IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) V // *,^ % ^, M> In placii AND City the Compi honor whi( fellow cit of his form It is alv? Men, and useful, ha undertake been none the Quebe the absen( former pul In subn the Comp List upwa For am Volume : naturedly the nature stances b( In fine, ordinary entirely t* The Co Joseph H assistance accorded To the also begs agement stowed u June 1 INTRODUCTORY ADDRESS. In placing the second Volume of his " Quebec Directorv, AND City and Commercial Register" before the Public, the Compiler desires to acknowledge his deep sense of the honor which has been repeatedly conferred upon him by his fellow citizens in their acknowledgement and approbation of his former publications relating to this renowned City. It is always gratifying to receive the approval of ones fellow Men, and the hope that the present production will at least be useful, has been the chief inducement of the Compiler to undertake the task ; for sooth, to say, the profits have as yet been none — not, be it understood, for w^ant of the patronage of the Quebec Public for that has been most generous, but from the absence of honorable conduct in those connected with former publications, in whom he had placed confidence. In submitting his design of publishing the present Volume, the Compiler is proud to say, that in filling his subscription List upw^ards of 800 names were placed upon it in a few days; For any errors or omissions that may be observed in the Volume : he has only to say, that he trusts they will be good naturedly overlooked, for indeed their are few publications of the nature of the present one, which can under a,ny circum- stances be entirely correct. In fine, the compilation of the work has been a task of no ordinary labour, more especially as it has been confined entirely to the exertions of the compiler himself. The Compiler desires to acknowledge his many obligations to Joseph Hamel, Esquire, City Surveyor, for the very valuable assistance he has at all times most readily and willingly accorded to him on former as well as on the present occasion. To the Mayor and Corporation of the City, the Compiler also begs to return his best thanks for the unanimous encour- agement which has been frequently and unreservedly be- stowed upon him. ALFRED HAWKINS, Mount Pleasant, Quebec. June 1, 1847, V-A, The J,' I- I. !> ^m. ALPllED HAWKINS, AUTHOR AND PUBLISHER OF The Quebec. Directory^ and City aiid Commercial Register* Historical Recollections of Quebec. Straiigers^ Guide to Quebec and its Environs. Plan of the Battle of Quebec in 1759, splendidly Engraved on Steel, with an exquisite copy of West's celebrated Painting of the Death of Wolfe, Landing of the Troops, &c. The Official Plan of the City of Quebec, and Map of the Environs — Mounted, or Bound in Pocket Form. Intelligent Visitors will find every information relating to the City, &.c. at the residence of the Author, Wolfe Cottage, Mount Pleasant, Quebec. « Quel The Rigl dine rica- Adenda. Alphabet Appointn Advertise Ami( Ardc Ardo Ash\ Balzi Bick lirow Ch'fK Gary Case Daw; Diml Graci Hard Henc IrvirK Kane Knigl Olive Pratt Russt Sauri Sinclj Arrivals, i Arrivals, J Arrival, oJ Assurance Boundariei matio Street By-Law t do l( I QUEBEC DIRECTORY. Vll TABLE OF CONTENTS. Quebec Directory— City and Commercial Kegister, 1847-8. Pages. The Right Honorable the Earl of Elgin and Kincar- dine, Governor General of British North Ame- rica — and Staff 49 Adenda. . . (See) xi Alphabetical List of Merchants, Traders, &c 151 to 189 Appointments, &c. since^ the work has been at Press, K Advertisements of Amiot, Thomas Advocate^ uigent, Sfc Ardouin & Son Watch MakerSy Ardouin, G. Germain . . Chemist and Di'uggist, Ashworth, & Co Hats and Caps^ Balzaretti Auctioneer and Broker, Bickel China, Gtass^ fyc. Brown . . Clothing Store^ Clifton, H Caledonia Springs, Gary, T & Co Stationers, fyc. Casey, Dry Goods Merchant, Dawson, Wm Shipping Surveyor, Sfc, Dunlevey, Dy. P. Surveyor, Grace, Confectioner, Sfc, f lardie, Paints and Oils, Henderson & Co Hatter and Furrier, Irvine Fire Assurance Agent, Kane * Tin and Copper Smith, Knight Merchant Tailor, Oliver Floating Dock, Pratt Brothers Merchants, Russell, Willis Albion Hotel, Saurin J J . .- Carriage Builder, Sinclair Stationer, Sfc 191 204 Arrivals, first from Sea since the Conquest 73 75 Arrivals, first of Steamers from Montreal since 1812, 75 76 Arrival, of English Mails from. 1840 to 1847 77 Assurance Companies 145 146 Boundaries, of the City as declared by Royal Procla- mation of 1792, with names and length of each Street in the City— Wards, &c 1 6 By-Law to prevent fires, Enacted after the Confla- gration of 28th May, 1845 23 25 do to enforce whitewashing, &c. of wooden Buildings, &c 25 Viil ' QUEBEC DIRECTORY. PAGES. By-Law to provide for the construction of Houses after the 2n(l couliagration, 28th June, 1845, 26 28 do Market regulations, — duties of Clerks of Markets 28 34 do regulating Butchers Stalls and Slaughter Houses 34 36 do do Beaches and Landing places. .. . 36 33 do do Taritr of wharfage &c., St. Paul's Market 38 41 do do Stands for Carriages Cabs and other Vehicles 41 42 Board of Trade and Merchants' Tariff 67 71 Benevolent Listitutions 129 132 Banking Establishments 141 145 British North American Electric Telegraph Associ- ation ' 147 Board of Health, — Committee 147 City Counsellors and Officers of the Corporation. . . 7 9 Colonial Possessions of England 48 49 do Precedency and Colonial uniforms 45 46 do Governors and Administrators of Canada from 1G63 to 1847 46 47 Civil and Criminal Terms of Courts, — Judges, &c. 54 58 Clerge Caiholique du Diocese de Quebec — Semi- naires, Colleges Convents et Hopitales 116 124 Clergy, Protestant in the Diocese of Quebec 122 128 Canada Population of, according to origin 118 Customs — Officers of 66 Cullers, Supervisor's Ofdce and List of Licensed Cullers 78 79 D'.ities on imports into Canada 85 95 Exports from Canada by sea (exclusive of Timber). 