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Les diagrammas suivants illustrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 32 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 M MANITOBA Ai W CANADIAN NORTH-WEST, LETTERS PROM ACTUAL SETTLERS. iTOi.i f r Cf^) Alcxaniler Hfgt;, KiK]., (Jentrul Kiiiijjra- lioD A);<>ijt of the CunadjBii i'licilic liuil- way Cotu|iBny, Iiuh Ik'hi the reoipient of a luge miiiibcr of letter" from (irac'tical faruiefH in the Canaiiiuii North-Went which contain u creal ainoiiiit of ini|Kirt- SDt anil iiilere«tin({ inloiination witli re- gard to the agricultural cupahililies of the country. Um correH])onileulH are ncalter- «d all over Manitoba ami the Car.a"«• UMlnce,! to kin,l of ri.ltivat.o... They i.a.1 ,.11 the K.r- of a .ct, n? fru.u the Ca^i^ ,a„ * ,fl f ' ."''V,"^ "" "'^"'> '" ""• '•'""'• denluxuneHin KSundanoe-lettuce. pja,, luLav He Tow owih a "?,» r ]S ' ? ' « ""'" 'K""™'"^" "f •«noi.|. cuci.inl*r., uielon., oitronn. v.«e^l,i; acre, ./r «,k" Li^ U itk. te ..her ■ 1. ^-ullnr:;! iT'/T' ""'" •'"• <='»"• "^ niarrow-, onionn, oahba«ee, cunlitK.werH, .etilerM, l,a.i lo rouU , f ,r a ii e ml ' '^W,, v 1 l-l'^Trrn «„u M.mll Ac 4c. The^e sentlenien Kave l.en lir.t plu'ee of HU^na;; a |40 ri-- • " IT: to w. "k m' ' -" "' """"" '-'^ eighteen month- m the i;«„a,|ian North- K,.t he p.t al„„«. Thi- vear he h», "jli Went ami are nillv »ati«lie,| wilh their .icre« u.i.l.r cro.V. hut he.*! lear he exmrt- |.r««|*ct-ari,l witU the country. Ihey ^ay : to have 150. i/e ownn a pair of luul,., a Welia-Mio ie«ilalion in ntatiiiK that a learn of oxen, t»o cowe ai„l four l,e.,l ot man who m willing! Ui work aii.l lo put up youiJK cattle. Altogether Mi' lUi.l hv his with a few lucoi.venienceH at lir«t, cannot , imliiHtrv ami thrill .lunn,< the lu«t live help hii Huccee, We have foun,i the cli- vearH ha< .i, himself mil family very ' mateall we could wi,h. 1 he summer very comfoitahle. The account that he uive' Wtiiie looking. „..., j^m wit,, cold m^hU,, the winter -M , of iiimjelf . . inter.tu. U.^ «,lhonlyt2.2o I had neither turniture ac,|uire,l wluU, , the .■ir in, Z'- ..--.- - .„., .„,„ „^„, ''»""v>-.l',meHwerego(xl liien. I mun I* considered very lU'Z^^^^^^ uaHtin«, couiiiy, Un.ario. lie ^ui 3 :;;i;'i'','; i^'^'^rj^r'-vr^'"'^ '""-i ^ re,„i:i,:r;r;.r;'i:a!':' :,•; butpluckv. lie Mivslhat afier ei.ierinir ■ T, h <-«l'ilttl K" times are hard they were improving farms, er.rtin^ for his homes.eud he ha,l »ol one ,ffi ^^ririmmTto" ?:i;i^ '"''T' '""'''■■■»?".'•"' '"K ."uchinerV ll nu-r « ■" • ■ ■» '' ■ -- I wuM iiittii, vniiiiin lu roiiKli It, tttii (;t't n niir their iv»» ki<.<-^ il.<.., t .. i . start here heller Ihan uf the' ol,ier' pro Iht^.r h.mi! . Wit'n tfis , "CT'' vmce- 1 never ,ii.l any farm work unlil I mmd, the ri.pidity w, h wl ic p , , ^ ,v He iiadr.his'\ear;-ei;^;r";;;ver;;:;:r wi^^^*^^"" "h^",''"" » ca„a,.,an ...i,:.:^!:;;; ''r:.i'frr"- Kl^r:,,;::;';;,:: wheat, twenty ajren 'nn,ler oat^, aii^ ie : k 'TlTT "'"' h'"'""' ""-' ''■'''^''""' i """ ^"""^ "^^ *'^- H-*!*!'^ co res i .