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' errata d to t a pelure. ion A 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 fl- 1' N, .;' ft- O' ' ! 11 r m {",5i.- ; f.j GRAND LODGE OF ^nritnt Im ou6 actcptci illasona OF CANADA. «*♦- RULES AND REGUIATIONS FOR THK GOVERNMENT o» Masonic Trials. 'Ill i4' ' 111 >4l tll »' 111 * ,i;,i»l 1(1 i^il Ml III III ( ill'' III' i III' llr : ^ ill'vl -«•> lSamUton,(Dnt.; EnnU & Stirton. Steam Book a nd Job P rinters. ,73 Jame« Street North. MDCCCLXXV. \-t -I hi r ■ ■ i V • I' i Itl f !.;r 1 ., ;iiirii* REPORT. To Thk M. W. thk grand MASTER OK THK Gkano Lodge of Canaoa. As you have done me the honor of appointing me to prepare a code of Rules and Regulations for the government of Masonic Trials, I have, pursuant to your instructions, prepared, and now beg to submit, such rules as appear to me necessary or useful in the conduct of Masonic Trials. Such trials, under the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Canada, may be held before : 1. A Lodge, which has power "to suspend or exclude a member for gross, immoral, or infamous conduct, or for non-payment of dues ;" 2. 77ie District Deputy Grand Master for such District, who "may hear and determine any subject of masonic complaint or irregularity respecting Lodges or individual Masons within his District, and may proceed to admonition or to suspension until the decision of the Grand Master shall be known thereon ;" 3. The GrandMaster, before whom "all differences or complaints that cannot be accommodated privately or in some regular Lodge" may be laid. 4. It is also provided in the Constitution that all differences between or complaints of members that cannot be accommodated privately or in some regular Lodge, delivered to the Grand Secre- tary, shall be laid before the Grand Master, the District Deputy Grand Master, or the Board of General Purposes, each of whom may, after investigation, make such orders and adjudication as shall be authorized by the by-laws and regulations of Masonry. 5. And it is further provided that the Board of General Puri)ose:- I II',' 11 '1 ;'ti 4 RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THK has authority to hear and determine all subject of masonic com- plaint or irregularity respecting Lodges or individual Masons, when regularly brought before it, and may proceed to admonition, fine or suspension, according to the laws. The Regulations now submitted are specially adapted to Trials before a Lodge ; but it is recommended that in all trials before the other tribunals, the same practice may be followed as nearly as the circumstances will admit of. r f« JURISDICTION. It may not be amiss in this report to record the fact that a Lodge has jurisdiction over all Masons within its territorial limits, whether affiliated or non-affiliated, as well as over all its own members wheresoever they may reside or be situated. Thus a Mason who resides beyond the jurisdiction of his own Lodge is subject to two concurrent jurisdictions, viz., the territorial jurisdiction of the Lodge where he resides, and the personal jurisdiction of his own Lodge. But trial, conviction, punishment or acquittal, under either of these jurisdictions, would exempt him from the like proceedings under the other — upon the principle that a Mason cannot be twice pun- ished for the same masonic offence ; neither can a Mason, by a formal resignation of his membership of the Order, withdraw himself from its jurisdiction over him. It is generally considered by the best authorities to be the special duty of the Junior Warden to take steps to bring to trial all masonic offenders, and he may of course avail himself of the assistance of any member of the Lodge who may prefer charges against an offending brother, or who may feel called upon to assist in the prosecution. MASONIC OFFENCES. It may be convenient also to define to some extent what are masonic offences. In general terms, it may be said that every violation by a Mason of his masonic covenant or obligations, or of the established laws, usages and customs of the Order, — every violation of the moral law, and every violation of the laws of the land involving moral turpitude, is a masonic offence. OOVERNMKNT OF MASONIC TRIALS. 