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OTTA.TV^A, 1874. :>1t > ^('^ A W ;i:-'-n ORDEES IN COUNCIL. INSPECTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, CUSTOMS DEPAhTMENT, Toronto J 30th March 1850. NOTICE is hereby given, that His Excellency the Governor General in Council has been pleased to approve of the following Regulations for the Inland Navigation of this Province, and for carrying of Goods Coastwise and for other purposes, under the authority of the Act passed in the 10th & 11th years of the Reign of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, intituled An Act for repealing and consoli dating the present Duties of Customs of this Province^ and for other purposes therein mentioned, and of an Act foi- amending the same. By Command, J. W. DUNSCOMB. REGULATIONS. Certain Goods may beinlroduceil into this Pro- vince, for Ex- portation wi- thout the payment of duty, and without be- ing warohou sed Section 1. — Be it ordered. That the Collector or proper Officer of Customs at any Port of Entry shall receive entries of the following Goods, that is to say : Grain, Flour or Meal, Beef or Pork, and Wood or Staves for Exportation within such time as may be agreed upon, not exceeding Six Calendar Months, under Bond, [which Bond may be taken by the Collector at the Port of Entry, or by the Collector at the place of Export, as may best suit the convenience of the parties inte- rested] to the satisfaction of such Officer, in double the amount of the duty which would otherwise be chargeable on such Goods, and if such bond shall have been given at the place of Export, a Certificate thereof under the hand of the Collector or proper Officer of Customs, shall at the time of entering such Goods be produced to the Collector at the Port of Entry. Section 2. — And be it further ordered, That the Collector or proper coptificatg Officer of Customs at any Port at which Goods may have been entered ?f Bond be for Exportation^ shall grant to the party entering such Goods a Certifl- b!f granted.'" cate under his hand, containing a full and particular statement in de- tail of such Goods, when and from where, and by what vessel imported, the amount of and names of sureties, contained in the Bond, which Certificate must be deposited with the Collector of the Port from which the Goods are to be finally shipped with the outward entry : and the Collector ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Customs Bonds to hi cancelled. Collector of such Port shall on the due Exportation of such Goods, grant the party a Certificate under his hand to that effect, stating the name of Shipper, Vessel, Master, day of Shipment, and to what Port bound- which Certificate shall be authority for the Collector or proper Officer to cancel the Bond given on the introduction of the goods for their Exportation. , , , Relaxation Section 3. — And be it further ordered, That Vessels or Boats built of the provj^ and owned in this Province, and employed in the transport of Goods or section, 10 & Passengers in this Province, shall be considered as employed in the 31 Torvess^^s Coasting Trade. And that such Vessels may carry Goods the produce in the coast- of this Province, excepting Spirits or Distilled "Waters, from and to mg trade. ^^^ pj^^^ thereof without entry or clearance, provided always the owners of such Vessels obtain a License for the season for that purpose from the Collector at the nearest Port of Entry at which they reside, con- ditioned that such Vessels shall not be employed in the foreign trade or in the transport of other than the above described Goods. Spirits and Section 4. — And be it further ordered, That all such Vessels or Boats duty paid ^r^j carry as aforesaid all other goods the duty on which has been paid be taken by without entry or clearance, provided the Master shall keep a Cargo vessels carry- ^^g,. ^Q j^g registered willi Hi;' Collector of Customs at the Port to which Book. the Vessel may belong, according to the annexed form, in which shall be entered an account of all Goods taken on board his Vessel or Boat, noting the place and day at and on which the same were ladfen, the marks and numbers of the several packages, the description of Goods therein, the quantity and/lescription of any goods stowed loose, parti- cularizing the name of Sliippers and Consignees, and also when and whore any such Goods shall have been discharged, and to whom delivered. Cargo Book Section 5. And be it further ordered, that the master of any such Sand shewn ^''-'^'^'-^ shall i»rodiice his Cargo Book to any Officer of the Customs when- lo Ollicer of ever the same shall bo demanded, and answer all questions put to him, Customs. ^^^^ gj^pi^ Officer of Customs shall bo at liberty to note any remark therein which he may deem proper, and if the Cargo Book shall not be kept in the manner here required, and the particulars of all cargo laden and unladen duly noted therein, the Goods and Vessel shall be forfeited, and the Master shall incur the penalty prescribed by law in that behalf. For the Section 6. — And be it further ordered. That Goo Is arriving at a Port c?"c.l3Tin°^^"^'"y *"''■''''*■''" ^'^^' ^"°'''^®^' ^°^''' ™*y ^^ transhipped for such rmsilu. other Port, in any registered Vessel, upon the Vessel reporting out- wards for the Port to whi 'h the goods may be des'ined, and taking a clearance ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 3, grant lame of , ' oound; ' OfRcer ir their ts built roods or . in the produce and to I owners ise from de, con- jn trade or Boats teen paid a Cargo to which ich shall or Boat, dfen, the of Goods e, parti- Bien and whom |ny sach , when- to him, remark U not he JO laden )rfeitod. It belialf. lit a Port lor such Ing out- Itaking a loaranco Customs. it clearance for the goods ; the Collector at the Port of arrival being required to forward by mail copies of such clearance, together with all particulars and description of the goods in his possession. Section 7.— And be it further ordered, That the entries inwards for Goods in such goods for warehouse or for duty, may be made at the Port for transitu may which the goods may be intended ; and if for duty, the same may be duty or Wa- paid at the Port of destination ; and the Collector of such Port shall ''^'"'>"^^ "^^ in such case, forward a copy of such entry to the Collector at the Port destination, of arrival, together with a certificate of the duty having been paid on the goods, or Bonds having been taken for the warehousing of the goods ; which entry and certificate shall be a sufficient warrant for / landing and transhipment of the goods ; the Collector at the Port of arrival being required to cause such goods to be marked with the first letters of the Port for which they may be destined, under the letter B, and over the number of the entry. Wheat or other Grain ground in the United Sla- tes. Repealed by subsequent legislation. Section 8. — And be it further ordered. That the Collector or proper officer at any Port of Entry, shall receive a report outwards from any party desirous to take out of the Province wheat or other grain grown in this Province, for the purpose of being ground, and shall admit the flour, meal or other produce of such wheat or grain, or the equi- valent thereof, to entry free of duty ; Provided that such flour, meal or other produce, is brought into this Province and duly reported inward within two days from the outward report of the wheat or olher grain. Section d.— And be it further ordered, That in like m'anner the Saw logs Collector or other proper Officer sliall receive outward reports of any ™|'|'jjjj°g^''^" Jogs or timber grown in this Province, and shall admit to entry free United Sta- of duty the boards, planks or scantling, tlie produce of such logs or '^®" timber, or the equivalent thereof : Provided always, that such boards, Repealed by planks or scantling, are brought into this Province and duly reported ^^^ijg^j^j"^^' inwards within seven days of the date of the outward report of the logs or limber from which the same has been made. Section 10. — And be it further ordered. That the net proceeds of all Seizures, seizures and forfeitures be divided as follows : one-third to be paid to the credit of the Receiver General ; one-third to the seizing officer or olficers ; and one third to the informer or informers : in the event Sujierscded of the seizure having been made without information, -two-thirds of J^^'jfjU'^jf^tyjj^. the proceeds shall be paid to the seizing officer or officers. The Coll- lion. ector of Customs or offic.'r in charge of Ports to be allowed five per cenntm on the grois proceeds of seizu 'OS and forfeitures, for making sales, ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Customs. Penalties. The appoint ment of Cus- toms Ware- houseB. sales, and for receiving, distributing, and rendering accounts of the same. The Collector of Customs to distribute proceeds of seizures on receiving an order, and pay the several officers the proportion they may be entitled to, annexing the officer's receipts to the account there- of on a distribution sheet to be furnished them for that purpose. The proceeds of sales of seizures are not to be distributed without a special order to that effect. Section 11.— And be it further ordered. That all penalties and fines, after deducting the expenses of prosecution, shall belong to Her Ma- jesty, for the public uses of the Province, and be paid into the credit of the Receiver-General. Section 12. — And be it further ordered, that whenever a place or warehouse is offered to the Collector of Customs at any Port, for approval as a Customs Warehouse, the Landing Surveyor (or principal officer of the "Waterside Department) and Warehouse Keeper (or per- son performing that duty) at such Port, shall carefully inspect the same, and ascertain that such place or warehouse is sufficiently secure, and otherwise fit for the purpose ifatended. The Collector of Customs will cause the proprietor or occupant to place over the gate or door leading into, or on some conspicuous place on everv Customs Ware- house so appointed, a board or sign, with the following painted thereon : ' "V. R. No. on hon wh{ wis( froi invo tor, invo pack fort See shall whic letter such . , Customs Warehouse ; " and to furnish the Collector with a key thereof, having a label attached thereto with the same letters distinctly painted thereon. That the Collector will communicate in writing notice of the appointment of " Customs Warehouse, " to the party offering the warehouse for that purpose, giving the number by which ^such " Customs Warehouse " is to be designated, and require the applicant or person who may have offered a warehouse, to become a party to, and sign a full and detailed description of the warehouse, comprising situation, boundary, of what meterial built, proprietor or occupant, &c., to be entered on a page to be set apart for that purpose in the Warehouse Book ; and the Collec- tor will also note date of appointment, cancellation or any alteration which may be made at any time with regard to any " Customs Warehouse. " The Collector shall cause a list of all " Customs Ware- houses," ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Customs. houses, " containing the name and situation, to be prepared and hung up in the Long Rooms, or on some public part of the Custom House- Goods for Section 13. — And be it further ordered, That duty shall be charged '^"'^ ^'^^ ' •" ° warehouse. on all goods ex werehouse on the gauge or weight, when taken out for home consumption, per prime enfry, without any deduction or allowance whatever for loss which may have arisen from natural causes or other- wise. Allowance to Section 14. — And be it further ordered, That there shall be deducted be made for from the gross weight of goods the tare according to the original invoice, the correctness of the invoice to be declared before the Collec- tor, and in the absence of such invoice, or the omission of tare in the invoice, the medium tare shall be ascertained by weighing a few packages of the importation, and adopting the result as the standard for the whole. tare. Section lo. — And be it further ordered, That Collectors of Customs Regulation shall in all cases where the same is practicable, cause goods upon d°uiy^paw'°*^ which the duty has been paid to be marked or branded with the initial Goods, 3th letters of the Port, month or day of the month, and the year, when n*vic!'chap 5uch goods have been entered for duty. 31. 6 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Customs. a « ? J. a* J. J 1^ §2 « "^ "^ — es =3 SP 1 05 M ^ S -2 ' ' ' • ' * t- ^ -i S; S "^ » SOa.Ofe5 t_ ~ ■_ C- _ c '^ a^ .c j3 J^Li s''^ tcr; a tc— in W" ■£ .S .a -^ ^— tT ^■* S-2 y -e « y a! «M :§ ■ * _^ a* M _ c CQ o ■^ — c^ 1 •2 ^ •* ea r^ Jo _c i . - . CA ^ , No. lector. a) Q 5; ID s xn -^ C s S <2 to ^ . ■• c ^ * O^ S^ 05 , a 3 ID -^ T3 1 ^ # a ■s vS «s tn u. If J3 • ^ (N CO lo • 1— < ;?; ^ P4 en ■a as ai ^ 3 ^ 03 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Customs. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, O'lTAWA. • i ■ Tuesday, mh day of July, 1868. PRESENT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Honorable tlio Minister of Customs, cand in pur- suance of the provisions of tlie I Ith Section of the Act 31 Vic. Cap. 6, inti- tuled : " An Act respecting the Customs," His Excellency in Council has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordtsred, that the following Regulations respect- ing the Coasting trade of the Dominion, lie and the same are hereby adopted and established. ■ Certified, - WM. H. LEE, , . . Clerk of the Privy Council. COASTING REGULATIONS. 1. Vessels and Boats employed solely in the transport of Goods or Passengers from one Port or place to another Port or place within the limits of the Dominion of Canada, shall be deemed to be engaged in the Coasting Trade, and shall be subject to the Regulations governing the same. 2. None but British, registered Vessels and Boats, wholly owned by British sub- jects, can lawfully be engaged in the Coasting Trade of the Dominion of Canada, and the names of such Vessels or Boats and the names of their Ports of Registry, shall be distinctly painted on the Stern of the said Vessels or Boats. 3. Such Vessels and Boats, may, without being subject to entry, or clearance as required by law, for Vessels trading between Ports in the Dominion of Canada, as well as with Foreign Ports, carry goods the produce of Canada, or goods duty free, or goods duty paid or passengers from any Ports or places in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, to any other Ports or places in the said Provinces, or from any Ports or places in the Province of New Brunswick, to any other Ports or places in the said Province, or from any Ports or places in the Province of Nova Scotia, to any other Ports or places in the said Province, provided always that the owners or masters of such Vessels or Boats, shall take out a licence for the season for that purpose from a Collector of Customs in Canada, and that the owners or masters in taking out the said License shall enter into Bonds of $500 conditioned that such Vessels or Boats shall not be employed in the Foreign Trade, and pro- vided also that the master of every such Vessel or Boat shall keep or cause to be kept, a Cargo Book in the form prescribed by the Customs Department, to be re- gistered by the Collector of Customs who granted the License, in which Book shall be entered at the Port of Lading, an account of all goods taken on board of such Vessel ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Customs. Vessel or Boat, staling the description of the packages, the quantities, the descrip- tions and vahies of the goods therein, as also of the goods stowed loose, and the names of the respective Shippers and Consignees, as far as any of such particulars shall, he known to him : and at the Port of Discharge shall be entered in the said Carpo Book, the respective days upon which any such goods shall be delivered out of such Vessel and also the respective times of departure from the Port of lading and of arrival at the Port of unlading. 4. The master of any such vessel or boat shall produce his License and Cargo Book to any officer of Customs, whenever the same shall be demanded, and answer all questions put to him, and such Officer of Customs shall be at liberty to note any remark on the Cargo Book which he may deem proper; and if the Cargo Book shall not be kept in the manner hereby required, and the particulars of all Cargo laden and unladen, duly noted therein, the goods and. vessel shall bo for- feited, and the master shall incur the penalty of SIOO.) 5. Before any coasting vessel or boat shall depart from any Port of lading in any one of the Provinces of the Dominion of Canada for any otlier Port in the said Do- minion, not in the said Province of departure, an account or Report with a dupli- cate thereof, in the fonn or to the effect following, and signed by the Master, shall be delivered to the Collector, who shall retain the duplicate and return the origi- nal account or report dated and signed by him : and such account or Report shall be the clearance of the Vessel or Boat for the voyage and the transire or pass for the goods expressed therein, except for goods under Bond or goods liable to Excise or Internal Revenue duty, whi(;h shall require the entries and warrants for land- ing to be signed by the proper Officers as required by Law and if any such account or Report be false, the Master who signed it shall forfeit the sum of $100. REPORT and Transire Coastwise for a Registered Vessel or Boat proceeding from one Province to another in the Dominion of Canada. Port of Name of Vessel- Master's Name. Register Tons. Port of Registry. Whither bound. Koicign Goods. | Warehoused Goods removed vuider Bond. Goods liable to duly of Excise. | Do removtMi under Bond. | Sundry other goods. Produce of Cana- da, kc. (Signed! Cleared the dav of 18(i Master. (Signed) Coliectoi- of Customs for tlu^ Port of III ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Customs. shall 6, Within twenty-four hours after the arrival of any coasting vessel or boat at the Port of discharge, whfch requires a transire as above described, and before any goods shall be unladen, the transire with the name of the place or wharf where the lading is lo be discharged, noted thereon, shall be delivered to the collector, who shall note thereon the date of the delivery : and if any of the goods on board such coasting vessel or boat shall be subject to any customs duty the same shall not be unladen until due entry has been made at the Custom House and a warrant granted for the landing thereof ; and if any of the goods on board such vessel or boat be subject to any duty of excise or Internal Revenue the same shall not be unladen, without the authority or permission of the proper officer of excise ; but no entry shall be required at the Custom House for any goods brought coastwise the produce of Canada or goods on which the duties whether of Customs or Excise have already been paid or which are duty free. 7. Vessels and boats employed in the Coasting Trade and that shall not have taken out a Licence for carrying goods, and obtained a C?rgo Book as above provided, shall report inwards and outwards at the nearest port to their place of arrival or destination and require clearences whenever they depart from any port or place within the Dominion of Canada, and in default of their so reporting the Vessel or Cargo, the Master shall in such cases be subject to the penalty of $1 00 for departing and arriving without due entry inwards or outwards as the case may be : Provided that when a vessel shall sail from any place where there is no Custom House, or officer of Customs, it shall be sufficient for the carrying out of this regulation that the owner or Master of such vessel, do, as soon afterwards as possible, forward to the nearest Custom House a similar report in duplicate, or lodge the same at the first Port at which he shall touch where there is a Custom House Officer. aster. 8. Goods under a removal Bond from one Canadian Port to another Canadian Port, may be carried in any British registered vessel or boat, trading Coastwise with a proper License and Cargo Book upon such goods being properly entered in the Cargo Book and in the account or Transire, in duplicate, the Collector at the Port from which such goods are removed, being required to forward by Mail, to the Collector of the Port for which the goods are destined, all the particulars and dfiscription of the goods so forwarded, and the Packages shall be properly marked in Red as now provided, but no goods under Bond shall be carried in any Coasting Vessel or Boat until the Master has delivered an account in dupli- cate or transire to the Collector of Customs at the Port of lading. 9. No Coasting Vessel or Boat to touch at any Foreign Port unless forced by v.iavoidable circumstances, and the Master of any Coasting vessel or boat which has touched at any Foreign Port, shall declare the same in writing under his own hand, to the Collector or othor proper Officer of Customs at the Port or Place in Canada where his Vessel or Boat afterwards first arrives, under a penalty of SIOO* 10 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Customs. 10. If any goods are unshipped from any Vessel or Boat arriving coastwise, or unsliipped or water borne to be shipped to be carried coastwise on Sundays or Holidays, or unless in tlie presence, or with the authority of the proper Officer of Customs, or unless at such limes and places as shall be appointed and approved by him for that purpose, the same shall be forfeited and the Master of the Vessel or Boat shall forfeit the sum of 6100. 11. Officers of Customs may board any Coasting Vessel or Boat in any Port or Place, and at any period of the voyage search her, and examine all goods on board, and demand all the documents which ought to be on board ; and the Collector may require such documents to be brought to him for inspection. 12. No Fishing Boat or Boats used in Ferrying under 15 tons burthen, shall, except by Special licence or permiss; i^ carry any goods from a Foreign Country, which are liable to duty, under pain of seizure, unless the same (in the case of Ferry Boats) be for the sole use of some passenger then on board. 13. No goods can be carried in any coasting Vessel or Boat, except such as are laden to be so carried at some port or place in Canada, and no goods shall be taken into or put out of any Coasting Vessel or Boat while on her voyage by River, Lake or Sea. ' 14. The Transire Coastwise required by these Regulations, may in the case of any Steam Vessel carrying a Purser, be signed by such Purser with the like effect in all respects, and subject to the like penality on the Purser, and the like forfei- ture of the goods, in case of any untrue statement in the Transire, as if the Transire was signed by the Master ; and the word Master for the purposes of these Regula- tions shall be construed as including the Purser of any Steam Vessel ; but nothing herein contained shall preclude the Collector or proper Officer of Customs from calling upon the Master of any Steam Vessel to answer all such questions con- cerning the vessel, passengers, cargo, and crew, as might bo lawfully demanded of him if the report had been made by him, or to exempt the master from the penalities imposed by these regulations for failure to answer any such question, or for answering untruly, or to prevent the master from making such report, if he shall see fit so to do. ■ i *■ i, < ; • - m t » 15. The Coasting Regulations of the late Province of Canada dated the 12th April, 18C1, and all regulations heretofore existing in the Province of New Brunswick or Nova Scotia*in reference to coasting in any of the said Provinces are hereby repealed. (Signed,) S. L. TILLEY, Minister of Customs. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Customs. PROCLAMATION. JOHN YOUNG, [L. S.] CANADA. VICTORIA, by the Grace of Gori, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., &c., &c.. To all to whom these presents shall come, or whom the same may in any wise concern. — Greeting : WHEREAS by an Act of the Parliament of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland passed in the Session thereof, held in the Thirty- Second year Our Reign and intituled : " An Act for amending the Law relating to the Coasting Trade and Merchant Shipping in British Possessions," it is amongst othe ' things enacted that the said Act shall be proclaimed in every British Pos- session by the Governor thereof, as soon as may be after he receives notice of the said Acl, and shall come into operation in rhat British Possession on the day of such Proclamation which is in the said Act after referred to as the commen- cement of the said Act. Now Know Ye, that our Governor of Canada having re- ceived notice of the said Act, We do hereby on this Twenty-Third day of October, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, proclaim in the Dominion of Canada, being a British Possession \^ ithin the meaning of the same, the Act herein before mentioned, which is as follows, that is to say : " An Act for amending the Law relating to the Coasting Trade and Merchant Shipping in British Possession. " Be it enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the ad- vice and consent of the Lords Spiritu'^l and Temporal, and Commons in this pre- sent Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : PRELIMINARY. 1. " This Act may be cited as " The Merchant Shipping (Colonial) Act, 1869." 2. " In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires. " The term " British Possession " means any territory or place situate within Her Majesty's Dominions, and not forming part of the United Kingdom, or of the Channel Islands, or Isle of Man ; and all territories and places under one Legislature as herein after defined are deemed to be one British Possession for the purposes of this Act. 12 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Customs. " The term " Legislature," includes any person or persons who exercise legislative authority in the British Possession and where there are Local Legislatures as well as a Central Legislature, means the Central Legis- lature only. 3 " This Act shall be proclaimed in every British Possession by the Gover- nor thereof, as soon as may be after he receives notice of this Act, and shall come into operation in that British Possession on the day of such Proclamation, which day is hereinafter referred to as the commencement of this act. COASTING TRADE. 4. " After the commencement of this Act the Legislature of a British Pos- session, by any Act or Ordinance, from lime to time, may regulate the Coasting Trade of that British Possession, subject in every case to the following conditions : (t.) " The Act or Ordinance shall contain a susp-anding clause, providing that such Act or Ordinance shall not come into operation until Her Majesty's pleasure thereon has been publicly signified in the British Possession in which it has been passed. (2.) " The Act or Ordinance shall treat all British Ships (including the Ships of any British Possession ) in exactly the same manner as ships of the British Possession in which it is made. (3.) " Where by treaty made before the passing of this Act Her Majesty has agreed to grant to any Ships of any foreign state any rights or privileges in respect of the Coasting Trade of any British Possession, such rights and privileges shall be enjoyed by such Ships for so long as Her Majesty has already agreed or may hereafter agree to grant the same, any thing in the Act or Ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding. (5.) " The following sections of the Customs Consolidation Act, 1853, are he- reby repealed, namely : " Section three hundred and twenty-eight as from the commencement of this Act ; " Section one hundred and sixty-three as from the date in the case of each British Possession at which either an Act or Ordinance with respect to the Coasting Trade within two years after the commencement of this * Act in such British Possession comes into operation, or if there is no such Act or Ordinance, at which the said two years expire. MERCHANT SHIPPING. 6. " It shall be lawful for Her Majesty, by Order in Council, from time to time to declare, with respect to the British Possession mentioned in the Order, the description of persons who are to be Registrars of Brilish Ships in that Bri- tish Possession, and to revoke any Order so made. Ill ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 13 Customs. " After the date specified in the order, or, if no date is specified, after the date of the Proclamation of the Order in the British Possession, the Order shall have effect as if it were contained in section thirty of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1854. 7. " In the construction of the " Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, and of the Acts amendii)g the same, Canada shall be deemed be one British Possession. 8. " Where the Legislature of any British Possession provides for the exami- nation of, and grant of certificates of competency to persons intending to act as Masters, Mates, or Engineers on Board British Ships, and the Board of Trade reports to Her Majesty that they are gatisfled that the examinations are so con- ducted as to be equally efficient as the examinations for the same purpose in the United Kingdom under the Acts relating to Merchant Shipping, and that the certificates are granted on such principles as to show the like qualifications and competency as those granted under the said Acts, and are liable to be forfeited for the like reasons and in the like manner, it shall be lawful for Her Majesty,, by Order in Council, 1. "To declare that the said certificates shall be of the same force as if they had been granted under the said Acts ; 2 " To declare that all or any of the provisions of the said Acts which relates to certificates of competency granted under those Acts shall apply to the certificates referred to in the said Order. 3. " To impose such conditions and to make such regulations with respect to the said certificates, and to the use, issue, delivery, cancellation, and suspension thereof, as to Her Majesty may seem fit, and to impose penal- ties not exceeding fifty pounds for the breach of such conditions and regulations. " Upon the publication in »he Louden Gazette of any such Order in Council a& last aforesaid, the provisions therein contained shall, from a date to be mentioned for the purpose in such order, lake effect as if they had been contained in this Act. " It shall be lawful for Her Majesty in Council to revoke any order made under this section." Of all which all Our loving subjects are hereby required to. take notice and govern thpmselves accordingly. In testimony, &c. By command, 23rd October, 1869. HECTOR L. LANGEVIN, Secretary of State. f :! i■^ i !l 14 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Customs. Tuesday, 31 at May, 1870. PrESEiVT His Excellency the Governor General in Council. ON the reccmmendation of the Honorable the Minister of Customs, and in pur- suance of the provisions of the tlth Section of the Act 31 Vic , cap. 6, inti- tuled : " An Act respecting the Customs," His Excellency in Council has been pleased to Order, and it is hereby Ordered, that the following Regulations respec- ting the coasting trade of the Dominion, in amendment of the Regulation adopted- by Order in Council of ?8th July, 1868, shall be and the same are hereby adopted and established : 1st. It having been enacted by Chap. 9, Sec. 22, 23rd Victoria, that the Govern- or may grant yearly Coasting Licences to British Vessels navigating the inland waters of Canada abov3 Montreal, although such vessels may sometimes make voyages to Foreign Ports, it is hereby Ordered that the Bonds to be given by the Master or Owner of such vessel on taking out such Licence shall not contain the conduion provided for in Section 3 of said Regulations, " that such Vessels or Boats shall not be employed in the Foreign Trade," but that it shall be a condition of such Bond, that whenever any such Vessel or Boat is employed in a voyage to or from u Foreign Port, the master or other proper officer thereof, shall report in- wards and outwards, in all respects, as though he had not received such Coasting Licence. 2nd. Representations having been made of serious inconvenience to the Master and Owners of Steam Vessels employed as regular passenger and freight pack ts, between the port of St. John in the Province of New-Brunswick, and the ports of Digby, Annapolis and Windsor, in the Province of Nova-Scotia, and also to the Mercantile Community of the said ports, in consequence of such Steam Vessels being obliged to report their cargoes each trip in detail, it is hereby fur- ther Ordered, that the Collector of Customs at the Port of St. John, may grant ■any such Steam Vessel, a yearly coasting licence, subject to the same conditions .as provided in the case of Vessels trading between ports in the same Province and the additional condition that the Master or other proper Officer of such Steam Vessel, shall be furnished with two cargo books to bo used during alternate months, and that at the end of each month, ho shall surrender the book used during that month to the Collector of the Port of St. John, and the said Collector shall return to him the other book with which he had been furnished, so that the record of the trade of each month, shall be in the Custom House, to be used for statistical purposes during the whole of the succeeding month. I V^M. H. LEE, C^erk Privy Council. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 15 Customs. REFINING SUGAR IN BOND.— REGULATIONS. Inspector General's Office, Customs Department. Quebec, SI St January, 1855. NOTICE is hereby given that His Excellency the Governor General in Council, has been pleased to approve of the following Regulations for the Refining of Sugar in Bond, under the authority of an Act passed in the eighteenth year of Her Majesty's Reign, intituled, "An Act to amend the Act imposing Duties of Customs. " By Command, R. S. M. BOUCHET"]^, Commissioner of Customs. REGULATIONS. 18 Vict. Chap. 5, Clause 8 WHEREAS by an Act passed in the Session of the Provincial Parliament holden in the eighteenth year of Her Majesty's Reign, intituled " An Act to amend the Acts imposing Duties of Customs, " it is amongst other things enacted that it shall be lawful for the proprietor or proprietors of any Sugar Refinery in the Province, being the Importer or Owner of any Sugar, Molasses or other Material frorn which Refined Sugar can be produced, to refine the same in Bond provided such refining be done under such Regulations as the Governor General in Council shall from time to time make and impose for that purpose ; His Excellency the Governor General in Council has, in accordance with the authority contained in the said Act, been pleased to make and prescribe the following Regulations, viz : _ . 1. That the Colloclor or other proper Officer of Customs at any Warehousing Port in this Province, may deliver without payment of Duty to the proprietor of any such Sugar Refinery, being also the importer or owner of any warehoused sugar, molasses or other material from which Refined Sugar can be produced, on proper entry being made of the same, any quantity of such sugar, molasses or other material, for the purpose of being refined in this Province, in such place and on such premises as shall be particularly described by such proprietor so being the importer or owner. 2. That such Sugar Refinery and the premises thereunto belonging, in accor- dance with the description to be given thereof as aforesaid shall, for the purposes 16 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. « ! i I ; ■ i Customs. purposes of refining sugar under the above mentioned Act, be deemed and considered as a Government Bonded Warehouse, and that none of the sugar, molasses or other material, so brought into the said Refinery or upon the said premises, shall be removed therefrom without a proper Ex- Warehouse Entry and due payment of all Duties on the same, if entered for home consumption, or upon due entry thereof for exportation under the usual Bonds ; nor shall any of the Refined Sugar or other extract produced from the sugar, molasses or other material aforesaid, be removed from the said Refinery and premises without due entry as aforesaid, either for consumption, for removal or exportation, and payment of all Customs Duties legally due on the sugar, molasses or other material from which the said Refined Sugar shall have been manufactured, as the case may be. 3. That before tfca importer or owner of any sugar, molasses or other material aforesaid shall, for the purpose of refining the same as aforesaid, be entitled to obtain the delivery thereof, either ex-ship, upon their importation into this Province, to be carried immediately to the Sugar Refinery and premises aforesaid, or out of any of the Queen's Warehouses in which the same may be warehoused, he shall give bond with two sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the Collector of Customs, at the Port where such sugar, molasses or other material are imported or warehoused, in a penalty of double the amount of the Duties payable on the same, with the condition that the whole amount of the Duties so payable upon the quantities of sugar, molasses or other material so delivered upon arrival or out of whorehouse as aforesaid, for the purpose of being so refined in Bond, shall, within six months from the date of the Bond to be so entered into, be well and truly paid to the Collector of Customs aforesaid for Iha use of Her Majesty in this Province. And the said importer or owner shall, before he can obtain the delivery aforesaid, further enter into and execute to the Collector, for the uses of Her Majesty, as aforesaid, a general Bond, the said importer or owner, in the penal sum of £2,000 cy., and two approved sureties in the sum of £1,000 each, conditioned, that at no period shall the quantity of sugar raw or refined in the said Refinery or Warehouse be less than the quantity on which the Bond or Bonds for Duties hereinbefore mentioned shall be outstanding and unpaid. 4. And for the purpose of farther securing the due observance of the foregoing Regulations, the Collectors of Customs, the Surveyor or Warehouse Keeper or other approved officer of Customs, at the Port where the goods shall be so bonded, or at the Port nearest the said Sugar Refinery, shall at all proper times of the day have free access to and upon the said Refinery and premises for the purpose of verifying the quantity of sugar, molasses or material aforesaid therein, and any reasonable expenses attending such Inspection shall be borne and defrayed by the importer or owner of the sugar, molasses or other material so undergoing refinement in bond. R. S. M. BOUCHETTE. Commissioner of Customs. ORDERS IN COUNCIL; 17 Customs'. IMl*ORTATIONS BY RaILROAD.—RBGULATIONS. Itispector General's Office^ Customs Department. Toronto, 9th December, 1856. "WTTOTICE is hereby giveri, that His ExcBLLfiNcyTHS GovEft^OR G'EirtfRAt has been i^' pleased^ by an Order in Council; bearing dite December 4th, 1856, to approve of the fbllowing Rfegulatlbn^ and Orders, undiSi' T^hich goods may be imported into Canada by Railroad vtrithout subjecting thetn tb entry for duty at the Frontier Port, or to the necessity of being forwarded undeir Frontier Bonds. 'By Command, R. S. M. BOtCHETTE, G6nlkn^ionner of Customs. AU Railroad Companies having a line or lines ^ of Railway crossing the Pro- vin,cial Boundary, or which have a terminus ati or near suoh Boundary, or that have a terminus upon the border of any of the navigable waters of the Province shall be allowed to transport goods along their respective lines without such goods being detained at frontier ports, for the purpose of being examined uid entered at the Custom House, or without their being detained until frontie, Bonds are executed, upon such Railroad Companies complying with and conform- ing to the Rules and Regulations following : 1. All such Railroad Companies shall provide proper wharves, secure' and commodious warehouses and other premises at every " Port of Entry, " or " Way Port " in connection with such Railroads, for th 3 landing, storing and forwarding of all foreign goods in transit, whether dutiable or free, with other suitable office accommodation for the Office of Customs in charge. These wharver, warehouses and premises to be made secure to the satisfaction of the Customs Department, and in the manner set forth by Regulation No. 12 for Queen's warehouses ZOih March, 1850, and until such wharves warehouses and premises be provided for customs purposes, and shall be approved and accepted (of which due notice will be given by the Department), the goods intended lo be for- warded to any such Ports shall be subject to be detained until all the formalities of law prescribed in relation to importations generally, shall have been fulfilled. 2. All goods arriving from the United States of America by water, for transit by Railroad through any part of Canada to a Canadian Port, thence to be transhipped to the United States, shall be reported inwards on arrival by 2 Triplicate 1 1 18, ORDERS IN COUNCIL; Customs. Triplicate Report asper form of document marked R. R. M. Np, \\ denominating " goods, " the contents of which are not known, as Merchandise, in number of Packages or Hogs heads. Casks, Barrels, Cases,Boxes, Bales, Trusses, &c.,&c., but giving the denomination of goods when known as Sugar, Tea, Tobacco, &c., &c., but the names of the consignees and the special marks and numbers may be dispensed with. . i/iAi i li C-t.'l'U. i ... l-.t .' .: . > 'Iff ) -joi Government House, Ottawa, , .'!. Tuesday, the 24th day of December, 1867. Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Customs, and under and in virtue of the authority given and conferred by the Act passed during the present Session of the Legislature, intituled : " An Act respecting the Customs," His Excellency in Council has been pleased to make the following Regulation : 'f\ 1. 1 \..i 1 REGULATION. ■:) .*■/" " In addition to the Warehousing Ports mentioned in the Act passed during the present Session of the Parliament of Canada, and intituled : ''An Act respecting the Customs," the Ports mentioned in the annexed lists, and being in the Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, and which are now Ware- housing Ports in those Provinces respectively, shall be and they are hereby continued as such Warehousing Ports, and are hereby declared to be so accord- ingly." .... , . )''-l'l' M- ONTARIO. WM. H. LEE, Clerk, Privy Council ",i Amherstburg Bytown Branfard Chatham Chippawa Cornwall Cramahe Clifton Darlington Dover Dunnvillo Dundas Guelph ' I Oakville Oshawa Paris , i; . Picton QueenstCii Sarnia Sault Ste. Mario Stratford Trenton Whitby Windsor Woodstock ORDERS IN COUNCIL. n Customs. QUEBEC Amherst, Magdalen Island Coaticook Gaspe . New Carlisle nova:,scotia. Halifax Amherst Annapolis ■ , . Antigonish Arichat ' Baddeck Barrington Passage Bear River .riioi:; r.vo,' ;!,ii) Bridgetown Canning (in Cornwallis) ■ '^^ i'umui Digby • fi Kelly Cove (Great Bras d'Oi') ' ^ ' '"' Guysboro Harbour d/ ,niv'. Bridgewater in La Haie Liverpool Lunenburg , ..,„ .,o .-i va Mahone Bay Margaretsville / ;ii '' >: / n ■ North Sydney Pictou Port Gilbert " Hawkesbury " Hood ' • ' . .1 " Medway Pugwash Ragged Islands ' Saint Anne's Saint Peter's Sidney Tatamagouche Wallace Weymouth Windsor Yarmouth UiK l!A NEW BRUNSWICK .1 } M,.r- ■ U'U ;l Batliurst Buctouche . " Campbellton .^^ Welchpool Garaquette — Chatham Dalhousie Edmundston ., Fredericton Grand Falls i'' Moncton Newcastle Richibucto Sackville Shediac "' f St. Andrews St. George St. John's St. Stephens Andover West Isles Woodstock » I .•/Itlll. ltd''' .'I'J-t.!''. i'- , !'• in; ill'' I' i! I riU;; I U\j 1 P\ .1 ;/ r((M IV. / .*' '. )/; Itr ■•! i\ 1.1 .: Kfr] ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Customs. •• ii4fn ! '< '' /!>/ List of Warehousing Ports, iu addition to those mentioned in the Customs Act, and the Order in Council of 24th December, 1867. ^ Names of Warehodsing POHTS. Gananoque, Ontario. Newcastle, Ontario. Horton, Nova Scotia. Mulgrave, Nova -Scotia. Elgin, Ontario. Napanee, Ontario. Shelburne, Nova Scotia. Maitland, Nova Scotia. Dates of Orders IN Council. 5lh March, 1868 (( .«,, ""-■ (( « ' ..^ ■ 6th April, jy/. ./ r!-:i /r^y ' 27th April, « , u ♦♦ ■ ..'!-. 12th May, 20th June, , .1 i (1 26th June, 9th December, u -I!'.* hi 18th January, i86y !,,., 25th June, ^^ ...111 8th March, 22th September, 1870 "1 U i t6th October, 1 1 ' 1 1 ! 1 [ ■ ' '■ 18th November " 19th April, 1871 6th May, 1872 25th November n 2nd April, 1873 (t (( 3rd May, (( 7th July, (t ■? ..iih.ll l-l •iiiiit/. -m'',., piini/. »!.-ifii H'.;'n/ J.I lii' J ;c .!.|.}.U Londonderry, Nova Scotia. i.'i mil' 'iMi: !i Richmond, New-Brunswick. „ > n,iii,.j -r •» 1.!') (Jl >/l '(•iiH o'li il«/ti; • r>jr.7/'i jiti u* Dorchester, New-Brunswick. ),„h i->v .t ,. tiidii'.iiii.i it! '>fi .(iiU/' Hillsborough, New-Brunswick. i,y n t/. Ryerso, Ontario. 'i ♦ I'l Parrsboro, Nova Scotia Three Rivers, Quebec, Owen Sound, Ontario. Winnipeg, Manitoba. Morrisburgh, Ontario. Perc6, Quebec. Wallaceburg, Ontario. Town of Lindsay, Ontario. New Glasgow, Nova Soolia. Guyshorongh, Nova Scotia. Port Williams, Nova Scotia • ..i;;>> • i.'t.l! ORDERS IN COUNCIL 25 the Customs Customs. IMPORTATION OF ANIMALS FOR IMPROVEMENT OF STOCK. CUSTOKS DEPARTMENT. Ottawa, 3 1 St December 1867. NOTICE is hereby given that His Excellency the Governor General in Council has been pleased, under the authority vested in him, to order and direct that horses, horned cattle, sheep, pigs, and other animals, poultry and fancy birds, wMn specially imported for the improvement of stock in Canada, whether by Agricultural Societies or private individuals, shall, until otherwise ordered, be imported without being liable to the payment of Customs duty, and should be entered accordingly. , av) s'),(. By command ' R. S. M. BOUCHETTE, i-'V ,'.n UKt^'-. •>'i Hi '' itiiih. liiiit il I f.(iR li/..,ii' Gommisaioner of iCustoms. . .i.'jiioiiictui avoiin .(j'.iT);! ■'Ui».(l,v iMl'jri.-. ion -.1 iriiii CUSTOMS DBPAWTMENX. iii •(•xIJoVhr (uiA Ottawa, Oct. 1st, 1870. Ill "VTOTICE is hereby given, th?it His E.vcellency the Governor General, by an -1-1 order in Council, bearing date the 26th of September last, has been pleased to approve of the following Regulations governing the Importation of Animals for the improvement of stock, under Sec. 4, of 33 Victoria, Gap. 9. 'u ,'•11 riiDJufl A'l }' Regulations. 1. In all cases a certificate of purity ol blood given by the breeder of the animal, and accompanied by a certificate of identification, signed and sworn to by the importer, should be furnished to the Collector at tiie Port of entry. 2. In addition to the foregoing certificate, there shall be required in special cases, the further evidence hereinafter mentioned, viz : . • Bi.ooD lIonsKs. 3. A proper pedigree referring to the English or American Stud Book, to be given by the breeder in his certificate. itonsES OV OTHER BREEDS. , ' ' • ' • 'i \// 4. Such horses having no Stud Book, an authenticated certificate of purity of blood and identification will be sufllcient. ' I ill fl 26 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Customs. . ., . ^.«9P''^ Horn CATTI.E, 5. The Breeder's certificate should embody a correct pedigree, referring to the English or American Short Horn Book. 1 !'• 1 U »>■ Hereford Cattle. t'' 6. The pedigree should refer tojhe English Hereford Herd Book.')!'! Devon Cattle. '»v i.i* ^... '*ii "1 .'WTO rjr 7. The pedigree should refer to the English or American Devon Herd Book .>i bii Ayrshire Cattle. Angus Cattle. Gi llowav Cattle, or {,,vr.(n(i;(.-v ' Alderney Cattle. • A certificate of purity of blood and identification will be sufficient, as first herein above mentioned. 8. And any other breed or description of cattle which is not specially, named in the foregoing, shall be held to be included in the general description embodied in the Regulation I. 'U-:'. f,,\ i< I , I . i>, Shep, Pigs, and Poultry. ^ " ;.,■!'. It .!^ H">rriiT * 9. In these cases a similar certificate and identification will be required as in the next proceeding case. „ , i R, S. U. BOUCHETTE, Commissioner of Customs. nt a ,, SPIRITS IN CASKS CONTAINING LESS THAN 100 GALLONS. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. > ' Monday, 6th April, 1868. PRESENT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS by iho 81st section of the Act 31 Vic, Cap. 6, intituled : " An Act respecting the Customs, " it is enacted that — " Except in cases which by any regulation to be made by the Governor in Council, may be excepted from the operation of this section, all spirits (unless it bottle and imported from the Unilod ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 27 Customs. e, referring to anHefd Book United Kingdom, or in bond from a Bonded Warehouse in. some Britisli Posses- sion) brought into Canada, in casks and packages of less size than to contain one hundred gallons, shall be forfeited." And whereas Brandies and other Spirits are usually exported from Europe in Casks or other packages, containing less than one hundred gallons, whereby- such goods, when imported into Canada, would become liable to forfeiture as aforesaid, unless excepted from the operation of the 81st section of the Act refer- red to, — Therefore His Excellency in Council, on the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Customs, and under the authority given by the said Act, has been pleased to make the following " Regulation. " ; iJqrr»8"lr <' All importations of spirits made direct to Canada from European Ports, shall be and they are hereby excepted from the operation of the 81st section of the Act 31 Vic, Cap. 6, intituled ; " An Act respecting the. Customs " [Rcient, as first WM. H. LEE, tl()w> Clerk, Privy Council. 11 .ll'K'H'll , , SWINE IMPORTED IN BOND :—Reguiatioris' '^r Slaughtering, Curing and Packing of. .,, ;, ... ,,. . . .^ 1 I i A . I ,M • *J ' (t/>:;iJ ■■* •! n 1 .ilHi r • In. iu>v GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, '« 1 ' ' ^' Friday, 2'2nd day of May, 1868. • !•' ■ ■ •• PRESENT : I HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. i WHEREAS it is amongst other things enacted by the 58th section of the Act 31 Vic, Cap. 6, entitled : " An Act respecting the Customs that the " Importer of any cattle or swine, may slaughter and cure and pack the same " (and if such cattle or swine are imported in the carcass, may cure and pack " the same) in bond," providing such slaughtering, curing and packing be done and conducted under such Regulations and restrictions as the Governor in Council may from time to time make for this purpose ; which said Regulations may extend to the substitution of Beef and Perk in quantities equivalent to the produce of such cattle and swine. And whereas it has boon found expedient to give effect to the said section 58, so far as regards the importation of swine. il { II . 28 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Customs. His Excellency in Council on the recommendation of the Honorable the Mi- nister of Customs and under the authority of the 58lh clause of the said recited Act, has been pleased to order and it is hereby ordered that the slaughtering curing and packing of swine in bond shall be done and conducted xinder the Regulations and restrictions following, viz : — 1. The Importer of live hogs or swine intending to avail himself of the priv- ilege conferred by the said section S8 of the Act hereinbefore mentioned, shall apply to the Collector of Customs at or nearest the place at which he intends importing or entering such swine, and shal^ furnish such Collector with a brief description in writing of the premises intended to be used as a killing pi'n, and curing and packing house for the purposes aforesaid ; and should the Collector approve of such premises, he will constitute the same constructively int6 a Ware- house for the special object, and the said premises shall to all legal intents and purposes be and be dealt with as one of the Queen's warehouses ; and the Im- porter shall enter into and execute the usual bond given by the owners of ware- houses placed under the Crown's lock. ■ 2. Upon every importation of swine, the Importer shall enter the same in the usual way to be warehoused, and shall have the paid swine taken to the premises hereinbefore referred to and approved as a Customs Warehouse, where the same shall be counted on arrival, and the Importer shall give bond on each sddh Im- portation in double the amount of the duties payable under the Tariff on such importation, the condition of which bond shall be that upon the due exportation within one year of the products of the said Svvine converted into Pork, Bacon, Hams or Lard, the said bond shall be and become null and void, otherwise shall be and remain in full forae and virtue. 3. And whereas, the duty imposed upon swine is a specific duty on each animal at so much per head, without reference to weight or size, and that it is necessary in order to facilitate the balancing of the accounts of what goes into the warehouse, and what comes out in another form for exportation, that a ratio should be established between the weight of the live animal warehoused and the equivalent weight of the merchantable products of such animal after he has been slaughtered, — it is considered that the average weight of a live hog may be taken at 200 lbs., and that the equivalent of such live hog in Pork, Bacon, Hams, and Lard is 1 1 3 lbs., that every 1 13 lbs. weight of Pork, Bacon, Hams or Lard taken out of the warehouse shall bo deemed to represent one live hog put into the ware- house, and the exportation of that quantity of Pork, Bacon, Hams or Lard will be equivalent to the exportation of one of the live hogs bonded, and if the same, instead of being exported should go into consumption in this Dominion, it shall ' be charged with a duty of $2 as bjing the merchantable mauufectured equivalent of the live animal chargeable with that duty on importation. 4. The feet, bones and trimmings, if not exported, shall bo subject to duty on leaving ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 29' Customs. lorable the Mi- he said recited I slaughtering ;ted under the elf of the priv- entioned, shall Ich he intends )r with a brief Lilling pi'M, and d the Collector [y int6 a Ware- al intents and ; and the Im- wners of ware- Lhe same in the to the premises (^here the same each sddh Im- Tariff on such iue exportation ) Pork, Bacon, »ther\vise shall leaving the warehouse for consumption in Canada, and every 200 lbs. weight of such feet, bones and trimmings shall be considered as equivalent to the impor- tation of one live hog, and be as such charged with a duty of $2 on being so en- tered for consumption in Canada. 5. "With regard to the importation of swine in the carcass to be cured and packed in bond for exportation, the same shall be entered in the usual way for the warehouse, and be placed in the curing or packing house so as aforesaid cons- tituted into a warehouse, for the special purposes of curing and packing pork under the said Act, the weight of su oh carcasses to be duly ascertained by the proper Officer of Customs, on the same being placed into the Warehouse, and bonds shall be given in double the amount of the duties accruing on the said pork conditioned for the due exportation of the same within 2 years. 6. The killing pen, curing and packing houses and all cellars and stores in. eluded in the premises hereinabove mentioned, shall be accessible at all times whilst work shall be going on there, or at other times between sunrise and sun- set, to the inspection and survey of the Collector of Customs or of any other Offi- cer of the Port at which the same may be situated. :-'-' ■<, i i f'i!ii ' •>,(;'. V? ■ K' f _'i;i.^ 'u Ismr ;ir< ",y,j ''ti WM. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council. DRAWBACKS ON EXPORTATION OF IMPORTED GOODS. ; duty on each and that it is vhat goes into , that a ratio arehoused and il after he has i^e hog may be Bacon, Hams, 3 or Lard taken into the ware- or Lard will id if the same, linion, it shall ired equivalent ijoct to duty on leaving - i GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, ) i - Thursday, 28th day of May, 1868. present: - ■ ■■ <- - • .--i ' ..''■' ■ ,.,o',f HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. f\^ the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Customs, and un- * ^der and in virtue of the authority given by the lOih section of the Act passed daring the late session of the Parliament of Canada, 31 Vic. cap. 44, intituled : *' An Act to auK.Mid the Act of the present session, intituled : An Act imposing du- ties of Customs loith the tariff of duties payable under it" His Excellency in Council has been pleased to approve of the following Regulations respecting Drawbarks claimed on the exportation of goods under the slid 1 0th section of the Act above referred to, viz : 30 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Customs. I A, .Mjf^i'i-.'/- --.vt! 00*; vi- -•if Jtffi ;!'rii;Y(; REGULATIONS aaintiiii'U ('Hi; < Governing Drawbacks under Ihe 10th sec, 31 Vic. cap. 44, on the expo>'tation of duty paid articles in certain cases. ..I |! P' lo. Thfe manuracturer of any article, wholly manufactured in this Dominion out of materials imported into it, and upon whioh any duty of Customs has been paid, shall, upon the exportation of the said manufactured article, be entitled to a drawback equal to the duties that shall have been paid upon sucli quantity of the raw or duty paid material as shall have entered into and been consumed in the production of the manufactured article to be exported. ^1' ■.) nh 2o. To entitle himself to the drawback, the manufacturer shall comply with the following conditions. 1. — He shall make due entry of the manufactured article for exportation, and deliver to the Collector of the Port where such entry is made, a statement showing the marks and numbers of the packages, the designation of the contents of sucli packages, — the quantity of the manufactured article, — the place where manufactured, — the quantity of the raw and duty paid materials entering into the composition of the said manufactured articles, — the date or dales of the im- portation of such raw material, — the number of the entry or entries of such raw material, — the amount of duty paid on the same, and the Port at wich entered and paid, — the Port or place in the Foreign Country to which such manufac- tured article is to be exported, and the name of the vessel or Line of Railroad by which the exportation is intended to be made. 2 — ^To the foregoing statement, which shall be made out in the form pre- scribed by the Customs Department, the following oath shall be attached and be taken by the manufacturer before the Collector, viz : I, the manufacturer of the goods hereinbefore mentioned and entered for exportation, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement is in every particular true. (Signed), Sworn before me, this day of Collector. 3o. The Collector, or some Chief Officer of the Po^t, by his direction, sliall thereupon examine the packages so entered for exportation, and verify the correct- ness of the said statement, in so far as he may, and if satisfied therewith, he will require the manufacturer lo execute the following Bond : , ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 31 Customs. 'atiori of duty BOND. I A'lftfif ■(/> l.f<><| filll t( lllijt. I Know all men by Ihege presents that we, A. B. & C. of ' , are held anji firmly bound to oyr Sovereign Lady the Queen in the sum of o) ,,;,,, f ;,,,) for the payment of which sum of money, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally- firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals, and dated this day of i: in the year of Our Lord 59 'jBb Whereas the above bounden A has entered for exportation the following goods, viz : (here describe the number of packages, their marks and numbers, and weight and values of such goods) ., NOW the condition of this obligation is such that if the said packages, with their contents, shall be actually landed at the Port of . in or at some other Port or place without the limits of Canada, and the certificates and other proofs of such landing and the delivery of the same at such place shall be produced at this office within '^ , " ',', ". t" months from the date hereof, and shall not after being laden fot ei^ort^tion as aforesaid, be unladen or relanded within the limits of this Province, (unavoid) able accidents excepted,^ then the above abligation to be void and of no effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. --. (LS.) (LS.) Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of A. B. C. (LS.) I 4o. The Entry being so made and Bond executed the goods to be exported shall be laden and manifested for exportation either by Ship or by Railroad, and the Collector shall thereupon grant to the Exporter a Certificate in th3 following form:— | \ , v ' s j -_^: '( ^^ - \ ? j - ^ ! " ! -^ i ' No. CERTIFICATE. " j This certifies that having on the day of duly entered at this Port for exportation, the follow- ing goods, viz : (Marks and Nos., &c., as in the Entry,) and the same having been on the day of 186 , shipped or laden (if by water, state the name of the Ship and Master, and where bound — ifby Railroad, the name of the Line and the destinalion)— he, the said or his Assignee, thirty days after the production # ^l ORDERS IN COUNCIL. I Customs. production at this Office of a duly authenticated copy of the Entry inwards of the said goods, at the Port or place of destination aforesaid, or at some other Foreign Port or place, and upon the said or his Assignee, making oath on the face of such Foreign Entry, of the idientity of the goods so entered at the Foreign Port or Place, with the goods so entered for exportation he shall be entitled to the sum of dollars, being> the amount of drawback allowed by law upon the exportation of the said goods. Given at the Custom House, Port of day of ^i» (a) The full value of the goods exported. Collector. 5o. Such Certificates shall be numbered in a consecutive series, at the Ports where they are respectively issued, and before the delivery of the Certificate to the Exporter, its issuing shall be recorded in a book to be called the Drawback Certificate Book, which shall be kept at the Custom House, and the form of which shall be as hereunder :— . »i I til I '«} !!'•{, •a ' en > o C5 « a 03 Q a 3 o s cd o< 3 sts of the Dominion, unless some means of redress be provided. — It is therefore ordered that in all such special cases, it shall be lawful for the Minis- ter of Customs to consider the grounds and e.xamine the merits of each applica)iou and make such order thereupon subject to the approval of the Treasury Board, as may, in his judgment, be necessary for the relief of the parties, and consistent with the interest and security of the revenue. WM. H LEE. 3 Clerk Privy Council 34 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Customs. FOREIGN REPRINTS OF BRITISH COPYRIGHT WORKS. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Monday, 28th day of September, 1868. \ PRKSENT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. HIS Excellency was pleased to lay bufore the Council, a copy of his Procla- mation of the twenty- fourth day of September, A. D. 1868, announcing pursuant to the suspending clause therein. Her Majesty's Royal approval of the Act of the Parliament of Canada of the' 31st Victoria, Chapter 56, intituled : " An Act to impose a duty on Foreign Reprints of British Copyright Works, " and the issuing of an Order of Her Majesty in Council, under the Imperial Act of the lOlh and I llh Victoria, Chapter 95, suspending, so far as regards this Dominion during such time as the said first mentioned Act continues in force within the same, the Piohibilious contained in certain Acts of the Imperial Parliament against the importing, S3lling, lettmg out to hire, exposing for sale or hire, or possessing, foreign reprints of Books first composed, written, printed or published in the United Kingdon of Great Britain and entitled to copyright therein. Whereupon, under the authority of the saiJ Act of the Parliament of Canada, it was by His Excellency, by and with the advice of his Privy Council, Ordered. And it is hereby ordered, that on, from an 1 after the first day of October next, all Copyright Works being first composed or written and printed in the United Kingdom, and printed or reprinted in any other country, and with regard to which the notice to the Commissioners of Customs required by any Act of the Imperial Parliament in that bohalf, shall have been given, and a list of which shall have been published by the proper authority in England, from time to time, and as the list in the form established by Law, shall have been furnished the Customs Department for that purpose, by the Imperial Authorities, may bo entered for duty on payment of twelve pounds ton shillings upon every one hundred pounds value thereof — and under and subject to the same regulations as dutiable goods are now, or may hereafter be, admitted to entry for payment of duty under the authority of any law of this Dominion relating to Customs, Trade or Navigation. That all sums collected as duty on such Copyright Works shall (less the cost of advertising, postages and making up the accounts of the same,) at the end of every fiscal year, say 30the June, be remitted to Her Majesty's Principal Secre- tary of State for the Colonies, or such other Officier or party as may be from time to time appointed by competent authority to receive the same, together with a statement ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 3S Customs. :s. er, 1868. JNCIL. [ his Procla- , announcing jproval of the tituled : " An iks, " and the al Act of the lis Dominion ;e within the il Parliament le or hire, or I or published erein. int of Canada, icil, Ordered. October next, |in the United ■ilh regard to [ay Act of the list of which time to time, furnished the ties, may be lon every one e regulations for payment to Customs, (less the cost at the end of [•incipal Secre- 1 be from lime jelher with a statement statement shewing the amounts collected for each Copyright Work, in order that the proceeds of such duty may be paid over to or among the party or par ties beneficially interested in the Copyright of the Works which may be imported under these Regulations. Whereof the Honorable the Minister of Customs shall take due itotice, and give the necessary directions for carrying the same into effect. WiM. H. liEE, Clerk Privy Council. SUFFERANCE WHARVES AND WAREHOUSES. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, 23rd day of October, 1868. PRESENT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS it is provided by Cap. 6, of the Act 3 1st Vic, sec. 10, sub-sec. 5, that " the Governor in Council may make such regulations as may be considered advisable for the appointment of Suff>;raiice W^harves and Warehouses at which goods arriving by vessels in transit to other Ports or confined to certain days of departure, may be landed and afterwards stored before entry ;" And whereas it is expedient tliat the accommodation so contemplated should be afforded in all cases where the same may be found necessary, — His Excellency ill Council, on the rccommendatioa of the Honorable the Minister of Customs, and under the authority of tlie said recited Act lias been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that on application to the Minister of Customs by the owaer or mister of any Packet Steamer, or other vessel being a regular trader, specifying the name and tonnage of the said sle inier or other vessel, the general lime of her arrival and departure, and the ports between which she is accustomed to sail, also designating the. wharf at wh'.ch she is accustomed to land and the building in which it is proposed to store her carg), it shall be lawful for the said Minister of Customs to declare the said wharf and building to be a sufferance wharf and warehouse for the purposes of the Act, and to authorize the Collector of the port to grant a warrant or licence, for a specified time, to the Master of such steamer or other vessel to land his cargo and store the same at the wharf and in the building so declared to be a sufferancti wharf and warehouse, without previous entry, the slid Master having previously executed a bond to the Crown in \w If 36 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Customs. in such penal sum as the said Minister of Customs may consider equitable, hut not less than one thousand dollards, providing that the said master will not fail to leave in the hands of the Landing Waiter or other Officer of Customs appointed for the purpose, a report of the contents of his vessel for each voyage, and that he will in all other respocts conform to the requirements of the law in such case, and will use his utmost diligence fo prevent any infraction thereof by any person or persons arriving at such port in his vessel. WiNf. 11. LEE, Clerk Privy Council. VESSELS ARRIVLNG FROM SEA AT PORTS OX RIVER ST. JOHN, N. B. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, " , ,, "'"' 23rd day of October, 18G8. < .■4K'! v^ •!■.-' ti •' t ■ ■' PRESENT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the reonmmendation of the lion, the Minister of Customs and under Uie authority given by the 5th sub-sec. of section 13 of the Act 31st Vic. Cap. 6, intituled : "' An Act respecting the Customs, " His Excellency in Council has been pleased to approve of the following Regulations respecting Vessels arriving from Sea at Ports on the River St. John, New Brunswick, viz : — !■, Regulations. The Master of any vessel arriving with cargo at the Port of St. John, in the Provinct! of Now Brunswick, bound for Frodericton, or any other Port on the Saint John River, shall report at the OHice of the Collector of Customs ]>ofore proceeding up the River, and shall lake on board an authorized Oiricor to remain until such vessel shall have been entered at Fredericton or some other Port, pro- vided Ihiil the said Master shall bo only required to report to said Collector at Saint John, the fact of the arrival of such V(!ssol with a cargo, without producing any manifest, statement or other speciricalion thereof, and for any failure to so report, or for refusing to lake on bjard such officer, the said Master shall be sub- ject to a penally of four hundred dollars, and if such Master shall not provide room under deck in llu! forecastle r- steerage for llie Olliccrs bed, with good and suilicienl food, he shall be Ualile to a penalty of fifty dollars for each oll'euce. ',,,, i ,',.^\. . _ '-_ ,' ' ' ' '''^-■' \ ," '' ■ WM. 11. LEE, ; , ,f ,,. , Clerk Privy Council ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 37 lui table, but mW not fail ■ of Customs ;ach voyage, of the law in »n thereof by LEE, •rivy GounciL JOHN, N. B. Customs. >bor, 1868. UNCIL. ind under the 1st Vic. Cap. 6, Council has (ssels arriving pt. John, in the r Port on the usloms Ijofore icor to remain Lhor Port, pro- d Collector at lout producing y failure to so r shall bo snh- 11 not provide with good and icli olVonce. I. II. LEE, I'rivy Council TARE ON SUGAR. ALLOWANCE FOR. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Thursday, 25th day of March, 1869. Presemt : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS by the ?7th section of the Act 31st Vic. Cap. 6, intituled : " An Act respecting the Customs, " it is provided that " in all cases where duties " are charged according to the weight, tare, guage or measure, such allowances " shall be made for tare and draft upon the packages, as may be appointed by " regulation made by the Governor in Council ; " And whereas it is desirable to establish an uniform practice at all the Ports of Entry in the Dominion, in reference to the allowance for tare on sugar.— On the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Customs, His Excel- lency has been pljased the order, and it is hereby ordered, that the following Regulations be, and the same are hereby adopted : From and after this date, there shall be allowed for tare on sugar imported in hogsheads, twelve per centum, and in tierces, fourteen per centum of the gross weight of each, and on barrels, an allowance of twenty six pounds each. On bags in which sugar is imported, an average t?.re shall be allowed, to be ascer- tained by weighing one bag out of every ten. If in any case, objection is taken to the above scale of allowances for tare, then the actual tare according to the original invoice may be allowed, subject however to such examination, either by actual weighing or appraisement, as may be thought necessary by the Collector of the Port, to prove that the actual weight of packages is not less than that stated in such invoice. ■ , 7_/l;'> WM. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council 38 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Customs. I H l^i I'll BONDING WAREHOUSES. PRIVILEGE OF USING STORES AS. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. Friday, 25th day of June, 1869. HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS by Section 55, Cap. 6, 3 1st Victoria, the Governor iu Council is authorized to make reguhitions respecting W\irehousing Ports and Bond ing Warehouses, — His Excellency in Council on the recommendation of the Honorable the Mi- nister of Customs, and under the authority aforesaid, has been pleased to Order, and it is hereby Ordered that in each of the Ports of Hcimilton, London, Toronto, and Kingston, in the Province of Ontario, in Montreal and Quebec, in the Pro- vince of Quebec, in St. John, in the Province of New Brunswick, and in Halifax in the Province of Nova Scotia, each person obtaining or having the right and privilege of using any store or building, or part of such store or building, as a Bonding Warehouse shall, for such privilege, pay to the Collector of Customs, on the first day of September in each year, the sum of forty dollars, and if the same shall remain unpaid for the term of one month thereafter, then the privi- lege of using such store or building as a Bondirg Wan house shall be cancelled. WM. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council. DRAWBACK ON GOODS EXPORTED TO P. E. ISLAND AND NEW- FOUNDLAND. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. '"■'•' ' ' ■• ' ' Wednesday, IMi day nf May, 1870. Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS by Section II of the Act 31 Vic, Cap. 7, intituled : " An Act im- posing duties of Customs with the Tariif of duties pay.ible under it ; " the Governor in Council is empowered to prescribe Regulalions, under which Draw- linck may be allowed on goods exported to Ncnvfoiuidland or Prince Edward Island, on which duties of Customs have been paid. Ills Excellency tue GovKHNon Geneiial in Council, on the reconiiiuMidation of he Honorable the Miiiisler of Cnsloms, and iiiuli>r llie authority aloresaid, lins been pleased lo oi'd( r, and il is hereby Ordered, llial for Ihe purpose ofsi^-uring the said Drawback, the following rules shall be ohsiuved, viz: ORDERS IN COUNCIL 3'J Customs. AND NEW- Tho Exporter of any duty paid goods to either of the said Colonies of New- foundland and Prince Edward Island, which Exporter must also be the original Importer, shall if the value thereof amount to the sum of one Hundred Dollars, make and suhscribe an Export Entry of the same before the Collector of Cus- toms of the port from which the said goods are to he exported, in the usual form, stating the name, nationality and destination of the vessel, and the name and address of the consignee, with the designation, quantity and value of said goods, and the amount of duty originally paid thereon ; and shall make and subscribe an affidavit, upon some convenient part of the said Entry, setting forth and affirming, that the goods as described in the said Entry are to be exported as stated in said Entry, and that the value assigned to the said goods, is the same as the value upon which tiie said Exporter paid duty when the same were imported by him, to the Customs of the Dominion of Canada, and no more, which Entry shall be made and subscribed in triplicate. One copy to be retained at the Custom House, one to be sent to the Department of Cus- toms. Ottawa, and the remaining copy to bo transmitted by the Exporter with the goods to the consignee, and on the return of the latter, with the certificate of the Collector of Customs, or otherwise duly authorized official, setting forth and tcstifiymg that the goods as described and valued in said Entry, have been duly rccuvod and entered at said port of destination, then it shall and may be lawful fo-' the Collector of the port at which the said Export Entry had been made, to pay the amount of Drawback to the Exporter, taking his receipt therefor. Certified. WM. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council. PACKAGES CONTAINING " FREE GOODS, " TO BE ADMITTED DUTY FREE. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Tliumlaij, 2n(l ilay-of June, \Sli). PUKSKNT : HIS, EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the rfcnmniandation of the Honorable the Minister of Customs, and under the authority given by the itii. Section of the Act 31 Vic Cap. 6, intitu- led : " An Act resptH-ting the Custom*. " His Excellency has been pleased to Order and declare, juid it is hereby ordered and declared, that all Packages containing " Fn!e Goods," when such Packages areof the description in which such goods are usually imported, and are not more valuable than the goods they conlain, shall be. entered free of dutv. . , ,, / WM. II. LEK, Clt'rk Privy diuucil. 1 i 1 t ;l. . 40 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Customs. MANITOBA.— PARTS OF THE CUSTOMS LAWS MADE APPLICABLE TO GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Friday, the 18th day of November, 1870. ^ - ; PnESKNT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS by the Act 33 Victoria, Chapter 3, Section 28, intituled : " An Act to amend and continue the Act 32 and 33 Victoria, Chapter 3, and to es tablish and provide for the Government of the Province of Manitoba, it is provided that such provisions of the Customs Laws of Canada (other than such as prescribe the rate of duties payable) as may be from time to time declared by the Governor General in Council, to apply to the Province of Manitoba, shall be applicable there to and in force therein accordingly. His Excellency in Council on the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Customs, and under the authority aforesdid, has been pleased to Order and it is hereby Ordered, that the following provisions of the Customs Laws of Canada, being the Acts or parts of Acts of the Parliament of Canada hereinafter mentioned be, and the same are hereby declared to apply to the said Province of Manitoba that is to say : Sections 1 to 14 inclusive, and also Sections 37 to 50 inclusive, of the Act 31 Victoria, Chapter 5, intituled : " And Act respecting the Collection and Manage- ment of the Revenue, the Auditing of Public Accounts, and the liiibility of Public Accountants. " The whole of the Act 31 Victoria, Chapter 6, intituled : " An Act respecting the Customs, " excepting thereout, Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 19, 20, 101, 138, 139 and 140. Sections 8, 10, 1 1, 13, 17 and 18 of the Act 3! Victoria, Chapter 7, intituled : "An Act rospocting Duties of Customs, with the Tariff of duties payable under it. " Sections 10 and 13 of the Act 31 Victoria, Chapter 44, in'.ituled : " An Act to amend the Act of the present Session, intituled : " An Act imposing Duties of Customs, with tlio Tariff of Duties payable under it. " And The whole of the Act 33 Victoria, Chapter 8, intituled : " An Act to explain and amend the Act respecting the Collecting and Management of the Revenue, the Auditing of Public Accounts, and the liability of Pnblic Accountants. " ' WM. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council, Canada. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 41 Customs. LICABLE TO MACHINERY IMPORTED FREE OF DUTY. REGULATIONS RESPECTING. Copy of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Privy Council^ approved by His Excellency the Governor-General in Council on the Ith June 187 L On a Memo dated 1st June 1871 from the Hon. the Minister of Customs stating that by the 4th Section of the Act of Parliament of Canada, Cap. 10, intituled : "An Act to amend the Act relating to duties of Customs " it is provided that the Governor in Council may authorize the admission free of duty of any Machinery to ke used in any Canadian mpnufactory, on satisfactory evidence that the Machi- nery is not then manufactured in Canada. That should this clauseof the Act be held to require that every case, in which exemption from duty may be claimed under it, should be specially considered by the Privy Council, it is apprehended that owing to the frequency of such appli- cations both inconvenience and delay might arise in carrying out the object of the law. He therefore suggests that a general order be passed prescribing what shall constitute the satisfactory evidence requii'ed, and that the applications of the Im- porters of such machinery, with the evidence so prescribed, should be transmit- ted to the Department to be considered and disposed of by the Minister of Customs instead of being submitted to Council. The evidence he submits should consist Ist. of a declaration of the Importer, 2d. of a certificate signed by two practical machinists or persons engaged in ma- nufactures in Canada. The declaration and certificate to be in the form hereunder proposed and both documents to be attested before a competent public officer. The Committee advise that the recommendation of the Minister of Customs be][approved and adopted. (Cer lifted) WM. H. LEE, Clerk Privy CounciL IMPORTER'S DECLARATION. I the Importer of the machinery following, viz : — do hereby declare, that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no machi- nery of the description hereinabove described is manufactured in Canada, and that the said machinery is imported to be used in the manufactory, of wliich I am the propvietor (or one of the propiietors). Sworn before me at this day of 187 1 (I, I i 1 -! I' I'! ! i ; i 'It I.. I f %: :i. y 42 ORDERS IN GOUNCII>. Customs. MACHINISTS' OR MANUFACTURERS' CERTIFICATE. WE, Ihe undersigned and of do hereby certify that we have reason to believe, and do verily believe, that no machinery of the description imported by and above by liim desrribed, is manufactured in the Dominion of Canada Severally sworn before me, at this day of \m ] WINNIPEG.— PART OF RED RIVER DECLARED TO BE WITHIN LIMITS OF PORT OP- GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. Tnesday, 13th day of June, 1871. PRESENT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Hon. the Minister of Cnstoms, and for the reasons given in his Report of the 8lh June instant. His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that the Red River, in the Pro- viuce of Manitoba, from the point of its intersection with the Boundary Line between the United Stales and the said Province of Manitoba (Canada) to its jonc- tion with Lake Winnipeg, shall be and the same is hereby declared to be com- prised within ihe limits of the Port of Winnipeg under the following conditions and restrictions, that is to say : — All Steamers, Vessels and Boats of any kind, on entering the said Province of Manitoba, on the Red River, shall be, and they are hereby required to report at Ihe Out Port of North Pembina and to comply with all existing requirements of the Law, but, on payment of duty at that Out Port on goods destined for any place between that out Port and the Port of Winniiieg, they be permitted, on the warrant of the Sub Collector, to bind and discharge such good^, or the luggage of such passengers as may desire to disembark, before reaching the said Port of Winnipeg. That in like manner, after payment of duties nt the Port of Winnipeg, the safne privilege bo granted them as at the said Out Port — to land and discharge goods under the restrictions aforesaid at any place on the Red River above or below ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 43 Customs. ctured in tlie PHIN LIMITS 1(1 discharge below "Winnipeg — and all steamers plying within the limits, and observing the conditions aforesaid shall be considered and treated as trading within the limits of (he said Port of Winnipeg. WM. H. LEE, Clerk Privv Council PROPRIETARY MEDICINES, &c. -DUTY THEREON DECLARED. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, dVonday, 6lh. day of November., [Bll. Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Customs and under the authority of the Act 31 Vic, Cap. 6, Sec. 4, entitled : " An Act respect- ing the Customs, " His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that from and after the date hereof, the following articles when imported into Canada, or taken out of Warehouse for consumption therein — that is to say : Spirits and Strong Waters mixed with any ingredient or ingredients, and although thereby coming under the denomination of Proprietary Medecines, Tinctures, Essences, Extracts or any other denomination, shall be, and they are hereby declared to be chargeable with the duty imposed by the 3rd Section of the Act 33 Vic, Cap. 9, and with no other Customs duty. WM. H. LEE, ii...,. Clerk, Privy Council. HORSES .^c, BRINGING PROVISIONS FROM UNITED STATES, INTO BRITISH COLUMBIA, FREE OF DUTY. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Siiturday, 25th day of May 1872. Present : HIS EXCELLENY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Customs and under the authority conferred by the 12th article of the 123rd Section of the Act 31st Victoria, Chapter G, intituled " An Act respecting the Customs. " His Excel- lency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that Horses and Mules or other pack animals bringing provisions or other merchandize from the United Sla 44 ORDERS IN COUNCir.. Customs. States Territory across the Southern Boundary of the Province of British Colum- bia, be admitted without payment of duty on Bonds being given in an amount equal to double the duty on the animals brought in and conditioned for the due exportation thereof within a period of three months from the date of their entry into such Province, or the payment of the duties upon due entry before the expi ration of that delay. ' WM. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council. TEA AND COFFEE.— DUTY OF 10 PER CENT IMPOSED ON GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Tuesday, 2Uh day of December., 1872. PRESENT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS by the Act passed in the 35 year of Her Majesty's Reign, entitled : '' An Act to amend an Act of the present Session and to enable the Gov- ernor in Council to impose a duty on Tea and Coffee imported from the United States in the case therein mentioned " it is provided that if at any time any greater duty of Customs should be payable in the United States of America on Tea or Coffee imported from Canada than on Tea or Coffee imported from any other Country, then the Governor in Council may impose on Tea or Coffee imported into Canada from the said United Stales a duty of Customs equal to the duty payable in the United States on Tea or Coffee imported from Canada ; provided that Tea or Coffee imported into Canada from any Country other than the said United States, but passing in bond through the United States, shall be free from duty. And whereas the contingency contemplated by the above recited Act has occurred, and Tea and Coffee imported into the United States from Canada are subject to a duty of ten per cent ad valorem, while Teas and Coffees imported from Countries East of the Cape of Good Hope are free from duty. His Excellency in Council on the recommendation of the Honorable the Mi- nister of Finance, and under the authority aforesaid, has been pleased to order and it is hereby ordered, that a duty of ten per cent be imposed, from and after theflrst day of January next and the same is hereby authorized to be levied and collected on Tea and Colfee imported into Canada from the United Scutes of Ame- rica,. from and after that date. W. A. IlIMSWORTH, Clerk Privy Council. ORDERS JN COUNCIL. 45 Customs. OLD TOM GIN " MODE OF ASCERTAINING STRENGTH, FOR DUTY PAYABLE ON GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. Saturday, 25th day of January, 1873. Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS the article known as Old Tom Gin, being a sweetened Spirit, can- not be accurately tested for strength by Syke's Hydrometer in the mode prescribed by Law for testing spirituous liquors, and it is expedient with a view to uniformity in the collection of duty thereon, that an average strength should be adopted as the rule governing entries thereof. His Excellency, on the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Customs, and under the authority given by fjie 4th section of the Act 31 Vic- Cap. 6, intituled : " An Act respecting the Customs, " has been pleased to order and it is hereby ordered, that in collecting Customs Duty on the importation of Old Tom Gin, the same be dealt with and treated as a Spirit twenty percent, under proof, or containing eighty per cent, of proof spirits W. A. HIMSWORTH, Clerk Privy Gcuncil. Ji'ELTED CLOTH LIABLE TO CUSTOMS DUTY. NOTICE. CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT. Ottawa, Ath June 1873. "VTotice is hereby given that His Excellency the Governor General, by an Order -1.^ in Council bearing date 30lh of May last, has been pleased to order [and direct that, while Felt for the manufacture of Hats and Boots should be admitted free of duty under the Tariff, duly must be charged on all Felted cloth of every description. By Command, J. JOHNSON, Assl. Cowm. of Customs, i I f I ill 46 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Customs. PORTS OF, ENTRY ESTABLISHED BY ORDERS IN COUNCIL SINCE THE PASSING OF THE ACT RESPECTING THE CUSTOMS, 1867. Date of Ohdehs in , COI.'NCIL. NAMES OF PORTS OF CUSTOMS. 25 June 1869. Three-Rivers, Out Port, constituted a Port of Entry and ware housing Port. 25 January 1870. Amherst — Name changed to Magdalen Islands. il u (( Bytown, " " to Ottawa. U (( (( Dalhousie, Ont., " to St. Catherines. 21 June a " Locke Port ", name of Port of" Ragged Islands " changed to 18 November (( Winnipeg, Prov, of Manitoba. 13 June 1871. Do Part of Red River declared to be within the limits of Port of Winnipeg. 12 October u " McAdams Junction " N. B. 6 May 1872 Perc§, Port of Entry and Warehousing Port. 10 September (( Peterboro, Ont., Out Port, made a Port of Entry. 2 April 1873. Lindsay, " made a Pert of Entry and Warehousing Port. 3 May (( Guysborough, N. S. I'! T . ' ,1 . ■, ,. > I . .,' . j, h ORDERS IN GOUiNCIL. 47 Customs. e within the ousing Port. OUT PORTS ESTABLISHED BY ORDERS IN COUNCIL SINCE THE PASSING OF THE ACT RESPECTING THE CUSTOMS 1867. Dates of Ordkhs IN Council. 27 August 18 May 28 " 30 June 1868. 1869 u NAMES OF OUT PORTS. 1,'ndeb Survey of 23 September " 26 April 1870. " September " 22 " " 10 November '' Edmonton, N. S. reduced to an Out. Port. Byng Islet, Georgian Bay Big Glace Bay, N. S. made an Out. Port under name of Port Caledonia. Nova Scotia New Brunswick (See below) Grand Falls. Toronto. Sydney, 18 " 21 December u u 4 February 6 " 20 April 7 June 31 July 14 May 25 " 1 1 June 20 20 Juno 21 " 8 July 30 September 2 October 7 " a a 6 February 1873 17 " 2 April a u ■! 14 " 3 Mav 7 Julv .1 u 1871 (( u a (1 1872 u a 1872 u u u abolished.. u a n (I n Sheet Harber, A. S. Tangier " Shannonville, Ont Point Le Preau, N. B. to be known a Sub Port Ryerse, Out. Port, to be a Warehousing Port Grand Harbour, N. B St. Armand and Rouse's Point, detached from Port of Montreal and placed under the survey of Port of North Pembina, Manitoba Lambton, Ont Baby Point, '•'■ abolished Queenston Ship Harbour, N. S Esjuimaux Point, detached from Quebec and placed under the survey of Gasp6. Tignish, N.S r\spay Bay, N. S Musquash and Quaco, N. B Mealord, Ont Salmon River, N. B Silver Islet, Lake Superior York Factory, N. W Moose Factory " Apple River, N. S Getson's Cove Vlma. Out Port of Salmon River to be known as Alma ._ Sherbrooke, Quebec Bale St. Paul Lardoise, N. S South Bar " Cocagne, N. B St. Thomas, Ont Strathroy " New Glasgow, N. S Jordan Bay " River Bourgeoise, N. S Port Mulgrave, reduced to an Out Port.... Port Williams, N. S Halifax. Belleville. St. John. Campo Bello. St. John's. Winnipeg. Wallaceburg. Niagara. Halifax. Gaspe. Amherst. Baddeck. St. John. Owen Sound. Hillsborough. Sault Ste. Marie. Winnipeg. Sault Ste. Marie. Parrsboro'. Lunenburg. Coaticook. Quebec. Arichal. Sydney. Richibucto. London. do Pictou. Sherburne. Arichai. Guysborough. 1, I I I 48 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Customs. ! ' 1 ! 1 ■' . . i i ■ ! i i I: i i '■ i ■■«■ ' ■ w i GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Wednesday, 20lh day of June, 18G9. PRESENT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON tlio recommandalion of the Honorable the Minister of Customs and under and in virtue of the 8th section of the Act, 31 Victoria, Cap. G, intitnled : " An Act respecting the Customs." His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that tlie fol- lowing Ports in the Pi-ovince of Nova Scotia, shall be and the same are hereby declared to be Out Ports of Entry, under the Survey of the respective Ports here- inafter mentioned, that is to say : The Ports of Pugwash, Wallace and Joggins, to be Out Ports, under the Survey of the Port of Amherst. The Ports of Advocate Harbour and Ratchford's River, to be Out Ports, under the Survey of the Port of Parsboro. The Port of Little Bras d'Or to be an Out t'ort, under the Survey of the Port of North Sydney. The Ports of Tatamagouche and Merrigonish, to Out Ports, under the Survey of the Port of Pictou. The Ports of Beaver River, Pubrico and Tusket, to be Out Ports, under the Sur- vey of the Port of Yarmouth. The Ports of Clemen tsport and Thome's Cove, to be Out Ports under the Survey of the Port of Annapolis. The Ports of Harbour Aii Bouche and Little River, to be Out Ports, imder the Survey of the Port of Anligonish. The Port of Saint Peters and the Port of Richmond, to be Out Ports, under the Survey of the Port of Arichat. The Ports of Great Bras d'Or and St. Anns, to be Out Ports, under the Survey of the Port of Baddeck. Port William, to bean Out Port, under the Survey of the Port of Bridgetown. The Ports of Canada Creek, French Cross, Harbourville and Ilorton, to be Out Ports, under the Survey of the Port of Cornwallis. TiiePort of Tangier, to be an Out Port, under the Survey of the Port of Halifax. The Ports of Bear River, Sandy Cove, Westport and Freeport, to be Out Ports, under the Survey of the Port of Digby. The Port of Margaree, to lu> an Out Port, under the Survey of Port Hood ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 49 Customs. The Ports of Five Isljinds and Truro, to be Out Ports, under the Survey of the Port of Londonderry. The Ports of La Have, Mahone Bay and Chester, to be Oiit Ports, under the Survey of the Port of Lunenburg. The Port of Wilmot to be an Out Port, under tJie Survey of the Port of Marga- retsville. The Ports of Cape Canso, Guysborongh, Isaac's Harbour and St. Mary's River, to be Out Ports, under the Survey of Port Mulgrave. The Port of La Tour, to be an Out Port, under the Survey of the Port of Harr- ington. The Ports of Lingan, Louisburg, Main A Dieu, Glace Bay, Cow Bay and Cale- donia, to be Out Ports, under the Survey of the Port of Sydney. The Ports of Acadia, Belleveau Cove and Gilbert's Cove, to be Out Ports, under the Survey of the Port of Weymouth. The Ports of Cheverie, Hantsport, Walton and Maitland, to be Out Ports, under ■ the Survey of the Port of Windsor. WM. H. LEE, Clerk Priuy Council. ler the Survey rts, under the rts, under the the Survey of 3ridgetovvn. )n, to bo Out ..- GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. * Wednesday^ ZOth day of June, 1869. PRESENT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Customs, and imder and in virtue of the 8lh section of the Act. 31 Vic, Cap. 6, intituted : " An Act respecting the Customs." His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that the fol- lowing Ports in the Province of New Brunswick shall be and the same are hereby declared to be Out Ports of Entry, under the Survey of the respective Ports here- inafter mentioned, that is to say : The Port of Campbelltown, in the county of Ristigouche, to be an Out Port, under the Survey of the Port of Dalhousie. The Port of New Bandon, in the County of Gloucester, to be an Out Poi't, under the Survey of the Port of Bathurst The Port of Rockland, in the County of Westmorland, to be an Out Port, under the Survey of the Port of Dorchester. 50 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Customs. The Port of North Joggins, in the Cbunty of Westmorland, to be an Ont Port, under the Survey of the Port of Sackville. The Port of Buctouche, in the County of Kent, to be an Out Port, under the Survey of the Port of Richibucto. The Port of Harvey, in the County of Albert, to be an Out Port, under the Sur- vey of the Port of Hillsborough. • The Ports of Grand Falls and Tobique, in the County of Victoria, to be Out Ports, luider the Survey of the Ports of Woodstock, in the Comity of Carleton. 'I . ^ i t i\i 9. !■■ WM. H. LEE, Clerk Privv Council. COASTING TRADE OF CANADA. SHIPS OF ITALY ADMITTED TO THE .'.'•r .-(.ivvi i...i;iO '■:i. ' . GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. '»' ' '*" '' ' ' " ' I'nESENT : . HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. Wednesday, t3th day of August, 1873. WHEREAS by the 1st Section of the Act passed in the 33rd year of Her Ma- jesty's Reigii, and uttituled •' An Act respecting the coasting Trade of Canada, " it is amongst other things enacted that no goods or passengers shall he carried by water from one Port of Canada to another except in British ships. And whereas by the 2nd Section of the said Act it is further enacted that the Governor in Council may from time to time declare and it is hereby ordered and declared, that the foregoing provisions of that Act shall not, wiiile such Order in Co\incil is in force, apply to the ships or vessels of any foreign country in wiiich British sl^ips are admitted to the Coasting Trade of that country, and permitted to carry goods and paj'Sengers from one port or place in such country to another. And whereas it has been ascertained that British ships are allowed to parti- cipat(» in the Coasting Trade of Italy on the same footing as the vessels of that kingdom. .... . ■ , .. His Kxcolloncy by and with the advice of the Privy Council, and on the re- roininandation of the Hon. the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, has been pleased lo order and declare, that the provisions of Ihe said above recited Act shtiU not apply lo the ships or vessels of Italy, but that such vessels shall be, and they are hereby admitted to the Coasting Trade of the Dominion on the same terms and i'')n(litions as are ap[iiicali|(! to Canadian vessels, W. A. IIIMSWORTH, • ' Clerk Privy Council^ Canada ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 51 D TO THE Customs. MANUFACTURES. — MATERIALS USED IN CANADIAN MANUFACTURES PLACED IN THE FREE LIST. Name of Articles. Curlled Hair, Oi'angcs, Citrons and Lemons, when imported in brine for the purpose ol' being candied ; and also the rinds of tliese fruits when imported in brine for the same purpose Ivory Nuls Cotton Warp, not coarser than No. 4 '. Annatto and Remiet Sandarac, Mastic, Shellac, Dammar — Gums Union CoUor Clolh-paper, for the Manufacture of collars, cuffs, fronts, and similar goods Heavy Oil, or Carbolic Oil, — a product of coal tar, used in the manufacture of wood block pavements, wood for building, railroad ties, &c Canvas, for the manufacture of floor oil clolh ; not less than 18 feet wide, and not pressed or calendered Unmanufactured Ivory Machinery or mills for the purpose of crushing, prepariii " and working out ores of gold and silver, taken from mines in Canada, when the like machinery or mills arc not made in Canada 3, 4, ik 6 ply white and colored unRnished cotton thread, in hanks not under twenty yarn Precipitate of Copper Analine Salts, used for dyeing piu'poses Felt. Cation, and Woollen Netting, Flush and Silk Twist used in themauul'iictuiv of gloves ;uid mitts Date of Order in Council. 5th May, 1871 do do do do do 1871 1871 1871 1871 1871 •28th Juno, 187 1 3rd August, 1871 do 1871 Gth November, 1871 19th March, 1872 1 0th April, 187-2 9th June, 1872 do 1872 27th Dec, 1872 1 'ql '4 ~^ i ( 1 i f ' 'i i 1 ■i 1 i 7 •i'ii ! 52 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Inland Revenue. WANY OR OGTOGONALLY-SHAPED TIMBER. MODE OF MEASURING. ' , Crown Lands Department, '; ' Quebec, 31s< A%, 1860. • NOTICE is hereby given, that His Excellency the Governor General in Coun- J* cil has been pleased, by an Order dated the 29th instant, to provide for the measuring of wany or octagonally shaped Timber, as follows : First. — The mode of measurement to be adopted — The extreme breadth and thickness of each stick to be taken at the measuring point, measuring also the ' wanes and making an average of them, the quantity represented by the four wanes to be deducted from the gross contents (as computedjfrom the extreme breadth and thickness and the length) in order to obtain the solid cofttonts of the stick. Second. — The Tables to be adopted are those compiled by Mr. John Quinn which are computed to meet the above mode of measurement. ; i > ,,,..; •■', Third. — The measuring rod to be 40 inches in length, having two arms of Sc- inches in length each, one at the end fixed, the other sliding, both arms as well ' as the rod itself to be graduated with inches and the sliding arm so arranged that it shall be always at right angles with !lip rod itself. This rod to be used in con. nection with the implements at present in use, or such other implements or rods, ■ for small wanes, as may be found necessary by the Supervisor of Cullers. ANDREW RUSSELL, Assist. Commissioner of Crown Lands. 4 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 53 Inland Revenue. WAREHOUSING OF SPIRITS, MALT LIQUOR AND TOBACCO— REGU- LATIONS. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, QUEBEC, Wednesday, 1 7th day of May, 1865. PRESENT : HrS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. His Excellency laid before the Council a Draft of Regulations of the Hon. the Minister of Finance for the Warehousing of Spirits, Malt Liquor and Tobacco? under the Excise Law, 27 and 28lh Vic. Cap. 3, intituled : " An Act to amend and consolidate the Act respecting duties of Excise, and to impose certain new duties." • Whereupon Ilis Excelloucy was pleased to order, and it is horeby ordered, that the following excise regulations for the warehousing of Spirits, Malt Liquor and Tobacco, be and the same are hereby authorized, viz ; L Spirits and Tobacco must pay the full amount to which they are liable, semi montly, or they must be immediately warehoused. 2. Thoy may ho waroiioused iu any custjms warehoii'^o within the limits of the Inland Revenue Division in which Ihey have been manufactured ; in every such case they must be received into warehouse by the customs locker on the warrantor the collector of Inland Revenue, countersigned by the collec'.or of customs for the port. 3. If bonded iu a warchoui-e not used as a customs warohouso bul in a warehouse surveyed and accepted as an excise warehouse, such warehouse shall be designated by a letter conunencing with A, and so on in alphabetical seijnenco • for each snc('e(>ding warehouse suiveyt'd. • i ■'«, Application Tor Uk; eslablishnii'ut of a warehouse for excise purposes must bo made in writing by the person requiring it, and every such application must fully and niiiuitely desci'ilie tin; premisi's with their exact locality. r». On r(>eeii)l of siu'h an applicaliuu ihe colleclor will survey the premises, and irsatisHed thai Ihey are suilaMe I'Dr ilu' pui'iiose, and that they allonl the ro- quisile proleclioii to Ihe revenue, aiul on their bi'ing supplied with suitable locks, he will reporl the i';u'ls to the ilepiu'tnient, whoso authority will be requiied to use such warehouse as a Itouding wareliousi' for ('xcisc pur[Misi's. iff 1 lill ! 54 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Inland Revenue. 6. The principal door of ingress and egress of every such warehouse shall be provided with two locks at the expense of the owner of the goods warehoused, one of which shall be selected by the officer or by other competent authority, the key of the last named lock to be kept by the officer, and the key of the former by the owner of the goods ; and shonid IIkm-c be more doors than one all such other doors shall be fastened on the inside in a secure manner to the satisfaction of the officer. 7. The attention of collectors of Inland Revenue and of all persons warehou- sing goods under these regulations, is especially directed to the sections 70, to 83 inclusive of the Act 27 i*v28 Vict. cap. 3, a copy whereof is hereto appended. 8. Every entry of goods for \varehoiis'3 must be preceded by a written notice from the person desiring to warehouse them, which notice must be given at least one day before the gOods are removed to the warehouse, and in the prescribed form, and must set forth fully the qnaniity and description of the goods. 9. No removal shall take place of packages other than those mentioned in the notice ', nor shall any removal be allow^ui upon any authorized Holiday or before the hour of nine o'clock in the morning or aflier four o'clock in the afternoon. 10. The ofTicer to whom \, above notice is given shall be in attendance in accordance therewith for the purposo of checking the quantities, marks and num- bers of the packages and receiving them into warehouse. 1 1. Entry of goods for warehouse must in all cases be made on the forms sanc- tioned by the department, and every such entry shall contain a full and complete specification of the goods so entered, staling : ' ' ' ' "■ a. The number and description of packages. b. Marks and numbers. ill: ■! c. Contents of each in lbs. or gallons, and in liie case of spirits the contents are to be stated in gallons of the strength of proof. (/. The fluty to which the goods would have been liable had they gone into consunipiion. F.very cask or barrel of spirits, and every package of tobacco shall bo full and whole at the time it Is warehoused. \i. Evei'v such entry sli ill h > madi* in duplicate, one copy to remain on file in the olfice of the collector of Inland Ht!venue, the other to be innnediately for war.led to the Department. ■ 13. The collector of Inland Revenn(,> will in every case take bonds with' cacii entry ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 55 Inland Revenue. entry as required by sec. 73, 27 & iC Vic. cap. 3, and on the prescribed form. These bonds must contain a general description of the goods warehoused, and also a reference to the entry papers by number and date. The bond will bear the same number as the entry, and they will be fxled together. 14.' Goods can only be entered for exportation ex loarehouse from a warehouse wJlhin the limits of a warehousing Port of Entry, and only at the Port at which they are actually laden on the ship or other veiiicles in which they are to leave the country. 15. As often as any person owning goods wariihousud under these regula- tion shall be desirous of exporting any quantity of such goods, he shall deliver to the collector of Inland Revenue, in whose cliaigi; such goods are, a notice in writing specifying the full particular thereof as set forth in section U of these regulations, and also the name of the ship orvessul, and iBe name of the master of such ship or vessel, or'^tLtj line of railway, as the case may be, by which such- goods are intended to be exported. 16. All casks, boxes, bales or other packages of goods entered for exportation shall, before leaving the warehouse, be conspicuously marked, branded or*«tam- ped, as the case may be, with the letters EXI^n by the collectors of Inland Re- venue or other proper officer. 17. Entry of goods for exportation ex warehousi^, must be made in duplicate, and on the forms sanctioned by the department, each containing an exact speci- fication of the goods entered as in the case of entries of goods for warehouse. (Vide sec. II.) 18. One copy of the entry will be retained on file in the office of the collec- tor of Inland Revenue. The other copy will be immediately forwarded to the department, 19. A wanantis also to be prepared containing an exact copy of the specifi- "-alion in the entry, which warrant will b'j placed in the hands of the collector of customs of the port whence the goods are to bo exported, who will certify as to thoir boiiig duly received by tlie customs for exportation. 20. If the goods are in a customs warehouse, tliey shall be dealt with as other goods for exportation ex warehouse under the customs, and tho collector of customs shall furnish to the coUeclor of Inland Revenue a copy of the export entry. . ■ •_ ._ , „ . , j.y. 21. Whether goods are ontored for export from a customs warehouse, or from a wareJiouse used exclusively for excise, Iho collector of llie port will in each case bo charged with tlie responsibility of sjoing them placed on board I he ship, car or other vehicle in which they are to be exported. 56 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Inland Revenue. m 22. Entries of goods for removal, ex warehouse, are to be made iu triplicate, with detailed specifications, as in export entries. Two copies are to be forwarded to the Collector of Inland Revenue for the division to which the goods are to be removed. The third will be forwarded to the Department. . 23. Goods can only be entered for removal ex warehouse to another ware- house within the limits of a warehousing Port of Entry, or to a Bonding ware- house in another Inland Revenue Division. Should the goods to be exported be manufactured or warehoused at any place in a Revenue Division, remote from any Railway or Shipping Port, then such goods will have first to be removed to a Railroad or Shipping Port under removal bond, and the export bonds shall be given to the Collector of Customs at such Railroad or Shipping Port, after a veri- fication of the content of the packages to be removed or to be exported. 24. Bonds, in tile form prescribed by the Department, must, in every case, be taken for the due delivery of the goods at the port or place of destination. 25. When the goods enterf d for removal are bonded in a Customs warehouse, the Locker having charge of thorn will only deliver them for removal: on receipt of a warrant signed by the Collector of Inland Revenue and countersigned by the Collector of Customs, which warrant must contain an exact transcript or abs- tract of the specification of the goods in the eijtry and the L.ocker is required to identify every package and chock it by the warrant. , 26. Collectors of Inland Revenue on receiving the copies of the entry as above ^sec. 22), will at once notify the Collector of Customs of the anticipated arrival of the goods specified, giving him one copy of the entry, and the Collector of Cus- toms will ascertain and verify them on arrival. 27. As soon as they have arrived and are identified and lodged in the proper warehouse, the ('ollector of Customs will certify that fact on the entry paper and return it to the Collector of Inland Revenue who will add his certificate and im. mediately return it to the Collector of Customs with whom the entry for removal was made. The other copy, will be placed on llle ; and the particulars of the goods are to be entered iu the warehouse Books of the division to which they have been removed, after being rebonded by the owner in the manner herein- before provided. Tlu'reaflcr Ihcy an; to be dealt with in the same manner as if they had been manufactured iu that Division. 28. The Collector of Inland Revenue with whom the entry for removal e\ warehouse- was made, will oil i'eceii»t of llie ivLui'ueil entry, duly cerlilled as above, cancel tiie Bond lo which il relates, and Ule the two docuuuMits together. 2!>. Entry of goods ex ivarcltuiisc for consnwplion will l)c made iu duplicah! on the prescribed forms ami every sacli entry must conlaiu a lull specilication of the goods, as an export or removal enliy. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 57 Inland Reoenuc. n, remote from 30. Oil receipt of the duty accruing on the goods so entered, the Collector of Inland Revenue will make out a warrant for the delivery of the goods, which, if the goods are in a Customs warehouse,, must be countersigned by the Collector of Customs, and must contain a transcript of the specification in the entry, so that the goods may be identified. .31. One copy of the entry will be forwarded to the Departnent. 32. The Collectors of Inland Revenue must, in every case, carefully and accurately ascertain the quantity and quality of every article entered for warehouse or ex warehouse, and they must identify eVery package by its marks and numbers, weight, guage and strengh, computing the duties on all goods as carefully as if they were going into consumption. S3. Every package entered for warehouse must (in addition to all other marks and numbers ) be distinctly numbered, in red paint or red chalk, with the number of the entry and the date at which it ^was entered. The date will be sufficienly indicated by the number of the half month and the last two numerals of the year in which the entry was made :— thus, goods entered on the 20th January, 1865, may be dated 1 i-65 ; shewing that the entry was made in the fourteenth half month of the current fiscal year. 34. AH entries are to be numbered consecutively, and the bonds relating to them will bear corresponding numbers. 35. Generally, the forms relating to warehousing will be printed in red. 30. Collectors of Customs having charge of bonded excise goods will keep a debit and credit account of them ; and the warrant of the Collector of Inland Re- venue will be the only suflicient discharge for their delivery, e.\cept for exportation. 37. If any goods, after having been received |in to warehouse, and before their actual delivery ex warehouse, be altered in quantity or strength, except by leakage, waste or accident, they shall be forfeited, and may bo seized by any officer of Excise or Customs having a knowledge thereof. 38. In case the quantity of goods bonded in any warehouse shall, at any tune or by any means, fall short or be dclicient of the actual quantity which ought to be or remain warehoused, after deducting the qnautities entered ex warehouse, the owner thereof shall be subject and liable to the full duties on the balance of goods willi which t!u> warehouse stands debited, after taking an account of the ex warehouse (Mitries ; and tlio goods remaining shall be subject to tlie duties on lhe(]uantil,y deficient, and shall and may bo sold for payiAent there- of, by order of the Dt^partment ; the surplus, if any, to be payable to the person who warehoused such goods, or his assigns. ". 31). Mall lAqmrs siiall be subject to all the precediifg regulations as to ware housing, except as follows : ii Mil II 58 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Inland Revenue. (a). Thoy may be bonded on the premises of the Brewer by whom they have been manufactnred, who shall have access thereto as often as may be necessary for managing them during the process of fermentation and for preventing loss or deterioration. (b). The products of successive brewings may be sLored in the said premises, preparatory to bonding, until such a quantity has been accumulated as will be liable to a duty of one hundred dollars, whereupon a bond shall betaken in accordance with tile preceding regulations. But in every such case the pack- ages so stored shall be kept apart and distinct from those which may have been bonded. (c). Should the Brewer desire to remove from his premises a less ([uantity of malt liquor than would be liable to the payment of twenty dollars, of duty, entry must be made of so much as would be liable to that sum, and the packages so entered shall be forthwith conspicuously marked with the letters E x B, with the number of the Ex warehouse entry in white paint. Whenever any of the casks or packages so entered and marked are removed or racked off, such removal or racking shall be done in the presence of an olhcer of Excise, who shall receive, at least, one day's notice of the intended removal or racking off. And if theremovel or racking off takes place at such time as will render it necessary to employ an extra officer to attend, or as will require the attendance of the officers of the Division out of established office houl-s, then the Brewer requiring such attendance shall pay there for at the rate of 20 cents per hour. , • ■ {(i). The collector shall take an account of the casks or packages remaining in stock on the premises of every Brewer on the last day of each month, or within five days thereafter ; and he shall, on every such occasion, carefully inspect the whole of such stock ; and should it appear that more has been removed than h,is been eniered ex-bond and paid duty, then entry shall be forthwith made of the quantity so deficient, and the full amount of duty collected thereon. (e). The Collector shall make a special return of every such monthly inspec- tion, and of every entry made te cover any doficicncy that may bo then apparent. (/■). A book, to be callod a " CeWir Book, " shall l)o kept at every Brewery where malt liq\iors are bonded under these regulations, which book shall be kept by way of debit and credit, in such form as the Department may, from time to time, determine ; and the Brewer shall cause'to be entered therein, from day to day, a ti"^»e account of all malt liquor in such Brewery, and also of all that may be removed therefrom, describing each package by its marks, numbers, dates. &c., and by the quantity which it contains. ig). Except when cntiu'ed for exportation in the manner provided in the proco ding ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 59 Inland Revenue. (ling regulations, Malt Liquor bonded, as herein provided, shall only be removed from the premises of the Brewer ui)on the payment of the duty accruing thereon. WM. H. LEE, C. E. C. kages remaining monthly inspec- Abstract from 27lh & 28th Vict. cap. lU. Bonding or Warehousing. Section. 70. Spirits, Beer and Tob.icco subject to duty under this Act may be deposited in any suitable warehouse without payment of the duty hereby imposed, subject to the following regulations and to such other regulations as the Governor in Coun- cil may make. 71. The warehouse shall be provided by the owner of the goods, and upon being viewed and approved as to security by the inspecting officer, shall be secured under the joint locks of the Crown and the proprietor or owner of the goods warehoused. 72. All good warehoused shall be at the xnsk of the owners, and if destroyed, or wasted, through the neglect of the owner, the duty shall be payable thei'eon as if they were entered for consumption, 73. Bonds shall be taken for twice the amount of duties acci-uing on the goods.. 74. No less quantity of goods shall be warehoused under any one bond than is subject to the payment of duties of Excise to the amount at least of one hun- dred dollars. 75. No less quantity of goods shall be removed from the warehouse at any one time than is subject to the payment of twenty dollars Excise duty. 76. No goods shall remain warehoused for a longer period than two years. 77. At the lime of entering the goods for warehouse the amount of duty shall be computed and ascertained and stat(3d in the entry. 78. Goods warehoused under this Act may bo e.xpoited ex-warohouse or removed from one warehouse to another without payment of duty under such restrictions and regulations as the Governor in Council may deem necessary. 79. When goods are entorod fou warehouse the entry shall state the exact ([uantity and value of goods in each package or parc(!l, and each package shall be 60 ORDERS IN COUNCIL I f aland He venue. be described in the entry-paptr and shall also be designated by a distinguishing number. 80. Each package warehoused shall bo marked with the number designated in the entry, with the date when warehoused and with the quantity which tlie package contains. 81. All entry papers either for warehouse, ex-warehouse or for removal, shall be made on such forms and shall be a'tested by such affidavits, affirmations or declaration as the Governor in Council may order. « 82. No goods shall be removed from warehouse for consumption unless upon the payment of the full amount of duty accruing thereon ; and the duty so paid on Spirits, Beer or Tobacco so taken out of warehouse for consumption, shall not be refunded by way of drawback or otherwise upon the exportation of such Spi- rits, Beer or Tobacco out of the Province. 83. The Collector of Inland Revenue or other Officer of Excise or customs in whose charge goods warehoused under this or any other Act relating to ware- housing may be placed, shall refuse all entries ex-warehouse until the owner of such goods or his agent shall have complied with all conditions in respect thereto which may be required by this or any other Act or by any regulations made by virtue of this or any other Act. MODE OF ASSESSING CIGARS FOR DUTY. Circular No. 195. 1.1, , Finance Department, — Excise, No. 28. . . Ottawa, 26th September 186G. Sit — It having come to the knowledge of this Department that the value of Cigars for Excise Duty has been hitherto erroneously determined, I have to instruct you in future to assess all Cigars for duty at the wholesale price at the manufactory, less the Excise Duty, instead of the hiwe cost of the manulacture. In manufactories which do not sell by wholesale, the Cigars must be compared with those of the larger manufactories and the wholesale price to be thereby determined. ' ' ■■■'• - • ''■ - - „/■ , I am, Sir, your objdient servcnt, ,. , To the Collector of Inland Ri.'vomie R. s. M. douchettl:. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 6t Inland Revenue. number designated uantity which the pffuIatioMS made bv EXTRACTS FROM ORDERS IN COUNCIL RELATING TO EXCISE. 0. C, 8lh January, 18G8. , Respecting Classification of Mallsters. First Class — Maltsters making over one hundred thousand pounds weight of I malt ; licence, $200 Second Class — Maltsters making over twenty-five thousand pounds weight of I malt ; licence, SI 50. ' ' Third Class — Maltsters making luider twenty -five thousand pounds weight of I malt; licence, $100. 0. C, 31st January, 1868. Authorizing Removal, Sales or Iransfer of Malt in Bond. " It is ordered that under the authority of the 1 1 3th Section of th'e Act 31 Vic. [Cap. 8, the 95th Section of the Act be so far modified as to place malt in the same Iposition as malt liquor formerly occupied and as spirits and tobacco now occupy, [viz : of having the privilege of being sold and tranrferred in bond, removed from lone bonded warehouse to another bonded warehouse, or from place to place where jOfncers of Inland Revenue are stationed, and of being exported free of duty under Ithe regulations provided and approved by an Order in Council of 17th May, 1865, I*' for the warehousing and exportation of spirits, malt liquor and tobacco. " September I8G(3. . nOUCllETTIv • ' ' " O.C, 10th of March, 1868. Respecting Dratclack on Malt used in Combination with Sugar. " It is ordered that any brewer using sugar, syrup or molasses, in combination jvvilh malt, in the proportion, in each brewery. Of not less than fifteen pounds of fugar, or tv,'enty pounds of molasses or syrup, to every one hundred pounds of lalt, and who shall have paid the duty of three-and:one-quarter cent per gallon ipon the beer produced therefrom ; and who shall have complied with allDeparl- lenlal Regulations established by the Minister of Inland Revenue for the supervi- sion of such brewers, or such a^ may be deemed necessary for ensuring the due |coHeclion of the Revenue, shall be entitled to a drawback of one cent per pound [on the malt so used." And further, " that any brewer, desirous of availing himself of the provisions I of this Regulation shall give one month's notice of his intention to use sugar^ syrup, or molasses in the manufacture of beer, and shall accompany such notice ! with a plan and description of all the works, buildings, and premises to be used by such brewer in connection with his brewery. " , . . , I '; ii 62 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Inland Revenue. O. C, 27th April; 1868. ESTABLISHING WAREHOUSE REGULATIONS. REGULATIONS. 1. Application for the establishment of a warehouse for excise purposes must be made in writing by the person requiring it, and every such application must fully and minutely describe the premises, with their exact locality. 2: On receipt of such an application the Collector of Inland Revenue will survey the premises, and if satisfied that they are suitable for the purpose, and that they afford the requisite protection to the Revenue, and on their being supplied with suitable locks, he will report the facts to the Department, whose authority will bo required to use such warehouse as a bonding warehouse for excise purposes. '^. The principal door of ingress and egress of every such warehouse shall be provided with two locks, at the expense of the owner of the goods warehoused, one of which shall be selected by the Collector or by other competent authority, the key of the last named lock to be kept by the officer, and the key of the former by the owner of the goods ; and should there be more doors than one all other doors and all windows and other means of ingress sh.ill be fastened onthe inside in a secure manner to the satisfaction of the surveying officer. « 4. When any warehouse has been surveyed and accepted as an excise warehouse, it shall be designated by a letter commencing with A, and so on in alphabetical sequence for each succeeding warehouse surveyed within that division, ; ^ 5. Over the principal entrance to every warehouse approved for excise purposes, there shall be placed the following designation : — EXCISE. .n T I .i.'rr/ f:''i;\j.,'. BONDED WAREHOUSE. With the proper letters, the whole being in legible characters in black not less than three inches in height, painted on a white ground. 6. Goods subject to duties of Excise may be warehoused in any Customs warehouse within the limits of the Inland Revenue Division in which they have been manufactiu'ed, or to which they may be removed in bond imder these regu- lations; in every such c;ise they must be i-eceived into warehouse by the Customs, locker on the warrant of the Collector of Inland Revenue, countersigned by the Collector of Customs for the port. k ORDERS FN COUNCIL. 63 Inland Revenue. 1 black not less 7. With the exception of malt, no goods shall be entered for warehouse unless the duties accruing thereon amount, under one bond, to at least one hundred dollars. ; 8. Every package entered for warehouse must 'in addition to all other marks and numbers) be distinctly numbered, in red paint mixed with oil, with the number of the entry and the date at which it was entered. The date will be suffi- ciently indicated by the number of the half month and the last two numerals of the year in which the entry was made : — thus, goods entered on the 20th January 1868, maybe dated 14-68; showing that the entry was made in the fourteenth half month of the current fiscal year. 0. All entries are to be numbered consecutively, and the bonds relating to them will boar corresponding numbers. 10. Collectors of Customs having charge of bonded excise goods will keep a debit and credit account of them ; and the warrant of the Collector of Inland R&venue will be the only sufficient discharge for their delivery. • 11. If any goods, after having been received into warehouse, and before their aclifal delivery e.vwarehouse, be altered in quantity, quality or si i en j,.,h, except by leakage, unavoidable waste, or accident, they shall be forfeited, and may be seized by any officer of Excise or Customs having a knowledge thereof. 12. In case the quality of goods bonded in any warehouse shall, at any time or by any means, fall short or be deficient of the actual quantity which ought to be or remain warehoussed, after deducting the quantities entered ex- warehouse, the owner thereof shall be subject and liable to the full duties on the balance of goods with which the warehouse stands debited, after taking an account of the ex- warehouse entries: and the goods remaining sliall be subject to the duties on the quantity deficient, and shall and may be sold for payment thereof, by order of the Department; the surplus, if any, to be payable to the person nvho warehoused such goods, or his assigne. 13. No goods shall be warehoused or ex-warehoused upon any authorized holiday, nor before the hour of nine o'clock in the morning or after four o'clocu in the afternoon. 14. All entry papers, bonds, notices and other documents herein required shall be made out by the owner of the goods to which they relate or by his duly accredited agent, and all packages shall be marked and numbered as herein required by the owner or his agent. ..v...n.omiian 64 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Inland Revenue. 1 1 1 i ENTRY OF OOODS FOR WAUEHOLSE. 15. Every entry of goods for warehouse must Le preceded hv a lorittcn notice from the person desiring to warehouse them, which notice must l)e given to the Collector in the prescribed form, at least one day before the goods are removed to the warehouse, and must set forth fully the quantity and description of the goods. 16. Entry of goods for warehouse must in all cases be made on the forms sanctioned by the Department, and every such entry shall contain a full and complete specification of the goods so entered, stating : , ' a. The number and description of packages. b. Marks and numbers. . c. Contents of each in lbs., or gallons, and in the case of spirits the contents are to be stated m gallons of the strength of proof. d. The duty to which the goods would have been liable had they gone into consumption. Evory cask or barrel of spirits, and every package of tobacco shall be all and whole at the time it is warehoused. '• '. 17. Every such entry shall be mide in duplicate. ' 18. The Collector of Inland Revenue will in every case take bonds with each entry as required by Sec. 91, 31st Vict., cap. 8, and on the prescribed from, fliese bonds must contain a general description of the goods warehoused, and also a reference to the entry papers by nmnber and date. The liond will bear the same numb '!• as the entry, and they will bo filed togolhv^r. '- • ENTRY or GOODS EX- WAREHOUSE FOR EXPORTATION. 1!). Goods siibject to duties of Excise shall only bo exported in bond from the imdormentionod Ports of Entry, viz. : Now Rrunswick St john." Nova Scotia ; Halifax. f Quohec, Quebec \ Montreal. Ontario. ' Pi-escott. Kingston. Toronto. Hamilton. Clifton. "Windsor. Saniia. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. S5 Inland Revenue. contents ave onO from the And only to British or Foreign Ports of Entry where there are Collectors or other officers of the Government having similar functions. 20. Goods can only be entered for exportation ex-warehouse from a warehouse within the limits of the port at which they are actually laden on the ship or other vehicles in which they are to leave the country. 21. As soon as any person owning goods warehoused under these regulations shall be desirous of exporting any quantity of such goods, he shall deliver to the Collector of Inland Revenue, in whose charge such goods are, a notice in writing specifying the full particulars thereof as set forth in section 16 of these regulations) and also the name of the ship or vessel, and the name of the master of such ship or vessel, or the line of railway, as the case may be, by which such goods are in -ended to be exported. 22. All casks, boxes, bales or other packages of goods entered for exiMDrlation shall, before leaving the warehouse, be conspicuously marked, branded or stamped, as the case may be, by the collectors of Inland Revenue or other J)roper officer, with the letters EXPN. » 23. Entry of goods for exportation ex- warehouse, must be made on the forms sanctioned by the Department, and must contain an exact specification of the goods for warehouse. (Vide sec. IG.) With exery such entry an export bond shall be taken in the presc!-ibed form. 24. Export bonds shall be conditional for the due delivery of the gopds bonded at the place designated in the entry within a specified time, which time shall not \n any taso exceed the time usually necessary for the performance of the voyage or journey b^ the conveyance adopted, and for returning the vouchers by the next mail ; and in no case sliall the period allowed for the cancellation of the bond exceed one year, unless special authority has been granted by the department. 25. The cancellation of an export bond snail only be considered complete on the receipt of a duly authenticated certificate from the Collector of Customs or other government ofiicer having similar authority at tlie port of entry to which the goods were bonded, certifying that the goods di^scnbed in the export entry have l)oen landed and duly entered for consumption or warehoused at the place specified in the entry. 20. The entry tor exportation cx-warehousoshallin all cases be made in triplicate with the collector of Inland R(>vonuo, wlio shall also take the export bond. 27. Two copies of Hk; entry shall \h\ scut to tiu> Collector of Customs at the port .vlience the goods are to leave tlie Dominion, who, on receipt thereof, shall grant a warrant for the of the gio'ls described in the entry on the railway or vess '1 therein mentio;ied. 5 i i *i ? I Ml 66 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. ! ^ ' n Inland Revenue. 28. Fo soon as the goods have been duly laden, the Collector of Customs shall certify the fact on the entry papers, one copy whereof shall be fyled at the Custom House, and the other shall be returned to the Collector of Inland Revenue. 29. Whether goods are entered for export from a Customs warehouse, or from a warehouse used exclusively for Excise, the collector of the port will in each case be charged with the responsibility of seeing them jilaced on board the ship, car or other vehicle in which they are to be exported, and he must make such examination of the goods as may be necessary for determining whether they correspond with the description contained in the entry and especially with reference to spirits whether they are of the strength specified. ENTRY OF GOODS FOR REMOVAL EX-WAREHOUSE IN BOND. 30. Entries of goods for removal ex- warehouse are to be made in triplicate, with detailed specifications, as in export entries. V 31. Goods can only be entered for removal ex- warehouse to another warehouse within the limits of a warehousing port of entry, or to a bonding warehouse l)reviously authorized in another Tnland Revenue Division. • 32. Bonds, in the form prescribed by the Department, must, in every case, be taken for the due delivery of the goods al the place of destination. . 33. When the goods entered for removal are bonded in a Customs warehouse, the locker having charge of them will only deliver them liar removal Sn reeeipt of a warrant signed by the Collector of Inland Revenue and countersigned by the Collector of Customs, which warrant must contain an exact franscrijit or abstract of the specification ol the goods in the entry, and the locker is required to identify every package, and check it by the wai-rant. 34. Collectors of Inland Revenue on receiving the copies of the entry as above (see. 31), will at once notify the Collector of Customs of the anticipated arrival of the goods specified, giving him one copy of the entry; and on the arrival of the goods the Collector of Customs will examine them and ascertain whether they correspond with the entry. 