — to forsake the companionable fireside, and set out alone on a dark and solitary road. But this is life, indeed, and we are powerless to order .1" m^^'^F^ 11:1 ^ 62 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE It Otherwise Happily, the hope siustains us, through the never-endmg struggle, that our earth is merely the > eshbule of heaven and that in the greater life beyond nl uncer amty shall be changed into certainty, promise into fulfilment, and mutability into the , .nnanence of everlastmg happmess. "^^ XXVIII SEARCHING FOR PEARLS. Errors, liJcr. straws, upon the surface floiv, lie who would scare., for pearls must dive below. — Addison. r^EC^AUKE of a certain <]ni('knpss in dotoctins; flaws ^ and shortcomings where others diseern perfec- tion, or a near approach to it, there are persons who flatter themselves that they are endowed with pnpcrior wisdom, which it is their pleasure and duty to disseminate among their too trusting neighhours. They delight in pointing out the clay feel of otlier folks' idols ; they shake their heads and smile pityingly when anyone ventures, in their presence, to exy)res8 unstinted admiration, or enthuriasm for any object, cause or T)er8on whatever. To them, nothing or no one is wholly good or worthy of resi)ect. In this nil admirari attitude they go through life, deriving little pleasure or benefit from any source, and grudging the satisfaction which more generous natures reap from a willingness to give honour and credit where both are due. As a matter of fact, it is the superficial observer who sees only the defective side of an object or of human character, and fails to discern the true value that lies hidden beneath a deceptive exterior. No remarkable degree of insight is required to detect errors that float like straws on the surface of a stream. But he whose ' » 'f SiP'" It is? I 64 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE mental gaze penetrates to the deep below, and who— like a diver— can discern pearls in the very slime of the nver-bed is the one whose judgment of men and tilings IS to be respected. r^'"". "u" /^'°^"»^«'- tl»at beautiful legend of the Uinst which relates how, one day, a dead dog lying in the street m Judea evoked expressions of contempt and disgust from aU the passers-by. One called attention to his draggled coat, another to his sightless eyes, another to the flies that swarmed round his open mouth a fourth to the stench that arose from his decaying body. Suddenly One stood in their midst, who, looking with compassion on the offending beast, said with infimte gentleness, in a voice divinely sweet, "Pearls are not equal to the whiteness of his teeth." The carping crowd was silenced, and each man went his way musing on the lesson that had been conveyed m those simple words pronounced by Jesus of Nazareth, for all knew that none other could have spoken them. Ihe habt of criticising and fault-finding is easier to acqmre than that of bestowing a just appreciation where It IS due ; but with the right dispositions, the latter may be cultvated until it becomes a second nature. Once acquired, it becomes to the possessor a source of positive happiness of a kind which remains for ever unknown to the captious critic who has eyes only for errors and flaws, and who thereby misses all the beauty and goodness that exist in the world. It also becomes a power for good, by diffusing hope and courage in timid breasts, and inspiring affection and gratitude in hearts that would, failing such help, be heavy with mis- givings or resentment. No weapon is more effectual for the disarming of hostility than a word of praise or appreciation judiciously bestowed. No moral stimulus acta more powerfully on the human soul than the desire to live up to the high estimate formed of it bv others ^^'ir': ■r'-fr: ^^ ■■'' -%?t^^'< SEARCHIGN FOB PEARLS 65 When you think little of a fellow-creature and his work, and permit him to sec i , you thereby diminish hia incentive to improvement, and relegate him, perhaps permanently, to an inferior status. Show him, on the contrary, that you respect his motives, that you believe in his capacity to overcome the difficulties lying in l>is path, that you recognize the good that is in him, and you have helped him to brace himself for a fresh effort, you have brightened his outlook, and perhaps given him a foothold that will ultimately lead him to the highest point of success. When we are tempted to repine because we lack the means to relieve the material necessities of our poorer neighbours, it is well to pause and ask ourselves how we are dispensing that richer store of love, sympathy and kindly encouragement which is locked up in our own breasts. There is always somebody quite clwe to us — sister, brother, husband, parent, child or friend, who needs them. ^f^^^i^ ^BBEsamai: nmm -I r m XXIX THE PERFECT ROSE. A hundred different and sweet smelling leaves are needed to form a rose, and the hundreds of pu ous no to make up perfect happiness. — Cannea Svlva. wr ^'^^^^'*^l^ P'«J^ F'tal lies in your path. Only one. It was dropr>t>,l from a that some one earned Do you pass it by, unhoed- in?. trampling: ,t nithlesslyumler foot, perhaps, or do .vou stoop to pick It up, lay it tenderly in your palm, and contemplate its exquisite beautv. Surely you can spare a moment to feast your eyes on the lovelv deli- ca e colour ; to note the fine curving outline, the velvety, cool surface, the heavenly fragrance it exhales. Ao human hand ever fashioned anything so rarely perfect as this. As you gaze you are filled with wondeV and ^leMt. with humility and rev.rence. This little piece of CmkIs hundnvork brings you so close to Ilim ! lou wonder how any one could ever doubt His infinite power, His love, His very existence tK '^T T/'f' P^**' **'«^ '^'»" "^^^^'^ ^>« "'isscd from the hundred that make up the perfect rose, but to you who look upon It with seeing eyes, it comes as a message straight from Him who made it, and you will go your jay cheered and strengthened because of that fragment of beauty, of divmity-nlmost-which you picked out of the dust because you knew its value and did not despise the chance of pure joy which a moment's atten- tion to It could not fail to bring you. In the same manner, every daV and all day lontr iov waits upon our footsteps, lurking in unexpected places. THE I'KKFECT ROSE 67 gleaming like a ray of liglit here, radiant like a rose there ; now emitting a delicious perfume, again salut- ing our ears with a sweet sound, caressing our cheek with a touch of divine tenderness or irradiating our heart with an unlooked-for happiness. It mav be the glory of a sunset or the unfolding of a leaf, the song of a bird or the freshness of a breeze ; the light of love in the eyes of a friend ; a word of prai.-*.' from one placed over us ; it may be a task accomplished, a doubt removed, a prayer answered. For, Proteus-lik.s joy is ever changing its shape, and has as many varying aspects as there are moments in time or moods in human hearts. But one thing we know beyond all peradven- ture. It is ever with us and do wo but choose to look for it we can not fail to find it. Yet there are malcontent?^ who car<> nothing for the petal, and are ever clamouring for tlie perfect rose. Their eyes see only the joys that dazzle, their hearts take no account of happiness save such as makes them objects of envy to the whole world. How poor is the life that rejects all the minor chances of happiness while watching and waiting for the great pri/^es of earthly existence. To lose these, then, is to lose every- thing. ^ But no kind or degree of sorrow, suffering, deprivation or disappointment has power to overwhelm the soul that is wont to accept in glad and thankful spirit, the "hundred pure joys that go to make up perfect happiness." This is what we must strive for, therefore, the superior insight, the trust, the love that will help 'us to recognize the beneficent designs of Providence, and to rejoice in all the manifestations of Divine love and power that enrich the world. This is the only way in which we can secure to ourselves a lasting immunity from the disquiet and endless longings of dissatisfied souls. i«?i k > XXX THE MILDEW OF MONOTONY. The mildew of monotony destroys the keenest pleasure. — Sir Herbert Maxwell. JO the hungry and sick and sorrowing ones of earth it must appear well-n gh incredible that the conditions which woul< bring them permanent relief from their troubles, be .me, at times, so irksome to those with whom they art )rmal, as to appear well- nigh intolerable. The stan ng wretch at the palace gate cannot conceive the satiety of the prince ; the helpless cripple believes that earth would be a paradise indeed, if he could but walk a be strong ; the pale mourner beside the grave of a k nfi one feels passionate envy of the lot of her whose ircleof beloved ones remains unbroken ; yet, so curiously constituted is human nature that possession of a coveted object, or fulfilment of the most ardently desired hope, soon converts the most intense longing into a placid, if not indifferent acceptance of the greatest favours and blessings. The most discontented persons in the world are found among those who have never experienced the sensation of hunger, who are in full possession of their health and faculties, and whom the greater sorrows of life have passed by untouched. The cause of their dissatisfac- tion is simply a weariness of what, in the estimation of some, might be regarded as ideal conditions. The », i THE MILDEW OF MONOTONY 69 mildew of monotony has fallen upon their pleasures and destroyed them. It i3 useless to blame or denounce this universal human liability to chafe under too long a continuance of even the greatest blessings. It is there and it cannot be disposed of by words of censure or remonstrance. The wiser plan is to regard its signs as symptoms of a diseased condition of the mind, calling for tender care and judicious treatment. As in the case of oth^r maladies, prevention is better than cure, but oftenest, the eflfects of monotony on the human subject are not apprehended or suspected until they have made inroads on the patient's mental con- stitution which only the most suramarj' and powerful measiires can effectually resist. The "mildew of monotony" is responsible for a greater number of wrecked souls and desolate homes than may be traced to any other malign influence that militates against the security of individual or domestic happiness. No power is more insidiously effectual in alienating the affections of husbands from their wves, of children from their parents. To escape from its influence how many young men and maidens yearly take the broad and flowery path that leads to destruc- tion, how many husbands and wives forget the solemn vo"^ made at the altar, how many rash unions are formed, and loving ties thoughtlessly sundered? The magic prescription for the malady produced by monotony is "change." It is wonderful how persist- ently some persons set their faces against the merest suggestion of change in the home. They insist on the same programme, week in, week out. They keep the same hours, eat the same food, wear the same kind of clothes, express the same opinions year after year. The slightest attempt to introduce an innovation on the part of any member of the family is met with a determined n >n 70 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE Vl '• M : li^f \ resistance. "We have never done it before, why should we bepin now?" is supposed to settle the ques- tion beyond all dispute. The world would soon come to a standstill if peopled entirely by such narrow-minded, unprogrcssive and selfish tyrants. In a hundred little ways it is possible to vary the monotony of home life without upsetting the estab- lished order of things to any serious extent. The mse woman, perceiving little signs of dissatisfaction in her husband or children, makes a duty of planning some pleasant diversion or change of routine which awakens new interest and* distracts attention from recognized causes of irritation. In one family that I know, the annoimcement that every one may sleep late the next morning, if so inclined, put.s the whole household in the highest good humour. Of course a holiday is chosen for this little indulgence. Special privileges granted now to one, now to another child, " just for a change," have a wonderful effect in brightening up the spirits of the 3'oung people, and reconciling them to the disagreeable tasks of life. To promote the general comfort of the home, it is neces- sary that certain restraints be put upon the individual inclinations of separate members of the family, but it is of equal importance that sxich restrictions be removed at intervals to counteract the cramping influence they would otherwise exercise on the mind and character. A man, especially, is apt to feel at times, a strong desire, almost a need, to break away from his usual routine and enlarge bis experience of life by eontaefc with some of its less familiar aspecTs. There are wives who deeply resent such a di>ipos.ition on the part of their husband? and wiio take no pains To eoneoal their dis- pleasure over the least evideace of it. On the other i^ f-W THE MILDEW OF MONOTONY 71 hand, there are not a few husbands of the crank species who are intolerant of change, declining to recog- nize that the average woman's natural cravings for a little pleasurable excitement now and then, are not wholly satisfied by her daily privilege of ordering his dinner, sewing on his buttons, and studying the back of his head while he peruses the evening papers. An occasional effort of unselfishness all around is needed to keep the mildew of monotony from settling on the pleasures of the home. :■:! ^»w1:^t^ I ' i • if Pf ^ i 1 i: - ''i i XXXI RELATIVE VALUES. May no one be able io say of us that tre are too busy io be kind. — Selected. T'l/'JIATEVER be our limitations in other direc- tions, there are few among us who have not acquired a fatal facility in the art of excusuig ourselves from the perforniimcc of certain im|)ortant duties. The validity of our excuses is, as a rule, less obvious to others than to ourselves. When we say, in explanation of some regrettable omission of an expected kindness or courtesy, " 1 was too busy to attend to the matter," we may, in a measure, salve our own con- science with the conventional plea, but we seldom succeed in impressing our hearers with the sincerity of our statement. The weakness of the argument lies in the fact that, too often, when we believe ourselves very " busy," we are expending time and energy on objects less worthy of our attention than those we j> ^lect- inrr. The relative importance of the varion as on ou}' affection and interest that arise from day to day, should be carefully weighed in our mind before any are dismissed on the plea that we lack tlie time to consider them. Unhappily we are often so much the slaves of eircumstancea, so blinded by vanity, selfishness, and foolish ambition, that wo fail to discern the true values <if anparontlv couflictinir duties, nwi] *.h\\A we choose to KELATIVK VALUES 73 devote ourselves to those of lesser importance, while the greater ones suffer neglect at our hands. Some day we are sharply awakened to the truth by the sudden snatching from us of th- opportunities we so long failed to profit by. Thenceforth we are haunted by bitter regrets and self-accusings that come too late to bear useful fnut. How cruelly do our empty excuses mock us, for mstance, in the hour of bereavement, when one whom we dearly loved has passed for ever bevond the reach of our help or sympathy! We had not time to be kmd— to pay the expected visit, or write the promised letter— alas ! we have time enough, when too late to weep useless tears and upbraid our own hearts with ceaseless sclf-reproaehings. h is well, then, when tempted to evade the claims of any who love and trust us, with the excuse that we are ' too busy " to question ourselves seriously as to the true value of tlie efforts we are engaired in, and to ascertain whether our eagerness to sueoe'ed in certain directions is prompted by an unworthv or a legitimate ambition. Are we striving for great and pennancnt result^ or only for those that are in their nature triflimr and transitory? Are we sufferinsr our hearts to ho dmyn away from the sacred and beautiful obligations of kinship or old affection, in the emptv pursuit of some wiil-o-the-wisp of success, pleasure or fame? This life is indeed too short to permit the accom- plishment of all that we would do for ourselves and others, and there must be times when superior obli.-a- tions hinder us from assuming oth^r^ of less importnum J he solemn duty laid on us is to learn to distimrnish between the real and the apparent claims on our time and energies, to dismiss as idle those which have their tonndation in vanity and seltlshness, to apply ourselves «'>riuu«ly and steadfastly to the secnrinir of such aims as will increase the happiness and welfare of others ! k ;l ^'■■n MiaoCOfY RiSOlUTION TfST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) bi M2B ii& tii iSi Li 1^ k& 1^ 2.0 1.8 ^ >>PPLIED If VMGF '653 Eost Main Street Rochester. New York U609 uSA (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone (716) 288 - S989 - Fa« Inc m hi' 74 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE reflect honour on our own hearts, and be to us a comfort in days of sorrow and trial. With this lofty purposo before us, we shall indeed lead useful and busy live?, but they shall be so well-ordered that time will always be found to be kind as well as busy. , ;.!,■ ^^^^^^ ¥ • mih XXXII SELF-COMPLACENCY. A man who cannot mind his own business is not to be trusted with the king's. Savilie. I i JljT is no uncommon sight in this world of mysteries :, and anomalies to see men and women who have been notoriously unsuccessful in the management of their own affairs, assuming, without hesitation and even with alacrity, responsibilities of the most serious character, which, neither by experience, education nor inherent ability, they are in any sense fitted to discharge in a manner profitable to others or creditable to themselves. There are practically no limits to the self-complac- ency which is the usual accompaniment of certain kinds of ignorance, of which the worst is probably that which results from a superficial knowledge of things. The spectacle of fools rushing in where angels fear to tread, appeals in a good many instances, to one's sense of humoiir, but often, too, by reason of the earnest though misguided zeal of those who insist on playing such a sorry part, it becomes pathetic. In any case, the conse- quences are wholly mischievous if not positively disas- trous to all concerned. The injury that is constantly worked to good causes by the mistakes of fervent but ill-advised champions of the same, is simply incalculable. Of course, only a rare degree of modesty will reveal to a man his own unfitness for particular roles, or will persuade him that he can best help on a cause by refraining from identi- •n a , '"I 76 I\ THE PATHS OF PEACE P'i fying himself with it in any way. Women, too, as a rule, are lacking in the commendable diffidence which arises from a recognition of their own shortcomings. The fi edom which is now enjoyed by our sex in the matter of participation in affairs outside the home has multiplied the temptations that delude mediocrity with their dazzling promises of easily-won triumphs in one or another province of effort hitherto untried. We must needs be on our guard against the flattering iiJu- sions through which we see ourselves occupying a position of prominence in some sphere outside our own accustomed one. Especially should we cultivate humility with regard to our special fitness for work that has a professedly religious or philanthropic object. A sudden access of zeal counts for nothing in the matter of equipment for a new function. Enthusiasm is the first lamp that goes out on a 'difficult road. Before presuming to teach, exhort, guide or govern others, let us ask ourselves a few questions. Am I Avorthy ? Does my own life bear testimony to the sincerity of my con- victions? Have I earned the respect, the admiration, the affection of those who know me best, and therefore most truly? Are my own personal affairs in such a successful condition as to inspire confidence in my ability to accomplish greater things? Honest replies to questions like these should deter- mine the course one ought to pursue when in doubt as to the wisdom of launching into a new field of effort. And if the verdict of conscience is unfavourable to one's self, the only rational and dignified course open to one is humbly and faithfully to apply one's self to the performance of the modest duties of one's station, content to achieve perfection in small things rather than court failure in those beyond one's capacity. !l XXXIII THE IMPERATIVE DUTY. ire viusi ever he Injing to know more and more wl^t. are the things to he helieved and done. ^ — W. E. Gladstone. f,F one would live a well-ordered and happy life, it . is of primary importance to realize exactly Avliat one'-s place is in the world, and how best one can fit one's self for the duties one is expected to perform in it. Many women waste valuable years between their youth and maturity, waiting, like Mr. 3ilicawber, for something to turn up. Others, even when their life work has been plainly marked out for them, put no heart into their tasks, because their lines have not fallen in pleasant places. Their eyes are always wistfully straying into paths which their feet can never tread. Happily, examples are not rare, of the really sensible and capable woman who determines to make her life a success, no matter how scanty the materials at her com- mand. If she can be no more than an instrument in the hands of others, she sees to it that the instrument is well constructed, always in order, and warranted to give perfect satisfaction. If she is placed in authority, she makes tho?c und^r her glad of her sway, so wisely, yet so gently, does she exercise it for the good of all. ' One definite aim is always before her eyes, and she moves straight for it, heedless of interruption or hindrance. i'.i '•H m 78 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE Vi r;.K Every year of her life is represented by some useful achievement, some forward step in the direction of knowledge or virtue, or philanthropic effort. For her there are no regrets over golden opportunities missed, and, better still, so deep is the satisfaction that springs from the consciousness of duties faithfully performed, that she feels no jealousy of the performances or rewards of othei-s. There is no room for envy or any kind of bitterness in a heart that is filled with the joy of doing, and doing well. There may be, — indeed, in a noble-minded woman's soul there must be — some long- ings that will ever remain unsatisfied, some lofty ideals unattained, but these only prve as a beacon of hope and an inspiration, not as an excuse for vain repinings, and unfaithfulness to other claims. They keep alive in her breast a laudable ambition to prove worthy of the highest honour that may come to her, but pending the happy time that may mean release from irksome condi- tions, she is bravely determined to make the best of those conditions, and is often astonishpd to find how much real satisfaction they can De made to yield her. So, though she may be neither lucky nor rich, in the common acceptance of those terms, she is envied by many who come under both categories, because she is busier, happier, and more resourceful than they. If young girls could realize the importance of discovering early in life, " what are the things to be believed and done," they would suffer no temptation to come between them and the faithful performance of their plain duty. The fruits of perseverance, after a short trial, will convince them that this is one of the simplest and surest methods of attaining happiness, and, of earning the respect and good-will of their fellow- creatures. ri I XXXIV JEALOUSY. — trifles, light as air. Are to the jealous confirmation strong As proofs of Holy Writ. ^ —Othello. j^jT. EALOUS Y is the thom on the rose of love. Even <(^i while the the beauty and perfume of the flower are filling the eyes and the heart with gladness the unsuspected thorn pierces the tender flesh and leaves it bleeding, and quivering with pain unspeakable. The wound is one that heals slowly, if at all. Some- times the soreness remains through life, and oh, the pain of it! It is like the torment of a lost soul that has gained a glimpse of Heaven and then been hurled into outer darkness. The radiant and triumphant happiness of a heart revelling in undisturbed possession of a love most highly prized is on a sudden changed t • bitter disappointment, to an overwhelming sense oi injury, defeat and humiliation. Under the influence of jealousy the gentlest souls become the most implacable, and in an undisciplined nature its effects are indeed terrible. The daily press teems with the tragedies brought about by the workings of this devouring passion. Few are safe from its ravages, for if some escape its actual pangs, they are all the more likelv to be objects of jealousy on the part of others and thus voluntarily or not to be drawn into complications more or less disturbing, if not positively dangerous. ' { il * m 80 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE It is useless to reason with a jealous person. The feeling is too deeply rooted in the heart to yield to argument. Pride and generosity may help to conceal and control it, but no power on earth can wholly eradi- cate it. Therefore we should be very kind and patient with the jealous, not severe or scornful. Because of their weakness we should show them an increasing ten- derness and refrain from the least word or act that might disturb their trust in a beloved one. Is it not better to sacrifice an hour's amusement or the vanity of some idle conquest, than, for the sake of such an empty satisfaction, to inflict lasting pain on the loving and faithful heart of a wife, husband or lover ? In the less serious relations of life, however, jealousy is a purely detestable fault, and one which may and must be corrected if one would win the respect and good-will of one's fellow-creatures. The woman who hates another merely because that other is her superior, morally, socially or intellectually ; who is irritated by the prosperity or popularity of her neighbours ; who perpetually accuses her acquaintances and friends of neglecting and slighting her ; who even attributes their proiTcu-cd hospitalities to a spirit of ostentation ; who is never thankful for a small kindness, but alwavs covetous of greater ones — such a woman is less a subject for pity than contempt and dislike. There is nothing more ridiculous and undignified than an attitude of resentment towards the society of which one is a member. If one is lovable, one will be loved, and if the contrary is true, the fault is in one's self, not in those who have a perfect right to avoid disagreeable or tiresome persons. The less one adver- tises one's owm unpopularity, the better. Instead, therefo-"e, of looking for causes of offence in " trifles light as air," a sensible woman, recognizing the deficiencies in her o^vn character, or the drawbacks of JKALOUSY 81 her position, accepts the fact that she was not born to shine like those who are more fortunately situated. Having reached this point of view she \vill be a thous- and times happier than if she allows her existence to be soured by constantly reflecting on the superior Jii vantages of her neighbour. The double resolution to refrain from exciting jealousy in loving hearts, and to reject its suggestions in the ordinary relations of life, is one that, faithfully followed, wilfbe productive of much happiness to oursolve? and others. •^^ ^*\ it , XXXV PERSEVERANCE. < : I b ij J Shalt thou he faint-hearted and turn from the strife, From the mighty arena where all that is grand And devoted and pure and adorning in life. Is for high-hearted spirits like thine to command f — ^Moore. jPj^ UCH has been written about the isolation of 44$^ royalty and of genius, that terrible loneliness which falls to one who has no equals among his fellows, none with whom he can speak familiarly, who are competent to counsel him in difficulties, or to sympathise with his high aspirations. This condition is not confined to royalty ; it governs to a certain extent the life of every man or woman whose ideals are loftier and motives purer than those of his or her daily asso- ciates. When we are young, enthusiasm keeps the heart warm and strengthens the soul for its constant warfare against the impulses of our lower nature. It is not hard m the darkest hour of temptation to follow the pillar of fire that faith and hope sends on before us to light the way, but after some years of conflict and many disenchantments, our hold on our ideal, our belief in human goodness, grows weaker. Some day, we droop and faint beneath the burden we once so joyfully assumed, and ask ourselves, " Is it worth while to carry it any longer ?" Well for us if in an hour of such despondency, some PERSEVERANCE 83 fnendly remonstrance like the one quoted above is recalled to our mind. Shall we be faint-hearted and turn from " aU tb-* is grand," because on every side we see others too wev : or too cowardly to keep up the f al-"^? T^^^^ ^® * P°°^ ^®*^^°' «"'ely, and unworthy of high-hearted spirits, fit to command." Rather iJt us keep in view the power it is given us to wield and the responsibilty that goes wth power. Every individual, however humble, exercises power in a certain degree over some other, who in a particular sense is his or her mferior. The cook and the kitchen-maid queen it over their respective realms as surely as the lady in her drawing-room, or the sovereign on the throne. The highest ambition of each should be to know her kingdom and to rule it wisely that she may be beloved and honoured by those who depend on her. t't. ■ i I . *^^^£:^ I tn 11 XXXVI NATURE'S HEALING TOUCH. ».'?■■ n !| j It is impossible to walk across so much as a rood of the natural earth tvilh mind unagitated and rightly poised, without receiving strength from some stone, flower, leaf, or sound, nor without a sense as of a dew falling on you out of the sky. — Samuel Johnson. "XjJK^T'E arc for the most part unresponsive to the ^^r influences that bear upon us uncea8inj!;iy through the medium of the external worhl. 'Hm is because wo seldom walk abroad '* with mind unagitated and rightly poised." We are vexed with trivial care^. elated over some petty triumph, apathetic becau?e of the dull monotony of our existence, con- sumed with restless ambition, or absorbed in some great gratificatioi. Fnder theae conditions, we walk with unseeing eyts amidst the loveliest scones, or seeing, we are not moved, discovering no relation between these things and the subject uppermost in our tlioxights. AVe are wrapped in a mantle of selfishness which is imper- vious to all sweetness, beauty and lig'^t. Y>.t, by a slight et?ort, it is possible to detach the mind from purely personal concerns, and to leave it I'pon to the blessed influence of nature. No one can feel poor in the sense of possession that comes from looljinjr at mountain, sky, tree, and river, with appre- ointive eves. The beautv of them is ours : while we NATUHK's IIKALIN*; TOtTM 86 arc free to gazo upon thoir loveliness, no one can rob U8 of that inehtimablc lurtlirij-lit. We uovil no bit of yellow parchment lockc.l awa.v in a strong box to prove our ownership ; a man may culicct titlo-.k-eds hy th.j -xcore, but he can never have more tlian one pair of e.yo3 ; therefore, he receives no richer impressions from Nature's splendid panoramas than do I who, having no l''gal rii,'ht to a r.x.d, claim ihf uliol,; ,,arth as niv inheritance. looking back over past years have wo not all cause to regret the time we have wasted planning for idle ends, and grieving over ephemeral troubles. Hut who ever repents of the days spent near the heart of nature, m the woods, on the mountain-top. or by the sea i These are almost the only golden lioiirs, entirely free from bitterness or self-reproach, that are entered on the tablets of memory. AH the rest are streaked with >elfishness or sordidness, tinged with sadness or disap- pomtment ; a reflection to incite us to more frc(pi<>nt • ommunion with nature, and v^iut our desire to under- -fand her in iier most beautiful, solemn, and mysterious aspects. Before suffering ourselves to be caught inex- tricably in a network of small cares and worries, or even "verwhelmed and disheartened by groat ones, it will I'o profitable to keep the mind open and roadv to receive -tretigth from any stone, flower, leaf, or sound, ave, <*ven from " the dew that falls on us out of the skv.'' I J! it 'Ui \y--' Mil k: i) 1 1 ' f^i II 1 i itr ^ III'' '"( ill'' '■ I ' i-.j iti 1 rf r ft r i i" t XXXVII THE SEEDS WE SCATTER. So live, that when the sun, Of your existence sinhs in night, Memories sweet of mercies done May shrine your name in memory's light And the blest seeds you scattered hloom A hundred fold in days to come. — Sir John Bowring. 5t OMMON charity ordains that we speak kindly of the dead. However little a man or a woman has been loved in life, no words of criticism are spoken over the grave that imposes eternal silence on its victim. But often, a secret feeling of relief is expe- rienced in a household, when one who, by excessive severity, ill-temper, or other unamiable trait of char- acter, habitually disturbed the peace of the rest, is called to a last account. Few of us, however self-willed and dominant we may be by nature, like to think that our removal from the earthly scene will be a subject of rejoicing to those who are now compelled to live with us. There is one way of discovering whether this contingency is likely to occur. It might be profitable to all of us to have recourse to it, with a view of increasing our amiability, and adding materially to the happiness of others. Examine the nature of your influence on the family, TllK SKEKS WE .StATTEK 87 individually and collectively, and if you find that your presence, under any circumstances, imposes an uncom- fortable restraint on the others, resolve, in future, to correct your tendency to be over-critical, or severe. Respect for the rights of others, and a proper sense of the fallibility of private judgment, (especially as applied to matters that do not concern us), should help us to overcome the temptation to interfere in matters outside our jurisdiction. I would especially recom- mend this suggestion to sisters and brothers'^who are too ready to frown down and ridicule any proposals one of their number may make, forgetting that all are equally entitled to their own opinions, and subject only to parental authority, in matters calling for supervision. Those families are happiest in which the parents accord to each child a fair hearing, and equal oi>portunities of advancing their separate interest*. ITnfortunately, much injustice is habitually done to younger members of families, by the selfishness of older ones, who assume the role of censor to their juniors, thus making them- selves feared and disliked, where they ought to be loved and trusted. Much of the pleasure of life is forfeited by persons of a carping or overbearing disposition, because as soon as their unamiable weakness is discovered, they are shut out from the confidences of those who would otherwise naturally turn to them, when they have anything of interest to communicate. " Don't tell Agnes, she would be sure to make such a fuss," or " For goodness' sake, don't mention it to Edward, or we'll never hear the end of it," are little injunctions that frequently form the peroration of some interesting story, confided to one whose discretion has been tried and not found wanting. How eloquent they are of the small domestic tyrannies jiractiscd by Agnes aiul Edward in their respective households. T i • > 'I • 'I^^H s I '.''in- f • n -I ! 