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BlOCiKArilY — HrSTOKV— <^nR0N0L0GT AND ANTtQUlTIES. 11 C 200 Vicars, (Cai)t. Ilcadlev^ Life of. C 19 Voltaire and His Times. Bungener. in 57 Walton's, I/ank, Choice English Bioo;raphy. A 40 Wardlow, (Dr.) Lite and Corresj^oudence oi. 15 ISO . . , .* ! Wal] )ole, Horace, Macanlay's Essay on. A 17 Washington, Life of. ' Sharks. 13 3(55 *' ' ** Jzvereit. C 104*. '. *. *..*.*!!! " '• ff>f Children. 13 153 .* .'.'.'.*...= Webster, Daniel, Life ot A 18 Wellington, " Stocqueler. C 20 " " ^y ^» ^^^ Soldier. B 379 " in Private Life. C 252 " Life and Exploits of. C 31 " nnd Peel. B 89 & 90 Wesley, John, Life of. Southey. " '* Watson, B 291 & 292 . . . Wilberforce, •* €121 .William, (the Conqnerer) Life of. Abbott, A 26 & 27 Wilson, (Bishop of Calcutta) Life of. B 260 k 261 . . .Women of Israel. Grace Aguilar. B 252 " of the Bible ^ HeadUy. 13 262 " of the French Revolution. B 308 ,*.' . ** Kepresentative, from Eve^ to Mary. B 254 " of Christianity. J alia KavanagA, B255'.!!!!!!!^ ** " 2nd copy. 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K 4n & 432 . .Dame Partington's Sayings. 2 Coi>5-«. J 360 Daiing Exploits of Buccaneers. 1^ 987 Dashes of American Humour. L 249 ...*.'.... . Dash wood Priory. Kiel Debit and Credit, //'fT/fajy. L377. .Devil on Two Sticks. Le Mffc. ' Dickens' Works. K17&18 Barnaby Kudge. ir 1 Kr o . . Bleak House. 5-0^2 " and Hard Times. K22 & 23*. *.!!'. Christmas Stories. 2 Copies. K S& 4.'.*.*.*.'. David Copperfield. IC 9 &10 &26 &7 Dombey and Son. 2 Copies. J 215 & *216. ! ! ! Oreat Expectations. 2 Copies. IC24 .....*!.. Hard Times. K 21 *.*.!!.. i .• • I^^V ^"^ American Notes. Kis'&ii'*.-'* Little Dorritt KII&I2KIO Martin Chuzzlcwit. 2 Copies. -ir 5 & 6 Nicholas Nickleby. _ ^«^f ^ " and Martm •*2il [Chuzzlewit. j^ 19 ., Oliver Twist. Klsil'ieV.... Old Ciiriosity Shop. ir OQ Pearl iishmg. K7&8ir3r.! Pickwick Papers. 2 Copies, tr 90 . . Sketches by Boz. J o'ls " fi'om our Parish. i- OS Sunshine on Daily Paths. J 2ii * V. 1 Tale of Two Cities. Disraeli's (B.) Works. L391 Alroy._ . T 009 Contarina I^lemmg. ^09 ,, Henrietta Temple. L 393 T. ! i i *. . . Sybil, or the two Nations. -I- g| • " • • • Vivian Gray. K 80a'. '. '. I \ '. '. 1 ^Doctor Oldham at Greystones. f hi \co» Hook, hornhnry, 'inHWorth. i/. Scott, Tlamilton. Joi>5^<. Ft'eytag. Lrlvs. K 605 Absentee, «fce. K606 Belinda, &c. K 601 Castle Kaekrent, &C. K 609 Harrington — Ormond. K:602 • Helen.'' K 607 Leonora. K 604 MantBuvring, &e. K 608 Patronau-e. KG03 Popular Tales. K971 Elder Sister, (The) \ J152 Elia. Eliot^s (George) Works. K751K752... Adam Bede. 2 Copies. K 753 54 & 55. Mill on the Floss. 3 *' K 756 K 757... Silas Marner. 2 " Ellis' (Mrs.) Works. L 341 Family Secrets. L 344 • • • First Impressions. J *223 Hearts and Homes. L 342 Minister's Family. L343 Somerville Hall." li 408 Emigrant's Lost Son. K 495 , Emigrant, (The) Sir F. B. Head. K 961 English Tales and ^\iQXQ\\Q.^.Mrs.Crossland. L 151 , '* Hearts and English Hands. K997......... " Opium Eater. De Quincy. K 480. ...... . .Ernestin, or the Heart's Longing. K 974 Essays and Miscellanies. Leigh Hunt. K 424, • Evan Harrington, or He would be a Gentle- [man. K 435 .Evelina. Miss JBurney. K416 , Evenings at Home. L 223 Every Girl's Book. Zouisa Zawford. K 823 ....*.... Exiles of Siberia. Madame Cottin. L 1 35 Faggots for the Fireside. Peter Parley. K 1087 Fall of the Crixnea. Spencer. » B 28 N0VKL8 AND TALES. Fern's (Fanny) Works. K405&406... Fern Leaves. Iv 1()8(! I^"tl» nail. K 805 Following the Drum. K 705 >k 7(;C . . . Fool of Qnali^v. _ Jirookn. J 39 J -to For Better for Worse. 2 Copies. K 981 L 253 . . .Forest Scones in Norway and Sweden. ]^ 399 " Tragedy and other Tales. L 207 Fo"i' Sisters, (The) L 274 Frank Berestord. Capf. Curhncj. j^ .212 " Wildman's Adventures. K fiO'" ... . Fiiendlv Hands and Kindly Words. K 573 & 574 .. . Fudge boings. Ik. Marvel. j^3.2g Future Life, or Scenes in anotiier World. j^ 103 Gaities and Gravities. Hwace ISmith. Gait's (John) Novels. L 103 Entail. £,102 LawrieTodd. L 104 Provost and other Tales. L 101 . ... Sir An>'rew AVylie. Gaskell's (Mrs.) Works. L 232 Cranford. . L 231 Moorland Cottage. J 98 North and South. L 401 Gay's Fables. K 988 & 989 . . .Getting along. Iv982 GilBhis. !{; 857 Gipsey's Prophesy. Mrs. Southworlh. X107G Golden Dreams and Leaden Realities. K856 ......... " Dragon, (The) J ) 81 Goldsmith's Works. J fi Gordinn Knot. Shirley Brooks. Grant's (Capt. James) Works. L 111 Adventures of an Aide-de-Camp. fj 113 Captain of the Guard. L 114 Jack Manly. j^ 115 Legends of the Black Watch. . I^ 112 Romance of War. Gore's (Mrs.) Works. J 227 Abednego the Money Lender. ]{^ 515 Progress and Prejudice. L 367 Inundation, (The) X 906 Great Highway. J^ullom. K397 k 398. . .Greenwood Leaves. Grace Greenwood. K 866 Gulliver's Travels. Swift, \ llroulm. 'den. CurJing. Is. Marvel. World. ce Smith. mthworth. ities. y Bvooh'i. e-Camp. ateli. ider. ]liillo7n. rveenwood. Swift, NOVELS ^iND TALKS. 29 L 272 Guriiey Married. Theo. Hook. K 975 Gustavvis Liudonn. K 500 Guy Livingstone. K350 ..Iladdon Hall. Ilahburton's (Judg-c) Works. L 294 Life in a Steamer. K 881 Nature and ITuinaii Nature. J 221 Old Judge or Life in a Colony K 883 Sam Slick the Clockmaker. K 882 The Attache. K211 Hallig, or Slieepfold in tlie Water. K 808 Harry Ooverdale's Courtship and Marriage. K 911 Harry Lee. Hawthorne's (NaJi.) Works. K 581 House of the Seven Gables. • Iv 582 & 583. . . Mosses from an Okl Manse. K 584 Snow Image and Other Tales. L 382 Tanglewood Tales. K 585 True Storic.;. K586&587... Twice-Told Tales. K 384 Hearth Stone (The) S. Osgood. K 967 Henry Lyle. Miss Marry at. Hentz' (Mrs. 0. L.) Works. K 525 Courtship and Marriage. K 523 Helen and Artlun-. K 521 Lirda, or the Young Pilot. K 524 Kena, or the Snow Bird. K 522 Robert Graham. K 937 Herbert Tracy. K 326 K 789. . .Hermit's Dell, 2 Copies. • L 209 Heroes of the Workshop. BnghtweU. L 221 Heroines of Domestic Life. Mrs. Owen. L 241 Hildred, or the Daughtei. Mrs. Crosslancl Hoffland's (Mrs.) Works. L 106 Decision. L239 Integrity. L 240 Moderation. * L238 Self Denial L107 Son of a Genius. Holmes' (O. W.) AVorks. K iQg Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. K 170 ..*.*.*.... . Currents and Counter Currents. K 171 & 172 '.'.*. Elsie Yenner. L88 " E" t(j9 Professoi' at tlie Breakfast Table. 'i I ,•^0 NOVELS AND TALE^. K 914 Home Scenes. K 491 K 492... " and the World. 2 Copies lv900 Hoou's own Selected Papers. K 118 Household Stories, Gnnms. K 81 9 " Narratives. K 772 " Mysteries. Howitt's (Mary) Works. L 323 Christmas Tree. 1,325 Favourite Scholar. y, 329 Fireside Tales. K 434* .* .* Heir of Wast Wayland. [,324-..*.' Hope On, Hope Ever. L 32 1 '.*.*.*.!!*.. . T^ittle Coin, Much Care. L 12G !!!!!.'!! ! stones of English & Foreign Life. L .T 22 !!*.*.*.*... . Turtle Dove. 1,327 Two Apprentices. .L 328 Which is the AViser. L 32G Work and Wages. ]v 511 '. '. '. *. '. *. *. *. How to Live. Solon lioUnsoii. L 153 .!!!'.!