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' ;::■;■■, \-<^r. ■■,--• .'i / 
 For Observing The Lord's Day As 
 The Christian Sabbath 
 By REV. W. G. HANNA, B.A. 
 "The Sabbath was ma4e for man"— AforA 2:27'. 
 "The Lord's Day'^/?«'. /:/9. • 
 The Sabbath was one of the. first institutions that God 
 established for the human race. His* own example furnished 
 the rule for its observance (Gen. 2:3). The seven-day division 
 of time in the patriarchal period may have been associated 
 with its observance; 
 When God chose a special people to be the custodians and 
 disseminators of His revelation, one of the first requirements 
 •was the obseVVance of the Sabbath (Ex. 16:21-30). Later, when 
 He entrusted them with the permanent moral code for the 
 human face, He set the command safe^arding the day at its 
 centre (Ex. 20:S-11), thus showing the significance He attached 
 to it. Then He incorporated the requirement of its observance, 
 in the ceremoiCal law specially intended for the Hebrew people. 
 In the lapse of time the Hebrew people allowed the moral 
 significance of the Sabbath to be overshadowed by the burden- 
 some ceremonial with which they surroimded it. Hence our 
 Lord Uf ted into the place of appropriate emphasis its moral 
 agnificance, as a day of special blessing for all manlcind (Mark 
 As .the Lord of the Sabbath (Mark 2:28), He 4>wered it 
 with new richness of meaning and associated its manifold bless- 
 ings with the day that was to bear His own name ever after. 
 (1) By rising froiti the tomb on the first day of the week 
 and bestowing upon men the assurance of completed 
 By appearing as risen Ho His disciples, at differeiit 
 places, thus opening up a new hope for them (Mark" 
 16:^11, 12, 13; Matt. 28:8-10; Luke 24;34; Jphn 
 20:19^3). / 
 I ■ 
 .1 ■ • 
 (3) By putting upon - the lips of men the enheartening 
 : ; message, ."The Lord is riseh indettd" (Luke 24:34). 
 (4) By bestowing the gift of the Moiy Spirit upon His 
 disciples (John 20:21-2^2/), and first commissionmg 
 them to 'preach the gogpel to all the world (John 
 20:21, with Mark 16:9-/16), v 
 (6) By iippearing in their mjidst at their [first devotional 
 meeting and bestowing His benediwbh upon them 
 (John 20:19-23). 7 \ 
 Besides, therci is no record of Jesus appearing On the^ following 
 Jewish Sabbath, but on the day after, on the second i^ord's D^y 
 when the disciples were met as on the first, He appeared ih 
 their midst again, to lead Thomas back to faith land to accept, 
 his worship (John 20:26-29). Thus we are shown the importance 
 our Lord attached to His own day from its beginiling, and the 
 place He assigned to it, in the life of His Church. He deliberately 
 passed by the Jewish Sabbath and set this day as the weekly 
 memoriJa of His redemptive mission to the world,, the day to 
 be associated with the worship of Himself, V , 
 Moreover, many believe that ?the descent of \ the Spirit 
 (Acts 2) took place on thfr.Lord's Day, the first day of the eighth 
 week after the Resurrectibn. This is also the tradition of the 
 early Church. 
 The Apostles claimed to have the mind of Christ, land were 
 under the direction of the ftoly Spirit enabling them to under- 
 stand the will of the Master. .What was the effect \of these 
 things upon them? '. 
 1. They were men of strong Jewish associations, aiid could 
 not easily "drop the Jewish Sabbath out of sight. Biit they 
 observed the Lord's Day with special regard, very early In their 
 ministry. \ 
 2. About 67 A.D. Paul wrote to the Corinthians! 
 1^:1-2), the direction which he states he had previou^yl 
 to the Galatians. "Upon the first day of the week let evei 
 of you lay by him in store as God hath prospered him."l 
 here taken for granted that the Lord's Day is a day distingi 
 from other days by its religious use, and that it was "^ 
 occasional, but a regular recurring arrangement. 
 3» About three years later, i.e., A.D. 60, it is eviden^ that 
 the first and not the seventh day of the week was observted as 
 the day of worship. We learn from Acts 20:6-7, that for seven 
 days Paul waited at Troas to meet with the brethren there, on 
 their day of public worship, which would seem to have been of 
 '. . V 
 weekly Gccurrehce, and to have just passed when he amvcd. • 
 During the interval the Jewish Sabbath must have passed alsO; 
 yet the fact that no mention .is made of it, shows that.lt Jjas 
 not the day on which Christians met for public worship. Nor 
 should it be overlooked that' at that mectmg Paul preached 
 and the Lord's Supper was observed (verse 7). ^. 
