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The following diagrams illustrate the method: L'exemplaire filmt fut reprodult grAce A la ginArosItt de: Library Division Provincial Archives of British Columbia Les images suivantes ont AtA reproduites avec le plus grand soin, compte tenu de la condition at de la nettett de l'exemplaire filmA, et en conformity avec les conditions du contrat de filmage. Les exemplaires origlnaux dont la couverture en papier est ImprimAe sont filmAs en commenpant par le premier plat et en terminant soit par la derniAre page qui comporte une empreinte d'Impression ou d'illustration, soit par le second plat, selon le cas. Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont filmis an commengant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'Impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la derniire page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la derniAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — ^ signifie "A SUIVRE ", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmis A des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film6 A partir de Tangle supArieur geuche, de gauche d droite, at de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 'rata lelure. Id H 32X ! t t 1 1 i 3 4 5 6 w U ^ RULES k^D REGULATIONS, AND T A K I F F tkrtiit and m6^ and J ranldin TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. NEW YOKK : HOMER LEE & CO., EMGRAVKRS, PRINTKRS AND STATIONER.'^, (B LitH'Viy StrcHit. 187i5. The folloAviiij; rules and regulations have been prepared, at a greater cost of time and labor, than caiild be supposed by any one who had never made tlie trial, liowever extensive and varied his experience in tlie business of telegraphing. A large amount ot material has been gathered together gradually, for •several years, for this purpose, Avliich has been wrought out of the experi- ence of many efficient telegrapliers, in all grades of service, from the higiiest to the lowest. Some will think too much is herein attempted, while others will think important omissions have boon made. More has been rejected, than is included, the greatest brevity consistent witii the necessities of the se'-vice being aimed at. The object sotight ir to secure prompt and efficient service and uniform action, and it is believed that tliis compilation is more complete and bet- ter adapted to accomplish this end, in connection with conuuercial telegraph business in the United States, than anything hitherto pub- lished. It is the duty of all, and especially of the Auditor and General and District Superintendents, to see that these rules and regulations are strictly complied with. ORGANIZATION 4 Trustees, Atlantic and Pacific Telegrapii Company. OLIVKR AMKS BoRtciii. KLI.SIIA ATKrXS '• UKNJAMTX !■:. ISATKS Boston. P. GORDON DKXTKH " SIDNKY Urr-LOX Nc-w York. G. M. DODGK THOMAS T. KCKKRT Wm. II. OIJIOX JAY GOULD,.. 0. P. IirNTINfiTOX S. M. MILLS .1. H. MORTIMKR, 0. J OSBORXK G. G. SAMPSON JAMES D. SMITH K. D. L. SWKKT Chiuago. \Vm. J. SY MS Now York. IIIONRY M. TABER, Executive Committee, SIDNKY DILLON, THOMAS T. KCKKRT. JAY GOULD, JOHN II. MORTTMKR, \Vm. J. SYMS. Directors, Franklin Telegraph Company, FREDKRICK L. AMKS Bo.-^ton. KDWIN F. ATKINS, " K. 11. ROLLINS " SIDNKY DILLON N.-w Y,,rk. JAY (;OULD W. J. SYM.S, JNO. '". MORTIMER TIIOS. r. KCKKRT HENRY M. TABKR OFFICERS. THOMAS T. ECKKRT, President nud General Manager. WILLIAM J. SYMS, Vice President. ALlilMiT B. (!IIA\DLKR., Socrotury. and Ass't Oen'l Mnnaser. ALFIU';D XKLSOX, Treiisurer. KDWIN T. MACKAY, Andilor. DKN'XIS DOIUOX, (ion'l Supt. ConslrucliiJU and Ueiiairs. D. IIOMICH UATl'^S, (len'l Siip'l Allanlic Division, New York. \VILLIAM n. AVKKD, Supt.. Midland IL R. Line.s. CllARLKS A. TINKKR. Gcn'l Siip't (lentral Division, Chicago. WILLIAM C. IIUMSTOXK, Supt, Clcvoland, 0. JOHN J. DICKEY, Supt. Union PaciHc R. R, Lines. U. I'. ll.VMMOXD, Oen'l Managor Pacilic! Division, San Francisco. F. L. VANDKXBUHUII. f'.ou'l Siiiit., Central I'aeilic R. R. Lines. ED^VARD C. COCKEY, Supply Agent, New Y'ork. JAMES G. HARRIS, Clerk. Franklin Telegraph Co., Boston. The President and Genernl Manager is the cldef executive and general officer of the Companies; reponsiblo to the Boards of Trustees and Directors for the conduct of the entire business thereof. The Tice President acts in an advisory capacity to the President, and assumes his e.xeciitive duties in his al)sence. The Secretary is the custodian of the records of the executive office, and is charged witli the jireparalion and issue of oflTico and tariff cluinges, and of rides and regulations governing thn service in the various departments. His duties also extend over the whole service of the companies, as an assistant to the General Manager. The Treasurer has charge of the receipt and disbursement of all funds of the Companies, and of their stock, transfer liooks and securities. The Auditor has charge of all acco\ints of the companies, and it is his duty to see that they are promptly and accurately rendered. The Supply Agent has charge of the purchase and distriljution of supplies. The clerk of the Franklin Company prepares, and has custody of, the records of the stockholders meetings of that Company, the stock books and transfer.s. The General Superintendents have charge of the construction and maintenance of the companies' lines and property, of the appoiutmont of employes and the general management of the traffic, in their resi)ective divisions. The District Sujiorintendents have direct charge of the details of the companies' business within the territory assigned to them, reporting through, and being directly responsible to, their General Superintendent. 6 MANAGEMENT OF OFFICES. I Tlio Mnii!ii;iM' of nil (jllic'o is M|i)i()intril liy, .■iiid iiiricr llie jurisilii'tinii nl', Iho Sujioriiileiidciit, iirnl mII liitt coi'ro'^pinKk'iKiL' siiiil ddifiul iiili.Tcoiirso in re iuiciK't' to llie biisiiifss of Uio ('oiniiiiiiy, iiiil('>'s spc'liilly in.'il'Ml liy m siipfrior oflicer. shnll no only Willi liiin. All l>r;iiu'li (■llii'cs in ihi' Hiiinc ciiy or town aiu uikIlt his (.'OiUrol. unk'ss olhoru'i^ie speciuily nrnuifjeil. ii Maniigeis ol' l,rinioli ullii-os are required to report to tlio .MiuiiiK'e'' "' t''^' nn'hi ollk'O ; to abide by nil ihc rules nnd repnliitions resp( ,'tiii(f tlio ordinary transnelionsof tlie bnsincss of the main olTii'e ; to proil'ieo dail}' all tnes.-iii<ros wliieli have been sent, copies of all mepsaires received, and aeevnnt to him. daily, Cor all moneys received in the transaction of business. ;i The .\fanai<er of an orfice will assign to all operators, clerks and niessen};ers, under his charsre, the hours of service rcrpiired of them, and shall not permit any breach thereof, or of the liiscipliMc of the ollice required by the rules or Kxecntivo orders of the Compiny. Deductions will be made for lost time, m all cases. 4 All olllcoa nnist be open for business from 8 \. II. to S P. M,, during the week nllowinir, where a single operator is employed, a reiisotiablo lime, not exceedinft one hour, for dinner, nnd the same for sup]icr. .Mml hours to Ije the same at all such offlees on llie same circuit. Odices wherein more than one o[ierator is employc<l will not be closed for meal hours, but be kept open throufthout the day. On Sundays all olfices will be open from 9 to 10 A. M. Offices to be kept open at other hours will be desi,t;iiated in larilf liook. Kach olflco shall have a notice of its ollice hours conspicuously posted for the in- formation of the public. 5 Managers tire expected to be on duly al ih'j hour app(jiiitcd for opening offices, and in times of stornn, wl^en the lines are in danger, they must be at their offices, to direct repairers, or give such .aid in testing or resroring communication as may be necessary. tf The niitional holidays of the year are the Fourth of .fuly, Thanksgiving, Christ- mas and New Year's Day. The hours of service on these days will bo t'roni 8 to 10 X. M., and from 4 to H V. M., c.vcepl at repeating stations and principal offices, which will keep open as usu.d, but with such dimiuislied fo-cc as may be sullUacnt for the service. / Managers of offices are required to titl'ord to the pulilic proper convenience for writing messages, and to maintain their offices at all times in such a mtmner that they shall bo clean, orderly and rcap-'ctable. No smoking will be allowed during business hours in any receiving or operating department, nor shall iirofane, obscene, or un- genllcinanl}' language bo permitted therein, nor upon the wires. SI Tt is the duty of the Manager of an offic ' to possess himself of accurate informa. tion respecting the names and distances frotn his office, of all telegraph offices within an iiir |iiie radius of lil'ty miles, by which to charge his loctil rates, lie should also make himself familiar with the distances nnd routes to adjacent towns, and all out- lying residences, so as to estiiiilish carefully his radius of free and special delivery. 9 Managers of offices are responsible for all moneys received and disbursed, except when a cashier is appointed for the purpose. Managers of offices, (or 6 oiiahiors in spefUil ciises), aci' also liuld rospori.-iililn for lolls collootod by moHSoii- gors, and wi'.l oxact from thom Hiich rcasonalilo security as shall protect tliomselves from loss. 10 Reipiisitioiis for supplies for ollu'CH will liu niaile liy tlii' M;iiia,i;(?r oiiru in llirOL' iiioMllis. aiiil shoiilil lio can'riiUy rsliniiitcd, ami stati'd on lilaiili foriii Xo. -I, and for- warded to liis .Su|i('riiileiiiii'iU. Loiter elips, rulers, inkstands, (idice-wire, iiislruna>iil« liattery jars and other iniperisliablo artielos, will not ho issued oxeepl liy speeial ap- proval of Snperinteiuleiits, who niUHi stale upon the requisition tlio necessity thenfor; and in the cnse of now instnunents, it nuist he explaiind whe^thor Ihoy are to replate old ones, which are to lie returned for repairs, or to provide for additional wires, or for new olhees. S| ilieshinpiuK directions ,should he noted on rei(uisitions liy ."-^uperin- tendenlsin all cases, and orders should lie triveu in advaia'e so thai the cheapest means of lrans[i(irlatioii may he availed of. 1 1 MaiaiL'ers are held responsible for all property bolonjtinff to their otlices. and are required to exen ise the closest economy in the use of K\ip|)lies, and lo be careful in the use ofollice furnituto aiid other property in their eharne. Great saving: can readily be secured in vitrinlaud oilier battery material, and in pens, penholders, pen- cils, letter paper, message forms, message paper, etc., if both olhce man.ijrers and Snperiiiteudenls will aim to |)ractice the same econcmy that they would if the supplies were to be jiaid for by themselves person, .ly. ta Xo supplies wdl be purchased by an olTico manager, except in an emergency and then only on the authority of his Superintendent. Superinleiidents will not exer- cise such authority either themselves or thr(iui;h ollice managers, excepi in cases of special nr^'cnc}', or when greater economy can thereby bo secured : the design being to have the supply department furnish all necessary supplies and line material. In case authority to purchase is assumed by Superintendents, they will ininiediaiely make a requisition upon *hc Supply De]iarlment, in the usual form, and send it, accom- panied liy a voucher, explicitly sotting forth tlie articles procured, the price, and the necessity for piirehase, to the Supply Agcnl, Xew York City. 1S{ No articJo belonging to the I'Jiimp.uiy must be sold, or transferred from one ofiice to another, without spscilic directions from llie Superintendent in charge. When instruments or oiher properly are ordered liy a Siipcrintondent lo he sent lo the Supply Dopartinent, they must be ac<-ompauied by a letter from tin' Manager slating ilistiiictly why sent, n"d what disposition is desired to be made of them. |.| Old copper, zinc, messenger books, raeasages, etc., aroof value to the company, and must bo carefully preserved until sufflciently aceumulnled to be forwarded to the Supply Department, as may be directed by the Pistrict Superintendent. .\11 siiidi ma- terial should be ■weighed and classihed, and aceompanied by a letter staling where from and by 'vhose order sent. 15 When the Manager of an olliec has gooil reason to believe that some error has been made in transmitting a message, an olfico mossago may be sent, signed Ijy the Manager, for the purpose of correction, wliich must have prompt atlention and rojily. 10 W'hen, in tlie judgment of the Managerof the receiving office, such cillice nics- sapos are unnceessaril.v sent, although the answer must be given, tho case will bo reported to his Superintendent. Office messages must not be transmitted free, request- ing answers to messages [ireviously sent, except there is evidtnce of faull on the part ol the telegraph service, in which case they must be briefly expressed. 17 Managers of principal offices will keep a daily record of all interruptions or \ irreRiiliii'ilics wliich miiv ocmir in the woikiii^^ of tho lines, limini; mid iliiliiiK llieni, witli audi nilior inoiiiiirainlii iih iiny rciiilcr llif^ record iimcI'iiI Cor roferenrr. IS Miiiiii^tei's of (illiecs iiHisI (.'ive hd iiirnnii/ilioii lesiipcliiiK iiiessiiu'es or llieir con- tents, or l)y wliom llii'\- Inive iioen sent or reeoived. In^fenioiis i|ii('siioiis iire sonie- timos nstii'il to dniw out iiilnrinntion, to lie used for iintiropcr pursinuil iidvantutie, or lo tho injury orolliers, All (Hicstions, Ihereforc, siinh ns, •■lliis A. 11 sent gi niessiijre V "Wds the answer to K. l''.'s niessapo M ri^^lit?" "Did (!. I>. j.'il a niessUL'e this morn- inp?" must not liu replit'd to. 11) The printed forms ot the eompimies must ho used oidy for the purpose for whicli they are desi;,'ned. ruder no eireum-tiini'es must Xo. 10 hlanks or Xo. OS! envtdopos he niven to the public. UO All niessMu'cs. includiui; pn.'ss reports, nnisl he tn^itod us strictly (.'onlkieii- tinl, and must i.ol ho shown, nor any infnrniiition he jj;iven respeetin^i; them or their contents. Xc^ither nnisi, tho hooks nor paper.s of the Companies be e.xanuned by any person not eoiuiccied witli the (companies, except by order of an Executive Odicer. 21 All manaL'ers and other employes aro slrictli/ jirnhili'ilnl from farninhinrj copies of nriijiiial •mi:f!-<aij''-s^ or fiDin ci'i'll/ijimj to tin Cdrrectiiuss of anij iiiensaye, or copy there- of, whether seiil or received. 23 When tho sender or ri-.r.eioer of a messapo applies In person, ho will, if known, or properly idontilied, be permitted to .=oo or in.ike a copy of his dispateli for him- self When tho applie.ition is iu writing,', tlie siirnature must bo idontilied as tlie gen- uine si!i;naturo of the person or lirm who .sent il, prcisoly as if it wore tho Hif.;naturo of a bank oheek or draft. In no other ease will such permission be allowed, without tho order of an Kxecutivo (Jllicer. 23 All complaints respcetinn- irrcfridarity in transmission or delivery of inessapeH, or of clain.'' on account thereof, nuist be made by the sender iu writing, .slating facta and gro.mda of claim. In cases of error or delay, tho complaint should be ac- companied by tho receiver's cop}' of the message. In cases of non-delivery, a state- ment in writing from tlie person to whom the message was addressed, to tho eft'ecl that the raeasage has not been received, sliould be furnished with tho complaint. 24 No Manager or other employe is permitted to furnish any information rela- ting to coin|)laiuts under investigation, to tho p.irties interested, except under advice from the olliaor having the case in charge. 25 No original sent message, or duplicate of a received message, will be allowed ^0 pass out of the possession of the Companies, except by authority of an Kxecutivo Olficer. 26 Whenever a Manager or other employ^ is subpccnaed on the part of the sender or receiver of a message, to produce it before a court or other legal tribunal, he will comply with the aubpoona, and afterward return the message to the files. When aubpoeuao I by any pirty other than the sender or receiver, he will take the message into Court and submit to tho Judgo that he ought not to produce it, the comnuniication being privileged, and that ho cannot do so, a rule of Court la entered requiring It. If such rule is outored, the minagornuHt obay il, asking the clerk to have given to him a copy of tho rule and message. Tlie subpoena and other papers connected therewith shouhl be retained on file with the message to which they relate. 27 Immediately upon the service of any legal process or paper.s, for the com- mencement of any action or legal against tlio Company, tho person upon whom such service is made will report the fact promptly, by telegraph, to the Secretary at New York, stating briefly the nature of the process, and when served, 8 uiid tniiistMil t(i liiin liy llie llr^l iiiiiil a copy or alistnicl nf siicli jiiipfr or pniciss ho Hervod upon liiiii, witli ii siatonient of siicli facts ri'laiiii),' to ilic Huljict mnltcr of (he j)roccfMliii|;s as aro wiiliin his kiiowloil/e. lit- will nlniii the oripiiiul paper, suliject to iii^ilniclioiis from the .Socrotary. 'i^ Xo new kinds nf uiiu'liiiicry, iasirumonts, iiHulntors, insulutiiig nmiorials, liatturii'S, other a|'paraHis. nor any (.'ssoutinl mnililleations of ihoHt' now in uso, v/ill 1)0 pnrelifised, oxfcpt \ip )ii Iho |iroviims written ap))roval "f tlio President; and no eniploy6, willionl his ainluirily llierefcir, will be jierniitled to make experiments at the expense of Ihc I'oinpanies. '■tit Any iiunau'er. operator, dork, niesseni;er, or other ofTieer or ajreiil of these (Jompanies, who shall acoept a foe for iho pnrpo-io of hastoniii)? tho transmission of any ines-ia^e, or for K'vink' a nicssago priority of transmission over any other ines- sa^ti) or ini'ssages, or for tlie divnlwneo of any iiil'orinatioii olitained from any ines- sntfe, or tor the in^rfortnaneu of any sorviee properly due to the (.'omjianies as tlieir agent, shall bo dismissed, and Nhall not bo elii-'ilile for reemployment. !Jrt I'liiiployes aro roipiirecl to be iniil'ormly eoiirteons in llieir inti.'reom'se with the pid)lie, and to maintain nmlcr all eirciniistanres the uio-t (,'entK'nianly eomhiel while in tho perfonnance of their olli ial duties. SI Xo porsdii, inile.-'S in tho employ of the ("onipany, will be permitted to enter th9 oporalin'_' rooms or other private ofliees of tho Company. it'i A eopy of tlie.-«o rnl"s must be kepi, in e\ ery department of all ofliees, at all limes, for tho information and ifiiidaueo of omploye.s of these Companies oidy, and bo at all limes aeeessililo to theia. RECEIVING DEPARTMENT. :t!t Me-^sa^es not prdhibiied by tlie rules of tho eompany may be accepted when clearly and legilily written in any language in which llcanau eharaeters are emploj'^d. When sneh a message has been duly aeeepled and paid for. tlu- time of il.s reception will be noted on the e.\tivme upper right liiuid eonier of the blank, with the initial of llio receiver. Tho niitnoer of word.s, anuaint of lolls, and the word paid, collect, or free, as may properly designate the me.s.saKC, will be enloreii in tho space provided tiieretbr, preceding iho message. &c IhtjnlUrwtinj form: <1 FORM OF \ I'AIl) MKSSAdK AS IT I.IOAV K,S TIIK IIKCKIVKU KOll TIIK Ol'KliATINC. ROOM. Korni. 7 Allmilii; iiuil I'ln illc iiinl KiMnklin Tele- i (Reccivi'p'n Tiitip.) i/mpli ('iiiii|>:iiii('f. Krl.lM CIK TIIK IJOMI'ANV. Niiriiiier. I 8tiut by ! Tiiiiv Hoiil. I UeLMtby NKVV UUI.KANS, MiKJ 1, 187 1. John .Itjnks, TwfiiU-tbiir I'ciiil .siicL't, Mobile. Come huine. * Niil l(> III' liaiixiiiHIeil. .lOSKPH JONES. tl'l MusHagti.s vvnuuti Hu ubdcuruly lUuL Uiu) '.umui bu luuiiily uuUurdCuuu, uua uil messanos containing profane cr obscene laugliaj^i, will bu rufisud. 35 MossagoH tor transinission ■•nisi be writtrii upon [iriiuod blank forms, nuin- bors 7 or 8, niul roi'uived siilijecl to llio oomlilion.s slipulaluil Uiorouu. Whenever this ia iiiipraeliealjle the rei^eivor will require the person jireaoiiting u message to at- tach it piTinaiifiitly to the face of the blank, so as to leave the priuted heading in full view unnu'dialely abovu tile mes.sago. Messages Ironi other telegraph com- panies will bo treated in like inanui;!'. 30 In ease it is prel'crrod to write messa^us on other paper, it may be done by writing under the couilitions printed on the blanks the following, viz: ^' It M umlerstood anil wjreed Ihat all iiifx-iayes Itereafttr accepted from me hy Die Atlantic and Pacific, ami franklin Tt-lajrajili (Juinpanies, are to he rtcr.ived and truns- iiiitted by said Companies subject to the abuoe ayreetntnls and conditions, the same as if each mesaaye was written thereunder and siyned by me. This, properly signed and dated, will be sent by the Ulliee ilauager to his Snpor- intendeut, retaining u copy of the saiiio for relereneo. 