*.! ! How to make the best ot it. Miss Bowman. Hughes' (Thomas) Works. X 1019 "^ Scouring the White Horse. K lOil & 12 ' ' ' 'i'*^"^ Brown at Rugby, 2 copies. K 1013 14 &VS " ^^ Oxford,3 cop., Ist vol. K 1016 17 c% IS " ,^ /' 3 " 2nd Hugo's (Victor) Works. J 241 to 2G0. . . Lcs Miserables, 4 copies. J 201 Hunchback. K 593 Hungarian Sketches. JoKm. L 298 .... , Hyperion, Kavanagh, &c. Lonijfellow. L 282 Image of His Father. 3fayhew. L 124 " 125 [ngoldsby Legends, 2 copies. Barham. Irish National Tales (The). ^ K TO to 72 .... Anglo Irish (The). By the 0' Ham Farmly. K67to 69. ".*.*. Croppy (The).^ 'I .11 M a K 64 to QiS. \ '. '. '. Vestiirday in Ireland. E. E. Croive. Irving's (Washington) Works. K 938, K 157. . Alliambra (The). 2 copies. Ivl49, Ivl53.. Astoria. 2 copies. IC 155' K 162 Bonneville, Adventures of Captain. K 103' " Bracebridge Hall. [2 copies. NOVELS AND TALES. 31 Irviug's (Washinofton) ^YoYkii.~- Continued. K 154, K 160. . Crayon Miscellany, 2 copies. K 156 Granada. K 150, K 151 . . Knickerbocker's jN^gw York, 2 ;oj>. K 152, K 101 . . Sketch Book, 2 copies. L 246, L 380 . . . Tales of a Traveller, 2 copies. L 373 Tales of the Hudson. K 158, K 159.. Wolfert's Roost. L 281 Jack Adams. James' (G. P. R.^ Xovels. K 631 Aiicient Regime. J 161 Arrah Neil— Rose D'Albert — K 632 Attila. [Broiightun. K633 Charles Tyrrell. K634 Corse de Leon. K 630 Cavalier. K 635 Darnley. Iv 636 1)^ L'Onne. K 637 Desultory Man. K 638 Gentleman of the Old School. K 639 (^ypsey. The. K 640 Henry of Guise. K 641 Henry Masterton. K 642 Huguenot, The. K 643 Jacquerie, The. K 644 John Marston Hall. K 645 King's Highway. J 153 Leonora D'Orco. K 646 Man-at-Arms. K 647 Mary of Burgundy. K 648 Morley Ernstein. K 649 One in a Thousand. K 650 Piiilip Augustus. K 651 Richelieu. K 652 Robber, The. J 159 ..... Russell — Arabella Stuart— Beau- K 653 String of Pearls. ^ [champ. J 158 Ticonderago— Peiiuinillo. J 160 Vicissitudes— Aims — and Obstacles. Jerrold's (Douglas) Tales and Sketches. K 931 Cakes and Ale. X 933 Caudle Lectures. K 982 Punch's Letters to His Son. K 767 John Brent. Winthrop. L 378 John Railton, or Read and Think. Si ,1 i Ill 82 K5T5 . L227.. L 79 . . . L130.. K 442 . K 873 . K 874 . K 871 . K 872 . K 87 . , K86 . L371.. K8S .. K89 .. K90 ., K91 . K 998 , K220 , K870 , K520 , K572 L 2n4. K91G K 571 K213 K917 K L14 L203. L204. L205. J 83 & 84 J 79 & 80 J 01 to 64 J 72 68, 69 & 85 & 67 { ji • • • * • 75 & 76 K 113 .. . J 73 & 74 J 77 & 78 J J J J 89 N0VKL8 AN'1> TALES. Jnliau. Kill ool all. Katluiyan Stave. Katie Stewart. Kavaiiagli. Kavanagh's (Mis-) Works. Against Wind and Tide. Katliie BrantJe. JMadelii.e. Nathalie. Kingslcy's (Charles) Works. Alton Locke. Amy as LeigU. Heroes^ The. llypatia. Piiaethon. Two Years Ago. Yeast. Klosterheini. Knick Knacks. Ware. Maya, Emily Judson, Longf'elloio, J)e Quincy. L, G, Clark. Souvestre. Hugh Miller. Lady's Companion (The). Lamplighter (The). Lake Shore. Laura Temple. Lavengro. Leaves from a Family Journal. Souvestre, " Bachelor's Book of Life. Legends of the West. Legends of Scotland. Leila, or the Island. " in England. " at Home. Lever's (Charles) Works. A Day's Kide, 2 copies. Arthur O'Leary, 2 copies. Charles O'Malley, 4 copies. Con Cregan. Dudd Family, 3 copies. Davenport Dunn, 2 copies. Fortunes of Glencore. Harry Lorrequer, 2 copie8. *' " 3rd copy. Jack llinton, 2 copies. Knight of Gwynne, 2 copies. Ware, NOVELS AND TALES. 33 lever's (Charlefi) Works.— 6'(??i^/nw L 182 . Japhet in Search of a Father, 2 ^ 1041 ' i^^ng's ^^^^"* . [co])ies. 1^1047 Middhipuian Easy. K 1051 .;".'.... Naval Officer. \ K 1042 L 183 . Newton lorster, 2 copies. K 1043! L 181 . Pacha of Many Tales, 2 copies. ^ 1044.' Percival Keeiie. ^ 1045 * ' Peter Simple. Kl04tl,L*187. Phantom Ship, 2 copies. K1053 Poacher. L 184 & 185. . . Scenes lu x^frica. J lg6 Settlers m Canada. k 1052". *.*.!!'.! Snarleyow. J357ifc358>.. Valerie. Marsh's (Mrs.) Novels. J 168 Aubery-Heiress of Haughton- [Lvely Marston. T 167 , , .Lettice Arnokl— Mordaunt Hall— ' Wilmingtons—Time the Aven- ger— Ptavensclilie— Castle Avon. J 166 Rose of Ashurst. Martincau's (Miss) Tales. L303 CroftonBoys. j^ 302 Feats on the r lord 34 JfOVaXS AND TALES. I ■ L304 L301 K3.t7 L255 K821 K822 K 568 K977 K. 1088 .«..«.. Ju -itO ..«•«•••• L 128 d: 129... K428 L139 L140 L138 L136& 137... L141 L138 « A'xw ••••• ••• K1071 K1073 K919 K969 K218 K915 K920 K 782 K887 K824 L224 K 941 K 942 & 943 . . K448 K994 J 204 K 860 K 891 K 888 K890 K889 L 93 Martitiitii"!!! (Miss) Tales. — Continued. Pciisjuit and Prince. Tlio Hour and the Man. Mary Bunyan. I'})rd, Mary Montguinery Jind other Tales. Hogg. Marrying too Late. Geo* Wood, Master Builder, (^The). Lee* Master's Jiouse, " Logan, Masters and Workinefj. Mrs. Patterson, Matthew Caraby. Matilda Lonsdale. Matrimonial Sliij) wrecks. Maillard, Maylair to Maratlion. Mcintosh's (Maria) Tales, &c. Conquest and Self Conquest. Evenings at Donaldson Manor. GrrJce and Isabel. Juvenile Tales and Sketches, Praise and Principle. Two Li ves — To Seem and To Be. Woman an Enigma. Melville's (Herman) "Works. Israel Potter, Moby Dick, or the Whalo. Omoo. Piazza Tales. Pierre, or the Ambiguites. Redburn. White Jacket. Memoirs of an Unknown Life, Merrimac, or Life at the Loom. Minister's Family. Jletherington, Minstrel Love, a Romance from the German. Mitford's (Miss) Works. American Life. Tales. Atherton and other Tales. Bolford Regis. Our Village, &c. Miss Gilbert's Career. Moodie's (Mrs.) Works. Flora I^indsay. Geoft'rey Moncton. Lite in the Clearings. Roughing it in the Bush. Moral Taleij. Madame Guizot. Ford. Hogg. Wood, Lee, Logan, 'Merson. NOVELS AND TALES. S§ J 332 Moredun. Mulock's (Miss) Works. K 813 A Hero. K 811 *fe 812 .. John IIalifax,'2 copies. K 814 A Life for a Life. J 226 Ogilvies (The). K 994 My Grandfath.er's Farm. K 852 My Courtship and its Conseqiieucea. Wikoff* K 596 Naughty Boys. K 781 Near and the Heavenly Hon7,on8 (The). K 498 Neighbour Jackwood. L 91 & K 513. Newsboy, (The), 2 copies. K913 No Fiction. K 499 Now or Never. L92 Nothing Venture, Nothing Have. .1 224 Notice ^to Qui t. IF. G, Wills. L 413 Note Book of a Country Clergyman. K864 Oakfield. L 371 Officer's Widow, Tlie. K 325 Old Mackinaw. W. P. StricUand. K 958 '* Jack, a Tale for Boys. Kingston. J 179 & 180 . . . " Lieutenant and His Son, (The.) Oliphant's (Mrs.) Works. ^ 79i Adam Graeme of Moss Gray. J 151 Athelings, (The.) K 796 Days of My Life. K 792 House on the Moor. K 790 & 791 . . Last of the Mortimers. S copies. K 705 Magdalen Hepburn. !<; 793 Margaret Maitland. K 478 Onyx Ring. Sterling. J 205 to 207 .. . Op'ie's (Mrs.) Works. 1C1085 Our Parish. I^ 373 Our Honeymoon and other Comicalities. K 382 & 383 ..Out of Her Element. K 901 Out Doors at Idle wild. N, P. Willis. K 908 Outre Mer. Longfelloio. L 251, IC 823. .Paul and Virginia. 2 copies. St. Pierre. X 396 Pari&h and other Pencilings. lurwin. j^ 414 Parliament m the Play Room. A. L. 0. E. K 474 Peep at the Pilgrims. Mrs. Cheney. K 479 Pencil Sketches. Miss Leslie. L 308 .Peninsular Scenes and Sketches. 