84 do do do of Timber 84 Fire Companies, — Fire Department, officers of 9 Her Majestys Ministers — British Premiers from 1762 44 Heads of Military Departments and Regiments in Quebec, May 1847 53 Hotels 150 Justices of the Peace, Advocates and Notaries.... 59 61 Imports into Canada by sea, from 1838 to 1846 in- clusive 83 Legal tender of Coins 96 98 Light Houses and Notice to Mariners 109 111 Lunatic Asylum (Beau port) Commissioners, &c. Rules oi" Admission for Patients 132 133 QUEBEC DIRECTORY, ix 34 36 33 41 42 71 7 9 ^ 49 5 46 B 47 1 58 6 124 2 128 118 66 3 79 3 95 84 84 9 44 53 9 61 83 6 98 ) 111 2 333 PAGES. Lodge ^ rtof Free Gardeners 138 List of W harfs and Timber Coves 71 72 Municipal regulations and taxes 10 23 Militia Staff. 53 Money Tables — Currency &. Sterling, Silver Dol- 1 larat 5s Id— Currency at 24s 4d per £ Sterling > 99 103 Discount — Interest and Time Tables 3 Marine hnd Emigrant Hospital 132 Medical Practitioners 133 Masonic Lodges 134 Merchants, Traders, &c. &c 151 189 Naval Surveying Service — Tides from Bic to Quebec 112 National Societies 135 138 Odd Fellows Lodges . . . '. 133 Provincial Legislature, Executive and Legislative Councils, Members of the Assembly 49 50 Pro.visision Depots for Shipwrecked Mariners Ill 112 Post Office— Arrival and Departure of tl^j Mails, &C.113 116 Quebec Literary and Historical Society 139 140 '* Library Association 140 141 " Turf Club— Stewards for 1847 144 " Gas Company — Directors 144 " Bar Association .* 146 *^ Agricultural Society 146 " Tinnpike Roads, — Trustees 146 " Cap Rouge Omnibus, — time of starting. . . 1 47 " Forwarding Company 147 Registrars of the Districts of Quebec and Gaspe. . . 118 Royal Family of England 43 Statement of Lumber measured, 1844, 5 and 6 79 Stock of Lumber in the Port of Quebec, 1 Dec. 1846 with. a comparative statement for the last 6 years, 80 Statement of Vessels and Tonnage at Quebec for the last 46 years 81 82 Do do do at Montreal for the last 15 years 82 Ships launched at Quebec May 1847 112 Steam Boat Arrangements 148 149 Table of Fees in the Inferior Term 62 66 Trinity House — Wardens — Branch Pilots — Rates of Pilotage 104 108 Variation of the Compass established by Capt. Bay- field, R. N 1 12 (iUEBEC DIRECTORY. APPOINTMENTS, SINCE THE WORK HAS BEEN AT PRESS. f From the Canada Gazette. 2ith Api% 1847. The Honorable Jean Roch Rolland to be Chief Justice for tlie District of Montreal, The Honorable James Smith to be one of the Justices of Her Majest} 's Court of Queen's Bench for the District of Montreal. William Badglev, Escjuire to be Attorney General, for that part of the Prcjvince of Canada, iieretofore Lower Canada, and to be a member of the Honorable Executive Council. 22nd May. John McDonald, Esquire to be Receiver General of the Province of Canada, in the place of the Honorable William Morris, resigned, and to be a Member of the Honorable Executive Council. John Joseph, Esquire, to be Clerk of the Honorable Execu- tive Council. Etienxk Parent and Edward Allen Meredith, Esquires, to be Assistant {Secretaries of the Province. John Hilliar Cameron, Esquire, to be a Member of the Honorable Executive Council. Joseph Andre Tachereau, Esquire, to Ixj Circuit Judge. 21th May. Hamnet Pinhev and James Ferrier, Esquires, to be Mem- bers of the Honorable Legislative Council. 29f/i May, Henry Sherwood, Esquire, to be Her Majesty's Attorney General, in and tor that part of the Province formerly U.pper Canada, and to be a Memb<'r of the Honorable Executive Council. 2\st May. The Honouable Peter McGill to be Speaker of the Legislative Council in the ))lace of the Honorable R. E. Caron, and also to be a Member of Her Majesty's Executive Council. Roderk'k Matheson of Perth, Esquire, to be a Member of the Honorable Legislative Council. \st June. Charles Joseph Chaussep.ros DeLpIrv, Esquire, to be Clerk ot^the Honorable Legislative Council, in the place of James Fitzgibbon, Esi]uire. June 4,— Geo. S. Uoulton, Esq. to be Legislative Councillor. QUEBBC dirkctohy. XI ADEND A. Campbell, John Ship Chandler, St Peter street Colley, G E St Peter street Gahan, Thomas Lumber Merchant, 185 Cap Blanc Gait, Robert ( Dated at 0] That the the City ar or promont County of ' Charles, b( easterly fro continued f of Quebec into two pa the Upper ' all that par low th© Hi Qi^e®®® ©s^©e3^C)i^^5) 1847- 8. TIHIi ©HTY ©F @yiEii©a EXTRACT From the Proclamation of Alured Clarke, Esquiie, Lieutenant Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Lower Canada, dividing the Province of Lower Canada into Counties, Cities and Towns, Dated at the Castle of St. Ijevvis, in the City of Quebec, on the 7th day of May, 1792, 32d Geo. IIL That the first of the said Cities to be called (as heretofore.) the City and Town of Quebec, shall comprehend all that tract or promontory of land (being part and parcel of the aforesaid County of Quebec,) between the Rivers St Lawrence and St. Charles, bounded in the rear by a right line running along the easterly front of the Convent called the General Hospital, and continued from River to River, and that the said City and Town of Quebec be, and the same is hereby declared to be divided into two parts, to be called respectively the Lower Town and the Upper Town ; and the said Lower Town shall comprehend all that part of the said tract or promontory of land situate be- low the Hill called Cape Diamond and the fortifications and s QUEBEC DIRECTORY. high ground beyond them, including both sides of the road passing the Intendant's Palace and St. Roch, until the said road shall meet the above mentioned rear line continued from the easterly front of the General Hospital aforesaid, together with the ground upon Mountain Street on the easterly side thereof as high as the ground of the Bishop's Palace, not including the same, and on the westerly side of Mountain Street as high as the Alley leading to