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 ♦^hHIb is a pathetic and eloRf^^i iimpUcity 1n4M wri- 
 ' tin^ of great ami good raen, Hiiic i I take to be Vie na- 
 ^ ^ufal result of conscious goodnelB and exalted virtue.-^ 
 ^ Iwis therefore highly delighted I with, a letter, which a 
 neighbour of mine, a Quaker, hai comiQunicated to me, 
 written by Mr. Pbnn, to his wifof and children, a little 
 . before his first voyage to America, and foundiafter his 
 *. death among some old MSS. qeVpr publisM/J have 
 ■ 'permission to c6py it, and herf fend it y<m. The ^n- 
 timents are not studied, nov^U ^r sublime, but simple, 
 sincere, and natural ; adapted to the occasion ; flowing 
 from the heart, and consonant with the rulos of the true 
 epistolary writingi Mr. Pena^ (as observed of Shaks- 
 peare) appears not so properly to "speak from Nature, 
 as* that she speaks' through him."^Whethor we view 
 . this great man in the light jof a legislator, historian, or 
 chronologist, we must allow he had great extent df kuow- 
 , lodge, accuracy of judgment, and quickness of invMi- 
 tion, and. I .think it is but justice to his memory to ob-^ 
 " serve^^that in all his writings, the gentleman, scholar, 
 and Christian are eminently coiJSpicuoulT^ r^^ 
 My I^BwdR Wife AND Children. ' 
 * My love, that sea nor land, nor death itself, can ex« 
 tinguish ur lessen towards you, most endeardBly visits 
 you with eternal embraces, and Will abide with you fo^ 
 ever, and may the God of my life watch over you, and 
 bless you, and do you good in this world, an(} for ever. 
 Some^ things are upon my spirits to leave with you,1h*' 
 ^our respective « capacities, as I am to one a husband, 
 and to the rest a father, 4f I should never see you more 
 in this world. '^ ' * 
 My dear wife, remember* thou wast the l^veof niy V 
 youth, and much the joy^f my life; the mostlbe|loved 
 as well'as the most worthy of all my eartlily cbiaforts, 
 and the reason of that love #iui more thy • iurafd than 
 ■ -1 1*. 
 ^^tttl^ ««dl»nel« (which y«t woro many.) God 
 **^, and thou kaoiref t it. I can say It wa^ a match of 
 Ul« fint thing; and the moat amiable and t^niitxRlns or- 
 2ikl"I L" **:;; **^: .^"'^ ' •"" »« '«*^« «»»««. «»d that 
 Si^liST."* ''**"''^' ^•*"^» «^«^ •«« *he° more in 
 ?»Lll i^\w ''"^•''''""^^* Vitothy4,o.om,and lot it 
 •^•ll with tlioe in my stoad vhilo tliou livost. 
 ki ^SlIfA^th\ of the Lord, and a zeul and love to 
 lor good over thj^self and thy dear children and family. 
 J?*Ii"%'^®J'«fl"* *"■'*«'* *^'"'? he committed; olso 
 «od will be offended, and he wUI repent himself of tlio 
 good he intends thee and thine. 7^ 
 2dly, Be diligent in meeting* "of worship and business : 
 «tir up thyself and others heroin : 'tis thy duty and 
 place ; anddet meeting bo kept once aday in the fami- 
 ly to wait upon the Lord, who has given us so much time 
 tor ourselves— and, my dearest, to make thy family mat- 
 tors easy to thee, divide thy time, and be regular; 'ti< ' 
 Otiy and sweet; thy retirement wjll afford tlieo to do it; 
 .21? «• jnornjn^ to view the business of the bouse, an4 
 'Hi It at tnou Jesirest. seeing ail be in order; that by 
 thy council all mav move,. and to thee render an account 
 QWiy evening. The time for work, for walkin^r, for 
 laeaU may be certain, at least as near as may bet and 
 grieve not thyself with careless servants, they will dis- 
 ^ order thee; rather pay them, and let them go, if they 
 will not be better by admonitions ; this is the best ta a- 
 void many words, which I know wound the soul, aniTof. 
 fend the Lord. 
