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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, II est f llmA A partir de I'angie aupAriaur gauche, de gauche i droite, et de haut en baa, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illuatrent la m6thode. i errata d to It le pelure, pon A I] 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 i THE QUEBEC ALMANAC; AND BRITISH AMERICAlsr ROYAL KALENDAR, For the Leap Yeari 1808, Nortii latitude 46® 55^ West longitude from Greenwich 70® to% QUEBEC: Printed and sqU by J. NEILSON> no 3, momw tain stretc* '■■my (iii; • '**«**WM<JH|M>^W.>'«'^^ .'' .1 » ., , 4 i. -,t<f ;, L y.» /> y -^? S:t *, y. »* -,).,*,.•• -..cJa>a*!<Vl.«"'» I ,. -f* ■ 1^:' -^ .^sJ- " ll< mnM« i . li H i .nr i. »» ■ fm n < i»i p J iM^ > II imp irtiii wli wia -mti^- ' ALMANACK DE QUEBEC} JtT ETAT CIVIL ET MILITAIRE DE L'AMERIQUE-BRITANIQUE, Poiir I'annee Biflextile, 1808. t Par les 46® 55' dc latitude 6eptentrionale et Par les jo^ 10' dc long. Occid. dc Greenwich! A QUEBEC: Chez J, NEILSON, iImpriineur*LibrairC| rue la montagne no 3. 'Mi : ' ' i- t ll> Ik.. hi (I , ^: 1 ..«.--/ -<'^^' *«,-»" ALMANACK, i8o8< EPOCHS AND COMMON NOTES, For the Year iSo8, being Bije^tile or Leap yeari Of the Julian Period - - Of the Mundane iEra • • • • Since the birth of Chrift, according to Chro- aologers* - •• ♦ . Of the vtt/^j/ Chriftian iEra Since the Difcovery of America • 7 Since the foundation of Quebec by Champlain Of the reign of His Majefty GEORGE HI. - 652c 581 1 l8l2 J 80S 316 199 48 Chronological Cycles, Dominical Letters B C ]«onar Cycle, 4 Bpadb • 3 Soiar Cycle « 25 Roman Indtdtion 11 Ember Days. March 9, il & June 8, 10 & September 21, 23 & December 14, 16 & II II 24 17 MOVEABLE FEASTS. Septuaga. Sun. Feb. 14 Quinq»orSh. Su. Feb. 18 AA-Wednefday Ma/. 2 Mid.LcntSund. Mar. 27 palm Sunday Apri) ic EASTER DAY April 17 Low Sunday, April 24 Rogatiun Sunday May 22 Afcen.orH.Thur.May 26 Whitfuiiday Ji^nc 5 Trinity Sunday June I2 Advent Sunday Nov. 27 Commencement of the SEjiSONS, S^fivc Sun enters <y», March 20, ih 4imcVening# ^VMMiR Sun enters 25, June 21, iih 23m morn* AvTVMN Sun enters^, Sept. 23, ih 17m morning. Win Tin Sun enters y>. Deer, 21, 6h 7m evening* A 3 J; \- f hi, 1 «'' i f V m '■:1 : ' / il i ii AIMANACH, 1808, EPOQUES IT Notes COMMUNES Pour rAnn/e BifextiU iZoZ, . De la periode Juliennei - • De l*£rc du monde, Depuis la naifiance de notre S« Jefus Chrift, fuivant lea Chronologiiles. De r£re vulgairei - - » Depuis la decoaverte de I'Atierique, Depuis la fondationde Quebec par Champlaln Du regne de Sa Majefte GEORGE HI. 1 1 Comput Ecciefiajlique, Nombre d*Or 4 Cicle Soiairc .* 25 Epadtes 3 lodidtioi^ 1 1 Letcre Uamlni^ale C B 6521 5SJ4 ]8iz iSog 316 199 48 ^atrg Terns* Mars juin Septembrc Decembre 9, ir, la 2, 10, II 21, 23, 24 14, 16, 17 \M \ .'.vv,.. FETES MOBILilS. ' Scptua^eflmc, 14 Fevrier Les Ccndresi 2 Mars. Paques 17 Avrjl, Rogat. 23, 24, 25 Mai. Afcenilon, 2^ Mai Penrecote, Trinite, ' Fcte-Dieu Avcnt, 5 J«|n- 12 Juin. 16 Juin* 27 Novembre* Commencement des quatre faifom de VAitriee, Lc Printems le Q entrc au Y*? le 20 Mars a 1 h 41 m Sr. L*Ete le O eatre a 25, le 21 Juin a iih 23m M. L'Automne le O entre a la ^ le 23e Sept. a i h 1 7111 M« VHiver le O entre au ^^^1^21 Dec. a 6h 71x1 Sr^ .iq--,^>^ -t ii ^ «l .l Ml irl . Jiii^ " ■ ^jMa ECLIPSES. II y aura^ cettc annee, dcuxecljpfcs dcLune vifib'eft a Quebec— La prerr'^cre, Ic lO Mai : le commmence- menr, ih iim Matin; i^immerfion, a 2h lom, le milieu, a ih 56m; i'em'-ifion, a 3 > 43111 et cefl'c«a de paroifte au couclier de la Lune« Sa ^lus grande Phafe fera de 18 doigts /^%m, dans la partie Sud del*ombre. La feconde, le 2 Novembre. Le conimenccTienfy a 111148111 matin: I'lmmerfion a zh 55m : le milieu a 3h 44m : Pemerfion a 4h 34m : et la fin a 5h 41m. Sa plus grande Phafe fera de ;8 doigts^ 9m, dans U parcie Nord de Pombre. The-e w'll be two Eclipfesof the Moon th/syear, vl- fjble at Quebec, via. The fir it on the lorh May; the commencement, at ^h. iim. in the m^^roing, the inimerfion at 2h, lom, the middle at 2h. 56m. the emerfi;3nat 3h« 43m. The envi of the ecliple will n^^c be vifibfe on account of the fettirg of the moon. Isi greateft Phafis will be 18 digits 48m* in the northern part of the earth's {hadow. The fecond, on the 3,d Norember. The cono* mencement at ih. 48 m. in the morning; the im- merfion at 2h* 55ni. the middle at 3b. 4411. the c- merfion at 4h# 34m. and the end of the Ecopfe at 5h. 41m. Its greatell Phafis will be 18 digits 9m. in the northern part of the ear(h*s (hadow. l,e SoLKi L avec Q Le boieil § Mercurc , j Venus La Terre Les Douze Sig ^Le Belier, juries, ^LcTaureau, Taurus, pLesGemaux, Gemini, SSL^Ecrevifle, Cancer, Sl,Le Lion, Leo, ItJLa Vier^e, f^irgo. les Sept Pr.ANETEs. i Mars It Jupiter t Saturn^ ^1^ Georgian NES DU ZODIAQ^UE. sEfcLa Balance, Libt-a. rri_Le Scorpion, Scorpio, f Le -Sagitaire, Sagitariui, ji(5"LeCapricorfle Capricornu* JXa^Le Verfeau, yiquarius, X^es Poiffons, Pifces* A 4 Kr* |: mf \ . F (' ■• I \' // r MOON'S RISING awd SETTING. b-H ii At four days old it fets aty and (hi nes till| about xo at night. 5 • about - n 6 • about - 12 7 at near i in the morn- ing. 15, at fully itrifesabout 6 in the evening t at I after • y at I after - 8 about • • xo about - • If about - - 1% 16 . iS >9 20 N, B, This Tabl? is fufficiently accurate for the purpof^ it wanted for— that of afcertaining moon* Ijght evenings* Explanation of the Calendar. " The firft Column contains the days of the Month, the fecond the days of the Weel^, the third the Ho« lidays, &c. and the fourth rifiog and fetting of the Sun. I \ II 1 i I I \\ Of the Changes of the Moon. Many perfons^ underlVanding that the mean time be- tween one new Moon and another is ^9 days^ 12 hours^ 44 minutes and a fra^tion^ imagine thaty to find the fuli or quarters of the Moon^ they have only to add a half or fourth part of that time ; and when they dp pot ii?id the changes marked in the Calendar to cor« refpondwith thi; method, they impute it to miftake in the calculation of thofe changes. It is therefore, necelTary to put- them in mind, that the great inequa- lity of the Moon*s motions renders the above rule e^. tremely inaccurate, fo that nineteen times in twenty* •t muft fiill \x^ giving the tru^ conjunction or change. V 'A . ■^^J^^Jfai^ii.-jt-j.:-.tUaKlja»»«' FlAVRlS B18 LUNAISONS; ^Nouveile Lune. Jl'remier Quaxtier. I ©Plcine Lune. ([ Ocvnler Quartier» LEVER et COUCHER de la LUNE. Atk ^uatrieme jour defon *iic die ecUirc jt 'Hu'a ^ers JO htures. Au. 5e. vci» II 6e. vers u 7*. ^ers ik, du matin* Au ije. die eft pleine et lie leve a ^h. du Soir* 7} H 10 l6e. 17c. i8e. I^e. 2oe. vers vers veri vers II vers minait. Cette Table eft afler exalte pour fairc favoir lc« ffittits que ia Lune eclaire. Explication du Calendrier. Lafremietfe colonne con f lent lei jours du moit\ la ft- ^mle Us jours de la J em awe ; la troifieme Us Fetes y et la. ^uAtrheme U U'ver et coucher du Soleil .• F£T£s o'Qbligation datis le Diocerc de QUEBEC.. ., Tous les DimaQches de l*annee<^ La Circoncifion de N» S* ler Janvier. Sk''£p>pi^nre de N, S. 6 janvier. > |*''Annt>nciation d« la B, V. M. 25 Mars.* VAfceniion de N. S* la ¥kt du S. Sacrement ou F»«e-Pieu> la FStc dca Apotres S. Pierrcct Sc Paul^ 29 Juin^ r LaTouiTaUt — — l Nov« La Conception de la B. V. M« S Deer* Noe',oula.NativitedeN. S. 25 Deer. ♦ 2>«And la FSte de VAnxtonctation eft transffctie » un autf« ^ jaiir (^ue Ic 25 Mars, elle ceffe d'etre d*Obligatio» .As )/* f ( ■-'■I ' ( ■( ' I :ivA''! ( » IP }A^ 'TARY o enters ;r 20th loh. 43m. E» 'Ml P^rfi' Quarter, the 5th. 4h. lom* evening. Full Moon the 13th loh. 47m. morning. La(t Quarter the 20th. 6h. 22m. morning. New Moon the 27 h. iih. 25m. m orninp. D's ws. j ENGLISH CALhNUAK.. R. ^'• r f7 Circumci/ion, • ^a-i 7 44 5 2 Sa 7 44 5 3 S«» id Sunday aftir Chriflmas^ 7 43 5 4 M. , 7 4* 5 5 Tu. V- :i ' ^ 7 4a 5 6 W. Epiphapj. ;..:.,\.'w-*. 7 41 5 7 Th. 7 40 5 S F. Lucian P. ,. v , 7 40 5 9 Sa. ■* 7 39 5 10 Sun ifl Sund. afttr Epiphany » 7 38 5 li M. . 7 37 $ 12 Tu. 7 36 5 >3 w. ' •' ■■ ■ ■•'•■^■' ' 7 35 5 14 Th. Hilary Bp. "^'^"" 7 34 5 15 F. ' " . r I - ,;. 7 33 S 16 Sa. 7 32 5 !? Sun id Sun. aft* Ephy. 7 31 5 M. QjCharIotte% U. d . kept, Prifca. 7 30 5 >9 Tu. ■•■••'"»- .-.-■■ 7 29 5 20 W. Fabian Bp. ..m;.' r ; '\ .^ , 7 ^7 5 21 Th. Agnes V. j/ v^ »\; 7 26 5 22 F. Vincent M. 7 45 5 43 Sa. « . ""V X y >a ■ I't • J "• , p»* ' 7 214 5 M Sun td Sun. after Ep. ^*':^; ';,^ ' ' Con'v.S.PauU ' ^-''} '' '^ 7 ^3 5 »5 M. 7 21 5 26 Tu. # .■■,* ^*i X •"* •""* 7 210 5 27 w. Duke of Suflex born. /4 g! -I v 7 19 5 28 Th. s .*: 7 17 5 29 F. 7 16 5 39 Sa. King Chirles I. Martyr* 1649* | 7 14 5 3' .J Sun 4r/> Sunday a/tar £p, , j 7 i| S •.■« ■^. y?^"* I w mn -y.- ■'>9^kii£Lii^^-J>^ " '^' jANVIERIe O ent. r: Ic 20 a loh 4^m Sr- J> Le 5 a 4h. torn. Soir. O Lc 13 a lOh. 47m. Matin* ([ Le 20 a 6h. 22in. Matin. m Le 27 a iih. ^5m« Mating I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 13 14 IS l6 17 18 »9 ao 21 22 »3 ^4 as 26 27 28 29 30 3J Semaine. Samedi Lundi Mardi iVi^rcredi Jeudi • vend red i Saniedi Dim AN.. Lundi • Mardi Mercrcdi Jeudi Vend red i Samedi Dim AN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vcndredi •Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vendrcdi Samedi DlMAN^ F E T E 5. CJRC0NCI6I0N. Q<5tavc Etionne. 2M Vacat. Odtave Jean. M Odlave. Innoccns. Vigile. Epiplianie. M EPIPHANIE. Oaave. 1. apres rEpiphanie. M M LQC Odlave, Epiphanic. Hilaire« M Paul Hermite. J^ Marcel, 2. N.OM DE Jesus. Cha re b. Pierre a Rome Canut. ^ M Fabien, &c. Agnes. Vincent, &c» Raimond. M 3 Conv.Paul Ann. Cons. E Policarpe. Jean Ciiryfoftdme. Antoine. M Francois de Sales* Martine, 4. Pierre Nolafc. M A 6, M 2M [M veq. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 44 44 43 42 42 4' 4*? 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 27 26 *5 24 a3 21 20 19 17 16 14 »3 j;' "'• it"" 1^ i^il pi.! II iiill 111 V I til li! i \ It ill FEBRUARY enters K 19th, ih 25m B. ^' ■ ,. I I I. » F'lrll Quarter, the 4th, ih. j^ym, afternoon Full Moon> the nth, ixh. 90). evening. Lail Quarter, the i8th. 3h. 301. afternoon. New Moon, the :^6th, 3h. 59m* morning. Ds J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |o 13 i4 15 j6 vr. To. W. Th. F. Sa« Sun M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. iSjTh. 20 Sa. 21 22 a3 24 as 26 27 28 :vU Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sutf M ENGLISH CALENDAR. P»r. B, y, Mary or Candlemafs. Biaifius. Agatha V* ^tb Sunday after ^f. Seftuagefima Sun, Viilentlne B. Sexagefima Sunday I Sf, Matbiai, D. efCamb. born, i^in^uagefima Sunday, ^ I 3 4 5 6 9 10 Ji 12 13 14 J5 j6 17 18 19 20 21 22 ^3 a4 as 26 27 FEVRIER Ic Q cntfcK le 19 aih 2501 Soir. ]> Le 4 a ih. 47m. Soir* O Lcii liiih. 9m. 5oir* ([ Le 18 a ^h. 3m. Soir. H Le 26 a 3h. f;9m. Matin. Jo Semainc* I Lundi 9 Mafdi 3 Mercredi 4 Jcudi 5 Vendredi 6 Samedi 7 DiMAN, 8^ Lundi <^ Mardi 10 Mercre(fi 11 Jeudi 12 Vendredi 13 Samedi 14 DlMAN. 15 Lundi 16 IVkirdi 17 A4^rcredi 18 Je4idi 19 Vtndrcdi 20 Samedi 21 DiMAN. 22 Lundi 23 Mafdi 24 :MtKr4di 25 leuii 26 Vendrddi 27 Samedi 28 DWAVi 29 Liimii r FETES, Ignacc. PuriBeation* Thimote. M Andre Corfin. Au;athe. Dc la Ste. Vierge. M 5 Romua!. Sol, Purificat* M Jean de Mathat Apolline. '^^ >A^ Schoialliciue* Du 6 Dm. aprdi PSpiphanle. Septuageiime. M F^udin &c. Simeon. Dela Ste. Vierge. Sexag^ime Sol. Mathiaa* ChaireSt. Pierre aAot. M De la Vigil«. Mathias. . < Dc la St0 Vicrgt^ Quip^uagefime. i. $.% ^*'%l,At LQC 7^a 5 7 xo 5 7 9 5 7 7 f 765 7 4 5 7 3 5 7 1 5 7? -o 5 6 58 6 6 57 6 6 55 ^ 6 53 « 6 52 6 6 50 6 6 4» 6 6 47 6 6 45 6 6 44 6 6 4% 6 6 40 6 6 39 6 6 37 6 6 366 d 34# 6 39 6 16 3# 6 6 29 6 * %7 ^ '*i. iiJ-ii I ' I 1 1''^^ mi (t ■■; \ ; » ''I H IS ! Ill • ! J: Hi t ; ( I 4 MARCH Q <y zoih, ih. 4iin> Af, f.ifl Quarter the 5'vh. 9h iim* morning;, iul Morn thr iz'b. 9h. 37 Tu mommgy La' Quarter the 19'^. ih grn. morning. N w , o',n the 26th. • h. zytiu evrning. Divv 4 5 6 7 8 fu. '/"' . Ih. F. Sd* M. Tu, W, Th. F. Sa. M. To. 9 ic ij I2 '3 '4 J6iW lyJTh. 18 F. J9 Sa. 2o Sftff 2i M 22!Tu. ! nglis;t calendar. Sbronje *Tuejaay. Sc. Dayio* Abp. djh-tVedhtiQuy* ,K. G s. ift Sunday in Lent, £n>ber ^^eek. Gregory, M. B. ind Sunday iv Lent* ?. ;;i rr .n « • .t« if*^i St. Patrick. Edward. K. W. S, jd Sun. in Ltn*, Vernal Equinox* Benedi£l« *3 a? 28 w. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. W. Annunciation, S, F, Mary*. i^b Sunday in Ltnt* tdid* Ltnt* 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 16 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 »4 21 .6 ao 6 19 *7 *5 »3 12 JO 9 7 5 4 5 2 2 2 I o o o S 59 5 S7 »5 54 5 50 47 43 39 37 5 35 5 34 6 6 6 6. 6. & 6 '6 6 6. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 J< 9 |o II ;; 14 15 l6 17 18 «9 20 51 MARS le O cntrcau <y* 1e 20 a iVi 41m Soir • mt ]) Le 5 a gh. i im. Matin « Q Le 12 i gh. 37(n. Matin« ([ Le 79 a ih. 9m. Matin. Le 26 a 9b. 27 ni. Soir. t« J(» Semaine, 1 Mardi 2 Mcrcredi 3 Jeudi 4 Vend red i 5 Samedi 6 DiMAK. 7 Lundi 8 Mardi 9 Mercredi |0 Jeudi 11 Vendrcdi 12 Samedi 13 DiMAN. 14 Lundi 15 Mardi 16 Mercredi 17 Jeudi iS VendrUdi 19 Samedi 20 DiMAK. %i Ltindi 22i Mardi, ' 23; Mercredi 24j Jeudi 25! Vendredi 26 Samcdi 27'Diman. 281 Lundi 29, Mardi 30. Mercredi 31 Jeudi FETE S. illli ^ TJ'I QCL Les Ccndres« C a ft mi re* zJVf , . I Du Careme. Thomas d^Aquin. 2M Jpan de Dieu. M 4 Temi^ Fran^oife. M, 40 Martirs. M .^„. ;..>;, 4 Terns, 4 Tfwj. Grcgoire. M 2. Patrice. ; M JoCeph. M , ^^ i- 3. Sol. jofephft. Benoit* M ANNCXNCIATIOK. M & 6 6 ^ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ^ 6 24 22 20 '9 17 15 13 9 7 5 4 2 % I I o o o 59 57 54 5* 50 5 47 5 43 5 37 5 35 5 34 6 6 6. 6. 6 6 12 6, 19 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 rluv. U;l^^ . \ ,.y 1 1 - t APRIL O enters ^ 20th zh. i6m. M, m I' '! If M ' ; i M m KJ.I {• «■ Firft Qvarter the 4th, oh. 44111. muroing. Full Moon the loch. 6h« 42m* evening. Lad Quarter the 17th oh. ^im. afternoon. New Moon the 2$th. 2h* 44m. afternoon* Pslws. "ifT 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 14 '5 16 '7 x8 19 20 21 Sa. M. Tu. W. Th. F. St. Sttn M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. 22 F. 23[Sa. »4 *5 »7 28 »9 3^ ENGLISH CALENDAR. . R. Q ^ 5/i6 Sund, in Lent» Richard B . S. AaU>rofe. Palm Sunday, Good Friday* EASTER DAT. Eafter Monday. Safer Tuejday* Sf, George. ./. Al^kfff. Sun ! ift Sun. aft, Eafier. Low Sunday • M. Sik MarkE'9. PcSoctis Mary boso. To. W. Th. Sa^l 3» 7 30 7 »8 7 27 7 25 7 24 7 22 7 20 7 19 7 17 7 «5 7 '4 7 12 7 II 7 9 7 7 7 6 7 4 7 3 7 I 7 7 58 1 ^^ 1 54 » 52 9 51 & 49 » 48 % 46 ^ 1 2 3 4 5 e 7 3 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 »9 20 21 22 *3 *4 26 *7 t! AVRIL le O <i>tre *a b le 20 1 zb 1 6m M. J 2 3 4 5 e 7 9 so II l» »3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 >4 >5 26 27 28 $9 ) Le 4 a oh. 44m* Matin* Le 10 s( 6h. 4zm. b'ir* ^ Le 17 a oh« 52m. Soir« Lr 35 a 2b, 44in. Soir* Semaine. Vend red i Samedj DlMAN. Lundi Mardi Metered i Jciidi Vend red i Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vend red i Samedi DiMAM* Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jv'udi Vcndredi Samedi OlMAN. Lundi. Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vend re di Samedi FETES. Franyois de PanU M Dr li Paflion. lildore* M Vincept Ferrier* M N. P. dePitie, M RameauK, / Jeudi Saint, Vcndredi Saint. Samedi Saint. PAQfJESt OSIavc^ Quasimodo* Marc, Abftinenci. Tmefftan* Clet, et Marcellin* Leon. Anfelme. M Pierre Martir* Gather, de Sienne* LQC 32 28 27 »s 14 22 20 >9 '7 «S H 12 1 1 9 7 6 4 3 1 o 58 57 « 54 8 4 5* 8 4 5" « 4 49 8 4 4^ S 446 ^ r* '1 ^^•:|llil I f". ' 1 '• ^ I ;' I "^'^! Vi'i hi MAY O enters n 21 ft* 2h. 44m. Morn Firit '.ua'tci the 3d, iih. 5801. morning. Full Moony the loth. 2h. 55m. morning. Lait Quarter the 17th, ih. iSm. morning* Mew Moon the 25th, 6h. 35m. morning. p-| w y £N( LISH rALFNDAR. R.QS. jtAun .la 6unafij HjH:! k.uptr . »/. Fiiltp 4 45 8 al v. 1 \^and James App. 4 43 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II Th. F. Inv. of the Crofs. ^M J'^h^. Port Lat. Siege rai/cd. ^a. Dutcbefi of York horn* Tu. w 12 Th. 13 14 F. i5;S»« 4/^ 5tt». fl/. £fly?«r. l6JM. i I iTu.Pm offyaleiboicn. 18 w. I 19'Th. Qi CHAKtoTTi b. 1744. Doriftan. ao|F. [Prs. Eliz. b. 22d. i?e>^J. Sun, ^th Sun, after Eafier. 22 43 24 as 26 a? 28 5«» M. Tu. \V. 1\i\j^Jc. day. H. rhurj, Aug. i Apb. C. F Ven.Bede. S..I \ 29 .Stt« j»^«/r '^/y fl/ir. /3J€enJion, * ' 30 V /:i«^ CbarUi iJ, r5/?i>r#</, i66o. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 42 8 41 8 40 8 38 8 8 8 37 35 34 g 33 8 31 8 30 ^ 25 8 28 $ 27 8 as » a4 ai 22 8 21 g 20 8 19 8 iS 8 17 8 j6 8 16 8 4 14 3 4 13 8 4 12 8 4 <* $ M X 2 3 4 5 t 7 8 ^•*~ MA I le Qentre aux n I c 2 1 ) 2h 4401 Mt, i Le 3 a iih« 58m. Matiiit Q Le 10 ^ zh. 55m. Matin. <[ Le 17 a 2h. i8m. Matin* # Le 25 a 6h. 35m. Matin. I S ;.nainf. t h 1 L i. i- c t>lM AN. I. Jacques ct Phillippp M 4 45 » 2 LunJ: Achanate. 4 43 8 3 ;Vlard; l:»ve.»tion Stc. Croix. M 4 42 8 4 Metered 1 ivf )niquf 4 41 8 5 jeudi l^ie. V, 4 40 8 t Vend red! Jean Porte Latit.;j. 4 38 8 7 Sa.nedi Staniflas. 4 37 8 8 DlMAN. 3 Sie. Famiii?. M 4 35 8 9 Lundi Grcgoire NazianBC. 4 34 8 10 Mirdi Anteiiin. M 4 33 8 II vlc'credi Ap.viriCion St. Mlcncl. 4 3» 8 12 )eu li NTce, &c. 4 30 8 13 Vendr'?di H rmenegiide. 4 2Q 8 H SaTiecli Soteie &c * M 4 28 8 >5 DiNflAN. 4- 4 »7 ? 16 Lundl Ubalde. 4 25 8 17 lardi Oejri-e. ; . . ^- -; , ,^ 4 24 3 IS viercredi V'M^anr. 4.38 '9 Tc'jdi Pierre Cclcflin. M 4 22 8 20 Vcndrcii B rnardin* ^ zi 8 21 >a ncdi DelaStc. Vierge. 4 20 8 22 DtMAN. 5- . '' :' 41^ »3 Lundi Rogations » 418 24 iVIardi Rogations^ 4 17 8 45 Mercredi Rogat, Grcgoire VII. 2M 4 t6 g 26 Jeudi ASCENSION. Oaa've. 4 16 8 27 Vendredi M' Pazzis. zM 4 15 8 28 S.«nj<^di Phiilippe dc Nen. M 4 14 8 *9 DlMAN. 4 13 8 3o Lu idi 4 12 8 31' Mardi • '^ 4 12 8 ?[' (V* ''3 I'M' ■ ■* 'I w ;.* ■ JUNE Q enters 28 21ft, iih. 33m. Mor. Firft Quarter the lit, yh, 39m. evening. Full Moon^ theSthy loh. 50m. mnrning. Lail Quarter the i5thy 5h. a4na« evening. New Moon the 23d, 8h. lam. evening. Psiws. Th. F. iSa 2 ft I Sif« M. 7|Tu SW. 9Th so ti 12 X3 F. Sa. Sun M l4|To 15 21 *2 >3 as ft6 27 28 29 W. 16 Th. 17 F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. 24|F. >a. Sttft M. Tu. W, jo^h. ENGLISH CALENDAR. Nicomede. K. GEO. III. b. 1738. fytit-Sun, D. Cumb. b* Boniface Pyhit Monday, IVbit Tuefday, Ember week. Sr. Barnabai A. & M< Trinity Sunday * St. Albao M. I fi Sunday after Trinity. Tr of Edw. K. W. Saxoni, Longed day. Sum. Sold. Nati*v\ty of St. John the Baptiji. zd Sunday after Trinity, St. Piter ^ St. Paul, R. OS. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 II % 10 S 10 S 9 ! 8 S 8 8 8 S S $ 8 I 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 JoSe I M 2 3 ^' 4 S2 5 D 6 Li 7 M 8 M 9 J^ ic V jj Ss 12 D J3 L J4 ^ »5 IV i6 I- 17 V 18 5 J9 1:1 20 L 21 ^ 22 \ -3 1 »4 V »5 s 26 D »7 L 88 ^ )UiN Ic O entrc a 28 Ic 2i 1 1 th 33m 7 S 9 ic 17 12 '4 «5 it 17 18 »9 20 22 -3 »4 *5 26 >7 i8 ]) Le I a 7 h. 39m* Soir. O Ls 8 a loh. 50m. Matin» ([ Le 15 a 5h» 24m. Soir. 9 Le 23 a 8h. 12m Soir. Jo; Semaine. I Mercredi a Jcudi 3 Vendredi 4 Samedi 5 DiMAN. 6 Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jcudi Vendredi Samedi Dim AN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vendredi 'Samedi D I M A N • Lundi Mardi Vlercredi feudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN* Lundi Mardi t9 [Mercredi joljcudi FETES. O^avti Afcenfion. M Jeine. de la VigUe. FENTECOTE. OSfave. yeune 4 Tenfs, ycune 4 Terns, yeune 4 7ems, I. TRINITE*. Antoine dc Fade. Balile. Barnabe. M M M FETE.DIEU. O^iave. M 2M M M Oiiave, FiT« Dieu. ijean Baptifte. Ofiave* \jeine, Norbert* M 3 Jean et Faul« S.J. Bapt. 2M Jean a Facundo* M Jeune^ Leon iM PIERRE et PAUL, Oaan/t, iCommemor* Paul* %M LQC 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 11 S 10 8 10 S 9 2 9 8 t 8 78 78 7» 6 8 6 8 6 d 8 8 8 8 8 ft 8 8 ft 8 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 ^)0^ ^' f< ». ! ■ M ■ •■ I i-r /■' n [^ -r* * : I ^1; I! i ■i.Ui': I li )ULY enters Si 22d, loh. i6m. Nt, mm Firft Quarter the ift, ih. jm. morning. >ull Moon the 7th, yh. lom. evening. Lait Quarter, the I5thy ion. 9ni. morning. New Moon the 23d, 7h 34(n. ihorning* Fi'ft Qiiarfer the 30th, ^h. 3701. morning. D; Ws, S ic II 12 '4 >5 16 »7 iS «9 io if A2 ^3 »4 »5 26 a? »8 29 30 M. u, Th, $4^» M. Tu. W. Th. LNG1.ISH CALiiN:>AR Vifit. B. V. Mary, 3^ Sun af, Trh, Dog days, begin. Quebec founded 311. 1608. Trandationcf St. Martin B. 3d. Thomas a Becket. ^tb, Sunday after Trinity- Sun M. Tu. W. Th F. Sa. Sun Tu. W. Ih F. Swlthm Bp* ^tb Sw»* «//• Trint Margaret V. St. Mary Magdalen. 6tb Sunday after Trinity y St0 Jamtim St. Anne. U O S. %i*Sur,l;tb Sunday after Trinity, 488 4 9? 4 9 « 4 10 8 4 10 S 4 11 S 4 12 8 4 13 8 4 13 ^ 4 14 8 4 IS » 4 16 8 4 17 S 4 18 8 4 18 8 4 20 8 4 20 2 4 22 S 4 23 g 4 24 8 4 25 8 4 26 8 4 27 8 4 28 S 4 29 8 4 30 8 4 3* * 4 33 « 4 34 8 4 36 8 4 37 « »9 20 21 22 24 26 ^7 28 »9 30 31 M( ^a D Lu M M Sai I flIiLLETlcb« Stlc22ii6h t6m. S. ]) Le I a ih. im. Matin. ?Le 7 a yh. 19m* So'\r, te 15 a loh. 9m. Matin. Le 23 a 7h. 34m. Matin. ^tt^ol 5h. 37 m* Matin. Jo Semaine. FETES. M i^Vcndrcdi OEia'vt, Jean Baptiflc. 2 Samedi Vilitation. 2M 3 DiMAN. 4* M 4 Lundi 5 Mardi t Mercredi OSian>t. Apotres* 7 Jeudi Marguerite* 8 Vendrcdi Elizabeth. ^ ' ■ 9 Samedi Julienne. loDiMAN* 5 . Dedicace. 0^ji/#« M II Lundi jVlIFrercs, iM Lz Mardi ijean Gualbcrt. "^ aM 13 Mercredi JAnac'.et. " M I4,j'»udi .Bonaveiiture. M 15 Vnndredi I Henri. M 16 Samedi N. D. de Mont Carmel. M 6. QEl. DJdic. Sol .Jac. M Alexis. M Vincent dc Paul* Mirguentc. LPraxede. 17' DiMAN. id! Lundi 19 Mardi 20 Mercredi 21 22 26 ^7 28 29 30 Jeudi Vendredi Magdelainc." 5amedi DtMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi JllDlM AN. Apoliinaire* 7. S)l. Anne» Jacques. Anne Pentaleon, Nazaire^ &c* Marthe. M'^ De la Ste. Vierge. 8. ignacc* aM M M LQJ? 4' 8 8 10 r 10 8 11 8 12 8 n 8 n 8 14 % '^f 16 % 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 17 s 18 18 4 to 4 29 22 24 8 26 8 27 8 28 S M 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 S 8 8 8 29 8 30 8 32 8 33 » 34 8 36 8 r>*% "1 <> 'Jvliif 4 37 • ,n ^^f ':»■'. ,1J AUGUST O enters ttji 23d, 4h 4^01 M* Full Moon the 6th. 5h. 21m. morning. Laft Quarter^ the 14th, 3h. 57n>« mornings New Moon the 211^9 5h* 26ni* afternoon. Firft Quarteri the 2Sth^ loh. 5601. morning. I ft 3 4 i 8 9 10 ti 22 «3 14 15 16 17 iS t9 20 ti 22 »3 A4 *5 &6 1^ 30 3« Dsiws M. jLammsls day* Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. sun» M. Tu. W. Th. F. sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. ENGLISH CALENDAR. Tranfiguration of Our Lord* 9tb Sun, af. Trin. P. Amelia b^ Name of Jefus. 7th* St. Lawrence. Duchefs of Brunf. b. Dog days e. Prince of Wales^ born 1762. ^tb Sunday af, Trin* AfTumption. Duke of York born* loth Sunday after *Trinity Duke of Clatence born the 2ift. St, BartboIomtWt ijtb S. aft. tr. St. AuguAine. B. St. John Bapt« beheaded* I R. 0. s. 1 10 J 1 i 4 38 s m 4 40 ^ 9 2 1 4 41 3 ■ 3 > 4 4* 8 1 u 4 44 8 1 4 45 8 ^ is 4 47 S 't. 1 1 4 48 8 ^ I 4 49 8 9 » 51 8 ^1 16 A 5» 54 8 ;i 8 !I^ 55 8 . 13 5 57 8 14 .D 59 ?i 1 '- 10 M I 7 17 M 3 7 18 J< 5 7 ! 19 V 5 10 S. 8 ^ 21 D 9 •y 22 L II / 23 M 12 7 '^ 24 H 14 16 'T 1? ^3 25 \k 26 V ^1 7 ;'| 27 Si >9 7 ka 2S D 21 7 H 29 L 22 7 H 30 <N^ M 7 H 31 'JV^ »l«^ ^^^* I AOtJSTlcOcntreklatiRie23a4h4lmMt ning. El. O. S. 38 S 40 8 41 8 4* 8 44 8 45 8 47 8 48 8 49 8 5« 8 5» 8 54 8 55 8 57 8 59 7 1 3 5 5 8 9 li 12 14 16 i1 »9 21 22 04 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 O I«c 6 ^ 5h. 2iin. Matin* <{ Lei4a 3h* 57in« Matin* Lf 21 si 5h. 2601. Soir. ]) Le 28 a loh. 56m. Matin* 2 3 4 5 8 9 16 II 12 n 14 :i 17 18 ^9 10 21 22 *3 24 as 16 27 21S Semaine* FETES* Lundi Mardi Mcrctredi Jeudi Vendredi Sakn«di DlMAN* Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi iSamedi JDlMAN* Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jetidi Vendredi Samcdi DlMAM. Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi DJMAN 29 I Lundi 30 « Mardi 31 ' Mercrcii Pierrie aux Liens. ^M Etieniie Pape. Invent. St. Etienhe* Dohiihique. N. D. des Neiges* Je/ine. Transfiguration. M 9. Cajetan* Sol. Laurent. iM Cyfiii'c, &c. De la Vigile. M Laurent* OBave^ M Claire* 10. .1. Hiacinthe* OSfave. Laurent* Agi^pite* M M 'aM M yeune. Bernard* M 1 1. Adorn. 0. 5dl. Barth. M Joachim. 2 M Philippe de Benit|. 2M Barthelemi* Louis. M M 12. Or. AlTomp.So). LouisaM DecoUat* J.B. M Role de Lima* M K^imond Nonnat, LQC 4388 4 40 8 441 8 4 42 8 4 44 ? 