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DAWSON EXCELLENT M A.I EST Y I'KINTKK TO THE (QUEEN'S ^[OST [No. llr-1897.] 1898 ■♦I National Library Bibliothdque nationale of Canada du Canada NOTE. Under an Order in C.uncil dated 8th May, \XOC,, I was instructed to undertake an in.iuiry into the causes h'ading to a deteri(.ration in the .luality of canned lobsters This inijuiry has lasted for a year and a half and is now concluded. The results are set down herein. It was commenced in conjunction with Dr. A. A. ]^ru.''re, at my request to him, and it was conducted jointly with him for a veiy considerable period. Then Dr. Brucre n(jtified to me his intention to retire from the investigation. I am there- fore, left solely responsible for the report in its present form, and am only too sensible of the loss to it of Dr. Bru.Ve's able co-operation in the light of the very material value of his observations whilst he was associated with me. The present occasion is also taken to tender to him the fullest acknowledgment of his aid. ANDREW MACPHAIL, B.A., M.D. Professor of Patholoyj, Unitrrsity of Bishops CoUcye, Montreal. iMi; Peel Street. . /\ C U I '3 INDKX. liitrcp(liictiiii\ \'aliic> of the Iiuliistry Till' fxtoiit of till' (IctiTioration. . . Till' loss iMitaili'il tliiTi'liy TIk; (listril lilt inn of till' loss hcsc^ription of (laiiiaKid cans . . . , .Method of iii(|iiiiy discoloration, its kinds and cjiuscs lirown cole ill r II I ion iiajKi- Vcllowisli lustre ii|Min scaiu , . i'ur|ili>li colour after liatli. . . Siilplii le of iron .Siil|iliid('of tin Oxide of iron liact. (iasps Theories in \ i i^rue The use of acid Seasonal influence The (luestion of molting The (|iiestioii of size The nuestioii of se\ Kxaiaiiiatioii of tissue The lilood The muscle The e[)ideriiiis Description of present methods. . . Anatomy and physiology I'seof salt I'se of lining's Leaks and do-ovei's The material for solderin<,' Soldering Of the bath Time of iKiiling in the shell Use of dead lohsters lireaking off alive Parts nuist liable to deterioration.' The (luality of the tin plate . Bacteriology, &c The remedy Kvidence of its value t'onclusion Ahstract of process I'age. •I i» II) 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 1I> h; 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 1!» 22 27 32 32 INTRUDUCTIOX. I'i'fnro uiidortfikin^' this iiKjinry, it was la-cfssfii'y to mt'dsun- the itiiportiiiu'C of the work ill Imnd, to asciTtuin thf aiiiouiit. of lal)our it would ho tiioiiylit advisaldc t(j hi-.stow upon it. Tliis problem was approai'lied from various sides. The value of thf iiuhistry. 2nd. The f>.xt('iit of the deterioiaticl. because it was the consideration of them which pointed to tht; necessity of an e,xtensi\'e and elaliorate research. If any results were to be ol)tnined, it was only by [)roceedin;,' in an orderly manner and to great leii^'tlis, if necessary. i'iVen if no results were to be arrived at, the preliminary woi'k would have been done for some more fortunate oliservers. Therefore, the incjuiiy was projected upon a wide and sound basi.s, and the various operations are set forth along with the conclusions to which they led. I.-VALUH OF THE INDUSTRY. Statistics are available in a supplement to the twenty-fifth annual report of the Department of Marine and Fisheries. In it the Deputy Minister states that the number of cans p.icked in Canada tiiat year was H,2Sr), l."i7. or nearly .300,()UO cases, which at the nominal price of 88 a case amounted to S-',4U0,0U0. The value of the export of lulxsters in \f The average price per pi-und in 1SS3 was "J12 cents ; in 1S9.S it had risen to I I-IO cents ; at present it is 1872 cents. (2.) The extentof the deterioration. (3.) The loss entailed thereliy. (4.) The distribution of the loss. These three factors will be considered together. It is a matter of exceeding dithculty to estimate accurately the annual loss sustained by the industry through deterioration in the quality of the goods, by blackening and other causes, because the loss falls in so manv cpuirters. First, there is the loss to the individual packer ; then to the buyer, the wholesale merchant, to whom the goods are sent, to the retail dealer, and finally to the consumer who probably bears the bulk of it, and whose loss can never be ascertained. To obtain some expression of opinion, a communication was addressed to packers, buyers and dealers in the Maritime Provinces of Canada, the United States, and Great Britain. It contained two questions : let. What do you consider to be the causes of the depreciation in the quality of canned lobsters 1 2nd. What, in your opinion, is the annual loss to the lobster packing industry through this deterioration 1 « MAKISK ANn H8IIKIIIKS rl;:-:;;::-:;tr:d::::;:;-;!/'T" 4'"' fv"'- ::n;=;::;;;'''ii7i:;l EF^^S^^^^^ .r.„.v,u,„, „„,,„„,,:■; u;i-;;;:;:;/:;;:.;;:::rr;,\',:™;r. ""'"'-' '" ■> '•■ ■- l;r..m M,.,,s„, (.:,.„»,. V lll,„.k«,.|l. S„l,., S,,„,u,, |„„„|„„ : ™, IWdl r!,.,». ,t C,„„p,„,.v, N... L-r Min.ins I I |„„ |. ,„|„,„| , ti, «t,- :;;::r;;;;:r'r """ ''"■:■ " t"':""'- «' ■•■»•'."'»..-..»... :;;i;];t;:S;i:;-:;;;™-ir?;:'i:°!t:r-^™-' ^^,:Nl:;;;.r:;;:;'i!f ,,„,, i;':!;;.;,';,': '•"■""■"«i"™ * I'-i-,;,,,,,.,. ,-.„„,,„„,, L„„i,..,i, ,;„« .m,,. s,,. ,.,„. wiii p;«;:;;;;i; =!:•;■ XS~r;;;;3" "" '- "'^"■' "■•■ •-■'" '■■ ''-» «■»'» u„i,.:: ';;;:■;:: !;;;"„"i::;;::;::*:i;;';',:;';,t: '■: ■'■™'"i"- ««--'« i..>.f » ...«-«„ r;l ;£;;,;;;■ is- i^iij , ;^f tr t;L | i;"!;:r^.^';:!;,;z;:;;.::;;;l these «oocl.s '" " '"^■' '""* «""^«i«™tu>n, .f w. .nak. any proHt by handling -n" ^'i^'n'' l''^;':*^"- ^"» '^ '•'^■•'-'•' No. 17 IJotolph r.ane, London, Hn^lancl ■ worse, to the injurv of Jrconeerned ' ™''^' ''"'''""'■ '""'^^ ■'^"' *'•"'■" ^-' ^<' for at n es nt ''i'^'^'''^''^" '^'^ ••^'"''^^''^' ><^ ^^'^"'^ '^^^ -» ^'»<'nMou.s 4lue to this industry 1 would he (luite sate in sav 11" i-lii*- if fl,^ < i>i i ■ • i. '""""" '"v-^- i ininK and the lobsL-r preserved Ta7tn I.. ? so called, could be prevented, Mr. Grant in liis reply says • njscoLon.iTiox I\ CAWKJi /.oustehs. g ultimiitely til.! juhlim-.s who hiiy tli.-iii ;ii n price iii,.l k.'.-p tlu-in in stork ,iwiiitiii« the (l»'iiiivti(|H (,f tlii> triulf. Soiiu- Msisi.iis I km. A tin- JuIiImts lost- all tlicir « Is As ,i (l.'iiier I can sikmI; v.-ry f.-.-lin-ly imd .Mri suy lli-il I Imv.- lost f lioiisaiids ut' .lollius hy slupiMii- juhslors oM cuMsijiiuiicnt. Tli.- (•crtiiiii nictliod in Imtulliiij,' johstors is t(, K.'t n.i ot tlu-m lis .|uickly a.s pu.ssil.l,., |i „iii.'lit I..' int.'ivstiMi; h. \ou t.. know th.- actual coniniorciiil viiluH of a choice c.iM of hiiylit !''..w irali/c the fa.l llmf the choice parts of eij»lii lohsters j,'o to till a urie pound can. "Tlic ronsuincr thinks nothin,i,' of payinf,- I I'A cents for i fiedi .Muilii.Jv •yci-ht and the .•an of |..bstors show a value of on.- dollar. Now. if the .-annitii: .if h.irsteis could l.e inoiiu'lit down t.. an exact scientili.' proe.^ss and the .•..nsuiner .-oidd I... guaranteed that the ■.'.....Is wer.' as go...! as when fi.^sh, the .pn'slion will answer its.. If." As loiij,' ai,'o as 1SS7. In.p.Mior |)u\ar wrote: . _ "<)uiii;rt,, t Iw inferior ;,'rade of ;,'....dspr.-pare(i l.y soni.' pack.Ms, th.- lohster IS in greatdang.'r ..f beiii« .seriously iinperiM...!. Canadian paek.'d'r is at a v.-rv low ehl) in Kni;li>h markets, s.. much s.i that London i.'r.-.'n grocers will hav.. nothin- U, do with Prime M.iwanj IslamI lol.sters on accunt of their interior .|iiality. i'Voin this it is elear that the loss is a very iiiiit.'iial one. (,i.t only in tlie .leteriora- tK.n ..f the present product, l.ut frointl.. fa.-t that the h.-st .|nalitv now is inferior to that which sIk.uUI I..- ol.taine.l an.l can I..- ol.tain.' I hv tl,. adoption of scientitic m.'thods," ' DKSrRIPTION' OF l».\MA(.KI> CAN'S. This deteri..rati(.n in the .iuality..f the ..'ontents ..f cans is vari..uslv i.'tVrreil to as " blackening ' ,,r "smut," and other cans are known as beini: "sour. ' ••acid." '• ferment ed" and '• blown." This points to the fact that th.' deteriorati..n manitVst itself in various foriic, and is due to widely .liderent causes. ft will lust be n.'c.'ssary to ile-scribe theappearam.'s presented by a series ..f damaged cans, rpon ..pening a large number it was at once s.m'u that tli.'re was the larg^'st po.ssible variety .jf condition. Inde.'d the disroI,,ration was abs.'nt in many cases an.l the degree to which ;it hail pr..ce.'dc.l wa,s dillerent in all. in some the contents were unit .rmly dark, the colouring matter penetrating th.' wh..l.' tissue. In others it was conllncd to that porti..ii which was in contact with the s.-am of the can. and at the junction of the cover and bottom with the two ends of the cylind.'r. A-ain it .jccurred in spots corresponding with the puncture mad- in the cover to all..w tlie air t.. escape or t.. assist m the process of s.