35. A8S)onas they have arrived and are identified, the Collector of Customs will certify that fact on the entry paper, and retiu-n it to tne Collector of Iidaiid Rezenuo. The goods are then to be rebonded l)y the owner in the division into w'hich they are removed. Thereafter, they are to bo dealt with in the same manner as if they had been manufactured in that Division. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 67 Inland Revenue. FNTRY OF GOODS EX-WAREHOUSE FOR CONSUMPTION. 36. Entry of goods ex-warehouse for consumption will be made in duplicate on the prescribed forms ; and every such entry must contain a full specification of the goods, as in an export or removal entry. 37. On receipt of the duty on the goods so entered, the Collector of Inland Revenue will make out a warrant for the delivery of the goods, which, if the goods are in a Customs' warehouse, must be countersigned by the Collector of Customs, and must contain a transcript of the specification in the entry, and the locker in charge of the warehouse must identify every package with the description contained in the warrant before delivering it. ^ MALT. 38. Malt warehoused under the Act above cited may be removed in bond from one Inland Revenue Division to another or from one warehouse to another, and may be exported in bond without payment of duty. But every such removal or export shall be under the same restrictions and conditions as to entry and bonds as are in force in respect of other go^ds liable to duties of Excise, except that bags or other packages containing malt are not required to be marked or numbored, and except further that any duly licensed maltster carrying on business when entering malt manufactured by himself for warehouse, may do so on giving fa general bond in a form to be prescribed by the Department of Inland Revenue ,or the payment of the duty on the malt so bonded ; which bond shall be for, such a Bum as the collector or oflicer, taking it, computes will be equal to doublo the amount of duty that will accrue on the largest quantity of malt that will be warelioused under such bond at any one time, and if from any unexpected cause the quantity of malt shall at anjfc time bo in excess of the quantity so computed, further bonds shall be taken for such additional quantity. .;. r , • . . ,. , , ;, 0. C, 30th May, I8G8. Establishing Regulations for the Granting of tobacco Licences and Permits. REGULATIONS. \ t\ I , 1. Licences to deal in raw leaf tobacco and to enter the sam) ex-warehouse for consumption on payment of duty, may be granted by any of tlio undermen- tioned officers on application being made in the proper form, namely: > > All Collectors and Deputy Collectors of Inland Revenue. Such Postmasters, not exceeding one in each parish, lown.-li'p or muiilcipa. lity wlierein there is no Oflicer of Inland Uevonue, as nuiy Jjo fr)m time to timo appointed by llio Minister of In'and Revenue. 68 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Inland Revenue. 2. Application foi a licence shall be made in such form, and shall contain such information as may be required by Departmental regulations, and shall also state the name, place of residence, and occupation of the person applying. 3. A Licence shall only be valid when granted on a form supplied by the Department of Inland Revenue, and signed by the Commissioner; and any li- cence may be forfeited by the Minister of Inland Revenue whenever he has sa- tisfactory evioence that the person to whom it is granted as evaded or assisted in evading the payment of any duty to which the tobacco is liable, or that he has failed to comply with these regulations or any part thereof. 31 Vie 51 Sec 31 Vic 8 Sec. .('hap. 4. Permits to take raw leaf tobacco out of bond or from the farm .Chap, or premises where it was grown, for consumption, may be granted by the offlcersand persons hereby authorized to issue licenses, on applica- tion being made in the form approved by the Department, andijayment ... of the duty to which the tobacco would be liable if manufactured, that if. to say : on raw leaf tobacco, the growth of Canada, five cents per pound, being the duty to which it would be liable if manufactured into Common Canada twist, and on raw leaf tobacco, not the growth of Canada, ten cents per pound. Duty altered by 33 Vic. ch. 9. 5. Every permit shall be valid only when in the form supplied by the Depart- ment of Liland Revenue, and signed by the person issuing it. — And every such permit shall be delivered to and retained by the importer or grower of the tobac" CO as evidence that the tobacco to which it relates was lawfully removed, and the said permit shall be produced by him whenever demanded by any Officer of Inland Revenue for the purpose of taking an account thereof.* 6. All persons insning licenses or permits under these regulations or who receive any duty on raw leaf tobacco entered for consumption, shall transmit all moneys so received to the Receiver General at least once in each week or oftener should the amount cellected in one week exceed fifty dollars, and they shall account to the Department of Inland Revenue in such manner, at such times, and in such forms as may be from time to time determined by Departmental rep;iilalioiis in that behalf. 7. All ptM'sons licensed to deal in raw loaf tobacco shall keep an account of all that Ihoy receive or sell or otherwise dispose of, in such form as may be prescribed by Depailmcntal Regulations. * !■ I ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 69 Inland Revenue. O. C, 30th May, 1868. Establishing Regulations Respecting Inspection and Rrandihg of Petroleum. REGULATIONS. 1-. Refilled petroleum shall be tested by Tagliabues Pyrometer orlnland Re- by such other similar instrument as may be approved by the Minister iggs Sec. 17. of Inland Revenue, and all such instruments shall be distributed under the Supervision of the Department of Inland Revenue, and shall be used in accordance with instructions sanctioned by the said De- partment. 2. Refined petroleum, which was on the 22 nd of May 1868, in possession of parties who were not jeflners, may bo allowed to pass inspection, provided it boars a fire test of one hundred degrees of Farenheit thermometer, without giving off vapor that will explode, or •" ■ " * ignite on the application of fire. ,,. „..,.., ' t . ;;,;. 3. All barrels, casks or packages containing petroleum which has been inspected, shall be branded with. The date of inspection. , , • , , • The name of the Inspecting Officer. The degree of heat at which the vapour produced by it is ignited. The name of the refiner, or, if imported, the name of the importer. .*' 4. Refined pelrohum may be warehoused and removed in bond under the regulations made by an Order in Council, on the 27th day of April, 1868. ! ' 1 .1,1- I n- iii''>,- >t ■'!?. 0. C, 30th May, 1838. Establishing Regula'Jons Respecting Removaljjf Spirits. REOILVTIONS. 1. Permits for the removil of "spirits from any distillery, or from any ware- house wherein they have been bonded or stored, may be granted on the appU- cation of the owner of such spirits, or of his duly authorized agent, by the Collec- tor or the Deputy Collector of Inland Revenue for the Inland Revenue Division ill which the spirits then are. 2. Every application for such a pornii' sha'l Slat) : ORDERS IN COUNCIL. I i! Inland Revenue. :i:'i! li (a) The number and description of the packages in which the spirits are contained. (6) The marks and numbers on each-of the packages. [C) The quantity, in wine gallons, in each package, and its strength. (d) The equivalent, in wine gallons, of the strength of proof. (c) The place wherein it is then stored. (/■) The place to which it is to be removed. ^ , ; (g) The conveyance by which the removal is to be made, , ., ih) Whether the duty has been paid, and, if not, how secured. ; (i) The time at which it is to be removed. {j) The name, occupation and place of business of the owner. (k) The name, place of business and occupation of the person into whose pos- session the spirits aye to be transferred, and, (/) The name of the person or corporation in whose custody they will be during their removal. 3. Every application for a permit sJiall be made on a printed form, provided by the Department of Inland Revenue, and shall be signed by the person making it. 4. Every permit granted shall be on the printed forms supplied by the Department of Inland Revenue, which forms shall be printed on paper especially prepared for the purpose, with such type or engraving as may be approved by the Minister of Inland Revenue. 5. Every permit shall state ihe period for whidi it is to remain in force, which period shall not be more than will, in the opinion of the officer granting it, be sufficient for effecting the removal of the spirits to which it relates. "" "' • G. The permit shall accompany the spirits to which it relates, and remain in possession of the person having charge thereof, but it shall be produced for exa- mination as often as may be required by any officer having authority thereto, and it shall be delivered to the Golloclor,"^or Deputy Collector of Inland Revenue, for the Inland Revenue Division into which the spirits are to be removed, or wherein they are removed from one place to another, within the period mentioned in the permit. 7. Every endorsalion of the examination of any permit shall be made on the back thereof, and oveiy permit shall be defaced by writing the word " Cancelled' across the face of it on llio expiration of the period for which it has been granted. 8. Permits shall not bo granted for the removal of spirits vuiless the package in which they are conlaincd have boen markt'd and numbered, in cofJ'.forniily with the warehousing Reguli.tious approved on the 27lhday of April, 18G8, nor unless the applications for such permits are made in the form, and filled in with all the parlicularsre(iuired by any Departmoulal regulations in that buhalf. . ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 71 Inland Revenue. 0. C, 30th May, 1868. Establishing Regulations for Manufactures in Bond. REGULATIONS. 1. Subject to the provisions of the Act above cited, to these Regulations, and to such further regulations as may hereafter be made by competent authority, licenses may be granted to manufacture in bond the articles herein enumerated, viz : — Extracts, ,, „ , • ,, ' Essences, ',,.',>.: ■, ,,: ; ..; ■ Perfumed Spirits, ' ' ' Ethers, ■ :f Chloroform, . h Tinctures, ;, . ., . . Cordijila, . • . ■; Bitters, ■' , . ' ;. , , , . , ' Syrups, Compounding of Brandies, ' Gin (commonly colled Old Tom), other Gin and Scotch and Irish Whiskeys, . ■. Proprietary preparations, Patent Medecines, Resinoids, Chemicals, Pharmaceutical preparations, Analiue Dyes, Hair Oils, ' ^ ' ■ '- ■ Hair Washes, Powders, Vinegar and Acids, Varnish, using only Methylated Spirits. .1 ?. Alcohol used for the manufacture of spirit, varnish, shall be mixed with wood naphtha (of commerce) in the proportion of one gallon of wood naphtha to eihgt gallons of proof spirits, such mixing to bo done under such superintendence as the Minister of Inland Revenue may from time to lime approve. 3. All tiiu'tarcs, essences, extracts and cordials, manufactured in Bund, and from which, llio alcohol or spirit can be extiactod in a potable state, by the usual process of re-distillation or roctilloalion, shall, when entored for consumption, pay the same duly of Excise as the alcohol or spirit which they coutaiu would pay if ent^'rod for consumption in its pure stale. 72L ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Inland Revenue. 4. Extracts, essences, tinctures and cordials maniifactured in bond shall only be entered for consumption at the following places, viz : — Quebec, Kingston, Hamilton, Montreal, Toronto, London, Halifax, St. John, New Brunswick- And when so entered, shall bo subjected to such tests for ascertaining the quantity of alcohol which they contain and the possibility of extx-acting it in a potable state, as the Honorable the Minister of Inland Revenue may approve, and the result of such tests, declared by the Otricer or operator entrusted therewith, shall be final and conclusive as to the amount of duty which such goods shall pay. 5. Any bonded manufactory licensed under the above recited Act, may be closed and the license forfeited whenever it is shewn to the satisfaction of the Minister of Inland Revenue that there is just cause for believing that frauds upon the Revenue are perpetrated in connection with such manufactory. • •: ' 6. In addition to the license fee named in the Act above cited, every person to whom a " Bonded Manufacturing License," is granted, shall pay to the Collector of Inland Revenue, in monthly instalments, such sums of money as shall be suffi- cient for the payment of the expenses inc\irred by the Inland Revenue Department for the effective supervision of the manufactures carried on under such license, and for taking account of the dutiable articles consumed in such manufacture, and of the articles produced therefrom. And the maximum sum to be so paid by the party aforesaid, shall, from time to time, be determined by the Minister of Inland Revenue, as he may deem necessary, and shall, as nearly as may be, be in proportion to the magnitude and gt^neral character of the businesss carried on under such license. •. ..• ii 7. Goods manufactured in bond shall be removed from the apartments of the manufactory wherein they are manufactured as soon as the whole process of ma- nufacture is completed, and shall then be placed in apartments or store-rooms set apart for that purpose, wherein they shall be bonded in the manner required by the Excise Bonding Regulations made by Order in Council, dated 27th day of April, 1868; and they shall be dealt with, in respect to their subsequent removal, exportation or entry for consumption, in accordance with the said Regulations. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 73 Inland Revenue. Brunswick- 0. C. December 18th, 1868. Respecting Allowances for Halt Coomingsi It is ordered that two and a-half pounds weight of malt be uyiformly allowed to be deductedin future for coomings or screenings upon malt made and consumed by- distillers and brewers in the manufacture of spirits and malt liquor, and upon malt purchased from manufactures for the same purposes ; upon satisfactory proof being produced that the rebate of 2J per cent, had not already been made. That no demand should be entertained or allowed upon m.ilt made for exporta- tion. That in regard to malt consumed by distillers and breweis, and upon which the duty of one per cent, per pound has already been paid, the same allowance of 2^ per cent, should be made by return of duty, upon application properly certified and referred through the Inland Revenue Department, to the Honorable the Board of Treasury for approval previous to being submitted for the sanction of His Excel- lency the Governor General in Council O. C, 15tn June, 1869. Establishing Regulations for the Storage of Benzine. 1st. In cities and towns where there are municipal laws or regulations respect- ing the storage of petroleum and the products thereof, petroleum, benzine, and all other products of petroleum, if the duty thereon has been paid, may be stored in any building or place which is in conformity with the municipal regulations in that behalf, and when bonded for the duty, they may be stored in such authorized buildings or warehouses as may be conformable to the municipal regulations. 2nd. In cities and towns where there are no such municipal laws or regulations, and in all villages and places other than cities or towns, petroleum, benzine, and all other products of petroleum, if in quantities exceeding two barrels of crude or refined petroleum, or tei] gallons of benzine, or any similar article which will not stand the prescribed fire test, shall be, stored only in isolated buildings or premises which are at least two hundred yards distant from the next nearest building not owned or in the occupation of the person to whom the petroleum, benzine, or other similar article belongs. Provided always that a license to have in possession and to store refined petroleum and all the products thereof, shall in each case have been previously obtained from the Inland Revenue Department. t I 'ii ; i II . 1. I !■ 1 1 I 1 1 i I f. j i d. 1«S|U_ 74 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Inland Revenue. O C, 25th June, 4869. Authorizing Manufacture of Benzine, Ordered that the manufacture in Canada of Benzine and other light products of petroleum which will not stand the prescribed fire test of 115 degrees of Fahrenheit be and the same is hereby authorized. O. C, 25lh June, 1869 Authorizing Kiln drying of Damaged Grain free of Malt Duty. Ordered, that licensed malsters and othei-s engaged in that pursuit, shall be, and they are hereby permitted to kiln dry damaged grain of all kinds, without pay- ment of the duty of one cent per pound, on the following conditions : — 1st. The period for drying damaged grain shall, in each case, be regulated by the Collector of Inland Revenue. 2nd. The drying shall be done under the personal inspection of the officer of Excise detailed for that purpose. ' 3rd. The owner of the grain or drying kiln shall pay to the Collector of Inland Revenue such sum as shall be sufficient to cover the expenses incurred in the survey of drying damaged grain. 4th. It will be the duty of the officer to examine closely and ascertain whether the damaged grain is genninating, and if it be, to report the same to the Collector forthwith. O. G, 20th August, 1869. Establishing Regulations respecting Residuum of Petroleum and Removal of Distillates. REGULATIONS, 1st. All tar or other residuum remaining in the petroleum stills after the process of distillation has been completed, and which is withdrawn from the stills without passing through the worm or condencer, shall be exempt from duty. 2nd. When unfinished distillates of petroleum are removed from one refinery to another for the ]furpose of completing their manufacture, no inspection fee shall be levied thereon until after such manufactures shall have been completed, and the finished petroleum either entered for consumption or warehoused for that purpose, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contain(?d in the Order in Council of the 30th day of May 1868. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 75 Inland Revenue. O. C, 28th September, 1869. Establishing additional Regulations respecting Manufacture of Alcoholic Preparations in Bond. REGULATIONS. 1st. With every application for a license to manufacture in bond, there shall be submitted a specification of all the articles to be manufactured thereunder, which specification shall set forth in detail the quantity and proportion of every ingredient to be used in the manufacture of each article. 2nd. Tinctures, essences and other alcoholic preparations such as are commonly kept for sale by chemists or druggists shall, when made in bond, be prepared in accordance with the formula as found in the British or American Pharmacopoeias, and when application is made for license to manufacture any alcoholic preparation for which there u found no formula in either of the above mentioned Pharma- copoeias, such license shall not be granted unless the Commissioner of Inland Reveilue is first satisfied by reasonable and sufficient proof that such article is not about to be manufactured for the purpose of evading the Revenue, and that it cannot be used for the compounding of any potable mixture, nor in lieu of alcohol in the manufacture of any article that would otherwise be liable to pay a higher rate of duty. 3rd. No license shall be issued for the manufacture of any article which in the opinion of the Commissioner of Inland Revenue may be used as a principal in gredient in the preparation of liquors, bittei*s or other alcoholic compounds that may be used as a beverage. 4th. All articles manufactured in Bond shall be compounded or made in accor- dance with the formula submitted with the application for the license, and ap- proved by the Commissioner. 5th. Officers in charge of bonded manufactories shall be, and they are hereby required, to see that the proportions set forth in the above mentioned specification are closely adhefed to, but should it be ascertained by any experiment, or by any test of any of the articles made, that a greater proportion of alcohol has been used in the preparation thereof than is set forth in the specification, therduty of 63 cents per gallon (proof) shall be collected upon the excess of alcohol 'so ascertained, which excess shall be computed upon the whole quantity of that article made du- ring the currency of the license then in force, and the manufacturer shall also be liable to the penalty of forfeiting his license as well as the other penalties set forth in the Acts respecting the Inland Revenue. 1; 76 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. i1 ! a Inland Revenue. } f ' In ■ 111 I !■■: 0. C, 2 1 St December, 1869. Respecting the Administering of Oaths to Officers Ordered that all the officers in the service of the Department of Inland Revenue be required to take the oath prescribed by the 5th sec. of the Act 31 Vic , cap. 5, intituled " An Act respecting the Collection and Management of the Revenue, the Auditing of Public Accounts, and the Liability of Public Accountants. " That in the case of inspectors, such oath may be taken before the Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner of Inland Revenue ; and with respect to other officers resident in Ontario and Quebec, the same may be taken before any District Inspector of Inland Revenue. That in the case of such officers resident in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, the Collectors of Customs at Halifax and St, John, be respectiveiy authorized and appointed to administer such oath. That a record of the taking and administering of such oaths be made in each case, and that the original thereof signed by the officer taking the same, with & jurat thereunto signed by the officer administering , it, be transmitted by him to the Commissioner of Inland Revenue, to be preserved on record in the Department. That in the case of all future appointments, the statute above referred to bj strictly observed, and that the foregoing officers have power to administer such oaths in each case respectively. 0. C, 9th August, 1870. Authorizing certain Deductions from Weight of, Cigars. Ordered that the following regulations sanctioning deductions from the actual •weight of cigars, on account of .moisture, before charging them with duty, be, and the same are hereby approved and adopted, viz ; — 1st. From the weight of cigars, weighei and charged with duty during the half month in which they are made, ten per cent, shall be deducted. 2nd. From the weight of cigars weighed and charged with duty, not more Ihan one month after the expiration of the half month in which they were made, eight per cent, shall be deducted. 3rd. From the weight of cigars weighed and charged with duty, more than one month, and not more than three months after the expiration of th" half month within which they are made, five per cent shall be deducted. 4th. From the weight of cigars weighed and charged with duty, more than three months after the expiration of the half month within which they are made, two per cent shall be deducted. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 77 Inland Revenue. 0. C, 5th December, 1870. Establishing Regulation* for the Manufacture of Methylated Spirits. « Ordered that the following regulations for the manufacture of methylated spirits in bond snail be, and they are hereby made and established : — Ist. The room in which the wood naphtha is mixed with spirits shall only be accessible to the proprietor during the actual presence of an officer of Inland Revenue. 2nd. A sample of the wood naphtha (say about four ounces) shall be sent to» the Department from every cask or package used. • 3rd. Not less than 100 proof gallons of alcohol shall be mixed at one time, which shall be mixed in an open mixing tub, in the presence of the officer who shall then test and giiage it as to strength and quantity. * 4th. With every 100 proof gallons of alcohol, 65 per cent over proof, there shall be mixed at least teu gallons of " Wood Naphtha of Commerce, " the whole being mixed together. 5th. After the mixing has been thoroughly completed, the strength of the mixture shall be tested, and the quantity gauged by the officer in attendance, and duly recorded. The mixture shall then be placed in casks, the casks being branded or marked on the head in legible characters, with the words— " Methylated Spirits," " Date on which it was mixed," ' " Number of Wine Gallons in the Cask," " Strength," " Number of Proof Gallons," " Name of the Division," " Initials of the officer under whose inspection the mixture took place," " Number of the entry under which it is warehoused." 6th. A stock book must be kept in the factory, in which book must be entered ; — (a) The particulars of every package of alcohol brought in, stating where manu- factured, the strength and quantity ; the marks, &c., on the casks, and the general numbei- of the permit under which it was conveyed to the manufactory. (b). The particulars of every quantity mixed, shewing the marks, &c., of the original packages from which it was taken ; the quantity and strength of the " Methylated Spirits " produced from it, and the particulars as to marks, numbers, &c.. of the Casks in which it is placed. This section is as revised by order dated 16th January, 1871. I« ■JiWiMiHlM 78 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. IE J Hi* ' Inland Be venue. 7th. Every entry in the stock Look is to be checked by the Officer in charge, who must keep an account of each transaction, which account or a duplicate thereof is to be taken to the Inland Revenue oflice, immediately after ejich transSiCtion. 8th. So soon as the mixing and barrelling has been completed, the " Methylated Spirits " shall be removed from the bonded manufactory, and 'only entered for warehouse, as required by the regulations in that behalf !i ijhj' ii METHYLATED SPIRITS.— MANUFACTURE OF. , ,^ GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. Monday^ \Qth day of January^ 1871. PRESENT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Inland Revenue, and under and in virtue of the authority given by the 17th Section of the Act 3Ist Vic. Cap. 8, entitled : '• An Act respecting the Inland Revenue," His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that the Order in Council passed on the 5th of December ultimo, making certain regula- tions for the manufacture of Methylated Spirits in Bond, be, and the same is hereby modified by substituting for the 4th Section thereof the following regula- tion, which shall be hold and taken as number four of said regulations, that is to say : " 4th. With every 100 gallons of alcohol Go per cent over proof, tliere shall be mixed at least 10 gallons of "Wood Naphtha of Commerce" the whole being mixed together." WM. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council, Canada. CULLERS' FEES. — TARIFF. DEPAKTiMKNTALNOTICE. I Department of Inland Revenue, I Ottawa, 23rd February, 1871. Hifi Excellency the Governor General has been pleased, by an Order in Couocil dated on the 13tli instant, to aulliorize \mder the 3 1 si Section of the Consolidated Stal\ites of Canada, that the following " Tariff on Fees" shall bo levied and re- ceived by the Supervisor of Cullers : ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 79 Inland Revenue. Eti ? fl S /or Measuring Off or Culling Lumber "White Pine, Bassvvood or Butternut per ton Red Pine per ton Hard Wood per ton Oars and Handspikes, counted off, per 100 pieces Deals, counted off, 100 standard Plank two inches thick and xinder, 100 pieces Waney timber, per ton Do do string measurement, per ton For Culling and Measuring in a Merchant able Slate, or Measuring in " Ship- ping Order," or Counting Off to hen not ortherwise herein provided. , string measure- White Pino, Waney, ment, per ton White Pine, Square and Waney, per ton Red Pine timber, per ton Hard Wood, per ton Deals, i»er 100 standard Plank two inches thick and under, 100 pieces Standard Staves, per mille West India Staves do do Barrel Slaves, Oars, 100 pieces Handspikes, 100 pieces Spars, from 12 to 19 inches, (>ach Masts and Bowsjirits, 19 to 24 inches, each Masts and Bowsprits, 24 inches and upwards, each Lathwood, per cord Flatted and Round Timber, per 1000 lineal feet Boards, 1 00 pieces Sawed Lumber, other than Deals for Exportation by Sea, 100 pieces 5 7 7 2J 11 33 / 8 14 10 12 13 GO 50 350 1()2 113 90 05 40 73 85 38 80 40 oj ■" *3 a ClH S C 0) 6 3 9 4 8 3 4 10 15 100 50- 33 10 10 13 23 23 10 y 2 2 C ;::3 m ^ .£5 n) Ota 0^ g 3 4 4 18 28 9 7 8 9 50 35 250 112 80 80 55 33 50 01 28 36 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 7 4 THOMAS WORTHINGTON, Gmimissioner ! ; 80 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. fl; ' \J Inland Revenue. 0. C, 12th October, 187!. Reducing Inspection Fees on Petroleum, and Exempting certain Distilates. Ordered, that the Inspection fees cUarged for the inspection of petroleum be re- duced to the following rates, namely : — On casks in packages cont lining more than 20 gallons, a fee of ten cents per package. On each gallon contained in packages of less than twenty gallons, a fee of one half cent. Also, that distillate obtained from coal tar, which can neither be used for illu- minating purposes nor for the adulteration of refined petroleum which is suitable for illuminating purposes, be exempted from duty. O.C, 30lh October, 1871. Respecting Proprietary Medicines and Strong Waters. Ordered, that \mder the authority of 31 Vic, Cap. 6, sec. 4, from this date duties on proprietary medicines be levied under 33 Vic, Cap. 9, sec. 3, of 1870, only, i. e : — . Upon unenumerated spirits and strong waters, per gallon, $1.20. , FERRY BETWEEN NEW EDINBURGH AND GATINEAU POINT, OTTAW^A RIVER. RULES ANIJ llEGULATIONS. For the governance of Ferry, between tlie Village of New Edinburgh, in the Province of Ontario, and the Village of Waterloo or Gatiiieau Point in the Pro- vince of Quebec, established under the 5th Section of the Act 33 Vi(;., Cap. 35. 1st. Limits. On the Ontario side of the River, the limits shall extend from the EasUn-ii limit of the City of Ottawa to Rocklitle. On the Quebec side of the River the limits shall include both sides of the River Galincau, up to the GovonmuMit Dooms ; and shall also extend from the mouth of the Gatinoaii, to a point one niile Eastward of the old Ferry landing on the Quebec shore of the Rivei- Ottawa. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 81 sr, 187t. ites. (um be re- cents per Lions, a fee a for illu- is suitable bev, 1871. date duties 1870, only, Inland Revenue. POINT, )urgh, in llie in the Pro- Gap. 35. Iho Eastern sides of the nd from the { landing on 2nd. Landing stages or Wharves. Suitable landing Stages or Wharves must be constructed and maintained, at the cost of the Lessee, which must be safe and available at all states of the River, and subject to the approval of the Department of Inland Revenue. 3rd. Ferry Boat. , ■ , , ■ Shall be a substantial seaworthy Steamer, 'propelled by a Idw pressure Engi- ne, and must have a Government certificate as to the safety of the Boiler and Engine. The size of the hull must be about 120 feet keel by 25 feet beam or sufliciently large to carry at one time, and with safety, eight loaded teams and 150 passengers. The main deck must be suitably covered to protect the passen- gers from the weather. The Engine to be of not less than Thirty horse nominal power. The vessel and machinery may be further described as being of not less capacity nor inferior in any respect to the Steamer " Mac " now plying on the route. iMf. ff',1 !v lii'i , ■ i ...1..1 I .... -..■•.,i'.,- .Mi... . 3th Number of trips, &c, '^'■' .'* , ' , ' '.'. ' From the opening of Navigation to the 3lst of August, the Ferry-boat shall commence running daily, Sunday excepted, at six o'clock, A. M. and shall conti- nue to cross from eacli side every hour thereafter until six o'clock, P.M. From the first of September, till the close of navigation, the trips shall be commenced daily, Sundays excpted, at Seven o'clock, a. m., and shall continue from each side every hour thereafter until six o'clock, P. M. 5th. Tarif OF Charges. ••■V '. • '[^iiin ijiite,!.'!! '.r, /^i, The maximum charge for ferrying shall be as follows : ;,, j ,,t>>i'u^A . .. , . . '/ .; -'f ,)•./,'! cts. For two horso cart or ) waggon with driver j each way 30 For que horse cart or ) waggon with driver | do 20 For OHO horso do 10 do lioiul of horned cattle do 15 do sheop or swiiio do 5 do passenger do 5 For every lUlJlljs Freight .' do 1 Oth, The Ferry boat shall be placod on the route fnlly completed and equip- ped and th(> landing stages fully constructed immediately upon the opening of the Navig.ition in the spring of 1871, 7iii. Tin; lease will bo granted for a period of five years from the First of De- cember 1870. V'. ■! 82 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Inland Revenue. 8th. The Lessee will be required to give two sureties, satisfactory to the De- partment of Inland Revenue, who shall be bound jointly and severally with the principal in thes^m of $10,000 for the full compliance by the lessee with the t^rms of the lease. .- . ., . ... ,■" 9th. The right will be reserved to the Department of Inland Revenue of re- jecting the Ferry boat or landing wharves should they or either of them be dee- med unsuitable to the service, unsafe or inadequate to meet the public wants. The right is also reserved to the Governor in Council to modify the niaxi- mum Tanff, should it be deemed expedient in the public interest to do so, and the Governor in Council may declare the lease forfeited and void whenever it shall be satisfactorily shewn that 'the Lessee fails to comply with the conditions hereof. , , ; , ;, ,, Hi 10th. The lessee of the Ferry shall at all times during the continuance of the lease carry over and across the Ferry, without fee, toll or reward, all Mail matter, Militia men, Soldiers or Sailors when provided with proper passports or under the charge of the proper olTicer or officers, and it shall be lawful for the said Lessee, to commute the rate for passenger's fees. 1 1th. A notice of the rates of fares and tolls to be charged for ferriage shall be put up in a conspicuous place near the Ferry ' nding, on both sides, and also on board the steam ferry boat employed. .s- ".,j"u^' • <. itm rjj i-un'i 12th. The lessee shall not at any liuic d'lring the term of his lease, knowingly ferry, take or carry, or permit to be ferried, taken or carried over or across the said Ferry, any contraband articles whatsoever. ^-,.,j- Inl and Revenue Departemcnt, \ Ottawa, 1 5th March, 1871. j ' ' THOS. WORTHINGTON, Com'r Inland Revenue, For the Minister. ( 17, I FERRY DETWKEN C.^MPBELLTON, N. B. AND CROSS POINT, PROV. OF QUEBEC. ,' :. RfSTIGOUCHE RIVER. NOTICE. PROTOSALS will be received by the undersigned until Tuesday the 25th day of June, from persons desirous of leasing the privilege of ferring across the Risligourhe River b.'twe»Mi Campbelloi), New Brunswick and Cross Point in the Province of Quebec, in accordance with the terms of llie Order in Council, of the 23rd Maich, 1872, and under the conditions lliercin established, which are as follows, viz ; — ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 83 Inland Hevenue. the De- rilh the tie terms le of re- 1 be dee- ants. lie maxi- o so, and enever it onditions ice of the il matter, under the d Lessee, [•iage shall and also nowingly across the I \ e Minister. the 25lh ring across Ks Point in Council, of which are I'Im: 1>'i ji[t:'(|i'j [•((1 l>'i''>' REGULATIONS. Is/. — Limits. 'The limits of the Ferry shall extend to a distance of three miles above and below the wharf at the village of Campbellton, in New Brunswick, and to a simil- ar distance above and below the usual Ferry landing at Cross Point in the Prov- ince of Quebec. . 2/irf. — Landing Stages. Suitable landing stages or wharves serviceable at all states of the water in the River must be constructed on both sides subject to the approval of the Depart- ment of Inland Revenue. I * '^rd. — Ferry Boat. During the firot yoar after the execution of the lease, the lessee shall provide and maintain a vessel propelled either by steam or by oars, suitable for the con- veyance of passengers, horse, cattle and all ordinary vehicles with safety and rea- sonnable dispatch and such vessel shall be subject to the approval of the Depart- ment of Inland Revenue. After the lapse of one year the lessee shall, if requi- red so to do by the Minister of Inland Revenue, place on the Ferry and maintain during the period of the lease a suitable vessel propelled by steam. Such vessel shall be of suflicient size for the safe conveyance of passengers, horses, cattle, vehicles and other effects, and shall be subject to the approval of the Department of Inland Revenue, and the lessee must obtain therefore and produce when required a certificate of fitness, safety and sufliciency from the Dominion Board of Steam Boat Inspectors. \te — Number of trips. ,'•((•: -1 -i) "I !(. ■ '■ ;i;t During the season of navigation the Ferry Boat shall commence running daily — Sundays excepted — at six o'clock a, m. and shall continue to crosi from each side every hour thereafter until eight o'clock p. m. hlh.— Tarif of Charges. The maximum charges for Ferrying shall be as follows : — For a l\vo horsr cart or conveyance with driver each way 40 cts. For a one horso cart or conveyance with driver, each way 30 cts. For one horse, each way • 10 cts. For each head of linrnod catllo 10 cts. For each head of slioop or swine, each way 5 cts. For a passenger 5 cts. For every 100 lbs oi fn-ight 3 cts. 84 ORDERS IN COUNCIL Inland Revenue. Sixth. '* ' The Ferry boat shall be placed on the route fully completed and equipped and the Landing Stages shall be fully constructed on or before 1st July, 1872. Seventh. •f he lease will be granted for a period of five years froa the first day of July, 1872. Eighth. The Lessee will be required to give two sureties satisfactory to the Depart- ment of Inland Revenue, who shall be held jointly and severally with the prin- cipal in the sum of $2000 for Ihe full compliance by the Lessee with the term of the Lease. .,:,,., Ninth. The right will be reserved to the Department of Inland Revenue of rejecting the Ferry Boat or Landing Stages or either of them should any of them be deemed unsuitable for the service, or unsafe to the public, or inadequate to meet the public wants. The right is also reserved to the Governor in Council to modi- fy the maximum tariff should it be deemed expedient in the public interest to do so, and the Governor in Council may declare the lease forfeited and void whene- ver it shall be satisfactorily shewn that the Lessee fails to comply with the condi- tions thereof. ,'i i ;" .* , . •..< V, . ., ..r ,. -. . - .,.:. .,.^.. •'■,-" . -v '-' ■ r ''• ■'"'' Tenth. ' ■" -' ' ''''■" } \] The Lessee of the Ferry shall at all times during the continuance of the lease carry over and across the Ferry without fee, toll or reward, all mail matter, mili- tiamen, soldiers or sailors when provided with proper passports or under the charge of their proper officer or officers, and it shall be lawful for the said Lessee to commute the rate of iiassenger fees. iK^n. F['.i!'.j> 111' Eleventh. n- ' ■ -. , , i.; ,■■, '" A notice of the rates of Fares and Tolls to be charged for Ferriage shall be put in a conspioions place near the Ferry landing on both sides and also o:i board the Steain Ferry Boat employed. Th(! proposals must state the amount which the party tonrlnring is willing to pay p(M' aiiMiiin for the privilege referred to, which amount will be payable in advance, the terms of the lease being for five years from the tst July, 1872. All communications must bn nddnvscd to the undersigned and endorsed tin; envelope '' Tenders for the Hisligouche Ferry." ' A. BRUNEL, Commissioner Inland Revenue. O'tMwa, 2'ird M;iy, 1872. on ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 85 Iidand Revenue. FERRY BETWEEN BUCKINGHAM AND CUMBERLAND, OTTAWA RIVER. NOTICE. PROPOSALS will be received by the undersigned until Thursday the l>t Au- gust from i)ersons desirous of leasing the privilege of ferrying across the Ottawa River between the village of Buckingham, in the Province of Quebec and lot No. 14 in the Township of Cumberland in the Province of Ontario, :n accordance with the terms of the order in Council of the 17th June, 1872, and under the conditions therein established which ar(> as follows : viz. — '.■;iif|H'! !Hi i'lyn ^Jl'^^.•<\ 'in i , ■ . . ,.; Regulations. •,, .^(movoM fu'nlono J.c^n: \sL Limits. . '., . ., , ,,.„,'. ;v.f, fs The limits of the Ferry shall extend to a distance of one mile above and oue mile below the wharf at the village of Buckingham, in the Province of Quebec, and to a similar distance above and below some point on or adjacent to lot No. 14 in the Township of Guniberland in the Province of Ontario. 2nd, Landing Stages. Suitable Landing Stages or Wharves serviceable at all states of the water in the River must be constructed on both sides, subject to the approval of the Depart- ment of Inland Revenue. • ,,,... 'Srd. Ferry Boat. ' i.i .•i".i' The Lessee shall provide and maintain a vessel propelled either by steam, horse power or oars, suitable for the conveya,\ce of passengers, horses, cattle and all ordinary vehicles with safety and reasonaMe dispatch, and such vessel shall bo subject to^^the approval of the Department of Inland Revenue. \rd. Number of Trips. During the season of navigation the Ferry Boat shall commence running daily, Sundays excepted, at six o' clock, A. M., and shall continue to cross from each side every hour thereafter until eight o'clock, P. M. 5t/i. Tariff of Charges. The maximum charges for ferrying shall be as follows : Cts. For a two horse carl or conveyance with driver each way 40 Do oiu) horse do do do do 30 Do one horse each way 10 Do each head of horned cattle each way 10 Do do sheep 01' swine do 5 Do a passenger do 5 Do every UIO lbs. of freight do 3 86 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Inland Revenue. 6//». ft „ ^-f The Ferry boat shall be placed on the route fully completed and equipped and the landiag stages^shall be fully constructed on or before the first day of Sep- tember, 1872. The lease will be granted for a period of five years, from the first day of Sep- tember 1872. The lessee will be required to give two sureties satisfactory to the Depart • ment of Inland RevenMe, who shall be held jointly and severally in the sum of $1,000 for the full compliance bj the lessee with the terms of the lease. The right is reserved to the Department of Inland Revenue of rejecting the Ferry boat or landing stages of either of them, should any of them be deemed unsuitable for the service or unsafe to the public or inadequate to meet the public wants. The right is also reserved to the Governor in Council to modify the maximum tariff should it be found expedient io the public interest to do so ; and the Covernor in Council may declare the lease forfeited and void whenever it shall be satisfactorily shewn that the lessee fails to comply with the conditions thereof. . • }..^\ , .'•', .v.: 10 said bridge. ORDERS JN COUNCIL. 87 Inland Revenue. Such proposals endorsed " Proposals for the Ristigouche Ferry " are to be ad- dressed to the undersigned and must state the sum which the parties making them are willing to pay annually for the proposed privileges which will be grant- ed subject to the provisions of the Act above cited, and to the following condition?, viz : REGULATIONS. FinsT.— Landing States. I Suitable Landing Stages or Wharves, serviceable at all states of the water in the River must be constructed on both sides subject to the approval of the Depart' ment of Inland Revenup. Second. — Ferry Boat. The lessee shall provide and maintain a vessel propelled either by steam, iiorse-power, or oars, suitable for the conveyance of passengers, horses, cattle, and all ordinary vehicles, with safety and reasonable despatch, and such vessels shall bo subject to the approval of the Department of Inland Revenup. Third.— Number of Trips. During the season of navigation, the Ferry Boat shall commence running daily, Sundays excepted, at six o'clock, A M. and shall continue to cross from each side every hour thereafter until eight o'clock, P. M. •:i:,.;ii ;!,ip'i Fourth. — Tariff of Charges. i.v/r.MV! The maximum charges for ferrying shall be as follows : Cents. ( (,t For a two horse cart or conveyance with driver, each way... 40 ^| For one do do do 30 For one horse, each way 10 For each head of horned cattle, each way-. 10 For do sheep or swine 5 ''I , For a passenger 5 For every 100 lbs. of freif^ht 3 • The Ferry Boal shall be plao'oi on the route fully eompletLul and equipped, and the landiuf^ stag(!s shall be fully constructed on or before the flist day of August,- 1R73. . ■ ., . ..: ^^^,^^^^ ., .■.,...;J ■' ,11 .,..j ,.,.,-.; / The lease shall he granted fur a pciiod of live years, from ihe tiisl day of August, \H'?. h :? h ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Inland Revenue. Seventh. 1*116 lessee will be required to give two sureties satisfactory to the Department of Inland Revenue, who shall be held jointly and severally in the sum of 81,000 for the full compliance by the lessee with the terms of the lease. r .T :() Eighth. ,'A The right is roserveJ to the Dcpailmonl of Inland Revenue of rojecling the Ferry Boat or Landing Stages, or eiiliur of them, should any of them be deemed imsuitable for the service or unsafe lo the public, or inadequate to the public wants. The right is also reserved to the Governor in Council to modify the maxi- mum tai'ifl" should it bo found expedient in the public interest to do so ; and the (loveriior in Council may derlart* iho lease forfoiled and void whenever it shall be satisfactorily shtnvn that the lessee fails to comply with the conditions thereof. ■. .. ■■ NiN'TH. ■ -"'i ' •' • '•••" ' •' II " •' A notice of the rates of fares and tolls lo be charged for ferriage shall be put up in a conspicuous place near the ferry landing on both sides and also on board the Ferry Boat employed. ,,,, ,j ..,^ ,,, A. BRUNEL, I Conunissioner of Inland Revenue. Department of Inland Revenue, ) ■",•< .'<■'- Ottawa, 20lh May, 1273. ;■ il; INLAND REVENUE DISTRICTS AND DIVISIONS, CONSTITUTED. (lOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTWA, ^ / Fridaif, 30th day ol May, \ST3. PRKSKNT : Ills EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. On the recommendation of the llononO^le ihe Minister of Inland Revenue and under and in pursuance of the provisions of the 6th Section of the.Act Sist V.ctoria, Cap. 5. His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby order- ed, that the several Inknll Revenue Districts and Divisions in the Dominion of Canada enumerated in the list hereunto append(>d, and the Counties composing theni respectively be, and tlie sani(^ are hereby constituted and estab!' ed, viz : — Lis omc omc oni Ofl ■) I' 4 department I of »1,000 jerlirig the be deemed the public r the raaxi- I ; and the it sliallbe i thereof. >■!<' Uf- i'l II' hall be put ) on board L, .vH.'t venue. JTKD. hy, 1873. ICIL. enue and le.Act 3l8t eby order- omiiiion of composing ''(1, viz : — OHDERS IN COUNCIL. 89 Inland Hevmue. List of Liland Revcuue Districts and Divisions in the Dominion of Canada, the Counties of which the latter consist and the Post Otflce Address. Chief Inspector, Tohonto, InSPKCTOH of DiSTILMJniES, WiNDSOK. Insppclion Distrcls. Windsor, C Oflicc ul \\\m\- J sor. ( Loudon, J Office at Giieljih 1 Toronlo, Office at To- ronlo. Kingston, Office ai Pres- cott. ..I MonU'cal, Office at Mon- treal. Hevonuc Division. COUNT! ES. Windsor Siiriiia (Joilc.'ich London (ilU>l|lil iris Kl. Calliarinns.. IlaniilLon Algoma , (]oiIingWQOfl . Toronlo Gnbourj,' Peterfioroiigh Bcllcviile Quebec, Office ut Que- bec. Kingston. Perth Oitawa... Prescott . Gorowall . Montreal . St. llyacinthe Terrebonne .. Benulmrnois. St. Jolui's Sliorbrooko . ree Rivers... I Three Pontiac Quoboo. Kssex, Kent li^iinlitoii Ururc, Huron, P.iili. Middlesex an I Elgin Wellington, WatiM'ioo Mraiit, Norfolk, Oxford lialdimand, Lincoln, Wellanil Hamilton (Cityi, Wentworth, Halton. Algoma (Iruy, Sinicoe Toronto (City), P^'el, York, Ontario. Durham, Northumberland Pelcrborcjugh, Victoria Hastings, Prince EJward Krontenac, Kingston (City), Lennox and Ad- dington Lanark, Renfrew Carleton and Russell (Irenville, Leed-<, Dundas Prescott (County), Glengarry, Stormont Head Office af Windsor. Siirnia. (ludunch. London. Guel|ili. Brantlbrd. St (;alharines. Hamilton. Sault Rte Mario. Owen Sound. Toronto. Cobourg. Peterborough. IJelleville. Kingston. Pertli. Oitawa. Prescott. Cornwall. Montreal (City), Hochelaga, Jaciues-Carticr, Laval Vaudreuil, Soulanges, Laprairie, Chambly, Vercheros Jolietle, L'Assoniption, Montcalm, Richelieu, Yamaska, and Uerthier St. Ilyacinthe (County and Town), Rouville, liiigol Te'robonne, Argenteuil, Two Monntaina Beauharnois, Chateuuguay, Huntingdon Napiervillo, St. John, Iberville, ShefTord, Br me, Missis(4Uoi Richmond with Town of Sherbrooke, Wolfe, Coinpton, Sianstead Maskinonge, St. Maurice and City of Three Rivers Cliami>lain and Nicolet Pontiiic, Ottawa • Montreal. St, Hyaclnthe. Ste. Ther^se. Beauharnois. St. Johns. . ! Sherbrooke. L Three Rivers. Ottawa Gitv. Quebec, Montmorency, Portneuf, Levis.. Dorc'insicr, nellechasso Preveniive Officer, Magflalen Islands • Quebec. •■m 1^ ..^Bs^:? ;•■..:•■ . IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I u IDA us 122 14.0 '^¥'l)L ^ 6" ► Ta ^>' >> Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STRUT VtflMTH.N.Y. MStO (716) •72-4903 .^ ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Inland Revenue. ill i<' Nova Scotia, Oflice at Hali. fax. New Bruns- wick Office at' St. John. Manitobii, Office at Win- nipeg. British Colum- bia, Office f>X Victo- ria. Yarmouth Halifax Pictou , Cape Breton.. .< Miramichi St. Joiin , Manilobi British Co'umbia Yarmouth, Digby, Sheiburne, Queen's Annapolis, Colchester, Hants, Kings, Lunen- burg Halifax City, Halifax County, Northumber- land Pictou, Anligonish, Guysburgh Inverness, Victoria, Cape Breton Res'.igpticlie, Gloucester, Northumberland, Kent ; St. John City, St. John County, part of York, Sunbury Queen'8 County, King's County, St. John, We:^tmm»ter, Albert : Chatham, Victoria, Carltton, ja-t of York The whole Pr.vince. The whole Province.. Yarmouth. -Halifax. Pictou. North Sydney. Chatham. St. John. Winnipeg. Victoria. W. A. HIMSWORTH, Clerk of the Privy Council. GOODS SUBJECT TO EXCISE DUTIES AND EXPORTED, ALLOWED TO BE RE IMPORTED FREE FROM CUSTOMS DUTY. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTWA. ^ Friday, Glh day of June, 1873. PHESENT ; HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON th9 recommendation of the Hon. the Minister of Inland Revenue and under the provisions of the Act 33rd Victoria, Chapter 8, intituled : " An Act to " explain and amend the Act respecting the Collection and Management of the "Revenue, the Auditing of Public Accounts and the lidbility of Public Accoun- "tants." His Excellency has been pleased to Order, Audit is hereby ordered, . that tiie privilege accorded by the Order in Council of the 19lh March, 1863, to goods, wares and merchandize, tlie growth, prodr.ce or manufacture of Ciiuada whicii had bi^en exported beyotid tiu) iimits of Canada of hjiiig .'eimported free of duty of Customs on certain conditions named in such ordei-, be and the snme is heroiiy extended ORDERS IN COUNCIL. ftt Maud Revenue. Yarmouth. - Halifax. Pictou. North Sydnej:. Chatham. St. John. Winnipeg. extended and declared lo apply to goods subject to duties of Excise, which goods may henceforth in like manner be reiaiported mto Canada free of duty subject to the said several conditions mentioned in the said order and on the further condi- tion that such goods on reimportation shall be warehouned subject to the Excise duties to which they would have been liable had they not been exported from Canada. W. A. HIMSWORTH, C. P. C. INLAND REVENUE LAWS EXTENDED TO PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. Victoria. rivy Council. LLOWED TO 1^. .tJO'f )fJune, 1873. |)UNG1L. 'uuo and under " An Act to yt'nient of the 'iiblic Accoun- crod, llial tlio 863, lo goods, ?,iinada which 1 IVoe of duty ;\nu) is hereby (>xtontloti GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. Friday^ (oth day of June, 1873. Present , HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GE^JERAL IIST COUNCIL. WHEREAS by the Act 33 Victoria, chapter 3, section 29, intituled : " An Act " to amend and continue the Act 32 and 33 Victoria, chapter 3, and to " establish and provide for the Government of the Province of Manitoba " it is provided that " such provisions of the Laws of Canada respecting the Inland Re- venue, including those fixing the amount of duties, as may be from time lo lime declared by the Governor General in Council applicable to the said Province shall apply thereto, and be in force therein accordingly. " His Excellency the Governor General in Council on the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Inland Revenue, and under the authority aforesaid has been pleased to order, and it is hereby Ordered, tnat all the Inland Revenui^ Laws of Canada in so far as they relate to the issuing of Licenses and the imposition of fines, penalties and duties on distillers, malstcrs and brewers and on spirits, malt and malt Liquor, and all laws respecting the collection and trianagement of Reve- nue derived therefrom be, and the same are hereby declared to apply to and be in force in the Province of Manitoba. W. A. HIMSWORTH, Clerk, Privy Council. .^! i i 'ii .: i > 1 .1 #1 ^2 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Inland Reecniie. PORTS FOR THE IMPORTATION OF RAW OR LEAF TOBACCO, UNDER THE INLAND REVENUE LAWS. H I I 1. Dates of Orders in Council. 2 July 1868. 1869. 7 June ■30 August 1870 12 October 16 August 30 " 1871. 1873 Pictou. Paris. Moncton. Guelph. Cbarlottetown, P. fe. Islatitl. Stratford," On tario. ' ! / 1 PORTS FROM WHICH GOODS LIABLE TO EXCISE DUTIES MAY BE EXPORTED IN BOND. Dates of Orders in Council. NAMES OF PORTS. 1 October 1868. Miramichi 31 " u Pictou, Chatham, Newcastle. Fredericton. 7 February 1870. Fort Erie. , , 22 March a North, Sydney, London. 29 April 1872. Shediac N. B. 3G0, UNDER ES MAY BE ORDEBS IN COUNCIL. 9a Publiv Works. • ^T. MAURICE WOR^S-R^GUIATipJfS AND TOLLS. . ,. : /tfhviqi^PROVINiCE'OF .CANADAi('';r)yrttfii,n-(r>V».f ■!- By His Excellency Lieutenant Geaer^U Wii>li4u Rowan, Esquire, iG. B. Adminis- traloi of the Governmeat of tlie Province of . jQ^p/a^a, , {^nd, Cpjqi^^pder of HerMajesty's Forces tlierein,&c., &tc., &?...|!i7'V..;i,^ ,if,f! ■;,, ■':r--\',i^ ndi'r.) .f- To aU to whom these Preseuts shall come— -GhEBTiNfi :■! li L. T. DnuMMOND,TTTHiEREAS it halth becbme expedient to fix the Rate of Tolls AUy. Genl. , W to be collected on and for the use of the Public! Works lately codstrutted on the River SH. Maurice, and to establish Regulations for secu- ring the due payment of such Tolls, and lov the management, proper using and protection of the said Public Works. Now Know Yb cherfefore that I have, by and with the advice and .consent of Her Mjijesty's Executive Council for the Pro- vince of Canada, fixed, established and declared, and by these presents do fix, establish and declare the Rate , of Tolls and Regulations which aecolmpany these presents to be, on, from and after the date hereof, the Rate of Toils to be payable on the articles therein mentioned qn passing ihe Public Works aforesaid, and the Regulai ions for the manageiOQat^ pro{>er using and protection of the Pu- bUoiWpi'ks aforesaid ; Of all which Her Majesty's lO'Ving subjects, and all others-. whpm these presents may concern,. are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. GiviN under my Hand and Seal at Arms, at QUEBEC, in the said Province, this TWEETY-NINTH day of APRIL, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred, and fifty four, ^nd in tl^e Seventeienth year of Her Majesty's Reign. , ., ■' ■ ^ :4iabo«u. , WM. ROWAN. By Command, ■ -'^ "" " . !! ; .ill ifl. Ji a GHAUVEAUv /S«)r«tfalryi RATE OF TOLLS AND REGULATIONS. 1. That the owner of every parcel of squared limber, saw-logs or other lim- ber proposed to be passed down the Hivor St. Maiirici', through any of t|ie works constructed thereon, shail give notice in writing to the Superintendent of Public Works on the said River, eight fuli days at least b;fore ihe p.'riod appointed for driving the same, specifying the section or sccions of the River such timber is to be driven from, whether or not it is to be driven to |he mouth of the River, ond if not, where it is intended to he stopped, under a pena ly, in default of giving such nolictj, of not less than Twenty Hhillinija, and uol e^pi,cdiii^ ftyc Pounils Cur- rency. """ 94 ORDERS IN COtJNCrL. I I , €11 S ■ k J ■ li ' ■ i J-" ■ 1 i-i IH '>' l) III' Publth Woth. . 2. That the owner or persoft in charge of every such: Idt of acjtiared timber, saw logs or other timber shall, when the same reaches its destination on the St. Maurice or before, subscribe and deliver to this said Superintendent, or to such, person as he may authorize in that behalf, an acknowledgment in duplicate, certi- fying the number and description of sticks oi' logs passed or driven through any of the said works, and specifying the name and designation of the owner thereof, and, of the person or firm supplying or furnishing such owner, together with the marks distinguishing such timber, and such other particulars as may be requi- red for the identification thereof ; and any person who, having passed or driven any parcel of timber through any of the said Works, shall refuse or neglect so to give such acknowledgment, or who in giving the same shall make a false state- ment either as to the number or description of the timber so passed or driven, or as to the place of its departure or destination, shall incur a penalty of not less than /Ym Pouncfs, and not exceeding Fifly Pounds Currency : and shall further pay, on every parcel of timber so passed or driven without such acknowlegment, or in relation to which any such false statement is made, double the amount of Dues which would otherwise have been payable thereon. 3. That the CoUeotot of Dues on the said River St. Maurice, or such person or persons as may be in that behalf duly authorised by him, shall, at all hours of 'the day, have free access to and full power and permission to enter and remain as long as he or they may see fit upon any such parcel of timber for the pur- pose of examining the same, and of ascertaining the number of pieces and the description of timber of which the same is composed. 4. That the dues leviable on all parcels of square timber, saw-logs or other timber passing down the said River according to the schedule of rates hereunto annexed, shall be payable immediately on the arrival of such timber or saw-logs at the looms at the mouth of the River St. Maurice, or at such intermediate pla- ce as they may be destined for, and that no person shall remove any such parcel of timber until such dues have been paid or secured, to the satisfaction of the Col- lector, under a penalt/ of not less than Ten Pounds, and not exceeding Fifty Pounds, currency. 5. That the owner, as well as the person in charge of any parcel of timber, shall be held jointly and severally responsible for any injury or damage done to any of the Slides, Dams, Booms, Piers or other Public Works on the said River St. Maurice, by any of the parties in the employment of such owner or person in charge and it shall and may be lawful for the said Superintend.ent, or other person acting for him, to seize and detain such parcel of timber until the injury so done shall be repaired or until satisfactory security shall have been given for the pay- ment of the amount at which injury or damage shall be estimated by the Superin- tendent. orders' iN COUNtllL. 95 Public Works.' ared timber, n on the St. I, or to such, jlicale, certi- thfohgh any vner thereof^ Iher with the nay be requi- sed or driven negleot so to : a false state- or driven, or ty of not less shall further Luowlegment, he amount of uch person or ^ all hours of nd remain as for the pur- ecos and the ■logs or other tes hereunto r or saw-logs rmediate pla- such parcel »n of the Col- eeding Fifty el of limber, nage done to e said River or person in other person ury so done for the pay- the Superin- 6. That every person v^ho shall wilfully do anj^ injury or damage to any of tTie Slides, or to any of the Booms, Dam?, Piers or other Public Wotlis on the said river St. Maurice, and every person who shall aid or assist in so doing any such injury or damage, shall, for every such Offence, incur a penalty of not less than Twenty-five Pounds, and not exceeding Fifty Pounds currency, over and above the amount at which such injury or damage shall be estimated by the Superin- tendent as hereinbefore provided. 7. That Ihe owner of any parcel of squared timber, saw logs or other timber conveyed down the river St. Maurice, shall during the passage thereof, keep a sufficient number of men stationed at every Slide and Boom, and also at every otheor point which the said Superintendent may indicate, to prevent all such damage to the works or obstruction in the river as might arise from the accumula • tion of logs or other timber against the booms, or in the channels or bends of the river, or from logs or other pieces of timber escaping under the Booms or going over them. ■:ml 1 lUJl' ' 1 . The number of men requit-ed at ^4ch' m^tldn'itoftfe' re^i^lktiB'rf ^"thd'ik?^ Superintendent, and any owner or person in charge of such logs, who shsU ne- glect or refuse to comply with this regulation, shall incur a penalty of not less than Five Pounds, and not exceeding Fifty Pounds currency, over ani above the pay- ment pf the amount at which any injury or damage so done to the works may be estimated by the Superintendent. 8. That no person in charge of timber held in the retaining boom at Shawe*^ negan Bay, shall allow the same to be put or passed out of the boom except under the direction of the said Superintendent or of such person as he may authorize in that behalf, who shall regulate the descent of timber and the time of passing it out : and any person in charge of such timber, who shall refuse or neglect to stop the running out of logs at the boom at Shawenegan Bay, when directed to do so by any such Officer, shall incur a penalty of not lees than Five Pounds and not exceeding Fifty Pounds currency, in addition to the amount at which any injury or damage done to the Works, by reason of such neglect or refusal, shall have been estimated by the Superintendent 9. That the owner or person in charge of any squared timber, saw-logs, or other timber passing down the St. Maurice, shall, from the time when the same ■ shall approach the Main Booms at the mouth of the said River, until all such limber shall have been passed through the said Main Booms, keep a sufficient number of men stationed at such Bpbms to prevent any obstructions or damage to the works which might arise from any undue accumulation of such timber against the Booms or in the Gales thereof : and every owner or person in charge of such 1 ;ii: I 96 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Public Works. such timber shall furnish at least the number of men required by the Su peri n tendent or person duly authorized by him in that behalf, and shall pass out such timber at the places, at the time and in the manner directed by such Superinten- dei^t or person duly authorized by him as aforesaid. And any owner or person in charge of such timber who shall neglect or refuse to comply with this regulation shall incur a penalty of not less than Five Pounds and not exceeding Fifty Pov-ndSj currency, over and above the amount at which any damage done to the works, by reason of such neglect or refusal, shall be estimated by the said Superintendent. 10. That any person who shall tie or fasten, or cause to be tied or fastened, any raft or crib to any of the said Booms at the inbuth of the said River St. Mau. rice, or who shall make Or cause to be made any crib frames, or who shall cut or chop, orcause to be cut or chopped, any timber or wood on any of the said Booms, shall incur a penalty of not less than Five Pounds, and not exceeding Fifty Poutids currency. 11. Any person who shall oppose, hinder or obstruct, or who shall aid or as- sist any other person in opposing, hindering or obstructing any Superintendent of Public Works, Collector of Dues, Boom Keeper, or other Officer or person duly autho;rized by any such Officer, In the execu^on,of his duty, s^all incur a penal- ty of not le^s than j^ve PquttdSy and not eKce^^ijRg Fifty Pounds^ currency "'^,"'13. That the followinjg Tolls shall be and are hereby imposjed, and sl^iUl be ^iSyable on squared timber, saw-logs or other timber passing through the Public Works or parts of the same, on the river St. Maurice : Frorr above the Falls of the Grande Mire to the mouth of the river St Maurice — Squared or Flatted Timber, per cent Pieces, n £2 10 'Saw Logs, per cent Pieces i '■ ■■■! ■ '■ ■ FrQiP below the Grande Mei-e, and above the Shawenegan Falls to the mouth of , , ihe river St. Maurice — Squared or Flatted Timber, per 100 Pieces 1 17 6 Sawi Logs, per 100 Pieces .V..mi 15 From below Shawenegan, and above the Gres Falls to the mouth of the river St. Maurice — Squared Flatted Timber, per 100 Pieces 15 ^^w Logs, per lOQ.Pi^Qg^y-mfv-'-vrffv— '•— r: - 10 '; ''rv if' ! ' i '■' • ■ iVi'T 1,'' !r, ■ '•"'■ '' :!' ■'.' From above the Grande if/^re to ine Gres Falls, or any place intermediate — Saw Logs, per 100 Pieces 15 iter ORDERS IN COUNCIL 97 Public Works. le mouth of SLIDES, BOOMS, &c., OTTAWA, MADAWASKA, PETEWAWA, CHAU- DIERE, GATINEAU, CHENAUX, CARILLON, GHI- COIJTIML — TARIFF OF TOLLS. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, Quebec^ Wednesday, 2oth day of Apnl, 1860. PRESENT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. HIS Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works, has been pleased to Order, and it is hereby ordered, under and by virtue of the authority given and conferred by the twenty-eighth chapter of " The Consolidated Statutes of Canada," — That the Tolls and Dues enumerated and specified in the Schedule hereunto an- nexed, and forming part of this Order, be respectively imposed, and the collection thereof authorized, in and upon the Public Works of this Province, known as the Ottawa, Madawaska and Petewawa Slides, and for Boomage at the Chaudiere, Ga- tineau and Cheneaux Booms, and at the Carillon Slide and Dam, and at the Booms and Slides at Chicoutimi, in lieu of the Tolls and Dues heretofore imposed and au- thorized to be levied and collected upon the said Public Works respectively, under and in conformity with any Proclamation, Schedule or Order in Council hereto- fore issued, in so far only however as such Tolls and Dues are altered or changed by this Order in Council and the Shedule attached hereto. W. A. HIMSWORTH, Acting Clerk E. C. I860. Tolls to be levied on the Ottawa, Madawaska and PelQwawa Slides : Name of Slide. From head of Joachim to foot of Chaudiere Do Calumet and Mountain to do Do Portage du Fort to do do Do Chats do do Do Chaudifere do do Do High Falls (Madawaska) ' do Do Improvements below do do Do Crooked Chftte (Petewawa) do Do Bois Ddr do do Do South Branch do do Slide. Per single Crib. I 3 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 cts. 50 50 75 50 00 50 75 75 25 75 V \l ':m 98 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Public Works; Tolls to be levied for Boomage at the undermentioned Booms ; Name of Boom. Each loose stick inside of Boom. Per saw Log. At the Chaudifere Booms 1 cts. 2 Do Gatineau do 2 Do Cheneaux do (on completion) 6 cts. 2 Tolls to be levied at the Carillon Slide and Dam : For every Crib of Deals, or Boards. l»o Square Timber ., Do Saw Log $ cts. 1 00 75 2 Tolls to be levied on the Saguenay Works >^nd the Booms at Ghicoutimi : For every Saw Log Do Stick of Square Timber Do Mast Do Spar 9 cts. 3 10 20 8 SLIDES, BOOMS, &c. OTTAWA, MADAWASKA, &c. — TOLLS ALTERED. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, Quebec, Tuesday, 29th May, i860. PRESENT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. HIS Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works, has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, under and by virtue of the authority given andf conferred by the twenty-eighth chapter of " The Consolidated Statutes of Canada," That the Tolls and Dues enumerated and specified in the schedule hereunto an- U(ix»d, and forming part of this Order, be respectively imposed and the Collection thereof authorized in and upon the Public Works of this Province, known as the Ottawa, Madawaska and Petewawa Slides, and for Boomage at the Chaudieie, Ga- tineau $ cts. 2 2 2 i cts. 1 00 75 2 utimi : $ cts. 3 10 20 8 ORDERS IN COUNCIL W Public Works. tineau and Cheneaux Booms, and at the Carillon Slide and Dam, and at the Booms and Slides at Chicoutimi, in lieu of the Tolls and Dues heretofore imposed and authorized to be levied and collected upon the said Public Works respectively, under an Order in Council of the Tvsrenty-flfth day of April last, and any other Order in Council, Schedule or Proclamation heretofore issued ; in so far only how- ever as such Tolls and Dues are altered or changed by this Order in Council, and the Schedule attached hereto. WM. H. LEE, • C. E.C. 1A60. Rates of Toll to be levied on timber and lumber passing the Ottawa, Petewawa and Madaw aaka Slides and other improvements. Name of River. Ottawa. Do Oo Do Do Petewawa. Do Do Madawaaka. Do Do Name of Slide or other Impro- vement. For passing througii Slides at Joachim Rapids Do Calumet and Mountain Rapids > Slides at Portage du Fcrt Do Chats Do Chaudi^ro Prom Croolced ChAte to Oltawter, at the butt or large end, fifty cts. for eacii slide passed. Tolls to be levied for Boomage al the Undermentioned Booms. ■ Name of Boom. Each loose Stick insi to of Boom. Per Saw Log. Chaudi&re $ cts. !i 2 2 (latlncau Ohenraux (on completion) 6 cts. 100 ORDERS L\ COUNCIL. i Public Works. Tolls to be levied at the Carillon Slide and Dam. For every Crib of Deals or Boards Di) Square Timber.. For each Saw Log $ els. I 00 75 02 Tolls to be levied on the Saguenay Works and the Booms at Chicoutimi. For every Saw Log <, Do UUck of Squai'e Timber... Do Masl Do Spar $ cts! 03 10 20 08 SLIDE, CHAUDlfeRE, OTTAWA -REGULATIONS FOR THE PROTECTION OF T 1 • GOVERNMENT HOUSE, * ■ Quebec, Friday, 8th June 1860. Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. HIS Excellency the Governor General in Council is pleased to Order, and it is hereby Ordered, under and by virtue of the Authority given and confer- red by the twenty-eighth Chapter of the " Consolidated Statutes for Upper Canada. " That from and after the date hereof the following Regulations shall apply to and have force and effect in the proper use and protection of the Public Work of this Province, commonly known as. — The Timber Slide situated in the vicinity of Chaudifere Falls, on the south side of the River Ottawa, that is to say : First. — ^That no rafts of round, square, or flatted timber or saw logs shall be allowed to be banded up within the sheet of water bounded by the "Ottawa Slide" South Shore of Victoria Island to the Eastern extremity of the same, and extending easterly to a mark on the south side of Pine Tree Island, thence in a southerly direction to a mark at the water's edge of the River Ottawa, opposite the centre of Kent street, in the city of Ottawa ; thence along the south shore of the river to the foot of the slide aforesaid. i: timi. :tion of ! I860. :iL. der, and it md confer- Ganada. " 1 apply to York of this the south ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 101 Public Works. But in case of cribs of timber or saw logs being damaged or broken up in passing the Slide, they may be repaired o> re-rafted within the aforesaid limits, if, in the opinion of the Superintendent of the works, such repairing or re-rafting be necessary. But in no case shall they be allowed to remain within the said limits longer than forty eighl hours after passiing the Slide. That every violation of this provision, or encroachment on said limits, shall subject the owner, person or persons in charge of such raft, to a penalty of not less than twenty five dollars, and not exceeding fifty dollars. Secondly. — ^That no steamboat, barge or other craft, during the season of running timber, shall be allowed to moor within the said limits in a position that obstructs a free outlet from the slide ; and, in ail cases vessels, loading or un- loading, must be brought to the wharves or landing places and lie parallel with the current, but in no case shall there be more than two vessels abreast of each other, unSer a penalty, for every offense, of not less than fifteen dollars nor more than fifty dollars. Thirdly. — Rafts, vessels or other craft, as aforesaid, shall be held liable for the penalty imposed under these regulations ; and the Superintendent of the works is authorized and required to seize and detain any such raft, vessel, barge or boat, uiitil payment of such penalty or until the owner or person in charge shall give satisfactory security for the payment thereof, within thirty days after such penalty shall have been declared or demanded ; and in default of such pay- ment being made within such specified time, then the Superintendent may pro- ceed to sell by public auction any such raft, vesssel or boat, after having first given two weeks' notice of the day of such intended sale ; such notice to be inserted in one or more of the public newspapers published in the City of Ottawa, at least two clear weeks prior to the day of sale, levying the cost attendant thereon, as well as the fine so imposed, upon the owner or person claiming such property. WM. H. LEE, C. E. G. ;s shall be wa SUde" extending southerly B centre of 'iver to the 102 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 'r; Public Works. LACHINE CANAL, REGULATIONS RELATING TO VESSELS TRADING TO LOWER PORTS AND ENTERING THE LACHINE CANAL. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, Quebec, Friday^ Sth June, 1860. Present : HIS EXCELLENCY JUE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. HIS Excellency the Governor General in Council is pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that fronn and after the date hereof, the following Rates of Toll shall be levied upon Vessels trading to Lower Ports, and entering the Lachiue Canal from the Harboiir of Montreal, and on certain goods herein men- tioned ; said Vessels to be allowed 48 hours for discharges of Cargo, before the fol- lowing tolls be incurred ; aud said discharge to b^ made below the St. Gabriel Lock. CLASS OF VESSEL. RATE OF TOLL Steamboats, measuring 50 Tons and upwards, per Ton Register, per day of24 hours 8 Mills All other Vessels measuring 50 Tons and upwards, per Ton Register, per day of 24 hours 4 Mills Steamboat?, measuring under 50 Tons Regiatpr, each per day of 24 hours. 40 cents All other Vessels measuring from 25 to 50 Tons Register, do do 20 All Vessels measuring less than 25 Tons Register, do do ...... 10 Coal per Chaldron Salt, per 100 Miuots • 15 Iron of all kinds, per ton weight 6 Merchandise as in Class No 6, of the TarifTof Tolls on Provincial Canals.. K Provided always that the above Tolls be levied only on goods for consump iion in Montreal and on Vessels trading with that Port. W. H. LEE, C. E. C. RADING :iL. dcr, and it ving Rates itering the rein men- are the fol- briel Lock. RATE OF TOLL 8 Mills , 4 Mills . 40 cents . 20 . 10 . • 5 . 6 . • consump- ;. E. C. • ORDERS IN COUiNCIL « is 103 Public Works. ■ SLIDE, SAGUENAY- -REGULATIONS FOR PROPE :r: MANAGEMENT OF ! 28th September, I860. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, Quebec, Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works, His Excellency the Governor General in Council has been pleased -to Order, and it is hereby Ordered, that the following- Regulations for the proper manage- ment of the Saguenay Slides be adopted and enforced, viz : 1. All person or persons in eharge of lumber that is to pass through the Saguenay Slide, must notify the resident Slide Master when they will be ready to commence. 2. All person or persons in charge of lumber at the head of the Slide, shall send eight men to assist the Slide Master in the discharge of his duties during the passage of their timber : Four of these men to be placed at the head of the Slide to feed it, and the other four stationed along the side of the Slide, as the Slide Master may direct ; these eight men shall be under the orders and control of the person in charge of the Slide while their employer's timber is being passed. 3. As it would bo difficult for the Slide Ma.ster to count the number of lo{?s, &c., in the Boom at the head of the Slide, all person or persons lumbering above the Public Works on the River Saguenay, who propose passing their timber through the Government Works, are required to furnish to the Slide Mas- ter or person in charge of the Slide at the time, when called upon, with a Sta- tement ofthe exact quantity of timber by them manufactured in the woods. WM. H. LEE. C. E. C. ^i ilr*: 104 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Public Works. SLIDE, PETEWAWA RIVER. TARIF OF TOLLS. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, Quebec, iOth August, 1862. PRESENT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. THE Governor General in Conncil having had under consideration a Report dated 19th August, 1862, from the Deputy Commissioner of Public Works, suggesting the establishment of a Toll on Timber passing over the slides recently erected on the Petewawa River between Lake Traverse and Trout Lake. His Excellency in Council was pleased to Order and it is hereby Ordered, that, a Toll or rate of one dollar be charged and levied upon each and every Crib of Timber passing over the said Slides, a.^J that the same be payable in like manner for each and ttery Crib of Timber that shall have passed through the same during the present season of navigation. WM. H.'LEE, C. E. G. SLIDES AND DOOMS, CHICOUTIMI-TOLLS ALTERED. GOVERMENT H0"3E, QUEBEC, Thursday, 13th day of April, 1865. Present : ' • HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL in Council, on the recom- mendation of the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works, has been pleased to Order, and it is hereby Ordered, under and by virtue of the authority given and conferred by the twenty-eighth chapter of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, that the Tolls 'and Dues hereinafter enumerated and specified shall be and they are hereby imposed, and the collection thereof authorized in and upon the Public Works of this Province, know as the Booms and Slides at Chicoutimi, in lieu of the Tolls and Dues heretofore imposed and authorized to be levied and collected upon the said Public Works, under an Order in Council of the Twenty- ninth day of May, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty, or any other Order in Council, Schedule or Proclamation heretofore issued for that purpose, that is to say : Cents each. On yellow andwhite pine log 3 " On red pine and spruce logs. Tamarac timber, futtocks and knees 2 " On red, yellow and white pine liraberper stick 5 " On masts 20 " On spars , 8 " WM. H.LEE, C. E. C. gust, 1862. UNGIL. ition a Report ublic Works, slides recently Lake. reby Ordered, ach and every layable in like i through the LEE, G. E. C. ED. pf April, 1865. UNCIL. on the recom- rks, has been the authority ed Statutes of ifled shall be and upon the hicoutimi, in be levied and f the Twenty- red and sixty, >re issued for Cents each. 3 9 . 20 8 |E, C. E. G. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. lOS Public Works. SLIDE AND BOOM, GOULONGE, PETEWAWA, MA DAWA SKA. —TOLLS ALTERED. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, QUEBEC, Thursday, \3thday of My, 1865 PRESENT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. HtS EXCELLENCY, on the recommendation of the Honorable the Commis- sioner of Public Wprks, and under and by virtue of the authority conferred by the 28th Chapter of the Consolitated Statutes of Canada, has been pleased to Or- der, and it is hereby Ordered, that on, from and after this day, the following Ra- tes and Tolls to be levied on Timber and Lumber passing the River Goulonge,and also Tolls to be levied on the Petewawa and Madawaska Rivers, in addition to those at present imposed, shall be and they are hereby enacted, that is to say : Name of River. Name of Slide or other Improvement. ■ — -i-.,..;!, ■ ■ ■ .. ■ •■■ . .--~-«r^. TiMRER AND LuMBER. Per rate. $ cts. . Coulonge. For passing Slide at High Falls. « For every quantity of timber equal to a crib of red or white pine ,n single sticks, and rafted up at the rptaininfir bnnm 1 50 For every crib of masts or spars For everv saw locf 2 00 02 .. Petewawa. For passing dams, piers, and booms between Cf^dare Lake and Memo rapids. 1 For every "rib of red or white p'ne. For every crib of masts or spars .... For everv saw loB 75 1 00 01 Madawaska. For use of retaining booms and piers in the Ghats Lake at the mouth of the River. For every crib of red or white pine For every crib of masts or spars For evorv saw loa 75 40 01 ,.- WM. H. LEE, C. E. C. 106 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Public Works. SLIDES & BOOMS, GOULONGE, PETEWAWA, MADAWASKA TOLLS EXPLAINED. GOUVERNMENT HOUSE, QUEBEC, Thursday, 2l8t day of September, 1865. PRELBNT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS by the Order of His Excellency in Council passed on the 13th July, 1865 establishing the tolls to be levied and collected on Timber pas- sing through or using the works on the Conlonge, Petewawa and Madnwaska Rivers, the rate fixed for every crib of red or white pine using the retaining booms and piers iii the Chats Lake at the mouth of the River Madawaska has been through error fixed at 75 instead of 25 cents. His Excellency on the recommendation on the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works and under and in virtue of the authority conferred by the 28th chapter of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, has been pleased to Order and it is hereby Ordered, that the rate or toll chargeable on every crib of red or white pine using the retaining booms and piers in the Chats Lake, at the mouth of the River Madawaska, is hereby declared to be, and to have been intended by the said Order to be 25 cents, and that portion of the said Order which establishes the said rate of 75 cents as, aforesaid, be and the same is hereby repealed. W. A. HI^SWORTH, Ag. C. E. C. PROVINCIAL SLIDES. REGULATIONS FOR THE PROTECTION, &c. OF GOUVERNMENT HOUSE, QUEBEC, Wednesday, 17th day of May, 1865. PRESENT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. HIS Excellency on the recommendation of the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works, and under and by virtue of tho authority conferred by the 28th Chapter of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that, on, from and after this day, the following Regulations for the management, proper use and protection of the Provincial Slides and for the collection of the Tolls and Dues thereon, shall bo and they are hereby enacted, that is to say : ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 107 Public Works. \ TOLLS er, 1866. KCIL. on the 13th Timber pas- Mad a waska lini 11;; booms la has been ommissioner by the 28th der and it is 'ed or white nouth of the d by the saul ablishes the TH, G. E. C. N, &c. OF y, 1865. fCIL. nissionerof rred by the order, and [Regulations and for the )y enacted, RECULATIONS. ; Under the 'ibth Chapter of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, to secure the due payment of Slide Dues and for the protection of the Provincial Slides. Section i. — ^The Provincial Slides, Booms and other works connec- Slides, Ac. ted therewith, shall be under the control and management of the "" Govern-™ Superintendent of the Works, or, in case there should be no Superin- ment Officers tendent, or, in the absence of such an officer, under the control ^"dMwers."^ management of the Slide Ma>ter, Deputy Slide Master or other officer duly appointed by the Commissioner of Public Works, and these officers, and no others, shall have the power of regulating the sup" ply of water required for the pass.-ige of Timber, of allotting the space for rafting or mooring timber, of determining the quantity of timber that may pass daily through the slide or booms, of collecting the slidage dues, of awarding the amoant that may be due by the owner or owners of timber or persons in charge thereof for damages that may have been done to any of the Works, of imposing fines or penalties for any violation of the Slide Regulations, of seizing the timber, and of detaining or selling the same at Public Auction, as hereinafter pro- vided, and of recovering the said duos, penalties or damages, whcMi the owners of timber or persons in charge thereof refuse or npglect to pay the same ; And the orders of the said Superintendent of the Works, Slide Master, Deputy Slide Master, or other officer, duly ap- pointed as aforesaid, must in all cases be obeyed by the owners of timber or their employees, who in case of refusal or neglect to obey such orders, shall be subject to the fines or penalties hereinafter im- posed, as the case may be. Section 2, — No raft or parcel of timber shall be permitted to enter any Provincial Slide for the purpose of passing through, without the owner or person in charge of nich raft or parcel of limber first giving notice thereof to, and obtaining permission from the Superintendent, Slide Master, Duputy Slide Master, or other officer as the case may be, duly appointed as aforesaid, under a penalty oi not less than four dol- lars and not more than twenty dollars currency. Section 3. — The owner or person in charge of any laft or parcel of All rafts, limber, previous to entering any of the Provincial crib Slides, for the pf^l°^ before purpose of passing such raft or parcel of timber through the same, e^ Bering Pro- shall make a full and complete report of such raft or parcel of timber, !!.p°ina[ty* containing »'0 to $200. Persons in charge of tim- ber to give notice before passing Itirough any Slide under a • penally of from f4 to $20. :!i m 108 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Public Wouks. containing an account of the number of cribs and the description of timber, composing the raft or parcel of timber, the name and desi" gnation of the owner or owners and of the supplier or furnisher thereof, together with marks and all other particulars relating thereto, under a penalty of not less than twenty dollars and not more than two hun- dred dollars, for refusing or neglecting to make such report. Owners not Section 4. — On the arrival of any description of timber at or near thnber^o ac-^"y o^*^6 P^'0^^"ci^^ Slides, Booms or Works, the owner thereof or cumulate, nor person in charge of the same shall immediately send a sufficient num- sa'ge'^of o?her ^®^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ P^^^ ^^^^ timber through the said slides, booms or works limber." and shall not allow the timber to accumulate at the head of the said slides, booms or work?, or to obstruct the passage of other timber to or from the said slides, booms or works ; and if a " jam " of any des- cription of timber takes p'ace in any of the said slides, booms or works or near the same, the owner or person in charge, shall at once remove the " jam " or obstruction, under the direction of the Slide Master or officer acting in that capacity ; and, in case the owner or person in. charge of said timber should refuse or neglect to remove the same within forty-eight hours, the said Slide Master or officer, or person by him authorised in that behalf shall have the power of removing the to be bandeii same at the proper costs, risks and expenses of the owners thereof, up and pia- ^yho shall be subject to a penalty of not less than fifty dollars and not led by Slide niore than one hundred dollars for every day during which their tim ^"'If'^" — Pe- ber shall obstruct the passage of other timber, over and above the 5^50. ° amount that may be awarded by the Slide Master, or Superintendent of the Work, as well for Iha expenses of removing the same, as for any damage that may have been done in con-equence of such refusal or neglect. Penalty for Section 5.— No raft or parcel of timber shall be moored or banded g^Mt'io r!^mo" "P "parer to the entrance to or the outlet of any of the Provincial ve obstru-c Slides, Booms or works than the berths pointed out by the Slide-Mas- $°Oo'p*rdav° ^^'^ °^ officer acting in that capacity ; and when permission shall be granted to the owners or persons in charge of any raft or parcel of timber to place any pocket boom, raft or timber in or near the said slides, booms or works,'lJie owners or persons in charge of such raft, timber or pocket boom, shall not in any case take any more or other space orplace than the berth or berths allotted by the said Slide Mas- tor, or other officer in c.harge of the works, and shall at any tune when directed so to do, move the said rai'ls, timber or pocket booms, fi'om place to place, or rtmove the same euliroly as soon as required so ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 109 Public Works. lescription of le and desi" >sher thereof, lereto, under lan two hun- »rt. r at or near r thereof or Ricient num- ns or works i of the said ler timber to ' of any des- ms or works once remove le Master or or person in ve the same or person by emoving the ers thereof, Lars and not ;h their tim i above the )erintendent same, as for juch refusal d or banded Provincial e Slide-Mas- n sliall be parcel of ir the said such raft, e or other Slide Mas- any tune ket booms, 8 required so so to do by the saVl Slide Master or other officer in charge of the works, under a penalty ut not less than twenty dollars and not mote than fifty dollars in case of refusal or neglect on the part of the said owners or persons in charge of timber, rafts or pocket booms, to comply with the requirements of this section. Section 6. — The owner or owners, or person in charge of any raft or parcel of timber shall, be fore removing the same from any Slide, Boom or public work connected therewith, subscribe and deliver to the said Superintendent, Slide Master, Deputy Slide Master, or other officer, as the case may be, duly appointed as aforesaid, an acknowledgement in duplicate certifying the number and description of cribs or of timber so passed, and shall pay the slide dues, or secure the same to the sa- tisfaction of the Collector of Slide Dues, under a penalty of not less than twenty dollars, and not more than two hundred dollars, and shall further pay double the amount of dues, which wouild otherwise be payable, on any raft or parcel of timber passing such slide without such acknowledgement. Section 7. — The Collector of Slide Dues, or any person or persons duly authorised by him in that behalf, shall, at all hours during the day, have free access, and full power and permission to enter and remain as long as he or they may see fit, upon any raft or parcel of timber for the purpose of examining the same, and every facility shall be afforded him or them for ascertaining the number of cribs or the number of pieces and description of timber of which the same is com- posed, and any person obstructing the Collector of Slide Dues, Slide Master, or other persons duly authorized as aforesaid, in the execution of his or their duty, shall incur a penally of not less than fifty dollars and not more than two hundred dollars. Section 8. — The owner as well as the pcu'son in charge of any raft or parcel of timber shall be held responsible for any injury or damage done to the Slides, Booms, Piers, or other works connected therewith, by any of the parlies in their employment ; and it shall and may be lawful for the Slida Master, or officer acting in that behalf, to seize and detain such raft or parcel of timber, until the injury so done shall be repaired, or until security to his satisfaction shall have been given for such amount as shall be awarded on account of such damage ; Aud any and every person interfering with the management or sup- ply of water, or with any of the duties of the said Slide Masters or officers acting in that capacity, without having been duly authorized by Acknowled- gement to be given ofdes- cription of timber pass- ing through P r V in ci al Slides under p e n al ty of from $20 to $2uO. Officers au- thorized to examine rafts and persons obstructing them in the execution of their duty in- cur a penally of from $50 to $200. Owners res- ponsible for damages done to Sli- des, 4c., and Slides Offi- cers autho- rise to detain rafis, Ac, until the same are sa- tiUud. 110 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Public Works. Partiee in- by them SO to do, and any and every person doing injury or damage, Jfoweis^of^^ a* aforesaid, to any of the Provincial Slides, or to the booms, slides, Governmoiit gates 0'* piers connected therewith, or aiding or assisting in doing SSsfng °da-siich injury or damage, shall for the first offence, incur a penalty of mages, incur not less th;jn tvventy dollari and i^ot more than one hundred collars from'$20^ to Over and above payment of the amount which may bo awarded for $100 for Isisuch damages, and, for the second and every subsequent offence shall $mu*to $*00 i"<^ur a penalty of not less than one hundred dollars and not more lor eviry than two hundred dollars, over and above payment of such damage, olJenc^"^"* the amount of which damage shall, in each case, be ascertained and determined by the Slide Master or officer in charge of the slide, boom or work. Oniciersau* thorized to detain rafs, &c„ until sli- dagedues.da- mages or pe- nalties, are paid or secu- red. . Penally, Ac, for obstruc- ting Collector in the execu- tion of his duty, $20 tp S200- Section 9. — It shall ba competent for the Collector of Slide Dues, his Deputy or Deputies, Assistant or Assistants, or persons duly au- thorized by him, to enter upon, seize, and detain at the risk, costs and charges of the owner or owners thereof, any raft or parcel of timber which shall have been moved away from any of the Provincial Slides, booms or works, without the slides dues therefore, the amount awar- ded for damages, or the flues or penalties, if any, being first paid or secured to his satisfation, and any and every person obstructing the Collector of Slide Dues, or other person or persons duly authorized, as aforesaid, in the execution of his or their duty, shall incur a penal- ty of not less than twenty dollars and not more than two hundred dol- lars, currency. Rafts, Ac. Section 10. — Rafts, cribs, and all description of timber shall be held dues^ jj^j. liable for the dues, damages and penalties imposed under these Regu ges, 'ac, pe- lations ; and the Slide Master, or other duly appointed officer is hero- can be seized ^y authorized and required to seize and detain any such raft, crib or and so d at parcel of timber, until payment of such dues, damages or penalties, is auction sale, jjj^jg qj. y^^jj jj^g owner or person in charge shall have given satis- factory security for the payment thereof, within thirty days after the same shall have been declared to be incurred or shall have been demanded ; and, in'default of such payment being made within the said term of thirty days, then, the said Slide Master, or officer, may proceed to sell by public auction any such raft, crib or parcel of lim- ber ; But at least two weeks' notice of the day of the intended sale by auction, shall in the mean time have bieii given, and have been duly inserted in one or niore of the public newspapers published at the nearest place from the said Works, and a copy of such notice shall also ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Ill Public Works. y or damage, )oom3, slides, ing ill doing a penalty of ndred collars awarded for L offence shall nd not more luch damage, :ertuiiied and le slide, boom of Slide Dues, sons duly au- risk, costs and reel of tinjber viucial Slides, amount awar- ig first paid or bstructing the y authorized, incur a penal - ) hundred dol- r shall be held Br these Regu officer is here- ;h raft, crib or or penalties, is ve given satis- days after the ill have been de within the r oflicer, may • parcel of tim- itcnded sale by ave been duly jli!.ht?d at the h nolice shall also also have been placarded during the same time, (two weeks before the intended saleWn a public and conspicuous place at or near the said works where the raft, crib or timber is lying ; and if I he costs attendant on such auction sale, as well as all other costs, damages and penalties imposed or awarded cannot be realized from the timber so seized and sold, the same shall be recoverable from the owner of said raft, crib or parcel of timber No timber Seetion 11.— Parties engaged in " driving " timber down the Ga-^^j^^^ \^ on tineau River shall not deposit on the banks of the main stream or banks of Ga- any of its tributaries, any saw logs or 8quar^ timber, within reach of ^^^*"g ^^j^^^ the spring floods, nor float any timber down the rivers aforesaid until taries, penal- the ice has left the pond near the mouth of the Gatineau, the said Jj^^^^gy ° '"'^ pond being a receptacle for lumber and connected with the main Boom on said Gatineau River, by a creek ; and whereas during the season of low water, steamers, barges or other river craft or rafts of square timber or sawed lumber cannot pass through the " trip " boom forming the upper portion of the Gatineau Boom in the north channel of the Gatineau river, but have to be passed through the main guide Boom in th^t river by a more southerly charaiel, the said boom shall be kept clear of logs or timber, and the owmers or persons having any logs or timber obstructing the said boom, during the said season of low water, when steamers, barges or other river craft or rafts of square timbar or s^wed lumber cannot pass through the trip boom aforesaid, shall be held liable for all damages that may be caused to the owners or persons in charge of steamers or other river craft or jafts of any description of timber on account of detention, or other- wise, by such obstruction, over and above the penalty hereinafter mentioned ; and during the season of high water in th3 said liver, the owners or persons in charge of rafts or timber shall not allow more than flfteen thousand pieces of saw logs or square timber to ac- cumulate or be in the main guide Boom leading to the Canal at the same time ; every violation of these regulations shall subject the owners or persons in charge of such timber to a penalty ofnol less than Twenty-five dollars and not more than Fifty dollars, for each and every day during which the present regulation shall be violated, over and above the amount that may be awarded by the Superintendent of the Ottawa works, for any damage that may be done to the Booms or Works in consequence of such violation. Section 12. — In orJer to prevent an over pressure of timber being To Protect brought on the guide boom at the High Falls station, on the Mada- Maj^^y^ka" waska I4| jit 11 112 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Public Works. river, penalty waska River, the Deputy Slide Master at that station shall determine $50 to $100. the quantity of timber that shall be allowed to pass the chain Rapids boom, each day, and the owners or persons in charge of timber shall send a sufficient number of nien to the High Falls Guide Boom for the purpose of keeping it clear and preventing an accumulation of timber at that place ; and every violation of this Regulation by such owners or persons in charge of timber, shall subject them to a penalty of not less than Fifty dollars and not more than one hundred dollars, over and above the amount that may be awarded by the Superinten- dent of the Ottawa Works for any damage that may be done to the works in consequence of such violation. Interference "With duties of Slide Master at Arnprior Station, on the Madawas- ka river — Pe- nalty $100 to $200. Section 13.-^Any interference on the part of owners or persons in charge of timber, with the Works between Springtown and the mouth of the Madawaska River (including the retaining boom near McCrea's house, at Springtown, and the retaining boom in the Ghats Lake) which are both under the control and management of the acting Deputy Slide Master at Arnprior station, or any interference with the duties of that officer, as already provided, shall subject the owners or parties so interfering without being thereto duly authorized, to a penalty of not less than one hundred dollars and not more than two hundred dollars, over and above the amount that may be awarded by the Superintendent of Ottawa Works in consequence of any damage that may arise from such interference or violation of this Regulation. Section 14. — ^The present Regulations shall come into force and effect from this day, and all Regulations for the protection of the Pro- vincial Slides, heretofore made, shall be and the same are hereby de- clared to be repealed, except in so far as regards any schedule of Tolls or Slidage dues, which may be annexed to any such previous Regula- tion or Regulations, and excepting also the Regulations of the eighth day of June, of the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty (copy whereof is hereunto annexed,) which shall continue to be in force and to be binding. on all parties, as if these presents had not been made. WM. H. LEE, C. E. C. ^-■. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 113 Public Works. determine ain Rapids mber shall Boom for lulation of jn by such 3 a penalty 'ed dollars,, Juperinten- one to the persons in n and the boom near the Chats : the acting ;e with the owners or rized, to a re than two iwarded by ny damage Regulation. ;o force and of the Pro- : hereby de- ule of Tolls )us Ragula- the eighth I sixty (copy be in force id not been EE, E. C. SLIDE, BLACK RIVER.— TARIFF OF TOU&. ''■" ) RATES OF TOLL TO BE LEVIED AND COLLECTED Oi^ ALL TIMBER DES- CENDING THE GOVERNMENT SLIDES AT BLACK RIVER. FR every parcel or quantity of Timber, equal to a Crib of Masts or Spars, one dollar and fifty cents. For every such parcel or quantity (equal to a crib) of Square Timber, one dollar. For every Saw Log, Two Cents. I hereby certify that the above Rates of Toll have been established by Or- der in Council of the -1 3th day of May 1867. W. A. HIMSWORTH, Ag. C: E. C RIDEAU CANAL. REGULATION RELATIVE TO FIRE WOOD LANDED AT BASIN, OTTAWA. ADDITIONAL GANAL IIBGULATIONS. TCTOTICE is hereby given, that in accordance with the 28th Chap. Con. Stats, of JLl Canada, His Excellency the Governor General in Council has been pleased to approve of the following additional regulations to ensure the proper using, management and protection of the Canals of the Dominion of Canada. By Command, Privy Council Office, Ottawa, 14th October, 1867. WM. H. LEE, C. P. C. Regulations in pursuance of the 28th Chap. Con. Stat, of Canada, for landing fire- wood on the line of the Rideau Canal, in the city of Ottawa, and in addition to the regulations for the management and protection of the Provincial Canals, which were authorized by the Governor in Council 20th May, 1857, Sections 14 and following, and were made applicable to the Rideau Canal, under the Order of His Excellency in Council of the 2nd of June, 18G0. 1st. No fire-wood to be landed on the easterly side of the Basin from Sappers Bridge to the line of Little Sussex street. m 114 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Public Works. 2nd. Fire- wood may be landed between the line of Little Sussex street and the By-wash or waste weir, but must be removed within twenty-four hours after having been placed there ; a fine of three cents per cord will be charged for every day the wood remains on the wharf after due notice has been given. 3rd. Firewood may be Landed and piled around the Basin on Government Land within forty feet of the water, leaving a roadway of at least fifteen feet be- tween every four piles of fire-wood, \irhich roadway must be as near as practica- ble at right angles to the margin of the Canal, this wood must also be removed within tweniy-fonr hours after the owner or person in charge has been notified to that effect and in defaul a fine of three cents per cord will be levied upon it for every day it remains, thereafter. 4tb. Two cents per cord will be charged as wharfage or ground rent upon fire-wood placed on any part of the Government Canal Reserve. 5th. No fire-wood may be landed without a permit having been first obtained from the Lock Master or Collector, and the let-pass must be given up to this Offi- cer before the wood is unloaded, under a penalty of forty dollars. . COAL PASSING CANALS UPWARDS, EXCEPT WELLAND CANAL, FREE. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. Monday, 7th day of June, 1869. Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS it has been represented to His Excellency in Council that it is advisable and expedient thai no Tolls should be levied or collected on Coal passing upwards through the St. Ijawrenre, Chambly, St. Ours, Burlington Bay or Ottawa Canals, or St. Ann's L.ock, or euneir of them ; And whereas by the 58lh section of the Act HI Vic. Cap. 12, intituled : "An Act respecting the Public Works of Canada," it is in effect enacted, that the Go- vernor may, by Order in Council, impose and authorize the collection of dues or tolls on Canals and other pubic works vested in Her Majesty, and from time to time, in like manner, may alter or change such dues or tolls, and may declare the exemptions therefrom. — ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 115 Public Works. His Excellency on the recommendation of itie Honorable the Minister of Customs and under the authority aforesaid, has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that from and after this day. Coal passing upwards through the public works of this Dominion, known as the St. Lawrence Canal, the Chambly Canal, the St. Ours Canal, the Burlington Bay Canal, the Ottawa Canals or St. Ann's Lock or the several subdivisions or sections of the same respectively, shall be, and is hereby declared to be exempt from the payment of Canal Tolls. And it is further ordered that the Order in Council of the 24th day of May, 1869, be and the same is hereby cancelled. Certified,' WM. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council WELLAND CANAL. WAY RATE OF TOLL BETW-E^N DUf^NVILLE AND THOROIJ). GOVERMEjyT HOUSE, OTTAWA. , Tuesday, 19th day of April, 1870. Prisbnt : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. (N the recommandation of the Honorable the Minister of Inland Revenue and under the provision of the 58th. Section of the Act 31 Vic. Cap. 12, intitu- led : " An respecting the Public Works of Canada." His- Excelleucy has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that a way rate of toll be established on the We Hand Canal, between Dunnville and Thorold, and that such rate shall be and is hereby fixed at five eighths of the through rate, or twelve and a half cents per ton. WM. H.LEfi, Clerk Privy Council. H6 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Public Works. PIERS BELOW QUEBEC TARIFF OF TOLLS. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. , Saturday, 14th day May 1870. Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Public Works, and under and in virtue of the authority given by the 5bth Section of the Act 3Ist Vic. Cap. 12, intituled : " An Act respecting the Pifblic Works of Canada, " His Excellency has been pleased to Order, and it is hereby Ordered, that the Tolls and Dues specified in the Tariff hereunto annexed, and forming part of this Order, shall be, and they are hereby imposed and authorized to be levied and collected on each of the following Public Piers erected on the shores of the River St. Lawrence below Quebec, that is to say : At Rimouski. At Riviere du Loup. At Riviere Ouelle. At Malbaie. At Eboulements. At L'Islet. At Bertbier. And it is further Ordered that tho Tariff of Tolls on the said Public Piers adopted by Order in Council of the 4th day of February, 1870, be and the same is hereby cancelled. WM. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council. Tariff of Tolls to be levied and collected on each of the following Public Piers erected- on the Shores of the River St. Lawrence below Quebec, to wit : At Rimouski, Riviere du Loup, Riviere Ouelle, Malbaie, Eboulements, L'Islet and Berthier : On every Steamboat of 175 tons burthen, or less, that shall touch at a Pier with passengers $ 3 00 On every Steamboat for the whole season 30 00 On every Steamboat over 175 tons, touching at a Pier 00 On every Steamboat for the whole season GO 00 On every Steam Tug touching at a Pier, at each Pier. 1 00 il; lay 1870. NCIL. Works, and on of the Act of Canada, " that the Tolls of this Order, and collected he River St. Public Piers ind the same .EE, Council. wing Public ibec, to wit : lents L'lslet ta < • • •• $ 3 00 < • * • 30 00 .... U 00 • ■ • I CO 00 .... 1 00 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 117 Public Works. On erery Steam Tug (Taking a License for touching at all or ahy of the Piers) for the whole season , 10 00 On every Schooner or Vessel under 100 tons, each voyage.. On every Schooner or Vessel over 100 tons, each voyage On every Cord of Wood of whatever sort. Bark, Lath, &c., if loaded the first day Do do if left piled on the wharf for every day so left On every single Sheep or Hog not belonging to any load On every Horse, Mare, Colt, Foal, Mule, Ass, Bull, Ox, or Cow On every Cart or Vehicle on two wheels, drawn by one horse and loaded or not loaded On every four wheeled Vehicle, whether drawn by one or by two Jior- ses, and whether loaded or not loaded On every passenger not paying any of the tolls above mentioned ROAD, HUNTINGDON AND ST FRANCIS. TARIFF OF TOLLS 55 50 5 ^ 1 ^ 10 2 GOVERNMENT ROUSE, OTTAWA, Tuesday, 9th day of August, 1870. , ,, ,., Phbsent ; ["jitrJitiii THIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Public Works, and under the authority given by the 58lh Sec. of the Act 31 Vict. Chap. 12, intituled : " An Act respecting the Public Works of Canada. " His Excellency has been pleased to Order, and it is hereby Ordered, that on from and after the 15th day of September next, the following rates of toll shall be and they are he- reby imposed, and authorized to be levied and collected in and upon the Public Work known as the " Huntingdon and St. Francis Road, " that is to say :— li Summer rate. Winter rate. For any Vehicle drawn by two or more, hor- ses or (Jaltle, passing over road once 20 cents. 15 cents- For the same going and returning the same day 30 cents. 23 cents. For any Veliicle drawn by one horse or other beast of burden, passing over tlie same • road once l'2i^ cents. 10 cents* For the same going and returning the same day 20 cents. 15 cents. For each sheep or head of swine 2 cents. 1 cents. For every horse or cow or other hoad of horned cattle « • 5 cents. 3 cents. 118 ORDERS IN COUNCIL Public Works. Exceptions.— To be allowed to pass free of charge. Horses and Vehicles belonging to OflBcers in Her Majesty's Service, when on duty. Horses and vehicles employed exclusively in carrying H'er Majesty's Mails. Funeral Corteges. ( Horses and vehicles conveying persons to and from Church on Snndays and Holidays. WM. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council, Canada. TRENT SlilDES.— TARIFF OF TOLLS. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. Saturday, 15lh April, 1871. Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. OThe recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Public Works, and under and in virtue of the 68th Section of the Act 31 Vic. Cap. 12, intituled : " An Act respeciing the Public Works of Canada," His Excellency in Cotincil has been pleased to order, and it is hereby Ordered that the Order in Council of the 8th day of December 1866, fixing the rates of toll to be levied on Saw logs and Square timber passing down the Slides on the River Trent be and th« same is hereby cancelled — and it is hereby further ordered, under the authority aforesaid, that henceforth the following rates of toll shall be and they are hereby imposed and aiithorized to be levied and collected on Saw logs. Square timber, &ic., passing down the Slides on the said River Trent, that is to say : — Oh each Saw Log. (whether rafted or in Single Slicks,) for passing through the Slides at Healy Falls and Middle Falls, one half cent per log ; and for passing through the Slides at Ranney Falls' and Chisholm Rapids, one quarter of a cent per Log. On each Slick of square Timber, (whether rafted or in Single Sticks), one cent per Slick for passing through each of the Slides. On every Railway Tie, Bolt, Barrel Heading, and Stave of nine feel in length one quarter of a cent for passing through each of the Slides. On every Telegraph Pole, ope eighth of aceulforpassing through each of the Shdes. . . • WM. H.LEE, .' , • ' Clerk Privy Council, Canada. : vice, when on esty's Mailc. Snndays and LEE, 1, Canada. pril, 1871. JNGIL. ; Works, and . 12, intituled : in Council has ]louncil of the Saw logd and same is hereby aforesaid, that imposed and r, &ic., passing ssing through nd for passing arter of a cent Sticks), one feet in length ;h each of the LEE, Council, Canada. ■♦? ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 119 Publk Works. TRENT SLIDES.— TARIFF t)F TOLLS, EXPLAINED. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. Tuesdayj9thdaypfMay\^r[. Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE 60VERN0R GENERAL IN COUNCIL. On the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Public Works, an d under and in virtue of the 58th Section of the Act 31st, Vic. Cap. 12 intitu* led " An Act respecting the Public Works of Canada, " His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that, with a view to remove any doubts that may avise as to the true meaning and intent of the order in Council of the 15th day of April last, revising and altering the tolls to be coUecled on saw logs passing through the Trent River Slides, the first clause of the Tariff thereby established— specifying the tolls to be levied and collected upon saw logs^— shall be and the some is hereby cancel led^ and that the following shall be substituted for the clause so cancelled, and shall be held to form part of the said order in Council, that is to say : — On each saw-log (whether rafted or in single sticks for passing through the slides at Healy Falls, one half cent per log. Middle Falls, one-half cent per log Ranney Falls, one-quarter cent per log. Chisholn Rapids, one quarter cent per log. WM. H. LEE, • Clerk Privy Council, PORT DOVER HARBOR.— TARIFF OF TOLLS. GOVERNMENT HOUSE OTIAWA. Tuesday, 21s« day of May, 1872. Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Public Works and under the provisions of the 58th So^ction of the Act 3 1st Victoria, Chapter 12, His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered that from and after the date hereof, the Tolls specified in the Shedule hereunto annexed shall be and they are hereby imposed and authorized to be levied and collected on the several articles therein mentioned entering the Port of Dover in the Province of Ontario in lieu of the Tolls heretofore eslablishod for the said Port. W. H. LEE, ' Clerk Privy Council. 120 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Public Works. iilh SOHBDULE. (■5 1 m Description of Articlk. 1. Groceries and Provisions. Flour Pork and Beer Brandy, Gin, Rum, Shrub, Peppermint and Vinegar. Wine .« do Butler and Lard do do Chesse Bees Wax and Tallow Beer and Cider ApplbS, Frfesh and Dried Fruits, Nuts and Rice . Oil Fish salt or fresh.... do dried Hams and Bacon, sugar. Tobttoco do Manuractured , Biscuit and Crackers Oysters Onions, Seeds Bran, Ship Stuff , 2. Agricultural Produea. Wheat, Indian Corn, Barley, Outs, Potatoes, Peas and Vegetables of all kinds Raw Cotton and Wool Hay Hemp and Rags Sheep, Hogs, Calves and Colls Hors> s. Horned Cattle, Asses Flax Seed and all Seeds in Barrels 3. Iron, Mineral Ores, Ac. Salt Seti Coal Gypsum not ground, in bulk do ground Ground Gypsum and Cement in Barrels Pot and Pot Ashes Pitch, Tar, Varnis-h, Turponiine Brick, Sanij, Limo, Clay, Manure Grind Stones, Cut Stones, Mill Stones, Iron Ore . Fig and Wrought Iron Scrap Iron, Broken Castings Iron Castings , Mineral Coal American Charcoal, Copporas and Manganese. Pig Lead and Bar Lead > .'... Lead Manuractured , Stones Unwroiight Firewood Tan Bark Stone Ware and Eanhonwaro QuiNTiTY OR Weight... Per Barrel. K " PIpP. " Barrel. " Keg or. Firkin. " Cwt. It « " Barrel. " Cwt. " Barnrt. •' << •' Bushel. " Ton. Rate. ■jr'll .'tl Per Buihel. u Ton. it 11 i( l( Each. II Per Bushel. Per Ton. II 11 II 11 11 11 II Barrel 11 It l( Ton. " (1 II (1 11 (< II • II 11 11 II 11 (f 11 li II (1 (t Cord. • II II II 11 (1 Ton 2 5 T % 5 2 ? ? 3* 5 5 &. IS 30 30 20 20 15 33i 25 10 S» 5 10 lej t5 25 33i 20 50 33i 50 to 8 tt 30 EIGHT... Rate. 2 5 .■ '■. 6* ■■ 10 ■)'.-i Oli: ,23i ., r,, \ S n. 2 2 2. 5 2 6f 5 2* 2 H 5 5 5 fV la 30 ' t 30 20 20 2* 6f 5 15 33^ ?5 10 •!• 5 10 16J 15 25 33^ 20 50 m 50 to 8 8 30 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 12t Public Works. SCHEDULE— 6'on ^ 5. Furniture. Furniture and Baggage Carts, Waggons, Ploughs, Mechanics Tools, Farming Implements, 6. Lumber, &c. Square Timber 12+12 inches and upwards, in Boats, Vessels or Rafts Square Titnber under 12+12 inches round or flatted Timber, in Boats, Vessels or Rafts Small round Bulding Timber, floats. Traverses in Rafts or Boats Boards, plank, scantling and saWed Ttmber -. Pipe Staves and headings ^ Weest India Staves and headings Headings Shingles Saw Logs Cedar Posts Posts and Rail for Fencing Eii^)ty Barrels * 7. Articles ml Enumerakd. On all articles ofMerchandise not enumerated in the fbregoing list. Firkins, small Casks and Packages Passengers Adults do Children Quantity of Weight. Per Gwt. Per Ton. Per 1,000 cubic feet. Per 1,000 lineal feet. Per 1 ,050 feet in measure. Per mille. Each. Per Cord. . Bach. Per Ton. Each. The Tolls to be payable on each Steamboat or Vessel entering the Harbor. s On Steamboats and Vessels under 50 tons burden. each do do fl-om TiO to 75 tons burden, " do do 75 to 100 " " do do " " 100 to 150 do do " 150 to 200 " " do do " 200 to '250 " " do upwards of 250 " " Scows, Boats, Lighters, Ac , for froighl chiefly Vessels driven into the Harbor by stress of weather y. 1 50 1 00 1 50 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 (10 50 Free. a s ^ 50 75 I 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 t 00 50 |Ratb. 5«6 30 30 '75 60 50 15 1 00 50 25 05 2* 25 20 1« 30 Free. '3 Q 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 w 9 n i 122 ORDERS IN G0UN€1L. Pubtie Works. SLIDE, RIVER DU MOINE. --TARIFF OF TOLLS. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. Tuesday, 2laf day of May 1872. PRKSBIT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Public Works, and under the provisions of the 58 Sec. of the Act 31 Vic. Cap. 12 intituled : " An Act respecting the Public Works of Canada." . His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered that the following rate of toll be, and the same is hereby imposed and authorized U> be levied and collected on Timber passing through the Government Slide on the River Dumoine, that is to say : , On Red and White Pine Timber fifteen cents per piece. W. H. LEE, Gl'jrk Privy Council. ST. PETERS CANAL.— TARIFF OF TQVXS. GOVERNMENT HOUSE OTTAWA, Monday, 1th day of April, 1873. Present : HIS EXCELLEMCY THE GOVERGOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Public Works, and under the authority given by the 58th section of the Act3l8t Vfctoria, Chap- ter 12, intituled : " An Act respecting " the Public Works of Canada " His Ex- cellency in Council has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that the Tariff of Tolls for the St. Peters Canal established by Order in Council of the 16th of June, 1871, be and the same is hereby cancelled, and that the following rate be, and the same is hereby substituted in lien thereof, that is tq say : On each and every Vessel jvissing through the said Canal two cents per ton on the Vessel, and one cent per ton on' the freight, each way. W. A. IIIMSWORTH, Clerk, Privy Council. of May 1872. JNCIL. ! Works, and lituled : « An ered that the horized tb be Slide on the Council. 1^ 1873. fCIL. Works, and oria, Chap- la " His Ex- id, that the of the 16 th owing rate per ton on ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 123 Public Works. CANALS &c.— TARIFF OF TOLLSl GOVERNMENt HOUSE, OTTAWA, FridapyiSth April, 1873. *■ PrBs^nt : • HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. • ON the recommendation of the Hon. the Minister of Public Works, and under the authority given bv the 58lh Section of the Act 31 st Victoria, Chapter 12, intituled : " An Act respecting the Public Works of Canada, " His Excellency in Oituncil, has been pleased to order. And it is hereby ordered, ihat the rates of Tolls mentioned in the following amended Schedule be, and the same are hereby authorized and directed to be levied and collected on goods passing the Canals and other Public Works me.itioned in the said Schedule. W. A. HIMSWORTH, * Clerk of the Privy Council. !»'i luncil. 1 '•' lit Hi i 124 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Public Works. Tariff of Tolls to bs levied on Vessels and Cargoes passing through the Dominion Canals, 1873. The Rales of Tolls are divided into Five Glasses as under, and are per ion, unless otherwise specified. Class No. 1. Vessels, Steam per Ton. Sail and other " Class No. 2. Passengers, 21 years of age and up- wards each. Passengers, Under 21 years of age... ' Class No. 3. Corn Coal Flour Iron — Railway •' Pig ........ " All other Plaster (Gypsum) « Salt ■ . SaltmeatB or Fish in barrels or other- wise Agricultural Products (Vegetable) not enumerated Agricultural Products (Animal) not enumerated Stone (for cutting) Wlieat : Class. No. 4. All other articles, not enumerated cts: 2J 2i 10 5 20 40 if ■" . a CO •«4« §•3 . a -S ■J cts. 10 5 15 20 cls. 10 10 o * .2 S W-3 •3^ cts. 4 4 20 10 O od o > 2 S % S 09 5<^ 3 S ■ " 'J dfl do do do do do Cut Traverses, per 100 pieces Hop poles, per 1,000 do (pipe) (at 8 (W.India) (4 " Salt Barrel), Sawn or Special Glass. Stone unwrought, cordeil and not suit- able for cutting, per cord 15 20 I 2 30 60 3.00 4.50 40 6 40 80 8 40 1.50 75 8 50 2.00 75 cts. 15 o 2 1.40 20 25 20 5 10 15 30 1.00 2.00 40 6 40 80 8 20 1.00 60 4 50 2.00 CS" 60 cts. 10 2 2 1.20 to 15 15 5 10 10 20 1.00 2.00 20 4 20 40 5 15 1.00 25 3 40 1.50 e A 43 S X ►*• o a a) O V .9 o 37i cts. 35 4 7 2.80 40 50 45 20 30 14 3 45 90 4.00 6 50 80 12 80 1.00 16 60 2.50 1.35 12 1.00 4.00 1.35 cts. s s5» u . ID 00 00 o o 9 S) •a a 9 cts. 10 2 2 1.40 20 25 20 to 20 1 2 15 25 75 1.50 40 6 30 50 8 20 1. 00 60 4 50 2.00 37J cts. 3 1 I 15 3 3 5 5 25 3 3 25 25 10 1 5 5 5 5 25 10 1 3 15 15 00 55 cts. 191 04 04 205 23 30J 30 I3f m or 0'.i 20 t.68" 8.12 55 08 42* 77J 14 30 1.75 65 06 68 2.65 15 Vmm Coal to pass \ip all the CanulB, except the Welland Canal, free of Toll, as per Order In Council, June Ttli, 1869. " Iron Ore, Kryollte, or Glii ralcal ore. through one section or all the Canals, per ton, ;> cents. " Iron and Salt having p»lil full Toll through tht whole line of the Ht. Lawrence Canals, or through the Lachlne Canal, Bt. Ann's Lock, Ottswa and RIcleau Oitnals, shall be allowed to pass free through the Welland Canal : and If Tolls shall have bo>n paid at the Cbambly Canal, such Toll shall be reninded at Montreal, or Kingston Hills, upon the Iron or Salt leaving the Canal. Wheat. Flour, Corn. Barlry, Peas. Oats and Pctrolenm, having paid fhll Tolls tbrongh th« Welland Canal, shall be allowed to pmsfree through the St. Liiwrenco Canals, or through the Ottawa and Rld«au Canals, St. AnnVs Lock, the Lac!hlne Ciinal snd the Chambly Canal, provided always that the articles to be entitled to the exemption shall go downward through the whole length of the Canal to Montrcal,or pass upward ft-om Montreal through the whole length of the Ottawa and llldeau Canals to Lake Ontario. »' All articles. goods oi merchandise not enumerated above to be charged to Class No. t. No Let Pdcses to he Issued to steam tugs or orther snmll vens.'ls for less than 2ft cents as a mlntmnm charge, but snch vessels t carrying freight or passengers can obtain on payment of 930, a Season " Lit Pah, " which will past em up am down tha Canal as often as desired. I I!