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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 . ♦ , i 6 VI /v^ Tk'i ^'^' '/. oaa.:)'ii .)r3 rt'T-'*- 5?*' ^y ■ ^t.»,-. b^MULa # ?-^j(ll((+ > ■> '■i l; ''lT!0.>Vu (ii t, I a,;: tS s '' s =c c _ * ^ ■•^ HI & v: OD r o (/I CI tsi » ryi ^ 'I br ^ ■^ t^ o Si K?^ H^ !:r !Z! .•^ o •■\ y^M * »— < •^1 * I— I **.•: M'fffWfct ii V"i| iiCTITTfc'ttiiHii^'.'in. n,irin "■L^/^^N/>^rj'rf^4«^ «».4«r/' ""?* Jf' w- "<::; m; r H— ! ^ 1-3 t*i ^ ^ t=^ H-3 ■. ss; i^ OC: ,. rf^^rfrf *^,v»* /■ i < V s v TT ^ '1 : it-/ ijiu,'' ■'.i'lVi •.' 'ilT /" THE OTERMTIOML FINANCIAL SOCIETY ••j-ilM" /f )■ LIMITED ARE I'REl'AUKD TO HKCKIVK SUBSCRIPTIONS FOP THE ISSUE AT PAR OF CAPITAL STOCK, THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPAIiY, ... . Incorporated by Roijal Charter, 1070. " -' t- ..,,,..„. _^. ,-..»? The Stock will be issued in Certificates of £20 each, and the Instahncnta will be payable ' as follows: — rn ^...inn. K — n.. «».>^ «— A««i:n»«4«„ I To 111' r(.luiinil ill the OVfiil £1 being 6 per cent, on Application. | of-,., All..„„e„tk,i»g>nade. 4 „ 20 „ „ on Allotment. 6 „ 86 „ ,, on 1st Sept., 1863. 5 ., 25 „ ,, on 2nd Nov., 1863. 6 „ 25 ., ,. on 1st January, 1884. £20 With an option of prepayment in fnll on Allotment, or on either of the days fixed for payment of the instalments, under discount, iit the rate of 4 per cent, pei annum. The Capital of the Hudson's Bay Company has been duly fixed at £2,000,000, of which amount the International Financial Society Limited have obtained, and are prepared to ofler to the Public, £1,930,000. The Sulixci-ibcis iri'l be ciitifli'd la mi Inleiesf, corn'sjio/idijiii- to thv. nmoiint of thvir Subxcripdon, in — /. The AkscIh (I'.irhixirv of yd". '.* (iikI ,") of lUe lludxoiis liiiii Coniiiiuii', n< eiitl/i /mil xjxi'ii/lh/ vnltii'il bi) vnmpvtvnt Vuliicrs itt tlfi'HUCiW. V. The LiiniU'd Trnifori/ of tliv Coiiijnini/. held umler their Chuiier, oiid ichhh extehdn over on extimoted ii/cs, nr )i/)iriirds of Sf/(!, 000,000 nrres. ;!. J C'ish Unhnin- of Vr, 0.000. Thr pn'sinl kcI iiicomr, iiroihdilc for dividiiid miiohiist Stuckhohhr.i of the Com/nuH/, .■ of ihe t'iiiu|i,iiiy, wiiiili, uiili flight cxct'i)! ions, liiivc hi'cii liitluMto exclusively of ii tradino clinrnrier, linve iiecii jirosciiitid t'nmi ilic diite of the Clinrler to tlie present diiy. It Iiiis liei oiiie eviiliiit lliiil tlie liine liiis mrived wlteii lliose operiilioiis nn s( lie extended, and the iinnieiise resiiurees of liie (oniiiiiiiNN IVi-ritory, lyiiiji' as it does between t'aiiiida and I'-ritisli Columbia, t^liould be developed in aeionlaiuv? willi tlie indiislriid spirit of the a,t;c, and tlio rapid advancenunt wbicli (oloni/ation lias made in tlie iiiiiitries adjiuent to llie Ilndson I'my territories. vi N The iiYurogc net nmiuul pruKts of tlu> Cuiiipaiiy, (after setting aside 40 per cent, of them as remuneration to the factors and servants at the (.'oaipmiy's (tosts and stations) tor the ten years ending the ;Ust May, 18G2, amount to t"8 1,000, or upwards of \ jjcr wnt. on the present nominal capital of C2,(K)0,(iOO. A portitin only of this iiu«>ni(' has luni distrihuted as dividend, while the remainder is represented in the a*si'ls and i)ahnu'es. The assets of the Company, in whieh the Subserihers will i)e entitled to an interest eorrespondini: to tlie amount of their Subscription, will consist of ^oods in tile iiiierior, on shiphoard, aiul other sto<'k in trade, including shippinliini.