5 Masonic tribunals do not assume to adjust mere legal rights — pecuniary or otherAvise ; nor do they take cognizance of difficulties of a legal character growing out of business transactions between brethren, or breaches of contract or agreement between one Mason and another, unless the circumstances disclose unmistakable fraud or moral turpitude on the part of the offender. A violation of the laws of the land which is malum in se, and not merely malum prohibitum, is a masonic offence. On this principle it is that murder, larceny, assault, adultery, and such offences as are evil in themselves, are recognized to be masonic offences, whilst issuing an unstamped note, or neglecting to observe a by-law pro- viding for removing snow,although in direct violation of the statute or municipal law, will not be noticed by masonic authorities. The following have been selected from amongst masonic offences as the most frequent; but it must be understood that by no means all have been enumerated : — 1. All public crimes and misdemeanors involving moral turpitude. 2. Drunkenness and profligacy. 3. Fighting. 4. Improper revelations. 5. Undue solicitation of candidates. 6. Disobedience of those in authority, or contemptuous language towards them. 7. Contemptuous expressions respecting the institution of Ma- sonry. 8. All countenance of impostors. 9. Masonic communion with clandestine Masons or irregular Lodges. 10. Unseemly conduct in the Lodge. 1 1. Abuse of the ballot in Lodge. 12. Defrauding or wronging a Mason in a Lodge. 13. Adultery and all lascivious association, whether with the relative of a Mason or with a stranger. 14. Any intentional violation of the technical parts or points of the several masonic obligations. I' ■• RULES AND RKC.L'I-ATIONS FOR THH ! fj 15. Any violation of the particular injunctions of the ritual or of any of the landmarks of Masonry. 16. Violation of the Constitution, laws, edicts, rules or regula- tions of the Grand Lodge or a subordinate Lodge, by a member thereof. 17. Cruelty to wife or child of one's family. 18. Contempt for God or religion. 19. Atheism. In concluding this report, it may not be out of place to remark upon the great importance to be attached to proceedings at all masonic trials. No member should be indifferent whilst his brother is upon trial ; but he should devote to the enquiry all the patient investigation and careful solicitude which he would wish that brother to devote if he were himself the accused ; and whilst on his guard not to look too lightly upon any actual guilt because the offender is a Mason, let him endeavor to judge with candour and reprimand with justice. All of which is most respectfully submitted. I Toronto, ist July, 1874. J. K. KERR, D. G. M. ii iC It'- ll '' •c -J (A.-.. !>.' '.a:. ^-tiOW-i- (lOVERNMKNT OF MASONIC IRIAI.S. Ilegitbtians ADOPTED RESPECTING THE TRIAL BEFORE A LOIXiE OF CHARGES FOR MASONIC OFFENCES, AND PROCEEDINGS THEREON. ♦•» The following Rules and Directions are presented for regulating proceedings against a member for Wciu-|)aj)mcut of JDues. 1. Any member of a Lodge, who may be in arrears for dues to such Lodge, may be proceeded against in accordance with the provisions of the By-Laws of such Lodge in respect of the same, and the Book of Constitution. 2. In case no provision has been made in the By-Laws of a Lodge for notice to and procedure against a member for non- payment of dues, the following procedure may be adopted : (a) In case dues of a member remain unpaid for twelve months, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Lodge to read out the name of such member in default, after which a special summons to appear at the next regular meeting of the Lodge to shew cause why he should not be suspended, together with the statement of the amount of dues remaining unpaid, shall be sent to such member. (b) In case such member shall not, before such next regular meeting of the Lodge, have paid the amount of such dues, and no such excuse be offered as the Lodge may deem sufficient, it shall then devolve upon the Senior Warden to propose and the Junior Warden to second a resolution that such member be forthwith suspended ; and on such motion being carried by a majority of votes of members present, the member shall be suspended accordingly. (c) Such summons shall be deemed duly served if mailed to the last known address of such member. 8 P.ULKS AND RKGUI.ATIONS FOR THE 3. Save as aforesaid, none of the formalities hereinafter prescribed for notices or procedure f(;r the trial of charges for unmasonic concUict shall be retjuired in proceeding against a member for non-payment of dues. ®tl)cr iilasouic ©(fences. 