88 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE We cannot all achieve greatness of a kind that will bring us fame and honour, but with a little patience and good-will, we can so live, that when the time comes for us to bid a last farewell to our life-companions here, none will sav in their hearts, " It is better so." Hi. >l ^^^^^es* B'*''. XXXVIII THE GREATEST NAMFS. The greatest names are %ose which wen have made for themselves. — H. S. Merriman. n\\ ■ ! I ! \i [HE conquest of the world is not reserved alone for those who sit in high places, enjoying a heritage of power or great renown, bequeathed to them by illustrious ancestors. It is open to every individual who is willing and able to give the best that is in hirn to the service of humanity. There are endless avenues leading to the same glorious pinnacle of fame and honour. The scholar, the soldier, the statesman, the poet, the inventor, the scientist, the explorer, the orator, the philanthropist, the artist, the priest, the physician, each in his own time and way by " endless toil and endeavour," makes the long and diflScult ascent that leads to rest and glorious reward. According to the measure of his earnestness, fidelity, perseverance and unselfishness of purpose, is his progress upwards. Every word and act bom of pride, or vain self-seeking is a false step that causes him to slide back from the height already attained, and while he painfully recommences his journey, those who faithfully resisted the same tempta- tions are steadily rising far above him. We are too fond of calling by the name of genius the collective force of qualities which would not be denied ii . li ' { hi fa 11- Mm li't w^ i il 1 i '- ife 1 .^ L 11 90 IX THE PATHS OF PEACE to any of us were we only willing to cultivate them by constant and patient effort. Absolute sincerity and singleness of purpose, a conscientious and thorough performance of the tasks assigned to us, the concentra- tion of attention and energy on one worthy object, a wholesome contempt of trivial and temporary successes, or cheap applause, of small rivalries and jealousies, of criticism or censure from unimportant sources — these are not characteristics peculiar to genius alone — they are the fruit of honesty, fidelity, moral courage and the sense of personal dignity whicli is enjoined by the famous motto of the true aristdcrat: NohlcHtie oblige. In the ranks of our owi^ sex we find a bright array of names which shine with no borrowed lustre, but only with the radiance of a justly acquired renown. The fame of the brilliant Sappho survives even the fruit of her wonderful pen, of which only a few frag ments remain to establish her claims to literary celebrity. Cornelia, after the Virgin Mary, stands as the highest type of motherhood, and will so stand till the end of time ; Joan of Arc emerged from the humblest obscurity to save her country; Florence Nightingale had never a thought of fame before the Crimean war; the depths of her wotranly compassion were stirred on reading of the terrible sufferings of the British soldiers. '\ girding on the invisible armour of a wonderfu^ -rag^j strength and sweetness, she went nobl_\ to the rescue of her wounded countrymen, with results the world still stands amazed to see ! Grace Darling found a mission of heroic usefulness in the isolation of a lighthouse. Frances Willard began her career as a school-mistress. How many of us are more favourably conditioned than any of these for gi-eat achievement ! "VVe fail to emulate their efforts, not because we cannot, but because we will not do as much as they have done. AVe do not choose to be as brave, THE GKKATErfT NAMKS 91 as patient, as self-denying, as high-minded as they. Our hearts are set on smaller things, and we shrink from encountering ol)stacles of serious dimensions. It is easier and pleasanter to turn back and drift along with the crowd. But there are times when we cannot but pause and ask ourselves, with heart-searching scrutiny that hum- bles us to the dust : "What kind of a name am I making for myself ?" ^ ; I 'a :l ^^^^^ i< ; w Wl XXXIX THE ENJOYMENT OF VIRTUE. TJie entire object of true education is to make people not do the right things, but enjoy the right things. — Kuskin. , O do what is right, unless a proper motive inspires the action, is after all no such difficult nor intrin- sically creditable achievement. Any intelligent person having a certain force of will may acquire the habit of conforming to certain standards of conduct, or may occasionally do violence to his or her natural incli- nations with a view of earning public applause, or furthering some other selfish and private ends. Others may, '"'om a blind sense of duty, follow, "like dumb, driven cattle," where they are led, never asking them- selves why such and such actions are right and others wrong, assuming that their teachers and leaders must know, and rather stupidly accepting as inevitable the most distasteful conditions imposed on them as essential to a right life. Others again, moved only by a craven fear of punishment, the " whip to keep the coward to his track," are easily reduced to the kind of moral subjection which removes even the temptation to inde- pendent thought or action. There is, of course, no real merit either in a conventional conformity to accepted standards for selfish reasons, nor in the sheep- like submission which precludes an intelligent appre- ciation of the logical necessity of right living, nor in the base subservience founded on an abject fear of THE ENIOYMENT OF VIRTUE 93 future suffering. Xo man can appreciably grow in virtue until he has arrived at the point of view whicli reveals to him the ultimate desirability of virtuous action, for its own sake, wdthout regard to prospective rewards or punishments. Many persons, aiming at moral perfection (while ignoring its true nature), experience a certain gratifica- tion, not to say self-glorification, from the conscious- ness of having achieved a victory over the flesh in an endeavour to obey a higher impulse. But, in fact, the struggle that has taken place over a comparatively trifling matter, is but a humiliating indication of the distance yet to be traversed before the soul can attain the heights of spiritual perfection. The philosopher often reaches this altitude before the saint — so-called — the former being in reality, more entitletl to the appel- lation. For the philosopher, indeed, temptations of the ordinary kind at least, soon cease to exist. He is not compelled to wage a pitched battle with the powers of darkness every time he becomes aware that his senses and his soul are at variance. He brings a calm and judicial spirit to the consideration of the case. If ho chooses the wiser part, he does not become unduly elated over what, after all, was merely the prudent exercise of his reason ; nor would he dare to exagger- ate the importance of such a choice by ascribing it to a direct manifestation of divine participation in human affairs. When he errs, he does it consciously, accept- ing the blame and the risks, with a full knowledge of his fault and its probable consequences. If repent- ance comes later, it is not of the ignoble kind which shields itself behind the plea of the weakness of the fiesh and the violence of temptation. It is a frank "onfession of wrong-doing, an honest regret that sense prevailed over reason, a serious determination to avoid a similar pitfall in the future. i ll : I i 1 1 i H, I ifl 'i 1 94 ii- "1 IN TIIK PATHS OF I'KACK Education can do this much for us all. A great deal of what IS called religious instruction is either utterl- wasted or has a pernicious effect on immature minds. Instead of developing noble qualities, it encourages the growth of selfishness, cowardice and superstition. The niind must first be opened before salutary and fruitful Ideas can be mstilled into it. Learning moral law by rote and practi.^ing it as a matter of habit or discipline will never save a single human soul. We must first learn to grasp its meaning, to comprehend its beauty, and then we shall need no spur to urge us to do our duty, because we shall have found our keenest enjoy- ment m the pursuit of the loftiest ideals. As the distinguished writoi- and thinker above quoted (and now, alas ! no more), has wisely said, this is the entire object of true education. He or she must be accounted a false teacher who works Avith anv other end m view. a.-f ' ^.5^^^ l<* XL THE GREAT AND THE SMALL. /J. ^"^^j ^'*^ ^"^^^ surprises of existence seems to be that of discovering in the power of doing a difficult thing well, a developed grace for doing lesser thinqs ^'^^''' -Annie Fields. JN Objection not infrequently raised against the higher education of women is that in the majority of cases, it is likely to unfit them lor the ordinary domestic duties which are imposed on tnem by marriage. At first sight the objection would seem to be well lounded. It is, of course, vastly more important that the prospective ^vife and mother should possess a prac- tical knowledge of cookery, be proficient with her needle, and understand the care of children, than that she should become a brilliant mathematician or an accomplished linguist. But on the other hand, it has ben abundantly proven, in many well-kno%vn instances that the women who make the most perfect house- keepers are those who are most diligent and successful in following what are commonly called the higher pursuits of art, literature, or science. The domestic experiences of George Eliot, Miss Martineau, Harriet lieecher Stowe, Mrs. Oliphant, and many other women no less distmguished on the intellectual side, may be cited as affording satisfactory evidence in favour of the presumption that a woman's head, no less, if not more I 11, 06 IN THE I'ATHS OK I'KACK III it ' R^i: than hor heart, is a factor to be reckoned with determining the limit of her lioi:sewifely cajuicity. It is true that the Mrs. Jelljbys of real life are by no means an extinct species, but the degree of inca- pacity which assigns any woman to this category is more often inherent, than the result of injudicious training. There will always be some hopelessly incompetent housekeepers among both the educated and ignorant classes. But given two women of equal intelligence and general aptitude, the one whose mind has been devel- oped and trained by study or wide reading, almost invariably administers her housohold affairs with greater success than the other whose experience is limited to purely domestic matters. The reason of the educated woman's supremacy is plain. To the trained intelligence, all, even the com- monest tasks of life, come within the domain of art or science. They present desired opportunities for testing the practical value of favourite theories, for the appli- cation of great principles, and the observation of immutable laws. Viewed in this light, the ordinary household duties which an uneducated woman performs mechanically and with a dreary sense of the endless drudgery they entail, become in the eyes of her think- ing sister so many interesting experiments through which the theoretic knowledge gained from books or in the lecture hall is supplemented by the more valu- able experience of actual practice. The enlightened woman looks at her life as a whole, and plans its arrangement and government in conform- ity with a certain ideal which, as a result of her superior mental training is naturally a high one. Having ascer- tained her true place in the world, and the precise nature of the responsibilities which rest upon her, and her alone, she proceeds to map out her future course THE GREAT AND THE SMALL 97 with intclligenco and foresight. Ohstaolos she sees i„ plenty, but she regard, them as mere temporary, though often vexatious oKstnu-tions, which must finally yield before her invincible detennination to .succeed. U all know how easy„rt becomes when inspired by an eager <lesire t(» attain a particular object. No amount of discomfort or inconveni.nco deters us from toliowing a favourite pursuit, though we grumble nnceasingly at the far easier conditions impost on m by obligations not of our own seeking. Have vou ever watched an amateur photographer at work and noticed how she washes l^er negatives and prints over and oyer again to secur the desired degree of perfect cleanhness She is so i .ent on producing a good result that she esteems the i .ost laborious process leadin- n to It a mere detail. In the joy of succeeding, 3 scarcely perceives that her fingers are stained tdu y brown ; she forgets the cost of plates and solutions, and has no regrets for the time spent on preliminarv experiments Having produced a good picture, hev joy is complete. ' The woman of education follows the same plan in the direction of her household aflFairs. In her mind's eye there is always that perfect picture of the ideal home which she is earnestly striving to produce. She knows that time and patience and money must be expended before her experiments can ripen into success- ful achievement. In the dark room of doubt and perplexity she must often sit alone developing by a single red ray of love the sensitive negatives that require such delicate manipulation. She is never dis- heartened by small failures nor satisfied with small siiccesses. There may seem to be overmuch washing of dishes or dirty little faces to do ; it may not always be_ clear to her tired brain how the scheme of the Timverse is being helped out by her diligence in darn- ' i' . '^>f; 98 IN TIIK I'ATHS OF PK.VCE ing socks and making jam. But the conviction that through those small things she will yet reach the goal she is striving for infallibly sustainss her. She moves steadily forward, with ever increasing ease and rapidity, and evt-ry step gained is its own reward. She experiences a subtle of pleasure in the knowledge that uj)on the successful discharge of her particular duties hinge far-reachin; consequences of tremendous iniportanc(! to future gene tions. For her, " Joy's soul lies in the doing," and when the time comes at last to lay do\vn her tasks, she does it not gUidly but regretfully, as we close a book whose pages we have perusec^ with pleasure. This is the, secret of the highest human happiness, of true union with God. It is to realize the divine out- look which embraces all time and space. In such a mighty sweep of vision all things pfreat and small assume their true proportions, and there is no longer any danger of mistaking the trivial and transient for the sublime and eternal. I* -^^J^^ex' C > ) XLI IF WE HAD BUT A DAY. We should fill the hours with the sweetest things, If we had but a day ; We should drink alone at the purest springs In our u^j. d vay ; We should love with ^ lifetime's love in an hour, If the hours were few ; We should rest, not for dreams, hut for fresher power To be and to do. ^ — Mary Lowe Dickinson. Ji,F we had but a day ! Standing on the very threshold :, of Eternity, with what piercing insight we should see through the shams and delusions which sur- round us in ordinary life, and of which, in the expecta- tion of a long term of existence we are only too willing to become the dupes. With what unerring instinct we would range ourselves on the side of duty, of love, of justice, of useful toil and honourable achievement! Who could tempt us during the few precious hours remaining to us to stray into the primrose paths of dalliance, to occupy our minds with petty thoughts of personal gain, to grovel in envy or jealousy, or to breathe a blighting word of slander concerning a fellow-creature. AVith ears alert for the fast approach ing summons, how eagerly we would seek to fill our last moments on earth with deeds of mercv! How tenderly we would look upon those near and dear to us, * ■ r '1L. 'U 100 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE •• if* '! H ■■ \ \:\l liow gently we would speak to them, gladly overlooking such slight offences as tliey might have committed against us, in our vehement desire to be at peace with them, to bu remembered by them with love, and to be spoken of by them praisefully when we should no longer be in their midst. It would not be difficult at ^11. Nay, we si ould marvel at ourselves that we ever spoke or acted otherwise, and we would think in our hearts : " Could I but live this life over again, it would be oh ! so different!" Yet consider. There is no day that, but for the providence of God would not be the last for each one of us. We walk perilously near the edge of the precipice that divides us from the unseen world. The instruments of Death are many, and they take un- dreamed-of shapes. They threaten us continually. It is a miracle that we are saved. Others fall to right and left of us, smitten by sickness or sorrow, by lightning, sword, or plague, by whirlwind, accident or a treacher- ous hand. Our turn will come — when? "We cannot say, we only know for a certainty that it must come. To-morrow! Why not? The thought is not, or should not be one to terrify or sadden us. It need not shut out the sunshine from our hearts. Eather should it urge us to diffuse what light and warmth is in us, while we may, to " fill our hours with the sweetest things," and to " love with a lifetime's love in an hour," thus making every passing moment yield us a full harvest of lasting happiness. We are so constituted, however, that the majority of us would prove unequal to the strain involved by constant fidelity to such a high ideal. It is a humiliat- ing confession this, of the average human being, that IF WE HAD BUT A DAY 101 he cannot maintain the maximum of virtuous living for any considerable period of time. The occasional apses mto selfishness, indolence, materialism, appear to be mevitable. Well, even supposing this to be so, It u-ould still be a profitable exercise, and one which would immensely increaBe the sum of human happiness It only from time to time we could awake from the spiritual apathy which seems to be largely our normal condition, and realizing the unceasing imminence of hat last dread call, exeit ourselves to live the hours between one sunrise and sunset as if, indeed, it was the only day remaining to us on earth. ! * -^>^^S:x' 'f it,. •Ml #1 1 i 1 I 'i XLII m\ ^ SOLITUDE. Every life should havp i background of solitude. — Selected. ^T is not good for either man or woman to be con- stantly alone, but occasional opportunities for solitude are precious privileges which too often are misused or entirely thrown away. The social instinct is so strongly developed in some natures that to be deprived of human company for a single day, or even a few hours, appears to them an affliction hardly to be endured. This would indicate a poverty of individual resources by no means flattering to the mental calibre of a person so affected. There is something abject and pitiful in the habitual dependence on others for ideas of entertainment. Surely, we should all carry within us a sufficient store of memories, experiences, and predilec- tions, to supply us in hours of leisure with material for thought or motives for action. The old saw runs : " Tell me who your company is and I'll tell you who you are." "With equal point one might say, " Tell me what you do mth your solitude and I'll tell you what you are." Our real nature asserts itself much more strongly when we are alone, than when we are on our guard in the presence of others. If solitude induces in one a sudden relaxation of the physical and moral fibres, a tr^'r--^- i^:^i t'^.. ^■^! "^ .'2' Ml r f • I. , ■ ' i ' i' Si;-;' i vuot ' i. m ;.;:; l. |! ! If v:< I SOLITUDE. : I f 1 , i ' it. ' ^ SOLlTLItK 103 sense of liberation from the irksome necessity of keep- ing lip appearance., and a tendency to indulge in selfiX gravelling, or otherwise unworthy thoughts or actions one IS thereby convicted of a weak and shallow or even VICIOUS nature, and all one's .eeming virtues become so many hypocnsies which have only this merit, that thev make one endural;le to those who would shrink from contact with one's real self. A truly noble individuality, on the contrary, appears at Its best m solitude. This is its time for reflection for retrospection, for that calm scrutiny and impartial judgmeiit of self which is essential to the right develop- ment of character. Or, it isthe time for communing with nature, who reveals her secrets only to those who approach her as they would approach a shrine, in silence and reverence ; or, it may be, the hour of solitude is •esen-ed for that sweet and satisfying intimacv with the greatest minds which is accessible to us all throu-h the medium of books. The richer one's nature, the more numerous and pleasant the by-ways which invite one to stray from the dusty road of routine in the golden hours of solitude. A brush and box of colours for one, a needle and bit of embroidery for another, a horse or a wheel for the more active and exuberant, supply the desired occupa- tion for solitary moments. Each in it^ way, becomes to Its vota^, a source of serene and abiding happiness, imdisturbed by those doubts and misgivings that often wTtherT ^^'^''*^^ ^^^ memories of pleasures shared « o^loT-^ ^^ S'^'T f.^^'* ^' ^^ ^^^^"^ that, without a background of solitude " in one's life to encourage reflection, one never can penetrate below the surface of things. The deeps of experience, the highest aspira- Uons, the sweetest raptures, the sacredness of sorrow, the sublimity of the imiverse, will forever be to one as ff ill ■ Ml U'i: •■; A' L 'i 104 IN THE PATHS OF PKACE •vl so many scaled volumos. On the other hand, every hour of solitude well spent, is a distinct step forward in tho direction of intellectual and spiritual progress. Not only does it deepen the character and strengthen the heart, hut it eunohlos the countenance to a degree that is obvious to all. It lends a light to the forehead and eyes, and a beauty to the curves of the lips, that you may look for in vain among the frivolous and shallow-minded, who are incapable of reflection. There is every reason, therefore, for cultivating the precious opportunities for solitude that occur in daily life. ;Make provision for them beforehand, if you ^\•ould not, when they come, be found aimlessly asking, " AVhat shall I do with myself?" and manifesting an undignified readiness to fall in witli any proposal, how- ever foolish, for killing time. Walk, sew, read poetry, look at pictures, copy a beautiful passage from a favourite author, or learn it by heart, make an imaginary journey ^vith the help of a map to some place of interest, put yourself through an examination in contemporary history or literature, and note your deficiencies. These are but a few of the countless interesting occupations that may beguile a solitary hour and leave you the better for it. You may discover many more, by giving a little thought to the subject, and thus learn to put a value upon your hours of solitude far above that of the time spent in the society of ordinary men and women among whom your lot happens to be cast. ^^^^^ XLIII THE SECRET OF HOLINESS. hJ!l '1"^' f ^;^ «*^'^ ^/'« did less than other people, hut who d,d what they had to do a thousand times betir. ^^^ — F. W. Faber. ,NE is constantly surprised, in reading tlie lives oi the saints, to discover how many trifles, so to _ speak, went to compose the saintlincss that left Its impress on an entire world. We are apt to imagine that m order to become a saint a certain background and conditions favourable to such an intention are essential conditions to success. A good many of us have a secret conviction that it would not be at all difficult to live a samtly life provided we might choose the desired setting and opportunities. This is of course, an entirely erroneous impression. Holiness' is a positive attribute that exists independently of chances or changes, and that asserts itself unconsciously and inevitably m the most unlooked-for ways, times and places. It has its seat in the heart alone, not in the habit one assumes, nor the house that shelters one. ihe substitution of broadcloth for tweed, of a veil for a bonnet, of a cell for an ordinary sleeping room, though of apparently great significance in the eyes of the world,, IS of surprisingly small account in the spiritual balance sheet. Human nature has an inveterate habit of cropping out from beneath the most effective disguises. An 1 - Ul 106 IN THE PATllS OF PEACE {-, inclination to nin away from all the irksome and dis- agreeable conditions of one state in life, with a view of arriving at perfection in another, is an extremely doubtful indication of sincerity. The girl who has failed to exercise any influence for good in her own home imagines that if she could go to China as a mis- sionary she would be on the high road to perfection and canonization. In her complete lack of experience, she is unable to realize that she will encounter the same stumbling-blocks in an Eastern mission as beset her feet in her native village or under her father's roof. There will be the same little disappointments, discomforts, trials of temper, rivalries, temptations and humiliations. Wherever grown men and women are forced to live together and come in daily contact with one another, a certain amount of unpleasant friction is inevitable. The exception is when they are actuated by the spirit of Christian charity ; when they have attained that nobility of character which is proof against all petty temptations and weaknesses of the flesh. To reach such a high level, it is not necessary to cut adrift from one's ordinary surroundings. The patient practice of the common virtues of modesty, charity, loving-kind- ness and fidelity in all things great and small leads more surely and directly to the heights of spiritual life than a violent sundering of old ties and uprooting of con- firmed habits. One who earnestly desires to lead a holy life has no excuse for putting off the first step. The place is Here, the time is Now. However light or trivial, however onerous or distasteful the tasks of to-day, assume them with the resolution of performing them as a Saint Teresa or a Saint Frances would have done, without complaint, without complacency, working not for the applause of the world nor for private gain, but as a faithful servant of the Master who has called you to THE SECREr OK HOLINKSS 107 labour in His vineyard. Greater victories await you here than you would ever secure in distant places. Accept your allotted tasks not only with willingness, but with gratitude, as those which offer the best oppor- tunity for proving ycur devotion. In time the hardest A , ,"" ? ^.'"'''''"^ ^''*^' ^^^ "io«* distasteful sweet. And by that sign you will know that your growth in holiness is assured. ^^^^rv* M . M . I .\r,iv ■^ \ *■' THE CAPACITY FOR HAPPINESS. Thnr Is uolhing so great as to he capable of happi- vrss, to pluci,- it out of " each moment and whatever happens:' to find that one ean ride as gay and Itwupint on the angnj, menacing, tumuli anus waves of life as on those that glide and glitter under a dear s/cg ; that xt ts not defeat and wretchedness which come out of the storms of adrersity, hut strength and calmness. ^ — Anne Gilchrist. f, KNOW wonion who, with nil their material wanta , s;iti<^fic'(l, enjoyiiu;: perfect health, and Hurr.Minded h.v kind friends an.l relatives, are in a iiionic state of discontent and ill-hunionr. They are unhappy, not because of any hard conditions or unfavourable circumstances governing' their lives, but simply because they are incapable of feel i no; happy. Their hearts are obstinately clo.-=ed against all the most beautiful, joyous and gracious influences surrounding thorn, while their eyes arc ever perversely seeking out the most disagree- able and unsatisfactory asj)ects of things. Other wo"nien I know, who have been forced to endure every kind and degree of sorrow, pain, privation, disappointment. But an inherent nobility of character, an intelligent apprehension of the real value of a hard experience, an indomitable courage, a rare sweetness of disposition, combine to counteract in them the effects of the severest trials of love, faith or patience. Jll TIIK <AI'Ar|TV i n|t Iic.i 11.0 cnpnrify f.,r Im- pi,„.s., which Is insoparnhlo fnm. th.. n,|f,vat,.,l n.i>..| aii.l -...mtoih lu,,rt, ...av 1... tnMpuranlv ucakrno.l by the l.h.svs of adversity; !>..< ■ f M not ,,y,.,l. Lnh.,,), i,. ^ .ni,..! ri^^htlv .on.ti- tuto.l, pam ha.s tho cinrt „f sharppni,,^. th,- in'n-.utluu. and o.nphasizin^r tho pm-iou-sn.-s of all that plras... <-'.'n.f..rls nr .ustaluH th<. h.uI. Tho.o who hav HNircn..! «'.ost.h..pyhuv.. (!,.■ k...,...M.,,.,..v,.iatio,. ul tn,. In,.,,, ness III whali'viT form it prcsiil- it.-df. A fatal ohstad.. to the happiness of h'linian Iumiu-s i,, perhaps tho majority of ,,,m.s, is tho fooli.j, and fa!.,, oonviction that it cannot vxUt in.l.p, n.hntlv of certain precoiuTivi.l conditions and coveted possessions Tho man or woman who starts out in pm-snit of happines^ iu-hufr on such helief, is fore(h.ome<l to irrievons disi,,- p...ntment._ D.-.-anse you are presently wei^d.ed down with financial cares, or are physically overtaxed, or dis- eournffod by protracted iilne.s, you are apt to imagine that ho removal of any of these irksr.ine co„<|itions would spell TFappiness in I.ij^ letters. This is a delusion lis you may easily prove l>v (|nestio.r:;'; any numbor'of persona who actually enjoy complete imn.unitv from the woes that oppress you. Those only are happy who want to be ho, who apply themselves to tho art of 'learn- inp: how to be so, an<l who discover in the process, that tho sources of true happiness, are not without, but witliin us. A sweet reasonableness is the first essential mpurement of a contented min<l. A dignified attitude in the face of contradiction, loss, or disappointment, helps powerfully to pn>serve the seronitv of one's dis- Tfr7- ^? ^'''*' ^""'^ ^"'""^' '^"•^ •''"'^"i^ ^^^l>Je ami cliildisli. The grain of common sense which informs us that it is useless to cry over spilt milk should also check many a fit of ill-t(miper or disappointment . ,.^* ? ^'"* ^^^^ "P '^"i* ""nds that our chief business m life IS to be happy, and it will soon become a matter ■ 'if J1.i i ■ -' , - ' ^ 110 IN TlIK I'ATHS OF I'EACK of pride to sec with what scanty materials we can .'iuccessfully reach that result. It is far from a selfish ami, because the happy person alone knows how to <iitfuse happmess, while the melancholy or discontented one casts a gloomy shadow over many other lives besides his or her o^vn. It is, therefore, distinctly wrong and unfair to yield to the depression of spirits that is brought on by some unexpected or unavoidable stroke of adversity, and we should bo as much ashamed of pivmg way to that tem})tation as to any other that incites to wrong-doing. To admit one's unhappiness is tantamount to a confession that one has neither Faith, Hope, nor Love, that— in short— one is not a Christian. 'fi^' tr'^ff-' XLV LOOKING UPWARD. ^ vniy unen our lliouo/ifs no ni) that n,ir i;fo i erect .■'. ' "'" '"^^ ''/^ becomes —Alexander McKenzie, D.I). f ElIE most perfcctlv f„n„,,I body ,uav Imvo it. %, ,y„„„o,r,v de.,ero,v,,I .ad >„«v lf„ So d ,4v stoop. The cLst con ral' f "/"^^;'*"='^ ^^"'^^"^y to n„t ;f ,11 ' "'^''' "■■ "'<' next- """*' «l.<-n,Mvos onlv wi, „„„„„ ,„„»;,;„, ™ i „ ■ii 'is I 112 IN TUK PATHS OF I'KACK l! :(!ti fci M ! . If* ! % I st'ltish interests and cares ; seeing in life only an oppor- tunity for personal indulgence or advancement ; recog- nizing as good only those attainments or possessions that havo^ a commercial value ; ready at all times to barter the intellectual or the spiritual for tlie material, the eternal for tlie temporal. When the thoughts ''go up" on the other hand, "our life becomes erect." AV'^e need no other stay nor brace than this to counteract the fatal tendency to 3toop. The study of what is intrinsically high, noble and beautiful, lifts us effeetually out of*^the commonplace, the mean and sordid ruts of life. "We no longer grovel, we soar. The things that occupy vulgar minds are henceforth beneath our notice. From a narrow world of dull fact and prose we emerge into a boundless uni- verse made glorious with countless and sublime mani- festations of divine power. We feel ourselves related to all times, all persons, all places. The finite loses itself in the infinite. Oiu sense of proportion is read- justed. AVhat was once important in our eyes now stands revealed as utterly insignificant — unworthy of thought or effort. And what we formerly despised or neglected as unnecessary, superfluous, we now recog- nize and assiduously cultivate as the highest desiderata of our earthlv existence. This nuich cannot be acomplished for us by religion alone, in the ordinary sense attached to the word, that is, the purely devotional spirit. The real knowledge of God, which comes to us as well through a study of His works as of His word is the lever that lifts the soul to its true altitude, and keeps it erect. In the pursuit of every branch of science, art, or industry, this know- ledge may be, in part, acquired and made our own. As it grows, it changes for us the whole aspect of life. "We learn, by degrees, to refer everything to God, to ^l^m "^SSSSR?, L0OKIN(; UPWAIU) 113 prertaZ „f"°™ "' ""'"' '"" '"™'«<1 ^"'h "><> divine Thm V. r„ r"'" "'r'"'""'y ''^"■- '"■, affair,, good watchword for the faint-heirtod M „ 1 ? ," for^those who .h„ffle and sloVrSu^^ ;S^'^"'^;1; -^>5^^^ ii ' '-'* i 't !.; It ' tj fl XLVI THE FORMATION OF CHARACTER. You cannot dream yourself into a character ; you must hammer and forge yourself one. — Froude. ,HE habit of dreaming — ^witli the eyes open — is one to which most young girls and even women, incline both by nature, and as a result of the secluded and sedentary lives which the majority of tliem lead. There is virtue in beautiful dreams, when they are kept within proper bounds and not allowed to usurp the mind to the exclusion of the more serious aifairs of life. They serve to foster our ideals, and to keep idle, frivolous, or other unworthy thoughts, at bay. They are also a sweeo panacea against pain, disappoint- ment, and other troubles that may thicken around our path. Many a dull and sordid life is gilded for patient, struggling souls, by dreams of what might be, under less adverse conditions. These are some of the legi- timate uses of dreams. But it is against the abuse of the lovely and beguiling thoughts and visions that haunt the mind persistently in hours of solitude, that I would warn the growing girl or the young wife and mother. Even when day-dreams are not positively harmful, they are at best barren of good results to ourselves or others, and thus the time given to them is diverted from some more useful purpose. ^jEII^»3S^ THE FORMATION OF CHARACTER llo of what you would likp tl kI j ""inkmg constantjy you arc." If co„^iot%t %"r":Zl"''''^' J^""' character, rouse yourself ,J Ijrfrom an id™ and "hammer an~ ^US " a „f O^^^^""'-' When the ronn.1 r.-e ~j .f""f ^it a new one. pens, includes rn/whz'hL?r"^' ^^ '^^^^^^^ ^«P- I can think of no belter 1 J , ''^^*"^" «°^ «il^"-^> than the habit of efrn^^^^^^^^^^^^^ «g-"«t idle dream.^ passages from the worb ^f i"f .*^ ^^"^^^^ favourite exercise which conTribnte, ^^^^Poets. This is an other to the adoZent of I ™''' f ^^«*"^"y ^han anv of a sound liter^Haste '"'"^' '"^ *^^ «^^^*^^«tion t- ^^T^t^SpSt:^: r ^^ ^"^^^^^ ^^^- educated men and Tomen T.v IT T'"^^* *^« ^est is easil,. acquired! Td hat T ^ f f^^'t^' " ^"^ *'^* possessor with a PAv^+ai.i i ^"^ *^ invest the be compa^d ^.rr" ,?r """^/i^'"""™. not to V ordinary profici" ^^f .f '"'-« i-pired but one-half of the timf „ .j 1 ' f"^ or science. If ao piano, the tndr„?.t'' ^ 1^' «'"■' "^ '"-J^? "n devoted to the sS „f ^^ '*''*''» of novels, was >» a very'^noSbe'ttonVr™'"'''-" rtandard of taste and condtT "" •'"•'™'''''» of many. It ™ thereW „" ™1'"'*'=^' knowledge to become a tSe„T ofsrA '™" *" f°P°^ ^ oneself Wordsworth, Dante of f''''T' ^"'°"' ^rownina, ■"dtodevot^onesegl^Wvand" *'™""'' ™"'" self-appointed task ^ ^ '"'^ perseveringly to this A choice like this does no. exclude other write. iu. ''kl ■': H 1r Villi m < 1 1 j . if 41 i H''^' w ml htt^i: i. 116 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE from one's attention or affections, but merely implies a particular devotion to one whom it will be a matter of pride and honour to make one's very own. Young girls often write to me for advice on the subject of home study. To none can I make a more valuable suggestion than this : Eead and study the best authors. This is education in the highest sense of the word ; it costs little or nothing to acquire it, and your o\\Ti conscientious application is the only essential factor of success. All the professors and universities in the world cannot do as much for you. ^:^^^ XLVII THE WANT OF MOTIVE. ^nat makes life dreary is tke .ant of motive. VtX -r. — George Eliot. ■ 'tS^'t'i*.^-. ------- talk fo,. 1^7' ^tfr''™ T ""' "-"'^ " «"le 'ife, I am JraW is " ITM" "'" ™'"' »'■<' "hose one. There ie m.^^^ °- ?™ °™ '''"'^' " dreary similar ofrlmstaTeef Tt'*""' "'■'"'S "y ^^''<J'='-. ™ what eouragHnd sSn J'7 "" "™SgHi.g on, with their ^^^ypi':izt^^::::t7i::z ^'' theirVrronS'at^ h!' '°'"?''T' "'" °' *""''■> ^i* I fear al™™ Tn??'* the people they meet, dreaming, wbieh\hiXit fthe'rn,rfi'n?i;?r'-=°""\ now seems ever to elude thTm tW-e^ that self rs'rc'tett' -7 you^« girl who finds her- towards them alCTf -^ J ^ ?"!;''' '=" ''' ^J ^"ty fr„„ ..„■",""' as a fr'end and adviser, if X refnii,.:? M .