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THE ({^ttcliec ^Imanacift, AND BRITISH AMERICAN ROTAL KALENDAR, FOR THE YEAR 1830, BEING THK SECOND AFTER LEAP YEAR North Latitude, 46« 48' 30" West Longitude from Greenwicbi 71* 17*« QUEBEC: PRINTED AND SOLD BY NEJLSON^ COWJIT, K«. $« MOUNTAIN STREET. f /■ n I P A/La /^J^ yC-/^**3^ •'^•-3^ :j!K ^ .'"■V^ vT'V-^t. •^' V ^. •Sr* , N«-' ^ V >T V«* V 1« .>:i ■ lApWi^^ ^ ■>4«> ^ - Vii' 'HV 1.1 i ALMANACK, 1830. EPOCHS AND COMMON NOT For the Year 1830, being the iccond after Leap Of the Julian Period Of tiie Mundane iSra • • Since the birth of Chriil, according to Chro- nologers* - • Of the w/^^r Chrtftian i£ra Since the Difcovery of America Since the foundation of Quebec by Champlain Of the reign of His Majefty GEORGE IV. Chronological Cyclei* Dominical Letter C. Golden Number 7 Epaa, VI Solar Cycle iQ Ro:nan lndi£ti'>n S Ember Dayt* ES, Year, 6543 5833 1834 1830 338 221 II 6. M^ffch 3, 5 and Jurt 2) 4 and 5. September 15, 17 and 18. December) IS* '7 and i8* MOVEABLE FEASTS. Se| tuaga. Sund. Feb. 7 Quin.orSh.Sun* Ffby 21 Art 'Wednefday,Feby. 24 Mid-Lent Sun. March 21 Paliti Sunday, April 4 EASTER DAY, April 1 1 Low Sunday, April 18 Rogation Sun* May 16 Afcen. H. I'hor. May 2o Whit Sunday, May 30 Trinity Sunday, june 6 Advent Sunday, Not. 2S Commencement of the SEASONS, Spring Sun enters March 20, Qh 47m evening, Suvmer Sun enters 35, June 21, 7h 5m evening. Autumn Sun enters ^, Sept. 23, 9h 6m morning. Winter Sun enters)^ Deer* 22, 2h 23m morning. h ECLIPSES. There will be six eclipses this year, four of the sun and two of the moon, viz : 1. Of the Sun, Feb. 22d. conj. at llh. 51m. even- ing, invisible at Quebec. 2. Of the Moon, March 9th total, but invisible at Qucbcc,coiij. at 8h. 46m. morning, digits eclipsed 20 ®. Duration 3h 54m. 5. Of the Sun, March 24lh, invisible, conj. at9h. 50m. morning. 4. Of the Sun, Aug. 18tb, invisible, conj. 7b. 8m. morning. 5. Of the moon, sept. 2, visible. The Moon will rise as the Sun sets, totally eclipsed— at 6h. 44min. her eastern limb will begin to appear £nd of the eclipse 7h.4l^min. Duration 3h. 36miu. Dibits eclipsed, 21 ^. 4C^m: 6®. Of the Sun, I6th September, invisible, conj. llh, 43^. evening^ '.4 1 MOON*s RISING and SETTING. At four days old it fets at, and fhines till) about lo at night. 5 - about - II 6 • about - iz 7 at near i in the morn- ing. 5, at full, it rifes about 6 in the evening. i6 - i8 I 20 at 5 after at J after about - about - about - • lo - II - la Of the Changes of the Moon, Many perfons, underftanding that the mean time be. tween one new Moon and another is 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and a fradllon, imagine that, to find the full or quarters of the Moon, they have only to add a half or fourth part of that time; and when they do not find the changes marked in the Calendar to cor- refpond with this method, they impute it to miftake in the calculation of thoi'e changes. It is therefore, neceffary to put them in mind, that the great inequa- lityof the Moon's motions renders the above rule ex- tremely inaccurate, fo that nineteen times in twenty, it mud fail in giving the true conjundion or charge. )f the sun ;im. even" invisible act ipsed20®. onj. at9fi* ij. 7h. 8m. Moon will 44min. her rthe eclipse its eclipsed, isible, con|. NG. ifes about 6 jn-.ng. fter fter 7 % „ lO . It - 12 ECLIPSES. n, ean t'lme be- ^8) izhoursy to find the only to add a hen they do ndar to cor- t to miftakc is therefore. Treat inequa- )Ove rule ex- es in twentVi n or cliArge. 11 y aura cette ann^e six eclipses, quatre dc soleil ce deux de lune, savoir :— 1 ® . De soleil, 22 fevrier, coujunction a lib. 51 m. soir, invisible a Quebec. 2 ^ . De lunci 9 mars, totale, mais invisible k Que- bec, conj. a 8h. 46m. du matin, eclipses de 20 doigts, duree 5 heures 54 minutes. 3*^. De soleit, 24 mars, invisible, conj. 9h. 59m. du matin. 4°. De solei), 18 aout, invisible, conj. a 7h. 8m. matin. 5°. De lune, 2 sept., visible. La lune selcvera eomme le soleil se couchera, eclipse tolale ; a 6h.44m. son bord oriental commencera a paraitre. Fin de I'e- clipse 7b. 41^min. dur^e 5h. 36ro. eclipsee de21 doigta 40^. 6*3. De soleil, 16 sept, invisible, conj. lib. 43m. du soir. LesDouzk Signes du Zodiaqjje. oh. 901. evening. Firft Quarter the 3iity 6h. inn* morning. Df mm I 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 II 12 »3 >4| »5 16 17 18 19 20 SI aa as »4 a a a? a8 »9 30 3» wi. J ENGLISH CALENDAR. F. Sa. M. Tu. W. Th F. Sa. Sun M. Tu W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu W. Circumcjfion, Iriih Unton^ I801, 2d Sunday after CbrUtmau Eplpbanjt Lucian. if Sun, aft* Epiphany-^ |Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. F. zd Sunday after Epiphany » Prisca. Fabian. Agnes. Louis l6th tbd% 1793. Vincent* 3«/ Sun. after Eptpb. Conversion of St, Faul* Duke of SufTex born. R. OS K'ng George IV. acces i8zo^ Sa. I King Charles I. Mart. 1649. Sun\^bSun, af Ep, K..G.IV.pro.i82o 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 44 44 43 4a 4Z 4i 40 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 3* 31 3o 19 »7 26 *5 24 23 21 20 19 17 16 14 6m. M« g* H" ing. ing. R. OS 7 4^ • 7 44 5 7 43 1 7 4Z > 7 4» 5 7 4i 5 7 40 5 7 40 5 7 39 5 7 38 5 7 37 5 7 36 5 7 35 5 7 34 5 7 33 5 7 3* 5 7 31 5 7 3o 5 7 19 5 7 a7 5 7 26 5 7 »5 5 7 a4 5 7 23 S 7 ai 5 7 20 5 7 19 5 7 17 5 7 16 5 7 14 5 ^ 7 13 5 /^^ ^ /2r -^ ./2. f IE / 7 ^^?- -/« ^ 1^ ^H.;^i*f55 Tf./r:^ •♦*^» Min^i SIC I ill ... i j: : JANVIER Ic O ent. «; le zo a 6h 56m.M. t I a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo II 12 13 14 '5 l6 17 i8 ]) Le I a 9h. 49m. soir« O Le 8 a ich. 47m. soir. ^ Le 16 a iih. I8:n» (oir. Le 24 a oh. 9m. soir. ^ Le 31 a 6h. 2m. matini Semaine Vendredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi MercreJi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN, Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi 19 Mardi 21 a2 23 «4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Mercredi jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN. FETES. CIRCONCJSION, d'Ohlig. Odt. de St. Etienne. 2M O^lave de st. Jean. M Odlavedesss. Innocens. Vigile de PEpiphanie, EPIPHANIE. Oa. «/'0W. } De i'Oct. SJ.derOct. Mem.dc s.Hygln De rOctave, 6e. jour. 06tave de rEpiphani*. s. Hiiaire* M s, Paul, premier Hermite. M s. Marcel, mart. NoM DF Jesus, M Chaire de s. Pierre a Rome zM s. Canut. M ss. Fabien ec Sebastien, ste. Agnes. ss. Vincent et Anatase, s. Raimond de Penoafort. Conversion de s* Paul. s. Polycarpe. s. Jean Chryfoflome* s, Antoine, Abbe. (17) s. Francois de Sales. ste. Marti ne. s. Pierre Nolafque. M M M M LGC 7 44 5 7 4* 5 7 43 5 7 4» 5 7 4* 5 7 41 5 740 5 7 40 5 7 39 5 7 38 5 7 37 5 7 36 5 7 35 5 7 34 5 7 33 5 7 3* 5 731 5 7 30 5 7 *9 5 7 »7 5 726 5 7*5 5 7*4 5 7 »3 5 7 *' 5 7 ao 5 7 »9 5 7 «7 5 7 »« 5 7 "4 5 [7 n 5 -' Is ',li< I :;h FEBRUARY enters K 18th 9h36m. £. Full Moon the 7th, ih* 57m. evening. Lad Quarter, the iSth, 7h* 43m. evening. New Moon, the aid iih* 51m* evening. Ds WS. { ENGLISH CALENDAR. R.O&' I M. 7 I* 5 a Tu. Pur, o/B.y. Mary. 7 10 5 3 w. Blasius. 7 9 5 4 Th. 775 5 F. Agatha. 765 6 Sa. 7 4 5 7 Sun Septuages'ma Sunday, 7 3 5 8 M. 7 I 5 9 Tu. 705 10 w. 6 58 6 II Th. 6 57 6 la F. 6 55 6 »3 Sa. The Revolution, 1668. 6 53 6 14 Sun Sexagetima Sunday. Valentine. 6 52 6 15 M. 6 50 6 16 Tu. 6 48 6 17 W. 6 47 6 18 Th. 6 45 6 19 F. 6 44 6 ao Sa. 6 42 6 ai Sun Slu'inquagejima Sunday. 6 40 6 aa M« 6 39 6 »3 Tu. Sbrove-Tuefday . 6 37 6 a4 W. AJh-lVedneJday. St. Mathias. D,of 6 36 6 *S Th'. [Cambridge born. 6 34 6 a6 Fri. 6 3a 6 a7 Sa. 6 30 6 a8 Sun itt Sunday in Lent. 6 27 6 ng. R. O &' /^^^ r^A /« ^ ■^ 4 F/- / •— /f - o ?^ — ^r^ '- /( JtA^^^ A ^ ^-Jc- Af>ur, M^^. M — /t Vf -*/# — /; •/ A /« — A -^n ~/J — /« 7 fi -— -/ ~^2t>^A ^o /c^ Z ^,j^^. --.. ^i^ /^ — /. --^ > ^^L^ — 5 54 7 mv- 5 5» 7 Wy 5 50 7 fm 5 47 7 i^^H 5 43 7 ^^Ha^^ 5 37 7 5 35 7 w^ — 5 34 7 Wify} ^ym, Z. ing. Ig. ng. ing. R.Qs. 6 24 6 6 22 6 6 2o 6 6 19 6 6 17 6 6 i5 6 6 13 6 6 12 6 6 10 6 696 676 656 646 636 626 626 6 I 6 6 I 606 606 606 5 59 7 5 57 7 5 54 7 5 5* 7 5 50 7 5 47 7 5 43 7 5 37 7 5 35 7 5 34 7 %»^.j^//CA'^k^ «. — /^ — 4 /-^ ii /• — y. — < -^/ , — <• A A V ~ /> — /', / — /} — ^ .r< A — i 4t .- zz — 4 — ^ i 't E ' •■'"ii ■ ^--«^^>.^ ^:" 1^ .A "»»' ^* '-^ »• ■>T#k V \ ••*• -»«».^4-..._i_^ -.^>V^. ,>^v >Sv \ -^. »v V ?». •-T» ^S — .^.. h\ mtmmiii*-ht^'m\% " ^ '- J- I «» ^.-X -^♦»» » <>»lt* I - >s»— -*•" •»•' iiU ;5>' t'- '•as »^ ^»-....- ■i -j'-<*^Vt- -^ ^ 1 ^^ a «-. i :• di - i Mars le O entreau 18 14 Good Friday t Easter day, Easter Monday. Easter Tuesday, ifi Sund. aft, Easter, Lota Sunday* Alphege.. St. George. King Geo. IV. b. d. [kept. %d Sunday after Easter, St, Mark, IDs. Gloucester born. R. Q S. 3a 7 30 7 28 7 a; 7 as 7 24 7 22 7 20 7 19 7 27 7 IS 7 H 7 12 7 II 7 9 7 7 7 6 7 4 7 3 7 I 7 7 58 8 S7 8 5S 8 54 8 S2 8 51 8 4 49 8 4 48 8 14 46 8 i6m. M jng« [ing. |ing. ing. R. O s. 5 32 7 5 30 7 5 28 7 • S a; 7 • 5 ^5 7 4- 5 24 7 5 22 7 5 20 7 5 19 7 5 27 7 5 15 7 5 14 7 5 12 7 S II 7 5 9 7 5 7 7 5^7 •547 5 3 7 5 I 7 5 7 4 58 8 . 4 57 8 4 55 8 ' 4 54 8 4 52 8 4 51 8 4 49 8 4 48 3 4 46 8 V//^ k-/i - A •rt ■ — ik — «9 20 21 22 23 24 as 26 17 FETES. NT. Dame dc Pitie. M -. Francois de Paule,(hier) M Des Ram eaux. Jeudi Saint. Vendredi Saint. Samedi Saint. PAQUE. yDc Devotion. De I'Octave. 1 apres Paque. Quasimodo. s* Isidore, (4) s. Vincent Ferrier, (5) ^'. Anfelme. •s. Soicr, &c. Mart. s. Ge>rge, M^rt. s. Fidele de Sigmar. 2 apr* Paq. s. Marc. ss. Ciet, &c. mart. s. Leon le Grand, (11) jS. Hrmenciildc, (i3) M 1". Pierre, 'ste. Catherine f^i Sienne« LO C 34 7 33 3» 30 2S 26 25 ^3 21 19 J8 16 '5 i3 12 10 8 7 5 4 2 4 59 8 4 57 8 4 56 8 4 54 8 4 53 8 4 5^ 8 4 50 8 4 48 8 MAY O enters n 21, loh. 34m. morning, ii i( ii 1 ' Full Moon the 7th, -jh. 17111* evening. Laft Quarter the ibth, iih* 33m, morning. New Moon the 22d, 2h. 28>n. morning. Firil Quarter the 29th, 6h. 3m. morning., Ds ! 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 ws. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. SUK M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M, Tu. W. ENGLISH CALENDAR. 20jTh. ai F. St, PhiUlp Sc St, J as. Union >with Sd Sunday aft, Easter, [Scot. 1707 lavention of the Crofs. S, John Evangelist, ^tb Sun, after Eajier, Columbus 4th [voyage 1501. 22 23 24 »5 26 ay 28 29 30 3» Sa. S«;2 M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. %nu M. ^tb Sun, aft, Easter* Rogation Sun. Dundan. Ajcenfton day. Holy Tburfday, Sun, after Ascension day. Ven. Bede. King Cbas U,refiorcd,i66o, fVbit-Sunday, fVbit.Monday, R. O S. 4 48 S 4 47 8 4 46 8 4 44 8 4 43 8 4 42 K 4 40 8 4 39 8 4 38 8 4 36 8 4 35 8 4 34 8 4 33 8 4 31 8 4 3':> 8 4 29 8 4 28 8 4 26 8 4 as 8 4 24 8 4 ^3 8 4 22 8 4 21 8 4 20 8 4 19 8 4. 18 8 4 17 8 4 16 8 4 15 8 4 14 8 4 '3 S morning. g* )rning, rn'ing* iing.^ ~R. O S. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 48 S 47 8 46 8 44 8 43 8 4Z 8 40 8 39 8 38 8 36 8 35 8 34 8 33 8 5' I 30 8 29 8 28 8 26 8 25 8 24 8 23 8 22 8 21 8 20 8 19 8 18 8 17 8 16 8 '5 ! 14 8 23 S ,^- MA ! i %i 1 v 1 i ] 2 3 4 5 t 7 8 9 20 II 12 13 »4 15 ]6 1% 19 20 21 22 ^3 24 ^5 26 *7 28 29 30 31 MAI le Ocntreaux n le 21 a loh 34m. M. O Le 7 a 7h, lym. soir ([ Le 15 a iih. 33m. matin Le 22 a 2h. 2801. matin ]) Le 29 a 6h« 3m. matin 1° Scmaine* I Samedi 2 OlMAN* 3 Lundi 4 Mardi 5 Mercredi b Jeudi 7 Vendredi S Samedi 9 DiMAN* 10 Lundi 11 Mardi 12 Mercredi 13 Jeudi '4 V^endredi 15 Samedi ]6 DiMAN. 17 Lundi iS Mardi '9 Mercredi 20 Jeudi 21 Vendredi 22 Samedi as DiMAN. 24 Lundi ^5 Mardi 26 Mercredi 27 jeudi 28 Vendredi 29 Samedi 30 DiMAN. 31 Lundi FETES ss.Fhilippe & Jacques Ap. STE. VAUlLLE.fOct. d QbJ M Inven. ste. Croix* [3 ap.^Paq. ste^ MoniquCi 8. PieV. ^ [M s. Jean dev. Porte-Latine* 8. Stanislas, Apparition de 8. MicheL 4 apr. Paq. 8. Greg. deNaz. s. Antonin. M 8. Atl^anafe, Doct* (2) ss. Neree, &c. A Quebec s, Greg* (9.) 8. Boniface. De la src. Vierge. 5 apres Paques. Rogathnss, Pas. Baylont Rogations, s. Venant, Mart, Htgationt' 9, Pierre Celeftin. ACENSION. d'Oblig, Oa, $• Bernardin. De rOctave. 6 apres Paque. De l*Octave. s.Gregoire VII, s. Philippe de Neri. Octave de l*Afcenfion. ste, MagdelenedePazzis. {yigUej Jiufie.) PENTECOTE. OSlave* De Devotion. n L ^ 4 47 s m 446 8 « 4 44 8 fl 4 43 8 1 1 4 42 8 4 40 8 4 39 8 4 38 8 4 36 8 4 35 8 4 34 8 4 33 8 4 31 8 4 30 8 1 11 4 29 8 m 4 28 8 t] 4 26 8 It 4 *s 8 1 m 4 24 8 ;P 4 23 8 § 4 22 8 ' m 4ai 8 ii 4 20 8 S 4 19 8 1 »' 4 18 8 1 ' 4 17 8 m 4 16 8 M'- 4 15 8 S:. 4 14 8 m^ 4 13 8 j m- 4 13 8 1 m M : JUNE O enters 25* 3ist» 7!!. 5m. Ev% Full Moon the 6th, 9h. 34111. morning. Lall Quarter the 13th, 6hr 4m. evening. New Moon the 2o(h, loh. i8m. morning. First Quarter 27th, loh. 31m. evening* Ds ws. Fu ENGLISH CALENDAR. .R. s. I IVhit'Tuetday, Nicomedc. 4 i3 8 2 W. Peace at Parisi 1814. 4 12 8 3 Th. 4 12 8 4 Fr. 4 II 8 5 Sa. Boniface. D, of Cumb, born. 4 XI 8 6 Sun Trinity Sunday* Battle of Burling. 4 10 g 7 M. [ton heightS9:8i3 4 9 8 8 lu. 4 9 8 9 W. 4 9 8 xo Th. 4 8 8 «i F. St, Barnabas, 4 8 8 J2 Sa. 4 7 8 »3 Sun ifi Sun. after Trinity, 4 7 8 >4 VI. 4 7 8 »5 Tu 4 •6 8 x6 VV. 4 6 8 17 Th. St. Alban. 4 6 8 18 F. Hampden kilA6A5, Waterloo, 1815. 4 5 8 19 Sa. U.States declare war agst.Brit.i8l2 4 5 8 20 Sun zd 'Sun, after Trinity, Trans, of 4 5 8 21 M. LHd. K.W. Saxons. Longest d. 4 5 8 22 Pu. ..'"• 4 5 8 23 VV. 4 5 8 a4 Th. Nativity of St. John the Baptist 4 5 8 *S Fr. [Newfoundland disc* 1494 4 5 8 26 Sa. 4 5 8 27 Sun I A Sun. after Trinity, 4 6 8 28 M. 4 6 8 29 Tu. St, Peter. 4 6 8 SO W. 4 .^ ? km. Ev prning. Ining. lorni ing. ng. R. O s. 4 i3 8 4 i« 8 4 12 8 4 11 8 4 II 8 '- 4 lO g 3 4 9 8 4 9 8 4 9 8 4 8 8 4 8 8 4 7 8 4 7 8 4 7 8 4 •6 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 5. 4 5 8 !^ 5 8 >f 4 5 8 1. 4 5 8 4 5 8 4 5 8 ' 4 5 8 4 4 5 8 4 5 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 C 8 4 ^ ? • -x^' »^>*!^ -^t ^' -t -j r^ Hi \ ^ •^ \ •^' :3?!^ J V- ^v <««S.. •:s; .■?<» "^.. t -'■"' \ ] JUIN le O ttiUt i 8B Ic 2 1 a ;h 5m. Sr. Le 6 a 9hi 34in* matin ^ Le fj a 6h. 4m. soir Le 7.0 a loh. i8nn. matin ]) Lc 17 a loh* 31m. soir J<> S:inaine I Mardi a^Mercrcdi 3 jeudi 4 Vendredi 5 Sarnedi 6 DiMAN. 7|Lundi S Mardi 9 iMercfcdi 10 jeudi 1 1 Vendredi 12 .Sarnedi i'X, DiMAN • 14 Lundi 15 Mardi J 6 Metered i 17 Jeudi 18 Vendredi 19 Sarnedi 20 DlMAN. XI Landi 22 Mardi S3 Mercrcdi i4 Jeudi »5 Vendredi x6 Sarnedi i7 DtMAN. 2.S Lundi sgMardi 30 Mergredi FETES. LO C Oc Devotion. 4 Temps. Del*Octave. M Del'Octavc. 4 Temps, De i*Octavc. 4 Tetnp'. De TOctave, 1 ap. Pen. STE. TRIN. M s. Norbert. Sc. Ubalde (15 mai) 3^ Prime et Fe.icien. FETE-DIEU, d'Obl'tg. Oa. s. Barnabe^ Apotre. M 9. jean des Facoid, 2 .v.>.Pen. s. Anto'ine de Padoue ^ Bjsile, ev. ec doct* De rOctave. M DerOctavf. M Oa» de la F£TE-DiEU. M ste. Marguerite, M ste. Julienne, vierge. M 3 ap. Pen. 5. Piulin. Vigile da s. Jean Bap. s. Jean Bapt. 0^, M .Guillaume,abbe. M 7(?M«?.88 Jcanet Paul,mart.M 4- ^D- Pen. 5o/.de s. J. Bapt. Jcune, s. Leon Il.Pape. ss. PIERRE et PAUL Ob.zM C jmmemor. de St, Paul. 2 M 4 12 8 4 12 8 4 II 8 4 II 8 4 10 8 4 98 4 9 8 4 9 ^ 4 8 8 4 8 8 4 7 8 4 78 4 7 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 58 4 5 8 4 58 4 5 8 4 58 4 5 8 4 5 8 4 5 8 4 58 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 7 8 S.J !'il> i . f ■I: ! !i'1 \ m JULY G enters SI 23d, 5h. 53m. Morn< Full Moon the 5ch> 9h. 39m. evening. Last Quarter the izth, loh. 51m. evening. New Moon, the 19th, 7h. 29m. evening. Firft Quarter the 27th, 3h. 5101. evening. Di ws. 'Fh". ENGLISH CALENDAR. R- s. I 4 7 8 2 F. rtsit.of B.V.Mary, 4 7 8 3 Sa. United States independence, 1776 4 8 8 4 Sun /^tb Sun, after Trin, Tranfl. of St. 4 8 8 5 M. [Martin— Quebec founded) 1608. 4 9 8 6 Tu 4 9 8 7 W. 4 10 8 8 Th. 4 10 8 9 F. 4 II 8 10 Sa. 4 12 8 II Sun 5 fit Sun, afttr ^Trinity, 4 12 8 12 M. 4 13 8 13 Tu. 4 13 8 H W. 4 24 8 >5 Th. S within* 4 IS 8 16 F. 4 16 8 >7 Sa. 4 17 8 18 Sun €tb Sun. after Trinity, 4 18 8 19 M. King Geo. IV. crowned 1821 • 4 19 8 20 Tu. Margaret. 4 20 8 21 W. 4 21 8 22 Th. Magdalen. 4 22 8 »3 F. 4 23 8 24 Sa, 4 24 8 as Sun 7tb Sunday after Trinity, St.James. 4 25 8 26 M. St. Anne. 4 26 8 27 Tu. 4 27 8 28 W. 4 29 8 29 Th. . 4 30 8 30 F. 4 31 8 31 Sa. u 3a 8 1. Morn. evening. i^ening, ven'ing* R- O S. t. 8. es. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ^ 8 7 ^ 8 8 8 8 ' 8 lo 8 10 8 11 8 12 8 12 8 13 8 13 8 24 8 15 8 16 8 17 8 18 8 19 8 20 8 21 8 22 8 23 8 24 8 25 8 26 8 27 8 29 8 30 8 31 8 y. 8 V II A.' V X^N -^V\ M I II H '111 I III! 3< jaiLLET le O en. au a le 23 a sh 5 3m.M O Le 5 a 9h. 39m. soir ([ Le 12 ^ xoh. 51m. soir ^ Le 19 a yh. 29nn* soir. 2) Le 27 a 3h. 51m. soir J o: Semaine. ' Jeudi 2i Vendrcdi 3 Samedi 4'DiMAN.' 5jLundi 6|Mardi 7 Mercredi 8 Jeudi 9iVendredi iO|Samedi IIjDiMAN. 1 2; Lund i 13'Mardi H IWercredi 15 Jeudi 16 17 18 '9 20 21 22 aj 2^ 2; 26 27 28 29 Vend red i Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mard' Mercredi feudi Vendredi Samedi Dim AN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vendredi f E T E S. SilSaniedi Oct* de s. Jean Bapt. M Vifitation de la B. V. M. xM De rOctave. 5 ap. Pent. M De I Octave. Oct. de ss. Pierre et PauL ste. Elizabeth, Reine. ss. VII Freres, Martyrs. 6 ap.Pen. DEDICACE. Oa. s. Jean Gualbert, Abbe 2M s. Anaclet, nnart. M s. Bonavcnture, Doct. M s, Kenri II. M N. D. du MontCarmeL M Alexis. M 7. Oc/. de la Ded. Sol. s. Jac. s. Vincent de Paul. [ap.2M Jerome Emilien. M s. Oamille de Leilio. (18) 2M ste. Marie Magdeieine. s. ApoUinaire, Mart, M Vigile* M j8, s. Jacques, Ap. 5.f!e ste. M [sre. Anne. Is, Pantaleon, ss. Nazaire, &c. Mart. jste. M^rthe. JVj ST. Abdon, &c. Mart. s. ignace de Loyola. r8 H AUGUST Centers vjl 23d, oh. 22m. R I I 1 1; Full Moon the 4th, 8h. i2nn. morning* Last Quarter the nth, jh. r^nn. morning. New Moon the i8th, yh. 8m. morning. Firil Quarter tlie 26th, 9h. i8m* morning. ; ii li t Ds I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II !2 »3 14 15 16 17 iS >9 20 21 22 as 14 »5 a7 28 »9 30 3» ws. ENGLISH CALENDAR. Sun M. Tu. W* Th. F. Sat. Sj/». M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. F, Sa. Sun M. Tu W. Th. F. Sa. Sun Mo. Tu. ith Sun^ after Trinity, Lammas day. Transfiguration of our Lord. Name of Jefus. ^tb Sun. after Trin* St. Lawrence* K* Geo. IV. b. 1762. lOtb Sund. af. Trinity, Battle of Detroit, 1812 Duke of Clarence born nth Sun, aft. Trinity ^ Saint Bartholomew, St* Auguftine* I2tb Sun, after Trinity, 1765, St. John [Bapt* beheadedi R. O 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 S 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 34 35 36 37 39 40 4» 42 44 45 46 48 49 5^ 53 53 55 57 59 o I 3 4 5 6 7 9 II 13 15 J7 8 8 S 8 8 g 8 8 8 8 S 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 22m. S. nng. lorning* ling, torning. ^6UT le O cntrc a la njj re a 23^ oh 22m.S. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 34 « 35 « 36 8 37 2 39 8 40 8 41 8 42 8 44 8 45 « 46 8 48 8 4 49 8 4 S^ S 5a 8 53 >hn 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 55 8 59 8 o 7 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 II 13 15 17 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ^ Le 4 a 8h. iztn. matin ^ Le II a 3h* 23m. matin ^ Le 18 a 7h, 8m. matin 2^ Le 26 a 9h. i8m. matin Semaine. 1 a [4 ,5 \6 DiMAM. Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vcndredi Samedi [8 I DiMAN* Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN* Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Vfardi Me;credi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi FETE S. 9. s. Pierre aux Liens. 3M s. Etienne. Invention de s. Etienne. s* Dominique. N. D. des Neiges. Transfiguration de N. .S*. M Jeune^ s. Cajetan. M 10, SoUn, de St.Laviient. ss* Cyriac, Arc. mart. 2M s. Laurent) OElave, De I'Octavc. M ste. Claire, Vicrge M De rOctave. M Je&ne, De TOcf. 2M III AstoMFT.B. V. M. C)<9. s. Hyacinthe. 2M Oc. des. Laurent. M De rOctavc. M DcrOct. s Bernard. M ste. Jeanne deChanlaL M I2.0ct. de i*Ass. S. de 8^.Bart. S.Phil. deBeniti. M [zM s. Bartiielemi, Ap. M s. Louis, zpatr. de la Cathed. s. Joachim, M s. Jofeph de Calazantz. s.Auguftin, Doct. M iS.Decolation aes. jeau Bapt* 5.d£Sr.Louis(a Queb Oct s. Iste.Rose deLlma.[Flav. ctFel) s. Ralmond NonnaU LQC 4 35 ^ 436 8 4 37 8 4 39 8 4 40 8 4 ^i 8 4 42 8 4 44.8 445 8 4 46 8 448 8 4 49 8 4 5' 8 Sa 8 53 8 55 8 57 8 59 8 o I 3 4 5 7 9 II 12 >5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 n 17 7 19 7 I Hi; .11 iiii> 1 el ^ * r f' ' .m SEPTEMBER O enters £: 23d, 9h6m M. Full Moon the 2J, 5h. 53m. evening. Laft Quarter the 9thy 9h. 13m. raornlng* New Moon the i6tht 9h. 43m. evening. Firft Quarter the 25ih, ah. 7m. morning. Dsiws. 2|Th. 4 Sa« 6M. ENGLISH CALENDAR. R. O S. Giles. London burnt, 1666, (old style.) I ub Sunday after Trinity, 7|Tu.iEnurchu3. 8,W. Nativity of B. V. Mary. 9|Th. loF. lijSn. 12 S^/} I3IM. l4|Tu. ,5|W. 16 Th. l7iF. i8|Sa. 20 M. 2i|Tu. St. Matthew. 22 W. j^tb Sunday after Trinity, Battle of Quebec, Wolf Hi. 1759 Holy Crofs. Lambert. Capitulation of Quebec, 1 7 591 l^th Sun, after Trinity, 43 24 as 26 27 29 30 Th. F. Sa. Su. M. T. W Th.'St. Jerome. i6tb Sun, after Trin, St. Cyprian St, Michael, 6 6 6 6 6 19 21 23 7 as : 27 • 23 ; 30 : 3» : Pii 36 ' 32 39 41 43 45 46 4'/ 51 53 54 56 ei 59 I , 9^ 6m M. ning. niorning* venmg. morning. 1 R. O S. 'Ic.) 759 ypnan 6 6 6 6 6 19 21 23 '. as : *7 : 23 ; 30 : 31 : 33i; 342; 36 ' 38 39 41 43 45 46 47 51 S3 54 56 59 2 4 6 7 / ^1 ip If ii I ii '' »:'. t» i \ 1 A I ii'i ';! i ,:t \ 1 I \ I i ' •. .. .,\"-*-^ -V >:. ►EPTEMBRE leQ «« ^ le 23 a9h 6m M Le 2 a 5h. 53m. soir ([ Le 9 a 9h. 13m. matin Le 16 a 9h. 431x1. soir ]) Le 25 a 2h« 7m* matin fo ^emaine* ll u 14 Is [6 [7 8 9 jo ]i |2 3 Mercredi Jeudi Vcndredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN* Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi DlMAN« Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi FETES. LQC s. Giiles. s. Etienne, Roi« M De la ate. Vlergc. 14. (a Quebec, Oct. ss. Flai. s. Laurent Juftinien. [et F6I. Nativite delaB. V. M.Oct. De rOctave. M 8. Nicolas de Tolentln. M De rOctave. M 1 5 . s. Norn de Marie. Sol Nat. De I'Oc/ave. Ex. de la ste Croix [M 47*. Oct. de la Nativite. M S6. Corneille,&c.mart. M 4 T. Stigmatess. Francois* M 4?'. 8. Jofeph de Cupertino i6. ss. Janvier, &c> Mart.^oA sfi.£u{(ache,&c. M [de s. M, s. Matthieu, Ap. M s. Thos. de Villcneuve. M 9. Lin. M Notre-Dame de la Pvferci* De la Ste. Viergc 17* so], de 9. Michel* ss. Come, &c. mart. s* Winceslas. mart* 8. Michel, Archange. Jerome. B 21 a3 as a? 28 30 3' 33 38 39 4' 43 45 46 47 49 51 53 56 57 59 o 2 4 6 7 9 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 I' OCTOBER O enters nt 23CI, 5h, 22m. E Full Moon the ad, 3h. iim. morning. Lad Quarter the 8th, 5h. 47 in. evening- New Moon the 16th, 2fi. 46m* evening. Firft Quarter the 24tht 5h. 35 m. evening. Full Moon the 31st, oh. 33m* evening* I "iiU .; Mi' D ws. 8 10 II 12 14 15 16 lo 21 1?. Sun M. Tu. W» Th. sa. ENGLISH CALENiJAR. Remigiiis. it steamer on Hudlon, ijtb Sun, after Trinity, [1807 Faith. Peace pro. with Amen 1783 )un M. ^ Tu.f W. Th, St. Dffnys. i8/i» Sun* aft. Trinity, America disc. 1492 Sa, yun Tranfl. of K. Edward, Confessor. [Battle of Queenston, 1812. I <)tb Sun. after Trinity, Ethcldred M. St. Luke W. Th il 14 as 26 27 28 29 30 3 J Sa. S«w \zotb Sun, after Trinity. Daifc Sun K. O S 6 12 6 4 6 ir 6 6 14 6 6 16 6 6 17 6 6 19 6 6 20 6 6 22 6 S 24 6 b 26 6 5 17 fi 6 29 6 6 31 6 6 32 6 6 33 6^ 6 35 6 6 36 6 6 38 6 M ic risp in, [at Quebec,i785. W Battle of Chateauguay^ 1813 Th \St. Simon and St, Jude* ^- i Sj. S« n Hit Sun, affer Trln'ty, 6 39 « 6 41 6 6 43 6 6 44-6 6 46 6 6 48 6 6 49 6 6 5, 6 6 53 { 6 54 6 6 56 6 6 57 6 5h. 22m. E rning. vening- ivcning", !• evening, veniog. I. dlon, 1807 1783 K. O S 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 pssor. 1812. dred : Sun. 1785. 9 6 iz 6 ir 6 14 6 16 6 17 6 19 6 ao 6 22 6 6 24 6 6 26 6 6 17 fi 6 29 6 6 31 6 6 32 6 6 33 6< 6 35 « 6 36 6 6 38 6 6 39 ^ , 6 41 6 ^ 6 43 6 6 44.6 6 46 6 6 48^ 6 6 49' 6 1 6 51 6 6 53 6, 6 54 6 6 56 6< 6 57 6 ^ c«.V.J^» ^•^ ,->*•. ^^-i*- ••Jr^ yr^. -4^ ^,-v.s^> ICTOBRE Ic O cnt. nx le 23 a oh 22ir. Sr, Le 2 a 3h. izm. matin ([ Le 8 a 5h. 47m. toir Le 16 a 2h. 46m. soir D Le 24 a 5h. 35m. soir Le 31 a oh. 33(n. soir I 12 13 Semaine. Vendredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Meicredi jeudi Vendredi samedi DiMAN* Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vendredi Samedi i DlMAN. FETES. s. Remi. ss. Anges Gardiens. 