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Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre fiimis d des taux de reduction diff«rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul ciichA, 11 est fiimi A partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite. et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■- ; n ^ :/,riif'$"i'H' l\- 'If:":. • ^ i^-r: ■!' -ill ' 1 '^If! 1 ,!V-ie' iMm I, j. 11 ,' .r ir~ «Ji",T-'ir5 •s'i.> i^^'Spllll .iimijjJ^Bf'^gi EDUCATION DEPARTMENT (ONTARIO). COMPENDIUM OF ACTS AND REGULATIONS RESPBOnNO THS PUBLIC. SEPARATE AND HIGH SCHOOLS. OOMPILKD BY THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. '■AM Ada NkT,er-b.l i&? . -y 00v«l»N-v\cNt rulLlCAtiONS PUlli-AtlcNS 00 UUuVUNtMkNT MttttUttt: HUNTER. ROSE^CO.. PRINTERS. 1878. jm A^ ML THIS COMPENDIUM IH roR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION TO SCHOOL COKPOKATIONS AND OFFICIAliS, UNDER THE APPROPBIATION MADE BY THK LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY In thb Skhsion or 1878. Education Department (Ontario), Toronto, JtUy, 1878. PKOVINCE OF ONTARIO. -. LieiUenant-Oovenioi: Tho Honourable Dokald Alrxandrk MAonoNALn. ExeeuUve Cobated Villaoes 154 4.— School Ai;('om:^I)ATion 166 5. — Inspectors 159 6.— County Boards ok Exauiners ] ] . . 165 7. — Certificates of Qualification to Teach in Public Schools, Conditions of Obtainino Certificates. 166 8. — Examinations of CANDiDArES for Certificates as Teachers 169 A. Non-ProfesBional Examinations 169 B. Professional Examinations. 176 9. — Monitors' and Assistants' GERTinoATis, ......,,.,, 178 m TAHLK OV «()NTI!:NT8. ▼U 107 iOH 112 115 118 118 118 m) 1-2 123 124 124 12& 125 128 134 135 ^ Pagv. TlTLK 1. - Hi BLii; li<;H -^""^^^ ^'^ 3.-Powerso£ Township OouncVis Yn Al'gom; 266 4.-Compulaory Attendance at PublicScLola::: ^68 9 ~KS' Exercises in the Public Schools. ! l ^69 n.-Roman Catholic Separate School UnioM."". ^SO IrS^raK-Airnf"-"-' ^—'•^--i.i.v.::::;;:;:::- ^ i4.-Pow,n of High School Bood-wjiUrtin 'njn'. :::z::zz:zz::z m 280 280 282 283 284 286 PART I. POETIO.V OF TITLE XIII OF TH' REVISED STATUTES OF ONTARIO RKLATINO JO £^BUCATIOjSr. ^«r- |S~~p'Vr*l;"l Dep.rt.nant, p. 1. " •f^-^S^'''"' S<='io"I», p. 13. CHAPTER 203. An Act respecting the Education Depart ment. Part I.— Edu( nation- DEi'ARTvrpWT ax,.. »r 8608. 1-3. ""•'^'^'^T AND Minister op Education, Part H.-Poweks am, Dutie.s of thv Pn,, aec. 4. ^ ^"^ Education Department, 1. As to High Schools, s. 4(1-9) .. ^."•'"^SchooKs. 4(lo;i]) .. formal Schools,,,. 4 (12-18). „ Teachers, 8. 4 (19-21).' ^ '< fnl' * "'"' *"'^ Library Books, s 4 ^22 0,5 > ,, Inspectors, s. 4 (27, 28) ('f^-^O/ u f *»miner8, s. 4 (29, 3o( ^legislative Grants, s. 4 (31). Part IH-DimBs o. the Minister, sees. 5, 6. 1. As to HiKh Schools, s. 5 (I-.0) ,< ^"Wic Schools, s. 5 (6-8). „ ^™1 Schools, 8. 5 (9-]]). « Texf?;5r'^^r['^''«'I''««t»t««,8.5(12) ^^ TllSr ' ''"'''"^ ^°"'''' •'"^ ''th£tp,i,,e,^ ., .5 '' Inspectors, s. 5 (23). Examinations, s. 5 (24). 3. 4. 0. 6. 7. 8. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. CImp. 203. i:i)l CATKIN. iTm.K XIII. H. A« to (ifgiilniivi' Urants, «, 5 ('25). !|. " Maimgometit of Doptu-tnu'iit, n. (I. I'». " Apiwild from Divisi.'ii Court deciiioiiK. i. 7-17 IVlwrtnu'iit Mtabliili.Hl. tWBc* of MinUtii of Kdur»tiuii. HKR MAJKSTY, l.y ami witl> tl.e a.lvico aii.l .uiiwfiit of tho LfgKs.ativ.' A,s«onil.Iy (.f tliw Prcviniv .,f Ontftrio ennctN as fiillows: — HAirr I. KmtCATlON DkPAHTMKNT AVI> iMiNISTKR. I coils 1. 1 here shall bo a Department of Kdiieation wlijch «hall sistof the Kxeoutive Council, or a Committee thereof ap- pointed by the Lieutenant-Governor; and .me of tho saul bxecutive Counci , to be nominated by the Lieutunant-CJov- ernor, .sliall hold the ottice of " Minister of Education " 3') V c. 16, s. 1. • . . e otjice of Minister of Education may i)e h«ld by a )f the Executive Council holding no other office : and 4. The oHice Memberof the Executive Council holding no other ..ffice , ano notwithstAn.lmg any salary attached thereto, he shall lie can- able of being elected, and sitting and voting a.s a m,>ml)er !.f the Legislative A,s.sembly ; or such office may be held in connec- tion with any other office held by a member of tlie Executive Council ; and any of the powei-s and dtities ».f the said office may be a.ssigned for a limited period, or otherwise, to any other of the memU^rs of the Executive Council hol.ling any other Depiiitmental office, by name or otherwise. .Si» V c, 16 S. 2. Acceptance of the office of Minigter, no vacation of •eat in the I.«gi«Iature. /n «y wiiipoworod : (I.) Am fn Hhjl, S,;ln,„h. K:j;:.5?'V-^7:Ti^;l"'^''-^^^^ .iiscipline of «chool,H ; 3? V f ^7% "^S W "'"*"**^''"'"* ""'* fore the 24th day of March, 1874; ST " Institute masters bt - V. c. 27, a 28 (4 a). AdniiH/iion of |;upil» t<> Hii'h loolii. Further pow- en to the Department t<> pant equiv!i- lentstopassinif Uitfh School examination*. Chap. 203. KDUCATION. Paper* for uniform eiMnination. [Title XIII. iSpecial oertificatfd to monitors or aasistauta. Kxeniptioni. 6. To appoint from time to time a Oential Committee who under the chrection of the Minister and subject to the r gltTo^ tLr^fv^u-^'Tu' «^«" P'-^P*'-^' questions for the «amina- High Schools and Collegiate Institutes ; 37 V. e. 27, s. 27 (6). „ M- T"i''f "1 ^f "'"'■^^ 'egulations and instructic^ns under which Ini fn. r ^n«F'ctor may give a special certificate, to be valid for one year to a senior pupil or pupils of a High School or Collegiate Institute, or other person {^r persons ^to actt monitor or aj.ssistant or monitors or a,ssistants, in such High School or Collegiate Institute ; 37 V. c. 27, s. 27 (7). 8. To exempt ,t the discretion of the Department, any High School or Colfegmte Institute (the trustees of which havfnot ?f^ r \TV'' 1T"'^^' '^'^ "^'^^^«'"->' qualified teachers from the obliaation o having the Germanlnd French language taught m such School or Institute ; 37 V. c. 27, s. 28 (5) nf^A,«V*'1^**'!'£.''"' "°'^ ^ *™^' subject to the approval of the Lieiitenant-Oovernor, the number and locality of such meteorological stations as the Department may think desirable t« es^bhsh in connection with the High Schoofs of thoP ovince and to authorize such forms of reports and meteorological journal to be used l^ he obser^•ers at such stations as it may^uZe necessary ; 37 V. c. 27, s. 27 (10). ^ ^ ^ (2.) Public Schools. SuTatio'n^ for ,- ^^^ ^*^ '"*^« i;egulations from time to time, for the organiza- Pubiic Schools ton, government, and discipline of Public Schools, and for the and teachers, claasification of schools and teachers; 37 V. c. 27. s 27 WmentaT J} ^ ^'^7^"' V ^^e training of teachers, the programme taachin,. ^ of studies, and special regulations, for elementary LacS^n the Public Schools and amongst other subjects oftL rud Snts of agricultural chemistry, mechanics, and agriculture but these subjects shall be optional ; 37 V. c. 27, s 27 (19) • 40 V Meteorologi- cal Htationa. Kffifiency of Normal and Model Schools Arraiu/ement with Trustees for County' Model School. (3.) Norvial and Model Schools. , M^^' ^'•^^a^loP* a" needful measures for the efficiency of the Normal Schools and Model Schools connected there^th ^d Of other training institutions, with a view to the instruction and tminmg of teachers of Public Schools in the -iSce of education and the art of teaching; also to arrange witn trii«f^P« or Boards of Public Schools, for constituting one o? more S the Public Schoo s to be the County Model School for th* preliminary training of Public School teachers, subiect S general regulacions of tlie department; 37 V c 27 s 27 m\. 40 V. c. 16, s. 1 (2). • " • t" ^/. 8. ^^ (ii; , t t r F a t S( Cl "■ Title XIII.] kixtcatiok dkpartmknt. (^hap. 20,?. | Model bchools. an3 of other tmining institutionn ; 3? V c. 27 15 aiK ottier training institutions; 37 V. c. 27, s. 27 (14). teacher*. NortaT'^id^Modd'^hoi'^ *". '^ -^'''^'''' '^'^ ^'- ^T""^^ 37 V. c. 27 s 27 (l!?) other training in.stitutions ; '"">''t««<'nery. 37 V '>7 « 9V; p^''^'^'^'^^* '^^'<^'*«^ 'Schools and institutions;^ • -'' '^' •*' II"-; Normal, etc.. Schools. Kxaminution of Normal School HtudentH. i;3 '^Vu'''"ln"^** ""''y ^'^''"al School ortrainin- iustitu- lonin the Province, examinations to be held from t ml fn t-me of the ,stu,l.nfcs thereof, and to preSbe .^^t Ins 1 (3) "'^r""" '""' ' ""^^ ^' '■ ^^' '■ 27 (17) ; 40 v."" iT" (4.) Teacherff. 19. To prepare and prescribe, from time to time a nrocrrammp of pS Sc"hnl7.'^^\""^^"" ,— -ation and cKSn or rublic .School teachers, and of anv npronr. ™i. ^"-^'"'i been Wined at any Normal School or "hertSinrtstto tively of qualification to Public School teachers under sS .ogulations and programme as may be determined b v tL De partment and upon the report of such Com, Se\ award tincates who at the examination come up to the standard for second-class certificates, but who fail to^ome up T, the re quir^ed^standard for first-class certificates ; 37 V. c. 2^7, ^27 (23): 21. To prescribe, with the approval of the Lieutenant-Onv t« t emor, regulations subject to anrwithin the restricti^rrl^i" ^o^ . r *^ for p-antlng Examination of Publir; School teachers. Condition for teachers' certificates. :lttM. I i) Chiip. 203, KDircATlON. fTiTi.K xiir. i;':'r.^:t«, p- " 'i\l'>'t>ln- M,oal. ^./ •• an,l •• The llnik Sr/.ooln Act" o. aiM.wft .jy' '-^cnnois and ( olloj^mtp ln8tiMit«-H; .S7 V. c. 27, «. 27 (3.) yV.r/, yV/:,' „,ni lihrarif liooU t.;xt»M,l 55-. J». oxainnlr, nml «t its .liNoioMon, rcooiiinicr •• .li» UWy ...k. anpn.v.. .,f toxt-l ks fo.. M„. „.. of s,.I,o,il,s, o C t.. ,ooi lil'inn.'s ami prizes ; 37 V. c. l>7, s. 27 (24). N'hdol Oil 'I" I I . '"'"*"""■ c 27 .V 27 S' "'^"'"*'""" '" '■• -"••J »^^ »*''"><>l lil»r..ri(.s ; 37 V, M«y iicniiit tlltt UUP of , - -'*• '•'"' K've spt'cial j)eniii,s.si()ii, af tlio ilisiivlion of M... U^ '"^"'''"' ^- ['"••t...H.nMW th.. n,s. i!. any Moild or P ,b . s"lu nl a^,; K\iuiiim>)M>iik.s »)-. T,, „.„.„■ ■w-nt by N>..k ^''i ",' ''Xttniine or oatiHo to \w cxainineil fr wllen* i)r otiipn-. 2(5. To dcteiniine whether .such books ouL'ht or ou-rht nnf « rmnve he sanction of the Departn.ent for librL^B or Uen •" tl..> Pubhc and H.gh Schools, and (Collegiate InnUtuL^ withL?'dii';''i"" "' ^*" Apartment in respect thereof shall, othp, 1.H • • ^^ <^"'""'»"'^'ato(l to the .said Ijooksdlers oi- <^tner parties tonoeiiKvl. 16) The books so forwarded shall, on application, be returned I" the persons forwardin,r the s.»nie. i«"irae.i ,iuu..«nea .„ . ^^^.M^t njunes and prices of the books when sanetionwl shall 5^-«:^:r' "-^M'trtL dates . T* ""'"l^evof th j,„^^, „y- ;,• /,,,„,f;J Tf fL f!. f^ respectively at which the books were received at the Education Department, and laid before the Department for examination ; 37 V. c. 27, s. 27 (27). L.«partment (<).) ln»pt'c,tors. Oountv\>vT'T *"'■'"." *'"" *" '^"*^' ^''^^ qialiticatioiis of I ounty, f ity. or Town Inspectoi-s ; 37 V. c. 27%. 27 (20). Stinciion Iit>rwv »ii»risi. Book" ri'tnrned. l.istK to be iniblighed in the," Viz qu»lifi. cations of in»peot<".'lit..r.. annually ..f. for tl... ,,ur,K Js Tl^""""^"''"'' fa) F..r tl.,. Halan.« of (,fficM,rs,an.l other cmtingent expcnscH of tlu, Noruml S„hool,s. and other training institutions ; t)H^.''N,I^Ll Sni^'''r^' 'I"' attendance of U^achers-in-training at Th. Not null Schools and other training institutions ; otiS;i ^Z^s^t ^'"""' *"' ^"'^' ^^^'•^"'«- -'^ • tJcLrs"!' ^*'" '"''^'"'■' "^ ""P'^''*"""at«'l ''u^•lie an* OF THK Minister of Education. «. It shall he the duty of the Minister of Education :- Dutie.. (1.) Ah to High Schools. 2. To notify each County Council, through the Clerk of thp ^ /// iSchooln 4. To see that each High School anKPAUTMENT. (3.) Normal Schools. 9. To take the general superintendence of the Normal T,. h.ve the Schools ; 37 V. c. 27, .s. 31 (II). Mu,K.rviHioM ,.f the Noriiiul 10. To give on the examination and report of the Central ?'"',"'\. Gonnn.ttee of Examiners to any pe..son trained in any Normal m&t^' ftchool or other training in.stitution foi' teachers or wlio has '^^rtificate,. been duly certificated or licensed by any recognized bo 1 l^^J-^.b' '■*''**P»fi«iW« for all moneys paid throu-di him in r •,•,•. l>ehalf o tl,e Normal and Model Schools. Ll to give" uch sici te"S'"-^ nty for the same as the Lieutenant-Governor may require; 37 V. C. i£/, S. oj (if}), • (4.) TedcJierH and Teuchrs Institutes. U To appoint proper persons to conduct County Teachers' In- Ap,..,i„t stitutes and to furni,sh .such rules and instructions as he may '-■"'>'i"ct..i» „f judge advLsable in regard to the proceedings of such Institutes, Tnm°X» and the best means of promoting and elevating the profession of school teaching and increasing its usefulness, and to encour- age Teachers A.s,sociatiohs ; 37 V. c. 27, s. 31 (I5c 16^ 37 V c. 28, 8. 129 (13) ; 40 V. c. 16, s. 1 (10). ^ > ^o; , .1/ v. (5.) Text, Library and Prize Bookx and other appliances. 13. Toemploy all lawful means in his power to procure and Establishing promote the establishment of school libraries for general read- ??l*"'"' mg. in the several Counties, Townships, Citie.s, Towns, and Vil- *"''• lages ; 3/ V. c. 27, s. 31 (8) ; 37 V. c. 28, .s. 129 (15). 14 To apportion the moneys provided by the Legislature Apportioning tor the establishment and support of High and Public School "hwry grant libraries and prizes, and in providing High and Public Schools ""ion nT apparatus ; 37 V. c. 27, s. 31 (9) ; 37 V. c. 28, s. iZv (lo). (a) No aid shall be given towards the establishment or sup- Condition port ot any school library, or in providing prizes, maps and apparatus, unless an equal amount is contributed and ex- pended from local sources for the same object ; 37 ' 27 s 31 (9 a) ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 129 (16 a). 1 (f 10 Textbook*. (>hap 20.S. •m KOUCATHtN [TiTLK XIII. Tmii(> catalog 1 1 CM, AilditiDiiAl Kiliu'utiuii Defiartinttnt to pay oiiebalf of tll« COMt of library and prize l)r .said purp„.se.s ; 37 V. r. 27, s. 31 (2N) ; 37 f 0. 2S s 'iS (21) ..rilted'hv";!!'";'''' f'r '7'" '/'■ ""* ••*■ '"'>• """"'.v^ appro- priated hy the Lej,n.slftt.ne for that purpo.se, of one-half of the cost of any pnze or library book .sanetioni'd by the Depart' ment for PubI.e and Hid, School, and Collegiate In.titul which „>ay be purcha.sedV a Municipal or School Cornon Uon ^:pc^^!:^it'- "^'■^^-- '-'-' ^^^^ ^^'^ ^«p-^ Such payinent shall be n,a^'"t> <^n the following^con! («) The Minister shall be duly certiHed of the facts : (h) He shall be furnished with the usual guarantee as to the ((<) He shall not pay more than one-half of the cost of the ^nr^LZ P"7i'*-'«^^. « «ewhere according to the prices specified for them in the printed catalogues, or In the authorizS lists of such books publishe.1 in the Journal of Edacatum. 37 V. c. 27, s. 31 (2!)) ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 129 (22). 19. To authorize also the payment out of any moneys appro- priated by the Wislature for that purpose of one-half oPthe si"*! 0""*^' amfapparatus which may be purchased by any School Corporation from any person, instead of from the Edu- cation Department, subject to like conditions as in the case of bbrary and prize books, and to the regulations of the Depart- ment ; 40 V. c. 16, s. 1 (12). ^«p»n, .^ft'^'' procure the meteorological instruments, register books and forms mentioned m the eightythird seetion of -The " t Title XFFI.I kdk atio.n i.kpahtmknt. ('Imp 20.S if •ahty of ,u,y ('....ntv or City In whic-1, • nU.o,olo«i..a| sta ,. '• •''' '^. "r may hv. fHtAl.li.shc.i ; .17 V. ,• 27. s. «| (;}2j I IHMN o» Moh )ol-lioiis(..s, witli til.. pru|.fr fumitmv an.l ai.|K.n- '''"""'"^ •Ihkcs; 37 V. r. 27, s. 31 (14^ ; 37 V r. 2H, m. 12!> (14 «-h-,l 1.„„,.h Mat)* u-„f„ ,n„rm.t ,„ „„ th,. »„l,,i,„.,. „^ Jti,,,!^ «,.,„.,.„,!"": ' J.r"' V. «. //, s. .11 rl+V 37 V.p. 28, s. 120 ("141. - ' • infunnatii.n. (<).j liiH()i;rt. hi.n ,.p.,n any sclio.,! matter ; sue), n^ct r or other p..rHo„ .ir per.s.,nH. sliall h. ,.ntitl...l to sueli n' an em .c.n out of any money, appropriate.! I.y the Lc-^^isla i re }.!,• that p«rp.,,se. ^ may he deenie.l Just an.l e.,„it«hle c. »« lerin.^ the nature an.l extent of the duti.-s to hi perf.™.l S, fe ,> . ister oath.s to witnesses, or reipiire th.^ni to make solemn afti r ''Vr'"""'"'-' Ty f 27'??i'\ wf'^^.ri^^^^^^''^ •"^>' beexam;;;;:h?po ; '""" (7.) h'ramin(ifli)))M. 24. To transmit to the Puhlic School Inspeck^r of the County Hi... s. . . ri^li 7h "''"' • '■ f"'^ ^*^'^'- P^'*"-^"" '^'^ th« Minister n.ay an- ^^i:^ r)omt, the examination papers as preimre.! bvthe Central Com W'*™ .'" 'f "date inln/^ ''^''rr '^ ''"'^^'^ *" High\schooi."lnd c.ri :: *ir^rr *• ^nate Institutes, or otherwise, with such directions oh he may judge necessary, and with any instructions, as to further ■ r« voce examination which the Department may des" re to «Hve and generally to see that all examinations pr^esSd by^tlu' Department are duly held. 37 V. c. 27. s. 31 (24) ; 40 Vc. 16, t (H.) Le(jiftlftt.ive GmntK ^^slative As-sembly, such sums as the Lieutenant-Govei-nor may """"riJii. atithonze the expenditure of. for the purposes following!^ " (a) For the purchase, from time to time, of books, publications m sp^imens, models and objects, suitable for a CanaC itbZ' «nd museum to be kept in the Normal School buildin^S lonmto. and to consist of books, publications, and objeZ- atingtoeaucationand other departments of science and Ht^m- turc, and .specimens, models and obj..c«.s, illu.stmting Z phy™ 12 Jiiiiniiil iif Mucittiiin. LlbrarifM, Chap, iii KinuATjns. [Tm.K Xlir. tviry ^<^4.,^^ Co,.p„ra(,Mn, an.] ovt-iy .si. „,| |„.p,..f„,. I'ri/.. •IK "■■ i..-..vi,i,,i r..,- «.h.K;i Mr,™;",;';' ""■ '"'"" """""■' "■ '"">!"• iJflMmitiirv cIcrkN, IViiclmrH' IlUttitUtXH. Schoiil Wchiteotuie. i'«^r m-hl» tluMlil.Ii'.'.lir..r-'''''-''^ "*■ "^'^'••^""^" '"..I a,s,si,sta„t cic-rk.of ciationfr '^' •^"'""'■'^'^^'"^"^••f ToaoLors- [...stitnt.. an.l Asso- vvif". -ohools '^''''"^"'•^•"•"•'^«"' P'-aetical soicnr.. in ....nniction c. l(i. s. 2 (2). ^ ^ ^ ^ • ' ^ • '■• ^^- '^ '•^" '•- «' : *<> V. (9.) M'i,aan<-,anit of Hi,- Drpurfmnif. «. Tlic- Minister „f K-luoatiun shall have power: 129 (8). ' •*''■'■ -' . •>*• 31 (o) ; 37 V. c. 28, s. reKulationst.. ,^- / "/"ause tile aforesaid forms, iiistnietions .•,.,.,».* be printed. of this Act and the said Acts an 1 of f 1.. '^To>-ts oopies ^rpi. tenLlGoTn^^Uo:;-;, ^^^^-fel/^*^;? T-' ^" t'-' Lieu- :^}SJ«. dispute or disa^.eeS.t^u;,. -n V^^^: ^Cr^^T ,^^ •Separate ScliooTs and lvo,^r.:^^'^Z^^^ ^'*^^1?J'« nmmcipal authorities, wh; K m.. ' l,^ i^feSed iT^' "■•?*te: arbitmment ; 37 V 28 s ''>qVj N c. ", r," '"« ««|mtabie s. 44. ' ^' V. e. ^», s. .^9 (i '). See also Rev. Stat c. 200, Til pru|)arf formg. Kev. Stat. cc 204. 2a'i. IHitmi f'•>««•; 37 V. c. oxpenditure of a..v p„rt of tl.o S 1 V ''i'"'' '"^•''vf ti.e nO) ; 37 V. c. 28, s. m (I) ^ '^ ^""^' • '^7 ^- «• -'7, H. 31. ^irJ:'^^^m2J^a'7't^^^^ u.,. all nioncvs wliich corn., inh. ' '•''l"»;''ti')ii an.l cxpcnditiuv n{^'> "° witJi each clans of thos.> Snhnnl Vx ^-^I«"i"lf.I ni connection <"l"iMur y.^r. .sources cJerived, w tl" u^l.^: ;:;l »;t>t"t^^^^ -"^'.fron. what proving, the schools an^t le • looM-uvs T^'''^''''^ ^''" ""- caticu generally, as he «mv\ir, V •> "". I"'"'»"^'"« ^''l"' c. 27, s^-}l (31) & s •>7 20V S V oi'"""'^ t>xpedient; 37 V. 16,H. 1 (I3>. ^^ ^ ^' '^^ ^- ^'- 2«. •-. 12!) (2.-)); 40 V. c. th^w;;;Kfn;::tSo:s^^^ ;i""i-'« - abst..ctsof...,u „.. by " ne Hujk School. X>'S' C' "'^77^ ? 3)?;y''";' ;^-^""^"' (10.) Appeah/rom DlvWum Court Decishm. tned i„ ,„„h Court,, i„ ^ich-i>;eSj;::/{:;^:^'iz^ ' "-" ■>;^u 14 Chap. 20:{. EDICATION. [TlT!,E XIIJ. party I. apply to th K.^of pf "?"^ ^'^ ^ ^"^^^« «"«^ ••^r V.o. 28 s. 13J. '"""''^*' »f Kaucation to appeal the case. Miniiiter may appeal from such Court to one of the Superior OourtpofLaw. ren- the Judge to HemJ papers to •Superior Court. decisLofffSonCr5^TT\'^''..Wal from the Courts of Law at Toronto hi ."^^'^ ^^ ?'*^"'' ^^^^e Surerior appeal ufon the C eTol' tlfeXT^ ""^n"' ^" ^"«°^ «^«"«h which aVpeal sha^^ be e^tlS ' Th ^m^- V'^^^'^ ^''"^' ti.>n for Ontario, Ap^Iant n fbJ .?'"f '^ ^^ ^'^"''^- and C. D.) 37 i'. cTtl^ fi) fs'" ?f 2s'f S" ^''• B. to, the summons and S^n.nt *P ^^e Supe„or Court appealed in the ease, togeTht^'::$VhThl ttTce'"^^^^^^^^^ -ent^ thereon, and all objections m'XtWeto'^T?. ilf Wo further m At* i.- rrA provided n'^ft fterUSL^^h^Vh"' T^?" "^ '""'•"'<'' certify uUr hU tod.t "h{ mL Jter tfi:*.??"" ^'i^'^"P°" ment of claim and othfr lit,!!, j? * *'<',""»'"»'i. tlie state- wilh the evWeSce and rK?T*"«? ? *" «»■«■ '<'««''l'er .11 objertiona fteTto. 37 V ". 2™. iS^f' *™°° "■"* below, tthSiThSSnTS orderordir«..ion to the Conrt and eq„ity reqSir^'-'a^Tc 2^ ^ifl™)'" "" ""'"«■■. "^ '«'' the'fpn^Cr^Jlrt^^^^ the judgment of the Court below. 37 V e. 28?^ 13^6^ inc^^d'iytm Sf na'K'.r tF-f^l'"'- ""-* "" «*« of appeal. «Ttulge to • certify pro- ccedingB to the Minister. Setting down «*8e in Supe- rior Court. Order thereon. CoHta. Coirt* of appel- lant to be paid by Minister. i Tm.E XIII.] PUBLIC SCHOOLS. ('Imp. 204. ^Zof'Z S^iS,:^S[' t^Z. -^ -"^^^^^e. the ance therewith. 37 V rS, s 135 P'''*'^'"' '" '^^^"'d" ■y. The Minister of Education wKoii u case on any question arisinf rder " fe ^^''^^^ ^"^"^'^ '^ or " The Hhjh Schools Art^ fi t f "^^^^^^ 'ScAoofe 4c< " Superior Co-'urts fo hfs '^pilnnd"^^*^- ^^ '^^'' «^ ^^e consent of such Judge to eXr'ri'^^^'''^"'. •^^' ^'^^ the ^-opinion and deS^^ t V. ^^ ^ ^^ ^^^ ^ 15 in Diviginn Court when •ppeal '■«/;/ afo.W */.oo/.v«,„/7'w,,,, 4. Provisions -l.ti,^ to ^i^.,„,., ,^ ,,,..,,^^, ^^^^^^^.^^^ »^^HT VI.-DrT.E,S .K.. l..,,«„s OK SCHOO,. CoKPoHArU.N,S. 1. General Provisions, ss. 97-101 (A)d£'' ''""*'" '^-porations, ss. 102. 103. ill 'V, '"'f '•'■'/' »"«"'V/^«^^«^ s. 102 (1-5). (4) '• ;);;;'"■:'''.''» ''7''''''''''/-'//..u,s. 102(8-10) ffl <'.' rf"'''."-'/;'''%'lnml. f„o)„rty, 8. l'04 (4-H). IM.nmniwj kind, of schooh and their tfftrlin-.i, H, 4 (1»). '''h '"l oT( ;*|'''j^"«""i/''"'««« "/ *c'*wi mi>««v*, Tmrh^ri,' mhirien, a. 104(15, 16). /'"pi/*. B. 104 (17). '^ Frovuliii,/ accomnwdatioti, h. 104 (18) text „vd Lihmry liooh, n. 104 (19. 20) IuH),prt,rr.,, h. 104 (21, 22). Ermsj.f Emmiruitwm for wlmiamm to tlHlh SvhoolH, n. 104 (23). Mucdlnneoiu, b. 104 (24-28). Part Vll. (B) Powers, s. 105. DUT,«H AN,, Powms,,. Municipal and School OKm.*K«. 1. Municipal OfticorB— (1) Tawmhip Anaeiisorg, sa. 106, 107 {^) JownslupVlcrlcH, a. UtH. (3) VoUectom, b. im. (4) GoniUji Trmmrer, » 110. (5) Sub-Treamuttra, s. HI * («) (.;<>«/,,/,/ CVe/A, 8. 112. " i. ochuo] Officors— (1) Rural School Collector, s. 113 (2) litivnl School Section AwUtors, bb. 114-119. Part VIIL-Spkoiai Pkovisionh Uksi-eotino- 1. Selection of school sites, ss. 120-133 0) SekcHny ^-hool dten in rwal sectiom, n. 120- /^•n -^"f."'*'*"" *« >•'«'•«' nectiom, 8. 123 • )i{ f ™^f™'"''^ "' '■"'•«^ «B«) All'iwance to Arhitridors, s 127 sTm-ui' '"" • "^ P*""*' °' ^•^'"•«"* ^f-nicipalitie., 3. Township Boards, ss. 142-152 4. Union of High, uul Ful.Iic Schools, .s. 153-169 5. Non-Resident rates, a. 160. Part IX.— Public School Tbachers. 1. -Agreemonts, s. 161. 2. Qualified Teachers defined, s. 162. 3. bpecifac duties of Teachers, s. 163 4. Protection in regard to sabry, as. 164. 165 6. Superannuation -of Teachers, ss. 166-175. ' Part X.— Inbpectgiw op Public Schools. 1. Qualifications, ss. 176, 177. ! 1 — .11. „n.. ,„!nOTtti, aa. l4, 195 }..( ^.v^f*^ ofttchw,h 8. 194 (1 2) (i) Vvnhny Schmk, a. 1»4 (3-0) )aI r.*^''"**' '^•' '• • »• 194 (7, 8). ,,. ,, <»<;«""' Tumteea, s. 104 (») ^'e(Ho,M o/ (5) J«-««'?■ s. 104 (7) ^^'77„J> jWjj'.^^^^^^^ ^^.^.^ (8) Examination of PiMir Sii,.,.,i r. i (2U, 21). •^"'"»^ 'SfVioo/ Teuchers, a. UH 10) ^,«fo,-,,W Third Class Cert2a^\ ,„. ,.,.,, (14 8. 194 (28, 29) •' ' "•'^ ^'""'' ^^«"<«"»w, (15) Fonnatiim, Alteration, d-c, of Union nm'nt to Union idhool Sectio,^, a. 195. Part XI. -County Boards of Examiners. 1. Constitution of the Board, a. 196 2. Duties of the Board. 197, 198? d. Remuneration, a. 199. Pari XIL-Tkachers' Ckrtifh^ates-os. 200.205. Part XIII.— School Visitors-ss. 206-209. Part XIV.-Compulsorv EntrcATioN-ss. 210-212. Part XV.— Lboislativk Grant- m. 213-217. Part XVI. -Prohibitions and Pknamies-.,. 218-250 (2) Ee^^lUy of Municipalities to the Cro^on, . (3) ^«^"gj;% Of Treas^u-ers to m,nicipalities, 2. ProviBK>„8 affectiu. ScU O^!'^' "• ^*- (1) Cmitract. by Trustees ivith "^-« vised or otherwise conveyed to any personorpersonsin trust forSjefffr '" Common School purposes, and held by such person or persons Tr -"-" their heirs or other successors in the trust, and have been hereto- ''"'^'''• fore vested m the Public School ti-ustees of the school section or division m which such lands are respectively situate shall continue vested in such trustees and shall continue to b^ held by said trustees and their successors upon the like trusts and subject to the .same conditions and fistafps a." t^^ said 'anJa ^r- now respectively held. 37 V. c. 28, sri.5o" ' Chap. 204. KDUCATION [Title XIII. PART HI. PUBLIC SCHOOL CORPORATIONS. I. RuHAL School Sections. fm^ f hlr ■ ^"^ "^^ ^,''^* "^•'^''^n «f trustees, .shall hold office V c 28,75"'"' ""*" '"' ""^''•^^«°'' '^^« ^«» elected 37 RequisiteH for ta tvt , .. . '"""'""""• school SuXT /''f Y 'l'^^'*^ ^ ^« -^^^^^^^ or t« ««rve as frSldo" hi ytion who is not a resident asHcssed IrcumWo^ householder or tenant in the .school section. 37. V. c. 28, 8. 1 6 {last part) ; s. 1 9 (fir,t paH). make.deolar- ,. ?»• ^^^very person elected as trustee, and who is eligible and ationof office, liable to serve as such, shall nmke the following dectmton of office before the chainnan of the school meetingforTftre chair avn-t--- 37V.c.28,s.y. XTiuteeB may agk a redgn. »». Any person chosen as trtistee of a rural school serf inn may resign his office, with the consent, expre.iV'nwitTn* '^^ h^s colleagues in office, and of the ScliooUnspector 37 # c Tnwtees to be €Kf TV.n * 1 • « corporation. ,,^!'!; ^''^ tiustees in every rural school section shall be a cor- K^No intb'r'""'';:- '"f ^' ^"'^"^ ««hool Trustees^f oecuon iNo.— m the Jown.ship of , in the Count v nf • " t"u trt\rr'?" r^^^^'^^ ^'^ -t^n onrt^iiTof Thouse hoi . .^f., '"'.^ '^^''^' any two assessed freeholde,^ six d« W n • . , '^ '''^''•."' ""'' ^^^ inspector, may, by giving SIX days notice, to be posted in at least thrQeof the mo^Sf Places m the section, call a meeting of thelssessed So de^^^^^^ .householders, or tenants, who shallVoceed to Sect hree trus tees, in the manner prescribed in the forty-Hftirand hree fol' lowmgsections of this Act; and the tia,.steertL " ected ^^^^ hold and i-etire ti-om office in the manner prescribed for tnistees by the forty-ninth section of this Act. 37 V c ^8 , 23 •'*^*'' Tdinire of office. Six tnutees. II. Villages and Towns not divided into Wahds. flr; t TiTLK XIII.] PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Chap. 204. 23 whon,, after the first election, Hhall retire from office yearly on the Hecond Wednesday in January. 37 V. c. 28, h. 75 III. Towns divided into Wards and Cities. the??" s^hriri7tro^l.hn ^^'''' r^ ^'K^' '^.«"" ■« ^'^'d^'^- -^^ '-»- witrt snai (je two school trustees, each of whom after *"*« »nn"»Ily tear?''lt'*7'? u ^™«t«««. «hall continue in office or two S'""-^ r7o!'(a) " «"«cessor has been elected. 37 V. c. 28^ W^" ^^"^ "^T*^^ ^''""*''^' ^'*'^*«'' «^a" '•««re on the second Wednesday m January yearly in rotation. 37 V. c. 28, s. 70 (") rat^-^te''Than"'t;'"^ *^'''\-^'''^' ''?^\«'- in<>-Po- W. to .e "The pffi'^k I t *, ^'«rP'>'atu)n, under the name of » ^oT^'ation. Division of • ^.r n "^ *^" ^'^y fT"^"' Village, or ceed to ilMlI • '"/^" ^ '^""^y «f -" and shall suc- sSbiec^ to «11 .r'^'*'' r^Pfl'.^^' "fe'^'^" *"^' P^'^«'-«. and be prSng t;^«i ^Tr: 2t?ir ^"' '^'*''^'^'^ ^^ ^^« IV. Unorganizkd Townships. joining Townships, into a school section. miL^n r'^ section shall, in length or breadth, exceed five miles m a straight line; and, subject to this restriction the boundanes may be altered by the 4me authority from tfme t^ fifTh r;' fu ""'?*'"" '^^'J S'^ "'^ «P«'-^*i«" "" the tw^nty^ Mth day of December next after such alteration. ^ 3. No such school section shall be formed except on the peti- tion of hve heads of families resident therein. 37V.C.28.8 39. lawful f^rtn^^wn TJi,"" ''V."'^ ^ ''i'"^' ■''^«*^«"' '^ «^^" ^e Klection of K • /^- '^.''f the petitionei-s, by notice posted for at «=hool least SIX days in not less than three of the most public places in *™'"^'- the section, to appoint a time and place for a meeting for the «8. The trustees elected at such meetings, or at any subse- Trustee.- Lv! ?wT^ """'^'"^ ^^. ^^' ^"^^t'^"' ^ P^^^^ded by law shall ??---! have aU the powers and be subject to all the obWi^Vn" of °''"«''*'°"*- ruDlie bciiool trustees generally. 37 V. c. 28 s. 41. ° 24 Chap. 204. ErUTflAl'ION. [Title XIII' Annual aa- ■«nment ruU. Rtsvigion of MseMment roll. Appeal against aHneggment roll. Manner of api>eal. Confirmed roll binding. Board of truatues in certain townahipe. Dutiei. Appeals in unorganized townahip. «». The trustees ho elected fhall annually appoint a duly quahfied person to make out an assessment rJll ffthe section Mlvrl/T'T' '' '''J^'^''^ ""Py ^^^'•^"f ^ *he Stipendiary Magistrate (or Inspector, ; and it shall be the duty of the St pendiary Magistrate, or of the Inspector, if theVe is no Stipendiary Magistrate, to examine the said roll, and correct 37 VaTs.^'s Z^*"""^^' ^"*"'' ""^'"^ ^^ """^ P^"""'^^ *^^'^'"- insn?pHl'?P^n' ^^"^ '"' ■ '■''"• ''' "" corrected, shall be open to nspection to al persons interested, at some convenient pface in the section, notice wliereof. signed by the Stipendiary Magis- trate, or Inspector if there is no Stipendiary fiagistrate, Tall be annually posted n at least three if the most public pLes^n the .section, and shall state the place and the time at wKich the It ;?1 'ni"''T''^^'V'".f ."PP«*1« ^^'^'"^t said assess TZLl f' ^"d «uch notice shall be posted as aforesaid by the trustees for at least three weeks prior to the time appointed for hearing the appeals. 37 V. c. 28, s. 43. ^ 31. All appeals shall be made in the same manner and after Pnn^^Tp •*"•• *• "l^"'^' ^' "^^y ^*^' ^"^ appeals are made to a .^A^y. M-TV'\^H'^'''' ^^ ordinary municipal assessments, «ri if ^*^r*';*n (?r.I^^Pector) shall have the same powerJ as such Court ot Revision. 37 V. c. 28, s. 44. 3a The annual roll, as finaUy passed and signed by the Magistrate (or Inspector), shall be binding upon the trustees and ratepayers of the section until the annual roll for the suc- ceeding year is passed and signed as aforesaid. 37 V c 28 s. 4o. ' 3 J In Municipalities composed of more than one Town- smp, but without County organization, there shall be a Board of five Public School Trustees for the Municipality, elected annually on the second Wednesday in January, who amonir other duties imposed upon Township Boards and rural tru^ tees and applicable to their circumstances, shall, upon the petition ot five heads of families, provide adequate school accommodation and a teacher 01- teachers for the children of the petitioners and others. 2. .Such trustees shall be subject to the same obligations as I'ubhc School Trustees generally. 40 V. c. 16, s. 16, part 34 Where any Township under the jurisdiction of a Town- ship J3oaid, IS unorganized, appeals against itj certified assess- ment roll made out by a person appointed by the Board, shall be made to the Stipendiary Magistrate or Judge of the District or County, who has jurisdiction in other matters therein 40 V. c. 16, s. 16, part. Title XIII] PUHLK' SCHOftLS. Chap. 204. 25 *ff. In foniung union scliool .sections liotweon and out of irnio. tch-wl an organized Township Municipality an'". ship or locality within any Teiiitorial or Judicial District it Hliall be lawful for such union school .section to be formed or altered according to the provi.sions of thi.s Act, except that the stipendiary MagiHtrate shall net for the unorganized Town- ship or locality, and the Reeve of the organized Towii.ship, for his Township. 40 V. c. 10, s. 10, j)arf. V. Office of Trustee. 3«. Any I'etirinc triLstee may be re-elected with his own Ke-dectiou of consent, otherwise he .shall be exempted from serving for four a"y t™itee years next after leaving office. 37 V. c. 28, ss. 19, 82. '*'^'"'- 37. Any trustee elected to fill a vacancy shall hold office only T«m. for tor the unexpired term of the person in whose place he has ^"^""'''e'- been elected. 37 V. c. 28, ss. 8, 81. 38. If a trustee of any School Corooration is convicted of Vacancy in any telony or misdemeanour, or absents himself from the J',?^* "' k meetings of the Board for three consecutive months, wiihoul cr«T *'•" being authorized by resolution entered upon its minutes, or ceases to be a resident within the School Municipality lor which he 13 a trustee, such trustee shall ipo facto vacate his seat, and the remaining trustees shall declare his seat vacant and order a new election. 40 V. c. IC s 17 (4) PART IV. SCHOOL ELECTIONS AND MEETINGS as I. Annual Elections. i.^^v'^H-^ annual meetings for the election of school trustees, Annual , TTM, ®^^ ^"^^^^ ^**^^'' Towns, Townships and incorpor- "'""t^on "^ ated Vdlages, on the second Wednesday in January, in every mSay year, commencing at the hour of Ten of the clock in the fore- *" J»n«»ry. noon. 37 V. c. 28, s. 4. fir?.*«>,lS?'*'^n''^"T°/'*!l'^ incoiporated Villages, the same Duration of time shall be allowed for the election of school trustees which ®i«^*°"- 18 allowed by the Municipal Institutions Act (which may be in torce at the time), for the election of Munici;)al Councillors in such Municipalities, except that the poll shall open at ten o clock in the forcuotm instead of nine. 37 V c 28 s 72 (ii\ ■ 40 V. c. IG, 8. 3 (3). ■ '^^'^>' 20 WllPtl [Kill ■lull cluM. Chap. 204. KDrCATION. [TiTLK XIII. 8«parnt« HCOOol Hlip- jiorterH not to vut«. tniHtoefl shall n„ ,.|,,so l)«fon, .-levvn of t,l», dock in th.; foro- noon, hut may clov at .iny tin.o th.Teafter when a full hour has claimed w. hout any vot« having hocn pollo.l, ami shall not Ik, kept open ater than four of the clock in the afternoon of the aav on which the election is conimeuced. 37 V. c 28 s 5 (aim H. 72) ; 40 V. c. 10. «. 3 (3). ' II. ^:EPAHATK School Sii'poiriKn.s not entitled to Votb. 4a N(, oorHon suhHcrihinK towards the support of u Sepa- rate Scnool estabhshe.l un.ler any Act respe.:ling Separate >"«. and .elonjTMH' to the r,.lij,M..us persuasion tT.ereof. and the .1 '^!*^!:''.'!.'L"': y'"'''''^'"„ thereto, shall he allowed U, vote at V lisht o„L„„i ,, , : •-"■ ""J •'»ii' ieM|ie<:|int' Nep Schools, and helonjrmK t., the relij,Mous persu,J.ion tT.ereof. and iend.ng a child or children thereto, shall ho allowed t., vote at Jie election of any trusfe fora Pul.lic School in the City, Town, \trV7:'^:\;S'''' ''•' "''''"^"^^ "'''"•"' ^ ^'^^•'■ III. Elkction (w TiirsTEEs in RriuL School Skctions. (1) In New Schuol Sect turn. rn'tTe'fea- , .**• ^^onever a new school section is formed in any Town- tion„f anew Ship as provided m the seventy -eighth section of this Act the school Hec-fon. Clerk of the Township shall giVe notice of the .le.cription and number ot such .school section to the person appointed to call the tii-st school meeting in it for the election of trustees 37 V. c. 2H, ss. 11, .54. 44. The pei-son ho appointetl shall, within twenty days after receiving such notice, prepare a notice in writing, describiiur the section, an.l appointing a time and place for tht! Hi-st school section meeting, and shall cause copies of the notice so pre- pared by him to be i)osted in at least three of the most public places in the new school section, at least six days before the time of holding the meeting. 37 V. c. 28. s. 12. 4a. The resident or non-resident asses,sed freeholders, house- holders, or tenants of such school section present at such first meeting shall elect one of their own number to preside over its proceedings, and shall also appoint a secretary, who shall re- coi-d the proceedings of the meeting, and perform all such other duties as may be required of him by this Act. 37 V. c. 28, s. 13. 46 The chairman of the meeting shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the meeting ; and, in case of an equality of votes, he shall give the casting vote— but he shall have no vote except as chairman. 37 V. c. 28, .s. 1 +. 47. The chairman shall take the votes in the manner desired by a majority of the electors present; but he shall, at the re- quest of any two electors, grant a poll for recording by the secretary the names of the -vnt^ra pi-ouonf '^'^ at" „ oo „ is A meeting in new section to be called within twenty -dayH. Chairman and Becretary to be appointed at meeting. Duties. Duties of ohainnan- hig casting vote. Mode uf re- cording votes «t school meeting. T i TitlkXIII.) i-uhlic s< iioou. C'lmi*. 2(»i. , 27 -is. At tlif fii-Nt Hch(K)l Hfction iiie«titin, Dw ♦■h.-tors itroMi-iit Hirwi r«iiJden shall, .y n innjoiity of yoU's, ..JiTt from th., r..Ni,l..nt n^vHHi'il .T'-t^lVt^fiSt fnx'l.ol.l H lu.usrl.oldei-N. or t.-nants in th<* section, three trus- «Ct ' tei'M. .S7 V. v. :;«, ^. KJ (jirnf ,>,< t), & h. V.) (jirnf /Hirt). ■"•""«■ 19. Til." tni.st.,..,s ol.-ct.'.l at a Hrst .sch.K.l H,rMon „„.,.tin« T«rm of ottic. snail ii'spfctjvoly continue in ortiee an followH ;— of B«ehtruiit*». 1. Tlie first pci'Hon clf.'tnl shall continiu' in oHia- for two Kino reckon.!.! fr.)ni the annual mcIiooI ni.j.tin^r next after ilH election, an.i thence until his NUccesHor liais heen elected ; 2. The secon.l peiHon eleca.-.! shall continue in .)rtic.' foi' one Hecon.l year, to he reckoned from tlie same perio.], an.l until his succes- sor has been electe.l ; ■ * J. The thir.l, or la^t pei-son elected, shall continue in otHc. -n„r,i until the n(3xt ensuing annual school meeting in such secti..n an.l until his succeasor has Leon elected. 87 V. c. 28. .s. •If • o«?*i ^ *^?'"'r* ''"'•^ ""^ ^''" P'-"<'«^f'<''"K« of a first an.l of every Oo,.y „f „ro- annual, an.l .)t every special .s(;hool section meeting, si.rned by '«*dii.KH to be the chairman an.l secretary, .shall be forthwith fmnsmitted ?Wy'*'^ JZ V ** 7a»"»ftn of Nuch meeting to the County Inspector. 'nHi^cto,-. <»/ V. c. zH, s. 18. ''I 91 (2) Annual Mural School Section MeetiufjH. * At evcjiy annual ruml school section meeting, as author- M.„leof ize.l anil required to be hel.l by the thirty-ninth section ot this i'"«=''«':li"K »t Act tlie assessed freeholders, householdeis, or t.>nants of sucli mZi!^^"'"^ section present at such meeting, or a majority of them, 1. Shall elect a chairman and .secretary, who shall perfimu Ap,K.int.nent the iluties re.juired ot the chairman an.l secretary by the "^ «•"»'""»" ^rty-fafth, forty-sixth and forty -seventh sections ' of this ""'* ""■''*"'^- truste!M7'v!''n ^""^^ '^'"'^' "I'on the school report of the TruHteeH- a„.l trustees, and shall receive, or otherwise deal with, (as provided "'«"'""'' k*"' the school accounts of the previous year laid before the meetinir ^^retpured by the one hundred and nineteenth section of this 3. Shall elect a resident as,sessed freeholder, householder or ^^"''"»l «'«<=- tenant, or freeholders or householders of the section, to be a t;;;;^.:^"''""' trustee or trustees, to fill any vacancy or vacancies in the trustee corporation ; 28 Chap. 204. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. wlitorX" ,*• f'^^" *PP«i"t a fit and proper person to be auditor.of the appointed. «^hool accounts of the section for tlie tlien current year 37 V . c. 28, s. 20. (3) Electors in Rural School Sections. WWe legal fl^. Nq p^j.^^^ ^^lall be entitled to vote in any school section mL°SL e ection of trustee, or on any school question whatso- meeting, ever, unless he has been assessed, and has paid County lownship or rural section school-rates as a freeholder, house- holder, or tenant of such section : and in case an objection is made to the right of any person to vote at a school section meeting, the chairman or presiding officer at the meeting shall at the request of any ratepayer, require the person, whose right ot voting IS questioned, to make the following declaration : fati^?L,S .. TflJ? iT^T ""^^ **"" *]'** J ^^^ ^««" '-"^^^ ''" *he assessment roll from school .. f th" school section as a freeholder (householder, ortenaiit, as fheccm electors. ,, may he), and that I have paid a public school tax due by me in thU " Sfi"'^?''"'!** Yx*^'" '''^ '*"* *^^^^« "'""t^^ *nd that I am legaUy qualifaed to vote at this meuting.' ' Whereupon the person making such declaration shall be per- mitted to vote on all questions proposed at such meetin<^; but IX any person refuses to make such declaration, his vote shall be rejected. 37 V. c. 28, s. 21. Effect of declaration. Meetings to be X9 called in de- fault of first or annual meetings. First election of school trus- tees in a vil- lage or town. (4) Deferred School Meetings. In case, from the want of proper, notice or other cause,any hrst or annual school section meeting, required to be held for the election ot tnis^ees, was not held at the proper time, the Inspector, or any two assessed freeholders, householdei-s or tenants in the section may, within twenty days after the time at which the meeting should have been held, call a school meetincr by giving SIX days' notice, to be posted in at least three of th'e most public places in the school section ; and the meetincr thus called .shall possess all the powers and perform all the duties of the meeting in the place of which it is called. 37 V. c. 28 s. 22. ' IV. In Villages and Towns not divided into Wards. 54. On the incorporation of any Town or Village the Re- turning Officer appointed to hold the first municipal election therein, shall call a meeting, by giving six days' notice in at least three pubhc places in the Town or Village, for the election of school trustees to take place on the second Wednesday in January. "^ 2 In case of his neglect to do so, for one month, any two freeholders m the Town or Village may, on giving like notice call a meeting for thi.s purpose. Title XIII.J PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Chap. •?04. 2W hold offi^'i '""''* M= "'"" ■^T^'"'' '''^" ^^' ^'•^'^^^^J' ^ho shall Vid^d ' W^';^^f "tr^ ^T^ '"'^ T«^" *°^ Village .shall be dl- Trustees when T! 7 ^ ^",^ *^^^^ ^*^^^«' «a«h consisting of two trustees ^V'"?]*^ *° and to be numbered one, two, three. trustees, be ola«.ified. 2. The fii-st of such classes shall hold office one vear tho second of such classes shall hold office for two years^and the third of such classes shall hold office for three years, and un«l etS'Tv. a ^8%%"^ " " -ch classes Lpectively are yefrfy in tS" ''"'^'''''^^ '^^ '' ^-^ classes shall retire such trustees . to retire yearly by ,K.liI J?'*"'."',?"'' ''°'»"™ 0' 'he «™te«» fi«t elected "'"'°°' 3 Except the trustees elected at the tirst election the rustees so to retire shall be those who have held the offic'e for tLnnWrvP''''^'"^-*'^'!^ y^^'^''^'- who have been elected to supply any vacancy in the retiring class. 37 V. c. 28, s. wflnP.lvt''? '"^^*'"^ '^*" ^^ ^^^^ annually on the second Subsenuent Wednesday in January, m every such Town. and VilWe at thp ?.»»"''] ''1«<=- place of the then la.t annual efection of CounclllolK " tZ^L'Tn' towns and hnU ^%f/=l^^™eeting the assessed freeholders and house- ""'*"'• tees S;\he Sr? l^'!"^^' '^^'' ''''' *^« P^'^^'^^ ^ bel^u " tees m the place of the two retiring from office. and nnHl ^t!!'^^' ''' ^^««*^«d,«hall continue in office three years, and until their successors have been elected. 37 V. c. 28. s. V. In Towns divided into Wards, and Cities.' Siof ^he'Jeonnto 3?So fif '"X ^''^ "^ '^"""' ""^ '^' ^ivi- First election hTu^i^idr tCf!^' ''- '''-' -' ''^ — ^ freehohji^r;;?; -' '- 2 One of the trustees (to be determined by lot at the first t , « meetmg of trustees after their election) shall retire from office ^'™ "' '''""'' „ae otnfir .hall .o..uxiac m office one year longer, and then re- 30 Chap. 204. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. Subsequent annual election of tniHtees. 3 Every trustee shall continue in office until his successor has been elected. 37 V. c. 28, s. 69. S9. In every City and Town, on the second Wednesday in January, an election shall be held in every ward at the place of the last municipal election, and under the direction of the same Returning Officer and Deputy Returning Officers, and conducted in the same manner as an ordinary municipal ward election ; but the voting shall be by open vote, and the provisions of the Acts respecting voting by ballot shall not apply to such elec- tions. 37 V. c. 28, s. 71 (a) • 40 V. c. 16, s. 3 (2). 2 In case of the default of such Returning Officer or Deputy Returning Officer, then the election shall be held under the direction of such person as the electors present may choose. 87 V. 0. 28, 8. 71 (6). ^ Po^e.Jc'htartl . ^' ^tsuch election one fit and proper person to be a trus- • tee shall be elected by a majority of the votes of the assessed freeholders and householders in and for every ward 37 V c 28, s. 71 (c). ^ ■ i .^. 4 The trustee so elected shall continue in office for two years, and until his successor has been elected. 37 V c 28 s. 71 (d). ■ • > VI. Declaration to be taken by Electors in Cities, Town* AND Villages. 60. In case an objection is made to the right of any person to vote at an election in any City, Town, or Village, or upon any other subject connected with school purposes therein, the Re- turning Officer or Deputy Returning Officer presiding at the election shall require the person whose right of votino- is objected to, to make the following declaration, " .< r ^i!^° **®*''*'^ *"<* "ffl'" *•*** I l>a^e been rated on the aasesanient roll of this City (Town or Village, as the case may be), as a freeholder (householder or tenant, as the case may be), and that I have paid a public school tax in this ward (Town or Village, as the case may be), within the lasC tw.ilve months, and that I am legally qualified tt vote at this elec- " tion." Whereupon the person making such a declaration shall be permitted to vote. 37 V. c. 28, s. 80. ChallenRing voters at school electionH. Declaration. Contested elections in cities, towns and villages. VII. Contested Elections. 61. It shall be the duty of the Judge of the County Court, within twenty days after the election of a Public School trustee or trustees in any City, Town, or incorporated Village within his County, to receive and investigate any complaint re- specting the mode of conducting the election, and conhrm it or set it aside, and appoint the time and place of holdinir a new electioix as he may judge right. 37 V. c. 28, sec. 83 (a). 1 I Title XIII] PlTHLlc SCHOOLS. Chap. 204. 31 by the Co^unty /u^.^tr^^. ^"^rS " ):'"^ '^ ''-^' '' '>■ S^ ■ VIII. Spkcal Provlsions Rk.,,,,« ,, ,„,^ ,,^^, lORONTO. 32 V. c 44, s. 1 • 39 V p ni '^ loiirteen sections provided. Toronto « T' • »-• ui. provided in sH 63-77 tion of tl„. Board. 39 v" " M '". 1°(|;"'° '» «'<'-"l byesolu- and the Secretary of the SrJ l." "/""""B.^aU preside; noticeof «h„eJtr„g 39 7'" " ^f3> "' "" "^y'soH... ' ■ ^ ■'■ meeting. thr Returning Officer or chafrSaL ^haHKh^f ''T^^*^' "^"^*""^ hour declare such candidates duly elected^' f^| ^^'^ ^^ ^"" candidates are proposed and a nlii • j'*^ ' H"^, " *wo or more date or elector, VeTtumbJ^fffil'' demanded by any candi- the proceeding for tiS n. "fh oft?e ^nHU^^^^^^ day in January therenfii'r Tk n"*'^ ^^** ^^^^nd Wednes- in each wa Tm- pol L^r snh^^'"'' ^^^^ P«"««hall be opened £ti'^"'f™t:Xh'r,,r„ro„:\:!:!.t^^^^ the ei«SeS*»LjLTh?.^^C™f„X'''"'' ^ '■"'-'■"« «»" '" «de at the respective polUng pE^'l^v*" 6 "s i*:" •■'" ^K, of he Board of School TrLteef. £,"'„, te'LnSiT,'''^' caliy arranged, ol all the freeholder„m'jk '"""■''■IK. alphaheti- «.e then ta revised a^ess^SXnlittCSS's"^-: 32 Poll books and how kept. , Chap. 204. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. rate Schools for each ward, and shall attest the said list bv his solemn declaration. 32 V. c. 44, s. 3 ; 39 V. c. 61 .s 7 ' v,-l*;i'^^u'' Secretaiy of the Board of School Trustees shall pro- vide the Returnmg Officer of every ward or polling sub-dSn with the .said ist and a poll book ; and at eveTy election at Sl'^r I"'* 'i! f,«'»^nded. tf.e Returning Officer, or Ms worn Poll Clerk shall enter in such book in separate columnrZ names of the candidates proposed and seconded at theTomina! tion, and shalUpposite to .such columns, write the na^s of the electors offering to vote at the election and shall T each column on which is entered the name of . candidate voted for by a voter, set the %ure " 1 " opposite the voterrname with the residence of the voter. ;}2 V. c. 44, s. 4. S^aiS: «»• The Returning Officer or chairman may administer all ter oaths, &c. oaths or affirmations necessary at the election. 32 V. c. 44, s. s! rO In case an objection is made to the right of anv person to vote at any election in the City of Toronto or^ upon Sun liT. Orfl"' '"""-^i^*"^ "^t*^ «^^«^^ P-'P^- therein.^ .tetui nag Officer presiding at the election shall require the per- Chalii^nging voters. Declaration of voters. " years, r.nd i.ot a supporter of SepararSchoob " ^' '^ twenty-one Thereupon the person making such declaration shall be per- mifct^od to vote. 32 V. c. 44, s. 6 ^ n The Returning Officer shall, on the day after the close of of l^S^'^^rT ^" '^"^ ^-'^^ *« '^' Secretary of the Card of Public School Trustees, with his solemn declaration thereto annexed, that the poll book has been correctly kept, and con- tains a, true record of the votes given at the polling place for which he was Returning Officer 39 V. c. 61, s. 2 (1) 79 Tlie Secretary of the Board shall add up the number of votes for each candidate for any office, a« appears from thVpoU books so returned, and shall declare elected the candidate or candidates having the highest number of votes, and shall at noon, on the day following the return of the poll books pJt up,ia some conspicuous place at his office, a statement under V. c g" 's.1'(T)"^ ^^'' """*^''' ""^ ''''^' ^^'^ «^«h candidate 39 vori^asTo? 2. In (^e two or more candidates have an equal number a tie. of votes the Secretary of the Board, at the time he declares l:nf '^ '^' f *i '^f ^^« ^ ^«*« ^«^ ««« S- more of uch candidates, so a-s to decide tlie election. 39 " Returning officer to return poll book. Secretary to declare elec- tion and post up statement. ■XT V c. 61, 8. 2 (3). Title XIII.] PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Chap. 204. City of Toronto, receive and tove4allMTa'",,''''' ""' "««"'^ manner, upon comnlninf l«^/v«j caugate, ana in a summary mode of cSnSuZl th^Veetfon S^n^S /^' ^'^''^'y '^ ^ and may bv order f^.:Z Til ' ^^^'^^ and determine the same; poll booi'Ld anyXr^coXTt^e^r ^fT''' ^«"« before him, and Ly inq^e into th?f^'V" *' ^« ^°."^^" affirmation or hv n^l fl*- , ^^^^ ^^ affidav t or persons to kppeateetm^^^^^^ 'T' ^"^'^ P«^«°^ «^ confirm the same (J^^L™;pi '"ay deem expedient, and adjudged invaliTth: jiSge loU ^th bt wrirW^^^ 'K'' person so found not to haVe ^en^nlv IT^ '.''^? '^'"'^ *^« and, in case the Judge detlrmi^es ilZ '^'"*^i*° ^e removed, duly elected the Jufge stnX^t'i?^ oXt'jrr • "^ causinff such other npr«»n t« ^"wi^n oraer a wnt to lasue Judge*detem°„e8 JhLT^ M ^'"'**^: «■' *".»«.. 0, ^^si'tSs;-s£|3HBiaT- mmutes ot the Board, resign his seat at the Board ; 39 V. c ca^, Ir Sli^' treXTrd'hi^STsteZV'ht """^ "" -S«» ©lectior- +o fill +!,«. „„ ^^'*'*i snail take steps to hold a new "» "^e of n erUptS tir f?rf>i'4 rcttorj"retr^ ^^^^ ^— Board shaU give at least six days' notice of the nomiLtion of candidates, and in ca«e a poll is demanded, the LcSiaU hi e&t r'^ *'"^ ^^' ^y «^ "^^ nomiiiation aTSie of th^ c ock m the morning, and shaU continue open until ft?e of the clock in the afternoon, and no longer ; 89 Y. c. 6 1 s 6 7-, 1 he .i.K)aru, m addition to the DnwAm onnf^,^^^ them nnder this Act, in reference i.\CZ7j,£^^^, Sar* 33 H Chap. 204. KmniATION. fTin.K XIII. lottte '" '''"'! ^: "^•>">'>l «'*««. «'"^" ''avo tlu, pow(U- 1., sot,tI«. all clRi.n.s or r.;,rht« )m< by any p...rs„n or persons otlicr than tlio ovviior of tho sm\ an.l ovor any hind ,s„ r(..|uin.(l a,s a nito for a nu.lic School by arhitrntion.in the saino inanncraH is providod tor tho conipiilMoryoxtingui.shin.uit or Hottlcniont of tho owners riglits over tho naid land ; 39 V c Gl s 8 PART V. DUTIES AND POWEIiS OF MUNICIPAL GOUNCILS. Council to form new school see- tionii, their site. I. DUTIES AND POWERS OF TOWNSHIP COUNCILS. ys. (A) Duties of Township Councils. It sliall be the duty of every Township Council, (I) Formation of Rural School Sectiona. Union of exist- ing sections ; Meetings to beoalled. Convener. Township clerkjto furnish information to Cormty Inspector. 1. To form portions of the Township, where no schools have been established, into school sections; 37 V. c. 28, s 46(1) fif/?wi''f'T-,f*".^'' ^^™"^ ^^'«J^ «'>ntains less than fifty resident children, between the ages of five and sixte^ years, unless the area of the section contains more thai four square miles ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 46 (la). 2. To unite two or more sections in the same Townshin inf/^ one mease (at a public meeting in each sectUSdLth^ trustees or County Inspector for that purpose), a majority pre^ sent of the assessed freeholders and' householders if eacCf the sections request to be united ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 46 (2) t S n 'fV^l''?rlr'^°*'^.'^ meeting; and cause such person t ^ ? ^ .J^i^^ Township Glerkln the manner prescribed in the forty-third section of this Act ; 37 V. c. 28, s 46 (3) J.t:J? *^r ?® P^'K***" *^« Township to furnish the County Inspector of schools with a copy of all the proceedings of ?he Council relating to the formation or alteration of scfoo sec! tions. all schcjl ^essments. and other educational matte's; TiTu;Xlir,] ''"'"'"-' «^"<"»»'« (.'«- Ron.an CathoH^^ri wlifc^^^^^^^^ ^:^^^r'^ -<' SchooLs, an.l the AascsHor shall arinr.l^» ■ '"^ "' '^<^'P«'-ato cu ars in the mspectivrco ulfs of ^ ^' '""'^''* ""^■'' P'^'^'i- scnbedby law ft,; the hcS "tctbn at^ "'" P''^- of the person taxable, and tt a,urt of i v ''^'"" {-eHpectively determine all comnlainfjaJr. . x "<'vihioii shal try and alleged to be ^Sv X^^iL^"'""''^ IV'^^ ^^^^^^^ a^ the caHo may S) an. anv n ^ *"" """**"^ ^'•"'" ^^'^ roll elector of the MimSa U 2 ^ • ''^ "«.««"'P'aininK, or any Clerk of the MunSS vof 3 ?' '' '" ^"""^ *« ^^^ complaints against the a .ssn.finfrln j '^''''"^ "«*i«e of trial thereof^shall likewiHeZlv to I'll^ Proceedings for the section of this Act; 4oT c. IG, s. 13^2) "'""P^'''"*" ""'^e'' thi« 6- To cause the Clerk of fli« t^ i • . making out the Collector's roll to nC^ TUi" *"V"*">^ f'?.»r'«'''' therem. so that under the head of "^S^Z Rlfe'^^y ^t^ « -tt."" School rate may be disfinm,;.!, i * "''"'"'/ ■"«'«. the Public rate, and also ^nLv^lfrm %!''''. '\ ?T^?.^« School distinguish between Publii^^^ t; ^ *'* fZ ,'^'''«'<'^ ^^bta," to the Clerk of thTTownsSr«n ^'''^^ ^^'^?'^' P»rP«««« and accordingly, and the nrS« !f ^''P'''" u**"'^ Collector's roll distinct B/the CoKr an^ 1''''^ f "f^ '«** «hall be kept V. c. 16, s 13 (2)! *°'^' *"^ a««ounted for accordingly; 40 offiU^oTeTevL^JTn^^el";^^^^ ''^'^ «»"«icipal Coii^^rof liable to pay the samVaU lC'o?Cn t'fSJ"''/' proA^''-'"*- legally imposed thereon in resn^rf nf % S- "^^^ °'' *a^«8 Schools bycompetentla^u?au?hSv in th!f"?l' ,f J^P**-^*^ y^est^^nd^^acc^^^^ afi^^^oIYm^^l^^^ 75f-d3o as not to p.^„. Separate Schooh, and it shall X !2- ^^J'^^<^^^ectm,gv<^My^not School established under the saidArt «?. *1f ^^^atholic Separate Rej-Stat. force in tl^at behalf, to avS th^^sflve^ of tL^/"" ^'•'^^^^''^ ^ " ' sions of this Act, instead nf fh«L • i, *"® foregomg provi- Acts for the pu^oseTa^ceS^f^P!^^^^^^^^ P^-^^^^bed in th? said «pective SeiSrate SchoXint ..b ^if ■ '"Pr'"^^ re- Tvnv»M«»~,- ^' »wiooi8 m such Municimlifv onrj *u- x^ pa-jcDieuy aucn supporters and tha «^ii * x"'-' , ""^ wixes 36 Chap. 204. EDnCATION. [Title XIII. Rev. SUt. 0. 180. Council to ini po«e certain paynientR an required by trustees. . jnth the special prcvi.s.ons of the aaid Act shall be unnece,s.sary, but the tmstees in order to avail them.selves of the foreiroiii nlT7'^f S'' ^'^ t*" ^? "'^^^^^ «f «"«^ i"<^°«on fS", thf Uerkof the Municipahty at least one week before the time 8. To levy, and collect by assessment upon the taxable pro- perty many school section, in the manner provided by this Act and by the Municipal and Assessment Laws at the time m force, such sum m may be required by the trustees thereof for the purchase of a school site, the erection, repair, rent furniture, and fittings, of a .school house and its appendages; the erection and repair of fences, outbuildings, or the rent pur- chase, or erection of teacher's residence, the purchase of maps apparatus, text library and prize books for the .school, and,' salary of the teacher, assistant or monitor, and other like expenses of the school, a« may be determined by such trustees ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 46 (5) ; s. 141 (a) ; 40 V.c. IC, s. 13 ^1). «u"i?.ri« '^ ^- To paas a by-law granting to the trustees of any school wfw'" section, on their application, authority to borrow anv sums W«w.oneyof monev which they may think necessary for the pirchr SSS^*' of school sites, for the erection or repair of a school house or Kt'^t ^tln'^^V'^""! '^''' ar>penda^es,\r for the purchZ or erection of a teacher s residence ; and such by-law shall not be required to be submitted to a vote of the electors or rate- payers ; 37 V. c. 28, 8. 48 (2) ; 40 V. c. 16, s. 3 (5) & s. 5 Sehool loMis; Levy rate. ih}% ^aT! \J?b«°*"'-e o'- debentures, in the form given in the Schedule to this Act, for the amount of any loan which by any such by-law of the Council the trustees of such school section are authorized to make, together with a sufficient sum for the payment of the interest on the sum so borrowed, and a proportionate sum sufficient to forma sinking fund to pay oft the principal at any time within ten years • 37 V c 2S a 46 (Q) ; 39 V. c. 7. Schid. B; 40 V. c. 16. s. 3 05)! ' .ri: J TT I. ^ ^^""'^^ *^, ^ y«^' "Po» t^e taxable property of the school concerned (and upon sudi other taxable property as is herein made liable in case of an alteration in the Principal««i f„T . Tv *^ ^^*'*.'?'' '*'' divi8ion)asum sufficient to pay the rrmdpai «,d interest on the amount borrowed by the trustees on the authS of the Council, and also a sum sufficient to pay off the principfj during anv period not exceeding ten yea^^as may £^C upon by the trustees, and the lender of the money; 37 vT28 s. 40 (7). ' ' ' ^wi'Vof ,i.^"2 No*^th8f Um ;..„,.....r...„ boiimlariei. tion, and Im )tht'r Hchool division, existing at tliu tinio of its incornora- ' 1, as a Village or Town Municipality, shall continue in force, and be con^idared as the school houndaries of the newly incor- porated Village or Town, notwitl)Htanding its incorpomtion, until such houndaries are altered under the authority of this Act ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 74. 84. Every alteration made in the* houndaries of a rural School>ection school sf ction by a Township Council, undei- the restrictions mZtaUerwl imposed in this Act, .shall bo by by-law, which by-law shall ^y l"t ^^'^y• be passed not later tlian the first day of May in any year, nor shall the same take effect before the twenty-fifth day of ' De- cember next after the alteration has been made; and it •shall be the duty of the Township Clerk to send forthwith. Notice, after the by-law has been jmssed, a written notice of the altera- tion to the trustees of every school section affected by the altera- tion, and to the Public School Inspector ; 37 V. c. 28, ss, 49, 57. S.1. On the formation, dissolution or alteration of a union Adjustment of .school section, or on the formation, division or alteration of cl»ta«hetween any school section in the same Township, the County In.spec- "0"^^%."""^ tor and two other persons appointed by the Township Council as valuators shall value and adjust in an equitable manner all rights and claims consequent upon such formation, divi- sion, dissolution or alteration between the respective portions of the Township affected, and determine in what manner and by what portion or by whom the same shall be settled ; and the detei-mination of the said valuators or any two of them .shall be final and conclusive ; 40 V. c. 16, s. 10. 86. In case a school site or school house, or other school Disposal of property is no longer required in a section, in consequence of ^r^^'wh^n the alteration or the union of school sections, the same shall be «">* wanted, disposed of by sale or otherwise, in such a manner as a ma- jority of the assessed freeholdeis and householders in the altered or united school sections may decide at a public meeting called for that purpose ; and the inhabitants transfeiTed from Altered one school section to another, shall be entitled, for the Public "e^'io"'- School purposes of the section to which they are attached, to such a proportion of the proceeds of the sale of such school house or other Public School property, as the assessed value of their property bears to that of the other inhabitants of the school section from which they have been so separated ; and the resi- United due of such proceeds shall be applied to the erection of a new *®*^"'°* school house in the old school section, or to other Public School purposes of such old section. In the case of united sectiohs, vho proceeds Oi i-ne sale shoil be applied to the like Public School purposes of such united sections ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 56. 40 Chap. 204. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. II. DUTIES AND POWERS OF COUNTY COUNCILS. (A) Duties ov County Councilb, 87. (1) Levy of Equivalent to Legislative Grant. It shall be the duty of the County Council, grant. SnttoSSr 1- To cause to be levied yearly upon the several Townships Utlve Mhool 01 *ihe County, for the payment of the salaries of legally quali- "~"* fled Public School teachers, assistants or monitors, such sums of money as shall be at least equal (clear of all charges of collec- tion) to the amount of school money apportioned by the Minis- ter of Education to the several Townships of said Countv for the year, and notified by him to the Council through the County Clerk ; 87 V. c. 28, s. 61 (1). Appointment of School InipectoK. If umber. (2) Aa to County Public School Inspectors. 2. To appoint and pay quarterly the County salary of one or more persons ' olding the necessary certificate of qualification (as prescribed by this Act), to be Inspector or Inspectors of Public Schools in the County, who shall each have charge of not more than one hundred and twenty, or less than fifty schools each ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 61 (2). (a) It shall not be necessary to appoint more than one Inspector in each Riding of a County ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 61 (2a). Geman."' . _, (^) ^^ counties containing any Municipality wherein the French or German language is the common or prevailing lan- guage, an Inspector may have charge of any number of schools not less than forty ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 61 (2/-). (c) In Counties where there are more than fifty Public Schools, the County Council may appoint two or more persons (accord- ing to the number of schools), holding such certificates, to be Inspectors, and prescribe and number the territorial limits of each ; 37 V. c. 28. s. 61 (2c). (d) In a County where there are two or more County Inspec- tors, the Council of such County may, from time to time, change or remove the Inspectors from one circuit or Riding of the County to another ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 61 (2d). Flllvacncie.. 3. To fill up, from among those legally qualifie.i any vacancy m the office of Countv Inspector cAUsed bv death resignation, dismissal, or other cause ;" 87 V. c. 28, s. 61 (3). ' Gountlea may appoint adaitlonal Inipooton. Change Ingpeoton, Title XIII.] PUBLIC HCHOOLS. Chap. 204. 41 (3) A8 to County Board of Examiners. 4. To apiK)int a County Board of legally oualiHed exaininors, Kx»,uli.«Uon (lor the examination and licensing of Public School teachers "' *'"*'"'= being candidateH for third-clasH certiflcatea, in ociionlance with Sher* the regulations provideepartment of Education ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 61 (4). See 40 V. c. 6. To pay the incidental and other expenses of the Board of ExpeniM of Examiners fta follows : — ^*> Board. (a) Recompense to the members for their time, travelling and other expenses, at least equal to that which members of the County Council receive. This recompense may be increased as may be determined by the Council ; {(>) Expenses of stationery, room, fuel, light, printing of notices, examination papers and certificates for teachers ; (c) Such remuneration to the secretary of the Board as the . tt^f/o'lf" j"^^ ^^ expedient ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 61 (5), dss. 117(2, 26). ^ ' (4) Aocommodation for Examitnuiona. 6. To provide, upon the application of the Inspector, suit- ExMnlMtion able rooms orother accommodation lor holding the examina- "' ***"''•"• tion of Public School teachers in the ( ountv : 37 V c 28 s 61 (10), s. 117 (1). ^ ' (5) As to County School Auditors. 