} \-m 118 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE II i S! tions which thej are apt to regard as the determining forces of their lives. First of all, they must cease thinking of themselves. A young girl is too apt to look at life from a purely perso >dl point of view. She craves love, sympathy, appreciation. In her estimate of human beings, no one counts who does not, in some way, exercise a direct and agreeable influence- over her own life. '' What good is that to mef is the test she applies to any beautiful or good thing, or interesting fact brought before her notice. Surely this is an extremely narrow and ungenerous attitude to assume towards the world she lives in, witli its teeming interests, its inexhaustible resources ; or towards her fellow-creatures, each of whom has the same feelings, longings, hopes and need of sympathy as she. Another fault of youth is its impatience. Before she is well out of her teens, a girl expects to have reached the great turning-point in her life which is to give definite aim and shape to her future. Such a feeling of unrest is fatal to serious effort, or concentra- tion of purpose in any direction. I should like every girl to repeat often to herself the line above quoted : " "What makes life dreary is the want of motive." Have you a motive in life? or are you just drifting along this way or that, as every breeze and current may drive or lead you? Is your motive a good one, worthy, unselfish, stimulating? If not, make haste to provide yourself with one which wall furnish you with a constant incentive to improve yourself and do good to others. Let us suppose you live among dull, unresponsive, wholly uncongenial people. You feel that your superior talent or education, your fine feelings and THK WANT 01- MOTIVE ^ j ,, your sleepy Lulo tuwnV Vo^.Uof ' '"T ^J-'^^^^ ^" ^lup with one whose everT word ^ '\^ ^'^'"P-'i-" and inspiring ; ^-Jio innLZ ^ "^"^^ '''''' 8''»^'ious .satisfied your deal ^f 1,^ ^ r'"'"' ^'"^^^ ^"^ ^'^^'n^^v, woman? a4 tl j/otr^'r' ^"^"' ^'^ ^'^ I'-'^-t such an inflnen e ov t o " T" '""^ '° ^^'^^'^^ J"^^ meet every dav^T; H^f' ^^'.'"'"^ ^^ '^ .^our lot to it clccplv intere^^iini'^^B mirrd'^"' ^'^1^ '''' «"'' work, stndv, hnprove vo u elf f '"'"'"^ ^'"^^ '""^^ the smalle t detlilT of .t. , ''''''•>' ^^'-^^^ ^^-^'n t^ Above all, von 'ntt 1 ' '^''Tf '"'^ surrouiulings. thotie, not^nl :V tht ^ ;S:tn VlS'^^''^ r ^- above you, but to the hunZst of vn'' %'n *^'' ^"'^ tures as well. They are .1? J. f ' , "' ^^'^^^w-crea- '-1-bere is a divine spark if tfT '"'''''*' «"^ '^'^^^r- them. They haT TL 7 ""i ^'''^* ^"^ "^^'^^ ^"^ of :ou have to the sylX "^^' '' ^^"/^ ^^^^P^^^-' -^ i- full of hope and 41, ' ^'^ " ^'°"'''<= "•'»<■!■ of your strons: vouno- Kfp .,, X' .\^ ^"^^^ o^ two- <i T " J"-"'")^ Jiic to the service of r»fli«v. o I am younff. T n^-n oflF...^ x. _. • i °^ ^*"^''^- Say. tunity." Indulg, •onn^, T can afford to wait for e m no not more mav clav-d my own oppor- rfaTn=, trouble yo at^all about wl,at „a, befalGou.' Dol:;^; ur- ine 120 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE sinijjly to enrich by your help and sympathy, the lives of ^oiiio more wretched than yourself. If you carry out these suggestions as I should wish you to do, you will soo:: find that you have no time to bo lonely or sad. What right have you to be mooning when there is one who needs your cheerful company ; wiien you can be storing your mind with beautifid, helpful thoua'lits ; when your fingers might be fashioning some simple garments for the poor, when a bright sky invites you to an invigorating walk? rorno, you are not the sort of girl who is going to mope or shed idle tears when things go wrong. You are going to brace up and make tlicm go right again, or if that is hopeless, you will i)ut them out of your tliought^ altogether, and address your- self to some more promising tasks. There is too much work waitiro" to be done to permit of useless grieving over failure- "!• disappointuuMiIs. 'My promised Here it i.s. You will find in working thus for otliers a secret of happiness which no one can ever wrest from yon again. Your nature will be so purified, strengthened, enriched, thnt love and appre- ciation will be poured out on you witliout the seeking, from the most unexpected sources. You will become a power in whatever sphere of life you may be called to occupy. Everybody will be glad tliat you have lived. In the exercise of this power you will find a sweetness which no words can describe. You will learn to regard yourself, not as the centre of a little universe in which you expect all rays from witliout to converge, but just as a humble instrument of the Omnipotent Father, in wliose hands tlio destinies of all are safe. You Avill realize the wickedness of doubt, dissatisfaction, and desiiair: the joy of faith, of hope, of charity. In short, you will l)p happy in a decree that has never yet been attained by any who build on the insecure foundation of exterior conditiot''? and circumstances. XLXlli THE TEST OF EDUCATION. successful manayvmtnl of a family. — JJurinip. HE family- i, tJ,o nation in epiton.e. Tl.o snecoss- lac oi in the strengtii, ^.rcatnes. and prosperity of tl e nation to which it boion^s. An u.^ncS faa.% IS a point of weakne.. in the social structure lable at any moment to crumble away and brined S ireZ^i rrt """'"'-r '''^'•^^'^^^' ^^ -''^ -^ ^ -f familv' '"'i^^^'""^^^" -' ^^^^'y than that of managing a It is a difficult and complicated business, the numer- ous ranufications of which can hardly be ^pprel ended doubt'itt"., " "' P"^^"^^ ''^^^^•^^■^^•« thereof Xo doubt t IS sheer ignorance of the extreme gravity of the task_ before them that enable, so many women t assume it with light hearts and without he smaHeS at empt at preparation. Surely no one could gT.^p 1 e r^ii iTnmo'T, '' 1'^'""' "^^ motherhood^^ aZZd" o" het L^r^^'^t^ ^ "' the responsibility ;^oss the fatefi^ 5?ubLn'5 ^^^^IT^:^ m^on'thr/'r' '"^ 1 ^-tified^anity or ^hatw ambition that looks not beyond tl dav of small nnmphs good only to excite the admiration :L^ •'x -.i-.e invulous and vain. ■■■■\"mi»fM'-n^ lL'2 I' IX Tin: PATHS OF 1'kacf; ^loic and more dear is it becoming every day tliat the rock on vhicli domestic liappiiiet*!* most fre<.iientl_y founders k that fatal lack of preparation for the werions duties of life tlial is the result of the wrong educational mefliod.s adopted in the bringing up of the modern girl. So firmly am 1 persuaded of this that I would almost he tempted to advocate the substitution of manual training in the useful arts in all the schools for the ordinary curriculum of "studies" that do no good to the students nor to any one else. Let a child be taught to read and write, "indeed, and t<. cast up figures, but instead of stufling the poor little brains ^yith (jueer facts and hard dates, with rules aiul excep- tions ,vhich to the infant mind must appear so utterly meaningless ; in>tead of making th" poor little arms ache with ''practicing" useless accomplishments, would it not be infinitely wiser, kinder and ultiimUely more beneficial to all concerned, to give the same time and attention to the training of the future head of a family in those arts wliieh make for comfort, peace and well-being in the home. Is it not in the highest degree inconsistent, not to Pay cruel, to set a growing gir! to accomplish certain tiresome and difTicnlt mental feats which are held up to lier, through the formative years of her life as the end and aim towards which she must bend all her energies, direct all her aspirations ; then wb.en the tasks are all accomplished, the medals won, the certificates duly framed and hung up on the wall, to place her at the head of a household and expect her, at the risk of being severely blamed, criticised and rendered generally miserable, to develop a suddcni genius for domesticity to exhibit a perfect familiarity with kitchen utensils' to bake, and boil, and brew like an expert, to direct inexperienced servants, to know the danger that lurks in a defective drain pipe or a dirty dish cloth ; to cope f»F-:-?f TIIK TKsr or EIH-(;atI(i.\ j.... of .r„o o,„K.a„-,„', i,: ,1 :; :; r;;:.;, '" 'f '■'■''^''1' li""cJ, when .h,. sl.onM f,,.! ^ "' "^ ^^"^ ^'"'l- i^ now co,„pI,.te]v fo...;;;',;'''' "^^'^"^^ ■'^^^'^ I^^-*^^ that anv souse i.rofif.,blo l-m ' ;.' ?'""" '^ ^^''" '^^' '» family (lepcn.l.. This aftor mII ; \. • "^ ''"' .;»« of t,,e ,i.„«,.„,.:',.t:- . "«•:;,;.":;; ™':"'r' tile nursery witl. Im.. ,mi < i '* ""* ••'»o ih still in she i„vc. bi ;; ' . ,:^': i !:, r k'^T f", '"' "'? '"^-^ show l„.r tl„. ,„.,.,„. "■ , '"'"■ ''"• "•'"•I'l" I" it^ lit. / ward I , ■ ■ 'i" "T '"' '■" " '«'I'J' " «"'! Z!:^^ .ni;o",;::;:. ;;^'„;",;;.;r •^-i'"' -^- "-''^ W ffradnal stem ll [ l" "* T"^"''"?? them. Thus, -t ore.., her ri^i^rdoln ' ^'"^"^"^^ '^"^ ''""'^^- commit faynnrit. n.LTe '- ''' P^"'''-^'' ""^ ^^ Of great men an //If '.'' ^"™^^^'.>'' to rea.l the lives fereat men, and to trace back to their humble be-in- ii !' 124 IN TlIK TATUS OF PEACE nings the inventions and enterprises that have most benefited the world. Teaeh her to observe and admire the handiwork of God, and encourage in her a whole- some curiosity regarding the wonders and beauties and secrets of nature. Let her take daily exercise and recreation in the open air, that she may be both healthy and happy. Teach her to be gentle, modest, truthful, kind. This is the sort of education that produces a woman fit for any calling or position in life, the capable, intelligent, sympathetic, sensible woman, who is faithful in small things and in great, whoso hands, heart and head have been equally cultivated. Educa- tors the world over are waking up to the truth at last, and in many directions systematic efforts arc being made to do away with various fads and follies sanc- tioned or encouraged by modern educational methods. It is not too much to hope that radical reforms will be carried out within the next few years. Common-sense is destined to triumph over foolish vanity. There is room for hope that the growing girl of to-day may be given a fair chance to perfect lierself in those arts and accomplishments that will render her indispensable to the happiness and comfort of her family, instead of being the expensive bunlen and ceaseless cause of anxiety she is in too many households as a result of present conditions. '*VkV^<* ^^^^M^ XLIX ENCOURAGEMENT. When we lake people mrrrbj as the,, are we make them worse; when we treat them as if they were what they shonld be, we improve them as far as they can be ""P"'''^- -Goetho. fllE defects or liniifations of those who live uikIit , ,. the same roof with us are apt to excite in us a _ cortflin iiDpatieiK e, which, if we yiei.i to it, must inevitably warp our ju.lcrment in all matters relating to them. Wo seldom stop to enquire to what extent we ourselves are responsil,l,> for those same defect^ We are oeoasionally hurprised to discover that they entirely escape the observation of stranirers, an(i that outsi.le the family oird,., tho one whom we have accus- tomed ourselves to regar.l as hopeles.sly stupid, awk- ward or "provokinn:" ^in any sense it" may please ua to attiich to that word), enjoys a certain degree of popu- larity and esteem. The tnie explanation of the surprising fact is so iinflattenng to our self-esteem that not every one of IIS IS willing to accept it with a good grace. It is simply that our pr(.sence has an irritating effect on others, bringing out the worst that is in them and suppressing the very qualities we blame them for not possessing (.racous and gentle attributes are the flowers of the ^'ou?, that bloom and diffuse their fragrance only in an : t ■1 tt 120 IN TlIK PATHS OF TKACK atmosplicre of H«rlit and warmth. It is impossihlo tc ?eo or know, at his or her best, a follow-crcaturc with whom one docs uot sympathise. "When we assume a censorious or fault-findinir attitude towards othcr«, we instantly raise barriers between them and ourselves, which make mutual aprcciatioii impossible. What is the secret of the happiness of lovers if it is not their fond,^ unshakable belief in one another's good and pleasing qualities, and their persistent and loyal refusal to believe ill of one another. Could we be eciually generous with our friends and relatives, the world would indeed be converted into a paradise for all. There is no more powerful stimulant to self-improve- ment than tlie knowledge that those who live with ns have formed high expectations in regard to us ; but the cotiviction that our best efforts Avill remain unap- preciated is a profound source of discouragement and a frequent Cf^nse of failure. - In many large families there is a regrettable tend- ency to poke fun at its individual members avIio make efforts at self-improvement. By mimicry, satirical com- ments, or openly nnkind allusions the aspirations of the growing girl or boy towards something better than the existing standard of manners and attainments in the home are often rudely checked, if not altogether cupprossed. In the former case, the foundation is laid for antag- onisms that must graduall.\ increase, and that will eventually undermine the affection that binds together even the most closely nnited families. In the latter case a spiritual murder is committed, for which an account must one day be rendered before the judgment seat. If tlic cliild who is sulky or nnruly at home is happy and Avell-liehaA-ed among strangers ; if the silent, reserved son or datighter is invnrinbly agreeable and '•'>•'" Hi; A(.;kmkNT ll>7 to dis,.over in thrw ^ "' , ''^ '''•^^""^' ''"ther the cause whicl prevc L T^'if '"^ surroundings from blossomint into S-^." "' -^ "'""'' ^'^^"^^^^'^^ the retarding S^^^^t^^^ '' '''''' '^^^ ^^^- oi^!;:i^^Z%^^ -" fi"^ the canker worn. ing at thc'^JooIf: S;'ctSr r"^.*->— ^ ^aw- forn.ation. Perhaps fi't ^'^ '' ^^ P^^^^^s of frank enon^^h to ow^'if iM " "'' ''"'"^''^ ^"'^"^li and blame for the state of iv ^r' ^'''"'^''^^^' ^^'^'^ ^''^^ ^^ anee Changel-^rL^r.^tl^^^^^^ spoech, slower to find fault swifelv '-' ^'^^' "^ courage, Ie«s J •, ^^^"^'^ to praise and en- ..m4<'t :S„ts voS7*^ "f '■^■^' "- ■ Miracles can oe wroiiffirfn ti ™ '" ""= "»ng- seem a ZTlTt, • T"^' ""<• "'»"Kh !' may I M ^^rtvi^" ■^ '•m;^^- 1 1 SYMPATHY IN JOY. Grief can take care of itself, hut to get the full value of joy you must have somebody to divide it with. — Mark Twain. [HE truest test of a generous nature is its capacity for sharing the joys of others. It requires little or no effort to sympathize by word or act with sad or suffering humanity: Even when the' heart is not deeply stirred, the lips are ready enough to utter con- ventional expressions of condolence. But it is quite otherwise when sympathy is claimed in the hour of success. Too often, then, the demon of envy and jealousy takes possession of the heart, making sincere participation in the happiness of others impossible. We have all experienced the chilling effect of a curt "Eeally," or "Oh, indeed!" following the announce- ment of some piece of good fortune that has come our way, and this even from old friends or near relatives to whom we naturally looked for the warmest sympathy. The ungenerous attitude which thus throws one back on one's self, forbidding the anticipated pleasant discus- sion of the various aspects of a joyful event, hurts far more cruelly than a manifestation of indifference in the hour of bereavement. In the latter case, a sensitive nature craves solitude, and scarcely misses the word or token of kindly sympathy withheld from any quarter. SYMPATHY IN JOY J29 nns'hS" ""^'^"'' "■"' '°'^' '«'« i'^ «'«tnes, when sorrow, ^fJu' ^ convinced that we pity the nation o?the M^^XTSow'^Atr '"^'^ "T^ ::trwt:trh^^^ let h Veier^Jh^ T ^"''" .'"™P''^? Dote -lightly, even con* ity°S°J ™ -'°' '""'f'-- which we fear mav rf„,„i'f ^^ " Prominence fullT must we admit th»t TlTr ! •^;- '^"'^ "■oR^ot- sirter, or even a^o,h„ """', '""""'^ ^"oid, » upon 'for ^:i:LX^:rz:^^^ ,'''"' f'. .0 complete one. happiness .n"Thrhr ^f' tc™:'':^ .'f^ . I I m C£%-.^ 130 IN THE PATHS OF I'KACB triumph. "Were all known, the history of many fami- lies would reveal sad stories of bright prospects marred and fond hopes blighted by just this defect of sympathy on the part of near and dear ones. The opportunity that to one, would have been the turning-point leading to love or distinction, was, by the selfishness of another, cruelly denied or appropriated to other uses. Such selfishness is indefensible. A proper sense of dignity and independence should preserve us from coveting pleasures and advantages which we have not personally earned or otherwise secured by our own unaided efforts. "We should be generous enough to let every one else be happy in his or her own way, and if we cannot actually hasten the process, at least we should scorn to take a shabby advantage of our propin- quity or kinship to frustrate the kind intentions of more liberal-minded persons. Let us then beware of a too complacent belief in the tenderness of our hearts until we have indisjiutably proven ourselves sincerely sympathetic towards our family and friends, not only in time of sickness and sorrow, but more particularly when success, fortune, or preferment has lifted them a degree or two above our own level. y^i/ ^*fc "■* LI HIDDEN BEAUTY. Things looked at mtienthi f^^ another, qenerall,, .J T 1 '"'''' ''"' *'^« «//"'• heantiful '^ '"^ *^' ^/^o»...^ a side that is Iv. L. Stevenson. ting themselves to definite^ extension 7 ''"^"^*- regarding matters coanin^. within H?.? ""P^"^^" od as peculiarly their owS. ^ 1 tetrreri^rT^'^ or circumstances are presented fnlV f ' ^'^^J^^tions must be carefullv wpEr V ^'" ^'''" ^-^amination, factor, concSnTan't ;el:r^^^^^ "^f""'' ^ ^^^^^'- mind, impatient oi Jnl '^^'''' \®^: ^"^ the untrained absurdly sX;;fil^^^"to';;J-;"^^ -P^^^^^'-' -^ value of indisputable JnT J '* ^-^ipressions the allv on theSnes orTl k"";^ Pronounces dictatori- ^'giiness, the worth or tl^' i""'"'' '^' ^^'^"^.^' °^ the or^erso^ahder.^ n ;£T.^^^^^^^^^ '\''''^T' ''^^ moments been lightV Wsed Sn J"" ^T ^'' ' ^^^" of course hav« focussed. feuch rash utterances fhe Zwt'of rivi^: Z«'"."'"' "™«"g P«»ns, b„ able iW^r/to he LrnT''"" .'° ,""'."' '"""-^ ™''»'<-"l- habit of ,1% I ^ °"' "■''"'> ""ev proMm] The "M of ..reful observation, the faculty for seriom •i fi 132 IN TlIK PATHS OF PEACE criticism, are of course, incompatible witli this grave defect of superficiality, to all who may be accused of which, the fountains of true knowledge must remain forever sealed. Perhaps nowhere is the truth of the lines quoted above more strikingly illustrated, as regards material objects, than in the studio. To the eye of an artist, beauty appears in a thousand shapes that elude the observation o an ordinary spectator. Forni and colour, light and shadow, arrangement and expression in their innumerable variations and gradations offer well-nigh inexhaustible sources of enjoyment to one who perceives their artistic value or possibilities. Such ])ower of per- ception may be inherent tp some, but it is susceptible of cultivation in all. A course of serious study at an art school wonderfully dcvclo))s in an apt pupil the faculty of recogiviziug beauty in the m'uht of tlio most connnon-place surroundings. It teaches him that whai at first sight appear to be uninteresting features are in reality so expressive of ])ower, pathos, or sweetness as to ji..<iify the most loving and painstaking reproduction on canvas. It reveals to him the worthlessness of much that was formerly admired, and inevitably establishes in his mind a sense of the infinite superiority of natural over artificial efl^ects. Soon he begins to manifest an impatience of superfluous detail, as for instance, in por- traiture, he rejects unnecessary draperies, and frivolous ornaments as being unworthy subjects for a noble art. The uninformed in nH will suspect him of lax morality, because in some ii;s unces he appears to carry this process of elimination beyond the bounds of modesty. But in reality he is more often urged by an innate love of beauty wliicli informs liim that the exquisite curves of a woman's arm and shoulders are incomparably more lovely than the meaningless puffs and furbelows of satin or eliiffon with which the dressmaker disguises them HIDDEN UKAUTV 133 into shapes that are often CTotesnuo ««.! Ioveli„c». of created th!"^ ««„■„,„..„„„ „i,h the The artistic temperament, more tljnn nn» „.i, before tt'^WJei": fl^ST'thMir^fT- ™V " arfiV it ic f sianation. To become a groat oxtraordina^v gifts h it to n " i "^ ?^^'''"^' ^^''^^' person is denied the !hH.. ""^''''-'H^ intelh>nt nsio-ht into ho .1 \^' *^ ""'J'"'^ ^ ^"ffi^-'*«"t entire^r t;r:^;^ir.^ ^^-^ - of purest pleasure. The first "LTn ! V^ T'"'"'. this most desirahle goal i. toTe^ .^e tll'.^ht'Tf 'Tj/ ing patiently at things from o\e side S \1ot "" until the beatity of them lies ro.vo.UA t^,..-. J .'^ alphabet of art and the rest follow: s in due order. ins is the i i M ■ A^yti^, ip LIl I i^iiK^i; i: !^l I TOLERATION. So many Gnds, sn many creeds, So many paths that n'ind and wind ; While just the ad of being kind Is what the sad world needs. < — Selected. ^^>1 ORE harm is done, perhaps, to the cause of a^L religion every day throughout the world by the attitude which profcosing CliristiLius assume towards those who differ from them in belief, than even by the callousness of tepid souls, or the hostil- ity of the avowed enemies of the Church. Indeed, it is more than probable that the Church would have no enemies at all if its sacred character were not so often used as a shield for the most deplorable human weak- nesses and passions. In our day, it is true, sectional strife is less violent and bitter than it used to be, and the methods once resorted to by religious bodies to secure conformity to their forms of belief, would not now, thank Heaven, be tolerated in any civilized community. But deep- rooted prejudices and a dormant hostility still linger in the breasts of many so-called Christians, inclining them to regard with siispicion and even positive hatred the followers of doctrines different from theirs. Worse still it is made a part of the religious (?) education of innocent little children, to plant the seeds and foster m TOLEKATION Vo oO the growth in tlieir voiinf^ hoarf., nf ih^ . • "epfon. of fulelltv ,„ an inherited ejeed ^ ^ "'"" tLe oh.Wren of such parent, „s tl.ese who forfo nil 1 -veet attract veness of childiiood l,y learn n-,^ der ' ".d m,n,.e ,„ p„|,li.. ,|,o ,„i„isl„s or ";, .iJrT f ehiirehes other than their o«ii Tl,„ '"'""<''*."' s..o':r.^t»i!;,;:L:,'-„';;'-^";„ 'And tliesp are Chri^Hnno?" ,*= *u i« forPP.1 t« ^„ V nrihtians? is the eonunontarv one 1^ lorccd to make on witnessinrr this freonentJv Ln..r^ ""f ^Poctaclo of religious, or father rS^ "rife Biit no mdeed, these are not Christians ; tty have no claim to the title of true followers of the lent^e ^ zarene who loved all sinners, Jew or Gentile wUh llnZV ''T *-^— to which treteaW effort of human love can but faintly approach The.e ^-.ind.^ed, narrow sectarians, who ehoo'e ?o plav the Phar see's part, have nothing in common w Y he 1 road chanty and cenerous zeal for sonl. thll r tmguishes the real disciples of the Master ^ ''''' '''- \ ast sums of money are expended yearly to snnnnrt fore,^ missions in distant countries,^ and it is to I eared that many contributors to this enorl^ous f„n^ ihZ %"'"'^^''T T'^ ""^ ^"*^ ^"*fi"ed which absolve; them from^^all further obligation to their neighbourl 136 IN THK PATHS OK I'BACE They tlLsdain to work in the missionary field at thoir own door. 1'liey profcst* to lovo tho heathen — who is at a safe distance, and doea not expect to bo invited to dinner — but thoy frankly hate, and avoid all contact with the non-conforniinji^ multitude at their doors. The Epiacopalian despises and ignores his Methodist neigh- bour ; tho Presbyterian harbours suspicion and dislike against the Koman Catholic element of the community; tlie Unitarian is shunned by all members of orthodox churches, and so on. Yet all are children of one Father, and the soul of one is not a whit more precious in His sight than the soul of another. Especially in small towns and country places are these lines of demarcation rigidly drawn, and held to be sufficient justification for many i grave lapse from charity, justice and trvth. In larger cities, circum- stances often conspire to bring together under one roof, or in daily business or social relations, men and women professing a variety of beliefs, and invariably the honesty of facts wins the day over inherited animosities, and a more liberal, tolerant spirit is bred iu those who had previously hated and distrusted one another. They gradually learn that it is " just the art of being kind " that " the sad world needs." Truly, there is no surer indication of real spiritual progress than daily practice of the religion of kindness. Its principles rest securely on the golden rule. Its followers do not ask of every new-comer " What belief do you profess?" before com- mitting themselves to a friendly attitude, but rather, '' In what way can I help you over the rough places of life, my brother?" And whether by speech or silence, by thoughtful action or the tactful "letting alone" which is a more powerful agent for good than many sus- pect, the generous heart is always ready to love and -assist any fellow-creature according to his needs. A large number of iiiv readers live in small nlaces. m^- TOLERATFON 137 where aortional differencos probably run h rr. £„ch "& rt ofT' '"^" •--^'- «' hand to cultfvate bevonHl ^'"^ ^'"^'. "^*""'^'"« ^«^ i^^d influence beyond the narrow precincts of her own particular fold "peitflr'it^Tr^n r'""^ *»'°^ wfthout it with Let rlf^^ ^ ""/u^ well-meaning members of any 7sl'r^T ""l V "'. ^"'^^ ^^«"«^'« °^ ««Jvation are •eii a Christian, nor presume to thank the Lord that she 18 not like other women. *' :f «'•»! •,n *^^*^iV Il 'i Mil ill '■- 4 III ^' iri ; If tfe., I i; li EASTER THOUGHTS. / liold it truth, with him who sings To one clear harp in divers tones, That men may rise on stepping-stones Of their dead selves to higher things. — In Memoriam. j^IIE joyful season of Kcsurrection is at hand. J a the natural as well as in the spiritual world, the time has come for the quicivcniiij; of new life in all things, for the shedding of old garments, for emerg- ing from darkness, cold and gloom, into brilliant sun- shine and genial air. The most hardened heart is not proof against the subtle tenderness and riant glad- ness of Easter. We may or may not feel a desire \o be clothed anew, like the flowers, l)ut even if we ciiurlisidy resist for a time, the influences at work all around us, we must eventually be shamed into doing our part, when we see ourselves such sorry exceptions to the universal law. It is better then, to recognize at once, the necessity of a personal resurrection and to prepare ourselves in humble sincerity to ''rise on stepping- stones of our dead selves to higher things." A sudden and radical conversion is an experience not to be hoped for by the many. Human vices and weaknesses have their roots too'^deep in the character to be weeded out by a single day's work. We are apt, on great occasions, to over-estimate our own moral KASTKK THOUGHTS 13'J Strength, to let ourselves ho carried away hv a kind of iture looks all serene and impcrvions to temptation. It Ks easy „„dc... s„,.h an inlhH.n..e, to nmko fine resolu- tions. Alas ! ^^■o have harely crossed the threshohl of our own peaeelul chan.her, when we are brought into contact with the workaday world that all onr biautiful resolves vanish into thin air, and all the hate- f old passions we thought wo had suhjugatcl com- plo tely arc rampant onco In the humiliation hat fo lows a se,.so of <lofeat, we are apt to give up trying to do hettr-r. W,- would he nmre successful if ^^•o could schoo ourselves to realize that the conditions <.f yesterday will repeat themselves to-,norrow, and that religious fervour is one thing and moral discipline another . ong prayer in the solitude of one's cham- ber IS of less avad than a l.rief invocation for help in the moment of ten.p.a. .on. The most heroic res^lvo has not a fraction of the vah... of the smallest as-surcd victory over self. To bear one's self patiently when n-buked or criticized ; to relin.,uish some cherished purpose even a devout ,>r charitable one, with a good grace If so re(,u,red ; to forbear from commenting on an unkind act or spce.-h ; to perform a distasteful task with simple courage and without hope of praise ; to suffer others, less worthy, to be commended while one's self IS forgotten or ignored ; these are surer proofs of a new spirit than any of what might bo called the professional pieties which, in the imagination of many women, constitute the higher life. This process of attaining perfection is necessarilv slow, but it is the oiuy sure one. "Heaven is not gained at a single bound." We must beware then, of exaggerated religioin fervour which blinds us to our real moral status, and I -I ii 5 4 14U IN THE PATHS OF PEACE retards, instead of forwarding our spiritual growth, and rather strive in calm humilitj to determine what shall be the first stepping-stone on which we may rise to higher things. From stone to stone, we must be content to advance year by year, until haply, we shall have reached the summit of our aspirations before the last call comes. The grave shall have no terrors for us then, for our eyes shall see beyond it and discern only the joy and glory of a happy resurrection. *^.^^iv LIV AN EASTER MYSTERY. Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils. — St. Mark, xvi., 9. F surpassing interest to women is the fact set down without comment in the Gospels, that the glorious and stupendous miracle of the Eesurrection was first revealed to one of their sex. A subject for deep meditation, truly. Had it even been the Virgin Mother, so loving and patient, so deeply tried by suffering, or the other Mary, her faithful com- panion and comforter, for whom this signal honour had been reserved, there would be less matter for surprise. But that of all women, the risen Saviour's choice of a first confidante should have fallen on Mary Magdalene, whose name had been a by-word among men, whose only title to distinction was that she had " loved much " and repented sincerely of sins which, to this day, the worid never forgives in a woman — this other mystery of Easter morning, subverted the social order no less effectually than the Resurrection subverted the order of nature. These are things to ponder deeply in our hearta. Xo doubt there were women in Judea who, having lived blameless lives in the eyes of the worid, held them- selves far above the converted courtesan ; who would ■r;-"') H' 142 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE I- c TsneaS' ?'"' "'^"'^' ^^^^'*' covetousuLs and 1 «n ^ !? ^'l'^"'«^ "' "^•^^^ effectually from Ilhn in? as the only unpardonable ones? " lor oacu o± us to try and measure accurately our own o th: S ir'-?'. r'' '^^'^^"^' not'accoXg vvorhLw „ f P"deful standard of a mammon humble «T,T X I ^'^^^our, who recognizes the immble and contrite heart under hoxyevor lowly an exterior it is concealed. " ^ ^ -N '^J^^ex' ;ff^r LV THE SOUL'S STANDARD. <?is This is to live in iruth, To plant against the passion's dark control The sp^r^ts birthright of immortal yZth The simple standard of the soul ^ ' , —Archibald Lampman. y t^if ^ P'^T«^'"^«tly the festival of all others a happ, ti^eT VXC ^Tfeil^^ 't\'' have found out that a generous i7r. T^' .?^^ "^^"^ Vretty, but generall/Sir^uW^^^^^^^^ L t" '' affect our haDDinp«w h»f *^ ^""^^-s can, m the main nient which the mere name „f ri ° ! °* ''=""*■ power to produce rurBufl.?^™' """^ ''"' spiritnal significance Tr^T " "^ " ''"'P" »«nal appeal to S if L We ". """! '""■""»' I^'" o^nd our every thought ^odXtTl""^"-'" -ching our^cfj^el-'L^rs: C rd-^""'=' fnl living. We ZIZT^'"'"""^'"- ^"^ P'"^^ »»ls which we jirink fZ, '"™ .''''* P'^ra in onr I.- an uneas^l™' tT 0^;:?"^ MXtr "" »ho,e, compare, ,„,t sorri,, «,th IXUnl-^^t^J^ 144 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE It ii of unselfishness and noble achievement that we know of. The round in which we have been moving may look pitifully narrow and mean beside the broader orbit of a more generous and earnest life. But is it not better to face the unflattering com- parison, to acknowledge our vanity, our selfishness, our usclessness, and for once, humbly realize that we have sadly misused the splendid gift of existence, than to go on forever shirking an obvious duty, perpetually excus- ing ourselves on one plea or another from an effort at sincere reformation, and so letting the years slip by irretrievably without doing anything to prove ourselves worthy of the priceless favours bestowed upon us ? Shall we not, in this beautiful season of re-creation, help our aspiring soul to' burst through the outer shell of indifference, of conventionality, of bondage to habit and custom, of servile fear of criticism, that has so long cramped and confined it as in a narrow prison-house? The spirit clamours for its " birthright of immortal youth." The sap of a new season is rising in our veins, and tender little buds of lovely new virtues are swelling under the tough bark of our old habits and callous- ness. Shall they not be permitted to blossom and bear fruit? " The simple standard of the soul," is, indeed, the only one worth living by. Cease, then, to fret over the complexities of laws which you are in no sense bound to obey. Be nobly independent of those who would seek to abridge your liberty of spirit by imposing arti- ficial conditions or obligations upon you. Seek only those things that fill the heart with enduring joy, and leave the mind at peace with itself. The re«t is all vanity. Let it go without a pang of useless regret. Thus may the Eastertide be rendered glorious by a new miracle of resurrection for each one of us ! LVI THE FAMILY. n/j'i^- '''^''^''J'^ f^^^ly is the most beautiful piece tmportant. There xs nothing in the world thai renuires more erecutrve ability and exquisite tact, andZlZZ that IS more worthy of being well done. ^ — Selected. ^t3^^J '! ^ °^I^°" ^" ^P^*°°^«- I^ the virtue and he s rength of families, lies the virtue and the strength of the nation. When we remember that the entire human race has sprung from one single family, an approximate idea of the^mmer importance of the family can be formed. The Tv^rage mother does not realize this importance, nor the weight mon to hear a wife and mother say that she has no life of her o^vn, that she is cut off from participation In he occupations and pastimes which make other women's hves so interesting, by the fact that she has a frmSy which absorbs all her time and attention. This sSS^ lortune, or a gnevance. To the woman who has missed the high honour and holy joy of motherhood, this attitude%f her more fortunate sister must ever be a profound mysterv ne^/rt "" "" «ot happy in her own familyVould never be happy anvwhere. Her nature does not go enough for rea happiness. She is unable to gralp IS, to regard her life as a whole, as a something deep great fii 140 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE whereby she is related to all mankind, of past and future ages. In her children she sees, alas! only so many oktacles to the gratification of her own personal, trivial, selfish aims. She loves them best when they become instruments that minister to her vanitv, when they attract notice in high quarters, or when they begin to reveal the of powers and attainments that will ensure them an honourable, or, in any sense, prommciit place in the world. But in their society as her children, simply, she takes no delight. It is her pleasure rather to delegate as many of her maternal functions as possible to hired strangers, or to any other substitute who may be available. The dawning of the infant mind, the gradual devel- opment of the physical and moral peculiarities whic^h go to produce a new individuality, somehow fail to inspire her ^vith the absorbing interest they possess for the woman who thinks and feels. A sense of the plastic nature of a child, and of her own power and duty to mould it in the loveliest shapes, is unfelt by her, ^r if vaguely apprehended, it is seldom made a subject of earnest thought or heartfelt prayer. The extent of her influence in the home, the far-reaching results of her educational methods, or her neglect of them, the won- derful possibilities which the future holds for her off- spring, or which it shall withhold, according to the degree of their fitness, as they leave their mother's side, these are not the considerations that occupy her thoughts and exercise her judgment, and guide her ambitions from day to day. Obviously, it is little short of a crime for any woman to assume maternal responsibilities unless she is pre- pared to disci ,irge them in a conscientious manner ; unless she can estimate the full value of the privileges attached to the high office of maternity ; unless she proposes to create a home and to found a familv which THE FAMILY i-i: ^vill be at onco a credit to Iipisj^K «„ i Iff??'