^.S acres under barley, lie had alio a con- ' 7^" '"''«•• "[ "tjr' or any txperienee o-. erestimate the value of iheir "am s ami Bideruhle biea,llh of lan,l under p^tat^l f ""'" """^ """'a>!i'J, rom a very small '■ mak.n^; every allowance nexio-Lera'lion and turnips, and a l'.h^I kite lei Ci^ S^Tw'^' ,'" ^'''i,"" '" "','' l-'"""'!'""! U will t seen that theVeai.™ "f Z His wife, he sav.., values his farnf a ten f^Y'.'-^^"' i «"■ will now .see how an Kng- Uettlers have ,h,ne U'lter in I he C» im,! an thousand dollars. Whether he re';a:r^ '^ ^rau^wh" he U.iXof '^u';''"'^ pros- ! Nor.h-West t , they couM'hirveZ e •ow he, aH I ^ ' '■ ''^ "'°'"' "' "'* country. | the same time, and engaged in the same Mil. QEORGK VANDKHVOOUT. of AlexBiiilria, MuniUiha, went lo the Ca- nailian North- West in June, 18711, from lelttotake liiin to the Cana,lian North- West. Thi.s was in Is,s2. He liai4 now a farm of ;t20 acr.-, with a hniig house ujHjn it built by his l»b,jr, ami worm, according lo Iiih calculation, flUO. that esliniale as t,x) high or too low he, as a ilutilul husbaii.l, does not say, but m'ost people will conc;u,le that the country in which a man who commenced worth fortv dollars le^s than nothing two Years ami a half ago, can ac(|uire such a snug little property as M . Trover possesses, cannot be a very bad one. Naturally this settler MR. OEOUOE DICKSON settled in the Canadian North-West in A|_ril, I8H2. lie wa.s not bv any means rich. After he got his family Irom lui-onto he had $000 to commence life with in the Caiiiulian North West. Jt ,;,,hi him ,«200 to gii a house to live in. He , . ' - *"fe">;",* 1,1 iiie same (JCCiipation, many of the eastern proviiue., «• '?! *"i* "' """' '^"1"""'''' "f the Old World. ).ct u.s take a few examples at random. MH. WM. M'KEaiyiICK, l>e a v.Tv bad one. Naturally this settler , ' ^m U>7 tliinks a great deal of the couutrv in which i . i^ ,.m - he ha« done so well in so short a lii e He s^l i '^l ,'" I,", ' •'^^ "",""' "^ ''""^- '^'1"- However, a,lv.»e« settlors to be cautious , ^'"'i'' ""'" 'Ti''' " ''"'"■"'I of ,x,r- and to husbaml their resource/. ZTe i a;!,1 1? f'"' "'"I'l"' "," ""^" «""■ **<■"' ooncludeH his letter by saying that "as 1 f , ""'Collected a nice litlle her.l of claim to be a successful N,^ .wester '"■'"" '"''"' V,'^'^'"'^"- ^'"' "''i'"''!" ''"v<- would be pleaded and mo.t I . to Le '1"'!' "'' "''" "? "*'' "'^"1'' '" '•^''^■'''"d advice and information to i_, ',,. ,iL set- ".I .'i 1"^ '"u"' '"'"^1'" ."^ l'^ can provMe tiers free ' now of llosebank Kami, Crystal, left t.,ml,ll,urn. ii. the County of Carle.on Unlario in llie spring ol IKSO to try his luck in the Cann.han Norih-West. He broiikdit with him $M00. He hoiiiesieaile.i ai„l r,re- emi.led ;i20 acres. He ha.s now 100 a'les under cultivation, a snug house, three h.-irses and other sUnik, an,l allogellier he advice an^ iufo'rmaliorto 'i_, ■." r,^1.'eV^ "'"', '"^ ""V,"^' '■'■elter a^ l,e can provi.i; "''"'■.'^ '"- l"-"l>'".v m *4,0«0, or li>e tiii,e« 'g «'''• lor them. He can get plenty of hay, and ' """■«"'^' '^"P""'- -Mr. McKertnck has MR D N niirMMM-T .Ihe cattle do as well on it is tney do on 'T'" «■■"""'« '"^'' "i ",""•""■"' "f |800 a Pin, VMM I ^' failure in England. The climaEe suits : rj'"' "'"«* ''» «-'H'='l i" the Caiiadiau Elm Valley, Manitoba, formerly of Blan- '"'"i" every wav. His health is e'xll '^"'•^''-Wesl. don, Uxou. Englaad, after four and ahalfi»"J he ,loe.s not feel the winter to be verv MR THOMVS ni TViM* years residence m the back woods of On- ' «""«■ U« "avs he travelled twenty imlei „ tlUMAS OLIVER. ■ ■■ " !