7. To appoint anfiual!; or oftener, auditors, who shall audit Auditors of the accounts of the County Treasurer and other officers to fT^ °'°'"'^* whom Public or High School moneys have been entrusted, and p^M who shall repoi-t to such Council ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 01 (6). (6) Exaction of Security from officers and management of School Fund. 8. To see that sufficient security is given by all officers of To obtain the Council to whom school moneys are entrusted ■ 37 V o 28 ^^^^y from S 61 (7) > I . ^. ^v/, jjj pergong ^ '■ entnifited with Bohoolmonejg. .J^rl^^f^S^^^ "'^ deduction^is made from the school fund by No deduction liuc •^xjuniy ircasurcr or suD-lreasuierfor the receipt and pay- from school ment of school moneys ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 61 (8). ^"""^ ^2 ' Chap. 204. ,,^eATiox. [Title XIII. (7) Payment of Teachers' Salaries. Payment of -in m , , teachers. ^"J- A o make the necessary proviaions for enabling the Count v fiZJ ^ .' ^^^ ^"^'^'^ ^^'^ool Inspector's order in favour nf a teacher, assistant, or monitor ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 61 (?1) County Coun- cils to appoint committeeB to settle appeal against forma tjon or altera- tion of school sections. (8) Committee of Appeal from Township Courwils. Who may not act on the committee*. Notice. Quarterly pay form a quorum, to investigate the matter of any app^S- com plaint by a majority of the trustees, or anyLeSe-navera CoriraSttv rf"'^^ ^" any Townsh%. toIhe'S y' SoislXflT *^>^;l^^^«^ resolution passed at any time Sniln n. L7 .? Township Council for the formation, division union or alteration of their school section or school seeSs' aDnSnnn 't-'''S^''\ '' ^^^"«*^ «^ ^h« Township Counc (on application being made to it by the trustees or Insne. torWn form, divide, unite or alter the boundaries of a .ihodSo^' Tr scW^sections within such Township; 37 V. ^28 relTgH 2. The committee thus appointed shall revise determine. or rte™LS i the matters complained of ; but the alterations fore tt^rn v7fth^^^^ "-^^ take effect be- loie i;ne twenty-titth day of December n the year in whioh wTTk*'' '• i''t^''' ^""^ «h*" thence con^tinue in full San' ed bvXT'^ of five years at least, and unti" lawfully cnanged by the Township Counci , but such change sbnll K^ S'r6lT9aXf ' ^P^-^ ^ '^^ County Councfl; ?/"v.'c^ 3 No peraon shall be competent to acW on the committee who was or is a member of the'^Township CWcil ^Xassed the by-law or resolution complained of ; 37 V. c! S) s. 61 (96) said mM^Ti^lA^ u^l^^^'^^'''^^ ""' *^« determination of the said matters made by the committee, shall be given bv the Tn spector to the Clerk of the Township and to thf trustees o? Ih. school sections concerned; 37 V. c^8. s.%%i)740 y c Is! (B) Powers of County Councils. (1) Teachers' Salaries and Pensions. 89. Every County Council shall have authority, 1. To arrange for the payment, of such sums as may be re- 4 \ Title XIII.] PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Chap. 204. 48 ^Ws/nnnSf^"' «**r^««« *l^at the salaries may be paid-?* of teach- fundstn^hi \'° ^^^ ^f ' \ ?"*^ '^ *^^«'-« ^r« not sufficient '" "'"""• lunds to borrow from any banking corporation such sums as may be requ red in the meantime until the taxes imposed there' for can be collected ; and theCouncilshallregulateby Trw the amount to be so borrowed at a rate of interest not to eLed unTrE s:«f- ?f/""""' 'I^^'''' promissory notet be" ven wht^eTd; Iff ?re:^: r '"'''''''-' ^'^^ bv^thl fZ?!-""" n' ^"i ""^ l^"^^ ^"°'^«' *"y P^"«i«« granted Supplement by the Education Department to any Public or High School *^4«r'« teacher; 37 V.c. 28, 8. 62(5). "^^fe" ^^cnooi pension. (2) Coww<2/ -Pwfe^tc School Library. JuL'^exoSenWnTT'^'f J-"? '""^^ "* "^^^^^ ^^ ^^ may Council may CountvTiS^ r fe establishment and maintenance of 1 ^«*'*''^^«^' bounty Pubhc School Library ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 62 (1). EibrS. (3) Appointment of Toionship Sub-Treasurer. suLI^'oPm '^ "^"'""i expedient, one or more sub-Trea- Bch,oU«b- surers ot school moneys for one or more Towrmhino nf ^ i.^ treaaurers for County; 37 V. c. 28, s. 62 (3) lownships of the townshipsmay , ^/*- \^uj, beappomted. (4) Examinations for Teachers' Certificates. ffm^ntS'/of L'rh?.!?^ f P Vr '^^r^' examination, for the Two examin.- ^ntmg of certificates to Public School teachers, to be held in **°'"l'° (■'>) Increase of sums levied on Tovmships. sBverJlU'Zrnf/ T' '^^ ""O'^ey levied yearly upon the increase several lownships for the payment of duly qualified teachers «"«>« levied either (1) m aid of the dunty school fund orT^Wn thr"*""'"'"^^ recommendation of one or more County InspecJ,;^ to Jte ?S!l r'e) ''^ *'"'" ''""''^y s^choofSons; sf V (6) ^id to County Modsl Schools and Teachers' Associations. 7. To provide and levy in each year the following sums : p„fel5t^"'" ?^ ?^^ ^"pdred dollars, at least, towards ^oh Aid to County ^ Chap. 204. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. A«8ociatio" -. (^) The sum of fifty dolJars +^w„wj al ^ Institute or Association in theV^Z^ *^' ^°"?*y ^eachew' District; 40 V. c. 16, s 17 (1) ^*^ °'' "^ «*«^ Inspector's Powem of ^^^ Portion of 8. 361. w Of . / sec. 8U (6), and Rev. Stat. c. 174, by the Mun cipalitv in aid nt hJuwT •' . ^^ ^PP^ied Municipal or shall be .pp^ledT„'"„rl^ the o* ^^S^^'r^S '""^ll "F-""'-' Acts ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 154. purposes specxtied in said "chool-houaes. trS^ltS ^'t^ZTrotZIl. tilt T'^f f .*! ^- - school sites or erectinra^^^^^^^^^ '^^^^^ «ite or any sum or ^^Zt^Z:fdtlZ\ZAft^^^^ ' '^^ and to that only ; 29-30 V. c. 5?, s. 27^^40 V.c. ^e'?!^'" PART VI. SCHOOL CORPORATIONS, POWERS AND DUTIES. is not I. GENERAL PROVISIONS. '^■"^^r.r^^^l^^^r£r^^,^^. 48 Chap. 204. £1>UCATI0N. [Title XIII. fflltnistee ^^^^? be valid or binding on any nartv nW^^oi^^ +k u meetings. notice of the rueptJrio. »h^] u -^ P^'^y, anected thereby, and thetrusteeto b7Zoi'om^^^^^ ing them ^ISh^Tin wHtW ^ h '^' ''1^'"''^^ "«^^>^- noticetotfeirresidences 37 V els s 2^ '' "^ ^ ^"^° JohdSS^ardfl. TT.?®* ^^ *be case of PuFt Sehnnl Rnor.1.. i„ rt-i- m 4c. "*• Villages, and of Townshi- T^o^a • ."^ ^^*^®^' ^owns or of audi Board wheTS^esinf^f' ^ ""T"*^ °^ *^« °^«"ibers quorum, and thrvote^offS ^^ any meetm^, shall constitute a Eauality 01 valid io'Zl the co^oLtn"'^"-^ '^ '"'^ ^"^'^'^ «hall be '«^ of votes, the chaiSThaS L *f ^""^ -"^^ ""^ ^° ei"a«ty to his 0^ voteTrv" f 5" 'Tc^a^r ^^ "°^ ^" ^^^*-^ tioraclbJf^rTr^lZ^oK^ be necessaiy in oXlSlt l^-^j ^^° ^^ the trustees shall c. 16, 8. 5 (>ar^) ^""^ *^ ^"'^ «"«J^ corporation ; 40 V. Quorum of rural school oorporationfl, Keoordof proceodingB. Levy and collect rate. Duties of •true' 368. Appointment »nd duties of secretary- treasurer. Security. Correct Iceep ing of papers And more.vB. Shall be entered In ate? thf"^ '^ such trustee meetinp pose, and siS bv tKn^. corporation kept for that pi^^ s 24 (a). ^ ^ ^ '''"°'" °^ Presiding trustee ; 37 V. c 28. cipl?CoS;c'ilTf*'clt?T^^^^ ^ ^ell as the Muni- th'e mannertrolidXfet a^y^ ^^^.^^^P^' '^^^> ^- ment Laws then in force levvrn^nnlf^ ^u"'""'?^ """^ Assess- able property of tWcSol S,^ fn^T '^' "^^ "P°" *h« ^^x- the expenses of the schools 2 de^^^^^ ft' T^ ^'^' <^ ^^ W 37 V. c. 28, s. 141 («)r40 V c. 16 riTa;!*^ ^^''^''^ *"^^^^ II. RURAL SCHOOL TRUSTEE CORPORATIONS. (A) Duties. .eS: '* **" "^ "" ''"'y of U"' 'n-'teea «f eve,y ru«l ,ch„„, (1) As to Official Management. 1. To appoint a secrotaiy-treasurer who mo u (1) The correct and safe kpfinmrr „^a * _ii. called for by the tSees Si ^^^^coming (when authority) of the Ze^ and tn^' """ uY' '^^P^^ni corpor^tSn; 37 7.72^^26 TSo^r^ ^^ ''^ a q 8( Title XIII.] PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Chap. 204. 47 (2) The correct keeping of a record of all the Droceedintr« v i h^ deducted from the salary or salaries of KaJe ^ch suerh«r''''' '"^^W ^y *h« trustees durin. eacn sucli halt-year, or whioh ia noiroW^ a j.i „ • o a„„„„ed TeachU fII' 87 V. S" 26 (S';^.^°l*'- treLrerthc-eof; 37 Tc 28^ /e'l "^^ °' '"^ »'""'«>- SS^JS.. tary-treasurer. seLVff a colff^^^^^^ ?tr^ P'^'Pf P.^'^'^'^' «r «»« of them- Apnointment t^n^iw ^t X . (^"^ inay also be secretary-treasurer^ an/^.tyof son ; and to pay such ooUecior, at ftt ™te o"Ctt, "tS f/" or more than ten, per centum in the moneys S ected ht ul' S4LXryl\r.rjes*lKSyS^ ^;^ 3. To appoint, before the first dav of December in „ * .. (a) If the trustees neglect to appoint such auditor or anooiTif anhlhei^aplr and tSL'^n^'' ,T '^""^^^ their accounts Subnet auirprl W +Ki!: ' ^'^** to give such other information as is re- accounts to TZl, y,u °x"^ ^^""dred and sixteenth and one hundred and ""''""'• seventeenth sections of this Act ; 37 V. c. 28, s 26 (4). 5. Toexactsecuritv from Avoinrr^^^s^^ i.„ _i..^ ,, sohoo, moneys „, oiUr'^^^^^^SC^XiZ'^^^'^Saf'^^S^ monaye. II 48 Trustees to acquire aud hold school property. Chap. 204. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. T^"^mfa)"'' ^"^'^ ^"-" '"'^^ keeping. 37V. (2) School PropeHy—BvMdinga, etc. B^utcZr^ „ 7. To dispose, by sale or otherwise, of any school site or site or other school property not required bv thfim m ^L. site or propen. changeSfsUsite,oXS:rc:LXcon^^^^^^^ Lr r"^'^^ '""'' *"^ ^ ^PP'y ^he proceeds therTL ttir (3) Providmg Adequate Acc "^eSl^ the Assessor's or Collector^ mil f n P'^^P^'^^' ^^ expressed in school, or schoolsrSle ;;lf Ttl''f'-rPPr"*«^*h«ir or otherwise acquirimr of EolTo.? 7 "'*?'' ^^^ ^^''ection and for any other 8c£oln,?ifu ^""^ ^^<^^^r's residence, collected frU t^e ftehoCT '^"^^T'^ ^y this Act to be -ion.3ry.c.28!r2r^^^^^ 28, s. 267L5). ^ '"' °^ *^" •'«'^'^'' o*- schools; 37 V. c. ^ny!""''- billa ; 37 V. c. 28, s 26 (16) ' ''**^' "''' ''^^^ default in payment to the couS; °37 rcTslM"^?)"'*'' 16. To make a return to the C'lerW nf fV.« t i . amount of any rate imposed by tSor sctol^^^^^^^ V^' ^''^-et- ever so imposed ; 37 V c. 28, s 26 (18) P^T'oses when- °^«t^«.to Clerk. silil^t^'SK-^t^^^^^^^^^ Pub,.,,. „„ ,.^^ and ehattel/to dSn"ftenrti:l',J,' *tr"- ? "" «^ Clerk of the Municipal tv Worethf ™^ f l" !t'°™ '" *" """•'l"""- year of all such mrci^^, J,f i.„j j^? "^ "l "'<' ">en ciurent on. 87 V;rX S °1 26 (18) """"""^ted »te, th,re- »d the ap.'jf SToS ";.::fcr srTt ^, rii5t?' 60 Chap. 204. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. (c) Such arrears shall be collected and accounted for by such Treasurer in the same manner as the aiTcai-s of other taxes. 37 V. c. 28, s. 155 (6). (d) The Township, Village, Town, or City Council in which such Public School is situate, shall make up the deficiency arising from uncollected rates on land liable to assessment, out of the general funds of the Municipality. 37 V. c. 28, s. 1 55 (c). Enter into written con- tracts witli teachers. To give orders to qualified teachers for School Fund. (5) Employment and Payment of Teachers. 17. To contract in writing with, and employ teachers, assis- tants, or monitoi-s for their school section, and to deterni'ie the amount of their salaries; 37 V. c. 28, s. 26 (11). 18. To give teachers, assistants, or monitors employed by them the necessary orders upon the County Inspector'for the school fund appropriated and payable to their school section ; but they shall not give an order in favour of any teacher, assistant, or monitor, except for the actual time during which said teacher, while employed, held a legal certificate of qualifi- cation ; 37 V. c. 28, 8. 20 (12). Admit resi- dent!) to school— excep' tion as to Separate Scnoolg. Rev. Stat. c. 206. (6) Admission of Residents and Non-Residents. 19. To permit all residents of the section between the ages of five and twenty-one years to attend the school, so long as they conform to the general regulations and the rules of the school ; but such permission shall not extend to the children of persons in whose behalf a Separate School has been estab- lished, according to the provisions of " The Separate Schools ^cf;" 37 V. c. 28, s. 26(19). Admit non- 20. To admit, on the same conditions, and on payment in resident pupite advance of fees or a rate-bill, not exceeding fifty cents per pupil for every calendar month, any non-resident pupils who reside nearer to such school lan to the school in their own section ; and in case of dispute as to the distance from the school, the Inspector shall d cide; 37 V. c. 28, ss. 26 C20") 28 (6), &145. ' ^ ^' Visit Schoob. (7) Visiting Schools. 21. To visit, from time to time, every school under their charge, and see that it is conducted according to law and the authorized regulations, and that every school is, at all times, duly provided, at the expense of the school, with Entrance and Daily Rcgistura and a Visitor's Book, in the forms prepared according to law ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 26 (21). Title XIII.] PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Chap. 204. 61 (8) Dismissal of Refractory Pupils. 22. Any pupil who shall be adjudged so refractory by the Di«mi».al of trustees (or by a majority of them) and the teacher, that his refractory presence in school is deemed injurious to the other pupils, may ''"''''*• be dismissed from such school, and, where practicable, removed to an Industrial School ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 182. (9) Text and Library Books— Establish Library. as. To see that no unauthorized books are used in the school, Text-book». and that the pupils are duly supplied with a uniform series of authorized text-books, sanctioned and recommended by the Education Department ; and to procure annually, for the benefit of their school section, some periodical devoted to education • 37 V. c. 28, s. 26 (22). 24. To appoint a librarian; and to take such steps as are EsUbUsh authorized by law, and as they may judge expedient, for the Bchoolgection establishment, safe keeping and proper management of a school "'""^• library in their section ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 26 (23). (10) Annual and other School Meetings and Report thereto. 25. To appoint the place of each annual school meeting of Place of the assessed freeholders and householders of the section ■ and *°°"*' ^^'^^ the time and place of a special meeting of the same for, (1) the ^po1nfed°by niling up ot any vacancy or vacancies in the trustee coi-poration *^^ trustees. occasioned by death, removal, or other cause, or (2) for the ^'"'°» ^*«»»- selection of a new school site ; (3) the appointment of a school "*'" auditor ; or (4) any other lawful school purpose, as they may think proper; and to cause notices of the time and place and ^ . of the objects of such meetings, to be posted in three or more *""" public places of the section, at least six days before the time of holding such meeting ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 25 (a, b, c). ^ (a) Every such meeting shall be organized, and its proceed- ings recorded in the same manner as provided for in the forty- fifth and three following sectioas of this Act. 37 V c 28 s 26 (25 d). ^ 26. To cause to be prepared and redd at the annual meeting «„„„ ^ of the ratepayers, the school report of the trustees for the year reaT "poT then ending, which report shall include, among other things a "* *"""*^ summary of their proceedings and of the state of the school ''^' during the year, together with a full and detailed account of the receipt and expenditure of all school moneys received and expended in behalf of the section, for any purpose whatever during such year; which report shall be signed bv the trustees and by either or both of the school auditors of the section • 37 V. c. 28, s. 26 (26). 62 M»ke half- yearly report to County Iiupeotor. Yewly report to Inspector. Chap. 204. EDUCATION. [Tii:,E Xm. Content*. Text-bookn, Ac. (11) Half- Yearly Returns and Annual Report to Inspectors. .u-^^" '^° J^raasmit to the County Inspector, on or l>efore the thirtieth day of June, and the thirty-first day of December in each year, a correct return of the average atten.Unce of the resident and non-resident pupils in the school or schools under their charge during the six months then immediately preced- ing; 37 V. c 28,8. 26(27). 28. To ascertain the number of children between the agos of hve and sixteen years residing in their section on the thirty- hrst day of December in each year, and to prepar.> and trans- mit annually, on or before the fifteenth day of -January a report to the County Inspector, signed by a majority of the trustees, and made according to a form provided by the Minister of Jiducation, and to specify therein among other things :- (a) The whole time the school in their section was kept open by a qualified teacher, during the year ending on the thirty- nrst day of the previous December. (6) The amount of moneys received for the School Fund, trom local rates or contributions, and from other sources dis- tinguishing the same, and the maoper in which all such moneys were expended. •' (c) The whole number of children residing in the school sec- tion, over the age of five years, and under the age of sixteen • the number of cflildren and young persons taught in the school in winter and summer, distinguishing the sexes, and those who were over and under sixteen years of age ; and the average attendance of pupils in both winter and summer; but iSe trustees of the Public School sections, within the limits of which one or more Separate School sections are established as hereinafter provided, shall not, in their return of children' of school age residing in their school sections, include the children attending such Separate School or Schools. (d) The branches of education taught in the school • the number of pupils in each branch; the text-books used- the number of public school examinations ; visits and lectures' and by whom made or delivered, and such other information re- spectmgthe school premises and library as may be required. o7 V. c. 28, s. 26 (28). (B.) Powers. .i,***u J,^^^^*" ^, competent for rural school trustees, and they shall have authority, 1. To do whatever they may deem expedient in regard to procuring apparatus, maps, prize, library' .and text-books for their school ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 28 (2). „ Title XIII] PUBLC SCHOOLS. Chap. 204. , 58 [ 1 ■• *\1\ To select the site for, and establish and maintain an addi- Two or more tionaJ school or additional schools in the section, with the con- ""hf I'ln* Zf^T-!"^ the Inspector, whore from the large si.e of th. Tttrixed. section. Its physical conformation, or from any other cause, the chUdien of the section are unable to attend the school estab- lished therein ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 28 (4). H5tU? Pu'^T® ''T®^,^ the necessary buildings for such ad- Building, for oitionai school or schools ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 28 (5). »"« h wliooli. (a) Every such school shall be subject to the same regula- Condition, tions and obligations as Public Schools generally. 37 V. c. 28 8, z8 (5 a). ' 4. To admit, at their discretion, non-resident pupils to their Non-resident flcnool on.payment in advance, of fees or rate-bill not exceed- i"'P"«'"»yb» ing fifty cents a month per pupil ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 28 (6) & s. 145. gpfent oT (a) This discretion on the part of the trustees, shall not ap- **' piy to the non-residents mentioned in clause twenty of the ofi^p N r** and, second section of this Act ; 37 V. c. 28. s. zo (b a) Jfc 8. 14o (a, 6). o. To exempt, in their discretion, from the payment of school Trugtoesmay I^« L"^ i V' ' u P*'*' ^"^y ''"^'^^''^ P«^«n«' and to charge ^X^t the amount of such exemption u.)on the other rateable inhabi- "^ tants of the school section, but the same shall not be deducted from the salary of a teacher; 37 V. c. 28, s. 28 (7). ^fi?" '^'^ PM'*cha^e, at their discretion, from any bookseller or Purchase of other parties, instead of at the Depository of the Education "braJr^d department, any library or prize books sanctioned bv the De- P'*^*'^'"- partment for the Public and High Schools andCoUe^ate Insti- tutes, as provided by this Act ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 28 (8) III. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD IN CITIES, TOWNS AND INCORPORATED VILLAGES. (A) Duties. C'}^% ^^ '^*" ^ ^^^ ^." J^ ^L^^^ P"^^'« ^«^««1 Board of every Duties of the Sr^byaSorizeT '^' respectively, and they ar'e g;;^ -^^-l * (I) Offi/sial Management. n 1. To elect annually, or oftener, from among their own mem- Election of bers^a chairman, who shaU have a right to vote at all times ; f^^*'™"' »n«l of V. c. 28, s. 86 (1). luBvote. rr.h^T'^'^?}''^ ^^^ times and places of their meetings and the Timeandplace mode ot calling them, and of conducting and recording tb^ir of meeting of " = DOAk'd. * SuHr. e. 8, ». 22, page 142 poet. 04 Chap. 204. EDUCATION. [TiTLK XTII. Village council room ; 37 V. c. 28, s 86 (2a). ^' ofcoUeotor ^ **• -i" appo' L a Secretary or secretarv-treaMurer and ono <.r ^« 36) authority to charge; 37 V. c. 28, s. 86 h«^n^ J^^ collector or collectors and secretary-treasurer mav be of their own number ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 86 (3, la). ^ A^) J^'\^^^^^^^y-^reMmer and the collector or collpnfnr« shal be subject to the same duties, obligations ami pena Si the hke officers in rural school sectional 37 V.c. 28, a Se (tL^ (2) School Property. «■"■ c. 28,I°86 r:)"^'"'"" °' "" '■''"■'= «"•■-' P-P««y ^ 37 V •ohool property. r m 5. lo accept and hold as a corporation all such nronertv S'to^^' V-n' ""V"'"^' '""^ ^"^"« School purpL^s iK^ 8 86'(4a) °' ^^^' ^^ ""^ *^^^' whatsoeve? ; 37 V. c. 28^ etepw* S- To do whatever they may judge expedient with regard— miseB, appara- / \ m , . ° '^i'Z^!^ V. c 28,\T(5a)"^ """ '""^^"^ school-sites and premises ; 37 in Sde^r"" thf^^il^' ,T""^' ^™''^'"^' '^^^^'^' ««d keeping m order .the school houses and appendages, lands enclosure? and movable property; 37 V. c. 28 s. 86 (56). °'' ^"^^°'''"'««' boitlnd^r^'.TJil^''^' ""T' ^mr^t^^s, text and prize 37"v.Y2lf86.T5c) '^'"^ and maintaining school libraLs; (3) Kinds of Schools, and. their Teachers :, 9. To determine — Su.* . (") T^e number, sites, kind, grade and description of schook (such as malfi f«ma » ir^t^^t^ ® x— i "^"^"H""" or senooLs , ai.., ...T„„..., Ccnuiai, or ward schools) to be t Title Xllf.] PUBLIC SCUOOW. Chap. 20*. 65 t asteblisheU and maintained in the City, Town, Village or divi- (b) The teachers a^intant^. and monitors to bo employed ; Twcher.. the terniH on which they are to be employed; the amount of then' n-muneration, and the duties which they are to perform ; (c) The .salary of the Inspect-.r of Schools (to bo appointed inH,.« ton., on /4^ ^""^ ^*^^°'' ""^^y^ *'* provided by this Act; 37 V. c. 28 H. OD (7). ' (•1) Financud Estimate for Municipal Council. 10 To prepare from time to time, and lay ^- 'v «* J-U„ T-nf/i r^* « i 1 ■' r _• !., fr- viio rate or not less tnan live Pavmcnt nor more than ten per centum on the moneys collected by him ; 56 Chap. 204. giveVe"curity. ^A^) ^^ery the trustees. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. Collector to' /'ri\ V, ■, "" "" Collectors' powers. the school mte Sr subsL^pS'L ll *'^'^''' ^" collecting manner a« ordinary ColTS of P f P'Tn."^ ^" *h« ^^mf and assessments. '^•'^^'«*«^« ^f County and Township rates Moneys to be . . . „ or of the treasurer or LSrv *!„' "*^l ^^ ^'''^'^^^ '^'^^^^on, Public School purposes of fteu' ''^ ^^^ ^°*^d' ^^^ the Board ; 37 V. c^ 2? s 86 (13) ' '"^•'''* *^ *^" «^^«'- «f the Board. Treasurer. Trustees may /i\ collect fees ^.">' from parents, moneys .abitanto of iL^.,S™';»™P''«"' °' °"«^™ise, from Village, or on their™'™ teai^Sf" °' '.''= ^''^^ T<>™. "r V. als, s. 86 (16) '"'^"«'^ »■■ 'Mretaiy-treasurer; 37 (6) feachen' Saiaries. *-»•- pality, for the BalarieslTtoXmf 3^ "^^^^^^^^^^^^^ S^^nd anJlJche'itr ih:^thStofH'^^ ^"^"^>^ «^ ^'^^ «^^ters vacatio^ns. period of their engLemeS^'^^^^^^^^ .""""''"^^ ^"""g the vacations which foK^mmeXtlv nnTi^' "'' *^^ ^^^^ ^«^ ^^e school term during whiclTfrv ? ^ *^! expiration of the their agreement with such f-«/' '^ 'T^i ' '''' °^ *^« *^™ ^^ of not exceeding four weeks foT'^"?' * P'"°^ ?^ ^^e rat! may be increasfd at CpleSi^eof '^hf. ^T' ^5^=^ P«"°d s. 86 (24), 87 (4). Pleasure of the trustees ; 37 V. c. 28, Title XIII.] PUBLIC SCHOOLS. (7) Pv/pila. Chap. 204. ' 67 a BcLoHe'e^'iVeVSw^S '° '^f ^^^'"^^'^^ ^" advance of Ad.it non- month, any non-rSen?^J^V ''f ' P^' P"P" P^^ calendar "«''«"*?«?"« (8) Providing Accomodation. © uc iiiuuicipaiity ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 86 (20). commodation. ?i ^^) ^«a:< awd Library Bookf. plied ^r: ti'^trirs r.^- "^«^« ^- ^"^)^ -p- '^--'-t c. 28, s. 86 risr ^ authorized text-books : 37 V ?uthori.^* *- /• J • . . books are used. «b^y''^lE^e'sr3^'''r:^S.^^^^,«^-ge of the schoo,^^.^ (10) Inspectors. or T„™X:™' ^t'*: Efflv« fl '■"I^'i-- »' '-I- City P-y ..,.c., engaged in the examinatiS, „f ' n i"""". P*'' ■'"^ """ik he '» " "'•'^"■ School or Colle^2T„X:?37t a sl^"^.'" "■' '''«'' or t'ollegiate I„8t5„te 37 V.'c!28% ssT^' *" """ *«'' ®"'«"'' *""'"■"""• 58 Chap. 204. EDUCATION. (12) Miscellaneona. [Title XIII. To see that a a m ■ i regulations are , ^J- /^^ See that all the schools under thpir nlmrr,^ „^^ observed. ductod Rfpordinrf t^ +i,„ i.1. • ', "^^ ''"^''^ cftarge are con- 8. 86 (21) ^ authonzed regulations; 37 V. c. 28, Provide registers. Trustees to give notice of annual and speci.il meet- ings. ftXT" „ 27. To prepare Md publish, at the end of every rear in one t«« of all .hool mZA'rirV'"' 2'8,?86 (2?r "" '" ii JiheS^'f":, '^yr^Jol'y °f *e trustees, "rnS .ng all *e^;l5^ rf^^;.*™at,on wh.eh may be required there- To prepare annual report for Minister. (B) Powers. m. Every Public School Board in aCity.Town incorporated Village or school division, shall have authorit^ incorporated coVmiTtee^for J" ^0 appoint annually or oftener, if they judge it exoedient eaohsehool. ^f J^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ they think JrU I'cTmtee' oi not more than three persons for the special charge oversi<>hf and management of ea^^,„b„„, """""■= City,Twn:r!^U-' dians'^ "Sref ati^'dita^y-p^birc t^Tl^^ T' ?e?1u^nrder Tr'~'y -"^ pe'lndafmonft LTiiresttFvt s:ii7i2rfTfAr °^^^^ Non-resident Q T l -i. pupils to be „•'• -"^^ ^""1" non-resident pupils to their sp1ir.nl ^^ «„ ^ i admitted on of reasonable fees or rnt« i.;ii r, + 1- on *^^^' °^ payment payment of j„„ Z^r.f\l rate-bill not exceeding fifty cents per calen- fee. dar month per pupil, payable in advance; 37 V. c 28 s 87 Trustees may collect a fee from parents. . Title XIII.] PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Chap. 204. 59^ theS^ Jwi T '' "^T"'^^ ^"^ *'^™* *" non-resident pupils to tfteir school who reside nearer to such school than to the ichool m their own section ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 87 (3 a) ^^''^'^^'''^ '^^^^^ decfde^'lnT't^ff P"*^ ^^n*^l^^'^°«^' *^« I°«P««t«r shall PuSls'. S? V .%s'"'*l7%SV^'" "^"^'^ '^'^ non-resident pensio^'' StThv T VA ^"^^ ^"°^^' ^* ^^''' P^«^»re, the Pension.. iho7tefcW^^V'c%8'r87"5^ '' ' ''"'"^ edu^ati^naTptiSes^Yp?^^^^^^^^ "A«. T^^^ ^r invest s.p,u. this Act ; 37 v!^ 28% 8r(77 "^n'^'ythird section of '"oneyB. thelatJ^T^tl^vKe aU?^^^^^^ '"P^t?-' -/egard to May e„.ei. of each nirnl «Mw.i T' *^® P°^®^^ '*''^«*«d i" the trustees «»°>« p?''«« c 28 s 87™/''^''^''"'^°'^'" ^•^^^'•^ ^ «»«h section; 37 V. fA^sTe-^! PART VII. DITT^AND POWERS OF MmiClPAl AND SCHOOL I. Duties of Municipal Officers. (1) Towtwhip Assessors. assess and return on his ro'l seonrnti^ Tif. ? ?^*^' ^^*^* each section. 87 V. c 28,™ 8 '™'' "'' P'"!"'"^ « situate; only fSirt?£t'eStf.ioolir °' '.^ ^"F— section where the occupalr4Td?87 "v TaTs!" 8 t/ 28, s. 59.' "" ■ ° "^ '^"^'^ «*^^*""^ section ; 37 V. c. 60 Chap. 204. EDUCATION. (2) Tmonehip Clerks. [Title XIII. 108. It shall be the duty of every Township Clerk, cfeTk to pre- ,}• 7^ F^P^^'e in duplicate, a school map of the Townshio •Coun^^cTerk? f • ^o furnish one copy of such map to the County Clerk for hfp Clefkl offi^^f ^ ^ouncil,andreti;in the other i/thS;^- stiip Clerk s office, for the use of the Township corporation^ To school Inspectors reo^uiild hwlfN^^l.^T"*^ ^r'^f^^' ^^^ *h« information th?s Act ; '^"'' °^ *^" seventy-eighth section of ^""'*"- land ^ l}^ * '"^^"'^ ^ *^^ ^«"°*y Treasurer of any parcel of and huole to assessment, and of the uncoUected school rates sldr'a?.?'"^!? ^ K^ ^y *^« ^-^^ «<^J^<^«1 trustees of^; section, as provided by this Act ; ^ ^County To rural school trustees. 5. To make within one week after the first day of March the CleToTi^ r *T"^^ dollars in case of default, retumst' shfn nn \ ^''^''^l' ""^ *^^ ^^^ expenditure of the Town- fZo? '''?''"*^ ?^ .'*=^°°^« ^^d education, including the^- formation given to him by rural school trustees, as^equi^rd aufhorizef ril.T ''"' °^ f*'" ™'** ^^'^^^^ ^^'"^t^^^' or their theirTeSLrof f f T '^t^\'' ^P^ ^«° ^^'^ ^« i<^ relates to ho! !.f "^ ^*^'' Township Assessor's or Collector's roll if he nas possession of such roll ; ' S^Traiet- p^iIv?°FT "?*^T *° *^'® P^'"^*'^ appointed by the Council to WdeS in^f '.W T''*'^.^'^ * "«^ «r ^i<^^ section rpro^ ^ded m the third clause of the seventy-eighth section Ti this (3) Collectors. fcllSby „ *?•• The sum annually required to be levied in each Coimf v the feurteenth day of December, m ii^^'aTv,.^';^ Notice of Alteration of boundaries. Title XIII.] to PUBLIC SCHOOLS. (4) County Treasurer. Chap. 204. 61 110. It shall be the duty of every County Treasurer— 1 m . . 1 surer 8 aut Cotinty Trea- surer's duties. the hands of the Treasurers of tl^Tel^::^, Townrvil£ =-1 . n^edTtheKn.^ r *^« ^^^.^^'.^he proportionateisesS ^S'*- Duses thp l„ '[ '''P""i'^^ Municipalities ; and for all school pm- which on the Inspector's order he may be entitled fmmT,^l '''•"•«™- year's County school assessment ; 37 V. c 28™, 65 (2™; anyse^°o51v°:tanfromisfcro?! ^'''' """"J"' ^^-l Board of Jv-.-^ anS part or parrofTr^Sg lIZhTp'or tK*".^ "j"'^ *~— • portion of a aunty a»es,!„entiS P^eTwHr? "•"'■ be raised within such school division ; STT. TS's 05 (3™^ an|_^rifot::LStt^:^^^:Ul^^^^^^^^^ Wn^ »oneVSicf srh7,L°4ct^.T.s"Sla tm°te °"""""" for^lll?''' teachers for th'e superannuated tethrfund M^^'plf to'^pLy ottle^mol'T;!"' ■"' hT-^.""^ ^-"»» - school ^uiT^ies, tL^la°lfo*:rsTtrC~lil^^^ to time, in favour of any Public School ■T.S!? T J ° monitor, as dh-ected by such o?de" 40 V c fo s is" "' (5) Sub-Treasurers. sibii'Ls'^r/ou?gJtST,:sSrt«i"' '° "■.■^ ™™»>-i»"- sub..™.. money., and the*;.;S:i^? 7&nl orieTfr^^Ifch"':'*""' "™'"'"""" CVW.County Inspector (^thin S:;.^ t Co°S alcou-n^gfo^-'sro^f-l^i^r^T'^^rin's^St;!*^-'' •«2 ' Chap. 204 Clerk to report •ppointments ftna proceed- ings to Mini- ster. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. CO; County Clerk. lia. It shall be th . duty of every County Clerk— Clerk to trans- mit audited accounts to Minister. 3 To transmit to the Minister, on or before t: . first d" < f 4. To give air explanation, as far h. he is nblo rnio*i„ i. Powersi of rural «;;}, ^ol collector. II. Duties of Scj:-oj, OFnoEHs. (1) i?urcri S"/wa^ Collector. 113. Each rural school collector, by virtue of a warranf airm^^ b.v a majority of the trustees, shall have the Jmr^r°,L^?*^ (2) i2wm^ fifcAoo^ ^Sfec^ion Aitditora. two auditors of school accounts for eveiy sectl ■ 3?V c 2^ Time of audit. «g«f mi „*r .L ^® auditors appointed, or either of them shall nn nr after the first day of December in each year SLith a^nLT a time, before the day of the next ensuing annual ^hooTS c Is s%o72r"'^ '^' ^'^"^^ °^ ^^« ^'^hool section , Srt treL?re/to lavalff^ ^""^^ of the trustees, or their secretary- tKcd^r o?^eSef of xr L^r %^^:\^^^^^oi vouchee, contracts, books,&c..'iSel"p^:.^ Annual ap- pointment of auditors of school sec- tion accounts. Trustees to submit their ■school ac- counts to the auditors. C) Title XIII.] PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Chap. 204. 'I^ Such trustees or their secretary-treasurer M^nll „«• i . >r either of them all the infm-m«Hn«'- fi ^^"'■'' ^ '^^-'^^^ 'o ^i^ir^fu „« 1 "''"'?" ^"6 intounation m their p( er fc'«ve informa. -.eipts and expenditures of snhnnl mr.«.,,„ :„ { , ,. tion to audi- 63 as'to thelrreceiirrn? """''Vl' '^^ ^«f«"»ation in thei7p7 •;; .^iV" ._„.„., ofthJrXoTKirn'T^^^^^ .nH_ n shall be the duty of the auditor, olevery school sec- ,,_ ,„, duties of school section auditors. tioi) : - Jo j:^ Truir^^L^'^/ithTjiet r'r »' *« accounted for and exnpnHS^ whether the trustees have truly received by them ; ^ ^'"' '"^^'^^ P"^-PO««« ^he moneys «UhJrttiltctd^r^^^^^^ ^ ^"" report thereon, peL?urt*ma1e%Th''Si;^^^^^^^^ '\^ l?^!^'-- ^' -X - in difference to such meetSf which U„"w?'"' *^^ "^^<^t^'»-« ^ame^ or submit the matt "^ tie MinTstrofE^'fr^^V'" decision shall be final. ivimister ot iiducation, whose comp^ted."^'*'" ^^'" ""'^^'^ '- «ffi- until their audit is 4 mSir^^^S=,t E^^ by the County Inspector ; 37 V. c. 28, s 31 ^''''*®'^ ""'"'""• them-'' '^'" be competent for the auditors, or either of Pow. of auditors to 2. To administer oaths to such parties and witnesses; Oaths. be paid; and the oerson n«mo^ • ""'^^^^^ "^J toem awarded to auditor equi- moneys mentioned in thi c„;^ ^'"lorce the collection of the Division eoats/by seizureTod «le "S X p=rtv''„rS "'^ r^™""" "°"" poration against whom the llmF^f!-^ j" P"*y <"■ "»■•- a Division Court hL in mW? • '?"'*'' •" "">■ "liff of issued outof such CoJrt; °« " J-""*'"™' and%xecution fl4 Chap. 204. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. PART VIII. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. I. Respecting School Sites. (1) Selecting School Sites in Rural Sectiom. Se^'to b^' !?••*, ^"^ '^^P'' ."^*" b« ^^^"^ by the trustees of any school authorized by section for procuring a school site on which to erect a new ZttiL fhool house, without calling a special meeting of the assessed 8- freeholders and householders of their section to consider the matter, and no change in the site of a school house shall be made without the consent of the majority of such special meet- ing ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 33 ; 40 V. c. 16, s. 5 (paH). twfeTrrteeVri**" "^" •'^'^ any change is determined upon and a aid peSe to J^^^^'enf ^"868 as to the selection of a new site for the school arbitration *" f,^^ between a majority of the trustees and a majority arbitration, of the assessed freeholders and householders at such special meeting, each party shall choose an arbitrator, and the Countv Inspector, or, in ca,se of his inability to attend, any person ap- pointed by him to act on his behalf, shall be a third arbitrator • and such three arbitrators, or a majority of them present at any Jawtul meeting, shall have authority to make and publish an award upon the matter or matters submitted to them • 37 A . c. 28, s. 34 ; 40 V. c. 18, s. 5 (part). ' 199. With the consent, or atthe request of the parties to the reterence, the arbitrators, or a majority of them, shall have authority withm three months from the date of their award to reconsider such award and make and publish a second award which award (or the previous one, if not reconsidered by the arbitrators) shall be binding upon all parties concerned for at least one year from the date thereof ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 34 (a.) (2) Acquisition of land for Scfiool Site in Rural Sections. i'oh^ufte **^" ^J^ <^he selection of land, as authoiized by this Act, for selected, how * ^"^^^ ochool Site, on which to erect a school house and neces- procured. sary buildings, or for enlarging existing school premises if the owner of such land refuses to sell the same, or demands therefor a price deemed unreasonable by the trustees of any section, the proprietor of such land, and the trustees, shall each forthwith select an arbitrator. 2. TJie arbitrators thus chosen, together with the County Inspector, or any two of them, shall appraise the damages to the owner of such land. Award. Reconsidera- tion of award « » • Claute added, 41 V. c. 8, s. 22. See page x42 post. Ti'n.E XIII.] ^PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Chap. 204. 65 3. Upon the tender of payment of the account of such damage to the owner by the school trustees, the land shall be taken and used for the purpose aforesaid. 4. Nothing herein contained, shall authorize the selection in a Township of a site within a hundred yards of a garden, orchard, pleasure gi-ound, or dwelling house of the owner of such site, without the consent of such owner. 5. Nothing in this .section shall be held to restrict trustees III the enlargement of a .school site, existing at the pa.ssing of this Act, to the required dimensions. 6. No such enlargement shall be made in the direction of the orchard, garden or dwelling house, without the consent of the owner of the land required, unless the school site cannot be otherwise enlarged ; nor shall it, without the consent of such owner, include any part of his garden, or the grounds attached to his dwelling house. 7. Any award for a school site made and published under this section, if there be no conveyance, shall thereafter be deemed to be the title of the trustees to the land mentioned in it, and shall be a good title thereto against all persons inter- ested in the property in any manner whatever, and shall be re^stered m the proper Registry Office on the affidavit of one of the trustees verifying the same. 37 V. c 28 s 35 (3) Arbitrations in Rural Sectiom. ,*^', ¥ ^J?® majority of the school ti-ustees, or the maioritv a . . of a Public School meeting,, neglect or refuse.' where tSTsL«S difference in regard to the selection of a school site, to appoint Arbitrators.^ an arbitrator, as provided in the one hundred and twenty-first ^'''"" p*"'"™* section of this Act, or if the owner of land selected as a school site as provided by the one hundred and twenty-third section ot this Act, neglects or refuses to appoint an arbitrator, it shall be competent for the County Inspector, with the arbitrator appointed, to meet and determine the matter ; and the County Inspector, in case of such refusal or neglect, shall have a second or casting vote, if he and the arbitrator appointed do not agree. oJ V. c. 28, s, 36. ' ia«. If only a majority of the arbitrators appointed to p ^■ decide any case arising under the authority of this Act arepre- y^^^l^^" sent at any lawful meeting, in c-nsequence of the neglect or the '■^^^^^^^ " refusal of the other arbitrate,- ' meet them, it shall be com- petent for those present to make and publish an award upon the matter or matters submitted to them, or f.o adjourn *h" mcc^ ing for any period not exceeding ten days, and give the absent arbitrator notice of the adjournment. 37 V. c. 28, s. 37. 5 w Chap. 204. EDUCATION. [TiTLK XIII. (4) In Cities, Towns and Villagen. Kthool .iteH. IJJO. Every Public Scliool Board in a PUy Town, incorporated village or school division, shall h '%>.■ tiuohon' ',o select land for a .school site on which to erec . if lol ' ! 'i> •. or school houses and necessary buildings, or for eniurginy school premises already held. selected'how ^" ^^ ''''** owner of such land refuses to sell the same, or •cquireJ. demands therefor a price deemed unreasonable by the Board, the proprietor of such land and the Board shall • with select an aibitraUjr. Arbitrator. Tender of (lamaj^eH. Exception. Partiea unknown. Rei^istration of award. 3. The arbitrators thus chosen and the County InspecUtr, or any two of them, ov tlic trustees' arbitrator and the inspector (in case the owner iieglects or refuses to appoint an arbi- trator), shall appraisi' the damages to the owner of such land. 4. Upon the t. nder of payment by the Board of the amount of such damages:- Uj the owner, the land shall be taken and used for the purpose afoi said. 5. Vacant land only shall be taken in such City, Town or village for a school site without the consent of the owner or owners. 6. Lands in the hands of parties unknown or under disability, shall be taken as provide* I in the one hundred and twenty- eighth and five icUowing sections of this Act. 7. In case no deed of the site can be obtained, the award of the arbitrators shall, on tlie affidavit of one trustee, be regis- tered in the Registry Office. 37 \'. c. 28, s. 87 (9). (5) Allowance to Arbitrators. this Act Special allow- 137. Arbitrators appointed unci < he authority .1 mio ^ci/ Mbitret^ra.""' ^]^^^^ ^^ entitled to the same remuneration per diem for the time thus employed as are members of the Municipal Council of their County for their time ar ' attenr' "x at Council rieetings. 37 V. c. 28, s. 147. 2. The parties concerned in all such disputes shnll pay all the expenses incurred in them, according to the award or decision of the arbitrators and School Inspecto rospo' oivelv 37 V. c. 28, s. 147 (a). Wlio may con vey school sites. (6) Titles to School Sites and other Property. 188. All corporations an(^ persons whatever, tenants in tail or for life, guardians, executors, administrators, and all other trus- tees whatsoever, not only for and on behalf of themselvfts their heirs and successors, but also for and on behalf of those they Title XIII] PITBLIO SCHOOLS. Chap. 204. «7t covertH or other perHonn, seiHed, poast-^sed <.f or interested in ^Lh^i r^. ''"'^'''^ ^"l' 'f "^"^^ ^«"^"y '^" "•• P'^rt thereof to school truHtcoM for a school site, or an ad.lition to the .school site, or for a teachers rcHid.'nce; and any contract, agreement aalo, conyeyamv and a.sMurance ho n.ade .shall l.^ valid and eltectual to all intents and purpose.s whatsoevor ; ami the cor- pomtionsor person.s so conveying are hereby inden.nlHed for what they -P-^^^^ i.y virtue of or in pu.uance of this . laO. If the owner of land duly .selected for the said nm-nose „ tne trustees nay procure from a .sworn surveyor a certiHcate "•""=" "'"'^•'^ that he 8 not mterested in the matter; that he knows the land and that 8<.me ceita.n sum therein named is, in his opinion a fair compen.sat.on for the same ; and on filing f sail cSh cate with the Judge of the County Court of thf County in whch the land hes. a<;companied by an attidavit or affidavit wh ch ' Tnd tLtaf^^:^1^ '^" '-""l'"''^ '^^«'^"* ^^--^ *he County a«d that after dilig,.nt en.iuiry, he cannot be found, the Jud appointe as arbitrator, the Judge shall, on the appHcatio,, of the kuTes appoint a sworn surveyor to be sole arbitrator for detennin nl the compensation to be paid for the property. 37 V. c. 28, s 38 I3a. Where land is taken by the trustees without the con.sent p intheHtea.! ,f the land; and after the trustees have taken '^ "°'"l««"*- po^ession of land, any claim to or incumbrance upon the snme '""• " or any portion thereof, shall, as against the tr-usLs b • coT l^^.t^'i^ ^™ ^ \^f compensation, or t. . p, -portSn Iherf >.oL'"''"-j i!"' ^^ '^sponsible accordingly whenever thev have paid such compensation or any part thereof to a pariy 5 6H In caMe of incuniV>raiu'f. Chap. 204. EDtJ('ATU)N. [Title XIII. DejKwit of entitled to receive the Hame, saving alwayH thoir recourse agninst such party. 37 V. c. 28, h. 3H (5;, 133, If the truHteeH hnve reason to I'ear any clainiH or incci>MU>t!r, or in such otlier manner a.s the liispeitor may direct, with interest thereon for six months, anses as lH.|onj,nn!< to the Town.ship. Town or Village in which the school house issitiiat^'d, 37 V. c. 28,8.51. Union after 2nd March, 1«77. 187, Since the second day of Martjh, 1877, a union .school *'"'""« **• section might and, after this i^ct takes effect, may, • - '' ■ '*""" ''"''" iKjtween (I) parts oHwo or mo - adjoining Townsli wo ormur* part ol on(( or m(.re Townships a.id uii a" r vilU^e. liipality 2. Such union shall not take eff.et until the first dav of the month of January, whicth will he at least three months after the passing of such by-laws respectively. 3. Such by-laws shall be pj^ssed upon and according U) the report ot competent peisi)ns, oiu, of whom not l>eing a member or the Louiieil,.shall be anpointed by each Munieipalityconeerned and such persons with the Inspector or Inspectors having juris- diction in the respective Municipalities, or the majority of them shall report upon the expediency of such union, the location of the .school-house, or any change in the site thereof, and the pro- portion m which the jiart in each Municipality is to be liable to contribute towards the erection and maintenance of the school and other requisite expenses, ftn.l for what period of veai-s' with provisions for the renewal thereof. 4 The contributions of each part shall be levied therein in each year, according to the assessed value of the prd[)erty of each ratepayer therein, an«"- same qualifications as are pre.^cribed for Municipal CouncTllors of the Township, shall be elected school trustees in and for each ward by a majority of the votes of the resident n.ssessed freeholders, householders and tenants thereof; one of such trustees (to be determined by lot at the first meeting of the trustees after their election), shall retire from office at the time appointed for the next annual school election, and the other shall continue in office for one year longer, antl until his successor has been appointed, and shall then retire 40 V c 16 s. 6 (4). ■ • . ^ 146. Such election shall take place annually on the second Time and Wednesday in January of every year, at the time, in the man- SeXn"^ ner and as prescribetl by this Act, for the e]ecti(m of trustees in lowns divided into wards. 40 V. c. 16, .s. 6 (.5). 14r. The Trustees so elected shall be a corporation under Powers of the name of "The Public School Board of the Township of '^"»''d' in the County of " and shall be mvested with, and possess, exercise and enjoy all the ricrhts property, powers and incidents, and shall be subject to" the same duties and obligations as trustees in rural school sections under the provisions of this Act, and in any other statute, by- law, regulation, deed, proceeding, matter, or thing shall be con- strued to stand and to be substituted for each and all of the trustees of the former school sections of the Township. 40 V c. 16, s. 6 (6). 148 After the Public School Board is established, the por- tions of the Township theretofore united with an adjoinin submit a olders and -law under t not until I yeai-s at >te accord- raity with be shall not wards the lip Council lool Board, repeal shall lextfollow- oting upon also, in the jtor jointly the Town - port to the ither school ty of such respective tweeu the Title XIII] PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Chap. 204. 73 Contn.iZX e^tabl,,shed und.r this Act, a.>d the Town.sh p divinTn^.S t ^ u- J^'"»«'-y. pass the re(juisite by-law for dividing the Township mto wards for schoo purposes il there are none such for municipal purposes. 40 V c 6 s 6 (11) xtiiiif, IV. UNio>f8 OF High and Puhlic Schools. (See also Rev. Stat. c. 205, m. 13-17.) In,ttote1a„',ip!i?,ll "trM H'k'" School" (or Collegiate !!«„«„, Ta c"" ' J;!'"' ''r ■ ""J ''»"■ - l^a "rr^: it' """"" be a Corporation, under the name of " ^A. u , yy\^f^^^^' said Board of Education called for that purpose. 37 V, c. 28, mo'Sta itoL'rd'Slll r,^ '*?" T'*^" ""l^P^" °f ''- "">"' " Villaire within tl „!r t o'™ City Town, or incorporated tion. "^ (orC^nr^;t"ttit.:-;a1etu^S'1fj'«-l%f^^^^ tSH. If the Hitrh i^ohnn) jo sjfva*.^ -. v ■ orunincornorated VJnflr".ITi,J J-' • • /• "^ "" ^^"°°' section By whom uuiiicoipoiated Village, the division (in ca^e of failure to • gree """'«• 74 Chap. 204. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. No future union. A resident in one section sending his children to another sec- tion. as aforesaid) shall be niade by the County Council. 37 V. c. •*?*■ T?'^ ""''^" ^^ * ^"^^^^ School, or department thereof, with a High School or Collegiate Institute, shall hereafter be made. 37 V c. 28, s. 151 {g), & s. 26 (10). V. Respecting Non-Rksidents. IfiO. Any person residing in one school section or division and sending his child or cliildren to the school of a neighbour- ing one, shall, nevertheless, be liable for the payment of all rates assessed on his taxable property for the school purposes ot the section or division in which he resiiles, as if he sent his child or children to the school of such section or division. 2 A non-resident child or children shall not be returned as attending any other than the school of the section or division in which the parents or guardians of the child or children reside. 3 This section shall not apply to persons sending children to or supporting Separate Schools. tonra're" wtLt * ^^^ '^^all this section prevent any person who may be ratepayers. taxed for Public School purposes on property situate in a dif- ferent .school section or division from that in which he resides from sending his children to the school of the section or divi- sion in which the property is situate, on as favourable terms as it he resided in .such section or division. 37 V c 28 s. 14G. ' ' Exception as to separate schools. PART IX. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS Valid agree- ments with teaoher. I. Agreements. 161.* All agreements between trustees and teachers, to be valid and binding, shall be in writing, signed by the parties thereto, and sealed v/ith the corporate seal of the trustees. 2 Such agreements may lawfully include any stipulation to provide the teacher with board and lodging. lil lu^"" '"'^^ ^th-sectiong are added to thU section by 41 F. c 8, ». 21—»m page TLE XIII] PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Chap. 204 76 3 Such agreements shall be authorized, as provided in the ca«e of other acts of the school coi-poration by the ninety-sev- enth to ninety-ninth sections inclusive of this Act 37 V c 28 s. 1 48. ' 11. Qualified Teacher defined., ' ie«. No male or female teacher, assistant, or monitor of a Qualified public school, shall be deemed legally qualified, who does not at i^"'^'' «'•'• the time of his or her engaging with the trustees, and during the period of Uie engagement with the trustees, hold a certificate of quaJification, as provided by law. 37V c 28 s 90 III. Specific Duties of Teachers. I6S It shall be the duty of every teacher of a Public School }?",'!?" « ^ , ' 1 iiblio School rJr. T*i ^r^^l' •^^l^g^."*^' ^n^ faithfully all the branches re- I'tllh quired to be taught in the school, according to the terms of his ?««"•'!"'« t» offSk A'.f ^^'iV'"/?''*^"''' ^"^ ^''""'^"'^ t« *''« provisions :::;rt;L of his Act and Ihe Act respect Inu the Education Department Hev. stat. .. and the authorized regulations under it ; 203. 2. To keep in the prescribed form the general, entrance, and To keep the t ILVn JL f' •'''• °^^''' l^^«^«t«r« of the school and to record XoT °' '^' Uierem the admission, promotion, removal, or otherwise of the pupils ot his school ; COr!lim/tofi?^'".rP''l f ^'' and discipline in his school ac- To maintain coraing to tlie authorized forms and regulations • projier order ' and discipline. 4. To keep a Visitors' Book (which the trustees shall provide) To i...,, „ inter therein the vifsits nmYln fn V,;*. c.«i,rw>i ^^a *., i visitors' book. keep a .11 nnrl n«f„^ *!, • Tl • ■ >.""^^" ^""^ i-' usiees snaii provide) and enter therein the visits made to his school, and to present said book to every visitor, and request him to make therein any remarks suggested by his visit ; ^ d Jr.1l\f T^ the tru.stees and visitors access at all times, when To giveacce«i desired by them to the Registers and Visitors' Book appertain- »«? r«*n»,t?r and ing to the school ; »-l>t>^i iim vwitorH' book. house\V!'ornti'P^"\''^*'^ Registers, Visitors' Book, school- Miverup dpZnS^' 1 J;l'^"°^P™P'''^'y '" ^i« posses.sion,onthei;r*'"'^'* plo^ng hL'; " """J""*^ "^ '^' '^"^^^^ corporation em- '• (a) He shall not wilfully refuse sc to : W'J' "hero the tewher „r».,,- Provision in lAiC ah case of differ- . ■'*^- -^1' matters of (lifferenre b^>f w^on f ..„„4. i ^ i enoe between in regard to salarv or Jhl, Between trustees and teachers, teacher and decided in ihll^- • -^^ remuneration, shall be brought and *'"'"- Sin LtcWty" ' "^ ''' '"'^" "' ''^ ^^""^^ V. SUPKRANNUATION OF TeACHKRS. Annual pay- tita j^ lit- Kur ani^ezx -r :f s' trff ' ™? annually in h„lf-j.„a.ly .sumk Vvcis ' u '"'' Rev. Stat. c. 2a<, 88. 7-17. Issue of execution. Female teachers and Jnapectors. In„pec.,™ of PuHi„ „„„ Highlt ..t, L^/f£„«S ^ Title XIII.] PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Chap. 204. 77 in teaching or inspecting, pay into the Fund a like or )«tt^P.. sun. annually, and they shall respectively Ik, entitled to the superannuafon or other allowancL to Pu'blic ScS te„ he^'s * iJ^f: ^"y.^^acj^e^'/etiring from the profession .shall be en- TeacherH titled to receive back from the Minister of Education one-half ■^?^' to be PuuJiT\ r^ '1 ^^ '""\ "'■ ^'' ^"^ *''« Fund, through the ''"" '^'■ i'ubhc School Inspector, or otherwi.se. 37 V. c. 28, .s. i)ii? 169. On the decease of any teacher his wife hprl.nwKnr,.! ^„ r, ot er legal representative .shill be eniitleVirretilrbrk^he '^J^t^e?'^^^ tull arnount paid into the Superannuation Fund by such teacher f ''r""""' with ,nte.^.st at the rate of seven per centum per aU^^n 37 V ' "" 1-. zo, 8. yo i^u). 170. !:Sti!:!?"'S'!?!^«^'!>''i«P-^-ion,con-Ki«i tnbutes to tl^ Supen^nua^e;] T^iK' ^illT S p3d ^ ^.^ . this Act. shall, on reaching the age of sixty years, be entitled ''"'''• to retire from the profession at his discretion, and receive an Pe„Kio„ „„ allowance or pension at the rate of six dollar^ per annum for -S^^fo every year of such service in Ontario, upon furnishing to' the """^ ''^ ''^'■ Education Department satisfactory evidence of Pood mnr«l r a-.- , character, of his age, and of the leng';h of hirservL^arl PubH S-" "' or High School teacher in Ontario. 37 V. c. 28, ss. 97, 101 (a) (o). 2. Such pension may be supplemented out of local funds bv Supplemen- any Mun.cipa Council, Public School Board or Board of Edu^ taTSsTon. cation at its pleasure. 37 V. c. 28, s. 97 (a), & s. 151 (b). h.iI.hfT^ teacher under sixty years of age who has contri- Teacher buted as aforesaid and who is disabled from practising hi-, nro- '^"'^"^ ^• fession, shall be entitled to a like pension, or local supplmont- ary allowance upon funiishing tlie like evidence, and upon furnishing to the Education Department from time to time in 37 V T28 r98' '""'^''''^'''y evidence of his being disabled. ira. Every teacher entitled to receive an allowance from the «i r,.r Superannuated Teachers' Fund, who holds a first or second ex'tK™ class Provincial Certificate, or who is an authorized Head Mas- *"'" *'"^''"''- ter of a H(gh School or Collegiate Institute, shall, in addition to said allowance or pension, be entitled to receive a further allowance at the rate of one dollar per annum for every year of service while he held such certificate, or while he acted .4 Head Master of a High School or Collegiate Institute. 37 V c 28 s. 98 (a). ' .,^0^ ^f ^U a"\1 1 a.l..Aan..e r.hh.x i:casu at ihe ciose of the Proviso in year of the death of the recipient, and may be discontinued at ''^8"'' *" VI 4 ( 78 good moral ohftracter. Chap. 20*. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. any time should the pensioned teacher fail to maintain a good moral character, to be vouched for (when required) t taction of the Kducatii.n Department. 37 V. c. 28, f to the satis- s. yy. guSyofen. *^'*-. ^f any pensioned teacher shall, with the consent of the .ion. iliclucation Department, resume the profession of teaching the payment of his allowance shall be suspended from the time of his being so engaged. 37 V. c. 28, s. 100. Again retiring ir«. In case of his again being placed by the Education Department on the superannuation list, a pension for the addi- tional time of teaching shall bo allowed him, on his compliance ^ . n« . l^ ^^^' ^^^ *^'*® prescribed regulations. 37 V c 28 c. 100 (u) ' PART X. INSPECTORS OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. I. Qualifications of Inspectors. otS^'4r ,. 'T®f ^^' ,H"^li««^^i«n« oj ^^ounty. City and Town Inspectors shall, from time to time, be prescribed by the Education De- partment, which shall determine the time and manner of examination of candidates for certiticates of qualification as Inspectors, and grant such certificates. 37 V. c. 28, s. 103. oWpS. yj- No person shall be eligible to be appointed an Inspector who does not hold a legal certiHcate of qualification as required by the one hum red and seventy-sixth section of this Act. 37 V . c. 28, s. lOo {d). Appointment of Inspecturf. Lieut. -Gover- nor to form remote Dis- tricts for in- spection. II. Appointment and Removal of Inspectors. 178. Each County Inspector of Public Schools shall be appoint- ed by the County Council, and every City or Town Inspector shall be appointed, by the Public School Board of the City or town. 37 V. c. 28, s. lOo. ' 170. The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may constituteanv number of .Municipalities or other portions of territory in the rear or remote pai-ts of Counties, and in Judicial or Territorial Districts, to be a district or districts for the purposes of school in- spection under thisAct,u|.on such temis.and subject to such reff- ulations^as the Lieutenant-Governor in^ Council may from time to time ueteimmu, and the County or rrovisionai Council con- as Title XIII.] PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Chap. 204. . 79 Inspector. -.„....„o„. u^^ .uajoncyot the iiienibers of the Council or Kon,,1 28 H in» ('/.^ 'uistonuuct or memciency. 37 V c ^'«utenant- , a. x\jo [UJ. •' • Uovernor. ».. «1 (3 .), 88 (1 of 10^5 "r "^ *""""""' '"'°' 8^ ^- «• ^i". Sa'Ui:;,. tor. III. Remuneration of Inspectors. (1) Salary. 37 V.c. 28, «. 88 (1 ij '"' ''^ ""- ^■■'' Wmting him. 5.^i:X"pi , tors. ju^ee.!, V the o.„t, "sr^t C'sir h? (^;f ^ EH'" tor. 37 V. c. 26, ss. 63 (al, 106 (lu) ^ '""P""- """'"■ ■sr. (2) AddUioiml Allowanai to CWiift, Jnspeclon to each County Inspector. 37 V. c. 28, s. 106 (1 6) *°^"°^' Governor. 80 Chap, 204. KOUCATION. [Title XIIJ aH......,.,. Ril^J-'-^^;annu^^^^ ehe Mayors. Reeves.or Deputy- existing on t^ ^^ 1^^ "if 1^1^^?? '^''^^"•"' quired by this Act in rcs'noot 7n »H ^^'^^'.^"^ f"'' '^''ties re- 37 V. c. 28, s,s. 01(2" (i'^'io; (?)."^'"'" "°'"" ^'^^ool sectionn. Visiting new // \ \r» . . -thorit, „f tin. Act. 37\'°e'2«r"*i'^^7(5n„"7"S^ "" and oncouram.. settler, to elfluu J'T'i"''"','"'' '"""ivise report on aiTv seliool mniZr < i, u** P'">''*"f by I"", or to tio„al„rotho?Sj„eS„„;, ",^ °"''''''' *» '""■•h adJi- ouhe d„tii, toT:;?xrr 3f re-^^-ii^trrvTi Adilitioiial remiinortition to IiiNpectdrs in new Dis. trictH. (3) Allowance for Arbitrations. Allowance for lOA Qnl^-^^i t trator. mg upon School COmpl«;..<; Vnil rlJ^n ,r WT^ *^^ ^^"d- the same remuneratir.:> Cntt^M *".^ """^^^^ *« as are members of the M «... pa] Counci Tthi^'' p'^PH^*^ their time and attendance at Co^STj^li^^'^^^Sj^f ^^^^^^ the\x'ptrtu^rrtfei\cl^^^^^ ?rtr « «^1^ pay al, «on of tlie arbitrators an? So5mnlT¥^'^a''^o'*d««^ 37 V. c. 28, s. 147 (a) inspectors respectively. In8i)ector not |<|| vr^ T i » Xr' "''"^^ his tenu^e^'fTffi^fent^tt^'Tfr'^PP^^^^^^^ office, or callinrwSc^SdrerS^i'Jrtt^^^^^ of ^h. duties a. Inspector as re,S b^ w'^ 3? Vc" 2^ wifn*L\Te\7utrof\VyZt^^^^ *^^ ^^^--^ of appeal made to him or tH'L^Min^ tfr o'^T T^'"'^^ ^ Kducation Department, it shall b. " wful J^r!, Tf '^" ""' **^« administer an oath to such wifn.! . ^"^^' Inspector to affirmation, before receTvinT theff W'" '''*'" ^^eir solemn 110; 40 V. c. 16, 8. Sril).^ ' testimony. 37 V. c. 28, s. InspectorH to swear wit- nesses in cer- tain casus. [Title XliJ »<', when not onal duties: s,or Deputy- or divisions r duties re- )ol sectionH. pecial certi. , under tlie .07 (2;. . appointed d to advise !• children, 'aw, or to such addi- propriated se, as may md extent V. c. 16, Qd decid- ititled to employed )unty for '. c. 28, s. I pay all or deci- ectively. 1, during oyment, scharge 3. 28. 8. lony of laint nr or the ctor to solemn . 28, 8. Title XT 11.] PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Chap. 204. otti!^T^,^w^^*''"^' :f *J^^ ^'"""^^^ I«»spect<,r n^ii^nln^r his W«nl«„ .„.y omce, the Warden of the Count, within which such Inspector "'."'1'.'^ r""' Wdortjce.nmy appoint from the list of thos. l.^^ally Ijuali- Se"^ nul, a ht and proper p-M-son to the office vacatrd, uHtil the next ^m>o'--tot. «n.sumg meeting of th.- County Council. :?7 V. c. 28, s. 111. IV. Duties of Public School LvsPKcr.iKs. I»4. It shall be tho duty of every Public School Inspector „utieH,.f in a County, City or Town, and he is hereby empowered '-"mty Iho I u.ipectorH. (1) Overanjht of Schools. od'rJ'' ^P*'''' H'^ oversight of all Public Schools in the Muni- cpahty for wind, he is anpoint.'d. a.id if a County In- ^ s^ecUnm the lowiLships amWillages within the County or *^ forrf.fl. r"*"'' ^"P^'-t '^f tJ'« ^''^unty or rrnion of Counties for which he IS appointed; 3? V. c. 28, s. 112 (1), 114 (1) 2. To see that all the sciiools are managed and conducted ««« t" acconhng to law; 37 V. c. 2H, s. 112 flO) 114 ^8^ ^"^'^'''^ oh«e.v ' ^ /' \ /• iif law ii'tion, .itiotM, (2) Visiting Schools. vaiice lawful regulation*, . ^- ^" ^/.^i^ ^V^'^y Public School within his jurisdiction twice mi\ 30 Dy the County Council which appointed him, or for the ""*"'""''''"''■ aajustinent of disputes or otherwise, and if a City or Town Inspector, to visit from time to time and as often as may be aTlU (3) " ^ ^"^^'' ^'^''''^ ^"'"'^ ' '^^ ^- "• 28. « 112 (a) One of such half-yearly visits (in the case of a County In,spector),sha 11 be made between the first of April and thefir^ It :rAp;ir^vVc'r8.'sn^^^^^^^ '--' ^^ ^^^^^- -^ *^^ comliSn'ofTh"" ^1^ ^i' "''"'^' ""^ inspection, into the state and Exa«.ine t condition of the .school, as respects the progress of the pupils in 'T ?^ '^' learning ; the order and discipline observe!; the system K "'°'"- struction pursued; the mode of keeping the school reris tei^- ot the build ng and premises ; and to give such advice to the tV.f ■ J*" f ^'^T* .^Hf^''^ unauthorized, and to recommend Text book. Sve nfolr?''"''*^^^"?^' ^" ^^«^ «^h««i ' ^'^d to acquire and give information m to the manner in which such authorized the IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 in IB |Z8 112 14.0 L25 III 1.4 ■ 2.2 12.0 1.6 150mm <$>> ^} Ol A >1PPLIED J IIVMGE . Inc ,^ss 1653 East Main Street j^^-i Rochester, NY 14609 USA J^STjS. Phone: 716/482-0300 •^^S'.SS Fax: 716/288-5989 1993, ApplM Image, Inc., All Rights RsMrvad J,V l\ ^\^ <> ) In regard to the proceeding, at any ruml school meet- daya To decide disputes. Appeal. (6) Decision of Disputes .ud,' question tTSrt t' tetrr^TLf'^""^ [Title XIII. Education at aking official is prescribed cturcs in hie 1 the objects, .0.28,8.112 kte parents,' laracter and )und educa- .114(7). uMees. investigate ide to him neeting for ion, within ionducting lool meet- nn or set and place y^ election d by any nty days 28, 8. 112 pon any accounts 37 V. c. 1 which of this efer any ication ; 3a), 114 Title XIII.] PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Chap. 204. ^■cnooi or their section or from the school of th.' n^v T«„,^ I'"p"« 'wn> (6) ApportionvienI of PuUk tichmt Fund. respective portions of thp Pnhlio tj^k^^iV/ .'"'*' ^^^^^ *''«'^»(f" reguJat bns Drovided nnAt.^ ;*a ""V^". *<^^o«"ng to law and the "''ke half- for the i«t p..cadi„8 Mt;;*;;^™. "/s'r^w'^"''"'"' (V) Cluqm h TMAem-,1upemnnu„lion Momy. upon the c^n't^T^'u'r ^'.^T^tlrfr.; '""^h money apportioned anH .In* *.. Ik ^/^as^rer, for any sum of t«>d.e'^™'rper„l'S™ l^e™ °,C.Tbv "f; ^'^'^'T« '"« of the section as nrovirfsH In tZ '"J"'''" "^..^e maJe tciwher ati* tI^ht5°torfS'':rh"'a" ""v '"■■ "" ™p*«-"»- »«.« '.»«• him on fch.lf™„v Lir..i,h ^^f'iywmentmadebyj-'i/.^r. qualification withlSL'Sict^tdt,* ".«"'"""« °'"^S tie Education De^ Jrr:,"7'VT2\'^.1r2\t .U (t^r ta"i,3^fi^;2y'nI'„';|^/s'tn^,,i''V'''', "T.""^' « ««- <«"'" or otherwise Mvahrv., 1^. ", '" ^*"^''' deducted bv him ?;'P«"«nu«- coipoiu^ortoXt J^Lrfi^.^- -^^^^ -h^; "— - 8. 112 (34), 114(19). " ""' --ov-xicrs Fund; 37 V. c. 28, 88 84 Chap. 204. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. i;« 1 w u .^^ I^^P^^c^r, at the end of every half-year anv moneyH. Condititm of giving choquet to trU8t«eH. Give iiifoniia' tion to county auditors. n,™.! 'i ^ qiwlifl'xl teacher in aiich suction for at IcMt ,■« (8) Examiimtion of Publk School Teachers. (a) Also, in the meetings of the Board nf Fi'vo«,;« < xi fdmWon of Pupils to ^f High LhS or (S?S.7 '^■.*' u. . Towmhip o*; VilUgof 37^. ?28"i°[,2 (tlSJ m^lo,"'' (9) Temporary Certificates, 22. To give any candidate, on due examination accordimy t« the programme authorized for the examination of Chm fr^ fJ^S * ?' i^gulations of the Education Department a certificate of quahfication to teach a school within the HmTts'of the charge of such Inspector until (but no longer than^ IZ^.ll ensumgmeetingof the Board of ExLine^ofThiJ^ul^^^^^^ wTZ^ni^""^'' '^ ^- '• ''' '■ 112 (24). 114(16) !T(! (a) No such certificate shall be given a spcnrl f ;«.« u May give temporary oertIficate« to teaohera. [Title XIII. red to pay to lalf-year, any nds ; 37 V. c. cheque upon :hool section, ar ending on red from the a school has rat least six h report ; 37 furnish the s' orders as lb-Treasurer Council or •mmodation hers ; 37 V. le Board of y this Act ; lers for th'^ e Institute 114 (10). under the icording to ichers, and rtment, a B limits of i) the next ich School ' (16) ; 40 ne, or be the same i Title XIIL] public schools. Chap. 204. 8§ (10) E'ndor»ing Thvrd-CUuts Certificates. 23. To endorse as valid within the City, Town, County, Riding T'> endorse ci- division in which he is Inspector, any third-class certificate Jllrtificit^ issued by any County Board of Examiners, under such general regulations as may from time to time be prescribed under this Act or The Act reftpecting the Education Department ; 37 V ^'"■''- «»•*• c. 28, s. 112 (25), 114 (17). ' " ''** (11) Special CertiJuxUes. 24. In the case of a County Inspector — to examine and give CVrtificntes to under such general regulations or instructions as aforesaid,' *':;:j';i;7t^^t. special certificates from time to time, to teachers in new and remote Townships in the County, Riding or division in which he IS Inspector; 37 V. c. 28, s. 112 (26). (a) Such certificates shall be valid in such Townships for the periods mentioned in the regulations; 37 V. c. 28, s. 112 (Wa). (12) Monitors' Certijic>'des. 25. To examine and give, at his discretion, a special certifi- Certificatee to ^t« to be valid for one year, to a senior pupil (or pupils) of a S'XiS^ter' I'ublic fctchool or other person, to act as monitor or assistant, or public Mibool^. monitors or assistants, in such Public School, under general regulations and instructions framed L^ the Education Depart- ment for that purpose; 37 V. c. 28, s. 112 (27), 114 (18). (a) The Inspector shall not grant s'-ch certificate without Piotwo. being fully satisfied that the pupil or perjon is qualified to teach the subjects for which he has been or may be emnloved • 37 V. c. 28, 8. 112 (27a), 114 (18a). ^ ^ ' ■ (13). Suspension of Teacher^' Certificates. 