36 NOVELB AND TAIE8, L127 .Peu Owen. K 785 & 780...Perciles and Aspasift. J 222 Percy Anecdotes. K 381 Piccioli. K -378 to 380.. .Pictures of the World, JC507 Pictures in a Mirror. ]^ 497 Pilgrims of Walsingham. Jltss iStrtckland* l^ 109 Popular Tales. Madame GitisoL lillC) " " from the Norse. K 446 Potiphar Papers. K 566 Plague of London. DeFoe, i 315 Private Purse. Mrs. HalU K323 Prenticeana, Frentice* Kill Quiet Heart. K 1029 Queens of Society. G, tfe P* Wharton, K564 Quits. K 317 Quakerism, or the Story of my Life. Iv 217 Kainy Afternoons. K 109 i% 110.. .Ravcnshoe. Henry Klngslcif. Readers (Chas.) Works. K 335 A Good Fight and Other Tales, J 41 & 42 Cloister on the Hearth, (The). [}l copies*. K 338 Clouds and Sunshine. X 337 .♦. , Love me Little, Love mc Long. K 331 & 332 . . Never too Late to Mend, K 333 & 334.. " " ** K 336 Peg Woffington. K 461 Recollections of a Policeman. I^ 86 Reginald Dalton. Reid's (Capt.) Works. L 170 Pear Hunters. L 168 Boy Hunters. L171 Boy Tar. L 169. Bruin, (>r the Great Bear Hunt. L 163 Bush Boys. L 160, 161 Desert Home, 2 copies. L 164 Forest Exiles. K 990 Hunters' Feast. K 231 Osceola the Seminole. L165 Plant Hunters. L 172 Quadroon, (The.) L 166 Ran Away to Sea. L 162.., *,.».. War Trail ! GuisoU DeFoe, rs. HalU Prentice* Wharton, fe. Kingslctj. Tales, he). [2 copies. Long. lunt. NOVELS AND TALES. K 232 Wild Life. L 167 Young Voyageurs. L173 " Yagei-8. K 56 Religious Courtship. ^ _ Ve roe. L 314 lleniiniscences of a Physician. K868., .... ... *' of an Officer of Zouaves. K 576* 577 Reveries of a Bachelor. Ik Marvel. K 565 Robinson Crusoe. Dc Foe. K 436 Roland Trevor. J 60 Romany Rye. Geo. Borrow. K 959 Round the "World, Kingston . K 995 , , Roughing it with Alick Baillie. Stewart. K 851 Roving Diplomatist. Uy. Wikof* Ruffini's Works. K 411, L 406 .. Doctor Antonio, 2 copies. X 412 Lavinia. X 413 Lorenzo Benoni. K 1078 Sable Cloud. Adams. K 462 Salad for the Solitary. K463 " Social. ^ . „ , J 141 142. ... -Seven Sons of Mammon, 2 cop. G. A. bala. K 321 Sand Hills of Jutland. //. C. Anderson. K 447 School of Life. Anna M. Ilowitt. L 210 School Boy Honour. liev. II (7. Adams. Scott's (Sir. W.) Works. L 21, 22, 68, J 331, 337. Abbott. L 5, G, 67, J 334 Antiquary. L 45. 46, J 343 Anne of Geierstem. L 37, 88, ^SQ, J 341 .. . Betrothed. [tTose. L 11 , 12, 64, J 334. . . . BlackDwarf— Legcndof Mon- L 47, 48, 62, J ^44 . . . Count Robert of Paris. L 43. '1, J 343 Fair Maid of Perth. L2'<,28, 61,J 339,... Fortunes of I^igel. L 3, 4, J 333 Guy Mannermg. L17, 18,53, J 331, 336. Ivanhoc. L23,24, 54. J331,338. Kenilworth. L I :■>. 1 6, 63, J 331, 336. Lammermoor. L 13, 14, 55, J 335 ... Mid Lothian. L 19, 20, 60, J 331, 337. Monastry. L 9, 10, 65, J 334 ... . Old Mortality. L 29, 30, 59, J 339 ... Peveril of the Peak. L 25, 26, J 331, 338 .. Pirate. L 31, 32, 58, .1 340 ... Quentin Durward. L35, 36, 57, J 341..., Red Gauntlet. L7, 8, J335 Rob Roy. I Pi NOVELS AND TALES. Scott's (Sir W.) "Works. — Continued. h 33, 34, 50, J 340. . . . St. Honan's Well. L 49, 50, 69 Siirgecn's Dcaiighter — Castle L 39, 40, 52, J 341 . . • Talisman. ^ [Dangerous. L 41, 42, 51, J 342 . . . Woodstock. L 1,2, J333.,,.. Waverly. K 805 Scc.ttish Chiefs. ' Miss Porter. K 470 ....... " Life and Character. Dean Eamsay. Sewell's (Miss) Works. K 711 , 735 Amy Herbert, 2 copies. K 712, 734 Cleve Hall, 2 copies. K 7 13 Earl's Daughter. K 714, 736 Experience of Life, 2 copies. F 715, 739 Gertrude, 2 copies. \. 716, 717 & 729, 730. Ivors, The, 2 copies. K 718, 719 & 737, 738. Katharine Ashton, 2 copies. Iv 720 to 22 & 731 f 33 Laneton Parsonage, 2 " K 723 & 724 Margaret Percival. K 725, 726 & 727, 728. Ursula, 2 copies. K 216 Shakspeare's Heroines, Sherwood's (Mrs.) Works. L 302 Fairchild Famil v (The). L 306 Governess (The)! L 301 & 315. . . Henry Milner. L 304 Indian Pilgrim. L 305 Infant's Progress. L 316 John Martin. L 309 to 312... Ladv of the Manor. L 303 Little Henry. L313 Mail Coach. L314, Monk of Cimes. L307 Xun (The) L 308 Victoria. J 7 & 8 Silver Cord, 2 copies. Shirley Urooks, J 14 Simon Seek. LSI Sir Frizzle Pumpkin. K 441 ....... .Sir Eoger DeCoverly. L 283 Sisters of Soleure. Iv 377 . , Sister Agnes, or Convent Life. L 307 Sketches and Tales. K A. Foe, L 366 Snow Stoi'm. Mrs. Gore. K445 Solitary, (The) K 853 ........ Spare Hours. Dr, J. Brown, L 276 Star Chamber. Ainsworth, K 991 St. Leon. Godwin. K 986 Stone Mason of Saint Point, Laraartine. 1 mtinued. —Castle ngerons. «r Porter. Ramsay. :>l)ies. 2 copies. 2 copies. ^,2 " Urooks. A. jPoe, *'s. Gore. Brown, nswortK Godwin, fiartine. NOVELS AND TALES. 39 L 225 ...•.•••. Stories from Russia and Poland. L 226 " ♦' Switzerland, &c. K 1077 " " the Italian Poets. Zeigh Hunt. L 404 ** of the Canadian Forest. Mrs.TrailL L 296 " of Waterloo. TF. //. Maxwell Stowe's (Mrs. II. B.) Works. K 836 Agnes of Sorrento. K 828 to 831 . . Dred, 2 copies. K 827 Mayflower and other Tales. K 834, 835 .... Minister's Wooing, 2 copies. K 837, L 80 . . . Pearl of Orr's Island, 2 copies. K 832, 833 .... Uncle Tom Cabin, 2 copies. K 429 , Success in Life. Mrs. TutMll. L222 « " K 215 Sunbeams in the Cottage. Miss Breiuster. L 208 ...... t • . Sunshine in the Heart. K 476 ••....,• Swiss Family Robinson. IC 983 Table Traits. Dr. Dorran. K 438 Tales for Road and Rail. Chamhers. LIOS " all Readers. L 206 ** all Seasons. Fa^my Forrester. K 972 " the Marines. K 595 ....... .Tales from the German. L 422 ** of Illustrious Children. Agnes Strick- [land. L 220 , ** Domestic Life. Mrs. Hall. K 594 " Flemish Life. Conscience. J 61 to 57 ** the Borders. Wilson. K 1090 ** the Covenanters. lidbert Pollok. Iv 936 *» the Genii. 8ir 0. Morrell. L320 •* the Saxons. L 41 1 " the Scottish Peasantry. L 131 Teick's Tales. L 374 • . .Telemachus, Adventures of. Fenelon. K 329 Tenant of Wildfel Hall. Acton Bell. Thackeray's (W. M.) Works. K 957 Barry Lynden. L384 Book of Snobs. K 951 .••••... Brown's Letters. K 954 ....••.• Fat Contributor. L 385 & 386... Henry Esmond. * K 956 Jeames' Diary. K 955 Men's Wives. J 183, 184 Newcomes. K 952 & 953 . . Paris Sketch Book. I \t h 1^ NOVELS AND TALES. Thackeray's (W. M.) "Wovk?,.-- Continued. J 185 tfc 186,. , Peiidennis. L 383 Shabby Genteel Story. J 187 Vanity Fair. J 188 Virginians. K 95G Yellowplusli Papers. L 207 Thaddeus of Warsaw. Miss Porter, K 391 & 392 . .Tliere and Back Again in Search of Beauty. K 1083 & 1084. Thorpe, a quiet Enghsli Town. Momitford. K 473 Tolla, a Tale ol Modern Rome. K 5G9 Tommibeg Shootings. Jeans. Trollope's (Anthony) Works, K 185 Bertrams (The). J 15, 10 & 17. . Brown, Jones & Kobinson, 3 cop. K 182 ...».,. Castle Richmond. K 183 Doctor Thorne. K 184 & 187 .. Framley Parsonage, 2 copies. K 186 Kelly's & O'Kellys (The). K 181 Three Clerks (The). L 292 Warden (The.) L 293 Two Years before the Mast. K 389 Tyghe Lifford, a Novel. J 157, J 228 . . . Uncle Tom in England. K 322 Under Currents of Wall Street. K 439 Up the Rhine. Hood. K 374, Iv 970 . .Ups & Downs, 2 copies. K 973 Use of Sunshine. K 395 ..,,... .Vagabond Life in Mexico. L 409 Valentine Vox. L 85 ....,,. . Valerius. Lvi-khaH. K 1079 Vicar of Wakefield. (Mdsmith, K 212 Village Neighbors, (My) K 112 Voice from the Parsonage. ParJc. L 250 Waldemar. K 440 Walden, or Life in Woods. K 393 & 394. . .Walks and Wanderings. K 570 .Walter Ashwood, a Love Story. Seogoolk. Warren's (Samuel) Works. K 220 ConfcGsions of an Attorney. K 225 ........ Diary of a Physician. K 230 Experiences of u Barrister. K 222 Miscellaneous Works. K 221 Now and Then. K 223 & 224 . . . Ten Tliousand a Year. lUmu'd. is Porter. )f Beauty. oiintford. Jeans. oij, 3 cop. lopiea. e). Hood. Lvc^hart. oldsmitJi, Park. Seogoolk. ^y- Y. NOVELS AND TALES. 41 L 133 Wave and Battle Field. L 310 Wealth and Worth. L 201 Wearyfoot Common. Leitch Ritchie. L 379 ....•.,, We're all Low People here. Wethereld's (Elizabeth) Works. K 1072 Dollars and Cents. K 898 Hills of the Shatemuc. K 895*^896... Queechy. K 897 Wide, Wide World. L 309 .What's to be Done? K 437 Whims and Waif's. Jlood. K 430 W hims and Oddities. Hood. L 316 Wiiisperer. Mrs, Hall. K 433 White Chief of the Red Men. K 996 Whom to Marry. Mayheio. K 49C Widow Bedott Papers. J 359 Wild Scenes and Wild Hunters. K 1081 & 1082.Wilhelm Meister. Goethe. Wilson's (Professor) Works. L 94 Foresters, (The.) K 390 Lights & Shadows of Scottish Li fe. K 385 to 388. . • Noctes Ambrosiana\ L 95 Trials of Margaret Lyndsay. K 1030 Wit8andBeauxofSociety.6^.c6P.Tr/mr^;j. K 91 2 Woman's Trials, Tales oi". Mrs. Hall. L 372 ••....• .Wonderful Tales for the Young. Hans Wood's (Mrs.) Works. [Anderson. J 113 & 114... Castle Wafer, 2 copies. J 117 & lis... Channings (The.) " K 775 & 776... Danesbury House *• J 115 & 116... Earl's Heirs, »* J 111 & 112... East Lynne, « J 119 & 120... Heir to Ashley, «♦ J 121 ifel22... Life's Secret, «« L '.-^02 World in Light and Shade. K 466 Worth and Wealth. Freeman Hunt. ^807 Wyckliffites, (The.) Mrs. Mackay. Yonge's (Miss) Works. K 363 & 364.., Daisy Chain. K 361 & 362... Dynevor Terrace. K 355 & 356 ... Heartsease. K 357 & 358... Heir of Kedcliffe. K 359 & 60. ,, Hopes and Fears. K 353 & 354... Young Stepmother, The. K 970 Young Curate, (The.) I* 21 i Young Gold Digger. Gerslaecker. 579 Zenobia. TFw. Ware. |l 42 I'OETRY AND TlIK DRAMA. I SECTir' IV. POETRY AND THE DRAMA. N 139 Akinside's Poems. ^ '-^75 Alazon and other Poems. ^ ''^ Aytoun's Lays of the Scottisli Cavaliers. N«7 « Bothwell. I^ 45 Bailey's Festns. N55 " Mystic. ^^^0 Baillie (Joanna) Tiie Dramatic and Poeti- [cal works of. N 82 Ballantine's Poems. N74 Bentley's Ballads. N 198 Bloomlield's Poems. N 38 & 39 .... Browning's (Robert,) Pooms. N40... » Men and Women. N 43 ife 44 . . . . " (Mrs.) Poems. N 45 " Aurora Leigh. N 46 & 47 ... . Bryant's Poems. M 8 Burn's (Robert,) Poems. B 286 to 289... " " Chmnlers, N 144 & 145 . .Butler's Poetical AVorks. IS" 86 Byron's " N77 Campbell's " N 1 3 Coleridge's (S. T.) Poetical Works. N 227 " <' " N31 Collin's « ^ 3S Cowper and Thompson. ^66 Cornwall's (Barry,) Poems. K 200 ....... .Dante, by Cary. N 1 Dante's Th oe Visions. ]!^ 151 Donne's Poetical Works. M 10 to 12 ... . Drama, the Ancient British. K 13 to 17 .... " ^ Modern " 'N S Dreams, Tlie Poetry and Mystery of. M 31 & 32 Dryden's Poetical Works. N 158 to 161... " " 2ud Copy. N 273 Eliza Cook's Poems. N 259 Eschylus, by Potter. . N 2 54 to 256 ..Euripides '• vtiliers. .nd Poeti- Drks of. IJiamhers, of. rOHTKV AN'1> TlIK HUA.M.V 43 M 28 &: 'J!> .... KIc-aiit Kxtnicts. N IC'J FiilcuiiL'r'ri I'ueuis. N" 140 cl- 141 ..Gay's " N llii 'k W.\ .. - '^ N !^T (iillillan's Pooins and Soiit';:^. ^^' ^^> Goutliu's Dramatic Work-. N 130 ...Gray\s i^O . . Greenwood's (Grace,) Poems. iN" 17 Hal leek's Poetical Works. i\[ 4 ik N 81 . . . Ilcman's Poems. ^V 182 llerhert's " J\ 158 ^ liVt ..Ilerrick's " ^'^ iiM Itomer's Odyssey, l)y ]^j)c. ^'^^' Hood's (Thomas,) Poems. iN"10-l '^ " i^ 251 i\: 252 ..Horace and Pliii^drus, by Francis. ^f 87 llowitf, Milman and Keats. I^ 202 Hunt's (Leii,di,) Stories in Verse. N ^53 Juvenal and Persius. Badhati. K 80 Kingsley's Poems. N 27 " ' Andromeda. N G King Arthur. Bxilwev. N 35 Lamb's English and Dramatic Poets. M 1 ^i; 2 Legends ot'tlie Hills. i\t 40 Lexington and other Poems. I^ 52 Lockhart's Spanish Ballads. N 29 Longfellow's Poems. N 30 ^ " Golden Legend. N 32 " Hiawatlia.^ N 31 " Courtship of Miles Standish. IS" 83 Mackay's (Chas.) Poems. N 84 " Lump of Gold, &c. X 152 Marvel's Poetical AVorks. N 53 Masscv's (Gerald) Poems, K201 Milton's Poetical Works. M 5 Moore's Poetical Works. N 28 " '-'• « N 24 " Lalla Eookh. N 12 Montgomery's (James) Poetical Works. N (;9 , Motherwell's Poems. 44 POETKY AND THE DKAMA. N 23 New Timoii, a Eomance of London. Buhoer \_Lytton. N 21 mrton's (Mra.) roctican\rorks. N 19 & 20 . . . .Obsliin, The Works of. Maephermn. X 150 Tanieirs Poetical AVorkt^. N" 75 Plu-ri-])us-tali. N 91 .... . .Poems by the Ettrick Shepherd. M -'{0 Poets and Poetry of the Ancients. X TS Pollock's Course of Time. M 42 Pope's Works. l\ 135 & 13G . .Prior's Poetical Works. N 270 Pamsay's (Allan) Gentle Shepherd. N 76 Kejected Addresses. N 7 Ptogers' (Samuel) Poetical AVorks. N 3 Saul, a Drama. N 50 Saxe's Poems, N 51 " " N. 199 Scott's Poetical \7orks. N" 10 Selections from British Poets. Lciqh Hunt. N 261 & 262 . . " " " JIalleck, ^ ii58 '' " American Poets. Bryant. M 20 to 27 ... . Shakspeare's Works. M 34 & 35 .... " " N 146 ^ " Poems. N 89 Shakspeare, Beauties of. N 85 _ " Wisdom and Genius of. N 5 Siamese Twins and other Poems. Bulwer. N 18 Sigourney's (Mrs.) Poems. N 56 Smith's (Alex.) " N 57 " " City " N 58 " Edwiu of Deira. X 59 " Life Drama. M 41 Song of Charity. N 91 Songs. By the Ettnch l^hepherd. N 257 Sophocles, (Translation.) Knincklln N 162 to 171 . .Southey's Poetical Works. N 155tol57...Skelton's •' '^ N 134 Surrey's (Lord) Poems. N 73 Tasso. Fahiax N 60 & 61 ... . Tennyson's Poems. N 62........ " Idyls ufthG King. don. BuhocT {Lytton. 3. Maaplu'vi^on. d. iits. lerd. rlvs. LlTEKATUliE. — KEVIEW.S, MAGAZINES, &0. N 03 Tennyson's Maud. N 64 '' In Memoriam. iN" 72 Thackeray's Ballads. N l.'iO .Tickells' Poetical Works. N 197 Tradegy of Success. N 148 Yaughan's (H.) Poetical Works. N133 ........Watt's Pooins. M 39 White's (11. K.) Poetical Works. N 149 " " " N 15 Wilson's (Prof.) Poems. JS" 70 Wordsworth's " N 71 " Prelude. -N" 147 Wyatt's (Sir J.) Poetical Works. N 137 & 138 . .Young's Poems, N 90 " Night Thoughts! 45 Lcifjh Hunt. JlallecTc. ts. Bryant. us of. s. B'ulwer. 'k Shc'plierd. lU'anckiin. Falrjaa\ SECTION V. •-* - • PERIODICAL LITERATURE.— REVIEWS, MAGAZINES, etc. 761 to 764.. O 1451 to 1465 1507 O 881 to 887.. P61 to 73.... O 191 to 199.. O 278 to 280.. O 701 to 708.. .AH the Year Round. '• .American Journal of Science. . American Journal of Improvement. .Anglo-American Magazine. * ' . Annual of Scientific Discovery, 1 850 to 1 862 .Artizan, 1850 to 1861. .Athenaeum. . Atlantic Monthly Magazine. O 1001 to 1047.Bentley's Miscellany. O 1081 to 1124 . Blackwood's Magazine. P 106 & 7 British Controversialist. O 638 " Colonial Magazine. O 891 to 898. . .Canadian Agriculturist. u Journal. O 186 cfe 187 O1481tol484 O 1439 & 1440. " Merchants' Magazine. O 311 to 347. . . Chaml)er8' Journal. 40 LTTICltiVTUBR. — UEVIEWS, MA0A3SINES, AC. ■ () 211 to 214. . .Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal. O 043 & 644. . .Colonial Magazine. O 1181 to 1185. Cornhill « O 1441 to 1450. Dublin ITnivereity Magazine. O 231 & 232. . .Ecclesiastical Gazette. O 1351 to 1372. P]clectic Review. O 371 to 480... Edinburgh " P151 to 173.. O 306 to 310.. r 210 to 213.. (> 642 O 121 to 124.. <) 'ill to 623.. () 61 to 70. O 1501 to 150.6 O 264 & 265.. () 1430 to 1434 841 &842.. .Family Friend. " Magazine. . " Tutor. *' Treasury. .Farmer and Meclmnic. .Foreign Quarterly Review. .Frank Leslie's Magazine. , lA'anklin Institute Journal. .Genessee Farmer, .Glasgow Alechaaics' Magazine. .Good Words. O 645 to 6G(] . . . Harper's Magazine. O 288 to 290 . . . Howitt's Journal. O 741 to 760 .. . Household Words. O 1291 to 1304 . Hunt's Merchants' Magazine. O 1423 to 1429. Imperial Magazine. 