 Sdly, Cast up thy inconv^, and see what it daily a- 
 mounts to ^ by which thou gayest be sure to have it in 
 tlyr sight and Dower to keep within compass ; and I be^ 
 seech thee to live low and sparingly, till my debts are 
 paid, and then enlarge as thou seest it convenient. Re. 
 member thy mothei^s example, when thy father's pub. 
 lie spiritedness had worsted his estate ( whiclvis my case.) 
 I know thou lovest plain things, and are averse to the 
 pomp of the world ; a nobility natural to thee. I write 
 «ot as doubtful, but to quicken thee, for my sake, to b# 
 '\ ' . 
 * t 
 '. r 
 Qioro vigiUnt linrrin, knowing that God will blois thy 
 caru, aiuF thy pobr childr«n and theo fur it. My mind 
 is wrapt up in a saying of thy faihor's, " I dosi|ro nut 
 richus, but to owo nothing^' and truly that is wtt.dtii ; 
 and moj-e than enuugh tu Uw is a inaro attnndeilj with 
 many sorruws. I need not bill thou be humblu, ,t(ir thuu 
 art su ; nor meek nnd pationt, for it is much of thy natural 
 disposition — but 1 proy thr'u be oft in retiremunt with 
 tho Lord, and guard against encroaching friendships.— 
 KiM'p them at arm's end ; for it is giving away our pow- 
 er, aye and self too, into the possession of another; and 
 that which niight seem engaging in the beginning may 
 prove n yoke and burthen, too hard and heavy in the ^ 
 end. Wherefore keep dominion over thyself and let thjfi 
 children, good meetings and friends be the plefasure of - 
 thy life. 
 4thly, A.nd now, my donrest, lot mo recommend to 
 thy care my dear childVen ; abundantly beloved of me 
 as the Lord's bles^tin^s, and the sweet pledges of our niu- 
 tual and endeared affection. 
 Above ail things, endeavour to breed them up in the * 
 love of virtue, and that holy plain way of it whicli wo 
 have lived in, that the world, in no part of it get [nto ray^i 
 ftUfnily' I had rather they were homely ihati finely bred,, 
 as to outward behaviour ; yet I love s\tWiness mixed 
 with gravity, and cheerfulness tenipen.>dJH||f 'sobriety. 
 Religion in the heart loads into this true civniiy, teaching 
 men and worflen to be m'dd and courteous in their bpha- 
 Vviour, an accomplishment worthy indeed of praise. 
 \ 5thly, Next breed theirj up in a love one of another ; 
 tell them His the charge I left behind me; and that 'tis 
 the way (o have the love and blessing of God upon them 
 also what his portion is whp hates or calls his brother 
 fool. Sometimes separate them, but not long; and al- 
 low them to send and give each other small things, to en- 
 dear one another with. Once more, I say, tell them it 
 was my connscil, they should be tender anH ufTectitmate 
 one to another. For their learning be liberal ; spare 
 no cost; for, by such parsimony all is lost thatws saved ; 
 but let it be usoful knowledtje, such as is consistent with 
 trvth and go4iin(>8s, not cherishing a vain couversatiou or 
 -** .#1 
 F< 1 
 i«lt«) mimi ; Inil inffoniiSty mixi^d Willi iiulustry i« roo,| for 
 th« iHMjy Hii.i miii/l loo. I r«ronmwn,I ilm i|,ierii) mirU of 
 mmhomuticki. a» buildiiii( houHOj. or >ilii|H, imiMurhir, 
 ■urvcyinjr, dialling, n«vJR.uion, &c. but uijrkiilturo h h». 