the old Chateau of St. Lewis, from the head of the steps opposite to the gate of the said Bishop's Palace ; and that the said Upper Town shall comprehend all the rest of the said tract or promontory of land within the limits above described for the City of Quebec. I By the Seventh Section of an Ordinance passed in Spe- cial Council in the City of Montreal, bearing date the 25th day of June, in the 4th year of the Keign of Our Sovereign Lady Victoria, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c. &c. and in the year of Our Lord, 1840 — The City of Quebec was divided into six Wards, called res- pectively, St. Lewis' Ward, Palace Ward, St. Peter's Ward, Champlaiu Ward, St. Roch's Ward and St. John's Ward. The boundaries and limits of the said six Wards of the City are as follows : 1. — Saint Lewis' Ward shall comprise all that part of the Upper Town, within the Fortifications, and South of a line drawn from Prescott Gate to St. John's Gate, along the middle of Mountain Street, Buade Street, Fabrique Street, and Saint John Street. 2. — Palace Ward shall comprise all that part of the Upper Town, within the Fortilications, and not included in Saint Lewis' Ward. 3. — Saint Peter's Ward shall comprise all that part of the Lower Town, bounded on the south by a line drawn down the middle of Scus-le-Fort Street, and prolonged in the same di- rection to the river Saint Ijawrence at the one end, and to the QUEBEC DlkECTOHV. , 3 Cliff under the Castle of Saint Lewis at the other, and on the west by the eastern limit of the Parish of Saint Roch. 4. — Champlain Ward shall comprise all that part of the Lower Town lying between Saint Peter's Ward and the limits of the said City. 5. — Saint Roches Ward shall comprise all that part of the Parish of Saint Roch which lies within the limits of the said City of Quebec. 6. — Saint John's Ward shall comprise all that space bound- ed by Saint Roch's Ward, the Fortifications, the limits of the said City, and the Cime du Cap on the bank of the Saint Lawrence. .' •:■'«, i^UEBEC DIRECTORY. NAMES OF THE STREETS IN THE CITY OF QUEBEC, WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE DISTANCES IN FRENCH FEET. Grand Total, 160,492 French, or 171,044 English feet ; equal to 10 leagues 51 arpents 6 perches and 4 feet ; or 32 miles 31 chains 57 links. — 4954 Frenc^h feet = 5280 English feet = 1 English mile ; also, THE DIFFERENT WARDS OF THE CITY. ST. LEWIS WARD. ♦ tJuade Street, Dauphine D'Auteuil .. Des Carriercs Des Grisons.. *Fabrique . . Fort Garden Haldimand .. 1-ia Port Mount Carmel Parloir St. Angel .. St. Anne 1251 x 821 St Douis_6U9 X 144 St Francis . . St Genevieve ♦St .Tolin .. St. Louis *St. Stanislaus St. Ilrsule .. St. Ursulf Lane, Treasure t^trcot, PALACE WARD. Arsenal Street^ *Buade Carleton Casernes Collins FEET. PALACE WARD. 282 600 1326 686 404 300, 381.1 909 246 415 528 282 394 2072 753 l'')4 922 540 1403 425 J 466 146 518 15152 FEET. 271 281 203 175 176 Oouillard D'Aiguillon .. D'Auteuil .. Des Anges .. ♦Fabrique . . Laval Palace Parloir i Rampart St. Angel .. ;St. Famille .. St. Flavicn . . St Francis . . St. George . . St. Helen St. Joachim . . *St. John .. St. Joseph . . St. Vlonique.. *St Stanislaus Union ST. Peter's ward. Ancient Chantier Arthur Street, Bell's Lane, Canoterie, Cote des Chiens, Cote du Palais, Dalhousie Street, FEET. 477 470 194 213 300 280 612 120 1700 395 720 489 495 521 517 223 540 556 188 336 127 10619 FEET. 251 700 205 750 271 250 199 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. ST. Peter's ward. FEET. 1 ST. roch's ward. 1 FEET. Dps Bains 120 A ndcrson 267 Des Soeurs 800 Anne 55 Henderson 510 Aracro 500 J. B F. Lane, 205 Belair 183 La Croix 251 Caron 1500 Leadenhall C45 Colomb 70O La Place 97 Craig 1665 Market GO Crown 2051 Morrison's Lane, 180 Del'Eglise .. 877 Mountain Street, 787 Dalhousie 280 Notre Dame . . 459 De 1 1 Reine . . 2840 Porch 200, Des Dragons . . 250 Ramsay 720, Dos Fosses 1880 Sault au-Matelot 780 Des Prairies . . 950 ♦Sous-le-Fort .. , 237 Dorchester 3-246 St Antoine 308 Des Commissaires 125'2 St. Charles .. 800 Du Roi 2833 St. James 520 Fleuric 1980 St. Nicholas . . 191 Fontaine 120 S(. Paal 3074 Grant Street . . 1800 St. Peter 1400 Hudon 126 St. Thomas . . 300 Jerome 400 St. Valuer . . Gfil Jesuit 255 Union 21G Laberge Lane, 272 1 Massue 280 1594G Nelson Notre Dame des Anges 250 1412 CIIAMPLAIN WARD, FEET. Octave 431 Panet Pozer 280 120 Champlain Street, Culde Sac 7803 80G PrinceEdward.. Richardson 1709 2571 Mariners' Lane 80 ^^y'^i"^ . 490 Phillip's .. ' Provision Store, QQ fet Antoine og St Dominique.. 1234 1558 Smith 30 bt bran^ois .. 2840 ♦Sous-le-Fort Street, c/v/ 234 St Gabriel . . 1243 / St Genevieve Road, St Helen Street, 980 9069, 650 St .Joseph 3512 St Magdaleine. . 246 ST. roch's ward. FEET, St Marguerite.. 1880 St. Ours St Pierre CHotel-Dieu,) 2243 1 400 Alexander Street, 210 St. Pierre ' .. 129 Alfred 300, St. Roch . . 1 1458 6 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. ST. ROCII S WARD. St. Jacques St. Joachim ^■*St. Vallier Smith Stewart T urge on Voltigeurs Water ST. John's ward. Artillery Street, Beriholot Bu.