131 to 185. . .Inventor's Advocate. P 57,0 125 tol32Journal of Education. F54 " Design. O 1531 to 1534. " the Society of Arts. ^l J ^:0 « Board of Arts and Mannfaeta-mv O 151 & 152. . . Law Journal (U. C.) O 811 to 820... Leisure Hour. O 911 to 950. . .Littell's Living Age. 571 to 594. ..London Quarterly Review. . . O 1221 to 1225. Macmillan's Magazine. O 624 to 636. . .Magazine of Science. O 261 to 263... Maple Leaf. O 1 509 Mechanics' Magazine. O 1435 to 1438. Mechanics' Magazine. 304 & 305 .. . '' and Engineers' Magazine. P 56 Medical Journal. Fournal. 8CIENCJD, ABT, j;ifetcr O li)C> & 167. . .Kews of t]ie Clinrelies. O 495 tu 510. . .North British Keview, O 346 to 251). , , Penny Magazine. * ^^ " Mechanic, O U21 & I42iJ, Phrenological JonrmiL O 281 to 287. . .Popnlar Educator. 31 Press (The). O 871 to 880.. ..Putnam's Magazine. ^ ^3 Quarterly Journal of Meteorology. O 271 to 276.. ..Saturday Magazine. {?1--- '* Review. \ 5S *^ ^2 Scottish Educational Journal O 701 to 708. . .Sunday at HoniG. O 1121 to 1126 .Temple Bar. ^ ^^ Transactions of the Albany Institute. O 1508. ....... Victoria Magazine. ■ , , . O 1411 to 1416. Weekly Visitor. O 526 to 552. . .Westminster Ecvicw. P 214 to 218. . .Youth's Magazine. 47 lafaeta-teifi. zine. SECTION VI. . ' -, SCIENCE, ART, etc., etc. ^. • AOniCVLTVKK, BOTANY, GAEDENII'G, AC. '. '• Q 307 & 308. . .Agriculture ia Canada. J^\,ans k^on ;! ?i^d Dairy llnsljandiy. Jackson. Ss A • u .^'^yclopa-diaoi^ Lo>nhn. R 112 '.y.y.V/ ^^'^''cultural Chemistry. ^y, Jj, jjavy, Johnston. (II ill I SCIENCE, ATIT, .fcC, &C. Q 2 Youth's Mjigazine. LieUg, S 54 to 56 " ' l!:n2t) Perspective, The Elements of. Bnshln. S 120 ron, D 36 & 37 Canada, Past, l*juse»t and Fnfnrc. {W,n. Smith, K 88 & 80 ** Physical, Economic, and Social. [/>/•. umc. Q 56 & 57 " Topoizraplue, de. UoueJiette. V 445 Cape and tlie Kaffirs. Ward, E 129 China, A va and iSiau). Z 41 to 45 Colonial Library, Martin.^ H 233 to 23G.. Cosmos. " JlumholclL K 7 Earth and Man. Guizot, E 34, . , Egypt, Ancient. Gosse, F277 ^ '• *' andiAIodeni. nussell. E 75 Europe, Fast and Present. V}\fjt:witU:i\ V 224 European Capitals. Wave, S 221 to 227. . .Family Topographer. Tijmms, Ql Geography. GKOLOGY, MINERALOGV, &C. Q 1 17 «& I '!8. . . Buclvland^s Geology nnd Mineralogy. S 263 Conversations on Geology. R 177 «& S 2i)0.Elemeuts of Geology. R 13S FossiU of the British Mnscmn. S 288. • • • Geolo^^y aud Scripture Cosuiogony. Jlodgins* Istorical. JSquier» Crie/iton, Cajn'on, If. Svv'th, Soeiul. >/'. IJUJc. Ward, Martin, lumholclt^ Giiizot, Gosse, Jhtssell, Ware, SCIENCE, AKT, &f., AC. 51 S 102 Geolonjy Rudijiientary, Treatisa on. Q 201 Geological Survey of Cuniuia. Q38 " Observer. K 137 •* ExcursioTis. . S204«fc -JOo... " Gossip. U 37 Harris' (Dr.) Pre- Adamite Eartli. IT 52 .Hitchcock's Ticligion of GeoIt»gy. II 12 • IIumbokltAs Aspects of K^aturcC 11 233 to *23G, G 108 " Cosmosj. S 7.. Jacksoti's Minerals and their Uses. Q 111 Lyell's Elementary Geology. giaKl'192... " Principles of «' H 3 Miller's (Hugh) CruiHe of the IJetsey. II 04 " Footprints of the Creator. 8 181) " Geology of the Bass Kock. 8 188 " Old lied Sandstone. R 29 « Testimony of the Rocks. S 101 Mineralogy, Treatise on. />. Varley. Q 153 Paleontology. Owen, L' 115 Siniih's (Dr. Pyc) Geology and Scripture. Q 113 .Siluria. Murchison, Q 34 Trinnucr's Practical Geology and MiTier- [alogy. Q ISO ...... . .lire's System of Geology. S 287 Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. S 243 World's Birth-day, |! ?y- LEGAL AND POLITICAL .SCIENCE-POLITICAL ** ECONOMY, &C', R 103 to 19(5 ..Blackstone's CommentariGs. D 120. ........ Hook of the Constitution. Stejtheiu D 120 British Constitution, The. Brouaham* ijH :!! 1 i| SCIENCE, ART, 1 p/<- -i-v t \She\o, i^ 15C Drunkenness, Anatomy of. McNisK, 1^ 89 Family Gymnasium, The. }h\ Trail S 233 Hand, Treatise on the. J]ell I'^'i , '' and Foot, The. Ihwiphmi J^ 265 Ilealtli, the Economy of Johnson. ^ ^^^ " Lectures on. " J)r. Brown, J-^ 180 " and Longevity. S 264 " Disease and Cure. Dr. Moore. ^ J88 <' of Soldiers and Sailors. CulhusL SJ 55 Human Anatomy. WUson, I^ 88 Hydropathic Encyclopcedia. Dr. Trail, S 231 Letters on Health, &c. Miss Beechcr, Q «c^o 'f 't^'oo* •??''' '^'''^^^^'^ ""''• Quitdet, b 289 cV: K 98. .Management of Lifancy. A, Comhe. Q 78 Medicine, Listitutes of. Palnc, Q'^^^ Mesmerism and its Opponents. Sanhj, R 152 *' Facts in. R 95 Movement Cure, The. Taylor. Q 189 North American Medical Journal. SCIENCE, ABT, AC, M. 55 S 331 Philosopliy ol Living. Ticknor. gns « « jfayo, R i^l PJircnologj Lectures on. O^o, Comhe. S8 « Catechism of. 5^^^^ " Defense of. Boardman. R 101 « FowIerU R 9^ Physical Perfection. Jacques. Q 3^S Physiognomy, Principles of. Lavater, QnS ** Comparative. liedjield, Q 136 iV: S 32a *^ ♦S: 330 Physiology, Principles of. A. Comle. Q 37 " *< Carpenter. Q118t%119... « «i Dunglison. Q5*- " " Magendie. R 43 i\: 44 " of Common Life. Lewis. R 95 " Animal and Mental. Fowler. S 232 " and Calisthenics. Miss Beecher. R 81 Poisons and their Antidotes. Jlhers. S 234 Power of the Soul over tho Body. Moore. R 96 Self Culture. Fowler. S 333 Sleep, Philosophy of. McNish. Q 74 Spasmodic Cholera, Report on. S332 The House I Live in. Alcott. S 22S Use of the Body. Moon. MORAL AND INTELLECTrAL PIULOSOPJIY-EDUCATION, &a Q 303 k 306 • . . Ahn's Method of Learning BVench and [German. S 24 Arithmetic and Key. Bonny castle, S 64 « Elementary, Treatise on. Young. S69 .» Key to « S 65 " Equatlonal. IJipdey* Q 73 Art of Thinking, The. S 305 P»acon and Locke's Essays. Q 176 Criticism, Elements of. Lord Kamtt. R 117 Composition and Rhetoric. Quakenloa, II 118 ........ . Decision of Character. Fc$Ur. R 45 ......... . Deaf and Dumb, Method of lagtrncting the. I' u I h •■i I !l 1 i SCIENCE, AKT, rfC, AC. Q 7G Education, Elementary. Mondeld. rjoQ '" " Principles «'t. ^^^^ liS^xirzhiem. S ooi M History of. ^ydth. j.^J " ami Knowlcd^'c. hverdt- S'304 ci 365..' ; .Kducational Catechisms. ^'Tf^ti S 325 Eloquence, rrinciples of. Mauuj. S262 Elocution, " ^.^ ^''- ^^f ^t'V R 10-2 English Composition Aids to. 1 arl^c>. Q140&U1.... " Language, The rnTZ S 108 " Gramuiar. C^^^ A^. li 15JI Euclid, Elements of. ^^- ^' ^^«'*<" II 20 How to Write, Talk, Behave, and do Busi- Q 83 Human Mind, Philosophy of the. Stewart. 286 k 287 " Understanding. Locke. S 323 *. '. . Hand Book for Readers and ^^^^^^^p^^^^^ T? 6 Intellectual Philosophy, Elements of. _ 8 345....!.... " Powers, The. Abercromhte. S 341 to 343 ... . Knowledge for the People. Timhs. n 1 ftO Lansiuage, Treatise on. A. B. Johison. S 247 '"!*■* '. Liv(?and Learn, a Guide to Correct fepeak- "^ '^ ' [mg, &c. Q 132 & R 08 . . Logic, Elements ot. "'^*tri//* Q58 " ASystemof. ^^l^- 8 2 Man and his Motives. i>''. ^}^oore. S 'm Mental Actim, Imperfect and Disoi^tlered. P. 155 ■"*'.".'