26. To suspend the certificate o*" qualification of any class or May suspend grade of any master or teacher, for any cause which appears teacher's to him to require it ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 112 (22), 114 (14). certificate. (a) The suspension of a Provincial certificate; formerly issued by the Chief Superintendent or Council of Public Instruction, or issued by the Education Department or Minister of Educa- tion, shall continue until the case is reported to and decided by the Minister; 37 V. c. 28, s. 112 (22a), 114 (I4a). (6) Any other cei tificates suspended by the Inspector shall remain so suspended until the next ensuing meeting of the County Board of Examiners of Public School Teachers, of which meeting due notice shaU be given to the teacher whose certifi- cate IS auapendbd ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 112 (226), 114 (146^ 86 Chap. 204. EDUCATION. Title XIII. Sr „ 27. To report forthwith to the Minister of Education the- fiinuter. suspension by h.m of r teachers Provincial certificate of Juau! hcation ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 112 (23), 114 (15). ^ o^HUiJ}"!"?^''^'' «hall notify in writing, the teacher whose Tv:TltAulTa;%^^^^^ reasons of such suspension ; 37^t^. c^'2M'T;r^236)'tr^^^^^^^^ '"«"^ ^^"^^ ^^« -« ^ SohooLi in nnnrganized townHhipti. Applj- to coun- cil to alter •eotinuH. (14) Alteration of School Boundaries. 28. In the case of a County Inspector— to perform any duties required of hiin hy this Act, in regard to the formation, altera- tion and assessment roils of school sections in the unorganized Townships; 37 V. c. 28, s. 112 (28). 29. In the case of a County Inspector— to apply, at his dis- cretion to the Township Council to alter the boundaii^s of any^schooKseetion or school .sections within his jurisdiction ; (1.5) Forviation, Alteration, &c., of Boundaries of Unim Scfiool Sections. 30. In the case of a County Inspector— to call and attend the meeting^ authorized to te held by this Act, for the formation dissolution or alteration of the boundaries of union school sec- tions, and for the annual equalization of a^isessments in the cases provided for by this Act ; 37 V. c. 28. s. 112 (13). 31 In the case of a County Inspector-to give notice to formation, dissolution, or any alteration in the boundaries of imuT «««<^»ons, as required by this Act; 37 V. c. 28, s. (16) Annual Report. nuaiM^iTto ^2- To prepare and transmit to the Minister of Education the Minister. OD or before the first da;y' of March, .n annual report, which shall be in the form provided by the said Minister, and which m the case of County Inspectors shall state— n«l?^ V"^ r^""'^- °"°\!^rJ "^^ '*'*'^^« >°<^ school sections, or parts of 8;ctions m each Township within hi« jurisdiction ; 37 Aid in form- ing union Mctions. Notice to towuHhlp olerk. Contents. Title XIII.] PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Chap. 204 87 (b) The number of pupils over the age of five and under the age of sixteen taught m each school ; the number between the ages of sixteen and twenty-one years ; the whole number of children residing in each section, or part of a section, over the age of five, and under the age of sixteen years ; 37 V. c. 28 s 112(396). (c) The length of time a school has been kept by a qualified teacher in each of such sections or parts of sections ; the branches taught ; the number of pupils in each branch ; the books used ; and the average attendance of pupils, both male and female, in each half-year ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 112 (39t). (d) The amount of moneys rc;-eived and collected in each section or part of a section— distinguishing the amount appor- tioned by the Minister of Education, the amount received from County assessment, the amount raised by trustees and the amount from any other and what .sources ; also how such moneys had been expended, or whether any part remains unexpended, and from what causes ; and the annual salary of teachers, male and female, with and without board. 37 V. c 28, s. 112 (39(/). (e) The number of school visits made by himself and othei-s during the y ar; the number of school lectures delivered; the whole numl)er of school -houses, their sizes, description, furni- ture and appendages; the numbool .motions in the cow™!? tszz::!:^^:^^'^ rrzJr °'"^' lu8 custody, on the order nt th^ n . , ., '"P*"''^ •" School Bo.^M..th'':c:::t;l''^7^?:.ix,."n'2t8)n«^^^^^ by the Minister of EdnLfon.^rv':. 's^IT," (?»), 'l^liTs;.' •(18) Apporiianmmt to Union School Sectiom. "Surtll .J^- T,'''^'""''I'"peetoreofadjoinineTownshiDa«WII J. U Htl. termine the sums to be paid from the R.hlir«„V '^ i v , *; shall L^'^liJ"" "^"^^ ^'^™>^« '^^ »»«"»«•• in which such sums Aid to poor ■ohooli. Hand over p»perg on retiring from office. Giving infor- mation to FiniBter. Observing regulations. Perform other duties. G«neral powers. Wwden to decid " 3. In the event of one person being Inspector of thA T««^ ships concerned, he shall L in beha/ofXhe TownshT^s «r4fe- b^^e^^t^^^^^^^^^ th^s^u^r rpS^treS^f z • As to Union Sekoof Stctiom m 41 V. c. 20, page 143 poet. [TiTLK XIII. ct truHteeH at. Treasurer or r Hohool sites ive following iimend to the le may deem L'tions in the : from office, >ol papers in 1 or Public }«),I14(2C). n desired to hool matter t (25). Provided for 'om time to 8. 112 (35), -to perfonn the Public Education. 'diction, all !h are con- jording to ae to time, at), 114(2). 3 shall de- 1 Fund of chool sec- TlTLE XIII.] luch sums he Town- Dships. *rned not ih of the •n of the PUBLIC SrHOOLS. PART XI. Chap. 204, 8» C'OUXTY BOARDS OF EXAMISEIIS. I. CONSTITITTION OF BoARD. I»6. Every County Couniil shall appoint a County Board County Board of Examiners, for the examination and licensing of teachers, in "' '"•»,»«n'n«" accordance with the rcgulntions provided by law. ' •="""»""'»«<'•- exaniinitticm of Publi? School 2. The Board shall consist of the County and City Inspector ****''*■* and two or more other competent persons, whose (jualifications shall, from time to time, be prescribed by the Education De- partment. 3. In no such Board shall the number of members exceed five. 4. In all cases, the majority of the members appointed shall con.stitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 37 V c. 28, s. 115 ; see 40 V. c. 16, s. 3 (7). II. Duties of the Board. ' 197. It shall be the duty of every County Board of Ex- aminers. 1. To examine and give third-class certificates of qualifica- To examine tion to candidates as teachers of Public Schools, according to te«'«tenand: their attainments and abilities, as prescribed in this Act and S^tw?*^**' by the authorized pro^mme of examination and instructions under The Act respecting the Education Depart'ment. 37 V Rev. sut. c. c. 28, s. 118 (1). 203- (a) Every certificate of qualification, issued by any Board of SiKtiature to Examiners, shall have the signature of at least one Inspector of certificateg. schools. 37 V. c. 28, s. 118 (1 a). 2. To dispose of any case of suspension by an Inspector of To decide upon any County Board certificate, in such manner as a majority ""f ""*, of the members present may think proper. 87 V. c. 28, s. SStrBw^d 118(2). certificiteB by the Inipeotor. 108. Not more than one examination per annum sh.^ Only one be held in the several Counties for the granting of Public for*Th?rf c1m» School teachers' third class certificates; which examination certificate* "* -shall be held some time during the month of J?jl" as de*""- '''* yewly" mined by the Education Department. 37 V. c. 28, s^ 116. 90 Chap. 204. KDUCATION. [Title XIII. BxMiiin«ti»n a iiri ,, III. Remuneration. •*'^=''«.S,£7i-.t.i."r„^i'£:;T*?,'-i?- PART xn. TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES. Teaohera to l)e 900, moral and •nbjectH of Her Majedty. 'I!! or who. at the timH 'apS^^^^^^^^ natural bom or naturaliS sub^er? of « ^^'Ji'^P^t^' »« "ot a •miners, be .warded to tewhere bv (h. PJ . "f .?' '^''- S7V. 0.28,8. 120(6) "^ "" "^lu'red standard cTal s*T(°3l *' '^^-- 3' vTS rZ'i^: V\'. Title XIII] PUBLir srFiof)i,s. Chap. 204. 91 5. FirNt and second cla/*H Provincial certificates only, given under the authority of this Act, .sliali l>e tMTnianont during the good behaviour of the holderM, an.l valid in all the Municipali- ties of the province ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 120 (e). 999. Upon passing the requisite exannnation, special cor- f'<"rtlflci»t^ to tificates uiav be i.s.sued by the Minister of Education, (und.-r nny N.^mli the prescribed regulations) to any person who haa Iwcn ^ f"""' '" Bri. trained at any Nomial School or other training institution for [,'ni "'""'"" teachers, or who has been «luly certified or Reeased by nnv recognized bo '"ay examine the projrress of the pupils, and the state and management of the schoSl and^ive Zt ti^T V ^^>«,5«^her and puj^Js. and any othe^pS a^ they h.nk advisab e.in accordance with the regulatkm and ij! 8t,mJ,ons provided m regard to school visitors ; 3? V c 28> W^"-!" H^- t ^'"'"'^. "'^^'•"g «^ ^he visitors may be held at any ^'""- tSL"lK:Tu!lTT^ ^^T *"^ t'*'"^' on^sufficient noS ^"th'*^ „^*J*- The visitors thus assembled may devise such means •""""^•. Tohr^7 "^',7 '^P'^'""^ ^^'' ^^« «ffl«i«"t visitation of ?he school^ and for promoting the establishment of libraries wid the diffusion of useful knowledge; 37 V. c. 28 « 120 (a) PART XIV. COMPULSORY EDUCATLON KbSttl ,»;•• \^^^^ ^ the duty of the trustees of evenr rural *""'"• • " *^^ "^ ''^^^ ^"Diic school iioard of every City, ^- TlTtK XIII 1 PJTBI-fr HfHOOLH. Chap. 204 •8 y in the i; 87 V. Town, i.icor|iorRtt' »i.. evt'ry year, tlirdiij^li the assensor, Collector, or some other ^M■rsoI1 |i|f'2i""iiw"""' to \h.' Hpnointcd for that |»uriHj.se,and paid hy them, tin- iiaiia*, '.^hil.lrrii a^jes, and rcsidenceH of idl the children of .school aj(t' in their .school section, division or Municipality, as the case may lie - «listinj,'iiishin^' those children lictw^ "U the ages of seven and twelve years inclusive — who have not attended any school (or who have not l>een otherwise ediicJited) for four months of the year, ay recpiired hv the eighth section of this Act ; 37 V. c 'Zh, 88. 27(1), 80 (8), 167(1). 2. To notify personally, or hy letter or otherwise, the parents Notify pa- or guardians of such children of the negli-ct or violation on theii' "'"^' part of the jtrovisions of this Act in leganl to compulsory edu- cation ; 37 V. c. 28, .S.S 27 (2), 86 (!>), 157 (2). 3. To inijioHC upon said parents or guardians who, after having iniiH.He » r»to- beon so notified, continue to neglect or violate the said pro vi - WHor make sions of this Act, a rate- hill not exceeding one dollar per month I'niliiHr^'i.'*' for each of their children not attending .school, or to make complaint of such neglect or viohition to a Justice of the Peace having jurisdiction in such cases, as provided by this Act, and to deliver to said Justice a statement of the names and residences of the parents or guardians of such children, unless from the circumstances of the case the Board is satisfied that such neglect or violation has not boon wilful, or has been c»vused by extivme poverty, ill health, or too great a distance from any school; 37 V. c. 28, S8. 27 (3-5), 80 (10), 158; 40 V. c. IG, s. 17 (6). Ml. It shall be competent for the Police Magistrate of any Panaity for City or Town, and for any Justice of the Peace in any Village, "onuttend- Township or Town where there is no Police Magistrate, to inves- So'i.* """" tigate and decide upon any complaint made by the trustees, or any person authorized by them, against any parent or guanlian fir the violation of the provisions of this Act, in regard to com- pulsory education, and to impose a fine not exceeding five doUara for the first wilful oftence, and double that penalty for *- every subsequent offence ; which fine and penalty shall be en- forced as provided in the two hundred and fiftieth section of this Act ; 37 V. c. 28, s 159 ; 39 V. c. 7, Scfted. B (19). 2. The Police Magistrate 6r Justice shall not be bound to, but may, in his discretion, forego the issue of the warrant for the imprisonment of the offender, as in said section is pro- vided ; 37 V. c. 28, 3. 159 (a). 919. It shall be the duty of the Police Magistrate, or any Further dig- Justice Oi tne Peace whcfu there is no Police Mamstrate, to "Irr'"? "! "*" .^ * £ 111* *® sfifltraw to en- a.scertain, as tar as may be, the circumstances of any party com- force penalty. 94 Chap. 204 EDUCATION. [Title XIII violation has beeri ilfal nr ^™i*"'^ ^^'^^'' ^^' '^"W poverty, or ill heah of ti ''T^ ^y extreme and in any of the lliZZiFlf a distance from any school; punishmeJ^t but sha I reZ^K'*'**^^''*'^^^ '^''^^ ""^^ award of the school Action or^o^L'''" circurnstances to the trustees offence has olu^rlr 37 ¥^28^^60^^^^'''^ ''' ""^^^ '^^ PART XV. LEGISLATIVE SCHOOL GRANT. For teachers' salaries only. receiving share of grant. \ KMJ:S.' e„?*,* '^^' .legislative school grant, together with «f I . equal sum raised annuallv hv Innoi o ''"»'^^"^f w^ith at least an and be called the PubrclLl^wr rT'^^^ ''^*" constitute City. Town or Village ; 37 y^^^jj;^^ f/J^^ ^^"'^ty. Township, othlJ Vsonrfe^cL? teS"'' "^ ^^"^ In^pecto,^, nor of any said Public School Fund bufcmtt f "^^'^^^al be paid out of the out diminution, be expended in th. n^ '^^f /^olly. and with- 37 V.c. 28.8. 139 (a)'^^'^'"*^^P*y'««"* of teachers' salaries. Conditions of ani\ \r /-1 l ^ a «hareoaL''re&t?vLl3' " T^-T ^^*" ^e entitled to ment a sum at S eq^al Sr^^^^^ the share of the sad school ?'^f '^l'^"' ^^ ««"««tion) tc 28, 8. 140. ^^ ^'^*'** apportioned to it; 37 V. c. equivalent not ^.?**; Should the Municipal CornomHnn ^* ^ raised by thp City, Town or Village raise innn,.^^, °^ '^^y County Grant payable Qfy TK„ . on the first of ,,..*• ^"^ 8um of monev annii'illv o,.^ »i.- 1 , Julyinead, Minister of Education to every nnf^^T^''"'''?. ^^ ^^'^^ "— Town or Village in aid nf P.fiTr "^o X^^^V' Township. City shall be payaS'by the ProvtcSaf t''^' '^'''^ resfi^'ctivelj first day ofiuly in^everymr Jo tl T '^"''' "? "^ ^^'''^ the City. Town. annt of any of the mone)'8 which are mentioned in the ninety-th and ninety- fourth sections of this Act, by or on behalf of the corporation of which he is a member, otherwise than as is authorized by those sections, or by the seventh section of The Act respecting the Clergy Resales, or by any other law in that behalf made and provided ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 161 ; 39 V. c. 7, Sched. E (20). 2. Any such person so doing shall be held personally liable for any loss sustained by such corporation : 37 V. c. 28, s. 161 (a). (2) Beapormbility of Municipalities tj Her Majesty. ^19. Every County, City, and Town withdrawn from the Municipality jurisdiction of the County within which it is situated, shall be deil^t'''f* "" responsible to Her Majesty, and to all other parties interested, trewurer, etc that all moneys coming into the hands of the Treasurer of the County, City or Town, in virtue of his office, shall be by him duly paid over and accounted for, according to law : 37 V. c 28, 8. 162. (3^ Treasurer, and Sureties responsihle to the Municipality. SWO. The Treasurer and his sureties shall be responsible and Tre«««fe'. accountable for such moneys in like manner to the County. City glbi; toTovin. or Town, and any bond or security given by them for the duly ty. etc, accounting for and paying over moneys coming into his hands, belonging to the County, City or Town, shall be taken to apply to all such moneys as are mentioned in the two hundred and thirteenth and four following sections of this Act, and may be enforced against the Treasurer or his sureties, in case of de- fault on his part ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 163 ; 39 V. c. 7, Sched. B (21). ^^ Chap. 204 BondHtoupDlv «nouey«, EDUCATION. [Title XIII. City, eti\, re- SKia *„ ' "•"^'^ifMiiji, »pon«l,lt.for r^^"*^- ^y person Jiffcrrievo,! K, *i , . «W. Any Coi-poration. '"» ""^'' """on h„s been given Jthe by-fa», order or ^1,.,,:^ "* 3? V."c"X:"J «""« ""^X (6> Totvnshin n/^^i^ t^ ., „. '•School map penalty on township clerk. H II'!' n p„ ' "^^ ^- «• 7, &/ie,;. B (22) n. PHOVISIO.S AKKECXINO P.«,, ScHOOI Th Officers. ^^Rustebs and Certain con- oa-t tu "D ... ^Corporation. tracts between .7, , -l^O.i^ubllc School fr„.^ . .. { -use trom, such corpora- [Title XIII. eties shall apply » Province, and, 3e the rosponsi- stopping a like •e County, City >" action against I'niclpality, the municipal V City, County rson as money ipal By-Laws 3ution, or the -law of a Mu- . a Municipal anything Jias *^y gives any '■ought until solution has tice in writ- ?iven to the 8 Municipal g under the ommhip. to prepare livisions of nd eighth exceeding ^ce, for the •e of any ed. B (22). 'EES AND Mon. contract ave any «orpora- TlTL« XIII.] PUBLIC S )I.S. Chap. 204. 97 tion, except for a school site, o/ jw, collector of school rates, and in the latter case only when he has been appointed, and the warrant to him as collector has been signed by the other two members of the corporation, and the seal of the corpora- tion has been attached to the same. 37 V. c. 28, s. 25. (2) Ti'usteea, d-c, not to hold certain o^a. -D ^^'J^^ trustee of a school section shall hold the office of Tni8tee8notto i-ubhc School Inspector, or be a teacher, within the section of ''Sl'' "^'**'" which he 18 trustee; nor shall the master or teacher of any * Public, High, or Separate School, hold the office of trustee nor shall an Inspector be a teacher or trustee of any Public' ttrgh or Separate School while he holds the office of Inspector! 67 V. c. 28, ss. 7, 91, 104. aar. No teacher trustee. Inspector, or other person offi- No Inspector, cially connected with the Education Department, the Normal J"'"***- Model, Public, or High Schools, or Collegiate Institutes, shall Hhfct* Decoine or act as agent for any person or persons to sell or in as'-nt for the any way to promote the sale for such person or persons, of any mL"^t"'"' school, library, prize or text-book, map, chart, school appara- " tus, tumiture or stationery, or to receive compensation or other remuneration or equivalent for such sale, or for the promotion of sale in any way whatsoever. 37 V. c. 28. s. 143. See also Mev. iftat. c. 205. s. 86. (3) Reaponaibility of Trustees for School Moneys. The trustees of every school section shall be person- Trustees per- ally responsible for the amount of any school moneys forfeited «"•>»"/ reHi^n- by or lost to the school section in consequence of the neglect of mol^eyTloBt. auty ot the trustees during their continuance in office. 37 V. c. 28, 8. 168. 2. The amount thus forfeited or lost shall be collected and applied in the manner provided for by this Act. 37 V. c. 28, s. 168 (a), 999. If any trustees of any school section refuse or neglect to take proper security from the secretary-treasurer, or other party to whom they entrust school moneys, they shall be held peraon',lly responsible for the moneys, as provided by this Act. ot V. c 28, 8. 169 (6). aWW If any part of the Public School Fund or moneys is Certai„partie« embezzled or lost, through the dishonesty or faithleasness of P««'"nafly any trustee, secretary-treasurer, or other person to whom it has cX>n™? ^ been entrusted, and proper security against the loss has not school moneys. 98 Chap. 204. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. been taken, the person or persons whose duty it was to have exacted the security shall be personally responsible for the suras so embe^^led or lost ; and such sums may be recovered from him or them by the party entitled to receive the same, by action at law m any Court having jurisdiction to the amount, or by in- formation at the suit of the Ciown. 37 V. c. 28, s. 170. (4) Secretary-lreamrer and Trustees to account for moneys.Jkc. I'A^^ire^., •*!• ^° secretary-treasurer appointed by the school tnis- surer or truB- J®®^ ot any school section or division, and no person havinc ^^^„'^l^'>^^^''^''<^^^^^<^roia.ry.tre&smer, and no trustee or other person who may have m his possession any books, papers, chattels, or mon, s, which came into his possession a.s such secretary -trea- surer, trustee or othei-wise, shall wrongfully withhold or neglect, or refuse to deliver up, or to account for, and pay over the same or any part thereof to the person, and in the manner di- rected by a majority of the school trustees for the school section then in ofhce or by other competent authority, and such with- holding, neglect or refusal to deliver up or account for, shaU be punishable, as provided in the three following sections of this Act. 37 V. c. 28, s. 171. ® a3«. Upon application to the Judge of the County Court, by a majority of the truatt-es, or any two ratepayers in a school section or division, supported by their affidavit made before some Justice of the Peace, of such wrongful withholding or re- fusal, the Judge shall make an order that such secretaiy-trea- surer, or person having been such secretary-treasurer or trustee or other person, do appear before him at a time and place to be appointed in the order. T ?■ ^l ^^^^*^ °^ ^ Division Court, upon being required by the Judge, shall serve the order personally on the party complained against, or leave the same with a grown-up person at his residence. 37 V. c. 28, s. 172. ?^A A^}^^ time and place so appointed, the Judge being satisfied that service has been made, shaU, in a summary manner and whether the party complained of does or does not appear i^ n * ''^TiTu' T^.^ ^t 'f, ^^ ^'P^^^^^ *ha* *h« complaint IS well founded, the Judge shall order the party complained of to deliver up, account for, and pay over the books, papers, chattels or moneys a,s aforesaid by a certain day to be named by the Judge in the order, together with such reasonable costs mcurred in making the application as the Judge may tax 37 Mode of pro- ceeding in the OMe. Judge to iMne order. Effect «f aon- oompliance with Judfie'j (PJefcjj «84. In the event of a non-eompUance with the terms speci- fied in such order, or any or either of them, the Jud^e shall oraer me saia paity to "be forthwith arrested by the Sheriff of TiTLK XIII] PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Chap. 204 99 it foi' moneys, iio. any County in which he may be found, and to bo committed to the Common Gaol of his County, there to remain without bail until the Judge be satisfied that the party has delivered up, account<|d for, or paid over th(! Iwoks, papers, chattels, or moneys in question, in the manner dimctod by the majority of the trus- tees, or other competent authority, as afonisai'd : ujMm proof of his having so done, the Judge shall make an order for his dis- charge.and he shall be discharged accordingly. 37 V. c.28, s. 174. aaS. No such proceeding shall impair or affect any othc-r other remedy remedy which the said trustees, or othei- coirvpetent authority, ""' »ff««te''- mav have against the secretary-treasurer, or person having been' , such secretary-treasurer or his sureties, or against any trust«;e or other person as aforesaid. 37 V. c. 28, s. 175. (5) Refusal of Trustee to seme or fxerclMtf Corporate Poioers. 93Q. If any person chosen as trustee refuses to serve, he Penalty for shall forfeit the sum of five dollars. 37 V. c. 28 s. 17(>. rcfiminKto ' ' nerve an trus- 937. Every person so chosen who has not refused to accejit Penalty for the ofliice, and who at any time refuses or neglects to perform ""ef'^iiK t<. its duties, shall forfeit the sum of twenty dollars, to be sued for '^'^""" ''"*''* and recovered before a Justice of the Peace, by the tinistees of the school section or division, or by any two ratepayers, for its use, as authorized by this Act. 37 V. c. 28, s. 176 (a). 938. If the trustees of any Public School wilfully neglect Penalty for or refuse to exercise all the coii)orate powers vested in them by ^«f"«inK •» this Act, for the fulfilment of any contract or agreement made cor^^te by them, any trustee or trustees so neglecting or refusing to ex- !»<*«"'"• ercise such powers shall be held to be personally responsible for the fulfilment of such contract or agreement. 37 V. c. 28 s 26 (24),.&s.l77. (6) Refusal to amount to School Avditora. 939. The trustees, or their secretaiy-treasurer in their behalf, Penalty on shall not refuse to furnish the auditoi-s of any accounts of a rural t™«tee8 re- school section, or either of them, with any papers or infonna- mS &rto tion in their power, and which may be required of them re- auditor. "' latiye to their school accounts, and any contraventiori of this section upon prosecution therefor by either of the auditore, or any ratepayer, shall be punished by fine or imprisonment as provided by this Act. 37 V. c. 28, ss. 26 (24) & 178. (7) Neglect to send Half-Yearly Returns to Inspector. 940. In case the trustees of any rural school section Pewdty for neglect to transmit to the County Inspector, on or before the «»«gl«cting to thiitieth day of June, and the thirty-first day of December in y^i^tums. 100 Penalty for delaying yearly report. Penalty for false school reports and regiaters. Chap. 204. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. Eeoovery by distress. Application of pen^Jty. Befiualto deliver key every year, a correct and verified statement of the average at- tendance of pupils in each of the schools under their chari^e during the six months then immediately preceding, then the school section shall not be entitled to the apportionment from the school fund for the said six months. 2. The trustees so neglecting shall be personally respon- sible for the amount of the loss of such apportio'^ ^nt. 61 V . c. 28, 8. 179. (8) Neglect to send Annual Report to Inspector. 341. In case the trustees of any school section neglect to prepare and forward the aforesaid annual report to their County Inspector by the thirty-first day of January in every year each of them shall, for every week after such thirty-first day of January, and until such report has been prepared and pre- sented, forfeit the sum of five dollars, to be sued for by the County Inspector, and collected and applied in the manner provided for by this Act. 37 V. c. 28, s. 180. (9) Penalty for False Report and Registers. 343 If any trustee of a Public School knowingly signs a" false report, or if any teacher of a Public School keeps a false school register, or makes a false return, with the view of ob- taining a larger sum than the just proportion of school moneys coming to such school, the trustee or teacher shall, for every offence, forfeit to the Public School Fund of the Township, the sum of twenty dollars, for wl'-'-h any person whatever may prosecute him before a Justice of the Peace, and the trustee or teacher may be convicted on the oath of one credible witness other than the prosecutor. 37 V. c. 28, s. 181. 2 If upon conviction, the penalty is not forthwith paid, the same shall, under the warrant of the Justice, be levied with costs by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the offender. 37 V. c. 28, s. 181 (a). 3 The penalty, when so paid or collected, shall by the Justice be paid over to the said Public School Fund. 37 V. c. 28,8. 181 (>). (10) Refusal to deliver up School Property. I 943. Any teacher who refuses to deliver up the school house key or register shall be punished, as provided in the sixth clause of the one hundred and sixty-thii-d section of this —"^^ 37 V. c. 28, 8. 181 (c) ; 39 V. c. 7, Sch^d. B (23). Act. Title XIII.] PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Chap. 204. 101 III. Miscellaneous. (1) FaUe Declaration of Right to Vote at School Meetings. 944. No person shall wilfully make a false declaration of his Penalty for right, to vote at any school meeting or election of school trus- j'";|['"*y ^*'' tees ; Und any person convicted of a contravention of this sec- ' ®" **" ""' tion, upon the complaint of any person, shall be punishable by fine or imprisonment, at the discretion of the Court of General Sessions, or by a penalty of not less than five dollars, or more than ten dollars, to be sued for and recovered with costs before a Justice of the Peace, by the Public School trustees of the City, Town, Village, school section, or other division, for its use. 37 V. c. 28, s. 184. (2) Misconduct of Returning Oncers, <&c., er notice even tr.jsti^e or "'^•'"8 certain other person whose duty it wa? ^ve the notice, shall' forfeit ki^^ ""**' 102 ^*P- ^^*- EDUCATION. [Title XIU- Penalty for disturbing a school or school meet- ing. the »um of five dollar, to be '"i'- rhS'tT/tt'™™! V. c. 28, 8. 188. (6) Murbmg a Publk ScJcool or School Meeting. a4». Any v^^^ ^^^ :^^^it::::^i:^s^^erif^ quiets the proceedings of any ^'^.^rfntenupts or (lis- 2eld by this Act, - ^J^ -^^1^:,,^ "^^^^^^^^ under its quiets any Public Schoo ««^;;^^^^ or by authority, or ?ther school, by rut^ or inaec ^^^^^ .^ making a noise either within the Pl?^J^ J^^ J^ ^^^^ ^r exer- kept or held, or so "«^[, ^J^ch Ineton ^ «-'-« cises of the school shall for eacn oneiiL , credible wit- before a Justice of the P^^?',?^*^^'^ J„„?^^^^^ l the school .e., forfeit and P.y for^^. ScW p^u^^oses^^^ ^rrtte'd'^a'srnre^^^^^^^^ the costs of the conviction, as the said Justice may 37 V. c. 28, s. 189. ^ IV. How Fines and Penalties may be Recovered. How penaiti. 900. Unless it is in this Act ^^li^f^^^^^J^^;^^^^^^^^^ recoverable, may be sued f Of; /^5^?r^^ having jurisdiction within the ■ S°oSSL":^y^'S^7, village^ wjiol..^ penalty has been incurred. 32 V. c. 28, s. IW. and sale ot the goods and <*°'^M '^.^"^^J'of the school 1^1 ^!r;:¥oCtTu:^t:K ';s;':ntitied the.et„. S e^nt-li^n&uring to collect the same, are sooner ^d. 37 V. e. 28, s. 190. I [TLB xin. Title XIIL] PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Chap. 204. 103 d Wf ore a the rural IS Act. 37 ting. pts, or dia- rized to be pts or (lis- d under ite dour, or by jh school is ler or exer- tion thereof redible wit- I the school ofience was gether with f think fit. DVERED. ed, all fines, proceedings, 30sts, by and n within the such fine or •thwith paid, he convicting IS, by distress , and shall be of the school titled thereto. 1, by his war- any time not id the reason- He, are sooner , SCHEDULE. (Section 78, sub-sectioti 10.) FORM or TOWNSHIP DKBENTVRI. Pbovincb of Ontario. No. Cwmty of ,for Debenture of the Townahijt of ■School Loan. The Corporation of the Township of , hereby promise to pay to Bearer, at the Bank of , at , the sum of dollars, lawful money of Canada, year from the date hereof ; and to pay interest at the rate of per cent, per annum, half-vearly to the Bearer of the annexed coupons respectively, upon the presentation thereof at the said Bank. Issued at , this day of ,18 , by virtue and under the authority of chapter two hundred and four of The B^vised Statutes of Ontario, and pursuant to By-law, No. of said Township of , passed on the day of A.D. 18 , intituled "A By-law to raise by way of loan the sum of dollars for the purposes therein mentioned " {or as the case may be), A. £., Reeve. 0. D., Treamrer. Coupon, No. The Corporation of the Township of will pay the Bearer at the Bank of , at , on the day of , the sum of dollars, interest due on that day on Debenture No. C. D. , Treasurer. ■1 #f ' 104 Chap. 205. EDUCATION. [Tm-E XIII. ♦CHAPTER 205. An Act respecting Higli Schools and Collegiate Insti- tutes. i;! Part Part Part Part Part Part Pa&x I.— Preliminapy Provisions, si. 1, 2. II.— Ehtaui-ishment of Hioh Schools and Colleoiatk Inhti- TUTEH, »S. 3-12. ,o i«» III.— ExisTiNo Unions or Hioh and Public Schools, u. Id-17. IV —Duties of Municipal Councils, bs. 18-28. 1.— Appointment of High School Trusteea. (1) In Counties, b8. 18-20 ; (2) In Cities, s. 21 ; , ^ . „„ (3) In tmm» separated from the County, b, 22. ' (4) In cases of agreement between a Ctmnty and C%ty ' 7**'- ''"* ""*' '**^^'". "*'"'" ^*vo authf>rity witli t)w ap- pmvaJ «f the f/i«>utonant-Oovi I nor, on tli»' rt'jK)i t and rt'com- meiuil>t'i''n of the MiniHtor of Ktliieation <^> acciilo uixtn tho diHcoiuiiiiiar'' < *t thf I'nd of the thon civU "ar, of any exist- ing High Scli«M)( in any part of the County within tho juriwlic- tion of the said Unuit'y Council. 37 V, c. 27 h. 37. An t(> High Hchool Diitricto. T All High School DiatrictH wliich were vxiHting on the second day of March, ono thousand eight hundred and seventy- seven, and arrangements connected therewith shall continue until the County Council thinks Ht to discontinue the same, and in the case of a County or Electoral District which at that time constituted a High School District, the same liability in reference to the High School or Collegiate Institute therein shall continue until otherwise determined ny theCounty Council. 40 V. c. IG, 8. 18 (•-'). Additional 8. May County Council may under the restrictions pre- High SohooU. gcriheJ in the ne:ct succeeding section establish one or more additional High Schools in the County. 37 V. c. 27, s, 39. 40 V. c. 10, 8. 18 (3). i RiUbliiil .u«Dt uew High thdolu — re- striction. 9. No additional High School shall be established by a County Council in any County, except at or before its June session in any year and unless the High School Fund is sufficient to allow of an apportionment at the rate of not le.ss than four hundred dollars per annum to be made to such additional High School, without diminishing the fund which was available for High Schools during the next preceding year. 37 V. c. 27, 8. 40. Eeublishment 10. V/ithin the restriction prescribed in section nine it shall •trod of the y^^ lawf'..' for the Lieutenant-Governor, on the report and recommendation of the Minister of Education, to authorize the establishment of an additional High School in any County at the end of the then civil year. 37 V. c. 27, s. 40 (a). Cities »nd towns separ- ated to be counties for High School purposes. Power to county and city or towns separated to agree as to ffigh School 11. For all High School purposes every City, and every Town separated for municipal purposes from the County in which it is situated, shall be a County ; and its Municipal Council shall be invested with all the High School powers possessed by County, City r Town Councils. 37 V. c. 27, s. 42 ; 40 V. c. 16, e. 18. 13. In cas* 3^- •jhools siti'ated in a City or Town separated frO».'i v.!v.> yilsdiction oi . County Conncil, it shall be lawful for ma Cou ity Council and the Council of the City or Town to agree upon tJie terms and conditions of union under Tvhich such High School will be constituted the High Sch-ool of the County as well as of the City or Town, and in such case TiTr,K Xril ] man h'l«ffiatc Insti- CMeof union tutoH) and Public School trustee Corporations are liorebv con-"' HiKhan.1 tinuod ami all tho mo.nU.^, of both Corporations shall constitute Ktef p'r' a joint board, i„nd shall, as lonj; as tho union exists be a ( 'or- ^'Je^ '"'■ poration, under the name of " The Board of Education for the Oity {Town or iTwarjxirated Vitla{/e of , or in School S 37 V%. 27.r Ca ^'"'"^^'^ "^ ' •" ''"'' '"*'*" "'"^ 14. Sevenof the member-s of the Board shall form a quorum ; Quorun,. ate. and such Board shall have the powers of tho tiiistees of both l-owe™. the Public and High Schools. 37 V. c. 27, s. G3 (a). la. The union may be dissolved at th* end of any year by Union m.y b« resolution of a majonty present at any lawful meetiuL' of the diHioWed.' said Board of Education called for that purpose. 37 V c 27, 8. 03 (o). ' ■ m. On the dissolution of such union the school property Di.po«tion of held or possessed by the Board of Education at the time shall s«hooipro. be divuled or applied to school purposes, as may be agreed upon '^'*^- by aniaiority of the Publii- School trustees and of the Hiuh School (or Collegiate Institute) trustees respectively, present at meetings called for that purpose , or if they fail so to agree « , within the space of six months after such dissolution, then SLf ""^ the division shall be made by the Municipal Council of the City, Town, or incorporated Village within the limits of which such Pubhc and ffigh Schools (or Collegiate Institute) are situated; and should the High School be situated in a school section or unincorporated Village, the division, in case of failure CO a^ee as ^ui««aui, shall be made by the County Council. o7 V. c. 27,8, 63 (c). Iff 108 Chap. 205. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. No future uniona. T*T- ^ "°^"" °^ * Public School or department thereof with ?;iVP School or Collegiate Institute shall hereafter be made. 37 V. c. 27, s. 63 {d) ; 37 V. c. 28, s. 26 (10). PART IV, DUTIES OF MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. 1.— Appointment of High School Trustees, (1) In Counties. "^"rUlSe \^- ^^^"^ ^'^""^y Coxmiiil shall, from time to time, select county council ^^^ appomt three tit and proper persons as trustees of each thi^^t^"*tee8 -^'^^ ^*^^°°^ °^ Collegiate Institute situated in a Town not • separated from the County for municipal purposes, or in an incor- porated Village. SZe^council ^{ ^^^^ Council of the Town or incorporated Village, to appoint withm the limits of which the High School or Collegiate In- three trustees, stitute is situated, shall also, from time to time, appoint three fit and proper persons as trustees of such High School, one of whom, in the order of their appointment in each case, shall annually retire from office on the thirty-first day of January in every year. 37 V. c. 27, s. 52. Sltottni *•• The County Council may from time to time appoint six trustees if and deteiTnine the co|^tinuance and succession in office, in the u^ncoiU" "" "tanner hereinafter provided, of six duly qualified persons as ated village, members of the High School Board of any High School estab- lished in an unincorporated Village, with the sanction of the Lieutenant-Governor. 37 V. c. 27, s. 53. and vfliS to ^^ The Council of every County, the Council of every Town appoint not separated from the County for municipal purposes, and the Council of every incorporated Village, as the case may be, at their firat meetings to be held after the first day of January in each year, shall each appoint one trustee to fill the vacancies caused by the annual retirement of two trustees of the High School or High Schools, or Collegiate Institute, within their jurisdiction. 37 V. c. 27, s. 58. trustees. City to • p- point six trustees. (2) In Cities. 2S. The Council of every City sliaU, from time to time, ap- point, in the manner provided by this Act, a Board of trustees Title XIII.] HIGH SCHOOLS AND COLL. INSTITUTES. Chap. 205. ' 109 to. 27«-5 --half of the truslt^es of such k^h TcScSl 1? (3) In Towns separated from Counties. aa. If a County Council, in any year, raises by assess- Appointment - - - offl- ' " ' igh School in ment an amount equal to the grant from' The™ LedsTaT^e^f'^i^hScho appropriation which may be madi to a Hiah School or CnT .*'""'^'' *" egiateIn.stitute,situatedinaTownseparatedf^^^^^^^ junsdiction of such Council, it shall be lawful for such Cound HiK.f ^ '^n ,i°''^^°^ r^'' -« ^^^ «f the trustees of the the^ w"oIe'of^r*L?r"'"^'\""^.'^^^^ ^"«h amount, then Alternative ^irJri ?u A? *™?t«f of such High School shall be an- condition. n. 27.^^54'(i^^""'"P"^ ^'"""^ «^ *h% Town concenled! ^7 (4) In cases » "^ce. contmue in office as such trustees, as herein provided finless nr,X?r? r«'': ^r ^y^h provision is hereinif te7 madeTand the iiirtv'S;? H„* ^1 f "^"""^^ *hen next, and annuSi, on dotation, the t*irty-farst day of January in eveiy year, two of the mem- bers of such Board for the time bein|, ihaU retire frl^Td Board in rotation, according to seniority in office. 37 Vcl? Ins'JIJuttiaTaSd^Xml^^^^ fest!?""'' °^ ^1T*« ^°^--^«"- theMunicipality,orotL';:.^^^^^^^^ the County, City. Town, or Village Council', as the case m^y £ 2 'niu person appointed to till such occasional vacancv shall hold office only for the unexpired part of the terTf or which no Chap. 205. EDUCATION. [TiTLR XIII. City and town separated to a])point trustees. the person whose place has become vacant was appointed to serve. 37 V. c. 27, s. 56. 96. Except in the cases provided for in the second sub- section of the twenty-first section and the twenty-second sec- tion of this Act, the Council of every City and Town separated from the County for municipal purposes, at the first meeting to be held after the first day of January in each year, shall appoint two trustees to fill the vacancies caused by the annual retire- ment of that number of tnistees from the High School, or Collegiate Institute, Board. 37 V. c. fj, s. 57. 97. Any retiring trustee of a High School may, with his own consent, be re-appointed to office by a Municipal Council. 37 V. c. 27, 8. 59. 98. All trustees for the time being shall hold oflice until their successors are appointed. 37 V. c. 27, s. 59 (a). II. — Assessment for High School Purposes. (1) Obligatory. Eqmvalent to ^9. A sum at least equal to the minimum amount payable from time to time by the Government to any .High School out of the Legislative grant, shall be provided by the Municipal Council of every City or Town withdrawn from the jurisdiction of the County for any High School or Collegiate Institute situate in such City or Town, together with such other sums as may be required for the accommodation and support of such school upon the application of the High School Board. 37 V. c 27 s. 44 ; 40 V. c. 16, s. 18 (5). Retiring trustees. Tenure of office. County to pay equivalent. 30. In case of a High School in a Town not withdrawn from the County, or in an incorporated Village or Township, an amount equal to the amount paid by the Government shall be paid by the Municipal Council of the County in which such High School or Collegiate Institute is situated, upon the application of the High School Board ; and such other sums as may be required for the maintenance and school accommodation of the said High School to the amount at least of the grant received from the Legislative appropriation, shall be raised 1^ the Council of the Municipality in which the High School is situated, upon the application of the High School Board ; and in cases where two or more Municipalities, or portions thereof, within the County, have heretofore been formed into and' constitute one High School District, or in cases where two or more such minor Municipalities, or portions thereof, hereafter agree to form and constitute themselves into a High School District, then such other sums as may be required for the maintenance' and school accommodation of the said High School, shall bs provided by the High School District upon the application of Ill Title XIII.] high schools and coll. institutes. Chap. 205. ttie High School Board, and such sums shall be raised in the manner provided m the next following section of this Act, but nothing m this section shall be construed to affect any exist- ^n^.V^h%^ prevent the County Council from discontinuing any High bchool District heretofore formed by it. 37 V. c 27 s. 45 ; 40 V. c. 16, s. 18 (6). ^ > y^^.^f, ^^ *J;Z^^tS''"^''" ^^.-"^ Municipality, or the Councils of the Manner, respective Municipahties which may be liable therefor, shall, 3inn ^PP^f,^T '^ *.¥u^*^^ ^^^-^l B««rd, raise the pro- portion required to be paid by such Municipality or part of the Municpahty, from the whole or part of tfie Munidp^iS a^ CouXTfL^' r?? the County Council may con^stitu^te ^ County or Electoral Distnct a separate District for Hicrh School purposes m order that it may contribute to the support of one or nK,re High Schools or Collegiate Institutes thl^ein. a^ the . Counc 1 may determine for such purpose, and in such kmount separately from any other County or Electoral District under th. ,ans^(hction of ^^^^^ County Council. 37 V. c. 27, s. 46; (2) Discretionary, iv^\^r^Tf ""^ ^^^^ S^"''^^' ^^y- ^"^ Town separated tt'fl^^nTpj^iTr ^^^^ ^"-p^^^^' "^'^^ p^«« ^^-^'- ^- ihll J"""" .•'^*j^i"gjrovision by local assessment, in addition to Aiding High ^at required to be made by this Act, for procuring sites fo? ^'^'^'^^ High Schools, for renting, building, repairing^furaishL wa/m^ mg and keeping in order High School houses and theif aTpen- dages, grounds, and enclosures. 37 V. c. 27, s. 47 (1). ^ separfted w"Z "S^^'^l *^' ^T^^' ""' ^" ^"^ ^^^y ^' Town La„d« for separated from the County, as the wants of the people mav HighSchoola. School houses thereon, and for other faigh School purpofes and for preserving, improving, and repairing such ^igh School houses, -d for^dis^posing c^^such p^f when nAor^^l madp w'Sfi''?^.^P'°'^"•? (additional to that required to be Additional made by this Act) in aid of such High Schools, as may be P'"'"'""' deemed expedient by the Council. 37 f. c. 27. s. 47 (3). ^ «J: ^''*Tu'^'^? ^ permanent provision for defraying the ex- PupilBcom- penses of the attendance at the University of Toronto and at ^^ '?! ot such of the pupils of the High schools or Collegiate Insti- tutes of the County aa are unable to incur the expeSe bu^are HTrShl r** r 'S' ^p^r °.^ *^^ ^^^p^*^*^-^ «»^^^ '? such High Schools, or Collegiate Institute.., nn.«^,fiafl nn^r..* .„* =^^ "„ • A new lection (31a) added A«« 6y 41 F. c. 16, .. 1, page 142 pogfc ^"^ 112 Chap. 205. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. Attendance at Hiah School. Endowing fel lowships, etc. Moneys to be paid to treasurer. ments for, competing for any scholarship, exhibition, or other similar prize, offered by such fjniversity or College. 37 V. c. 27, 8. 47 (4). (See also Rev. Stat. c. 174, s. 465 (7). 5. For making similar provision for the attendance at any High School or Collegiate Institutes, for like purposes, of pupils of the Public Schools of the Municipality. 37 \. c. 27, s. 47 (5) (See also Rev. Stat. c. 174, s. 465 (8). 6. For endowing such fellowships, scholarships, or exhibitions, and other similar prizes in the University of Toronto, and in the Upper Canada College, and Royal Grammar School there, for competition among the pupils of the High Schools of the County, as the Council deems expedient for the encouragement of learning amongst the youth thereof. 37 V. c." 27, s. 47 (6). (See als' Rev. Stat. c. 174, s. 465 (9). (3) Payment tr Treasurer. — Audit. 83. All moneys raised in any Municipality or High School District, by local assessment, subscription, fees or otherwise, under the authority of this Act, shall be paid over to the High School Treasurer in su .h Municipality or District. 37 V. c 27 8. 48. foSrtLnfh De- .**• ^^ ^^^^^ assessments and subscriptions for the support of cember. High Schools or Collegiate Institutes shall be payable on or be- fore the fourteenth day of December in every year. 37 V c 27,8.48. Audit of High 3ilS. The Treasurer of every High School Board shall give re*'r'g°accou^t8.' Security to the board appointing him for the due and faithful performance of his duties, and shall submit his accounts to the Mimicipal Auditors to be audited by them in the same manner as the Municipal Treasurer's accounts are audited. 37 V. c. 27 s. 49. Auditors to au- 36. It shall be the duty of the Municipal Auditors to audit wcounto?'"''" such accounts of the Treasurer. 37 V. c. 27, s. 49 (a). PART V. DUTIES OF HIGH SCHOOL TRUSTEES. I. Duties generally. High School 37. The trustees of every High School, or Collegiate Insti- iToSorltioL tute^shall be a corporation, by the name of "The ffigh School —Powers. (or UoUegiate Institute) JJoard," prefixing to the term " High," Title XIII.J high schools and coll. institutes. Chap. 205. 113 School" or " Collemate Institute," the name of the Pifv Tn™« Zts nZl^Z "'",t'' '^"'^ ^^^" ^^^' ^^^ possess a 1 the 27, 8. 6a *^"^^°^ °"* ^'^e purposes of this Act ; 37 V. c. DiftL Its ttr cln^^^^^^^ ^r "n« ^'^'^ «* -y rowe„ of powera w,-fhJn fl,^L-i^n- . " .*^ Council, shall possess all the ^<^o- of Th^S Q CT^ P'^^r^'^*^ ^^' ^^^ »"PPort and management Coun^,-I „^ ''^ °' i««titute, and in respect to the County SnerfeTeZTt??h ""^^^ !l" ^^* "^^ ^^^^ School Boar^^ ichoSeTS tre I "7TIT7' ^6^ '"^"' °' '"^ ^^^^ or^C*ile^l'"liU^^^^^ «f «veo^ High School Duties of the v^oiiegiate institute Board, (three of whom shn.ll fnrrr. o '«'a«l °f High quorum for the tmnsaction of business.? P"*"^^ *'""• under ftei? ctSeT'lljlf " T'.^^. &^ »■"=■•« "»* '"''ool To „« 27!T61^3) Pwceedings of such meeting; 87 V. c. ''°^' and Ian* «Pp';rtatai„"t"oir3?t'cT7 s^efc'r '""""'«' H,S.°3U order the bmldinsj of mah Hi|h School of CoSeSlm^ 'S'"^ . teri°;poXL^™— ^d-h^^^ ton, and other necemry exp uses of their High Slt^ Oo legiate Institute, and as said Council is ivK,?ir,rf hv (l,^^ ^7 s 6m '' "'"""'"' for these Vr^::t sf v'c of y3^^ti™tuSZti°es thllT''^^ « •^o""* -^ «.»"••'»• authorizedV the tKa'tTtio";"^? ,t T^T^.I. ?^ S^'*"" • See 41 r. c. 16, ». 2, paRii) Title XIII.] high schools and coll. institutes. Chap. 205. ' examinati^.8 o^f tVe pup Is arrLlTlni /"^^'".-^'^■.^^^^^^ them; 37 V. c. 27, s. Gl fl3) ' """^ "^"^ "''''^^ ^^«n «f ance wifh A f«r!v r ^^"^*V*?"' »" annual report, n accord- """"'"i '"P'-rt rv"°%t fonr^!" ■''^■*»™"« ™* "^^-^^^ II. PnSPARATORY CLASSES OR SCHOOLS. class, or classes. ° ™* Pr^P'ratory school, '««kta!- which a,eH^h school o..tl,?^f,„lt!S ^"^aS^ "? PART VI. HIGH SCHOOL MASTERS. (1) Head Masters to be University Oraduates. 41. No person shall be deemed to be legally auaUfied t,n Ha n ^ », tute unless he is a graduate in Arts of some Univeility wSi S^Jte. 116 Chap. 205. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. Settlement of diHputes. Rev, a03, SUt. 0. B8. 7-17. the BritiHh Dominions, and fun ishes aatisf actory cvidonco to tlie Education Department, of his knowledge of the science and art of teaching, and of the management and disciphne of schools., but any pt^on legally qualifiod and employed as head master in any &^d. Scho<^ o? Collo.nate Institute before the twentv- fourth da^of March, 1874, sliall be deemed qualihed notwith- standing this section. 37 V. c. 27, s. 72. (2) Settlement of Diapviet. 49 All matters of difference between trustees, masters and teachers of High School and Collegiate Institutes, »n regard to salary or other^enumeration, shalT be brought and decided in the Division Court, by the Judge of the County Court, in each County. 2. Provided always, that the decision of any County Judge in 8uch cases may be appealed from, as provided for in The Act respecting the Edumtton Department. 37 V. c. 27, s. iA. Division Court 43. In pursuance of a judgment or decision given by a Judgment may rjountv Judce in a Division Court, under the authority ot tne U enforced. County^d J^.^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ execution may issue from time to time, to recover what may be due of the amount which the Judge may have decided the plaintiff' entitled to, in like manner as on a judgment recorded in a Division Court for a debt, together with all fees and expenses incidental to the issuing thereof and levy thereunder. 3 < V. c. 27, s.74. (3) Superannuation Allowance. Riaht of 44. Every teacher who, while engaged in his profession, con- telSjhersto tributes to the Superannuated Teachers' Fund as provided by "**'''• law shall, on reaching the age of sixty years be entitled to re- Pension on tire' from the profession at his discreti^on, and receive an allow- reacUng sixty qj. pension at the rate of six dollars per annum for every year* ot age. ^^ ^^^^ ^^^j^^ .^^ ^pper Canada or Ontario, upon furmsh- Condition of ing to the Education Department satisfactory evidence of good pension. ^^^al character, of his age, and of the .engtb of his service as a Public or High School teacher in Upper Canada or Ontario. 37 V. 0.27,8.75. a I ♦ 9 Such nension may be supplemented out of local funds by KS^ any Ec^pTcouncU or ffigh School Board or Board of Education, at its pleasure. 37 V. c. 27, s. 75 (1;. 4a E^ery teacher under sixty years of age who has con- triv.,,/^^ as ^AVAaaid and who is disabled from practising his profusion, shaU "be entitled to a like pension, or local supple- mentary aUowance, upon furnishing the like evidence, and upon furnishing to the Department from time to time, in addition Teachers under sixty. Title XIII.] high schools and coll. institutes. Chap. 206. thereto, Hatisfactijiy evidence of hiH being diHabled. 37 V. c. 27, s. 7G, & H. 03 (a). 117 46. Every teacher entitled io receive an allowance from the 11 iwr nnnum Superannuated Teachers' Fund, who holds a first-clasH or tain*teacherH second-class Provincial certificate, or who is an authorize"'>• examination under the regulations prescribed by this Act, and directions given by the Minister. 37 V. c. 27, s. 04 (2). 58. The Inspector shall prepare a return (in a form to be Inspector'* provided for that purpose) with respoct to every examination ; MinUtw. and he shall forward the return, together with the answers of the pupils to the Minister of Education within ten days after the examination, in order that the same may be considered and re- ported upon to the Minister by the Central Committee ; and ,, the Commitee shall report thereon, and confirm, disallow, or Committee. cancel the admission of any pupil, or may require of any pupil further tests of proficiency in any subject of the prescribed programme of examination. 37 V. c. 27, s. 64 (3). •19. Where, in any County or Union of Counties there is a liupector may Collegiate Institute, as well as a High School, or where there are *pp^°* * ¥?'' in any County or Union of Counties more High Schools than '"" ^'** one, or where from illness or other unavoidable cause the Pub- lic School Inspector is not able to attend in person, he may appoint another duly qualified person to act as presiding exami- ner in his place at the examination of candidates for admission to any High School or Collegiate Institute. 37 V. c. 27, s. 64 (4). 60. The person so appointed shall be bound by the same Dntiei and regulations as if he were the presiding Inspector, and shall be allowance of entitled to the like remuneration for his attendance ; and at the ™'' p*"*"*- close of the examination he shall (if a member of the local Board of Examiners) lay before the Board, or (if he is not such member) he shall forthwith deliver or transmit to the Inspector to be laid before the Board the examination papers and an- swers of the candidates. 37 V. c. 27, s. 64 (5). 61. The County Inspector for the services performed by him oounty in a County or Village under the six preceding sections shall liwpector. he paid by the Council of the County the same remuneration Dntiet »nd remonentioi]. 120 Chap. 205. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. city or Town Inn pectoris Contingent expenws. Inipector to see to olwer- vance of regii- lationi. AdmioRion of pupils from county. for his time, travelling and other expenses, an a member of the County Council receiveK, and such additional allowance as may be determined by such Council. 37 V. c. 27, h. fi4 (0). 69. The City or Town Innpector shall bo paid by the Public School Board of such City or Town a sum at the rate of five dollars per day while engaged in the examination. 37 V. c. 27 H. 04 (7). CT The County Council, or City or Town Board, aforesaid (as the case may be), shall respectively provide for the payment of the Inspector, and al^o of the contingent expenses of the examination, as certified by the Board of Examiners :J7 V c. 27,8. 64(8). 64. The Inspectors of High Schools shall see that the regula- tions and programme of examination, provided by the Educa- tion Department are duly olwerved in the admission of pupils to the High Schools and Collegiate Institutes. 37 V. c. 27 s 64 (9). ' (2) Residence of pupila, 6ff. Pupils residing in any part of the County or Union of counties, shall have the right to attend any of the High Schools or Collegiate Institutes in the County or Union of Counties, upon the same terms as to payment of fees, or otherwise, as pupils resident in the Town, incorporated Village, or school division, within which the High School or CoUeciate Institute is situated. 37 V. c. 27, s. 65. ^ 2. This section shall not apply to High Schools or Collegiate Institutes in Cities or in Towns separated from the County or Union of Connties, unless the County Council provides the required equivalent to the Legislative grant. 37 V. c. 27, s. 65 (a). III. High School Sites and other Property. (1) High School Property vested in Ti^atees. S£rt?v°«lt- . *?• ^^^ property heretofore given or acquired in any Muni- ed In tnisteeB. cipahty, and vested in any person or persons, or corporation, for High School or Collegiate Institute purposes, or which may hereafter l>e so given or acquired, shall vest absolutely in the corporation of High School or Collegiate Institute trustees hav- ing the care of the same, subject to such trusts as may be de- clared in the deed or instrument under which such nropertv is held. 37 V. c. 27, 8. 87. ' (2) Special Cases. (See also Rev. Stat. c. 207.) Provision 61. In case anv lands in Ontario fiavo Vviop o" •'f^'-- *h- suitable. passing of this Act are surrendered, granted, devised or Exception. Title XIII] high sniooLa and coll. institutes. Chap. 205. 121 otherwise conveyed to the Cn.wn, or to the truHt«>es of any Hich School ,r Colh-giate Institut.., -r to any tniHtees, in truHt for the puroom.H of, or asa site foi any Huch High Hchmjl or Col- eciate Institute, or for any other educational institution estah- ished m any County or place therein for the heneHt of the in- habitants thereof generally, and in case such lands are found not to attord the most advantageous site for such school or institu- tion, or there being no school or institution bearing the precise designation mentioned in the deed of surrender, grant, devise or other (01. yeynnoe. or in case it may Im f(.r the benefit of such school or institution that such lands shouM be disposed of, and others ac.|uiied m their stead, for the same pumoso,or the pro- ceeds of the sale applied thereto, then such lands may be sur- rendered and conveyed as hereinafter provided. 37 V. c. 27, s. oo. 68. The trustees in whom any lands mentioned in the next Su«h knd. preceding section are vested in trust as aforesaid, may fwith ""^y ** ""'v the consent of the Municipal ( V>uncil, expressed at a legJi meet- (".tT""*'** ingand certihed under the hand of the head and eoiporate seal of the Municipality in which such school or institution has been or 18 to be established,) surrender and .-.mveysuch lands to the Crown unconditionally, and such conveyance shall vest the lands absolutely in the Crown, without formal accept- ance J)y the Crown, the Lieutenant-Governor, or any other othcer or person for the Crown. 37 V. c. 27, s. 89. 6». Any lands surrendered, granted, devised or otherwise Such land to conveyed to the Crown for any such purpose as aforesaid may '^'««"''' '"'•*'>« be sold by order of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, and th,!\1t^'"'^ the proceeds applied to the purchase of ether lands to be vested in the Crown for the pui-pose of the same school or institution, or in the case of there being no school bearing the precise designation intended as aforesaid by the person who granted or devised the lands to the trustees, from or through whom the lands so sold came to the Crown, then for the pur- poses of the High School or Collegiate Institute or other public educational institution established for the benefit of the inhabi- tants of the Municipality generally, which in the opinion of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council comes nearest in its purposes wid designs to that intended by such persons as aforesaid. 37 V. c. ZY, s. 90. w^?o ? ^T^ proceeds are applied to the purchase of lands for r ands pur- ±11^ bchool or Collegiate Institute purposes, the title to such c^^ased ,*>»»' lands may be vested in the Board of Trustees for any High ^"^ bchool or Collegiate Institute, by their corporate name ; and if there is any surplus of such proceeds after such purchase, or u it 18 found that no lands are required as a site for, or for other purposes of such school or institution, then such surplus orpTOCceas (asthecase may be) may be invested or applied tor the purposes of such school or institution, in such manner 122 Chap. 205. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. as the Lieutenant-Governor in Council deems most for the ad- vantage thereof. 37 V. c 27, s. 91. KuftroBte '''*■ No purchaser of land from the Crown under this Act, • shall be in any way bound to see to the application of the pur- chase money. 37 V. c. 27, s. 92. Private rights protected. Crown may grant 8uch lands, etc. Basisof appor tionment to the High Schools. 7/8. Nothing in this Act shall impair the rights of any pri- vate party in or upon any lands, in so far as such rights would have existed and could be exercised without this Act. 37 V. c. 27, s. 93. T3. The Crown may grant to the trustees of any High School or Collegiate Institute, or of any other public educational institution established for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Municipality generally, any lands which may have been or may, after the passing of this Act, be surrendered, granted, devised, or otherwise conveyed to the Crown as aforesaid. 37 V. c. 27, s. 94. IV. High School Grants and other Moneys. (1) Basis of Apportionment to High Schools. 14. The High School grant shall be exclusively applied in aid of High Schools and Collegiate Institutes conducted ac- cording to law, and shall be apportioned to each High School and Collegiate Institute, upon the basis, as compared with other High School ai 1 Collegiate Institutes, of the length of time each such High School or Collegiate Institute is kept open, of the daily average attendance of pupils at such High School or Collegiate Institute, and of their proficiency in the various branches of study named in the programme of studies and general regulations prescribed according to law for High Schools and Collegiate Institutes. 37 V. c. 27, s. 66. velSy Vh" *" T^- ^^® attendance of pupils at every High School and Col- attendance of legiate Institute shall be certified by the head master and trus- pupils. tees thereof, and shall be verified by an Inspector of High Schools. 37 V. c. 27, s. 67. Apportiion- 76. The sums of money apportioned out of the High School SSschS^L grant shaU be distributed amongst the several High Schools and Collegiate Institutes within the restrictions imposed by this Act, and under such rules and regulations as may from time to time be made by the Education Department and ap- proved by the Lieutenant-Governor. 37 V. c. 27, s. 68. Grant in sup- port of Colle- giate Insti- tutOH. 77. Towards the support of each Collegiate Institute it shall bo lawful for the Lieutenant-Governor to authorize the pav- lueut of an additional sum, at the rate of and not exceeding Title XIIL] high schools and coll. institutes. Chap. 205. 123 seven hundred and fifty dollars per annum, out of moneys granted for this purpose. 37 V. c. 27, s. 98 (a.) 2. But if in any year the daily average of male pupils study- ing the Latin or Greek languages falls below sixty, or the number of masters is less than four, the additional grant shall cease for that year. 37 V. c. 27, s. 98 (b.) (2). Grant Payable Half-Yearly. 78. The sums of money apportioned to each High School ^^«^ School and Collegiate Institute, shalfbe payable half-yea^ly to the llSrafcr ireasurer ot the County entitled to receive it, in such manner yewiy. as may be determined by the Lieutenant-Governor. 37 V c 27, 8. 09. (3). Condition of Paying High School Grant. T l^J All moneys apportioned to a High School or Collegiate High School Institute by the Mmister of Education, together with a sum at ^""jJ »<>'>« ex- least equal to the minimum amount thus apportioned to such &«• "sala- school, raised under the authoritv of this Act, by local muni- riesonly. cipal assessment, shall be expended in the payment of the sala- ries of masters and teachers, and for no other purpose 37 V c. 27. s. 70; 40 V. c. 16, s. 1 (15). f i^ ■ .v. a..^.'a ^° ^A^^ School or Collegiate Institute which is not con- Condition of ducted according to this Act, and to the programme, rules and «l>anTiS regulations provided by law. shall be entitled to receive any F,^^ ^•'""^ part of the fegh School Fund ; nor unless a sum is provided from local sources, exclusive of fees, at least equal to the mimmum sum apportioned to such High School or Collegiate institute, and expended in the payment of teachers' salaries 37 V. c. 27, s. 71 ; 40 V. c. 16, s. 1 (16). V. Allowance for elementary Military Instruction. 81. It shall be lawful for the Lieutenant-Governor in Coun- AUowance for ai to prescribe a course of elementary military instruction for ^Ir/"*"^ High School or Collegiate Institute pupils, and to apVropriate iSlSion. out of any money granted for the purpose a sum not exceeding Mty dollars per annum to any school the head master of which has passed a prescribed examination in the subjects of the mili- tary course and in which school a class of not less than five pupils has been taught for a period of at least six months. 2. Such classes and instruction shall be subject to such in- spection and ovfirsiorlif. «« fhp tj^..* i. n— - • ^ ., may direct. 37 V. c. 27, s. 99. 124 Chap. 205. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. Masters of certain High Schools shall make and trauBinit mete' orological observations. VI. Meteorological Observations. 89f. The master of every High School or Collegiate Institute at which a meteorological station is, or may be, authorized, shall make the requisite observations for keeping, and shall keep a meteorological journal embracing such observations, and kept according to such form as may from time to time be directed by the Education Department, and all such journals orabstracis of them shall be sent monthly by such master to the Minister of Education. 37 V. c. 27, s. 84. SL^i^mS*' ®* ^^^fy a^tlhorized High School or Collegiate Institute meteorological station, shall be piovided, at the expense of the County, City, or Town with the following instruments : One barometer ; one thermometer for the temperature of the air ; one Daniel's hygrometer, or other instrument for showing the dew-point ; one rain-gauge and measure ; one wind-vane ; books for registering observations, and forms and abstracts therefor. 37 V. c. 27, s. 85. Allowance for making mete- orological reports. 