-aling. In th.'.s.' places the conlinuitv of the tin eating was broken, allowing the middle plate of iron t.. come in c.ntact with the c.ntents" Ayain, the tliscoloration ommenced over small aieas wh.!r.' the tin was er.jded, but whether thiserosi..n was due to a primary d.-tVct in the material or whether it w;is due to .solvent action ..f the contents had to be reserved for further .-xamination and will be referred to latter. In some cases the paper lininir was disc.lourcd and in others a .space along the seam of the can. In most instaiu'cs the contents remained soli.l though disi'oldured. S.tme were liquid an.l uniformly black and others liipiid but of a, normal colour. Many cans were bulging almost to the point of bursting' with gas, an.l when punctured the gas escaped with a rush and foul odour while in others the amount of gas was imperceptible. them METHOD OF IN.,il IRV. We are now able to define the scope of the in.|uiry as follows ;— 1. To classify and describe the different forms of deterioration. 2. To ascertain their causes and consid.'r the theories in vogue respecting J. 3.. To determine whether they began to operate before or after the process of can- ning commences 4. To consider the present methods. 5. To provide a remedy and prepare a scheme for the profitable preservation of lobsters. 10 MAliIXE AND F/Sf/EHIES. DISCOr.OHATION AND ITS CAUSES. _ First of " blackening." Tliis should 1„> described as •' .lisc.luratio,, " f...^ the colour caus;:lS.^':t:;:t:..Z.,| •:''.:S:"'''' -'-- '"^^--^ '<-'^ '^" ''-■ - -Hfterent 1. Urowriisli discoloratinii of the paper ;doiie. This t'or.n was found to be due to merely to scorching with an ov,.,h..;,t..d ropner too .. .g apphed. To deterrnme this a can en.pty except for tire lining, was s.-al' d w a verv hot c.pper, on opening, the paper was found scorched as described. A^rai,, ,, sin i ■ r d s coloured «rea was ren.oved ron, ,he lining of a can and treated with h vdro I ^ c 1 d" Clour was not re.uove,], it was due to organi. .le.struction'of the p „' y heat, and ot no serious moment excepting in respect of appearaiur ' ^ - A yelowisn discoloration of metallic lustr.. alon^ the .scam of the _ J his IS observed in many .-ans newly mad.' and befnie the lobsfr is introduced and IS due to cxeessivc heat m the soldering of the can itself, as can be shown n "p.; . n" I'is'Pl^r^ '"' "' """^"'''^ '''"' '■•"'^ ^" '^ '''-^ '' ^■" ■''-'• -•- ''^-i^ .'!. A purplish discoloration observable imnu'diatelv after the cans aiv remnved from the second bath, which will be .leak with in consi!'^"^/''^>-- ^'^S^^ <>i "'on due to common oxide of iron. A can was hi led with o solution ot salt and water and boiled for three hours when a similar condition was produced. The material from the can answered a the tests ?or hvd nt i"'"l V r' '] '? "^^' r^'"' '^"^'^•'"^ »'^^« ^ '^'-'^^^^ '-> precipitate of fine M>atensoluble in hydrate ot potassium ; ferrocyanide of pota.sli gave a blue precipi tate, and sulphocyanate of potash gave a deep red colour. ^ " ^ P'^'^"!'' DISCOLORATION IX CANNED LOBSTERS. u 7. I3ACTEU1AL ACTION. Discoloration due to bficteria. Tn many cans which arc in the early staije of putre faction oik; observes (olonies of bacteria ujion the sui'face of the contents t;i\in<' a uniform brownish tini,'e. Tliis may lie scraped off, leaving the tissue beneath of normal colour. From the foregoing it will appear that the ultimate source of a huge series of discolorations is the presence and oi)eration of b.icter'ia. Tt was therefore clear that an exhaustive bacteriologic study would ha\e to be undertaken. To tids end, it was necessar\ to establish a laboratory where abundant material was accessible. Accordingl}' in May, IS',))), this was d( ne in Charlottetown, Prince Kilwari; Island, with all the necessary apj)liances. The work was continued t' ere till the latter part of June, and reconunenced early in .luly to investigate some matters which were overlooked during \.\w first visit. OASES. -iinilar ' eagerly sought for is a bulging of the eiu -s within. These trases art of the I produ t of bacterial The sign of deterioration in cans due to an accumulation o. activity, and upon analysis were found to b(^ composed chietly of : l:^ulpliuretti'd hydrogen. Carbon dioxide. The material from which sulphuretted hydrogen niay be readily formed, is often introduced into the can by the non-removal of the gut and its contents. The stomach and gut of a living lobster were i)laced in a test tube with acetate of lead paper, within six hours sulphuretted hydrogen was flevelofied in .ijipreciable nuantity and rapidly discoloured the edges of the plate placed in contact with it. Tiir.oiiir.s IN vooiK. Among the numberless theories as to the cause of " blackening ' of lobsters the use of acid easily holds the first place. Now, as a matter of fact, if a portion of lobster tissue be immersed in pu''e hydrochloric acid for a few days it l)eeomi>s beautifully white. Therefore, the use of acid in the manufacture of cans has been almost abandoned, and much ingenuity has been displayed to procure a suitable substitute. The genei-al con sent is in favour of employing a nnxture of rosin and linseed oil. Another preparation is made as follows : "add one pound melted rt)sin to a gallon of lard oil, and stir to the consistency of cream." The effect of strong acid iipjn the tin is of course to dissolve it, but when tin is etched by a dilute acid the etiect is to dissolve the minute crj'stals more (juickly than the larger ones, giving to the surface a frosted appearance (moiree nietalli(pie. ) SEASONAL INFLUENCE. To determine what influence, if any, the time of year in packing exercises. .Small packs were made in the following months: May, June, July, August, October and ^ December. Upon examination of cans packed at these various periods it was not pos- sible to observe any diffei'ence in quality in respect to colour. THE QUESTION OF M01,TIN(i. Tt is worth incpiiry if there is any connection between the deterioration and the molting of the lobster, but before doing so, it will be ssecos'i.ary to discuss the details of the process by which the shell is cast. All shell-tish grow in stages. They are surrounded by a hard inelastic covering, and when in the process of growth this covering becomes too small, it is cast off. This is known as molting. The process was >vell studied by N'itzow in the marine laboratory of Roscoff, and by Francis Hobart Herrick in the laboratory of the United States Fish- ery Commission, at Wood's Hole, Massachusetts, from whose excellent report many of 12 MA lilNE A XI) FISHERIES.,. ,,l,VMoluj,^ HtaUMn.-nts are tak..,,. Ti,. shell nf a lobster varies i„ l.anlness a„.l colnur. .lepen.iu.^ „,u.u ,l,e ,.enu.| sinee ,l,e last ,n..l,, A,, ani.nal whieh . ^n >T 1 I l" m"'"" "\"^'""-"-" '^^ -"-^t shell,- ..,.ew slH.ll,-..,.a, 's , i In I'riiice It is i.nus.ial (., ohtain soft shell lohsters l.etore the I'idw.inl [slaiHi Mii.IJl., ,.f I,. I.. . 1- 1 .• , ' """" """" ■"^"''" loiisters before the nuklle ot .l„ly at ulueh t„ne a tew may W fo.uul i„ the ti-aps with the east oil' shell v their sule, or the shell alone n,ay he fo„„.|. tho ani.nal having eseane.l l.v va on , H sM.alerMxe. Hh^ .u.wly „,oltecnobster lies lint,, and helplessjau is overil ly,, i 11 east ol hut he l,n,„u of t.e stomach, o.opha.n.s an.i inte.tim> is exfoliated as we these str.U'tures Ikmii- .lerived from infoldin-s of the skin Waiter i. I al.sorh.l and the tlesh converted into a pulpy mass. T^on' "now ^ u' e i:.;:^'^ size and a va\m\ liardenin- of the new shell. 'n-nK.d in, i,as. m Many factors ,1^,, to account for this rapid growth of the shdl. ( „, cad, side ,,t the stoicacli ..f a inoUiii, lobster are found two bodies an inch Ion. and half an in h 1 ick eo.i.poscd of calcareous matter and known as .astroliths. ■ bodies a be a^ itxow su,,,.ests, '■dissolved 1,1 the acids of the stomach and entering the Ivin -fo n a, no^anic reserve comparable U. phosphatic pla, found in th.r n,br ^s " t.ctus n ruminants. ( ,. the other lian , hours, but tha,' it usually re.,ui.vs from two t, t re a ■ • n hart ran, re^erri,,. to the same animal, says he has sel,u the shell resutne its „on lal cons s ency ,n t.s hou,-s \ U/ow admits that the carapa.-e has become perceptibly L,'. n _ I luans. l,u, that r hour^. must expire before it il completely so.' t ^wou d e , i ndth'i U ;"::;; '''fr'V*''""r ■' -'-'--''l-> variation -in the time re, ud .UKl tliat it is not marketable for at least a month. Now. from experience, the condition of the H.-sh has no bearing upon its detcriora- > TIIK (^KSTION OK SIZK. size, anil, therefore, the ai,'e of the It remains yet to eonsider what bearinic tlio lobster has upon its yalue as a preserycd food!