'I'he following Rules and Directions are i)rescril)ed tor regulating the manner of submitting and proceeding with the trial of masonic offences other than that of "non-payment of dues,"and for regulating appeals from such proceedings and judgments therein. CHARGES AND OTHER SPECIFICATIONS. i 1. All charges of unmasonic conduct shall be made in writing, with particulars specifying with reasonable certainty the character of the offence alleged, and the time and place of its commission, as near as may be practicable, and be signed by the accuser, who must be an affiliated Master Mason, in good standing. 2. All charges and particulars shall be fyled with the Secretary of the Lodge ; if received at a stated meeting, they shall be then and there read ; if received during recess of the Lodge, such charges shall be read at the next stated meeting thereafter, of which meeting all the members shall have due notice ; Provided^ that in cases where the magnitude of an offence demands, or where the Lodge or the Master shall deem it for the best interests of Masonry, the matter may be laid before the Grand Master, and by authority of his dispensation said charges may be read and received at a special meeting of the Lodge, called for the purpose, of which due notice shall be given the members. 3. The trial of charges may proceed at any meeting appointed for the purpose, and continue until completed ; and in case the trial be not completed at one meeting, it may be continued at any subsequent meeting to which the same may be postponed. RECEIVING CHARGES, PRELIMINARY PROCEEDINGS, NOTICES, &c. 1. When charges shall be presented and read as provided above, the Lodge shall decide by a majority vote whether the charges shall be accepted, and the accused brother be placed on trial, or the charges be dismissed ; when decided in the affirmative, the charges cannot be withdrawn, except for cause shown, and by the vote of two-thirds of the members present ; such charges shall not GOVKRNMKNT OF MASONIC I'KIALS. be amended except by a majority vote, of which proposed amend- ment the accused shall have due notice. 3. Immediately upon the acceptance of charges by a Lodge, the Master shall appoint the time and place lor trial ; and it shall be the duty of the Master to cause the accused to be served with a duly attested copy of the charges and partic ulars, and notice stating the time and place appointed for the trial tliereof ; Provided a/rcajs, that the accused shall be entitled to reasonable time and opportu- nity to prepare his defence. 3. If the accused shall neglect or refuse to attend in person, or by some brother authorized in writing to act as his counsel, after notice has been duly served on him, or if notice cannot be served on him personally by reason of his residence being unknown or beyond the limits of the district in which the Lodge is located, then a copy of such notice shall be sent to him by mail, addressed to him at his last known place of residence, or left at his last known place of residence or with a grown-up member of his family ; and upon proof that the notice has been sent to him, or left for him as above prescribed, the Lodge at the time in such notice specified may proceed without his presence, and conduct the proceedings to a final issue ; Provided^ that at least one regular meeting shall intervene between the time of mailing, sending or leaving such notice, and any action by the Lodge in pursuance thereof. In such cases the Lodge shall appoint a competent brother to act as counsel for, or representative of, the accused. 4. In every case where a flagrant offence shall be committed by any Mason present while the Lodge is at labor, the foregoing rules requiring notice and delay may be dispensed with, and the Master may order the offending brother to show cause instanter why he should not be punished, and may in his discretion proceed or permit the Lodge to proceed to trial and suspension. TRIAL, WITNESSES AND TESTIMONY. 1. Witnesses in masonic trials, who are Masons, shall be mentally competent, and in good standing in the fraternity, and may be affiliated or non-affiliated brethren. 2. Every Mason shall give his testimony upon his honor as a Mason. 3. All witnesses in masonic trials, who are not Masons, shall be any persons of sound mind, of such religious belief as to feel the obligations of an oath, and they shall solemnly pledge themselves to 17] 10 RULES AND REGULATIONb i-OR THE I t m state the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The evidence of such persons must be received with caution when disputed by the accused, and, in fact, should be admitted only when their evidence cannot be supplied by a Mason, unless in cases requiring corroborative testimony. 