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IlpgH to iiifonn tlie Pablie that be hiifl for 8a1« at hiS Brickyard "Hollow Bricks," glazed and iinglnzed, white and red. Tbey are made in all respects similar to those of Prince" Albert's Oottaget at lite Exbibiiio% k ■- , ' Addrcas— If r. OUIiertt Brickyard, Benhom, Attteboro*. rf SCHODIiS AND COTTAGES. ;1 l^ESSSES. HHJlPHESim.- ]■ ADDRB8S-BANHAU, ATTLEBO: ko'. fmmfmmm'tif'mmmiiiiiM _L_ II CARPENTERS AND BMILDERS, Are ready to contract for building Sehool« and pottages of Hollow ^ Brick, on reasonable terms. A School siiflHuio ihe one at Banham, Tix.,42feetby ]8,raayb«bailtfor£130br£140.^ j •4f |l'l/<' . t'r I' \> T fl K r ^ NEW GOLD FIELDS of lUllTISlI CQLUMP.IA AND VANCOUVER'S ISLAND: ^.COMPLF^TE HANDBOOK FOR INTENDING . EMIGRANTS. ^ THOSE WHO OUfJlIT AND THOSE WHO OUOHT NOT TO GO: YOirn OOTFIT— THFi VOYAGE— DIET; PESORIPTION OF THE COUNTRY-CUMATF.-WnEMP THE OOLI> MF«S, AND HOW TO GET IT; *' Eta MC. BTC ^ Thts new and important Colony conUlnn the fcrgwrt Md richest Gold MIbot In the World. " M«n at these Dlgginds get 3 to 10 onncen per day."-** " TInir-," Ftbrmrv 5, 1»62. JTonbon: PUBLISHED AT PLUMMER'S LIBRARY, 46' THEOBALD'S ROAD, «ii"i :i t ft nK» LION SttUAKB, HOtBORN, W.C. 9B» '•^mmwfmmmmmmm'mmtmimtiKtmiimiilKKI^il'f^^ tV 1^ 1 ■: -i * \..y V- : ."^ ^■ » \ . <■ •Si ^^ol^'v' , ,^ r '■i' n ■•MPxaMiiPPli mmmm mmm m J. • <• ( *f 'I TUE IS^BW OOIjD FIBIjr)l3 ov -■ / . < / /■■ BRITISH O0LUMBIA AHO / •■ir^ VANCOUVER'S ISLAND. PBINTED BT P. OBAMT « CO., 4, BED UON SQVABE. HOLBOBN, W.O 186?; wmm ■r i' M ii i I ,i t? ■ j,V^ ■■■ <■ •■*, f V * *"'' ^ K'^", ■1, V 4, ^ K \ ^ ■ ' - -■ . " • - ' • , road ® , ■ /* .■ . 1 '1 ^ 1 emp : .) 1 208. ' T \^ . ■ . ■ • ■ 1 \ -i .' > ■ \ ■ -, tiful .„ — -■-—,, -■ ' ■ ■'---< '1 - '■ ' VV " ■ -. . ' I can J >. ■■ i 1 1 '■ ^ , \ -■ /.V , ' ■ .■■ 1 i ^ . I 1 \ •., 1- '■ ■ ■ . . ■ ■■ : ■■: .^ ■ .■• ■ _ ;. ' ■* i V • ' - ' 1 I -■ ■■■ ^ . ' ■■ ■ '■-"'■'■' ^"- ••■ v;\r" ■"■ : "_■■'- '■■■■■. . " > . , ■ ■ . ■ ■ ., '..'■i^' '= ... n.i\. ' ' ..- = ' , . . 1- ■ ! ' . ' ■- ' . < ~'(!;-»jf^ v^m", V. ,\ • ExTiiACT from a Lkadino Aiitici.k in *• The Timen** of ffith March, 18fi2. »* Nowhere is thoro nuch a field lor rwlvrnturo, nnd no go&A on opening for surplus populiiiion iind struggling entorprino. • Uoro is a region connidenihly larger than the British Isles. To ^1 appenntncc an incxhauntilile trraniiry of gold for all agesi 1*110 beds of, the Froser, and its two principal branches, making together n thotmund milqs, and the beds of sixty smaller tributaries flowing westward (')oni \\\r. Mountains, all contain gold. Then; are ynnt placers, or plains, underlaid with gold, and British Co- lumbia ofTors a good investment for labour ond capital. It is no exaggeration but a simple fact, acconling to our own correspondent, that the Gold Diggings of British Co- lumbia is a lottery in which there are no blanks, and the prizes ore indeed splendid. While, with the rudest hund- labour, men ore often fov$td, getting an ounce of gold per day, the hired labourers at the work, without sharing its risk, get £2. per day besides their keep. We are told of five men in two months obtaining, in a spot 1^hicbg(i^- . mised ill at first, £20,000. Fersons by farm service, by road making, by the core of horses, and other ordinary employment, may obtain in Britidi Columbia from 12s. to 208. per day, betddeq their rations. The country is beau- tify, abounding in