^ .1 f ^^•'' ''?'■''/,!;"' "• '"''"''■'" ''■'"'^' ■'■•'■ ^'"^ '•■•'^'^ f''<>'n ^vhich the a^e of a lobster may be c l-t^.u-mmed. he a^e can scaively be determined by direct observation, simv the .o. - wl 'ui 1 '""''""'"«''^' ^°'r' .«"PP'y- teu>perature, kc, probably introduce variations ea I V l''7 ";-''r V"'^' "^""^: iM..u,u.. By ob.serva: ion, Herrick foumi that one lobster which had been hatched from the egg mea.sured U inch, while three :^:". "";:;;";r ""''"^- '", ''^^'T''"• "" '''" --^mcted a t;u>ie f;om whS that tleincrease ni length after each molt is about twelve per cent of the ,rey,ous ength or one-eighth, that is, an eight-inch lobster wouhf mea re n e ches att^r molting. If now the number of molts and the time interval could e scertamed .some conclusions could be drawn. In another table he estimates I at a lU mJ.e.s long, .'..times. This leads Inm (o the conclusion that a 10 inch lobster is gZth- " ^"''' '• ^' "'" ^' ^"" """ *'"^^ '^' '«^«^«'- '-^ ^" ---^1 -^ rnthei slow ..{^l^l"'''''''''''^^^^^ inches long discloses tiothin-r w:r^;!;:::t"m '""' ''"■" """^ '^^ ^'"^"•"^' ^'^^ ^''^^^--^ «^ - "->« ^'-- ^ DISCOLDliA'JiOX IX ('.1A'.VA7> /.<) !iSTk/;s. 13 (QUESTION OK SKX. tlie W'f \\n\r iKiw to ciiiisidiT ulictlici- tljc sex of tlic lol)stfi- liii'< aiiv liraiiiiu' i"|ioii tlii. (lelci'ioiiitioii of tilt" riUiiuMl |ii((iluct. Itywayof piffacc to tliis coiisidi'iatioii, a short, statf'incnt of the sexual liahits of the lolistci- will he iicctissaiy, Tln'r(Ms a i-oiiijilctc sc()aiat,ioii (/f llut sexes. 'I'li" female is smaller in si/e, ilie <'la\vs aic less liii^'lily (le\elo[)e(l. The alxloiiieii is liioader ami moic (■(ttiei\e. 'I'he tii-st |>air of swimmeretts is rodtii-ed ill si/e to admit of the more cnmplete tiexiiii.' of the alidomeii fof the |ifMtect ion of tlii' e^'Lfs. The ofLtaiis of fein-oduetioti aie, (I ), tl \ai-ies. consist iiij; of two masses uf tissue cuniuH;ted by a l)i'id;,'e and situated in the d( csal re-ion, extending,' fiom ilie middle nf the caraiiace to the fourth or fiftli alidominal segment. Just pievious to laviii", the ovaries are seen (illed with ej,'t,'s, which may he removed hy cuttini; into the wall."' (•_'.) Two sjiort tubes leadini; from the o\aries and o|ienin,i; into (."i) two small slits upon the basal sejrineiits of the st!,(.nd p;druf walking; lei,'s. (4.) The leeepiaele for the fertilizimr element of the male situated between the third |)air of le;,'s. (.">.) (JIands which secrete a cement sid)stance for .>ecuiiii^' the (>i,'j,'s, after they have been laid, to the abdominal appendages. The mali- lobster possesses a pair of testes, opening Ijy ducts at the base of the last pair of walking; le;,'s, and tiie first pair of alidominal legs are modilied as if to serve for conductini,' the fluid, which is inclosed in gelatinous capsules, into the seminal receptacle of tlio female. The pairiiiLC of lolisters may take place at any time of the year and a|tparentlv has no conncu'tioii with the condition of the ovaries of the female. The seminal fluid can be obtained from the receptacle of the female independently of the time of laying, hatching, or even molting. Tlie male element i;. stored up until needed, and retiiins its vitality for a very long time. Ther(> is a conflict of evidence as to how often the lobster lavs eggs, when they an; laid, and liow long they are carried externally. It is (juite true that lobsters may be taken at all seasons of the year, with the c^r.s in all stages of development, but this does not affect the main statement that, for the majority of lobsters, there is a definite breeding season. The process of laying is as follows : The eggs are extruded from the body after being carried about a year, and are fertilized by coming in contact with the spermatozoa ready stored up in tin; seminal receptacles of the female. The tail is folded in, and the eggs'are attached to the swim- nieretts by means of a cement substance .secreted in s])ecial glands, and there carried for about ten months. The lobster is now said to be in " berry." Then tht; embryos escape as free swimming animals in the ocean. 'J"he number of eggs is very lari'e, a twelve inch lobster producing about fifteen thousand. Seeing then, that the female lobster spends, the most of its time in the business of reproduction, it is very important to decide its value as a food supply, especially since the number of males and females is probably enual. First, lobsters can never at any period of life be coinparf^d with fish bearin" thtnr roe, because; the eggs ripen over a period of two years, and there is no sj)awnin<' time comparable in point of intensity with that which obtains in the cas<; of fish. In the report of the English Fish Commission presented in 1877, it is stated that "the lobster when in berry is in the very best possible condition for food." The only evidence adduced is the fictions of fishermen and cooks. The fishermen wished to continue catching the female fish, and the cooks lusted after the eggs for the garnishiiH' of salads. One witness remarked with the real fisherman's wisdom "lobsters in berry are worth twice as much as any other, the spawn is bruised and put into sauce and makes better sauce than the lol)ster itself. In salads it is boiled and sprinkled over the salads ; it is a capital article of food. The caoks will not have the lobsters without spawn." rpou such information as this, and with logic like a fisherman's, the Commis- sioners are led to remai'k "it would be as illogical to prohibit the taking of lobsters in berry as to prohibit the trying of full herring." On the other hand, ib rrick shows that a lobster in berry is actually lighter than a female not carrying external eggs, by an average of 1 ■ .•laws. Tl.o ,uatt,.r was put to 1 . . 'u 1 " " '"i V' "'" '"«'■'■ '^i"^ <'^' ^he oanni„,.„th^U;;.;;i^;:;'"'"'"'^^ "• ^'"- """'-"'y t.. d<-U.ri.wati.m after K\AMi\.ATi()\ or rissnos. 1(1 arrive at a corichision as tn wlietlwr li.livt,.,. .; '■■•"'"';"■'. it "», .,,»r,. ,i,,t t;!;™; :;':,;;' '■','""■',""' "■■i«"i."i.«i.' ■IIIK lil.dul). A iniMilier (if (roodsizcd i.i,,n,i >v„. a, ,,,„,,, ,„,,,,p; ;;■;;- jj;,.';;;;;^^^ ..da„,t,,,. npoti the s /e of the aiiiiinl nvl M.,. tl, i '|"intit,\. 1 he amount ( eiieru s ti- issued i w s :l: v\s ^ :' ^'r^'r ""'' r '•;''>'" "f^^^-'^''"" - ^'•"'- ^s tin,, layers trausparent. in wi^'H el/t ;''''^;^'''''''^?'^'^'' "Pal.seent clot, i„ f.-on. the presen...' of flaky u,:: ,,';:.'; ^^7^'"' 'i>i;'l' '"•^^"•• T1.0 blue colour does not return .,/"n]f :'':,:"":; T ITl^ "' ^'" ^'"•^'^'^"' exposure to air, there is a slight reappetr nee Ti o " ^'''''''^''^ ''> ^^'^^er, but on eliloroform. ether or peroxid.^ f LS! ' •■"' matter is not soluble in -^ absorptive b.nd^ ^hmlgl. IS^i^ a/I^S^r th^'^ .'^T'^^'^ ''^'^ '^ >■''"'' colouring matter is a respiratory imnnenr; " the whol,> spectrum. This stucly. Tl. nucroscopic eianSioll'^niL uZ'':;Z\7\Z^ .vS^'T" .^•■^^-- and a X(.). -^ ocu ar revealed wl.if.. l>l,.r„i > ' "lutn was made with ^'., olnect ve "■ ";' """ """" *" iv -mj ta^ r:'i;r;,K,.';'iS!'' ' "r '■' "■' protoi.ks,,, f,,„„„,lar .u„i stai„i„s faintly wit! m.tlw . ;' l'" , '"T" '',' S"" '''" THE MUSOLK. din, and ligl. itripe. i„^l;lr.«Ve:tS i^^^^^^^^ broader than in the mammalian musMo T^ fi i .'""''•^'^ »* t'>e crab, but much light stripe is almost as Cad^ tT^d m s'tHpf fnTe^rt '■ T*,r'^' /''^^' *''^ there as a well n.arked line or n.embrane know fas Dobi h" > K... '^'"''' r"'"^' Ihis hne seems to consist of a row of ,r,...n„u ''!'