- ; !':i < 126 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Pt^blic Works. CANAL AND HARBOUR REGULATIONS. NOTICE is hereby given, that in accordance with the Aa 31 Vic. ch. 12, s, 65 and 66. His Excellknct the Governor General, in Council has this day been pleased to approve of the following Regulations to ensure the proper using, management and protection of the Canals of the Dominion of Canada, and the Harbors under the control of Ihe Federal Government, in lieu of the Regulations authorised by previous Orders in Council. Privy Council Office, Ottawa, 31 St May, 1873. W. A. HiMSWORTH, C. P. C. REGULATIONS For the management and protection of the canals of the Dominion of Canada, and the Harbors under the control of the Federal government authorized by the Governor General in Council in pursuance of the Act 31st Vict. chap. 12. Section, 1. — ^The Master or person in charge of any Vessel, bteamboat. Boat or Raft, navigating any of the Canals, shall, immediately upon or before entering any of these Canals, obtain a clearance for such (Vessel, Boat or Raft as aforesaid, at the first or nearest collector's office, which clearance shall be exhibited at the first Lock after departing from the Collector's Office, to the Lock Master, Super- intendent or any Officer duly appointed, and the same shall be exhibited at any other Lock, whenever, and as often as shall be required by any such officers, and in default thereof, the Lock-Master shall not psrmit such Vessel, Boat or Raft to pass through the Lock, and the owner or master in charge thereof, shall be subject to a fine not exceeding t venty dollars currency ; and any Superintendent, Collector, W^harfinger, Lock-M'-ster or other Officer duly appointed shall have the right at any time to board any Vessel, Boat or Scow when they see necessary, in order to check or verify any Pass or Manifest of such Vessel, Boat or Scow» and any Master or Person in charge of any such Vessel, Boat or Scow who shall obstruct and prevent any Officer in such discharge of kis duly, shall be subject to a penalty not less than Forty Dollars. • Section 2. Every Vessel or Boat navigating any of the Canals, shall be correc- tly and distinctly marked and guaged in feet and inches at the bow amidships and stern, showing the exact draft of water drawn by each portion of the vessel or boat neither of which will be allowed to enter the Welland Canal drawing more than ten feet water or any of St. Lawrence Canals drawing more than nine feet in any part or portion of the said vessel or boat and the master or person in charge ORDERS IN GOUNaL. i27 Public Works. .12, 8, 65 and been pleased management rbors UD4er uthorised by ITH, C. P. C. on of Canada, orized by the ip. 12. boat, Boat or ore entering as aforesaid, ibitedat the aster, Super- bited at any . officers, and It or Raft to >of, shall be penntendent, i shall have ee necessary, >at or Scow» V who shall il be subject all be correc- w amidships of the vessel nal drawing )re than nine • or person in charge charge of the same who shall proceed into either of the said Welland or St. Law- rence Canals in violation of this regulation shall be subject to a fine not exceed- ing one'hundred dollars, and detention until this fine is, paid a^nd the vessel pro- perly lightened. They shall also be 8upplie4 with a Horn Bell, or steam whiatle, wiiich it shall be the duty of the person in charge to sound or cause to be soun- ded at least one quarter of a mile or fifteen minutes before entering any Lock, or passing any Swing-bridge, under penalty of not less than two dollars and not exceedirg twenty dollars. Section 3. Every Vessel or Boat navigating any of the Canals, or any navi- gable Channel between any of the Canals, whether under way or at anchor, or ^passing through any Lock, or lying moored in any Canal, shall, during the night, shew a conspicuous Light at the Bow and Stern ; a Light shall also be exhibited at each end of every Raft, passing through or lying inany navigable Channel or Canal at night, and the Person in charge of any such Vessel, Boat or Raft, who shall neglect to cause such Lights to be shewn, or the Owner of any such Vessel, Boat or Raft, shall incur a penalty of not less than foui* dollars and not exceeding forty dollars. Section 4. No Steam-vessel shall be permitted to pass any of the Canals, or in or out of the Harbors, at either end of the Welland Canal, which shall not ha^e fixed at the top of each of her c^imaeys or smoke-pipes, a wire-screen, through which the smoke from the fires of the said Steam vessel is to pass. With Meshes or interstices not more than one quarter of an inch in width, the Screen to be so placed as to be perfectly visible when closed, and any Lock-Keeper who shall permit Ihe passage of any Steam-vessel or Craft propelled by Sleam, without such Wire-screen closed on each of the chimneys or smoke-pipes shall be subject to a fine of twenty dollars for each offence ; and every master or Person in charge of any such Steam-vessel or other Craft propelled by Steam, who shall proceed with a Vessel under his charge into or in any part of the said Canal, or harbors, such Vessel to enter the said Canals, or harbors or to proceed through any fortion the- reof, without such Wife-screen closed over each of the chimneys of the Vessel or Craft, shall be subject to a like fine of twenty dollars for each offence, and for all damages ensuiug therefrom as estimated by the Canal Superintendent. Section 5. It shall be the duty of every Master or Person in charge of any Steam-boat or other Vessel, or of Uny Raft, on approaching any Lock or Bridf,'e, to ascertain for themselves by careful observation, whether the Lock or Bridge is prepared and ready to receive them, or allow them to pass through, ani to be careful to stop the speed of any such Steam boat or other Vessel or Raft in suffi- cient time to avoid a collision with the Lock or its Gales,. or the Bridg'S, or other works of the Canal or harbors, and should such take place, the Owner, Owners or I!" 4 'J IS ■'Til I !:if 128 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Public Works. or Master of such Steam boat, other Vessel or Raft, shall be subject to such fine as the Superintendent may impose, not exceeding eighty dollars and also be held liable for any damage to the Lock, Bridges or other works of the Canal, that may ensue from such collision ; such damage to be estimated, by the Superintendent of the Canal, and at once paid over to the Collector, Paymaster or person appoint, ed to receive it. Section 6. The Owners, Master or Person in charge of any Vessel, Boat or Raft as aforesaid, shall, when required to do so by the Superintendent of the Canal, Wharfinger or other officer duly authorized on that behalf, promptly and with all diligence, move such Vessel, Boat or Raft as aforesaid, to any place where the Superintendent or other Officer shall direct, as it may appear to him to be neces-' sary for the purpose of repairing a breach, or for preserving the free and uninterrup- ted navigation of the Canal, or Harbor, or for the maintenance of order and regu- larity at the Locks, Wharves and Landing Places, or elsewhere, under a penally not exceeding forty dollars. Section 7. No person shall open or shut any of the Gates or Sluices of any of Locks or Waste Wiers, or draw down the level by any means whatever, for the supply of machinery, or for any other object, or shall in any manner interfere with any of the Locks, Bridges, Waste Wiers or other works of the Canal, unless by consent, and under the direction of the Officer or Person in charge of the same, and any person committing a breach of this regulation, or interfering with or obliuciing the Superintendent, Lock Master, or other person employed under them, in the execution or performance of his or their duties, shall incur a penalty not exceeding forty dollars for each and every offence. Section 8. All Sailing or other Vessels navigating any Canal or harbor, shall have their Yards topped or braced up, so as not to extend athwart Ships further than the side of the Vessel ; their Booms Bowsprits and Jibbooms and all out- riggers, rigged in or topped up, and their Anchors secured so as to avoid doing damag ' to any of the Lock-Gates, Piers, Bridges or other works, or Vessels, under a penalty against the Owner, Master or person in charge, not exceeding forty dollars currency, for any and every neglect of this regulation. ■'' Section 9. No Master or Person in charge of any Vessel, Boat or Raft, naviga. ting any Canal or Harbor shall cast anchor in the same, or in the channel leading thereto, nor fasten, nor moor any such Vessel, Boat or Raft whilst in the Canal Harbor or Channel leading thereto, nor discharge any part of their cargo, or take in any lading or wood without the express permission of the Superintendent, War. flnger. Harbor Master, or Lock Master, under a penalty of not less than four dol. lars, nor exceeding forty dollars, Currency, for each and every offence. ORDERS IN COUNCIL, 129 Public Works. to such fine . also be held nal, that may nperintendent arson appoint. jssel, Boat or t of the Canal, jtly and with iace where the [n to be neces-' ind uninterrup- )rder and regu- jnder a penalty luices of any of latever, for the inner interfere e Canal, unless charge of the iterfering with mployed under incur a penalty or harbor, shall Ships further ms and all out • to avoid doing Vessels, under xceediug forty or Raft, naviga- hannel leading St in the Canal cargo, or take inlendent, War- than four dol. ■eiicc. Section 10. No person shall build or repair Vessels, Boats, or Barges on any Canal 'ground, unless with the permission of and at such places as the Superin tendent may point out, under a penalty of not less than four dollars nor more than eighty dollars currency, and the Master of any Vessel or person whatsoever, who shall boil or heat tar pitch, turpentine, rosin or grease, for graving or paying Vessel, or for any other purposes on any Canal Ground, except with the permis- sion of, and at such places as the Superintendent may point out, shall incur a like penalty of not less than four dollars nor exceeding twenty dollars currency. Section II. Any person or persons who shall throw into the Harbor or Canal or any Lock, Feeder, Basin or Waste-Wier connected therewith, or into the channel, or within two hundred yards of the entrance thereof, any carcas or dead animal or putrid substance of any kind, or stones, ballast, timbers, brush or other rubbish, or in any manner obstruct any Canal or Harbour or channel thereto, shall incur a penalty of not less than two dollars and not exceeding two hundred dollars Currency. Section 12. No Pike Poles or other instrument shod with Iron, shall be used in or about the Locks or in the Canals, under a penalty of four dollars, against the person? offending. Section 13. No person or persons shall pile wood, or place timber, logs, stones or other materials upon the towing-path, bermbank or any other bank of any Canal or Basin, or upon any Canal Ground, or Harbor without the permission in writing of the Superintendent and no person shall roll or draw from or into any of the Canals, Harbors or over the side of any Lock or Aqueduct, or over the side of any Embankment any log, timbar or other material, and every viola- tion of this regulation shall subject every person so oflending to a penalty not ex- ceeding forty dollars. , Section 14. Timber, Cordwood, Staves, Saw-Logs and Spars shall not be allow- ed to pass into or through any of the Canals in raft, without permission from the Superintendent, and every person offending against this regulation shall be subject to a fine of twenty dollars currency. In case rafts be admitted into the Canal with the perraiasion of the Sup3rintendent, they shall ba governed by the following regulations ; ... Section 15. No Raft or Tow of Tember passing through tlie Welland Canal, shall exceed 25 feet, or tlirough the other Canals of the Dominion, except those hereunder mentioned, 12 feet in width. Between Alhuiburg and Lake Erie, thi?y shall not exceed 560 feet in length, nor half that length between AUanbui-g and Lake Ontario. On the St. Lawrence Canals the width of the Rafts shall not ex- ceed 25 feet, and the length 720 feet. On the Chambly Canal the width shall not exceed 23 feet, and the length iOO feet. 9 i 130 ORDERS IN COUNCIIa Public Works. No such Raft or Tow of Timber shall approach any other Raft or Tow of Tim- ber, nearer than one-eighth part of a mile, unless for the purpose of passing, or be moored nearer tlian one-eighth part of a mile to any other Raft or Tow of Timber which shdll be first moot-ed. No Traverse in any Crib of Timber shall extend within one inch of the outer ^ edge of the outside piece of such Crib of Timber. Every separate Raft or Tow of Timber shall ba brovided with a clearance, and shall lie over on the off side when passing any Vessel in the Canal. No Raft shall be allowed to lie unmoored in any Canal, or shall b? moored or allowed to lie in any manner across the Channel to obstruct the navigation ; and further, every Raft or Tow of Timber hall be conducted through the Canal without any unecessary delay, at such time only, and with such number of Men and Horses, and under such further regulalions as shall ba appointed by the Superintendent of the Canal. Every Raft or Tow of Timber of the fuU length hereinbafore mentioned, when passing through the Canal, shall have at least three men in charge thereof, and shall be lowed by two or more Horses. Every shorPer Raft shall have at least, two Men, and one or more Horses. In all cases of Vessels, Boats or Scows loaded with Lumber, it mustba so stow- ed as not to project beyond the gunwale of the Vessel, Boat or Scow. And every violation of any of the provisions of this Section shall subject the Owner, Person or Persons in charge of such Tow or Raft, or last mentioned Ves- sel, Boat or Scow, to a penalty of not less than ten dollars, and not exceeding forty do'lars, » Section 16. Should any Vessel, Boat, Scow, Raft, piece of Timber or other matter be left abandoned in any Cmal or Basin, Harbor, Stream or Channel lead- ing to or from the same, or in connection therewith, or in or near the entrance thereof floating or snnken, or in any measure incommoding or likely, in the opi- nion of the Superintendent, to incommode the navigation, or interfere with tlieira provements or works of the Canal, or Harbor, or should any articles be found upon the bank of the Canal or Harbor, not under the charge of any person, the owner thereof shall b3 subject to a flue of not less than four dollars, nor excee- ding eighty dollars ; which flue shall be held aguuist the property so found, and the Superintendent of the Canal or Harbor Master may seize and remove any such unclaimed or abandoned properly and may afterwards sell the same at Public Auction, on giving two weeks written or priutel notice, at two public places nea- rest the place where such property may be found, and shall pay the proceeds of the )w of Tim. sing, or be of Timber if the outer irance, and b? moored lavigation ; the Canal ber of Men led by the mentioned, rge thereof, all have at b3 80 stow- subject the ioned Ves- exceeding or other annel lead- entrance in the opi- vith theim- he found lorsoii, the nor excee- found, and e any such at Public ilaces nea- rocppds of the ORDERS IN COUNCIL tat Public Woi'ks. the sale into the hands of the nearest Collector of Tolls qr of the Paymaster or person appointed to receive it ; or the Superintendent or Harbor Master may c»use such property to be removed, levying the cost attendant thereon, as well as the fine so imposed, upon the owner or person claiming such property. Provided also that upon suspicion that the Captain or Master intends to abandon such wreck, &c., the Canal Superintendent or Harbor Master is hereby authorized to seize the same, as well as all the contents of said vessel, and to deal with the same as hereinbefore provided in case of sunken or abondoned property. And provided also, that before removing any Vessel, Boat, Scow or Raft wrecked, or sunken, or any pirt thereof, or the contents thereof, in the Canal of Harbor, or any property left on the bank of any Canal or Harbor connected therewith, the person or persons claiming such Vessel, Boat, Scow or Raft, or any portioa thereof, or the contents thereof, or surh property, shall give security for the pay. ment of all costs and expenses that may b« incurred by or for the removal of such wrecked or abandone.I property or any part thereof ; such security to be approved of by the Superiiitendent of the Canal or Harbor Master, unless such' person or persons have obtained leave from that officer to remove the same. Section 17. If the Owner or Owners of any property so seized, shall appear and claim the same before the time of sale, and pay the fine, the cost of seizure and expense of removal no sale shall take place. Section 18. All Owners of Mills, or those in charge of them, shall slop or shut down their Gates, when directed by the Suparintendent, or person in charge of that part of the Canal on which they are situated, and not at any time draw down the Level below high-water mark, under a penally of twenty dollars. Section 19. When several Boats or Vessels are lying by, or in waiting to entjr any Lock, ov to enter any Canal, they shall lie in single Tier, and at a distance of not less than 300 feet from such Lock or entrance, und^r a ponaltyofnol less than four dollars or more than twanty dollars; and all Boats shall advance to pass a Lock in the order in which they lie in such Tier, except in the case of first class passenger and market Steamers, to which priority of passage over all other vessels, will at all times b3 given on all the Canals and Locks in the Dominion, — • (except the "Welland Canal for which provision is made hereafter) — sscond class Steamers and propellers carrying freight and passengers which will have priority over those of the tliird class which will coLiist first, of Steamers and propellers carrying freight only, second, Tug Steamers, third Barges and sailing Vessels of all kinds. Provided also that priority of passage in the Welland Canal will at all limes be given over all others lo steamers freighted with goods or produce, in being passed through the onlranco Lock at ports Dalhousie, Colborne and Maitland and the locks at Allanburgh ; and that fuf Iher priority will at all times be given to steamers freighted with passengers and goods or produce, in being passed through locks. I ■ 132 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Public Works. locks Nos. 2 and 25, and the liuard gates at Thorold. Any violation of the provi. sions of this section shall subject the offending party to a p_nalty of not less than four dollars or more than forty dollars. Section 20. All Vessels and Boats approaching a Lock, while any other Vessel, going in the contrary direction, is in or about to enter the same, shall be stopped and made fast to the Posts placed for that purpose on the off-side from the Track- way, and remain there until the Vessel, going through the Lock, shall have pas- sed, under a penalty, for every such offence, of not less than four dollars nor more than twenty dollars. Section 21. In all cases of Vessels or Boats meeting in any of the Canals, the Vessels descending the Canal shall keep the Two Path, the ascending Vessels pas- sing to the off-side ; and when any Vessel, navigating any Canal, shall overtake another Vessel which shall not be m*oving at the same rale of speed, the Vessel 80 overtaken shall bring up and lie to on the offside, at the first convenient place, in order to allow the faster Vessel to pass by, under a penalty of not less than two dollars nor more than twenty dollars for every offence against this section. Section 22. No Vessel or Boat shall be permitted to pass through any Canal in a less time, or at greater speed, than that fixed by the Superintendent, or other Oflicer in charge thereof, ( the particulars of which may be ascertained at the first Lock on entering such Canal, ) under a penalty, for every such offence of not less than twenty dollars currency; and subject further to be detained at the last Lock, until the time limited for passing such Canal shall have expired. (See form of Notice.) Section 23. The corners of all Boatsor Scows built with square heads, shall be rounded off to a radius of not less than three feet. All such Boats or Scows shall also have their Owner's names or Numbers prominently painted on the sides or stern, and they shall also bo provided with two iron stakes with rings, to which to make fast when not moored to snubbing posts ; and in the case of Boats or Scows taking in gravel, clay or stones, it shall bj only at such places on the Canal as the Superintendent shall permit, and they must have such guards or trip-boards on the sides, to prevent such materials falling into the Canal, as the Superintendent may require, under a penalty not exceeding forty dollars. Section "H. Every Vessel, Boat or Barge navigating any Canal shall have its rudder so constructed as not to catch or cut the tow-rope of any other Vessel, Boat or Barge, under a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars currency, to bo incurred by the Owner, Master or person in charge. Section 25. Every Vesiol, Boat and Raft as aforsaid, shall be conducted into through and out of every Lock in a careful manner, so as to do no injury to such Lock :i i ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 133 Public Works. the provi. t less than ler Vessel, be stopped the Track- l have pas- loUars nor ]lanals, the 'essels pas- 1 overtake the Vessel lient place, 3S than two ion. any Canal It, or other ned at the snce of not at the last (See form lis, shall be icows shall le sides or to which of Boats or 1 the Canal trip-boards jriutendent ill have its /^ossel, Boat incurred lucted into iry to such Lock Lock, and for every neglect of this regulation, the Owner or Master shall pay a fine of not exceeding twenty dollars in addition to the. cost of repairing any injury that may be done to the Lock, or its Gates or other works of the Canals of this Dominion or Harbors of the Welland Canal. Section 26. — Every Vessel, Boat or Craft navigating the Canals, shall be pro- vided with at least two good and sufficient hawsers or check-ropes, one at the bow and one at the quarter, which on passing or entering any Lock are to be made fast to the snubbing posts on the bank ot the Canal and Lock, and each rope to be attented by one of the boats crew, to check the speed of the Vessel while entering the Lock, and to prevent it striking against the Gates or other parts of the Lock, and to keep it from moving about in the Lock while the Lock is being filled or emptied, and the Master or Owner of. any Vessel or Boat, who shall neglect to (Jomply with this regulation, shall be lioble to a fine not exceeding forty dollars, and the Vessel or boat shall not be permitted to pass if in the opinion of the Superintendent or" other Officer duly eppomted, the lines are considered insufficient. Section 27. Whenever any Vessel, Boat or other Craft shall be passing through any Lock or Bridge, the Master or person in charge shall furnish two at least of his boats crew to assist in working the Lock or Bridge, to pass his own Vessel through it, and the refusal or neglect of such Master or person in charge so to do, shall subject the said Master or person in charge to a fine of not less than two dollars nor more than forty dollars Section 28. — It shall be the duty of the Wharfinger, or Harbor Master, or if there be no Warflnger present, of the Superintendent, Collector or Lock tender (whenever in his opinion it shall be necessary), to assign berths for all Vessels, Boats or Rafts when loading, unloading or stopping at any Basin, Harbor, or Lan- ding-place, or approach, in, or to any Canal ; and any Master, Owner or person having charge of any Vessels, Boat or Raft, who shall refuse or neglect promptly to comply with such directions as shall be given by the Wharfinger, Harbor Mas- ter, Superintendent, Collector or Lock-tender, or any person who shall forcibly remove, or attempt to remove any Vessel, Boat or Raft, from the berth assigned to it by the said Officer, without his penuission, shall be subject to a fine not exceeding twenty dollars. Section 29, All Vessels, Boats and Raflis as aforesaid, shald be held liable for any injury or damage they may do to any Lock, Bridges, boats, or machinery used in making repairs or in executing works upon any Canal or Harbor, or to any building adjoining any Canal or Harbor, whether the same arise from the fault, neglect or mismanagement of tlio maslor or person in charge, or from his inattention to the Canal rcgnlalinns, or from accideni, and every penalty which may I 434 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. H' ^' m \ ii' KW in lifi Public Works. may be duly imposed, under these regulations, by any Collector of Tolls, Harbor Master or Superintendent of Canal, and declaied in these regulations as against the Owner, Master, Navigator or person in charge of any Vessel, Boat or Raft as aforesaid, whether the same be for non payment of Tolls, or for any fine duly im- posed, or for any sum demanded by the Superintendent, Engineer or person in charge of any Canal, as compensation for &ny injury done, shall be chargeable upon such Vessel, Boat or Raft as aforesaid ; and Iha Superintendent of the Canal is authorized and required to seize and detain any such Raft, Vessel or Boat as aforesaid, with her Cargo and Appurtenances, at the risk of the Owner or Owners, until payment of such Tolls, Penally or Compensation as aforesaid, and in default of such payment thereof, then the Superintendent or person in charge of the Canal, may proceed to sell, by Public Auction, any such Vessel, Boat or Raft, after having first given two weeks' notice of the day of such intended sale, such notice to be inserted in one or more of the Public Newspapers, published in or near the place where such Seizure was made, at least two clear weeks prior to the day of Sale. S€Clion20. Any Vesi-el or Boat that shall incur any fine, or do any injury upon any one of the Canals or Harbors, may be stopped and detahied upon any other of the Canals or Harbors until the fine or compensation for injury done shall be paid, or until security be given for the payment thereof, in the manner above mentioned. Section 31. No Overseer or Foreman or other person employed to take charge of any work on the Canals, shall, without written permission from the Depart- ment of Public works, or the Cheif Officer having the supervision of the canal furnish any Teams, Boats, Carriages, Materials or other things for the use of the Public or of any Canal ; or employ or contract for the same when owned by any member of his family, or by any Foreman or Lock-Master, or employ any mem- ber of his family on the Canal, or employ any Teams, Carriages, Boats, Materials or other thing belonging to the Public, for any private use or purpose. And no Officer on the Canals, or person holding any appointment under the Department of Public Works, shall either directly or indirectly be interested in any contract for labour, materials, or other things connected with the Canals, and shall not either directly or indirectly, derive any benefit from the Annual Expenditure on the Canals, beyond his establis^hed compensation, or shall he be in any way inte- n sted ill boarding any Lock-tender, Foreman or Laborer on the Canal, or sell any articles or piopeity of any kind whatsoever. Section 32. No Lock-tender or other Olllcors on the Canals shall keep, or in any way be interested in any Inn., Tavei ii or grocery, nor sell, or be interested in the sale of any Articles or Properly whatsoever, to any person navigating or tra- velling on the Canals, nor shall they be directly or indirectly concerned in the sale of Fuel, or in the hiring of horses for towage. ORDERS IN COUNCIL 135 Public Works. Is, Harbor SIS against or Raft as J duly im- person iu ;hargeable the Canal ir Boat as )r Owners, . in default rge of the it or Raft, sale, such in or near to the day ny injury upon any ury done e manner ke charge le Depart- the canal se of the d by any iny mem- Male rials And no epartment contract shall not dituro on way inte- r sell any ep, or Ml (rested iu g or tra- d in (he Section 33. These Regulations shall also extend and apply to the several Ca- nals and Public Works hereinafter mentioned for their management, proper use and protection that is to say : The Rideau Canal, including the Rideau River and the l«akes through which the Navigation passes, the Navigation between Laehine and Ottawa City, including the Carillon, Chilite k Blondeau and Grenville Canals and the Feeder from the ISorth River ; the navigation from Scugog Lake to the Buckhorn Dam, including Scugog Lake and River, the Lock and Dam at Lindsay, Sturgeon Lake, Bobcaygeon Canal, Lock and Dam, Pigeon and Mud Lakes and the Dam at Buckhorn. And His Excellency is further pleased to order that the following Regula- tions, in addition to the Regulations above mentioneil, shall, for the further mana- gement, use and protection of the same, apply to the Canal and Lock at Bobcay- geon aforesaid : • 1. That no Scow, Barge, or other Vessel, shall be allowed to take on or deli- ver freight, while in either the Lock or Canal, under a penalty of five dollars for each offence ; except that passenger Steamers may have the privilege of taking in fuel, landing or taking in freight, when in the Canal ; provided that no longer time is occupied in so doing than one half hour, and no detention is caused there- by to any other Vessel. 2. That in cases of two Vessels approaching from opposite directions, about the'same time, the one ascending shall stop,. or tie up opposite a (Ixed point (to be designated by the Lockmaster,) and thera- remain until the other shall have pas- sed through, under a penalty of five dollars for each offence against this Rule. 3. Thai in cases where logs aro taken down to Saw Mill in operation on the North Side of the Lock, the rafts of which thoy form a part, must be separated in . the bay^above the entrance ; and no more than two logs abreast of each other shall be sent down or allowed to accumulate in any part of the Canal at one time, neither shall there be in the whole Canal at any one time, more logs than the ba- sin built for their reception can accommodate — but especially that no " floats," " traverses," or " withs," shall be allowed lo enter the Canal, whether separated or connected with the logs intented for the Saw Mill ; and fiirlher that any bark, slabs, edgings or other obstructions found in the Lock or approaches to it, known to h&ve emanated from the Mill or the handling of the logs for it, shall be remo- ved at the Mill owners expense, who shall, in addition, be fined the sum of five dollars for each time such occurence takes place. Section 34. No raft or tow of timber shall bo allowed to be moored along the line^of the Welland, or Laehine Canals, unless it be placed under the innnediate charge of one or more men, (recording to tlio quantity of timber it may contain,) under ^•'^l M 'S' ■ d ! 136 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. under a penalty of not less than ten dollars and not exceeding forty dollars and the Superintentent is hereby authorized to place in charge of such raft or tow of timber, one or more men, as may seem to him necessary, and may seize and de- tain such raft or tow of timber until the expense incurred thereby as well as the fine be paid. MARINE AND FISHERIES. STEAMBOAT INSPECTORS.— INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE GUIDANCE OF Extract from a Report of a Commitlee of the Honorable the Executive Council, approved 2\st July 1857, containing instructions for the guidance of Steamboat Inspectors. INSPECTORS should see that every Steamboat owner and Captain of the vessel receives a copy of the Acts regulating Inspections. He should at once inspect the vessel and notify the Captain or person in charge, in writing, of the defects under the acts, and that these defects must be imme- diately supplied and report the same to the Governor in Council. When an Inspector is of opinion that a Boat is unsafe^ he should immediately notify the owner or Captain thereof and warn him to cease using or running his vessel ; and report forthwith the vessel and her condition and the reasons why she is in his opinion unsafe, to the Governor in Coimcil, by a letter addressed to the Secretary of the Province. The Inspector should ascei tain whether or not each vessel inspected, has been registered with any Collector of Customs and from his certificate ascertain and report her tonnage ; and when such vessel has not been registered, the Inspector is to give notice thereof to the Collector of Customs for the Port from which the vessel ordinarily sails or to which she is treated as belonging in order that she may be measured and her tonnage ascertained. I have the honor to be. Sir, Your obdt. serv., E. PARENT, Ass't. Sec'y. )llars and I or tow of ze and de ell as the NCE OF Council, '.of f the vessel in charge, be Imme- ORDERS JN COUNCIL. 1S7 Marine and Fisheries. STEAMBOAT INSPECTORS.— REGULATIONS ADOPTED BY. RESOLUTIONS adopted by the Board of Steamboat Inspection at a meeting held at Montreal 2rd September 1857, approved by order in Council 18th September following. 2nd Resolution. That a certificate of Inspection exhibited by masters or owners of vessels shall be sufficient to prevent renewed or repeated inspection. 3rd. That steamboat chimneys, composed of single sheet iron, shall be enclosed in a sheet iron casing extending eighteen inches above wood work, with a clear space between the chimney and casing of three inches, and that the space between the woodwork and casing should in no case be less than 6 inches and the woodwork covered with bright tin. 4th. That a uniform lock and key be provided for the Lockup Safety valve ; that masters or the owners of steamer be required to provide such lock and keys at the expense of the vessel. rnmediately unning his asons why idressed to m ) has been ertain and e Inspector which the 3r that she m NT, 't. Sec'y. 138 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. BY-LAWS PASSED BY THE HARBOUR COMMISSIONERS OF MONTREAL, At a Meeting duly hild at the City, of Montreal, on the Twenty-first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nin''. BOARD REGULATIONS OF THE CORPORATION. Article 1. — A Chairman shall be elected by the Commissioneri from among themselves, annually, on the first Monday in January, or at the earliest convenient period thereafter ; and shall hold office till the first Monday in the then ensuing January, or till the election of his succes- sor. Article 2. — ^The Chairman shall preside at all Meetings of the Board, and shall have authority to maintain order and regularity ; but in his absence one of the Commissioners shall be chosen by vote to perform his duties ; and during such absence shall have all the powers hereby * conferred upon the Chairman. Article 3. — All Debentures to be issued by the Commissioners, shall be signed by any three of them ; all checks shall be signed by one Commissioner at least ; and all deeds and other documents whatsoever, shall be executed by the Chairman ; and no debentures, checks, deeds or other documents shall be binding on the Corporation, unless signed and executed in conformity with this By-law ; and then only, provided they are countersigned or endorsed by the Secretary. Article 4.— Any three Commissioners shall bo a quorum for the des- patch of business. Article 5. — ^The Corporation shall have no dealings of any kind with any of its members; nor shall any member thereof be concerned direct- ly or indirectly in any contract that may hereafter be entered into, appertaining to any works carried on by the Commissioners ; but all such transactions shall hereafter be conducted by and through the Se- cretary, with the approval of the Board. Article 6. — No person or persons shall, by act, word or deed, inter- fere with, obstruct or impede the Harbour Master, or any person or persons REAL. nty-first day ON. ioners from ry, or at the till the first f his succes- ' the Board, ; but in his to perform ivers hereby oners, shall led by one whatsoever, lecks, deeds [iless signed y, provided or the des- kind with rned direct- tered into, ra; but all igh the Se- eed, inter- person or persons ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 139 Marine and Fisheries. persons acting under h's orders or supervision, or any officer, person or persons appointed by or acting under the orders of the Harbour Commissioners, while in the execution of his or their duties respective- ly ; or shall aid, abet, encourage, prompt or order any other person or persons so to do. ARRIVAL OF VESSELS. Article 7.— The Master or person in charge of every vessel arriving in ^^^.^^^'^jj" '^ the harbour, shall, without delay, and before he shall break bulk, wharfinger's make and deliver at the Wharfinger's Office, a true and correct report pi^*!^ °° *■"" in writing, signed and certified by him, of the arrival of such vessel, of her cargo, of the value thereof, of her tonnage, and of her draft of water ; and shall pay all dues in respect of such vessel and of her cargo, to the Wharfinger ; and shall also then pay all arrears of dues, and all penalties then due to the said Corporation in respect of isuch vessel, or of her cargo, on any previous voyage thereof. Article 8.— The Harbour Master shall, according to his discretion, HarbourMas- assign to each vessel arriving in the said harbour, the berth it shall ce vesselsand occupy ; giving precedence however, when practicable, to a vessel with as ignberihs. cargo, over a vessel in ballast, or taking in cargo ; and shall have power to change such berth from time to time as he may see fit ; and such assignment of a berth may be made by a verbal notice to the Master or person in charge of such vessel ; and either on each trip of such vessel, or for the whole business season. And no vessel shall take up or oc- cupy any berth in the said harbour, unless such berth shall have been assigned to her by the Harbour Master ; provided always th^t the Har- bour Master do assign a berth to such vessel within twenty-four hours after her arrival in the said harbour. Article 9. — The colors of every vessel arriving in the said harbour Colors to be shall be kept flying until the report mentioned in the foregoing By- ygssens^e- laws, shall have been made and delivered, as therein provided : and ported and until the Harbour Master shall have allotted a berth to such vessel. terihed. Article 10. — During I he prevalence of any epidemic, or when there Anchorage, shall be cause to apprehend the spread of any infectious or contagious ycssels'wiih^ disease, the Harbour Master shall have power to designate and set apart sickness on some certain anchorage, wharf, or place, for every steamer or other vessel arriving in the said harbour, having on board more than twenty passengers ; where such steamer or vessel shall remain, until such sa- nitary precautions shall have been used, as shall be appointed in that behalf by a resolution of the Harbour Commissioners ; and upon the deliveiy , board. Ml I I rij J -J* I 140 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. delivery of a verbal notice of the appointment of such anchorage, wharf, or place, with a copy of such resohition, to the Master or per- » son in charge of such steamer or vessel, either before, or immediately upon its arrival in the said harbour, such steamer or vessel shall forth- with proceed to such anchorage, wharf, or place, and there remain until the terms of such resolution shall have been fully complied with. Watergauge, Article il. — Every vessel entering the said harbour shall have a tonnage to be water gauge marked conspicuously and accurately on her stem and shown on stern ; and her name painted on the stern, bow, or quarter, so as to be ry vesse . ^^^^^y discerned from the wharf ; and the tonnage of each river craft entering the said harbour shall be cut into the face of the foreside of the beam, forming the after part of the main hatch, in figures not less than four inches in length, in such a manner as to be visible from the deck. Conditions Article 12. — No vessel having more than twenty-five pounds weighj "gggYig^^ih^of gunpowder on board, shall sail through the said harbour, unless Gunpowder such gunpowder be under deck, or carefully and completely covered with oil cloth, tarpauling or Qther suitable covering ; and no such ves- sel shall come to anchor, or remain in the said harbour higher up the St. Lawrence than that part of said harbour where the wharf,known as Gilbert's "Wharf, formerly stood ; and it shall be in the power of the Harbour Commissioner?, by a resolution to be passed for that purpose, to prevent such vessel coming to anchor or remaining higher up than any other.point below such wharf; which point shall be designated in such resolution. may sail through the harbour. Article 13. — No steam vessel while within the said haibour above the Steamers to reduce their , , - , , . speed in the Victoria pier, shall move at a rate exceeding half her usual speed, harbour. i VESSELS LYING IN THE HARBOUR. All vessels Article 14. — All vessels in the said liarbour shall be under the con- bour'areiubltrol of the Harbour Master, so far as regards their position, mooring, jecttothe fastening, removal and the extent of accoramodalion Masters or per- ter? orders.^" sons in charge thereof may require from each other ; and no person on board or in charge of any vessel in the said harbour, shall disre- gard or disobey the orders of the Harbour Master in such respects. And in the event of such refusal or disregard of the orders of the Har- bour Master to remove any vessel, it shall be lawful for such Harbour Master fo cast off or cut away the hawsers or other fastenings of such vessel. anchorage, iter or per- [nmedlately shall forth- ere remain f complied all have a r stem and so as to be river craft foreside of res not less e from the ids weighj mr, unless sly covered o such ves- her up the f, known as vver of the at purpose, sr up than signaled in r above the speed. ier the con- mooring, irs or per- no person hall disre- respects. of the Har- Harbour IKS of such vessel, ORDERS IN COUNCIL. \i\ Marine and Fisheries. vessel, or to cut away any ring or post to which such hawsers or other fastenings may be attached ; arid in such event, in addition to the pe- nalty hereinafter provided for, the Master or person in charge of such vessel shall be bound to pay to the said Harbour Commissioners, the damage (if any) caused to the wharf or wharves, by the cutting away of such ring or post. Article 15. — In the event of the resislance of any person Harbour Mas- t.Al* 1DAV PA* or persons on board of , any vessel to the orders of the Harbour m^yg any Master to remove the same, undnr the powers conferred upon him by vesgel resis- the last preceding section whether such resistance be active or passi-tjjjj^ity'* it shall be lawful for the Harbour Master to take possession of ve such vessel, and to remove the same ; and he shall have the power of employing a sufficient number of men for that purpose at the expense of the Master, owner, or person in charge of such vessel, to aid him in enforcing such removal ; and shall have the right to moor, anchor, or make fast^ such vessel at such other place as he shall see fit. Article 16.— No raft, crib, raft bottom, or floating timber, shall be^a^s- cnbs, or remain attached or secured to any wharf, or to any part of the beach, ber, Ac, un- in said harbour, without the express permisson of the Harbour Master I'^^'^cxp'"*?* ,. ..■ .,n .,,<• .TTi_ control of • and irrespective of the penalty hereafter provided for, the Harbour Harbour Master shall have the power without any notice to any person whom- Master, soever, to cut adrift any raft, crib, raft bottom, timber, which shall be so attached or secured without his permission ; and such raft, crib, raft bottom, or timber so cut adrift shall thereafter continue to be and remain at the proper risk of the owners thereof respectively. And no raft, crib, raft bottom, or timber, shall, under any circumstances what- ever, occupy a berth in said harbour above the Victoria Pier, or be anchored in the stream within the limits of the said harbour. Article M. — ^No vessel shall anchor within the limits of said har^®^^®\^'"'^ . • « , 1. 'lo'' anchor so hour in such a place or position as to prevent a free and unobstructed as lo impede passage for all other vessels to and fro in the said harbour ; and toP*^^*®' and from the Lachine Canal, or any wharf in the said harbour. , Article 18. — No hawser or rope shall be run or fastened aCross any Hawsers and part of the harbour, excepting for the express purpose of hauling a ,ji',y must be vessel in, or out immediately, or for the purpose of hauling a vessel ^stened, off the ground ; in which case the hawser or rope shall be slackened in order to give a free and uninterrupted /passage to any other vessel that may require to pass. 142 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Manne and Fisheries. Vesse'iS not Article 19. — Vessels lying at any wharf, or within a tier, within the anchor out, I'^its of the harbour, shall not have an anchor out, except for the unless to purpose of immediately hauling in or out. haul out or , - - , , in. Arlicle 20 — The ^hore fastenings of every vessel within the har ^*^'^°'"^^°'^ hour, shall be attached to the rings placed on the outer edges of the same must be wharves, or to mooring posts, and shall not in any manner cross or tra- madelast. verse the said wharves, or be attached to any lamp post or to any matter or thing on the wharves other than those specially provided for that purpose. Passage al- lowed over decks of ve-- schljingina li )r. Article 2\.—r:voked by Bij-law of Wth July 1861. Article 22. — When two or more vessels are lying at the same wharf, one outside of another, a free and unincumbered passage over the decks of those nearest the wharf, shall be allowed to (hose lying outside of them, as well for loading or unloading such outside vessel or ves- sels, as for the purpose of ordinary communication with the shore ; provided such outside vessels have gangways of their own, extending Fastenings oi^^ the wharf over the decks of the vessels nearest thereto, vessels not to Article 23. — No Master or other person in charge oron board, of without no- any vessel within the said harbour, to which any other vessel shall be made fast by any rope, hawser, or chain, shall cut or cast off such rope, hawser or chain ; or cause or permit the same to be cut or cast ofT, without giving ample and distinct notice of the intention so to do, to the Master or person in charge of the vessel so made fast. A'^ticle 24. — Every steam vessel, at any of the wharves in the said harbour, or at any landing place within the limits of the same, shall provide a good and sufficient gangway from such steam vessel to such wharf or landing place ; with ridge ropes on both sides, supported by wooden or iron stancheons, not less than three feet high, for the use of persons going and coming from on board such steam vessel : and on dark nights a light provided by such vessel, shall be placed on eve- ry such vessel near such gangway, so that such gangway my hj seen clearly from the wharf, and from on board such vessel. Article 25. — All steam vessels, except those using coal for genera- caps on their ting stoam, shall, while within the limilsofthe said harbour, have c iimnies. ^^j^,^ ^^^^ fitted over their chimnies so as to prevent sparks issuing therefrom ; the interstices of which caps sliall not be more than one quai'ler of an inch square. Article 26.— Aay vessel aground within the said harbour shall shew three bright white lights over that side or end of such vessel, nearest which other vessels must appro ich in passing her. tice. Steamers to have gang- ways, and lights at night on gangways. Steamers to have wire ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 143 Marine and Fisheries. within the pt for the in the har idges of the ross or tra- or to any rovided for ime wharf, I over the ing outside sel or ves- he shore ; extending board, of el shall be such rope, or cast off, ) to do, to n the said ame, shall el to such )ported by or the use ss3l : and 3d on eve- y b3 seen r genera- )ur, have 8 issuing than one our shall h vessel. VESSELS LOADING AND UNLOADING. i Article ?7.— Rafts or cribs loaded with boards, planks, firewood, or Unloading or firewood other lumber, shall not be permitted to remain in the berths assigned rafts and to them, unless the unloading of the cargo thereof be commenced im- cribs. mediately, and diligently and continuously proceeded with, and, when iin loading firawood alongside of any wharf, at the rate of not less than twenty-five cords per day Article 28. — Vessels arriving in the harbour with cargo shall be Working allowed for unloading as follows : jjfng an^j Two working days for fifty tons of cargo, or less than fifty tons. ""^°'"^'"8- Three working days for over fifty tons of cargo and not exceeding one hundred tons. One working day additional for every fifty tons of cargo exceeding one hundred tons. And for loading : — One working day for fifty tons, or under. days, for over fifty tons and under one hundred Two working tons. One working day additional for every fifty tons of cargo exceeding one hundred tons : provided always that vessels that shall be dischar- ged, or loaded, in a shorter time, or that shall have ceased discharging or loading from any cause, shall not be entitled to retain their berths, should the Harbour Master see fit to order them to remote ; and provi- ded also that on application to that effect the Harbour Master shall have the power, if he sees fit. to extend such time for a further period to be named by him. Article 29. — Vessels loading or un-loading, whether on the wharves. Vessels un- or into lighters, or into any other kinds of vessels, shall have a good provide' good light stage or spout, in order to prevent any portion of their cargo from stiges. falling into the water. Article 30. — Boards, planks, oars, staves, firewood, and all lumber whatsoever, and all ballast, rubbish, refuse matter, cinders, crashes, or oth^r things not forming part of the cargo of any vessel, landed on any wharf in the said harbour, or on the beach thereof, shall be con- veyed away as fast as landed, by the master or person in charge of the vess 3l from on board of which such substances shall have been landed ; and a like p3nalty to that hereinafter provided, for the breach of the foregoing portion of this By-law, shall be incurred for every period of twenty-four hours during which such effects, or lumber, ballast, rub- bish All articles not forming part of a car- go, and boards, planks, fire- wool, bal- list, &c.,tobe conveyed away as soon as linded. 1 its ■■'} ill i 'I n m ORDERS IN COUNCIL. ■> ' Marine and fisheries. bish, refuse matter, cinders ashes, in other sabs.ances, shall continue to remain on such wharf or beach as the case may be, after being land- ed thereon. r™*'o^drto ^r/ic/e 31.— No goods or cargo of any kiud (other than of those remain on the kinds mentioned in the last foregoing By-law) landed from any vessel; wharves. ^^j^j j,q goods or cargo, and no ballast, placed upon any vessel, shall be allowed to remain upon such wharf or beach, for a longer period than twenty four hours, after being landed or placed there ; and a like penalty to that hereinafter provided, for the breach of the foregoing portion of this By-law, shall be incurred for evexy period of twenty- four hours, during which such goods, cargo or ballast, shall continue Vesseh' wa- *" reniain upon snch wharf or beach, as the case my be, after the expi- ter casks un- ration of the period of twenty-four hours hereinbefore allowed for the Harbour '^eir removal ; provided always that the water casks belonging to any vessel may be placed upon the wharf at such place, and for such time, as may be fixed by the Harbour Master ; but at the expiration of such time shall be held to be within the provisions of the lastforegoing By-law. Master. Article 32.— No goods shall be so placed on any wharf in said mu^t l"° pla- harbour, or on the beach thereof, as to obstruct the thoroughfare ced on Mie thereon, under the penalty hereinafter provided for the breach of any By- law, and if so placed shall be removed forthwith by the owner or per- son in charge thereof, upon the orders of the Harbour Master to that effect, under a further like penalty. And no goods whatever shall be Time allowed placed upon any wharf, nearer to the edge thereof than eight feet for cauie on therefrom*; and no cattle or live animals shall be allowed to remain on ' any wharf or beach for a longer period than three hours, and then on- ly under the control and management of competent drivers, and per- sons in charge thereof. Harbour Article 33. — In the event of the broach of either of the last three Master may foregoing by-laws, or of any part of either of them, it shall be lawful remove art- V t? i ,» . , i ^ cles remain- for the Harbour Master to remove, or cause to bo removed, any boards, ing on the pjanks, oars, staves, firewood, lumber, ballast, rubbish, cinders, ashes, wharves in ^ ' ' ' ' „ . » , ' , contraven- Or refuse matter, or other Hung, not formnig part of the cargo of any vessel or any goods or cargo which shall remain on the wharf or on the beach of said harbour, longer than it or they arc pormitted to do by the said last three foregoing By-laws, or by any of them ; and such removal shall be so made at the cost and charges of the owner or con- signee of suoli effects, or of the Maslei- or person in charge of the ves- sel from which tht.'y shall have boon landed, at the option of the Harbour lion of the By-laws. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 145 Marine and Fisheries. I continue jeing land- n of those iny vessel ; !3sel, shall ger period ; and a like foregoing of twenty- ,11 continue er the expi- illowed for ;ing to any such time, ion of such ling By-law. arf in said loroughfare hofanyBy- vner or per- ster to that ver shall be eight feet remain on md then on- s, and per- last three 1 be lawful any boards, ders, ashes, rgo of any harf or on tted to do by and sucli vncr or con- of the ves- plion of the llarl))ur Harbour Commissioners ; and such costs and charges and any further or other reasonable costs and charges, in respect thereof, and of the custody and safe keeping thereof, and all penalties incurred in respect thereof shall be a lien upon such effects ; which shall not be delivered up by the Harbour Commissioners to any person whomsoever, until all such costs, charges and penalties be paid. And notwithstanding such removal, such effects shall continue to be at the risk of the owners thereof, and if the costs and charges thereon, and all penalties due in respect thereof be not paid, and such effects taken away by the owners thereof, or their representatives, within thirty days after such removal ; such effects may be sold by public auction, for the benefit of whom it may concern, and the Harbour Commissioners shall only be accountable in respect of such effects for the nelt proceeds of such sal«, less al) such costs, charges, and penalties. Article 34. — No gunpowder shall be landed or shipped in the said Gunpowder, harbour above the part of said harbour where the wharf formerly J^**^"^^** J*' stood, which was known as Gilbert's Wharf. And it shall be in the shipped, power of the Harbour Commissoners, by a ressolution to be passed for that purpose, to prevent any gunpowder from being landed or shipped higher up than any other point below such wharf : which point shall be designated in such resolution. Article 35.— No gunpowder shall be landed until there be on wharf. Gunpowder, a suitable vehicle in readiness there, to convey it away ; and in such '" ^!'*'ri'hl • ■ 1111-1 »T 1 1 Tier 11 lufliy liv case, no greater quantity shall be landed, than shall be sufficient toUnded. load such vehicle once until such quantity so landed, shall be taken away in such vehicle. Article i^.—^o gunpowder shall be brought to, or placed upon Gunpowder, any wharf for shipment, until the vessel in which it is to be shipped * ^.*'*' ™"v" shall be ready to receive it immediately on board ; and only one cart liWppeT^ load thereof shall be brought to such wharf at one time ; and no second cart load shall be brought to such wharf, or placed thereon, until the last-provious cart load, shall have been placed on board of such vessel. Article 37.— No gunpowder shall be conveyed to or from anv vessel, ^ . I, . , .. , , , ■■ 'Gunpowder, in an open boat, unless it be completely covered with tarpauling or convoyed in other suitable covering : and no person on board of such boat shall °P°" ''°"*' smoke, nor shall any lire be used therein, for any purpose whatever. nil 10 i ' 146 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. Hatchwayiof Article iS. — ^The Master, or person in charge, of any vessel, lying covered with alongside of any of the Wharves, or adjoining to any Other vessel, hatches or gratings. shall cause her hatchvyays to be securely and completely covered wLt];i hatches or gratings, immediately after the work of loading or unload- v ing, as the case may be, shall have bi^en finished for the day ; and shall cause the same to remain so covered until the time when the work shall recommence in the morning. Fires on * Article 39. — No fires shall be used, or suffered to remain alight, on when and'^ ' board of any vessel in the said harbour, except in close cambooses of where to be iron or other metal, or of brick or stone, when made on deck, or in P*" stoves of similar materials when under deck-; and when made on deck, such fires sha'l not be lighted before sun-rise, and shall be extin- guished at sun-set : provided always, that fires necessary for generat- ing steam, may at any time be made on board of any steam vessel, with a competent person as a watch on board. Lights al- lowed on board vei- sels, whi-n and how. * Article 40. — No light shall be allowed after the hour of ten of the clock, P. M., on board of any vessel lying in the said harbour, except only in the cabin thereof, and then only under the constant supervision of some person in attendance ; but this By-law shall not be held to apply to vessels arriving or departing, or loading or unloading, after the said hour. Ii< Boiling of Article 41. — No person whatsoever shall boil or heat tar, pilch, turpen- pitch, tar, ^j^j^ rosin or grease, or cause the same to be boiled or heated, for grease, ao.dc. 507 » grading or breaming vessels, or for any other purpose, in any vessel, or on any part of the wharves, beaches, or jetties, in the said harbour, except in such places as the Harbour Master may point out ; and in every case, a proper person shall be placed in charge of the pot or kettle in which the same may be boiling or heating, provided with a shovel, and a sufRcient cover, -for instantly extinguishing any fire arising from the ignition of such tar, pitch, turpentine, rosin, or grease • and for extinguishing completely the original fire, when the purpose for which it was kindled shall bo accomplished ; and no vessel shall be graded or breamed within the limits of the said harbour, without the permission of the Harbour Master. Ametulcd by tly-taw of Wlh July 1 80 1. Ssel, lying ther vessel, (vered vfit\k ; or unload- v B day ; and ) when the ) alight, on imbooses of leek, or in n made en all be ex tin- for generat- eam vessel, ten of the 3ur, except supervision be held to ading, after tch, turpen- heated, for any vessel, id harbour, ut ; and iu f the pot or ded with a ig any fire or grease • the purpose vessel shall iir, without ORDERS IN COUNCIL. m Marine and Fisheries. ice. ir/tc/e 42. r- No person shall make or dr^ss any masts or spars, or do No carpenu any carpenter's work, on any of the wharves, beaches or jietties m the ff' ^°'^^ <"* r, , , ' . \ \, . . - ,, „ ^ the wharves said harbour, exQ^pt wilh t^ie express permission of the Harbpur without per- Maater- previously obtained,, an^ at such place as he shall have de "*"''"'• signaled for,the:pwrppse,{, j.,;,i, j.,,„ . ,^,i,^^.^.„,| ]o j.^n:;o .: -,. , Article A3.— T!io ballast, eoald^a^hes; (binders, hay or straw, ^r tnatterNusubstanee or thing whatsoever, shall be thrown from any vessel whatsoever, orbe^^j^^Q^^'" by any person whomsoever, into ^he water in the said harbour, and into the no placards or bills shall be slucli on any of the walls within the ^*rbour° and Harbour limits, or any disfiguci?»i nt whatsoever, caused thereto. walls not to , . be diafigure 4 j /l/'ffi;/e 44.— No person or pcr'sbis shall place, pile, or deposit, any j^^j j,yjjjjj. stones, dirt, rubbish, sn6w,' i'c^; oi'' other matter or things Whatsoeter whatever to upon the revetment wall, or npiili any of the wharves or jetties in the fhe^'wharvef said harbour, or upon my p irt 6f the beach thereof, or upon the roads or roads or or open spaces therein, or upon the ice thereon in winter, except in the ^^^y^^'J'^J,*. latter case, in such place as may he designated for that purpose by the ed by per- Harbour ^f aster, or the Harbour Engineer ; and for every twenty-fouTj^^i*"" °" hours during which the same shall remain upon such wharf, jetty, beach, road, open space or ice,, a further penalty shall be incurred by such person or persons, to the same amount, as that to which he or they are subjected, for the breach of the first portion of this By-law. Article 45. — No person dr persons' shall cut ice, or make any hole In the ice, or make any road thereon, or oceapy the same in any manner, within the limits of the said harbour, except at such place or place therein, as shall be allotted and designated by the Harbour Master or the Harbour Engineer, for those purposes respectively ; and no person or persons shall convey away, destroy, injure, or deface, any pickets or other marks, placed on the ico, for the purpose of indicating the limits within which such road or roads may be made, or ice cut ; or within which any rubbish, snow, or ice, may be deposited ; or shall destroy, injure, deface, or carry away, any pickets, or other marks, .placed on the ice by the Harl^pur ^Engineer, in the performance of his duty. '•..;. .^...■. -.;."•■ * Article 47. — If any floating light, light house, buoy, beacon, or other ught-housei mark, placed or to be placed in any part bf the said harbour, or within buoyi, or its limits, shall be removed, carried away, destroyed, or injured, by "iJl^j'jj™*^^^' any vessel, or raft, or by any person or persons, whomsoever ; the same terfered with, shall bo replaced or repaired, as the case may be, by the Master, owner, or • Art. 4G, revoked by Bylaw of 1 1th July 1861. Regulations for cutting ice, andmakj ing roads on fee. Penalty for injuring pickets or other marks. 148 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. or person in charge of sunh vessel, or raft, or by such person or persons, fortl^wilih, apd within forty-eight hours from such removal, destruc- tion, or injury ; failing which, such Master, owner^ or person in <;harge, person or persons, shall incur the penalty hereinafter fixed for the breach of any of these By-laws ; and shall also be bound to pay to the said Harbour Commissioners, athe ejtpense of. sucl} replacenront or reparation, as shall be necessary in thepreipise?. ' • DEPARTURE OF VESSJILS. Vessels must report out- wtfd cargo ani Article 48. — No vessel shall leave the harbouj* until the Master or ^•rd cargo Person in charge thereof, shall have made and delivered at the Wharf- iidpt^y dues, inger's Office, a full and correct report in writiug, sig^ied and certified ihg Ihe hari)- ^Y hi™» 0^ her outward cargo, with the despription thereof in detail^ tint. an4 i^s value ; aud also of her draft of water ; ai\d. until all dues on sucl^ vessel, and on her cargo, and a^ penalties incurred thereby, or by the Master or person in charge thereof, and all cqsts and charges with which such vessel or the Mast^^ or p^rs,oa in charge thereof shall be chargeable to ward9 the, Harbour Commissiope^s, shall have been fully paid. VEHICLES. ilOi Vehicles on the wharves not to move quicker than a walk, and sh&lMfllc6 thfi rainbiieareet motion than a walk ; and all carts, trucks, and other vehicles going to of 'from tQ, Qj from any vessel in the harbour, shall take the ramp nearest to ^nich tney . , , Ar0 goin(j, such vessel. Article A9.— No person shall drive ahorse or horses tiri Atif 6t th« wharves, or on any of the ramps leading to the wharves, at a quicker 1^6 vehicle to ohstruct any wharf or pier, and no driver to importune any passen- ger or other jjerson. Article 50.— No omnibus, cab, caleche, truck, carl, or vehicle what- soever, shall be permitted to stand on any wharf or pier in the said harbQur, in such a manner as to obstruct the passage to and fro, upon such wharf or pier, — or to or from any vessel arriving or lying at, or departing from, such wharf or pier ; nor shall any driver of any such vehicle, or any other person, obstruct, importune, or annoy, any pass- enger or person landing from, or embarking on board of, any vessel ■ in said harbour. iTo vehicle lo Article 5\. — No omnibqs, cab, caleche, cart, Iruckj or vehicle what- wharvfis pp^ sqever, shall stand or remain on the wharf in fiout of any steam or PQBite to any other vessel, or on any ramp leading to such wharf, on the arrival or arr?v?ng^or departure of any steam or other vessel ; but the entire sjace between ^iepariiiig. the whole length of siich steam or olher vessel and the revetment wall, shall be left free aud unobstructed by such vehicles, both previous to and after the arrival of such vessel ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 149 Marine and Fisheries. detail upon Article 52. — No omnibus, cab, calerhe, cart, truck, or vehicle what soever, shall stand or remain on the Island Wharf, on the arrival or departure of any steamer, within ten feet of the shed or storehouse (Brected by the Ghamplain, and St. Lawrence Railroad Company: nor shall they stand or remain on the said wharf or any other \Vharf so as to obstruct orimtpede the passage, or way, to or from the said shed or store-house, or to or from any shed or store-house that may be erected on any other wharf. Article 53. — Every person in charge of a horse or horses, or of any vehicle drawn by a horse or horses, shall remain beside such horse or horses, except when loading or discharging such vehicle, and shall not then leave' then^ so far ^s that tWy shall be beyond hib (ibntrol ; and no cabman or driver of any omnibus or other vehicle on aiiy Wharf or pier in said harbour, shall leave such vehicle on any pretence what- soever, until he shall have been called and his vehicle engaged. PINEJS AND PENALTIES AND THEIR COLLECTION. * Article 60. — Any person who shall be convicted of infringing any of the said By-IaWs, or any of the provisions of the Statutes now in fofce in this Province, providing for the management and improvement of the Harbour of Montreal, and the deepening of the Ship Channel bet- ween the said harbour and the Port of Quebec ; and who shall be condemned to the payment of any pecuniary penalty for such infringe- ment ; and who shall make default in the payment of such pecuniary penalty, and of the costs of such conviction, may be imprisoned for u period of thirty days, unless the amount of such penalty and costs be sooner paid. INTERPRETATION. Article 6l.-r-The word " vessel " when made use of in the foregoing regulations, is to be understood as comprehending and meaning rafts and every other description of floating vessel ; the words " working days " are to be understood as comprehending and meaning days on which work can legally be performed ; the word " owner "shall com- prehend and mean a part owner or owners ; the words '' Harbour Master " shall comprehend and mean the Deputy Harbour Master also J the word " goods " shall be understood as comprehending lumber, flrewood, ballast and morchandizo of any description, together with all kinds of live stock, and when more persons ihau one are hereiir heforo made subject to any penalty, in the disjunctive, the said Corpo- ration shall have the option of proceeding for such ponnlty against such one of such persions as the said Corporation may see fit. • Article 54, 55, 5G, 57, 58 and 59, are rcvokoil liy llio By-law of the I Itli ..uly 18GI. Regulations for vehicles on the Island Wharf and their ap- proach to aheds and atoro-houses. Drivers of vehicles shdll remain be- side their horses until called for, or unless load- ing or dis- chargingsuch vehicle. W I ii l;l 1 1 n I i f' 150 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and fisheries. Article Q2. — All Bylaws passed by the Harbour Commissioners of Montreal, prior to this date, shall be and are hereby repealed, except ^ so far as they may be necessary to enable the said Corporation to collect any diies or penalties that may have accrued thereunder, or to continue any action at law that may be pending, or to commence or continue any action at law for offences thereunder ; and except also in so far as they repealed all By-laws, orders, rules and regulations made by the Trinity House of Montreal, for the regulation and management of the affairs of the Harbour of Montreal. I hereby certify, that the foregoing By-laws, numbered from 1 to 62 inclusive, are respectively the copies of the By-laws of the Harbour Commissioners of Montreal, duly made and passed at a meeting of the said Corporation, held at Montreal, on the Twenty-first day of April) 1859. ALEX. CLERK, Secretary, Harbour Commissioners of Montreal. Secretary's Office, Toronto, \st Jane, 1859. The foregoing By-laws 'passed by the Harbour Commissioners of Montreal, on the 21st day of April last, providing for the regulation of their own functions, and the good government of the Harbour, were sanctioned by His Excellency the Governor General on the 31st of May last, as required by the 7th Section of the Act 18th Vict. Cap. 143, and the 3rd Section of the 20th Vict. Gap. 126. By Command, C. AlLEYN, Secretary. AMENDMENTS TO THE BY-LAWS OF THE Farbour Comniissioncrs of Montreal, Watch lo be 6[{. There shall be a Watch consisting of one or more grown persons, vessels f"*"^*' kept and maintained from sunset to sunrise on board of every vessel Harbour. lying in the said Harbour ; and such watch shall instantly give the alarm in the event of any danger, accident, disturbance, or fire on board of such vessel, or on board of any other vessel in the said Har- bour, ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 151 Marine and Fisheries. ssi oners of led, except ^ poration to ider, or to imence or [:ept also in tions made anagement rom 1 to 62 » Harbour ting of the y of Aprilj ■ary, lontreal. me, 1859. isioners of ;ulation of our, were le 31st of .Cap. 143, .EYN, jcretary. n persons, jry vessel give the or fire on said Har- boiir, hour, as soon as perceived: and shall at all hours and times during the said period respond to the call, hail or enquiry of any officer of the Harbour Commissioners or of any of the officers or men of the water police.— And in the absence of other sufficient evidence of the violation of this By- law if no response or answer be made by the watch on any vessel to such call, hail 6r enquiry after three audible • Repetitions of the same, such vessel and the master or person in charge thereof shall be conclusively held to have violated this By-lau'. 64. Every vessel lying in the said Harbou^ shall be supplied during Precautions the whole period between sunset and sunrise with not less than sii*^ '* °* buckets filled with water, which shall be placed and shall stand during the whole of the said period at some convenient place u;)On the deck of such vessel, ready'for instant use in case of fire. 65. There shall be no fire or light of any kind used between sun Regulations rise and sunset on board of any vessel loaded with hay or straw while ca'rn^ng bay within the said Harbour, andno steamer shall carry as freight, any hay or straw. or straw whatsoever unless the same be pressed into bundles, which shall weigh not less than seven and a half pounds weight per cubic foot ; and such bundles shall be kept completely and constantly cover- ed with tarpaulin or oil cloth. 66. No person or persons, without the consent of the said Commis- Encroach- sionners, shall encroach, enter upon, take possession of, or use, any JU^®"*^^^" part or portion of the Harbour of Montreal, or of any part or portion within tha of the immoveable property, lands or beach, the control and manage, ^sdicthm ^"" ment whereof are vested in the Harbour Commissioners of Montreal, proliibited. in and by the several Statutes of this Province incorporating the said Commissioners and relating to the Harbour of Montreal ; namely, the tract of land, beach and premises described and known as follows, to wit : " commencing at the mouth of the Little River St. Pierre ; thence, downwards, following the course of the Bank of the River St. Law- rence and including the beach of the said River as far back as high water-mark and the ground above high water-mark reserved for a public road or path, down to the lower extremity of the lower basin of the Lachine Canal ; thence, downwards following the North-west side of the water course running parallel with and adjoining the revet- ment wall in the street or highway running along the whole line of the wharves, now known as Commissionners Street, to a point where the said wall joins the Governement Works at the Commissariat Store and the Governement Wharf ; thence, downwards, following the course Si h i"' M 152 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. course of the bank of the River St. Lawrence, and including the beaeh of the said River as far back as high water-mark, and any ground above high water-mark reserved for a public road or path, as far as Ruisseau Migeon." And if at anytime any person or persons be found encroaching upon or in possession of any part or portion of the said Harbour, land, beach, or premises, the said Commissioners shall have the right to give a notice in writing to such person or persons, under the hand of the Secretary of the said Commission, notifying and requiring him or them to desist from such encroachment, and to leave such portion of said Harbour, land, beach, or premises, within such period, not less than forty-eight hours thereafter, as shall be fixed in such notice. And any person or persons who shall so encroach, enter upon, take possession of or use any part or portion of such Harbour, land, beach or premises without the consent of the said Commission- ers, shall, and each of such person or persons shall, incur a penalty of Forty-Doflars currency for every such violation of this By-law ; and a further like penalty of forty dollars currency for every period of twenty-four hours during which such encroachment, entrance upon, possession, or use, shall continue or be persisted in. And any person or persons so found encroaching upon, or in possession of, any part or portion of such Harbour, land, beach or premises, who shall persist in so encroachingjupon, or in retaining possession of, the same after the expiration of the delay within which such person or persons is or are required by such notice to desist from such encroachment, and to re- linquish and abandon such possession of such part or portion ef such Harbour, land, beach or premises, shall, and each of them shall, incur a penalty of forty dollars currency for every period of twenty-four hours during which such encroachment or possession shall continue after the expiration of such delay. No moveable 67. No person shall erect or place any shed, shanty, boat house, to"be'erected ^^ nioveable or other building of any kind or nature whatsoever, in ■without au- or upon any place within the boundaries of the said Harbour, without thoriiy. ^Y^.e express permission in writing of the Harbour Master being first obtained ; and if any such building be so erected or placed within such boundaries without such permission, it shall be lawful for the • Harbour-Master to remove such building at the expense of the person or persons who erected the same, who shall be liable for such expense in addition to the penalty imposed upon him or them for the infringe- ment of this By-law ; and to act in respect of the materials so removed, in the manner and subject to all the conditions and provisions esta- blished by Article number ihirty-thrco of the By-laws of the said Com- missionnors. ng the beaeh any ground Eith, as far as 3ns be found n of the said rs shall have rsons, under )tifying and and to leave (vithin such [ be fixed in Toach, enter ih Harbour, ]ommission- ir a penalty }y-law ; and cy period of ranee upon, . any person any part or lU persist in ne after the ins is or are and to re- ion ef such hall, incur wenty-four 1 continue )oat house, soever, in r, without being first ed within j1 for the the person ;h expense 3 in fringe- removed, ions esta- said Com- ORDER8 IN COUNCIL. 153 Marine and Fisheries. 68. No driver or person in charge of any honeor horses, or of any Rules to be vehicle drawn by any horse or horses shall allow Such horse, horses Mmmsln^' or vehicle to stand in the water-course or guttei^ running alopg the charge of side of Commissioners Street, or of Common Street, ,pa,raUel with and ^[j|^f(^^ adjoining the revetment wall, nor upon any Wharf, ramp or pier in the said Harbour ; except for the accommodation of persons going on board of or landing from vessels in the said Habour, and then only under the restrictions contained in Articles 50, 51 and 52 of the^y-laws of the said Harbour ; nor ^hall any such driver or person in charge feed his horse or horses, or cause or stiffer bis horse or horses to be fed within the limits ot the said Harbour. 69. The landing rates and shipping or outward rates on goods land- Power to di»- ed, shipped or deposited in the 8aid| Harbour, or transhipped therein, certidnwharf shall be the same, namely : shall be the several and respective rates dues at dis- and dues mentioned in the several Schedules appended to the Act pas- ti™ Cmnmis- sed in the 18th year of Her Majesty's Reign, and chaptered 143, intitu- sioners. led : '^ An Act to provide for the management aud improvement of the Harbour of Montreal, and the deepening of the Ship Channel between the said Harbour and the t^ort of Quebec, and to repeal the Act now in force for the said purposes. " But upon proof being made to the satisfaction of the said Commissioner^ that the outward or inward bound cargo of any vessel cannot be taken to or from such vessel without being conveyed in a barge or lighter, it shall be Igiwful for the said Commissioners in their discretion to dispense with the payment either of the landing or of the shipping rate Upon such goods, as the case may be ; in such manner that such goods or cargo shall only be liable for the payment of one rate. 70. The Wharfinger shall have power, on behalf of the said Lote may be Harbour Commissioners, and under their directions, to allot, let, or 1^?^^ jjj^ lease any space or portion of any of tne wharves, piers, or vacant wood or other ground, in the said Harbour, for the piling thereon of Firewood or "''<^'*"- other Lumber, or of other articles or effects, subject to such rate of charges, and for such time or times, as may from time to time be fixed by the Harbour Commisioners ; and such allotment or letting shall be evidenced only by a written permit, signed by the Whar'fin- ger ; and if such Wood or other articles be allowed to remain on such lot or lots after the expiration of the time denoted in such permit, without a renewal of the same at the Wharfinger's office, such Wood or other articles shall be liable to be removed, by the Harbour Mas- ter, in the manner provided by Article No. 33 of these By-laws, and without i m m m h:l 154 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. without any notice being given, either verbally or in writing, by the Harbour Master, to the party owning or representing the same. 'onsas to the '^i- No person st^all pile any Firewood or cause or suffer any Fire- P'Jn« °f fi»«- wood to be piled within the limits of the said Harbour, to a height exceeding four feet of French, measure, without permission in writings from the Wharfinger; nor to any height excetding the height mentioned in such permission ; either upon any space or portion of ground allotted or leased under the last preceding Article (No. 70) of these By-laws, or else- where ; ana if any Firewood shall be piled to a greater height than the said height, the person or persons piling the same or causing the same to be so piled, shall be severally liable to a penalty of Twenty Dollars currency, for which penalty the whole of the firewood in the pile so raised beyond the aforesaid limits, shall be liable, as well as any other assets or pi^operty of the convicted person ; and the Har- bour Master shall have the right, without any notice whatsoever to the owner thereof or to any other person whomsoever, to remove the excess in height of such Firewood at the expense Of the owner there- of ; and to act in respect thereof in the manner, and subject to all the conditions and provisions established by Article number thirty- three of the By-laws of the said Commissioners. be ''^hib*!' ^^" ^^ 6very case where any person is acting under a permission ed on de- in writing from any Officer of the said Harbour, or from any Official mand of «ny authorized by the By-laws of the said Harbour to grant such permission cer. such person upon the first demand of the Wharfinger, or of the Har- bour Master, or of any other official employed about the said Harbour by the said Commissioners, shall exhibit to the wharfinger, Harbour Master or other official making such demand, the writing containing such permission. All vessels 73, In addition to the details which by the 7lh Article of the By- the Wharfin- ^^ws of the said Commissioners, the master or person in charge of ger's office, every vessel arriving in the Harbour, is bound to insert in the report by him required to be made under the said By-laws, every such mas- ter or person in charge of any such vessel shall also insert in such report a description of the rig of such vessel, the name of such vessel, and of her master or captain, the place from whence and the date when such vessel sailed, the name of the consignee thereof, and of the pilot thereof ; the number of men employed therein, the number of passengers carried thereby, and the name of the steamer (if any) which towed such vessel into harbour. OPDERS IN COUNCIL. 155 Marine and fisheries. ng, by the me. any Fire- a height in writing < nentioned allotted or ^s, or else- ght than Lifting the f Twenty od in the 1 Well as the Har- Boever to nove the er there- ct to all it thirty.- ;rmission r Official srmission the Har- Harbour Harbour mtaining f the By- fiarge of e report ich mas- in such h vessel, Ihe date and of number (if any) 74. All vessels lying at the wharves within the Harbour, shall Vessels to a- , ,. ,, .., :,.■' .J- void dama- have, their yards lopped up, their booms and outriggers, rigged in, giQg other their jibbooms and flying jibbooms rigged in as far as practicable, their vessels, studding sail boom irons taken off, their sprit sail yards laid fore and aft, and their anchors secured so as to avoid doing damage to other vessels. Coals to be landed only were pep- mitted by Harbour master. 75. No coals shall be discharged from any vessel except upon such w harf as shall be indicated for that purpose by the Harbour Master, and when discharged, such coals shall be immediately removed and taken away from such wharf by the owner or consignee thereof as f a^t as they shall be landed thereon. And no appointment of a berth or permission to land the cargo of any vessel at any wharf, shall en- title the owner or person in charge of such vessel to land coals opposite such berth or upon such wharf, unless permission * shall also have been granted by the Harbour Master to land also thereon as hereinbefore provided. 76. Every person, in whatsoever capacity he may be acting, who Fines and shall violate or infringe any of the By-laws of the Corporation of the P®"*'*-*'' Harbour Commisssoners of Montreal, or any part or portion of any' one of them, shall be subject to a . penalty of Forty Dollars currency* 77. Every person, in whatsoever capacity he may be acting, who Fines and shall fail or neglect to obey any one of the By-laws of the Corpora- P«"al*'e8. tion of the Harbour Commissioners of Montreal, or any portion of any one of them, shall be subject to a penalty of forty dollars curren- cy. 78. The Master or person in charge of any vessel which shall Fines and violate or infringe, or fail or neglect to obey any one of the By-laws'^ "* of the Corporation of the Harbour Commissioners of Montreal, or any part or portion of any one of them ; and the Master or person in charge of any vessel, in the conduct and management of which any one of the said By-laws, or any part of any one of them, shall be violated, • infringed or disobeyed, shall be subject to a penalty of forty dollars currency. 79. In the event of the contravention or noglect to obey any of Fines and the By-laws of the Corporation of the Harbour Commissioners of '^ "' Montreal, havinp; reference to the landing or shipping of gunpowder, the landing or shipping, as the case may be, of each keg or package of gunpowder, shall be a separate offence, and shall give rise to a se- parate penalty of forty dollars against the offending party. I 1 1 I I. i 156 Fines and penalties. ORDERS IN COUNGIL. 'Marine and Fisheries. F4ne and ponaltie*. Penalty may be reduced to Twenty Dollane ex- cepting on sea-going vessels and their cargoes. 80. The owner of any cargo, lumber or effects or of any inatter; Or thing whatever, landed from any vessel, in respect of which cargo, lumber or effects, matter or thing there shall be any violation or in- fringemettt of or desohedience to any one of \hb By-la Wa of th^ Gbr- poratibn of the Harbour Commissioners of Montreal, or o^ anvince of Canada, called Lower Canada, being their usual place of sitting, on Wednesday, the Twenty-first day of May, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight, hundred and sixty-two, at which Meeting t^e Chairman and threp . Commissioner! were present, viz : uanfoir. .n.s'AUir; The Honorale GEonGE Pemberton, Chairman, The President of the Board of Trade, ") George H. SiMAro, Esq. V Commissioners. John Sharples, Esq. ) ' The following By-law, reinjecting the discharging of ballast within certain pre» cribed limits in the Harbour of Quebec, was submitted and approved of — " All vessels entering the Harbour of Quebec with ballast on board, requiring to '' discharge the sAme, shall do so within the following limits, that is to say : bet- " ween the river Chaudlfere and a line formed by a beacon erected on the hill in " roar of Diamond Harbour and the centre of the Martello Tower above it, and " not nearer to the north shore than in fifteen fathoms water and not nearer to the " south shore than ten fathoms water, at low water in neap tides. " " And any Master or Commander of any ship or vessel, or the Master of any " craft or any other person whatever, vvho shall throw any ballast into the part " of the river St. Lawrence which lies between a line drawn from the west side of " the mouth of the river Cap-Rouge, to the west side of the mouth of the river " Chaudiere, and a line drawn from the east side of the mouth of the river Mont- " morency to the east side of the cove called Indian Cove, on the south side of the " said river St. Lawrence, together with that part of each of the rivers Cap-Rouge, " Chaudiere and Montmorency, and the river St. Charles and Etchemin and Beau- " port, where the tide ebbs and flows in any place without the foregoing described *' limits, shall incur for every such offence a pen.ilty of twenty dollars or sixty *' days iniprisonnement " GEORGE PEMBERTON, Chairman.* H. N. Jones, Secretary-Treasurer. Quebec, IGth June, 1862. The above By-law approved by His Excellency the Governor General in Coun- cil, this 28th day of June, 1862. wm. h lee, c. e. c m 160 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. PROVINCE OF CANADA. At a Meeting of the Quebec Harbour Commissioners, held in their Office, in the Lower Town of the City of Quebec, in that part of the Province of Canada, called Lower Canada, being their usual place of Sitting, on Tuesday, the seven- teenth day of June, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, at which Meeting the Chairman and four Commissioners were present, viz : The Hon. George Pemberton, Chairman, The President of the Board of Trade, ^ The Mayor of Quebec, [r'«r«™;-.;««««- George H. Simard, Esq., ^Commissioners. John Sharples, Esq. j IT is resolved, that whereas it is expedient to impose a Tonnage duty on all Ves- sels coming from or trading to parts beyond the Seas, discharging cargo or ballast or loading in the Harbour of Quebec, the following by-laws are hereby ordained and enacted by the ssiid Quebec Harbour Commissioners : 1. Every Vessel coming from or trading to parts beyond the Seas, which shall discharge ballast in the Harbour of Quebec, shall, from this day forth, pay a Ton- nage duty of five cents for every ton measurement of every such Vessel. 2. Every Vessel coming from or trading to parts beyond the Seas, which shall discharge its cargo in the Harbour of Quebec, shall, from this day forth, pay a Tonnage duty of five cents for every ton measurement of such Vessel. 3. Every Vessel coming from or trading to parts beyond the Seas, which shall load in the Harbour of Quebec, shall, from this day forth, pay a Tonnage duty of five cents for every ton measurement of such Vessel. 4. Every Vessel coming from or trading to parts beyond the Seas, which shall discharge a portion of its cargo in the Harbour of Quebec, but not the whole thereof in the Port of Quebec, shall, from this day forth, pay a Tonnage duty of five cents per ton measurement of such Vessel, proportionately to the ratio which the portion of the cargo so discharged in the Harbour of Quebec shall bear to the entire quantity of the said cargo and no more. • 5- Every Vessel coming from or trading to parts beyond the Seas, which shall load a portion of its cargo in the Harbour of Quebec, but not the whole thereof in the Port of Quebec, shall, from this day forth, pay a Tonnage duty of live cents per ton measurement of such Vessel, proportionately to the ratio w.hich the poi" tion of the cargo so taken on board in the Harbour of Quebec, shall bear to the ■entire quantity of such cargo and no more. H. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 16t Marine and Fisheries. 6. That the said Tonnage duty shall be paid by each and every Vessel subject to the payment thereof, when and so soon as it shall have discharged its cargo or ballast or intented portion of either, or both, or shall have taken in it? pargo, or intended portion thereof, in the said Port of Quebec. 7. It is hereby provided that nothing in these by-laws contained shall be so construed as to subject any Vessel which shall discharge cargo or ballast, or load, either in whole or in part, or which shall both discharge and load, in the said Port of Quebec, to pay a greater sum for Tonnage duty than that for which such Vessel would be liable, at the rate of live cents for every ton measurement of such Vessel. H. N. Jones, Secretary-Treasurer, Quebec, 18th June, 1862. GEORGE PEMBERTON, Chairman. Ml' The within By-law approved by His Excellency the Governor General in Goun^ cil, this 28lh day of June, 1862. W. H. LEE, C. E. C. PROVINCE OF CANADA. At a Meeting of the Quebec Harbour Commissioners, held in their Office, in the Lower Town of the City of Quebec, in that part of the Province of Canada, called Lower Canada, being their usual place of Sitting, in Dalhousie street, the Twenty-ninth day of April, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, at which Meeting were present, viz : .«; The Honble. Gborge Pbmbkrton. Chairman, His Honor the Pro-Mayor of Quebec, The President of the Board of Trade, George H. Stmabd, Esq,, ) r'«^„:„„;-,„„.,. John Shabples, Esq. ' j Commissioners. IT was resolved that, whereas the By-law passed by the Quebec Harbour Com- missioners on the Twenty first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and sanctioned by His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the Twenty-eighth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, should be amended as follows : " All Vessels entering that portion of the Harbour of Quebec above the Church of Saint Joseph of Pointe Levi, with Ballast on board, requiring to discharge the same, shall discharge the said Btillast at Ilia Wharf known as the Pointe k Carey Wharf or at any other Wharf belonging to the said Quebec Harbour Com- missioners, provided there be a sufficient depth of water near the said Wharf for the 11 il ii; 162 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. the said Vessels to lie in safety while discharging Ballast as aforesaid ; (and provided also that the Master or person in charge of every such Vessel shaJl have been notified of this By-law in writing before passing said Church.) And any Master or person in charge of any Ship or Vessel as aforesaid, who shall refuse or neglect to obey the said By-law, shall, for every such refusal or neglect to obey the said By-law, incur a penalty not exceeding Forty Dollars or ten days imprisonnement. " H. N. JoNiB, Secretary-Treasurer. GEORGE PEMBERTON, Chairman. Secrbtary's Office, Quebec 2\st May, 1863. This is to certify that the above By-law adopted by the Corporation of the Que- bec Harbor Commissioners has been sanctioned by His Excellency the Govbror Gbnbral in Council on the 20th day of May, lb63. By Command, A. J. FERGUSSON BLAIR, Provincial Secretary. PROVINCE OF CANADA. At a meeting of the Quebec Harbour Commissioners, held at their office, in the Lower Town of the City of Quebec, in that part of tiie Province of Canada, (•ailed Lower Canada, being their usual place of sitting, on Wednesday, the Tenth day of August, in the yeai of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, at which meeting the Chairman and three Commissioners were present, the following by-law lo amend and extend the " by-law respecting the discharging of ballast within certain prescribed limits in the harbour of Que- bec, " passed on the 28th day of June, 1862, was submitted and approved of. "The second paragraph of the said by-law i-especling the discharging of ballast " within certain prescribed limits in the harbour of Quebec, is hereby repealed " and it is hereby enacted that : "Any master or conimaiuler of any ship or vessel, or the master of any crafl " or any oilier person whatever, or the pilot in charge of any ship or vessel or '' other craft, who shall throw any ballast into the part of the river St. Lawrence, " which lies between a line drawn from the west side of the mouth of the river " Gap Hoiige lo the west side of the month of the river Chaudiero, and a line '' drawn from the east side of the mouth of the river Montmorency lo the east side "of W ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 163 Marine and Fisheries. id ; (and lali have A.nd any ill refuse eglect to ten days lirman. /, 1863. the Que- GOVBROR ;retary. 'i J . ce, in the Canada, sday, the idred and lers were cling the ir of Quo- ad of. of ballast repealed any craft vessel or awrenco, Iho river 11(1 a line ! oast side " of " of the cove called Indian Cove, on the south side of the said river St. Lawrence "together with that part of each of ihe said rivers Gap Rouge, Chaudiere and* " Montmorency, and the rivers St. Charles, Etchemin and Beauport where the " tide ebbs and flows in any place without the limits described for ihe " discharging of ballast, or any pilot who shall have br.ought up and anchored " any ship, vessel or other craft, beyond or without the limits of the said ballast " ground, for the purpose of throwing out ballast there, shall incur for every " such offence a penalty of not less than twenty dollars and not exceeding forty " dollars, or sixty days imprisonnement. " GEORGE PEMBERTON, Chairman. J. B. Martbl, Secretary-Treasurer. Sanctioned by His Excellency the Governor Genepal in Council, 7th Octo- ber, 1864. ' WM. H. LEE, C. E. C. 4 T the Court at Windsor, the 301 h day of November, 1864 PRESENT : The QUEEN'S Most Excellent Majesty in Council. WHEREAS the rules and practice observed for the purpose of preventing colli- sions at sea, which were formerly adopted by maritime nations, have proved insufficient to satisfy the requirements of modern navigation, and whereas various alterations in such rules and practice have from time to time been made by diffe- rent nations, but the rules so altered have been found to be in some cases incon- sistent with each other, and in other cases to have the force of municipal law only ; and whereas certain regulations for the purpose aforesaid have been sanc- tioned by "The Merchant Shipping Act Amendment Act, 1862," and are con- tained in the Table C. in the schedule to that Act ; and whereas for the nurpose of correcting certain clerical errors the said regulations have, in pursuance of the provisions in the said Act contained, been modifled by an Order in Council bear- ing date the ninth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty 'three and the said regulations, so modified, are appended to the said Order under the title of regulations for preventing collisions at sea ; and whereas it is provided bv tlie same Act, that whenever it is made to appear to Her Majesty that the Govern- ment of any foreign country is willing that the regulations for preventing colli- sions, contained in Table C. in the schedule to the said Act, or such other regu- lations for preventing collisions as are for the time being in force under the said Act, should apply to the ships of such country when beyond the limits of British jurisdiction, Her Majesty may, by Order in Council, direct that such regulations shall 164 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. shall apply to the ships of the said foreign country, whether within British juris- diction or not : And it is further provided by the said Act, that Whenever an Order in Council has been issued, applying any regulation made by or In pur- suance of Ihfe said Act to the ships of any foreign country, such ships shall, in all cases arising in any British Court, be deemed to be subject to such regulation and shall, for the puipose of such regulation, be treated as if they were British ships : And whereas it was made to appear to Her Majesty that the Government of the United States of America was willing that the said regulations for pre- venting collisions at sea, appended to the said Order, should apply to ships belonging to the United States of America, when beyond the limits of British jurisdiction : And Her Majesty, by virtue of the power vested in Her by the said recited Act, did, by Order in Council, dated the twenty-seventh of August, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, direct that the said regulations for pre- venting collisions at sea, appended to the said Order in Council, bearing date the ninth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and to this Order, should, from the first day of September then next, apply to ships belonging to the United States of America, whether within British jurisdiction or not. And whereas the said Government of the United States of America have express- ed a desire that the said regulations should be made te apply to ships navigating the Inland Waters of North America, and that they should apply to ships of the United States navigating such waters, when beyotid the limits of British juris- diction : And whereas by an Act passed by the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, assented to on the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and intituled : " An Act to amend the Law respecting the Navigation of Canadian Waters, " after reciting that it would tend to the greater sucurity of life and property in vessels navigating Canadian waters, that the same rules of navigation and the same precautions for avoiding collisions and other accidents *as were then adopted in the United Kingdom and in other countries, should also be adopted in Canada, it was enacted, that on and after the first day of Septem- ber, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, the rules contained therein with respect to lights, fog signals, steaming and sailing, should apply to all the rivers, lakes and other navigable waters whatsoever within the Province of Canada, or within the jurisdiction of the Legislature thereof : And whereas the said rules, so referred to, are the same as the regulations appended to the said Order in Council, bearing date the ninth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-throe, except that Ihey are not intituled regulations for preventing collisions at sea, and whereas the same are also append- ed to this Order : ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 165 Marine and Fisheries. ish jurifi- never an r in pur- all, in all gulation re British vernment i for pre- to ships of British y the said igust, one 18 for pre- g date the nd to this belonging aot. e express- lavigating lips of the tish juris- sembly of idred and Navigation ucurity of le rules of accidents [lould also )f Septem- rein with the rivers, Canada, or egulations ' January, t intilulcd 30 append- Now, therefore, H^ Majesty, by virtue of the power vested in Her by the said Merchant Shipping Act Amendment Act, 1862, and by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, is pleased to direct that the said regulations, appended to this Order, shall apply to ships belonging to the United States of America, when navi- gating the Inland Waters of North America, whether within British jurisdiction or not. PRELIMINARY. Construction of Rules. Art. 1. In the following rules every steam ship which is under sail and not under steam is to be considered a sailing ship ; and every steam ship which is under steam, whether under sail or not, is to be considered a ship under steam. RULES CONCERNING LIGHTS. What Light shall be carried. Art. 2. The Lights mentioned in the following Articles, numbered 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, and no others, shall be carried in all weathers, from sunset to sunrise> , By Steam Ships under Weigh. Art. 3. Sleahi-ships, when under weigh, shall carry : (a.) At the Foremast Htad, a bright White Light, so constjucted as to show an uniform and unbroken Light, over an arc of the horizon of 20 points of the com- pass ; so fixed as to throw the light 10 points on each side of the ship, viz., from right ahead lo 2 points abaft the beam on either side, and of such a character as to be' visible on a dark night, with a clear atmosphere, at a distance of at least five miles. On the Starboard side. (b.) On the Starboard side, a Greea Light, so constructed as to show an uniform and unbroken Light over an arc of the horizon of 10 points of the compass ; so fixed as to throw the light from right ahead to 2 points abaft the beam on the starboard side, and of such a character as to bo visible on a dark night, with a clear atmosphere, at a distance of at least two miles. On the Port Side. (c.) Qn the Port side, a Red Light, so constructed as to show on wniform and unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 10 points of the compass ; so fixed as to throw the light from right ahead to 2 points abaft the beam on the Port side, and of such a character as lo bp v sible on a dark night, with a clear atmosphere, at a distance of at least two miles I 166 ORDERS IN COUNCIL M If. ' lii ^ Marine and Fisheries. How Pitted. ♦ (rf.) The said green and red side lights shall be fitted with inboard screens, pro- jecting at least three feet forward from the light, so as to prevent these lights from being seen across the bow. By Steam Ships towing. Art. 4. Sleam ships, when towing other ships, sha'l carry two bright white mast-head lights, vertically, in addition to their side lights, so as to distinguish them from other steam ships. Each of these mast-head lights shall be of the same constructions and character as the mast-head lights, which other steam ships are required to carry. By Sailing Ships in motion. Art. 5. Sailing ships under weigh, or being towed, shall carry the same lights as steam ships under weigh, with the exception of the white mast-head lights, which they shall never carry. By small vessels in bad weather. Art. 6. Whenever, as in the case of small vessels during bad weather, the green and red lights cannot be fixed, these lights shall be kept on deck, on their respec- tive sides of the vessel, ready for instant exhibition ; and shall, on the approach of or to other vessels, be exhibited on their respective sides, in sufficient time to prevent collision, in such manner as to make them most visible, and so that the green light shall not be seen on the port side nor the red light on the starboard side. Lanterns to be painted outside. To make the use of these portable lights more certain and easy, the lanterns containing them shall each be painted outside with the colour of the light they respectively contain, and shall be provided with suitable screens. Bu Ships at Anchor. , , Art. 7. Ships, whether steam ships or sailing ships, when at anchor in road- steads or fairways, shall exhibit, where it can best be seen, but at a height not exceeding twenty feet above the hull, a white light, in a globular lantern of eight inches in diameter, and so constructed as to show a clear, uniform and unbroken light, visible all round tho horizon, and at a distance of a least one mile. By Pilot Vessels. Art. 8. Sailing Pilot Vessels shall not carry the lights required for other sailing vessels, but shall carry a while light at tlie mast head, visible all round the horizon, — and shall also exhibit a llare-up light every fifteen minutes. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 167 Marine and Fisheries. By open Fishing and other open Boats. Art. 9. Open fishing boats and other open boats shall not be required to carry the side lights required for other vessels ; but shall, if they do not carry such lights, carry a lantern, having a green slide on the one side and a red slide on the other side ; and on the approach of or to other vessels, such lantern shall be exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision, so that the green light shall not be seen on the port side nor the red light on the starboard side. When at Anchor. Fishing vessels and open boats, when at anchor, or attached to their nets and stationary, shall exhibit a bright white light. Flare-up Lights. Fishing vessels and open boats shall, however, not be prevented from using a llare-up in addition, if considered expedient. Rules concerning Foa Signals. Fog Siynals. Art. 10. Whenever there is a fog, whether by day or night, the fog signals described below shall be carried and used, and shall be sounded at least every five minutes, viz : — (a.) Steam ships under weigh shall use a steam whistle, placed before the funnel, not less than eight feet from the deck : (b.) Sailing ships under weigh shall use a fog horn : (c.) Steam ships and sailing ships when not under weigh shall use a bell. Steering and Sailing Rules. Sailing Ships meeting. Art. 11. If two sailing ships are meeting end on,Tor necii'ly end on, so as to involve risk of collision, the helms of both shall be put to port, so that each may pass on the port side of the other. Sailing Ships crossing. Art. 12. When two sailing ships are crossing, so as to involve risk of collision, then, if they have the wind on difTerent sides, the ship with the wind on the port side shall keep out of the way of tlie ship with the wind on the starboard side, except in the case in which the ship with the wind on the port side is close hauled and the other ship free, in which case the latter ship shall keep out of the way ; but if they have the wind on the same side, or if one of them has the wind aft, the vessel which is to windward shall keep out of the way of the ship which is to leewarJ, 1 I- 1 i |i ■; 168 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. Steam Ships meeting. Art. 13. If two ships under steam are meeting end on, or nearly endoQ, so as to involye risk of collision, the helms of bott^ shall be put to port, so that each may pass on the port side of the other. Steam Ships crossing. Art. 14. If two ships under steam are crossing, so as to involve risk of collision, the sbip which has the other on her own starboard side shall keep out of the way of the other. Sailing and Steam Ships. Art. 15. If two ships, one of which, is a sailing ship and the other a steam ship, are proceeding in such directions as to involve risk of collision, the steam ship shall keep out of the way of the sailing ship. Steam Ships nearing another Vessel. Art. 16. Every steam ship, when approaching another ship so as to involve risk of collision, shall slacken her speed, or, if necessary, stop and reyerse ; and every steam ship shall, when in a fog, go at a moderate speed. Vessel ov€rtaki:ig another. Art. 17. Every vessel overtaking any other vesiel shall keep out of the way of said last-mentioned vessel. Ship keeping 'out of the way. Art. 18. Where, by the above rules, one of two ships is to keep out of the way, the other shall keep her course, subject to the qualifications contained in the following article. Regard to dangers of Navigation. Art. 19. In obeying and construing these Rules, due regard must be had to all dangers of navigation ; and dne regard must also be had to any special cir- cumstances which may exist in any particular case, rendering a departure from the abo^e rules necessary in order to avoil immediate danger. Rules not to excuse neglect. m Art. 20. Nothing in these rules shall exonerate any ship, or the owner, or master, or crew thereof, from the consequences of any neglect to carry lights or signals, or of any neglect to keep a proper look-out, or of the neglect of any pre- caution which may be required by the ordinary practice of seamen, or by the special circumstances of the case. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 169' Marine and Fisheries. MONTREAL HARBOUR-TARIFF OF FEES. Copy of a Report of a Committee oltha Honorable the Privy CowicUy approved by His Excellency the Governor Generalin Council on the 20th June 1868. On a communication dated 23rd April, 1868, from the Montreal Board of Trade, submitting for the approval of Your Excellency in Council an amended table of fees to be collected by the Port Warden of Montreal under the Act 26 Vic, Cap. 52, and an amended table of fees to be collected by the Port Warden of Montreal under the Act 29 Vic, Cap. 59, amending the first mentioned Act. The Honorable the Minister of Marine and Fisheries reports that he has exam- ined the tariffe above submitted and sees no objection to Your Excellency's appro- val being given thereto. The Committee on the recommendation of the Hon. the Minister of Justice advise that the same be approved accordingly under the provisions of the Acts 26 Vic, Cap. 52 and 29 Vic, Cap. 59,respectively. Certified ,.„.„^_.V,,;.;:hi7, Wm.H. LEE. ■r. .li.^iiiioJ Clerk, P. C. I STfiAMBOAT OWNERS TO PAY 10 CENTS PER TON, YEARLY. COPY of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Privy Council, approved by His Excellency the Governor General ii> Council on the 2nd July, 1868. THE Committee of Council respectfully recommend that the rate or duty to be paid yearly by the owner or master of any steam vessel in the Dominion of Canada under the act of the last session of the Legislature intituled " An Act res- " pecting the inspection of steamboats and for the greater safety of passengers by " them," be ten cents per ton for every torn which such vessel may measure and that this rate be in addition to the inspection fees named in the said Act. Certified WM. H. LEE, Clk.P.C. ' ^i M iF no ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. TONNAGE DUTY OF 10 CENTS PER TON— BATHURST AND RICHIBUC- TO HARBOURS. JOHN YOUNG. (L. S.] CANADA. "VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &ic., &c., &c. To all to whom ihese presents shall come or whom the same may in any wise concern — Greeting : j XT^'HEREAS in and by an Act of the Parliament of ) V f Canada, passed in the Session thereof, holden John A. Macdonald, Attorney General, Canada. ) in the Thirty -second year of Our Reign, and intituled : " An Act to provide means for improving the Harbors and Channels at certain Ports in the Provinces of the Dominion," it is, amongst other things, in effect, enacted that the Governor in Council, being satisfied that it is expedient to raise funds for improving the Har- bors and Channels, and rendering the navigation more easy and safe at several Ports in the several Provinces of the said Dominion, (and amongst others those of Bathurst and Richibucto, in the Province of New Brunswick,) may from time to time, by Proclamation, issued under an Order in Council, and inserted in the " Canada Gazette, " impose on each vessel entering any such Port, named for the purpose in such Proclamation, such tonnage duty not exceeding ten cents per ton of the registered measurement of such vessel, as he may deem expedient, and may, from time to time, in like manner, increase or decrease, repeal, or re-impose, such duty within the limits aforesaid, with respect to any such Port or Ports : And that any copy of the " Canada Gazette, " purporting to be printed by the Queen's Printer, shall be prima facie evidence of such Proclamation, and of its being duly issued, and published under an Order in Council made in pursuance of the said Act : and further that any duty, so imposed as aforesaid, shall be col- lected by the Colletor of Customs at the Port at which it is payable, at the time of the entry, of the vessel, which shall contain in the face of it, the register tonnage thereof ; and that no vessel shall be entered, or, if entered, shall be al- lowed to clear or to leave such Port, without payment of such duty, and may be detailed by the Collector until it is paid ; but that such duty shall only be paya- ble oiK'e in each fiscal year (commencing on the first day of Julv in each calen- dar year) on any vessel not exceeding one hundred tons register and not more than twice in each fiscal year, or any vessel exceeding one hundred tons regis ter measurement ; that is to say, on any vessel not exceeding one hundred tons register, the duty shairbe payable on her first entry at such Port in any fiscal year. I'll Ml.' . ORDERS IN COUNCIL. .171 Marine and Fisheries. year, but not on any subiequent entry during the same ; and, on any vessel ex- ceeding one hundred tons register Ihe duty shall b3 payable on her first, and on her second entry in any fiscal year but not ou any subsequent entry during the saine ; And whereas Our Governor of Canada, in Council, being satisfied that it is expedient to raise funds for the purposes above mentioned so far as re- gards the said Ports of Bathurst and Richibucto, respectively, hath, in pursuance of the authority contained in the above, in part, recited Act, made, and issued an Order in Council authorizing the insertion in the " Canada Gazette " of the necessary Proclamation authorizing and requiring the imposition of the rate of tonnage duties hereinafter mentioned on all vessels entering the said Ports of Bathurst and Richibucto, respectively, for the purposes aforesaid : that is to say, ten cents for every ton of the registered measurement of each and every such vessel. — These are therefore to require Our Collectors of Customs, at the said Ports of Bathurst and Richibucto, respectively, as well as all others. Our loving subjects to take due notice of this Our Royal Proclamation and to govern themselves, in the premises, accordingly. <* Uii 9th July 1869. TONNAGE DUTY. By Command, '1 HECTOR L. LANGEVIN, | Secretai'y of State. | JUR IN MAGDALEN ISLANDS, 'Hi -HOUSE HARB( A PROCLAMATION. John A. Mxcdonald, } XTTHEREAS in and by an Act of the Parliament Attorney General, Canada. ) T T of Canada, passed in the Session thereof held in the Thirty second and Thirty-third years of Our Reign and intituled : '• And Act to provide means for improving the Harbors and Channels at certain ports in the Provinces of the Dominion," it is amongst other things in effect enacted that the Governor in Council being satisfied that it is expedient to raise funds for improving the Harbors and Channels and rendering the navigation more easy and safe at several Ports in the seveial Povinces of Canada, (and amongst other that of House Harbor, in the Magdalen Islands, in the Province of Quebec), may from time to time by a Proclamation, issued under an Order in Council and inserted in the " Canada Gazette," impose on each vessel entering any such port named for the purpose in such Proclamation, such tonnage duty not in ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 4 Marine and Fisheries. not exceeding ten cents per ton of the registered measurement of such vessel as he may deem expedient, and may from time to time in Uke manneij, increase or decrease, repeal or re-impose such duty within the limits aforesaid, with respect to any such port, and that any copy of the " Canada Gazette," purporting to be printed by the Queen's Printer, shall be prima facie evidence of such Proclama- tion, and of its being duly issued and published under an Order in Council made in pursuance of the said Act ; and further, that any duty so imposed as aforesaid shall be collected by the Collector of Customs at any port at which it is payable at the time of the entry of the vessel, which shall contain on the face of it, the registered tonnage thereof ; and that no vessel shall be entered, or, if entered, shall be allowed to clear or to leave such port without payment of such duty, and may be detained by the Collector until it is paid ; but that such duty shall only be payable once in each fiscal year (commencing on the first day of July in each calendar year) on any vessel not exceeding one hundred tons register, and not more than twice in each fiscal year on any vessel exceeding one hundred tons, registered measurement , that is to say : on any vessel not exceeding one hundred tons register, the duty shall be payable on her first entry at such port in any fiscal year, but not on any subsequent entry during the same, and on any vei'sel exceeding one hundred tons register, the duty shall be payable on her first and on her second entry, in any fiscal year, but not on any subsequent entry during the same. And Whereas, our Governor in Council, being satisfied that it is expedient to raise funds for the purposes above mentioned, so far as regards the said Port of House Harbor, hath in pursuance of the authority contained in the above in part recited Act, ordered the issue of a Proclamation imposing a rate of tonnage as hereinafter mentioned. , . Now therefore Know Ye that We do, by and with the advice of our Privy Council for Canada, by this our Royal Proclamation, and under ihe authority conferred upon us by the hereinbefore in part i-ecited Act, impose .on each vessel entering the said Port of House Harbor ii. the Magdalen Inlands, a tonnage duty of ten cents per ton of the registered measurement of such vessel. Of all which, our loving subjects and ail others whom these presents may concern, are hereby required to lake notice and govern themselves accordingly. ' n ■■■..■■,' I '■ . ■ :., '1 III .1 , . ) ' ' 1 .1 u ,1 1 ' .'I , ^,, 'I'l ■'...•■ ■ !■ , 1 ' .1, ) .,■> '■• >li /i \ 8t. April, 1870. By Command, . , 1 , ,, '1 , • J, C. AIKINS, Secretary ol Slate. State. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 173 Marine and Fisheries. TONNAGE DUTY— AMHERST HARBOUR, MAGDALEN ISLANDS. JOHN YOUNG. PROCLAMATION. ), ) XX7HEREAS in and by an Act of the Parliament vDA. J T V of Canada, passed in the Session thereof held John A. Macdonald, Atorney General, Canada. in the Thirty second and Thirty third years of Our Reign and intituled : " An Act to piovide means for improving the Harbors and Channels at certain Ports in the Provinces of the Dominion," it is amongst other things in effect enacted that the Governor in Council being satisfied that it is expedient to raise funds for im- proving the Harbors and Channels and rendering the navigation more easy and safe at several ports in the several Provinces of Canada, (and amongst others that of Amherst Harbor, in the Magdalen Islands, in the Province of Quebec) may from time to time by a Proclamation, issued under an Order in Council and inserted in the " Canada Gazette " impose on each vessel entering any such port namfld for the purpose in such Proclamation, such tonnage duty not exceeding ten cents per ton of the registered measurement of such vessel as he may deem expedient, and may from time to time, in like manner, increase or decrease, repeal or re-impose such duty within the limits aforesaid, with respect to any such port, and that any copy of the " Canada Gazette " purporting to be printed by the Queen's IVinter, shall be primd facie evidence of such Proclamation, and of its being duly issued and published under an Coiuncil, made in pur- suance of the said Act ; and further, that any duty so imposed as aforesaid shall be collected by the Collector of Customs at any port at which it is payable at the time of the entry of the vessel, which shall contain on the face of it the registered tonnage thereof ; and that no vessel shall be entered, or, ifeiitered, shall be allow- ed to clear or to leave such port without payment of such duty, and may be de- tained by the Collector until it is paid ; but that such duty shall only be payable once in each year (commencing on the first day of July in eacli c/.lenJar year), on any vessel not exceeding one hundred tons register, and not more than twice in each fiscal year on any vessel exceeding one hundered tons, registered measu- roniont ; ihut is to say : on any vessel not exceeding one hundred Ions register, the duly shall he payjilile on hor first entry at such port in any fiscal year, but not on any subsequent entry during the same ; and on any vessel. exceeding one hundred ions register, the duty shall be payable on her first and on her second entry, in any fiscal year, hut not on any subsequent entry during the same. And whereas, Our Governor in Council, being satisfied that it is expedient to raise funds for the purposes above montioncHl, so far as regards the said Port of Aniliorst Harbor, hath in pursuance of the authority contninod in the above in part recited Act, ordorod the issue of a proclamation imposing a rale of ton- nage as luTjinaflcr mcnlionoJ. \'i .>\ 174 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. I; Marine and Fisheries. Now therefore Know Ye that we do, by and with the advice of our Privy Council for Canada, by this our Royal Proclamation, and under the authority conferred upon us by the hereinbefore in part recited Act, impose on each vessel entering the said Port of Amherst Harbor in the Magdalen Islands, a Tonnage duty of ten cents per ton of the registered measurement of such vessel. Of all which Our loving subjects and all others whom these presents may- concern, are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. By Command, J. C. AIKINS, ;l ( 1st. April, 1870. Secretary of State. BELLEVILLE HARBOUR DUES— BY-LAW ESTABLISHING TARIFF. hi SCHEDULE of Dues or Tolls chargaable andpayable on the several articles oppo- site to which the said Dues or Tolls are placed in this Schedule, and shipped on board or landed out of any Vessel, Steamboat, Boat or any other Craft within the limits of (he Harbour at Belleville or elsewhere within tlie limits of the Corpora*- tion of the Town of Belleville and on all Logs, Timber, Pine, Cedar and Railway ties passing down the River Moira through or into the Port of Belleville, or through or into the said Harbour, and chargeable and payable upon all Vessels, Steamboats or other Graft entering the said Harbour, excepting however any Ferry Boats trading between the Port of Belleville and the County of Prince Edward and adjoining Counties, and any articles carried by the said Ferry Boats. ■ ■ .... SCHEDULE. ■' • ' '' ' Flour and Oatmeal piM- Barrel..... 1 cent Corn Meal , perlOOlbs 2 >' Grain , , , • , per Bushel J " Salt , ' per Barrel 2 •' Pl-isler and Walor Limo " " 4 " Boor, Brandy, Wines, Viiiogar, i"ko. per Barrel ;{ " Pot and Peai'l Ash " " 5 " Fish ' " " 'i " Fruit (Grocn) ' ' " " 2 " Fruits, baskols iind hoxos " " " 2 " r/iv 1 cent 2 a * u 2 •' i u ;} u 'i u I u ) u > (C ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 175 Marine and Fisherier Potatoes and other roots ; Bushel J cent Lumber perM 5 «' Logs each | " Floats " 1 " Railway ties " ^ <' Cedar posts 14 feet long, each j " " over *V • U I ;; Square Timber, ^-'-^'^ per stick 5 " Shingles per M 3 •' Staves . « «' 10 " Bolts , , , per^^cord 10 " Wood ' " ■ " " 5 " Laths " Bundle J " Brick per M 5 " Cut or dressed Stone, , per Ton 5 " Pork and Beef per Barrel 3 " Butter and Lard per Firkin or Tub J <• Cheese, per box \ "- Smut Machines and Fanning Mills 12^- " Reaping and thrashing Machines 60 " Wool and Sheepskins per Ton 25 " Bran, Shorts and Cannel, per Ton 25 " Nails, bar, wrought, scrap, hoop, pig and Railway Iron, Steel Castings, tin, Cana- da Boiler plate. Crockery, pitch and i; rosin, rags, grindstones, Sugar, Molas- . h see, syrups, dry fish, coal. Salt in bags, 1 and all other merchandize not herein mentioned, " 10 " Furniture, per Cart load 10 " Buggies, Sloighs and Waggons, each 25 " Fruit and ornamental Trees, per bundle 5 '^ Do do . ■'^'' i '^' •' box 20 " lloi'sos *''^ '•' each 25 " Ilornod Callle, - " 12^ " Sheep and Swine . ■ :'>'»,!; " 4 •' Steamers over 75 tons, each time of calling 50 " Schooners and Barges under 75 tons 25 " 75 and 100 tons 50 " • '•" over 100 tons 75 " Marble and Plaster Ston(', ^ •"' '• per Ion " li 176 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. ! i 1^ I*-: I M ^ I hereby certify that the foregoing Schedule of Dues or Tolls was appro- red by His Excellency The Governor General in Council in the 2nd day of June 1870. • W. A. HIMSWORTH, Clerk Privy Council. TONNAGE DUES ON AMERICAN VESSELS FREQUENTING CANADIAN PORTS. ■' Oi • . «ft7r;l>i ',, "' ■ GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, /"?;J '-■ ■ ••' Wednesday, 22nd day of June. 1870. •' '■" r: ..,.:.., ■ ^! ,■• Present : ^ •, ''' '' HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCtL. ''"'' ' ON the Report of the Commissioner of Customs, dated 21st June, 1870, and approved by the Honorable the Minister of Customs, and under the provi- sions of the 22nd Section of the Act 33 Vic. Cap. 9, His Excellency in Council has been pleased to authorize and doth hereby authorise the Minister of Customs, in any or all cases in which it may be shown that British or Canadian Vessels navigating the Inland Waters of Canada, and frequenting American Ports are chaiged with lower fees or tonnage duties than are charged on americah Vessels frequenting Canadian Ports above Montreal, to reduce the said fees or tonnage dues so payable on the entry and clearance of all Vessels, whether British of American, at Canadian Ports in the Inland Waters aforeeaid, to the standard of such fees or tonnage duties as are actually charged on Canadian Vessels on enterin* and clearing at American Ports. WM. H. LEE, , • f '- >'i iM , Clerk Privy Council. MASTERS AND MATES. PROCLAMATION PUTTING INTO FORCE „•: . ACT IRESPEGTING. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS it is, in and by an Act made and passed by the Parliament of Canada in the John'A. Macdonald, Attorney General, Canada Thirty-third year of Oiu" Roigh, Chaptered seventCLMi, and enlilulod : " An Act respecting Certificates to Masters and Mates of Ships," amongst other things, in ellet't, '■ ORDERS IN COUNCIL 177 Marine and Fisheries. 1870!"'"^ t ' .effect, enacted Ihat the said Act shall come into operation upon, from, and after the day, noc being earlier than the First day, of Jajiuary, one thousand eight hundred and seventy one appointed for that purpose in any proclamation l^y the Governor, to the effect that the same has been approved and confirmed by Her Majesty in Council, which day is, in the said Act, referred to as the commence- ment of the said Act. And Whereas the said Act was laid before Us, in Our Most Honorable Privy Council, at the Court at Osborne House, in the Isle of Wight, on the Fourteenth day of January, in this present year, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one whereupon we were pleased, by and with the advice of Our Privy Council aforesaid to declare Our special Confirmation of the said Act, and the same was thereby specially confirmed, ratified, and finally enacted accordingly. And Whereas We, by and with the advica of Our Privy Council for Canada, have thought fit to appoint tlie Tvveenty-fiflh day of February, instant, as the day upon which the said Act shall come into operation ; Now Know Ye that We, by and with the advice of Our Privy Council for Canada, do, by this Our Royal Proclamation, declare that the said Act, made and passed by the Parliament of Canada, in the thirty-third year of Our Reign, Chap- tered seventeen, and entituled : " An Act respecting certificates to Masters and Mates of ships," has been approved and confirmed by us, in Our Most Honorable Privy Council. And We Do further declare and appoint that the Twenty-fifth day of Februa- ry, now instant, is the day upon which the said Act shall come into operation, and the said Act is hereby declared to come into operation, and lo have full force and effect upon, from, and after the Tvveenty fifth day of February, now instant, as aforesaid. , ., , , . . ...^ .. ,. Of Ar.L which Our Loving Subjects and all others whom these presents may concern, are hereby required to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly. '''' ■•''' f :"" :..r :;, By Command, J. C AIKINS, Secretary of State 24lh February, 1871. ''' " !' '"'* " " • '" ■''-''*!;,. '..■i... ;f effect, ., . '! r- i\r. *y '.. >.';A'iv , ti, M' U' 1,1 i I' ■| i78 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. MASTERS AND MATES— RULES AND REGULATIONS RELA- TING TO THE EXAMINATION OF CANDIDATES FOR— NOTICE TO CANDIDATES FOR EXAMINATION AS MASTERS AND MATES, AND RULES AND REGULATIONS RELATING THERETO. Place of e.\- rpHE examinations will be held in the ports of Montreal, Quebec, amination. J_ gj jqI^^ and Halifax, at such times as may be decided upon by the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, of which due notice will be given. Testimonials Testimonials of character and of sobriety, experience, ability and of character, ^qq^ conduct ou bo'ird ship, will be required of all applicants, and aDiiity re- without producing them, no person will be examined. As such testi- quired, monials will have to be closely examined by the examiners for verifi- cation, before any certificates can be granted, it is desirable that Can- didates should lodge them as early as possible. The testimonials of . servitude of foreigners and of British seamen serving in foreign vessels, must be confirmed either by the Consul of the country to which the ship in which the Candidate served belonged, or by some other official authority of that country, or by the testimony of some credible person on the spot, having personal knowledge of the facts required to be established. Upon application lo the Board of Examiners, Candidates l *' will be supplied with a form which they will be required to fill up ■'■"i^' and lodge with their testimonials in the hands of the Examiners. ,1 h/li coasting trade will count. How time in "Where the Board of Examiners are in every respect satisfied with the testimonials of a Candidate, service in the coasting trade may be allowed to count as service, in order to qualify him for a Certificate of competency for a " seagoing ship, " as a Mate, and two years' service as Mate in the coasting trade may be allowed to count as service for a Master's Certificate, provided the Candidate's name has been entered as Mate in the Coasting Articles, or other proof satisfactory to the Ex- aminers, and provided he has already passed an examination. Rules. The qualifications required for the ranks undermentioned are as follow : , QualillcaHons \. A Male ov Only Mate mn^l be nineteen years of age, and have for certificates boi'u four years at sea, (Service in a superior capacity is in all cases m'mX'^^^^ to bo equivalent lo service iu an inferior ow.) ORDERS IN COUNCIL 179 Marine and Fisheriet. i are as 11 cl have .11 cases 2. In Navigation.— Hb must write a legible hand and understand the first five rules of Arithmetic and the use of logarithms. He must be able to work a day's work complete, including the bearing and dis- tance of the port he is bound to, by Mercator's method ; to correct the sun's declination for longitude, find his latitude by meridian altitude of the sun, and by single altitude of the same body off the meridian. He must be able to observe and compute the variation of the compass from azimuths and amplitudes ; be able to compare chronometers and keep their rates ; and be able to find the longitude by them from an observation of the sun by the usual methods. He must be able to lay off the place of the ship on the chart, both by the bearings ^of known objects, and by latitude and longitude. He must be able to determine the error of a sextant, and to adjust it ; also to find the time of high water from the known time at full and change. 3. In Seamanship. — He must give satisfactory answers as to the rigging and stripping of ships and stowing of holds ; must understand , the measurement of the log-line, glass, and lead line ; be conversant with the rule of the road, as regards both steamers and sailing vessels, and lights and fog-signals carried by them, and will also be examined as to his acquaintance with " the Commercial Code of Signals for the use of all nations. " In addition to which he will be required to know how to moor and unmoor and to keep a clear anchor; to carry out an anchor, and to make the requisite entries in the ship's log. He will also be. questioned as to his knowledge of the use and management of the mortar and rocket lines in the case of the stranding of a vessel, as explained in the official log-book. He will also be required to know how to shift large spars and sails ; to manage a ship in stormy weather, to take in and make sail, to shift yards and masts, &c., and to get heavy weights, anchors, &c., in and out ; to cast a ship on a lee-shore ; aiul to secure the masts in the event of accident to the bowsprit. 4. /I il/as/f/' must be twenty-one years of age, and have been six Master years at sea, of which at least two years must have been as Mate or Only Mate. . • 5. In addition to the qualification for a Mate or Only Male, lie must bc\ible to find the latitude by a star, &c. He will bo asked questions as to the nature of the attraction of tlie ship's iron upon the compass, and as to the method of determining it. He will be examined in so much of the laws of the tides as is necessary to enable him to shape a course, and to compare his soundings with the depths marked on the charts. I Si i 180 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. ?:: M r i charts. He will be exaniined as to his competency to construct jury rudders and rafts ; and as to his resources for the preservation of the ship's crew in the event of wreck. He, must possess a sufficient know- ledge of what he is required to do by law as to entry and discharge, and the management of his crew, and as to penalties and entries to be made in the official log, and'a knowledge of the measures for pre- venting and checking the outbreak of scurvy on board ship. He will be questioned as to his knowledge of invoices, charter party, Lloyd's agent, and as to the nature of bottomry, and he must be acquainted with the leading lights of the channel he has been accustomed to na- vigate, or which he is going to use. Service in (j ^jj cases where an applicant for a Certificate as Master, has only ligged ves- served in a fore-aud-afi rigged vessel, and is ignorant of the manage- ment of a square-rigged vessel, he may obtain a certificate on whicli the words " Fore-and-aft rigged vessel " will be written. This certificate does not entitle him to command a square-rigged ship. This is not, however, to apply io' Mates, who, being younger men, are expected for the future to learn their business completely. sels. Punctuality of Candidates attendance, Candidates injuring ex- amination \m pars. Candidate?, discovered copying, iic. 7. Candidates are required to appear at the examination room punctually at the time appointed. / n! . (iiiihfif. ;. 8. Candidates are prohibited from bringing into the examination room books or paper of any kind whatever. The slightest infringement of this regulation will subject the offender to all the penalties of a fail- ure. I , , 9. In the event of any Candidate being detected in defacing, blot- ting, writing in, or otherwise injuring any book or books belonging to the Board, the papers of such candidate will be detained until llie book or books so defaced be replaced by him. He will not, however, bo at li- berty to remove the damaged book, which will still remain the proper- ty of the Board. . ' ;• .11 i, , , (,V'n-ii'>t 'i; i''>ii'7; 'I" .ii'w- .A •.'■■_ 10. In the event of any Candidate being discovered copying from another, or affording any assistance or giving any information to ano- ther, or communicating in any way with another during the time of examination, he will subject himself to a failure and its consequences- 1 1 No Candidate will be allowed to work out his problems on a slaty or on waste paper. .1 ■ '^ '.i >! ^ 12. No Candidate will be penniltod to leave the room until he has given up the paper on which he is engaged. t ' ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 181 Marine and Fisheries. .-■,i,! 13. Candidates will be allowed to work out Ihe various problems by Time allowed the method and tables they have been accustomed to use, and will be j,°j^^.]^°[(jq„°" allowed six hours to perform the work. At the expiration of six hours papers, they will, if they have not finished, be declared to have failed, unless the Board of Examiners see fit to lengthen the period in any special case. If, however, the period is lengthened, in any case the special cir- cumstances of that case and the reasons for lengthening the period must be reported to the Minister of Marine and Fisheries by the Exam- iners at the time they send in the report. 14. The corrections by inspection, from tables given in many Corrections works on navigation, will not be allowed (see Tables IX, XI, and XXI, not'aUowed. in Norie's Epitome, &c.) ; every correction must appear on the papers of the Candidates. The first-class are referred to page 519 of the Nau- tical Almanac, 1867, for further information on this subject. 15. Candidates are expected to bring their answers to all problems within, or not to exceed, a margin of one mile of position from a cor- rect result. 16. In finding the longitude by chronometer the logarithms used in finding the hour -angle should be taken out for seconds of arc. I:i In all other problems the logarithms to the nearest minute will be sufficiently correct for all grades, except Master, from whom a de- gree of precision will be required, both in the work and in the results, beyond what is demanded from the inferior grade. 17. In every case the examination for Master is to commence with the problems for Mate. 18. In all cases of failure the candidate must be re-examined de novo. If a candidate fails in Seamanship he will not be re-examined until after a lapso of six months, to give him time to gain experience. If he fails three times in Navigation he will not be re-examined until af- ter a lapse of three months. Examination to commence with that of mates Re-examma- tionincaseof failure. i 19. The Examiners are to insert in the Report of E.vaminations (under heading, Remarks) the words " passed " (or " failed, ") in Com- mercial Code of Signals, as the case may be. Examination as to know- ledge of com- mercial code of signals 182 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. Notes. Correcting Candidates will And it more convenient, both here and at sea, to declination, collect the declination and other elements from the Nautical Almanac by the *' hourly dilTerettces, " which have been given in that work in order to facilitate such calculations, hey will thereby ronder them- selves independent of any proportiotnal orlogarithmic table for such purpose. Standard of As the examinations of Masters and Mates are made compulsory, wu/b'e raised *^® qualifications have been kept as low as possible, but it is distinctly to be understood that the Minister of Marine and Fisheries may raise the standard from time to time, whenever, as will no doubt be the case, the general attainments of officers in the merchant service shall render it possible to do so without inconvenience ; nnd officers are strongly urged to employ their leisure hours, when in port, in the ac- quirement of the knowledge necessary to enable them to pass their ex- aminations ; and masters will do well to permit apparentices and junior officers to attend schools of instruction and to afford them as much time for this purpose as possible. u . '«■;!; M -;lMiOC>" ■ .•,•; I'M' 'IM/' i; ! r'.i-ii;- r, 'ni'ii' m'' M' '.;■/.• a'i",!!!i ]>•■■ . .■:; 'nil '\\ ■ \_ -•^i> /! fill. i\'rf .{!"■-' , r-'kcl^. 1 •■ ■/' '•:-| ■M'uJ'i !'/• n' •iu'» ■'l!n'tr>ili{i ' 1 ? uWrf '•■>ff'itr;fiiu '-'.•I '.' 'til (!,'i|r.l.i,-'i!-..'i 't .' ,n /i f -•'•' jt'i!^^; ' ; 'ifiji i;t' ■ vijj fH :-i'!if<'nf yis "fo '.;<;;(. i i:: •!' jij; li;i;:f ' ,- , 'i.nlii 'I'l ill! Ii> 'y.:i::-\ y; ;'M f|i' !) ]<-.f': rj,' •:. ,.f ,.,;; ;i;,/ .-{ iiw::i •■"'• ui:'. ,r ■f:-' '•' '<•■ :i-o'\ ( ( ■ I .1.1 ■.n>y.^ ■•fl :u-: u. . I -'lit nl :.iai,/..i 'mV .(.'I ' •'■mill ■■ «li '•',■/ 'uil [r ' ■-.' i H ,;;i!!l.'):'"l ■■ li.'i ORDERS IN COUNCIL. m Marine and Fisheries. • sea, to Imanac vork ill them- r such ulsory, itinctly r raise be the ! shall >rs are the ac- eir ex- junior > much BY-LAWS, ORDERS, RULES AND REGULATIONS, OF THK TRINITT HOUSE OF aUEBEC, In Torce on the !st April, 1871. I. That any Pilot who shall stop or anchor any merchant ship along- Pilots shall not side the moorings of Hei* Majesty's ships (except in case of extreme tf,e moorings necessity), shall incure a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency, of HerMajes- II. That any Pilot who shall take charge of any ship or vessel, as a Shall not Pi- Pilot, otherwise than his Branch empowers him, shall incur a penally }?^°"'^i**''^.^ not exceeding ten pounds currency. branc?i. III. That any Pilot who shall lend his Branch to any one, on any Shall not lend account whatsoever, shall incur a penalty not exceeding ten pounds '^"^ ranch, currency. IV. That any Pilot who engages to pilot any ship, or vessel, outward shall report bound, shall give notice thei-eof, personally or in writing, to one or •^•^•^j'' "''rival other of the Superintendents of Pilots, or, in their absence, to the Har- re. !,,i,.. ■" bor Master of Quebec, before his departure ; and shall give like notice of his return to Quebec, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency, for each and every neglect so to do. , I'io Jiro uiU it ti V. That every Pilot who observes any alterations in Sand" Banks or Shall report Channels, or that any buoys or baacons or any floating light are driven sanI7^n"Y" away, broken down, or out of place, shall forthwith j-eport the same to buoys. &c. one or otl^er of the Superintendents of Pilots, or, in their absence, to the Harbor Master of Quebec under a Penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency, for every neglect so lo do. VI. That any Pilot who shall refuse or negloci to obey any sum- ^''?" a;ipoar mons of this Corporation, requiring his attendance, shall incur a pen- corporati'on ally not exceeding ten pounds curronc^v, for every such neglect or ^^■''<'" 8'""- refui^al. , , ,. , .„,. . ,, ' f moned. "{■ '• > IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) .**5^ 1.0 1.25 l£|21 125 ■u i2ii 12.2 ^ 114 ■u u 1^ WUu ^> Photographic Sciences Corporation ^ \ ,v ^ .ss <^ 4^ ^^^' 33 WIST MAIN STtllT WnSTM.N.Y. USIO (716)173-4503 '^ r o m ORDEBS IN COUNCIL. ildrine hnd Fisheries. Shall be tern- VII. That any Pilot who ^allall behave himself uncivilly or not be sobeHn the strictly temperate and sober/ whilst in the exercise of the duties of his discharge of office, or who shall not use his utmost care and diligence for the ^' safe conduct of every ship or vessel, while under his cl^a^ge, ©r who shall not use his utmost care to prevent her from dbiog J dasiage to others, shall for each and every such offence incur and pay a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency. Signals Tor vessels ap- proaching shoals. !/■ -I"!! Id VIII. That every Pilot having charg'eof any ship or vessel navigat- ing the river St. Lawrence, and seeing any other ship or vessel approaching shoals or other cause of danger, shall immediately inform the officer comman.ling the vessel nnder his charge, of the same, who IS required immediately to make the necessary signals to such other ship or vessel and every Pilot having charge of, or officer command- ing any ship or vessel, who shall contravene this Regulation, shall incur each a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency. Shall obey IX. That each and every Pilot cruising below Qnebec, shall obey ^I^^I^Vl^i*!® such orders in writing or otherwise as he or they shall from time to rendez-vous "^ , - »^., • -.u » iuaw, tie orders of time receive from the supenntendents of Pilots, or from either or tnem tendenS'of" ""^^^r a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency, foreacU and every pilots. instance of disbbedience. Shall report when ballast may be thrown over- board any vessel under their charge out of the lim- its of the ballast ground. X. That every Pilot having the charge of any ship or vessel from which Ballast shall be thrown oi^erboard, in any part of the river St. Lawrence, within the Harbor of Quebec, without the limits of the Ballast Ground, fixed and determined by this present By-law, as hereinafter described in the twenty- fourth Article of the same, shall report the fact to the Harbor Master of Quebec, within twenty four hours after such Pilot shall have given up the charge of such ship, or vessel, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency, for every neglect to makp such report within the period aforesaid. Pilots aban- XL That if any Pilot, arriving wilh any vessel in the Harbor of donlng yesBol Quebec, who has been required by the Master thereof, to'remain in unner itieir ^ i » " chargowithin charge of such vessel during the forty-eight hours next after such afi° *U *'°"" ^''^'^^'^^ 8^^^^ abandon such vessel, and give up the charge thereof before rival. the expiration of such forty eight hours and before such vessel shall have been made fast to a wharf, orsha 1 have commenced discharging her ballast, or unloading, such Pilot shall for every such offence, incur and pay a p(Mialty not exceeding ten pounds cnrrency. f or not be ities of his ce for the ?e, or who damage to a penalty 3l navigat- or vessel (ly inform ame, who uch other ;ommand- tion, shall (hall obey n liime to r of th6m ind every sssel from > river St. its of the law, as fne, shall enty four 1 ship, or for every farbor of 3main in ter such of before sel shall charging ;e, incur ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 185 Marine and Fisheries. XII. Thait no Pilot, Master, or other person in charge df any ship or Vessels to an- vessel, shall anchor any such ship oi* vessel within two.