*'"'»? ox 'earn in the worst blizzard that I V ■^'i!"''^' '■""'='''"'*■'' ''J ""' t:ana,lian I came aM winter, when the thern.omeier f;'^';"':West from Dumfries Township, showed 4, degrees below zero. He has ^.^i I'j" J""" "'" capital amounted to plenty of >vater on his farm, but wood i.-, *.,:i ,"'« f""" iJonsjst.s of , ■120 acres, of but he will beabh' ^ I has lo-t tario, emigrated to Manitoba. He had very little money to make the fresh btart with, only two hundred ilollars. In 18H' he settle,l on a farm of IGO acres w:..ich ho . . - ..,.. values now at a $1,200. He has ha,I many : ''« ""V^ . getting scarce j but he wi ditticulties to jiicet but he has surmounted '" K'"' ""»' before il is gone. He ^.....-,.,t.^n uo lueci out ne uas surmounted '" Ket cjai i;etore il is gone. He has lo-t tliem all. He i.< well pleased wilh the ""''V'*? ^-y *-uiiiiuer frost, and he does not quality of the land and believes that at i ''""'"'"« ibere is auy danmr from frost present manure would do it more harm ' ^ copa sown reasonably" earlv He re- tliangood. He believes that, with industry V'"'"'"^" having seen frost in K'n,'laud in anil economy, a settler cannot fail to do : J,"'y. but no one thinks of lud^iui: the, MK I W PAWivn well. If a p.^,r man now wants to earn : "'""""e of tiiat country by such a"n e1,cet Uft n^Jn i ^^■„^^^.^^^^ money he can always get employment at t'onal occurrence. A,,' acre of lanJ ran ("i^ v ... ""^ County, Ontario, on the 8tli of I ■ I , — ^^...i.r-i,.-, o, ,jiu acres, Ot which he has now 150 acres under culti- l'*""'»,;nn '"?" !""'^ " ''0''^''. "I'ieh CBst him $500, an,i he has two horses and twel eheadof cattle. Mr. Oliver values his farm at $0,000. This is an extraordin- ary increase in seven years. MR. ,1. W. FANNING money he can always get employment at t'onal occurrence. A„"ac"re of Fan,! canTe from $25 to $.15 a month. He thinks that ^'"c^f^u in eight hours by a team of oxen a man from England or anywhere else ''V"'S " »t early morning and evenini?' would do well to bring out with him a,'',"'"*? "f l'"" l"'"^ with gar,leninL' ic' good eel of curpKiiter's tools. . There is no lack of employment in win* Kill liriV mt-rtwm-, Ullll I liuviu ■> atn I • MR, WM. REID and ihere are iiit nter. April, t,ut f,.rgets to say m what year He lia,t with him $.400 lo commence with He sellleil on .T20 acres .,f land. He built a bouse and purchased two hors"s. He values his farm now at t'^.OOO. It U evi. .r«..o;^j:i;r-.„..:=~izS.H^ ♦.<■ '*'( doinfulii! hlr, (or tie coiicIuiIch Inn lrll*r with tbin inolfHt, and, iindfr (lie circiim- »l«ncep«, »ery natiirtl rerjiiFiit : "Ifjron havp ariir iirowii-iip (lkti|{lit<-r», nend them i«Jon){." Perlivpn wjtiie jrouDff Imly in the EacI, where elijiilile young men are becoin- inu HI lainentalily ccaroe, mar take pity on Mr Fanninjj'H military and CMtiifortleM ixin- dition anil Ix-uoine the iharer of bin rapidly growing proHperity. MR. RODEttICK McRAB, of MiniittloHa, Man,, emigrated from Briioe CouMly, OnUrio, to the