84. Every High School and Collegiate Institute meteoro- logical station at which the daily observations are made, as required by law, shall be entitled to an apportionment, addi- tional to that made to the High School out of the High School Fund, at a rate not exceeding fifteen doUara per month for each consecutive month during which such duty is performed, and satisfactory journals or monthly abstracts thereof are fur- nished to the Minister of Education (according to the form and regulations provided by the Education Department), by the head master observer, who shall certify that the observa- tions required have been made with due care and regularity. 37 V. c. 27, s. 86. VII. Prohibitions and Penalties. iMpector not H3. No Inspector of Schools hereinafter appointed, shall, dur- offlces. ° *' '^^S ^is tenure of office, engage in or hold any otlier employment, office, or calling, which would interfere with the full discharge of his duties as Inspector, as required by law. 37 V. c. 27, s. 1(K). No Inspector, trustee, teacher, &c., shall act as agent for the sale of books, maps, &c. 86. No teacher, trustee. Inspector, or other person officially connected with the Education Department, the Normal, Model, Public, or High Schools, or Collegiate Institutes, shall become or act as agent, for any person or persons, to sell, or in any way to promote the sale, for such person or persons, of any school library, prize or text-book, map, chart, school apparatus, furniture, or stationery, or to receive compensation or other remuneration or equivalent for such sale, or for the promotion of sale in any way whatsoever. 37 V. c. 27, s. 101. See also Kev. Stat. c. 204, s. 227. Title XIII.] SEPARATE SCHOOLS. Chap. 206. 126 87. Any person who wilfully interrupts or disquiets any Penalty for High School or Collegiate Institute established and conducted hS'SooIb under the authority of this Act, by rude or indecent behaviour, or by making a noise either within the place where such school is kept or held, or so near thereto as to disturb the order or ex- ercises of the High School or Collegiate Institute, shall, for each offence, on conviction thereof before a Justice of the Peace, on the affidavit of one credible witness, forfeit and pay for Public School purposes to the school section, City, Town or Village, within which the offence was committed, such sum not exceeding twenty dollars, together with the costs of convic- tion, as the said Justice may think fit. 37 V. c. 27, s. 102. , CHAPTER 206. An Act respecting Separate Schools. Short title, s. 1. Protestant and Coloured Separate Schools, SB. 1-17. Oonditions of establishment of, ss. 2 CI), r. Limits, B. 2 (2), Trustees, s. 3. Commencement, &c., s. 4. Voters, s. 5. Union of wards, a. 6. Exemption from and right to cer- tain rates and grants, ss. 8-11, 15. Certificate of teacher, s. 12. P'-^odical returns to Inspector, as. 13, 14. False returns, &c., s. 17. Pow6=^'. of trustees, s. 18. Roman Catholic Separate Schools : Establishment of — election and power of trustees, ss. 19-21. Union of wards orsections.B8.22,23 Powers of trustees, ss. 24-29. Children from other sections, s. 29. Certificates of teachers, s. 30. Supporters of, exempt from cer- tain other rates, ss. 31-34. Withdrawal from support of, s. 35. Residency of supporters, s. 36. Bights of Separate Schools as to grants, &c.,ss. 37, 38. Supporters not to vote at Com- mon School elections, s. 39. Time for establishing Separate School limited, s. 40. Returns by trustees, s. 41. Visitors, s. 42. Inspection, s. 43. Settlement of disputes arising with trustees of, s. 44. HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : — This Act may be cited as " 2%6 S&panOe Schools Act" Short title. 1^26 Chap. 206. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. 1. Protestant and Coloured Separate Schools. Conditions on 3. Upon the application in writing of twelve or more heads ^fh^llfi^ of families resident in any Township, City, Town or Incorpor- Protestants or ated Village, being Protestants, the Municipal Council of the SXmay be ^}^ Township or the Board of School Trustees of any such estabiislied. City, Town or Incorporated Village, shall authorize the establishment therein of one or more Separate Schools for Pro- testants ; and upon the application in writing of twelve or more heads of families resident in any Township, City, Town or Incorporated Village, being coloured people, the Council of such Township or the Board of School Trustees of any such City, Town or Incorporated Village, shall authorize the establish- ment therein, of one or more Separate Schools for coloured peo- ple, and in every such case, such Council or Board, as the case may be, shall prescribe the limits of the section or sections of su'^h Schools. Limits. 2. No person shall be deemed a supporter of any Separate School for coloured people, unless he resides within three miles in a direct line of the site of the school house for such separate school ; aT'd any coloured child residing farther than three miles in a direct line from the said school house, shall be allowed to attend th« Public School of the section within the limits of which the said child resides. C. S. U. C. c. 65, s. 1 ; 32 V c. 44. !?. 9. Three trufit<:es 3. There shall be three trustees for each Separate School, Election ^^^ ^^^^' ^^^ meeting for the election of such trustees, shall *iin public ""^ ^ '^fild and conducted in the manner and according to the schooL. rules provided in " The Public Schools Act " for holding the K«v. Stat. c. first school meeting in a new school section. C. S. XJ. C. c. 65, 204. s. 2. SentMdX-,i. '*• ^^^^ ^"P^ Separate School shall go into operation at the iations. *" ' same time as is provided in the case of altered school sections of Public Schools, and shall, with respect to the persons for whom any school has been established, be under the same re- gulations as Public Schools generally. C. S. U. C. c. 65, s. 3. Voters defined. •I. None but coloured people shall vote at the election of trustees of any separate School established for coloured people, and none but the parties petitioning for the establishment of, or sending children to, a Protestant Separate School, shall vote at the election of trustees of such school. C. S. TJ. C. c. 65 S.4. Unwn of 6. In any City or Town the persons who make application, Tifd to^!*'** according to the provisionH of the second sp^tioR of this Act, may have a Separate School in each ward, or in two or more Title XIII.] SEPARATE SCHOOLS, Ghap. 206. tZT Ta ^65^ r ^^^ ^^ ^^'^°"' "^^ J""*^® expedient. C. S. onh' ?"" ^.rotestant Separate School shall be aUowed in anv s ^ , ^, smbing thereto aoDually an amount equal to the sZ at wS S;r„rn . V ?f t*^ "'''»"' *« ^n"""' Leeislative Public School Grant shall be exempt from the payment of all mt« imposed for the support of the Pablic ffll of such St„ Town Incorporated Village and school section rereetivefv ^ho°/i o'lr 'sr,?/a ^05^.7r °f °^«-""«-ks which such persons send children to or subscribrasafoiSf "''"*'• ZnlTr' °^"f^ ^^P'^^^*^ School ; norldl such ex Z- to pay for school houses, the erection of which waI3er ■money SdtTo!;fKcitfA"'' ^''''! ^^^^^ school NoUo «hare rt«; a Q ^ Municipal Assessment. C. S. U C c i" municipal ""' *»•''• • . . assessment. tivlV^bt Sofrr^^^^^^^^ /" -eh Legist- S.,,eone^s- W of pupils attendin^such S^^^^^^^^^^ Sdtf the average number of pupils attendinf the Pum7S 7" -^ """'• each such City, Town, Incorporated Vfc or S^^^ mean attendance of pupils f o? winter InKmL ^T^^^'? ', '^^ C. S. U. C. c. 65, s. 10. summer being taken. wie oiippuxi; ui sucn separate tSchooI durino- fho +k^„ \ ~1~ cedu>g six month,, and^th, names of t'Kh!l£''sent! S 128 Chap. 206. EDUCATION. t [Title XIII. the amounts subscribed by them respectively, together with the average attendance of pupils in such Separate School dur- ing such period. C. S. U. C. c. 65, s. 12. fe1o'ci:rk X "^V. '^ii.^ 9«""*y In«»P«ctor shall, upon the receipt of such re- and truBtees. *"rn, forthwith make a return to the Clerk of the Municipality and to the trustees of the Public School section or Municipality in which such Separate School is established, stating the names ot all the persons who, being Protestants or coloured persons fas the ca^se may be), contribute or send children to such Separate School. C. S. U. C. c. 65, s. 13. Clerks and trustees to ex- empt from rates sup- porters of separate scnools. is. Except for any rate for building school-houses under- taken befoi he establishment of s-ich Separate School, the Ulerk shall not include in the Collector's roll for the general or other school rate, and the trustees or Board of trustees shall not mclude m their school rolls, any person whose name ap- pears upon such last mentioned return. C. S. U. C. c. 66, s. 14. SeS^el'"'" i**u """^t^le^kor other officer of the Municipality within sor'sroU. ^.^^^^ ^uch beparate School is established, having possession u 1, f^^^^^^^''^ or Collector's roll of the said Municipality shaU allow any one of the said trustees, or their authorized collector, to make a copy of such roll as far as it relates to their school section. C. S. U. C. c. 65, s. 15. Rev. Stat. c. 204 s 242 to *7" ^^f provisions of the two hundred and forty-second 2M,^s.242,to sectjon of "m Public SchooU Act" shall apply to the apply. trustees and teachers of such Separate Schools. 66, s. 16. C. S. U. C. c. Separate school trustees to have same power as public school trustees. 18. The trustees of each such Separate School shall be a bodycorporate under the name of " The Trustees, of the Separate t'. °/l.." m ' (*^ *^® ^^^ ™ay ^) in the Town- ship (City or Town, as the case may be) of and shall have the same power to impose, levy and collect school rates or subscriptions, upon and from persons sending children to, or subscribing towards the support of the Separate bchool, as the trustees of a Public School section have to impose, levy and collect school rates or subscriptions from per- sons having property in the section, or sending children to or subscribing towards the support of the Public School of such section. G. S. U. C. c. 65, s. 17. II. Roman Catholic Separate Schools. l^it:t^ , * •• .^y ^"^^/^- of ^l^rsons, not less than five, being heads Roman Catho. 01 tamilies, and freeholders or householders, resident within m'^tw^^lf'»SPy««^°«l«?iHo° of any Township, incorporated Village or separate ^^'^> 0^ Within any ward of any City or Town, and being •chool. Koman Catholics, mav convftnft n. nnWi'/. maa^-JT* ~ '^f -— desinng to estabhsh a Separate School for Roman Catholics, in Title XIII.] SEPARATE SCHOOLS Chap. 200. 129 such .school sectien or ward, for tho election of trustee.** for the management of the same . 26 V. c. 5, s. 2. 90. A majority of the persons present, being freeholders or Election of householdei-8, and being Roman Catholics, and not candidates gcKVroi. for election an trustees, may, at such meeting, elect three tee»T ""' persons resident within such section or an adjoining section to act as trustees for the management A' such Separate School ; .. ^^ ,. _ and rmy person, being a British subject, not less than twenty- '' one years of age, riiay be elected as a trustee, w'-*'- - '- * - freeholder or householder, or not. 20 V. c. 5, s. whether he be a 3. 91. Notice in writing that such meeting has been held and Written n... of such election of trustees, shall be given by the parties pre- meetfnK'iu^e sent at such meeting to the Reeve or heatl of the Municipality, given, and to or to the Chaiiman of the Board of Public School Trustees in "^11°?* ""'* '" the Township, Incorporated Village, Town or City in which """"'■ such school IS about t. l)e established, designating by their names, professions, and residences, the persons elected in the manner aforesaid, as trustees for the maqagement thereof; and every such notice shall be delivered to the proper officer by one^ of the trustees so elected, and it shall be the duty of the officer receiving the same to endoi-se thereon tho date of the receipt thereof, and to deliver a copy of the same so en- dorsed and duly certified by him to such trustee, and from the day of the delivery and receipt of every such notice, or in the Corporate event of the neglect or refusal of such officer to deliver a copy te^" * 80 endoi-sed and certified, then from the day of the delivery of such notice, the trastees therein named shall be a body corporate, under the name of " The Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate School for the Section number , in the Township of , or for the ward of , in the City or Town (as the case may be) or for the "Village of in the County of ." 26 V. c. 5, s. 4. tru8- 99. The Trustees of Separate Schools heretofore elected, or Union of hereafter to be elected touv,ording to the provisions of this Act y''"''* *'» in the several wards of any City or Town, shall form one body S'* corporate, under the title of « The Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate Schools for the City (or Town) of ." 26 V. c. 5, s. 5. 93. It shall be lawful for the majority of the rate-paying Notice for supporters of the Separate Schools, in each Separate School «"<«» "^ section, whether the sections be in the same or adjoining Muni- J^nT^oTa cipalities, at a public meeting duly called by the Separate separate School trustees of each such section, to form such sections into '"''"^'• a Separate School union section, of which union of sections the Union fonued. trustees shall give notirie within fifteen days to the Clerk or Clerks of the Municipality or Municipalities, and to the Minis- ^r o. JviQCwtion ; sna sacu sucii laeparate oehool union section thus formed, shall be deemed one school section for all Roman 9 180 Chap. 206. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. Corporate name of trus- tees for union. Powers of trustees. Rev. Stat. c. 204. Catholic Separate School purposes, and shall^every year there- after be represented by three trustees, to be elected an in Public School sections. 26 V. c. 5, s- 6 ; 2. And the said trustees shall fonn a body corporate, under the title of " The Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic United Separate Schools for the United Sections Nos. (as the case may be) in the (as the case may be). 26 V. c. 6, s. 6 (2). . 34. The trustees of Separate Schools forming a body cor- porate under this Act, shall have the power to impose, levy and collect school rates or subscriptions, upon and from pei-sons sending children to, or sulwcribing towards the support of such schools, and shall have all the powers in respect of Separate Schools, that the trustees of Public Schools have and \x>a- sess under the provisions of " The Public Softools Act." 26 V. c. 5, s. 7. Trustees may 3tl. The Clerk or other officer of a Municipalitji' witnin or ad- ment rolTof joining which a Separate School is established, having posses- Municipality, sion of the Assessor's or Collector's roll of the said Municipality, shall allow any one of the said tfrustees or their authorized col- lector to make a copy of such roll in so far as it relates to the persons supporting the Separate School under their charge. 26 V. c. 5, s. 8. Declaration by 36. The trustees of Sepai"ate Schools shall take and sub- sepwate"^ scribe the following declaration before any Justice of the schools. Peace, Reeve or Chairman of the Board of Public Schools : "I, , will truly and faithfully, to the beat of my judgment " and ability, discharge the duties of the office of School Trustee to which " I have been elected : " '' And they shall perform the same duties and be subject to the same penalties as tnistees of Public Schools ; and teachers of Separate Schools shall be liable to the same obligations and penalties as teachers of Public Schools. 26 V. c. 5, s. 9. Term of oflSce of trustees. Rev. Stat, c. 204, 8. 49. 07. The trustees of Separate Schools shall remain respect- ively in office for the same periods of time that the trustees for Public Schools do, and as is provided by the forty-ninth section of " The Public Schools Aqt ; " but no trustee shall be re-elected without his consent, unless after the expiration of four years from the time he went out of office. Proviso : 2. Wherever in any City or Town divided into wards, a *°^twib^ard ^^^^'^ Board now exists, or is hereafter established, there in'oities and * shall be for every ward two trustees, each of whom, after towns. the first election of trustees shall continue in office two i Title ^ m.] SEPARATE SCHOOLS. Chap. 206. 131 yearH and until his successor has. been elected, dud one of such trustees shall retire on the second Wednesday in January, yearly in rotation. .26 V. c. 5, s. 10. 98. After the establishment of any Separate School, the An to time and trustees thereof shall hold office for tne same period and be {^"^^ "' "*'*" elected at the same time each year that the Trustees of Public Schools are, and all the provisions of " The Public Schools Act," Certain provl- relating to the mode and time of election, appointments and ^'j™" "' ^^• duties of Chairman and Secretary nt the annual meeting, term toappiy. ' of office and manner of fillinj^ up vacancies, shall be deemed and held to apply to this Act. 26 V. c. 5, s. 11. 99. The trustees of Separate Schools may allow children Children from from other scliool sections, whose parents or lawful guardians "*''" "chool are Roman Catholics, to be received into any Separate School under their management, at the request of sucn parents or guardians ; and no children attending such School shall be included in the return hereafter required to be made to the Minister of Education, unless they are Roman Catholics. 26 V. c. 5. s. 12. * 26 30. The teachers of Separate Schools under this Act shall CertificateH to be subject to the same examinations, and receive their certifi- JelJ^rate "^ cates of qualification, in the same manner as Public School schools, teachers generally ; but the persons qualified by law as teachers, .shall be considered qualified teachers for the purpose of this Act. 26 V. c. 5, s. 13. 31. Every person paying rates, whether as proprietor or tenant, who, by himself or his agent, on or before the first day of Mnrch in any year, gives to the Clerk of the Municipality notice in writing that he is a Roman Catholic, and supporter of a Separate School situated in the said Municipality or in a Mu- nicipality contiguous thereto, shall be exempted from the pay- ment of all rates imposed for the support of Pub!ic Schools, and of Public School Libraries, or for the purchase of land or erec- tion of buildings for Public School purposes, within the City, Town, incorporated Village or section, in which he resides, for the then current year, and every subsequent year thereafter, while he continues a supporter of a Separate School ; and such notice shall not be required to be renewed annually ; and it shall be the duty of the trustees of every Separate School to transmit to the Clerk of the Municipality or Clerks of Muni- cipalities (as the case may be), on or before the first day of June in each year, a correct list of the names and residences of all persons supporting the Separate Schools under their man- agement ; and every ratepayer whose name does not appear on sucli lisv, Siiau uQ "atsct iOr the support Oj. i ublic lochoois. 26 V. c. 5, s. 14. Supporters of Heparate Honools ex- empto'l fmm payment of puolic Buhool rates on giving a certain notice. Notice need not be renewed yearly. 132 Chap. 206. EDUCATION. [Title XIII. 39. Every Clerk of a Municipality, upon receiving any .such notice, shall deliver a certificate to the penson giving such no- tice, to the etfect that the same has been given, and showing the date of such notice. 26 V. c. 5, s. 15. Peimltv for 33. Any person who fraudulently gives any such notice, or ^at«mentirin wilfully makes any false statement therein, shall not thereby Buch notice, secure any exemption from rates, and shall be liable to a penalty of forty dollars, recoverable with costs, before any Jus- tice of the Peace at the suit of the Municipality interested. 26 V. c. 5, 8. 16. Certiflcates notice. Exemption aa to rates im- posed l)efore separate Hctiool estab- lialied. 34. Nothing in the last three preceding sections contained, shall exempt any person from paying any rate for the support of Public Schools or Public School Libraries, or for the erection of a School House or School Houses, imposed before the estab- lishment of such Separate School. 26 V. c. 5, s. 17. Pereons witli- 3tS. Any Roman Catholic who may desire to withdraw his ^rtf?omX- support from a Separate School, shall give notice in writing to parate School the Clerk of the Municipality, before the second Wednesday in to give notice, jajjyj^iy j^ any year, otherwise he shall be deemed a supporter of such School. * Proviso. 2. But any person who has withdrawn his support from any Roman Catholic Separate School, shall not be exempted from paying any rate for the support of Separate Schools or Separate School Libraries, or for the erection of a Separate School House, imposed before the time of his withdrawing such sup- port from the Separate School. 26 V. c. 5, s. 18. ReBidenceof 36. No person shall be deemed a su])porter of any Separate sepMa^e*'^ °^ School unless he resides within three miles (in a direct line) of sch^ls. the site of the School House. 26 V: c. 5, s. 19. Separate 37. Every Separate, School shall be entitled to a share in tl*edto a^^hjkre *^^ ^^^^ annually granted by the Legislature of this Province of the public for the support of Public Schools, and shall be entitled also to a grant. share in all other public granis, investments and allotments for Public School purposes now made or hereafter to be made by the Province or the Municipal authorities, according to the average number of pupils attending such school during the twelve next preceding months, or during the number of months which may have elapsed from the establishment of a new Separate School, as compared with the whole average number of pupils attending school in the same City, Town, Village or Township. 26 V. c. 5, s. 20. But not to 38. Nothing herein contained shall entitle any such Separ- any share of ^^^ Sf»hnnl within anv Citv. Town, incorporated Villaore nr local assesa- -— ~V."" . ,•' '',. e' i. t . r ment for pub- Township, to any part or portion of school moneys arising or lie schools. accruing from local assessment for Public School purposes Title XIII.] SEPARATE SCHOOLS. Chap. 206. 133 within the City, Town, Village or Township, or the County or Union of Counties within which the City, Town, Village or Township is situate. 26 V. c. 5, 8. 21. 8©. No person subscribing towards the support of a Sepa- Supportem of rate School, established as herein provided, or sending children ^oKh notto thereto, shall be allowed to vote at the election of any trustee vote at ulec- f( a Public School in the City, Town, Village, or Township, in fl;;^,!^;!^^"^ which such Separate School is situate. 20 V. c. H, s. 25. truBtee*. 40. The election of trustees for any Separate School shall Eloution of become void, unless a Separate School is established under t^becomr *"* their management, within three months from the election of void. such trustees. 26 V. c. 5, s. 24. 41. The trustees of each Separate School shall, on or before R«tumtoi)e the thirtieth day of June, and the thirty-first day of December by ?J1^8t^^8 of every year, transmit to the Minister of Education a correct return of the names of the children attending such school, together with the average attendance during the six next pre- ceding months, or during the number of months which have elapsed since the establishment thereof, and the number of months it has been so kept open ; and the Minister shall, there- upon, determine the proportion which the trustees of such Separate School are entitled to receive out of the Legislative grant, and shall pay over the amount thereof to such trustees. 26 V. c. 5, -8. 22. 49. The Minister of Education, all Judges, Members of the Visitors of Legislature, the heads of the Municipal bodies in their respec- ^^\^^'^ tive localities, the Inspectors of Public Schools, and the Clergy- men of the Roman Catholic Church, shall be Visitors of Sepa- rate Schools. 26 V. c. 5, s. 23. 43. The Roman Catholic Separate Schools (with their Regis- J^^^fJ''^" °* ters) shall be subject to such inspection as may be directed Mi^Bter of from time to time, by the Minister of Education, and shall be Education, subject also, to such regulations, as may be imposed, from time to time, by the Education Department. 26 V. c. 5, s. 26. 44. In the event of any disagreement between trustees of Disagrreement Roman Catholic Separate Schools, and Inspectors of Public teea'^f^^f' Schools, or other municipal authorities, the case in dispute shall tom^ 4o. be referred to the equitable arbitrament of the Minister of Education, subject, nevertheless, to appeal to the Lieutenant- Governor in Council, whose award shall be final in all cases. 26 V. c. 6, s. 27. See also Rev. Slat. c. 203, s. (3;. 184 Chap. 207. EDUCATION. [Title XIll. CHAPTER 207. An Act respecting Conveyances to Trustees for School Purposes. Conveyance '..o trustoes for school sitCB, 8. 1. PowtirB of truBtoes, b. 2. Rugiatration of deed, h. 3. "A HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : — Conveyance of 1. In case any persons residing in Ontario, interested in whoofslter a^y school established in any City, Town, Village, or Township to tnisteeg. therein, whether as parents of children frequenting such schools, or aa contiibutors to the same, or both, have occasion, or are desirous to take a conveyance of real property for the use of such schools, such persons may elect from among themselves, and appoint any number of trustees, not exceeding seven noi- less than five, to whom, and to whose successors, to be appointed in the manner specified in the deed of conveyance, the real pro- perty requisite for such school may be conveyed. 37 V. c. 27, 8.95. Powew of trustees to hold. 9. Any such trustees, and their successors in perpetual suc- cession, by the name expressed in such deed, may take, hold, and possess such real property, and commence and maintain any action at Law or in Equity for the inotection thereof, and of their right thereto ; but there shall not be held in trust as aforesaid, more than ten acres of land at any time, for any one school. Registration of deed. 2. This section shall not extend to Public Si hools. 37 V. c 27, 8. 96. 3. The trustees shall, within twelve months after the exe- cution of any such deed, cause the same to be registered in the Registry Oflice of the Registration Division in which the land lies. 37 V. c. 27, s. 97. [See also Rev. iStat c. 205, ss. 67-73.] TiTLK XIII.] INDUSTRIAL WJHOOLS. Chap. 213. 186 for CHAPTER 213. An Act respecting Industrial Schools. Short title, ■. 1. Interpretation, a. 2. Preliniinnriet to eatablishnient of, as. 3, 4. Power of police magiatrate to com- mit to, aa. 5-7. Roman Catholic children, proviao reapecting, a. 8. Viaita by clergymen, a. 9. Placing out of children with ap- proved peraons, aa. 10-13. Apprenticing, a. 15. Aliniater of Education may order diacharge from, a. 14. Hulea, a. 16. Payment of coat of maintenance by parent, Ac, aa. 17-1!*. Liability of other corporaticma for maintenance in certain caaua, a. 20. Apprehetiaion on eacape, &o.', a. 21. Apportionment of grant of legiala- ture, a. 22. Inapection, a. 23. Surrender of child to parenta, <&c. , a. 24. Appeala from Miniaterof Education, B. 25. HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of tlif '' • ince of Ontario, enacts as follows : — 1. This Act may be cited as " The Industrial Schools Act." Short title. SI. A school in which industrial t mining is provided, and in industrial which children are lodged, clothed and fed, as well as taught, ♦[y^'^i ''''^*"" shall exclusively be deenui i an Industrial School within the meaning of this Act. 37 V. c. 29, s, 1. 3. In case the Puliiic School Board of Trustees for any City, In cities, ex- or the Separate School Trustees therein, establish an Indu.strial iJ^j"*'^oJr ^^ School, and provide the necessary building or buildings, cither report by purchase, lease or otherwise, and provide the other requisites *''«''«°'»- for such Schools, and cause notice thereof to be given to the Gty Inspector of Public Schools, the said Inspector shall make an examination of the school buildings so provided, and of their fitness for the reception of children, and shall enquire as to the other requisites provided, and shall enquire also into the means adopted for carrying on the School, and shall report the said particulars to the Minister of Education ; and if the Certificate by Minister is satisfied with the report of the Inspector, he may, ^l""^."" °* in writing under his hand, certify that the School is a fit and proper one for the reception of children to be sent there, and School for the purposes of this Act. 37 V. c. 29, s. 2. 136 Chap. 213. EaJUCATION. [Title XIII. Sca^iind , ^•. ^^® "°*^^^^ ^^ *^® S'^^^ of the certificate shall forthwith evidence "« given by the Board to the Police Magistrate, and shall like- thereof, wise be inserted by the Board in the Ontario Gazette ; and a copy of the Gazette containing the notice shall be conclusive evidence of the grant, which may also be proved by the certifi- cate itself, or by an instrument puiporting to be a copy of the certificate, and attested as such by the Minister of Education for the time being, or his Deputy. 37 V. c. 29, s. 3. ^en'^u'idet^*'' 9 "^"^ person may bring before the Police Magistrate any fourteen may child apparently under the age of fourteen years, who comes before mice within any of the following descriptions, namely :— Magistrate. (1) Who is found begging or receiving alms, or being in any street or public place for the purpose of begging or receiving alms ;. (2) Who is found wandering, and not having any home or settled place of abode or proper guardianship, or not having any lawful occupation or business, or visible means of subsis- tence ; (3) Who is found destitute, either being an oi-phan or hav- ing a surviving parent who is undergoing penal servitude or imprisonment ; (4) Whose parent, step-parent or guardian represents to the Police Magistrate that he is unable to control the child, and that he desires the child to be sent to an Industrial School un- der this Act ; (5) Who, by reason of the neglect, drunkenness or other vices of parents, is suffered to be growing up without salutary Earental control and education, or in circumstances exposing im to lead an idle and dissolute life. 39 V. c. 29, s. 4. ^^e^ *• -f^ *^® ^°^^^® Magistrate is satisfied on enquiiy that it is child to school; expedient to deal with the child under this Act, he may order ^"ordl? °^ ^^™ ^ ^® ^®^* ^" * certified Industrial School ; which order shall be in writing, and shall specify the name of the School, and the time for which the child is to be detained in the School, being such time as to the Police Magistrate seems proper for the teach- ing and training of the child, but not in any case extending beyond the time when the child will attain the age of sixteen years. 37 V. c. 29, s. 5. Admission to the schools. Powers as to instruction and employ- ment. 7. The said School Corporations may admit into the Indus- trial Schools established by them, all children apparently under the age of fourteen years, who are committed to the said School by the Police Magistrate ; and the said corporations respectively shall have power to place the said children at such euipioy- ment:3, and cause them to be instructed in such branches of use- ' Title XIIL] INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS. Chap. 213. 137 ful knowledge, as are suitable to their years and capacities. 37 V. c. 29, s. 6. 8. In case an Industrial School is established by the Roman Roman Catho- Catholic Separate School Trustees in any city, the Police Magis- "" ''^^'^^• trate shall endeavour to ascertain the religious persuasion to . which every child to be sent by him to an Industrial School belongs, and shall, as far as practicable, send Roman Catholic children to the Roman Catholic Industrial School and other children to the other Industrial School : and if a parent or guar- dian, or in case there is no parent or guardian, then if the nearest adult relative of a child in a Roman Catholic Separate School claims that the child should be sent to the Indu.strial School under the said Board of Trustees, or claims that a child in an Industrial School established by the latter should be sent to the Roman Catholic Separate School, the Minister of Educa- tion, on being satisfied of the justness of such claim, shall or- der a transfer of the child accordingly, provided that the managers of the School to which the transfer is to be made are willing to receive the child. 37 V. c. 29, s. 7. •. A minister of the religious persuasion to which a child V"iti by appears to belong may visit the child at the School on such days ''''"'^''^"• aiid at such times as may be from time to time fixed by regula- tions of the Education Department in that behalf, for the purpose of instruction in religion. 37 V. c. 29, s. 8. 10. The School Corporation may permit a child sent to their children may Industrial School under this Act to live at the dwelling of any '^^^^^ with trustworthy and respectable person, so that a report is made ^"^na?'"'* forthwith to the Minister of Education, in such manner as he thinks fit to require, of every instance in which this discretion is exercised. 37 V. c. 29, s. &. U. Any permission for that purpose may be revoked at any Revocation of time by the School Corporation ; and thereupon the child to permisaion to whom the permission relates shall be required to return to the school""* ° school. 37 V. c. 29, s. 10. ISI. The time during which the child is absent from the School Time of ab- under permission shall, except where the permission is with- cSat^ drawn on account of the child's misconduct, be deemed to be part of the time of his detention in the School, and, at the ex- Return to piration of the time allowed by the permission, he shall be "chool. taken back to the School. 37 V. c. 29, s. 11. 13. A child escaping from the person with whom he is placed, What shall be or refusing to return to the School on the revocation of the per- f^m^hwl^ mission or at the expiration of the time allowed thereby, shall be deemed to have escaped from the school. 37 V. c. 29, 8. 12. 138 Chap. 213. EDUCATION. Title XIII. age from 8cnooL Apprenticing, Rules for man' agement ; power to make. Evidence of. 14. The Minister of Education may at any time order any child to be discharged from a certified Industrial School, either absolutely or on such conditions as he thinks fit, and the child shall be discharged accordingly. 37 V. c. 29, s. 13. . IS. The School Corporation may at any time djuring the period of the detention of a child in a School, if he has con- ducted himself well in the School, bind him, with his own con- sent, apprentice to any trade, calling or service, and every such binding shall be valid and effectual to all intents. 37 V. c. 29 s. 14. ' 16. The said School Corporation may from time to time make rules for the management and discipline of the certified Indus- trial School established by the Board, such rules not being incon- sistent with the provisions of this Act ; but the rules shall not be enforced until they have been approved by the Education Department ; dnd rules so approved shall not be altered with- out the like approval ; a printed copy of the rules purporting to be rules of a School so approved and signed by the Minister of Education shall be evidence of the rules of the School 37 V. c. 29, s. 15. t SrTnt,*&c.f to *'!• ^.""JH ?o«lPl^i°t of the School Corporation or of any maintain a agent ot the School Coi-poration, at any time during the deten- child. tion of a child in a certified Industrial School, the Judge of the Division Court of the Division in which the parent, step-parent or guardian of the child resides, may, on summons to the parent, step-parent or guardian.in the form or to the effect of the Sched- ule to this Act, issued and served according to the ordinary prac- tice of the Court, examine into his ability to maintain the child, and the Judge may, if he thinks fit, make an order on such parent, step-parent or guardian for the payment to the School Corporation of such weekly sum, not exceeding one dollar per week, as to the Judge seems reasonable, during the whole, or any part of the time during which the child is liable to be detained in the School, and the said order shall for all pur- poses be a judgment of the said Division Court. 37 V. c 29 8. 16. ' Varying the order for main' teuance. 18 The Judge making such order, or any other Judge hold- ing the said Division Court, may from time to time vary any such order as circumstances require, on the application either of the person on whom the order is made, or of the School Cor- poration or its agent, on fourteen days' notice of the applicatioP being first given to the other party. 37 V. c. 29, s. 17. fwtabt^n^'' *»• The officers of the Court shall be entitled to charge fees anoe. upon proceedings had under the two next preceding sections, according to the lowest Division Court scale, and in every case all costs shall be in the discretion of the Judge. 37 V. c. 29, s. 18. Title XIII.] INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS. Chap. 213. 139 90. In case a child sent by a Police Magistrate to an Indus- Liability of trial School, has not resided in the city for a period of one ttm/toSi year, but has resided for that period in some other county, tenance City, or separated Town, the Sch6ol Corporation may recover Sence^of' from the Corporation of such County, City, or separated Town the child, the expense of maintaining the child ; or if the child, although he or she had resided for a period of one year in the City in which the Industrial School is situated, had, since such resi- dence, been resident for a period of one year in some other Municipality, the School Corporation may, in like manner, re- cover the expense of maintenance from the County, City, or separated Town in which the child last resided for a peiiod of one year. 37 V. c. 29, s. 19. 91. If a child sent to a c-' «^^" ^e reimbursed by the union school section so lej^aJized, and any agreement be- tween the majority of the assessed f reeholdei-s and householders in such school section and the trustees of such union, shall be legal and binding ; and in ca^e uo such agreement can be m3 K ;t "" the amount of such expenditure shall be deter- mined by the award ot competent persons, one of whom not cLed an^ the respective councils of the municipalities con- cerned, and such persons with the inspector or inspectors hav- nW^'^'^^^r/? *^'- '''^''^^' municipalities or the ma ority of them, shall determine the amount which such union school section IS liable to pay for such expenditure. be? thp SZ^^r P''r°n '"^ ^""^^^^^^ ^«»l^l be an even num- \Vhen county ber, the senior County Court Judge shall be added. Ju'itre to act'^ as one of the 3. Any amoimt agreed upon or awarded as aforesaid, may be !'''"™*'"^- levied a. part of the expenditures of the union schoo Son ^Cr^fZ'L SL^r"'"'"^ r^'"' ^V°^*y ^' l«^^«d proportionably durin^«-<^• dp W,r^''' ^«*,T««di?g t«°. o^- according to the tenor of an J debentures issued for such expenditure, w^ch if still ouistand- mg are to be assumed and paid by the union school section. • "* A^y school-house for which such expenditure has been incurred, shall become the property of the Union School Cor- poration, subject to re-imbursement or payment as aforesaid. ...f pnated to, educational purposes, in public securities of the "'""'' Dommion municipal debentures, or in first mortgages on real estate, held and used for farming purposes, and being the first hen on such real estate, and from time to time, as such securi- ties mature, may mvest in other like securities, or in the securi- ties already authorized bylaw, as maybe directed by such by-law or other by-laws passed for that purpose. 2. No sum 80 invested shall exceed two-thirds of the value Proviso: ot the real estate on which it is secured, according to the last »• *" *"^««*- revised and corrected assessment roll, at the time it is so in- ""*"*■ 204^8 93^^ ^' ''■ *^' '■ ^^^" '^'^ ^- ^^"'^- ""■ ^^' "• ^ = ""^ «• 3«l. Any Municipal Corporation having sun)lus moneys set L««u« t<. apart tor educational purposes, may, by by-law, invest the same "chooltnwtees. in a loan or loans to any Board or Boards of School Trustees within the limits of the Municipality, for such term or terms and at such rate or rates of interest as may be agreed upon b\'' and between the parties to such loan or loans respectively and may be set forth in such by-law ; or may by by-faw grant any Aid i ..r portion of such moneys or other general funds by way of «^h' .li Souh gift to aid poor School Sections within the municipality 30 V. c 48, 8. 271. See Rev. Stat. c. 204, s. 94. ^' ^\ irl",^ ^°"°*'" °^ ^"L^"^ Township, City, Town or incor- ByUw. „«>• ' porated Village may pass by-laws — be made for^ Sdioola. onger reiiuired ; and tor providing for the establishment and support of Public Schools according to law : 36 V c 4« s 379 (6). Bu tec. 241 of thuAct, Iheaerk of every Toumthip, Village or Toum it reauired to m,dcea return annualli, to the County Clerk of {among other thimt) : ^ " TmS^IUU^'^'***^''' "" "*"*""' "^ ^'^^ "'"' -^'''"•'"''"' 'xe'wive of School I '^"^''Kf^*.?^^'** County Clerk i* required to return to the Provincial Secretaru 1. The nuviher of School Intpectort. 2. The aiMunt paid to School Inspectort. 10 146 Rev. Stat. c. 174. miscellaneous acts. [Part HI. hi By.Uw. m»y 465. The Council of any County, City and Town separated b« iii«do for- ^^^^ ^'^^ County for municipal purposes, may pass by-laws for the following purposes : Lands ftrr High Schools. Acciulrlng .i. For obtaining in such part of the County, or of any City ffi h SchooU "*■ I'owi separated within the County, as the want* of the pwple rtc? ' may most require, the real property rec|ui9ite for erecting High School houses thereon, and for other Higli School purposes, and for preserving, improving and repairing such school houses, and for disposing of such property when no longer required ; 36 V. c. 48,8. 383(5). Aiding High Schools. Aiding High g. For making provisions in aid of such High Schools as S^h""'"- may be deemed expedient ; 36 V. c. 48, s. 383 (6). Supporting PupiU at Uwiueraity and High Schools. 7. For making a permanent provision for defraying the expenses of the attendance at the University of Toronto, and at the Upper Canada CoUege and Royal Grammar School in Toronto, of such of the pupils of the public High Schools of the County as are unable to incur the expense, but are desirous of, and in the opinion of the respective mastera of such High Schools, possess competent attainments for competing for any scholarship, exhibition or other similar prize offered by such University or College ; 36 V. c. 48, s. 383 (7). (See also Rev. Stat. c. 205, s. 32 (4.) Similar pro- 8. For making similar provision toi the attendance at any vwion for j^- j, yghool, for like purposes, of pupils of Public Schools of 'KAhooll the Municipality ; 36 V. c. 48, s. 383 (8). (See also Meo. SUU. c. 205. s. 32 (.5.) Endowing Fellowships. Hiulowing f«l- y. For endowing such fellowships, scholarships or exhibitions, l.)W8hii«in and other similar prizes, in the University of Toronto, and in ivmX'and* the Upper Canada College and Royal Grammai- School at V. V. College. Toronto, for competition among the pupils of the Public High Schools in the County, as the Council deem expedient for the encouragement of learning amongst the youth thereof ; 36 V, c. 48, s. 383 (9). (See also Rev. Stat. c. 205, s. 32 (6.) Supiiprting uwtain High hichool pupilH at University of Toronto *ndU.C. Col- lide, etc. Pabt III] ASSESSMENT AfT. Rev Stat. c. 180. 147 CHAPTEK 180. An Act respecting the Assessment of Property. tor ail information required bv this Act tn l>^ „„* *j i Vi ^ «"'" out name m tull of every person &ssnvicr\ anA t\.^ „ i ■ 'orm.coii. thereof, or for the oommntatioTotZ^S^^Ztt/^Jr columns any snecial mtf fm- „^ii , . 7, ^"ffJur, and in other ----- -->~~ *««v/, ui iws snare 01 Other tax or rate lawfully imposed lor mvincial or ln,.«l ^ "^ «<"«' poses, shall supply, out of the fundM nf hT m -^ .• P"^" ''^ *"" 148 RBOULATU)N»— PUBLIC 8CHOOI,8. [Pl»T IV. PART IV. REGULATK NS OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. TlTtK 160. IM. *■ Oh»p!''l.--««hool UieoiingB in Rural Hch-Hjl Sections, p. l,~Notice of Mvftinyii. '2.—Piof^edingii at /Inntto/ Meetnuju. •X — Simiul iiirectio)ui for Preiriding EjMtnitieis. b.—Euka to be obnerved by Candidates. Q.—Caiididateg from the Normal Schwln, 7.— Appeals to tlie Minister. B. Professional Examination : 1. — Model Hdujoh. 2. — Nonmd MwoLi. " » —Monitors' and Assistants' Certificates, p. 170. «' 10 —Teachers' Certiticat«8 in new Townships, p. J70. l.—Iitspectora' Special CertiAcates. 2.—iyistrict CerOJicaten. Q.— Second Glass Provincial CertifUates. «' 11.— Masters and Teachers, p. 177. 1. — Masters. 2. — Asddant Teucfiem. 3,— Mooters ewid Teacher.s. " 12.— Duties of Pupils, p. 183. " 13.— Hours of Daily Teaching, p. 184. " 14.— Religious Instruction, p. 184. I.— General Principle. 2.— Opening mul Glodiuj Prayers for the day- 3, Weekly KeliyUma ln<)trU4ition. 11 15.— Course of Study, p. 18G. << 16.— Authorized text Books, p. 186. " 17— Schools in new and poor Townships, p. 187. Paht I V.J TABULAR AWALYHIM OP REfUTLATIONS. 140 M II II II 11 TiTH II.— Normal and Modil Sinnoi^, ;i. 189, 0)mi>. i.— Keipoitiihilitv o( l*rinci(>ftli and Mwituni, p. 180. " 2.— Tnnnirij{ <>(H«oiitid-ClaimT«iM!hfini, 1>. I81». " 3.— Training ■•( Finit-(lla*i Tenoimm, \>. HC2. 4.— RoardiuK Hinuus for jmpiU, p. IH3. ft. — Kxaniiiiation of Candidatei, p. 194. 6.— County MlB, p. 194. 1. — (VmditUri^ of K^tahlinhimni, 2. — i^oiuiwt of. 3. — Imtpecfioii. i. — CaiuUit/iteji ti'h'i iihiUlht- lulmitUil. TiTll ril.— HlOH 8«JHOOM ANI» Ooi,l,IJUIATK iNMTITtrTBH, p. 198 Chap. I.— Conditions of KstahlishnuMif, p. 198. " 2. — AccominiKlation, p. 199. " 3.— Inipeotors, p. 200. 1— Dutifji. 2. — TrnvflHiuf Ex^ ■nK'-i. " 4.— MMtow, p. 202. l.—vertijica(e» of (^ it'/.i'nt','m. (1). — Head Mum ■>:'. (2). — AsHurtutUi ( .■ M>'nUor$, 2. — NHmb*r ami De/rUfttatimi. 3. — Piwertand JhUien, " 6. -Pupils, p. 204. 1. — AdmiiMoH. 2. — LhitieH. 6, — Temu, School Hours, Holidays and Vacatifins, p. 207. 7.— Religions Instruction, p. 208. 8 —Course of Studv, p. 209. 9.— Intermediate Examination, p. 210. 1. — General RegiUatiotu. 2. —Mode of emuluctlwi ExuminatUm. (1). — PrelimitMry Direct wtui. (2). — Directw)t» firr Prenidtng Emmhiera. (3). — RuUn to be obaerved by <'uitdidate». " 10. — Semi-Annual Apportionment of Legislative Grant, p, 214. " 11.— Authorized Text Books, p. 210. '* 12.— Meteorological Stations, p. 215. TiXLB IV — MisoEttANBouH Rbuulationh, p. 217. Chap. 1 — Inspection of Roman Catholic Separate Schools, p. 217. " 2.— Superannuated Teachers' Fund, p. 218. 1. — Persoiut entitled. 2. — Preliminary Ciinditioiui, 3. — Siibiiefiuent Conditions. 4. — When A llowance» may cease. 5. — Provinions in com of ivithdraioal w deceasf. 3. — Teachers' Associations, p. 221. 4. — Libraries, p. 222. 1. — Eitahliakmcid. 2. — Miscellaneous Regulations ejecting. 5. — Authorization of Library and Prize Books, p. 226. 6. — Purchase of Library and Prize Bo^iks, p. 228. (1) From Booksellers. (2) Depository Branch. TrriK V — Afpendicbs to REauLAxions, p. 228. A.— Course of Study in Public Schools, p. 229. B.— Subjects of Examination of Candidates for Curtiiioates as Public School Teachers, p. 235. C— List of Authorized Text Books in Public Schools, p. 239. D. — Instructions to Public School Inspectors, p. 241. E. — ^Duties of Treasurers and Auditors as to School Moneys, p. 242. r. — Form oi Agioomuut for enKugeiaeui of rubiic School Teaohera, p. 244. G, — Syllabus of Lectures — County Model Schooti, p. 245, II II (I II 150 Chap. 1. REGULATIONS — PUBLIC SCHOOLS [PaRT IV H.— Subjects of Examination for AdmisBion to High Sohoola, p. 253. I.— Course of Study in High Schools, p. 264. 1. — Lower School, p. 254. 2 — Upper School, p. 255. J.— List of Authorized Text Books in High Schools, p. 257. K.— Forms of Prayer, p. 260. L.— Instructions to Examiners, p. 261. TITLE I. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. School Meet- ings. f fi CHAPTER 1. School Meetings in Rural School Sections. 1, — Notice of meetings. 1. The notice calling an annual or special school meeting, may be signed by the secretary, by direction of the trustees, or by a majority of the trustees themselves ; the corporate seal need not be attached to it ; copies of such notices should be put up in at least three of the most public places in the section, at least six days before the time of holding the meeting. (Uev. Stat., c. 204, s. 44 and s. 102, sub-sec. 25.) 2. — Proceedings at Annvxil Meeting. Annual School 2. The senior or other trustee present, shall at the proper Meetings, how hour (10 o'clock, and not later than half -past), call the meeting orgMUMd. ^ order, and request the ratepayers present to appoint a chair- man and secretary from among themselves. The chairman, on election, shall at once take the chair, and shall preserve order and decorum, and shall decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the meeting. He may give a casting vote, but no other. The secretary shall record in writing all the votes and pro- ceedings of the meeting. (Rev. Sti.t., c. 204, s. 45, 46, 47, 48 & 51.) Order of bud- 3. The following shall be the order of business at the meet- neas aX annual ^^„ . meetings. ^^^ Calling the me. ing to order. (2) Election of chairman and secretarj'. (3) Reading of trustees' annual report and auditors' state- ment of receipts and ■ ::penditure. (4) Receivmg and deciding upon trustees' report. (5) Receiving and deciding" upon auditors' statement. (6) Election of trustee to iill the vacancy at the end of the past year. (7) Election of trustee or trustees to fill any other vacancy. (8) Election of auditor, Part IV]. RURAL SCHOOL SECTIONS. Chap. 1. 151 (9) Any other Vtusiness of which due notice has been given. 4. The following rules of order should be observed at the RtUes of order meetings : — *" '^ obHervetl (1) Addremng chahinan. — Every elector shall rise pre- nieeting». viously to speaking, and address himself to the chairman. (2) Order of apeaJdng. — When two or more electors rise at once, the chairman shall name the elector who shall speak firat, when the other elector, or electors, shall next have the right to address the meeting in the order named by the chairman. (3) Motwa to he read, — Each elector may require the question or motion under discussion to be read for his information at any time, but not so as to interrupt an elector who may be speaking. (4) Speaking hoice, — No elector shall speak more than twice on the same question or amendment without leave of the meet- ing, except in explanation of something which may have been misunderstood, or until every one choog'ng to speak shall have spoken. (5) Poll demanded. — The names of those who vote for, and of those who vote against, the question, shall be entered upon the minutes if two electors require it. (6) Votes. — ^AU votes shall be taken in the manner desired by a majority of electors present, but a poll may be required by any two electors, when it must be granted by the chairman. The votes tendered shall be recorded by the secretary. In case objection is made to the right of any person to vote, the chairman shall, at the request of any ratepayer, require the person whose vote is questioned, to make the declaration pro- vided by law. After making it the vote must be received and recorded without further question. But if such person refuses to make such declaration, the vote is to be rejected. (7) Protest. — No protest against an election, or other pro- ceedings of the school meeting, shall be received by the chair- man. All protests must be sent to the inspector within twenty days at least after the meeting. (8) Adjournment. — A motion to adjourn a school meeting shall always be in order, provided that no second motion to the same eflfect shall be made until after some intermediate proceedings shall have been had. (9) Motions to he in writing and seconded. — A motion can- not be put from the chair, or debated, unless the same be in vmting (if required by the chairman), and seconded. (10) Withdrawal of motion. — After a motion has been an- nounced or read by the chairman, it shall be deemed to be in possession of the meeting ; but may be withdrawn at any time before decision by the consent of the meeting. (11) Kind of motions to he received. — When a motion is under debate no other motion shall be received, unless to amend it, or to postpone it, or for adjournment. (12) Order of putting motion. — All questions shall be put in the order in which they are moved. Amendments .shall all be put before the main motion : the last amendment first, and so on. 162 Chap. 1. REGULATIONS— PUBLIC SCHOOLS. [PaHT IV. CloM of meet ing. Transmission of minutes. (13) Re-considering 'motion. — A motion to re-conaider a vote may be made by any elector at the .same meeting ; but no vote of re -consideration .shall l)e taken more than once on the same question at the same meeting. 5. The poll for every election of a trustee shall not close before eleven o'clock in the forenoon, but may close at any time thereafter after the lapse of a full hour without the polling of any vote. Such poll shall not be kept open after four o'clock in the afternoon. (Rev. Stat., c. 204, s. 41.) 6. At the close of the proceedings the chairman should sign the minutes, as entered by the secretary in the minute-book, and the chairman must forthwith send to the inspector a copy ^ of such minutes (signed by himself and the secretary), under a penalty of five dollars. (Rev. Stat., c. 204, s. 50, and s. 246.) ^^f p°"bii^ 7. Every trustee, on his election, is required by law to make Sch«)l trustees * declaration of office in presence of the chairman of the in rural sec- meeting or within two weeks afterwards. If the chairman *"""• himself be elected he must within the same period make the declaration before the secretary of the meeting. The tru-stee, however, is a legal trustee from the day of his election until he is legally removed, or his election duly set aside. (Rev. Stat. c. 204, s. 19.) 3. — Proceedings at Special School Meetvngs. Spedai school 8. As far as possible special school meetings shall be con- mee ngs. ducted in the same way as annual school meetings. deferred 9. Deferred school meetings are governed by the provisions school meet- <,£ ^y gt^t., C. 204, S. 53. Contracts or agreements. CH \PTER 2. Powers and Duties of Trustees in Rural Sections, These are defined in the Public Schools Act.* The following regulations are further prescribed for the guidance of trustees : — 1. Every contract or agreement with teachers or other parties must be in writing, and sealed with the corporate seal of the trustees, or otherwise the trustees would be liable thereon individually.t In small and unimportant matters this principle would not apply. In such cases trustees may authorize one of themselves or their secretary to attend to such matters. No ** iSee paye 46 ante. t A Form ofairretmcnt U given in Appendix F, puff* 244, b,.»t, loltUli trmtut art remmmenam to n»e. the PaBT IV.] POWERS AND DUTIES OF TRUSTEES. Chap. 2. 153 trustee can enter into a contract with the coi-poration of which he IS a member, or have any pecuniary claim on or receive re- compense fiom such corporation, except for a school site, or as collector of school rates, when duly appointed by the other two trustees. 2. The trustees' seal should not be affixed to notices or Use of Seal, letters, but only to contracts, agreements, deeds, or other papers which are designed to bind the trustees as a coi-poration for the payment of money, or the performance of any specified act duty or thing. ' 3. Trustees shall appint one of th* • number, or other res- Care of school ponsible person, and give him authority, and qiake it his duty *"'"**• to keep the school-house in good repair. He should also see that the windows are properly filled with glass ; that, at a proper season the stove and pipe are in a fit condition, and suitable wood provided ; that the desks and seats are in good repair ; that the outhouses are properly provided with doors and are frequently cleaned; th-t the black-boards are kept painted, the water supply abundant, and that every thmg is pro- vided necessary for the comfort of the pupils and the success of trje school. •i" H^ V}i^^lS i;.^»®?*ing and adopting reports of committees. (6) Miscellaneous business. 3. Rules of Order : (1) Quorum. A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. (2) It is recommended that the rules of debate and of order should be similar to those of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, so far as applicable. "^ Rules of order. Part IV.] SCHOOL ACCOMMODATION. Chap. 4. 1.^5 CHAPTER 4. School Accommodation. I. — RURAL aCH00T<8. la^octors will see that those regulation.s are carried out so far as the circumstances of each .section may enable them to be complied with, without pressing unduly upon the resources of the section. They are to be considered as recommendatory rather than as obligatory, except in cases of wilful omJssion or neglect which are to be reported to the Department for decision or advice. Inspectors will impress upon trustees the im- portance of proper accommodation. 1. — Extent of Accommodation. The law as now amended requires the trustees of rural Requwitwi for school sections to provide adequate school accommodation '^^r^ •^°»- in their sections " so as to accommodate at least two-thirds of SiXl the children who have a right to attend the school of the section, according to the census taken by the t.Mateea for the next preceding year." This includes all children resident in the 8ch«)l section between the ages of 5 and 21 years, and also children from adjacent school sections, whom the trustees are required to admit upon certain conditions. (Rev. Stat c 204 s. 102, sub-sec. 8.) v . , The school accommodation under the Act should as far as possible possess the following requisites which are to be con- strued to apply also to existing school-houses. 2. — School Site, House and Appendages. 75^o7S«r «r othe. means of oix)curimf water for the school, 8at;.sfactory to the ii. sector. ' ^ vided atTom?lt?l?r^ ^^f ^°'" ^''^ ^'^^^^ «h«"i^ b« P">- viaea at some little distance from the school-house aul ^^r ably tr^olosed or otherwise masked. ' S.—School he ■ ,.. ;4' r mwodation and Teacfiera. What kind of house required for ,50 resident children. J:joparat>; on- trituceK. What kind o." house required for 100 resi- dent children —what teach e's What kind of house required for 150 resident ohildren. OverlMchild- undVr^wJr n r"'^'- '^'''^f ^'^^y ^««i^«nt cWldren or rSr '.? ^''iV'^ ^ '' ' ''^'«^ '^»<^"* school-room, and comfort- able sittings for fche children, and the trustees maV also pSe ooOrP^r^r"' '^^'r« «hall be one teachi and^iHhe option of the trustees, a monitor to aid the teacher. 8. In school-houses for more than fifty pupils there should a^dX^oorXh^d^ ^-^ -' ^^«^ith'ni:L$-V' one for an elementary and one for an advanced division). andZ trustee:, are recommended to providea galleiy. There should b^ a teacher and assistant, and at the Sptio5^ of the t^Ss^sIl 10 —For a section having one hundred and fifty resident chUdren, a house having one galleiy and twoTid^H^ monito'r.'lr «t^' "?^"^' and^onelacher, an ITsLrZ monitor; or a house having a galleiy and two apartments one for an elementary, and one for an advanced dep^meTt with a teacher and two assistants. If one commodiorbSinr«m* TttUT'^' *T^ ^T'l "^^y ^' P^«^d«d in different^p^ of the section, with a teacher and assistant in each A motd- tor may be a,ppomted to prepare the younger children for th« a'tl^of t '"'^ ''.*'^ ^T^°^, ^«^ confined to the prepl'r! ation of the more advanced pupils. ^ A ^l'~Z^^f ^ ^®*;*'^^ h&ving over one hundred and fifty resi- ft i^T**"!'-'"/ iiwtence, a room for iiL, uiiildren would require Boace i- 6 000 cubic feet of air, and this would be equal to a cube7 the foTwine or equivalent dimensions in feet, viz — 30 x 20 v in JiTi^K • '"V°^*"« to a room 30 feet long by 20 fS' ^de by 10 f^et high. " ''""^*^'"' In winter the temperature during the first school hour in the forenoon or afternoon should not «xfleed 70 d^Tee- in-' <5.a .l-~« • ^?*^"*'°" •f the day. ^ --^^u < j u-,j,ree„, ^n^ w degrees dunrg the rest SllTu- PaRT IV.] SCHOOL ACCOMMODATION. Chap. 4. 167 II.— CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAGES. 1. — Powers of Board. The Board is authorized " to determine the number, sites, What kind of kind, grade, and description of schools such as male, female, »''*>""'ii infant, central, or ward schools to be established and maintained to *& town. U) the city, town or village," (Rev. Stat., c. 204, s. 104, sub- »nd villkges. see. 9)|: — And in order that this duty may be definitely regulated, the following should be observed by the respective public school boards. 2. — School HovM Accommodation and Teachers. 12.— For a village or town school, having from one hundred llequiremento and fifty to two hundred resident children, or for a city school, ^"'" ^'l'?*- "•' a brick, stone, or frame house should be provided by the Board] isotoaSkha" having in it one or two galleries, and three apartments, (one for "" an elementary, one for an intermediate division, and one for the highest division,) and by means of a sliding door, one good room, at least, common to the two latter ; also three teachers and an assistant, and at the option of the trustees, a monitor. The area of each room or gallery should be such as to secure a space of at least one hundred cubic feet of air to each child to be accommodated therein. If necessary, schools may be provided at the pleasure of the trustees for the different departments in different parts of the village, town or division. 13.— For any village or town having two hundred resident Over 200 child- children or upwards, or for a city, a house or houses with sufli- "*"• cient accommodation for the different elementary and advanced divisions should be provided as above prescribed. IIL — AS TO ALL PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 14.— All public schools shall be constructed so as to possess office«-princi- these essential particulars, viz : — ple« u> be ob- (I.) The privy building, or closet, should be masked from Srtion oT"' view, and its approaches equally so. ' , (2.) There should be little or no exposure to mud or wet weather in reaching it. (3.) There should be no unpleasant sight or odoiu- perceptible. (4.) The apartment should be well finished. (5.) It should be kept entirely free from cuttings, pencillings, or markings, and scrupulously clean. (ti.) There should be, at least, two privies attached to each mixed school, and they should be so separated that neither in approaching nor occupying them, can there be either sight or sound observed from one to the other. This cannot be effected by a mere partition ; nothing can secure the object but consider- aiiie distance, or extra heavy brick or stone wails resting on the ground. It is a serious error ever to omit this precaution. 168 Chap. 4. REOULATI0N8— PUBLIC SCHOOLS. [PaRT IV- ^wtoUgot. ^J7\^^^^> ^te, blackboards, mapa, library. Dresses book« iagi. IV.— SUQG£aTI0N8 AS TO SCHOOL BUILDINGS. ^^"duJ^^e^nt'Jo^nTi? '?^l',«^^B°'^rds are recommended to pay Sroofhoul%t:- ^°"°'^"^gP*rti-l-« i" the erection^^f sectii J^' ««hool-house should be but one story hi^h, in rural Pilf enmlI.'Jr*fh'°°']^ '^°"^S ^^ P''«^'l«d ^"'- «^«ry fifty pu- (4.) Separate entrances with outer porches to th« «/.hn«l trmro7^-.^iro-J^^-^-" ^pr^viMl ■ hout^. '^^' '"*'*'''' P^'"^"" '^'^^ ^ «^te™«^» to the school- wS. ^^' """^""^ '*^'' °^ ^^^ ^°°* ^°"«« «ho"ld open out- 2"^ T^ ,^hool-rooms must be well ventilated. or at the left nf*?:"^'* ^u^'^^^^'i ^ *^« ^^^^^ ^^^ behind nnJJt K * • °^ *^® children, and either from the eaat or north but m no case should the children face it. (y.; Ihe window sashes should be made to move ud and down^n pulleys, and the sills should be about forfeet^b^ve (10.) Each school-house should be provided with a bell. H,l win f f, ^°T ^ ^"'^' «a^« should be taken to make ^p £de.'"°"' ''^' ^■*'^^^' °^^--- ^h« walls wiTlt theaJv'^trmlncEtr'^'^ ''^"^ "^^"^ «^-* ^ ;, KRT IV. books, of the Part IV.] IN8PBCT0RS. Chap. 5. 169 to pay tion of I rural ty pu- these ons. ies or tofore jhool- vhere ihool- lOUt- ihind it or and bove lake 1 be It to . CHAPTER 5. Inspectors. 1 . — Qv/ilijications. 1. Certificates of eligibility for appointment to the office of Qu»iific»tioiw County, City, or Town Inspector of Public Schools, shall here- °* '"p**'**** after be granted only to the following persons : — (1.) Teachers of Public Schools who have obtained, or who sliall obtain, First Class Provincial Certificates of Qualification of the highest grade (A). (2.) Such persons as shall establish to the satisfaction of the Education Department, that they have respectively taken a degree in the Faculty of Arts in any one of the Universities or Colleges, with University powers, situate in this Province, pro- vided that such degree has been taken with honours of the first or second-class, in any one or more of the recognized depart- ments of examination in such University for such degree, and provided further that such persons respectively establish to the satisfaction of the Education Department, that they have suc- cessfully taught in a Public or High School in this Province, for • the period of five years at least, and that such persons also furnish satisfactory proof of temperate habits and good char- acter. 2. — Duties. 2. The school inspector is declared to have the oversight of all public schools in the municipality for which he is appointed ; and if a county inspector, in the townships and villages witiiin the county or union of counties, or part of the county or union of counties for which he is appointed. He is required to act in accordance with the law and regulations. He is also subject to such instructions as may be given to him from time to time by the Minister of Education. He is further required to see that all the schools are managed and conducted accordimj to law. (Rev. Stat., c. 204, s. 194.) 