18. Fete du s. Rofaire4 ( 7 »5 \ 7 16 ; 7 18 ; 7 20 i 7 21 ( 7 22 , 7 *3 ; 7 as ' 7 26 7 27 7 28 7 29 7 30 7 3> \ 7 3* ! 7 33 7 34 7 35- g^fc:,» Z^t^f^^f /f,i^ "^^"^^^ ^^^'tlhP^ -^^ '^*;^'^ \. ^'.iCK^ 0^1 Osj fOVEMBRE Ic Qtnt. f le 22a ih 5 2m. S, ■**^^.-,.s:5vSN, ' ^ •%• •--»•%'■■■' ' .C>./ ([ Le 7 a 6h. 8m* matin Le iS a 9h. lom* matin D L; 23 a 6h. 59 matin O Le 29 a loh. a3m* soir |o I Semaine* Lundi Mardi Mcrcredi jeudl Vendredi Samedi DiMAN* Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi samedi DiMAN Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi F B T E S. TOUSSAINT.~d^. d'Olf, Le8 Trepasses* De rOctave. s. Charles, £v 2M { DeTOctave. 23. Fete de Fat. des Parois. Of?. delaTouffaint. M Ded. Bafil.de s. ^auveur. M s. Andre Avellin. M s. Martin, £v. s. Martin, Pape, Mart. . Didace* 24. ste. Gertrude. s. Gregoire Thaumaturge. OedicaceBas. de ss, P.et Paul. ste. Elizabeth, Veuve. M s. F6lix de Valois. 25. Prefent. de la Ste. Vierge. ite. G2cile, Visr^r, Macc. s. Clement I. Pape, M s. jean dela Croix. M ste. Catherine. 8. Pierre d^Alexandrie. Jeune, de la Ste. Vierge. LdeTAvent, S. des. Andre* &te« Andre*, Apotre. L C 7 7 2 7 3 7 4 7 6 7 7 7 S 7 10 7 II 7 12 7 14 7 '5 7 16 7 18 7 20 7 21 7 22 7 23 1 as 7 26 7 27 7 28 7 29 7 30 7 3» 7 3* 7 33 7 34 7 35 7 36 i 'i '" n 'W- 'V ^■-1^ J^.-W.ov •*■ ! fe DECEMBER O enters l^f 22d, 2h. 23m. M. Laft Quarter the 6th, joh. 31m. evening. New Moon the 15th, 3h. 34m. morning. Fird Quarter the iz'^, ^h, 57m* evening. ^FuU Myon the igthy 9h. 1701^ .morning. DsjWs. W. Th F. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ic II 12 ^3 »5 16 17 18 »9 20 21 22 a3 24 as 26 a? 28 29 30 3» Sa. ^tt« M. Tu. W. Tb. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. Fty ENGLISH CALENDAR. zd Sun, in Ad'vent, Nicholas. Conception of B* V« Mi id Sunday in Ad'uent* Lucy. O Saplentia* /^tb Sun. in Advent. St. Thomas (Shorted day.) Peace with U. States, 181 4. Chrijimas Day, ift S. after Cbriftmas, St. Stephen. •St. John [N.Conft*ofCanada89i79i Innocent St [bee, 1775. Silveft. Americans deftd. at Que- R. O 7 36 M 7 36 5 7 37 J 7 38 J . 7 39 i 7 40 5 : 7 41 J 7 41 j 7 41 j .'i 7 4* : ! 7 4» i -1 7 42 f j 7 43 ijj 7 43 )^ 7 "i-^ y| 7 43 i 1 7 ^3 4 7 43 m 7 43 A 7 44 m 7 44fi9 7 44s Sfl 7 44fifl 7 44ia| 7 44 m 7 44 fl 7 44 ■ 7 43 » 7 43 9 7 43^ 7 43 y% 1 !:li ! I ,2h, 23m. M. . evening, morning* • eveaing. morning. R. O 7 36 \ 7 36 r 7 37 5 7 38 5 7 39 5 7 40 5 7 41 5 7 41 5 7 41 5 7 4a i 7 4» i 7 4a j 7 43 7 43 7 43 , 7 43 i 7 43 7 43 7 43 7 44jij 7 445 i 7 445 5 j 7 44 il 7 44ijJ 7 44 7 44 7 44 7 43 5j , 7 43 ) :, 1775' 7 43^ itephen. as, 1 79 1 at Que- 1 7 43 JL^, a/ f^^'^t-.^u,^^ . Z".*^-. ^. — i^ — /r ^i f, — << /7 ^^ ' ii !iiii^»: t i 1 i ! i:i /'--t I Hi I 1 w \ i' •-♦■%*-%-^**-...!> ^ ■t>. V ^^.v .-^i^:-, . -:r;^*>.>W \ >^ '^s^^s i v> . urn-**— *.^m^if'* ■\ Ml, I ii 'yV I - ":i^ / "v.. f^ pm^Mmtm^-^^-** ■ ■H*-"' ^ECEMBREIe Qentre^le 22 1 ih 23m M ^ Le 6 a loh. 31m. soir Le 15 a 3h. 34m. matin ]) Le 2s a 5h. 57m, loir O Lc 29 a 9h. 17m* matin Semame Mcrcrcdi ]eudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN* Lundi Mardi Mcrcrcdi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mard: Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN, Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vendredi Samedi OlMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi. Vendredi FETES. stc Bibianey V, et Mart. M 8. Frs. Xav.(2d Pat. du D,)M • Pierro Chryfologue. 2M 2 de TAvent, Sol. s. F. Xav. s. Nicolas, £v. M s. Ambroise, doct. M CONCfiPlION; Oa.tTO. M DePOctave. 2M De rOctave. M s. Damafe. 2M 3 de Tavent. M ste. Luce, V. ct Mart. 2M De rOctav.. 4Temps. Oct.dt la Concep.M 8. Eusebe Ev. M 4 T. j4d Mag, O Sapicntia 4 Temps. 4 de I'Avcnt, Sol. s. Thomas. L O^ s. Thomasi ap. M yeune, Vigile. NOEL. Oaave. d'Obligat. 1. Eticnne, 0 ■Jo 5i C ja o o 0) r-^ (U B ^ r- " 3 o ^ s i'^ IS i ^ O M O o ctf ^ ta c« ct: '^3 2 (D i^ 52 B® a o o o oi Oi o o o CJ B O B o B W5 l<> N o o B S 00 3 l" (N 00 • »0 (M M|f«^ o >-4 • p^ 'if ^ S Oi •o rt* in ^ 00 O r-« l-H « 10 ^ O CO ■^ Oi t>. -* O^ lO 00 00 r-^ O O a •« to 00 lo .ii lO -* t-. to CO 0^ "^ "«*< C7i O f-t ^ Oi to 00 O CO CO »-^ 00 J B j: a5 Sfi « ** OOcooOOOQr^ OQOl^ooOQQ^ o to t- r>. 00 01 irj ^ OO rf Oi t^ to B 3 03 3 =/} O 3 V3 cu B («^ »-» C/3 O ss 5 O ^ C boooj ^ o o ^t n »0 > •-< C>j ^ ^O (M fcl^ to -H .-. fiH ^< I— < Oi to —I 0-1 X CO «5 O O ^ r^ to ^ (-1 0> f-i o^ •> ^ r •> Tf O ^ "^l •^ Oi *o -; O O Oi o^ «^ •M "^ "^ t: ^ -a rf c^ o -; rH ^ Oi CO o CO rt< § § (M ts •« •< •« •* . CN V5 rfi oo rh Oi t* to 5 S <; »-» c« O J Tide Table far the Harbour of^tbie* \ge of the ^^* o/* r/>tf JS Sjq -• w > Moon, 0» W« Moon, o I 2 6 45 7 33 8 21 W J7 time of s age ne un one 9 in the and Qu ved in c 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 57 10 45 11 33 12 21 ' 9 i8 19 1 20 5 21 S 22 :5 23 U* able ihews the 1 ay of the moon* continuei to r ' high water, or t flows "Tide s ii to be obser er« ' 9 lO II 1 57 2 45 3 33 24 ^5 26 TidcT n any d alfaftei hrase, i and thi the Riv 12 '3 4 21 5 9 5 57 27 28 29 This water and the and a h man*s p Tide," part of /^ ULi. Having found the age of the moon at the b oi each month in the Calendar, look in the left co- kmn of the table for the day from new to the full moon ien in the right column the day from the full to the ^w moon, and inlhe middlecolumn you willfir.dths le when it is high water afliore* ^ime! of High Water ^ on the days of New ^ f Full Moon 3 at different places of the River St, Lafwrence, ih. I Pot a Teau de vic3ih 1 1 I Malbaie 4 Baie St. Paul. 4^ it Seven Ifles it Caouy [Anicouagan fetfiamites )rt Neuf Padou/Tac 2 HI Cap Tourmente si Quebec 6| V' 54 1 A concifeEqjUATlOM Tabli, (hewing to the nearer full Minute^ how much a Clock fliould be falUr or (lower than the Sun. Table abregee du temi moyenau mldi vra'i, montrant, a une demi-minute pres, combien une Horlogc de. i>roit erre en avant ou en arriere du Soieil. Si 3 J- 2 ? 2 "^ 2 f S en B- • 3- ' c ^ - S tr c c •• • «» a • 2 -^ sr VI ? • w 3 jan. X 4 Apr. I 4G Aug 11' So Odt. 27 16 3 sQ 4 3S. 16 42 Nov. 9 16 6 6g 8 < 21 3?r 16 IS 8 2- II i| as »?» 21 14 lO 8g >5 o£5 28 IS" 24 138 V J« 95 » Sept. I 0^ 28 '3 i6 «9 105. lis 19 24 I * Dec. I 3 II 4 4 I 1 • W «1 22 '*S- May I 3o- 7 2 5 u 26 13 « 15 4r 10 3? 8 8? "1 Feb. I 14^ 29 3? 13 4s. 10 7^ II 21 IS? 14 June 5 10 16 18 75 12 14 6? 5^ 27 13 'S 21 16 4? Mar* 4 12 * 24 8)^ ST 18 3 8 1 1 20 'n a? 9S 20 t 12 10 *5 25* 3010^ 22 I i6 9 29 SrrOa, 311 g^ 24 19 8 Ju»> S 4?* 7i2^' * — 22 7 II 5« 10 13? 26 iF 26 6 21 6? 1514 28 2 lit »9 5 31 1 6 ! 20i<; 12. ^ae, 5 to the neat«!\ iould be fai\cr /rai, montrant, le Horloge de. Sofeil. t& 3 CO nr 3 C C • « - S" Nov. BRIEF CHRONOLOGY OF THE MOST RlSMAftRA* BLE yftRAS AND HISTORICAL EPOCHS OF THB WORLD. HE CREATION before Chrlft ie Flood . . ^ • ie di5pcriion of Noah'« ponerlty lie foundation of the Assyrian Monarchy by NInut ke Covenant with Abraham - ^e departure of the Children of Israel from Egypt kc rape of Helen ... \e dedication of the Temple by Solomon * ic /£RA of the OLYMPIADES Le jf.RA of the BUILDING of ROME ^rii«t first King of Persia defeat of the Perfians at Salamii • Pleoponesian War began • ■ ^erthrow of the Athenian power by Lysander viftory of Arbela - - • definition of Carthage • • I battle of Pharfalia - - ■ battle of A£lium - - « (hutting of the Temple of Janus, by Augtidus Birth of THE SAVIOUR of THE WORLD VULGAR itRA kftanttne removed the feat of Empire to Byzantium end of the Weftern Empire - • ^mian publifhcd the Innitutes - • .ERA of the HEGIRA race of Abbas, encourageri of Arabic learning and Biliphs of the Saracens, Irlcmagne began the Empire of Germany Turks took Bagdat, and overturned the Empire of ke Saracens ... 'firll Crufade • • • Una Charta, figned in England - ry V. of England, battle of Agincourt ition of Printing ... of the Eaftern Empire izo de Medicis, the Auguftan age of modern ily - . . »verv of America, les V. ^of LouiiXlV Quttn AnM 15 1641 400II iao7 ai7t U55 iao4 1008 77fi 751 559 480 Alt 405 331 '46 48 3t S S f 476 6as 749 800 toil I09(i laijp i4Ji 1440 1453 147* 149* 19 j6 .1714 I!; ! 'i 36 REMARKABLE EVEr'TS OF OUR OWN TIMES. The French Revolution* - • War between France and Auftrta, « England and all Europe at War with France ; and in«urre£lions, murders and executionst throughout that country. Lord Howe's Viflory, Peace between France and Prussia and Spain, The Battle of the frile. War between France '^nd Aullri%, The Russiani 19 Italy, Switzerland aid Holland, . ... Feare between France and Russia, Battles of Marrngo and Hohenlinden, Battle of Copenhagen ; and Peace between France, England and Aultria, and all Europe, War between France and Eng. threatened InvaHon. War between AuQria and France. Battles of Tra. falgar, Ulm and Auftcrlitz. Peace between A-^- tria and France, War between France and Prussia & Russia; Battles of Jena and Eylau, Battle of Friedland' ;; Peace between Russia, Prussia and Fraqce ; Attack on Copenhagen, Jlevolution in Spain, War between France & Austria. Battles of Essling ? and Wagram. Peace between Auftria and France, 5 War between Russia & France, The French in Mos- cow. The English in Madrid. America declared War againft England, All the Continental Powers at War with France. Bonaparte defeated at Leipsig. The English in France, « . - The Russians, Austrians and Prussians in Paris. The English in Bordeaux and Toulouse. General Peace in Europe. Bonaparte Sovereign of Elba. The English at Washington ; Capitol and Public Buildings destroyed. Peace with America ratified i8'th February, Bonaparte returned from Elba. Battle of Waterloo. Lord Wellington and the Allies in Paris. Bona- parte at St. Helena a prisoner, (dead, iSaa.) Revolution in Italy. Ccorge IV accession, (Coronation in I82I.) Revolution in Naples and subdued, »7«^ 179! '94-i I798.t 180: 18: . 1803. 18: 18: 1?: 18: 1 8c I '«■ I >>* 18 > '« 37 OWN TIMES. ice ; and" iroughout I in, rancc '\nd rland and En France, Invafion. es of Tra- ween A: i- a; Battles i sia, Prussia I of Esslin and Franc nch in Mos t\ 178J '94-i 1798.! 180: 18: l8o}-. It 18: 18: 18:' I8( 18! ith France. English inV i8 Paris. The :neral Peace Elba. and Public trance makes wir upon Spain to put down its pnptilar Constiduion-.-frencb army enters Ma- drid -CadiK surrenders. French troops occu- py that country, Srcat Britain, France and Russia send fleets to enron;: peace in Greece. Turkish Fleet des- troyed at Navarino, by the allied Fleet. War, bcf.vccn France and Algiers. tussia declares war against Turkey, invades Mol.*) davia and Wallarhia. Blockades the Darda- 1 nelles, France sends an army to the Morea, and I forces the Turco-Egyptian troops to evacuate I it. French troops evacuate Spain. Don Mi- V guel ustiips the throne of Portugal: Revo- I iiiti'on and proscriptions in that country. Report | of a Committee of the Houfc of Commons on { the state of the Civil Govt, of the Canadas* J lussian troops cross the Balkan and advance on Constantinople— Peace and Treaty, by which the commerce of the Black Sea is made free and Greece independant ; French army evacuate the Morea-—Catholic Relief Bill passed and Mr. O'Connrl returned for Clare. Spain fends an ^ army from Havannah, under Barradas, to regain Mexico-.-occupies Tampicoj and after fame fighting, capitulates to the Mexican com- mander St. Anna : continued intestine wars in South America, iti, 1817 1828 1829 i il > '« ' '1 ary, )f Waterloo, aris. Bona- 1822.) al.) If IW CIVIL LIST OF THE PROVINCE OF LOWER.CANADA. 1830. ( This List is corrected up to the 10th DeeemBer 1829.7 •^* It may be nccefTary to obferve that the Quebec Al- Btanack in not an ofRcial publication; and therefore the ar- rani^ement of the different oflirers or public bodies in that publication, cannot in any wifo affcft any precedence, which either of them rcfpeftivcly may be entitled to. The Printers' will however be sflways ready to make any alteration in the arrangement, which may be fuggeiled upon good authority. LISTE CIVILE D£ LA PROVINCE DU BAS-CANADA. 1836. ^Cclte Lisie est corri and dependencies, [cral and Com- es in the said encies, and in ;e Edward, and ^lATHANlEL lor of the Pro- lor of Gafpe. llency the Cuw^ jires, Jsisstants E COUNCI Im vvELLy Chief ')eaker, i(hop of Quebec : Mackenzie^, . de Lery, ugy» Lerr, 3wen, ♦elton, V Bell, )rsyth. ewart, It Pothier aschcreatt* Hon. William Smith, CUrkof the Parliament » Hjn. Chas. Et. C, de Lery, Cltrk AJfifiant. Hon. Andrew Wm. Cochran, Law Qlerk, Jacques Voyer, Efq. CUrk of the Journals, C R. d'Ettimauville,Efq. Gent.UJher of the Black Rod, R. S. W. Sewell, & C. de L^ry, jun. Reading Cleri*. "Wm. Boutillier and Auguste jourdain,^ri/i/i^C/^ri(j. Willram Ginger, Serjeant at jirms, A\xg<^ jouidain, Librarian* Hugh M'Donell, Doorkeeper, — - , Me/J'enger, Louis Noreau, Office Keeper, The HonWc. The HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY, [Eleficd 1827.] ■ The ffgurcs after the names, denote the number of times ihcs« Members had served previous to the last Election. Tho'.e whofe names are marked thus + were not of the 1^(1 AjTen^bly* ISfiaker, TheHonble. L. J.PAPmEAu, GaspeV f Robert Christie, Esq* CoRNWALLXS, Joseph RobitaiUe, esq. (8) J. L. Borgia, esq. (6) J. B. Fortin,ebq. (7) f J. C. Letourneau. I Hertford, iFrancoii BUnchet, esq. (6) N. Boirronnault,c«q, (i.) Dorchester, LoMis Lagueux, esq. (3) f Jofeph Samfon, esq. Buckinghamshire, Louis Pourdages, esq. (7) J. B. Proulx, esq. (i) Wm. Henry, t Wolfred Nelson, Zit^ RlCHELiEV, Jean Dessaulles, esq. (4) R. de St. Ours, esq., (?) Bedford, H. de llouville, t'sq. (l) . iv, i ii uin; ofi the Idfh A al, but he has na" l:il' !■ I / f *2 . SURHEY, Pierre Amiot, esq. (5) f F« X* Malhiotesq* Kent, D. B. Vigcr, esq. (S> F. A. Quesnel, esq. (2) HUNTINGPON) Austin Cuvilliejr, etq. (5) J. M. Raymond, esq, (i) . r East Ward, Sj j Hugues Heney, esq. (3} J. Leslley esq. (i) «J Westward, H ) L* J. Papineauy esq. (8) f Robert Nelson, esq g I County, 2 (^Joseph Perrault, esq. (3) Jos. Valois, esq. (3) York, "f Jacques Labrie, Esq. f Wnti, I^enry Scott Esq. Effingham, O. Turgeon, esq. (i) f A. Fapineau, Esq. Lbinster, •)■ ^aurent I^noux, Esq. f Julien Poirier, Esq. Warwick* Jacques Deiigny, esq. (4) -f- Alexis Mousseau, Esq. (z) St. Maurice, Pierre Bureau, esq. (3) Chs. Caron, esq (i ) Three. Rivers. C, R. Ogden, esq. {3) f P. B. Dumoulin, Esq. Hampshire, F. X. Larue, esq. (2) fjohn Cannon, esq. (i) f Upper Town, J I A. Stuart, esq, (4) f Jean Frs. Jos, Duval, e?q. p) J Lower Town, g ; Thomas L;e, esq. T. A. Young, esq. (i) C^ I County, Ljohn Neilson, esq. (4) Michel Clouet, esq. (2) Northumberland, M.P. de S.Laterriere, esq. (1) E.C.Lagucux, esq. (3) Orliai> s, Franjoii (j^iiroiict, esq. (3) 4S liot esq« ne\f esq, (2) nond, esq, (i) ie, esq. (0 t NeUon, esq rjlois, esq. (3) enry Scott Esq. eau, Esq. Poincr, Esq, msseau, Esq. (2) aron, esq (1 ) Dutnoul'in, Esq. nnon, esq. (') |os, Duval, e?q. aung, esq. (0 ;1 Cloaet, esq. W D, ,,, Lagacux, esq. PI •C3) The following members were elected in Norember and December, 1829, under the Act 9th Geo. IV. cap.73. providing for the representation of the Town- ships, before the increase of members at the neU General Election.] STAMSTKAD. Marcus Childs, Esq. Ebenexer Peck, Esq. SHERBROOKE. Samuel Brooks, Rsq. Benjamin Tremtin, Esq. DRUMMOND* George Heriot, Esq. Missisicoui. p. V. Freligh, Esq. Kalph Taylor, Esq. aHKFFORO. Lym an Knowhon. Esq. rilliam Burns Lindfay, Eiquirc, Clerk. A. Bouthiilier Efquire, Clerk AJJiftant, .riltiam Green, Esq. Law Clerk, ^ lamuel Waller, Efquire, English translator, i». B, Faribault, Enquire, French Translator, ttienne Parent, Esquire, AJJifiant French Translator, Trancis Coulfon, Gent. Serjeant at Arms. ia p:r Brewer, Ed. Glackemeyer, and Wm« Rofty clerks of Committees find Papers, t, B. Pingutt, P. Gagnon, Pat. Lawler, and F. Desbarats, Assistant Clerks, W. Wickstead, ajst. to the Law Ctert, lissA. Schindler, Houje keeper, [acqucs Langlois^ Special Mejfenger & Librarian. \lp prolette, Jean Fluet, Jacques Laperriere, and Ig* nice Qdivin, Door-Keepers and messengers, J'he King's Honble. Executive^/Ou n c 3 l The Hon. Chief JvTiiCE Sewill. he hen. &rt. rd. C.J.Stewart, Ld. Bi (hop of Quebec. The Honourables )hn Richardfon, I C. E.Chauffegros ds Lery lames Kerr, I John Stewart. J M i Ih PeUvHl, I A. W. «"ochran, Mliam Smith, I fames Stuart. \ % i ^j * \\ \'\\ u\' Ih ,1. 'i I I'M ! 11 Hon, H. W. RyljiiJ, Regiitjfar ami CUi k, Geo gc H. Ry^ano, Esq. ^it'ntant do, |. King, Mejjenger. M'chae) Quin, Daor-kerfer, OFFICE US OF DF.PARTME^'TS, t)c. - . ^ ■ Domintcii Daly, Efq., Secnrary Ssf Rfgijirar of tht Province* Clerks, V/m. Boithillier & J)hn Lane. Hon. John Hale, Receiver-general of the Revenue* Clerks, Jcflrey Hale and Clarke Rols. Hon. Wm, Bowman Felton, Commissioner for tk: >*^. nagement and sale of Croiun Lands, John Davidson, Esq. Surveyor of JVood^ and Forest!, *Hon. A. W. Cochrane, Commissioner of Escheats and Forfeit u rei of Lands • T. Houllon Thoml'on, Eisq. Clerk of the Court iij Escheats* Jos. Cary, Esq. Inspector General of Public Acctu Tb* A. Young, Esq. Auditor General of Accounts, Clerk, Jispcr Brewer, Esq. f J )8epb Bouchetre, Esc,» Surveyor- Gem ral, Hon. Wm. Smith Sc 1-ion. C. £. C. de Lery, E^qri. Master: in Chancery, Hon. H. W. Ryland and Thomas Douglass, Esquires, Clerks of the Crpivn in Plpanctry* Hon. Frs. Ward FriiT>«ose, InspeBor General of tht King's Domain, and Gre£ier du Papier Terrier. Hon. Andrew W.n. Cochran, Auditor of Land Patcnti. •Hon. M. H. Pe:ceval, Naval Officer of the Porto] ^luehec, Charles Yorke, Esq. Clerk of the Pterogatite Court. Alex. Carlisle Buchanan, Esq. resident Agent for E- migrants at ^uef>ec E. W. R. Antrobus, Efq Grand Foyer ^ebcc. V. £. Ta chereau, Deputy do *This Onirtis noi in opj»ralion, f Absent, M H 45 in, Door-kecfer, I I II Regljirar of tht ine* the Revenue, ols. oner for thz »*^- ^(iod^ and Fcrestt, r of Escheats and 'k of the Court cf of Public Acctu I of Accounts. jettiral* de Lery, Esqri. juglass, Esquires, or Gineral of th pier Terrier, of Land Fatcnti. cer of the Port cj erogatiie Court, nt A^en( for E. yer ^ebsc. , 'do. Louis Rene ChauRegrt^s dc Lery, do. Montreal, Charles Witcher, Eiqalie, Deputy do. St. Francis, Pierre 'op' Vinci, Grand f^oycr, 7 hree-Riverf, A. D. Boilwick, Deputy Grand Foyer do, do, Farqui;ar McRic^ Efq. Grand Vnyer^ Uafpe. Jean Bte. Larue, Surveyor of Highways, Quebec* Jacques Viger, ditto at Montreal, John C.Fibher,& Wni.Kemble, H,M.Printer,Slucbt Ditro Ditto, His Majesty* s Law Printer, Hubert Armour, His Majesty's Printer, MontteaL Jafcph Cary, King s Auctioneer at Quebec, Norman Betnune, ditto at Montreal, Geo.Garth Hoi: Jnfpe^^ofPot & Pearl Apes at 9)utbtc J-an Bouth l!ier, do. Pot& Pearl A%hes at Mi fv'. (^jMeredirh Ogden, Inspector of Flour at Mor.tnal, Wm. l*hillips,<^iV/o at ^jdcbec, Anthony Anderfon, Inspector of Beef & Pork for the Dijiria of Sluebec, ]ohn C. Turner, Frs. Tison, Hiram G-lbert, Joseph Laraontagne, Wnn. Moore, Norman Lament and James Murray, Inspectors of Beef and Pork for the Dijiria of Montreal, Pierre Doucet, Inspt, of Fish ^^ Oil for tbeCi'ttyofS^ebec Alex. Morrison, do. do. Nicolas Brunet, do, do, Peter Merckell, do. for the City of Motitreqh George Chapman, Clerk of the Markets at ^uebec^and Jiampei' ofiutights and meajures. Ls. M. Marchand and Ben ard Leon Leprohon, Clerks of the Markets at Montreal, Wm, JOS. Mechtler, In/peBot of the Hay Market and fiamper of Weights and Meajures at Montreal, P. de Boucherviile, Injp, of Chimnies at Montreal, Mr. John Grout, Injpeaor of do, at Si^tbec, Mr. Alex. Thompson, do at Three-Rivers, and Clerk of the Markets and ftampe r of Weights and Meafures, ^ (•)— The acts for thu inspection of flour, beef and thh, have not been renewed. The names of the per- tcn. laaappointed are retained in the Ahu^nach. . [ 1 ii j III I III i I i I 1 H m W m i ,''! :l| 45 TuusTEEs of the llovAL Institution yur the advanct^ mejil of Learning. I^is Excellency the Lieut* Govr, of Upper- Canada for t^e time being, * His Excellency the Honourable Sir Frs.N. Burton, l.ieut.-Govenor of Lower-Canada. The Hon. and Rt. revd. Charles Jas. Stewart, D.D, Lord Bishop of Q'lebec, (Principal.) The Hon. J. Sewell, Chief Justice, The Chief Justice of Montreal for the time being. The Chief Justice of Upper-Canada for the tinie being. The Speaker of the Legislative Council of L. Canada The Speaker of the House of Assembly of ditto. The Hon. John Richardson. The Hon. and Revd. John Strachan, D. D. The Revd. G. J. Mountain, D. D. Archd. of Quebec, The Hon. Charles De St. Ours. The Hon. John Caldwell. The Hon. Herman Witsius Ryland, The Hon. J. Stewart. The Hon. A W. Cochran. The Hon. J. T. Taschereau. Daniel Sutherland, Esq. Louis Montizambert, Esq. The Hon. Joseph R. Vallieres de St. Real, Thomas A. Young, Esq. Secretary t '*The Revd. J, L. Mills. • Absen^. 47 for the advanct' Upper- Canada Frs.N. Burton, ja. . Stewart, D.D. pal.) B timt being. )r the tiriiC being. :il of L. Canada jly of ditto. D.D. Irchd. of Quebec, :. Re?], Commistion for the management of the JSstates •/the late Order qf' Jesuits. The Honble. John Stewart, Commissioner. Louis Panet, Agent for the District of Quebec. lEdmc Henry, Do. forthe District of Montreal. ,J. K. Dumoulin, Po. for Jhree-Ri vers and the Sei- gniory ot Cap de la Magdeleine, Louis Guillet, ho, for Batiscan. (Commissioners for superintending and keejnnfj, m re- pair the Lacliine Canals under the Act 9lh Geo, IV, cop- 12, and to collect totlsy i^c. Honorable Johr. Richardsen, Honorable Chiiilcs Wm. Gtant, Francois Pesriviere?, Fsquire, frt-derick Griffin, Secretaiy, Treasurer and Toll Collector. _____«„ Ifionrd of Examiners under the 9tk Geo. 1 V, ca\ . ^, J or applicants to the Office of Inspector (f Fot and Pearl Ashes at the City of Quebec. (John Jones, junior, 'James McDoual, Ebenezer Baird, Charleti Adolphus Holt, Erastus White. ^onrd of Examiners for Appointments for the office '$> of Inspectors of Pot and Pearl Ashes at Montreal, ; . undder the 9th Geo. 4, cap, 36. iHoratio Gates \ Btnj. Hart, John M*Douall, T-. B. Anderson, and (^james Leslie, f Joseph Masson, ^F. A. Larocque, j.T. Barret, George Auldjo. ^^oard of Examiners under the gth Geo, If^, cap, ii» Jor ylppltcants to be tictnted Cullers and Meaturer' of Timber [or the City of Montreal. anies Millar, | jamcs Logan, and ^Joseph Shuter, George Davies. lAndrew Shaw, ■i '! Ml tj I '(( :> I Ml I i f I i! i CommitiiiKfri for ccf'krln^ the Country lying Ltlnvm tbtUt, Maurice and tbtOtfaivjf (jtb Geo, 11^, <<»/"2'Jt Hon, TouMaint-iPtthitr, {£^0(^ Pierre d Uocheblave, and Frs. Ant. Lacoque. \^(^mmusi'>t.ei ijor compiitittg the ex^/omtion if that paw cf the Frofir.ct' calUd the Kir.g's PoscSf or the iiugnt. nay duntiy (*) ^£^500) Andrew- btwart & David Stewart. Commissioners for the ereclion of' Li^/it-liouses anil a Floating Light, (^13X)4K)) 'J'lie Honorable John btewait, Masten Wm. Walker, Rubeit Paterson, H. l.tnituurier, John Leather, john Lambly, and Robert Youni;, Esquires, Wardens of the Trinity House, Quebrc CommisUoners under the Act 51th Geo, JIL for the im- provement of the Navigiitiitn 0/ the Hichelieu. Roch de St. Ours, josehh Cartier, Joseph Touftsaint Drolet, L.ouisChicou Duvert, & Dr. Wolfred Nchoii. Commissioners for making a nuviguble Canal from i/ John to the Jiasin o/" Chamb/i/, y.nder the Act 5«ignay, and hos? voted for lb re. 49 \o superintend the monies Jor thg Infirm, Insane and I foundiings at Montreal, and to support ajul^ paj^ off \certai'i debts (i/' the General Hospitai, George Selhy, Honorable L. C. Foucfaffr, and Frans. Det>rivieres« I superintend the Monies for Infirm and Foundlings, in the district of Three- Rivers. Is^ac Gouvcrneur Ogden, lien^ Kimber, and Charles Lafrenaie. imissioners appointed under 9th Geo, IF. cap. 13, or improving the Internal Communications, ^c, i" Francois Legendre,F.H*Deli8le, and jeao Lange- I, for Gentilly and River B^cancour, (470/.) i Augustus Wolff, repairing Temiscouaca Koad, 0/.) Fraii9oi8 Xavier Larue, Ber. A. P^net, and joHq ave», repairing roads 9nd making bridges at Port- uf, (200/.) Andrew Moir, john S. Campbell, and Joseph ke, road from I'Ancede meres to Sillery (1000/.) James Digt an and Louis Joseph Gauthier, road ||pm Berthier to Brandon, (300/.) ' Farquhar McCrae, William Carter and — Ha- an, road from Newport and Port Daniel, Bale Chaleurs, (500/.) james Stewart, Henry Johnston and George ►yie, road from Douglas Town to Pointe St. y*ter, 350/,) ^Jame* Crawford, William Cuthbert and Pierre iriet road from Bonaventurc to N«w Richmond, '0/) 50 li! !; lilii M iNP hi! il:i Suetou Grant, J. P. Heroux and A. A. Dan,: read from Yamachiche to Caxton (400/.) Gilbpit Henderson and Wm. Ware, two roa; in the County of Dorchester, from Etchemin Lai to Frampton, (.500/.) 