 ivvclHlly in my eye— lot my «^llill^r«n bo huibaiidiiioii and 
 hou«nw.voi— 'tJiimhwlrioiw. honlihy, bonost.ttiid of jjood 
 exaniplo—Iiko Abrnlmm, uiid tiio holy aiicimitu, who 
 pieMOd God, and obtanuKl n good report. Thi» loiula 
 to consider the work* of God and niiruro, of tliinn that 
 Mto good, and divortu thomind from boing tnkoii up with the^ 
 ▼ain arts and invontions of a liixiiri(»us world. 'Tis com.; 
 nondablo in the princot of Gorniaby and nobloiof thar 
 •mpiro that thoy have all their children iiwtructed in 
 ■omu uselul occupAtion. Bather keep an ingonioui por- 
 tion in the bouse to teach thoiii than send them tb schools - 
 too many «vil improisioni being commonly received 
 there. Be sure to observe their genius, and don't cross 
 It as to lonrning— let them not dwell too long on on© 
 thin^, but let iheir change bo agreeable and all their di- 
 versions have some little bodily labour in them. When 
 grown big have most care of them ; for then are more 
 snares both within and without. When marriageable, 
 jee that they have worthy persons in their eye, of good 
 life and good fame for piety and understanding, I need 
 no wealth but suOiciency— and be sure their love bo dear, 
 fervent and mutual, that it may bo happy for them. I 
 chuso not they should bo married into emthjy covetous 
 Kindred; and of cities and towns of concourse beware ; the 
 world is apt to stick close to those who have lived and 
 tot wealth there— a country life and estate 1 like best 
 for my children;! prefer a decent mansion of an hundred ' 
 pounds per annum, before ten thousand pounds in Lon- 
 don, or such like place in a way of trade. In fine, my 
 dear, endeavour to breed them dutiful in the Lord, and 
 k t^^^"^ light, truth, and grace in their hearts, who is 
 their Creator; and his fear will "grow up with them -^ 
 Teach ^ child (says the Wise Mftn) the way thou wilt 
 have him to walk, and when he is olcf he will not forget 
 Next obedience to thee their dear mother; and that 
 DM for wrath, but for conscience sake — liberal to the 
 poor, pitiful to the miserable, humble and kind to all 
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 liid nmy my Ciod rnqko thee a blMiln,;. and giva i|,..' 
 eorofort in our dear children; and in «««" jwU,^ .fiel 
 to iho joy and ble«M,dn«.. of tlii ju^t (thc^ rdl.th 
 •hall jinpnralo uhJ for PviT. ^ ^ "" "vaiii 
 •!«■ of ilu, (iod of your tender father, hoar my couy,e| 
 • ""• y7, " "P ^ny"""^ »•«■"• ; lovo it mori) than treasure* 
 and folh.w It and you ,h>ill be bIo«i.«d here and hapny' 
 \^.^T *r*"' fi"t.dttco, r,m^n.ber your Cr^iator 
 n tlH, dav. of yo.iryoutJi~it war^ho gh'.ry of I.raol in 
 the id of Jereroiah-and how did God blest Jofiah. he- 
 c«u«e he fonrmi hini in hii youth ; and lo ho did Jacob 
 Josimh. and Mo«fm. Oh, my <lcftr Children, lemeinbor! 
 •Bd fear, and .erye him who made you, and give you 
 h> me and your dear mother^nd that you may live to 
 hiin, and Rh,rify •^him in your Koiierations. TodothJi 
 ... youryouthtol days «ook after the I.ord. that you W 
 find h,m r remembering hi. y, eat love in creatingToT 
 that you are not bea.t., plants, or stones ; but that ho 
 kept you, und pvon hisprure within and nubstanco with- 
 out, and provHiod plentifully foj- you. This remember 
 .n your youth that you may ho kept from the evil of the 
 tadnnr^'-;" "^^'"^^^ harder to Overcome the temp! 