*,on Coteau St, Genevieve Coted'Alirah.m, Claire Fontaine Street, D'Aicruillon D'Aitiirny Delisny De Salaberry Glacis (i 6te a Coton) Grande Allee Street, Jupiter Lachevrotierre . . Latourello FEET. 267 300 37-2G 460 340 422 265 50040 FEET. 1550 655 141 360 421 J 690 2930 784 1100 1720 1182 4601) 302 860 1120 ST. JOHX'S WARD. Nouvelle Prevost Plesfiis Richelieu Richmond Richmond (petit) Scott St. Amable St. Augustin ,St. Claire St Croix St Eustache St. Francis St. Gabriel St. Genevieve St GcorVe St. Jacques 'St Joachim *St John St. Joseph St. Julie St. Marie St. Michael St. Olivier St. Pierre St Simon Sutherland C. J. Stewart FEET. 1590 144 144 2443 1050 200 1440 840 2250 710 700 1300 425 940 1110 920 420 1262 4128 260 713 834 573 2430 424 40 832 360 48025 The Streets marked * are the division lines of the Wards. ->^ :Jl »t'HHmtUf:<' QUEBEC DIRECTORY. NAMES OF THE COUNCIL, AND OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION OF QUEBEC, NOMS DES CONSEILLERS ET Des Officiers de la Corporation de Qutbec, .18 47. CITY GOUNCIL-CONSEIL DE VILLE. ■ il/at/or—MwVc— George Okill Stuart, Esquire. ^ ' Councillors — Conseillers. Bellean, Narcisse F. McLeod, John, O'Brien, William, Plamondon, Louis, Rousseau, Edouard, .Robitaille, Joseph, Rheaume, Jacques P. Tessier, U. Tourangeau, Jean, Wilson, John. Connolly, Michael, Dean, James, Doran, John, Gillespie, James, Guay, Germain, Hall, George, Lloyd, Thomas W. Maguire, John, McGie, Daniel, VitpvtQtntaiix)tQ of tlje IDifcrcnt toarJrs— tlcptescntatts . bts (Diffcrcns (fHuarticro. St. Lewis' Ward — Quartier St. Louis — Sluart, Wilson, Dean, St. Peter^s Ward — Quartier St. Pierre — Lloyd, Gillespie, Connolly, St. Roches Ward — Quartier St, Roch — Rheaume, Guay, Tou- rangeau, Rousseau, Palace Ward — Quartier du Palais — McLeod, McGie, Hall, S QUEBEC DIRECTORY. Champlain Ward^ Quarticr C/iampZain— O'Brien, Doran, iVIaguire, Saint John's Ward—Quartier St. Jean— Robitaille, Plamondon, Tessier, Belleau. Stmdins Committees— ComitesPermanens. Road^s—Chemins—BeWean, {Chairman, President,) Connolly, MagLiire, Rousseau, Hall, Wilson. Police— McLeod, (^Chairman, President,) Lloyd, Doran, Hobitailie, Gnay, Dean. Fire— Feu— Lloyd, {Chairman, President,) O'Brien, Wilson, Tessier, Hall, Rheaume. Finance— Finances — Dean, {Chairman, President^) McLeod, Doran, Gillespie, Tessier, Gua/- Markets and Stalls— Marches— Maguire, {Chairmajt, President,) Plamondon, Tourangeaii, Connolly, Dean, McGie. Public Health— Sante Publique — Rousseau, (C/mirman, Presi- dent,) O'Brien, Plamondon, Wilson, Connolly, McGie. Elections— O^Bnen, Robitaille, Lloyd, Hall, Wilson, Rheaume. By-Laws- Rcglemens — Maguire, Tessier, Guay, Belleau, Rheaume, McGie. Public Buildings— Edifices Publics — Gillespie, (Chairman, Pre- sident.) Tourangeau, Dean, McLeod, Belleau, Doran. Gas and Water Works— Gaz et Eau — Lloyd, {Chairman, Pre- sident,) Tessier, Maguire, McGie, Guay, Dean. Assessors— Cotiseurs. St. Lewis' Ward— Quarticr St. Louis, .... John Bradford, St, Pcter^s Ward — Quartier St. Pierre,. . . James Dinning, St. Roches Ward—Quartier St, Roch, Pierre Drolet, Palace Ward—Quartier du Palais, Duncan McCallum, Champlain Waj'd — Quartier Champlain... Jacques Blais, St. Johnh Ward — Quartier St. Jean, Jean Paquet. OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION -OFFICIERS DE LA CORPORATION. City Clerk— Greffier de la Cite, F. X. Garneau, City Treasu^-er—Tresorier de la Cite. . . Francis Austin, City Surveyor— Inspedeur de la Cite,.. Joseph Hamel, ^ '^ ^ ii*. QUEBEC DIRECTORY. ear Assistant to City Surveyor — Assistant Irispecteur de la Cite, Theophile Baillarge, City Collector — Percepteur de la Cite, Augustin Gauthier, fils, Inspector of Beaches — Inspecteur des Greves, Barthelemi Lafleur, Messenger — Messager, F. X Julien, Notary—Notaire, Charles Maxim e DeFoy. CLERKS OF MARKETS-INSPECTEURS DES MARCHES. Upper Town Market — Marche dela Haute-Ville, Thomas Atkins, Lower Town Do. — Do. Basse-Ville, Denis Murray, St.PauVs Do. — Do, St Paul, Aug. Gauthier. FIRE DEPARTMENT -DEPARTEMENT DU FEU. No. No. St. John Street, Rue St. Jean. iSl^P^'ur, ( Nicholas Wells, ^ Overseer of Sweeping and Collector, ) -n t- Surintendent desChtmitcees ] ^^^'^^^ Trudeau, St. Flavien Street, Palace Ward, Rue St. Flavien, Quartier du Palais, Captaios of the Fke Companies — Capilaines des Coinpagnies k Feu. Company — Compagnie. No. 1. William Baxter, 2. Regis Roy, Company — Compagnie. No. 5. David Robeson, 6. Chs. Cazeaii, Jn., 7. Jean Baptiste Bureau, 8. Michael Murphy, Sapper Company — Sapeurs, Charles Cazeau. Hose—Boyaux, William Clark. 3. John Houghton, 4. W. Ellis, POIilCE. Chief Constable — Chef- Const able, .... R. H. Russell. Station Houses — St. Peter Street, Cul-de-Sac, Parliament Build- ings, The Chateau, and Champlain Street. Postes de Police— Rue St. Pierre, Cul-de-Sac, Chambre d' As- ,. . semblee, le Chateau. < I. 'y:®'- m' : ■ I 10 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. MUNICIPAL REGULATIONS AND TAXES, CITY OF QUEBEC, DISTRICT OF QUEBEC to wU .* A BY-LAW To fix the day of the Special Meeting of the City ConncU, Section 1. — Whereas by the seventeenth clause of an Act of the Legislature of Canada passed in the Session, holden in the eighth year of Her present Majesty's Reign, intituled, *' An Act to amend the Ordinances incorporating the City of Quebec," it is enacted, " that the City Council of the City of Quebec shall and may meet for the dispatch of the business of the City at such fixed periods as shall be determined by a By-Law, and may adjourn from time to time to such day as they shall think fit, giving notice thereof to all the Councillors not present at the adjournment ; " Be it therefore ordained and enacted, that there shall be a Special Meeting of the said City Council every Friday, holidays (fetes d 'obligation) excepted, at the City Hall in the said City, at Seven o'clock of the after- noo; . Section H. — Be it further ordained and enacted, that the said City Council shall and may adjouin to such intervening days and hours as shall be fixed by the adjournment, and that notice thereof shall be given by the City Clerk to the Council- lors not present at the adjournment ; it is well understood however that the Special Meeting of the said Council fixed for the Friday shall take place notwithstanding such adjournment, unless the Council duly assembled shall have otherwise de- cided. At a Special Meeting of the Council of the City of Quebec, held at the City Hall, in the said City, on the Twenty-second day of May, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six — It is ordained and enacted by the said Council, and, the said Council doth hereby ordain and make the following BY-LAW To provide funds to meet the expenses of the City of Qv£bec. 1.