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Maps, plates, charts, etc , may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film6s i des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est filmd d partir de Tangle supirieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. rrata leture. J 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 y B DONI --SSJ '.A RULES Pi i^ AND REGULATIONS OF THH SAINT PATRICK'S BENEVOLENT SOCIETY, OP TORONTO, ESTABLISHED JANUARY, 1841, TORONTO: DONLEVY & McTAVEY. PRINTERS, CHURCH STREET 1841, .•,vV* -■■■•ftt.iwaj <f:! '^3 \ ft'co 2f/t I SAINT PATRLCK'S BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. Liberal Ihishmen in Toronto have long deplored the want of a truly JNational Society, which would unite their countrymen of all sects and denominations in the promotioji of benevolent objects ; and at the same time, lead to that harmonious social intercourse amongst them, which none but those who have been long absent from their native land, know how to appreciate. This want, it is now proposed to supply, by the formation of the Saint T./fRicK's Benevolent feOCIETY. The objects of the Society will be, 1st.— To afford advice and pe- cuniary assistance to their distressed fellow-countrymen. 2nd.— To promote kindly feelings amongst its' members, and at the same time, to cherish a recollection of the beloved land of their nativity. 3rd.— To celebrate, in a becoming manner, the annual festival on the anniversary of Ireland's Patron Saint. It js hoped that all true lovers of their country— all who sympathize with her m.slortunes, and feel indignation at her wrongs, can loin to- gether in promoting the above objects, without treading on what will be considered forbidden ground— Colonial Politics. It IS to be regretted, that in this City heretofore, every attempt to attain the end contemplaied by the projected Society, has proved a lailure. It is possible that the present effort may be equally unmc- I cessful; but the founders of the -Saint Patrick's Benevolent I bociETY icel, that they have taken every precaution to prevent such ■ I ""^f "' ,,^"^ ^^^ey fo"flly anticipate, in the words of the immortal j iJara ot their country, that — .... , "Their Winter is past. And the hope that lived through it, will blossom at lust.'^ r OFFICERS. DOCTOR BALDWIN, President. CAPT. ECCLES, 1st. Vice President. COLONEL JAMES BALDWIN, 2nd Vice President. WILLL\M BALDWIN, Esq., Treasurer. M. J. O'BEIRNE, Esq., Secretary. Mr .DENNIS HEFFERNAN, Assistant Skcretabt, Rev. Mr. McDONAGH, Chaplain. COMMITTEE. Ml. M. SCOLLARD, Mr. T. J. O^Neill, Dr. Bradley, Mr. J. Beatty, Mr. J. Fitzgerald, Mr. C. DONLEVY, Mr. J. Murphy^ ] Mr. T. Ryan, Mr. J. Shannan, Mr. J. O'HiGOiNs, Mr. E. McSherry Mr. M, HiGGiNs. 'resident. CCRETABT. HY, . fAN, QOINa, lERRT 3!N». RULES AM) RE(a:LATIONS. 1st. The Officers of the Society shall consist of a President, two Vice Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary Assistant Secretary and a Committee of twelve, to be styled Committee of Management, of w^hom five shall form a quorum. 2nd. The election of all Officers shall take place annually, that is to say, on the last Tuesday in F ?brua- ry, and shall be determined (with the exception of that of the President) by a majority of the meetinff. The 1 resident to be elected by a majority of two-thirds : in each case the members voting by ballot. But in the event of two-thirds not being found in favour of any candidate for the Presidentship, a committee of seven shall be appointed by the meeting bv ballot, who shall elect a President by ballot. 3rd. The Chaplain of the Society shall be chosen and appointed by a majority of the Society at the peri- odical meetmg ; for the appointmeut of Officers the votes being taken viva voce. 4tlh A meeting of the members shall be held on the iirst Tuesday in every month for the purpose of ad- mitting new members and making such other arrange- ments as may be deemed expedient for the benefit of the bociety. 