wood, water, and grass. There you can make your own fortune," &c. &c. &c. «t- IWHIMiPiSlpipPiiJi ! t J .ir i •I ^* <^ wm 4, *> I • t •r> I r MIR mmmmmm^ wmmmmi^^^mmim iqnHMpm / V- IIANDIJOOK FOR EMIGRANTS TO VAN'COUVMU'H ISLAND AND DHITISII (0|,lIMIUA. With innulcnt ami anvo coiil«l spin litis work out toTin inttirminiihlo length, but tlw Rnuid tliiiiR nirivcd at is to prccludo all Buporfloup mattt'r, ami lay Iwlon- our rcadcfH m o cdndcnRO • , • On tho coMt lying on«t, wcntj ami nouth, arc novoral beaiitiful hays ami in tho inturior, «tan«ling out. in boM ' relief, arc n chain of hilln of conwderahlo height, wmo of them over 200 feet. Tho interior ha« an yet not been thoroughly oxplorc«l. Tho noil in rich and very • productive ; wheat, potatocB, Bwef ini, dhont ■ nnd 4ft wide. \lt wrw win«y«nl hv- [mvcr in- 1702, oncl ^ntil rwontly, wnn in tho Hmlnon'n Buy Company ; it i« now, ih Colony. ', ' . lying owt, wcnt,^ imd nonth, nro novonil uul in tho inti)rior, ntonding out. in bold ihoin of hillH of conwdcrnblo height, ;cr 200 feet. Tho interior hw nn yet not r oxploiwl. Tho noil in rich and very at, pototocB, BWCilcn, tnrnipn, pojjB, bcnnn, , thrive romarkobly ,,wcll ; and a healthy •oot grown wild in the open prairie, coirc;^umlH;r of iilM)ui 'if>,000, . iind al»out ftOO whito 'men, butr^ventuiilly, Vrin«'ouv«>r'H tulnnd iind Ilritinh (!olumbia willlKwom^i u tbiokly p<»pu- latr rivers; and those Rivers mentioned above, ;rOams, ftc. tributary, are those that are productive ind wiU be sufficiently noted, and those that ore bo omitted, simply because mining districts are tKo pliirc;4 (hnt moKt grcntly concern the cm ifjrnnt ot flrHt inrvmnch m tho miners for somo time to < River,iand extends to Shushv it This hike is foriy-flve m througli rich pastoral lands, i reiceivos the waters of two otl . which runs into Wi ^alao tw« length, Viiiolv rise k the n of the Fraser from the valle; a little below tho 51st para] 119 deg. of west longitude, ■ Kamloops Lake is about tw< Tranquilla and Copper Ri Lake. 7-. - ■ -r::;1 ■ I 10 Vtmct nt Fort Hope, ono httndrcd miles and following to tho nouthward anil y milcn, wo como to the Similkomoon. m\ twcnty-ftvo" miles long, from Fort bridle rtuid of flftcjn miles approoofaos ho mines nro good "sluice akd wpt -I ^ r fui-thcr on to the sottthwordi comes wgan lake is from eighty to ono hubdrcd beautiful pastoral district; oignt or ten ), and well snitco. Nicola ^kc is eight miles ' by three, tho otheii is smaller. Tho tributary ^n the opposite side is tho Buonaparte ; an important rivei', from its auriferous deposits, and the .iniblc soil through whioh it flows ; it drains ninolakcs, two • of which. Loon and Vert, arc twelve miles each long. Going up stitsam, tho Thompson has three great bends, and then we roach Lake Kamloops ; Lake Kamloops is twelve miles wiito and twenty long. From this hike tho river continues its ^ course to the east and north, Receives the waters of North > River, and extends to Shushwiip Lake, which also falls into it This hike is forty-five mijes long, and about ten wide ; througli rich pastoral lands, and studded with islands. It receives tho waters of two other hikes, by the Barriero Rivy , which runs into it; also two other rivers of considerab/c length, Vtioh- rise k the range which divides tho valjoy of the Fraser from the valley of Columbia. The lalni is/ a little below tho 61st parallel of north latitude, anc^ th^ 1 19 deg. of west longitude, pjuwos over the cast em* • Kamloops Lake is about twelve miles further soutj ^ Tranqnilla and Cppper River, both ML into ~ Lake. /■. - • ;■ ■ -' ' ■ /.