 Inn "• c ^ •*"-^^°\«' ^y d"""- children, eschew the 
 appeal anco of evil, and love and cleave to that m>our 
 hearts that shows you evil from good, and tells you when 
 V^'?T?t: 1"*^ '•?P«-«v«.you for it. It is the light of 
 Christ, that he has given you for your salvation ; if you 
 dothis, and follow my council, God will bless you in 
 this world, and g.ve you an inheritance in that which shall 
 never have an end. For the light of Jesus is of a pu! 
 ite» '*r'* T""""*^^'** ^»'° '«^« i^ and take 
 heed to i; and never eaves such till it has broughl them 
 to the city of God, that has foundations. O • that v^ 
 may bo seasoned with the gracious nature of if ; hide it 
 ^Iaa ' A ''^'" T'^^ pastimes, and pleasures of this 
 world ; redeeming the time because the days are evil — 
 xou are now beginning to live— what would some civ* 
 for your time ! Oh H could have lived better, we?e f 11 
 you, m the flower of youth. Therefore, lovi and fw 
 . ■,.... 1 
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 the Lora, keep close to meetings, sind delight to ^ait up- 
 6« ilie Lor.l G')cl ofyoar ftulie; uMtl mother, among liif 
 desi.is««l p«!1)|j1«, us we li.ivo done, and count ityourhonr 
 our to be membfiM oftiMt society, and lions ot that liv- 
 ing fellowship which is enjoyed among them, lor the ex- • 
 poneuee ut which, your l^tthur's soul blesseth the Lord 
 for. evor.:,if ■■ ^ • - '■/ ' ■''%^' ' '' ''''■,■ ^ ' '"- '■:1 '■■■ " ' :■'■''■' 
 Next, he obod4ertt,to your Bfear mother, a w^oman 
 who.4o virtiios and good name l^in.hou our to you ; for 
 sho has h«en exceeded by none iK lior time for hei* pla.n- 
 pcHs, integrity, industry, ■ humility, virtue, and good un- 
 derstanding— quHlities not usuivl am »n2 Wome^n of her 
 worldly condition and quality. / 11ierel«rre>: honour and 
 nhcv her, my dear clnldrep, as your mother, and your 
 fatlier's Ibvo and delight : hay, Jtcr too, lor she loved 
 your frther with a deep and upright lbve,<^ia3ing him be- 
 fore hU her many suitors, and though she h^«of a delicate 
 constitution and noble spirit, yet she descended to the 
 utmost tondf-rness and care for you ; perform.ng thepain- 
 fullest acts of service to you in your infancy,as a mother 
 an<l a nurse too. I charge you, before the Lord, hoaour 
 and obey, love and cherish, yonr dear mothei^/ ^ 
 Next, betake yourselves, to some honest, industrious 
 coursc^f life ; and t4iat not of sordid covetousness, but 
 for example, and to avoid iiHeness. And if you change 
 your ondition and marry, chuse with the knowledge and 
 consent of your mother, if living, guardians, or those 
 that have the charge of you— mind neither beauty nor 
 riches, but the fear of the Lord, and a sweet and amiablo 
 disposition; auch as you can love above all this world— 
 and that may make your habitations pleasant and- dcsna- 
 ble to vou. Antfbeine married, be tciider, affectionate, 
 and patient, and meek. Live in the fear of the Lord, 
 and he will bless you ami your offsprings. Be sure to' ' 
 Hve within compass, borrow not, neijther be beholden to 
 any ; ruin not yourselves bykindnd^ to others, for that _ 
 exceeds the due bbnds of friendshfp, neither will a true 
 friend expect it. Small matters Meed not. Let indus- 
 try and pa simony go no far^heft^tMirfor a sufficiencv for 
 life, and to make a |)rovisijp»forl)ur cbildren, (and that 
 i» moderation, if the Lordto^^^ 
 j-aJ^j.,^ 1«S4^ ,-. 
 , *. 
 to help the poor lUM the needy ; let the Lord have aro- 
 luntary share of your income, for the good of^hS poir 
 both .n ow .ocety and others ; for Fe%re all W, "Jrwl 
 Sh'VoXUrT"*!?' ' " ^!**"' gire^lo the poor JS. 