— ^^^^^ kind »„T ° ^'*°"'' 0- l"" "WW"'- the rishe ttuhl d hv rr "V"r!'™ ""' »"<'""''" i n"v■ h^dmWw thin r'f -"^ ^'•■'■''■''"'■'J"' "'« ■"""<■ -I'i^'h that of ,11 1 -1 1 f '^ '""ccessiblo to !,cr. She realize, her ir thi hwlti'"""'" J"^'' ""' °»° vouchsafed to fr^»iTt'L'\rdtrsj" selves to bnng up their families on lines whioh will Tr^^lZtT^r^^^n "'",'"* '"» '"' denied th^ i * • ^^^■i'i III 'T' ^^B 111 iiil ^^^E ■31 fil ^^H ^si 4'^ H HI ^^^^^K. ^■SjK 19 IHl ■*i !l LVII THE BEST WAY. jTArre is always a best way of doing everything, if tt be but to boil an egg. —Emerson. ** Mp ^^^' *« ** gi'ea^ bundle of little things," as the i^ Artocrat of the Breakfast-Table wisely ..-sely remark.>4. AVo are all apt, however, to grow impatient over the very littleness of the things that go to make up our separate lives, forgetting that the measure of our faithfulness in small things is the surest proof of our capacity for greater endeavour. The girl who does not know how to boil an egg properly, or make a good cup of coffee, though these simple tasks are a fwrtion of her daily duty, sighs for wider spheres wherein to exercise the latent talents of which she believes herself possessed. She does not realise that almost every function in life, however exalted, calls for the identical qualities of exactness, thorough- ness and method which make a well-ordered kitchen a source of conifort and even happiness to the family depending ok its operations. If a woman believes her- self to be superior in intelligence to those around her, lot her demonstrate the fact not by looking for impo» sible worlds to conquer, but by doing those things that lie nearest her hand in such a way that she becomes a guide and an inspiration to others. We have nearly all experienced something of the discomfort that is \i^ TIIK IIKHT WAT 14'J wrought in tho homo as a result of noglectod or care- lesaly performed domestic dutien. If it bo only that the porridKo w burned or the toa«t cold at breakfast, even •o littlo a thing will get on tho nerves of an entire tamiy, and often lead to most grievous results, all of which would have been obviated by the neeessary Hegreo of attention on tho part of the cook. It should therefore be our ambition to do everything well, however trifling it may bo, remembering that life .s made up of lit^'o things and that to prodtce a fair whole all the parts must be perfect of their kind, and litted hannoniously one into the other. A^^- { i t ; LVIII THE ART OF ENJOYMENT. Educailon is needed nol only h help us do our work ; it is also needed to help us to enjoy our leisure. ^ — \V. E. jr. L('<;ky. OTUN" a wc'll-ordorcd life a considornl.h' portion of timo (§^ IS always »vt aparf for pure onjoymcnt. Aiiioiiir the educated classes especial! j/ some form of healthy recreation is recoj-nized as a daily nccessitv, and provision for the same is made witli as much pavitj as attends the ordering: of moaU or other lion«e- hold matters of equal moment. Pleasure, to be all that the name implies, must, in a certain sense be taken seriously, that is, it should he raised to the dignity of an art, and pursued with love and pride. In the matter of the selection of particular pleasures individuals must be guided by personal tastes, qualifications, means and opportunities, but no man or woman, in however straitened circumstances, is com- pletely debarred from all sources of pure, healthy enjoyment. An endless variety offers itself to those who desire to make choice of a favourite pastime. The regrettable fact, in this connection, is not the scarcitv of materials or opportunities so much as the dulness and apathy of the many who refuse to avail themselves of either, and who are content to lead work-a-day, com- mon-place lives, in which positive enjoyment, in anv shape, is an absolutely unknown quantity. Men are less open to reproach on this score than women. Out- r'xc( e»lin;r in num- •.»o on Mn; avorajLjo ' ' ■^''' , '', e<>Hain '".''- i'.ii i'. tennis, V. : ;!'. V, I- oIIk r irni of '■'' '• "' " iijvo (lono -'ijoviiifnt for TIIK AItT OK KN.IoVMKNi .., <loor sports iuul irjinif^ ,,f ,.ll i ; i i votaries amouK ti^ roni OS TI "■•' "" '""'^' ''^ well-to-do classes Ir f , ^ ';* '"'•'""" ^'f ^''« di>iifvof plnv I ' ] '■' r"''*"">' '•"""^'"''^^- t»'"^ i><^M-.:^:!7ar.';;:,;:^::;/^lj'''"''^-''<-- reonrrin,. elain.H on tlu^ir tin.. '"""^ "'"' «"'^'" J>fr ami iirpeney tlie dvumv.. housekeeper, contrive to ntt d proHelenry in ri.jin^r, skatir •■ ,. J'asket-I.Hll, rowin^^ pr.lT ,., healthy recreation ex.-it , Of lato years the hic' ', nn. much to widen the ^ , .ILjliiU, women who are more or les -r ^V . i -joyod I,y „„.ir ,,o„l, i ,,;,:' jZ "-""vantnKo, lars-c number, „„ t|,e fa^s „, , ',?''? """ who lc«,l hop,Ios,lv ,1„|, liv« b „„.„ , i ."'"1"""' how to cniov tlmmaoKr^. I'liuu.e iney do not know to learn -^^ t'^'n^^'Ivc, and apparently, do not care tern,.' ^''ieei^iZlZtr^'^JZ'Tt .T"^'T" prepare the next da/s lessons. 11 ■B^' 152 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE 1'^ i t m Some mothers need to realize that a sound and vigor- ous physical constitution is a much more valuable possession to the young than an abnormal development of the intellect, or a surprising degiee of manual skill. So both boys and girls should have their due allowance of play-t* )e, and this should not bo suboendel as they develop into young men and maids, nor even after they have crossed the Rubicon of matrimony. The frequent and melancholy cases of insanity that occur among farmers' waves would soon diminish if pleasant recreation was made a regular feature rvf life on the farm. Some form of active exercise is most highly to be recommended to those who need a whole- some stimulus to enjoyment. This is the real invigora- tor and rejuvenator. The woman who habitually plays tennis or golf, who takes long rides or walks, or other- wise spends much time in out-door exercise invariably keeps her youth till long past the period which rele- gates other women to the ranks of the middle-aged or the old. And it is when this period is reached that many a woman is found bitterly reproaching herself for having nitLlessly sacrificed her most precious posses- sions of health and comeliness to what, when too late, she perceives to have been a mistaken idea of duty. While there is yet time, let all who can do so, learn to enjoy their leisure, and, if necessary, create leisure where none has hitherto existed. This is the precious and indisputable right of every living creature. ^^^m£^ LIX FLOWER OR FRUIT. /a5J/ "''"'* ""^ ''f'''^ "'^^^'^ *^«^> ^**^« i^ bee only nature, /jfcg /Ae oras;,, seek only fruit. —Jean Paul Richter. JHE various opportunitios and experiences of life have different value, for all to whom they come The estimate placed on them, individually, by men and women, are a nearly infallible indicat on of wM tT^ u ^ intelligence, education and refinement wh^h they have attained. The occasion which, to one !r^- T'f ^°^ P^"''°^« ^^°°i« convertible ter^s according to the tastes or moods of participante iH particular occupation or pastime t^'^^^^P^^ ^n a Some women fail to reap satisfaction or enjoyment from any source which is not one of palpable Si^e gam to themselves. These, like the w^ aS Cw fragrant buds and blossoms of life. For the sake of « material advantage, to assist at a fashional^e enterta „ ment, to make the acquaintance of some person socially SesTfot '"'^^ 1'^""^^''^' '^ '''^^y *h'^' «- Dreoi2\ '! * ^''^*'"' *^"^ ^'^^ «««"fi«e many precious hours, undergo any nmounf of inconvenience But ask them to walk half a mile to see a splendid view to purchase a new book of poems, to attend an art exhl ^s^s^m^^^:^mi!Si!^B^^mmwm 154 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE If 'Ml Jil fit. ■ ! -' i bition, or a /?ood concert, or even to read a thoughtful editorial in tlie daily paper, and you are told they have no tune, they have no money, they are tired, they are busy— always some excuse, unless they are frank enough to own tlie truth— namely, that all these things are to natures like theirs only a weariness. There is something pitiful in a condition of mind which recognizes no good in anvthing that does not increase one's earthly possessions, or importance. To keep out of such a fatal slough, one needs only to observe all the beautiful sights and benign influenceb that surround us in daily life, and to weigh the perma- nence of the joy they yield us against the fleeting satis- factions derived from the pursuit of purely temporal and selfish ends. A woman to whom wealth, position, and worldly pleasures are the sole objects in life — when these fail her— is left truly destitute ; but she who has learned to love and take her chief pleasure in nature, art, music, poetry,- who shall deprive her of the thingi^ that make life in the highest sense rich, beautiful and happy ? It is well to keep this test of the real value of things m mind from day to day, and apply it as it becomes necessary to choose between two opportunities, one of which offers a material, the other a purely educational or spiritual gain. The former cannot always be despised, more's the pity, but let us at least be on our guard against a too constant readiness to barter per- manent possessions and pleasures for those that are merely temporary. Our real worth, remember, is appraised not by what we have, but by what we are. LX JUDGE NOT. Judge nol your fellowman^s condition Until you he in Ins position. tf^ . — Talmud. ttkV'fr''"' *^^ ^ ^"^"^ «»• neighbour is a task liiffh V conireni-il f^ fi h'-'^^nr is a One mat trnvellS a d ^uU /7"'^' ^""^*"^- less, I fear a Vomnn f i • *° ^""^ " "^a"' m»ch a v^rdi"^ rrncta'o;"'' f '' *^ P^^^"— refrain from exnresW In •""^^'"'' '''" "^'^^'««t^^' she is scarcolv qmn^^^^^^ "^V""'.\ "'•^'"^ that he or a matter. tL^"^^^^^^^^ ''''^' "".^hority i„ such fo earn a reputatS '^^ ^ Sim ^r^"'"'-' '''• ^"' 18 too Strong for nio^t of n« U-fi • 'vr"''' '''"^"^ ^ve are readv to nn«= ) '*^' incredible rashness, prisoner at the larCl . f'^'-'''^"^ ^^"*^"^^^ -" the at the evfdVnt Tol ^[/e'Snt"^' ^^ ""^' "^ ^>--^ ohristLs wi^ :,;:;:; retdv tThr ""^^' r^^-^-^'"^^ in horror at the merelt him of lol ' "^ *^^'"" '"^"^^ merest innt of delinquencv on the part 1 15G IN THE PATHS OF PEACE 1 ! If of a friend or neigbbour. It is not the Christ-like prayer, " Lord, forgive them, for they know not what they do," that comes most readily to their lips, but the Pharisee's " Lord, I thank thee that I am not like unto these." They quite forget that He whom they profess to imitate, loved sinners and wept over them, but never slandered or spumed them. How far removed from this divine eh y is the attitude assumed towards an erring sister h^, .he woman who holds herself, or thinks she does, above reproach ! Let us, who have all our lives been safe-guarded by the sweetest and holiest influences against all knowledge of or contact with evil, let us not be too stern in our judgments of our less fortunate sisters. What do we know of the force of temptation, of the hatefulness of some lives, from which any kind of escape is dearly welcome? As we are thankful for our own mercies, let us be pitiful towards those unacquainted with similar favours. However little, or however great, the fault cited to us, can not we at least be charitably silent if we have not the prayer or the tear ready that should rise to the lips and eyes of perfect Christians at the thought of sin, at the sight of a sinner. Taking the wise maxim from the Talmud well to heart, let us resolve to practise that beautiful discretion in speech, and eren in thought, which respects the feelings and reputations of others too sincerely to consent to inflict the least hurt on either. ^^.^^i^ LXI SELF-RELIANCE. God has not created us to throw us away as a failure. ^ —George Macdonald. m ^^^^^ i"- T^.' '^^^' ^" ^^^^^''^ ««P«<^'ty for doing better than any one eL«e can do it, is the surest foundation for 8ucce.s« in life. Any moderately ^te hgent man or woman, «ur^•eying the whole broad M resource Thl ''/'"'' f f ^^^' attainment, and resources. Ihis pomt settled, ultimate success or failure hmges largely on the amount of concentration energy, enthusiasm and perseverance brought to £ on the work attempted The reason so f'w rise above mediocrity, that .so many end in failure, is simplv that 11 Ihey are too eager to be done with it to cla'm the promised reward. They do not realize that " Joy's soul lies in the doing." frJn\°*/''^-^'^.I ''"*"*'^^ ^ boot-black plying his trade at a fashionable boot-maker'.. A humble catlinT surely, and at first T folt a kind of pan.™ see such a stalwart young fellow on his knees'bntshinrth dirt of the streets from the shoes of his fellow-men. Bu as I watched him perform his lowly task, systematic- ally, thoroughly, even, as it neared eompletion ov- 158 IN THE PATHS OF I'KACE 11 i m ingly, the kind of contempt I had felt for his avocation yielded to a feeling of interest and admiration, and when I saw that because he detected one little dull spot on the shming surface of the boot he had so carefully polished, he of his o^vn accord, began the task all over again, applying fresh blacking and wielding his brushes and polishing rag with a light and dexterous touch that told of the pleasure ho took in his work, I conceived for him the kind of respect which one always fools for those from whom one has learned a valuable lesson. Th)is it is that the faithful perform- ance of even the lowliest task may become a power for goo<l m the world and an example to many who, with all the advantages of superior ed.ication and oppor- uuities, need ju.t such a^ object lesson to bring home to them the innate beauty ami sacreduess of work and tiie intrinsic value of the faithful worker. One would ^.joner trust a successful boot-black in an emergency ^ ling for care and conscience in work than the bbler ,n art, music or letters who has attempted iuipossibilities and failed miserablv. We all have it m us to succeed. God has not created us to throw us av • as a failure, but we must learn the measure of on ipacity «ud be content with the success that comes withiji its bounds. *^-?>^^* LXII POTENTIAL VIRTUES. ^, *:«tf .ran':';" '"' - ^°"'- "tt'/^- »/ pih mere fact that certain qualities and virtues in ^ otlaers excite your admiration,' prm-os W tb^ least i'T r"r .^^ ^""^^*^- oxi;t^n emtl a .-.«.-.Hi,..,.,, ;-jt».'U;-t earch of tl ^'''" "^"^^ ^^^"^^ « "«t»re like her in .gentleness, patience ?"X ^"^';^' •"'/^^"'^' dealin<r hnnLt! 7' ^^^^a'^.S straightforwardness in "JV^e have therefore made a very <rood starf ,'« ♦;, ■ nere tliat which la better than ourselves From and r,ir """' '"™ '" ""'•"» *- """^ °f othe r ti ■'"i; ^«*. Mi: LXIII WHAT MAKES LIFE INTERESTING. He never has a good time that lives only that he may have a good time. —Lyman Abbott «J5^, !• i* * 7 ^"^^" ^*^^ *^** ^"«y people are never J^ bored ; only those who have an abundance of leisure and are free to choose their own occupa- tions and pleasures ever suflFer from the distressing malady of ennui, or not knowing what to do with them- selves and their opportunities. The majority of the women who are compelled to live m the small towns and country places complain of the mtolerable dulness of their surroundings, and long to make their life more varied and interesting. Much, 1 fear, that the greater number of these discontented ones lack energy and ambition to strike out in new patlw that would broaden their mental horizon and yield them high and lasting pleasure. They have a vague longing for " a good time," as if all time were not good, the better, because the more precious as we grow older. We have only to bestir ourselves, and we can have a good time all the year round. The reason small towns are so dull is because the people are so uninteresting, but the reason they are uninteresting is because they are not interested in what is going on in the world, and which should be of as miich concern to them aa to the denizens of the largest cities. Eemote- nesa f^om the great centres of civilization is no longer ^>^" WHAT MAKES LIFE INTEnESTIN.; Id Mtisfactory. Some of the most di.tingiiishod writers and^ists of our daj have volnntarily elected TlTve wo^fd "^^^ *^' ^'** *^'°^^»"g heart of the thJ!!""^' w ^^J' *^\"^' ^h*'^'^'^' ^^^'•k, there jo„ have othe« C • . '""''^ -^^'^ "°* ^"J.V intero;ting to ^ieTv till :"**'''^f "^ t« ^^"rself, «o 'that your ow^ jociety will never bore you, and no day or eveni,,.. will be 80 long aa to exhaust the resources you will find a lu8 wf^inL V t'* V ""'' T"'^^' "'^ «'™^^«« «» J Envi- ous watching of other lives that seem more varied and ncher m pleasant experiences than your own-this ^ ttatio^ "J"' '''!;''' '"^ ^"^ ^-' *-^«' t -t." aspirations, and give them all a chance. Road what others even more heavily handicapped than you have done by industry and perseverance'"^ Then, on ti yZ goal with a steady determination to win, ,^d you^" be surprised some day to discover how much you Tre enjoying your life and how little time you have to yrt irb^'. '"^""^ "^"^"^ ^^'«h ^« -" — Station ''^ ""''' ^"'•^"^ ^^ i'^^'^^y a«d m *^^^iV 11 as LXIV THE TELL-TALE COUNTENANCE. hel^! '^"'^ '^ '''^ ^'"' *'""^^ ** *'' ^y "'' ^'«' of % TT^VERY human boinpr carries about with him an ' open letter of recommendation— or of condem- fin,-,n "f ""-^^-'"'^^ observant eyes are quick to scni- tmizo before aceeptm^ any other credentials he may have to ofrer. The charaet.^rs inscribed in it are so plain hat a child, nay, even a dog, may read them. The human face, especially when in repose, is indeed nearly, if not quite, an infallible index to the soul. Each separate feature reveals some inner grace and virtue or accuses the owner of weakness or 'vicious propensity IWver closely we may think w guard the secrets of our heart, wo are, in fact, at the mercv of those too h^ffible hues and tell-tale expressions of countenance ^^luch turn traitor to us in the very moments when we most strenuously desire concealment. »«1? w '\ ''"^ ?^ '''*^ *° «^^'*^ ^»ch embarrassing self-betrayals, and that is to refuse to harbour senti^ ments or encourage tendencies in the secrecy of our souls, which we would blush to acknowledge before a censorious world. In our youth we are much gi^^en to complain of the niggardly enu '^nt of beauty which nature has bestowed upon We think, could we but have chosen our own lorm and features, how different the result would have been ! We fail to realize, often until It IS too late, that it is indeed in the power of each indi- vidual to make his or her face beautiful or otherwise Ti«K TKLL-TALK CcrNTKNANCE igy nioutb have plain v" .IJ T """""' '''^' ^•>-^'^ «"^' unrestrained anger "r^aTrv ^ ''''' . "^^^ ""'«'» sorrow, or delLZlt'^^'J::',';^^^^^ unwelcome marks represent! P ' ''^ ""^ ^''^^^ because of a covetour«n ' '^'^ '^'"" "^ ^'»«™ selfish and Lqms .Ve or «f •'^•'"f . ^^'^^P^^^t'-^ of a one. There il nivb; „ ?f '''" «"^ vindictive which lends the f^ce a di « "m ' "'""' ""^ ^^« ^'P. too, disguised even .' r^m^^:^^^^^^^^^ ^^r--"" not to bJ xnaj have acquir S T abft of Trf''- ^'^ °"'- «^- quickly from one oMect to «n. '"^ """"^"•>' ""^ Pieious or dishonest nat' re Or i^^'"' ?'"°'' "^ " "" self-complacency, the affo;.n? f"^ ^' ^'^^ ^""'''^ of or the obliteratL of alfLelli ""'"'". '^ '^^'P^"«^-' the face, the result of guW^r ""^ T^-'"*^ ^'•^™ betrays us. In one fnfr? ^ ^"^ '''''''^'' ^'^'"ff which past life will aur"; be ^-Httrf "'' ''" '^^^^^ ^^ °«^ Fortunate, indeed is tl^? " our countenance. age of maturity a face tht Ttt'T "^' ^""^ *« *h« tiful girihood. ^ The un Hnl^?^ ^ .'^'^^^"^ «nd beau- eyes, the tender mouth he noV''"^' '^' '^'^^ *"^thful ness that are stamped upon TllT/T^ ^"^ «^^*- a kind of beauty before Thlh ^'*^"''^' constitute of Physical Peictf Uetto^g^S^^^^^ ^^^ -nd STaf rt? ttt^?^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ com- the formative period o^hri^T'irr '"""^ be beautiful, let all th^ir. 2 IT' ^^ ^^^^ would be beautifu , and let tJ . "^ ' T''^' ""^' ^^^^« influence othe« ?o foUoi I ' ' "" /"'* *" P^^'^^Ie, following this^dvic: thev^^^^^ ^^ ^«'*^^""^ source of happine^wh fhley^TnoT 17'"^?^^° themselves, but also H;ff»l "^ . °°* ^^^y enjoy i f MICROCOPY RESOIUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 I.I tarn §23 ISfl ■^r |» 1^ 13^ IB IS |4£ I& I 1^ 2.0 1.8 A APPLIED IN/MGE I ^g-^ 1653 East Main StrMt ~S1 Rochester. Ne<> York 14609 USA ^S (716) 482 -0300 -Phone ^S (7'6) 2B8-S989-Fa> is 1 n\ ij''; LXV THE UNPROFITABLENESS OF GRIEF. A life without joy passes away unprofitably, shed- ding around it only gloom and sorrow. — Gold Dust. ^T is the privilege of those who are visited by some great affliction, loss or disappointment, to retire for a time into seclusion, and give themselves up to the full realization of the misfortune that has befallen them. True sympathy will not intrude on them in those first dark hours, when the soul must needs wrestle alone mth its sorrow, but holds reverently aloof awaiting the propitious time to offer its gentle ministrations to the suffering spirit. No one of feeling will deny this much kindly consideration to a brother or sister chastised by pain or humbled by defeat. But when the night of affliction threatens to prolong itself into a settled gloom of months and even years ; when, regardless of other claims, the grieving heart gives itself up to the contem- plation of its own bereavement or deprivation, and refuses to look above or beyond it for comfort and cheer, then no longer does it appeal to the active sym- pathy and forbearance of even the most faithful friend. The most generous among us have not so much love and sympathy to spare that we can lavish it incessantly on one obieco, to the exclusion of others no less dear and worthy. We must give now to one, now to another, THE UNPROFITABLENESS OF GRIEF Igg mt t'V'u '^"^P"*^^ °^ '"^^'^ a« ^'^" as of tears • The mourner should not take it amis, when the Tl°°T !f/* '^"P-^y •'^e'"^ "> ebl>:!ra her tu' sign should be construed as a reminder that the' ti™„ for useless grieving is past, and that ht's Tnri tat.U™ be happy onee more should not be disregardrd " LiJ" without joy passes away nnprofltably, sheddiW around t only g:loom and sorrow." Who a^ng us wl cCe s^rTni^Tth!.'" "v '"=5"'^ ^^ """""^^ f'-"t.W sereemng the sunshine from other lives. Come wh.t sz'^z'--'- - - "- ^'-t '; ft: JtrhLSn^siSi^lttShrdt-aL" to gave colour and zest to every life. There is the W o beang, of doing of havingfof knowing, o loviig^ f being loved, of giving and receiving even S renouncxng and denying one's self for othfs. There Td of'th7;ofiJT\^?.' '' ^^' ^^ *^^ «-p^- fi-S c^untrv « J f 1 r*'"'"' "°^ "^ ^''^^^' '^ ti^e swee renol^ mV^" ^k'^ metropolis, of obscurity and of renown We have but to claim our own and take it our hearts and make the most of it,Towever Httle It may seem compared with what is assigned rothe^ In this way only shall we live profitaWy, impartS cheer and courage to hearts that look to us f orTenSh and ^idance. Let it be said of us at l^t wK i 166 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE pass out of this life that, though we had neither gold nor silver, yet of such as we had we gave generouslv to all, scattering freely on our path the greater riches ol joy and good cheor, the superabi;ndant sunshine that warmed and brigLtened our own lives, 1 hi mvi ^i^^^i^ LXVI SHINING AT HOME. sh^::h:oZ!''' '^ ^^^^ - P-^^- ^aa UUer ,y far — Spurgeon. '"^^i^:;^ 7--Kof all tribunal. found wanting. It is in thl • " sometimes be moral fibres most readily r^l^^TT "^ ^""^^ *^«t the of the individual assert ^t .f/.f '^'' '^^ *"^^ ^^ture the acquired virtues Tnl ua^ies'T\''^ ^^"^^ ^^ almost unconsciouslv to CT ^'f °^^ P^^s on, applause. To " shine'at home' ' t'th'1^ ^"^ "^" ^^« ment which calls for thp !^ • ^J^^^^^re an achieve- which have their seat deen 7/'^^^ *^^"^^ ^^^t"«« only stitute a noble na ure IV^ '^" ^T' ^"^ ^^^^<^^ ^on"^ Public, bj merely asiumini n' TI- ^ '''^"' *° ^^^ in not, the temptation to do soto"^^ "'^''^'''' ^^^'« enjoy immum'ty. But it is th. """^ ^-^^^^ ^^^ ^^ "« should struggle most prstemiv'^LT"'^ "^'^^^ ^^^ It, means to undermin-J^tJi? /^ ^' *^ ^^^^ way to ing foundations oflLce^M '"'P"'*^"* ^^^ «"^»- and unsparing critS 'f ^K T '"^'^^ *^« ^^^^stant truth to tell,lXrLri , to ""'Z ''''''' -^-h, than exasperating ; yet that th' ^'^ ''^'^* ^^^^^ ^^^s school for the fom^tn of u"'^ '' °^ "^^^« valuable admitted by all whTwe undetoTetel" '^- ^"^^^•^' good-humouredly swallow JT^t*^^ discipline, and tionate relatives hive II^ ^^^ ^^^^s which their iffec- Better, however, thl a dete^il'."'' "^^^ *^^"^- ^?m and rebukes wiTpLtc™'"^ *" '^^^P* «"tic- -ns whicMead up ^1:^%^^ ::^o...- ;»i' t LXVII LOOK FORWARD. Your real life is not behind, hut before you. — Lyman Abbott. ^O err is human— so, it is not surprising that, for the majority of mankind, the past becomes a bugbear, a melancholy, humiliating record of failures, disapointments, and blunders, the contempla- tion of which induces the deepest despondency and self-contempt. What comfort, then, lies in the thought that our real life is not behind, but before us. We are all born anew every day in the clean, pure atmosphere of an untried future, teeming with possibilities of hap- piness, of useful achievement, of honourable =>uccess» But how many of us realize this important fact, and take advantage of it to cast off the chains and shackles of our old foibles and vices, to avoid the old tempta- tions, and choose new paths, higher aims, and purer pleasures? Try to think of it on waking and rising in the morning. Life is just beginning for you. Yester- day, with Its pains and sorrows is dead and gone Banish the remembrance of all that was sad and dis- couraging. Buckle on a fresh suit of moral armour hope, courage, and high resolve, and go out to meet what the day has in store for you, stout-hearted and strong-handed, like Arthur's knights of old, determined to wm, even through fire and flood and over the dead bodies of your enemies; the soul's enemies whom it is I-OOK FORWARD 1G9 more rea«>n for keeping a Zrnll?- ^ ™°'' 'h^ •to past take care of itsflf t2 ^^ "'"' ""i ''««g «-d sighs, for hopeleL bL J'" " °° ""«= *<>■• 'ea,? vain remote over 7^, Z^f'"? "^ST »" '""-ows, for fet there be new tWlTt^^?*- u^"' '"^'^ »«- day ment.. That is the waftf' T ,1°^' """ """^"^ and fascinating/ o eh J ,Tf ' ''^^ ™'' a"d fruitful -ow„ntssing,i„t:vrb:4p;;: ""*- ■-' *^>^^^^ ■V, • r.! - 'ki- n ■y,3t LXVIII FAMILY STRIFE. And will ye never know, till sleep shall see Your graves, how dreadful and how dark indeed Are pride, self-will and blind-voiced anger, greed. And mahce with its subtle cruelty ? — ^A. Lampman. JO one habitually gentle and kind-hearted, there is no spectacle at once more pitiful and incompre- hensible than that of a family in which, though all the elements of happiness are apparently assembled, Me IS made well-nigh unendurable by the perpetual strife and discord of its members. Dreadful and dark, indeed, are the consequences of even one ungovernable temper in a household, but when two or three come into collision, well may Dante's famous inscription be written over the portal : " Leave all hope, you who enter here." From the hour when the family assembles at break- fast, until night brings enforced rest and peace, the history of each day is a melancholy succession of bick- enngs, angry recriminations, or passionate outbreaks of temper, culminating too often in threats or deeds of violence. It is not easy to explain how things have come to such an unhappy pass, nor how intelligent rational beings can be satisfied to live in such horrid discord. Doub.;ess, each one, if questioned, would blame the others and hold him or herself guiltless, or fAMILV STRIFE 171 at most, plead that tJ "pset the most angelic tem^^ Provocation sufficient to ^ust be traced back to the p«rl '"''' ^^ '^' ^''^^blo ^I^en the parente, criminallv if /'^' °^ °^«"^^ "^o ?nutual vows and so"emn 7 m ?' ""^« ^^ their infant childro the fitt 11^^"^^^"^*^'^^' S^^^ their tyranny. ''"'* ^^"^^ ^n domestic strife and ;;nrsery within atten^foVlodelT^, '?''''^ ^'^ '^^ been a sufficient reproach to thl 'Z ^^^'^^ -^^'""'^ ^«^« ^'hich, often as not, were L^L? f''''- "^^^^^' ^"t smartness and precocit B ' H '] "' ^"^^^"«^« of evil habits sprouted quickly i " ^'^^^1«"^« ^own, the V degrees crowded on the to " ^^"'^^"^ ^^'^^''t^' and gentleness and forbea lee CW T^^ '' '^^^^'^y^ an affectionate interestTl Cheerfu conversation, o^ gradually became more '"V^^^^^^'^ l^eas and plans announcement made bv one 1 ^"1 •^'^^"^*- ^ny envious retorte from t£ others ^^.1"*l^ ^"^^"^^ '^r that should have bee7bound/ .i ^^ .^^ ^'^' ^^^^ts t^es of love and s^pathv K^^ ' ^^ *^" ^^««««* estranged, suspicious^/dr^rt r^TT "'''• ^"^ ^^- 'sweet home," and any excuTe 1 1 °''.'' °^ ^^"^^^ welcomed. The mrpr,+. .r *° ^^^^^ it is eagerly and some day are^Lft l^^'''^"' '^'^' '^^rs too fate tree wtieh thlv I^ "bXnV \T ""'^^ *^^ -^f' to forsake. Eepentaip n I ^^^^ ^een only too glad a eold world ono'Z^lu' U^jtV ^^"^^'^ «"^ ^or^n once neglected an^d t pi e^^^^^ "'^"^. ^^ P^^^^eges of the family would no doubt I a ''""^^^ "^^"^^ers ened in spirit and shorn of ^1 "^ T '"^^^^^ chast- ^th unfeeling str^gers but I angularities by contact permitted in this uncSn Se l^""-'"^ T '''^'"^ ojer again where we once eft off tV ^' ^'^"°'°^ 172 m IN THE PATHS OF PKACB set of duties and cares. We can aflFord to lose no t-rao therefore in setting things right that have gone awry. i^ven this very day, each one of us mav offer a shining example in her own household of that gentleness whose grace " Smooths out so soon the tangled knots of pain." The soft answer, the discreet silence, the tactful direction of conversation into pleasant channels, the httle word of sympathy or approbation instead of use- less lault-findmg, the unexpected service quietly rendered, these are the secrets of a good woman's influ- ence m her o^vn home, these the simple means by which she may successfully combat the spirit of strife and dis- cord threatening to undermine the happiness of the household To graduate in such an art as this brings incomparably greater and more real distinction on a girl ban the highest honours achieved in class or studio ^^m^ LXIX ARTIFICIAL DEEDS. ^AH^cial^ UL. artificial flo^ers^ ,,, ^,^^,,^ ,^^ LAVFQ t — Selected. , . then imni'^tZ'Z:T \" '""^ ^"^^ «"^i doing what others^^j and ^ ^1 T'' ^"^'^"-^ ^^^^ secretly cherished eonvictions '/ ^^^^'^ ^^ ^^^^i" earthly reason saveTn obe h" ^/"' ^^^' «"J for "o tendency of hu^n Ltf ."I n^ -^r^-ep-like do so many of us lead «rHfi • i , •"' '*' ^'°d- ^^enco we have not, pretendL tf ^- '''' '''""^^°^ ^^^"es for us that we would die i^i ^'i^''^ ^ ^^^^^^^tion cultivating the sodetv of n '' *^^^" acknowledge; but who L. us todfath TndT ''""'r^ "^^''^^^'^^ wfao are actually the elect of ''^'''1 "^""^ ^^°™ t^«^« ^th the usual'^eonLnW^^^^ somewhere without thp In ^^ ,r^^^ generally stand by social or otherobsetan^f orbit marked out for us borrow little mT\7.T^^\ "^ '^ °"- ^^e are, to refreshing se't'/rumb':^^^^^^^^ ^-^ ''a of us are dull and unint!^"p«t,- ? ""^ '' "^^^ '"> "^^"7 174 IN THE I'ATHS OF PEACE ha[)p.v nature, and refreshed by the dews of sweet, human sympathy, make fragrant the atmosphere in which the doer lives, and cause others to long for her society and presence. If you would be truly loved and appreciated in thi.s world you have only to be natural, .spontaneous, sincere. I hai)pen to know a young married '"jman who appar- ently possesses all the attractions and advantages a woman could desire. She is beautiful, healthy, rich, suitably married, and a happy mother. She has a charming home and mixes freely in the best society of the i)lace she lives in. Yet, though she is, in a way, beyond criticism, she seems unable to inspire any of her friends with real affection. I have frequently heard her character discussed by those who know her best, and though it is impossible to say anything unkind about her, the verdict is always, " she is pretty and charming and all that, but not foveable somehow." The explanation lies in the fact that she is artificial in manner and conduct. She never seems to be stirred by real feeling, you cannot get a glimpse of her soul, if she has any. You can always foretell exactly what she will say and do under given circumstances. The typo is not infre.,aent. We nearly all have met the well-nigh perfect woman whose very perfections pro- duce a feeling of irritation wherever she goes. It is because she wears them on her sleeve, flaunts them in your face, and soems always to invite comparison favourable to herself and unfavourable to every one else. Goodness that springs from the heart i?, on the contrary, modest and humble ; like the hidden violet its presence is only betrayed by its exquisite perfume, and it is all the more loved because it is only found out hy accident. LXX BENEFICENT ACTIVITY. It is heiter to fight for the good than to rail at the ill. — Tennyson. HERE are some delightful people in the worW- and give a shining example to us all— who are so mtich occupied in doing goo<l and pleasant things from day to day, that they really have not time to notice the W«"Tr-^^.*^"^^ "^^^^^--' nor to gamble b cause life IS disappointing and others are bf^er off uZ ,'^'TfT-. According to their wholesome and hgl t-hoar ed philosophy, if this world is really a vale hZtrolK 'T\ °^ "'"'' ^^^«"' sweet-smelling handkerchiefs ready for prompt application whenever Ho V m"! '*^r '' '''''' ^ "^^^ V the wayside exerciSn? T" ^"^^T' '' ^^"^ «"^ ^«*^^^^d by the rXllf 1 /r""* ^'"^""^"^ 'P^"t' ^^^^ by holding Tin. 1 2/'"^, °"' ^ ^^"^ ^^ ««°"^ «^d bitterness! eTamnlot/ •" "1"* '^' "^'" ^°^' ^ a depressing example, irducmg others to sink into the same hopeless nature linds grim satisfaction. is IheVrr^^ T'^-^ .^"^ ^ *^^^^^«.^ t« P^«i°^i«m vm r ^ beneficent activity in works of love Put off naW^T .^.^ T'^ ""*^^"^ ^f ^ ^^^ or pleasant nature is left to do, and it will be so long before you 170 IN TIIK PATHS OF PEACE have a chance to indulge in it that you will forget the u7J xt. . .^ ^'*''''' ^" ^^^ ^ w^ll as bad ones, and half the battle of life is won when high thinking and noble living become, through habit, a second nature. Ihe process by which one attains this moral altitude, does not involve, as some imagine, the sacrifice of one's individuality. True goodness is not negative in char- acter and neutral in shade. On the contrary, it is instinct with life, colour, motion and poetry. It is militant in the highest sense, and wears its colours openly, and presents a sturdy front to its enemies. It IS bold and picturesqu ; and carries a shining light upon Its forehead before which the false glamour of sin and error pales away like a candle in the noon-day sunshine Cant and maudlin sentiment have nothing to do with It. It dwells in the heart, not on the lips, and hypocrisy ^ even more hateful to it than vices openly practised, bo do not be afraid to be " merely good," and do not conclude that an attitude of criticism towards your fellow-man and lifu in general indicates mental superi- ority. Quite the contrary, as the study of the greatest and wisest men's lives will show. " Goodness is great- ness wheresoever found." ^^^^^^ Lxxr GRATITUDE. tufuture!'"'^" ^" ''" ^"' '""'P'"' 2/o^. rvith trust for ^E grateful and you will bo happy. The preserip- %4 tioa IS simple enough, but son.ehow the majority wy face ZZT '" "™,"°" 't ^^^ P"*" '<> ""ke a wiy taoe, turn away, and go baek to our grumbling sit doL" ""^ T'"' *""S ■"•" "" ^" SliberS sit do™ and gloat over o,ir misfortunes, tell the^ recourse to the most ingenious arguments to prove that no other person in the wide world is ,uite as m°™rable ttem or if tlT" 't'"*''^'"' ^^ ^'^^"^ tWnk of .S ' ,ll ■ ?°' ■"" '°™ '» •"'i'ttle them ; nay wo their "rue'li^M X'^'^''^ 1" T"* "'^"' ">" *» "^ »' ineir true light. It 13 a kind of mania that we have to r.^S a^dT r'"""'' ?" P"'"'^«»' °" "pV.^ tl^l • ' r i? H ''■" «n"»"s'y looking away from f^l teteighrr Ihe-T "' "" 4>'^ "o- have moved f^^rand"otr.:^acTuirtrot^ t SeZfTiS •"''•^'-<='«"y «-<iV and to-morrT; race, might be le.„ aggravating if it were not for tho ITS IN TIIK PATHS OK PEACK luduTous uu-oi.si8toiu'.y with which WO fnlniinato against tlioso who havo hocn ungrateful towards our- solves. Our inemory is singularly tenacious of the least favour hostowo.l on a follow-creatnro, and if our unlortunato l.cneliciarics appear f,>r a moment to forgot their indel.tedness to us, wo throw up our hands in Horror and denounce them as monsters of ingratitude. It IS not merely hy attending a Thanksgiving Day service once a year that w,> are going to wipe out all our obllgatlol^s to an all-bountiful Providence. It i. moot of course, that w,> should unite on spe.