3. City inspectors Rhall keep one or more regular office hours in each day, as t; .ed by the Board of Trustees, and of which public notico shall be given ; and county and city inspectors shall devote their whole time during office hours to the duties of their office, except during school holidays and vacations. 4. The city and ^own inspectoi-s shall perform such ad- ditional duties as muy be required of them by the Public School Jioards which a,ppoint them, or by the Minister (Rev Stat., c. 204, s. 194, sub-sec. 40.) Jurudiction uf inspectors. General duties of inHiJeutons. Ottice lioufH. City and town inspectors to visit scbcois as directed by Board. 160 Viiitation of DchooU by county in- ipector. Chap. 5. RKfiULATlON*- PUBUU SCHOOLS. [PaRT IV. 5. They shall vi.sii the sc) Board, and in their visitu SubjectK of uaminatiuti by iiupeotor. •■''■■- -as directed by the :« . _„' VT-"~ 'V" ."■■"«*'' 'iJ'i shflU !h' jover.ied bv tlie follow. ♦). Ihe county inspe. I ., shall visitovery public and senarate «cl o«l under h.s jurisdi.tion at lea«t once iring ej. hX^a^ unleH« required to do ,.o oftener by the County Sncfl Z« of 8uch half-yearly visits nhall be^niade be"2^enX fi«t of Ann and the hrstof October; and the otherT^t "In .ne L half a day to the cKamination of the classes and punils in eafh school, and shall record the result of such Examination tnl e^at Ltn'-,' '"■ '1;^'^^^^- He «hall also maTeTnquTry and exammation ,. such manner a« he shall think proper into all ^^f:&'^';'7'''''''r'' "r-'^*-- of^the^^^chlliuh cTv theL ^^V ,f ^^ ''''°''^.'" ^ ^''^' *"'! transuut it/or a sSio , f ";i *'^„"f "y- ?" completing his second half-yearly in spection to tho Education Department; but i.e shall not I^vp estat. c. J04, s. 194, sub-aecs. 3 & 3a). ^ 7. It must be remembered that one object of the examinn out, anrl the Report should mfention any variation from thA rp qmrements demanded by lavv. Should the ins^c or di^ov^; remissness on any point, he should at once call the atteXn of the trustee. ^, it before w.thholding the school fun] fr^^^^^^^ section, with a view to its remedy, Lfore his next halJTeatt and iljuiiy!-"^"^ '^ '"^^"'^^ "^ '''^'"''^ "^ .xamination requLSs."''^ accommodation and condition of pr uiises ; sciiool (6) Registers and Visitors' .k (c) Text-books. id) Organization and promotions. («) Discipline. (r) Metho.is of instruction. ig) Attainments of pupils. .J}\ ^f ceg«^^ ^'' '"^'^«*'«" •^-1 h'S ej^nnne the cWes and pup.ls. an.l .lirect the mastei-n or Slv iudt o/7h ' "" *}' '?y *^'"'' P'-'W '" «'-d«'- that ho h^iif^ 7 *^'"""^r/'* teaching, .uanagement and diMcip- the'p'SlSr. '^' '^ ^'^" ^^ "^ ''^^ progress and attainn.ente S inslt^rth^^liy^^^^^ *° its inspection, the inspector should note in the inspector's ' x>k, the time of hiq entrance, and on leaving, the uL of h. departurrfrom the hb viMfri'^^^^'T"'? ^^V*'' ^"^^^'•^ '^"'^ Teachei-8. and during hw visit to their schools, the inspector should treat them S kindness and respect, counselling them privately on what ^r^^e may deem defective or^faulty fn their'^maUr of ^JnV I inspector Hhould see that the provisions in the nine- teenth sub-section of the one hundred and second sec on and in the , ^hth sec tion c^ the PuOlu Schools Act (Rev S^t! " dnl itv^ u^'i,^" '•^'■"^'^^. "*' '"'^'y «hild in the munt cipality u, 'or hi.s junsdiction to attend some school are not allo^ to remain a dead letter ; but he shSl when thTsXol rr ^"" r"*-- ^>^*" subject, and exami^: 1 o /^ '" section or division. IS. County ana ity inspectors have authority to allow t^he,^ to visit schools and to attend teachei.' IcSation^ ma^Jl rs.i' '^^^"^^^^^^ ^^"^^'^^d in the regulations respectiS^ *^i.l'^^*^''°'P^*'''i' ^ ""^S*^** ^ *h« «l*^tion o. i-uml school bTtad: 'wf.H • ^^''^ *^rK P''«<^««dings at school meeting mTy be made withm twenty days to the county inspector who KtW"l,'^"« "^^^ !f- declare that tlieZTsLniTst be either to conhrm or " set aside " th... election or nrocued ;ng subject to an appeal to the Minister, and not to^Sbmts the comprint, or to refuse to entertain it. If the pi^eedSiS be seta«ide,a ,m,onabIe time should be allowed L^^Tt^h^ parties concerned t., appeal before calling another Smr or nS'rr ^'F'"'-^ ^"'^ ^'-' 'l^«i««n of the inspecto. tK- within the twenty days. A reasonabh. time may ho tak.-n bv ^e inspector to investigate the complunt and nie,l^ n"jt toit';.S;4,!"sr:ut:ef9r '- ^°^ '-''''^' p-^- 161 Authority I if inMi>eutui' whilu viiiting itchlNllH. Procedure In viaiting school*. Intercounw withTMohan, Right of child. r«n to attend MchiM)! to b« preserved Teachen iiiL' iither schoolH. if CoiuplaiDtH aa ' EleuUtin of School TroH teea. •See page 18J, post. II 162 Deciaion of Diaputw. Cliap. • >. HEUULATIONS— I'UHLIC SCHOOLH. [PART I V. ApiK)rtl«ii- roent of Public School Fund. A.veiitt(e Httendance, how to b« calouUttiiL Report to Department. 1.5 Tht; inspector Hhould promptly a<»i») «i« «l'ftll i" ^"^ ju.lgment \mi promoti- the int..'re«U of the school, and prevent disputes a.Ki litigation in the vanouh ueighhourhoods. , Ki The letunw in the trUHtecH halfyearly iei)ortH muHt form the l^asis for apportioning the School Fund to the several public schwls of each ownship. The Legislative Oi-ant forms the School Fund for the first half year, and the Municii.al A.s.se«8- hient the School Fund for the second half year. I he inspector is lequired to apportion each half year's Sch(M)l tund to every section, whether the school he in opeiatioJ' or not, for that half year. In making the apportionment, the attendance of non- resident* pupils authorized by the FiMie l^chooht Act, is to be reckoned as belonging to the section in which they are actu^ residents, and not to the section in which they inav attend school. (Rev. Stat., c. 204, s. 102, sub-sec. 20, & 103, sub-sec. 4.) 17 Upon the receipt of the half-yearly returns the inspec- tor shall see that the ag'^egatt' attendance of each school is correctly added up, and divided by the divisor tor tlie tialt- year, and that no lost time i.s made up by teaching on Satur- days, or other holidays or vacations. Under tlu; Regulations respecting MtMterx and Teacher, teachei's may employ certain days in the year in visiting other schools or attending teachei-s institutes or a,ssociations. In order that the school may not lose a corresponding proportion of the School Fund, the inspector is authorized to add a proportionate amount of average attend- ance for time so employed, oi- by using a smaller divisor. After having examined and tested the correctness of the re- turn the inspector should file away and carefully preserve it, so that it may be handed over, with other school documents, to his successor, when he retires from office. The half-yearly return of the pupils' names, and numl)erof days on which they attended during each month, will be a check against faUe or exaggerated returns ; as the inspector can, in his visit to any school, take the return with him, compare it with the school register, and make any further emiuiries he may deem neces- sary, 18. The inspector is to repoii to the Department at once any case where the apportionment is withheld, and the cause. •Non-rMiUent uiipih are those whose parents or giiardiann are not residents of the section or school division. Such pupils do not become residents by boardin« m the section or division whUe attending school. (This rule does not apply to ap- prentices, or to iiarties who move into the section with a view to become OonaJUU lesidente.) A rate-payer in a section or division employing temiwr;. -ly a muior whose parents or guardians reside outside of the section, Ac, cai lawfuUy reiKirt such a minor in the school census, or claim t"•« -"' imyioie to such teachers, and transni t it, as above thmi..,!. the inspector to the Department ' """"^'' of Exandnr and' sfflT'r /''"" "'"' ^ ?"'""'^" ^*" ^^e Board Exuu..-n.a,..„ Wwl i ?'• • fJ' P^^'^o™ ^"t^b other duties as are pre- 2'.''"!''^^ 23 nspecZ are il' '-^^-^^.^'-^.-P-ting exau.inatill^s. ^^^ •^"'^••'■ the nspector shall state (among other things) whether ^t' candidate ha« been rejected at the County bS FlandLion porauon, a Public bchool Inspector may admit to examinflfin,. "'""it«™ »nd any semor pupd or other candidate for the pos tL o^Mon to ■"""""•• ^orf^'^'^T^ '" T^ ^"^^^'^ '^^''^•^J- '^" the cond tionT et CertifiSti'* "^"'' ""' "^P^^''"'° *1-"^- -d A stnts' • See pacr* 176 po«t. 164 Sunpension of certificates. Chap. 5. Blank forma of returns ConditionB of payment of m«peotor's salary. IE' REGULATIONS— PUBLIC SCHOOLS. [PART IV. If^ 26. When an inspector finds it necessary to suspend the cer- tificate of a Master or Teacher, he should not do so on the mere report of improper conduct, immorality or incompetency, but he should ffive the master or teacher due notice of the charge against him, and afford him a full opportunity tor defence ; and he should also examine carefully into the alleged facts ot the case and, if necessary, visit the school and assure hmiselt per- sonally of their truth before proceeding to suspension. Officers required by law to exercise their judgments, are not answerable for mistakes in law, or mere errors of judgment, without any fraud or malice. , . . , , , ^ 27 Inspectors arc responsible for obtaining blank reports from the Education Department, at the proper periods ot the year, and supplying them to the Public Schools, and also for the prompt despatch of the blank forms of yearly and half- yearly returns directly to the trustees; and the trustees are equally responsible (in addition to the penalty imposed by law) for the delivery of the returns and reports to their inspector within ten days after the close of the year or half-year. 28 The proportion of* each county inspectors salary, my- able by the Government, will be certified quai-terly to the I'ro- vincial Treasurer by the Minister, on the foUowmg condi- (1) That the name and address of the inspector appointed by the County Council ha been duly certified to the Education Department by the County Clerk. ^.^ ^ *• r (2) That such inspectox possesses a legal certificate ot quali- fication from the Education Department. ^ , . «, (3) That he has faithfully perfonned the duties of his oftice dui-ing the time specified in regulation three of this chapter, and in the^manner pres3ribed by the law and regulations. (4) That ho has promptly transmitted half-yearly to the Education Department, with the names of the teachei-s (to be afterwards certified from his cheques by the County Auditors at the end of each year), the semi-annual subscnptions to the Superannuated Teachers' Fund by the male teachei-s under his iurisdi^tion. , , i j i C5^ rhat the required reports and returns have been duly sent m to the Education Department, and found to be correct, (including his annual special report on each school, as provided foi in i-egulation five of this chapter). _ 29 Each Public or Sepamte School house m use tor a school in a legally established (or duly recognized) school sec- tion or division, within the jurisdiction of the inspector, shall be counted as one school (whether such school be in actual opemtion, or temporarily closed for not longer than six months). And each department of a school, with a register of its own, and taught in a separate room or flat of a building, so as to in- volve the like overaight and examination as an ordinaiy school, on the part of an inspector at his official visits, shall also be counted as one school ; but a school with one oi moi^ departments, when closed, shall only be regarded as one school, ( i [Part IV. id the cei- n the mere ncy, but he the charge sfence ; and actH of the inwelf per- n. its, are not judgment, mk reports •iods of the nd also for Y and half- irustees are sed by law) ir inspector Bar. salary, pay- to the rro- vmg condi- ppointed by I Education te of quali- of his office chapter, and 18. arly to the jhera (to be ity Auditors tions to the irs under his 3 been duly be correct, as provided n use for a ) school sec- pector, shall be in actual 1 six months), sr of its own, I, so a.s to in- an ordinary . visits, shall one or Hiore sut one school, Part IV.] county boards of examisters. Chap. 6. 165 for the tinie limited above— beyond which time no school which IS closed shall bo counted. 30. The Public School Board of any town not separated from 8cho.,i Uoanls the county, may pass a resolution to the effect, that on and '1 "^"^"i! «'.»>'^ & I fij-st day of January, in any year, the inspection of the ^^^ i'ublic bchools of the town shaU be placed under the inspector '""i *«'"■•■ of the county in which the town is situate, and thenceforth such inspector shall be entitled t^j bo paid out of the county rates collected in such town and for such purposes, the like salary and remuneration as he is entitled to receive for the in- spection of Rural Schools, and also the like remuneration pre- scribed by the Department, and payable from the Le<.islative grant. ° CHAPTER 6. Qualifications ute a quorum for the transaction of business ; and the payment of their expenses is to be provided for by tb" County Council. (Rev. Stat., c. 204, s. 87. sub-sees. 4 and b and sees. 196 to 199 inclusive ; and c. 203, s. 4, sub-sees 29 and 30. 2 AH Head Masters and ex-Head Masters of Grammar or Qualification agh Schools, and those Graduates in Arts who have proceed- "f rnember? ed regularly to their degrees in any Univei-sity in the British bo«S'"*'' Dommions, and have taught in a coUege or school not less than three years ; all candidates for degrees in Arts in the Universi- ties of the United Kingdom, who, previouslv to the year 1864 possessed all the statutable requisites of their respective Uni- versities for admission to such degrees, and have taught in a college or school not less than three years ; and all Teachers of Common or Public Schools who have obtained First-Class Provincial Certificates of Qualification, or who may obtain such certificates under the provisions of the jn-esent law, shall be considered as legally qualified to be appointed members of a County Board of Examiners, without further examination on their obtaining from the Education Department, for the satisiaction of the County Council, a certificate of their hav- 166 Chap. 7. REGITLATIONS— PUBLIC SCHOOLS. [?ART IV. The same. Suspension Certificates. of ing complied with the regulation, and being eligible under it« provi.sions.* e .r. vt i ^f Duties of In- 3 The countv inspector shall bo ohanman of the Koard ol iCfiJatTons" Examiners, and as «uch, .shall receive and be responsible tor Examinations. ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ unopened, of the exannnation papers until the day of the examination. If there bo more than one county in.spector, each shall bo chairman at altornato examinations. 4 The chairman shall convene meetings ot the *-xami- ners, for the purpose of ananging all matters relative to the examinations, and ho sball preside at all sucj meetings, or, in his absence, any other inspector present shall l'[eside or should no inspector be present, the examiners may elect th.-ir own temporary chairman. , „ . .. ^ n ^t o The Board of Examiners shall investigate ail cases ot appeal to it, against the act of the inspector in suspending a teacher's second or third-class certificate, and m the case of a second-class certificate .shall transmit to tbe Minister, through the inspector, its report, together with the evidence taken thereon; and the Mini.sler may either confirm or annul such .suspension of second-class certificate, but the action of the Board of Examiners shall be final with respect to third-class Appeals from ^^ Q Anv Teacher examined by a County Board shall have the Exiittr "* "glit to appeal to the Minister, as provided in Regulation No. 44, of chap. 8, po,st page 175. , . x-^ * . F«es. 7 The fees of Public Scho(jl Inspectors and substitutes engaged in conducting the Examinations are not payable until the Department has decided as to the results thereof. An examiner has no claim to fees, if he has failed to perform his duties in a proper manner. CHAPTER 7. Certificates of Qualification to Teach in the Public Schools. Thinl-clivss certificates, conditions upon whiuli they may be gritnted. CONDITIONS OF OBTAINING CERTIFICATES. 1. — for Third-Class Certificates. 1. The conditions upon which Third-class certificateB may be obtained from County Boards are as follows : (1) In order to be qualitied to receive a third-class certificate, the candidate must bo, if a male, eighteen years of age, if a female seventeen ; but the non-professional examination may be passed at the ages of seventeen and sixteen respectively, and proper proof of age must be produced by each candidate. "^Xai^dTd'ai^^Uei^'c^fioates oTEligibility as ^ountj. or City Inspecto,^^^ irTamiiiHrit vjili leuciVo tboiF i;cnincatL:3 tilt r.ppiK-Stlt'n -• •••■ r. — _„ __, — - me~d uo ap^ntment will be recogniz«l >u, valid unlens the ,».r»on hold, such ceitificate. [Part IV. le under its he Board of ponsible for sapers until i one county linatioas. the Exanii- relative to meetings, or, 1 preside, or y elect thi-ir all cases of uspending a the case of a iter, through dence taken • annul such ction of the X) third-class hall have the 1 Regulation I substitutes, payable until eof. ed to perform the Public ES. ificates may be lass certificate, rs of age, if a .mination may a respectively, sach candidate. : City In«peotoii! or Hiluoation Ue*"***^- • peiHon holds nuch Part IV.] CERTIFICATES TO TEACH. Chap. (). 187 (2) The candi.latc must have passed the prescribod non-nro- tessional examination for Third-cla,ss certificates * in W- r!J^'''f"" who shall pa.ss the Intermediate examination n High bchoo s, or the prescril)ed non-professional examina- tion for second or first-cla.ss certificates, shall be deemed to eertmSes """-P>"fe^'t«"'l t.. present tT.em. "*'»""■"'• Sols il rnv''"'.'"'^ certificates, and will alsc. nlune the ffi^l. JicnooiN It any, at winch the candidatos will resnoctivelv L Nu.nlH,rHto ment will afhx a nninber, which must be emnloved bvthe f^,n t:^ZiT'' '' ''^ "^"'^' ■^•»^"'^^"- throng£lnrtt'Lte"" aimeni 'tVZtlfir:^'^^'''^^ ''' ^•'"^*'"'->t ^^-elo^.to ami-nnnZr. * ^'^''' ^'^*' ^"■^'^ «'"! >Sw<)nd-clas,s ox- '•« l'r<.vl,le,l araination papers-one envelope with each pa,)er. I"'- -'"'"«• betpIL'ibKrrh''" ^^''""' f-^I-^- ■^I'all preside, and ZT/ for the sati kin.- ^''"P"" T"''""' '^^^ *^'« ^-^-^'ninations, and ^r-tV' <^" . ot the person whom he inten.l.s to .ippoint his substitute at those examinations nt w)ii,.). v,, 1 • ' '^ ,n '^""^"tui'e or appoint a In the absenpl of . 1 !^ - , ^"'"'*^'^ ^='^"»f^t preside. HubHtLt.. xu cne absence ot a month s notice that the inspector will nre presidelS W,,™^!"""" ■""■" "o W'-W for each roo.n to -«..£. o- wie result ot which a record shall be made anrl r«nr^.i^l /^xu '"•■ ti>irdcla«g Department. "" reported to the oertifiwiteg. 4.— Directions ftrr Prmding Examiners fer apart to pSnl^,;^;,'*"''' ""■■" >^ Placed sufficiently one hour alter the i^«e of the examination pap^rsin InJ^^S Internal arrangementg of room for examination. The Hame. ^'anjidateM not to leave room after I 172 papen imtupd. Commencu- ment of exMnination, One examiner to be ureaent in eituh room durinK wliolc exaniiuatinn. Chap. 8. REGULATIONS — PUBLIC 8CHOOL8. [PaRT TV. End nf exami- nation. I*rooeeding8 of inspector after examination concluded. Proceedings of in8|)ector in case of second- class certifi- cates. Of insDoctor as to tnird- olaas certifi- cates. Of examiners as to same. Decision in case of differ- ence. Duty of cen- tral committee I J,, ject ; and if he then hmve ho nhall not be permitted to return during the examination <»n the sultject then in hand. 20. Punctually at the time appointed for the commencoment of the examination in each subject, the presiding examiner shall, in the examination room, and in the presence ot the can- didates, break the seal of the envelope containing the examina- tion papers, and give them at onci; to the candidates. The papers of only one subject ahall be opened at one time. 21. The inspector shall further see that at leiwtone examiner is present during the whole time (>f the examination, in each room occupied by the candidates. (I) He shall, if desirable, appoint one or more of his co-examiners to preside at the ex- amination in any of the subjects named in the programme. (2) If Intermediate and Second-class candidates are being examin- ed together, the following rule applies : — No Trustee, Master, or Teacher of the school concerned can be appointed to preside, and no Master or Teai-hev of the school shall be present during the examination, in the room with the candidates. 22. Punctually at the expiration of the time allowed, the examiner shall direct the candidates to stop writing, and cauoe them to hand in their answer papei*s immediately, those for First and Second-class being diily fastened in the enveloues. 23. The inspector, at the close of the examination on tnelast day, shall .secure in a separate parcel tlie fastened envelopes of each candidate for a Second-class certificate, and on the same day shall forward by express (prepaid) to the Education Office the package containing all the parcels thus separately secured, and the schedule in the form provided by the Department. The inspector shall, at the same time, sign and forward a solemn declaration that the examinations have been held and conducted in strict conformity with the regulations, and fairly and properly in every respect ; and also, with the papers of each candidate, a certificate to the Department, that he has been satisfied as to the personal identity of such candidate, upon proper grounds. 24. When two or more rooms are occupied by candidates for Second-class certificates, the examiner, in his report to the De- partment, shall indicate the candidates who were placed in the several rooms respectively. 25. In the case of candidates for Third-class certificates, he must be satisfied as to the proj)er age and identity of each can- didate, and shall see that the written answers are without delay road and reported on by the County Board, and he shall there- upon see that these auswere, and all reports thereon, as approved by the Board, together with the list of certificates issued by it, are also, as soon as possible after the close of the examination, transmitted by express (prepaid) to the Education Department. 26. In examining the answei-s of Third-class certificates, two examiners at least should look over the report on each paper. Any points relative to the examination for Third-class certifi- cates, on which a majority of the examiners do not agree, shall |-ji» rfifen'ed to the Education De^arfctnent for decision. 27. The Central Committee of Examinei-s shall assign nume- Part IV.] examinations for rKivriFicATKs. ('hap. H. 173 of exHinint-rH •M to tliinl- (.'liiNHC'urtiH- cat«ii. Miiiinum for thinl-daNM u«rticat«H. Penalty for topying or cheating. hJk In 'nf / ■ VT^'"""^' *'«Vtificat.H, according, to ti.eir SZl nil f^'^M '"' ""'•'^••t""^^''' The Local "Exa..unn,s Hnall Lnve nmkHfor the. unNwcisacconlintf to th.- vaIiU'ussiLm...i to each ,,.ost.on and th. co.npl.teneHs an^l accnuBcy of Sran- „.,f^; ''1 rt'*' *^ "''^"' '^ Thir.l-class eertitieate, the nmrkH .Ze."tl S; '^" T:}''''''' tl'-.,,..vgHte value of aTlh, papeisfoi certihcates ot that rank. Coiintv Boards Imv,. M... fuh3 ''fV '"T^"^'"^' ''^'^ P^"'««"^P ^'f I^arksTn parti da subjecte aiter due notice to tlie can.fidateH. ^ ^'"cuiai jsy. Ihe nmrkH necesNary to obtain, at .1 non-profes,sional Second-clans exann-nation. grade A. are thirty per c?nt on each object an,l hftv per cent, on the group,an.li -.Mad" B^wentv per cent on eac^. .subject and forty per cent, on tf.e ^roup • ^ 30 Should any candidate be detected in copying from Another or allowing another to copy from him, or in Skin^into the a^istance m the examination, or in talkinir or whisntMinir if fvWen'^'ontY 1 ^Tf^'^'i --""-•. if he Sin la evidence ot the tact at the time oi its occurrence to cause su, b candidate at once to leave the room ; neither "tllsur^n J date be pt-rmitted to enter during the lenminine nart cnbl examination, and hi.s name .shall be struck off TeSiHt If" how over, the evidence be not dear at the time, or be obtained aZr uic case.it that of a Phiid-ckss candidate, at a.reneral meetin.. of the exam,ner,s, who shall reject the cand date ff th Jy dSS evidence conclusive. If the ca^e be that of a Fi.4 ^Second cla.s.s candidate, it .shall be reported to the Departmen . ^^' n,en 'full Jr^" ''•'■'^n" *"™^'^ *" ^^'^ Education Depart- n.ent full retm-n.s and all nece.s.sarv information inmatteire luting to the results of the examinations. ^' ^,— Rules to be observed by Candidates. 32. Candidates .shall be in their allotted places before th,. .. ... aZlffaTf ' 'T ''^' --r r^-t of the EnatS t '<^^^'r^.'' a candidate be not pre.sent till after the appointed time he can- '^'^ not be allowed any additional time. No candidal^ shalX permitted, on any pretence whatever, to entei the roorn aftt? etmTnTorm'"^"'" f'"'" *'" comua-ncement of th" examination. When the order to stop writing is aiven everv candidate shall obey it immediately. ^ ^ ' ^ 33. Every candidate shall conduct him.self in strict «i>or.v^ » ance with the rcmlations and shn,,!,! \.l! • ■ ***^™t accord- Penalty for fliH M.- «^+va„ * ■ . ' . "^'"'' he give or receive any ^-ivini,' or re- aid, 01 extraneous assistance of any kind in answering the ev l:"^'"*? -^i- amination questions, he will be liable not nnlvTT f 1 f 1 I '•"^^.^'rint' fliu ,.,l,.^l„ • • 1 "^ iittUiL noi omy to tie O.SS of exanunations, the whole examination, but to the foiieiture or withdrawal of his certificate at any time afterward when thHii: v^t is made that such aid or as-sistance ba.s lu^^n ^..p. or -S"---^^ • Hit Hc/itdu/e 0/ HulJeLU.pa'je'mvmt. ~~~ ~ In>i|>ect<>r to furnish fiill retumu. 174 Clmp. 8. ilKUULATluNB — PUUUC SCHOOLS. [PAHT IV. II ri Niiiiilivi' to be written uii pa- \>ew, not uaiuH. doing. Rules for f. Id. jng and hand- ing in iiaperH MH to (< init or Second-claHM candidateM. 34. Candidates shall observe the regulation respecting copy- ing?, Aire, in Regulation 30 of this chapter. 3i). Every cantjidate for a First or Sucond-class certificate .shall writ(^ his MJMBKn (not his nam. very distinctly at the top of »;ach pajg'c of his atiswor piipcrts, in tht! middle; and is warned that for every page not bearing his number he is liable to receive no credit from the examiners. Penalty for no 36. If a 'candidate for a Kii-st oi' Second-class certificate write his name or initials, or any distinguishing sign or mark on his paper other than the number assigned him by the Department, his paper will be cancelled. 37. Candidates for First or Second-class certificates in pre- paring their an.swers, .shall write on one sidi only of each sheet, placing the number of each })age at the top, in the right hand corner. Having written the distinguishing mimbeh on each page, and having arranged tlie answer papers in the order of the questions, they shall fold them once across, place them in the envelopes accompanying the question papers, and write on . the outside of the envelopes the distinguishing numbei-s and the subjects of examination. They shall then securely fasten the envelopes and hand them to, the presiding examiner. 38. Candidates for Thir .-vln a certificates in preparing their answers, .shall write on o'- '' iv only of each sheet, and having arranged their papers in ; ,v ..rler of the questions, shall fold them once across and wj-iUi on the outside sheet their names, the name of the examining (bounty Board, the date and the subject of the paper. 39. After the papei-s are handed in, the examinei-s shall not allow any alterations thereof, and the presiding inspector shall be responsible for the subsequent safe-keeping of the same, until he has transmitted them, with all surplus examination papers, to the Education Department. 6. — Candidateti from the Normtd Scfiool. 40. Such of the foregoing Regulations respecting the exami- nation of candidates generally as are applicable, shall also gov- ern the examination of candidates from the Normal Schools ; and the Principals thereof, respectively, shall send to the Edu- dation Department, one month before such examination, a list of the names of the intending candidates for First and Second- class certificates, respectively. Tlie Department will affix a number to each name so sent, and this number shall be signed by the candidate, in lieu of his nan «■, to eaci; one of his papers of answers to the questions. 41. The duties of presiding examiner .shall l»o discharged by one of the membei-s of the Centi'al Conunittee, to be named by the Minister. 42. During the examination and j)revious week of prepai-a- tion all the Rules and Regulations of the Normal School shall remain in full force, and any infringement thereof shall be simimarily dealt with by the Principal. As to Third- olaM candi- dates. No alteration after papers handed in. Foregoing re> gulations to apply to Noi* mal Bchoola. Who to be ■ 'residing Ex* aminer. Normal School rules to remain in force. Part IV.J EXAMINATIONS FOR CERTrFICATM. Chap. 8. 176 43 During tl.- iinw in oach (hv while the examination i« l> . act nay inoceodmir Hu. ^v»m;.i. . i n .*"";""'*' Examiner t<. rt»n,r,Aat., f ... l'- itrtiticates Second-cla^s. certificate nmv ea.n? 'f"''™' ^"' » ''"'^t or m,.y appeal to ii.>/i^.. *u « ,,'^*"^'"''"" '»n^> clann to have his papei-s r.-read Department under the following condition.s — ' ' ' .staL^^' ^"■""'"'" ''^ '"''' *l''*'^' •••• ^'^"" "^"^' ••" specifically „.J!;/ 1f-P?^^^ ""^ .*'^"' ^"^''^•■' '""'^^ l'*^' '»ade with the Denart- ment, which deposit will be returne.l to the cainli late ?f hL appeal or claim h,e .sustained, but otherwise be foifeiSl *. In the ca.se of candidates foi- Third class certificates « copy of the, appeal, with full particulars of^^llctions shlll be sent by the appeUant to the CouV- Boar.1 or piiiStriuHp^^^^^^ B i>ROFE.ShH)NAI, EXAMINATION. I— .Model Schools. SchooirsLffbet^To' «-^rr*^^^"\"V,''^^ ^'^""^y Model Model 8ch.K,l fln Iain \ '} T. """"f '^^y^ ^" *'^" Mini,ster may appoint P-^f^-i'")*! and shal be coiulucte.! by the several County Boards!^ ' ^ ' Xl'lir""' neceJ^^t'lHu/"'*"^^.''"'' ^"* 'i!'^>' ^'^ '^ ^- thought Iwt to necessary; be r^rtly in writing, according to a scheme to Ix; l"* p«'P*'^- 'l.—NorniAil Schools. Candidates for Second-class Cei-tilicatee. ,tutients'sh«T^'''''''!;t^ examinations of the Normal School NonnaiSchool stuuents shall be partly oral and pa-tly in writing • thev shall i'«>f«''«onai he held at the several Normal School seats, on suci\layTa.ftt XS'""' clmttLr^ ^PP ' '^'^ '''*"^' conducted by the^CeS Candidates for First-class Certificates. i-K Those exaniiriatioii,s shall ]»e '>:n-t]v ovil .o,-i ^„ i.i • „ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) /. «? /^ 1.0 I.I 121 12^ Iti u IB lit 112 ISA 1 4.0 L25 i 1.4 ■ 22 12.0 1.8 1.6 ^. «5>> ^> '^^V *^;^^' ^ ^ c>^ 150mm /^PPLIED^- IIVMGE . Inc .aa 1653 East Main street j^sr^ Rochester, NY 14609 USA ^^^^ Phone: 716/482-0300 ^='.fS Fax: 716/288-5989 1993. ApplM Imag*. Inc., All Rights Reserved %S^ !\ n\ \\ 176 Chap. 9-10. REGULATIONS— PUBLIC SCHOOLS. [pART IV. CMidid»tM not Normal Sohuol stu- dnU. "PirofeMioiul ttons," object of. on such days as the Minister may appoint, and shall be con- ducted by the Central Conunittee. 49.^ Candidates for First-class certificates who are not Nor- mal School students, shall undergo their professional as well as their non-professional examination at one of the Normal School seats, at the same time and on the same papers with those candidates for Fii-st-class certificates who are Normal School students. 50. The professional examination will be conducted so as to elicit the extent of the professional training of each candidate, as carried on concuirently with his instruction in the " non- professional subjects," prescribed by the regulatioas. MonitoK and Aaaiitants' UertifioatM. Duration of oertifioates. CHAPTER 9. Monitors' and Assistants' Certificates. 1. The following regulations have been prescribed concem- cerning Monitors and Assistant^' Certificates. (a) The pupil or other candidate shall present to the inspec- tor a certificate of good character, signed by a clergyman. (6) The subjects of examination for the position of Monitor shall be Reading, Writing, Spelling, and the elementary parts of Grammar, Geography and Arithmetic. (c) The subjects of exa:nination for the position of Assistant shall be those prescribed for Third Class Certificates. A competent knowledge of those subjects, at the discretion of the inspector, shall be required. 2. No certificate shall be given for a longer period than one yeai-. Such certificate ipay be specially renewed for twelve months at the discretion of the inspector ; but no certificate shall be granted a third time without re-examination CRev Stat., c. 204, s. 194, sub-sec. 26.) Bxamiuationa in Uiiitriota. Snbj«oti of. CHAPTER 10. Teachers' Certificates in New Townships. I. — Intquictors' Special Certificates. 1. In the Districts of Algoma, Parry Sound, Nipissiny Haliburton, and Madawaska, the examination of candidatS for special certificates may, at the discretion of the inspector be held yearly or oftener at one or more points named by him within the limits of his inspectorate. i.~n --— -"-J"-^"- "• J^^^fttt'-'natson for such special certificate* shall Ihj those proscriber' } jr entrance to High Schools. Part IV] MASTEKS AND TKACHKltS. Chan. 11. 17 t 4 ?4 two ye^^ ^*'°'' °^ *^" '""P"*'^'"' ^^-^ P«"^« not exceed- . uuaiiL'^>7^^'!u'*' •''°^' ^°""* be supplied with legally Interim ?wl *T ^^- ^^'^^ inspector, upon the application of the *^'^'^'***'- ctSteV\"ndTriiSf "^ r??"^'*^? -^--ation"^ to the to^nf a„ ^salifications of the candidate, shall have power to grant an interim certificate to such candidate wEiJ examination, such certificate to extend onlyrS^; tte of ?he next ensuing examination of candidates for certificates 11— Diatrict Certificates. HbS^nim^d nt •'^'"'■'^■"'r ^^^^™' certificates, in the ThW^ ^Xw-"^' '"'^^ '^^ ^"""'"«^ -d- ^he following a-a... CoLtytZ^^^^^^ ■^'^" ^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^« -- «- - the 2. Each Board of Examiners shall consist of the insiwh..- thp iil y ^"*"^*' Jf n»ore tlian one place be appointed bv dl^r r^' f "^^'^^ ^7 examination of candidatE Thi«^ atfuofSfJ T ^ ^"'^ P.'^'P^'" P^'^^" «'• I'e'-^ons to preside at such additional place or places of examination. III.— AV-OM(/-c/a«« PravincUU Gertijicatex. J^-ZfLltu7i fr -"^r- ^ .«*"l>^'^t«« fo'- the Second-class (.-audidau. f.., *W ^^r^^f '^''''*'*^ examination m the above-named Districts S"«="nihall be considered as the iiia.stev of the school. (1) The head teacher employed in any public school in which there i.s imra than one teacher, shall be designated and known a^ the ma«l, but he shall he re- sDonsibJe for the control and management of the claases under tneir charge. (3) He shall .see that no pupil is admitted to, or continues in, any of the Pubhc Schools who is afflicted with, or has been exposed to, any contagious disease. untM all danger oi contagion from such pupil, or from the disease or exposure, shall Tave passed away as certified in writing by a me^lical man. .li..;; f '' :7"";'""r"x^ ^^"^J'-'"'^ *" ^PP«*1' ^y ^^e parent or guar- sons' " '™"^'-'^^' ^y P"P^^' ''"any «f the following rea- (('.) Truancy persisted in ; (b) Violent opposition to authoiity ; (c) Repetition of any offence after rtotice ; ((/) Habitual and determined neglect of duty • cj The use of profane, obscene, or other improper langua«e: (/) General ba.f conduct, and bad example, to the iSuj| of Authority of uiaoter. As tu enforc- ing obMrva- tionofrulM. An topretiurili ■ iig (lutiex of teachen. f'o pupil 8Uf- ferinK from ciintaKioiiH liJHeOHe to Ije admitted. Ah to 8I|8)N!U- •lioil of pupils- the school ; An to oxpul «ion of improper words on the fences,' piiyie^ oraiVlaTonreTe- nn.es; provided that any master suspending a pupil for Sny of the causes abovenamed, shall immediately, afte? such su^ peiisiun. give notice thereof, in writing, to the parent or guai-dkl of such pupil, and to the trustees, in which notice SllS stated the reason for .such suspension ; but no pupil shaU be ''T wu '^'^^''"^ ^^"^ authority of the trustees ^ '^"P""- ^hJi A .^'^^ «^a»»Ple of any pupU h very hurtful to the school and in all ca^es where reformation aprJars hopeless it shal be the duty of the master, with the ap^obatioTorthe trustees, to exiiel such pupil from the schooV^ Bu any pupU Z"^ P'^^'^ ''^"^"J^' ^^ «hall express to the master his r?Zt loi aUuL a course or conduct, aa openly and explicitly as the ^e Part IV.] MASTERS AND TEAf!HKRS. Chap. U. 179 m!f. '^u"^'' '5*" "^'^^ ^^^ approbation Of the tiustcs and master, be i^e-admitted to the sAool. The twZiyZtm^} sub section of he one hundred and second section of th^^Si: Schools Act declares " that any pupil who shall be adjudged t " ISr 7ha^^MH U"^*^^? ^7.^ -'^j-^y «^ th:S)Tnd\h: leacner, that h s presence m the school is deemed injurious to the other pupils, may be dismissed from such ,^hool and where practicable removed to an Industrial SchooT"' ' been ex^fiji^^*!^ vuv^^ ^.*"/ ^"^"'^ School who h.« KfTecUofex. X3toriro?X^^^^^^^^^ School, unless by the p-^'o- ScL^pSjlnnl^^!:- ''1:'^'' ^'g'^*"«« "^'«>- ^^^ Public A. ..care of Sa« property under his charge.-the building, outhouses r'*"'''-'""*'- «d of any fumitore ^ .„pp,ie, JiaPh „»rC4S; forth; to Ii.e'VrIlp"r'^ve*«S I'JT """'.'" «'™ ''""' ""»»*" *" - «"«" „s«„t!r *^ *^ J .y . *^" '"'" tempernture, aw well &u tn ihf. V">"ii<^»- nZril'^^^'fH.^^ ''•'"««: he\shall ^Iso pie cr?be «uch fT^l « r ^i^l ""^ •'^ ^''^ y^'-'* ^"'l out-buildings connected w kh the school house, as will ensure their being iTept inantat a d mises are locked at all prooei times ■ «nr1 f^l ii j *"? 1"^^- halls da Iv 3 dn«? fik^ r !"«''« ""^es, to sweep the rooms and of ^^'^ „fll' ?®th*"'l«t«*iibrarianof the s.^i.ool, and take charL'e r of the books; abo make keen ««.! «..^^^«. V ^''*'fe*^ Toiwita. aamfi • H«Hxrn^ T • ' ' , Pf^eserve a catalogue of the librarian. division, on Friday atternoon.of each week ; h„f. thic dutv S ^'"'"'t«d- mjj^ pernutted to interfere with the ..gular worRfIhe 180 It«|iorta to be made by maater. QenenI ragiH- ter tube kept. Prayers to be Hiud by Master on oiwning and vlosing Bubool. 'reuvhera* dutiVH UN to |>ui)ilM. lini-. iliNuip' 'I'll ffrttl rcgii' lutiuHH. 'I'f kindly but fimdy given, either in private or l>efoPB th« bohool, a , the circunmtances require it, or Hueh severe punishment a« the ^e^v >7arraiitH a^Iministered aH directed in the alx.ve regrdation! ^ (6) Improper. indignity or torture ,!i""i!?!;:"u"? '*Tl^'*i' reproof acbninistered lni««siou, personal Part IV.] masters and teachers. •1. — MuHtevH and TrachevH. rhap. 11. ISI 17. It shall also be the duty of eacli master and teaulier of a '^^'Witi-'niil imhlic school to observe the following regulations :— mwS'w »n.l (1.) MtLsters and teachei-H are to evince a regaitl for the im- teathew""' provement and welfare of their pupils ; treat them with kind- ness, coinbined with firmness, and aim at governing them by their affections and reason, rather than by hai-shness and sever- Principle*, cf ity. Mastei-s and teachers shall cultivate kindly and affection- »'"'*'"'•""'•'"♦• ate feelings among the pupils; discountenance (luarrelling cruelty to animals, and every approach to vice. Teachers .shiill also, a.s far as practicable, exercise a general care over their pupils m and out of school, ami shall not confine their instruc- tions and superintendence to the usual .school studies, but shall as far as poasible, extend the .same to the mental and moral training ot such pupils, to their personal deportment, to the practice of correct habits and good manners among them and toon^tno opportunity of inculcating the principles of Truth and Honesty, the duties of respect to superiors, and obedience to all persons placed in authority over them. (2.) No master or teacher shall be absent from the school in Absence, what Which he or she may be employed, without permission of the """'*'"'• trustees or inspector, except in case of sickness, in which case the absence of such teacher shall be immediately reported to the trustees ; and no deduction from the ealary of a teachei- within the limits prescribed by law, shall be made on account of sickness, when certified by a medical man. (3.) The inspector may permit a public school master, or ViBitJng teacher, to te absent two of the ordinary teaching days in each ^'^°"^- half year, for the jiurpose of attending the meetings of the leachera Association, or of visiting and observing the me- thods of classification, teaching and discipline practised in other .schools than that in which he or she teaches. Each public school master and teacher must give at least three days' notice to the trustees of his intention, and such visit, with the name of the school or schools visited, shall be duly reported by such mas- ter or teacher to the inspector. In order that no loss of appor- tionment may accrue to any school in consequence of the master's absence under this regulation, a proportionate amount of average attendance will be credited to the school for the Jme so emplo\^d bythe teacher ; but under no circumstances can lost time be lawfuUy made up by teaching on any of the prescribed holi- days or half holidays, nor mil such time be reckoned by the Department, or be allowed by the inspector. Such permission shall not be given by the inspector if the absence of the teacher will be, m his judgment, injurious to the interests of the school ; nor shall this pei-mission be gianted to any master or teacher who fails to report, or who has employed the time heretofore given to him otherwise than in visiting schools as authorized by this regulation. ^-.j JXo eoHftction shall be taken up, or suttscription.s solicited SubscriptioM, for any purpose, or notice of shows, or exhibitions given in any S^"r"o? to b« taken up. Mode of teach- inK claofieK. Division of pupilH into clMoes. 1«2 Chap. 11. REOULATIONS-PUBLIC SCHOOLS.' [Part IV. public school, without the consent of the truBtees • nor lu, nm. vided ,n Hection two hundred and twen?y seven sha^l ^th^ ^u"red"aT , ^V A'^ raafters and teachers shall rec'ukrlv attend ♦!,« |^he„..eet. H^Z.nTTtt " '""^ '^^T' f,^ '^'"^ ^ifne-s 7nd u"Xr such 8t3v ,S„fT "'^P«''t«'- «h«ll direct; an.l they shall by Tnd'^yS^hrmodes^or?' -^r'^^^' f "^« '^ «ystematii PublSchools "' '''''^^P'^"^ "^"^ «f ^*«'''»g in the uJd" '^T!l^y'^*" classify the chil.lren according to the books prolmmme'^ZlT^^^"i:"" ["*" ^'J^^^^". as prescribed by the alTowed^to kL L r"^, "^T^'^ = '^"J "« t«^her shall be masses taught by such teachers, without the consent of ihl s^JLr''''^ ''!f •' '" ^^^'^''y ''^h^^' «*^all be open for public ex .un)^_^.xcu.ed, to .view „. ^£ inX^eoS^f ^itt: 23 Thev shall keep the visitors' book (which is refinir^d K^ iv to be furnished by the trustPesY in Jv^T„u 'n't'i"''^^ ^:r Time table to Quarterly ex unication. School hmirR. Visitors' book. Reception of visiton. remarks as such victors may choase to make ' '^^ '"'^ ^4. IJiey shall receive courteously such visitors anthnnVn^ ufei'ldf ^«^'-^ .*¥'" .every facilify for inl^X tt S used, and for examining into the state of the school shall k^S the visitor' book accessible, that the visitora mkv if Sf? choose, enter remarks in it. visirors may, it they 1 « Part IV] DUTIES OF PUPUA. Oiap. 12. 183 CHAPTER 12. Duties of Pupils. 1. Pupils must come to school clean and neat in their persons and clothes. Thev must avoid iilleness, profanity, falsehowl and deceit, quan-elling and fighting, cruelty to dumb animals;' be kind and courteous to each other, olmdient to thfir instruc- tors, diligent in their studies, and conform to the rules of their school. 2. Tardiness on the part of pupils shall be considorod a vio- lation of thf rules of the school, and shall subject the delin- quents to such penalty as the natuiv of the case may require at the discretion of the master. ' 3. No pupil shall be allowed to depart before the hour ap- pointed for closing school, except in case of sickness, or some pi-essing emergtmcy ; and then the master or teacher's consent must fii-st \Hi obtained. 4. A pupil absenting himself from school, except on account of sickness, or other urgent reasons satisfactory to the master forfeits his standing in the class, and his riglit te attend the school for the remainder of the term. 0. Any pupil not appearing at the regular hour of commenc- ing a,ny class of the school which he may be attending, without a written excuse from his parent or guardian, may be denied admittance to such school for the day. or half-day, at the dis- cretion of the teacher. 6. Every pupil, once admitted to school, and duly registered, shall attend at the commencement of each term, and continue in punctual attendance until its close, or until he is regularly withdrawn by notice to the teachers to that effect ; and no pupil violating this rule shall be entitled to continue in such ■chool, or be admitted to any other, until such violation is cer- tified by the parents or guardian to have been necessary and unavoidable, which shall be done personally or in writing. 7. Pupils in cities, towns, and villages shall be required to attend any particular school which may be designated for them by the inspector, Avith the consent of the trustees. And the inspector alone, under the same authority, shall have the power to make transfers of pupils from one school to another. 8. Any pupil absenting hunself from examination, or any portion thereof, without permission of the master, shall not thereafter be admitteil to any Public School, except by au- thority of the inspector, in writing ; and the names of all such absentees shall be reported by the master immed'ately to the trustees ; and this rule shall be read to the school just before the examination days, at the close of each term. 9. Pupils shall be responsible to the master for any miscon- duct on the school premises, or in going to or returning from school, except wheu accoiiipauiedby their parents or guaixlians, or some person appointed by them, or on their behalf. f'leanliiieHM, ('iiii)in(r Intf. Leaving before clmte nlHohuiil. A)Meii(H>. ExcnueH. Punctual aUsndMioe. What whool pupils niuat attend. Absence from examination, how punished. Authority of master to last whila nnt^U goim; (^ or coming from lohool. 184 Supply of < »iap8. 13. J4. REofir.ATioNN— prBf.n- w'HooM. [Part IV. F«M for Imnloi •nd Htetiunei-y l»7»bl.- in Ml- Injury ti> pro- Ptrty to l>e niMle KIM id. CertiBMte on *w»vinK nchooL U. The foe/ f^ttk's S .?'t'>*"'''''?''^^ »'o pupil .shall have a nXtn 1. P"y ij'lf m advance ; and til Ce Uall )mTu,M^t I'"-*", 'T r"*'""P '" 'he school un- paid on hiH Salf "PP«>"t«d fee. or it .shall have been "iove8 fromVsc7,oo V i • "''^'' S""' ^^«» »»« '«''^e«. '«• re- Boon, HbUdAyn (Mt timp. CHAPTER 13. Hours of Daily Teaching the Revised S«L7«t„/ ^ """day withm the meanimr of m/.tl.di.Xwerb;Ve'L'X^^^^ ^'^ ^^ - --^e "P. it CHAPTER 14. Religious Instruction.f 1. »«7M!mi Principle. Part IV.] hkfjokh-s instki( tk.v. cimp. 14. 18« which it in to ln! or ^ai'diiin on 9 i' 10. ) TTk* Hanio. L' ffiveii a,v stateti. anarture from the proKrainuu. ,s n.ade without ..uffioient cause. ' -. Wo time or ■limit" table Ih prcHcribt)d, or shall be in fe "xcept in s<. far as the Trustees ^>r School'llr.! and the ttsaeher may cluxwe to regulate this ,K)int ...; V Tr '""^'"^'^'^^^ t" t«achoi-s and inspectors which accom- any the pro^an;mo aiv ^riven in order that the suggestions of Text books in »ppt)iidix C to be only ttiith- orized text IjooIcs. Sample copiea to be fyled in Dei>artm«nt. English edi- tions, when may be used. Volumes must be stamped as authorized. CHAPTEU 16. Authorized Text Books. nJ:J^f «fveral text books mentioned in appendix C.t shall consti ute the only authorized text books for use in the PubUc annexed" '^^P^^''^^ subjects appearing in the appendix A., nri!" ^Yl'i^'' ^ ««?»'•« ^he proper quaUty. and cheapness in ea«h pubhshed in Canada, shall be fyled in the Department^Jnd the retajl price of the several books shall not exceed the pric« appearing in column 4 of the said appendix C, and an to suS S^n wif'T P"b^»'^.h«d. in England or elsewhere, the edition shall be that appearing in the said apjiendix. in V I ^ "^ *'*". ^"♦^'^orized text-books which are published t?„K ' «f .'"^ntioned in said appendix, and whether copy- righted or not m Canada, are authorized for use in the Puffic Schools when sold at a retail price nnt exceeding the price in cents also mentioned in the safd appendix : Prodded always the Minister e^««»<^'«n of such books is approved by .JJ"^ ""liZ that trustees inspectors, and others, may readily ascertain that the text-books in use are duly authored, e.^{ publisher or book.jller is required to stamp e^ch volume on the tit^-page to the eftect that the book is authorized by the De- partment. and the retail price th ereof. Any volume of a book • See tia^A 229 post. T »jcc page ro-j post. PaKT IV ] HCHOOm IS VKW TOWNKHIM. Hi^^ ^y j^y them andit i^rw>f . ■ r**'""^" '"' '^^'"ly <.i- n-f.-ivnco l.v n'«n.M f..r long";,'!; rt T,il"';:^r.':^,;l"',"i'.i" ^"''f->r "-'^'= schools. The books ,,LvZ,t^ ttxt-lM>okN J.y tho pupils m the •Pl-mllx (-. pnnter, in the P,-„,i„ce„f SS^ ^i™!™' P'? f''"'? T' ft".'*!"!" printers in the Provinofinf On^u,^^ V rw,.o,.„i» auu iwheu „ h««o.f * _u:. . ^'"''® ?' .'Jntano may, on app;icAti(;n to the »' '^"PyriKhtod Print and publish editions of^^'' JuT";"* 'Cir,,?;!™!'?'"" j°,p™'.">"' puMi* «ii,io,M o( CHAPTEU 17. Conditions of Aul to Public Schools i„ New and Poor Townships.* EduS,'"ii;:;l^„i,Tpl^rsSi «'"""• y *«?»«™'.. Tow,„hip, „/„ tho foiwi,S''™<,S„"'tjr.-^'"' """ '^°°-- w.;%, •s«,i.-_ o. . r: — r ■ TowMhipg. 188 School section HCt »p8rt. Chap. 17. REOHLATIONS— PUBLIC SCHOOLS. [Part IV, se/anll'fbv tK ''t?'' ^ith definite boundaries has beoR set apart by the township council having jurisdiction or where or criX^r'^" '"'''''' '' theUpendia^^^^rtl:;: have been pLI^''* T^""?^ T^*'"^ *^''«« '•««'^«»<^ ratepayers seouentTv fh^ f T- *'"'^r' ^'^^ *^« ^^tepayers, and tHbt sub- 3. That a building and other accommodation considered hv th': iSr ^^ '^^'^''^ ^- ^'^^ -hool. have beenTroSd b^ niztd'SlffiST ^ff"^^ * ^'^' ."^ «*'^«'- certificate, recog- nizea a.s sulhcient by the mspector, has been emploved bv tL trustees for at least six months of the year ^^P'^^^^ ^^ **»« been dulv aL'-^fr' *''^""*^' "^ ^^^ "^^^^i^" °r division have nwMglwn. «. That all the Information asked for in the nresoribeil form. haU,een g.ven, ,o far aa it i, in the power ofX"r»t,^T foL'^Je »!;? K^r'^ '"<' r"'?' 'T'^- '" ">e prescribed Sohoolin T TT iu i> SZil"™..!. the reTmmen'dZf oTr''"'™; "" DT"™"' »*"• "P"" o'-n-^frerlVnltLTtht^i^^Lr "^ '"= ''»^-' TruHtees elect ed. School build- ing provided. Teacher em- ployed. Accounts ou- lUted. Reports Bent in. In union of organized and unorganized townships. In townships with munici- Ml organiza- tion. .,.''■ '']"' «™'?''.'» sehools in municipalities consifitiniy of . Z™ h oK'S """ ".""y"^ to^ships, Zf^'t^ tne schools in the organized parts of townships in Dronortinn «"ed.^™""'^ •" *"" "^ *•>•' -»'^ - to'^nTh^rSS J.;"it^or wif at t«Li^tir„?t Ulr-tZS" ^"^foX%St'^:e%»^,SrSe'ttSS county or township council concerned, or by t^e cou^citt municpahty consisting of two or mo^ towaships, &c the'S SX' :lSSTo5etheKl*" 't ^^fP-^rtmen^warrant it, ' of any particular period spedfied^ mav LPf*''"^ y«"' °''«* *»>« «nd No part of the arant tnad^W tJ,^ n ^ ^ '^^^""^'^ "*"«* expedient. Acta. I applied toly Xer XSose^hKhT* "*"' TK^^^ S°'«>«» the teachpr ''^ purpose than the payment of the salary of Pabt rv.] soBMAL ANu MODEL SCHOOLS. Chaps. 1, 2. 18U TITLE 11. NORMAL AND MODEL SCHOOLS. CHAPTER 1. Responsibility of Principals and Masters. f I'u '^i^- ^"»«»Pals of the Normal Schools shall be resoonsihlp « to the Minister of EHnnntmn fr,^ +i,„ V '^sponsible RsHiJonsibUity the NoJ,fll «n/\r~] 1 Q I , ° ^"^ ""^^^^"^ ^^"^ efficiency of f Pri»«pal8. the JNormal and Model Schools un their charge. ^ 2. The Mastei-s, Teacheis and ali owners employed in the Nnv p r^pective Pnncipals for the due and faithful discharge of the," CHAPTER 2. Training of Second-Class Teachers in the Normal Schools. t n^'L'^-^T^' '^'^ ""•^ ^^<^"t the 30th of MaX the third Jhall begm about the 5th of April, and end atut the 3oK 2. Only such students shall be admitted to the NorniRl r • •. . t^^}. ?b "■' Tf^^"^' *'"; Second-dass or Fh^t-class S^ te^'"' hcates ; the candidate must be. if a male, not less than eighS and .Jfa female, not les.s than seventeen years of e^o ^§ ,2 fin-nish to he Principal satisfactory proof of the mop^ a^ .) Candidates for Second-class (5eitificates, in o?S bf ad- mitted to a Normal School, must have passed the non nrofes Bional examination prescribed for suc?i ceitiSten o? such other examination as the Minister may judge STan eoXa TetSS'St^^/V^ fr' ""''' ^4?successf"l?Ta' Notl^C^rUL'^r''''" r'^'"^^^^ any .session ataN.^Wor be n^ n.'»!^ fi • T T"""":^ ''''^^' *"'*' "f ^'i^"'' there shall ^tudeSt,. be not mo.e than tlurty of each ,sex ; the selection of those who 190 Subieota of Study, Method of Instruction, Chap. 2. REGULATIONS-NORMAL SCHOOLS. [Part IV. MTnis°t«i^wK *"* -n' '^""^'^^ ^"""^"^ S«ho«J« ^i» be made by the sShthJ^i Tl^'^^ preference to such candidates as Lv^ stood highest at the non-professional examinations. 4. The subjects of ntudy in each of the sessions shaU be- Education, Reading and Elocution, Mental Arithmetic, Practical Chemistry, Music and Di-awing, Hygiene, Domestic Economy (for females). Drill (for males;, ^ Calisthenics. tie afforded Xr? '" ^u^^-^ '^*" ^*^« """^^^ous opportuni- noLi S a^id'^Caltr'J'"' "Sr' D«*wing, Dorestic Eco- his voice for readin. and solkl^ T™ ,?'°?' """'mprove we^pted fbm pir'x i4s5z|i.:° jrci?,'/ Cahsthenics, and Domestic Economy shaU bp M.ffinwf ' Part IV.] second-c ,as teachers, normal schools. Chap. 2. 191 6. At the close of each session the Principal slmU menaie n • i, fhe ilS"^ *? the Central Con.mittee a de^tailed ItfiT of &«.*'''""• the capacity of each Teacher-in-training, which shall likewise r S tt:*^^"f °' ^" ''t 'l^'^' ^"-^ ^P-'i*^! -aster ^-^ .nittee «W1 1?^^' ^^ ""i*^" «^ ^'"^ ^^"'«- ^he Central Con,- uuttee shall at the same time test the proficiency of the Teachers-in-trainmg by such oral, written, or other ^examina! tions as may suit the nature of the subjects of the iMesc"X' ^'*" Kduca- Payment of uon will, upon the receipt ot the report of the Central Com- *»>« expenses of tihcate his actual expenses incurred in tmvelling from hi^ resi dence tj, the Normal School and ba*k again Ldle sum of two dollar^ per week towards reimbursing^m fo7his expels while in attendance at the Normal School. TeacheS-in-tS 2st"a? trr ''? 7^^"' ""' -ece-, toobtaiS'allowre; Ki.1 fill ^'^^j* «^ *he session, before leaving the Normal School fiU up and hand to the Principal an appliltion acc3 ing to the form provided by the depaitment^^ ' '^^ ^hJ}, the Juty of the Principal of the Normal Time uble School to prepare a Time Table and programme in detanof "''^ ''«*^«J ge coujse p study in each subject, wiich^Sb^ submkted^"'^^ J?e^i!lon "' "" 'PP''"'^ ^^''^ '^« commencemSof 10. In the event of arrangements being made for the delivery lalT"^^ ?f Lectum. to First-cla.ss T^a^hers on the p3 V<^1 principles underlying the methods of education Cdl dates for second-class certificates attending a Normal Sol dimng any session when such lectures may be delivered shaU attend the course, and be examined thereon ^"^«^«^' »^*" 192 [Part IV. S««ioiu. ^W 2. HKOULATiON.S-NOBMAL SCHOOLS. CHAPTER 3. Training of A-t-CIa- Teachers in the Nonnal Subjecta of atudy. class certficates It shnll tl • l^ ^^ candidates for First- •dmiMion. ^ -• '-""y such students slinlJ u i • , School a« are candidates foXond or'S*''.*^ i'^ 'J?^ N"""*! (1) Candidates for First CkssCe.Hh-r^"'''^ ^"'^'««^te«- ; admitted to a Noi-mal School Cl.u^' T'^'^" °«^«r to l^rovincial Certificates ' ^'^ ^'°^^'^'« ^^ Second CJass certmlts^^h^Sltl,^^^^^^ ""^ ^^^\^^ for Fii^t-clas. ««- - "terary and SmTs ure^r"*^^ "^^'^ ^^^ -t"^! •sciUdrtec,!^^^^^^^^^^^^ examination nre- examine candidates, either omUv or ^f '^ >^"'""<^*ee staJJ other manner as may he suitTd^^iVj irr§;eTuij:.Jlt Education, School Law, Reading and Elocution, Practical Chemistry, Practical Botany Music and Drawimr. DnU (Males only). Calisthenics. Method of iu. Btruction. ^ucfttiun. r-^^^nT^^^^ as thl nece^ry arrango- chology, on those laws of Z?^{;Tr '"'^^" ''^'^^ ^^ W" the science of education "^'""^ ^'' ^^ ^^^ foundatioVjf th/lIy'X&^^^^^^^^ he may delegate eftort and ,hal! discurthe ^aiurof f^'*?-^'^^^^"^**'^^ which may be employed in dovlll ^ t ^^'^^^rent methods "npaiting instruction^and in TcuS' '\ ''"l^'« "'^*"'e. >" likewise deal with the Tub ec of "t T ■"■ ^"^ '^'^^^ makers shall discuss the variot Lttf *^|¥\"i^*tion. The in the subjects, which they respii"^^^^^^^^ which are practised portunities shall be afforded tSfrf^ ^"^^^ Numerous op- and to practise teachingand tL . ' '"I'^'ning to witness can to ixnprove eachlnXift^^^^ '^^^l do what they bvdiscu.ssionsof the meritror Settt o^f T^ advice, and class have witnessed. ^ ^^ teaching which the [Part IV. onual hool, there for First- September, e Normal ertilicates. n order to ond CJafis ?'irst-claai r instruc- tion pre- ttee shalJ in Huch ibject, in in ac- I'rangc- inpsy- tion of ^legate itional 3tliods ire, in ) shall The ctised IS op- itness they I, and lithe PABT IV.] BOARDING H0U.SE8 FOR PUPILS, N. SCHOOLS. Chap. 4. 198 AUotttd portions of this compendium, will be assigned from time to time and lectures thereon given. rhtI^^ n lessons in reading and elocution will be given by B^m «id some specially qualified person. ^ ^ EiocuUon. A course of instruction in vocal music will be given. Music. ^course of instruction in freehand drawing and pei-spective l>«wing. u7foM"*'*-^''p ^",b« »«q«ireJ to go through a couiue simi- Practical lar to that m Roscoe's Chemistry Primer. Chemistry, knIwLw'i?? '7"k,^u-T1,"''""'* ^ «^^^» * rudimentary Practid knowledge of vegetable histology by using the microscope. ^'^^y- The male students will be required to be able to drill a com- Drill |Nuiy. Practice in calisthenics nhould be contmuod. CalUthenic X^^ormal School year to report to the Chainnan of the Centra '^i^'^^- Committee on he fitness of each candidate for a Fi,t^t-c£s oertmcate. and this report shall embmce a statement Cm cS of the regular and special Mastei.^ as to the use the st i, W Prin^.? °^ *^" f °^^, P*^ ^^«"*^^^ CommiLThdlu^^n^^' 6 iWaU h?f J.; " - T ^?:^^^*^ «bould be awarded. ScWltonrLrLT- "^/n^ the PHncirml of the Normal Time Table ocnooi to prepare a Time Table and Programme in detail of fh.> ?ndl>«t»ii«d r'Mi^l^'"^ '1-^^ «"''>?• -hich^shalfL submi'i^dt ^«~- Uie^Mmister for his approval before commencement of the CHAPTER 4. Boarding Houses for Pupils in Normal Schools. reg^LH^^to'he?n"^^vf-*'' expected to lead orderly ;u.l Eeg..,atio„, 3^!! i^T' . • "" !'^^" i-espective lodgings every nii-ht '•"»"'«'"»• before half pa«t nme o'clock and to attend their respectWe places of worship with strict regularity Any improprieties o^duct will be brought undtr the^eciaf nX?of the ;„ !!l® teachers-in-training are not permitted to board and lodge m any house which has not been sanctioned bv tb« mVSv Sffl"'"'^'""", '^^'^ot, moreover, board in any house in which other than female boarders are admitted 18 ' ' 194 Chapn. 5, 6. KEOULATIONS— MODEL SCHOOLS. [PaRT IV. The Depai'tmont will not be reupoiiHible to the keeper of any boarding houHe for board and lod|nng8 fumiuhed to the students. No boarding houHe keeper will be licensed unless one bed- room \)e allowed exclusively to two students, and a good-sized parlour to bo set apart as a sitting room for the use of the students in the house. It is further necessary, that the house should in other respects be found at '^ times satisfactory on inspection by the proper authority. .^ i3plicationsforlicen.se are received unless made at lea^t one week before the opening of the session. These regulations apply to all applicants, and to those now licensed. A list of licensed boarding houses will be furnished on ai)plication to the Depaitment. CHAPTER 5. ExaminatioiiH of Normal School Candidates for Certificates as Teachers. The regulations on this point will be found ante p. 175, under the regulations respecting certificates to teach in Public Schoob. CHAPTEK 6. Cc^mty Model Schools. 1. — Oonditio'iia of Eatabliahment. KstabliBJiinent !• A Model School for each county (if necessary), shall be M*i"i'"'T established in the I'espective county towns, and in counties * '" •' ' »; 'oo » forming pai-t of unions in the ])lace selected by the Minister. Where there are .special grounds, more than one Model School for a county may be established, and in caces where the county town cannot furnish the requisite educational facilities, the Model School may be placed where such exist. 2. No school .shall be made a county Model School unlcis the following requisites are complied with : (1) The Head Master miist hold a Fii-st-class Provincial Certificate ; and there must be two assistants, each holding a Provincial Certificate. (2) In the case of Union Schools, the Public School classes must be conducted in a separate building from those of the High School, and in practical independence of them ; and the pre- ceding regulation as to the certificates to be held by the teach- ere, will be underatood to have reference to the teachei-s in the Public School department of the Union School. Reqiiinites for a (Smnty Model SuhooL Part IV] COL'Nry MODKL SCHOOLS Chap. G. 19ii (3) The school must contain one room for each division, with one additional room. *i,^*ii»— T"^* ^^ provided with such educational appliances as the Minister may require. ^.—Conduct of County Model Schools* 3. The teachers-in-training shall employ their time (lurinir the session of the Model School according to a time-table, to be drawn up by the Principal. In this time-table provision shall be made not only for formal instruction in Education and other subjects during at least two hours per diem, but also for the employment of the teachers-in-training for at least three ad- ditional hours daily in observing and practising teachiiiir. About one hour per diem should be devoted to giving instruc- tion in school organization, government and methods of teach- ing, and It 18 prescribed that this shall be done either before or after school hours It is recommended that about thirteen hours per term be devoted to tciching Reading and Elocution, about the same time to Mental Ai-ithmetic, about five hours to bchool Law ajid Regulations, and about four to School Hyirfene. fhe time-table shall be submitted to and approved by the Pub- lic School Inspector, and a copy of that drawn up for the fii-st session sha^l be ti^nsmitted to the Department, fefore the ses- sion 18 half over. 4. During about three hours in every school day the teachei.s- m-traimng shall be occupied in observing the methods of teach- ing employed in the Model School, or in other schools, if there are any conveniently situated for the purpose, and in making notes thereon, or in actual teaching, fhey shall not. howevef, be i-equired to teach a class in any subject until the proper method of dealuig with that subject has been explained, and a class taught by some experienced teacher in illustration of the explanations The hour which is to be devoted daily to the subject of education by the Principal, may be occupied either with lectures or criticisms on the notes made, or on the teaxjhuigdone bythe teachei-s-in-training, or with examina- tions to test their progress. It is expected that the Principal wiUsee to It that every intending teacher placed under his charge becomes acquainted with one good method of teaching each subject from the beginning of the progiammo to the ond of the fourth cla^s. As. moreover, it is exceedingly importiint that they should thoroughly understand how to begin tcachii..^ each subject, the time-table and the course of instruction should be so arranged that they may have ample opportunities for acqmrmg a theoretical and practical knowledge of the best methods of instructing junior classes. 5. Asmanycandidatesfor certificates pronounce and read very •7^' Tri^.^'SH^^ attention should be paid to these subjecte m the Model Sch- h. Though the Principal cannot bi ex- P^'m'^f "^ ^""^ ^'"' ^"""'^ ^'"''' ^VAoo/, tvilt be found in Appendi^O. How tcttuheiii' tinit* Hhall b« divided. Time-table t4» be drawn up. MetlllHlB of toarhing to be observed. Reading and elocution. 196 Chap. 6. REGULATIONS — MODEL SCHOOLS. [PaBT IV. MenUl Arith- metic. The Dchool l*w and regula- tions. Hygiene. Gnod manners. Register. Reiiort— ex- amination— certificateH. .1 pected to effect a very great improvement in the candidates, during the short time at his disposal, it is hoped that he may do good by giving valuable hints, by directing attention to de- fects, and by instilling correct fundamental notions on elocution. 6. It is likewise considered advisable that the teachere-in- training should have some practice in Mental Arithmetic, on account of its value as a preparation for teaching arithmetic. 7. A few lectures should be given on those parts of the School Law and Regulations which relate to the duties of teachers. Attention should be particularly directed to those points of which a knowledge is likely to prove of immediate practical value to beginners. 8. A few lectures on Hygiene should be given, in order that attention may be directed to the importance of ventilation, cleanliness, etc., as bearing upon the health and comfort of a school.. 9. The Principal should, both by example and precept, incul- cate politeness. He should likewise direct the attention of the teachers-in-trainiug to the importance of cultivating the man- ners of the pupils placed under their charge. 10. It shall be the duty of the Principal to keep a register in such foi-m as the Minister ' may prescnbe, which shaU show the weekly progress of each teacher-in-training. 