/^""'^^ .'">f' "' Krauses meml)rane. way between it and t^^^hJX^^Jj^^t^^^-^''^ ""'t ^'^ ^^"^"^'^ '•"" '"^'^ ^'d- ing with the lateral disc of En-^lenmn ^ ^^"' '' ^"°'^"' ''''"' '"'" eorrespond- cent^'ofsrr:?;;^;;:^^ The DISCOI.ORA'I lOS IX c.WX/:/) LDllsTEllS 15 Bosklcs tlic ti'Miisvcrsc .sM'i.'itinii tlicn' is a lunyitudiiril striatiun (juc to tlic iiM'sciu-*' fif lihrillcs. Histologically tlu'ii, tlii' ninsclc of tln' lolisicr is almost iilciitiial with tiia^ of tilt! ci'al). i;i'iiif:i(Mis. Tho e;i(l('iinis covering' the surface, and from wliirh tlic shell is sccrctod, is com. jjosed of epitheliti cells, containing a pi;,'m('iit ,solu!)lo in ether, and chh.rofonn. On evaporation of the ether, an oily residue remains piLrmented hkI, wliich, wjien combined with alkalies, forms a soap. DIOSCmi'lIoN OK l-WKSKNT M KTIK >lis. and It will he necessary to giv(! s(*me small description of the methods at iirc-ent employed in the lobster packing industry. It shouhj he said in the outset that those engaged in the industry are using their' best etVoris to secure satisfactory results and that any failure is due to causes t>ntir'ely beyond their knowledgt;, and all with whom vvo came in contact showed a disposition to do everything in their jirjwci' to forward th(> investigation. At the same time, in many cases llie wonder is not, that tho canned pi'oduct is so bad, but that is as good as it icallv is. Many of th(? faclor-ies arcs moic hovels with inadeipiate appliances for ordinar'y cleanliness, and under the best conditions it is to be renrembcrcd that the quantity and kind of offal connected with tlie process is admii'ably suited for' tin; gr'owth of jiutrefaetive nucro organisms. The factories are seated upon the shor'c with stages leading into deep watei' for the accommo- dation o ' boats, or' the buildings therirseUes arc at the end of a sta<'e connectiii" with the shore. Her'c the boats come laden with lobsters fr'om the tr'aps, and they are then count(^d out. They ar'o shovelled into casks and at on f thr'own into a vat and boiled. The time during which they are boiled is said to be about tifteen rrrinutes, but bv actual test of marry cases, we found it to bt; nc/u'cr half an hour' when all the lobstcr-s w'ei'e out. They ai'e then thr'own ujion large tables t(j cool, and when cool ai'e "broken of}" that is, the body is broken tVom the tail, and the claws reirroved bv striking against the side of a V)arr'el into which they fall. The tails are taken to the "tail table' and the meat either " punched " or "pulled." That is, either pushed out from behind with a suitable instrument, or pulleil out in fr-ont with a fork. The latter method is pr'eftn'abie, as otherwise the last sei'iirent of the tail is apt to be broktm olf. The claws are cracked and the meat shaken out : the " arms " are split lorrgitudinally and the " ai'in-ineat" pulled out with forks. Next the tails are split and the gut removed. This splitting may he done upon the " front " or back. Front splitting is preferred since it does not interfere witli the contour of the body. The l)lood which has coagulated in the claws in boiling is removed by w.'ishing in sea-water, and the tails are clearrsed in the same way, care being taken to remove as much of the " gr-een-gland " as possible, which in boiling has tinged the upper part of the tail. The meat is placed in strainers, and soon is r'eady to be packed. The cans are of two sizes, half-pound and pound : of two shapes, tall or flat. So there are " pound-tlats ' and "pound-tails,'' " half-pound flats " and " half-pound talLs.'" As the lobsters which ar'e taken ar'e becoming snraller year by year, it takes an increasing number to fill a can. The average now is about six to a pound. The cans are lined on the bottom and sides with vegetable parchment of suitable shape. The tails are curled uj) and placed in the bottom: then comes a little arm meat, and the claws are laid in rows on top. .Salt has to be added, and one has heard much discussion as to whetlier it should be put in first or last, whether dry or in the form of pickle. The m^at is " pm.s.sed," the can "wiped.' the paper lining is; put on and finally the can is covered. The cans are now gi\en to the sealer, and an expert workman will seal a thousand in a day. When the day's catch is in the cans, the " bathing" begins. A huge vat is filled with water and kept boiling by a fire of hardwood in a bi-ick furnace. The cans are placed on trays and swung in by means of a crane. The practice of packers differs, but the average length of the first bath is one 16 .W.IA7A'A' tX/, ns ///■:/;/ /,s. •-••',vs plan..! n„ ,, rark. T Lm, ,1... s., m... „ 1 ' '■■"" ;"'" '"•"•"•'' •"" ■"'•' "'<• ;' ^i-i- i-.n, i„ i,s ,■„...,, ,„.. s 'a, ,^ ':";:; Z '"'"! 7"' 'r'"'^" ""^""^ ''-'"« i-';;'-iM, ,1... ,..ns is v.nuusiy,nato,i. si ;:i: •,';;;;,!' 'rT";''- 7''iv'i'--'-" -f ;...:;;:;::;.i.,;:;v;:::u:;:;r-' ''-'•"''•■''- -;^:." .-:-;.. ;-::;-,,:;;:;;- '" ' '■.;•--•. an.l th,. I,,ilt--|,n„,„l r.ns !m; i„ ,., ,.,."• '"' '""'""' '■"'^ •"'• l""l^''l ^^ ,'';"■ "'"•'••ll|'l".Vl \V,„n,Ml 111,, i •-' I'l'-.n,,,,.. ,h,. ,,,v ,s I. ,„,! „n s ;„, .1 ;"" \'' '""' ""Pi'-'is.-u.t. Tl,. wn.k is 'n.lnl,..,luMrpn,p,:n:i,i,.s:wh..l, ,,, ,,m " n, T '" , '""' "'"^' '•"^'•^"'"1 I'-n.. t., , . ■'•'"'^•-i is'ai.u.ui,.,,, , ..:':,"":;:; ':';^ '"" •;;• -ai,!....,..,.,,..!. r ■iiiii>- ■ ' " ' ^ ' ' > Hi'liralc. run- ii. ,-.... .■ ■. "'"'■"''- •""■ the . •,.,,1.1,1- ,,(■ i, ,,v, I'SK i>l' S \|.| .« a.l.l,..i. :n,u as sal, a.ul wa.o.- an ' .1 , n, i 1 :'''' ^' ' '"■";'^-'-'' "'-- -.1, >l.,.nl.l tWi.s ..,Mp!..ynu.,„. Tl,.. „s„al a, ,,,.,„ '.''"T"- "';;'•" '^ " """-' nwl,...,.,.,..,,, -ln^-1. is .n,ln.l..,l in ,1.. vvi^l.t an! ,| ..', . '" ''"■'^'" ".' "'" •'"•' l"""..l .-... •"■■'-,,nn .„• p,„,i,. ,„ s..„H. „;„.!.. I ; ,,'•'' -^'^ 'V ^-"''^ "^ M"' -h,.l., a valual.l,. 'i.y sal,. Tlu. ,.,.s, p,...u.„.... s....„,s ,. 1, i ; . J ' : •■ "'"';'"" """'' •'^''■•^" ''^^ l'*^^''^-'' i" . ■•>• salt. Now. as ..n- pa,. ..f h s , ^^ . ^.r """^ Vl I^'"'*'"''^^-' *--• -"I -'M th. t.Msp.„.nt„ls. thnvf,.,-,.. ,.f .hv sal, so. ,,,:'''' '^ '''''■''''* '^'' ''"•'^■*> '•*' salt. Tw,. I'SK OF |.I\I\,;s. " I.KAKS" AMI " DO-OVEIiS. " WluMi the cans arc iTiuoved fn.m th,. first huh ,1,^ .. i expa.usu.n of tho heat...l air and itin y '\ ' T'"' '-■'•"^■"^' ^'^^'"S to the ther. will I,, no .xpansi,,,,, and wh m „ etur 1 r , .' ''''";i "'"'' ^'^ '" ^'''^ '" "'« ^''"^ t - oan is pnnctur.;i and s;al.,l tie enT "^ono v > ""\ "'" "? " ^^^'•" -^'^ --" -^ there is a :,.ak in any .an this n.ncav Ins X V, ')-'"'\'^^^'^'' "le second bath, if ^uch a .an is known'as a - I.ak vt t s t ^ n 1 7' ''"' '^ ••^^^'''■^-'«'' ^Y oonvexity. with a bit of nunal. a nail o.- a pie.e f l^L^ and'TL ^. l"T-^ "'f '"P'^ ^'^ ^'•'^' -^"« aside. This test is of very unoerLin valne s Ihe , •''"'' • f ^''^"'^ '^'''^fJ 'u-e set can and the proxi.nity of the eon ents o the cove ?'''"^ T^' ''' ^■""""- «^" ^'^e dedared by paekers to be " leaks • were tl u i . -V""^"'' "* '''''' ^^'''i<='' ^''^''e found to be sterile after three n ntht Tl isr • Tf '^^'^'^ "'""ended. Thev were .•e-barhe.l for half an hour. These oanl ^ known as M o .. ""■ "'? " ""'"'*-"' -«' nitenor valu. Ody a linmed nu.uber L-t pw" in ^^0^'" T^" ^""''"'•'^ "^ 'leaks will depend on the .are exe-eised in mile. ,1 , ^ '"^ Pe'-centaire of niperfe.tly sealeii cans. ^ince out of five hundred cans and sealed by us with only ordiri'irv ^.,i.\ IX , asm: I, l.<>l!srKi;s. ly m;.mM;nn,,,..,.,,d,)M. |.n...,...n,'..l^ mm.,„.,.,| ,n„n ,1... lirM JnsN.uI ' ""*:'> '""l"'.^'."- '■•■'" '■" li.'lt .„ hour, w|,„ h, ,,., n,. knnw, ,s n,-„lli,.i,.n. ,„ ,|,.Mn,y '"' ''"'""^'•>' ^" '" ','! '"•^"; ""■' ""■ '■"""■'"■ "M,'l,l Im. in,i,M..| (iH.rrl.v, (l,„u..|, I'll: M \ I l.l;l \l, nil; sdllM lilM.. M;n,N n,;,k,.r. |,.v,. .,.,.,t1 nuMur !(,.„ ,,„n-|,; | ,,, .,,,,, ,.,,,,. A- . ,n;m,., .,^ '•"■' •';'■;."",' '■",'" -'''" "."■■"l'l'"""'''l -l^.'nil.u.v It ,,.,„|,.,-, .1,,. „nta,-M,n.„f,;n,s "";'■"""""'•■""' "■'"■^' '" ■•'II' 'I- -'••, n,Mn ,•„, , |„. ,,.,M,..,.,| wi,h„u, .„„.. wlirn tl,.., ■;,,., sh,.,|,.,,,lH- ru.i,, ^uktl/rs ;,,:,! | „.n,„.,,l ,•. ,1,.. ,,ss,„. u„|, „.,„|,,„,- A-.'ini, .hall ii„. l,„ii,M,i 1... MuM,.,-,.,! „,„,„ ih. im.I.. ,,, iI,,. i.,si,|,. n|' i !„. caM ' This " ■' I""" ;;"'"'• "' ' V. ■...,■„.■... .hu„..|, ,„ s,„ ,,nnln,.., tl,,.,-,- is a n..,-„lal i,.,, that all .•ui.s shall hav.. ll,,. KnduM.s u|..m t h,. o,it.,i,l,. oi, arr, , ,,f a wimn.fal l„.li,.f tl,,. the .laii-.T ttui,, l,.a.| |,n,sun,i,;r ,s,.,ir,l l.y this iiiaiiMMn tv, „,1,|,.,. I,,,,,,;. an allny ..l' I,.,,] .■■ii|,|i|,|;| Vi,. I< isi„ 11,.- s„l,i,.,.i,.;,„f tl„. ,.,.,.,. that th.. lnl,st,.,. |,a,.k ,-. la„,.v ha ■ a„ „|,|„„.t „nit y l.;-.,at,.t,., n.vra! th. natun- ,„ tl„. ■■ tlnx ,|„.y w,.,-. ,.sin.^ S„„„. afr.-rt,..! „. ii,„i vifdl,. 11, a saMifat.r.l s,,„„u'... j'hr ,„ai„ thin,; is that, whatr.s,.,. ,„at,.,-,al 1„. ,,-,,1 u,,! tiu-T ts m,M„„.. l.,.tt..,- than tl .hnary "salts „f |.,„„n ■ it -.1 1,| 1„. „.,,) i„ „„„|,.,,,. M.m. a.„l „,„ a lnw..,| t,. l|,,w ,|,,wn „|,.,„ the r,,nl,.n.- ,.f !!,.■ ran. h, many ras-.s th.- '•opiMT r,M,,lnv..,i was t,..u laf.-,-, an,! ..„„v,.y..,l .1,,. |„.a. to th,' i,it,.,i.,|- uf ,h,.ran Tl,.. c'lvsivnti,' sha|i,'.l snl.|..rni/j; irons Un- this ivason ar.- ohj.-.^t ionaJ.I,.. of lilt; i;\|||. I" llnvc ,,1 Ih,. lai'jrost, ta,.U.ri,.s th,. i. a,,, 1 lo , h,. ,.ans in imn ,..t,.rt> l.y 1... us., oj l,v,- sL,.an.. Ill th.. .-afly part of th.. in,|niry, as will aftrrwanis x|,lain..,| ll..'pnn,..[,l,.sas|a,.l,„wn l.y I'ast.-ur for tl... st..rili/,al ion of ,n,.,lia vv.m,. a,,pl„.,l an.l l.a,l to „. al,an.lon..,|. I |,on this l.asis tl„. use of sfain r,.torts Uo„l,l llav L.-.-n inva ual.l,.. I.ut stn,',. it ,s ,|,.alini; with a t.un|..M.atnrc of than that ..f Kit) t. tiu. tu.c.;ssity tor strain r.-t.-rts no lon^.,.r ...xists. Th.. , of iisiny th.. ,...t,,rts at pr.'soiit IS taulty, l)..,.aiis.. too liiirh a t,.|n,)..ra( ur.. is ..inpl,,y..,|. ft is t| i,.,,,,,, ,., j,, ' trod...... sfam till tlu; pr.>ssur.i -au-,, n-ist«rs fifl....n pounds t., th.. s,,„ar.. in,.h an.i .;is th,> Kau-.., .l.,.