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 32 X 
Victoria R. 
 God save the Queen !— Prom millions of true hearts 
 And loyal lips rings out the patriot hymn, 
 Throughout the widest Empire earth has known :— 
 For she, descendant of a Eoyal line. 
 Holding her crown by strictest rule of law, 
 Hath yet a better title, — royal worth 
 And that divinest right — her people's love. — '" 
 And God hath heard the prayer :— no fifty years 
 In England's history match this glorious reign : 
 Her laws, her language, her tri c liberty, 
 Spurning the tyranny of king or mob, 
 Helping the right and battling with the wrong, 
 Her hardy sons have planted in far lands 
 Savage and wild and waste before, and there 
 Have founded colonies which shall become 
 The seats of mighty Empire, yet to be ; — 
 In the unbounded West of Canada 
 "Where the red Indian roamed the prairie wide, 
 Ot dense, and pathless woods, and tribe with tribe 
 Waged savage, unrelenting murderous war ; — 
 Or in Australia's semi-continent, 
 Or in dark Africa by Congo's stream 
 Or new found sources of the ancient Nile ; — 
 Op whereso'er adventurous daring led. 
 Or tempting prospect of extended trade. 
 Or Christian love could hope to plant the cross. 

 The "gorgeous East" has bowed to British rule, 
 And her barbaric kings and potentates 
 Have hailed Victoria's benignant sway 
 And crowned her India's Empress.— British men 
 "With gentle art have taught the dusky race 
 By bright example howour juster laws 
 And kindlier customs, raise the human soul 
 To loftier virtue and a nobler life. 
 Science and art and careful statesmanship 
 Have joined to glorify Victoria's reign, 
 And spread her Empire. Britain's pioneer 
 In his lone hut amid the wildest scenes 
 Of Asia or of Afric, f9els his lot 
 Softened and smoothed by rapid intercourse 
 With loved and loving friends in distant home, 
 By letter or by message lightning borne, 
 Putting " a girdle round about the world," 
 Swifter than Ariel's flight could compass it ; — 
 Or picture traced vvithout a painter's hand 
 And true as painter's skill hath ever made : 
 And yet within the exile's slender means, 
 And travelling safely in a letter's folds ; 
 Drawn by God's purest agent holy light, 
 Which to the eye of science hath unveiled 
 The mystery of the universe, —one law 
 Pervading all creation, yet combined 
 With infinite diversity of form, 
 Beauty and life and happiners, and all 
 The infinite variety of good.— 
 Those ftre the triumphs of her reign, to these 
 She gave all kind encouragement and aid, 
 Assisting and assisted the man 
 " Bearing the white flower of a blamoloss life " 
 She chose as consort of her life and throne. 
 The glory of a virtuous life, is hers,— 
 Her duty done as daughter, wife and mother,— 
 Her court, the home of purity and honour, 
 Her faithful truth to him she loved and lost, 
 Her life devotion to her people's good, 
 And true observance of her sacred vow 
 To rule in strict conformity to law.— 
 Defender of the faith, she held it right 
 To act as christian faith enjoined, —and kept 
 Her coronation oath inviolate. 
 And therefore,— Canada, which from her hand 
 Received self government in freeest form. 
 And Ottawa to which she gave the palm, 
 As the Queen city of this fair Dominion ;— 
 With loyal hearts of every race or creed. 
 Within her Empire's wide circumference, 
 Join in the patriot prayer,— God save the Queen. 
 Ottawa, 21 June, 1887. 
 G. W. W1CK8TEEI). 

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