37 All messages oU'ured for tran.saji.ssion by cable nuist be written on cable blanks, Form No. 9. This rule be enforced invari.ibly where oUiccs are supplied with cable blanks. ]f, for any reason, they have none on hand, such messages may lie written on No. 7 blanks; but in this case managers must call the attention of the customer specially to the clause in printed heading of No. 7 blanks, naiking this com- pany the agent of the sender, without li^ibilily, to forward any message over the lines of any other company, when necessary to reach its destination, and they must require the eustoiner's assent thereto. 3S .Manager.s and Receivers are strictly foi bidden to make any promise of trans- mission or delivery of any message under any circumstances, beyond the assuraiic- that due diligence will be used in forwarding to destination. 39 All messages presented for transmission should lie carefully read, and every word bo not only clearly understood by the receiver, but be so plainly written tliat the operator may be able to send the message correctly. If the addre.S3 .seems iusullicieut, a more complete one, giving .street and number or occupution, should be requested, to secure proper delivery. Abbreviations of words siiould bo avoided. When a message contains words iacorreelly spelled, the receiver will courteously call 10 ' attention thereto, and endeavor to liavu lliom corieotod. Tins must be done discreetly to avoid oflTence, but is important to prevent error in trunsraission. When a message has been accepted for transmission it sliall bo sent in all oases exactly as written. 40 All message,-! are required to boar the actual date, the name of the place, town or city, where the message is oflered, together with the month, and day of the month, all of which will be sent free. Figures arc alloweil in the free date of a message. 41 Whenever ir.essagea which liave come over the hne of any other telegrapli company are ofl'ered at points on A. and P. and F., lines not indicated by the Tariff liook of ihesu Companies as the proper place for such Ijusiness to roach our lines, or when- ever messages are received by mail at any ollicc to be forwarded by telegraph, or in case .1 person having received a message requests the same to be forwarded to any other place, or in case a person loaves town before the arrival of an e.xpocted message and it is forwarded to him. or whenever under any circumstances a message is to be sent from any ollioe bearing a dateotlior than that on which it is sent, or place from, other than that o[' the ollice from which it is forwarded, the name of the place whore it origiiuitod, and the dale, will be inserted immediately after the address, and will be charged for. For example, if the following message sho\ild pass over the lino of ano'-her company from Bull'alo to Hochosler, or through the mail, or bo rcriived by any other per- son by tnlograph or mail, or shciuM arrive at Rochester by our own lino after the party to whom it is adilresscd had left town, and a request is made that it be Inrwardcd to Albany, or the sender, being in liociiester, desires to have hi.s uiessage dated Uidfalo, it would be sent as follows ; NiuniiOi. I rtcui liy. | Time. \ Kc'M by. I I'lu'ck. Ill 14 w. I'aid. I?ociit:sTi:i:. n,t, IP//,. To JuU.N liliUW.S, ALLi.VNV, X. V. Buffalo, Oct. 10th. — Meet me here next .Monday at half-i)ast twelve withoui full. 11. SMITH. Thus adding in and charging for as a pari: of I he mossagu the three words, "Bul- falo. Oe', tenth." ■ I'-i ,\[i>ssages will Ijear one i;lear and sullicient address to a single person or llrm, together with the street, niunbor and place of its destiaation. which will not be counted or cliarged for. A single message addressed to two ]iersons for separate delivery will be refused. W'hore a message is addressed to two or more persons for delivery to one oidy, all names e.xeopt the lirst will be charged for. An address to Mr. and Mrs, will he accepted as a single address. The number of a street in an address should lie written in words. Every address should Ijo followed by a period, to ili'noic its completion, <i:t No message will be accepted addressed to any person at a specilie<l telegraph station with directions to transmit, if aliscnt, to any other station. In such cases two messages nuist l)e sent, one to each place. 'IJ All words not embraced in the |a'oper date, addr<'ss and signature, are to bo t'hurgod for. '15 Observe the following rules for counting, except for cable messages: Xamesof per.scais and places, initial letters, titles, etc., are to be counted accord- 11 Piii.i. in;; to tlio iimnlipr of words or (listinct separnto signs used to express rliem. The f.rcfl.vos, 0, Wc. Van, Von, De, Lo, La, will lio regarded as foriniiijr a part of tliB word followirii; llii'in. IC.r'iiiiid-s : — [foil. .loliii l{. Miri'V. Jr., 5 words, .r. Y. M., :! word.-i. United Slates, 'J words. New York, 2 words. I*. M., 2 words. John Young, M. I)., i words. C. O. n., :; words. VaiiiiostnirHl, 1 word. St. .Tames, 2 words. Sail Francisco, 2 wonis. '10 Words found in iliciionaries, composed of two or more distinct words con- nected hy a liyi)hen, as forming a single word, will lie connled as so many ditfcrent words, and no hyphen will lie aci'opled as forming a pan of any word or message. Ex- ample — ^w;■(^/)«i;((i«f/, 2 words ; nmn-of-war, '.\ words. The words to/f/;/. /o)/.i';//(/, Uniiitr- iiiiv. railroii'l. raUnHiij. aiii/lioio, anyivhere, iimjwhe. iinythinij, tn-.rythiinj are recognized iMiiflisli words, ami are to lie counted as sncli.mdess scp;\r.""ed into distinct words by ihe writer. The words ffonf, im»it, civit. slidnl, although not correctly written witlunit the use ol'apostro|)hes, are in cianmon use, and may be received as one woril when no apostrophe is employed. The same nde wUl ..|ilily to contracted words, or words in the possessive, such as, Rdilics, C(i".-sin\ Eibnirils. If sucli words arc written as in the expression, ''Hope Kddies well," they will be sent as one word. '17 Where messages contain arnonnts, dales or numbers, require ihe seixler to write th 'in plainly in words If such amounts, dates or nnmbera, after being written in words, be also duplicated in ligures by the customer, such Ugiires must be counted as a part of ihe message and included in the check. ■IS Figures inserted by the customer must not be erased by receivers or operators, nor will ihey lie insertetl except at the reipicst of tlie customer. When amoiMits are duplicated in ligures, charge for the lignres according to tlie number of words em- ployed to (xpress them. Il> The nnly punctuation or other signal nnrks to be accejited for liansmission are liiirs of division in fractions, commas, semicolons, periods, interrogation.s, exclamations, ipi.itation, and brai'kets. All such signs, '■.cvpi frimts, will bo charged for. The quota- tion and bracket signs on each side of encloseil words are to be charged separately. When any such signs are to be transmitted they will be maiUs as conspicuous as pos- sible, to assist the operator in recoirni/ing them. HO ['.iragra|ili signals are used I'or press reports, and mny bo used on private moH- sages, when necessary, without charge. .\ double jieriod \vill b(> n.scd to indicate a new pruiigra|ili. Period Interrogation — - Comma, Har of Division Semicolon, — - Mxclamalion, 51 I''. Very message will bear tlie signatiirn of the per.son or linn seiuUng it, which svill not Vie counted, or charged for. .Vdiii'ional signatures, addresses, titles of every description, such as iM.'hicr, ,ir"siiienl, maii,e4:er. chairman, and all other wi>rds after the fi^nature must bo counted and charged for, if to be transmitted. In all such 12 cases, reeeivinar clerks should inquire wliellior transmission is desired, mid if not, the added words slinuld be erased, but in siieli inaiiiier as not to entirely obscure them. 54 Code inessacco!* are ooniposed of words fnund in ordinary dietiouaries or gazet- teers, but disarrnnped. or having a secret ini'aning. Such messages will be tninsmittpd at ordinary tarilV rales. H'i Ciplier messages are composed, in whole or in part, of ligures. letters, char- acters, or words not eoutaineil in diclioinu'ies or gazetteers, or a eoinbinaliou of either, or all. 54 Count Cipher .I/('.SA'(/'/es as follows: .'\dd together ,all the figures, letters and characters which cdiiipose the ciphers, divide the total by five, and tlie ((untieiil (phis oii(> for the remainder, if lliere be any) is the immhor of words to !«■ cliarged fc-r as eipluT .\iiy portion of the message written in ordinary words, wliether code or plain, will be counted as in ordinary mes- sages, and added to the nmnlier nl' cipher w'ords. 55 Double the onlinary rates will bo eliarged tiir the whoh: number of words in cipher messages, and they will be treated in transmission as directed in tlic case of mes.sages '"repeated back." 56 The sender of a message may, for the jmrpose of greater security, liave it re- peated back over the wires of this company by paying a half rate additional, in which case each receiving office will send Itack to ouch sending otTice, and the copy taken of the message .so repeated will he compared with and affl.xed to, and filed with, the original, at each point of repetition. In repeating a message the companj' does not undertake to provide the sender with a copy as finally delivered. The words '• repe- tition paid " must be inserted immediately after the siirnatnre, and charged for. The check on such a 10 word message, when the ordinary rate is fifty cents, will be " 10 w. repeated back," and the cash iheck be understood as one half in addition, or 75 cents. 57 Should the receiver of any ordinary message reriuire it to be repeated on ac- count of supposed error, the application for repetition must be addressed to the sending station. Such application and repetition must bo treated as two distinct messages, and be prepaid. Sliould the supposed error be found to hav(^ been the fault of the Telegra])li service, tho charges for the application and repetition vvill he refunded, and the person found to be at fault will be rei|uired to repay ilie amount so refunded. 5S Whenever a mossago is to bo dropped in the post-oflice, or sent by train to its place of destination, in both of which cases the law requires a postage stamp to be affixed, the receiver will collect for postage and add it to the check. Such messages must contain instructions from the .sender as to the places from which they are to be posted. Such instructions must bo inserted immediately after the address and charged for as part of the "lessago. The office receiving the same for delivery will affi.x the required postage slump, deposit in tho post-office, or deliver to train as may be directed, and check the amount of postage against the transmitting office as " for other lines." 59 Whenever tho sender of a message which lias failed of delivery, through insuf- ficient or incorrect address, desires to have a copy delivered to another address, another message must bo written, transmitted and paid for, in all resjiects as a new message. 00 Messages may be accepted for delivery beyond the limits of free delivery on the following terms : 1. Prepayment of tho message. 2. Prepayment within a radius of three miles from tiie office of delivery, for oacli half mile or fraction tliereof beyond froo delivery, 25 cents. 13 For each additional mile or fraction tlieroof beyond three miles from the office, one dollar. 01 When suuh payments have been made, and a (;ari;fiil address has hecii piven prompt delivery of such messages must ho mado on the most favoralile terms, and, when possible, within tlie price nameil. Slioiild siioh wervice lie foinid impraclicable within the sum paid, the delivery nevertheless will be made, and the fauls exiilaiuod upon the voucher covering the soiviee. 0*2 Messages of this character will bear upon them immediately following the sig- nature '■ Delivery, mile pai<l/' Such added words to be counted and charged for. In such mossflgos. also, all directions for delivery beyond the tiame (jf the person ad- dressed and the office from wliich delivery is to be made, will be chareed for. dit .'Vll charges for special delivery will be added to the cheek and entered as '' for other lines." SPECIAL DELIVERY ANSWERS. 64 When an answer to a message requiring special delivery is desired, the words " reply ])aid " will be inserted and charged for, and prepayment of the.tclegrapli tolls of a ten word message will be required. In such case the special messenger must. he provided with a blank on which tlie answer may be written and wliich lie will bo in- structed to procure, if possible. 05 Ananswerto a message may be prepaid, as in the ease of an original message, and the insertion and payment of the words •' reply paid " aflar the signature in ihe message requiring it. The payment or guarantee of an answer thus endorsed, will be understood to cover a message of ten words (raly, unless otherwise provided for. If the words "reply fully paid" are inserted, it will be tinderstood as authori/.ing a reply without restriction as to length. The sender ol' an answer may exceed the limits of a ''reply paid" message by paying for the exivss. The message reqiuring an answer should V)e shown as authority for sending the answer "collect.'' 00 When a "collect" message cannot bo collected for on delivery, the receiving office must at once notify the sending office by telegraph, giving the reason therefor. 07 When a person sonduig a message desires to know that his correspondent has rece'"ed it, such information may be furnished to him from the manager of the otTice to which the message is transmitted, by prepayment, at one half the usual rates of a leu word message. <)n ines.sages desiring such a report the words •• Report delivery '' must be written after the signature and charged for. ON The manager of an office receiving such a message for delivery will |irouiptly send a message "collect," not to exceed ten words, giving tlie information requested. 09 Money refunded for neglect to answer a "Report delivery" message will bo re- ported to the superintendent, and charged against the delinquent. 70 It sometimes occurs that after a message has been left for transmission, cir- cumsiauces to make its recall desirable. This can only be done by the sender's personal application, and in case the mes.sage has not actimlly been transmitted. Great care must be t.Hkon to prevent fraud in recalling messages by parties other than the sender. 71 When a person expecting a message at any office is obliged to leave such office before its arrival, and desires it to bo forwarded to him at another office, the tolls thereon, except in the case of well known and responsible persons, must be prepaid. HALF U ATK, OH NIOHT MESSAGE,S. 7!l liait'rateor '-lied "messages are such as do not require, and are nuderstood by 14 the senders not to require delivery until tlio follnwing day; or. such as when reoeived on Saturday, delivery is not expected until the followiiip; Mondny. These messages are required to bo written on blanlfs No 8, luid are called •' Red," because printed in that color to distinguish the half-rate niglit messages from ordinary business. 7Jl Tn computing tolls on Iiulf-rate messages in order to get tlie correct aniDMut to he charged, lirst .as<'oi-taiii tho amount whicli would be cliargeable at full rates. One half of suoli full rate will l)e tlie lialf-rate tolls. N'o balf-rato tolls nuist, however, be less than twenty-five cents. Example — 15 words at .'iO and .■? at full rate would lie 05 cents. The tolls on such message at lialf rates will be Xi cents. A message the tolls on ivhich would be 30 cents at full rate will be sent as a 'Ted" message for 25 cents. The cheek of a 10 word half-rale message is ''10 paid half-rate." 7-1 The word •' Red " must precede all half-rate night messages in transmitting them. 75 Offices which do not keep open all night must endeavor to transmit all half rate messages on hand to their destinations, or to the nearest repeating olTices, before clos- ing, and repeating and press report offices will forward all half-rate messages durins; the night to their places of destinalion, or as near thereto as practicable. Nothing in this rule, however, will be understood to iircvent the transmission of half-rate mes- sages at any time, befo-e night, when an idle wire or otherwise unoccupied time af- fords the opportunity. Messages necessarily left over for transmission the next morning shall precede new business, and in transmitting thi •", full rate messages, known as ''blacks" shall precede ' "eds." 76 Ifalf-rate or " Red" messages are not to be delivered until the day succeeding their date, but shall be delivered as promptly as, and witlioul discriniinatinu from, other messages, after tho ordinary delivery of the day begins. 'When a half-rate mes- sage, left for transmission on f'aturday, has l)eeu received by an office having a regu- lar Sunday delivery service, it will be delivered with equal promptness as otiier Sun- day morning messages. 77 If a half-rate message has been received at the jilaee of its desliuaiioii. and the person to whom it is addressed culls at the ollico for it lielore the time it would ordinarily lie delivered as n half-rate message, the message may be delivered on payment of the dillVrence between half rates ami full rates. Such payment will be entered under head of ''sundry receipts." Xo change will be made in the time of de- livery of half-rate messages not thus specially applied for. 7S Where a half-rate messaire is received by an dllieo br-yond the tcri'itori.-il limits of half-rate business, it will be delivered; but the olTice sending it will lie checked full rates by the office of destination, and the case will be reported to the Superintendent, and noted in the monthly report for colleeiiou. 79 The amounts received upon half-rate messages will hi' checked with ami consti- tute a part of the gross receipts of the day on which tlioy are received fortrnnsraission. FRANKS. so Annual franks are issued to certain persons who are entitled to scud messages free over tho lines of this company. Those franks are of two classes : I. — TlIK nUMl.\K.SS FllANK. Every business frank Ijears upon its face : 1. The name of the person to whom it is issued. 16 2. The territorial limits withiu whidi ciloiu' it ciiu be used. H. The churactiT of the business which miiy alone be s-eiil under it. 4. The number oC lliu I'lank and the dale of its expiration. m When a niessaj^e is uH'ored under a business frank, it nnist bear upon its face the nimiber of the frank, mnsl lie sijjned l)y the person to whom tlie frank was issued and must not exceed the limitations slated thereon. This frank cannot bo used to cover in whole, or in part, any messa<re K"ing beyond tlie lorrilorial limits assigned to it. nor any other class of messages than that designated. The frank must bo shown wlieii a message is offered for transmission under it. SiJ Manairors will bo held lialile for the tolls on all messages accepted and sent which exceed the limitations of the frank inider which they are offered. S!t Business franks cover answers to messages sent tinder them. 54 Business franks may lie used to send free a message over the lines of the ,\tlantic and I'aeilic and Franklin Conijiaiiics, lo be given to other lines, provided till' point of transfer is within the territorial lunitsof the frank, and the tolls thereon for other lines are paid. 55 The nnmlier of tlie frank, although retiuircd to be noted ou the message covered by it, will not bo transmitted. 2. — TIIK COMFl.IMENMARY KKAXK. 86 Receiving clerks will call the attention of the holder of a frauk to anv viola- tion of the conditions in respect lo territorial limits, or to the business charaot^er of a message offered. In doing this, much courtesy and discretion will, of course, be necessary. Gross abuses of the privilege should be reported to the Superintendent. KUH'''. MKSS.'VGK.'^ WITHOUT FliANKS. 57 The olDeial a' ' oersonal messages of and to the I'rosident, Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, r, rician, Auilitor, General- and District Superintendents, and Supply Agent, and oilic .i messages passing between the employes of the company, on its service, are not required to be recorded. The mail must be u.sed in all cases where the .service will not sutfer l)y the delay. 