-s not l„.^ri„ t,., n.-^JHtor till th.- .•it,n..sph,.ri.- ptvssur.. of 1| ,„;„„ds IS, an actua, pressure abnv., tl,„ va..uiii„ ..f L'i) p.mnd, is l,,-!,,:; used Vc-ord m- .. lu.-nault s tal.l.'s this is t.. 1,.. translat,.,! into a t..n,p.Matur.. .,f I'ls wluel, IS to,, high tor any tiss,,,. int.-n.l...l t.. 1.,. us...l as food. B.-sidcs as hi-d. a torn jHTatur.. IS .hsastrous to tho tin. In any tin ...ystal th,> ...>.,.tlicio.,t of tlionni-.Txpansioa has one value m the direct...n .f th.. principal axis, a.,.1 another in that ,.f the sul.sid- uuy jvxis. :i 3 V they assun,,. .lillerent values, an.) as th., crystals are ..rient^Kl m a law ,.ss tasliH.n they t..,,.! U. .Iisi„t.>grate. At th., same time steam retorts inay be use.l ami titte.l with a tlu'rinonieter inst.,.ad ,.f a -au-e, and the st(.a.n intro.l,i..,.d with out pi-essure. The folh.wing is an abstract ..f It.^-naults tabl.. iv.luce.l t.. |.'ahr..riheit s.-ale • (;a„,„w„„01.s. ,,..,■ s,,.,„. T,.,„„n.'F. ^ Ol .) ^■■'' 0J5 ^ '^ •):!■! ^"•^ •>40 ii-;5 oto 1^-3 ;: 0^5 18 M Alt I. SIC AM, risilhli IKS. iiMi: 111 iiDji.isi. IN Mii.:i,i„ T.. (1 I'tcrmiiic the 1,'iiu'tli <i«i'.vi.- i.i"'Vn;.:;;Jir k;;;:;;;;;,-::,,,:;!™'; ™ ■'- ■■''" "■• I-1I...I.- I..l.»t..r m 1 ,.,.,■,,. six,,,.,, I,,,,,,., ,,|.,„, ,|„„j,, ,i^J„^ .J^,;;" • <- ■ l» -0 C. ■' IIKKAKIM; OKI-- .M.IVK,." nieth.ui a oonsi,leral)IP l..^s sine.. •, f.i , IL/?. i • , f P'"^'" ^''^'•«' '« "^y this yet in any ease a consideral^e a ni .^ S ^ " bsfin I' T ""' ""' "'"^^^ "^ '''""''' oc..vgulu..i ah.,ut the ha,se of th.> Iw and ho'nn T !'?' " '" '/ ^^'^P'^'^''-^ "^'^ '^ Inl|.i« ini' />lsr,,i,o/;.\rioX I.\ CANXhJh Lo/iSTt:/;. I'Mds \\i,<\ i.iAiti.i: iM i)i:ii;i!i()i; \ n i>\. '" '■ ;iiimi;il is iiioi'i',!,. I,, ,|,,, "•lil WS UlllllC 19 rrn.r.ti,. n,,,,, 11' result- Th i"i'si" simiit III',, win, I, apprur.ii,,.,. i,, t| kniirkl, Tin: i,.i Ai,,n oi nn nv |.|, vik iiiid nilnMN with mils iiloiif. s iilways. Ii..w..\,.,, ,.vcn in |„,i|,,,| (■\<'ii L'(M),(ll|ii ras. a ;;:;';::'::;;;;;i;lo:'"-'""' ' «»'•>" Xn^-:r';;;;!s;:;r;';;i::;:;; A l.Ut,'H llUlllliir (if Ciuis lliailr n|' linpliilr rr|,ivs.'nlin,:; ll„.,s,. tw,, -faiios w-, Iiiickfil and cjuTt'ul (.liservutions made ii|jnn ih,. icsuks rii- runrlusi-.n to wl,i,.|. NM. have roiw u,inn ihi- ini|,.,iianl mat tn ,s , hu i,„ 111 (■.■ssily exist- tor a \ eiy hl^'h liiade ut' tin [ilale ' In .lie early days of the industry the niaterial used was iron-plate instead of sleel I'l.tte a- at present. I liree y.-ars a^'o several packers, thinkit^ the deterioration wa. some way hound up with the use of steel n.verted to the foriiier p,.aetiee ^a ve .-msideralile expense, l.ut t hey eould ohserve no diireiem.e in the result ""1 he nni^.r .. a very heavy ,ra. • o plat, a, a material advance in eost. but with , 1 pondiii;,' prolit, as has already I n pointed out ii.\('ri:iuoi.o(.v. It is unnecessary to overload a ivpor' of a pra.'tical ure with teehn^eal details o l,acter,olo,,u. svork or dwell upon t he .lilHculties oneountered in it, heca, ^o h v / , ..t a purely seientihc interest and of little value to those whose first husinesH ' «ood lobsters Besides, n is ,uestionable to what degree suc.h t . es ^ul ulT seeut.Hl in a deputnu-ntal im.uiry The main ol.eot was kept conUnumt" ' v^w' ;!; ro de a reiiHHly and there would certainly be no justiHeation in .lelavim ' he 'l.r tor the sake of attaining to a scientific completeness of detail. This ii tin. i or ' ' Mu-e the working- out ot these .scientific re,,uirements can be done at one. leisure an lias no heavy beanii- upon the business in hand. ^"'' Only so much then is introduced as will .serve to show the method of workin-- •oncerrnn- the difhculties they ar.. only such as are incident to all ori-ind K. ' ,"^. ' i.uiuiry rt may be noted, however, that much labour w sp . 1 ' , "^.r "'•';^ able media. ^Iany o..,anisu.s refiised entirely to grow upon thj; mlK^'^^^J^^ and It was not until there was substituted for tli.> ordinal^ peptone-ehtt ne an , f ent agar a preparation composed of lobster bouillon and agar,' that "uccefs^esu tec An exhaustive series of plate cultures was made from a iarge number of cZ'wiH the object ot ISO ating the bacteria infesting the tissue, to identify th n nd o s d their growth and lite history. I^^inally, four micro-o,-ganis,ns were obtu ed V ^ culture The,se were taken and in ^irn they were introduceT i ' :h1 canT I^hu. t^^,""" f-T"^ '" ^"'"i ^^ ^'"^'^ •^^"'^' '^«'"' ■ '^"•■-•ultures we -e obtare i similar to those which were introduced. Lastly, these bacteria produced in the ste fl. cans, ^conditions similar to those observed in the cans from whicl^ they we" oHgind'; lie— 2i 20 .1/ IA'/.VA; .I.V/' FIS//K/UKS. <>t't.,,,r „„^,uns,MS. tlirsl,,. ( is,„,Hl.. ,,ruMs„.„Mllv, tli.M (l,rvl,MN,- not L.,.,. huli.Th. ,.„ a„.,| nr .l..>,.nl„..i. Tl- t„r. .s,,„lv nf ,1,.... (un,,. I ,l„. ,„,a llli'liulll iusl,||i,l,l,. I,, liiiili,.,' ,|..|av llir p,,-..,!! r-,,,,,! Tllr fnlluwi,,^ l.ri.f M „l' ,s ,.M,;ul..,l tn„ ,„,.,.. ..f (1„. work ,|,„„- i„ l |„- r.^yii.vl, l.lH.r,....n..> n. th.- m,,,.,,,,, I.n.r.l u|' , l„. I!„val (•..11..^.. ,.f I'liv si.ia,, -, l.,„„l,.n ■111. I Ihr |,,i_V.ll ( n||,.;i.. nf S, ,,■-,■,, „s, |:i,i.r|;,,„l (.laiMia.v. I Ml? ) '^' '•uniiMiis a... nniir.l |., ||.. ||1., | \- , |,r,,visi,.nallv. Kivsli iiiunilaiiciis vv.iv niailc i,, Lun.lui, will, ilir tulluwin- ivmiIis: l-urt Mlav, (...lain,,. .„l„..all .|„,u a .u,uUr ^m.-uiI,. u,.|| ,„a,k,.,l „, .1,,. ul„,|,. ■•,. nt tl,,. s,,,,.l,, w„ ,. al tl„. |n|, will, MMTat..,! ,.,1^,... il„. s.uYa,.,. s|i,|,ilv ,l,.,„, .mmI ajami slivak li„. ml,,.,- m,.M. „„ ,v.„lts ; , , ,,- n,,u |,L„.,.,| „, .1,,. ,n,M,l,alu,. a. Fifth (lay. — All ^luwih-- aiv m a|i|,ai.Mii Sixth (lav Th.. sinfa.v uf th.. .i,M.|atin.. lul„. is ,|,.,„,.s.s,.,| ami sin-a,..,!. I n.uih has .|,.s,.,.,„l...l l.'avn.^a t rans,,a,v.ii ,,vni,l (ih.n l.n,|y I .•„,. , uh„.h .■o„m....|~ wiili -h.. ma.n.^n.wth. l,..-,„.-h is u u|.m h.. r.^.s ,.„„>-!, w,ih ,|,M,n.M ,n|nni..s a,„| ih. wlioic urowil, rotiitc.l in spiral turiii. S,.v,.nth,lay. I Iravy ;in.vMli in l.m h o,,|,,| ,,„, n,|„., , 1„, .i,,|,„|,, ,, , |,.. ,,„, ,s n,,w -'■'..•al at .u...,i,vs of th,. s.i...l ,1,.. ...,l.„.i..s aiv .1,m.,vI,.. N,. Inpn^ta,. „.i, ,.f u, I.iitli auar tulx.s show (livimci ih.nmh liiit. i:ni\vth. hi-iith (lay. — Heavy ,^r.,wili.s,ntac,.,.Nt..nsi,„i. xvi,|, .JiMuni ,.,!..,. ,,,„| ,r|jsi,.„iM.. icaily appcaraiu-,. SiUrh, much ..xpamlcl. tilmv and tubular at . ..,,. .uiil.. t ,vmM,ar..|,t'' ••"■Mi'.ut.Tw.iy.h.wn, .1,.. ,!;r.,wth is „|,a,|U ■ and ,|,.ns... 1,,.,. i,,, filmv,. and hiiaily dens,. ,n t h,. l,.w,.r quarter Tl nd i- p,,int,.,l and t |.... scrran.d • a-ar tubes show discrete, wiiite moist iii|,iMi(.s. "^ Nintliday.-Surfae.. -n.uth extended and m..isi : t u,.t birds ,,f ih,. stiteh is cv- |>aHde(l. tuinilar and tilmy : lb,' bottom vei" dense Tenth day. Thre,' toiirtlrs of ij,,. stit,.h af n,.vv tubular: ih,. l,,u,.r pari v,.rv dense anil ()pa,|ue : no lii|uefaetion. I'lli.MMith day. -All tiies(. eliaraeteri.stie.s -iioiv marked. Twelfth day.-.t4piatiiu' iiijuefyin^'. surface growth e.xtt.ndinu. Thirteenth day. (lelatiiu. cui)pe(l and Ii,|utifyinu. Fourteenth day. (k'latia,. li,in,.fied ami -rowth"dinusin- throu-lH.ut t'l.. lui),. Microscopic examination with No. I ocular ami ,', oil immersion lem;- juuv cul ture, rods ot varying length and thicknes.s, some slightly curved ami utiiers .^o short as to i'pseml,lo cjcci. N.- sp,.rulation was ,,l,.serv(^,l. In hangin- drop No i issh.wl with an nndiilatory inovemont. (Jrows in hych-ogen. Coagulates milk. Forms gas. IV inotilf. II. Fourthday.— The gelatine tulH's show a growth in the whole course ,.f the with a rather smooth edge, the growth transparent and not litiuefvin.' ( )ne in agar tube shows a faint growth. The other none. ' " Fifth day. - (Growth more marked. Tubes placeil in incubator at 20 C Sixth day.— Xo surface growtii : tiie .stitch transjiarent, edges smooth and i Agar growth very indefinite. Seventh day.— (Jelatine tubes show increased growth: the edges Hlmlv and -No liquetaction. ■' ^ Eighth day.— The stitch is wide, the edges more undulating and tilmv \o taction. stitcli clined ilmly. wavy. Ii/^ro/.o/.- \ri(>\ /.\ < .ixx/CI> l.or.sTEIifi. 21 A^'.ir v.TV line wi.l.. i.;in-,|.,irriil oiuuih, <|iiii.- murk.Ml j,, l„,tli ii,l„"v .Ninth .lay. (;..|,iImm. ,,,,1 li,,nclyin- n.. Miir'n.v -...wtj. : ,(,i,.|, rrian.- ii, ,|,anir Ifllslio. AifflC yidWtil llliil'i' visililc. 'lentil (l,iy. (ii'litlinc IiiIm's • ;;rMWi h iimn' kc<| riic'M'Nili (j.iy < 'ii|,|,|i,!.r , (■ siiil'acT Ajiiii', u'l'.iwin;;. Turllll, .lav. A^ai. MTV line t r.ins|mrenl .•.,!.. iHrs : ,untlii..nt ;inil .'Ijsh.nin.. uHalm... .npiiMiKut MiHar... no s„rC,ue ,ruwlh, stit-li wnl-r, u;.vv lior,!,,- wi"lli Jairrai ""^' '^ l^l'"!';"" l-ie an. lilmv. hnnnu Hie nex, ,|i,,.e .hn. M,.. ,.