— Whereas it is necessary to raise funds to enable the QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 11 Council of the City of Quebec to carry into execution the powers with which it is by law invested for the maintenance of a good and effective systenri of Police in this City and to meet the other expenses of the said City of Quebec, and for the gradual liquidation of the debt ; Be it therefore ordained and enacted, and the City Council of the City of Quebec doth by the present By-Law, ordain and enact, that the following annual rates, taxes and duties be and they are hereby imposed on the property, effects, or persons situate, being or residing within the limits of the said City of Quebec as hereinafter mentioned, and shall be raised and levied, each and every year, during the continuance of this By-Law, on the persons hereby made liable to pay the same. 2. — That there be imposed and levied on the proprietor or proprietors of any House, Building, Ground, lots of Ground, Wharves or other real property situate within the limits of the City of Quebec, a rate or tax of ten pence currency in the pound on the assessed annual value of such real property. 3. — That there be imposed and levied over and above the above rate or duty, on each and every person occupying either as proprietor or tenant any House, Building, Ground, lots of Ground, Wharves, or other real property situate within the limits of the City of Quebec, a late or tax of five pence cur- rency in the pound on the amount of the rent payable annually by such occupier. 4. — That the above rates or taxes shall not affect real pro- perty, the net annual value of which shall not exceed five pounds currency, nor such as is held and occupied by the Religious Community known by the name of the Hotei-Dieu of Quebec. 5. — That each and every person w^ho shall follow the trade or calling of a Carter, or who shall own or keep one or more Horses, Geldings or JVlares for hire, shall pay to the Road Treasurer of the City, to form part of the funds of the Corpo- ration, a duty or tax of ten shillings currency for a license, to be allowed by the Corporation, to exercise or carry on such trade or calling. 1« QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 6.— That there be imposed and levied on each and every person who shall follow the trade or calling of a Carter, or who shall own or keep one or more Horses, Geldings or Mares for hire, or for agricultural purposes only, within the limits of this City, a tax or duty of ten shillings currency, for each and every Horse, Gelding or Mare that such person shall own or keep as aforesaid. 7.— That there be imposed and levied upon each and every person, (save and except Carters and persons who keep horses for hire or for agricultural purposes), who shall own or keep one or more Horses, Geldings or Mares within the limits of this City, a tax or duty of twenty shillings currency for each and every such Horse, Gelding or Mare he shall own or keep as aforesaid. 8 — That there be imposed and levied upon every person (Carters and othevs who keep Horses or Vehicles for hire ex- cepted,) who shall own or keep and use for pleasure, within the limits of this City, any Carriage, Caleche, or other Vehicle of that description, the following taxes and duties, that is to say: on each any every such Carriage or Caleche having two wheels, twelve shillings and six pence currency — on each open or uncovered Carriage, having four wheels, one pound ten shillings currency— on each half covered Carriage, having four wheels, forty shillings currency — on each close o- full Carriage, having four wheals, sixty shillings currency — and on each and every winter carriage the sum of twenty shillings currency, when the owner or keeper thereof shall not have been already taxed a like or higher sum for summer carriage used for pleasure, in which case no tax shall be levied for a winter carriage. 9. — That there be imposed and levied a duty or tax of five shillings currency for each and every dog or bitch — the said tax or duty to be paid by the person owning or keeping the said dog or bitch. 10. — I'hat any person who shall own or keep, or who shall have owned or kept during two entire months between the first of January last, and the thirty-first of December next, or QUEBEC DIRECTORY. u between those tv/o days of any subsequent year, any horse, gelding, mare, carriage, caleche, or vehicle of that description, dog or bitch, subject and liable to the taxes or duties imposed by this By-Law, shall be liable to pay the said duties or taxes. 11. — That there be imposed on each and every person, or firm of persons, selling, trading or dealing in any Goods, Wares or Merchandize whatsoever, by wholesale, or by whole- sale and retail, within the limits of this City, or having therein an office, counting-house, warehouse, store or other premises, in which he or they may carry on any trade or dealing by wholesale or by wholesale and retail, and on each and every brewer of malt liquors dealing by wholesale or retail — a duty or tax of five pounds currency, when the annual rent of the premises occupied by him or them for the purposes of such business shall not exceed one hundred pounds, and when the said annual rent or value shall exceed one hundred pounds, a tax rr duty at the rate of five pounds currency, on every hundred pounds of the said annual rent or value. 12. — That there be imposed and levied on each and every person or firm of persons who shall own, or possess, occupy or keep any shop, store, counting-house, stand, bakery or other premises within the limits of this City, for the purpose of therein selling, or exposing, exhibiting or offering for sale, by retail only, any goods, merchandize, wares, commodilies, bread or other provisions of any kind whatsoever — and also on all persons keeping a livery stable for the purpose of letting horses for hire— (persons selling by wholesale as well as auctioneers, tavern keepers and retailers of spirituous liquors always excepted,) an annual duty or tax of six pence in the pound on the assessed yearly value of the premises occupied and used by any and every such person or firm of persons for the purposes aforesaid, and of which the annual value shall not be under ten pounds currency. 