'J'he same, for a bridge at Frampton, (250/.) Fran9»»i9 Lehoyllier, A. C. Taschereau and Je; Jrg Rep}', for roads from St. Francois to Dudswe and the Kennebec and Brou^hton Roads, (470/. a; 500/.) Andrew Stuart, J. B. Fortin and Simon Frasf for a road from I'lsl^t to the Waste Lands of t: Cr«Hwn in-the rear, (^0/ ) Francois Gauvcreau and Charles Chapais, re from Kamouraska to the Wai«te Lands of the Cm in the rear, (50(V ) Edmund Henry and Gabriel Marchand, for ; road from Laprairie to St. John, (2000/.) J. C Letourneaii, Col. Joseph Fraser and Ca; Fras. X. Pare, for opening a road from St. ThoH to the Waste Land?, and another from St Fitr (riv. du Sud) to the height of land (500/. & 500/ Pettr C. Lord, Shubael Pierce and Wm. Sr ^Vale«, for completing the ro^d from Shipton Leeds, (1600/.) Samael Brook?, Rufus Labersc md Moses ! cholls, for opening a road from Dudswell to Tk Rivers, (1000/.) Anthony G. Douglas?, Wm. Seth Wales^ jowi |*rince and John Wadleigh, completing the n from Shipton to St. Gr^goire, (1000/.) Aim^ Massue and Augustm Cartier, road fr; Bploeil to Varennes (200/.) Ichabod Smith, Chester Hovey, Samuel Wills Richard Froste and Timothy Rose, for compltti the road from Lake Masiiwippi toYamaska,(1.^0J L. Brown, Frs. Languedoc and J. Davidson, ^1 me iOl nd A. A. Danii [400/.) Ware, two roa; n Etchemin Lai pton, (250/.) :hereau and Je; ^^oisto Duds»we, Roads, (470/. a: md Simon Frasf ; aste Lands of t; les Chapais, re .auds of the Crov Vlarchand, for; 2000/.) Frascr and Ca d from St. ThoH from St Fier i (500/. & 500/ rce and Wm. St d from Shipton sc ind Moses ! pudswell to Tk: Seth WaleSi m )mpletirg the ri 000/.) Cartier, road fn ;y^ SaniuelWil'i Me, for compUti toYamaska,(l.''0^ ,nd J. Davidson, .51 (pair the roadi at Caugnawaga, Deauharnois and f. Regis, (1000/) Honbltf. Chaussegros de h6ry and F. X. Mont- |arqijet,to make a drain from the swamp of Bou- lerville to the Seigniory of Montarville, ('J( 0/.) D. B. Papintau and Thomas Kains, to make a ►ad from Hull to Grenville, (3000/.) Joseph Chaussegros de L^ry, Rene Boileau and )ieph Bresse, to improve the road from the village Longueuil to Chambly, (1000/.) [Marc P. de Sales Laterriere and John Malcolm raser, to complete and finish the Chemin des Caps )m St. Paul's Bay to St. Joachim, (I «OO/0 nmissionen appointed under the AqIs 9Ui Geo. if. cop. 17. [To macadamise certain Roads near Quebec, anii ly out others. [j6'4050.] Bte. Larue, I Pet«r Langlo:?, and farles Smith, J JS. Judge Burton, ^m. Torrance, I macadamise roads near Montreal, cap. 18 [^^3000] UiisGriy, I John Jones. :ques Vijier, and | jfjkfnviisihmers imder the 9th Geo. IV. cap. 19, To complete the roads from Drummondville to ihc Hgniory Ueguire and Brompton. [lOCO/.] Jajor J. Lewis Ploy art, I Daniel Thomas, and Wge Alexander, | Christopher Menut. ^^miasioner* under the 9th Geo. 4 I iitn . ■'11 I 52 Comminioners appointed by dedimus poteflatem, toi: mjniiterO^//&jto any perfon being in of^cevyitli in the Province of Lower-Canada^ Hon. H. W. Ryland,^ £. C. de Lery, I J. T. TaschereaU) | $. Robertson, Ls. Chevalier, Robert Ch'idie Dominicic Daly, John Reid, David Rof?, Fras. Defrivieres, > Sluebec. I J I Efqrs. Montrea!, Hon. Thomas Coffin, 7 Ttree-Rivers. fon, / i, J Efqrs. Gaff^* Jofeph Badeaux, Efq Hugh Munro, Daniel M'Pherfon, Theophilus Fox, James Crawford, Inferior District of Saint Francis* Honble. W. B. Felton and Wm. Hamilton, Esq!. CommiHioners to adrnnifter the Oaths to the Me: bers of the Legiflature. Louis Monti zambert, Wm. Woolsey, Robert Christ Claude Denechau, Amable Berthdot and Thoi Ainslie Young, Efquires. rer % I CommUttonen appointed by Dedimus Potcftatem tod tiifter the'Oatbi to Jufiices of the Peace at Montn. David Ross, Samuel Gale and Ls. L;vesque, f| Commissioner apjrointed by Dedimus Potestatem/J ' ^W* minister the Oaths to persons rendering their . , couvls as Public Accountants* ^(fterl Gabriel Marchaud, .£sq. St. John. \potefiatem, tot: ng in ofii.cevvitii hec> ^rs. Montreal, tree'Ri'Vtrs* rs, Gafp^' f Franets* , Hamilton, Esq?. 3ath8 to the Mt ture. icy, Robert Christ Tthdot and Thoc 5v^ tr.Jficr.cn tf/'/oi«/jrJ ^^ Dedimus Poteftatcm ^o tfi/- i«/jr mtreal, Philip Luke & C. May, Missitkoui Bay. W. Qj^&on, Drummcndvii/e, Joseph Baker, Dunham. Leon nne f i)t. Armand. P. HubhAtdt Utansfead* Henry ^1, Hatley, C. Whitcher, A.cot% John Manning ffmmingfoni, JoiiSih SiwerSf Eaton. ChriftopherMenut, Sht^scn. Philemon Wright, //«//. Daniel Thomas^ Mmhourne, Louis Guiliet, Bat'tfcan* ¥, G. Heriot, Jh^immondvU/f. Ill nf ii Jtl^icei of the Peace appointed to administer Oaths to Half.P ay Officers. pstriSI of Afonrr«?tf/.— The Hons. John Richardson ewis Gugy, Patrick Murray, Calvin May, Philip e, John Whitlock, Hon. James Cuthbe/t, Samuel Mrd, F. Desrivieres, Henry M'Kenzie, Esquires. iuria offhree-Rivers.^Hon.Thos, Coffin, Sue- ''rariT, C. Menut, and R. Steiger, Esquires. l/erior Distria of Cajj^e'— -Philip Robin, Efquirc s Potcftatcm ioii» t Peace at Montrt. . L^vesque, ms Potestatem/J rendering their . lin» Cofimissaires pour executer le poiivoir de faire reparer »^ les Eglises, &c. &c. ^ Didrict de Quebec. F. Vaflal dc Monviel. |p . Michel L. J. Duchesnay, J ^«9«»'«. Diftrict de MontrcaU J. M. Mondelet, -% David Rofs, I „ . Louis Guy, VEsquirci. Jofeph Bedard, J Diftrict des Trois-Rivieres, Thomas Coffin and james Badeaux, Efquires. District de Gaspe. lert Sherar, Henry Johnston, Isaac Dechesne, po itc Landryj and.Chs. Cavaniigh, Esquires. ■ • f* 'I i •i& .A*»* il !l t ' III I'i' ''!(!■ 54. CommisjHoners for transacting the Business regulati; (fltt the Fisheries in the Inferior District of Gaspe. j| Mathew Stewart, James Crawford et Hypohte Lanor di Commissioners appointed to report on the State of: Harbour of Montreal, Thomas Blackwood, John Forsyth, George Auldjo, George MojfRit, F. A. Larocque, Esquires. Commissioners to fneet those of New-Brunsivicfc, /o (filiate the Fisheries ttfthe River BistigLitche, 4 C 4, chap. 22. J as. Crawford et Hyp. Landry. Commissioners appointed to open a Road betw Upper and Lower- Canada, under an Adt passed i: Feb. iSj3, 53d Geo. III. Chap. ^. Alex. M\Mil|an, Esqr. Allan M'Donell, Esqt, Rev. Alex. M*Donell. Cm i t MMl Comminioners appointed for the purpofe of deters ing who are the perfona entitled to the indemniii lions granted by an Adtofthe 55th Geo. Ill* Cap Frs. ValTal de Monviel,*! Charles Et. de Lery, > Jacques Voyer, j Ctrl 0i Esquires. Commissioners appointed to open a road from 0: du Lac to the Upper Canada Province line, Geo. IF. Cap. 30. Robt. Mclntyre, John Watier-jSit Lanois, A Grant, John .Simpspn, Alexr. Nicoll and Etiei Jioy, Esquiri'S. IN* Ge«, Ai 53 Business regulatt Ustrict of Gaspe. et Hy polite Lano: rt on the State of: IreaL eorgeNlojfJjit, . A. Larocque, liisioners appointed on the part ofLotver Catiadm vieet those of Upper- Cannda, Jor the Water wimunication between the two Provinces, under Jet 58th Geo. III. George Garden, J. Papineau, J- Esquires. Geo. Hamilton, Tew- Brunswick, f ■ — ■ ^Mlitralor on the part ofLotver Canada under the Jet ''the Imperial Parliament Zd. Geo. IV. Cap. 119, zl. 17. The Honble. John Richardson. pen a Road bew dcr an Aft passed i; tap. 4>* issioners Jor making and repairing the part of ■rui"'s Road in the District of Three Rivers. n. W. B. Felton ; C. F. H. Goodhue ; An- Anderson ; Peter C. Lord ; Shubael Pierce ; . S. Wales, Esquires. ; purpofe of detcrni * i^ . * edtotheindemnir. ^I^Lpj^g^ &c. comniissioned under the Act 9 » 55th Geo. ill. ^at ^^^ j^^ ^^^^^ j^^ ^^ regulate the Lumber Trade. \ Esquires- BOARD or EXAMINERS AT QUEBEC. Jolfi^ S. Campbell, ada Province lin(^ Sffmn Wood, Gtek Burns Symcs. a'x&^^it Lanois, A A^lrew M. ir, ir. Nicoll and Etie •nKHnas M'K e, John P. Robinson, Ed. F. Clarke, Samuel Nicholls, PVan^'ois Gagne, Frs X. Par;ulis, an4 lArtemus Jackson, 1 ' 1 1 til ; Si :l;ti! m na;: I ' I ■I'h ■'! ( ■ i, : i ii, ! I I i ' I'!; 1 1 PI 'II l"l n iti^' im 56 CULLERS AT QUEBEC. lloger Sassevillei Frs. Gagn^, Joseph Dor- V J. Bte. Philbert, "Wm. Bright Barthelemy Chartier, Joseph Marinette, Jcihn P. Kobinson, Jean Baptiste Drapeau, Pierre Plamondoni J. Bte. Dorval, JVliehel Robitaille, Alexandre Couture, J.ean Cou'ure, Michel Renaud, Andre LacroiXi Louis Prouix, Thomas Gonolly, James M'Phie, liouis Murand, Jean Thomas, John G. Hooper, Robert Hunter, John Stewart Waterson, J. Bte. Philbert, junior, Jean Lorochelle, Etienne Laroche, J, Bte. Jarnac, Joseph Lock well, Louis Doiron, Andrew Findlen, Roderick M'Gillisr^ Wm. Bee, John J. Pirot, Pierre Deloticr, Hyp Suzor, John Jeifrey, Jean Bornais, J. Bte. Vachon, J. Bte. Therien, Samuel Nichols, Jean Garneau, Wm. M«Lean, Chaiies Corneau, Wm. Bradford, Joseph La^)orte, Alexander Chisholm, John Cjoffey, Etienne Allard, Charles Rochette, James Scott, ^os. Ross, Thomas Murphy, Jacques Girard, John McNaughton, Ed. Hutchinson, James Kelly, Jean Bte. Tourangeau, Thomas Murphy, Charles Cazeau, Charles Leavens, Gilbert Dowens, ierome Couture, Alexander Cameron, Michael Malone, George Harrison, Pierre Moreau, 'ames Ellice Campbc^ rii Ifou WiNIa nf laC ttM lolwD Adolph Fred.G leQra Wm. ( I'ht^p :bec. Deloiicr, luzor, effrey, ornais, Vachon, , Therien, i Nichols, irarneau, VI *Lean, 5 CorneftU* Bradford, La^iorte* jder Chisholm, Qoffey, le AUard, IS Rochette, Scott, toss, as Murphy, >s Girard, McNaughton, [utchinson, ; Kelly, Ste. Tourangeau, as Murphy, es Cazeau, es Leavens, rt Dowens, le Couture, r>1 CO U /fS I) K JUS TICE. CouR Provinciale d'Appei. ^. GouTerncur, le Lieutenant Gouverneur, ou la |IPli|bnne ayant PAdminiilrationdu Gouvernement, les Mlhnbres du Confeil Executif, le Grand Juge de la IPiMince, et le Juge en Chef de la Cour du Banc du Roi ■nf le Di(lri£t de Montreal, ou cinq d*entr>ux (les J^sde la Courdu Diftridt dans laquelle le jugCment dint eft Appel, a ete rendu, exceptes) ^^uis Montizambert, Ecuycr, Greffier, UR DU Banc du roi pour les CAUiir!» Crimineles* A Quebec. fonorable Jonathan Sewell, cci>yer, Granchjuge de "Province, et Juge en Chef de la Courdu Bancdu i pour le Diftrift de Quebec, et MM. les hon. ;es iCerr, Bowen et Taschereau. JMles Stuarr, Ecuyer, Procureur du Roi. Chiles P/ichard Ogden, Ecuyer, Solicitor GeneraL 6«otge Vanfelson, Ecuytr, /ivocat Genet al, W^am Green, Ecuyer, Grejjitr de la Couronne. XilOimas Aylwin, Ecr. Gra-ui Ccnnetahle et Interpreter ^: A Mcntre'al, lk*l|©norable James Reid, Ecuyer, Jbge en Chef de Itjdour du Banc du Roi pour Ic DUtridt de Montreal, tt;MM. les hon. Juges Fcucher, Pyke et Uniacke. Jolm Dclisle, Ecuyer, Greffier de la Couronr.e. tnder Cameron, F«d»Gi£d;ck, Esq. Interprete. ael Malone, 4 Aux Trcls- Rivieres, ge Harrison, Ir^and juge ou !e Juge en Chef de Montn'-il, Pre- e Moreau, ^ t^nt, et deux autres Juges du banc du roi. 5 Ellice Campbc^Wni, C. H. Cof&n, Greffier de la Cour<,r:re, Fhljl^p Burns, Grand Connetabls, ollfl|:C. Feuron, Irterpiets, ? Ill • '(5 ..ii^'- ! 11 4 1, 'M 58 CouR duBanc du Roi pour It DiflrUl dt i^n; L*hon. Jon. Sewell, Grand Juge de la Province Jimes Kerr) '\ Edward Bowen, >Ecuyers, Juges% J. T- Tascherrau, J J. F. Perrault ct Ed. Burroughs, Ecuyers, Crj, Wm. S. St well, Ecr. She'rif, B. A. Panet, ecuyer, Coronoirt. Thos. Aylwin, Interprete. Michel Landry, Huis sler jiud'uncie J« Jtffrcys, Geolier, i 'fQ\ kL ii Ml lUlt CouR DU Banc du Roi pour le Diitrict de Mu. C|||ki J L*hon. Ja.-nes Rcid, Juge en Chef pour le Dist; Montreal. irles Fouchery "% yke, V '• Uniackey j Ecoyers, Juges, Joi c Ch J. CJ Louis Charles Fouchery George Pyk Norman F Frederick Auguste Quesnel and Michael Sul ecuyers. Commissaires enqu^teun* Samuel Wentworth Monk et R.. L* Morrogh cuyers, Grtffiets, ^Of* J Lhon. Lewis Gugy, Sherif, WilBar Jean Marie Mondelet, Ecuyer, Corona'ire, Mr. jo Fied. Goedike, Interprets j'flNi Geo. Stanley, Huissier Audtenc'ier. E. Holland, Geolier, Cou R Pr ovi N c I A L E pour le DlJ'iriS} desTron-E/ Jos. Remi Vallicrci de Sr. Real, Ecuyer, u: Juges de la Cour du Banc du Roi pour le 1- dcs Trois. ftiviercf, et Juge Provincial. Wm. C. H. Coffin, Ecuyer, Gr^j^^z. Ifiac G. O^den, Ecuyer, Slerif, Dlflria dt %1 c dc U Provinct Lafrenia*, Ecuyer, Coronaire, rre Fortogais, Huisiur Audkticlfr, liam Kent, Gt^lur* Ecuyers, Crj. ncte 'S )o\;tL PnoviNClALl /^ott^ /e D'tJiriB InfirUur di (.' ASPl'. Diitrkt de Mn. if pour \t Dist! ^crs, Juges. d Michael Sulii B.. L. Morrogb J, C. Thompson, Ecuycr, ^%^ Pro'vincial, iUliU Bebee, (7r<^r, ^Ikufon Winter,Ecr». Sber'ift i§njoints, Kipt. Sherar, Coronaire, ^ »m — ' ————_————. OmtHi PR,C. M. C. HindmaD, Hulaier yiudiencier, ,^ _ Court or Vice-Admi«alty» Coronaire* ler, Hoi* James Kerr, Judgt, Wittlam Power, Esqr. Registrar, Mft jofeph Fen wick, MarihaU jvm% Haftings Kerr, Esq. Deputy Receivtr 6/ Droiti M^Pttqu'nitti, \ f'i 'S : 51 (iri£i des*Troii-R^ leal, Ecuyer, J Roi pour Ic t Provincial. Greffiu' 66 JUGES DE PAIX. \ \\\ ilh ■ I ( 11 I in 111 Th. Aylwin, Ec. I»te?pr^te, ' -^jK Th, Aylw n, Ecr. Grand Connetabtet ^^n Lcs Membres dcs Confcils Le'giflatif ct Executif, Ics J ''''.,«. jt^. la Cour dii Banc du Roi pour les Didrifls de Quebec, WA J* real, Trois Rivieres, Gafpe et St. Francois. i^Wrj DISTRICT DE QUEBEC. Cour des Sessions de Quartier, Robert Christie, Ecuyer, President, ^^ William Green et Frs. X, Perrault, Ecrs, Crtj wR^ Michel Landry, Huissier Aud'itnc'ur » Thomas Wilfon, Quebec. Claude Denechau, Kenj^min Tremain, Jean B. buchesnay, John DavidfoHy Jaques Voyer, F. V, de Monvlel, "William Holm?s, Thos. Farguc', Ntwh Freer, William Phillips, Francis T. Thomas, William Price, do. do, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Dani I Sutherland, do. JV1. L. J, DiiChesnay, do. Anioine G. Couillaidt do, do. do. John Racey, George Pozer, Louis Mnntizambert, do William Lindfav, do. -Sarr.ueiJ. Burton, *^^ Nar. Duchesnay, James M'Kenzie, James Green, Louis Panel, Andrew Paterfon, John Lambiy, Charles de Lny, ju: Henry J. RufselJ- Michel Clouet, •Chev. R. d'Eftima ville, William Henderfcn, Charles N. Perrault. Thoir-as C. Oliva, Jos. Bcuchette, fer Amablc Berihelor, l>.|i< ilphl William G. Shepp Ji Langcvin, -William Kcmb!?, ««#« m A IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I L4i21 12.5 ■50 ^^ MB us 140 H& Hiotographic Sciences Corporation !?• // 1^ .^ ,f ^ ^ l'-2^ II '-^ Ui^ ^ 6" ► Chatrau [Richer, A. CarODy St. Anne» U' Bertiand, Isle Vert'-, Phillip F. Calbeck, Mag- [daien Islands, George Larue, Cacona, Gilbeit Henderson, ditto William Ware, ditto William Hall| BrOiJghtJn Anlolne 0. Chenet, Cap [S . Ignace, Gcnrgc Simp^un, Cover. [nor Hudson's Bay Co. William Pozer, Auberj. [Gallion, Charles Roberifon, Fief [Jc Villeray, fames C'-awford, Ga-'pe, George Hamilton o( New L verpooJ, Ber. Anr. Pane%QLuebec, Moyfe Mjiin, R.ver.du. IjOup. DISTRICT DE MONTREAL. Cour des Sessions de Quarlier. Samuel Gale, Eciiycr, President* John Delisle Ecuyer, Greffier, ' Fred. Gioedick Ec. laterprSte. Adolphe Delisle, Grand Connitable, J* D. Dagen, Huusier Audiender, Les Membres des Confeils Le^iHatif et Exccutif. Les Juges de la Cour du Banc du Roi pour les Dif- tri£tsde Quebec, Montreal, Trols Rivieres, Galpe et 6r. Francois. David Ross, Montreal, Henry M'Kenzie, ditto P. de Boucherville, ditto William Robertson^ ditto John Gray, ditto P. de Rocheblave, ditto Thos. A. Turner, dittO James Millar, ditto Chas. de Montenac, ditto George Moffit, ditto George Auldjo, ditto John Molson, ditto Horatio Gates, ditto Peter McGill, ditto John Fleming, ditto William Lunn, ditto William McKay ditto Robert Froste, ditto Henry Griffin, ditto N. B. Doucet, ditto 63 Chenfti Cap [S . Ignace, iun, Cover- >n'8 Bay Co. zer, Auberu [Gallion, )ertfon. Fief [Jc ViUeray, ford, Ga-'pe, oilton of New ane%QL«ebcc, 0, R.ver.du. !:al. r* et Exccutif. 1 1 pour 1 ivicrcs, es Dif" Gafpe n, ditto ditto tes, ditto ill. ditto nn, ditto ditto Kay StCf ditto ditto [in, ditto H, ditta J). C. Napier, Montreal Louis Guy, ditto Thomas Porteous, ditto Jean Bouthillier, ditto Jean P. Leprohon, ditto Robert Christie, Quebec John David Alexander McNeil, Charles Davis, Henry Bistet Johnston, George Doyle, William Carter, William Donaldson, and* William Kinnear, Esqrs. DISTRICT INFJSRIEURpE St, FRANCOIS, Du Quorum. Les Membres des Conseils Legislatif et Executif, les Juges de la Cour du Banc du Roi pour les Districts de Quebec, Montreal, Trois-Rivieies, Gaspe, etSt. Fran9ois. Ch. B. Felton, Greffier, Charles Witch^r, Henry Cull, i Edward Nicholson, Ch. Fred. H. Goodhue, ^Selali Pomroy Moses Nichols, Josiah Saw3'er, Charles Kilburn, Robert Vincent, John Libcrveau* ■M Ui 6S I i ..!1! CoMMrssAinrs pour la rircision sommain f..And. Taschereau, WnYr VoodenveldeD, OI. joi. tlx. Perrault, •jamei B: by, *L Frede'iclc Griflin> H. Forrest, Jean Theophlle Brifeau, J ohn Stanley* JuhnH. johnfton, jeanC. Bruncau, Daniel Salman, John Bleak'ey,' James G. Scott, Frs. P. Terroux, Duncan Fisher, Campbell Sweeny, Ed, Th. Jones, Ebenezer Peck, Charles D. Day, E. E- Rodier, A. Ross, Levi Adtnit, Thomas Nye, P. Horace Panet, Thomas Barron, J. A. Lacroix, james Smith, Au^. Norbert Moriil^ Antoire Rolette. H. Deschambaulc, Nicolas C. Radiger, P. B. Thetard de Mon- J. Manners Kerr IJennox Leon (iosselin Pierre More;ia, John Ponfonby Sexton, Ls. Hypolite Lafontaine, John U.^sher, junior, Theoph^e Bruneau. Hugh Taylor, Robert Armour, Aux Trois lf»ierre Ve«ina,(Confeiilcr de laCouronne*) Charles Lafrenaye, A. D. Bostwickf P. Bcnjn. Dumoulin, W. C. H. Coffin. Cha.J. Mondelet, Pierre Louis Panet^ Rivixiixs. Th?. Stone judah, Louis Charles Cresil^ Charles Aubry, Ed. Short, P. L. Furtier, jas. Thompson, Edward Barnard. Hen'^y H, judah. A St. Francois. I James Hallowell, I Pierre CreiTe, jChs. De Tonnanncour, I C. P. Elkint* Jacques Leblond, 0. Kimball, A GAsrs. J. F. DebIo3i, £d* ThitMudMii* 'N t.' i; ' P :)j i: M i 74 NOT AIRES. I :; l|i;;i|iiii"i« VtlU Roger Leli^Trey FelU T^tu, Pierre Lf force^ Michel Berthelot, Jacques Voyer^ Mien, ^auvageau, Thomas Lee, Louis T. Besser^rr Wm. Fiiher Scotl, A.CampbfelU H.M.N. Pierre Gagooti» Ant. A. . Parehty Edward biickemeyer> L. IT. M'Pheison^ it Slueiee. F. X. VaiUancourt, Louis Panec» Michel Tet siert Ghis. M. De Foy. Errol Boyd Lindsay, WiUiamC.DeLery, Cha. D. Plante, C. A. RicbaLuson, Ren^ Gab. belleau, Thos. Potts Anderson, Ant. Benj. SIrois Du- plessis. E Fabiea Ouellee, I Bernard Amb. Plante, jittnitenci net knovfn. F. X. BUii, ^. Benjamin Thereien, Edward Motiny 1 Ant. Prosper Methot, Pierre Pjette. Germain Guayy iir I I District de Quebec. GOTB DU NORD. Ch. H. Caii>rWt, f ^^^hzlc Thos.^ Li. Daberge^y | . Cht. Pre; Huot» Baie St. Paul. Isidore Levesoue, Eboulemeni. Louis Ranvoysi, Salnte-Ai^ne du Nord. Lonti Bernier, Chilean Richer. PoBiia. L« Fr«Df oii» Ldte(te.* 75 I Franfoii Xavier Larue, S. Proulx» Olivier Gr^goire, Francois Laroche^ Lazarre Lefebtre, Paul Biguc, Port Ncuf. Joseph Bernard, Cap Sante« M. G« Gauchery Deschambaut/ Cots du Suo. A. de la Chevrotiere, 1 Joseph Filteau, I^Lotbiniere. L. S. Amioty 3 julien Demers, Ste, Croix. Louis Guay, Pointe aux Trembles* St. Antcint. "Su Henry. David Bigue» Damase Larue, Stanislas Amiot* Jacques Boucher, Frs. X. Lefebvre» Pierre Paradis, Joachim Goflelin, Michel Charest, Jofeph Ignace Leclair» John Walsh, 1 J. Bte. Bonneville, S-Ste. Marie, Nouvelle Beaace Joseph Reny, j Francois Verrault, St. Fran90it Nouvelle Beauce* Michel Dbelotte dit Doft;«, St. Joseph, N. Beauce* Chrs* T. Aeny, Ste, Claire. Jofeph Goflelin, St. Charles. Abraham Turgeon^ St. Gervais* J* Bte. Cottillard, Pointe Levi. Louis Duclos, do. Alexis Cote, Isle d*Orieani. Charles Dugal, St. Michel, Auguftin Larue, St. Vallier. JO. Clovis Belanger, dot i " '■ ,v il 4 -m 76 i! PiH LiOQis Kuel) ) Aug* Guiliaume Ruel, Berthier^ J. B. Morin, Si. Francois, Riv. dQ Su^* jean Bte. VJhcjnt, St. Gre^oirCy J. Ci Letourneauy '^ Nicolas Gafpard BoilTeau^ I Ignace G. Boifleau, ^Sc. Thomiit* Narci'se B/isseau, I W. Dubord, J Fran, Marcel Kirbuac, St. Pierrfi, A. N. Blais, do« Amable Morrin, St. Roch. Reniy Piuze, Ste. Anne, f. Bte. Bornais, Cap St. Ignace. ■ ' Genest do PJerre Garon, Riviere Quelle. Michel Honore St Jorre de Sergerie^ do. Pafcal Tache, ■) Jean Bte. Tache, /, Th, Casault, f Prudent Bernier, J Ignace Bernier, St. Andre* £. Michaud, do, F. Chambcrland, Isle Vertc, Moyse Morin, Riviere du Loup^ Joseph Ouellet, Trois Piftoles* Pierre Gauvereau^ Rimouski. Martin Sheppard, Diftrict de Gaspe. Kamouraska. Ville de Montreal* J. Papineau, J. M. Mondelet, iSr. B. Doucet, Louis H. Latour, Charles Prevoft, Louis Guy, H.M.N. F. X. Dizery, Thomas Bedouin^ Henry GrifBny Andre Jobin, Chailes Deseve Peter Lukin. Pierre Ritchot, .' 'i-ii I Y7 Pierre E. Leclerc dit Lafrr« naie, Ant. T. Kirober Jos. Aug. Labad^et Lou's Marteau, G. D. Arnoldi Residence unhiown» Fr8. Renaud, I Z. Jofepb Truteau* ^, X. Gamelln, | Frs* X; Raciot. Joi. Guy, Chev. de Lormier| Joseph Prest, W. N. Crawford, Etienne Guy. District de MonlriaL Cote* du noro Aug* Dumouchelle, St. Scolastique Augustus McKay, do J. B. G. Peltier. Ste. Genevieve f . X. Cadet, Ste. Genevieve J. B. Conftantin, St. Vincent de Paul M. G. Baret, do Zephirin Pepin, do Nicolas Manteilht, Ste« Ros|9 Ant. Alexis Dubois, 1 Joseph B. Mailloux, >Soulangei P. L9. Charland, 3 J.Am. Charlesbois, St. Polycarpe Jrs, L. Bellcfcuiile, "J J. A. Berthelot, ■ Eugene Fred, Gtobensky, Step. McK.ay, Frs. X. Cadet, Jean Stanislas Cloutier, Jos. Lefebvre de Bellefeuille, Augustin Weilbrenner, R* Dickinfon, Hall hu £d. Globensky, Ste. Anne del PUinet ^St Eustachf; ^J 78 I'i'i'i Hill li: lii ^il! '■ M ' il't ■I iiiiii'i; Ignacc Raizenne, 7 g. n,„^t* Jean Jos. Girouard, J ^^' ®*"^»' ^ Charles A. Bertbelot, See* Genevieve. Michel Charest, Joseph Ign. Lcclaire,^ Ste. Therefe* jos« Oct. Bastieny Terrebonne* Joseph Brunelie, St. Henry de Mascouche* jean Bte. Seraph'm Charland, St. Espric* Narcisse Bergeron , do* J. Bte. Arcbambaulc, St. Rocb* Bar. Faribault, Louis Raymond, Thomas Bedard, Jean O ■ Le Blanc, Godfioy Chagnon, Barth* Joliette, St. Paul. G. R. D*Arminault, Benhier* J.B. Chalut» do Charles A, Forneret, do J. Bte. F, Morin dit Chenevert, df. J. F. Mercure, St. Cuthberta Frs. Houleau, do. Ls. St. Antoine, do. Pierre Besse, St. Jean. Jean Bte. Lukin, NapierviMe J. E. Faribault, Henry ville Louis Decoigne, Lacadie M. G. Thibaudi^re De Laronde, St. Andr^ Thim. Brodeur, St. Hugues >^L*A(romption« Cote ou Suo. IH Louis Demers, Frs. George Lepai Jos* Narcisse Card illeur, C rdinaKj Chateaugay. 79 Paul Th. Pinfonaulty St. Conftuit; L. H. Leblane, do. Louis Decoigne, iBUUendifi. P, P. Dcamaruf f J ' ^ Edme Henry* ^ Louii Barbeauy I Pierre Gamelioy > Laprairie. jean Bte. Dupiuy» 1 Pierre Lanctot* J o'te UW»c. I St. Cl&nent deB«»b»^,5^ Laurent Archambaulty St. Philippe, Frs. Med« Petrimoulx> do Louis La Cofte, ^ Antoine Eusebe Bardy* ^ Alexis Pinety Varennei* Ls« A. Robitaille, dOf Alexis C. L. Dupleffis. J r ««*•*#-..