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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent ia mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^ U^€f^* To tl]e IlQedical Professioi]. ■»»»•««<■ We desire to call the attention of the profession to the fact that we, the present managers of the New England Vaccine Company, have been continuously engaged in the propagation of pure and reliable bovine vaccine virus for the past fifteen years, and are thus enabled to maintain an even standard in the quality of our produc- tions which can only be acquired by careful observation and study of the subject, combined with actual experience in all its details. Beginning in a small way, at a time when the use of Non-Human- ized vaccine lymph was comparatively unknown, our patronage has steadily increased from year to year until now we can justly claim the most extensive business of the kind in the World, having among our patrons the Boards of Health in many of the largest cities in the United States and Canadas, together with the War Department of the United States, whose entire requisitions for vaccine virus we have received for the past eight years. Early in the season, when there appeared indications that an epi- demic of Small Pox was imminent, the usual number of new vaccine farms sprung into existence. The so-called Directors, with neither experience nor reputation as propagators of reliable vaccine virus to warrant their securing the patronage of the p'-ofession through the merits of their productions, have offered special inducements in the way of reduction in prices, that being their chief claim. In most cases their virus is worth less than the price asked for it and we shall continue to refuse to compete with them, knowing that a trial of their lymph is all that is necessary to convince the profes- sion that price is not the most important requisite, and, if patronized temporarily, trade will undoubtedly return to the older and more experienced propagators, whose virus has stood the tests of many years. TERMS. TEN IVORY POINTS, . . . . . <^| qq SINGLE POINTS, Each, ...... .20 A liberal discount wiU b e g iven to Boards of Health and Physicians using large quantities. In case of failures in primary vaccinations, where the virus has been used strictly in accordance with our printed directions, a second package will be furnished gratis, if notice is received within three weeks from the receipt of the fust supply. (.:>, I We publish the following complimentary communications which we have received recently : Montreal, Canada. " The vaccine which our Health Officer is getting for the city is giving every satisfaction." HENRY R. GRAY, Member of the Board of Aldermen. London, Ontario. "We are having splendid satisfaction with your points." W. E. SAUNDERS & Co. Quebec, Canada. " [ must compliment you on your vaccine lymph, it is very good indeed, and the best that I have ever used. In fact I have been successful in almost every operation in primary as well as re-vaccina- tions. I believe it has proved so with my confreres who have used it properly." Dr. RINFRET, JR. Among the advertisers of cheap vaccine is one whose circular reads " Also associated with the New England Vaccine Co.," and we beo- leave to inform all patrons and friends that this party is not in any way ass ciated with us, and has not been since July 20, 1884. Prior to that date his services with us were purely clerical, having no connection whatever with our stables, and had he been of value to us, his services would have been retained as he desired. We have recently ascertained that the vaccine sold by the New York Dispensary was never produced under his supervision, and while in our employ he never vaccinated an animal nor charged any points, his only experience in these important branches of the busi- ness having been gained since he started his recent \enture. Acting on the defensive, we are forced to make this announcement, from the tact that his circular implies, with evident purpose to deceive, that he is still connected with us, and our patrons should be informed to the contrary. Address all orders to T, Garceau, 11^. D., •J'-' HlfUII.Ar.'n ST R RET, hOSTON, MASS. I^ew Ei]glai](l Vaocii^e Co., W. C. CUTLKH, M. D. J. F. FRrSBIF., M. D \^^K) \ , DO YOU NEED ANY? Acids Acid Jug^s Anvils Asbestos Goods Aspirators Balances & Weights Batteries Beakers Bell Jars Bellows Blowpipes Bottles, Reagrent Brushes Burettes Burners Casseroles Centrifug^es Chennicals Condensers Corks Cork Borers Crucibles Crushers Cupels Deflagrratinfi: Spoons Desiccators Dipping^ Baskets Eudiometers Evaporating Dishes Files Filter Paper " Pumps Flasks Forceps Funnels Funnel Stands Furnaces Gas Generators " Regulators Glass Tubing Gold Panst Graduated Flasks Graduates Hammers Hydrometers Hygrometers Induction Coils Jars Labels Lamps Magnets Microscopes Milk Testers Mortars & Pestles Moulds, Ingot Muffles Nitrometers Ovens, Drying Percolators Pipettes Platinum Goods Retorts Retort Stands Roasting Dishes Rubber Stoppers " Tubing S:\nd Baths Scales Scorlfiers Sieves Spatulas Stills Test Mixers " Tubes Thermometers Tincture Presses Tongs Tripods Urinometers Wash Bottles Watch Glasses Water Baths Wire Gauze Woulff'3 Bottles SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. LYMANS, LIMITED 1^t)oles;ale Btuggists DEALERS IN CHEMICAL AND ASSAYING APPARATUS. St. Paul Street, Montreal. n Tolephone Main 3615 (FILE FOR REFERENCE.) ::^-