Nisei IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET {MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 1 5 25 - ilM 111112.2 36 12.0 1.8 1.4 1.6 6' % ■' %^^ o^s ^ "# •c'l o 7 # Photographic Sciences Corporation # ^ ^. '^<\^^ o ou round and show you the lots, and if tnere are four of you it will only c (it you fifty cents a day each. Th^t won't brea^ you. If they cannot go, th-ey will find some othey qualified person to go with you. Ponsonby is full of everything a man needs ; of timber, there is beech, tamarac, pine, maple, spruce, oak, — in fact, nearly every tree you can mention. Lake, stream, rock, hill and dale, beaver meadow, and rolling upland — you can choose what suits you. And you do not buy a pig in a poke either. And when you return from your trip, I doubt if you will find that it has cost you a five dollar bill. We have two saw-mills, planing mills, grist mills, four or five post offices, s^chool-house8, and Little Bethels in ga- lore of every creed and denomination. They even have a Protestant Dissenting School. Whal> that is I don't know. Perhaps the Editor can tell us ; they are generally walking cyclopedias. But good bye. I must catch the train for Montebello. My boy is waiting there to leisurely drive me home free from care. Ta, ta ! Stay a minute, you say? Well? But are we not dread- fully dull in tht wintertime? Why, no. We have more company than we vant both summer and winter. People here have so much time on their hands that they do not know what to do with it, therefore they visit. Why, I have seen some fools drive ten miles to get a bottle of whisky, and teu miles back, making twenty miles. How many of you boaste citizens can afibrd to waste that amount of time and energy on such a frivolous matter ? Could you do it ? Not much. Yet some of these m^ n would not take $1,000 for their little farm. How many of the common chumpy workmen will you find who have a bank-book or a house they would not take $1,000 for ? Hp, ha !' Farewell ! All aboard for the Ottawa train ! So my droll friend was gone, and I am itching to follow him. \ /'sjl, mpij iMj, >A ; I' '\ for nd If to 1 i • > er, ct, lill / M ^ er. ou r' or ;a- a w. pg :or ne * id- ►re ' (■ 3le en eu jte gy h. :\e ou to, y KG ^a to i * ^ im 1 A V ' , '•' i