11. He shall report to the Coimty Board of Examiners, at the close of the session, on the fitness of each candidate, ac- cording to a form to be provided by the Department. The teachers-in-training shall be subjected to oral and written ex- aminations at the end of the session by the County Board of Examiners, who shall, upon the Principal's report andVthe results of their examinations taken togeuier, decide to whom certificates shall be awarded. No candidate who habitually speaks imgrammatically, or mispronounces ordinaiy words, or is extremely defective in any important subject, or is slovenly in his dress, or illmannered, or is devoid of aptitude for teach- ing, or is unqualified for any other i-eason, should receive a certificate. 3. — Inspection of County Model Scliools. insijeutinn of 12. The Minister of Education having intimated his inten- County Model tjoj, ^q gg^ the work of temporarily inspecting County Model "" "■ Schools done by the Central Committee, who may assign it to any of their number, the Central Committee have appointed the four members of the Committee, who are Public School Inspectors, as a sub-committee for this purpose. 13. The above-mentioned inspection through a sub-committee of the Central Committee is not intended to interfere in any measure with the authority and rights of Public School In- spectors. Public School Inspectors retain all the powers they have hitherto possessed in regard to the oversight of Public Schools. But it is desirable, with a view to possible future arrangements, that the Minister of Education should bu in pos- session of more special and systematized information than could Part IV] COUNTY MODEL HOHOOLS. Chap. 6. 197 be furajshed bv the reports of the Public School Inspectoi-s generally. It has, thei-efore, Injen decided to make an inde- pendent inspectoral visitation of the County Model Schools, with the exclusive olyect of ascei-taining how they are fulfilling their functions an training institutions. Ii.—Candidfites tvfto aludl be (idmitted into tlut County Model SdtooUi. 14. The toachers-in-training, who shall have the privilege of Admteion of attending the .several schools acting as County Model Schools, ?Cl!iv m™ui for the firat and second sessions respectively, shall be selected 8oho!;i;. trom candidates fulfilling the prescribed conditions, by the several County Boards of Examiners. While the County Boards, as the parties best acquainted with all the circumstan- ces that should be taken into account, are left to their full dis- cretion in making the selection. It is suggested, that, as a rule, they give the preference to those candidates who have been most successful in passing the non-professional examination for third-class certificates. Not more, however, than twenty-five candidates should be admitted to any Model School without the special concurrence of the County Inspector, for reasons which may appear to him to justify the admission of a larger number. •* 198 Chap. 1. IlKdin.ATlONS — HKJH SCHOOLS. [I'AKT IV. i! TITLE III. HIGH SCHOOLS AND COLLEGIATE INSTITUTES. CHAPTER 1. CIamm of Hifl^ Sohools or Collegiate InititutM. Infonnttion required for EsUblishment of High School iu. Otturuitee refuiT«d. Conditions of Establishment. Tho School Law provides for the establishment and main- tenance of three classes of superior English or classical schools, viz : — I. High Schools for teaching classical and English subjects — in which boys and girls may oe instructed together or separ- ately. ' II. High Schools, in which boys and girls may be instructed in English subjects alone. III. Collegiate Institutes, for giving instruction in classical and English subjects, in which there shall be an average daily attendance of at least sixty boys in Latin or Greek. HIGH SCHOOLS. Parties wishing to have a High School of either class estab- lished in their locality are requested to furnish the Education Department with the following information : 1. The distance of the proposed High School from the near- est a^j^^iAii^ High Schools. 2. The population of the town or village municipality in which it is proposed to place the High School. 3. The amount of taxable property in the High School dis- trict. 4. The description of the proposed High School building, an regards — (a) Its situation; the extent of its site: size of play- ground ; and extent of outside conveniences, &c. (6) Size and description of the proposed building ; num- ber of rooms devoted to teaching; room for teacher ; hat, cloak, map and book presses. 5. A guarantee is required that an annual assessment or grant shall be made by the local municipality to the amount of S1,000 in addition to the minimuui county grant for the purposes of the High School. Ul Part TV.] Arc OMMODATION. Chap. 2. !()(» 6. A writton •guarantee must he given tn the Depailinont *""rth«r by responsible parties, (1) that a Muitable buihling, distinct from "'"*■■»"'•• tne Public School-house will be provirled ; (2) that at least two competent teachers shall be employed in the proposed High School. 7. The expenses of an inspector, who will visit the locality, iMpectorV for the purpose of making a special report, must be guaranteeMi4 vided for it. The school or institute should have : — mm Siae of Dohnol gitonndi. i tiap RKfJf'f.tflniM— HIOH HciroOLH. fPAHT IV. an (1) A sito of nn acru in extent >mt not low* than half acre. (2) A Hchool-IiO!iHc (with separate looniH where the number of pupiJH oxcocIh lifty). the walls of which .shall not be less than ten feet high ir. the clear an.l which shall not contain loan thffn mm- s.,uaie feet on the Ik, for each child in attemlance. *«>*.'. U> all..w an area in each room for at leiwt one hundreU cubic feot of air for each child. It sliall also W sufficiently warmed and ventilated, and the premiscH properly drained. ?i< A **""'^'"-'"*' **^nce or paling round the school premises. (♦;. A play ^nound, or other satisfactory provision for physical exercise, within the fences, and off the rojwl. (6) A weU, or other means of procuring water for the school (U; i-roper and separate offices for both sexes, at some little disUn^ from the scliool -house, and suitably enclosed. (7) buitablo school furniture and apparatus, viz. : desks, .seats blackboards, maps, library, presses and books, etc., neces- sary for the efficient conduct of the school. (8) The school grounds should allow the school-house to be set well back from the road, and furnish play-grounds within the fences. A convenient form for school grounct will be found to be an area of about fiftv-six yards front by eighty-five yards deep, with the school-house aet back twenty yards from theroad^ Ihe grounds shall be strongly fenced ; the yards and outhouses in the rear of the school-house being invarUbly sepamted by a high and tight bomd fence ; the front ground being planted with shade trees and shrubs Inspeotoni muHt hold no other office. Duties of inspectori. Full time to be ootjupied. Yiaiting Mhoola. CHAPTER 3. Inspectors. 1. — Duties. 1. No High School inspector shnll. during his incumht;nw hold any office or per/orm any other duties th . t,!,o^.. rttCit'""""^' '''' '^"' "'"""^ '""^ P«— " 0' c .Ll! ^'!? ^^'^''^l ^f^. ^n^^^^^ the inspectors of High b^ 'Ti F^„f f""'™!.' "'*L*^"'''^ ^™*y be prescribed for them b, , ,ar. He shall dm, visit the Heparatt, fcichoolH (under such inHtruutir)nH an the Sopaiato Hchoo law authorizoH), and nhall also visit f^u principal Puhlic BchooJ« in cities, towns an.l villages, to see liow far the Hecu- tations are carried out in these schools. He shall devot*^ a aay or more to the examination of Mui classes and pupils in each Mhoo, and shall record the result of such exau.il.ation in a booic U, I,,' kept f..r that pur)M>se. Ho shall also make inquiry • nd exni n,mti(.n, in such manner as he hI.hII think proper, into an niattors affec^inff the condition and op..rati..ns o^ thesclxwl, t^r results of which he shall report to the Kducation Deiwrt- ment. He shall not give any previous notice to the master or tnistees of his visit. MnnK ^J .'""P^'fto'' «hall prepare and transmit to the Minister ii,,.,ru. such confidential or other reports a« the Minister may requii-o in such form and manner a,s the Minister may direct. The half-jrearly report on each school inspected shall he made Tnn.? T.u"^''' *^^'" •'r*' inspection, and the joint general report of the inspectors for the preceding year shall be made annually not later than Ist of March. »A'^il!^'T!'*^i°"'' •'^'^P'-'cting examinations of Public Schools Kxandnuiou by Public School inspectors should be referred ti as a guide U' ''"?"; hLk A^?^'"'*' insnectors in making their examination ofKuid" "^ riSci les "^ '" '^^ examinations are governed by similar 2.— Travelling Expenses of Inspectors. „.(\) In aoplying for the payment of expenses incurred by ^""p*"*^™- High School inspectors in t?.e performance of their duties they will state the places where they have visited, the names of the schools inspected, the actual time employed in the inspection. 1 hey will also sbito the general nature of other business i.er- tormed at any place, the number of miles travelled in perform- ing these duties, and the actual expenses incurred (20 The maximum allowance for travelling expenses will Maximum ^^ ' allowance. (a) The actual cost of railway and steamboat fares. (6) Charges by other conveyances. fe\ ^otei or other expenses incurred while travelling (30 Each inspector s^^all present his account half yearly to th M^^"te ' ^'^"^ "^"^ examine and report thereon to * Ste page 160 ante. Qtialificatinii of He of Head Master . ReguIatioDfi tn be coinplieH with. Pi 202 Chap. 4. REGULATIONS— HIGH SCHOOLS. [PaRT IV. CHAPTER 4. Masters. 1.— CERTIFICATES OP QUALIFICATION. (1) — Head Masters. 1. Any Graduate in Arts of a chartered University in the British Dominions, who lias proceeded regularly to his degiee, and who produces evidence satisfactory to the Education De- I)artment, that he has taught successfully for one year as As- sistant in a High School, or who is a holder of a first or second class certificate as a Public School Teacher, shall be considered eligible for the Head Mastership of a High School. 2. Any person wishing to become a Head Master of a High School or Collegiate Institute, shall comply with the following Hegulations : — (1) He shall present for the inspection of the Board employ- ing him, the diploma which he may have received from any Univei-sity in Her Majesty's jDominions, or furnish other satis- factory proof to the Board that he has regularly graduated in the Arts Department of such University. He shall also present to the Board a certificate from the Education Department, show- ing that he has satisfied the Department as to his knowledge of the science and art of teaching, and of the management and discipline of Schools. (2) Graduates who have had experience in Colleges and Pri- vate Schools only, must satisfy the Department that such ex- perience is sufficient before they can be regarded as eligible for appointment to a Head Mastership. 3. No honorary degree in arts can be admitted as evidence of compliance with the law. 2. — Assiatants and Monitors. Qualification *• ^0 Assistant shall be employed in a Collegiate Institute or for AssiKUnta. High School who does not possess a legal certificate of qualifi- cation of the first or second class prescribed for public school masters and assistants, or a certificate that he is a gradtiate who proceeded regularly to his degree in the Faculty of Arts in some University in the British Dominions, unless he has ob- tained a certificate from the High School inspector in accord- ance with these Regulations. But this regulation shall be held Honorary degrees. InRpeotors' Certificate-!. not to apply to teachers of tlie special subjects of 'French German, Drawing, Singing, Gymnastics, or Calisthenics*. 5. At the request in writing of any High School or Collegiate Institute Board a High School inspector may admit to exami- nation any senior pupil in a High School or Collegiat* Insti- tute, or any other candidate for tlie position of Assistant or [Paut IV. Part IV.] MASTERS. Cha]). 4. 203 sity in the his degi-ee, ica*iion De- Ye&T as As- a first or iv, shall be fh School, of a High ! following 'd employ- l from any ither satis- iduated in iso present ent, show- cnowledge 3ment and !S and Pri- t such ex- »ligible for ddence of istitute or of qualifi- •lic school Itiate who f Arts in e has ob- in accord- 11 be held f [French, C8. Collegiate to exami- at* Inati- listant or Inspectors' Certifioates t<> under- graduate!). Monitor in such High School or Collegiate Institute, on the • following conditions ; (1). The pupil or other candidate shall present to the in- spector a certificate of good character, signed by a clergyman. (2). The subjects of examination for the position of Monitor shall be .—Reading, Writing, Spelling, and the Elementary parts of Grammar, Geography and Arithmetic. (3). The subjects of examination for the position of Assist- ant shall l>e (in addition to those required in the case of a Monitor) a competent knowledge of Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, the Elements of Latin, and satisfactory evidence of some knowledge of the Art of Teaching and School Govern- nient. 6. An inspector may at his discretion, grant without examina- tion, a certificate lus Assistant in a High School or Collegiate Institute, to any Undergraduate in Arts, of at least two years' standing on the following conditions : (1). That such Undergraduate present to the inspector evi- dence that he is in good standing in his University. (2). That he present to the inspector a certificate of good character signed by a clergyman. (3). That he furnish such evidence as the inspector requires of some knowledge of the Art of Teaching and of School Gov- ernment. 7. A certificate granted under these regulations may be sus- pended or cancelled by an inspector, for any reason which may appear to such inspector to warrant it. 8. No certificate shall be given for a longer period than one year ; such certificate may, however, be specially renewed for twelve months, at the request of a High School or Collegiate Institute Board concerned ; but no certificate shall be given to a Monitor or Assistant for a third year without re-examination. ■'). All certificates granted under these regulations and subse- quently suspended or cancelled, and all renewals of such cer- tificates, shall be duly reported by the inspector to the Educa- tion Department, and to the High School or Collegiate Institute Board concerned. 2. — ^NUMBER AND DESIGNATION OF MASTERS. 10. In every High School there shall be, as required by law, Number of and as necessary to teach the subjects of che prescribed pro- ^f*"*'^". gramme of studies, a Head Master and one or more duly quali- fied teachers employed. 11. The chief teacher employed in any High School shall be l)e«i«natio.i. designated as the Head Moder, and the others shall be named first, second or third, &c., AHmatant ; while in Collegiate Insti- tutes they shall be respectively designated Principal and Masters. 3. — POWERS AND DUTIES. 12. The powers and duties of Mastt^-s in High Schools and Powers am Collegiate Institutes are generally the same as those of Mastei-s ^'^"*" "' ^*''' Suspension of such certifi- cates. Duration and renewal of certificatei. Report of sus- ])enRion, &c. 204 SchiMilc, Monthly Keport." Chap. 5. REOULATIONS— HIGH SCHOOLS. [PaRT IV. l.«/f^;, J^*''P"''''^^x*: "^f ''^'j*^"? «*'^«»' ««hool8 for two days each half year, is perimtted to the Head Master of aHigh School but fn LI .t ?u^^'''" *^® ''^'^«°*^ «^ ^-he Education Department ' 2nuu' ^^^^ u- T^ "^*>' *^««"^ *t the inspector's visr He ?n n ^ Tw .^!' *'™' ^^ ^^««"«« «" tJ^^ half-yearly return rnil.i^ Jeport of the progress and conduct of each pupil shall be furnished to his parent or guardian, monthly, ty^the He.«i Admiggion of Public Scho.(l Teachers. CHAPTER 6. Pupils. 1. — A^miation. Subjeoto of exAmination. Uniform standard of ad mission. • Answers to reach a mini- mum value of 60 per cent. Viva Voce and special ezammations. ■■■ii ii > 1. Teachers and Assistant Teachers of Public Schools who ^Tn^rfe'^rl "''^^'^^ - Teachers. maylSSiS to entei a High School as pupils without being required topaas the usual entrance examination 4"*rea«)paas T^^\ ''. °^ T'" ^ ^''"^d i» appendix H.f ^ f Ji' • f ^^'^^^^ of admission to all the High Schools and 'htuffutri>t^^^^^^^^ - '- - pra.ae.be°iot rent'rar^ror'^^ of the aligned value ol ^1"" myen in margin of exammation questions, and at least one- thvrd of the marks must be obtained in eve^ subfit CaX f3 i ^^ ^^'''^^ questions in the paper in gmmmanj The Local Examiners shall give marks for the a£wers to ever^ question in correspondence with the number aligned t^S question and the completeness and ao..^amination. in\uci subject rth^ • See page 177 ante. ~ ~ T See page 263 post. li.lExTlTnerr'^lfflfdXWel^^^^^^ °.^ the re-,,latio„.. unqualified pupils from entering thf TTiA <^t^ ?^ * j* f^^V^'^^iouB is to prevent [Part IV. latter must o days each School, but to the trus- Department, ' 3 visit. He irly return, redited and ipil shall be r the Head Part IV.] PUPILS. Chap. 5. 205 hools, who e admitted •ed to pass lesiring to hools and e uniform )n to the irks must e answers east one- Candi- he marks ar.J The to every >d to the iswers. lucted on >ndidates J as they 'e^iilatioiia, to prevent < minimum ivest tbem- kke atoUl Punctuality. may think proper, of the result of which a record and reoort shall be made. ^ vJl ^**^0M\P»P'1s y« eligible f<.r promotion from the Pub- p^rentH mav lie to tne High bchools, after passing a satisfactory examina- d^^W" ^ to tion in the subjects of the first four classes of the former it is .'l"'n''"i'Tv."' at the option of the parents or guardians of pupils whether they HS7sch:,J.L shal enter the High School or not, before they complete the whole programme of studies in the Public Schools, wlien thev can enter an advanced class in the High School. 7. The Local Inspector shall be re-sponsible to the Department ,. .■ , for the safe-keeping, unopened, of the examination pap^, until l^X^v.. the day of the exammation. He shall also at the close of the examination of candidates for admission, submit the answers of candidates to the Local Board for examination and report No certificate of admission shall be awarded to a candidate until the High School inspectors report to the Education Depart- ment, that m their opinion, the candidate has shown a compe- tent knowledge of the subjects in which he was examined as provided for in these regulations. 8. The presiding inspector or examiner must l>e punctual in distributing the papers, and in directing the candidates to sign their papers at the close of the allotted time. No writing other than the signature, should be permitted after the order to sign IS given. The candidates are required to be in their allotted places m the room before the hour appointed for the commence- ment of the examination. If a candidate be not present till after the commencement of the examination, he cannot be allowed any additional time on account of such absence. 9. Each examiner, by his consenting to a«t, binds himself in Noinfoma honour.ito give no information to candidates, directly or indi- t'on to rectly, by which the examination of that candidate might be '^^^^*- aflrected. ^ 10. The time and duration of each examination, as well as Tlie time the time allotted foi- each paper, shall be fixed by the Central Committee. .u^i;/*^^.-''®*'^!;^,''^ ^^\ ^*^*' Inspector to be forwarded to The retun* the Jiiducation Office at the close of the examination, shall con- tain a i-ecord of .the marks obtained by each candidate for each question. 12. The Local Examiners are requested to publish in one p„i.i.„.f , local newspaper, the names of admitted candidates finally ap- resulu ° proved by the inspectors, and the names of the schools at which they were prepared. i:}. The examination of candidates for admission to the High Place of School or Collegiate Institute, shall be held in such place as may •'"""'""tion. be agieed upon by the examiners. 14. The Local Inspector or one of his colleagues, as appointed, Procee«UnK8 »t shall preside at the opening of the examination, and at nine e^^niination. o'clock in the morning of the first day, in the presence of such of his colleagues as may be there, and of the candidates f.he presiding examiner shall break the seal of the package of ex- amination papers received from the Department and ajjpointed 206 '.Chap. 5. KI!:GULATI0N.S— HIGH SCHOOl.S. [Part IV. Duty of cuididateg. Close of ex»minat''>n IiTM:uIar conduct to be puniBhed. Two examin- «ntoact. Appealg by candidates. ProviHionalad' miRaion of pupil*. it Admiiiition of candidates to be approved. for that examination. He .shall also break open the seal of each additional package of examination papers as required, in the presence of a co-examiner and of the candidates. He shall turther see that at least one examiner is present during the whole time of the examination in each room occupied by the candidates. The Local Board shall, if desirable, appoint one or more of its members (1) to preside at the examination in any ot the subjects named in the programme; (2) to read and re- P "Po" *'"« answers as they are received. 15. The candidates, in preparing their answers, will write only on one side of each sheet. They will also write theii- names on each sheet, and having arranged their papera in the order of the questions, will fold them once across and write on the outside sheet tfeeir names, school and date. After the papers are once handed in, the examiners will not allow any alteration thereof, and the presiding inspector is responsible for the su Sequent sare-KCcping of the same until he has sent them to the Education Department, or (in case of an examiner) until he has handed them to the Local Inspector. 16. In the event of a candidate copying from another, or allowing another to copy from him, or taking into the room any books, notfs, or anything from which he might derive assistance m the exammation, it shall bfe the duty of the presiding ex- aminer, if he obtain clear evidence of the fact at the time of Its occurrence, to cause such candidate at once to leave the room- neither shall such candidate be permitted to enter durintr the remaining part of the examination, and his name shall be struck oft the list. If however, the evidence of such case be not clear at the time, or be obtained after the conclusion of the examina- tion the examiners shall report the case at a general meeting of the examiners who shall reject the candidate if they deem the evidence conclusive. .u\^' I^ examining the answei-s of candidates, it is desirable that at least two examiners should look over each paper 18. Appeals by candidates for admission which may involve the re-reading of their papers, are subject to the same rules "^ B^Pu^^J"^ candidates for third-class certificates in the case of Public Schools.* 19. All ^ndidates pa.ssing a .satisfactory examination before the Local Board, shall be entitled on the report of the High School inspectors, to receive from it a certificate of eUdbilitv for admission, so soon as the High School inspectors sha"! have reported thereon, in acconlanoe with regulation 7 ; but in the meantime, the Local Board of examiners shaU have authority to admit provisionally any pupil who shall have passed satis- factorily to them the required exa.iination in the questions. and under the regulations and directions afortsaid. 20. The High School inspectors will meet respecting the ad- mission of the candidates on the receipt of the local reports at the Education Department, and pupils not then or before ap- • See >»«((i« 175 ante. f1l Part IV.] TERMS, HOURS, HOLIDAYS, &C. Chap. 6. 207 proved will not be reckoned in the apportionment of the grant for the ensuing half-year ; and no pupil shall be continued in any High School or Collegiate Institute who shf 11 not have been reported as having paased the approved preliminary exa- mination for admission, as notified by the Minister. 21. Pupils entering the High Schools must take the pre- scribed course of studies. Pupils shall be arranged in classes corresponding to their re- spective degrees of proficiency. There may be two or more divisioiis in each class, and each pupil shall be advanced from one division or class to another, with reference to attainments, without regtid to time, according to the judgment of the head master (subject to the regulations for the Interaiediate examin- ation) ; and if any difference takes place between the parent or guardian of a pupil and the head master, in regard to the ad- vancement of such pupil, the inspector of the High School shall decide. Where options are authorized, the permission must not be given to any pupil without the recommendation of the h^ad master and the sanction of the Board of Trustees. Regulationa as tu admitted pupil*. 2. — Duties. ^ The Regulations respecting the dutie.** of pupils in Public Schools apply to pupils in High Schools, and must be obeyed by the latter.* CHAPTER 6. Terms, School Hours, Holidays, and Vacations. 1. The terms and vacations of High Schools are defined in TennHand Rev Stat. c. 20.5, ,s. 54. In the ca.se of United Public an« -•>" -^7 CHAPTER 7. Religious Instruction. « tho«, S4 to R,bHc|S^^%H.gh Sch«,l, „^ the ..n,! tion. . (CHAPTER 8. Course of Study. £!xplanatory Memoranda. *&«pasre 186 ante. [Part IV. tho trustees. 1 open their Qutes in the the specified 8 they shall ffice. Care' >e reception 38cribed for e who may teacher on nade up, it to be held iiately be- kely before sec. 14.) nd prizes, ed by the they shall Master in prizes. Pakt I V.J C'OUltSE OF STLrOY, Ciiap. «. 20.9 opening 'he same higher Enghsh or a classical education, shall first be gn.unded m the elementary subiects of a Public School education. No oindidates are, therefore, eligible for admission to the Hijjh Schools except those who have manifested proriciency. by ija^s- mg a satisfactory examination as above indicated. 2. The objects and duties of the High oiihools are twofold : First, commencing with pupils who (whether educated in either a public or private school) are qualified as above, the nigh Schools are intended to complete a good English educa- tion, by educatmg pupUs not only for commercial, manufactur- ing and agricultural pursuits, but for fulfilling with efficiency honour apd usefulness, the duties of Municipal Councilloi^ Legislators, and various public offices in the service of the country. The ^o/id object and duty of the High Schools (commencing also with pupils qualified as above), is to teach tho languages of Ureece and Rome, of Germany and France, the Mathen^ti?s,&c., so tax as to prepare youth for certain professions, and especially tor the Universities where will be completed the education ui men tor the learned professions, and for Professorships in the Scho^' *^«**«»"«^^P« •» the Collegiate Institutes and High Instead of a fixed amount of work foi- each Foriu, the De- partment prescribes the subjects of study, and the amount to be done m each subject m the Lower S°"^fe' 'i^ll^:^. [1] This examination will be instituted at a point about mid- way between the beginning and the i-nd of the Hi'di Saioul 14 * i:ct: iHujc 'io\ {K)i\,. 210 Chap. 9. JIBUULATIONS— HIGH SCHOOLS. [Part IV. course, for promotion from the lower to the upper forms. It will, on he whole, be equal in point of difficulty to that which candidates for second class certificates now un- dergo. Pupils who pass this examination will form the- Upper School, while those who have not passed it will fonii the Lower School, in any High School or Collegiate r2] Candidates for promotion from the Lower School to the Upper School wiU be examined in English grammar and etymology, reading, dictation, composition, writing, arith- metic, Euclid, algebra, English and Canadian history, geography, and in one of the following branches or groui)8 : *J Latin QueHtioitH fur examination. Cii'oiiping i)f subject*^. [4 Latin; [b] French; [c] German; [d] Natural Philoao- fhy, chemistry and book-keeping. The Intennediate Examination will be held in each year at the time fixed by the Department.* 2. The questions will be prepared by the Central Com- mittee, and transmitted to the Department by the Chairman of the Committee, and sent under seal to the Public School in- spectors. The Public School inspectors, or their substitutes [who should m no case have any connection with the schools to be examined] will alone be responsible for the proper conduct oi the examinations. The answers of the candidates will be sent to Toronto to be read and valued by the High bchool inspectors, or by sub-examiners acting under their supervision. 3. The subjects will be giouped in the following manner : [a] Arithmetic, algebra and Euclid. [6] English grammar, composition and dictation. [c] History, geography an5 English literature!'" [d] Natural Philosophy, jjhemistry and book-keeping ; Latin ; or French ; or German , and candidates who obtain 40 per or cent, of the total in each lo^v fwLnfZT^/T.^'**" '^ **.*.'" ^?"«^ grammar and etymo. lojjy, hnglish literature, dictation, composition, arithmetic, Euclid alaebr*. Roman, Enchsh and Canadian History, geography, Latin French Gef™^ mo^'lh^^fnl'Xf"^^''^ and boo'il.kWtal '" ^ caiidJdate Inurt^^ more than one of the four optional departments that is, (a) Latin ; (b) French • d^ti^'T^i; ('"NatunJ Philosophy, chemUtry and book-keeping. *Au3i- ilates, whether male or female, must .;ake Euclid. r « "^ "»""• i.„V'H.f™ t**?,^^" 't ■"* ^**?i*« **'*'' op*'""*! '"»»>J«ct. and who may be read- m^I !^ •! ^l^^'^lJ^'^y.' Ovid, or some took of Cresar or Virgil other than the not K±.''' r* r" ^'e\to \University or professional examinationrneed not be examined in Caesar at the Intermediate Examination, provided thev alt- hltVo'^^^^'^^'^^'f'^''^^''' knowledge of Latin is'eufBc en to jK him in accepting their work m that subject as equivalent thereto. All class ca^ candidates will, however, be examined in Virgil, Latin grammar wid tZsS tion mto Latin Special stress will be laid onVcuracy in Latin grmWMd uXrrerwed "'''"^""" ^'"*'' •^'•™« ""^ P'^^""" half-year'^mTv^Sd Although music and drawing mav for the present form no part of the Inter- ?:ri**!J,''»""«*>»°' .yet. the .schools in 4ieh these subS ^ Dro^rly U^ft^^ir. I^k" T?-"' ^florotor in tii« accounts of results ot iuspsltion rl terred to m the Kegulations respecting apportionment of grant. i^""" ™ [Part IV. )per forms, ilty to that i now un- 1 form the • ised it will Collegiate bool to the jomar and ing, arith- a history, MicheH or 1 Philoso- each year ^ral Uom- Chairman School in- ubstitutes schools to iv conduct lates will ;he High ider their anner .- spmg; or Ell in each and etymo- id, algebra, ■h, Gemum, e must take (6) French ; All candi- lay be read- ier than the lation, need ed they sat- it to justify \11 classical tndtransla- ammarand rill be valid ' the Inter- re properly ipection re- - Part IV.] [nteumediatk examination. chap. 9. group and not less than 20 per cent, in each subject, shall be considered as havmg passed the examination for grade B- the marks required for grade A are 50 and 30 per cent 'The papers will be identical with those for candidates for second- houre *^® °^^^' ^^ *^^ examinations will be at the same Successful candidates will be legaided as having passed the non-jn-ofeaswnal examination prescribed for candidates for pt^^f; *^' ^^^'llpf <^«»' a«J after duly passing the professional examination, will be entitled to the standing of second-class SIT A °r, S'*'«^ ^. according to the standard of marks reached by them respectivelv Pupils of Collegiate Institutes and High Schools, holding Provincial Certificates as Public School Teachers shall be con- ^ a'!t,!?:^^'°^P^^®'* *^^ Intermediate Examination. 4. All the answers in each subject are to be read and the values assigned While the passing is to be determined by these tests, the questions m each subject are to be framed by the exam- l«"^'-°°J-'^'*\''f^''^",*'^ ^ *"y ^'S^ standard for competitive examinations, but solely to show whether the pupil is qualified or not for the Upper School, having regard to fiis proficiency IhtTsSbjStT'"'""^ ^"'''"°°' ^^'""^'^ ^'' this Wse in 211 Successful candidates entitled to Hecond-cla83 certificates. Pupils holdins Provincial certificates. How iiuestiona to be trained. 2.— MODE OF CONDUCTING THB EXAMINATIONS, 1. — Prelvmmary Directions. 6. Every Head Master shall send to the County Public tw , Schoo inspector whc«e name is given in the notice sen? by '"* ""'"'"^' the l8t of June and the 17th of November, a list of the names of those Who intend to present themselves for examination, Mid a statement of the optwnal subjects selected by oa«h ^didate. To each name so sent, the Department will affix a I^miber which must be employed by the candidate instead of his usual signature throughout the entii-e examination 6. The Department will provide envelopes of convenient Kuveiopes',. dimensions, to be sent out with the examination papers-one •«^&h envelope with each paper. pajjers. ^n^3^^"f^"^. ^'i''?} ^^P*'f<^'' "f *he district in which the High Vui.lic cho..i School IS situate shall preside, and be responsible for the nroner l"''i-''-torH to conduct of the examinations ; but in case of any inability to •""'"'"• attend shall send to the Education Department, for the appro- val of the Minister, not later than the 8th of June and 24th of November, the name of the person whom he intends to appoint his substitute at those examinations at which he him- self cannot preside, otherwise the Department will make the appointment. • aee Appntdix L, post p. 261. 212 Inapector'H ■UMtitute. Chap. 9. REGULATIONS — HIGH SCHOOLS. [i'ART IV. Feed of inBuvc- tora aiiil HUD- vtituUiii. \yhonoteH- ijiblt) UH sub- Htitut«H. 8. When more than one room is recjuired for the candidate8, an inspector's substitute must be appointed for eacli room to preside in his stead. 9. The Public School inspectors and the persons appoint- ed by them, with the approval of the Minister, to act as their substitutes in presidmg at the Intermediate Examina- tions at High Schools, or in presiding in the additional rooms, aliall be entitled to a fee of $S per day, and actual travelling expenses, to be paid by the High School Board. None may act as a substitute unless approved by the Minister. The fees of the examinei-s appointed to conduct the examinations under these regulations are not payable until the Education De- partment has decided on the results of the examinations, and no examiner has a valid claim for these fees, if he has failed to perform the duties of his office in a proper manner, as pro- vided by the legulations. 10. No Trustee, Master or Teacher of the school concerned can be appointed as such substitute, and no Master or Teacher of the school can be present, during the examination, in the room with the candidates. 2. — Directions for Preaidiny Examiners, I'luueM for uuicHclutes. 'I'iiiie for com- jiletion uf lu'- ruii|,'eiuvDtM. I'ltllllllUOUU- IllUIlt uf tix- uiiiiimtioii. ( 'aiidiiUituK ItiHviiig room. Clowe of ux- aiiiiiiatiun. Dfularatiunuf examiner. ■i I 11. Places must be allotted to the candidates so that they may be at least five feet apait in all directions. Ail diogi-ams or maps having reference to the subjects for examiiiation to be removed from the room. 12. All these arrangements must be completed, and the neces- saiy stationery (provided by the High Scnool Board) must bo distriVtuted and placed in order on the desks of the candidates at least fifteen minutes before the time appointed for the com- mencement of the examination. 13. Punctually at the time appointed for the commencement of the examination in each subject, the presiding examiner will, in the examination room and in the presence of the candidates, break the seal of the envelopes containing the exautination papers, and give them at once to the candidates. The papers of only one subject shall be opened at one time. 14. No candidate shall be allowed to leave the room within one hour of the issue of the examination papers on any subject ; and if he then leaves, he .shall not be permitted to return dui*- ing the examination of the subject then in hand. 1-5. Punctually at the expiration of the time allowed, the examiner will direct the candidates to stop writing, and will cause them to hand in their answer papers immediately, duly fastened in the envelopes. 16. The examiner, at the close of the examinations, will sign and forward., with the answers of the candidates, a solemn declaration (in a form to be provided by the Depai-tment) that the examinations have been conducted in strict confoiraity with the Regulations, and fairly and properly in every respect. Part IV] rNTRRMEDUTE examination. Chap. 9. 21 n 17. Thp examiner, at the close of the examinations, will Kxaminati.... secure m a Hei)arate parcel the fastened envelopes of each can- f"^-'"!"" *<• ?o fuVT' T- ^^'nl^'"^?"^' ^i" ^'^'■^*'-^ hy express prepaid IvS^.^ to the Education Ofhce the package containinsf all the parcels thus separately secured. 18. In schools where separate rooms are occupied at the ex- rui^^^tot amination the exa.niner in his report to the Department, will KM%. indicate the candidates who w(ue placed in the seveml rooms respectively. 19 Should any candidate he detected in copying from another, Pem»ity f-.r or allowing another to copy f,„n. him. or biking into the room SSor any tooks notes or anything from which he might derive a.ssis- "•'•'''*'"«• tance in the examination, or in talking or whispering, it shall be the duty of the presiding examiner, if he obtain clear evi- dence of the fact at the time of the occurrence, to cause such candidate at once to leave the room ; neither shall such candi- date be allowed to enter during the remaining part of the ex- amination, and his name shall be struck off the li.st If how- ever, the evidence of such a case be not clear at the time, or be obtained after the conclusion of the examination, the examiner shall report the case to the Department. ^.— Rules to be Observed by Candidates. 20. Candubtes must be in their allotted places before the hour « , , appointed for the commencement of the examination. If a Siat^. candidate be not present till after the appointed time, he can- not be allowed any additional time. No candidate will be per- mitted on any pretence whatever, to enter the room after the expiration of an hour from the commencement of the examin- ation. When the order to stop writing is given, every candi- date must obey it immediately. 21. Every candidate is required to write his number (not his N„mi»«,tnh. name) very distinctly at the top of each pa^e of his answer wriSe^ papers, in the middle ; and is warned that for each page bearing his name he is liable to recsive no credit from the ex- aminers. 22. If the candidate write his name or initials, or any particu- p ,. , lar sign or mark on his paper other than the distinguishing SffnilS;... number assigned him by the Department, his paper will be cancelled. ^ 23. Candidates, in preparing theii answers, will write on one Di,«ction* to side only of each sheet, placing the number of each page at the caSte*. top, in the nght hand corner. Having written their distingu- ishing numbers on each page, and having arranged their answer papers in the order of the questions, they will fold them once across, place them in the envelopes accompanying the question papers, and wnte on the outside of the envelopes the distiniru- whing numbers and the subjects of examination only. They will then securely fasten the envelope.^ and hand them to the pre- siding exaininer. *^ 214 Appeab hy ritnilldittcH. Chap. 10. HEorLATioKs— HIGH sciroow. [Part IV. 24. Appeals by candiflates which may involve tho roaflinc over of their papers, arn Hubject to the same rules as appeals •>.V canduJates for tlurd-claas certificates for Piiblie Schooli* (,n CHAPTER 10. Semi-annual Apportionment of the Legislative Grant The grant will be distributed as follows :— • ^' / -^fi.^ *^ '^ payment of a fixed alloumnce to each School, in order that the smaller schools may be assured of a certain degree of stflbility. II. ApaH on the bcms of average attendance. bach High School will receive a grant per unit of aTeram attendance, equal to the grant per unit of average to Pubfie bchools At present the annual grant per unit to each of the Pubhc Schools 18 about om dollar ; to the High Schools here- tofore about sixteen dollars. III. A part on the remlta of inape^ction. The sum of say ten thousand dollars will be distributed amongst the schools according to their efficiency as determined by the report of the inspectors. In determining the distribu- tion amongst the schools of that part of the grant which it is proposed to apportion on the results of the inspection, account will be taken of the following :— - [a] School accommodation, condition of school premises rni l?°® u educational appliances (maps, apparatus, &c.) ' L6J' dumber of masters employed as compared with the number of pupils and classes, qualifications of mastere character of the teaching, &c. ' [c] Character of the work done between the entn? j and the Intermediate ; so that any school which, owing to the operation of special causes, may prepare but few pupils to pass the " Intermediate," will nevertheless be rewarded limit ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^y ™*y do ^elo^ this higher [d] The quantity and quality of the work which may be done beyond the higher limit, i.e., by those pupils who shall continue their studies in the higher coui-se pre- scribed for those who pass the Intermediate Examin- ation. [e] Government, Discipline, General Morale. The part allotted to each school will be the sum of the amounts specifically allowed in respect of each of these require- ments. ^ See paije 177 »iite. fPAJlT IV. he reading 118 appoalH cHooIh.* e Grant ich School, a certain f aTersM to Pubue ch of the ools here- istributed )terinined distribu- lich it is L, account premises, i, &c.) with the masters, •e and ing to the jw pupils rewarded lis higher 1 may be pils who irae pre- Examin- a of the I require- PaRT IV,| METEOHOLOOrCAI, OBHERVATIONH. Chhyn. U, 12. IV. A Part will !»> ilif«« amwrtioneil on the hasin of the average daily attendance of the piinil.s in the UpjK'r School, it hc\ng imderstood that ptipilH who pass the " Intermediate" shall rank as " Upper School Pupils " for the time they have attended during the half year preceding the Examination. The High School Grant (say S72,()(M)) will accordingly ho distributed as follows : — I — Say lOf) schools receiving a mininmm of !*4<)() each I842,40<) II — One (ioUar per unit of average attendance [about 5,(K)0] ,-,,000 III — Sum to 1)6 apportioned on report of inspec- tors 10,000 IV— Balance to be distributed on results of Inter- mediate Examination 14,000 Totel 871,400 Or say «72,000. 21 n CHAPTER 11. Authorized Text Books. 1. On and after the Ist day of September, 1877, the several AuthorUed books set forth in appendix J shall be the only authorized Text **** '^'"■ Books for use in the High Schools and Collegiate Institutes in the respective subjects mentioned * 2. Where there is more than one book authorized on any subject, the High School Boards may make their selection. ' 3. No particular editions of the Text Books are prescribed, EdlHoiw. but such editions as the following will be found generally suit- able, Catena Classiconim, White's Grammar School Texts, Longmans', Rivington's and Collins' series of English Classics ; also the London series of French Classics (Longmans'), White's Latin Dictionaries, Dr. Smith's do. CHAPTER 12. Meteorological Observations. 1. The observers at the meteorological stations shall be sub- inrtrnctioMto ject to such instructions as may be issued from time to time by "'•"'"'ew- ieal Offic See page 267 pK)aav,.^^»4^:»» ,ix-ii- r< i. ,.^c-®I^'*y*''n which — ""' "^^'^' "•-'""xcnt w xvuuian Catholic Separate Schools schools clo«e' ^°^ *^® y^^^ since that period, during ■\vhieh he lias actually taught schoci. Semi-Annual payment of ?2 requireil. Applicant wnohaa taught before 1854. Since 1864. [Part IV. d Separate lidays and be average lector shall eh days on ihurcn, the its in time lie Schools er the wv- I he given 'ate sheet. s admini- lool hold- r holding a High ! retiring anuation irly pay- \g school aceiving, year the llan. prior to B of four yt these -^able for prior to , during Arrearn. Where teach- Parent re- f As- sociation shall be formed, the object of which shall be to read """'»"*>"«• papei-s and discuss mattera having a practical bearing on the daily work of the school room. 2. The officers of the Association shall be a President, Vice- Officers. President, and Secretary-Treasurer. There shall also be a Management Committee of five. The officers of the Association and the Management Committee shall be elected annually. 3. The Association shall meet once during each half year, Meeting.. and shall continue in session two days, which shall be deemed visiting days. The time and place of the tii-st meeting shall be fixed by the inspector. Subsequent meetings shall be held on such days and at such places as the Association may deter- mine. 4. The Sessions on the first day shall be from 9 a.m.to 12 m., «„«„;„„„ and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. On the second day from 9 a.m. to 12 m., and from '2 p.m. to 4 p. m. 5. The subjects for discussion and order of business shall be ProBr«min« determined by the Management Committee and officers of the Association; and all tertchera in th*. County or Irxspectoral Division shall be notified of the subjects at least one month before each meeting. The work of the Association shall be as 222 Chap. 4. Lecture. Report on Ag' sociatiun. Condition of receiving ap- propriation!. MISCELLANEOUS REGULAT10N.S. [Part IV. practical as possible ; and at every meeting illustrative teach- ing of classes shall form a prominent part of the proceedings. AH Questions and discussions foreign to the teacher's work should be avoided. The progiamme for the first meeting of the Association shall be drawn up by the inspector, and by such teachers aa he may call to his assistance, of which notice will be given as above. 6. It is recommended that a public lecture bo delivered either by the inspector or some other suitable pei-son on the evening of the first day's meeting. 7. In case one or more persons should be appointed by the Department for the purpose of more fully enabling the Associa- tions to accomplish the purposes for which they are established r-'h persons shall report upon the efficiency of each Associa- tic:; with the view of its leing entitled to receive from the Departnient and County Corporations the appropriations auth- onzed by the Legislature, and in the meantime, such report shall be made by the inspector, 8. In case the inspector, from time to time, reports to the Department the continued efficiency of the Association the Association will then, and not otherwise, be entitled to receive the said Legislative and County appropriations. UHtabliHh ' ment. CHAPTER 4. Libraries. 1 . — Establishment. 1. There may be School Section Libraries, or Township Lib- • raries, aa each Townshijp MunicipaUty shall prefer.* In case of the estabhshment of a Township Library, the Township Council may either cause the books to be deposited in one place or recognise eadi School Section within its jurisdiction as a branch of the Township Library Corporation, and cause the Library to be divided into parts or sections, and aHow each of these parts or sections of the Library to be circulated in suc- cession in each School Section Maua,e.ueut. 2 Each Township Libmry shall be under the management ot the Town.ship Corporation ; and each Branch or School Sec- tion Library shall bo imde.- the management of the School Section Corporation. The Township Council shall appomt or remove the Librarian for the Towaship; and each Trustee Ooiporation shall appoint or remove the Librarian for the School Section lu default of such appointment, the teacher is re- quired to act as Librarian.f LibniSf '"°'"''*' ^*^ ^*'""*'' •"■ "t^w^thorized" divi«ion^ra Towwhip t (See iM£pel7i) ante. Pabt IV.] LIBRARIES. Chap. 4. 223 3. Each Township Council and each School Section Coipor- *-''»»« f<"' !>«'«•'» ation receiving Library Books must provide a proper case for J^d^J"^"' the books, with a lock and key ; and must cause the case and books to be kept in some safe place and repaired when injured; and must also provide sufficient wrapping paper to cover the books, and writing paper to enable the Librarian to keep minutes of the delivery and return of books, and write the needful notes or letters, flie members of the Township and School Section Corporations are responsible for the security and preservation of the books in their charge. 4. When any books are taken in charge by the Librarian, he Catalot-ue. is to make out a full and complete catalogue of them ; and at the foot of each catalogue the Librarian is to sign a receipt to the following effect : " I, A. B., do hereby acknowledge that the books .specified in the preceding catalogue have been delivered to me by the MumcipaJ Council of the Township of , (or as the case may be,) by t Trustees of the School Section No. , in the Township of to be carefully kept by me as their Librarian, for the use of the inhabitants within their jurisdiction, according to the regulations prescribed by the authority oiF the Statute for the management of Public School Libraries, to be accounted for by me according to said regula- tions, to said Council {or Tinistees as the cam may he), and to be delivered to my successoi-s in office. Dated," &c. Such catalogue, with the Librarian's receipt, having been examined by such Council or Trustees, or some person or persons ap- pointed by them, and found to be correct, shall be (klivered to such Council or Ti-ustees, and shall be kept among their official papers. .5. The Librai-ian is accountable to the Trustees oi' Council Libraiian wc- appointing him for the cost of every book that is missing, or b^gJf '^''' ''"■ for the whole series of which it formed a pai-t. The Librarian is also accountable in like manner, for any injury which a book may appear to have sustained by being soiled, defaced, torn, or other-wise injured ; and can be relieved from such account- ability only 'o_y the Trustees or Council, on its being satisfact- orily shown to them that some resident within their jurisdict- ion is chargeable for the cost of the book so missing, or for the amount of injury so done to any work. 6. The Librarian nmst see that in each book belonging to the LabtslK, 4e., Libraiy the number of the book and the name of the Library *"'" ' to which it belongs shall be written either on a printed label pasted inside the cover of the book,* or on the first blank leaf of it; and he is on no account to give out any book which is not thus numbered and identified. He is also to cau.se all the books to be covered with strong wrapping pajjor, on the back of which is to be written the title of the book, and the number in large figures. As new books are added, the num- llk(i. * The proper form of label authorized by this regulation con be obtained from the " Department. 224 Duty of Libnuiaii, Tlie tuuiit). Duty of Trustees. Chap. 4. MISCKLLANEOUH lltOULATlONS. [PakT IV. H^ThaUrth^ rw"'1' ^"^'. '^'y *''« '" "" '^'^ ^ be altered; tbued on tt ^f y '' '"^u^" number and title must be con- tinued on the catalogue, with a note that it i,s niissinc. HiJof a W r? '»"'*i^'"P * ^'^^''^ ^^- which may con- r«,ith«w5Hfl? f ?I'^"*'"'^ P*P"'' stitched together-lruled across the width of the paper, so as to leave five columtib of It'XenS^ f»^« 4?"^r*"«'^-^« be wilttenT^h! tTe bSok iSffl ■■ *5' **? * '"^"r • *^^ 'r»tl« ^d No. of the then^v«n;? l'''°'i'^,.'°^""?°' ^^^ Name and Residence of the person to whom delivered; in the third column. Date of Delivery ; ,n the fourth column, the Date of its Retu?A T L the fafth column, Remarks respecting the condition of the Wks as good, iniured, torn or defaced, &c ' of 7h« Wt ^.V"P«f ible for the Librarian to keep any trace * as hh dtv rib ""' ^v'^ i"'7i^?' i'' «^" •"'^r^^t, a. well as ms duty to the public, should induce him to be exact in U is I^furli'j'rr* *^^*^« ^"^y ^^'^ i« delivered -andThen lii^T'ppe^ SS: ^^"^ '-^ '"^"^ '^ ^°"'**«-' -^ n.i!i- . ^;^''a"^n is to act at all times a^d in all thimra ac- cording to the orders of the Corporation appointing him^and whenever he 18 removed or suspended. he^Ts to deCto h^ successor, or to the order of his Wees or Council alT^k^ mte ogues and pape,^ appei^iniiig or relating to th^ Libm.; •' c^ or ±? ^'' •^^"l^ ^ ^ .satisfactory, his f rustees or C^S-' ButTf anTofV;?*f ' '^\^ t' ^"^ ^ ^«««iP* to <^hat effect. i„r!/*r^ ^K • b°^J^« «hall have been lost, or in anywise in- jured, the Librarian shall account or pay for such loss or iniurv unless released by his Trustees or Council '' ^' intJ}^ T7v^^%*1,'' ^°""?" "''^ to attend faithfuUy to the mterests of their Libraiy ; they are, at all times when they S^.fivTnA*'''^ ^ "^^'^ r r""^^^' to examine the books carefuDy, and compare the books with the catalogue, and note Huch as are missing or injured; and to see that fu forfeitu?e^ are promptly collected, and that injuries done to books aS LTtSkeVr of'"^' *'^' '''' Libraiy is properlyZ^:^ Application of rcijulationg. Councillor or TruHtee de- bti-oy uiK or ue« bu-uyuix oi facing boo \lu. 2. — Miecellcme&ue. 10 The foregoing regulations apply to Branch School Sec- tion Libranes, as well a^ to School Section Libmries; also to Township Councils, to the .same extent as to Trustees of School Sections and to Township Libraries, to the .same extent aS to School Section Libraries, and to the residents in a Townshin in which there are no School Section Libmries. to the same ex- tent as to the residents of a School Section ; likewise to the o/'aThlf Sec^t^r'^^*^ ''^ sameextonta^toaLibmrian 11 When a Township Councillor or School Trustee shall be notifie^, '-.having ineurred a forfeiture fur detaining, iniurin- or destroying a book borrowed from the Libmry, he shall not Part IV, LIBRARY AND PRIZE BOOKS. Chap. 5. 22.i act as a judge m his own case, but f 'ch case shall be decided upon by other members, or a majo. ity of them, of the Town- ship Council or School Corporation authorized to act in the matter . n al) caaes, the acts of a majority of a Corporation are to be considered as the acts of the Corporation. • .^2. In order to prevent the introduction of improper books mto tie Library, it is required that no book shall be admitted into any Public School Libraiy, established under these rciru- Ja,twna, which is not included in the catalogue of Public School ^^brary Books, prepared according to law. 13. The Council or Trustees have authority, if they shall think proper (according to the common practice of circulating libraries), to require the borrower to deposit with the Librarian a sum equal to the cost of the book taken by him, as a security for its safe return, and the payment of any injury which may be done to it. >> <> j j 14. These regulations shall apply to Cities, Towns, and In- corporated yillages, as well as to School Sections. 15. The inspectors of schools should inspect and inquire into the state and operations of the Libraries or Branch Libraries withm their respective jurisdictions, and give the results of their observations and inquiries in their annual reports ; and each Township and School Section Corporation must report winually, at the time of making the annual School Reports, the condition of their Libraries, with the number of volumes m each, and the succass and inliuence of th*; system. What hooka may be admitted. Deposit may be rei|uired. Citlei, towni and VillagM affected. Inspectors' duties. CHAPTER 6. Authorization of Library and Prize Books. 1. All books intended for Library or Prize Books, whether from the Depository or Booksellers, shall be submitted to the Central Committee for exammation, and such books only as shall be approved by them for Library or Prize Books shall be authorized. 2. The Central Committee shall meet, for examining books ■ubmitted, three times a year, viz.: in January, .April and October ; or, should any other season be found more suitable, then, at such other times, as the Minister may direct. 3. The Committee will not, in future, recommend for sanc- tton any books which have merely the negative merit of being free from what is morally objectionable; but they will satisfy themselves, as far as possible, that the books which they re- commend are Dositively good ; that they are such books, in fact, M It is desirable that school children and their parents and the 15 Library and Prize Doolu bu be submitted to Central Committee. Meetin,'« of Conimitluc, Princijile.f to guide III •election. ^26 The Baine. ;l The Mine. Sub-Com- mitteee. Votice of meetings . Ccvi>l*ti;"f"'™l"°" ^^ ^y '^^"^^ thf ComnutteTwiU readily decide what works are. and what works are not suit- able for pnzes or for libraries. But as a vei-v laree rwrtion «f ;rre:lcSrrir^ ^^'^^ ''^' nai.ative.unlessit to npJ,«f '"^"^'^•^ «^ the Central Cc^nnnittee are not expected to peruse every volume submitted, but only to train such an acuuamtance with the works on which the^pa^s judgTnt aS sub C^tinrf ;f '^' ^'""^'f Committee is constituted a sub-Committeeforthe purpose of examining books ; hisreport to be accepted, rejected, or amended by the Committer E sub-Committee shall submit in ,a special return thTworkTS fiction which he proposes to recc^mmend for authoriltrn 7. Due notice of the dates of the meetings of the Commit- ^ub SS'frtT" -^r '^V^^^^^'^ ""'i ^^ Books shalTi; Sther^ an/nn S\'"^I7?*'°" ''^ publishers, booksellers and others, and no book shall be examined at any meeting unless it ha.s been received before the meeting begins ^ r.Mi P"^>lf hers, booksellers, and others are required to take o?Zt\'^f above Regulations as to the nature and quaSty of the books to be authorized will be rigidly enforced Form of aocount. One copy onl' to be Ruppliea Amount of purchane. CHAPTER 6. Purchase of Library or Prize Books. 1. From Booksellers. tobe^sed"^''^''^'*^°'''"°**^°°"''^*'"*^"*'^''*®® '^ hereafter ' 2. As a general rule one copy only of each book should be supplied to each school, in order that, as far as poSe the m|rmation to be found in a variety of books ma/r i^dely of llO^'*" "^"""""^ °' ^^ purchase is not to be under the sum Part IV.] LIBRARY AND PRIZE BOOKS. Chap. 6. 'I'll 4. The hooks are to be aelected hona jide for the purpose of BookHtobb ITizea to the pupils of tlio school, or for the sehool lil.rarv ^ns ";j;^»<'"'""« the «aHe may be) ami are not to be ...cquire.l for, or to be .lis- posed of by any teacher or pnvate person, or for any purp-.Me whatsoever, except as Library or Pi-ize books for the school Any default, by any school corporation, in this particular, will" forfeit Its right to the one-half allowance for any book to be purchased in future. Particulars of Claim. Trmteea of FOR AUTHORIZED BOOKS FOR LIBRA RIES OR SCHOOL PRIZES Pxi/rchased from AOOOHDINO TO THE FOLLOWIHO SCHBDHLg. Amount of CVaim for Refund, $ Name of Book. Name of Publisher of Book. j KDIT ION AND PRICK OF BOOK. o ^ Vage of _®g Catalogue WM No. of Book. „ . , • , , INotegor I'nco chaiveil by BookHeller. Rem'rks f i/'ents. Total, One-half payable to the Trustees. The undertaking endorsed on this schedule is to bo; 8ikn Hhall nit them erson, or amount )ted bill it TITLE V. APPENDICES TO REGULATIONS. %te Mai] ' Muni- respect islature shilling aced in A. Ooiirae of Study in Public SohooU, p. 229. B. SubjeoU of Examination for Certificates oa Public School Teaoheri. p. 235. 0. Authorized Text Books in Public Schools, p 239. D. Instructions to Public School Inapectcjrs, p. 241. E. Duties of Treasurers and Auditors as to School Moneys, p. 242. F. Porm of Agreement for Engagbment of Public School Teacher, p. 244. ' 0. Syllabus of Lectures, County Model- Schools, p. 245. H. Admission to High Schools, p. 25S. 1. Course of Study in High Schools, p. 254. J. Authorized Text Books in High Schools, p. 267. K. Forms of Prayer for Public and High Schools, p. 260. L. Instructions to Examiners, p. 261 i msiority Chairman i>-?PENDIX A. Rbqulations respecting the Programme or Course of Study in the Public Schools. 1. The Progi amine, or Course of Htvidy, shall be according to the annexed Tuble, as far as the circttnaatances of the particular School will allow the same ' !)e fol- lowed. But wheretheHe circumstikuctig require it, such iiiiKliKcations of t!ie Pn»- gramme are permitted an thereupon beme neceasary. It will \^e the duty, BowsTer. of the Inapector to see that no departures from the Prujframme are maae without uutticient cause. 2. No " Tinio " or " Limit " Table is prescribed, or shall be in firce, except in so far as the Trustees w School Board and the Teacher may choose to regulate this poiat. 3. The Instructions to Teachers and Inspector;, wi'ich accompany the Programme, are given in order that the suggestions of the Central Committee contained In these instructions may, as far as possible, be given effect to ; and they are also to be read as explanatory of the use which the programme is intended to serve in the Publie Schools, 4. With respect to Religious Instruction, Trustees and.Teachere are referred to the special provisions contained ante p. 184, 230 |i i APPENDICES. [Part IV. ART rv. SI .S 3 h O > go ^ ill N II Part I V.J course or study for public schools. 231 i a ;l 232 APPENDICES. [Part IV. RT IV. Part IV.] course op study for public schools. 233 234 APPENDICES. [Part IV. I 1 HINTS FOR THE GUIDANCE OF TEACHERS. TO ACCOMPANY THE ABOVE PROGRAMME. The Progt rwe.— The Programme has been constructed with reference to thorough graded Schools. In Schools not so graded, and in rural schools m Which It may be impossible to maintain the distinction betwee« classes very ngidly. in all the subjects, some deviation from, the Pro- gramme may, with the approbation of the Inspector, be made. At the same time, no considerable deviations will be permitted in the leading subjects. No Time Table is prescribed ; but it is to be understood that every I eacher shall frame one suited to the circumstances of his School. It^aamg.—The First Part of the First Book shall be taught from iablet Lessons. Reading by phrases shall be commenced as early as po». SI We ; and such explanations should be given as may enable the pupil to read intelligently, as well as with the easy natural flow which characterizes good ordinary conversation. Clearness, fluency, force and naturalness are essential to good reading. As pupils learn to read principaUy by imitation, the leachers living voice alone can direct in the matter of direct aocent, inHection, emphasis, and pronunciation. It is important that the pupils in the becond and higher classes should be regularly required to commit to memo^ selected passages in prose and verse ; and the Teacher skould be careful to see that in every case the selections are of decided literaiy excellence. Pupils in all the clasfies are required from time to time to g*ve m their own language a summary of the reading lessons. ^rt^Amehc— Accuracy and expertness in performing elementary oper- ations are of the first importance. Problems based on the elementary rules should be given from the commencement of the Second Class. Con- stMit practice in mental Arithmetic is essential. Great stress should be laid on the solutions of questions by the Analytic method. Oeogrwphy.—ThQ School House and its surroundings, with which the pupils are famihar, should be taken as the first subjects of lessons to give correct ideas of boundary and direction. Map Drawing should be practised from the beginmng. Definitions in Physical Geography should be fully lUustrated in all cases by blackboard drawings or otherwise. MvMc and Drawing.— In Music and Drawing, the pupils in different cla»?es may be taken together at the discretion of the Teacher. Object Lessmis.— An object lesson is intended to develop the faculties rather than to store the mind with information. The Teacher should not tell the pupU anything that he can see or deduce for himself. Pupils should be taught (1) to observe ; (2) to describe; (3) to compare and infer. Oramwar.— Grammar in the Third Class should be taught without a text- book. The functions and definitions of the essential parte of the simple sentence and of the parts of speech, and the nUes for inflection, should be arrived at by induction. Coww>»i be taught, not from text-books, but by familiar lectiues. All the pupils in the 4th, 5th and 6th classes should be made to listen to the lectures on this subject itfwo/*.— -No toxt-book in Christian Morals, nor any specific instructions m that subject, have been prescribed, but the Teacher is expected to use his influence with his pupils on this subject, as on all others, for their permanent good. 2^5 loe- APPENDIX B. Subjects of Examination for Certificates to Teacli in Public Schools. The following shall be the subjects of examination for the non-profcssional examinations for the three classes of certifi- cates : — * 1.— For Third-Class Certificates. English Language'and Literature. Reading.— To be able to read any passage selected from the Subject, of authorized Reading books intelligently, expressively, and with Examination correct pronunciation. rf'^'^'fi Spelling. — To be able to write correctly any passage that <»te». may be dictated from the Reading-book. , Etymology.— To know the prefixes and affixes and principal roots. Grammar and Composition.—Orammaiic&l forms and De- finitions. Analysis and parsing of prose and easy verse. Chang- ing the construction of sentences. Short narratives or descrip- tions. Ren.^oring of Poetry into Prose. Familiar and Business letters. N.B.— In regard to teachers in French or German settle- ments, a knowledge of the French or German Grammar respec- tively may be substituted for a knowledge of the English Grammar, and the certificates to the teachers oxpressiy limited ajccordingly. The County Councils, within whose jurisdiction there are French or German settlements, are authorized to appoint one or more persons (who in their judgment may be competent) to ex.amine candidates in language. J.U_ 111 tllC Fit;iH3i Or German * For Professional Examinations, see pp. 175-:76, and pp. 190-193, antt. 236 Hubj«oto of Exunination for Seoond- (.iMBt'ertili- C«tM. APPENDICES. [Part IV. Ihgl^h Literatv/re.