13. — That there be imposed and levied on each and every person or firm of persons, following or exercising the trade or calhng of an auctioneer by wholesale only, or by wholesale and retail, within the. limits of this City, an annual tax or duty 14 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. of fifteen pounds currency ; and on every person, or firm of persons, following or exercising the trade or calling of an auctioneer by retail only, or following or exercising the trade or calling of a pawn broker, an annual tax or duty of seven pounds ten shillings currency. 14. — That there be imposed and levied on each and every person or firm of persons, not having a residence, office, count- ing-house, or place of business, wiihin the limits of this City, subject and liable to either of the rates imposed by the prece- ding clauses of this By-Law^, who shall follow, exercise or do any trade, traffic or business by wholesale and retail, or by wholesale or by retail within the limits of this City, a tax or duty of twenty pounds currency. 15. — That there be imposed and levied upon each and every person or firm of persons who shall own, possess or keep, within the limits of this City, any billiard Table for hire or gain, or for public use, an annual tax or duty of twenty-five pounds currency, upon each and every such Table, 16. — That there be imposed and levied upon each and every male person of the age of twenty-one years, and also upon each and every person above the age of twenty-one years, le- siding within the limits of this City, who may not be subject to any other tax or duty, as proprietor or tenant of any real pro- perty within the limits of this said City, imposed by the pre- sent By-Law, a capitation tax or duty of five sliillings currency per annum. 17. — That there be imposed and levied upon each and every person or firm of persons, keeping a tavern, or hotel, or house of public entertainment, in which he or they may sell distilled or fermented drinks to be drank on the premises, during any period between the first day of January and the thirty-first day of December in each year, the following taxes or duties, that is to say: when the annual rent or value of the house or pre- mises thus occupied shall amount to fifty pounds currency or a less sum, a tax or duty of four pounds currency ; when such rent or annual value shall exceed fifty pounds, but shall not exceed fieventy-five pounds, a tax or duty of six pounds five QUEBEC DIRECTORY, 15 shillings currency ; when the said annual rent or value shall exceed seventy-five pounds, but shall not exceed one hundred pounds, a tax or duty of seven pounds ten shillings currency, and when the said annual rent or value shall exceed one hun- dred pounds, a tax or duty of ten pounds ten shillings currency. ]8. — That there be imposed and levied on every person or firm of persons, who shall sell by retail any wine, brandy, rum or other spirituous liquors, in a quantity less than three gal- lons, at one and the same time, between the first day of Janu- ary and the thirty-first day of December of each year, the fol- lowing taxes or duty, that is to say : when the ani^ual rent or value of the house or premises thus occupied shall not exceed twenty-five pounds currency, a tax or duty of one pound five shillings currency ; when such rent or annual value shall ex- ceed twenty-five pounds currency, and ijhall not exceed fifty pounds currency, a tax or duty of tw^o pounds ten shillings cur- rency ; when such rent or annual value shall exceed fifty pounds currency, but shall not exceed seventy-five pounds currency, a tax or duty of three pounds two shillings and six pence cur- rency ; when the said annual rent or value shall exceed seven- ty-five pounds currency, but shall not exceed one hundred pounds currency, a tax or duty or three p' unds fifteen shillings currency ; and when the said annual rent or value shall exceed one hundred pounds currency, but shall not exceed one hun- dred and fifty pounds currency, a tax or duty of five pounds currency ; and when the said annual value or rent shall exceed one hundred and fifty pounds currency, a tax or duty of six pounds five shillings currency. 19. — That there b<' imposed and levied on every person or firm of persons, who shall keep any eating house, coffee house or ordinary in which he or they may give to eat or drink for money, the following taxes or duties, that is to say : when the annual rent or value of the house or premises thus occupied shall not exceed twelve pountls ten shillings currency, a tax or duty of one pound five shillings currency ; when the said an- nual rent or value shall exceed twelve pounds ten shillings currency, but shall not exceed twenty-five pounds currency, a 16 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. tax or duty of two pounds ten shillings currency ; when the said annual rent or value shall exceed twenty-five pounds cur- rency, but shall not exceed seventy-five pounds currency, a tax or duty of three pounds two shillings and six pence cur- rency ; when the said annual rent or value shall exceed seven- ty-five pounds currency, but shall not exceed one hundred pounds currency, a tax or duty of three pounds fifteen shillings currency ; and when the said annual rent or value shall exceed and be over one hundred pounds currency, a tax or duty of five pounds currency. 20.