* C. B. Lc Noblct Dupletsis, J ^^^^MW- Rene Boileau, ^ Jofeph Demers, > St. Jofeph de C|unbl|> Jofeph Porliery j Theophile Leinay, Ste. Marie de Monnoir. JOS. Isale Boudreau. Ste* Marie dt Monnoic* Michel Gamelin Gaucher* BdcaiK E. G. CoursoUet do. Henri Bondy* do* Louis C. Duvert et Charles T£tu, St. Ghnrltf* Pierre Ant. Gauthier, St. Aatoiae. Firmin Perrin, do Louis Bourdages, St. Denii. Jos. Mignaulty St. Denis. Charlei Ba^in* St. Oitri. m lf*Ml i, ■■■'■fiv J ■ •''J.'s- >1 IT I i m U iiiiii |f|l;ll l|l'', ' il li.il ii iiiiiii! hi I iiii ' ;ii'i::' \m\ BO Louit Brunellf) *> Amh» Qrunelle, >St. Hyacinthe. jean Frs. Tecu, j Frt. Leon L. T>essui«au, do, Henry Crebassa, William Henry > Leon Lalanne, St* Armand. District des Trois-RiVieisi VUle des TroiS'Rivih'es [• M. Badeauxy L. D* Craig, A. P. deCourvaiy Alt, Frs. Aime Noiseux* Jofeph Badeayxy Not. dc Sa Majefte, }• Emanuel Dumoulin, Ant, Z. Leblancy Cote ou Nord. Auguftin Trudelle, 1 ios. Casimir Dury, >Ste. Anne Laperado. .ouis Dury, J Louis Gulllet, Batlscan* Valere puU.et} Yajfnachiche, Pierre BaziHy "^ Chs. Ed. Gagnon. > Riviere di;i Loup* Jofeph Bourret, j F. X. Bruneliey 1 m, ... St. Antoine, >Ma8kinonge, Godfioi Landry> j C6tb dv Suo« Pierre Joseph ChevrefilS)^ Benj. Thericn, f 5 ^.^ d'Yamaika, Narc. BergeroH) C •• . »• « «um««t.«« Jos, Chenevert. ) fVm. Pjtt, St, Fran90is, Antome Robin, } ^ ^^ ^. \\ |os. Rouffeau, y ' Ls. Frs. Dumoulin, J. M. C. Duvernay, ^ Ni^olet, Luc Michel Ctcffi* 8| Pierre Blondin, St. Gr^gort. Laurent Geneft, Gendlly. Fafcal Pepin do« Gin el in Gauchery J. Coflelin, V- Thomas, W. Kitcliie, 1. J. Leclaire. } I St. Pierre. District de St. Fran^oif. 82 LAND SURVEYORS. jil',: Joseph Bouchette, Esquire, Surveyor General, Joseph Bouchette, jun. Esq. Dep, Surveyor Generait, Wm. Sax, \st Clerk in the Surveyor's General* s OJice, R. S. Mt Bouchettc, Second Clerk in do. i' i H. 1e M. St. Germainy Jean Bte. Demers, Amable Dezery, Francois Le Gendre, Jean Bte* Larue, benjamin Ecuyer, M odefte Pratte, William Sax, Jofeph Whitman, Joel Ackley, Joseph Fraser, Ignace Plamondon, J. Bte. Courval, Jos. Fortune, Jofeph Martel, Henry O'Hara, Pierre Lambert, Francois Fournier, Theodore Davis, Charles Laurier, Louis Le Gendre, Peter Weilbrenner, Joseph Senet, Pierre Dery, Jean Ant. Boulhiliier, Robert Smith, John Dwyer, John Sullivan, Charles Fournier, Ste. Therese. St. Nicolas. Montreal. Gentilly. Quebec. do. Three-Rivers. Quebec. La Cole. Laprairie, St. Anne. St. Regis. Nicolet. Argenteuil* Quebec. Gaspe. St. Antoine. St. Jean Port Joli. Point Fortune. OttawaRlv. La Chenaie. Lotbiniere. Boucher ville. St. Jacquesr Ancienne Lorette. Beauport. Nicolet. St. Hyaciiithe. Kildare. St. Charles. 'V i 99 "S'CiKjJf^'^}K«„-'«*- la Durantaye, David Thompson, Jean Bte. L^ndre, Charles ArchambauUy John Harrison* Rob. d^EstimauyiUe, John Adams^ Frederick Weiss, Robert Moorhead, Emery F6r6, Jean Barbeau, Patrick H. Smithy J. B. Duberger, Alexander Stevenson, Jos. Bouchette, jun. John W. Quin, D. T. Jones, Charles Manuel^ Wm. Taylor, Jas. Gray, Jean P. Proulxy . Ths. Hora9« H. Leslje, David Bourdagesy Donald Liviogftoo, John Borroughij Jean O. Arcand, £m. C. Despres, John McNaughton, Angus CatUnach, Wm. McDonald. William Ware, Frs. Tetu, Philippe V^errf vlt, Jofeph H^ime)^ Terrebonnfl. Gentilly. Chateaugay* Sorel, ' do. Rividre OueUt» Quebec St. EustacluB. Chambly. Ottawa River Murray Bay* Chambly. Quebec. Ste. Marie N. Beauce^ Lachiney Beauharnois. Sorel. (residence unki^^o.) Ste. Marie j^.PeajUEi:* ^wdon. Qjiebec* SU Dei»M« Ste. Marie de Moonoir/ Saint Michel D'Yamaika, •Saint Hyacinthcy OtUijva lliyf^^ do. do. Sle. Claire. Siaint je«B Bapt^tf. Cap St, Jgnf«r» Quebec. Ya'.naska. Joie^h f^i^fjn JBureauj Leon Guillaume latanne, H'^tiinlurot^ke* Am. Casaubdn Doitallfr, itachiiie Alei, M«NetJ, 0Uf9. ' ' IS 1 •h\ r i i HI 1 : t Hi /ft t 1 ^Hif^l 1 ' ^ B^^Hr % t • tfflff '' • ! < -1 |Hf ! rl |wj 1 H! ^-1 ■t . ■ ' ■;■« . i 84 ■,iU: N'icoUl Lefrapjoiff Dun. S.Ballantyne Joseph Gamachcy Amable Bochett Laurent Dorval, Thos. AMstone, Riviere James Dignan, Chs, Frs. Fournier, Wm. Teasdale, Hi U. BallaQtvne, Alphonso Welfsi H. Brunet, Joseph Pennoyefi £lie B^langer, Gabriel Maufet, Joseph Weilbreoner , Adolpbus Larue, "Wilham Henry, Owen Quinn, IVm. Henderson, Alex. Jannes Russel Uunoan McCallum, Chateau Richer. Rimouslc'i. riilet, St. Anne la Perade. I'Assonnption. du Loupt Dist. Montreal Berthier. St. Jean Port Joli, Arffenteuil L'Islet. St. C^saire, Quebec, Compton. Kacona. Rividre du Loud. Bouchervil^e. Quebec. Sherbrooke. Argenteui). Quebec. Leeds. Lacolle. 1 4 MEDECINS, CHIRUEGIENS, to* i , >, It : «i 99 i',i ii D/flria dc Monireai. En Villi* Wm. Robertson, "^ Wm. Caldwell, M. D. i Examiaateurs del Candi. John Stephenson, M. D. ^ data qui demandent dei A. F. Holmes, M. D* Henry P. Leodel^ J Licencci. Wm.Caldwell, Jacques Labrle, Alexr. Lusignan^ Robt. Hall, Robert Nelfon, lean Btc. Lebourdais, Hfnry Munro, Wm. D. Selby, M. D. Dugald M'Donald, Wm. Lyman, Jofeph Hensley, fofeph Nichols, James M*Aulay, John Walker, Elisba ], Ramfon, Francis Badgley, Ol. Ths. Bruneau, P. D. Brousseau dit La« fleur, John Wilde Roc, Wm. J. Valine, M. H. May, Fis» Arnold!, Henry McDowal^ Hemry Porter^ M. Mabey. P. Beaubien, M« D. W. Robertson, Thomas Brown, J. Ed. Rankin, David Brown, J. R. Spooner, Jacob Glen, Thomas G. Keegan, Alfred Digby, M. D, John Barr, Residence unknown. Gab* Aimoo^, L. Urbain Greiiier, J as. Wallis, A lexis Pernors, John Charles 6e|in, Uriah Laflin, Chs. F. A. jBoucher, Chs. Fleming, P. M. Bardy, Chs. J. Fremont, Apoithicairet, Joseph Beckettf Romuald Trudeauy Hedged Lyman, Day & Gelstein, Jean Dubuc, Wm* Hougli* '"i -J fi7 En CAMfACNBf Rodolph Stfiger, Lungueil rf ju Remy C. Wdlb'cnner, Bmdreiville A^»J^^^^ Fa rick Buckley, St. John William Belin, LungucPointe Augu(^. Globeniilcynci, St. Euftacbn )ohnMorley,M.D. (w.i) fioucherville Frs. Chiciiu Duvert, St. Charles L. M. !<• Barbier, B^rthier J. F. B. Liunuis, .Ch;iaibly FeterC. Lendel, St. Paul WolfredNelion, St.Drnli Ths. Bouthillier, St. Hyacinthe Asa T. Alexandrr} LaP.airit Henry Mount, Pointe Claite Michel F. Valois, do R* S. Bourdagcs, Stf . Marie M.F. Ba.salo St. Rocb Timoleon Quefnel, St. Phillippe A, V. Rohinson, Sr. Vincent de Paul Chs. Gordon O'doher.ty, St. ^u^tache J. Bte. Meilleur, M. D. do — MacuUoch, Ste. Th6reru tbs. H. Castle, St. Andr6 £ciouard Moreau, St. Laurent J. O* Chenier, St. Benoit Luke Bent, Ste. Genevieve P. C. Boucher de Labruere, Bouchervlile John i*Arker, Stanst:*id. ican Claude LchouUier, Simon Frafer, George Meyers, Simon Z. Henry, John Gray, L. J. VJ. Cazeneuvei Jamts Dorion. Saml. Newconib, Ls. Albert Bender, S.C.Blyth, M.D. J. LeDuc, John Wefton, Guftave Iserhoff, Calvin May, Henry V. Rogers, Michael Andrews, Barnard MSte. [,M*D*Par. J Anne de la Parade COTE NORD. George Carter, Rene Jos. Kimbertjt H. J. Martin, J. C. Fournier, — Tresler, Daniel Muihollan, £,P. (.amoureux, Lewis Dorwin, Yamachiche W.W.^oTeX } RiviJre da Loup A. B. Shiller, 7 „ t.. , Boucher. HI,. J Maskmong« c6te sud. Thomas Fortier, Gentilly Charles Quesnel, Becancour Calvin Alexander, Nicolet Du' aid M'Donald, St.Antoinede la Baiedu Febvre L^oa Rousseau, St. Michel d'Yamafilxa S0REL« £. W. Carter and Ant. Von l£^and. Gaspe. George Douglas, Carlisle. District ds Saint Fran90J(s, Moses Nichols, Sberbrooke. 89 TRINITY HOUSE OF QUEBEC^ The Corporation established by an Acf of the Prq. vincial Parliament of the 45! if- 1 'k }\ P 90 til ■■ ,f ;;!'i!^ liiiir' 12 Jean Dumas, 13 Louis Demers, 15 Barthelemi Pouillot, 17 Ambroise Dumas, 19Gabriel La Chance, Ist 20 Laurent Tremblay, 21 Bar. La Chance, junr. 24 Fran9ois Desnoyer, 27 Antoine Turgeon, 28 Frederick Dorren, 29 Angus M*NieI, 31 Chrysostome Dumas, 32 Charles Dumas, S3 Daniel McMillan, 36 James English, 38 Francis Forbes, 39 Joseph Morency, 40 Charles Pilcha, 42 Benjamin Fortier, 43 Pierre Cr^peay, 44 Joseph Jean, 45 Benjamin Pineau, 46 Michael Forbes, 47 Amable Lavoie, 48 Prisque Meteiller, 49 Pierre La Montagne, 50 George St. Amand, 52 Pierre Curodeau, 53 Frangois Morency, 54 Charles Fortin, 56 Antoine Boucher, 57 Antoine Lapointe, 58 Augustin Doiron, 59 Pierre Toussaint, 60 Amable Paquet, 61 Joseph Desjardins, • €2 Clement Chasi^e, 1 68 Francois Leclerc, 64 Jean Langloit, junr. 56 Gabriel La Chance, 24 66 J. A. Dick, 68 Jacques Fournier 69 Germain Soucie, 70 Zarharie C6t6, 71 Francois Paauet, 72 Frangois La Chance, 73 Guillaume La Chance, 76 Pierre Boneau, 77 Louis CanucI, 78 Joseph Royer, 79 Frs. Fineau, 81 Frs. Lapointe, 82 Frs. Dumas, 83 jofeph Dumas, 85 Pierre Lapointi, 86 Nicolas Fortin, 87 Louis Asselin, 88 Frs. Curodeau, 89 Jean Godbu, 90 Pierre La Chance, 91 Charles Dion, 92 Antoine Gobeil, 93 F. Pepin dit Lachance, ^^ 94 Pierre Paquet, 95 Pierre Fontaine, 96 Joseph Geoest, 97 Charles Brown, 98 £t. Vaillancour, 99 Jean Fortin, \QJ Frans. Dupuis, 101 Louis Servant, 102 JeanS. D'amour, 103 Honor^ Chass^, 104 Fjrans. Isaac Audet, «-:-*a 91 106 Zacharie Blanchet, 107 Alexi? Peltier, 108 Joseph I.avaliicre alias Laverdiere, 109 Chrisr, Chouinard, 110 Nicolas Paradis, 111 Regule Benville, 112 Antoine Frozier, 113 Louis Thibierge, 114 Edward Pettigrew, 115 Honors Jaques, 116 Malcolm Smith. 117 Jedn Lavoie, 118 Joseph Peltier, 119 Frs. Rojrer, 120 Firmm I.svdsque, 121 John 0*meara, 122 Michel Cavanny, 123 Pierre Langlois, 125 J. Ete.Rcss, 126 Edwd. O'meara. 127 George Plante, 128 J08. M. Piante, I'iO jean rJoiirdeau, « 1 Frs. Rioux, 132 Paul Bowes, 133 Michel Peltier, 134 Germain Peltier, 135 Peter Forbes. 137 Peter Gourdreau, 138 Charles Aslin, 139 Frs. Saint Marc, 140 Thomas Durnford. 141 William Amioc, 142 Charles Boisselle, 143 David Pettigrew, 144 Jean Bte, Laroche, 145 Baptiste Menard, 146 Luc Leclerc, 147 Henry McKenzi?, 148 Magloire Rioux, 149 Joseph Lebel, 150 Frat. Aubue, 151 Cielestin Cot^, 152 Michel Bi'teau, 153 Michel Morin, 154 J. Bte. Asseiin, 155 Antoine Michaud, 156 Pierre Pouiliot , 13? Firmin Couillard. all mm^-^K^ j Branch Pi lots /or & above the Harbour of ^uebec^ Pierre Perrault, Franjois Page, Olivier Farant, Michel LeMieux, Alexis Marchand, Jofeph Gauthjer, Jean Bte. Gduthier, Jtaa Bte, Ciron, Aiihtant Examiner of Pilots far and above the Harbour of S^uebec, Joseph Morln, Antoine Belleifle, ift Ambruife Mayrand, Pierre Page, Antoine Mayrand, Jacques Pampaion, M ,' f , ti' i!: I !! 92 I iii ,■:! fean ate. Duval, ^ofepb God in, Pierre Page, junr. Francois Mercure, Francois Hamelin. Joseph Bougie, Thomas Everell, Ambroise Lafleur, Ancoine Belleisle, 2d Louis Baribault, Ambroise Paquet, Jean Belteisle, Flavien Hamelin, J. Bte. Dusavlr, Antoine Bellecour^ Amand Casey, Charles R-^ymond, Jos. Isai Boudreau, Olivier Boudreau, Joseph Paquette, Olivier Raymond, Zephirin Bou.dreau, David Bou I lie. Narcisse Raymond, 18 3 8 18 3 1.5 9 9 5 9 Rates of Pilotage for the River St, Lawrence From Bic to Quebec Per Foot, From the 2d to the SOth April, inclu: £\ Q ^ From the IstMay to the lOch November, iuclusiv, - - • O From the 1 1 th to the 1 8th November, in. 1 From the I9th Nov. to the 1st March, in. 1 Fropi Quebec to J^ic, From the 2d to the SOth April, inclu. ^0 From the Ist May to the 10th Nov. in. O From the 11th to the 18th Nov: inclusive, I From the 19th Nov. to the 1st March, in. 1 Rates of Pilot Water and Poundage on Pilot Mo- ney are payable at the Naval Office, by Master and Commanders of Vessels, viz : For every foot of water for which masters or cnm* nianders of vessels are bound to pay their pilots, from Bic to Quebec, and from Quebec to Bic, Qe6 cur- rency per foot. For vefTels going to Three.Rlvers or Montreal, of 100 to 150 tons inclufive, /^2 currency* of 151 to 200 tons inclufive, ^3 - of 201 to 250 tons inclufive, ^4 - of 2| I tons and upwards, £5 • .. > ► 15 On settling with pilots, masters or commanders or vessels, or the consignees of such vessels, are to de- duct 1j. in the pound for the amount of the sums to be paid for pilotage, which will be exacted by the Naval Officer at clearing out, the same being funded by law, under the direction of theTrinity House, for therelief of decayed pilots, their widows & children, LicHT-Hous£ on Green Island, in the River St. Lawrence. Mr. RoBEKT Noel Lindsay. er. Keep The Lantern of the Light-House on Green Islanfl thows a Light every Evenirg, from Sun Set to Sun Rise the n?xt Morning, from the Fifteenth day of April to the Tenth day of D^cen^ber, inclusive} and the follow- ing are the Bearings of it, by Compass, fi'om the respective places, hereunder mentioned, videlicet: Red lsl?nd . White Island Bfaniy Pots- - Apple Island Basque Island E. S« £. ^ Si E. N. E. iE. N. E. by E. -JE. w. s. w. W. S. W. \ W: The Shoal at the N. E. end of Gr. IJand, S. W. JS, The Shoal at the Weft end of Green Island, N. E- |e. REGULATIONS Tor the payment of pilotage above JBic to Quebec, At or above the Anchorage of the Brandy Pots • - jds of the present rate for for a full Pilotage. Above the Point of St. Roc Jd do do a ove the Point aux Pius, on the Isle aux Grues, and below Pa- trick's Hole ----.. Jth And at r.nd above Patrick's Hole - - uo do ^,; m X\ 3 4^ 9^ U :;,i,ji;ii ♦'or ahirting & veflel from one Wharf to another, between Brehaut's Warf and Pointe a Carcis, or from or to the stream from cr lo any of the above Wharf, Fer shifting a veffel from the stream or from either of the above Wharfs to Saint Patrick's Hole or to the basin of Montmorency ; or to the ballast groundt the basin of the Chaudiere, Wolf's Cove aud aa far thir rivet Cap Rpuge, £o u f*4 i £^ \ ♦ B,ate% above the Harbour of Quebec* From Quebec, To Port-Neuf, 4I. Currency! 5I v)I« • « • * » « To Three-Rivers, or above Port-Neuf, 61. Currency, 71 81 To Montreal, and above 3 Rivers, I ll. Currency. For Vcffels of Register Meafurement, not ex- ceeding 200 Tons, If above zoo and not exceeding 250 do. If above 250 Tons, los. 31. From 3 Rivers For Vessels not exceed- & above Portncuf, To Quebec, From Port Neu^ al. los. CufV. 13'. 16I. ing 200 do. If above 200 and not exceeding 250 do. If above 250 Tons, For Vessels not exceed- ing 200 do. If above 200 and not exceeding 250 do. If above 250 Tons, 4I. Currency. 4I. 10. .... 5I. 10s. .... From Montreal, & above } Riven, | 7i. lOs. Cu/j. 81. lol. 15s. 15s. Pilots are at liberty to leave Vessels forty-eigh* hours after they arrive at the place of their destinatxn TO SHIP MASTERS, Thk observations made last year, and this (IP(?9.) under the authority of Rear Adinira Sir C. Ociu. commanding the Halifax Station, and the survryi^^ the gulf and river by order of the Board of Admir!iliT| under Capt. Bayfield, R. N., establish beyond (iouH^ that the Charts now in use are essentially t;/co/n ! || The following corrections have been obtained fuu^ the best authority : (See next and subs, j^o^^Nl rom Port Ncid, al. I OS. CurV. k 3I. lot . 41 • ••••*• From 3 RivcTS k above Portncu", 4I. Currency. K) g 1^ 1^ ^ ^ ^ w o> »-i »0 10 ^ s OD S2: ^ ^ ^ ^ !« — JQ ,.4 »H ^ ;2; ^ ^ « 52; ;z5 01 « »o B nt) I^ird island«,(northernmost^ Shlpnarbor(Gut of Canso) Cape Linzee. (Port Hood) Justau Corp Island, (S. pt.) Bear Cnpp, (P.Ed. Island) East Point (ditto ditto) West Do. (ditto ditto) Cape North, (ditto ditto) Cape Traverse (ditto ditto) Pictoii Academy, Cape Noith, (Breton Isld.) Cape Hinchinbrooke (ditto) Cape Portland (ditto) Cajps Breton (ditto Latitude by Longitude iMeridian Al- West of titude. Greenwich o * " o * " 46 48 30 N 71 17 00 49 19 32 67 25 24 49 18 38 67 26 54 49 57 38 64 15 55 49 S 30 61 46 2i 49 52 29 64 37 29 t*) 63 3."^ i% TO 13 8 64 12 45 ■iO 17 35 64 6 7 48 50 ^0 64 15 58 48 <5 14 64 14 12 48 29 30 64 14 11 48 46 33 64 25 52 47 5 2 64 54 4 48 1 61 64 36 23 46 7 rf8 63 52 16 48 54 65 18 51 47 16 09 61 48 00 47 37 47 61 27 25 47 59 28 61 13 27 46 36 25 61 22 17 45 59 31 61 36 49 45 58 10 61 38 25 46 00 02 62 30 51 46 27 34 62 CO 42 46 37 48 64 ?4 56 47 4 20 64 4 50 46 IS 17 63 43 21 45 40 20 62 45 02 1 47 02 13 60 27 27 1 45 34 29 60 43 10 1 45 47 57 60 6 10 1 45 56 26 59 50 49 1 It'll.' !! 9f in the Gulpk ;oastof New. Astronomical f iLongituiie 1. West of I Greenwich 'i o * '* NlTl 17 00 67 25 24 lei 26 54 164 15 7)5 ,61 46 21 64 37 29 163 3:^ '^ 64 12 45 64 6 7 64 15 58 64 14 12 64 14 11 l64 25 52 64 54 4 |64 36 25 63 62 16 65 18 51 61 48 00 61 27 25 61 13 27 61 22 17 61 56 49 61 38 25 62 50 SI 62 00 42 64 £4 ^ 64 4 50 65 43 21 62 45 02 [60 27 27 60 43 10 160 8 10 .59 SO 49 * ** * « 45 53 31 14 60 2r 46 1 19 59 44 3 46 9 18 59 53 34 47 34 11 59 11 13 47 12 38 60 11 58 47 36 49 59 21 36 47 40 27 53 8 59 43 59 5 59 40 51 43 56 42 60 14 • iouiiburg, (ruins of old light house) Scattery Island (east point) iCape Granby, ' Rond hi. ( Fort au Basque) |Su Paul's IsI.(NW Cove) [Cape Kay, Cape Race, [Sable Mand, (east end) Do. (west end) kSiened.) J- Jokes, Master H. M. S. Hussar, '^ ** E. Rose, Master H. M. S. Tyne. {Trinity House, Quebec, 10th Nov. 1829. [Variations or the Compass, established In 1829 by Capt. Bayfield, R. N., in the surveying schr. Gul- nare ; those laid down on theCharts bein*; erroneous. fi randy Pots, 16^ degrees west. Island of Bic, 17^ Cap Chat, 21 Bay of the Seven Is1ands,23 West end of Anticosti, 23j^ East end of ditto 24^ ^FICERS OF THE CUSTOMS. Crown & Provincial. FHon, M, H. Perceval, CoUedlor, Quebec. fcorge AdJenbrokeGoRE, Esq. Comptroller, do* ietberi Cornewall, Efq. Surveyor, do. T.Wilson, C. Grey Stewart John Fletcher, Sc — Ha- milton, Efqs. Waicers & Searchers at Qiiebec. ^Miiam Stringer, Efq, Warehoufe-Keeper at Quebec. ^/fri.-jjohn Bruce, J. Prendergast, Ch. Seccetan & FCeorge Montizambert at Quebec. lichard Cross, Locker, at do. John Fife, Tide Surveyor at do* Hugh M«DontU ie W. Saunders, Tidesmen at do* F •"Absent. ;■!■ ■5|i :-| I 1 :)■ •i 1: i I' n ¥, m 98 '1 11^1 i-,,ti^ Walter & Searcher at Thtee-Riven, ^H ^= Henry Jessopp, Efq. Surveyor of Cuftoms at Montreal, William Hall, Efq. Waiter and Searcher at dUto« Wm»Burland, Tide burvryor at ditto John Douglass M'ConneljEfq.Dy* Collector at Gafpe, Henry 0du-Lacy Compton, Dunham, Drummond vilify - Frelighsburg, 10 Grenville, • Georgcville, - Granby, Hull, Hatlcy, Henryville, lileaux-Noix, - Laprairie, I'a Bale, L^ Chine, |ftO 1/Orignal, L'Aiiomption, Montreal, Nicolet, Petite Nation, Phillipsburg, - Quebec. - Hercule Olivier T. McDonald James Ryan, A. McDonald W. Irvine, E. Warren £. Paker James Miller Andrew Hawley Edwin Pridham C. Bullock Richarl Frost R. Wright Roberr Vincent I. H, Roe Thos. Mi i i 1! 102 rii^{ !,'! March^ . • - . Matilda} . • - Maitland) ... ^lorwich, - - - Newmarket) - - Napaneey ... Nelfoii) - . - - Niagara, .... Oxford, ... jO Ofnabruck, . . Pickering, - - - Port Burwelt, - - Port Stanley, . - Fenetanguichine, - Pcterbro' - - . Port Hope, - - - Poit Talbot, - - Prefect t, . - . Ficcou, late Hallowell, )6o Perth, . • * - Queenston, - - - Richmond, . - - Raleigh, . - - River Trent, - - Sts Catherine, • - Streetsville, - - Sim COP, - . - - Sandwich, - • . Stoney Greek, 70 Saint-Thomat, - - Thornhill, - - - Toronto, • • - Thorold, • • > Trafalgar, r - - Vittoria, . - - Whitby. - - - W?terford, - - - Wellington Square, Thomas Read Geo. Broufe Samuel Thomay ■ Lafsing W. B. RobinfoQ A. M*Pherson W. Chiiholm John Crooks Charles IngeridU Jos. Bockus Frt^* Leys infaac Draper Jofuah Bostwick T. O. Anderfoa T. V. Tucker Dav. Smart M. Burwell A. Jone* J* S» Heermana Josiah Taylor Alexr. Hamilton G. Trf Burke Duncan M'Gregor S. Hawley W. H. Merritt IfracI Ranfom D. Campbell W. Hands Thomas Wardle Lucius Bigeiow Wm. Parfona Abijah Lewis - Jacob Keefer A. Proud foot F, L. Walsh J, B« Wa.ren J. W. Powclji A. Bates 103 "Willumtburyt - - Yarmouth, . - . ^i York, - • . . 140— Total. . f Halifax, John Howe, •| I Windsor, . - - e^ ; Horton, - - - - ^^ Annapolis, . • « J Digby, ... - ^ LLiverpool, ... •^ r Frederickton, •gist. John, . . ^ S 1 St. Andrews, ^ S LWcftmoreland, - John Cryiler Robert McKenny j.Ii* Howard janr* Dep. P. M« Gl. T. M. Rudolf Eli (ha Dewolf, Alexander Burkett. J* Snodgrass. £. Calking. W. B. Phair. Charles Drury* James Watson. Prince £wd« Island,(Charlotte Town)Benj* ChappelL The Mails from Quebec to the several J?ost Offices on the route to Montreal, are made up and forwarded every day, at 8 P. M. in summer, and 4 P. M. in winter, Sundays and Fridays excepted. The Mails from Quebec to the several Post Offices in Upper- Canada, the Ottawa River, Fort Ch&mbly, St. John, Isle aux Noix and Phillipsburg, are made up and forwarded every Tuesday and Saturday, at the same hour as the Montreal Mail. The Mails from Quebec to the several Post Offices in the Eastern Townships, are made up and forwarded every Monday, at the 9ame hour as the Montreal mail. The Mails from Quebec to the several Post Offices in Nova-Scoria and New-Brunswick, are made up and forwarded every Tuesday, at 1 1 A. M. Mails for the Baie Chaleur and Gaspe are sent only two or three times in the conrse of the winter, by spe- cial expresses, there being no established line of Post upon that Route, U V. ?. I ;♦ 1 m lot it'ii '>,,ini Ourin;; th« Winter— Mails for every part of the United States are made up at Montreal on Monday's, Thursdays and Saturdays—and during the season of Steam-boat Navigation, everjr day— SuiidRys excepted. Letters for Europe may be forwarded by this route, if t$^e Provincial and United States postage are paid upon mailing Letters for Europe intended to go by the way of Quebec (which can be done during the summer months by merchant's ships) must be post paid to Quebec.) — If they an? to be sent via Halifax, the post- age must be paid to Halifax — Care must be taken to pay the inland postage upon all l^etlers for Europe, otherwise they cannot be forwarded. Stanstead and Montreal in Lower-Canada, and PreMM>tt, Kingston, and Niagara in Upper-Canada, are in direct and official communication with the Post Office Department in the Unittd States, and Letters to the United States can be sent thro' either of these Oi&cesupon payment of the Provincial Pcniage ; or to JEurope upon payment of the Provincial and American Postage, at the time of mailing. ' ■ ,i. 1 JICCLESIASTICAL STATE OF CANADA. I h': .1 :fl J if pi r ,1 •■ Ov mi '■'I , J- \ ill' |r", ■'Ml M>|. In I ■'■HI i ■'!■'! 11? 106 II J JJUM I ■ « I MIJ— HWW— HI J i u^ A LIST of the CLERGY of ihe Esta- blished CII URCH of ENGLAND, in the Provinces of Upper and Low- eR'Canada* The Hon. and Right Reverend Charles James Stewart, D. D.,LordBishop of Quebec. TheVen. The Archdeacon of Quebec, G. X Moun- tain, D. D. The Ven. The Archdeacon of Kingston, G. O. Stuart, L. L. D. The Hon. & Ven. The Archdeacon of York, J Stra- chan, D. D. Eiaminmg: Chaplain Rev. G. J. Mountain, D. D. Visiting Missionary in the Diocese, Hev. G. Archboldr PAROCHIAL CLERGY. LowEP Canada. District of Quebec. pRev. G. J. Mountain, D. D. Rector, (&c, ut I Supra;) I Rev. J. L. Mills, D. D, Evening Lecturer jl ' (Chaplain to the Forces.) (absent.) ^ I Rev. J. Coghlan, A. B , acting for the Rev. Dr. •g \ Mills. § I Rev. E. V/. Sewell, Minister of the Cha- pel of the Holy Trinity, and Chaplain to the Lord Bishop. Rev. R. R. Burr ge, Preacher to Protestant Settlers in parts adjacent, and Master of the Royal Grammar School at Onebec. The addition of &c, signilirs a subordinate charge, a» •rcasion ran be taken, of any unprovided places in the neigh> beurhood, J07 Riviere du LouJ.'a ^''°^» ^' M. ^ The Earl of Ca Sfc^ '*" '? ^^^^'g^t Ho„orabfe ^V' G. M . Ross, Rector. Diftrict of Montreal. [ Rev. B *'b""s^' ^^ector. Montreal, L ^^etu;er;(Ch'apIaf; ttth^'p ^"'"'"» I Rev. A. F Atu ^"® Forces.) Y>n'»»ka Mountain 1"^^' "«''»'• Chambly, Rev J R ^.t" '**»• J- Abbotf. A M ot. John s, Rev. W n t u ' "' •"• "ec'or. Caldwell and / ^- ^"'''»'J«' A. M. Recto; Christie Manor,, J Rev. M. Townsend. Recto, &'• Armand W»rt /vr. . . "ector, , Whit^ell "'' ^*^'""^'" Bay.) &,. r,,. SI. Armand East, &c. Rev J p m IJunliam, Rev. O P n .. ""•*■ ^ (Prebendary of Dot;. ^"^ ' ^- B"""". A B St. Andrews &cR^°"i^,'"''"'» ''eland.) ' H«ii.&c. Rfv^il^X-nlV^'"'-. Hector! Co.cau-d..W Rev.,. Leeds, f erbrooWe. ^''Z E P " ,'""''• 1 108 District of Gaspe. Gup4 Bay, Pcrc^, &c.. Rev. W. Arnold. Bay of Chaleurs, Rev. L. Doolittle. Rev. A. Norman, (destination not fixed) S'l. . 'i ';! 'J i '' i PAROCHIAL CLERGY. Upper-Canada. H^me District. York, &c. The Honb'e. and Rev. J. Strachan, D. D.'- ( Archdeacon of York.) Rev. T. Phillips, D. D., Master of the Royal Grammar School. Yonge Street, and Curate at York, Rev* A. Macaulay* Toronto; &c, Rev. J. Magrath. Gore Dif-trict. Ancaster, Barton, Hamilton and Dundas, Rev. R. Leemingr. ^fllf^Kionaries to theTRev.R.Ltf^ger, from the Nevr SixNations(lndians)j England Company. London, on the Grand Ri- ) Rev.A.Nelles, from theSociety ver, LP. G. F. P. District of Niagara. Niagara, Rev. T. Creen, Grimsby, &c. Rev. G. Grout. Chippawa, Staniford.Queenston, Rbv. W. Leeming. Waterloo, Fort Erie, &c. Rev. J. Anderson. Sti Catharines, &c. Rev. J. Clarke, A. M. London District. St. Thomas, &c. Rev. M Burnham,A.B: Woodhouse, &c. Rev. F. Evans. London, &c. Rev. £. J. Boswell. 