4. The evidence of both the accuser and the accused, if offered, shall be received in any masonic trial. The status of a Mason under charges is not affected until after conviction. 5. The testimony of witnesses, who are Masons, may be taken in open Lodge, or by a special committee appointed by the Master, Witnesses who are not Masons shall be examined only by a com- mittee appointed for the purpose by the Master. In either case, the accused and the accuser, in person or by a brother Mason as counsel or representative, shall be entitled to be present and pro- pound such relevant questions as they may desire. 6. The testimony of any witness, unable to attend the Lodge or a committee, may be taken by deposition before a properly author- ized person, who must be a Mason appointed for the purpose, due notice of the time and place having first been given. 7. It shall be the duty of the accused and accuser to secure the attendance of their respective witnesses who are not Masons ; and through the Master and Secretary of the Lodge, they may, when necessary, summon for such purpose any resident Mason, whether he be a member of the Lodge or not. i- 8. When testimony is taken in open Lodge, the Lodge shall be opened in the ist degree ; but the decision as to guilt or innocence, and the question of punishment, shall be severally determined in and by a Lodge of Master Masons. 9. The Master shall decide all questions arising as to the relev- ancy of the evidence, and the regularity of the proceedings ; and the Secretary or other person appointed for that purpose by the Master, shall take down in writing all the evidence submitted by both the prosecution and defence, and note all objections made by either party, and the rulings of the Master; and the record thereof shall be fyled among the archives of the Lodge; and the main facts of the case shall be entered upon the Lodge records. 10. At the conclusion of the evidence, the accused and the accuser in person, or their counsel or representative, may, if they desire, address such relevant remarks to the Lodge upon the merits of the case as may be deemed proper ; after which the accused and the accuser shall retire from the Lodge, and remain in an ante- room until the final decision : (Provided, that if the Junior Warden GOVERNMENT OF MASONIC TRIALS. II shall be the accuser, in his official capacity, he shall not be obliged to retire) ; after which any member entitled to vote may express his views of the case, and of the law and the facts involved ; and no member shall be permitted to withdraw from the Lodge until after final action, except for urgent cause, and by consent of two-thirds of the members present. 11. When a committee is appointed, as in section 5 of this article, it shall consist of not less than three members of the Lodge, either of whom, if objected to by either of the parties for cause to be fully explained by the objecting party, may be removed by the Master and another appointed. 1 2. Every such committee shall convene and select from their number a Chairman and Secretary ; and when so organized, shall have power, through the Master and Secretary of the Lodge, to summon before them the accused and accuser, with their respective witnesses. 13. The proceedings of such committee shall be governed by the foregoing provisions so far as applicable. The duties of the Master and Secretary of the Lodge above prescribed shall apply to, and may be discharged by, the Chairman and Secretary of the committee. 14. The committee may sit whenever and as often as it may deem best for the interests of Masonry and the full investigation of the complaints before them ; Provided^ that every trial begun shall be prosecuted with as much despatch as the law governing the same, and full justice to the accused and accuser, will permit 15. When the committee have concluded their labors, they shall report their proceedings and all the evidence to the Lodge ; and upon retirement of the accused and accuser, any member of the Lodge present may express his views of the case ; and any portion or the whole of the evidence shall be read, as he may require, to enable him to come to a decision. 16. A brother against whom charges have been preferred, may deny or admit any portion or the whole of the charges and specifi- cations. 