58 Private messages, strictly urgent and of social character, may be sent free by the Manager of an otlioe, and for employes of the company serving under liim, when endorsed by him. Oopies of all sucli messages must be regularly checked and returned with other free business. 8J) Messages on Railroad business, when sent between local points on the liiK! of a Railroad Company w, 'dch the A. and P. and K Companies have busi- ness relations, will be sent free without a frauk ; but messages destined for points beyond the line of sncli road, and passing over other portions of these Companies wires, require a frank. 00 All messages from and to repoiters or news agents of such newspapers and newspaper associations as regularly [latronize the lines of these Companies, relating to their business as such reporters or agents, ami not seut with their reports, and all messages of publislicrs of such newspiipers, relating strictly lo their business as newspaper publishers — such ;is ordering supplies, and other like messages — will, ex- cept as liereiinifLer stated, be charged and collected for at one half conuncrcial rates, and checked at full rates. (Dllices .sending such messages pre-ikiid will return them as refunded, entering in their cash recei))is the full tariff, and in rel'uuding account for the uncollected half of the tolls. Olllces receiving such messages collect will re- turn them iu the regular uuuullectcd account. Messages to such reporters or agents, 1fi and answers thereto, ordering special reports by the lines of these Companies, will be tieiiX, free, and chocked D. 11. Ordering Special lii'pnrt; and anj- Itusiness communica- tion between such agents, sent with reports and relating thereto, will be counted with and charged for na part of such report. Such other messages between editors and agents, or reporters of siioli nowspiipers or newspaper associations as are regular cus- tomers of this Company, relating strictly to the transmission of special news reports, may be checked and charged for at same rate per word, and treated in same manner, as special reports between the same points. THE OPERATING DEPARTMENT. 91 All persons employed in the Operating Department will conform to such regulations as ilio Manager may deem necessary for the prompt and proper transaction of business. 92 Meal hours must be so arranged as to have the smallest number of operators sent at one time, and at all offices where more thiin one operator is employed, at least one-half of tlie force should be on duly during meal liuurs. 9S Operators not properly ipmlilied to send and receive business must not be assigned to duty, either iiermaneully or temporarily, and only jiersoiis of good chiir- acter, and temperate and correct Imbits should ue em])l()yed. 91 All operators employed by tliis Compiiiiy must be made to understand that the correct mechaniciil formation of the letters and spaces of a message, and precise accui-acy in all respects, is of far more value tliaii rapidity of transmission, and con- stant elfort should be made to elevate the standard of excellence in tliis respect. 95 All employes will be hold accountable for tlie accurate jierformanco of their respet.'tivo duties in the transmission iif all dispatches passing through their hands. They will see the necessity, therefore, of exeieising the utmost care in reading the original messages correctly, as well as in accurately iransmitting and co| ying them. In all doubtful cases they will use every means in their power to insure correctness. 96 At all olliees where line repairers are stationed an operator must lie on duly at 7:30 a. m. or earlier, as circumstances may recpiire, to test the wires, and, in case of breaks, crosses, or other interruptions, to diieel the repairer to place the lines in working order at the earliest praeticalde moment. The chief operator, at all terminal points, will test the wires tliorouglily, and have the circuits arranged for business by the opening hour for business, as per paragra|ih 4. 97 Cure should be taken to give directions to linemen as detinitely as possible, locating acctir-'lely the cause of trouble. Whenevi.'ra telegr.'ipluc order to a lineman is given, and cannot be delivered, tlie sendimj ojjlce must he instantly notified thereof. 9S All operators should bo careful to give prompt notice to the cliief operator in charge of circuit, of any trouble on lino of wliich they may have knowledge, and information as to cause of trouble, and the movements of Repairmen. 99 I'Wery message is to be accompanied by a number, which numbers will \)e copied on the message recuiveil. Blanks (form 30) are prov. ' -d for the purpose of keeping a record of message immbers, upon which both sent and received numbers will be carefully checked off. • 100 Messages will be numbered from the sending office to the receiving office 17 on the same circuit only. For example, if Bufifulo, m sending Chicago messages has to send to Cleveland for repetition, the numbers will be with Glovelund. Each day's busi- ness will be numbered separately — commencing with No. 1. Tliis rule will apply also to Sunday business. 101 In order to prevent delay in the transmisson of messages, arising from differences of opinion as to their proper 'oute or mode of counting, the sending office will decide both as to route and as to whut constitute single words in a message, and no office shall refuse to receive and forward or deliver any message from any other office ; but this rule must not be interpreted to permit errors to pass without correc- tion. 103 If any message is improperly sent, or the mode of counting is erroneous, the Manager of the receiving office will immediately notify his Superintendent, but this notification shall not interfere with the prompt delivery of the message. 103 In transmitting or receiving messages, operators are strictly forbidden to abbreviate words written in full by the sender, or to drop any part of an address. lO'l Where periods and other punctuation marks are used, care must be taken to transmit them precisely tlie same as in the original. When obscure or difficult words occur in messages, the transmission must bo slow and distinct. Great caution should be used in the transmission of proper names. They should be written slowly and double the usual space left between the initials. Words containing spaced let- ters, like C, 0, R, Z, should bo transmitted with caution, and such letters made plain, separate and distinct. 105 Before opening a key to call another station, adjust the relay carefully, par- ticularly in wet weather, to make sure that no other office is using the line. lOtt In calling another office, the signal of the office calling must be given, and care must bo taken to see that the relay is adjusted to receive the acknowledgeircnt 107 The transmission of a message will be in the following order and form : 1. — The number. 2. — Initial of the operator sending. 3.— The check. 4. — The place from and date. 5. — The address, precisely as written by the sender of the message. 6. — Tlie message. 7. — The signature. 8. — Address, if any, of signature. 9. — Special directions, such as, " Reply paid," "By special messenger," " Delivery paid," &c. 108 The time sent, and initial of operator to whom sent, will be endorsed on each message as soon as sent. No message will be regarded as sent which has not been acknowledged. 109 The reception of a message will be as in the transmission, adding thereto the initial of both the sending and receiving operators, endorsing the time of receipt, and acknowledgement by transmitting the signal '0. K." and the initial of the operator and office signal. Operators are particularly cautioned against acknowledging mes- sages when in the least doubt of their correctness. 110 Contesting for circuit is strictly forbidden, and any operator guilty ef it should be promptly reported to his Superintendent by any one having knowledge of the fact. 111 Much loss and labor has been caused by the duplication of messages. This 8 18 hns been oponsioned largely by want of one in cheeking received numbers, and also by (k'liiying or iienlccliut; tlio enilorsenipnts required ou messajjes when sent. This must be avoided with nil possible eare. Tlio evidence of s\ niessage liaving been sent should be placed thereon the instant transmission is complete. 112 No niessago must pass tlirongh the liands of the receiving operator until he has counted the words and compared llieni with Iho cheek, and otherwise satisfied himself that it is correct, except in case a message is erroneously received from some distant point, where its correction would cause a serious delay. Tinder such cirouu- stances, the Manager will cause the message to bo delivered to the parly addressed, with a notation thereon stating that the message is thus delivered, suliject to correction afterwards. When a message is thus delivered, the utmost di.spatch must be used in securing correction. lis K.xtraordinary care must bo exercised in sending and receiving re|)eated anil insured meHsage.«. The original message mus' bo plainly written, and the sending operator sure tliat ho roads and transmits it correctly. The receiving operator must copy it carefully, and repeat it back over the same circuit before doing auy other busi- ness. He shall personally transmit and have repeated to him the message over the next circuit, if any, or see that it is done. A memorandum of the time and circum- stances attending the receiving, transmitting, and repeating back, should be written upon the original message, and the return copy must be compared and affixed to the original, a copy being always taken when repetition is made. 1 14 Whenever an insiu'cd ir repeated message in course of transmission is stopped by an interruption of the lino, the olHce from which it originated must be proinpily notifled. 115 OlHco mes.sages relating to the correction or loss of a r:iessage have pre- ference over any other business, but they must not be needlessly sent, and must be expressed briefly, but clearly. 116 The ground wire at intermediate offices must never be used except in cases of breaks in the wire, and then only long enough to enable any message on hand to be transmitted. When a circuit remains open more than one riimite use ground wire and report to chief operator that lino is open beyond you, giving your signal, and wait- ing aekuowlodgenient. (,'n reception of acknowledgement, ground wire must be at once removed, unless otherwise ordered. 117 All "Gable messages" must be carefully repealed back to the sending operator by each receiving operator, and in all respects treated accortjing to directions for the trausmissiou of '■ Kepeatod " mes.sages. IIM Intermediate or way olliees are not permitted to dose for the night without lirst clearing their liles, ascerliuning from the nearest repeating olliees if there is any business for iheni, and exchanging "tJ. X. " — (good night) iherewitli. 1 19 When any otDce is closed temporarily, or for the night, instrumeuts must lie cut out ol the circuit, and the switch or cut-oil" examined to make sure that the circtut is complete through it. DELIVERY DEPARTMENT. I!20 Messengers must, in all crises, be able to read and write, and be appointed upon recommeiulalions, from reiipeclable sources, as to good characler and clean and correct personal habits. 19 . 131 It is desirable that the compensation of mesaonf^ers bo fixed at a certain rate per message. Where this cannot be properly done, and they receive u lixod salary per wuok or month, it should bo arranged with roferonco to tlioir being paid a fixed price per messago for answers, and alter coiisullution with the District Siiporiiitendeut as to the amount to be allowed. IStSl Messengers must be promptly on hand duriujr all tlio hours of service ap- pointed for them, when not actually engaged in delivering mcssngos, and their home address must be Icnowu to the Manager in case of any special service which may be reciuired of them. 123 Messages for delivery should in all cases be written on the blank I'orni of the Company, provided for the purpose, in ink, on which the name of the office de- livering the same, the date, the time of reception, and the initials of the sending and receiving operators must appear. Kvcry message delivered must also t)ear the check showing the number of words composing the message, whether paid, or collect, and the arao\mt of tolls, if any, due thereon. 134 Messages shall, in all cases, be inclosed in the envelopes of the Company, and be sealed before being handed to the messenger. The address must be fully and plainly written thereon, must sliow whether paid, or collect, and if nnswer is desired whether it has been paid for. If any lolls are to bo collected, the amount must be written in words, upon the envelope. 125 Messages will lie delivered without charge when within half a mile from the office of delivery, and after entry in the messenger's book, mu.-^t bo delivered promptly to the person or Arm addressed at the place of delivery named thereon. If the person or persons addressed are absent, the message maj- bo delivered to any agent, clerk, or member of the family wlio may be at the place of delivery to which the message is directed, who may be able to give receipt therefor. A receipt acknowledging delivery, shovi^ing the actual time received, and the name of the person giving receipt must, in all cases, be entered on the receipt blank of the messenger. 136 When a message is received bearing the name of a person without other address it will be delivered, if received during business hours, at his place of business, and after such hours at his residence, if known, or if it can be ascer- tained. 187 Messages are not allowed to be delivered to janitors or porters of buildings, unless specially reiiuested, or to be slipped under doors, or left where persons are not present to receive and receipt therefor. 135 Messages marked " collect " must be delivered, even if payment be re- fused. 139 In case a message is received after the place of business of the person to whom it is addressed is closed, and delivery cannot, therefore, be made, the mes- senger will leave a notice, placed in envelope, and properly addressed, stating that a message has been received bearing the address written thereon, which awaits deliv- ery at the office. This notice, blanks for which are provided by the Company, and with which messengers should at all times be supi)lied, may be dropped into any letter box which may be provided for such, or slipped under the door. The undelivered message must be promptly returned to the Manager of the office, with reason for returning the same written thereon, and be sent out for delivery at the earliest moment practicable. 130 In the case of a message which cannot be delivered because the place of business to which it is directed is closed, the conlciits of which, nevertheless, indi- cate the importance of a speedy delivery, the Manager of an office may, in his 20 directions, endeavor to deliver tho same at the residence of the party a(idreRsed, or elsewhere, but in no on»e, except at the place of original iiddresH, to any other than the person addressed, whose receipt therefor must bo obtained. If delivery is not thus miide, the messnge will be delivered to its original address nl the earliest hour practicable. ISII No messenger shall be allowed to open, for any purpose, any messnge handed to him for delivery, or to allow any person to whom tlie same is not ileliverable, to open the same, or to allow iiny one to know to whom ho is conveying any message, or to answer any question respecting tho same conveying iiny information of what- ever character connected therewith, on pnin of dismissal. 133 Messengers are not allowed to be sent on errands by parlies receiving mes- sages, or to carry messages from pnrtics receiving them to others, Imt to deliver nil messiige.s with diligence as addressed, and return at once to the ofQoe. 133 In case of non-delivery of any message because of wrong or inadequate ad- dres.i, the reason must be given by the messenger to tlio delivery clerk, who will notify the sending office, by telegraph, quoting accurately tiio address of the message as received, and will also make a record of the same upon the envelope of tho imdeliv- ered message. 134 Should error be found in comparing addresses at the sending office when a a notice as directed is given, the message must Ije immediately corrected. If other- wise, notice will be given to tlie writer of the message. If the writer desires the message sent to a now address, payment will be reqiiired as for a new message, and a new message shall be sent. 135 Notice of nondelivery applies only to the case of a wrong or inadequate address. 136 Every message requiring an answer which has been paid for, will have the words "Reply paid" plainly written or printed upon both the message and the envelope, and diligent effort will be used to obtain an answer. The absence of notice which is required to be sent when delivery cannoi be made is to bo regarded as sufficient proof of delivery. 1 37 It is the duty of messengers, upon the delivery of a message, to inquire if there be any answer thereto, which they will accept when written on the blanks of the Company and paid for. To perform this service efficiently it is essential that messengers at all times will carry with them copies of blank form No. 7, and become familiar with the rates, and be specially instructed in the cost of answers to messages entrusted to them for delivery Mnnngers are earnestly enjoined to render the message service increasingly intelligent and effective in every particular. 13§ All messages will he treated alike, except that " Red " messages will not be delivered until after 8 a. m. of the day succeeding their date, when they shall receive equal attention with other messages. 139 Any messenger detected in mutilating any message or improperly delaying delivery, or who forges any receipt for delivery, or makes a deceptive entry in his books, to indicate delivery when none has been made, will bo summarily dis- missed. 1 40 It shall be the duty of the Manager of an office, or of the delivery clerk, to examine the receipt blanks of messengers on their return from each service, and at the close of each day to see that faithful delivery has been made, and that all proper uotiflcatlons have been given. 21 141 Principal ofUces will keep a delivery re(i;i8ter book, coutaining a record of every meHsiiKc received for delivery: the time received mid sent out ; tlio iiiirnber, the i)erMoii luldrcHHed, ilio name of tho messenger, and tlio fact whutlier an answer is rei|uired or not At smaller olflees notationt* of tliese facts must be made upon the copy of tiie message retained in the ofSce. ACCOUNTS. I'lS All niessa^^os must b(.' i.'aroriilly assorted each day, and those for each office entered by themsolves, on record sheets, in the order of consecutive dates. I'iS Kntor all mossages "sent paid," and "received collect," iu the column of recui]its, and all niessa),'es payable at other ollice.s, enter in c()himn of "cheeks." I'll The column " Other Lines" in checks, is for amounts paiil other lines for special delivery, and postape on delivered niessaKes. 145 Tho total amount of business wiih each ofTico, for each day, must lie looted and entered in "daily total eohimns" of "receipts" or "checks " or both, as the case may be, and these totals must take the place of flRuros hereloforo entered in tho check ledger. The totals for one moiiih, of tho daily footinjrs of each ollico, must be entered in check report, which amo\mt must include all business from the tirst to the last day of the month inclusive. Sunday '"isiness will be entered with that of Saturday, ex- cept when Sunday commences tlii ..lontli, in which case Sunday business will be entered with that of Monday. Knter the total number of messages sent, aud total number received, each month, on check rejiorts. Check (Ipdon, Utah, only on the local business of that office. 146 All oflices of the Atlantic and Pacitic and Franklin Telegraph Companies will check direct with each other. Messages to or from ollices not on the lines of these companies will check the office of transfer, dividing tho tolls, for "this lino" and "other lines." All messages to or from points west of Ogdeu, Utah, will l>e checked " Central " as if that were tho name of an office. On such business, sent paid, or re- ceived collect, enter two thirds of tho amount in colunui for "this lino," and one third in column for "other lines." On such business received paid, or sent collect, cheek this line only two thirds of entire tolls, and enter only the amount paid out, if any, in "other line" column. In this case, the one third will not be entered. 