-■ ■ - ■ '■■■ \ ^'n- ■-.-., it. The loops I ;r "M ,'* 'J i i' ii 'M .jju^^i^x^iAtA 3^ ^^s^^aii^^M>_^i^^^ih^!^'\ N. . . 12 A Aw inlli'n from tlio on^t oiul^ of hnko KnniloopH MiiikIh Fort KiM)iIoo|)f), fin iinportant triMlinp; utiition for ,tbo fur tnnlri^it nlno cnnuH on ii Inrgu trtulu with tho riiiniTH in tlio iliHirict. i Tho noxt river of note, w North Hiut. (1ft itnccndtng tliis river it ninH fitnnjhc nortli ; it li^ia wtrriil iriltiituHrn of prctit h-iif;th, Honn; riHing fur to the oiwtwnnl, any an opoi boat on the first lake of five mites ; then steamers on tho remaining thrw lakes, which together are forty-nine miles long ; thcdistimces 1 otween the various lakes (in all thirty-four miles) can bo ridden or wal)«Ml. Tho country is grand and beautiful. From Lillooctt to the first mine of Garihoo tho distance is 260 miles. A few miles beyond Lillooctt on tho same (west) sijic, is Bridge Biver which iTalhi into tho Fnwcr, it is very rich with gold ; tho gold is found by working in tho rudest manner. piiiPN liiii mmm h V I ' I 'f- %:. •5 ,1 14 Fmllirr up in QnoBmllc llivor— thin nlw full" into the Friwr ; thin river hiw two bmnrhon ; one draitiB (lucnnollo Lnko, (rHutwnni of tho Friuwr oml lifty miloii long,) the otlur drnin»« (IiirilioO Loko, which rtHiolvou Hwump IUto'' iind libwor Cnrilioo IaxVq, into which, a crcok coiled, Koithloy'N Crook erapticii itiiolf. At tho jtmrtion of tho two broncW a town, tho nonront to CurilMMi dipginRs, is built; the place is coIIchI "The Forkn of tho QuoflncUe." Both Vrnnches of tho Quomollo ore rich with gold. A ebnin of mountains run from the bou thorn IVontiei' (49 dog. north latitude,) in o north-wcnterly direction through tho country ; neorly parallel to tho Rocky Mount- uimi, they are tho Snowy Mountains, Teak Mountains, and Bold lHountoins ; they are sulmnUnoto to tho llocky Mountains. The whole ore found to b(' nurifcrous ; they have been tracoil for 400 miles and foimd to be auriferous in ever}- piiii. It is the longest stretch of gold-beonng country in the world. The rciMUt of Mr. Douglas tho Governor of tho colony, relating to tho yield of gold to tho miners is almost of o fobulous description, ond the miners never overrate their earnings. The scosonB ore divided into flummor and winter, tho winter is from October to Morch, ond tho summer the remaining months. The elimote is exceedingly hoolthy ; tho colony free from disoose, ond good order prevails throughout. The notiyos oro yfiOmg workers, very friendly, industrious), but Humtinus given U There is n groat sri out tho colony, and receive substuntiol ol now. Thbjro is now an A Now, turning oui matter, and, ossumin the diggings of Uri misfortune to fail in his ottontion is to tn soil, and the latter, ' prove to be the Emij Land can bo.boug per ocre, poyobicji by Lands," and 160 oci are fine aroblo lands. PcrsoUb may acquin each person upon tfa 8s." These lands I without any ftuihei voyor hai made hu before thot is dom ■ . .'WVMlippnpPMpPM m J w mmm /. * 14 Inonnt'Ilc lUvor— thin nl«> MU into the r has two brnnc'lioii ; one draiim (tucnnollo if Iho Vrim-r nml fifty milcii long,) the 1)00 Lnko, which rccolvon Rwump IUto"' Ihk) Lako, into which, n crcuk goUcmI, omptioH itdolf. 