-ial occasions, and vith due solemnity offer formal praise and thanksgiv- ing to the Civer of all good gifts. Hut it is in tho heart, not on the lip.., that the searching eve of Cod l(>oks for gratitude, and it is only iu the jovful heart that the virtue is found, the heart which is' kept -lad every day and all day long by the remembrance of'tho infinite love and mercy of Ilim in whom we live and move and have our being. A little fruitful medit^ition every morning on the various blessings bestowed on us should suffice to induce a deep and sustaining sense of gratitude, as well as to inspire us with an unwavering trust for the future. Thus safeguarded, tho demons of envy and jealousy shall have no power over us, and when misfortune comes— as come it must, to one and all— our deep-seated serenity will not be moved. There can be no doubt whatever about it, a grateful spirit must eventually make a happy heart. *^^1^ Lxxn HOSPITALITY. The meal unshared is food unblesL — Wiiittier. f o n,ng the princely virtue of no.mtality ui the degree that would please us best " Hut ine Character of a host to the friend or strancer whom chance may lead to his door. There is a 3e in he kindly offer of a shelter and an invitatioTto break nean whether it beats under the royal purnle or thn t«f tared garments of the mendicant. "^CouX of .pe ^h and i^anner count for far more in such opportuS than he quality of the viands laid before one A morsel of bread and a cup of water from the sprint taZtoTLl f ^."'^^r^^'--^ -ile, have a sXtef taste to a guest than the greatest triumphs of cookery LTonfei^rcf ™^^' '-'' -^ --^ -^^^ obtu^ .Ja^ ^hospitality of the farm house is proverbial The residents of towns and large cities are very far behind ^uJr^lr ' ""I*"' "^ ^""^^^ *^^* *be farmer's Tk the LT Tu""^ .^'.f ^"^ ^^« ^«^ts at her door to n^r wT' ir ^' ^T^'^" "^ "^^*^"g ^^ ^ «hady spot near her dwelling, with a cordial smUe and an offer of ■^.i:^ 180 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE 11; m refreshment The glass of rich milk or home-made vnnc, the dish of berries, or cup of tea is always forth- coming. *' In town it is the exceptional housekeeper who wel- comes an unexpected guest with a similar display of friendliness. And the idea of offering refreshment to a complete stranger would not be entertained for a moment. It is a pity that the good old custom of freely offering hospitality to friends, at least, should be suffered so frequently to fall into abeyance. There are homes in which a guest at the table is a positively unknown quantity, and in which it were vain to expect in any emergency as much as the simple offer of a cup of tea. ^ Ihe inference is, of course, enther that the hostess IS o on extremely niggardly disposition, or that her iiou!.. n Id is administered in such a slovenly fashion that sne is at all times unprepared to invite possible criticism from strangers. The simple family dinner which is considered good enoiigh for those who are nearest and dearest on earth to the provider, should surely be good enough for the chance visitor or the stranger within her gates. It is a false pride which makes any woman shrink from revealing to one outside her family the fact that her larder is not stocked with the best foods in season, or lier table furnished with -he finest linen and china. U± all foolish pretences su one is more foolish than that of greater wealth than one actually possesses. When reluctance to admit a guest 'to the table is founded on the consciousness of deficiencies in respect of the cleanliness of table appointments or of careless ness in the preparation of food, then indeed is the house-mistress self-convicted of a most serious derelic- tion from duty. The fact that a daintily laid table and the prepara- nOSPITALlTV 181 repasts a" i^M Ltr'T"' '" T'"'"'' ""= "■'''"•'y a»d children for whom .Lcv".r^ """^."^ *^ '""">"^ then necessariJy bl fl^fl. P™"''''.'' *"^ """y "ust fuss or ceremTny Stra^l^hTr'' ""''°"" '«'''"'""«'' bo ^minded of L dm"r tJisXV"""" "^* '" oJ:r:fe Tn.!LiTs^re r »-- « •'» more general. **'® ''^^^^^ comer were poet's word Cit Z ''°'P"«'"y' ^^'^^ taking the " The meal unsha-ed is food unblest" *^-^^S^ LXXIII THE VALUE OF GREAT IDEAS. Little ideas and big successes never go together. ,^ — Selected. Hi- ^47^^ ^ praised for it, there is no tax on ^^^ ideas! We may not all dwell in marble halls, wear purple and ' fine Unen, and live on princely fare, but however "cribb'd, cabin'd and con- tm d we may be by outward circumstances, we have as a glorious inheritance and birthright, the accumu- lated wisdom of ages on which to draw without stint whenever it pleases us to do so. No power on earth can prevent our minds from soaring to the loftiest heights and kr ning company with the choicest spirits. JSo except our own will. If we choose to grovel, that is another story. So it is well to bear in mind that " little ideas and big successes never go to- gether," and that when we barter awav our spiritual birthright for an ignoble Jiess of pottage, we cut our- selv^ off irrevocably from all chances of future dis- tinction in the honourable walks of life. There are many cramping influences in a woman's life, which, unless she is watchful and active, tend inevitably to contract her mental horizon, and to con- centrate her interest on trivial things. It is perhaps the custom of those among whom she lives to give anxious thought and eager discussion to matters of the most ephemeral character. How Mrs. THE VALUE OF GREAT IDEAS ^gg last party who tl^^ ""* ^^ ^^« ^^^ite to her -g interest that agitat^^^^^^^^^^ <>^ absorb- munity for days af « strTi ?>"' ''^ ^ ^™«11 ^om- thougilt and research St h'' 'I^'^ '"^^ «^ -"<^^ genesis of a grearpoem ^ r"^^* *° ^^"^ °^ the colours, or ef n the be^; I f P^f^^^^^^ of the sunset -ending, how effLtiLlt wTu d 'l^ °' t ^^^^^^^ and action of women be .ZJ i ^^^"^ ^^ thought more interestin^S ?u„ T^' ^*^^^ "^"^h richer and lives become '^ themselves and others would their ^ittten^e?S Toughl te^ry^f ^^ ^ *^ ^^^^ ^" and beyond the nettv W . ""'^T' *^ ^^^k above would hem us in f ro "^ ! ''^' ^°^ prejudices that ideas ; t^ la^n T T*'^* ^"^*^ '^« ^^''^d ^^ g^ea transi;nt and Ben., f^^'^"'^ ^^^^^^^ thing Vanity Fa'r«r,r^!"*' ^'^''''''^ the illusions of l^eep i"n fZl ^1 wLtrhth t^^f ^' r ^ ^^ > ^^ reading good books, fmUtbg^eValr'^^^^ '^ pure and beautiful Hfe Onl? U^X ^''^'^^^^^> ^'"^^S a to attain real and greai succl " "'^ "^^ "^ ^^^^ -^^^^^ 13 LXXIV PERFECTION IN TRIFLES. Trifles make perfection^ hut perfection is no trifle. — Michael Angelo. 'ELL did the great builder know, who had him- self brought three noble arts to their highest perfection, by what methods man is com- pelled to work in order to attain the object of a great ambition. Contemplate the monuments of his genius, examine carefully their composition, and even more astonishing than the splendour of his conceptions and the sublimity of hia finished master-pieces, is the care, the minuteness, the exquisite attention to detail, which stamped the most seemingly trifling portion of his work with the seal of a mighty genius. He was never blmded by the vision of an ultimate triumph, to the impoi ance of fidelity and exactness in the execution of the separate parts destined to make up the perfect whole. Xot the least fragment of his famous frescoes, his colossal statues, his magnificent paintings but, if alone left to testify to his powers, is richly qualified to fulfil that function. We may not share his genius nor emulate his brilliant achievements, but there is nothing to hinder us from being actuated by the same spirit which ever urged him on to a perfection which his superior insight enabled him to see was made up of trifles. With equal deter- mination and perseverance we can put the best tliat is PBRFECTION IN TRIFLES jgg «tall be on it, and men ahdl k„T k^ '" ^'P^"°« '^»<>. we are made, and whether he 'um^ '' f ^^«t ^t"ff ,»^aBe or noble. We must nof I^ ^'^^ -^ °"' "^^ '« littleness of things. ^ ^^' "»P«tient with the " On e.t.;he broken ares; in noaven^ waS' nc^S:? ;;:,r|S^; - ^^^rt win seem to be reach its perfect devel^^^^^^^^^ «« ^^Ser to the hot-house or the t^^^^^ "^gl \l "^"T\ ^^°°°^ ^^ o«s towards our Creator hJ ''''' ^'^ ^^'^ ^^^e^" siglited to perceive lit LT"'" '"", ''' *°^ ^^^ort- we are ? ^ ^^'' intention m placing us where Jf *^.^^^£V LXXV THE PRIOR CLAIMS OF DUTY. Knowledge is a steep that few may climb, hut duty ts a path that all may tread. t WOMAN who sincerely loves what is good and right for Its own sake, should be richly content to feel that she faithfully fulfils from day to day the duties and requirements of her particular state m life But vanity, with a very big V, is ever whisper- ing m her ear that she shoidd seek some larger and niore public career than the one which ties her to the narrow precincts of the home circle. In her idle moments she loves to dream of other possible spheres of action in which aa the central figure of an admiring group of spectators, she would shine by the exercise of talents Which, under existing circumstances, she feels are hid- den under a biishel. She does not realize that beyond the threshold of her home lies a cold, indifferent world, ready to carp at and criticise, and condemn, and push aside, all who are so unwise as to attempt tasks beyond their strength or talent ; that failure in the eyes of unsympathetic fellow-beings means a terrible isolation, which all the more bitter for having been wilfullv courteu. It is true the prizes of life must be fought for and many are worthy of keen struggle against the most despairing odds ; but the race is to the swift and the Tim .■lUOIl clAIMfi OP UUTV ,37 the woHurdust, aid";':it: fX.r'"° '""'■ °" •traced bo^„„d ^./frC rnrwenP "°"' °"° •- over one's deflections f^' P"«»">''«to teare Wight, Wtherto „" ,e5°' ITk?' '•'"^ /» ,■'"-4 purpose and relHzer;ir""'-°"' """""«'« '" '"mo in 11.0 con,pIex "e enee „f ,1.-" " ■'"^"" P"' " Play^ n-ake earefnl con™ of our Z'" ^ ^""" "'"' "" ""«' and onr dntie,, soe)ii„„ bv »? '<'»onrce,, onr aims a multiplication of otlfe,^ .„ uT ^"T'"^ "' '<""'' »"<! ledger „f life. When !«","? "'" ™'"'""« 'n "'-' P%-.ical force ^^Z2y t ,"^°r'^'"^'"'"-'>f retrenchment in the meTtS' ?, "^ ''"iKraent dictates i» no cause ofrepro^h t i °^ ^^' '"^ """"'"ely- I' one of regret to hT™J '."""""n. 'hough it may be beyond ZlC L whTcH °,!?''"''^ "'""'•»' <="eer shame to all To V^'ltt' 'u Z", '"'"' *"« '* « » .hem, failed to .^afe^lTfnC^e It '^^""' *^.^H^ LXXVI SYMPATHY IN FAILURE. ^Ve are nof. much bound to t se that do succeed But m a more pathetic sense are bound to such as fail >j — Selected. P^Lf '?*'°" ^^^^'"'■" '' °^ «" ^"™«« trial8 the 17V ^T""^^^- ^""^ °"^y i« the spirit weiphed down with the sense of loss, disapnoin ment or but it writhes und r Zam J^ho wil not fail to use this knowledge for the futuro pathy with failure ; even the ties of blood are not always s„ffle,.ntly strong to safeguard the unsucceJu against the pitiless criticism of waited efforts. Brothel and sasters will not spare their sarcasms when commen" mg on one another's unlucky ventures. A husband meet the eye of his wife. It requires a good stock of SSL: T": T^'r^ ^" ^"^'« -'^ a^nd fac^one' be wh r^ when from the very lips that should be whispering words of comfort and hope there fall e^Lt n? .r'''?'^^ of contempt and derision. The extent of the mjuiy mflicted is probably not appre- rli? ? T \" 1 '^' '''^''''- ^' ^ fr^uentlyTht result of thoughtlessness rather than of a deliberate desire to wound, but thoughtlessness that entails such painful consequences becomes a grave fault, which must be zealously guarded against. BVMI'ATIIV IN fAILUKK 189 hoar, when .h;"dX '■ wi.i^L'rT"'""'"'' '" '"™ hwomcs nptual S^r^ , " '''"''>'= imminent, vanquished. ^ ° ^^ ^'^^'''•s antl diarwhich'mSL'r"*^!'^ V'"' ?"<'°' »' f»"-« or friend , and evd"e th:r™^ "". '""'"'"'''' "' ker » j"« in such cUn^tlL'^'ih:;''', """"'!"/'• ^"' '' meet nff adverm'tv hn. "'"^'ves. uur manner of impression fS t I'T ll'^'K'"'- ^« ^^'*^ ^^o When we canTheerfnL / f^- °^ '^ seriousness, to be snuffXut b^^^^^^ 'T^'f^^, ^-"-"^ that assails us, and fore'tamn^ 1\^ '^ '^^^"^*^ dignified refi,.«l *« /^'^f tailing unkind comment by a its belief in us. ^ ^ *^^ ^'"* «"^ '^new ^n^rny^r/XrHe^;-:- fi-. we .ha,, H LXXVII RED-LETTER DAYS. No valley life hut hath some mountain days, Bright summits in the retrospective view, And toil-won passes to glad prospects new, -hair sunlit memories of joy and praise. — F. R. Ilavergal. J HE value of a beautiful experience is not always understood or appreciated at the time that it takes place. As a memory it often becomes immeasurably dear and precious, though mingled with the emotion that stirs the heart while dwelling on cer- tain past events that made red-letter days in an ordi- narily uneventful life, there are apt to be keen regrets awakened by the consciousness that the full beauty and surpassing interest of the occasions in question were at the time, more or less obscured by some trifling and untoward accident, provoking an ungracious mood that hindered a complete realization and enjoyment of the moment's possibilities. It is important, therefore, that one should be to a <3ertain extent prepared for the joys that come, alas ! «o seldom, and that by wise foresight, one should be enabled in the supreme moments that approach us, freighted with some great happiness, to set aside all minor considerations, and give one's self up wholly to the e Wment of what may easily rank among the most ijeautitul and soul-satisfying experiences of one's life. RED-LETTER DAYS 191 ?o'^:'in%7ir^^^^^^^ which are, of ing the fact that there arP^.n.''^' °' ^^ '^^"^Sniz- tarian values in life and ?hat "'''*'^ '' ^'^" ^ ^^^^i- treasured recollections of jf ^ "'""''''•^ ^™^«^ ^th precious possession than a n?^^ "^T^""'' '' ^ ^^re account which ha' been inc'reStv tf^ " '. '^"^- rare opportunities of pure e";?;;!'^ *^^ ^^^^"^^^ -f Ttere are those who will not W. gaze on the splendour nf o c ^^"^ ^ moment to forsooth-it Tso near t^ ?^"''' 'r^"*' because- mightbecold^ A walk, I l!T' tou^the soup an hour's ramble on'tbe/^t *'' "'"^^'^ -°^^^' - ^oman who likes to sit ' ''*'. attraction for the l^er muslin ruffles and d i ^il^ St? T^^^^*-^ even at the altar is {\]iJi •!? ^f*' ^"^^ an one, thoughts about her annpT '''*^ ^^^^ ^"^ ^"^oIoub she i^ making on otWsr'atr '.l^ ^^^ ^^^P^ession that emotions thaf besneak «'/ *^'^ "^'"'^ *^« reverent n^arriage and dUhat iL k' ''T-'^ *^^ ^^^^^^^^ss of there afe no lf\Z' " bTst h af " ',f ' ^"^-^' of vanity and selfishness IW T I, ''''" ''^"^"P^^ of enjoyment falls to one who 2 • ^''*? " "^^^^"^« ness of an opportunity that. o ^""1"^^^°^ the precious- -If gladly afd genet/s^^VpTth'e"L ^^^ Y moment, even if hv «n ^/ ^ happiness of the venience's in other dLr^ ''"'' '"'"^'^^ ^^^ ^^«^«- In her eve^.r '^'''Pf'''''^ are mevitable. o«P, or'a^CkiTd'emaTk' fro'" ^^^' ^ ^^^^'^ *- person is far too triflinr !T 'T^ "nsympathising the beauty o^an ofe W^W^^^^ ''''^'''l^ '^ -- world weighed in the baT nce^wkh h. 'I' ^^' ^^^^^^ a feather, which she p.1^^ J x ^"^ ^^PP^^ess is but In this spirit we should r.'f^.^/ '•'' ""''' ^^ ^'^ way. portion. Keerthem 11 H* *^,' ^^^^ *^^* ^all to our ^on-places and pett^trS^^ 'Y ^''""^ '^^ '^' ^<>ni- and petty trivialities of everyday life. Take 192 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE them up on our mountain top and extract from them all the pleasure they hold for us. Then, looking back on the dear red-letter days, we shall constantly re-live the happmess that lent them that character. We shall not have to reproach ourselves with having squandered precious opportunities that return no more. *^.^^^£^ •^/4^*^ IXXVIII THE SILENT BEACON. willing to (\n nprwi if • xi_ , . persons are un admiration of appIaST^^'.;" ""^ ^T*' ""y »""> «"= reason or another ,C,)°- "■»»» ^'t whom, for one fa a prospect of 1 „if3 '"^'^"^ ''"" ' "' « tk^e a resnit of the r effoS tZ"^ 'S*-"'"™ » ««>". «^ to find willing workS Jl' °''u'"-«J' ^'« 'h'» thropie cause, prXweTitLT ■.""."''''' " P"'"- womcn of wealth ~2.' ^T "» advocates, men or are the,tlTL°"XrSa.'^\"^"^r<'.- ^™» «>«" popularity, or to acquir? "^elitU ^"^"^ ^ '""'«™ Kom^ aati:£ "t~ --» degreeV™^al":l?Uln^S V:''f "'•'° *"' great actions solely from rJl Performance of -r^i to «he ptobaMe eff«t^ it'^:,^ "'i-'^' '^«""'« mnds of observers W -T?" V«>Awe on the of devotionTu^r'n^ -T ^*^^- S"'='' ™'ances are probaSy nofe aSS L"".™"' '""'Sh, yet there 'ea^t a fe/notabrZ^^ -—inUVt: »i^ ^SBR^^y^-* " ^.ris:^ 194 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE faithful workers, who walk straight and steadfastly along the path of duty, neither taking nor desiring credit for the accomplishment of what they regard merely as their personal share in the world's work, not to be shirked on to other shoulders, nor left undone to be a reproach to them through life. They do not ring bells, nor fire off cannon to attract attention to their achievements, but are amply content to shine modestly m their own appointed time and place and way, as unconscious, indeed, as the lamp in the lonely tower of the strength and brilliancy of the rays they diffuse through the darkness that surrounds them, or of the many m sore stress who are cheered in moments of diftculty by the comforting presence of such a beacon. JXumberless little occasions arise in daily life for exercising charity or dispensing sympathy in quiet ways unkno%vn to any but those immediately benefited. Willingness to profit by these humble opportunities for doing good IS the surest indication of Christian sincerity, if you would know just what progress you have made as a good and faithful servant of One Master only, count up what you have done for love of Him alone, unmixed with human motives. Alas I the total will be so small, it will be rather a source of confusion than of satisfaction to any honest soul. How many women, for instance, regulate their attendance at the church services by the condition of their wardrobes ? How often is the strict observance of Sunday a mere conces- sion to public opinion ; the reading of the Bible an act of ostentation ; total abstinence, purely a matter of economy, or habit ; long devotions, an expadient for passing time easily ? We deceive ourselves readily on many of these points, taking a complacent view of actions which in reality are an offence in the sight of Him who is Truth itself, and who, therefore, abhors hypocrisy and double-dealing. ■•'m£:.m THE SILENT LEACON ,nr actions. A too LTt i ? *^"^ • '°'P^'« °"r " good " inevitably undernkfthi';''^^^ ^°/^^^ ^''''^'^ ^" and charitj "'^''* foundations of faith "^^•^vf ::JlaSfc£s2ffl'-=^,:^. *^^=«=Jb LXXIX THE FORCE OF EXAMPLE. No woman can be so insignificant as to he sure that her example can do no harm. — Lord Clarendon. !HE influence of the spoken or written word is as nothing beside the force of the living example. The good books we read, the sermons and admo- nitions we hear, no doubt affect the mind and character to a certain extent, but it is for the most part with a sense of effort, of unwelcome restraint that we accept the suggestions conveyed to us through these channels. The force of example, on the contrary, carries us along irresistibly, gladly. What we see done by others, we like to do, if only to test our powers and capacity for similar achievement. Unhappily, an evil example invites imitation no less persuasively than a good one. Each individual is there- fore burdened \vith a great responsibility in this regard. Whatever we say or do while under observation by our fellow-creatures, becomes a factor in determining their moral standpoint. An intelligent mistress learns lessons of honesty and fidelity in the performance of difficult duties by watching a conscientious charwoman or laundress at her day's toil. The humble boot-black contributes his quota to the comfort and peace of hundreds of his fellow-creatures by the thoroughness with which he accomplishes his lowly task. Even the THE FOHCE OF KXAMPI.K 197 beggar at the rich man's imt acceptance of a stern ^Z XkeT', ^^ ^''^ P^*'«"' who despised his povertv Won . ^ ^'""''»««« of him is the power of examp e ihat^ ^ "' ""^ far-reaehing A weU-bred vourl^^o^^^^^^^^^ '"''^ «"« «f "« forced to live S a Wl ^''"""^ ^'"'"^'^ ^'^'^ « t™e couth, and who^^l;'^ l^,r,t:nl """"7 "^^^ "- repugnant to one of rcfiTr 1 % 7 ^ !"u^ ^"^'"^^ "^O'^t admirable tact sho .nn i , ?*''' "°*^ ^^^^^s. With eiscd the greaH oo2n f''^' ?^ P«'-«everingly exer- her belongings daintilv r. . ^T ' ^''''^ ^'"'''"^^^ «"<! time the ifll enol o \" ""^ ""T'*'^^"' ^^ « ^^ort The men treated her wJr/J""^^ ^^^^" *^ b« f«It. "ever bestowed on thdrmothr"'!^ '"'''' '' *''^^ ^^^^ unwilling to soorn inferior to tr 'h "'"'T '^^'''' ^ciouslj to move or ritiS. '^'"V^"'^* ""««"- and to pay more atfpn'fr . A • ^'''''**^'' gentleness, she permitU W,f To eri".! • '""" .^H-rance. Had dictate to them ir?nor.onnl !f "'^ ''^'""^« ^^'^^ or to p% have ant^ni^Ttrem"^--^^^^^^^^^ example ineTtedtTem?;l'"^"f^/^^P^«*' «°d then by attainments! She hTdlr^^f ^'' ^^^^ ^^^'^t^e^ and order and b;auty in a ho^ ' ^'"' "^ ''^°°''^ '^ ^''''^ hitherto been unknown T ""^''^ *^'"^^ conditions had the standard Z'TaT.l^ rZd 1 1 '^^^^^T remained permanently fixed n T. - f ^^^'^ample sciouslj instrument, of II •' ^ ,^''^ ''^*^" "ncon- and alii it m^y be th«. r "^ '^^°^"*^ ^*^^«gcrs, first downwlTLp of morTth '' ^'^ *^ "^^^ ^^ ^^^^ «-a btep 01 more than one who too willingly ^f ■msm.- 198 IN THE PATHS OF I'KACE followed us when we had forsaken the straight path. This is a thought to give us pause. We cannot shield ourselves from blame by claiming' that what we do or say is of no importance. One of the overwhelming surprises of the Judgment Day will, no doubt, be the revelation of the sum of our influence for good and ill over all who have ever come in contact with us. ^^^^^^ LXXX WITH HAMMER AND CHISEL. There is no .culpturl„, Uke that of character. "^I^ni-y Ward Beeclur. SpS""" "'^^' ^"'" ^^'' ^« ^^« °Ot POSSO.S but block of m^bloTnto . .1 *' '^'"''•' '' "''•^P^^^^^ envy on the sculDtor . ?""""? '''*"'• ^" ^'^'^ ^^'•>'' achievement. Ye wea ' "r^'^T^^'ty ^or sinnlur of unyielding stone but of ".afn? r ^' '"''^^"^^' ^"^' touch and which mnv l.» j^eaaily to the ljp:hte8t young personTin whTr' • *'""' <^''"''^<'". •■"■■I pains to surround E ? ''' "" """^ '«*» «« Yet why should we ex-nof.*- vo „i* -<• lessness of youth th^ ^ w th" l,^" ''''■ ^'""^''^- wisdom are <^o slow t« T i ' ^-^'Penence au.l ourselves ometfmel IZ "I '""f'"'' ^^' »« ^J^' that has iusr;lrd Vt :;^:,^-^^^^ in the year new beauty we have added ';; ^^" .^''"^"^red ; what of u« .eem to h^vr "'' ^'»«^«eter? Manv -tLin lu lia^e come to a full stnn o. .v u • ' 14 *'^"P> as if, having" l| ?.U 200 IN THK PATHS OF PEACE reacliod our fullest pliy-ical stature, the spiritual part of us likewise refused to j^jrow any more. But indeed, it is only after the body has attained its perfect development that the soul is free to aspire to the loftiest heights. It is when the hot blood of youth has cooled somewhat, and the illusions that beckoned to us in the spring-time of life have melted away in the clear atmosphere of maturity that we begin to see mental and moral vistas hitherto undreamed of. The lives of many great men furnish us with convincing proofs that intellectual activity may be prolonged far beyond that of the body. It is only mediocrity that remains satisfied with itself on attaining manhpod or womanhood, recognizing no necessity for further efforts at improvement. But mediocrity is terribly widespread, and we must be on our guard lest we, too, fall into its ranks. We have but to keep an eye — the eye of the sculptor — on our char- acter, and chisel in hand, be always ready to chip off here or there, the useless material that hides the imprisoned beauty. It is an engrossing as well as an ennobling task. The process is necessarily slow, but the result is sure. And though the work will never seem quite complete it will be fair enough, perhaps, some day, to earn for the worker that praise, than which none can be sweeter or more precious to human ears, ""Well done, thou good and faithful servant." -^:^^^ irt its to th to he ee he ng :ar ith ng (ut on )Ut ar- off :he 'he nd nil bhe or )od ^1 i' m Bi^^^^^^p^ i ll M « H ul > < z i l\. ,ij..^.,„ iT TTMi; V >rr. r,.. . prrtmi.^-t. .jf good cIk^ : : •!^'^ an.- i.UJ ):>"■'• >-•" /ranfeji T%f: ■0* '«?; -*if ti'^'i.'^ I.XXXI IN HARVEST TIME. O favoun c,rn, y,.„. „,„^„ „„,,,, 77,, f * ■"•'•'■'■''"*■ our dm, ll'c f nines. ./»„„„, „„, ,,.;^,,^^^^ course of tl,e year, h ?l"™K .^ ''"""S the whole J'Sht of tl,e ioaflcs tree "L r^°'"J.'?: '^''^'^ " *''» frost, recalls tl.o sweet ™m,^" ^"'^T '''«'"o<i with beyond our reach CtcranT'" ^°^'' ","='' ^"^^ P-'^d -or have felt discouraged o, iZ°f"l 'T ""= -"W ahone so fair above us ^„H °, *'.™"'"='>'«i while skies our feet. '' "™ " ™'ling earth was under theXrrLV^Ji'rlri tS" '■•"«or regretfully on recognise the In^;; th™T™-;' « »-' not f.fl to promises of good chee nd halv W, ',''"'T'" "■= autumn in one sense, tl,o rich?5 '''""'"^'"P that make We should not need ,11 ™'°" °' ""= y^'- Ri™^ Day is net, nor wait fo"'".?'"'''"' "■»' Thanks- 'o loan, the reasen's ":: wltr I'uT '" '^'"'-'' are written large all nm,,,,?! T '''""'<f»lness. They "'now then " b^ i:':?;r''"' "f .aWut u.. We should' '0 school chiltl ren saj. 202 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE r • But we are curiously reluctant to dwell on the brighter side of our lives. Of our troubles, our needs, our grievances, we could prate forever and a day, could we find a willing listener. The theme appears to be inexhaustible. But, when reminded of our compensa- tions, how grudgingly we admit their existence ! How readily we accuse those who enumerate them for us, of a lack of sympathy for our misfortunes. And we are ah\'ays firmly convinced that our trials are of a pecu- liar severity which the unfeeling world shall never understand. One, who is tortured health, only health, and with pain, cries. " Give me I shall be happy." Are the healthv then so fortunate, so passionatelv to bo envied? If so, why do they ceaselessly grumble because other things are denied them? One who lives in luxury, yet leads a loveless life, yearns, in the loneliness of her heart, for a crust in the wilderness shared with one who vould be kind. And another, who is tenderh' loved and cared for, is filled with envy and discontent, because she cannot fare daintily, wear purple and fine linen, and live a life of ease and pleasure. If we would keep the spirit of the Thanksgiving festival in our heai-ts, not only for a day, but through- out our lives, w^e have but to keep in mind the full value of the blessings we are permitted to enjoy, and which are denied to so many more worthy than we. It will then be easy to accept with courage and dignity our share of the rials of humanity. It ill becomes us to question whether that share is a just one or not. The very thought is blasphemous, when we know there is One who fits the back to the burden and tempers the Avind to the shorn lamb. How shall we excuse our- selves then, for repining under every cloud of misfor- tune that temporarily excludes the sunshine from our ^m a i- ^m^- IX HARVEST TIME 203 -0 Lave togivJhKc:,'"--""^' ""' """^- '■">^°- -^.^^iV LXXXU THE WRONG WAY. We often do riyht Ihings in the luroiig ic<iy. — Selected. '* ^^ OOD " people are not always loveable. Many ^^iJ of them, to tell the truth, are quite the reverse. They have a faculty of making those who live with them thoroughly uncomfortable. Consciously or not, they develop a sanctimonious, or censorious manner, which creates a feeling of restraint wherever they appear. To live np to their standard seems a hopelessly difficult undertaking. They fairly bristle with virtues, chiefly of the self-denying order, to emulate which the average human sinner feels com- pelled to forego all the ordinary comforts and pleasures of life. These are the people who do right things the wrong way. The end they propose to themselves is a good one. The fault lies in the means they take to reach it. But they are not clever enough to discover their own limitations. A defective sense of humour prevents them from suspecting the excess and futility of their zeal in many directions. Entirely satisfied that their own little theory of life and the narrow ideal they have proposed to themselves are before and above those of all the rest of humanity, they are absolutely iijipervioiis to new impressions, broader views, or any salutary influence that might disturb their complacent belief in their o\\'n infallibility. 'illK ni!ON(; WAV .,,,- have <«seovorodt^^o ™:S,; r'''"''T' "'"''^ ""■->■ suffering, some tali„n.,rf ??"'"" *°'' *°™"- »■• from the iZan w/ ™''''''''«''"^''' '<">dencie3 tl.ey are in halt V e",':,- ,rC,1 ''T'"'""" "'""'' the benefit of hnmnnftra larfe T "• ''°''?t',°'" ^" many and Rrievon. Th! 2^' ^ m'sfak's are Sratitude and praTsf^l™ '""'' """^ '""I"-"! f»r thus miscarry it i« ti , 1 , ^^ ^°°^ intentions -Ives. T ?'c„t ti « Z'?, *''T '''''?^' "" "■""'■ thin, sustains thll' Tl, i H 'Z, 't,;:; '^^i "'^ ">l" never occurs to tl,™ Uiat tliev m v ''"I""-*- It wrong way ^ '^ ''■■'™ '''>''>■ " '<<' ti,e enlisting their svmnTw^ "^ ''''®'' '"^"^^^^ ^^ nnl^ 4; XI ^•>"^P^tnies in any cause. "We Ipnm cannot do that, stand aside ond w ^'""^ s;Tnr*:rv:f^!!r''^^^^^^^^^^^^ diS.-r V • '^'^'°™"'ff yourself. It only Lrings and unloveaWe pe's!;::. "'"" "■■^"■'™'«' ^^ '""'■'•-"^'^ -f LXXXIII MISTAKES OF ALTRUISM. We are alt islands shouting lies to one another across sens of misunderstanding. — Rudyard Kipling. 'HERE is infinite pathos — as well as infinite humour — in the fact that however close the con- tact, however near the relationship which binds liiiiutiu beings together, no single one of us ever did or ever can truly know the other. Consciously or not, we cloak our real selves in a disguise which is more or less impenetrable. We have our reserves, our private opinions of things and people ; (sur secret longings and ambitions ; our unacknowledged sympathies and anti- pathies ; also, that wonderful adaptability to circum- stances, which, perhaps, oftener than any other cause, makes us assume the virtues that we have not. In daily life, our actions constantly belie our wishes, our feelings, yet it is by the first Ave are judged in a world wliieli takes no account of what it does not see. We ourselves, though so well taught by personal experi- ence that deeds often do violence to the desires of the ])('i-fornier, are nevertheless ready to form our opinions of others from our observation of their actions, or inac- tion, under given circumstances, "J'o quote a familiar instance, a husband believes his wife to be a quiet, sensible little woman, because she coiiiiiiits none of the extravagances he is fond of .t.^ftS. ■n'rM MMmm MISTAKES OF ALTRUISM 207 '" lord's illusions conccmiL^r' *'"'"« •" "i"'"^!' ■armless l„„gi„g, for tirof.L 'bfro?.' ^'"""« ""^ some mnoccnt Measure on Z-h;T>, ^ '"'">■• <"• for ft. The two will dooeive on^ i" "'°™°''' ''""' '' I' « the .„,„e with Serfrie » r '" "" ^'"'■^ »''■ l>arent and child, jill are "*!??' , '"'"^' "■<■" '"th .cross seas of misnnd'^anding "'"^ '""' '" °"'' '"■°"'" portronrfaeti^Sndl^ '"'/ '^'^'"=™"- "^ «- elusive and dis urbinT your ^, ':>1r«»«. mysterious, fHlow^eaturcs taVef akeenert^" """""''"» ^o" reluctant to iudRo them w! ^^' ' -^O'' "x^ome "lining up IZ yt a^rideTrT ""'' ^ ^^ «« the hidden rirtues and ,r i. " °* "^Pocn'ation as to and livewitl, ; rtoXr ■''1 °^ "■"''' y"" '"vo, restraining influence on the rtrn T"' o'-™"^ ""^ •Tour responsibilities towan ^^11 t '^"'"'"^'^ i "s to '>.v .your propinqui,;. tothet ° "'■"' """ '^"''^^ wLo°HvedIgeTher 'manff "' *^'" ■"»«- -'ors One liked erfs. andTothriir.''"'' ""^ ''^™»y- I'ave been easy enouri ,^ 5- -i^*"^ """""• I' ™'W «tisfy both, h^d thevten SleT ■'"' 'f' ^° "' '» who liked erust, assuminTfp!!f i ."""S"' ■"" ""e one 'hat portion, habittX 1 " ■' '"'" "''» P^'erred chose the crU Th'e otlL''":'; °' '^"-''"egation, sacrifleing, swaUowed the e u5 T-t^- ^^'T"^ "'^^- her sister coyeted) Jth » T "'""^'"•^he hated and men.. At last onU^^^JZZtClr "' "''"^■ nnder the necessity of deniil he t ^''I' "" '""S^"- •nuch consolation in heln^® ^ ''fi "" ''•"''" f™"'l favourite portion of "heS* bT" ^'"^'-^ "^ l"" ■n the confidence of th 1 f ""^ ""^ '^''« ™s -1 preference, could nottfi^rm S^^t^,^ 208 IN THE PATHS OF I'KACE to the survivor, whose feelings on learning the futility of her self-denial of years, may be better imagined than described. And this is how we are all playing at cross purposes and deceiving one another our whole lives long. If only each of us dared to be absolutely true to our- selves for a single day, the world would be revolution- ized. Such a sweeping consummation is perhaps, not to be wished, yet there is no doubt that we habitually defer too much to public and private opinion, and that a more frank and fearless policy on the part of every individual, would ultimately result in a sturdier moral- ity, and afford a more solid and enduring basis for the real content and happiness of all. -5^;^^^:^ a^v LXXXIV JUST CRITICISM. ill?' "' '''" ^^'^^^^ ^^ - ^'^^^^ ^naiier said agaln.t — Thomas-a-JCempis. or physical,' tat :^n S ^ "i'" ^*'="°"> ■»"™' «t least, the existenn» „f " f ' '" " S™oral wav, limitations. Slr,v I '''•'." ^■'"""'^ •'°*«'^ "-d we know we ^4 tal ■ h!,'""" '"":'='■», "''«» ^^ ^V bear to have thL f. u ""^'^ " "'"« ^'o <^»™ot other, ? Ifl L a Do^l""' r "r'' "^ """"ioned by because some candirl f^L i' . , ■"■ ™^ furious simple statement tola^^'e'Scct^Hr^^'T'™^ '""^'^ ' committed a similar Xnce t ,^7/,""'"' ""y^"^'^' ph™ a.,-, :/i:4trr' stn i °£ <'an 1 e.^p]ain tiie resentment X fee^ towarrlo fi, t -r.-e „e i„ like banner? By wS't ^^htta^TdS tl ■rmM^mmm^: «"^^ 210 IX niE PATHS OF PKACE tlif freedom to discuss whom and what I will, while sternly forbidding others to make me or mine a subject of conversation? A very Utile reflection suffices to show one the egregious folly and unreasonableness of the anger that surges in our breast whenever an uncomplimentary remark made about us out of our hearing is repeated to us by some officious friend. How much more consis- tent and sensible it would be to say calmly : " Indeed, it ir, quite true, I regret to say," and then dismiss the matter from our thoughts, or retain it merely as a wholesome reminder of a fault that must be promptly cured. Instead of indulging in bitter and revengeful feeling against one who has discovered our weakness, we siioiild, if we sincerelj desire to improve ourselves, feel indebted to the frankra .^j which opens our eyes to fail- ings we had not perhaps perceived, and certainly did not imagine were perceived by others. It is naturally depressing and humiliating to be confronted with an image of ourselves totaily different from the one we fondly believed we were presenting to the world ; but surely, it is better to be undeceived and given a chance to improve, than to be allowed to go on to the end, hugging a delusion which only makes us ridiculous in the eyes of all. Undoubtedly, if it were not for the disagreeable truths that sometimes come to our ears, we should all be victims of a colossal conceit, foolishly imagining that everybody was delighted with us, and seeing no necessity to restrain any of our caprices, or to acquire any new virtues. The best of us are only "children of a lai^er growth," apt to run wild unless subjected to corrective influences, more or less drastic. We no longer submit to the rod, but we cannot hope to escape the rebuffs that lie in wait for all who make themselves in any way JrST CRITICISM 211 obnoxious to othcis; Tf ;wi ;o our „„.„ pS, X', tZ'""T' '" """ "'^■" immiinitv in tho fntnil • "'■'' "■'■'■ '" '«•"» *^.^i^ LXXXV UNJUST CRITICISM. In our relations with others we forgive them more nndily for what they do which they can help than for what they are, which they cannot help. — Selected. T^TIIETIIER we are conscious of it or not, it is \^r a fact that in our social relations, our attitude to one anotlicr is habitually critical and we are apt to arrogate to ourselves the function of an umpire, from whose decisions dissent is regarded as an affront. Viewed from without, the situation is full of humourous aspects, but the victims of it are not likely to see so clearly where the fun comes ii^- Bravely to bear the brunt of constant daily criticism of one's every word and action, especially when the criticism is for the most part unkind, supposes an endowment of patience, pluck, and lofty indifference to trifles, which not one man or woman in twenty can truly claim to possess. The disposition to retaliate grows on weaker natures with fearful rapidity and the result is that we are mostly a discontented, carping, cavilling lot, finding little good in any one but ourselves. Even if we confined our strictures to peoples' actions which they can help, we might be justified by an appar- ent desire to keep up a high standard of conduct, but when we ungenerously extend our criticism to the t^>iM I'NJUST CRITICISM 213 in the last degree ' "^ ^"^ ^'^"^"«^ blameworthy habits of the lower order nf'' -^'^ ^^^^''^'^ ^h^ process would yield us a inm.l. "^'^f^'^"' ^^e mental «nd no one would ^.ffo frl 7 "'*'"^.