5th. A subscription of ten shillings shall be paid by every member, annually in advance to the Trea- surer for the purposes of tlie institution, and no person shall be considered a member if his subscription remain - unpaid for one month ; but in order that every facility maybe afforded to Irishmen of humble circumstajices desirous of uniting with their fellow countrymen, in a laudable and benevolent institution, it is deemed expe- dient that any member upon the recommendation of 6 any two other members shall be allowed tlie privilege of paying his subscription by two instalments of live shillings in advance, and tive shillings at the »?xpiration of six months. Gth. Tlie national limitation of admission shall bo confined to Irishmen, or their descendants to the fourth generation •, all above the age of eighteen shall bo eligible as competent members, and those between the ages of fifteen and eighteen, sliall be eligible as proba- tionary members, paying a subscription of live shillings in advance, but shall not be entitled to vote. 7th. Any member of the society wish";!igto introduce a new member shall, at a monthly periodical meeting, give notice of such his intention, at the same time mentioning the name of the candidate, and at the next subsequent monthly periodical meeting the admission of such candidate being then proposed and seconded shall be determined by a majority of two-thirds of the mei.ibers present, voting by ballot. 8th. One-third of the members resident in Toronto shall at any meeting form a quorum, and in the ab- sence of President and Vice Presidents the meeting- shall elect a temporary Chairman. 9th. The Committee of management shall be em- powered to grant pecuniary assistance to distressed Irishmen and their families at their discretion, and they, the committee, shall lay before each monthly periodi- cal meeting a written report of their transactions for the preceding month. 10th. The other officers of the Society, viz: — the President, Vice Presidents, Treasurer and Secretaries, shall not by right ex-officio sit in Committee, but the Committee of management shall have the power to re- quire the attendance of Treasurer and Secretary with books and papers, reasonable notice being given to them accordingly. i 1 the privilogc Iments oi' live the »?xpiration ssion shall he •5 to the fourth teen shall he ^ hetween the ihle as proha- f live shillings Dte. rrto introduce iical meeting, le same time id at the next he admission md seconded -thirds of the it in Toronto fid in the ab- 1 the meeting- shall be em- to distressed ion, and they, [ithly periodi- msactions for )ty, viz: — the J Secretaries, ittee, but the power to re- 3cretary with iing criven to Meetings all observations shall nth. The Secretary shall enter in a book kept for that purpose minutes of all resolutions and other trans- actions of the Society. r2th. The Treasurer sl.j.11 submit to the annual meeting an explicit statement of the financial affairs of the Society, and such statement shall undergo a pre- vious examination by auditors appointed by the Com- mittee, to whom the necessary vouchers shall be sub- mitted. 13th. No money shall be expended by the Trea- surer without an order signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Conmiittee of IManagement on behalf of and by authority of the Committee, and all the mo- ney collected by the Treasurer beyond the sum of jcIO shall be deposited by him in such bank as the Committee shall direr* 14th. At Gt be addressed t' 15th. The s r discussion must be strictly attended to and . sion on any proposition be- ing concluded, the t'ie»xv.ent or Chairman elect, as the case may be, shall put the question to the meeting, to be decided by a majority, the President or Chairman having the casting vote. IGtli. Every resolution proposed to the meeting nmst be 'seconded and reduced to writing, and an amendment being moved and seconded, must be dis- posed of before the original question be put. i7th. All local politics of the day as well as all re- ligious subjects shall be strictly excluded. 18th. No persouL' allusion shall be allowed and any reference to arguments used by members who have spoken must be made with the utmost courtesy of ex- pression. 19th. The President or Chairman shall not take part in the debate upon any question, but he shall bo 8 r at liberty to deliver his dentimcnts thereon before putting it to the vote. 20th. All qucstionsof order shall be decided by the President, but if .iny exception be taken to hi.s decis- ion a motion may be made and seconded that the Pre- sident do leave the chair, on which motion no discuss- ion is to take place, but the President is iui thwith to retire, the Vice President shall then preside during the »:.scussion of the question of order, Vrhich question shall be decided by a majority of the members present j the Vice Pr^isident is to deliver no opinion, on the mat- ter but merely to put the question to the vote , this rule will apply equally to the Vice President in the ab- sence of President, or Chairman elected pro tempore in absence of President and Vice Presidents, 2h;t. It is not deemed expedient that there should be any impcrotive rule requiring the attendance of the members of the society at any place of public worship on the anniversary of Ireland's Patron Saint, nor that the Society as a body shall march in procession in cele- bration of any passing occurrence or in commemora- tion of any past event. 