.". . Mental Culture. ^ Zemson. VQ7 ■" . Memory and Intellectual Culture, ^^it;/^'. 0137"" .... Modern Philosophy, History of. J/o^rJ^. S 344" " . Moral Feelings,Philosophy of. Ahercromhie Q 346'. :::... .Moral Philosophy, Sketches ^0^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ .^^^_ Q207 " «-^--^«' '^^^^^•^ ^\1\L. 6«^^^ 1 104 Morals, Seneca's. I 2 & 3. . : Morality, Elements of. TU^t^f • II Mystery, Philosophy of. JJenay. p^ gg Object Lessons for Teachers and Parents. ndeld. zhiem. Smith. '^VtTctt. \laury. 'cthaiii. ^arket: athmn. Clarl'e. \ JIosc. Busi- [ness. 'iieioart. Locke. tg. Potter. if, 'Tomhic. Timhs. ^ohnson. t Speak- ing', &c. Vhately. Mill. . Moore. rdered. Zevison. Fowler. Jforell. 'cromhle !?/ Smith. n Smith. Whewell. Dendy. 'arents. SCIENCE, AliT, dt'C, «kC. 67 S 1307 tV: 30S.. . .Philosopliy, History of. J [envy. Q J>7 " • and Literature. Ilaiiiilton. Q 205 « of Sir W. Hamilton. O 281 to 287.. . . Popular Educator, Cassell's. H 99 "' Ignorance. Fbste?'. q 309 & 310 . . . Positive Philosophy. Comic. Q 344 iL'S 308.. Proverbial " '^P^^'- S 1 Punctuation, Trcaiise on. Wilson. S 210 Pursuit of Knowledge under Difliculties. Q 343 II 101 , . .Ilhctoric, Eleniunts of. Whateli/. Q 181 " Lectures on. Blair. Q 347 " Philosopliy of. CamplelL 11 151 " of Conversation. Jlervey. R 88 School, The, and Schoolmaster. Potter. R 158 Student's Manual. Todd. Q 190 .The True, Beautiful, and Good. Cousin. R 50 World of Mind, Taylor. NATURAL PIIILOSOPIIY-ASTUONOMY-MATHEMATICS, &C. Q 154 & S 3 . . .Architecture of the Heavens. Nichoh Q 248 & 250. . . Algohra, Mcnsuiation, Arithmetic, &c. S G6 Algebra, Elementary Treatise on. Iladdon. S 4 Aoironomy. llerschel. Q 231 " ' History of. S 81 " Treatise on. Rev. J. Main. S 229 " Lessons on. Mudie. R ln3 '' Popular. Mitchell. R 171 " and General Physics. Whewell. U 51 '' and the Bible, luirtz. Q 232 " Mechanics and Optics. [Ferguson. R 51 Astronomical and Philosophical Annual. Q 330 Comets, Treatise on. Hind. Q 20 tfe 21 Commentary on Newton's " Priucipia." [ Wright. Q 303 Conic Sections. Simson. S 9 Connection of the Physical Sciences. S 70 Differential Calculus. Iladdon. S 73 " " Woodhouse. I t I \ 58 SCIENCE, ART, &0., »tC. Q 75 Electricity, Introduction to. Ferguson. QOQQ ,.. " and G-alviinisin. CiithhertHon. S 104 to lOG. ; ". '. " Magnetism. Sh W.SJIarrh. 1M57 Electric Telegraph. Lardner. c ^Q3 ^ ^ t' "> I'\ UUjhion. S 184! Electrotype .Manipulation. Walker, S 23 Geometry and Key. Bonnycastle. S 78 &'71) " Descriptive. '/. F. Heather. y 30 ...... " Analytical. James ILann. S C7 & 08 .WW " Algebra and Trigonometry. Q 1 7 Geometrical Drawing, Text Book of. I 67 to t59 & lOO.E ravens, Earth, Air and Sea. ^^?f^^'^' g 10 «' " and Sea. Wilson. Q 249'. Hydrostatics. Bland. S 71 & 7-2 Logarithms, Treatise on. Law. Q 203 Mathematics. Hullon. Q 182 ... " Applied lo the Arts. Dwpm. Q 42 . ; ; ; ; ; ; ; * . ^ phiiosopuy of. comte. Q 133 " fo)' Practical Men. (ireijorn. Q 110! !"..'.... .Mathematical ilecreations. Robinson. S GO . ! .* Mechanics, Treatise on. Tomlwson. g 187 '' and Natural Philosophy. 2aU. Q243'&244... " Treatise on. Gregori/. JIQ Mcchpnics' Text Book. Aeti. Q 237 to 239 . . . Mechanical Philosophy. lioUnson. j^ 139 ^ ^ •" " Carperder. K 154! '. . *. Mechanism of the Heavens. ^ Olmsted. g 03 _" ' ' *. " Treatise on. 2' Baker. Q155*. Microscope, Treatise on the use of the. "iQaekGtt. g 201 More AVorlds than One. Sir D. Brewster. Q 6 .Natural Philosophy. _ Young. j^ 172 " " Elements of. Blake. q^uWWWW W WWW. " " ^ " liogg. S34G&347.... " '"■ Letters on. /i«^^/". Q 211 & 242... '' " Outlmesot. Playfair. K24c'c25 '' " andx\stronomy. \Lardner. g gg " " 2'omlinson. Q 131 Optics, Treatise on. Farrar. S 245 " '' ^''^' ^' J^rewsier. Law, science;,, AKT, itC, t«:C. 69 Q 302 Optics, and Optical Instrumeuts. S70 Plain Trio;(tn(riiielrv, Treatise on. Hann. Q 342 Pliii:itai7 iSystoui, The. NieJiol. Q 328 Plurality of AVorlds. Fontenelle. Q 70 Physics, Elements of. J)r. ArnoU. b 59 Pneumatics, Treatise on. Tomlinson, S 77 Spherical Trigonometry. Jlann, S 62 Statics and Dynamics. T. Baker. Q 72 Storms Philosophy of. Esj^j, S 27 System of the Creation. Taylor. R 03 Teneriife, an Astronomer's Experiment. S 61 Water. Power of. Glynn. SCIENCE AND APT-GENERAL. Q 268 Bacon's Novum Orgauon. Q 270 Beauties and Wonders of Nature and Science. S 367 Boy's Book of Science. Moffatt. Q 28i ik 286. . .Elements of Science and Art. Immison. Q 19 Gallery of Nature. Mihie. Q 51 vt 52 Lardner's Lectures on Science and Art. S 202 & 203.. . .Lectures on the Arts and Sciences. S 301 " " Advantages of Science. S 282 Marvels of Science. Fullom. S 348 & 349. . . . Philosophy of Common Things. Q 211 to 221 . . .Repertory of Arts. S 361 to 363. . ..Scientific Dialogues. Joyce, Q 138 " Miscelhin V. Qrifn. R20&21 " Tracts. S 244 Wonders of Science. Mayhew. E 60 VOYAGES AND TRA.VEL8. si' » 1 II! '.'I. i SECTION VII. VOYAGES AIS'D TRAVELS. Y 25 & 26 AbysHinia, Travels in. ^ Parhjns. y 20G " three years residence in. Y 326 Adventures in the Lybian Desert. SL John. X 65 to 68 Af^-anistan, Travels'in. ^ Mason. X 61 & 62 Africa, Travels in. Ltvmgstone. X 47 " Central, The Lake Kegious of. X 1 03 " " Seven years in. Y 24 .'.'.'.*.*. " Eastern, Travels in. X 46 " Ecmatorial, Adventures in. [JJu Challu. Y 332 " South, Ex])lorations in.^ Galton. Y 209 ". " " Missionary Life in. 2IqfaU. Y 406 ........ '. " Scenes in. Marry at, 2 164 " p'' jovery and Adventure in. Y 80. .* .* After Icebergs with a Painter. ^ ,^ , , llicv. L. L, NobU. Y185 & ISO. . . A Lady's Voyage Round the AVorld. Y 46 k 47 Algeria, :^[ilitary Liie in. De CadeLane. X 130 Algeria, Four months in. Blakedey. Z 105 Ali)ine Scenery, Travels among. Y 221 Alps, Glaciers of the. X 166 Amazon, Travels on the. Wallace. Y 201 " Voyage up tne. Edwards. Y 241 '.'.*.". America, Diary in. Capt. Marryat. Z 163 '* Northern C6ast of. Y30&Y145.. " Eamhles in. SulUvan. Y 2 " Sketches of. Fcaron. Z l-i3 & 144. . . " Travels in. Lander. Y 222 " Things as they are in. Chambers. Y 250 '. '. ...... '. " Lite and Lihe"ty in. Machay. Y 79 . . *. ! *. " North, Travels in. [lion. C. A. Murray. X4 '' " " i'^^;^; Y309, 10 & 831 " " '' , /^l/^('^- Y63&64 " " Nolcson. ProJ-. Johmton. X143&144... " " Great Deserts of. X 50 " Central, Notes on. Squier. X 101 & 102... " " Travels in. Stevmit. ^arkf/na. SL John. Mason. Ingstone. of. ; Challu. Galton. Mcffatt. Marryat. in. :. mue. Id. istellane. Uakesley. Wallace, a (7 roar ds, Marryat, SdUivan. Fearon. Lander, ^har/ibers. MacJcay. Murray, rike. Lyell. Johiinton. Squier. VOYAGES AND TKAVELS. Xl03 America Ceiitml, Seven years in. Z C2 " North, and the lludsoTi*8 Bay. [TyUr, Z 123 " And the Americans. Baxter. K 21 " And Italy, Notes on. Dickent. Y 43 American Indian Life. Y 50. , Amoor, V()ya89 4fe90 " Historical, &c. Tennent. X 70 China, Embassy to. Ellis. X8i.». ** Five Years in. Forhes. Y 344 " Mission, The. Dr. Dean. Y 345 " Lit^ in. Mil7t€, Y90 " Sketches of. Wood. X 89 ife 90, Y 164 & 5 " Travels in. Ditc. X91 to 93, Z . 