«ables' length ^in"^ disumce of any of the wharvfes in the Harbor of Quebec, except in case of emer- from whsr- gency, or for the purpose of immediately hauling alongside any of the ^®'' said wharves, under a penalty not exceeding ten pouods cui"rency» re- coverable from any such Pilot, Master, or other person who shall con- travene such regulation, save only when such vessel or vcosels are Exception intended to be employed, and afterwards are employed, in picking up lost anchors and chains, or in removing other obstructions in the river St. Lawrence, and who, before so anChoTirig, shall have received per- mission, in v.riting, fion;i the Harbor Master, therefor. ' * 'III) , . I i ' ' ; ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . ' ■ 1(1' XIII. That no Pilot^ Master, or other person in charge of any shi^ or No* to »nchor vessel, shall anchor any such ship or vessel, at the entrance of, or in|j,tranceofor the channel extending between the, Bank and the Coves at I'Ansc-rfM- i" the inner AferM and lipwards, in tha Harbour of Quebec, except in cases of emer- p^^^g! j^*^ gency, or for the purpose of immediately hauling alongside the whar- Mires. ves or piers of the said Coves, under a penalty of ten pounds currency, to be recoverable from any such Pilot, Master, or other person who shall pontravene this, regulation. ' : ■'' ;■■'■■ '''v"'"'"-'' °n iuiaA f, II, V .,fl) 10 nui:. XtV. Thalt'nb Piidt, Maijter, dr other person^ in charge of any ship Vessels not to or vessel, shall anchor any such ship or vessdl within that part of the *"°j^^JJ '•* * channel of the said River St. Lawrehce running bet^veen the north side or the river. of Beaujeu Bank and Crane Island, which ts situated opposite to the space designated by the beaconsi placed on Crane Island aforesaid, marked uumbei*8 I and l\ to the \Vestward, and numbers III and IV to the Eastward, respectively ; the said prohibited space to be reckoned from where the said beacons, numbers I and II, become in a straight line with each othe^, when passing down the said River from the Westward to where the said beacons, numbers HI and IV, in like manner, become in a straight line with each other in passing down the said River to the Eastward, and vice versd when passing up the said River, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency, to be recoverable from any such Pilot, Master, or other person, who shall con- travene this regulation. XV. That every Pilot for the River St. Lawrence, for and below the Wlois to take Harbor of Quebec, shall take a number from the Clerk of the Trinity ""'"''^"• House of Quebec, who shall enter in a Register the name of such Pilot, with his dislingiiishing number opposite ; and any Pilot who shall neglect to comply with this regulation, shall incur a penalty not ex- ceeding 186 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. Every Pilot to take from the Clerk of the Corpora- tion copies of the statute 12lh 114, and of theBy-LawB, Ac, of the T. H., and to have them with him when acting as pilot. Duties of the Senior Super- intendent of pilots. Duties of the Junior Super- intendent of pilots. Each Super- intendent of pilots to do the duty of the other in case of absen- ce or sickness Period for apprentice inlots to ma- ke voyages to Eurojje, ceeding ten pounds, currency ; and any Pilot who shall take a number other than that which he shall have received from the said Clerk of the Trinity House, or any Pilot who shall refuse to disclose his num- ber, when thereunto requested by the Master of a vessel under the chaise of such Pilot, shall incur a penalty not exceeding ten (lounds currency. * XVI. That every Pilot shall take from the clerk of this Corporation, a copy of the said Act of the Parliament of the Province of Canada, passed in the twelfth year of Her Majesty's Reign, and also a c6py of the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of this Corporation, which copies shall be furnished gratis to each Pilot : And it shall be the duty of every Pilot, when in the exercise of his duties as Pilot, to have with him the said copies, as well for his own guidance, and that of his Apprentices, as for the information and guidance ' of masters of vessels of which any such Pilot may have the charge, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency, for every contravention of this regula- tion. 1 XVII. That it shall be the duty of the senior superintendent of Pilols, to enforce the execution of the said Act of the Parliament of the Pro- vince of Canada, passed in the twelfth year of Her Majesty's Reign, and of the several By ■'Laws, Orders, Rules and Regulations of this Corporation, as far as the same relate, to F>ilots and their Apprentices. XVIII That it shall be the duty of the' Junior Superintendent of Pilols to superintend the Apprentices of Pilots in the exploration of the North Channel, as required by the twenly-Seconid section of the said Act of Parliament of the Province of Canada, passed in the twellth year of Her Majesty's Reign i it shall also be his duty to attend to all matters having relation to the Buoys and the Light-Ship, as also to visit the Light-houses and other establishments under the control of this Corpo- ration, and to superintend to delivery ofStofes and other articles neces- sary for such establishments when required by the Trinity Board so to do. XIX. Thft ill case of the absence or sickness of either of the Super intendents of Pilols, his duty shall be performed by the other of them. Xk. That the resular voyages to Europe, performed by Apprentice Pilots, as reqiiirt^d by the 2l8t Sec, of the 12ih Vic, chap. 114, shall not be comm(Micc'd before the first day of Septoralwr of each year, and shall ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 187 Marine and Fisheries. prentice 14, shall }>ar, and shall shall terminate on the flret day of June of each year, both days inclu- sive, unless snch period of termination shall be eitendftd by a reson- able cause, to be established by such Apprentice ; Provided^ however, that if any such voyage be commenced before the fll^t of October, the Apprentice making such voyage shall have to return and make good, during the season of navigation, such time as he may have given to the said voyage, between the first days of September and 6f October ; and every such voyage to Europe shall extend to the following spring. And any such voyage, purporting to have been me^Se under the said section, outside of the above mentioned periods, shall not avail to such apprentice, nor be deemed to have been made as required by the said section. XXI. No apprentice shall obtain a branch as a Pilot unless he shall Exploration have performed, during his apprenticeship, the exploration trips to the pr^ticep^* North Channel of the River St. Lawrence, in the Trinity House vesiel, wt*. as provided for by the 22nd Sect, of the t2th Vict., Chap. 114, except that such apprentice slmll have been prevented from so dbing by illness, or by reason of his absence On one of his voyages to Europe, or that he shall have been exeittpted therefrom by the said Trinity HoQse^ if the said Trinity Sou^e i^t good reason therefor. XXIL That the Master, or Commander of every ship, or* vessel atriv- yg'^gg^^^f^"^ ing in the Harbor of Quebec, from sea, shall hoist the Union Jack at sea shall hoist the peak, and keep the same so hoisted from sunrise to sunset, untiU^o Union ^ such vessel shell have been cleared by the proper au'botity, under a ing in the penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency, to be recoverable from any ^"^°'' °^ such Master or Commander, who shall contravene this regulation. XXIII. That the Master or Commander of every ship or vessel arriv- Vesselsarriv- ing in the Harbor of Quebec, from sea, and having on board Emigrants, !!},f^gtolh^]t shall hoist, at the Mlzen Peak, the Union Jack under the Ensign of a sigrnai. such ship or vessel ; and if neither of such flags be on board, then he shall hoist, in lieu thereof two distinguishing flags, one under the other; and if the Union Jack or Ship's flag only be on board, then such Union Jack or Ship's flag shall be hoisted, with another distin- guishing flag under it, at the Mizen Peak ; and he shall keep the same so hoisted from sunrise to sunset, until such vessel shall have been boarded and inspected by ihe Medical Officer appointed to perform such duty in the said Harbor of Quebec, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency, to be recoverable from any such Master or Com- mander who shall contravene this regulation. 488 ORf)EpS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. 11 Limits of the Ballast Ground, Mas- ters ofvessels shall not dis- charge bal- last out of such limits. No Ballast tb be thrown in certain fwrts of the port in less than 12 fathoms of water. Shall 1 not make fast to the shore except to haul in or out inmedia- tely. XXIV. Tl^at the following shall he'the limits of the Ballast Ground within whiQh ships, or vessels, may discharge the ballast into the river St. Lawrence, within the Harbor of Quebec, that is to say, between St. Martinis Point, and the west end of Beaumont shoals,, as near the south sho;re as i,he water will admit ; and also between the Riviere Ghaudi^- re and a line formed by a beacon erected on the hill in rear of Diamond Harbor(,)aad the centre of the Martello Tower, above it, and not nearer to the north shore than in fifteen fathoms water, and not nearer to the south shore than in ten fathoms water, at low water, in neap tides ; and any Master, or Commander of any ship or vessel, or the Master of any craft, or any other person whataoeyer who shall throw any b&Ilast into the River St. Lawrence, \Vithin the Harbor of Quebec, in any place without the foregoing described limits, shall incur for every such offence a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency. XXV. That no ballast shaJ,! be thrown into any part of the River St. Lawrence, or into any part of the Rivers, Waters, Creeks, Bays or Coves where the tide ebbs and flows, comprised within the limits of that part of the Port of Quebec, situated below the Eastern limits of the Harbor of Quebec, where there are not at the least twelve fathoms of waters at low tide ; and any Master or Commander of any ship or vessel, or the master or perf>on in charge of apy crafty or any other person whatsoever, who shall throw, or cause to be thrown, any ballast into the said part of the River St. Lawrence, or into any part of the Rivers, Waters, Creeks, Bays or Coves where the tide ebbs and flows comprised within the limits of that part of the Port of Quebec situated below the Eastern liniits of the Harbor of Quebec, where there are not ai the least twelve fathoms of water at low tide, shall incur for every such offence a penalty not exceciling ten pounds currency. XXVL That any Master or Commander, of any ship, or vessel, steamboat or river craft, or any other person whatsoever, who shall fasten any chain, cable, hawser, or pther rope,, or cable across any part of the Harbor of Quebec, or landing places within the said Harbor, other-wise than for the express purpose of hauling in or out, without loss of time, or for the purpose of hauling such ship or vessel, steamboat or river craft off the ground, shall incur -a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency, for every such offence, and any such Master, or commander, or other person aforesaid, who shall not slack out such chain, cable, hawser, rope or cable, when required, in order to give a free and un-interrupted passage to any other ship or vessel having occasion to pass, shall (provided the same can be done without danger) incur a like penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency. ORDERS IN COUNCIL; Marine and Fisheries. ast Ground to the river )etween St. r the south e Ghaudife- >f Diamond not nearer it nearer to ir, in neap sspI, or the hall throw of Quebec, I incur for •ency. le River St. 18, Bays or he limits of rn limits of Ive fathoms my ship or r any other irown, any ;o any part ie ebbs and of Quebec |bec, where tide, shall |ten pounds or vessel, I who shall [across any the said in or out, or vessel, [enalty not any such |l not slack I, in order or vessel [e without »cy. XXYn. That all ships or vessels lying in front of th^ wharves How vessel* adjoining, the north side of the following landing places, 10 -*vit- g™^*"^'® "* the landing place on St. James' Street, and that on St. Antolrie Street, wharves, shall have their heads pointed down the River St. Lawrence, and that all ships or vessels lying in front of the whams adjoining the south side Of the said landing places, Mhall have their heads pointed up the River St. Lawrence, under a penaKy not 'exceeding ten pbqivds currency, to be recoverable from the Mastier, Pilot 6f other persbn in charge of WlJ* any such ship or vessel which shall ba placed in contravention of ^ny or either of these regulations;" '''^'' J.n« ,^.^-'M iviUu 'lo •i>..airi.u6. XXVIIL That all vessels lying at the wharves or in tieris within the Booms lo be Harbor of Quebec, shall have their boats lowered down, their yards yard^g*^ topped topped up. as far as practicable, their studding sail boom iii^ons taken up alongside off, their sprit sail yards laid fore and aft, and their anchor secured, "'^'®*" so as lo avoid doing damiage to other vessels, under a penalty recover- able from the Master or other person in charge of any such vessel, not exceeding ten pounds currency, for every contravention of the fore- going regulation. And that every vessel shall, within forty eight hours vessels to rig after its arrival in the Harbor of Quebec, have its jib-boofn and flyihg in their jib- jib-boom rigged in so as; not to exceed the length of three feet ootside ^°|'^'.*°'* of the cap of her bowsprit, and the same shall be kept so rigged in' booms after until she may be about to sail ; and that no vessel shall be allowed' to *''«'«" a""iv^U have her jib-boom or flying jib-boom* run out within the Harbor of Quebec until after she shall be loaded and at anchor in the stream, under a penalty not exceeding tien pounds currency, to be recoverable from the Master or person in charge of any such vessel for everjr con- iraventlon of any of these regulations. XXIX That the Harbor Master of Quebec shall station all ships and {Jj''g^„^g*|". vessels which shall hereafter come to the Harbor of Quebec, or any tjon all ves. part thereof, or haul mto any of thewharves situated within the limits fels in the of the said Harbor, and shall regulate the nlooring and fastening, and shifting and removal of such ships and vessels, and shall determine how far and in what instances it is the duty of Masters and other per- sons having charge of such ships or vessels, to accommodate each other in their respective situations, and all disputes which may arise touching or concerning the premises or any or either of them. And any Master or other person having charge of any ship or vessel, who • shall refuse or neglect to obey the directions of the said Harbor Master in the p-^emises, or in any or either Of them, and any wharfinger or Other person who shall resist or oppose such Harbor Master in the execution m ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Mariru and Fisheries. stream ac> chors. execution of the duties hereby required of him, or of any or either of them, «haU for each and every such offence incur and pay a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency. Veueis lying XXX. Tkat whenever two or more vessels are lying in tiers at any whmer**"^®®P'^**®'^'^^*''^w^^^'i the, Harbor of Quebec, the Master or other* shali^ave person having charge of any and every such ship or vessel (the ship Qj. vessel next to the said wharf excepted), shall cause an anchor with a sufficient cable to be carried from the ship or vessel in charge of such Master or other person, and laid in the stream, as well for the purpose of hauling off, in case of necessity, as for the relief of the ship or vessel lying within : and any Master or other person who shall re- fuse or neglect to cause to be carried out and laid as aforesaid, such anchor with such sufficient cable as aforesaid, from such ship or ves- sel as aforesaid, so in charge of such master or other person as afore- said, shall for every such refusal or neglect incur^and pay a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency. t^iiHy-u" Masters of vessels shall slack Hieir hawwrs to allow: tnotner vessel to haul in or out of a wharf. Vessels hav- ing an inside berth at wharves shall allow a firee passage over their di cks. XXXI. That any Master or other person having the charge of any ship or vessel lying in the Harbor of Quebec, who shall refu^ to slack his hawser or chain cable in order to allow another vessel to haul in or out of a wharf, shall incur a penalty not exceeding tea pounds cur- rency,, , ,, ■ , T » a f XXXn. That when two or more ships or vessels shall lie in the same tier at any of the wharves within the Harbor of Quebec, a free and uninterrupted passage over the deck or decks of the ship or ships, vessel or vessels lying within and next to such wharf, shall be allowed and permitted to all and every person'and persons, as well for the pur- pose of loading and unloading as for all and any purpose of communi- cation between the shore and the ship or ships, vessel or vessels lying without : and any Master or other person having charge of any such ship or vessel so lying within or next to such wharf, or between any two ships or vessels so lying in the same tier as aforesaid, who shall refuse to allow or permit such passage as aforesaid, or shall prevent, impede or obstruct such passage, or the use or enjoyment of such pas- sage, shall incur and pay a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency for every such refusal or obstruction. Not more XXXIII. That notmore than three ships'or vessels and a barge shall tiSs otS] s lie in the 8an>e tier at any of the wharves within the Harbor of Quebec and a bargo (excdpt with special permission of the Harbor Master), under a penalty to lie at one ^^^ wharf. ORMIRS IN COUNCIL. m Marine and Fisheriet. either of a penalty srsatany r or other (the shjip ;hoi' with charge of ill for the f the ship I shall re- said, such ip or ve&- I as afore- a penalty :ge of any e to slack haul in unds cur- lie in the •ec, a free or ships, allowed the pur- ommuni- lels lying any such veen any ho shall prevent, uch pas- currency rge shall f Quebec penalty not not exceeding ten pounds currency, to be recoverable frop the Master, Pilot or other person in charge of any such ship or vessel so lying at any of the said wharves, who shall act in contravention of the forego, ing regulations. XXXIV. That all vessels, as well those net^ly built ais others, shall, when lying at wharves or in any part of the Harbor of Quebec, each have a Master or other responsible person on board in charge, under a penalty notexceeding ten pounds currency, to be recoverable from the owner of each such vessel for every contravention of this regulation. VesMls lying at wharves or in the Harbor •i|«n bave oa board a res- ponsible per-r son in oliargel XXXV. That no gun or guns or other fire arms shall be fired on No guns to be board df any ship or vessel lying alongside of or in tiers in front of any of^eg"g|°'y. wharf 01' on any part of the Beaches in the Harbor of Quebec, under a i°g At wbar- penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency, to be recoverable from the SMches" * ^ Master or Commander of any ship or vessel on board of which such ^^^}^_ ^^^ gun or other fire arms shall be fired. Harbor. XXXVI. That any ^skeir of a shipjOr vessel, or any other person or Masters of persons whatsoever, who shall heat or boil„ or cauw,, to be heated ornot^eat^or" boiled, tar, pitch, turpentine, rosip or grease, for the purpose of gra,ving boil tar, pitch or breaming ves8eIs,or for any other purpose whatsoever,' in the Har- *°,.'j,'°r '^ut bor of Quebec, at a less distance than twenty feet from lb? vesfel to be in a certain graved or breamed, and from all other vessels^ buildings an^iW^ary^s^^^'niuiy/Ju shall for each and every such offence incur a penalty of ten pounds ' ^ '" currency, and also the like penalty if a proper {person does not attend the pitchpot, or ketUe, while healing or boiliog, prepared with a sho- vel and a sufficient cover for instantly extinguishipg the same in case » the combustible matter takes fire, and for con^plet^ly putting out the original fire when the purpose for which it was kindled is accomplish- ed ; and no ship or vessel shall be breamed in any part of the Harbor of Quebec, from Oliver's wharf at Pointe-a-Carcis^ to Diamond Harbor, both places inclusive (unless in a floating dock or on gridirons), under a like penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency for every contraven- tion of this regulation. XXXVII. That any Master or other person having the charge of any vessel lying at any place in the Harbor of Quebec, from Oliver's wharf at Pointed Carets to Diamond Harbor, both places included, who at any time after the close and beforo the opening of the navigation, shall, without the express permission of the Trinity House of Quebec, make or sufier to be made on board such vessel so lying, a fire for any pur- pose whatsoever, shall incur a penalty not exceeding ten'pounds cur- rency for each and every such offence. Shall not' make ilre ( n board their vessels with- in certain limits, after the dose and before the opening of the naviga- tion. I9t ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. Shall not make fii e be- fore sunrise and after sun- set on board their vessels when lying at vrharves in the Harbor of Quebec, nor at any other time except in a certain way. Masters to give assistan- ce to pilots. Vessels lying at wharves in tiers or singly to have their hatches cov- ered over. Masters of vessels drop- ping or losing ancnors, &c., to report the same to the Harbor Mas- ter. XXXVIII. That during the season of navigation in each year it shall not be lawful for any ship or vessel lying alongside of or in tiers in front of any of the wharres in the Harbor of Quebec, to have any ftre on board, except for the purpose of cooking, and such fire shall be perqutted at no other time than from sunrise to sundowj;), nor xinless qi?de in one or piore c^pse caqibuse of iron or other metal, or of brick orstone, providpd always that aijiy such shi,p or vessel lying as afore- said at any of the said wharves, being deep, waler wharves, where vessels do not ground, may also have a fire in the cabin, provided the same be made in a stove of metal, brick or stone, that can be closely shut up ; and that each and every contravention of the aforesaid regu- Iktions in this article mentioned, of or any of them, shall subject the Master or person in charge of any such ship or vessel, on board of which such contravention shall take place, to a penalty not exceed- ing ten ponnds currency, i'. V>,„ jii i »tlii , ■ ■ .„! IF,-' V ,. XXXIX. That the Master of any ship or vessel being in charge of a branch pilot, refusing or neglecting to provide lihe requisite assistance to such Pilot for heavinjg the leah, shall, for evei^ such refusal or ne- glect, incur a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency. 'XL. That the Master or person having the charge of any ship or vessel lying in a tier or singly alongside of any wharf in fhe Harbor of Quebec, shall cause the hatchways of such ship or vessel to be secured and completely covered over with hatchings and gratings, immediately after the work of loading or discharging, as the case may be, shall be finished for the day, and the same to continue so covered until the time when the work may recommence in the morning, under a penal- ty for every neglect so to do, not exceeding ten pounds currency. XLt' That all Masters and Pilots, or persons in charge of vessels, being within the Port or Harbor of Quebec, which may drop or lose anchors or chain or other cables, shall forthwith report the same to the Harbor Master in writing, describing as nearly as possible the situa- tion and place where such anchors, or chain or other cables may be dropped or lost, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency for every neglect so to do. Masters of XLIL That it shall not be lawful for the Master or person in charge vessels not to of any ship or vessel proceeding, or about to proceed, to sea on a for a shorter voyage beyond the limits of this Province, to engage the services of a distance than pilot for any shorter distance than to Bic Island in the River St. Law- rence^ to Bic ORDERS IN COUNCIL. >i9B Marine and Fisheries. ir it shall 1 tiers in > any lire ) shall be ctr,unless •of brick as afore] i, where vided the )e closely aid regu- ibje™ "- anchorage at Bic Island aforesaid, and every Masttr or person in char, anchorage at ge of any such ship or vessel who shall without reasonable cause or ^'c- excuse contravene any of these regulations, shall incur a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency for each offence. XLin. That any person or persons who shall throw dirt, filth, stones No dirt, or rubbish, of any description whatsoever, over any of the wharves ^'""''^n** within the Harbor of Quebec, or into any of the docks between the thrown over said wharves or upon any of the Landing places or Inlets or on any wharves or part of the beaches between high and low water marks, or in any the docic or other place within the 8«iid Harbor that may in any way impede, inju- upon the land re or obstruct the Navigation, shall for each and every such offence '"*^ ^ *°*'' incur and pay a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency, and shall remove the same at his and their own cost and charge, immediately upon being verbally ordered so to do by the Harbor Master, and shall incur a further penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency, if the same shall not be removed within twenty-four hours after such notice shall have been as aforesaid given. XLIV. That any person or persons who shall obstruct any of the landing places within the Harbor of Quebec^ or who shall encumber any part of the space between high and low water marks of the several beaches within the said Harbor, with timber, masts, logs or rafts, so as to prevent a free continuous and uninterrupted passage and commu- nication frpm the several streets and lanes of the City of Quebec, lead- ing towards the Rivers St. Lawrence and St. Charles, over the beaches of the same, down lo low waler .mark, to the full breadth of every such street or lane, respectively, shall incur and pay a penalty not ex- ceeding ten pounds currency. XLV. That no raft of Timber shall hereafter be moored or made fast outside of ships or vessels lying at any of the wharves within the har- bor of Quebec, ncr alongside or between any such wharves, so as to prevent any ship or vessel from hauling into any such wharf or out of the same, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency, recover- able from the owner or person in charge of such raft, for every contra- vention of this regulation. 13 No person to obstruct the landing pla- ces or encum- ber the bea. ' ches within the harbor with timber, Ac, so as to interrupt the eommunica- tion from the streets and lanes down to low water mark. Rafts not to make fast outside of ships lying at wharves. iiM ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. No person to encumber any of the harbors, creeks or in- lets within the Port of Quebec with ■tones, tim- ber, Ac. No boats.Ac, loaded with firewood or timber to re- sort to cer- tain prohibi- ted places within the harbor. XLVI. That all and every person or persons who shall encum- ber any of the harbors, creeks or inlets within the limits of the Port of Quebec, or in any way obstruct the navigation thereof, with stones, filth, rubbish, timber, logs, spars or rafts, of any kind, to the injury or impediment of ships, vessels of other craft going in or out of the same, shall incur a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency. XLVII. That no vessel, boat or craft, loaded with firewood or timber of any description, nor any firewood in rafts or cribs, shall hereafter be permitted to enter into or remain at any of the wharves, or landing places within the Harbor of Quebec, from Oliver's wharf, at Pointe h- Carcis, to Diamond Harbor, both places inclusive, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency, recoverable from the owner, master, or other person in charge of any such vessel, boat or craft, raft or crib, for every contravention of this regnlafion. Boats, Ac, XLVin. That hereafter all boats or vessels laden in whole or in part hav'^and'''*' with hay or straw, shall repair to the River St. Charles, to dispo.^e of straw to re- their cargoes, and nowhere else, under a penalty not exceeding ten P**"" ^° '■''® pounds currency, which penalty shall be recoverable from the Master, Charles, and Owner or other person having charge of any such boat or vessel laden nowhere else, in ^^le whole or in part with hay or straw, who shall contravene this regulation. Route for the XLIX. That all gunpowder coming from on board any merchant landing of ship or vessel lying in the Harbor of Quebec, in boats or bateaux, shall be landed by the Master oi- p/»rson in charge of any such ship or vessel, during high water, at the landing place, at the foot of St. Thortas Street, m the Lower Town of the City of Quebec, or on the wharf ad- joining to the said Street, and at no other landing place, wharf or place chant vessels within the said City, and shall be conveyed from such landing place o" QuK*''°^w^^^^'*^'*0"Sh Hope gate, and thence along Rampart Street towards Palace gate, to the powder magazine, and by no other route, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency for every contravention of this regulation. gunpowder Irom mer- Boals, &c., r.^ sorting to the Lower Town land- ing place to haul off after landing their passengers, Ac, certain boats except- \j. That all Pilot Boats Or other Boats resorting to the landing places at the Lower Town Market place of the City of Quebec, except such as may have produce on board for market, or such sailing Ferry Boats as may have obtained and possess a Licence or Licences from the Mayor and Councillors of the City of Quebec, under the provisions of any By- Law or By-Laws passed or to be passed by the said last mentioned Corporation, ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 195 Marine and Fisheries. 11 encum- he Port of th stones, injury or the same, or timber hereafter )r landing t Pointe a- snalty not !r, master, ift or crib. ! or in part of ceding ten le Master, ssel laden ivene this merchant aux, shall or vessel, Thortias cvharf ad- f or place ng place, t towards , under a ention of ng places t such as Boats as e Mayor any By- enlioned poration. Corporation, shall hereafter on approaching the slip or steps thereat, immediately land their passengers or crew and haul off, so as to leave such slip or steps clear, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds cur- rency, to be recoverable'ifrom the owner or persop in charge of any such Pilot Boat or other Boat, for every contravention of the aforesaid regulation. , LI. That no pontoon shall be moored or fastened to or along the ReiniiaUons front, on the River St. Lawrence, of any whvf or wharves, within the about font- Harbor of Quebec, unless the size and dimensions of such pontoon hJJ,1J,° **"? shall have been previously approved of by the Harbor Master of Quebec, Quebec, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency. All and every pontoon or pontoons moored or fastened to or along the front, or the River St. Lawrence, of any wharf or wharves, within the Harbor of Quebec, the size and dimensions of which shall not have been approved of by the Harbor Master of Quebec, shall, on the order of the said Harbor Master, be, by the proprietor or other person in charge thereof, removed within twenty-four hours after such notice, under a penalty of ten pounds currency. LIL That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to load, or^f'^gj""^ cause to be loaded on board of any ship or vessel whilst lying at or load timber moored to any wharf situated within the Harbor of Quebec, from the ^t^ certi^n* upper line of the East India Wharf to the upper line of the Queen's wharves. Wharf, any description of timber whatsoever, under a penalty not ex- ceeding ten pounds currency, to be recoverable from the Master or other person in charge of such ship or vessels for every contravention of this regulation. LIII. That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to load, or Vessels lying cause to be loaded, on board of any ship or vessel, whilst lying at or near ihcTnew moored to the Wharf in the Lower Town of the City of Quebec, com- Custom Hou- monly called or known as " The East India Wharf, " any description 1^° o' 10"^' of timber whatsoever, and further, that it shall not be lawful for any timber, 4c. person or persons to encumber that part of the River St. Lawrence which lies in front of and opposite to the lot of ground upon which the said new Custom House is erected and extending therefrom towards the main Channel of the said River to a distance of one hundred yards, with Timber,, Masts, Deals, Staves, Fire-Wood, Logs or Rafts of any description, or by anchoring within the space aforesaid any Ship, Vessel, Steamboat, Bateau or river craft, whether loaded or unloaded, or 195 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and fisheries. Space n«ar or in any other manner whatsoever, under a penalty not exceeding tom^House"" *®° pounds currency, to be recoverable from the Pilot, Master or other not to be en- person in charge of any such ship, Vessel, Steamboat, Bateau, or river cumbered, graft, or other person or persons contravening any one or more of the aforesaid regulations in this present By-law contained, for each and every contravention thereof. LIV. That all Vessels, Schooners, and other craft so lying at or Vessels, Ac, lying at shoal water whar- moored to, or lying betwe^ shoal water wharves in the said River St. st*rh ^i'*t Charles, and the anchor or anchors of which said Vessels, Schooners remove their and Other craft shall have been cast or let go for the purpose of so anchors. mooring or coming to such wharves, shall immediately, on l)eing moored or made fast thereto, remove such anchors so as not to inter- fere with or cause damage to any such other Vessels, Schooners or other craft so coming to such wharves, or going elsewhere in the said River St. Charles, as aforesaid, under a penally not exceeding ten pounds currency, to be recoverable from the owner, master, or other person in charge of such Vessel, Schooners or other craft, who shall contravene this regulation. Works and objects cover- ed at high water in the Harbor to be indicated by Beicons and Lights. Anchors of Hulls of ves- sels and wrecks to be buoyed. LV. That proper Beacons be kept during the day, and lights during the night, upon the corners of such wharves or other works in the course of construction as aforesaid, and tkat all hulls of vessels and wrecks which may be grounded within the said Harbor of Quebec, and for the safety of which it may be necassary to carry out an anchor or anchors, shall, besides being indicated in the manner aforesaid, have the said anchors buoyed, and that the buoys used for so buoying such anchor or anchors shall be the ordinary ship's buoy or cask, not less than thirty gallons, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds to be recoverable from the person or persons erecting such wharves or other works, on the proprietor or proprietors of such blocks, hulls of vessels, wrecks, or other incumbrances, or the person or persons in charge of the same, for every contravention of any of these regula- tions. Certain LVI. That the fronts of the following wharves, situated in the Har pronriafmi''io ^^r of Quebec, that is lo say : the front next the River St. Lawrence of the use of the Queen's wharf, otherwise called Napoleon wharf, the front next ran7ilig''ps- ^^^ ^^^'^'^ ^'' I^'^wreiicc of the wharf commonly called St. Andrew's fcngers. wharf, shall be and the same are hereby exclusively appropriated for till' use and accommodation of steamboats and steam vessels employ- 6(1 )t exceeding Iter or other lau, or river more of the 'or each and lying at or id River St. J, Schooners urpose of so ly, on J)eing not to inter- chooners or i in the said [ceeding ten ter, or other t, who shall ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 11)7 hts during ^rorks in the vessels and of Quebec, t an anchor r aforesaid, so buoying ar cask, not ten pounds wharves or ks, hulls of persons in ese regula- in the Har awrcnce of front next . Andrew's priated for Is omploy- 0(1 Marine and Fisheries. ed and used for carrying passengere, and that any master or other per- son having the charge of any ship or vessel, (other than a steamboat or steam vessel employed and used for carrying passengers), who shall make such ship or vessel fast to, or shall place such ship or vessel along the front or fronts next the River St. Lawrence, of any or either of the said wharves, without a permission in writing signed by the Harbor Mas- ter, shall incur and pay a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency. LVII. That the whole front, next the River St. Lawrence, of the wharf commonly called the " East India wharf, " on the North shore of the River St. Lawrence, within the Harbor of Quebec^ shall be and the same is hereby exclusively appropriated for the use and accom- modation of steam vessels navigating between the Harbor of Quebec and the Ports and Harbors within the Gulf of St. Lawrence ; and that any Master or other person having charge of any Ship or Vessel, pother than a steam Vessel so navigating between the Harbor of Quebec and the said Ports and Harbors within the Gulf of St. Lawrence,) who shall make such Ship or Vessel fast to, or shall place such Ship or Vessel along any part of the front, next the River St Lawrence, of the said wharf, without the permission, in writing, signed by the Harbor Master of Quebec, shall incur a penalty not exceeding ten pounds cur- rency, for each and every contravention of the foregoing Rule. LVIIL That every steamboat or steam vessel employed in the con- veyance of passengers, resorting to any of the wharves in the Harbor of Quebec, shall be provided with a good and sufficient stage or gang- way exclusively for the use of the passengers or persons coming from or going on board such steamboats or vessels, and every such stage or gangway shall be made of four inch plank and be three feet broad, with ridge ropes on both sides, from the boat or vessel to the wharf, supported by wood or iron stapchions not less than three feet high ; and at night a light shall be placed at either end or at any other part of tbe said stage or gangway, so that the same may be seen clearly from the wharf and the boat or vessel : And the master or person having charge of any such steamboat or vessel, who shall neglect after this order shall take effect, to have a stage or gangway of the before n^entioned description placed from such boat or vessel of which he 'aay have the charge, to such wharf, each and every time after such arrival, and immediately after such arrival, shall for every such neglect incur a penalty often pounds currency, and any such Master or person having charge of such steamboat or vessel, who shall neglect to have the said gangway lighted at night, as heretofore directed, shall for every such neglect incur a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency. 8l«tmboats carrying pa^ ■engers to have proper gangway! for embarkatioa and disem- barkation and to be lighted at night. Si I: 198 ORPERS IN COUNCIL. Manne and Fisheries. I I': Steamergpro- jjx. That hereafter no boat or vessel propelled by steam shall use hibiied from , , , ., ^ . • i • . i. burning wood or burn wood, for the purpose of raising or keeping up steam, when when within within the limits of the Harbor of Quebec, under a penalty not exceed- the Harbor. . . , ^ ui r »u ing tea pounds currency, recoverable from the owner or person in charge such boat or vessel on board of which wood shall be so used or burned within the limits "aforesaid, for every contravention of this re- gulation. h^T^ 'h**"' ^^' '^^^^ every steamboat, when aground at night within the limits aground with of the Port of Quebec, shall shew three lights horizontally placed over O * b° ^®j'''}[tlAat side of the boat on which other vessels should pass, under a penal- show certain ty i^ot exceeding ' i pounds currency, to be recoverable from the Mas lights. ter or other person iu charge, or from the owner of such steamboat, forevery contravention of this regulation. LXI. That all steamboats carrying passengers between Montreal and Quebec shall, when between Pointe-a-Pizeau and the Island of Orleans, in the Harbor of Quebec, reduce their rate of speed to half-speed, and that during thick fogs, such steamboats whilst within the the limits of the Port of QueLoC, shall not go more than half-speed, " and shall keep a bell ringing...." under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency, to be recoverable from the Master or person in charge of, or from the owner of such steamboat, for every contravention of either of these regulations. LXII. That there shall be continually kept on board, and posted up in a conspicuous part of every steamboat and steam-vessel navigating the Port of Quebec, a copy of the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of this Corporation, which relate to steamboats and steam-vessels, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency, recoverable from the owner or Master or Commander of such steamboat or steam-vessel, for every contravention of this regulation. LXIII. That the whole front next the River St. Lawrence, of two cer- tain wharves, and of the landing stage erected between tiiem, situated on the south side of the River St. Lawrence, witliin the Harbor of Quebec, in the Parish of _Nolre-Dame de la Victoire, at Point Levi aforesaid, belonging to the said Grand Trunk Railway Gompany.ol' Canada, and having a frontage altogether of two hundred and ninety feet, English measure, or thereabouts, together with the whole of the two side slips of th(! said wharves, running on the South-Eastern and South-Westorn oxtroniities of such frontage in towards the land ; as also the whole front next the River St. Lawrence of those two certain Other Steamboats carrying pas- sengers between Montreal and Quebec to re- duce their rate of speed in certain places and in fogs. Steamboats navigating the Port of Quebec to have posted up in a con- spicuous pla- ce copy of By-Laws, 4c., relating to them. Certain wharves ap- propriated to Grand Trunk Railway Compaiiy. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 199 Marine and Fisheries. mm shall use steam, when y not exceed- or person in be so used or ion of this re- • liin the limits y placed over ndera penal- rom the Mas h steamboat, Montreal and d of Orleans, ;lf-speed, and the limits of bd shall keep ds currency, , or from the her of these lid posted up I navigating sgulations of jssels, under )le from the n-vessel, for other wharves, and of the landing stage erected between them, also belonging to the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, situated on the North Shore of the River St. Lawrence, in the Harbor of Quebec, having a frontage altogether of one hundred and ninety-four feet, En- glish measure, or thereabouts, and bounded on one side by the Queen's Wharf, and on the other side by other property belonging to Her Ma- jesty, occupied by one Reynar, shall be, and the same are hereby res- pectively and exclusively appropriated for the use and accommodation of steamboats and other vessels and craft belonging to or employed by the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, in the transportation of passengers, timber, deals, firewood, live stock, goods, wares and marchandizes and other produce and effects across the said River St. Lawrence, from and to the stations of the said Company at Point Levi and Quebec aforesaid, iand of such other vessels and craft of every des- cription, as may, from time to time, be engaged in the loading or un- loading of iron, timber, rails, railway stock, machinery, or any other materials or effects required for the use of the said Company ; and that any Master or other person having the charge of any steamboat, vessel, or other craft (other than a steamboat, vessel, or other craft belonging to or employed by the said Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, for the purposes aforesaid, or a vessel or other craft engaged in load- ing or unloading materials for the use of the said Company as afor^' said,) who shall make such steamboat, vessel or craft fast to, or shall place such steamboat, vessel or craft along any part of the fronts next the River St. Lawrence of the said wharves, or of the landing stages erected between them, or along any part of either of the slips connect ed with the same, as hereinafter described, without a permission, in writing, signed by the Harbor Master, shall incur and pay a penalty Penally, not exceeding ten poiinds currency, for each and every contravention of the foregoing regulation. , of two cer- mi, situated 3 Harbor of Point Levi Hompany.of and ninety 'hole of the Eastern and land ; as wo certain Olhcy LXIV. That the whole front next the River St, Lawrence, and the Penally. souWi western side of tlio wharf, conimonly called and known a^* " Atkinson's wharf, " s'tuated within the Harbor of Quebec, shall be and the same are hereby exclusively apiJiopriatcd to, and for the use and accommodation ol' Tow Boats, or vessels pi'opelled by steam, and employiid in towing VL'Ssels to and from the Harbor of Quebec, from and to soa ; and that any master or other person having the (.'harge of any ship or vessel, (other than a Tow Boat, or vessel propelled by steam, and employed in towing vessels to and froui the Harbor of Quebec, from nnii to sea,) who slia'l niakt? such ship or vessel fast to or 200 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. Ml!''' How Gang- ways for pas- senger steam- boats are to be made fast. Penalty. Free passage allowed over steamers at wharvei, to communicate between the shore and steamers out- side. Penalty. Wharf ap- propriated for Transatlantic Ocean Stea- mers. or shall place such ship or vessvjl along any part of the front next to the River St. Lawrence or of the south western side of the said wharf, without permission in writing signed by the Harbor Master, shall incur and pay a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency, for each and every contravention of the foregoing Rule. LXV. That all Gangways required, by law, for the use of Passen- gers or persons coming from or going on board Steamboats or Steam Vessels, employed in the conveyance of Passengers, resorting to any of the wharves m the Harbor of Quebec, shall be made fast at both extremities by ropes or chains, fastened to lun rings or wooden blocks, whether such Steamboats or Steam Vessels be lying alongside such Wharves, or alongside Pontoons, or other Steamboats or Steam Ves- sels ; and the master or person having charge oX any such Steamboat or Steam Vessel, who shall neglect after this Order shall take effect to have such gangway made fast in the manner above mentioned, each and every time after such arrival, and immediately after such arrival, shall, for every such neglect, incur a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency. ' LXVL That when two or more Steamboats or Steam Vessels, em- ployed in the conveyance of Passengers, and resorting to any of the Wharves in the Harbor of Quebec, shall lie in the same tier at any of the said Wharves, a free and unint wrupted passage, of seven and a half feet in breadth and eight feet in height over the deck or decks of the Steamboat or steam Vessel, or Steamboats or Steam Vessels, lying within and next to such wharf, shall be allowed and permitted to all and every person and persons, as well for the purpose of load- ing and unloading as for all and any purpose of communication between the shore and the Steamboat or Steam Vessel, or Steam- boats or vessels, lying without ; and any master or other person having charge of any Steamboat or Steam Vessel, so lying within or next to such Wharf, or be'.ween any two Steamboats or steam Vessels so lying in the same tier as aforesaid, who shall refuse to allow or permit such passage, or snail prevent, impede, or obstru<;t such passa- ge, or the use or enjoyment of such passage, shall incur or pay a penally not exceeding ten pounds currency, lor every such refusal or obstruction. LXVII. That the whole front, next the River St. Lawrence, of the wharf, now the property of D. D. Young, and formerly known as Munn's Wharf, situated at the place called Pres-de-Ville, on the North shore of the River St. Lawrence, within the Harbor of Quebec* and bounded ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 201 Marine and Fisheries. bounded on the East side by Smith's Lane, and on the West by the Government property commonly known as the Gunboat Wharf, shall be, and the same is hereby exclusively appropriated for the use and accommodation of Transatlantic Ocean Steamboats and Steam Vessels resorting to the Harbor of Quebec, and the whole front, next the River St. Lawrence, of the wharf, the properly of the Quebec Harbor Com- missioners, called " Pointe i Carey Wharf," on the North Shore of the River St. Lawrence, within the Harbor of Quebec, shall be, and the same i« hereby exclusively appropriated for the use and accommodation of Transatlantic Ocean Steamboats and Steam Vessels resorting to the Harbor of Quebec, and that any master, or other person, having the certain other charge of any Ship or Vessel (other than a Transatlantic Ocean Steam, wharf appro- boat or Steam Vessel), who shall make such Ship or Vessel fast to, or ivansatlan- shall place such Ship or Vessel along any part of the front, next the Ji° Ocean River St. Lawrence, of the said Wharf or Wharves, without a permis- geis. sion in writing signed by the Harbor Master, shall incur and pay a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency, for each and every con- travention of the foregoing Rule. Whereas, it has become necessary to define the limits of that part of the Port of Quebec, known as the Harbor of Gaspd, and to make Rules and Regulations for the said Harbor of Gasp6, wherefore it is hereby ordered, ordained and enacted by the Trinity House of Quebec, as follows :— LXVni. That the said Harbor of GaspS shall comprise all that part Harbor of of the Bay and Basin of Gasp6, extending from Sandy Beach on one ^'JJP* ^^^' side, and the place commonly known as the Watering Brook on the other, or North side, to Shoal Water, on the North- West and South- west Arms. LXIX. That the Harbor Master of Gasp^ shall station all ships and Harbor Mat. vessels which shall hereafter come to the said Harbor of Ga8p6,or any t^iielB*^*lh» part thereof, or haul into any of the wharves situated within the limits Harbor of of the said Harbor, and shall regulate the mooring and fastening, and P** shifting and removal of such ships and vessels, and shall determine how far and in what instances it is the duty of Masters and other per- sons having charge of such ships or vessels, to accommodate each other in their respective situations, and shall regulate all disputes which may arise touching or concerning the premises, or any or ei ther of them; and any Master or other person, having charge of any ship or vessel, who shall refuse or neglect to obey the directions of the said Harbor Master 202 ORDERS IN COUNCIl. Marine and Fisheries. Master in the premises, or in any or either of them, and any wharf- inger or other person Vvho shall resist or oppose such Harbor Master in the execution of the duties hereby required of him, or of any or either of them, shall for each and every such offence incur and pay a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency. Vessels at LXX. That the Master or person having the charge of any ship or ves- Ga8p6Harhor ^^^ ^Y^^S i" * ti^r or singly alongside of any wharf in the said Harbor to have their of Gasp6, shall cause the hatchways of such ship or vessel to be secu covered^over ^®^ *"^ completely covered over with hatchings and gratings, imme- diately after the work of loading or discharging, as the case may be, shall be finished for the day and the same to continue so covered until the time when the work contmue may recommence in the morning, under a penalty, for every neglect so to do, not exceeding Ten Pounds cuiTency. Anchors, Ac, LXXI. that all Masters and Pilots, or persons in charge of vessels, being ped froin °^ within the said Harbor of Gasp6, which may drop or lose anchors or seis in Gasp6 chain or other cables, sliall forthwith report the same to the Harbor reiMH-ted to * Master, in writing, describing as nearly as possible the situation and Harbor Mas- place where such anchors or chain or other cables may be dropped or ^^'^' lost, under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, for every neglect so to do. Anchors, LXXII. That all Masters or persons having charge of vessels within otheMhUjgs ^^^ ^^^^ Harbor of Gasp^, which shall pick up anchors or chain or jiicked up in other cables, or any other thing, shall give notice thereof within a to^ber^port-"^ reasonable time to the Harbour Master, and shall give hin a descrip- edto Harbjrtionof such anchors, chain or other cables, or things so picked up, Master. under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency. io°fthrown LXXIII. That any person or persons who shall throw dirt, filth, over wharves stones Or rubbish, of any descrip'.ion whatsoever, over any of the w har- &c., in the Harbor of Gaspd. ves within the said Harbor of Gasp6, or into any of the docks between the said wharves, or upon any of the Landing places or Inlets, or on any part of the beaches bejween high and low water marks, or in any other place within the said Harbour that may in any way impede, in- jure or obstruct the Navigation, shall, for each and every such offence, incur and pay a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, and shall remove the same at his and their own costs and charge, immedia- tely upon being verbally ordered to do so by the Harbor Master ; and shall incur a further penalty, not exceeding ten pounds currency, if the same shall not be removed within tweuty.four hours after such notice shall have been given as aforesaid. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 203 Marine and Fisheries. LXXIV. That any person or persons who shall obstruct any of the Landing pla- public landing places or public reserves within the said Harbor of ^"^^^J^j.*^® Gasp6, with timber, masts, logs or rafts or otherwise, so as to prevent Gasp* not to a free, continuous and uninterrupted passage and communication over ^^°*>s*"*<'*' the said landing places, shall incur and pay a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency. LXXV. That every steamboat or steam vessel employed in the con- steamers at veyance of passengers, resorting to any of the wharves in the said ^^il'^^^i Harbor of Ga8p6 , shall be provided with a good and sufficient stage Gasp* to or gangway exclusively for the use of the passengers or persons coming ^* yg**"®^ from or going on board such steamboats or vessels ; and every such stage or gangway shall be made of four inch plank and be three feet broad, with ridge ropes on both sides, from the boat or vessel to the wharf, supported by wood or iron stanchions not less Ihan three ^®®* 9 "^/'Yyj ^\ high ; and at night a light shall be placed at either end or any other n?gf,f part of the said stage or gangway, so that the same may be seen clearly from the wharf and the boat or vessel : And the master or person having charge of any such steamboat or vessel, who shall neglect, after this order shall take effect, to have a stage or gangway of the before men- tioned description placed from such boat or vessel, of which he may have the charge, to such wharf, each and every time after such arrival and immediately after such arrival, shall, for every such neglect incur a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency ; and any such master or person having charge of sucli steamboat or vessel, who shall neglect to have the said gangway lighted at night as heretofore directed, shall, for every such neglect, incur a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency. , LXXVI. That every vessel shall, within forty-eight hours after its Vessels in arrival in the said Harbor of GaspS, have its jib-boom and flying jib- of Gasp^To boom rigged in so as not to exceed the length of three feet outside of have iheir the cap of her bowsprit, and the same shall be kept so rigged in until ^jjp"p^°"j'jp she may be about to sail ; and ihat no vessel shall be allowed to have her jib-boom or flying jib-boom run out within the said Harbor of Gasp6 until after she shall be loaded and at anchor in the stream, luider a penalty not exceeding ten pounds currency, to be recoverable from the Master or person in charge of any such vessel, for every coiit Iravention of any of these regulations. LXXVII. That it shall be the duty of the Harbor master to enforce nniios of the the execution as well of the provisions of the said Act of the Parlia Harbor Mas- . tor. ment 204 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Matine and Fisheries. The Harbor Master to de- mand from the master the draft of water and tonnage of «ach vessel. Buties of the BaUiif.of the Corporation. ment of theProvlDce of Canada, passed in the twelfth year of Her Majesty's Reign, as of all and every the By-Laws, Orders, Rules and Regulations of this Corporation, in relation to the Port of Quebec. LXXVlII. That it shall likewise be the duty of the Harbour Master to demand from the master or person in charge of every vessel coming into the Harbor of Quebec, the draft of water and tonnage of such ship or vessel, and to register the samp in a book, to be kept by him in his office for that purpose, for the information oA' all whom it may concern. LXXIX. That it shall be the duty of the Bailiff of this Corporation, when not employed in performing the duties specially imposed upon him by the said Act of the Parliament of the Province of Canuda, pas- sed in the twelfth year of Her Majesty's Reign, to look after the steamboats, and steam vessels and the Beaches in the Harbor of Que- bec, and to report to the Harbor Master any contravention of the By- Laws, Orders, Rules and Regulations of this Corporation in relation thereto. ,.w Duties of the LXXX. That the Clerk and Treasurer of This Corporation lihall Clerk and perform respectively the duties attached to their respective offices. Tariff of Fees. LXXXI. That the following shall be the fees to be received in suits brought before the Trinity Hou«e of Quebec, and for delivering and registering Pilots' Branches, and for the other causes hereinafter mentioned, that is to say : — BY THE ADVOCATE. For attendance as Counsel on the trial and hearing of any suit or prosecution brought before the Trinity House of Quebec, by the Advo- cate of Plaintiff or Prosecutor, one pound five shillings currency, and by the Advocate of Defendant, one pound five shillings currency, and the like fee of one pound five shillings currency, for attending as Counsel for, or against, any party in any other proceeding before the Trinity House of Quebec. BY THE CLERK. For every Summons, two shillings currency. For each copy of Summons, six pence currency. For entry of each suit or prosecution, one shilliag and three pence currency. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 205^ Marine and Pifheries. For entering up Judgment in eacli ease, three shillings currency. For copy of any Judgment, if required, two .shillings currency. For every Subpisna, one shilling currency. For every copy of a Subpoena, six pence currency. , For office copy of any document including the cettiflcate, at the rate of six pence for every hundred v^rords. For every writ of execution or capias, two shillingscurrency. For each Appeal Bond, five shillings currency. For making up and transmission of any record over and above Office copies of any necessary document, five shilling currency. For registering Branches obtained previous to the passing of the Provincial Statute, 12 Vict., cap 114, including endorsation of descrip- tion on the Branch, five shillings currency, each. For registering and delivering new Branches under the Provisions of the Provincial Statute, 12 Vict., cap. 114, including endorsatioja of description, twenty shillings currency, each. BY THE BAILIFF. For service of every Sumnjpns on each defendant, two shillings currency. For each return of service of each Summons, one shilling currency. For service of every Subpoena on each witness, two shillings currency. For return of service of each SubpcBua, one shilling currency. For travelling expenses, if sent out of the limits of the city, at the rate of ten pence per mile. For the seizure of goods and chattels, exclusive of mileage, but including all other incidental trouble, seven shillings and six pence currency. For the sale of goods and chattels, exclusive of mileage and of dis- bursements for advertisements in the ^newspapers, seven shillings and six pence currency. For arresting the person on a capias or writ of attachment, ten shil- lings currency. For the service of any writ, process or notice not expressly above mentioned, two shillings currency. For the return of service of any such writ, process or notice, one shilling currency. 306 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. ABSTRACT OF THB ACT 27 & 28 VICTORIA, CAP. 13. Regulations for preventing collision. Preamble, Section 2. The following rules wiih res;;iect to lights, fog signals steering and sailing and rafts, apply to all th^ rivers, lakes and other navigable waters whatsoever, within this Province or within the jurisdiction of the legisla- ture thereof. Art. 1. Every Steamship, under sail and not under steam^ considered a Sailing Bhip ; every Steamship under steam, whether under saij or not, considered a Ship under steam. Rules concerning lights. Art. 2. The lights hereinafter mentioned, and no others, shall be carried in all weathers from sunset to sunrise. Art. 3. Steamships, when under weigh, shall carry : (o) At the Foremast Head, a bright white light so constructed as to show an unifoim and unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of twenty points of the compass ; so fixed as to throw the light ten points on each side of the ship, viz : from right.ahead to two points abaft the beam on either side ; and of such a cha- racter as to be visible on a dark night with a clear atmosphere, at a distance of at least five miles. (b) On the Starboard Side, a green light so constructed as to show an uniform and unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of ten points of the compass ; so fixed as to throw the light from right ahead to two points abaft the beam on the star- board side ; and of such a character as to be visible on a dark night with a clear atmosphere, at a distance of at least two miles. (c) On the Port Side, a red light so constructed as to show an uniform and un- broken light over an arc of the horizon of ten points of the compass ; so fixed as to throw the light from right ahead to two points abaft the beam on the port side ; and of such a character as to be visible on a dark night, with a clear atmos- phere, at a distance of at least two miles. (d) The said green and red side lights shall be fitted with inboard screens, pro- jecting at least three feet forward from the light, so as to prevent these lights from being seen across the bow. Art. 4. Steamships, when towing other ships, shall carry two bright white mast-head lights vertically in addition to their side lights, so as to distinguish them from other Steamships ; each of these mast-head lights shall be of the same construction and character as the mast-head lights which other Steamships are required to carry. ORDERS IN COUNCIL 207 Marine and Fisheries. Art. 5. Sailiiif; ships under weigh or being towed, shall carry the same Hghls as Steamships under weigh, with the exception of the white mast-head lights, which they shall never carry. Art. 6. Whenever, as in the case of small vessels, during bad weather, the green and red lights cannot be fixed, these lights shall be kept on deck, on their respective sides of the vessel, ready for instant exhibition, and shall, on the approach of or to other vessels, be exhibited on their respective sides in sufficient time to prevent collision in such manner as to make them most visible, and so that tbe green light shall not be seen on the port side, nor the red light on the starboard side ; the lanterns containing them shall each be painted outside with the color of the light they respectively contain, and shall be provided with suita- ble screens. Art. 7. All Ships, whether Steamships oi^ Sailing ships, when at anchor in roadstead or fairways, shall exhibit where it can best be seen, but at a height not exceeding twenty feet above the hull, a white light in a globular lantern of eight inches in diameter, and so constructed as to show a clear uniform and unbroken ii^hl, visible all round the horizon at a distance of at least one mile. Art. 8. Sailing Pilot Vessels shall not carry the lights required for other Sail- ing Vessels, but shall carry a white light at the mast-head, visible all round the horizon, and shall also exhibit a flare-up light every fifteen minutes. Art. 9. Open fishing boats, and other boats, shall not be required to carry the side lights required for other vessels, but shall, if they do not carry such lights, carry a lantern having a green slide on the one side and a red slide on the other side ; and on the approach of or to other vessels, such lantern shall be exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision, so that the green light shall not be seen on the port side, nor the red light on the starboard side. Fishing vessels and open boats when at anchor, or attached to their nets and stationary, shall exhibit a bright white light. Fishing vessels and open boats shall, however not be prevented from using a flare-up in addition, if considered expedient. • Rules concerning Fog Signals. Art. 10. Whenever there is a fog, either by day or by flight, the Fog Signals described below shall be carried and used, and shall be sounded at least every five minutes, viz : (a) Steamships under weigh shall use a steam whistle, placed before the funnel, not less than eight feet from the deck. (6) Sailing Vessels under weigh shall vae a fog horn. (c) Steamships and Sailing Vessrli when not under weigh shall use a bell. 208 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. Steering and Sailing Rules. Art, 11. If two Sailing Ships are meeting end on, or nearly end on, so as to involve risk of collision, the helms of bol^h shall be put to port, so that each may- pass on the port side of the other. Art. 12. When two Sailing Ships are crossing, so as to involve risk of collision then, if they have the wind on different sides, the ship with the wind on the port side shall keep out of the way of the ship with the wind on the starboard, side ; except in the case in which the ship with the wind on the port side is close hau- led and the other ship free, in which case the latter ship shall keep out of the way ; but if they have the wind on the same side or if one of them has the wind aft, the vessel which is to windward shall keep out of the way of the ship which is to leeward. Art. 13. If tWo Ships under steam are meeting end on, or nearly end on, so as to involve risk of coUison, the helms of both shall be put to port so that each may pass on the port side of the other. Art. 14. If two ships under steam are crossing so as to involve risk of collision, the ship which has the other on her starboard side shall keep out of the way of the other. Art. 15. If two Ships, one of which is a sailing vessel and the other^i steam- ship, are proceeding in such directions as to involve risk of collision, the steam- ship shall keep out of the way of the sailing vessel. Art. 16. Every steamship when approaching another ship, so as to involve risk of collision, shall slacken her speed, or if necessary, stop and reverse : and every steamship shall, when in a fog, go at a moderate speed. Art. 17. Every vessel overtaking any other vessel, shallkeep out of the way of the said last mentioned vessel. • Art. 18. When, by the above rules, one of the two ships is to keep out of the way, the other shall keep her course, subject to the qualifications contained in the following article. Art. 19. In obeying and construing these rules due regard must be had to all dangers of navigation, and also to dny special circumstances which may exist in any particular case, rendering a departure from the above rules necessary, in order to avoid immediate danger. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 209 Marine and Fitheriet. Art. 20. Nothing in these rules shall exonerate aay ship, or the owner or master, or crew thereof, from the consequences of any neglect to carry lights or< signals, or of any neglect to keep a proper look-out, or of the neglect of any pre- caution which may be required by the ordinary practice of^seamen or by the special circumstances of the case. Rafts. ' Art. 21. Rafts while drifting or at anchor on any navigable waters, shall have bright fire kept burning thereon from sunset to sunrise ; whenever any raft is going in the same direction as another which is ahead the one shall not be so navigated as to come within twenty yards of the other ; and every vessel meeting or overtaking a raft shall keep out of the way thereof. Rafts shall be so navigated and anchored as to cause no unnecessary impedi- ment or obstruction to vessels navigating the same waters. Harbor of Sorel. Art- 22. Vessels entering or leaving the port of Sorel shall take the port side, unless otherwise ordered by the Trinity House of Montreal. Interpretation, &e. Art. 23, Sec. 3. Vessel includes every description : Ship means every vsssel not propelled by oars : Steamships, every vessel propelled by steam or motive power other than wind or sail. Owner includes Lessee or Charterer having con- trol of navigation. Sec. 5. Penalty for any default shall be not less than twenty dollars, and not more than two hundred. Sec. 10. Foreign Ships within Canadian waters in cases of collision, are bound by rules of this act. Duty of Masters, dec. Sec. 11. In case of collision between two ships, it shall be the duly of the person in charge of each ship to render to the other ship, her master, crew and passengers (if any) such assistance as may be practicable and necessary to save them from any danger caused, and in case he fails, and in the absence of proof to the contrary, it shall be deemed to have been caused by. his wrongful act, &c. SCHEDULE. The following Diagrams are intended to illustrate the use of the Lights carried by vessels under the foregoing Act, and the manner in which they indicate to the vessel which sees them the position and description of the vessel which carries them. 14 210 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. FiHST. — When both Red and Green Lights are seen : A sees a Red and Green Lights ahead ; — A knows that a vessel is approaching her on a course directly opposite to her own, as B ; If A sees a White Mast-head Light, above the other two, she knows that B is a steam-vessel. Second.— When the Red, and not the Green Light, is seen : A sees a Red Light ahead, or on the bow ; — A knows that either, 1, a vessel is approaching her on her port bow, as B ; or, 2, a vessel is crossing in some direction to port, as D D D. oaching tiat B is a vessel ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 21 ( Marine and Fisheries. If A. sees a White Masthead Light above the R&ad Light, A knows that the vessel is a steam- vessel, aad is either approachiiig her in the saihe direction, as B or is crossing to port in some direction, as D D D. Third.— Wheii thfe Gr^en, fth'd m tMre RcfalifeHt, if srien'r '* I' A sees a Green Light ahead or on the bow : — A knows that either, 1, a vessel is approaching her on her starboard bow, as B ; or, 2, a vessel is crossing in some direction to starboard, as D D D If A sees a White Masthead Light above the Green Light, A knows that the vessel is a steam-vessel, and is either approaching her in the same direction as B, or is crossing to starboard in some direction, as D D D. 212 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. BY-LAWS, OBSEBS, BULKS AND BEGULATIONS, OE THE TBINITT house: OF MONTREAL. THE Master, Deputy Master and "Wardens of the Trinity House of Montreal, duly assembled in the City of Montreal, on Wednesday, the Fifteenth day of February, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty, in virtue of the authority vested in them, in and by an Act of the Legislature of the Province of Canada, made and passed in the Twelfth year of Her Majesty's Reign, and intituled : " An Act to repeal a certain Act and Ordinance therein mentioned, relating to the Trinity House at Montreal, and to amend and consolidate the provisions thereof," do ordain and it is hereby ordained : By-laws.rules Section i.— Thai all and every the Bylaws, Rules' and Regulations and regula- of the Trinity House of Montreal, now in force, or that have been TrinUy House hfi^^tofore ordained shall be and are hereby repealed. repealed.^* ' -^^^ ^^ ^^ hereby further ordered, ordained and enacted by the au- thority aforesaid : Masters of Section 2. — That every Master or person in charge of every Vessel Vessels to re- arriving in the Harbour of Montreal, shall report the arrival of such ?r[nity House Vessel, without delay, after arrival, at the Trinity House of Montreal, of Montreal under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds for each and every offence, on arrival. x j or Anchorage of Section 3. — That no Pilot, Master or person in charge of any vessel at Vessels in the anchor within any part of the Port of Montreal, within the jurisdiction real! ° °" " of the Trinity House of Montreal, shall so anchor such vessel as to pre- vent a free and uninterrupted passage for all other vessels, or a free and safe access to any wharf at which such Vessols are accustomed to take berths, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds. Llghis.Buoys, Section 4. — That if any floating Light, Light-House, Buoy, Beacon, Ac, removed or other mark, placed or to be placed in any part of the Port of Ment- or destroyed , ., '.'^ ,..,..,......, , . . , to be repla- real, or on the land, within the jurisdiction and under the authority of ced. the Trinity House of Montreal, shall be, by accident or otherwise, damaged, ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 213 Marine and Fisheries. damaged, removed, carried away or destroyed, by any Vessel, Raft, or Vehicle whatsoever, the Master or person in charge of such Vessel or Vehicle, or the Master or person in charge, owner, consignee or agent of such Raft, shall within forty-eight hours, cause the same, if dam- aged, to be properly repaired, or if removed, carried away, or destroyed to be replaced, at his proper cost and charge, and in default thereof shall incur a penalty not exceeding ten pounds, and a further like penalty for every succeeding twenty fotfr hours, the same shall not be replaced. Section 5.— That the Master or person in charge of any Vessel from Ballast.ashep, which any ballast, coals, ashes, cinders, or other thing whatsoever, by thrown into ^ which the navigation may be impeded or iijured, shall be thrown into *ny. of the any of the navigable waters within the limits of the jurisdiction of waVers. * the Trinity House of Montreal, but more particularly into Lake St. Peter., or into or near the following Harbours and landing places, namely Montreal, Longueuil, Berthier, Sorel, Port St. Francis, Three Rivers? Batiscan, Ghambly and St. John's, or at or near any wharf or landing place, shall incur a penalty not exceeding ten pounds for each and every offence. Section 6. — That in order not to obstruct the light in the Upper Vessels, 4c., Light-'houseat Repentignj', no Vessel shall be anchored or moored 2etwe*nthe'^ opposite the Village of Repenligny, between the said Lights, and the Upper Light yellow house known as Lachapelle's, under a panalty not exceeding n" lo^House ten pounds for each and every offence against the Master, Pilot, or Repenligny. person in charge,lhe owner or agent of such Vessel. Section 7.— That no Vessel or Raft, while under weigh or drifting Vessels and down, shall trail her anchor, under a penalty not jxceeding ton pounds f^f'.?"? '** for each and every offence, against the Master, Pilot or person in amshors. "^ charge, the owner or agent of such Vos8(?l or Raft. Section 8.— That all and every the poi son or persons who shall en- ^favigabie cumber the navigable part of the River St. Lawrence, the River Riche- Kcumber" the River Yamask., the passage called the Dor^, the Channel du ed or obs- lieu Moino, or other navigable waters within the limits of the jurisdiction of the Trinity Flouse of Montreal, or any of the Hirbours, creeks, inlets and beaches vvitliin the said limits, or in any way obstruct the naviga- tion thereof with stones, fllth, rubbish, linibor logs, spars, rafts or cribs wrecks of Steamers or other Vessels, shall incur a pjnalty not exceed- ing ten pounds for each ami every ollonce, and a fnrlhor lika psnally, for truclod. 214 ORDERS JN COUNCIL. ' Marine and Fisheries. for neglecting or refusing to remove or cause to be removed any su^ii incumbrances or obstruction within ten days after being required so to do by the Registrar or other OfiRcer in the service or employment of the Trinity House of Montreal, and a further like penalty for every subsequent ten days such incumbrances or obstructions shall not be removed. ' No person to Section 9. — That all persons interfering with the Registrar or any ih'e Re^^Bt'*'' Other Officer in the service or employment of the Trinity House of or other Oili, Montreal, while in the execution of the duties prescribed to him or cer ofTriniiy tjjgjjj ]jy jj^g present regulations, shall incur a penalty not exceeding, ten pounds. Regulations respecting Pilots. to Section 10.— That no Pilot shall lend or in any manner dispossess himself of his Branch to any person whomsoever, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds for each and every offence. No Pilot lend his Branch. No Pilot to Section 11.— That no Pilot shall take charge of any Vessel as a Pilot exceed the otherwise than as his Branch empowers him, under a penalty not ex- EowersofWs ,. , iranch. ceeding ten pounds. Every Pilot Section 12.— That every Pilot shall provide himself with a copy of him8elr''wiih ^^^ By-law or By laws in English and French, ordained by the Trinity a copy of the House of Montreal, and retain the same about his peraon when in the By-lawi. discharge of his duty, and exhibit the same to the Master or person in charge of the Vessol on Board of which he is acting as Pilot, for the use of such Master or person in charge, whilst the said Pilot has charge of such Vessel, under a penally not exceeding ten pounds. No Pilot to Section 13.— That no Pilot shall disobey any summons of the Trinity disobey any House of Montreal, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds, nor shall iW™Gorpora- any Pilot in attendance upon the Trinity House of Montreal, absent lion. himself until regularly discharged, under a further like penalty. Section 14.— That every Pilot being in Montreal, and not engaged to Pilot any Vessel thence, shall, when thereunto required by the Regis- trar, or by the Master, Deputy Master, or any of the Wardens of the Trinity House, repair on Board and lake charge of any Vessel requir- ing a Pilot, and continue in charge according to the tenor of the requi- sition made to him, uniler a penalty not exceeding ten pounds. Pilots to tiike Section 15. — That every Pilot shall, when thereunto required by re- charge of qiiisition signed by the Maslor, Deputy Master, or Registrar of the Trinity Every Pilot to obey re(|ul sition of Members of the Trinity H jusc of Mont-eai. Vessels in ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 215 Marine and Fitheries. Trinity House of Montreal, repair on board and take charge of any Her Majesty's Vessel of any denomination in Her Majesty's Service, or in the Provin- l^^vSiaT cial service, and continue in such charge according to the tenor of such Service, when requisition, under a panalty not exceeding ten pounds. required. Section 16.— That when any Pilot shall have gone on board, or shall Pilot to per- have agreed with the owner or Master of any Vessel not in Hor Ma- ag™ement jesty's or Provincial Services, or with any Agent on behalf of such with any Vessel as a Pilot, he shall perform his part of the agreement accord- **'*'• ing to the tenor thereof, subject nevertheless to such orders as he may receive from the Trinity House of Montreal, under a penalty not ex- ceeding ten pounds. Section 17.— That any Pilot who engaged ]to Pilot any Vessel from Pilots to give the Harbour of Montreal to Quebec or to any intermediate place, shall gngj!^*!™ give notice thereof, personally, or in writing to the Registrar of the pilot a Veasel Trinity House of Montreal, before his departure, and a like notice on his arrival at Montreal, after having piloted any Vessel bound upwards, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds. Section 18. — That every Pilot who shall have taken charge of any charge of Vessel from Montreal to Quebec, shall remain on board such Vessel, Vessels from . -r . . 11 1 . . . , . ... 'Montreal to until such Vessel shall have been safely moored, to the satisfaction of Quebec, to the Mister or person in charge, under a penalty not exceeding ten ^""J|° °R, pounds. such Vessel shall have iieen safely moored. Section 19. — That every Pilot in charge of any Vessel piloted into the Harbour of Montreal, shall be bound to remain on board such Vessel for one hour after such Vessel shall have been secured to or alongside of any wharf, unless sooner discharged by the Master owner, or person in charge, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds. Section 20. — That every Pilot who shall observe any alteration in sand banks or channels, or that any buoys, beacons, or floating light shall have been driven away or are out of place, or broken down, or any of the lights in Light-houses not properly lighted, shall forthwith give notice thereof either personally or in writing to the Registrar of the Trinity House of Montreal, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds. Pilots in charge of Vessels from Quebec to Mo itreal to remain on boird one hour after such Vessel shall have be n saflely secured. Pilots to give nolice of al- terations in sand banks, channels, in- jury to lead- ing marks or lights not properly lighted. 316 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. Section 21.— That any Pilot who shall demand or receive any higher demand qj. greater sum for the pilotage of any Vessel than is by Law allowed, No Pilot to demand higher pilou age than is allowed by Law. shall incur a penalty not exceeding ten pounds. No Pilot to secrete any seaman or apprentice. Any Pilot not acting for two Aill and cons- ecutive years, to lose his Branch. Section 23.— That any Pilot or apprentice to a Pilot, who shall be found aiding or assisting any seaman or apprentice legally bound lo any Master of any Vessel, to secrete himself, or who shall be found facilitating in any way the desertion of any seaman or apprentice legally bound, shall incur a penalty not exceeding ten pounds. Section 24. — That every Branch Pilot who shall hereafter be two full and consecutive years, without acting as Pilot (unless in case of sickness, unavoidable absence or special permission from the Trinity House of Montreal,) shall be liable to a penalty of ten pounds, and a further like penalty for every additional year, wherein he shall not act as Pilot ; provided always, j,hat any Branch Pilot who shall be two years without acting as Pilot, but shall give notice to the Registrar of the Trinity House of Montreal, in the course of such two years, that he wishes to cease to act as Pilot, shall loose his Branch, but not incur the penalty. Pilot to be- Section 25. — That any Pilot who s lall behave himself uncivilly, or have well and not be strictly temperate and sober whilst in the exercise of the duiies of his Office, or who shall not use his utmost care and diligence for the safe conduct of every Ship or Vessel, (whether in tow of a Steam Vessel or not) while imder his charge, or who shall not use his utmost care to prevent her from doing damage to others, shall for each and every such ofTence incur and pay a penally not exceeding ten pounds. Pilot to repor Section 26. — That any Pilot who shall be on board any Vessel from which shall be thrown into the navigable waters within the jurisdiction of the Trinity House of Montreal, any ballast or other thing whatsoever, and shall neglect or refuse to report the same to the Registrar of the Trinity House of Montreal immediately upon his arrival in the Harbour of Montreal, or any other Pilot who shall" haVe seen the offence com- mitted, or who shall have knowledge thereof, and who shall neglect or refuse to report the same as hereinbefore ordered, shall incur a penalty not exceeding ten pounds. Ballast, Ac, thrown into na\igable waters. S« bou of the OfficI ten * Section 22 repealed. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 217 Marine and Fisheries. ny higher V allowed, ) shall be bound lo be found ipprentice Is. e two full 1 case of e Trinity ids, and a shall not ill be two gistrar of ears, that not incur iivilly, or he duties diligence tow of a >t use his for each ding ten sel from isdiction itsoever, ar of the Harbour ice com- neglect incur a r4 Section 27. — ^That when any dredging Vessel belonging to the Har- Pilots lo give hour Commissioners is employed in the Channel opposite the Harbour Dredging of Montreal, Pilots having Vessels in charge are required not to leave Vessels, the Harbour without first giving notice of such their intention at the Office of the Harbour Commissioners under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds. ' Regulations respecting Steam Vessels. Section 28.— That all Steam Vessels navigating the waters within the Staamers to limits of the jurisdiction of the Trinity House of Montreal, (those using f,^X; g^fj.** coal for generating Steam excepted,) shall have a wire cap or caps to neys. their chimney or chimneys, (the interstices of which shall not be more than one quarter of an inch square,) to be fitted over the chimney or chimneys, so as to prevent sparks issuing therefrom while lying at any wharf or when approaching or leaving the shore, or when towing any Vessel or Vessels at any place within the limits of the jurisdiction of the Trinity House of Montreal, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds, to be recovered from the master, or owner of such Steam Vessel or Vessels. Section 29 — ^That every Steam Vessel whilst navigating within the Steamers in limits of the jurisdiction of the Trinity House of Montreal, during thick Udifcf their* fog'', shall reduce the rate of speed, to not exceeding half-speed, under speed, a penalty not exceeding ten pounds, to be recovered from the Master or person in charge of, or from the owner or agent of such Steam Vessel, for every contravention of this Regulation. Regulations for the Rivers Richelieu, Yamaska, and Harbour . of Sorel. Section 30. — That no Pilot, Master or person in charge of any Vessel or Raft shall anchor or moor such Vessel or Raft, either in the St. Lawrence, Richelieu, Yamaska, or Channel du Moine, or any part of the Harbour of Sorel, so as to prevent a free and uninterrupted passage for all other Vessels or Rafts, or a free and safe access to, or egress from the said Harbour, or to and from any wharf at which any Vess ji is accustomed to take her berth, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds, against the Pilot, Master, owner, agent, or person in charge. No Vessel or Raft to be an- chored in the St, Lawrence, River Riche- lieu, Yamas ka or Har- bour of 8or*l, so as to impe- de other Ves- sels or KaRs. Section 31.— That no raft shall be anchored or moored lower down in No Raatobo the Harbour of Sorel, than one hundred feet above the Grist Mill, and Jj"^°bour*of" every such Raft shall be moored or anchored on the west side of the Sorel lower River so as not to extend further out in the* stream than one hundred ^ooTfeet^abo- and ve Grist Mill. 218 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. Wroeks of Steamers and other Vessels in Rivers Ri- chelieu and Yamaska, Harbour of Sorel, Ac, to be removed. and fifty feet from the beach, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds, against the Pilot, Master or person in charge, the owner or agent of such Raft, and a further like penalty for every succeeding twenty-four hours such Raft shall have remained so anchored or. moored. Section 32. — That* every wreck or wrecks of Steamers or other Ves- sels now encumbering the beaches of the Harbour of Sorel, of the Ri- vers Richelieu and Yamaska, and of the Channel called the Channel du Moine, and the Dor6, or obstructing the navigation of the said .Rivers, Channels or Harbours, shall be removed immediately after th" passing of these Regulations under a penalty of ten pounds against the owner thereof, and a further like penalty of ten pounds for every subsequent period of ten days,'during which such wreck or wrecks, shall not have been removed. Ri\ call noi entl peil terJ for Cril of Section 33. — ^That no Raft shall be anchored or moored in the Rivets I'll W NoRaflsto be moored or anchored so Richelieu and Yamaska, so as to incommode or obstruct the free navi- *|y? '"|^**"j.gation of the Rivers, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds against Rivers Riche- the Owner. Master or person in charge thereof, for each and every Steam Ves- sels leaving .Harbour of Sorel, at night, stem foremost to show a dis- tinguishing Light. Section 34. That all Steam Vessels departing from the Harbour of Sorel, at night, stern foremost, shall carry a distinguishing red light at the head of the flag staff at the stem, and shall continue to carry such light until clear of the entrance of the said Harbour, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds against the owner. Master or person in charge thereof, for each and every offence. No steamer to Secf/on 35. That no Steam or other Vessel in the Harbour of Sorel, take an out- from sunset to sunrise, shall lie at an outside berth, so that two Steam Harbour of" or Other Vessels shall not be abreast at any wharf excepting while Sorel except transhipping freight, to the risk, inconvenience and detention of the FreigM.*'*'' Mail and other Steamers entering or leaving the said Harbour, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds, recoverable from the owner, agent, Master or per?on in charge of such Steam or other Vessel, contravening this Regulation. Rads in tow to keep the Starboard side. Section 36.— That all Rafts towed up the Richelieu River, shall be kept to the starboard or right hand side of the River, so as to give a free passage at all times to all other Vessels or Rafts requiring to pass up or down the River, uider a penalty not exceeding ten pounds for each and every offence, recoverable from the owner, Master, or person in charge. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 219 Marine and Fisheries. f ten pbuQds, [• or agent of twenty- four red. r other Ves- b1, of the Ri- ! Channel du said 'Rivers, ' th" passing It the owner subsequent all not have 1 the Rivets e free navi- nds against and every Sarbour of ed light at carry such r a penalty I in charge r of Sorel, wo Steam ing while ion of the ur, under ler, agent, travening shall be to give a ig to pass •unds for or person Seetion 37.— That no Vessel or Crib shall anchoi* or moor in the No Vesw! or River Yamaska within six (6) arpents from, the head of the Island (.(,or within 6 called " Isle de Rouches " to (he entrance of the passage called the Dor6, "P^** f[ nor within the said passage or Channel called the Dor^, from its said ,{« Rouehes. entrance up to the head of the Island called Isle Btducheminy under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds to be incurred by the Pilot, the Mas- ter,-or person in charge, the owner or agent, and another like penalty for each subsequent' twenty-four hours during which such Vessel or Crib shall be anchored or moored in the said places in contravention of this section. Seetion 38.— That all Vessels and Cribs whenever they shall be Vesse'i and obliged to cast anchor or moor in the passage or Channel called the choron*North Dor6 above the head of Isle Beauchemin, shall anchor or moor on the«ide of the north side of the Channel as near to the shore as possible and in one serial line ; and during the time they are there anchored or moored, shall have their yards. topped or braced up fore and aft, the booms rigged in as far as possible, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds to be incurred by the Pilot, Master, or person in charge, the owner or agent of such yessels or Cribs, and another like penalty for each sub- sequent twenty-four hours during which such Vessels or Cribs shall be anchored or moored in said place in contravention of this section. Seetion 39.— That the word " Vessel " when made use of in the fore- BxplanUory going Regulations is to be understood as comprehending and meaning every description of fldatting Vessels, and that the word ." owner " shall comprehend and mean a part owner or owners. ANDREW SHAW, Master, W. BRISTOW, Deputy Master, WM. EDMONSTONE, Warden, J. L. BEAUDRY, Warden, T. MORLAND, Warden, PIEt\RE COTTfi, Warden, [L.S.1 E. D. DAVID, Registrar T. H. Montreal. 220 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. Ordained, 2li( March, 1861. Sanctioned, 18/ A Ap:il, 1861. Published, lllh April. I86t. BY-LAWS, ORDERS, RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE ,, TRINITY HOUSE OF MONTREAL. Rafts oppo- site to Isle aux Raisins to leave the Ship Channel Ndme of the Owner of Rafts to be legibly paint- ed on a board, and affixed to Raft. Rafts to keep to northward of Isle de Laurier and Isle Bellegar- de. THE Master, Deputy Master and Wardens of the Trinity House of Montreal, duly assembled in the City of Montreal, on the twenty- first day of March, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hun- dred and sixty-one, in virtue of the authority vested in them, in and by an Act of the Legislature of the Province of Canada, made and pass- ed in the Twelfth year of Her Majesty's Reign, and intituled : " An Act to repeal a certain Act and Ordinance therein mentioned, relating to the Trinity House at Montreal, and to amend and consolidate the pro- visions thereof," do ordain and it is hereby ordained : Section 1.— That all Rafts descending the River, whether in tow of a Steamer or otherwise, shall, when opposite to Isle aux Raisins, leave the Ship Channel and follow the Straight Channel marked by two Beacons on Isle a la Pierre, keeping the said Beacons in a line, and passing to the South of Buoys placed to mark the Channel for Rafts, under a pe,nalty not exceeding ten pounds against the Owner, Master, or person in charge of the Steamer towing the Raft, or against the Owner, Master, or person in charge of the Raft, contravening this Regulation. Section 2. — That all Rafts navigating the waters, within the limits of the jurisdiction of the Trinity House of Montreal, shall have the name of the owner or owners thereof legibly painted in letters not loss than eighteen inches long on both sides of a board not less than five feet in height to be affixed to the Cabane or other permanent place on the Raft, so as to b', easily discernible, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds against the Owner, Master, or person in charge thereof. Section 3.— That all Rafts descending the River, whether in tow of a Steamer or otherwise, shall keep to the northward of Isle de Laurier, or Lorette Island, and Isle Bellegarde, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds, against the Master, Owner, or person in charge of the Steamer towing the Raft, or against the Master, Owner •r person in charge of the Raft contravening this Regulation. ANDREW SHAW, Master, W. BRISTOW, Deputy Master, W. EDMONSTONE, Warden. J. L. BEAUDRY, do. [L. S.1 E. D. DAVID, Registrar. T. MORLAND, P. E. GOITE, do. do. Ordai Sanei Publii B| : ORDERS IN COUNCIL. m Marine and Fisheries. OF THE ty House of the twenty- l eight hun- hem, in and de and pass- l: "An Act , relating to late the pro- in tow of a lisins, leave ked by two a line, and I for Rafts, ler. Master, against the ening this le limits of i the name >t loss than Ave feet in I the Raft, en pounds II tow of a ; Laurier, exceeding go of the person in ' '! fistor, y Master, Varden. do. do. do. Ordained, iOlh Nov. 1861. Sanetipned,ind Dec, iSOl. Published, llh Dec., 1861. BY-LAWS ORDERS, RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE TRINITY HOUSE OF MONTREAL. WHEREAS it is necessary to prevent the obstruction of the Chan- nel opposite Sorel, and regulate the anchoring of S[iips, Steam- ers and other Vessels there, during the Winter, in such a manner as to prevent accidents by Are — The Master, Deputy Master and Wardens of the Trinity House of Montreal, duly assembled in the City of Montreal,'on Wednesday, the Twentieth day of November, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, in virtue of the authority vested in them, in and by an Act of the Legislature of the Province qf Canada, made and passed in the Twelfth year of Her Majesty's Reign, and in- tituled : " An Act to repeal a certain Act and Ordinance therein men- tioned relating to the Trinity House of Montreal, and to amend and consolidate the provisions thereof," do ordain, and it is hereby ordained :— Section \. — The Master or person in charge of every Vessel, Ship, Steamer, Barge, Bateau, or other River Craft, arriving in the Harbour of Sorel, for winter quarters, shall, without delay, report his arrival to the Registrar or other Officer or person in the employ of the Tri- nity House of Montreal, who shall, according to his discretion, and in conformity with the following Rule, and Regulations, assign to such Vessel, Ship, Steamer, Barge, Bateau or other River Craft, the berth it shall occupy for the winter season, and such assignment of a berth may be made by a verbal notice to the master or person in charge, and no Ship, Steamer, Vessel, Barge, Bateau orj other River Craft, shall take up or occupy any berth in^the said Harbour, unless such berth shall have been assigned to her by the Registrar or other Officer or person in the employ of the Trinity House of Montreal, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds for each and every offence against the Master, Pilot or person in charge, the owner or agents of such Vessel. Section 2. — That no Steamer or Vessel shall anchor or be moored for winter quarters nearer a wharf, at Sorel, than at the distance of ten be anchored feet therefrom under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds for every ^*i,\7f than such offence, against the Master, Pilot, or person in charge, the owner ten feet, or agent of such Vessel, and a further like penalty for refusing or neglecting to remove the same if anchored or moored at a less distance from Master of every vessel . to rftjport arri- val immedia- tely, in order to be assign- ed a berth for winter quar- ters. No vessel to n-2 ORDERS JN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. Not more than two vessels to be anchoreil abreast at the wharfforwin- ler q\iarters. No vessel (o be moore'l for winter quarters longitudinal- ly nearer another than thirty feet. No Schooner or amall craft to be anchor- ed for winter quarters bet- ween entran- ce to Harbour and Steam Mill. from the wharf than ten feet, within one hout after being required so to do by the Registrar or other Officer or person in the service of the Trinity House of Montreal, and a further like penalty for every subse- quent day such Vessel shall not be removed. Section 3. — That not more than two Vessels or Steamers shall be abreast for Winter quarters at any of the Wharves of the said Harbour of Sorel, and the outside Vessel or Steamer shall be at a distance of ten feet from the inner one, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds for every such offense, against the Master, Pilot, or person in charge, the Owner or Agent of such Vessel, and a further like penalty for refusing or neglecting to remove the same, within one hour after being requir- ed so to do by the Registrar or other Officer or person in the service of the Trinity House of Montreal, and a further like penalty for every subsequent day such Vessel shall not be removed. Section 4. — ^That no Vessel or Steamer shall be anchored or moored at any of the wharves of Sorel for winter quarters nearer another Ves- sel or Steamer longitudinally, than thirty feet therefrom, under a pen- alty not exceeding ten pounds for every such offence, against the Mas- ter, Pilot or person in charge, the Owner or Agent of such Vessel, and a further like penalty for refusing or neglecting to remove the same, if anchored or moored at a less distance than thirty feet longitudinally, within one hour after being required so to do by the Registrar or other Offic3r or person in the service of the Trinity House of Montreal, and a further like penalty for every subsequent day such Vessel shall not be removed. Section 5. — ^That no Schooners, Barges, Bateaux or other small River Graft, shall be placed, anchored or moored for winter quarters in the Harbour of Sorel, between the space comprised from the entrance to the said Harbour to the point opposite the building known as the Steam Mill, under a penalty not exceeding ten pounds for every such offence against the Master, Pilot, or person in charge, the Owner or Agent of such Vessel, and a further like penaltyfor refusing or neglect- ing to remove the same within one hour after being required so to do by the Registrar or other Officer or person in the service of the Trinity House of Montreal and a further like penalty for every subsequent day such Schooners, Barges, Bdteauxor other small Vessels or River Craft shall not be removed. [L. S.] E. D. DAVID, Registrar. ANDREW SHAW, Master. WM. BRISTOW, Deputy Master. WM. EDMONSTONE, Warden. J. L. BEAUDRY, do. H. STARNES, do. V. HUDON, do. T. MORLAND, do. P. E. COTTE, do Ord* Sant Publi Bl T ORDERS IN COUNCIL. m^ Marine and Fishenet. ', required so jrvice of the jvery subse- ers shall be aid Harbour itance of ten pounds for charge, the for refusing eing requir- le service of j^ for every or moored nother Ves- mder a pen- ist the Mas- Vessel, and ;e the same, ^itudinally, rar or other nlreal, and si shall not mall River •ters in the entrance to >wn as the Jvery such Owner or )r neglert- d so to do le Trinity :iuent day ver Graft OrdminedmhJuly, [h63. ' . ' < Santtioned, Gth August, li>61. Pubtiihed, I5IA August, 1863. BY-LAWS, ORDERS, RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE TRINITY HOUSE OF MONTREAL THE Master, Deputy-Master and Wardens of the Trinity House of Montreal, duly assembled in the City of Montreal, on Wednes- day, the Twenty-ninth day of July, in the year of Our Lord, one thou- sand eight hundred and sixty-three, in virtue of the authority vested in them in and by an Act of the Legislature of the Province o( Cana- da, made and passed in the twelfth year of her Majesty's reign, and intituled : '' An Act to repeal a certain Act and Ordinance therein mentioned, relating to the Trinity House of^Montreal, and to amend and consolidate the provisions thereof, " do ordain, and it is hereby ordained : — That whenever any vessel, raft or craft shall pass over, or strike ^ft^*!fl>^a against, or touch or in any way interfere with any buoy or mark against or in- placed for the purpose of Navigation in the river Saint Lawrence, or j^'f*™ .^'^j?.^ in any other rivers within the jurisdiction of the said Trinity House of ver St. Law- Montreal, (Lake St. Peter inclusive,) the Master or person in charge of <^"<^^- such vessel, raft or craft, and the Master or person in charge of any vessel towing the same^ shall each, for every such offence upon con- viction by one competent witness before the said Trinity House of Montreal, forfeit and pay a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds cur- rency. (Signed,) [L. 8.] E. D. DAVID, Registrar 1'. H., Montreal. f LOUIS MARCHAND, Master. J. L. BEAUDRY, Warden. HENRY STARNES, do VICTOR HUDON, do THOMAS MORLAND, do PIERRE COTTE, do ter, y Master. Warden. do. do. do. do. da 224 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. Ordained, Slh March, 1864. ' ' Sanctioned, 16//i April, 1864. Published, 23rd April, 1864. BY-LAWS, ORDERS, RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE TRINITYiHOUSE OF MONTREAL. Ordd Sani Pub} Pilots to re- port Acci< dents at Tri- nity House •of Montreal. THE Master, Deputy Master and Wardens of the Trinity House of Montreal, duly assembled in the City of Montreal on Tuesday the eight day of March, one thousand eight hundred ani sixty-four, in virtue of the authority vested in them, in and by an Act of the Legis- lature of the Province of Canada, made and passed in the Twelft year of Her Majesty's Reign, and intituled : An Act to repeal a certain Act and Ordinance therein mentioned, relating to the Trinity House of Montreal, and to amend and consolidate the provisions thereof, " do ordain and it is hereby ordained : — " That whenever any accident shall occur to or be caused by any Vessel whilst in charge of a Pilot for and above the Harbour of QuBt bee, it shall be the duty of such Pilot, forthwith, after he shall cease to be in the actual charge of such Vessel, to repair to the office of the Trinity House at Montreal, and there personally report himself and the accident that has occurred, to the Registrar of the said Trinity House of Montreal, and that in default of his so doing, such Pilot shall, for each and every neglect so to do, forfeit and pay a penalty not exceed- ing twenty pounds currency. L. MARCHAND, Master. T. MORLAND, Warden. BENJ. LYMAN, Do. [L.S.] E. D. DAVID, Registrar. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 225 >F THE Marine and Fisheries. Ordained, 1st August, 1864. Sanctioned, iOth August, 1864. Published, Tllh August, 1864. 9Y-LAWS, ORDERS, RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE TRINITY HOUSE OF MONTREAL. H i.i ' House of lesday the y-four, in the Legis- ivelft year ertain Act House of ereof, " do 3d by any ir of Qubt hall cease ^ce of the and the ty House shall, for )t exceed- !. Master. Warden. Do. ■ , 1 WHEREAS it is necessary to prevent the obstruction of the River Richelieu and the wharves thereon, opposite the town of Sorel : The Master, Deputy Master, and Wardens of the Trinity House of Montreal duly assembled in the City of Montreal, on Monday, the first day of August in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, in virtue of the authority vested in them, in and by an Act of the Legislature of the Province of Canada, made and passed in the twelfth year of Her Majesty's Reign, and intitul- ed : " An Act to repeal a certain act and ordinance therein mentioned relating to the Trinity House at Montreal, and to amend and consolidate the provisions thereof," do ordain, and it is hereby ordained : — The Master or person in charge of every Steamer towing any Vessel or Ves- sels, Barge or Barges, Bateau or Bateaux, or other descHption of Craft, in the River Richelieu, whenever such Steamer calls or stops at the port of Sorel for any cause whatever, shall be bound to leave the Vessel or Vessels, Barge or Barges, Dateau or Bateaux, or other description of Craft in Tow of such Steamer, either in the River St. Lawrence or in that part of the River Richelieu which is above the Ferry at the foot of George Street of the said town of Sorel ; the whole in such wise as in no way to obstruct the navigation of either of the said Rivers or the wharves on the said River Richelieu opposite the said town of Sorel, or any of them. Every Master or person in charge of such Steamer so towing as aforesaid, contravening the foregoing regulation, sliall for each and every offence, upon conviction before the said Trinity House of Montreal, on the oath of one compe tent witness, forfeit and pay a penally not exceeding twenty pounds currency. L. MARCHAND, Master. J. L. BEAU DRY, Warden. P K COTTfi, do. |L. S.] E D. DAVID, Registrar. 15 226 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. I Marine and Fisheries. Ordained, \8 March \mi). Sanclioned, 22 March \S()d. » Published, 27 March 1869. rpHE Master, Deputy-Master and Warden, of the Trinity House of -L Montreal, duly assembled in the city of Montreal, on Thursday, the eighteen day of March,, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, in virtue of the authority vested in ihena, in and by an Act of the Legislature of the late Province of Canada, made and passed in the t\yelflh year of Her Majesty's Reign, and intituled : " An Act to repeal a certain Act and ordinance therein " mentioned, relating to the Trinity House of Montreal, and to amend " and consolidate the provisions thereof, " do ordain, and it is hereby ordained : It shall be lawful for the Master, Deputy Master and Wardens of the •Trinity House of Montreal, when and so often as they shall see fit, to appoint and commission, by warrant or branch, under the hand of the Mester or Deputy Master or Senior Warden and the Registrar of the said Trinity House, and the Seal of the Trinity House, fit and pro- per persons to be Branch Pilots for and above the Harbour of Quebec ; provided such persons shall have been previously examined in accord- ance with the provisions of the 14th Section of the said Act, and have obtained the certificate required by the aforesaid Section of the said Act. L. MARCHAND, Master, J. L. BEAUDRY, Warden, T MORLAND, Warden, P. E. COTTE,Warden. [L. S.] E D. DAVID, ' Registrar Trinity House of Montreal, Approved by His Excellency the Governor Gencralju Council, 22nd March, 1869. WM. U. LEE, Clerk Privy Council ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 227 Marine dnd Fisheries. House of riiursday, thousand vested in rovjnce of r's Reign, ;e therein to amend is hereby ardens of all see fit, e hand of igistrai* of and pro- ! Quebec ; n accord- »nd have 1 of the »;♦ 0n, .■;•. I cil, 22nd Council TARIFF OF PILOTAGE BETWEEN THE HARBOURS OF QUEBEC AND MOJSTREAL, 20 Vict., C^ap. 128, SECTION \. ..!' uur-iu u^icvi ii ■■■ ' : :• ' . / 'filo.ost: ■ • ■ ^'^'(':;w/-; : THE Master, Deputy Master, and Wardens of the Trinity Hoowr/ofMonlieai, duly ai^aembled in the Cily of Montreal, on Saturday the twenty-third day of Apriljintheyearof Our Lord, one thousaudeight hundred anil sixty-four, in virtue of the power and authority vested in them, in and by an Act of the Legislature of the Province of Canada, made and passed in the iweniieth year of Her Majesty's Reign, and intituled: "An Act to amend an Act, intituled an Act, to repeal a certain Aot and Ordinance therein mentioned relating to the Trinity House of Montreal, and to amend and consolidate the provisions thereof, and to make further provisions concerning Pilots," do ordain and it is hereby ordained : Stciion 1— The By-Law regulating the Tariff of Pilotage, made and passed oil the twenty-third day of' April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and approved and confirmed by His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the third day of May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, is hereby repealed. Section 2. — ^Thatfrom and after the passing of this By-Law, the following shall be the Tariff of rates to be paid for the Pilotage of vessels between Quebec and Montreal, and between the several places mentioned in the twenty third Section of « the said Act, that is to say': From the Harbour of Quebec to Porlneuf and the opposite side of the River St. Lawrence, or below Portaeuf and above the Harbour of Quebec : For the Pilotage of any Vessel ia tow or propelled by steam ^except as herein- $ cts. after mentioned) for each foot of draught of water, upwards 50 downwards 50 For the Pilotage of any Seagoing Vessel propelled by steam, for each foot of draught of water, upwards ; 62J downwards ;,........ C2J For the Pilotage of any Vobsel under sail, for each foot of draught of water, upwards | 05 downwards 70 From the Harbour of Quebec to Three Rivers and the opposite side of the Rivev St. Lawrence, or any place above Portne\if and below Three Rivers: i CIS. For the Pilotage of any Vessel in tow or propelled by steam (except as hereinafter mentioned) for each foot of draught of water, upwards.... 1 50 downwards 1 50 228 ORDERS IN COyNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. For the Pilotjiges Qf any Seagoing Vessel propelled by steaip for each foot of draught of water, upwards 1 75 downwards i 75 For the Pilotage of any Vessel under sail, for each foot of draught of water, upwards ^ 2 60 downwards , \ 80, From the Harbour of Quebec to William Henry, and the opposite side of the River St, I^awrence, or any place above Three Rivers and below William Henry: ' ,- For the Pilotage of any Vessel in tow or propelled by steam (except as hereinafter mentioned)'for each foot of draught of water, upwards.... 1 50 downwards. 1 50 For the Pilotage of any Seagoing Vessel propelled by steam, for each foot of draught of water, upwards... 1 87J downwards .^ 1 87J For the Pilotage of any Vessel under sail, for each foot of draught of water, upwards ,. ..;...'. 3 13 downwards 2 10 From the Harbour of Quebec to the Harbour of Montreal, or to any p^ace above William Henry, and below the Harbour of Montreal : I Ctj. For the Pilotage of any Vessel in tow or propelled by steam (e.Tcept as herein- after mentioned) for each foot of draught of water, upwards 2 00 downwards 2 00 For the Pilotage of any Seagoing Vessel propelled by steam, for each foot of draught of water, upwards 2 50 downwards 2 50 For the Pilotage of any Vessel under sail, for each foot of draught of water upwards 4 20 downwards 2 80 Sccti'Qn 3. — That the Pilots shall be paid for all fractional parts of a foot of draught of water— pro-rata— to the above Tariff. Section 4. — That the Pilots shall be paid for the Pilotage of any Vessel coming up or going down part of the distance in tow and part under sail, proportional rates of the foregoing Tajitf according to the distance made in tow or under sail. L. MARCHAND, Master. J. L. HEAUDRY, Warden. H. STARNES, do. V. HUDON, do. T. MORLAND, do. BENJ. LYMAN, do. IL. SJ P. E. COTTfi, do. £. D. DAVID, Registrar. i 75 1 75 Iter, 2 60 .... 1 00 the Rivier Williijn K cts. t as B.... 1 50 rds. 1 60 ?oot 1 87J 1 87J ler, 3 15 .... 2 10 ace above t cU. in- .. 2 00 .. 2 00 )0t . 2 50 . 2 50 ,er . 4 20 . 2 80 foot of coming lortionnl ider sail. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 229 den. Marine and Fisheries. Approved and confirmed by His Excellency Ihe Governor General in Council 5 May, 1866. Wii. H. LEE, Clerk Executive Counci' The Mastbr, Deputy Master and Wardens Of the Ti«ihitf Hotiiscj'of Montrcfal, duly assetnlbled iu Ihe City of Montreal, on Tuesday, the Seventh day of March, in the year df Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy one, in virtue of the power and authority vested in them in and by an Act ti the Legislature of the late Province of Canada, made and passed in the Twentieth year of Her Majesty's reign, and intituled : "An Act to amend an Act intituled an Act to repeal a cer " tain Act and ordinance therein mentioned^'relating to the Trinity House of Mont- " real, and to amend and consolidate the provisions thereof, and to make further "provisions concerning Pilots" do ordain and it is hereby ordained: — THAT from and after the passing of this By-Law, there shall be paid for the pilotage of any vessel from the Hai^bour of Montreal to William Henry, or to any place above William Henry and below Hochelaga, and from WiUiam Hanry, or any place above William Henry and below Hochelaga, to the Harbour of Montreal, for each foot of draught of water, the sum of one dollar currency, for each such Pilotage upwards ()r downwards. " ' L. MARCHAND, Master. J. L. BEAUDRY, Warden IL. S.] P E, COTTE, Warden. E. D. DAVID, Registrar ii Privy Council Office, 26th April, 1871. This By-Law approved by His Excellency the Governor General in (Council 2Clh April, 1871. • WM. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council. The Muster, Deputy Master, and Wardens of the Trinity House of Montreal, duly assembled in the City of Montreal on Tuesday the Seventh day of March, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy -one, in virtue of the autliority vested in thoiU), in and by an Act of the Legislature of the late Provinco of Canada, made and passed in the twelfth year of Her Majesty's, roign, and inti- tuled : "An Act to repeal a certain Act and Ordinance therein mentionod, relat- ing to the Trinity House at Montreal, and to amend and consolidate the provisions thereof," do ordain and its is hereby ordained ; — 11 ^30 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and^Fishei'ies. THAT section Twenty-two of the By-Laws, Orders, Rules and RegulaUons of the Trinity House of Montreal, made and passed on the fiftheenth day» of February, one thousand eight hundred and sixty, be, and the same is hereby repealed, and that in future ever^ Pilot who shall be employed to remove any vessel from one wharf to another within the limits of the Harbor, or from any of the wharves into the Lachine Canal, or Dut of said canal to any of the wharves in t^e Harbour, or from the foot of the current, or from Longueuil, into the Harbouir to the foot of the current, or to LongueuM, shall jbe entitled to deman4 and r^eiv^ for.p^n^ such service the sum of Five Dollars currency. , . • !; ■ -f (U j-t; :' ■' ■ A (m.bU'-M ' .>f '>f»'* ^ill■ r't (,<;■ ' " . v/ -I ■i";|im; I'M- ••.•trih' L. MARCHAND, Masterl'i J. L. BEAUDftV, \yarden. P. E. COTtE, Warden, < H't'Jlll This By-Law approved by His Excellehcy, The Governor General in Council, 26th April, 1871. ' , WM. H. LEE, k 1 / ah; i'ii'' Clerk Privy Council. _ I '.III •■■i',..- : -u: jiic : I Privy CovnciL' Office, .i >^jH"* ' 26th April, 1871. TONNAGE DUTY AT PORT OF CAP DE CKATTE, GASPfi. (Ls. LISGAR. PROCLAMATION. CANADA. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God of tjie United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., &c., &c. To all to whom these presents shall come, or whom the same ma»y in any wiSe concern. Greeting. A PROCLAMATION. A. Campbell, for the Attorney General, Canada. 1 "VJITHEREAS in and by an Act of the Parliament of ' f V Canada, passed in the Session thereof held in the [thirty-second and thirty-third years of Our Reign and j intituled " An Act to provide means for improving the Harbours and Cliannels at certain Ports in the Provinces of the Dominion," it is, amqpgst other things, in effect, enacted that the Governor in Council being satis- fled that it is expedient to raise funds for improving the Harbours and Channels and ilations of February, ealed, and from one larves into arbour, or the foot of eanb such ;lila8lefr!'^! /Warden.'Y, .'1,1 ■■ il, 1871. 1 Council, EE, Council. 'itain and any wise ament of sld in the sign and •ving the I, " IT IS, ng satis- ^hannels and ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 231 1 Marine and Fisheries. and rendering the navigation more easy and safe al several Ports in the several Provinces of Canada (and amongst others that of Cap de Chatte, in the District of Gasp6, in the Province of Quebec), may from time to time, by Proclamation issued under an order in Council and inserted in " The Canada Gazettt,^^ impose on each vessel entering any such Port, named for the purpose in such Proclamation, such tonnage duty, not exceeding ten cents per ton of the registered measurement of such vessels as he may deem expedient ; and may from time to time, in like man- ner, increase or decrease, repeal or re-impose, such duty within the limits afore- said, with respect to any such Port, and that any copy of '' The Canada Gazette " purporting to be printed by the Queen's Printer, shall he prima facie evidence of such Proclamation and of its being duly issued and published under an Order in Council made in pursuance of the said Act ; And Further that any duty, so im- posed &s aforesaid, shall be collected by t^e Collector of Customs at any Port at which it is payable, at the time of the entry of the vessel, which shall contain on the face of it, the registered tonnage thereof ; and that no vessel shall be entered, or, if entered, shall be allowed to clear or to leave such Port without payment of such duty, and it may be detained by the Collector until it is paid ; but that such duty shall only be payable once in each fiscal year (commencing on the first day of July in each calendar year), on any vessel not exceeding one hundred tons register, and not more than twice in each fiscal year on any vessel excoeding one hundred tons, registered measurement, that is to say on any vessel not exceeding one hundred tons register, the duty shall be payable on her first entry at such Port in any fiscal year, but not on any subsequent entry during the same ; and on any vessel exceeding one hundred tons register, the duty shall be payable on her first and on her second entry, in any, fiscal year, but not on any subsequent entry during the same. And Whereas Our Governor in Council, being satisfied that it is expedient to raise funds for the purposes above mentioned, so far as regards the said Port of Cap de Chatte, hath, in pursuance of the authority contained in the above in part recited Act, ordered the issue of a Proclamation, imposing a rate of tonnage as hereinafter mentioned. Now, THEREFORE, Kncw Ye THAT We DO, by aud with the advice of our Privy Council for Canada, by this Our Royal Proclamation, and under the authority conferred upon Us by the hereinbefore in part recited Act, impose on each vessel entering the said Port of Cap de Chatte a Tonnage Duty of ten cents per ton of the registered measurement of such vessel. Of all which our loving subjects and all others whom these presents may con- cern, are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. By Command, J. C. AIKINS, 13 March 1871. Secretary of State. J82 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. 1 PILOTAGE IN BRAS D'ORJLAKB, ACT OF N. 8. LEGISLATORB DISALLOWED. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTFAWA. Saturday, 16th day of December, tdTI. Prbssnt HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL. The Honorable Sir John A. MacDonald, Mr.TiUey, Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Langeviu, Mr. Howe, Sir Francis Hinck?, Mr. Aikinsj . Mr. Morris, Dr,^Tupper and Mr. Pope. In Council WHEREA[S the Lieutenant Gavertlor of the Pi^ovince of i^ova Scotia, witli the Legislative Council and Assfembly of the said Province, did on the fourth day of April, A. D., 1871, pass an act, which hasi been transmitted, entitled as follows, viz : " An Act to regulate Pilotage in the Bi*as d'Or Lake, in the " Island of Cap Breton. " And whereas the said Act has been laid before the Governor General in Council, together with a Report from the Minister of Justice setting forth that he is of opinion that it was not competent for the Legislature to pass such Act, and therefore recommending that the said Act should not receive the conflrntiation of the Governor General. His Excellency the Governor General has there upon this day been pleased, by and with the advice of his Privy Council, to declare his disallowance of the said Act, and the same is hereby disallowed accordingly. Whereof the Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Nova Scotia, and all other persons whom it may concern are to take notice and govern themselves ac- cordingly. WM. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council, Canada. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 233 Marine and nsturks. rURB ,1671. :'•;. otia, with lid on the 1, entitled ke, in the reneral in torth that such Act, flrrhation pleased, >f the said i, and all selves ac- ouucil, Canada. I lohn, Raron Lisgar, Governof (General of Gartadtt, do hei-eby certify that the Act passed by the Legislature Of the Province of Nova Scdtia on the 4th day of April, 1871, entitled "An Act to regulate Pilotage in the Bras d'Or Lake, in the " Island of Cape Breton," was received by me on the 29th day of July, 1871. Given under my hand and seal this 16th day of December, 1871. (Signed,) LISGAR. SHIPPIN(} OF SEAMEN IN NOVA SCOTIA, PROCLAMATION. TO PUT ' ACT INTO FORCE. [L. S.) DUFFERtN, CANADA. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, bx^ bua^ ^c. To Ml to whom these presents shall Come, Or whotn the same may in ally Wise 6oilcerp, ''*T'^'i 'GHEWiNb : , ,!:;.!,;iiij iO f^. fli..U,Lr,A PROCLAMATION.- .■ i, ' _H.- Bernard, \ TTTHEREAS it is, in and by an Act passed in the beputy of the Minister o£ > Y Y Session of the Parliament of Canada, held in Justice, Canada. ) the Thirty-filth year of Our Reign and intituled : ''An Act respecting the Shipping of Seajoien ia Nova Sootia," amongst other things enacted that the said Aot shall be iu force at, and with respect toi, such Porte, lonly, in the Province of Nova Scotia as shaU be appointed fw that purpose from time to tioke, by Proclamation j under au.o«deff or otniers of the Governor io Council. And Whereas an order of the Govei:nor in Council has been paiSsed on the day of the date liereof appointing that the said Act shall be in force at the Port of Halifax, in the said Province of Nova Scotia. Now Know Yb that We do hereby under and by viiUne 6ff the authority vested in Us by the said Act and order of the Governor in Council respectively proclainfi and declare that the Act hereinbefore mentioned, and intituled : " An Act respecting the Shipping of Seamen iu Nova Scotia," shall hencefoi^th, be iu force, at, and with respect to the Port of Halifax, in the Province of Nova Scotia aforesaid. Of all which Our loving subjects and all others, are hereby required to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly. By Command, J. G. MKli\8, Sectetaiy of Statt, \i October 1872 334 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. lilii il Marine and Fisheries. PILOTS IN THE COUNTY OF CHARLOTTE, N.-B.— RULES AND REGULA- TIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF— i I Rules and Regulations for the government of Pilots in the County of Charlotte, in the, Province of New-Brunswick, made by the Commissioners under the Act 35 Victoria, ch. 43. :''?'. '* I /.!// ' ! )?;■ : / I!- • I. — All vessels brought into any Port or Harbpur within the County of Char- lotte, or departing therefrom with a Pilot (Steamboats and sailing vessels under One hundred and seventy five tons burthen excepted), shall be chargeable with the rates of pilotage hereinafter named. The master of any Steamboat or sailing vessel under one hundred and seventy five tons burthen, employing a pilot shall pay for the. services of suqh Pilot the rates hereinafter named. '.,,.,. II. — There shall be not less than two Pilot-boats, constantly oWned by the Pilots of the County, each boat shall have a number which shall be painted in black figures of not less than thirty-six inches in length on the mainsail and jib, each pilot-boat to be properly fitted out for such service to be not less than ten tons burthen, and to be exclusively employed in the business of piloting. The Boats to be numbered under the directions of the Port wardens at Saint Andrews- Ill. — No Pilot to be entitled to any fee or reward for piloting unless he resides in the County of Charlotte aforesaid, and shall be owner or part owner or shall have a certified interest from a recorded owner in a Pilot-Boat, and no per- son shall receive a Branch unless he shall have served ah apprenticeship with a Branch Pilot in a Pilot- Boat for four years for that purpose, and no person shall recejve an apprentice or be entitled to fees as a Branch Pilot if he himself or his boat is employed in the coasting trade, or in any other business than that of pilot- ing, between the first day of April and the fifteenth day of Deceinber. IV. — All Pilots are required to obtain from the Commissioners on or before the first day of April, in each year a Branch or certificate, paying for the same two dollars and fifty cents, and no such branch or certificate shall be issued unless shewn to the satisfaction of the Commissioners that the applicant is a resident of the County duly qualified under these regulations. Any Pilot taking charge of any vessel without such branch or certificate to pay a fine of Twenty dollars. v.— Any Pilot demanding or receiving any greater sum for pilotage than the rates hereinafter mentioned shall pay a fine of Twenty dollars. VI. — Any Pilot taking charge of any vessel, either inward or outward bound, and leaving her within the piloting grounds contrary to the wishes of the mas- ter, to pay a fine of twenty dollars. :Ll. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 235 Marine and fisheries. REGULA- Charlotte, I under the y of Char- sels under eable with nr sailing pilot shall (d by the )ainted in 1 and jib, than ten ing. The Andrews- mless he owner or no per- with a !on shall f or his of pilot- before tie same d unless dent of large of ars, ban the bound, ie mas- I I. iVU. — Any Pilot offering his services to, any inward bound vessel exceeding one hundred and seventy-five tons register tonnage from on board any Pilot-Boat, on beiag refused employment, shall be entitled to demand and recover one half rates of Pilotage, notwithstanding such Vessel may have secured the services of a Pilot at a foreign port, provided that no Pilot had previously so offered his ser- vices from a Pilot-Boat, and demanded payment therefor, and that such services are so offered before any such vessel has come inside of Wrst Quoddy on Head Harbour lights or entered la T^te Passage. VIII. — If any Pilot offer his service to any vessel exceeding one hundred and seventy-five tons register tonnage, outward bound, after such vessel shall be cleared at the Custom House, and before being under weigh (no Pilot being on board or engaged to take out such vessel) such Pilot so offering, unless employed to take out such vessel, shall be entitled to demand and recover one half the- rales 6f pilotage he would have been entitled to if actually employee*. IX. — The rates of Pilotage to be as follows : — 1o. From Seal Island, Gross Island, Little River, South-West Ledges of Grand MaQan, Kent's Island, Long Island Bay, iloose jEiiver and Bailey's mistake, two dollars and fifty cents per foot inwards, and tvvo dollars per foot outwards for St. Andrew's, St. Stephens or any Har>our or loading place in the County of Char- lotte, €xcept Campobello or the Lines. So. From North Head of Grand Manan, Beaver Harbour and West Quoddy Lighthouse inwards, one dollar and seventy five cents per foot. Outwards one dollar and fifty cents per foot. ,,,,,, 3o. To or from Campobello to the Lines, twenty cents per foot loss than the above rates. • ,. 4o. Removing a vessel from St. Andrew's Harbour to or from the ballast ground, conditioned the master requires a Pilot, vessels from one to three hundred tons, two dollars and fifty cents, over three hundred tons, three dollars. 5o. Removing a vessel from one loading place or Harbour to any other loading place or Harbour inside Saint Andrew's Bay, conditioned that the master requires and employs a pilot, vessels 100 to 200 tons, four dollars, 200 to 300 tons, five dol- lars, 300 to 400 tons, six dollars, 400 tons and upwards, eight dollars. 6o. From any Harbour or loading place inside Saint Andrew's Bay to or from any Harbour or loading place outside Saint Andrew's Bay and within the County of Charlotte, conditioned that the master requires and employs a pilot, vessels one hundred to two hundred tons, six dollars, two hundred to three hundred tons, eight dollars, three hunlred to four hundred tons, ten dollars, four hundred tons and upwards, twelve dollars. IJ; f I t 7 236 ORDERS IN COUNGIl^ Marine and Fisheries. 7o. From the first day of November to the first day of April inward and out- ward bound vessels to pay twenty cents per foot over and above the rates above named. • X. All Pilots detained on board vessels not ready for sea by request of the mas- ter or under the laws relating to quarantine to receive two dollars per day. XI. When any Branch Pilot shall be employed as master, mate or seamin on board any coasting or other vessel than a Pilot-Boat, he shall for the time so employed be incapable of acting as a Pilot under these Regulations. Xn. — Every Branch Pilot not complying with these Regulatiohs or attempt- ing to evade the true intent and meaning of any or either of them shall forfeit and pay a fine of twenty dollars of each and every offences. ' XIII. — Any misunderstanding or difference arising betweien the Pilots in reference to Pilot duties and a correct construction of these Regulations shall be referred to the arbitrament of the Commissioners. XrV. — AUflnes and penalties imposed by these Regulations to be recovered with costs before a Justice of the Peace), one moiety of the fine to be paid to the County 'treasurer for the usfe of the County, and the other moiety to thfe prosecutor. XV. — All Pilots are required to obtain from the Commissioners a copy of these Regulations upon payment of one dollar, and on taking charge of any inward bound vessel, shall exhibit his branch or certificate signed by the Com- missioners, also a copy of these Regulations, to the master. Dated at St. Andrew's this sixth day of August one thousand eight liuadred and seventy-two. (Signed,) C. E. 0. HATHEWAY, C. B. EATON, S. JOHNSON, Commissioners The foregoing Rules and Regulations were submitted to and approved by His Excellency the Governor General in Council on the I2th day of October, 1872, under the provisions' of the 2nd section of the Act 35 Vic, Cap. 43. W. A. HIMSWORTH, C. l\ C. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 237 ird antt out- ) rates &bo\e t of tlie mas- day. t* seaman on the time so or attetept- haill foffeit I i Pilots in ms shall be recovered paid to the ety to the a copy of ge of any the Com- t hundred WAY, ssioners. edbyHis •b*r, 1872, l». C. Marine {^nd fisheries* SHIPPING OF SEA.MBN IN NOVA SCOTIA, ACT TO BE IN FORGE AT THE PORTS OF PICTOU AND LIVERPOOL. PROCLAMATIONS DUFFERIN. [L.S.] CANADA. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., &c., &c. To all to whom these presents shall come, or whom tlie same may in any wise coTicerh, .. t. * • / Greeting A PROCLAMATION. lu;oa!:L John A. Macdonald, ) ^fTTHEREAS it isjiltl aind Byftn k'6t ^lassetfitt'th'e Session Attorney General, J ▼ V of the Parliament of Canada held in the thirty-fifth • Canada ) year of Our Reign, and intituled : "An Act respecting the Shipping of Seamen in Nova Scotia," amongst other things enacted, that the said Act shall be in force at, and with respect to, such Ports only in the Province of Nova Scotia, as shall be appointed for that purpose from tiine to time by Procla- mation under an oj;der or orders of the Governor in Council. And whereas, an Order of the Governor in Council has b?en passed on the day of the date hereof appointing that the said act shall be in force at the Ports of Pictou and Liverpool in the said Province of Nova Scotia. • Npw itwow YK that We do hereby under apd by virtue of the authority vested in us by the said Act, and Order of the Governor in Council respectively, Proclaim and Declare that the Act hereinbefore mentioned and intituled " An Act respect- ing the Shipping of Seamen in Nova Scotia " shall henceforth be in force at, and with respect to the Ports of Pictou and Liverpool, in the Province of Nova Scotia aforesaid , Of all which Our loving subjects and all others are hereby required to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly. 15th May 1873. J. C. AIKINS, Secretary of State. i 238 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine afui' Fisheries. [LS.] HARBOR MASTERS AT CEliTAlN PdRTS IN NEW-BRUNSWICK.' DUFFERIN. CANADA. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of tho' United Kingdom of Great Britaiti W Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., &c., &c. To all to whom these Presents shall come, or whom the same in any wise concern, Greeting : A PROCLAMATION. John A. Macdonald, ^ T17HEREAS it is in and by the Act passed in Uie Attorney General, J V f Session of the Parliament of Canada, held in the Canada. ) Thirty Sixth year of Our Reign, aud intituled : " An Act to provide for the appointment of Harbor Masters for certain ports in the pro- vince of Nova-Scotia and New- Brunswick " amongst other things enacted, tha t the said act shall apply to the Province^^of Nova-Sootia fad New-Brunswich, only and to such Ports and such Ports only (except the Ports of Halifax and Pictou in Nova Scotia and St Johns in New- Brunswick) in either of the said Provinces as shall from time to time be designated for that purpose by Proclamation under an Order or orders of the Governor in Council. And Whereas an Order of the Governor in Council has been passed on the day of the date hereof, appointing that the said Act shall be in force at the Ports of Bathurst, Caraquelle and Shippegan, in the County of Gloucester, the Ports of Campbellton and Dalhousie, in the County of Restigouche ; the Ports of Chatham and Newcastle, in the County of Norlhumberland; the Ports oX Richibucto, Buc- touche and Cpcagne, in the County of Kent; the Ports of Shediac, Bay Verte, Sackville, Dorchester, Moncton, Rockland and North Joggins, in the County of Westmoreland ; the Ports of Hillsborough and Harvey, in the County of Albert; the Port of Fredericton, in the County York, and the Ledge within the Port of St. Stephens, and the Ports of St. Andrews, St. George and Campobello, in the County of Charlotte, in the Province of Now-Bruuswick. Now Known Ye that we do hereby under and by virtue of the authority vested in Us by the said Act, and order of the Governor in Council respectively Proclaim and Declare, that the Act hereinbefore mentioned and intituled " An Act to provide for the appointment of Harbor Masters for certain Ports in the Provinces of Nova-Scotia and New-Brunswick" shall henceforth be in force at, and with respect to the Ports of Bathurst, Caraquette and Shippegan, in the County of Gloucester ; the Ports of Campbellton and Dalhousie, in tho County of Restigouche ; tbe ICK- Sritairi and 1 any wis© riNo : issed in Uie held in the uled : " An in the pro- tacted, tha l iwich, only 1 Pictou in Provinces tion under ised on the the Ports le Ports of Chatham ucto, Buc- Jay Verte, County of of Albert ; le Port of 0, in the authority spectively " An Act .Provinces and with ounty of igouche ; the 0RDRE8 IN COUNCIL. 239 Marine antf fisheries. the Ports of Chatham and Newcastle, iil the County of Northumberllmd ; the Port»of Richibucto, Buctouche and "^*'^ ^® unladen, cast or emptied out of, or thrown overiboard, from any ship or vessel whatever in the Harbour of Halifax, or at the entrance thereof (except in places set apart for that purpose by the Hitrbour Master), under the penalty of eight dollars for each and Penalty. every otfence, to be paid by the Owner, Master or other person having the charge of any such ship or vessel. Ballast, etc., Rule XIY.— No Ballast, Stone, Gravel, Earth or Rubbish of any kind beach**** °" ^^^^^ ^® Unladen, discharged, deposited, thrown or laid, either from any vessel, boat, scow or other such craft, or in any other manner, or by any person, from any part of the Beach, or shore of the City, into any part of the Harbour, or upon the beach and shore thereof, either below low water mark, or between high and low water mark, under Penalty. the penalty of forty dollars for each and every offence, to be paid by the Owner or Owners, Master or person having charge of any vessel, boat or scow, or other craft from which such matter as afore- said shall have been discharged, or by any other person or persons violating this Law. Explosive materials. Hay and straw. Rule XV. — No explosive material whatever, such as Nitro-Glycerine, or compounds of the same, or Petroleum, shall be landed in the City of Halifax, without permission, but they may be landed in such quan^ titles as shall be stated in writing by the Harbour-Master. care ill keep a mpejrmQst -•'■;■ I, 'hi tow-Une, re, except y^of th^i ptly laden inder the r or other sh of any veriboard, or at the Be by the each and in having any kind ler from anner, or jily, into Qf, either k, under 3 paid by ly vessel, s afore- r persons ycerine, the City :h quatt' ORDERS IN COUNCILi Marine and Fisheries. RuLV XVI. — If any ship or vessel arriving and. codling into the Harhour of the said City (those belonging to or employed by Her Ma- jesty, and the Government of the Dominion of Canada excepted) shall have any Gunpowder on board exceeding the quantity of twenty-five pounds, such Gunpowder exceeding that quantity shall be unladen and discharged from such ship or vessel within forty-eight hours aft«r her arrival, and before such ship or vessel shall be brought alongside of any Pier or wharf in the said City, under the pain of forfeiture of such Gunpowder, and under the penalty of Fort/ dollars for each and every offence, to be paid by the Ownier or Owners of such ship or ves- sel, or by the master or person having charge or command thereof ; and that whenever any Gunpowder is discharged from any ship or vessel, in the said Harbour, the same shall be conveyed by water, in a boat or boats, to son^e safe and secure place for the deposit of Gun- powder without the limits of the said City^ during which conveyance such Gunpowder shall be covered with a tarpaulin or other secura covering, ucder the penalty of twenty, dollars for each and every offence, to be paid by the Owner, or Owners of such Gunpowder, or the person having charge or direction of such conveyance. Rule XVII.— No gunpowder shall be taken or received on board of any ship or vessel bound to sea (those belonging to or employed by Her Majesty and the Government of the Dominion of Canada excepted! while such ship or yefi^^\ shall be a^nd remaiq at aoy pier or wharf io the said city, and until such ship or vessel shall bo cleared at the Custom House, and ready for sea, except with the knowledge and sanction of the Harbour Master; in which case, as soon as ths Gunpowder is on board, thd vessel shall be removed to the streara,^ (wind and weather permitting) under the pain of forfeiture of such Gunpowder ; and under the further penalty of forty dollars for each and every offence, to be paid by the owner or owners of any such ship or vessel into which such Gunpowder may be ^o received, contrary to the true intent and meaning hereof, or by the person having charge or command of such ship or vessel ; and that when it is intended to tak^ or load any Gunpowder on board of any ship or vessel lying in the said harbour, the same shall be conveyed by water to such ship or vessel, during all which conveyance such Gunpowder shall be covered in the manner herein before mentioned, under the penalty of twenty dollars for each and every offence, to be paid by the owner or owners of such Gunpowder or the person having charge or direction of such conveyance. Yessels ar- riving wUb gunpowder on Iboard shall unload such within 48 hours and before com* ing aloneside of any Pier, etc. Penalty. Gunpowder di^cba^ged to be secure- ly covered during con- veyance. Penalty, Vessels recei- ving gun- powder to be mtbeitrea^. Panalty. Gunpowder to be securely covered du> ring conve- vance to ves- sels. 244 Disposal of Torfeited Gunpowder. ORDERS IN COUNCIL Ma*-ine and Fisheries. General pflQallies. Rule XVIII.~AU Gunpowder forfeited uader and by virtue of this law shall and may be seized by the Harbour Master or person deputed by him, and when seized shall be conveyed to^ and deposited in some safe and secure place without the limits of, the said city, and upon conviction of the offender, the said Harbour Master or his deputy shall and may, and he is hereby authorized and empowered Within three days after such conviction, to sell such Gunpowder at public auction, by sample, in the said city ; and the proceeds of such sale, after deducting the necessary costs and charges of prosecution and sale shall be paid by the said Harbour Master to the credit of the Receiver General of the pominion of Canada. , .^.mxM' Rule XlX. — ^The penalty for violation of, or not conforming to the provisions of the law, and for disobeying the lawful orders or direc- tions of the Harbour Master or his depvity, in respect to any provision for which no penalty is hereinbefore prescribed, shall be twenty dollars^ to be imposed upon the owner or person in charge of the ship or vessel not conforming to the particular requirements. PORT OF PiCTOU, NOVA SCOTIA.— REGULATIONS. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PORT OF PICTOU IN NOVA SCOTIA, AND OF THE OFFICE OF HARBOUR MASTER FOR THE SAID PORT. Rule 1.— All vessels coming to anchor in the Channel of the Harbour bet- ween ih<^ Lighthouse and the turn of the Channel, at the entrance of the East River, shall anchor either on the North or South side of tbe Channel, so as to leave a free passage in the centre of the Channel for vessels to pass in and out of the port. Rule 2. — All vessels anchoring contrary to the foregoing regulation, or an. choring in either of the rivers so as to obstruct the free navigation thereof, or so ps to obstruct the landing at anyof the wharves shall remove immediatelyon being requested so to do by the Harbour Master or his Deputy, duly appointed; and the Master Pilot, or other person in charge of any vessel coming to anchor, shall give to any vessel at anchor a clear berth. Rule 3.— No vessel shall anchor on the flats to the Eastward between the Public Wharf and a line drawn from the South. West corner of BVaser's Wharf to the Ballast Wharf ; aud elsewhere, on the North Side of the Harbour one hun drod fathoms shall be loft clear between vessels at anchor and the wharves. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 945 Marint and Fisheries. rtue of this on deputed led ia some city, and iter or his empovs^red ipowder at 9ds of such [>ro8ecution rieditof ibe •/:■!• i-'. nihg to the rs or direc- f provision be twenty of the ship PORT OF IIARBOUR arbour bek- f.the East lel, soas to and out of ; i..k..y , ion, or an. jreof, or so ly on being 1 ; and the , shall give 3t^een the J Wharf to r one hun irves. RvLB 4.— 'In case of any dispute arising between masters, owners, or other peritons engaged in hauling ships or vessels in or out of the docks or wharves, it shall be the duty of the Harbour Master, if called upon, to give such directions in respect to the same as he may think fit ; and all masters, pilots or other persons having the charge or command of any ships or vessels shall comply with the directions of the said Harbour Master or his D.!puty in these respects, under the penalty of twenty dollars for each and every neglect or refusal so to do. Rule 5. — If any ship or vessel arriving and anchoring, or being moored or fastened to any wharf or vessel, in the said Harbour, shall be so moored or placed at to be unsafe and dangerous to any other ship or vessel previously lying at an- chor in the said Harbour, or moored or fastened ai> aforesaid, the said Harbour Master or his Deputy is hereby authorised and required to forthwith order tuid direct tUe isttuatiou of such ship or vessel' so arriving and anchored, moored or fastened as aforesaid, to be altered in such manner as to prevent such insecurity and danger ; and the master, pilot, or other person having charge of such ship or vessel shall comply with the orders and directions of such Harbour Master or his Deputy in this respect, under the penalty of twenty dollars for each and every offence. RuLB 6. — Whenever it shall happen 'that any ship or vessel is short of hands so that she cannot be moved when ordered under the provisions of this by-law, it shall and may be lawful for the Harbour Master to employ a sufficient number of hands to effect such removal, and to remove, or assist in removing, siich vessel as required, or as may be necessary, and that at the expense of such vessel. RvLE 7. — ^AU ships o^ vessels loading or discharging in the stream, coals, bal- last or such like materials, shall have a sufficient piece of canvas or tarpaulin, so placed as to prevent any portion thereof from falling into the Harbour, under ^ penalty of twenty dollars for each and every offence, to be paid by the owner, master, or person in charge of such ship or vessel. Rule 8. — Whenever the Harbour Master shall find ships or vessels at the wharves with main jib or spanker booms rigged out so as to incommode other vessels, it shall be the duty of the Harbour Master to direct such to be rigged in, and in the event of noncompliance all accidents to the same shall beat the risk of the persons so offending. Rule 9. — No vessel shall be left without some person to take care of her by night and by day when anchored in the stream. Rule 10. — All vessels lying at anchor in the Harbour shall keep a clear and bright light burning at least six feet from the uppermost deck from sunset until sunrise. 246 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. Rule 11. — No vessel lying in the stKam sl^all have any tow41ne, hawty the ow- )r Boow or [larged, or all be un- ssel what- hn^ay be Ighty dol- or pereon rithin the Its of said ents with he ov/ner and each be conai- , or eom- tbe Har- i shall be ll.; di (those dominion quantity unloaded r arrival, r wharf, under und«r the pain of forfeiture of such gunpowder, and under the penalty of forty dollkrs for each and every offense, to be paid by the owner or owners of such ship or vessel, or by the master or person having charge or command thereof. Ruf,B 18. — Whenever any gunpowder is discharged from »ny ship or vessel in the said harbour, the same shall be conveyed by water in a boat or boats to some safe and secure place for the deposit of gunpowder, during which con- veyance such gunpowder shall be covered with a tarpauling or other secure covering, under the penalty of twenty dollars for each and every offence, to be paid by the owner or owners of such gunpowder, or by the person having charge or direction of such conveyance. Rule 19. — No gunpowder shall be taken or received on board of any ship or vessel bound to sea (those belonging to or employed by Her Majesty and the Gover^ment of the Dominion of Canada excepted) while such ship or vessel shall be and shall remain at aiiy pier or wharf, and until such ship or vessel shall be cleared at the Custom House and ready for sea, except with the knowledge and consent of the said harbor master ; in which case, as soon as the gunpowder is on board the vessel shall be removed to the stream (wind and weather permitting), under the pain and forfeiture of such gunpowder, and under the further penalty of fortv dollars for each and every offeface, to be paid by the owners or owner of any such ship or vessel into which such guilpowder may be so received contrary to the true intent and meaning hereof, or by the person having chatge or com- man^pf such ship or vessel, and thdt when it is intended to take or load any gunpo ivder on board of any ship or vessel lying in said harbour the same shall be conveyed by water to snch ship or vessel, during all which, conveyance such gunpowder shall be covered in the manner hereinbefore mentioned, under the penalty of twenty dollars for each and every offence, to be paid by the owner or owners of such gunpowder, or the persoifi having the charge or direction of such conveyance. Rule 20. — ^All gunpowder forfeited under and by virtue of this law shall and may be seized by the Harbour Master or person deputed by him, and when seized shall be conveyed to and deposited in some safe and secure place without the limits of the town of Pictou and upbn conviction of the difender the said Harbour Master or his Deputy,. shall find may and he is hereby authorized and emprowered, withini three days after such conviction, to sell such gunpowder by public auction by sample, and the prbceeds of such sale after deducting the necessary costs and charges of prosecution and sale shall be paid by the said Htirbour Master to the credit of the R( ceiver General of thj Dominion of Canada. Rule 21. — The penally for violation of or not conforming to the provisions of the law, and for disobeying the lawful orders or directions of the Harbour Master or his Deputy, in respect of any provision for which no penalty is hereinbefore prescribed shall be twenty dollars to be imposed upon the owner or person in charge ot the ship or vessel not contorming to the particular requirements. 248 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Marine and Fisheries. Rule 22.--The Commissioners -shall appoint a wharfinger who shall have power to carry into effect the following reg^ulations respecting the management of the puh'ic wharf. To control and direct the depositions of vessels lyi/ig at the same ; collect all moneys arising from the wharfage dues and fines to be paid over to the Commissioners to be by them expended for the general purposes of the wharf, and the Commissioners may dismiss or suspend the wharfinger at any time on good and sufficient grounds and may appoint another in his place. Rule 23. — No master or any person having charge of any ship, vessel or lighter shall haul alongside said wharf unless by peraiission and under the direction of the wharfinger. . Rule 24. — All vessel under such direction landing ballast oi: rubbish on the wharf shall use shoots or tarpaulins, and shall remove said ballast or rubbish within twenty four hours after landing, under a penalty of five dollars, to be paid by the Master or person having charge of such vessel, and every additional twenty four hours during which such removal shall be n?glected, shall be considered a new offence. Rule 25. — All Masters or persons hftving charge of any ship or lighter lying at the warf and not at the time discharging or taking in ballast or cargo, on being notified by the wharfinger either to shift his berth or remove from the wharf shall do so within, one hour after such notice if afloat, or within twelve hours af- ter such notice if the vessel is aground. The penalty for neglecting to do so shall be ten dollars, and evei-y additional six hours shall be considered a new offence. . Bulb 26. — Vessels occupying any part of the wharf (with the consent of the 'wharfinger) for repairs or other purposes than loading or unloading ballast or cargo shall pay one dollar per day wharfage if over one hundred and fifty tons, and fifty cents per day for vessels imd> r one hundrod and fifty tons. Rule 27. — All goods or cargo landed on or sh.pped from the wharf, shall pay wharfage at the following rates, viz : for every barrel bulk, one cent ; for every four bushels of farm produce, one cent ; for every ton of salt in bulk, five cent ; for every ton of bar or bolt iron or iron castings, ten cents ; for every ton of coals, five cents ; for every thousand feet of lumber, ten cents ; for evejy thousand shingles, two cents ; for every ton of ballast landed and carted from the wharf, five cents — vessels lying at the wharf taking in or discharging eargo or ballast into or from any vessel or lighter alongside shall pay half wharfage for such cargo or bcUast so shipped or discharged, and all cargo landed and reshipped without having been removed from the whaif shall pay half wharfage, in addition lo the wharfage on lauding. All wharfage to be paid by the consignees of the goods so landed ; and the Master or person having charge of such sliip or lighter shall furnish the wharf- • inger ■ ii ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 349 Marine and Fisheries. lave power nent of the the same ; over to the the wharf, )y time on 1 or lighter iirection of )ish on the or rubbish , to be paid >nal twenty onsidered a ler lying at 9, on being 1 the wharf 'e houn af- do so shall V offence. isent of the ballast or i fifty tons, r, shall pay ; for every five cent ; >n of coals, thousand the wharf, or ballast 3 for such reshipped arfage, in I ; and the he wharf- inger inger with a freight list of the cargo, and failing to do so he ahall be held per- sonally liable for such wharfage anl may be sued for it in the same manner as if he were the actual consignee, owner, or shipper of the said goods or cargo. ' RuLB 2d. — All vessels using the wharf for the purpose of landing or taking on board passengers and goods shall pay in addition to the wharfage rates for goods so landed or laden two dollars each time the wharf is used for such purpose. ^I^o^ iRuLE 29. — ^The wharfinger shall furnish the Masters of every vessel coming to the wharf with a printed copy of the foregoing regulations. (Signed,) WM. G. CRERAR, u R. P. GRANT, u JAMES H. FRASER, Commissioners PRIVY COUNCIL CHAMBER, Ottawa, August 4, 1873. The foregoing Rules and Regulations were this day submitted to and approv- ed by His Excellency the Governor General in Council. W. A. HIMSWORTH, Clerk Privy Council. SHIPPING OF SEAMEN AT THE PORTS OF LUNENBURG AND LAHAVE, IN NOVA SCOTIA. PROCLAMATION. IL.S.] DUPFERIN, CANADA. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, QuBEN, Defender of the Faith, &ic., &c., &c. To all to whom these presents shall come, or whom the same may in any wise concern, Gribting : A PROCLAMAllON. John A. Macdonald, ^ TTTHEREAS it is, in and by an Act passed in the Attorney General, i VV Session of the Parliament of Canada held in the Canada. ) thirty-fifth year of Our Reign, and intituled : " An Act respecting the Shipping of Seamen in Nova Scotia," amongst other things enacted, that the said Act shall be in force at, and with respect to, such Ports only in the Province of the Nova Scotia, as shall be appointed for that purpose from time to lime by Proclamation under an order, or orders of the Governor in Council. 250 ORDERS IN COUNaL. \ fishery Regulations. And whereas, an Order of the Governor in Council has been passed on the day of the date hereof appointing that the said Act shall be in force at the Ports of Lunenburg and Lahave. in tlie County of Lunenbnrg, in the said Province of Nova Scotia. Now KNOW YB that We do hereby under and by virtue of the authority vested in us by the said Act, and Order of the Governor in Gounqil respectively, Proclaim and Declare that the Act hereinbefore mentioned, and intituled " An Act rfespecl- ing the Shipping of Seamen in Nova Scotia" shall henceforth be in force at, and with respect to the said Ports of Lunenburg and Lahave in the Province of Nova Scotia aforesaid. Of all which Our loving subjects and all others are hereby required to lake notice and to govern themselves accordingly. Ottawa, 22 October 1873. By Command, J. C. AIKIN8, Secretary of State. DEEP SEA FISHERIEa — GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE. Toronto^ 1th May 1859. The following By-Laws relatidg>:tDr Deep Sea Fisheries, Gulf of St. Lawrence, have been adopted by the Governor General in Council, pursuant to certain provisions of the Act 22 Vict. cap. 86. '•■)■: By-Law M. — It shall be deemed unlawful, durinfg the feeason of Herring and Mackerel Fishery in Pleasant Bay (Magdalen Island,) from the first of M^ to the fifteenth of June, to set any net or nets opposite the entrance of Amherst Harbour, that is to say : eastward of a line drawn from the north-west end of the Cape bounding the mouth of said Harbour to the east end of Cape Allright, as far as another lino intersecting the same and bearing east south-east (Magnetic) with the north Cape of Entry Island ; and no person or persons will be permitted at any time to set any net or nets in the Middle of Sandy-Hook channel ; nor shall any net or nets be set along the northern and western shores of Entry Island at more than one mile distant from the beach : Provided, however, that fishermen may lay their nets, from Allright and Grindstone Islands towards Entry Island to within half a mile of those set ux)on the northern and western shores of said Is- land, so as to leave always for the purposes of Navigation a clear channel against the assed on the at the Ports Province of kority vegted if, Proclaim Act respect - brce at, and rice of Nova red to lake INS, ' State. fay 1859. Lawrence, to certain rring and ilajT to the Harbour, the Cape ais far as with the 3d at any shall any i at more men may Island to )f said Is- ;1 against the ORDERS IN GOUNaL. 8S1 Fithery RegidatUms. the entrance into Amherst Harbour'; and preserve ^free access to the bottom of Pleasant Bay for the schuUs of herring and mackerel resorting thither to spawn. N. — No nets shall be set in the said Bay nearer to each other than one hundred feet. .\ ■ ' O. — Whenever it shall be found impracticable to discover the owner or owners for the time being of any net or nets laid in contravention of these Regulations, the Stipendiary Magistrate in charge of the Government Vessel for the protection of Fisheries, may, upon sight, proceed to remove the same from the place of obs- truction. P. — It shall not be lawful to use, in any manner whatsoever, for the purpose of taking Codfish or Halibut, set-lines or bultow lines, within Pleasant Bay, or at a less distance than three miles from any of the Magdalen Islands. Q. — The penalty incurred for violation of either of the By-Laws hereinbefore made, shall be as declared by the 42nd section of the Statute, 22 Vic, Cap. 86, ' and recoverable as by thf said Act provided. The publication of the present Regulations in the Canada Gazette, shall be held sufficient to give force in Law. ^ P: M. VANKOUGHNET, 1': 'i-.J n:b ill'- Commissioner. FISHING FOR TROUT IN RIVER MAGOG, ST. FRANCIS. MX' ■■ ■ i .i/M.-i/;i;) :}o/.)UUi)ii •.-. /j^^uu^ii/ HM. DEPARTMENT OF CROWN LANDS. . ' 'i^lSHEhlBS BRANCH. ! Ottawa, Uh Auyust, 19^6. \) THE following Fishery Regulation has been approved and adopted by order of the Governor General in Council on the 3rd instant. " The fishing for, catching or killing trout of any kind, and by an) means, in the River Magog, or any of its tributary streams, within the district of St. Fran- cis, between the 23th day of June and the 15th day of October, in each and every year, is hereby prohibited." ANDREW RDSSELL, Assistant Commissioner of Crown Lands. 252 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Fishery Regulations. FISHING WITH NETS IN RIVERS DETROIT AND ST. GLAIR. DEPARTMENT OF CROWN LANDS. Fisheries Branch. Ottawa, 9th August, 1866. THE following Fishery Regulation has been approved and adopted by order of the Governor General in Council on the 6lh instant. " Fishing with net or nets is prohibited except under Leases and Licenses from the Assistant Commissioner of Crown Lands, along the shores and in the waters of the Detroit, River and River St. Claire in Upper Canada." MDRifi# RUSSELL, Assist. Commissioner of Crown Lands. HERRINGS, SALMON AND OYSTERS.— FISHING FOR— ■ ■\:i:, June o: eries, GOVERNMiSNT HOUSE, OTTAWA. Thursday, 28th day of May, 1868. PRESENT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCU.. N the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Marine and Fisher- ies, and under the authority of the 19th Section of " The Fisheries Act," His Excellency ip Council has be pleased to make the i )llowing Regula- tions :— , Herrings shall not be taken between the Fifteenth d?/ of July and the Fifteenth day of October in any year, on the spawning ground, .^ t the southern head of Grand Manan, in the Province of New-Brunswick, within the following limits, that is to say : — Commencing at the eastern part of Seal Cove, including the two Inner Islands (so called) at a place known as Red Point, thence extend- ing westerly along the coast to the southern head of Bradford's Cove, and extend- ing one mile from the shore ; and all nets or other fishing material, apparatus, tackle or gear used for catching Herrings on any part of the said ground during the period above described, shall be seized and confiscated ; and every person so using the same shall be subject to flue or imprisonment. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 255. Fishery Regulations. CLAIR. gust, 1866. jd by order of Licenses from in the waters LL, Crown Lands. R- '■■■■>■ uJ';', ', ay, 1868. JNCIL. and Fisher- jries Act," Mng Regula- uly and'^the .he southern le following e, including jnce extend- , and extend- il, apparatus, ouud during ry person so The fishing for or catching of Salmon with swing nets in any of the waters of Canada is hereby forbidden. , , Oysters shall not be fished tot, caught or killed between the First day of June and the First tlay of September in any year. ■ i ! .,!;-l ■ , i /■2(fihir!.rt; "W^M. H. LEE,. ■ liij/. Clerk Privy Council. FISHERY REGULATIONS FOR PROVINCES OF ONTARIO AND QUEBEC. ObVERNMENT HOUSE OTTAWA, FiHday 9th day of April, 1869. -;.•!(): FrSsbnt : HIS EXCiilLLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, and under and in virtue of the 10th and 19th sections of the Act 31 Vic, cap. 60, intituled: " An Act for the regulation of Fishing and protection of the Fish- eries," His Excellency in Council has been pleased to Order, and it is hereby Or- dered, that the following regulations for the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec respectively, be and the sam6 are hereby adopted and established, viz :— REGULATIONS. r. ** Nd person sJiall fish for, catch or kill any Speckled (or brook) Trout bet- ween the Thirtieth dAy of September, in each year, and the First day of May in each succeeding year, in the Province of Ontario." 2. " No person shall fish for, catch or kill any Salmontrout during the months of October, November and December , in each year, in the waters of Lake Simcoe, in the Province of Ontario, nor any White-fish between the Nioth day of Novem- ber and the Firfct day of December in each year, in the aforesaid waters, nor any Maskinongg during the mouths of April and May, in each year, in the aforesaid waters, nor any Bass between the Nineteenth day of May and the Twenty-first day pf |^,mje, in each year, in the aforesaid y/aters." 3^ :<' No person shall fish for, catch or kill alny Bass, Pickerel, (Dor^e) or Maskinongfi between the Fifteenth day of April and the First day of May, in each year, in the Province of Ontario." 4, " Jl^o pers^on sUall fish for, catch or kill any Bass, Pickerel iDor6o) or Mas- kinongd between the Thirtieth day of April and the Twenty-fourth day of May in each year, in the Province of Quebec." * Cancelled by 0. C , of Isl. April 1870. 1sai 254 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Fishery Regulations. b.i ^ Trout or '^ Lungo "shall oot be fished for, caught or killed ia the waters of Lake Memphremagog, in the Province of Quebec, between the Thirtieth day of September and the First day of December, in each year." 6. ^' Salmon may be fished Tor, caught or killbd by means of nets on that part of the coast of Labrador, east of (and including) the River Kegashka, in the Pro- vince of Quebec, between the Thirtieth day of April and the Sixteenth day of August, in each year." WM. H. LEE, Cl^rk Privy Council. WAT DEEP SEA & COAST FISHERIES. ; . ' : . ■ '" ' 'I I ,, -I ..ii!:' GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA : ' i'^l^'^ Wedneitiay,the^hdayi}fifme,\W9^ Presbnt.. HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR QENErAl IN COUNC^li' f :'' WHEREAS it is expedient to restrict the application of the 14th subsection of section 13 of " The Fisheries Act " which requires that seines, nets or other apparatus used for catching fish shall be so raised or adapted a» to admit the free passage of fish through past or out of the same between the hours of six o'cloQk on every Saturday evening to six o'clock on every following Mpnday morning, a^d it is desirable that such subsection should in its application be confined to nets and other apparatus in which salmon may be caught. ' I " i " - His Excellency, on the recommendation of the Hon. the Minister of Mariae and Fisheries, and under and in virtue of the provisions of the ninetfeoth section of the said Act, has been pleased to make the following regulation via : " Subsection fourteen of the thirteenth section of the Fisheries Act shaU, as afiects the deep sea and coast fisheries in tidal Waters, apply only to salmon and the salmon fishery with nets and other apparatus within a distance of three miles on either side of the mouth of each river or stream. " WM. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Copncil. I the waters tiirtieth day on that part in the Pro- enth day of Council. iii ,1869: . l'' 1. U .'ij'" ibsection of ts or other it th© free o'cIoqIl on rning, and ed to nets of Iferlne athsectioQ or ■ tsh^U, as ilmon and hree miles :::o}incii. ) ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 255 FUhery Regulations. WATBRS OP COUNTY OF OTTAWA SET APART FOR PROPAGATION OE FISH; GQVE?RNft^NT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Monday, iith day of February, 1870. Preset : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. HIS EXCELLENCY was pleased to lay before the Council a Repon from the Honorable the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, stating that under and in pursuance! of the provisions of the 15th clause of '^The Fisheries Act " he has authorized certain waters, hereinafter mentioned, in the County of Ottawa, to be set apart for the natural propagation of Fish''aud requesting -that the Sanction of of His Excellency in Council be given thereto. Whereupon Hts ExGGLCBNCY in Council under the authorit']r given by tj||e . 19th Sectibn 6f th^ said, recited Act his been pleased to make the following. ^ ^ ' ' ■ ..I.. ■ I' ' ■'■ ",i-»A(:'.jil-jl[«i'I DiiT •• «i[i fi'-i'jfnf) vilrnoil Regiriaiim:. f «^*i>^wateiri'iiie'abi3|n^^W Ottawa, ii^ ''known as Dam Lake, Indian Liike, Lc^ng Lake, Forl^ed Lak^, Oyer-the-hil^ll " Lake, lillud Lake and Little Mud Lake, shall be and they are hereby respectively *' set apart from the first day of October in each year to the first day of May in " each following year for the natural propagation of Fish, and that the said waters " be floret apart for the said purpose during the present year (9870) from the tenth " day o^ Pebniary instant, to the thirtieth day of April next, both inclusive. " WM. H. LEE, * Clerk Privy Council. RAIT FOR DEEP SEA FISHII^G.— SPECIAL PERMITS TO TAKE— GOVERNMbNT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Tuesday, 22nd day of March, 1870. PnssENT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Marine and Fish- eries, and under and in pursuance of the provisions of the 19th Section of the '* Fisheries Act." His Excellency in Council hais been pleased to make the fol- lowing Regulation : ?55 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Fishery Regulations, " The Minister of Marine and Fisheries may authorize the issue of Special Permits to take bait for the bona fide purpose of deep Sea fishing, for any specified time during the Sunday close time prescribed by the Fishery Laws." wm. h. lee, Clerk Privy Council. CLOSE SEASON, PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. — ORDER IN COUNCIL OF 9 , APRIL 1870, AMENDED. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Friday, Ist day of April, 1870. pRtaSBNT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Marine and Fish- eries, and under and in virtue of the authority given by the 19th section of " The Fisheries Act," His Excellency in Council has been pleased to Ordef, and it is hereby Ordered, that the Fishery iiegulatlon No. 4, established by Order in Council of 9th of April, 1869, fixing the close season for certain kinds of fish in the Province of Quebec, between the 15th of April and the 24th of May be, and the sfime is hereby cancelled, and the following established in lieu thereof. Regulation. " No person shall fish for, catch; or kill any Bass, Pickerel (Dor6e) or Maski- " nong6 between the thirtieth day of April and the twenty-fourth day of May in each year, in the Province of Quebec. " Wm. H. lee, Clerk Privy Council. SALMON FISHING.— SPECIAL LICENCES MAY BE GRANTED. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Thursday, 9th day of June, 1870. , Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GEJ^ERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Marine and Fish- eries, and under the provisions of the 19th Section of *' The Fisheries Act," His Excellency has been pleased to Order, and it is hereby Ordered, that tne following Regulation shall be, and the same is hereby adopted and esta- blished : ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 257 r \ of Special ly specified Duncil. fCIL OF 9 I, 1870. OIL. and Fish- I sectioa of rdef, and it r Order in of fish in ay be, and reof. ) or Maski- of May in mncil. ED. 1870. UL. and Fish- Fisheries ered, that and esta- Fishery Regulations. '* Special Licenses may be granted by the Ministei of Marine and Fisheries, to fish for and catch Salmon by means of any description of net specified therein, within five miles on either side of Wilmot's or Bald win's Creek, in the Province of Ontario. Wm. h. lee. Clerk Privy Council. FISHING APPARATUS PROHIBITED IN RIVER RICHELIEU. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, , _ Tlmrsday^9thday of June, iBlO. Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR QENfiRAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Hon. the Minister of Marine and Fisheiies, and under the provisions of the I9th Section of " The Fisheries Act," His Excellency has been pleased to Order, and it is hereby Ordered, that the following Regulation shall be, and the same is hereby adopted and established : . The placing or using of Fishing Apparatus or materials for catching any kind offish, in the River Richelieu and tributary streams, in the Province of Quebec, is hereby prohibited, except under authority of Leases or Licenses issued by the Minister of Marine and Fisheries." vntm. h. lee. Clerk Privy Council.' SALMON PLY SURFACE FISHING.— PERIOD FIXED FOR. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, 'Wednesday, 22nd day of June, 1870. Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Honorable the Mini iter of Marine and Fish- eries, and under the provisions of the 19lh Section of the " Fisheries Act" His Excellency has been pleased to Order, and it his hereby Ordered that the following Regulation shall be and the same is hereby adopted and established. " Fishing for SaLiion with a rod and line in the manner known as Fly " surface fishing in the Province of Nova Scotia, shall be allowed between the " 30th day of April and the Ist day of September. " WM. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council. 17 l! 258 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Fishery Regulations. CERTAIN WATERS IN PROVINCE OF ONTARIO^SET APART—FISHING BY MEANS OF NETS &c., IN 0|»ITARIO & QUEBEC, PROHIBITED. m'l : 111 GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Tuesday, 23rd August, 1870." , . Present: HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, and under the provisions of " The Fisheries Act, " His Excellency in Council has been pleased to make the following Regulations. The under mentioned waters are hereby set apart for the natnral and artificial propagation of fish, as pi'ovided by the fifteenth section of the Fisheries Act, natnely. 1. Certain waters situated on the North East part of lot No. 2, in, the 10th Concession of the Township of North Dumfries, in the County of Walterloo in , the Province of Onta;io, on the West side of the Grand River, near the Town of Gait ; now used for the purposes of breeding fish therein. 2. The waters of the River Trent, situated within the Counties of Norlhum- berland and Hastings, in the Province of Ontario, 3. The waters of the Stream called Grafton Creek, in the Township of Haldimand, in the County of Northumberland, in the Province of Ontario. 4/ The waters of the Stream called Baldwin's (or Wilmot's) Creek, in the Township of Clarke, in the County of Northumberland, in the Province of Ontario. 5. The waters of the Stream called Duflin's Creek, in the Township of Pickering, in the County and Province of Ontario. 6. The waters of the Stream called River Rouge, in the Townships of Pickering, Scarboro, and Markham, in the Counties of Ontario and York, in the Province of Ontario. , 7. The waters of that part of Burlington Bay, now called " Kerr's Pond, situated in the Townsliip of Nelson, in the County of Halton, in the Province o» Ontario. ' His Excellency in Council was further pleased to Order, and it is hereby Ordered, that the Regulation of i6th April 1867, adopted under the Statute 29 Victoria, Chapter 1 1 , and continued in force in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, by 31 Victoria, Chapter GO Section 2, shall be superseded by the following Regulation, viz : ORDERS IN COUNCIL 259 Fishery Regulations. FI3HING lITED. 1870/ GIL. Fisheries, in Counc il d artificial ;{, nainely. nthe 10th ra'terloo in , eTown of wnship of rio. !ek, in the rovince of wnship of nshipe of irk, in the ■'8 Pond, rovince o. is hereby Statute 29 itario and following Pishing by means of nets or other appAratns. (except in the tidaldeep sea fisheries without Leases or Licenses from 'the Department of Marine and Fisheries, is prohibited in all waters situated within ihe Provinces of Quebec and Ontario AlS/y WM. H. LEE, Clerk Privv Council, '/>!,"l.i Canada. SALMON FISHING IN RIVER CREDIT, HIGHLAND CREEK, &c GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, 26th day of October, 1870. ,ilr.. > Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. UPON the report of the Honorable the Minister ef Marine and Fisheries, stating that he has under the authority of the Fisheries Act, authorized certain Waters to be set apart for the natural and artificial propagation of Salmon, and asking for sanction of the same. , i His Excellency in Council, under the authority of the 31st Victoria, Chapter 60, known as " the Fisheries Act, " has been pleased to make the following regula- tion for the better management and regulation of the Iilland Fisheries, that is to say. ' ■ (,i.i..fu!f4(T!mying rates, thatis to ^ay : the eppper penny for I^q . cents, the copper halfpenny for one cent, and any Qther subdiyisipps of the s^i^ .copper penny for proportionate sums: Provided always, that any copper coins of like weights with those aforesaid respectively, which We may direct to be struck for the purpose, shall pass current and bje a legal tender in Our said Province, at the like x^tes and to the like amount in any one payment ; And whereas We have directed and caused to be struck at Our Royal Mint, certain silver coins of the fineness fixed by law for the silver coins of the United Kingdom, and of weights bearing respectively the same pi-opdrtion to the value assigned to theni and for which , they shall pass current in Our said Province, which the weights of the silver coins of Our United Kingdom bear to the value assigned to them in Our United Kingdom ; And whereas We have also caused to be struck at Our Royal Mint, certain copper coins for the purpose of the same passing current and being a legal tender in Our said Province ; Now Know Yfe, that We have assigned and do hereby assign to the said coins the following names, to wit; the silver coins respectively " Twenty Cents, " " Ten Cents, " and " Five Cents,|" and the copper coin " One Cent ; " and We do hereby declare the said silver and copper coins bearing the said names, to be lawful money of Our said Province,'and that they shall pass current and be a legal tender at the following rates, to wit : the silver coins called " Twenty Cents " for one fifth part of a dollar, those called " Ten Cents" for the tenth part of a dollar, those called " Five Cents " for the twentieth part of a dollar, and the copper coiif v-.alled " One Cent " for the hundredth part of a dollar. Of all which Our loving subjects of Our said Province, and all others whom ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 26'i Finance. jr, and^in and after }rovisions eiiomina- s, dollars, ipectiyely -fourth of tenth of a »ur Royal kingdom, lue to be ver coins Lingdom, *roclama- and be a ion ; and current ) amount Qllft>ying enny for dfticinate h those >se, shall 38 and to cled and ess fixed bearing r which , le silver United al Mint, a legal and do ar coins ! copper 3r coins at they e silver "Ten entieth part of others whom whom these presents may concern, are hereby required to take notice, and to govern themselves accordingly. ■ By Command, CHARLES ALLEYN, Secretary. 10 December, 1858. POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANKS.— REGULATIONS. Thb following Regulations are made under Authority of the Act of Par- liament, 31 Victoria, Cap. 10, intituled: "An Act for the Regulation OF the Postal Service." 1. Every Post Office, being a Money Oraer Office, at which the Postmaster General shall permit deposits to be received for remittance to the Central Savings Bank in the Post Office Department at Ottawa, will be open for that purpose, and for the repayment of moneys withdrawn, during the hours appointed for the transaction of Money Order business at the said Post Office, and at such other hours as may from time to time be appointed in any case by the Postmaster General. 1, ii) -UtU ■■:■■ ' ^ ■.■ ' ' "** ' 2. De'poitti of One Dollar, or of any number of Dollars, will be i'6ceived from any Depositor at the Post Office Savings Banks, provided the deposits made by such Depositor in any year ending the 30th June, do not exceed Three Hundred Dollars, except in special cases to bs specially authorized by the Postmaster General, and provided the total amount standing in such Depositor's name in his ordinary deposit account in the books of the Postmaster General, do not exceed $1,000, exclusive of interest. No interest will be allowed on any sum over and above One Thousand Dollars in an ordinary deposit account. 3. Every depositor on making a first deposit, shall be recjuired to specify his Christian name and surname, occupation and residence, to the Postmaster or other Officer of the Postmaster General, receiving such deposit, and make and sign the following Declaration, to be witnessed by Ihe said Postmaster or other Officer receiving the deposit, or by some person known to him, or by a Justice of the Peace ; and if such declaration or any part thereof, shall not be true, the Depositor making the same shall forfeit and lose all right and title to his deposits. 264 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Finance. Depositor's Book. Place. No Declaration by Depositor ok Making First Deposit. I, ...:..... of do hereby declare to the Postmaster General that I am desirous, on my own behalf, to become a Depositor in the Post Office Savings Bink. I do further hereby declare that I am not directly or indirectly entitled to any sum or sums standing in the n^me or names of any other person or persons in the books of the said Post Oflice Savings Bank ; and I do hereby also testify my consent that my deposits in the said Post Office Savings Bank, shall be managed according to the Regulations thereof. Witness my hand, this day of Signed by the said Depositor In the presence of me, .186.. Save and except such sum er sums as may be. standing in my name a^ Trustee jointly Wilh the name or names, and on behalf of any other Depositor or Depositors. A copy of the above declaration shall be printed within the cover of every Depositor's Book. 4. On making the Declaration, and in all cases in which the signature 6f a Depositor is required, if the Depositor cannot wiite, his mark must be affixed in the presence of a witness, .and attested by the signature of that witness. 5, Every Deposit received by a Postmaster, or other Officer of the Postmaster Geneml appointed for that purpose, shall be entered by him at the time in a numbered Book, and the entry shall be attested by him and by the dated stamp of his office, and the said Book, with the entry so attested, shall be given to the Depositor, and retained by him as primary evidence of the receipt of the deposit. The Depositor shall sign his name in a place to be provided for his signature in the Depositor's Book. The amount of each deposit, so received, and the name, occupation and residence of the Depositor, sball, upon the day of the receipt thereof, be reported to the Postmaster General, and the acknowledgment of the Postmaster General for the said deposit, signified in the following form, by the Officer whom he shall appoint for that purpose, shall be forthwith transmitted by Post to the Depositor as the conclusive evidence of his claim to the repayment of the deposit with the interest thereon, upon demand made by him on the Postmaster General. >08IT. Q my own do further im or sums le books of onsent that ccording to 6... intly With the r of every ature 6f a a affixed in ostmaster time in a d stamp of en to the le deposit. signature ation and reported eneral for he shall Depositor with the ORDERS IN COUNCIL MS Finance. Depositor's Book. Place. No . Post Officb Department, Savings Bank Branch, Ottawa .186 The Postmaster of having reported to the Postmaster General, the receipt by him on the... of your Deposit of $ , that amount has been placed to the credit of your Account in the Books of the Post Office Savings Bank. Examined, Superintendent. To. Nqticb. — This Acknowledgment is of no valtie to any person but the Depositor to whom it is addressed. If the Depositor does not receive the said acknowledgment within ten days from the day on which he made the deposit, he must apply for the same to the Postmaster General, hj letter, and if necessary renew his application to the Postmaster General until he receives the said acknowledgment 6. Interest calculated yearly, at the rate of Four dollars per cent per annum, shall be allowed on deposits, and shaU be computed from the first day of the calendar month next following the day on which the deposit is made, up to the first day of the calendar month in which moneys are withdrawn. The interest will be calculated to the thirtieth day of June in every year, and will then be added to, and become part of the principal money. 7. Deposits may be made by a Trustee on behalf of another person, in the joint names of such Tiustee and the person on whose account such money shall be so deposited ; but repayment of the same, or any part thereof, shall not be made without the receipt and receipts of both the said parties, or the survivor or survivors, or the executors or administrators of such survivor, whose receipt and receipts either personally or by agent appointed by Power of Attorney, which Power of A'torney in the case of Minors may be executed by such Minor if of or exceeding the age of 14 years, shall alone be a valid discharge, except in case of insanity or imbecility of the party on whose behalf the deposits were m&de, when the 266 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Finance. Hi the Postmaster General may, on proof of the fact to his satisfaction, allow repay- ment to be made to the Trustee alone. The following Declaration must be made in such cases : — Depositor's Booli. Place. No DECLARATION BY THE TRUSTEE OF A DEPOSITOR. L... of do hereby declare to the Postmaster General that I am desirous of becoming a Depositor in the Post Office Savings Bank, as the Trustee of of , and I do further declare on behalf of myself, and also on behalf of the said that we are not either jointly or severally, directly or indirectly entitled to any deposit or benefit from the funds of the Post Office Savings Bank, nor ^o any sum or sums standing in the name or names of any other person or persons in the Books of the said Savings Bank. Witness my hand this. Signed by the said Trustee in the presence of me, .day of. .186 S .if*i)Wri 8a\e and except fuch sum or sums os may bo slanillng in my name as a Depositor, on my own Account, or as Trustee jomtly with the name or names, and on behalf of any other Depositor or Depositors. And in case any such Declaration shall not be tiite, the person making ho same shall lose all right and title to his deposits. 8. Deposits may be made by, or for the benefit of any person under 21 years of age. ■ In case of Minors under the age of 10 years, the Declaration must be made by one of the Parents or by a friend on behalf of the Minor. Repayment to a Minor over 10 years of age shall bo in.ido in the same manner as if he wore of full age. 9. Deposits may be made by married women, and doposils so made, or made by women who shall afterwards marry, will be repaid to any such vvonion. 10. Every Depositor shall, onco in each year, on the anniversary of the day on which he made his first deposit, forward his Book to the Postmaster General, in a v^ovet- to be obtained at any Post Office Savings Bank, in order that the entries in low repay- OSITOR. becoming a f of myself, not either eneflt from standing in laid Savings .186 ' . ', on my owa Depositor or naking he av 21 years St b(! made no manner 9, or made noil. ,, of the day r General, llie entries in ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 267 Finance. in the said Book may be compared with the entries in the Books of the Postmaster General, and that the interest due to the Depositor on the preceding 30th Jufte^ may be inserted in his Book. 11. No charge shall be made upon Depositors for the Books at first supplied to them, or for Books issued in continuation thereof ; but if any Depositor shall lose his Book, and shall desire a new Book, application must be made by him to the Postmaster General, by letter, stating the circumstances, and enclosing Post- age Stamps of the value of twenty cents to pay for the new Book, should the application be granted, and the Postmaster General shall, as he thinks lit, issue a new Book, or return the Stamps to the applicant. 12. No charge for Postage shall be made upon the Depositors for the trans- mission of their Books to the Postmaster General, or for the return thereof to them, or for any applications they may have to make for acknowledgments of deposits, or for any application or necessary letter of enquiry respecting the sums deposited by them, or for the replies thereto. 13. Any Depositor wishing to withdraw the whole or part of the sum depo- sited by him, must make application for the same to the Postmaster General, in the following Form, a printed copy of which may be obtained at any Post Office Savings Bank. No less amount than one dollar, or some number of dollars, shall be with- drawn, except when a Depositor withdraws all the money, both principal and interest, due to him. Depositor's Book, i Place No...., (Date) day of. .186 To THE Postmaster General, Ottawa. I hereby give notice that 1 wish to withdraw the sum of dollars, from my Deposit Account, bearing the above Number in the Books of the Post Office Savings Bank, and I request that a Cheque may be issued for the above named sum, and made payable to me at the Post Office. ..Signature ) I Address ► .Occupation of Depositor. Note.— If ttio Depositor cinnol write, liis marlc must bo afli\i)it iti tho prosencu of Wilnoss, and aUesluil by the signaluro of llmt Wilnoss. m ORDERS IN COUNCIL. U V * Finance. In this Form the Dapositor must specify the number of his Book, the name of the office at which his Deposit Book was issued, the sum which he wishes to withdraw, his occupation and residence, and the Post Office at which he wishes to receive his money. On receipt, by the Postmaster General, of his application, a Chequ^ in the following Form, for the amount required, payable at the office named, shall be sent to him by Post : — . \ Depositor's Book. Place . No Cheque No. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Savinqs Bank Branch, Ollatoa .186 .. To the Postmaster of Pay of the sum of dollar?, on pro£[ice named r shall enter jated stamp on the Che- to identify lank ; but if by forward- sitor's Book, ra of money ponsible for ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 269 Finance. 14. Payment of the Postmaster General's Chequ^ for a withdrawal shall be made only to the Depositor in person, or to the bearer of an order under his hand, signed in the presence of a Justice of the Peace for the place in which the Depo- sitor resides, — or, in case of sickness, of the medical attendant. If the Depositor be resident abroad, his signature must be verified by some constituted authority of the place in which he resides. The following is the form of order to be signed by the Depositor on such oc- casions, a copy of whicn may be obtained at the Post Oflice at which the Cheque is made payable. Depositor's Book. Order by a Depositor who cannot attend personally to receive payment. No. Of Cheque Place Date of do No To the Postmaster of I, the undersigned, do hereby authorize and direct i the Bearer of this Order, to receive on my Account the sum of due to me under the above described Cheque of the Post Office Savings Bank, for which sum the receipt of the above named person shall be a good and suflTicient discharge. As witness my hand, this day of 187 . Signature "j c Signature "i Q Adress V 2 Address V* .Occupation Address .Occupation _ 15. When a Depositor has more than One hundred Dollars at the credit of his ordinary deposit account, and desires to transfer that sum to a special deposit account, bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum,— he may make ap- plication to the Post Master General on the following Form, a printed copy of which may be obtained at any Post Office Savings Bank. DopoHilor's Book. Place No..... I,. Application to Transfer Hundred Dollars TO A Special Deposit Account. (Date) day of 187 hereby request tlic Postmaster General to transfer hundred dollars now at the credit of my ordinary deposit account, bearing the above Number in the Books of the Post Office Savings Bank, to a speeiul deposit account in the said Books, bearing 5 per cent, per annum interest ♦t 1 I 270 ORDERS IN COUNCIL Finance. interest, and that he will grant me a Certificate of such special deposit under such conditions as to notice of redemption, and subject to such Regulations as in other respect may he expressed thereon, or from time to time maybe made by the Post- master General in regard to such special deposits and Certificates thereof. Signed by the said Depositor in the presence of me .Signature, of Depositor. The Postmaster General shall then, if the transfer be approved, make the transfer accordingly, and return to the Depositor a Certificate for each Hundred Dollars so transferred. Such Certificate will be evidence of the Depositor's claim upon the special deposit Account for One Hundred Dollars, with the interest due thereon from the date of the Certificate, and shall be redeemable upon such pre- vious notice as may be therein expressed, and such special deposit Accounts and the Certificates thereof shall in all respects be subject to such Regulations as the Postmascer General, with the sanction of the Governor in Council, may from time to time make. The Certificates of Special Deposit will not be transferable. 16. The Interest which may become due on such special deposit Accounts will lie calculated to the 30th day of June in every year, and will then be cre- dited to the Depositor in this ordinary Deposit Account. 1 7. In case any Depositor shall die, leaving any sum of money not exceeding $300, exclusive of interest, deposited in the Post Oflicc Savings Bank, and Probate of his Will, or Letters of Administration or Acte of Curatelle or TutoUe, be not produced to the Postmaster General, or if notice in writing of the existence of a Will, and intention to prove the same, or to lake out Letters of Administration or bo appointed Tutor or Curator, bo not given to the Postmaster General at the Post Office Department within the period of one month from the death of the De- positor ; or, if such notice be given, but such Will bo not proved, or Letters of Administration or A(;tes of Tutollo or Curatollo be not taken out, and the Probate or Letters of Administration, Actos of Tutelio or Curatelle (as 'he case may be) produced to the Poslmast(U" Gonoral within the period of two months from the death of the Depositor, it shall lu! lawful for the Postmaster General, after such j>erifMl of one or two months, as the case may bo, to pay and divide such funds at his discretion to or amongst the widow, or relatives of the deceased Depositor, or any one or more of them ; or, if he shall think proper, according to the provisions of law governing the distribution of property in such cases. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 271 Finance. ■ under such s as in other by the Post- reof. gnature, 3f Depositor. , make the ch Hundred sitor'B claim interest due on such pre- ccounts and itions as tlie ly from time t Accounts tlion be cre- exceeding md Probate telle, bo not istcnce of a ministration leral at the 1 of the De- Leltors of 10 Probate may boi 1 from the after such h funds at oposilor, OP provigionH 18. In case any Depositor shall die leaving any sum of money in the Post Office Savings Banli, which (exclusive of interest) shall exceed the sum of $300,- 00, the same shall only be paid to the Executor or Administrator, Tutor or Cura- tor on the production of the Probate of the Will, Actes of Tutelle or Curatelle or Ijolters of Administration ef the Estate or Effects of the deceased Depositor, to the Postmaster General. 19. If any Depositor, bein*; illegitimate, shall die intestate, leaving any person or persons who, but for the illegitimacy of such Depositor, and of such person or persons, would be entitled to the money due to such deceased Depositor, it shall be lawful for the Postmaster General, with authority, in writing, of the Attorney General of Canada, to pay the money of such deceased Depositor to any one or more of the persons who, in his opinion, would have been entitled to the same, according to Law, if the said Depositor, and such person or persons, had been legitimate. 20. If any Depositor shall become insane, or otherwise incapacited to act, and the same shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Postmaster General, and ii the Postmaster General shall be satisfied of the urgency of the case, he may authorize payment, from time to time, out of the funds of such Depositor to any person whom he shall judge proper, and the receipt of such pei'son shall be a good dis- charge for the same. 2!. If .any dispute shall arise between the Postmaster General and any indi- vidual Depositor, or any executor, administrator. Tutor or Curator, next of kin, or creditor, or assignee of a Depositor who may become bankrupt or insolvent, or any person claiming to be such executor, administrator, Tutor or Curator, next of kin, creditor or assignee, or to be entitled to any money deposited in the Post Office Savings Bank, then, and in every such case, the matter in dispute shall be referred, in writing, to the Attorney General of Canada ; and whatever award, order, or determination shall be made by the said Attorney General of Canada, shall be binding and conclusive on all parties, and shall be final, to all intents and purposes, without any appeal. 22, The Postmasters, or other Officers of the Post Office, engaged in the re- ceipt or payment of deposits, shallaiot disclose the name of any Depositor, nor tho amount deposited or withdrawn by him, except to the Postmaster General or to such of his Officers as may be appointed to assist in carrying out the provisions of the Post Office Act in relation to Post Office Savings Banks. 23. In the construction of those Regulations, unless there is something in llie subject or context repuffnanl thereto, every word importing tho singulfir number only shall moan and include several persons or things, as well as one person or thing and the converse ; and every word importing the masculine ! r gender • • 272 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Finance. gender only shall mean and include a female as well as a male ; and th6 woid " month " shall refer to a calendar and not a lunar month. > \ A. CAMPBELL, ' Post Office Department, ) Ottawa, March, 1868. ) Postmaster General. Approved by His Excellency the Governor General in Council, the 2nd March, 1868. (Signed,) WM. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council. AT THE^COURT AT WINDSOR, The Uth day of May, 1868. PRESENT : THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS there was read this day at the Board the Draft of a Proclamation declaring Gold Coins made at the Branch of the Royal Mint at Sydney, New South Wales, a legal tender in certain of Her Majesty's Possessions abroad specified in a Schedule attached to the said Draft Proclamation. Hej Majesty having taken the same into consideration, was pleased by and with the advise of Her Privy Council, to approve thereof, and to order, and it is hereby ordered, that the said Proclamation do take effect and come into force in each of Her Majesty's Possessions abroad, specified in the aforesaid Schedule, upon and from and after such day, as shall be for that purpose limited by the Governor or Officer Administering the Government of each of the said Possessions by any Proclamations to be by them for that purpose respectively issued in each of such Possessions. And the Most Noble the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, one of Her Majes- ty's Principal Secretaries of State, is to give the necessary directions for causing publication to be made hereof within Her Majesty's said Possessions abroad. (Signed,) ARTHUR HELPS. Draft Proclamation referred to in the foregoing Order in Council. BY THE QUEEN. PROCLAMATION for declaring Gold Coins made at the Branch Mint at Syd- ney, New South Wales, a legal tender throughout such parts of Her Majesty's dominions as specified in the schedule hereunto annexed. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 273 Finances. the woid eneral. V , the 2nd ( Council. ay, 1868. )cIaraation it Sydney, >ns abroad and with is hereby in each of upon and )vernor or lis by any :h of such ler Majes- •r causing oad. lELPS. It atSyd- MajoBty's Whereas, by an Order in Council, b3aring date the Nineteenth day of August, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-lhree, we have throught fit to order that a Branch of Our Royal Mint, should ba established at or near Sydney, in New South Waled. And whereas in the Highteenth year of Our Reign, by an Order in Council, dated the Eighteenth day of October, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty- four, we have thought fit to order that certain pieces of Gold Money should be coined at the sajd Branch of Our Royal Mint, to be called respectively Australian Sovereigns and Australian Half Sovereigns, and to be of the same respective weights, fineness and values with the Sovereigns and Half Sovereigns now cur- rent within this Our Realm. And whereas, pursuant to mid in virtue of the powers given in our said Orders in Council, it is provided lliat a Coinage of the said Australian Sovereigns and Half Sovereigns shall bs made, and that every such AustraHan Sovereign shall have for the obverse Our Effigy, with the inscription, " Victoria D. C, Britannlar Regina F. D., " and the date of the year, and for the reverse the word : "Aus- tralia " placed in the centre of piece encircled by a laurel wreath and surmounted by the Royal Crown with the inscription " Sydney Mint, One Sovereign, " and with a graining on the edge, and that every such Australian Half Sovereign shall have the obverse in every respect similar to that of the Sovereign, and for the reverse the same word, " Australia, " in ther centre encircled and surmounted in like manner, but for the inscription the words "Sydney Mint, Half Sovereign, '^ and a graining on the edge. And whereas, pieces of Gold Money have been and will be coined at our said Branch of the Royal Mint in pursuance of orders issued and to be issued. And whereas, by an Act passed in the Twenty -ninth and Thirtieth years of Our Reign, entitled : " An Act to enable Her Majesty to declare Gold Coins to be is- sued from Her Majesty's Colonial Branch Mints a Legal Tender for payments, and for other purposes relating thereto, " it is provided that " It shall be lawful for Her Majesty, from time to time, by Proclamation issued with the advice of Her Privy Council to declare that for such period, and subject to such conditions as may be specified in such Proclamation, Gold Coins made at such Colonial Branch Mint, of designs approved by Her Majesty, and being of the same weight and fine- ness as are required by law with respect to Gold Coins of the same denominations made at Her Majesty's Mint in London, are to be a legal tender for payments with- in any part of Her Majesty's Dominions to be specified in such Proclamations, in which Gold Coins issued from Her Majesty's Mint in London shall at the date of the issue of suclx Proclamation bo a legal tender, and upon such Proclamation being issiied Gold Coins made of such designs and being of such weight and fine- ness as aforesaid, shall be a legal tender for payments accordingly. IB 174 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Finances. GOLD COINS MADE AT SYDNEY MINT, LEGAL TENDER IN CANADA. THE DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM TO LORD MONCK. . Canada. Separate. My Lord, Downing Street, 25th May, \%9. "With reference to your despatch No. 200, 24th November, 1866, I have the honor to transmit to you the accompanying copies of an order of Her Majesty in Council and of a Proclamation for declaring the Gold Coins of the Sydney Mint, a legal tender in those of Her Majesty's possessions abroad which are specified in the schedule annexed to the Proclamation. You will be so good as to cause this Proclamation to be published in Canada, in the most authentic manner. A similar Order in Council was ,passed on the 10th of November 1866, for making these coins a legal tender in the Colonies mentioned below : Antigua, Malta, Barbadoes, Montserrat, Bahamas, Nevis, •Bermuda, Natal, Cape of Good Hope, St Helena, British Columbia, Sierra Leone, Dbminica, St. Vincent, Falkland Islands, St. Christopher and its Gold Coast, dependencies. Gambia, St. Lucia, Gibraltar, Trinidad, British Guiana, Tobago, Granada, Turks and Ca'cos Island Honduras, Vancouver Island, Jamaica, Virgin Islands. Lagos, I have &o. , / (Sd.) BUCKINGHAM & CHANDOS Governor, The Right Honble. Viscount Monck. &.C., &c., he. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 275 Finances. CANADA. r, i%8. I have the Majesty in ney Mint, a specified in in Canada, er 1866, for Its mds, 3S. And Whereas Gold Coins issued from Our Royal Mint in London are at present a legal tender in such parts of Our Dominions as are specified in the Schedule hereunto annexed. We therefore, by and with the advice of Our Privy Council, have thought fit to issue this Our Royal Proclamation, and We do ordain, declare and command, that from and after the date of the publication of this Our Proclamation by the Governor or other ofiicer Administering the Government of such part or parts of Our Dominions as are specified in the Schedule hereunto annexed, Coins made at tile said Branch Mint, of designs approved by Us at Sydney aforesaid, and being of the same weight and fineness as are required by Law, with respect to Gold Coins of the same denominations made at Our Mint in London, shall be a legal tender for payments within such part or parts of Our Dominions, as are specified in the said Schedule, until such period as this Our Proclamation shall be revoked, by and with the advice of Our Privy Council aforesaid. Given at Our Court at Windsor, this fourteenth day of May, 1868. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. Schedule of Her Majesty's Possessions abroad referred to iu the Order in Coun- cil, dated 14th day of May, 1868, and in the Draft Proclamation, the issue of which is ordered by the said Order in Council. CANADA, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, NEWFOUNDLAND. WARRANTS. REGULATIONS RESPECTK^G MODE OF ACQUITTAL OF.— Rules prescribed by the Treasury Board, under Sanction of the Governor General in Council^ in reference to the mode of Acquittal of Warrants for the payment of Money by the Government of Canada. 1. No officer in the Civil Service shall, under any circumstances, be per- mitted to act as Attorney for the receipt of Public Monies. 2. No Power of Attorney will be recognized, received, or acted upon, by the Receiver General, which is not printed, and of the form to be obtained from the Department of the Receiver General, under which only payment can be made, and such power will operate as to any sum of money due only by the Government at the dale of the Power of Attorney. 3. General powers of Attorney, authoiizing the receipt of money due, or which may become due, after its d:ite, by which any Chartered Bank or Agent of SI 276 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Finances. \' ' i'i 4 of a Chartered Bank is constituted the Attorney, will be received and acted upon if printed, and of the special form to b6 obtained from the Department of the Receiver General, and in the event of the Power being to the Agent of a Chartered Bank, the Bank must declare itself, by a proper instrument in writing, responsible for the acts of such Agent, in respect to the receipts of monies thereunder. It is, however, optional with the parly executing any Power of Attorney to a Bank or Agent of a Bank, prior to the execution, to erase the words " or may hereafter become due." 4. Duplicate Powers of Attorney must be produced in every case, except when there may be a General Power of Attorney, as above mentioned, to a Chartered Bank or Agent of a Bank, in which case the duplicate must be lodged with the Finance Department. 5. All Powers of Attorney, and duplicates, must be signed in the presence of a witness. 6. In case of the death of the person in whose behalf payment is claimed, probate of "Will or other proof that tl|e applicant is entitled to receive the money, must be furnished on application for such payment. Blank Forms of Powers of Attorney, may be obtained from the Department of the Receiver General, and at all Branches of the Bank of Montreal. By Order of the Board. JOHN LANGTON, Secretary. Treasury, Ottawa, 1st February, 1870. U. S. SILVER COINS.— PROCLAMATION FIXING VALUE OF fL. S.l JOHN \OUNG. CANADA. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., &c., &c. To all to whom these presents shall come, or whom the same may in any wise concern. — Guieting : A PROCLAMATION. John A. Macdonald, Attorney General, Canada. "TXT-HEREAS, 'in and by a certain Act of the V V Parliament of Canada passed in the Thir- ty-First year of Our Reign, Chaptered Number Forty-five intituled "An Act respecting currenoy " it is amongst other things in elft'ct enacted that Our Governor may at any time after th passing of that Act declare by Proclamation that all or any of the Silver coins ihe United Slates of America, Am said tion Ne\ Pro and nan of A the whi and eigh of tion Nev this Anc Stat and here Sdy cent of tl half cent t cone ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 277 Finances. icted upon ent^of the Chartered ssponsible ier. ttorney to " or may se, except Mied, to a be lodged ! presence 3 claimed, 10 money, jpartment TON, cretary. ritain and ay in any :t of the the Thir- Numher things in that Act Slates of America, America, or of any other foreign nation or State^ coined before the passing of the said Act, shall, when of the weights and dates to be assigned in such proclama- tion, pass current, and be a legal tender^in the Provinces of Quebec, Ontario, and New-Brunswick at rates in currency to be assigned to them respectively in such Proclamation, to such amount in any one payment, as may be therein declared. NOW KNOW YE and we do hereby declare and proclaim that on, from and after the FIFTEENTH day of APRIL now next hereafter, the Silver coins namely : half dollars quarter dollars, dimes and half dimes of the United States of America, coined before the passing of the herein before in part recited Act of the Parliament of Canada, that is to say ; subsequent to the First day of July, which was in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, and prior to the Twenty Second day of May, which was in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and which are herein after mentioned, shall, when of the weights and dates hereinafter assigned in this Our Royal Proclama- tion pass current and be a legal tender in the Provinces of Quebec, Ontario and New-Brunswick at rates in currency hereinafter assigned to them respectively, in this, Our Royal Proclamation, to the amount of Ten dollars in any one payment And we do hereby further declare and proclaim that the Silver coins of the United States of America aforesaid shall be of the weights and dates hereby assigned, and pass current, and be a legal tender as aforesaid, at the rates in currency hereby assigned to them respectively by this Our Royal Proclamation, that is to say : — half dollars of the weight of one hundred and ninety-two grains at Forty cents — quarter dollars of the weight of Ninety-Six grains at Twenty cents — dimes of the weight of Thirty-Eight grains and four tenths of a-grain at eight cenis ; and half dimes of the weight of Nineteen grains and Two tenths of a grain at four cents. Of all which Our loving subjects and all others whom these presents may concern, are hereby required to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly. By Command, J. C. AIKINS, Secretary of State. 4th February 1870. iu.:.) IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 11.25 I^|2j8 |Z5 ISO ■^™ liii^^l u& M 122 ^ IllllJi^ -f>'.^' V I . ^ '^ ^> z!^ '^ '/ Photographic Sciences Corporation v V ^ <> ^^^ ^1^ ^ ^J^ ^ 23 WIST MAIN STRUT WnSTIR.N.Y. MStO (716) •72-4503 ^^" ^ h. / '<■■* 4F )ip % i If- 278 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Finance. CANADIAN SILVER COJNS, 50 CENTS AND 25 CENTS PIECES. (L. S.] JOHN YOUNG, CANADA. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., &c., &c. To all to whom these presents shall come, or whom the same may in anywise con- cern — Greeting : A PROCLAMATION. ^TTHEREAS in and by the Fifteenth Chap- > VV ter of the Consolidated Statutes of John A. Macdonald, Attorney General, Canada. ) Canada, intituled : " An Act respecting the Currency " it is amongst other things in effect enacted that the denominations of money in the currency of our then Province of Canada, shall be pounds, dollars, shillings, cents and mills ; the pound, shilling and penny, shall have respectively the same proportionate values as they then had, the dollar shall be one fourth of a pound, the cent shall be one hundredth of a dollars, and the mill one tenth of a cent : and it is further in effect enacted that such silver Coins as we may direct to be struck at Our Royal Mint, of the fineness fixed by Law, for silver coins of the United Kingdom, on the first day of August, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty four, and of weights bearing respectively the same proportion to the value to be assigned to such coins, in Our then Province of Canada, which the weight of the silver coins of the United Kingdom, bear to the value assigned to them in the United Kingdom, shall, by such names as shall be assigned to them, by Us, in Our Royal Proclamation, declaring them lawful money of Our then Province of Canada, pass current, and be a legal tender at the rates assign- ed to them respectively in such Proclamation. AND WHEREAS, it is in and by the British North America Act, 1867," amongst other things in efTect enacted that Ihe Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, shall form and be one bominion, under the name of Canada ; and further, that the parts of the Province of Canada, as they existed at the pass- ing of the Act, now in recital, and which formerly constituted respectively the Provinces of Upper Canada and Lower Canada shall be deemed to be severed, and shall form two separate Provinces, and that part which formerly constituted the Province of Upper Canada, shall constitute the Province of Ontario; and that part which formerly constituted the Province of Lower Canada, shall constitute the Province of Quebec. And it is further in and by the said Act in recital, in effect enacted, that all powers, authorities, and functions, which, under any Act of the Legislature of Canada, are at the Union, vested in or exercisable by the Governor, as therein mentioned, shall as far as the same continue in existence and capable of hAug exercised after the Union, in relation to the Government of Canada Caj tiol ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 279 Finance. ECES. Britain and lywise con- enth Chap. Statutes of ecting the linations of ds, dollars, espectively 3 fourth of ne tenth of may direct er coins of sand eight proportion da, which i assigned ssigned to By of Our ies assign- ed, 1867," va Scotia, Canada; the pass- ively the ered, and tuted the and that onstitufe ocital, in any Act e hy the xistence ment of Canada Canada, be vested in and exercisable by the Governor General, as therein men- tioned. AND WHEREAS, we'have directed and caused to be struck at Our Royal Mint, certain Silver Coins of the fineness fixed by Law for the Silver Coins of the United Kingdom, and of weights bearing respectively the same proportion to the value assigned to them, and for which they shall pass current in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec aforesaid, which the weights of the Sifver Coins of Our United Kingdom bear to the value assigned to them in Our United Kingdom. NOW KNOW YE, that we have assigned and do hereby assign to the said coins respectively, the following names, to wit: — "Fifty Cents" and "Twenty- five Cents." And we'dolhei*eby declare the said Silver Coins bearing the said names, to be lawful money of the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec (two of the i*rovinces of Our Dominion of Canada) respectively, and that they shall pass current and be a legal tender therein respectively, at the following rates, to wit : the Silver Coins; called "Fifty Cents" foronehalf of a dollar, and those called "Twenty five Cents"" for the fourth part of a dollar. Of all which, our loving subjects and all others whom these presents may concern, are hereby reqnired to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. By Command, 17th September 1870. J. C. AIKINS, Secretary of State. CANADIAN SILVER COINS OF 50 CENTS AND 25 GENTS DECLARED LEGAL TENDER IN N.-B , TO THE AMOUNT OF «10 IN ANY ONE PAYMENT. [L. S.] JOHN YOUNG. CANADA. Victoria, by the Grace of God< of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., &c., &r. To all to whom these presents shall come. Oreetino : PROCLAMATION. John A. Macdonald, ^ TT7HEREAS in and by a certain Act of the Legislature Attorney General, > YV of the Province of New Brunswick, pns.^ed in the Canada j Fifteenth Year of Our Reign, Chapter 85, and intituled : " An Act for establishing a tender in all payments to be made in this Province, and for consolidating and amending the laws relating to the currency therein," it is amongst other things in effect enacted that the unit of account in our said Province 5^80 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Finance. 'i-:.y •! i. iiijr Province shall be the pound equal to Twenty Shillings currency of the then pre- sent currency, and shall be such that the Pound sterling, as represented ky the British Sovereign, of the weight and fineness then fixed by the law of the. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, shall be equal to, and any such British Sovereign shall be a legal tender for, One Pound Four Shillings and Fo«r Pence currency ; provided always that all sums of money and accounts may be legally mentioned, described, and stated, either in dollars and decimal parts of a dollar, or in the then currency. AND WHFiREAS,in andby a further Act of the Legislature of the Province ot New Brunswich, passed in the Twenty-third Year of Our Reign, Chaptered Forty- eight, and intituled : " An Act relating to the mode of accounting and currency, it is, among other things, in effect enacted that the dollar referred to in the. here- inbefore in part recited Act shall be equivalent to and divided into One Hundred Cents, and of such value that Four Dollars, or Four Hundred Cents, shall be equal to One Pound currency, and every centjshall be divided into ten mills; that Twenty Cents shall be equal to One Shilling currency, and so on in proportion for any greater or lesser sum. And it is further by the said Act now in recital enacted that such silver coins, representing dollars or the divisions of a dollar, as we shall see fit to direct to be struck for the purpose, and at such rates as we shall assign to them respectively, shall pass current and be a legal tender to the amount of Ten Dollars, in any one payment, as in the said Act, now in recital, is particularly mentioned, AND WHEREAS, it is in and by " the British North America Act, 1867,' amongst other things in effect enacted, that the Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick shall form and b j one Dominion, under the name of Canada ; And furthei*, that all powers, authorities, and functions, which under any Act of the Legislature of New Brunswick are at the Union vested in, or exercisable by, the Governor as therein mentioned shall, as far as the same continue in existence, and capable of being exercised after the Union, in relation to the_Government of Canada, be vested in, and exercisable by, the Governor General as therem men- tioned. AND WHEREAS we have seen fit to ^direct to be struck for the purposes in the said Acts herebefore in part recited regpectlvely m entioned,"certain silver coins representing the divisions of a dollar ; and it appears to Us expedient to assign to them, respectively, such] rates as are hereinafter mentioned, at which the same , shall pass current, and be a legal tender in the Pfovince of New Brunswick, as in the said Act mentioned. NOW KNOW YE that we have seen fit to direct to bo struck certain silver coins, representing the divisions of a dollar, that is to say "Fifty Cents" and "Twenty-flve Cents," and we do hereby assign to them the following rates in the Province P 1 c ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 28H >f the then pre- esented ky the. r oi thQ United j^ suQh British id Fojiip Pence nay be legally rts of a dollar, tie Province ot aptered Forty- ind currency, ;o in the, here- One Hundred shall be equal n mills; that proportion for I silver coins, direct to be respectively, s, in any one I, a Act, 1867,' Nova Scotia, e of Canada ; r any Act of Jrcisable by, in existence, vernment of herein men- purposes in 1 silver coins to assign to h the same . iwick, as in rtain silver :^ents" and 'ates in the Province Finance. Province of New Brunswick (one of the Provinces of the Dominion of Canada,) that is to say : the silver coins called " Fifty Cents" for one half of a dollar, and those called " Twenty-five Cents " for the fourth part of a dollar, and thak at such rates respectively, the same shall pass current, and be a legal tender according to the provisions of the Act of the Legislature of the Province of New Brunswici, secondly hereinbefore in part recited. Of all which Our Loving SubjjBcts and all others whom these presents may concern, are hereby required to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly. By Command, J. C. AIKINS, Secietary of State. 21st September, 1870. NOTES— DRAFTS.— DUTY THEREON DECLARED. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Wednesday, 21st September, 1870. Present: , HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS doubts have arisen as to whether the kind or class of instruments hereinafter mentioned, is or is not chargeable with any and what duty* under an Act of the Parliament of Canada, made and passed in the Slst year of Her Majesty's reign, chaptered 9, and intitled : " An Act to impose duty on Pro- missory Notes and Bills of Exchange," and whereas it is desirable to declare the duties which, under the said Act, are chargeable upon the same. His Excellency the Governor-General, by and with the advice of The Queen's Privy Council for Canada, in pursuance of the authority in this behalf given in and by the 9 Section of the Act, hereibefore mentioned, doth hereby Order and declare that all Promissory Notee^Drafts, or Bills of Exchange, for amounts not less than Twenty-five dollars ($25) made, drawn or accepted, out of or elsewhere than in Canada, or psyable out of or elsewhere than in Canada, but negociated in Canada, are chargeable with the duties named in the 1st Section of the Act, accord- ing to the true meaning thereof, and there shall be levied, collected, and paid to Her Majesty, for the public uses of the Dominion, the duties therein mentioned. Wm. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council, Canada. 1 'I m m ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Finance. GOLD COINS MADE AT THE SYDNEY MINT. {General.) . • ■ CIRCULAR. Downing Street, 6th April, 1871. Sir, — I have the honor to transmit to you copies of Two Proclamations by Her Majesty, for giving currency within the Colonies therein menlioued to Gold Coins made at the Branch Mint at Sydney, New South Wales, of the like designs as those approved for the corresponding coins of the currency of the United Kingdom. I have to instruct you to publish these Proclamations in the usual manner. I have the honor to be. Sir,- Your most obedient humble Servant, ,, KIMBERLEY. The Ofiicer Administering the Government of Canada. By the Queen. A PROCLAMATION. (For GiviNft Currency to Gold Coins made at the Branch Mint at Sydney, New "South Wales, of the like designs as those approved for tHE correspond- ing Coins of the Currency of the United Kingdom.) VICTORIA, R. WHEREAS by an Order in Council bearing date the fourteenth day of January, ona tbousaud eight hundred aud seventy-one. We have thought lit to order that the designs for gold coins to be coined at the Sydney Branch of Our Royal Mint, pursuant to Our Order in Council of the nineteenth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and fifty three, esteblishing the said Branch of Our Royal Mint at Sydney, should be the like designs as now are and from henceforth may be from time to lime approved by Us, and in force for the corresponding coins of the currency of this Realm, and of the designs aforesaid, shall be made at the said Sydney Branch of our Royal Mint : And whereas pieces of money of the above description will bo coined at the said Branch of Our Royal Mint, in pursuance of Orders issued and to be issued by Us ; We have, therefore, by and with the advice of Our Privy Council, thought fit lo issue this Our Royal Procla- mation, mat! atioJ so t(| of' Ourl the lEET, ril, 1871. iamations by oiied to Gold ! like designs the United ual manner. nt, CRLEY. YDNEY, New COBRESPOND- th day of aght fit to ch of Our of August, ich of Our henceforth •esponding II be made money of al Mint, in •e, by and '^al Procla- mation, ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 2d» Finance. mation, and We do ordain, declare, and command, that from and after the public- ation of this Our Proclamation in the London Gazette, all the said pieces of money so to be coined shall be current and lawful money within the United Kingdom of Great-Britain and Ireland ; and that from and after the promulgation of this Our Proclamation by the Governors or Officers administering the Government of the hereinafter mentioned Colonies and Possessions respectively, that is to say : — Antigua Bahamas, Barbadoes, Bermuda, British Columbia, British Guiana, Canada, Cape of Good Hope, Dominica, Falkland Islands, Gambia, Gibraltar, Gold Coast, Grenada, Honduras, Jamaica, Lagos, Malta, Mauritius, Montserat, Natal, Nevis, Newfoundland, New South Wales, New Zealand, Prince Edward Island, Queensland, St. Christopher and its Dependencies, St. Helena, St. Lucia, St. Vmcent, Sierra Leone, South .Australia, Tasmania, Tobago, Trinidad, Turk's and Gaicos Islands, Virgin Islands, Western Australia, all the said pieces of money so to be coined shall be current and lawful money in Our said several Colonies and Possessions, and shall pasa and be received as cur- rent and lawful money, and be a legal tender in the United Kingdom and the said Colonies and Possessions respectively, from the times aforesaid, at the like values and by the like names as the corresponding coins of the currency of this Realm, and concurrently with any coins now current in the United Kingdom and the said Colonies and Possessions respectively. Given at Our Court at Osborne House, Isle op Wight, this fourteenth day of January, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, and in the thirty-fourth year of Our reign. GOD save the QUEEN. 1.: ■ liy ¥ I !1 '■'» 'if- »i ill '<) 284 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Finance. BY THE QUEEN, A PROCLAMATION. [For giving evrreney in certain Colonies to Gold Coins made at Sydney. New South Wales^ of the like designs of those approved for the corresponding Coins of Jhe Curency of the United Kingdom.) VICTORIA R. WHEREAS, in pursuance of Orders issued and to be issued by Us, a coinage of Gold Coins, in accordance with the Standards of Weight and Fineness of the Coins of the Currency of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the like designs as now are and from henceforth may be from time to time approved by Us and in force for the corresponding Coins of the Currency of the said United Kingdom, is being or will be made at the Sydney Branch of Our Royal Mint, We have, by and with the advice of Our Privy Council, thought fit to issue this Our Royal Proclamation. And We do Ordain, Declare, and Command that upon and from and after the promulgation thereof by the respective Governors or Officers administering the Governments of Our Colony of Victoria and all or any other of Our Colonies and Possessions wherein Gold Coins, issued from our Mint in London, are a legal tender, other than the Colonies and Possessions speci- flod in the Proclamation promulgated in pursuance of Our Order in Council of the 14th Jaduary, 1871, relating to the aforesaid Gold Coins, all the said pieces of Gold money so coined or to be coined shall La, and shall pass, and be received, as current and lawful money, and be a legal tender for payments in Our said Colony of Victoria and Our said other Colonies and Possessions respectively from the times aforesaid, at the like values and by the like names as the corresponding Coins of the Currency of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and concurrently with any coins now current in the said Colony of Victoria and the said other Colonics and Possessions respectively. Given at our Court, at Windsor, this Twenty fourth day of March, in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-one, and in the Thirty fourth Year of Our Raign. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. DEBENTURES PAYABLE IN CANADA. For the convenience of the holders of Debentures payable in Canada, the cou- pons will for the future be payable by the several Assistant Receivers General. Coupons of Debentures of the late Province of Canada will be paid either at Ottawa or at Montreal or Toronto. Hall ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 28& ey. New South ing Coins of ^the Y Us, a coinage It and Fineness ain and Ireland )m time to time lurreiicy of the Branch of Our icil, thought fit and Command itive Governors oria and all or sued from our ^sessions speci- in Council of said pieces of be received, as ur said Colony '^ely from the corresponding i Ireland, and ctoria and tha tfarch, in the le, and in the lada, the cou- ?s General. )aid either at Mnance. Coupons of Debentures of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick will be paid at Halifax and St. John respectively. Coupons of Debentures of the Dominion will be paid either at Ottawa or by any of the Assistant Receivers General in the several Provinces of the Dominion. As the coupons must be verified where the Debentures Books are kept, be- fore payment, coupons of the late Province of Canada or of the Dominion, if re- quired to b) paid elsewhere than at Ottawa, must be presented to the Assistant Receiver General where they are to be paid, who will give a receipt for them in a form furnished to him, and transmit them to Ottawa for verification, from whence he will receive authority to pay them. As a few days must thus elapse between the presentation of a coupon and its payment, they may be presented if desired before they are due, and upon baing verified they will be paid by the As- sistant Receiver General when due. As the books of the old Debentures of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick are kept at Halifax and St. John, no delay is necessary for verification in those cases. If any holder of a Debenture payable in Canada wishes to convert it into Do- minion Stock, 6 per cent Debentures may be so converted into 6 per cent Stock, and 5 per cent Debentures into 5 per cent Stock, at par. In this case the Debenture must also be sent to Ottawa for verjlfication whereupon certificate of Stock will be issued. T. D, HARINGTON, Deputy Receiver General. JOHN LANGTON, Auditor. Ottawa, September 25th, 1871. DEBENTURES.— NOTICE AS TO PAYMENT OF INTEREST ON— INTEREST ON STERLING DEBENTURES PAYABLE IN LONDON. NOTICE is hereby given, by order of the Treasury Board, that from and after the 1st of January next, no coupons on Debentures payable ia London will be paid in Canada. JOHN LANGTON, Ottawa, October 4th, 1871. Sic. Treas. Board. 286 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Finance. DEBENTURES.— CONVERSION INTO STOCK.— REGULATIONS. CONVERSION OF DEBENTURES INTO STOCK. All 5 per cent, currency Debentures may be converted into 5 per cent, stock at par, whatever may be the period for which the Debenturea have to run. All 6 per cent, currency Debentures not maturing before January 1878, when the 6 per cent stock is redeemable, may be converted into 6 per cent, stock at par. The SIX per cent, currency Debentures issued in 1868 on which there is an endorsation that they are convertible into stock, may be so converted at par. Six per cent currency Debentures maturing before 1878 may be converted into stock upon application to the Treasury Board, and at such rates as the Board may direct in each case. In case it should be desired to convert any 5 per cent, or 6 per cent. Deben- tures payable in London into stock, application must be made to the Treasury Board in each case. In the three first cases above mentioi^ed the Debentures may be sent in to the Receiver General or to any Assistant Receiver General, upon which a certificate of stock will be issued. If the case should be one which has to be submitted to the Treasury Board, the application should be sent to the Secretary of the Board with full particulars as to the nature of the Debentures. JOHN LANGTON, Ottawa, 9th December, 1871. Sec. Treas. B. RAILWAYS. BAY-LAW To Fix and Establish the rates for conveying Freight and Passengers, on the COBOURG AND PETERBORO' RAILWAY • The COBOURG AND PETERBOROUGH RAILWAY COMPANY, in pursuance of the Statute in that behalf, hereby enact, that the Rates of Tolls mentioned and set forth in the Schedule or Tariff hereunto annexed, shall be taken and exacted by this Co;npany for the carriage and conveyance of Goods, Wares, Merchandize and Freight, and Passengers, over the said Railway, for the distances therein set forth, and the servants, agents, and others employed by the said. Company are hereby authorized, and required to take and exact the said rates for the services and distances therein set forth ; and They do further enact that the Toll therein mentioned shall be fixed and regulated as therein set forth, subject to the approval of His Excellency the Governor General in Council, pursuant to the Statute in that behalf passed and enacted ena hui TIONS. er cent, stock to run. V y 1878, when t. stock at par. ;h there is an 1 at par. be converted as the fioard sent, Deben- the Treasury sent in to the L a certificate submitted to of the Board ON, reas. B. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 287 jers, on the fPANY, in ites of Tolls :ed, shall be e of Goods, vay, for the ayed by the act the said le fixed and LLENCY THE passed and enacted Railways. enacted this Sixth day of April, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four. THOMAS SCOTT, President. DAVID BURN, Secretary & Treasurer. COBOURG AND PETERBORO' RAILWAY. FREIGHT TARIFF PER 100 POUNDS, IN CENTS, INCLUDING ALL ARTICLES NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. Miles. r^BSB!^ tc STATIONS. • I t 5 a 1 1 a £ o a 1 B CQ o -J > e .2 ■9 a i CO a 1 53 2 O Coboure 6 6" 9 9 6 10 9 6 12 11 9 6 13 12 10 8 14 13 11 9 15 Baltimore , 5 5 5 5 10 15 6 9 10 14 Bradin's • 12 Harwood (S. Shore of Rice Lake) Indian Village 6 10 3 18 12 U 9 6 G 8 9 Keene ■• 3 3 21 24 13 14 12 13 10 11 8 9 6 8 6 9 Morgans' 6 6 Peterboro' 5 29 15 14 12 10 9 9 6 SPECIAL RATES TO AND FROM_GOBOURG. Lumber per M. B. M Square Timber per M. B. M., lengths, 25 feet and under ~ Shingles In bunches per M Railway ties per hundred , Fonce posts Staves, (owner to load and unload) per 100 lbs. Saw logs, ( do do do ) each Flour per barrel , Salt and Plaster per bbl Potash do Whiskey, not exceeding 40 gallons.... do Pork and Beef , do Btier, not ox£eeding 30 gallons do Wheal, Clover and Timothy, Pease and Barley per bushel Oats per bushel Pig Iron and Coal per ton Horses and Oxen each Cows « do Cattle under 3 years do Sheep and Calves, 3 months and under, do LiveHogs do Fresh Beef and Pork in hogs, per hundred lbs.... Fire Wood, (owner to load and unload,) per cord 50 75 1,00 1,25 1,40 1,50 75 1,00 1,50 1,75 1,85 1,95 G 8 10 14 15 19 4,00 4,50 5,00 6,00 6,50 6,75 2,50 2,75 3,00 3,50 4,00 4,50 3 5 7 8 9 10 15 25 35 40 45 48 4 8 10 11 12i 16? 14 10 12* 15 16 19 25 30 35 40 42 48 15 22 25 27 30 36 10 13 15 18 20 24 12 14 15 16 17 19 2 3 3 3} 3J 4 1 1* U >i l» 2 75 1,10 1,50 .1,65 1,85 1,90 35 45 60 70 75 85 20 30 40 50 60 70 15 25 30 35 40 45 12* 16 18 20 22 25 14 18 20 25 28 30 10 12 15 17 18 19 70 1,00 1,25 1,60 2,00 20 7,00 5,00 11 50 15 20 50 40 25 20 4 2 2,00 1,00 75 • 50- 25 30 20 i r. 38» ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. w li < SPECIAL RATES. All light and bulky articles will be charged 1 cent per mile per 100 pound* No article, however small, will be taken for less ihan 100 pound«<, and no charge less than 25 cents will be made. Livestock shall be entirely at the owner's risk of loss or damage. ^ Carboys and mineral acids must specify distinctly the contents, or the shipper will be held responsible for any damage that may arise from them, and will only be taken at the owner's risk. Perishable property must always ba prepaid. On Oak, "Walnut, Ash, Maple, Cherry and Yellow Pine lumber, 2a per cent will be added to the rates in the Table. Timber and Spars over 25 feet long will be carried at special prices to be agreed upon between the general freight Agent and the own^r. Lumber and Timber of all kinds to be loaded and unloaded by the owners. One day only will be allowed for loading' and unloading cars, unlpss a special agreement to the contrary be made in writing ; and whenever a car is suffered to remain loaded for twenty-four hours after its arrival at Cobourg, unless otherwise agreed, a charge will be made for the use of the oar while standing loaded, at the rate of $2 per day; or the Company may, at their option, unload the car and charge for the same. 12J cents per M. feet B. M. will be charged for lumber loaded by the Company, and the same for unloading. To determine the contents of each car when loaded with lumber, ic will be measured by solid or cubic feet ; each cubic foot will be estimated to contain 10 superficial feet or B. M. In all cases where lumber of different lengths is loaded promiscuously on the same cir, the whole load will be estimated to be of the length of the longest on said car, but when loaded separately the actual dimensions of each length will be taken. Planed lumber, joist, scantling and plank, exceeding two inches in thickness, will be estimated to contain eleven feet B. M. to each cubic foot. No charge will be made for the storage of lumber arriving at Cobourg within two weeks of the close of Navigation in the fall, until two weeks after the opening of Navigation in the spring. Lumber arriving at Cobourg in the spring, summer and autumn between the periods above specified, must be removed from the Company's grounds within two weeks after its arrival, or 10 cents per M. feet B. M. will be charged for each day that it remains there more than two weeks after such notice. Navigation to be considered open in the spring when the Lake Steamers commence carrying the Mail from Hamilton to Kingston, and to close when they cease to do the same in the fall. i ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 289 Railways. r 100 paundi iind?, and no r the sMpper nd will only , 25 per cent prices to be the owners, pss a special r is suffered mrg, unless ile standing ion, unload charged for r, it will be ) contain 1 13 is loaded to be of the dimensions exceeding M. to each urg within le opening summer d from the M. feet B. veeks after the Lake nd to close All articles, the bulk of which renders it necessary to be shipped in open Cars, will be taken by special contract, as to price and risk of damage, and the contract must be in writing*. CONDITIONS AND RULES. 1st. The Company will not receive or carry any Bank Bills, Drafts, Notes, Deeds, Contract or other Writings, or be responsible for their loss. 2nd. No conductor or other Agent of the Company is authorized to take charge of Bank Notes, Money or other valuable papers. 3rd. No Gold, Silver, Coin or BuUion, or Manufactured Articles of Gold or Silver, Jewels, Watches, Pictures, Plated Articles, Glass, Silk or Lace, will be carried by the Company, for the loss of which it will be responsible, unless with such articles, when delivered, is also delivered a memorandum in writing, stating the character and kind of articles and their value^ and unless a proper ex- tra price for the carriage and responsibility for such articles be paid. 4th. Gunpowder, Friction Matches and the like Combustible Articles, will not ba taken on any terms ; and if found secreted or among other goods, they will be forfeited or destroyed ; and in case of damage, the consignor, owner or other party interested in the articles, will be held liable therefor. 5th. Articles will not be received for transportation, unless properly packed in suitable Casks, Boxes, Bales or Packages, and each must be well and clearly marked with the name of the Consignee, and of the Station where they are to be delivered, otherwise they will not be receipted for : in which case no damages for loss or miscjirriage will be paid. All property is subject to cooperage when necessary. 6th. The Company will not be liable for property, unless receipted by a duly authorized Agent, and the destination of property cannot be changed after delivery. 7th. The Company will not be responsiple for damage occasioned by delays from storms, accidents or unavoidable causes, or by the decay or injury of perishable articles, or from injury to property produced by frost, heat or the elements. 8th. The Company will only be liable as Warehousemen, for property while in their storehonse or on their grounds; (consequently, all property of every description is at the owner's risk from fire.) 9th. Storage, at customary rates, will be charged for all property not taken from the warehouse within twenty-four hours after arrival. 10th. No single article or package will be taken at less charge than 25 cents. 19 290 ORDT?.RS IN COUNCIL Railways. ill » 11th. This Company will not be accountable for the breakage of Glass, Glassware, Looking Glasses, and Marble, or for damages to the hidden contents of packages, or for breakage and bursting, or by improper packing, or for loss of Nuts and Shot shipped in bags, nor for any deficiency in Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats. Caps, and Straw Goods, unless the packages are properly strapped and sealed when shipped. 12th. Cars for the conveyance of Cattle, Pigs, Sheep, Lumber, Staves or Grain in bulk, may be arranged for by special application. .AH Agents, Conductors and Laborers employed on the Trains, will be particularly careful, under all circumstances, in handing property in their charge. 1 SPECIAL CONTRACTS, CAN BE MADE FOR LARGE LOTS OF FREIGHT. TERMS : CASH ON DELIVERY. DAVID BURN, ^cretary. THOS. SCOTT, President. May, 1854. COBOURG AND PETERBORO' RAILWAY.— REGULATION AND TARIFF OF TOLLS. Passenger Tariff. In Cents per Passenger. I ''■.'. STATIONS. Coboiirg Baltimore Bradin's Harwood (S Shore of Rice Lake) Indian Village Keene Morgan's Foterboro' Miles. c o 1 in a 994 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. Brooms Com p. Dozen Eggs in Lots over 25 Bis, p. Barrel .. " " under 25 " " .. Flour in Lots over 100 " " ., it tt ti 20 *' '* " " under 20 " " .. Large Lots by Special Contract. Crain. Barley in Car Loads p. 100 Bushels.. Corn p. 100 " ., Flax Seel in Bags p. 100 " ., " in Lots over 100 Bis " " under 100 " ...... " '« under 50 " " " over 50 20 " " under Oats in Car Loads p. 100 Bushels Wheat ". " " Horses, each " in Lots of 3 or over •I Oysters p. Barrel Peaches p. Basket. Pdils p Dozen Salt p. 100 Bushels of 70 Ibs;..... " in Lots over tOO Bushels Specie in Kegs or Boxes p. |1000 Carriag' s, Barouches or Post Coach Two Horse Carriage, Waggon or Sleigh.., One Horse Waggon, Sleigh or Cart 1 00 1 00 60 50 35 35 1 25 80> 15 40 15 10 6 00 4 00 40 00 4 00 2 00 1 00 All unenumerated articles charged as analoguous articles, very bulky or trouble- some articled, such as large Stones, castings, Machinery, &c., will be taken at Company's convenience and charged extra at discretion. First Class Freight consists of Books and Papers. Bales and Boxes Merchandise. Buffalo Robes. Cordage. Cotton Wool. Crockery. Dry Goods. Drugs and Medicines at owners risk. Earthern ware. Fish, Fresh, murtle'prepaid. Furs. Furniture Packed. Glass, Window, at owners risk. Glass ware do Government Stores^ Hamp. Hides, Dry Loose. Hops. Iron Wrought and Castings. Mahogany. Machmery not boxed. * Paints. Pipes. Pottery in Boxes or Barrels (murtle prepaid). Raifias Shovels and Spades. Stoves, Fancy and Coik (owners risk). Tea. Veneers Packed. Wool. Tobacco, Tin, Turpentine. 2nd Qass Freight^ in Lots over 2000 lbs. Bones Packed. Butter. Burn Blocks. ColTee. Ciieese. Cands. Dye Woods. Flour in Bags. Grind Stones. > • Hardware Packed or Boxes or Casks. Hay Pressed. Hides, raw, gre6n. Horns Packed. Iron Bar Pig Sheet and Scrap. Lard. Leather. Manilla. Molasses. Marble, at owners risk. Noils. Oils. Pitcli. Plaster Paris. Pork in Hog. Rice. ' Rags. Rosin. Spirits of Turpentine. Sugar. Snap. Shot, Stoves, Plain, Tallow, Tar. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. ?95 Railways. 1 00 I 00 6» 50 35 35 1 25 80> tiontl.. ional. 15 40 15 10 6 00 4 00 40 00 4 00 leigh... 2 00 1 00 or trouble- be taken at ^ 2000 lbs. / niv Spbciai. Freight. Baggage, Batting, Broom Corn, Cigars, Fancy Goods, Military Baggage, Light and bulky articles, and all articles pot in 1st or 2nd Class or at special rates. I hereby certify that the foregoing Tariff of Tolls foi^ the carriage of Passengers and Freight over the Stanstead, Shefiford & Chambly Railroad, was approved by His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the 18lh day Of February 1859. W. A. HIMSWORTH, Clerk Piivy Council. BROCKVILLE AND OTTAWA RAILWAY— TARIFF OF TOLLS. Copy OF A Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Executive Council, ap- proved BY His Excellency the Governor General in Council on the 2no April, 1863. THE Committee have had under consideration a Report dated 30th ult., from the Hon. the Chairman of the Board of Railway Commissioners, stating that certain By-laws adopted by the Brockville and Ottawa Railway Company on the 2nd day of February 1863, and submitted with the said report, that is to say : " By- " law for establishing tolls to be demanded and received for all passengers and " goods transported on the Brockville and Ottawa Railway," and " General By- " laws, Rules and Regulations of the Brockville and Ottawa Railway Company, " adopted by the Shareholders, February 2, 1863,"— have been taken into consi- deration by the Board and been found to contain nothing inconsistent with Law or at variance with public interests and that they therefore submit the same for Your Excellency's approval. The Committee advise that the By-laws so submitted be sanctioned. Certified, WM. H. LEE, C. E. C. BY-LAW For establishing tolls to be demanded and received for all passengers and goods transported upon the Brockville and Ottawa Railway. Be it ordained and enacted by the Shareholders of the Brockville and Ottawa Railway Company duly assembled at the Office of the said Company, in the Town of Brockville, in Annual General Meeting, on the Second day of February, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-t ree, and it is hereby ordained and enacted as follows : 5 ; 1 ■. ^ I 296 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. 1. That the tolls, rates and charges payable for the carriage or conveyance of passengers upon the Railway of said Company shall be — For each and every first class passenger at the rate of /bur ccn/s for every mile of transportation upon the said Railway ; For each and every second class passenger at the rate of three cents for every mile of transportation upon the said Railway. 2. That the tolls, rates and charges payable for the transportation upon the said Railway, of Goods, Wares and Merchandize classified as hereinafter contained and set forth, shall be — For first class goods at the rate of twenty cents a mile for every ton of two thousand pounds ; For second class goods at the rate of fourteen cents a mile for every ton of two thousand pounds ; For third class goods at the rate of twelve cents a mile for every ton of two thousand pounds ; For fourth class goods at the rate of eight cents a mile for every ton of two thousand pounds ; For double first class goods — double first class rates ; And for one and a half first class goods, one and a half first class rates : For first, second, third and fourth class goods between intermediate stations at the rate of thirty cents, twenty-five cents and twenty cents a mile for every ton of two thousand pounds respectively ; For special class goods at such rate as may be agreed upon not exceeding the aforesaid rates respectively. . 3. That the transportation of all goods, wares and marchandize upon the said Railway, aAd the rates payable therefor as aforesaid, shall be subject to the following general conditions. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF FREIGHT TRANSPORT. 1. Articles will not be received for transportation unless properly packed in suitable casks, boxes, bales or packages, and plainly marked and directed. 2. This Company will not be accountable for any article unless same be signed for as received by a duly authorized Agent. 3. Nor will they be responsible for the loss of or damage done to Money in Cash, or Bills or Promissory Notes, or securities for Money, or jewellery, trinkets, rings, precious stones, bullion, gold and silver manufactured or unmanufactured, gold and silver plate or plated articles, clocks, watches, time pieces, marbles, lace, onveyance ! for every I for every L upon the lereinafter ton of two 'ery ton of ton of two ton of two tes: stations lor every eding the upon the ect to the tacked in same be ioney in trinkets, actured, narbles, lace, ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 297 Railways. lace, furs, silks in a manufactured or unmanufactured state, and whether wrought up or not with other materials, writings, title deeds, prints, paintings, maps, engravings, pictures, stamps or other valuables, nor for damage done to China glass, wearing apparel, musical instruments, furniture, toys, castings, or any other such hazardous or brittle articles in packages or otherwise. 4. Nor for damages occasioned by delays from storms, accidents, or unavoid- able causes, or for damages from flre, heat, frost or decay of perishable articles, or from civil commotion, or foreign invasion. 5. Nor for loss or damage of any packages insufficiently packed, marked, directed or described, containing a variety of articles liable, by breaking, to dam- age each other, or other articles, nor for leakage arising from bad casks or bad cooperage, or from fermentation. 6. Nor for loss or damage done goods put into returned wrappers or boxes, or packages described as empty, nor for any goods left until called for, or to order, or warehoused for the convenience of the parties to whom they belong, or by or to whom they are consigned. 7. Neither will they be ' responsible for any deficiency in the weight or measure of grain, &c., nor for loss or deficiency in weight, number or measure- ment of lumber or timber carried by the car load. 8. No agent or other employee of the company is authorized to take charge of bank notes, money or other valuable papers. 9. Senders of any dangerous articles will be held accountaale for any damage arising therefrom or thereto, unless the contents are described as such upon the directions, that due care may be observed in the loading, and in no case will the Company be liable for the loss of any such article ; and the Com- pany will not undertake the carriage of aquafortis, vitriol, friction matches on any terms whatever, gunpowder carried by special agreement only. 10. All articles will be at the owner's risk at the several way stations and platforms where depot buildings have not yet been established by the Company, from the moment such articles are delivered as directed or marked, or until taken into the cars, as the case may be. And no articles destined for such points will be received unless the Freight is prepaid, and unless specially arranged to the contrary, the putting out of such articles at such stations or platforms will be a delivery whether any one is there to receive or not. 11. Fish, fruit, meat, poultry and green hides, or other perishable articles, are conveyed at the owner's risk, and will immediately be sold to secure the freight, if not paid when such articles arrive at the Railway Station, or are offered for delivery. , 'f 'it 898 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. It :l'5 ti 12. When goods are intended, after being conveyed upon this Railway, to be forwarded by some other Company or carrier to their final destination, the duplicate receipts furnished by the Consignor mnst specify the same and the articlei^ be marked accordingly. This Company will not be responsible for such articles or for any accident or loss to the same after they have left the line of the Brockville and Ottawa Railway Company to be so forwarded. * ^ 13. When an invoice covers a variety of articles, as a lot of furniture, &c., each separate piece must be properly marked and numbered a^A a bill of particulars furnished by the Consign or in duplicate, one to be receipted and the other to go with the Way Bill. 14. Demurrage at the rate of two dollars per car per day will be charged on all cars not unloaded within twenty-four hours after arriving, unless a special agreement to the contrary be made in writing. 15. Carriages when not boxed will be taken only at owner's risk, and they must be securely protected or covered, so that there will be no liability to injury by fire, weather or chafing. 16. All articles of freight arriving at the place of their destination, must be taken away within forty-eight hours. The Company reserving the right of charging storage on the same, or placing the same in store at the risk and expense of the owner, if they see fit after a lapse of that time. ' 17. All articles except where it is otherwise especially provided, will be charged by weighty either actual or estimated. 18. Nine tons of 2000 lbs. shall be considered over nine tons will be charged double rates. a full car load, and any excess 19. No goods will be delivered until the freight and charges thereon are paid; and if not paid within six weeks after arrival, they will be sold, and the proceeds applied towards satisfaction of such claims and expenses. 20. All property of every description is at the owner's risk from fire (after being delivered on the Company Station grounds,) and from all other loss or injuries, except such as may arise from negligence of the Company's Agents. 21. No claims for loss or damage to property (for which the Company may be accountable) will be allowed, unless notice in writing be given before the goods are removed from the Company's premises. 22. Live stock will be taken at the prices stated in this tariff of rates, on application to the Company's Agents, and giving reasonable notice; but in no case will over nine tons be taken in a car. ilway, to be ination, the ime and the ble for duch 3 line of the rniture, &c., if particuiars 3 other to go s charged on ess a special sk, and they ity to injury ;ion, must be , of charging pense of the cled, will be any excess thereon are old, and the m lire (after )ther loss or gents. any may be ■e the goods of rates, on ; but in no ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 299 Railways. 23. The Company will not assume any responsibility for injuries which may be receiived by the animals, in consequence of their being wild, vicious, unruly or weak, or from any delay in their reaching their destination at the usual time, as per the time tables of thie road, or in consequence^of heat, suffocation or other ill effects of being crowded upon the cars of this Company, but the owners or their agents, one to each lot, if equal to a car load, will be permitted to pass free upon the train with their stock to take care of it. All live stock conveyed over this line is to be loaded and discharged by the owner or his agent, and to be under his sole care, and in all respects at his risk then, and during transit, to be fed, watered and taken eare of by him at his expense. 24. Lumber will be taken at the prices stated in this tariff, at the following estimated quantities, viz : Cars loaded with 12 ft lumber, not exceeding 2 inches in thickness 2 lengths 3 ft. 1 1 in. high, will be estimated at 8 1-m feet, B. M.; 2 inches in thickness, 2 lengths, 3 ft. 5 in. high, will be estimated at 7 1-m feet, B. M. Planed lumber, joists, scantling and plank exceeding two inches in thickness ; 2 lengths, 3 ft. 5 in. high, will be estimated at 8 1-m feet B. M. . 2 lengths, 3 ft. high, will be estimated at 7 1-m feet B. M. If the lumber exceeds 12 ft: in length, additions will be made in proportion to the increased length. 25. All lumber to be loaded and unloaded by the owner, or at his expense ; excepting lumber freighted to Brockville for shipment, which will be unloaded by the Company, free of charge. . 26. Every lumber car, on being loaded, must be plainly marked with the name of the Consignee and its destination, or it will not be taken. 27. No person will be allowed to place or pile lumber, wood or other material, within six feet of the track. ' 28. All goods from whomsoever received, or to whomsoever belonging, are subject to a lien, not only for the freight of the particular goods but also for any general balance, that may be due from the owners. '! 300 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. CLASSIFICATION OF MERCHANDISE. The following goods shall be classified as double first class goods and be charged double first class rates aforesaid : DOUBLE FIRST CLASS. Acetic acid, in carboys at owner's ' risk, baskets, bonnets, band boxes, caps and hats, cigars, clocks, carriages boxed, feathers, furniture (loose), glass (plate) at owner's risk, gunpowder by special agreement, hats and caps, light goods not specified, lace, liquids, in carboys or demi-johns, at owner's risk, musical instruments, looking glasses at owner's risk, mouldings, poultry in coops, pictures and picture frames in cases, plate, plated goods, stove pipes, statuary as per agreement, silks, sponges, sleighs (boxed), wicker work, willow ware. The following goods shall be classified as one and a half first class goods and be charged one and a half first class rates as aforesaid : ONE AND A HALF FIRST CLASS. Agricultural implements, light and , bulky, barrels, (new,) corks, cotton batting, furniture (boxes,) fish, (fresh,) furs, lamps, matlrasses, perfumery, straw goods closely packed, sashes, window, (glazed,) toys, wadding. The following articles shall be classified first class goods and be charged first class rates as aforesaid : FIRST CLASS. Butter, (fresh,) boilers, large ash, books, bells, blankets, bread, brass vessels, brushes, boots and shoes, bottles, glass, buckets and pails, buffalo robes, bristles, broom corn, burning fluid in casks, at owner's risk, Britannia ware, castor oil in tins, china, carpeting, cider in bottles, corn brooms, cordials, castings, light, copper vessels and tubing, confectionary, cork wood, cotton waste, covers and sieves, cheese loose, at owner's risk, drugs in boxes, drapery, dry goods, eggs in barrels estimated at 200 lbs., furniture, old and common, farmers' waggons in pieces, fruit perishable, glass cut, at owner's risk, game, garden seeds, hair and moss for upholstery, hides, dry, loose, hops, hosiery, India rubber goods, ink in bottles, luggage, trunks, &c., lemons, at owner's risk of weather, marble wrought, at owner's risk of breakage, machinery, light, meat, fresh, muskets, medecine, mechanics' tools, mineral water in bottles, moulds, oysters in kegs or cans, oil in jars or bottles, oil cloth, exceeding 15 feet m width, ars, paper, fine, paper hangings in bales, peltries, poultry dead, at owner's risk, pipes, smoking, palm leaf, pickles or preserves, in bottles or jars, at owner's risk, printing presses, rushes, rattan, rugs, stationery, saws, saddlery, shrubs and plants, shoes and boots, scale and scale beams, not boxed, selves and covers, stoves and stove castings, ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 301 Railways. be charged boxes, cAps ^lass (plate) Lt goods not }k, musical ps, pictures ary as per ods and be rks, cotton aery, straw f'::.,, larged first JS8 vessels, s, bristles, istor oil in ngs, light, covers and , eggs in i^aggons in hair and )ds, ink in wrought, medecine, ans, oil in ine, paper ing, palm ig presses, shoes and and stove castings, castings, at owner's risk of breakage, steam boilers, 30 fe^t and under and not exceeding 5 tons, over 30 feet and 5 tons by special agreement, scythe snaths sardines, spices, sweet potatoes, trays, tiers, tin ware, trunks, luggage, &c., twine umbrellas, (boxed,) veneering, waggon frames in pieces, window blinds, wooden ware, wheels for carriages, wines and spirits in bottlef, wool, whalebone, whips, waggon fellows and bows, window frames and sashes unglazed, wheelbarrows. The following goods shall be cla^^sified as second class goods, and be charged second class rates as aforesaid ; SECOND CLASS. Arrow root, arm and share moulds, axes, apples dry, asphaltum, alabaster, ale and porter in bottles at owner's risk of weather, alum, apples in casks at owner's risk of weather, antimony, crude, alcohol, axles, butter, salt, brimstone, blacking, bass matts, burlaps, barrilla, bags, bath brick, black lead, binders boards, broom and mop handles, candle wick, candles, chicorry, coffee, cotton raw, in bales compressed, currants, corn starch, capstans, chocolate, cocoa, cocoa nuts, cheese, at owner's risk, in boxes or barrels, chair material turned, cabbages, carrots, chalk, charcoal in bags or barrels, cables, iron, cannon, cannon balls, cop- peras, canvass, carriage springs, crokery ware, cider in casks, cordage and rigging, card and card board, castor oil in casks, copper, sheets, bolts, rods, ingots, wire and nails, crucibles, dye woods, drugs in casks, dye stuffs, earthenware at owner's risk of breakage, fish, dried, salted or pickled, flax in bales pressed, flax seed, fuller's figs, fenders. Are irons, flat irons, felt, glass, common window, gum, grease, grindstone, light, glue and glue pieces, gun barrels and stocks, gunny bags in bales, groceries not otherwise enumerated, hominy, hogs in carcase at owner's risk, hemp, pressed, hardware in boxes or casks, hoops and horns, hides and skins dry, in bales, hogs hair in bags or casks, high wines, l;iurdles, honey, iron wire in bundles, ink in casks, jute, junk, lamp black, leather, logwood, lead piping, lard, lasts, liquorice, mahogany board and blank, mangel 'vurtzel, madder, matts and matting, meats, cured, millboard, mill stones, finished, mop and broom handles, machinery, (heavy,) mustard, mineral water in casks, molasses, nuts, nitrate of soda, oil cloth not exceeding 15 feet in »vidth, oil cake, onions, oakum, oil in casks, oysters and clams in shell at owner's risk, paper, common, printing paper, paper hangings, (boxed), paints, pallisades, perry in casks, plaster of Paris, prepared, porter and ale in bottles at owner's risk of weather, printer's ink, ropes, rags for paper at owner's risk of fire, raisins, rice, rigging and cordage, sago, scales and scale beams, boxed, soda water, sugar, lump and refined, scythes, seeds, grass, clover, flax, &c., saltpetre, shumac size and liquid, spokes, sulphate of copper, safes, iron, scythe stones, shovels and spades, soap, starch, steel, in bars and bundles, saleratus, stucco, syrup, shot, soda, skins and hides in bales, tarpaulins, tow, in bales at owner's risk of fire, tapioca, tamarinds, type, tobacco, turpentine 4 11 t :l 302 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. turpentine in casks, vinegar in casks, varnish, in casks, vices, vegetables, garden, warp, cotton, whetstones, wire, wire railing and ftncing, wrapping paper, wine and spirits in casks, wax, yarns, linen and cotton, yeast, zinc. The following goods shall be classified as third class goods and be charged third class rates as aforesaid. THIRD CLASS. ^ Ale and porter in casks at owner^s risk of breakage, anchors, anvils, ashes, pot and pearl, bones, in casks, bacon in casks and boxes, burr blocks, bran, beans, beef, salt, barley, bark tanner's, bleaching salts, boiler plate, barytis, castings, heavy, corn, cement, Canada plate, clap boards, dairy salt in bags, emery, flour in barrels or bags, flsh, salt in casks, gas and water pipes, grindstones, heavy, guano and other packed manures, gypsum, grain of all kinds, headings, hogsheads and casks, hoops, hoop poles, hams in casks, ice at owner's risk, iron, rods, bars, plates and sheets, iron castings, plain and heavy, iron bolts and rivets, linseed meal, laths, lead, red and white, lumber, lead sheet and pig, malt, metal, old, marble rough at owner's risk of breakage, meal, middlings, millstones, rough, mill feed, nails, nail rods, oats, peas, pitch, porter and ale in casks at owner's risk of weather, putty, plaster, pork in barrels, salt, potatoes in bags or barrels, retorts, rosin, railway, pins, wheels, axles and springs, rye, sugar raw, shingles, shooks, slaves, spelter in boxes and casks, shorts, spikes, turnips, tallow, tin in boxes, tiles, drain and roof, tea, tobacco in hogsheads unmanufactured, vitches, whiting, wheat, wire, rope, whiskey in casks, water and gas pipes. The following goods shall be classified as special class goods, and unless in full car loads shall be charged third class rates as aforesaid : SPECIAL. Bricks, clay, coal, coke, cement, flags, iron pig and scrap, iron rails, chains, sjokes and flsh plates, lime, material for road repairs, plaster of Paris for manure, railway tics, sand, slate, stone for building, &c., ship knees, salt. UNENUMBRATED ARTICLES. Unenumerated articles shall be classified with similar or analogous articles and charged at the same rates respectively. Provided always that it shall not be^ incumbent upon the said Company to charge the full rates aforesaid, but they shall be at liberty on special occasions as may present to convey any of the said goods or passengers at less rates as may be agreed upon in the discretion of the Directors or their Executive Committee, by Resolution or By-law in that behalf. All freights shall be payable to the station master or other Ofiicer of the Company entrusted with the delivery thereof, sub ject to such relugations as may be made from time to time by the Directors, by By-law or Resolution in that behalf. Rel sud sul les, garden, paper, wine arged third ivils, ashes, )ran, beans, s, castings, ry, flour in avy, guano fsheads and bars, plates iseed meal, Did, marble , mill feed, of weather, orts, rosin, iks, staves, tiles, drain ng, wheat, less in full s, chains^ )r manure. IS articles >mpany to casions as as may be nittee, by he station reof, sub Bctors, by The Directors of the said Company may, from time to time, by By-law or Resolution, alter or modify the classiflcalion and rates respectively aforesaid, in such manner as lo them may seem advisable for the interests of the Company. These Ry-laws shall supersede any By-laws heretofore in force as to the subject matter provided for herein or inconsistent therewith. In testimony whereof, the said Shareholders have caused this By-law adop- ted, made and enacted as aforesaid, the Second day of February, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, to be signed by the Ho- norable Geohge Sherwood, President of the said Company and Chairman presid- ing at said Meeting of Shareholders, and to be sealed with the Corporate Seal of the said Company. I certify that the abovie is a true copy of the By-law establishing Tolls passed by the Shareholders, February 2, i863. (Signed,) • ROB. HERVEY, Sect. B. &0. R W.Co. Certified that this is the By-law approved by His Excellency the Governor General in Council, 2nd April, 1863. WM. H. LEE, G. E. G Copy of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Privy CounoiL approved by His Excellency the Governor General in Council on the 29th January^ 1869. ON a memorandum dated 28th January, 1869, from the Honorable the Chair- man of the Railway Committee of the Privy Council, submitting for Your Excellency's approval the following Minute of that Committee on certain By-Laws of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway Company, viz : At a Board Meeting of the Honorable the Members of the Railway Committee of the Privy Council held in the Privy Council Chamber on Thursday, the 28th January, 1869. PRESENT ; The Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, K. C. B. The Hon. S. L. Tilley, C. B. The Hon. John Rose. The following By-laws of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway Conipany, passed at a General Meeting of the said Company held at London, in England.^oa the 28th day of May, 1868, were submitted for consideration : M.: ; I, :^ ■ i 304 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. By-Law No. 1. — ^To provide Common Seal. By-Law No. 2.