Canadian North WeKt in April, IHHl. H in capital amounted to the magnilleciit nuni of ten dollarH, He liuiiie«teailed ItiO acres. lie hm now foity acreH of hin farm under cullivation, twenty-live of which are tinder wheat. He built a log houHo, and he owub h yoke of oxen anil two cowh. He valued liin farm i at two thou-and dollarn. For ten dollar- to Kwell lu two tliDU-Hnd in little lietter than three yeiirH HcoinH to lie an iiiii)OHni- •■ility, liul, ft" .Mr. Kmlerok Moltae hIiuwh, there in nolliinf; iiiiiKi^Hihle ulioul it— in the Canadian Norlli-W eHt. Mil. A. R.8TEEU3, i who livfH in Oriswolil, Manitoba, and who caiiio there froiii the tciwn o' Alexundrin, in the Slate of Miimenota, savH about tiie : Canadian North- WeHt;— " I i;on»ii|pr Ihii the grandest grain uro- ducing country ill the world without any exoepiion ; nnd a" I have haniiied cos- dilerulile utock here 1 know that thcv pay well. Lii,«t upring I noM one Htalile of ciUlle f .r jllOO per head for bulcheriug. My sheep Imvc paid well, milch cowh iFo very well, iinil also [Hiultry, and in fact everything I have tried. No man need fear this coiifltry for producing anything except tropical fruit." Yet Mr. SpeerH oumiiienued with a capital urtfi,000 and hecoonldera hix farm at the end of the year after he eettled upon it worth |.1,H40. Mr. Hp«erii' iitock con- iiirtn of 6 humee and 2fi heail of cattle. Ht addii, " I winlereil HO cattle and 60 nheep lakt winter. They did well, and realiseil "even centu per pound live weiglit for 40 h«ad. I fattened on th« Ifit June lact." MR. JOSEPH LAWRENCE, who came from Reetrouguet Farm, Hylor, Cornwall, England, in 1870, to Ontario, where he reinaineit nine ream, and then went farther went to Clear Water, Manilolia, thuH conrludeH his letter to Mr. llegg: " I might my, in concliin'on, there ha« been a lot xaiil about thix country thin part year that might sound very etraoge to an outMiiler, but It d»e« not eeem strange tons : here, as there are men in this countrv as in every other iMiuntrv who are tim fazy to work, and lind it much easier to slander the country witli llieir tongues than follow the plough for Iheir daily briad. I hope' to see miiiiy of my EnaliBh friends out here next vear, as there is any amount of Caniiilian I'acilli' lundn yet if the Canadian I'uoific Railway would only put it on the niiirket for sale." Mr. Lawrence hut not done badiv at all, consiilering the short time he has been in the Canadian Nortlj-West. He came to it with a capital of $3,000. honiesteaded, ' pre-empted, and purchased 1,540 acres of land, built a house on it al the co-t of |1,000. and has 200 acres under culliva- ' lion. Ilis stock roni-ists of live horses and ' iKinies, thirty head of cattle, and 40 pigs. He esliiiiales his farm worth from $12,000 to $15,000. Taking the lower esliniale as the true one, Mr. Lawrence has increased his capital just four hundred per cent in' four yeiirs. MR. THUMA8 BOWER who hM Ueo a resident of Moocomin, AuiDniboia, since April, 1883, aayn — " I consider every man eecureo a hom« in this country iawell off. The la«t yearn I spent in Ontario I farmed and grate!) one thousand acres of land, and 1 was raised on a farm of 700 acres, and fariiie wfll |ilr»f<>