1 of tho two hrancW n town, the nonrotit ngu, is built; the ploco ia called "The nnoUo." of tho Quoimollo nro rich with (?old. ountains run from tho »ou thorn frontier latitude,) in a north- wenterly direction try ; neorly parallel to tho Rocky Mount- ho Snowy Mountains, Pook MountoiuH, tainn ; they are Bultonlinato to tho llocky 5 whole ore found to b(' nurifcroun } they for 400 mile? and foimd to be aurifcrotis [t iH the lonRCRt ntrctch of pold-bconng rorld. Mr. DourIoh the Governor of the colony, ricld of gold to tho minora is almost of o tion, and tho miners never overrote their are divided into gummor and wintor. m October to March, and tho summer the hs. The climate is exceedingly hoolthy ; I from disease, and good order prevails [•he natives are filling workers, very ( ' 1 mmm$ I .15 friitidly, induntriouf), and alwayH n-ady t<» rani a trillr," but HonitimcH givou tt» a "lectio" tnuifluTj*. Then) is a groat srarrety of unmnrrit^il fcniairs through' out tho colony, imd no sooner do they arrive than they receive sulmtantial offem oT matrimony and futun* happi- Th6/o is now uu Assay Oltloo in llritiiHi C<»lumbia. . Now, turning our miiuls to the gl<^pmy Hido of tin matter, and, assuming tho Emigrant has' triiMl bin luck at the diggings of IJritish Columbio, and it hart Ijcen his misfortune to fail in that respect, tho next thing to engage his attpntion is to trade with tho miners, or cultivate the soil, and the latUT, with perseverance, will itT that event prove to be the "Emigrant's " gold mine." . Land can bo. bought on very easy terms; viz., 4s. 2d. per acre, pay abi9 by instalments, these are termed " Crown Lands," and 1601 acres are allotted to each Settlor; they are fine arable lands. There aro also " Unsurvoyed Ltmds." TcrsoiA may acquire these lands to tho extent of 160 acres each person >ipou the simple payment of a " record fee of 8s." These lands the Emigrant may hold in possession without any further payment, until the Government Sur- veyor hat made hia aurvey< (It may be several years before that is done). The Emigrant must then obtain I m wrncn* mmtmm wmm /. J c 10 from Iho n«nr«>t innKiH«nito n rcrtiflrnto tm»* iho work in Improved to tin- t\t»nt of \Q^. nn lun-, ujMm which tho (jovrniimnt iiiininliiit<'ly Knuit iho hind to llio Kmigrant in fro n\w[»\v (whi«li nuumii to hiniHcIf qnd hi« hoirt for cv«yi>d londn" hy mmediatt poy- nuntof lt«, 2d. p«riurc.' Free niincrn {i.e. liccnmd niin(^ himself bap for miners i this respect, this point, li nnd Trailer, profltjihln ui Provision in a minivg Tlio llan remittances Inland; ,/th Helen's ria Tho folio hut it only to land wit pocket." make their station ; bi with too mi bock, to aa] ■<(»^""PiP|^MfiiipifipiipiPKfPl«ii^ PP mmmmfmmi 10 "f nMipfiHtrnto n rortiflinto tkn* Iho work in rxltnt of lOn. nn nrrt\ ujion whirh tlio iH«Iiiit('ty Kniiit tlio liind to tlio Kinigrant liifli nuuinii to hiniHcIf t\tnl )m hdra Tor [KT ncrc. ; mnjr nlw, if ho^cIiooHo^, purrhiuo any J " unnurvoyiHl lontU" by imnifditilt poy- p"n J. but it only applies to the man of smofl menuM, who wishes to land with *' as much as he can poKHibly keep in bin- pocket." Others who require eomfoit and luxuiy can make tlioir own odditions according to their meanw and station; but norto, however, should bunbn tlumwlves with too much baggage, for they will find it a great draw- bock, to say nothing of tho heavy expense.. i , ' ■ .» ' . r' ■ %■ ■;«'■ ( V / •' ^i i • :-i 1 ' M 1 ^ .