 SSoSn . i^ K ^°'''' ''*" your incoBlliigs/ end your 
 .outgoings nuav be better regulated. LoS^ot money 
 WsrL 1 • T*^** ^^"'^ »"«* they will terve you; 
 but If >ou lovd them, you serve them ; which wiM de- 
 base your spirits, as .well as offeqd the Lord. ?Hy the 
 dbtressed, and hold out a hand of help to them ; it may 
 be your case ; and as you mete tp others, God will mete 
 Jr«r"J^'"* *«h;™hjeand gentle in your conversa- 
 tion, of few woads I charge you, but always perti^ 
 when you^speak ; hearing out before you attempt toSn- 
 smer ; and then speaking as If you would persuade not 
 wapose. Affront none, neither revenge the affronts that 
 T„ ''"«*' ^^"/ t"* ^°'e'^« «"** y«» »hall be forgiven 
 wtet^""?"*? ^^^^^'' '" making friends, consider 
 iT« If J ®°** '^***° y**" "P ^"^^ •»« «'"« not wavering 
 not .T?'li"^'i^'^''*'"« in a«iction ; for that becomes 
 m €:ood and Virtuous. Watch against anger, neither 
 «»eaknor actkiMfotJikadruoHesW^rt^^^ 
 iTh «°l<hrows^people into desperate inconveni;nce. 
 -^•uiM ii«u«i.Si^*GT tney SrS itiieveii in disguise ; thefr 
 praise isrcostly, designing to getJby those they bespeak; 
 they are the worst of cieatures ; they lie to flatter, and 
 flatter to cheat; and. which is wcrje, if you believe theiii 
 you/:hea*youraelvet most dangerously. But the virtuoiw, 
 though poor, love, cherish, and prefer. Remember Da- 
 vid, who asked the Lord." Who shall abide in tbytaber- 
 nadel Who shaU dwellin thy holy hiirt"^nswer : 
 He that walkethuprighdy, wprketh righteousness, and 
 sp^aketb thenrutb m bis heart, in whose eyes the vile 
 person 18 contemned, but honoureth them who feareth the 
 Lord. Next, my children, be temperate in all thioes ; 
 in your diet, fcr that is physic by prevention, it keeps! 
 nay it makes people healthy, and their generation sound. 
 Ihis is exchisive of the spiritual advantage it brings.— 
 ^ also plam in your apparel; keep out that lust which 
 reigns too much over some ; let your virtues be your or- 
 naments, ^remembering life is more than food, and tH 
 t y 

 .'^ ,, f:.r 
 >f- ■;■* 
 body than raiment. Let xour furnitore be simple andr^ 
 cheap; avoid pride, avarice and luxury. Read my 
 • " No CroM, No Crown f* -There h insttXictibn.-^ 
 Make your Cbnvenmtion witl themnst eminent fdr^WiSr • 
 domand piety, and shun all wtelcod- 4i»en, a» you hope 
 ibr the blewing oflJpd, %t^ the* comfort of yonr <|ther s 
 liiang and dying prayers. ^sur^^Rou speak no evil ot 
 any, no, not of tli^ meanest f-mach less of your supe- 
 riors— as magistrates giiardiansftutors, teachers andel- 
 ders in Ohrist. ' •, ' ^ 
 Be no busy-bodies ; meddle not with othe? folks matters, 
 buti when in conscftnce and duty prest^for Jtjprocurfts 
 trouble, and is ill manners, and very enseemly W^se toen. 
 la your families, remei»bei»A«>vnSm. Moses and Joshua ; 
 their integrity to the Lord: and do as 3^» •»^« 'K'^J®! 