° ^"i«^°^<'"t, curious and constant. As f\Z^ scrutiny, however untold sufferings from a con«^' ^'^' "'^"^' ^^ "« ^n^ure -•I ""f--dly%spi: ay eSTr '' ^'" ^"^^"-^ «n'ong whom we live ^"^^'^^'^'-d over u. by those far they may go without ton • "^ T"'*^''*^ i^-^ how in the oxposed%uX U o ;r^ the sensitive places attribute as rare as kt ende "^'^^^ ^'^^^' '^ «" our own business, and let n" ^^ ■\l^''^'^ *« ™ind a one, is too hard a lesson f or I ""'?^^°"r's severely like to umpire every game ttV^ "^'•''"*-^' "^ "^^- ^^o the flaws in every lltZ to ; •^'•"§ ^"' *" P^'"* <>«* luckless feJIow-creature ' '" Judgment on every provean'yeftivtanti-d^oteTor" ^^.^^^^^''^'^^^^ should able meddlesomeness working ^°'''° °^ unwarrant- we that we should Tetour^"fJ° """^ ''''^'^- ^o are own life such a shiZ^Z^TiZ "' ""'^'^'^ ^' ^"^ put on superior airs tLaTotfe'r ?" a'^' ^"^"^^^ '^ conscious of many miserab^ f.Vl ^'^ '^^ "«* ^» knows nothing about and wM/^-7f' '^^"^^ ^'^^ ^orld !^s, perhaps, to bang^^^is ^^^^ "^"^^ --« incompetency to the end niT r o^^"^^ «* our own enough, Hea^ven ^z::^:zi'::t ^^"^ ^"^ ^^««- ^-ng.ithoneanotiie,;::^^^P^-«^^ 214 1\ TUK PATHS OK PEACE tunes, incapacity, or whatever other limitation ditfercn- tiates mere men from angels. Would we but praotisti the golden rule faithfully, instead of breaking it a hundred times a day, as we now habitually do, all the cares and vexations that presejitly afflict our spirits would " fold their tents like the Arabs, And silently steal away." I 1- *^^^^tx= LXXAVI THE RIGHT KIND OF RIVALRY. The silualion thai has not //,• ,luf>j if, :,h. ,j never yd occupied by man. ^' ^'"^' ''""' v-N ^ —Thomas CavlyhK that mere,, l^ » off .rofX" ^Wl/T:' "'" r,^' iiineamc ot the aims, interogts. voxatinn« nnd tri»mnl . m >vl,u.., „„„.» „on„„l life i, bound" ..p;"''l['rit;; :.. i I 216 IN THK I'ATIIS OF I'KACK I enough to match one's own temperament among those of the greatest women. Charlotte Bronte, Mrs. Stowe, Florence Nightingale, Frances Willard, and others even greater who preceded them, have shown, the way to reach as many ideals, and in ways equally diverse. Better than all is she who was " blessed among women," and in whom were combined in their highest perfection, every sweetest and most desirable attribute of maid, wife, and mother. Xo one need feel the lack of a suit- able prototype who has not given some thought to the Virgin Mother, whom Tennyson has so beautifully described as " Our tainted nature's solitary boast." A woman who has a marked individuality, with great force of character, may feel a reluctance to accept any other as a model, but the average woman cannot fail to appreciate the moral stimulus furnished by the contem- plation of a loftier nature than her own. It keeps alive in her heart the wish and determination to attain the same high levels of thought and achievements as those in which the elect of her sex habitually dwelt — and brings her into honourable emulation with them. How much nobler to engage in a contest of this nature than in a pitiful rivalry \vith one's neighbours in the matter of vulgar display or passing popularity! Mere material or worldly satisfactions are necessarily of a superficial and ephemeral nature, whereas, a gain in mental or moral power is a permanent and fruitful source of hap- piness and distinction. ':^^ LXXXVIl TRAINING FOR A GREAT CAREER. In Ws small things he resolute and great I find thee worthy ; do this deed firneP J ■ — Lowell. dn M ix }'T^ "■ ^^S^'^ '^ tliose public care Ja^^cluZ^n^^^^^^ '''V" P^^-- wit^ down to Seritv witr f, -^^^ ^'' ^"™« ^^' ««™e attached to i U W . ' ^^'^^'^^ ' " ^he Unready " "SiiS^tlln IS fortunate for many of us that fhe fierce iigjit wlueh beats upon a thrnnr. '' a^ j. i • on our lowly lives for if iV rL ^? ''''* '^'"^ a great army of "unreal^?! -J^?"^^ ^"'"^'•^^ ^' of women tLuglZ t^f/lorr"""' '"" *'^ ^^^^^ -.. ^^nen called upon to asawt, but it is in a slip- 218 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE ebod, get-it-over-and-bc-done-with-it manner which gives little joy to herself or others. There can be no hannony, no dignity, nor useful purpose in such a life. A wise woman uses reflection and judgment even in the lea^^t important affairs, for the smallest act often has wide-reaching consequences. By being " resolute and great " in small things, keep- ing her nuiscle trained she is ever ready for the highest decrees of fate, and there is little fear that a call will not come, soon or late, bidding her do some noble deed for which she has been found v/orthy. ^:^^^ im LXXXVIII ART, THE EDUCATOR. ^-1^ — John P. Weir. lum 01 tlie lower scholastic trrado^ Th^ ^„_*i i , oir public schools are incompetent to instruct their S^i' "' ft," '•'"' *""' P™"'?'"- "f «rt, b W them selves woefully .gnorant in this respect ^ „»I?'7, ■■ '>°'-»°«'' i' not so reprehensible as the tterly false conception of art enferta ned by tl>e ma,"r! »d°v '£?"■*•;'','' ''"",""•" ">•")" " a^„bj« of P acfnoy ,viM, 'I, ■' f ™" "^ '"<"'=™''' '» »'=^ ^e com- placency with which some persons, otherwise fairly educated, exhibit for the admirationof their friend, a 220 IN TIIX, PATHS 01- PEACE ffe Staring chroitio, or p:liastly crayon portrait, a *' Storm at Sea," done in oils by tlie daugliter of tlie house, who has never seen the ocean, but who in " so clever " that she can reproduce tho most difficult subject from u Christmas card, or a handkerchief box! The same type of young woman is responsible for the impossible " hand-painted " satin panels, that disgrace the parlour walls, the " decorated " drain-pipe in the hall doing duty as an umbrella stand, the sofa pillows fearfully and wonderfully daubed with "scenes," or floral designs. These and similar horrors only too common in the average home, proclaim to all comers in what depths of Cimmerian darkness, as far as knowledge of art is concerned, the perpetrators, their aiders and abet- tors, are plunged. Some will say, " If we like these things, why should we not have them ? Why not, indeed, just as the Indians have their war-paint and feathers and glass beads. Xo doubt one would find it diflicnlt to prove to the savage intelligence that these are not things of beauty. Similarly, there are degrees of barbarism in taste, even among civilized nations ; there are persons who live and die happily enough in the most benighted condition. But those who are in the light cannot hel[) feeling a benevolent wish to extend their privilege to others less fortunate. Every tnie lover of art is a born missionary. It is regrettable that parents and teachers display <o much indifference in a matter which is really of prime importance. By a slight effort, they might open uj) to the children undo'- their care, the endless avenues of purest pleasure which can be reached through a know- ledge of the elements of art. They should at least cor- rect every tendency to admire vulgar eflfects, and endea- vour to train the tastes of the little ones by educating their eyes to the close observation of beauty in every AKT, TIIK KIUCATOR 221 for,,,, ^o aftcmpf, at pictorial rrpro(l„otion sl.o„M ho praiso,! or oxl„l,ite,l to stran-or. unless if .li... ? -rk.l m,,y to tl.o roul ol^ct ; ^^ s^e o '^H,: brst modolH sho„M l.o rcffanhnl n.orely a^ uJnlV - CHOH or Bt„<lio.s, },avi„.. i„ ,o sense the value of ,n ori^nnal piece of work. Onl.y one in a Ihousan.l ehihlren, perhaps fewer will sl-ow a n,ark<.,l talent for drawin,:, an,l nedioer v o porforn.anee is hy no n.c-ans to he eneonraj- ' h" ;s< • ;'' tor"''''^ ^^-''^ ^^ -■*»" ^ ^'- ---' er"o;Zod work '"'""" ^^ -o.^-C appreeiate, and Oood taste, which eomes with a knowled^.e of art . a mnversal passport to the society of the n.o^t enliH.t: ene,l a,.d charnnn^ p(>o,,lo the wo,-ld over ; l,v ren'der- nff sele..t,on easy it surrounds us in our homes with tho e evidences of culture which are a source of 1 ' hip:hest pleasure to others as well as to ourselves V lea^e ,t without a suspicion of your i^^norance of Jo- Sraphy mus,c, or mathematics, hut a^^lance at ^ u. surroundings enahles hin. to determine whether vou re a person of taste and eultivafion. To those who bv tra.nm^- and assocation have become fastidious in sn,), matters, notlung can .p,ite compensate for an u^lv or vulvar environment There a,-e blunders in furniture and interior decoration that afflic-t the educated eve quite as painfully as a fla-ant violation of the rule« of odour affects the sensitive olfactorv nerve. All three are nqually serious interruptions 'to a.irreeable inter- course and should be ,^uarded a.i^ain.t with equal c-ai-e. The cultivation of a fine taste is an object worthy of the be followed than a con«eientinu. study of the pn-p.-iple.. .--I»,;^.V^7^ LXXXIX WEARINESS. It must oft fa I ovt That one whose labour perfects any work Shall rise from it ivith eye so worn that he. Of all men, least can measure the extent Of u'hat he has accomplished. — Robert Browning. ?]IE tnitli of the poet's words will come vividly home to every woman who knows the meaning of work. In the freshness of the morning, when the sun is shining and the pride of strength and skill is strong within us ; when we are warmed with love, and cheere._ by the vision of success, how hopefully, how fearlessly we undertake our daily stent of toil and trouble, how alert are brain and hand to meet the exigencies of the hour, however numerous or perplex- ing ! In the evening, we say, we shall rest, looking back Avith triumph on the difficulties vanquished, on the fine results we shall have achieved ; a blessed idleness, riciily earned, shall be our portion until the dawning of another day. Alas ! long before the setting of the sun, our strength and spirits begin to flag, wo grow listless, and lose heart for the tasks we engaged to accomplish. We labour on, perhaps, but no longer with love, or pride. The elation of the volunteer has subsided, and our progress is that of the treadmill. When the wheel stops we WEARINESS 223 stop, but mechanicallv ; too tiror] tn L-,,^,. much we have achievo.l Ila X 1 7 ?' '^'" ^'"'^^ our release. Others mlV mnsl "l ,''' ^'' ""^ •'"•^^ ^'^ our labours, to ZlZJT ? ""'"'^ ^^^'^^ "^^"^^ ^^ our faithfukl: "Tu l: as^isT r",f ^P' ^ P^^^^^ our eves anrl n..^ J i^ • i " *^ ^''' allowed to shut undS, bed "to Zf:^''' '^"^ """^^^' *« »>^ «Jone, tI^e..HdJp^-^,^-tastret^^^ of nKr^t"ant;i'';l "'''''' '"^ l'^ ^^ ^^^ *--' ^^-T a-day M^rld ' ^'""^'^ ^'^^ ^"'^^^^^ this work- tiJp 'ir'*^' "'''""• Thi.s is a question which from all time the earnest, ^reat-sonl^d wo-lc-n-- ha V-Mfn S ! consider. The work of fl.^ , i j V ' ^''^"'^^^ ^o it alwavs ^vill be done bv tL "^ ^'i "^^'^^ ^'^^°' «« the salt of the earth t iL tt "'''' ?^ '^'''^^^ ''^"^ ^'^ «it in iVllnJ ! ' . * *^® eumberers thereof may TT. ^1 ^ attempt, or powerless to accomnli^li tr;; thetrof f,'!' If"" '"^ ""'' '"'" - '» ow„ secret thi^, ,«'""'«''« poneration, is tlieir ever hop^l fa't,r"' "" "'^•- ""'^ *"' '<»<' <•» to ^rltriorit''" """' ^'<'" *°°Rl' it impels thorn 4ht iSv L i'- -"f""-"™ I'd by the reward that xc I SELF-LOVE. Self-lore is not so vile a thing as self-neglect. — Shakespeare. [E(!LECT is one of the first symptoms of decay. It has naturally a depreasing effect on the beholder. A neglected garden o/ house is always a sad spectacle. What then shall be said of a neglected human being? In the case of a child, the sight inspires pity for the sufferer, and indignation against those who are responsible fur its well-being: But when neglect becomes self-neglect, as in the case of men and women fallen from their high estate of beings made in the likeness of the Deity to one more nearly resembling that of the lower animals, the only meed they receive is contempt, sometimes aggravated into extreme repulsion. Self-neglect is therefore not only a crime against the individual, but also a serious offence against society, wliich justly condemns and ostracises those who are found guilty of the indictment. In an enlightened age like ours there is no excuse for an intelligent adult who fails to bring both mind and body up to those standards of cultivation to which the majority of educated people conform. A man or woman is a sorry failure indeed, who, with health and strength to draw upon, lacks the energy and self-respect to keep him or herself in good condition, in everv sense of the wor*!. .SELF-LOVE .>.,- The danger of self-nogloot increases with a^^o and and progrcive of hircon. ^^-^o^frifs rTt^uTf preserved a wonderfnilv ercctXure . L i ? " clear iia . n.;,i>. J ngure, a complexion a3 v«on>«, b^Lg T /°tS V "S'.'lar and clothes of tl,« m^.! ^onthtul octogenarian wore ciotnes 01 the most approved cnt, and was evidentiv not Wv cleanshaven. hL'lL'n^a^lract:-: bTrr L dl"l i t°* ""'""^ ""^ "•'=""■>■'' Proprietv in™ I companion, being well abreast of the times and ,lw opinions „^rth hearing „„ „n topics of genml ;nS«^ .nnnf r? '"^ ^'^^'^' ^"^^ ^^'^^n finally, his well- spent life came to a close, he was univer«iv anZ^i cerely mourned as on^ who., lii,. "rnl 1 7f T again in a generation. °"^^ ''"^ ^' ^^*'^" ')•! c IN TIIK I'ATHs OK I'KACK T«) take care of one's liealtli, appearance and facnl- ties, with a view of reachin/^ u beantifiil and honourable old a<,'e, is an entirely praiseworthy object, and one which shonhl never be made the subject t»f ridicuhf or reproach. It is, of course, possibh- to overdo the thin^, and become tiresome and fussy about one's self, but witlioiit exceeding the bounds of good taste or infring- ing the rights of others, it is easy enough, in a (piiet way, to bestow a reasonable amount of care on one's self. 1^1 rsmm Hh. *»>^^e^ XC'I A FIRM FOOTHOLD. And thereby cleared firm fooling for to-dau Whoever clouds make darktoJJroVssln Thou shall nol miss Ihy solitary way. ' ,• — Goethe. retrS'r' '"""V -"l"' "'>^'"' "PP-l-nsions us, for irood or ;il io • '"*''• ♦>"atis to befall consequences ThlT ?^i^",.*""g« the weightiest P^ve, a step toward, an inet.irabTe b S ' TLU IS the history which reoeate it.»lf ; "'*'"'«■ J"'* '2'JS IN TIIK I'ATIIS (IK I'KACK nil gotxl gifts of (3<k1 to iimii, is the most hcuiitiful and valuahjo. Mvt'M if tho worst nuist ooine to pass, is thoro not all tlu) nioro urj^ont rcaaon to fill tho intcrvcninjj; time with all tho gladness that nin Ix! crowded into hi At least then wlu'ii the dark eloiid lowers, thcsn? will be 8W<'et memories to begiiile the spirit and fortify it against the sombre inlliienee of nntoward eireumstanees. But be these ever so unfavourable, they will not avail to crush the spirit of one who has "cleared firm footing for to- <lav " l»v the faithful performance of duty vesterdav. She nujy have to travel far and painfully along a weary roail; but she " shall not miss her solitary way." -v;^^*^ iOm'' Xcil •TWIXT DAWN AND DARK. L.-fm, lo.nighl look hack across the span JvHxt iawn and dark and (o my conscience vr/,/-- yWvc ./ son,r good act lo bcasl o'r man, '' J he world is heller that I lived to-day:^ (-.^ , —VWa. \Vhool(T VViI<!()x. (.i^X So,,,,., ot HU..I, apparent iimi^rnifi^an.u,, that llioy an, „<,t ,.aMil.v .Jo.scrib,.cl i„ words. II„t ono ^renora tern. „.ay l,, „.a.l. to covor theni all u.-Hympa hy. Give, every other goo<l th ngto a hu„,an bon.« „n,l take this away-he anZvi l.o i ve h^ H,ir 'T"'"' 7'^'^' "^"^•^^'"■"« ^''- "-.>•' «- Few f "-T ^'^"■""' "'"^ '^'"^'•^ ^''l '^'"vy him. nnf 1 1 ' "'^ T'' '" ^'"''' ""^1 «'>^«'', hut if wo are not neh ,„ sympathy it is heeause wo do not cho< to pa Heal ^T''? V' '7 '""^^' ^''^ ^--"*- «"'"- in bau T T '•" '^'^"r^ ""'• ••^"««»'-the w<,nn,le,l 111. r .^ ' f«"»no-«tr.ekon, the widow and the o 'writer " ''l.V'*«^^"«^)' f'- f "^^'Hn,. artist, nn^ielln or writer. J ho second ia what we owe to those who djreeUy anrronnd us, who«e claims upon us are s ron^ est, whoso need w greatest. For the first, wo have no morit whatever. It is a simple emotion, 'not a virtue Lteeni P™ r' T""^' ^f ''^f'^ ^ '««*^ '^"^ with self- esteem. 1 synipnthy, on the other hand, ia tho \ 230 IN THE PATHS OF I'EACE greatest of all virtues. It is true charity. It enables us to enter into the hearts of our nearest and dearest, of those who serve us, or in any tapacity come in con- tact with us every day ; it reveals to us their sorrows, their deprivations, their hopes and needs, and prompts us in the right time and place to bestow on them the cheering word, or smile of encouragement, to champion their cause, when others are hostile to it, to praise their efforts when no one else observes them. This is what helps and heartens a fellow-creature more than all the gifts you might bestow upon him. You have not far to look for an object for sympathy of this kind. Under your own roof you will probably lind one. Lately, a sweet young girl confided . to me the secret of her unhappiness. She has a luxurious home, and no doubt is an object of envy to many of her friends. But she is oppressed with loneliness. Her father is immersed in the cares of a great business. Her mother and elder sisters are " advanced women." They belong to about fourteen clubs," the poor child said to me pathetically, " and they are always so busy writing lectures that they have no time to make visits with me, or to let me enter- tain my friends, and I am not allowed to go out alone." So the younger daughter is left to her own devices during many long days and evenings, craving for com- panionship, for sympathy, while her elders occupy themselves with the welfare of humanity at large — they are philanthropists ! If we want to make the world better, let us at least begin to work in the world at our elbow. If we would do this, there would be no further need of missionaries and philanthropists. ■{ , XCIIJ GROWING IN WISDOM. The a « mlw^'Ci'.W."' ''" ""' "'""• "■'■'" ""■"', .Ve»r. ; :i'K popi.lar i.npnvssi,,,, (!,„, v,„,fl, :. ,1 ,■ '<■-,., «n.l tl,„, «.,,e„ school L'\'; '7,,'" attract atten.iot ^-es I •?„,""' '° '•'™* »'' '" fault, of „a„,„, ;.'■;" "nl Tfi ? ''"■■"'"' '° «""■«••' their minds a„,l «<■ lire ,7 l„ ? '"^ '" '■"'"''■'"« >.seful and cnterta nin?'. ''"^'.',"'P"'-fii--iall.y, certain n.arri.Ko, how manv "!,'''"''""'"•''• '*'" "''er e.lucatio„? W;l%V"'""!"','""=f"» "f ""■ir own have nothing Zre tol'T"'""^' r'""'"" """ "'".^ im-h their !ar., alijfor, '„ ^ ^.f^.X a'''"^' T'T" ments as thev har? hor.n of f . ' a^'eomplish- h. gradual ^epr'th'rr'aeir'frneSnnhr;-""'' fene™'] inje" iCCoTo"":;; T" ^ """' "' .n.on.he.,,fare„nheUe::drettiS^ 232 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE of parents. Later, when their children grow up and go to sohool, ihe fathers and mothers who have failed to keep their eyes and ears open to what was going on in the world are likely often to be put to shame by their inability to answer the eager questionings of their youthful ofJspring, who, in time, are forced to consider themselves as superiors in intelligence to their elders — a conclusion which rapidly undermines the respect, and even the aftection, in which, up to that time, their parents were held. So many and so easily accessible to all are the present facilities for acquiring knowledge and for keeping well abreast of the progress of the world, that no one, how- ever poor, may be held ex^v.ised from this imperative duty. The modern newspaper is the poor man's uni- versity The diligent and faithful perusal of even one good publication is a liberal education for the intelli- gent human being deprived of other sources of infor- mation. Then there is the actual world that surrounds us, the beauties of nature, the wonderfiil inventions of science, contact with our fellow-creatures, our daily observations and experiences, from all of which we may learn and accumulate wisdom, if we but keep our minds in a proper state of receptivity. A parent is dissatisfied with a child, who, in a year's time, makes no visible progress in any direction. But what of the parent? Has he, or she, improved or devel- oped to a noticeable degree m the same period of time? Why should the grown man or woman, in full posses- sion of his or her faculties, be allowed to remain station- ary, or perhaps to take a step backward, when the child, but half-formed and always mon? eager for pleasure than work, is expected to stride rapidly forward? Does the mere fact of adolescence excuse ignorance, stupid- ity or indolence ? Does it not rather increase the obli- gation of the individual towards himself and towards -*-^r GROWING IN WISDOM 233 society to improve, to adorn the sphere in which he man or wo^ '"" '^^ '" ^T' ^^^''' ^«^ never been a man or woman so wise or learned that it could be said • His or her education is finished. We must all b!rHn f^ learn something every day. It rests ^^o' rse^fes t^ determme with what degree of eamestne^ we Thdl apply ourselves to our studies. The labour rnvolved will be much lightened for us if we keep in mind th« *^.^^^ XCIV CONVICTION OR CUSTOM ? It makes all the difference tvhelhcr we pui-ftuc a certain course, because we judge it right ; or judge it to be right because we pursue it. — Archbishop Whately. JLF, for a single day, every individual person in the [ world would live strictly up to his or her idead of right and justice, society would be revolu- tionized. The most upright and fair-minded among us arc governed to a certain extent by influences which are entirely independent of our convictions, and even some- times antagonistic to them. We obey custom, we yield to prejudices of race and creed and class. We humour those we love, and fear, or whose favour and esteem we are anxious to secure. The man or woman who walks straightly and securely in the path of righteousness, unmoved by any consid- eration of gain or policy is indeed difficult to find. Since this charge can be refuted by none, it is not easy to defend the very common practice of trying to impose on others opinions and standards which have a purely selfish origin. The rule of life that appears to me satis- factory cannot possibly be adjusted exactly to the needs and aspirations of my neighbour. My conscience, trained along certain lines with which he is utterly unfamiliar, advises or perjnits me to follow a course CONVICTION OR CUSTOM ? oyr whieli to him appears to make for error and iniustice meut to err, and tlie diffip,.I« J i • • '"*'' J"'^^' "° ^-ncdo wth our own, especially when wrhavo not l,eo„ able to determine " „l' etl>er-we pur^ra 'e7 1 . pursue It, or because our fnmilv tu^ pursued It. A little wholesome suspicion of one's own . hon^y to speak will effectively check the mis^W^ the HW?e7„r '".'"""''k ™"""°"' '" !"«=■<"" "th me iiDerties of one's neighbour. rf ^^^^^^ w I xcv SUCCESS AND FAILURE. Not failure, hut loiv aim, is crime. — Selected. UCCESS in life, to the majority of human beings, has but one meaning, namely, the acquisition of wealth. This idea has come to be so com- monly accepted, that few, in our day, have either the wit or the courage to dispute it. The one great aim of all is to become rich, and to this they ruthlessly sacrifice any others, however desirable, which may stand between them and the cherished goal. Health, youth, friendship, family joys, even honour and reputa- tion, in some instances, are held to be trifling considera- tions weighed against the chances of a short and success- ful race for wealth. Often, when it is too late, do men discover the extent and irretrievableness of the error into which they have fallen. The treasure for which they have laboured so unceasingly, perhaps unscrupul- ously, is found to be of no value comp tied with those that have been bartered for it. The richest old man in the world is poorer than the poorest young one, and would be glad to change places ^ with the latter if the possibility were within his reach. Money cannot purchase health, or youth, with its enthus- iasm and almost endless capacity for enjoyment. With years comes inevitably a diminished interest in the uses to which money can be put, and the question ^^Cxii SUCCESS AND FAILLHK 237 hono? 18 the one which confronts and humihates the possessor. More than one famous millionaire has had bitter moments of illumination in which his real self was revealed to him with startling distinctne:^ as a meJanchol.y failure. The truly successful man is he whose hands are the cleanest, whose record of usefulness to others is the ongest, and whose mental and moral powers have been the most highly developed. It is he who has enjoved his life to the utmost, in a sense that places him bevond reproach. Success, viewed from this standpoint, is withm the reach of all. In no sphere of life, however narrow, is a man or woman debarred from reaching out towards the higher life in which alone, the pure heart the aspiring mind, is content to dwell. Outward circumstances are no cause of reproach to those who are shut oif from the greater comforts and amenities of iilo ; It IS the bareness and barrenness of the soul that disgrace the human individual. One mav live in a hut and yet be the peer of a prince or a poet. One mav live m a palace, and be fit onlv for the society of the stable or the pot-house. Failure is therefore a' relative term to be applied with discrimination. So is crime. Ihe fact that the one is often mistaken for the other merely proves the shortsightedness of men. To succeed ma low aim is an entirely discreditable achievement, whereas to fail in a high one detracts nothing from the honour of a man, but often leaves the impress of a greater nobility on his character. *^.^*^ev* 1 XCVI THE PHILOSOPHIC SPIRIT. To rule onr\s antjcr it* weU ; to prevent it Is hdtcr. — Edwards. JHE most childish of all defects is ill-temper. It ■^ is a fault }>eculiar to the undeveloped intellig- ence. Many persons grow to manhood and womanhood physically, while mentally remaining mere children. Their reasoning facultios lie forever in abey- ance. To attain the most serious ends of life they have recourse to the tactics and tantrums of the nursery. Give them what they want, they are pleased and quiet. Deny them anything, circumvent, or disappoint them i I the least or the greatest matter, and they fly into a rage. The thought of the unpleasant effects on others of this favourite proceeding never deters them. Even their vanity is not disturbed by the reflection that they are making themselves ridiculous;, that, while perhaps outwardly appearing to be awed or subdued by their display of temper, those on whom it is vented, or who are simply witnesses of the scene, are secretly laughing at and despising them. Nor do they ever suspect from how much pleasant participation in the affairs of others they shut themselves out by the indulgence of an irrit- able disposition. Some persons say they cannot help being angry. This is the common excuse — which is no excuse at all — given by every class of sinners when exhorted to for- TIIK I'llU.osoi'lIlc si'iuiT 239 mip urinkmg , the profane ono "cannot liein » hi. irrevercno., and so o... Others again by d^nt .? earnest and persistent ertWt. at self^nt 'ol Jucc ed fn obtannng a partial or complete n.a.tery of their temper" ^ tha few .suspect the turmoil excited in tl^^ir S by untoward happenings. This, however ^ not a r^al liioral victory, since the tem,)er is still ther^- a, d onTv m outward signs are supprcLed. The act^l t^ph of reason over passion come, only when ca2 of trrST T" '%' r'' '^^'^^"'^ viewed rthdr TvLS'of ni-l" r'^, ^""'''^^'^ ^"^ '^^y' 'o attain "hatrbvlv^ f .r"7' '"'•'"'*^ which 'cannot be frictns of Zv r ' '?^"'"'^' contradictions, losses or ir ctions of dady hie. An impartial analysis of a situa- tion, a frank recognition of the inevitable oi a slvinir nLri «li ■'' '"'"P^" "'"^ difficulties of others nearly always excite smiles or laughter, while onJs own merely provoke one to ill-temper? Is'it not merely hat one's sense of humour is outweighed by h^Sr^ ona discomfort or annoyance consequent J aVovZ'n aocident or emergency? teriain This need not be if a childish regard for one's own t?lr roreT^'-V'i 'T '''''' ^' -^eXrvS Tu the more dignified determination to take thimrs coolly, quietly and with the certain knowledge that an^ teinporai,^ loss or inconvenience will be f frg^n in The physical eflfects of anger constantly indulged are llrTct^cT''"""^^ '^^" ''' "'^^'^^ -- Sa.s '?Po;u! "Every time a man becomes 'White' or rA,l »!»i. , . danger of his life. The heart and l.Tiin „r« « *^ ""^^ *'^" '" '" when fitH of passion are in, ^ Jed in Not on v'.W^""' "'""" "^''''^ paralysis of the «man h!o«d vessel ,„f °* ^'^ J' ^<>«« an^er can., nartial termittent; that is, every noJand then it .To "^"k '^''''° ^*^*"""'' «"• thing as is e^perie^ced^yex^e^ste smoke?:"'''' " """'' '""^'^ '""^ «««»• 4 240 IN THE PATHS OP PEACE There is every good reason, then, for controlling a disposition to irritability. Controlling it does not suffice. The complete cure is effected only by acquiring a modicum of philosophy which enables one to perceive the relation of causes and effects, and which hinders one from over-valuing the trifling and transient things of life, while attaching little or no value to what alone is precious and worth seeking from afar. ^v^^^irx' XCVII r , OUR DESEriT?. We may be pretty certain iJuit »■ /v <. ivh<nn the world tnats til deserve ent'^pi - rnab- •/ c ^V get The world is a looking glo .'anr ,ru. \> ' h every man the reflection of his t w fn. > .„. ^ at d and /•./'?. '"'"'* '*'''*' *''"^'2, 0' ,,. , l,unh at it and mth tt and it is a jolly, kmd o^n n^n, . • and so let all young persons take their choi, — Vanity Fair. ;HE majority of us find an extraordinary degree of satisfaction in fastening the blame for our mis- ♦;, * *v.- !1^^/''. '*^^"- ^^® ««l^on^ stop to think that this attitude is childish and undignified. It is of course, equivalent to a confession of weakness, or utter incapacity. If we cannot direct our o^vn affairs succe.s- luilj, If we have not suflicient intelligence and fore- sight to steer clear of the diflSculties that beset our path, If we lack the firmness and tact necessary to keep intruders out of our way while we attend to our affairs, then indeed, we are but sorrily equipped for the battle of life, and it is high time we bestirred ourselves to effect the necessary improvement in our character and disposition. Nothing is more fatal to independent and effective action than the habit of leaning on and look- ing to others for assistance and support in the trials of Me We must learn to stand on our own feet, to accept with equanimity the consequences of our own actioi ., 242 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE and to govern our lives without reference to the suc- cesses or failures of those who may be more or less for- tunate than we. There are persons who court poverty by extravagance or wastefulness, who invite rebuffs by their presumption, who earn contempt by their selfish- ness, or inspire repu^, '^.ance by slovenly habits. But while thus deliberately violating accepted canons of taste and prin3iples of right living, they openly resent the infliction of the punishment that suits their crime. They demand, as a right, that the world shall treat them with the same distinction accorded to the prudent, the modest, the generous and the conscientious man or woman, whom none can fail to admire and love. There are always good grounds for suspicion regard- ing the alleged grievances of the person who calls him or herself misunderstood. A really loveable man or woman is always beloved. A tiresome, exacting, dis- agreeable one is disliked and avoided. So when we meet with rebuffs, coldness, neglect or asperity on the part of others, let us not be in haste to charge them with ingratitude, unkindness or severity. Let us, first, hold up the looking-giass to ourselves and ascertain wherein we have displeased. Be sure, if wc look well enough, we shall not fail to find that what we have had to endiire has justly been merited by our own offences or ."liortvjomings. ^^?^^' .m^r^^mi^'^^^^^r^m ^1^ XCVllI SERVING ONE MASTER. — Selected. «, however, „„,cl, dimi„i,l„.,l l,v the di^ovTrv ! in mS t h r"'"' '''""''l"". -nd •■"f"«.' to bo a" S-' i"J',:""lfiT'^ -.--iWli-y. T Jt "L«"L a virtiit in unsolfiglmcas no one will .lenv. but tbnf if perionn. To attempt tiisks bevond your atren^h or ^t nV«-/n- 1 "" ''^"'^'"^ task-master. It docs not please n.m to see .vou toiling ineeasantly and to the point of ntter exhaustion. You are doing more th a i$n 244 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE He wants you to do when you refrain from taking needed rest and recreation. He has placed you in a beautiful world that you may enjoy it. He has ordained that you shall work, but He has placed the seal of dignity upon labour. If you permit it to degen- erate into slavery and degradation, it is because you are straining after a false ideal, because you are consumed by a misplaced ambition. Do we not see mothers on all sides of us wearing themselves out in pitiably futile efforts to compete with others more highly favoured by circumstances? Does God want them to do that? Think how many useless burdens would slip from wearied shoulders if that single question were asked of one's self over and over through the day, " Does God want me to do it?" instead of , " What will the neigh- bours think?" which is the criterion the average woman seems feverishly anxioiis to live by. Let us not complain too bitterly therefore when we are weary and heavy-laden. We know the gracious invitation, " Come to Me .... and I will refresh you." It is our own fault if we do not lay down our burdens at the feet of the Master, and pursue our way with a lightened heart, freed from the distracting problems that confront all who substitute worldly ambition for the pure and earnest desire of serving one Master and Him alone. If we are satisfied to do what He wants us to do we shall find strength enough for the divinely imposed tasks. But if we persist in struggling to serve other masters as well, let us be careful not to add to the offence of a divided allegiance the still greater one of blaming our Maker for misfortunes of our own deliber- ate creation. XCIX THE UNREFORMED REFORMER. We have no gratitude for those reformers who would twn tC "^ " ^'^'T "''"■^^ ^«* ^'^ sweetened Zfr w. ji,. Chaumng. JO say we have no gratitude for those who would like to reform us before reforming themselves expresses very mildly the feeling excited n the rJwd ^'^-^^--^ by the kind ^of int^^^rente referred to. An uncommon amount of patience is required to enable one to put up with the too ob^oi^ own moral deficiencies persistently loom large before our eyes We are, perhaps, restrained by aVbIt of cmhty from reminding the would-be reformer of his ZolZ A T'^"'^"' *"^' '' '^ b«''« ^hat he envoys a decided advantage over us. He has none of the delicate of others. He is possessed with the idea that to be virtuous means to keep a strict watch on his fellow- creatures, and to let them know that his eye is on them •''J.""'"^u'^''"^ "P ^b"P'-^ ^^he^e^er they sa^ or d" anything that excites his disapproval. Xeedless to say he (sometimes he is a she) is the most unpopular person in an3, commumty and the least likely of all to accom- plish any good work in the world. The most effectual rebuke that can be administered 240 IN TIIK TATIIS OK I'KACK to a .sinner is the " white flower of a blameless lite," growing daily in beauty under bis eyes. With this before him, there will be no need to admonish or reprove him. Actions sj^Mik IoikUt than words, and are longer riineml>ered. A liiunan life, goo<l or bad, is so nianv-sided, thut it is not for the wisest of us to judge of the whole from one or more of the facets turned towards us. A hypocrite often passes for a sair nd goml men who have never done a wrong or meai» action arc often scored as tin- worst of sinners for failing to conform to some little village standard of morality. A devout person fetls troubled about another who h;is loss fre<]ueiit recourse to prayer, yet it may well be that the latter leads the larger, nobler life of the two. 1'here are women who would not mish a singh* church service, week-day or Sunday, yet who are known to be morbidly inciuisitive, idle, greedy, given to gt)S8ip, worldlincss, and other weaknesses of the Hesh. Those who have not the tem- perament to enjoy or profit by conventional forms of worship, may have a deeper sense of reverence for holy things, and pursue ;i loftier ideal with far greater earnestness. But bounded as we all are by limitations that arc onl}^ too obvious to the least observing, we should not dare to assume the censorship of another's life. To speak in the plainest terms, it is not our business to improve our neighbours, but ourselves. Good sense, good manners, and true charity should all combine to restrain us from assuming a prerogative which belongs to the Creator alone. c THE DIGNITY OP LABOUR. Who sweeps a room as for Thy laws Makes that and the action fine. —George Herbert. .0 bo able to dicmify and even ennoble the com monest tasks by dedicafin.