109 Chatham, &c. R,». t. j^^^Vj^^, Pe.e,boro.,gh. &c. Rev. s"a;:;o„.. K.-n,«on. Re. G^Ka^"«t I, . R,.h ^,"'"'''0*. Assistant Mi„l„ Bath Ernesttown, &c. Rey J T "i Adolphustown, &c. R.v , n ^'""Shton; Belleville 4c. Rev tV* ^'^"n- Carrying P]aee.(T;„^\h^^"Pj«"V HaiWell. J" Hev. W. Macaulay, Perth, &c. Rev. MH- •"'"'.'""• Beckwith, &c. HeMml l' ^- C^t'ent-) Richmond, &c, BevVll «h '."*• ■**• Broctville. IkJiTTw''^"- -, I-ord Bishop. • ^^"''a'n. Chaplain to u,, 0«^ord.„aM.lbotfe fetK..!^^ --,1, .o.rt:„- -~^^^^^ CRev. J.L. Ai. J. °P' G Alexander, Curate. ii ! it 110 it'f V i' i CAaplaifiF to Uu Forces in tfie Ctmndms, Quebec, Rev. J. L. Mills,^ D. D. (absont.) Montreal, Rev. 6. B.- Stevens, A.M. York, Rev. J. Hudson, A. M. Kingston, Rev. R. W. Timwey. Chaplain to H M. Ddck-yp*^cf at Kingstow, Revd. W. R. Payne. ■il l ' . - . . GoftTOiULXioN^r Manapaig the Clirgt Rsurvxs m Lower-Canada, Members— The ILord" Biahq^ of Quebec, and all the beaeiced Clergy within the Provinee. Frindp^ The Lord Bishop. IJ^rectori. Th« Rev..G. J.Mountaiiir, I- The Rev. J. G. Dt-iscoB' J. Fethtme, J. Jackson, S. S. Wood, R. R. Bbmifj^e. E . W. 3ewell. S'ttretttnti:, H. Thomson. Esqtire. t, : %< S8XKVXS m ETAT ECCLESIASTIOUE DU CANADA. 9 Janvier .753, co^L?^^^'''^ PANET, „.' u l>«v. I^^duc St. Ftauyois d'Aflife,J Mr. Bern. Mrtdden^ Fraaipton. Mr. Jos. Lefran^ois, Ste, Claire. Mr. Raphael Paquet, St. Gervais et St. Protaif, ct St. Anfelmc de Lauzon* Mr. E'iouard Quertier, Vicaire. Mr. J Bte. Perras, St. Charles Riviere Boyer^ Mr. Theodore Lctang, St. Ktienne de Beaumont. Mr. NarcilTe Chs. F >rtier, St. Michel de Ladurancaye# Mr. Urbain Orfroi, St. Vallier. Mr. Chs. Jos. Frimeau, St. Francois de Sales de U Riv. du Sud et rAlfomption de BellechalTe. Mr. Jos. Cecil, bt. Pierre Riv. du Sud. Mr. Louis Beaubien, St Thomas. Mr. Aug. Parent, Cap St. Ignace et TIHe aux Grues. Mr. Pierre Bourget, N. D. de Tlflet. Mr. Jacques Panet, ancien Cure. Mr. Franfois BoiflTonnault, St. Jean Bte. dePort-joli. Mr. Louis Brodeur, St. Roch des Aulnets. Mr. Chs.Frs. Painchaud, Ste. Anne de la Grande Anfe. Mr. Pierre Viau, N. D. de la Riviere Quelle. Mr, Ant. GodVlin Junr, Vicaire. Mr. jac. Varin, Sr. Louis de Kanaourafka Mr. F. Xav. Dehge, Vicaire. Mr, joF. Marie Belanger, St. P^ifchal de Kamou- raska. Mr. Flavien Leclerc, St. Andr^ de Tlflet du Portage. Mr. J. Bte. Madran, St. Patrice de la Riv. du Loup et St. George de Cacouna. Mr. Pierre Beland, la Decollation de St. j. Bte. de risle Vcrte, et les Poftes du Roi. Mr. Ed. Faucher, N. D. des Neiges des Trois Pis- toles. Mr. Michel Ringuette, St. Germain de Rimouflcy et Si, Jerome de M.«tane. 115 [r« Jean Ralmbault« Superieor. tr. joi. Onefime Leprohan, DireAeor. DISTRICT DRg TUOIS.RIV1ERES. bEMINAXRB OY NiCOLBT* Mr. Ml _ Mr. Chs* Harper, Ecendme* Mr. Nicholas Hubert, afsistant dr. Mr. Frs. Defauiier, ProfefTeur de PbJlofofllMu Mr. David Dezid, "^ Mr, Jofeph Tuxcot, Mr. julesDeirocherit Mr. Etienne Baillarg«on« ^I^g«M 4ai-Humanite< Mr. Theoph. Braflard, Mr«Chas. Chiniquy^ Mr. Louis Belisle, La VjLtjt* Mr. Louis Cad'ieux, Cure et desservant ke C«f dt la MAdeUine* Mr. George Belcourt, Vicalre. Mr, Pierre Joyer> Chapelain.Aea UrfuUnei. C6tk dv Nqr». Mr. Ls. Marcoux, «?C. jofcph de Maflcinoaget Mr. jacq. L«bourdai«,St. Antoine de la Riyldu Xioup* Mr. J. Bte. JK^rland. Vicaire. Mr. Louis Delaunais, 5t. Leon Le Grand. Mr. Severe Nicolas Dumoulin, Stt» Anne d'Yama- ctiiche, et St. Bamabe* Mr, Li> Onesime D^silets, VioTire. Mr, Olivier Larue, U Vifitation de la Pulnte djiLtkc. Mr. Germain Rivmrd, la Vifitation de Chan^piain or St. Francois X»vier de Batifcan. Mr. F. Xav. Cote, Ste. Gen&Vieve de BAtifcao «t St. Staniflas de la Riviere des Envies. Mr. Marc Chauvin, "Ste. Anne de la Perade. Mr. Jos. Marie Morin, anoien Cure. CdTK ov Sun. Mr. Michael Power, St. Frederic de Drummoiidville. Mr. Alexis Leclerc, St. Michel .d''Yamaska. Mr. Ncel Laurent Anniot, Miflionaire des Abeitak^t, (jepsetvant St. Francois Xavief du Xiac St. Pierre. 116 i ilf!:f i;^' Mr. Vincent Fournler, St. Antoine de U Bale du Febvre, et St, Zephrrin de Courval. Mr. jciin Ratrnbault, St. Jean Baptifte de Nicolet* Mr. Penj. Defrocherp* Vicaire. Mr. Frs. Demers, St. Gregoire ]e Grand* Mr. Frs. Lejamtelj la Nativite de Bekancour, Mr. Charles Dion, Vicaire. Mr* Claude Gab. Courtain, St. Edouard de Gentiliy* Mr* Thomas Pepin, St* Jean et St. Pierre* DISTRICT DE GASPE'. Mr. Stanislas Malo, iHc» Anne de Rif^igouche St. jofeph de Carleton et TAnge Gardien de New.^ Richmond &c. Mr. Alexandre Boisvert, St% Bonaventure, N. D. de Paif^ebiac &c« Mr. John McMahon, St. Michel dePerc^, Douglafs- Town &c. DISTRICT DE MONTREAL. St. Jacques* M2»nfeigneur Jean Jacques LartiguE) Eveque de Tplrneffe en Lycie, confacre lezi Janvier 1821, SufFragant, Auidliaire et Vicalre-Geaeral pour le District de Montr^^al. Mr. Ignace Bourget, Secretaire ^ Mr. jean Charles Prince, ( Chapelains de I'E- Mr. Lcuis Marcotte. t glife St. Jacques. Mr. james Moore, j AvSeminaiki ds Montkxal* Ml. Henri Roux, Superieur* Mr. Michel Candide Lefaulnier, Cure d*Office. Mr. Chs. de Bellefeuille, 1 Miffionnalres au Lac del Mr* Flavien Durocher, \ deax Montagnes. Mr. Anthclme Malard, Mr. Frs. Humbert, Mr. Jos. Ls* Melchior Sauvage, ' Mr. Lami Hubert, n? Mr. Ant. Satin, jVlr. jean E(e. Roupe, Mr. Jean Richards. Mr. Nicolas Dufresne, Mr. jofeph Comte, Procureur, Mr. jean Bte. St. Pierre, Mr. Franyois Bonin, Mr. Patrick Phelan, Mr. Claude Fay, Mr. Romain Larre, Mr. jean Claude Leonard, Mr. Jac(}ue8 Arraud. Au PuT'T Seminaiui. Mr. Jos. Quiblier, Dircdleur. Mr. joiin Larlcin, 1 Mr. Jean Bte. Bayle, VProfenTeurs. Mr. Germ. Sery, j Mr. O'Raily. Mr. Angus Macdonell, Mr. Akxis Frederic Trudeau, Mr. Pierre Mercier, t> ' « j u r. Frs, X, Defcve. > . ?„ Mr. D. Denis, Mr. Pafchal Brunet, Mr. Jean Bte, Dupuis, (*OLLBG£ D« "t. HVACiNTHE. Mr. Thomas Maggire, Directeur, (abfent) Mr. Louis Proulx, Vicc-Directcur. Mr. Isaac Desauniers, Profefleur de Philofophlc. Mr. Sabin Raioiond, | Mr. Chs. Larocque, I Mr. jofeph Larocque, *y^^ , jcs Humanitcs. Mr, Henry Aubertin, f *» Mr. Godfroi Marchefifeau, ! Mr. Stephen slyth. | I nites. 118 IP' ! '! ,, H College de Chamblt. Superieur, Mr. P. M. Mi^nault. Directeurat prof, de Theologie,Mr.Jos. Oct. Boucher Prof, de Rh^torique, M . Gurneau Dito de langue Latinet M. Oiroux» Dito de langue Grecque el d' Ariihm. M. Hughes. Dito de langue Anglnise ct d'ecriture, M. Canavan. Dito de langue Fran^aiseetde lecture, M. L^. Giard. Dito de musique, M. liyan. Jfle de Montreal. Mr. jeanBte. St. Germain, St. Laurent. Mr. L,8. Marie Lefebvre^ Ste. Genevieve. Mr. Ant. Duranseau, St. Michel dr la Chine. Mr. Barthelenii Fortin, St. Joachim de la Pointe Claire et Ste. Anne. Mr. Alexis Durcciier, PEnfant jefus dela Fointe aux Trembles, et St. Francois d*Airife de k Longue Pointe. Mr. Laur. Aubry, U VificatiMn du Sault avi RtcoUct. Mr. JOS. BoinTonnault, St. j il'eph de la Riviere des Prairies. Mr- jean Caron, Ste. Jeanne de l*lfle Perrot* lile yesust Mr. Mich. Brunet, St. Martin. Mr. Franpois Belair, Ste. Rofe. Mr* Touiiaint Lagarde, St. Vincent de Paul* Cote du Nobd* Mr. Louis Lannotte, Ste. Genevieve de Berthier. Mr. Damafe Ricard, Vicaire, Mr. Frs. Marcoux, St. Barthelemi. Mr. Ant. Fizette, St. Cuthbert. Mr. Moyse Brafsard, Ste. Elizabeth. Mr.Fras. L'Hereux, Vicaire. Mr. J08. Benj. Keller, ancien Cur^. Mr. Profpere Gagnon, St. jofeph de Lanorait. Mr. Jean Frs, Gagnon, St. Antoinc de La Valtrlc. Mr. Fi-^s. de Bellefeuille, la Converfion de St. Paul, Mr. Ls. Nicolas Jacques, St. Sulpice. !: 119 Mr. Mich. Aug. Amiot, PAiTompuon-deRepenti^hjr* Mr. Ma^lt BUinphet« St. Piecre du Port^e* Mr. jean Romualde Pare, St. jacques* ^r. Louis NaUf Vicalre. Mr* Tos. jeronie Ra'uenne, St. Roch 4e PAch'i^ao c^t •St. Lin de Lichenaye. Mr. Patrick Bur4ce, VIcalre. Mr. Thomas CaroO) St. Efprit* Mr. Louis Parent, St. Henri de Mafkouche. Mr. Louis Gagne, St. Charles de Lachesaaie. Mr. Fra. Pafcha' Poriier, St. Louis de Terrebonne. Mr. Iftdore Poir'ier, Ste. Annedes Piaineis Mr. Chs. JOS. Dupharme, Si^, Therefe de BlaiaviUe* Mr. Maurice Felix, St. Benoit. Mr. Theoph. D»*roch*r, Vicaine. Mr. Pierre Jacques Delamothe, Ste. SchoUflIqu«. Mr, Jicques Paquien, St. Euftachc. Miu JVlLcbc) Br'.en, Vica re. Mr. Pc '^aul Archambault, St. Michel de Vjiudrewil. Mr. Hy^cinthe Huian, See, Magielaine de,Rigaod.«c Argenteuil. Mr. Frs. Nocbert BUnchetj Su Xofe^jh de Soulange. Mr, Eiouard Labelle, St. Pol;carpe dc U J«Iou¥eHc Longucii. Mr. Hugues PaiOey, N. D. de Bon'Jc^aurs de U Pe- tite Nation. C6t2 du Sud. Mr. JOS. VaU«e, Sc JUijis^t St. Antcet» Mr, Jos, Moll, Su Timochee. Mr* >F(iaat«t St. Remi. Mr. Frs, Xav. B. Rlcard, Vicaire. Mr. Clement Aubiy St*. Athanaic. 120 i I h If :IW ■ 'I Mr. Edouard Crevier, St^. Luc. Mr. Remi Caulin, St. jcan de Dorchefter. Mr* J. Bte. Paquin, Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindic* Mr. Etienne Lavoie, Vicaire. Mr. Edcuard Morilfet, St. Cyprien ct St, Valentin: Mr. Frs. Mag Turcotte, Vicaire. Mr. J. Btco Boucher, la Nativity de la Prairie de la Madeleine Mr. Aug,. Chaboillez, St. Antoine de Longuouil. Mr. Janvier Vinet, Mr* Anr. Tabeau,(abs.)la Ste.Famille deBoucherville. Mr. Henri Girouard, Vicaire. Mr. Frs. jos, Deguife, Ste. Anne de Varenncs. Mr. Auguste Tessier, Vicaire. Mr* Rene Oliv. Bruneau, St. Francois Xavier de Vercheres. Mr, Thomas Kimbert, ancien Cure. Mr. Ant. Manfeau, la Ste. Trinite de Contre-coeur. Mr. Bonaventure Aiinotte, St. Antoine de Chambly. Mr. J. Bte. Belanger, St. Mathieu de Beloeil et St. Hiiaire* M'* Pierre Marie Mignault, St. Jofeph de Chambly. Mr. JOS. Octave Boucher, Vicaire. Mr* Hubert Lajus, Ste. Marie de Monnoir. Mr. Charles Brouillet, Vicaire. Mr. Pierre Configny, St. Matthias* Mr. Pierre Lafrance, St. Jean Baptifte de Rouville. Mr. Pierre Robitaille, St. Charles et St. Marc* Mr. J. B. Bedard, St. Denis. Mr. jean Frs. Hebert, N, D. d^. la Conception de St. Ours. Mr, Jos. l|uevillon, Vicaire. Mr. J. B. Kelly, St. Pierre de Sorel etla Vifitation de IMHe du Pads* Mr. Frs. Xav. Brunet, Vicaire; Mr. Antoine Girouard, St. Hyacinthe d* Yamaika ct St. Pic. Mr. Gabriel Arfenault, > v,.;j?ri.« Mr. Michel Morin, $ ^'"'"'* 121 Mr. Michel CufToo, S.\ jude. Mr. Amabis Brais, St. Hugues. Mr. Michel Quintal, St. Damafe. Mr, JOS. David Dclinc, St. Cefairc. Mr, Olivier Giroux, la Prefcntation. GOLPHE St.-LAURENT. i Monfeigneur Bernard Angus M^Eachern, Ev&- que de Rose en Syrie, confacre le 17 Juin ]82i» SufFragant) Auxiliaire et Vicaire-Generat pour les Provinces et Isles du Golphe. lie du Prince Edouard Mr. D3nald McDonald, Charlotte- town. Mr. John ComminS) St. Andre. Mr. Siivain Poirier, Pasticot. lie du Cap Breton, Mr, Pierre Roy, AriHiat. Mr. Jos. Narcifse Trudelle, Lardoife. Mr. Henry M*Keagney, Sidney, Mr. Guillaume Benj. McLeod, Lac Labrador. Mr. julien Courtaud, St. Apollinaire de Cbetican* Mr. Simon Lavvlor, Cap Mabou. Mr. Alexandre Macdonell, Judique. Mr. Pierre Bedard, les Isles de ia Magdeleine. Nowjeau-Brumio ick, Mr. jean Naud, Nipiflighuit, Mr, Theophile Fortier, St. Pierre de Caraquet. Mr. Ferd. Gauvreau, St. Thomas de Memramkoucq. Mr. Antoine Gagnon, la Vifitation de Gedaic. Mr, Jos, Paquet, Chimogoui. Mr, Hubert Tetreau, St. Antoine de Richibouctou. Mr. John Carroll, St. Malachie Cite de St. Jean. Mr. Michel McSwiney, Ste. Anne de Fredericton^ Mr. Ferdinand Beiteau, Village des Sauvages« Mr, Guillaume Dollard, Riviere Miramichi. Mr. Hlli Siroisy St. Bazile de Madawaska. 1 I !(;r ; \' J 22 DISTRICT DU NORD.OUEST. M^nfeigneur Joszph Norb£bt PROvicNCHERy Eveque de Juliopolis en Galatie, confacr^ le iz Mai 1822, Suffragant, Auxiliaire ec Vicaire Gericral pour Is District du Nord-Ouest. Mr. Frango^s Boucher) S^cetalre. Mr. jean Harper, Miifionnaire. M0RT8 DEPUII L£ DERWIER TaSLEAU* Mr. Ant. Lamotte, Cure de St. Charles de La. c hen aye. Mr. Dumouchellcy Pjetre. 1.1 I i 11 1.1 COUVENS OE ReLIGIBUSES ET Communaute'«. Hotel-Dieu J>M QuEBtC* Fond e par Me* la DucheiTe d'Aiguiilon en 1637 pourles pauvres malades. La R?* Me. St. Anioine, Supeieure depuis i625« Religieufes pro/dies> ^8 Novices, -ft Poftnlanie, 3 En tout 43 Ursulimss de Qjjehec. Fondees par Mde. de la Peltrle en 1639. pour rinftrudtion des petites filles. La Re. Me. Ste. Monique, (DUe* Boiflbnault,] SU' perieure depuis 1827. Religiettles profelTefi, 46 Novices, 4 Novices, Poftulante, En tout 5» J 23 Hopital*Ge*nc'ral oi Quebec* Fonde par M. de St. Vallier Eveque de Quebec> en 1693 pour les pauvres invalides. LaRde. Me. Ste. Agres, (Dile. Cairns,) Supc- rieure depuis 1825* Rcligieuses ProfcflTes, 51 Novices, o Poftulantes, o En tout 51 HoTBL-DlEU DE MONTREAL* Fonde par Madame de Bullion en 1644, pour les pauvres malades. La Soeur Meftere, Superieure depuis 1827* Religieufes Profcffes. $4 Novices, 3 Po&tulanres, 4 En tout 41 Congregation de Notre Dame a Montr/aU Fondee par Dlle* Marguerite Bourgeois, vers 1650 pour rinftrudtion des petites filles* La Soeur Ste. Magdeleine (DUe. Huot,) Superieure en 1827. Professes 83 Novices, 3 Poftulantes 5 En tout 91 Hopitai-Ge'ne*ral de Montreal/ Fonde par Madame veuve Youville en 1753 pour les pauvres infirmes et mvalides. Mile Marie Marguerite Lemaire, Su'pericurc depuis xSzi. Profeflcs, 3o Novices, 4 Poftulantcs, ii- 'if En tout 34 1i I'J > I . 121 XJrjuUnei ties Trois-Riviergs, t^ondees par M. de St. Vallier Eveque dc Quebec, en 1677 pour i'inftrudtionet p5ur ies pauvres ir.alauer La Re. Me. St. Michel, (Dlle. Caron,) Supcrieuic. depuis 1828. Relijiieufes F'rofesse:', 30 Novice?, 3 Postulaotes, I H 'Ih i £n tout 34 jfl^iste des JEveques, depuis V etahlissement du Pays, 1 ° . Mgr, Fran9ois de Laval de Montmorency Abb^ de Monti^ny, nomnie Vicaire Apo«^tolique K- veque de P^tiei, ie 5 juillet \659, Eveque de Quebec le ler, Octob»-e 1(>74, deinis en 16'85, moit a Quebec le G Mai 1708, age de 86 uiis. 2 o . Mgr. jean Baptiste Lacroix de St. Vallier, sacr^ Eveque c^e Quebec a Paris le 25 janvier 1687, nioit a rH6pitai General le 26 Decembre I7i'7, ag^ de 75 ans. 3 ° . Mgr. Louis Francois de Mornay, nomm^ Coadjuteur de Quebec en Mars 1713, sous !e titre d'Eveque d'Eumenie, >fijveque de Quebec le 15 Sep- tembre 1728, demis de sou Eveche 2 Paris it 12 Septembre 1733, mort en France. 4 ® . Mgr. Pierre Herman Doscutt, Eveqne de Samos, nonim^ Coadjuteur de Quebec le 24 juilKt 1730, Eveque Je Quebec en 1734, r^signa le 25 juin 1739 a Paris, et mourut e:? France. 5 ° . Mgr» Francois Louis Poprroy do TAaberi- viere, nomme Eveque de Quebec le HOjoillet 1739, arriv^ a Quebec le 8 Aoiit 1740, mort au meme lieu le 20 du meme niois, ag^ de 29 ans. \ Vv \ t V. '^^ 125 6 ° . Mgr. Henri Marie Dubrcii de Pontbriand, nomm^ Eveque de Quebec le G Mars i741,8acrd a Paris le 9 Avril, arrivd a Quebec le SO Aout d« la meme annee, mort a Montreal le 8 juin 1760, ag^ 51 ans. 7 ® . Mgr. Jean Olivier Briand, nommd Eveque deOudbec le 21 Janvier 1766, sacrd a Paris le 16 Mars, arrive a Quebec le 28 juin de la meme ann^e, dt-mis !j 29 Novembre 1784, mort a Qnebec le 25 ji.i . 1794, age de 79 ans. y = . Mgr. Louis Pierre Mariauchau Desgly, Coadjuteur de Quebec, sacr^ sour le titre d'E- verjne de Doryl^e le 12 juillet 1 772, Eveque de Quebec le 29 Novembre 1784, mort a St, Pierre, Isle d'Orldan?, le 4 juin 178S, ag^ de 78 ans. 9 ^ • Mgr. Jean Fran9ois Hubert, Coadjuteur de Quebec, sacr^ sous le titre d'Eveque d'Almyre le 29 Nove I bre 1786, Eveque de Quebec le 12 juin 1788, demis le 1 Septembre 1797, mort a Quebec le 17 Octobre de la meaje annee, age de 58 ans. 10 ° . Mgr. Chs. Frangois Bailly de Messein, Coadjuteur de Quebec, sacr^ sous le titre d*Eveque de Cdpse le 12 juillet 1789, mort a rH6pital Ge- neral le 20 niai 1 794, age de 52 ans . II n'a pas ^te Eveque de Quebec. 11 ^. Mgr. Pierre Denaut, Coadjuteur de Que- bec, sacre a Montreal, sous le titre d'Eveque de Caiiathe, le 29 Juin 1795, Eveque de Quebec le 4 Septembre 1797, mort a Longueuil le 17 Janvier 1806, ag^ de 62 an?. 12 o . Mgr. Joseph Octave Piessis, Coadjuteur de Quebec, sous le titre d'Eveque de Canathe, le 25 Janvier 1801, Eveque de Quebec le 27 Janvier 1806, mort k I'Hdpital-G^neral le 4 D^cembr^ 1825, a^e de 62 ans 9 tnoif. >M! 1 :li ! ! i ■ ' 126 '! .! 1 ' 1 ! SGLISS CATHOLiq.Ul D| HAUT CANADA. Monfeigneur Alexam»ri MacdonilL) Eveque de Kingfton. Mr. Thomas Wei4» Eveque d^Amyclee, Coadjuteur, (abfcnt.) Mr. W. P. McDonald, Vicaire. General. Mr. John McDonell, Seci6taire. Mr. James Campioo, Niagara. M" John O'Grady, Vork, Mr. Crowley, Pcterboroughi Mr, Krennan, Belleville. Mr. W. P. McDonald, Kingflon. Mr* Lawlor. Vica're* Mr* John Macdonald, Perth. Mr* Haran, Richmond. Mr. O'Meara, Prescott. Mr. Wm. Fras-^r St. Andrew. Mr. John McDonald, 1 Mr. Ed, Gordon, S>Glengar y. Mr. Cullen, 3 Mr. |os. Crevier, Sandwich. Mr. Ls. Jofeph Fluct, Maiden. Mr. Angus McD'^nell, Bytown* XGLISB CATHOLlqjDE DES ETATS-UNtS* Lcs Reverendlssimes. Mgr. Whitfield, Archeveque de Baltimore. Mgr. Benuit Fenwick:, Eveque de Bofton. Mgr. Henry Conwell, Eveque de Philadelphle. Mgr. Jofeph Rofati, Eveque de St. Louis, Admlnis- trateur de la Nouvelle Orleans. M^t. Michel Portier, Eveque de Mobile Mgr. Benoit Jofeph Flager. Eveque de Barditown, Mgr. J:an 1 avid, Eveque de Maurica'^tro, Coadjut* Mgr. Jean 1) bois, Eveaue de New-York. Mgr, Je?.n E gland, Eveque de Charleston. TSlgv. Ed. Venwick, Evequo de Cincinnati. )27 CLERGYMEN or the CHURCH or SCOT- LAND IN CANAPA • Rev. James Harkness, D. D. Quebec. -^ James Somerville, — Henry Esson >— Edward Black — Alex. Mathi ville, "J } A. M. ( ck, r ieson, A, M.J Montreal* — John M*KenzJe, a. m. WilUamstown. — John Maciaurin, l^ochiel. — Hugh Urquhart, Cornwall. — Archd. Connel, a. m. Martintown. — — — Lochead, Kingston. — Geo. Sheed, Ancaster. — Ro^. McGilU Niagara. JLicenciat'i of the Church of Scotland, D. Wilkit s Quebec. Clergymen of the . icessionjrom the Church of Scotland, Pxev.R. Boyd^ •♦ W. Smart, " Buchanan, " Gemmiil, •• W. Bell, •• Macdowall, '* James Harris, ** Jenkins, " A. Bell, *• E. King, •* Frafer, " RusscI, Prescott. Brockville. Beckwith. J^anark. Perth. Fredericksburgh. York. Markham, Toronto E. Flambro'. Niagara. Stamford. Wesleyan Ministers and their Station* IN Canada. Revd. William Squire Quebec, * Absent. 128 llcvd. John Ilicki Thomas Turner, .} Montreal, Kin(;!>iton, James KnowUn, 1 St.Armand & C&ldweirs Win. E. Shenbtoi Jatrifs Booth, John V. Metherington, liichnrd Pope, Matthew Lung, AVm. McDonald. Manor. Stanstead, Barnston, ShL'CTurd, Odell Town and [Burton VI lie, Melbourne. Weslkyan Ministers in Upper* Canada in co>(- MitXlGN V. ITH THE BRITISH CONFERENCE. hW! Ai J( Sui J» Win. SKiter, Eger. Ryerson, George Sovereign, Willi.un Griftes, Kobert Corson, Watthew Whiting, John Huston, George bViguson, Edmund Stony, Joseph IVIessmore, Wm. Case, Sajnuel Bolton, Wyatt Chamberlain, John Davidson, John S. Atwood, William Slater, Egerton Ryerson, James Noriis, William Ryerson, James Wilson, John Bhjck, James Richardson, balomun VVaUlron, } } } } ] Niagara & Fort- George. Ancaster. Dumfries. Long Point. Westminster. Ijondoi). Thames. Amhei-siburgh, Grand River. Bay Quinte. Hallowell, fielville, Colxjurg. Cavan, York. Yonge St. & Whitby. Toronto. Credit. Grape Island. }9,9 J'cter Jones, Chippiwn. Philander Smith, 7 ^ Kzra Healcy, > Kingston. Cyrus Allison, J Franklin Metcarf, Augusta. Jacob Poole, Crosby. David Wright, Cornwall. Richard Jones, Ottawa. George Poole, Richmond. Ceorgc Hissel, Rideau. George Farr, Perth. William H. Williams, Mississipi. Baptist MrNlsTEUs ik Upper-Canada^ Churches. Ministers. Haldimand, Benjm. Farmer, Kavrdon, Thurlow, Issac Reed, Whitby, \Vm. Marsh & I. Marsh South wold, "Wm. McDormon, Townsend, John Harris, Wchminster, Abraham Slont, Malahide, Ancaster, Samuel Baker, fiayham, Joseph Merril, Clinlon, Daniel Wiers, Charlottevillc, Samuel Smith, Gosfield, Charles Stewart, Dumfries, r Reuben Crandell,7 "tLass. Griffith, J r Simon Babee, 5 Oxford, J Nicholas French, > ^^ ' » t Gilbert Harris, J Zord, Louth, I'rtus Finch, Chatham, Thomas Shippe. Auldborough, I Dougall Campbell, 7 IJohn McKellar, J Oxford, Gore, James Harris, I I, ! ■! 130 ii I ; Blenheim, Burford, Lobo, Duiidas, Beverleyi Nasagaweya, Caledon, Esquesingi Thorold, Gananoque^ Lochicl, Ditto, York, Bastard, Ameiieaburgh, Cramahe, Darlington, IMarkham, M. Gobble, M. Cross, M. Sinclair, D. Oliphauf, Mr Corness, James Black, D. McLaren, Thomas Stephens, James Rattery, "Wm. Carson, Allan McDiarmid,! Peter McDougall,J Alexander Stewart, {Elisha Jordan, 1 Abel Stephens, J Joseph Winn, James Hulse, David Burke, George Barclay, School-Masters at Q^zbzq Rev. Mr. Wilkie. Mr. Miller. Mr. Thorn. Rev. Mr. Burrage, Mr. Milbourne, Mr. MarsdcHy Mr. Read, Mr. Hennessey, Mr. Moreau. Mr. Parant. Mr. DuponU Mr. Foy. EcoLEs Elsmsntaires a Quebec. Haute Ville— RueSte. Urfule. Ecole Catholique Franjoise et Angloise d^enseigjiement mutuel. Mr. Caeeau etMr. Macdcnald, 250 ecoliers. Fauxbourg St, Jearty Mr, G. Kirouaquc, /Oeco'Ic:^ 131 nscigncmfnt Mr. Jacques Labranche, 60 ecoliers. jiu Fauxbourg St» Rocb, Mr. RochettCy 50 ecoliers. Mr^ Ant, Legard^ 70 ecoliers* Prh de VUUf Mr. F. X, Allard, 4o ecoli«ri, N. B. On donne trois legons de Gramnaalre An- gloise par semaine, au S^minaire de Quebec* La Langue Angloise est de plus enseignee grammati- calement dans les Seminaires de Montreal^ de Nicolet eC dans ie College de St.Hyacinthe. Ecoles Parciisiaies sous la Direction ties Cure's* District ox Qubbbc. _ St. Andre. . Kamouraska. . Riviere Quelle. ........i...-. Ste. Anne. _ St. Roch des Aulnets LUslet. _—- St. Pierre. St. Vallier. ■ St. Michel. Beaumont. Pointe Levi. St. Gervais. Saint Charles* -St. Henry. St. Anioine. Ste. Croix. Defchambault. St. Augustin. Ancienne Lorett«« Sf Riviere du Loup, • Yamachiche. ■ ■ ■ St. Gregoire. • Baie du Febvrc. — *— — St. Francois. District de Montreal* _i..._ Chambly. St. Denis, ..._ St* Antoine. . Vercheres* .-.»i» Varennes. St. Philippe* M ■ — St. Coniiant. II Chateaugay. — Blaitfindie. ...—^ Boucherville* ....I. St. Charles. .,.i.i_ St. Jean Bte. de Rouville. ■■ ■■ Presentation. ■I Ste. Marie. . ■ Longueil. — I . Soulanges. ■ Ill St. Benoit. Ste. Scholastique. ' Polnte Claire. --^— — St. Vincent, ■ -.-!■■ Ste. Rose. ■■ St. Martin, — — — Biainville. ■ Terrebonne. — —— Sault au Recolet. Pointe aux Trembles. iVto !l !l 133 . $t» Roch de PAchigan, . St. Pierre da Portage. > St* Jacques* St. Paul de Laval trie. St. Cuthbert. *COLES DE FILLES TENUES XN CAMPAGNB PA* LisSoeURS DE LA CONGREGATION DM N .0, DISTRICT DE MONTRXAl. Pointe aux Trembles. Terrebonne. Pointe Claire. Lac des deux Montagnest La Prairie. Boucherville* St. Denis* St. Hyacinthe. DISTRICT DE QUtBECV Pointe aux Trembles. Ste. Famine, Isle d'Orl. St. f ranfois Riv. du Sud* Riv. Quelle. Ste* Marie de la seauce* I ? ' lip ft B Ph J3t ifc; '■'!■ PUBLIC AND CHARITABLE INS TITUTIO NS. QUEBEC FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY. OfTice on second floor of Quebec Fire Office Build- ings : open from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. President, The Hon. Matthew BelK rce.p.eHUe,Us, { ^"^^ ^agueux. flls. ^ j,^,. Treasurer, * Charles Smith, Esqr. Secretary, ♦ William Henderson, jun. Deputy Secretary, L. G. Berthelot. JBookkeepeVf Mr. James Tough, Messenger, Thomas Hall, Counsellor, • • < » Notary, Archibald Campbell. French Translator, Francois Romain, pere. Directors According ^o the date of their Services ; and in the rotation they ret re from Offic^. 