17. In case an accused brother shall plead guilty, such plea may be accepted as evidence, and shall render the taking of further proof unnecessary; but such plea shall not excuse the Lodge from voting upon the question of guilt or innocence. • • . if 18. No visitor shall attend the Lodge or committee for any purpose other than giving evidence during any of the proceedings 12 RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE i ■A - 1 I * of a masonic trial, unless permission be granted by the Master, or by the Lodge, or by the committee when the proceedings are before a committee. JUDGMENT. 1. Upon conclusion of the trial, the question of "guilty" or "not guilty," shall be immediately and distinctly put by the Master, upon each charge in its order, which sliall be voted upon separately ; and every member present shall be required to vote by ballot ; and it shall require a vote of a majority of said members to sustain any charge. 2. If any charge shall be sustained, the accused shall be then and there declared guilty, and the Master shall put the question as to whether the accused shall be suspended or excluded, which shall be decided by a majority of the members present ; and every member present shall be required to vote by ballot. 3. When any Mason, after due trial, shall be found guilty of unmasonic conduct, punishment shall follow, which shall be pro- portionate to the offence. 4. When any Mason shall have been excluded or suspended by a Lodge, he shall be notified of such action by the Secretary, who shall also immediately report the same to the Grand Secretary. When any brother shall have been acquitted, he shall be notified of the same by the Master in open Lodge, as well as by the Secre- tary in writing. PUNISHMENT. 1. The masonic punishment which shall be inflicted by chartered Lodges for unmasonic conduct, after due trial and conviction, shall be, in the discretion of the Lodge, either Exclusion or Indefinite Suspension, Definite Suspension, or Reprimand. , j . . 2. Exclusion or Indefinite Suspension for any offence, subjects an offender, during such suspension, to an absolute deprivation of all the rights, privileges and benefits of Masonry to the offender and his family. 3. Definite Suspension shall require the vote of a majority of the members present, and the penalty and the period of suspension may be voted upon together or separately; Provided, that no definite suspension shall be voted for a longer time than three years, nor for a less time than three months. - :•.....;...,, j..^ . >.j. .......* ' 4. Reprimand shall be the least masonic punishment, and shall only be inflicted after due trial and conviction, and when voted by GOVKRNMFNT OB' MASONIC TRIALS. 13 i a. majority of the members present ; the reprimand shall be admin- istered in open Lodge by the Master. APPEAI^. 1. Any Mason who has been subjected to any of the foregoing proceedings of a Lodge, or against whom charges have been pre- sented, or his accuser, or any member of the Lodge, has the right to appeal from any verdict or sentence therein in his case rendered or adjudged, and from any vote or decision of a Lodge upon the subject of any charge, and such appeal may be made to the District Deputy Grand Master of the District in which the Lodge is situated, or to the Grand Master. 2. All appeals from an such verdict or sentence of a Lodge shall be made in writing, > iid contain a statement of the case, the exceptions taken to the decision of the Lodge appealed from, and the grounds upon which they are based. The appeal shall be fyled with the Grand Secretary thirty days prior to the next suc- ceeding annual meeting of the Grand Lodge, if possible. 3. The appellant shall give the Lodge appealed from notice of his intention, within thirty days after receiving notice of its action or decision ; and the Secretary of such Lodge, under the direction of the Master, shall, at least ten days before the Annual Com- munication of the Grand Lodge, produce to the Grand Secretary a certified copy of all the charges, papers, proceedings and evidence in the case ; Provided, the times herein specified shall intervene between such decisions and the Annual Communication aforesaid ; if not, then such time shall apply to the next succeeding Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, or may be disposed of by the Grand Master during recess of the Grand Lodge. " 4. Whenever an appeal shall be taken fi^om any constituent Lodge, as provided in the foregoing sections, the Grand Master or the District Deputy Grand Master to whom the appeal shall have been made, respectively, may, upon investigation — Dismiss the appeal, approve the proceedings, or affirm the decision appealed from ; or Modify or change a decision, or sentence, or inflict a penalty where the constituent Lodge has failed to do so ; or Set aside the proceedings of the Lodge for informality, and remand the case for further proceedings ; or ^ " Give such directions as may appear to him reasonable and proper. - k; tfj.n'f^^^t-iior if^ - >!