445 8 447 8 448 8 4 49 8 4 52 » 52 S 54 J 57 » 59 * o 4 4 4 4 4 5 S 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 I 3 5 6 8 9 II 12 5 H 516 5 »7 5 «9 21 22 ^4 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 riii'i ' i i Mi i ; ':i ^ I m m !i :: i SEPTEMBER Centers £12 id ifc, 17m M, ■ II I I I I I I II ■ I l i I II I 1 I I I I I K II Laft Quarter the 12th. 9!!. 46^. Ifvcning. New Moon, the 2otly. 4h. ^m. moriiing. Firft Quarter thcz6th. 6h. 12m. cveWng, -I - - — -- •—■ — -^ — Tr"~^~~ P J 3 5 6 Th. Sa. M'. Tu. W. 7 8 9 10 II Th. F* Sa. Sun M. Tu. 14 W. Th. IS 16 ,17 iS 19 II 22 24 as a? a9 30 ENGLISH CALENDAR. GilwAbb. London burnt 16669 O. S« iitb Sunday after Trinity* Enurcnus B. Nativity of B. V. Mary, U ii 1 .i. ^, ' J » t%tbSu, af, Ty. Holy Crofs .t^.oi.^'. F. H* Sufii M. Tu W, ThJ i^ ^un M. tu, W. 1 h. St. Micbeh Duch. of Wirtemb. b. F» I St. Jerome Pr. I Lambert Bp. 14^(6 Sunday after Trinity, S/. Matthew* Ember week. K. GEO. IlL crowned 1761. Autumnal Equinox* i^th S««* aft,. Tritt. ^^ ^ S. Cyprian* ^■a R. OS. - -• »S 7 27 7 28 7 J 5 30 7 32 7 3- 3J« 7 ** 3 35 7 37 7 3« 7 40 7 42 7 4S 7 4S 7 45 7 47 7 4» 7 50 7 52 7 53 7 55 7 6 58 7 6 59^ 7 6 6 6 2 6 6 3 6 6 5 6 6 7 6 6 8 6 6 10 6 6 12 6 ''.«*-, i,yKJi*i.5,^'i'IJ»'*#»» '■*t*''*-^ as. *5. 7 n 7 28 7 30 7 3« 7 33 7 35 7 3Z 7 3« 7 40 7 42 7 43 7 4S 7 45 7 47 7 48 7 50 7 5* 7 53 7 55 7 58 7 59^ 7 6 9, 6 3 6 5 6 7 6 8 6 10 6 iz 6 SEPTEMBRE k 0*nt =2^ Ic 23 a ih 17m Mt (:) Le 4 a 5h. 5711. Soir, ( Le 1,2 a 9h. 49m Soir. ' Le 20 a 2h«43(n. Matin. . ]) Le 26 a 6h. izxn. Sair. J — i- I 2 3 4 I I $ to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 21 22 13 H ^5 26 27 28 »9 30 ^emaine. jeudi Vendredi Samsdi DjMAN. Lundi MJardi Mcrcredi jeudi Vcndredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mcrcredi jeudi Vend red! Samedi DlMANl Lundi Mardi Meicredl Jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredj Jeudi Vendredi FETE S. Fete du Sacerduce* Etienne. Auguftin« 13. S. S. M. M.Flavien^ See. Laurent Juftlnieo/i Nativite. OSIave, ., . M Nich. Toicntin M i4.NomdeMarie S0l.NAt.2M M M Jeunt' M Exalt. Ste; Croix. OQavt* Nativite. Corneille) 5rc. M ^tigm. St. Fr2n9ois. 15. So\, Mathieu. Janvier, &c. Euftache. &c. M J, ^Tems. Mathieu. Thomas deVilleneuve M 7. 4 T. Lin. 2M y* 4 T. N. D. de la Merci.M 16. Sot. Michel* Cvprien 5cc« > Comey 4cc* Vinreflas, Michel. > »- * .r: Jerome. LQC 27 30 7 7 7 7 3»i7 33 '5^5 7 7 37 7 3« 7 40 7 42 7 43 7 45 7 5 47 7 5487 5 5 < 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 50 5* 53 55 57 S8 59 o -2 3 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 76 8 6 10 6 22 6 fi 2 If OCTOBER O ^nterg ttj 23d ph, 21 m. Ev* Full Moon the 4th. gh» 34m. morning* ^ Lad Qjiarter the I2th« 2h. 22m. morning. New f^oon the ipthy oh* lom. evening. Firft Quarter the 36th 4h. 26m. morning. 3 4 5 € 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 a2 *3 24 «5 26 27 18 »9 30 3» Sa. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu, W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. T W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. ENGLISH CALENDAR. Remigius Bp. i6tbS.a/.T. Faith V. & M. tjtb Sun^af. Trin, St. Denys Bp. -.1 Tranf. of KingBowABD Conf. [at Quebec 1785 i%tb Sun* af. Try* Dark Sunday Etheldreda. S/. Luke Enf^ R. O S* i^tb Sun, aft, Trin* K.GEO, in. Accer. Crtfpin. K. GEO. Ul.proclam; X760* St, Simon £f 5/. jfude. zotb Sund, afc. Trinity ». 6 15 6 6 17 6 6 19 6 6 20 6 6 29 6 6 23 6 6 25 6 6 17 6 6 28 6 6 30 6 6 32 6 6 33 6 6 35 6 6 36 6 6 38 6 6 40 6 6 41 6 6 43 6 6 44 6 6 46 6 6 48 6 6 49 6 6 51 6 6 52 6 6 54 6 6 56 6 6 57 5 6 59 6 706 7*5 ^735 2 I 3 I 4 » 5 * 6 J 7 \ 8 S 9 t 10 L II ; h 12 N 14 V 25 s 26 D 17 L 18 ^ 19 \! 20 ji 21 V 22 S 23 D 24 L OCTOBRE Ic O crt. ni !e 23 Igh. 2ini, Sr. 15 6 »7 6 13 6 20 6 29 6 »3 6 as 6 a? 6 28 6 30 6 3* 6 33 6 35 6 36 6 38 6 40 6 41 6 43 ^ 44 6 46 6 48 6 49 6 5» 6 5* 6 54 6 56 6 57 5 59 6 6 2 5 3 5 Le 4 a gh* 34m. Matin* ([ Le 12 a zh. 22m. Matin. ^ Le 19 a oh. lom. Soir* 2) Le 26 a 4h. 2601. Matin. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 II 12 »3 Jo I Semaine. Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi jcudi Vend red i Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vendredi 15 j Samedi 26 I DiMAN. «7 iS 19 20 21 22 *3 DlMAN*" Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi Lundi 25 Mardi 26 I Mercredi 27 ) jeudi li I Vendredi 29 I Samedi 30 i OlMANl 31 1 Lundi FETES. Kemi. 17. <Solem. du Rofaire* M Anges Gardiens. Franjois d*Al1ife* Placide Bruno. Marc. M Brigittc. 18. Francois de Borgias* Denys» Sec* Edouard* Caliixte* Thercfe. 19. Hedwige. Luc. Pierre d* Alcantara* M Hllarlon. De la Ste. Vierge, 20. N. Dame de UViA.M Chryranthcy &c« Evarifte. De la Vigilc, Simon ec Jude. Jeune* De la Ste. Vierge. 21. SoU Simonet Jvide. Jeune, De la Vigilc. B 3 'S 6 i! 6 2C 6 6 22 6 6 23 6 6 25 6 6 27 6 6 286 6 306 6 32 o 633^ 6 35? 6 36 6 6 38 6 6 40 ^ 6 41 6 6436 6446 646 6 6 48 6 649 6 , ^i o 6 52 6 6 546 6 56 6 6576 6 59 6 o 5 »5 3 5 J 1 . '1; ' •■ •■ f^^'S ^ ,'• \ . .J • t' i NOVEMBER O «ntcrs / azd. 5h. 41m M-. Full Moon th* 3d, 3h. 43m. morning. Laft Quarter the nth. 4h. 57m. morning. New Moon the 17th. iih. urn. night. Firft Qiiarter the 24th. ar 6b- 19m. evening. Dt ws' *» 1 T. aW. 3Th. 4F. 5'8a. 6 ^un M. Tu. W. 10 12 14 35 Th. f. sa. sun, M. Tu. 36 W. 17 18 19 Th. F. sa. 20 ittff. 21 22 »3 a4 as 26 *7 28 19 30 M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. V ENGLISH QAl^ENDAR. M Saints, D. of Kent, b. Prs. Sophia born. Powder ^lot 1605. zifi ^un. aft, Trin, Leonard Con. Prs. Augufta Sophia born. St. Martin Ep. zid Sun, after Trin, BrltiusBp. St. Machutus Bp. >' Hugh Biihop of Lincoln. [Martyr. 25/^6 Sun* aft, Trin. Edmund K. Sc, Cecilia. Ste Clemenf. ** , % I Catherine V. R. O S. Advent Sunda^t Sr. Andrew* 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 6 8 9 II J2 13 15 16 17 19 20 22 *4 as 26 27 28 30 30 3* 33 34 35 36 36 37 38 39 S s 5 5. 5 S S 5 S 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 S 5 5 S 5 S. S 5 NOVE;MBR£IeOentre^le^2 as^h4iinMt O Le 3 a 3h. 43m; Matin,. ([ Le II a 4h« 57m. M«tin«' Le 17 a iih* iim. Soir. P Le24a 6h« 19m. Soir* t Semaine. F E T ii 5. I LQ^ I Mardi TOUSSAINT. 0£f. 7 5? 2 Mercredi Trefpades , 7 ^f 3 jeudi 7 8 \ 4 Vendredi Charles. ^M 7 9 J 5 sained i 7 11 5 6 DiMAN* 22. M 7 12 5 7 Lundi 7 13 1 8 Mardi OBave. TouiTaint* M 7 IS 5 9 Mercredi Dedic. Bafii. 5auveur. M 7 16 5 10 jeudi Andre Aveilin, M 7 17 5 II Vendredi Martin. M 7 19 f 12 samedi Martin Pape. 7 20 5 M DiMAN. 23. 7 21 5 H Lundi Did ace. 7 22 5 15 Mardi Gertrude. 7 24 5 16 Mercredi 7 25 S J7 Jeudi Gre^oire Thaumaturge . 7 26 5 18 Vendredi Dedic. BaGl. Pierre. 7 27 5 '9 Samedi J tune* Elizabeth. M 7 28 5 20 DlMAN. 24.F. de Valois. .Sol. And. M 7 30 5 21 Lundi Prefentiition. • 7 30 5 22 Mardi Cecile. 7 3* 5 23 Mercredi ClemenU M 7 33 S 44 jeudi Jean de la Croix. M 7 34 5 *5 Vendredi Catherine. 7 35 5 26 Samedi De la Ste. Viergc 7 36 5 »7 DiMAN. I. de i* Advent. 7 36 5 28 Lundi 7 37 5 29 Mardi M 7 38 5 3? ifcrcredi Andre. M \ 7 3?. 5 i» ■ i 111 I; '■] It , : i in i\i 1" i 1 H }\\ i ' { V \ t- ' DECEMBER O enters y* 21ft 6h 7m. Ev. *i^ Full Moon the 2d. loh* 51m. night. Laft Quarter the lOth, 5h 8m. evening. New Moon the lyrh. 8ii. 5201. evening. Firft Quarter the 24th. ifh. 5901. mori)Sng« ENGLISH CALENDAR. 2d Sund, in jidvenf, Nicholas Bp« Concep. V« Mi id Suftd* in Advent. Lucy V. M. Ember \»eek. O Sapient! a* i^tb Sun, in Adventm S/. Thomas. i^horteft da/t CbriftmaS'Dayt Sf. Stephen* ift Sun, after Chrifmai, Sf. jobm Innocents* Siivcficr. (Americans defeated.) R. S* 7 40 5 7 40 5 7 41 5 7 42 5 7 42 5 7 43 5 7 43 ? 7 44 J 7 44 ^ 7 45 5 7 45 5 7 45 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7-46 5 7 46 5 7 4« 5 7 46 5 7 45 5 7 45 5 7 45 5 7 44 5 7 44 i -Tr** DBCEMBREleOentre)^le2i a6h 7m Sr. Le a a loh. 5iin. Soir* ^ Le 10 sk 5h. 8m. Soir. Le 17 a 8h. 52in* Matin* ]) Le 24 a I ih* 59m. Matin. i- t Semaine. J jeudi a Vendredi 3 lamed i ^ 4 DiMAN* i 5 Lundi 1 6 iiardi 1 7 Mercredi ! 8 leudi • Vendredi 9 10 famedi II biMAN.- 12 Lundi 13 Mardi 14 Mercredi IS Jeudi 16 Vendredi 17 samedi 18 DiMAN. 19 Lundi 20 Mardi 21 Mercredi 22 Teudi Vendredi 3^3 a4 Samedi »5 DiMAN. 26 Lundi a7 Mardi 28 Mercredi 29 leudi Vendredi 30 3« Samedi FETES. Bibiane^ M Francois Xavier. M 2. Sol Fran^. Xav. M Pierre Chrtfologuf. iM Nicolas, . M Affibroife; M CONCEPTION^ Oa. M M Ir 2,M 3; M Damafe. 2M Luce. 2M . Jeune, 4 TV/r*. M OEiave* Conception. Jeune, 4 Temu Eufebe. Jeune 4 terns* 4. S9I. Thomas. M M Thomai. M. a la MelTe. M Jeun^. de U Vigilc. NOEL. Oaave. Etikkni*. Oiiave* M Jean. O^ave, 2M Innocen^. Odave* 3M Thomas. 4M Du Dim. dansTO^. 4M ^iiveftre. 4M 4015 40 5 4i 5 4a't5 4*f5 43-3 43 5 44?^ 44 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 45 45 45 44 44 5 5 5 5 5 5 S 5 S 5 5 5 5 5 S s 5 5 5 5 ':!, •£ ?•/ f « t ifi! IP ii ( 35 ) II SB I M sj 1 J •#r *^» •«« «^> *^ «^ «^T«^ t^ «^ K0LZ. Having found the age of the iQioen at the top of each month in the Csdendzt, look in the Jeft co* lumn of the table for the day from new to the full moon^ then in the right column the daf from the full to the new moon, and in the middle column you^ Wili £ttd the time when it it high water afliure* Ttniis of High Watery on the days of tftw \i Full MooHr at giifferini places of th^ ^Mir St. Lawrence* Tadonflae 2{h Pot a Teao db vie 3| M&lbaie 4 BairSt. Paid.. 4! Ca^ Toarneotir $4 At Seven Ifles rii AtCaouy li Manicouagan li Betfiamitet 2 Port Ncuf »4 a ■* '-^y l^:f. Ms" I i> i' n >:? ( 36 ) A concife EQjvATloit Taslb* adapted to the Hconi Year after Lcap^Year. and will be within a Minute of the Truth for enrcty Year $ ihewing to the nearfcft full Minute^ how jaucby a Clock Ihould be faftcr or ilow|r than the Sup* Rafale Mhregfe d*Equition» calculee pour la feconde an- il^ apres Tannec QiflextilCf la^ucllcy i une minute pr^Sy fc trouve jufte pour c;haque annee ; montrant a la minute conibien une Horloge devroit ecre en avtet oil en arnere du SoleiJ. 5 3- o a oa. 27 Nov. 8 >5 24 a? n ^^ Dec. 2 7 9 2i :i 20 22 24 . * 28 30 16 16 '5 14 O ''I II ? 4? 3 ^ i ^ '^^ ( 37 ) X BRIEF CHRONOLOGY OF THE MOST REMARKA. BLE AKA$ AND HISTORICAL EPOCHS OF TUfi WORLD. before Cbrift The CREATION The Flood .... The dtupersion of Noah's pnderity The foundation of the Assyrian Monarchy by Ninu« The Covenant with Abraham • The departure of the Children of Israel from E^,ypt The rape of Helen - - , The dedication of the Temple by Solomon The yRRA of the OLYMPIADES The i£RA of the BUILDING of ROME I'yrus, first King of Persia The defeat of the Prr(iHn<: at lalamis • The Peloponesian V/ar hcg vn Overthrow of the Athenian power hy Lysander The vittory of Arb«la - - The deftruftion of Carthage The battle of Pharfalia - . - The battle of Aftium - • The (hutting of the Temple of Janus» by Auguftus The Birth of THE SAVIOUR of THE WORLD The VULGAR i£RA Conftantine removed the feat of Empire to Byzantium The end of the WeUern Empire Juftinian puUiihed the In(litutc» The i£RA of the HEGIRA The race of Abbas, encouragers of Arabic learning and Caliphs of the Saracens, Charlemagne began the Empire of Germany Ihe Turks took Ba^j^dat, and overturned the Empire of the Saracens The firft Crufade Maj^na Charta, fi!»ned in Enghnd - Henry V. of F-nwliind, ba:tlr cf Agincourt Irivf iirlon ol Prjnfing . - _ Lad of th^ Eultf'rn Empire T.orcnzo dc Medicii, the Auj^uftim age of modern Italy - « . • Charles V. - - »5 Age of L«ui< XIV. anJ of Own Anie ^^43 4008 ZZOJ aoi9 198s »5J5 1204 1008 766 753 559 480 431 40; I 40 48 5 5 I 476 62Z .749 121; »4'5 247a I 1 1 .4 W^ t ■ 1 ! 'J • S m ' i 'f tl THB BRITISH AMERIC AJJ / "(J ROYAL KALENDAR, 1808. ETAT CIVILE et MILITAIRE DE L'AMERIQUE BRITANNIQUE, 180 8. Pi! f 5 ' tWrV w ■ C 2 riJi -^ ri > ( 2 ) 'm'tt ■4**^ • f iT r KING. T760. > /George hi. King of the unite* 0<?. 2$. ) VT Kingdom of Great-Britain and Ire- land ; Defender of the Faith, Sovereign of the Orders of the Garter, Thiftie, Bath, and St. Pa. trie, jDuke of Brunswic and Lunenberg, Arch- Treasurer and Ele^or of the Holy Romaq Efit- pire.j IMPERIAL LEGISLATURE. 11 ,j; T H E K I N G. The House of Peers o'f GREAT-BniTAi.v.g.'l* Speaker *Right Hon. John Lord Eldon. Peers of the Blood Roy.\l, ♦His Royal Highnefs George Augus- tus Frederick (Prince of Wales.) ♦His R. H. Frederick, D. o( York and Al. bany. *]^fis R. H. Wm. Henry, D. of Clarence and St. Andrews. ♦His R. H. Edward, D. of Kent and Stra- thern. ♦His R. H. Ern-ft Augullus, D. of Cum- berland and Tev.otdale. I80I. •His R. H. Auguftus Ffedcrick, Duke of SuiTex. 1762. 84. 99. 59. This mark ftands '.* for Privy Counfcllor. ,+ Meinbtrj of ihc Iluufe of ComBnonj. J3"* ^^" ^^<^ ^^^ folL^u'ing lijii are principally corrcc , tid from thi Engliib KnUrdari for 1807. ( 3 ) J80I. *His R. H. Adolphus Frederick, Puke pi Cambridge. 17^4. ♦His R. H. V/m. D. of Gloucefter ^nd Edinbur^y.. Dukes, [18] Marquises, fI2} Earls, [93] Viscounts, [21] Barons, [138] Scots Peers, elcded Auguft, 1802, [16] Jrish Peers, cleacd July, 1800, [28] risk Bishops, [4] Pe£rcsses in their own Right, by Creation of Descent, [10] Archbishops and Bishops, [26] CI <^ of the Parliament^ Rt. Hon. *f George Rofe, H. Cowper, Efq. Clerk'A0iAant» U,OUS£ .OF CpMMONS Of GrEAT-BrIT A IN. l-hir*! Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Iceland, elefted April , I8O7. Speaker, the Right Hon. Charles Ab£ot. england and wales, [513] Scotland, [45] Ireland, [100] C^lerk cf the HouTe of Commons, John HatfeUi Efq, John Ley, Eiq. Deputy, |creiniah DyTon, tfq. Clerk'AflfiAant, c 3 m • \ '■- I r ■*, I \ \ i'\ jl'r I; ( 4 ) "m I t P i I'll i^ 1 s' i. ■ : fm ■ i i' - M ih .11 j $ : ■} t ; '« The King's Mofl Hunourable Privy Council* Lord Prefidentf Earl Camden. Earl of Winchilfca, KG ChefterBeidy KG Prince of Wales, ^: G. fa of York, KG &K B P Clarence, K G & K T D of Kent, K G & K P D of Cumberland K G D of Suflfex K G D of Cambridge K G DofGloucefter, KG Archbp. of Canterbury, Lord Chancellor, Archbifliop of York, Archbifliop of Armagh, lord Holland, Privy Seal, puke of Richmond, K G Grafton, K G Bedford, , Mari borough, K G Athol, K T Montrofe, K T Portland, K G Marq. Buckingham, K O Stafford, KG Townfliend, Salisbury K 6 Hertford, Bute, Welledey, K P & K C *Douglas, p. of Aylesford, Ld.Stewr Dartmouth, KGLd.C. Derby Pembroke, K G Wellmorland K G Sandwich, Carliile K G Cholmondeley, Lauderdale, Elgin, K C Tankervilley Macclesfield^ Aniburnhanny Harrington^ Buckingham(hire, Fitzwilliam, Hardwicke, K G Spencer, K G Chatham, K G Bathurft, Aylesbury, K T Leicefter Grosvenor, Camden, K G Dorchefter, Carnarvon, Liverpool, St. Vincent, K B Malmesbury K B 5ha:inon, K P Mdira, Courtown, K P Cary^fort, K P Donoughmorc^ Onflow, Chichefter^ { Earl of Powys, Grey, KB fTcmplc, •J- Lord Chas. H. 5omerfer Charles Spencer^ -f Robert Spencer, Frederic Campbeii, fHenry Petty, f Granvilie Lev, Gower •f John Townfend, •j-George Thynnc, f John Thynne, Vifcount Fai mouthy Howe, K B Galway, K B f Morpeth, •fStopford, •fCaftlereagh, +Howic, Bimop of London, f Lord Offulfton, Cathcart, K T St. John, Harrowby, Walfingham, Carteret, , Hawkesbury, Grenville, Auckland, Mulgrave, Bayning, Glaftonbury, Bolton, Minto, Eldon, s ) Lord Ardcn, St. Helens, Lavlngton* K B Henly, K B Whitworth K. B fGlenbervict Redefdaie, Eitenborough, Barham, f Ch. Abbot, Sir G. Yonge, bart. K B Hon. Chas. F. Greville, f Hon. Rd. Fitzpatrick^ f John Foftcr. fHon. J. Chs. Villicrs, Sir Wm. Wynne, knt. fThomas Steele, Sir Arch* Macdonald, knt* f Wm. Windham, Sir Jh Banks, brt. K 3 Hon. John Trevor, fSir W. 5cott, kt fHon, Th«m, Grenville, j Ifaac Corry, f George Canning, f William Dundas, fHon. Charles Yorke, fSir Wm. G.ant, knt, fThomas Wallace, f Charles Bithur(>, f William Wickham, f George Role, f Charles Long, f Sir J B. Warren, bt. KB & K. C. ■i'i»'5 rff^ i ^"Mi[ + In tins and the following lift?, this mark Hands for Mem- ber of tlic Houftt oi" CuMunons. C 4 / '■> ( 6 ) 111 m -* '■ 1,;' 1* ■ w y 1 , ti •fjohij SmitU, f John Hiley Ad<i»pgtc»n, -f George Ti^rnry Hon Thomas Maitland, fNathaiiicl Bond, fHon. Arthur Paget, KB fSir Evan Nepean, bart. Sir James Mansfield, knt. Sii Wm Drummond, K C John Haokhim Frerc. f Kicolas Vanfittart, f Reginald Pole Carcvr, ,"f John Sullivan, -iRiihardBrinfly Sheridan f William Elliot, George Ponfonby, fSir John Newport, bart. f Sir J.ohn Anftfuthei, bt. Charles Arbuthnot, Clerks of the Coune'tl if^ ordinary* Hon. Robt. Walpole, jSir George Chctwynd, bt,. Sir Stephen Cotttell, lcnt.|Wm. Fawkener, cfq. tcnh of the Committee of Council, appointed by the ^ing, fir the Conjideratian of all Matters relating iio Trabe and Foreign Plantations. president, Farl Batburft. Dy* Pre/: *tEarl tempi . The Lord Chancellor, The Arch, of Canterbury, Firft Ld of the iVcafury, Firft Ld of the Admiralty, The Prin. 5ecs. of State, Chancellor and Under- Treafurer of the Ex- checjuer. Speaker of the Houfe of Commons. Mailer of the Mint. Such Officers of •State in Ireland as are Privy Councillors in England. ♦Lord Fred. Campbell. ♦Lord Giaftonbbry, •Lord Bolton, ♦Rt. Hon. * Sir Wm. Wynne, kt. Secretaries^ Sir Stephen Cottrell, kt. William Fawkener, Efq. ' Chanc. of the Duchy ofLaiv Clerk, John Reeves Lane. Paymdfters of the Forces. Tfcafurer of the Navy. Efq. Chief Clerk, Geo, Chal- mers, Efq. F R & A S The Great Offtcers of St/te. Lord Ij*,rimate of all England, *Thc Right Honblc. Chas. Manners Sutton, Lord Archbp. ol Canterbury. X/ord High Sieward, (vacant) ( 7 ) Lord High Chancellor of Grcat.Briuinj*X*d.Eldom Firft Lord of th« Treafury, •Duke, of Portland, Lord Prefident of the Privy Council, *Earl Camden. Lord Privy Seal, *Earl Weftinoreland Lord Chambcriain, Earl Dartmouth. K G Lord High Conftabie, (vacant) Hereditary Earl Marflial, Ch. Howard, Duke of Norfolk. Firfl Lord of tht Admiralty, •Lord Mulgrave. Principal Secretary of State for the Home Depart. ment. *Lord Hawkcfl>ury. Fiincipal Secretary of State for Foreign affairs, -j**Kight Hon* George Canning. Principal Secretary of 5tate, for the War and Colon3r department, "f^Lord Caftlereah. High Court op Chancery. Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, *Lord Eldon. Maftcr or Keeper of the Rolls, *tRight Hon. SU Wm. Grant, knt. i-^: ;J fm^ COURT OF king's BENCH. Lord CSfgt Jujlice and Judges. *Lord EUenbourough, | Sr Soulden Lawrence kt. Sir Na(h Grofe, Knt. I Sr Simon Le Blanc, knt. cs COURT i '.'r mi:^\ "ii I' : , y ( 8 ) COURT OF COMMON PLSA8* Chief Juflice and Judges. -(•Rt. Hon. Sir James Mansfleldy knt. 3500I. John Heathy Efq. Sir Giles Rooke^ Knt. Sir Aian Chambre> kut« 3000I. TH£ COURT OF XXCHIQUEH- Chancellor. ^fRlght Hon* Spencer Perceval, Lord Chief Baron. tRight Hon. Sir Archibald Macdonald, kt. 3500!. Thre^ Barons^ 3000/. each. ^ir Alex. Thompfon kt. | $\x Robert Graha[n> knt. Sir Thos. MaYiners Sutton, knt. fSirVicary Gibbs, knt, yf//y. Genl, •f 5ir Thomas Plomer, knt. Solicitor General, ADMiRALTY-oFFicE. (Charing Crofs.) Lord CommiJJtonerSm (7) Rt. Hon. Ld.Mu)grave, i ft Lord, falary ^oool. ayear* James Gambier, £fqr« Sir Richard Bickercon, bt* W. J. Hope and Robert Wood, Elqrs* Vifcoun' Paimerlton. j^mesBuller, Efqr. loool each* jft Seer. Wellelly Polej.Efq. 4000I. 2d Seer. John Barrow, Efq. 2009U chief Clerk, Charles Wright, efq. ADMIRALTY- COURT* Judge of the Admiralty. ♦i'Right Hon. ^ir William Scott, iJ||d. C. L. Ks. Advocate Genl. f Sir JohnNi^Wl, kt. D. C' 1-9^ ?AV-0FF1C£ OF THE NAVY. SomCrfct PUcC, Treafurcr of the Nii*vyy 4000/. Geo. Rofe, Kfq. Pay Mafter of the Na-vy. — — S'T^ith, Efq'-. Sool. 1': ( 9 ) STATEMENT of the Britifti Naval Force, anrl Its diftri- bution exclufive of the Hired Armed Vcffels, which are chieHy employed in protefting the Coafting Trade of Great- Britain.— Aug. I, 1807. iinc On the North Sea, Downs, Stations, 8cc. 27 In the Englifh and Irifh Channels. Spain, Portugal and Gibraltar In the Mediterranean and on j^'^Qage Coast of Africa . Wt^ India Iflands and on palTage. Jamaica Station America and Newfoundland Stations South America, &c. . . • Eaft Indies and on the paffage, , 7 TOTAL AT SEA. ..... ,94 In Port and fitting. . • . 2C Guard Ships. ... .4 Hofpital, Prifon and Receiving Ships 2$ Total in Commifllon. 14c 16 12 14 o 5 2 2 (} 'jO'i rir ^Bn ■^■1" 2 2-i 2i 5 2 17 C I I 12 1 8 2 « 2 8 « If) mmm • — - 12 130 4 32 2 3 2 2 _^ 20 167 28 14 55 15 t er\ Hpv 50 »y 6 17 I 21 12 12 7 5 ""o total •lo) 50 »5 »97 26 4* 39 24 2} 3S6 524 90 766 Building. • . • S*^ In Ordinary. • • • 4^ Total . . 217^3^2501265!; Grand Total including Gun-Brigs, &c. 1028. t Receiving fhipsSc Prlfoii ((Jps cannot be inordinary; 8c the ferviceable, which are fo, arc included in this amount. Colony Sc War Dipartment. (Downing- St.) Principal Secretary of Sttatey Lord Caftlereagh. Under Secy, Colonial De Ditto War Depart^/H^. Ths Hon, C. W. Steward WAR OPFICE. (WhUehalL) Secretary at War* ♦f Sir James Pultivcy, bare. Deputy Secry* F* Moore. Efqr. lACierk, Rt, Luklny efq. n ' -^ J nr t ^ Lco. Morfc, F. R. S. Ar. WinJas, Principal Clerks. ^^^^ Brown, Thos. Dods, El'^r . C 6 m: i ■ . >,i1 ■'r'l NM I. ■idl m M k> t ''}'* ( 10 ) PAr-MA8T«l GINIHALS. (H^kiteialL ). Lord Charles Somerfet, ScKt. Hon. Charles Long, Deputies ___ ^qoI each Accomptant GenI, David Thomas, efq. iiool. Commanpir-in-Chief's Office, Horje Guard* Commander in Chief of His Majefty's Forces, Fieli MarAiail, His Royal Highnefs Frederick Dukk OF y^'iK. K.# O. & K.« B« Military Secy, Lt.Col. J. W» Gordon, private Sec. Lt. Col. Hon. F. G. Upton Howard. jfJUftanti, Lieut. Col. ^ Loraine, Major S, Browne* Staff. Maj.-Gen. Harry Calvert, Adjutant^GeneraL Bx\%, GenU Wm. Wynyard, Dep, Adjutant. Getierah. Major-General Brownrigg, S^^arter Mafter Genet aU Brig. Gen. f Hon. Alex. Hope, Deputy, Assifiants, L\tut» Col Eden, Lieut. Col. Paterfon^^ Lieut. Col. Brown. Lieut. Gen. John Whitlock, tnfpecr, denl. of tbe Re» cruitipg Service. Thomas Afton Coffin, efq. Commiffary General tf Stores ^ &c, to tbe Forces at Home» William Kay, efq. Deputy Commifary General, Cicorge Ault, efq. Comm't/fary-General o/MuJiers» John Tekell, efq. Deputy Commiffary GenU |Rt. Hon. Nathaniel Bond, J'*dgcMartial and Ad" vocate General. flHl J* AugufVus Oldham, efq. Depm^ Sir Lucae Pepys, hart. M. D. Pbyjtcian GemraU Thos. Keate, efq. Surgeon General, F. Knii/ht, efq. Infpeflor GenL of Hofpitals* J3r. K. J5< land, Assiftant i»to. Gamier, efq. Apetbtcary General* RCF, ( » ) Rev. J. Gamble, M A Chaplain GenL Cit. F. M^Keniif, 4aing Barrack Mafi. GenL "W. Hood, efq. Drum-Major GengraL Gen'. The Earl of Harrington, Cgmmander of the forget in Ireland. Lieut, Col. K. M. Cordon, Military Secretary, i/ieut. Genl. Lord C^thcart, Commander of the Force* in Scotland. Military S«y. Lord R. Kerr. Mast£r-G£NL. of the Ordnance* *£arl of Chatham. Clerk eftbe Ordnance^ Hon W. Wellefly Pole. Hreajurer^ {ofeph Hunt, Efq. Statbmknt of THi British Army. 9 BattaltoAS and one horfe brigade artillery. Royal Engineer I. 1 Brigade drivers. 2 Regintents life guards. I Royal horfe guards. 7 Ditto dragoon guards. 'i.^ Ditto dragoons. I Royal wag'^on train, I Corps foreign artillery* Gentlemen cadets. 3 Regiments foot guards, joi Ditto of infantry of the line. I New South Wales corps. 8 Weft India regiments. I Royal Weft India rangers. 1 Royal African corps. 2 Ceylon regiments. I Royal ftaff corps. 1 6 Regts German Legioi^ and i corps engineers 10 Foreign regiments. 9 G^r* .'4 'f :MK, (1 ( " ) i 1 V. E ! ■ ■ ;■■ ■;. 1 . r : ■( ) It I' ■ - 5 1 9 Garrifon battalions. 21 Veteran battalions. 5 Colonial fencibles, 5:c. voiunteeri. excluHve of mliitia and CUSTOM-HOUSE, Thatfies-Street. TH£ BOARD ANP ITS ATTENDANTS, COMMISSIONERS, iiool. a Year, Chairman^ Rd. Frcwin, and Wiili-rn'Roe, Efqrs. Sir Alexander Munro, knc* Fra. F. Luttrell, efq. L L D. John BuUer, efq* Gloceftcr Wilion, efq. F, R S* james Hume, efq. john Williams, elq. james Willis, efq* Secretary y john Timothy Swain fon^ efq, GENERAL POST-OFFICE, Jo'wt Poft-Mafteri-Gineral, *Earl of Chichcacr* *£arl of Sandwich. Secy, and Refident Surveyor, F. Freelingy efquire. ' A Lift of the King^s Packet-boats. ■ Falmouth, West India & America, Prtneefs Elizahetby Kidd, \Lady Arabella^ Porteui, , Boll, Prtneefs Amelia^ Stevens, Prtneefs Cbarlotte^ Kerr, Chesterfield, Blight. Lord Cbt, Spencer, Cotea- worth. Prince Erneftf Pctrc. S^ueen Charlotte, Mudge: Pr, Adolphui, Boulderfon. Z>. ofCumb. Lawrence. Duke of Montr of^ J Dinciy. fVindJor-CaJile, SattoiJ. y Dennes. [Mancbejfer, Davi: s. CI CIVIL LIST OF THE » > PROVINCE OF LOWER-CANADA. 