— That there be imposed and levied on each and every person exorcising or following the business or calling of a Hawker or Pedlar, or Uinerant petty chapman, going from place to place "or the purpose of selling, or exposing or offering for sale any goods, etfects, or merchandize, within the limits of the City of Quebec, a tax or duty of three pounds currency, per annum. 21. — That there be imposed and levied upon each and every person, or firm of persons, exposing or exhibiting for profit, any caravans of animals, or menageries, or public exhibitions or shows of any kind, within the limits ol this City, a tax or duty of five pounds currency, to be paid previous to any exhibition taking place. 22. — That there be imposed and levied upon each and every person or firm of persons, who shall give any exhibition on the slack or tight rope, or of leger-de-main performances, gym- nastics, or other games or exhibitions of this description, a tax or duty of five pounds currency, payable previous to such ex- hibition taking place. 23. — That the occupier or lec'f'e of each Theatre in this City shall pay an annual duty of five pounds currency, over and above the assessment on the yenrly value of such building, and also the sum of one pound live snillings currency for each performance, by day or at night, in the said Theatre. ■ 24. — That no person, or lirm of persons, shall be allowed to give any equestrian performajice, or to open a circus, to which the public shall be admitted by paying, without having pre- QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 17 viously obtained from the Mayor, who is hereby authorized to grant the same, a license or permission so to do, for which there shall be paid by such person, or firm of persons, the sum of ten pounds currency, and without having previously to each per- formance, paid an additional tax or duty of two pounds ten shil- lings currency, for each and every performance, the whole payable by such person or firm of perso' s previous to such performance taking place, or previous to any person or persona whatsoever being admitted. 25. — That there be imposed and levied upon each and every person wishing to obtain a proces-verbal designating the aliign- ment of his or her property with the streets and public places bounding the same, seven shillings and six pence c .rrency ; on each and every person wishing to obtain permission to open a drain in use in order to repair it, five shillings cuirency ; on each and every person wishing to obtain permission to empty privies, five shillings currency ; on each and every person ob- taining permission to open a public drain or street, road or pub- lic place, in order to introduce any private drain therein, ac- cording to the 3rd Section of the By-Law passed by the City Council on the 8th April 1842, intituled, " A By-Law concern- ing the making and repairing of sewers and drains," a duty or tax of fifteen shillings currency, which shall be for and in lieu of that established by the said By-Law, and shall be payable on demand. The taxes and duties mentioned by the present article of this By-Law must be paid previous to any such align- ments or permissions being given. 26. — Be it ordained and enacted, that the following duties be imposed on each of the Assessors who are or shall be nomi- nated and appointed in each of the different wards of the ( "ity : I. To visit the grounds, lots, wriarves, houses or other build- ings and other real property, situate in the ward in and for which he shall have been appointed assessor, between the fif- teenth day of June and the fifteenth day of July for the present year, and for every subsequent year between the fifteenth day of May and the fifteenth day of June. II. To require each and every person to obtain for and give IS QUEBEC DIRECTORY. to him all and every such information as may appear t said Assessor to be necessary to enable him to assess and detb mine in a correct manner the annual value of the property, and to ascertain the nauius of the persons subject and liable to the rates, taxes or duties mention(3d in this By-Law ; and also to enable him to fix and determine in a correct and fair manner the amount of the rates, taxes or duties payable by each and every person by and in virtue of this By-Law; and to obtain all such further information as may be required to enable him to perform the said duties in a jnst and equitable manner, ac- cording to the true intent and meaning of this By-Law. III. To assess, fix and determine in a just and equitable maimer the amount of rates, taxes or duties, or other charge whatsoever, which each and every person shall be bound to pay accordini( to this By-Law or any part thereof. IV. To enter and insert all such information, in a clear, correct and precise manner in the Book that shall be furnished to him for that purpose by the City Council. V. To Certify the whole to be correct by placing his signa- ture at the end of the said Book. VI. To return the said Book when completed together with a copy thereof, and deposit them with the City Treasurer in his office on or before the twentv-fifth day of June in each year except the present year, when the same shall be done on or before the twenty-fifth day of July, of which deposit the City Treasurer shall give notice to the City Council at the next meeting thereof. VII. In case any of the duties thus assigned to and imposed on the said Assessors shall not have been performed in the preecribed time, the City Council shall and may order them to be performed at such other time as they shall think fit to name. : <; VIII. If the said Assessors or any of them should neglect or refuse. to impose on any person or persons any of the rates, taxes, or duiies mentioned in this By-Law within the time prescribed, or if at any other time after, any person shall be- come subject and liable to any of the aforesaid rates, taxei, or QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 19 ^nties, then it shall be the duty of each and every Assessor, as ,-}s he shall be informed thereof, to notify the City Coun- «»ame. '♦ain and inseit in the aforesaid Book the amount ol ^nually by such tenant, and if there be no agreeu ^nt. to ascertain and insert in the said Book the . ' ich such tenant ought to pay an- nually. 