— To establish Rules, By-laws and Order for the good govern- ment of. the Company, and for other purposes. By-Law No 3. — ^To authorize a Board of Directors to pass By-laws for certain purposes connected with the Railway. The Report of the Deputy Minister of Justice bearing date the 20th .January, 1869, states that there is no legal objection to their approval, and the said by-laws are approved accordingly, and ordered to be entered on the Minutes of the Board. Further By-Laws Nos. 5, 6 and V, adopted and passed at a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the said Company held at London, England, on the 28th day of May, 1868, under the Corporate Seal of the Company, were also submitted, with a Report of the Deputy of the Minister of Justice thereon, stating that there Avas no legal objection to their approval, viz : By-law No. 5. — Imposing Tolls for the transportation and carriage of Mer- chandize, &c. By-law No. 6. — Imposing Tolls for the transportation and carriage of pas- sengers. By-law No. 7. — Imposing further Tolls for the transportation and carriage of passengers. The said By-Laws Nos. 5, 6 and 7 are approved accordingly. It is ordered that this Minute with the By-Laws in question, be referred for •the approval of His Excellency in Council. The whole of the said By-laws are ordered to be engrossed on the Minutes of the said Board. The Committee advise that the foregoing Minute and the By-Laws therein referred to, be approved by Your Excellency under the I9th clause of " Railway Act, 1868. " Certified, WM. H. LEE, Clk. P. Council. To the Honorable ' The Secretary of State, Canada, &c., &c., &c. .M ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 306 Railways. )od govern- 3 for certaia Lh January, >aid by-laws f the Board. ting of the the 28th day submitted, g that there age of Mer- iage of pas- carriage of referred for Minutes of ws therein " Railway ijuncil. CANADA. By His Excellency the Right Honorable Sir John Young, Baronet, one of Her Majesty's Most Honorable Privy Council, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St George, and Governor General of the Dominion of Canada. Know all men by these presents, that I. the said Right Honorable Sir John Young, Governor General of Canada, by and in pursuance of any authority in me vested in that behalf, and by and with the advice of the Queen's Privy Coun- cil for Canada, do hereby sanction and confirm the By-laws of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway hereto annexed and hereinafter set forth, numbered 5, 6 and 7. Of all which Her Majesty's loving subjects and others whom it may concern, are to take notice and govern themselves accordingly .GivBN under my hand and seal at arms at Ottawa, this (16th) Sixteenth day of February, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty- nine, in the thirty-second year of Her Majesty's reign. JOHN YOUNG. BY-LAW No. 5. , The St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway Company hereby order and enact : — The following rates and tolls shall be imposed, taken and received by the •Company for the transportation or carriage upon the said Railway of all property, goods, wares, merchandize and commodities of whatssoever description ; and the same, and the transport or carriage of all property, gooJs, wares, merchandize and commodities as aforesaid, upon the said Railway, shall be subject to the Rules and Regulations in respect to the same herein contained. GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF FREIGHT. FOUR TIMES FIRST CLASS. i'f'V Band-boxes Bird-cages '• Baskets Children's sleighs sledges, cabs or waggons Hobby horses Wicker work Willow ware 'i '■ v - "• ' K IHREE TIMES FIRST CLASS. Furnitnrc loose, at owners' risk Safes, meat, cheese, &c. DOUBLE FIRST CLASS. Acids, less than 25 carboys, at owners' risk Baiting, bonnets Baths, tin Barrels, new, and other empty packages Caps and hats Cigars Clocks, boxed, at owners' risk Carriages, boxed • Cabinet-ware, set up and boxed Demijohns, covers Door frames Dry Goods, in trunks 10 hi • 306 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. It Empty packages Furniture, set up and boxed Featherg Feather beds, pillowa or bolsters Fishing rods Furs Fowls, in coops, at owners' risk Glass plate, at owners' risk Hats and caps. Ivory Lace Light goods, not specified Looking glares, boxed, at owners' risk Liquids, in carboys, cans or demijohns, at owners' risk Matches, owners' risk Merchandise, packed in trunks Mouldings Machinery, very light and bulky Musical instruments, not otherwise enumer- ated Mattrasses Milk, 8 lbs. to the gallon Mineral acids Models for statuary, &c. Ornaments, plaster Paris, ownefs's risk Paintings, owners's risk Peltries, furs Piano-fortes, not boxed, owners' risk Pictures, owners' risk Picture frames, in oases, owners' risk Plate, glass, boxed, owners' risk Pillows, feather, hair, &c. Poultry, in coops, owners' risk Poultry, dressed not packed, prepaid Sand screens Sashes, glazed or not, owners' risk ' -' i /- Sculpture, owners' risk Sewing machines, not boxed : f ' ' I Shower baths Show cases, owners' risk Shrubbery, loose, owners' risk, prepaid Sieves Silks Sleighs, boxed, owners risk Spinning wheels Sponges Spring beds • * Spring bed frames , Statuary, owners' risk Stoves, itt company's risk Stovepipe Straw goods Stucco work or models, owners' risk Tin pipe and troughs Toys Travelling bags Trees, loose, owners' risk, prepaid Trunks, empty Trunks, merchandise packed in ^ Valises Vats, empty Wadding Whips, not boxed Window frames Zinc guttering ONE-AND-A-HALF FIRST CLASS. Agricultural implements, less than car loada Boilers, over 25 feet long Buffalo robes Camphor gum Corks 'Essences or extracts Excelsior, in bales Fancy goods Fans, palm leaf Fish, fresh, owners' risk, prepaid Gamboge Gum, camphor Lamps, well packed, owners's risk Lasts, loose ■ > Measures Moss, in sacks Papier mach^ goods Perfumery '' Plated Goods Preserves, in glass or stone Snuff, in jars or bladders FIRST CLASS. r Acids, in lots of not less than 25 carboy* Ale and porter, in glass, owners' risk Allspice ■ J . ^ y. Almonds, in bags Apples in bags, boxes or baskets, prepaid Arrowroot ■" ,v ^ i Bacon, loose or in bags .',,'> , ,; Bay Hum, in glass or stone Beans, green, prepaid . i Beef, fresh, prepuid Beer, in glass or stone, owners' risk |M Beeswax Bellows ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 307 Railways. risk aid 5T CLASS, ^han car loads aid isk 5 carboy» risk s, prepaid risk I'-j Bells Benzine Bensole Berries, dried Berries, not dried, owners' risk, prepaid Billiard Tables, boxed, owners' risk Bitters, in glass Blankets Blinds, window Boilers, less than 25 feet Bone Black Books, in bundles Bottles, empty ?3oots and Shoes Brandy in glass, owners's risk Brass, manufactured Bread Bristles Britannia ware Brooms Broom corn, pressed in bales, owners's risk of fire Brushes Buckets and pails Bulbs and roots, well packed, prepaid Burning fluid, owners' risk, boxed Butter, fresh Cabinetware, knocked down Cakes, candies, canes Cardboard . . Cards •< Carpet and carpeting Carts, knocked down Cassia Castile soap Castor oil, in tin ' Castings, iron, light Cheese, loose, at owners' risk Chewing gum Children's sleighs, cabs or waggons, knocked down, well boxed, owners' risk China ware Cider, in glass or stone ),' ,, ■ ' Cinnamon ;/ •;,. < , , ( Citron Clams in shells, owners' risk, prepaid Clums, in kegs or cans Clothes pins Cocoa nuts, in bags Combs Confectionary Copper vessels, pipe and tubing Cooper's flags Cordials Corkwood Cotton, pressed in bales Cotton waste, owners' risk of fire Crackers, in boxes or barrels Currants, not dried, owners' risk, prepaid Dates Deer skins, pressed in bales Doors Drapery Drugs, in boxes, &c. Dry goods, in boxes or bales Dry stuff's, not otherwise enumerated Dye woods, in packages Eggs, in barrels or boxes Fancy soap, Farina Figs, in drums, owners's risk Findings, shoe and leather Fire-arms, musket or othet- small arms Flocks Flour, in paper bags Furniture, old, of little value, owners' risk, prepaid Furniture, knocked down, boxed, owners's risk, prepaid Fruit, perishable, owners' risk, prepaid Gambia Game, owners' risk, prepaid • Garden seeds Gas fixtures, in boxes or barrels Ginger Glassware, owners' risk Grapes, owners' risk, prepaid Grates, fir:, owners'^ risk Grave stonos, owners' risk, prepaid Gum, chewing Gum shellac Gun barrels or stocks Guttapercha goods H;iir, in barrels or sacks Hams, loose or in bags Hides, dry Hollow ware, owners' risk Honey in cans and kegs Horse collars Hops Horse powers Hose, leather, canvas, &c. Hosiery Household goods, not furniture, well boxed, owners' risk, prepaid Household goods, owners' risk, prepaid India lubber goods, not otherwise specified ia Hi 308 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. ■Ml ni Indigo Ink, in glass or stone Isinglass Ivory black Japanned ware Kettles, cauldrons, owners' risk Lasts, in sacks Leather belting Leather hose Lemons Logwood, in packages Macaroni Machinery, boxed Marble wrought, owners' risk, prepaid Matts and matting Meats, fresh, owners' risk, prepaid Meats, salted or dried, loose or in bags Mechanics' tools Medicines, owners' risk Melons, owners's risk, prepaid Mills, cider, bark, grain, &c. Mineral water, in glass or stone Mop handles Moss, pressed in bales or boxes Musical instruments, boxed, owners' risk Muskets Mutton, fresh, owners' risk, prepaid Naptha, owners' risk Nutmegs Nuts, in bags Oils, in glass or stone, owners' risk Oils, in k^s or cans, owners' risk Oranges, owners' risk Oysters, in shell, owners' risk, prepaid Oysters, in kegs or cans Oils Palm leaf • Pamphlets, in bundles Paper, not boxed Paper hangings, in bundles < Pasteboard Peaches, owners' risk, prepaid Peas, green, owners' risk, prepaid Pears, owners's risk, prepaid Pelts, bheep, loose Percussion caps Piano-fortes, boxed Pickles, in glass or stone Pimento Pine apples, owners' risk, prepaid Pipes, wooden < Pipes, smoking Pluius, owners' risk, prepaid Pork, fresh, other than dressed hogs, prepaid, owners's risk Pork, salted or smoked, loose or in sacks Porter, in glass or stone Potatoes, sweet Poultry, dressed, in boxes or crates, prepaid Presses, printing, cheese, cider, &c., owners' risk Preserves, in cans Prunes Pumice stone Quinces, owners' risk, prepaid Quicksilver, in iron flasks Raisins, in boxes, not strapped Rattan Rakes, hand Reeds Refrigerators Rifles Rolling pins, wooden ware Roots, other than esculent, not otherwise enumerated, owners' risk, prepaid Rubber goods Rugs Rushes Saddles Saddle trees Sago Salts, Epsom Salts, glauber Sand paper Sardines Saws Scale and scale beams, not boxed School slates, boxed Scythe snathes Sea grass, in packages Seeds, not otherwise enumerated Sewing machines, boxed Sheep pelts, loose Shellac ^ > Shoes Shrubbery, in boxes or bundles, at owners risV, prepaid Sizing .1 i ( Skins, deer, pressed in bales Skins, sheep and calf, loose ni ; Slates, school, boxed Snuff", in boxes or barrels . ; , - " Soap, Castile Soap, fancy Soda water, in glass or stone Spices ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 309 Railways. es, at ownera Stationery Steel yards Store and stove castings, owners' risk of Stove blacking or polish [breakage Steam boilers, under 25 feet Tea Tents and Fixtures Tent poles Thread Tinware Tools, mechanic Trays Trees, in boxes or bales, owners' risk,prepaid Tripe Tubing, wooden Tubs Twine . Tomb stones, owners' risk, prepaid Umbrellas, boxed Yarnishes, in kegs or cans Veal, fresh, owners' risk, prepaid Vegetables, fresh, owners' rish, prepaid Veneering Venison, owners' risk, prepaid Vermicelli Waggons, knocked down Waggon felloes and bows Wash boards Water pipe, wooden Whalebone Wheels, carriage or waggon Wheelbarrows Whips, boxed Whiskey, in glass or stone, owners' risk Wine, in glass or stone, owners' risk Wire cloth Wooden pipe Wooden ware » Wool Yarn, in bundles or boxes SECOND CLASS- Almonds, in boxes or barrels Alum Antimony Apples, dry Ash boilers and kettles, lar^e and heavy ApplcH, in casks or barrels, owners' risk, pre- Asphaltum [paid from Nov. to March Axes Axle grease Axles, carriage of waggon Bags Baggage, Military Bagging Baking Powders Barilla Bath brick Bay rum, in kegs, barrels or casks, owners' Bed cords [risk of leakage Breadstuff Beets Belting Binders' Boards Blacking Black Lead Books, in boxes Boxes, waggon or carriage Box-wood Brandy, in kegs, barrels or caeks, owners' risk Brimstone [of leakage Burlaps Butter, salt Cabbage Candles Cannon Canvas Capstan Carriage Axles Carriage Springs Carrots Castor Oil, in casks, owners' lisk of leakage Chair stuff Chalk Charcoal Cheese, in boxes or barrels Chickory . Chloride of lime Chocolate Clothes lines Clover seed Coal oil, by special agreement Cocoa Cocoa nuts, in boxes, barrels or casks Codfish, in bundles or bags Coffee Copper, sheet, bolt, wire, rivets Copperas Cordage Corn starch Crockery ware, well packed, owners' risk of Crowbars [breakage Crucibles Currants, dried, in casks or barrels Cutlery m II 310 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. Dressed hogs Drugs, in casks Duck Dye wood, in sticks Earth paints Earthenware, owners' risk of breakage Emery Fence wire Fenders and fire irons Figs, in boxes, barrels or casks Fish, dried Flat irons Flax, in bales Flax seed Fniiti, dried Fuller's earth Glass, common window, owners' risk Glue Grass seed Grease, axle Groceries, not otherwise enumerated Gum copal Gunny Gunny Bags, in bales Hair, proswd, in bales ' Haimes Harness Hardware, not otherwise enumerated Hemp, owners' risk of fire Hemp Seed Herrings, in boxes '>' Hides, green, loose Hinges Hogs, dressed, owners' risk Hominy t Honey, in barrels or casks ■ Hoofs and Horns Hooks I'm Horse Shoes, in kegs or boxes Hubs Hurdles Ink, Printers' Ink, writing, in barrels or oases Iron Safes Iron Fencing Iron Wire flunk I Jute Kettles, A^, large and heavy, owners' risk Lamp black ^ Lnrd LastP, in boxes Lead BInck Lead Pipe Leather, in bundles, rolls or boxes Liquorice Linseed Logwood, in sticks Machinery, heavy Mahogany, boards or planks Manilla Hemp Mill boards Millstones, finished Mineral water, in wood, owners' risk Mustard Nitrate of soda Nuts, in barrels or casks Oakum Oars Ochro Oil in casks, owners' risk of leakage Oil cloth Onions Paints Pamphlets, in boxes Paper, boxed Paper hangihgs, boxed Paper, printing Parsnips Pelts, sheep, ia bales Pepper Pickles, in kegs or barrels Plaster of Paris Printers' ink Rags, in sacks, owners' risk of Raisins, strapped Rape seed Rice Rigging Rivots, brass or copper Rope Saddlery hardware Safes, iron •-<:': Sago Saleratus ' * ; Saltpetre Salt, in small bogs or boxes \' ' < Scales and scale beams, boxed Scythes Scythe stones Scoops - ' Seeds, grass, &c. Sheep Pelts, in bales . j ' Shot Shovels Skeins, waggon •15 .■• : I V • 'Kit- ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 311 Railways. Skins, sheep or calf, in bales Spades Spirits of Turpentine, in casks, owners' risk Springs, carriage or waggon Starch Steel Springs Steel, in bars or bundles Stoveware, well packed Sugar, lump and refined Sulphate of Copper Sulphate, in boxes or kegs Sumac Tacks, in boxes Tamarinds Tapioca Tarpaulings Timothy seed Tobacco, manufactured, in boxes Tobacco, in bales Tow, in bales, owners' risk of fire Tubing, brass or copper Turned stuff, wooden, not otherwise enume- [rated Turpentine, in casks, owners' risk of leakage Type Varnish, in casks, owners' riap of leajtage Vices Waggon xVzles Waggon Boxes, iron Wax Warp Warp Beams Whetstones White Lead Wine, in casks, owners' risk of leakage Wire Wire railing or fencing Yarns, pressed in bales Yeast Zinc •,'. I ■■:•/) ;,i. THIRD CLASS. Alcohol, in brls' owners' risk of leakage Ale, in wood, owners' risk of leakage ^Luchor^ Anvils Ash, pot and pearl Axles, locomotive and car Bacon, in boxes or barrels Barley Bark, tanners Barytes Beans, dry Beef, salt, in boxes or barrels Beer, in wood, owners' risk of leakage Bleaching salts or powder Boiler Plate Bones Bone dust Borax Bran Brass, old Bricks Burr stones or blocks Cables, iron Cannon balls Canada plate Car axles Car wheels Castings, iron, heavy, owners' risk of breakage Cement Chain Cider, in wood, owners' risk of leakage Clapboards Clay Coal Coal Tar Codfish, in boxes or barrels Coke Copper, in boxes or barrels Copper, Ore Corn Corn Meal Felt Fire Brick Fire Clay Fish, dry, in bbls or casks Flour, in bags or bbls. Gas Retorts Gas pipe Grains of all kinds Gravel Grease, other than axle Grindstones, heavy, owners' risk of breakage Guano Gypsum Hams, in boxes or barrels Handles Heading Hides, green, in bundles High Wines, in casks, leakage Hoops Hop poles at owners' risk of m 3» ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Hailways. Ice, at owners' risk, prepaid Iron, bar, rod Iron hoop Iron, sheet Iron, bolts, nuts, rivets and washers Iron castings, heavy Iron pipes Iron ore Iron, old Iron, pig or scrap Land plaster Laths Lead, bar Lead, pig Lead, red- Lead, sheet Lead, whit« Lime Lime, water Linseed meal Locomotive axles, tire or wheels Lumber Madder Malt Manure, packed Marble, unwrought Meal Meats, salted or dried, in boxes or bbls Metal, old Middlings Mill feed Millstones, unwrought Molasses, owners' risk of leakage Nail rods Nails, in kegs or boxes Oats Oatmeal Oil cake Old iron Paper, wrapping, or roofing Pearl ash Peas, dried or split Perry, in casks, owners' risk of leakage Pipes, iron Pitch Plaster Pork, cured, in boxes or barrels Porter in wood, owners' risk of leakage Potash Potatoes Putty ' • Railway pins, axles, wheels, and springs Rags, pressed in bales Rosin Retorts, gas Rye '^ Salt in sacks or barrels Sand Sawdust Shingles Shocks Shorts Slates Soap, common Soda Soda ash Spelter Spikes Spokes Springs, car volute, or rubber boxed 'Staves Stone, wrought, owners' risk Stucco Sugar, raw, in hhds Sulphur, in barrels Syrup, owners' risk of leakage Tallow Tar Telegraph wire Tiles, drain Tile, roofing Tin-plate Tin, in boxes Tobacco, in bogheads, unmanufactured Tubing, iron Tubing, gas Turnips Vinegar, in casks Water lime, in barrels Water pipe, iron Wheat Whiskey, in wood, owners' risk of leakage Whiting Wire, telegraph Wire rope ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 313 Railways. id springs FOURTH CLASS. IN QUANTITIES OF NOT LESS THAN TEN TONS, Cabbage Cable Car wheels Coal oil, in barrels, owners' risk of leakage Cement Flags Felt, roofing Hay, by special agreement Iron rails, chains and fish-plates Oils, in barrels, owners's risk of leakage Paper, wrapping or roofing Rosin, in bai*rels Sugar, raw, in hogsheads Tobacco, unmanufactured, in hogsheads Vinegar, in barrels, owners' risk of leakage Water lime Whiskey, in barrels, owners' risk of leakage RATES OF FREIGHT IN CENTS PER 100 lbs. FOR FIRST, SECOND, THIRD AND FOURTH CLASSES. boxed factured PRESCOTT, Class. Per Car. STATIONS. iBt. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. la I C cts. ^ Grain, per 60 lbs. 1 S3 a 3 Prescott cts. cts. cts. cts. $ $ Spencerville 10 12 14 10 18 20 8 10 10 12 14 15 6 8 8 10 11 12 5 G 6 8 9 10 12 14 16 20 22 22 3 4 4 5 C G 8 10 12 14 IG 18 7 Oxford 8 Kemptville 9 Osgoode 10 Gloucester 12 Ottawa ; 12 of leakage I 314 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. Rates of Freight in Cents per 100 lbs for First, Second, Third and Fourth Classes. — Continued. Rati ": 1! if 1 SPENCERVILLE. Claw. Per Car. STATIONS. 1 2 « m tst. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. a S o M 2 > ;3 a cts. cts. cts. cts. Cts. cts. $ $ PrewsaU „ 10 8 6 5 12 3 8 7 Spencerville ••••■•••• ■•••«•••• Oxford 8 10 6 8 b 7 4 6 ib 14 3 4 8 10 6 Kemptville 7 Osgoode 14 10 8 7 18 5 12 9 Gloucester 16 18 12 14 10 12 8 10 20 20 5 5 14 16 10 Ottawa 12 Rates of Freight in Cents per 100 lbs. for First, Second, Third and Fourth Classes. — Continued. Presc( Spend Oxfon Kempi Osgoo Glouci Otlaw Rates OXFORD. Class. Per Car, STATIONS. S ^ 1 • - tst. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. c s E a S 1 a Prescott cts. 12 8 '""i"' 12 16 18 cts. 10 6 ""g " 10 12 14 els. 8 5 .. ..^... 8 10 12 cts. G 4 ""4"' G 8 10 cts. 14 10 ■"ib"* 16 17 18 els. 4 3 ""?"' 4 4 5 $ 10 8 '""i"' 10 12 14 $ 8 Spencerville Oxford 6 Kemptville " e"' Osgoode ; 8 Gloucester .^ 9 Ottawa 11 Presco Spenc< (}xror(i Kemp) Osgoo( GlOUCE Oltaw. irth Classes. Car. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 315 Railways. Rales of Freight in Cents per 100 lbs. for First, Second, Third and Fourth Classes. — Continued. rtli Classes. Jar. J4 L.' V > a 3 ^ k4 $ $ 10 8 8 6 8 (i 10 8 12 9 14 11 » • KEMPTVILLE. Class. Per Car. STATIONS. JS ist. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. i a o i 1 a S o 1 > S 5 Prescott Soencerville cts. 14 10 8 cts. 10 8 6 cts. 8 7 5 cts. 6 6 4 cts. 16 14 10 cts. 4 4 3 s 12 10 8 $ 9 7 Oxford 6 Kemntville Osgoode > 10 12 16 7 10 12 6 8 10 5 6 8 12 14 16 3 4 4 10 12 14 7 GloucMter g Ottawa 11 Rates of Freight in Cents per 100 lbs. for First, Second, Third and Fourth Classes. — Continued. - OSGOODE. • Class. Per Car. 1 1 STATIONS. 2 .Q o CO ; . 1 ■' ■ , ' - Ist. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. a. I 2 fe ■-"■ -.,;, ■-■"-.-' C s o Si a 2 o en > ;3 .a B 2 cts. cts. cts. cts. cts. cts. $ $ Prescolt 16 12 10 8 20 5 14 10 Soencerville 14 10 8 18 5 12 9 Oxford 12 10 10 7 8 6 6 5 16 12 4 3 10 10 8 Komplville 7 OscoodH Gloucester 10 14 8 10 8 6 7 14 15 4 4 10 12 7 Ottawa 9 is w ^r I !' 3t6 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. Rates of Freight in Cents per 100 lbs. for First, Second, Third and Fourth Classes. — Continued. GLOUCESTER. Class. Per Car. K STATIONS. ^ i .1 Isl. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. S o c JO > 3 o S Prescott Soencerville els. 18 16 16 12 10 els. 14 12 12 10 8 Ctg. 11 10 10 8 7 cts. 9 8 8 6 G cts. 22 20 17 14 14 els. 6 5 4 4 4 $ 16 14 12 12 10 $ 12 10 Oxford 9 Kemptville « Osgooiie 7 Gloucester. Ottawa 10 8 7 6 12 3 10 8 Rates of Freight in Cents per 100 lbs. for First, Second, Third and Fourth Classes- — Continued. • OTTAWA. Class. 4tli. Per Car. STATIONS. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. I C a o i s o o 4-1 > 3 o s 3 Prescott Spencerville cts. 20 18 18 16 14 10 ct«. 15 14 14 12 10 8 cts. 12 12 12 10 8 7 cts. 10 10 10 8 7 6 cis. 22 20 18 IG 15 12 cts. 6 5 5 4 4 3 $ 18 16 14 14 12 10 $ 12 12 Oxford 11 Kemntville It Osgoode 9 Gloucester , 8 Ottawa nec othi occi pari mai skat Ani MESI cula on t or ] Lin( the Fre( wha wei( '>V'' 1«8S AS AT 'ourth Classes. er Car. ^ o o k, 1) J) A (V e 3 -3 1^ $ $ 16 12 14 10 12 9 n « 10 7 10 8 ourth Classes- er Car. ..M o o u *•* o c« ja 0) > a ^ >A $ $ 18 12 16 12 14 11 14 11 12 ^ i" 318 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. liailwm/s. M A One Horse Buggy, Chaise, Cab, Gig, Waggon, or Sleigh 2,000 lbs. A One Horse Cariole or two wheeled Cart 1,000 " Steam Fire Engines 4,000 " Hand Fire Engines, with or without Hose Cart 4,000 " Hose Carts or Reels 1,000 " Two Horse Power Threshing Machines 5,000 '* One " " " " 4,000 " Separator 3,000 " Only conveyed at the risk of the owner, as to chafing, fire or weather, &c., and charged at first class rates, LuMHEn. The rates for full Car Loads of Lumber will be found in the above table, and the load will be limited to the following quantities per Car : Hardwood Boards 5000 feet B. M. dry. «' " 4000 " green. Softwood Boards, Deals, &c 7000 " dry. " «' 5500 *' green. Pine, Whitewood, Basswood, Hemlock, and Spruce, will be reckoned as soft^ and all other kinds as /larrf. ""• •! u ;. ,! Long AND Square Timber. When occupying more than one Car, will be charged for the full capacity of the number of the Cars occupied. 350 cubic feet to be considered a Car Load, equal to 10 tons in weight. , Freight charges to be paid before delivery. ,. Q^i^j J, Laths, Shingles, Staves and Tan Bark. ., '. f. When shipped in full Car Loads, will be conveyed only at the convenience of the Company, and at the Risk of the Owners at Lumber Rates, which are in all cases exclusive of loading, or unloading ; the Company, however, reserve to themselves the right to perform this service at the Owners' Expense. Owners ovex'loading will be charged Double Rates in every instance, t?. . ,• ' CORDWOOD. , . , . Will be carried in full Car Loads at Lumber Rates. Six Cords of Green, or Seven Cords of Dry Wood, and not more, to be u Car Load. Loading and unload- ing to be done by the owner, shipper, or consignee of the Wood. •..ij :' ,^ " -' Returned Empties. ; , '■■ .'. ■*, Empty packages, which have passed over the line full, will be carried back at same rate as when forwarded full, but must in all cases ba prepaid. 2,000 lbs. 1,000 " 4,000 " 4,000 " 1,000 " 5,000 " 4,000 " 3,000 weather, &c.. ove table, and dry. green. dry. green. koned as soft,. 11 capacity of a Car Load, convenience which are in r, reserve to t a nee. of Green, or and unload- :arricd hack ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 319 Railways. Demurrage. All Gars detained longer than 24 hours will be subject to the following char- ges, for demurrage : First day of 24 hours '. $2 00 per Gar per day. Second " 3 00 " " Each day afterwards 4 00 " " Hay in full Car Loads will be charged at the same rate as Live Stock. Perishable articles, Fisli, Fruit" &c., liable to damage by frost or otherwise, must be prepaid, and carried at owners' risk. No less charge will be made for any package, or consignment, than lioenty- five cents. Rates of Storage. Each subsequent week or part thereof. t t First Class Second Class Third Class Pig Iron, Coal, Bricks, Stone, he Flour, Salt, Cement, Plaster, &tc Grain, in Bags Vehicles Thrashing and Reaping Machines, and bulky articles of this des- cription.....' First forty- eiglit hours after arrival of Freight. Free 4 cts. per 100 lbs. Free 3 cts. per 100 lbs. Free 2 cts. per 100 lbs. Free 20 cts. per Ton. Free 3 cts. per bag or brl. Free 2 cts. per bag. Free 50 cts. each. Free 25 cts. to 50 cts. according to size. All Freight, &c., will remain entirely at owner's risk after arrival at the Company's Station to which it it consigned. GENERAL NOTICES AND CONDITIONS OF CARRIAGE. The St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway Company hereby give public notice that the conditions on which they will receive and carry merchandise, are as follow : 1. They will not be responsible for any article or articles conveyed upon their Railway, unless the same be signed for as received by a duly authorized Agent, and a declaration or shipping note, upon the regular printed form, as provided, has been presented to the Agent, setting forth the description of Goods, and the parties to whom they are to be delivered. 1*1 m 330 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. 2. None of their agents are authorized to take charge of Bank I'otes, Money, Deeds, Securities, or other valuable papers ; — and they will not be responsible for the loss of or damage done to Money, in Cash, or Bills, or Promissory Notes, or Securities, or Jewellery, Trinkets, Rings, Precious Stones ; Gold or Silver, manufactured or unmanufactured ; Gold and Silver Plate, or Plated Articles ; Clocks, Watches, Time-pieces, Marble ; Lace, Furs, Silks, in a manufactured or unmanufactured state, and whether wrought up or not wrought up with other Materials ; Writings, Title-deeds, Prints, Paintings, Maps, Engravings, Pictures, Stamps, or other valuables ; nor for any damage done to China, Glass, Wearing Apparel, Musical Instruments, Furnitures, Toys, Castings, Cast-Iron Work, Stoves, 'Stove Furniture, or any other such hazardous or brittle Articles, in packages or otherwise, which shall have been delivered, either to be carried for hire or to accompany the person of any passenger on their Railway. Nor for loss or damage occasioned by delays from storms, weather, fire, heat, frost, accidents, civil com- motions, or other unavoidable canses, nor for decay of perishable articles from any cause whatever,— Fresh Fish, Fruit, Meat, Dressed Hogs, Poultry, and other perishable articles, will be carried only at the owners' risk. 3. They will not carry any Boiler, Cylinder, piece of Machinery, Casting, Stone or other article of unusual bulk or weight except under special contract or agreement. Aqua Fortis, Vitriol, Friction Matches, or other dangerous materials will not be carried except under special contract or agreement, and they will in no case be held liable for the loss of such articles. — The senders of any dangerous articles will be held accountable for any damage arising therefrom or thereto, unless the contents of each package are described upon the direction thereof clearly and distinctly, in order that due care may be observed in handling and loading the same. .k-'i . ,.. , i^ 4. THEY WILL NOT CARRY GUNPOWDER ON ANY TERMS WHAT- EVER. 5. They will not be responsible for loss or damage of any packages insuffi- ciently or improperly packed, marked, directed or described, containing a variety of articles, liable by breaking to damaga each other or other artices ; nor from leakages arising from bad casks or bad cooperage, or springing or bungs, or from fermentation. Oil and Molasses will, under no circumstances, be carried, save at the risk of the owners or parties by whom they are consigned. 6. They will not be responsible for loss or damage done to goods put into re- turned wrappers or boxes, or packages described as empties ; nor for any goods left until called for, or to order, warehoused for the convenience of the parties to whom they belong, or by or to whom they are consigned ; and Lhe delivery of goods will be considered complete, and all responsibility will terminate, when Goods ates, Money, ! responsible 5sory Notes, Id or Silver, 3d Articles ; ifactured or with other js, Pictures, ss, Wearing 'ork, Stoves, packages or r hire or to i or damage s, civil com- ir tides from Y, and other ry, Casting, 1 contract or IS materials they will in y dangerous or thereto, ion thereof andling and IMS WHAT- ges insuffi- ig a variety nor from gs, or from led, save at put into re- any goods ,e parties to delivery of nate, when Goods ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 321 Railways. Goods are placed in the Shed at the Station to which they are consigned. The Warehousing of them will then be at the owner's risk and expense — (except as to Lumb-^r, Coals, Bricks and Goods of like bulk and description the delivery of which shall be complete, and all responsibility terminate upon their being deta- ched from the Train whereby they have been drawn) — and it shall be lawful to send any Goods for which Store or Warehouseroom cannot be conveniently sup- plied at the Stations, to the Warehouse of any Wharfinger or Warehouseman that may be available — at the risk and expanse of the owners of the property so stored — and the charges for Warehousing and conveyance shall form an addition- al lien upon such Goods. 7; They will not be responsible for any deficiency in weight or measure of grain- etc., in bags or in bulk ; nor for loss or deficiency in weight, numbjr, or measure of lumber, carried by the car-load. 8. All goods from whomsoever received or to whomsoever belonging, shall be subject to a general lien, not only for the carriage of those particular goods but also for any general balance that may be due by the owners of such goods ; and if, in six weeks after notice shall have been given that such goods are detained for any such claim, the money due be not paid, the goods will be sold by auction or by private sale, to defray such claims and all expenses incurred thereon. But, Fish, Fruit, Meat, Dressed Hogs, Poultry, and all other perishable articles upon which charges may be due to the Company, will be disposed of immediately after giving the above notice, and without awaiting the expiration of the above period of six weeks. 9. In case of neglect or refusal to pay the toll or freight due to the Company on any goods, they have the power to detain the same until payment of such freight be made, and in the meantime such goods are at the risk of the owner ; and if such goods be of a perishable nature, the Company have the right to sell the same forthwith, on the certificale of two competent persons establishing the fact of their being so perishable ; and if such goods are not of a perishable nature and remain unclaimed for six months, the Company may, after giving one month's notice in two Newspapers nearest the place where the goods may be, dispose of the same by Public Auction, and the proceeds of the sale, after paying ihe said freight, storage and cost of advertisement and sale, shall be handed over to the owner if he shall claim the same. 10. All goods addressed to consignees resident beyond the places at which thero are Stations on this Railway, and respecting which no directions to the contrary shall have been received previous to arrival at the Stations, will be forwaided to their destination by public carrier or otherwise, as opportunity may offer, without claim for any delay that may occur for want of opportunity to forward them ; or 3uch goods will be suffered to remain for a reasonable time at the Station, or bj placed 81 i '1 I i "'1 ■ i I Nl ft: ■: i, If 322 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Uailways. if 1'i !>i:!^ I i i l placed in shed or warehouse (if there be convenience for raceiving the same), pending communication with the consignees, at the risk of tiie owners. But, the delivery of the goods will be considered complete, and all responsability will be considered to have ceased, when notice shall have been sent to some public Car- rier that such goods are at the Station awaiting further conveyance. And the Company will not be responsible for any loss, damage or detention that may happen to goods so sent by them, if such loss^ darhage or detention occur after the said notice^ or beyond the limits of their Railway. 11. Storage at the rates set forth in the table above will be charged on ill freight remaining in the depots over 48 hours after its arrival. 12. Demurrage at the rates stated in the above Table will bo charged on all Cars not unloaded within 24 hours after arrival. 13. The Company will not, under any circumstances, be liable for loss of market, or other claims arising from delay or detention of any train, whether in starting, or at any of the Stations, or in the course of the journey ; — and they do not undertake to send goods by any particular train, if there be an insufficient number of Gars at the Station, or if Cars cannot be conveniently used for the pur- pose ; or if, from any cause, Cars loaded at a Station are unable to be sent on by the trains passing or starting from such Station. 14. No less charge than twenty.flve cents will be made for any single pack- age or consignment ; and the charges on all Freight, &c., must be paid before the goods will be delivered ; the Company will not hold themselves accountable for the correctness of any moneys charged as " Back Charges " on Freight, &c., by other roads, companies or individuals. Adopted and passed at a Meeting of the Board of Directsrs of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway Company, held at London, England, this Twenty-eigth day of May, A. D.. 1868. „ §,. , WM. QUILTER, President. [Seal.] BY-LAW No. 7. The St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway Company, hereby order and enact : — The rale of toll of ten cents may be taken and received by the Company, for the tiansportation or carriage upon the said Railway of each passenger and person from Prescott Junction to Prescott Wharf, and from PresiJOtt Wharf to Prescott Junction; and the same and the transport or carriage of all passengers and per- sons as aforesaid upon the said Railway shall be subject to the rules and regula- tions in respect to the same contained in the By-Laws of the said Company. ig the same), SI'S. But, the )ility will be 3 public Gar- ice. And the nay happen to mid notice, or on dU freight liarged on all ale for loss of 1, whether in -and thfiy do 1 insufficient i for the pur- be sent on by- single pack- lid before the ountable for ight, &c.,by 1st. Lawrence ty-eigth day |ER, 'esident. [ind enact : — Company, for |r .and person to Preacolt |;er8 and per- and regula- Ipany. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 323 Railways. Adopted and passed at a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway Company held in London, England, this fifth day of Novem- ber, A. D. I8G8. (Seal. WM. gUILTER, President. ST. LAWRENCE AND OTTAWA RAILWAY. —TARIFF OF TOLLS ALTERED. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, 13th day of February, 1873, • Present : ' HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNaL. ON the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Public Works and in pursuance of the provisions of the 9th sub-section of section 12 of the " Rail- way Act 1868," His Excellency has been pleased to approve of the By-Law passed by the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway Company on the lOlh day of January 1873, and hereunto appended, establishing rates and tolls for passengers on the said Railway and the same is accordingly hereby approved and sanctioned. W. A. HIMSWORTH, Clerk, Privy Council. By-Law No. 16. The St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway Company hereby order and enact : — 1st. Rates and Tolls not exceeding those in schedule A mentionned shall be imposed, taken and received by the Company for the transportation or carriage upon tlie said Railway of all passengers and persons ; and the same, and the tran- sport or carriage of all passengers and persons as aforesaid, upon the said Railway shall be subject to the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Company in respect thereto. 4 ik . I 324 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. SCHEDULE A. Rates and Tolls for Passengers. Stations. Prescott. _2 o c a> A tads. One of taking Slock to he th the pri- rovcrs be load from be requi- 27. Full car loads of either Bricks, Cempnt, Goals, Chains, Chain Cables, and Anchors, Grindstones, Hay, Iron Knees, Pig, Scrap, and Bar Iron, Lime, Lime- stone, Manure, Mill and Burr Stones, Molasses, Oil, Ores, Outfits for, and products of the Fisheries, Plaster, Rigging (fitted). Salt, Sand, Sawdust, Slate, Straw, Sugar? to one address, may be transported at the rate of twenty cents per car per mile — no less charge than Four Dollars being made ; and full car loads of either Beef, salted in barrels. Stoves from the foundry direct. Eggs, in barrels. Flour and Meal, in barrels. Flaxseed, in barrels, Poik, in barrels, Household Removals- Furniture of all kinds, Woodenware, Earthenware, Crockeryware, Drain Tiles, Earthen and Water Pipes, direct from the factory, to one address, ma^be trans, ported at the rate of Twenty-five Cents per car per mile— no less charge than Six Dollars being made. Goods thus carried, must be lad«n and unladen by the Owner or his Agent, and will be at his risk then and during transit, and the en- tire load must consist solely of one of the articles mentioned. 28. Special arrangements may be made under certain extraordinary circum- stances. 29. Hay and Straw will only be conveyed in Box Freight Cars. 30. The loading of Lumber will be limited to the quantities per car, herein- after stated. Pine, Hemlock, and Spruce will be reckoned as soft, and all other kinds as hard. Owners overloadiug will be charged double rates in every in- stance. The quantities mentioned as being the load for one car, will not be con- sidered as applicable to lumber, which, by- reason of its length, requires for its conveyance two or more cars. Scantling, sawn or hewn, and ship or deck Plank, or other long Lumber, must not be piled higher than the tariff quantity of the same description of goods would reach, if upon one car. Owners to produce sur- vey bill when required by the Station Master, or other duly authorized agent ; and in case of dispute as to the quantities, the Lumber may be re-surveyed at the expense of the party proved to bo in error. 31. Lumber will be taken to mean Timber, Deals, Boards, Plank, Shipstu£f» Cordwood, Tanbark, Fence or Hoop Poles, Box Shooks, Clapboards, Staves, Logs, Laths, Shingles, Railway Sleepers, Spars, and all other similar products of the forests. It must in all cases be properly and safely laden upon the car^i, and must not project over the ends of the cars, nor must cross grained wood be used for stakes. In the event of the owner neglecting or refusing to obey the directions of the Station Master, or other person authorized by the Superintendent in rela- tion thereto, the road will be reduced, if necessary, to bring it within the quanti- ty prescribed for a car load, and afterwards so secured as to make it entirely safe for transportation. The expense of doing this being charged against the goods. 32. When Lumber is put upon one car, care must be taken to have a stake placed II r m 330 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. l\ « : I! " 'S ' IJ' i ; • i: 1 liailwnys. placed near tlio centre of the length in addition to the others, so as to prevent its being dependent on only two stakes ; and when the load is of Logs or small round Timber, or such other description of Lumber as tends to settle, and thus produce increased strain upon the stakes, chains or ropes must be used about one third of the height from the top of the load, to bind it, and where entire safety cannot be otherwise secured, skids to separate ibe tiers must also be used. 33. Long Lumber extending over two or more cars must be bound by chains or large ropes. It must not be " bound " by the stakes, but loaded on '' bunks," tnat it may " play" or " swivel" freely. 34. Lumber will be carried only at the convenience of the Railway, and at the risk of the ownei-. 35. Cars laden with Lumber will not be allowed to stand over to give owners or consignees choice of positions at the receiving Stations when other berths are unoccupied, 36. In loading Cordwood, sticks must be placed at the edges of the car for the outer ends of the wood to rest upon, that it may tend, when piled, towards the centre. The stakes used must be green Spruce or straight hardwood of sufficient thickness. 37. Stations being often obstructed by deposits of Lumber of various kinds, and the ordinary business of the station being thereby incommoded ; in such cases the obstructions will be removed, and the cost of such removal, in addition to yardage, at the rate of One Dollar per car load per day, will form a charge against the Lumber. Notice will be given to the owner or consignee, that its ra- moval is required before a certain time, and the charges will commence immedia- tely on the exi)iration of such time. When the charges have accumulated so as to amount to half the value of the Lumber, it will be sold at Public Auction, af- ter giving ten days public notice of such sale. 38. Lumber and other Goods will be received only at Sidings ; unless by pre- vious arrangement it is shewn to the satisfaction of the Superintendent, that suffi- cient for a full train load of ten cars will be so placed that it can readily be laden with the assistance of an engine. A charge of $2.50 per hour will be made in addition when the engine is detained more than three hours, to the rate per car, 39. To avoid errors in Way Billing loaded caii at Outsidings, Owners should fasten a ticket upon the side of the car, stating to whom the load belongs, and to whom and where it is to be consigned. 40. When Goods are required to be loaded by the Own(!r or his Agent, or at his expense, all fittings (such as Stakes, Bunks, Skids, Chains, Ropes, &c., for Lumber and Sideboards, for Coals, Sand, Bricks, Clay, Stone, Manganese, Grain, or or al himi nec£ the his charl muri after tofil ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 331 ) prevent its small round lus produce one third of y cannot be d by chains n "bunks," way, and at ;ive owners • berths are car for the ;owards the )f suiliciont ous kinds, d ; in such in addition a chargH that its rs- immedia- ated so as uctioR, af- ss by pre- that suffl- ( be laden L' made in e per car. rs should s, and to ent, or at 3, &c., for ie, Grain, or Railways. or articles of a similar character), must be provided by him, or will be charged to him if furnished by the Railway. Such fittings will be transported back free, if necessary, but at the owner's risk. 41. When Cars, liable to be laden or unladen by the Owner or Consignee of the Goods, have been once placed, and for the convenience of the Owner, or at his request, are shifted to finish at auother berth, in ihe same Station Yard, a charge of One Dollar per car will be made for such service. 42. Cars left at Stations or Sidings to fill requisitions, will be subject to de- murrage after twenty-four hours; and if not loaded within sixteen hours there- after, (in both cases exclusive of Sunday,) they may be handed over or removed to fill other requisitions. 43. For the purpose of Carriage, the foltowinf/ AHicles xoill be estimated to weigh: Horses, each 1000 lbs. Horned Cattle, each 1000 " Calves, each 150 " Sheep, Goats, and Lambs, each 100 " Swine and Pigs, each 250 '^ Dogs, each 100 " Hackney Coaches or Stages, or Large two horse Vehicles, each 2000 " Sleighs, Pungs, or Country Wagons, and Sleds for Single Horses, each 600 " Cabs, Gigs, Buggies, and Carts for Single Horses, and Light two horses Vehicles, each 1000 " 1 Barrel of Flour or Meal 200 " 1 " of Beef, Pork, or Pickled Fish 300 « 1 " of Apples 150 '• 1 " of Eggs 200 " 1 " of Oysters 200 " 1 " of Potatoes, Carrots, or Turnips 150 " 1 Bushel of Potatoes 60 " 1 " of Salt 70 " 1 Sack of Salt 220 " 1 Bushel of Oats 36 " 1 " of Corn, Barley, Rye, or Buchwheat 50 " 1 " of Wheat 60 " 1000 Clapboards 2000 " 1500 Failings 2500 " 1 Cord of Tanbark, 8 x 4« 4 2500 " 1 " FirowooJ, dry 8 X 4 !< 4 3000 " • 1 " " green, 8 « 4 >^ 4 4000 " m W 1 'i I if 111 1. 332 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. i Railways. 1 Hacmatac, Hemlock, Pine and Spruce Railway Sleeper 150 lbs. 1 Cedar Railway Sleeper 30 Cubic feet of Knees or Ship Timber 2000 « 30 " of Hardwood. Logs or Timber 2000 » 40 " of Softwood, Logs or Timber 2000 " 500 Superficial feet of Hardwood Boards, Plank, or Deals. 2000 " . 800 " of Softwood Boards, Plank, or Deals... 2000 " 1000 Laths 650 " 1 M Shingles (4 bundles) 300 "- 1 Cask of Lime 450 " 12 Cubic feet of Granite, or 14 feet of Sandstone 2000 " 1 Boat .' 2000 " 44. The loading of Sawn Lumber per car, will be limited to : — 5,000 superficial feet of Hardwood. 8,000 " » of Softwood. 300 cubic feet of Hardwood, Logs or Timber. 400 " " of Softwood, » '« The whole contents of each stick being included in the measurement. In the absence of Survey Bills, Deals must not be laden higher than three feet. Cedar Poles, properly secured to prevent spreading, may be laden not more than five feet high. The quantities specified as the load for a car should be reduced in caseswhere the Lumber is very green, or when, from other causes, the prescribed quantities would be an unsafe load. The maximum load for a Platform Car shall be 20,000 lbs, and for a Box Car, 18,e00 lbs. 45. A bushel of Oats, Salt, or Barley shall be equal to 2151 cubic inches; a bushel of Potatoes or Turnips shall be equal to 2747 cubic inches. The quantity in Car loads sliall be ascertained upon the Cars being laden, by dividing the cubic inches in one bushel into the cubic contents, in inches, of the load. In case of dispute, tlid load, before bulk is broken, to be weighed upon the Railway Track Scales, and tli" result divided by the mean weight of Five Bushels, shall be con siderod concluive. 46. All Regulations previously enacted for the conveyance of Goods and Mer- chandiz(,' over the Governm mU Railways in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, in- consistent with the forogoing, are hereby cancelled. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 333 150 lbs. 2000 (( 2000 11 2000 "■ 2000 u 2000 u 650 u 300 ce- 450 lt- >000 a >000 u. Railways. ment. er than three den not more I cases where id quantities r a Box Car, ic inches ; a he quantity ig the cubic In case of way Track lall he con s and Mer- iswicit, in- CLASSIFICATION OF MKRCHANDIZE. Aqua Fortis D 1 Acids D 1 Ale, porter, and Beer, bottled, in casks, 1 Ale, Porter, and Beer, in wood, 2 Agricultural Implements & Machines, light, 1 Agricultural Implements Machines, heavy, 2 Antimony 2 Axes 1 Alum 2 Asphalt 3 Apples, in barrel?, 3 Anvils 3 Ashes, Pot & Pearl, 3 Anchors 3 Axe Handles 2 Baggage or Luggage D 1 Bandboxes D 1 Baskets D 1 Batting 1 Blinds, window, 1 Bonnets D 1 Boats, per foot 1 Books 1 Boots and shoes 1 Brass Vessels I Bread, Baker's, in baskets or barrels, 1 Brooms, 1 Broom Corn, pressed, 1 Burning Fluid, in Cans, 1 (at own- er's risk) BuriiiDg Fluid, in Casks, 2 Butter, in crocks, baskets or boxes, 1 Butter in firkins, or kegs 2 Buifulo IlobcB 1 Bushes 1 Bacon in packages 2. If loose 1 Baggage, Military & Commercial Tra- vellers, 1 Bags and Bagging 2 Bedsteads, new, packed in bundles, not painted 2 Bedstead, pine or birch, painted, 1 Bells 1 Berries, in brls. or in bxs. 2. In pails, baskets, or open packages D 1 Blankets 1 Bottles 1 Buckets or Pails 1 Binders' Boards 2 Biscuit or Navy Bread, in brls. or bxs., 2 Boilers for machines 2 Boiler Flues 2 Brimstone 2 Brass in bars, rods, or sheets 2 Broom Handles 2 Beef, salted, in brls., 4 Bark and Coffee Mills 2 Black Lead in barrels or boxes 3 Blacking 3 Bran, in bags or brls., 2 Building Stone, hewn, 4 Buggies, Cabs, Gigs, and Carts for single horses, and light two-horse Vehicles, 2 Beans 3 Block Tin 3 Boiler Plates i Bones 3 Bricks 4 Burblocks & Millstone 4 Barley 4 Bark Tan 4 i f.-: 8%a W ^m 334 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. Cards, cotton and wool, 1 Carriages, in boxes I Carpeting 1 Caps 1 Cigars 1 ■ Candy, maple 1 Confectionary 1 Copper Vessels 1 Corks, and Corkwood 1 Cuttlery 1 Combs 1 Covers and Selves 1 ^ Cider in wood 2 Cider, bottled, in casks 1 Cheese, in boxes, barrels, and casks 2 Cordials 1 Coffee, ground, in boxes and bags, 2 Coffee, whole, in boxes and bags 2 Cocoa 2 ,:, Corn Brooms 1 Calves 1 Cotton Waste 2 China, in boxes, D 1 Clocks D 1 Cabinetware D 1 Casks, new D 1 Gandli's 2 Carriage Springs 2 Carriage Axles and Bxs., 2 Carriages 1 Chair Stuff 2 Chicory 2 Chocolate 2 Composition Metal, in sheets and rods 2 Copper, in sheets plates, bolts, pigs, wire, rods, and nails 2 Castings, light, not exceeding 100 lbs. each 1 Castings, plain & heavy 3 Cotton, raw, in bales 2 Cotton Warp, in bails, 2. In bundles 1 Crockery 2 Capstans 3 Castor Oil, in casks 2 Charcoal 2 Cabs or Hacks 2 Carts 3 Canvass 3 Carrots, in barrels 4. lu bags or bas- kets 2 Chains, light 3 Cast Steel 2 Clapboards 4 Copperas, in cask or brls, 4 Cordage 3 Crucibles 3 Copper, in boxes or casks 3 Chalk 3 Chairs, railway 3 . Car Wheels and Axles 4 Coal 4 Clay 4 Coke 4 Chain Cables 4 Cement, in barrels 4 Corn 4 Cane 1 Demijohns or Jars D 1 Dogs 1 Drugs, in bxs. or brls., 1 Dry Goods, in bxs., bales, or trunks I Deer and Moose Skins 1 Dye Stuffs 2 Dye woods 2 Duck 3 Doors 1 Eggs, in cases or baskets 2 ' . Eggs, in barrels 4 Express Sleighs and Wagons, new 2^ Earthen and Stoneware 2 Emory 2 | Epsom Salts 2 M ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 335 11 bags or bas- 1. 4 3 3 or trunks 1 8, new ?; Railways. Empty Packages in full car loads or otherwise 2 Furs and Peltries D 1 Feathers D 1 Furniture, new D 1 Friction Matches D 1 . Firkins D I Fire Arms 1 Figs, in drums and casks 1 Fruit, in boxes, cases, or baskets 1 Fruits, dried, except Raisins 1 Fanning Mills 1 Fenders and Fire Irons 1 Felt 2 Flax, boxed or pressed 2 Flax Seed, in bags 2 Flour Cloths 2 Furniture, old, 1 Fish, fresh, 2. In bags, 1 Flour, in bags, 3 Flour, in barrels, 4 Fish, salted or dried, in bxs., bdls., or bales, 3. in casks 4 Fish, salted, in brls., 4 Fish, preserved in cans 3. In bxs., from fisheries 4 Gun Cotton D 1 Gunpowder D 1 Game of all kinds 1 Garden Seeds 1 Glassware 1 Glass, window, 1 Grapes, in kegs, 1 Grates, 1 Glue 1 Groceries, not otherwise inserted, 1 / Ginger t Gum Copal 2 Gas Pipes 3 Gas Fittings 1 Gravel 4 Grindstones 4 Grease 3 Grain 4 : Guano 3 Gypsum 4 Hats D I Hair, curled, in sacks, 1 Hair, in brls., or casks, for plastering 2 Handcarts 1 Honey 1 Hides, dry, 2 Hides, raw or salted 3 Hoofs and Horns, in brls. or casks, 3 Hams, loose, 1 Hams, in brls., or bxs., 2 Hams, in casks, 3 Hay Presses 2 Hay Cutters 1 Hardware 2 Hemp 2 Hackney, Coaches or Stages, or large two-horse Vehicles, 2 Hose Pipes 2 Hops 2 Handles, broom, mop, and axe, 2 Household removals 1 Hay, pressed, in balbs, 2 Horned Cattle 2 Horses 2 Hoops 2 Hoop Poles 4 India Rubber Goods 1 Indigo 1 Ink 1 Iron Casting, light, not exceeding 100 lbs. each 1 Iron Castings, heavy, 3 Iron, hoop, band and sheet in bundles 2 Iron Safes 1 Iron Nuts and Rivets, in casks, 3 Iron, in bars and plates. Iron, bolts, pig & scrap, 3 i i-i Ml J a I n '■ M? 336 ORDERS IN COUNCIL Railways. Iron, railway, 3 Iron Shutters and Facings, 3 Ice 4 Junk 3 Joiners' Work 2 Looking Glasses D 1 Jiamps 1 Lemons, in sacks or bzs. 1 Liquors of all kinds, bottled, in c&ses, 1 Liquors of all kinds, in wood, 2 Lasts, 2 Lard 2 Liquorice 2 Lead Pipe 2 Lobsters 2 Lead, scrap, pig and sheet 3 Lightning Rods, in bundles, 3 ,.,. Leather 3 liCad, red and white, 2 Lignum vitae 3 Lime 4 Laths 4 Locomotive Tyres 3 Lumber of all kinds^ domestic, 4 Limestone 4 Millinery D 1 Machinery, light boxed 1 Musical Instruments D 1 Mats, hair and wool, 1 Matting, cocoa & hair, 1 Measures and Tubs 1 Marble, polished 2 Medicines and Mineral Water 1 Moss 1 Moulds 1 Haple Sugar 3 Maple Candy 1 Mechanics' Tools 1 Marble Slabs, unwrought 3 '■ Malt, bags 2 , > Mahogany Boards and Planks 2 Meats, fresh 2 Milk 3 — {cans relumed frei) Machinery, heavy 2 Manilla and Jute 3 Mahogany Logs 3 Manure, including all kinds of ariifi- clal, 4 Molasses, in kegs, 3 Molasses, in hhds. or brls. 4 Meal, in bags, 3 Manganese 4 Meal, in barrels, 4 Millstones 4 Minerals 4 Nutsl Nitrate of Roda 2 Nails and Spikes 4 Oil, in -jars or bottles, 1 Oil, in cans I, In kegs 2 Oil, in hhds. or brls., 3 Oranges 1 Oysters, in barrels, 4 Oysters, shelled, in kegs or cans, 2 Oars 1 Oil Cloth & Pentulioum 2 Oakum 3 Onions 2 Ores 4 Oats 4 Pictures and Picture Frames D 1 Plate D 1 Piano Fortes D 1 Patterns 1 Perfumery 1 Pickles, in bottles, 1 Pickles, in casks or brls. 2 Printing Presses 1 Poultry of all kinds 1 Preserves 1 , Kiir .1 nl anks 2 fre<() ads of artifi- r cans, 2 UsDl ORDERS IN GOUNCIU 837 Railwaya. Il<"'l!i! Paper Banging«,ia bales or bindles, 1 I'aper Hangiogs, in bzs„ 2 In bundles 1 Paper, printing, in bundles, I. lo,- boxes 3 ><:)ola 10 ■>jii|.j ,tii i' , Paperi wn^lnng, ifa'bnadlei; I. In boxes 3 Pasteboard 2 '■'■'( Peaches, dried, 1 -.uiu-,: Pepper, in bags or bzs., 2 — Printer's Ink2 Prunes 1 t ' Pipes, smoking,'!' "'■ ^^''■ PegsS 1 Patty, in brift. or casks, '8 • Pork, salted, in brla., 4 i Pork, fresh, in «area8Sj 2 Paint, dry, or in oil, 2 Pigs 2 : i .' ■/' ■'■ ■ Potatoes, new, in buket»or boxs , 2 Potatoes, i^eet, 2 /'i m>}inil Potatoes 4. • uo-^i'ff Peas 3 I xc.'//" Pitch 3 t •moihkd'ff Pipes, gas and 'watefj^ '•"! 11^ Potash and Pearlash 3> '' Plastet, calcined, in casks, ofbrls., 4 R<^of- Rij^giag for new ships, fittcid or unfit- ted, 4 j-. bail ! 7/ Liri; ,1 nl >i Plaster, rough, 4 liiV/a.booV/ Patent Koofg Material 3 '•'I' Quaric 4 ■ "' •f"'"'-'T[ ,{<'<>Vf I -unhnff '.. .I'jiiuW 111 .tOuVff ,laqi{(i') ,ttoti .•rnll 'T ri'ilfooV/^ i'Vi:)d Rattans 1 Rugs 1 Rags 3 Rubbers 1 Rosia 3 Raisins, in boxes, 2 Rice in bags, 2 Rice in tierces or brls,, 3 ' Rubber Car Springs 2 Railway Axles, Wlieels, and Springs 3 Retorts 3 Ryo4 Sculpture D 1. Statuary Dl Sponges D \ Stove Pipe D 1 Scales & Scale BeanU'l > li : . Scythe Snathes t -^i 'i nt ,)u: -. Scythes 1 i'-i iii wr.-i}": Scythe Stones 2 1 In-. Sickles 1 •- .)ifi,ootw«0 jfifloiH Salmon 2 i (noitsuxoo ,«oti!lH Sleighs, new. 1 ~ o/iiv/'-' Stationery 1 I -;i;i(H Stoves and Stove CastkgS/I i' Sewing.' Machinal 1 > H!i-ii<(^4 Sugar, in loaves,.!, ' li Siigtf^ crushed, in boxes or barrels, 2 Sugar, raw, in hhds, or brlst 4 Saddlery of all kinds 1 SnuflF, in jars, D 1 i ' ! - / '' i Starch 1 ■ :;.."-'. Tni; >.--tT ■ShOvets and Spades 1 Spices 1 Saleratus 2 Sardines, in boxes, 2 Seeds, clover and grass, 2 Sails 3 Sodawater21 ' .;aw.i.. Sheep Skins 3 I /iii'l' Shot, in bags and kegs, 2 r >' ' Soap 2 "I Hi .vuiiii.jq'tll i Short and Feed 2 ' Sheep, Goats, & Lambs 2 Sliips' Blocks and Sheaves 2 Stoneware and Earthenware 2 Sumach 2 Salpetre 3 Shocks 4 22 'iu .S--H P I. II 838 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. III A >.m ii 1 ; ' V i Aailimys. Soda, baking, in k^ and boxes, 2. Tobaoeo Leaf, unmawiiftwfcared, 4 Washing Soda, 3 Tu^nips-l: 1 ..■^lu..,,!. .-U/ ,. . Sleighs, Pungs, or Cooniry Wagons^ Tar.3 .■■i -,'.f!;;i-i r .loq^M liUiu 1; for single honwB, in use, 2 , Tin, plate or block, 3 Speltre 3 Tiles and Drain PipM, inoratee, casks. Staves 3 or brl., 4 r.-j,.j.\ Steel 3 Tin, bgot, 3 jinwlf^^'i Sawdust 4 ! ■ Trunks 1 .' .h-hlj .wibiil Soda Ash 3 t '; .HH{q'>''( Shingles 4 Vitriol D 1 :. irJ Salt, tables 3 Veneering 1 ■ n/n ( Salt, in bags, 4 Varnish, in tbs or jars, 1 i Straw in b' dies, pressed ^ Varnish, in casks, 2 Sand 4 • Vegetftblds, not othetrwlse mcAtioned, 2 Stone, unwroaght, 4 Vinegar in euks, 3 Slates, common, 4 ' Vehicles, not otbenrise nentioned, 2 Swine 2 .7 lb .lint, i Shale 4 Wicker Work D 1 ' ■ - ; Spikes 4 ' ■] Wadding! „ Spirits of all kindii, ih wood, 2 Wagon Felloes & Bowsifinisbed, and Ships' Kneefe, iron, 4 Wagon Wheels, 1 Spirits of all Idaids, bottled, in oases Waxl or oBiksl Whalebone 1 ;. 1 .) "ioii)b»;<'- Wheelbarrows 1 uji ,aoq i ' ( Toys D 1 Whips! Trees and Shrubbery, loose, P 1 WUlow Wares & Koeds I Trees and Shrubbery, matted, boxed Woodenware 1 or baled, 1 yw^H Wines, bottled, in casks or oases, 1 Tombflton.-'s 2 Wool, in bags, 1 Tallow 3 Wool, pressed, in bales, 2 Tarpaulins 2 Writing Paper, 1 Tea 2 • .!;,,h Wines, in wood, 2 Tinware 1 Wire, iron, copper, and brass, 2 Trays 1 Whetstones 2 Turpentine, in carboys, 1 Window Frames and Sashes 1 Turpentine, in brls., 3 Woollen Waste 2 Tools, mechanics', 1 Wrapping Paper, in bundles, 1. la Tobacco, in boxes, 3 bales or boxes, 3 Tow, in bales, 2 Whiting, in casks, 3 Tubing, copper, brass, and iron, 2 Wire Fencing 1 Type2 J Wife Rope, in coils, 4 Tobacco Pipes 1 Water Pipes, iron, 3 Targets 3 Wheat 4 Is w CI de ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 339 Railways. SMtee, oaaks, -iiif s meationed, 2 ■ i mentioned, 2 ^•fimAed, and HJ i 5-.'jniM Teaat, in brl., 1 Yams, pressed, 2 Yellow or Monte Mfital 2 Zino, in rolls or sheets, 2 Zinc, in blocks, 3 Preserved Salmon or other Fish, in boxes or cans, in aiiy quantity, from the Fisheries in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, or Rivers or Bays in Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, Cape Breton or New Brunswick, or Vinegar for the Fisheries, will be rated Fourth Clafc. : u AH Articles not enumerated in the above Classes are to be charged Second Class Rates. . i ^ The Figures placed to right of the articles enumerated in the Classification denote the Class to which they severally belong, and the charges to be made according to the " Tables of Rates, " viz :— D 1. Dbuble First Class. 1. First Class Articles. , . 2. Second Class Articles. 3. Third Class Articles. 4. Fourth Class Articles. « »r oases, 1 !l [a8i^2 leal ill Ldles, 1. In 340 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. u < H CO O < o M I! I -XSaKEUCVl SSI .•aaxMHamoq I •ifoaiff Aopro w I ""SKgS a 99 •]|o(ua ■.^^ooo I ''***ggi*'*a!iasfe.;.bj;) '2 1 1.1 •AMaasiivs I 2aasa«MSM53S3 •pootf ..^.g v>u o4fj '^"''-aaaaaaag s ggaaga •ptoH jaAJH ^aii oj I "'^°°aSg85Sggfeg8ag8Sfe 'jviaooi.ix« j"l"»*3aggaaaB«#g8Sg388g 9li!i8t8gg 13 5 s W) 4 •xaBB P8i*'-as5gR8aiggg!8^sa88s a8SSg88a nat>T JVt<"*ggaaR««icSg$SaSSSfe88S"ggSg8 .fl«3ar I °"-55gp«asfeag^giaasss8g86g8lS§ fc •SOXHOK I MCO^«D^^ =Sa$]t;SSgS?$$93SS33SggS;;g3S38 •tuovMoqn , '""••>»«52SJ5855i??^!$$S5«SS8SgC:Rgg88|§ •piouuiooig I *"»«sasssasss?85!;fg.s5pes8g{eff«gsgsiis •3VJIXIBBO , -x-owsa'ssaaassfs^gsfessBeggssgsgteasia •Jin«ii8S|MnnK.|'"'^S^^S3^^^^»^^^^^!S3@3SF2ggSS8£S&S|a^S 'MninM I «''?£;!::g-;;^$;g;S£;&3S$^!;;SSS&?gt:SS£3S8SS§^a^ •8|8arod8|n7) | °"»asSan§^S!^t^^^%$$$;SSSS&igl:gSSS3SSS&|2g§ •AVBiHioa I «"'*asffS^iffr■ ■§ ; 1 MS ■5'S "2"; K J stK oiic g!''. 5 C Ox • : c < c o (».fcas ?^ - q K« r 5 ~ 51; ^ !, « C pa*' o og Stto 1-5 1, SI 3.a a *■ "^ »5i wdiiiun^ o-MW^.^-»i«xe.o-ji2322>iS£Sc^?lS5?i!5Sfi«?iSS?J??S':?Stef^^ •.vvA\'iiv;j KV.)iHaKV ji.i-M')!^ u-vv xva.iouaa T Oil .,(1 •AVAVIIVH 'ioo ■a.ii\ kff'>Y •o/l fbiiiiial iHiiii iir.l>ii'. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 341 Railways. THE EUROPEAN AND NORTH AMERICAN RAILWAY, AND THE INTER- COLONIAL RAILWAY. '.Ill/, io '{hii ili*- , /!;in'iiiii r ■ ■ GENERAL FREIGHT TARIFF. Rates to be charged per 100 lbs. for Goods, per General Classiucation, and per ; ::i(.7'' Cte Load for Spesifled Articles. , ,; ,, i :g ■!;■ ir -ui feia '■ M.'£!; t . l/. hi , 1 ri i '^LASSESy lii'!' - f "''T - til ■■ -i-i ■ T, TM^rtn.»<,-M rw,f 1-7- ,-, IN CAR LOADBii -i ■ J ^/liv/o^: : ;;•.!; !i.'.: ■!•'.' 11 v^l : ,. ■ ■ .■ '. . ':.,! n! i: 'i: ^.■. U^j ,(; , : ,; •i.'-I-.70i. ■,]■■■• M ;■:!''■, f. .•■•'K Ill; jo'! ' ;''\'.\ 'i '. , ■\ ■ ' f. 'l , V, ■ ■ 1 ,' [(H((''!'' i fiin; >( 11 .,,..fe ,fwt(^o'h ! im. ■\. •nil.'i ■: l! liun ^J:^:' M -/r,/. ni >■§•./.' 'ir.'f^ ;■» 'Uh; U ij;'^. '■ 2 ••-3'''' .. ^„.. ■Sis K^-^ .■:^ ■ ' •( )!/-]'.. ;i ./. 'r ■'i r cls. cts. cts. Cts. cts. cts. « $ $ 5 6' 6 nii; i^/. -./. 3- -•-■■■ '6' •' ;•...■ 3 4 00 ftOC 4 00 ,i'>-'ta ^.u;r». •i() 'iT'i' |i:vl'B- I! . 4 .,,7 • •.-•4'.; t 4 00 6 00. 4 00 oj ,-15> :r 9 .'. ii3-. 1, vuji ..,;i5: ,,„ 7.. • r§ ■■ •■IS - 6 00,. 4 00 smil?^. •'■'k ,,.,..8; r --l , 8 5 6 00 4 00 1 . *" '9 ' ' '8 ■ '• '^ , g : O.g.l '4 5b' 6T)0 4 50 '"' 30 11 10 •9 7 9 1 7 5 50 '7 00 5 50 35 13^ r-il4- ■ iO 8i 10 8 6 50 :»:25 6 60 40 14 12 10 8 11 8 . 7 50 9 50 7 80 45 15 13 11 9 12i 9 8 50 10 75 8 80 50 16 14 12 10 14 10 9 50 12 00 9 80 55 18 15 13 10 15i 10 10 50 13 25 11 00 60 19 16 14 10 17 10 U 00 14 50 12 00 65 20 17 14 11 18 1 14 - 12 00 15 75 13 00 70 21 18 |5 11 19 11 12 00 17 00 13 06 75 22 19 15 11 20 11 13 00 18 25 14 00 80 23 19 15 11 21 11 13 75 19 50 15 00 85 24 20 16 12 22 12 : 15-75 > 20 75 16 00 90 25 21 17 , 13 23 12 15 75 h "50 22 00 17 00 95 26 22 18 13 24 12 23 00 18 00 100 27 23 19 1:} 24 12 17 50 24 00 19 00 105 28 24 20 14 25 12 18 00 24 00 20 00 110 29 25 21 15 25 12 : 18 00 25 oa 21 00 115 30 26 22 15 26 13 1900 25 75 22 00 120 31 27 23 16 27 14 20 OO 26 50' 23 00 125 31 27 23 16 27 . U 20 do 27 25 24 00 1&0 32 28 ■■'24'1 17 28 15 21 00 28 00 25 00 135 33 29 25 17 ^8 15 22'OOi 28 75 25 50 140 34 30 26 18 29 16 23 00 30 00 26 00 145 35 31 27 19 30 17 24 00 31 00 27 00 150 36 32 28 20 31 18 25 00 32 00 28 00 *■• ^m 342 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. Thursday, 4th day of May 1871. Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. On the recommendation of the Hon. the Minister ot Public Works, and under and in rirtue of the provisions of the 58th Section of the Act 31st Victoria, Chapter 12, intituled "An Act respecting the Public Work* of Canada " His Ex- cellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that the following Regulations and Proportions of Special Rates* for through trafBc over the Govern- ment Railways in New Brunswick, shall be and the same are hereby adopted^ and substittited for those heretofore in force under the authority of a Minute of Council dated the 20th day of August 1869. W. A. HIMSWORTH, Cierk Privy Council. The Manager of the Government Railways in NewrBrunswick shall be author- ized, in connection with the Agent or owner of ant Steamer or Sailing Vessel, being a regular Paitket and connecting with the Railway at stated periods, to make and establish sudh rates for through Traffic, as tnay be necessary from time to time, between the various ports in the River and Gulf of St. Lawrence, the- Straits of Noirthumberland, or Prince Edward Island and St John, N. B. The Railway to receive or retain of any such through rate, a percentage as- follows :— J '■ * Between St. John, N. B. and ji ,t ,-; , , j Picton, N. ife. Forty four (44) per cent , ! \ Charlottetown, P. E. L Fifty (50) per cent ' ! M.. :■ Summerside, P. E. L Fifty eight (58) percent Gascainpec, P. E. I. Fifty (50) perceht Bay Verte, N. B. Fifty (50) per cent Biictouche, N. B. Sixty five (65) per cent Richibucto, N. B. Sixty (60) per Cent Mirahiichi, N. B. Fifty (50) p6r cent Garacpiette, N. B. Forty three (43) per cent Shippegan, N. B. Forty three (43) |)er cent Bathurst, N. B. Forty three (43) per cent Dalhdusie, N. B. Forty three (43) per cent Ciitopbellton, N. B. Forty (40) per cent Special Rates are superseded by subsequent order in Council. (>() f»e I It I r, (Mj b- .- ' ' ^ . . ('.i); i'- !,0M ; CM i:. ■ ()^i 1.'; i r«:|- ni;t I .- 1 <.iu IK , UM r./: ' rit ii'C ■ 1 0«'i prov mim Qass I Vesse ofth< 1 must 1 ande alters there Publi ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 343 Railioayt. 1871. :iL. ind under Victoria, " His Ex- following Q Govem- adopted, Minute of incil. )e author- g Vessel, riods, to rom time nee, the lentage as- If Paspebiac, Q. Forty (40) per cent Perc6, Q. Forty (40) per cent Gaspd, Q. Forty f40) per cent . Rimouski, Q. Forty (40) per cent Quebec, Q. Forty (40) per cent Montreal, Q. Thirty three and one third (33^) per cent provided that such per centage shall not in any case < be leas than the following minimum rates : — ■ :^t";.. '.;■,.•-: ('•■r FoH Frxight, . • f No less charge to be r First Class Goods p. lOOlbs 15 cents Y not to made for any single I Second Glass Goods p. lOOlbs 11 cents include- package or ^ Third Class Goods p. lOOlbs 10 cents > Live Stock Consignments i Fourth Class Goods p. lOOlbs 9 cents j or Oarr^ges than twenty five cts. (.Or an average of 11^ cents p. lOOlbs. j Oats, wheat, Egg^, and Oysters being for this purpose to be considered Second Qass, > Flour and Meal in Car Loads p. Brl 15 cents Fish or Pork and Beef in Car Load p. Brl 2^ cfents Coal, Stones and Qres, in Cargoes pi Ton of 2000 lbs 11.50; For Passkngbrs. , . . ^ First Class — each, $2.00 Second Class — each, 1.70 Provided further that through arrangements shall only be made with Sailing Vessels when, in the opinion of the Manager the interests of the Railway or that of the public require it. I The owners or Agents of the Vessels intering into any such arrangement must give sufficient security for its proper fulfilment. All accounts must be settled and paid upon the right delivery of the goods. Manifests, or Way Bills, of goods, shewing the particulars with the charges ) and expenses thereon must accompany the Freight. Seperate Manifests must be provided for Goods to or from each Port. ,, All through rates established under these regulations, as well as any general alteration of the same, shall be duly published from time to time by the parties thereto, and copies of such publication shall be forwarded to the Department of Public Works at Ottawa. ■ I i ? '!*' i;i S44 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. NOVA SCOTIA RAILWAY—RATE ON HIDES AND LEATHER. Vi| n I, ■ i '.'l GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. ' TM] Hi ■...■, . . Wednesday ^ 27th March, 1872. , ;, Prbsbnt: ' HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL, uui ON the recommendation of Iho Honorable the Minister of Public Works, and under and in virtue of the provisions of the 58th Section of the Act 31 Vic Cap. 12, intituled : " An, Act respecting th? Public Works of Canada,". His Excnl- lency has been pleased to order and it is hereby ordered that a reduction be made on the present rate of freight charged on Hides and Leather passing over the Nova Scotia Railway, and that the following rates be and the same are hereby approved and adopted. . rerroo 9(f 01 o«0(ni'^jf?iri)ri W. A. HIMSWORTH, w ,«Jiii) Asst. Clerk Privy Council. ' FREIGHT ,'6n HIDES. AND LEATHER. On HiDEs-^Raw, saltei or dried, 22 cents per 100 lbs. from Halifax to Pictou. O.N Leather — 22 cents per 100 lbs. from Plctdu to Halifax. :<\i NOVA SCOTIA RAILWAY— S^EiciAL rates! '' nn'ffflr^ dliv,- . 'ibivot*] GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. ^^^^, ,,;,,^,,^ ..jj.^ .*;> Present: Ui^hilUie owl^ uum . ..HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the rectmrnendation of the Hon. the Minister of Public Works, and under the authority conferred by the 58lh Sect, of the Act 3lst Vic^^Cap. 12, inti- tuled : " An Act respecting the Public Works of Canada," His E.xcellency has been pleased to ordet, and it is hereby ordered, that the following Schedule of special rates for Passengers and Freight pe^ssing over the Nova Scotia Railway between Richmond, Halifax «nid Pictou, proceeding to or returning from New- foundland, shall be and the same are hereby approved and adopted. ; ,, . „,,,.,, ,:, Certified. . • ..iiuV^ oilu.i'l _„ .., W. H. LEE, "> • Clerk Privy Council. 3ER. I, 1872. ICIL.' :/on Works, and Act 31 Vic '. His Ejccfll- m be made jr the Nova y approved ... . |,.. > y C!ouuciI. to Piclou. ' .i'^ 1-1. ff' :iL. md under 12, inti- ency has ledule of Railway )m New- auncil. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. ' 345 Railways. SCHEDULE. " ^V Nova Scotia Railway. ■ Hallway Proportion of Special Rates for Freight and Passengers. Ji Between Richmond (Halifax) and' Newfoundland. i'i,u...i .u.-iUii^i ,.!... lu vriR tliibtl*; .fioIJirrrl'i! •<; ifr-.r > Passenoirs. w,f|,)r| r,r?no M-)'fivr(Sf?\;irf); . First Clas?, each |2 50 Second « " • 2 fifl -loi ftiij Ic oleprage «_ , [,.,/„^ikii>««r^^>«i<)^>ik^«f|ir'f«irf>i^ •* » 00,,|f)f(ii'|<>ji[,> First Class gpods per 100 Ibs..'..,,'.^,M'vr'r'*f"*'*''**i**"**'*'>''-^ ^^ ^ Second' "' " ;.;i.i.:..:.i^!.;:;.;;dj;iJ:i.':iw;ii.;,i::::!. 12^ ■ ■' " Thi«i and inourthcijss per too lbs....:.:: J...:v.::. ;:..!:..• l:;„..::ii.]::.. io "' Flour and Meil (when in lots' of 90 to 100 Bbls) per Bbl.:i.....'.'.. ...... 17 Beef, Pork and FUh (when in lots of 60 to 70i BbU) per Bbl-..^ 25 Sugar and Molasses! in GarLoads to ond address per Hhd:.. I..; 1 40 Measurement Goods from England on through Book per ton of 4Q , cubic feet measurement 2 50 Iron, &c., as invoiced per ton weight of 2,240 lbs.....' ................2 50 ./.■v/i-,.!! ., M -,, >, ., s J il;>o'>oivn>? GOVERNMENT HDUSSJ, OTTAWA. Friday, Z\sl day of January^ \9ri%. Slav. ,, uio'U •./..,,! v.wi -.i ^:'-liRE8ENT:- ■ ' i'^^-"l v' ' ■'"- '■ • , r HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENEI\AL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Public Works, and under an4 iu virtue of the provisions of the 65th clause of the Act 31 Vict., cap. 12, intituled : " An Act respecting the Public Works of Canada, " His Ex- cellency has been pleased to order and it is hereby ordered that the " following " Rules and Regulations respecting the Intercolonial Railway and other GoVern- *' ment Railways in the Provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick " be and the same are hereby adopted and established} , i ;, ' ^•■■•.r.uifi irnida tT.r,?'>oiifJ«(n, .u .uov^.A. HIMSWQRTH, ; .vs,i!U )o 'jtih Mi Jq-ioxo /mfRr. io!-,.,q.;fc 8ii{ lo 00;- Clerk of the Privy Council. 'ikig f. Mi'tlciii /i.ihUo •loi'tfttjiji aid • UiiMhuun: •.■Anfit ttoni i)iu, 'V'' I i !l i-'ii I mi' i m Lai ill it 346 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. RULES TO BE OBSERVBO BY TMB STAFF GENERALLY. 1. — A copy of these Rules and Regulations shall be given to each Emptoy6 engaged on the line ; and a copy, printed on a sheet and framed, will be hung up' in every Station, Conductor's Room, EngiQiQ-bouse, Repair^shop, &c., wlMre it will be open for inspection by every Employ^ of the Railway, and no plea or excuse, for ignorance of the Rules and Regulations, will be admitted, shoull any Employ6 not have received a copy. 2. — When a special, written, or telegraphic order is given by the General Superintendent, or a Division Superintendent, to suspend oi* alter any of the fol- lowing Rules and Regulations, such special order shall be instantly obeyed. 3. — Every Employ^ shall make himself thoroughly acquainted with th& Rules and Regulations of the Railway, including those contained in the Working Time-Table of the District in which he is employed ; and he shall keep a copy of the same in his possession, under a penalty of one dollar for not doing so. 4. — When an alteration takes place in the running of trains in the District in which he is employed, he shall take care to provide himself with a copy of the altered Time-Table. ju.uli ik* luiiwytKl n 5. — The Regulations regarding the running of trains, which are printed on the Time-Tables, are to be read and considered as part of the Rules and Regula- tions of the Railway. ■ - r*- - , 6.— Each person is to devot6 himself exclusively to the service of the Rail- way, residing where he may be required. , 7. — He shall obey promptly all instructions he may receive from persons placed in authority over him, and conform to all the Regulations of the Railway. 8. — Employ6s of the Railway, particularly the officers, must appear on duty clean and neat. . > i i 9.— No Employ 6 shall receive fee or reward from any person, withoDt the previous sanction of lh6 Railway authorities. t'ttrin 111 li> siK'ilri w^nd unf! yin'Mlo'i 10.->Employ6s must not smoke when on duty, on or about the Railway premises. 11. — Any Employ^ intoxicated when on duty shair^ be dismissed: ' 12. — No Employs is allowed, under any circumstances, to absent himself from duly without the permission of his superior officer, except in case of illness ; and then notice must be immediately sent to his superior officer, so that a sub- stitute may be found in season. Mil ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 347 Railways. )h Employ^ be hung up c, whjQre it 1 no plea or shoull any he General r of the fol- beyed. I with the e Working leep a copy ►ing so. the District 1 a copy of .J. ... » printed on [id Regula- f the Rail- in persons Railway. ir on duty ithoot the Railway t himself f illness ; lat a sub- 13. — No Employ^, unless i^ppointed to do so, shall receive money on any oc- casion, or under any pretence, from any person oa account of the Railway. 14. — Employes, authorized to receive money on account of the Railway, must whenj required, enter into bonds, with two sufficient sureties^ for the faithful per- formance of their duty, in this respect. , , 15. — All persons in places of trust in the Ra^way service must immediately report any misconduct or negligence, affecting the interests or safety of the road, or failure to comply with these Rul^s and Regulation*) which may come under their notice. Their withholding such information will be considered a proof of neglect and indifference on th6irpart. '' . ^^.umiH^io a;. 16. — ^AU officers concerned will be held responsible fof regulating theit time- pieces, in accordance with the times observed on the various Divisions pf the Railway, as stated in the Time-Table. . , ■ , .■ I !7.— The Employes of tha Railway are to exercise great care and watchful- ness in' order to prevent injiiry to persoAt, or damage to property, and where a doubt may exist as to the proper course to pursue, they must take the safe side^ and not run unnecessary risk. 18.-^Bmiilby6s subject themselves to criminal prosecution for disobedience or neglect o^oM6rs, and to flhe, stispetision, or dismissal, for misconduct, inconipe- temsy, wrangling, or using improper language while on dttty.,^,,ii i,.,ii /..(.. 19;— the iRAilv^ay ?iuthorities shall hate the right to dediict ftom tHie jlay of any Emjiloye such siinds as may be awarded against hith by the General Super- intendent for damage to property entrusted to his care, or, as fines, for miscon- duct or neglect of duty. ,, , 20.— The pay of every man absent, or ru$ .ended from duty, will be stopped. 21. — No person is to quit the Railway service without giving fourteen days* previous notice ; and in case he leave without such notice, all pay then due will be forfeited. ..i.:u-i, ui.,. 22. — Any person leaving the Railway service must deliver up to his superior all property belonging to the Railway, under his charge. :i.i u.-»»>iw ^tiu . . ip^^ .-M SIGNALS.''"'' '•*•' .'''"'t '"••"'.^ ' oh\^''. ^'' >•■ 'iill (10 il"^t m><^^f '■- • ■■'' '■"^' •■ '• 23. — Red is a signal of Dan»er : Stop. ' Green— Caution : Phoceed slowly. Whiti — All Right : Go on. HI feii -fot tjltlifeii(*'{<'. i'\ 24.— These signals will be made by Flags in the day time, and by Lamps at night. ','i • \ . f Wli t 348 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. 25.— Tn addition to this, jjiny signal waved violently, or sending with both arms raisied above his head, denotes Danger, and the necessity of stofjping immediately. . , 26.-~The absence of a signal at a point Where one is nsti^ily displt(yt0d'>i» to be taken as denoting danger. , • ' '!' '■'■'■ ^"'f' •''"'J *" o'>fiKrfn' i ! --.n Jill! .H'')«!m \t\ii J'loi;^!! Hi//, vliinio'j oJ s-nilii't 'ir. . •' " li'ulT .'^I'liioii Ti' ii.' 't'O'l .Am 10 -f.HHwv.i: WmSTLlNG SIGNALS. 10 ' 37.— To Put on Brakbs— 0/ie jftdrf Sharp whistle. To START OR TAKB OFF BRAKES — TwO ShoH Sharp whistle^, ,..;ili|,..i l,„x JOftJUJ.; To Back — T^rcc sAorO/wrp whistles. ; /^ • fn., ;!/-~,iil To Turn SwiTfcH — /bw s/ioK sAarp whistles. , ■ : in ,Mo^tJ i T-uniT 'Mil Hi i»oJfi'« c.R ,Y*n/Hicf! Danger — A repetition of short sharp whistles. . '.'ilJ ki «'V/of'ifnH 'jii r - T ! On approaching Level Crossings of public .roads and Curves — Qne longi .whistle On approaching Stations— One /^.)^ r- ■'■ ■■■■:■■■:■ ,,!>• '■ ,1 31. — W/it'/c signals, carried in like manner, denote that an extr«|,,t|rain is fol lowing, but will keep clear of all regular trains. .{v»)i'>lio1 fid 32.— Grem signals carried in the same way denote that an extra train or en- gine will come in an opposite direction, but will keep clear of all regular trains. 33. — Signal Cords must be used on all trains, to extend from the rear car to the Whistle or Alarm Bell on the engine. . ., , . „, : ifMH/Ail \l, liat'JO! « U: ii:^M- -.ot 34. — A Danger or Caution signal must be observed without cavil, the person giving it being responsible for its necessity. 35. — Where distance and Semaphore signals exist, the following Regulations respecting them must be observed : — •-y r bein( top ot 'Mil ibnding with y of Stopping nn'A - I ; i9{4iE(y«id"i& to ■ ' ^ . III "{Uii JIOij" J oJ s'niliu '111 if huR iO*tl^;ii: -.« ,Y'JJ/^lir<' .^on^iW^histle S,cf),mu»t dis- jioe, ,. , ,. ,, the tf aid, by }<^vl the|head an extra ea- 1 Iffohfrftifi. '6 described, will come in jtrain is fol tfaiir or en- ar trains. rear car to I the person legulations • 1 1 ■ >« • 1 ORDERS IN COUNCIL 349 Jlailtmys. "fjo''l >J.i;.; .. .iiJiiii.; ■■fb{to'^)VrmT'J hm li-Mu'i ^f^'if .'/hit JtfL !i ^'HiTOJ ";i . i'.'>d 'jbhiYui, ihum MOi'tAoi' (Bul abi/oKf Jrium 'XOiJigfil^ uoiJfiJr; vj-jvo. nfi i«liilv/^ '!;. n :^ . , ofjiisriJ MO ; ■' ■ :.■•,':,'■■• !(,■!■,, 7orT'),1*7,' The Ckiution signal to slacken speed, is shewn during dJo ...i:T v dayli^tiby the semaphore arm being raised, to an angle (thus , n-Kusj'ii.iij •), or by t a Green light at night. . . M <.iatiB'r aill no 'fjr.Ii| Jr.utu '^oilj booaoT'f fifvffr !i{iJ <(« Uun. ; on hi to bWi :)\[\ ti; yitivitia HO bflfi j aijidyiH rf-iii ' ■. -mo .fhiisY OOV , •lifi'i'lo e.nil Mflf no '-'(iii "I'l no b'jyiilq Hff jsr/dl ffoJii • .UO'I n'tuAi Dtaw-bridgts, Crossings of other Railways and Junctions^ the semapliore arms for rfai/, and the lamps for night signals are always to be set at Danger \ and every engi):^e and train mwst come lo a, stand befor^ j reaching tl^e sjgn^J, and not proceed juntil the signal to " come on " is shewn, and the man in (cbarga mast not alter the signal until trains or engines have been brought to a stand. A- , All Signal Lamps must be lighted at least . half an hour before dark. They must b3 kept burning brightly all night, qnd extinguished half an hour after daylight. . , ,. pmECTIONS FOR THE USE OF TORPEDOES (FOG SIGNALS). , , ■>l'Ur»|l "It'll * ' , .>ii*j^ . ,-. 36.— Dui'ing foggy weather, snow storms, or at any time when the ordinary signals cannot be seen, torpedoes are to be placed on the rail (label up wards) by bending the lead clip round the upper Uange of the rail, to prevent their falling oil". When the engine passes over the signal, it, ex,plod98 wiWi .ftjloud report, and the Driver is instantly to stop. . ., ' . ^ r- ;• 37.— Torpedoes are lo be used in addition to the regular day and night signals, xchicli must (irsl^becxhibilcd. , . ■& i mil %\ ' F! I I KM ' 350 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. M ! 38. — Each and every Conductor, Switchman, Engine driver, and Foreman of Trackmen, must provide himself with 12 torpedoes, which he must always hav6 ready for use whilst on duty ; and every Station Master must provide him- self with the same number which are to be kept in an unlocked drawer 6r shelf, in order that they may at all times be easy of access, and every person connected with the Station shall be made acquainted with the place where they are deposited. 39. — All the above mentioned persons are responsible for having on hand the proper number of torpedoes, and when the stock is diminished, by one or more, it is their duty immediately to apply for others. • 40. — Whenever an accident occurs to a train, or a train is stopped on the line at any place other than a station, in consequence of which the line is obstructed, the Brakesmen must be sent each way at least 800 yards (or sixteen telegraph poles), or more if at or near a steep grade or curve, to stop an approaching engine or train ; and as the men proceed they must place on the rails, at a distance of every 200 yards, one of these signals ; and on arriving at the end of the above mentioned distance, they are to place two such signals on the line of rail. 41. — In case of an Engine passing over one of these Signals, the train must be immediately stopped, and measures must at once be taken by the Conductor for protecting his train from any following train, by sending men back with Tor- pedoes which must be placed on the line every 200 yards to a distance of a quarter of a mile, the train afterwards proceeding slowly and cautiously to the place of obstruction. 42. — Every Driver of an engine, not accompanied by a Conductor, must also use these signals in case of accident or obstruction, in the manner before men,- tioiK^d. '*• ' 48. — ^When the line is again clear, the Conductor or Engine driver, as the cise may be, must, before proceeding, remove all the signals from the rails. , 44. — In any of the above circumstances, and in the absence of either of the officers above mentioned, any Foreman of Works, or other servant of the Railway, is to observe the same rules to guard against danger. PASSENGER AND STATION nSGULATIONS. 45.-^ -Passengers at Ticket Stations are required to purchase their tickets be- fore entering the cars, otherwise theyj must pay to the Conductor an additional charge of twelve cents. . ,.s„f" ,,- i 46. — They should provide themselves with tickets at least five minutes before the advertised time for departure of the train. 47. — Children not exceeding four years of age, under the care of their parents or friends, will be taken free ; those over that age, and under twelve, will pay half fare. md Foreman must always provide him- iWer 6r shelf, ion connected are deposited. ^ on hand the one or more, id on the line is obstructed, sen telegraph ichihg engine a distance of of the above f rail. le train must }e Conductor ck with Tor- 3 of a quarter I the place of 9r, must also before men,- riYer, as the rails. iither of the he Railway, r tickets be- additional lutes before heir parents B, will pay ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 351 Railways. iS.—Family tickets will be sold at Ticket Stations, at a reduced rate from first class fai;es, upon the express condition that the purchaser shall not sell or transfer them, or allow them to be used, except by himself, or his wife and children lisid- ing with him. Season Tickets will also be issued, allowing persons whose names have been inserted on them, to ride between the statipns to be indicated, on any regular passenger train. If any such Family or Season Ticket should be presented or ufsed by any person pr persons other than those mentioned, the Conductor shall take up the ticket and collect the fare ; the ticket to be forfeited, and the owner to be refused any further supply. 49.— Express Proprietors, Dealers, Agents, and Messengari holding Season Tickets, shall not carry with them baggage or parcels for the purposes of their business, unless the freight for the same be prepaid at double 1st class freight rates. In case of violation of this rule the Ticket shall be forfeited. 50 — Excursion Return Tickets at a single first class fare, will be issued at Ticket offices, to parties of five or more, going and iietuming together by any passenger train, to and from any given station, within three days-^it being dis- tinctly understood that unless these conditions are cOQipUsd with, th« Tickets will be void and of no effect. 51; — Petsons drunk, and unable to take care of t'heinselves, shall not be fur- nished with tickets, dt be allowed to enter the cars or Station pi'emises, and if found in the cars or Station premises, may be ramoved. 52. — Passepgers are required to produce and deliver up their Railtvfay tickets to th^ Conductor, or oUier person in charge of the train, wiienever requested so to do by such officer. Should they refuse to do this and pay the proper lai'e, they iD&y be removed from the train at or near a Station. 53.— Passengers are required to conduct themselves with propriety and to obey the reasonable requests of the Station Master, Conductor or other officer in charge, with a view to promote the general comfort and convenience, and to maintain order and decorum. 54. — Passengers are not entitled to occupy more than one sitting in a passenger car for each ticket. 55. — Persons are not allowed to gel into, or upon, or to quit a car, while the train is in motion. 56. — Passengers before they can have their baggage checked, must show their tickets to the Station Baggage Master. To avoid mistakes, they must attend per- sonally to the checking and marking of their baggage. 57. —Passengers can only have their baggage checked to the stations to which they hold tickets. ■i: f :-,! 35% ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. i' , f( !- it 58. — Passengers are allowed 100 lbs. of baggage ; any quantity exceediug that weight must be charged double 1st class freight rate, which must be prepaid. '""' 59. — Baggage shall not be understood to include money, merchandise, or any articles other than those for personal use. eO.^The Railway will not be responsible for any baggage, or article,' not properly given in charge to an officer authorised to receive the same. The Rail- way shall not be accountable for the baggage of any Passenger beyond the value of fifty dollars. ;ii' ii :,i; '|>'^ 61. — Passengers, on arrival at their destination, must produce their duplicate check before their baggage can be delivered to them. 62. — The ^ai-jing-rooms are for the travelling public only -i- other persons shall not be permitted to use them. Smoking therein is strictly prohibited. ^tt:, 63.— Idlers and loungers are not permitted to remain about the station pre- mises ; nor shall any person obstruct or molest in Any wfty any Passenger or Passengers while entering or quitting a Station or Car. ■ ■ " ' - 64 — Coachmen, hackmen, carters, porters, and runners for railroads, boats, stages linos and hotels, will not be allowed to, solicit custom or passengers, upon any of the trains— nor will they be allowed to enter the stations, nor come upon the platforms on the arrival of passenger trains, to solicit or influence passengers, but they shall stand in such places as directed by the Station Master, Agent, or Policeman. Cattle dealers, butchers and market men will not be allowed m the cars, staition or freight houses, or upon the platforms, on the arrival of the trains, for the purpose of trading,— ^nor will hucksters, or vendors Of newspapers, books, fruit, flowers, confectionery, and Other such articles, be allowed in the cars, or upon the train, nor to enter the stations, or come upon th^ platforms for the pur- pose of disposing of the same, except by permission of the Station JVfaster or Con- ductor, under the authority of the Superintendent. 05. — Coachmen, hackmen, and porters, holding checks, will be admitted into the Stations for the purpose of obtaining baggage — they will also be admitted when taking baggage to the trains. 66. — Private carriages, hi^cks and baggage wagons, while waiting at Stations the arrival of trains, are required to stand at, in, or near the Station premises, as directed by the Station Master or PoUceman. Unnecessary noise, andohcene and abusive language, are strictly prohibited. ,,^ .,,,.,,, ,„,^^ v,, ol-.o.b u.(J 67. — All persons are strictly forbidden to walk upon liie track of the Railway or to tresspass upon the Railway premises. '.!a 1 p!i(i5 ysii' t fractil eight A Sixly-\ impo{ the a sut oSenc ceediug that prepaid. idise, orany r article,' not . The Rail- Id the value ". I • '. I eir duplicate her persons ibited. ? station pre- Passenger or fatr •, I'oads, boats, ingers. upon r come upon ! passengers, r. Agent, or owed in the >f the trains, pets, books, the oars, or for the pur- Ister or Con- Imitted into )e admitted at Stations Premises, as lobceno and le Railway ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 35» Railways. 68. — Any person or persons who shall be guilty of any contravention or in- fraction of the foregoing Rules and Regulations, nunibered respectively Forty- eight, Fifty-one, Fifty two, Fifty-three, Fifty-four, Fifty five. Sixty-three, Sixty-four, Sixty-six, and Sixty-seven, shall, in addition to any forfeiture, or penalty thereby imposed, be liable to be brought before a Magistrate or Justice of the -Peace, in the District, County, or place in which the offence mky be committed, and fined a sum of not less than Two Dollars, nor more than Twenty Dollars, for each separate offence, by virtue of the Public Works Act 31 Vict., Cqp. 12. STATION MASTERS. 69. — Every Station Master must be able to write a good hand, to spell cor- rectly, and to write grammatically, he must also be conversant with the element- ary rules of arithmetic, and be able to keep books neatly ; at Stations where there are no Clerks kept, he must properly understand telegraphing, and in all cases the Station Master, or on ; of his Clerks, must ba an operator. 70. — He is responsible for the efficient discharge of the duties devolving upon all the employes at the station. 71. — He is to see that j all general and other orders are duly execated, and entered in a book to be kept for the purpose. 72. — He must at all times enforce the observance of cleanliness and neatness by the employes at his Station. He must immediately report every instance of neglect of duty on their part, and see that their conduct is respectful and civil to the public. Should any man be complained of, he must investigate the matter, and communicate the particulars, as soon as possible, to the Division Superintend- ent 73. — He is responsible for the efficient protection and safety of the Station, offices, buildings, and other property connected therewith, and must daily inspect the same, as well as the Station grounds, and see that they are kept clean and in good order, and that there is no waste of any kind. 74. — He shall see that all Station and Signal Lamps belonging to his Station- are trimmed, and that Signals of every kind are in good order and ready for instant use. 75. — Ho must see that the time of arrival and departure of every stopping train, and the time of passing of all other trains or engines, with the number of cars in each case, are accurately entered in the Train book. " 76. — Ho must report immediately whenever any train leaves or passes his station before the time proscribed in the Time-table. ' 77. — He is to direct the Conductor of a train when to start, and he must use every exertion to ensure punctuality. 23 • si' 1 '-i '1* m m ■If? 354 ORDERS IN COUNCIL Railways. 78. — He must not permit any engine or train to leave, or pass his Station, within fifteen minutes of another going in the same direction. 79. — He must keep a sharp look out for train signals, and be careful to notify Conductoi-s of the same, and of any orders or arrangements that may exist in any way affecting the trains. , i 80. — ^He must see that no engines or cars are k ft upon the main line, and that they are placed as quickly as possible in a siding clear of the main line, with the wheels securely scotched. 81. — He must not allow an engine or car to cross, or shunt on, the main line within ten minutes of a train being due at his Station. 82. — He must see that all switches at his Station are in good order, proper position, and carefully attended to at all times,, and especially before and after the arrival and departure of trains. Where there is no Switchman he must him- self perform the duty. 83. — He shall forthwith communicate to the General Superintendent all un- usual occurrences which may happen in connection with the Railway. 84. — ^Tn case of any obstruction on the line, or slips, or other casualtiesj the Stafcn Master at the nearest station to the scene of the accident, must immediate- ly give notice of the same, by telegraph or otherwise, to the Division Superintend- ent, and the nearest Foreman of the Permanent Way, as well as to the General Supeiintendent. 85. — Tickets must not be sold for any station at which the train does not stop. He must instruct Ticket Agents to consult the Working Time-Table, so as to avoid making mistakes. 86. — He shall see that all books and returns are regularly written up, and neatly kept 87. — He will be responsible for all money received at his station for account of the Railway, and will be required to make good any deficiency of cash, whether arising from bad money, or errors. He must make up, and balance, his accounts daily, in the form prescribed, and remit his cash, as called for by special instructions •;M: Bi. — Any Station Master who shall render a statement of account which contains errors, plainly traceable to his cash not having been properly counted and balanced, or to any want of care in taking an inventory of the freight in store, or shall enter remittan es not actually made at the lime indicated, is open to the serious charge of knowingly falsifying his accounts. -- 89. — All goods or articles, without exception, raceivei for tifnsportUion, musl be properly enter d on way-bills 'o accompiny the tame. his Station, ef ul to notify r exist in any line, and that ine, with the ;he main line rder, proper are and after he must him- ident all un- isualttes, the it immediate- Superintend- the General rain does not i-Table, so as Liten up, and for account icy of cash, I balance, his palled for by pount which 3rly counted |ie freight in ^ted, is open isport'ition, ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 355 Railways. 90. — He is held personally responsible for th6 safe keeping, and proper delivery, of all goods received by him, and for all charges due thereon ; and all articles entered on the way-bills will be considered as having reached his station in good order, unless it is otherwise stated on the face of the way-bill. 91. — He shall see that all full-loaded box-cars of freight, not required till their destination is reached, in addition to being locked, are sealed. 92. — Station Masters shall not permit freight cars to be over or improperly laden. If a doubt exists they shall take the safe course. 93.— Station Masters must not offer for transportation an improperly laden car 94. — To avoid misunderstanding and delay, requisitions for freight-cars must be made upon the form provided for the purpose, and handed to the Conductor. If previously telegraphed for, the fact must be stated on the requisition. 95. — Freight and cattle-cars must be thoroughly cleansed on being discharged. He shall immediately report every instance in which a car, bearing evidence of not having been cleansed by the sending station, arrives at his station. 96.— He must be careful that all stores supplied for the station are economi- cally used, and that there is no waste of any kind. , ; . 97. — He must not supply or lend, under any circumstances, stores, or other articles belonging to the Railway. STATION BAGGAGE MASTERS. 98.— Station Baggage Masters shall wear a badge denoting their office, and, be in'attendance at least forty-flve minutes before the advertised departure of the'train. 99, — They must compare baggage checks with the duplicates, and see that Ihey correspond. 100.— They must not keep more checks on hand than are necessary. 101.— Checks, when not in use, must be kept under lock and key. 102.— A passenger is allowed 100 lbs. of persosal baggage. Any quantity exceeding that weight, must be charged double first-class freight rates, and must be prepaid. 103.— They must not check baggage until a short time previous to the departure of the train. 104.— They are to request passengers to exhibit the'r licVets before checking their baggage, and to check the baggage accordingly. m I #i 356 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. 105. — All previous station numbers on baggage must be effaced. 106. — Checks must only be given to passengers, and not to cabmen, or others, on their behalf. 107. — Baggage, while in charge of the Railway officers, must be well 'guarded, or left in a secure place. 108. — A record must be kept at stations of all baggage received from passen- gers and forwarded by train, giving the date, number of check, train, and destination, in every case. 109. — A record must also be kept of all baggage received by trains, and delivered to passengers, showing date, train, and number of check in the same way. 110. — Baggage for Flag-stations must be numbered but not checked. . 111. — On no account are passengers to be allowed to take checked baggage out of the possession of Baggage Masters unless properly claimed. 112.— Special care must be taken, not to deliver baggage, without first removing the checks, and obtaining the duplicates from the passengers. 113 — A report must be sent to the General Baggage Agent, of all baggage received, the checks and duplicates of which do not tally. The report must show the lime of arrival, number of train, and the name of the station whence received. 114. — When a passenger has lost his duplicate check, the baggage must not be given up unless he can describe the contents of such baggage, and pays 25 cents for the lost check. 115. — A receipt must be taken from the owner for all baggage so delivered without the duplicate check being presented, as also for all baggage mis-checked. 116. — Station Baggage Master, or Station Masters, will report immediately any baggage missing at their station, and will also report any baggage that may have remained unclaimed one week. 1 17 —All lost or unc'almed baggage must be sent, properly labelled, to head- quarters, monthly. 1 18. — No baggage should be opened e.\cept in Iho presence of the owner. 1 19.— Reports must be made periodioally to the General Baggage Agent of all inward and outward baggage. : ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 357 Railways. en, or others, lust be well from passen- k, train, and y trains, and i in the same ;ked. . eked baggage without first 5rs. f all baggage ?l must show nee received. ige must not and pays 25 so delivered nis-checked. mmediately ;e that may ed, to head- ... |. ,.■ owner., je Agent of SWITCHMEN. 120. — ^Men in charge of switches are required to exercise great care and vigilanice, as the slightest neglect on their part may cause an accident. 121. — They must be very careful to keep their switches in good working order, and in proper position, and must immediately report all defects to the Station Master, who will adyise Jhe.^^perintendent. of the Division, and the nearest Section Foreman. // rnM 122. — Before leaving his work, be must satisfy himself, by personal inspection, that the switches are properly set and locked for the maip line, and that the signals are right. He must also carefully examine the switches, and stationary signals, every time he returns to work after being off duty. 123. — He must be furnished, when on duly, with the following articles : — 1 Hand Lamp, having three colours; 4 Flags — two red, one white, and one green ; 12 Fog Signals (Torpedoes). 124. — Switchmen shall not, within ten minutes of a train being due, allow any engine or cars to pass o.i to, or across, the main line without the express order of the Station Master, and then he shall not opeti the switch until the proper danger signal is shown. He must not allow ah engine to pass from one line to another, without first ascertaining that it is safe to do so. • 125. — Conductors, Engine-drivers, Track-masters, and others, who may have occasion to use switches, shall be held responsible for leaving them locked in their proper position, but nothing in this rule shall relieve the Station Master of his responsibility in regard to switches. ...,■,. ','■ [;■ -; CONDUCTORS. 126. — Conductors must be able to write a good legible hand, to spell correctly, and be conversant with the elementary rules of arithmetic* 127. — ^They shall wear a badge denoting their office. 128. — They must be at the Station from which they are about to start, at least half an hour before the appointed time for departure, and must see that the Baggage Master and Brakesmen are also on duty at th^ proper time. m :M t ill '•■'il ! m i til i 'li ,.-llJ 129. — The Conductor shall see that he has on his train the following artices : — 358 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. f:. I 1 Axe, 1 Saw, 1 Hammer, 1 Oil Filler, 1 Pair Scissors, 1 Case containing 1 2 Torpedoes, 2 Brooms, Alarm Cords and ) Couplings, j i Tail Rope, 2 Water Pails, 1 Chain, 12ft. long, with Hooks tached,- 1 lb. Sulphur, 6 Links and 6 Pins, 2 Dippers, 1 Pinch Bar, 2 Shovels, 1 Chamois Skin, at [• 2 Red, 2 Green, ) K'ia„« and 2 White } ^^*S' 3 Red Lamps, 2 White Lamps, 1 Green Lamp, 1 Signal Lamp, 1 Conductor's Lamp, 2 Tail Lamps, 4 Brass Brushes, 4 Axle Box Wedges, ' t Pair Trimmers, 1 Oil Pail and Pack- 1 ing Iron, ) 1 Water Clock, 1 Water Can, 3 OilCnns, 1 Scrub Brush, 3 Ice Picks, 1 Mop, 1 Monkey Wrench, 1 Duster, i il J'llM bnnU I • 1 l-griuij'jfjTo'l'* i-irwii^-Mii t'' 1 Whisk, 130. — Until the train has started, the Conductor shall be under the direction of the Station Master. Before leaving the station, he shall see that the cars are properly coupled; that there are proper brakes and a sufficient number of Brakesmen on the train ; that the signal lamps are properly trimmed and attached to the car, and, if required, lighted; that he has a proper supply of stores on board ; that the alarm cord is properly secured and extended from the engine to the rear of the train ; that the cars are in a proper state of cleanliness ; and, if it be winter, that the stoves have been properly attended to, and the cars ventilated, and properly warmed. If the cars are found to be in a dirty conditioa, he must report the fact to the Division Superintendent, and also to the General 8up3r- intendent. 131. — In forming a train, baggage, freight, or lumb3rcars, shall not be placed in rear of the passenger cars. 132. — The rear car of every train must be a brake-car, and a man must, when the train is in motion, always be stationsd ou that car. 133. — Conductors shall strictly obey all signals and spacial orders which they may receive from the officers in charge at stations. 134. — They must not give the signal to start while passengers are getting on board, and should, when making it, stand near the front end of the first passen- ger car. They should afterwards pass to the platform of the last car, and look out for any signals that may be given them. 'r"M. |. ■_... le direction he cars are number of id attached )f stores on engine to and, if it ventilated, , he must ral 8up3r- , be placed ust, wiien hich they jetting on st passen- and look ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 359 Railways. 135. — After a train has started, it shall be under the Conductor's entire charge and control. He is responsible for the safety of the train and all on board of it. He must see that the Rules and Regulations of the Railway, as well as any spe- cial Regulations that may be issued, are strictly observed by both passengers and employes, and shall report any violations of them, and must himself take care to observe all such Rules and Regulations. 136. — Always, when backing a train, there must be a man specially stationed upon the rear part of it, to give due warning, and prevent accident. 137. — It shall be the Conductor's duty to check the Engine-driver, should the train be running at an un:3 accompanied with the greatest possible degree of caution. Before anything else is done, two men with red flags, or lights, must be sent fully half a mile in advance of the rear end of the train, to give warning to any train, or trains, that may be approaching from that direc- tion, in order to guard against the possibility of collision. The train must not move until these two men have proceeded at least half a mile Every other avail- able measure must also b 5 taken to notify Trackmen, and to slop any approach- ing engine. The officers of a irain so situ »ted are to assumb in every case that a train is approaching, and act accordingly. Goaductois, of other officers in charge of any trains that may receive such warning, are responsible for protecting their own train in the same manner. 139.— When a train breaks down, or is stopped, or seriously delayed, on the road, similar precautions must be taken, shoull the case require it, to guard against being run into by any other train. Proper use must be made of red flags, or lanterns, and torpedoes. When assistance is required, or when the circum- stances require it, messengers must be sent to the Station Master on either side, and the Conductor must communicate direct, or through those officers, with the Division Superintendent. 140. — He shall seo that the Brakesmen, and other train employes, are kept at their posts, so as to be ready for any emergency, that they arj cleanly and at- tenlivo t j thoii- duties, and that signals are ready lor instant use. m m ■m iri'l ■M (-li). -0' 360 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. 141. — The Conductor shall, from time to time, during the journey, examine the wheels, brakes, springs, trucks and journals of the cars, and must see that they are kept in proper order. entn Sl '.;(J 142. — The tail signal must also be examined at every station, and in the event of a train being brought to a stand on ihe main Track, the Conductor must lake care that no person obstructs the rear view of it. 143. — Whenever telegiaphic despatches are sent, directing the movements of trains, they must be repeated back by the receiving office to the sending office, and acknowledged by the persons to whom they may be addressed. Such ack- nowledgraen; shall always show how the message is understood by the parties receiving it. and such persons shall not start the train until they have found their construction of the message to be the true one. If doubt should arise, they must take the safe course. ■.;.... ^ ..i .i: ,i. ;;.::,-;,. ...i ■ !•,;.) h;;,; 144. — When written or telegraphic iiistruclions are sent to any officer or em- ploys, wherein it is intimated that another will perform any office or duty therein particularly specified, such employe spoken of will act upon the instructions given, when shown him, as if the letter or telegram had been" personally address- ed to him. Letters and telegrams must always b3 shewn to, and read by, the person or peraons whom I hey n^ay concerii. .''''' .145. — Verbal messages, which in any way affect the movement of engines or trains, must not, under any circumstances, be received through a third party, whatever confidence may be placed in the veracity of such person. All instruc- tions, not communicated personally or by telegraph to the individual for whom they are intended, must be in writing. The responsibility of accident, resulting from a misunderstanding of this sort, will rest upon the person acting without the proper authority -■ - <. •' • I - ..!»_(■.__ J^. , 1 _ . • ' \ ■ ' ' \ ■ ' f 146. — ^Tho Conductor must not allow persons to ride on the platforms or out- side of the cars, or in the baggage car, and must use all possible means to prevent passengers exposing themselves to danger. 147. — In the event of any passenger being drunk or disorderly, to the annoy- ance of others, he must use all gentle means to stop the miisance ; failing which, he must exercise his authority, and restrain, or keep him in a separate place, until he arrive at the next station, or at a station near to a police office or lock-up, whe.'^e the passenger must be left, and may be, if considered expedient, delivered to the police and charged with the ofleiice in the usual way. • 148. — Whenever a fare is coUeclcd in the cars, 'ho Conductor must at once issue a ticket to the pasiengor. and enter the amount in his book. No excuse will hG admitted for any depaiture from this rule. ll cars, ORDERS IN COUNCIL; 361 Railwais. y, examine ist see that 1 the event must lake vements of ling office, Such ack- the parties ound their , they must i •'•( ' lifi(l(i:> , cer or em- ity therein structions y address- id by, the mgines or ird party, 11 in^lruc- for whom resulting thoul the 13 or out- prevent e annoy- ? which, to place, lock-up, elivered . at onco use will 149.— Conductors must promptly deli/er all letters; way-bills, and despatches entrusted to their care. 'tJ**;/;" 150.— They must not allow the sa'e of books, papers, refreshments, &c., in the cars, without permission from the Geneial Superintendent. ■ ■ i 151.— Freight trains must always leap out of the way of Passenger trains If from unavoidable circumstances the Conductors of such trains find themselves running within ten minutt s of the running time of a Passenger train following them, they must use all proper means to inform such Passenger tirain of their position, and prevent its running into them. If practicable, Conductors of such Freight trains must direct Trackmen to put out signals, and notify the Passenger train Conductor that a Freight train is immediately ahead. i--i-i ^^•- - r'i^ 152.— Conductors of Freight trains must not take loaded oars without way- bills, nor way-bills without the proper cars. ; cu-u^ii* (mIk jciui'ft fyiU i _i 153.— Cars must not be taken beyond stations to which their contents may be destined, unless needed, as they may have to be brought back empty. 154. — Conductors will be held personally responsible for the proper care of all goods or property entrusted to them, and will be careful to see that the same are delivered to the Station Masters, according to the way bills. 155. — A Conductor shall not permit live stock to be carried in closed cars- When there are horses on a train, unless the owner has sent a person in charge of them, he will see that they are carefully watered, and moderately fed on the road ; and the expense thus incurred shall be piid him at the end of his journey by the Station Master, who shall be reimbursed by the consignor, or consignee, or owner, as the case may require. M '"fii ^.•iKr.'ii ii- "i 156. — It is his duty to make himself acquainted, as far as practicable, with the condition of the goods conveyed on his train ; and when they are stowed so as to be liable to damage, to stow them differently, or, if that be not possible, to leave them, if necessary, at a station, to be sent on, more securely stowed, by another opportunity. He shall see that no pilfering of the contents of the car takes place, and that the doors of loaded cars are locked, and empty ones closed. 157. — If from any cause it becomes necessary to leave freight where it does not belong, he shall note the fact on the way-bill, and give notice in writing to the Division Superintendent. He shall take all proper means to have the same forwarded to its destination without delay. „ .,, , ,,,,.. ^ 158. — Irregular Trains must bo on a siding at least fifteen minutes before Regular Trains are duo, and wait till they have passed, unless otherwise ordered. ^'M mi ' hi I-'' ■ I I'! 36? ORDERS IN COUNCIL. hailivays. 159. — Conductors will duly call the ^tention of the Repairer of Cars — or, in his absence, that of the Station Master — to any repairs required, or damage that may have been sustained, by the cars, and in the latter case report the particulars to the General Superintendent as well as to the Division Superintendent. 160. — They must be careful also to report to the nearest Station Master and to the Division Superintendent, any defect they may observe on the Line. 161. — Conductors must keep a diary of their proceedings, which must be ready for inspection at all times, and they shall make daily returns upon the pro- per form to be supplied them. 162. — Where a Cjnduclor may have had charge of a train for only part of a trip, he must insert in his return — upon the proper form, and over his own signature — the particulars of the same, which, with any money he may have coUetted, he will hand over to the officer relieving him, who will complete and forward the return, also signing it. . 36 1 12 2 24 53 17 34 1 7 20 S4 1 9 2 18 54 16 33 1 6 27 33 1 G 2 n 55 16 32 1 5 28 32 1 4 2 8 56 16 32 1 4 29 31 1 2 2 4 57 15 31 1 3 .10 30 1 2 5S 15 31 1 2 31 29 58 1 56 59 15 30 1 1 ;i2 28 56 t 52 GO 15 30 1 III I 364 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Haihcays, ■ I 178. — The Engine Driver, when at a station, shall be subject to the orders of the Station-Master. 179. — He shall be guided by instruction from the Conductor as to when to start or stop the train. # 180. — He must not p oceed after sunset, unless the proper lights are exhibit- ed on his engine. 181. — No special train or engine shall leave any station without the authority of the Superintendent. 182. — Every Engine Driver and Fireman must provide himself with a good watch. biJoy"-:>.tirJ < 183. — They must pay immediate attention to all signals, whether the cause for giving them be known, or not., 184. — He must be in attendance at the station at least half an hour, and the Fireman at least forty-five minutes, before the appointed time for starting the train, and must see that the engine is coupled, at least, ten minutes before the lime for starting — that it is in proper working order, sufficiently supplied with fuel, and water, and properly oiled — that the alarm cord is attached to the gong or whistle, and that the lamps, and signals, are in a fit state for use. Before tak- ing charge of the engine,beand the Fireman mustsie-i their names in the appear- ance book, kept by the Locomotive Foreman. 185.— Every Engine Driver shall have with him, at all times, the following tools : — 1'^ i ' Of. (I :> " I . ; ii 2 Jack Screws. 1 Set Hand Wrenches. ^, 3 Oil Cans (a full set.) '■ 1 Large Monkey Wiench. 1 Small Monkey Wrench. 3 Cold Chisels. 1 Hand Hammer. ,- „ I Copper Hammer. '' ' 1 Pinch Bar. 2 Fire Buckets. 2 Sets Signals (Flags.) 1 Engineers' Lamp. 1 Red Tail Lamp. 1 Signal Lamp. I Green Lamp. I Head Light. I Hand Saw. 1 Tallow Kettle. ;»,.. V M .■ w • ' , t! \ ' ;< 1 >»! 1 f 1 • 1 '• '■nil le orders of to when to re exhibit- 3 authority •ith a good • 111 > ' the cause ir, and the arting the before the 3lied with ) the gong efore lak- le appear- following > (IMi Iron Plugs, for Tubes. Large Boxes, or Chests. Small Chests. Chains, with Rings and Hooks attached. I Narrow Axe. I Switch Rope (30 feet.) . 1 Plug Iron. I Picker, for fire. 1 Case, containing 12 Torpedoes. A quantity of Flax and Twine. Hil. for which he shall be held responsible, and any party found guilty of destroying them shall be fined or dismissed. 186.— The Engine Driver shall not allow any ^ "sons, except the Superintend- ents and Trackmaolers, to ride on his engine or lender, without due authority. 187. — He must not start his train until the bell be rung, and he receive the signal from the Conductor, which he must answer, by two short, sharp whistles ; he must, invariably, start carefully, without jerking, and see that he has the whole of his train ; he must run the train as nearly to time as possible, arriving at the Stations neither too late, nor too soon. He must not shut off steam sudden- ly, so as to cause concussion of the cars, unless in case of danger. ^ 188.— If a train becomes separated when in motion, care must be taken not to stop the portion in front before the after part has stoipei, and the men on such detached part must apply their breaks in time to prevent collision with the cars in front. 189. — No engine shall run tender or train foremost, unless from unavoidable necessity, or by order of the Superintendent. 190.— The Driver shall stand by the hand-gear, and keep a good look out. The Fireman also must be on the look out when not engaged in other duties. 191. — Before passing switches, he must be careful to see that the targets are correctly set. , , ,, , , , 192. — An Engine Driver on duty must not leave his engine except in' cases of great necessity, on which occasions ho must place it in charge of the Fireman. On no account shall both leave it until it is given in charge to the party authoriz- ed to receive it. 193. — Engine Drivers are required to run slowly and carefully over rough or bad track, and round curves, or through cuttings. The Track-masters arc author- ized, when it is found necessary, to prescribe rates of speed, faster than which an engine must not be driven over the parts of the road indicated, and they are instructed to report violations of thoir inslruclions in this respect. m ■ m I m ;;l id 366 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. 194. — In running behind another train, the Driver must so run as to allow the leading train to be not less than two miles in advance, and, on approaching a station, and entering, or running round curves, he must exercise great caution so as to avoid the possibility of running into the train ahead. No excuse as to being deceived about the distance will be received for neglect of this rule. The res- ponsibility of a collision will rest upon the Conductor and Engine Driver of the rear train. 195. — When approaching stations, crossings, bridges, and viaducts, and when passing wood piles, all trains are required to run at reduced speed and with extreme caution, the dampers of the engines being closed. 196. — "When trains have to pass each other, the train having the right to the road shall occupy the main track. 197. — Engine Drivers are to take care that the whistle be sounded 800 yards before reaching every level crossing of a public road, and that the bell be rung, 600 yards, before reaching such crossing, and until the crossing be passed. The beil, and whistle, are also to be sounded, when approaching a Gutting, Station, or Junction. During foggy weather also, the bell muk be sounded at proper intervals. i!.' If : i'lu'il >hl In nl (11 1» 198. — They must never allow themselves to be governed by any information they may receive as to where the train ahead will stop for fuel or other cJiuse, but must always be prepared to stop short of the Station. They should invariably run on the supposition that a train may be found out of place at a station. 199. — In bringing up his train, the Driver must pay particular attention to tlio state of the weather, and the condition of the rails, as well as to the length of the train, and these circumstances must have due weight in determining him when to shut off the steam. Stations must not be entered so rapidly as to require A violent application of the brakeg, or to render necessary the sounding of the signal whistle. He must report every instance, of overshooting a station, to the Superintendent. 200. — Unless he himself is in the cab of the engine at ihc time, and directing its movements, he must not allow the Fireman to shunt cars, or move the engine : and wiiile shunting, the engine must not be uncoupled from the cars, until they are at a stand, neither mast they be shunted, at so great a speed, as to endanger the lives of men employed in coupling, or in any way injure the property of the Railway. 201. — An engine or train shall not pass from a Branch on to the Main line until the proper signals are given, 202. — No Engine Driver, >vhen acting without a Conductor, shall, without the express permission of the Station Master, move his engine, on any pretence, from any siding, on to the main line. sped send the chan tunc !!l3 as to allow iroaching a caution so as to being The res- river of the , and when 1 and with ight to the I 800 yards II be rung, issed. The ig, Station, i at proper iformation her c&use, invariably )n. ,.,, ten lion to le Length ning him to require ng of the on, to the directing engine : in til tliey (ndanger ty of iho ^lain line ■ . i.,. without )retence, ORDERS IN COUNCIL 367 Railicays. 203.— When there is an unavoidable necessity, from an accident, or other special cause, for an engine to stop on the main line, the Engine Driver must send a man, each way, with signals, to the distance of 800 yards (or sixteen Velegr^ph poles,) or more, if at or near a steep grade, or curve, in order to piofect the train or engine. 204. — Engine Diivers shall not, except in case of accident or sudden illness, change engines on the journey, without permission. 205.— They must not allow wood or wgiste to be thrown from the engine, or tender, while in motion. 206. — Engine Drivers must guard against killing stock. Should any animal be injured by the engine, the Engine Driver must report the same, in writing, to the Superintendent, staling the facts of the case. Any Engine Driver, who neg- lects to maka such a report, immediately, v.'ill be held responsible for all damages. 207. — Should a flre occur on a train, it must be stopped, and the proper mea- sures at once be taken for protecting the train. The burning car, or cars, musft be detached with as littfe delay as possible. No attempt must be made to run to a tank if it be more than thr^e hundred yards distant, as a proceeding is likely to cause the fire to spread. 208.— In case of doubt or difficully, Engine Drivers and Conductors must consult and advise with each other, as they will be held equally responsible for any violation of the rules, through forgetfulness, negligence, misapprehension, cr any oth»^r cause. In all cases of doubt, the safe side must be taken, safely being the first consider aliov. 209.— Should a Conductor be disabled, the Engine Driver will have full charge of, and be held responsible for the safety of, the train until another oflicf r takes charge. In such case, ho shall observe the rules laid down for the guid- ance of Condiiclors. ' 210.— Engine Drivers, when on the line, will obey the direct orders of the Division Superintendent, whether the same shall be coramnnicated verbally, by telegraph, or in writing ; and in all cases where a message directing the train or engine to proceed cautiously, or at a given rate of speed, over any part of tie Railway, or any bridge or viaduct, is given to the Conductor of any train, he shall at once hand the same to the Engine Driver, and call his attention to the contents thereof ; and the Engine Driver shall retain it in his possession. If any Engine Driver shall, after the receipt of such message, incautiously or at a great( r rate of speed than that named, drive his engine over the portion of the Railway, bridge, or viaduct named, he shall at one be dismissed the service ; and any Con- ductor failing to obey the requirements of this order will receive hke punish- men t. ft Sfi i ..l 368 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. 211. — Every Engine-Driver must carefully examine his engine after each journey, and he must immediately report to the Locomotive Foreman, and enter in the book that is kept for the purpose, any defect or deficiency in his engine. He must also 1*6 port to the Superintendent and to the Station Master at the nearest station, any accident, neglect, or irregularity that may have occurred on the journey. 212. — Engine-drivers must keep diaries, and make returns to ihe Locomotive Department, as may be required. FIREMEN. ' 213. — Firemen are subject to the orders of the Engine-drivers, while on their engines. 214.— They will keep the engines cleaned and properly oiled, and assist the Engine driver, as may be required. iry> u Si7 MAINTENANCE OF WAV AND STRUCTURES. 215.— The Trackmaster, under the direction of the Engineer, who shall be responsible to the General Superintendent — shall have the charge and supervision of all Repair men in his Division, and be held responsible for the faithful perform- ance by them of their duty. 216.— When materials are wanted for repairs, he will report, to the Engineer who will report to the General Superintendent, by whose order only purchases can be made. 217.— Before any Foreman or Labourer is engaged by the Trackmaster, he must be made to understand that the wilful transgression of any of these rules insubordination, drunkenness, being found off his work during working hours, or the commission or omission of any act whereby the passage of trains or en- . gines is endangered — will be punished^by dismissal. ;rnii- 218.— In every gang of track labourers there must be a Foreman ; and the ,- Trackmaster will be held responsible that every Foreman is provided with a copy of the Regulations, a copy of the current TimoTable, and the proper signal flags ■< and lamps, and twelve torpedoes or fog signals ; also, that each Foreman is fur- i nislied with an accurate gauge, for gauging the line of track, and with all other . necessary malei'ials and implements. , and engi the his c| have! so IhJ theml sary, ger, iter each and enter is engine. Le nearest d on the jcorn olive e on their assist the shall be ^pervision perform- iiigineer, lurchases ister, he rules — hours, or en- nid the a copy [al flags is fur- |1 other ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 36y Railways, 219.— Each Foreman sh.iU constantly carry with him a copy of these Rules and Regulations while on duty, and must read and exp'ain them to ev^ry man engaged under him, and must producj them, when required to do so by any'of the principal officers of the Railway. He shall be responsible for 'the men under his charge, and for the proper execution of the work assigned to them, and shall have a list of the names and place of abode of all men employed under him,, so that in case of accident or other eoiergency he may be enabled to summoa them immediately. ,.;.„i! , 220.— Each Foreman, or other employe selected by the Trackmaster, must walk over his section every morning, and oftener, should it be necessary for him to do so, as in the case of violent storms. He must see that all joints are pro- perly spiked and bolted and the joint ties well packed up, and all other things appertaining to the road secured. 221. — ^Track repairers must be particular in watching each Train, as it passes,, to see whether any notices are dropped oil" the Train, or flags, or lamps, are exhi- bited upon the Engine, and rear of the Train, giving notice of an extra Train. 222. —The Green signal indicates caution, and is to be used, when it is neces- sary, to slacken the speed of an approaching Train ; the Red signal indicates dan- ger, and is to be used, when necessary, to stop the Train, and such signals must be sent buck, 800 yards, from the place they are meant to protect, and must be waved across the track. 223. — Whenaver it is necessary to displace any part of the track, or in case of any slip, or failure, of any portion of the works, or in the event of eny car being required for temporary use, on the Line, or, if from any other cause, the track is not safe, the Red signal must be conspicuously exhibited, at a distance of not loss than eight hundred yards, each way, even if no train or engine is expect- ed. No hand car, or lorry, must be used on the ti-ack, or work done, to impede the transit of trains, during a fog, or snow storm, or within fifteen minutes of the time of a train being due. 224. — "When any part of the track is out of repair, so as to make it necessary for a train to proceed cautiously, a signal must be sent, 800 yards distant, in the direction whence a train is expected, and kept there until it passes, or until the .track is made safe. 225. — The track must not, in any case, be displaced for the purpose of putting in cattle guards, cross drains, or culverts, unless by express order of the Track- master. The track must not be rendered unsafe, by any operation, during the day, or night, or upon Sunday, until notice shall have been given, by the Trackmaster, to the Superintendent, and permission obtained to use the track. 24 S.I . ■■ I I I 370 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. 226. — No rails must be taken up, nor must the track be otherwise disturbed in such a manner as to render it unsafe, within twenty minutes of the time of a train being due, nor until it has passed. All such work must be done between the regular running hours. 227. — In raising the track and packing the ballast, no lift must be greater than two inches in twenty-four feet, and both rails must be raised equally and at the same time ; and in all cases, when practicable, the lift must be made in the direction in which the first train due approaches. 228. — ^The Trackmaster must see that safety blocks are put down on all sidings diverging from the main track, at a proper distance therefrom. , 229. — The Foreman of each Section, under the direction of the Trackmaster, js held responsible for the safe seeping of all sleepers, rails, chairs, plates, bolts, tools, and implements of every kind pertaining to the track not in special charge of the Storekeeper, and must immediately report to the General Superintendent any losses or destruction of such property. 230. — The Foreman must report, in writing, to the Trackmaster, every case in which any of the signals are disregarded by an Engine-driver, -rj 231.— All persons walking along the line, who are not in the Railway service, must be warned off ; and in case of non-compliance, their names ascertained and reported to the Trackmaster, or they must be placed under arrest, as the exigen- cies of the case seem to require. _ , .^ ^ ^^ ^^ ,. . ,._ ,^ •'^ ■' 232. — Animals found straying withing tlie railway fence must be immediately driven off. Section men will close all gates found open. Owners and occupiers of property adjacent to the Railway must keep properly shut all gates at private crossings ; in case of accident, through negligence on their part, or on the part of their servants, in leaving them open, they will be held liable for the consequences. 233. — "When the lorries or hand cars are not in use, they must be lifted off the track, and the wheels secured by a chain and lock. Track lorries must only be used to convey materials on the line : they must never be attached to a tiain. 234.— All articles found on the track must be promptly sent to the Station Master of tho nearest Station. O' i'' 5' 'i\ .' 1 , 1 1) . VI M ■ :'■ •/'!'i[uifri?>'t ri ,fio •;;';•; "* : i^P't V '.,1,1 , ■• ', ;, -•■v^:. ,1 ' (■ :(> •,' .;■ VI it , ■■ ; it '.: ;•• ; I " f .' , 'i ' ■ f i ••', > ■- r'( i: islurbed, time o£ a between e greater ly and at ,de in the ill sidings ckmaster, tes, bolts, ial charge rintendent every case ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 371 Railways. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. — PASSENGER TARIFF. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Tuesday, 21 si day of October, 1873. Present : * HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Honorable the' Minister of Public Works, and under the provisions of the 58th Section of the Act 31st Victoria, Chapter 12, intituled : " An Act respecting the Public Works of Canada," His Excellency has been pleased to order, and its is hereby ordered, that the following Tariff for the conveyance of Passengers over the Intercolonial Railway be, and the same is hereby submitted for the Tariff adopted by the Order in Council of the 13th of August, 1873, which said last mentioned Order and Tariff are lj.ereby cancelled. fn il^ ly service, tained and he exigen- .mediately occupiers at private the part of ioquences. fted off the 3t only be I train. , le Station • . . .(I n,, K'i '.• i'f . t) 1 i\ ... WW \\. '■ (( I. f'l .; i'' ! r\ I ''' I f-l, > I .1 -t l,?»i \!'\ i.^ i f I ', • -u I ill' ! ( :' I .1 W. A. HIMSWORTH, Clerk, Privy Council, Canada. ■ I j.* t ,-'.'. i ti) I M. ■ n i I 8H. I k: v i II. .. V. I j i.H V-; .-A <,• '■ Mi " '< K i.!-. (I':' ) '! .,.*.-• ^.wf.y^.! .»« w w»*''i V' ■I ' A 1 I ,• m t| ^U > IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ?? ,«* 1.0 1.1 1^128 |25 U^ Ui 12.2 1^ 12.0 lU lU ■11 u& li^llJiiR^ < 6" ► / ^ ^W /1 Photographic Sciences Corporation iV ^v •NJ <> 73 WIST MAIN STUiT WIUTIt.N.Y. MStO (716)t7a-4S03 di >f^* ^x> 372 0PDER8 IN COUNCIL. Railways. INTERCOLOISri^i:, PASSEN- Class. LASS. Class. Class. Miles. ^iles. Miles. MilfS. First. Second. First. Second. First. Second. First. V Second. 1 3 2 51 •1 53 t 02 101 3 00 2 00 151 4 04 2 69 2 6 4 52 1 56 1 04 102 3 00 2 00 152 4 06 2 71 3 9 6 53 1 59 1 06 103 3 00 2 00 153 4 07 2 72 4 12 8 54 1 62 1 08 104 3 00 2 00 1S4 4 09 2 73 5 15 to 55 1 65 1 10 105 3 00 2 00 155 4 11 2 74 6 18 12 56 1 68 1 12 106 3 00 2 00 156 4 12 2 75 7 V ,14 57 I 71 1 14 107 3 00 2 00 167 4 14 2 76 8 , .24 16 f8 1 74 1 16 108 3 00 2 00 158 4 15 2 77 ■ , «* • 27 18 59 1 77 1 18 109 3 03 2 02 159 4 17 2 78 10 30; : 20 60 1 80 I 20 110 3 06 2 04 160 4 18 2 79^ 11 33 22 61 1 83 1 22 111 3 09 2 06 161 4 20 2 80 n 36 24 62 t 86 1 24 112 3 12 2 08 162 4 21 2 8t 13 39 26 63 1 89. 1 26 113 3 15 2 10 163 4 22 2 82 14 42 28 64 1 92 « 28, 1 30 114 3 18 2 12 104 4 2J 2 52. 15 45 30 65 t 95 115 3 21 2 14 165 4 24 2 83 16 48 ^ 66 1 98 1 32 116 3 24 2 16 166 iih 2 84 17 51 34 67 2 01 1 34 117 3 27 2 18 167 4 27 2 85 18 54 36 68 2 04 1 36 118 3 30 2 20 168 4 28 2 86 19 57 38 69 2 07 1 38 119 3 33 2 22 169 4 30 2 87 20 60 40 76 2 10 1 40 120 3 .-^e 2 24 170 4 32 2 88 21 . 63 42 71 2 13 1 42 121 3 39 2 26 17J 4 34 2 90 22 €6 44 72 2 16 1 44 122 3 42 2 28 172 4 36 2 91 23 69 4C 73 2 19 1 46 123 3 45 2 30 173 4 37 2 92 •24 72 48 74 2 22 1 48 124 3 48 2 32 174 4 38 2 92 25 75 50 75 2 25 I 50 125 3 51 2 34 175 4 39 2 93 26 78 52 76 2 28 1 52 126 3 54 2 36 176 4 40 2 94 27 81 54 77 2 31 I 54 127 3 56 2 38 177 4 41 2 94 28 84 56 78 2 34 1 56 128 3 58 2 39 178 4 43 2«5 29 87 58 79 2 37 t 58 129 3 6') 2 40 179 4 44 2 96 SO 90 60 80 2 40 1 60 130 3 62 2 42 180 4 45 2 97 31 93 62 81 2 43 1 62 131 3 64 2 43 181 4 46 2 98 . 32 96 64 82 2 46 1 64 132 3 66 2 44 182 4 47 2 98 33 99 66 83 2 49 1 06 133 3 68 2 45 183 4 49 3 00 34 1 02 68 84 2 52 1 68 134 3 70 2 47 184 4 51 3 01 35 1 05 70 85 2 55 1 70 135 3 72 2 48 185 4 52 3 02 36 1 08 72 89 2 58 1 72 136 3 74 2 ro 186 4 53 3 02 37. 1 II 74 87 2 61 1 74 137 3 76 2 51 187 4 54 3 03 38 1 14 76 88 2 64 1 7(j 138 3 78 2 52 188 4 55 3 03 39 t 17 78 89 2 67 1 78 13!) 3 80 2 53 189 4 56 3 04 40 1 20 80 90 2 70 1 80 140 3 82 2 55 190 4 58 3 05 41 i 23 K2 91 2 73 1 82 141 3 8i 2 56 101 4 60 3 07 42 1 26 84 92 2 76 1 84 142 3 86 2 57 192 4 02 3 08 43 1 29 86 9) 2 79 i H 143 3 88 2 59 193 4 64 3 09 44 » 32 88 94 2 82 1 88 144 3 90 2 60 191 4 66 3 11 45 1 35 90 95 2 85 1 9t) 145 3 92 2 61 195 4 68 3 12 46 1 38 92 96 2 88 1 92 140 3 94 2 63 196 4 70 3 13 47 1 41 94 97 2 91 1 9\ 147 3 96 2 64 '97 4 72 3 15 48 1 44 96 08 2 !)4 1 96 I'i8 3 98 2 66 198 4 74 3 16 4^ 1 47 9« !I9 2 97 1 !)R 140 4 00 2 67 199 4 76 ?. 18 50 1 50 1 00 100 3 00 2 00 150 4 02 2 68 200 4 78 3 y) ASSEN- Class. St. V Second, 04 2 69 06 2 71 07 2 72 09 2 73 11 2 74 12 2 75 14 2 76 15 2 77 17 2 78 18 20 21 22 2J 24 15 27 28 30 32 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 49 51 52 79 80 8t 82 82. 83 84 2 85 86 87 88 90 91 2 92 92 93 94 94 «5 96 97 98 2 98 3 00 3 01 3 02 3 02 3 03 3 03 3 04 3 05 3 07 3 03 3 09 3 II 3 12 3 13 3 15 3 16 3 18 3 \fi ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 373 Railways GER TARIFF. Miles. 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 .215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 22i lib 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 2.1S 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 • 250 Class. First. Second, 80 82 84 86 88 90 91 92 93 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 11 12 13 15 17 5 19 5 21 5 23 5 25 5 27 5 28 5 29 5 30 5 31 5-33 5 35 5 37 5 30 5 41 5 43 5 45 5 46 5 47- 5 48 5 49 5 51 5 53 5 55 5 57 5 59 5 Gt 5 02 20 21 23 24 25 27 27 28 29 30 31 3 32 3 46 3 47 3 49 3 50 3 52 3 52 3 53 3 53 3 54 3 55 3 57 3 5S S 60 3 61 3 62 3 63 3 64 3 65 3 65 3 66 3 67 3 60 3 70 3 72 3 73 3 74 3 75 Miles. 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 2.->8 259 260 261 262 261 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 '.'92 293 29 i 295 296 207 298 29.) 3U0 Class. First. Second, 63 64 65 (i6 68 '70 72 74 76 78 80 5 81 5 92 5 98 5 99 6 00 6 02 6 04 6 06 6 08 6 10 6 12 6 14 6 16 6 IS 6 20 6 22 6 23 6 24 6 ^5 6 20 6 27 6 29 6 31 6 33 35 6 37 39 41 43 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 84 85 87 87 88 80 90 91 92 93 95 96 97 97 Miles. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 98 3 99 4 00 4 00 4 01 4 02 4 04 4 05 4 07 4 08 4 00 4 11 4 12 4 13 4 15 4 15 4 16 4 17 4 17 4 18 4 10 4 20 4 22 4 23 4 25 4 26 4 27 4 29 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 3U8 309 310 311 312 313 314 3(5 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 312 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 34H 34!) 350 Cla8». First. Second 6 45» 6 47' 6 48 6 49 6 50 fr 51 6 52 8 54 6 56 6 58' 6 60 6 62 6 64, 6 ^6 6 68 6 70 6 72 6 73 6 74 6 75 6 77 6 78 6 79 6 81 6 8.1 6 84 6 86 6 88 6 90 6 92 6 94 6 96 98 7 00 7' 01 7 02 7 03 7 04 7 06 7 08 7 10 7 12 7 14 7 16 7 18 7 20 7 22 7 24 7 20 7 28 30 31 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 39 40 41 43 44 45 47 48 49 49 50 bl 52 53 4 54 4 55 4 56 4 57 4 59 4 60 4 61 4 63 4 64 4 65 4 66 4 67 4 68 4 60 4 70 4 71 4 72 4 73 4 75 4 76 4 77 4 79 4 80 4 81 4 83 4 84 3 85 Miles. 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 368 367 368 ' 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 304 ' 395 300 397 308 300 400 Class. First. 