1808. **♦ It may he necelfary to •bferve that the Quebec Al- inanark is not, nor never has been, an official publication; and therefore, the arrangrment of the diffT'-nt oflicers or public bodies in that publication, rannot in ariywif<; aflc£t any pre ccdenrc, which either of them refpeftively may be entitled to. The Printer will however be always ready to make <-ny alter- ation in the arrangement, which may be fuggeded upon good authority. LISTE CIVILE DE LA PROVINCE DU BAS-CANADA* 1808. J i V h : ♦** On croit necelTaire de dire, que I'Almanach de Qo^- ber n'cft pas, ni n'a jamais etc, unc publication OfficicUc ; ct que I'arrangement dei diffcrents Olficiers, ou corps, dan* f ctte publication, ne doit pas tirer k conf^quence quant a Icurs rangs, ou pref^ance refpeftive. L'Imprimeur fe fera, ce pendant, toujours un plaifir de faire tout changement qui paroitra devoir etre fait» fur dei bonnes autoritcs. CO- II -^^ T ■»1d- > \l ill ^ ; I . GOVERNOR, HlsExciLiiNCY Sir JAMES HENRIZ: CRAIG, Knight of cheMoft Hcnorabe Order of the B«itht Captain-General, and Governor in Chief in and over the Provinces of Lower-Canada, Upper-Canada, Nova Scotia, New-Brunfwick and their feveral Dependencies, General and Commander of all His Majefty*8 Forces in the faid Provinces <5f I^ower- Canada and XJpp(rr-C;inada, Nova Scotia an4 New- Brunfwick and their fevrral Pepepdencics, aad ia the Ifland of Newfoundland y ^c<, ^c, ^c. His Excellency Sir ROBERT SHORE MILNES, Baronet, Lieut. Gov. of the Province of Lower Canada. ' H. W. Ryland, Efq. 8ety, to tie Cover » GeneraU ■ Forbes, Efq* Lt. Governor of Gafpe. The Honble. the Legislative Council, The Honorable Henry Allcock, Sptt^kei*. Rt^ Revd. Jacob Lord BiOiop of Quebec* -ft He<]iry CaidwelK Chief juilice Monk, Sir J. Johnfton, Chartier De Lotblniere, pbl. Elzeard Tafcheieau* Mr. Juftice Williams "Mr. Juftice Dunn, Paul Roc de St* Ours^ Francois Baby, ^ < JofephDe Longueuil. ^ j C^irlesDeLanaudiere, V* I 3ir George Pownall kt« I.R. A. DeBaucherville \ WlUiam Smith, Efq. Clerk of the Parliament, Chas. Et. De Lery Efcj, Clerk Affiftant. James Voyer, Efq. Clerk af the Journals* Mr. Wm, Boutillier, Gent. V/her of the Black Rod Mr. James GrolTman, Serje/*:aat Arms, Mr. Francois Remain^ l>oor Keeper^ Mr. Louis Du Bord, MeJIlnger. Charles Bellouin, Office^ Kcej^er. ( '5 ) The Honorable the House of Asset^BLV, eledted july 1804* Third Seflion, Fc jrth Provincial Parliament. *^* Those in Italicks, were Members of the last Parliament, Speaker, the Honble, J* A. Panet. Gafpe\ George Pyke, CornwailiSf Js. N. Perrault, & Alex. Roi« Devortf Francois Bernler^ Se Jean BtQ* Fortin« Hertford^ Lcult Turgeon, & Eticnne Fcrreole Roy. Jobn Caldwell f &•■ Thomas 7*. Tascbereau* Buckingbamjhit Cy Louis Proulx, Sc Francois Legendce. Borough of Willlfim Henrys Jonat^m Sewell^ His !lajefty*s Atty. OcnL, Richelieu^ ^ Louis Bordage & Louis Bro4eur* Bedford^ Wm« Sturgc Nfoore. ^ Surrey^ Faul Luflier, Sc Jacques Cartier. Kent, Francis Vtgu & Pierre Wilbrenncr. Huntingdon* Jean Bte, Raymond^ Sc Alex. McKenzie, lent. Torkf John Mure^ Sc Euftache L« Dumont, tils. r Pf^eftwardf •s. j yames McGill^ Sc Louis Chaboillez. I J Eafiwardy \\ John Richardfon^ Sc Jean Marie Mondelet* ;§ I Comte\ ^Bcnjatn* Frobiflier^ Sc Louis Roy PorteUnce. J, U3« i fi ii' -v, % / Effingham* Thomas Porteous & Andre Nadon, Lelnfter, Chs« G. De Lanaudiere & Jac. Archambault* JVarivick, James Cutbbert, & Rofs Cuthbert. Three Rivers, Louis Charles Foucber, & ■ . St» Maurice* David Monro, & Michel Carron. Hampjhire, Lr. A. Juchr. Duchesnay, 3c Joseph Plante. /- Comte, . I Pierre A. De Bonne Sc Michel Bertbelot, ^ V Upper^Toivn, Jean Antoine Panel y Sc John Blackwood. Loiver'l'oivn, ^ Louis Pc Salaberry, & .^oi>« Toww^. Northumberland* 7, ilf. P©«//>», & Pierre Eedard, Orleans* JerSme Mar tine au* Samuel Phillips, ilfquire^ Clerk* Mr. W. Lindfay, Junr. Clerk Affijiant* Mr. P. E. Delbarats, French Tranjlator, William Phillips^ Clerk to attend Commit tees ^ and copying clerk, Mr; Ant. Parent, Serjeant at Arms* Pierre Labadie, Houje keeper* Auguftus Welling, Mejfenger* Louis Lefevrc, ? n i/- . Sticnnt Droletle, $ Door-Kteftn. 1 Th( I The ( '7 ) The King's Honble. Ex e c u t i v e Cou n c i l The Honble. the Chief Justice Rt. Revd. Jacob Lord Bifhop of Quebec. John Lees^ John Young, Jenkin Williams^ John Cralgie, P. L. Panet, ]ohn Richftrdfon. J- ^Thomas DuNNy I P.R.cjeSuOur^^ I I Frinjois Baby, ^ J JofephdeLQng.ueuil9 ^ ] James M«GUi. g I Chief jufticeJIionk, ^P. A. Debonne* Herman Witfius Ryland, Bfq^ Clerk, Xavier de Lanaudiere^ Efq. French Tranjlator and Seer, F. Romain, Door-keej^er^'-^Kigc Guay, Meffenger, QFFiCERS OF DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS. Tho. Amyot, Efqr* Secretary fif Regifier of the Province, John Taylor, Eiqr. Deputy Secy, & Regifier of the i*r evince. H. W. Ryland^ Efc^u'ire, Clerk of the Crown in Chane» Hon. Henry Caldwell, Efquire, Receiver-general* John Hale, Efquire, Auditor and InfpeSor General of Accompts, Jofeph Boucbeite, Efq. Surveyor General. Thonnias F^rgues, Auditor of Land Patents, Fred. Eart, Efquire^ Naval Officern , Hon. G. E. Tafchereau Efq, Superintendant Poft bouses,. Lt. Col. Fieury DefchambauU Efq. iate 109th Regt. Dep. Agent for Indian affair i, Ljuis De Salaberry, 'JUg^x* Djsputy Superintendant of the St, Francois and: Ak^naquis Indians, (jco. Hawdon,^Efq. Storekeeper General to the Indian Department. Geo. Longniore, Efqr. M, D. Health Officer of the ^ott of Quebec. Hon. 4if '.: \ r. »i .SI m ( 18 ) Hon. G. E.Tafchereau, Efq. Grand Vo^tr Quebec John Antrobus, Efq. Grand Voyerlbree^R'wert, Louis Rene Chauffcgros De Lcry, efq, do. Montreal. William LeMaitre, Efq. Grand Voyer G^fpi. Paul Lacroix, Surveyor of Hifrbways dthovf tbp long Sault on the Ottawa River, John Coffin, Efq. Infpee. ofForeftt and Police, ^luehec. j. B. Ic ComtcDupre, E(q. Injp, of Police fMontr/aL Jofeph Plante Eiq. InspeSior General of the King*s Domaine apd Greffier du Papier Terrier. Mr. John Bentley, Infpeff or of Highway Sp Quebec. Louis Chjirlandy Efq. ditto at Montreal. Mr. William Burns^^ jiuSloneer at Sluebec. Mr* Jean Bouthiliiefy JnfpeSor of Pet and Pearl Ajbes at Montreal, Mr. Chas. Fremont, ditto at Sluebec. ^aml. Phillips, efq. Infpeeior of Flour at ^ebee. Mr. Geo. Hobbs^ ditto of ditto at Montreal, Mr. Wm. Boutiilier Sc Mr. Anthony AnderfoHi /»• ipeaors of Beef & Pork for the Diftria of Sluebec. Mr. John Clark, 8c Mr. Louis La Montagne, inspect tors of Beef & Pork for the DiftrlSi of Montreal. Geoige Chapmany Clrrk of the Market at Sluebec f and Jiampiir ofnuelgbts and meajures, Louis Porlier, Ecuier, InjpeElot of the Hay Market and fiamper of Weight i and Meafures at Montreal, fames Kyle, Cierk ofehe Market at Montreal. Mr. William Martin, Infp, of Chimnies at Montreal. Mr. John Grout, InfpeSior of do, at Sluebec. Mr. L()uis Jofeph Le Proufl, do at Tbree'Rivertg and fiamper of Weights and Meafures, Commiifioners appointed by dedlmus potefiaremf to ad« m\ti\iitr Oaths to any perfun being in office with* in the Province of Lower.Qanada, C < jenkin Williams, 6f JH. W. Ryland, John Taylor. } W .8 r John Reid, < F. Forcicfy (.Dafid Roff^ ( >9 ) J. B»e. Di»rocher, Fus. Defrivieresy Jl .E V Hon. Louis Ch: Foucher. l-er » "11 Ch«les Thomas, |Ef<lu>r*«,' **^L «. - 5 Hugh Munro, ) Theophilus Fox, I EJ ^3 "iDaniclM'Pherfon, and J Wm. Crawford, Comir/iflioncrt to adminifter the Oaths to the Mem. hers of the Legtflature. Toha Coffin, Seniory and J «/. . . Louis Duniere, j • Cominjfioners for enquiring into theprinupUtand cbaraC" ten of Applicanti for Crown Lanus^ previous to tbi ijfuing of Grants* :'•} At Sluebee* At Tbree R ivtr$» William Lindfayy fenr John Coffin and Louis Monti aambert Lewis Gugy, > Charles Thomas, Efqrs.^ james Sawers, Efq. At fViUiam Henry* James M'GilU and > >r. ii>f . i fj. r> -ct f At Montreal^ Pierre Guy, Eiqrs. { Patrick Conroy, Efq. At St. JobnU. Rene Boileau, Efq* J^f Cbtmbly* Henry '■If' 'K liwi I *i I> I I' i il . iv; a fii W.i At MiJJiJkoulBay, Henry Rolter, John Ruiter, Phillip Luke, Efqrs, Mr. Jefle Pcnnoyer. ^Whi;"«F<'«'n'l I AtCaJti. Daniel MlPhcrfon, Efqr. 3 ''^ ) Cornmijf aires pour exe cuter le powvoir de/ain reparer Us Eglifes, l^c. &c, DISTRICT Dr <i.UEBEC, Thomas Dunn, G. Elz, Tachereau, Jenkin Williams, J« Bte* le Comte Dupre P. A. De Bonne, DISTRICT DE MONTREAL. Pierre Louis Panet, I Edward Wm. Gray, James M'Gill, ^ I Arthur Davidfon, Pierre Guy, | Louis ChaboHlez, Ecr?* Pierre Fortier. | DISTRICT DEs TROIS.RIVIERES; Thomas Cofllin, I Nicolas St. Martin, L. Chas. Foucher, | David Monro* Commillioners for the execution of an A&. of the 40th. Geo. III. for the relief of Infaoe PerfoBS, and for the fupport of Foundlings. <^U£BEC. Hon. John Craigie, Berthetot D'Artigny, James Fiiher, ^ Efquires, George Longmore, and Jofeph Plante, MONTR EAT.. Honble. James McGill, and P. L. Panet, George Selby, * "1 and > Efquires. Jofeph Perinault J thr'" ( *I ) THREI-RIVERS. Louis Chas. Foucher Thomas Coffin, and y Efquircs. Pierre Ignace Dalliebout ,} Committee to fuper intend the Hou/e of Cor» rtdion at Quebec, Hon, G.E. Tafchereau, John Coffin. Efquires.. Committee to Juperintend the Houfe of Cor- redion at Montreal, Pierre Fdretier, , I and (^haries Blake } Jean Philip Leprohon, Efqrs* CommiJJioners for the admivAjiration of the Eftatet hsretofore belonging to the late Or* der of J emit Si The Hon.Francr Baby, Thomas Dunn, • Jenkln Williams, Honble. H. Cald Berthelot Dartigny, H. W, Ryland well, Treafurer. 1 Commijponers for ereSiing a Bridge O'ver the Ri<ver Jacques C artier* Hont Gabriel EUeard Tafchereau, Jonathan Sewell, and the Hon. John Craigie. Trujleet for Improving^ Ordering and Keeping in Repair the Road from the City of Montreal to Lachinr, tbr?* the fVoody appointed under ihc PrO'vinciul ji£ly 46, Cap, XI, GEO. IlJd, vizt. Huiibies. James M'GiDi and John Richardfon. r Mm Jofeph ( 22 ) ■;: (I- t i ' I ■IP ' 1 < ■ 1 , ■ ' i\ h jofeph i*apineau, Ifaac W. Clark, Jofeph Frr/biflier, Louis Guy. and Jean Marie Mondrlet,. CommiJIiofiers for the ereSiion of a Court Houje at ^cbec. JFIon. Thomas Duiin, | Bertkelot Dartigny, Jonathan Sewelly | Efqi. — — ., Efq. T reafurer. Cominilfioners for the execution of An A£t to remove the old Walls that farrcund the City of Montreal. James M*Gill, 1 John Richardfony > Efqujres* . J?an Marie Mondeint, J Lewis Chaboillez, liifqr. Secretary. Under the Provincial A61, 47, Ueo. 111. Cap. XJl. Ronald McDonell, ovrrfcsr M the ^Salmon and other fiflieries in the Diftridt of Gafpe,to the weftward of point Mackarel. ■' _ ~ " • — ' — ' ■ Lommijftonersfur the ere&'wn of a GmI at Montreal* P. L. Pahet^ i i. Frobiiher. J. Ogden, I F. W. Armintinger. Treafurer & Clerk. Officers of (he Cus TO m s in the Province. Thomas Scott^ Efqr. Collector. Charles Stiwart, Efqr. Comptroller- Mr* Chs. G. 5tewart| Waiter^, Searcher^andCuager. Mr. Wm. Wiifon, Wai^.ei; Searchef Guag^r, and Sur- veyor for the art of Navigation. Auguftus Welling, Hugh McDonald, Tidcsmen" Mr. John GerbrandBeck;, Supe/mtendant Lt Montreal. Mr. William Kail, Inlpedor ic Vifitor at ditto. George M*Beath Efqr. Colledtor of Duties at the port of St. John, William Lindfay, Efqr. ComptrollT at ditto. Oliver O'Hara, Efq. deputy Colledor atNew Caiiiiflfc. Hugh 0*Hara, Efq. Deputy Cjiieaor at Gafpe. OF- fj -,a ( 23 ) OFFICERS Of ths General PoJi.Oj^ue in the Provinces ahd TJlandi of Britijh North America, George Heriot, EFqulrei Deputy Poft-Maftcr- General for the Provinces Of Canada, Ncw-Bruns- ivick, Nova-Scotia and their Dependencies. C Quebec - George Heriot^ -5 J Montreal . D. Sutherland, Three Rivers Edward^ •S'ills, Berthier - L. Olivier, ; Gaspe • Henry Johnson^ LBay of Chaleurs j. B. Mann. rCornwail - — , •5 Miles McDoncll, Samuel Sherwood, Thos. Deacon, Wm. Allan, Jofeph Edwards, •«, I (^eeoftown Thomas Dickfon, ^ I Chippawa Robert Mecklem, Wm. Hands, Jno. Brittain, W. G. Lavers, Osnaburg - Auguda * Kingfton • ^ York j Niagara • I Sandwich ( Halifax - •| j Windfor - t| .• Horton - I Annapolis Dlgby Livcrpocl . f Cape BretoD "2 3 Prince Edward's Eli (ha Dewolph, Alexander Burket, John Warwick. Elifha Calking, A. Dodd, J Prince Edward's > p r-u »• ) Ifland. \ ^' Chappd., •^LNewfoqadtanJ V I , <ii| *,T III* ' %-\ t I' '■ I i1 •;; '\ < k '; ( H ) ^ rSt. John . V/illiam Cimpbcll, 2 J Wellnioreland- James Watfon, ^ 1 Magerville Ifrael Pcrl«y, ^^Fndeni\on Stephen Jarvis. Packett In the Bay of FunJy* Schooner Matilda^ 50 Tons. Sloop Mary Ann^ 29 Tom* COURS DE JUSTICE DANS LA PROVINCE. Govs Pbotin CIA LX s^Appxl Le Gouverneur, le Lieutenant Gouverneur, ou /a Perfonne ayant rAdminiftration du Gouvernement, les Membies du Confeil Executify le Grand Juge de \» Frovlncei et le Juge en Chef de laCour du Banc du Roi pour le D\iir\6t de Montreal ou cinq d*entr*eux (let Juges de la Cour du Diftridt dans laquelle le Jugement don( eft Appel, a ete rendu, exceptes) Jacques^hepherd^Ecuier, Grtffier, COUR DU BANC DU ROI POUR LES CAUSES CRIMINELES. aQukbec* ^ I.*Honorable Henry Aleock, Ecuier, Grand Juge de la Province, et Juge en Chef dela Courdu Baocdu Roi pour le Diftri£l de Quebec* /N, Jon. Scwell, Ecuieri Prpcureur Central ^ Avocat Ceneral. J as. jStewarC, Efqr. Solttciteur GiniraU WiUiam Pollock, & Charles De Lery, Ecuiers ^Urci de la Courontje* / J 9. Tanfwell, Inter prete* WiUiam Reid^ Geolier, A Montreal. L*Honorable james Monk, Ecuier juge en Chef de la Cour du Banc du RQii.p.our le Diftri^ de Montreal* William Foilock et John Reid, Ecrs. Clerct de la Csuronm* cot a V ( »8 ) CoVR DE VlCB-A»IIIAVTt% Pour let Causes Crm'mtUes9 Le Gouverneury le Lieutenant Gouverneury lei Mem* bres du Oonfeil Legiilatif, ec autrei nommei dam la commifliony Juges.>— La Cour doic ctre compofce df fept Membrct au moint. jamei KLer, Ecuiery Juge, J. B, DeftimauTille, Ecuiery Greffier* Mr* John Campbell^ iAarubaU Le Grand {uge de la Province. Coua DU Banc du Rot pour ie Diilri£t de Quebec* Thomas Dunn, 1 Jenkin Willianafy VEcuiert) jugei* Pi A De Bonne, J O. Pyke 8c J. F. Perrault, EcuTerSj CreffierSi *a. Shepherd, Ecuier, Sheriff • ohn Wtn* Woolfey, Ecu'ier, Coronairt. I Cour Du Banc du Roi Pour le Diftri^l dc Montreal. Le J uge en Chef pour le Diftri^ de Montreal. P- L. Panet, 1 Kaac Ogden et S^EcuVers, jugei* Jamet Reid, j J. Reid, Sc S. deBeaujru, Ecuyers, Grtjiifu Edwd. Wm. Gray, Ecuier, Sheriff, Jonathan A. Gray, Ecuier, Corjonatre* Jacob Khun, Geolicr, Cour Provincialc Pour le Diftri^ des Trois.Rivieres* Louis Charles Foucher, EcuVer, un des juges de la Cour du Banc du Roi pour le Diftridt des Troii- Rivieirset juge Provincial. Charies Thomas, Ecuier, Greffier, t. Gu«y, Ecuier, ^Leriff D 2 W, ?• * :.. !»' ; V. I'm { 26 ) W. Pollock, Sc C. Thomas Ecrs, Cleradela Couronnt* Jofeph Ray, Geoiier. COUK PROVINCIALE Pour le Diftrift Infcricur dc Gaspe*. Wm. Crawford, Ecr. Juge ProvinciaU Francis Robichaud, Ecr. Grejier, Thomas Mann Ecr. Sheriff.-^ j, jefFeries, Ecr. €• Corporation of the Trinity-House o/* Quebec, under the Provincial ASi 45, GEO. Jlld, cap, XJL The Honble, John Voung, Maftcr. John Painter, Es^r.— Depy. Mafter & Trcafurer. Mathew Bell, James Irvine, Francois Boucher, Harbour Mafti A. J. Raby, -Supcrint. of Pilots, Alexander Auldjo, 7 *« f I'ran?. Desrivieres, J'vS's Wardens at Montreal, James Caldwell, jW ^ Officers* William Lindfay, junr. £lqr. Regifter and Clerk* Mr. >hn Campbell, Water Bailiff. Mr. Gabriel Francherc, Harbour Mafter of Montreal. Martin Chinic, fenr. afliftant examiner of Pilots for and below the Harbour of Quebec. o 11 * (afliftant examiners of I'rancois Be let, )o-i^ r j u^..- ^ ., * 5, . ^Pilots for and above Aiuoine Curreux,5t. Germain, ^ the Harb. of Quebec. T> RANCH Pilots for and helow- the harbour of S^uebec, • Matter « :er. f g. J I- Jw L Wardens at Quebec* Martin Chinniquy, pere, Charle^Savarre, lejeune, Guiliaume Lapoipte, I ierreLapointc, Charles Le Cour, fils, Francois Savarrc, ?. Dominique Harvc, Jos. -. Lavoie, Andre Rolet, Jofeph Bonet, William Rofs, I Dominique Marie^ • Guiliaume Deluga. I William Pettycrew, Jof. ( iofeph langloSsi •azile Frtjeaoty Jem Le Bruo^ {. Savarrei • Lavoie jeunCf >• M. Lavoicy B« Riouxy A« Coine Petit, Barthelmy La Chance, Louis Giberty Louift Le Claire, Jean Baptiftle Thibi ^ Jofeph DoiroDy fils. Francis Fifher, Peter Frafer, Charlei Savard, junior* Alexander Rofs. , Daniel Rofs, Jofeph Doiron, Pierre Martinet* Pierre Lavoie> iilt. »7 ) I Charles Doiron, Ba«ile Lapoinu, Jofeph Pouliot» Jean Dumas. Gabriel Chaflfeur, Abraham ChaiTeur, Francois LapointCj James Forbes, eaa Bte. Chaloux> ohn Rofs, Jofeph Tremble, Francois Demersy Francois Dumas* f Bertheiemy Pouiiotte, Antoine Roucelle, Michel Lemieux, Ambroife Dumas. Louis Demers, Noel Chouinaidf Gabt. Lachance* Mich* Lcmieuxy Branch Pilots for and above the harbour of Sluebe€» ^feph Burke, 7ean Godin, Etienne Papillon, Vincent Bronhomme^ Denis Lalie ditMaichetiere, Charles Pelerin* fils. ^ean Decarreau, pere* Francois Me^eau, Charles Laprife, Pierre Page, All. Alex. Bouchard, Francois Page, Michel Poire Auguftin Beliile, Pierre Dore« Charles Poire. Pierre Pag£ pefe> Aug* Dngal. Rates of Pilotage for the River St. Lanvrence. From Bic to Quebec, per foot, « /L • ^^ * From Quebec to Bic« - • s X4 s »3 ,ii) ! %* h '.li !' !' if'' i ■ i ' "li! 4 1! I < 23- ) LISTE DEI AVOCATS dans ia PROVINCE rjon. S€well, Procureur ct Avocat da Roi, • jas. Stewart, Soliciceur General, ' Berthdot D'Artigny, 1 J, A. Panet, Pierre Bisdard*. AJexis CaroQf ^ James Kcr, ^ I john Cafdwfll, ^-^ Olivier Perrault, ^ jofeph Lcya(lfeurBof|ja, Xavier De l^anaudiere, Jean Thomai TafchcrcaUj, I John Kohf Junr* I Edward Bowec, I Pierre Martin Dufau» - Antoinf Louis Levesquey LGco, Vanfelfon^ Thomas WalJier, Stephen Sewell, Charles Francois HamdiA| David Rofs, James R^id* Jofeph Bed^rd. i ^ Narcifle Panet. I S Dennis B. Vige, ^ I Janvier Domptail LacroiXy Bei^jamin Beaubien^ David Ogden, Francois Xavier Bender^ Jean iSoch RoUand, Pierre Dom. Debartich. Louis Michel Viger, Fred. Aug. Q^efncl, Hugh. Frafer, ^Andw. Stuart, .■ r .,4 '4 ' 3 «a «9 ) rM .5? 3 ••,T f Pierre Vezina^ • I A.Berthelot,& g ^ Pre. Jhs. Chcvrcfils, m [ Rofs Cuthberty Ijofeph Comeau- 'Ecuiers* . f JUG£S a PAIX pour le Diftria de QUEBEC. Les Membres du Confeil Legiflatif tt Executif* Les Juges Jela Cour du Bartc du Roi pour lesjDiftrias de Quebec, Montreal & Trois Rivleies, Thomas Scott, Malcolm Frafer, John Coffin, fen. Jacques Perrault, Louis de Salaberry, John Blackwood, John Painter^ Jgnace Aub. deGafpe Charles Pinguet, Pafchal Tache, Charles Riverin, Mathew M'Nider, Thomas Wilfon, Thonoas Allifon, Ralph Rofs Lewen, William Lindfay, Nicolas Boiileau, J. B.Couillaid, Lauchlin Smith, Auguftin Trudelj Pierre Di 9 Jofeph de la'Fontaine"! Gamelin Launiere, Ls. de la Gorgcndiere Ifaie Boudrot, G. Altfoppi jua. Lou lis Belair, Robert Slade, Louis Chaperon, A. J.. Duchefnay, fils ^ Peter Frafer, Felix Tctu, .^ Pierre Cafgrin, \ g John Mure, f M James Irvine, Mathew Bell, LouisiR. Fremont, Louis' Marchand, Louis Duiiiere, Loui* Turgeon, Sir I faac Coffin, bt. i 1 Trudel, *% ^ti Sir Ifaac Cothn, bt. uchouquet, I S P. FranklinColbeck. J. Baptifte Morin, I S* Tremble, Jofeph Riverin, 3 ^ Ant. Riverin, ^ } Wm. Crawford, Provlncal. Joge of Gafpe, "" Thos. Pierre jofli. | Philip Robin, Tafchereau, I Peter Doucet. jean Bte« Tilly Noel, | Geo. Pykc & J.F. Pcrrault,Ecuiers, la Paisc, '■» ,i> *^*i. '■■■ i mm I } '^^ M i L r " ■; 1. ' Si,. ' i 't^iV ii ''111:-: ,''i ' { 3 ) JUGES a FAIX Pour le DISTRICT dc MONTREAL. Les Membres des Conieils Legiflacif et Executif. Lesjugesde la Cour du Banc du Roi pour ies Dif- xt'iSts de Quebecj Montreal Sc Trois Rivieres, et Pierre Fortier, JorephZ^robiibery John M'Kindlay, Thomai M'Cord, Patrick Murray, Chriftopher Carter, LouitLamare Porlier, Etne. Dechambault, Laoruere Montarville P. M. De'Lavaltrie, Henry Kuiter, ' Chriftop* Sanguinety Francois Maihiot| Paul Litcroixy Patrick Conroy, J. Bte. Bruyere, CDailieboutdeCuify L* M* de Couagne, J. Bte. HervieuXy Charles Blake, R. Cruickfliafiks^ Alexander Henry, Jofeph Lacroix, Jean Vienne, Le Gras Pierreville, Pierre BouthiUier, C. RocdeSt. Ours, Pierre Grile, Rene Bo'ileau, Eu.deiR.Beaubien. Hertcl De Rouvillr, J. Walker of Sor«l. Alexis Caron, 2 a O S Geprge M'Beath^ William Frafer, James Sawerf, ?ohn Richardfon, faac W, Clarke, Alexander Auldjo, Thomas Forfyth, Wm. Maitlandy Jofeph Papineau, Robert Jones, James Hughes, James DuAlop, Duncan CanieroQ, Jofeph Tur,geon, William Lindfay Nathaniel Co£n, Jelfe Pennoyer, Calvin May, Gilbert Jennie, Philip Ruiter, Pierre Guerout, John Whitlock John Steele, Jean Marie Mondelet Fran<^ois Roltand, John Fergufon, Louis Chaboillez, fils Ephraim Nafh, Phillip Luke, Henry Collins, Oliver Barker, Daniel Robertion, S o a r 1) ( 31 ) Edward Cartwrlght, Louis Guy, fils. Francois Defriviercs, J. Fhilipe Leprohon, Jean BoutiUier, J. Baptitte Durocher, Hyp. St. Geo. Dupre Venant St. Germain, James Cuthbert, Alexander Cuthbert, Barthelemy Rocher, Bonaventure Panet, Hugh Munro, Thomas Porteous> Michel Turgeon, Jacob Oldham, N. £. Dumont, fils, Pierre Remi Gagne, }de LaBroquerie fils OS* Quefnel, Simon Z. Watfon, Louis Olivier, Nicolas Bayard, P. Hebert, £dm. Henry, J. Bte* Raimond, J. E. Faribaijlt, . Laurent Leroux, Alex. Mabbut, Jacques Lacombe, Jos. S. Germain, S. Anderson, Wm. Byrne, Ph. Byrne, H. Delorme, Jofeph Hebert, Sam. Willard, H n< £3 ■■John Lane, Frans* Lapierr Wm. M'Gillivray^ Cha. Gafp. Lanaudiere, Etienne Paftnay, Jacques Archambault^ ^ Etienne Duchefnaye, Aa.broife ^anguieiiet> A itoine Filbion, Wm. Sturge Moore, Jonals Abbot, George Cook, Hic Salts, Henry Monfey, Henry Denyke, ' P. Dulatime, Jean DciTauies* Pctet Benedict, William Keii, James Caldwell, Et. N. Su Dizier, OS. Douaire Bondy, ona« Fuller, Pierre Rotot, Louis Raymond, Htnry R'-iter, Joel Ives, John Savage, Jos* Baker, Richard Adams, Philemop Weight, William Bullock, Thomas Hubbard, Jno* Wightman, jofcph Pbwer, Leon Lalanne, jn« Manning fenr. J no. I' ■m ; IS 1 1 nil" F4 M) ;' »■■•• '111 Bi, ' %f', \^ri] w\ n^ ik> 1^- iU' H 11 ri ^'•'-l 1 f pis wh ^ m;l'S , Indian Territory, fD«ncanM*Gillivray, n I Wm. M«Gillivray, l'*^ Rod* M*Kensie, S t Sir Alex. M<Kenxie| Ljohn Ogilvy. ( jno. Odd, jr. John M*Callum, ChaSk Kiiborn, Simon Frarei^ Henry M'Kenzic. L. R. C. Dc Lery, james Finlay, Paul J. Pinfonnaulty iSeraphim Cherier, John Reidy Ecuier, Greffier de la Paix. JUGES a PAiX Pour Ic DISTRICT dcs rROIS RIVIERES. Les Membres des Confeils Lcgiflatif et Executif* Les Juges de la Cour du Banc du Roi pour les Diftridli de Quebec^ Montreal (?t Trois Rivieres* Thomas CoHin, Nicolas Montour, J. Bte. Perraulty Nic. St* Martin, John Antrobus, Pre* Ig* Daiilebout, He£tor McLean* Jofeph Badeau, Geo. Dame, David Monro, Lewiii Gugy, Jcffe Pennoyer, Oliver Baker, Patrick Conroy, Henry Cull* Pierre Crefle, Amable Belaire, Pierre St. Cire, P. Antoine Bam, ■^ L. Jofeph Leprouft* I ? P. M.DeChamplain, I ^ L. de Tonnancour, ^fc Antoine Courval, I 2 £tienne Le Blanc, I 3 Ben. Jos* Frobidier, j * yo. Ant. Crevier, de Su Francois* Louis Gouin, Pierre Jos. Heroux, Ant. Gagnoii, Mofes Wicoies, Gilbert Hyatt, Wm. Barnard, Emd. Heard, Jofijh tVawers, Charles is^ilbori), , Ezra Ball, J. Bte. Tozeaii. jaiTies johnfton. t4 3 « Zac'iary Maraulay, Joachim Lanoaette, Charles Thomas Ecuyer, Coronairt et Greffier de la Paix^ ( 33 ) JUGES a PAIX Pour le DISTRICT INFERIEUR dt GASPE. Les Membres des Confeils Legiflatif et Executif. Les Juges de la Cour du Banc du Roi pour les Diftridtt de Quebec, Montreal Se Trois Rivieres. 1 Hugh Monro, Daniel M<Pherfon, Hugh 0*Hara, TheophilusFox, Richard Nevifon, johnBeek, j.Bte* dela Fontaine^ George Duthie, Pierre Loubert, a o e a Oliver 0<Hara, Thomas Sherrer, Michel Lepage, C barles Cavenaugh, Edward Man, james Drummond^ Edward 0<Hara, Jas* Stuart and Philip J^obin. •^ 5, I Pe:er Doucet, Franfois. Robichaud, Greffr, de la Paix, i MEDECINS, CHIRURGIENS, itc. Pour le Diftria de ^ebec. Tat. Fiiher, M* D. "1 Chirurgiens appointes ^our € •^ G ^ Longmore ^ examiner ceux qui de* II 'Ignite Fricdell, luvert, ; Laiancet rigntce Fricdc PChicouDi 2 I P.L.B.ditLs ^ { johff Cond. Juft, ^ I Francois 5uzar, I jofcph Karih* |5 (, Wm* Holmas* J mandent des Licences* LlCENGlE*S« P. de S. Ltterriere "1 F. Dohren, Liveright Puise, F. Potdevin, J. Denechaud, Thomas Hutton Francis BUnchet* 6'amuel ttol aes^ Jab.Cockburn, [G«>'.J . Jane Drew Orchard & Maru»ne Mackey, Midwivei. i C. ^ im l'.H Hr !?'> !'., • ^!* ii a ( 34 ) MEOECINS, CHIRURGIENS, ftci Pour le Diftria dt Montreal. 