147 A monthly report, on form No. 40, of the business of each office must be made" at the close of each month, and be forwarded to the Superintendent not later than the third day of the next succeeding month, accompanied by vouchers for authorized expenditures, and man.'igers must keep a copy of report as rendered. Check and free message reports, on forms Nos. 41 and 42, must also accompimy tho account current. Superintendents, after carefully examining the reports and approving tho vouchers, will forward them to the Auditor for flnal examination and comparison. 148 Include in statement A, all telegraph receipts, excejrt cable business. Knter cable business, cash from Treasurer, Superintendent or other .source, in statement B. Statement A must include receipts as per check report. Also, Market and Stock reports, giving names, rate and period; also. Press reports, giving names of papers, period and rate; also, list of guaranteed messages and acknowledged check errors. For classiScation of expenses, see instructions on form 40. 149 Managers of offices are prohibited from purchasing or paying out any money for office furniture, repairs of office or anything therein, atalioaery or supplies, or for 28' othor purpose except to pnj tlxed monthly salaried of employeR, rent ot offlceR, lif(ht hikI fiiol. 150 Any outluy for lilting iiii, rctltliiig, furiilHliintf or rt'-riirriiHliitiK of uiiy ofllco, Hliiill lio mnde only by Hpecial approval of the Siiperintondont, who Ih required to have the Hnnclioii of tlio (Iciicrni Supo' nliTidt it for Biich t'xpemiiliircH. 131 A voiiclur forovory uulhorizcd expenditure, written upon '\\v blank form pro- vided for this purpoao, nnniborod to correspond with its entry on il'e monthly luvouut iMirront, iiiui nmdo out so as to fully and clearly explain itself, must bo Hont with the account current to the Suporinlondent. Iftit Kvory voucher nhould bo written with ink and si^tucd by the person to whom the payment ia dur. Vouchorn rocoiplcd by " IiIh X murk" must bo witneHseil by some person other than the one dlHliursinn tlio nouey 1 33 Service vouchers nnmt state the full name of the person paid, the kind of service rendered, the |ilace whoro it was i)erformod, the amount of time charged (or, the dates at which servieo l)cf,'an ami lerininnted, and the rale of compensation. 15-1 When a payment is mado for part of a nionlh, the time must bo coinpulcd ac- cordiu;; to iho aclu:il numl)or of days in the month in which the service is performed. 153 Vouchers for livery hire must show the kind of U am, the numljer of hours employed, and the distance traveled. 130 Vouchers (or liailroad fare or transportation of materials must show between what stations fare or frei;;hl lia.s been paid and in case of raultrials, what kind, and for what used. 137 Vouchers should not tie signed in blank, nor in advance of actual payment. 15S No increase of salaries will lio allowed unless previously anihorizoil by the General Superinteialent. All salari^-s nnist be paid at the close of each month. 139 Whenever a niamijcer vacates his olVice dnriii); the month, he will make up Ida accounts and pay over to his successor all funds in his hands, and send to his Superin- tendent a report of such settlement, made up on form 40, with the receipt of his suc- cessor for money paid and properly delivered. 100 The funds of the (Jomjiany will be held subject to the order of the Treasurer who will designate places of deposit. 101 In every place where there is an incorporated 13ank iii good standing, and which has been designated by the Treasiu'er as n place of deposit, the manager will, unless otherwise directed by the Treasurer, deposit in such bank, daily, all the cash on hand at the cloee of banking hours, in his name as Odice Manager of the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Compimy or Franklin Telegraph Company, as the case may be. lOit Offlce Managers will make arrangements with such baidcs, if practicable, to provide drafts on New York for their monthly balances, without charge. 103 All balances due from offices will be remitted to the Treiianrer at tlie close of each month, unless otherwise specially ordered by him. Xo Ijalaiu'cs will remain impaid, but each month's business must be promptly closed up and settled by itself. 104 Promptness in forwarding reports and remittances is recpiired of all nuvnagers, and no person will be retained in charge of an oHice who is remiss in this respect. 105 Remittances to the Treasurer will bo made through the mail l)y draft on New York, payable to the Treasurer's order, by all mantigers who are able to obtain New York drafts without expense. 100 Managers in places where banking arrangements cannot be effected will remit either currency by express or postal money orders by mail, as shall be most economical. 107 An explanatory letter must be enclostd with every remittance stating on what account -t applies. 28 IttS Cable huHiiioRH muNt be kept separiito from ordinary businesH, and not iiMluded on Ai'(M)iini Oiirreiit, Korm 'lO. nor in ('jieclc Roport, Form U. l(in If it is ini|)o«siblufor ciwtoiiieis toprocuiv Kold, ai'cupt oiirrenpy, clmrKiiiKthe prtmium, which will be unnoimced wt'el<ly in udvuiuo, or on upplicallon to the Super- iuteudeiit. I70 (!oId, or its equivalent in currency, received for cuhle despiitclies must bo dopo.sileil ill bank, (mm pur paragraph Hil,) and roiuittod to llio TrcHHurer by draft on New York for the periods ending 7th, 14th, 2lBt and last day of eiicli month, accom- pfuiied )iy Cable reiniltiince slit'ol. I'M If gold dral'lM on New Vt)rk cminot be jirawired, remit the coin by express. When currency is received, remittimco-slieet must state the gold tariff, the premium on ,';old nnd the amount of currency. ITSl (lold checks ordralts whicii cainiot lie cashed nor deposited in bunk must be at once remitted lo llio Treasurer. 17JI At Onices where Cai)le messages are transferred to the lines of other compan- ies, the Statement of Received Missagcs on form f)2,slirjnlcl show the amoinit jiaid out for transmission of eacli message so transferred. 174 Coin oj lif/ht wtiijIU imuiI not Id', aixfjiled. Wlicre oflices are not provided th coin scales, apply to nearest b»nk(M' for di-eision in case of doiilit. ITft All messages sent free imder rent arrangements, whether covered by franks iir not, will be checked, and booked as paid. (!redit for the amount thereof wdl be taken in Monthly Report Ji'orm 40, as rent, the : ssages with statement being returned as vouchers. 170 Knter each day's free messages, botli sent and received, on a separate sheet, and make up a niontlily check report herefrom upon the left hand side of form 42. The right hand side of form 42, is for tiie statement of free messages sent. The free message elieck report has no connection with the conmiercial checKS or the accounts current. Through messages repeated at your oflico will not bo put into this repor' unless received from or forwarded to other lines. 177 At the end of every mouth each ollico will make a free mestage report on Form 42, showing the aggregate amount of free business done, and the total number of free messages sent for any individual, railroad, transportation, cxjiress or other company, which, with the originals of all such free messages sent duriug tiie n)onth, will be, forwarded to the Superintendent with the regidar Monthly Report. . The amount of tariff which would have been chargeable, had the message been paid for, and the rea- son for sending free, will be endorsed \ipou tlie message. Maiuigers will not include in their report messages upon railroad business between local points on the line of any road, or those upon the business of i he Ailautic and Pucilic and Franklin Telegraph Companies, or the olTicial or personal .nessages of the I'rcsidcnt, Vice President, Secre- tary, Treasurer, Electrician, (JruuT and District Superiuto'jdeuts, and Supply Agent, but originals or copies of railroad messages destined for points beyond such road slioidd be included. 17§ Wheu collection of charges upon any "Collect" message cannot tie madb, the office from which it was originally sent, if on this line, must be promptly notified by telegraph, stating the reason therefor, and a copy of the message made and sent by mail to the Manager of the ollico, with the reason for being uncollectible endorsed thereon. The ollice returning a message will is no case re(iuest that it be not CHECKED ; but the message must be entered upon the books, both at starting point and destination, precisely the same as if collection had been made — credit for the mm. ■■■■■■Hi 24 amount at tho receiving office being taken in Acconnt Current in Monthly Report with which the message, or a copy, witli reason for being uncollectible, will be re- turned as a voucher. A copij of the office messcKje notifying the sending office of failure to collect, must also be sent with the Monthly Jiejiort. The office receiving the notice will, if possible, collect the amount from the sender of the message ; in which case tho amount collected should be entered in statement A of Account Current, as re- ceived from "Guaranteed Messages," and the copy of the message enclosed therewith.- In case collection cannot be made of the sender, the mes.sage, endorsed with the reason, should be enclosed with the monthly report but no account otherwise, will be made of it. Uncollectible press reports will be treated in the same manner, except that a copy of such press report need not bo forwarded to the Manager of the office at which it originated. 179 If an uncollectible message originated at any point not on this Company's lines, the connecting office must be promptly notified by teleqrafu, in order that collection may be made from "other lines;' tho copy by mail, in such cuses, will also be sent to the connecting office. 180 When three or more messages are returned from any office as uncollectible, and three or more me.ssngcs are accounted for as "guaranteed," separate lists of each must be made, showing the amounts for "this" and "other lines," and the messages as sub-vouchers attached thereto. 181 At offices wliere business is exchanged with other lines, a separate list must be made, showing the amount refunded by otlier co.npanies, aud upon what messages, and the amounts thus received will bo carried into "Account Current" as " refunded from other lines." 183 In entering a mtssage for or from an office on another line, tho check must be against the ofBce where it leaves, or is given to, this line. EuKOH Sheets. 183 Discrepancies in checks will be indicated by monthly error sheets from the Auditor, aud in order to secure promptness and correctness in settling errors the fol- lowing regulations will be applied to all such business: 1st. t)n receiving tho error sheet you will carefully examine your own books and ttlea, and if no errors are found, you will make out a statement on form u5, and send by mail to each office with which you dill'er. 2d. The Manager, ou receiving such statement from any office, will compare it at once with his books, and where a disagreement is found ho will give tho signature, address and checks of messages causing the difference, and return to the office from which the statement was recoivcd, witli such explanationf. as he may be able to ^ive. Hd. In case an answer is not received by due course "•'mail to statements thus sent, a duplicate of your first statement should be sent, endorsed " second inquiry," and giving the date of ihe lirst. 4lli. If answer to .second inquiry is not received in proper time, a duplicate of your statement will be forwarded to tho Superintendent, giving dates of two previous inquiries. Where the amount of liualnoss witli tho office is small, give also tho date, address, and signature of each message exchanged. In case further correspoudonoe is nocossary after receiving rei)ly to inquiry, any delay in getting answers should be reported, with jiarticulars. 5th. A memorandum of all correspondence concernir,- errors should be kept. This may be conveniently done, in most cases, on the margin of record iheetB. 2n nt iu Monthly Report :;ollectible, will be re- iending office of failure e receiving the notice lessnge ; in which ease Iccnimt Current, as re- liio enclosed therewith. ■ liorscil witli the reason, lerwise, will bo made of iicr, except that a copy r the office at which it 5n tliis Company's lines, 11 order that collection Hes, will also bo sent to office as uncollectible, " separate lists of each les,'' and the messages les, a separate list must d upon what messages, Current" as " refunded Hue, the check must be Y error sheets from the settling errors the fol- mine your own books ament on form u6, and ' office, will compare it will give the signature, itiirn to tlie office from e may be able to give, mail to statements thus ed " second inquiry," • time, a duplicate of dates of two previous ill. give also the date, f reply to inquiry, any 'rrors nhould be kept. ' record abeetB. Cth. Special fittentiou will bo given deficits caused by a change of check in transminsion. T'.li. The wires siioiild . ^ be usi'd in settling errors, except in extreme cases. 8th. Postal cards may be used with much advantage, Inttaddre.sHcs and signatures of messages must not lie written uu tlioni. 9th. All inquiries received sliouM bo answered immediately — the inquiry, and all papers ivlatiiij; lo it, being returned to tlie office sending it. 1§I With proper attention to these instructions, no error slioiiM remain unsettled more than Lliirty d.iy.n, and in case an error sheet is retained longer than that time, an exact slateiueni of the of delay, showing that the lault is not with your office, inu.'it be I'or warded to the Superintendent; otherwise, managers will be considered responsible for, and be charged with the amount involved. 1§5 A groat source of discrepancies between offices, from chocks being changed in the transmission of mes.sagcs. The following regulations will be adopted in the settlement of such errors Th'i Mnlmii'al that such a mtssu'ie was '^ncdued paid,'' or '^sciit collect," will not he accepted as a hatis factory explanation of a deficit, unless accompanied by — 1. A copy of the messaye as received or sent. 2. A copy of the same, as received at or seat from the office with which it ts checked. 3. .-1 st'it-'inin' as lo ivh:ther an effort h'ls been made to collect for the messaye (on discovery of the error) and wlieth<'r. if unable to collect, the other office has been asked to do so. and his reply. The answers of repeating offices (if any) as to tho way the message passed them, should also be returned. I§6 The lirst elfort, on the discovery of such an erroi, should be to collect the charges nt one of the offices concerned This can usually bo done if action is taken when tile error is Wr^i discovered. 187 Tlie error sheet must be returned to the Superintendent as soon as possible, with explanations, or money to cover the dclicits. iOxplanations should be written iu ink, on a separate sheet, and accompanied by tho stateiiiciils of the disagreeing offices, as vouchers, 1§8 The amount of acknowledged errors must lie entered in statement A of Monthly Account Current givini; list of offices, month and amount, which must agree with acknowlcijgements on error sheets. 189 All messages must be carefully Hie ', so as lo make 1 1 fei'ence thereto easy and expeditious. I'iach day's busiin'ss should lie kept seiiiirate, and every Uiessage marked with a number corresponding to its nuniber in llio Register Hook. I'/ich day's business, plainly marked, should bo enclosed together and hil'cllfd. These packages must bo retaiiieil at least two years, after which they will be liispo.sci of as the Superintendent may direct. .Vny use of old messages by which their cdiileiits are, or may Ije, ox- posed to the public, or otherwise than herein diieei.jd, is a'.isolulely forbidden. 100 .VII inslrumonts, relays, keys, switches, or pans of the same, not in use, and all refuse zinc and copjier from main or local batteries, and all old books, messages, or other material on hand, miHl be reported to the .Superlatendent every quarter. 101 The blanks needed for the composition ol' tlie ordinary regular monthly report areas follows; Koiin 10. — Monthly r. port, •H. — '.'heck reipoit. " 4'2. — Free Message Report. ■' 4.'5. — Guaranteed .Messages. ^n 26 Form 44.— Uncollected messages. " 45. — Blank voucliers. " r)2. — Ciible roport. On nil of tlii'se bliinks rail iiistniclions ure given, iUid their observance will be rigorously rei[uire(l. The iitlention ot'ull niiUKineis <il' ollices is directed to the neci'ssity of the eiireful stiidj' of, and exact eonipliaiuo willi, all the rules regulating the Companies' service, and especially those relating to accounts. s INSTRUCTIONS AS TO TESTING LINES, ETC. I9!4 Operators should never open the key without liist tinning the relay adjusting sjjring high enough to break the local circuit, in order to make sure that no one else is using the line; and, on calling another olHee, to have the relay so adjusted as to receive the res|)onse lrt:t Armatures of relays, and sounders, or registers, should be adjusted so that a piece of writing paper can be passed betncen the armatures and |>oles of the magnet when the circuit is closed. I J> I Way olliees should never jiut instruments on wires they do not usually work, withotit instruction from the chief operator in charge of the circuit ex- cept in cases of interruption of their regular wires, when they should use any wire that may be working to ask instructions. Putting in relays without orders may destroy the results of tests being made, and if the wire be in use for duplex, quadruplc.x, or autonialic instruuKMits, the ac'dition of anotlier relay may, by its added resistance and induction, seriously disturb the working of the circuit. 195 Orders by proper authority to make changes in wires, should be at once oboj'cd. Incase anything occurs which prevents the carrying out of the order, the jjcrson who gave it shoidd be notified at once. , 19B ^lanagers of olliees should examine and tighten up all screwposls in switches and Instniments dail^; the diyim; and warping of the wocd in which they are fastened, the jar of passing trains, and other causes, are liable to loosen them if they are not carefully attended to. This daily inspection should never be ondtted. Instruments snould be (covered at idglit, and kei)t free from dust. lOT Platina points in relays and keys, the latter especially, sometimes be- come oxydized and fail to connect properly, 'i'o cure this, scrape the points, slightly and caiefull}', and only when hcww?-//, with a line tile or kiul'e Rub- bing paper or pieces of wood between tlie points will not remove the trouble. Watch oil Ik ueea recommended as a ilesperaie rcnnt.'dy, but it shoidd never be used, as it soon btcomcs foul and increases the evil it is designc^d to cure I9S Line wires, where they enter the switch, must be labelletl with the number of the wire and the direction in which it runs and the switch-board must, be kept scrupulously clean. 199 The main line circuit is composed of the main batteiy, relays ami keys, line wire Snd the earth. The course of the ctirrent may be liaced by supposing it to start from the main battery, up throttgh the key and relay, through light- ning arn^ster, to the line ; thence along the lim; wire to the lightning arrester at the intermediate olHce, through the relay and key, out to line again, to the terminal odlce, where it passes through arrester, reUy, key and battery, to the 27 ground, and then goes through the earth back to tlie other pole of the battery from wliidi it started. SJOO The lociil circuit is confined to tlie office, and is* composed of tlie local battery, relay frame and armature lever, sounder, and the ollico wire, wliich connects tiiese together. !8(f* ' Xo current ' on the line, is indicated by the relay magnet failing to attract its armature. Either the line wire is brokfMi, or tlie batteries at the ter- niinid ollices have like poles to the line, or a gnniiid cuts olf the main battery, or the leading ill wires are crossed, or an ollice key is open. When the line isliroken. tlie application of a ground win; at an intermeiliate oIlU'c will close the circuit an<l make the relay attract its aiiiialure when that portion of the line in which the break is situated is cut off by tlii' ground wire. When putting the grcntnd wir(! on the eastern side uf the instruiueiils causes the instruments to work, the break is of the ollice testing, and the current from the western biittery returns to earth through the ground wire at the intermediate ollice Incase the ap|ilicalion of tin; ground wire gives no current either way, lh(^ line is either broken on both sides of you, or else is o|)en in ynur oniie. As the latt(U' is tlu.' most likely to occur, iilways suspect trouble to be there, and jtro- ceeil as Ibllows: First open your key, and having iiHjistened the foreliiigcr of each hand place them on tin; line wires wlieie they enter switch. If you feel the current, the trouble is in your ollice. It will usually be found in a loose screw-|)osl — either in switch or relay — in screws that las;en wires to the legs (jf the key, under the, in loose or dirty circuit brc:d;cr of key. in the line wire under the base of the relay used to connect the screwpnsls with the coils ol the iiislnmieiit. in an iiniieifect c(umection made by loose button or plug in switcli, or ill tle.sible wire used to connect instruments to switch. If liiund in neither of these places, which are easily accessible, and can be e.xaniini'd in less than a luiiiute. the trouble will be tb\iinl in the wiri's that connect the instruments loii'ether. in which ciise a more careful search will |n'ob;ibly reveal the cause of the trouble. 