30 31 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 55 56 59 60 61 63 65 67 68 Secona. 7 69 7 70 7 71 7 72 7 73 7 74 7 75 7 76 7 78 7 79 7 80 7 82 7 83 7 85 7 87 7 89 7 90 7 91 7 92 7 03 7 94 7 95 7 90 7 97 7 98 7 90 8 00 87 87 88 89 91 92 93 95 96 97 99 00 01 03 04 04 08 07 08 09 10 11 12 5 13 5 13 5 14 5 15 5 15 5 16 5 17 5 18 5 19 5 20 5 20 5 21 5 22 5 23 5 24 5 26 5 27 5 27 5 28 5 20 5 30 5 3D 5 31 5 32 5 32 5 33 5 34 Si 374 OflDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. i INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY.— WINDSOR BRANCH. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. Monday, 23rd day of February, 1874. Present : j HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Public Works, and under the provisions of the 58 Section of the Act 3t Victoria, chap. 12, inti- tuled : " An Act respecting Public Works of Canada." , His Excellency has been pleased to Order and it is hereby Ordered that the following Tariff of rates for the carriage of passengers and freight over the Wind- sor Branch of the Intercolonial Railway, and the Rules and Regulations there- unto appended be and the same are hereby adopted. W. A. HIMSWORTH, Clerk Privy Council. [NTERCOLO L RAILWAY NIA — . « PASSENGER TARIFF BETWEEN HALIFAX AND WINDSOR. » Glass. Class. Class. Class. Class. 1 10 i 19 J 1 1st. 2nd. Ibt. 2nd. 1st. 2nd. Ist. 2nd. let. 2nd. 3 2 30 20 57 38 28 84 56 37 Ill 74 2 6 4 11 33 22 20 60 40 29 87 58 38 114 76 3 9 6 12 36 24 21 63 42 30 90 60 30 115 78 4 12 8 13 39 26 22 66 44 31 93 62 40 120 80 5 15 to 14 42 28 23 69 46 32 96 64 41 123 82 6 IH 12 15 45 30 24 72 48 33 100 fore . entering the cars, otherwise they must pay to the Conductor an additionnal charge of twelve cents. • ■ 2.— They should provide themselves with tickets at least flvA minutes before' " the advertised lime for departure of the train. 3. — Children not exp^eding four years of age, under the care of their parents or friends, will be taken free ; those over that age, and under twelve, will pay half fare. 4. — Family tickets will be sold at Tickets Stations, ^a reduced rate from first class fares, upon the express condition that the purchaser shall not sell or transfer them, or allow them to be used, except by himself, or his wife and children resid- ing with him. Season Tickets will also be issued, allowing persons whose names have been inserted on them to ride between the Stations to be indicated, on any regular passenger train. If any such Family or Season Ticket should be present- ed or used by any person or persons other than those mentioned, the Conductor shall take up the ticket and collect the fare — the tiket to be forfeited, and lh& owner to be refused any further supply. S. — Express Proprietors, Dealers, Agents, and Messengers holding Season Tickets, shall not carry with them baggage or parcels for the purposes of their business, unless the freight for the same be prepaid at double 1st class freight rates. In case of violation of this rule the Ticket shall be forfeited. 6. — Excursion Return Tickets at a single first class fare, will Le issued at Ticket offices, to parties of five or more, going and returning together by any pass- enger train, to and from any given station, within three days — it being distinctly understood that unless these conditions are complied with, the Tickets ^vill be void and of no effect. 7. — Persons drunk, and unabie to take care of themselves, shall not te furn- ished with tickets, or be allowed to enter the cars or Station premises, and if found on the cars or Station premises, may be removed. 8. — Passengers are required to produce and deliver up their Railway tickets to the Conductor, or other person in charge of the train, whenever requested to do so by such officer. Should they refuse to do this and to pay the proper fare^ they may be removed from the train at or near a Station. 9. — Passengers are required to conduct themselves with propriety and to obey the reasonnable requests of the Station Master, Conductor or other officer in char- ge, with a view to promote the general comfort and convenience, and to maintain ^rder and dtcorum. 376 ORDERS IN COUNCIL nailways. 10. — Passengers are not entitled to occupy more than one silting in a passen- ger car for each ticket. 1 1. — Persons are not allowed to get into, or upon, or to quit a car, while the train is in motion. 12. — Passengers before they can have their baggage checked must show, their tickets to the Station Baggage Master. To avoid mistakes, they must attend gp^- sonnally to the checking and marking of their baggage. 13. — Passengers fcan onlyliave.their baggage checked to the Stations lo which they hold tickets. - -' "' 14. — Passengers are allowed 100 lbs. of baggags ; any quantity exceeding that -weight must be charged double 1st class freight rate, which must be prepaid. 15.-r-Baggage shall not be underatood to include money, merchandise, or any ^Articles other than those for personal use. i ilUy/ i/,; 16.— The Railway will not be responsible for any baggage, or article, liot pro- perly given in charge to an officer authorised lo receive the same. The Railway shall not be accountable for the basgaee of any Passenger beyond the. v^lije of Hfty dollars. _ r , „ , .,, 17.— Passengers, on arrival at their destination, jnust prq^pce their duplicate ■check before their baggage can be delivered to them. , \ "; .' ^,,. , „;.p I a passen- >. while the ,' :^iui-)(k; ■ ihow; their it tend gpjr- 5 lo which eding that epaid. , . ise, or any ■ .■ ■ if ■ e,Ti6t'pro- ) Railway e value bf duplicate fc >;•■:( '-iT (1 ; it! or- ■iM CO Pi Cm t-H o El] P3 ORDERS IN COUNCIU Railways. p> » SJ ■jrasK I9qt^n^ 5 5 r 33 jgjjnoj jpjjgi •pnoogg ■a«s> •H-Mnoj •PJPIX •ppooas 10 jed 'jrao ji l^q1^n^ •iQjnoj •1"WJ •pnooaf _35B ^ aT id ■o go so 3 a •a ■JBO J< -3 3r s a T § 'S g -T s s sr ■5 — T *J«0 Jl i^ •Qtjno.j TMiqj •pnoo9S •qijno.ii PJ^l •piioo». i leqtun'T •qtjnoj •pj'qx •pil009H •MJI « 5 a 3 3 3' a S. 2 g a 9 S iS S 9 •i ^ ^ a t3 ^ ^ i 0) •pnooaj.' 377 i 378 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railways. 1 '«rf ^ V O aJ 5 5 . J ^T3 « i: ^ -BoSBixra,') JO ^acns 8PI8*P . -niouio»v>ii •!i ^ i I 10 (. j3 " cs ■* a - •« -a 21 to B C 3 — c« eo CO OS &4 •tq8iajj a a 1- (, if) 00 OT4 94 e CO so »" o o a) o b 00 t 3 ■§ =S en ol a. ^ £ 5 a s -9 -9 ^ 2 g »■ &/ M^ M o •«)< CO e< in ^ o> !S eo n c^ «r •• n a •v^ ^ a o X3 u o <0 .3 a o S o H U I 'S JS B s a it to c "3 S TS fe il «« *J ^ CO III cc <] & bo a '■B CO g. .s ^ o d .s 4-* CO ei 42 <2 en 60 3 o ,; :/.: ■ - • ' ■ f'.: : And the Most Noble the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, one of Her Ma- jesty's Principal Secretaries of State, is to give the necessary directions herein accordingly. .-i.ii /i..uo- EDMUND HARRISON, '.:n At the Court'at Windsor, the 19th day of June 1868. r . . Paesekt : ' "i*'.> <; THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. The Lord President, Lord Steward, Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, Sir. Disraeli. Counc pectini the apj carry if of the I Queen| foUo^ WHEREAS, by an Act of Parliament, passed in the session of Parliament, held in the 6th and 7th fears of Her Majesty's Reign, intituled I " An Act for " giving effect to a Treaty between Her Majesty and the United States of America " for the apprehension of certain offenders, " it was, by the 5lh section, enacted that if, by any Law or Ordinance made by the Local Legislature of any British ' Colony or Possession abroad, provision should be made for carrying into complete effect, within such Colony or Possession, the objects of the said recited Act, by the substitution of some other enactment in lieu thereof, then it should be competent to Her Majesty, with the advice of Her Privy Council lif to Her Majesty in Council it should seem meet, but not otherwise) tb suspend the operation, within any such Colony or Possession, of the said recited Act, so long as said substituted enactment should continue in force there and no longer. And whereas by an Act passed by the Senate ^nd House of Commons of Canada, in the 31 st year of the Reign of Her present Majesty and assented to by Her Majesty by an Order in Council r General of iloinmons of ler Majesty it of certain nd whereas in Council) sty :— Now, rcise of the ?sent order, ssent to the jf Her Ma- ons herein IISON, e 1868. Disraeli. arliament, ^.n Act for America enacted ly British ) complete ct, by the 'ompetent n Council ithin any ibstituted by an Act ar of the Order in Council ORDERS IN CODNCIL. 38f Treaties. Council of even date with (and made before) this order, intituled : " An Act res- pecting the Treaty bet'veen Her Majesty and the United States of America, for the apprehension and surrender of cerlain oETenders " provision was made for carrying into complete efiect, within the whole Dominion of Canada, the objects of the said Act of Parliament: — It is therefore ordered and declared by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, as follows: -;,:j/M.:.;liii.iJiii>iD; (jii. 1. The operation, within Canada, of the said Act of Par'tiament, shall be and continue suspended so long as the said Act pas.'^ed bfy the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, and assented to by Her Majesty as aforesaid, shall be and continue in force there, and no longer. 2: Our Governor General of Canada shall (^ause this Order to be publicly notified and promulgated in Canada, so soon as conveniently may be after his receipt thereof, and the same shall take effect and come into operation upon and from the day of such public notification aiid promulgation thereof as aforesaid, so as not to invalidate any Act lawfully done in Canada before the datp of such public notification and promulgation. And the Most Noble the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, i^ to give the necessary directions, Jiereiik accordingly. ' .imb^^v- lU i.-aiLiyiiJ 10 u'.i ;.,/•/ LioJ. EDMUND HARRISON^ v.n rrf'/ 0:'i' !■ EXTRADITION. Order in Council, dated June 25, 1872, for carrying into effect a Treaty between: . Her Majesty and the Endperor of Germany for the Mutual Surrender of Cri- : •< minals, signed at London, May 14, 1872. - [.'lOoil!', ■'■;•■ ^ ■ ' ' ' . ' ■^ ■ " At the Courfcat Windsor, the 25th day'df JilTie,'1872.^ ' "' i7/f'! Present : P.Hi^Wc. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS by an Act of Prrliameht made and passed in the Session of Par- liament holden in the thirty-third and thirty fourth years of the reign of her pre- sent Majesty, intituled " An Act for Amending the Law relating to the Exiradition of Criminals, " it was amongst other things enacted, that where an arrangement ha» 383 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Treaties. has been made with any foreign State with respect to the snrrender to such State of any fugitive criminals, Her Majesty may, by Order in Council, direct tfatet the said Act shall apply in the caM of such foreign State ; and that Her Majesty may, by the same or any subsequent Order, limit the operation of the Order, and restrict the same to fugitive criminals who are in or suspected of being in the part of Her Jlajesty^s dominions specified in th9 Order, and render the operation thereof sub- ject to such conditions, exceptions, and qualifications as may be deemed expedient : And whereas a Treaty was concluded on the fourteenth day of May last bet- ween Her Majesty and the Emperor of Germany, for the Mutual Extradition of fugitive Criminals, which Treaty is in the tei-ms following : — .j.ii, ^iu.mni^- HER Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain aMIreUmI, and His Majesty the Emperor of Germany, having judged it expedient, with ariew to the better Administration of justice and to the prevention of crime within the two countries and their jurisdictions, that persons charged with or convicted of the crimes hereinafter enumerated, and being fugitives from justice, should, un- der cdrlain circumstances, be reciprocally delivered up ; their said Majesties have nam d as their Plenipotentiaries to conclude a Trpaty for this purpose, that is to say : ' ' '''Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, tire Right Honourable Granville George Earl Granville, Lord Leveson, a Peer of the United Kingdom, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, a Member of Her Majesty's Privy Council, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports and Constable of Dover Castle, Chancellor of the University of London, Her Majesty's Principal Se- cretary of State for Foreign Affairs : And His Majesty the Emperor of Germany, His Minister of State and Cham- berlain, Albert Count of BernstorffStintenburg, Knight of the exalted Order of thd Black Eagle, Grand Cross of the Order of the Red Eagle with oak leaves, Grapd CommLander of the Order of the Imperial and Royal House of Hohdiizol- lern in diamonds^ and Knight of the Order of the Crown With the Red Gross ; Grand Cross of the Order of Civil Merit of the Crown of Bavaria, and of the Order of the Ernestine branch of the House of Saxony, Knight of the Order of the Gol- den Lion of the House of Nassau, &c., &c., &c. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of His Imperial and Royal Majesty to Her Britannic Majesty ; Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form^ have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles : — « , Article L . , , ,,,: / ■^i •; ;/ . t jThe High Contracting Parties engage t6 delivetf \x^ to' each othet* those pei** sons who, being accused or coc^icted of a crim^ committed in ih(i territory of the one Party, shall be found within the territory of the other Party, under the cir- cunistances and conditions stated in the present Tre£.ty. Thl \u M (2) M (3.) C< te (4.) fJ fe C( (5.) (6.) <7.) (8.) ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 383 Treaties. ) such State ect tbat the ajesly may, and feslrict part of Her hererif sub- expedient : ay last bel- iradition of nd Irelarid, nth a view within the jnvicted of hould, un- 3sties have that is to d Ireland, a Peer of fember of nstable of ncipal Se- id Cham- Order of ik leaves, lohenzol- Cross J he Order the Gol- lary and sty; powers, >Howing ose per- y of ihe ihe cir"' AJRTICI.E II. The erimas for which the extradition is to be granted ave the following :— {\.) Murder, or attempt to murder. (2 ) Manslaughter. (3.) Counterfeiting or altering money, uttering or bringing inter circulation con- terfeit or altered money. (4.) Forgery or conterfeiting, or altering or uttering what is forged or conter- feited or altered ; comprehending the crimes designated in the German Penal Code as counterfeiting or falsification of paper- money, bank notes, or other securities, forgery or falsification of other public or private docuinents, like- wise the uttering or bringing into circulation, or wilfully using such couni-^ erfeited, forged, or falsified papers. (5.) Embezzlement or larceny. (6.) Obtaining money or goods by false pretences. 47.) Crimes by bankrupts against bankruptey law ; comprehending the crime* designated in the German Penal Code as bankruptcy liable to prosecution.- ;, (8.) Fraud by a bailee, banker, agent, factor, trustee, or director, or member or, public officer of any company, miade criminal by any law, for the time beiu^ in force. (9.) Rape. ■'•'. ' (10.) Abduction. (It;) Child stealing. (12.) Burglary or housebreaking. (13.) Arson. (14.) Robbery with violence. (15.) Threats by letter, or otherwise, With intfiht to extort. (16.) Sinking or destroying a vessel at sea, or attempting to do so. 17.) Assaults on board a ^ip on the high 8>eas, with intent to destroy, life, or to do grievous bodily harm. {\9.) Revolt, or conspiracy to revolt, by two or more persons on board it 8hi|(.,on, the high seas, against the authority of the master. ' ' ' ' " I K 1o 'Hit! yi bifhUi ■iJii^ul A I'll:-! The extradition is also to take place for participation in any of the aforesaid crimes, provided such participation be punishable by the laws of both the Con- tracting PartieSt'iill &fU %: ifiia'od Ihui^s norJififtil/e noi noifri'ifip',. No German gh^U be delivered up by any of the Governments of the Empire to the Government of the United Kingdom ; and no subject of the United KingV, dom shall be delivered up by the Government thereof to any German Govern-^ ment. ♦ . i 384 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Treaties. Article IV. The extradition sha'l not take place if the person claimed on the part of the Government of tho United Kingdom, or the person claimed on the part of any of the Governments of the German Empire, has already been tried and discharged or punished, or is still under trial, in one of the States of the German Empire, or ■in the United Kingdom, respectively, for the crime for which his extradition is demanded. If the person claimed on the part oi the Government of the United Kingdom or if the person claimed on tha part of any of the Governments of the German Empire, should be under examination for any other crime in one of the States of the German Empire, or in the United Kingdom, respectively, his extradition shall be deferred until the conclusion of the trial, and the fall execution of any punish- ment awarded to him. Article V. The extradition shall not take place if, subsequently to the commission of the crime, or the institution of the penal prosecution, or the conviction thereon exemption from pros'-cution or punishment has been acquired by lapse of time,, according to the laws of the State applied to. ' ' ' Article VI. A fugitive criminal shall not be surrendered if the offence in respect of which his surrender is demanded is one of a political character, or if he prove that the requisition for his surrender has in fact been made with a view to try or punish him for an offence of a political character. Article VII. A person surrendered can In no case be kept in prison, or be brought to trial in the State to which the surrender has been made, for any other crime or on account of any other matters than those for which the extradition shall have taken place. This stipiiiition doei not apply to crimes commiltad after the extradition. T ' Y .. .... , Article VIII. , , The requisition for extradition shall be made through the Diplomatic Agents of the High Canti-acting Parties, respectively. f ' The requisition for the extradition of an accused person must be accompanied by a warrant of arrest issued by the competent authority of the State requiring the extradition, and by such evidence as, according to the laws of the place where the accused is found, would justify his arrest if the crime had been committed there. by tl comj tumc Xloni of tl II ORDERS IN COUNaL. 385 Treaties. i part of the irt of any of discharged I Empire, or X tradition is d Kingdom the German he States of dition shall any punish- ssion of the >n thereon pse of time, t of which ve that the or punish ht to trial Ime or on ihall have lition. ic Agents jmpaiiied equiring ce where tmmitted If the requisition relates to a person already convicted, it must be accompanied by the sentence of condemnation passed against the convicted person by the competeilt Court of the State that m^kes the requisition for extradition. A requisition for extradition cannot be founded on sentences passed in con- tumaeiam. Article IX. If the requisition for extradition be in accordance with the foregoing stipula- tions, the competent authorities of the State applied to shall proceed to the arrest of the fugitive. The prisoner is then to be bi^onght before a competent Magistrate, who is to examine him and to conduct the preliminaiy investigation of the case, |u8t as if the apprehension had taken place for a crime oommittfed in the same country. Article X. The extradition shall not take place before the expiration of fifteen days from the apprehension, and then only if the evidepce be found sufficient, according to the laws of the State applied to, either to justify the committal of the prison3r for trial, in case that crime had been committed in the territory of the said State, or to prove that the prisoner is the identical person convicted by the Courts of the State which makes the requisition. Article XI. In the examinations which khey have to make in accordanoe with the foregoing stipulations, the authorities of the State applied to shall admit a» entirely valid evidence the sworn depositions or statements of witnesses taken in the other State, or copies thereof, and likewise the warrants and sentences issued therein, provided such documents are signed or certified by a Judge, Magistrate, or Ofiicer of such State, and are authenticated by the oath of some witness, or by being sealed with the official seal of the Minister of Justice, or some other Minister of State. Article XII. If sufficient evidence for the extradition be not produced within two months from the date of the apprehension of the fugitive, he shall be set at liberty. Article XIII. All articles seized, which wert; in the possession of the person to be surren* dered at the time of his apprehension, shall, if the competent authority of the State applied to for the extradition has ordered the delivery thereof, be given up when the extradition takes place ; and the said delivery ehall extend not merely t) the stolen articles, but to everything that may serve as proof of the crime. 35 All Mi !.' -386 ORDERS IN COUNaL. V; l,i '! (i ;;^f Treaties. Article XIV. The High Contracting Parties renounce any claim for the reimbursement of the expenses incurred by them in the arrest and maintenance of the person to be surrendered, and his cohveyance till placed on baard ship ; they reciprocally agree to bear such expenses themselves. Article XV. The stipulations of the present Treaty shall be applicable to the Colonies and foreigh possessions of Her Britannic Majesty. The requisition for the surrender of a fug^t've criminal who has taken refuge in any of such Colonies or foreign possessionb siiall be made to the Governor or Chief Authority of such Colony or possession by the Chief Consular Officer of the German Empire in such Colony cv possession. Such requisitions may be disposed of subject always, as nearly as may be, to the provisions of this Treaty, by the said Governor or Chief Authority, who, how- ever, shall be at liberty either to grant the surrender, or to reur the matter to his Government. Her Britannic Majesty shall, however, be at liberty to make special arrange ments in the British Colonies and foreign possessions for the surrender of German criminals, who may take refuge within such Colonies and foreign possessions, on the basis, as nearly as may be, of the provisions of the present Treaty. pAix The requisition for the surrender of a fugitive criminal from any Colony or ; foreign possessions of Her Britannic Majesty shall be governed by the rules laid down in the preceding Articles of the present Treaty. '.tinlHi5i«|«,?iaf.n Article XVI. f! "i The present Treaty shall come into force ten days after its publication in con- '^ormity with the forms prescribed by the laws of the High Contracting Parties. It may be terminated by either of the High Conlraciing Parties, but shall remain in force for six months after notice has been given for its termination. *''-" l^e Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Lon- don in four weeks, or sooner if possible. l« 'Jill I<> HU\h yilJ In witness whereof Lhe respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seal of their arms. Done at London, the fourteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord Cne thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. i,..i*u. w... ..m.,, (L.8.) GRANVILLF, .ftinbj Mil s*< , , (L.S.) BERNSTORFF. on tl and ordeil thoui 4he SI ibursement of e person to be f reciprocally Colonies and I taken refuge e Governor or Officer of the as may be, to y, who, how- matter to his epial arrange er of German Dssessions, on Y- ny Colony or he rules laid ■ir''i'!Uij' ■■•iMo 0(0 ation in con- g Parties. It ill remain in nged at Lon- 1 the same, IV Lord Cno VI LLP, 3T0RFF. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 387 Treaties. And whereas the ratifications of the said Treaty were exchanged at London on the eleventh day of June instant : Now, therefore. Her Majesty, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, and in virtue of the authority committed to Her by the said recited Act, doth order, and it is hereby ordered, that from and aftef the eighth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, the said Act shall apply in the case of the said Treaty with the Emperor of Germany. ARTHUR HELPS. EXTRADITION. Order in Council, dated October 15, 1872, for carrying into effect a Treaty bet- ween Her Majesty and the King of the Belgians, for the Mutual Surrender of Criminals, signed at Brussels, July 31, 1872, At the Court at Balmoral, the 15th day of October, 1872. Prbsbnt: The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. WHEREAS by an Act of Parliament made and passed in the Session of Par- liament holden in the thirty- third and thirty- fourth years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, intituled : " An Act for Amending the Law relating to the Extradition of Criminals," it was amongst other things enacted, that where an arrangement has been made with any foreign State with respect to the Surrender to such State of any, fugitive criminals, Her Majesty may, by Order in Council, direct that the said Act shall apply in the case of such foreign State ; and that Her Majesty may, by the same or any subsequent Order, limit the operation of the Order, and restrict the same to fugitive criminals who are in or suspected of being in the part 6f Her Majesty's dominions specified in the Order,and render the operation thereof subject to such conditions", exceptions, and qualifications as may be deemed expedient : And whereas a Treaty was conclmled on the thirty-first day of July last bet- ween Her Majesty and the King of the Dei'jians, for the Mutual Extradition of Fugitive Criminals, which Treaty is in the turms following : — HER Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the King of the Belgian?, having judged it expedient, with a view to the more complete prevention of crime within their respective territories, that persons charged with or convicted of the crimes hereinafter enumerated, and being fugitives from the justice of their country, should, under certain circum- stances, bj reciprocally delivered up; Their said Majesties have named as their Plenipotunliarios to conclude a Treaty for this purpose, that is to say : I'll! |!' M 388 ORDERS IN COUNCIL Treaties. Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, John Savile Lumley, Esquire, Her Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleilipoten tiary to His Majesty the King of the Belgians ; And His Majesty the King of the Belgians, the Count d'Asprembnt Lynden, , Officer of. His Order of Leopold, Coranaander of the Order pf the Ernestine Branch of the House of Saxony, Grand Cross of the Orders of Charles IH, of the Medjidie, and of the Saviour, Member of the Senate, His Minister of Foreign Af- fairs ; Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles : — Article I. It is agreed that Her Britannic Mnjesty and His Majesty the King of the Bel- gic^ns, ^hall, on requisition made in their name by their respective Diplomatic Agents, deliver up to each other reciprocolly, any persons, except as regards Great Britain, native born and naturalized subjects of Her Britannic Majesty, and except as regards Belgium, those who are by birth or who may have become citizens of Belgium, who, being accused or convicted as principals or accessories before the fact, of any of the crimes hereinafter specified, committed within the territo- ' ries of the other Party, shall be found within the territories of the other Pdrty : j,, 1. Murder (including assassination, oarricide, infanticide, and poisoning), or attempt to murder. 2. afanslaughter. ; 3. Gpunteffeitiug pr altering money, or uttering counterfeit or altered money. ,,, , 4. Forgery, counterfeiting, or altering or uttering what is forged or counter- feited or altered. 5. ^n^bczzlement or larceny. 6. Obtaii^ing money or goods by false pretences. 7. Crimes by bankrupt against bankrupcy law. 8. Fraud by a bailee, banker, agent, factor, trustee, or director, or member or public ofilcer of any company, made criminal by any law for the time being in force. 9. Rape. , 10. Abduction. '. II. Child stealing. 12. Burglary or housebreaking. 13. Ar^pn. 14. Robbery with violence (including intimidation). 15. Threats by letter or otherwise with intent to extort. 16. Piracy by law of nations. 17. Sinking or destroying a vespel at sea, or attempting or conspiring to do so. fHIR ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 389 Treaties. 1 and Ireland, IT Pleiiipoten mont Lynden, he Ernestine les in, of the t Foreign Af- B full powers, !8 : — ig of the Bel- e Diplomatic regards Great ty, and except some citizens sories before n the territo- other Party : )oi80ning), or tered money. 1 or counter- •r member or ime being in u . 18. Assaults on board a ship on the high seas with intent to destroy life or to do grievous bodily harm. 19. Revolt or conspiracy to revolt by two or more persons on board a ship on the high seas against the authority of the master. Provided that the surrender shall be ma^e only when, in the case of a person accused, the commission of the crime shall be so established as that the laws of the country where the fugitive or person accused shall be found would justify his apprehension and commitment for trial if the crime had been there committed ; and, in the case of a person alleged to have been convicted, on such evidence as, according to the laws of the country where he is found, would prove that he had^^ been convicted. In no case can the surrender be made unless the crime shall be punishable according to the laws in force in both countries with regard to extradition. ■ ' ■ i .f h-11'!.. . , , , Article II. In the dominions of Her Britannic Majesty, other than the Colonies or Foreign Possessions of Her Majesty, the manner of proceeding shall be as follows :— I. In the case of a person accused — The requisition for the surrender shall be made to Her Britannic Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Aflairs by the Minister or other Diplo- matic Agent of His Majesty the King of the Belgians, accompanied by a warrant of arrest or other equivalent judicial document, issued by a Judge or Magistrate ' duly authorized to take cognizance of the acts charged against the accused fh Belgium, together with duly authenticated depositions or statemepts taken on oath before such Judge or Magistrate, clearly setting forth the said acts, and containing A description of the person claimed, and any particulars which may serve to iden- tify him. The said Secretary of State shall transmit such documents to Her Bri- tannic Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, who shall then, by order under his hand and seal, signify to some Police Magistrate in London that such requisition has been made, and require him, if tliei'd be due cause, to issue his warrant for the apprehension of the fugitive. On the receipt of such order from the Secretary of State, and on the produc- tion of such evidence aa would, in ihe opinion of the Magistrate, justify the issue of the warrant if the crime had been committed in the United Kingdom, he shall issue his warrant accordingly. When the fugitive shall have been apprehended, he shall be brought before the Police Magistrate who issued the warrant, or some other Police Magistrate in London. If the evidence to be then produced shall be such as to justify, accord- ing to the law of England, the committal for trial of the prisoner, if the crime of ■ing to do so. 390 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Treaties. of which he is accused had been committed iu England, the Police Magistrate shall commit him to prison to await the warrant of the Secretary of State for his surrender ; sending immediately to the Secretary of State a certificate of the com- mittal and a report upon the case. After the expiration of a period from the committal of the prisoner, which shall never be less than fifteen days, the Secretary of Slate shall, by order under his hand and seal, order the fugitive criminal to be surrended to such person as may be duly authorized to receive him on the part of the Governmenf of His Majesty the King of the Belgians, II. In the case of a person convicted — The course of proceeding shall be the same as in the case of a person accused, except that the warrant to be transmitted by the Minister or other Diplomatic Agent in support of his requisition shall clearly set forth the crime of which the person claimed has been convicted, and state the fact, place, and date of his conviction. The evidence to be produced before the Police Magistrate shall be such as would, according to the law of England, prove that the prisoner was convicted of the crime charged. After the Police Magistrate shall have committed the accused or convicted person to prison to await the order of a Secretary of State for his surrender, such person shall have the right to apply for a writ of habeas corpus ; if he should so apply, his surrender must be deferred until after the decision of the Court upon the return to the writ, and even then can only take place if the decision is adverse, to the applicant. In the latter case the Court may at once order his delivery to the person authorized to receive him, without the order of a Secretary of State for his surrender, or commit him to prison to await such order. Article III. In the dominions of His Majesty the King of the Belgians, other than the Ce- lonies or Foreign Possessions of His said Majesty, the manner of proceeding shall be as follows : — I. In the case of a person accused — The requisitson for the surrender shall be made to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of His Majesty tlie King of the Belgians by the Minister or other Diploma- tic Agent of Her Britannic Majesty, accompanied by a warrant of arrest issued by a Judge or jMagislrate duly authorized to take cognizanco of the acts charged against the accused in Great Britain, together with duly authenticated depositions or statements taken on oath before such Judge or Magistrate, clearly setting forth the said acts, and containing a description of the person claimed, and any other particulars which may serve to identify him. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. m Treaties. I Magistrate Itate for his of the com- ner, which »rder under h person as nenf of His delivered up, provided their complicity be punishable by the laws of both the Contracting Parties. Articls ni. The Italian Government shall not deliver tip any Italian to the United' Kingdom ; and no subject of the United Kingdom shall l)e delivered up by it to» the Italian Government. Article IV. ' In any case where an individual convicted or accused shall have obtained' naturalization in either of the two Contracting States after the commission of the crime, such naturalization shalbnot prevent the search for, arrest, and delivery of the individual. The extradition may, however, be refused if five years have elapsed from the concession of naturalization, and the individual has been domi- cile!, from the concession thereof, in the State to which the application is made. Article V. No accused or convicted person shall be given up if the offence for which he is claimed is political ; or if he proves that the demand for his surrendei^ has be'en made with the intention of trying and punishing him for a political 6ffence. II' H ' I )' i'l; 398 ORDERS IN COUNCIL Treaties, Article VI. The extradition shall not be granted if, since the commission of the crime, the commencement of proceedings, or the conviction, such a length of time has elapsed as to bar the penal prosecution or the punishment, according to the laws of the State to which application is made. Articls VII. The accused or convicted person who has been given up shall not, until he has been liberated, or had an opportunity of returning to the country in which he was living, be imprisoned or subjected to trial in the State to which he has been given up, for any crime or on any charge other than that on account of which 4,he extradition took place. This does not apply to offences committed after the extradition. !f,> Abti>jle VIII. If the individual claimed is under prosecution or in custody for a crime com- mitted in the country where he has taken refuge, his surrender may be deferred until the law has taken its course. In case he should be proceeded against or detained in such country on ac- count cf obligations contracted with private individuals, or any other civil claim, his surreniier shall nevertheless take place, the injured party retaining his right to prosecute his claims against him before the competent authority. Article IX. .-i-ni-irrv ^ The requisitions for extradition shall be made, respectively, by means of the Diplomatic Agents of the High Contracting Parties. rji u ^ The demand for the extradition of an accused person must be accompanied by a warrant of arrest issued by the competent authority of the State applying for the extradition, and by such proof as, according to the law of the place where the fugitive is found, would justifly liis arrest if the crime had been committed there. " , "* ,]f the requisition relates to a person convicted, it must be accompanied by tlie sentence of condemnation of the competent Court of the State applying for the extradition. The demand for extradition must not be founded upon a sentonco in contu- matia. r ... , ■ Article X. „.i If the demand for extradition 1)3. made according to the foregoing stipulations the competent aulhoriiii s of the State, to whicli the requisition is made, shall oroceed to arrest the fugitive. exai manii <;oun| m'- the crime, }f time has to the laws ot, until he n which he le has been It of which crime com- be deferred ntry on ac- civil claim, g his right Bans of the companied e applying ace where committed lied by the ng for the e in contu- ipulations ide, shall ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 399 Treaties. The prisoner shall be takep before the competent Magistrate, who shall examine him, and make the preliminary investigations of the affair, in the same manner as if the arrest had taken place for a crime committed in the same country. Article XL In the examinations to be made in conformity with the preceding stijiulations, Ihe authorities of the State to which the demand is addressed shall admit, as entirely valid evidence, the documents and depositions taken on oath in the other State, or copies of them, and likewise the warrants and sentences issued there ; provided that such documents are signed or certified by a Judge, Magistrate, or Officer of such State, and are authenticated by the oath of some witness, or stamped with the official seal of the Department of Justice or some other Depart- ment of Justice or some other Department of State. Article XIL • If, within two months from the arrest of the accused, sufficient evidence be not produced for his extradition, he shall be liberated. V Article XIII. The extradition shall not take place until the expiration of fifteen days after the arrest, and then only if the evidence has been found sufficient, according to the laws of the State to which the demand is addressed, to justify the committal of the prisoner for trial in case the crime has been committed in the territory of that State ; or to show that the prisoner is the identical person condemned by Ihe Tribunals of the Stale which domands him. Article XIV. If the prisoner be not given up and taken away wiihin two raonlhs from his apprehension or from the decision of the Court upon the demand for a writ of habeas corpus in the United Kingdom, he shall bo set at liberty, unless sufficient cause be shown for the delay. Article XV. ! If the individual claimed by one of the two Contracting Parties, in conformity with the present Treaty, should be also claimed by another or by other Slates on account of crimes committed in tlieir territories, his surrender shall, in pn-foronco, be granted according the priority of demaiul, unless an agreement be made bet- ween the Governments which make the requisition, eilher on account of the gravity of the crimes committed, or for any oth« r leascn. % ■ I' r 400 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Treaties. Article XVI. Every article found in the possession of the prisoner at the time of his arrest shall be seized, in order to be delivered up with him. Such delivery shall not be limited to the property or articles obtained by the robbery or fraudulent bankrupt- cy, but shall include everything that may serve as evidence of the crime ; and it shall take place even when the extradition, after having been ordered, cannot take effect, either on account of the escape or the death of the delinquent. Article XVII. The High Contracting Parties renounce all claim for repayment of the ex- penses incurred for the arrest and maintenance of the person to be given up, and for his conveyance on board a ship ; such expenses shall be borne by themselves respectively. Article XVIII. The stipulations of the present Treaty shall be applicable to the Colonies and foreign possessions of the two High Contracting Parties. The requisition for the surrender of a person accused or condemned, who has taken refuge in any such Colony or possession of either party, shall be made to the Governor or chief authority of such Colony or possession by the Chief Consular officer of the other residing in such Colony or possession ; or if the accused or condemned person has escaped from a Colony or forieign possession of the party on whose behalf the requisition is made, the requisition shall be made ' by the Governor or chief authority of such Colony or possession. Such requisitions may be disposed of, in accordance, as far as possible, with the stipulations of this Treaty, by the respective Governors or chief authorities, who, however, shall be at liberty either to grant the extradition or to refer the matter to their own Government. Her Britannic Majesty shall nevertheless be at liberty to make special arran- gements in the British Colonies and foreign possessions for the surrender to his Italian Majesty of criminals who may have taken refuge in such Colonies or pos- sessions, always in conformity, so far as possible, with the provisions of the present Treaty. Finally, it is agreed that this stipulation does not apply to the Island of Malta, the Ordinance of the Maltese Government of May 3, 1863 (No. 1230), remaining in V full force. Article XIX. The High Contracting Parties declare that the present stipulations apply as , well to persons accused or convicted, whose crimes, on account of which the eX' tradition is demanded, may have been committed previously, as to those whose crimes may be committed subsequently to the date of this Treaty. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 40f Treaties. if his arrest ihall not be it bankrupt- ne ; and it red, cannot ent. of the ex- ven up, and themselves olonies and mned, who all be made y the Chief 1 ; or if the )ssession of ill be made sible, with authorities, to refer the cial arran- nder to his nies or pos- the present d of Malta, maining in s apply as ich the ex- lose whose Article XX. The present Treaty shall come into Oioration ten days 'after ^ts publication according to the forms prescribed by the laws of the High Coiitracting Parties. »■ Either parly may at any time put an e^d to this Treaty, which, however, shall remain in fon e for six months after ihe notice for ),t3 termination. This Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Rome within six weeks, or sooner if possible. In wtness whereof Ihe respective Plenipotentiaries have signed in duplicate, in English and Italian, the present Treaty, and have affixed thereto their respective seals. Done at Rome, the 5th day of February, in the year of Oar Lord one thou- sand eight hundred and seventy-three. (L. S.) A. B. PAGET. , „> lL.S.) VISCONTI VENOSTA. And whereas the ratifications of the said Treaty were exchanged at Rome on the 18lh of March last : Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice of- Her Privy Council, and in virtue of the authority committed to Her by the said recited Act, doth or- der, and it is hereby ordered, that from and after the eleventh day of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy- three, the said Act shall apply in the case of the said Treaty with the King of Italy. EDHUND HARRISON. TREATY OF WASHINGTON.— PROCLAMATION TO GIVE EFFECT TO — [L.S.] DUFFERIN, A PROCLAMATION. ), ") TTTHEREAS, in and by tho fifth section of the Act made il, { Vy and passed by tha Parliament of Canada, in the J. A. Macdonald, Attorney General, Canada, ) 35th year of Our Reign, intituled : "An Act relating to the Treaty of Washington, 1871 " it is amongst otbor things in effect enacted, That the foregoing sections of the said Act shall come into force, upon, from and after a day to bo appointed for that purpose, by a proclapaation based upon an order of the Governor in Council ; '" ''""f '}" •; ; • / , 1 -And whoreas an order of the Governor in Council has been pnssed on the day of the dale thereof, appointing the first day of July now next, the day upon from and after which the said Sections shall con^e into force. 20 I i ill Mi ill 402 OKlJEliS I^ CibtJNtilL, Treaties. V I Now Know Ye, that we do" hereby, under and by virtue of the authority vested in us by the said act and arder of the Governor in Council respectively, Proclaim and Declare the first day of July, in the year of Our Lord 1873, the day upon, from and after which the first^ second, third ^nd fourth sections of the act hereinbefore mentioned' and intituled! •. " Ah Act retaling to the Treaty of Wa«h ington, 1871 " shall come into force. ,.... Of all which our loving subj(;cts and all others are ri?quired to takenotiee and to govern themselves accordingly. By Command, J. C. AIKINS, ,^., Secretary of State . 20 June 1873. TREATY BETWEEN HER MAJESTY AND THE KING OF DENMARK. Downing Street, 9tf¥ July, \S13. Sin, • V • , r A I have the honor to transmit to you, for publication in the Colony under yoar Government, a copy of a Treaty between Her Majesty and the King of Denmark for the mutual surrender of fugitive Criminals, as well as a copy of the Order ia Council of the 26th Jjiine last, for carrying into effect that Treaty. I hjavjB the honor to be, Sir, .M \^y 'to mm '..fU Hi vlqqfi liiJi'-a rjk i Your most obedient Servant, The Officer Administering the Government of Canada. KIMBERLEY.. iy X UA^ii — .C>T ' ^^ '^'' ^^^^ ^^ Windsor, the 26^/i day of June, 1873.' Present : '•v^yui THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS by an Act of Parliament made and passed in the Session of Par- licomcnt holden in the thirty-third tmd thirty-fourth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, intituled " An Act for amending the law relating to the Ex- tradition of Criminals," it was amongst other things enacted, that where an ar- rangcmnnt has been made with any foreign Stale with respect to the surrender to such State of any fugitive criminals, Her Majesty may, by Order in Council,, direct that the said Act shall apply in the case of such foreign Slate ; and that Hor Majesty may, by the same or any subsequent Order, limit the operation of th3 Order, and restrict the siimo to fugitive criminals who ai-e in or suspected of biingin the part of Mer Maj"sty's dominions specifled in the Order, and render' the operation thereof subject to such conditions, exceptions, and qualifications as mi>y bo deemed expedient. Anl beiweeil gitive HI and Hi^ to the respecti| of the under have nj is to sa^ tie authority respectively, 873, the day ns of the act ityof Waah ) take notice .J. A ;.l r of State N.MARK, y, 1873. under yoar f Denmark le Order ia PRLEY.. 3n of Par- e reign of to Ihe Ex- re an ar- il rrender Council,, and that ration of pbcted of id render ations as ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 408 Treaties. And whereas a Treaty was concluded on the thirty-first day of March last between Her Majesty and the King of Denmark for the Mutual Extradition of fu- gitive CWminals, which Treaty is in the terms following :— HER Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the King of Denmark, having judged it expedient, with, a view to the better administration of justice, and to the prevention of crime within their respective territories and jurisdictions, that persons charged with or convicted of the crimes hereinafter enumerated; and being fugitives from justice, should, under certain circumstances, be reciprocally delivered up ; their said Majesties have named as their Plenipotentiaries to conclude a Treaty for this purpose, that is to say : Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kirtgdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Sir Charles Lennox Wyke, Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Her Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to His Majesty the King of Denmark ; And His Majesty the King of Denmark, Baron Otto Ditley Rosenorn-Lehn, Knight Commander of the Order of the Danebrog and Danebrogsmand, His Ma- jesty's Minister for Foreign AfFairs : Who, after having communicated to e?ich other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles : — " ARTICLE L It is agreed that Her Britannic Majesty i^nd His Majesty the King of Denmark shall, on requisition made in their name by their respective Diplomatic Agents, deliver up to each other reciprocally, any persons, except native born or natur- alised subjects of the Party upon whom the requisition may be made, who, being accused or convicted of any of the crimes hereinafter specified committed within the territories of the requiring Parly, shall be found within the territories of the other Party. 1. Murder, or attempt or conspiracy to murder. ; . 2. Manslaughter. ' '" >3. Counterfeiting or altering money, or uttering counterfeit or altered money. ' "" 4. Forgery or counterfeiting, or altering, or uttering what is forged or coun- terfeited or altered. 5. Embezzlement or larceny. • : iiwh -.liS'^ ic ,6. Obtaining money or goods by false pretcrtces. * 7. Crimes by banuiupts against bankruptcy laws. i ■'Jl !;>/! 404 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. ill ■i 1 I r, 1) i 1 i ;| 1 •1 !4 i , J i 1 Treaties. n! 'I, if>..i;8v Fraud by a bailee, banker, agent, factor, trustee, or directpr,iOr member oil public officer of any compaDy, made criminal by any law for the time being iJ //■, i\ i.'i -.;• :;: nil!!' force. 9. Rape. i ■'•) ■'.) 10. Abduction. i.l. Child stealing. 12. Burglary or housebreaking. ,13 Arson. |,.,_.,;, • > 14. Robbery with violence. 15. Threats by letter or otherwise with intent to extort. 16. Piracy by law of nations, fjofsl'iil J)ii.17. Sinking or destroying a vessel at sea, ox attempting or cpnspiring to do d :18, Assaults on board a ship on the high seas with intent to destroy life orti ' 'do grievous bodily harm. 19. Revolt or conspiracy to revolt by two or more persons on board a ship the high seas against the authority of the master. Provided thai the surrender shall be made only wheii, in the case of a persoi •^accused, the commission of the crime shall be so establish .ud as that the laws the country where the fugitive or person so accused shall be found, vould justif his apprehension and commitment fpr trial if the crime had been there committed • and, in the case of a person alleged to have been convi,cted. on such evidence as according to the laws of the conn try where he is foun i, would prove that he ha been convicted. t - r • ' I i ■ . ARTICLE II. ., \[ '; .'In the, dominions of Her Britannic Majesty, other than the Colonies of foreig ., possessions of Her Majesty, the manrier of proceeding shall be as follows : J • -.I ,trate in London ; and that in the dominions of His Majesty the King of Denmark, the case shall bo immediately submitted to tlie Minister of Justice of His Majesty Iho King of Denmark ; and provided, also, that the individual arrested shall in either country be discharged, if within fifteen days a requisition shall not have been made for his surrender by thrt Diplomatic Agent of his country, in the manner directed by Articles II and III of this Treaty. Thesa of the crim vessel of ei If the ed and con months aft in the Unit cause ^e si When trading Pa had an opp be triable o render, oth( No ace pect of whi( upon whict dom he pro which tifi is mark to the mark, that to try or to Warrai nions of eil ilcates of oi evidence in or certified sued or tak or by being Minister of The sn the accusat been acqu: accused or ORDERS XN COUNCIL. 407 Treaties. »r ForeigQ Diplomatic ^arrant for led to take authenti- Magistrate^ nded ; and may serve nark shall lis Majesty lerein spe- mself that justify the been com- fugitive tO' )f Her Bri- e of a per- r or other tion, shall icted, and produced le prisoner uit issued thority in or after rant, just oner con- svhich ho n the ac- fclagi>trate nark, the ijesly Iho in either ave been J manner The same rule %hall apply to the cases of persons accused or convicted of any of the crimes specified in this Treaty, committed on the high seas, on board a vessel of either country, which may come into a port of the other. ARTICLE V. If the fugitive criminal who has been committed to prison bo not snrreuder- ed and conveyed away within two months after such committal (or ivithin two months after the deciiiiion of the Court upon the return to a writ of habeas corpus in the United Kingdom, he shall be discharged from custod;^, unless sufficient cause J)e shown to the contrary. ARVICLE VL When any person shall have been surrendered by either of the High Con- tracting Parties to the other, such person shall not, until he has been restored or had an opportunity of returning to the country from whence he was surrendered, be triable or tried for any offence committed in the other country prior to the sur- render, other than the particular offjnce on account of which he was surrendered. ARTICLE VII. No accused or convicted person shall be surrendered, if the offence in res- pect of which his surrender is demanded shall be deemed by the Government upon which it is made to be one of a political character, or if in the United King- dom he prove to the satisfaction of the Police Magistrate, or of the Court before which h^ is brought on habeas corpus, or to the Secretary of State, or in Den- mark to the satisfaction of the Minister of Justice of His Majesty the King of Den- mark, that the rerjnisition for his surrender has, in fact, been made with a view lo try or to punish hini for an offence of a political character. ARTICLE Vin. Warrants, depositions, or statements on outh, issued or taken in the domi- nions of either of the two High Contracting Parties, and copies thereof, and certi- llcates of or judicial documents stating the fact of conviction, shall be received in evidence in proceedings in the dominions of the other, if puiporliiig to be signed or certified by a Judge, Magistrate, or officer of the country where they wore is- sued or taken, and provided tliey are authenticated by the oaih of some witness, or by being sealed with the official seal of the Minister of Justice, or some other Minister of State. ARTICLE IX. The surrender shall not take place if, since the commission of trhe acts charged, the accusation, or the conviction, exemption from prosecution or [lunishmt'nt has been acquired by lapse of time according to the laws of the country where the accuHcd or convicted person shall have t^ken refuge, 408r w ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Treaties. yBfiin isWiiv.iH) ARTICLE X. lij vJ \i I. . ..T 1^ 'i I '.'1 l--: H ) If the individual claimed should be under protection, or in custody, for a crime or offences committed in the countrj where he may have taken refuge, his surrender may be deferred until he shall have been set at liberty in due course of law. roll tfU In case he dhbiild be proceeded against or detained in such coutitry',' on Ac- count of obligations contracted towards private individuals, his surrender shall nevertheless take place, the injured party retaining his right to prosecute his claims before the competent authority. ARTICLE XL Every article found in the possession of the individual claimed at the lime o^ his arrest, shall be seized, in order to be delivered up with his person at the time when the surrender shall be made. Such delivery shall not be limited to the property or articles obtained by stealing or by fraudulent bankruptcy, but shall extend to every thing that may serve as proof of the crime. It shall take place even when the surrender, after having been ordered, shall be prevented from taking place by reason of the escape or death of the individual claimed. ARTICLE XIL Each of the two Contracting Parties shall defray .the expenses occasioned by the arrest within its territories, the detention, and the conveyance to its frontier, of the persons whom it may consent to surrender in pursuance of the present Treaty. ARTICLE XIIL The stipulations of the present T^-ealy shall be applicable to the Colonies or foreign Possessions of the two High Contracting Parties, in the following manner : The requisition for the surrender of a fugitive criminal who has taken refuge in a Colony or foreign Possession of either of the two Contracting Parties, shall be made to the Governor or Chief Authority of such Colony or Possession by the Chief Consular Offlcer of the other Party in such Colony or Possession ; or, if the fugitive has escaped from a Colony or foreign Possession of the Party on whose behalf the requisition is made, by the Governor or Chief Authority of such Colony or Possession. Such requisitions may be disposed of, subject always, as nearly as may be, to the provisions of this Treaty, by the respective Governors or Chief Authorities, who, however, shall be at liberty either to grant the surrender, or to refer the matter to the Government. ^. . , .1 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 409 lilK, ody, for a efuge, his ue course ry, on ac- ider shall ecute his le lime o^ ; the time ted to the but shall ake place ted from iioned by frontier, e present •lonies or manner : in refuge ies, shall n by the n ; or, if Party on ' of such ly be, to horities, 'efer the Treaties. Her Britannic Majesty and His, Ma,iesty the King of Denmark shall, however, be at liberty to n ake special arrangements in their Colonies and foreign Posses- sions for the surrender of criminals, who may take refuge therein, on the basis as nearly as may be of the provisions 0|f the present Treaty. ARTICLE XIV. i'l JT r i The present Treaty shall come into operiation ten days after its publication, in conformity with the forms prescribed by the laws of the High Contracting Parties. After the Treaty shall so have been traught into operation, the Convention concluded between the High Contracting Parties on the 15th of April, 1862, shall be considered as cancelled, except as to any proceeding that may have already been taken or commenced in virtue thereof. Either Party may at any time terminate the Treaty on giving to the other six months notice of its intention. ARTICLE XV. . The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratification shall be exchanged at Copenhagen as soon as may be within four weeks from the date of signature. In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have afiixed thereto the seals of their arms. Done at Copenhagen, the thirty-first day of March, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three. (L.S.) CHARLES LENNOX WYKE. (L.S.) O D. ROSENORN-LEHN. And whereas the ratifications of the said Treaty were exchanged at Copen- hagen on the twenty-sixth day of April last. 9 Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, and in virtue of the authority committed to Her by the raid recited Act, doth order, and it is hereby ordered, that from and afier the seventh day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy three, the said Act shall apply in case of the said Treaty with the King of Denmr.rk. ARTHUR HELP?. rill I i]'l 410 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Miscellaneous. BYTOWN INCORPORATION ACT, DISALLOWED. I i^ I i i ■^ A PROCLAMATION. RoBT. Baldwin, ) TTTHEREAS at a Session of Oiir Provincial Parliament of Atty. GenL j V V Our Province of Canada, held at Our City of Montreal, in Our said Province, in the tenth and eleventh years of Our Reign, a certain Bill, numbered amongst the Acts of the said Session as Chapter Forty-three, and in- tituled, " An Act to define the limits of the Town of By town, to establifh a Town " Council therein, and for other purposes, " was passed by the Logislative Coun- cil and Legislative Assembly of Our said Province, and Assented to in Our Name by Our Governor General of Our said Province ; AND WHEREAS in pursuance of the directions of a certain Act of Our Imperial Parliament of Our United King- dom of Great Britain and Ireland, passed in the Session of Our said Imperial Par- liament, held at Westminster, in the third and fourth years of Our Roign, num- bered amongst th(? Public General Acts of the said last mentioned Session as Chap- ter Thirty-five, and iutituled, " An Act ta re-ujjite the Provinces of Upper and '■'• Lower Cauada, and for the Government of Canada," an authentic Copy of the said Bill was duly transmitted to the Right Honorable Henry Earl Grey, Our Principal Secretary of State for the Management of the Affairs of Our Colonies, ^ and was by him received at Our Department of State for the Management of such Affairs, on the Thirtieth day of September, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, as by the Certificate under the Hand and Seal of the said Henry, Earl Grey, doth fully appear. AND WHEREAS the said Bill having been laid before Us, in Our Privy Council, We thought fit by an Order in Council, bearing date at Our Court, at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, the Eighteenth day of July last past, and within two years after the said Bill was so received by Our said Principal Secretary of State as aforesaid, to declare Our Disallowance of the said Bill. NOW THEREFORE KNOW YE, that We have in manner aforesaid declared, and by these Presents do declare Our Disallowance of the said Bill, and thai the same sliall from henceforth cease, deteimine, and bo , absolutely null and void to all intents and purposes w'hatsoev.'^r. Whereof all Our Loving Subjects and all o'hers whom it dolh or may in any vvise concern, are to accordiuKlv. JOtiG? ai jrnsoh By Command, 1? October, 1849, ;, ii'JJ HI' UU ll' ..' JAMES LESLIE, ^" ' ' "''" Secretary. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 411 Miscellaneous. I.,^■■^,!i,• ACT IMPOSING DUTY ON FOREIGN SHIPS, DISALLOWED. Province of Canada.. PROCLAMATION. t EDMUND HEAD. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., &., &c. To all to whom these presents shall come— Gbeeting : • A PROCLAMATION. Geo. Et. Cabtier, ) T TTHEREAS at a Session of the Parliament of Our Prov- Atly. Genl. ) W ince of Canada, held at Our City of Toronto, in Our said Province, in the present year and in the Twenty second year of Our Reign, a certain Bill, numbered amongst the Acts of the said Session as chapter Sixteen,, and intituled, An Act to impose a duly on Vessels admitted to Registry and the Coast- ing Trade in this Province, and belonging to Countries not admitlmg the Vessels of this Province to Registry and privileges of General and Coasting Trade in such Countries, was passed by the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly of Our said Prov- ince, and Assented to in Our Name by Our Governor General of Our said Prov- ince : ,And WHEREAa in pursuance of the directions of a certain Act of Our Im- perial Parliament of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, passed in the Session of Our said Imperial Parliament, held at Westminster, in the third and fourth years of Our Reign, intituled : " An Act lo re-unite the Provinces of Upper " and Lower Canada, and for the Government of Canada," an authentic Copy of the said Bill was duly transmitted to the Most Noble the Duke of Newcastle, Our Principal Secretary of State for the Management of the Affairs of Our Colonies, and was by him received at Our Department of State for the Management of such Affairs, on the Thirtieth day of May, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, as by the certificate under the Hand and Seal of the said Duke of Newcastle doth fully appear; And Whereas the said Bill having been laid before Us, in Our Privy Council, We thought fit by an Order in Council, bearing date at Our Court at Balmoral, the Twenty-third day of September last past to declare Our Disallowance of the said Bill ;^ow Therefore Know Ye, that We have in manner aforesaid declared, and by these Presents do declare Our Disallowance of the said Bill, and that the same shall from henceforth cease, determine, and be absolutely null and void to all intents and purposes whatsoever; Whereof all Our fiOving Subjects and all others whom it doth or may in anywise concern, are hereby required to take notice and lo govern themselves accordingly. By Command, 13 Depemberj 1859. CHAS. ALLEYN, Sccre'aiy. I n M ! 4 H 412 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Miscellaneous. ACT GIVING TO CANADIAN MAGISTRATES JUR'SDICTION IN REGARD TO CERTAIN OFFENCES COMMITTED IN NEV/-BRUNSWICK BY PER- SONS ESCAPING TO CANADA, DISALLOWED. At the Court, at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, the 6th day of January, 1862. MKivruri Present.: The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. Lord President. Duke of Newcastle. Sir George Grey, Bart. .■Tf^T- '?l(« Strl rif trK'ilvv "Whereas the Governor General of Her Majesty's Province of Canada, with the Coun3il and Assembly of the said Province, did in the month of May, 1861, pass an Act which has been transmitted, entitled, "An Act to give, jurisdiction to Canadian Magistrates in respect of certain offences committed in New Brunswick by persons afterwards escaping to Canada." And whereas, the said Act has been laid before Her Majesty in Council, together with a letter to the Lord President of the Council from the most Noble the Duke of Newcastle, one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, setting forth that he is of opinion that the change of the Law proposed in the said Act cannot be legally effected by an Act of the Provincial Legislature, and therefore recommending that the said Act should not receive Her Majesty's Royal confirmation. Her Majesty was thereupon this day pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to declare Her disallowance of the said Act, and the same is hereby disallowed accordingly. Whereof, the Governor General, Lieutenant Governor, or Commander in Chief for the time being of Her Majesty's Province of Canada, and all other persons whom it may I I concern, are to take notice, and govern themselves accordingly. ' - '■. '■■ - " -"- '^«i' ' * < I'r'flOtii'- li! ID If.'iH !.,ijj '-•-lit iijii h- ARTHUR HELPS, INDIAN LANDS. ■'""' 'I'tfO' M,' ORDER IN COUNCIL OF 7th AUGUST 1861;) nui u,l '^I'dered that so much of the provisions of the Act 23rd Victoria, chapter 2, as are contained in the following Sections thereof, do apply to the Indian Lands un- der the management of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, as Chief Superintend- ent of Indian Affairs, that is to say: Sections Five, Seve-i; Si.\teen, Eighteen, (with the sub-section two) Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-one, (with sub-sections two and three) Twenty-two, Twenty-three, Twenty-four, Twenly-flve, Twenty-eight, Thirty, Thirty-one, Thirty-t^yo and Thirty-three. : f. ■ Oft I •fir! IV/ 'fO.-> •,' ',(' 'fll'I'I'K' Jh 'N"H| .T ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Hi- 413 Miscellaneous. TIMBER IN INDIAN LANDS. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, Quebec, 5th may, 1862. .Present; „, HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. WHERfeAS the 7th section of the " Act respecting the management of the Indian Lands and property " (23rd Vic. Cap. 151) amongst other things 'provides that the Governor in Oouricil may from lime to time declare the provi- sions of the -' Act respecting the sale ati Management of the Timber on Public ' Lands " or ainy such prdviilocs, t6 apply to Indian Lands or to Timber on Indian ■'" ■'•Lands; ■ el) 1. -iJui i tp.riiifi ff.or Off* Jf And -w jv. ihfi'tfonorfable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Chief ■',, Superintendent (>t Indian Affairs has reported that it is in his opinion desirable ,« «, for the better proteciiibn Of the Timber on Indian Lauds, and for the benefit of the (Ilk' i'^^^^^^ Timber Revenue, that Certain provisions of the Act last above referred to, gj, ' ^ being the 23i"d chapter of the Gonsolidifed Statutes of Canada, should be declared . f , J . to a,pply to timber cin IMian Lands. FjIuo(fa ?' His ExQeU!?iicy ir^ Gpuncil was therefore pleased to ordier, and it is h-?reby ,«n'Mtj ordered, that the follo'vvihg sections and subsections of tihe' Act last above men- ifr,,,.;. lioripd, shall apply and they are hereby declared to appl'y to the Timber on Indian Off fit; dj^nds, that is to say : fijKv/i q i. .Section oue, ancji subsection two,, and section two. iy.ji\ /ttt»; I) 'Sections thr^e, four, five, six, seven, eight, and subsection number two. oAi\in x^ . Sections nino> i^u and snb section number two, section eleven, subiiection 'io1 >':(r/nutnber two, and sections twelve and thirteen. bMd.iM- ■ Wm. H. LEE, G. E. C. cO 'f'in^TES OF DUTIES ON TIMElER CUT ON INDIAN LANDS, IN FORGE SINGE y^.rfj iBT. MAY 1868. :||J ;i; «,?<),i;,. Fine Timber. H'HUli rilf.n Saw Logs, per 1,000 feet, inch measure $1.60. iJi br;n "an'] Squared Timber, per 1,000 cubic feet 115.00. J. Hit ii-)),i s7,,.i v.,,i! i('r Oak Timber, : ■i (,i ' "^aw Ibgs' pet" ^,ftO*f iO 4. — Establishment at Grosse-Isle. >.!.r. ^0ub ( '>/!i.i'.t •m\\ ni Mil i('. loJtiJ iUll lit' The Establishment at Grosse-Isle shall consist of a Medical Superintendent, an Hospital Steward, and such OflBcers, Employes and Orderlies as may be appointed or employed to meet the Exigencies of the Service* — ^The Medical Superintendent shall be authorized to s^e the Quarantine duly performed, and for this purpose shall have full power and authority overall officers and other persons whatsoever ih Giosse-Isle, or attached to that station, and be authorized to call upon all per- sons to aid him in enforcing the law and these regulations, and in case of his death, sickness or absence, the Officer next in rank employed! on the Island, shall have the power and authority aforesaid. 5. — Mi'dical Superintendent. ' ' ■ The Medical Superintendent (or in case of his death, sickness or absence, the Officer next in rank employed on the Island) shall enforce the said Law and these Regulations, and shall direct boats, ships or vessels to go to such place or places to perform Quarantine, as it may be necessary to send them to. He shall direct all boats", ships or vessels, liable to perform Quarantine, to be brought to anchor within the limits of the Quarantine Anchorage, and generally (Jo all that may be required to enforce rigid obedience to the said law and these Regulations. He shall permit all passengers, or other persons landed on the said Island, to be re- embarked or shipped on board any Steamboat or other Vessel when the vessel is in a fit stale to receive them, and that they have been examined by him and found in a fit state for re-embarkalion or for leaving the said Island : and that ail such passengers and persons, with their luggage, have been washed, cleansed and pur- ified, and that there does not exist amongst those who are about to proceed, or leave the said Island, any case or syploms of Asiatic Cholera, Fever, Small Pox, Scarlatina or Measles, or other infectious and dangerous diseasa. He shall also go off to vessels bound to make their Quarantine at Gross<^-l3le as aforesaid, and put the following questions^to the Masters or persons in charge, VIZ : tfii-')'rf/'l 1. "What is your name and that of your vessel ? 2. From whence did you sail, and date ? 3. "What is your cargo, and whence taken on board ? 4. At what place or places did your vessel touch in her voyage T rlatina or ig portion (vho shall der or be >on duty, ind to the 'tili w*!. adent, an appointed intendent } purpose hatsoever ih all per- ise of his md, shall ence, the md these or places all direct ,0 anchor t may be ons. He to be re- vessel is nd found all such and pur- >ceed, or lall Pox, oss^t-tsle I charge, ORDERS IN COUNCIL 417 Miscellaneous. j,^ 5. Was such place or plao^, or any and which of them, infected with the cholera, plague, or any pestilential fever or disease ? . •> 6. How many persons were on board when the vessel suiled 7 Cabin passengers |.. ^^,^^, r';rtitw>r.'^B »j^ia,«i n-itlii jiar// (ivMin«».«u ■ Steerage passengers ? Crew ? 7. Have any person or persons during the voyage been infected ? or are there now any infected with the cholera, plague or any pestilential fever or disease 7 8. Did any person or persons, and how many die during the voyage, and from what distemper ? 9. Did you or any of the ship's company or passengers, with your privity, go on board any ship or vessel, or did arty of thi? company of any ship or vessel come on board your ship in the voyage, and from what pott did she sail last ? 10. Did you or any of your ship's company or passengers with or without your privity or consent, land at any place within Canada ? 11. Have you any person on board who is lunatic, idiotic, deaf and dumb, blind or infirm, and are such accompanied by relations able to support them ? li the answers be satisfactory, he shall give a Glean Bill of Health to the Master or person in charge ; and such vessels may then proceed to the harbour of Quebec If the answers be not satisfactory, or the Medical Superintendent has any reason to suspect fraud on the part of the Master or person in charge, crew or passengers, he shall immediately order the vessel to such place as may be ap- pointed for vessels detained under Quarantine of Observation ; he shall call for the ship's papers, passengers' lists and log-books, and inspect them thoroughly so as to ascertain the whole of the occurrences during the voyage, and should he meet with any resistance, he will make such signal as may be determined on to show that assistance is necessary. The medical superintendent shall also board all vessels he may consider ne- cessary to inspect. He shall have charge of all vessels detained in Quarantine. He shall direct, if necessary, all steerage passengers to be landed with their lug- gage. And shall superintend the cleasing and disinfection of vessels. He shall direct the number of passengers to be landed, distinguishing those who require to be treated for pestilential or infectious diseases, and who are to be landed at that part of the said island set apart for such treatment, from those who do not require such treatment, and who may be landed at that part of the said island set apart for the reception of the healthy and (hose free from pestilential or infec- tious diseases, and he shall be careful that all such persons shall be landed at II !:i i !!'■' i !': m Ri'oiij'vn) t7 such !' 'li 418 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Miscellaneous. ^uch places respectively. He shall have medical charge of all cabin passengers who do not disembark, and who may be labouring under any other than pes- tilential or infectious disease ; and shall order all passengers and persons on board any such ship or vessel who shall labour under any pestilential or infections ^lisease, to be landed with their luggage according to the foregoing regulation. He shall give medical treatment on board in all cases of slight deseases which are not by these regulations specially required to be treated on shore, and when it shall be demed advisable not to land the passengers on the said Island. He shall whenever a vessel is cleansed, ventilated and purified, direct such vessel to receive on board the whole or any portion of the passengers, or whether the whole or any and which of the said passengers shall remain on the said Island, to pro- ceed up the river by some other mode of conveyance, and he shall, so soon as the passengers are re-embarked on bo^ard their ship, or on board any ship or vessel leaving the said Island, give a passport or Clean Bill of Health to the Master or person having such vessel in charge, to proceed to Quebec. He shall make returns vof the vessels boarded by him as soon as possible after such vessels are visited. The Medical Superintendent shall have charge of the Hoipitals. He shall receive into the Hospitals set apart for the treatment of pestilential and infectious diseases, all persons labouring under or threatened with any such disease. He shall have the general superintendence and direction of every thing relating to the sick. He shall visit and inspect all passengers who Ehali be landed from any vessel, and distribute them as he shall think expedient either on that part of the Island appropriated for the treatment of pestilential or infectious diseases, or on tlie part of the said Island appropriated to healthy passengers. Upon the I'^covery of persons treated for any such disease he shall, after due precaution, transfer such persons to the healthy part of the said Island. He shall superintend the cleansing, washing and purifying of all passengers, and the unpacking and ventil- ating of their baggage, and when they are in a fit state to proceed, he shall, if need be, cause any baggage or any part of it to be burned or otherwise destroyed. 6. — Traders, Sutllers, Grocers and others. 'if No persons following the business ofSuttlers, Traders, Grocers or other oc- cupations, or concerned in buying or selling, shall be allowed to reside upon the Island, except under the license and strict control of the Medical Superintendent, -who will have full authority to discharge and send from the Island, all or any such persons, reporting the fact of such discharge and the reason therefor, for the informHtion of the Governor General or person administering the government. Mi such persons in any way engaged in selling or trafilc on the said Island shall be regulated as to prices by lists to bo furnished by the, Medical Superintendent from time to time, assisted by the Emigrant Agent at Quebec. He shall strictly enquire into and decide upon all complaints of misconduct or breach of the re- gulations gulations by the Gol or indirect to be supi indirectly I ed to anj said Islanl breach of ' Suoerinteil his office be known Pilots tions, and Mastef or charge of Isle as af ground at flyng at t officers from the I on accoun the follow Lawrence, River St. ! angles to or with ai if the ves! Isle, she i of Quebec Onti or shall Scarlatin cases wh steerage and shal detained th6 Medi landed e or other and witl ORDERS IN COUNaL 419 MisceUaneous. or on gulations by persons so trading ; he shall see that no ofQcer or person employed by the Government, or in any public employment on the said Island, has directly or indirectly any interest or concern in any supply of provisions, or other things to be supplied or furnished, bought or sold upon the said Island, or directly or indirectly receives or takes any private gratuity or reward for any service render- ed to any Masters or Crews of Vessels, . Passengers or other persons upon; the said Island. And it shall be the duty of all persons to whose knowledge any breach of this Regulation shall come, to report the same'forthwith to the Medical Suoerintendent, who shall enquire into the facts alleged, and may suspend from his office any person so charged until the pleasure of the Governor General shall be known respecting the person so charged. 7. — Saint Lawrence Pilots. Pilots having been furnished with copies of the said Act and of these regula- tions, and also of the laws regulating Emigration, shall exhibit the same to the Mastef or person in charge of every vessel they may board. Every Pilot having charge of a vessel of the description of those liable to make Quarantine at Grosse- Isle as aforesaid, shall bring her to anchor within the limits of the anchorage ground at Grosse-Isle hereinbefore defined. They shall also keep a Union-Jack flyng at the peak of all vessels under their charge, until boarded by the proper officers. On arriving at Quebec, if the vessel has received a clean Bill of Health from the Medical Superintendent at Grosse-Isle, and has not been detained there on account of sickness or suspicion thereof, she may bring to at any place within the following limits in the Port of Quebec, viz : the whole space of the River St. Lawrence, from the mouth of the River St. Charles to a line drawn across the said River St. Lawrence, from the Flag-staff on the Citadel or Cape Diamond at right angles to the course of the said River, but must not communicate with the shore or with any other vessel or boat until boarded by the Inspecting-Physician ; bat if the vessel be of the class of those not liable to make their Quarantine at Grosse- Isle, she may either bring to at any place within the aforesaid limits, in the Port of Quebec, or she may proceed at once to the Ballast Ground. 8. — Passengers. On the arrival of any vessel at Grosse Isle, on board of which there shall be or shall have been during the passage any c ise of Cholera, Fever, Small Pox, Scarlatina or Measless, or other infectious or dangerous disease, and in all other cases when it shall be considered necessary by the Medical Superintendent, the steerage passengers shall be landed with their luggage, and washed and purified and shall be permitted to re-embark and proceed in the same vessel, or shall be detained and embarked in some steamboat or other vessel, as shall be directed by th6 Medical Superintendent. The passengers in the principal cabin shall not bo landed except in cases of sickness, and may at all times proceed with the vessels, or otherwise, after having washed and purified their lUggage to the_^satisfaction and with the passport of the Medical Superintendent. 420 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Miscellaneous. M'l' I,,,, i.,i I, J,.., 9. — Vessels, *'- All Vesselii liable to make Iheir Quarantine at Grosse-Isle, dm their arrival there, shall anchor within the limits of the Anchorage Ground at Grosse-Isle hereinbefore defined, until boarded by the Medical Superintendent : and if they shall not be detained at GrosseJsle ori account of sickness or suspicion thereof, shall receive a Clean Bill of Health, and may proceed to the Harbour of Quebec, and there anchor at any place within the limits of that portion of the Port of Quebec hereinbefore defined, and there remain without communication with the shore, or any other vessel or boat until finally discharged fr6m Quarantine by the license or pass-port aforesaid ; bat if any such vessel shall have been detained at Grosse-Isle from sickness or suspicion thereof, it shall anchor at the mouth of the River Sr. Charles, and th^re remain until finally discharged from Quar- antine as aforesaid. Vessels arriving at Grosse-Isle from any infected port or place, or one sup- posed to be infected, and on board of which no pestilential disease shall have de- clared itself during the passage, may be kept under Quarantine of Observation for a period of not more than three' days, during which time the passengers and crew thereof shall be subjected to a strict purification under the direction of the Medical Superintendent. All vessels detained in Quarantine shall be.cleansed and ventilated, and their between decks, if not painted or varnished, shall be well whitewashed, but if paiuted or variii^ihed, shall be thoroughly scrubbed with soap and water or ley, and such portion of the ballast as the Medical Superintendent shall order, shall be thrown over board, under his immediate superintendence, or that of some person to be appointed by him for that d uty. In all cases where vessels having passengers on board, on account of sickness amongst such pass<;ngers, shall be detained in Quarantine, the Master or person in charge may, on application to the Medical Superintendent at Grosse-Isle, be allowed to land the said passengers with their luggage ; and the vessel being properly cleansed, purified and disinfected under the superintendence and with the license of the Medical Superintendent, may proceed up the river without the said passengers, upon the master or person in charge paying to such person as shall be appointed to receive the same, one shilling aud three pence for each pas- Sienger, tp bear the expense of their conveyance to Quebec, and also at the rate of on.e shilling per diem for each of the said passengers, to reimburse the expense of their maintenance at Grosse-Isle, for the lime diirmg which such vessel, in the judgment of the Medical Superintendent, would have had to be detained in Qua- rantine waiting for the passengers not affected with any of the pestilential or in- fectious diseased aforesaid, othei wise such vessel shall be detained in Quarantine until the passengers not sick of the afore iuid diseases, shall be cleansed, washed, purified and disinfected. An In bee Of at the Mastei 1. Wl 2. Ex 3. Ho Ca Ste Cre 4. Nu 5. Ha 6. Ha 7. Ha left GrOss( 8. Ha] blind or in Andn liable to m port whicl ranline Sti the same J shall find, port and t doei^ not e such ves8( gers and ( rantine. any case ( apprehenc hoist a ye return to further ol in charge tion with cumstanc General ; such vess( ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 421 Miscellaneout. ,>/t/t>hitr. 10. — Inspecting Physician at Quebec. leir arrival Grosse-Isle and if they ion thereof, of Quebec, the Port of m with the irantine by sn detained the mouth rom Quar- )r one sup- U have de- •bservation ingers and tion of the jansed and ill be well with soap rintendent adence, or )f sickness or person ise-Isle, be ssel being and with ithout the person as each pas- tie rate of Q expense el, ill the d in Qua- iial or ia- larantine , washed, An Inspecting-Physician at Quebec shall go off to all vessels arriving a^ Que- bec or at the mouth of the river St. Cl^arles. and put the following qviestiops to the Masters or persons in charge, viz : 1. When did you leave Grosse-Isle ? 2. Exhibit to me your pass-port from Grosse-Isle ? ;,, 3. How many persqns have you on board ? Cabin passengers ? Steerage passengers ? Crew ? , ■ 4. Number left at Grosse-Isle ? 5. Have any person or persons been taken sick since you left GrQsse:|sle ? 6. Have any died ? Stale number, names and disease ? - m r 7. Have any person or persons come on board or left your vessel since you left Grosse-Isle"? i,- / u. . '.J ;i- 8. Have you any person on board who is lunatip, idiotic, deaf and. dumb) blind or infirm, and are such accompanied by relations able to support them ? And moreover, he shall require all Masters, or persons in charge of vessels liable to make their Quarantine at Grosse-Isle, to exhibit to him the license or pass- port which they shall have received from the Medical Superintendent at the Qua- rantine Station ; and such Masters or persons in charge shall forthwith exhibit the same for examination, to the said Inspecting-Physician at Quebec, who, if he shall find, as well from the answer he may receive as from the tenor of the pass- port and the actual state of the health of the passengers and crew, that sickness doei^ not exist on board, he shall then grant to the Master, or person in charge of siich vessel, a Certificate in writting setting forth the healthy state of the passen- gers and crew, to the end that such vessel may obtain a final dischargo from Qua- rantine. But, if on the contrary, such Inspecting Physician at Quebec shall find any case of pestilential or infectious disease on board, or shall have just cause to apprehend 'the breaking out of any such malady, it shall then be his duty to hoist a yellow flag at the main top-gallant mast head, and shall cause the vessel to return to or remain and be detained at the mouth of the River Saint Charles for further observation and inspection ; and having acquainted the Master or person in charge with the penalties to be incurred if hi should permit any communica^- tion with his vessel until released from Quarantine, he shall report all the cir- cumstances to the Minister of Agriculture for the information of the Governor- General ; and if it shall appear to the said Inspecting Physician at any time that such vessel shall have passed the Quarantine station at Grosse Isle without stopping to 422 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Mitcellaneous. to make Quarantine, being liable thereto, and should therefore be sent down to Grosse Isle, or that such vessel having already cleared from Grosse Isle, should return thereto, there to land the passengers, he shall order the Master or person in charge to proceed or return with such vessel to Grosse-Isle, and such Master or person in charge shall obey such order. And the proper Officers at Grosse-Isle shall observe, in respect of such vessels, the same rules and regulations as are provided for vessels arriving at Grosse-Isle with sick. Should the Inspecting Phy- sician at Quebec meet with any resistance in the discharge of the duty required of him by, this regulation, he will immediately enforce \Aie same by all lawful means at his disposal. Any Steamboat or other vessel that shall have towed or otherwise communi- cated with a vessel of the class of vessels liable to make their Quarantine at Gross« Isle, not having the discharge from Quarantine of the Medical Superintendent at GrosSvVlsle, shall be subject to the same regulations and instructions as herebein- before provided, respecting vessels not discharged from Quarantine. No Steamboat shall be allowed to proceed to Grosse-Isle for the, purpose of taking on board passengers direct from that Island, without previously obtaining from the Collector of Customs of the Port of Quebec, a written Permit to that effect ; subject nevertheless to the regulations hereinbefore provided. No Vessel shall be entered or cleared at the Port of Quebec or Montreal, until all the requirements of the foiegoing Rgulatious in reference to such Vessel shall have been fully complied with. 1 1 "»/. II.— Porf of Halifax. That all boats, ships or vessels coming into the Harbour of Halifax in the Province of Nova-Scotia, which shall have at the time of their said arrival, or shall have had during their passage from the places where they respectively cleared, any person on board labounng under Asiatic Cholera, Fever, Small Pox, Scarlatina or Measles, or other infectious and dangerous disease, or on board of which any person shall have died during such passage, or which, being of less tonnage than seven hundred tons measurement, shall have on board thirteen or more Steerage Passengers, or which being of greater tonnage than seven hundred tons measurement, shall have on board fifty or more Steerage Passengers or which shall have come from some infected Port, shall make their Quarantine in the Harbour of Halifax, on board such vessels or at such place on shore, and in such manner as shall be directed by the inspecting Physician of the said Port of Halifax, and there remain and continue until such ships or vessels shall be dis- charged from such Quarantine, by such license or passport, and discharge, given without fee or emolument of any kind, as shall be directed or permitted by such order order or Council such Qua and disch board sue or be put dicated at Allb as liable a mile of ing Phys The such boal Health, a and orde That Province or shall 1 cleared, i Scarlatin which ai tonnage more Ste tons mea shall haA Harbour manner John, an ged fron out fee c der or oi cil ; and ran tine, as aforei ships or of any ( duly rec ORDERS IN COUNCIL. m nt down to ile, should r or person 1 Master or Grosse-Isle iorls as are icting Phy- ;y required all lawful communi- ! at G rosso tendent at I herebein- )urpose of obtaining lit to that real, until essel shall ax in the arrival, or spectively mall Pox, I board of ing of less lirteen or I hundred sengers or ranline in 'e, and in id Port of II be dis- 'ge, given [ by such order Miscellaneous. order or orders as shall be made by the Governor, with the advice of the Privy Council ; and until the said ships and vessels shall respectively have performed such Quarantine and shall be discharged therefrom by such license or passport and discharge as aforesaid, persons, goods or merchandize, which shall be on board such boats, ships or vessels, shall not come or be brought on shore, or go or be put on board of any other ship or vessel in Canada, except at such place in- dicated as aforesaid when duly required by competent authority. All boats, ships or vessels of the class and description hereinbefore mentioned,, as liable to make their Quarantine in the Harbour of Halifax, shall anchor within a mile of the southern end of George's Island, there to be inspected by the Inspects ing Physician, and ordered, according to circumstances as aforesaid. The Inspecting Physician of the Port of Halifax shall visit, on their arrival, such boats, ships or vessels, and shall direct them as best calculated for the Pnblic Health, and in accordance with ihe intent and meaning of the present regulations- and orders in Council, which may be communicated to him from time to lime. 12. — Port of Saint John. That all boats, ships or vessels coming into the Harbour of St. John, in tho Province of New-Brunswick, which shall have at the time of their said arrivaly. or shall have had during their passage from the places where they respectively cleared, any person on board labouring under Asiatic Cholera, Fever, Small Pox, Scarlatina or ^Measles, or other infectious and dangerous disease, or on board of which any person shall have died during such passage, or which, being, of less tonnage than seven hundred tons measurement, shall have on board thirteen or more Steerage Passengers, or which being of greater tonnage than seven hundred tons measurement, shall have on board fifty or more Steerage Passengers or which shall have come from some infected Port, shall make their Quarantine in the Harbour of St. John, on board such vessels or on Patridge Island, and in such manner as shall be indicated by the Inspecting Physician of the said Port of St. John, and there remain and continue until such ships or vessels shall be dischar- ged from such Quarantine, by such license or passport, and discharge, given with- out fee or emolument ot any kind, as shall be directed or permitted by such or- der or orders as shall be made by the Governor with the advice of the Privy Coun- cil ; and until the said Ships or Vessels shall respectively have performed such Quar- rantine, and shall be discharged therefrom by such license or passport and discharge as aforesaid, persons, goods or merchandize, which shall be on board such boats, ships or vessels, shall not come or be brought on shore, or go or be put on board of any other ship or vessel in Canada, except on the said Patridge Island when duly required by competent authority. I 424 ORDERS IN COUNCIl.. Miscellaneous. All boals, ships or vessels of the class and description hereinbefore mentioned as liable to mako their Quarantine in the said Harbour of St. John, shall anchor within a mile of the outside or southern end of Partridge Island, (unless forced by stress of weather to anchor inside the said Island, in which case such vessels shall anchor as close as practicable to iho said Island,) there to be inspected by the Inspecting Physician and ordered according to the circumstances as aforesaid. The Inspecting Physician of the Port of St. John shall visit, on their arrival, such boats, ships or vessels, and shall direct them as best calculated for the Public Health, and in accordance with the intent and meaning of the present Regulations and such orders in Council as may be communicated to him from time to time. 13. — Inspecting Physicians of the Ports of Halifax and St. John. The Inspecting Physicians of the Ports of Halifax and Saint John (or any me- dical officer nominated to act as assistant or in their absence) shall have, respecii- vely, the control over all officers and employes, who may be appointed or employ- ed for the service of the Quarantine ia the said Ports, respectively, and the medical attendance over the sick and healthy passengers, or crew detained on board, or who may have been landed to undergo the said Quarantine on shore, and the said inspecting physicians shall havp, respectively, the same duties to perform and the same authority as those hereinbefore assigned to the Medical Superintendent of the Quarantine of Grosse-Isle, and shall fulfil the said duties and exercise the said authority in the same manner as prescribed for the said Medical Superintendent. lo ^ , • ■ lj^^; 1-i. — Vessels in Quarantine at the Ports of Halifax and St. John. , In all cases whore vessels having passengers on board, on account of sickness amongst such passengers, shall be detained in Quarantine, the Master or person in charge may, on application to the inspecting physician of the said Ports of Halifax or St. John respectively, be allowed to land the said passengers with their luggage ; and the vessel being properly cleansed, purified and desinfected under the super- intendence and with the licence of the inspecting Physician, may proceed up the harbour without the said passengers, upon the master or person in charge paying to such person as shall be appointed to receive the same, ten pence for each pass- enger, to bear the expense of their conveyance, and also at the rate of one shilling per diem for each of the said passengers, to reimburse the expense of their main- tenance for the time during which such vessel, in the judgment of the Inspecting Physician, would have had to be detained in Quarantine waiting for the passen. geis not affected with any of the pestilential or infectious diseases aforesaid, other- wise such vessel shall be detained in Quarantine, until the passenger^ not sick of the aforesaid diseases, shall be cleansed, washed, purified and disinfected. tlYKi: ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Itl MisctUaneoua. ';< 15.— Pi7o/i of the Ports of Halifax and St. John. , ,IU V Pilots of the Ports of Halifax and St. John respectively, having been furnish- ed with copies of the said Act, and of these regulations, shall exhibit the same to the Master or perspnin charge of any boat, ship or vessel they may board: — every Pilot having charge of a vessel of the description of those liable to make Quaran- tine at the Pol'ts of Halifax or St. John respectively, shall bring her to anchor within the limits of the anchorage grounds hereinbefore defined for the said Ports respectively : — They shall also keep a Union Jack flying at the peak of all vessels under their charge, until boarded by the proper Medical Officer aforesaid. 16. — General Provisions All vessels trading between any ports or places within Canada, and not hav- ing touched at any po'ls or places without the Dominion, nor communicated with any other vessel which shall have arrived from any port without the Dominion, shall be exempt from the foregoing rules and regulations, so far as respects the necessity of going to or stopping at the anchorage ground aforesaid ; nor shall the said rules and regulations apply to any Vessel of War, or to Transports or Vessels having Queen's Troops on board accompanied by a Medical Officer, and in a healthy state, or to any Steamer, unless sickness or death may have occurred during the passage. No Vessel shall be entered or cleared at the Port of Quebec or Montreal, until* all the requirements of the foregoing Regulations in reference to such Vessel shall have been fully complied with. Any person who shall contravene, either by omission or commission, any of the foregoing Regulations, shfill for every such offence incur and pay a Fine not exceeding Four Hundred Dollars, to be recovered in the manner prescribed by the said Act ; and every person who, upon conviction of any such offence, shall fail to pay the amount of fine which he shall have been condemned to pay, shall • be imprisoned until such Fine be paid. And all previous orders or regulations are hereby revoked. Now Know Ye that we do hereby command, and enjoin upon all our loving subjects that they do take no- lice of and obey the said Regulations so made as aforesaid and govern themselves accordingly, i Mr-^tc :f!-'';jrnuiH ■ t imii ,-■ a Bv Command < ! . , r . -, tf! h'jti-.v. •■•■•■•■•.rrr'.vn inA -H HECTOR L. LANGEVIN, frSrsTOiit! i ' i/? h^ik Secretary 0/ Slate, ! 23nd. May 1868. .r/Wuii!. ■> -^hBrn *■;«« iii:ii« /jiujr 426 ORDERS IN COUNCJL Miscellaneous. PAUPER IMMIGRANTS.— REGULATIONS RESPECTING THE LANDING OF MONK. PROCLAMATION. CANADA. VICTORIA by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain arid Ire- land, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., &c., &c. To all to whom these presents shall come or whom the ^ame may in any wise concern — Greeting : J. A. Macdonald, 1 TTTHEREAS it is, by an Act passed in the Parliament Minister of Jmtice J YV of Canada, in the thirly-flrst year of Her Majes- ty's Reign, intituled : ^' An Act relating to Quarantine and Public Health, " amongst other things, in effect enacted that the Governor in Council may, from time to time, make such regulations as he thinks proper, concerning (amongst other matters) the entry or departure of Boats or Vessels at the different ports or places in Canada, and concerning the landing of passengers or cargoes from such B ^ats or Vessels, or the receiving of Passengers or cargoes on board of the same Uv ruay be thought best calculated to preserve the Public Health ; and that the pauper state and condition in which Immigrants are frequently landed at Quebec, destitute of any .means of providing the necessaries of life, or of transport to other parts of Canada, or sc landed with the object of procuring through charity such necessaries of life and transport to territory beyond the Dominion, is detrimental to the Public Health in Canada, and is calculated to promote the introduction, or dissemination, of disease into or in Canada. And Whereas Our Governor in Council hath been pleased to make, under the authority and in pursuance of the said above in part recited Act, certain re> gulations, that is to say : 1. That upon the arrival of any Immigrant or Passenger^ Sailing or Steam Vessel, al the Port of Quebec, the Inspecting Physician at that port shall have power, and it shall be his duty, to make enquiry of any Immigrant or Immi- grants as to the means in his, her or Iheir possession for providing upon landing the necessaries of life and for disbursing all sums necessary for the transport of them and their families to their point of destination ; and such Inspecting Physi- cian, it satisfied that such Immigrant or Immigrants is or are not a Pauper or Paupers, but in possessi-m of sufficient money, for the purposes herein mentioned, may grant a permit to the same to land, provided that all the provisions of any statute and all other regulations in force under the Act hereinbefore recited or any Proclamation thereof be complied with. And no Immigrant or Immigrants as to whom such enquiry shall be made shall be allowed to depart from the said Vessel, without such permit ORDERS IN COUNaL. 421 MiseeUaneoiu. 2. If upon aily such en(|uiry the In^ptctihg Physician shall see fit to Refuse a permit, it shall be his duty to cause the gaid Vessel to return to, or remain and be detained at the mouth of River St. Charles, and the Master of such Vessel shall not allow the Immigrant or Immigrants in respect of whom the permit has been refused, to land in any part of Canada, or to depart from the Vessel, but he shall keep such Immigrant or Immigrants on board the same and transport tliem therein on the departure of the said Vessel, from Quebec, unless the Inspecting Physician shall subsequently see fit to grant such permit. 3. Any Master, Officer or Seaman of a Vessel, who shall allow the departure of any Immigrant or Immigrants without such permit, and any person who shall aid, assist or connive at the landing of any Immigrant without' such permit or who shall contravene^ either by commission or omission any of the foregoing Re- gulations, shall be liable to a penally not exceeding |400 in any case, and the of- fender may be imprisoned until the same is paid. 4. The Inspecting Physician shall report to the Collector of Customs at the Port, the case of any Vessel, in which have arrived any Immigrant or Immigrants, to whom such permit has been refused, and no Vessel shall be entered or cleared at any Custom House, until these regulations have been complied with. Now Know Ye and we do hereby command and enjoin upon all our loving subjects, that they do take notice of and obey the said Regulations so much as herein set forth and govern themselves accordingly. By Command, 19 June 1868. HECTOR L. LANGEVIiiy Secretary of State. ■■n4,-%h My Lord, Downing Street, 23rd July 1868. Adverting to the altered circumstances of Canada, which would render unsuitable the general Table of Precedence laid down in the Book of Colonial Regulations, I have the honor to transmit to you, by the Queen's command, an amended Table of Precedence, which has received Her Majesty's approval, for the Dominion of Canada. I have &c.. Governor The Right Honble. Viscount Monuk, \ BUCKINGHAM & CHAN DOS. &tC., JnC, &C. 42d ORDtlRS IN COUNCIL. Miteellaneous. TABLE OF PRECEDENCE WITHIN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. i. The Governor General or officer, administering the Government. ). (iiMftlj , 2. Senior Officer commanding Her Majesty's Troops within the Dominion, if of the rank of a General and ofTicer commanding Her Majesty's Naval Forces ovL the British North American Station, if of the rank of an admiral. Their own re- lative rank to be determined by the Queen'^ Regulations on this subject. 3. The Lieutejnant Governor of Ontario^ , < ; 4. , « « "Quebec. Minrf -o lr(ni'iiu!«i'|- TiTij;6 iUNDBIi confederation, tm hd h/kv/ Mt Lord, Downing Street, 24th July 1868. •■\ .,/i V, ,,,,[, ,, i,^'> _ ■ ; ,,,,(,.,1 In consequence of the confederation of the British Provinces, some revision of the former usage there, about titles, has become necessary, and I have the hon- or to inform you that Her Majesty has been pleased to approve of the adoption of the following Regulations : , 1. The Governor General of Canada to be styled " His Excellency ". 2. The Lieutenant-Governors of the Provinces to be styled " His Honor ", 3. The Privy Councillors of Canada to be styled " Honorable " and for life.- 4. Senators of Canada to be " Honorable " but only during office, and the Title not to be continued afterwards. 5. Executive Councillors of the Provinces to be styled " Honorable, "but only while in office, and the Title not to be continued afterwards : "^'6. Legislative Councillors in the Provinces not in future to have that Title j; but gentlemen "who were Legislative Councillors at the tim.e of the Union, to re- tain their Title of «• Honorable " for life. 7. The President of the Legislative Council in the Provinces to be styled (^ Honorable " duridg office. 8 The Speakers of the House of Assembly in the Provinces to be styled "Hon- orable " durmg office I have &c. BUCKINGHAM & CHANDOS. Governor I'he Right Honorable, }■ &c., &c.,&c. Viscount Monck. ,1 ,.,1 /; :• -1., r ■'! J. ,..'. ,v,^:>'l i|4/^ I i •> ,^i/:iux/..i ,.i Hcmmtr 430 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Mseellaneous. INDIAN LANDS IN ST.-LOUIS.— CERTAIN LAW EXTENDED TO.— CANADA :: VICTORIA, by the Grace of Good, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., &c., &c. To all to whom these presents shall come or whom the same may in any -wise concern — greeting : ' , ^ ■) "1117 HEREAS in and by an Act of the Parliament of Ga- ) Y V nada, passed in the thirty first year of our Reign, John A. Macdonald, Attorney General and intituled : " An Act providing for the organization Of the Department of the Secretary of State of Canada and for the management of Indian and ordnance Lands " it is, amongst other things, in eflect enacted that the provisions in the eighteenth and the four next following sections, that is to say, the nineteenth twentieth, twenty first and twenty second sections of the said Act contained, shall extend to such Indian Lands only as the Governor, from time to time, by Procla- mation published in the Canada Gazette, declares and makes subject to the same, and so long only as such Proclamation remains in force ;'""*•• ' And whereas it has been deemed expedient by our Governor that the said provisions should be extended to the following lands, that is to say. The Seigniory of St. Louis, in the Province of Quebec, the said land belonging to or being oc- cupied by the Tribe of Iroquois Indians, or a band or body thereof : Now there- fore know ye that we, taking the same into Our Royal consideration, and approv- ing of the extension of the said provisions of the said Act to the said lands herein- before described^ do hereby declare and make all and singular the said lands hereinbefore mentioned, that is to say, the seigniory of Saint Louis and every part thereof, subject to the said provisions in the said eighteenth, nineteenth twentieth, twenty first and twenty second sections of the said Act contained, ac- cording to the form of the Statute in such case made and provided ; of all which premises all our Justices, Sheriffs, Bailiffs, .constables and other officers of Jus- tice, and all other our liege subjects are hereby required to take notice and gov- ern themselves accordingly. I ■ ' ^ In testimony whereof, &c.. By Command, . HECTOR L. LANGEVIN, Secretary of Slate. 23rd September 1868. • ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Ui Miscellaneous. BRIDGE, CLIFTON SUSPENSION. —TARIFF OP TOLLS, nl GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Monday, 22nrf day of March, i869. . Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL -M ON the recommendation of the Honorable the Acting Minister of Public Works, and under the provisions of the seventh section of the Act 31 Vic. Cap. 82, His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that the By- Law passed by the " Clifton Suspension Bridge Company," on the Second day of March instant, and hereunto appended, v stablishing a TafifT of Tolb to be de- manded for going vpon or crossing the said Bridge, be and the same is hereby approved. ,\ . ;ii'u^i-; .i;u'< / WM. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council. 'iiil !«i // A By-Law to Regulate the Toll to be taken by the Clifton Suspension Bridge Company^ for crossing their Suspension Bridge, Be it enacted by the Clifton Suspension Bridge Company, that the rate of toll to be demanded for going upon, or crossing the Suspension Bridge over the Nia- gara River, from the side of the Province of Ontario, shall be as follows : For each carriage or vehicle drawn by two horses, including the driver thereof, Jifty cents ;— for each sintjle horse carriage, and driver, thirty-five cents ; — for each olhe. person, twenty cents. Adopted and established by the Clifton Suspension Bridge Company, at a meeting held at their office, in the town of Cliflon, this Second day of March, t869, — and attested herewith by the signatures of the President and Secretary of said Corporation, and the Corporate Seal of said Company. DEL08 DkWOLF, President Virus W. Smith, Secretary. 482 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Mitcellaneoutt DOMINION DAY, Ist JULY, TO BE CELEBRATED EVERy, YEAR, DIS^ PROCLAMATION. CANADA. lui By Command, XWUt HECTOR L. LANGEVIN, Secretary of State. i :..<:) JOHN YOUNG. ,vu>l'!Tt '•' MnkH ,'U Wh-iiy E Sir Johi Mr. Ma( Mr. Roi W day of ! as follo\ "A *' venile AN Council, he is of legally mendin( General His by and ^ said Act WI other p< aqcordir / I, J that the day of S " of Hal received [L. S.J ORDERS IN COUNCIL. m Miscellaneous- DISALLOWANCE OF JUVENILE OPFENDEHS' ACT, NOVA SCOTIA. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Friday, 20th day of August, 1869. Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. Sir John A. Macdonaed, Mr. Macoougall, Mn. Chapais Mr. Rose and Mr. Howe. •1 IN COUNCIL. 'TTT'HEREAS the Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Nova Scotia, ^ith VV the Legislative CQintcil and Assembly of that Province, did, on the 2 1st day of September, A. D. 186S, pass an Act which has bdeu transmitted, entitled as follows, viz : " An Act to empower the Police Court in the City of Halifax to sentence Ju- *^ venile Offenders to the Halifax Industrial School. " AND WHEREAS the said Act has been laid before the Governor General in Council, together with a Report from the Minister of Justice, selling forth that he is of opinion that the change of the Law proposed in the said Act, cannot be legally effected by an Act of the Provincial Legislature, and therefore recom- mending that the said Act should AQt receive the conflrmutiun of the Governor General. His Excellency the Govehnoh General has therefore this day been pleased, by and with the advice of His Privy Council, to declare His Disallowance of the said Act, ^nd the same is hereby disallowed accordingly. WHEREOF the Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Nova' Scotia and all other persons whom it may concern, are to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. W. A. HIMSWORTH, Asst. Clerk, Privy Council. y I, JOHN YOUNG, Baronet, Governor General of Canada, do hereby certify that the Act passed by the Legislature of the Province of Nova Scotia, on the 21st day of September, 1868, enlilltd ' Ari Act to empower the Polioo Court in the City *■' of Halifax to sentence Juveuih; Oll'ouders to the Halifax Industrial School." was received by me on the ThiriioiU day of January, 1869. [L. S.| Given under my Hand and Seal this Twentieth day ofAiigust, 18G9J JOHN YOUNG.' ■ 28 434 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. MisceHaneouf. JOINT STOCK COMPANIES ACT— TARIFF OF FI5ES, JOINT STOCK COMPANIES, INCORPORATED BY LETTERS PATENT, UNDER ACT 32 and 33 VIC. Ch. 13. Tariff of Fees. i. When the proposed Capital Stock of the Company is $?00,000 or up- wards ; 160 00 2. When the proposed Capital Stock is $100,000 or upwards, and less than $200,000 : 50 00 3. When the Capital Stock is 930,000 and less than $100,000 $40 00 4. When the Capital Stock is less than $50,000 $30 00 On application for Supplementary Letters Patent, the fee charged to be one half of the fee on the original Letters Patent. The issue of Patents to take place through the Department of the Secretary of State of Canada. 1 hereby certify that the above Tariff of Fees was approved by His Excellency The Governor General in Council on the 20th day flf August 1869. W. A. HIMSWORTH, ;,v. , Clerk Privy Council. ORDNANCE LANDS PLACED IN CLASSES B & C. Ordnance Lands, Buildings and other properties transferred to the charge, keeping and management of the Minister of Militia and Defence, to be retained for the Defence of the Dominion until further order, and placed in Class B, under the provisions of the 24lh Chapter of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, in- tituled. " An Act respecting the Ordnance and Admiralty Lands transferred to the Province. " CLASS B. Temiscouata — On Lake Fort Ingall — Stockaded Barracks. LapraHe — Barracks and Common. {1) St. Joh»\s— Old Fort — Infantry Barracks and Land contiguous. Isle-aux-Noix — And Land at South River. (2) Chambly—So much of the Land as lies to the North of the Queen's Highway, between the Highway and the water of Chambly Basin between the Ch.imbly Canal on the West and the Eastern Boundary of the said property excluding property Known as the Barrack Master's Quarters and Field. {\) These ] roperlios liavo sinco been plnced In Cla^s G. |2) Tliese jro] erties iieve tin e been f liced in CIuss C. ORDERS IN CGIUNCIL. 435 rENT, . $60 00 IS .. 50 00 940 00 130 00 to be one secretary icellency mcil. charge, retained B, under nada, in- *ed to the highway, /een the |)ropertyj i'ield. Miscellaneout. Chauteauguay Reserve. ; PreMoU— Fort Wellington, with ditch and glacis and Lots from.l3 to36 inclusive. »,ii , .mj u,i<. ■ > ii('>uuv''j.'ui) Kingston — Cartwrights Field, occupied by Militia Volunteer Drill Shed and used as Drill ground. > r,;. Toronto— Bathurst Street Barracks and'the Ordnance Reserve. Niagara — Reserve, Barracks and Hospital and Fort Mississagua. Queenston — Reserve, now occupied by the Trustees of Brock's Monument Navy Island — In the River Niagara. London — Artillery and Infantry Barracks, Hospital and remainder of Reserve. Chatham — Infantry Barracks and Reserve. Penetanguishene — So much of Reserve and also Buildings now occupied by Ju- venile Reformatory. Amherstburg — Fort Maiden Reserve and Buildings now occupied as a Lunatic Asylum — also Lot Letter A, Dalhousie Street, Amherstburg. Ottawa— Pari of Lot D. Con. C. Nepean, known as the Militia Drill ground and fenced in by the Militia Department GLASS C. The remainder of the Lands, Buildings and property enumerated in the se- cond schedule to the above mentioned Act and not included In class B., are placed in Class C, and may be sold, leased or otherwise used as to the Governor in Coun- cil from time to time may seem meet I hereby certify that the ordnance Lands, Buildings and properties above mentioned have been placed in Glasses B and C, respectively as above stated, by Order of His Excellency the Governor General in Council, beaiing dale the six- teenth day of November 1869. W. A. HIMSWORTH, C. P. G. COURT HOUSES AND GAOLS TRANSFERRED TO GOVERNMENT OF QUEBEC. • GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Friday, 19th November, 1869. Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS by the "British North America Act, 1867" certain Public Build- ings became the property of Canada, an.l by 31 Vic. Cap. 12 intituled Act respecting the Public Works of Canada" the same were placed under the control and management of the Minister of Public Works— C( 4M ORDEHS IN COUNCIL. Miscellaneoui. AND WHEREAS amongst such Buildings are the several Court Houses and Gaols hereinafter mentioned, situate in the Province of Quebec. AND WHERE- AS the Government of the Povince of Quebec, have applied for the transfer to that Province of the Public ^uilding^ in question, and the Hon. the Acting Minis ter of Public Works, under the authority of the 54th Section of the last mentioned Act, has entered into an arrangement with that Governmen* for such transfer of the same, subject to the conditions hereinafter mentioned — HIS EXCELLENCY IN COUNCIL, on the recommendation of the Hon. the acting Minister of Public Works, and under the authority aforesaid, has thereupon been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that all and singular tbo several Court Houses and Gaols, hereinafter menlioned, situate in the Province of Que- bec, shall be, and they are hereby granted and transferred to the Government ^f the said Province of Quebec^ that is to say : ^apie of Building. District. Chef- Lieu. Court House and Gaol Do Arthabaska St. Christophe. Do Beauce St. Joseph. Do Beauhamois Beauharnois. Do Bedford Sweetsburg. •■■r: taU ni i^S> i Chicoutimi ' Chicoutimi :..:,:: -00 Gasp6 Perc6. UiioU' ^^ i Gasp6 New Carlisle. ■ Do Iberville St. Johns. Do Joliette Joliette. Do Magdalen Islands Amherst. bo Montmagny Montmagny. Do Richelieu Sorel. Do / .7/ Rimouski St. Germain. Po Saguenay St. Etienne ile la Malbaie Do St. Hyacinlhe St. Hyaointhe. Do Terrebonne Sle. Scholastique. Court House Quebec Quebec Do Three Rivers Thuee Rivers. Gaol Montreal Montreal. Do Three Rivers Three Rivers. Upon Iho terms and conditions following, that is to say : 1. That the same and every part thereof respectively, shall be held and taken by the Government of Qn«rb c, with all the privileges and incumbrances there- with, and 30 that no liability shall exist in ihe Government of Canada in respect to the same or any incumbrances thereon. ORPERS IN COUNCIL. 48Y ises and mERE- insfer to g Minis sntioned insfer of Son. the lereupon B several 5 ot Que- iment of IB. ». Nfalbaie. que. id taken Bs thore- 1 respect Miscellaneous. i. That the several Buildings be taken by the Oovernment <^f Quebec in the state of repair and condition in which they may respectively be at the date of the present Order in Council. WAL H. LEE, C. P. C. DISALLOWANCE OF QUEBEC ACT RELATIVE TO PRIVILEGES OF LEGISLATURE. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, 26th day of November, 1869. Present- : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL. The Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, 'i Mr. Tilley, Mr. Mitchell, > IN COUNCIL. Mr. Howe, Sir Francis HiNCKs. ; WHEREAS The Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Quebec, with the Legislative Council and Assembly of the said Province, did, on the 5th day of April 1869, pass an Act which has been transmitted, entitled as follows, viz : " An Act to define the privileges, immunities and powers of the Legislative " Council and Legislative Assembly of Quebec, and to give summary protection to " persons employed in the publication of Parliamentary Papers." AND WHEREAS the said Act has been laid before the Governor General In Council, together with a Report from ihe Minister of Justice, setting forth that he is of opinion that it was not competent for the Legislature to pass such Act, and therefore recommending that the said Act should not receive the contlrmatioa of the Governor General. His Excellency the Governor General has thereupon this day been pleased, by and with the advice of his Privy Council, to declare His Disallowance of the said Act, and the same is hereby Disallowed accordingly. WHEREOF the Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Quebec, and all other persons whom it may concern, are to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Wu. H. LEE, G P. I, JOHN YOUNG, Baronet, Governor General of Canada, do hereby certify that the Act passed by the Legislature of the Province of Quebec, on the 5th day of April 1809, entitled : " An Act to define the privileges, immunities and powers " of the Legislitive Council and Legislative Assembly of Quebec, and to give " summary protection to persons employed in the publication of Parliamentary " Papers," was received by me on the Slst day of May 1869. [L. S.] Given under my Hand and Seal, this 26th day of November 1869. JOHN YOUNG. 488 0RDER8 iN COUNOIL. Miscellaneous. DISALLOWANCE OF ONTARIO ACT DEFINING PRIVILEGES OP LEGISLATURE. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, 26th day of November 1869. Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL DIJ IN COUNCIL. The Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, Mr. Tilley, Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Howe, Sir Francis Hincks. ) WHEREAS the Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Ontario, with the Legislative Assembly of that Province, did, on the l9th day of December, 1868, pass an Act which has been transmitted, entitled as follows, viz : " An Act " to define the privileges, immunities and powers of the Legislative Assembly, " and to give summary protection to persons employed in the publication of " Sessional Papers." ' AND WHEREAS the Said Act has been laid before the Governor General in Council, together with a Report from the Minister of Justice, setting forth that he is of opinion that it was not competent for the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, to pass such Act, and therefore recommending that the said Act should not receive the confirmation of the Governor General. His Excellency The Governor General has thereupon this day been pleased, by and with the advice of His Privy Council, to declare His Disallowance of the said Act, and the same is hereby Disallowed accordingly. WHEREOF the Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Ontario, and all other persons whom it may concern are to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Wm. H. LEE, '' Clerk Privy Council. I, JOHN YOUNG, Baronet, Governor General of Canada, do hereby certify that the Act passed by the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, the 19th day of December, 1868, entitled : " An Act to define the privileges, immunities and " powers of the Legislative Assembly, and to give summary protection to persons " employed in the publication of Sesiional Papers," was received by me on the 26th day of January 1869. [L. S.l , Given under my Hand and Seal, this 26;h jay of November, 1869. , ^» , JOHN YOUNG. HIS WflE Legislative D., 1869, 1 " Act for i " the Exp( " sums ex] AND Council, t( is of opini( Act, canrt( therefore r the Goveri: HisEj and with t Act, and tl WHE other perg accordingl I, JOE that the A( of Januarj " money r " 1869 ; fo " aod for ( 1869. [L. S.) ( ORDERS IN COUNQL. 439 Miscellaneous, DISALLOWANCE OF THE ONTARIO SUPPLY BILL OF 1869. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Thursday, 20th day of January 1870. Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS the Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Ontario, with the Legislative Assembly of that Province, did, on the twenty third day of January A. D., 1869, pass an Act which has been transmitted, entitled as follow!>, viz : '■'■ Aa " Act for granting to Her Majesty, certain sums of money required for defraying " the Expenses of Civil Government for the year 1869, for making good certaia " sums exp3nded for the Public Service in 1863, and for other purposes." AND WHEREAS the said Act has been laid bafore the Governor General in Council, together with a Report from the Minister of Justice, si!ttlng forth that he is of opinion that the change of the Law proposed in the sixth Section of the said Act, canilot be legally effected by an Act of the Provincial Legislature, and therefore recommending that the said Act should not receive the confirmation of the Governor General. His Excellency the Governor General has therefore this day been plesed, by and with the advice of his Privy Council, to declare His Disallowance of the said Act, and the same is hereby disallowed accordingly. WHEREOF the Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Ontario, and all other persons whom it may concern are to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Wm. h. lee, ■ Clerk Privy Council. I, JOHN YOUNG, Baronet, Governor General of Canada, do hereby certify that the Act passed by the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, on the 23rd day of January 1869, entitled : " An Act for granting to Her Majesty, certain snms of " money required for defraying the expenses of Civil Government for the year " 1869 ; for making good certain sums expended for the Public Service in 1868, " aud for other purposes" was received by me on the Iwenly sixth day of January 1869. [L. S.J Given under my Hand and Seal, this twentieih day of January 1870. JOHN YOUNG. rm 440 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Miscellaneous. PUBLIC BUILDINGS, N. B., TRANSFERRED TO PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Friday, 11th day of February, 1870. Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL. Upon the Report of the Honorablo the Minister of Public Works, that the properties in the Town of Fredericton, in the Province of New Brunswick, known as the " Government House," and the " Provincial Buildings," and more particu- larly described in the Schedule hereunto annexed, and forming part of this order, are not required for the use of the Dominion of Canada. His Excellency, on the recommendation of the Honomble the Minister of Justice, and under the provi- sion of the I08lh Section of " The British North American Act, 1867," and the 8th item of the third Schedule attached thereto, has been pleased to order and it is hereby ordered, that the said properties shall be, and they are hereby appropriat- ed to the use of the Government and Legislature of the Province of New Bi'uns- wick. Wm. H. LEB, Clerk Privy Council. SCHnoULE. Two tracts of land in the Parish of Fredericton, in the County of York, Prov- ince of New Brunswick, and bounded as follows, to wit : The first tract being th.'it on which the Government House and out-houses are erected, bounded North-easleily by the River St. John ; South-easterly by Smyth Street, in the Town Plot of Fredericton ; South-westerly by the Great Road from Fredericton to Woodstock ; and North-westerly by the Lane leading from the said Great Road to the River St. John, at the distance of forly-three chains of four poles each, and fifty links (measured along the eaid Great Road) from Smylh Street, and containing Fifty Acres, more or less. The said Tf.«»^t being that which was conveyed by Lieutenant Governor Carleton to His late Ma- jesty George the Third, on the Seventh day of March, A. D. 1816, and recorded in pages 89, 90 and 91, No. 1609 of Book E, of the records of the said County of York. The second tract being that on which the Legislative and other Public Buildings are erected in the aforesaid Town Plot of Fredericton, bounded north- westeily by St. John Street, south-we.-terly by King Street, south-easterly by Secretary's Lane, aild north-easterly by Queen Street, and containing two acres and two roods, more or less. duty. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. . 441 MitcellaneouB. ROAD, HUNTINGDON AND St. FRANCIS.— RATBS OF TOLLS ON— GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Tuesday, 9lh day of August, 1870. Pkesent : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the'Honorablo the Minister of Public Works, and under tlie authority given by the 58th Section of the Act 31 Vict. Cap. 12, intituled : " An Act respecting the Public Works of Canada." His Excellency has been pleased to Order, and it is hereby Ordered, that on from and after the 15th day of September next, the following rates of toll shall be and they are hereby imposed, and authorised to be levied and collected in and upon the Public Work known as the *' Huntingdon and St, Francis Road," that is to say : — Summer Winter rate. rate. For any Vehicle drawn by two or more horses or cattle, passing over road once 20 cents. 15 cents. For the same going and returning the same day 30 cents. 23 cents. For any Vehicle drawn by one horse or other beast of burden, passing over the same road once 12^ cents. tO cents. For the same going and returning the same day 20 cents. 15 cents. For each sheep or head of swine 2 cents. 1 cent. For every horse or cow or other head of horned cattle 5 cents. 3 cents. ExcBPTiONS. — To be allowed to pass free of chai ^e. Horses and Vehicles belonging to Officers in Her Majesty's Service, when on duty. Horses and Vehicles employed exclusively in carrying Her Majesty's Mails Funeral Corteges. Horses and Vehicles conveying persons to and from Church on Sundays and Holidays. Wm. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council, Canada. |1! *' i 442 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Miscellaneous. I MANITOBA DIVIDED INTO FOUR ELECTORAL DISTRIQTS. [LS.] HSGAR. CANADA. VICTORIA, by the grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., &c., &c. To all to whom these presents shall come, or whom the same may in anywise concern— Greeting : A PROCLAMATION. ^ John A. Mcdonald, ^ 'TTT'HEREAS it is in and by an Act of the Parliament Attorney General, y VV of Canada, made and passed in the Thirty-third Canada. ) year of Our Reign, intituled : " An Act lo amend and continue the Act 32 and 33 Victoria, chapter 3 ; and to establish and provide for Government of the Province of Manitoba," amongst other things in effect enacted ; that on, from, and after the day upon which We, by and with the advice and consent of Our Most Honorable Privy Council, under the authority of the One hundred and forty-sixth Section of the British North America Act, 1867, shall, by Order in Council in that behalf, admit Rupert's Laud and the North- Western Territory into the Union or Dominion of Canada, there shall be formed out of the same a Province, which shall be one of the Provinces of our Dominion of Canada, and which shall be called the Province of Manitoba, and be bounded as in the said Act of the Parliament of Canada, now in part in recital, is parti- cularly mentioned and described. And it is fiirlhor in and by the said Act now in part in recital enacted, that 6'i, from and after the said day on which Our Order in Council shall take effect as aforesaid, the provisions of the British North America Act, 1867, shall, except those parts thereof which are in terms made, or by reasonable inteudment may be held lo be specially applicable to or only to affect one or more, but not the whole of the Provinces at the time of the passing of the said Act now in part in recital, and except so far as the same may be varied by the said Act now in part in recital, be applicable to the Province of Manitoba in the same way and lo the like extent aa they apply »o the several Provinces of Canada, and as if the Province of Manitoba had been one of the Provinces origin- ally united by the said Act, that is to say, by Uie British North America Act, 1867. And it is further in and by the said Act now in part in recital enacted, that the said Province shall hi reprt'SL>ntod in the first instance in the House of Commons of Canada by four Membeis, and for that purpose shall be divided by Pioclaina- tion of Oar Governor General into four Electoral Districts, each of which shall bo represented by one Memb m-, provided tint on the completion of the Census in Iho year one thousand eight h\iiiired and eighty-one, and of each Deceiniial Census afterwards, Iho representatives of the said Province shall be re-adjusted according to the provisions of the fifty-first socLien of the British North America Act, 1867 : And Honorab section o bearing that, fror seventy, and beco And part reeit of July, i Manitoba the last-r And House of respect v^ the said Now for Canac nada, hei Province for the pi which sa toral Dis after set as are he Elec establish Legislati Sue District ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 443 Miscellaneous. And Whereas wo did, by and with the advice and consent of Our Most Honorable Privy Council, under the authority of the one hundred and forty-sixth section of " The British North America Act, 1867, " t>y Our Order in Council bearing date on the twenty-third day of June now last past, Order and Declare that, from and after the Fifteenth day of July, One thousand eight hundred and seventy, Rupert's Land and the North- Western Territory should be admitted into, and become part of, the Dominion of Canada ; And Wheheas by virtue of the Act of Parliament of Canada, hereinbefore in part recited, there became, and was formed, on, from, and after the Fifteenth day of July, in the year One thousand eight hundred and seventy, the Province of Manitoba, now one of the Provinces of the Dominion of Canada, bounded as in the last-mentioned Act is particularly mentioned and described ; And Whereas for representation of the said Province of Manitoba in the House of Commons of Canada, as in the Act of Parliament hereinbafore in such respect recited, is provided, it is expedient that We do, by Proclamation, divide the said Province into four Electoral Districts : Now Know Ye, and We do, by and with the advice of Our Privy Council for Canada, and by and under the authority of the Act of the Parliament of Ca- nada, hereinbefore in part recited, by this Our Royal Proclamation, divide the Province of Manitoba, in Our Dominion of Canada, into four Electoral Districts, for the purposes of representation in the House of Commons of Canada, each of which said Districts shall be represented by one Member, and which said Elec- toral Districts shall be respectively known by the names or designations herein- after set forth and shall be composed of such portions of the Province of Manitoba as are hereinafter particularly described, that is to say : — Electoral District number One to comprise, of the Electoral Divisions recently established by the Proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba, for the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, those known as Headingly, or No. 8 J ' Saint Charles, or No. 9, Saint James, or No. 1 0, Saint Boniface, West and East, or Nos. II and 12, Winnip>>g and St. John, or No. 18, Kildonan, or No. 19. Such Klcctorial District number one, to be called and known ns tne Electoral District of Selkirk. !;! 