~To be able to answer eaay questions on works or portions of works to be prescribed from time to time. History and Geography. History.— The leading events of English and Canadian His- tory. Oeogmphy.— The maps of tfce Continents, Canada, Ontario, Ureat Britain and Ireland, and the principal dependencies of the t.inpire. Map drawing Rudiments of physical, mathe- matical and political Geography. Mathematics. Arithimtic—Simph and compound rules. Reduction. Vul- gar and Decimal Fractions. Proportion. Interest, Discount, Stocks, Exchange. Square root. .4igre6ra.— The elementary rules and easy simple equations. AM<.ftrf._Deflnitions, Postulates and Axioms. Book I. Writing. To be able to write legibly and neatly. 2.— For Second-Clma Certijicates* English Language and LitfTature. SpeUvngr-To be able to write correctly a passage dictated from any English author, and to spell all non-technical English Etymohgy.— To know the prefixes, affixes, and the principal Latin and Greek roots. To be able to analyze etymologicaUy words selected from reading books. -> j b j Orammar.— To be thoroughly acquainted with the defini- tions and Grammatical forms and rules of Syntax, and be able to analyze and parse, with application of said rules, any sentence in prose or verse. '' N.B.— -In the case of teachers in French or German settle- ments, the Intermediate papers in French or German respec- tively may be substituted for the paper in English Grammar and the certificates to the teachers expressly limited accord- ingly. COTi ^ompo8ition.--The framing of sentences. Familiar and busi- ness letters. Rendering of Poetry and Prose themes. Ev^l^h Literature.— Critical reading of works or portions of works, to be prescribed from time to time by the Denart- ment. '^ History and Geography. Fwtorj^— To have a good knowledge of general English and Canadian History. Outlines of Roman History. The Examina- tion will be on the periods prescribed in the High School Programme for the Lower School.f 'Forthe pmposM of the Examination, these subjects ara gronvtA as in the Part IV.] examination for certificates. , 287 Geography.— -To have a fair knowledge of political, physical, and mathematical Geography. Map geography generally ; Canada and the British Empire more particularly. MathematicN. , ' AHthmetio and Mensuration.— -To be thoroughly familiar with Arithmetic in theory and practice, and to be able to work problems in the various rules. Areas of rectilinear figures, and volumes of right parallelopipeds and prisms. The circle, sphere, cylinder and cone. ^/fifeftra.— Elementary Rules ; Factoring ; Greatest Common Measure , Least Common Multiple ; Square Root ; Fractions ; Surds ; Simple Equations of one, two, and three unknown qoantities : Easy Quadratics. Natural Philosophy and Chemistry. Euclid. — Books, I. II., with problems. Natural Philoaophy.—To be acquainted with properties of matter and with the elementary principles of Statics, Hydro- statics, and Pneumatics. Ohemistry.—Comhustiou. The stmcture and properties of flame. Nature and composition of ordinary fuel.— The atmo- sphere. Its constitution. Effects of animal and vegetable life on its compositioa.— Water. Chemical peculiarities of natural waters, such as rain-water, river- water, spring- water, sea- water, —Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon, Chlorine, Sulphur] Phosphorus, and the more important compounds.— Combining proportions by weight and by volume. Symbols and Nomen- clature. Miscellaneous. Wrtiing.— -To be able to write legibly andjfneatly. Book-keeping.— To understand book-keeping by single and doable entry. ^ o ^ —o S.—For Fvi'st-Claaa Certificatea. English Language and Literature. Reading.— To be able to read intelligently and expressively Subject, of a passage selected from any English author. exwnijiation SpeZW— To be able to write correctly a passage dictated KK;^^"'' from any English author, and to spell all non-technical English words. * Etymology.— The same as for second-class certificates. Grammar.— To be thoroughly acquainted with the subject. Composition.— The same as for second-class certificates. English Literature.— To have a general acquaintance with English Literature and its history, and a fuller knowlediye of special eras and authors to be from time to time prescribed by the Department. 238 APPENDICES. History and Geography. [Part IV. Hiatory.—A -^^al knowledge of ceitain periods to be pre- scnbed from time to time by the Department. Geography.— Modem Geography. Ancient Geography, as far M 18 necessary for understancfing the History of Greece and Rome. A special knowledge of the Geography of the British Empiire. Mathematics. Arithmeti4} cmd MenmrcUion.— To know the subject in theory and practice. To be able to solve problems with accuracy, neat- ness, and despatch. To be ready and accurate in solving Sroblems in Mental Arithmetic. To be familiar with rules for lensuration of Surfaces and Solids. Algebra.— The same as for Second-class certificates, with Quadratic Equations, Proportion, Progressions, Permutations and Combinations, and the Binomial Theorem. Euelid.— Books I., II., Ill, IV. -Definitions of V.,and Book vl., with exercises. For female teachers the first three Books only of Euclid are required. If, however, the candidate desires a certificate of ehmbility as an examiner, the same examination must be passed in Euclid as is required of male tpachers. Natural Philosophy and Physical Science.— The properties rf matter. The elementary principles of Statics, Hydrostatics, ftieumatics, and Dynamics. A good general acquaintance with the subjects of Heat, Light, and Electricity. Physical Science. Chsmiatry.— The chief Physical and Chemical Characters, the Preparation, and the Characteristic Tests of Oxygen, Hy- drogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, Fluorine, Sulphur, Phosphorus, and Silicon. The principal points in the Chemistry of the following metals —Potassium ; Sodium ; Calcium ; Aluminium ; Magnesium ; Zinc ; Iron ; Tin ; Arsenic ' Copper ; Lead ; Mercury ; Silver and Gold. ' Carbonic Acid, Carbonic Oxide, Oxides and Acids of Nitrogen, Ammonia, Olef nt Gas, Marsh Gas, Sulphurous and Sulphuric Acids, Sulphui< tted Hydrogen, Hydrochloric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Phosphi! -etted Hydrogen, Silica. Combining proportions by weight and by volume ; general nature of Acids, Bases, and Salts ; Symbols and Nomenclature. The Atmosphere — its constitution, effects of Animal and Vegetable Life upon its composition; Combustion; Structure and Properties of Flame ; Nature and Composition of ordinary Fuel. Water— chemical peculiarities of natural waters, such as Rain-water, River-water, Spring-water, Sea-water. Botany. — Applications of Chemistry to Agriculture, an In- troductory Course of Vegetable Anatomy and Physiology, illus- trated hy the cxamiuatiuu of at least one plant in each of the Crowfoot, Cress, Pea, Rose, Parsley, Sunfiower, Mint, Nettle, Willow, Arum, Orchis, Lily, and Grass families; Systematic Botany ; Flowering Plants of Canada. Part IV.] authorized text books in public schools. 239 Physiology. — General view of the Structure and Functions of the Human Body ; the Vascular System of the Circulation . the Blood and the Lymph ; Respiration ; the Function of Ali- mentation ; Motion and Locomotion ; Touch, Taste, Smell, Hearing, and Sight : the Nervous Sy8t«jm. MiscellaneouH. Book-keeping. — The same as for Second-class certificates. APPENDIX C. Authorized Text Books in Public Schools. NAME OF BOOK. Enolibh. Cana(li»n National Series of Reading BookH Lewio'a How to Read EngliHh Grammar (Primer), by Rev. R. Morris Ma»on'« En){li8h Grammar Fleming's Analysis of the English Lanpruage 'Miller's Analytical and Practical English Grammar "English Grammar for Junior Classes, by Rev. W. H. Davies, D.D Mathiiiatics. Advanced Arithmetic for Canadian Schools, by Barnard Smith, M.A.,and Archibald McMurchy, M. A Elementary Arithmetic for Canadian Schools, by Barnard Smith, M.A., and Archibald McMurchy, M.A tHamblin Smith's Arithmetic Orr's Dominion Accountant Beatty & Clare's Book-keeping Hamblin Smith's Elementary Algebra Loudon's Algebra for Beginners Loudon's Elements of Algebra Todhunter's Algebra for Beginners Todhunter's Elementary Geometry Potts' Geometry Hamblin Smith's Euclid Whbke Copyrighted. Canada Canada f Canada . . . I England.. . ( Canada . . . I England... ! Canada . . . England . . . Canada Cauada Canada Canada {Canada . . . . England Canada Canada ( Canada I England (Canada England Canada {Canada England ( Canada I England ( Canada I England . . . Canada By Whom. Education Deut A. Miller & Co , Campbell & Son Macmillan A. Miller* Co. Bell & Sons ... A. Miller ft Co. Longmans . . Education Dept Education Dept Education Dept Education Dept . . A_ Miller & Co . » Rivingtons J Barber 4 Ellis \. Miller &; Co . . . A. Miller 4 Co . » Rivingtons f Copp,Clark ft Co ) Copp,Clark ftCo. . Copp,ClarkftCo) Macmillan ) Copp.Clark&CoJ Macmillan ) A. Miller ft Co ) Longmans ) A. MiUer ft Co . . . Maximcm Phioi (Rbtaii,).J 75c. 25c. 75a SI. «1. 40c. 70c. 90c. 40c. 75c. 60c. 90c. 76c. 90c. ^ The authorization to continue till the end of the yeai' 187S. f Conditional on being adapted to Canadian Schools, and on being brought up ta th« present time. X Subject to revision. 240 APPJ5NDICE8. [Part IV. eugraphy +rflW^'! ?'^I'""[«'"1frai)hy of the" World. . . . tLalWn s IntnMlnrtory Oeography ... ^reeman'H European HiBtory w';:n»'^.'''A''»f'?'i^l ^y ^^dith Thomson Physical Science. OUver g Lmwim in Elementary Botany. . Chemktry (Science Primer), byH. E.Rosooe ^Ryei^*"" *" Agriculture, by Rev. Dr. Canada Canada . Canada . Canada . Canada . England. England. England. Education Dept . . Educati(jn Dept . . (.'ainpbell A .Son . . A.A W.Mackinlay A.& W. Mackinlay, .... Mrtcmillan |90c. MacmiUan jU6o. 76c. $1 SO. United SUtci England f Ciuiada (England Canada Introductory Text JBook of Physical Geogra; ' "^^^^^ ' " Sf^iJ^.^'^f* P«We. I.R.S.E. (for Ad^ Great Britain 'tvison Blakeman Macniillan Campbell & Son | MacmiUan i «1. 91 ao. 2Sa Natural Pkilosophy. El^ent«yStati«., by J. Hamblin Smith, (Canada ^&S P"''*""*^'' V-J.-Hambiin tta'.::; SfatiS^i*'*""' ^''* ""^ NiWTe«i.;n;nt Canada E. Ryenson 60c. Campbell A Son ) „. JIacmillan (r^- W. Blackwood.... jeec. A. Miller & Co Rivinatons ... A. Mfller &, Co Rivington* Lonnnani A. Miller k Co 80o. 76c. 76c. 90o. tl. Books Recommended for Teachers' Use, NAME OF BOOK Abbott's How to Parse Swinton's Language Lesson* Swinton's Progressive Grammar PUiI^«l^''°V'".*?'"y "f *''« English People ttton *' ^ Catharine ^L Goodeve's Rinciple^of Mech^ni^^' ! .' ! .' S«T^'^/' S'""™*"?^ Principles of Mechanics Smith ^™'"'« ItimnB, by Walt»r M. Primary Manuid btermediate Manual . . Drawing Books (advanced) Urawinir Books lint^TTmiAL Waau COPTRIOHTBD. Canada Bt Whom. Price (Retail). Campbell & Son . . ||1. 26c. 60o. ~S (tfitr^t Miwjaftc) England. Eoston . 1 91 30. |60c. 91. LongMans... ;|2'26, L. Prang A Co. . 91 36. 26e. 16o. Part iV.] instuuctionm to public school insi'ectous. 241 APPENDIX D. liistruetiouH to I'ublic School Inspectors. As to the Dwation, Renewal, and EncUriHenient of Third-CloHtt Certificates, etc. 1. Thinl-ClaHs CertificatcH are governed by the provinioiih contained in the Oeneml Regulations, which came into force on the iHth August, 1877. (1.) County BoardH have the power of increft.sing tlie percent- age of inarks in anv of the subjects prcHcribed by the Geneial Regulations, after due notice to the Candidates. (2.^ County Boards, under sub-section 4 of section 201 of the Pubhc Schools Act, have the power to renew Third-Class Certi- ficates, subject to the Regulations of the Education Department, and these- now|provide that a candidate shall not be permitted to enter the second time for a Third-Class Certificate, unless on the special permission of the Minister, granted on the recom- mendation of the County Insi)ector. In making such recom- mendation, the County Inspector should state the seveial grounds on which he bases this, and amongst others the age of the applicant, his fitness and usefulness, reasons for desiring this permission, probabilitv of continuing in tlie profession and of obtaining a Second-Class Certificate. The Inspector will ai.so report whether there is any want of a supply of teachers in his district. (3.) The County Board may further require any applicant tor renewal, to attend the County Model School before granting such renewed certificate. 2. Extensions of Tfdrd-Cla«8 Certijkatea.—Such certificates can only be granted in two classes of cases : — (1.) To enable the candidate to become qualified tor passing the examination required for Second-Class Certifica «s and for attending the Nonual School, but not to exceed a period of two years. (2.) When a Third-Class Teacher has had many years' ex- perience, and is of proved ability as a teacher — or when, from his special fitness in some respects his services in the school in which he is actually engaged, are considered by the Inspector to be of material value — his certificate may be made permanent, or extended for such period as the Minister may deem advis- able. The recommendation of the County Inspector in both classes of cases should state the age of the applicant and length of ser- vice ; also the Inspector's own judgment as to his ability, qualifications, and efficiency as a teacher. Certificates from Trustees as to satisfaot/jw t.en/>lim.^' cV./mi1,I ,.1.3,. l... «^....,i..«„.i The Minister reserves full liberty to form his own judgment upon these recommendations. 16 242 AI'PENDICKH. [I'AHT IV. 3. KudurHetMnt of Third-GlasH CeHijicateM.—ThiB lOHtH Holely in the ir conduct will y, aptitude to provided with C5h Text Book /urrie's "Corn- Read;" read session. SNT AND ' Part IV] COUNTY MODEL SCHOOLS. 247 fistration ; (2) lass Register; ling to some ' studies; its ts for classifi- activity not ^h, impartial ion not to be nds of cl&? ' ]- the basis of ; .cannot be time tabJa all times, ence to im- iately follow i recitation. )me Work " is suited to ipils' time; ' pupils bj lost efiedi- jupii's love of activity ; (2) the great variety of disposition and early training; (3) the natural lack of method. School manage- ment pre-supposes arranoement. This should be (1) Simple ; (2) Definite ; (3) Systematic ; (4) Practical. The characteris- tics of good management are (1) Promptness; (2) Steadiness; (3; Earnestness ; (4) Geniality ; (5) Quietness ; (6) Tact. lecture in. School Discipfjne. Design of school discipline is,— (1) CoiTection ; (2) Pre- vention. ' V / Means commonly used for .^curing the same are— ■(!) Cor- poral punishment ; (2) Public censure ; (3) Demerit marks ■ (4) Detention during hours of recreation ; (r>) Detention after school hours ; (6) Suspension ; (7) Expulsion. Rules for intlicting punishment. 1. There must be no doubt in regard to the offence and the offender. 2. The punishment to be inflicted should be well considered in each case. 3. It should be deliberate, not hasty or passionate. 4. It should be thorough. 5 It should be suited to the age, disposition, and physical condition of the pupil. 6. It should not be of a degrading character. 7. It should impress the other pupils of the school with the conviction of its justness. 8. It should be suited to the nature of the offence. LECTURE IT. Schvol Discipline continued — Ofences. . Give hints on how to deal with the following :— (1) Want of punctuality; (2) Irregularity; (3) Truancy; (4) Indiffer- ence to study ; (5) Neglect of home work ; (6) Quarrelsome ness; (7) Whispering; (8) Copying; (9) Tattling; (10) Lying; (11; Communicating with other pupils. TEACHING. LECTURE I. General PrmcipUa of Teaching. This pre-supposes (1) adequate knowledge ; (2) the ability to smtain ati'ENTION. Adequate knowledge considered- Teacher's reading should be general as well as particular;' {esso^^ siioujd be prepared ; notes of lessons ; the mind should 'Il 248 APPENDICES. [Part IV. jtJ"n!^::;tf^^^^^^^ m each" chetical mixed JeSure^ <^teS^f ' ^J.^J^^t^^e plan; cate- tion by clearness of TxpknS^^ ^''l '^-^ ^ ""^^^ ^tten- a^kin^ questions : amffous or in5^^^^^^ ""^«°^ gest tL answer ;thaSr IwS bv'''^^"'''"^*^*^^"«- . the words of text book • unre^mK^ ^ • ^f '''' "« ! in LECTURE II. Hecitation. (Considered Ut. as to OUm.) books and slates ; aWewrtim th2^S« u u*^ ', °*°^« <^^ ^o^W ed, f :.d continuousrcS of Zu' ** *^ ^o^^ntaiy. undi^ returning to seats. T ^ '°° *^ * ^^^^'^ ^^ merit ; (2wrf, (w to Teachtsrs.) boo'K^ifa'"-''^"^^ ^-« ^ --Plete set of ^, whJr^iSSofsSs^^^m^Lnlrr?"*"^ °^*-^-. mationj attention: diSn S^f *^"''''l« ^^tion; ani- othernupiIs;economy7Se rittetir \^'lT °^«^ ^^ on eacUther; shoulLa^^^ somrs^edfi? oK' "^^ ""^^ ^^'^'^'^'^ should be corrected; lessoM sh^uld^^ f^^^' «^«^ error quent reviews ne<^es2^ S*^ J? •"*•?« ^^^resting ; fre- lesflon. ^' ™°^e of aasigning subsequent LECTDEE III. ffow to Teach Heading. {First Stage.) alp?att*i;rv^:Sbiruse^^^^^^ ^^-B of the firat, such aa O. S 7&C K il^'^"^ ' ^'^^'^ "^^^ foms resemble each other very Juch not''^ T^ ,f b. /p, .^, tw! confine the class to a few Eers ^f « *• ***«^P^«d "^t ^^at; should be first dmwn uTon tte bltkll"'^' "^^^.^^^^r tr^ught on their slates; every leSn in S^/**' P"P*^ "»"«* wpy commenced before Z Xb alXtt"' T ^T'^ 5^ay g lessons on blackboard ; Zou,a2^^^^^^ ^^™«?J prifit W « th.s way study the fi^tXln ffot ^Tf Str"*'^ ' Paht IV.] COUNTY MODEL SCHOOLS. 249 LKCTUBE IV. How to Teach Beading. ) (Second Stage.) vio^l^^JZ^A^'^^^'^'f. ^"^ '•'^^^ continued ; letters „ot pre- LECTURE V. How to Teach Beading. (Third Stage.) ♦' How to'^^"^?"* '^^^^ ^^^^'' '^P^^^'ds ; consult Lewis on on mo" uta th: vofcrnt ^ ?T J'' ' f ^'^^ «^ ^" emohMia lh« *io k ' P^^^ ' inflection ; force; fluency and eZ'^^S; b^^i" """^ "°* l-« -g^* of these prinSpt^ LECTURE VI. ir,:rj,tic, metkodiml, persistent, poHte genial, sympatJietic and uniform. LECTURE xni. lii.¥rmtton im Moral Dutie., Indudvag Good Mummv. The Tnncihij should cultivate gentleness and forbearance among hi;* j; .pih; ; frown down rudeness, bolster usness and quaiTBlling:,ioukl not allow the strjng to impot unon the w«ak , no pupil to be ridiculed because of any natui i. I i.ifirmity or defect ; should cultivate respect for the aged, syti. oathy for the infirm or unfortunate,t and a generous regard "for each other's rights. Should himself be a pattern of gentlene.ss, kind- nsjvj, forbeai-ance and true politeness— in fine, a mail and a gentleman in every sense of the words. HYGIENE. The Lectures on this subject are to be based on the little treatise by Catharine M.Buckton, called "Health in the House," which every Teacher-in-training is expected to consult, viz.:— LECTUBE I. Light, Heat, the School Room, Ventilation and Cleanliness. LECTUBE U. CirciUation and Respiration. LECTURE III. Digestio7t. LECTURE IV. Dietetics. LECTURE V. Rules of Health for tfie Teacher. [Part TV. Part IV.] COUNTY MODEL SCHOOLS. 251 iirttl tvuth- ■■ hk pi%«- coaerully vniih the ngthening nanner he nt, polite, rbearance mess and unon the i»:finnity pathy for for each e.ss, kind- Ill and a he little s House," t, viz.: — liness. SCHOOL LAW. LECTURE L Form of applying for a situation as teacher ; agreeme/it with trustees ; must be signed by a majority ; what constitutes its validity ; Its reservations ; visiting days ; holidays ; absence on account of sickness ; agreement how dissolved ; resignation ; suspension of certificate ; salary how payable ; school grants now paid ; trustees, order ; on what conditions can teachers claimjpay for holidays. LECTURE n. Scfiool Room Duties. Must be at school certain time before opening ; opening re hgious exercises; who are exempted from attending and on what conditions ; authority of the teacher as a public officer • no person to interfere with him in the discharge of his duty • power to suspend pupils and for what offences ; limitations of this power; expulsion; on what grounds legal duty in regard to Mhool property ; out-premises, fences, well, and playgrounds ; tires and sweeping; school reports ; registers. LECTURE III. Duties CIS to Pupils. Instruction according to programme; constant employment of his time; discipline, nature of; when too severe; kind of government desirable ; merit cards ; absence from school ; pres- ents ; subscriptions; time table; quarterly examinations; visitors' book ; visitors. LECTURE IV. Duties oj Pupils. Punctuality ; cleanliness and good conduct ; leaving before closing ; absence ; excuses ; absence from examination ; going to and from school ; supply of books ; property injured ; contagious diseases ; effects of expulsion ; certificate of good conduct. HINTS AS TO A TIME TABLE. It will be observed by looking at the " Regulations as to JSlodel bchools, ;that "about one hour per diem should be de- voted to giving instruction in school organization, government and methods of teaching; and it is prescribed that this shall be done before or after school hours.'*^ It is suggested that the Teachers-in-training should meet promptly in the Head Master's room, at 8 o'clock, a. m. (when the Public Schools are in opera- tion), receive his lecture on " Education," and then take the placesjassigned them in the rooms of the different assistants. As instruction is to be given in the methods of teaching the subjects prescribed for the first four classes in Public Schook it would be desirable to subdivide the class of Teachere-in-train- 262 i APPENDicKH. [Part IV. fvfJll° 'P"/ r*'*'0"«; Msicnin^r one .section to each assistant. n.H- t/'^ u ^ ^ ^^''^ **^' »"clu.sive. This, of course, is only piacticab e where the Hea.l Master is aided by three assistants^, tVrH A ^^r'^"'® 'otation, a plan like the following might be adopted :—t5uppo8e the class of Teachers to be divided into four sections, named respectively A, B, C, and 1). On the fii-st (lay send Class A to 3rd Assistant's room. Class B to 2nd do. Class C to 1st do. Class D to Head Master's room. Next day send Class D to 3rd assistant's room, and advance the others. In this way each section will obsei-ve the methods of instruction practised in every room, in four day8,and the change from one room to the other will give variety to their work. When two weeks have been spent in observation, the Teachers may be allowed to undertake practical teaching themselves, but not sooner. > «« In regard to the other hour during which the Head Master's time IS to be occupied with the Teachers-in-training, there are two courses open. He may either dismiss his own pupils at 3 p. m. or place them in charge of a monitor, and occupy the vacant room required by tTie regulation to be provided for Model School purposes. THis hour should be devoted to givimr instruction in reading and mental arithmetic alternately. At tfi. ° T® naorning hour each week should be devoted to a review of the Lectures already delivered, and one afternoon hour to criticisms on the manner and style of teaching of the members of the class. In mental arithmetic. Stoddarfs work is recom- mended as a text book. In reading, the following lessons, in the order named, are recommended as the Reading Lessons for the Teachers-in-training, till further orders are issued : 1st Reader, Lessons i. to xi. inclusive. 2nd Reader, Lessons on pages 24, 59, and 87. 3rd Reader, Lessons on pages 21, 38, 41, 146. 4th Reader, Lessons on pages 44, 115, 285, 304, 319. It is hoped that these lessons will be carefully studied. 1 hey have been selected because of their peculiar fitness for the cultivation of a natural style. It wUl further be observed that the. number of Lectures to be delivered is 27. In many cases more than this number will doubtless be given. The number of hours for Lectures is 35 Ihis will necessitate the delivery of four Lectures per week If one hour a week be allowed for reviews and examinations. Ihe Head Master will see that the Teachers-in-trainini? prepare beforehand every lesson they are required to totui. ^ 10 avoid confusion, a memorandum of the lessons to be tauijht every day should be entered the afternoon previous, in a note- book kept for the purpose, and from this, each Teacher-in-train- mg should be required to copy, for his own use, the parts which IV. Part IV.] ADMISSION TO HIGH SCHOOLS, 253 APPENDIX H. Subjects of Examination for Admission to High Schools. Spelling.— Fourth reailing book to p. 246 and .spelling book. Writing. — Neatly and legibly. Arithmetic. — Principles Arabic and Roman notation ; vul- gar fractions; decimal fraction.s; simple proportion with reason-s of rules ; mental arithmetic. G'rammfflr.— Principal grammatical foi-ms and definitions ; analysis of simple sentences ; parsing .simple wentences. C(ympo8ition. — Simple and complex sentences, orally or in writing ; grammatical changes of construction ; short narrative or description ; familial- letters. ^eogfra/»%.— Maps of America, Europe, Asia and Africa; Maps of Canada and Ontario. Linear Drawing.— Outline of maps; common objects on paper. Bistory.—Cfuadidsites will be examined in the leading facts of English History. The questions set will not demand a minute knowledge of details, but will be strictly limited to the outlines of the subject. Heading. — Candidates will be examined, as heretofore, in reading from the fourth reader, pp. 1—246 ; and they will be expected feo show that they undeistand the meaning. The^ will likewise Ije examined more minutely on selections prescribed from time to time by the Department in the follow- ing list, and they will be required to reproduce the substance of one or more of them in their own language : — * (l.j The Norwegian Colonies in Gveml&nd.—Scorenby. (2.) The founding of the North American Colonies.— PecWey. (3.) The Voyage of the Golden Uind.—British Enterm-ise. (4.) The Discovery of America.— iiofccrteoii. (5.) The Death of Montcalm. — Hawkins. (6.) Jacques Cartier at Hochelaga. — Hawkins. (7.) Coi-tez m Mexico.— C'tw«eW'« Paper. (8.) The Buccaneei-s. — The Sea. (9.) The Earthquake of Caraccas. — Humboldt. (10.) The Conquest of Peru.— Annals of Romantic Adven- ture. (11.) The Conquest of ^bX^^.— Whites Landmarks. (12.) Hei-mann, the Deliverer of Germany.— Jevrer. (13.) The Burning of Moscow.— /S'e(/ttr'« Narrative. (14.) The Bi,otle of Thermopylae.- iitt^t^A. (15.) T}.i> ;;.j8truction of Pompeii. — Magazine of Art. (16.) The Taking of Gibraltar.— Over/awrf Route. ' SuhJBct to chftiige, which wUl be duly notified by Dei>Bi1;nieut. 254 APPKND1CK8. APrFNDIX I. [Paht IV. I ^, Courao vf .v udy in High Schools. LOWER SCHOOL. ' ^*°VLf ~^"f '"^i ^««fif««flre._ Review of Elementary Work • Orthography Etymology and S^rrf .v .'>,rivation of Words' A^alyH.sot Sentences; Re- ..:.ug o. I'oetry 'nUy pZ ^Yitical Heading of portions of the Work« of Authors of the Jl.ighteenth and Nineteenth Certuries to be prescribed from time to time by the Education Department ; Compo.,ition ;ri Arf""r^^^i.^'"i^''"*'^"' laminar and Business Let- ters; Abstracts of Readings or Lectures; Themes; generally a^d Vrrr'^^^^.^T^ ^^«'i'^ ^^y^' ■' R«^ing. Dictation and Elocution including the learning by heartland recita- tion of solected passages froii) Standard Authors. UBOUTPB.--ifa^W«ic«fa).-Ar.thinetic, Simple and Com- pound Rules; Vulgar and Decimal Fractions; Proportion- rhs aTT'^^V '^ ''*"°''" applications; Square Root. (6) Algebra-Elementaiy Rulen ; Fictoring; dreatest Common Measure ; Least Common Multiple; Square Root; Fraction. Surds; Simple Equations of one, two and three unknown quantities; Easy Quadratics, (c) Geome^y-Euclid, Books I and li., with easy exercises; M^ W *^^';;" P^ Geometry to the Mensuration of Surfaces. W Natural Philosophy-Composition and Resolution of For- ces; Principle of Moments ; Centre of Gravits Mechanical Powers Ratio of the Powo, tothe Weight in each; PressnTe of liquids; Specihc ^.avity and mode, of determining Ind !Sr PuS?"^ ^^ "°" ^"""P- ^'^^^ing Pump ^'"'anPpT^-'^. Jf^^-^J^-^-J French, The Accidence and Principal dules of Syntax ; Exercises; De Fivas' In- troductory. French Reader pp. 1-49; Souvestre.UnPhil- osophe busies ' . u , I- VIll ; R .translation .f easy pas- sages into French • Rudiments oi Convei-sation (6) Gemmn; The Accidence and the Principal Rules of Svatax- Exercises; Adler's Reader, 1st, V... and 3rd Parts- Re' translation of ea«y passage, into < Jerman; Rudiments oi conversation. Group i).-Ancientr,,ngmige, .) . In; The Acci.le. ..e and th- Principal Rules of Sy. ax hu Prosody; Exeicises- C^ar Bell. Gall. IV. 20-38, V. 1-,^ ; and fedl " ^d ^Viirj^T^^V ^*':"*"^r ^y ^"^'^ ^«^««<^d portio. ' cJar ' ^"*''^"^^^*^" '""^ ^<^i« of easy passages from (6) Greek, optional. ®''°ll?;-*te!if !tr^^^^ ^r.e of experi- .... .=™ ,o ...uatiatc the nature or Dim, Air, Water, and such ^ * PAJIT IV.] COUBSE OF STUDY IN HIOH SCHOOLS. solid NuVwtarices oh Linuwtom Coal, antl Blue Vitriol; Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogt-n, Carbon, Chlorine, Sulphur, PnosphoruH, and their more important Conipounds ; Com- bining Proportions by weight and by volume ; Symbols and nomenclature. Oroitp F.— History and Geojjraplti/. — (a) Lending Kventn of English and Canadian History, also of Roman History to the end of the second Punic War.* (h) A fair course of Elementary Geogi-ai»hy, Matfieniatical, Physical and Political. Map Geogiapliy gonorally—i 'ana- da and the British Empire more particularly. Group O.—Book-keepinrf, Writiruj, DramTUf and Mume.—(a) Single and Double Entry ; Commercial Forms and Usages ; Banking, Custom House, and General Busine&s Transac- tions. (6) Practice in Writing. (c) Linear and Free Hand Di awing. ({ Book V, Book VI, with Exercises ; Analytical Plane Geo- metry. (d) Trigonometry, a.s far as required for Senior Matriculation with Honoui-s. («j Natural Philosophy : Dynamics, Hydrostatii s and Pneu- matics. Group C-— Modem Langa(Mje^.—{a) French ; Grammar and Exercises ; Souvestre, Un philosophe -us les toits ; Coi - neille, Horace ; Translation from English into French ; Conversation ; the oih-r .subjects require.! for Senior Ma- triculation with Fonoucs. (b) German; Giumn.ar and ' Exercises ; Musaeus, Stumme 255 Liebe : Schiller, l>ie Riii-oNf^hRft, Dm- TnimViwi- onA n Jer • Till" QweHtiona not for CaiididHtes for Second ( '\staa Certificate* will be contined t<) the periods of History prescribed for the Lower School. * jrt 266 vi'PKNDicKs, [Part IV. Neffe ala Onkol ; TmnHlation from En^'lish into Qernian ; Convei-Hation ; the other suhjocts roquirod for Senior Ma- tnculation with Honomu Groui' v.— Ancient Laiu)mgeH.—{a) Latin; Gmnimar; Cicero, Pro Archia ; Ovid, FaMti, Book 1, exclusive of vv 800-440 ; H' v,ice, OdcH, Book III ; Livy, Book IV, chaps. 1-10 ; Trail, iition from English into Latin Piwe, etc.. a« ?•" ^ '" Inquired for Senioi' Matriculation with HonourH (6) Oreek; Grammar; Xenophon, Anabasis, Book 1 ; Homer Iltad. Book VI, OdyHsey, Book XII; Demosthenes,' Philippics I and II; the other subjects required for Senior Matriculation with Honours. Gro> !• E.— Physical Science.— {a) C^hemiHt/y ; Heat— it« sources ; Expansion ; Thermometers— relations between different scales in common use ; Difference between Tem- perature and Quantity of Heat ; Specific and Latent Heat; ('aloiimeters ; Liquefaction; Ebullition; Evaiwration • Conduction ; Convection ; Radiation. The chief Physical and Chemical Charactei-s, the Preparation and the charac- teristic Tests of Oxycfn, Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, Fluorine, Sulphur, Phosphor- us and Silicon. Carbonic Acid, Carljouic Oxide, Oxides and Acids of Nitro- gen, Ammonia. Olefiant Gas, Mai-sh Oa«, Sulphurous and Sulphuric Acids, Sulphuretted Hydrogen, Hydrochloric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Phosphuretted Hydrogen. Silica. Combining Proportions by weight and by volume ; General Nature of Acids, Bases and Salts ; Symbols and Nomen- clature. The Atmosphere— its constitution ; Effects of Animal and Vegetable life upon its composition ; Combustion ; Struc- ture and Properties of Flame; Nature and Composition of ordinary Fuel. Water— Chemical Peculiarities of Natuml Wat«i-8, such as Rain Water, River Water, Spring Water, Sea Water. (o) Botanv ; an introductory course of Vegetable Anatomy and Physiology, illustrated by the examination of at leaat one plant in each of the Crowfoot, Cress, Pea, Rose, Par- sley, Sunflower ; Mint, Nettle, Willow. Arum, Orchis, Lily and Grass Families; Systematic Botany; Flowering Plants of Canada. (urchase of school sites ; (2) for the erection or repairs of a .school-house or .school-houses, and their appendages ; or (3) for the purchase or erection of a teacher's residence. 3. The Towf vMip Council is bound to recognize such action of the Tru,ste.-s, fmn on their requisition to issue Township Debentures f o ■ th aiiiount of the required loan, to be lepay- able in any period tirioer ten years, (Rev. Stat. c. 204, s. 78, sub- sees. 19 and 2t 4. The Township Council is further bound to levy in each year on the taxable property of the school section concerned, a sufficient sum to pay the inteiest on the Debtmtures, and also to form a sinking fund sr.fficient to pay off the principal sum on the expiration of the period when the Debentures become due. The Debe. . .ures cannot bear a higher ra'^e of interest than six per cent, per annum. r"* OPINIONS OF MINISTER OF EDUCATION. [PaRT V. ^ ^Jt^ Township Councils, however, cannot borrow money tor School purposes (any more than for Municipal purposes) without adopting the formalities prescribed by the Municipal Law except the vote of the rate-payers, which is not necessary and hence a Township By-law to create a debt and issue l»ebentures for School pui-poses must conform to the special requis^s to be found in sections 330 and 331 of the Municipal Act. (Rev. Stat. c. 174.) ^ 6. I have framed a form of By-law which contains all the requisites which any Court can think legally necessary This will serve aa a safe guide in these cases, if properly adapted to the special facts in each case. ^ r j f 7. As mentioned, the Trustees have no power to borrow money by way of a loan extending beyond the year for current yearly expenditure for maintenance of the School, such as the salary ot the Teacher and other annual outgoings, and a Bv law for such purpose which would have the effect of making the ratepayers m any year pay debts of this nature which ought to^have been paid in their own proper yea-, would probably be ^' S^^ Trustees can, however, borrow money which is to be payable within the year out of the rates for the year in order to pay the leathers salary quarterly, according to Section 102 sub-section 11, of Public Schools Act """ lu^, May 3rd, 1877. Form of By-law for School Loan. Township of County of By-law numbered of loan the sum of Province of Ontario. to raise by way for the purposes of Public of said School Section, number Township. Whereas the Public School Trustees of section number m the said Township of have required the Municipal Council of the said Township to sanction the borrow- ing by the said Trustees of the sum of dollars, by way of loan repayable on the expiry of [not to exceed ten] years from the day on which the By-law is to take effect, witi interest in the meantime at the rate of six per cent, per annum, payable half-yearly, in order that out of the moneys so borrowed the said Trustees may pay • [for the erection of a School- tiouse audits appendages required in and for said School Section (as may be)] ; And whereas the total amount required to be raised annually by special rate for paying the said debt and interest under the terms of this By-law is the sum of dollars • And whereas the amminf nf flio ,iri,^i„ __i.-ui- ' . » the^jd Township „r-;- -:'L;:fd"^ CT»u' revised^assessment roll is the sum of $ • Part V.] borkowinu money by s(jh<»ol TRirsTEEs. And whereas the Municipal Corporation of the said Town- ship [has no existing debt {or aa the case may be), is now in- debted for principal in the sum of $ , and for interest in arrears] ; And whereas the amount of the whole ratable propei-ty in the said School Section, according to the last revised Assess- ment Roll, is the sum of dollars ; And whereas the said School Section has no existing debt [if there is any debt it should be stated, as in the recital of any debt of the Township Municipality] ; And whereas the annual special rate of in the dollar on the said amount of the ratable property in the said School section is required for paying the interest and creating a yec^rly smking fund for paying the principal of the said debt ; And whereas the said debt is created on the security of the special rate aforesaid, and on that security only ; The Municipal Council of the said Township of enacts as follows : 1. It shall be lawful for the Jieeve of the Township of to raise, by way of loan, from any person or corporation who may be willing to advance, upon the credit of the deben- tures hereinafter mentioned, the sum of dollars, for the purpose and with the object above recited. 2. It shall be lawful for the said Reeve to cause one or more Debentures to be made to the amount of the said sum of dollars in all, but not less than one hundred dollars each, and that the said Debentures shall be sealed with tlie seal of the said Municipal Corporation, and be signed by th.i said Reeve, and countersigned by the Treasurer thereof. 3. The said Debentures shall be made payable in {not to exceed ten) years from the day hereinafter mentioned for this By-law to take effect, at the office of the Bank of in , and shall have attached to them coupons for the pay- ment of interest, 4. The said Debentures shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum from the date hereof, which interest shall be payable half yearly on the day of and the day of in each year at the said office of the Bank afore- said. 5. For the purpose of forming a sinking fund for the pay- ment of the said Debentures, and the interest at the rate aforesaid to become due thereon, an equal annual special rate of in the dollar shall, in addition to all other rates, be raised, levied and collected in each year upon all the ratable property in said School Section, during the continuance of the said Debentures or any of them. 6. This By-law shall take effect and come into operation upon t'he day of [the same day as the Debentures are to be dated, and it should be selected with reference to the time the special rate should be collected in each year, so there may be funds on hand to pay interest, and, at maturity, to pay principal]. 265 266 OPINIONS OF MINISTKR OF KDUCATION. [PaRT V. Form of Tovmakip Debenturen for School Loan. PKOVINCK OF ONTARIO. f No. Debentures of the Township of County of , for School Loan. The Corporation of the Township of hereby prouiise to pay to bearer, at the office of the Bank of in the sum of dollars, lawful money of Canada, yeara from the date hereof, and to pay interest at the rate of ^ six per cent per annum, half yearly, to the bearer of the an- nexed coupons resjiectively, upon the presentation thereof at the said Bank. Issued at , this day of 18 by virtue and under the authority of the Statute in that bo- half, and pursuant to By-law No. of said Township of , passed on the day of , A.D. 18 intituled " By-law numbered to raise, by way of loan, the sum of Public School Section No as the case may be). A. B., Reeve. [Coi-pQrate Seal] dollars, for the purposes of of said Township " {or C. D., Treasurer. Coupon, No. The Corporation of the Township of will pay the Bearer, at the Office of the Bank of iu .on the day of the sum of dollars, interest due on that day on Debenture No. C. D., Treasurer. 2. DISCIPLINE IN SCHOOLS. Metixorandwm by tJie Minister of Education in reference to the case of Section No. 2, Percy. ^ A misapprehension evidently exists as to the true scope of the decision pronounced by me on the 26th of April last, on the subject of an appeal by the Trustees of this school from the in- spector, who held that under the circumstances of the case the expulsion of a pupil was not authorized under the retrulations in that behalf. * The letter of the Secretary of the Trustees to the Olohe, with a copy of my decision, did not question the correctness of nu- conclusion in confirming the decision of the inspector on the only point involved in the appeal, but raised a new and colla- teral issue on my statement" that the discipline of the school can be maintained without encouraging a practice which would degrade the pupils in the estimation of each other, and so Part V] DISCIPMNK IN SCHOOLS. 267 lovyer tlie general tone o» J e school. This expre,s.sion waw im obiter dirtum tendered b}' way of advice to tiii.stee.s whose teacher had thought tit to resort to the extreme meaHure of punishment by expulsion in a matter of ordinary discipline in a case where one pupil was not prepared to disclose upon another. The case before me presented the sole question whether, for an otience of this kind, the penalty of expulsion, attended as it must be with grave and serious coasequences, wasauthorized by the regulations. The regulations now in force wei-e carefully revised by the late Council of Public Instruction in 1874, and under the Public Schools Act regulate all matters connected with the organiza- tion, government, and discipline of Public Schools. In adopt- ing proper regulations under the Act, the Council had to consider that by law all schools are free, that by law every child from seven to twelve years of age, inclusive, has a right to attend school, and that by law any parent failing to see that his child attended school becomes amenable to several penalties. This emphatically means that the community as a whole, and each parent and child individually, are interested in securing the attendance of every child in the schools. Such right be- longing to parent and child alike, and the community being concerned in its free exercise, the Council were especially charged with seeing that their regulations would fully accom- plish this. Hence, by Regulation 4, it is only when the interests of all the other children would be positively injured by the presence of a pupil (i.e. a black sheep) that he can be expelled, and suspension of a pupil for a given period can only be exer- cised in the gi-ave cases pointed out in Regulation 3, and that, too, subject to appeal to the Trustees.* Tie law and regulations recognize the master's position to be that of a public officer, and hence it is his duty by legitimate and proper means to discharge the functions of his office satis- factorily. For this putpose he must be permitted to exercise all the necessary authority, and to vindicate it when required, by such measure of punishment or means as a prudent and ju- dicious teacher would think best in the particular circumstan- ces. Without prescribing any details in this respect, the regulations leave the authority of the ma.ster paramount, except in a case of suspension, where they define the circum- stances which may warrant this, and the single case in which expulsion can be ordered. When I stated in my former memorandum that the teacher would not appear to have any authoiity to coerce a pupil into telling upon a fellow-pupil, my remark was germane to the point before me, and directed to the remedy there applied of expulsion, which was unauthorized. If I had anticipated that there was room for misapprehension upon the general question as to the authority of a master over a oupil, I would have ex- 3i,a,iCu iiiai so cocreiun oy expuioivii was not wanantea by the regulations in a case where one pupil refused to tell • See Chap. 11 of Title I. of Reijulationa, page 178 ante. -'' I 11 ^fiS OPINIONS OF MINISTER OF BDUCATION. [i UtV. upon another. I was not called upon to consiidcr whether a refuHal to tell wa« an offence or not, or pmiisliabk' or not. That question would manifestly rest with the teai',liii not called upon to determine, nor can I assume to define the dtrailh within which his authority can be properly or lawfully exercised. At the same time it is my duty to p 'd that there has V>een an ex- cess of authority on the part of the teacher wli»'re such is the case, having regard to the law and regulaticms. When ailed upon to do this, it is permitted to me also to express a,nv opinion with reference to a proceeding the tendency of wliicn would be to deteriorate in any way our Public Schools. June Ist, 1877 3. POWKHS OF T0WN8UIP COUNCILS IN ALOOMA. The subject of the power of Township Councils organized in Algoma and other judicial districts to act in School matters was raised in the communication of Inspector Little to thip Department in August last. I have now given the matter considtiuion, and do ndt think there is any defect in the law as to s*'!'lir power. The statute which authorizes the organi/A- tion vi tiW'., ships in the District of Algoma is now to b found as G!iap?'e\ .i.75 of the Revised Statutes. Tins Tivsvides for the election of the Township Council, and section iS (sec. 18 of 3.) V., c. 37) provides that " the said Council shall have power to pass by-laws for such purpo.ses as are provided for regarding townships under the Municipal Act. There is nothing in the Municipal Act which expressly confers powers as to School matters upon ordinary Township Councils ; but, so far as townships in the Algoma District are concerned, the.'^ are as much organized townships, and their Councils as fully constituted as in the case of townships in any of the counties of the Province. It is the Public Schools Act from whence the Township Councils derive their powers. It is that Act which confers on Township Councils certain power* and prescribes their duties ; and it will be seen that that Act discriminates as to Schools in organized and unorganized Townships only. Assuming that a Township is organized anywhere in Ontario, or in other words possesses a Township Council, then it is comprehended in the general language of the Revised Statute, sec. 78 (sec. 46 of 37 V., c. 28)—" It shall be the duty of every Township Council." This is further manifest bj reference to sections 26 to 35 Revised Statute* (Act of 1874, sees. 39 to 45 ; Act of 1877, sec. 16), which make* special provisions for Si'hool Corporations in unorgatiized town- snips, to vrhich, by reason of their very unorganization, the general provisions would be inapplicable. There is, therefore, no good legal ground for any doubt on this point. November 3, 1877. [I'^UT V. whether a not. That vithiu the not calleil ail.'; within rcised. At een an ex- such is thu hen > ailed ;press any • of wliich dIs. MA. ■ganized in )ol matters ;tle to thif ;he matter in the law 3 organ i7A- b found ouncil, and " the said )urposes as Municipal 1 expressly Township District are , and their lips in any jchools Act )Owers. It ;ain powers it that Act norganized I organized I Township aDguage of — " It shall is further id Statutes hich makes lized town- ization, the y doubt on Part V ] REi.Mjmus kxkrcisrs in puhi.ki .scHoor.;, 4. COMPULHOKV ATTENDANCE IN Pl'IILIU SCHOOLS. Meinunindum thereon. Under sections 27 and ««, an.l others of the Consolidated Pubhc Schools Act of 1874* the School Trustees and Public achool Boards are respectively required to ascertain before the end ot the year, through the Assessor, Collector, or some other perHon appointed by them, the children from seven t( twelve y«jars ..t age inclusive, wlio have not attended -v school (or who have not been otherwise educated), for li,' ths of the year, a.cording to the loOth section of the Act It is ma^e the duty of the School Trustees .,. ,chool Board to notify the parents of such children of this neglect, and in case of continued neglect, then to impose a rate bill, or to make com- plaint before a magistrate. The means of ascertaining any cases of neglect are not given by the Act but the Assessor or other person can hav . no difli- culty in tins if the School Registers are perfectly kept, and the school census regularly taken. The parents or guardians have nothing to do with the Returns required by the Department- and can only be required to give to the Assessor or other per- son truthful information of the material facts necessary to enable hun to perform his duty to the Trustees or School Board It rests with th. Trustees or School Board to make proper re- turns as required by the regulations of the Department *v, hT T T"^ ^^''iM '^^ ^.^'^^ '" """^^ «f continued neglect, that the Trustees or School Board have the right to prosecute and by tlie amendments to the law passed last session, the Irustees or School Board should themselves ascertain before taking any proceeding, whether the alleged neglect is not ex- cusable Jorthe reasons which the law recognizes as lawful cause t The Act also contemplates that the Trustees should them- se ves be personally active in order to induce the requisite attendance of children. More may be done by the personal visits of trustees, by argument and persuasion, than by actual resort to legal proceedings, but these are imperative under the Act When a milder course proves useless March 22nd, 1877. 20d 6. MEMORANDUM AS TO RELIGIOUS EXERCISES IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 1 A difficulty has arisen in School Section No. 11 Sombra with respect to the action of the School Teacher, in suspending from attendance the children of the Roman Catholic Lident ratepayers. .J T/''!^'^T had under the directions of their parents refused to stand up with the other children while the Teacher' at the opening of the school, was reading the Lord's Prayer and, at the close, when pronouncing the benediction. ' X See Rev. Stat c. 204. g. 210, aub-eec. 3, IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ■^> £/ /<"*<. ^ €^1^ bf 1.0 1.1 1^ 12^ 1.25 iu 2.0 11.8 1.6 V

*^ y 150mm /^PPLIED^ IIV14GE . Inc ^as 1653 East Main Street ^^Fli Rochester, NY 14609 USA j^^= Ptione: 716/482-0300 .1^=-,.^= Fax: 716/288-5989 1993, Applied Image, Inc., All Rights Reserved it 270 OPINIONS OK MINIHTKR OF EDUCATION. [PaRTV, 2. The Teacher considered that to allow those children to sit while the others were standing during these exercises, would lie such non-compliance with the Regulations of the Department, as would authorize the Inspector to report the neglect, and the School might thus become disentitled to its share of the Le<,'js- lative grant. 3. 'fhe Trustees sustained the Teacher, being of opinion that to allow this would be a disresjiect to the religious exercises frescribed by the Regulations for the opening and closin;^' of ublic Schools. 4. The parents then appealed to the Inspector, wh«j rejilied, that he thought the Trustees had the right to insist that those children who would remain in the school-room should so far engage in the pi-ayers as to stand while they were read, and if any objected to this the law provided they might retire. 5. The matter has now been brought beft)re me by the parents, who contend that it is their privilege to refuse to allow their children to join or take part in any i-eligious exer- cises to which they object, and that their children cannot be excluded from the School during these exercises. In this, as in most rural Schools, I assume there Is but one room, and no proper sheltier to be found outside of it. 6. I think that both parties have been acting under some misapprehension of their correct positions, but no doubt ns they honestly understood them. Neither the Teacher nor the Trustees considered they could act otherwise without neglecting the pre.scril)ed Regulations according to their view of them, and the parents knew that the School Law e'cpressly conceded to them the fullest libeity of objecting to any religious exercises being imposed upon their children. The difficulty has arisen from misapprehending the sense of the Regulations of the late Council of Public Instruc- tion respecting rel'gious exercises in opening and closing the Public Schools. These Regulations are not " imperative," so that they must be carried out by the Trustees, but are " recommendatory '" only. Tills recommendation is prefaced by a quotation of the 142nd section of the School Act, which secures to parents the fullest right of control over the religious instruction of their children,, and is followed by the statement that no pupil .should be "com- pelled to be present at the>ie exercises against the wish of his. garent or guardian expressed in writing to the Master of the chool." This regulation, therefore, preserves to the parents, in this case, the liberty to exercise the rights which they have insisted upon, and there need have been no difficulty with the Teachers or Trustees in this ca.se giving full effect to the wishes (jf these parents if there was any convenient place to which those children could retire, while these opening and closing exercises were being conducted. The General Regulations, however, require all the children to bt present at the prescribed time for [Part V. liMroii to sit ea, would lie department, iect, and the if the Legis- >pinion that js exercises I closin;^' of ?ho replied, t that those lould so far read, and if etire. me by the 3 refuse to igious exer- 1 cannot be i is but one it. under some doubt as they could Regulations knew that llest libei'ty 1 upon their lending the die Instruc- closing the they must lendatory '" f the 142nd the fullest sir children,, Id be "com- «'ish of his. ster of the nts, in this ive insisted he Teachers les of these hicli those Jg exercises 3, however, led time for Part V.] religious instruction in puhlic schools. WrLjs ohi J r^v*-" •*^". ^^h^^J-'-^o'n^ tl'e chil.Tren whose Sir ? *^^*^'-"' J«'"'"f?in ^hese daily religions .MMcises o^lger■;o"^^pTrt'rnX ^ir^t' t'^"^ '^'^^ ^ MaJih 31^1 WI '"" "' '•""'•' satisfactorily afford. 271 G. Memorandum on the suiuect of Religious Instruction IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Uur Committee desire to confer with vn„ oc *« .i 1 he general regulations for the Public Schools whi,.!. o. m torce, were the result of years of Pv,,«r^^S I "'^ """^ fully considered and adopted W the irSu^^^^ struction. newly constftuted u^nde? thi aTo^Ih-I '^'', ll" Kegulatons on the subject of ReirgiousExtrci^^^^^ Instruction are, especially framed wifh mw ." «« igious When all the difficulties whXjnte^^^^^ ''•?^^"™- a free, and nonMlenonnnJi a! "'f; , 7"''^''","' 'i"^'^*'^" i" -i...iu!iai „_y^teiu :;i popular education, II? 272 OPINIONS OF MINISTER OF EDUCATION. [PaRT V. arc understood, I doubt whether it was possible to have formed regulations which could have more successfully overcome these diniculties. These regulations provide for what is literally asked for by the Committee, ms expressed in the Rev. Mr. Langtry's letter, as will 1)6 seen fron. Regulations No. IV., the text of which is as follows : — "IV. — Weekly Religious huttr^.iction by tlie Clergy of each Persuasion. " 1. In orderto correct misapprehension, and define moreclosely " the rights and duties of trustees and other parties in regard to " religious instruction in connection with the Public Schools, it " is decided by the Council of Public Instruction that the clfgy " of any persuasion, or their authorized representatives, sh;.U " have the right to give religious instruction to the pupils of their "own charcn, in each school-housi-, at least once a week, 'Iter " the hour of four o'clock in the afternoon ; and if the clergy of " more than one persuasion apply to give religious instruction in " the same school-house, the trustees shall decide on what day " of the week the school-house shall be at the disposal of the " clergyman of each persuasion, at the time above stated. But " it .shall be lawful for the trustees aiid clergyman of any " denomination to ngree upon any hour of the day at which a " clergyman or his authorized representative, may give religions " instruction to the pupils of his own church, provided it be not " during the logular hours of the school." But upon obtaining from Mr. Langtiy peraona'' T.ore de- finite expression, I found that this Regulati"* 'u!d not accomplish what was sought by the Committee, By Religious Instruction, the Committee meant ii- truction of a donominaticnal character, involving "?ce8sarily religious catechisms, formularies, or views distinctive of particular de- nominations ; and although under Regulation No. IV., this kind of instruction is permitted after the regular hour for clos- ing the school, and accommodation in the school is provided for the purpose, the Committee's proposition was, that the re- ligious instruction of this denominational nature should become, and be part of the regular school exercises, within ordinary school hours, that it should be carried out punctually by the clergymen of each denomination instructing in the school, while the other exercises were going on, such of the pupils whose parents belonged to that denomination — and these pupils would to that extent be thus withdrawn from the regular classes of instruction in the school. I explained to the deputation ihi^i,, as. I construed the law, this Department had no authority to pass such a regulation, ar'^ that although jurisdiction was conferred by the School Act of 1874, (see section 142)* upon the Department to frame general regulations so as to allow of pupils receiving such re- • Now Rev. SUt. 9. 204, a. tO. Part V.] religious instruction in public schools. ^s one of the ordinary exercises of the school, and as such to be imperative y enforced-that the Act made the pm^and not the D'.partment, or the School Board, or Trustees he iuXe upoa the 4uestion-that the Department could onlrmpef; recommend religious exercises for use in the schools wZ that, so far a.s the ch-rgy sought opportunity for availintr them- salvea of the Fourth Regulation, tfce School Boards aS Trus- tees, as the managers of their schools under the law wei^ he proper lK.aies to apply to, and not tlus Department Dlated'wIT^^r" also of an^ religious instruction contem- plated by the Act was against its being of any distinctive de- PrXtr 1 '^'^^'')r^ ^h"* >n fhis thf pSo ^f ou Fuohc Schools was similar to elementary schools under School Boards in England, under the U Section of the Act of 1870 which expressly nrovides « no religious catechism or reliS formulanes whicl, are-distinctive of any particular den< m ni! tion, shall be taught m the school " ut-nomin* ed^ri'f n'" ^''"'"' iH ^'^^^^ ^"^"^ ^^' London have pass- ed the following resolutions with reference to relimouViL Zm:^' ^''"^''"' "^'^ ^y"^''"' '" «^h«^^l« VroliZ by The late Council of Public Instruction construed the nrovi- sions of the Ontario Act in the same way, and emi odie7thSi view in the third Regulation of 1874. which is aTfol Ws :- "Ill.-Opening ami Closinj Religiom ExereUes of each Day. " With a view to secure the Divine blessing, and to im- ' press on the jupils the importance of .eligiouls duties, and " toJr.T7- ^«P«"J«^«« «« th«"- Maker, the Council of Cb he Instruction recomntends that the daily exercises of each Public School be opened and closed by reading a port on of ' Scnpture. and by prayer. The Lord's Prayer \lone, o?"he Forms of Prayer hereto annexed, may be used or any other But the Lord s Prayer shall form part of the opening exer- ' cise, and the Ten Commandments be taught to all the^upHs and be repeated at least once a week. Sut no pupil .Siou d be compelfed to be present at these exercises agaiLt the ^'h " of the school '^' ^ ' ""'P''''''^ ''' ^"<^i°|t« the Master Here follow Forms of Prayer : ^^ ^" wu^f "* ^''°'" *^® foregoing that the same princiole prevails both here and in England (as to Board Schookwfth resp ect to the exte nt in which religious instruction and eTer- • Sw thew MsolutioM printed in memomndum No. ",/»«, p. 27a ' 273 r4 OPINIONS OF MINIKTER OF EDUCATION. [PART V, cises may form part of the ordinary work of a Public School, and then to be giren only by the responsible teacher of the school. May 17th, 1877. 4 7 FURTHER MEMORANDUM ON THE SUBJECT OF REUOIOUS IN- STRUCTION IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. A Deputation from the Synod of the Presbytery of Hamil- ton anJ London, coa«risting of the Rev. John Laing, M. A., Moderator, and the Rev. W. Cochrane, D. D., Clerk, have sub- mitted for ray consideration the following questions, viz : — 1. May the local Trustees, without contravening the School Law, refjuire Teachers to use the Bible in whole or in part as a text book, giWng such instruction as is needed for the pro- per understanding of what is I'ead ? 2. Is there anything in the Regulations and Programme at present in force to prevent the introduction of such reading of the Holy Scriptures as part of the regular course of instruc- tion, and work of the Sichool, when the Tmstees desire this to be done ? , I explained verbally to the Deputation my views of the Laws and Regulations upon these important points, and pro- mised to express them onicially in writing in order that tLey might be generally understood. The law on tho subject of Religious Instruction in Public Schools will be found in the ninth and tenth sections of the Public Schools Act (Revised Statutes Cap. 204). The ninth section reads as follows : — " No pei-son shall require any pupil in any Public School to " read or study in or from any religious book, or to join in any " exercise of devotion or religion objected to by his or her par- " ents or guardians." The tenth section provides that " pupils shall be allowed to " receive such religious instruction as their parents and guard- " ians desire-according to any General Regulations provided for "the organization, government and discipline of Public " Schools?' By section 4, sub-section 10 of the Act respecting the Edu- cation Department (Revised Statutes, Cap. 203) the Education Department is empowered to make Regulations from time to time for the organization, government and discipline of the Public Schools, and the like power was possessed 1^ the former Coun- cil of Public Instruction under the Act of 1874. The General Regulations for the government of Public Schools now in force are those prescribed by such Council in 1874, and comprise the following Regulations on the subject of Religious Exercises and Religious Instruction : — " //. Bdigioua and Moral Instruction in the Public Schools." " 1. As Cliristianity is recognised by common consent throughout this Province, as an essential element of Education, [Part V. lie School, her of the laious IN- of Hamil- ng, M.A., have sub- viz:^ tie School n part as ■ the pro- ramme at reading of f instruc- ire this to ws of the and pro- that tLey in Public ns of the rhe ninth School to Din in any iv her par- allowed to nd guard- ovided for >f Public the Edu- Education me to time ;he Public [ner Coun- e General •w in force uprise the ii'cisesand 3 Schools." I coment MucatioD, P^T v.] RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS "itSl;>'n*'csulldt'dP^^^^^^^^ ^ ^'--^--y -- " -provides that no pe.Sn^^^^^^ ^n^-' ^^**°' ^P'' ««etion 142. Ichool to read or stX in i f?.?." ' ""^ ^"^^^ '" *"y ^"blic join in any exercise o/llvo/; *?.^. "^^'^om book or to «ive right of^h parent ^n^'^'" *^ • '^^^^' '^"'^ *h« ^'^c'"- securel" ^^^"^ *"^ guardian on the subject is schtrr^les"SSri^i?^ ?• ^^,' '^"^ -^o* » boarding not rec uired^anX trptrire u^"?.'^'^' '"t\*'' parents and guardians nn Silk fk ^^'^ *.^® ^""^ ^^ *heir ^r in respectTSrX^t^ett "puK^X^^f -"^^ " m. Opening and dosing Religious Exercises of each day.'' entire de^Lnce onTSker [hfe"' ^f ^f rf ^^^^^ struction recommends tlSr fh« ^ •'. ^"""' <^^ ^"^lic In- School be opreTand cWd bl '''^•'^''^^'"« "^^ «»«h Public ture,andb™,4 T^^^^^ a portion of Scrip- of omyer hSaLxed ma^KJd' *'°°'' V^« ^«"^« " and the ten^TmandmeSs'LCht to ' n P^"^ «''«^"««' " be repeated at least once a week Bnt /" *^^, ^T^'' ^"^ "compelled to be Dresenftt t^l! ■ ""^ P"P'' should be " his fLnt oV Sr exni^^^^^^^^ ^^^'^ ^^e wish of "theShool." ^^'^"^' expressed in writing to the Master of "IV. Weekly ReUgious mstruct^n^y .. Clergy of each per- cLLl^th^'^htern^dtiTi^^^^^^ r^ ^«fi»e niore regard to reSs Tnstruc L I "'*''!.^^ ''^^'' P^'-*i«« in Slools it is fSed bv th^ P connection with the Public that the ClerS- of LXr^L^ "'''^^^^^^^^ Instruction sentatives^ S hav^^h^S r* ""■ ^^^'^..'^"thorized repre- to the pupils oTthrowr&'^h re^hfcir"^"^'^ least once a week aff^r tkJt * 5 ^" School-house, at noon ; ^.dlfTe ct,l* m« Jh^o^f' "^ » •""' •«»- to give reliriou. iMtSi„n"'?' .}.7^-°^° J^UMion apply Tru^teea shil, decide o- „h.t ^of 'C^ZTf^^. u n « (( « « 276 376 OPINIONS OF MINISTER OF EDUCATION. [PaRT V. " house shall be at the disposal of the Clergymen of each per- " suasion at the time above stated. But it shall be lawful for " the Ti-ustees and Clergyman of any denomination to agree " upon any hour of the day at which a clergyman, or his " authorized representative, may give religious instruction to " the pupils of his own Church, provided it be not during the " regular hours of the School." " VI IL Prnvera and dutiea (^Masters and Teachers of Public Schools. Sub-aection 15." " The Master shall see that the Regulations in regard to " Opening and closing exercises of the day (Reg. III.) are ob- " served, and that the Ten Commandments are duly taught to " all the pupils and repeated by them, once a week." " Each Master and Teacher is enjoined to evince a regard for " the improvement and general welfare of his pupils, treat " them with kindness, combined with firmness, and aim at " governing them by their affections and reason, rather than " by harshness and severity. Teachere shall also, as far as pi-ac- II ticable, exercise a general care over their pupils in and out of " school, and shall not confine their instruction and superinten- " dence to the usual School Studies, but shall, as far as possible, *' extend the same to the mental and moral training of such "pupils, to their pei-sonal deportment, to the piacticeof coirect II habits and good manners anion^ them, and to omit no oppor- " tunity of inculcating the principles of truth and honesty, " the duties of respect to superiors, and obedience to all per- '• sons" placed in authority over them." By the first of the General Regulations it is provided that the exercises of the day shall commence not later than nine o'clock, and shall not exceed six hours in duration, but never- theless a less number of hours of daily teaching may be deter- mined upon in any public school, at the option of the Trustees. The management of the Public Schools in their several localities rests, under the Act, with the Trustees or School Boards (as the case may be) who are constituted corporations for this purpose, and possess all powers expressed or implied which are necessary for efliciency, subject in the exercise of them to the General Regulations of the Department. Recognizing this duty and responsibility on the part of Trustees and School Boards, the Education Department, in May, 1877, adopted a new Progi-arame, or Course of Study, for the Public Schools, which took effect on the 15th August, 1877, in lieu of the Limit Table and Programme under the General Regulations of the former Council of Public Instruction. By the new. Regulations no " Time " or " Limit " Table is pre- scribed, except in so far as the Trustees or School Board and Teacher may choose to regulate this, and the Course of Study is to be followed so far only as the circumstances of the par- ticular school will allow. The attention of Trustees. School Boaids and Teachers is also expressly called to the special pro- [Part V. each per- lawful for i to agree lan, or his ruction to luring the I of Public regard to .) are ob- taught to regard for ipils, treat id aim at ther than a.r as prac- Etnd out of iperinten- a possible, g of such of correct no oppor- HONESTY, 9 all per- ided that han nvne ut never- be deter- > Trustees, r several or School "porations r implied sercise of e part of tment, in Study, for fust,1877, » General iion. By e is pre- toai-d and of Study the par- s. School ecial pro- Part V.] religious ikstructiok in public schools. nsions with respect to Religious Instruction conteine*?