^ tl.„ * !. . ni fi.„ Tir /' ^^"'^»""Pr them to the service ChH.i.1 wo ,a,ru\'ier„:l£T'- °' "^^ n, cooking, washing dish« and floors, sweepinr d ist spmtual v,d„e of over^ task faithfully aocompShS .nd .h>s ^vos then, inrinciUe patieni to Tilt the 248 IN THK PATHS OF PEACE constant demands on their time and strength. Yet they cannot be called drudges or menials, because they are at all times neat and dignified in appearance, and are treated with kindness and respect by their superiors, who call them " sisters," and see that, however onerous their tasks, a certain part of their busiest days is allotted to prayer and recreation. What a contrast to their peaceful and happy livet, are those of many housekeepers, who grumble at the least as well as the greatest task imposed on them, who for want of system, are always behindhand with their work, and, therefore, unable to take needed rest and recreation, who make their occupations an excuse for personal neglect and untidiness, and who deeply resent the immunity enjoyed by others from the cares that press 1 their shoulders. It if= possible to make all our actions fine if only we have ifficient r^pect for ourselves and for the One we serve Common work may degrade common people, but a voman of native refinement, instea'l of being a sla 'e to circumstances, rises superior t«' them, and leaves ^^o stamp of taste and individual charm on everytli • touched by her hands. ^^^^ft^iS' CI MEA CULPA. JJjp ^T'"' ? ^''^ "^ f''^ carelessly, you do not •xpect Providence to make it palatable. — John Ru&kin. ■^ "r^"'* T °^'"'^ ^"^^°g °^ blasphemy when we dare to attribute to the will of ¥vo- vidence, results that have been brought about Sr^ to"' '"" ^^"^^""^^ «^ deliberatf wrong* doing. Women are mveterate sinners in this respect quences of their mistakes. It is a purely feminine prerogative to wring one's hands in presence^ of a cZ- t?tlrnlaee""hT '^" ^^' ^^^ ^^^ -^VtC to take place, whde a moment's reflection would suffice to trace the seeming "accident" to grave n^gligrce being. The mtervention of Providence, under the cir- cumstances, would be equivalent to an iivitetlon to L f^'lalti^?"' ^\T^r^- ^-° the ml dt' ful penalties incurred by human rashness and incom- petence do not always suffice to compel prudenceTd fore bought. What then would be^theTmTt of our recklessness if Providence stood ever beside us for the pun>ose of saving us from its consequences ? ' failure loss and disaster, viewed logically, are in reality valuable lessons permitted by Providence o teach us humility, discretion, patience^ and [he proper 260 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE exercise of our reasoning and administrative faculties. We need just such rebukes to check our overweening self-confidence and complacency. Our helplessness in the face of a great catastrophe or irretrievable loss reveals to us with startling clearness the limitations of human power, and the urgent necessity of bringing all the intelligence and conscience we are endowed with to bear on the work we have in hand. It is only when we have exhausted all the legitimate means of helping ourselves at our disposal, that we are entitled to look to Providence for a gracious intervention in our behalf. It would be the highest presumption to assume that the Creator should do the work assigned to us, be it easy or difficult. ^Neither in the preparation of a dish nor in the management of the affairs of a nation have we any right to expect a manifestation of Divine favour. When we have been furnished with the means and the strength to accomplish our appointed tasks, the part of Providence has been fully and perfectly per- formed. It remains for us to do the rest. There is such a thing as being ungenerous in our relations towards God To avoid such an ungrateful attitude we have but to refrain from shirking the blame incurred by our own misdoing and throwing it on Providence Let us have the honesty to own ourselves at fault and to recognize the fact that Divine justice is unalterable and unassailable *^.^^^tV CII THE WEAK MIND. be llTJf^^' v"'' "'' ^»<^icative of a weak mind, to be sxlent when tt rs proper to speak, and to apeak when ttjs proper to he silent. ^ JHK proper exercise and government of the rift of speech 13 an art susceptible of a high deirree of DPrsnn-'l r*'"""- T ^^ ", ""' *^^ '"^^^ ^^ ^^e highest peraonal charm. It is, besides, the readiest and most effective instrument for promoting good feeHng, and diffusing happiness wherever its influence is felt. \me pem>ns, like Tainmas Mitchell, of Drumtochty, labour under a perpetual disability of speech, and when forced by some dire emergency to give utterance to a mono- syllable or two, convey the impression of being thor- ougHy frightene<l at the sound of their own ^voices ]U^Ty.\^'''' ^''^T *''^-^' ^^^ ^ 8peak,--like the ittle babbling brook-- go on for ever," so that peace- loving mortals who are not indifferent to the value of silence and repose at reasonable intervals, flee away in iity and taciturnity, which are the Scylla and Charybdis of oouversatiou, flows the silver stream of tactful Ssilence '' '"'"'"'^' ^^ '^'' ^^'^^^ ^'"'^ '^ ^^ Fluency and versatility in conversation are not com- mon, even where a certain degree of culture has been attained ; yet one may entirely lack education and stiU 262 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE be a most interesting and agreeable speaker. To this end, it is only necessary to speak with conviction of the things whereof one knows, leaving carefully untouched those subjects which are beyond one's ken, To confess ignorance of a subject introduced in conversation is a proof of honesty and courage, but to plunge into a dis- cussion for which one is disqualified, by previous educa- tion and training, affecting a knowledge one has never acquired, is to convict one's self of shallowness and deceit. " Conversation," says Anne Jameson, " may be com- pared to a lyre with seven chords — philosophy, art, poetry, politics, love, scandal, and the weather. There are some professors, who, like Paganini, ' can discourse most eloquent music,' upon one string only ; and some who can grasp the whole instrument, and with a master's hand sound it from the top to the bottom of its compass." Without aspiring to achieve distinction of this kind, the average mortal may be content with acquiring a certain ease in his ordinary conversational intercourse with his fellows. Bo not be niggardly of speech. Say as many pleasant words as you can in the day In many families, words are spared to such an extent that con- versation is never indulged in, except when strictly necessary. The friendly morning salutation is omitted, and breakfast proceeds in silence. If an announce- ment of general interest is made, it is received with grunts of approval or disapproval, but elicits no com- ment. The varioi " tJembers disperse to attend to their daily tasks withou; anging a word with one another. How different frt j; ,ui8 gloomy silence and unsociable- ness is the atmosphere of the home where pleasant speech circulates freely, and where a nod, or a grunt, is never permitted to do duty for a polite request or expression of thanks I It is surprising how much good THE WKAK MIND 253 feeling ig promoted in families by the free use of juit the ordinary courteous phrases prescribed by politeness. As regards intercourse with strangers, a kind, unsel- fish interest in them and a desire to please, will greatly facilitate pleasant conversation. Most persons are responsive to a little sympathy, when it does not take the form of impertinent curiosity. On the other hand, discretion bids us be silent when a companion is plainly disinclined for speech, or disposed to be argu- mentative, sarcastic, or domineering. One must not talk much in the presence of one's elders or superiors, nor in a sick room, nor in the presence of great sorrow. With a little reflection, it is easy to determine when to speak and when to be silent, so as to avoid those mis- takes of tact and judgment which, according to the Persian sage, are indicative of a wedc mind. MICROCOPY RESOIUTION TBT CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 1.1 |Z8 1 4.0 I 2.5 2.2 2£ 1.8 ^' /APPLIED IfVMGE Inc ^BT 1653 East Moin Street S'.S Rochester, Near York 14609 USA ^S (716) 482 -0300 -Phone ^B (716) 288 - 5989 - Fax cm THE DIGNITY OF FOOD. There is nothing better for a man than that he should eat and drink. — Ecclesiastes ii., 24. ISTORY repeats itself. " The woman gave me and I did eat," was Adam's explanation of his first sin. How many times since the fall might not the same words have been used to palliate various transgressions of the sons of men ! Philosophers and moralists have not hesitated to trace an incalculable amount of the misery and wickedness that darken the earth to the imperfect digestion, or empty stomachs, of their perpetrators. A man is what he eats, and in the majority of cases, he eats what some woman gives him. Great, therefore, is the responsi- bility that rests on the provider of meals, and strictly shoidd she examine her conscience from time to time on the subject of the dishes she prepares for the delectation of her lord and master. No woman should be allowed to marry who does not understand the properties of different kinds of food, and hov/ best to preserve them in the ordinary culinary processes. Whether she expects to have many servants or not, it is a shame to her if she cannot, in an emerg- ency, take possession of her own kitchen, and prepare such appetizing aad nourishing dishes for her husband as shall make him rise up and call her blessed. THE DIGNITY OF FOOD 255 iJ^' ^i'^^"f°*^7 ^^PPe^. a girl is promoted to wife- Wd without having received any previous traininrTn domestic science, it is her solemn duty tnpply Self mmedia ely and earnestly to the tas/of niSnrthe secrets of good cookery. She is not a wife in the true Unfortunately, many women have such a depraved sen.e of taste that they are themselves unable to dTcIm between well and ill-cooked food wonderf^rL"'"^'' T^ '^^PP^ vegetables, fearful and wonderful soups and gravies, messy puddings and sod den cake, boiled tea and half-baked bread afe some of the delicacies regularly found upon their tables Even TthesSrf """" '' ^''''^^ and tot 'appeal m the strangest guise, generally burnt or cold, or both The unhappy man who is expected to thrive on such a diet grumbles, perhaps until he is weary of it but finally resigns himself to the inevitable, with ^he irneHr ^i>t:^twi tV"^^^^ "^'-^ -^ and he does eat! ' *^' """"^^ ^^'' ^^' But every man is not in such evil case. The good wife IS not rare who makes it a point of honour to place on her table only the soundest and most carefully pre- pared food. She knows how to keep the ju'ces in^e m all, until the moment of serving. Her gravies and the palate. She believes in an honest pudding of good r^tW S H •' ' V "^'e *l!^^^ ''' ^''^^^' do- without rather than dignify with that name a wishy-washy com- crusf H?;. ) I ' %^^'^ol-<^"^e prejudice against pie crust that IS fork-proof, and cake that is sodden, and tea 256 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE of an hour's standing. In short, she knows that it is good not only for man, but equally for woman, to eat and drink only what is pleasant and wholesome, and, acting on that convic an, she makes the providing of meals the most serious business of life. Does it con- sume all her time and energies? By no means. Good judgment and system aiding, the task appears more and more simple as experience grows, and ultimately it becomes almost impossible for her to make mistakes. She has leisure for lighter and more congenial labours, and is never grudged the pleasures they yield her. Her reward is in the health and contentment of her husband, and the beauty of her children, as well as in the love and pride with which they regard her. It is in the power of almost every woman to achieve this kind of success and popularity. That there should be any without the ambition to secure it is a mystery inexplicable save on the grounds of defective intelligence. CIV INNOCENCE. Know thou nothing that is base. — Owen Meredith. " ^ esTtTthl^^^^^-*^' '°" ^^^^^ ^""g« "« near- est to the angels is innocence. A soul that has «nn,.t>,-"'^'' ^-".^ '"^^'^ ^y *^« knowledge of e^li^ ST ^^^"^«^*«I^ l>eamiful to contemplate To ^d such an one, outside the ranks of childhood is a but ST;- ^""^ '' °^^' ^°* ^^' ^ mothers would but guard the precious innocence of their daughters more jealously training them to close eve^ avenue o1 o hLTsf rf '" '^"°^* *^^ ^-^^^«"« poi^n that ;ry apparently the most harmless. A girl also mt, Ac. ?'„^,^- "'^ »=?"«« of pride to her that she knows STevfr „a!^f °'"™' 't" ""'^' P°'»' "tt™=«o^ *« cm ever make her own. Bnt it is of all her treaai,rp« t\TL^^:' -' ''- -'^ -^ whicCon^rt: m,y^^'''*"f ^*^^^' ^"^ ^^ ^ ^^*^1 attraction for young mmds and as it is impossible to screen it, in dHtf manifold aspects, from their observation the task of preserving the innocence of children be omes one ^ well-mgh msuperable difficulty. The most Dowerf^ counter-agent of unfavourable WencesTa moThS^s 2r.8 IN TIIK I'ATIIS OF TKACK r. love ami syminitliy. Constant vigilnnco I'casos Ut Im< a nooo8sitv when thorc exists botwcon parent and cliild that sweet and perfeet intiniaey which eonies of nintual love nn«l trnst. I'ndne severity cheeks the confidenco a child wonid like t<i repose in lier mother, and the doubts and perplexities which have been awakened in her mind by some s])e(>ch or action snijixestive of evil, instead of beinj; explained and banished by discreet coiuisel and pni<lance, stick jiertinacionsly in her thoughts, to her ultinuite injury. A careful mother will read in her child's face what is passing in her heart, and at the first intimation of danger to perfect inno- cence will take loving means to eflface any injurious impressions received, and will endeavour to substitute for them an increased interest in what is pure and beautiful. Teach a growing girl to love useful occupation, healthy pastimes, goo<l books, flowers, trees, birds, unisic, fill her with a desire to make other lives happy and beautiful, and she will find so much fo interest her mind and employ her energies, that she will be in little if any danger of coming under evil intluences. ^^^^^i^ ("V HEROISM IN SMALL THINGS. uiey rosl /nr more, blond and arjornj. — I'll il lips iJrooks. JIIK horo of a laiiHln.l IniitU-H whon., bravory in tli.. hour of dan«_er is,.! |.y „« umny Hears fro,,; noH8 It condemned to (.ndure tl„, ,s,i,„o numUr ,H to be the b-ant tolerant of small Zo. J he aamc ,s not untn.o of our sox, but illustrations a7o W frec,ucnt, n.ncc t in our usual Jot to be exposed orl to he p,n-pr,ek.s, while duly safe-guarded a Jinst swo d and cannon-ball. .N<, gl.ry attaches to tt7L7Zd conquests of s.-lf made every day by the wf^l and mother intent on the fulfilment o^f her "to hor suffer ,n silence, knowing that only by a lapse from duty on her part are others brought to realise the great^ ne^ of the demands made daily upon her time, strer gt. and patience. It would not become her to spek of he ever-recurnng trials and difficulties, she wo, Id, at best wTff rt"' r. "'''^''•'"' ''^^""^ -^ -^ the' fruit of for hp^ft" K r'/ 7''"^'' •^"^""'•- ^«<^hing remains the rill 7 . '" ^'r "P ^'' "^•^^ «-i ^P'nts to the point of heroic endurance in little thinL.s. tnistina that one day the grand aggregate of all her efforts will :'C0 IN TIIK PATHS »)F PKACK I be roproscntcd by a woll-rounded life, free from hatint- inp doubts or bitter sclf-accusings. This is real heroism in woman, more real than that which sends the trained nurso to the battUifield or the missionary to the land of the unfriendly heathen. Indeed, without seeking to detract from the merits of such as undertake these dangerous offices, it is not un- fair to say, that often the exciting prospect of change, travel, and adventure, is so much more attractive to a restless woman than the alternative of staying at homo under distasteful conditions, that her choice of the first is less a prix)f of devotion or heroism than the selfish jidoption of a desperate measure to retlecra a life unen- durably circumscribed by thq common-place. The world calls her a heroine, but the verdict finds no echo in her own heart, for often, in the midst of her most brilliant successes, the still small voice of conscience upbraids her as a deserter, from the real post of duty. The blame, however, is not wholly on such as are goaded by intolerable conditions of life ai, home to seek new and broader fields for their energies and enthusiasms. Family life is often a species of purgatory for sensitive women. They crave the light and warmth of love and appreciation, but look for it vainly in a home where, through the selfishness and tyranny of a parent or other relative, all the sweet amenities of life are rudely ignored. It is hard for anyone to stand alone in this world. The forces that govern our separate lives are so inextricablv intertwined, that to each of us falls a cer- tain share of responsibility for the happiness of all. It may not be in our power to avert great misfortunes that Threaten our near and dear ones, but from the little cares that eat the heart out we may lovingly shield them in many a da k and crucial hour. How eagerly we nish to the rescue of one who is physically hurtl Shall we be less tender to those who are crushed in lIKROrHM IN HMAM, TriINfJH 261 ooopor than a kinfo, and draws more h\nn,\ T, . • i ;..p wound, uuo t.,„»„, „„a .ii„yT.r«u^ ;,.„[' ;;:: ^^.^^-^e-x- !l cvi i li f SORROW'S SWEET USES. We cannol understand what we li'irii never experi- enced; ti'c need pain, were it only to leyich us sympathy. — L E. L. JT^ ET a woman possess ovfry other gruee and virtue ^^^ she is capable of acquiring, but lack sympathy, and she will never know the true meaning of friendship. That subtle power which enables one to enter into the soul of another, divining its most secret sorrows and conflicts, belongs only to those Avho have been tried in the furnace of affliction, and who have con ! forth chastened, purified, with clearer vision, larger patience, and a more tender charity for all fellow-sufferers. This is one of the sweetest uses of sorrow, that it joins in one great brotherhood all the hearts that have ever been buried beneath its weight. In the first dark hour one does not realize this truth, nor appreciate its beauty and value. But with the healing influences of time comes the enlarged perception which lends to life an entirely new aspect, and to our relations with others a kind of intimacy which would have been impossible before. The veil of selfishness, of indifference, has been removed from our eyes. We see our own affairs in their true proportion to the affairs of others. Many matters, which had formerly seemed to us of transcend- ent interest and importance, now shrink into their real insignificance, and we marvel at the childishness which made us expend time and enthusiasm on them. Now that the iron has entered into our soul, we are no Nouifow's .s\vki:t iscs ::h:; po\v«r tlioughts of «|.|f u-,. I. .. ""« 'tVSH occiipu.,1 with to look all ;: J r;,;: T ^"^.•"■'" ""-^ ^'•'-•••""'y side Hour fi. , •^"'^'^"w ot flio world on cvrrv "et; „ ,i /pi .,'■;;;" "" "•"■ '-t'.""' "■'"' "-•■■ -i-- trouWc. ' wTi, I ,! 'l "';';r''™' ""■"'""<y fro,,, When other Jhomtrj'"'^''''''^-" ^"'"P^''*^- «t life u„,„„XdX ;.fn '" """ ''^ '" ""^ '""8- fruit of sympathy. -'^"'^ ^«.S bear golden 18 evil THE TWO CLASSES OF HUMANITY. The human race is div'uh'd info tiro claam's, those who go ahead and do something, and those who sit and inquire. " Why wasn't it done the other way f* — Oliver Wendell Holmes. i j^J^lTH a glib tongue and a drop or two of envy, malice or iincharitableness, any woman who has a mind to, may, with very litle practice, become an expert fault-finder. The recipe is so simple, and the ingredients so common, that it is less a matter for wonder than regret, that the number who choose to place themselves under this category, so greatly exceed that of their more progressive and practical sisters, " who go ahead and do something." These latter may not be unqualified successes in the various lines of work they have taken up, nor can it be pretended that thc'r are wholly free from the unami- able weakness which makes the self -constituted critic (of every one but lierself) such a delightful person to get away from, but the mere fact of being intent on the performance of their chosen task, however humble, removes from them both the opportunity and the temptation \o " sit and inquire " v/hy their neighbours do not do their work another way. One would think that a sense of pride and dignity would preserve women from betraying too curious an interest in the affairs of others, in no wav related to THE TWO rr.ASSE« Of IIIMANITV 26J rS tZ t :f """"..^ »l'.-»"''.v, tl,„ tl,ci.. own it develop" info ? *'"f,.'"'^^^"«3^ '^ «''ecked in time, / t^i(t.>, btji i.s shut out from the confidence fri..,,,! ship and even society, of all the best peop e h;'kno and once having: incurred the penaltv of t?l ^ i' Seit?, tl"'° ^^^^'^^' "-'''"^ °* '^^^"'"t nnaers will have no power to diaturb our sorenitv Wo cannot .To.d making mistakes, but when we S e^^ bnti "'.r'-T"^ *^ ''^"« spectators of ^u' t^A ' J ! , * ™'*'"" '""J «Perience of our master. ^^^^^S^ '■ - W ■ .: CVIII THE LIMIT OF ASPIRATION. A friend ichose friend t<^'ip bids us cume up kUjher ; A wife who wears Iter wifehood as a cvoivn ; A mother whose home love no cares can down ; To v:hat more coidd one himan life asinre ! — Selected. J HERE is something pathetic in the blindness which hinders most of us from seeing the beaiitiful possibilities of happiness and praise- worthy achievement that lie just within our reach. The trouble is, they are too near us. It is only when we are transplanted from our ordinary daily environ- ment into one wholly different that we realize the value of the opportunities we have lost. In perspective their full dimensions stand revealed. Yet we used to feel impatient when others tried to remind us of the high prerogatives and sweet privileges attached to the state that we despised and barely endured. We used to think, " What can they know about it ; they see only from the outside." Ah, but this critical survey from without, is exactly what is needed to help us to a just perception of things. Have you ever tried to look at your own life from the point of view of an unprejudiced spectator — one who would be strictly impartial in his judgments and logical in all his inferences ? Or sup- pose that a novelist was asked to depict your character with absolute fidelity to life. Suppose that all your THE LIMIT OF ASWIiATIOX 0157 oonTersation was to be printed and made Dublie ■ tl,„, the changes of e.,pre.»ion in yonr face, and' the vary' " for all that is good in jour life. <t"Kiuiness According to some theologians it is a n«rt «^ *». kind of earthly happiness, as thereby we learn to W cwS t ^'r'^- ^"* ^^ -- tot?a*higre? .nTT ^ '^^"^ ^ generous appreciation of the good things we are permitted to enjoy in this Hfe I confess I have never bppn nWo t« -f / , for the wiff ^r 1 ^"^ ^^^^ "^"^^ s:^rapatliv Wi ! • , '^^'''^ ^^^^:^ tenderness towards her husband IS replaced, in less than a year perhaps by fho habit of ceaseless nagging ; nor for the young mother acnuisitinn n^ f l,^ ''^'''^''"' "''^^ ^''^^ «"dden aM satietv tfof.r^'^^ ^""^'^^' degenerates into T?„ In fi "tI * ^^"'''''' ^^'^ ^"«h self-indulgence ca" So if ' 'T "T^^^"^-^ ^^^ - --% the^ ame ease. So, if you have been chosen from among many 268 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE others to fill the office of a friend, a wife, or a mother, do not forget that there is matter for lasting joy and pride in the fact. Before you complain of an empty and colourless life, before casting wistful eyes in the direction of forbidden or inaccessible joys, be sure that you have extracted all the sweetness possible from one or other of those privileges which make you an object of envy to many another woman. Study those heroines of history or fiction whose circumstances bore any resemblance to yours, and see in what respect you fall short of their excellence. This kind of comparison is not calculated to increase one's self-esteem, but it is valuable in aiding one to detect certain blemishes of character that otherwise might never have been per- ceived, and in stimulating the determination to render one's self more worthy of the free gifts one has received at the hands of Providence. 14J^ CIX MY GARDEN. Go, muhe thy garden as fair as thou canst, Thou workest never alone; Perchance he whose plot h next to thine Will see it and mend his own. ,_«^ — Selected. H ^^^ ^.^*i^'' '^''"'^ ^° "^^ ^'•<^«^ y<>«"g girls and 4^ married women who reside in small towns, or m the country, bewailinj^ the diilnees of their surroimdmgs and the apathy of the people among whom they hye. Sometimes, strange to say, two or three let ers m this strain will come from one place, each making the same complaint that there is no one of anv taste or refinement in the neighbourhood, that to organ- ize any kmd of club or awaken the interest of even half a dozen people in any scheme making for mutual enter- tainment and improvement would be a hopeless task. -P'ow, I cannot help wishing to ask each of these correspondents, "What do you, r^ersonallv, do, to rais. the tone of your community, or to varv the monotony of life m your village? Have you ever reallv tried to improve the conditions of your own existence, and shown others, by example, how to profit bv the oppor- tunities and advantages within their roach? Have vou not rather, folded your hands and contented vour^self with idly protesting against the Fate that nlar^d von where you are? You may fancy yourself hardly u=ed 27 V IN TilK PATHS Ol' I'EACK lii'ciujsp no one aniotii;' the firole of your nccinaintanccs is quulilied to coutributo to your cntertainniont, or to make your life in any sense, more interestiiij^. Xow, suppose tliat instead of looking to others for distraction and inspiration, you made up your mind to be yourself a source of liplit and leading to the com- munity, not in any vain desire to outshine tlie rest, but with the sincere liope of setting the wheels of jirogress in motion, would not this lend a new zest and meaning to your life? Tlie right way to set about it is to concentrate your time, thoughts and energies on some worth}-^ object, until through all hindrances and discouragements, you attain success. The choice of an object will, of course, be restricted to those which you have the greatest facili- ties ' • pursuing. If you live on a farm, and have a little - jure, and a plot of groimd at your disposal, you might, for instance, cultivate roses, chrysanthemums, or violets. Make a study of the conditions necessary for ]->roducing the best results, and aim as high as possible. Send your choicest flowers to the local exhibition, and if they arc not the finest in the show, inquire into the reasons, and redouble your care and attention, until your efforts are crowned with the highest success. Con- sider the effect of this achievement alone, on all who may witness it. The example of a refined taste and of perseverance under difficult'-"* will excite many others to similar endeavour. Y( rden Avill be a source of local pride, and a new topic of conversation. Here, then, is one break in the hopeless dulness, and there is room for many more. A young wife's forte may be the neatness of her house and the completeness of all her domestic arrange- ments. By continual attention to these details, she may become a pattern to all her neighbours, and incite thorn to a wholesome rivalry. A mother, by exercising MV (JAUhKN •27 \ v^Jnch all o horwiil .' ' "";'^'"«<-'0"sly, a stau.lard for her offorT Tl n '"""'"'.^^a^' «"J a worthy fi.ld oriKinali y b^^; «! Iv T ^'""r ^> ""' *" «^nvo after nchor lif,. would I. u, , , „ f. ''r'f'^' '"'^ ""«<^l' eminent in one lino of ^.l.e " "n" '"'"' 'T" called dull or stunid wl.^ ^ , .^"^ ^"^^ ««" '>« thogromd """''' "'"' ""=™ c<"nl«rers of any commnnifv J», t^ • i valuable member of inff herself an nnfli^r.-f • -y* ^°^ ^^ P^ov- works of ovon o„/f™ • "^^'""'■■""y »"!, H,n ShakcspoarrT„„ ko„ rCr' t' ""■' " ''''^''™^' a covetablc in.o of 3' ■""■ ^""V*". Pvcs ono ooe's self Ld'ftc/ "■■' """' " " """"' "^ '■''"'"■•o '» ™t note, a„ f,„ .„„.. ;x,a^ !:;™".l:; "^s self w 272 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE from the favourite operas, ordinary dance music, and the accompaniments of well known songs. To know by heart the words of favourite songs and hymns is also a very useful accomplishment. The next time any one is tempted to -complain of the stupidity of her neighbours I hope she will iirst ques- tion herself as to whether she has "made her own garden as fair as she can." Until satisfied that our own personality is interesting and stimulating to others, it will become us better to be silent about the shortcom- ings of our neighbours. ^v.v*yiu^ ex THE HIGHEST KNOWLEDGE. / do not hunger for a well-stored mind; I only wish to live my life, and find My heart m unison luith all mankind. — Edmund Gosse. :iIE most precious truths are not found in books. Ihe greatest intellectual profit is not acquired learned "thaTwe: ''^ ""' ^^^ '^' '^'^ ^' ^^^^ -- miv l!""^ ''i^"^"* *^^ *° '^^^ ^^°"t life, though to Ss airier v'* *'^ "^^"^ '' *^-^ -tual expe- riences and opportumties never becomes apparent until they have been taught to see it through the eve of some thoughtful writer. Therefore it is good to b1 acquainted with books, and with the opinions If lit men, not wi h a view merely of becoming learned but degref that r^ T? ^^T'^' f^^ perceptions to a obTrvatiom """'''" *'^ "^^' ^^ independent minds" thiT«^' ' relative term which conveys to no two Sfpd w\. I impression. Some men are well-edu- cated who have never entered a school, and others who can display certificates by the score will rema n SvTne- Lno^wST'r {'7"'- ^' '' *^^ P«-- ^f assimilating in er!.v^- 7t ,^^^^^'"^^"^^ ti^^ degree of educatioS m every individual. . I 274 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE Not what you learn by rote and rule gives you superi- ority over the untrained mind, but the great principles you have grasped and learned to apply to the practical affairs of life. To suspend a rule often argues a greater intelligence than to observe it. To dismiss needless details and data from the memory is a truer intellectual economy than to retain them. Science is mighty, but there are times when sentiment is of superior importance. Unless the heart is " in unison with all mankind," one's conception of life will necessarily be narrowed, one's relations to one's kind restricted. It is easy to measure one's intel- lectual and spiritual progress by this test. The man or woman who looks with spom or indifference on any class of humanity, thereby proclaims a defect in his or her education. There is plainly a failure to perceive the divine plan, to sympathize with the objects of crea- tion, to apprehend ever so faintly, the relation of the Creator to His creatures. As soon, however, as the mind is capable of grasping these conceptions there is a distinct advance in the direction of true knowledge, the value of which is far above that contained * all the books that were ever written. The 'anity of those who dabble in arts and sciences and deem themselves thereby the superiors of their fellows, who are honestly ignorant of such high matters, is a sorry sight compared with the humility of the truly ripe scholar who knows that the end of human know- ledge is but the beginning of that which is to come. He, like the poet, learns, soon or late, that the " well- stored mind " avails little or naught unless the heart be " in unison with all mankind." CXI THE BORE. ar7Hr7onf/'''':f'''' '" ^^"'^ "^'•^^' <^^^ ^^t of us z t:z. to t!z^^^'- ''^^^y '^^ -- ^0 •: ^ — W. Pctt Ridge. I^IVILIZATIO.^^ h,, i,s disadvantages. Not the f«t;± these is the doom of being bored wh eh nations.""''^'^^ ''''''' *^^ ^^'^^ of dl ages and Deprived by the laws of civilized stnfp^ ^^.. 01 speech and manner in which the ladia^ of fh^E^ perseoution,, in plain parlance, TZ ^t'JZo^l toes when even this «ndignified-but effectual- 276 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE Considering the numerical strength of the bore and the unceasing imminence of his descent upon the just and unjust alike, his facilities for poisoning the peace of his fellow-mortals are indeed of a formidable char- acter. Yet, evil as is the case of any one exposed to his onslaughts, the situation in at least not wholly desperate, since there is always an ultimate hope of respite. The infliction must necessarily be of a temporary character. Not so, however, in the case of the man who is tire- some to himself. Could any fate be more discouraging? From this worst of all bores. Self, even the alternative of running away is denied one. A craving for constant companionship, good or bad,^ for any kind of excitement that may temporarily obliterate the opjjressive self- consciousness of the victim is the surest symptom of this unhappy condition. Under its influence, every diver- sion and change, even sorrows and reverses, are welcome as preferable to the unendurable monotony of an exist- ence which no effort of will appears to be able to brighten or dignify. The persoiu:! feelings, experiences, affairs, of the man who is a bore to himself, appear to him always pro- foundly uninteresting, while those of his neighbours, or acquaintances, are invested in his eyes with a distinc- tion, a character of novelty, which excite his curiosity and compel his attention to an extraordinary degree. Unfortunately, the disgust he entertains towards him- self occasionally communicates itself to others, and his too eager interest in his neighbour's affairs is liable to be met vith coldness or suspicion. Thus gradually he becomfcd a bore, not only to himself but to everybody else, and truly the last state of that man shall be worse than the first. To avoid such an unpleasant fate, it is only necessary to bestow a proper degree of attention on one's self. THK IIOKK 277 by the world', apprii";' »*'°"=^' "' '"'^ '"sttly .„, or her „™ tho>,gh^t=e„na^ 1°?^'''''''°'^'? '" >■« who fail to rwilfe7;ir T J^' ""oemonea. Any remain iZlr„f°'r,'''°'"'^ °* ™"^»<»' »d to thrh^pilTri,,!--^"^-' *^.^^^ ex 1 1 SELF-RESTj VINT. A good memory knows how to forget, a well-managed tongue knows how to keep still, disciplined ears know how to be deaf on occasions, and skilful hands can hang idle, if necessary. One-half of knowledge consists in not knowing; one-half of beneficial action in resting. — Selected. VEKY common and serious defect in Ui embers of our sex who are striving to lead exemplary lives, is the excess of energy, of zeal and of nervous forco they bring to bear on the accomplishment of ordinary duties. They acquire the habit of incessant activity, and an alertness to improve every opportunity, which may be eminently satisfying to their own con- science, but which is apt to make them extremely im- patient, exacting, and occasionally unjust towards others. Undoubtedly, much has been gained when one has acquired a habit of industry, and brought all one's faculties to a high degree of cultivation, but there is such a thing as becoming a slave to one's perfections," and thus converting them into stimibling-blocks to our- selves and to our neighbour. The ideal life is the one which is kept unhampered by conditions or customs not essential to its highest pur- poses, so that the mind is free, at any moment, to exer- cise a choice dictated by friendship or judgment. mmm HKF.r-ljfiSTKAINT L':i» «ven pvo nn^r,,.W„.i '^''^ ; "'" '^ ^\'"^-'' ^l^e will not elan., , ,.