22nd. On occasion of the death of any me Tiber the Secretary being made acquainted therewith, shall noti- fy the same to the other members, requesting their at- tendance at the funeral of the deceased. 23rd. Any member who shall behave in a disorderly munnerat any of the meetings of the Society, shall be liable to be expelled that meeting by the President or Chairman j and if the same member again interrupt the good order of any subsequent meeting, he may upon motion made and secrnded to that effect, be expelled the Society by a majority of two-thirds of the members present at the next sub.2quent periodical meeting, vo- ting by ballot •, also, any member who shall be guilty of immoral or improper conduct at any time shall be i I! OB UK'S )ou before (led by the > his decis- at the Pre- no discuss- jAthwith to duriiij^ the h question rs present ] )n the mat- vote 5 this ; in the ab- tempore lere should tnce of the lie worsliip it, nor that lion incele- inmemora- leoiber the , shall noti- ng their at- disorderly ;y, shall be resident or tcrrupt the may upon be expelled e members leeting, vo- 11 be guilty ne shall be liable to be expelled in the same manner as aforesaid ; and such members so expelled shall forfeit all claims upon the Society, ■ > 24th. Should any officer of tlie Society neglect his duty, or conduct himself otherwise improporly, he shall upon notice given by any mGm];cr at a mont!iiy periodical meeting specifying the cause of complaiat, and upon motion made and scC'.>ri(loa at the next perio- dical meeting be impeached, and upon conviction, be liable to be reprimanded b; '.h 3 Prcsi-Iei t or Ci:'>iirrnan, as the case may be, or ren;jvcd from r.flico accor '?:ig to the decision of the meeting, to be dcteriniried ' y a majority of two-thirds of the members present, voting by ballot. 25th. That no alteration shall be made in any en the rules and regulations of the Societv exceoi at tiie an- nual general meeting-, and any member v/ishiiio to propose an alteration shall give notice of such his in- tentions at a monthly periodical meeting inimedli tely preceding the annual meeting, specifyinsr tlie rule or rules which he may wish to alter, amend or unru'. and what he means to propose as amendment oriuUHulate, if any, in lieu thereof *, provided alwn ->^, ihux th» ^ rule shall not preclude the Soeiety at a .reueral meelmg from the privilege of suspending a 1 .du i>ro tenipore upon any extraordinary emergeacy. 26th. A copy of the rules and regulati:>ns of the Society shall be furnished by ihe Seci 3tury at cost price to each member of the Society. 26th. Each member on admission shall read the rules and regulations of the Society, and in the pre- sence of the Secretary subscribe the following pledge : I, A. B. member of the Saint Patrick's Benevolent Society do hereby pledge myself to ccnform to, and maintain to the utmost of my ability all ruleb and re- gulations which now are, or shall be hereafter adopted for the government of the Society, and I do further B ir ?* t I 10 pledge myself that I will discountenance upon all oc- casions, so far as in me lies, both by precept and ex- ample every cendency to intemperance and disorder. Robert Baldwin, James Fitzgerald, John O'Higgins, F. O'Day, M. J. O'Beirne, Michael Reynolds, M. A. Higgins, T. J. 0'^feill, Doctor Baldwin, William Baldwin, John O'Brian, James Connell, William Murphy, Daniel Fox, Dr. Bradley. Thomas Real, Captain Eccles, Michael Holloran, James Cummings, D. Heff*'rnan, Colonel Baldwin, James McMahon, Jnmes Scallion, Philip Connel), Patrick Madden, James Conway, James Walsh, Doctor McCormack, Thomas Boas, John Walsh, M. Scollard, F. Hincks, John Crosier, Charles Donlevy, P. McTa.ey, Michael Colgan, Robert Kennedy, James Beatty, Thomas Ryan, Edward McSherry, James Feehan, John Flaaagan, M K M B E R S. Martin Waldrou, John Connolly, Peter Nangle, G. W. Egelso, Patrick O'Neill, John O'Keifl; John Murphy, Michael John McDonell, John Doherty, Michael Hays, Jamos Neysey, John McDermot, John Cullum, Alexander Watson, Edward McFeeley, John Hanton, Patrick Brady, Patrick Roch, Darby Ahern, Matthew Codd, Hornard Short,, Cornelius McMahon, James Shannon, Daniel Foley, James Codey, Thomas O'Connor, Rev. Edward Gordon, Niagara. James Fitzpatrick, -'ohn McLoan, James McDonagh, Edmund Codey, Luke Kelly, William Smith, Michael Meigan. Matthew McDonagh, juvenile M. Patrick McGetrick, John McCarty, Wm. Brennnn, John McManus, Andrew Smith Patrick Russell. I li J e upon all oc- ecept and ex« md disorder. Dotiell. y, on, don, Niagara. ;li, juvenile M.