*^"'^« ^^ ^'^y particular denomina- tion shall be taught m the School ; " ancTin the seventh sec- tion It ,8 declared that (1) " it shall not be required, as a condi- « S^u 1 *l"^ ?*'i ^'°^ admitted into or continuing in the School that he shall attend or abstain from attending any « Sunday School or any place of religious worship, or that he shall attend any religious observance or any instruction in ^^ religious subjects in the school or elsewhere, from which ob- ^^ servance or instruction he may be withdraw, by his parent, ^^ or that he shall, if withdrawn by his parent, attend the ^_ school on any day exclusively set apart for religious obser- ^f?a? S .® religious body to which his parent belongs : ^^ (2) The time or times during which any reliirious obner- vance is pi-actised or instruction in religious subjects is given 277 278 opiHioMs or MiNisnai op idi'catiok. [Pirt V. " or XTn'iTlwK ■'1'"^' "^"' ** "'""" »» "-„ beginning '"pmctised^ ''*' '"''«'''"" observances' may be " jSTs '"'"'''^ ''P'''''**^ instruction in secular sub! PaJIT v.] religious instruction in public 8CH0OIJJ. " ^^ Tl'at a copy of sectionn 7 and U of the Elt-mentary Ed- ;; ucation Act. 1H70. and also of the R,.K..IationH 1. 2. 3 and 4 niUHt he hung up m a (!on8i>iouou8 n«rt of the School-i-ooin. ' _ 7 1 hat a Hyllahus of Huhject8 of Bihle instruction for one month m •«|vance must Ihj prepared ».y the teaci.er and for- :: ,Xlh •• "'" ^*'"^ *' "'" beginning of eL'h The London School Board further adopte.l a scheme for ex- amination in scripture knowledije for prizes founded hy ^il I'eck, and on the occasion of their distribution in July, 1877 at the Crystal Palace, by Lord San.lon, Vice-President of the' Committee of the Pnvy Council on education, these impoitont tacts tending to show the success of this system of reliuious instruction were elicited, viz: that 82.(MM) children had volun- tarily conipeted, who had attended U|)on the religious exei-cises under the regulations at lea^t 240 times .luring the year and that with res,)ect to l.iO.OOO children-lKjing the total number in the schools— only fifty parents had withdrawn their children from religious instmction. It was also stated that the teachers had so faithfully performed their duty in keeping their teaching free from sectananism that there had not been a complaint from the parents during the whole seven years the above regulation had been in force; and that this system worked so well that it had effectually settled all difficulties on the subject. According to my interpretation, therefore, of the Law and Kegulations applicable to Public Schools in Ontario, I beg to reply ta your two questions in the affinnative, and to advise your Synod th&t, Jirstly, School Boards and Trustees can law- fully require their Teachers to use the Bible or portions thereof as part of the ordinary exercises of the school, giving, however such explanations only as are needed for a proper understand- ing of what is read, and secondly, there is nothing in the retru- lations or programme res] , Ing the Public Schools now in lorce which can prevent th. introtluctionof such i-eading of the Holv Scriptures as part of the regular course of instruction and work of the School when the Trustees or School Boards require this to be done. But on the contrary the Law permits, and the Kegulatjuus strongly recommend, the daily practice of such religious exercises. It will thus be seen that it is open to parents generally, what- ever may be their different churches, to conlially unite with lYustees, School Boards and Teachers, in promoting such reli- gious exercises in the Schools, and thus to improve the charac- ter of our youth, and so form a community distinguished not only for its mt^Uigence, but for its fair dealing and law-abidinc and moral qualities. ^ 2nd April, 1878. 270 8. SUWLEMENTARY MEMORANDUM ON RELIOIOUS INSTRUCTION. .. ^*®S"^*? "jy Memorandum on Religious Instruction in tne J'ublic Schools, there seems to be a misunderstanding with idO OPINIOIfS OF MINISTER OF EDUCATIOK. [PaRT V. reference to my interpreUtion of tho Uw and RegulationM m to t«e rcachng of jv.rtion., of the Holy Scriptu,-eH m Trt Tt the onhnarv oxerc.s.s of the .ohool. thin ari«e« in ,«irt from It toZ l\ 'J'T'""' '•""'T'* P"* ""y '^' ''«P"tation and tro " the rorn, of ex rcn^ion used in my Hummarv of the Law and Ro,n.lat,«ns. ihat when property conHideJed with X S Lt/^^T'p"^ ^h ^'H«ti"n« win !•« found to go no urtherthanthe RegulationH then.nelves recommended. namely that hedadyexercHeH of each Public School l>e opened and ThiH IS repoa ed among tfie powen, and duties of teachen, who to TrS^r ■• ^ """''• V'** this is entirely recommendaton^ to TrustecH. and n.y opinion on the Somlira case cl-jarlv eS^ presses that these Regulations were not ia.p^Uvo ho tha they m«.< be earned out by the Trustees, but recommendatory % reference to the two questions put by the deputation should be read by these consideration!, which werreScitlv put forward in order that the ground.; for coincidi^ to ti^ Uited extent mentioned, might be understood by Sf parties with whom any responsibil ty in this matter rests ^ It IS not intended by any expression of mine, that the read- ng of any portion of Scripture be attended w th any exZ ^•Zr'T'''?- ^" ^^ "•^^"'•^ °* *" exposition, TZ^t and that explanations should be limited to the better under! standing simply of the words used. 11th April, 1878. 9. MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS-EXEMPTION FKOM SCHOOL RATES. ^'M^^^i^'lZmlTJ^^^ '^ ^"f ^«^''' ^'^»^ « ^^^- jwsmrvny emiblwhment xa exempted from taxfiti^ h,, n fnT^t 'f^°"*^ ""J^^"" *^« P"^"c Schools Act, to lew mtes nort^^° T^^'^Ti'^.^^P^:^^^^ *« ^ "«P0»^ thetoSe^J^! ?n^ to cauie'L^'lif '-T ^^^l^^ requires the Township cC :fth'erhriL':e3'^.i"^^^--p°-^^«^-^ " tlMw "S llili ?h« '"1 «^1— the Township Council ••deter.»ined by the TrusS^ ^ ^^^ "^^"^^^ *« J^f^'^h'' '^V^^ '^1"^'^« the County Council "to cause to be levied, yearly upon the several towi^hips of the coS ^r the payment of the salaries of legX^ualified Pub fc School teachers. &c such sums as shaU ^ at ffst equa^ " J^ t he apportionment from the Le gislative GrMit. ^ • Now Eko. 349 of E«v. SUt. c. 174. [Part V. pilationH HH M part of ) |)art from n.and from e Law ami ;h the text d to go no fd, namely, >i)ened and oy Prayer. chers, who served. It mendatory cl'jarly ex- ve, so that mendatory eputation, explicitly im to the all parties the rearl- ly exposi- ' the text, »r under- »M SCHOOL a manu- lon by a Hpal In- 3vy rates able pro- ip Coun- property Council aerty of ihoois a» to cause county, Public ual" to. Part V] kkes imposed hx public school boards. m Section 102 (11) requireH the Trustees " t«, provide for the salanos of teachers. L., bv rate upon property, and to employ a llnwful means to collect the samJ." *SuWion (12) provides, that the Trustees shall " apply to the Township mIZV^7 T^^ J"^«^ «x,H,die„^ren.ploy thehowK kwful authority for the levyiriif an.l collecting ty mte ,m'ord- tnyto the. valuxUum oj Uuabl property as expre>mU in t/u> SchZn'^c '^^''''■^""* *^"' *" «"•«« f"r the 8U| i>ort of their as is Sir? *!l- ^ taxable property for school puiposes is such as IS 1 able U) direct taxation under the provisions of Uie Uw m that behalf. These are to be found in tL " Asnes^nient " aJid Mummpal InstUulioru " Acts. "n!illf;1i^.^f*"?"''',.^*'^ As.mssment Act provide.s, that "all municipal, local or direct taxes or rates shall, where no other ^ express provision has been made in this respect, be levied eoually upon the whole rateable property, reafan.l pe.^onal, " vlb^p of"""' K P*^*^^^"' ?.'*'": ^'T"^^' ^'C^'-'ling to the asses.sed ^^ value of such property. A nd section G eimcts, " that all land „ and i>er8onal property in this Province shall be liable to tax- T^r^Io f l^ ^.*^«''**i° exemntions mentioned in said Acts. Ihe 349th Section of the Municipal Act confei-s exi)re.ss Ct^birh^"r^P'' Councils, to exem'pt "any manufacK^^ " n^. I ^i "^' *}'" '*'" y^'^' *"^ ^ '•«°«w this exemption tor a further period not exceeding ten years " Jl^u^ ^ observed that this authority applies to taxation generally and is equivalent to exempting sucli proprty from sor's ;Sl ^ assessment, and from1,eing mtef on the^asses- The rat^ for school purposes as well as municipal, is to be Jit ^P u- ®^*t*^' f *PP^ ^y ^^^'^'^^ 1<^2, sui-section 12 of the Public Schools Act." acconling to the valuation of tax- able property as expressed in the assessor's or collector:8 roll .. v.n/Kif"''°"i'' '?u* ^l^«r« a Township Council has pass'ed a valid by-law under the municipal Uw for exempting a manu- s^tWaMf^'^fhr^at^r ^"'^"' ""^' p-p-^y-uid March 14th. 1877. 281 10. MEMORANDUM AS TO FEES IMPOSED BY PUBUC SCHOOL BOARDS. tb JpnSnflT ^*^^®°, ^"I^^ ^y * P^'^^t as to the right of the Public School Board of BrantforTto impose a fee 5f ten cents per month in respect of his child who is in division 3 second book, m common with all the schoUrs in the Tme division, who are subjected to the like fee TW K!!* *^\T^ ?° *^® «^""^ that while the School Board has the right to mipose a fee for the use of books, they xxave no ngnt to reiuse tuition to the child of a ratepayer should he refuse to pay this fee. ratepayer. 282 II i:; OPINIONS OP MINISTER OF EDUCATION. [PaRT V. In this case the parent says, that if his child used the books supphed by the Board he would pav the fee if it was a fair one ; as it is an exorbitant one, and he supplies his own books, %te °u' ^f ^ "^^^^^ "P*'" ^ Paj the Board's fee. While by the Ulst section of the Public School Act of 1874 all public schools are free, yet by sub-section 6, it is provided that trustees in cities, towns, and villages may collect from paijnts a sum not exceeding twenty cents per month per pupil to defray the cost of text-books, stationery and other contin- gencies and by section 87, (2) the Public School Board is expressly authonzed to collect in their discretion from the parents of children attending any public school under their ^.f,S!' M f ™ "^Vf '^^^° ^^^""^-y ^«"t« per calendar month per pupil for the like purposes. rJ^n |??fral regulations of the late Council of Public Instruc- tion (1870) with respect to public schools, provide (see Division fw'^i®' -r? n^l^^** ^''''^ *^« '' P*^y*^bl« i° advance, and that no pupil shall have the right to enter or continue iA the school until the fee shall have been paid ♦ My opinion in view of the law and regulations referred to, therefore, is that the parent's objections are untenable, that it is immaterial whether his child uses the books furnished by ril!"""* ^r ?'' ""?*" ^^^\^^^ ^^^ ^"P«««--S'- 284 OPINIONS OF MINISTER OF EDUCATION. [PaRT V, 2l8t March, 7877. 13. As TO Public School Assessments. For the Infamation of Public School Boards and Inspectors. In the amendments by the Act of 1S77 f^ +t,^ o u it ftr*. tr. vJi i j.™?'^ '^'' ' *°a the proceeds of any such rate Collator ?7nH*^Vr' "^^ ^^'^""'^^^ for accordingly by Th^ for «?wi n ^'^ ^^^'^ provisions the collection oT all ratet o/:^f£r^'^^r'^P-\P<--^^^th the cotc^on wtaer local rates, and, inasmuch as they are based upon [Part V, it thnt time, Upper Can- Vustees are , and to do le building, ng in order le or other- uence of a porate seal, poses. All the school 38 of it for IS, Burgess They have id Act, can sums from >e required he princi- ! Trustees ;he school proposed. napectors. lool Law, ^ in the desirable School leir own ned, will t, section Cities^ the duty ion, and ter; and reparing amount i school ich rate by the ill rates llection d upon Part V.] vowvm of high school boards. the last rerised Assessment Roll, there can bo little room for any legal question as to the validity of these proceedings. Unfortunately, m cases where School Boards or Trustees m- sume to exercise their own authority, legal doubts and litigation are often caused. s""v" I havp therefore deemed it my duty to call vour attention to the foregoing provisions of the amended law, in order that they may be taken advantage of while the Asse.s8ment Rolls tor the year are being prepared. It will be noticed that this duty 18 made obhgatory upon all Municipal Councils, their As- sessors, Clerks, and Collectors. 285 U. Memorandum as to Waekerton High School Board, The questions raised involve the interpretation of the Hiffh School Act as m the Revised Statutes, and my views will there- fore be of general application. (1). The High School District comprises only the Town of Walkerton. Its liability is therefore determined by section 30 of the Act. The words used therein namely, " such other .sums r """"Lv.^ h'?T!?v°'",*;?^ maintenance and school accomoda- tion of the High School con-espond with the .same expressions used by the Chief Justice m the judgment prouounceS by the Court of Queens Bench m Easter Term in 1876, (re Board of Education Town of Perth, and Corpomtion of the Town) and that Court ordered a mandamus to issue for the raising bv the Municipal Council of the town of such sum '(naming it) as during the present year was required for the maintenance and accommodation of the High School after deducting the amounts paid or payable by the Government and County CouncU re- spectively. '' *u^^lw\^"''''?-''/-™'''"l *^® "*^°«y '« not pointed out by the Statute, and it is not for the High School Board or for the Court to dictate to the Municipal Council in what way it should be raised. -^ (3). This decision was before the Amended Act of 1877 was passed, and suggested the words used in the amendment (4). The duty of raising the amount required is made obli- gatory upon the Council of the Town, and the Trustees must make a requisition for an amount at least equal to that of the Grant received from the Legislative Appropriation (5). The decision referred to shows that beyond this minimum requirement any further amount is at the discretion of the High School Board It will be seen that the obligation of the Council is to the fullest extent of such sums as may be required but the minimum must always be raised. It is for the Hiffh fechool Board and not for the Town to determine the total fe- quirement for High School purposes. iyth May, 1S78. i ! INDEX. Absence from meetings of Board, when a cause of vacancy of office of trustee 25 Absence, what allowed Masters and Teach- Absente?childwn,' naiieiof tobe'^il^r-' ^^^ tained go Su Compulsory Education 92 Acceptance of office of Minister of Educa. "<"> no vacation of seat in Lwislature Accomm.xiation for examinations. Su Kv. ammations. Inspectors to apply for Accommodation for High School*— . 84 Reffitlatiom as to".... """ "" iqq For Public Schools- "- Statutory Provitiont— To be provided by Rural Suhool Conjor- ations 40 By Public School BoitfdV '. '. '. '. '.'.'.'..." 57 JUffulationt as to irr 1. For Rural Schools ;; ." .' ." .' " {55 1. Extent of accommodation .... 166 J. School-house site and append- ages 155 Kind of house required . . 165 t S'"""} J'eU, offices '.'. m •f. acbool-house aooommodation and Teachers ijjg lUnd of house and nimiber of Teachers renuired iSfi For fifty cTiUdren '.'. 156 For one hundred children.. 156 Cor one hundred and fifty children i5g Over one hundred and fifty children isg 2, For Cities, Towns and ViUages" ' ' 157 1. Powers of Board 157 2. School-house accommodation and Teachers 157 3. AU Public Schools ...." {57 Offices, construction of . . ! 157 4 ql'!!5*i^i-'^''** to be got ..:::: 168 . \ School bmldmgs, suggestions as to 168 Account for moneys required from Treasur- ers and Trustees 00 Acquiring land for Public and Hi^h Schwb provisions as to 46*1415 Acqmsition of land for School site,' how' . eifected. See School site fi4 Actions against persons acting under Muni- cipal By-laws, requisites for ... . or Acta, &c., to be printed "* 12 Additional County Inspectors may'bi'ii)! pointed, when ' ^^ ^ Additional High Schools, when they inay b4 established 106 Additional Schools in Sections iiithork^.M 142 Adjustalent of claims between Unions of Sections, how made 39 Adimsgc-ii o£ Pupils to High Schools! " ' S^ Pupils. To Normal Schools, regulations as to 189, 192 Admission of Pupils, etc.— Continued. To County Model Schools, regulations «8 to 107 To Normal and Model Schools,' powers of Department as to 5 To Public Schools, power of Rii^i School Corporations as to 50 Agent for sale of books. Trustee not to b^ ' ' 97 Agreement for engagement of PubUc School leachers, form of 244 Agreements between Trustees andTeaohirs to be m writing, &c. 74 ASTS"*t^J'T***'- ^-Sw Regulations.". 162 Aid to High Schools, provision in Municipal Act as to '^ 1^ Aid to Poor Schools, provision in Munic'iml Act M to 45 145 Aid to Schools in new and poor" Town- Algoml, SsiriVtof,' examiniiioM^lc^f S' ^^ &e New Townships ... 17* Powers of Township Councils' to.'opini'oii of Mimster as to 268 Alteration of boundaries of School Sectiolis; l>ee Boundaries m Analytical Table of Content, "of ' "Publii Schools' Act .... 1R. Of BeguUtions lia Annual elections of Trustees. Jfti'Ei^'foM. Annual Report. See Report Annual^School Meetings. See School meet- Appeal from decision of examiners, regu- lations as to i?B 17. Appeal from Division Court d'edsions," pro'- cedure to be followed on . AppeiU from Township Council toCounty 14 38 See Committee of Appeal ". 42 Apportionment of High School aidPublio School Grant See High School Fund, Public School Grant ' Apportionment to Union Sections, duties of Inspector as to Arbitration— claims between unioM itiiii^; _ i?.«T)8h>P to be settled by ... . -m Public School Board of Citv of Toronto may settle chums to land by C»rtMn cUims in illewlly formed S^wi Sections to be settled by See Sciiool Site. Arbitrators, what allowance to bo made A^i^n"^ *« School Arohitecture. Rural School Assessment, provisions for Swd supporters, how asoer- Fnrther coliiiins in" roils! ! m TowTishipCouncilamaycorrectmis'. takes in rolls 00 For High School pmpoMsLl' *** Whatdiscrrtioiary ...!!! JJ? Townships, and appeab against .... 24 88 83 143 .66,80 85 288 INDEX. AaBemnent—Conlinvtd. ^^^- A«8e«,inent of pronerty, Act i^'j^ecting prol Town»hip Assessor, hoW to ^ijue '^ Tnwnship roll to be furnished to Trus: AssiHtanta Candidates at examination., rules for. examinations. Care of School Page. -See 50 Case may be7ui;m.te6r^ty\rj: '"^ P?ffe ''"'«• ChairinantohaVe":;:;:. ••■• ■ M may be Certificate. A ,-*,'*""'*' CVrtificateu?"™.*".'" m Audit of accounts of HiKh School Tr«««;,!^' Assistants- CVrtificS:,!^'*"'''""'' '^^ whotomake"^"''^''«'=''°"''^''«»«"«": 59 170 Auditor, two to be aprmiiited .■.■■.■.■ Hn Catalopies^of books siictloned Centrol 't^e,' Department to appoint ^" P' :; questions for entrance ex- «n>iim..unslnto High Schools 26 10 4 School IVustees must appoint one po?nt County Council to ap- Inspector to hand oj^era to! ^ecTions *" "^' *" ""'*' ^«»'°«'i ^^mletlL*" b*' Submitted toannuai '- meeting „_ - Cwy of abstract of, to be sent'ht County Clerks to Afi^ste? . ^^ 62 Duties of in regard to school moneys 242 ""^anta'^'''^"* toexecution^^of '^ Authorization of Library and Priz^ Books". A n. *«Vm *'y,*"'J I'rize Books. 6 9 22fi "^"teriJ""* ^?"'"' '" High Schooi.- ' , Examination paj)^™ prepared by' tob^ transmitte.1 by Ministir ^°^'^^ „ ScS* "™'""'-""'y) County Model Library and prlz; books to be submiii^ ^^ to «'«..ff«'"r"=*!''"* *" (App^ndiiLj; ; : Certificates in new Townships.' See N^w lownships ., ^ """^ Certificates „f (Qualification to ieach in Pub! lie ScbooK conditions of obtaining. Statutory P,-ovi»iun». ^ fC^."""'^ *° *'^*''<' P'™* ant' Second- 225 281 176 Class, County Boards to award Third-ClMs 8t <)0 Duties of Insr.eotors as to. . ' Si Regulations as to n,- Authorized Text Books in PubUo Schools" Kegulationa an to o^-noois, List of 186 May be registered gg 66 B Boardand lodging maybe lawfully included in agreements with Teachers... 74 Boarchng &0U8.8 for Pupils in Nor'n."-! ,ochooU, regulations as to.... iqi BoardJ""**"*'- '*''* ^^"*' ^'=^«'» BookseUere, books bought from, regulations Books recoiimwded" "for" "Tiber's "use" " in ^ x'ublic Schools 9jn Borrowing by Roman Catholii" ■Sei.;r;te School Irusteea, memorandiim of Mmisterasto iJorrowing money by School TViiiitees", orandum of Minister as to Uoimdanes of School sections may be'altored " aH'S^'^^"^^*^'^'''-^^^"' I New Village boundaries. .. ." 5? Adjustment of claims on alteration," how made 283 263 Disposal of School property 'wji'en not wanted Township CTerks to seiid cei^'n 'notices 39 39 of alteration en Boundaries of Unions of Schoi)"ri^oiis". how altered, &C. ' 7/) By-Law for School Loan, form of... 2fi4i By-Law of City, Town or Village for Sihiil purpose* ne«d not be ratified by eleo- **" ••• 44 Suspension of".. „, Requisites for. ." Sn *ormer continued.... xV ^wiilationi as to. Third-Clasa Certificates- Candidates must pass non-profes- wonal examination and go to County Model School ..... ■,(» Duration of i^r Renewals of |5; Endorsement by Inspector." .' ifir Second-Class Certiffcates- ^*" Candidates must pass examination T?!r«fri^r.*°-5''™»"3«'iool 168 lirst^Class Certificates- ^ Candidates must pass examination General- ^"^''^^^'''S^ho"' 168 When candidates may be examined 169 Equivalents to certificates ... i«o t^ Jfaduates in Aria adniitl Examinations' for 'certificates. " "See "iht" ^^^ ammations .... "« jvx- ^^Sti^*.*"* "''**'"8 in newsection; Of^annu^i UxinA ' School" sMti'on 'melt!' "^ Penalty "for neglect of" duties ." .' ^' /„? Chairman of Public School Board in CitiM Towns and Village.- '**' i!-leotion of and right to vote... ea iao^ Changeof County InsWtors from "one cS' ^^ rj,«.. ! t° another may be made 40 Cheque,^ to^ be given to none but qualified ^ '^^'''''"^^j^n^ht of to be educated at'pii'blii To fae eufo.viid' by lii'spectorg .' ." ." .' .' ; j^ 13S 196 INDEX. 289 leg for. Set ation M to 183 ts by Uinlg- 16 . 1 26 3d may be 10 '■ to appoint 4 ntranve ex- >o1h 4 Lilic School J by, to be ••■■• 11 nty Model 196 submitted 225 ■•• .... 261 See New ■• 176 * in Pub- itaining. d Second- • 5 d-Clagg 89, 90 84 85 90 91 )m{H)ruy n-profes- 1 go to 167 167 167 167 aination 168 lination 168 amined 169 ••••... 169 admit- ,■ • • • • • 169 lee Bx- ection, ••• 26,142 meet- • ■ 27, 142 I'ities, ■ . . 63, 142V lecir- \:a-- 40 Jified ..83,163 Qdug- 135 Tata, ...... 136 ubho .... 2e .... 161 Cltiei- Page. 56 First election of School Ti UHtees in . . . 29 lenn of office of Tnjstees 29 HulMequent annual election in 30 UeoUratiou of elector in . . . ' " 30 Public ychoolTnwteeH in, number or.' 23 To form a Public School Board . 23 Kegiilations aH to " 164 Hoho<>l accommodation in. See Accoinl modiition .... ■>,,, CitiMand Towns separated' from ConntieB to be Counties for High School pur- pOBCS « /wi City CouncilH, duties and powers" of .'.' '44 108 City Insneotor. *■« Jnsp^tor. ' v-ityof^loronto, g|,ecial provisions relating Close of polj at eieotions, 'time for ;.;::: '26, 152 Collector of rates. Rural School Corp^ro tions to appoint 47 Levy rates and taxes .... •« Duties of ^ IMrae for collection and payment by,' of County Rate limited go Warrant for to be made out 'by Rural ."School Corporation 49 In Towns, Cities and ViUages, apiioin't'. ment of K4 Payment of JS Powers of "" CoUegiate Institutes, esUblishment,'&'c'.; 'of! See High Schools and Collegiate In- stitutes. Coloured Separate S-hools, piovisions of Separate Schools Act as to. See Sep- arate Schools 125 cZSi?f'°"i'°"'''r^^?**«"- ■*« inspector 11 Committee for each School, Public ^hool poards may appoint 50 Committee of Appeal from Township Coun- cils on formation or alteration of School ofotions, who to appoint 49 l^omplaints as to elections of School Trus- tees, duties of Inspectors as to . . 82, 161 r^^^^'l'.jy/^'"'**'''"' J™*''«0'»'' respecting 92 Consohdated Revenue Fund of Ontano. Act respecting 144 Constitution of Public School Corporations. f *« Public School Corporations. 'contested Elections, j^rovisions as to *« Special Provisions relating to City of Toronto Contracts by Trustees with Corpdretion! when unlawful 9c Contracts by Trustees. See Regu'latioiis " ! ! 152 Convener of first School Section meeting, "ownship Council to appoint... 34 Conveyances to Tnistees for School pur- poses. Act respscting .... 134 Corporation. Se-. PubUc School Corpora- tions Councils. 30 33 County CouncilH, duties of 40 t(W Powers of '4., County Insi)ector. Set In'Bi>ector. County Judge. To act H* Arbitrator in certain case . . 143 i^oeedings again«t Secretary-Treas- urer before .... aa County Model Schools, Dei^rtment may lurange for constituting one or more Public Schools as such . . 4 May be established by Township Couii'- CliS • . . . . *lli Members of Township (•ounciis to bt- trustees -jo Public Schools may be united with ' 38 1 ounties to aid 43 Jietjulatioiu at to ..............'.,," 194 Third-claH.s candidates must goto 167 Examinations at J75 Conditions of establishment 194 Requisites for 194 Conduct of 295 How Teachers' time shall be'divi'ded' I'.' 195 Methods of teaching to be observed 196 Keport, examination, certificates 195 In8i>ectiun of jgg Central Committee to inspeist teinpol raiTiy «Q^ Admigsion of candidates', 'roleis' for ".'..'. 197 Syllabus of Lectures for ... . 24") County School Auditors, appointment of' .' ." 41 County Treasurer, duties of . l\ See Appendix E 942 Coaree of f^tudy in High Schools. '.'.'. '.'.■.■.■ ' 208 irrogrammeof otj Course of Study in PubUc Schiwis; 'i^«. ' tions asto ^ jg,| Programme of 229 T> Debentures may be issued by Township Councils for the amount of loans for School purposes 3^ Form of Debenture 266 Decision of disputes, duty'of iMpectors' 1" to .82, 162 See City Councils above. Town Councils. Township Councils. „ . _ , County Councils below, county Board of Examiners, appointment.. 41 Powers of Department asto 7 Constitution and duties of .' 89 HanUationsatto ..'..".".." 165 Const'tution of 165 Qualification of members of .......'. 166 Inspectors, dutie* *, as members of. . 166 Suspension of CVr .oittes igg Appeals from deciB.^... of Exwninew.! 166 Fees of members igg County Clerk, dutie* of 62 18 Decfwation of office'by Rural Sc'hTOlTrustees 22 When to be made 152 Penalty for making falsely ...'.'.'.'.'..'. loi For failure to make ' loi Of electors in Rural School Sections ..'. 28 Cities, towns, and villages 30 n , ,^. . , City of Toronto 32 Defaulting residents, who to sue . . 40 Deferred School Meetings "28 152 Deficiencies in rates, how to be made good 49, 50 l>etioiency in Municipal Ascessments to be deducted from School grants 13. 94 Department of Education See Education Department Depository, Books bought from, regulations as to ° Clerks, grants for payment of author^ ized Differences as to School sites to lie referred [ _ to arbitration qj Discipline in Schools, memorandum of Mini ister as to Discontinuance of High Schools,' 'hoW ef. footed lAfi L7.A...1.....,, o, iJi??prCw/r TQ DismiMal of Refractory Pui)il8, duty of Rural School Corporations as to 61 -See Teachers ' jyg 228 12 266 Ul 890 INDEX. M'. P>g6. DUpoa*! of School property when not wMited 39 Dbputea m to remuneration of High School niMtera, how to be settled 116 DUputeg,wh»t to be settled by MiniBter... 13 Diaaolution of Union of School Section, how effected 70 District certiflcates, reiniktions resiiecting. See New Township* 176 Districts, Examinations, Ac, in. See New lownships , 177 Districts for High Schools. A>f High Schools 106 Disturbing School or School Meetings, penalty for 102 Division Court Decisions, appeals from, pro- visions as to 13 Division Courts— DifFerences in regard to Teachers' sala- ries to be decided in 76, 116 Execution therefor to ittsue 76, 116 Warrant of auditor to have force of exe- cution in 63 Division of existing section, power of Town- ship Counoirs oBto 38 Duties of Councils. *« Coixw 'Is. Of High School Inspectors, •''re Inspec- ^tors 3,200 Of Public School Inspectors. See In- spectors 24 Pupils in High Schools, regulation as > , to 20? In Public Schools IM Of High School Trustees 112 Of Public School'lVustees 46 See ReguUtions 152 Of Public School Uoardii 63, 64 E Education Deitartment, establishment of . . 2 Powers of, us to Examiners 7 High School 3 " Inspectors 6 Legislative Grants, Deportment may apply certain 7 Man_a{;ement of Department, powers of Minister as to .• 12 Powers of, as to Meteorological Stations and Reports 4 Powers of, as to Nonnal and Model ■ Schools 4 Powers of, 08 to Public Schools 4 ", Teachers 5 Text, Prize and Li- brary books 6 Electors in Rural School Sections, who are legal 28 Form of Declaration required from, 28, 30, 32 Election of Trustees — 1. Annual Election 25! 2. In Rural School Sections. See Rural School Section 26 3. In Villages and Towns not divided into Wards. &e Villages— Towns not divided 28 4. In Towns divided into Wm^s and Cities. &< Towns diWded-Cities.. 29 See Contested Elections 80 See Special Provisions relating to City of Toronto 31 Election of Trustees in certain Unions of School Sections jprovided for. 68, 69 E1«!n«Bt&ry Tssching in Pnblic Sohtwls, D?- partmeiit may make regulations as to 4 Page, English Editions of authorize)! Text-Books, when thev may be used 186 Endorsing Third-CUuM Certiiirateti, duty of Inspector aa to 85, 241 Equality of votes on election of Chairman provided for ,142 Equivalent of Ij«gislative Grant to he raised by County Council 40, 94, 110 Deductions if not raised 94 Equivalents to certain examinations may be prescribed by Department 3 Estimate for (.'ouncil to oe prepared by Pub- lic School Board, particulars of 66 Examinations for admission to High Schools. See Pupils in High Schools 204 For scholarshipa in High Schools, regu- lation as to 208 For Certificates to teach in Public Schools, Statutory ptw>i$ioni a$to 169 Examination pai^rs pre|)ared by Central Committee to be transmitted by Minister _. 11 Accommodation for, County Council to provide 41 In8i>ector to apply for 84 Other duties of Inspector as to 84 Only on Examination for Third-class to be held yearly 89 Separate ones may be held in Coun- ties 43 SepulatUmi for 169 Non-profeasional examination 169 Time and place of examination 169 Expenses of 170 Notice to be given by candidates — 170 Personation, how punishable 170 Testimonials 170 Identification 170 Mode of conducting ■ 170 Declaration by Examiners 171 Directions for residing Examiners.. 171 Minimum for Third-clasB Certificatee 173 Options, what allowed 173 Rules to l)e observed by candidates . . 173 Marks for Second-clasK Certificates . . 173 Candidates from tJieNuroial School. 174 Appeal to the Minister 176 Professional examination 176i Model Schools 176 Normal Schools 175 Inspector's duty, as to 163 Subjects of Examintion — Tbird-class certificates. 235 Second-class certificates 236 First-class certificates 237 Examiners, instructions to (Appendix L) . . 261 Set Central Committee— County Boards. Exemption hom School rates, memorandum OS t'> manufacturing establishments . . 280 Exemption from rates in unorganized dis- tricts 141 Existing arrangements continued 21, lOt Expenses of Scnools, how to b« provided for 48 Powers of Rural School Trustees as to. 168 Expenses of students at Normal Schools, regulations as to 191 Extensions of 'iliird-class certificates, in- structions to InsjMctorB as to 241 False Declaration of Right to Vote, penalty for 101 False Report and Registers, penalty for 100 INDEX. rext-BouIu, 188 te», duty of 8ft, 241 t ChaimiAU .148 tu he rabed 40, 94, no 94 ioiu may be 1 ... Z red by Pub- »r* of fi6 iuh Schools. « 204 hools, retru- .. 208 [)Uo Schoob, ie» by Central Hiuitted by 11 nty Council 41 .84 M to '.'.".'... 84 Third-claM 89 Id in Coun- 43 169 in 169 ation 169 170 lidates .... 170 hable 170 170 170 170 ers ; 171 llxuminere. . 171 Certificate^ 173 173 jndidates . . 173 irtificates . . 173 nal School. 174 176 n^ 175 m 163 285 236 237 pendix L) . . 261 mty Board*, emoranduin liihments.. 280 ranized dis- 141 1 21, 10« provided for 48 istees as to. 153 lal Schools, 191 ificates, iti- I to 241 Dte, penalty ... 101 aityfor..., 100 25 154 65 90 By I'ubiic School BoMxi" :.:;...■ M To be payable in advance iS F.li^i!?*"*"*'"'? "' Mlnlrterwito ' 281 FeUowship. may be endowed 112 Uii Felony pe«o„ eonvJcteul>lic hcIiooI pupils, may Iw' Kent to. Su Public Schools' Act. . . . 51 Residence out of school when permitted 137 Schedule, form of summons for main- tenance 140 Injury to property liy pupils to be made good 184 Inspection Districts may be formed 7K InsiMJCtion in certain Unions of School Sec- tions i)rovided for 68, (i(t Innpection of County Model Schools, regu- lation as tt> lixi InH|)ection of R«iman Catholic Separate Schools, regulations as to 217 Inspector's rtuori 217 When ins|iei'tion to be made 217 Days on which schools closed 217 InH|)ecton — I. Of High Schools.— >'ortionmentof School Funds. 7 General powers of 88 Duty of as to Unions of Townships '.'.'.'. 69 Towns may place schools under juris- diction of 79, 166 To decide where disputes as to distance in case of non-residents 60, 57, 69, 83 Half-yearly report to be made to 62 To receive superannuation moneys from County Treasurer 61 To decide disputes between auditors on any matter of account 63 To act as arbitrator in matter of school sites ■ 65 May become entitied tc iuperannua- tion, how 76 t*"^ ' INDEX. Paw. I i;« I for IM 'hen ordcriNl VM 181» ipib, nikytw' oU'Act.... M ID pvnnittcd 137 8 fur nukin- 140 to be made 184 med 7K School See- 08. (lit :hoolH, Tvtfn- im lo Separate 217 217 ide 217 mei\ 217 >lory provi- )fpupil«ll!),120 e uf pupilH Vei at and pre- 3 200 200 d duties. .. 200 ms to guide 201 201 201 utury proritioni 6 lake special ichool mat- 11 11,80 r 78 ed 78 79 81 [Council . . 40 40 I 40 40 40 * 80 for Exam- 84 86 it of School 7 88 luhipe.... 69 nder juris- 79, 165 todiataiice ..60,67,69,83 le to 62 mays from 61 luditors on 68 r of school 65 p«raiuiua- 76 01 Inspector <,f PubUc Sch.K.U in cities and town»^«»laryof, whotofix SO l^blic School lloan! to appoint • 67 Vacanoieit, how fljled '".'. Kt Payment of. as Kxamiiier .■.!■. «» In I owns not separated. HiJaries of, to Iw paid by County Trea- surer lns,H)ctors. Public SchooU. ' i^rudumM U, (Anpendix I)) ojt ltf>lulationiin/J)epartmfnt(Jin.'. 169 Qualifications of ' f)S DxMen of J?" Jurimliotion of . ..','. 159 ( Jeneral dutleH of '.'.'.'..'....'. 159 ' Office Flours of jitn visitinif of Hch.H)iH by ',!;;.■; ;. 159 City and Town Inspectom ' ' ' 159 Jiy ( 'onnty Insiiectors ifio iSiibjects of Kxaniination on visit 160 Authority of LiHiieotor wiiile visltinif school |n. Procedure In vmiting schools! ,, " " ifli Investinent by Municipal Councils, provl "loUM as to ... . ' lu 293 By Public aoh,M,l ■B«;rd Personal ,«,,,n„«il,i|ity of Mi'ml)ers of ^ ouncils ... 44 69 96 J Jurisdiction of Public ffch.H.1 Ins,*ctor«, regidations as to '. . ._ ' jgg K KIndsof Sch.K.lH, Public School H„»rds to "letennlne »ru. w Key of Hirhool.house to be Klv.-^n up by leacher 7B Penalty for not so doing . . jqJ Lands granted before 1H60 to be invested In' Teachers visiting other s.-hools ! ! 161 ^ ^ ^^'"'^ "*"'" ■^'■""' ^■-*- ComplaintH as to Election of School Trustees . (., Decision of Disputes ......!!... ig2 ApiKirtionment of Public School Fund 162 Average attendance, how calculated 162 Report to Department iko Cheouee to Teachers 153 Teacheni' Superannuation Fund . . ' iftj How deduction for, may be made iftl Exanunation of PubUc School Teach- ers. 163 Temporary ™ ^ I lh,.J«^ School Trustees m^y establish," 61, 163 Libraries and Librarians, lUgulationt of De- partment at to <>"•%»'»••• to I. FltHitHoukMUMi* "nn of Gii»r«nt«» to W ui«hI a«i^aMidtory Pag*. of, r*- a« *• Visa T'^VlMwitnrv ^^ t iL **'l?' ""Book,, on what UiiMi 99a Ubnry Book,. Minbtorm.y .,K«.n.y. ni»nt of one-half of out of book* pur chimed, when. . . *^ lioaai lU Rat. to liievjedto uay'lnter«.t: .' .' ' ' m cannot be made up by teaching 13 J)<0 l^« 10 Hchuol Tn..tee.. ,.n,vi.i„„, .. {„, is.iJfl tu?^*"; '' ^ ""»"» """y '-ue Jelin- late Loat time on hoIidayVoHnVTirHthinH." :'"". •«* M Magi, rate, duty of to enforee oompnbory Mrnln J! '"* "' ' "^l^" ^^""^» Act.". . . . ^ 93 ManufucturinK EHt.bli.l„nen.aV exemption „ of fceo'tl"**''' "'•""""""•'"" Map of Towriihip to be pMMu-ed in dunlY cat« bv Township ft.r'kT .'" ""P"" „„ Diip,,,»fof,,»me, ...... J^ Wdi!*' "" ^•'"'' '"' »'«1«<'"'>» to PW- Mapa. Minuter may authoriie paViiient of "*' one half of c.«t of, when ....'. in » and AwigtantH of High Schcila; Not to teach >n I'reparatory ScliooL... . . 116 To be Univeroity (Jraduato. ifg DiHDnteHa«to8aIary,*c.. how aettled; 116 HoUdayn and VacutionB . . . ?{? KegMterg what to be kept ii« Legally Cjualiiied, who ire. . . ! .' iiS 5"Kff ""uation Allowance to .,...■" m Snd ''"»''«'=•"""'' >n»y be rt.1 202 12:< 2 Head Mag ttra Honorary degrees not co.iipliance with AggiHtonts' and nionii.irg' .malifica- tiiing 202 9n9 Inspentorg" certificates ^02 lngpeotoi«' certificat.!H to unde'riti*- duateg ° 20.^ 1 ■kZ^^^^^^T*'^'^ aud guspenHion of! 208 2. N umber and designation of muNten . . 2ftS •^- Pow*'' '^nd dutiea of maaterg aS Umi: •'• s /tioort to be gent hy . .'.'.'.." 204 mSm«1^'. "^S'^oo>- .<««• Teacher... . "'^Sch^^lf ' • ' ■ "^«- "^^ ^^"™^' Meeting for iifci ,; School v>uratus ...'." tU liistrumenta, quality of .' nt net t of aia Which may lie rentid . . '. * '.'.'"" JIA Kapaini, coat of " 216 Instruction liooks jia Printing gj^ Meteorolotfioal l{e|M.rt«, |H.wen< of i)ei>'itrt- Uients as to jo Mlninter as to jjj Military InNtruction, allowanoe ifor to b« .,, , made in case of High 8on(H>ls MiniHterof hducation .'iticu t-Htablighe.!.. Acceptance of office no vacation of Heat in lieginUture . . o Duties of M to High .Sohools.. 7 Public Schools... g Normal . chort annually on .SohtHiis . ." .' . "" 1,1 lo »\>V\y forfeite ' i-i- tioual purposed Xcb«p»rt- 10 1» )• for to ht iliiMilii I2M I'MUhlUhwI.. 2 vkuAtion u( , 2 Am 7 8 9 imtitutm . . I> iiiitkit, Sm . . u 11 11 11 ifiit 19 i'ourt I'od- 13 '••i betwutin UK NUd lltH- 12 ^(hiIm 13 'H 18 |ial Matisa- 13 inoneyg. ... 13 ■ apartment. 217 'uncilit may S8 Ittl Suhool*. Klucatidual 44,146 «tef (Pull- to ,..l(i3, 176 177 ttpectora fi 85 , meaning chools Act 19 ;.tin pnvi- IW iu •■.', t-i- ■I •« . . -i5 146 148 146 146 ei-sity and 146 146 ■ t(. Her 96 ito, grant 11 ow det«r- 108 lil aid to i ..12, 43, 8S 187 New and l'..or Townablti 188 26 64 176 PaK'v .. In lowiuhlp withuiit muiiloipal or- ^anlxation igj, 2. In union „t i.rK»nlied and unorga'- nixed TownKhiiHi . * ]hh :i In TowiiKhliw with municipal orwani- lation • New Sch.H.l Hection.. electloni in '.'.'.'.'. Iv.w Hoiimil lite, ,„„„t (h. authoriied by • fiecial rnvrtiuK . ""■'«' ■>vn,hii«, Teachem- certificate, in . . .,„ t^tgittation$ ecial tertlHuuteii " . , 17B txamlnaticme in Dintricta . . . " 176 S»l)ject« of 17M whoeiigibie .;;.■.■;!.■ ; m Duration of certificate. . . 177 ni '.nt^ri'n certlH(*te^ when granted 177 IHHtnct CertiflcateH, regulationii re- ^pfCtlMlf Yjj Second-claM Hrovinoiai certificutcH. where candidate* for in di«trifunioii«l ^nd Sohu.,;, dutiw of . . Bi» *«• A«MMw„r, Auditor, Collector, County IreiMurer. Huh Treanurer, 'I'owu»hip ,.^ f^lwk. County <'le.lc. UIHcea to School*, (on«truction of, rtKula- tlonit aa to xfl? 0|H.ning and lIliMiing Prayer* for the .la 11' regulatioui aalo .'. .' '". .'."." "". \m. Form of Opening School, time for . ' ' i7(( Optional "uhjectii of eleuienUry teaching iii I'ldilic SoIux.Ib, Sututi-iy provinion aa to 4 Option*. St* KxaniiMationHf.,r(WtiHcBte^-^ Interniedlati" Kxauiination. Onler of ItuiiineM nl .\nnual .Meeting, regu- lation an to . "'I'^M*'""' '^'••■'''' '•> <'ltie«, Town»i ami ,, , villager, regulation 8M to 152 Ordernon.SchiM.l Fund SO 66 Organization of Aunuid Meetin.'x, rwula- ' tion an to Owntjr* of land* alwent, titleM iio« seoureii '. •am 260 182 160 160 67 aa to. ^..•i";'r-> I6U Sunjecte for «i;«. Non-reaident*— Resident in one Bection, when may Iw liable in another aoction . 74 Lxceptioiu 1^ Rate* on Uiid of, to be returned to the clerk of niunicijiality . . 49 Nou-rwideut PupiN, adniifeion of in Rural Sections 80 53 In CitieH, Towuh and Viljagcu 57' 68 Noniial and M,„lel Schools, imwera of de- ' partnient iw to 4 Of MiniMter j Nonnul SchoolM. regulatioim reaiiecting Kespoueibility of Princip . ; and Maa' '''™ 189 189 HequiaiteH fm- adnuMxion ...'.'.'. iso Number of .Students 189 Subjects (if Htudy . . 190 Method of iu.Htniction ..'..'.'..'. 190 Closing exaininations \' \q\ Subetitutei. for teachen atteutiiiig . . . 191 fcxpenses of students, ji lyment of ! ! ! 191 Time-table and programme t" be pre- |>ared "^ jgj Fir^t-ClasH Teachers, training of . ' ' 192 Ste 189 Second-Class 'leachers, training of Sessions for Lessons for 192 Re r''^* ""^"t be provided 48 Alteration of School Section bounda- nes^wer of TownBhip Council as to 38 Analytic Table of Contents ... ia Annual Llections, when to be held '.'." 25 ^5J^»^i,J«''"ol MeetinsH. S^eSch;^! ■^'^"'■"il""' '^l"""* between unions in same 1 ownships to be settled by ... . 39 Arbitration Public School Board of the »vity of Toronto may settle certain matters by .lo Arbitrations respecting ' Schocil" ' sites; i>ee Arbitrations. Arbitrators what allowance to be made 66 Assessors, duties of .... 22 Auditors, Rural School Section,' duties of. See Auditor. Boundaries of Unions of School Sec- tions, how altered, Ac 70 Uty Councils, duties and powers of . . .' 44 City of Toronto, special provisions re- lating to ,. rnm^^r* ''"*'^« °^' *"•' «««■' Collectors. i ommittee ot Appeal from Township Councils, who to appoint . . 49 Compulsory Education, provisions' rel speoting go Contested Elections, provisions as to' .' ,' 30 Corporations. &e Corporations. County Boards of Examiners. See County Boards of Examiners. County Clerk, duties of co Councils, duties of m Powers of lo School Auditors, appard8 in cities, &c 55 Security to be required from officer^ ".'. 41 Separate School supportei^ not affected by certain provisions respectinb non-residents ^ 74 Supporters not to be taxed for Public Schools 2Q Snmiorters not to vote' at elections '. '. 26 Sub-lYeasurers, appointment of . . . 43 Duties of gj Sums levied on townships mav be in- creased by County Council ... 43 Superannuation of teachers. See Sune'rl annuation *^ »g ^"n>l"8 may be invested ' by'Pu'blio School Boards in cities, ftc. . 6ft Surplus moneys may be invested by Township Councils ... m Teachers. Siie Teachers. Teachers' Associations may be aided by counties 43 Teachers' Certificates. .Sec Certiis'cat^; leachers' salaries. County Councils to l-rovide for 42 How Township Councils ' inust pro- vide for 4g PubUc School Fund to "be expen'ded 115 jjayiiijf ^ II Page. Formation of in llageg 23 63 68 See Legislative . ,• 94 18, what to be.. 46 wful 26 be dismiased Schools 61 specting school ,• 66,68 u nut to be ■•, 20 tetl to attend 50 «nd school de- 20 ;s and loans, uicils as to . . 36 aerations, for- 22 itionsof trus- 26 27 28 ;» in 28 of Township Corporations, 46 • •, 62 p debenture. . 103 rs and duties 45 ng .. 46 valid 46 ed in cities, 64 .■ 64 «cting 66 ural school who to ap- 47 iblic School ••■• 56 m officers . . 41 not affected respectinfe 74 d for Public ...... .... 20 elections . . 26 It of 43 61 may be in- 1 43 See Super- ••••■• 76 by Public c 69 nvested by 38 be aided by 43 Certificates. Councils to 42 must pro- 48 ) expended • 9* INDEX. PubUc School.- ContinueU. ^^''■ Town Councils, duties and powers of 44 TowMhip Boards, how fonSed. rn Clerks, duties of iX Councils, duties of ." , ' S; Sub-Treasurers, who to appoint ' .' . " 43 Trustees personally liable for moneys 97 Trustees term of office continued . . ao ;;tTnkit7a^r''''*^°™'^- ,>«.^i,tforfer.«-^«'-d Vacancies in office of caused 23 25 Trustee, when Vacations, what are. . ! ! ' 9? 1 TownXn'p"''''''^P'^P«''y'"„i,i- a u ■'??■ Analysis tee p. 148. PnbhcScho,.l Boards-constitution of- 2 T« M "?'^'''l^^'' into Wards and Cities lownship, but without 23 than 70 70 70 1 county organizaton 9^ Township Boards, how established .' . . Towmhip to be divided into Wards . Management to be by Boards. &"of^«''''''"'^'«-«--d ^, Powers of Board .' If Effect as to parts united .'.■. yt Adiustment of claims on Onion. " 71 On dissolution of Union . . ' ' ' ' 70 ^s^S'oni.'^-'""'^'''*-'»™»«-o^ Application of Act to existing Boards 73 Vufcr.'"^'-'''^*"'*-- Powers of ^ Regulationt at to '. li? ^oceedings of Board .'..: \Z Order of business ... f2! J.,,. Rulesof order }^ Pubhc^School Corporations-constituiion ^'^ l- J*",^."™! School Sections . . \Bf ^ *'"^ '''•"^''' "°* <«^ J«J into 3. Towis divided into Wards and" Cil ^ 4. Unorganized Districts; ^ prr^ses^.^'"'-»''-y«'^-«hooiJ^ Acts of, requisites to make lawful ' ja Quorum of School Boards ._ ' • f Of Rural School Corporations ■"■ ifi Record of proceedings . '~™'""" « 1 p„KnT^l''y,*2J^ *^"««' rates ;;.; ; i^ PubHc School Fund, definition of 5$ rtovisions respecting . xf Public School Fund infow„8hi,» Minisier may direct approoriatinn n/ """"^"^ Fomitea b«I«nob8, how disponed' of ' ' Ii-pector to apportion, anTdistribuie Public School Fund, etc.-CminueJ. unless otherwise instructwl by Minia- 297 Page. 83,162 88 70 Teachers of See Trustees of 187 22 Diity of In8^«,ctor as to Union Section' ^ J'Xtittiln"^''^^ ''"«"«<^ -* KKcWS*:- ^^^' _ ,,. Public Schools. Public School Trustees, Public Schools- Publishers may procure risrht to publish pupii-t'cr/ca™'-"'-^ Statutory proviiiont reipecting— Adtoission of pupils, department may prescribe regulations m to ^ t iixamination, papers for, to be prepared " by central committee f "parea How regulated „* tute.'!*.^'"""*"'"' '"''"'hotoconsti- Proyisionai'admission,' when allowed ii5 W "V <^'T"?'**** ^ "'port on 1 10 Inspector, duties of, as toT. . ug m Remuneration of (a) County Inspector 119 8pector..,. «>)C'tyorTownIn. ^ CoDtmgent expenses of, how provided Residence' of, wheVe may be. ! ! ! ^'' /|? l?nfv \^^^ '^^'^^ competing at Umversity may be aided . . . T. . . m Aination8 . . ,' .' 2M ^to . . ''''***""' P"''"" "hall Insjppctors, 'duties of. .'.';. S5 Rules for examination. SS Candidates, duties of SS Appealsby candidates. ... SS Provisional admission ... fS ^ Du^4%rpfrr''**°"*"^--i Pupils in Public Schoob, duties of ! r^ Certificate to, on leaving school .' iftj Injury by, to be made ^d .. . . [ [ ' {^ Q Qualifications of Inspector Regulations as to 162 13 See Inspectors 78 ''tit"«^r^'''"""*^'^"^«'-^'» '"' n i^i^l^S?**"- -SieeMastere. Qualified Teacher defined '*sli;^r''"**'°'" *" ^ »>«'•» '»nP"bli< Regulations as to ^""^^Sl^"'"' °^ Teachers- "Salaries: '^"0fR'urlJ''^i,' "?!r' ^'^''' *»>»* t" >^ «5 Of High School Trustees ; ; ; iJg 166 76 75 182 ■298 INDEX. ! I i! R Rateg, who to levy 36, 38, 46, 49 Keal property for Schools may be acquired by Townshin Council 37 Record of proceedings of School Corpora- tions to be kept 40 Recoverv of Fines and Penalties' .' .' .;.'.';; 102 Re-election of Trustee lawful 26, 118 Refractory Pupils may be dismissed, and sent to Industrial Schools 51 Refusal of Trustee to serve, penalty for 99 To a«Pount to School Auditors 99 To deliver up School Property 100 To a<-count for School Moneys, proceed- _ mgg before County Judge 98 Registers required to be kept. . . .50, 58, 75, 118 180 Registration of Awards respecting School' Sites g5 gjj Regulatiors, Department may prescribe as ' to Hijfh School Fund 3 Admission of Pupils to High Schools . . 3 Keg^ations to be obeyed by Inspectors .... 88 -n ,-. be observed in Schools ... .50, 63, 58. 75 Religious Exercises in Public Schools- Statutory provisions as to 20 21 Opinions of Minister as to 269 Religious Instruction in Public Schools, regulations at to 134 1. General Principle I84 ) 2. Opening and Closing Religious Exer- ■X WT^'ti « I?*?* •**? ••■ 185 "e««ly Religious Instruction by the V'^fy of each Persuasion 185 In High Schools, regulation as to 208 Renewal of Third-Class Certificates. Instructions as to 241 Repayment of Superannuation to Teach- ers iji 220 Report of Rural School Stctiisn, auditors to be matle to annual meeting 27, 63 Report of Trustees of Rural School Sections, to be submitted to annual meeting ... 27 Reiwrt to be made annually to Minister, by Public School Boards 58 To be published in newspapers 58 To be made by Rural School Corpora- ^ tion at annual meeting 51 To be made half-yearly, to County In^ spector 52 Required annually from Minister ..'.'.'.'. 13 Residence outside of Industrial Schools, when permitted 137 Residents— what, permitted to attend school 50 See Non-Residents. " Residents," who are to be included as in Trustees' returns •. 154 Resignation of Public School Trustees, in Rural School Sections 22 In Villivges and Towns, not divided into Wards 23 29 In Towns divided into Wards and ' C'ties. . . . . 23, 29 Page. pug^ Retiring High School Trustees may be re- appointed 118 Retirement of teachers 77 Retirement of trustee*! See Resignatioir Return of rates to be made 49 Returns to be sent in by Trustees 52, 163 Right of children to attend school, declared 20 To be preserved 161 Roman Catholics not requirexi to attend Public Schools 20 Roman Catholic Separate Schcols— Statutory ProvitUmt as to. See Separate Schools. Inspection of. See Inspection 217 Memorandum of Minister respecting Unions of 282 Power of borrowing by Trustees of, Mel morandum of Minister as to 283 Rules of Order at Annual School Meeting, regulation as to 151 For School Boards ip Cities, Towns and Villages, regulation as to 164 Rural School Assessments and Loans, duties of Township Councils as to 36 Rural School Collector, duties of 62 Rural School Trustees and Trustee Corpor- ations. See Corporation, IVustees of Rural Schools. Rural School Sections, elections of Trustees in. -See Election— School Meeting. I Formation of in unorganized town- ships 23 Formation of by Township Councils . . 34 Limits of prescribed 34 Union ot may be formed by Township Council 34 s Sal^ of Inspector, how determined 79 Regulations as to payment of 164 Salaries of Teachers- County Councils to provide for 42 Rural School Corporations to provide for 60 Public School Boards to provide for... . 66 To be paid by County Treasurer though Assessment not paid him 61 Protection in regard to 76, 117, 141 Quarterly payment of 43, 48 Differences in regard to, to be settled in Division Courts 76 Schedule— Form of Summons for mainten- ance in Industrial School 140 Form of Township Debenture 108 Scholarships in High Schools, regulation as to 208 School Accomodation. See Accommodation! School Architecture, grants for encourage- ment of authorized 12 School Assessment aud Loans. ,See Assess- ment, Loans School Boards in Cities, Towns and Incor- Sjrated Villages. See Public School oard ResiimslbiSv'^/Z^w'" tn " " " '•v'' ••":• ' ** ^^"S^ Coraorations', duties and poweiu *^T'..„A*y ''A"^™'^"' "* ^°'»"<»'' "« t" „. I . *« Pufilic Scho^ll Corporations. 164 Investments Of Municipalities to Her, Maj Of Treasurer and Sureties to lities unicipa- 95 95 Of Trustees for school moneys 97 Responsibility of Trustees for compensation for land (57 Resumption of teaching aiter retitemeiit . . 78 itetiHiig ttilowanee. See Superannuation. „ , , _ Corporations. School Fund. See Public School Fun.l . School House — Kind of required. See Acco^iimodation 155 Use of. See Tnistees 153 Care of. See Trustees , ,[ 155 Duty of Teachers as to .,.,.' 179 Suggestions as to School Buildings. . . 168 Irustees 2I may be re- 118 77 aignatiuir. 49 e» 52, 163 >ol, declared 20 161 1 to attend 20 i1h- ^tt Separate on 217 respecting 282 teea of, Me- to 283 >I Meeting, 151 Towns and 154 >an8, dutieo > 35 62 ;ee Corpor- IVusteea of af Trustees Meeting. !ed town- 23 Councils . . 34 34 TownMhip 84 ned 79 164 L>r 42 provide for 50 idefor.... 56 rer though 81 ...76,117,141 ........ 43, 48 settled in 76 mainten- 140 e 108 regulation 208 modation. ncourage- 12 )e Assess- nd Incor- ic School 154 iwere. !. runil uodation 156 153 158 179 lings... 168 VrSt^u la 21 INDEX. ^K:-^,tf-t'«^-lSeotion^^ D^'^a\^!:i!ti^-?^ras '' Duty of I'u Wie ■^a.ooX Boardn 'a^' io ' " ' M wlfc'.''"'' ^"^"^ ""' '•ivideJ i„io ^ Proceedings at 1 ]] .'.'.' 27 aJ^T; • "" "^' ^ ^ appointed : u fcl?-^ Meeting; how giVen! \ im Order o! bu^inemii' '.'.V. V^ Kules of order at. ??? Uose of meeting, time for.' .' . ! JrJ 'emel'^"!'""'' '"*'""^'*' '"'* »°^- 299 Second-class (Vrtificat48-Co«tmu«<. ^**'' (V,?d'p"*y ^""^ "" KeP<'rtof o„ , V'''^?' Committee k qa Second-class Teachers - ' ^ "^'"t' to "' V "v ** ^\^^' ™(f«'l''tion8 ! Secr«tar^'l>e««u«r^?™t:i^^"''""'^^.i ' u ' 1»» Separate School Supporters- . Not affected by certain provisionV 50 152 j School Alont-ys— Duties of Sch.«>l Boanls as' io ^' « ClerklJJr*""*' ^"""^ -d^ ^spctingnon-i^esidente .'^ """" '"■ 74 Not to be Uxed for Public Schools ' ' ' - Not Q , , •-■lerksasto achool Property in (.'ities, Towns andVil lages, duties of board as to " r. Trustees to hold. »* fifta«'A»«e»s- ^Mc'^ii^i ''ri'*'*"^ i>ri.vi:ions in SepaHUetch^b^-''^"*"* to asse.^ment, Diss^eements between Separate School Trustees and Public ScCl officials 20 26 35 *5 to be Hettle.l by Minister "'" ,5, Protestant and Coloured.... ii^ ?=!S!.!!'°«»* < conditions for . : i ; \t 23 Lefeislative Sch.njl Grant, to si out not in Municipal Irustees, number of! .. ir..i. V r "^"""1 vrrans, lo s lare in but not in Municipal ' nustees, number of! . . ,o~ Powers of ^* 127 or sold. 120 words ill Public Tr p"}'?."!,"' lands purchased 11. Public Schooh). Meaning of these Schools Act 1- In Rural Sections', new' school site to be autliorized by special m:et! ^tfon*"*""* '"' '''"*f«"-««ito'arr.itra- Award niay bereconsidwed m Acquisition m Uural Section.s ' .' ' ' ' S t A,i ''*"• ^""^"^ a'"' Villages fifi • A^"r)^'*"'? **' arbitrators ..*>'''••• °° fpector """'"""'■'' *•* ^ '"""'y in- ^- '^L'''^,v'°'''pr.;vi'^ion«'',Wpeeting: ^ »../.■ "■ ^ "'®« '" -^"''""1 Site.-* Regulatwnii at to- I. High Schools ,^ 4, ."• Public Schools 2^ f^lJ'ff^X'- *« Treasurer. ^"^ &X;Kri&^ 163 Cantiidates for in nj« 121 19 64 Voters defined .' JS R^J^'''®/l''l'"|.'''"'"P'>t'lic 'School rates 127 Roman {•atholic Separate Schools m 131 rates, how obtained by supiwrte™ oT Local assessment •."* ♦« u..'^'jT"T ?'•; >>ca. assessment not to be distributed "S-L^a- :'*-'-- »-stab: ;^ fe».w£!JKS^-''-:i ^'^tLTs.t'^''-"^^-**"-"''-.'^ Corporate name of JxJ nSK'^'':'^^^^^'^'-'^^;. •■■■:^ Powers of.. }^ Union of, how formed! .' . " ! ]^ q.vu """r..?f . who to be ... . t« Sickness of Teacher— **' S « ^7 Schools. See Schoof Site. '^' '^^ '^Ihttfca''"'''"^^"^-'^''-'' ,, Regulations as to ,?i "^"''Nfw T^'^'f- ^■•"■" I'i'il'ectow." .« JNew Townshiiw ,. • « ^^ Duty of Inspectors as to 200 152 l:?£3.'»"".'*'-«-: *'. «- ,„ I "hSJ ShSttSiji *S^.;" 176 85 v-„L.jects or fexuuiination for. o-« ., ^ rcgniati,,i,B as to Conditions of obtaining ..,':. ;.';.■: ^ I c" *°,?*"™a' School 173 a*j 'o,i''"nnaI School pupils Stipendia^ Magistrate, /urisdiction of certain appeals from as«e,^m"nto ! . 4 91 24 300 INDKX. .11)118. Hee Kxaiiiijitt. ^ubjeoU for Kxaminatii tion -Puiiils. SubwripUonH, Ac, not t«> be token up O0n(N)lH Patre. in V 8ubgtitute» for Studont* nttemiing N(.nniu ^*' a i. _/'«"""". regiilation» as to ... . 191 Hub-TreaRurerH, County Councils may ap- point *Q Duties of ... . Zj Sums levied on TownsJiiiw niay Iw in«re.«ed by County Count'il ju Superannuated I Vachern. Department may make n-KulntioiiR for |M>nHionH to »i Monoyn in ( '<.unty Treasurer'H hands, to be i)aid by him t*) Insj>ector fll mties of Insiteetor as to o'l Provisions reHiKMSting ^...'.U, llii atgulalionii at to i^^ 2I8 1. Persons entitled to retiring ailowance 218 A miiminary conditions on which the right to the retiring allowance de- pends 218 3. Subseouent conditions fci be complied Wth ()efore payment is granted. .. . 219 4. Mubsequent conditions on which al- _ lowanrcs may cease 220 i>. Irovision in case of witlulrawai ' or deceuse 220 8Hi)erannuatJon to High School Masters . H6 Supple^nentary pensiotj to Teachers mav be granted ' 77 Surplus may be invested by Public Stehooi Boards m Cities, &c 59 By Municipal Councils " W 44 8usi)ension of Certificates " 85 IBfi Suspen.sion of Pupils m Syllabus of Lectures for County Moilel oohools 24B T Teachers, Piiblic Schools. .Statutori) proH- noii» at to— Powers of Department as t«) 5 Of Minister 9 Agreements with, requisites for 74 form for "244 J^^*'V^°^' •" '■*S»>"<1 *<• Salary .' .' 76 Qualified Teachers defined .... 75 Retirement of ' '" 77 Specific Duties of 75 Su]persnnnation of. Sec Superaiinua. tion. Einp^yment and Payment of, powers of Rural School Corporations as to 60 Kntitled to Holidays and Vacations, 66. 141 Public School Fund to be wholly ex- pended in paying 94 For Teachers in High Schools." 'ifei Masters. Rtffulations as to 177 Duties of .;.■.;; 177 I General Principle 177 I Nuinber and Designation of Teachers 178 I Master, authority of 173 I Duties Of, to observe and enforce ' certain rules 17^ 1 To prescribe Duties of Teachers.! " 178 1 To prevent admission of pupils suf- fering from contagious diseases. . 178 i o suspend pupils 175 To expel pupils 178 Effect of. expulsion 179 : As to care of School Property ... 17» As to School Premises ' 179 Pat^ teachers Public Schools Vimlimitil. ()|)ening of School, time for 179 Out-premises, care of 179 To act as Librarian 179 When Library Books to be dis- tributed U9 ReporU to be miulo by 180 llogister to be keiit by 180 Prayers to l)e said bv 180 AiwiHtnnt Teachers— Onties of 180 As to Pupils .'..'..'. 180 As to Discipline 180 To read Regulations 180 To keep Kegister 180 To make Keturns 180 Masters and Teachm-s, additiimiil duties 181 Principles of (Jovemment 181 Absence, what allowed 181 Visiting other Schools 181 Subscriptions, Ac, not to lie taken „UP 181 Presents not to be looeived 182 Teachers' Meetings, attendance at requiretl 132 Masters and Teachers- Mode of Teaching Chuwes 182 Division of Pupils into Clnn.ses .... 182 lime-Table to be displayed 182 Quarterly Examinations to be held 182 I School Hours to be observed 182 Visitors' Book to be kept 182 Reception of Visitors 182 Authority of, to last while Pupils going to or returning from .School 188 Number of, required in Rural Sections, Ac Ste Accommodation 166 Visiting Schools, regulations as to. 161, 181 Teachers in Normal and Model Schools. *e County Model Schools, Normal Schools. Teachers' Agsodationa, County Council to aid 44 Regulation* a» to '.'.'.'.'.'......' 221 Object of— Officers, Meetings Sessions, Programme 221 Lecture, Report on 222 Condition of receiving apprt>priatioiis , , 222 Teachers' Certificates. See Certificates 10 Teach. Teaohws' Institutes, Minister may appoint Conductors of 9 Grants for, authorieed 12 Teachers' Meetings— Attendance of Teachers requireti at. 162, 182 Teachers' Salaries. See SaUry. Temporary Certificates, Inspectors duties as to g4 R^nilations as to ', . '. lis;}', 169 177 Instructions as to 241 Term of oflice of Trustee. See Trustee. Terms, what are to be kept in High Schools, 118 207 In Public SchooU. '21 Text Books- Duties of Inspectors as to 81 Duties of Rura! School Corporations aa _*"••••■ 61 Powersof, as to 52 Duties of Public School Boards, as to 54 57 Powers of Department as to .'3, 6 Of Minister 9 12 Thiitl-class Certificates. See Certificates of ' QusliSsation. lllfll. for 179 179 179 H to b« din- IW 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 mnl dutieii 181 ; 181 181 181 > be taken 181 a 182 iidnnce at 182 182 aHMes .... 182 id 182 41 be held 182 ed 182 182 182 t>iU K'oing 18» Set'tionB, 166 »t.i. 161,181 Svhootg. Normal Duncil to 44 221 Sesniona, 221 222 iatioiiH. . 222 catt-s 10 appoint 9 12 d at. 162, 182 lutiex 08 lis;}, 169, 177 241 ee. 11 High .118,207 21 81 tions aa 61 62 rda, as .... 64, 67 3,6 9,12 isatesof INDKX, I'njfo. yon.litioMH of obUi„i„„ *" '" ?41 luilfH for esaniinHtion for }T. fluBiwnBion of TrnHt Maxiii 169 ]=:r;,F'"-'""-»'»«i»i«»::.T'}? ■ room. 167 167 167 182 Kenewftlsof. KntlorHeinent of V. . . Town In«,K.ct<.r. See h»i^- 08 ,„ '*ii:::» •"»«""»''-•• -'erCountv lo be ft (.•.,r,)oratlon ^ JJirst eleition of Sthmil T^.i.* " "• *" TnriTi .,f ..«„ i • ' ^ruoteen In. . 2» 1 enn of office of tnwtc«» . . ■ S .'.'.'.'.'.' 30 301 livi Tn»„ 11'.'?".' »"•"'»' "-lectioni Town«j not divided into War,! "-. Cuiiliiiued, In Villtt««« and TownH not 'iHlinto WardH. . . . andrij"'''''"' '"'"Ward, _ anil i.itieii,, .. Re<|ui»itt.HforTruHt.«,|,i„ DeoWlon of office by ' RX.S^'f'"*''-'''««''-''M-tin«Bl52 T<> be a Corporation, '.[ H Pemonaly liable f,,, '^ W n>««tiny in each year '" ^'"""^ 2» 39 22 22 TruHt;:; wl e„ eU • J'""* «"««".»» for Townahi . Cleric,.- dutiJL"ol'""'''=''°<''«<'»^'' ™ Becti^^*^ """"* "' alterationof .chooi "" 1 owers of . . «w Training^ Teach^ '^^'c^rtifi^^'- '' ^"fcte^Sed-'^-''-'^'-'-^^ OfJ«gh School I„«pecto«;«g„uti„„ ''tior^"''*'"'"'""''''^'"««t'»nK,ra: ''' DritieH of' .■.'.'.■.■ 4« Powew of . 46 Re-electi(.n of Jawifni ' *2 Vaowicy in offtoe of, when cauBeil S? Annual ejection til fiil " •• E' ^fint KlectionH of. .^-e isieotions ^'^nBUciT'""*"*^"^'^"' Rll."rt.,.f>beHu^itted_i;,A,inuai 27 27 43] In Townn. Hee Towiw. i'l^rttr-^'™^ •••■■••162 All to care of School Hoiise JK Ab to Schw.l a<:comm.Mlation i.o Ab to filling n^, R^tu - ^ • ; • 163 , .K«iidentH^' defined ?*♦ ^t*:SX'^,'^!!.:!«?.«-: Return. iri4 penalty for fal«; Retu^T"""'' JL* 164 79 TJ ^ 201 1 K;Sitlr '"•---•'-1 X">jt|e8 rMpcMjsibie High School. ,SeeH^i„!KaooiB u<> hLrL'T''"''^ '^ I'ubC School "' '^'"""exKii*"'' "*' '*• »o -^h'-"' moneyB '"' I ''"*?," "' Conntiei,: "" "° """™''"' 59 Begulationt a* to lYuBteeB, StaCutori* ProvUioni at to Conveyances to, f„r school nm!.^ Term of office. . . PUTwseB 56 61 242 135 20 Present Tnistees continued'.. c^^ o^rjl''"" *PP««aWe • io all cases ot vacancy „» tZ^'^..T.. °! ^«^i school '" ^.r&tr"p'''t"''-- Tow„ship''with':V|C'i orVnii"' » ^uiBitesforH,.chu,r„"°'^'"^« ■ "L°f/"''"'y%l'«et«r. Requisites for Buoh union J'uty of County Ii„.,,ector bdo"n;'''":^".^:^;"'-''hii-;w^^^ 69 69 !^v?u'J^e».**-. union ' "• ""ccica i>y '''"■™fi.4*S""»'°°=^«'M.«i.;i877.-e con- 70 70 70 68 302 INDEX. Unions existing, etc.— Continued. Page. AftMHsmentB in, to be equalized annually 68 ElectionH of Trustees, inspection and taxation in certain of such unions provided for gg Of County with City or 'J'own iiiay agree on one High School 106 Of High and Public Schools, existing Unions continued 73, 107 If Unions dissolved, proceedings 73, 107 No future Union to be made 74, 108 Of Roman Catholic Separate Schools, memorandum of Minister as to 28V Of School Section composed of parts of *-vo or more Municipalities 68 I C" c • .'\ool Sections, how formed 68 I : portionment to, who to make 88 I O School Sections within Townships i may be madebyrowiwliip Councils.. 34, 38 ! Such Unions existing before 2 March. I 1877, legalized 68 ' Apportionment to, duty of Inspector as i to 88 I Expenditures for School houses in cer- I tain cases provided for 143 1 Union School Section Retui-ns. Xee Kegu- I lations 154 ; Unorganized Districts may be fonned into I Inspection Districts 73 Unorganized Townships, formation of School Sections in 23 Assessments for School purposes in, and appeals against 24 Appeals where a Township under a Township Board is unorganized 24 Elections of Trustees in, their duties and powers 23 Duty of Inspectoin as to School Sections in OS Useful information on Education, Minister to collect and diffuse n Use of Seal by Trustees. .See Regulations. . 163 Vacancy in oflSce of County Inspector, may be filled by County Council Vacancies in office of High School Trustee, how filled 109 Vacancies in office of Public School Trus- tee, when caused 25 Persona elected to fill, how long to hold office 26 Vacancy in office of trustbo, may be filled up at special meeting for that pur- pose 1 Vacations in High Schools 118 ^ In Public Schools ' a ValuaWon of School Property, duties of 1 ownship Councils as to 37 trill ^"■Pe«tor to act as Valuator '.'..'," gf Village Councils, duties and powers of ... . 44 Villawes— School Boards in, regulations as to ... . 164 School accommodation in. .S go Visitors' Book to be kept (50, 75, 182 Visitors of schools, who may be 92 Reception of, regulations as to 182 w Walkerton High School Board Case, Powers of Trustees, Opinion of Minister as to. . 286 Want of Rural School Trustees, how pro- vided for 22 Wards in Cities and Towns, two Triutees to be elected for each at first meet- ing, and one for each at every subse- quent meeting 29 30 Wards in Townships, when to be estab- ' lished 70 Warden may supply vacancies in office of Inspector gi Warrant to be given to Collector to coliect rates 49 Warrant of Auditor equivalent to execution in Division Court 63 Witnesses, Auditors may summon and swear §3 When Inspectors appointed by Minister, may administer oaths to n Inspectors to swear Witnesseu in cer- tain cases go Page. ...ns.wr 21 utiea of 37 87 of 44 I to... 164 Accom- 157 es in. 22, 29 'niitteeg 28 en to be 29 Bitied.. 29 29 n until a» •» Inspec- . . .81, 159 School 60 50, 75, 182 92 182 'owers ta to.. 286 V pro- 22 ustees meet- Hubse- ...29,30 e«tab- 70 ice of 81 ollect 49 lution 63 and 63 iater, 11 I oer- 80