124... " Tartary andTliibet. *« Z 5 " And tfie West Indias. Y 369 ...... .Circassia, Travels in. Dltson. Z 147 Circumnavicjatioa of tlie Globe. X 106 & 107... " ^ *• Y 205, Z 109 . . . City of the Sultan. Po/rdoe. X 48 ** " Saints. Burton. Z 3 Convalescent, The. N. P. Willis. Z 129 Cook's (Capt.) Voyages. Y 65 . , Corsica, Wanderings in. Gregorovius. Y 383 Crescent and the Cross. Warhurton. Y 381 Czar, The, his Court and People. X 83 ......... . Dead Sea, The, and River Jordan. Lynch. X128&129... " " and Bible Lauds. De Saulcy. Y 229 Deck and Port. Colion. X 64 Discovery and Ex^Aoration of the [Mississippi. Y 283 & 284. . .Egypt, Arabia and the Holy Land. Stevens. Y 417 * *' Greece and Palestine. Dr, Clarke. Y 130 " and Nubia, Boat Life in. Prime. XI " " " Explorations in. [Belsoni. X22..*.« .•••• " " its Monuments. JJawkn. X 69 " " the 11' )ly Lt) nd . Millard. Y463it461... " Village Life in. Y 189 .El Gringo, or New Mexico. Dams. Adams. pt. King. or. Ward. hinsione. Baker, Tennent. Ellis. Forhea. 7r, Death. Mihit. Wood* Hue. a Ditson. Po/rdoe. Burton, \ Willis. '(/orovius, arhurton. Lynch. h Saulcy, CoUon, • t .ississippi. I. Steve7i8, r, Clarke. Priine. ti. [Belsoni. JJawks. Millard. Davis. VOVAOES AND TRAVELS. 63 y 227 El Medina and Mecca. Y 363 England, A Month in. Tnckerman. Y 427 " A Tour in. Sir Geo. Head, Y333 " and its People. Hugh Miller. Y 440 & 441 . . . English Traits. Emersion, Y451 English Woman in Russia. Z 1 Eotlien. Khiglah}, Y 402 Europe, Loitorings in. Corson, Y281&282... "• Visit to. Sllliman. Z8 " A Year in, Griscora, Y334 " A Run Through. Y 121 & 122... " And the East. Prime, Y 108 European Life and Mannera. X 243 " Celebrities, Visits to.' Sprague, Y224 " Capitals. T 265 Famous Persons and Places. Y 471 .Fifty Years in Both Hemispheres. Nolie, Y385 Franklin (Sir J.) and the Arctic Regions. Y151 *' . ** Fate of. McClintock, Z 121 Forum and the Vatican. Ncvyman Hall, Y 88 & 81) France in 1829-30. _ Lady Morgan, Y248 " Social and Religions Customs in. Y 4()0 ** Holland and Belgium. y 124 & 124. . .Frontier Lands of the Christian and Turk. Z 64 Gerard the Lion Killer. Y 301 v^ 302. . .Germany, England and Scotland. [D^Auhigne, Y 228 " Home Life in. Brace. Y 82 ' TTamsez. Y 249 Greece, Mj Morgan. H 23 Duels and Duollinij, Notes on. ' Saline. a 27 to 30 Elegant Extracts. " H 1.15 & 116 . .England, Glory and Shame of. I 10 England's Fame and Glory Vindicated. H 26 Electric Telegraph, History and Philosophy [of the. H27 " « Story of the. II 37 Evenings at the Microscope. 1/2 Every Boy's Book. I 36 Five //«m7/. II 237 Sanitary Economy. 11 207 Satire and Satirists. Hannay. I 61: ... . Scenes in a Soldier's Life. H 220 Schlegers Philosophy of Life. H 221 ''' Miscellaneous Works. G 101 & 102. . .Soars' Family Annual and instructor. I 73 Seasons of the Year. H 238 '' Phenoi'ieua of iho. Hitchcocl'. I ! rl Wk MISCELLANEOUS 17 Seldon's TalDle Talk. II 263 Selections from W. S. Landor. II 287 to 290 . . " '' the Spectator. 1151 & 15?... 19 Self Help. Smi'es. 1 104 Seneca's Morals. II 202 Settler's Guide, The. H 170 Seven Sisters of Sleep, The. I 19 Shooters Guide, The Thom^aon. Ill Sydney Smith's Wit and Wisdom. I 87 Silent lie volution, The. Garvcy. G 106 Signs of the Times. Bunsen. H 279 & 291 . .Sisters of Charity, The. H 285 Sketches from Life. Laman BlancKai'd. 1 154 Slavery in the United States. Paulding. H 120 Social Science. G 151 Somerville's Diligent Life. I 95 to b9 Spirit of Chambers' Journal. II 240 Spinoza Refuted by Liebnitz. I 91 Sports and Games. II 227 Sportsman's Manual, The Young. 1 19 Spragge's Letter to a Daughter. II 154 Starrapers. E, W. Bcecher. I 85 Summer Time in the Country. II 244 Sumner's (Charles) Speeches and Addresses. II 1T3 Temperance lieformation, History of the. I 86 Temperature of the Seasons. JfUming, H 153 The Three Great Temptations. H 166 Theology of Inventions^, The. II 61 Things not Generally Known. II 97 Thoughto of Things at Home anil Abroad. G 53 to 63 Transactions of the American InstitiUc. G 68 " " Board of Ag'-i culture. I 90 Tolmcco, the Use and Abuse of. H 51 Trial of J. Stuart, in 1822. I 71 Voluntary PrInci])lo in the U. S., The. II 54 to 57 . . . .Wilson's (Prof.) Critical Essays. II 239 Woman in America. Miss Melntosh. H 8 " in tiie ZIX. Century. M. Fuller. 11 211 tfe 212 . .Women in England. Mm. Fills. G 177 Woftdws of Nature and Providence. H 260 World, The, a Workshop. Fwhand. m- CT • ' bmi.es. Oarvey. Bunseii, mchai'd. aalding. Beecher. ddrcsses. of the. Vkming, Vbroacl. fnte. ulturo. Oie. leJ'iitosh. . Fuller, ra. Fills. 0. Kwhand. MISCELLANEOUS — EELTGIOUS LITFatATURE. II 283 Year Book. 1105 Yonno; Mechanic. I 1G8 s.: 109 . . .Ziiiiinermaii on Solitude. T5 Conant. SECTION IX. RELIGIOllS LITERATUllE. * T -'''1 Analogy of Religion. FutUr. 15i'>le, Mountains of the. Mucfarlave. ^ 122 '' Sovereigns ol the. I^ ^i " and Astronomy. Kurt^. JJ'^0 ;\ not of Man. " I)r, Sprhuj. Ij 129 Hiblical Legends. Weil. U 1-1 J)Ook (The) and its Story. I^ 81 Bunyan (John) Riches of. U <^2 Chalmers, (Dr.) Correspondence of. U 119 Clialniers (Dr.) Discourses. 1^1 Clirist and his Apostles, Lives of. I>^ To " Lectures on the History of. 1* 21 Christianity, Apol gy for. U 1 2 " The Age and. Vaughan. 1^ 1^ " Evidences of. Caiivphell and U n't Chri;.tian Character, Studies of the. U 03 et G4 " Life. Dr. Arnold. 1^ 10 " '' Social and Individual. vr u A- ■ {.Baynt. V *' Missionary. U 85 (\)in])lete Duty of Man. Ret). ][. Venn. U 35 C.>rnelius the Cewuirion. Krammacher. IJ 31 Eclipse of Faith. lioqera U 32 " , . " . I^t^^ence of the. »' *-* 1'^ Essays raid Lwcviews, or Recent Enquiries in - [Theology. U 18 to , . .Essays and Review^, Replies to. Elavel'8(E-v, John) Works. U 78 Clirist Knocking at the Door. * Soo also " Rf lij^ious Histoiy." t pi IP! i! lii. I 7G RELIGIOUS UTERl'i'trtiK. U 70 • Fountain of Lift*. U 77 Method of Grace. U 131 Future State, Tlio. W/iateJy, U 115 Geology and Scripture. D)', PyeSraiih. V Gleanings of Sacred Pliilosophy. U 88 Gregory on, the Evidences. U 1 Heavenly Token, The. />. A. Ilanha. V 22 Hervey's Meditations. U 84 Iloplvins on tlie Ton Commandments. ^ . T 32 Human Soul, Constitution of tho. Sforrs. T 22 Infidelity, its Causes, Agencies, &c. Pearson, U 89 ** Its Cause and Cure. Dr» Ifelson. T 41 Koran. IT 29 & 30 Land, Tlie, and tlic Boole. V 7 , . Last Days of Eminent Christians. [T U 8 .Life in Israel. Richards. U 117 Life and Ecligion of the Hindoos?. Oangooli/. I 107. .... . Mammon. Hams, IT SG Man Primeval. " U 57 Moral and Mental VWo5oy)hy.DrX7ialmcrs. IT 34 Mullers Life of Trust. T 1 1 IT 87 .... . Natural Tl leology. Paley. IT55&5G .... " Chalmeri*. T 37 Newton's, (Rev. John) Works. IT 116 Notes from Plymoutli Pulpit. IT 83 Owen ot) Forgiveness. IT 124 Palestine, its Bible History, Ac. IliUard. IT 112 Pilgrim's Progress. Ihmyan. IT 113 " ' Lectures on. Oheever. IT 12C Power of Ileligioii. Lindlvy Murray. IT 37 Prc^-Adamite Earth. Harris. U 53 & 54 Priest and the 1 Lugiienut. IT 80 Eefornied Pastor, The. If 58 & 59 Peflections on the Wojxl of Uod. Sturm. U 130 Religio Medici. Sir T. Brmmic. IT 52 Religion of Geology. Hitchcock. Til " in the East. V 1 Religious Extracts from Bhakspcare. "Whatejy, .. Uanha, !ltS. . Sforrs. "*earson, •n Nelson. Richards, Gangooly. Hams. it .Chalmers. Paley. Chalmerit, Jlihhard. Ihtnyan. Cheevcr, y Murray. Harris. Sturm. T. Brmmic. Hitchcock. arc. BliMOlOUS LITERATUBl'. — LlLRAR-k OF KErEBKNi:!;. 