^ -:;.;^; ^^^i';-. ;;;;;.. .m. . ., d^^nt, nmv nt.n,, ; .V"! "^'M'ortune, an ac-ei- obvicKsly inevitable cnlo; Zi^'7TT7'^ '" ^"^^'' unchristian. Tii.v ^honM " ' '"^Z'' ^''"'^'•^f' "''^' which onr soparato 1 vp« „,. ''\'^^'^?f<^r '^ great plan, of «ive Hio tl^ wo'nnn ./ ,"' "'^'^'^^^'^nt derails when she ki^Z^al^l^^i 'T "'^ ^^^«"^-' -'"^> attention to anothc am, "' "^"'7^'""' '''^^^y ^"rns ho- rdes, makes H^C^'Z '""^'''"^'''^^'^'^^^^ needed rest or an opLtun k";'" ^^;. ^«king a much of the higher nieanin^lfU ^"'^''''^°" °" '^^'^- to forget in W\ndthl1rr '■''''''^' ^' P^-Pt In its compan we Jn ^^ J^^tcoxnings of neighbonrs. tongne, vvhicnefrl'ns^J '"^ ^"^ '^^ well-govemed pains o bri„j;:fSotTnrtri^^^^^^ r ''n malice lurks under an o^f Pn ^;i f ^ •" "^^ ^ '^^^P of in season" to Te^nTS:^'' t^ '' T '' ' "^''^ ouslj ont of season when f' I ' ^ "^^"^ conspicu- ber feelings. That Tin h "'^'n ', *"°^^^ P'«^^ in -l^ose profLion t to "a "7 "' 1 H ^^^* ^'^ ^^o^e and friends be "i L conee' f ^'- "^^^'^^bours ^-^^ are sincere OhSr^—r^^ 280 IN TIIK PATHS OF PEACE pied in correcting their own. In this respect, indeed, " one-half of knowledge consists in not knowing," because such ignorance saves one from many sins of the tongue ; therefore, it is profitable, in the highest sense, " to be deaf on occasions." A complacent belief in one's OAvn goodness is one of the most fatal hindrances to spiritual progress ; those who are in danger of laying such flattering unction to their souls will find food for thought in the lines above (iuoted. It might perhaps surprise tliem greatly to discover that by suspending for a time some of their imaginary virtues, including a self-imposed censorship of their neighbour's conduct, and a passion for work which admits of no consideration for the rights and comforts of others, they would be making a distinct step forward in moral jirogress as well as in the estima- tion of tlieir long-sufforing friends and acquaintances. -^^irx' mt.^rMif^^m. ex II I RELAXATION. — R. L. Stevenson. ,N one respect, if in no other, do men habitually domonsti^ate then- superiority over our sex, and that ,s in their readiness to take the fullest measure of enjoyment out of every favourable oppor tunity that presents itself. ^^ Outside of the Avorld that lives for amusement it is let 1'' 1 ''''^''"* ^ '""^•^^ ^''^''''S ^f ^^"^«rse for nLl T- , "^^"«^^' «P«"t on what seems to her a urely frivolous purpose. Many even take credit to themselves for tins attitude of mind, as if it were a "t rint- ";• '^ "'^'^^' ? ^^ ^ ^^-- defect of Char- acter indicating a warped and one-sided sense of duty as wdl as a narrow and unjust conception of the Deity! it IS not a hard, exacting task-master whom we serve ^^ ;t "''^r\ ^^'"^' '^''^ ^^^ surrounded ron every .ide, with abundant material for the purest e.,o,,nent To ignore this provision of Ilis lov'to TZZ i'a- "^ '"^ '• ''^' "''^"''^ ^^'^ ™»«^'^ll 0"r duty, and to look disapprovingly ou those who include happi- ness among the auns of existence, is to announce our- indeed, m the true religious instinct. ms'mtw ww?^?rii»m^;- 282 IX Tin: i-ATiis (»i' I'KAti: To live a rijiht life wo amst work, it is true, hut in Avork, as in pleasure, we must practice lenipi ranee, rcnieinberiiifj; that tlio worker is greater than her task and should never therefore he enshived by it. An over- conseientions M'oniau iisually falls into this erri»r of servile devotion to what she ignoranlly believi's to he her duty, to the detrinieJit of all those sweet and joy- ous instincts of the heart that plead for rest, refresh- nient, and agreeable diversion from (oil and daily cares. From long and systematic repression of these God-given instincts, innny wives and moth, -a, in time, completely lose the faculty of personal enjoyment, and when the burden of their responsibility is at last lifted fn.m theii- shoulders, they are be\v;ildered and even nnhappv, being without inclination for the pleasures which their new-fonnd leisure has placed within their reach. The saddest part about a life thus i)erverted from its noblest uses, is, that the husband and children whom a wonnm falsely imagines can best be served by a kind of slavery, are more often than not jiaijied and'humiliated by the knowledge of her perpetual sacrifices to their comfort. They would be more genuinely hapi>y if she, too, were happy, and willing to enter generously now and then into their plan for a holiday which might include one for her. Do not then grudge a day's postponement of some common domestic diity, when there is a (juestion of au excursion to the woods or on the river ; and even, from day to day, do not deny yourself the little harmless relaxations and pleasures that come in your way, that will leave smiles instead of wrinkles on "your face, and lend a cheerful, instead of a querulous note to your voice. You are sometimes disappointed, after a laborious day, wlien your husband and sons fail to notice any improvement in the rooms on which 3'ou have expended Iti:i-A.\ATI()N- L'8;! so innch work. Loan, from (his fli-.f o. • i c.\pi ri, noo, Tiii.y ihrw ,m„-\, l,|.,, fro,,, r<-ll,.,.fi„„ Ze.:X^nZ':r f ''-''' ^^^ '-^^^^^^^^^ a amy of bem^- l,i,p„v a. often and a^ lor.c^ ".s fj.plr tlie poet : "" '"•>' ^^'"^'^'"i^-^ with "O gift of Cod! Operfm. dav! Whereon shall no man work, but plav Whereon if, i.s enough for me Not to be doing, but to be." ^^^^^^^ (JXIV THE PLACE OF QUIETNESS. Bread is good and knoioJcdge is hetlcry but best of all is peace, and ihe place of qnictness has ever been and ever will be a garden. — Ian Maclaren. HEN skios are fair on a summer day, what bettor company oan be found anywhere than awaits every comer in a beautiful garden? The restful verdure of grass and shrub and vine, the fragrant blooms in bed and border, the sheltering trees, the fleecy, wandering clouds, the refreshing breeze, the soothing hum of insect life, the sweet notes of birds, the bees and butterflies chasing one another from honeyed calyx to calyx, the mysterious and incessant whispering and nodding of the leaves — where else can one discover a scene so full of variety, animation, beauty and surpassing interest? Yet there are men and women so incredibly blind, lazy, stupid or sordid, that they are content to go through life without making the slighte&t attempt to procure for themselves or their children th's pleasure, which is scarcely surpassed by any other, and which is within reach of all but the very poor. It takes so little space and trouble to make a garden ! Not a formally laid-out and trimly-kept incl^sure with showy beds of expensive annuals, such - ne looks for around the stately homes of the rich, '.,..t a simple plot THE PLACK OK t^UIKINKKS 285 inadf! swcot with old-faHhioiicd porcnninls, that .yciir after .year come up with tho first hroath of Spring, 'hko old frionds roturninpr from a lonp ahsoncc in a forei^Ti Iniid. In some of tht^so favoured spots, each tree and shrub has a history ; some wore planted by handB now folded away forever ; some by the littlf. ojie.s who have since grown to manhood or womanhood, nnfl gone to distant homes of their own ; one stands for friendship, one for love ; one marks the advent of a new life in the homo, another the beginning of some important onterpriae. But even without this association of ideas which links them to the fortunes of the owners, all these growing things are beautiful and restful to the eye, full of con- solation and peace for the heart. Tinder their soothing mfluences, it is wonderful how (piickly the common worries and vexations inseparable from indoor life melt away and disappear. An hour of solitude that would seem intolerably long in the house, is magically short- ened to half its duration amid the delights of the garden. The first provision made for the perfect happiness of man was a beautiful garden. The i>enalty infli(rted on him for sin was expulsion from the garden. His chief care thereafter was the cultivation of the wilderness into which he wiis driven that it might become a sem- blance at least, of the lost Paradise. Surely no further argument is needed to prove that a garden is the ideal /etreat, whether for rest, recreation, or prayer. The garden should be close to the house, since the exigencies of climate compel us to live under a roof made with hands. However small, even if confined within the cramped dimensions of a city back-yard, it can easily be made a thing of beauty. A few slips' of ivy or Virginia creeper Avill, in a short time, cover all unsightliness of blank wall or unpainted Two 286 IN TlIF PATHS OF I'KACE It 7^\"?j/^^™ tl;« ^^^'^^ will provide for future sliade. A trifling outlay on seeds and cuttings will vie d golden returns of bloom and fragrance. Sueh a little breathing-plaee as this, where the tired house- keeper or restless children can betake themselves for rest and recreation, or for the lighter tasks that cannot be put off excretes a most beneficent influence in the fiome. Monotonous occupations, such as sowing, darn- ng or ironing, when pursued out-of-doors, lose half their wearisonieness and become almost a pleasure. -The favourite book, road in a shadj arbour, leaves on tlie mind an impression which is indelibly associated ^ihtho place and season, thus a doubly dehghtful memory. Yes, by all means, let us have a cxv CHAINS OF HABIT. - — I^r- Johnson. otTa's"„r/7o''; "'!r"»<'°>« force of habit, ■ awav frZ f, f'^ "" "P<^"">ent of breaking >o the Sis i utinl^f ^rdinrSe"'^^"";™ for' ;orS„T'''r™Sr f't T^ ""-'"f "» °"'™ Before permitting onr^e ve. L ,u' 'T ""'''™"™ ' we have habit, SZ o^^SZiZ:tJ^ ««f I. ^'^ "<^ ~^^ and succeeded it dopq not become ns to lav dnwn ti!« i r ^^^^^^i, it aoes brethren. ' '^ ^^"^ ^°^ o"^ weaker Among the most reprehensible habits common to 288 IN THE PATHS OF PEACE young girls, and even married women, is that of dawdling. An incredible amount of time is wasted every day doing absolutely nothing, or pretending to be busy with some trifling occupation. The idle girl or woman spends an hour or two hours over her toilet, takes a whole morning to go to the dressmaker's, or the dentist's, needs to rest an hour or so after luncheon, pays a visit or two befoi'e dinner, and considers that she has had an exhausting day. A woman of aflFaii's makes a complete toilet before breakfast, does a full day's work at her office, calls at the dressmaker's or dentist's on her way to or from luncheon, pays a few visits on her way home before dinner, and is none the worse for having utilized every minute of a truly busy day. She has learned the value of time and of system, and can stretch a day to meet any exigencies ; she acquires the habit of useful activity, and reaps more enjoyment from the consciousness of having performed many things well and quickly than is ever experienced by one who is free to enjoy her time exactly as she pleases, and who generally pleases to waste it. A sense of personal dignity and of the preciousness of time should surely suffice to prevent any intelligent girl or woman from wantonly wasting the hours that might be given to work, study, or healthful recreation. A strenuous effort should be made by any who are so tempted, to conquer the pernicious habit of dawdling. There are literally no end of useful occupations and interesting pastimes with which the longest days can be agreeably filled up by any one who cares to exercise a little fore- thought and discrimination in the matter. To become enslaved by any habit is to lose the high- est of all human prerogatives, the exercise of one's free will. The habit may be harmless enough, yet we are not less its slaves than the drunkard is to his intemper- ance, or the miser to his avarice. We cannot speak of CHAINS OF IIAHIT 289 these Without asperity, yet we are no more successful Uian they in resisting the temptations that beset us. We do not care for wine or cards, and we have no means of accumulating money, but we do take an inordinate pleasure m eating, in dress, in pleasant excitement, in gadding about, in prying into the aflfairs of others or making aspersions on their characters. Whatever our favourite vice may be, we are just as much addicted to It aa another is to the wine cup, the dice box, or the secret hoard. If we were sincerely desirous of seeing the world made better than it is we should be so intent on correcting our own evil tendencies, that we should have little time to observe the peccadilloes of our neighbours. It will take all our vigilance to watch for those dimmutive chains of habit ever forming around Tifi 7°™ T^'""^' """^^'^ ^« ^^^^^ them in time, we shall find It almost impossible in the future to wrench ourselves free. ^^^^is^ (XVJ THE EFFICACY OF WORK. Thank God rvn-i/ morning that ynu have something to do that daij, which must be done whether you like it or not. Being forced to work and do your best wilt breed ui you a hundrrd virtues which the idle never ^■"««'- ' —Charles Kingsloy. fIRLD of our evcr-r^currin,:,^ ucvor-cnding daily tasks, liow many tiiiios do not we women fervently echo the poet's wish : " O for a life of leisure and broad honrg, To think and dream and put away small things," AVe believe that if time was our slave instead of our master, life would bo an uninterrupted dream of happi- ness. And so it might and should be, if we could bo trusted to order our o\vn days in a manner that would be worthy of, and beneficial to us. But looking around us, we have not far to seek for instances of the dele- terious, even completely demoralising influence of idle- ness upon the majority of those women whose circum- stances relieve thera from the necessity of working. There is no truer proverb than that " Satan finds mis- chief for idle hands to do." The girl or Avoman who feels no call on the higher qualities of her nature, who has not been trained to suffer and endure and deny her- self for others ; whose sole aim in life is the gratifica- Tin: Kill. ACV ,,!• \v,,|;k L':»i ,■ , , ; '" ""■ "■'"■W wliidi .imk.s iUi,iH,.„i,.„i II,:. ~,r;i'''' ^™'; ';^, "'" ""■■""' "■'— i'H'-'' .1 n,L^f '" '■"'"'" '■'"""■''' '" "illi"!..!!.! 11,0 .».,mU, of .ov,.r,. to„,pf„li„„ „„lp„ ,,,. ,„.„ ',''' .i.j.pi,,,,^ ,„ „,o ,..,,„„„„„,„ „,. ,,„,,.„„ , -,.;;'-i7 houit'oS,;:! 1:1,":" "'r ''"""•"■' '■■ '-'• ''""■•- f- ulh, „.cl.y .„d, a weakening „f „„„, «(, j ,,,™;|;^ worth are happ,ly by no means rare, but invaHab v wo^ea ,rt,o bclon„. ,o neither of he™ wo c^^ Z bn is not hill. r " ■ """"■ ■J"'-"'- '""i"! posi- tion is not higli enough to impose on them tlic .em! P«bl.e duties which fill so imwrtane a n, " of ' f a h lonalle woman's day, and the major part^f ti;eir hout 292 IN THK PATHS OF VKACK hold and maternal dutios aro iwrformod hy scrvantB. TTnloss tlu'.v carcftjil.v plan some usefid dirtposition of their plentifid leisuro, ono of two thing's is likely to happen ; either they will develop auch a profound interest in their own health that every little indisposi- tion beeoines exa^'f^enited into a dangerous illness, 8^ that half their time is spent in hed, or reelining on u eouch, where they like to consider themselveti objects of romantic interest to others, or if an exuberant vitality removes this contingeju-y, they become inveterate gossips and padabouts, always keenly alert to hear a('«'ounts of their nciirhbonrs' doitigs and sayings, an«l having a mischievous tendency to scatter broadcast the fruits of their insatiable curiosity. In what noble contrast to such a shallow, purposeless existence star is forth the life of the busy wife and mother who is occupied daily with those loving tasks which, faithfully p('rf<irmed, make her home a sanctu- ary of rest and liaven of happiness for her husband and children. Her hands may not be as white, nor he gowns as modish, as those of her more fashionable sister, but her heart is incom]iarably purer and nobler, and those who live with her ,instead of being slaves to her caprices, and disedified witnesses of her uselessness, leani to admire, while they also reap the benefit of those " hundred virtues which the idle never know." *.**'i CXVII DRIFTING. No young persons drift into an achieving numhood or womanhood. j nnnnnoa — >V. iioyt. :iIK teiuptation to take life as it comes, to let Fate have Its way with one, and to acc(*pt good lortuno and reverses merely as tl..,> inevitable chances of existence, is one to whi.h wo.nm are pecuharly liable. Whether it is that we arc naturally indolent, or that the traditional dependence of our sex since the days when a woman could do nothing else but stay at homo and «pin while lord hunted and fo,.ght, has unfitted 1,3 to take an active part in the battle of + :/, •/"f^"'^'""'"' ^'^"^ "^•''":^ a™o"ff "3 are content to (iritt into womanhood, without anv particular aim or purpose in view except to avoid fatigue or dis- comfort. Probably another reason why girls are so averse to_ making plans for the improvement of their time, which would cover any extended period, is the pleasant possibility of marriage, always looming in the background of their thoughts. But the waiting policy IS a very poor one, and I think the unexpected lover who breaks m on a busy life and draws a woman away in spite of herself from the most engrossing interests or pursuits is apt to be much more appreciated than the one whose approach has been eagerly looked for and counted upon, perhaps, for years. Without ffoin- to extremes and giving yourself airs about your mis- 294 IN Till' PATHS (11- PEAUi: Pion m hfe, set quietly and systematically about achiev- ing something, however small, so that it be useful or productive of pleasure to others. In doing so your matrimonial prospects will not be injured, but if anv- thuig mcreased, and you will be saved many a pang of envy and disappointment. ^^^H^ -,<*'™<W«l V ex VI J I SUNNY SPOTS. •-iM^'r^. — Haliburtoii. tEKY few lives are all sunshine, but there will be sunny spots " in all our hearts, if wo tike in to themTri ')' '1 ''f-''^''' '' '^^^-^ P--^tza1. trmg cloud of doubt disappointment or sorrow. One ot the mysteries of feminine nature is its tendency to -agmfy and brood over trouble, one might a W'al a preference for tears and melancholy. Quire yourfc: I hey are 1 ke the people whom Mrs. Browning writes of who " always sigh in thanking God." From coTtac nth all such poor spirited, narrow-minded creature' nay a kind heaven defend us ! Give us rather for our s ngs and finds m the general contrariness of persons and thmgs matter for harmless merriment rathHh n for sepulchral views of life. The dulness of exi tence IS, to thousands of women in towns and countrv places a favourite peg on which to hang complaint. Biftwhy ot: iitl 7^ '""' '^'^ most%ontLted lifniS exquisitely humourous aspects, lying right on the nna ujiuse others tn Inno-ii 0= ,..„iiv -n... • " , to laugh aa weir^ But in order to be 296 IX TIIK I'ATIIS OK PEAOK {ible to see them the " sunny spots " in the heart must be kept open to the light. " It isn't worth wliile," I hear some moody girl exclaim ; yet the same young person reads with delight the annals of Drumtochty or Thrums or some other httle hum-drum village, containing, if anything, fewer elements of human interest, romance or passion than her own, and yet never realises that the atmosphere of cliarm which a cunning writer has succeeded in throw- ing over the village in the book, is less the result of tortunate circumstances or a poetic imagination than of the author's superior insight, which has revealed to him the under side of life, and opened up a world undreamed of by many of those who moved with dull, nnsiving eyes, in the very midst of it. I recom.aend to those who are looking for an object in life that of cultivating the sunny spots in their own hearts for the benefit not only of themselves, but of those with whom they live and who perhaps look up to and depend upon them. It will be found an exceed- ingly pleasant and interesting pursuit, and one which, among other desirable results, will insure the wide- spread personal popularity of the one who succeeds in it. *^.^^iV ex IX BUILDING FOR ETERNITY. When we build, lei us think that we huUd for ever. — liiiskin. ac nevoment which calls for this' tribute,\ow weak and valueless do oiir own humble perfoman'ces appear how o stand" V^: T'' f '""^^ "^^"* ^^ wf'not 'seel to standi Yet, if we but pause to reflect upon it we shall see that we are all building for eternity hole wS^r -r ^""^a* processes of construction by ir^ ^n"'\ ^^"^^""ities and nations are formed and held together. True, and it is an infinite S^l vast amount of work is wasted, and leayes no See u efS^^r """J' "" ''' ill-performed to serye an" useful or agreeable purpose, and worse still, a great deal re^mattf rf '^ ""''''' destro,ed,\ruse i Dears marks of haste, mcompetence and sloyenliness that constitute a standing reproach to the worker and h^tlZr ^ --^- - ^^^ true loye. ^^^r: It is well worth the effort then, while we are about it, 298 IN THE I'ATHS OF PEACK to build With the slow and sure touch that ensures per- manence, to leave our mark upon whatever we do and to let It be a mark of which we are not ashamed. ' In this way our whole pathway through life can be traced by the good Ave have wrought and our persistent fidelity Avill not only yield a rich reward to ourselves, but will also be of incalculable benefit to those who follow in our footsteps and who may read the lesson of our lives in the solid achievements that endure after us. *^.^^^ m^' Ji '^^R ,^W^ m cxx ACQUIESCENCE. Order is Heaven's first Jaw ; and this confest Some are and must he, greater than the res More nch more wise; but who infers fom fence That such are happier, shocks all common sense - — Pope. J.J.HE hardest riJdle life holds for some of us and -^ that t: " "■"" "'"""'"^ ^0 '"-"^ f»' ^ u"n »weetertrro„ro7,l?e -rthr tr ""/,"" f' tunato than others? m'/h^sVch'ItlJ ^JZ questioning goesLi/tea^a/dbSssSpiri:: al)"ness beL 7 ' 5 '^=«'^P!--«'"g secret, its inscmt- attitude „fT ""' " ™'""<'°' J-s'ifi^ation for an to this in,penet™ble ly^tV "' '""^ '"" "'"^ To solve the riddle for "yon, dear reader is quite entirety^Me!" ^^""^ '° '° '°- ^''^ «"»« ^^ »» 2Zf T 7^ """' ''"' S^'"*^"- *» ">e rest,' casting out all corroding envy and discontent from vour ■A^ -1 >y»-.- l^sfSil^l^En¥ %!mk--i 300 IN THE PATHS OF PEACK heart once for all— those you envy being indeed, often less happy than yourself, set about considering, not what you might do, in more favourable circumstances, but what you can do with your present opportunities. Mind. your arithmetic. This is really the most important point of all. So many hours in the day. So many tasks to be per- formed. If the tasks are too many for your strength and }our temper, then in the name of common sense, lea-e some undone, and don't worry about them. If you ,"re a struggling young mother with a husband and five or sLx little ones to care for, single-handed, feed and clothe your dear ones as well and as lovingly as you can, and then be happy. Don't distress yourself needlessly because the parlour has not been dusted, nor the pantry shelves put in order, and don't suffer agonies of shame if some fashionable friend comes in in the midst of your toil and finds you a trifle disheveled, and sees the hole in Johnny's stocking, and perhaps three or four little unwashed faces peeping out from the ambush of your apron. Be brave and independent enough to feel that, having done your best, no more can be expected of you. A great many beautiful theories are always being written up by people who have nothing else to do, on the ease with which home can be made clean and orderly by a woman of taste and intelligence, no matter how heavily she may be handicapped as to means, time, etc. But I have had occasion to see how absolutely impossible it is for one woman to do the work of three or ^ four servants, and yet always appear neat and smiling ; so far from being shocked when I see signs of neglect and disorder in a house > here a young mother is trying to bring up a large family, my heart goes out in sympathy to the mother, and I only wonder if she ever finds time for the needed recreation to keep v>afe,<!%: ACQUIESCENCE '501 her health and spirits up under the great strain that is put upon ner. AVhat she can do however, is to simplify and minim i^e her tasks as much as possible. If she has to do her own dusting let her put away all unnecessary' orna- ments and dust traps about the house that call for a daily expenditure of time and care. If she cannot spare tune to dress the children more than once or at most twice a day let her put dark frocks on them that will not too readily proclaim their lapse from perfect clean- mess ; if she must do all the cooking, let her avoid the preparation of troublesome dishes, and the multi- plication of pots anJ pans ; and if a thoughtless neigh- bour or friend drops in at an inopportune moment, let her have the courage to tell her so, just as men and women engaged in business would do in similar circum- stances. Above all, I would ask her to be hopeful and cheer- ful, remembering that kindness and love in the home surpass all the benefits accruing from the greatest ^^^^V ex XI MODESTY. Do you wish men to believe good of you? Then say — Blaise Pascal. fHE charm of perfect modesty is as rare as it is resistless. The temptation to speak about one's self, assuming tlie subject to be full of interest to others, is one which assails the best of us in weak moments. Our likes and our dislikes, our joys and our pains, our successes, and our failures, are so manv end- less themes on which we love to hold forth whenever we can find a listener to victimize. Almost invariably, the view we present of our case is flattering to ourselves. We are always in the right. Every one else is selfish, contrary, obstinate or stupid. The absurdity of our self-deception becomes most apparent when, after unburdening ourselves to some patient confidant, the same person is compelled to listen to the other side of the story, which makes us appear in a far less amiable light. The gift of seeing ourselves as others see us, has been bestowed on few of us, and therefore wisdom cautions us to be modestly silent about ourselves, being especiallv careful not to plume ourselves on the possession of virtues in which others may have reason to think us lacking. Self-interest alone, apart from anv higher motive, forbids the indulgence of a vain and"boa?tful MODESTY o03 spirit, because tliere i. no surer means than this of earn- ing a wide-spread unpopularity. Empty vessels, we nature is never more successfully revealed, than by the process of blo^vmff one's own trumpet. While sdl ' mere prl a ve:y salutary impression was left on mv n e nn I f ^ ^^i! ''^''' '' '^''' *^"^«' represented to me all that was be.t and highest in human nature He Avas greatly beloved by his flock, and on his appear- onthu^aL' 7 '""' '^"■'•^'^ ^'"'''"^ ''^'^^ afFectionate enthusiasm. I soon remarked that he invariably shoumg the most wonderful tact and fertility of resource in directing the conversation to some wholly mpersonal subject, ^^o matter how many times you t led to praise his sermons or to extol his charity he always most adroitly turned your remarks to the adWn- n upon all who knew him that the surest way to please him was not to flatter him or in any way make peLnal allusions His .^nmple, in this respect; proved a more powerful sermon than many I have heard from pulpits, as I have never been able to forget the lesson of perfect modesty he taught us, and the memory of it often acts as a wholesome check in too expansive moments. This entire flock thus proving the value of the French phil- osopher s advice. It is not enough to refrain from praising one's self, one must even refrain from too willingly lendmg an ear to the praises of others. Une can always remember enough faults to keep one humb.e, and without humility there can be no true greatness or real amiability of character. .^v^^^KS" CXXII THE PRECIOUSNESS OF OPPORTUNITY. When we look hack at close of clay, Whether it close in sun or rain, We yet can say, "It is a way We shall not have to walk again." — C. H. Crandall. JHERE is something very solemn in the thougiit that each new day on which we enter may bo fraught with most important conseqiiences. How many dramas, bright or tragic, are enacted daily, between the rising and the setting of the 8un, for men and women who live m our very midst! Our turn ir-ist come, though we know not the day nor the hour. " The veil of the future our breath fitfully flaps, And behind it sits ever the mighty Perhaps." It would not be wise to indulge in too manv fore- bodings about the future, but neither is it becoming to be of those light-headed mortals who ignore all possi- bility of momentous happenings, and who are frequently overtaken by the most painful or solemn crises in their lives, at a time, and in a mood least suited to such deep experience. So it is worth while to reflect, not at the close, but better still at the opening of a day, that we are entering on a way we shall not Lave to walk again. It would be well if, in the glow of the early morning, some sense of the preciousncss of THE l-RECIOUSNESS OK OPI'OKTUNITV 305 our opportunity might be borne in upon us. AVhatevcr we are permitted to do for others will .e done with more love if we keep m mind the possibility that wo may be doing it for the last time. Indeed, every actiln we perform is truly performed for the last time, fo never sha 1 we do just such a thing in just the same\va> aga^n. Ao two days are ever exactly alike, nor do our rTlv n "'^^T''''''! '''.'' ''^^^' themselves accu- rately. How often and vainly have we not counted on to^l^r^TT ^'^ ''^'^' '^'"^ ""S^^«* °' nnkindness of lur W ■r\-" ^ P^'-^.^f ^3^ ^^ fate which frowns on our best intentions. The most unforeseen circum- stances come between us and the execution of our plans bometimes we are even denied the opportunitv of ofFer^ ing excuses for ourselves. All which points 'the moral that the present only belongs to us, that it is of ines- timable value, and that to squander it wilfully is to prove ourselves destitute of sense or conscience. (.TO den words and deeds make golden days. Let us try to live so that at close of day," it will not be in self- reproach for lost opportunities, but with the glad con- sciousness of diiBcult duties faithfully perfomed that we shall say to ourselves : It is a way We shall not have to walk again." ^^.^^^ CXXIII SWEET AND SERVICEABLE. The gcnllcr-hnrn the maiden, Ihe more hound to be sweet and serviceable. — Laiu'clot and Elaine. fllK popular idea of a " hij^Wi-born lady" seems to ^^_^ be of one in silk attiro avIio does little the live- long; da,v save preen herself in the presence of imnierons adnurers, or give haughty commands to her hired deiieiidents. You will often see her thus imper- ponated by the little children in the street, who love to ])lay that they are " rich ladies." An assumption of vanity, idlencf's, and a disdainful air, is supposed to give the proper cachet to the actor of this favourite part. This erroneous impression of the character of a lady of high degree is no doubt due to the fact that youthful ajid other inexperienced observers readily mistake the vulgar ostentation of the newly-enriched — who most frequently come under their notice — for the real dignity and stateliness of the well-born, with whom they are seldom, if ever, brought into actual contact. It is a revelation to many, on their first introduction into the higher social altitudes to find that life, here, is taken, if anything, more seriously than by the toilers of the earth, with the difference that the rich and great volun- tarily assume the most onerous tasks, and discharge them with a fidelity that is rarely surpassed, if even approached, by workers in humble spheres. "ailEr?! SWKKT AXn SKItVICKAIir.K :Ui As a rilo, also, it ,s ,,,nto to hoar tho.o n ugh phu-cs coniphnuing of the ch.,nan.Js nuulo on t he. uiie and energies. They labour eheerfnljy and stoad. V, with no thought of shirking their ta.ks often Wr'n'/ >'"",? ^'^ •"•'^■'r "^ '''''^y' '•«^'-'' tl'an through lack of ,t. Jiut, ,n the case of a well-born woman, whatever the work «he «ets lierself to do she iTciiil^'toT'' t;"" t'"' ""' ''-' --'- -^' '^*-- peculiar to herself. She never ceases to be '' sweet " while striving to be " servieenble." She di.tinguish<.. b ween honourable toil and ignoble drudgery, and winch compels them to respect her A omen who are content to sit idly and contemplate ^leir own white bejewelled hands while the work o he They are the immediate descendants of poor and hard-working parents, who, having eome into sudden possession of wealth, are unacquainted with its useT beyond those of supplying the material ne ds wh ch nized. You find women of this type thronging the summer hotels, sitting aimlessly aboift'in drawifg-Lms and piazzas, usually over-dressed, and consumed with curiosity concerning their fellow-boarders ^ Can any more dreary and undignified pastime be ^magined than this deliberate "loafing?" iTthinl farther from the ideal Tennyson sets before us of hf Unfortunately, sometimes, the mother of growing prls sets them an example of indolence which ifCnd trzr:zz ^^'^rvr *'! ^^^^^^^^^ ^^ • 11 ", "^^'"a^J nouacbnld tasks, she will even all the comforts of a home in order to Tape "he 308 IN THE PATHS OF PR ;CE attendant responsibilites. In a hotel or boarding- house she finds absolute immunity from work of every kind, and, without counting the cost, accepts this sorry makeshift for a home. She neither reads, knits, sews, nor indulges in healthy exercise, but is ignobly content to sit with folded hands accumulating flesh and gossip as if no other object in life existed for her, and appar- ently unaware that her happiness and dignity would be inestimably enhanced if she would only bestir herself to learn some new accomplishment or usefiil art, to see some new siglits or identify herself with some move- ment of a progressive or benevolent character. But if the habit of exercising all the faculties and the desire of living to some purpose are not cultivated in youth, it is almost impossible to acquire them in later years. Therefore it is imperative for the young to keep alive and alert to all opportunities of self-improvement, not striving for vain distinctions that depend on outward appearances only, but with the ^vish to become " sweet and serviceable " in their own homes, and of preserving those attributes through life in whatever position they may be called to fill. **.^^i^ ^- CXXIV NATURE'S SCHOOL. ^ Tune your ear 1 all the wordless music of the stars And to the voice of nature, and your heart Miall turn to truth and goodness as tJ^ plant I urns to the sun. ^^ —Ella Wheeler Wilcox. ^TgETTERS come to me often from mothers in ^ remote country districts, on the lonely ranclie or m the heart of the mountains, deploring the impossibility of securing a good education for their ciuidren, there being no schools within a radius of manv mUes of the secluded farmhouse. I must confess that, far from feeling sorry for those children, I alwavs expenence a certain satisfaction in knowing that th^y are quite safe from all the mischievous influences which in too many public and private schools more than oounterbalance the educational advantages enjoyed bv those in attendance. Many a time, passing by one of our city school buildings and seeing a crowd of rude noi^y and untidy children swarming out, pushing and jostling each other, calling each other ;ulgar names, m loud, disagreeable tones, I have wondered if it would not have been better for more than one among them to have been brought up in the peaceful country, or hidden aniong the mountains, with only a mother's love to teach them the wonders of the glorious universe. It IS a noteworthy fact that the country-bred girls and young men who come to the city to earn a livelihood," are invariably many degrees more refined in their tastes and instincts than their city cousins of the same class. 310 IN IIIE PATHS 01'" I'KACE Loner and close contact with nature has alwavs tliis effect on human character. It uplifts, purifies and broadens the mind. A man or woman who enjoys tlie beauty of lake, wood or meadow, who is affected by tlie splendour of the sunset, or the glory of the dawn, who sees in the majestic ocean and the everlasting hills the sign manual of a power greater than human, who feels him or herself in a manner related to every living thii)g that grows or walks upon the earth, will never be izreedy, selfish, untruthful, cruel, vidgar, or iu any imworthy sense passionate. What higher education than this should we hope to secure for any child ? Whatever his future destiny, only let the background of bis infancy be great nature herself, and his mother, with the aid of a few good books, can give him a finer training than any to be obtained in the best ecpiipped schools or colleges. the strength of England to-day, and the pre-emin- ence of her sons in every part of the world to which tliey have penetrated, is largely due to the fact that country life is, according to the British conception of comfort and happiness, the ideal one. With rare excep- tions, every English gentleman is a practical farmer, and his children are brought up for the most part out of doors, Iu this country, there is an unfortunate tendency to crowd into the cities, for the sake of the so- called advantages, which in too many cases only cramp and vulgarize the minds of the growing generation. Any mother who has the true welfare of her children at heart will keep them as near as possible to the great- est of all teachers, Nature herself. Upon the founda- tion laid in this model school it will be easy enough in later years to lay a siiperstructure of special training for any chosen art, profession or other calling. tw/^ •r, ri"-^^^^^:-^- \m