'M'i Crossed wirc.^s are indicated by the lines in trouble working together, so that writing sent on one wire returns on the other, nnu-i' or less completely. A way ollii'c can locate ti cross by haviiiir other offices on the wire op(ui it in turn while he writes on the other. The cross is located between the' two con- tiguous ollices, one of whom, byopening the wire, causes the writing sent on the other to disappear ; and the otluu- of whom, opening the wire, has no etfect on the writing p.issing tiirough the cross. The cross is, in the first iilaee, decided to be east or west of the ollice testing by noticing from wliicli side tlie writing from other ollices seems to be most interrupted by the trouble. Away ollice having two or more wires passing tlirougli it, will lie frequently called upon by the terminal ollices to open a wire, and say when open. This service sluudd be perlbrmed promptly, and the line must nut hr rcjiarkd open unlH it n-ally i.i, and when cl 'sed, it must l)e reported (closed in the same manner. If the line wires in the olfiee touch each other, ora piece ot metal or a dain|i wall or boHid, separate tliein carefully, and remove them from anv substance they inhy touch, as either of aliove causes may produce a cross. HOJI In wet weatluu' most lines are subject to some slight escape, which is usually eipially distributed over the whole line. In this case adjust the relay sprim; higher for distant ollices, and lower for those that are nearer. If the escape is 80 heavy that it can be workeil over with dillicully. or not at all, it 28 must be tested for in the Ibllowiiiir infiiiiier: Tlie current will I ravfrse the fault, iinil ixo to the e;irtli lliriiuirli llic Icuk, ;inil thence biiclc to the hatteiy, even if the keys beyond the es(.u|)(' be open. An eseape is reiidiiy loeateil by requestinjjf otiices to open tlicir keys in turn, and adjusting down, to see it lliere is any current on the line while the key is opened. The escape is always between two contiL^uous odlees, one of whom opening.' Ids key. the escape disappears, anil the other of whom, oiieiiing, leaves liic current weakened but not open If you are at u way oflice havinir two or more wires iiassinLMhrouub, you may frequently be requested b}' chief operator at lenninai otlice to open a wire while he tests for escape Proceed as described in iiaragraph 204 until he tells you to close it. If you have oidy one wire in your ollicc, o|ien the key fr)r half a min- ute, and then close it. Tlu: escape may be in your olTice. caused by wire, switch or instruments touching' moist or metallic lead substance connecting with the earth. Ex.iinine otlice connections earetully it the trouble i.'S near your office. 201 "Open Mo. — " This is best done in tlie switch formed of two tlat bi'.iss springs iind a plug between them. l)y inserting a of jiaper. peiduilder, or other dry non-metallic substance between the springs; in some switches re- moval of a ])eg or turning a button, answers the same purpose. In case you have any doubt about the way the switch works, remove t)ic line wire from the screw-post at the top of the switch allogrlter. II you have but one wire leave the key open half a minute iiitil then close it. 205— ■' (rroiind No.— north, and leave southern end open," This is best done by removing the southern line wire from the screw-post at the top of the switch and liutting the ground wire in its plac'. If the southern end of the wire is not required to be left open, the order will siuqdy be "(wound Ts'o. — ," which can be done by putting the ground wire in the same screw -jiost with either of the line wires. 206 "Cross-connect No. 1 and No. 2" This means to connect No. 1 south to No. 2 north, and No. 2 south to No. 1 north, or so that the wires will work through. The simplest way to do this, is to take No 1 north and jiut it in scrcw-)iost where No. 2 north is. then put No. 2 north in screw-post where No. 1 north wa.s. 207 "Straighten Nos — and — ," This means to restore the wires to their usual condition, and may mean, take ground olf, close circuit,- or anythinjf that may countermand any change that has been ordered. DIRECTIONS TO REPAIRMEN, 20*i X\\ persons appointed as local rcp.iircrs are required to be men otgood ehar.iclcr, ami of .sober and civil habits. It is necessary, also, that they should be men of sound he.illh.and to have hail experience by previous service in biuMing, rticonstruclion or rei)air ol lines 20!) Thiy will be e.Kpected to keep Iheinselvc-^ provided ,it all times, and at their own cost, with |)lyers vises. cliiid)ers and hatchets— other tools being fur- nished by the Company, 2IO Repairmen are required when not actually cng.igcd n|inn the line, to Ik at all times, day and idght, accessible to the Managerof the Station at thejilace to which they have been appointed, and to have ail tools and materials neces- 29 sary for repairs in such readiness that they can start on the instant when noti- fied of trouble. "it 1 Hopainucn arc ri'i|uired to have on liand at nU times, a proper siipph' of wire, insulators, pins, bviickcls and arms, tiie wooden fixtures, arms and hraclicta to be well painted and ready for immediate use, and to notify the Superintendent promptly wlien additional tools aiul materials are needed. 'iV2 In proceedinj; to any l)reak or eaiisc of trouble, or in returning tliere- from, repairers are required to keep the line in sight, riding, when on railroad cars, on t\w rear platform, for that i)urpose They are rerpiired to keep them- selves informed of every detect of InsuhUion, of all glasses broken or removed, of all eontaets with foliage, of wires lianging low across roadways, of leaning poles, kite strings and everything likely to interfere with tlie perfect working of the line, and to remove ever^' sucli fault at the earliest possible moment. 213 Brackets must not be nailed on any level support exposed to weather, nor are nails lo be used to hold insulators in place. iSl'l When a lineman has been scut to remove trouble, he sliould goto the first break, remove any obstacle he nuiy find, as thoroughly and (iromptly as possible, noting down a description of the work, and the jilace where and the time when it was done; then i)n)ceed to the station beyond and ask instructions, unless he has already met the repairman from the next repair station and finds that communication is complete. On arriving at a bre.ik, and bef()re restoring connection, he can usually prove the condition of the wire beyond by placing his tongue to the broken ends. If a good current is found beyond, he will, ordinarily, return to the station. In ordinary cases linemen are instructed to make the repair of the line perfect at the time — making the joints with great care, putting on any needed insula- tion, drawing up wires well and with even curvatiu'e. But all such work must be done (piickly, so as to permit prompt repair of a possible break beyond or re- turn to the station. If for any reason, the work has to be done imperfectly, it must reported to the person from whom his orders were received, stating the work still necessary, and why left unfinished. 313 After any extraordinary injury to tlie line, such as may follow a storm of sleet, or other casuitlty, should a lineman not be able to make proper repairs by himself it will be his duty, after making such temporary rejiiiirs as to secure communication, to proceed to the next station and telegraph for assis- tance. If communication cannot be restored without aid, it must, if jiossible, be obtained on the spot at once, without waiting for aid or instructions, but_wilh care and discretion as to cost, itlO Repairmen will render a monthly report to tlieir superintendent, on form 51, This must be carefully made up, showing cost of "service" and "expense" separatel3% the vouchers being prepared in accordance with para- graphs 151 to 15H inclusive, and must be accompanied by a cojjv of the orders received friun cliief operator or other proper authority, upon which expense has been incurred. No part of expense for repairs of lines must be included in reports of ofHce managers. 30 NUMBERS OF BLANK FORMS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Estimate (or (,'oiislniclioii and Rejiairs. " " Funds, iiiid Hecniixilioii. Service Heport. Rc'fiuisition for Siip|ilies. luvoioe mid Uecei[)t for Supplies. Report of Couslniclioii or Repairs compli'ied. Full rate " sent " niessiige. Half Gable u ,. Full rale "received" iiiessH>re. Half •• Cable I'ress Message. Number Slieet, Receiving to Operaiinj; Depl. Daily Record of Missages. 1^ ; 23 24 25 26 27 28 ao 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 4a Branch Olllce daik cash Report. '' moiilhly statement. Main office weeklv cash " Number sheet for operators, lar^e mid small. '' Operating to Delivery Dcpartuient. Delivery register book. Number Sheet, messenger's receipt for delivery. Messengers notice of uoti-delivery and nc|iies lo cal Undelivered messages, notice by postal card. Delay Sheet, Manager's monthly report and account current. " " Check report. " " Free message Report, 31 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 80 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 60 60 61 62 63 64 66 66 67 68 60 70 71 78 78 74 75 76 77 78 70 80 81 88 88 84 86 86 Statement of Guaranteed measuges. " " uncollected refunded or half rate messages. Vouchor, bill and receipt. Monthly remittance to Treasurer. Cable " " " Bill heads, (Franklin, A. & P., A. & P. & F.,) large and small. Cu.stomers due bills. Repairers monthly report of disbursements and work done. Cable monthly report. " Check " daily record. Supt's monthly report and account current. Bond. Discharge. Auditors statement of Commercial or Free error sheet. ■' " " \mcollected messages. Commercial error sheet, lar(;o and small. Free messages '' " " " " Uncollect message slip. F.rror sheet inquiries. Error replies, large and small. Supt's statement of error sheets retuaned to auditor. Inventory of property large and small, Annual statistical report. Letter leads, Kxecutive office. Gen'l and Dist. Supis. Atlantic Division, •' '• " " Central Division, Supply Dept. Auditor. Office Manager's, Note and Letter 32 88 Omcial postal cards. 89 Kiivelopes, Large, official. 80 Small, 91 " Larue, managers 02 Small, 08 " Message. 04 76 06 07 08 99 100 88 A BBRE YI ATION S i4,S6d to iiidiCfUe the JSfames of Telegraph ami Railroad Companies. Adr Adirondack K. It. Co. A. & 8 Albany & Susquehanna U. 11. Co. »A. T iVmerican Telegraph Co. A. & Y Ashtabula & Youngstowu \\. li. Co. B. P. & N. Y Ihiflftlo, Philiiclelphia & New York H. K. Co. B. & M Burlington & Missouri River W. li. Co. C. & St. L Cairo & St. Louis R. R. Co. C. 8 Canada Southern R. R. Co. C p Central Pacific R. 11. Co. D. & H C Delaware & Hudson Canal Co. Deseret Ue.seret Telegraph Co. *I). L. & LM Detroit, Lansing & Lake Micliigan R. R Co. ♦Horn. Tel Dominion Telegraph Co. v.r. R. & I '. Grand Rapids & Ind. R. R. Co. N. & N. T Nevada & Nortlu'rn Telegraph Co. N, 8. T North Shore Telegraph Co. (of Long Island ) *P. R. & P Philadelphia, Reading & Pottsvillc Tel. Co. p. L Private Line. R. M Rocky Mountain Telegraph Co. ft. & O Rondout & Oswego R. R. Co. »T. L (This Line) Atlantic & Pacific and franklin. ♦Union T Union Telegraph Co. *U. I. & E Utica, Ithaca & Ehnira R. R. Co. W. & R Wilmington & Reading R. R. Co 84 Tlie tariff rates are ulaasided as Looal, SpboiaCi, Squarb and Statb rates. 1 LOCAL RATKS between oflicesi diatnnt from each other not nioro than 25 milcH (air lino ilistnnce) 20 and 2. Over twenty-livo and not oxccedinf,' lift}' nillos (air lino distance) :50 an<l 2. It is tlie duty of an office mnnaper to carefully ascertain the names of all officcH willm twenty-live and williin fifty mll<'S from his office, and apply the Local liatew thereto, unless otherwise specially instructed. t2 SPECIAL RATI'lS apply to important cilices where the business may bo snfll- ciently large to justify a lower tarifl' tlian the Square, Local or State Hate, and must not he adopted ludoss aulliorl/.ed l)y instructions from Superintendent. !l SQUAR.R RATKS eau bo ascertained l)y referring to the amount shown in tha "Sipiaro Sheet," opposite the H<piare n\unbor of the office for whicli the rate is desired. 4 STATE RATKS apply only between states remote from each otlier, and witliout reference to Square Rates. They are to be u.sed l)y all A. and P. Kranklin, and Cen- tral Pacific offices, and liy offices on connecting lines only where llio Western Union Oompnny lias an otlice. 5 !''()R OKFIGKS ON OTRKR LINKS, tin.- Other Line rate should be added to the rale lor this line to the place of transfer, e.xcept in cases whore special instructions are given for computing tlie tariff. « HALF- RATIO MKSSAOKS may lie accepted at all A. and P. and F, offlcea east of Xcliraska ; for all ollices on tlio linos of the connecting companies niari<ed * in the list of alilireviations, for dlhccs in Xcbrasi<a marked * and for any iioiut on A. H S.R. R. mid H. P. A- X. Y. R. ii. at which the Western Union Co. has an office. They must not be accepted for any oflicc west of Nebraska. Tlie tariff on half-rate messages between ollices of the A. and P. and F. Co.'s must not lie less than 2!)C. The tarifl" on half-rate messages lietween A. and P. and P. offices and offices of connecting companies must not be less than 25o. for each company, except tli.nt a higher tarifT must not be cliarged tliaii thatof tlie Western Union Company between the same points, nor must a higher rate than the day rate be charged in any case. 85 TARlhF FOR ADD1[I0NAI. WORDS. ff 20 Cents. 1 175 Cents. 25 ;io •• as " 2 ('('Ills. i 180 " 12 Cuius. 185 " 40 " 100 •■ 45 " ;i " 195 ■' 13 " 50 •• 200 " 55 '• 205 " 00 " 4 " 210 " 14 " 05 " 315 '• 70 " 220 " 75 •' 5 " 225 " 15 " HO " 1 330 " 85 " 235 " 90 " " 240 " 10 " U5 " 245 " 100 " 250 '• 105 " 7 " 255 '• 17 " 110 " 200 " 115 " 205 " 120 " 8 270 " 18 " 125 " 275 " 130 " 280 " 135 " it " 285 '■ 10 " 140 " 200 145 " 305 " 150 " 10 " 300 " 30 " 155 " 305 '• 100 " 310 " 105 " 11 315 '■ 21 " 170 " 320 " 8rt /■((; iiiatruiliiiiif '/•. tn .S"/.| Th' JiATHS, .itc jiwje i! I llilwi'uii ()tli.f.s ill NKW IIA.MI'SIIIUK, ,M ASSAl'lllSKT'l'S, lillODlt; l8liAiNI) iiiul (JONNKCTICUT, mid otllcus in : • -'iililoruiii 13.50 Coloriido 2.'){) lowii 'J.uil , Minsmii'i 2,(10 Nfbruskii ^.oo Ni'viulii $:i..")() Uiiih a. 50 Wyoming 3.50 I'oilluiul, Oivgoii 2.60 I5(l,\vi;i'ii olIiiH's ill NKW VOUK, NEW JEliSEV, IMiNMSYLVAMlA, DKLAVVAlf; .MAKVI.ANI). DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, iiiul WKHT VIK (UNIA, iimloMicos in: Ciilit'oriiiii :^2 .50 Colorudo 3 . 50 Nebraska 2.00 Nevadii 2.50 IMiili VVvmiiiiig I'oilliiiid, Ort'g-oii. $8.50 2.50 2. .50 IJelween offices in OHIO and MICJIIGAN, and olliccs in California $3.50 Color.udo 3.00 Nevada 2.50 Utah $2.50 Wyoming 2.00 Portland, Oregon 2.. 50 IJetween oUlces in INDIANA, ILLINOIS and WISCONSIN, and oJ'ices in California $3.50 Nevada 2 50 Utah $2.00 Portland, Oregon 2.50 Between ofHces in IOWA and MISSOURI, and offices in : California $2.60 Connecticut 3 . 00 MassacLusetts 3.00 New Hampshire 3.00 Nevada |2.50 Rhode Island 3.00 Utah 2.00 Portland, Oregon 2.60 87 licUvcLii olliix'-s ill N KIJUArtKA, iiml oHiccs in (iiililoniia $2.50 (!()iiii(!Uliuul 2. 00 IMawure 2.00 District oC Coiuiiiliiii 2.00 .Miiryliind 2.00 .Mussiiciiusutla 2.50 New lluiiipsliiic 2.50 Now .Icr.M'v *2.00 Now York a.<»'» I'L-iiiisylviuiia 2.00 Uhodo Isliiii.! 2.r)0 \Vi!.sl Vii-f^iiiia 2.(K) I'orliaiul, Oregon 2.50 Uclwecii ()(licii.s ill COLORADO and Counecliunl .2.50 Delaware 2.50 District of Coliiniliia .2.50 Marylaiul 2 . 50 .Massaclmsetta 2 .50 .Mieliigan 2.50 New llttinpaiiire 2 . 5o VVYO.MING and ollices ill : New Jersey $2.50 New Yorli 200 Oliio 2.50 Pennsylvania 2.50 itiiode Island... 2.50 West Virginia 2.50 Hetween ollices in UTAH, and ollice.s in : Conuecticnt .§2.50 Delaware 2 . 50 District ol' Coluinliia 2.50 Illinois 2 (10 Indiana 2.00 Iowa 2 00 Maryland 2 50 Massachusetts 2 . 50 Michigan 2.50 Missonri $2.00 New Hampshire 2.50 New Jersey 2 .50 New york 2. .50 Ohio 2.50 Pennsylvania 2 50 Rhode Island 2.50 West Virginia 2.50 Wisconsin 2 . 00 Retween olHces in CALIFOilNI.V, and NEVADA, and offices in : Connecticut $2.50 Delaware 2.50 District of Columhia 2.50 Indiana 2 . 50 Illinois 2.50 Iowa 2.50 Massachusetts 3.50 Maryland 2.50 Michigan 2 . fiO New Hampshire $2.50 New York 2.50 New Jersey ... 2 . 50 Nebraska 2.50 Ohio 2.50 Pennsylvacia 2.50 Rhode Isli-nd 2.50 West Virginia 3.50 Wisconsin 2.50 38 CALIFOENIA. Messages roceivecl collect from California must bo chargeil for, uiul thuckod at lliu rale of $3.75 ami 18. For instructions as to manner of checking business to ami from Central Pacific Lilies, see Rule No. 146. The Post Omcc aildress of "rciitral" is Ogdcn, Utah. Squa Square.' 1 Name 1 OFFICES. 1 uf ; Company. ' UATK. Lciivon tills Line. This Line Ulher Line 1 1 Aluineila. C. P. ' Central. Alameda Wharf. do. do. Alta. do. do. AUaiiiuiit. do. do. A'lburn. do. 1 do. Anaheim. do. t do. AlphH. do. Two-thirds of One-third of California do. I . Central BuuUis. C. 1>. S 3 do. Bclmiiiit, l?un MiiU'o Cci. do. r^ rt BIfe'gsSlatliin. do. p. tu* do. Blue Canon. d» £■ d.>. B(jca. do. 3 Ct ft (lu. do. Brlftlilim, Saeranii'nto ('". do. x' 5' do. Brnokljn. do. H a do. Bionoo. (!'). c % ST do. Bakci't-llt'lit. do. ; "Central." 1 80 CALTFORNrA. Square. OFFICE-*. Dinviu'V City Dcliini). Name of RATE. Company. This Line. Other I.iiiu Cnstrovllle. CVP. Chlco. do. Cieco. do. Colfax. do. Cottonwood do. C'ftliontc. do. V. p. do ! §• [ O B 9 Leaves this Line. Central, do. do. do. do. do. Central. do. ElliH. F.mi'.Tilll C:!]! KIk (irovc. Kl Monte. O B ('. I'. p ilo. 5 S d(i. a.' H c w t-' Central do. do do. Fremii C. P. Centra! 40 CALIFORNIA. Sqnare. OFFICES. Namo of (.ompany. Gait. Gilroy. Gold Run, Goshen. Holltstcr. Uaywarda. I LftddBVllte. Lathrop. Llvermore. Lincoln. IjOS Angeles. C. P. do. do. do. C. P. do. U. P. do. do. do. do. do. BATE. This Lino. ' Otlier Line. Leaves this Line ►8 a a I o I o Central, do. do. do. Central, do. Central, do. do. do. do. do. 41 CALIFORNIA. Square. OFFICES. Marynvilli'. MayfleUl. Melrose. Merceil. Meiilii Pfl'U. M/o "a;-. Mi.ivio. ModeHio. Mountain View. Niles. Nord. Nowrnslie. Norwiili<. O.ilvlaiKi. Oal^lanii VVIinrr. (Illiil.'IMll I'dihl. I Name KATE. i ol' '- ■ iC'ompany.j TIiIh tjfne. Oilier Line (). r. do. <li>. do do. do, do. do. do I.euvi'H tlii» l.iiH' ('. v. do, do do H ST r 3' Central, do. do, do do. do. do, do. do. Central, do, do, do. I'entral. do, do. 45 <^\1-1I''()HNIA. S(|iriii'o, Niiiiif OKKICI ;s. ol t 'nlll|);i. I'iij.iri). c. r. I'l'iii-yii. do. I'lc.'l^lllllllll. do. I'r.i"!'!-!' CiiM'k. do. licll Itllltt. C. P. K.'.ldiiij,'. t.a. I((t(l\vii()d City do. Itiii'kliii. do. Uiisfvilli'.IuiK lion. do. HATE. LciivcK iliis Line. ruhip.'ir.y 'I'liis iJiic. uilicrl.iiiu Hql SlK rHIlKMlld. C. P. >iiij l-"i;incisc<). do. San .Idsr. do. S;in l.f.'iiidro. do. S.iii Mali'ii. do. Simla riiiin. do. .•^ary:(MilH. do. Si'Miin. do. Sheridan. do. Siinpsiiiis. do. Sdlcdad. do. Slouktoii. do. o s -. :; >^ X. i cr ~ O » m c* 2. l^ p §■ ■^ o c 3 3 O cr i It T r s- C3 ft ■1 H 3" v. V r , 77 s fC A n Central, do, do. do. Central, do. do. do. do. Central, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 4B CALIFORNIA. Square. OKf'KJKS. Summltt. ijan Bernardino. San Pernando. Spadra. Sanul. Summit Valley. Sulinua. Sumner. Tebama. TruclJue. Tulare. Tres I'inos. Turlock. Tehachttpo. WatHonville. Wheatland. Wilmington. N'liini' iJA IK, (•(iiiil)ii".v. lilt- I iiie. Ulhi-rLiue. | C. P. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. I o S- ■ I 1 o ! o a ''. I'. Ill- do. do. do. O. 1'. do. (b n s. § a 3 o a- Li'iiveH this Line. (U'lilral. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Central, do. do. do. do. do. Cenlral. do. do- 44 COLOllADO. Square. &57 665 667 057 ftS7 66b 657 OKFICES. Boulder City. ('iirihou. Ceiitriil C'ily. Dciivur. furl. C'ollius. (iBorKulowii. Uold iini. Nnmo RATE. I of - : Leaves this Line. Company,' Tliii< Line. Other Line l{. M. U. M. K. M. T. L T. L It. M. K. M. 25 25 25 Denver, Col, Denver, Col. do. Itenver, Col. do. 4;1 COLORADO. Square OFFICES. 53() 5ti7 Loii^'iminl. riOi .MdriiKun . Mis Ncduilaml 5t)5 Salinii, 607 HI. I.oiiist. fiU.") SiiiiHliiiii;. 665 Silver I'luilU!. i HATE Nainu I of 1 j C'()in|jiiiiy 'I'lii.'t Line Oilier I.iiio Lcavug tliiti Lliio T, I„ H. M. n. M. 'I'. L. U. M. U. M. 2ft '25 2ft ■25 Denver, t'oi. Denver. < 'ol Denver, Col. ( I'osl Oltiic ftddrees, j Bit: Tlionipsou, Col Denver, Col. Denver, Col, 46 CONNECTICUT. Sqimrc. i I Nnme UATK. OFFICES. I of I ■Company. TIiih Hue. Other Hue. 37 Bethel, 37 liridgeport. Black Rock, 29 Oolchestei, Uurhiiiii, 37 HiiKt Biidgi'iiort, Kiilielil, LeavoB thiu Hue, I T. h. I do. T.h. do. do. I 15 T. L. 26 Bridgeport, Ot. 1 I 60 Delivery from Mid- dlelleUI Ct. Check Bridgeport, Ct. Uelivcr) from Ware- houBe Poiut, Ct. 211 i.',ii|. Havoii, 32 l''uruiiiigtou, Greenville, VJ'J (Irutou. »i IJurirord. 20 Meriden. 2» Middletleld. 29 Middletowu. 29 Moutville. T. U do. 12c. Delivery from New lluveii, Ct. T. L. T. L. do. do. di. Ni> ih urge Check Norwich, Ct. fiM- dc livery Delivery from New Loudon, Ct, I Check UncagvilIe,Ct. 47 ooNNEcnicirr. Hq'inre. OFFKIKS. W New Britain. 39 20 37 39 2S 37 39 37 29 32 37 New Httven. New Louiinu. Norwalk. Norwich. Plainfield. Portland. Turnorvillo. Soutli Norwullt, UncaHVille. Hliarp'B Uiflc WorliH. West Meriden. Warehouse Point. Watorbury. Winnepank. West Norwalk. Name HATE, of Liaves this Line. (Joniiiany., This line. Other Liuo. T. L. do. do. do. do. T. I,. T. L. <lo. do. do. do. 2 00 25 20 26 Delivery from Mid- dietown, Ot. BfaKC from Colches- ter, (;t. Delivery from Nor- walk, Ct. Check Hriilgeport, Ct. ('hock Moriden, Ct, Delivery from Nor- walk, Ct. Delivery from Nor- walk, Ct. 48 DELAWARE. Rquure. OFFICES. Diipontit. 67 67 Greenville. New Cantle. Wilmington. Name of Company. W. k H. RATE. LeaveH tbtfi IJno. TliiB Une, otlipr Mnc. ' an 2 WilniinKtnn, Del. W, &B. T. li. T. L. 25 ' 2 rontesvtlla, Pa. DISTRICT OP OOIiUMBIA. Sqnare, 77 OFFICES. Name of Goniimny. UATE. • 'I'hiH Line. I Other liine. 77 Georgetown. Washington. T. 1. i T. L. Ijeavea this Line. Check Washington, D. O. 49 IDAFfO. Square. OFFICES. Nsme UATK. of ! Oompttiiy,; This Liuc. [ Otlier Line. HdIho Olty. Kin|iiri\ Franklin. J''aiiviow. Idiibo Oily. {No offlce- viii Silver City.) Huutli Mdiintnin, Snniniil Sprini^H. Silver Olty. Slieep RiUK'liH. N. k N. T. 12S 1 i H do. 1 25 8 Deserot. • 75 30 N. .S: N. T. 1 5U 10 N. k N. T. 1 2.-, H N. .V N. T. 1 25 ! 8 ! N..V N.T. 1 25 H N. * N. T. 1 25 'J no 8 1 i:l ! liOiives IIiIh LInr. nKNTIlAI,. From Winneniiicrii, Nov. (X.k r. i/olH "i of riitd to H'iii- nemueni, Nn.) CENTO M.. From WiiiiicMiHrcn, Nov. (A. «i 1". KitM ■-,1 of riitt' t<) Win- uemuccit, Nov.) -for 10 wordn, and —for until additional 5 wordH, or U'HB, from Hull Ijiku City CKNTUAU From Winncmuoca, Nov. (A.& I'.KOtH -';, of rate (o Win- uemuccu, Nev.) CENTIIAI.. From Wiiuieniucca, Nov. (A. «;. 1>. gflH '., of ralo to Wlu- ni'iniioca, Ni'v.) I'KNTIIAI.. From Wiiinrnuid'ii, Nov. (A. \ P. (jots ^;i of rato lo Win- uemueou, Nov.) OENTllAI,. From Winiiemuooa, Nov. (A. «! 1>. RotH "^,1 of rate to Win- mmiucoa, Nov.) OENTllM.. From Winnoniuira, Nov. (\.k V. Ki<l« J of ralo to Win- numuci'a, Nov.) (IK.NTKAI,. From Wiiint-mncoa, Nov. (A. & v. Hot« ■-';, ol ralo to Win- nomnica, Nov.) fiO IIJilNOIS. Sc| nitre, OFFIOKS. a-iH Altuiiioiit. 31IH 807 Avu, Juvkxiin l!o. Alto. Uuldwlu. 329 Cairo. 3U7 ! ChicaKo. i ! ' C'olumliia. ! Campljell Hill. Name KATK. Ilf I I.KItVI'H tlllH I.illl'. IroniiPiiii.v. ThlM l.iiin. ; otlui- I.iijiv T. T,. (!. Jd HI. I.. I I do. Baltimore .luiulioii. T. I.. C. .<i Hl.L. C. fc HI. I. T, L, C. fc St.T.. I do. I I III) 4 Ht. l.niiiH, Mo. Do. <lo. 1 P.O.uildri'NK It.A; () [ II. li. I'liii'iiKO Div. ) HI. LoiiiK, Mo. HI. I.iiiiiH, Mo, HI. IjouIs, Mo. Do. <lo. ■)! ILLINDIS. Hi|Uul'r, Ol'FlCKS. I :I4H KiiHt HI. I.Diiiii. KiiHt (JiriiuiUilct. 1)57 3U7 ■JM :il7 :tii7 348 <l«!ie«cf). Jiiliel Juui KliiKHtmi. l.uSallv. MiirriK. Mdliiie, Niiim^ : KATi:. (if Ijt'itvtH tluK '.the, ('l'lll|>llll,V. 'I'lllH l.tlic. llllllT I. i III'. I T. I.. C.&Ht. I,. T. L. T. L. 0. & Ht. L. T. L. T. L. r. h. do. Mlir|)liy»liiii<). (;. Ji Ht.L. Natibiiul Stock YukIh. I US a HI. I.MuiH, Mil. no 4 Ht. LouiM, Ml). PoBt ■olllcc, Hllclri'HH, Soutli (MiiiaKo, (look Co., III. IM) St. LoiiiH, Mo. i Clirck East St.LouiH, . lU. i4t;i;;.H ILLINOIS. SiimiriM ol'I'ICKS. I Niimc RA'I'I-:. I ' *'*' I 1 lii'iiM'K (bin Jiiiit;. ('(iiii|pairy., Tnis l.ini'. (Hliir l.iiip. I IV til til wa. Percy, ^17 I Hook IkI.hkI. UlhI liiiil. •':"' Sli.lUclcl, liuieitii C!.>. ■"■' I Strcator. Sparta. 2(17 UiiiDii Stciik Yiirilii. T. L. C. ti HI.L T. L C. & Ht.L. T. I,. cli>. (!. k St.L. T. ].. try SI. i,iiiis, ^rcl 1)11 iiii. St, LoiiiHf Mn. 53 ILLINOIS. Siiuari'. ()l''l''ici;s. NUIIK H VVK. <:>iiii|iiiii,v. 'I'luK 1. Ill- nllicr Line ;t07 . WiiHliiiijrtiiii llciHlilH, I'liuli r. L, Wiid-i'l C. & St.l,. Leuvxa lUis Liuc i 25 a I Ht. L"iii«, .Mu. 54 INDIANA. Siiiiart'. OFFICEH. ■JJl Avillii. 'Ml '. Auburn. 'Ml j Aiilfiirii .Itiiictioii. •.'41 AHiiciu. 'M\ Ailanih, 280 •Mt ■it'll Breineu, Cirorawell. Deculiir. Fort Wayne Kreiiiiiut. V>41 < (unit I, IPC Kall>('ii. ■m lluiili liiiwn. Kuiiilulhillr. „f IjcuveH tliiH Line. Comimny. TIiih Line OIIut Line. | T. L. .U). A. T. d". T. I,. O. B. it I, r. L. T. I,. (*. U. .V 1. A. T. do. T. 1,. Ucuevv. , II. It. .<i I I ;'•»•-•, j (1. li. *; 1.1 ,50 75 !) [ Dflniil, Mirli. f> I 1)0. do. I Uetriiit, Mich. ) Kalanni/.oo Midi. r.o ' :t 115 i 40 a 50 1 a Di'lroil, Mull. a Dm lit, .Mii'b. 5 ill I. do. \ Kalaniu/.oii, Miuli. ) Dotroit Miih. I Kiilania.'.i»>, Miitti, ) Detroit, Midi. I KiilHliiiiMm, Midi. I Di'truit, Midi. 55 INDIANA. Midi Mlili. S<iu«ro. 271 OFFICKS. Hume of ''cmpany. 2K8 2H0 liO^'uiisjKtrt. IJma. T. L. • U. U. & I^ MillWB. MioliiK»ii <'ily, KosiriiHt;i (Vi. Millnrd Jiiiieliiin. Ncwpivrt. Ni".v Krii, IM(':lHiltit'l.:ili<'. I'ortliiiiil WJ Itiiliiiimiil. •m'i HUiKfWAy. <lo. T. L. lid. ill). , !<». u. & 1. A. T. A. T. (1. I, <t. H. Ik ilo. lUTK. TbiH I.iiic. (Itli. r l.iiii' :is nil I 7S fiO r)0 :i LcavcH thiH Lino. ( Kaliiitinziiii Mirli. )■ Diiroit, " > KuIiunaZ'X), '* ) Di'triiit, " I Kaliiiiiu/iiM, " ) IMIroil, " 'nKt-ottici aililrrHs. lliiiiin Mills, la- jMirli" <'ii., Itiii. >, Mii'li. (■ Detroit, " <lo " liotroit, Mii'li. I Kuliiiiinzoo, Mirli. I Detroit, Mii'li. ) Detroit, Mieh. l' Kaliiinazoo, ** ) Detroit, " ( Kalania/oo. ** 66 INniANA. Siiiiiirp. OFFICES. Name RATE. of , Coiiipiiiiy. Thic line. Other line. LeaveH this line. 241 288 2H0 atio Swaii'H. Ht. .7op, De Kalb Sumau. SyraciiHO. tluiim MillB, Laportc Co. 241 Waterloo. 2«<l 2S2 Wulkerton. WiiK'hi'Htrr. I U. U. & T. L. ilo. T. I„ do. T. I.. do. (1. K. .'ti I. .Ill f;.'i r>n r>ii ) llefroit, Mieli. I Kuluniazoii, Micb. Post oflicc addi'oflR .lackKon Outre, I'ortrr Co., liid. ;i ) Optroit, Miili. ;i |i Kiilanittzoo, Mirli. i>l TOWA. Mich. Hqnare. 445 44r> OFFICES. 4r,4 :tfi7 4'jri /Vtlaiitic. Avttca. coiiiii'ii DiiitrH. DtivciiiKirt. IJcH MoiiieH. 407 l'",\vart. (Iriiiii.'ll. NatnB UATK of I (;()m])aiiy. Thin Line. Other Line. T. I,. <to. LeavCH tbJB Line. <lo. do. I'. L. <\;. Driiiiipll, Iowa. 58 IOWA. Sqasre. OFFICES. :m7 Mnrongo. Motitfziiiiiu. 4(17 Newton, SUiurt Ml Wdtmi. Name of Company BATE. This Liue. ! Other Liutf.l I.euvu tliifi Liue. T. I-. I'. L. ■r. L. T. I.. T. I,. 25 '2 Griiiiiell, Iowa. P. (). ad(lreBti,Wilton Jinictiou, Miiaca tiue, luwa. 59 MAE^LAND. Hiliiaro. OFFICES. 85 ; Baltlmoif. 86 ] Ock'iiliiii. 86 TowKimtown. Name I HATK. of j Leave tbli< Line. 0(mi|iany. This Llue, Other Lines, j T. L. do. do. I HO MAS.SAt;illi.SKTTS. Snimrp. ()l''J?'I(!E8. 2H Atluil. 21 BoRton. i 21 I IldHtllll IliulihiiMlH. 21 ' UriKlilon I 112 BurivHH .luii('ti»ii. : Hiinli'rCit}'. Cuiiilji'iil);!', 21 tiliiirletiUiwii. (^Iiorrj- Viillcy. CbelHea. 32 Enlield. KUKt BuHtoii. 21 21 EaHt Ciimliridge. Niimo UATK. I "f |Ooni]iitn,v. Tlr.i liiiir. '^tln-r- LincH. T. 1,. hi'UM'H Ihii- l.iiio. T. I,. i ■'• '' 1». U. T. L. Dclivir.v liiim tt""- loll, SlllHH, l'(IKl-llffl"f IKldrOBH, TliiiTUivcrK.MaHB. I)elivii-.v I'foiu Kiill Uivtr, MahH. OldlMM'.V fll>lll BOB- tou, !^H«, TiirilT 15 uikI 1 iii"i'(,> tliiiii toBiiKtoii, lull i-liarMC 111' 111""' tlmii liH'al Hiiiiari! uiHtatr rati". CUcck Boston, MaHS. Worcc'Btcr, Mhhb. Ut'livi'ry fiiiiii Bob- tou, Ma»B. Delivery I'roni Bob- toii, MUBB, Dclivi'ry from Hoh- tuii, MUBB. (U MASS VCHUSK ITS. Si|iiiiri'. IH ;t2 ii •2S 111 :i3 26 (»i''rit'i;s. Koxboro. Full Ulvir. Iiiiliaii (inlianl. IjeiccBlBr. L.iwill. MoiUord. Niirtli Dana. Uuxl)iiry. S|i«iii'(>r. Soiilli Itoitoii. HjiriuKtlt'lil. West Kinhiir.v. Worcostor. ] Naiiio [ llAI'l-:. I of I l.i'avi'M IliiH l,iiu'. ('oinimii.v.! TliiH l.ini-. nili r I.lni'H. T. I,. do. T. I- T. I-. V. I.. T. L. T. I.. ■I'. L. r. L. T. 1,. T. I.. I'. 1.. 1'. (). addipi's, W<1 ll'hll'.V. MitHH. Worecster, Mubb. Duliviry I'mai Uos- tuu, Ma88. Dclivi'iy Iroiii Uim- lull. iMuHH. Di'livory fiimi Boh- tun, MiiHH. 62 MICHIGAN. Hqiiare. 340 220 ■ill OFFICES. Albiuu. Ann Arbiir. 251 Bankerii. 260 Battle Oreek. 230 B»y City. BliKHllold CrOBMillR. BriRbtou. BeldiUR. 250 Big UaiiulH. Boiid'H MillH. Boyiie FuIIh. Bradley. Carlton. Coral. Ooluinliiavillt>. Cedar HiiriugH. Olani Lake. Name of OonipBuy. A. T. do. UATK. I TbJa tiiif. : Other I.ineB \ A. T. do- do. C. H. II,L.« L.M. do. O. K. & I, do. do. do. C. 8. U.L.JI L.M. A. T. O. B. ti I. do. i 40 40 40 26 :io| 50| 501 40 I 75 j 1 on »r, fiO 26 ■ir, 00 40 r)5 411 76 1 (10 I Leavca thlH Line. Ditroit, Mich. Do. do. Hquai Detroit, Mlob. Do. do. Do. do. ) Toledo, O. f Detroit, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Do. do. ) Detroit, Mich, j' Kniuniuzoo, Mich. ) Detroit, MIeh. )■ Kalamaziio, Midi. I Detroit, Mich. ( Kiilaniiizoo, Mich. I Detroit, »Ucb. I' Kuluniazoo, Hicb. I Toledo. O. f Detroit, Mich. Detroit, HIcb. Do. do. 4 il Do. do. :i l' Kalaniu/.i>o, Micb. ) Dotroit, Mich. / Kalamazoo, Mich. 68 MICHIGAN. Hquare. 300 2'2U aao OFFICEH. ,Detrolt. iH'xter. Uuiidce. ; Name ' of lOompsuy. T. I,. BATE. TUii Lin*. Other Line. 269 Kagle. EaHt Saginaw. Fisli Ijilin. Flat Koolf. Fowlervili"! FiHherg, Qrand I^dge. U.L.* L.M Unmd Tnuilc .Imictioii. do. Qrrcnvillc. do. OroBse He. { 0. B. R. K Qowen. It.V.A I..M Urand HapidB. U. 11 «[ 1 A. T. C. H. A. T. A. T. (!. S. D.L..* L.M do. Leave tbia Line, Detroit, Mich. t Toledo, O. i Detroit, Mich. Detroit, Mieh. Do. do. Do. do. ) Toledo, O. I' Detroit, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Do. Do. Do. Do. do. do. do. do. I Toledo, <>. (■ Detroit, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich Detroit, Mich, 64 MICHIGAN. Hqnare. OFFIOEW. 240 ■jnii llijuai'il, Moiitniliii ('i lldWcll. llannver. Ilillmliilr. Ili'iiil<i<-k (Mty, loiila, JlK'kHlill. tJltllCKVillP. Knluiiia/od, Kiilkiii'ka. KinKKley. Nnniu of Oonipany, HATE. TbiB Miir, I othor Ltiii-H ' Lcnvi'H tliiH Mill', (111. A. T. <li>. (Ii>. A. T. ilci. (1. U. * I Di'tl'iill, Mirll. Dil. lln. Ill>. ilci. 1)11. ill). 1)11. do. I>ii. •lo. Do. do. do. A, h V. StiitioiiH wrnt of KiiliiinuziM), rliiM-k direct with llml olBri-. Iiilroit, Mi •li. Ho. do. ) Di'troit. Midi, t KuIaiiiu'/.oo, Midi. ) Di'troit, Midi. I Kitlaiiiiir.oo, Mirti. (KJ MICIIKUN. i4i|iinro. I ()>'FIOKH. 'ill! I Ijaprcr. UU I [■niiHliifi. I Lf> Itiiy, liiRlimii ('i>. I LlvoiiU. I Iiyonii. l.n Hnllo. I* Hoy, ()H«(M>||| (!o. May boo. Morlcy. MoiiHkHi. Morenct, Moll re 10. • Mnliiiiiorii. MilliiiRtiiii MBroliall. MimtRomcry. Maplo Vnl'oy, Manton. ■ill mi HO Mnrni'lliiiiii. Mnrtiu. Mayflold. Mondou. North LanniiiK. NowiHirt. ' Name I I of I iCloiniwuy.l TIiIh l.iii KATK. (Ifliir l.iiii'H A. T. n.ututt. dn. do. do. O. H. n. B. & I. I|«. B. k I, do. do. do. D.I..A I..M. I C, H.R.B.J do. do. C. H. do. i A. T. do. dn. do. D.L.AL.M. O. R. b I. do. in '2li as, 40 4S 40 75 «0 90 : 75 75 DO s 6 in BO a » 00 76 6 5 as 80 a 3 40 an I.cavrH tlilH l.iiii', nctr.iit, Mlcli. Dn. do. 11(1. (1<i. 1)1.. do. Do. do. ) Tolpdo, (I. f Di'troit, Mir h. I Ditrolt, Mleh. ) Kuluiuuzod, Midi. I Toledo, O. f Detroit, Mich. ) Kiiliinm/.™>, Mli'h )' Dftroit, Mich. I Kuliiniii7,on, Mich, (' Detroit, Mich. ) Tnlciln )" Detroit , Mich. Do. do. Detroit, Mich. Dc. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. I ) Do. do. ( Kalamazoo, Mich. ] ) 1)0. do. I) Detroit, Midi. I 1 1 Knliimnz'in, Mich 1 1 Detroit, Mich. t Do. il". l' Kalamazoo, Mich. I Do. do. )■ Detroit, Midi. Do. I Toledo, I). ) Detroit, Micli. m MIClikJAN. Si|uure.| (H'l'ICKS. Name 1 "ATE. | uf LiavcH tliiH Mill'. Coiniiaiiy. TliiM I, inc. (itlitT l.iiiis OUoniiw. I (irii.ii. 'Jill (illir iMkr. ' oxr.'iii. in.T..«i..M.' ,\. T. do. do. I I •J20 I t'lyiiioiilli. U.L.* UM. I I'.irtliiiii). do. ! 'JIKI I'lirt Huron Deliver Ironij I Suruiu, Out. I •MMf •mi Paris. l'','tunk.V. I'll rsiiu I'lililnvrll. I'llW I'llW. I (». U. k I, I I KciiiliKlt. UiM'licHU'r. Uri-s*'. 311 I ItiK'kwoiid. l!n • Ilciitl City, liiirkliird. ; ItllHH Still loll. dii. do. do. T. I-. A. T. do. do. r. 8. do. 1 I do. Hlllllllllt Htiltlnii, Moiiriirl f. ^^ Co. i " ' Hoiilli I.yrni. i>.>..* •■■". Kliirlduii. Mmili'iiliii <'o. do. Sliiiitiiii. do. 40 3 Ditroit, Mlili. :ill •> II". dii. JO .) I>". <l". •M 2ft ! 10 ;t Ml I DO nr> 8S ' 'jr. r.0 Ilii. do. Detroit, Mich. Ho. do. I Ilitroit, Mich., oi I llllal.i, .s'. Y. I Kuliiiiiuzoii, Mirli. I Iii-lroit. Mii'li. ' ) Do. do. l' "iiliiiiiuziKi, Slii'li, [ ' I Do. do. I I Dclroil, Mirh. 75 :to no i •if> .".0 1.0 nil :io Hctrolt, Mti'li. Do. do. Do. do. ] ) Tol.'do, O. I C Di'troit, Mii'li. I I Di'tniil, Miih. [ I Kiiliiiiiu/AM), Mich. I iK). do. I !>itroll, Mich. I Do. do. t Kalainu/oo, Mich ) Tcili'do, (). I' Di'troit, Mich. .III •> Dclroil, Mich III I Ho. do. •Ml I I Dii. do. MICIIIOAN. M:|U.1IV. OKKICICS. Nuiiiu of U.VTK 'Ml) Sai/iiian'. SI. l.lllliH. Sand iMkt'. Staiiwocal, Wl SliirKiH. 'rllnlllas, SaKiilaw Cii. -II Tri'iildii. 'rriilaiil'K "" Travifsr City. rtii'B. 1 '^11 V'ii'iiiia. \ aHHar. ril Vii-k!-:iiiK. I Wiilton. , WiUiaiiiHlowii. I ■211 ] Wyaiulotlc. Wrstiiii Waylaiiil •2'JIP Y(wihiiiil ■Coiiiiiaiiy TliiB l.iiic. olhi-r Tjiiio'f | ' I A. T. I do. I LoavcM thiH ijiiit*. iM n,ti I I do A T {'' O. H. 0. R. Jli I (). s. A r. u u .V I 1 t (J. M k I I..M .t 1 :. 8. 1 tl <lu. .f a. K. «t I •til :i Dilroit, Midi. ',.-, 5 Do. ilii. 115 ' 511 * a 1 Iici. do. 1 lUlaiiiazoii, M it'll «5 ro 4 a (lUitniit. Jlicli. ( Kalaiiia/.oii. .Mii'b r.ii I as ; lli('tri)it, Mi'l). (Kuluinuzuo. Mii'li. liHli'oii, Mii'li (Tolc'ilo, (I. Inc'trnit. Mii'li. I'M 5 ; iiilni.'t, ^lioli. .-■0 a (PBtrolt, Mich. tKalamaioi), Mirh. Dctroil. Midi. ,")il A. T. I Toledo, O. (IH'Iroit, Midi. a 1 lii'Iroit, Mioli. 'i I lKalaiiin7.on, Midi, a i (liilriiit, Mi<'li. (l»i-troif, Mii'li t K:ilaniaKoo, Midi. Detroit, .Midi. ITol'do, (I. (Hetrolt, Mleh. (Toledo, (). ' ' (Detroit, Mii'li. a : ( Detroit, Mii'Ii. 'J I I Kalaiiia/.oo, Midi Detroit. Mleh. '.Ill 1 7.1 5 10 => I •i!i ■i w 68 Missorui :>i|imru. Ol'l'lCKS. Jill lilt UA'I'i:. Cuuiimiiy. TbiK Ijiiic. oMit r I,iiu< ;HH I Si. I.oiiiii. T. L. I ! I 69 NElUiASKA, Hqimrv, (JFFICKS. Nimu- ICVTK. I <if LuaMNi lliix I.iui'. i<jMiiii>aiiy.! Tl>i« I.iiii'. Olli.r I,lm« Ma I Alkrili. I I Aulckjiif. ! Aubluud. lll'ullirr. I lli'll.vm-. 5'iO ' Jlraily lx!;iiiil. T. L. <k>. li. ti M. n. At )l. cio. 1. I,. <le. (M) ; I lOnmlm, Nil>. [ N.-li. fill ' 4 'Dliiitl'u, N'lt. 2Hi (.'liit)iinitnH. ril'J CiiIiiiiiIjiis. 1 I.. LI iV I,. I>. (I. ^lililrrnx I'liililN Villi', Net. Nfly. ■ li' Wilt, liiMi'lirclrr. II. \ M. ilo. 7!i A iliiiiilij, Ni'l>. 75 5 !•". ih. 70 NElUtASKA. Siiuarc, Dfl'ICEH. of 1 1 lifliv K llii.t Ijiic. jCi>iii|)iiiiy.l Tliis I.iin. '>llu r T.intw Wi I Klliliorii. 5va I Kiln Orii-li. Kxcti'i* I Kiiiriiiii'iiit. I'n'lllnlll. Krk'iulvilli'. n'J2 lUbUoii. 4M (lilmorc. (|)rult>»i, .'■in I (iraiid iHlaiicl. (Irt't-iiwtMKl. I mil Iliii'Minl. I(:i>'niiu>-, T. L. (to. B. it M. II. k M. T. L. U. h M. T. L. <lo. II. it M. T. L. H. \ M. U. Si M. ; du. i I I !p. O. adilreBB Klk I luirii City. 50; ;i Kfuriicy .lumt. .Nil). .•Mil ;l . Kcunii )• .liim I., .S'li I ! 50 Keuriiry luinl., Ntli in a iKfurnry IiiikI.. N< li I fiO ! 4 Oiiiiiliii. Nil). 40 ;in :i Kminii'v hiiicl.. Ncli. ■i I),.. .1.1 <t". NEHRAHKA. S<|iiare.{ OFFIOKR. i .IllllitllU. S'ja Kcnniiy. frJ2 Ki'iiriii'.v ■Iiiii't1"ii- Iji IMiitti'. 474 I Ijiii'iilii. A:W I lAtiinv I'nii-. 613 I I^mc TriT. i I liiiuixvilliv l,..w,Il. B'* I McI'lii>r»oii. Mil I Mlllnril. I Hame I UATK. I ('luiii.iiny, TliiB LiiH'. otlivi- Line, j LeiivPK lliic I.liip. T. L. II. A M. T. r,. (Id. B. k M. ilo. r L. ■i<>. II. A M. <l<>. T. I,. <ln. sr> '2 Koarnry .liincf., Ncli. Oiimliii, Nell. Ilo. ill). P. O. iicltiri'dn, (Vnlriii City, Neb. Oiiinli.'i. Nil). Kciiriicy .liiiicl., Nrli. 72 NKBUASKA. Siiuare, OFFIOEH. aw Norlli liciid. North I'lalti'. 533 O'Falloii'H. 5:t:i ; OKaiuiiu. 4ri4 I Diiiuliu. Ban Overton. 4<I4 ma n42 I'npilllon. Pluiii Orrik. Potter. nvrr.. Namn of ComiMiiy.i 'I'hlB Line (itli<r LIiibb T. I., do. LcavoH llUH Line, T. L. ■III. ilo. do. T. I., do. do. f.l'i Sclui.N lor. T. 1- r.1'2 SIlviTl'rrfk. do. r.:i;t Si.liicy. do. Sntliin. B.tL M 40 M(ii 3 iKcunii'.v I mill., Ni'li. 7;^ NEBllAHKA. M(|iiai'u. OFFICES. Viilli-y. nan Wttverly. Willmr. Willnir IhIiiikI. WoimI UiviT 10 I Nome BATE. of 1 lOomiHiny. Tl:iH I.iuc. otliiT Lineg LoavoB tills IJno. T. L. B. & M. <l >. •r. I,. <lo. (iO ns Uiimliii, N<>li. Ki'uriirv .liiiii't., Ni'l) I I 74 NEVADA. M('H»aR(M recnlviMl coLi.Etvr from "IllrcB hi Nuvailii. to wliiili nitii in $2.50, will lie diarguil lor aud uheukuil at ratu uf $2.7S aud 18. Sqiiari". Ol'FICEH. Battle Mdiiniaiu. BiMiwiiwi'. Bruwu'R, Biilliuiivilli', Elko. Kiiroka. Qolconda, Uold Hill. Kallenk. Hot K|iriiit{n. liuinboldt. llldl5|»'lllU>u^(^ Krltoii. I.iioill. Mill ntv. , I II nana. Name of nATE. Company. This Line, j Other Lino. Li'avcH tliiH Line, 41 S f'arlin. C. P. CurHon. do. (lamp MriJirniott. N. «i N c. p. I"SS dri. do. 00 41 . 'C*; 4^ 5 g a 1 ^ -n 6 tSa to l-t! H Deseret. C. V. do. <;. I'. do. t;. p. d<i. do. O. P. <!. P. do. do. du. 1 U o o m •o u I o K H 3 « • 1 fiO 1 'iA I Central, no. Do. Salt Ukc, Iltali. Central. Iio. I'ENTUAI.. From WiiiiH'inuc'oa, Niv., (A uiid I*. Kt'tH , of (arilT to WillllrllllKc'il.Nrv.) (Antral. Do. Central. Do. Ocutral. Do. Do. ( Central. Central. l!enlral. <!«ntral. Ontral. 75 NEVADA. S<itiure (ll't'ICES, I ruijHuiii'. PHimi'ra, IMlKlll'. Ntme of I llVUII. live I', Tt-i ufiiii. Terrui'i'. Toauu. Venn. ViiKMiii I it). Wii.Uwiirlli. WcHm. NVhitc I'laiiiK. U'inui'iiiiicru. KMi;. jConipauy. TbiaLluf, Olhir C. P. DvHert't. do. C. P. C. V. tlo. clu. 0. P. do. <:. I'. ilo. di>. <lo. .9 i f I It T.t'avi'H this l.iiii ! Central. AO 15 Hull ljil«>, null. 1 so; l.'i o 2 i)i>. Centi'nl. Do. Ccutral. Ilo. Do. Contriil. l^entml. Di>. Do. Do. •III. 7fl NKW HAMl'hUlUK. Sqltai-i-. OKl'lCKS. J( J4 Ciiiii'i.rd. NiiiUK I llA'ri'i. (J.iiuiiuny. TIiIh Lliif. Olli.r I r. I.. hv'iVVK IlliH I.illl'. T. h. ■U liBhirvillf. T. L. .'I Kniiikliii. j <l<>. (, VilhiKi'. ' I*- !■. (l.ill'Btowu ('oiitri'. !'"■ Jl mil. 24 ' MaiirhcHtcr. I a Nuslllla. ■it I'lllHliclil. 'M Suni'udk. : Mquog. l'. I.. T. L. T. L. T. L. T. U P. I-. aft an 15 Miimlifhiir, N. II. 1)11. ilii. Maucbetttor, N. H. NKW .IKUSKV. Siiuari', uKrii'KS. Ni UATK. 1 lit' Itl'HVI'M ttllH l.illr, (!<mi)iuiiy.: riii» l.iin-. otlnr Ijniw | Allaiitii'Vill' 11 AiliiiKliiii. llfllfVllll- 41 Ut'rKvii, II'iiImiii i'h. 5'i UUiiiiiiint^iliili-. TuHi-uii' ('ii 41 lloiiiiil 111 I(. 41 I llliHUIllll'lll. Ilu>l>lllii', (.liivry ('lt\.) T. L. »» 4;»III<U'II. •VJ UeokBrtiiwii. 41 41 52 T. I.. do. <|t.. ■ III. T. L. KuKt Ni-wiirli KukU-wiioiI. Mixaliotb. T. I-. I'lilr Hiivcii. Frulikliii I'liriiiiri', Hiikpcx (III. T. Ii. •tf. W lA BO |icliv<*r V iriiiii L<iii»{ llriiiH 'i. N. ■!. IVIlvor.v friiiii Niw- »rk, N.J. Olii'ik .Ici'n'y t'lly, N. .1. Ui'Iivorv iMiiit .Ici'M-y 4;it), N..I. |i*ilivi'ry Iriiiii I'hilii- ili'l|iliia, I'll. Ilillvi'ry rnnii Nfw- iirk, N..I. I Di'llviTy I nun Uiil I llaiik, N. .1. 78 NKW IKUHEV. «re. Ol'Klt'KM Nanio (■r C(ini|Miiy. na lliiiiiliiirKli. T. L. 41 lliii'kuMHiii'k (I». II IliKlil'iiMl, M' Ilolniild. iiiiii mil Cu. •III. 41 lllllli'iMJ Cil.v. T. 1,. 41 Ih.hMkcii. do. IIAIK. 'riiiHLIiir. nllii'r l.iiicH l.t'llviH tlllH Llllr, 41 41 I IrviiiKliiii. ! .liTHry cily. Jertuy (!Uy 1111(1 Mliiiiiy .I'rl, 41 ' Ki'.V|Hii'i. 47 j l.'>ii|4 lliaiii'li. LiUta>i'tU', (Irihr.v City.) 