'charles Blake, m \ George Selby, I } Richard SymeSj IS 1 Henry Loedcl «g I john Rowand) \j. X. Bender. \ J V Chirurgiens appointes , \ pour examiner ctax qiit demandent des Licences* LiCENCIl's* r. ) 1 chirurgiens, ApothicairesI et Accoucheurs* John Bowand, \ jean claude Lehoulier. J Hern. Mclchior Ebcrts George Stubenger, Henry Loedel, George Meyers, C Marie Antoine Vigneau, rchlrurgiens et apdthicaird Auguft Giobenikynd, I Moses Nicolls, ^enj. Green. J. Brown Chamberlain, Franjois Rieutord, Daniel Arnoldi, Henry Munro. J. Bte. Rieutord, Alexander Talham, Aug. Benj. Schiller, Chas. Grisingher* Simon Frafer, Augoftin Leonard, Timothy Johnson j Abner Rice, los. Lafage, Robert Sheldon, John M'Lauchlin, John H. Ferris, Henry Porter, John Carter. I J ycbirurgieod' ■ I J '. Chirurgiens Aj / Apothicairc^ J John k,inlaid> Wm. Bar, L« Am. Cafeneuvey Jonas Abbot, Geo. Wadfwoith. C. Lyman* jofeph Borgne, Theodore stein, charies schiller, Charles The^el> GuUlaume La Bat, Anthony Bertbe. Marie la Vidtoire^ Jofeph Boifmenu, Marie Major, ( S5 ) « s Apothlcalre* J I faigaeurfl et aracheurs de V dents- >Accoucheufes» LISTE DKs NOT AIRES. De LA Province ou Bas-Canada« Miutreu Charles Voyer, Jofeph B. Plante, Roger le Lievre. Felix Tctu. fearth. Faribault; Michel Bertheloty Jacques Voyer- Simon Frafer, Nicolas B, Doucet, ]. M. Faribault, Auguftin Larue, Louis H. Latour, Jos. Desforges, Jean Fras. Fourncl, Gamelin Gaucher, Jacques Boucher, Louis Barbeau, Abraham Turg^on, Rdlidence. Matt rex. Mich. Sauvageaux John Jones, Junr. Martin Martineau^ Peter Laforce, A. de la Chevotiere, Jean Belanger, Thomas Lee, C Jean Fras. Mercure^ Lonis Bourdages. Ant. Amable Pret, i. Marie Callieux, . Bte. Conftancin, Louis Brunelie, Jofeph Vezlna, F. G. Lepailleur, Ante. Robin, J. M.C.Duvernayy J. B(e. M'Bcan, Ifi 'V ' ti ( :,' fl '•J ;; \n.l y^i- ( 36 ) Jfidore LtrtCquCt Ant. Alexis Dubois, Louis Guay. Leuis De Coigns, jofeph J8ruaei| jofeph Roi, Louii Bernier. District de Quebec. Corz ou NoRo. Fran9ei8 SaffeTiUc, Baie St* Paul* Jean Btc. P^net, ^ Lorette. Frai'^G-iXv; IsrI u5c. LaPo'nteaux Treitiblcs. A* 'irude'y * &i. Anne Laperade« John Walihy Lotbinicic > Louis Miray, Stc^arie, St* Jofeph, St. Francois en la Nouvelle Beauce, St. Nicholas, rifle d'Orleans, Louis Turgeon, 5Is, a St. Charles* Jofeph" RiverJn, St. Valicr. Nicolas Gafpard BoilTcau. ? n c^ rr-L T r» T ►- « - ' >a J>t. i nomas. J. C. Letourncau, 3 Auguflin Dionne, Riviere Quelle. Bernard Dubergps, > . iCamouraska Thomas Pitt, J * K^amourasJca. ViLLE DE Montreal. Mattres* Jean DeliUe, J. Jacques Jorand, J. Papineau, J. Gerbrand Beek, |. B. Dcfeve. Louis ChaboiUet, Matt res, Pierre Lukin, M. MonddSt, A. Gray, Thomas Barron* Charles Prcvoft, Louis Guy, J. IW Jon. J. G Deliile, I Isle de Montreal. Louis Thlbaudeau, La Pointe Cliyre. IsLi Jesus. AHjuilid Ckalelltcr, St* Rofe. Cote* VaudreaiU idem. Soulanga* S St. Euftacbe. Terrebonne* i L'Aflbmption. > Berthier* } ( 37 ) COTI* DV NO&0« J* B* H. Deguirei • Ant. Gartieiy jofeph Gabrion^ Pierre Rf my GagnVf F. J , BcUefeuille^ jofeph Turgeon^ Bar«> t, liouis Raimondy M. D* De Glandons Fr« A. Deseryy Cote' du Sud. horn* Demeffi Chateauguayi Edme. Henry, Ignace Bouraifai Paul Th. Pinfonault> Pierre Gauthier, P. GedeonVallee, Riviere Chamblx* F. Medard Petrlmoulx^ St. Olivier. Rene Boileau, Francois Leguayi Chriftophe llichaui Louis BonneCy Pierre Paul DutaUnei Henry CflcbaiTay William Henry; Lac Champlain. Leon Lalancy Baye Mifliikooi. District pes Trois«Riviikis* TO/Ip des Trots 'Rivieres* Jofeph Badeauxy | Etienne Ranvoys6. Charles Pratte. Riviere Yamaska. Louis PIcard, La Praiite BoucherviUe* VerchereSf St* Jofeph« BeloBii. St. Denit4> I" i Ours* Pierre Gauthitri fill ,5 St. Hiacinthe* I % Cote' 'fM ■A' h *■ '} { 3« ) Cote du Nord. Jofcph Cadet, L*Ormiere* Antoinc Gagnon, > j^j^.^^^ ^^ Loup. ^ n ^ CdTi DU SuD. >rv':-»lrr Antoine Robin, St. Fran^ii. .r /^ Francois Louis Dumoulin, Niqoiet. - >. * L '. — «fc^ J.1STE DEs ARPENTEURS dans laProvincb Jofeph Bouehette, Ecuier, Arpenteur General ie la Province. JefTe Pennoyer, ^ Theodore de Pencier, Jeremiah McCarthy, Tent, wm. Vondenvelden, S. Z. Watfony William Fortune, Jean Bte. Demers, Ckarles Tourgcion, Amable Dezery, Francois Le Gendre, H. le Maire St. Germain Louis Perrault, Jofeph Kilborne, Jean Bte. Bedard, Nathaniel Coffin, Pierre Beaupre, Jean Bte. La Rue, John Collins Antill» Louis Charland, Benjamin Ecuyer, William Sax, Jofeph Frafer, Ignace Plotrtondon, fih. Jean Bte. Courtal, ohn Gaudet, Jofeph Fortune, Jofeph Martel, feremiah McCarthy, Jtp Henry 0<Hara, ^ Pierre Lambert, H. Roi, ditDejardin, JStienne Guy* Francois Fournler^ Theodore Davies. ' Charles Laurier, Louis Le Gendre, ChriftopberS. Bailey, Peter Weilbrunner, John Frederick Dame, Modefte Pratte. '* Jofeph Whitman, [oel Ackley,. jofeph Senet^ Pierre Dery, Michel Dwyer, Jean PlomanJon, j in Antoinc Boutlliier, Robert Smith, John Dwyer, I Pierre R»ttot, LISTE ( 39 ) LISTE oBsENCANTEURS Licinciis. William Burns, johnWm. Woolfcy, John Jones, jamcs Oray, joieph jones, Thomas White, Thomas Cary, Roger Lelievre^ Francois Page, JLouis Boucher} Andre Dubord, Pierre MaHe, ToOeph Saucier, Peter Amiraux* fos. ProvaHi Wiiliam Travis, Aug'.iftin Cavillier, John Connolly^ John McLean, Thomas Aylwin, john Harknefs, Xos. FUmand^ Alexander Henry, jerome Bardel, J. B. Morin, And. Collmyery Louis Provender, Elizabeth Nathon^ jean Desforge?, . Nicholas Graham » George Graves^ !• B, Bondy, William Henderfon, W. P. Fleming, William Grant, junr Guillme, Peladeau^ Alexander Mabbut> John Sandford, Bonaventure Panet, judah jofeph. Tbree-Rivsrt. james Frafer, J. F. Dame, J?enjamin Hart, Alexander Harr^, -*, . !•■ % i ',r '■■> I ^!-l Mil % MILICES DU BAS.CANADA. ' <l E4 ^^ SI ' t if WW"' ' hA in J r ' W ! I'. . a! ii;m I rv'l t: I 1^ r I •» ■'■■ I '■i ' t 42 ) Dijiri^l dt Quibcd 8 Di'vijion:. F rentier e Divtfion de la Ville, Jean Bapt'ifte Lecomte Dupre, Colonel, P. A. De Bonne, Lieutenant Colonel, ' J. F^ Perrault. Major, Catitahet a Shebec* Barthy. Faribault, A. Carron, Jac. Voyer, F. Ta*, C. De L6ry, • J, L. Borgia, Martin Chinic, F. F. Baillarge, J. F. Perrault, F. X. Durcttc, Pi'^rre C. Dumas, Francois Pinguec, X Germain* O. MafTue, T. Lee, fili, J« Lcblond, m» MILICES DU BAS CANADA. Tormant 26 Divifions, 0*apres let re tours du mm de Dec, 180 6* Aug. Cermain, J. B. Corbin, Pierre Laforce, Claude Denecheau^ P. Bedard, Lieutenants* I Louis Robitaiile, Geo. VanfelCnn, Louis Plamadon, Louis D^rlamare, Fh- De Gafpe, B. Lemoine Defpins, H. lemoine Defpins, Jh. Duvert, Ld. Gauvreau, J. Leblond, His, Ch. Dcrome, fill, Officiers attaches a l^Etat Major , en V'tlle, J. B. Dtftimauville, Lf Adjutant. Fr^. Blanche*. ChirurV»en, V. Beaupre. Scrgeot Major, Caft' (V \ ) f S • Ctf^itainei dans let Paroiffe** Pierre FerUnd, St. Pierre, Francois Crderaro,' Jofeph I^epage, <9 3 L Louis Geneft, jVan Labrecque Fereol Roy, Etienne Carrier, Ch. Prevoft, Louis GolTelin, LdTard Bulieau, Jofeph Margeau, J. RuelUn, Germain Blondeauj Pierre Bonneau, Sit* Famiile, %u Francis, <St. (eany St. Laurent) Beaumont, . \ St. ChariffS, J St. Gcrviiric, \ St. Michel, I St. ValUcr^ Charles Bouchard, Aidet-Majori dam ies Paroiffes* Louis Butfier, A. B. C. de Beaumont, M. Labonte, J. B. Boivin, C Foucher, irie d'Orlcans. Beaumont. St. Charles ct Si. Ger. vais. St. VaHer. St. MicheL De:txieme Ditiijion de la ViUe. G. E. Tafchereau, Golonel. j. A. Panet, Lieutenant Colonel. C. Pinguet, Major. Capita'mei a Sluihec, Charles Fremont, | J- Bouchctte, O. Pcrrault, F. Levesque, P. Bruneau, J. Drapeau, A. O. De Lanaudiere. P. £. Desbarttt, M. Berthelot, liis, ,^"Srl LUu* ii * ' 1^ It ■^ 1 tiW" M W' ; I •} i i 1,1 1 ,1' *:h :j?)P:!1 :-H "'., >'^ M« Bertheloty Mkhel Sauva|C«tif P. Ldngloitf Fnin9ois Duval, fill* Bernard Ant. Panct, Louis Levesqme, Jerome Mattineau, Michel Clouette, Antoine Cugoety Jofeph Carmel ( 44 ) Lieitttnantt* Jean Beltonger^ jofeph PoffioDy Ch. Pioguet, Ph, Panety J. B. L^bfOurdaiSy L. Theodore BeiTerer* George Farnbault> Pierre Brun^u, Roger Raby, jofeph LanAo* Etat Major tn yUU. P. M. Dufaux, OfficUn attaches a I ..—^-. ^ J, T, Taicher^au, Cap. ct Aidc-Major, Louis Montifamberty Lt. Adjutant* Paul Morin, ^ergeoc Major. CapitaineiiapiUiParotlliu ^ Louis CantiHy ) Jean Samfon* ^ Pointc Levy^ Jean Poire, Jean Crep^auj^ Louis Buffiere^ Jofeph Jolin, Fran9ois Vcrre^ttf GuUlaume Provoft^ Fr. Eonnevilla* Ives Chiquet* }. Roi. (can Bte. Demers, perc ) «. xt- u- J. B, Demers, hU. \ ^'' Nicolas. J. B. Noel, Antoiae Hamel, J. B. Lemai. Louts Lemai • Xavier Adam, St. Henryi >^te. Marie. St. Jpfephy St. Francois* St. Antoine. Stc. Croixy Lotbinicre. St. Jean rEchaMlon,^ Aides- Major dam la ParctjT.s T.P.J., ■>oarl«i**>"*<>^^» PoifJte Levi, L, Larakr: iJ £..>, Irot^, ('" ? ( 45 ) Trol/ume Divifion it la Vttlem John Halei Colonel. Lieutenant:-CoU.nd« Thomti Scotty Major. Ca?ITA1N8. 1 ftmes Shepherd, 'Samuel PhiUips, John Cofiiny Robert WooWcy, John Coffin, junior. First Lie Robert Morrogh, John Young, William Smith, John Caldwell, Wm. Lindfay, jr. John Rofi* Ifaac Roberts, John Painter, Charles Stewart, John M<Cor4, A* Fergufon, Second George Symes, Thomas Place, ]ohn Patterfon, ^d%;;i;d Bowen, William Lans, William Burns, James Tod, Mathew Ljmbarner^ I rr J 5 m s% t% John J John* David WTINAHTI. ^ • Tohn Jones* Munro, Monro, iohn Mure, iathew Bell, Gilbert Ainflie, James, James Irvine, George Pyke. Angus Shaw, James Stuart, LXIUTINANTS. Charles W. Grant, James Rofs, Fred. Graur, John Colt man* John 0*Bryen, Adjutant, Thomas Richards, Qr, Maftcr, James Daviulbnt Surgpon, Joi'eph Stillon, Serjeant. Major. o ^atrt' { ,1?I ' I 'H ^ i -i ': ' ' 1, { < 46 ) Huatrieme Divifion di ^ehu'» Francois Baby, ColoneU Adjt* Gcif* Loi^is Maichand, Lieutenant ColUieK X» Roc De Lanaudiere, Assift. de i'Adjc. Genu Major. Capitaines dam Us Paroijjei* Rcnt^ Trottier, Jos. De La Chevroiicrc. Va\x\ Perrault, A. Mercure, Francois Bertrand, jenn Ble. Marcoc(e, Francois Trepanier, Frans. Bertrand, JL. Jofeph ProuiXy lit. Dore. J. B. Vezina. R. Hamel, Jofeph Dufrefne, Alichel Alair, J. B. Panet, j. Barbaux. jiide- Majors dans Us Paroiffes, P. Gendron, Lc8 Grondtnes, Louis -^oudirau, Defchaoibault. Pieirc Morijlet, pap-Sante. F. X Larup, Point aux Trembles* K -. ain Vallierc, St. Auguftin. J. Delifle, Ste. Foy. t, PaLo;lle, Jeunc Lorettc. ]. PUmondoDy Ancienne Lorette« Les GrondineSy > Defchambault]^ /C4p Sante, Ecureuils, > Pointe aux Trembles, > St, Auguftin, Ste, Foy, V Ancienne Lorette, Si eune Lorette. i. Divificn de Beaufort^ Lou's cie Saiaberry, Colonel* ifint. Is. Juchereau Duchcihay, Lieutenant Colocelt Akxis <.:arr( n, Major, j . Vif ui. Woollf ' , C ->. Aide-Major* T^/i- ( 47 ) Cafitaines dans les Paroiffks, Jacques Jobin, Charlefbourg. 1\ Giroux, Botirg Royal* Paul Rainville. | » LiffardPvcnt; fBcauport. Gabl. Httoti 9 !Fran9ois LefTardy L. Boucher, J. M. Pouliiiy L'Ange Guardieoy Chateau Richer, iSte. Anne du Nord, St. Fcreol, St. Joachimy Division de la ^aie St» PauU Malcolm Frafcr, Colonel. Jofeph Dufour, Lieutenant Colonel Ant. Rivfrin, Major* Capitainti dam Us Paroiffes J. B. Menard, Jofeph Cote, J- B. Trembla;, Marc Gagnoni Jean F. Tremblay, Louis Bouliao> Bay 5t. Paul. X La Petite Riviere, LUIle aux Coudres, Les Eboulemens, LaMalbaie, ouMurraj hay Divlfion . de St, Thomas* I^ace Aubert de Gafpe, Colonel* J* B. Morin, Lt. Colonel. Charles Riverin, Major. J. B. Couillard Cap! taine et Aide- Major. Louis Chiperon, Aide-Major. Ca^italnes dans les Parojffes* Jo). Beaudoin, Jos. Frafcr, Michel Blais, Louis Blais, Jacques Nicole, Jofeph Couture, Charles Tache, Berthier, ou BellechaiTe. Su Francois, > 5t. Pierre, 1 St. Thomas, ; 'f PVuI I< S 0, *:;i,' V 'if-fYi i<:;fl 't - iL rl^l^ Paul Berniery Jofeph BoHci •j.BteCouilltrdD^fprls J. Couillard Defprc, ran^ois Duvaly y mon Frafer, Siaa M. Caftonguay Agapit Lavoiey L' Boucher, F. Fournter, ( 48 ) i Cap St. Ignace, L'lflet, St. Jean, Portjoli, I SU Roc, Ille mix Grues, ^ Aides»Majors» St. Thomas. St. Jean, Portjoli. Divifion de Kamourajka* Jacques Perrault, Colonel. Pierre Duchouquet, Lieutenant Colonel. Pafchal Tafche, j Peter Frafer, C Majori* Jean Michel Hauffeman, j Capitaintt dans let Farotjfts* Sebaftien Ouellette, 1 e». a BcnoitRoy, J Ste. Anne, Jof. Boucher, fits de P. 1 j^.^.^^^ ^^^j, Jou Boucher, nlsde Jos. \ Benjamin Michaud, Pierre 5iroy, Anfelm Robicheau, Paul Rioux. Aug. Trudele, Ft Quirouet, r. Caltjrain St. Andre, Cacona et Ifle Vertc Riviere desCaps et du Loup, Trois Piftoles, Rimoufky, Aids%'Major» St. Anne. Riv. Oaelle. ( 49 ) Hj/friJf da TROIS RIVIERES. Devx Divisions. Vivifion du Nord. Thomas Coffin, Colonel, Louis C. Foucher, Lt. Colonel* Nicolas St. Martin^ Major yUU et BanVttu det Trots Rivieres* Cafitaines. Antoine P. Courval, I Labadie de Tonancour^ Modefte Pratte^ | N. B. Doucet, Aide- Major. Lieutenants, P. Vezina, ^ofeph de Normanvkle, Jofeph Lotiehvitle, i. Badeaux, lalcolm Frafer^ B. Doucety A. ^ertheloti Enjeigncs, I Rene Klaft>crt» CapUatnes dans Us Parbi/Jis* . *" ^U^f . . > Forges St. Ma^irl A» Graves, Snfeigne* y ^ Is. Iiart» ]• Lanoutte, Hyacinthe Marchand, £. I. Frobiihery Capt. jos* Leblondy Lieut, j. R* Acres, Enfeigne, A. Marchand, Jean Trepagny, - J. Alexandre, Ant, Crevier, Jofeph Biron, Antoine Lefiear^ P. j. Heroux, L. Gugy, Antoine Auge, joieph LefagCy j. Fianchcre,. 1 ] St. Anuc. • Forges de Batlfcan> Riviere des Envies* Ste. Genevieve, Champlain. Cap la Magdelaine, IVince du Lac, Machicbe, Riviere du Loup, A- ♦ • 1* • ;. 1 ^ *■ !' Am able Bell j ire. Ant. Marchandy Et. Le Blanc, B. J. Frobi/her, J, B, Corbia, L. Gugy, ( 5° ) Maikinongcy . L'Ormiere, ChampUin. Batifcan. L*Ormiere. Machiche. Divjjion de St, Francois, [ofeph Marie Tonnancour, Colonel* [can Baptifte Deftimauville, Lieutenant Colonel. J. C. St. Francois, Major. P. Baziny Capit. <% M. J. Tonnancour, Lt. ^Aides-Majors. P. Bazin, Ens. } Ca*''*amei dam les Parojffet, J. Btc. Brouiilardy F. Danisy Louis Schmidt, Pierre Bafiie PelilTicr F ', Defcheneaux, P. Dugucz^ filsy Aug u ft in Clair Houd^ Jean Bte. Lafcnd, Aug. Clair I-Toud, filsi Ffjnjois Pitic, J. Bte. Finard, Pierre Poirier, Pierre Cormier, B. Beauchene, F. Doucet, Daniel La Biflbnnieiei J. Morase, |st.Thoinasd'yamaika, ?St, Michel, D'yamaika, { St. Francois, >Baic Stei Antoln?, i Nficolet. St. Cjregoire. Lac St. Paul. > Becancour. Oentilly, .>^t, Pierre les Becquets. Eajiern li'o'wnjhips, Three Divisions, B^itjl Divijion. Sir J. Johrilori, Bart. Colonel. Georj^e M'i'cirh, Lieut. Culpncl. William Linvll-v, Major. jac-b Ciiet), C.^pr. Adjt. Cc:/tv>s ( S' ) Captaim in the Toivnjhifs Phillip Byrne, Cavalrjif St, johns A. Cheefemani J. Whitman, y. oddic, y. Wi'lfie, A. Oglivy, W. Perry, G. Barron, D. Cameron, y, Dewar, jafper Cool^. Dorchefter* La Cole. Oddlft Town. Hem:ningtord. 1 George Town & A^rwC- town hi BeauKaraoii^ H. Beft, C. Whci;, y. Baker, y. Hart, A. Lam^man, G. Sax, ^'ohn Savage, £• Knowlton, y. Porter, R. Adams, A* Shutz, '' P. Ruiter, Hinchenbronlc. S- Caldwell Manor Second Divijicn. Sir y. ^ohnfon, Bart. Coiooeh , H. Ruiter, Lieut. Colonel. Ph. Lake, Major. * Captaitti in the TownJiApu V V f St. Armi^nd' I Dunham* { Stanbridge, 5hefFord« 5tukeiy. Broom- Bolton. Sutton. PottonV ^ \ Captains jon, Rnap, jonas Abbot, yames Rcll, JOS. jolei, Jacob Ruiter, Wm. J^ohnfort Holt, ^oi* Powell, Troop of Horfe, belonging to different Tow»- ihips not mentioned in the Return. Tbitd Dinfifion. Sir y. 7ohnfon, Bart. Colonel. , Lieutenant Colonel. Henry Cull, Major. Captaim .^Y « <vr. i '1 iS'i i (.(•: ' ill ( S2 ) Ca/taim in r the T^vnjhifi, C. Kilburn» J y. Ruiter, ( Stanftea4. 7. Taplin, J 7. Btrtlet, Barnfton. T. Chiddock* Hereford, E. Hoveyi, Hatley. % Pennoyttf P« Conroy^ i Compton. I. Hubbirdy Orford. A. M'Dougaly Afcot. 7. Sawyer, Eton. J. Heard, Newport. D. Steel, Bromptofi. D. Miller, M«iburne. W. Barnard Shipton. W. Wadley, Kingfey* DudfweU, DxsTRict DE Montreal, i» Dxvxsioni. Premier Divifion de la ViUe. Colonel Edward William Gray, Lieutenant Colonel James M^Gill, Major ^. Jofeph Frobiflier. Cavitainis* Alexander Auldjo, Thomas Forfyth. Wm. Maitland, Robert Cruiclifliank, fames Caldwell, Edward Edwards, Daoiel Sutherland, Jonath. Abraham Gray, Alexander Henry, James Dunlop. CAriTAINBS LiXVTSNANTS* John Gray. Francis Defrivieres, John Richsfrdfon, R. Griffin, F. Badgley, F. W, Ermatinger, John Ogilvy, Wm. M<Gillivray, J. Forfyth, ^ir AlcK. M<Kenf le, Kt. Lieut. /' ( 53 ) LitVTBWANTI* Samutl Gerrard) George GardcB^ David Rofs, W. Hallowell^ James Wb«rrich> I Duncan McGilUvrav, Jofiah BUdckr. Roderick McKenile^ James Rcld, HSkibionbi* I Hart Logan, 'thomvs Blackwood IAlez. Allifon, Thoma>Thain, Stephen Sewell, jof* Frobiflier, jun. F. W. Ermatlnger Ajiitant, David David, Lt. ft Quartier-M^aiftre. Charles Blake, Chirurgien, Stepheh Jewell, Patrick Robertron, Thomas Yeoward, Mungo Kay, 'William Hunter, 6corge Gillespie, JPeuMteme Divijion dt la Villt» Pierre Guy, Ecuyer, ColoneL Maurice Blondeau, Lieutifenant ColoneU Jacques Hervieux, Major. Cafitainks. t.ouls Guy, ignace Lacroix, £.tienne St. Dialer, J. BouthiUier, J. Phillippe LeprohoA» Dominique Rouffeau, J. 6. Lefaivre« M. DumM* > TottfTaint Pothitr, Benjamin Beaubien^ LB. Dezery, uis Plcllis, Thomas Baron» J. B. Deliile, p. Lukin, J. B. Fournler, G. Cott. Louis Rot, Pafchal Lafteur, Denis B. Vige , j Saveufe de Beaojeu, Liiutenantt, Nicaiaf Menedier, Michel Foumier, jofeph Be^ifd, F. Aug. Q^eroel. V IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^ ^4^ ^^ 1.0 I.I ||i.25 I^|2j8 |25 = lit Ui2 12.2 W' lllll'-^-. 111^^= 6" Photographic Sdences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STRUT WiBSTiR.N.Y. 14S80 (716) 172-4503 Hi' ' ! II KM'') m NB In 1/ '! s r'.H 'I riil i la l!li ;; 't ; V' I III ( 54 ) £nfeignes» ^nt, Lang«. .> I louis Michel Vigec, Ig. Doryal, i /'! I jean Roch Rolland, Pominique Lacroixy I Auguftin ^ertheloU jfoi* P^pineau* J Ojfficiers attacb/s a PEtat Major en Ville, J. G. Delifle, Capt. & Adjutant. C. Archambaut, Lt. Quarticr-Maiftrc. Lc R. P. Louis Demers, Auminier% •►'^^ F.X. Bender, chirurgien. Capitatnti dam /« Paroifftit ' ' , Jcao Bte. Lepage Roy, i Gabriel C rev '»er* >>^t* Laurent. Pierre Demers.' ' "^ j, jofeph Valade. •'* ' ' ? c •. « i. . Louis Baudreau, ' f '^*"** *»» Recollct. . J .Ste. Genevieve* n,U, Pointe Claire. I i? * * V Jofeph Mari:in. ^'ofeph Binet. Dominique TEtang L» Tibeiudeau. j. B. Lacomble^J ^a<: Ant. Cerie. .iOi^rj: <$ce. Anne. Euftache Braye. - IdeBizard, Paul Dumouchelle. 1 r ,^, . N. Robeit. {LaChme. Jfidore La Croix Lieut. \ Aides Majorsdes Compagnie^ Auguftin Richer do. \ de Campagne. •i Trojfieme BataiUon de la ytlle, Pierre Foretier, Colojiel. Hyp. S. George Du pre, Lt. Coloncil. Charles Dezery, Major. It. Guy, Capt. '% < ' Jos. Guy, Capt. Lt; I ... ,;, . L. Charland, Lt. f Aides Majors, ph. Prcvoi*, Ens. i- •* J *;- Capt» ( ss ) Jean Baptifte Durocher^ Gabl. Franchere> Pierre Hervieux, J. B. Tabei»u> Pere. T A I N K S» l.ambert St. Omer> W. Mechtler, J. B. Tabeaii jils, F« D. LacroiX) N. Roy, S. DumaSf Pierre Huguet, Latour^ P« Jean Brune^u, Capit, Lieutenants, P. Berthelet^ £. Guy, C. L*Arrivee, L. Dulongpre. Barthelemy BiUioa. N. Panet, Jos. Lamocte, Lieutenants* L. HuguetLatour, fils^ P* Debartch, F. X. Bender, Jos. Robreau, S nf eigne s, Michel Lepailleur, Charles Frevoft, P. H. Latqar, fits* Pierre Charland, Felix Souiigny. CapHaines dans Us Paroiffes^ P. BazJnet, Longue Pointer N. Gervais, Alexis Le Beau, Pierre Archambault, Francois Bricaud* ], B. Monarqiic, |. B. L'Epinc, GabL Roy, Adjt. des campagnes* Divijion de VaudreuiL Michel Chartier De Lotbiniere, ColoneU Zambert Dumont, Pere, Lieut. Colonel* Lambert, fils, Major. Tofeph Roy. L. Charland. B. Bondy* 5t. Leonard, longue PoiBte* Idem rifle, Pointe aux Tremble«» 5t«Leonaiid, ' ^RiVi iViere des Prairies. .1 Capttaines dans let Paroiffes joaehim Genus, Jvaudreuii; Francois Cad^ux* j F. •■si > v'J i«r I: \ |i . M I :. i:),:v • (.! ) -: mv '■■ ■s V \ f*. ViWencuvCj Gabriel Le Roux, ^.:ienne La Londe> Antoine BiiTonneti Ls. Prejanty Antoine Le Duc^ Jofeph Hethier^ Gabriel Hethier^ Etienne Dore> J. Meilleur^ fofeph Normand» M. Chcval, H« Seguin, 1. Raifatne L. Dumouchelle* N. St. Onge, Prs. Ouilletcev D, M'Gregor, J. LcRoi, D. Stone, A. Flllion, Capt. T. Mumyy Capt* £, T. De La Roode, Lt« ( S6 ) Rigaud. i SoulangCy Nouvelle Longuedll^ J Isle Perrot* I VRivicre du Cheiie* J St. Benoit, (. Lac des deux Montagii S Argcntcuil. ^ ; Aidei Majors. ^ Divifion de J'JJle Jesus^ - J* La Croix, CoioneL Jos. Ds Beanjeuy Lieut. Colonel* Michel Turgeon» Major* Capttainei darts Jes Paroifes.\i i Boniface Paquet> Jofeph Laca(&9 Juliea Le BlanCf Louis Brien, Simon Hotte, >Ifle j^fw. Charles FiiiattreaU| CIprlefi Ouerhet* Pierre Dare, li^ ; , vi ^mm. Ignace Crepeau^ Alexis Carroiiy Frs. Dubois. Ls. CharbooneaU) Fran9ois Landry. {• TurgeoDy • LimogCy Jofeph Clemsnty P. Valiquet. Germain Lepage, Jofeph Gagnon* P. Olie, P. Filatreau, Pierre Payet, J. Guimont A. Dubois^ Lieut. ( 57 ) >La Chenaye* ^- C St* Henry Mascouche Cote de Grace^ Terrebonne, I > St. Anne> Mascoi|cki«. 'St. Therefe et 1 Blainvillc. , i Aides Majors. Divifion de la yaltritm Pierre P. Margane De La Vaitrie^ Colonel. Charles Gafpard De Lanaudiece, Lieut* Coioatl^ J. Edward Farribault, Major. Jac. La Combe, Capit. 4 Aide Major. <4 CgpUaines dam Us FafQtUa* Charles Laporte, Louis Laporte. Andre Mondor, Claude Martineaui A. J?ouihillier, J. Laurence, B. Marfolois, Jacques Derozicr, P. Rottote, Pierre Laroche, Fr« Benin, La Valtrie^ St«P«ttl. St. Sttlpkf • S-Aifomftion. |LaQittraytt&a|»«rv7' ir 1 m m ,::i H r .' . h I ^ 1* ■ilij'f 1 1 m\ \ "I ili \ tm t' ( i\'>'. '■ ,t' „• 3:i ( 5M j* ]^. Ducondf], Lt. , 2 Aides Majors pour les Anc. Gordon* v 5 Campagnes* 'l?Vii Vhjfion de rAJfomption^ P. R. de Su Ours, Colonel. y. B* Hervieux, Lieut. Colpnel* J. Bte* Bruguere, Major. Capitainet dam les Paroi/Jii, M. PrcvofVj J. B. Senet, pere. C. Migneron, I. B. £noS| F. Payette, A. Defchamps^ Louis Chaput, r. Archam baut, r. M. Fafibaulc, r. Turgeoii, f, Perrault, Pierre Du^uis, L. Piqucttei Tf^s. Thibaudeau, p. Dupuis, ills. jf , Rocher, L'AflTomption. M * * I Rfpentigny, 7 St. Roch. S 5t. Efprit. St. Ours, St. Jacques. Capt. Aide-Major. 'hH D'fvishn de Bert bier . Jas. duthbert, Lieut. Colonel, Commandant. • Louis Oliver, Major. CapUaines dans las ParoiJfe^» Pierre M.PeUand, Alexis Dutau. Jofeph Rocq,. Prifc^ue Ferland, Jn, Bte, Guilbaulx, ^t. yalller Maillouxy I Berthlcr, I .•;.*;. Jotti ( 59 ) thbertt Louis Vadnet^ Andre Ferrierre^ Antoine DeftrampeSy Francois Eno* _ Franjoi,_Ceoffroy, >, ^,, glifabeth. 'l ..S.I Nicolas Geoffroy. Pierre JoinviUe> "106 du Pas. Lawrence Cramer. ' -^Ramiay et D*AiU8b«ul» »^ AIe«. Cathb«(. Opit. j . ^ Cothb«t, A. £nOy Lt« i ^erthiery ^ Souchervllkf Premier Div'ifibn. ^ R. A. De BQuchervillef Colonels Etienne Dechambault^ Lieutemnt ColoneU Paul Lacrolx, ? Ma, Reoe De ^abruere^ J ^ lors. J. chabottet P. Weilbrenne Francois Surprenant^ Francois Trudeau^ C. Millette, F. Lanaarcy Jofeph H^berty Fri. BrouiTeaady Jh. La Croii» L. Leboire, 0« Marafle, Jacques Robert* Pierre PlnfonneaUi Pierifle Lefebvrcy Jofeph Lanftoy Alexis Landoy |t. cat4inal> Cajfitaines datu /u Paroiffiu >Boucher?ille« SLoDguetfiL LaPrairia^ Aide Major* ? %u Phillip*, ■■■tv v'^^'lil . !'' :] .;ii^*" '>i 5. ! ! f . Yiiii 1^ ■ ,lil •• f I i > -i ;i 4 f ■; ■■ • -V' ^'-\ ,:(K l-'ii ji ( 60 ) (-Chateau Guay^ I BeauharnafS> Chauflgros De Lery,Capt. I - . , ,>- . ?• Dc Bouchcrville, Adj. [ AiUcs-Majow. Vital PomainviUei }h. caron^ I.S. Demers> Charles Bourdon^ £t. Henaulty A. Valle, :0 \ Soucbgrville^f DeuxUme Dintifiori, Jh. Montarville de la Bruere, Colonefl* Pierre le Gras PierrevUle, Lieut* Colonel* Jacques Oartier^ 1 yjf . Franspis 9e La Perrlcrc, fils, J *^^o"; Capitainet dam lei Paroj/Jiim L'. Lolfeau, Varenncs, Iflc Stc. Thercfc, >St* Denis,, vi«: I P. Jolfrion, J. L. Martigny, Joiieph Laberge, Urbain RichaHy Ls.Courtemanchei pere* L. Goulety pere. J. B. Cadieux, C. Gariepy, P. Cheval, ChriftopheMarcheflfeaUy Charles Berthlaume, fce'o-r }St.Ch„le., E. D, Bea»bicn, Capt. "^ C. La Periere, Lt, >Aides*Majorg« c* GresboisiEns. J »: i f' (!'.'', r i < i Va » T -St. Antoine de Chambly^ I.. o ^ivijton ( 6i ) Dhjfion de St» Ourt, Charles De St. Ours, Colonel^ S. Catesy Lieut. Colonel. Hyacinthe Delorme, > |^ . P. Ig. Malhiot, S ^^J°"' Capitg'mes dant iex Paroisiti* vA 18; R. Jonesy Pierre Cournoyerj Alexis Cardifiy ' Jean Baptifte Lincourt« Jofeph Lariviere^ l^r. Chapdelaine, Louis Lariviere, A. Fredet, ^^ Denis Jufeaume^ ^^ '• J. Donay^ Etienne PaquetCe^ J. B. Charon, Nicolas Millot, Jofeph Paquet, Frs. Brin, Jean Defolles. Pierre PiamQndon«<> i«; Louis Goudreau* Aug, Morin, Jofeph Coiteux. Jh* Cartier^ K. Bonin, P. La Riviere, P. Cidoret, ]n. Langelier, .:r) }*""^''n V \ \ V \ IfleSt.lgnK«|.i f St. Ours,; \ ^^ \ Grand %U Qttri« u.