„|,,.in« Inhumes iH' liMN.'tHti..n III., iiirar ( iiIm. ,.0,il„ 1 !,.■ same' ,.||,,r,,..(,.| i>ties. ;.'"■'":'■">;"■ "^""""■■""'" I'l'ivMlmn. ,,f ,.i. iii.l.ain. an.lrii,-i..,s. il... ,.|,ains Nei.y line.sniM,l,i,n,-|„„,. iMinnnul 1 1,.. ,.|„>ler. eumiius..,! ..C tV lliree in.liviilu- ■ iK In a mass ini)Hi>sili|i. ii, ruiint. ( 'iiaiiiiiales iiiijk : m;iuwn in livliui^cn. IIT. Nc. VTUWII, al ,■,„„„ t,.,n|.rralilM.. TIh' IuIm-s «,.,■,■ pi: j at I'd ('where theV '••■'"aine.l tur tu„r,|a,v. whe,, ,,n,w,h wa- Ms.l.le ,„ a^'ar, there hein^ -en e,.|nnie> nnni, "": ^'"■'•"" "• """ '"'"• '""' '^^"l^" "" 'I Ilier The rulonies la.-e an.l ilislinet v'ith " ''■"'; ';'■""■'• •■ "■'-is,,areni hunle, The a^'ar liihes were i.laeeil at .•'■T C wii'en the -""" ' '".";'""; '"'y '■■■'I'i'l. Hie e,,|,,nie. euntlnent i exhihiiin- nne u„|e transparent. ,i.'f..ul II w,lhs„nnuisl, hV 1 1„. a ;rela. me .ui.e was ,nu..„lat,.,l and in twu .iayssl.uwe.l a .list, net ,r.,wth. with a u a . y inail..,. t ran^lueenl, hut n.Mie „,,„n siirfa... liM^v,, .lays Mi.av, .,n..,„l„nya,,pt the SM.i^i,. r,Ml. I he ru,l sh„ws ivlVa,'! i ^ .• I.u.jie. „,„ ,„ |,„ ,|i.iin;;ui.slie.l iVnin sp„r,.s lns,,ruanisi„ when ..vannn...! in I li.. han-iie.' .|r,,p, is .sh.wlv motile anrj shows a n.nisl,ape,l h..a.| .la.kan.l roniHl, the tail un.hilat.n:,, " I n a v.-uii;; u-.-wlh no thre.i.Uare visihl... I )Mrin,e ,.ieht,.,.n hours, the same lian«iM,'".|rop was" kept iin.h.r ol,- -rvadon upon a war::; .sta^e, when en.l sp,,,,.. app,.are,l in nearly ev.-rv ro.l ami nioiion sti I p,.rs,st,..l. A .•overt.-lass pivparatiun wa.s nia.l,. t his han^'in- .'irop. th." ronn.le.l "Ii. ha.l III s,/eun,l,.rtl„.,,r,,ressof.tainin- hut fr-,. spon-s wen-,.,] .mil -oiii,. just l)r(.akiiiu trom till' oruani.sni. ' C.iaeiilates milk. < ir.iw.s in hyilroeen. rv. I'nurth.lay ( Jelal in., t pI,,... sIh,w a ,,sed surface with pal.- sim-are,! t;rowth. J IIP .stiteh IS w„|..alM.v,.aml ..uiv,.s to a point l)ol..w. as a senVs of small A7.v//A7.7/r.V. MW'fri "■■4 lyiiiKtu 411 viimi.. xvith ..,vit ..|l xirm . pnn. .•,,|»,w,.. ff,„. s|,.,r. .-mIs. stniichr. .iriu'l iV't "lltri i.'i<' 'T III |iiiirs ,:;;r'- "•"" ' ••'" "'^ •""' --h ■'«• '•'.«• '..i"'::.::ir;.;:;';;';::':..::';:: V.^;r[^'xrrr;:;:^ .-'- --,..i..„ Itu.'u-i.. ,u.H«J •^uli.lnii.. I In, h,,...,,,,, I.I Larii,. ,„■,•,! * .i«l...,i.|i,,x„i,.. ^I'tlivl in.., ,nnl .liih..(hv|;,iiiiii,. '• :;;;.'l:i:;,':'':i;r;::;;^'';' '-'i- '-|'-.nv . , ,.,„., i,„„„., t.ll .■rvsl.ds H..M..,l,|;.il,r,l l,v liltrii,,,. Pi^i.-i. a.Hl •■,■-... lM.,.y ,.l,n.,.i„„., „-|Mi,:!'"'"x; •■•""■"■ "■'■.'"^' ^'" '''"''^ ""-'"' """ llini|;;:ll a \Nrl |ii|, iiii; I(|;mii»^. :;:;=:r;::l's;^,t:::=:::; ^ ' '•»■■ ■ Ti,,.. "'J ;s;;'L'.'t,t:V,i'' '■'■':';■'';''"'■.''' '""'i-'»-.i.',-n.,„„,i, •■• i™-.a.'n.., ■:,:;:,■ ,„' i;;:'',':";, "- '•■■".'■•". i" «■■■ n, .l.u„;,,„l I „|„,, i, I ,,,,"„ '" "'."H".";.!. nn |.l„„. ,.,l,„ „„s li„i,l,. , ■•"■ ^r'- - ""»''•''"■'" .V. ™i..':;:;:ti.!;;''' ' - ■■ "■"• "■ rn;:;;;:;,;':Vi;;.|:;:;;;;';;i::::'i.''', "■'";''' '- >■ ' -« »..!, ,i„. ,..o,..'l;::r ,;::;u;:;;::;„i':;*,:;r" irt^!"':::'-™: ' '■"-' -'■ -""-"w :x,;';?,z:,'ti;;:':,;;:;'";:i:;' -'"^r F' ■'■- ""'■H'-'i"''-"' ';:.•":;■ ■n I ,' ' '" "^ ■^"''■■^'"i'<'<'> liii'l no iiscliil t'iiii.l(.viii..iii '•''"HI .l.u.h it il..nH iM t I,. ', •;'.'■""'•*• """rlxv of ,1,.. nir.ilwm or rtu, tori,. .„.] ,h.Mr spoivs """" '""" " """f '--'fH..i..n. .„ .les.n y aM b.,- '•y .isr'K'wS-:^""^^^^^^^^ ;'^-.i^w......,i,..., .„..,.,,, an..,, f,,,,,. .„,MU, iH.urs' hoili, : thu. f . iT^r -""^ " --viva! of bacteria '1'or.Ms no valid warrant for vi.w "H^"'"'"'"' "ctnally r.>achee . > SctJw .,"'' T'" "'" ''''"'*^- ^'"•" '""""cii'Uely aside in a war.n pllll'f^r ..:' . V;"^' J ^ .^''"w^T-"''' • ''"i '"''"•'"" '^ ''''^" '"' time to the boili,,, to.,-n..r^t' ; I V • •" ^'"'" '■'""' ^''^ '"fusion a .seeon.l their point of ,i„al cl; elo ,!:„; ^^ '';-^' ■•;;^ ;-^''''^>'-urs Ld the p...,.j o/E "is ^^a d'^"u-r ;iSs"jrtr"'^ '^"' ''^",-- '-'- then. res,.ta„.e o„d .naby kill the Jt of'l,,:^ No i^f:;::i,:t.^:';x;;;,:i";;;::':,;f Ill |>airH . "f' tiin hlSCtUitltA i'>\ /X iA\\/:/> , /;v ' V/;,v. 23 .•CSS if ,1 Im. ,, ,„.at..,| a M.lli,.... .,,.1..., ,., , H,. ,,.,. .n.t | ,.,' ,|,s..,„„ .mu-ms ..•Hti.,u ehn- .n.m.t..s w.-.v H,„lu....nt ...a „.,.l..l. wl „. .hr.... l„m.l,..,| „„.,.,,. lllilK.ils hniliim- rail.-il to ii.Tuiiiplivl,. • " IV..r',r •I'viHlnll uIm, ,„„lih I ,Mlt tlm( H ,,m|.. r, •,.„,•,. , |. |. ,,,.„ 1 ou ( ,,, ..|' l'.M..ui wurk..,! „,,.,„ ,.,,.1..,. I, ,h..M,u M'a.s„.„n.t.,..n. .,.,.l,Jl ' .\.l,.«r....n| 1,..,,, »h„h w.ll .Ir.troy Im. Ima .s..nlin.|y insull.,. „f tu.l..s,n,v tl,.w P...V..I ,y y.vus nt .■nMly..x|,..rin,..|,.Htl,al an ..x,,,..,.,- ..r (ss„ l.nii, , an I . half i-.i "•'"["'■"•'"■••-t Im.,1,,.- wal-r «i|| „u. ,„ iMMi.y .as.., ,|,.Mi.,yull tli. I III- lull ...T I i-.-.||( "li> ^Ulli'li llitfst ' V'","^' '"."".'" ""• •'""" '" l''^'" *'"•■'' l-."(-,ia w..,..|„.M..,l h,,,Ku.,( n.|n..i,MMl " 'I'l'lv lli.;|inh...|.l..suts...nli/,a.i..,,aslai,l ,|.,um l.y TviMlall , • ,.,..s..,vari„n m 1..I.SI..,.,, I ,al iMusav, III- .!..;;,■ flMMt (.. I„..,„,,|..y;..|. ,!„■ .Inn I, .., ,|,.. a„„|, .•.itiun an.l . ,,. unmUrv „t su-rrssiw ..x,,us,nr. ... .|,.Mn.v .1,.. l.,u„.n;.. . .nlu.anlv this suits I „t ll,..t..m|,..n.tnn. ,■ In in,,. ,m a,. .,,..„ t..,t I „l,.. an. ..,, liivly ,li|H.n.Mt, tV,.i„ hos.. wIm.I, „„.. „n.|.. n, a s-al.-l .an .ill..! w„l, a ,„|..| Mial.Tial. TU,U,v,. as a „" iMiiiiary .„..,asur.. it was ......ssary K. .I.-I.tihi,,.. iI,..'il, .,t li,,,.. , ,„,n.,| t,', ,a,-..'i I,.- ;■''''"■'■•■""•■"■. "'* •'"■ 'V"":;."^ v*' " •^"••''"'' '••'" "• '■'"■ <-"ii-.Ht,un. ..,• ,i„ ,„..,i, i,, wiu..i, III; ..!!:'!' .^..""'!"T"':'-.., 'v ""^ ;:"'l- ^'",'M'i"i«' was .•..Mstru,i...i. ,.,...,.,1,.;; „r a .•u,, r. -..| ..f . ,t..r ^|,i,.|, wa- k..,.t 'I'll.' f'..|li)wirii,' lalil.. sl.iiws llic n'siiit : - Tlllll' ilj M illUtr.-. .") 10. . . ,' . . 15 •"'0 ... :}.•) K) ■I") r.o ')5 1)0 '■ II \i.i- rcuvji n.A Is.' 'I'. iii|.. iMir.- ( ' .. li .•> . . . r, I 5 . . i;.". . Tn '< '.tl' ... !»! . ., •)() . .. ')7 . .. '.17 .". . . . '.>s 'liiiii. ill \iiii itf.-. •' I'OI .VI) ri.ATH." 10. 15. L'O •2'). W . 35 . M). 45. 50. 55 . 60. 'ri'iiipi-iitturt I'. . .jO . 5(; . t!8 . 7^ . So . DO . 04-2 . 97 . 9!) .100 .100 24 MMUXK AX I) FISIIKIIIE.^. I on, tlns,ahl,.„ .i,|< that it iv.iui.vs .t Irax lialf a,. l,„ur tn rais. ,1,,. ..mfnts api uatus It unuh|i„.,.a.,v lu .l.t.Mnnno tl.. tin,,, with snVntili, will a pla.uunn .l.c,,.. ihonnu,,,,...,-, I.„, an inst.ann.nt of this .IMicacy was not "ssiM .,i til" a ,,.v,> ...suits an. s.llin.nt I y ar.n.'at,. to,, practi-.a! pun.oM.s^ '•-m t "••;^l--n,.n. of i>a^,.,,,. i, .as shown that ,„a„; tWn.s of |,a,,,.,ia .,,■ . > Mb..,.v,., that tlH. lKu.t,...,a of tho iolK,..,. was no, of so .|..|i,.at,. a ....nstitu o u, •M 1 u " 'ii^?;; ' ;■'■ •■":'-■"'■';-' -- ^- ;ie„..,.s, ap,.ii...i .a.. /;,.,. at int.;.v i: 'n '" "■""" ""'■" '■' ^'"''"■" •^■"^' >'•• '^-^'■"-- ^^•■'« "- 1, this also t.uh I. 1 h.n a t..,„p,.,.alu,.,. of !)() was ,.„,j,iov,..l : so,,,,, of tl^. .ans so t,.-,, .,| , , • i i o ""• ""•'"•"■'■^"•"■" "» '■'■' <'■ "M-'l •" ^'M rah;...nh..,t, uill snili,.,.. |:„, I Is not iM,--.,hl,. ,„ |„.a,.|„.,. I,, ,.o„v,.,.L a lol,st,>,. fadi.i.v ■.',;•,' " "'^"l"^'!' ;'■'■>•, t,.w ta,.torn.s ,,o.s,.ss, an,l whi,.|, a,-,. Im.vo,,,! tl,.. .a h . ,n„N wo.h^nH.,, Jh,.,,.,.,all..x,,o,.in„.ntswe,..M.,.„ti, lata,,.,,,,,..,.:,,,,'. 1 ,l..,U...,.s o,. hat of l„„l,n,. wat..,., whi,.), vi,.|.ls ,.x..oll,.nt ,...s„hs. If ,, is |, ., ■allv l.-ss poi'tc-t than a I ..|,ii„.,.,,, „n. , ,f 1').-. ,l.,„- ;. : .. , , ., '.^ ni, oi,ti itl, .,0 s,ii-li |.is|. it is all..,,,!,.,] w, mi;rht ,,. ass,„.,at,.,l w„l, t !,.■ ,.„,p|ov,n,.„t. of low.-,. t..n.pc.,.atan.,.s. Kollowin.;ilii.s; Ij,;:: an.l a.. ,n,,M,p,.n th,. ,nto,.,,,atio,, th,,s,^ai,H.,i,,pa..k .as,,,a,l,.a,,,hl .Tw^ upon s ,.,.l,.a,,o„ ,.,.s,,„„.,|, „ i. ,„„ ,,, ,„.„\„ „,,.,^,.,,_^ th,! . ;; h ,',■'' ^";'^'"^^'"^"'>- T",'"-^- ''''^•"■" ^^■'■'■" ^-•- ^-t-s to .-onsi.i,.,. : ,h,. 1.!::. '■ , ",'\',, " ""-•'* ';xi;'-nva„.l ,1„. ,nt,.,.val, ,h,.,„. LVon, a f,.lK.o„si,|,.,.a;ion o •III II «'M', N^,. >.on,.|u,|,. as follows ,„ the fa^,. of pon,„|^ ■ Isi Apply the t,.,np..,.at,i,.,. ,,f l,oili„o. waf,. fo|. ,„„. ho,,,. -nd. Aft,.,. 11' to ir, |,on,.s. apply il„. sa,„f. I„.at to,. n„ „,i,M,t,.s. ;''•"• At,.,, anoth,.,. I -J | :, ho„,.s. apply th- sa„„. l„.at fo,. .|l) ,ni„nt,.s app loc.ali,i..s.^i,^^is^a,,i.. ,„ ,i.. a fo„,.ih l.oilin, of ,n .,„„„„. a, , .pi.,,,,,, of In th,' (.as,, of half poi,ii,| ,a,i..^ th,. ti """; '"■■'>■ '"■ iv,l,i..,.,| ,o tiftv n,i,int,.s. nm,.,,... an, ,l,,,.,v n,i,,,,,..s Cans t,,.,l in .his wav ha.,: all n^na ' p rf^ 'i^hi to, I., n.o.iths tl„. (.si, ,s r„.,n a„,| whi,,,.. tl„. skn, lailliantlv ,•,.,] a.,(l f he "^^""•■••'■^ .