■ ■". ',V 1 1 •3 \ ^mmmmfU'wmmm mmm wmmmifmm f^^ppwp^ •PIMPVF ^x* IK 'OinrwT roil a RiNfiLM Uaw. , A strong wntrrproof f!b«*t Two thirk hluo ffnnnci iihirtii A lion jiickot (mmlo Tory wnrm WniHtront luid trnuaoni to mntch (a nlcovcd wniiit* coat ii belt) ^ "i iP^ A light drill or ftintian jiiokrt und trouHcn A pifot ovcnroiit , A pnir of ntrong Icnthcr hmcoii Thrpo paim ntout womtril MtockingH or lookt Throo paim cotton Rtockings or iio«ks Bi^f pocket handkorohiofli Ono poir bootu * One pnir of high wntflrproof ditto Six atrong looiw cotton nhirta Ono ntrong felt hat / Ono light noft ditto Three towoN Hhaving glam, hrunh, and niKor • ' Hair hrush and comh Two^undn marino map Ono pair of blankctH ' * Ono Bheot A flock or hair bod or mattrom and pillow ;Blacking and bruirhos Knifo and fork J — ^ pint drinking mng Tin fyowl and 8lui fc ■X ■ I # mmmmmmmmmmitmiii. " -^ 4 ^f «^ ■^ u HT ►on A RlirOLK UaH. . itrrproof «*»rtt iliio ffnnnci Rhirtu t (moilo very warm nd trouMin to matf h (a •k'OTcil iraiNt> it) "f A i or AiHtiiin jucki:t und trounon (•out y rong Irnthor brncon ntoiit wonitck pot »»h«iild lUw bo Inkrn Moflnnt. (nirman A IVarw, of No. I, Thno King (mirt, IxnnlMird Btrct-t, will ftimidh thii ^ntflt (by rommiMi««) for about £« IH«. M. i ntwof.R Woiiiiii*i OoTfrr. — A thick worm foinK MA, *»v. > rni? voYAOK. Rrcry p«wncnii' Hm (a iIih^ And jrke a! cfiHitifi bwrP, Mirmmnt to the «hilt'* rrRiilationn. No Area kipt •llffHi nAcr nlMmt 7 p.m. Ko lightt aHowm hotwcra clock or In %hts hold Knrh pnRw 'at^ SI HMKNdV.H Kiff. intn]f(hl to provl»l« himirif with u fnpjr «f cndmrking. DIRT. Tho following i» tho onlinary Bcolo oC Dici tot v9fW%^ , ^tcotMl {nam Vmengfit wcokly «— Pnint. .t . J^ Outnu'td, 4 pin*- Haw Hugnr, 1 lb. Limo JuMO, 6«fc, To*, Ho* Collb*, 3»«. L - Bttttcr, 41b# '. C1iooflo> ilb. Currontfi, 4 lb. i&fe f 1 ft ' ' fl ' • " 1 . 1 VlWiP mmmtm t. J "Tv B-^^'-.^ Cl «i^ii!e V '■^ m •<>jif "'^Ip .* .' > ^ ■ ... ^ >s ^ «• 1* : !.■ ':' ";■ - • -1 V '.f 1 i ■ ..-* ■■ '"I ... .■■:•'■> ^ .'..a>Mi»i*Mau ■ « >M>^»«-* - ' * ' : '22 RaisinB, i^lb. ', Suot, 6oz. Ficklofl, } pint. MuBtard, j^oz. Pepper, i oz. Salt, 2oz. Potatoes, 3i lb. Water, 21 qoqrtfl. There is a difference in the diet qt Steam Ships and Sailing Ships, but the Owners always fiimish a list of food supplied on IxMurd, on application at their respective OfBoes. O^OSE WHO OUGHT TO GO. Capitalists, Artisans, Mechanios,NLabourers and Able- bodied Hen of ereiy descriptiim. Unmarried Females. THOSE WHO OUGHT NOT TO GO. Persons of s weak oonstitation, of no particular trade or calling.. :-.._^^..:_. ..^.^ _.._..,: y,,. -^ • ^ ■ «*.*t*.«> J*iU*J:Aiii<>Mi »A»«t Ml— -..;;_;.■ ' . '22 ■■■. • ■ ' RaisinB, i^lb. ', . Suot, 6oz. . ^ ' Ficklofl, ipint. ' Mustard, j^oz. Pepper, Jo«. Suit, 2o«. Pototoes, 3ilb. ..; Water, 21 qaqris. I is a diffimmoe in fho diet gf Steam Ships and Ships, but the Owners always fiimish a list of fplied on board, on application at their respective O^OSE WHO OUGHT TO GO. Jists, Artisans, if eehanics,NLabouren and Able- [on of every descnptirai. fried Females. THOSE WHO OUGHT NOT TO GO. ,t ^ ■.■■-. ■ ks of a weak oonstitation, of no particular trade ■ V -■ • ■' '- ' ■■ '. ' ■ -[- -: ~\ *!f.^vp"!«'.r''*"'<"'r'™4 '■f *' PI mmmmiif§i '!Mi.tii^!'^^si^f(mmAM^^^MMSsdii^^:' ( ' \ f y^ I' m' **<. ^ jf% < Q ^■K"'-.'. ..-^ ;■..■*■ ?> ■ ■n,..- H^B*''"-'- - "■■ ^^^^- . . , ■ .-'.-■ 'i':i _,.. " »■ .- fc -.,•:,'..;■". -■- •-, , ' ■ ■;■ .- •■" •' ''j^^*-< . ■-.,'■ "■ * , ■.- ' - ■^;' ,." K. W'-- , **■. 'i^^Sssig^ %a^- # , u ^S:, ■ ■ - , ■ a, o J( i&£h <.»> A.