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The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film^s d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est fiimd A partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. errata to I pelure, an & D 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 rw »-wa. r#' •> y4-,nt. V'P » ^'^liiji 1 # • 49N f ^\^\ d ■^r m /q ^^^H Ttri"'--'^^ J-wmi' ' ''^^^iVf^H r IB ■<^r *li^^|| ^^^H^^^^^^^^|9py|' iV P'iHI P^ PTti«yrA/t<>.fn9J««.r SIR JOHN THOMPSON, IMIKMIEU or CAXAnA. 1 Sir John Thompson. (IHetl 111 Windsr.r ("iisilc <iii Deci'inltff Villi, 1S!>4 ; liis iriimiiis wi-ii' liorni' in stiili' to ("iinudii li.v H. M. S. mciilifiin, jiikI wfic iiilciTcd dm .liiiiiifiry .•{id, l>^i•'^ with iiulioiitil lioiiois, ill liis iijitisf cilv "f lluliliix.) ^jfiftSSf^ ;HK darkness came while yet the sun was hi^rh. And dininu^d forever that unfaltering eye. Whose vision pierced the passing clouds of strife, And marked in honor's paths his way of lite. No dreams of glory dwarfed his loftier aim, To whom his country's good was more than fame ; No sheen of gold obscured his clearer view. Who saw the right, and held the balance true. His life went out within the storied walls Of ancient Windsor's animated halls^ Where England's sons for ages o'er the foam From Hood and held have borne their trophies home To lav at P^ norland's feet. Alas ! that one, The (ireater Britain's great and loyal son, Whose eagle vision swept a wider sky, Should pass the stateK portals but to die. Fame's laurel wreaths are dust and ashes now. The seal of Death upon that lofty brow- Proclaims a more imperial sovereignty Than hers who holds the em[)ire of the sea. His country mourns- and yet- was fate unkind ? The onward look of that untrammelled mind T ^^*^wi8i''Wi%rv» Saw closer drawn th(^ loving tics that holtl Tnt'sc kindred nations in their sacred fold. Love kindles hearts by kindred sorrow thrilled — Was not his dream of life in death fulfilled ? When I'Jigland's empress mother to her breast. W'ith soothing words an orphaned maiden pressed. And kissed the cheek that streamed with hopeless tears, Not all the statecraft of a thousand years. With all its mastery of designing arts. Could strike so deep a chord in loyal he^arts. The solemn tolling of the minster bells To all the world the tale of sorrow tells; The funeral pomp, the pageantr\ of slate. Declare that P^ngland mourns the fallen great. Across the wintry ocean's tossing breast Thev bear his body to its hnal rest. And ocean's mistress trains her dogs of war . To guard the passage of his funeral car. His own loved city claims that sacred dust, Hut wider realms will share the solemn trust, That fell uncruarded from the nerveless hand Of one who well had served his native land. The matchless mind, the heights his genuis won. Shed lustre on the state that calls him son, — A man who lived in honor, died in f^ime. And left on memory's page a stainless name. St. .lolni. N. W. A. M. IJELDINr., ,*-s •*•«•*-