^ ' ■•'« I" li-li f,.,.sl, f.-o.,, tl„. sla.ll. Tn,l,.,.,i th,. onlv '• , , f i t ' tl ., ■;;;;;-■•' -;' -;'- ti,,. ,„... is ..ati„... i,a,.,i. ■rh.s.dt^l'h.. J L iZi^ O.I, an, wo„l, p,.n,„t ot l,ein,^,.,! a,u'ai„ l.v the cook l.,.fn,.,. so.-vi,,.. | ., . tact h,.,.., ho, I,.,! fo,. l,.ss than an hnui. '■ '" ^^^Y'"'! "'T'''T ''"' ;:'»^••''Mui.v ,o 1„. ..o„l,.,| ..api.lly aft,.,. ,.ad, hoili.,,.. This Is l„.t„ 1 il T?' """ ' ■; ""■ '^?"'"""^ 'M'I'li-tion „f col.l watn. in the „t.'.^ ^als h, ,«,.,.„ l,o,h„.. Ihos.. who k,.ep th..,,, ,.ool,.st will uvt the best ,.,.s„lts (■m:\\in,, ii,..: cans. ;'"l;"'';'; ';; ^"-v liltl. p,.olit l,. keepi,.;, tl„. lohst,.,. .issne f.,... f.on. ronta.nination if ,, r , T , ^''"" '""■'' '"i^'" '"''"'1 s„l,lo,.,.,l with ..osin have a lav,.,, of that snl. ^•■H'- "i'OntJn.hottoM,. whenheat is applied M,.. .osin v.-latilixes p.loafes ll.; .V V k I'lSrOI.OliATloX IX (JASXEh l.()l:STKl!S. 25 1 m,-,.l sv.lh is u-bur. Workmen l.a^c. a haMt uf ...-uTvin,' t Iw can. l,v nlari,,.. .h.-ir Mams are tran.ferrcl t., tiie l.ri-lit (in, ' '" "' ' "" It lias I.eoM, already ]„.i„te,i ,.ut tl.e l„.st Mux f.,r uuAuv^ ..ans is a,i,l I.eeause n Kdean. I rus,„ l,a- l.een used, the ex.vss n.ust he re,„„ve:i hy tMrnen. ne Tl e vhoie .nsule ot t . ean ,s ,.. he thun-u^hlv rnhhe.l .,,1, s... .|,.an.n. tn ,e M.e I...I V ij. and water, a soh.t.nn „f -u„la, ur perhaps i,es,. „f all a ,:l,„l, unMstened w h -H-thylated s,.,r,t. A .allnn w,ll s„,lice for a I, I red eases. |, won d le s urau,,.. .son,e lend of revolv.n, hrnsh which nu.uht he kept n.o,stwi,h ihe.,, io Ihe cans are n..x, ,o he passed throuuh elean, fresh water and wiped drv The v 1 1 eated in the same w av. N\-hen the meat i,: r.-nioved from the .|„.|1, ,1 i> to l„. received IM pans whirl, Inve ;:'•';; '^'f^- '- • --l-'' -^ '-'-« -^^er. The eia ws and arn. ar. ,o h.' ^..I ^^ rvmT'k'nT'';"' ";/''" .^^■'^^- -l^l— vl-areanx,ons,ool„au,,hehes •lis I o I, he spin upon thetront and every trace of ,h,.,.ut ren.oved ; if this pree.nn , n .s ne,,Mecte,i no ...od results can he expected. The shonM he o,ntlv p a ; U..d odra,n,,u,tedrv. ein, covered over wi,h p.eces of cot.on ^,s, re.lJ.ved f: ::...'•, '" r "r? V' ."•H--*I ,."' :■--• 'i'-''l.v hv lund. if a cvUndrlcal ■■lehin.' is irvc.l it .h.mid he hoiied immerliateU hr^i'ore usin..' Il is MUile useless adopting these precautions unless th.' of the employees are e and packer, wno value then- result., will attend to ,hi> p, dure, tho .1 i .n v appear to he an unnn^cs-ars rctinenient ■ nenient . i;i;mo\ i\i. ini: \ii In the section uj.on sealing, it was p,u,,led ,,u I tn,U lo faciiiialc till- pi-,,ces., a .nial ^^.V" "7' /■'"";■ ',",'■' iii^ilt^'-'of in,portance. the removal of ihc air fr the n a ter the hrst hath hy puncturing the tin. In a word, i, n.av he sa,d. no ^n th tin. process IS useless, hut a Ion- .series of inv,.sti„:„;,.„. .i..., :. -. '">;".''^ J^ntion, of which the following are deLdk "-'••^^'""'' '""■'"^ ^> separate hue of investi- It IS well known that some forms of hacteria thrive onlv in the ahsenc,. of ai,- ■ -;-. ;lH. p,oee.s of prohing the cans would create that verv condition! If Urh;;ct;^ria .16 ■V.( /.7A7; ,I.V/' /7v/// /.vr.v ;;::.:::;:;;:;r.:;yjM;:i::;i;:;';;r^^ i., n.M...I. n.nuh,.,- t.;,,- ^JZ^^ZuriZri' '" r"'"' '";""'"■ "" ''^ ""- ^ ,!..> .iiso.lora.inn .Un^rXn'Z, ' "'" """ "'"'■'' ''■■"' ' " l""'"''- ^J^::^i'::'nu,^^^^^^^^^^ h- .•..,•„,.,„„,„„,, l>rol,iM,'. as is . ,t n „ „ '''^ '■'"'•■ ' P-'-l. It th.,,. tins .l..f.v, i. ..a„s..l hv --;>' "- .--■ ;^i:Kr:;',:;;::r;;r:,,::;:;;:-r ""^'" '"' '-■'"' '" '-- i"'al-ra,on..sfo,.v..,.s I '',':' :V'''^ "'"" I"" ••"•-.. it tVon, ^vrnis. Thnvtoiv ,n .ll .nlw „ ' . ' ' ' ''"""-'' '""'"'i ^^""1 n. tV... an ...MUial pan .UhJliZ:!!!. "''•^"''"'"•" "■"'■'^- "'<— -- -, ,„.oi„.,|, an,l ,l,is ,s as i, n,av n, f, .x „ hi ' . ' "' ""' "''I",'''---. wa> an, uipat-,!, an.l. al.u '- "'«■ '•:"-ii^i/n,aw:Vr :m x;:::;;x'.,;;;:.;r' '^^ •"•• '•-•- - - — -• -^ t.w .'';;■ ;;l^un;.;:';;'ii';;rf:'::;;;;;;^^'''' ^ •-; ^ -'"' »- '"-ays ..,.,. a ,,, -ill blow ,t pm . -I , -., ; '• ""I"^"-'- "" " -ill '>-' unn.vessa.v snuv ,„, ^■an.,nf„nn..,poUM.,a.a.ias:;v::x;;i^ an,iS,:;:;:4-a:;;^:N'?:z:-v;!;;;:^^^ -■-'uU l..> plaoed upon ,1... nv.rk 't t , ','"" ^"'"""■'' ''''" '''' I"'-'"'- would rotiin „„di all Ji ;,;'!''"'*'■'>• ''^ j'''-' -''.-- t...l, an.Mf ,hov "^' ^'oiour. texture, flavour an <'en a '. , T""" "'" ''''"'"'" """'•^'" "''-"■^"•i. sulve,]. The -luestion a>l., " ;''.':'''''' •■'"<" '1"> answer. •• Tin.e alone ■i"terio,-ationis,l, .1 "" -1-nenee ot „t,een tnuntt.s. an.l after that p,.,io,| no llie .' nulaiion 1 1' now .' l)|o\\ II e .'.Mil r.', ni. r^it IT Mil led .1 have toeneounter up, . a ea v : U i' ''Z 'V "l"'^^" "V ^•'""''''"'^ "^^ -"»>'' no deterioration wL oh. W ^Ht ti^ " '"^ ^'''' ^^'^^ ' V'^ ^-''•" -^'""i"-i. and„osi,nsofalt.; n.:' lel ;:;:" """• '"'"^ "^"^*^" '""""'^ "'<' -- -"> ^- r-i.>^.ai in.,;,:.;-; Hn^i^f '^f ^,r— \r::;-: t^ s />/sr,>/.nUAT/f}X /.v rAXX/,-/, /.f,/isrK/:s. 27 IM'diilcins wciT ti, Im' liirtlicr dc;. It uitl. in il, i i . ■ , 'I- I.-V.UC „,.,„• i.i,v,i. ' , ^1 1,,;':;',';"':, '" "■'■•""■ ■•'■ I"'" < .■...1. i „i,T,,i ;„i J;/:;, ,',,;, ' " ■' "'''""■ '>■ '■"■ ■'- '""■ ; ^-^:''i^'''^'"''^^^^^^ -r ■■"■ ;i;;'i;::;:;:;r,^';:;:;t,:;;™-;:t::-:' :::,;;:::-v;i :^^ »;;;.:;;:- ;::i:;;u:;;.;:;:;l-::;:r:;,:,!:;i :^;:v^...:;f h,:: ':-;:::;;; :;:::::;,"r;:.,.,;:l;;l,;,!;r" "■ ---"^:-:r:l™"r-,r;;:::: :;:;;;; l■:n.iM;■■;::;;:;'::,^:!;J;r::r^;:::;;:•::■■' -r' '-- ^ - ...■ .i„. ::;:::i::;:;;;;r::;,.;;::j:;^;: ' ■■z:r:r "l';r -7-"^'^l'- ■:.i::'::':' :j" -^;;|i^..;i.-..n !jv ;, ^^v,.':;.:::i'^;;:^;.;-J':;"■v::,!T:.:l^t;' ■;';"" •"Ml .\|r. I<,;wkr. w|„,M. k-,„,u|,.,l^,. „,,„|,, ,i„. ,,,^,. ,,,^,^, ■ '"" " '""-■ '^ < "S 111 th." fnlluwi,,;; iHt.Ts ,m|y s,,,,!,. IK.rsu„,i'r.„a' ,-t.v ,, .iriiionv witli a furiiia' iiiitlcil t(, \,i\,,'^ til,. I ni l'\ liu UK '■I'lony witl, a i-..|,..ft, aii.l it is tl„„i.rl,f l„ , . '■■'.""",'" """^^ "i''mi Mil.. I'n.ssiut. ..t„,.i„i„n bv .■..,Mp.t,..„t iu.|..J „„/ ,a ,1 . ) ' ^^■"i;: -.'" »"';• - a,. ■n.s i,. ,a,,,n,,.a,...„nl,n.„;i,,'^..."':':'^. '"""'" ''^ '■"l-"'-^ 'I- -1-i- nii-raccnnlii,- I,, til,. i,i,.tl„„| licins.-tdowi l'|'Wi:i.i, I'.iais. ,v ( ',,., N". L'7 .Ml liN'iM. i-\\i:, l.,,M„,s, .J;uiii;„.v 1 I, Is;, 7 'Sir DnNAi.i) A. S\tmi, K.C.M.C., "',-li * ' ini.ssii)ii,.r t'oi- ( 'anaila, I 7 Vii'lDfia St., S. W. ■^IIV-I),. Macphail l,assnl..nitto,| .„ my i„s,„.,ni,m s,.v,.ral .ai„„l,.< ,,f j ll, |,', , l-" w h,..|. |„. .nfunus us wo... ,,a,l<,.,i !.v liitu i„ .hu... las, ' ' ""' 'I ^Mil li.' of iiicstiiiial,!,. l.(.t„.|it t,. th,. wli,,|,. iiHhistrv. iiii|ilc i<, cvcrv t'ls liiftiiiiL.' black. ^^l■ liavc the liuiinm- tu I'cmaiii, sic, ^ 'Mil' incist ,)b,.,li,.||t s,.|.vaMfs, <"|.: ,v I!i.a(k\m:i,i., Limiti;!., Sir DnvA!.!) Smitji, \' it'll ii'ia Stret'i, S. W. |'"\vi:li. linos, a- (•(». I.nviiiiv, .laiiuaiv \-J. I. ^'.17. or some years 28 MM! I XI-: AX I, FLSIIEIUIuS. We 1,.,|„. that tlif Canadiai, (icMMiinieiit will UMuss ,,ui these .■xi,(.n, ,^ .,, ,1 '•'•v.v,. a larj,,. an.i i,„,,..rtant industry which has h...... .na.hK li S ^^ ^ i years on a,..„unt ..f the uncertain out-turn of th. tins. iN..,s. 'I'hc Hii,rli CoMiinis'^ii.Mcr for Canada. No. 17 \'ictnria Street, S. W TliO.MAS !•-. ni.ACKWKIJ,. l-o\i)o\, I'i.C.. January 7. |,-^97. .Sllf,--\\ |. ha\e M-en to clav a can (if |c.),.stei-s iM-eserve.l l,\ l)r- M.,,.,,l,.,;i i • ,i Hrs, week of June last. XNV'understand tha, . 1 ■ e o , , \ ', ,, k '''^ ' ^''''V'" ot IVince ivlward Island a district notorious for produ^i,;. hhe,,;^' ;,;:;: -ore or less deter.orated l.y the pres ..ce of soeailed black sn.ut and infe, o | ^J V'^' II' ^-nn o|,ene,l hetore us was not only ahsolutelv free fron, t leteet n.^t refe r mI U;. 'n.t Ihe colour, t.ssue and tiavourof resend.ied the fresh ar icle , a ■ ■ rl ^^l.le decree. ,,u„e unat ta n,al,ie l,y , he present ,.,e,hods of canning the cn'sta^.V it Ins process ean. as we are assured, he adopted in the factori,.s without in'rurrin.^ ^■eat ad,i, nonul expense, the business in this article .dl not , onlv. as a . u, ^ ^•^"l""'"'","^'^ ';rr ^"^'t'^""-y "• -'-yboly cncerned. but n-rv lar'e , ^f Honey wdl annually be saved, winch hitherto have been ei, her thro .d dvi <-M or co,d,sea.,on and con.plete destruction of n.anv parcels .hipped . n , ' •;;■"•- '"-;l"- '>■■• Maepl.ail has soUed th.^ iroblen, n! !., ;.,, t.u Mupass the n,ost .san.iruuie expectations which mi^dn have been entertained K. L\ZK.\l;> A Son, LlMiTKO. 'lo the llii^li t'oinuusxioiicr for t'anada. No. 17 \ictoria Street. S,^^'. We base, etc., .M. L. w ii;/i!ri!(i ,v CO. No. IS TlilMTI Sti.'KKT, l-oM.o\, S.I-;,. I 111, .p.niuarv. lS:i7. he le , '^V'" ^^'" ';<^''"".