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 52 Mutuwaii. MIiIIiiikI I'lirk. Muuiiiiiiilli Hiai'li. Mont Clnir. .Midilli'tiiwn, MiiiiiiiiiiitliCii Newark. New llriiiiHwU-k. Nirw l''iiiil><llaiiil. Nuw Diirliaiii, lliiilnuii I'd. Of((lfnbiirg. r. I.. ill). T. 1 1. T. I-. <lu. T. L. ■ III. T. U <Ui. <■<>. • III. T. li. I M Nl •ifi lii'lmr.v tiiiiii Kij- jMirt, N, .1. (!lit''k .h'r^fy <'ity, N.J. Dtillvnry, Nnwiirk, N .1. Di'liviT) .ItTKi'Vl'lty, N. .1. Train iii'H|M'i-ial nirn- wnKiT I'riini l-nnB Uritncti, N. .1. 7!> NKW IKUHEY. Hi|uiiri'. UATi;. NsiiiH ' OFKII'KM. I „f ; |i'iiiii|iiiii.v TIiIm l.liic. (illiiT t.iniii. 41 I Piitrrmni. 41 53 l'i>ni|i(iiii. PhllbpHl.iir'K 41 Rabway. 47 Kiel lliiiik. 41 Siilldy lliink. W Stnikliollll. 41 Miiiilli itlvnr. Trentnu. 41 rtiioii Kill, I|iiiImoii(%i. l.i'Hvi'H IIiIh lAui: 41 Wiiyiu". 41 Wiidiiuglmi, Siiutli IJIvcr. 41 Wortcudyke. WlXHlRllle. WttViTly. T. t,. do. T. I.. T. L. •In. •In. T. I-. T. L. v. 1,. <l<>. T. U I Ki 75 Kfllvt-ry friiiii Kun- toil, I'u. cln'i'k Fiillnili'lplilu. Hnii WurIiIiikIoii, Ho. Klver. P. (). adili'cHK Hdiitli lihcr, Miildli'Hi'x C.U., N. ,1. P. (). ndclriWH (liiod- wiiivlll)', N. .1. Dclivcrv from .Ni'W- ark, N. .1. Delivery Iriiiii New ark, N. .1. 80 Ni:\V VOKK. Biinnrp. OKFICKS. Nsmo BATB. T.t'UVl' tlliH LilK'. 4n lU) 4P 4r> Adami. AllHiiiy, Albion. Aiiii-tiTilun. Alixaiiili'ia |lil>', Ai'i'iKle. Aiiliiirii, llallHllill. Ilriiiul Alliiii. ;iiiy Siili-, i.. I. 74 llulilwiliFvilli'. Ili'iivtr Mi'iiilo'v, H'TiilmnrH lluv. 1 j llloiMiiitiuliiir^T. I lliiiT 1 1 ill. (17 I ll.Hirk\illr. 41 I lli'Miiklvii. I,. I. I Doni. T. I,. •Id. (|i>. Dimi. II. r. « N.v T. I.. N. H. j T. I.. II. I. >i K T. I.. Iliiiii. r. L. lliiHlnvirk, li. I. BlixiiiiiiiKiliili', New York <'il,v. ilii ■iA SR an to Dhwi'Ko, N. V. OHWf'KK N. Y Itiillal.i, S. Y Srlipiii'iluily, N. Y. l'llHt4IWU :l I'lH., or iii K|)<'llul (IcIlviT.V I'rntii AliiHliTdalil, N. Y. Ni'W Yiirk, N. Y., N.Y. TrHlii friiiii ('•iiiHliin- ttii, N. Y. Tniiii li'iiH l\li<l<ll< l.iwii, N. V, Obwi'k^i, N.Y. 'he liM'al nttc will ap- ply liH- IIH'H'^ajit'H III Itriiiililyii Imiii A. anil l-iwiil I . cIllri-H uiMiiii '.!.'i ami "til iiiiliH. Iti'yiiiiil that ilixtaiii'i' ailil lilrlH til llii' lati' In Nrw Yiirk, iHiiviiliil till- IoIIh mi i-iiin|iii(i'ii till iiiil i-xi-n-ij thr i4tHlr rati'. Itilivory Innii Wil liuiiii<litiruli. (iiii'k llniiiklyu, 1,1, N.Y l)eliviirv t'rniii lltir- Ifin, N.Y. SI NMSV VOIIK. Si|imri' IJll oi'H'iCKS. I IlllllVilll- HiilTulo. Nuiiii' I livi'i:. I ' "f I.UttVU tlllH JJlll'. < nniimny. I'IiIh I. inc. iiihii' l.hicH. Tnilii fniiii MhIiIIi' Iciwii, N. V 45 (iaiiu.jiiliiiHi'. 41 CariiiiiiivNilli-, (N. V. City.) ('b|ii' iiiniil. 74 (*i'iitr»i Si|iiiiii'. C'liPHIcrliiwii n7 ClnrkH Milh. <!|ll.Vt<ill. 74 • Ufvcliiiul. m Cliiiliiii. 'M riy.i,.. 4n ( 'oIllM'H Ci'iilri'Mlli'. no I'barltiltK 74 ('MllMtillltlll. r,.i,kM hWU. CR (orlljiiiil. 4U Cniwliiicl .liiiiil I'niinl. Ilcll. ("ilyliT, 41 • 'lilloii, .S. 1, <'riM'K ('ciitri'. Dnni. T. I.. Adr. T. I,. IJCIIII. T. I., ilo. do. T. I., do. I'. I. k K. •T. I,. II. I. ft K. T. F,. Adr. I •Hi 15 4(1 15 •in 35 l>i'livnrv from |{ur lem, N. Y. • )BWfX(i, N. V. Hnriitiiuu, N. y. 1 Ohwi'ko, N. Y. I i town, N. V. or njuil I or ilili\,iy Iriim U'lli'Tlv. N. Y. Itpfnrc 11 .\. M. Irniii I'l- Wiilldii. N. V. All.i- 11 \. M. iniiii from MiirMKtini. N.V. •i i Norwich. N. V. P. (I. iiddroHH .Sc.itcli- town, N. y. Train from, N. Y. Norwiili, .N. y. Niiril.iKii. N. y. li NEW YORK. Sc|imrc, 57 (iKKKIKH. 1)i'tlUH\i)lr. IX-Illl. li.KuyliT i:i'.> j It.iiikirk. i Ih-lllIU'V. liiirliiiiir. illc. Envt ll»iiilin. I'll, iivili.-. l-'iirlvilln. K;iHt Aurora. K.iiHt Hi'.iiiih. KiiHl nmvni... Kant ( iHW<'iit>. Kiifnii. I'.llCIII'/.IT. Klniii. Kriiukt'Tt. Fiiirport. l'i<» Name RATE. Cointiiliy.i Tills Line, other I.itii'. IjI'UVc Hum I,iiii'. T. r-. T. L. V. l.k K. T. I,. T. I.. ■I<'.. do. 11.1'.* N.Y, T. I. ilo. ill). I1.I>.» N.Y. r. I,. Frniilillii Irnii Worku, (>ii('i<lu Co. FrBiiltllii villi!,' OatlttmiiRUB do. Fulton. Knrl \V!iiI»«ortli. ». I. FiillMliiirK. <lr.. n.i'.» N.Y. T. r.. I 2R 2« HO 111 40 35 Norwich. N. Y. Traill from Wiiltoii, N.Y. Train rroiii iiiiiiiln. N. V. Turlfr 411 niorr thiin tarin to UHWf«o, N. V. Clicrk iliri'ct. Iliillulo, N. Y. lli'fori' II A. M. trniii from Willi. .M. N. Y. Attir 1) A. M. triiiii friim Morr»loii,N.Y. P. O. aildri'HH Ilrajii- urilH Kotdl, Fk"! tliif ftth., N. V. Oh.ik (lH\n)/o. N. Y. BiilTiilo, N. Y. HillTulo, N. Y. Ilornr i-nr from Ilioii, N. Y. Ilulliilo, N.Y. Dcllvorv from Clif- ton, s. I. I Train fiotn Mlildln- Itown, N. y. 83 NEW VOKK. M<|U8rw. I Nalii.^ KATi;. (!ii|ii|mii.v TIiCh l,iiii'. iMImt Miics Kuniiirivilli . T. L, Kuir Oiikri Kr.Tiillc. lu. I. «i K. Kniilivilli'. ,1,1. IJleii I'lin, I.. I. N. H. Ilri'cii IbIuhiI. iluilf.)r(l. T. h. t'<i'"«- U. I.Jk E. ilnilf'Ti! ('< jitri , (luiUorii sir,'iiiil. (lii'iii l'<iliit,iHioi)kl)ii,lj, I) ll.lin. Hvill,' T. I.. Il.i.lli'v II.IIIIllC'Il. Ilaiiiilliili. T. L. tliiiiinioM,!. roll). Iliiiuii'.wl. I'. L ■M Tartlt ■-•.'» iNiT»* thiiii lailll !■! i)»w.nii,N V. tUii'ik ihriit. ' TrHiii Iniiii .Midilh- iDWii. N. Y. Niirwii'li. N. V. Traill (rum Ndrwich, N V Nuw Y.irk, N. Y. I'cllverj I'riiiu Tniv. N. Y. 33 a >'.ii«irli, N Y Traill triiiii Miiiill,'- lnwii, N. Y Traill friiiii Miilill, ttiwii, N. V. I't'livti.\ tniiii Wil- llaiMxImrKli, I'll I'k Hr..,.kl.ii. N. Y. M< i : !Sai'al»i;a N. 'k Traill Ir.ilii Walimi. N. Y. (Mwi'Ko. N. ^ . Tariil 'ih iiiiin iliaii tiirill li' tihw,,.'!!, N V. Chivk ilini t 41 llarlini, S7 Ilt'rkliiiur. liii iriiiH'lali' Kulluihl. 411 IIikUuii. IliKli UriilKu. T. I.. It. 1'.* N V. (In. r. t.. luik .N,H \..rk. Ill lii'livi-rv II'. Ill lli.'i', N Y. 40 :l K'liralc. N. V. .:i 2 Itiiflalii, N. V. ri'< 11,'livi'rv I'ruiii Ilai- li'iii. N. Y, 84 NKW YOHK S'jiiurc. ui'i i('i;s. Niinir ' I'AIK. Ill l,('»vi'H iIiIk l.iiii'. I'linipuii). IImk r ill'. (Itlii r l.iiifH Il<>nii>\v)i4'k, Hiirli'v. ilainllli. .'.7 Ili.ill. i' iiivliiia, Irflaiiil n MillK. ■IrroiipV li.iiiiliiiK. 4li .liihllHOUH. I 411 KliiiliThinik. Kii'kliitrl. I Kiiiiilull. 45 I,uimiiiKt»>ri;h, I.ilxTt.v, Siilliv»u (!<>. hilirrty I'lillH, Sullivan (Jo, Utlli> KallH. L<irki>i>rL 1jII/,ITI1I'. 03 I.yiiiiH, Wiiyiii' O), III r.7 T. L. do. A.'.r. T. h. do. T. L. do. >l<>. T. I.. du. Adr. T. U 40 'rriiiii I ruin Miililh li.wii, N. Y. ; Triiiii fniiii Miililii' I l.ivMi, N. Y. i I TurilV 40 niori' lliiiii : turill 111 ilHW.1.11, .S. I Y. (link iliivcl. :i ! iiiiffnio, N. y. Triiiii Iriiiii Niirwirli. N. Y. •J.H I a i Saru'iiKii. N. Y. as Tnuii I rum Niirwuli, N. Y. 'rilllD' 411 IlliH'r lllllll tariff tiiOHWi'Kii.N.Y. Olit'uk direct. Traill Inuii Mnlilli- lowii, N. Y. 'i Hai'.iluKa. N, Y, I 86 Ni;\V VdKK. \ Sdiiurf . I'JO 74 1 10 on-ii'Ks. 4<t 4f'> 67 411 41 tin S7 41 41 Mllt'lliuH. Man. Huh. Mi'illiiii. Miiiii kvillr. Mnxlco. Mi'lroMi'. Miililli'liiwii. Molilii'cllo. MnrriHvillf. Name (Nllll|»lll,\. 'I'lllH II. r. » N.Y, T. L. do. Hum, T. L. ilo. iUTi;. t,t-ilVl-M tlllH l.MM'. MorriBtdWii, SI, Ijuuiiicr limn. < 'ii. ^^M■s^l.ln, Svilluiili i'li. '1'. I.. MiPiiiKiiiiiu, New Yiiik City. 41 IIS 57 iin Ml. |l|it<>ii. MllllHVill". MnillK()ii. Mutt i:,iv('ii. Maiitiiiltuiivillc. Miu'uiiiIi'h Iiiiiii Nrw V.iik. NttiianiH^k. Nrvv lliiiiu. Ni'» Ihirlloi'il. New liuVLMI. Nlii«iirn Fulls. T. lu do. T. h. T. I,. do. Onm. T. L. I.Mii . iiIIk r I.iiii'!- 40 a I lliilTulo, N. V. 'rriiiii liMtn Wiilluii, N. V. lA 25 lA ■i» W 1.5 •u 7fi 16 <)tiwr({0, N. V. DrliviTji fnini llur- Ulli, N. V. Ohw'Xm, N. V. V. <l. .iiMi'ix' Mii**.).- till! i).l"'«, N. Y. DiillviTy iTiHii llur- leiii, N. V. l><<ltv<>r.v DoiiikMlli N. V. » Kellvvrv frmn Miir Ifiii, N. V. Unlivery Iriin lliir liini, N. i. DoHvwry frmn llur Iciii, .N. V. liilivi'O Irnni Kllrii- vill.', N. \. UHWI'lfn, N, V. 86 NKW YORK. ' Hi|iiiil'0. OKFICKS. ' Nuinu ! N.'rlli lliy. Niirlli (!n<l(. Ailr. Niiitli Niw Y irh. nr, i Niirvtic'li. ! Nrw Hiiiiii .Iiiiir. I i I Nnrlti l.iiiiKiiih'. Nrw Itcfllll ('rllln*. Nurtli riiriiiii. lOU 74 B7 Ml 74 4(j 02 Oakwoiul. (iiii'Khi. Oiituiiii. llriHk»n> I'lillM. (rtuflir. (Iilciiil, Clii'iiuUKii >'' I'lliily'B. l'l>iii(iuth. I'nittV llnllnw. I'lilKlClVllll'. IVi'kKiiiirt. I'lirkuvilU'. I'aliiiyra, I'lilmor FulU llAI'i;. TliiK l.iiir. oilirr I. inc. r. h. T. L. Doiu. U.r. * N.Y, ilu. T. L. du. T. h. I'. I. & E r. u T. K do. Adr. I , 33 Vttvilidu Hdtiil, Hli'u Oov. ,' N. 8. ' L. I. 1 i i IS I 1 40 I :) 40 a ■if> lit'UVIH tlllH LiliV Train Irnin Niirwii'li N.Y. T, 'J IB 'J 3 I SiiraloKii, N. V. Ui'livcry lri>iii Hur liiii, N. Y. Tniin I mm iSidni'y I'laiiiH, N. Y. Triiin Iriini Nnriiili N. Y. Train frmn Sidiii!) I'luiUH, S. Y. Taiiir 40 iniiri' tliaii larltr to Ortvvi'uo, N.Y. Cliiiik ilirwt. OnWfK", N. Y. Uiillulii, N. Y. Do. du. Tui-ilV A") Mii'ir tliaii N.^ . fill ik liiiTct. Nt)rwii*h, N. Y. Train from Miililli^- towii, S. Y. Train from Noiw icli, N. V. Train from Norwicli, N. Y. Train from Norwn li, N. Y. Train from Norwiili, N. Y. Haratoga, N. Y. Kumiui^r nfHcc, New York, N. Y. 87 NEW YOUK. Siiimrc. orFHiKH. 74 ; l-oiiiK-nvUli'. I IMiii' HiihIi. 41 I Port (!lif8ti'r. Porlvillf. . ProtfctKiii. 4(1 I'niiKlikniifir. I'liltiHki. Potlomvlllp. 41 Qnarniitiiii', H. I, Hiclinioiiil, S. I. tia Red Cn.k. 40 Rhiiii'lM'i'k. nivi'r.'<i<lp. 11(1 j Km'hi'HtiT. Uosf. M Rome. Name I IIATK. or { Onm)iHii.v. TlilH Line, tilliir l.lueii Ijf'iivt'H tlUH Line. T. I-. B.P. Jl N.V. <1m. r. I. iiiiiii. T. I.. Jo. do. A dr. T. I.. do. T. I,. 1 50 4A ;i Triiiii fr.iiii Miildli- towii, N. Y. ItiilTulo, N. V. I>». <lo. Ohwi'Ro, N. Y. HitraloKU, N. Y. rXiPi-k CliftciTi.S. 1. N. Y. Dclivi'iv frniii (!lil t"U, S. I. MarntoRn, N. V. T:iritV 'jri tiioro tliuii tariff to ()HHi')!i). N.Y. Clici'k (liriTt. 88 NKW VOKK. nqiian-. 4fi 45 4R IK! :i:t (in fift 67 U2 57 Ot'FICKS. Kuil<l:tirH ImIiuhI. KorkcInU'. KiiikwiirH MilI'M. Siiiiil.N <'i'i'i'k. HmiiIIi laiii^iiiK. SillHVilll'. Siimlii|;a. SHnilo^a Kake. Sriii'i'ii FciIIb. Sraf'liff, I,. I. Scipi'i Cciilrr. Si'hi'i'iiii I.aki'. Hidiiny Criitii'. Hiiliiey I'laiiiH SinitliV Vallf.v, MailiNmiCn. Siiiyrija. SoilllH. Simtli fiiriiitli. Kiiiith Wah'H. Sterling, ('ayiiKa (^i. Stony (Vcc'k. State IJiic. St. .IdliiiKvillf. Slate Hill. NllllK* <>r I (!iiiii|iuiiy. 'I'IiIh I.Ii I'lini. T. I.. <lci. llo. ilo. N. S. II I. A. H T. I,. <li>. <|i>. <l(i. <l<i. A dr. I).I>. * N.A, T. L. Adr. II. p. t N.V T. I., do. iiATi;. <'. < Xllrr l.llieH I i7. I l.euM'H tlilH Line. ■if> •a 511 35 MS 25 45 Ke'lvery from llar- I loiii, N. V. (MiiHl I lie I'll' paid.) Tram H'oiii Hldiie\ I'lahiK, N.Y.. TiirM- ilay.'riiiiri'day ami Satiirduy. 'I'ralii from Slilney I'InliiH, N.Y./l'iieM day, riiiiriilay iiiol Sit'iii'diiy. UMwe«o, N. Y. Traill from Norwiili, N. V. Train Ironi Norwhli, N. \. Hiiimiierollli'e. Cli'k HaruloKa, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Norwiili, N. Y. Sanilo^:!, N. \. v. O. addreHH Uaii- ■lullvllle, N. V. TnrilV 'J.'i more lliaii lurill lo (IhweKo S.Y.<!lie.k .lireit. SaraloKa, N, Y. lliillalo, N. Y. HariitoKa, N. Y. IlilBalo, N. Y. 8U NKW VOUK. Hi|iwr>>. 4n OKKICKH. Naiiir I «' (!nm|ii)ny. in IK. TIiIk I.Iiii'. uihir l.iiii'ri l.«*avi<- IhiH I.IIII', 74 41 NaiiillMii'K. Hiilpliiir .4|ii-iii|>H,!i(. T. |,. Hiiiiiiii' \llli'. MyriiciiT. Sli-vrliBMll|.. Htu|ililMii. S. I. Snillll \:<lf h. S. I SimIiih r<iitit. Hoiilli Ni'vt llrrliii. Shiti' Uniini'. SIlH'ljlllillui' Tlirdli'ii. Till Mill- llm i 'riiiii'inaii, 'roliiiWiiiMlii. Tniy. TnixlDii. Tiiin|ikiiiHvilli> s. I. lillinlivillc. Uralii^r Cii. Illini. Valallii. \*i'llic(' Crlllr*', r I. T. I.. Ailr. hiiiii Ailr. 1 . 1'. '. I.fc K r. I. <ii>. !■ I.. Train In nil Mnlilli' «iiiiiiiii'riMllio,c||irl, Sai:i|.i|M, N Y. Tram I nun Mnlilli. |l<iwii, N V. iHliiui' Iriiiii l.ihir.\, N Y. l>t*li\rrv lloln I'lit Inn. S. 1 N. V lit'li\i'r\ Innn I'lil Inn, s. 1 . S \. I'arill :'.'< Ml Iliiii larlll t'l I ■ .M'Kn. I'lii'-k Miillliii'lnn, N. Y. Triilli <Mln Snlinv I'lalflM, N. Y. Train rroni NMt-wn h. N. Y Traill friMii Nnrunh, N V. SalMln^.l, N Y Dnhi'ij,.. N N HiiMlDKi. N Y Ni.rwifli.N Y Iti'liviTv Iniiii ('Ill- Ion, H. I., N. V Kiniicrliiiiik, N. Y. Train troni Nin-w jrti. N. Y. 12 00 NK\v VOItK. iii|imri' iii'ri('i;ti iVntfrriwii VVuIIIiimI 'II. WrllViTlowll. SM Hi Aili'iiiy. SVcut Trci>. vNiwt r:innH. NHIIII' cif i;.\ri.. <'iiiii|iiro. Till- I.iii ii.liir l.liir. r. I- l:l'.. 1'. I-. IK Ill* T. l«t •r. 1,. •r. 1.. «r> Wi'HiD'iii, riiiiiitiiiii|ii'i ''II. Wi'Hini'liI I'MalH, Sillliviili Wl'NtlMltl'i'lilllll. Wi'hI 'I'ttwii. W liiti'Hhiini. Wiliiiiiiii Iiiii'mIi, I.. I. NVIiili' I'liiiiiH. Wnlcilll. W.ilr.'ll |lr|inl. Wuril^ iHliiiiil. WllltlB SlMl-l, Wi-fit M.iiiriM'. A I'i-t \'M iui:i. \\ iiliiinisnii. ■i.M'kvill.'. YorkMltiri' ('.■hire. 1. I.. (111. .I>. <li>. T. I-. •r. 1., ilo. T. L. 11. 1 ..V NY. in 1,1'nM'n IIiIh I, inc. 'riinlT 'jri iiiori' lliBii liirilT til iiiiwiUM, N.V. Clink illnri illMWi'Kii, N. V. I'l'iiiilV 'i.'i iiiiiri- lliiiii ' iHnir III Uhwi'Ko, ! N.V. Cliii k ihiiil. I 411 I ;l I Siii'ii'kkii, .S. v. riliTkTrii), N. V. 10 DcliMTy Irniii Hiir- li-iii, N. V. Urtiiri II A. M. Irilill rriiiii Wnll.iii. Alt. r II A. M. Iniiii iKiiii MiniMl N V. ni'lhir tiiiiii I'lini, N. V. Clii'i'k llriioUhM,l..l. N. Y. Tarill i'l tiinir lliiiii tiiiill tiiiwwicii.N.V rliii'l, illni'l. DiiUvrry from ll'ir li'iii, N. V. (iiiiiKl III- |iri' piiiil.) I'l-iiiii trimi Nin-wirli. N. V. Turin 'J.*! iimrr liaii tiirin l.'(lfw<Kii,N.Y. (Murk (iinit. (^Iii'ili Ni'W Yiirk. llnlValii, N. V. in Ohio Il'.'.l thlilaliiilii. I AhIiIuIjiiI:. llarlH.r. •J'Jl* .\,l.llr. I AiiHliiiliiirK. ■Jli AlKni. ilJ II.II.- iviihv. ■ui i!.iiir,.pit,iiiic. Ml llii'iiiiiiijhiiiii. j III rjlii'l.l. Hrii^lu, Crr.lri' ■J'Jl I Curry. -M rilllllnillli . 'Jil.i l')rr> Ihli.ltj l.-ll I n.n.lan.l •Jtll I ClJ.lf. MJ tllillllllllllH. ■ '"Ml I (Jiilih. ailt. •iiii rill lit' i.iiiii I., II ii('. "■•J Diiyli.ii. ■J^I Itflljiui, ■••■-'I |i,«h!.-. -'II ll.hlWMM lli-ii.! Nllliii. IIAIl:. "^ TrilVt h MlJH l.jllr. Iliiiii|iiii.\. Ihi- Mil. . () 111 r :, < T. I.. I', s. A. '1 \ V. 1 A •1 . • I( • III Y. A il.i V V 1*1 i:ivriii, 'JI'J FlIIVHt. Kkyeltf T. L. tlo. .1... ■ III. (III. ilo. • U: • li'. T I. <ln. (III. llii I T. I, I r I r. I.. „, ., I lii'tr.iil, Ml.h. ■ - I ■1'..1imIii, I). 'J'l 'J \hIiI iliillll. II. I'lii'ck rnti'liiiiuli, • I ■Ki . 'J \»liljl.iihi. 11 4'') a ' \hIiI:iIiiiI.i, II 4.-. ! a l>o ll.i !in a ) III llMII, tll.'ll iT.ii.,1... II IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) y // y^ 1.0 I.I •^ 1^ 12.2 |y ,^ is 1^ li£ IIIIIIO - 6" 1.8 1-25 IIIIII.4 il.6 4^ A % A ^ <f»/ . °^^ >• ^ ' ^ '/ w Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST M/'.IN STREiT WEBSTER. N.Y. MS80 (716) 07*^ 4503 s V (\>^ 4? « ^o r> ''O \ o ,^ % <v !I2 OHIO Hciuurc. 221 Kl'.t 20.; 2(1 1 212 ^n 211 Ml 212 IHO 1«« UFl'ICES. Fintoritt. (It'iievii. (li'orK»'t^vilk'. (Iri'oii Sprliii,'. iiaiiiiltoii. Il«lf>atu. llkkHvillf. llnjt'H (!iir;iiTH. It'OlltOI). Ktiitiiu. Ivully'K li '..'lit. I,itc-litii'ia. I.I rkliuiiriii. Lnllllilll. M'lliiiH. iNi'W Daltmiiii'f. Niw li.vnii'. Niiitli liiistiil. Obvrliii. OiwoU. I'lllliclll. I'uiueHVillc. 2i;i I'DrtBiiiouHi. Name 1 KATE. ■ „(• LeaviB tbih :.,iiio. 'ciiiriimiy. This Liiii'. dtluT Line. | T. L. 1 I T. L. do. <lo. I I : I I 1 I T. L. I (111. ! do. T. L. T. I.. I'. L. lIllKill. T. li. do. Uuioti. T. I,. A. .V V. do. Union, A. & V. (iiiiiin. T. I.. do. ■■•'I ^ I I I SalidllKll.v, (). EI.Miu, (». •iTt I 2 Kl>ria, (>. :).'. 2 V, ;i •2.., 2 ;«•. i 2 I 25 2 AxlitaliiUa, I). Do. Elyria, <). Axbtttbula, O. Elyriik, O. 93 ()llIO. Hquurc. 2'22 OFFIOEa. Puiut Marblehead, riattHburg. I'ut-iii-Iiay. R|•plll)li^^ llcck Crii'k. Itoniv. SaiiiliiKky S])riiiBlU'lil. Till) 11. Tok'ilo. Urhuiia. •201 WilliiiRtdii. ■>-2-2 ■J'Jl •iV.i •232 Wavrriy. \V(«I Liberty. York. Namo of Coiiiiiaiiy, T. L. do. T. L. A. & V. <Io. T. I,. ilu. T. L do. r. L I'Dioii. T. J. (Iiiioii. RATE. TliiH liuo. Other line. a'> LeavoH this liuu. KaiiiliiHky, O. (Hmmiicr otUce.) AHbtabultt, O. Ashtabula, O, Klyriu, O. Elyria, O. 94 ONTAIUO. Si|iiiiru. uKi'-ici;. I Niiiiiu I UATK. I „(■ i . Coiuiiiiiiy.i Tliix IMir. OIIm'.' I.iii" I,i;ivis this I.iin' Auton, Ailaa I'riiit;. AUunbiii'^'. Al]iia. Aliiioiili'. An;;tis, Ai'tliiii'. Ault.svilkv Aiiroi'ii, Ai'va. Ayliiior. iJut-rif. Itt'at-libui'^, liiiavurtdii. Bi'llivillu. Berlin. Hrrvie. i:l}tliu. liiiwiiiiiiivillu. Bol)ra,V|J!uiiii. Bultoii. Uuthw.'il. Ijnijijliloii Brant'onl. Uraillnni. Dum. do. (lu. till. do. <U>. <lu du. d(i. do. ilo. (lu do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. du. do. Ill) :lii Ml :ui :)ii III I III I nil itii no IIU nil III) nil ;«i I :lo I :iii no i ;mi I ■M ■M :m •M a" e "I ^ w 95 oNTArao. I, ill..' 81111 ttl'O. OFFICK. Naiiio i RATE. of C'lHiipiiiiy. This r.iiio. Otlirr LincH lii'fivcs IhiH Lino, t!Ti(!lit()n. lli-c).kvill.-. J'.rilHHl'Is. C^ii'h'tiin I'larc. CaTiiiiii^ion. rMifHidiiiii. ( ';ini]ilielll(>nl. ('urnmiiriiok. Cliarlfstoji. I'lialliani. Ciiatsworth. (nil'tdii. I'oDi.inic. (^olliiigwood. Cornwall. <'lintun. ClilViinl. • 'onrtrif^lit. <'a.viiH"- DirliiHRiin's Lanrtinj;. l)r(!S(ifn. Dnndalk. Dnndas. Diirl^nni. ' nnnlroiMi. Ilutlin's (^rcck. : Dunvillo. ! ■ EdKar. I'jlwarrtslinri,'. j Rlora. r.Hii'l. Doiii. do. <1o. do. do do. flo. flo. do. ■lo. do. do. do. do. do. J do. do do. do, do. do do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. :lii ;)() :i(i ;)(i •i ■m 2 ■M 2 •Ml ' 2 ;ti) 1 2 .in 2 :i(i 2 ;i(> 2 ;i(i 2 itn 2 :i(i 2 :i(i 2 :«i 2 :in 2 :)() 2 ,10 2 ;io 2 ;mi 2 :in 2 :to 2 :i(i 2 ■M) 2 ■M 2 ,'t(i 2 :ii) 2 30 2 no 2 ;io 2 no 2 I I ?! « ■t 2 I m ONTAllIO. H(|iiiire. OFKICEH. Name of KATE. T^nnves tliiH IAuk. Fi'iicloii Kiilla. I I'Vi'MUB. I'li'Hiiirtiiii. 1 I Korilwiili. ! Kiiri'iHt. I l''..rt. \:r\e. 1 Oalt. I ; (lanaiii>i|UR (loorgotown. <tl()IlC(>(i. (idilcrirli. dorrii'. (Iral'ton. (iriinsl).v. (iiinlpli. HagarHvitle. Hamilton. Haiiovor. HaHlingR. HaiTiKliin. Hcapolpr. Hulstcin. iDKOI'SOll, IroqiiniB. Ciiiiiiniiiy. TliiH l.iiiiv Other LinoM Jarvts. IIOMI, <lo. do, <lo. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do do. do. do. do. do do. do. .lo. do. do. do. do. in 2 lit 10 III III '2 10 in 10 10 •-• :in :in a I !»: ONTARIO. IH Linn. Siiuarc OKIICES. Kamo of UATi:. Coinpaiiy. TliiH I.iii,.. Other Linus! LcaviK tliiH l.ini' Kiiii|it\ill(>. Kiiiianliiic. Kinj;>tnii. Klciiiimrt!. i I ( ! Lindsay. • LiHt(JHlfll. Little liiitiau. Lilian. T.iirknow. Lonilon. Lyu. Manilla. Maitland. Markdalc. MialiinL .MilbriMik. .Milli'io.'lic. Mill I' Mit<'li>'ll. Mono Itoail. Moori-tdwn. Morrislinri,'. Mt. l-omsl IVrt. rioasjint. Markliain. IMililniay. Doni. lie. <lo. do. do. do, do. do. do. do. do. do. do do. do. do. <ln. s do. do do do do. do. do. ilo do. Ill) 2 ;i() 2 :t() 2 ItlJ 2 :IU :iij :i<i ;iii :i(i ■M :«) 2 :to 2 :in -J ■M •2 30 2 :iii 2 :iii 2 no 2 an •i :i(i 2 :i(l 2 :i(i ■_i an 2 an 2 an >2 Mi o i 5< 18 Its ONTAUIO. Niliiii' nA'ii;. Sc|ii:iri'. (il''l'l(KS. NaiKiiK'i'. Sov: C'astlp. Ni'W lliiiiibiii'i-' Nrw l.nwiOl, N.« ATiirki 1. Niiij-iii-a. \..r\vi>u.l. Ij'dVlM tills l.illC Colli]. iiliv 'nil.-, l.illr. UllliT Mlil'MI Diilll. ilu .1.1 .111 :i(i :|ii :i(i :ui :iii :!(i :!ii (lakvilln. Oliiiliicr. (Il'iliill. Oriiii'-rcvill.' iisliawii. I M lawn. (Uv.n S.inn.l. .1... .10. ilci ill.. .1(1. il.i. <1o :lii I'.ikrnliaiii. I'aliii.i'sliin. I'aris. I'.irl; Mill. I'niilinik.'. Pcrlli. I'l'li'i-lKiriv I'.'li-.ilia. I' l>m't T.Hi'wiill. I'lii-t C.iUi.iniP. I'lirt lialliiiiit^i.'- I'ml D.iviM'. (Id. do do. do. do. do. do do. do. do. do. do. :lii :in :)0 ;M) :iO no :lo •.M) :)0 1 ill) j 30 I I 3(1 3 99 ONTAHIO. Si|niiri*. OI'I'ICK.S I'lll't II'IIM'. Port l.aiiittiiu, I'cii't IViry 1'mI'I StauK-.v. I'ort Uuliiii.siiii. I'lVSCDtt. I'l'l'StoU. I'uiHlc!}. I'ort Kl^iu. Krulrcw. UKllltlcllKlllill, Uivti-s.lale. Itiil^tiway. Sttleiii . Surniu. ^Sau<l I'diiif. SealortU. Sliakispearr. Slielliurnu. Siiiiioe. Smiths Kails. tSiiiilliuiuiituu. stayuur. St. CathiTiiies. St. Mai-ys. St. 'Mioiiias. Stirling. Stratli>ril. Stratliruy. Simiiiu'rstdwu. stoullviilu. 'i'ei'Bwatur. Tliaiiii'-Mlli' I Natue of Horn, do. clu. <lu. ( o. do. do. du do. do. do. do. ilo. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. II vTi:. TblH I.liic. Dthci r.tiK'H :iii -' :iii - :iii '-' :ii> - :i(i •i :>o - ;iij •.: :ii) •2 ;i() :l(i .J ;iii •J • :.,. •J :.o .J 30 •J 30 2 30 2 ;ii) 2 :ii) 2 j ;.o J i 30 1 2 I 30 2 i 30 2 ! 3U ••i ; 30 2 30 2 30 2 ; 30 2 :i(i 2 311 2 30 •i j 30 j 2 (80 8 30 2 Luuvi'"* tliJH Lii,( a 3" ion ONTAllK). Si|iiiirv, (ii'i'i('i;s. Thiiniliiiry. 'riioriihlll. TliiirMl,!. TilHoubiirg. 'rolciilo. Toronto. Trt'Uton. Trowbridge I'xbridgo. Vicnuo. Wiililemiiu . Walkci-tiiu. \ Wallac'ubiir);. 