^'l Contrc-ccbuf , , .Verchere, , VSt, Hiacmthe/^'-*^'','^ ; J I Aidei'^Majon dant ies Farittjfei. 4 ,,f?„| lean Dcs SoUes, Capt. 5t. Hiacinthe. IN ,^ F. X. MalMot, Capt. Vcrchercs. -xo i .T i^t. Ours. TST* \ _ Contrecoeur. t ,- Louis TJucker, " -Sorcl. F a ^ Jih hV' 5:i i -J 1 ia fl .1' '111 < 6» ) Jean Bape^te Mclchior Hettel de Renvitley Colonel* Pierre Gaerout, Lieut. Colonel* James Finlayi Major. T. B. ToufTaint Fcrriere Michel Lamourtu*, ^ ^^^ j^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ .k I St. LUCy uliea Piedaiue. h«<eoiiiitem«ncbe, ulien Despelteau, i« H jouberty Laurent Roy, C. Cartiffy Th..LisiJJ|emi» Jh» Cloatre, Andre Vandandilgu^, Jofeph Gujon, 5 Pierre Domingue> Jofeph Careauxy Ph. Byrne,* At. Deibleds, J. Btc. Desforges, Michel Prive, i>avid Lukin, Capit. Aide-Major. D'pvifiQii dt Gafpe^ H* 0*Hal^a, Major Commandant* « Capitatnes dans les Parbijfes. John Patterfon, Gafp^ . M'PhBTlbn, Point Petre & Malbay, T. Fox, Percy. , ♦ This Gentleman is Captain of a Highland Company »» .Sir John Johnson's Seigir?ury. Norniand McJ.rod Lieut, (am* •^mpanr. St, Marguerite de Wa^r- fih'die. fBelttil, I St. Olivier, de tlhambly ••7 ' . *'' >Sl9e. Marie deMont^oir. Su Jean Bte. (de RottTJiise, S%, Hilaire de Rouvijle, :i J. <! •>' ! ma^r- ( 63 ) J. if. lifontainf) John Travcsie, 1 — ^t iionel* P. Boudin, R. McDonald, C. Arbour> A. Pritchardy ' ,5? 0. 0«Hara, '.1 U. Lavioletteey ^y ..A D, Stewart, a;.. 5 0. O'Hara. Grand River Hope Town. Pafpibiac* New Carline Bonavcntaie* New Richoiond* Maria* Carleton. Nouvelle. Ridigouche. Aide-Major. ambly a! I )ay. J. impany *** cut. fa»* F3^ P^Vi'H III 'f A ap Sif^l; ■ 1 ' ; It " ] ii 1 !!l ^ ?l 1 11 |; m 1' ''i ( ^ i I . t I I ; I .'. i; . ■ ' I'^Jl" < »« *■ >itlf ([ ■■ v^ :i f : ^■/■;--'? Ecclesiastical state of CanadUi s ■, 'I i. :^ iOttJ ' !•■ 1 Mm 'iiiii' lii I.;.; iu; ff'hl H ;;ig ( 66 ) j1 list of the CLERGY of the Estab^ lished CHURCHy in the Provinces of UfP£R and LowER-CaNADA. The Right Reverend Jacob Lord Bi- shop of Quebec. fThe Reverend S. J* Mountain^ Chaplain 9c Se- cretary to the Lord Bifhop, and Rector of the Churrh at Quebec. The Reverend j. jarkfon Evening Lecturer of the Church at Quebec. The Reverend <Sir Herbert Croft Chaplaii) to the GarrlfoA of QuebeC) (Not Refident) The Reverend Dr. Mountain, Official of Xow. er Canada, and Redtor of Chrlft's Church Montreal. Three Rivers. The Revd. Mr. Short, Re^or. wrMf u \ The Reverend Mr. Rudd, Rector of WilhamHenry J ^j^^j^ ^^^^^^^ William Henry. Mifliflcouy V Hon. & Rev. Mr. Stewart, Minifter. Bay* X The/Sev. Mr. Cotton, do. St. Amand. ^u »u— . t The Revd. Mr. Bradford, Minifter of Chatham. | Chatham, Kin fton ("The Revd. Dr. Stuart, Official of TT J"?<-«4-.'i Upper Canada, and Rcftor of Upper Canada I Kingfton. York. f ( 67 ) Vork. The Refd, Mr. Stuart> ReAor. Niagtri. The Revd. Mr. Addifon, Redtc/r. ^Erttxown. J The Rev. Mr. Iwghome, Rrflor, Cornwall, The Revd. Mr. Strachaa, ReAor« Sandwich. The Revd. Mr. Pollard, ReOir □ i'Sj,| • V ,' il lip! mi ^ ■i-'Ai VV'ihli r* Iftli ! <;,4(' t "O ] ,-iV'W>>i <; if,/i >*^ ' n« '> • : N I : • • .. t n i I _ «K.< • A J^ rty.> »* ?„- >^'' m^- Si-! J ►lai^jM sf^^ri :i^^. '; .{.v.-i. '•£;■. lo'i . i! •■-.■iti?. nM i •0 ll'^^Ml:.t. s m ■t-'^w;' ^- ( 69 ) . -^ .* ETAT ECCLESIASTIQJJE DU CANADA -I I * "1 CATHOLIQjJE. r,t Moofeigneur jose?k Octave Plxssis^ '^["'^ Evequc de Quebec. s ! ^/I Mgr. Claude Bernard Paket^ Eve^ye de 5alde C oadjuteur. I ■•4 ; AT*. ,-.M Mr. RouX) Mr. Notfeuxy Mr. Burke^ Mr. Cherrler* Vicairss-Qe'ne^raux* Mr. Lahaill«^ > .'^M Mr. Roque. ? .M Mr. Macdoocl : . M (, . . ■ >' .jM Au SeminairIc 0b Quebec* Mr. Lahaille^ Superieur, Profefleu^ de Thebibgie* ' Mr. Robert, Procureur, Mr. Demerd, DireAeur du petit Sei^inaire et ^tof^'^ feur de Philofophie. . / ... Mr. Gatieo, ProfelTeur de Theologit. ^ Au Petit Seminairv* Mr. LajLS, ■% ^ Mr; Cornellicr, r Mr. Raby, vRtgens4es Hamanitls« Mr. Dufrefne, ,'wh Mr, Leclerc> / Aw (■• * i ii fU . ^ »¥!! T'l ¥ i ^ ) .4 ^~ / 1 Mt. RouX) Superieur. Kfr« Poac'm* Mr. Chic»iiteau^ Mr. Moiin, Mr. Lefaftlnier: cute d*0i1ke« Mr. Chicoineau) * ^ ^ Mr. Marchapdy MiHIptiailre au Detroit , Mr. Humbcrty i *i ^J > i * i / Mr.Borniiuf^ Procureutk Mr. JjichelLc CUJr^ 7 Miffiannairei au Lac ^ deux Mr.MaUrd, S Montagncs. Mr.Thavenct, J wvi*i.«6iw»« Mr. Sauvage. Mr. LamiHuberU ''^ •- " " -^ 'I ' Mr. Charles Bedard> v . >^ :i . Mr. Lartigue. ' " Mr. Boufiin. Mr. Roque, Dire^eur du petit Semioaiii* Mr. Hovd6t>') Mr. Satint >Profe0eurt* Mr. Riviere. J , .^: Mr. Pafquiiiy ^ Mr. Mac4oiieU» S*Rq|ent* Mr. bttfrijwie, J Recollits. t^e {l. F. Louts pQpicrsy l^upeirieura MpA^riUl* JLe P. Fitz-SimmonS} MiiBpnn^ljB d^ Boos^vMlture et Perce, ^aie d9t Chaleuri. , Mr. jtzn Stdird, DireQeur. Mr. Cadieuxj 1 Mr. St. Gexwajtt, VRegenfe Mr, Vian. - y Cu. V * ( 71 ) Cur^s et Miflionakes du Diocefei DisTRXcrr i>i QuKBEc: Mr : Doucet, Cure de Qaebec. Mr. Tabcau,' '^ .^^ 1 . Mr. Gagnon, \ . >Vicaires* Mt. Huot, J^ Chapeiain de I'HopUal-General, Mr: Malavergne* Chapelain des Urfulines, Mr* Daule* Chapeiain de rHolel-Dieu, Mr. Desjardins. Isle d^Orleans& Mr; Boiflbneauj 5t. Pierre: Mr: De 6ornlol» ,<Sc; Laurent: Mr. Fortm, 5t. jean, Mr. Gagnon, Su Pran^ois et la <Ste. Famille^ Cote du Nord. «..-4 Mr. jean, les Grondines. Mr. Denechau, DefchambaulL. Mr.- Dubbrd, ie Cap ^Vante, et paftle des Ecureuils. Mr. Poulin de Courval, la Pointe aux Tremb!es, e t pa tie des EcTureuUs. Mr, F. Vezina, St. Auguftin, et Ste. Foye* ^'* Mr. Defchenaux, rAncienncLorettc. Mr. Ant. Bedard, la Jeune Lorette et -St. Ambroife* Mr. Deromc, Charlefbourg. < Mr. Renault, Beauport. Mr. Oliv. Germain, TAnge Gardien, .. Mr. de Boucherville, le Chateau Riche, Mr. Ranvoyze, -Ste. Anne et ^t. Fcrreol. JVir. Corbin, St. Joachim, ^ |\,ir. Le Lievre, Bale St. Piul el la Petite Riviere : * Mr. Marcheteau les Eboulemens, Mr. L« Couitois la Malbale et les Poiles du Ron Mr* Lefranjois, rifle aux Coudres, .. ' \ COTE^ DU Svr. •'''^'•ifl Mr ; Lan^rlaux Lotbini^rc, ' ^ .*H' ^ <^ Mr, ''• * '>'. , . ^ •i ill \\ ' 1,1 I 1 ', t Mi's:- V I .;< <;,■ l-'-J ,ilVi JM^. JanyierLcdlerc, St. Antolfteet'S'c., Crolx^ iUr, Bc^cau, S:. N colas,^ ,et St. Gilles. ilfr» Ma' e, Pointe Levii . - ^ it/i; Ignace L c!' re, 5c. Henry 'ie La. son. JMr; Vilade, St.: Mii\-^ ^ '\ \;t iJ^r; An.; Lamotte, .St; Jofcph> > Nouvelle Bctuoc* ct *S':; FranjcM : ) Mr. Raphael Paquer, *St; Cervais, Mr. Duchi^^uquPt, V.caire. Mr: Pcrr^s S:: Charles et partfcs de Ifeeaumonf, * Mr: Ma5;ui»c, St.' Michel, et panic de Bcaunvont* ^ Mr, Vezina, St, Valier. '' Mr. LaurenLBsdard, St. Francois ct Bcllechaflc* ' Mr. Verreau, Taint, St Th mas. Mr. Michel Paqu^t, S'. PKne. » ^'^ Mr. Le Dt'C, St. l^nacc et i iilc aui Grucs. .Mr, facquCi Panet, lUflet. .r ,. Mr. Keller, St. Jean For -ji i. ,^ /. Mr. Verreau^ le jtiune, St. Rich des Au'nets. I^Ir. Griaiilt, S.:e, Anne d^ (a Grrnd" Anl'e. Mgr. le C. a jute r, la Rivi.iC Quelle. .^ Mr. Leting, Viciive. . „ ^ " jr Mr. Pii ct, KaTiOuralki. Mr., Amior iSt- Andre tt Madwafka. "Mr.'Hotil'ifle Veitc, lesl'rois Piltolcs etRimourfiy, District de Montreal.— hte deMoni a£ai.. Mr. Cazeneuve, S-. Laurent. Mr^ Boudreaii, VIca re. Mr. Dtimbuchelle, Ste, Genevieve. Mr, Rinfret, la Chine. Mr. Raimbau'lt, fenlor, la I'o'ntc Claire, et Sre. Anne Mr. Durocher, Poin'te aux Trembles ecS. jofeph* ' Mr. Fbotnier, la Longue Poinie. ' * Mr. Perinailt, le Sault au Recollef, ^ " " * "*'^ Mr. Vanfelfon, Sault St. Loui?. Mr» lo'^t^»'i ifle Peuot* - - u'-;.-.'r--; r : Ji, ■■^ Mr. ^ >. V • . -:-k n : ■if-/ r . .»^' ctuec« * lont • / fe. r > . >fvl ( 73 ) IstE Jesus. ■ . % Mr. Marchand, Cure de St. Franjois dc Sales* Mr. Mich. Brunet, St. Martin. Mr. Beiair, Stc. Rofe. IVlr* Begin, St. Vincent de Paul* Cote du Nobd* Mr. Louis Lamotte, St. Cuthbert. Mr. Pouget, Bcrthicr et See. Elizabeth^ Mr. 5crrand, Vicaire. \\ Mr. Deguire, le jeune, La Valtric et Lanoraie. ^A Mr. Noel, St. Paul. Mr. Joycr, St. Sulpice. 'irfl*5 . Mr. Ch. Germain, Repentlgny» Mr. Roy, St. Pierre du Portage. Mr. Bro, St. Jacques. .,». .-.y^ Mr. Ralzenne St. Roch ctle S. Efprit. '. .;!/ Mr. Ign. Darval, St. Henri de Mafkouchc. Mr. Foucher, la Chenaie. Mr. Varin, Terrebonne. Mr.Gatien, Taine, Ste. Anne dcMaikouchc. Mr. Tafchereau, Biainviilc. Mr. Felix, St. Bcnoit.^W ,tj.. n 'f.r.?! : ;. r -i , Mr. Maillou, 5t. Euftache. ' , < Mr. Maitin, Vicairc. ^ »^ ; . v* Mr. Deguire, Vaudreuil. ^ Mr. DeUbroquerie, la Rivierc a la Graiflc. Mr. Archambault, Soulange Mr. Alex. Macdonell, St^ Raphael, Haut-Canada. Cote dv Sud.-^*- ' * ■ Mr. Roupe, MiiTionaire a St. ReglSa Mr. Bruguier, Chateaugay. Mr. Robitaille, St. Philippe. Mr. Confignay, St. Conftant. Mr. Berthelot^ ^t. Luc. <. ,* mi Y G a Mr. I III !iH fv ■• r. 1' !:4 ,. ';t (JJ f. ;: ' It l'. "« '■'} H* *• ( 74 ) Mr. Lando, Blairfindie. Mr. Boucher, Prairie de la Madeleine, Mr. Chaboillca5, Longucuil. Mr. Conefroy, Botichervilic. Mr. Deguii'e, Varcnncs. Mr. Morin Vicaire, ^ ^ Mr. K-imbert, Vcrchcres. Mr. Aubri, Contre-cceur. RiVIERiC CnAMBJ.y. Mr. J. B. Bedard, St. Jofcph. Mr. tajus, Rouvillc. Mr, Prcvoft, St. Olivier. Mr. Sygnu, Ste. Marie. Mr. Valle, St. Charles, et St, Illlairs, Mr. Frechette, Belccil. Mr. Arcenaud, St. Marc. ^ Mr. Alinotte, St. Antoinc, : I . ]' Mr. Cherricr, St. Denis. - . ' >• Mr. Kelly, Vicaire, .f: -V -■ Mr. Gir iuard, St. Hyacintc d'yamafka. Mr. Pigeon, Vic. Mr. Birdy, iaPrefcntation. > , Mr. Hebcrt, St. Ours. ' .A Mr. Fran5ois Boiflbneau, William Henry et Plilc du « as. n .•■ 'tf- District DES ThoisRivjzrss. La ViLx^E* Mr. Noifeax, Cure, Mr. De Calonne, Chapelin des Urfellner, dcfferrant la Pointe du Lac. COTI DU NORD, Mr. Vinet, Mafkinonge. Mr. Bertrand, Riviere du Loup, Mr. Deiaunais, S. Leon, ^^ .: Mr, Ecttiei, Yamachichc., , ' /; r.T. l-i ( 75 ) Mr. P. Vczina, Champlain, 8c le Cap de la Madeleine. Mr. Caller, Batiican. Mr, Al. Dorval, Ste. Gcnev. dclTervant St. Staniflas. Mr. Morin, Ste, Anne dc la Pcrade. Mr, Giberty St, Michel d'Yamaska . Cote ru Sud. Mr. Brouillet) St. Francois, et la miiTion des AbenikU Mr. GauiTelin, Bale dulcbvre. Mr. Raimbault, junior, Nicolet* Mr. Desforges. Ste. Gregoire. Mr. Labadle, Bekancour. Mr. Courtain, Gentilly. Mr, Jofeph Dorval, St. Pierre les Bccquets, et Saint Jean Dcfchaiiions. Bate pes Chaleurs. Mr. Painchaud, Riftlgo: che, ct Tracadics. Mr. Orfroy, Caraquet et Miramichi. Mr. Burke, 7 #. rr n/r r> f Halifax* Mr. Grace, J Mr. M'Eacharn, Iflc St. Jean. * Mr. Pichard, Tracadi. Mr. Alex. Macdonell, P'i£lou. Mr. L. Parent, Richibou£)ou. ' Mr. Ciquard, Mcmramkoucq. Mr. Aitain, ') Mr. Lcjamtel, > lile du Cap Breton* Mr. Champion,^ Mr. Sigognc, Bale Ste. Marie. MoR'IS PEPUIS LE PERKIER TABLEAU. Mr. Berthiaume, Cure du Chateau Riche. Mr, Duval, Cure de Repentigny. ftf *'\.' * ' '^' ;.^ f if ''' V' • i. ■jti f G3 Cou- If.. I 'I .11 ■: I I •4,:'> , • ri I • .' < I ■\n ( 76 ) COUVENS OB RelIGIEUSCS ET CoMMUNAUTfi's* Hopital.Ge'ne'ral di Quxb£c» Fonde par M. de St« VallierEveque de Quebec, en 1693 pour les pauvres meridians ec invaiides. La Rde. Me. St. Olivier, (Genev* Guillinain) Supe* rleuredepuls 1S06* 42 Religieulcs HoPITAL-G£''NE*ftAL DE MoNTBXAL« Fonde par Madame veuve Youville en 1753 pour les pauvres infirmes et invalided. Mile Therefe CoutieeSupcrieure depui$ 1792* tg Soemn* aft HoTEL-DiEU Ds Quebec* r Fonde par Me. la Duchefle d*Aiguillon ^v.i.iO.v en 2637 pourles pauvres maladcs. LaRe. Me. Ste. Gabriel (Dllc, NormanvHle,} fttpe« rieure^ depais 1807* ^19 Religleures* HoTEL-DlEU DE MoNTREAt. Fonde par Madame dc Bullion en 1644, pour les pauvres malades. .. ,t» ,-.» La <S(2ur Celoron i'uperieure depuis iSo5. 36 Religieufes* Congregation de Notre Dame « Montreah Fondee par Dlle. Marguerite Bourgeois, vers 1-650 pourTinftrudtion despetites filles. " La Soeur St» Auguftig (Marie Compain.) Superieure dcpuis 1 796. Urfulines des Trois-Rhieres* 57 S«ttr\ Fondces par M. de St. Valller Evccjue de Qui. ( 77 ) Qttt'tjc^, en 1677 pour I'inftrud^io^ .., ,, , ct pour les pauvrea malaaes. La Re. Me. St. OUvicr (Diie. Paquet) Superleuf* de^iui^ 180^. i(^ Relit, i^Uiei. Vrjulinei de ^ihtc* """"^ Fondees par Mde, de la Feitr e en 1639, "^ pourl'iniirucliondespctitcs fiUes, (..a Rf. Me, bte. Frarjois Xayier, (Dlle. T^fcherfau) ^upcrieurc oe^ifu x|oj|* jg RciigUuici* .1 «r |MWI.4M»«M fttOijf- tvT ^i'^ ri t-r^ ; .'V v.^ "bHiw ■ .1 r rl ., C2..V<5S4 *Ii^ :iX»< -.•/WIW* 1 •<<;■/ T'id''^ ■ V <^4 CLgaoT ii. i t». !' S iN;^ i .■;.! |:|lf m 1 >*< '■ m i : 1fl,i '■ 1 ';, [<'i3 i 78 > Clzkgy or THK Church or Scotland in thz Province or Lower and Uppir. Canada. The Revd. Mr. Alexander Spark> d. d* Qiiebec* ■■ ■ Mr. Somerville, Montreal. — — Mr. John Bethunc, New Ofwegatchie. School-Mast CR 8 at Qjjebec* '•A«> *4 Mr. Jameft-Tanrwell: Mr. Corbin. Mr. Daniel Robinfon Mr. Davidfon. Mr. Holden. The Revd, Mr. Jackfon, Mcflrs. Wilkie & WhitcUw. John Dewer, Tonvnjhip of Chatham^ Ant. Cote, ^, ..-?/, Thomas, Robert Chambers, Towrijhip of Hull, Thos* Coilin, * *^ Kamourajka^ iri< f %^^ EcoLzs Elementairzs. A la Haute VilU de Sluibec. Mr. Jh. Paquet, 80 ecoliers. Mr. ?• Rochet. Mr, Paquer, fils. Au Fauxbourg St. Jean, Mr. Parent, 70 ecoliers* jiu Fauxbourg St. Rocb» Tr. Loui?, 4q ecoliers. pC0L£5 ( 79 ) EcoLEt £i,£MtMTAiii£s OB Campa^nc^ DlSTIlICT BX Q^EBBC. I Beaumont. " St. Pierre* ■ Sc« ThomiSi — — — Riv. ouctie. Ecurcuiis. ■■ ■' '■ i*wi"tc aux Trcmblei. — — — Stc» tamiilc. — — Sufranyoiis Riv. duSud. ] pour let iiiiei. ii.t X DiSTBICT DBS TROIS BlVXXBXt* ^ Riviere du Loup, Baiedu Febvre* DiSTBICT 0£ MONTBSAL. St. Our». St. Denis. Vercheres, Terrebonne. L*A(romptioo. Su Roch. • Berthier, i • 6l. Laurent. Pour lei filles. •: V ' ^ ( t \* i f •^ 5 MILI- ,»i -"^ .• \i« . ^ t ; > < •J > v- r H I i: i: v^-: :'.';*:*.: I Im/.v i i'J'ii:?!!:;-'' 13;!-l:;!''(1| '.t I Kit I :lr I'i V ■ i 'li ! Il '•i imv ! • .'-V.C. fiivia Uv» *. •♦ r *^ ■» J ? 3 ^..n I A r A' t^ » '.ri ^*r* sHUv •-•■•' •« . v' I ^a i'.vi£» — iHti**.! .tM •Ml*.«r'^ -I ^ \ •■% '^^♦V. .»l»-<.''.-->». *».-t,' ■.*,.,■■» * ' / - •r v'w v-T ( t < ' ^:m-*^iC2^ 4 », ; +• it J * nVi .. MILITARY REGISTER \, FOR THE • - ••' I PROVINCES :J: I, if'?! ilj I iHii:'' ■i i! S t^i'Piie -4Ar2) LOWER CANADA^ i ^ •■iC &c. &c. &c« i8o9< ^ i o i -■■V 'I Ttt 1 ! i •f.pi , ;f' ■' ■ ■ if' ■ ■! ■ 1 ■ ■, .^'? f'l -f.:' J! li .' , 1 ' : >.; ■' ■'•!iii i!i ^^:';i:>Mj' It;: ! . i. 7 n'/'' "'it;* 1^ It^J i!i' ( 9z ) 9^ ALisi of His Majesty's Forces fervingin Upper and Lower Canada. GENERAL and STAFF OFFICERS, SIR JAMfS HENRY CRAIG, Knight of the moft Honorable Order of the Bath, Captain- General and Governor in Chief in and over the Provinces of L6wer«€anada^ Upper^Can^da} Nova-Scotia* New« 3iunfwiclc and their feverai Dependencies, General 9nd Commander in Chief of all His Majefty's Forces in the laid Provinces of LQwer-Canada, Up- per.Canada, Nova-Scotia and New-Bronfwick and ^heir feverai Dependencies, and in the Ifland of Newfoundland, &c. Sec, &c. Military Secy. Major Wm* Thornton, Ef^« Ailiil. dof j^mt^ Green, Efq. [Major Wm. Thornton, Lieut. Edwd. Dewar, Capt. -T^ IC^r, Lieut. Edwd. MacCoyi Adjt. Geners^l Lieut i Col. Edwd. Baynes. Peputy do. Lieutr Col. L. W. Vif» De Chabot, Quarter Mr. Qenl* Lieut. Col. james K.empt« Pepy. do. Lieut. Pol. A. H. Pye. * rs rx *# /^i S ?apt. R. Friend, Ast.Dy.Qr.Mr.Gl8.|g^P^ j^Caddy. . Major of Brigade ) ^. ^ol. .^neas -Shaw. Upper Canada, y Major of Brigade > ^. chas, p. Shckleton. Lower Canada y '^ Bep. BarrrckMr. Gl. *Lieut. Col: j. A. Vefcy. Fort Major in Up.-Canada, *Capt, Doixd* Campbell, * 7his dinoUi abjcnt Ojpc^n, HOSi I >..' , * t' ( 83 ) ai*^ Mf?''5 HOSPITAL STAFF, Stnu Medical Officer^ James Maccauley. Apothecary George Longmore. ("Chriftopher Carter. William Lee, Henry Leodely David Flemings Hofpital Mates -^ Lewis Davis, I Jas. Geddesy '' fDavid Kenneiy, / * I J, Buchanan, I Jas* Davidfon, LGeorge Stubingcr. G>«"f°\^^^« **i R. Richardfon. Amherftburg. > STAFF OF THE GARRISON OP QUEBEC. Governor Lieut. Governor Town Major Chaplain Surgeon Barrack Mafter Town Serjeant ^Major General Gooday Strutt. ♦Colonel John Callow. Ralph Rofs Lewin, Efqr. ^ *Revd. Sir Hetbert Croft. James Fiffier. ^ ,^,^:: Patrick Langan,' John Goftich. MONTREAL. STAFF OF TH? GARRISON OP Town Major James Hughes. Chaplain Revd. James Tunftall, Barrack Matter James Hughes. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. Storekeeper J^cob Danford, Clerk of the Survey George Heriot, Clerk of the Cheque Charles Megee, Clerk F» Calder, Matter Smith John Rennifon. Mafter Carpenter Edwd, RcUamy. Mafter Armourer Plilp. Brown Mafter Cooper John Anderfun, 1 1 \ t ■ * COM« lii m «!«■'«, 'M :i t ! Hii f mm !- ii'! '1 ; --'^ 11 l\i It! [;:: Mr] ( 84 ) COMMISSARY GbNBilAL's OtPARMENT* Dpy. Coni. Gc . ) ,j,j^^ Hon. Jn. CraV» , Quebec. ^ ii'aa Vr. Clark » Ei'q. Montreal; AiM.Dy.Coi.) Do, <io. Commiifariet John Cothn* E q.Jun Q.u bec» fGe> Crookflia k, V '.k. Vviliiani Rois, K. n^itun. famci otiin, F»>rt<jeogc# Th 'I as Reynu.ds. Amhei ttbutg* IINcjMief, Wm. Hei»ry« Henty Pei^rin^ La '. hne* |. Ca cher Gamelin, Cot. du LaC* John Wa rcn, F rt Lne. "Wm. Hei»ry« AHiilant Com* mitfar e • " Johi QUARTfcR MA::TtR G£NbRAL*d D^FART^ MEM. Qr. Mr. Gcnl, L eut. C i. jim^sKemv^ the Canattat* . Lpy <if. Ml- GtnJ. Lt. C;il. A. H. »^ . i^uabec, A'il.Qi,' ^^* ^*" • ^a^>t. K Fiend| Ftrt Ueorge, P >• C^pt. J hn Cajviy. yJmterJiLur^ MARINE OLPARiMENT. Ma^i^ers & Com- > -\lexaiider Grant, L)k<* Er'ff nianvleis { J >hi) SceeU Ift Lieutenanrs. J ^ g |^^^^/ id Lieutenant. Francis Gauvreau. .A I .^ . < Pierre M. Fo>tier« ift L eurenants. < u . c ' ( Hugh Laric, Frai'cis Bland* 5 1 Ontario* £ne« ^ Ontario. zA Lieutenant. BTOREKSEPER GENERAL's DKPARTMBNT« Py.Srorekp.Gl. ThcHon.J hn Craigie, Quibec. Aliiftant Deputy ) 1. W. Clark , t^ Montiesd. StoiekeejperGens. V Lcwi^ Foyj £i<)« Ouc^c* ( 8; ) Deputy 5tore. J^'[)^^""J[:^"«'» ^'^'^\ J^John Lant*, I »Lt. CoJ. J. A. ^^efey, QuebeCt keepers. (^John Lan., ^f. John's. ^ARRACK MASTER GE N £R AL '& DEPART^ M 6 N T . Dy. Bar k. Mnft. Cencral Barrack waaers N i^^t ck J^an^^n, a»'b c f Kobeit Jo.ics, Wm. Henry* I rhi»:,> Lyme, St, John's* Deputy Barracks Tht^tnA <Sparh)m| Kin^rton, ^iaiUrs jJamesCark, FortGL*orge« '. Juha iSpdikman, Amheiilburg* U' Bar i.e , Ycrk. PAYMASTER CEWKRAl's DEPARTMENT* Dy.Pay Maft. Gl. John Kale, Efq. Qtebec. i)epartmtnt for the Payn.tnt ofCotningenf 13 Canada* Deputy Cf)nrt, Gen. 1 of Scons and Pro* fj"hn Craig'e, Efq, Qjf'bec. ^ifions. 3 Actons > . ^ , j^,. Quebec. ot Contingencies. J •» t ^ ^ -^ Ai. »y .u lerb J )a cs Green, Efqr, MontreaU of Contin^rncies. < Wu iam Srar.ton, Efq. Yoik, COMMiSSARV OF ACCOMprS ItcNT. DLPART- Commlflary of Accomi ts, :1/ «i (• ;f|.».fe v„ u- ! t 1 r t ^il ll V ^ \ m: (86) INDIAN DBPARTMBNT, .- , •^aperintendant 1 General & Infpr. J-^ir John JohnfonyBart. Gl. oflnd. AfF. J . t ^ ' Dy. ^up. Intend. "J ^*\^^^"fP:. 9^- (colonel William Cltui. ' *^ of Ind. Ati. in f Upper Canada* J Deputy Agent for J Lt. Col. Fleury De Chambault^ Lower Canada £ Ute 109th Regt. Storekeeper GenL George Hawdon. ^ Thomas M<Kce, . .* . , 5upcrintendaots J Louis De Salaberry. Agent at York James Givans. , G. Johnfon. Prideaux ^Selby. Robert Kerr. • • ; * William Johnfon Chew* George Ironftde. [Intrcpr. John Afkin, jr. Store*keeper Se •Secretary A (Tift. Secretary Surgeon. Storekps. & Clks Aflift. Storekps. jofeph Chenique, Clk. George Crookihank* William Jaques. pChevalier Lorimier. y I Namia ei Lin .s. I David Price, Se Clk. I J. B. RouiTeau. Interpreters. -s Thomas Alex. Clarke* ^.!^ 1 Simon Girty. Charles Reaume. i?enjamin Fairchild. John Cameron* ''M OFFICERS ( 87 ) ...^ ;,jr; OFFICERS u-.. ^ Ofthefeveral Regiments /erring in Canada^ Four Companies cf the Royal Artillery* Colonel George Glafgow, Command ing. "^ CAPTAINS OF COMPANIES. *Thosr T. Forbes, ^t John S* Sinclair. ♦Chiles Bingham, *Edxund Curry, John Caddy, Second Captains, John A. Clement, I Abram Paul, Courtney Ilbert, | Fredrick Gordon* first Lieutenants. n .h'( V. ...:J Cyprian Bridge, Daniel BiHett, Jonathan M*Ghie, William A. Davis, James Fogo, James H, Wood, Charifs King, Richard Hardinge. . ." Second Lieutenants. *Auguftus A. Biyard, I ''* Gabriel Mathias, *Edward Shepherd, ' | *R. A. Speer. 2d. Capt. Abram Paul, Adjutant & Quarter Mafter* H, Ferries, Surgeon to the Artillery and Ordnance* George Nappier, Aflift. Surgeon. t.. « ROYAL ENGINEERS. i 5- * • Lleutk Col. .Ralph H. Bruyeres. Firft Captain Philip Hughes. J J r« .. • ^ John Bye. ^ d Captains ^-L i,. ^ ( Henry Vigoreux. Corps of Royal Military Surveyors and Draftfmen^ John B. puberger. .^^ Secon 'tMuv.WK-n ■^■^■< •»"«t*-^j|, * This denotes ahjent Opcers, Forty ^ 1 f. ■ i ■'■f'i'i' '■ V ;i 1 A'm 1 1; - f I liVIl 1 in tft* Colonels Majort »♦ ( 83 ) ^orty-frft ixegirrunt of f9Ct, * vv'jiiiam Thomas, Brig. CenU « Heniy l^roctor. alpT Grar. , L*. Col. *A»ex.nd? i a • pbcU. CAPTAlNb« Holr.M'Kf 2if, Mvijor. | Adann C. Mu'f, Th''s„K, Full ', I v.jliiam £vans» R chi. O. F. Fend, I Artimr «'r ic* Wn. C. Shot, Major j *A. F.ib^J, Win. Dfrenzy^ | Jofeph laiton. IIEUTB^AMS. Sam). H'lghc, - W. L C. ^^cher, Pft'*' Cbambersp joha . LunJiOf Gro F v^' r. Rd. Bullork. f- r. Aiigui^ine Firzgeraldy He »ry Haila !, Hedg**' Cia'dOikf IfaacG. Oj^Jen^ J ..>n Fitz ra d» ENSIGNS. Richard BiiUock, junr. J. VV. Ci<-mow, Wm. Lone, T^as, G'ud, Pay Mafl^r, AJjutant, Arihui O fS^tiSfe. SV B. H.v-kford, ; '. . HIrn y W It nr., ^. A cx , Lo' 5 Bervirdalr* |a nfs bajndfrion. Ja^ics Raye. W . C. Saondct^, Ljf.iK, ,:'»*«..ii'/i-. \ Quarter- Maft''i', Alexr. E*gar. burgeon, Alpxr. Thom. Aiijft. Surgeon, John W. Korb. -■.5 i^1^^r.^ l^€) m -.1 s < 89 ) Foftj^nintb (or Herts. } Regiment i Colonel Lt. ColoneU Majors Adam Ormibyi Alex. Cierk, *john Frazer, Thos. Mannersi Ja$. DenniSy Henry H Wall, Hercul 8 Ellis, Henry 0!moiivJ| John Day, Wm. Jones, John Brackenburyi Dixie Ellis, {phn iShaw, am?'' Fiizgibbon, Ajjt ^Robert fiarihy, Adjucanr, . - Quai ter. Matter, iSurgeon, I •rh< H ?H Aler . Maidand. Ceol. Jliaac Brock) Caione.. R. H. Sheaffe. }* j. Vn^r^nt, Lieut. Col. Charles Pierndcrlcath. CAPTAIhS. *J. B. Cileggf John Wiliumi, , £ .wi. Cheihnc. Roi)t, Johndwn. Fed. O.HeiioU LiSVTSNAVTS. Wm. B'aquiere, Rube. R. L ring, Win. Aiexr. Giant Alexr Lewis, K bt* Bat.iey,^ N raian Wi^htwxk* ENSIGNS* Ti omas Lamont, Deniiiii Biown, J u e. Arma d, Jaints K.;tcerfnaft''r« * Ume-b Brock, J'.mcb F '2jj bbon, EiJ8# 1 h'.s. Leggatr, * Geo.* Wai. R)hcrtfon, AlTift. Surgeon, \ Agent, Willia.a Gilptn, Efqr. No 43^ ^^r.^nd. * • ThU dtmtti filftKt Offiaru i JStfff" ■ *f I PlBi 'i I ,it i'. ( 90 ) ' Ninety ^Eighth Regiment » * Colonel John Burke. Lieut. Colonel William DougUs. Arthur Loyd, *Guy C. L'Eilrange, Captaiks. Majors < John Niciiotis) Thomas Har, Henry Croafda'lf, *Hon. Henry Builer, *Samfjn Carter. Henry Kerwani Richard Carrolif J. F. Fulton, Willianv Milne^ John Dane. . Lieutenants.' Nicholas Wrixon, Gilias M*Phcrfjn, M^cnamara m rgan^ Patrick Brennan, Matthew Hare, N;holas D*Arcy, *jofiah Crampton, John Gallagher. Walter Butler, John Kelly, Luke Burke„ Richard Gibbons. Ensigns. I John Fl inter, Rxhard Ellis, ♦Edward HandcoT> George L*£ltrange« Thomas Bvirkc. J. C. Reiffenftein. David Deppie. * , William Cogan* - -rt-n r. ? William Robfon, Agents, Greenwoed, Cox, Sc Co. jofepk Killkelly, J. C. Reifflmftcin, ""Hyacinth Daly, *Ja(ncs R ;rke, P^y Ma'ler ^: * Adjutant C^ Mailer Surgeon ^ 'fhis denotes ahfcnt Officers, Han* ( 9« ) Hundredth Regiment, •Colonel, Frcdk. J. Falkiner. Lieut. Colonel, John Murray. .., . C Chrhlr. Hamilton, Mijors, ^ y^ .^ Plendcricath. ]ulin Miirtin, Alexr. Andrew?, ^M. j, Jackfon, *T. O. Sher.ard, CAPTAINS. Geo. T. Bourke^ Thus. Diwfon *Hon. S. Gore, • *Tracy H. Thomas. Thos. Keighlcy. LIEUTENANTS. Wynne Fawcett, Adjt. W orris Novvlancl, Thi'S. ^ugo'i Charles Hanley, Af'.dw. Bourkc, Thos. Stannus, J *W, O. Sandwich, John Dickfon, *Thomas Windfor,- John Armftrong* j. P. Hoy, C B. Williams, rjwd. Murray^ I'atrick Carter, *Godlrsy H. James, . Pay Maftcfj / .Adjutant, INSJGN3. 1 Patrick Nowlan, Irwin Dawfon, *Jas. Stuarti W. H. Arthur *John Nowlan. *Wynnc Fawcctt. Quarter Mailer, T. B. Hearne. Surgeon, W. Stewart. A n-n. o ^ Ji Burnfide, Aflift. Surgeon, < J * - Agents, Greenwood, Cox & Co. * Tits denotii ahjent Officer Si i'- m * ,'. t: ■'I. ■ *l f ■'1 Xib. : m tfr'Kl: mi.U \ •r \ ; W ( 9« ) A*/-^ Royai yettran Battalhn^ Co!on'f, *Lovfcher Pennington, it. gU Henry Zouch, Dinald M'Mierfon. Lieu% Col. Maj jr, Ctptains, K c^urd Kjrnphreyj, C'ha"-I.