 your examples. Let the fear, and service of the hving God 
 be encouraged in your houses, apdthift plainness, sobriety; 
 and moderation in all things, as bec6meth God's chosen peo- 
 ' pie— and, as I advise yoq, mV bek>ved children, do you 
 counsel yours, if God should giv^ you any. Yea, I counsel 
 and comtaand them, as my posterity, that they love ana 
 ^erfC^LiBrd Godwith an i^ight hearti th^ he may 
 bless you and yours, from generation to generation. Ana 
 jui for |dn,'%ho aw lively to be concerned in 0^^ 
 of Pennsylvania, and my parts of East Jersey, especiallyrtne 
 first, I do charge y9u, T)efore the Lo^d God and his hohr 
 angels, that you be lowly, diligenlf and tender ; fearing G«»d, : 
 loviag the people, a^d hating covetousness. Let julrtice. 
 havej]^ impartni] course, and the law free passage'; thougb 
 to your loss protect no man against Ft;. for you are not 
 above IhJ law, but the law above you. LiW, therefore, the 
 lives yourselves you would Jtave the people •^live; and then 
 you have a right and boldness to punish the transgressor. 
 Keep upon the f^uore, for God sees yoi*»rthv€fpre doyour, 
 diijbv— and be sui« you see %ith youV own eye<, and heajs 
 #itnyour own ears. Entertain no lurch«jpiir-<diprish no in- 
 formers for gain or revenge ; use no tricks; Hj to no dfevicea 
 to support or cover injustice ; but let your hearts b^ VIF*8hi 
 before the Lord, trnsting in him above the contrivances of 
 * men, and none shall be able to hurt or supplant. *- # ' .' 
 * Thn title of a book of his, in which hit i^^ligions BentiiDen(« tire re-, 
 oorded in a rtvle easy ,cooci«e nnd nerf<i«it ; hit raflecti<m#lnt€retlhig ; 
 bis arnmentt, fnr the tnesl fMurt,'jvi(, and gencratly forced hj fllostra- 
 rieet froa Scripture. 
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 Oh ! the Lord il a strong God, and he ean do whatso«ver 
 he pleases ;• and though men eonsider it not, it is the Lord 
 that rules and overrules in the kingdom of men ; and he 
 builds up and pulls down. I, your Father, am the man that 
 (ban say, he that trusts in the Lord shall not be confounded. 
 But God, in due time, will make his enemies be at peace 
 with him. If you thus behave yourselves, and so become 
 a terror to evil doers, and a praile to them that do well, 
 - God, my God nill be with you, in wisdom and a sound 
 mind ; and make you blessed instruments in his hand, for the 
 settlfnlent of sou e of those desolate parto of the world, 
 which my soul desires above all worldly honours and rich" 
 es ; both for you that go, and you that stay ; you that go- 
 vern, and you who are governed ; that in the end you roar 
 be gathered with me to the rest of God. Finallv, my chil- 
 dren, love one another with a true and endeared love, and 
 your dear relationll'on both sides ; and take care to preserve 
 tender afiection in your children to each other— often marry-* 
 /ing within themselves, so as it be without the bounds for- 
 bidden in God's law. That so they may not, like the forget-"^ 
 iting and unnatural world, erow out of kindred, and as cold 
 as strangers; but as becomes a truly natural and^hristian 
 stock, you, and vours after you, may live in the pure and fer- 
 vent love of God, towards one another as beeometh brethren 
 in the spiritual and natural relation. So my God, that has 
 blessed me with his abundant mercies, both of this and the 
 ether and better life, be with you all, guide you by his coun« 
 sel, bless you, and bring y/>u to his ete>,rnal glory; that you 
 XDjiy shine my dear children, in the firmament of God^s power 
 with the blessed spirits of the ju8t---that celestial family, 
 praising and admlringhim the God and Father of it forever 
 and ever. For there is qo God like unto him,the God of 
 Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacol); the^od of the Prophets, 
 the Apostles, and martyrs of Jesus ; ih whom I live fur ever. 
 So farewell to my thrice dearly beloved wife and children. 
 Yours, as God pleaseth in th%t which no waters can quench^ 
 no time forget, nor distance wear away, but remains for 
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