1 *Chs. Smith, Tr. 12" 2 Amable Berthelot, 3 Hn. A. W.Cochran, 6 James Hunt, 6 Ciis. A. Holt. 3 Hn. ]^It. Bell, 7 N. Freer, 2d V. 8 John Anderson, 9 Dr. Jo«!. Morrin, 4 I w 10 L.T. Macpherson,4j ^ *^* The figures on the right of the Names, denote the number of jears each Director has served. Agent at Montreal, George Davies. Office— Corner of St. Paul's Street and St. Dizier's Lane. 3 4 5 6 gfllHon. Jn. Stewart,6l -5 t. OJ "f ^ P. 7 L^ >n, 9 *. ^ 12L. Lagueux, V, Pt.1 l3Jer. Leaycrsft, I4J. L. Marrctt, 15 Alex. Simpson, i 2 4 '< 00 to *31embers of the Committee of orginazition in 1816. Ill' 135 QUEBEC BANR. W. G. Siieppard, President, Chs. Smith, Vice-President* Directors. %lm Jas. Black, Louis Massue, Chs. A. Holi, Jos. Leblond, VV. S. Sewell, Joseph Jones, Noah l'>oer, Cashier, Jas. Hunt, John Fraser, J. S. Campbelf* John Jones, jun. Jer. Leaycrat't. J. Richardson, jDii. C/er^, 'i^^ n T. 15. Vnw-mSjBk.Keej^er. A.Campbell, Not, Pub, Clis. CJcihings, 1st Teller, D. Germain, Messenger* J. T. Wilson, 2d Teller. Flavien LeJcvre, Porter* Days of Discount— Monday and Thursday. r Mf/NTREAL BANK. John Molson, President, John Fleming, Vice-President, Directors, Chs. Brooke. Wm. IjlackwQod, John I'lemmg, Horatio Gates, Jas. Le$>lie. W. Lunn, Peter M'GiU, lloDert Griffin, Cashier, W. Kadenhursf , 1.-?/ Teller, Law. Castle^ 2d Teller. liil, Dupui J Accomptani John Molson, George Moffati Joseph Masson, Joseph Sh liter, John Torrance, John Try, J. Finlay, Discount Ckrk^ Wm. Griffin, Jst. Clk., Hy. Jackson, Messenger ^ Alexr. Macnivin, Porter^ Days c! Discount— Tuesday & Friday. Qlebkc "Bravch— Montreal Bank. John Stewart, President, Directors, j James Ross, Matthew Bell, Andrew INIoir, Wm. WuJkcr. Wm. Finlay, Andrew Paterson, l)av;d Burnet, George Symos, iS6 Alex. Simpson, Cashier, L. T. M'Pherson, Notei. SVm. Coates, Teller. ry Public, W.G. Jo..^ston,2>i£^C/^. Will. Martin, Messenger /as. Bolton, AccomjHantf Days of Discount, Tuesday and Friday. SOCIETE* D'AGRICULTURE DE QUEBEC. Patron-Son Excellence Sir James Kempt, Gouvcr- neuren-chef, &c. John Neilson, Ecr. President, Thos. Wilson, Ecr. Tresorier, Wm. Sheppard, Ecr. Secretaire. F. X. Vaillancourt, Notaire, Assistant Sec. [Les membres de la Socl6te qui ont pay4 Icurs souscriptions pour les ann^es prec6den(es, arec les officiers ci-dessus, forncent le comite de la Society. ] SOCIETE* DU FEU A QUEBEC. Messrs. Ant. Parant, President. G. B. Belleau, Not. Secretaire, Jos. ttoy, Ecr. Tresorier, Membrefi du Comit^,'—Quartier du Seminairc, F. X. Vaillancourt, I Bd. Plants, Chas. Plante, I Pierre Dorion, Kobt. Symes, | N. Boissonneau. Quartier St, Louis, G, D. Balzaretti, ^. B. £. Bacquet, H. S. Huot, i?ames Thornton, Josh. Lagueux, Elaeard Bedard, Jos. Legar6, filfi. i it 137 Geo. Arnold, Joseph Provost, Frs. Parent, Tbos. Renfrevr, Quartier St* Laurent, Jus. Leblond, Samuel Neilson, J. B. Grenier. Faiixhourg St. Boclu Louis Carrier. JoI.Tourangeau, Jos. Merniette, Louis Galboury, Augt. Gauthier, pere, Augt. Gauthier, flis. Barthel. Lachacice, J. Bte. Bornais, Frs. X. Paradis, Fauxbourg St. Jean et St, Louis, J. Bte. Darval, I Simon H. Lecomte, Michel Gravel, I Noel Belleau, Chs. Deguise, | Joseph Uaznel, Jcs. Gagne, | JngenieuTf VizibsiC,~~-Messager, Jean Fluct. QUEBEC BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. [Instituted 25th April, 1789.] Authorized by Provincial Statute assented to by His Majesty iti His Privy Council, 30th March, 1808. Frs. Romain, President, I Ant. Parant, Treasurer, John Cannon, Vice-Pres. \ J. B. Frechette, Secry, QUEBEC FRIENDLY SOCIETY. Established in 1810. Robert Cairns, President and Treasurer, Jeremiah Wright, Secy, Wm. Burke, 1 Vice- George Vinef J Prest, DIOCESAN SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. His Excellency Sir James Kempt, Patron, Right Rev. Lord Bishop of Quebec, PresU'/ nt. VeT Ari'Mou'ntn; } ^'ce-PresiUerUs. Capt. Freer, Quebec Bank, Treasurer. Rev. J. L. Mills, D. D. Secretary, Rev, E. W. Scweil, Asst. Secy. I 'i I* I 'it '.It it 1 Members oftheSelect Committee. )Hon. II. W. Kyland, I Col. Sir T. Noel HiH, •— >— Mr. Justice Kerr, J John Davidson, Esq. r— John Stewart, | QTTFBI F.M: ilNTs' SOCIETY. (His Kxcelk cy tht .;■• ir > em n in Chiei was Pat»on of thif Society, but its upe ftOo-'^ ^ng Kuspcnded and merged, for ttie time, in those f: v. ."jity Inicitution, the patronage of his Excellency's sue ::i8or i not yet been solicited.) President, His £xc. the Honb>e. Sir F. N. Burton Lieut.- Governor. Vuie Presidents X ^^^ ^'^'^^ Bishop of Quebec, / u:elresiaentsy^r^^^^ Chief Jusiice of L. Canada. Treasurer^ Capt. Freer, Quebec Bank. Secretary f Capt. Thomas, Mil. Sec. Office. Committee of Management, Mr. J. Cannon, M. pp. Col. Durnford, R. E. Mr. H. Grasett, J. K. N. Symes, Esq. The Ven. Archdeacon Mountain, The Rev. Hr. Harkness, The Rev. Dr. Mills, The Rev. E. W. Sewell. QUEBEC SAVINGS BANK. (Instituted 26th March 1821.) !Noah Freer, President, The Hon. M. Bell,") Amable Berthelot, 3 DirectorSt Anthony Anderson, John Anderson, James Black, William Budden, J. O. Brunei, F. Buteau, Hon. A. W. Cochran, Michel Clouet, John Cannon, J. S. Campbell, B. A. C. Gugy, C. A. Holt, Louis Lagueux, fils, Andrew JVIoir, Louis Massue. Fhillippe Pauet, P. Pelletier, William G. Sheppardf Charles Smith, George Symes, Thomas Wilson, Peter Paterson, John Brown, William Downs, 139 WilHftn 1 enderson, jJohnMunn, ^Vancis T ' inter J Arch. Campbw'ii. Hours 'f ^ ik^.ndance every Tuesday fiotn 11 to 1 o'clock. CENTRAL NATIONAL SCHOOL FOR THE EDUCATION OF THE POOR. Master of the Boys' SchooU Mr. Marsden. No. of daily Scholars 143. Sunday Scholars 160. Mistress pf the Girls* School, Miss Norris. No. of daily Scholars 104. Sunday Scholars 121. Trustees of the Protestant Burying- Grrund at Que* bee, a^^mntedby Letters Patent, 19th ^ug. 1325. The ilectoro. Quebec, The Chaplain to H. M. Forces at Quebec, The two Church-Wardens of the Paridl) of Ctuebec. The fifth 7. rustee is appointed by the Rector. The Minister of the Church erected for the Wor> sl^ip of the Church of Scotland in Quebec, & the four Trustees of that Church duly elected for the time being. Marguilliers en charge de laparoisse de Quebec, Louis Massue, I Frs. Buteau,! p-.w-r- ^^erre Peltier, | Ant. Parant,/ ^cuien, Joseph Roy, £c. procureur. Syndics deVEglisede St, Hoch, Me«sire Alexis Mailloux, Cure de St. Roch. Joseph Gagpe, Jean JBaptiste Thomas dit Bigaouettc Augustin Gauthier, Joseph Mermelte, Joseph Tourangean. A. A. Parant.. Marguilliers de laparoisse de St. Roch, Ignaca L^gare, Joseph Gabouri, Ar.dr6 Lacroix. A. A. Piirant, Tres. i| " '''^)ii I inr' 'I; ■fii vir \m I ii !' I !|il! ,! no flOTEL-DlKC. Thomas Fargues, M. D. Mddecin Gen4rai: William Holmes, M. D. CUirurgien Gthi^ral. Ql^EBEC MEDICAL SOCIETY. [Founded in December 1826.] Tre&ident, - - C. N. PerrauW, IVI I). Vice Vresidenty - Dr. Painihaud Secretary i - - S. \V. H. Leslie. SOCIETE D*EDr CATION DU DISTRICT DE QL'EDEl . Patron, His Kxcy. Sir James Kempt. Francois Itomain, ecr. President* Joseph Roi, ec. Tresorier, Hec;or S. Huot, •c^ Secretaire* Cofiimittce. I'il Mcssi re Parent, pretre. Holmes, ,» Aubry, „ Fortier, „ Louis Lagueux, Kcnr. Louis Lagueux, junr. A. R. Hamel, Louis Fortieff John Cannonf Antoine Farant, pere. Ijouis Massue, Chs. Turgeon, Pierre Pelletier, Ed. Giackemeyer^ Kd. Caron, Ignacc Gagnon, WESLEVAN METHODIST AUXILIARY MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Mr. Peter Langlois, Treasurer. Mr. John Fis>her, Secy, rut. niral, Hiviti* activilS, yer, 5SI0NABV Ui Mr. John Miller, Dr. James Douglas, C. A. Holt, Esq. PIr. George Henderson, Mr. Thos. LevallSe, Mr. John McLeod, Mr. Benj. Torrance, Mr. John Benson, COMMtTTtB. John Bignell, Esq. J. Leaycraft, Esq. Mr. David Loggie, Mr, Hilary Codville, Mr. Martin Hay, J. G. Clapham, fesq. Mr. Issac J. Barnard. ul(. M I). BRITISH AND CANADIAN SCHOOL. V.en. 'Pfatifi^mt. i'slie. «<=»- {DSJlSr^uSaTd?']'^"^"'-*""- Members. QUEUEt. Henry Black. J, C. Fisher, Archd. Campbell, Rt. Hiddan, Dr. Perrault, Thos. Frjste, Peter Langlois, George Henderson. Town iHajor Frojte, John Fisher, Noah Freer, John Rom^tfl, nts. Wm. Patton, C. Panet, J. Leaycraft, C. D6nechau, J. M*Leod, T. A. Stayner, e* Ls. Massue, Capt. Anderson, F. Durette, J. G. Clapham. Benjamin Tremain, Thomas Lee, Se Esq . Treasurerm . \ 'cretary. fc, pere« Mr. Morris, Sc hoolmatter. COMMITTEE OF TRADE. For the year ending Oct* 1830. [Instituted 1809.] Wm. Finlay, Chairman. John Leather, William Walker. Jerh. Leaycraft, Andrew Moir, Robert Paterson, Henry Lemesurier, J. S. Shaw, Secretary ^ Treasurers William Price, Charles F. Aylwin, J. S. Shaw, C. A. Holt, D. Buniet, '1.1 \ 1 m i; ill I l>. i liil :^,!' f 1 , lUj : 'I I i I 11 142 C«M>nTTfil OF THE KXC1IANG£ RRADiNG ROOM. Wnimm Walker, Vresident, Henry LemeRurier, Jer. Leaycraf>f iliidw. Moir, \Vm. Pemberton, R. PHtertton, A. Simpson. A. SimpHon, Secretary^ Treasurer. Mr. llinry 'lhom\}Hot\j' Sujierintendant , Subscribers to the Institution— 250. Erection of tht New Exchange Building Committee, Wm. Walker, A. Patoison, C. F. AylwiHf A. Moir, W. Pemberton, J. Leather, O. Holt. Trustees to receive the title to the ground. Paterson, W. Walker, and C F, Aylwin. QUEBEC LIBRARY. [Instituted Ut January 1779, and contains up- wards of 5000 volumes.] Trustee s ' Rev. D. Wilkie, H. Leme;urler, Esq'. William Finlay, I Andw. Moir, Esq. Alex. Simpson, Treasr, I Thos. Christie, Librarian, Open daily from 1 1 o clock forenoon to 3 after« noon, Sundays and Holydays excepted. QUEBEC GARRISON LIBRARY. Pa/ron— The Governor-in-Chief. Sir Noel Hill, President, Col. Durnford, R,E. Vice President, Rev. J. L. Mills, D. D. Librarian, QUEBEC LITER ARY & HISTORICAL SOCIETY- Patron — His Excellency Sir James Kempt. Hon. Chief Justice, President. Andrew Sluart;_Esij, Vice- Preside Andrew Stuart; Lsij, "| W. Sheppard, E?q. / Hon. John Caldwell, f Col. Bouchette, J ': •. , >\ 143 W«n. Green, Esq. Corretiwnding Sect/. Wm. Henderion, E«iq. Council Secretary* J. Wurtflc, lisij. Recording Secretary* A. Campbell, Esq. Treasurer, Ktv. Mr. Boyxti^tt Librarian* Socirtt/ for promotiitfi educatinn, industry and the tnoru^ improvement of the prisoners in the Quebec Jaii* Patron, - His Excy. Sir Jamrh Kempt. President, Rigriu Uevd. Lord Bi&hop Stew»rty Vice-Preadl. Mr, Sheriff Sewell, Treasurer, Mr. lloberi Iladdaiif Secretary, Dr. Fisher. FEMALE COMPASSIONATE SOCIETY OF QPEDEC. For the relief of distressed lying-in marrit:d women, [insti(u(«d 6th Jary. 1820] Patroness,— Lnr/f/ President, Mrs. Sewcll. Mrs. Montizainbert, Vice president. Mrs. Pat ton, Mrs. Smith, Mrfl. Davies, Mrs Durnford, Mrs. Peraberton, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Pspps, English, Johnston, DIRKCTRKSSEl. Mrs* Clouet, Mrs. Painchaiid, Mrc. Lnngevin, Mrs. Biumhart, Mrs. Burroughs, Mrs. Massue. Midwi '>es. Mrs. liSngloifi Petit, Ozeley Medical Attendanls fjjratis.) Dr. Paincbaud | Dr. Morrin. Thos. Little, Messenger. !, t> ni !' Hi ill' \ i m ! Ii4 iUEBEC FEMALE ORPHAN ASTLUST. Instituted 1828. [Supported from the proceeds of an annual Bazaar held by the Ladies of the Committee of Management of the Quebec National School.] ' Committee of Mtmagement* Mrs. Cochran, > Mrs. Freer, '"' ^Li Dunn, Mountain, Davies, Montizambert, . Davidson, Pemberton, Shot, E. SewelU Grasaett, Miss Stewart. Secrelarj/f Mrs. £. Sewell. Treasure Tf Mrs. Mounlam. MatroTit Mrs. Ray, Medical Attendant^ Dr. Grassett. ALLIANCE BRITISH AND FOREIGN LIFE AND rtRE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON. Forsyth, Walker & Co. — Agent at Quebec. McKenzie, Bethune & Co.-— Do. at Montreal. H. T. Hughes,— Ditto at Three-Rivers. HARTFORD AETNA FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY. D. R. Stewart, Agent at Quebec. Abijah Bigelow, Ditto at Montreal, EAOLIG LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANt OF LONDON. Thomas Stott & Co: Agents, Quebec. D. C. Napier, Ditto Montreal. PHOENIX FIRE OFFICE. George MolTat, *) John Jaraieson, > Agents. Robt. Gillespie, jurt. J Aceomptantr James Tennant. Afients 0i Quebtc, Gillespie, Finlay & Co. \i5 )ttU1SBEC CHARITABLE INSTITUTION FOR T HK SUP- PRESSION OF STREET BEGGING, AND THE SUPPLY OF WORK TO THE POOR. Pu/ron— His Excellency Sir James Kemfti Gover- nor-in-Chief. Tresident — The Honble. and Right Reverend th« l^ord Bishop of Quebec. Vice-Presiilenls — The Hon. J. Hale, Mr. Justice Kerr, and Mr. Justice Taschereau. [The Mendicity Institution has not yet been put into operation this winter, and the Committee of M^inagement for thtt Season has not yet been for- tiled. 1 Treasurer, Mr. Parant,— Slpcrefary, Mr. Hale« '1 11 II !V iOOIBTE D AGRICULTURE DU DISTRICT DESTROIt RIVIERES. L' Honorable Louis Gugy, President* Joseph Uadenux, ecuyer, Vice - President* David Grant, ecuyer, Trisorier* Zepbirin Leblanc, Secretaire, Membres ou Comits*. MM. I'hon.Mathew Bell, Pierre Vczina, Jos. B. de Niverville, Edmond Antrobus, Philippe Burns. Augustus D. Bostwicki Francis Cottrell, Francois Boucher, K. C. Chandler, Antoin* St. Louivi Horatio Montour, Sueton Grant, Pierre B. P6iissier, Michel Lemaitre, Jean Baptisie Hebertt Antoine Leblanc, Joseph Turcot, Joseph Dionne, Joseph Pacaud, Ludgcr Duvernay, 1' M' I. •--aSbt^f 146 M*ti ill's college at MONTREAL. Founded and endowed by the Will of the late Mr M'Gill of that City ; established by lioyal Charter 51st March 1821. Goveimors. The Governor in Chief. The Lieutenant Governor of Lower-Canada, The Lieutenant Governor of Upper- Canada, ThR Lord Bishop of Quebec, The Chief Justice of Upper Canada, The Chief Justice of Montreal. Professors 4c. f appointed 4th Deer. l&HZ.J Principal and Professor of Divinity, The Rev. G J. Mountain, D. D. (of the University of Cam- bridge. ) Professor of Moral Philosophy Cz learned languages, *The Rev. J. L. Mills, D.D. ( University of Ox- ford.) Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophv, The Rev. J. Wilson, A. M. (University of Ox- ford. ) Professor of Medicine, Wm. Caldwell, M. D. (U- niversity of Edinburgh.) *^* In consequence of the bequest having been contested, this Establishment is not yet in actual opera- tion, with the exception of the Lectures conducted by the Medical Department. MONTREAL 3IEDICAL INSTITUTION, [Associated with the above College.] A. F. Holmes, M. D — Chemintrij^ Pharmacy ^' Ma- Materia Medica J. Stephenson, M.D. Anatomift Phisiology &, Surgery, W. Caldwell, M. D — Theory and practice of Medi- cine. W. Robertson, Esq., Midwifery &i Diseases of Women and Children. ^^ Visit at the Montreal General Hospital every day, at noon Students who shall hereafter conform themselves to thebye-lawsand staiuiesof this University, may take out Degrees in Medicine and Surgery. • Absent. ! ' 147 MONTREAL SAVINGS «AVk'. Samuel Gerrard, Esq., rrcaident. Thomas I'ortcous, "i John Foiheiingham, >• Fice President, F. A. Larocqiie, j JJirectors. Thomas Thain, John Moison, Charles IJaiicroft, Joseph T Barret, Atidvv. White, Thomas Phillips, James Leslie, lion. J. Uicharclson, Jean Boiithillicr, Joseph A. Cartier, Henry Uriflin, 'J\ A. Turner, At L. Macnider, James Millar, Jules Quesnely Henry Mackenzie, "1 Kev. John Bethnne, > Rev. Henry Esson, j Ex-oflicio. Lawrence Castle, Secretary c^ Treasurer. 1 !| MONTREAL COMMITTEE OF TRADE. George Auldjo, Chairman. John Fleming, ucHng as Secretary, Geo. Moffalt, IVter iVIcGill, I'enj. Hart, 'J'hos. H. Anderson, John McDonell, Jos. Shuter, J. Masson. J.T.Barrett, Horatio Gates, John Fisher, Andw. Shaw. MONTREAL GENERAL HOSPITAL. JThe Montreal General Hospital was founded in 1821 incorporated by Royal Charter, 182.!;.] The Honble John Richardson, President* John Molson, Vice-President, John Try, Actiny, jiinr* SOCIETY, d suppor- HOfNTREAL LADIES BIBLE ASSOCIATION Mrs. Ogden, President, Mrs. Lunn, T Mrs. Gates, > Presidents Mrs. N. Mower, J Mrs. Barret, Treasurer. Mrs. Wni. Freeland, Cash Secy. Mrs. Torrence, Minute ditto Miss Gates, ^j6/<7 Secretary. Mri. J. Bigelow, Ca»/t Secretary, iu. m li f !■ y^ ■.r 150 I : ■■ ' HI it ■! ' J .1 i T ■ I; : I : : aiONTREAL CENTRAL AUXILIARY SOCIETY FOR EDU- CATION AND INDUSTRY IN CANADA. His Excy. Sir James Kioipr. Palron. Th« Lord liishojj ot Quebec, The Catholic Bishop of (iuebec. The Cntholic Bishop of Fiissala, The Catholic Bishop of Telmesse, The Catholic Bishop of RhiSsina. President, Sir John Johnston, bart. Vice Presidents : The Lebcri Howard, Jo)in Wilscn, Alex. Miller, William Lunn, Ksquirc, Treasurer Rev. John Hick and Mr, W. Adams, Secretary. »ONTRE.\L AUXILIARY RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY, Coil*MlTTEE. Kev. A. Mathicson. ^ Kev. J. Hick, Kev. T. ONgood, [ab.] H. Dickinson, Alexr. Workman, Wm. Hedge, S. Hedge, jun. Jas' Fleming, Wm. Luun, Treasurer Wm. Freeland, P. Freeland, Benim. Workman, S. IVIalthieson, L. Wincheslor.; F. Leonard, John Frothiiigham, C. Savage. I J. Ruin, Secy^ & Vt'pos, ! I MONTREAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. George Gregory, president. Jos, Perraut & Chs. Penner, Vice-presidoitSi Wm. K \' RtiBf Sccrcta)y t^ Treasurer, |.i ! i lii'iHilii 11 mm. w MONTRKAl- l.inUARV. DiUK( roKs. Charles Tnit, Fred. Griflni, Siimuol Gerrard, John Try, T ft a surer J'lirton I'lMin, \V. Lunti, A. F. Holmes, Sccij. Hemy Hillock, Librarian, MONTRKAL ECLECTIC TJllRAHY. llev. J. Hick, PresiiJcul, I IJotij. Workman, 5>ry. John Torrance, Vice do. | W. Lunn, Treasurer* MONTREAL initERNLVN BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. [Eslahlished 17th February 1H23.J John Donellan, Prrsident, Dr. Tracy, Vice President, 3. Turney, j^sst. Vice do. J. D. Gibb, Treasurer. James McGowan, Secretary. John Felvy. Asst. do. OFFICERSofTHE provincial GRAM) LODGE oj' the Most Ancient and Honourable Fraterniti/ of Uniteu, Fhke and Acceitei) Ma- sons, for tiie District of' Quebec and Tliree-lii" vers. Officers to the Grand Lod^e of the District oj Que- bec and Three Hi vers R. \V. Claude Dencchau, Grand Master. „ Hjr. Lemesurier Deputy Grand Master. „ Wm. Phillips, Senior Grand IVarden. ,, George Keys, Junior Grand Warden. V. VV. The Rev. Dr. J Harkness, Grand Chaplain. „ A. Stuart, Grand Regi'^trar. „ John Phillips, Grand' Treasurer. „ Horatio Nelson Patton, Grand Secretary. „ — ——.—__«_»— Depy. Grand Secretary. „ C.J. R. Ardouin, Grajid Architect and Supcriii- t€ndant of Works. 155 \\. T. W. Satterthwaitc, Grand Director of Cert^ movies. " Colin McCnllum, Senior Grand Deacon. *' A. E. Hart,, Junior Grand Deacon. *' J. C. Nixon, Grand Stvord JJearer. •' Geo. Taylor, Grand Poursuivant, 3. Sheffer, Grand Tijlcr Past Grand Officers* R W Francis Coulson, D (i \\l K W Joseph F. X. l^'irault, i) G M K W William A. Thompson, D G xM 11 W Thos. C. Oliva, D G M V W Thos. G. Western, G S W V W Andrew M'Gill, G J W V W. Richard Penniston, G S "V VV Narcisse Duchesnay, G D of C Officers of the Provincial Grand l.odfiejor the District of Montreal and Uorough of intiiatn Henry. R W John Molson, Provincial Grand Master R W The Rev. John Belhune, Deputy Grand Prov. Grand Master V W Tiirton Penn, Senior Grand Warden V W John S. M'Cord, Junior Grand Warden V WThe Rev J. Somerville, Grand Chaplain V W Horatio Gates, Grand Treasurer V W Henry M'Kenzie, Grand Registrar V W James G. Scott, Grand Secretary W Joseph Shuter, Senior Grand Deacon W Peter M'Gill, Junior Grand Deacon W J. E. Campbell, Grand Sup. of Works W William Badgley, Grand Director of Ceremoniei W Moses I. Hayes, Grand Sword Bearer ■ Grand Organist ■■ Grand Standard Bearer Brother Joshua Pelton, Grand Standard Bearer of Grand Master Norm. Bethune,! Stanley Bagg, >- Grand Stewards W. Blackood, J ' II .11; j. ' !i''il'^ ^ ^f^^- IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ,A 1.0 I.I Ui|2j8 ■2.5 2.0 Hi lU ■«0 u& 1 L25 1 ,.4 1.6 ^ — 6" - ». ^ "> 7. '/. ^'^ % '/ /A Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STRUT WEBSTCR.N.Y. 14580 (716)873-4503 r^% 1J6 Ofittrt §f Lodge 77, Merchanlt, ( Ftin9^^ CunuMtJ of Quebec, Brother H. Leme^urier, W. Master WiHiam Phillips Senior Warden George Keys, Junior Warden Andrew Stuart, Treasurer NarcisKe Duchesnay, Senior Detcoi^ R. Penniston, Junior Deacon H. N. Pal ton, Secretary P. Bradie, Tyler •I 41 . T. Jonef, James M*Nish« K* Johnson, Kobert More* P. Benson, yf, Boyce, under Act 4 1st Geo. 4d. Quebec* Cap Sant6. Chatham, Dttlo, Saint T'homas, St, John, Ste.Marie NouveHe Beavc** Cdteau du Lac, Three Rivers, Melbourne, . H^tontreal, La Chine, ^ew CarlidefBnyChaleurJ DrummondvUle, ^rompton. CrStt de Coq^ (Afai^inon^^ fjdlte Maikir.ongi, ISY T. K. Oughtred, John Jackman, Charier. Bradfor^l, W. Bovd, J. A. L*HerauH, Sandford bteel, A. Bray, C. C. Arms, Stephen Tucker, |j. Huntington, Solomon Stee^ Joseph S. Tuzpi Henry Watts, Charles Daviei, John Eden, Fran9ois Le Brun, L ucius Uoolittle, E / White, Benjamin Fairchildy I'urner Phelps, John Hazeltine, St'well Goodridgti Thomas Wheeler, S. Parker, Jo*. Mathews, John Benson, L. D. Hyatt, Jos. Pennoyer, S. Cheeney, Robert Hick, P. Haskell, J. G. Cook, R. Hoit, L Gibson, p. Ladd, J. H. Aver, James liarrison, IDuncan Calder, W. Beaton, Punci^p Mackeniif , Ealon* Xamaika MoutUatnt DUto, Vnl earlier. Pointe Levi. Stanslead, Ditto. Ditta. Ditto, Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. {VAnqeau BeaufUifGaipi Bay.) Malbay, ditto, VAnqe aux Coutint, S» ft"'' Anne, ditto. Paspebiac. Hatky, DUt$. Ditto. Do. (outtetLake Tomifohil HatUy f inlet (ifditto.J Granny, Stukeiey, Ditto. Potton. St> Constant, VaudreuU. Ascot. ComptoY^f, Ditto. Ditto, Ditto. Jiarnston* Ditto. Ditto, Ditto. St. Armand. YiL oj' Frclighsburgh, rfa. Point Fortune, {Ottawa') Argenieuil, initio, ;!U' ! \f i':t I 158 Geo. Grey, J as. S. Carpenter, George Armstrong, John Adams, Silas Englptid, Paul Whitney, Simon Stevens, Thomas Neagle, William Banks, John O'Neil, Hugh Hagan, Thos. Conn, Jos. Davies, James Fourd, John Irwin, C. A, Moore, Christopher Furcell, Total— 80 Schoolmasters. Argenteuil Ditto. Ditto. St. Andrew's Village. Isle anx Noix, Dunham. Ditto. Ditto. Terrebonne* Chambly, St. Charles, La Belle Alliance Mount JohmoHyCo, Bedford S. W. River, ditto. {Vil. of Huntingdon, (Hiti' chinbrooke.J {Bolton f outlet of Lake Mem- phramagog.J Durham, Hull. KUdare. MILITARY REGISTER. FOR TBI PROVINCES IN BRITISH NORTH AMERICA, 1830. m ■I Jililllil^ i! '.iiiiinini il li'P'illl'i I' I'; If MM •. hi' i; 160 jg^^gg fits Majesty** Forces serving in Upper and Lotver»Canada* W ' GENERAL AND STA|«T OFFICERS. I^ieutenant-General His Excellency ^Sir JAMES $^- KEMPT, G. C. B. and G. C. H,^40th foot,Cow- mander of His Majesty s Foreis in North America^ Lt» Governor of Fort William % t^e, l^e, Ufc, yVides-de-Camps, Lieut. Col. Charles Yorke, h.p, and Capt. J. J. Hamilton, Slst foot. Major of Brigade, Major Geo. A. Eliot, h. p. Major-General His Excellency <^Sir JOHN COL* BORNE, K. C. B. from 52d, Commander oS the Forces in Upper-Canada, &c. &c. &c. Aide-de-Camp, Capt.Bloiij 52d. Major of Brigade, Capt. Pritchard, 52d ft. MXLITART SfCRETART TO THE C0S(»UMDER IN ChXETI Lieut.-Col. Couper, half pay. Adjutant Gbnera(.*8 Department. Dep.-Adj.-Gen. Col. ^Sir Tho8. Noel Hill, K.C.B. ♦A8t.-.Adjt.-Gen. Lieut.^Col. Colley L. Foster h, [p. 6th W, I. Regt. Quarter Master Gen*i, Department. p. Qr. M. G. Lt.^Col, The Honble, "t Chas, Gore* un^^tached, Lt. CI. Lightfoot,C.B. h.p.45th Rt. Capt.W,Dick8on, h. p. N.B.F. ^Abienv, ♦WRttrloQ. 161 Staff of the Garrison of Qus'br$. Governor Major-Gen. Gooday Strutt. I^ieut.-Governor Lieut. Gen. L. McLean, Barrack Master Thomas Trigge. Town Major James Frost. Town Serjeant., J imes Kelsall* ORDNANCE ESTABLISHMENT AT QUEBEC. Respective OJjicers, Co1c9«l E. Durnford, ... Com. Royal Engineer!. Lieut.Col. Cockburn, .... Com. Royal Artillcryf Ri-hard Penn, Esq.. * . . . Storekeeper. Manly Cor'.*, ..... Deputy Storekeeper^ Malthew Heathfield, , t . isi Clerk. A. F. Thomat, . ... ad Clerk. W. Phinkett, , ... gd Clerk, poaald Grant, • . • . Asst. Clerk. (^ Armourer, William Boyd. Master jCarpente'; Artificers jCoofiert Cha'-lcs Wiggs , ( IVheeUr, Alfred Rich. Ordnance Department at Montreal^ Francis Sisson, Esq^ Storekeeper, James M. Holwelj, 1st Clerk. Wm. A. Holwcll, ad Clerk, Fredk. Sisson, Asst. Clerk. William Skakel, Asst. Clerk. Ordnance J)epartrMnt at Kingston* J. B. Smith, Esq. Storekeeper, C. Hy. Benham. 1st Clerk. John Gordon, ad do, Thomas Hart, Wheeler. William Michael, Armourer. Commissariat Department. Commissary General, Ranpolph Isham Routh, Eiq Depuirf Commissary Genl Charles J. Forbes f Alex. Strachan, I John Hare, Assittani Commissaries Gen. ^ John Rendall. I John Banner Pric«. tW. R. Eppei. M ir' M 1C2 1 it. Deputy Assistant Commissaries General, Robert Allsopp, ) John Mason, T. H. Thomson, Thomas Hill, Wm. Green, W. A.Thompson, William Stanton, Michael Bailey, John Leggat, Wm. Bailey, James Wickens, Wm, Isaac Greig, Thomas Arnold, John Ashworth, Wm. Ross, I Thomas Scobell, Samuel Tubby, Colin Miller, Charles Morgan, Kenneth Cameron, William Howe, Thos, Sticknry, Isaac Blackburtie, Amos Lister, Geo. Adams. Thomas Eggar Trew. Robi.Whar. Tweddel. C.Seymour, A.O. Saunders, Wm. Montresor, F. T. Mylrea, Treasury Clerics, A. Macpherson^ T. Wilson, Wm, Nicolli. Commissary of Accounts Department. Deputy Corny, GeneraU Joseph H. Adams, Estjr. Assistant Com, GeneraU Wm. H. Snelling. f Wm. Coates, i John Lane, Dep* Asst, Corns. Genl, \ Thomas Rae. (.Charles Tidmarsh. Medical Department. Depy.lnspr. of Hospitals, Jos. Skey, M. D.Quebec. Apothecary, John F. Pink. ditto Physician, - - # Arthur Stewart, Kingston. ♦ Watorloo. 