^9 i?)bt»f:S| Dnlei Mybrea,- W'Hiam Hattrn, J^rnes C'l leJgc, Adj?. Wil)iam J?ailfy, ^JrirueS Campbell, Jife^jh Lambeth, Oenr^e Wilke?, ♦D* Johns, ■• ' Th inas ( h'ttle, ' ^'^ ♦ Brjcr, ''. Matthew Gould, ■ Pay ^Mailer, Adjutant, Qr, M after. Surgeon, iXEUTEKANTS, John Jamer-n, Alexander Murray, William Taylor, Alan Cameron, David Hopkins. John Lanripton, jof-ph Thorn pfon, John Nicholl, J ha M'Doneil. J.incs Colledge. William Rogers. Richard Armftrong, • /r/i. P C Geufgc Ga-rat, • ' I aenjatnin Roberts. Agents, Bernard 8t Brdoklbank. t; % * "Thlx denotes Aijent Ojkeru Royal ■ '-■ - I; a 1. n: I 93 ) Itcfaf i^ewfoundUnd Regiment. ^C'>fo .^1, John Skerrrtt, Maj. ^toL ♦. ii'u'. CI. H E. B'lnb'ry, ♦Mijjr, Chaiea S therUnd. Captains. I fTho'Pj* Pitt', J. T. WhfUn, J^hn £van8* I H C. LofTs. Rrwtand Hcathcote, iPh V. Cor-iands, S D. K-I'v, ♦R, . i)k onetf W W. W hlrr, i Th mas >te wart, '"*""' RobcitC'.k> Adj Thus, Gitfilian, j F. (^r Week , Alfrc AnnHrongi J 'hn L Br« 10^1 *j. C, Gordon* ENflGKS* Pf illi IngorviUc, P t^-ck Waj/h, J. G. Aimltro^g, pay- Mailer, Aiiju' n", Qr. M'ftT, Sur^e* A, *P tPck KeWf, * A (op, EuwJ. Enii^bt* Robert C ok. Daniel Rie y. - Wil hnr> Powell Aihft. .Su"gPOo, Jams Curtis* Agent, Mr. Dmatoi, tieut* mdm i 4 i' 'h '< ii. Is I ,4 !■*♦ to* Canadian \m ,:fi!iii.:.,. )\ ii: ■I ; . '!i'W II ,V< I. Af, li'ilr' I! U. '!'■:! ii't' llti! ;:■!!! ( 94 J • I J' V Canadian Fencibie Infan^ry^ ^,..^ J * Colonel, T, Peter. . Brig; Gcnl, Lieut. Colonel, David Shank. Major, G. Robertfoiii •»■ 1 /. ♦ CAPTAINS. N ♦ w |as^ Eccies, k, W. DeHaren, *Thos. Hay, E. Cartwright, r t . < s» i^ ^t Dug. Campbell, ,/.; Geo^ Fergufon. John M«Gill, *M. Colville. L i i^onald Cameron, t f /\ ? l*''i'*Th°^' Drake. LIEUTENANTS. John Wilfon, ^ Alexr. M*Quecn, ^ JaSvPentz, , ^ ^^^ , John Reid, 7/ — Olding^ W^ MarihalU / ENSIGNS* II 4|B|«4t Chas. Cameron, Edward Moor^« F. Forj»ne, r *P. Colley, '* J. Jtohnfton* • " . ."' i 1 Pay Mafter, _^ ^ ,^ • , Adjutant, » Quarter Mafteri Alcxr, M'Millani. Surgeon, Michl. Mabey. AiTift. Surgeons, 4 5 Alexr. Cunningham* -1,- ., ^ ...■■.-• ■■ Agents, Greenwood, Cox, & Cog •t.i.:v.*.X*'* </f«»r« <i^/m Q^fVs 'HE < dr> virt'. .. >•>•'- 1 4.4 ^.SMT ill. [1. ^'I'i' • «. t '^^rcsi 1 U V i • (^ ■ ♦^ i i' .' f , ■ * , / ■ ": ; •r . > t*f v;f?. ■>/ .i5r-.5i THE ; '-• .-[it BRITISH GOVERxVMENTS IN NORTH AMERICA. ♦ >/v » '^i. :' ;- ' *r ■. »■ » /■IJ^i!. A > H -:|' >' <tN It IV h h' ;p- •'• I A W-- ( 96 ) ^ CIVIL LIST OF UPPER CANADA. lieutenant Governor, His Excellency FRANCIS GORE, Efquire, &c. &c. &c. Members of the Legislative Council. Honorable Chief Jufticc, Scotr, Speaker. Rt. Revd. Jacob Lord Bifhop of Quebec* Alf^xr. Grant, Richd. Duncan^ i£neas Shaw, John M«Gii!« The Revd. George O'Kill Stuart, Chaplain, John Powell, Efqr. C/t?r/^ , Wm. W. Baldwin, Efqr. ABg, Mafier tn Chancery, Mr. Geo. Lawe, Gent, TJfier of the BlackRod% Afr. Hugh McLean, Door.keeper^ , 7 ' Members of the Executive Council. Chief fufticc. Thomas Scott. Rt. Revd. Jacob Lord Biihop of Quebec. i^neas Shaw, John M'GilU jjj r James Baby, ^ \ Alexr, Grant, g t ^^tef Ruffcll, Ji hn Small, Efquire, Clerk, Hugh ivl*Lean, Door-keeper and Mejfenger* Maria Willcoks. Houfe-keeper, JUDGES. The Hon. Thomas Scott, ChUf Jufltco Wm. Dummer Powell, ) ^y-^^^y^,, I^r"^^^ V "r ^^r- I of the Court 0/ Ks. J?cnch. MlM- ( 97 ) Members or the House or Assimbly^ Hon. Alexander Afacdoneli, Speaker. '\ Alexander Macdonell and 7 Glengaty 8c Walter BofJer Wilkiofon, J Prejcott. tl"-'' D'Arcy Boutton, Stormont and kuJfeU John Cr\(lT, Dundas^ , ,| Samuel Sherwoodi GrenvtlUm Pete; Howard, Leeds* Allan McLean, FrontenaC* ' " ' Thomas Dorl.nd, Letio< and Addtngton^ tb nei^r Wafliburn, Pnnce Edward* Dd. M.*Gr. Rogers, Haftings Sc Northumberland Rt, Thorpe, Durham, S'mcoe 8c Eafl Rsdwg York I » and 1 Weft R. York & ift. Riding Robert Nellis, J Lincoln & Haidimand, Ifaac 5«.air?;y, 8c 7 2d. 3<i. & ^th Rid- Ralf Clench. J ing of Lincoln* Benjah Mal'ory, Norfolk^ Oxford, ^ Middiefex* John M*Gregor, Kent, Matthew Elliot 8c David Cowan, EJfex. Opficers or the House op Assembly* The Revd. Rob-. Add if on, Chaptaln* . Donald, M'Lean, Efij. Clerk, - M r . T horn TLsKMo^at^ Setieantat Armn 1 Thomas Kidoui Johnfon, Doorkeeper, " "' * >l . «•» Mk 'k' # '«ir >.-$' -t n Of r I cErsV'^*^**'^ "*'^''^^"^* '''''** '^*''^'* Hon. Peter Ruffel, Efq. Receiver General, Hon. Peter RuTei; Efcl* Auditor General, Hon. jn. Af<Glll, fefq Ifjfpea GenL Public Prvu. Accounts^ .^^ Wm Haiton, ifqr. 5<^fy. to the Lieut. Governor, Thos. Ridour,eiqrs. J ^ *< ' ^u*t ^\\\\zmf\n\\, Attorney GeneraU *' j. D*Arcy Boulton, Silicit^r OenersL H 3 ^ir HIM P P. 'Phi. m't 5 ai ■ ■ u< mi m I'.. >^ ^1 1 ( 98 ) Wm. jarvis, Efq. Secretary Sc RegiJUr^ John Small, Efq, C/<?riJ of the Croivn in Chancery, Thomas Merrit, Efq, Surveyor of ff^oods, Miles Macdonell, Efq. Regifter of the Court of Probate, John Poweil, Efq. Naval Officer, A Lieutenants of Counties, John Macdonell, Clengaryt William Fortune, Prejcot, John M*DoneJI, Stormont, Allan Patterfon, Dundas. Peter Drumraond, Grenvile, James Breakenridge, Leeds, , ^t Richard Cartwright, Fronttnacm __ Hazelton spencer, Lenqx^ W i 11 a m J <>B n fon,i > jiddington , John Fcrg«(Vr>, ' Htjiings, ' Archibald JVl'Pdncll, Prince Edtvdrd. A \r. xa rtder 'Chi /holm , Northumberland. Robett Baldwin, Durham^ John M'GiUy Yo^k, Robert Hamiltpn, Lifu^n* Samuel Ryerfe, William Claus, Francis Ba|)y, James Baby,,;;.; ^^ ; t:r Vv J.' It » >i ;)i >! (1:1 ^iMi^ ■M '■, Barristers AND Xttorkies« ."^ jamcs^ Clark, Allan M'Lc'an, Tipru rhy ThompCoh, Nicholas Hagerman, Al-exr. Stewart, Davenport 'Phcrpi, Charles j.jPcterSf Samuel Sherwood, B* C, Bea^dfley, . *. V , . * .'^. J 1(1)66 Woods, johh ,Tenbroock, Llvitts P. Sh^wood, D* Arcy ooulton, WilUam Dickfoa, johp Powell, WiUlani W. Baldwin, Williaitj Elliott, D*Arcy Boultoii} junr t* 1 AT. • 1 (u 1 V .J -\' : }. I iOi'-lvC .i-.i! \ *i': .I'l . . -fTu .t r "7 t>I ? a; I. . e ArTOftNIES ONLY. Thomas Ward, | joha Low Ferrand* LicxNcxD Surveyors* Wiliiam Chewitr^ Thomas Smithy Abraham Iredeity Thomas Wclfli. Augttllus jones, William Fortaae^ Zewis Granc, Richard CockrelJ^ Henry S.nith, John Rider» Aaroa Gtcelyy Thomas Frafcr, Reuben Slierwood^ jofeph Fortune, Salomon 5t"phens, 6^amuel S% Wilmor, Sa.nuel Ryckman, Mahion Burwelly A j rain Mariec, Samuel Ridout, George Lawe, jeremiah McCarthy, P4 Indian Dspy^RTMENT. Col. Wm. Claus, Dy. Superint, GL fif Dy, tnfp. G/. Thomas M*Kee, Efq, Stuperintendant » James Givons, Efq. Agent at Vork* Prideaux Sclby, AJJifl, Stcretary, Robert Kerr, Surgeon, George Ironfide, Storekeeper ST Ckrk, Wm. johnfon Chev/, Storekeeper, John A/kin, junr. Storekeeper & Interpreter, Devid Price, Clerk ^ Interpreter* jofeph Cheniquy, Clerk, John Bte. Roudjeau, Benjamin Fairchild, John Cameron, Simon Girty, Thos. A\ex, Clirlcp, Charles Reaame, Nathaniel tine.. SI m- ■i.'M i'l ' H3 Cv ■J % m !S iill'li' ifi V 1 ; '*:'M'J I ii ■ h.i. ! J]/ hJ r My; 1 ' ni m Wl H 5 '*;,( i , \i ! f ^^ n 1 ; i-i I i: i il W. ( lOO ) Comminioneri of tbe Peace for the refpeAiye DiftriA^ -wkhin this Province* The Hon, Thorn at Scott, Chief Jufliee. • *>« X "james Baby^ Fet r Rutfell, Robert Hamilton, .Richard Cartwright, f Al'-xander Grant, Richard Duncan, iCneas Shaw, i^john M<Gill. Wmt Dumr. Powell, Robert Thorpe, Alexis Maifonvillr, William Caldwell, Mathew Elliott, John ^flcin, (enior, Angus MMntofl), William Parke, George M'Gregor^ Francois ^aby, William Monforton^ Prideaux .Selby, John Drake, ' William Shaw» Baptifte Baby, John Aikin, junr, Robert Richardfon, Thomas Reynolds^ Alexander Duff, Thomar M^Crae^ George Jacobs, Richard Pattifon, Aiexr« M<Donell* « o £fquirc»4 fThe Members of the Legiflative&Execotive" \ Council^, the juJgcs, and 1 Thomas Talbot, Samuel Rycrle, I William Clauf, ^ < Peter Tecple, Thos Horner, Dan!. Springer, John Bcemer, Wyu Williams, El as Fofter, William Tyler, Nat« Bunl. Barnum, William Hutchinfon, Bsnajah Mallory, jofeph Ryerfon, Archib. McMillan, james ^urdick, Edward Watfon, Thomas Welch, ^john Coltman, "The Members of theLegiflati^e ft Executive' Councils, the judges, Benjamin Pawing, J uhn Warren, fenior. John Ball, Thf The Rev. K. Addi. fon, Ck. |<»hn Reilley, '< ^ J^^' Edwards^ jn« Warren, jr. Henry Haigle, CrowellWilfon, Thomas Cummings, John M'Keriie, William Claus, james Muirhead, Saml. Street, fenr^ ( «0I ) Robert Nelliff, Richard Beafle/f Richard Hatty Samuel Hatty Abraham Neilis, Thomas Clark, Thomas Dickfon, William Applegarth» Amos Chapman^ Eden Bebee, William Crooks^ >.!3 (4 ■»/■:.. ^•M 'The Members of the Legiflative&ExecutiYe' Councils* the judges, and % William jarvis, john .Smally •Samuel 5mith, ja*^es MacauUay, John M<Gill, Robert Baldwin^ William Allan, Alexander Wood, William Graham^ Richard Hatr, Samuel Hatt, Richard Beafley, Richard Fergufon, Ti Alexri johi Robe! Benj. Richardfo/i, Elias jones, Eli as 6'mitb, fenr* ^Leonard So^tx, I William Applegarth, Richard Lo^ekin, . Eden Bebee, Duncan Cameron^ Eiiiha Beman, AlexanderM'Donetl, ^'g Dunald M'Lean^ | <S^ James Fulton^ John Erby John Bricker. Archb* Thompfon, Alexr. Fletcher* Alexr. Fletcher^ John Spencer, joel Merrimany Richard Hare « \ y { : 1' ' h.<. if • m h >' i ' '/•■■■' jllj] l:' .'in; !'■ - ^ r':VI ' 'SI ( «02 ) The Members of the L.'-giflative & Executive^ CouQc«is^ and the judgrsi and Rev J. 6tuirt, elk. Robe t Clark. Danul Wright, Aichb. M<Oonnell» Wiliiam n>hnfton, J >ihua Boothy Al«x» 'd r Fiihsry John Embuiy, Dn'rel F rater, Auguilu^ ^'penc^T, Scinf >n, junr. athan Miller, Bleeker, S<imuel Shtferwood, HazletO'^ Spencer, Bryan Cra\Vfordy Thonas D-rland, Nicholas Lixit-rey Thomas Marklandy ^Peter Smith, 5 I John I Jonai Jofcph Forsyth, J hn C'lmniiig, William Cfv wtord, William jR bins, ^eij<imin Seymore, Wm. Bc.||,ofRchd. Jn, Bjf. Chamberlin, D.Frafer,ofErncftn. I Jt Stephen C'^nger, '^.5 Ma hias Ma ih, f g* Rob", Young, fenr. j M |ame« M^Nabb, John De Fof, Joleph P in. le, Cornelius Vanjilftcin, Barret Dyer, Jame' C<>tier, Mathew Pruym, Henry M'Donell, John Howelt. ,.-» rXhf Members of the Legiflative Sc Executive^ I Councils^ and the judges, and I Edward jefTap, fenr William Frafer, Peter Drummond, Ephraim Jones, Thomas Sheer wood, Samuel Wrig t, ^"S james Breakenridge, *^ I Thomas Frafer, r^ I Gideon Adam?, Solomon Jones, Dan. el jones, Truman Hicock, Joel .Scone, .^cephrn Burritt, ^-Wiiiiam Soles j'lnr, Henry Arnold, Richard Arnold, Peter Howard, j Benjamin LymoD, Hu^b Munro, Da )iel Buritt,jr. james Campbell, Elijah Bottom, Uriah Schotield, Stephen Waibburn, Henrjjr Baga t, Phillip Phillips, Thomas Smyth, 1 Seth Warner. ,<• »o 9 P. i^ m IW M «> (A 3 M V* CT 1"^ T< !fie Va Ch^g N joh Hi) 'h« 14 1 '; - ^ ; Irfpeaors of Beef and Pork* Geo. Grant Oliver Everts J as. Robinfon Kingfion, Fred. Hcsford Richmond, David Lockwood jos« Hunt Thos> Bunting Treajurers of Dif^ trias. Rich. Wilkinfon Chtu joncs Hy. Van Allan Thos, Markland John Peters Wm. Allan John -Symington josj Ryerfon Mathew Daifon Wm. Hands -' ^1 • i I' J' A distri:t officers— upi Districts* EASTERN. JOHNSTOWN. Judges of the Dif- tricl Courts* Samuel Anderfon Solomon jones Clerks of tbe Dif- triSi Courts^ jobnDunnaven Charles jone.** MIDLAND. Alexr. Fiflicr NEWCASTLE. Timy. Thompfon HOME. NIAGARA. Clerks of Peace. the jno. L. Farrand Haml. Walker Surrogates* SamU Anderfon Ephm. jones Pool England Allan M'Lean David M. Rogers David M. Rogers Wm. Willcocks Thos. Ridout Thos. Ridout LONDON, I WESTERN. Samuel Street Ralph Clench Ralph Clinch Alexr. Fifher Timy. Thompfon Wm. Willcocks Robt. Kerr Samuel Ryerfe Prldeaux Selby ani Robt. Richardfon Rich.W. Dcafe J as. Allan Rich, W; Deafe Saml. Ryerfe Regifler of tbe\ . ._ SVtrogattQourts*\ S^""'/^'- jofli* Anderfon piel MfLean •Saml. Sherwood V'ai. Frafer, jr. Poole England 'bas. .Stuart M David M. Rogers ohn Peters Wm Chewit liles Macdonell Ralph Clench 'bos. MerritC t Thos* Welch IP. Boftwick RegiJ Of Court john Fort L, P. She J as. Allan Rev. Rd.Pollard Wm. Hands Allen M* David M. Thos, Ri< John Powi Thos. He rm. Hands I r OFFICERS— UPPER.CANADA. Sheriffs. iel M<Leaa ai. Frafer, jr. las. Stuart hn Peters lies Macdonell A aos. Merritt p. Boftwlck m. Hands Rtgijien of Counties, john Fortune L. P. Sherwood Coronen* jos. Anderfoa Oliver Everts Allen McLean David M. Rogers Thoii, RidouC John Powell Jos. Anderfon Tlmy. Porter Wm. Cooper Peter M'Michan > Thos. Horner jona. Williams Win. Smith ColUSiors of the CuJiomi% Jos. Anderfon L. P* Sherwood at Jobnjio'wn, W. M. Stone, at Gananojue, ]os. Andenon Timy. Thompfon Wra. Allan J no. Muirhead Cbippawa* fno. Symington Niagara, Thos. Diclcfon, Slueenfionvn, John Warren, Fort Erie, JOS. Ryerfon Turkey Point, Wm. Duff. Sandwich, Wm, Woods, yfw- be\fii>urg. JOS. Chinequy St. Jojepb'i InfpeSiors of Floutf Pot and Pearl AJhei, JOS. Anderfon L. P. Sherwood J as* Robinfon Timy Thompfon Wm. Allan Collin M'Nab InjfeEion of Shot) f Still and Ta- vern Duties, Neil M'Lean Oliver Everts john Warren jno. Afken jr. John Gumming Thos. Ward Wm. Allan Ifaac Swazey JOS. Ryerfon Wm. Hands trfpenon of Beef and Pork, Geo. Grant Oliver Everts jas. Robinfon Kingjion. Fred. Hcsford Richmond, David Loclcwood JOS* Hunt Thos- Bunting Hy. Van Allan Treajurert of Dif. tri&s. Rich. Wilkinfon Chai. jones Thos. Markland John Peters Wm. Allan John <Syn'.''agton J0S4 Ryerfon Mathew Dalfon Wm. Hands u. m 1 i ffr-i T 1 y I \ ^ V » 1 1 1 ' M\ 1 '. 'mf ,1 . ,1 ■ I i', t 1', 'J ;: J ":/.r K;;j'it ii ( .t :i^ ',• f jy; 1. . I( i ,;-(i 'i; < U! 1 ■' ?: ishtitv ^ I i J03 ) The Members oftheLegiflative^cExecotive*) Counciliy the judges, and J5 5S^ is Jo^n M<Donell, of Glengary houfe* John M'Doneli, of Scothoufe. Jeremiah French, Allan M'Donell, of ,. , Matilda. ^ ^ Alex. McMillan, Alex. M'Donell, Samuel Anderfon, James Stuart, Mires M^Donelly Jacob Weager, William Frafery Allan Patterfon, John Corbet. John M4ntire, John M<Donell, of the town of Char- lottenburgh* Alexander Rofe, Nathaniel Norton^ Thomas Meers, jofeph Shutter, v5 Allan M<Donell, of William johnfon, Charlottenburgh* | joHiua Y. Cozens^ Gilbert Stuart, David 5heek, jofiah Cafs, John Stewart, Peter I^ Roy, Afa Warner, J Lift of Commidioners for Admrniflering the Oath to Half-Pay Officers. rr^rTjc^n iRkacdonell, oft Scothoufe. ^ J' Glengary houle. | john Stcwairt. bj tJoJin McDonnell of | v^^f Edward jeffiip, fcnr. 1 ^?1 William Frafer. S-Efqulrcs. Sj^ljoel .Stone. j 3iff Archibald M'Donell, I Jof(?pt Forfyth, Q J|Tlionlas Dbrland, I Thomas Marklandi S^/^azelton Spencer, | ^*^ f Ale^^ander Chifiiolxn, 1 ^^ 1 1 J*^P,^*"^*''> fE/quircst (^ i^ (_ Robert Baldwin, j StC William Allan, 1 - . H /* i * ^ Z Alcia'iider Wood, > Efquircs ', • tli (.Richard Hatt. J |4|^ .^ j ti ' r4 ,X J ii! '!i> miM i'hit ■I'v «,f ii : !iil',' ■■( -if III \H ? e ill ! ■t ■? m ill •t ;, ( »o+ ) John Warren » fcnr. Ki.b'»rt K.< rr, Richar') B'iffiV, . £rqu'^r€li Samuel Street, i hos. Cuinm ngs, { Thomas Talb'-t-, ? Samu I Ry i", J N4 han B . Ba num, Angu* MMn eft, G'ego. M'Gr.gor, Alexander Duff Efqulres. £fquireS4 I I Lilt tf Tr.iftees fur the PuWic Schools* ' \ .Simiiri S'leerwood, | jofeph Ander^on> Neil M'LriP, I johii Cryfler, _ Samuel A •dcrfon, r Thomas She; wood, I Eph.airrt jo c , «§^y Solomo . Jo s, »Q I jaines Ca'fjpbJ!, ?^. (^Elijah B">ttour. . f Hon, Rchd. Cau. Aiexioper McMillan* ^"^'■•^IW.' it'll*! Efquires, , . ,; '•if. -". ' * '^^ I 7 "k i Virigh , . :^ ^ R.ev. 0\ S'uart, g I Alian M*Lea.i, i; iirph F Hyth, _. A«^ Bmn^im, . Lf:oM,a So pT^ Eiias J iiv Si c<cv. G. O Srjart, yhcy R .Iron, I hn Sn) til, Doncao Ca .leron, •If}';, Rt. Hamiuon) C'»i<«nel ciau , ' '^•. ' *V riam Dickfjni Uobtrt Kerr, Th jf^ter A'e Phlh omas Marldao4i, 1 :er Smnh, I « rxanier Fil^r, J».- lii Duriand. h. I o< 7 1' j.ihn Peters,.^ john Klceke'r, T» rtot y T)i>mpfon Sa-nu^l Smith, Th »mas Ridout. ,, Tnomi- cuiiininjK juneji Mjirhrad,^ John i&'yoainston. ( tog ) Thomas ralbor, Samticl RyfrAr, jofeph Ryetfon, Wlliair Hutch. nfoHi Hon. jsmcs B by^ Rev. RJ. Potara, M4'thew Ellioi, Angus M*Iiito(b, List op Public NrxAtiES. Alexander .Vttwait^ Thomas Rldouc^ Thumas Ward, Thomas ^parham^ Thomas Welch, J 'hn coUinan^ Danei Sprnger* John A{k n, fenr* Gre^or McGregor, Alexander Duff* james Ailaoy Win. W. Baldwin, D nald M'Diarmid, jafeqh cheni^uy. NOVA SCOTIA* Lieut. Governor, Sir John Wentworth, Bart. Bishop, the Aight Revd. C« inglis, D. D. Chief juftice, S. Saiter Brewers, EAjr, Judge ot the Admiralty, Alexander Croke, L* L* D* Attorney Genera', R. j. Ursiacke, Elqr, . Depy. Q£. Mr. G^n, Lieut. Coi. Tinltng. NEW-BRUNSWICK. Lieut* Governor, Thomas C'rleron- Chief JuO-ice, George Duncan Ludiow, £r<|* Attorney General, Jonathan BXs, Efqr. ISLAND or PIINCI XDWAltt)* Lieut. Governor, Col- J. F. W, Defturres. Efqr. Chief Juftice, Richard Th r^e, Efq*^. Attorney General, P. Macg iwan, Efqr. CAPE BRFTON* Lieut. Governor, W. McCarmick, E^qr " Chief Juftice, , Efqr. Attoroey General, Wmt Caiiipbell, Eftir^ ^^;. 'i i Kxwi* ( io6 ) f NEWPOVNDXAND.- ^'tfc*" ■ ¥ Governor and Commander of His Ma/edy^s S(|ua* dron on the ftation^ i . , Lieut. Governor of St. ^otint, ^ohn £lford| Efqr* Chief yuftice, Richard Rourk, Efqr. / MILITARY* Commander of His Majefty^s Forces Nova-Scotia^ New-Brunswic and their dependencies. Major Ge- neral Martin Hunter« Deputy Adjt. Genl. Major W. Bowyer. NiwFouNBLAiyD. Majt Gen. John Skcrrett/ K •?• *,vev? "f.*?^ ,.• V> wn ,l' ! '^'Itl :; i.::i:: ■^A (\.V I .. • " ' ij ♦ J!«'<t . t 4 w.iVl ^p- ph 'A ir APPENDIX. '^. I r 4iiii i fi ■ lip--! i',':M::i • ■jji |# ' r'.i:ilii J. 3 ! t, 11 |HI^ ( 108 ) A Geographical Description op THE World, EUROPE extends in its greateft breadth from 9th degree Weft to 61 Eaft longitude from London, and in its greateft length, from 35^^ 55' to 71^ io* N. latitude, and contains thefe Countries, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Netherland?, Italy, Ruilia, Hungary, France, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Norway 'and Greece, the moft eminent lllands are thefe: Great-Britain, Ireland, Sicily, Sardinia, Can- dia, Negropont and Corfica. The greateft length of this part of the World is 3000 miles, the breadth 900. ASIA, extends in its greateft breadth, from 61 degree Eaft, to 163 E. longitude, from London, and in its greateft length, from 10 South, to 75 N. latitude, and is the firf^ known part of the World, it contains thefe principal Regions and Illands, viz, Armenia, Anatolia, Perfia, Aflyria, China, Syria, Arabia, Mefopotamia, India, Japan, Parthia, Mc- eia, Paleftlne, Chaldea, and Tartary. AFRICA, extends in its greateft breadth, from 15 degree Weft to 50 Eaft longitude, from London and in its greateft length from 35 Weft to 40 fouth latitude, in it are thefe Countries, viz. Egypt, Barba- ry, Bilenulgerid, Ethiopia, Nubia, Congo, AbyfTinia, Monomotopa, Guinea, &c. The Iflands, Madagafcar, St. Thom»s, Ifiands gf Cape Verde, Canary Iflands, Madeira. . . AMERI. \ ( 109 ) * "AMERICA. This great Weftern Continent, frc ^uently denominated the Nc , World, extends from the 8oth Degree North to the 56th of fouth latitude ; and, where its breadth is known, fiomthe 56ih to the 136th degree of W. Long, from London, ftretching from between 8 and 9000 miles in length, and its greateft breadth 3690. It fees both Hemifpheres, has two fummersand a double winter, and enjoys ail the ■variety of climates which the E^.rth affords. It is "wafhM by the two great Oceans 5 to the Eaftward it has the Atlaniic, which devides it from Europe and Africa; to the Weft the Pacific, or great South 5ea, by which it is fcparated from Afia : by thefe feas it may, and does carry a dire£t commerce with the other three parts of the World. This great Contin^-nt is divided into two parts, one on the North, the other on the 5outh; which are join- ed by the Kingdom of Mtxico, forming a lort of Ifth- mus 1500 miles long, and in one pari, at Darien, fo extremely narrow, as to make the communication be- tween the two Oceans by no means difficult, being only 60 miles. In the great Gulph which informed beiween the Ifthmus and the northern and fouthern grand Divifions of this Continent, tie an infinite multi- tude of Illands, many of them large, molt of them fertile, and denominated, the Well Indies, in contra- didtion to the Countries and Iflands of Afia, beyond the Cape of Good Hope, which arc cali'd, the EalU Tndies, >%■ I2 UNI^ M I' It; It 'M'l 'i, ,; :i.^: ( '10 ) UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT^BRITAIN AND IRELAND. This kingdom formerly England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland Is iituated between 49^ 50 'and 50^ 25' of North latitude, and between 70 40' Weft, and i® 50' of £aft longitude and contains about 15,000,000 inhabitants, according to the laft Cenfus. The United Kingdom is a limited monarchy, and hereditary to both fexes. The King muft be of the Proteftant religion, as eftabli(hed. The King pcfeffes the executive power of government, and, with the Par- liament, (hares in the legiilative. Parliament is com. poied of the three eftates, the iSovereign^ the Houfe of Peers and the Houfe of Commons. The climate is mild, the foil fur the fnoft part na- turally good, yielding every ufcful production, wine, oil and filk excepted. The genius and induftry of the people, in the arts of agriculture and gardening, in the mode of feeding cattle, breeding horfes and Aeep, have placed this beyond every other European country in this point.— The woollen manufactures of En- gland, and the produce of their mines, &c* are inex» hauftible fources of riches. The perfevering induftry and great mechanical in- genuity of its inhabitants, have given Great-Britain decidedly the firit place in Europe as a commercial and ir.anufadturing country- The advantage of her infular firu:ition, many excellent harbours, and vaft extent of fea line, have highly contributed to her fa* periority ; but her prodigious improvements in every manufacture and mechanical art, joip.ed to her wife laws for the prote(StIon of trade, and the h'gh rerpeft in which her mercantile character is held, have advan- ced her yet more. Next to manufaCiures, the fidierics are uf the greateft importance. The total of the com- merce, import and export, employs above two millions of tons of (hipping^ and the balance in favour of Orcat-Britain is above three millions on the aversgfr. / !1 ( in ) TABLE Of the Kings and Queens of England and Great-Britain, with the time they feverally hegza to reign. King*s Names Began their Reigns, Cnxon Line. Reigned, Egbert Ethdwolf £theibald Eth ibert Ethelred Alfred the Great Edward I, Saxon Ethelftan Edmoni I* Ed red E'iwin Edgar Edwardll.iSdfjfow Ethelred Edmond II* Knute I* Harold I. Knute II. Edward ConfeJ/bf Harold II. William I II Henry I M. D. 801I 38 60, 66 72 900 as 41 48 55 SO 75 79 1016 Danish. 1017 39 41 65 Y. 37 20 2 6 6 28 *5 16 7 7 4 16 4 37 I 19 — — 24 — — Norman Line. (Stephen 0^, 14, 1066 20 ro 26 Sept. 9, 1087 12 10 23 y^ug» 2, 1 1 00 35 3 30 Dec. :, 1135 18 10 *5 I3 King't Bii'. m k ,-■ Henry II Richard I John Henry ill Edward I II Ill Richard II ( "» ) Eejan their Reigns* Reignei^ Henry IV V VI Edward IV V Richard III The Saxon Line Reltoredk Y. Oti. 25, 1 1 54 July 6, 1 189 Afril 6, 1199 0<5?. 19, 1216 Nov, 16, 1272 July 7, 1307 Jan, 25, 1327 June2iy 1377 The Lino of Lancajlcr^ 2zpt. 29, !3^J9 March 20, 1 41 3 yf^i/j^. 31, 1422 The bine of Tork, March 4, 1 42 1 A(irM 9, 1483 June 22, 1483 The Families united. 34 9 17 56 34 19 S<> 22 ^3 9 3S 22 o 2 Henry VII VIII Edward VI Q^Mary Q^Elzabeth Aug, 22, 1485 A^ril 22, 1509 Jan, 28, 1547 y^^/y 6, IS53 Nov. 17,, 1558 23 37 6 5 44 Union of the Tvvo Crowns. Jannes Charles I I II II March 24, 1 503 1 Marcl 27, 1 625 1 7^^ :?/j, 1649 PV^ 6, 1685 22 23 ?6 4 13 James Will, and Maryj.FVZ». 13^ 1689 Union of the Two KingdomSt \March 2, 1702 12 L^«^. I, 1714 12 \jv.ns iij 1727 ldc7. 2$, 176^? M. 8 9 6 o 7 6 4 3 I I a a 8 9 5 4 4 o O O O II o 21 xS *7 S ao II 4 13 o o 6 3 It 7 7 7 *3 Q^ Anne George I George II George III 4 *3 10 10 .. » 14 w<&cw Godfnfirve*. Thf 34 / ,*v i«' ( >»3 ) The Royal Family of Great-BrlCaia. King George Hi* bom • . 4 June 173S Queen Charlotte born - - 19 May 1744 George, Prince of Wales, born - i» Aug 1762 Duke of York, Bp. of Ofnaburgh, born 16 Aug 1763 Duke of Clarence, born Duchefs of Wirremberg, born Duke of Kent, born Princefs Augufta Sophia, born Princefs Elizabeth, born Duke of Cumberland^ born Duke of Suffex, Duke of Cambridge - Princefs Mary, born Princefs Sophia, born Princefs Amelia, born • Sister to His Majesty. Prs* Auguda, born 1 1 Aug. 1737 ; married to the Duke of Brunswick Lunenburghy 16 Jan* 1764, • « 21 Aug 1765 - 29 Sept 1766 • 2 Nov 1767 a 8 Nov 176S - 22 May 1770 M 5 J"^e 1771 born • 27 Jan. 1773 bor|i - 24 Feb, 1774 • 25 April 1776 • 3 Nov 1777 '* 7 Aug 1783 The Sovereigns of Europe. <» — Countries. Sovereign"!. When born. Began to reigri Knirland, Sac. George III, June 4f 1738 oa. fi5» 1760 Uuffia Alexander Dec. 23, 1777 Mar. 24, i8of Spain Cliarlcs IV. Nov. n, 1748 Dec. i7, 1783 Portugal Peter Sc Mary Dec. 7, j734 Feb, 24. 