77 U 127 Religious System of Professetl Cluistians. V 23 Retrospect, Tl i c. ir 33 Revivjil in Ireland, History of die. U 86 '^' " in 17-lb. HdwartU. V 5 ••.Royal Kxclumgo Jind Palace of Industry, V 24 Sabbatli Essays by Workinf^ Men. ir 71> Saiiith' Eve.-lastino; Rest. ' Baxter, V 2 Scripture Lands. Kitto. E3S7 " History. ^ Hall V 21 *' Manners and Cnst()n7s. U 111 Seven Years' Preaching in Sa»i Francisco. [^laylor. IT 128 Shepherd of Bethlehem. U 122 Sovereigns of tlie Bible. Eliza JR. Steele, V 8 Smooth Stones from Ancient Brooks. \Sj)urgeon. U 125 Steps Towards Heaven. T, S, Arthur. U 1 Theism, a Prize Essay on. Tulloch, V 4 The Nestorians, or Lost Tribes. Grant. V 10 The Three Divine Sisters, *S:c. V 3 , Voice Irom the Desert. Simpson, SECTION X. LIBRARY OF REFERENCE. W R 28 Atlas, The Universal. *♦ 11 " " National. " 38 " Johnson's Physical. " 101 " of the Counties of Ireland. " 108 " of Astronomy, Johnson's. " J»D Astronomy, Smith's" lUnstrated. " 201 & 202American Literature, CyclopjBdia of. " 302 " Farmer's KncyclopaidI?i. " 4.54 Borii-i (Wisconsin) Directory. « 85 Bible, The. " 312 " Dictionary, The. " 274 & 275.P.ibliotheca Amer:canp., 1820 to 1855. " 402to4t>9.Bibliographer's Mannal. " 203 l>iogra]>hy, Cyclo]){pdia of. •' 381 tfc 382,Biographical Dictionary, .,.1: !;l |. 1 ifi II 78 MUKAUV «»F KKlKJJKNCi:. W R 331 Book-kfopiffi^, Foster's System ot. ** 15 & 272, & 273 ..Brittumln nud C<»n\v:iy Tubular Bridge. »* 450 Britain, (xieat, Topography of. " 453 Britisli Kmpiro, Tliej'Biograjdiical, Gcof^ra- [plucal and Historical. ♦* 321 to 327 " Cycl(.)pj\idi;i of 8ciouce, Art and [Literature. •* 477 Builder'.- Brico Book, Tlic. " 221 to232Burru\vV Kucyclopiiitli:i<.>nlio ArtsScIenccs [and Literature. •» 481 Oubluct Lawyer, The. ** 257, 357.. Canada Directory. »* 436 Canadian ConvcyaTicer, The. « 442 " Gazetteer. W, IJ. Smith. ** 438 " Almanacs. " 243 Carpenter's Assistant, Brown's. " 61 to 64.. Chambers* Encyclopa}dht. " eStoGG.. " Dictionary. «« 364 Charleston, (S. C.) Census of. '< 98 Chemistry, Youinau's Atlas of. " 361 Chicago Directory. ** 235to240.C]arke's Commentary. " 271 Classical Dictionary. Anthonys, « 305&306.Commercial " McCuUveh's, " 278to2Sl.ConsoIidated Statutes, The. *« 456 Corner ('upboard. ** 03 ..... . .Crown Lands,Keport of theCommissloucrof. «* 317 Cyclopaidia of 6,000 Receipts. <« 473 &474.Dates, Index of. »* 356 " Dictionary of. " 81 Dawson's Report on Red River ISettlemcnt. " ill Decorations from Pompeii. «* 243 to 245.DictIonary, The Imperial. " 251 & 252. " Webster's. 311 " English and Latin. 246 " Gaelic. " 316. ... *' Walker's Pronouncinj*. « 106 Drawing Book, Chapman's American. " 366 ..e . . .Educational Manual, U. C. " 437....* Education, Middle Class. •< 107 Electric Telegra])h, Diagram of tins. ** 288 Encvclopiedia of Science^Litcraturo andArt. «* 161 to 217. ' " Britanuica. idgc. Gcof^ra- istoricdl. Irt and teraturc. Sciences teruturu. '. Smith. >ioucror. ticmcnt. an. 5. andArt. wnuARY OF i;efi:rioxck. f^ ^^« J^ ^^ ** *^^* ^'^^ ^^^'^^ *"'^^ Sciences. ** ^'l^ „ " <'t' the Industry of all Katlons. '*^'' »i.t>irine. Stcatn, Treatise on tlie. " ^^^ " •* Kngruviuus otMho. " 40 Eti«,'incer.s* and Hacliinists' Drawiiiir Hook. -'"^S Kxliibiti.^n or 1S51, Repurt of the Juries of. ** -J^^l Farm, Dictionary of the. " -^ ^^ Foret^ni Kxclinnge, Manual of. " -iTl French-Kn f;lisli J)ictionary. ** 1^.53 Sc 254.Ga/.etlcer, The Imperial. " '"'T!^ " of the United States. " o03ife30-i.Geofrrnp!iical Dictionary. ** J>1 Gcoiogical Reports, Plans of tlie. " ^5 Geometry, Plates to the Treatise t»n. ** IS Great Western Railway of Enghuul. " '''^l Greek Antirpiities, Dictionary of. " 105 Gymnastics, Instructions in, ** "JTl Hamilton City Directory. " -3 IIodo;e on the Steam Engine. " ^2 Hind's lieport on tho Assiniboine and Sai-' « i-Q T • w.i- [katchewan. " 4oS Inquire Within. " 102 ii' loa.lreland, Topograj)hical Bictionarj of. " -^07 Latin, Affinity of t!io Gailic to the. " ^1^* Legal Forms, Itichmond's. " 2t5(5 Library of Farliainent. " .'JS^r List of Kew Works. " 4^^ Literary and Educational Year Book. " 'iFi London Catalogue of Books, 1831 to '55 " 451) London ((.J. W.) Director^'. " 4^5 " The Pictorial Hand Book of. " 2(5..... ..Maps, Miscellaneous. " iJ3 " of the Townships of Canada. ** i-Hl Masonry, Shaw's Practical. " 443 Mechanics' Institutes, Hand-book of "452 « « Manual of. " 264 & 265. " Dictionary oL " 330 to 338.Minntes of Toronto City Council. " 3S5 Municipai Manual. ** 43 Ornamental Designs. ** •U.'J P.atcnt Office Report, American, 1854. " 181tol60.PennyCyclo^ia3dia, Tho. 80 LIBRARY OF REFERENCE— VALUABLE ILLUSTRATED WORKS, VV K 441 Philosopliy, Fleming's Vocabulary of. « 460 Pronouncing (lazcteer, The LFniversal. «< 121 Prefaces to the Kditiones Principes. " 54 Quadrature of the Circle, ♦♦ 40 J. to 42 1 .Queen's Bench Pteports. « 451 Quotations, Dictionary of. '* 67 to 71..Iwoe'sEncyclopcedia. «* 391 Kicliniond's Legal Forms. « 116 Stone Cutting, Plates to Treaties on. " 97 Studies of Heads. " 313 Synonyms, Crabbc's. « 491 Technological Dictionary. " 368 Toronto City Directory. " S7 United States, Statistics of the. " 392 to 394.Upper Canada Jurist. " 484 & 485. " " Law List. " 444 & 445. " " Directory. « 455 World's Progress, History of the. I i ! !• SECTION XL' VALUABLE ILLUSTRATED WORKS, «feo. W 15 to 22 Albion, The New York. " 201 to 214... Art Journal, The. " 105 Ballou's Pictorial. " 1G5 (o ISO.. Builder, The. " 351 Colour and Taste. ^ Sir J, G. Wilkinson. " 340 Cuvicr's Animal Kingdom. " 332 & 333. . .Decorator, The Universal. " 345 & 340.. .Goldsmith's Animated Nature. " 335 & 336.. .Goodrich's Illustrated Natural Higtorj. "91 to 94 Harper's Weekly. "331 llogarth'i Work*. VALUABLK ILLUSTRATED "WORKS. W 51 to TO.... Illustrated London News. *♦ 110 to 120.. " « Timea. U " 334 Landscape Painting, The Theory and Prac- [tice of. « 251 to 31«... Punch. »* 140 to 144... Scientific American, The. "3 to 7 VittruTiut Britanicus. I IN 13 E X . I II Rulen and Jier/ulations of the Librar>/ and Reading Room I. Rules and ReguUt lions for the Admission of Suh^crilers V. — • ■ PAGE Section I. — Hiogmphy 1 I 11.— History (Civil.) 11 » " «' (Natural.) 19 «• » '« (Religious.) 20 « III.— Novels and Tales 21 « IV.— Poetry and the Drama 42 " v.— Periodical, Literature, Pvcviows, Magazines, &c 4."> " VI.— Science, Art, &c.,~ Agriculture, Botany and Gardening 47 Architccturcand the Fine Arts — Decorative Art — Music. 49 Geology, Mineralogy, &c 50 Legal and Political Science, Political Economy 51 Manufactures, Trades, Commerce — Mercantile Arts. ... 52 Medical Science, Physiology, Phrenology, ilc 53 Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, Education, &c 55 Natural Philosophy, Asironoray, Mathematics, &c 57 Science and Art, General 59 Section VH. — Voyages and Travels •' GO " VIII.— Miscellaneous ^8 •* IX. — Religious Literature.. '5 « X. — Library of Reference • " « XL— Valuable Illustrated Works, &c 80 ii: Room I. ibers ...... V. I'AOE 1 11 19 20 21 42 &c 45 47 ivcArt — Music. 49 50 onomy 51 antile Arts. ... 52 y^ 0..C. ....... . oo :atiou, &c 55 natics, &c 57 59 .• GO G8 75 77 80 wm t