163 Assist. Surgeons. Hospital Assts. Purveyor's Clerk. rWilliam Pardey, Montreal. ^ Wra. Milne, Grenifille. I^James Gedde8,Kingston. C Peter Baird, M.D. Quebec 2 Wm.Cruikshauk, Isle-aux- Noiz. S. W. H. LesliejQuebec Barrack Department. Quebec^ Thomas Trigge, ^hree Rivers, Thos. Whitehead, IVm. Henryt John Kent Welles, Montreal, Daniel Grant, JLa Chine, ft'tt, f Peter Murh, Isleaux Noix^ Thomas Jobson, Coteau du Lac, Henry Evatt, Kingston, Francis Raynes, Fort George, Alexr. Garrett, , Tork^ Andw. Patton, Amherstburg, WiHiam Duff, Rideau, James Sarjeant, Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr* Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr, I I, 1 11 ;i;l Chaplains to the Forces. •Rev. J. L. Mills, D. D. Quebec, Officiating, Rev. J. Coghian, A.B. Rev. B. Stevens, Montreal, Rev. R. W. Tunny, Kingston.* Rev. Jos. Hudson, Tork, * Absent. ^Waterloo. 16i Town nnd Fort Major anU jii^ulantt* Town Major J. Froit, Quebec ^ h. p. do Capt. Benj, Rooth, AfontreaU dOt Lieut, P. Corbett, KingttoH, Fort Adjutant Capt. H. Brewster, h.p. Lleauu [Noix. do. Ensign A. Nicoll, C»teau du La€, Department for Settlers in Upper-Canada^ At Lanark, ^ii'y and Storeh'^tr^ Capt. Wm. Marihall b.f^ 165 INDIAN DEPARTMENT. LOWER. CANADA. j^ir John Johnion, Bart. Super'intendant GentraL J. Duchesnay, Deputy Superintendant D. C. Napier, Esqr. Resident Agent and Secretary. IVm. M'CuIIoch, Cierk. James Hughes, Esq* Riiident Agent* • B. C. De Lorioiiet* Esq* ditto* do* Vincent Ferricr, Rev* L« ^miot, h Valle, J. Marcoux, L. S^ Mftlo, ^hos* Cook, Bernard St* Germain, !•• J. Duchefnayi foseph Nivervillc, P. Ducharme, l>. Hubert, Schoolmaster at Lorttte* Missionary, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto* Interpreter, Resident j^gent. Interpreter, do* Indian Department of Upper-Canadd* Joseph B. Clench, Benjamin Fairchild, James Givans, Esq^. George Ironside, £iq. Geo. Ironside, William M*Kay, Esq. G. F. Anderson, Cierk and Interpreter^ Joseph St. Germain, Interpreter, David Mitchell, Esq. A. T. Le Mate, Wrn Solomor, Rev* M. Fluet, J. Farlinf^, A. de Kazhruhnsere, C/erk. Interpreter* Supetintrndanty Intetprettr & senior OJjicer in Upper Canadc^ Superintendant, Jr. Clerk, Superintend ant ! lil! il!! iiiiiii!'ll''''H iHi"ili I:, ■■;.(! P«tcr Paul Osimhinhtne, ditto Surgton, Blacksmith, Interpreter. Missionary at Sandwich^ JBldck smith Schoolmaster] 166 r. (! • I I., Dowse, Wm. Elgee, R. Tomkyns, R.G. Wilson, T. Knatchbull, OFFICERS Of the several Regiments serving in CanaJa^ ROT/IL /ihllLLERY, Lieut. Colonel J. P. Cockburn, commanding. Quebec, CAPTAINS. I J.R. Hornsby, LIEUTKNANTS. J. Gore, J. H. Cockb' ro, T. G. Marly, J. H. Cockburn, Acting Adjutant. T. Knatchbull, Asst. Quarter Master. N. Bradley, Surgeon. Montreal, Major G. C. Coffin. Lieutenants j. Trotter and J. Matson. Ass/. Surgeon — Wm. Kelly. Kingston, Lieut. Col. Wm. Roberts, commanding. CAPTAINS. Peter Faddy, | Wm. Anderson, Geo. Birch, | LIEUTENANTS, Wm. Greenwood, | E.C Ward, Atg. Adjutant & Qr. Mr ...Lt.Wm. Greenwood. Assistant Surgeon, Wm. Robinson, M.D. ROYAL £AG1I\/£ERS, Quebec. Colonel Elias Walker Durnford, comg. R. £. la the Canadas. Capt. Samuel C. Melhuish, comg. R.£. Quebec, dist, 1st LIEUTENANTS. T. C. Luxmore, | John Walpole. Henry P. Wulff. | Assl. Engineer — Lieut. P Henry Weathtrsloiie, ittada* ding. t. laster. 5* "i wood. .D. I. E. in tec. dist. Istoiie, 167 Montreal. Litut. Col. Kdward Figg, coing. Montreal District, Cspt. li. S. Piper. Kingston. Lieut. Col. J. R. ^Vright, comg. Upper- Canada. Cnpt. H. H. lioiinycastle. 2d Cnpt. Geor;;e I'hillputts. Lt. F. II.Baddcley, | 2d I.t., L. John Cromie. UiDEAU Canal. Lieut. Col. John i3y, comg. Uideau Canal. Lieut. Col. llichd. Botelcr, 2d CAPTAINS Fennel Cole, | Daniel Bolton. J. C. Victor, Henry Briscoe, Henry Pooley, George Burgnnan, Lieutenants Edward Fiome, 2d Do. I W. H. Dennison, Cti;i7 Estahlishrnent. QUEBEC. T. G. W. Eastaff, in charge of Plans and Mathe- matical Instruments. Wm. Morrison,— Clerk of Works— 3d Class. Geo. Morrison,— ditto ditto 4th do. Germain Feluet— Senior Clerk. Charles Clarke, 1 H. M. Blaicklock, V Clerks, F. D'Estiraauville, J Overseer of Works— 1st Classi (vacant) John Sedley, Clerk of Stores. MONTREAL & STE. HELENS. Joseph Clarke, Clerk of Works,- 4th Class. Moses J. Hayes, Clerk. William Shand, Overseer of Works— 2d Class. ISLE-AUX-NOIX. Michael McNamara, Clerk. KINGSTON. Samnel Shaw & Henry Weatherstone, Clerks. Fort George. George Houghton, Clerk of Works— 4th Class. RiDEAU CANAL-— Paymaster,— Chs. L. liudycrd. l; iiii ii iinii 1 il( m i 1 103 16th Regrt. [York East Riding.] '* Martinique/' Ouadaloupe." fin Garrison at Quebec] Col. Sir M. Disney, K.C.B. Lt, CeneraU* Lt.-Col. A. F. Macintosh.* Majors W. Grietfon Se John Eden.* v\ r I i'l II tJcrrard Quill,* H. Temple, G. D. Colman,* T. A. Drought,* John Huinphrys, CAPTAI^Si Frederick Hope, Hodson Gage Alfred Davis.* W.R. B. Smith.* R.Alex. Cuihbert, LIEUTENANTS. t'hos. Colman,* dep,pm* H. a* Barnhjm, R. L. Battersby,* ^john Blair, L. Toilmachc, Tho8, Mooie, tNSlGVS 3. S. N. Campbcllj J. R. Norton, Thos. Wrighr, James Hay, AJjt. C. W. Hird. Paymaster^ jidjutant^ Sir, Master, Surgeon, Auts^ do* Hy. Rudyerd,* F. L. Ingall, Charles Cooke, James Birry,* T. H. Western. Thos. Rose, Geo« Pinder, Thos. Cronyn,* Tho . O'Graddy* W. H. Mounsey** Chas. Walker. James Hay. J. W.Dev^aon. J, M. Bartley, M. D. Wm. Biin,*M.D. and C. Collis Agent, Greenwood & Cj. ♦Absent. ♦W«ttrl«». 169 24th Foot [Warwickshire.] '• Ejcypl" " Cape of Good Hope," " Talavera," «* Fuentes d'Oiior,*' •» Sdlnmanca," «• Vittoria," " Pyrenees," *< Nivelle," " Orihes," " Peninsula." (In Garrison at Montreal.) ^Colonel Sir James Lyon,K. C. B. K. C. H. m.g, Lieut. Colonel, E. Fleming, Majors Chs. Hughes* and Pons. Kelly, CAPTAINS. H. O. Townshend, ^Hon. T. C. Monckton, John Ewing, G. Fitz. Stack, #John Stoyte, John Harris, Frs. Grant, rec, te*"vice, H. W. Harris* Danl. Rily« F. T. Maitland, F. T. Cunninghame, W. G. Brown, J. Massy Stack, Wm. Spring, F. Chetwode,* J. J. Greig,* Paymaster, Adjutant, Qr. Master, Surgeon Wm. Andros, C. Haat. Doyle,^ sta/T. C. F. Barton,* J. B. Harris* R«bert Marsh, LIEUTENANTS. Nich. Lesh'e, Henry Voung, A. G. Blachford, Langf. Heyland, Hon. C. Prestod, A. C. Sterling. ENSIGNS. ( R. C. Hunter, .'ames George, adjt, Peter Grehan* jr • A. Barnard* Alex. Tovty, /t. James George, en, James Murrvy, Wm* Byrt, Assistant*, John Telle & Jas. Crawford mo Agent., .Macdoriald & Co. ♦Waltrloo. K ♦Absent, J !l U M ill III] H't iC' 4 170 I' 'i\ i:i. 66th (Berkshire.) ••Douro/' "Talavera," Albuera," " Vittorla," ' Pyrenees," «• Nivelle" " Nive," ♦• Orthes" « PeniE Peninsula." [In Garrison at Quebec] ♦ Colonel O, NicoLLS, General, Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Nicol,* Col. Majors J. Baird& S. Patiickfon* Peter Duncan, Wm. Kingsmill, John Clarke, T. H. Baylie,* <^john Daniell, John Usher, P. Ditmas, T. Rainsford, Wm. Glascott,* J. Brannan,* H. C. Jenner,* CAPTAINS. T. H. Johnston, • J. L.Wingfield, Pereg. Warren. T. Leigh Goldie,* R. Rumley.* LIEUTENANTS. XN81GNSI Henry Nixon, Chs F. Gibson, w. Marshall,* CAPTAINS. J. Barwick, K. Cameron, J. C. Young, #james Fraser, J ernes D. Brown, ^Alexander Forbe?, ^W.A. Riach,* George MathiaSi Fox Maule,* jer, Robinson,*^ LIEUTENANTS. A. Macdonnell* dep, pm, D. Mathieson, D. Macdougall, adjt, Wm. Cartan, Thomas L. Batler, Andrew Brown, T. C. Cameron, Thomas Crombie, Robert Fulton, james McDonald, George johnston, james Mills, M. Fitzgerald. W. H. Lance, Robert Manners,* John S. Smyth, Thomas Isham,* Paymaster, Adjutant, Qr. Mster, Surgeon, Assit. Surgeon, - Ditto ENSIGNS. W.L. Scobell,* 3. Cockburn, Ewen Cameron,* John Douglas. Wui. Castle, D. McDougall, It. *^A. Cameron, j.Shortt, M.D. J. H.Divir,M.D. D. C. McLachlan,* ♦ Waterloo. Agent— McDonald & Co. AbMut 173 Royal Staff Corps. GrenvUle Canal, Lt. Col. Henry Duvernet* Captains. Jo. D.Hall, Lieutenants, [ E. J. Cleather. T. M. Colleton, K. Hayne, C. Stoddart. Civil Branch, Acting Paymaster^Chmio^hQt Edie. ; I, W" Ml I; iiifl ik IHI ''• ill II ii 174 J I :« II' w STAFF OF THE ARMY In the Provinces of Nova-Scotia, New. Brums- and their Dependencies, including the Islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, Prince Ed- wxRD and Bermuda, under the command of His Excy. Lieut. Gen. ^Sir PEREGRINE MAIT- LAND, K. C. B.(*) NOVA-SCOTIA. Mil'ttary Secretary^ Capt. P. Mailland, 74th footi Aide-dtmCamp^ Hon. R. Boyle, 30th foot, Frovl. ditto, Lieut. Cols. The Hon. T.N. Jeffrey and Sir Rupert D. George, Lt. Col. Harris, h. p. 80th ft. D*p. Adjt. General. Lieut. Col. Wm. Berasford, h.p. 31st Foot, Deputy Sluwter Matter General. Maj. J. Balzagette, h. p. 98th foottMaj. ofBngade, Dep, Com* GenU George Damerum, jjiit* dittOf Charles A. Clarke, Ditto ditto Accts. Adolph. Veith, Deputy Assistant Commissary Generals, William Low, Charles Williams, G. F. Haversac, Alexander Grant [Accts.] Charles Swain, do* James Slade, Oliver Goldsmith, Inspecting Field Officers of Militia,,, Lt. Colonel Wm. Cochrane, Lt. D. McDougall, and Lieut. Colonel R. R. Loring, half pay. Surgeon, Colin Allan, MD. Apothecary, John Carter, MD. Bosp-Assts, David Paterson and james Shields, MD. Ditto ditto, Robert Primrose and j. Stewart, Ord. Sur, Dr Fogo. « Waterloo. (* ) Absent at Barbadoei lis BARRACK masters: John Blair, Halifax ; A. McDougal), Windaor, and Joseph Norman, AnDopoliv. Town Majotf Lieutenant McCoIIa, Halifax, Revd J . Twining, Offit'tating Garrison Chaplain^ NEW^BRUNSWICK. His Excellency Major Genl. 'Sir H. Douglas, C. B. Lieutenant C. Douglas, Aide'dfmCamp^ Lt R,U. Howe, (h.p. N. S. ¥,)Extra Ditto, <@>Lt, Colonel j. Love, Infpecting Field Officer of Milt lit Col. Allen, do. do* J. Q^ Short, Staff Surgeon^ W, H. Robnfon, Ant, Com, Genl, George Swiney, Dep, Ant, Com, Genl, Wm. Miiiilcen, do. do. John E. Woolford, 4sit, Bar. Mr, Frederlcton. J. C. Frith, Ord, Dept. (in charge) Lieutenant Samuel Huyghue, c/?^^. Lt. Gallagher, h. p. Tbw» Major, Fredericfon. Capt. George Graydon, romm^ff^iff^ Royal Engincors. jyjr. Henry Henigar, Overseer of Works, Mr. Lecnei Anderfon, clerk. Garrisons— >Lieutenant Colonel Graydon, R. E« Commaoding, Frederickton> II I Lieut. Colonel Love, h.pi. yt^ St. john, Lt.tSmith, Rifle Brigade^ St Andr ws Chaplains, ' Frederickcon Revd. Benj. G. Gray, St* Joha. Revd. Jerome Alley, St. Andrews. NEWFOUNDLAND. Sir Thomas Cochianx, Lieut^ Governor, Lieut. Gen. Knoilis, Lieut,' Governor, St, Johui Lieut*- Colonel G. J. Reeves, detto Placentia ^WAUrloo. * Absent in England as Commissioner [on the jjoundsry Clueitipn. $ 'H .:«;: Hi: ;! < 'i '',1 '^1 ITfl II ':H jiiist. Com, Gen, john Laidley. J)y,Asst, Cy, Gh, J wil^am^sYevens. Lt, GO'O. of Garrison, Sir Geo. Eider. JF,irt ^rxajor^ St, John, C^pt, j. Campbell, h.p. Offictg, Garrison Chaplain, Rev. J. H. Carrington CAPE BRETON. Barrack Master, Samuel Rigby Sidney, Totun Adjutant, Lt. Schwartz. PRINCE EDWARD'S ISLAND. His Excellency Lieut. Governor Col. J. Ready. Ordnance Storekeeper, John F. Holland. To'wn Major, Lieut. Lane, h. p. Offictg, Garr. Chaplain, Rev. T.Adin. BERMUDAS. Governor, Lieut.-Genl. Sir H' Turner, G,C, H, and K, C. Asst. Commissary Genl, Wm. Maturin, J)y, Asst, Cy, Gens, R. Lee and W. A. Thompson. Barrack Master, W. Tucker. Surgeon, ^^Chs. S. Doyle. Ordnance Surgeon, Joseph Hutchison, JHospital Assistant, 3, Clark, M.d. Fort Adjutant, Capt. Ansell, 74th Foot. Offeiatg, Garr, Chaplain, Rev. John Dough. ^ Watflrloo* OFFICERS Of the several Regiments serving in Novi« Scotia, New-Brunswicky See. RoYAi. Artili^eby* Lt.-Col. Bredin, Neva-uotUi* Capt. R. Molesworth? Lieut. Campbell J Kew-Brunxundi. Lieut. Tapp, Bermuda, Major Huqt, Nttufoandlanf, Royal Engineers. Col. Nicplls, Ifov^'seotia, Lt. Col; Graydoq, NetV'Bruntvfick. Lt.-Col. Vigoureu», Nefaundland, 3revet Maj Bliinchard, 7 . . JLi^uts. Farria & Crawley, J ^'^*»»«^' ,1 I (It t; ,!n in ,ii 111 • mm I Ml I jl III' f ' y i; I li; f 1 I \ (t 1 178 S4th foot [or Cumberland.] ** Albuera,'* •• Viltoria," " Pyrenees/' •« Nivjile, «♦ Nive," " Orlh«i,'* ** Peninsula. ' (Stationed at Halifax.) Colonel, Sir Thos. McDougal Brisbaar,Cr.C.£. Lc, Lieut.-Col. C. R. Fox* Richard Greaves. Hon. H. S. Fane, CAPTAINS M. M'LeodTew, I ' C. B. Brisbane, £dw. Conolly, J Hen« Gascoyne, Majors, < John Norton. Kichd. Airy. Geo. Raxton, G.R/Thompfon, ]ohn Elgee, W. Lax, N. R.Brown, E. Broderick, JC. Symes Bay ley ^ John Auldjo, W. N. Orange, B. J. Ilooke, Win. Considine. LIXUTBKANTS. C.T. Vandcleur, St. Gro. Cromir, <^W. O. Warren, Arthur Hone, T. W. Newcome, Hon, R. Boyle« XNSIGNS. R. Hill Webster, William Colt. T. Wm. Howe, adj\ Geo. Harford, Paymaster, Adjutant, Quarter Master, - Surgeon, Assistant Surgeon, F. P. GJubb, John Arnold, Chs. S. Eustace, J. Fordyce* G. Ledingham, It. Thos. Wm. Howe, ens, Thomas Howe, IVlatt. Farnan, Chs. Bell. Agent, McDonald & Co. ♦Watcriao. 179 52d (Oxfordshire) Light Infantry. " Hlndoostan," «• Vimlera," " Corunna and Busac,** •• Fucnte* d'Onor," •♦Cludad," " Roilrlgo/' •' Ba- dajoz," •• Salamanca," " Vittoria," •♦ NIvelle," " Nivc»," ♦• Orthes," «• Toulouse," Tenlnsula,'* *• Waterloo," (Stationed at Halifax.) Colonel, Sir G. T. Walker, G. C. B. Z/. Gm. Lt. Col. Jas. Fergusson. Majors J'^Jas M«Nair, I: :? 8 1 It Regiment* "Maida/* <« Corunna/* « FeninMila.' (Stationed at Bermuda.) Colonel Sir R. C. Jackson, K. C. B. m, g, Lieut. Colonel, Andrew Creagh, ... CC. F. McLean, • Qr. Master - • Surgeon - • Asst. Surgeons;- Ensigns. £. Hathaway, J, £. W. Blencowe, d G. Anderson. M. R. Gampbell, J. Benjamin Scort, caft» £., Sutherland, U* J. Murchiso:). J. Shorland. A. M*Andr^w. J. W. Murray. Agents - Greenwood & Co. ^ Waterloo, J, detached. L liM Ul tl m 18f Ist (Rifle Brigade.) [Stationed ai St. John, N. B.] •• CoMnhagen/' " Mont* Video," « Roleia,'' «« Vimn'orie «« Corunna," " Busaco," *♦ Barrosa," " Fuentes d'OVrt'o •« Ciudad RodrjRo." •» Badajnz," " Salamanca," * ti-«i? • ria," " Nivelle," ** Nive," " Orthes," " Toulou»e." " Peninsula/' ** Waterloo.*' Colonel in Chi.'f, Field Marshall, The <^ Duke of "Wei.linoton. Colonel, Sir A, F. Bnrnaid. K^C.B.& K.C.H.m.£. Lu Col. A. G. R. Norcott, nioinr- r*W. Eeles. Majo", |#j. Logan. # W.Johnston. <^A. Stewart, d, <»J. C. Hope. Ihos. £. Kelly, d Captains. G. S. Byng. W. Warren. ^J. Kincaid. UG. Simmons. 1st Lieutenants. i J, ■ 4 John Fry. d. A. Maclachlan. "W. S. R. Norcottiacf. J. S. Cameron. Wm. Sullivan, d, J* R. Groves. Rob. tWal pole. Ho. Shirley. Chs. F. Napier. W. S. Tolmache. d. Koyan Jones. 2nd Lieutenants. J. Dolphin, e/. i R. W. D. FIamsteftd,J. P. Wilbraham, A Monro, rf. R. W. Younpr. d. J. Spottiswoode. T. W. Smith. James Martin. Richard S. Smith. R. H. Fitzherliert. Paymaster W. Holden. Adjutant W. S. R- Norcott. Surgeon T, H. Ridgway. Asst. Surgeons W. H. Tiyer and E G. Lloyd. Agents Greenwood & Co. ^^'Waterloo. 185 A LIST or THE OFFICERS OF THE llOYAL NAVY n LOWER AND UPTER-CANAnA AND HALIFAX. Lower- Cnna j* George Colls, Surgeon, J" ^'^'^^^^^ Storekeeper, - - John Glover, J^IaMer attendant, - - Mr. M. Spratt, Master Shipwright, - Mr. Robt. Moure. Chaplain, Rev. W. R. Pay ne (Grand River Lake Erie) Lieutenant J. P. Tweed, 1 ri r Asst. Surgeon, Dan. Campbell, J """"^''X* (Pent'tanguishine, Lake Huron) Lieutenant— —W. H. Woodin,*! /*^^. .^ Ami. Surgeon, JamftM'Micoll J "''^•"•nr. hV !l; liil!) ':■, ■ i:;'^ 111! Illl'i 184. M'i ■ i; '! r- Vessels of irar on Lake Ontario: — Brock. 2gans; 13»iilin{;?'on, 42 ; Canada, 104, (biiildinfr,) Charwell, 12; Kingsfon, 56 ; IVIonfrt'al, 20 ; Netley 2 ; Mont- real, 20; Niagar^i, 20; rsvche, ,T'2 ; St. Lawrence, 98; Star, 14; VVoiro, 104,"(buildin«;.) Ijufce Erie -.—.Cod fiance, 2 ; Sauk, 2 ; Surprize, sch. Lake //uron ••— Huron, schr. ; Newash, schr. j Tecum sch, 2. Halifax. (l)Sir Charles Oglr, bart, Keal Admiral of the Red, Comnnanderin Chief; Hussar 46 — Sir Chas. Ogle, barf, Rear Admiral ; Edward Uoxer, Esqr, captain ; Pnillip Gosling, Esq, commander ; W. B. Beyer, Esqr, sup. corn ; Ricbd Haipf, Esqr, sec'y ; Lieuts Georire Brown, Andrew, Stniih, Robert G. Welch and Wm. Barwell; John Jones, Master; Arrhd. Pet rie, purser ; W, Donnel* ly, Surgeon; Revd Huiih Jones, Chaplain. Tyne, 28— Sir Richard Grant, kt, captain ; Lieuts Wm Gordon, Smyth Griffith and VVm. H. Carew; Master, E. Rose; Purser, D. Clowe; Surgeon, Jolm Guoch. Columbines 18 — John Townsend,Ei?q, Commander; Lieuts W. H. Henderson and Edmund Wilson ; mas- ter, Jas. Mowie ; surgeon, W. A. Dalziell ; asst. do. AU'X. Lyon; purser, Robt, Wilson. Champion 18— Com. George Scott ; Lts. Henry Smith and John S. Foreman ; master, Laclilan Gil- lies ; sing. ■ ; asst. ditto, Thomaii Brennau ; purser, Rose^ 18 — Eaton Travers, Esqr, Commander; Ltf Anhur Wakefield and Tlios Phillips : Master, J. R. l^'ittock ; Purser, G. Starr; Surgeon, W. Reid. Manli/j 12--Lt Com, H W Bishop; Master, E. F. Chatters ; Asst Surgeon. James INIaoallister. Queers of His Majesty's Naval Yard at Halifax, A. F. Jones, Esqr, master ship wriiiht ; John Dou- glass, Esqr. master attendant ; Mr. James Ritch:e, master shipwright's clerk ; Mr. J. H. McEwen, elk. ••^^■■^^ (J) The Halifax and West India Stations, it is un- derstood, are to be united in a few months uuder command of Adniiral Colpoys. 185 CIVIL LIST OF UPPER-CANADA His Excellency Sir John Colbornk, K C 13, Lieutenant Governor, &c &c &c. Private Secretary, Lt. Z. Mudge, Royal Artillery, Ison ; mas- MTTMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. The Honble. Jamks 13abv, Chitf Justice, Speaker The Honble and Rifiht llevd the Lord Bishop of Quebec, The Honorables W. D. Towell, James Baby, John IMcGill, Thomas Talbot, Thomiis Clark, VVm Ditk- Charles Jones, and l\ier liubinson. Grant Powell, Esquire, Clerk ; The llevd William Maciiulay, Chaplain ; D'Aicy Boulton, jr. E^quire, Mfister in Chancery ; Wm.' Lee, Esq. Genlieman Usher of the Black Uod. ;v MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. (.Elected in 1828. J Counties. Present t and Ilussel, Giengsiry, Dun (fas, Siorinont, Giviivilie, Leeds, J IVIorris,* Uader hurst, Thomson* & Dalton, Bethune, Bidwell(w n of York, H niton, Weill worth, Lincoln, Niagara, Norfolk, Oxford, ]Vli(i(iIesez, £!ssex, Kent, Samson & Lockvrood, Lyons* & Ewing, Fother«ill» & Smith, Cawihra, Kotchum 8c McKenzi^ U. Baldwin, Geo llolph & Hopkins, Wilson* & H-iiuilum,* r Lf tleriy,* llHudai,* VVooiJ !_, ruff and Terry, Dickson, McCall* & BiUdwin, Hornor* & Malcolm, J. Ralph* &, Matthews, Baby*, & Wilkinson,* Berczy, Clerk— James FitzGibbon, Esquire Chaplain — The lievd. Kobert Addison Clerk of me Crown in Chancery— S. P. Jarvis, Esqr Serjeant at Arms-<»Mr Allan MeNabb. (*) Those Members were in the last Parliament. MEMBERS OF THE FXECUTfVE COUNCIL. The Honble Wm Campbell, Chief Justice, Chairman, The Right Rev. Charlfs. Lord Bishop of Quebec. The Hon. James Baby, The Hon. and Ven. Arch- dt-acon J. Strachan, D. D. ; The Hon. James B. McCfiulay ; The Hon. Peter Robinson ; The Hon, Geortje H. Markland. John Small, Esq. Clerk ; John Beikie, Esquire, Confidential ditto ; Mr George Savage and Mr Win Lee, Clerks in the Office. The Honble John Henry Dunn, Peeciver Gen(TaL The Hon. P. Robinson, Surveyor General of IVoods and Forests^ aud Commissioner for sale of Croivn Lands, The Honble James' Baby, Inspector Gen. Frovl.Accls* The Honble D. Cameron, Secretary t^* Registrar. Samuel P. Jarvis, Esqrire, Deputy ditto Samuel P. Hurd, Esq. dnrvsyor General. Wna. Cli«w«tt, Esquire, Senior Surveyort Drqfttm§%, [and Chief Ckrk, 19T Thomai Mtrrftt, Deputy Surveyor ^ Woodt, Stephen Hewtrdi Esquir*, Auditor Gtneral 9/ Land IPaientt. COURT or king's BENCn. Chief Justice— .The Honble. J. Bev«rly Robinson. Puisnfi Iiidrrps r l^evius P. Sherwood, Esquire, ruisni Judges, |j„^^.^ Buchanan McAuly. Aitorney General— Henry J. Boulton, Esquire* Sulici'ur General— Chr. A. Hagerman^ Es>quire, Reporter.— Thomas Taylor, Esquire Clerk of the Crown and Common Fleas— Charles C. (.Small, Esq. Deputy Clerk of the Crown—Mr James M. Caldwell win flii SURROGATE COURT. Judge ei-officio— The Governor, Lt Governofi 99 person administering the Govtrnmentf Official Principal— Grant Powell, Esquira^ Jiegistrar— Stephen He ward, Esq. iri: !!!' Commissioners^ under Heir and Devizee Jei, The Honble. John B. Robinson, Chief Juilice, Puisne Judges. D*krcy Boultoun & L P Sherwood, £f>qrs; Hon. & Rev. Dr Strachan I Hon. Thos. Ridout, James Baby, | J. B. Macaulajr, John Beikey Esq. Ckrk. ?] ■I; li f/ !)!i 183 i LIST OF CIVIL OFFICERS in the Provinces of Nova -Scotia, New-BaumswicKi VOFA -SCOTIA, HisExcy.*Sir Peregrine Maitland, K. C. B. Lieutenant Governor and Commander-in Chief. Administrator : Hon. Michael Wallace. HIS majesty's council. Hon. Samson Sailer Blowers, President. Hon. and Right Reverend John Lord Bishop Inglis of Nova- Scot ia, Hon. Michael Wallace, Richard J. Uniacke, Charles Morris, James Stewart, Thos. N. Jeffrey, Brenton Halliburton, Hibbert N. Binney, £nnis Collins, Simon B. Robie and Chs. R. Prescott. Clerk — Sir R. D. George, hart. ; nsst. do. Wm. Bell, Esq. ; Chaplain, Rev. Robert Willis, D. D. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. S. G. W. Archibald, Esq. Speaker. County of Halifax— S. G. W. Archibald; William Lawson, Geo. Smith and L. Harishorne, Esquires. County of Annapolis— T. C. Haliburton and Wm. Roach, Esquires. County of Cumberland— Alex. Stewart and Joseph Oxley, Esquires. County of Lunenburg— 'Lot Church and William Rudolph, Esquires. King's County— Wm. A. Chipman & S. Bishop, Esqs Queen's County— Jos. Freeman & John Barss.Esqrs. Hant's County — Benj. Dewolf and R. Smith, Esqrs. County of Sheiburne — John IVl»Kinnon & Esqs County of Sidney — Ths. Dickson & J. Young, Esqrs. County of Cape Breton-^ Lawrence Kavanagh and R. J. Uniacke, E^qrs. Town of Halifax — C. R. Fairbanks and Beamish Murdoch, Esquires. Truro— C. D. Archibald, Esquire. Onslow— J. Crow, Esquire. Londonderry— J. V> ier. Esquire. * Absent at Barbadoes. 189 >lnnjipoh> — James Ti. Lovett, Enquire. Granville — 1'. Uiifjgles, Esquire. iJirrby — J, Morton, Esquire. Luneiibur«— J. lleckinan, Esquire. Amherst — James S. Murse, Esquire. Horton — JauKS IJiirris, Esquire. C'oruwallis — John Morton, Esquire. Windsor — l);ivid Uill, Esquires, Fultnouth— .\V. 11. Shcy, Esquire. Barrinpton— J. Homer,' Esquire, Eivcrpool— -James R. Dewolf, Esquire. Newport — Shubiel Dimock, Esquire. SJu'lburne — J. A. Barry, Esqmie. Yarmoutb — S. S. Poole. Esquire. Cliaplain— Ilev. F. Uniacke, A.M. ; Clerk: John W hidden, Esq. j Asst. do. J. F. Grny, Esq ; Ser- jeant at Arms, Mr. Thomas Boyd. Serjeant of the Gallery, Mr. M. Forrester. Provincial Officers. Surveyor General of Lands, Hon. Chs. Morns ; Treasurer, Hon. Wm. Wallace ; Secretary, Sir H. D.George, bart ; Commissioner of Crowii Lands, John Spry Morris, Esq. Court of Chancery. Chancellor: His Exry. Sir Perefrrine Maitland ; IWaster of the Rolls: Hon. S. 13. Robie, LED; Masters in Chancery, Honble B. Halliburton, Hon, Jas. Stiwart, Lewis M. Wiikins, Pelej; Wiswtll and J. G, Marshall, Esquires ; Registrar, H. H. Cofjs- well, E»q ; Counsfllors and Solicitors, the Barristers and Attoruies of the Supreme Court. Court of Error ^ Marriage and Divorce. His M johiy's Council; Advocntt^s and Proctors, the Barristers and Attomies of the Supreme Court. Court of Vice Admiraltij. Judge — Hon. S. S. Hloweis; Advocate General, Hon, R J. Uniacke ; Solicitor General, S. G. W. Arcl)iba]d, E.