}r-..j.i:^iv. r.';^;' ^>■;.^;;v?;:("'■. v.-- ^\i, 14 RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE 5. The decision or sentence of the District Deputy Grand Master shall in all cases be subject to appeal to the Grand Master. 6. Whenever the Grand Master shall modify or change a decision or sentence adjudged by a constituent Lodge, or the District Deputy Grand Master, the same shall be final ; and upon notice thereof, snch constituent Lodge shall cause the same to be entered upon its records. 7. Whenever the Grand Master or District Deputy Grand Master, on a review of the trial or other proceedings of a Lodge, resulting in the exclusion or suspension of a Mason, shall reverse or annul the judgment of said proceedings, or shall order a new trial, the accused shall be thereby restored to all his rights, privileges, and membership. When a case is remanded for new trial, no amend- ment shall be made to the original charges, unless the accused have due and timely notice thereof. ...ii ,.'. .. 8. Every Lodge shall communicate to the Grand Secretary and to the District Deputy Grand Master of the District in which a Lodge is situated, all suspensions and exclusions as they may severally occur. RESTORATIONS AND RE-INSTATEMENTS. '1,; i i i t ■I 1. No Lodge shall have the power to restore an expelled, excluded or suspended Mason to membership, nor to his former rights and privileges in Masonry. 2. A Mason who has been expelled, excluded, or suspended, (unless suspended for non-payment of dues) seeking restoration, shall- petition the Lodge from which he was excluded or suspended for its recommendation to the Grand Lodge for his restoration ; if such petition be concurred in by a vote by ballot of two-thirds of the members present at a stated communication of the Lodge, the same shall be so indorsed, under seal, and be transmitted to the Grand Secretary at least ten days before the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge ; Provided^ that in case such Lodge has become extinct, said petition may be made direct to Grand Lodge, with a statement of the fact ; and upon favorable action thereon, the brother shall be entitled to resume the status of a non-affiliated Mason. ^ 3. Any Mason suspended for non-payment of dues seeking re- instatement, shall, on payment of dues, be restored to membership in accordance with the constitution of Grand Lodge, without pre- senting such petition j Provided, that if the Lodge from which a Mason shall have been suspended for non-payment of dues has GOVERNMENT OF MASONIC TRIALS. IS ceased to exist, a petition for re-instatement may be made to the Grand Lodge, which may re-instate the petitioner to good standing in the fraternity as a non-affiHated Mason. 4. Definite suspension shall expire by limitation ; and any Mason so suspended shall be entitled to resume membership, and all the rights and privileges thereof, at the expiration of the time defined in his sentence, without vote or other action on the part of the Lodge. MASTERS AND LODGES. 1. A Worshipful Master may be tried by his Lodge after the expiration of his official term, for any unmasonic conduct (except for official misconduct, or a violation of his official obligations.) All complaints for official misconduct shall be made to the proper authority during the official term of the offender, otherwise he shall not be tried therefor. 2. When a controversy shall arise between Lodges, or between a Lodge and its Master, or charges be preferred, or an informal com- plaint be made, the same may be fyled with the Grand Secretary, who shall forward the same to the Grand Master ; if the matter be deemed by him of a sufficiently grave character to warrant investi- gation, he may proceed in person, or appoint a commission of not more than seven nor less than three Masters, or Past Masters, with, if consistent, the District Deputy Grand Master as chairman, to investigate such charges or complaint ; such commission shall have authority to summon witnesses, and shall have such other powers as may be specially delegated to them by the Grand Master ; and said commission shall make such report, and give such opinion to the Grand Master, as will enable him to make a final decision. 3. When a Master or other officer of a Lodge shall be deposed from office only, he shall not thereby be deprived of any of the rights or privileges of membership.