444 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Miscellaneous. Electoral District number Two, to comprise all the settlements on the Red River, and in the heighbourhood, lyinR between the south line of Eleclofal Dis- trict number One, and the Frontier of the United States, including the settlements on the Seine, at Oak Point or Saint Anne, such Electoral District number Two, to be called and known as the Electoral District of Provencher. Electoral District number THree, to comprise all the settlements on the Red River, and in the neighbourhood between the norlh line of Electoral District number one and the northern frontier of the Province, including those at Broken Head River ; such Electoral District number three to be called and known as the Electoral District of Lisgar. Electoral District number Four, to comprise all the settlements on the Assi- niboine and Lake Manitoba, and all other settlements" to the westward of the western line of Electoral District number One ; such Electoral District number Four to be called and known as the Electoral District of Marquette. Of all which our loving subjects and all others whom these presents may concern, are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. By Command, Ottawa, 5th Jannary 1871. J. C. AIKINS, Secretary of State. APPEALS BEFORE PRIVY COUNCIL.— FORM AND TYPE TO BE USED. Downing Strebt, kth April 1871. (General Circular.) Sir, . I transmit to you for your information, and for the guidance of all whom it may concern, two copies of an Order in Council for the regulation of the form and type to be used in the printing of the Cases, Records, and Proceedings in Appeals, and other matters pending before the Lords of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. I have to instruct you to give publicity to this Order in Council throughout 'he Colony under your Government. ' 4 I have the honor to be. Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant, The Officer Administering the Government of Canada. KIMBERLEY. '■' -tf , iMm !' ORDERS IN COUNCIL. MS MiseeUaneoui. the Red tal Dis- tlements Two, to the Red District Broken n as the lie Assi- of the number ts may ^ ^dingly. State. USED. U 1871. rhom it le form ings la littee of iighout iEY. MANITOBA.— SURVEYS AND GRANTS OF PUBLIC LANDS IN-- MEMORANDUM ON THE SUBJECT OF THE PUBLIC LANDS IN THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. Approved by His Excelleru;y the Governor General in, Council on the 25ihAprUj 1871. SYSTEM OF SURVEY. .'.JJiXlfSHu:' HVI'ldf! v'TiOfli 1. The system shall be rectangular. .. , 2. The Townships shall consist of 36 Sections of one mile 8(}uare each, and road allowances; la all cases 1^ chains in width, shall be set out and allowed bet- ween all Townships and Sections. Sections shall be numbered as shown in tbd^ following diagram : ■V{>- n ^ 31 30 19 18 7 6 i1 33 34 27 22 5^' 2) 23 36 25 24 «9 28 •20 17 8 5 21 16 9 4 15 10 14 II 13 12 3 2 1 H '! ,'->M [i I 11* 3. The International boundary shall form the base for Townships 1 and 2. , 4. The East and West lines between Townships 4 and 5, 8 and 9, 12 and 13, and 16 and 17, shall be base lines or standard parallels in the system. 5. The meridian line rnnin the Autumn of 1869 for some 90 miles north from the International boundary, and known as the "Winnipeg Meridian," shall be adopted and continued as the meridian from which the ranges of Townships shall number East and West in the Province. 6. The "jog" resulting from convergence of meridians shall be allowed and set out on the following lines, that is to say : For Townships 1, 2, 3 and 4 on line between Townships 2 cind 3 . " 5, 6, 7 «' 8 " " 6 " 7 <« - 9, 10, 11 " 12 " " 10 " 11 " 13, 14, 15 " 16 " " 14 " 15 7. In the survey of any and every Township the deficiency or surplna, ns the case may be, j-esulting from convergence of meridians, shall be set out and allow- ed in the quarter sections on the west boundary — the area of which shall in the survey be returned accordingly at their actual contents. 446 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. MiseellaneouM. Distribution of the 1,400,000 acbes appropriated under the Manitoba Act for THE BENEFIT OF THE FAMILIES OF THE HaLF-BREEDS. 1. Every half-breed resident in the Province of Manitoba at the time of the transfer thereof to Canada, (the fifteenth day of July, A. D. 1870,) and every child of every such half-breed resident, shall be entitled to participate in the 1,400,000 acres. 2. The most liberal construction shall be put on the word resident. 3. No conditions of settlement shall be imposed in grants made to half breeds in pursuance of the provisions of the Act referred to, and there shall be no other restrictions as to their power of dealing with their lands when granted than those which the laws of Manitoba may prescribe. 4. The Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba shall designate the Townships or parts of Townships in which the allotments to the half-breeds shall be made. 5. The mode of allotting these lands shall be as follows : — a If not already obtained, an accurate Census shall be taken to determine the number of persons who may be entitled to participate. B. Upon such Census the number of acres to which each maybe entitled shall be ascertained. c. The number and area of individual grants-having been ascertained, the land selected by the Lieutenant Governor for the purpose shall be divided up accord- ingly. D. Tickets shall be prepared, say on some such form as the following ; each to contain thereon a description of the lands intended to satisfy the particular claim for which it may happen to be drawn. ^\- ,..1. .'4;, \\A, Claim No. 10 (allotment of I,4UU,000 acres, Manitoba.) Description of Lands. S. E. i Sec. 1 4, Tp. 5, 3rJ R. W. ItiO acres. (Lt.-Gov. initials) A. G. A. A book of record shall be prepared also, in which the names and particulars (see form suggested below) of all admitted claims shall be entered and consecuti- vely^numbered. e. Everything being prepared, the tickets may be put into a bo.\, and the Lieu- tenant Governor shall draw them at random. As drawn they shall be numbered and initialled by the Lieutenant Governor in regular consecutive aider, and the land descril)ed on a ticket of a certain number shall go in satisfaction of the claim of corresponding number in the Regi-ter of Claims, and be entered accordingly. 6. C necessar 7. R at the ai accordln There ci ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 147 Miseellaneout. 6. Claimants of the age of 18 and over shall receive their patents without un- necessary delay, and minors on arriving at that age. < ; 7. Recorded claims, when the claimant dies before being entitled by arriving at the age of 18 to receive a patent, shall be deemed real estate, and shall descend according to the laws from time to time in force in the Province of Manitoba. There can be DO distinction of sex in making the allotment. Rkcord of Claims — Allotment of 1,400,000 acres set apart by Manitoba Act. Particulars OF Claimants. Ndme. Parish. OccufO- lion. Age on.< day of... Deacnption of Lkud Drawn. Townsh'p Section. Acres. Date of Patent. To whom fssued- Rbhabks. Settlement of Grown Lands. The provisions hereinafter contained shall only apply to lands which shall have been surveyed. Unappropriated public lands shall, until further directions, be open for sale at the rate of one dollar an acre, but no sale of more than a section shall be made to any one person. , ,;- Payments for lands, whether purchased in virtue of pre-emption rights or in the ordinary manner, shall be made in cash. Pre-emption Rights. Any person being the head of a family, or a single man above the age of twenty-one years, who has made or shall hereafter make a settlement in person on the pnblic lands, and who has inhabited and improved the same, and who has erected or shall erect a dwelling thereon, may have himself entered with the land officer of the Division in which such land is, for any number of acres not ex- ceeding 160 acres or a quarter section of land, to include the residence of the claimant ; and, being a subject of Her Majesty by birth or naturalization, may ob- tain a patent therefor, upon paying to the Crown the price of such lands. When two or more pers6ns have settled on the same quarter section of land,' the right of pre-emption shall be in him who made the first settlement. Questions as to tlie right of. pre-emption arising between different settlers, shall be settled by the Land Officer of the Division in which the land is situated. Before the right of pre-emption may be exercised, proof of settlement and im- provement shall Le made to the Land Officer by the affidavit of the claimant and the testimony of two credible witnesses. 448 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Miscelktneous. All assignments aul transfers of pre-emption rights prior to the issuing of the patent are null and void. Before any person shall be allowed to be entered for lands and obtain the right of pre emplion in respect thereof, he shall make oath before the Land Of- ficer of the Division in which the land lies that he has never had the befiefit of any right of pre-emption under these regulations — that he has not settled on and improved the lands with a view to selling them on speculation, but in good faith for his own use and benefit. * The person who receives the oath shall file a certificate thereof in the Land Office for the Division, which shall be evidence that such oath was duly admi- nistered. In case a person entitled to claim pre-emption rights, dies before giving effect to his claim, the representatives of the deceased person may com- plete the same. But the entry in such case shall be made in favor of " the Heirs" of the deceased person, and the patent shall issue, and the title shall enure to the heirs as if their names had been specially mentioned. ' Homestead Rights. \. Any person who is the head of a family, or has attained the age of twenty- one years, shall after the first day of May, 1871, be entitled to be entered for one quarter section, or a less quantity of unappropriated public lands, for the purpose of securing a homestead right in respect thereof. Each officer and man who is or has been in the first or Ontario, or in the se- cond or Quebec Battalion of Rifles, now stationed in Manitoba (whether in the ser- vice or depot companies, and who has not been dismissed therefrom), shall be en- titled to a free grant, without actual residence, of one quarter section. No other person shall be entitled to more than one homestead right. Persons owning and occupying lands may be entered for other land lying contiguous to their lands, but the whole extent of land, including that previously owned and occupied, must not exceed 160 acres. A person applying for leave to be entered for lands with a view of securing a homestead right th-rein, shall make affidavit that he is over 21 years of age, that he is a Btilish subject by biith or naturalization, and that the application is made for his exclusive use and benefit, and that the entry is made for the purpose of actual settlement. Upon making this affidavit, and filing it with the land officer, and on pay- ment to him of $10 (for which he shall receive a receipt from the officer), he shall bo permitted to enter the land specified in the application. In entries of contiguous lands, the settler must describe in his affidavit the tract he owns and is sett.ed upon as his original farm. Actual residence on the contiguous. (ii^li ORDERS IN COUNQL. 44» Misceliancout. contiguous land entered is not required, but bona fide improvement and cultivation of it must be shewn for the period required by these rogulations.. No patent shall be granted for the land until the expiration of three year?, from the lime of entering into possession of it. At the expiration of three years, or within two years thereafter, the settler or his widow, her heirs or devisees, upon proof, to the satisfaction of the land ofBcer that he or they have resided upon or cultivated the land for the three years next after the filing of the affidavit for entry, and upon his or their affidavit that no part of the land has been alienated, the settler, or his representatives, shall be en- titled to a patent for the land. Provided such patentee is then a subject of Her Majesty by birth or naturalization. When both parents die, leaving a child or children nnder age,, the executors or guardians may sell the Ian. is for the benefit of the infant child or children, but for no other^purpose. The purchaser, in such case, shall acquire the adsolute'title by the purchase ' and be entitled to obtain a patent for the land from the Crown upon payment of the office fees, etc. The title to lands to be acquired"under the above provisions, remains in the Crown until the issue of the patent therefor, and such lands are not therefore liable to be taken in execution before the issue of the patent. In case it is'proved to the satisfaction of the land officer that the settler has abandoned the land entered by him, for more than, six months at any time, then the land shall revert to the Crown. Any person who has availed himself of the foregoing provisions may at any time, before the expiration of the ihree years, obtain a patent for the land entered upon by him on'paying the pre-emplion price thereof, and making proof of settle, ment and cultivation from the date of entry to the lime of payment. Proof of aclual'settlement and cultivation is made by the affidavit of the claimant, made before the proper^Land Officer, corroborated by the testimony of two credible witnesses. All assignments'and transfers of^homestoad rights prior to the issuing of the patent are null and void, but^will be deemed prima facie evidence of abandonment and give cause for the cancellation of the claim. A settler relinquishing or^ abandoning |_hi8 claim cannot thereafter make a second entry. i ■ A person;;who has'seltled on a tractj^^and filed his application for pre-emption right may at any^time substitute therefor an application for a homestead right. 29 III I ^^ "5 ii 450 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Miieeilaneous. Exemption of Certain Lands. The following lands shall not be the subjects of pre-emption or homestead rights, nor of ordinary sales under these regulations : — Lands allotted to:the Hudson's Bay Company under the terms of the tr&nisfer Mucellantous. INDIAN LANDS IN NOVA SCOTIA.— ACT EXTENDED TO.— PROCIAMATION. CANADA. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and' Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., &c., &c. To all to whom these Presents shall come, or whom the same may in any- wise concern. Greeting : PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS in and by an Act of the Parliament of Canada passed in the thirty first year of Our Reign and intituled " An Act providing for the organiza- tion of the Department of the Secretary of State of Canada and for the manage- ment of Indian and Ordnance Lands " it is amongst other things in effect, enact- ed that the provisions in the eighteenth and the four next following sections, that is to say, the nineteenth, twentieth, twenty first and twenty second sections of the said Act, contained, shall extend to such Indian Lands only as the Governor, from time to time, by Proclamation, published in the " Canada Gazette " declares and makes subject to the same, and so long, only as such Proclamation remains' in force. And Whereas it has been deemed expedient by Our Governor of Canada that the said provisions should be extended to the several tracts of land kereinafter mentioned and called, known and used as Indian Reserves respectively, being Lands or Roads or allowances for roads running through any lands belonging to- or occupied by any tribe, band or body of Indians, situate and being within the Province of Nova Scotia and hereinafter particularly described. Now THEREFORE KNOW vE THAT WE, taking the same into our Royal consi- deration and approving of the extension of the provisions of the said sections of the said act to the said several Indian Lands hereinafter mentioned and every part thereof, Do hereby declare and make subject to the provisions of the eigh- teenth nineteenth, twentieht twenty first and twenty second sections of the act of the Parliament of Canada, made and passed in the 31st year of Our Reign and entituled " An Act providing for the organisation of the Department of the Secre^ tary of State for Canada, and for the management of Indian and Ordnance Lands. " All and singular the following Indian Lands situate in the Province of Nova Scotia being lands or roads, or allowances for road:^ running through any lands belonging to or occupied by any Trib ', bund or body of Indians that is to say : — No. \, The Magamatakook or Middle River Reserve, in the County of Victoria. 456 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Miscellaneous. No. 2. The Wykoko'niah Resorve (including Indian Island), in the County of Inverness. No. 3. The Malagawatoli Reserve on Great Bras D'Or Lake, in the said County of Victoria. No. 4. The Escaseae Reserve, on East B:iy, Cape Breton, in the said County of Inverness. No. 5. The Chapel Island Reserve, and the Reserve on the mainland adjacent thereto, and the Reserves on Ambi-oise and Maurice Islands. No. 6. The Bear River. Reserve in the Counties of Digby and Annapolis. No. 7. The Reserve at Cegumcega Lake, in the said County of Annapolis. No. 8. The Reserve oix the New Liverpool Road, in the said County of An- napolis. No. 9. The Reserve on G(-'gnmcega Lake aforesaid, in the County of Queens and the Island in the said Lake adjacimt to the said last mentioned Reserve. No. 10. The Reserve on Ponbrook Lake in the said County of Queens. No. 1 1. The Reserve at Port Medway in the said County of Queens. i:,.i , No. 12. The Reserve on the River Medway in the said County of Queens, -..i' No. 13. The Reserve on Shnbanecadie Lake in the County of Hants. No. 14. The Reserve on Indian Brook in the said County of Hants. No. 15. The Reserve on Trys.imis River in the County of Halifax. iv, ,i,)i,v No. 16, The Reserve at Sambro Harbour in the said County of Halifax. No. 17. The Reserve on the road between Sheet Harbor and Musquodabort Lake in the said County of Halifax. No. 18. The Reserve at Ship Harbor, Great Lake, in the said County of Ha- lifax. No. 19. The reserve at New Germany on Wallah Buy Lake in the County of Lunenburg. No. 20. The Reserve on Nine Mile Lake, near New Ross in the said County of Lunenburg. No 21. The Reserve on Gold River in tlie said County of Lunenb irg. No. 22. The Reserve adjoining Franklin Mann, in theConnly of Cumberland. No. 23. The Reserves at Ponquel and Little Riv,^r, respeclivcly in the Canso Road, in the County of Anligoni h. and No. 24. The Reserve on the Straits of Northumberland in th; County of Pictou. Of all which promises all our Justiros, ShcM'ifts, Bailiffs, Constables and other Ofllcers of Justice, and all other our liege subjects are hereby required to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly. By Command, PUBLIC Oitawn, 9lh February 1872. J. C. AIKINS, Secrclanj of State. \L. S.] VICTOR Irela To all to concern, H.I Deputy of Justi relating Governor proper, f concernii Canada, i or the re( best calc ance of q riving at thinks it should a passenge or dissen oflicers i\ such pov regulalic them an and pun by Procl duclion evidence such re, remain i certain t of law d ORDERS IN COUNCIL 457 Miscellaneous. PUBLIC HEALTH.— REGULATIONS RESPECTING ENTRY AND DEPART- URE OF VESSELS AT PORTS IN CANADA. DUFFERIN. [L. S.] PROCLAMATION. CANADA. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., &c., &c. To all to whom these presents shall come, or whom the same may in any wise concern. Greeting. . ^i A PROCLAMATION. H. BEiiNAnD, \ TTTHEREAS by a certain Act of the Parliament of Deputy of the Minister >■ W Canada, passed in Ihe Session thereof held in of Justice, Canada. ) ihe 35th year of Our Reign, and intituled "An Act relating to Quarantine " it is amongst other things in effect enacted that the Governor in Council may, from time to time, make such regulations as he thinks proper, for enforcing compliance with all the requirements of the said Act and concerning the entry and departure of vessels, at the dilferent ports or places in Canada, and concerning the landing of passengers or cargoes from such vessels, or the receiving of passengers or cargoes on board of the same, as may be thought best calculated to preserve the public health, and for ensuring the due perform- ance of quarantine by and in respect of vessels, passengers, goods or things, ar- riving at or in the neighborhood of any port or place within Canada, to which he thinks it right, for the preservation of the Public Health, that such regulations should apply, and for the thorough cleansing and desinfecling of such vessels, passengers, goods or things, so as to prevent, as far as possible, the introduction or dissemination of disease into or in Canada and may appoint or remove such oflicors as he may deem necessary for so doing, and assign to them, respectively, such powers as he may think requisite for carrying out the provisions of such regulations, and may, from time to time, revoke or amend the same or any of them and may make others in their stend, and may impose penalties, forfeitures and punishments for the breach thereof ; and such regulations shall bj notified by Proclamation, published in tile Canada Gazette^ at least twice, and the pro- duction of the copies of the Gazette^ containing any such Proclamation, shall be evidence of the making, date and contents of such regulations : And further, that such regulations shall have the force of law during the time they respectively remain un-revok?d, unless th -y be expressly limited to be in force only during a certain time or at certain fmes or seasons, in which case they shall have the force of law during the time and at the times and s-asons during or at which they have been i 468 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Miscellaneous. 11:. F^.1. been limited to he in force ; and that any person disoheying any such regulation shall be held guilty of and may ba prosecuted for a misdemeanor, punishable by line or imprisonment, or both, as the Court may direct ; or otherwise such per- son may be sued for the penalties contained in such regulation. And whereas Our Governor in Council, hath this day been pleased to make under the authority and in pursuance of ihe said above in part recited act certain regulations as follows, that is to say : — I. The following regulations shall not apply to the regular Quarantine Sta- tions of the Ports of Quebec, Halifax and St. John, New Brunswick, nor to any regular Quarantine Station that may be hereafter established by Proclamation of the Governor General. II. Every vessel is and shall be liable to Quarantine which has come from any infected port, or on board of which any death from contagious disease has taken place during the passage, or on board of which there has been or shall be any infectious or contagious disease. III. The master of any vessel on board of which any such death has taken place during the passage, or on board of which there h"-i been or shall be any infectious or contagious disease, shall, when within two marine miles of any part of the shores of Canada, hoist a yellowflag at the mast head, and shall continue the same until entry of the Harbour, and until permitted by theQuarantine officer to lower the same. IV. Whenever Pilots are employed they shall be supplied by the Quarantine officers of the Port with copies of these regulations and it shall bo the duty of such Pilots to exhibit the same to the Master of every ship boarded by them ; Any Pilot neglei'ting to perform this duty shall be subject to a fine for every such omission not e.xceediug twenty dollars. V. The Master of any such vessel as afores:iid upon entering any Harbor whether during the day or by night shall either anchor or come to at a distance of not loss than a mile and a half from the landing place to whicd she is bound, until examined and liceus;; has been granted to proceed to any landing place to land passengers or to discharge cargo -,,), . ;= _,, i, i.-.i . ;• iv. ' -^ ■ VI. Every Master of a vessel liable to Quarantine, shall, upon been thereunto instructed by the Quarantine officer, take his vessel to the Quarantine ground assigned to him by such officer, and in the event of contravention or breach of such orders (he Quarantine officer may cause the vessel to bo sent to such Qua., rantine ground, and in addition llu>reto, the vessel and the master thereof shall bo liable to a penalty of four hundred dollars. VII. port inCai being hois shall then .charge : 1. Wl 2. Fr( there prev 3. Ha 4. Ha 5. Ha sighting tl TheQ printed pa If the officer, a c answers b answering any in fori the public Departme may direc or the Qu as a Quar sary to re cdse the I the next i 9. In any deat there has fever, sra forthwill officer ll with telt a report i respect t ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 459 Miscellaneous. VII. Quarantin<) officers may proceed along 8)d,e of all vessels arriving at any- port in Canada, and in their discretion may, and in the event of the yellow flag being hoisted as hereinbefore required, shall proceed on board without delay, and shall then forthwith submit the following questions to the master or person in .charge : 1. What is your name, and that of your vessel ? 2. From whence did you sail, and dale ? Was any infectious disease then, there prevalent ? 3. Has or have any person or persons been taken sick during the passage ? 4. Have any died ? State number and disease ? 5. Has or have any person or persons come on board or l6ftyour vessel since sighting this port ? The Quarantine officer may, in his discretion, submit these questions on a printed paper, and require the master of the vessel to sign his replies thereto. If the master gives such answers as shall be satisfactory to the Quarantine ofTicer, a clean Bill of health shall be granted by him to such vessel ; but if such answers be not satisfactory, or if there is reason to believe that the master is answering such questions falsely, or has misrepresented the facts, or concealed any information, or if the Quarantine ofTicer has reason to anticipate danger to the public heallli, such Quarantine officer shall report the facts of the case to the Department of Agriculture at the city of Ottawa, and the Minister of Agriculture may direct that the vessel shall be sent to any one of the regular Quarantine Stations, or the Quarantine officer may use the vessel itself for purposes of Quarantine and as a Quarantine depot when the Medical Attendant shall certify that it is unneces- sary to remove the passengers, crew or cargo from the vt?ssel, and in such latter cflse the Medical fees shall be payable by the master of the vessel as provided by the next section hereof. 9. In every case in which the Quarantine ofllcer may find or ascertain that any death from contagious disease Las taken place during the passage or that there has been or is any contagious or infectious disease such as Asiatic Cholera, fever, small pox, scarlatina, measles, or other disease of a like kind, he shall forthwith employ a medical attendant, if in the opinion of such Quarantine officer the same is requisite and desirable, and such Quar nitine officer shall forth- with telegraph or transmit to the Doparlment of Agriculture at the city of Ottawa a report of the facts, and shall act upon such instructions as he may receive in respect thereto. » ii 460 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Miscellaneous. 10. The Quarantine oflicer may pay the medical attendant employed by him for each visit which in his opinibn shall be requisite, a reasonnable fcompensalion not to exceed the sum of four dollars, and the aggregate amount of medical fees so payable in such respect shall be refunded and paid by the master of the vessel to the Quarantine officer and no clearance shall b.; given to the ship until such fees have been paid. But such fees as aforesaid shall not be required or exacted in cases where the vessel has proceeded to a regular Quarantine Station. 1 1. A vessel shall have the right, before breaking bulk, to put to sea in pre- ference to being quarantined as provided for by the 35 Victoria, cap. 27, sec. 9. 12. Masters of vessels whether liable to Quarantine or not shall come to when hailed by a Quarantine officer or any person thereunto deputed by a Q.iarantine officer in that capacity. ' njnr/;;. 13. The Collector of Customs of each and every port of Canada, exci'pt the regular Quarantine Stations of Quebec, Halifax and St. John, New-Brunswick and any other Regular Quarantine Station which may. hereafter be established by Pjoclamation of the Governor General, is hereby authorized to act as a Quaran- tine officer, under the provisions of those Regulations, and shall by virtue of such office, be a Justice of tlie Peace under the authority and for the purposes of the Act 35 Victoria, cap. 27. ,,, „,,,..;. .4 . ,...-. 14. Any person contravening any Regulation hereby made shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding four hundred dollars in any case, and the offender upon conviction shall be imprisoned until such penalty be paid. 15. No vessel shall be entered or cleared at any Custom House in Canada, until all the requirements of these Regulations are fully complied with, and any person, ves^sel or thing who or which has passed or departed or been removed from any Quarantine Ground before all the requirements of such Regulations are fully complied with in respect of such person, vessel or thing, or without the written permission of the Officer empowered to authorize such passing or de- parture may be compelled to return or be carried back to such Quarantine Ground or be sent to any regular Quarantine Station, and by force if necessary. Now Know Ye that We do hereby cdhimand and enjoin upon all Our Loving Subjects that they do take notice of and obey the said Regulations so made as aforesaid and govern themselves accordingly. By Command, 21 January, 1873. J. C. AIKINS. Secretary of Stale. QUA IL.S.] ' VICTORIA Ireland To all to w ■ conceri John A. M, Attorney Cana Quarantine things, in e make such the entry oi and concen or the rece best calcula ance of Qu arriving at tion of the 1 cleansing, i prevent, as in Canada, for so doii required fc to time, re stead, and thereof; v . Canada Ga. containing contents ol force of la expressly 1 seasons, in the times ; and that misdemea direct, or rcgulatioi ORDEBS IN COUNCIL. 461 Miscellaneous. QUARANTINE REGULATIONS AMENDED TO THE EFFECT OF EXEMPTING VESSELS OF WAR, &c. [L.S.] DUFFERIN."""-'' "V ''/;"'' ..■■r: -'■■'■,' ' ■' ' ■■ CANADA. ' ' "'" ''"'• r -T- ■ *J ■ .,-..^--5- , , ! ■ ■ VlCtORlA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and- Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., &c., &c. To all to whom these presents shall come, or whom the same may in any wise- concern — Greeting : A PROCLAMATION. iur John A. Macdonald, ^ ~VT7"HEREAS by an Act of the Parliament of Canada, Attorney General, > VV passed in the Session thereof, held in the thirty- Canada. 3 first year of Our Reign, intituled : "An Act, relating to Quarantine and Public Health," it is, by the '.first Section thereof amongst other things, in efloct, Enacted, that the Governor in Council may, from time to time, make such rpgulations as he thinks proper concerning, amongst other matters, the entry or departure qf boats or vessels at the difierent ports or places in Canada, and concerning the landing of passengers or cargoes from such boats or vessels, or the receiving of cargoes or pr)ssengers on board the same, as may be thought best calculated to preserve the Public Health, and for ensuring the due perform- ance of Quarantine, by, and in respect of vessels, passengers, good?, or things, arriving at any port within Canada, to which he thinks it right for the preserva- tion of the Public Health that such regulations should apply, and for the thorough cleansing, and disinfecting of such vessels, passengers, goods or things, so as to prevent, as far as possible, the introduction or dissemination of diseases into, or in Canada, and may appoint or remove such officers as he may deem necessary for so doing, and assign, to them respectively, such powers as he may think required for carrying out the provisions of such regulations, and may, from time to time, revoke or amend the same, or any of them, and make others in their stead, and may impose penalties, forfeitures or punishments for the breach thereof; which regulations shal be notified, by Proclamation, published in the Canada Gazette^ at least, twice, and the production of the copies of the Gazeltr^ containing any such Proclamation, shall bo evidence of the making, date, and contents of such regulations. And further, that such regulations shall have thi) force of law during the time they respectively remain unrevoked, unless they be oxprc:>sly limited to be in force only during a certain time or at certain times or seasons, in which case they shall have the force of law during the lime, and at the times and seasons during, or at, *vhich thoy have been limited to bo in force • and that any person disobeying any such Reyulaiion may bo prosecuted for a misdemeanor, punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, as the Court may direct, or olherwlsj such persons may bo sued for the penalties contained in such regulation. ^ , . M li I J •. ( ;. 462 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Miscellaneous. And Wherbas, by certain Regulations, amongst other, made by Our Governor General of Canada in Council, under, and in pursaance of the authority of the said first section of the Act hereinabove in part recited, duly notified by Our Royal Proclamation, bearing date on the twenty-third day of May, in the thirty- first year of Our Reign and twice published in the Canada Gazett?, it was provided and declared, amongst other things, as follows : Sixteenth, — " All vessels trading between any ports or places within Canada, and not having touched at any ports or places without the Dominion nor com- municated with any other vessel which shall have arrived from any port without the Dominion, shall be exempt from the foregoing rules and regulations, so far as respects the necessity ot' going to or stopping at an anchorage ground aforesaid ; nor shall the said Rules and regulations apply to any vessel of war or to Trans- ports or vessels having Queen's Troops on board accompanied by a Medical Officer, and in a healthy state or to any Steamer, unless sickness or death may have occurred during the passage." And Whereas by a certain other Act of the Parliament of Canada, passed at the Session thereof held in the 33th year of Our Reign and intituled : " An Act relating to Quarantine" it is by the twelfth section thereof amongst other things in etfect enacted : that all Regulations made by the Governor in Council, under the first section of the hereinbefore in part recited Act, shall continue to have the force of Law untill revoked by Regulations made under the second Section of the Act now in recital. And whereas Our Governor General in Council hath this day been pleased, undor the authority and in pursuance of the said above in part secondly recited ♦Act, to revoke the said above in part recited regulation,' and in amendment and lien thereof to make the following Regulation : That is to say: Sixteen.— ■" These regulations shall not apply to any vessel of war, or to transports or vessels having Queen's Troops on board accompauied by a Medical Officer, and in a healthy state, or to any steamer, unless sickness or death may have occurred during the passage." , ,, . -, -,-, i. . j Now Know Ye, that We do hereby Command and Enjoin Upon All Our loving subjects, that they do take notice of and obey the said regulation so this day made as aforesaid, and govern themselves accordingly. Of all which Our loving subjects and all others whom these presents may concern are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. '.1 By Command, ,' u" i 1 ' t ■ J. G. AIKINS, 2 1st January 1873. • Secrelat-y of State. sons, nor OHDERS IN GOUNaL. 463 Miseellaneout. NORTH WEST,— REGULATIONS AUTHORIZING THE LIEUT.-GOVERNOR TO MAKE LAWS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE &c, IN THE— GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. Wethi^sdn'^, nth February, \81^. Phesbnt : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS it is enacted by chapter XVI, of the Statutes of Canada, passed in the thirty-fourth year of the reign of Her present Most Gracious Ma- jesty, that it Jshall be lawful for the Governor by any order or orders to be by him from time to time made, with the advice of the Privy Council (and subject to such conditions and restrictions as to him shall seem meet) to authorize and empower such officer as he may from time to time appoint as Lieutenant Govern- or of the North West Territories, to make provision for the administration of justice therein, — and generally to make, ordain, and establish all such laws, insti- tutions and ordinances, as may be necessary for the peace, order, and- good gov- vernment of Her Majesty's subjects and others therein ; Provided that all such Orders in Council and laws and ordinances, so to be made, shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament as soon as conveniently may be, after the making and enactment thereof respectively : — And Whereas in and by the same statute the Governor was authorized with the advice of the Privy Council, to constitute and appoint by warrant under his sign manual, a Council of not exceeding fifteen per- sons, nor less, to aid the Lieutenant Governor in the administration of affairs in the said North West Territories, with such powers fts might be from lime to time conferred on them by Order in Council. And whereas, by commission, under the great seal of Canada, bearing dale the Second day of December, in the year of Our Lord 1872, the Honorable Alex- ander Morris was duly appointed Lieutenant Governor of the North West Terri- tories. And whereas, by another commission, under the same great seal, bearing date the Twenty-eighth day of December, in the same year of Our Lord 1872, the following gentlemen were appointed Members of a Council to aid the said Lieute- nant Governor in the administration of the affairs of the said North West Terri- tories, namely : — Marc a. GinARD, . ^ ' ., , Donald A. Smith, Henry J. ClarkB; Pascal Brel\nd, Alfred Boyo, The Hon. K u u 'Sit 464 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. MUcellaneaus. John Schultz, Esquire, M. D. » Joseph Dubuc, Esquire, ; : Andrew G. B. Bannatyne, Esquire, / ' William Eraser, Esquire, Robert Hamilton, Esquire, William J. Christie, Esquire. Now, in pureuance of the powers by the said statute conferred. His Excel- lency by and with the advice of the Privy Council, has been pleased to order, and IT IS HEREBY ORDERED. I. That the Lieutenant Governor of the North West Territories, by and with the advice of the said Council, shall be, and he is hereby authorized to make pro- vision for the administration of justice in the said Territories, and generally to make and establish such oidinances as may bo necessary for the peace, order and good government of the said North West Territories, and of Her Majesty's sub- jects and others therein. Provided first, that no such ordinance shall deal with, or affect any subjects which are beyond the jurisdiction of a Provincial Legisla- ture, under the " British North America Act, 1867, " and provided second, that all such ordinances made to come into force only after they have been approved by the Governor General in Council, unless in case of urgency, and in that case the urgency shall be stated on the face of the ordinance. > irt hVJh'H > 2. Every ordinances passed by the said Council shall be transmitted by the Lieutenant Governor to the Governor General within ten days of its being passed, and may be disallowed by the Governor General in Council, at any time within two years from the time of its being passed. 3. The regular meetings of the said Council shall be held at least once every six months at the Town of Winnipeg, in the province of Manitoba, and shall bo summonned by the Lieutenant Governor, who may also at any time summon an emergency meeting of the Council, should he deem it expedient so to do. 4. A majority of the whole number of Councillors shall constitute a quorum, and the Lieutenant Governor shall preside personnally at all meetings, and the proceedings of the Council shall be subject to his approval. 5. The rights, powers and duties of the Lieutenant Governor underthis order and the said Act, shall devolve upon and be discharged by the officer administer- ing the Government, in case there be at any time no Lieutenant Governor. ■ ■ ' ' -^ ■ • W. A. HBISW^ORTH, ' '" Clerk, Privy Council, Canada. INDL HIS ON the and Excellency following 1 Nation Ind Settlement be held, us the Farliai and establi No. I. cription of Nation In* out either . or otherwi lands are s except witl council of joint conci lation shal No. 2. be seized h authorized wherever the benefit No. 3. the locatic provisions declared tl . the local s Nation Iiu New Cred ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 465 ilisccUuneoux, INDIAN TIMBER.— REGULATIONS FOR THE PROTECTION OF— bein£ GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. Wednesday, Wh February, 1873. Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommendation of the Hon. the Secretary of State for the Provinces and under the provisions of ihe 37th section of the Act 31 Vic, cap. 42, His Excellency in Council has been pleased to order and it is hereby ordered that the following regulations for the protection of the timber on the lands of the Six Nation Indians and on Ihe Reserve of the Mississa^ua Indians of the New Credit Settlement, and to provide for the mode of determining the location of lands to be held, used and enjoyed by the said Indians under the provisions of the Acts of the Parliament of Canada re'aling thereto — be, and the same are hereby made and established. REGULATIONS. No. 1. No timber or firewood, railway ties, staves, shingle wood, or other des- cription of timber or wood shall be taken from, or cut on, the lands of the Six Nation Indians, or those of the Mississaguas of the New Credit Settlement with- out either a special license issued by the superintendent general of Indian affair?, or otherwise by the superintendent within whose agency or jurisdiction the said lands are situated ; and such superintendent shall in no case issue such a license except with the approbation and consent, as respects the Six Nation lands, of the council of chiefs; and as respects Ihe landsof the New Credit Settlement, with the joint concurrence of the head chief and the local superintendent; and this regu- lation shall apply to all lands wheiher located or otherwise. No. 2. Any timber or wood r«rmoved, taken or cut without such license shall be seized by the local superintendent, or the forest warden, or by any person duly authorized in wilting by^the said supi rinlendent or forest warden so to do, and wherever found, whether on or off the taid reserves, may be seized and sold for the benefit generally of the band or bands to whom the reserve may belong. No. 3. And whereas it is desirable to provide for the mode of determining the location of lands to be'Jield, used and enjoyed by the said Indians, under the provisions of the Acts of the Parliament of Canada in that respect, it is therefore declared that in res-peel to the lands set apart for the use cf the Six Nation Indians, the local superintendent, acting in concert with the council of chiefs cf the Six Nation Indiansj and in respect to the lands set apart to the Missiiisaguas" of the New Credit Settlement, the local superintend^ nt, acting in ccncurrcnce with the * ' . • , M ,> i head ^ vr 1^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 1.25 ■^ lii 12.2 ■lUk m IJ4 IF- ^ V] Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 V;iST MAIN STRUT W2BSTiR,N.Y. MSM (716) •73-4503 ^ ^> 466 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Miscellaneous. head chief of the said Mississaguas, is hereby authorized to allot and locate to the various members of the bands for whose use respectively the lands or reserves are so held, as the case may be, the various lots in such lands or reserves ; and acting in concert, or with the concurrence aforesaid, as the case may be, to settle, re-adjust and reai-range such allotments ani locations where disputes may arise, as to the original or subsequent allotment or location of any such lands or reserves. W. A. HIMSWORTH, Clerk Piivy Council. INDIAN RESERVES, ONTARIO. -PROVISIONS OF ACT 31 VICTORIA, EXTENTED TO.— "The "The " The *' The "The Of all Officers notice anc A PROCLAMATION. John A. Macdonald, ") TTTHEREAS, in and by an Act of the Parliament of Ca M f T T Attorney General, Canada. nada, passed in the thirty-first year of Our Reign 3 an^ intituled : '■'■ An Act providing for the organization of the Department of the Secretary of State of Canada and for the management of Ind'an and Ordnance Lands " it is amongst other things, in effect, enacted that the provisions in the eighteenth and the four next following sections, that is to say, the nineteenth, twentieth, tweniy-lirst and twenty-second sections of the said Act, contained, shall extend to such Indian Lands only as the Governor from time to time, by Proclamation, published in the " Canada Gazette " declares and makes subject to the same, and so long, only as such Proclamation remsHns in force. And Whereas it has been deemed expedient by Our Governor of Canada that the said provisions should be extended to the several tracts of land hereinafter mentioned and called, known and used as Indian Reserves respectively, being Lands or Roads or allowances for roads running through any lands belonging to or occupied by any tribe, band or body of Indians, situate and being within the Province of Ontario and hereinafter particularly describjd. Now THEREFORE KNOW YE THAT WE, taking the same into Our Royal consider- ation and approving of the extension of the provisions of the said s-ictions ot the said act to the said several Indian lands hereinafter mentioned and every part thereof. Do HEREBY declare and make subject to the provisions of the eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, twenty-first and twenty-second sections of the act of the Parliament of Canada, made and passed in the 31st year of Our Reign, and enlituled : " An Act providing for the organization of the Diiparlment of the Secretary of Stale of Ca- nada, and for the management of Indian and Ordnance Lauds. " All and singular the following Indian Lands situate in the Province of Oii- tario, that is to say : The lands of ♦' The Mohawks of the Bay of Quint6. " Ottaw MANITOB NOTICB toris nion, " His prove of th purposes o: To setl the right t own use. Specia rates : Oak, 1 Poplai Fuel Fence These authorized Ottaw ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 467 Miscellaneous. " The Chippawas of the Thames, " ^ " The Moravians of the Thames. " " The Chippawas of Sarnia, Kettle Point and the River Sable Reserves. " " The Oneidas of the Thames " and. " The Chippawas of Saugeen and of Cape Croker Reserves. " Of all which premises all our Justices, Sherififs, Bailiffs, Constables, and other Officers of Justice, and all other our liege subjects are hereby required to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly. By Command Ottawa, 26 February 1873. J. C. AlKINS, . Secretary of State MANITOBA.— REGULATIONS RELATING TO THE CUTTING OF TIMBER IN DOMINION LANDS. Department of the Sbcretahy of State, Ottawa. NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of the provisions of the Act 35 Vic- toria, cap. 23, intituled " An Act respecting the Public Lands of the Domi- nion, " His Excellency the Governor General in Council, has been pleased to ap- prove of the following regulations relating to the cutting of timber for building purposes or fuel, in the Province of Manitoba. To settlers on Prairie Lands, who have no wood lots permits, may be granted the right to cut, free of charge, a reasonable supply of timber and fuel for their own use. Special permits tp cut for market, will ba granted to parties at the following rates : Oak, timber, 2 cts. per foot, linear measure. Poplar " 1 ct. " " Fuel " 25 cts. per cord. Fence poles, $1.00 per thousand. These rates to be paid to the Dominion Lauds Agent or some person duly authorized to receive them. J. C. AlKINS, Secretary of State. Ottawa, 3rd March, 1873. m ORDERS IN COUNCIL ^ Miscellaneous. PENITENTIARY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL ESTABLISHED. (L S.] DUFFERIN, CANADA VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., &c., &c. Tp all to whom these Presents shall come, or whom the same may in any wise ' '' concern, Greeting : A PROCLAMATION. John A. Macdonald, J XT/HEREAS in and by the Act of Parliament passed in Attorney General, S ? T the 31st year of Our Reign chaptered 75 and known Canada. ) as The Penitentiary Act of 1868, it is amongst other things in effect enacted that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council at any time hereafter (if he shall see fit) lo declare by Proclamation to be published in the Canada Gazette, that any tract of land within the Dominion of which the bounda- ries shall be particularly defined in ihe Procldmation, is a Penitentiary and is to be so held within the meaning of the wid Acf, and whereas the land hereinafter described has been secured and provided for a Penitentiary to be so held within the meaning of the said Act. Now KNOW YE that we do by this Our Royal Proclamation and by and with the advice of Our Privy Council for Canada declare that from and after this Thir- teenth day of May, A. D., 1873, all and singular that parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the Parish of St. Vincent de Paul, in the County of Laval, in the Province of Quebec, and described as follows that is lo say : All and singular that certain tract or parcel of land of irregular figure, lying and being situate in the parish of St. Vincent de Paul, in the county of Laval, in the" Province of Quebec, forming the properly commonly known as The Reforma- tory, bounded in front towards the north-east by the Mont6e de la cote St. Fran- gois, in rear towards the south-west by the property of C6saire Germain, Esq., N. P., at one end towards the south-east, partly by property belonging to the Fa- :;rique of the said parish of St. Vincent de Paul, partly by the property of Joseph H. Belleiosc, Esq., M. P , and parily by another lot of land or emplacement be- longi'ig to the Dominion of Canada ; at the other end towards the north, by a light angle westerly turn or 6querre in said Mnnl6e de la cole St. Francois, and lastly, towards th west, by the property of Francois PAquetle ; and measuring 5,95C feet along the said Mont6e de la cote St. Francois, 5,418 feet next said C6- sairo Germain, 467 feet next the rear of the properties of the said Fabrique, the said J. H. Rellerose, and the said other lot of land or emplacement belonging to the Dominion afoi-esaid inclusive: — 80 feet along the turn of the said Mont6e St. Fran^jois, and lastly 612 feel next Fr.mcois PAqnette aforesaid, together with sever- al Reformatory buildings, farm build ngp, Lrck kiln, and others thereon erected; The( of the sai Is a I iary Act ( Ofal concern a Otta^ DEPART [L.8.1 VICTORI Irelai To all to concc J- A. M, Attorney Can of the De That from the an order And a Proclar Now Canada, i passed b] " An Act shall, aft of this, Of all concern i Ottawa, ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 469 Miscellaneous. »iJ-i' ■ ■ itain and any wise passed in id known ler things any lime led in the ) bounda- and is io 3reinafter Id within and with this Thir- t of land uounty of ire, lying Laval, in Reforma- St. Fran- ain, Esfj., the Fa- of Joseph iment be- irlh, by a ifois, and leasuring ' said C6- ique, the nging to ont6e St. ith sever- erected ; The dimensions are in English feet^ be precise more or less, without warranty of the same measurement — ' ' Is a Penitentiary and is to be so ^held within the meaning of the Penitent- iary Act of 1 868. Of all which Our loving subjects and all others whom these presents may concern are h'araby required to take notice anJ to govern themselves accordingly. By Command, Ottawa, 13 May 1873. J. C. ATKINS, Secretary of State. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, ESTABLISHED FROM 1st JULY 1873. [ DUFFERIN. PROCLAMATION. CANADA. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., &c., &c.' To all to whom these presents shall come, or whom the same may in anywise concern, GRERTma ; J- A. Macdonald, ) TTTHEREAS, in and by an Act made and passed by the Attorney General. > TT Parliament of Canada, in the 36th Year of Our Canada. ) Reign, intituled : " An Act to provide for the establisment of the Department of the Intorior," it is amongst other things in effect, enacted That the said Act shall only come into force after the expiration of one month from the publication in the Canada Gazette of a Proclamation to that effect, under an order of the Governor in Council. And whereas it is expedient that under an order of the Governor in Council, a Proclamation should issue to the effect, in the said Act mentioned. Now Know ve, that we, by and with the advice of Our Privy Council of Canada, do by this Our Royal Proclamation declare that the said Act made and passed by the Parliament of Canada, in the 36th Year of Our Reign, intituled : " An Act to provide for the establishment of tlie Department of the Interior, " shall, after the expiration of one month from the publication in the Canada Gazette of this, our Proclamation, come into force. Of all which Our loving subjects, and all others whom these presents may concern are hereby required to take notice and to govern th jmsolves accordingly. Bv Command, Ottawa, 30 May, 1873. J. C. AIKINS. Secretary of Stale. 470 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Miscellaneous. COPYRIGHT, PATENTS, TRADE MARKS, TIMBER MARKS, DESIGNS, RULES, REGULATIONS AND FORMS. Rules, Regulations and Forms of the Department of Agriculture. APPROVED BY THE GOVERNOH IN COUNCIL, ON THE 2nD OF JULY, 1 869,UNDEE THE COPT' RIGHT ACT 0/1868, THE TRADE HARK AND DESIGN ACT OF 1868, AND THE ACT RESPECTING THE MARKING OF TIMBER OF 1870. GENERAL RULES. I. There is no necessity for any personal appearance at the Department of Agri- culture, unless specially called by order of the Minister or the Deputy, every transaction being carried on by writting. '*II. In every case the applicant or depositor of any paper is responsible for the merits of his allegations and of the validity of the instruments furnished by him or his agent. m. The correspondence is carried on with the applicant, or with the agent who has remitted or transmitted the papers to the office, but with one person only. IV. All papers are to be clearly and neatly written on foolscap paper, and every word of them is to be distincly legible, in order that no difficulty should be met with in the taking cognizance of, and in registering and copying them. All communicalions to be addressed in the following words To the Minister of Agriculturey Ottawa. VI As regards proceedings not specially provided for in the following forms, any form being conformable to the letter and spirit of the laws will be accej ted, and if not so conformable will be returned for correction. An applies ing fol To the Mini I, [nar town^ parii New Bruns [booky map &C.y dkC.yUi for that pi together v the object i work of an In tes witnesses, (Place and Sigtiature An app'.ic ing f( Ii-elai To the Mil I, [nc other loca hereby d case me b the case r, the [nam [Ontario, request I fee requ map, che work of I ORDERS IN COUNCIL 471 Miscellaneous. COPYRIGHTS. ,, , VII. An application for the Registration of a copyright shall be made after the follow* ing form ; when the applicant is a resident of Canada. To the Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa. I, [name of person] being a resident of Canada and now residing in the [Guy^ town, parish, township or locality] in the Province of [Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Bimnswick, as: the ease may be] hereby declare that I am the Proprietor of the [book, map, chart, statuary, &c., irhatever is really embraced in the original application «nd so described or shewn in the same that it might have been embraced in the original Patent, may be the ground for a re- issue. No new matter shall be introduced into the specification, nor shall the model and drawings be amended except each by the other. In the absence of model or drawing, the re-issue may contain amendments upon satisfactory proof to the Commissioner that such amendments were a part of the invention, although omittted in the original application. 15. Information in relation to pending cases will be furnished' only so far a? it becomes necessary in^conducting the business of the Ofiice. 16. The Office cannot respond to inquiries as to the probability of an alleged invention being patented in advance of an application for a Patent ; nor to inqui- ries founded upon brief and imperfect descriptions, propounded with a view of ascertaining whether alleged improvements have been patented, and if so by whom ; nor can it act as an expounder of the Patent law, nor as counsellor for individuals, except as to questions arising within the Office. , 17. All business with this Office should be transacted in writing. The action of the Office will be based exclnsively on the written record. No attention will be paid to any alleged verbal promise or understanding in relation to which there is aqy disagreement or doubt. f8. Assignments of Patents are to be accompanied by a copy thereof ; such copy will be kept in the Patent office ; and the original will be returned to the person sending it with certificate of registration thereon. The copy to be neatly written on foolscap paper (8 by 13 inches) with an inner margin of one inch and a half wide. 476 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. \ Miscellaneous. 19. AU cases connected with the "intricate and multifarious proceedings arising from the working of the Patent Office, which are not specially defined and provided for in these Rules, will be decided in accordance with the merits of each case under the authority of the Commis^^ioner ; and such decision shall be communicated to the interested parties, through the Departmental correspondent of the Patent Office. NOTICE. I. Correspondence with the Departmant is carried through the Canadian Mail, free of postage. II. Every paper forwarded to the office should be accompanied by a letter, and a separate letter should be written on every distinct subject. in. In order to avoid unnecessary explanations and useless loss of time and labour, it is particularly recommended that reference be made to the law before writing on any subject to the Department ; and it is also recommended m every case, to have the papers and drawings prepared by competent persons, in the interest both of the applicant and of the public service. IV. Although it is optional for the applicant to annex drawings to the Specifica- tion of a Caveat or not, still it is important in the interest of the inventor, always to attach drawings to such specification. V. It iA in the interest of the applicant that the greatest possible care should be taken with the papers, as dispatch and regularity in the proceedings are there- by promoted. "VI. A copy of the rules with a particular section marked,'8ent to any person making an iuquiry, is intended as a respectful answer by the Office. APPENDIX OF FORMS. Petitions. 1. By a sole inventor. To the Commissioner of Patents, Ottawa : The petition of John Smith, of the city of Toronto, in the Province of Onta- rio, carpenter, sheweth, That he hath invented new and useful improvements on a machine for break- ing stone, not known or used by others before his invention thereof, and not being in public use or on sale for more than one year previous to his application in Canada with his consent or allowance as such inventor, the tiile or name whereof is Smith's Stone-breaking Machine. Your petitioner therefore prays that a Patent may be granted to him for the said invention, and, for the purposes of the Patent Act of 1872, your petitioner elects his domicile in the City of Ottawa. Province of Oniario. JOHN SMITH. Toronto, 1st September, \ST2. er. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. in Miscellaneous. 2. By joint INVENTORP. • To the Commissioner of Patents^ Ottawa : The petition of James Thomas, blacksmith, and Oeorge Robert Major, tin- smith, both of the Qty of Ottawa, in the county of Carletou, in the Province of Ontario, sheweth. That they have jointly invented a new and useful improvement on the art or process of separating smut from wheat, not known or used by others before their invention thereof, and not being in public use or on sale for more than one year previous to their application in Canada with their consent or allowance as such inventors, the title or name whereof is Smith and Major's process for separating smut from wheat. Your petitionei-s therefore prat ihat a Patent may be granted to them jointly for the said invt niion, and, for the purposes of the Patent Act of 1872, your peti- tioners elect their domicile in the City of Otlawa, in the Province of Ontario. Ottawa, 1st September, 1872. ' JAMES THOMAS. GEORGE ROBERT MAJOR. 3. By an assignee, or legatee '^ mutatis mutandis. " To the Commissioner of Patents, Ottawa : The petition of Solomon Lang, of the City of Montreal, Province of Quebec, laborer, sheweth, That Thomas Tardy, of the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario, saloon keep- er, hath invented new and useful improvements on planing machines not known or used by others before his invention thereof, and not being in public use or on sale for more than one year previous to this application in Canada with the con- sent or allowance of the said Thomas Tardy as such inventor. That your petitioner by assignment bearing date 1st September 1872, acquired the right of obtaining a Patent, from Thomas Tardy aforesaid, for the said in- vention. Your petitioner therefore prays that a Patent may be granted to him, as as- signee of the said Thomas Tardy for the said invention the title or name whereof is Tardy' s Improved Planing Machine, and, for the purposes of the Patent Act of 1872, your petitioner elects his domicile in the City of Oitawa, Province of On- tario. S0L03t:0N LANG. Montreal, 1st September, 187?. ' '■ 478 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Miscellaneous. • 4. By an inventor and an assignee. To the CommUsioner of Patents^ Ottawa : The petition of John Smith, of the City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario, carpenter, and David Brown, of the City of New York, in the State of New York, one of the United States of America, painter, sheweth. That the said John Smith hath invented new and useful improvements on a machine for breaking t>Jone, not known or used by others before his invention thereof, and not being in public use or on sale for more than one year previous to this application in Canada with his consent or allowance as such inventor. That by assignment, dated on the 1st September 1872, the said John Smith transferred to the said David Brown an undivided one half interest in the said invention. Your petitioners therefore pray that a Patent may be granted to them jointly for the said invention the title or name whereof is Smith's Stone- breaking Machi- ne, and for the purposes of the Patent ^ct of 1872, your. petitioners elect their domicile in the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario. JOHN SMITH. DAVID BROWN. Toronto, 1st September 1872. 5. By an administrator or executor. To th'' Commissioner of Patents, Ottawa : 'i he petition of James Clayton, of the City of Kingston, in ihe Province of Ontario, stone cutter, administrator of the estate (or executor of the last will and testament) of Thomas Clayton, in his lifetime of the said city of Kingston, de- ceased, millwright, (as reference to the duly certified copy of letters of adminis- tration (or letters testamentary) hereto annexed, will more fully appear) sheweth. That the said Thomas Clayton did invent a new and useful composition of matter for making artificial stone, not known or used by others before his inven- tion thereof, and not being in public use or on sale ' for more than one year prt^vious to this appliralion in Canada with the consent or allowance of the said Thomas Clayton as such inventor. Your petitioner therefore prays that a Patent may be granted him as adminis- trator (or executor) of the estate of the said Thomas Clay Ion for the said invf .ition, the title or name whereof is Clayton's Composition for Making Artificial Stone, and, for the purposes of the Patent Act of 1872, your petitioner eleets his domicile in the City of Ottawa, province of Ontario. JAMES CLAYTON. Kingston, 1st September 1872. , To the Co The Ontario, That August, Tha inoperati errors ar( deceptive Youi an amen( fore pray Patent b( cription i Patent w Otta> To the Co The umberlai Thai obtained Ottawa, useful m Tha inoperal error an decepliv Yoi an amer refore p Patent 1 with th( unexpir Col ORDERS IN COUNCIL 4?9 Miscellaneous. de- 6. For a flE-iS8UE*{BY the inventor.) j To the Commissioner of Patents. Ottawa : The petition of Thomas Brown, of the City of Ottawa, in the Province of Ontario, lumber manufacturer, sheweth. That your petitioner obtain?d a Patent bearing date the twelfth day of August, A. D., 1870, for a new and useful improvement on churns. That your petitioner in advised that the said Patent is deemed defective or inoperative by reason of insufficient description or specification, and that the errors arose from inadvertence, accident or mistake, without any fraudulent or deceptive intention. Your petitioner being desirous of obtaining a new Patent in accordance with an amended description and specification in duplicate, transmitted herewith, there- fore prays that he may be allowed to surrender the aforesaid Patent, and a new Patent be granted (o him in accordance with the amended specification and des- cription for the said invention for the unexpired period for which the original Patent was granted. ' * \ THOMAS BROWN. Ottawa, 1st September, 1872. 7. For a re-issue, . (by the assignee.) To the Commissioner of Patents, Ottawa : The petition of David Lane, of the Town of Gobourg, in the County of North- umberland, Province of Ontario, tanner, sheweth, That your petitioner by assignment, bearing date the 24th day of June, 1872 obtained the exclusive right to a patent granted to Thomas Tardy, of the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario, broom maker, on the 1st July, 1869, for new and useful mprovemcnts on planing machines. That your petilitioner is advised that the said Patent is deemed defective or inoperative by reason of insu|Bcient description or specif. "ation, and that the error arose from inadvertence, accident, or mistake, without any fraudulent or deceptive intention. Your petitioner being desirous of obtaining a new Patent, in accordance with an amended description and specification in duplicate transmitted herewith, there- refore prays that he may be allowed to surrender the aforesaid patent, and a new Patent be granted to him as assignee of the said Thomas Tardy, in accordance with the amended specification and description for the said invention for the unexpired period for which the original Patent was granted. DAVID LANE. Cobourg, Isl September, 1872. 480 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Miscellaneous. The above form is to be altered to suit the case when the re-issue is to the administrator or executor of a deceased inventor. 8. Form of surrender to be written on the original patent. To all whom these presents shall come. Thomas Brown, of the City of Ottawa, in the Province of Ontario, lumber manufacturer, within named, ^ends greeting : "Whereas the within written Patent for an improvement on churns is deemed defective or inoperative by reason of insufficient description or specification, and the error arose from inadvertence, accident or inistake, withoutany fraudulent or deceptive intention, and the Commissioner of Patents accordingly in pursuance of the Statute /.x such respect hath agreed to accept & surrender of the same. Now know ye that the said Thomas Brown within named doth by these pre sents surrender and yield up the within written Patent, granted to him for im- provements on churns, and bearing date the 8lh day of June 1872, In witness whereof the said Thomas Brown hath set hit hand and affixedjiis seal this First day of Sep'ember, A. D., 1872. THOMAS BROWN. [L. 8.] Signed, sealed and delivered at tha City of Oltawa, in the County of Carleton in the Province of Ontario, in the presence of HENRY COCKBURN. 9. For the extension of the period of a patent, (inventor ) To the Commissioner of Patents, Ottawa : The petition of Martin Scott, of the City of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, cooper, sheweth, , , That on the 23rd June 1870, your petitioner obtained a Patent for the period of five years from the said dale, for new and usaful improvements on churns. That he is the holder of the said patent and* herefore prays that it may be extended for another period of five years. Signed this First day of September, Eighteen Hundreed and eventy-two. MARTJN SCOTT. 10. FOR the extention OP the pehiod of a patent, (assignee.) To the Commissioner of Patents, Ottawa : The petition of Simon Smith, of the City of Halifax, in the Province of Nora Scotia, mariner, sheweth, That the Villas Scotia, stc for a peril and usefu That the said F Signe 1 To the Com The I Hastingc, That to him on Scotia, &c That with his c Your granted to Dominion Belle> Dnpli inventor, follows : Dupli bearing df five, and g Coe. (Here I, Wi Province < and correc Belle' Signe ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 48t Misceilaneous, That by assigfiment, dated 1st July, ld71, he obtained from John Brown of the Village of Bridgetown, in the County of Annapolis, in the Province of Nova Scotia, stone-mason, the exclusive right to a Patent granted on the 29th June 1870, for a period of five years, from the said date, to the said John Brown, for new and useful improvements in ploughs That your petitioner being the holder of the said patent, therefore prays that the said Patent may be extended for another period of five years. Signed this First day of September, Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-two. SIMON SMITH. 11. Extension of a provincial patent to the whole dominion. To the Cammissioner of Patents, Ottawa : The petition of Williaiu Goe, of the Town of Belleville, in the County of Hastings, in the Province of Ontario, railway ageut, shewelh. That your petitioner is the inventor of the subject matter of a Patent granted to him on the 30th day of May, 1865, in the Province of New-Brunswick, (Nova Scotia, &c.,) for a new and useful improvement on Riilway signals. That the subject matter of the said Patent has not been known or used, nor with his consent on sale in any of the other Provinces of the Dominion. Your petitioner therefore prays that a Patent under the Patent Act of 1872 be granted to him, extending the privileges of such Provincial Patent over the whole Dominion for the remainder of the term mentioned in the Provincial Patent. WILLIAM COB. Belleville, ist September, 1872. Duplicate copies of the original specification and drawing, certified by inventor, to accompany the above petition, and to have certificate thereon as follows : * Duplicate copy of the original specification (or drawing) relative to Patent, bearing date the Thirtieth day of May, One Thousand Eight Hunrlred and Sixly- five, and granted under the seal of the Province of New Brunswick to William Coe. (Here insert copy of specification or drawing). I, William Coe, of the Town of Belleville, in the County of Hastings, in the Province of Ontario, railway agent, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original specification (or drawing) of patent granted to me. WILLIAM COE. Belleville, 1st September, 1872. Signed in the presence of Patrick Lynch. 31 «82 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Miscellaneous. 12. PowEn OF Attorney. To the Commissioner of Patents, Ottawa ; The undersigned, John Brown, of the Town of Cornwall, in the County of Stonnont, in the Province of Ontario, store keeper, hereby appoints John Smithj of the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario, his attorney, with full powers of substitution and revocation, to prosecute an application for a patent, for new and useful improvements on sewing machines ; to sign the drawings, to receive the patent, and to transact all business in the Patent Office connected therewith. Signed at Cornwall, this fir jt day of September, One Tho isand Eight Hundred and Seventy- two. In the presence of : John Smith. JOHN BROWN. 13. Revocation or Power of Attorney. Jo the Commissioner of Patents, Ottawa : The undersigned, John Brown, of the Town of Cornwall, in the County of Stormont, in the Province of Ontario, .store keeper, having on or about the 1st September. 1872, appointed John Smith, of the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario, his attorney, to prosecute an application for a patent for new and useful improvements on sewing machines,*hereby revokes the power of attorney then given. Signed at Cornwall, the Thirtieth day of September, One Thousand Eight hundred and Seventy-two. In the presence of : John Smith. JOHN BROWN. SPECIFICATIONS. 14. FOR A MACHINE. To all whom it may concern : Be it known that I, William Woodworth, of the Town of Poughkeepsie, in the County of Dutchess, and State of New York, gentleman, have invented. Certain new and useful improvements on planing machines, and 1 do hereby declare that the following is a full, clear, and exact description of the same : The first part of my invention relates to the combination of rotary cutters and feeding- rollers, in such a manner that the said feeding-rollers shall be capable of feeding iho lumber to the cutters, and also of elfectually resisting the tendency of Ihe cutters to draw the lumber upward toward them ; the object of this part of my invention being to reduce the lumber operated upon to an uniformity of ihick- n SB, and to give it a p'aued and even surface upon one side thereof. ORDERS IN COUNCIJ.. 489 Miscellanei/us. The second part of my invention relates to the combination, with feeding rol- lers and rotary cutters, for planing one of the principal surfaces of the lumber, of rotary machine cutlers so as to form a tongue or grove, or both, upon the edge or edges of the lumber, at the same time that one of its principal surfaces is planed. Figure 1 is a side elevation of a machine embodying my invention. Figure 2 is a plan of the same. Figure 3 is an elevation showing that end of the machine which is at the Bight hand in Figure 1. Figure 4 is a vertical transverse section, showing those parts of the machine which are at the right hand of the line xx drawn across Figures 1 and 2. A is the frame of the machine, which frame should be substantially con- structed to resist the vibrations of the operating parts. B is the driving-pulley, which is hung on the main shaft C of the machine, from which latter, motion is communicated to the operating parts. D is the shaft of the rotary cutters by which the lumber is planed. This shaft is made flat upon two of its sides, bet- ween its bearings, for the reception of the cutters EE, which are firmly secured to it by bolts a a, the holes through these cutters for the reception of these bolts being elongated in the direction of the width of the cutters to allow the necessary adjustment of the cutters. The shaft D is hung in adjustable bearings, by which it may be elevated and depressed to regul{»te the thickness of the planed lumber. F is a puUy on the shaft D, which receives motion by belt G, from the band-wheel H. on the driving shaft. 1 1 andJ J are the feeding-rollers, each pair of which is connected by finger pinions b 6, and the upper roller of each pair is hung in spring bearings which allow it to yield slightly upward to pressure, to adapt it to any differences or inequalities in the thickness of the lumber. The lower roller of each pair is provided with a worm wheel c, which meshos into a worm or endless screw d on the shaft /c, which is propelled by a bevel wheel / on the main shaft, working into the bevel wheel f on the shank k. L and M are cutters hung upon vertical shafts N and 0. one set of these cut- ters being adapted to form a groove, and the other to form a tongue upon the edge of the board to be operated upon. These cutters are attached to the shafts in the manner already described with relation to the cutters E E. The shafts N and are provided with pulleys g*g^ and rotation is commu- nicated to them by belts h h, from pulleys i t, on the main shaft ; rotation being given in the direction of the arrow to the driving pulley. 464 0RDER8 IN COUNCIL. Miscellaneous. The lumber to be planed is introduced from the end of the machine, which is shown at the right hand in figures I and 2, and being grasped by the rollers 1 1, is by them drawn forward to the cutters E E, which being rapidity revolved to- wards the advancing lumber, plane it to the proper thickness ; and as the lumber continues to advance, it is grasped by the rollers J J, which aid in the feeding motion and discharge the board, after it has passed the cutters. The upper rol- lers I and J, being hung in spring bearings, always exert a pressure on the top of the board, and thus prevent its being raised up by the action of the cutters E E. "When the lumber is designed for floors or ceilings, or other purpose for which it is requii'ed to be matched, a tongue is formed upon one edge of it and a groove on the other by the cutters L and M, which both revolve toward the advAucing board ; and these operations are permormed at the same time that the upper sur- face of the board is planed, the whole being done at a single operation. When the lumber is required to be matched, it should be first reduced to a uniform width, and guided in its introduction into the machine by a gauge P attached to the bed Q of the machine. When the lumber is not to be matched, this gauge and the cutters L and M should be taken off and dispensed with. I makfi no claim to the mode in which the cutters are secured upon their shaft, nor to be adjustable bearings which permit of the elevation or depression of the shaft, for I am aware that these are not new ; but I claim as my inven- tion— # 1. The combination of the cutters E E and the feeding rollers 1 L and J J, subst^niUUy as and for tbe purpose hereinbefore set forth. 2. The combination with the cutters E E and the feeding rollers 1 1 and J J, of the cutters L and M, substantially as and for the purpose hereinbefore set forth. P ^ WILLIAM WOOD WORTH. Poughkeepsie, 1st September, 1872. Signed in the presence of : Jethro Wood. Oliver Beans. 15. — Drawings. Each sheet shall contain the following : — The name of the invention, brief references (A shaft Bvalve), place, date, signatures of two witnesses, the follow- ing certificate: "Certified to be the drawings referred to in the specification " hereunto annexed," and the signature of the inventor or his attorney. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. m Miteellaneona. 16.-*^F0R AN ART on PROCBSa. v. ' 1*0 all wiiom it may concern*: Be it known that we, Marion Ellsworth, of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of Illinois, gentleman, and Joseph Richard Shaw, of Indianapolis. County of. Marion, and State of Indiana, gentleman, have jomtly invented A new and useful improvement on the art or process of separating smut and Other impurities from wheat, and we do hereby de^Jare that the following is a full, clear, and exact description of the same : Take of lime, newly slacked, and while yet warm, one and a half pounds to each one hundred pounds of wheat. Mix the lime well with the wheat, let it stand one hour, th-en pass it through a smut-mill in the usual way, and it will be found that all the lime, smut, dirt, and other impurities attached to the wheat, of every kind, and which no smut-mill, without our liming process, will fully separate, will be entirely removed, and the flour will be as white and as sweet as though made. from the best of wheat. We are aware that lime has before been used for the purpose of cleaning wheat, being first mixed with the grain as above proposed and the whole being then passed through a smut-mill ; but in all previous processes, so far as we are aware, the lime has been used in a cold state ; and for this reason such processes proved ineffectual. We propose to take lime newly slacked and while yet warm. m We claim'as our invention the process of cleaning wheat by mixing with it lime newly slacked and warm before passing it through a smut-mill, so as to cleanse the wheat from all impurities, substantially as described. MARION ELLSWORTH, JOSEPH R. SHAW. Chicago, 1st September, 1872. Signed in the presence of : Maurice Jones, Henry Elias. 17. — For a composition of matter. To all whom it may concern . Be it known that I, Ebenezer Whitney, of the City of Charleston, in the Dis- trict of Charleston, and State of South Carolina, gentleman, am the administrator of the estate of Benjamin Browning, in his life time of the said city, gentleman, and that the said Benjamin Browning did invent a certain new and useful com* position of matter to be used in the manufacture of wool, and I do nereby declare that the following is a fi M, clear, and exact description of the same : II i; ! ii 486 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Miscellaneous. The nature of the invention of the said Benjamin Browning consists in mix- ing olive, lard, or rape seed oil with a solution of oil of soap dissolved in hot water. To prepare tlie wool oil, take a quantity of oil soap of any kind, provided the quality be good, and dissolve the same in hot water, say about thirty pounds of oil soap to thirty gallons of water, or a sufficient quantity of soap to saturate the water. Then take equal parts, by measure, of olive, lard, rape-seed, or any other kind of oil which can be used on wool in the process of its manufacture, and mix it with the preparation aforesaid, to wit, the soap solution, which, after such mixture, is ready to be used on wool with as beneficial an effect as if pure oil only had been used. This wool oil will not decompose by age, because the oil of soap neutralizes the stearine in the oil ; hence there is nothing to decompose. And for the same reason spontaneous combustion cannot be produced. I claim as the invention of the said Benjamin Browning, a compound com- posed of any of the oils ordinarily used on wool in its manufacture, and a solution of oil soap, subslamially in the proportions and for the purposes set forth. Charleston, 1st September, 1872. Signed in the presence of : Johk Jahes. Henry Smith. EBENEZER WHITNEY, Administrator. CANADA Province CoMMy to oath, and Ist. ] say that inventors smut frot we solicit tember, 1 he said | And oath and Thomas a process oi ciflcation. Patents, d gations c( OATHS. 18. By SOLE INVENTOR. CANADA, Province of Ontario County of York. ] I, John Smith, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, carpenter, make oath and swear that I verily believe that I am the first inventor of new and useful improvements on a machine for breaking stone des- cribed and claimed in the annexed specifications, and for which I solicit a Patent by my petition dated 1st September, 1872. And I further make oath that the se- veral allegations contaiued in the said petition are respectively true and correct. JOHN SMITH. Sworn before me at the City of Toronto this first day of September, one thousand eight hundred and seventy- two. THOMAS BROWN, J. P. for the County of York. Swor day of Se 20. \ must be i 21. IJ vit that tl CANAD/ Provin CffUnl I,Th manufaci ' Mak( petitipu I of the pal improver ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 487 Miseellaneons. 19 iJonnr Imvbntors. CANADA, 1 WE, James Thomas, of the City of Ottawa, in the Province of Ontario, ! County of Carleton, in the Province of Ontario, in the Do- Couhty of Carleton, : TO WIT. minion of Canada, blacksmith, and George Robert Major? of the same place, tinsmith^ ,do hereby severally make oath, and solemnly swear and say, and Ist. I, this deponent, James Thomas, for myself do hereby solemny swear and say that I verily believe that I and the said George Robert Major are the true inventors of a ne\V and useful improvement on the art or process of separating smut from wheat, described and claimed in the annexed specification, for which we solicit a Patent, by our petition to the commissioner of Patents, dated 1st Sep- tember, 1872. And I further make oath that the several allegations, contained in he said petition are respectively true and correct. And 2nd. I this deponent, George Robert Major for myself do heieby make oath and solemnly swear that I verily belfeve that I and the above named James Thomas are the true inventors of a new and useful improvement on the art or process of separating smut from wheat, described and claimed in the annexed spe- cification, for which we solicit a Patent by our petition to the Commissioner of Patents, dated 1st September, 1872. And I further make oath that the several alle- gations contained in the said petition are respectively true and correct. JAMES THOMAS. GEORGE ROBERT MAJOR. Sworn before me by the said James Thomas and George Robert Major, this tst day of September, 1872, at the City of Ottawa. JOHN SMITH. J. P. for the County of Carleton. 20. When the invention has been assigned before issue of Patent, the afiidaTit must be made by the " inventor, ' not by the " assignee. " 21. If the inventor is dead, the admistrator or executor will make the affida- vit that the person named as inventor was the first inventor. 22. "For a he-issue [inventor.] CANADA, Province of Ontario, County of Carleton. • I, Thomas Brown, of the City of Ottawa, in the Province of Ontario, lumber manufacturer. ' Make oaih and solemnly swear that the several allegations contained in my petition to, the Commissioner ^of Patt-nts, dated Ist September, 1872, forare-issue of the patent granted to me on the 4th September, 1871, fur a new and useful improvement on churns are resp.^ctively true nnd correct. ! 488 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. MisetUaneous. That I am the sole owner of the said Pateift. ■ ' And that I am ihe Inventor of the improvement set forth and claimed in the amended specification. T^OMAS BROWN. Sworn before me at the City of Ottawa, in the County of Carleton, in the Province of Ontario, this first day of Se^itember, one thousand eight hundred and seventy- two. WILLIAM WILLS, J. P. for the County of Carlelrn. If the Patent has not been exclusively assigned, the affidavit must state that the application for re-issue is made with the consent of all the assignees. 23. FOR A RB ISSUE — (ASSIGNEE OF THE ENTIRE INTEREST.) CANADA, . Province of Ontario, County of Carleton. I, David Lane, of the town of Coboiirg, in the County of Northumberland, Province of Ontario, tanner, make oa^th and solemnly swear that the several allegations contained in my petition to the Commissioner of Patents, dated 1st September 1872. for a re-issue of the Patent granted to Thomas Tardy, of the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario, broom maker, for new and useful improvements on planing machines, are respectively true and correct. That I am the sole owner of the said Patent. And that Thomas Tardy was the inventor of the improvements set forth aiid claimed in the amended specification. nail DAVID LANE. Sworn before me, at the Town of Gobourg, in the county of Northumber- land, Province of Ontario, this First day of September, one thousond eight hundred and seventy-two. THOMAS PARSONS, J. P. for the County of Carleton- 24. Caveat. To the Commissioner of Patents, Ottawa : The undersigned, James Thompson, of the Village of New Edinburgh in the County of Russell, in the Province of Ontario, school teacher, an intending applicjiiit for a Patent, who has made certain new and useful improvements on locomotive engines, and has not perfected his invention, prays that this specification may be filed as a Caveat in the Patent Office, (here describe the, invention as far as possible, and refer to letters in drawing as in specification given before. (Form Mo. 14.) JAMES THOMPSON. Signed in the presence of Chamles Steward. George Hall. CANADi Provii Coun I, Ja Russell, I am the and that and corre Swor thousand 25. 0«A^ In CO the City c an undivi new and cribed in And I do said Patei Lang,) in WitE hundred In CO Keokuk, right, titl ment in 1 and enjo^ Patent is enjoyed 1 Witness hundred 0RDEB8 IN COUNCIL. 489 MiscellaneotUi CANADA, • Pbovincb of Ontario County of Russell. '] I, James Thompson, of Ihe Village of New Edinburgh, in the County of Russell, Province of Ontario, school teacher, make oath and solemnly swear that I am the first inventor of the invention described in the foregoing specification and that the allegations contained in the above specification are respectively true and correct. JAMES THOMPSON. Sworn before me, at New Edinburgh, this First day of September, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. ALEXANDER BUSH, J. P. for County of Russell. ASSIGNMENTS. 25. 0« AN ENTIRE INTBRIST (OR AN UNDIVIDED ONE-HALF INTEREST) IN AN INVENTION BEFORE THE ISSUE OF PATENT. In consideration of the sum of ten dollars, to me paid by Solomon Lang of the City of Montreal, I do hereby sell and assign to the said Solomon Lang all (or an undivided half of all) my right, title, and interest in and to my inveution for new and useful improvements on planing machines, as fully set forth and des- cribed in the specification which I have signed preparatory to obtaining a Patent. And I do hereby authorize and request the Commissioner of Patents, to issue the said Patent to the said Thomas Lang (or jointly to myself and the said Thomas Lang,) in accordance with this assignment. Witness my hand and seal this first day of September, one thousand eight hundred and seventy- two, at the City of Montreal. THOMAS LORD, [L. S. 26. Of an ENTIRE INTEREST IN A PATENT. In consideration of five hundred dollars, to me paid by Nathan Wilcox, of Keokuk, Iowa, I do hereby sell and assign to the said Nathan Wilcox, all my right, title and interest in and to the Patent of Canada, No. 1200, for an improve- ment in locomotive head lights, granted to me July 30, 1864, tne same to be held and enjoyed by the said Nathan WilCox to the full end of the term for which said Patent is granted, as fully and entirely as the same would have been held and enjoyed by me if this assignment and sale had not been made. Witness my hand and seal this First day of September, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two— at Keokuk, Iowa. HORACE KIMBALL [L. S.] I " .1 490 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Miscellaneous. 27. Disclaimer to bb in duplicate. ' ■ I, William Lookup, of the Village of Hull, in the county of Ottawa, Province of Quebec, having on the Is^ September 1872, obtained a Patent for the Dominion of Cadada, for new and useful improvements on waggon brakes. And through mistake, accident or inadvertence, without any wilful intent to defraud or mislead the public, I have made the claim in my specification too broad [or as being the first inventor of a material or substantial part of the inven- tion patented of which I was not the first inventor, and to which I had no legal right.] I, therefore, hereby disclaim the part of the claim in the specification, which is in the followieg words : " I also claim the use of the Lever A, in combination with crank D, a des- cribed." WILLIAM LOOKUP. Hull, 30th September 1872. i Signed in duplicate in the presence of David Brown. Francis Lemieux. PATENTS OF INVENTION.— RULES, REGULATIONS AND FORMS. ADDITION TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS (SEPTEMBER, 1872) OF THE CANADA PATENT OFFICE. January 14th, 1873. 1. drawing. , In order to allow the Patent Office to have a Patent Office Record printed and published, containing the Claims and Drawings of all Patents issued, it is further directed, in addition to the requirements of Rule 13 and Form 15, that : — One Drawing on a sheet of card board, 8x13 inches, will be required of each invention, in addition to those ordered by Rule 13 and Form 15; the sheet is to be without writing on its face, merely the usual lettering required on the Drawing ; written title, references, certificate, signature, &c., not being necessary. Where several sheets and figures are furnished, in accordance with Rule 13, any one figure, which will best give a general idea of the invention, will be su fiicient. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 491 Mitcellaneout. h'AVi The bard board to be used must have a smooth or calendered surface — a sheet of " double thick Bristol board," or '•'■ Whatman's drawing paper," is recommended. All drawings must be clear,'8harp, well defined, not too fine, and perfectly black. Lines that are pale, ashy, very fine, ragged, or rotlen, give bad results when photo-lithographed. Brush-shading, tinting, and imitation ourface-graining, should never be used ; and in fine shading the result should be attained with as few lines as possible. Section lines also should be as open in their spacing as the case will admit of, and these, as well as all right lines, in order to insure clearness, should be made with a ruling pen. The shading of convex and concave surfaces may be dispensed with when the invention is otherwise well illustrated. Shade lines may sometimes be used with good effect, but heavy shadows, where they would obscure lines or letters of reference, should be avoided. The card board drawing should be rolled on a roller, for transmission to the 9ffice, as folding will prevent its usefulness for photo-lithography. 2. Specifications. The Duplicate Specifications, in every application, must each be identified by the justice or judge, who takes the afiidavit of the inventor, as " the Specification referred to in the inventor's affidavit annexed." Such identification to be, by certificate' written at end of, and in each, such Specification. Thus : — " This is the Specification referred to in the affidavit of , hereto annexed. Sworn before me this day of ,A. D. 18 ." JUDGE, OR J. P. 3. Affidavit. In all cases of applications for Patents, where the affidavits are made out of Canada, and before a Judge, the "Seal of the Court, presided over by such judge* must be affixed to such affidavit. 493 Otti>ERB IN COtlNlM. Miscellaneous. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. UNION WITH DOMINION. * A PROCLAMATION. John A. Macdonald, "j TXTHEREAS by the British North America Act, Attorney General, • W 1867, provision was made for the union of the Canada. I Provinces of Canada, Nova Scolia and New Bruns- wick, into the Dominion of Canada, and it was (amongst other things) enacted that it should be lawful for the Queen, by and with the advice of Her Majesty's Most Honorable Privy Council, on addresses from the Houses of the Parliament of Canada, and of the Legislature of the Colony orProvince of Prince Edward Island to admit that colony into the said Union, on such terms and conditions as should be in the Addresses expressed, and the Queen should think fit to approve, sub- ject to the provisions of the said Act ; And it was further enacted that the pro. visions ot any Order in Council in that behalf should have effect as if they had been enacted by the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland: And Whereas, on address from the Houses of the Parliament of Canada and from the Legislative Houses of the colony of Prince Edward Island respectivelyj Her Majesty has been pleased by and with the advice of Her Most Honorable Privy Council, under the one hundred and forty-sixth section of the hereinbefore recited Act, to order that on, from and after the 1st day of July now next, the said colony of Prince Edward Island shall be admitted into and form one of the Provinces of the Dominion of Canada, by the name of the Province of Prince Edward Island : Now Know Ye that we do by and with the advice of our Privy Council for Canada , by this, Our Royal Proclamation, inform Our loving subjects and all dthers whom the same may concern : That on, from and after the said first day of July now next, the said colony of Prince Edward Island has been admitted into the Union as a Province thereof, to be known and designated as the Province of Prince Edward Island. Of all which Our said loving subjects, and all others interested, are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. By Command, 26th June 1873. J. C. AIKINS, Secretary of State. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 498 Uiseeilaneoits. . APPEAI^ TO THE PRIVY COUNaU Downing Street, Btft My, 1873. Sir, I have the honor to transmit to you, for publication in the usual and most authentic manner in the Colony under your Government, a copy of an Order of Her Majesty in Council of the 26th June, requiring'parties appellant in causes pend- mg before Her Majesty, to take effectual steps to set down their cases for hearing withiii a limited time from the Registration of the appeal in England. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant, KIMBERLEY. The OflBcer Administering the Government of Canada, At the Court at Windsor, the 2Qth day of June, 1873. PRESENT : THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS in many Appeals now pending before Her Majesty in Council no effectual steps have been taken by the parties or their agents to set down their cases for hearing, although more than twelve months have elapsed since the arrival and registration of the transcript of appeal in this country, and it is expedient to make further provision in that behalf. Her Majesty, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, and upon a recommendation of the Lords of the Ju- dicial Committee of the Privy Council, is pleased to order, and it is.hereby ordered,, that the solicitors or agents for the party appellant in all such Appeals now pend- ing before Her Majesty in Council, are hereby required to take effectual steps to set down their cases for hearing within six months from the date of this Order, and in all other Appeals to 'Her Majesty in Council within a period not exceeding twelve months from the date of the arrival and registration of the transcript in this country. And Her Majesty is further pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that it shall be the duty of the Registrar of the Privy Council to report to the Lords of the Judicial Committee the names of the parlies and dates of the Decrees in Ap- peals in which no effectual stops have been taken within the aforesaid periods of time to set down the case for hearing ; and the Lords of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council shall be at liberty to call upon the Appellant or his agent in such cases to show cause why the said Appeals should not be dismissed for non- prosecution, and (if they shall so think fit) to recommend to Her Majesty the dis- missal of any such Appeal, or to give such directions therein as the justice of the case may require. 494 ORDERS IN COUNCO.. Miscellaneous. And Her Majesty is further pleased to order that nothing in the present Or- der shall prevent the dismissal of an Appeal under the 5th of the Rules approved by Her Majesty on the 13lh of June, 1853, in cases to which that Rule is applicable. Whereof the Governors of Her Majesty's Plantations and Dominions abroad, and the Judges or Officers of Her Majesty's Courts of Justice from» which ^n Ap- peal lies to Her Majesty in Council, and all other persons whom it may concern, are to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. ARTHUE HELPS. COUNCIL OF THE NORTH WEST TERRITORIES. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Wednesday, 6th day of Aug., 1873. Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS it is in and by the first section of the 16tn chapter of the statutes of Canada, passed in the 34th year of Her Majesty's reign, intituled, " an act to make farther provisions for the government of the North-west Territories," amongst other things in effect enacted that it shall be lawful for the Governor, by any Order or Orders to be by him from time to time made, with the advice of the Privy Council, to make provision for the administration of justice, and gene- rally to make. Ordain, and establish all such laws, institutions, and ordinances, as may be necessary for the peace, order, and good government of Her Majesty's subjects, and others in the North-west Territories. And it is in and by the third section of the said act, amongst other things, in effect further enacted, that such powers shall be conferred upon the Council appointed for the administration of affairs in the North-west Territories, as may from time to time be provided by order in Council. Now, in pursuance of the powers so by the said statute conferred as aforesaid, His Excellency, by and with the advice of the Privy Council, has been pleased to Order, and IT IS HEREBY ORDERED. I. The Members of the Council of the North-west Territories, conslitnted by the commifsion of ihe Governor General, dated the 28th December 18'"/2, and all other Members of the said Council who may hereafter be commissioned as Buch, shall take oaths of allegiance and of office in the following words : ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 495 Miscellaneous. OATH OF ALLEGIANCE, 1, , do sincerely promise and swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, as lawful Sovereign of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and of this Dominion of Canada, dependant on and belonging to the said Kingdom, and that 1 will defend her to the utmost of my power against all traitorous conspiracies or attempts whatever, which shall be made against Her person, crtiwn, and dignity, and that I will do my utmost endeavour to disclose and make known to Her Majesty, Ber heirs or successors, all treasons or traitorous conspiracies and attempts which I shall know to be against Her or any of them ; and all this I do swear without any equivocation, mental evasion, or secret reservation. So help me God. THE OATH OF THE MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL. You, , do solemnly promise and swear that you will serve Her Majesty truly"and faithfully in the place of Her Council in these Her Majesty's North-west Territories : You will keep close and secret all such matters as shall be treated, debated, and resolved on m Council, without publishing or disclosing the same or any part thereof, by word, writing, or any otherwise, to any person out of the same Council, but to such only as be of the Council, and yet if any matter so propounded, treated, and debated, in any such council, shall touch any particular person sworn of the same Councit, upon any such matter as shall in anywise concern his loyalty and fidelity to the Queen's Majesty, you will in no wis« open the same to him, but keep it secret, as you would from any person, until the Queen's Majesty's pleasure be known in that behalf. You will, in all things to be moved, treated and debated, in any such Council, faithfully, honestly, and truly, declare your mind and opinion to the honor and benefit of ihe Queen's Majesty, rnd the good of Her subjects, without parti'ilily or exception of persons in no wise forbearing so to do from any manner of respect, favour, love, meed, displeasure or dread of any person or persons whatsoever. In general, you will be vigilant, diligent, and circomspect in all your doings touching the Queen's Majesty's affairs ; all which matters and things you will faithfully observe and keep, as a good Councillor ought to do, to the utmost of your power, will and discretion. So help you God. II. Except in special cases, notice shall be given of all meetings of the Coun- cil of the North-west Territories, by public advertisement, in the Province of Manitoba, for at least forty days before each day of meeting. An annual meeting of the Council shall be held on the first Slonday in June in each year. HI. At meetings of the Council where the Lieutenant-Governor is not present, the senior member of the Council shall preside, but all proceedings at such meetings shall nevertheless be subject to the approval of the Lieutenant Governor. : 'i 496 ORDERS IN COUNCIL Miscellaneous. IV. All members of the Council shall be ex officio Justices of the Peaces in and for the North-west Territories. W. A, HIMSWORTH, Clerk, Privy Council, Canada. QUARANTINE AT THE HARBOURS OF MIRAMICHI AND PICTOU. DUFFERIN. [L. R.] CANADA- VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain aad Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Flaith, &c., &«., &. To all to whom these Presents shall come, or whom the same may in any wise concern. Greeting : A PROCLAMATION. .John A. Macdonald, ^ TT WHEREAS by a certain Act of the Parliament of Attorney-General, > ? ? Canada, passed in the Session thereof held in the Canada. ) 35th year of Our Reign, and intituled : " An Act relating to Quarantine" it is amongst other things in effect enacted that the Governor in Council may, from tirtie to time, make such regulations as he thinks proper, for enforcing compliance with all the requirements of the said Act concerning the entry and departure of vessels, at the .different ports or places in Canada, and concerning the landing of passengers or cargoes from such vessels, or the receiv- ing of passengers or cargoes on board of the same, as may be thought best calcul- ated to preserve the public heiilth, and for ensuring the due performance of quarantine by and in respect of vessels, passengers, goods or thuigs arriving at or in the neighborhood of any port or place within Canada, to which he tliinks it right, for the preservation of the Public Health, that such regulations should apply, and for the thorough cleansing and liisenfecting of such vessels, passengers, goods or things so as to prevent, as far as possible, the introduction or dissemina- tion of disease into or in Canada, and may appoint or remove such offlcors as he may deem necessary for so doing, and assign to them, respectively, such powers as he mi may fro others ii the brea lished ir the Gazi date and have the unless tl at certaii the time: in force ; and maj or both, j penalties And under th( I'egulatio 1. Al Province Nova Scoi during th on board 1 or other i have died dred tons or which have on b gOme infei on board s directed b remain ai Quaranlin emolumer as shall b until the s and shiill aforesaid, ships or board of aforesaid ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 497 Miscellaneous. as he may think requisite for carrying out the provisions of such regulations, and may from time to time, revoke or amend the same or any of them and may make others in their stead, and may impose penalties, forfeitures and punishmenis for the breach thereof; and such regulations sliall be notified by Proclamation, pub- lished in the Canada Gazelle, at least twice ; and the production of the copies of the Gazetlei, containing any such Proclamation, shall b« evidence of the making, date and contents of such regulations : And further, that such regulations shall have the force pf law during ihe time they may respectively remain unrevoked, unless they may be expressly limited to be in force only during a certain time or at certain times or seasons, in which case they shall have the force of law during the timeandat the times and seasons during or at which they have been limited to be in force ; and thatany person disobeying any such regulation shall be held guilty of and may be prosecuted for misdemeanor, punishable by line or imprisonment or both, as the Court may dirert ; or otherwise such person may be sued for the penalties contained in such regulation. And Whereas Our Governor in Council, halh this day been pleased to make under the autority and in pursuance of the said above in part recited act, certain regulations as follows, that is to say : — 1. All boats, ships an«^ vessels coming into the Harbor of Miramichi, in the Province of New Brunwick, or into the Harbor of Pictou, in the Province of Nova Scotia, which shall have at ihe time of their said arrival, or shall have had during their passage fi'om the pla-'es where Ihey respectively cleared, any person on board labouring under Asiatic Cholera, fever, Small Pox, Scarlatina or Measles, or other infectious and dangerous disease, or on board of which any person shall have died during such passage, or which, being of less tonnage than seven hun- dred tons measurement, shall have on board thirteen or more Steerage Passengers or which being of greater tonnage thc^n seven hundred tons measnrement, shall have ou board fifty or more Steerage Passengers, or which shall have come from gOme infected Port, shall make thjir Quarantine in the said Haibors respectively on board such vessels or at such place on shoi-e, and in such manner as shall be directed by the Inspecting Physicians of the s.iid Harbors respectively, and there remain and continue until such ships or vesels shall be discharged from such Quarantine, by such licence or passport, and discharge, given without fee or emolument of any kind, as shall be dirvCted or ])«! mitted by such order or orders as shall be made by the Governor, wiih the advice of the Pr.vy Council ; ani until the said ships and vess'ls shall resp'Ctively have performed such Quarantine and shall be discharged therefrom by such licence or passport and discharge as aforesaid, persons, goods or merchandize, which >hall be on board such boats, ships or vessels, shall not come or be brought on shore, or go or be put on board of any other ship or vessel in Canada, except at such place indicated as aforesaid when duly required by competent authority. 82 4<.)8 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Miscellaneous. 2. All boats, ships and vessels of the class and description mentioned in the preceding regulation as liable to make their quarantine in the said Harbor of Mirnmichi shall anchor as near as possible to the lower or east end of Middle Island there to be inspected by the Inspecting Physician, and ordered according to circumstances /is aforesaid, and all boats, ships and vessels of the class and description mentioned in the preceding regulation as liable to make their quarant- ine in the said "Harbor of Pictou, shall anchor on the northern side of the said Harbor of Pictou, between a point immediately inside of Cole's Reef, and the eastern end of the Beaches, there to be inspected by the inspecting Physician and ordered according to circumstances, as aforesaid. 3. The Inspecting Physicians of the Ports of Miramichi and Piclou respect- ively, shall visit on their arrival, such boats, ships and vessels, and shall direct them as best calculated for the Public Heal'h, and in accordance with the intent and meaning of the present regulations, and of any orders in Council, which may be communicated to them from time to time. 4. The Inspecting Physicians appointed for the Ports of Miramichi and Pictou respectively, shall have the puv/er to go on board, examine and inspect boatsi ships and vessels entering the said Raibors and to direct such boats, ships and vessels to go to such place or places wi Uin the shelter of the said Hai'bors to per- form quarantine as it may be necessary to send them to, and shall grant to such boats ships and vessels i)ermission to dispense with further quarantine whenover they are satisfied that no further dangers are threatened by the admission of the same to pratique. The said Inspecting Physicians shall have the medical attend- ance over the sick and healthy on board such boats ships and vessels, or on shore, if allowed to perform their quarantine on shore, and shall be the Judges of the preventive and precautionary measures* to hi taken either in the treatment of persons or in the washing, cleansing and purifying of luggage and other articles, and shall have power to order such preventive and precautionary measures to be taken as aforesaid. 5. Every Master and every Pilot having charge of a buat ship or vessel of the class 4nd description hereinbefore mentioned as liable to make their quarantine at the said Ports of Miramichi and Pictou shall bring such boat, ship or vessel to anchor withm the limits of the anchorage grounds hereinbefore defined for the said Ports respectively, and shall keep a Union Jack flying at the peak of such boat, ship or vessel until boarded by the Inspecting Physician as aforesaM. 6. These regulations shall not apply to any vessel of war, or to transports or vesselsjiaving Queen's Troops on board accompanied by a medical officer, and in a healthy state, or to any steamer unless sickness or death may have occurred during the [assage. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 49S Miscellaneous. 7. No boat, ship or vessel shall be entered and. cleared at either of the ports of Miramichi and Pictou aforesaid, until all the requirements of the foregoing re- gulations in reference to such boat,. ship or vessel, shall have been fully complied with. 8. Any person who shall contravene, either by omission or commission, any of the foregoing regulations, shall for every such offence incur and pay a fine not d^ceeding One Hundred Dollars, to be recovered in the manner prescribed by the said Act ; and every person who, upon conviction of any such offence, shall fail to pay the amount of fine which he shall have been condemned to pay, shall be imprisoned until such fine be paid. Now Know Ye that we do hereby command, and enjoin upon all Our loving subjects that they do take notice of and obey the said Regulations so made as aforesaid and govern themselves accordingly. At Our Government House, in Onr CITY OF OTTAWA, this EIGHT day of OCTOBER, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy- three, and in the Thirty-seventh year of Our Reign. By Command. J. C. ATKINS, Secretary of State. ACT RESPECTING THE EXTRADITION OF CRIMINALS, CONFIRMED. DUFFERIN. CANADA. (L. S.) VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., &c., &c.. To all to whom these presents shall come, or whom the same may in anywise concern. Greeting : A PROCLAMATION. John A. Macdonald, ") TT7HEREAS in and by the fifty-fifth section of a certain Attorney General, y \\ Act of the Parliament of Our United Kingdom of Lanada. J Great.Britain and Ireland, passed in the session thereof, held in the thirtieth and thirty-first years of Our Reign, and intituled : " An Act for " the Union of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick and the Government " thereof, and for purposes connected iherewilh," it is in effect enacted that where a Bill passed by the Houses of Parliament is presented to the Governor General for Our assent, he shall declare according to his iliscretion, but subject to the prov- isions of the Act in recital and to Our instructions, either that he assents thereto in Our name or that he with holds our assent ; or that he reserves the Bill for the signification of Our pleasure. 500 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Miscellaneous. And Whereas, in and by the fifty-sevenlh section of the said Act it is in effect enacted that a Bill reserved for the signiQcation of Our pleasure shall not have any force unless and until within two years from the day on which it was pre- sented to the Governor General for Our assent, the Governor General signifies by speech or message to each of the Houses of the Parliament, or by proclamation that it has received the assent of Us in Council. And Whereas at the Session of the Parliament of Canada, held in the thirty- sixth year of Our reign , a Cjertain Bill intituled : "An Act to make further pro- " vision respecting the Extradition of Criminals," was passed in and by the Senate and the House of Commons, and was subsequently presented to the Right Honour- able Sir Fredeiick Temple, Earl of Dufferin, Our Governor General of Canada, for Our assent thereto, and Our said Governor General did, in pursuance of the au- thority vested in him by the said first above recited Act, declare that he reserved the said Bill for the signification of Our pleasure. Now Know Ye, that the aforesaid Bill intituled : "An Act to make further "provision respecting the Extradition of Criminals," so reserved as aforesaid, having been laid before Us in Council, at Our Court at Balmoral, on tha Thirtieth day of August, now last past. We have been pleaded to declare that the said Bill has received the assent of Us in Council. And We do by those presents and ac- cording to the provisions of the said Act of Parliament of Great Britain and Ireland^ specinlly confirm, ratify and finally ena 't and assent to the said Bill. Of all which all Our loving subjects are hereby required to take notice and to govern them- selves accordingly. By Command, 13 October 1873. J. C. AlKINS, Secretary of State. cfTect have i pre- lesby lation . COISTTENTS. ;hirty- r pro- Senate onour- da, for le au- served urther resaid, lirtieth id Bill nd ac- 'eland, which them- te. Date of Orders in Goancilf &o. 30 March 1850. 28 July 1868. 29 October 1869. 31 May 1870. 13 AuguBt 1873. 31 January 1866. 4 December 1856. 12 March ' 1860. 19 " 1863. 24 December 1867. 31 " « 26 September 1870. 6 April 1868. 22 May « 28 " (( 23 October « 28 September K 23 October l( K « (( 25 March 1869. " Juno (1 18 May 1870 2 Juno (( 18 November « 7 June 1871. 13 «' « 6 November i( 25 May 1872. 24 December a 25 January 1873. 4 June 1873 CUSTOMS. Pages Coasting Regulations do do do do do do ' do Ships of Italy admitted to Coasting Trade Refining Sugar in Bond, Regulations Importations by Railroads do do do Supplementary do Goods, the produce of Canada, exported, and re-imported, free Warehousing Posts List of Animals imported for improvement of Stock. do Regulations Spirits in Casks of less than 100 gallons Swine.— Regulations for slaughtering, curing and packing of.. Drawback on exportation of imported goods. — Uegulutions do do Additionul do ... Foreign Reprints of British Copyright Works. — Duty on Sufferance Wharves and Warehouses Vessels arriving from Sea at Ports on River St. John, N. B... Tare on Sugar. — Allowance for Bonding Warehouses. — Privilege of using Stores as Drawback on goods exported to Newfoundlund &o Packages containing " Free Goods " admitted duty free Manitoba. — Parts of Customs Laws made applicable to Machinery imported duty free. — Regulations Winnipeg. — Part of Red River to form part of Port of Proprietary Medicines &c. — Duty thereon defined British Columbia.-— Horses &c. bringing provisions, free Tea and Coffee. — Duty of 10 p. cent imposed on " Old Tom Gin ". — Mode of as certaining Strength Felted Cloth, liable to Customs duty Ports of Entry constituted by Orders in Council, in addition to Ports ettubli^hcd by the Customs Act, 1867 Ont Ports constituted by Orders in Council do do 22 & Materials used in Free-List.... Canadian Manufactures, placed in the 47 1 7 11 14 60 15 17 20 21 24 25 25 26 27 29 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 43 43 44 45 45 46 46 48 49 51 502 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Contents. Date of Orders in Council, &c. 31 May 1860 17 " 1865 26 September 1866 8 January 1868 3i (( 10 March u 27 April (( 30 May <( (( (( c( « « « (( (. (( 18 December (( 15 June 1869 25 " u IC it (( 20 August <( 28 September « 21 December (( 9 August 1870 5 December (( 16 January 1871 23 February 1871 12 October (( 30 (1 15 March (( 23 May 1872 4 July (( 20 Slaj 1873 30 " (( 4 June (( u 29 April 1854 25 " 1860 29 May i( 8 June « (( Wany Timber.— Mode of measuring Warehousing of ^irits, Malt Liquor and Tobacco. — Regula- tions Cigars. — Mode of assessing Cigars for duty Maltsters. — Classification of. Malt ma^ be removed &c. in Bond do used in combination vith Sugar. — Drawback Warehouse Regulations Tobacco Licenses and Permits. — R^ulations Petroleum. — Regulations respecting Inspection &c Spirits " " removal of .. Manufactures in Bond. — Regulations respecting Malt Coomings and Screenings. — Allowances for . Benzine. — Regulations for the Storage of. do Authorizing the manufacture of. Damaged Grain, — Kiln drying duty free Refaiduum of Petroleum and removal of Distillates.. Mannftcture of Alcoholic Preparations in Bond, Additional Regulations Oaths of Officers. — Before whom to be taken. Cigars. — Deduction from weight, for moisture Methylated Spirits. — Regulations respecting manufacture of., do do do altered '... Cullers' Pees, Tariff Petroleum, Inspection fees reduced. — Certain Distillates exempted Proprietary Medicines and Strong Waters Ferry Ottawa River. — New Edinburgh & Gatineau Point, do Ristigouche between Campbelltown & Cross Point do Ottawa River Buckingham & Cumberland do Ristigouche near Intercolonial Railway Bridge Inland Revenue Districts and Divisions Manitoba. — Inland Revenue Laws extended to , Goods subject to Excise duties and exported, may be re- imported free from Customs duty , Tobacco. Raw or Leaf — Ports for the entry of. Ports from which Goods liable to Excise duties may be exported in Bond PUBLIC WORKS. St. Maurice Works. — Regulations and Tolls Slides, Booms &c. — Ottawa, Madawaska&c. — Tolls on. do do Tolls altered do Chaudiore. — Regulations Lachine Canal. — Vessels trading to Lower Potts &c. Pages. 52 53 60 61 61 61 62 67 69 69 71 73 73 74 74 74 75 76 76 77 78 78 80 80 80 82 85 86 <^8 91 90 92 92 93 97 98 100 102 21 C( « U l( 1( ORDERS IN COUNCIL. soy Contents. 53 60 61 61 61 62 67 69 69 71 73 73 74 74 74 75 76 76 77 78 78 80 80 80 82 85 86 «<8 91 90 92 92 Date of Orders in GouDoil, &ic. 28 September 30 August 13 April " July 21 September 17 May 13 " 14 October 7 Jiine 19 April 14 May 9 August 15 April 9 May 21 " a (I 7 April 18 " 31 May 1860 186-2 1865 II II i( 1867 ti 1869 1870 II II 1871 11 1872 CI 187.-^ 11 PUBLIC WORKS. Slide, Saguenay. — Regulations do Petevawa. — " do &c. Booms, Ohicoutimi. — Tolls altered do, do Coulonge, Petcwawa &c. " do do '* Tolls defined Slides, Provincial. — Regulations do Black River.— Tolls Rideau Canal at Ottawa. — Regulations, Firewood Coal passing Cannis upwards, free from Toll Welland C«nal. — Way rate between Dunnville & Thorold. Piers below Quebec. — TarifiF of Tolls Road, Huntingdon & St. Francis, TariflF of Tolls Slides, Trent.— Tariff of Tolls do do explained Port Dover Harbour.— Tariff of Tolls Slide Riverdu Moine, " " St. Peter's Canal, " ." Canals &c '. Pages. Canal and Harbour Regulations., 21 July 18 September 31 May 12 September " November 18 September 28 June 20 May t 7 October 30 November 20 June 2 July 9 " 1 April II II 2 June 22 " 24 February IC l( II II II .1 13 March- 1857 >i 1859 1861 1869 1872 1862 IC 1863 1864 1868 (i 1869 1870 u ll (I 1871 u a (I 1871 MARINE AND FISHERIES. Steamboat Inspectors — Instructions for guidance of.. do do Regulations adopted by Harbour Commissioners, Montreal. By Laws. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do amended " 'By Laws, Coal Oil &c " Vessels loading & unloading.. Quebec. — By Laws do By Law do By Law do do United Stntos Vessels in British North American Waters Imperial Regulations for the prevention of Collisions.... Montreal Harbour, Tariff of Fees Steamboat Owners to pay 10 cents per ton yearly Kathu/st and Richibucto Harbours. — Tonnage Duty House Harbour, Magdalen Islands " " Amherst " " " '' " Belleville Harbour Dues , American Vessels frequenting Canadian Ports, Tonnage duty. Masters and Mates. — Act put into force , do do ExLiniination of Candidiites for Trinity House, Quebec By Laws, Kules & Regulations do do Montreal, do .... Port of Cap de Chatto, Gaspe, — Tonnage duty 103 104 104 105 106 106 113 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 119 122 122 123 12& 136 137 138 150 •157 158 159 160 161 162 163 169 169 170 171 173 174 176 176 178 183 212 230 404 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Contents. Date of Orders in Ooanoil, &o. 16th December 1?th October 15th May 30th " 4th AufTust 32Dd October 1871 167-2 i< 1873 « 7th May 4th August Dth " 28th May 9th April 30th Juno 14th February 22nd March 1st April 9th June (I u 22nd " 23rd August 26th October 16th December 7th April 7th July :850 1846 1868 1869 u 1870 (( (( II <( <( 1870 1873 10th December 185S 2nd March 186!;' (1) 14th May ^' 1st February 1870 4th " " 17th Septcmbe;- " 2l8t " " ( 1. u lith January 1871 24th March " 25th September " 4th October " 9th December '' MARINE AND FISHERIES.— Co/i/»;iu^rf. Pilotage in Rras d'Or Lake. — Act of N. S., disallowed Shipping of Seamen in Nova Scotigulations and Forms to be observed by applicants... 470 503 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Index. 1*AGES. Drawbacks on exportation of Goods.— Customs Regulations 29 Do " gooJs exported to P. E. Island and Newfoundland ^... 38 Damaged grain. — Aiilhority for Kiln-drying, free of duty 74 Drafts, Notes. — Duty thereon declared 281 Debentures. — Notice as to payment of .Interest on Debentures 284 & 285 Do Regulations relative to conversion into Stock 286 Disallowance of Act incorporating the Town of Bytown 410 Do " " imposing a Duty on Foreign Ships 411 Do authorizing Justices of the Peace in Canada to impose penal- ties on offenders in N. B. escaping to Canada 412 Do of Act of Nova Scotia, respecting Pilot.ige at Bras d'Or Lake.. 233 Disallowance of Juvenile Offenders' A2t of Nova Scotia 433 Do " Quebec Act relating to the privileges of the Legislature 437 Do " Ontario " " " " 438 Do " Supply Bill of 1869 439 ■Department of the Interior in op. ration from 1st July 1873 469 Dominion Day 432 E. Horses, Hunting Harbor, Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Harbor, Holiday Excise duties. — Goods subject to Excise duties, exported and re-imported exempted from Customs duly 90 F. Felted cloth imported, chargeable with duty 45 Ferry, Ottawa River. — New Edingburgh and Gatineau Point, Rates and Regulations i 80 Do Ristigoiiche. — Gamplnellton and Cross Point. — Tariff and Regulations... 82 Do Rii-tigoucho, near Intercolonial Railway Bridge " " 86 Do Ottawa River, Buckingham and Cumberland " " 85 Fishery nognlations — See page 504 504 Foreign Ship.<. — Act imposing Duly Ihereon, disallowed 411 Q. Grain, damaged. — Authority for Kiln-dryinfr, free of Malt duty 71 Gold Coins of Sydney Mint, legal tender in Canada 272 Do " " " " 282 Do " " " " 284 Gaols and Court IIousos, Qmboc, transforrod to the Govt, of Quebec 435 I'ages. 29 38 74 281 284 & 285 286 .... 410 411 412 ke.. 233 433 437 438 .... 439 469 .... 432 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 509 ted nd IS... 90 45 80 82 86 85 504 411 71 272 282 284 435 Index. Pages. Horses, Mules, &c., bringing provisions into British Columbia, admitted free. 43 Huntingdon and St. Francis Road.— Tariff of Tolls 441 Harbor, Port Dover.— Tariff of Tolls 119 Do Commissioners, Montreal — By-Lav."s 138 Do " Quebec, Do 159 Do Montreal.— Tariff of Fees 16^ Do Of BathurstandRichibucto, N.B. — Tonnage duty of 10 cents ^^ ton. 170 Do House, Magdalen Islands " " « -171 Do Amherst, '' " " " «' 173 Do Belleville.— By- Lavi^ fixing Tariff of Tolls 174 Do Trenton.— Tariff of Dues. 451 Do Montreal. — Commrs. By-Law relative to Vessels loading, &c 158 Do Halifax. — Act for Shipping of Seamen, put in force in 233 Do Charlotte do do do 234 Do Piclou and Liverpool do do 237 Do Masters, N. B., — Act declared to be in force at certain Ports 238 Do Harbour Master, Halifax.— Rules and Regulations 239 Harbor, Cap de Chatte. — ^Tonnage duly of 10 cents ^. Ton at 230 Holiday, Confederation day, 1st July, to be celebrated every year 432 I. Inland Rmenue. — See page 502 ., 502 Inspectors of Steamboats. — Instructions for the guidance of. 136 Do do Regulations adopted by 137 Indian Lands. See MiscpUaneoiis, page 505 Immigrants, Pauper. — Regulations relating to the landing of. 42& Indian Lands in Seigniory of St. Louis. Land Act tobe applicable to 430 Do Nova Scotia. Land Act e.xteiided to 455 Indian Timber. — R^ gulations for the protection of 465 Do Ri'serves, Ontario. — A'.t 31 Vic, extended to 466 Interior, Doparimjnt of— Toba in operation from Isl July 1873 469 J. Juvenile Offenders' Act, N. S, disallowed 433 Joint Stock Companies Act. — Tariff of Foes 434 Justices of the IVaco in Ginaila. — Act giving them jurisdiclioii over offen- ders in Now Brunswick escaping to Canada, disallowed 412 L. Liverpool. — Act for Shipping of Seamen, put in force at 237 510 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Index. Pages. Manitoba. — Parts of Customs Laws of Canada put in force in 40 Machinery for Mills, &c. — Customs Regulations respecting importation of... 41 Malt Liquor. — Inland Revenue Regulations respecting the warehousing of.. 53 Maltsters. — Classification of 61 Malt removed, sold and transferred in Bond 61 Do used in combination with sugar. — Drawback on 61 Manufacturing in Bond. — Regulations respecting 71 Malt coomings or screenings. — Allowances for 73 Manufacturing in Bond. — Additional Regulations 75 Methylated Spirits. — Regulations respecting the manufacture of 77 & 78 Manitoba. — Liland Revenue Laws of Canada extended to 91 Manufactures. — Articles used as materials in Canadian Manufactures placed on the Free List 51 Montreal Harbour Commissioners. — By-Laws 133 Do do Tariff of Fees i69 Masters and Mates. — Act to come into force on 25 February 1871... 176 Do do Rules and Regulations for examination of. 178 Montreal Trinity House.— By-Laws 212 Do Harbour Commrs. — By-Laws respecting "Vessels loading or unload- ing 158 Manitoba, Province, divided into four Electoral Districts 442 Do " Surveys and grants of Public Lands in 445 D) " Notice to Settlers on unsurveyed lands 450 Do " Regulations respecting the cutting of Timber in 467 It. Newfoundland and P. E. Island.^Drawback on goods exported to 38 Nova Scolia Act respecting Pilotage in Bras d'Or Lake, disallowed 233 New Brunswick Harbour Masters Act, declared in force at certain Ports.... 238 Notes, Drafts.— Duty thereon declared 281 Nova Scotia Juvenile offenders' Act, disallowed 433 New Brunswick Public Buildings, transferred to Provincial. Govt 440 North West Territories. — Regulations authorizing the Lieut. Gov. to make Lawp 403 New Brunswick. — OfTenders in N. B. escaping to Canada Act of Canada giv- ' ""' inK jurisdiction to Canadian Justices ofthe Peace over such offenders, disallowed , 412 • ] Pages. *• •• 40 r... 41 )f.. 53 • • • • 61 ■ • • • 61 • •• 61 ... 71 ... 73 ... 75 ..77 & 78 ... 91 ed . •• 51 ... 138 . a • . 169 . .• 176 . • . 178 ■ .. 212 d- .... 158 ... 442 ... 445 ... 450 ... 467 38 233 238 281 433 440 463 412 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 511 Index. '^- . Pages. " Old Tom Gin " — Mode of ascertaining strength to establish duty on 45 Out Ports of Customs, established 47^ 43 & 49 Oalhs to Inland Revenue officers. — Parlies who are to administer the 76 Ordnance Lands placed in Glasses B and C . 434 Ontario Act relating to privileges of Legislature, disallowed 438 Do Supply Bill of 1S69, disallowed 439 P. Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland, — Drawback on goods exported to. 38 Packages containing " Free Goods " admitted free 39 Patent Medicines. — Customs duty thereon defined 43 Ports of Entry established 46 Petroleum. — Regulations respecting the Inspection and Branding of. 69 Do " " Residuum and removal of Distillates.... 74 Do lusppction Fees reduced. — Certain Distillates exempted 80 Proprietary Medicines and Strong Waters.— Duty of $1.20 f>,. gallon 80 Piers below Quebec— Tariff of Tolls 116 Port Dover Harbour " " 119 Pilotage in Bras d'Or Lake, N. S.— Provincial Act disallowed 233 Pilots, Charlotte County 234 Pictou. — Act for Shipping of Seamen put in force in 237 Post Office Savings Banks.— Regulations 263 Precedence.— Table of 427 Public Buildings, Quebec, transferred to Govt, of Quebec 435 Do do New Brunswick, " Provl. Govt ; 440 Penitentiary of St. Vincent de Paul, established 468 Patents of Invention. — Rules, Regulations and Forms 474 Do Copy right, Trade Marks, Timber Marks. — Regulations 470 Pilots, County of Charlotte, N. B.— Rules and Regulations 234 ft Quebec Harbour Commissioners. — By-Laws 159 Do Trinity House. — By-Laws 183 Qiiebsc. — Court Houses aud Gaols, transferred to Govt, of Quebec ^ 435 Do Act relative to privileges of the Legislature, disallowed 437 Quarantine Regulations— General , 414 Quarantine Regulations at the Port of Richibucto 452 Do Do general, amonded to the effect of exempting "Vessels of War, &c 461 Do R(?gulalions respecting the entry and departure of Vessels at Canadian Ports, and the landing and rjceiving Passangers and Cargoes 457 512 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Index. PAaES. Railroads.— Customs Regulations respecting Importation of goods by Rail- road 17 River St. John, N.-B. — Ve.ssels arriving from Sea at Ports or. , 36 Red River, part of — included within limits of the Port of Wiimipeg 42 Road.— Huntingdon and St. Francis.— Tariff of Tolls 441 Richibuclo Harbour, N. B. — ^Tonnage duty of 10 cents ^. ton 170 Railways.— See further page 505 Richibucto. — Quarantine Regulations ', 452 8. Sugar refined in Bond. — Regulations respecting 15 Spirits imported in Casks of less than 100 gallons — 26 Swine. — Customs Regulations I'of the slaughtering, curing, &c., of. 27 Sufferance Wharves and Warehouses 35 Sugar. — Allowance for Tare on 37 Spirits. — Inland Revenue Regulations respecting the Warehousing of 53 Do " " " " the removal of 69 Do Methylated. — Rpgulalions respecting the manufacture of. 77 Strong Waters.— Duty o£ $1.20 per gallon 80 Slides. — Tolls and Regulations. — See PuLlic Works, page 502 St. Peter's Canal.— Tariff of Tolls 122 St. Maurice Works. — Tolls and Regulations 93 Steamboat Inspectors. — Instructions for the guidance of.... 136 Do " Regulations adopted by 137 Do Owners to pay tonnage duty of 10 cents per ton yearly 169 Shipping of Seamen in N. S.— Act put in force at Halifax 233 Do " " " " at Pictou and Liverpool 237 Silver Coins, Canadian— 20 cents, 10 and 5 cent pieces 261 Do " " 50 cents and 25 cent pieces 278 Do " " do do legal tender in N. B 279 Do " American.— Proclamation fi.xing value of 276 Savings Banks— Government Post OfTiCP. — Regulations 263 Stamps on Notes, Drafts.— Duty declared 281 St. Louis Seigniory. — Provisions of Land Act extended to Indian Lands of.. 430 Sn[>ply Bill of 186',), Ontario, disallowd 439 St. Vini-enl de Paul PL'uitenliary oslablishod. 468 Ships, Foreign.— Act imposing duty Iheroon, disallowed 4it ORDERS IN COUNCIL. MS Index. Pages. 17 , 36 42 441 170 452 15 26 27 35 37 53 69 77 80 122 93 136 137 169 233 237 261 278 279 276 263 281 430 439 408 411 Pagbs. Tea and Coffee. — Duty of 10 per cent on importation of. 44 Tobacco. — Inland Revenue Regulations respecting the warehousing of 53 Do Licenses and Permits. — Regulations for the granting of. 67 Do Ports for the entry of 92 Tonnage duty of 10 cents per ton yearly to be paid by Steamboat Owners... 169 Do " ♦' " Bathurst and Richibucto Harbours. 170 Do " " " House and Amherst Harbours....l 71 & 173 Do on American and Canadian Vessels 176 Trinity House, Quebec— By-Laws of 183 Do " Montreal do 212 Trenton Harbor.— Tariff of Dues 451 Timber cut on Indian Lands. — Hates of duty &c 413 Table of precedence 427 Titles, under Confederation 429^ Timber of Indian Lands. — Regulations for the protection of. 465. Do in Manitoba. — Regulations respecting the cutting of 467 Do Marks. — Rules, Regulations and Forms to be observed by applicants. 473 Trade Marks. — Rnlos, Regulations and Forms do do 470.- Treaties, See Miscellaneous, page 605 U. S. Vessels in B, N. A. Waters. — Imperial Regulations for the prevention of collisions with 163 Do Vessels. — Tonnage dnes charged on 176 W Warehousing Ports.— List of. 22 & 24 Wharves and Warehouses, Sufferance 35 38 Warehouses, Bonding. — Privilege of using. Winnip.-g.— Part of Red River to be included within limits of Port of........ 42 52 5^1 62 Wany Timber, — Mode of measuring , Warehousing of Spirits, Malt Liquor and Tobacco. — Regulations for. Warehouse Regulations. — Inland Revenue Warrants.— Regulations respecting mode of acquittal of. 275