>' the means of cominuiiication between the Atlantic aiul I'acitic Oceans, a'loss the ( ontinent of IJritisli North America, as well as for immediate settlement in the interveinmr country. The territor\ is, nmn'over, ricli in mineral wealth, including coal, lead, and iron. In addition to its Chartcrcil territory, tlic ('imipany po>»css the following valuable landed propertv: .Several ]dots of land in Hritish C'oluuihia, occupviiig most t'iivoin'ablc sites at the mouths of rivers, the titles to which lia\e been confirnu-d li\ llcr Maje>tv's ( iovernnicnt ; farms, building sites in Vancouver's Island; and in Canada ten square miles at l.acloclic, on Lake Huron, and tracts of laiul at fourteen other places. The trading operations of the Company arc chietl_\ I'arried on in the fur-bearing and northern |H)rti , > • ,• Consist«'ntly with these objects, the outlxinj) c>lalcs and \alnablc farms will be rcalix'd where the land is not required for the use of tlu; Conqiany — the southern district will hi; opened to European c(doni/aiion, iiiuler a liberal and systematic scbeni" of land settlement. l'os>cssing a statf' of I'actors and ofticei's who are distributed in small centres of civilisation over the ierritor\, tlic Coni))an\ can, without creating new and costly establislnneii P, inangiUMle the nen |M)li(\ ol' ccilKni/alion, and at the same time dispose i]f mining grants. With the view of proNiding the ncaiis ot teii-griipbic anil )Hwtiil communication between Canada and Hritisli Colmnbia, across the I'ompany's territi)r\, and ibercbv of coihum ting ilie Atlantic and I'acitic Oceans, b^ an e\chi»iM'l\ Krilisii roiile, ncgotiation> have been pending fur sonu> time past between certain |(artie- and llcr .Miijest\"> ( Icnernnienl and (be represenliiti\cs of the (iovernnicnt of Canada, and prebminary arrangemi-nls for the acioinpliNliMieiit ni' thi'se objects have been niaJe throuiib Her Majesty's (jovernment (subject to I lie tiiial >ancticiii of the Colonies), liased upon a J per cent, unarantei' from the ( io\ci niiieiits of Canada, Hritisli Coliniihia, and \ iiinoiiver Island. In I'urtlicr aid of these Imperial objects. Her Maje>ty"s Cinvernnient have signitied their inlenlion to make grant> ol' land to the extent of about 1,000,000 acres, in pnriions of the Crown terrili.iy iiMversed bv the proposed tcdegrapliic line. Oiu- of the first objects of the Conipanv will be lo exaniiiic I be facilities and cciii>ider the best means for earrving out tin-; most imp a-lani wi rk, and there can he little doubt that it will be successfully executed either by the lludsoii's I5ay Conipan) il-elf, Nunw ill full Address ill full Diite — II ilu' ii])i'lif;ml has hUlitrlii tiKii n liijlik. ol llmlMin's U.iy Stufk, ur in a jiiuprietiT ul Sluuis in tlio ]-'in:iiK'iiil S.)eiL*ty l.iiuUviI. tilt t'iu't ^liimlti t.r viiiU'.I, tiij;).'ttu-r willi ii iiiiinoriiiitlniii nf llu' iimoiiiit S ( ) N ' 8 \> A V (.' O All ' A N V BANKERS' RECEIPT FOR DEPOSIT ON APPLICATION FOR ALLOTMENT OF STOCK. iicrrilirJ) the day ot' , ISti.?, of - — on account (it' llie Direclors of (he Imkiina I kin Ai. Kinanciai, Sorii'rv I,imiii:i), the sum of f lii>inif till' tlrst instalment made in aicordaueo \\ith tiie terms of tlie I'rnspecuis on an apjdication for ;in allotment of .. ('ertificates of l!'Jll eiicli in the mImim- midertakine-. For Mksshs. (!IAN, MILLS, & CO., Bav