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She gave me a rose in early June, Fed with the sun and the dew, Each petal she said is a mount in the moon, The rose is the whole moon through and through, The moon is the whole pale-hearted rose, Round and radiance, burnish and blue. Break in the flood-tide that murmurs and flows, I love you, I love you, I love you. This is our love in early June, Fed with the sun and the dew, Moonlight and roses hid in a tune, The roses are music through and through. The moonlight falls in the breath of the rose, Light and cadence, honey and hue, Mingle and murmur and flow to a close, I love you, I love you, I love you. C D. C. S. YARROW. iroagh, ose, <: hrough, flows, Me. D. C. S. THE yarrow's beauty. —Fools may laugh, And yet the fields without it Were shorn of half their comfort, half Their magic— who can doubt it ? Yon patches of a milky stain In verdure bright or pallid Are something like the deep refrain That tunes a perfect ballad. The meadows, by its sober white — Though few would bend to pick it- Are tempered as the sounds of night Are tempered by the cricket. It blooms as in the fields of life Those spirits bloom forever, Unnamed, unnoted in the strife, Among the great and clever, Who spread from an unconscious soul, An aura pure and tender, A kindly background for the whole. Between the gloom and splendour. Let others captivate the mass With power and brilliant seeming : The lily and the rose I pass, The yarrow holds me dreaming. A. JL.