1777 Pruffia Frederic III. ! Atig. 6, 177c Nov. 16. "1797 Den. & Nor. Clniflian Vlf. Jan. 2g, i74Q Jan. >4» i76« Sweden Guftav. IV. Nov. 1, 1778 Mar. «9. 179a Oermany, 8cc. Francis II. Feb. 12, 1767 Mar. »» »79» Popedom Pius VII. Aug. 11, 174''' Mar. 14. l8u« Sardinia Emanue V. July 24, 1759 June 4> igoz Ott. Empire Miiftapha IV. 1 80- Naples & Sic. Ferdin. IV. Jan. 12, 1751 oat 6. 1 7 i 9 » Jf A'' H Lift ' ^l.:| WE ^'HS '/I I'i !• :• .^iM II I'n'iill Ui ( 114 ) X^tf Cenialoiiqut des PrlnclpaUi Ma'nons de V Europe^ Grande-Bretagne. K. George III* £le£leur de Brunswic-Lunebourg, n. 4 Juin 1738, fucc. a fon Grandpere 25 Odt. 1760. m. 8 Sept. 1 76 1 9 a Sophie Charlotte, fille du Due Charles Louis Frederic de Meckierbourg- Strelitz> n, 19 Mai 1744, / Enfans* 1. George Auguftc Frederic, Pr, de Gallei, Prince elr^eur de BrunswicLunebourg, Due de Cornwall &; Rothlay Comte de Chedery n. 12 Aout 1762. a m. 8 Avril 1795*3 la Pr* Caroline de Brunswlc- Wollenbuttc!, n* 17 Mai, 1768. Fills. Caroline Charlotte Augufte, n. 7 Janv. 1796. 2. Frederic, Due de York (c d*AIbanie, Ev, d'Osna. brick, n* 16 Aout 1763. m. 19 Sept. 1791. a Freder'quc Charlotte Ulrique, iille du Roi Freder* Guill. H* de Prufle. n. 7 Mai, 1767* 3. Guijlaume Henri, Due de Clarence Sz St. An- drews, Connte de Munfler, n. 21 Aout, 1765. 4. Charlotte Augufte, n* 29 Sept. 1766. m. a S. A. S. Eleft. de Wurtemberg. 5* Edouard, Due de Kent & Strachern, Comte de Dublin, n. 2 Nov. 1767. / 6. Auguftf? Sophie, n. 8 Nov. 1768. 7. Eiifabeth, n. 22 Mai, 1770. 8. Erneft Augufte, Due de Cumberland & Tiviot-r dale, Comte d'Armagh, n. 5 Juin 1771. 9« Augufte Frederic, Due de Suffex, Comte d^Inver- nefs & Baron d*Aiclow, n. 27 Janvier, 1773. JO. Adolphe Frederic, Due de Cambridge, C. de Tipferary & Bar. de Cullodcn, n: 24Fev« 1774* 11. M^rie, n. 25 Avril, 1776. 12. 5ophic, n* 3 Nov. 1777* 13. Amelie, n* 7 Aout, 1783s. Enfam ( «»s ) Enfans defeu Due de GlcueeHre^ frere du Ro'u X. Sophie Mathilde, n. 29 Mai, 1773. 3p Cuiilaunrie Frctieric, n. 15 Janv. 1776. \>ou airier c dc Henri Frederic y Due de Cumberland, Anne, filie de Simon Luttrcl, Comte dc Carhamp- ton, n. 23 Mai, 1750, veuve 18 Sept. 1790. Autriche, Franjois II. Empereur, Roi de Hongrie et dc Boheme, Ai-chiduc d*Autriche, nc le ij, Fevricr, 1768. 1 3 mar. en fecondes noces ic 19 5ept. 1790. a Marie Therele iille dc Ferdinand IV. Roi dcs Deux Sicilcs, nee ie 6 Juin, 1772* Enfam, > Marie Louife, nee le 12 Dec* 1791* ,• Ferdinand Charles, ne le 19 Avril I793f • Leopoldinc Caroline Jofepiie, nee ie iz Janv» >797t 4« Marie Clenncntine Francoife Jofephe ne'e Ic icr Mars, 1798. 5, Jo3. Frs. Leopold, nee le 9 Avril, 1799 i, Caroline Ferdinande Jofeph Demetnce, nee ic8 Avril, i8oi« 7, Francois Charles joleph, n. 7 Dec. 1802; 8* Marie Anne Fraiicoiie, nee 8 juin, 1804. Frhesy (Aichiducs) I. Ferdinand, ne 6 Mai, 1769. • Charles ne ^ Sept. I771. 3. jofeph Antoine, n. 9 Mars 1776. 4. Antoine Vidlor ^oieph, n. 31 Avri!. 5. 5^ean 5apti(te Joleph. n. 20 janv. 1782. 6. Kei^icr jofeph, n. 14 Dec. 1784. 7. Louis Joleph, n. 14 Dec. 1784. %. Roviolphe J^an Jofeph, n. 8 janv. 1788. Dannemarc. Ch't't-en VIL no le 29 Janv. 1749. vcuf dc Caro-, line Mariiiiic, lUlc du rcu Pr. de Galled, le |o M^i, 1775- J 5 jilil % )\ '■ ( ''■l*i.> '■•'' ■^f- .. a. , ( ii6 Efpagne. 1 Pr. Charles IV. ne le 1 1 Nov. 1748. m. le 4 Sept. 1765. a Louife Marie Thcrcfe, Pr. de Parme, nee le 9 Dec. 175 -i* £nfans, t. Charlotte Joachime, Infante, nee le 25' Avrll, 1775. V. Portugal. 2. Marie Louife J.)fephine, Infante, nee le 6 JuUl. 1782. veuf en 1803, de Don Louis, Prince; de Parme, Roi d^Htrunc, ne le 5 Juiilet, 1773. FiU. ne 23 Deer. 1799. 3. Ferdinand, Pr. des Afturies, ne le 14 Odt. 1784. 4. Charles Marie Ifidore, Infant, ne le 29 ivlarS| J788. 5. Marie Ifabelle, Infante, nee !c 5 Ju/ll. 1739. 6. Francois de Paula Antoine Marie, ne Ic lO Mars» J794* Freres, 1. Ferdinand IV. Roi des deux Siciles, ne le 12 Janv. 175 1. ' V. 5icile. 2. Antoine Pafcal, Infant, ne le 3 1 Dsc. 1755. veuf de fa niece i*lnfante Marie Ameiie, le 27 Juili. 1798. - r - Fraace. Fille ds Louis XVL Marie Thcrcfe Charlotte, nee le 19 Dec, X778. Freres de Louis XVI, Z. Louis Staniflas X.wier, Comte de Provence (her>- tier de la Couionnc, faus le nom ^^ie Lou'.s XV^illj) ne le 17 N'^v. I7<;5. mar. Ic 14 Ma', 177 i? a Marie Jofephine Louif. , P. de Sardai^^ne, nrc le 2 Sept. 1753- ^.. Charlt'8 Phi!ip"»e, Comte d'Artois, (M-mn(»iir) ne r le 9 Oa. 1757. veuf de Mjric Th-jrele, Pr. de ^arda'gne. £«- Avrlly 1784. ivlarSy ( »'7 ) Enfanst l« Louis Antoine, Due d*Angoulemey ne le 6 Aodt^ 1775. mar. 10 Jain, 1799) a Marie Therefs, iille du Roi Louis XVI, nee 19 Pec* 1778. a, Charles Ferdinand Due dc Berry, n6 Ic 24 Janv. 1778. Branche d'Orleans, Due Louis Philippe, ne le 6 0£t« 1773* Freres et Sceurs* I* Antoine Philippe, Due de Montpenlier, nc le 3 Juill. 1775.^ 2. Eugenie Adelaide Loulfe, de Chatres» nee ie 23 Aout, 1777, 3. Aifonce Leodgari Comte de Beaujolols, ne ie 7 Odt. 1779. Mere, * Louife Marie Adelaide de Bourbon, fille de Louis Jean Marie je Bourbon, nee le 13 Mars 1753. veuve du Due Louis Philippe Jofeph, ie 6 Nov. 1793. Tante* Louife Marie Therefe Matilde, nee le 9 Juill, 1750. V* Bourbon-Conde. Branche de Bourbon-Conde. Pr. Louis Jofeph de Bourbfin, ne le 9 Aouf, 1736, veuf de Charlotte Godefride Elifabeth de Rohan- Soubife, le 4 Mars, 1760. mar. en fecondes noces a la prineell'e Douairiere Catherine de Monaco Nov. 1798. Enfant, I. Louis Henri Jofeph, Due de Bourbon, ne le 13 Avr. 1756. mar. le 24 Avr. 1770. a Louife Marie Thsrefe Matilde d'Orleans, nee le 9 Juill, 1750. Fih, touis Antoine Henri, Due d'En^hien, ne le 2 Aout, 16 1772, ■ \ * ■ • ( ■ '•1 \ ( J ■''<■■ fht ■^: ! 1' . ( ii8 ) I772» mis a ffl^rt par Buonaparte le ti Mars 1S04. 2, Louife Adelaide, Mad* de Bourbon-Conde, nee Je 5 O^t. 1757. aduellementreligieufe de laTrappe, Branche de Bourbon-Conti. Pr. Louis Fran9oi8 Jofeph, ne le i Sept. ij^^* mar. Ic 27 F"vr. 1759. a Fortunee Marie d'Efte, fillc de Francois HI. Due de Modene, nee le 24 Nov. *73i» fepares dep. 1775. Naflau* Orange ou Dietz. Pr; Guillaume V: ne le 8 Mars, 1748, mar: Ic 4 0£l: J797, a Frederiquc iSophie Wilhelminc, fille d'Au- gudc Guillaume, Pi: de Pruile, nee le 7 Aout, Enfant: Guillaume Frederic, Pr: Hered: et Prince regnant de (uUe, i^e le 24 AoCit, 1772, mar: le 1 O&i 1 791: a Frederique Louife Wilbrlmine fille, de Frederic GuiUaunr«e II, Roi de P ufftf, nee le iH Nov: i774> a deux fils et jne iille. Pdpc. Pie VII: Gregoire-Barnabe Chiaramonte, natif de Cefenne en Roma^^ne, ci-devant Cardinal, Eveque dUmr>ia, ne le 14 Aoat I'^^i, clu Papc 9 Vcnifc de 14 Mats, i8oo. Portugal. Jl: Marie, nee le 17 Dec: 1734, veuve de fon Ondc Pierre 111; 1^ 25 Mai, 1786: * Fils: Jean Mare Louis Jofeph, Pr: du Breiil, ne le 13 Mai« 1767, mar: le 9 Janv: 1790, a T infante Charlotte Joachime, fille de Charle« IV: R. d*£fpagne, ntle ie25 Avril, 1777. Fnfarti* ( 119 ) Ettfans: 1! Marie Thsrefe, Pr de Bcira, nee le 29 Avrll, 1793 2: PrinceQ'e Ifabelle Marie Fnnc^'que, nee le 19 Mai 1797: 3. Antoine jofeph Prince deBein, n, 12 Aout, 1798, 4. Prince N. N. ne 26 0€t, 1802. Pruffc. R: ct EI: Frederic Guillaume ill: ne le 3 Aout, 177O9 a fuccede a fon pere le Roi Frederic Guill: II: le 16 Nov: 1797, mar: v.\ Dec: I793> a la PrinceflTe Louife Augafte Wilhdmine Ameiie, lille du Due Charles Louis Frederic de Mecklenbpiirg* iStrelitZy nee le 10 Mars, 17761 Enfant, i: Frederic Guillaume, ne le 15 Odl: 1795^ 2. Frederic Guillaume Louis, ne le 22 Mars, 1797* 3* Frederique Louife Charlotte Welhelmine, n: 13 Juill. 1798. 4« Charles Frederic Alexandre, n. 29 Juin, iSoi* 5. Frederique Wilhelmine Alex. n. 23 Fevrier 1803. 6«Frederic Jules Ferdinand Leopold^ n* 13 Dec. 1804. Frerei du RoU 3. Pr. FrWeric Henri Charles, n. 30 Dec. i8qi. capit* au prem. bat. des gardes. 4. Pr. Frederic Gulliaume Charles, n. 3 juill. 1783, capit. des gardes du corp. Enfanti du Fren Pr. Frederic Louis, ji Frederic Guillaume Louis, n. 30 0£l. 1794. Grand Oncle, Pr, Aug. Ferdinand, n. 23 Mai, 1730. Enfanti* a. Pr. Frederic Chretien Louis, n. 18 Nov. 1772, lieul* gen. 3. Pr. Guillaume Augufte, n. 19 Sept. 1772, major. Dqu- %. u ^,'li ■^1 i I i\;. { >20 ) Douairiere du feu Rot Frederic GulU: If: f redcfique Louife, fille du Landgrave Louis IX: da Heire-Darmftadi, nee Ic i5 OtU 1751. Veuve 1« 16 Novi 1797: Ruffle. Empereur Alexandre, ne le 24 Dec: 1777. ma;. 9 Oft: 1793, a Louife Marie Augufte, (EUfabeth Aiexiewiia) fille de Charles Louis> Pr: Hered: de Bade, nee le 24 Janv: i779« Freres et Sceurs* i; Conftantin, Ccfarowitfch, Grand-Duc, ne le 8 Mai, 1779, mar: le 26 Fevr. 1796, a Julie Hen- riettc Ulrique, (Anne Feodorowna) Princ fle de 6'axe-Cobourg. 6'aalfeid, nee le 23 Sept; 1781. 2. Helene, nee le 24 Dec: 1784, mar. au Prince He* reditaire de Mecklenburg Schwerin. 3. Marie Pauiovne, nee le 15 Fevr. 1786, 4. Catherine Faalovnc, nee le 21 Mai, 1788; 5. Anne Poulovne, nee le 18 Jan^s 1795? 6. Nicolas Paulowitfch, ne le 2 juill. 1796. 7: Michael Paulowitfch, ne le 8 Fevr, 1798, Dottarihe de l^Empereur PauU Sophie Dorothte Augufte, (Marie Fedorowna,) fille du Pr» Ficderic Eugene de Wurtemberg-Stoutgardl nee le 25 Odl, I759> veuve dc TEmpereur Pau, depuis le 24 Mars 1801, Sardaigne ct Savoye, Rol Vi(f^or Emanuel V, ne le 24 Juillet, 1759. a fucc. a fon frere Cht Emanuel IV. par ceflion 4 Juin, 1802. mar. 2 Avril, 1789, a mar. There e fi!le de Ferdinand, Archduke d'Autriche, n. I Novembre; 1773. Fille, Marie Beatrice Vidtoira Jofiiphc, n. 7 Di'c. 1792, Sicilc. ( 121 ) Sicile. R, Ferdinand IV, Infant d'Lfpagnef n. tz janv 1751, R.i dc8 deux Siciles depuis le 6 06t. iJS9* par ceiiion *ie Ion perc le Roi d'Efpc^ne, m. 12. Ma; 176S, a Marie Charlotte, filie de i'iimpereur Franjois 1. ne le 13 Audt 1752. Erjfi a nit 1. Marie Thcrefe Caroline, n. 6 Juin 1772. 2. Franjoii* janvicr jofeph, Pr. de Naples et Sicile, Hi 19 Aout 1777, mar. en lee. noces par procura- tion le 6 Juill. ec en perfonne 6 Qii b. 1802, a rinf. Marie Ifabelle fille de Charles IV. Roi d'Ef- pagne, n. 6 juill. 1789. Enfants du prcnnier lit de Marie Cleinentine fille de Leopold Ii» Emp» Rom. 6. Leopold yoleph Mi- chel n. 2. Juilietj, 1790, et 6 Princdles. Suede. R: Guflave IV, Adolphe, nc4e i Nov: 177S, mar. I 31 Od't: 1797, a la Princeiie Frcdcr'que Doro- thee Wilhelmi'nc, fille du Prince heicditaire de Ba- den, nee le la Mars, 1781,4 Enfants. Eufanst 1. Guftavc, Pr. Royal, n. 9 Nov 2. Sophi. \V,lhelm:nc, n. 21 Mai 1801. 3. Charles GuiUve Due dcr Finiande, n.2 Dec. 1802. Mazdeleine, fiUe de Fn'-deric V. Roi de Danc- ulll. 174C. Veuve de Gultave 111. le )ophie m^rc, !i 1 29 M.ui> I'/'^i. Ofuh'S et ^'arte, ii Chsric', Due uft Sudernnanie, nc le 7 0£l: 1748. inarie ^e 7 Julllet, i:"!, a Hedwi^e Eliia- beth I { 122 ) beth Charlotte^ fiUe du Due Frederic Augufte de Holftein.Oldcnbourg, Ev: deLubcc, niick aaMara Turquie. Emp: Selimlll: ne Ic 24 Dec* 1761, fuc. 7 A?rU 1789. CA. ( »33 ) CANADA, TACQU^S Cartier, a Frenchman, in the year I534f B under a commiiiion fr ^m his mafter Francis I. ex- plored the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, and the next year afcended the river, and wintered at Sainte Croix —here he creftid a wooden Crofb, imfcribedy ** Franciscus Dei Gratia Fravcorum Rex Regnat^'-^ln 1603, a Patent was granted to Sieur de Munts, for an excluiive trade, and he employed Champlain to make further difcoveries ii) Canada. Chaa plain arrived at a ftrait called by the Iniians, Queb«.'C9 where he began to build huts, on the 3d July 160S9 and here he pa(Ted the^ winter.-— A company of rich merchants, compofed of 107 perfons, was eftab iiht^d by Paient, in 1628^ fqr an excluHve trade, at fiift, an^i in 1642 acquired a right of foil— Quebec was taken by sir David Keith and his brother in 1029, but (ui rendered to France by thetrea-^ ty of faint Germain en Laye. The charter of this company was revoked 1663, and Canada was put under the Government of the Company •* des Indei Occiden* talei** in 1664 — The King, was however to govern^ (iU they were able. Sir Wm. Phipps^ with an armament froin Bofton In New England, fummoned Quebec in 1690— The town wascanonaded and 1500 Englifli troops were landed at la Cafiafdiere--'S\r William finding the place »;oo ftrong and his ammunition expended, failed on the 23 O£to« ber for Bofton— General Hill and Admiral Sir Hovenden Walker, with a large body of troops from England for the attack of Quebec, entered th? river st« Lawrence in Sept. 17 1 1— Unfortunately, however, by the misma- nagement of t|ie Pilot and a violent ftormi in^ny of the veiTfU ii li iKt? i', rt i :•: ■IV ilk ''■111- . V, ( 124 ) veflels were wrecked on the Egglflands^ near the Seveil Idands, and 8S0 men pcnihed* General Wolfe on the 13 i"ept« 1759, ^^ ^^^ he2ii of an Intrepid handful of Britifh troops, after combating every difficulty of art and nature, w'uh the moft un- daunted refolution, and the calmed perfeverance, de- feated the French army commanded by the Marquis de Montcalm, on the heights near Quebec; and by that memorable adtion, in which the Engiiih forces had 57 men killed and 607 wounded and the French 1500 killed wounded and Prifoners paved the way for the re* du£tion of the City, which furrendered on t)tc iSth to Admiral Saundirs and Brigadier Townihend-^Tho' the City wa taken the Marquis de Vaudreuil, itiil he|d pofli^lTion of Montreal until the 8th September 1760^ when that city and the whole Province furrendered by capitulation to General Amherft, and which was confir- med to Great Britain by the treaty of 1763, under whofe dominion it has fmce continued — Gen Mont- gomery in the winter 177 S> befieged Quebec, and when re-inforced by General Arno'd, attacked the City, by alTault on the 3ifl; December, when the General was defeatedf himfeif killed and his two Aides de Camp* feverai of the Provincials were killed and wounded a- mong t^e latter Arnold*— The blockade continued during the winter 1776, and on the arrival of troops from England, the fiege was railed and the Provincials driven out of the Province. The two Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada conf^ituted by A£t of Parliament in 1791, comprehend the territory heretofore called Canada. Lower Ca- nada lies on both (ides of the river iSaint Lawrence, between 61 and 71 Weft Longitude, from London : and 45 ani (;2 North Latitude and is bounded fouth, by New Brunfwick, Maine, New Hampfhtre, Vermont and ^Jew York and Weft by Upper Canada, The Line between Upper an i Lower Canada com- mences at a stone boundary on the North Bank of L* (V'i-. i I ( '25 ) ke It. Francis in st. Lawrence river, at the cove Wefl of Point au Boudet, thence Northerly to the Ottawas river and to its fourcein lake Tomifcaning, then due North, till it ftrikes the boundary of Hud Ton* s bay or New Britain t Upper Canada to include all the territo. ry to the weftward and fouthward of the (aid I'ne to tke utmoft extent of the country known by the name of Canada. By the Aft of Parliament palTed in I791 it is enafted that there Aiall be within each of the Provinces of Up- per and Lower Canada, a Legiflative Council and an AHembl), who with the confenc of the Governor, ap- pointed by the King, (hall have power to make Laws. The LegllUtive Council is to confift of not fewer than feven ^fember8 for Upper and fifteen for Lower Gana« da j to be fummoned by the Governor authorifed by the King. Such Members to hold their 1. ats for life : unlefs forfeited by four years continual alfence or by fwearing allegiance tofome foreign Power. The Houfc of AfTembly is to confift of not lefs than fixteen Mem- bers for Upper and not lefs than fifty for Lower Canada, chofen by the Freeholders in the feveral Towns and Counties: the Council and AlTembly are to be called together at Icaft once in every year and every Aifembly is to continue four years unlefs fooner diiTolved. By an Aft pafTcd in the Parliament of Great Bri* tain, in the liJih year of his prefent Majcfty, intituled ** An Aft for removing all doubts and apprehenfions ** concern'ng Taxations by th^- Parlianvnt of Great- *< Britain in the Colonies, Prov-ncea :\nd Plantations ** in North-America and the Weft-Indies, &c." Par« llament cxprefsly retrained itfelf, for ever, impofing any Taxes or Duties in the Colonies except for the Regulation of Trade, the produce of which Taxes or Duties to be difpofed of by tht Provincial Aflembliesj Declaration, made by Pailiarnent in fo folemn and ef- • » . fcc^ If 11 H 'W*'t r: .1^ 1' ( 126 ) feflual a manner, gives the bed recurity, the fubjefti in the Colonies can poflibly wifli. The Province of Lower Canada contains about 200» 000 inhabitants, nine tenths of which are Roman Ca- tholics, who enjoy under the prefentGover.;ment, the fame rights and privileges as were granted them in 1774 by the Quebec Aft. Lift o/" GovER>'ous of Canada Jinceth^ Pi ovmcc 'ivea erC'^ed 'rto R> ^fal Go'oernme.t in i66j and tbi 'i'i jtf -ct ; r« //.:'!> t^i^an tc govern* Sieur dt M 'f/ - • Sieur de Courcelles • « Sieur de Frontenac - • Sieur de la Barre « • Sieur Marquis de Nonville • Sieur de Frontenac - • Sieur Chevaliier de CaUi^res Le Sieur Marquis de Vaudr^uil Le Sieur Marquis de Beauharnois Sieur Comte de ia Galidioniere Sie ir de la Jonquiere Sieur Marquis du Quefne de Menneviile Sieur de Vaudreuil de Cavagnal James Murray Paulus Emilias Irvine (Preiident) Guy Carleton Lt.Gov. and Com.inCh- 24^ept. 17^6 GuyCareton - - 260a., 1768 Hector T, Cramahe (Prefident) 9 Aug. 1770 Guy Carieton - • n Oft. 1774 1 May 1663 23 Sept 166$ iz Sept. 167s 9 Oft, i68at 3 Aug. 1685 %% Nov. 1689 14 Sept. 1699 17 Sept. 1705 2 Sept. 1726 2 5 Sept. 1747 16 Aug, 1749 7 Aug. 1752 10 July, 175s 21 Nov. 1763 30 June 1766 Fredcricic Haldimand - henry Hamilton Lt. Govr. and Com. in Ch. Henry Hope, Lt* Gov. and Com. in Ch. Lord Dop'Weftcr Governor Genl. Alured Claike Lt. Govr. and Com. inCh. Lord Dorchefter - 24 ^ept. I793 Robert Prefcott - ^ - 1796 Sir Robert S. Milnes, Bart. Lt. Gov. 31ft Ju!y, 1799 The Hon. Thos, Dunn (Prcfidcnt) 31ft July, 1805 Sir J. H. Craig, K. B. Gov. Genl. 24th Oft. 1807 1778 1784 1785 1786 1791 > u out 200, lan Ca. k ent, thtf them in J' ■iii 'flic 'ioax 1 and tbt' ay 1663 Jpt 1665 )t. 167* £^. i68z g* 1685 ► V. 1689 »t. 1699 Jt. 1705 ■ )t. 1726 A 3t. 1747 1 i* 1749 V g- 175* ■ y* 175s I V. 1763 1 le 1766 B 1. 17^6 B .. 1768 H g- »770 V t. 1774 1 1778 1 1784 ■ 1785 M 1786 V 1791 1 . 1793 '^B 1796 W^ 1799 B; 2805 H 1807 H ( i*7 ) T£<r folloivw^ h a Lifl of the Counties in the Province of LQ^uer Cat, J (la ; with their reJpeEii've boundaries ^ the parishes comprehended in each^ and the number cf re- yrefentaiivt's affixed i' , bis Excellency the Lieutenant Governor's Proclamation dated the 'jtb May 1792. Gafp/y commencing at the north-fide of Chaleurs Bay, and all the Bay of Gafpe, and all the trzO. on the fouth-ihoreof the river st. Lawrence; ending north-eafl fide of Cape Cat. — Pariihes, none.— Members, one. CorntualUs, Beginning north-eaft fide ofCape Cat; ending weft bounds of st* Anne.— Pariflies. Matane , Rimouflci, Bic, Cacona, Ifle Vertc, Trois PI jiv , Ri. viere dcs Caps, Riviere du Loup, Kamouraf^a^ P vicre Ouellc, ste. Anne.— Members, two. Devon, Beginning weit bounds of st. *.ii te 3 ; end- ing weft bounds river du Sud. — Pariflies. st. Roc, sf. Jean, Iflet, Cape st. Ignace, Ifle aux Gi % .t. Tho. mas.— Men^bers, two. Hertford, Beginning weft line of thf fejgniory of riviere du Sud; ending north-eaft bounds of Lauzon,— Parifli- es. Berthier St. Pierre, St. Franjois, St. Valier, st. Mi- chel, St. Gervais, Beaumont, st. Charles.— Mem. two. Dorcbefter, Beginning north-eaft boundsofLauzon; ending weft boundary of Lauzon.— Pariflies. Point Levi, St. Henry, st. jofeph, st. Francois. The three lail- form NouvcUe Beauce.— Members, two. Buckingham/hire, Beginning weft boundary of Lau- zon , ending north-eaft boundary of Sorel.— Pariflies. St. Nicholas, st. Giles, st. Antoine, st. Croix, Lotbi* nierc, st. jean, st. Pierre, Gentilly, Becancour, Nico- let, Bay st. Antoine, st. Francis, all Yamaflca, except the fetgneurie of Madam Barow.— Members, two. Richelieu, Beginning north eaft bounds of Sore!; ending fouth-weft boundary of st. Ours, thence eaft to the river Sorel, on the eaft fide to Rouville.— Pariflies. Sorel, rifle st. Ignace, part of st. Ours, partof Yamaf- ka, St. Denis, st, Charles, st. Hyacinthe de Yamaflca. — 'Mem- i n VI u 1 { 128 ) —Members, two for the county, one for Wm« Heiiry*^ Bedford, Beginning at the eaft-lide of Sorel from Rouville, eaft bounds to line 45°; ending at the line 45®.— Pari flies. Point Olivier, Courant de U POueft, juique^a la Ligne qui separe la province det EtasUnis*-^ Members, one. Surrey* Beginning at sC* Ours weft bounds; endu- ing at Varennes weft bounds.— Pariflies. Sr. Ours fur le Fleuve, Contrccosur,Vcrchere, Varennes,st* Antoinc partie de Beiceii,— Me -nbers, two. Kent* Beginning at Varenne's weft bounds j ending at weft bounds of Longucui!.— Parifhes. Boucherviilc, Longueuil, Chambli, Mlairnnd'e.—- Members, two. Huntingdon, Beginning at wed boundary of Longue- uil ; ending upon thi: line 45°. N. lat.— Parifties. La Prairie, st. Philippe, st. Pierre, sault st. Louis, Chatc» augay, st. Regis, st. Conftant. — Members, two. Tork, Beginning north- fide of st. Lawrence from line 45°; ending at boundary of Dumont's feigniory. — Parifhes. Soulange, Ifls Perrot, Vaudreuil, Lac des deux Montagnes, Riviere du Chene.— Members, two^ Montreal, Beginning at Ifland of Montreal, city and fuburbs ; ending Ifland of Montreal.— Parifhes. St. Anne, st. Genevieve, Ptc. Claire, La Chine Sauit au Rc- colet, St. Laurent Riv. des Prairies, Pointeaux Trem- bles & Long Point— Members, four for the town, and two for the County. Epngkam, Beginning at the boundary of DumonV feigniory 5 ending at bounary of Terrebonne.— Pariihes, Toute i'lile jefus, slainville, et Terrebone.— Mem- bers, two. Leinfter Beginning at the boundary of Terrebonne; ending at boundary of st. Sulpice,— PariHies. La Che- naye, Ste. Anne Mafcouchv';, St. Henry Mafcouche, St» Roc de TAchigan, sr. jacque?, st. Pierre, Repentigny and St. -Sulpicc.— Members, two. ff^arwickn Beginning at the boundary of st. Sul* price ( 129 ) pice; ending at caft boundary of Bcrthier.— Parifliei. La Valtrie, La NorayCi lerchier, st* Cuthbert.— >iVlem^ bers, two. St, Maurice, Beginning at the eaft boundary of Ber- thier; ending at foutli-eafl boundary of Batifcan.— , Parifhes. Madcinon^e, river du Loup, Yamachichey Pointe du Lac, Trois Rivieres, Ca de la Madelaine, ciiamplain, Bacifcan fur )e Fleuve, et Riviere Batif.> Can.— Members, two for tiie county, and two for Three Rivers. Ilampjhire, Beginning at the fouth-ead boundary of Batilcan \ ending at weft boundary of st. Gabriel*— Pariihes. Ste. Anne, G ondines, Defchambault, cap sante, LCsEcureuils, pointe aux Trembles, st.Auguftin, jufqu'au cape Rouge.-— Members, two. ^ebec. Beginning at the weft boundary of st. Ga« briei; ending at weft boudary of seaupre.— •Pariihes. Ste. Foi, Ancienne Lorette, jeune Lorette, Charlef. bourg, Beauport.— Members for the county two, for the town, four. tlorthumberland^ Beginning at the weft boundary of Beaupre \ ending at the moft eafterly line of the pro- vince.— Parifties. Depuis la feigneurie de Beauport^ jufqu'aux Bornes de la province en defcendant.—Mem- bers, two. Orleans* All the Idand of Orleans.— One Member. < I PUTIES f ■,\ ' I M ^^ s. ..'! I u i ■ i ((■■ m I 6 2 tf.I 2 S ^ c •o *;r 3 j« ti % •5,? Expor thisPr si- ft 4i« «i* Sterling. o 5 o o 22 O o O 6 o 59 9 ( »3o ) - - .