^'''^"'"''''l ^vitli ■■' visit from Dr. Maephail on .M.ndav las, when 1 As fa, as we ,o d.l see. there was no; tiie sli.^ trace of discoloration eitlu^r on ll hsli or u, th.' uiteri.,r of the tins in which it was paeked l»r. .Macphad s .systen, of seems to have l,een perfectlv su.v..ssful and if st^ i ; Uh!" .; l" V''"' l-neiit should be derived fron, ,t b • eanners and othl' s te ! e.sted m the t ule, tor undoubtedly -reat harm Ins been done by th.. numbers of tins ;;;:ti:nv'dt::i;;:,:r"^'^ -->• --• ""■ — - -'^ "■'->''" .H.r :h,:f,;';;; NN e are. sir, youi' (iliedieni servavil. K. bAZi'NI'.V .V Co., Ln.. HKNin W. |'l.;\|,■ol,^ ,v- C,, Sir Do.vAi.i. ,\. S\Miii, Hiuh Connnissioner for Canada, N'ictoria St.. S. W. SiH. ^V No. ;■") IOast Ini)|.\ A\i;mi.:. Loxhos, l.-)th January, |n;>7, Pacl-eirbv I r' \'rr''''A,'""\'"' "l!l';"'^">'.ity "f inspecting a samph. of canne.l lobsters hlSCOLoHATIOX IX r.ixXEJ) I.OHSTEHS. 29 fnr,.,u.m..l l„l,st.Ms w,ll 1„. i„,<.,l. "'^' ^t,„„,„„., ,h,.,|,„,„u| „. tins ••onntry Prices now ohtainahlc for I Ik- liiv'li rlass Si'otiii Jind in Ncwt'ounijlahd wduld no doi '"ds parked on tlicsoutli nIioiv ot' Nova oi-ouiiano in .X'WioumllaiH wduU no ( (.id,t lUol,,. „..;,l t' ., i i . 7*-;", IV i>i«.."i M 1 .1.1 ..,1:,', : ; , ;; ;;: ::i,''i;' -i; '-i-'i- \\ 1' arc, -ii'. \oiir ohediont scrwmt'^. "HXHV W. |"i;.\l:()hV ,vC(). A. W. La rii.wi ,v Cu. Nil. I 7 I'iMi.i'or Lank, I o the H.-h ('oiHM.-siom.r for Canada. ■• i-' I, .i,..niai \ . 1 S.(< . V'ictoi'ia ( 'iuinibers, N'ictoria St,, S,W. l»KAIi S||;, \V( ;■;:'""- ;" = « " "-"'•>■ "■.•» .'.• ...a,,,.,,. fc;;,r „;;;;; ,'';;,: "s;;;'' tons, ,„iSthi.-i-t To the Honoural,!.. ^^ONUON, E.C. I 2th January, 18,.7. Sir DoxAM) A. Smith, (J.C.M.d. Yours most re,sjiect£uliy, W. & D. HAItVEST. 30 MAUIXK ASI) F/S ///■:/:/ /is. s AMI I.I. II \NS(,\. Sipv .V i; Ai; I i;i; N... 17 I! 'i"llll f-wi >ta,'l...\ >tal.. .,r ihin-.. I'n^nc hm l,,||,r|,iv- Wr unv tavunrahlv iinprcssr,! wiij, a sa.M|.l.. ,sl,..xv„ In „s hv I .,■ Mar,,|nil wl,i..;, !;;;;!,;;;:;" '""■'^'■'' '" " •'-■'■•' ^' •"-'' -'— -^ i^'t.,, :;..„, i„'s;.!,''::'' ;;;;::; It this IS an iiHlicatic f what ran he dniic li\- ,-i.-,.t-,.l I • .-,• ;i;;:;;:i;,:: '->- ■ >-• •^ ':::X.u\:r\t .;::::::, l!«'lii've US, (icar ^r, y,,urs faillit'ully, SA.MIIll. II.\\M)N,S(.X\ I'.AIJTi:!!. •liillV I'rilAlUN A- S(.N>. X<1. 7 r\|,.\ CnriM. Ol.l, i;i;,,.\|, Stiikim, ^. ,. , l>(.\iHi\, |:,tj| .lanuarv, |Sn7 ^ir |)(iN \i.ii A. Smith, lli.u'li roiniiiissioiiLM" tor Canada. N'ictDfia Sttcet, 1>V l.l"\ri.^hT,l ' li"' ""■ '''"'""■" 1 ^"''"^,-''^^' -""■ "^ tlu.,.ans of iobs.ers packed in IM. .Mat ili.ul. ii is iiiv opinion t lev arc tar siiu(.ri,>r t(, •invtl.i,, ■ I 1 j-uvn in my ..xpriioiu... nf Um, ui ( vca.-: ' .t.>>tl,Hm F liavcsivn parke.l ...:!:; ;';?«;;:^:;;:t:;;;;.,;;^•l;-;,;:::';l;;;^;!;t:^;^^ .':,;:;,:;'„',":,:;:"■■ ■"" '"*'■'' '--i»"''|"".-»n ^v.Ji'::,,';:,;.;:,:';: I remain, youi-f< respectfuHv. G. H. TOoMJiS, '.'/ ('hni\ijftf't<,,iii. I'.K.l, i •fo.siM'ii 'J'li.w KKs >;• Sons. Sir l)o\.u,i) SMnii, High Coiiimissioiu'r tor Canada, -Xo. 17 X'ictoria iStroet, S. W. No. 1 111 (^\^•^o^• Sthkkt, f^oMx.N-, H.C., 15tli .lanuarv, lSi)7. Wear." ulad to leani from Dr. .Maephail that the lobster whip], Iw. .1, i i , been packe,! in a di.stri.t where the Hsh vhieh turns hlack in tlti.i f "' ''r' found, and we consider that his experiment with th Le in o f V^ He..ded improvement on the methocJ of packing at pl^se'rh v ^^.^ , ^S^h'""" '' as the colour of tlie lobster was conceni"d '^ ' ^ ^'^"'•^'^'.V- -i^ far tlr U e suggested to Dr. Macphaii. that the avour was in our opinion, standard of some of the tine .lualities of Newfoundland particul that the tish in its present form, would immediately ta'l that we referred to. not e(|ual to particularly, nor do we think e the place of tlie tine (|uality ( I'lSCol.OL'ATloX L\ CAXX/:/ »U'c uri' c-itjci/ir iirMii'istoiiii tVniii h Or. .M;if|i|iiiils [irncfss r II was uliat hf uant. I'oiii I'/'"''-^. ^vlii'li l»r. .Mii.'i.hail puinlnl A > /j)/!sr /.;/:. VlTV hii^f) 31 II iiii|i<.riaiil (iilliciili I -laiidarij, \\\ in'li \vc similar to tl K' NdUIld cm; •'iMuhttiii, " \v| iiialini' til "I", ".l- lilc M,UI,()illir ,,,• V (■oiiiicci.'d Willi liis ,SWl'||(.(| tl ncli mcaiiN tiial it III 'lie till when i t I- what •iK' 1III-. wliicl II' iattiT 1 r hciiiir II l)!v tak A 1^ CXI.ccIrd lU'-W U. I(, I ^'' MIMIC lllllC Im Id 't iipinidi) thai ii w, ll rcyai Wc ,■ dcd I mid lilt imatciv 1 inciican plna^c t. Iiicjiid ^"(iiici 1,1- lat'T, I,, I r this coMilll icccmc I Was \ CIV H' trade, as ''IliWII Of Ice. It till- -\ ■ teiij \^ '""• '"I'l II \\ullld prnl \ the Ir; le i)\erc,,in HlC as l)e||ii_r .sucecs-fiil | mnided i, 111 the j,'|-adih;r ,,f to hear t'lo.ii |)|-. M;,,.] "listers, uhieh I iiail that I I'ls lieeii :i -real II ntliei particular.' '■!'<■ ad' pled : j ic new s\>ieiii ot' Jiifilia- iiit wc are 'ackiiii,' "^ I'l'llleiple ilicliidcsai I llllplovclllcilt ;nus. unc licei, verv deinmental to the ..UJwc ■,,'"' t'"'""""^- '""' '"- '"•'^'■t-l.V ;'lad to hear that he ha. heeii ahle t ' , , • '"' "'"'"• '""' '"' ^'"'"l-l '••' US to depend on the iv.Milarilv of Ihc' p. 'ii,; '"'''■'''''■'■ ^' ^•^■^"■"' "'-'' -"'M '-.-.hh. -™i.:'i::itlJ;!T :;;;^^ i.i^-.i,ictiic...„e..,o n' '"■;-''•• ''-"■"--- -'i^/v-'r; s, ; ;:: ; :;'^' ;:;';;■ '^"-'- -'--^ -inm. "••"'" ^""' ""-1" «- n.Mil, ill ,,„ improvcmc, I i V ' '""I"-- -r' p.i.hi,,. U,,. tl.aii what is pacl<■ ,^'nuled unitonnlv '^ " ''^ l"'-^''''""- ■"id that the parcel should ,«-J;'i:::';lj:,:;^ri;;;::::^,;;i:'-^^^^^ ,„,..,, absolutely frco from all ohnoxious ..crms" . ' *"";"'"'" ■ '"■» "'-• «■ '. '" - ''..■■"-"■'A.;™:;,,:;:'!,™, ;;-„;;:;:•• » « '■• We are, dear sir. Yours faithfully. I'OH J. THAVKIIS .V SONS, i,,,.. Iv 1 Jo Won. ArsTis, Niriioi.s .v Co. Ni;w ^'uuK. December I I IS'JG Tlie Honounible th,. Minister of Marine and Fi.sheries, Dominion of Canada. cann^'^b; I'n-i^i^lei.^rr shL' thc'^; v ^f^;\ '^ .^^I''^ "^ '•'•-..• a special process on which he^iias been ex^JilmnUn! '"'' "''"'' '"" '^^ P^duced under »inneJ!:f"t£^;:::r:;!.^:;:,;-— i;''^'\f^*^ ^-- -'ity,the fish being that wo ,.cc.ive from the I)lii.?io,i ; ' of canned lobster conunand a higher price in o^^ket t1', .h^ '"T"' '*'"?' '\'^''' ^^"^^P'^' ^-^"'^1 the Do,niaion1o,. the past few ™a s ' «"^^h..^-" s,. fa li ! .o,,,l,,,av In. a,.,.,^.,,|,sh,., a,v ,1,.,. ,„ M.^srs. Ma.ln.s < : ran,, I i;..anl, Ti!| ^,H l'ar(|iiliafs,)n, ,MacNiitt and LcuiL^wmi h, Las. uf all, ii n.ay nni I,,, out of plar. ,., sav thai whilr a, th. inTpl.-xit ics of tl- u„|„ny u-..,v .r.a, ti,..y ncH,l,l have Ih-.m. .^vutor ha.l i, ,„., 1 „ tu ,1 ■ so 'nti . s H It a. ,1 L,.n,.,„s„y „t ham! rs,,,.,-,,.,,,.,..! t,.,,,, ih. I lnnu„ral,].. th.. .MinisU-r nf Marin.- A.;sT,rUT n..- MKTnnl. K K, UM M km .,„ ,,„; ■,„, ..^sMS„ o,- ,.Oi;sTK,!S, UN T,,,, ,ms,S nv rill'. ii)ui:m)1\i. iM.nim. daily.'' ];;;!;;';;: ''^■'•'''''^"'•'■^'^^'''^•''•''Ii^''-'''.nnu„. in s,.a wau.r whirl, is ron..w,.,| ■1. ('nn\ on lia,.. wash,..! tah|.>s and luvak ,,IVas s,„.n as p.,ssil,|,.. I'a.r,. ID •', I nil the tads, r..,n..v ilu' nu'at tVoin arms and claws, |«|ao,. s.-nanitelv in nnw whirl, have. I,..,M, rl,.ans..,| :„ |„,i|in^. f,vsh wal.-,'. Pa.^e 15 -'paiaUh ,n pans fivsl, wai"! " iC-'l^' ""'■ ''""""'' ""'•' "■""' "^ '^''- ""'■' "'^ ^'■""" -'"'"' '" "''•' .-,. Wash a .seooiul time in Cvsl, wa,,-,' whi,.h has l«.,.n l,.„l,..l and c.,„ (If tl,.- tK.h wat..,. ,s lak,.,. ,■.,„. a tmsh sprin,- .adoep p,.,v well, this hoili,,,- is un.KV^sarv ) K I a.... ,,,,,, ,.th..nware dishes and .•ov.t will, clean .•.„t.,n wl,i..h has j„st l.eVn I)i>i1.mI m t,,.sh water. Allow t.) drv. Paye m. ' 7. Wash th.-.laws in the same way. mnovin.^. all eoajrulated blood and drain ,irv .. l.' all eans, .emovmg .■os,n with tiirpi-ntine. and all other stain with 1. ethylate,! spnits .„■ othcy s.n.abl.. Iluid. wash in ..old water and wipe .Iry w elean d.,th. Do not toueh msid.- ..f eans afierwa.-ds with finders. I'a.^es •' 4 and •>0 . . Insert hn.nj^s winch must he kept f,e.. fr.,m ,lust in the oiiKimd paokaives" ' b,.st . nalit V '*^ " '" '''"' "'"" ^" "'''" ^'f"^'P"""i*'"'^ to the pound, .salt to I'.e of the wif). Vr ?r'i "T '"'T'""'"; '" ')'" "V' ^'^ '"'"•'• '"^'^'ili".^- ^l'« '"f'^^t as little as possible, witn al-.ioliitely clean hands. Let the meat be .piite dry. ' ' 1:2. Cover, wipe and seal at once. i:!. Concave the ..over as much as possibl,. b.-fore the blow-hole is sealed, hv press- ing d.iwn the middle. Paye iT). ' ^ ^ II. liathe atonce, the pound cans, Hfty ,„inutes to one hour, the half-po„ml cans. ':;^^;: %: n';:. .1"" '""''" " '^ ^'•^"' -'-''' "-'^' ''-' --^ ^e boiun^ 1.x Heinove and cool. D.> n.jt probe. Keep cool. Pato the water around it. Factories built in the water .sh..uld have ?free dean !!nd :uE '"'" ^ ''"" '"'^ "" ^'"^" '^^« ^'^ •^^ '^^P^ ^'--^ - -^-« rue^tioncS: wilhln 110—3