-q. LED ; Registrar, L. Pennel, Esq; Dy. diito, J. S. Tremain, Esq. ; Mar.shall, J. Pot- man, Es(j ; Uy. ditto, S. W. Dcblois, Esq ; Advo- cates and Proctors, the Barristers and Altornies of the Supreme Court. it m 190 r'' ' r ,1 • \ > ■ I * 1 ■ % vV H '' -■ ;. ' '; i 6 f: f l] J r Court of Escheats and Forfeitures, Commissioner, lion. Michael Wallace; Registraft Sir Rupert D. George hart. Court for the Probate of WUls and Qranling Letters ^f Adininistrntion. Surrogate General, Iluii. James Morris; Registrar, John Spiy Morris, Esquire. Supreme Court. Cliief Justice, Hon. S.impson Salter Blowers j Puisne Jud^res, Hon. B. Halliburton, Hon. James Stewart, and Lewis M. Wilkins, K'^qs ; As<>oriate Judge, P. Wisvvell. Esq ; Aitorncy General, Hon. R. J. Uniacke ; ^Solititor General, S. G. VV. Archi* brtlfl, Evq. LLD ; King's Counsel, K. J. Uniarkf, jr. Win. Hill, and C R. Fairbanks Ksqrs ; Cieik'of the Crown and Piofhonoiary throuj-rhout the Province, \Vm. Thomp^on, Esq ; Deputy, J. W. Nuttmg, Esq, Jusliccs of the Pence throughout the province. His Majesty's Couiicil and the Speaker of tli« House of Assembly, and those specially appuiaied in the sevend counnes. Commissioners of the Tievevue, Hon. M. Wallace, Hon. S. B. Robie, Wm Law^ son. II. J Uni'icke, and Law, Harthurue, Es>qrs— Wiu ^Jewtun, Esquire, Clerk, Commissioners for Lighthouses, Saml. Cunurd, Thus. i^Jaynard and John DouglaSf Bsquires. Officers of His Majesty's Citstoms. Hon. Thom'-js N . Jeffrey, Collector; Jt)hn Wallace, Esq. CompfroUer ; James Purvis and I). H. Watson, Esqr*;. Waiiers and Searchers ; Edward Duckett, Surveying Officer of Shipping ; A. E. Coron and F, W. Aicheson, Tide Surveyors. OJficers (vfthe Provincial Revenue, Hon. H. N. Binney, collector of impost and ex- cise ; Andrew Richardson, Esq, guager & weigher; James Barret, Robert Hodges, Geo. Sherlock, wai-! tersand shipping officers ; VVm Cleaveland, collector oflic«uceduiy ; Edward Duckett, coll. of light duly. 191 iraw-BMutrtwjr.g, Hi* Exc> Miijor Oenl. •Sir Howa&b DoudLAi, Bt. Lieut. Governor and Commander-in-Chief. The Hon. Wm. Black. Administrating^ the Governt, John Black, Esq. Private iSVcy. President of the Council, Hon. J. Siiunders, Speaker of the Huuse of Ass'y. Htxoble S.Simoadib Attorney General, C. J. Peters, £sqr, Solicitor- General, Robert Parker, Esqr, Auditor. General, F. P. Ilobinson, Exqr, Provincial Secretary, W. F. Odell, Esqr, Surveyor-General, Hon. Thos. Bail lie. Keceiver-Gentral, Honble George P. Blisf, Commissioner of Crown Lands. Hon. Thos. Bail lir» Justices of the Supreme Court of Judicature, Hon. John SMunders, Chief Justice ; Honbies John M, Bliss, W. Botsford, and Ward Chipman, Judge of the Admiralty, Honble Robert Parker, Lord Bishop of the Province, The Bishop of Nova- Scotia, Archdeacon and Cominissary, Revd Staff of the Militia. Inspecting Field Officer, Lt Colonels J. F. l^ov* and John Allen, Adjutant General, Honble Georp;e Shore, Quarter Master General, Major Hugh Johnstone* Collectors of the Custom;;, St. John, Ths. HeavisidCf £4nuire, pro tern ; St. Andrew, C. Campbell, Esquiic. Comptrollers, St John^ H. Bowyer Smith, Esquire St Andrewt John Dunn, Esquire TRINCE EDWARD ISLAND' Col. John Readt> Lieut Governor and Commander in Chief. Colonial Secretary, J. P. Collins, President of the Council, Honble E. J. Jarvis, Speaker of the Assembly, Honble John Stewart, * Absent in Eng. as Com, on Boundary Question. W vr i-ii ]<)2 M'. II M 'mi ■ f Attornty Otneral, Robert Hodgion, Eaqrirtf Solicitor Ganertl. Willinm Waller, £s<]uire, Surveyor General , Honbie George Wright, Coloniel Treasurer, Alexander Campbell, Etquire Chief Justice, Henble. Mr. Haliburton, Fuisn^ Judges, Honbie J. T. H. Haviland, and, Honbie A. Lane, Receiver General, Honbie. John Stewart Provost Marshal!, T. H Haviland, Collector of Customs, John Stewart, Comptroller, G. R. Goodman. NEWFOUNDLAND' Lieutenant Governor, Sir Thos. Cochran, St John-" ditto Colonel Sir George Elder Placeniia^ ditto Lt-Col. G. H. Reeves. : . % ■1 sqr.irf, lire, 1, Eiquir* landi and, rt RAN, trge Elder Reeves. 194 HIS MAJESTY'S MlNISTERa L»rJ President of the Couneii^ Earl Bathurst, KG. Lord High Chancellor^ Lord Lyridhurst. First Lord of the Treasury, ( Prime Min,) The Duke of Wcilingron, K. G. Chancellor of the Exchequer^ Rt Hon. Henry Goul- biirn. \% Secretary of State^ Home Affairs^ Right Hon. Robt. Peirl. Secjf. of Statey Foreign Affairs^ Earl of Aberdeen KT, Secretary of State Colonies^ Right Hon., General Sir G "o. Mnrriiy, K. C. B. President of the Board of Control, Lord Ellenborough. Treasurer of the Navy, at;d President of the Board of Trade^ Rt. Hon. Wm. Ve«ey FitEgerald. Master of the Mint, Rt. Hon. J. C. Herriea. ^ [The above form the Cabinet.] Admiralty Council Berad^ Viscount Melvill-f, S'r Geo. Cockburn, Sir Henry Hotham, Sir George Clerk, and Viscount Castlercagh— S^^r^/^r^ at War, Sir Henry Hardinge— Cowwa/K/^r o/'//ie i^'orctfSjLord l-iiW— 'Master General of the Ordnance, Viscount Bcr- resford, K.C.B. K.CH.— Lieutenant General. Rt. Hn. Lord R.E.H. Somerset — Paymaster Ceneral^Kt, Hon. John Csi\ctzh— First Commissioner of Land Re- venue. Viscount Lowther— Poj^waj/^r General, Duke of Manchester— 5^*'/*' Secretaries of the T'reasury, Joseph Planta, and George R. Dawton — Fice Pre* sident of the Board of Trade, T. P. Courtenay,£8q. '-^Attorney GeneraL^^S'ir James Scarlett —•iSo/iVf/flr General^ Sir £. B. Sugden. I9i MINISTRY OF IRELAND. Zovd lAeulcudnt. l>nke of Northiimberlfind,— 7,orrf jy/^'/* CliancvUor, lit. Hon. Sir .Anthony H:»rt, knt. '—C/iuf »V.'(y» Lord F. L. Cinwi'r,— F/tr Treasurer ^' llie lUclteqnery lit. Hon. Sir G. lMtz;;erald— ^Z- tontej/ Grn.rnt lit. Hon. Hvnry Joy — iWiciior 6!tf- tt^/'o^, John Duhcrty, K^q. OTHER HIGH FUBLIC OrFIC'^RS. Master oj Uie Rolls, Sir J( hn l.each— Vice Chan' cellar^ Sir Lauucelot Shadwell — Jawior Loriit of tht Trtasurt/, Lord Grenvillf, Lord C. H. Som« rset, Karl ot Mount Charl**?, Lord Flliorr, and E, McN »ML»hteti, 'Csq. Commiss! oners for India Jff'tdrs^ Kighi Honble. Lord KlIeiLnrongh, IU)bert IVel, Sir Geo. Mnrniy, Dnke of Well npfion, HenryGouU burn. Lord Wallace, John 8ul ivan, Lord 'A«hlfy, Marquis GrHhiiMt, Luiifi'iue Pf«l, and T. P. Court- tnay, Esqrs Under Secretariet, IioME,^V^Y P. el, •t)d S. M. Philiips, E ^«iire — Colonial, R. W, Hay, & Horace iwiss,! nq^^FoREiGN, J »hn Bick- hoij«»-, and l^ord Dutiglad«, ILsqs.— Cow^rott/, Geo. fiuikes, Esq, ■ri ) Hi i!(i 196 i 4if 'ill M'i I) ), \ V '■ TABLE Of the Kings and Queens of England and Great-Britain, with tne time they feverally began to reign. King's Names Began their Reigns^ Saxon Line. ■ 8oi Reigned, Y. M. D. Egbert Ethelwolf Ethelbald Sthelbert £ the) red Alfred the Great Edward I. Saxon Ethel ftan Edmond I* Ed red Edwin Edgar £dwardII,^^;c0» Ethelred Edmond lit Knute I. Harold 1. Knute II. Edward ConfeJ/hr Harold II. 38 58 60 66 7a 900 as 41 48 55 59 75 79 1016 Danish. 1017 36 39 41 65 37 20 2 6 6 28 as 16 7 7 4 16 4 37 I 19 — — 24 — — ;.il ' I!i William I ^- II Henry I /Stephen Norman Line, 0t» 9, 1087 yiug. 2, 1100 Dec^ I, 1 135 20 12 35 18 10 10 3 10 26 *3 30 197 The Saxon Line Restored. King's Names, H.n fy II Richard I Joh n H( nry III Edw'urd I II Ill Richard II Henry IV V VI Edward IV V Richard III Henry VII VIII Edward VI Q. Mary Q^hl.zabeth Began their Reigns, Otl. 25, 1 154 July 6, 1 1 89 yifrii 6, 1199 0i307 Jan, 25,1327 June 21, 1377 The Line of Lancajler, Sept. 29, 1399 March 20, 1413 The Line of Tork, March 4, 1 42 1 j^pril 9, 1483 June 22, 1483 The Families united. y4ug 22, 1485 j4pril 22, 1509 Jati, 28, 1547 Ju/y 6, ISS3 iVoi/. 17, 1558 Union of the Iwo Crowns. james I Charles I ■ II James I March 24, 1603 March 27, 1625 Jan, 30, 1649 Feb. 6, 1685 Will, and Mary \Feb. 13, 1689 Q^ Anne George I George II George III 22 23 36. 4 13 Union of the Two Kingdoms* Macrh\%i 1702 Aug, I, 17 14 June II, 1727 Oa. 25, 1760 Reigned, Y» M, D 34 8 II 990 17 6 13 56 o 28 34 7 ai 19 6 18 50 4 27 22 3 8 13 5 20 9 5 II 30 6 4 22 I 5 o 213 2 2 O 23 8 o 37 9 6 658 5 4 II 44 4 7 o 3 10 3 o 7 o 7 o 23 12 4 23 I2 10 10 34 I 14 59 3 o ll> i r :!!i* George IV, Jan, 29, 182c whomGodpreservi, hi 19S Mi [In .1 1 ,: ij 1 : If V f i A t ■ f 1 , j i' THE ROYAL FAMILY. George IV. born Aug. I2th, 1762, succeeded hts falher Jrtiiy. 29, 1820, married in 1795 to Caroline, daughier of the Duke of Biuuswlik— rf, 7 Aug. 18:>l. brothers and Sisters of His Majesty, Wnfi Henry, Duke of Clarence, borii Augj. 21, 1765. married in 1818, to the sister of Duke Saxe MeU ningen. Au^u. -^ . ^^- --^'^ Ju'v 1^ a fr'of Dalhousie. G CB r' ''rV'"'-^ 7J"ne 18'H J775 1776 1791 I l. iii ';hf. Iv |,' .' : i Q I 1— 1 1 O ... CO ... ^ • • • 01 : : : <» g a , .: 0:0 0:0 00 :: t-J. CM. CO CM. 00 i-hCO .. . O) ^ .CM «M . . •' ill 1 11^ • - . . w : 01 : ; I ^sS • Ci : C 1 L. »0 *1 ^ : ^o : « : CO 3 s V. <3 to .CM : _- : '^'^ Q f , ^ < 5S CO g| O l-H ^ ... CO . . . ^ U) ha — =r- S 3 C4 (U CO u-g Q o • : : C . . (M CO . 3 . • ^ rr» '-' : : ci : : : .2 ^ CM CO . . r^ 'T- s. CM ft, 1 < ' rt ' ' 1* : 01 r : u CM -^ •5 ... CO . '^ : : : CM : : CO : : : : ^ -= ^i .J. . . . . « 3 J. : !M : : : : O "^ cm a! — : : "C CO t (M .CO < 01 : : 01 cj) : : c, : : • CM : CO . -^ CO . . : 1 1 II : 0} : CM : : • t-< .CO . ^™ • (^ • 1 ^bj ; oi I ^ : ,2 ^ -7 -co • -u g;« 7 CM : -^ : CO : ^ -- -• . .-• .1-1 . V.^ ►— ( CO K- PQ <1 i: : : : : : : : : : : • CI • • • ^H • • 1 1 H • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a-S z. <>\ : . CO -4 Si I • »^ : :- ^ »-H . . C>J •-• : : — : oi .:i2 co . .OOi— itO .I— ' "r*<-H i 1 • b • : : -; : ,^ -^ c =«| • I 1 • i < .5 J2 T' •;: '^ eph Piamondon, et J. S. H»ll. HUISSIERS DE LA COIJK 1)U BANC DU RW. Michel l^andry, Hins^it-r AiidiencitT. Thomas Cookson, Huissiera Baguette, Filla dc Quebec. J. B. Chevalier, Joseph Plamondon, Jean llobitaille, Joseph F. Pageot, John S. Hill, Gabriel Gabouri, AntoJne Masse, Stephen C\.rtis, Geoige Linlon, Kdouart Wijiand, Joseph Mondion, O. II. VVillijnns, l.eger Lambert, Pierre Piamoiidon, Antoine Parant, Joseph Treinblay, Huissier et Gardien de la Cham- bre des Avocats. Francois Dessein, IluiNsier Priseur de Meubles, et Cneur Public Orleans Dorchester < Buckin<:f- bambhire. Dans li\i Pamis^es. {Augiistin Nolin, Saint Pierre, Joseph Hlouin, Fr.«ns. INlalheri e><, Josepli I'^onrnifr, Charles llebert, Louis Deniiitt, Jos. Gontic! dit Bernard, Di'to, Charles Parent, St. Grrvais. Frmirine de Fos- I sembaiilt, fiamp8hire< Hyacinthe Grenier, Pte.aiixTrenibLeq, I'u'rre Fisetti^, Cap Saiitu, Nicolas PiMrault, Doschanbault* Ant. Gt-rtnain dit Bolide diuo ^Frr»s. L«f*?vre, Grondiiu's, Louis Foul in, St. Joachim, Elie Bouchard, Bale Saiiit Paul^ Frederick Trcmblay, Dmo, Louis Claveau, Mai BMie., Thomas Harvey, Ditto, Northum- berland < Chrisostoine Tremblay, Ehoulemens. Hertford ^Fehx GrtUvrcHU, ^Pierre Gagne, Alexis IViercier, Jean F. (\)stin, Modeste Bourassn, Chateau liich^ Beaumont, Saint Michel, St. Charles, Saint Charles, G. Aiidetd. Lapointe, Saint Gi-rvaiS) I>«von Ertouard Rouleau, ^ Francois Boule, Louis Riverin, Michel Morin, Jacques B.Bernier, Louis Gar^iache, J. F. Caron, Clement Leclerr dit Francceur, Ditto. J. Dessein d.St.Pierre, Saint Roch, Saint Valier, Saint 'I'homa^ Ditto, L'lslet, Ditta, Ditto., St. Jean Port JoU Cornwallis. Jean Labrie, *Hilaire Gagnon, Muhel Bep-in J. B. Bonenf'mt, Abraham Martin, Joseph April, Pierre Dancosse, Louis Caron, S. Chamberland, Paschal Michaud, Joseph Michaud, Joseph Robichaud, Ditto, Riviere Quelle^ Ditto, Ste. Anne. ditto Kamouraskfti Ditto, Ditto* Ditto, Saint Andr^, Riviere des Caps;* Ditto, JBCordeaud.Delorier Riv. du-Lou|u j Jaraei Wallace, Rimouskj. '' (.Frs, Pouliot, ditto 301 WEIGHT ind VALUE of GOLD and SILVER COINS Current in the Province, in Currency^ and Livres and 6'o/i. GOLD. CoiKS. Engiijbf Fortugurfe O American. •Sovereign •Half do. A Guinea AH^If dok A Third do, A Juiiannes A Half do. A Moid ore An Eagle A Haf do. Spar.ijh and Ftencb, A Doub'oon A Half do. A Louis D*G»", co- ined before 179 A Piftoir, do. do. The 40 francs, 7 ;o- ) >3-S Weiiiht. ■wtf.gr . 5 2:; Currency. i^Id Currency 2 5 2 I i3 9 6 1 1 5 »7 8 5 4 8 4 ]3i 6 15 18 o o ]8 6 IS coined fince 179 The 20 fiancSf SILVER Coins. A Crown An Engliih Shilling A Dollar A PiiUreen A Fr.Crown coin- } ed before 1793. J AFr. piece of 4liv 7 10 so)s Tournoisy \ The American Dollar The 6 francs French piece coined Hnce 1792, The f francs do. do. O 12 4 4 6 3 I I o I o o 4 2 I Z I 3 o o o o i. 2 1] 3 II 7 o o 10 10 5 J4 i7 2 18 16 18 5 X 5 X 5 4 5 5 2§ 4 8 9i o o o o o 6 3 8 3 2 6 o o o o 6 4 « 26 13 28 14 9 96 48 36 60 30 ^9 H 27 21 6 I 6 I 6 S 6 13 16 o o 6f o o o o o 8 H 4 18 12 6 o 4 12 •Value In sterling, bat not fixed by law, and in current value, like all other English gold and silyer, now yary- HJg according to the rate of Exchange. ' i ifi:;i| -i! ;(: «■ i; I'l H t 204 All the different denominations of the above Colni pafs current. Two pence farthing is allowed for every grain underor over weijiht, on Englifii, Portuguefe and AfTierican Gold j and Tiuo pence and one fifth ox\ Spa- nirti and French. — Payments in Gold above yfio, may be made in bulk j Engl'xjhy Portttguefe and ./imerican at 895. per ox ; French an.i Spanijh at 87/82 J deducing talf a grain for each piece. :t I ft Rates of Foreign Coins and Currencies in the U Pound Sterling of Great Britain, Livre tournois of France, Florin, or guilder, of the Netherlands, Marc banco of Hamburg, Rix dollar of Denmark, Rial of Plata of Spain, Do. ofB«llon, Milree of Portugal, - _ . Pound Sterling of Ireland, Talc of China, - - _ - Pagoda of India, - - - - Rupee of Bengal, - _ - n the U • States •liars. Cents. 4 44 18^ 40 33^ 1 10 5 1 24 4 10 1 48 1 94 551^ A Table of the Weight and Value of Foreign Coins. French Louis, .lohannes, - - Moid ore, - - Doubloon, - - Spanish Pistole, French Pi.stole, French Crown, Spanish Dollar, Pistareen, - - dvvt .gr. 5 5 18 6 18 16 21 4 6 4 4 19 17 3 11 L. s. d. E. d. ct. ni. 1 ; 4 60 O 3 12 17 3 6 16 6 16 5 4 6 lOj 1 6 6 4 3 3 1 1 93 77 66 O 3 3 7 10 20 205 It Colni or every lefe and on Spa- zo, may erican ac edutVing XJ- States Cents. 44 18i 40 33i 10 5 24 10 48 94 55^ rw Coins* id States ct. m. 60 93 5 77 3 66 7 10 20 and ma] of the Fradtion. 9o titrn any ghveti Currency into any Currency re^uirt'H, Rule I. Let the value of the Spanifli Dollar be ex- prefl'ed in Shillings, or Pence, in each of the Cur- rencies, writing them in form of a Fradtion, king the \ '^"^^^^^^ I Currency the Numerator Denominator ^ Reduce this Fradion to its leaji terms, and it will ferve as a conftant Multiplier, by which any fum of tht gi'ven Currency being Multiplied, it will be con- verted into the Currency required, N. B. When the Fradlion is not an improper one the Multiplier will becoir.e a Divifor. ExAMP. To form a rule for changing Sterling at 4/6. pr. Dollar into New- York at 8/. pr. Dollar. Here StetUng is given, and York required: The Dollar 5 York is S/, or 96 Pence Numerator, ( Sterling 4/6. or 54 Pence Denominator. Therefore |-|. is the Multiplier fought, which reduced to its leaft terms becomes '^ or i-J, therefore if Sterling be multiplied by i6 and divided by 9 the refult will be York, thus. '^ is the fame as 2 into f , but ■§• is the fame as i lefs ^, therefore 2 into |- is equal to 2 into I lefs ^, which is that Rule, exprt f- fed (horter thus, '^=2x.|=2xi^. 5 Currency or Halifax, add -9 add >27 t-io 1.28 1-14 army in To turn fterling into ^ ";"""" ** l Army, Currency into S S^^l'^g' ' ( Army pa^. Army pay into \ ^terling, ' *^ ' ( Currency, A Half Joe is^^i 16 ofterl. 2 o AGuinea is i i o 13 A Dollar is o 4 6 05 dedudt deduct dedudt add ocur. I 17 4 4 " » 9 o 048 I 506 TABLE oriNTimiT at 6 per Cent. TABLE d'Intjcreti a 6 par Cent* 'f iWeeki Mmth 3 Mon. ,6 Mon. 1 Ycai s. ii.q» s» d* c.j J. d» q» \t d* q. «. d, f ,|o 000 00 000 01 003 1 000 010 03 I a • M Mm 3° 000 020 10 a 13 40 000 a II a 3 s\o I 3 I 3 03a •4 6|o I I a o'o 41 SB 70 I I I a a 5 wv 80 002 I I a 3 52 90 002 I a 300 61 100 002 I 3 3 ao 70 .|o I 010 3 * 7 I a a;o £ a I 7 I ft a 4 3C 3 3 a 10 3 1 9 a 3 7 • 4;o I «> 4 3 I a I 2 42490 5;° I 2 060 I 6 3 00600 o 60 I 3 070 I 9 2 3 70720 a* 70 a 8 I 2 I 4 a 8 4 80 t a I 092 a 4 3 4 9 a 9 7 90 a 2 10 3 a 8 I 5 4 a 10 9 lo'o 3 I or 3 6 la /. t* it, /. s. d» /. s, d» /• s, d, I. 1* d. • ao 060 20 6 la I 4 30 090 30 9 18 I 16 2 P O 40 100 40 12 I 4 a 8 50 130 50 15 I 10 300 a. » - 60 160 60 18 I 16 3 la o 70 190 70 I I a 2 440 m t. H 800 a 80 I 4 c a 8 4 16 90iO 230 90 I 7 c ) 2 14 580 H icolo a 6 10 I 10 c > 3 00 600 lOCG I 3 • 500 '5 c )bo 60 ^oads and Difiances From thence to the Fork? % i!." '"""»• - From ,h,nce ,„ th Cr« 'L'^"'^^'>k,. . F^■m ihence to Freder ck o„ ' " " ' F;"-" thence ,0 St. jX'''' " " • • . I To Montreal J° Coteau du Lac }^^ ^oinwaJJ To Matilda Jo Au.ufta J To Y,;^/^ To Fort Erie To Detroit To Michiiimackinack J '•"Hand, ^^'pron, .^.'''-^S'" a scot, I^he Lines, . Lin en, JJ^^^erhiJI, ^ 30 30 30 16 22 18 «3 '9 35 30 III 146 2l8 364 \^: if nif K 20R ; : From ^ehec to Albany, From Quebec to Montreal To Laprairie « St* Jiihn's • Ifle aux No'ix Windmill Point Savages Point John Mirtin*8 tSandbar Burlington Dr. Smith*s Skeenfborough • Fort Ann »Sandy-Hill Fort> Edward Dumont*s ferty Enlign*s iStillwatcr Waterford fla'ts Albany From Albany to Savannah, (Georgia,) To New-York, Philadelphia, Annapolis (Maryland) Williamlburg, (Virginia) Cape. Fear River, (N. C.) Charlefton, (S. C.) Savannah, (Georgia) 180 From Albany to Bojion* To Pittsfield, Northampton, Worcerter, Bofton, tf H >4 1% 6 € '4 14 89 70 % IX 10 ft 1ft 8 6 10 7 5 150 4IV la,) 165 95 260 140 400 161 561 185 746 150 896 290 1816 37 40 77 56 133 44 177 S09 * A '^^pLEof nutancei in the Rrir a * Nortk America, to whch /7//7 '''^ ^ovincei of through the Pou Uic^, tTn'"''"^ ^' conveJu for a 91,1 n/^ t A? it/*'»; untu the ratft .,r ,.•'*• -^^LLl^^^tler in Huiy'ax Currencijf '^"^^ I< V< I > n ■ Halifax to Qdebec, ^^' Ann, Three itiverg, «'verd(, Loup, Berthur& W. Henry 1 "i«^au du Lac, J-ancasier, CornivaJj, ^latrida, •Prescott, iJrockviile, ^ananoquej JiaJl), Nap;inee Uilh, ^/iolphustovvn. «alioweiJ, JViurray, iielvilie, Cramahe, Cobour^r, J^'ejlson, ■Dundas, Grinisbv, St. Caiherinc, Nragara, y^t'enston, •i^ur/'ord, Oxford, yelau'are, Amherstbur^h, ^ndwicb, • VTltorfa. !'/• 11/ I 220 M m Port Talbot, 1 1359 1 3 K p Raleigh, k • — k N. B.— The posta 1 cxceedi 1 1427 1 3 2 1 ge tor any distance under, ng 6l» Mile 9d 7d 4ici 4^d 4^d ■ 1 h , 216 12C 105 83 53 30 18 Stanptead Wh UUEBEC. H, i ■ 1 Is2 327 for postage. Brockville. * ! I '■ t h • 1 ls2 363 ls2 373 4id 26 Bast! ird. 4^d 46 4^d 20 Perth. . 4 _____ _,___ 50 ■. ! ls4 1 4C3 7d 76 4id ! 50 Richmon ^. . m ' 1 311 From Miles Pottaffe (rate of) QuKBEC to Montreal 180 9d St. Eustache 201 11 St. Andrews 222 U Grenville 233 11 Hull 293 11 Richmond 302 ls2 Quebec to Montreal 180 9d Chambly 195 11 St. John's 207 11 Isle aiix Noix 219 11 Fhilipsburg 230 11 In order to find the distance from any placet in the foregoing Table and List, to another, deduct the smal- ler from the larjjer number of miles, and the product gives the distance •.—thus, do you want toknov.* how far it is from York to Coteau du Lac, by the main road ; de- duct 951 from 12.33, and there remain 322 miles, the true distance; or, if it be a Cross Road, and you want to know how fu*- it is from York to another place nam- ed,— say to Ralei'^li ; see how far York is from Halifax (by the List that is given) and how for Raleii^fi is from Halifax, — deduct 1253 fro.n 1427 and the result is 174 miles, the true distance from York to Raleigh. As these Tables and Lists are taken from those used in the Post Office, it must be presumed they are as cor- rect as the present state of the country will admit of. lit I 213 ■In' I ■* ) 1 ■ «■ If- B ; : ■ ■ i: 1 i'" ■ :i:i TABLE of the Latitudei and Longitudes 9/' the Jldlotving Places^ reckoned Jrom Greenwich. Places. Nurlh Latitude. Quebec, \Jontreal, Sandwich. Port I'albot, Vittoria, Ft»rt Erie, Fort George f K'yagaraJ York, Port Hope, Point Charles f Rice Lake) Cobourg Presqu'Isle Bav Bellville, Rath, Kingston, Perth, Frank Town, Richmond, Mouth of thel River Rideau.J Garmanuquel River, J Brockville, Prescott, rhry*«lcrs'sFarm Cornwall, Pu au fiaudet (the boundary iinej Deg 16 45 42 42 42 42 4.3 43 13 44 44 44 44 44 45 45 45 44 44 44 45 M. 55 30 20 39 45 52 S ( IC 59 19 2C 43 17 37 58 56 West I Ucmarks. Longitude. | ^ Deg M. 71 10 22 73 83 81 SO 79 9 24 37 8 10 79 0|78 36 32 32 55 11 13 14 51 10 24 0,78 1077 10,77 1676 1776 12 76 76 75 75 34 41 53 1 30 75 75 75 74 51 40 16 54 S. 30 8 5 16 79 16 44 9 45,78 19 45 Determinecj by Optain Owen, R.N. 20 -'54 35 56 42 26 14 — 55 — 53 44 24 76 19 The whole of o'lhtse talcu- O'lation!>, (ex- — cepting the one relative to Pi. Char- ges on the Rice Lake) are mean or 30 45 13 36 74 29 15 a number made in the years 1 81 2, M3,'14&'15 (Signed) J.G.CUEWET* 213 TABLE OF DUTIES Payable at the Port of Quebec, WINE— In Wood, from the U. Kingdom, Madeira, per tun, French, ditto. All other wines, do. And further on all Wines, (I) per cent, —In bottles— if bottled in the United Kingdom, the same dut/ as wine in wood, —But not bottled in the U. Kingdom an additional duty (2) per tuti. And for every dozen of bottles (2) —In wood from Gibraltar or Malta, the same duty as Wine in wood from the United Kingdom, In bottles— the same duty as Wine in bottles from place of growth, —From place of growth, '.a wood, Maoeira, per tu All other Wint..^ do. And further (1) per cent. In bottles, a further duty (2) per tun. And for every dozen of bottles (2) SPIRITS,- From the United Kindgomor the British Colonies, Brandy, (foreign) per gallon. Stg. £s.d. 10 10 7 10 7 7 10 1 1 1 Geneva, " do. " do. ' Cordials, do. do. Rum, do. do. 1 Rum, B. P. do. Whisliey, (British) do. Do. (Foreign) do. 1 Molasses, (3) per gallon, And fu ther percent 3 Do. B, P. (3) per g;aHon —From place of growih. Brandy, and all spirits per gallon, 13 COFF£E,^From the United Kingdom, _ From the British Colonies, per cwt. 7 If Foreign, an additional duty, do. 5 COCOA,— Foreign, do. 5 B. P. do. SUGAR,— Refined, British or Colonial, Do. Foreign (1) per cent, 20 Q Muscovado, B. P. B«. if Fer«4gn,p«rcwt. SO 00 00 10 7 1 p. gal. Cry. £t d. 9 6 015 per lb. prcuA per lb. 09 06 06 6 05 06 2 2 10 « I 1 I f I' ' t I ; I i 814 Xi.d. Oi PIMENrO.— B. P.rrontbeCoItniet,pcr lb. From thfi United Kingdom, tZAB,— U\son, fiolua. All other flort«, TOBACCO,— British manufactured, Foreign, do. (1) percent, Lc«f, (1) iBKOFF,— British Manufactured, Forein., 'D CLAYING C A Ii_»S.— British, •ALT,-(i) All other good*, ttrares ormrrchandize, (5) And upon certain goodi), wares or merchaii. diae, t)eiri|^ of Foreign produce or manufaciure, (6) FLOUR,— of W heat, per l>arrel 196 lbs. f >f Meal iiot ntac^efrom wheat, BISCUIT, or Bread, per cwt. "WHEAT, per bushel, PEASE, Bean?i, Rye, CaUvancef,0at8,'l Barley oi Indian Corn, (7) J BICE, per 10() ll)s. BEEF jfcl Salted, (including Ham and rOHK \ Bacon,) per cwt. LUMBER, Sundry articles of, ft not likely to be imported at Quebec, are here orottted, (6 Geo. 4, c 114, Sec- 9 ) ALABASTER, Anchovies, Atgo, An. v nisted. Amber, Almonds. jiRIMSi'ONE, Botargo, Boxwood, CURRANTS, I'j.pirs, Caicasoo, Lanthari. des. Coral, Cumminbced, Cork, Cin. naba. Dates. IBSSENCE of Bergamot, Li.'mon, Roses, Citron, Qranijes, Laverdur, Rot^e- mary. Emery Stone, Kl^IT,— (f^) tiry preserved in Sugar, wet presorvediu Brandy, Figs. Cum,--Ardiiic, Mabtic, filynh, Sicily, Amnioni>tc, xlF.MP, HoueN, jAl.Vi*, Jutii|< r Borrie», fiON in barx, Fig Iron, Incense of Frai>k. incense, IfAVA 4( MaUa stone f»r building, Lenti's, MABBI'l^t rough & worked, Moiaic work, Nedalff, Mufk* MAcaroni* ' imffaUlttndf, pr. lb p. CUft pr. lb 20 00 15 U 15 pr.pk perm p. cwt 12 7 e ies.'««bIe (3) Molasses if imnor/ I^'^' *""t'cle. '^^'^^ »» «very cai« <") Upon .SWfc~,!;?'Ko'^^'«>«'f«r.h°.'u*i :n i 216 U . It li ! III ! i < f ' I iuty of fl per cent/tbat duty ii payable under the Provincial law, but Its amount is deducted from ttie payment made under tbeft Geo. 4, cap. 114>. (7) A tor.nflgedutyof 4« sterling, per tun from the ihipe, and 10|>cr cent upon the amount of dutif ton the good* im^torted la chargeable by order in Council, under certain conditiuna, which prcacnt only apyly to ^e ihipaoT the United Statei. riN I& e Provinclai made under he ihipe, and [)d* innported I conditiona, IStatei. P ^^ A ^ ■/i--^^ M ,4! /)■ ii- m ' < : • r ' V .■ y - ' / ^^ ^ -c^ # '■ / ^^•/ '^ft-^it-,^, «§•