- - — ■- ■ . . -- ■ ■ ■ - | DUTIES payable in this Province under feveral A6is of the Parliament of Great Britaini viz : 25th Char lbs II. chap 7. Sterlg* On Ginger - pr« cwt* 010 Logwood - do* 500 Fufticic and all dying wood do. e o 6 Tobacco pr. lb. 002 Indigo do. 002 Cocoa Nuts do. 001 6th. Geo. II. chap. 13.' On foreign Sugars or Pannelles pr. cwt. 4th. Geo. III. chap.i^. On foreign white or clayed Sugars pr. cw. Ditto Indigo. pr. lb. Ditto Coffee. do. cwt. Madeira 1 Fayal >Wines. pr. Tun Teneriffe J From Great 5 Portugal Spa- > «r. Britain. ? nifli and other J w*n«»do- 6 Geo. HI. chap. 52d. On Britifli plantation Coffee^ pr. cwt. o MolaiTes - • - pr. Gal. O Britifli Pimento pr. lb. o 14 Geo. III. chap. 88. For every gallon of Brandy or other Spirits of the manufacture of Great Britain - • For every gallon of Rum or other Spirits which (hail be imported or brought from any of his Majefty's Sugar Colonies in the Weft Indies — •- For every gallon of Ruin or other Spirits which fhall be imported or brought from any other of his Majefly*s Colonies qr dominions 10 America — — * 009 700 o 10 o 7 o o o I c o 3 006 \ ( »3> ) For every gallon of foreign Brandy, or other Spirits of foreign manufacture Imported or brought from Great Britain — o I O For every gallon of Rum or spirits of the pro- duce or manufj^ure of any of the Coioniei or Plantations in America, not in the pof- feflion or under the dominion of his Majef- ty, imported from any other place except Great Britain •» — O I O For every gallon of MolaHcs and Syrups which Ihall be imported or brought into the Pro- vince in (hips or velfels be!onging to his Majeily^s fubjedls in Great Britain or Ire- land> or to hit MajeAy^s fubje^i in this Province •— — o O j For every gallon of MolaflTcs and Syrups which (hall be imported or brought into the Pro- vince, in any other fliips or v^.ficls, in which the fame may be legally imported - o o 6 ADDITIONAL DUTIES laid on by the Provincial Parliament; Adls 33d Geo. III. Cap. 8, 35th. Geo. III. Cap. 9. and 41(1. Geo. ill. Cap. 14. For every gallon foreign Brandy or other Spi- rits of foreign manufacture - - 003 For every gallon Rum or other Spirits except Britift manufadlured Spirits, imported from C eat Britain cr Ireland « « For every gallon of Molallbs and Syrups o For every gailon Madeira Wine:, by one A£l 4d, by another 2«1 — 006 For every gallon other Wine, by one ACt 2d by another id - - ^ ^ 3 For every pound Loaf or Lump -Sugar - o o i K F 3 3 ii^l !t <H il m ij '(,' it ,:) ( »32 ) ^or every pound Mufcovado or Clayed Sugar for every pound Coffee tor every pound Leaf Tobacco For every pack of Playing Cards For every minct of Salt On Snuff or flour of Tobacco p* lb. On Tobacco manufactured in any other way than into Snuff or flower or! powder^ . « . o o o o o o 4 O o o o o o 2 2 2 4 4 © 3 DEDUCTION OF WEIGHT, On Coffee Bags orBales, 3 pounds for every loolb. In Cafks 12 ditto. for every looib. Mufdbvado and 7 in Cafks or Boxes^ 12 pounds for Clayed Sugar { every lOolb* Loaf and Lump Sugar in Cafks or Boxes, 15 pounds for every loolb. Leaf Tobacco in Cafks ( ■ 12 pounds for every loolb. Leakage on Wines, Spiritous Liquors and Mo*- laps, Three Gallons on every Hundred Gallons. IFaJle of Articles JuhjeEl to Duties by Weight. An allowance of three pounds on every hundred pounds On Salt— an allowance of waile of thiee Minots en every 100 Minots* Salt landtd below the eaft Bank of the River Sague. nai, on the north fide of the St. Lawrence and below the eafl Bank of the River of the Grand Mitis on the fouth fide is not fubjeCt to duty. DRAWBACK. IThereJhall be allowed by the ColleEiory four pence on every Buthel of Salt exj.orted from the Port of Quebic to any place beyond the above Limits* Seven { "33 ) Seven pence on every Tierce of Salmon, and four pence on every Barrel of failed Beef or Pork, or falte4 Fifh of any fort exported from this Province. * * # New and Additional Duties. New and additional Duties impofed by the Provinci- al Aa 45th Geo. 3d, cap. 13, intituled, «< An Aft to ** provide for the ere^ing of a Common Gaol in each <* of theDiftrids of Quebec and Montreal refpedive- ** ly, and the means for defraying the Expcnces thcrc» «« of.'* On Bohea Tea, per lb. - %d. Souchong or other Black Teas, 4//. Hyfon Tea, - 6i. All other Green Teas, - 4^. Spirits, or other ftrong liquors per EngliHi gallon, - - - 3^* Wines, - • do, 3</« Molafles and Syrops, do. - ^d, * All Goods Wares Merchandifes and Efftdi (with certain exceptions,) that fliall be put up to Audion or Outcry, 2 J per cent on the va- lue at which faid goods &c. fliall be Cold or adjuged. * New Duties— Thofe on Spirits, Win-s, Molaf. fes and Syrops, are in addition to what is al- ready impofed upon them. The Duties impofed by the above Ad are to con- tinue for fix years from the palTing thereof, 'vix : the 25th March 1805; and are to be rafed, levied and colleded, and paid in the fame manner and form, and under the fame Rules and Rr gulations. Penalties and Forreiturcs, as are by Law now eftablifhed for the levy- ing and coUeding of other Rates and Duties, with the fame allowance for leakage and for the wafte of articles ^y weight, fubjed to the faid Duties. K % feft 1^ I'^iW h m 'Ml ( '34 ) faes to be taken by the OJjictrs of Cujloms a^ the Port of St, 'John^s according to the or* der of the Go'vernor and Council of the "jth July, 1796. For every Report of the arrival of and permit to unload any veiTel, Boat or Bateau under five tons burthen. - 1/3 For ditto of any vefle). Boat or Bateau of five Tons or upwards and not exceeding fifty tons burthen - - - 2/6 For ditto of any vcflel exceeding fifty tons burthen - - 10/ For ditto any Waggon, Cart, Sleigh or other Carriage - - • 4^? For i»very entry of Goods imported by water communication - - 1/3 For do. of do. fabje«fl to duty by any Cart, Sleigh or other Carr*aj,e - - 6J For evciy Certificate of Goods having paid du- ty anJ pr.,tedlion for the fame - (td For very Bond for payment of Duties - 276 By a fubfequent order of the Governor in Council of the 22d x^uguil 1707, the foilowing Additional Fees arc allowed at the Purt of St. John's. For every Report of the departure of any veflTcl, boat or ba'eau under five tons burthen, towards the Uni- ted States of America, fubjcfl to be reported at the Cuil:">m Hottfe of the Port of S^int John's by the Order of Fi= Excellenry the Governor in Council bearing date the fcventh day of July* one thouland feven hundred and ninety lix - £0 ^ 3 For ditto of any velfcl, boat or bateau of five Tons cr upwards, and not exceeding fifty Tons burthen, o « 6 For ditto of any vcHtfl, exceeding fifty Tons burthen - - o lo C5 ( >35 ) For ditto of any waggon^ cart, fleij^b or other carriage^ - - 004 For every entry of Goods exported by wa- ter communication, - •» 0x3 And if any Officer of the Cuftom'5 at the faid Port of Saint John's, {hall demand or receive any greater or other Fee, Compcnfation or Reward, for executing any Duty or Service required of him by law, he fliaU forfeit and pay th*: fum of lifty Pounds, for each of- fence recoverable in any of His Majelty's Courts ©f King's Bench in this Province, to the ufe of the party grieved* i1 K3 WEIGHT 1i i.'R i>[\ i ( 136 ) fTEIGHT and R/nES o/GoUl'CuIn rfj reguUud by the Ati of the VroiJiniial Purl'iament pajj'sd Haturdjy the nth May^ 1796. Gold Coin. The Britiih Culnca Po tuga] Spanifh French Ditto American ( Ji.annes - ( Moidore ~ Miil'J Doubloon ( Louis ti'orcoi- ( nedb for '93. JPifloie C(<inc<J before 1793. Ea;ile Weight. [Current. I Livres, dwti 5 18 6 17 5 4 II 181 3 I o 10 H 40 18 d\L, 4,2s 0*96 oiSS J 6127 8 6;z 10 o 21 I60 o o o 16 21 And in prorortion for every higher cr lower denomi- nation of til'.* faid coin::. Every grain under weight, tiiito iwtr weight to bi*. allowed for at the rate of i^J. currency. After the id June 1797 payments exceeding 50!. cuirrpcy may he made in GoM by weight. Britiili, i^ortugul and American Gold to be weighed togetiifr and to j?afs at the rate ot ^9/. currency per ounce Tr y. Spanifli and French Gold to be weighed together and to pats at the rat? of 57/. currency per ounce 'I'roy, And I of a grain ihall be dedudted from each piece fo wei^'hcd in bulk, as a compenfation for the lois that ii-ay accrue in paying away the fame by detail. Silver coin* The AnrierKan Dollar ihall be cuiYent at 5s* and every other piece of Silver coin heretofore current, at th*^ foim r rat". No perfon is obliged to receive more ?haf» ont Cp}^'uu'^ in Conper Coin at one paymen.t ( '37 ) '2 turn any gi'ven Currency any Currency requireJ* Rule I. Lee the value of the Spaiiifh Dollar be ex- prelVed in Shillings, or Fence, in each of the Cur- rencies, writing them irA form of a fraction, and making the i ^ > Currency the ^ ( given ^ ■' Numerator ? r ^^ r- r,' r\ „ c ^i the I'raction. Denominator ) Reduce this Fradtion to ita Icaji termsy and it will ferve as a conftant Multiplier, by which any fum of thQgii'cu Currency being Multiplied, it will be con- verted into the Currency re>.iuired, N. B. Wlien the Fradlion is not an improper one the Multtplier will beco:Tie a Divifor. Ex AMP. To form a rule for changing Sterling at 4/6. pr. Dollar into New-York at 8/. pr. Dollar. Kere Sterling \s givsriy and York required; The Dollar < York, is 8/. or 96 Pence Numerator, ^^ ( Sterling 4/6. or 54 Pence Denominator, Ther'^iore -^-J ^^ ^^'^^ Multiplier fought, which reduced to its leaft terms becomes ^-^ or i|., therefore if Sterling be multiplied by 16 and divided by 9 the iclult will be York, thus. ^~ is the fame as 2 into l, but | is the fame as l lefs ^9 therefore 2 into A is qual to 2 into \ lefs i-, which is that Rule expjcf- fcd fhorter thus, '^-^z=2x|.u=2xi-l. m n X- ' ^ C Currency or Halifax, add Toturn(lerl>nginto|^^^y^^ add _ . ^ ( Sterling, Currency into ^ Army pay, . • ^ { Sterling, Army pay .nto ^ ^.„,,.,^?y^ deduct dejutl dedudl 1-9 1.27 I-IO 1-15 1.28 add 1-14. A Half Joe is^^i 16'ofterl. 2 o o'cur. x 17 4 army A Guinea is i 1 o 1 3 4 119 A Dollar is 4 6 050 ill I c 4 8 TA, '< u i if mm mi \ TABLE of TABLE d' to o o ( >38 ) Interest at 6 per CiNTt Interets a 6 par Cent. (O I Week Month , % Mon. '6 Mon. I Year. s. d, q. s» d, q. s. J* ^. s» ^. ^. s. d, q» I I 003 2 1 3 012 • U 3 2 I 020 4 Q p 2 I I 023 1° I 3 I 3,0 32 6o I I 200 41 s CO If" I I I 220 50 ^^# 8o 2 I I 230 52 9Q 2 I 2 300 6 I lO o 2 I 3 320 70 lO I I 3 2 70120 2JO 2 2 I 7 I 20240 30 3 3 ^ 10*3 I 9 2. 3 7 • to Q 4'o I 4 3 I 2 I 2 42490 50 I 2 6 I 6 3 00600 o 60 I 3 7 I 9 2 3 70720 '0. 7,0 2 8 I 2 I 4 20840 80 2 I 9 2 2 4 3 4 9 2! 9 7 9:0 2 2 10 3 2 8 I 5 4 2 lo 9 10 3 I c 1_ 006 001200 20,0 3o|o 400 500 60 70 80 90 100 1000 o o o o c I .d o Q I I I I 2 2 2 5 <^'5 /. 6I0 o o 1 to 60 90 00 3!o 60 5. d» 2 o 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 o /. o o o o o I I I I ojis 600 9 o 12 o o Q O 15 iS 4 o 7 o 10 o Q I I I 2 2 2 3 5. ^. J2 O 18 O 4 o 10 o 16 o 2 O 8 o 14 Q o 0. o o /. I I 2 3 3 4 4 5 .|6» 5. ^* 4 o 16 8 o 12 4 16 8 O O O o o o o o o Ce '."^ ( '39 ) j: Year. d, q» Q 3 I z 2 O 2 3 3 * 4 I 5 o 5 2 6 I 7 o 2 O 4 o 7 o 9 o o o 2 O 4 9 7 9 9 o o o 5. ^* 4 o i6 o 8 o o 12 O 4 o i6 o 5 o O o o C7< ?•« General PoJi-OJice. THE ARRIVAL and DE P A R TU R £ of MAI LI. jlJLT the beginning of every month a Packet-Boat failf. from Falmouth f ( r North-America, having a Mail for Quebfc on board— In the fumnoer r onths ihe puts in at Halifax (in her way t«' New York) and there delivers the Mails for Canada— Frgm F^alitax they are forwarded by Poft for Qticbec— In the month of Nov, Dec. J-iny. and Feby. the Packet-Boats pafs Halifax and deliver the Mails f r Canada to the Agent for Bri. tifli Packet- Boats st New Y'^rk, wh uirwtrds ihem through the United Saites by the ne rcit ooi\ loutc lor Montreal. A Mai for England is difparched from Quebec once every fortnight in rummer and once a month in winter tobeputon board ti e fi il Packf-t-iSoat for Falmouth, A Mall f r Burlington in the Unitec States is made up at Quebec every Thurfday, and at M ntreal every Saturday, by which convyance Letter' may be lent for Europe under cover to a f< iend at New Yi)rk, on paying the Canadian Poftage at the office at which the Letter is pur in, OpnorMmiiics ofl^cr week'y at New Yoik for Enijland. The Poft for Monrrealleaves Quebec ev^ry Mondi^y and Thurfday at 4 o'clock in the evening, and the Pod leaves Montreal for Quebec on the fame days at the fame hour. Thv Poft arrives at thofe places on the morning of Wednefdays and Saturdays. A mon'hiy communica ion by Poft between this Province and Upper- Canada has lately been opened and will continue during the winter. ';1 mn ( «4o ) B'1 ml Bureau General des Pojles. l'arrive*e ct le depart des malles* A, .U commencement de chaque mois il part un Pa- qucbot de FdlnriOurh pour I'Amcrique S-j rentri male, avpc unemalle a bord nour Qu bee-— Dans les mois de TEtc, le Paqueb^t arete a H I'ifax, dans f.m chemin pour New York, et v tiHivrela malle pour le Canada, Lff Ir:*-".s font .envf^yees <t'Halifax par la Pofte pour Quebi-c — Dans les noi de Novcmbrp, Decembre, jan-. vieret Fevrier, les F?qa«jbois pafli nt Halifax, et deli- vrent Je- malles pour le Canada a I'Agent des P^quebots Brita: iques a New-York, qui les euvnye a Montreal a traversles t. Unis par lechernin de pofte K- plus court, Ufjc malle pour Angletrrre part dc Quebec uae fois tous les quinze jours dans rEt"-, et une fo'ii par mois dans rhiver, pour etre mife a bord du premier Paque- bot pour Falmouth. i'-ne .iialle pour Burlington, dans les Etats Unis, eft fermce a Qacb-c tous les Jeudis, et a Montreal tousles iSameQ:s, parl.iquelle on peut envoyer des letrres pour TEurip-, addr.rirefs a quclqup ami a New Yo^k, en peyant le port C>nM:rTi au Bureau i>ii h lettre ed mife. Il s*oftre des uccafionspour TAngletTre toutes , iesfemainnn a New Yoric. La pofte poui M ntreal part de Quebec tou :c> Lundia et Jeudis a 4 lieures de Papres mid , et la Pofte p'rt die Montreal pour Quebec les memes jnurseta la menie heure. La Pofte arrive a ce< places les Mcrctedis et ^'amedi au matin. Jl a e*e ouve:t une communication par Pofte entre cette Province et le Haut-Cmacia, qui aura lieu une fois par moi^j eccontinuara tout Thiven Roads ( HI ) Roads and Dijtances from Sluehcc to Halifax, From Point Lei vj the I'ortagtf at the Riviere des C tp:, To Lake Tim.fkuata To .Vettlem-nts oi Madawafka To the Great Falls of the River Su miles J..h n' To Freierick':oa To St. |i)hn's To Halifax Form Quebec to MichiUmacki Muntreat Coteau d Cornwall To To nachi Lac o To Matilda - - To A'j^ufta To Kinj/fton To Niagara ('>r to York») To Fort Erie T(7 Detroit To Michilimacklnack - 12 ij '^-j / * 36 45 45 90 i89i 107 Wiles 180 225 266 301 335 385 5»5 560 790 1107 From ^uebtc to AUanjf *^* The prirc of travelling by Postf from Quclec to Mon- treal is refrulatcd by Law ; and all tlie hUitres de Portfs arc obliiiod, undrr a penalty, to have a certified Table of the diitame and Fare of their respcaive* Postfs hung up in their Houfcs .'or the infpeftion of TravcUera. From Quebec to Montreal - 180 To Laprairie • . * 9 St. John s ^ * 14 Iflc aux Noix * <* ^4 Windmill Point - • i» u ( H* ) Savagei Point • John Martinet • Sandbar • Burlington « Dr. Smith's Sl^eniborough • Fort Ann • .Sandy-Hill Fort*£dward • Dumont*s ferry Enfign's •Stillwater • Waterford Flatts Albany From Albany to New 7 orky &c. Creenbufh M<K.own*t Smith's J. Miller's ' - Kinderhoolc-Plains, Deyo Kinder book - Hudfon Livingfton's Manor Swart's • Rhinebeck • Staatiburgh • Poughkepfie • FiAkill NeUon's (Highlands) Peekfkill Odel's Concklln's • Kingfbridge New York • phiUdslphia Annapolis (Mary.) 4IJ 6 6 14 14. 70 8 IS 10 2 IX 8 6 10 7 5» I 4 6 I 4 4 «4 7 15 9 6 XI 14 II 9 10 12 J2 15 165 ^c 260 140 400 Williaras^ 34 H I ( •43 ) WilliamAurg (Vii '0 m i6i S6i Cape-Fcar river (N. C •) m 185 u^s Charieftown, (S. c.) m *5-'' IOC 3 SavannSh (ceor.) - 2'jO 1253 From Albany t '0 Boflcn, M'Kown'i ■ . s Strong's m 9 Schermerhorn's m \ Lebanon Springs * 9 Pictsfield • 7 37 Patridgeticld • 10 Worth ington • 10 Chefterfieid m 7 Nortlidmpcon >m »3 77 Blechertown ■ ih 15 BrookHcid - 15 Leicefter m »3 Worccfter - J3 133 Fuftou * . 44 ^77 ;4 ill |:l iV.-JP ^, IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 4?. /.5 ^ i^ tt 1.0 1.1 lii2.8 M 2.5 .^... 1^ 1.25 II ,.4_ 1 ,6 < 6" — ► <^ V] '% K ^? ^i "f Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14SS0 (716) 872-4503 %0 ( M4 ) .' \ 1 New APPOINTMENTS and CORRECTIONS since the former part of the Almanack was printed* h: !^!(!U' Civil List Henry Cull, a commiflioncr of the peace fdr the Diftrift of Montreal. Commiffioners under Prov* statute ^f Geo. Ill cap. 13^ Philip Ruiter & Pliiip Luke £fi|rs« stanbrldge, Durham Brome, Farnham, sutton, 8c st. Aronands. Henry cull and Jeffe Pennoycr Efquires, Hatley» itan- flead, Barn(lon> compton sarford Sc Afcott* William sturge Moore & Henry Mounfen^ EfquireSs caldwell manor ^ohn savage and Leon Lalanne, Efquires Potton solo ton, Granby, shefFord and stukely, COMMissiONERs/er //&^ ereElionofa Coal at S^uehet The Hon. H. Ailcock, j i. De salaberry, chief Juftice, | J. Blackwood, Efquires* xouis Montifambert Efqr. secretary & Treafure'^ \-:\ % MILITIA. Francois VafTati Efquire, deputy adjutant general of the militia of Lower canada* MILITARY. J. Buchannany Surgeons Mate, Carrifon of Quebec. Xth Royal Veteran Bat, — Thos. Gray, Enfign. Canadian FencibUs— • -*->. Kedcnhurft; do. Con* Wardens at Quebec. ( 145 ) CoRPORATioK of the Trinity-House <?/* Quebec* under the Pro'vincial A5i 45, GEO, Hid. cap, Xlh The Honblc. John Young, Mafter, John Painter, Esqr,— Depy, Mafter & Treafurer. Mathew Bell, James Irvine, Francois Boucher, Harbour Mafter. A. J. Raby, 5uperint. of Pilots. Alexander Auldjo, 7 « f Fran?. Desrivieres, >^\ Wardens at Montreal. James Caldwell, jW /. OJicers, William Lindfay, junr. £fqr. Regifter and Clerk. Mr. John Deiifie, junr. Clerk to the Wardens at Montreal. Martin Chinic, fenr. affiftant examiner of Pilots for and below th^ Harbour of Quebec. -. . w 11 . fa^ift^int examiners of Franso.sBellet, ^ ) Pilots for and above Antoine Cureux^ St, Germain, ^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ Qnzhtz. Mr, lohn Campbell, Water Bailiffat Quebec. Mr. john Harve, do. at Monteal. jofeph Le Page, MefTenger. . Branch Pilots for and below the harbour of Sluebec, Martin Chinniquy, pere, Bazile Prtjeant, Jean Le Brun, Joieph Doiron, fenr. Barthelmy La Chance, Charles Savarre, lejeune, Charles Le Cour, fils, William Pettycrew, Charles Doiron, Louis Demers, . William Rofs, .', I Alexander Rofs. Daniel Rofs, John Rofs. Antoine Roucelle, L. M. Lavoie, Pierre Lavoie, fils, Jean Lavoie, Jean Dumas. Ambroife Dumas. Franjois Dumas. Pierre Martinc^^ i ':! L 2 jofa^h ( 146 ) \ Jofeph Pouliot, Berthelemy Pouliottc, Abraham Chafleur, C abriel Chalfeur, Jofeph Langlois, Louis Gibert, Louis Le Claire, jean Btv. Petit, Antoine Petit, Jean Baptifte Thivierge, Pierre Rouleau, Francois Lapointe, James Forbes, Jean Bte. Chaloux, Jofeph Tremble, Michel Lemieux, Noel Chouinatd, Gabl. Lachance. Jofeph Doiron, fils*' f Peter Frafer, -j" Francois Savarre, f F.Dominique Harve, t Andre Roiet, f Jofeph Bonet, fj. Savarre, I f Charles Savard, Dominique Marie, fufpended from the Office of Pilot until the 2ift November, i8o8« > . ■ . — - ■— ' -j- Tbefe FiJots ha've not folloivcd tkeir' pt ofejfion for many y can p aft. Branch Pilots for and above the harbour of S^uebec, Michel Poire Charles Poire. Charles Laprife, ^^ofeph Burke, # j'^can Godin, Etienne Papijlon, Vincent Boi^homm^, Denis Lalie ditMaiche- tere, yean Decarreau, perc, Pierre Page pere, Pierre Page, fils. I Francois Page, Pierre D ? , Charles Raimond,pere; Aug. Dugal. Rates of Pilotage for theRi^er St. Lanjjrence* From Bic to Qviebec, per foot, - ^ : 16 : Prom Qu'^bec to Bic, - • : 14 : To and from MontrcaL For velTels of 200 tons meafurement and under y^i5 of 20! to 250 t;^ns inclufivc - £^o - of 251 tons and upwards - - ^25 and ( M7 ) and half of the falcl rates, if the vefTel proceeds n© further than Three-Rivers. Pilots taking veflels up tu Three-Rivers or Montre- al, are entitled to two third parts of the above rates — 7"he Pilots bringing them down, are entitled to the third. Rates of Pilot, Water and Poundage on Pilot Monry payable at the Naval Office, by Mailers and Com- manders of veffels. For every foot of water for which mafters or com- manders of veiTcls aie bound to pay their pilots, from Bic to Quebec, and from Quebec to Bic, 2/6. cur- rency pr. foot. For vefleb going to Three- Rivers or Montreal, of ICO to 150 tods inclafivc, j/'a cunency. of 151 to 2CO tons inclufive, ^3 - of 201 to 250 tons incluhve, £^ of 251 tons and upwards, £^ On fettling with pilots, mailers or commanders of vell'els, or the confi^nees of (uch vellelf, are to dedi-<fl: 8d. in the pound for the amount of the fums to be paid for pilotaj^e, which v/ill be exadled by the Naval Of- ficer at clearing out, the fame being funded by law, under the diiedticn of the Trinity Hovifc, for tnc re» licf of decayed pilots, their widows and children. ;i fi ^3 /A- *€ te « 01 a V s •a 9 V W u 4) *5 *> 4-» o u s 13 o » i/wox § seiSnoQ 3 &< es •33J9d u ^•i* ft p^ Hi • m^ ft u at "^ U0431«3 u 3 s u c; u C a — Cl. usACUog O H ci: 3 r* O ;m 3 o O c u rt m s *J u (Sh »• p rj 1-1 J • 3 "Z I/O a OJ ^ E (/I (X V 3 *•» O V u> a o u f< j; o *4 U « u '-M •TZ U c •o 1- «^ > C ^ / J3 •^' CONTENTS. JtliPOCHS, Common Notes, Moveable Fcafta and the commencement of the Seafons. Edipfes, Planets, Signs, &c. Moon's rifing and fetting, changes of the moon* Fetes d'Obligation - • - The Calendar Sec, - « - A Table of the Diameters, &c, of the 5un and Planets, - - - Tide Table - — Remarkable i^ras and Epochs. Page 5 7 8 9 ID 34 35 37 The British American Royal Kalendar. The King, Houfe of Peers of Great Bri- tain and Ireland, and Houfe of Commons The King's Moft Honorable Privy Council Lords of Trade and Plantations The Great Officers of State The judges of the Four Courts of Record Lords of Admiralty and judge of Admiralty Treafurer and Pay ^Mafter of the Navy Dirtribution of the Navy, Navy-Office, Colony and War Department Pay-mafter Generals, Commander in Chief, and Staff of the Army Mafter genl. of the Ordnancs and Staiement of the Britifli Army. Commillioners of the Cuftoms Poft-mafters General and lilt of Packets on the American itation • • 4 6 ib. 7 9 ib. 10 II 12 - »»*.. CIVIL At CONTENTS. page i I '^i i-l 1.1 CIVIL LIST OF LOWER CANADA. The Governor, and Legiflativs Council and Officers - - The Houfe of AfTembly and Officers The Executive Council - • Officers of different departments - » Commil]i oners for adnniniftering Oaths Commiiiiuners for examining applicants for the Crown Lsnds CommilTioners for repairing Churches CommilTioners under different Acls of the Legi nature : - • Commilfio ,er3— jefuits Eftates Commiliioners for eredting Goals Officers of the Cufloms •• Officers of the General Poft-Officc - Courts of juftice Court of Vice Admiralty Advocates • • • juftices of the Peace Phyhcians and Surgeons - • Notaries - - - . - Surveyors - - - Auctioneers • - - MILITIA OF LOWER-CAN AOA. Miiitia of the Diftrift of C^iebec Diftriaof Three-Rivers of Montreal* ECCLESIASTICAL STATE OF CANADA. The Clergy of the E(^abHflied Church Thp Clergy of the Church of Rome and Con- vents . - - Clergy of the Church of ScoiUni. iSchiJol Malters - - - IS 17 ib. i8 19 20 ib. 21 ^^ ib. 23 24. 28 29 35 38 39 42 49 S3 66 69 78 ib. ■,?**■••'■■',%* CONTENTS. page Military RscisTXRi General and Staff Officers . • 82 Hospital ScafF, - - • 83 StafFof the Garrifon of Quebec and Mon- treal & Ordnance. • • ib* ComnaifTary generars department. - 84 Qr-MaftergeneraPs and Marine, departments* ib. Store-keeper and Barrack Mafter General's De- partments. - - . 8^ Pay Maflcr General's and commifTary of Ac- compts departments. - « ib: Indian Department. • - ib« Ofiicers of the feveral Regiments fervtng in Canada* • - » 8^ BRITISH GOVERNMENTS IN NORTH AMERICA. Civil Lift of Upper Canada* - - 96 Governors &c. of Nova Scotia, New- Brunfwick, and Prince Edward's Ifland* 1O5 Dicto Cape Breton and Newfoundland* - 106 APPENDIX* Geographical defcrlption of the World Defcription of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Table of King's and Queen's of England The prefent Royal Family The So^'ereigns of Europe • - A Geneologicat lift of the Principal Sove- reign Houfes of Europe An account of Canada Lift of Governors fince 1663 A lift of counties in the Province Duties • *, « 108 no III •ib. 114 IZ3 126 l^^ 130 New "?!5? ••M^M«M«|p-»> •* -l'. C^KriMTJ. Htw ifid additiona) Duties - . C2aft9ai Houfe Fees at St. john's • W^|ht and Rates of cvrrent Coin • K(4e to turn one currency into another Intereft Table - • • Arrital and Departure of Mails Rc^ds ^ • • • • New Appointments &c. fioce the former part was printed , • • • Cofpoiation of the Trinity Houfe Branch Pilots for and below the Harbour ib« Ditto for and above the Harbour -» Rates of Pilotage for the River St. Lawrence 133 134 138 139 240 144 145 &146 ib. ib. if; i\ r part 133 134 136 137 X3S 139 149 144 X45 ib« k 146 ^ ib. inc8 ib«