1 Waterford. Waterloo. I Watl'ord. Wellaud. ' Wellington. < Wellington Hixiiare. Whitby. Widder. '.i.lkesiiort. Willianialurd Station. Windaor. Wlngham. Wintlirop Woodbridge. Woodstoi'k Wroxeter Station. Wyoming. Yorkvillc. Name ,.f I- IIATK. Oomimiiy. Tbis IJnn. otlier l.iuo" I.euvi^M tlii8 l.iiio. Ill mi. do. do. do. do. do. d . do. do. do. do do. do. do do, do. do. do. do do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. OUKdON. IMcsKiiyis icrcivcil fii//ri/ riiilii I'lillLiriil. «t|.. slidilld lie <'liiilni'cl I'nr ifld I'lici^kcd at nilc iif *v!.7.") iiinl IS. Si|iiure Mh'l'lrl.s, Nuni KM'i:. riiiijpitiiy. 'I'biH'. (itlicr l.iiiiH l-('a\('H tliiM l.iht li.iKi I Citv, DllllltK. I'lii'Muii.l. Imi'iII f'J.iHi ami i:i iiHirr lliitn tarjIV to W llinrllllli-ra, Nrv. \. .S: 1'. (ji-'tn •.'•;l 1)1 liii'iH' to Wiiiiii'iiMii' la. Cliti k Cfiitrai. \ (l«. >l(i I'lif Tliinl Ciiitral. SlKji'p Kaiiilic (scij l.laliii). UlllOlltoHll. I I I I Taritr ^^'J.iiii and 1:1 I liiiirtitllall tariirio Winiif iiiiiica.NfV. i A. * I'. «.is •_>•;) iif tarilV tu WiniR.- I niiiri'a, Ni v. I CluMkCtiitral. 1(»'. I'KNNSYIA'ANIA. Till tirllV IM (wiMii :i I'Viiiikliii nr \. ,\; !>. ('...V ..illi-r, m:iiI ii I', li. .V I', .illi •<•, linlh ,.| wlih'li liiuf II K.|iinrc iiiiMih. r. ■ ill lii> iIIvuIimI c |iii;:y l.i c.i.'h ruiii|.iiii,v, win ii liirllV lor Ht wonlM m Till I'liits ,11- lis-, « iirii ,aiill if< iiiiT^ tliiiii 'id ■■' iilK for Id worilK. Ilir I'. 11 .V 1". Cu.'h iiniiiiirtiiui nill 111- l.'i ii 1 I 1. 'Ii,> ,•■ MMili.lcr |ir. lilHiiiii; tip 111. ! l^illlillll i>V A \ I'. H". Sijiiiirr. ori'ICKS. ,,(' l.ruvcM lliM I.ilir (' 'IM|.U1I.V 'I'lli,' I.ilir. I nil r l.ini>. ! .MukI.m, NortliiiiiilKT::iiiil<'n I'. U. ii V. 52 Ailrlilnwii, I., Iiiull Cci. (Id. AllillH'KllI, I'licill (!ii. ll". 7*1 AmiviU"-, l.t'ltiiifii Cn. i ll". HI AhIiIhiiiI, Mi'l<ii\lliill I'll. I ilii. Aiiliiini. ilii. ill). I ilii. 151 Alli'Kliaiiy I'llv, 111- Alh «iiii- T. L. uy. liiiiloii, lliM'ks I'll. I'. K. ,<; I'. lia-l I'lillii'i-y, Si'liiijIUilll'ii. lUi. j llri'cliM.inil Colllrry, ili). Srliiiylliill Co. ISi'liiioiit, ^Pliilii.) IIitUcI, y, llcrlis (.'o. lirllllclii'lli, Noiiiiainiiloii do. ill), (lu. do. IliK Mini- ItiMi.Si-liii.'.l.iiUCo ..'.) Hirilslioio, liiilis Cii. T, Ii j Uoyi'l-I'iwii, ilo. ilo. 1'. It. .V 1'.: Biwtiiii Uiiii ('i)llii i-y, do. Srliiiylliill ('... r>0 I BriilKi': oi'l l.m'li, Mmil-. do. yoiiirrv Co. , Druiirlidali', Scliiiylkill l!"., do. UildKi'|i'>i'l, M"iiti,'oiiii'i'y('o do. Browt'v'H Jjoili. MinilKoiii-, do. • iTy t'o. j Unickui-fs, l.iiiu'iisliT Co. I do. ' liiii'kvillc, Slimy Ikill Co. do. I HuolililHvillr, HorkH Co. <lo. ! llniiidoiivillc,SiliuylkilU!o. do. 95 4U •ir< •26 •a :io ' an i :to I 40 a I'liiiii., I'll. 1)1. <lo. a Ho. do. Ho. di . Do. do. 2 Do. do. Clifik I'lllsliiirn, I'u 2 I'llikl , I'll o Do. do •i Ilo. do. 1 Do. do •J Do. Do. do do Do. do liilii., Do. I'll, do. Do. do. Do. Do. do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do Do. ilo Siiiin tOM I'KNNSVFAANIA. I Mqimrp. IIIKICI'.H. I Nunio • IIATK. I of <:i>in|mii,v 'I'IiIh l.iiii'. ( ilhir (.ini'^ fl'.l Clicslcr. llrlllWlMI' fil. (Jlrriiiniil. HJ <'iit!n\ it's;!, riililliilim ('(I. IKl ('iil;lMinii|ll;i, l,clii(;li Cii. ltd I C'lilnilia, Ciiluinlii!! ft; in j CiMitMnillr. I (lliudd'H Fiird .Imiitidii. I (!iii'siiiii» inn ii>iitiii.\ I Ciild S]ii'iii^', l.c'liiiiiiiii ('i ni) , (!n;iti'»villc. T. I,. ('olIoucvillr.MniilRiiiiicrvCii'l'. It. ,V P Oihi'i-ailM, Sclin.vlUill (;>. i dn. Ci.ldnidd SIdi'i' Si liui.lkill ,|,. 1'. II Hi I'. I'.r. * N.v. I'. It 1 \ 1'. 1 II. r,. W. V K. P. It k V. 7(1 (!ii|llinliiii, I.MIl'Mslcr Cii. d ITiO C 1 (\illi'. T. I.. 62 ('iinsliiiliiii-lii.ii, Miiiil|,'iiini- p. i: \- p I'.V ('". ('aniwiill, rii'liiilioH Co. i dii. ('ri'KKiiiii, SiOiuylkill Cii. dn. On.vlci-Ciillii.ry, llavcii ICiiiii dn. Si'lilivllfdl Co. Ouiivi'lc, Mnidnnr (!o. p. p. x p liaiipliin. Diiiipliin (!i>. dci. D'limldKiiii, Si'liiivlliMI Co. do. IlDiityvilid, Ndrfhiiinlicr- dii. luiiil Oil. Kn8t Midiiiiioy .TmiPtion, P. II. Si v .Scliii.\lkiil('ii. Ka^tdii, Ndrtlinniplon Co. KllaiiRowpii niilliory, Sc^lniylkill Co. do. do. :iii ur. :i5 •3.1 l.i'lWlM Idi:' l.ilii'. Pllilll., P.l. Ilniriilo, ,N. V. Pllilll.. I'll. Do dii. I>... do. p. (I. iiddriKH Air- • ill... York Co., Pa. Coatcsviil ■, I'll. PIdla.. Pa. nil. do. Pliila., Pa. Ud. dd. Till. ltd. Dd dd. Pliil.i., III. Dd. do. Do. do. Do. do. Plida.. Pa, Do. do. Do. dd. I'd. do. Pliila., Pa. Dd. do. no. dd. lot PENNSYLVANIA. Square, j ()I''FI(!KS. of RATE. I.t'iivcK tliiH Line. Ill ino 151 .Ooiiiiraiiy. TliiB Li II ()tlu'r Line. Embrei'viUe. Kiiipdriiim. u.r.* N.Y. Eplinila. P. U. ft 1'. lOrip. T. I,. ExcelHior, Nortlnimberland P. K. ft v. Exeter, BerkH Co. do. East I,il)Brty. T. I.. Kldred. B.P. * N.Y. w. & u. Gfi nn an OG Fairmonnt l/ock, (Pliila). Falls Srlniylkill. I'oreHtvillc, ScliiiylUill Co. Fracliville, do. Fraukford, (I'liila.) Germaiitowii, (Pliila) (icrniaiitiiwu .Imntioii. (lill)i'i'toii, Sdiuylkill <X (lirard MamiiiotliCiollicry'l Kaveii Uiiii, Kclmylkill (^>.) <«rard, Hcluiylkill Co. Oirarilvillc (Jolliery, Cnii- iiors' Patch, Schuylkill Co. (Jirardville, Xi'lmylkill Co. (JlpiiCarhon, do. Ooriloii, do. (Iray'H Kerry, (Phila.) (Ireeu Lane, Mout(?<""''ry Co. (iirniaiiRville, Li'liif^n <"i P. U. «i P. do. do. do. do. P. 1!. & P do. do. do. do. do. do. div. do. do. do. ill). 4r> 25 4(1 :)B •25 :«) 45 10 10 25 10 1(1 Id 25 40 25 (Phila., Pa. ( Coatesville, Pa. Biitlalo, N. Y. Phila., Pa. Phila., Pa. Do. Cheek PitlHbiirg, Pn Buffalo, N. Y. Phila., Pa. Do. Do. Do. Do. Pldla., Pa. Do. Do. f. 'hila.. Pa. Phila., Pa. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. H',-, PENNSYLVANIA. iiR Lino. ille, I'a. t. Y. iHburg, J'« J. Y. Siniiire. 7i; OFKIOHS. Niinic BATB. of Cotiipnuy. ThiH rjiir. othrr Lines Loavps tliiBLfiie. naU'HHtatiim, LycomiiifrCNi 1'. K. & I'. Ilniiihiirf,'. Bcrlis (,'(i. ,1,,, Ilarrisliuru, Daupliiii Co. do. Hi'ilinaiKlalc, Lobaiuui (;o.| do do. riPlfmiHtiMii, Noitliuiiilici land Co. Hostonvillc. I'hila. T. IlminnelHtowii, DaniiliinCii i'. u ^ HoKiMiHack, I,i'liif;li Co. j d„ rnUTKcitiiin (li-rnianlowM 1' li ,v p. <). .V N. U H. iiHliMn Uidt;r (%illiiM-v do Sidinylkill Ci,. .Iallaiipa(l'oM»villi')Sc'linvl-iI> I! .v- kill Co. I W. .V 1!. Joanna. .Jon<f:(o\vii, Li'liiinon Co. |i>, [{_ ^ [!_ .nini!tion It. .<; C U. u , ,)„ Lancastci Co. Kai'ns' (!itv. T. L. Kallnia Collirvv, Scliuvlkill 1> u .>; I' C!o. , ■ ■ KeatinH'sMnniniil, Mi-K.'^m ii v ,v n v t!o, ' ' ' Kcnii>lon, ItrikMCo. ^p. i{. ^. (, Koliin(>or(!(illiiT.v,(SlK'nan- do doali) Scliiiylktn Co. 7(i :'i'^lcr, ;is(,t < 10 :i VhW-.i , I'a. 1 Do. do. Do. do. :w ■' Do. do. •Hi ■J ' Ho. do. ; I'. (1. addri'HK Iti's 1 toMV ill', I'liila., I'a 1 Phila. I'.i. .111 •2 i Do. do lU •XT ;).-> I a I 3.'! 2 •25 II. 1'. li. .t I'. Pliil;i., I'a D... do '■^» i -2 I Hula., i>;i. I (!oilr.xvillc, I'ii. riiila., I'ii. Do. do. '2 ; I'hila., I'a i ;i Ilnltalo, N V. •2 , I'hihi , I'a. '2' I III ill I'liila . I'a. Jl 100 PENNSYLVANIA. jiiarc. OFFICES. Name of Company. Thi.s KATE. Line. Other LillCM, Leave this L ne. 70 r,aiiiliHvilIe. P. R. k P. 1 1 Phila. .Pa. Laurel Iron WnrliK. \v. .V It. i ir, 'J Coale Kville. Pa Ijccupiirt, l!orl(B l'i>. 1 . U. .\: P, i 2.5 *i Phila , Pn. Tfi Lo))ail()Il, lii'huiinii Cn. .lo. I Ilo. ilo. LoiiliurtKviUo, Hcika Co. ,h>. 1 35 2 I.O. do. IjinuM-ick. MoiitRonp'ryCfi. do. j 25 -' I).. do Lidz. Lancast'T ('o. ilo. 1 Sli ■J Do. do. Locust Dull', Hclmylkill Co, <1o. ! 25 2 Do. do. LotMiHt Oap, Wortbimibcr- liiiiil Co. lid. i 1 1 25 ■-• Do. do. LiicUKt liiiii Ciilliory, Si'lmyll.ill C.i. ilo. 1 1 J 25 2 Do. do. LociiHt Siiiiiinit, Nortliiitii iH-rlaml (!o. ilo. 1 1 i 25 2 Do. do Lyiiii|iiirt, I.i'liifcli Co Ilo. 1 ;i5 2 Do. do. Lmt Crock, Sdniylkill I'o. do, 25 <2 Do. do. Lilicrty Station. n.l'.A N.V. .'il) ■-> Bnfla •>, N. V. Liirrabccs. do. 40 3 Do. do. Lo;'l)crry .Itnictioii, Sclmyl- klll Co. 1'. U. k P. 2.5 2 Phila. , Pa. Li/.urctti), Ki'lawarc Co. do. 25 *i Do. do. (ifi Mnlianoy City Sclmylklll Co. P. IS. .V P. Plila. Pa. ii(! Miiliaiioy Plane, Silinylkill Co. do. Do. do. Miiliunoy Tunnel, Silinylkill Ci>. do. 25 2 Do. do. Muhaiioy, ScliuylkillCo. ilo. 25 2 Do. do. Manhi'im, LancaBler Co. do. Xi 2 Do. itii. Miiniiyunk, (I'liilii.) do. lU 1 Do. do. • nicy, Coliinihia Co. do. 411 :i Do. do. 70 McCnU'i* Ferry. T. L. Miininiotli Vein Shalt, Schuylkill (!o. P. 11. «i P. 25 2 Phila. Pa. ir>0 Meiiilville. T. I.. Merlon, McuilRonicry Co. 1'. 11. «£ P. :h) 2 Phihi. Pa. Mi(lilli'|""'t. HchnylkillCo. do. 25 2 Do. do. MiHlin, Lelranoij (!o. <lo. ;I5 ■J Do. do. 107 I'KNNSVrA'ANIA. S(|tiiirii. 0FI''ICK8. Niiiiui of UATK, Ocmipiiny.i TliiB Liuc. Other T.iueH ' I Mill CriM'k Seiili'H, Hthiiyl- 1>. u. *j i> I klll<!.i. H4 I Mil((ipi,Ni)itliiiiiil>crliiiiil(Nr do. j Mine Hill (lup, .Sclinylki!!, do. 1 Oo. 60 . Miiiirsvilk!, HrLuylkili On. ■ dn I ' Molirsvllle, UcrkH Co. j do. j Mi'Miiriicy, ilo. do. ! do. I MoorcHliiir;.;, Moiiloiii' Co. I <|<i, j MoiitiiiirHvill(),I;yconiiiiKCoi do. Mt. Airy (I'liila.) j do. j Mt. (^ir'.uiii, Keliuylkill (;o.| do. Hi I Mi. CariucI, Nortliiiiiilur-, do. : llllid (!o. I Mi. I'lc'iisiiiit, lliTks (!o. I do. H4 : Miliicy, LyioiidiiK Co. ,|o. 7(i Myerwiowii, Leiraiioii Co. | do. I .HiiMli'CrccKKIiiiti,S(lMivi-i do I kill Co. ' I I Moiitsjoiiii'i'v, l,yi;oiiiiUHCii' do. I j .Ml I MoHiilcni, lii'rks (;o, do. j Mcrrium c )llii'ry, Nor I do. tliuinberluiKl Co. Niwtowii (Pliiiii.i I'. U. k V r>'.> Norrif'towii, SlnulKonji ry do. Co. 15(1 (in HO Nortii Urook. W. ,\: U. Nnrfli Kant. -i'. L. Now I'liila., Hchiiylkili Co. l>. u. .\. p, New Proviilr'iicc, LaiicuHtiTi do. Co. Nnw York .Iiitict., (Phila.) Oil City. 14(t I IVlrollii <!it.y. ilo. T. I.. T. L. 2.5 ■25 •J5 III 411 111 ;)(i '2 liiav" .s IliiH Ijiii'. I'liilii., IM. II.;. do. Do. (Im. I>< III l>o, 111 l>. II. do. ilo. do. .111. (III. do. <lo. I'l.di., I'a i'liila., IM Mo. di. Ilo. do I I'liila., I'a. Do. ilo. Ciialsvillf. I'Uila., I'a. Di. <li'. Do. do. 1(»8 PENNSYLVANIA. S(|lliil'c. lit; ()F1''I('i:k. Palmyra, Ltbauon Co. Palo Alti>, Kubujlliill Co. j I'l'i'liiomrn June, CliuHtcri '■"• ■ i I'erry, Berks Co. j I'onnsburK, :\Ii)iitK()iiiery! Co. Kamo of Coiiiimny. jl>. K. & P. I do. do. BATE. ilo. do. 5!) It! I'liUudiliiliia. I T. L. riinMiixvilk', Clicntcr Co. \V. B. & P I'honixl'iirk.SeliiiylkillCo. do. Piuc Grove, Holiii; Ikill Co. t Pilt'lmvK. I Port Ciu-I,;)!!, Schuylkill Co.| I'orK'lintoii, ScluiylkillCo. Port Uichinoiul, (I'hila.) j I'ottHtowii, MontRomi-ryt;o. I'ottKtown Laiiiliug, Cliesttr Co. I do. T. L. do. do. do. do. do. I'ollKvilli', Midiiiylkill Co. do. l're«t()ii, Schuylkill Co. Porl Alleghany. n.i".* n.y Port K.'iimily, JIonti;(im- P. 11. & V L'ty Co. PiiikcrH City, (lorincrly T. L. cii'.li'd Piiikii'H I.uiidiiiK.) (Jiliikakr .Jiimt., Scliuvlkill P. It, ,\; I'. Co. ■ j (Juurryvillf, l.iincatidT Cc. P. U. *; I'. lii'adiii)^, llcrks Co. Khcinolds, Lancaster Co. Iticlinioiid, (I'liila.^ Itieliinond Shtipn, Uichmoud Wbarts. Uidley .luiu'.tiiin or Park, Delaware l!o. P. It, k P. do. do. do. do. ThiBLiuo. ! Olhirl.i 30 25 30 10 1(] 111 10 IjiravcH this liine. Phila., I'a. Uo. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. IMiila., Pa. Do. d,i. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. ilii. Do. (i... Do. d<i. Do do. Do. do lii.ftilo, N. Y. I'hila., I'a. ■hila., I'a. Do. d>>. Phihi., Pa. Do. do. Ho, d.'. Do. <|m. Do. do. Do. do. I(l() I'KNN.SYLVANIA. i^llll.lIC lil'VICKS. Name (It UATi: ICoiiiIiaiiy. 'Jiiis t,i,ju. (jllu r I,''.ivis llus I, inc. 1411 (il'i HiiiKK"lcl, S.liviyiklll Cii. i-. It. \ I>. UiiiKliiwii, (III ,1,1. liolicsdiiju, Jjorks Co. ISdckvillc, naiiiiUiii Co. Uo.vci'H I'liid, MoiiiKdiiierv Uupoit, Colimiljia Ou. HI. l'<'(i'i>liin'Kli. .SI.CI:iir, HcliiijIKill Co. Ht. Nicholas. Si-li\vciili»vilJc, .MonlL- ^ ly Co. Heliu.vlkill Jlavtn, Scliiivl kill Co. Hewl'H Static do. Uo. do. do. do. ■I'. I.. 1'. I!. .V I'. do. do. I do. W. 4: 1!. HHsholtavi' Berks Co. 1'. K .v ]. I ' ■ .oi'tlniiiiljci- Sliaiiiokiii, land Co. du. Slii'nando.ih, Scliii.\ liiill i \,., ,i^,_ Mliilipcn. Slicridan, Li Ijanon Co. Silver Cicci:, SclmylUill Co. SinkiiiK Siiring, Ikrks Co. SlatinBtoii, I.c1j1);1i Co. Sinnthiiort. SjirinKCitv, Clicslcr v.o. Sirini,' Mill. \v,Kt, .Mont- Koiiicrx Co. i I Stony Cri'ck.Scliuylkill c,,.' Stron(,'villc, do. do.j Siiniiiiil, do. ,|„ i Swataiii, do. do. U.I'.* N.Y, 1'. R. .t 1'. do. do. do. !i;.i'. A N.v. I-. li. \ 1'. do. do. do. I do. do. I Jf> 2 I'hilu. I'U. JO a Do. do. 3.5 2 Do. Do. Do. do. do. do. •2(> UO •25 Ull 25 ! a :J5 I 2 •10 ! 40 25 Do. ,1,, I'liil.i., Ka. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. CojitcsviUc, Pa. I'liila., I'a. Do. do. Do. do. lliillalo, N. \. I'hila., I'a. Do. do. Do. do. Do, do. BlllValo, N. Y. I'liila., Pa. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. 110 rKNNSVLVANIA. Nin'ic u \Ti:. Si|imi'".! Dl'KICIW. iloinpiiii.v.' Tliii-- l.iui'. Oilier l.iiii'r Fj'iivt'H this lain'. lid Swede I'liniiiii' or Swi'ili!- 1'. U. & 1'. liiml, MiintKnim'ry Co. Timiaiieii(l,'_S(liiiylkill Co. lili |,T»niaiM|iiii, do. do. do. do. 7li I Tower l!ity, do. I A!) I Troiiiont, do. I Turkey Hun (Jolliery, Slii I nuiidoali. lili Tiiseiirora, Seliiiylkill\;o. H4 I Treverloii, Nortlmiidier- ; land Co, Tiielierton, llerkH <'o. (Iiiioii '('olliery, IJark Col- lier, (/uliiuil)iii Cak I'liioii l-'oiHe, Li'lKUKJii (!o. I!iiii>ii li. & C. IS. U., Liiii- ouuter Co. VuU.'y l''or)>p, MoulHoiiiury Co.' Voni Crua, LoliiKb Cu. ir.l H* 1'. n. & !•. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1'. 11. «i I'. do. do. 1'. U H V do. T. L. WiiHUiiiKloii, WiiHliiUKtou Co. Wiid.;svilli', Hcliuylkil' Co. ll>. R. A V.i \Vuyiie8l)UrK,liiiic.,CliUBter W. .V 11. Co. WoHt I'lidii. West Urooksidi! Colliery, SebuylklU Co. Wliito Deer, Uuiou Co. Willittni8porl,I,y<^oiuiiiB Co. Will. Pemi. ScUilvlkill Co. WrightBville, York Co. West Shenaiuloah Colliery, Hcliiiylkill Co. Went Willow, LauoiiHtorfin. P. B. Jfe P.I 1 do. i do. do. do. do. do. do. ■JU 'J Phila,, Pii. Do. do. ho. do. Do. ilo. Do. lln. Do. do. 'ir. Do. do. Do. do. t i ] M 1 ■M I Do. I I Do. do. do. Do. ilo Do. ilo •i I I'liila.. I'll. •) ! Do. (in. ! •2 ll'hila., IM. a ! Coater<ville I'.i. 10 •a 411 liO I'liila., I'a. Do. do. Do. di. Do. d.>. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. HI QUEBEC. S(|imr('. Name l',i. OFFICKS. 1 "' |CoiTii)aii AylnnT. 1 Dom. HiitiHcuii. do. nurtliicr. do. Hiiik llivcr. do. ISunl.iiiI'l.inn,'. do. ItriHti.l. llO. ItiirkiiiRlmm. <lo. KATE. CaiioSantr'. • 'ai'illoii. ('Iiaiiipl.'iiu. I Ulurendnii f!i>iitri'. I CntiMiu I.nii(1iii(r. 1 Ueclmmbaiilt. I lOast TiMii|ili.ti)ii. KdwdnlHluirf^. i <latiiic.iii BridRc. ' (trfiircM Piiiiit. I Urpiivilli'. ' UPdinliiiOH. Hull. * •rnniHcB (JartiiT. Jolii'lti., liiiiii'iiKtir. Company. This Line. I otber Liiii'h Leaves this Lini'. DoiD, do. I do. do. do. OODI, Ooni. do. Dom. do. do. do. Dom. Uom. do. l>oni, do. 30 •2 30 2 30 2 .SO 2 30 2 .'iO 2 30 2 30 30 3(1 30 .30 nilFl'WLO, N. V. 30 30 30 2 30 2 30 ] 2 30 2 n.sWKdo, N. V. DKTKOIT, MICH. QUEBE(>'. HATE. S(|llllrT ' OI'TICICS. I Name ■Oimipiuiy. TliiH Line. ()t)i< rLiiUK, AliiKHoii ('(lih'Kt'/rcm'bdiiuc Miiiitc liillo. Montreal. IMniichrstci'. Moiiliiicttc. Niwlli Nation Mills. I'aiiiiiranvilli'. I'oiiit aux Ti'fiiililcH. Vortagi' (In I'oi't. Port Neiil. iiiu'hvv, : Qiiio. illiviT o ITalricH. !, (in liaul.) Ht. AiuIrL'Ws. Ht. AmiOH-rtc-la-l'arailr. St. Aiim'k, (Hunt r.iKli .) SI. KUKtUC'llC St. .Toun ilu Neuville. St. Hcrmttu'K. SI. Viiircnt di> I'anl. St. Placiile. St. HcbolnRliqui'. To^^obonll(^ 'I'lirci' Kivors. Thurso. Wttles. Doni. do. do. do do. Iioin. Uoiii. do. (III. do. Uiini. ilo. do. do. Dmii. do. ilo. do. <lo. do. do. di>. do. Doni. do. do. do. ;ii) M :iii •M III 2 III ■> III 2 III 2 ■M ■M :in 30 DO :»i :io :iu ;io ;io no ;io :io 311 ;io :io ;io i IIUKl'AI.U. N. V loswiido, N. v.. IIKl'KOIT, Mini. ii;i KHOKE ISLAM). Si|ii:ir('. (ii''iii:i;s. Nuino ril UATi;. Company. TliiM Lijic. otliiT Linn Lwivi'n tluH l.iui' IH NiirraBunsctf Park, (.liirliiK Uai'CH.) I Newjtort I'UWtllclil't. I'mvidc'iicc T. r,. T. I,. (Id. Turin 2r, :iiui ■> mnn- tli.iii (iiiin liil'idvi ilnlice, U. I. riici'k I'riviiliriri', l{. i. 15 ! I II UTAI[. Rqimre. (11 TICKS. ■Mtn. j American I'di'Ii. j Hni\(M'. I IliiiKli'ini. IIIiikIiiiiii .liiiic'lioii. I '' l;im'(!r<Mli. r.iilliniivillc. I .'.71 ' OaHtIc liock. I ('t)V(' CrrrU. I Hrdni- City. ri77 ' Ciiriiiiii'. r,7S 'kpIio. ! Kiiliniiiii. I I I I'liirvipw. • ['aniiiiiKtoii. ' l-'illmorp, I rimiifain «ircdi. I '. rniiikliii. (lIcinvocMi. (illlllliF-'llll. Kiin:ili. luiiiarra. KiiyKvillo, KHI-iii. Naiiir llATT. "( I.i'avi H tliiH Liiif. ('iiiniiaiij. ThiH Line, nihir I.iiicv I Dfucriit. du. DcKfrrl. I do. I do. ('. r. iK'-cri't. dii. T. 1j. DcHcrt't. do. { i'. P. I DoRorpt. do. Dosprct, do. do. C. P. £1 H T. t. e o Dcsoret. ei o o V 03 DpRpret. ■a do. U ». do. o n do. ■a do. 6 > o d 5 I 5 ' .10 ' 50 ■iO j SaltLaki'Cily, lltiih. 30 Do. do. "t 00 411 i Halt I.'ikp City, lHali ' no 20 ! Ho. do. 2.1 10 I Do. do. i I Otilral. ■ .10 I W I Suit Lake City. Ulali. 1 .10 in : Do. ilo. •1 00 •1 (10 40 Hnll Lake City, lUali. 40 Do. ilo. Coiitral. P. (). address Ecbo I City, irtali. :I0 I Saltl.akptMty, Utaii. 'I IK) • 7n • 7S '1 no '1 no ' 25 RO 10 40 30 30 30 411 40 10 Salt Ijikc City, Utali. Do. do. Do. Do. Do. do. do. do. SaltLakpCily, niali. Do. do. Salt T,akP City, Utah. Do. do. Do. do. Central. IndioatcH 'lint rate lin* additional wordn is lor paeh live words or less. llfi I'TAII Hquaro. • 'I'l'KHOH. Ltjhi. Miiiiti. I Muiiiliiii, MilHTHVlIll . Mourcio. Moniiii. Ml. I'liaKuiif. Ncphi. •W5 Off,U-n. 575 I'ariH. I I'aniwaii. I I'liy-^dii. I'illo Viilli;y. I'rovo. I'ftirKoii, I'loniiiiitiii'y. Pniiiioca, : N'uiiir ll.\TK. |<!""ijlanj. Tl,i.l, nth,.,. I.i,,,.. '"■"^"' ""■ ''^' Ot'Krrut. ilu. Dt'xi'rt't. ilo. ilo. do. (111. ill). : I Duaoret. i ! i JJt'Hert't. I do. do. I do. do. i do. I <!. P. ; i Diiseret. \ ' •''11 W i.Siilt l.ali. .('!»>, riiih a a 2 H • 75 ■ 75 ' 75 "1(10 M U(l to J3 j o ' 7.^ j uu ' 75 lit) do. do. do do. do. do do <lo do. do. do. do $ I -S I s ; B I o s ^' » I 5 2 I ' 50 20 Sail Lik,. I'lij, ti|,,|, P. II. ai|.lr..».s, ((^ilrii Oit.v, ftall. ■'"Oj 40 |.SaltUikfCit.y, iiiHii. ■100 I 40 • -iO ' -io •100 40 (/,). ,1,1 •20 ! ,l„ ,|„ bird jocntrul. l.T SaltLakf (Jitj, (Itali. liidiuuicK that rat,, lor a.lditi.iual wo.->|„ ,k 1,.,- vmU ■> wo.dn , lie I'lAll Silimre. 576 074 r.7.-> I Uiolilli 111. UleliiiiiiiKl, I Itnckvillo. 8t. (Ui)rHc. Wiuidy. SlirinKvilliv Silver. SaiitaKUiii. SpiiiiK <!it,v. Suliiia. Sliri'iilaii llill. SUiiiintic. Halt l-ukf Oity. Terrnoo. TokcrvlUc. IJiutuli. Wnli«ateli. Wclirr. Nimic nf HATE. (!oiiipttiiy.| ThtHMiie. i Otlipr Mm-. i ■ 7., Iil'UVl'H tlllM lA. ,'. lll'Hl'll'l. do. do. DoHcri't. do. An. do. do. do. do. do. do. T. L. C). 1'. UcBoret. T. L. T. L. T. L. " 7r> "lUll Kill " 7,5 * no •100 •luo III 10 •iO ■M 'Jll :iii :io '.!0 40 Hull l,alu'(!it.v, lllali. do. do. .10. do. Uult Lnko<:Uy, Utah, do. do. do. do. ilo. do. do. <lo. do. do. do. ilo. do do. ilo. do. (iriilnil. Halt Lake (^itj, llliili. liidi.atiH that lati' for ailditioiial words is lor uach ii wordn or luHS. 117 WAHI£IN(JlUN TKKJtirouV Hr|U»fl'.i OI'I'KUlH. Nntiii liATi:. '"""I ""y.; -llilH Li.ic. otliur Llh... LtiVr IIjik 1,1111 Wiillii \v,i||,| iiiir '. .'id iiirii (1 .III 1 Vliiiicmiii-i' I. >i ]'. (,'(■1 irlll to Uii 1, Ni'vachi. C'l'iitnil niiil 17 iirill to I, Nc',., H 'J.;! o| <Mm(1i 118 WIHCONSIN. Si|llilt't'. ((FKK'KS. ■2in Kt'llUHllil. :ioii Milwiiukw. ■I'M Uiifiiir. I UATH ,„■ Ia;iv<s Hub bine. (Umipuiiy. Tliis Line. Olliir Liiie. T. L. T. L. T. L. 119 WEST VIRGINIA. Si|ii!irn. OFI'ICKH. I Namp UATK. joninimny. Thin Uno. ,„„..,. u... '""''''" """ """• ir.i WlU'clilijr. 'I'. L. 12n WYOMING. Sinmro. r.74 Aflpcn. MH AtkiiiH. 574 AUny. r>f,7 Hitter Oroeh. r,c,7 lilack HiittcM. r>7'i ItiiilgiM'. r.7i Bryan. S48 Uiiroril. r>n4 572 ri4H r.72 504 55fi 5fi4 ixH Carbon. (!arter. Clioycnne. Clmrfh llulti's. Conio. (!ooiior'H [<!iUi'. ('rftston. KvauHton. Fort Frcil Stci'li'. 54H Fort SiindcrB. Name RATE. Company.; This Line.i other Lines. T. I., ilo. do. do. do. do. do. do. T. L. do. do. do. do. do. do. T. I,. T. L. do. LeaveH (liiH J.iin*. 1'. (). adilrcHH Oliey- enne (!ity, W'y. I Oliii'k Laramie. 121 WYOMING. Hiuare., OFFICES. 571 Granger, R48 Granite Canon 571 Green Kiver. 648 UillHduIc. 548 Hazard. S74 Hilllard. 656 Laramie, Name of KATE. Company, This Line, I Other Line. 55fi Lookout. 572 Loroy. 564 I Medicine Bow I 556 I Miser. 548 Otto. 564 Percy, 574 ; Piedmont, 648 j Pine Bluffs. 569 , Point of UoekK. 571 Hock Hiiringa. 564 ItuwIingH, 568 Ri'd Uiitte- 567 Ued Desert. 556 Kock Cieok. 569 .Suit WeliH. 564 ; Separation. 548 Sberman. 5il4 St. Marys. 567 S48 564 556 Table Bock. Tie Siding. Washakie. Wyomiujf. Leaves this Line. T. L. do, do, do, do, do. do. do. do, do. do. do. do. do. do. do, do, do. do, do. do. do. do. do, do. do, do. do. do. P. O. address Green Eiver City, Wy. P, O. address Luru mie City. Wy. P. O. address Baw lings Springs, Wy. 16