 Thus early in the history of the Christian Church, we tind 
 that the Lord's Day was the time, chosen for (I) a pubUc 
 assembly of the Church, (2) a sermon, (3) the^eelcbration of 
 the Lord's Supper, and. (4) the giving of an ofTerjnR., T",'^^ 
 with prayers (which characterized all gatherings of the discipl(fl|)\ 
 are the essentials of worship and cleariy establish that tttfe V 
 observance of the first, rather than the seventh day of the\ ^■ 
 week, as 'the day of worship, was sanctioned by the condut^^ ,^. 
 of the Apostle Paul; so the permanent and moral obligation of > 
 the Sabbath resting upon all men is distinctly assoaated with 
 the Lord's Day. 
 , ' But as Judaizers in the early Church required eircumcision, 
 ip they insisted on t^c observance of the Jewish ceremonial 
 Sabbath by Christian i converts. Paul met this error in Colos- . 
 sians 2:16-lV, "Let ni man therefore judge you in meat, or in 
 drink, or in respect of V feast day or a hew moon or^a ^^gth 
 day, which are a shadow of things to come; but the h^Mjs 
 Christ's." This appears to be the fulfilment of^HoseaJZll. 
 When theVords are cKamined in the light of Num. 28wF-4, 
 MO. 11-16; L Chron. 23:30-31; U. Chron. 2:4, 8, 13; Neh. 
 13:33; and Ezek. 45:17, the meaning of the Apostle is unmis- 
 takable. It is that the Jeiirish dispensation including the 
 seventh day Sabbath as a shadow, has given place to the 
 Christian including the Lord's Day. Very clearly the distinctly 
 Jewish characteristics .of thKSabbath have passed away. ^ , 
 So in Galations 4:10^il,\he Apostle writes to the victims 
 of the Judaizing spirit, "Ye^obs^tve days, and months and 
 seasons and years. I am afraid of you lest by any memis I have 
 bestowed labor upon you in vain." They were bound up with 
 ceremonialism. They had not learned that Judaism had served 
 its preparatory purposes. They would bind the yoke of the 
 Jewish ceremonial upon the shoulders of Chn^tians. Therefore, 
 the Apostle, expresses fear leSt the^f have failed to grasp the 
 meaning of the gospel. It is fait to beUeve that this would be . 
 his answer to modem Judaizers who would require the ob^rvance 
 ' of the Jewish ceremonial Sabbath instead of the Lords Day 
 in-the Christian Church.. 
 -■-'■ — -^KCHJ^^^P^- -j 
■ ^^ 
 r ■■■ 
 It is to be noted that the gospels refer frequently to the 
 Jewish Sabbath until after the resurrection of Christ. The 
 Acts of the Apostles bring the first day of the week iiito view 
 prominently as a day of worship. Tne Epistles mention the 
 Jewish Sabbath but seldom, and then chieAy to furnish an 
 argument for its abolition. 
 . The Apostles gave no rules for its observaiice. They did 
 not denounce its violation as did the Hebrew prophets, nor did 
 they include the breaking of it in any list of offences. 
 Special importance is to be attached to the fact that in the 
 last, the propnetic 1 book of the New Testament, projecting 
 thought into the future of the Church, the Lord's Day alone is 
 mentioned (Rev. 1:10). It is very significant too that while 
 for "the day of the Lord," we find uniformly "He hemera Kuriou, 
 here we h&yrc Kuriake hemera, an entirely new terrn. The new 
 term coined to expre8$ the thought in this connection obviously 
 indicates that the Lord's Day is toije the day of rest and worship, 
 the Sabbath of the Christian Church. ' 
 It is sometimes urged that there is no specific command 
 requiring the change of days. The answer is, this is not necessary 
 in view of the acts of Christ on the first and second Lord's Days, 
 the Apostles' statement that the distinctly Jewish Sabbath has 
 passed away with the Jewish Ceremonial, and the frequent 
 mention of the first day of the week observed as a day of worship 
 with the sanction of the Apostles who were taught and directed 
 by thjB Holy Spirit. It is upon this grou<»d that the greater part 
 pt the New Testament is accepted as true, directive and obligr 
 atory. There is the best authority, therefore, for observing 
 the Lord's Day as the Christian Sabbath, which God requires 
 us to remember and keep holy. , 
 The Lord's Day Alliance of Canada 
 633 Confederation Life Building Toronto 
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