27. — Be it orda. x enacted that if, during the time allowed to the Asses^v , for visiting their respective v, ards, and for assessing the same, the said Assessors, or any of them, shall have omitted to impose on any person or firm of persons any of the above rates, taxes, or duties, or if, after the expira- tion of the said period any person or firm of persons shall be- come subject and liable to any of the said rates, taxes, or duties mentioned in this By-Law, then, on the order of the City Council, the said Assessor or Assessors shall be bound to fix and determine each in his ward in the manner prescribed by this By-Law, the amount of every rate, tax, or duty, paya- ble by such person or persons, according to various clauses of this By-Law ; and every such person or firm of persons, shall within fifteen days after notice duly given to them, pay to the City Treasurer the full amount of all such rates, taxes, or duties, which shall have been thus imposed, unless in the meantime, on the representation of any such person or persons the City Council shall think fit to grant an exemption from the payment of the same or any part thereof, in case of any error committed in the assessment, or in the imposition of the said rates, taxes, or duties, 28. — That each and every Assessor who shall refuse or neg- lect to perform any of the duties assigned to, or imposed on him by this By-Law, shall be liable to pay a fine of five pounds currency, or to be imprisoned during a period of thirty days. ^ 29. — Be it ordained and enacted that it shall be the duty of each and every person residing within the limits of this City, to allow the Assessor of his ward to visit every lot of land, 20 QUEBEC DIRECTORT. wharf, house or other building or real property occupied by him, and subject to any of the above rates, taxes or dutijs, and to give true answers to all such questions, as the said As- sessor shall think fit to put, and to give all such information as he may require, to enable him to assess, rate and impose in a just manner, the rates, iaxes and duties mentioned in this Bv-Lavv. * '" 30.— That each and every person who shall refuse or neg- lect to perform the duties mentioned in the pieceding section of this By-Law, shall be liable to pay a fine of two pounds ten shillings currency, or to be imprisoned during a period of fifteen days. 31.— That it shall be the duty of each and every person to pay annually to the City Treasurer, at his Office, in this City, the full amount of the said rates, taxes, or duties due by him; and that, except in cases where it is otherwise expressly pro- vided for, every person shall pay the said full amount on or before the first day of September of each year. 32. — That the Assessment Books shall be and remain depo- sited in the office of the City Treasurer from the first day of August, to the first day of the month of September during the present year, and from the first day of July, to the first day of August, in subsequent years, for the inspection of the public, and during the said period any person interested therein shall be at liberty to examine the said Books without any fee or charge, daily (Sundays and Holidays excepted,) from nine o'clock in the morning till three o'clock in the afternoon. 33. — That the City Treasurer shall give notice in English in a newspaper published in the English language, and in French in a newspaper published in the French language, from the twenty -fifth day of June, to the twenty-fifth day of July in each year, except the present year when it shall be given from the twenty-fifth day of July, to the twenty-fifth day of August— that the said Books are deposited in his office and will be open for the inspection of the public during the afore- said period, 34.-- That at any time during the periods last aforesaid, but QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 21 not after, it shall be lawful for any person to apply to the City Council for the correction of any errors, or inaccuracy which may have been made or allowed to remain in the aforesaid Assessment Books, and the City Council shall be at liberty to correct such error or inaccuracy, either by increasing, or di- minishing the amount of any of the said rates, taxes, or duties imposed on any such persons, or to adopt such other measures as the nature of the application may render necessary. 35. — That it shall be the duty of the City Treasurer to institute legal and all Other necessary proceedings for the re- covery of all the said rates, taxes, or duties which shall remain unpaid on the first day of September, of each year, after hav- ing given fifteen days' notice thereof in two newspapers pu- blished in the City, the one in the English language, and the other in the French language. 36. — That each and every License mentioned in this By- Law except those for Tavern-keepers and Retailers of Spiri- tuous Liqueurs, be signed by the Mayor and be issued by, and from the office of the City Clerk, and be countersigned by the said City Clerk, after being first satisfied by the Treasurer-''s receipt, that the duty or tax imposed thereon has been paid. 37. — That every person who shall be found guilty of any infringement or violation of this By-Law or any part thereof, shall incur and pay a penalty of five pounds currency, and be imprisoned during thirty days, save and except those cases in which a specific penalty is imposed by this By-Law. G. OKJLL STUART, 3Iayor, Attested, (L. S.) F. X. GARNEAU, City Clerk. tV% . VC, ir .t:ti ;. 22 QUEBEC DIRKCTOBY, At a Special Meeting of the Council of the City of Quebec, held at the City Hall, in the said City, on the Twenty-sixth day of June, one thousand eiirht hundred and forty-six — It is ordained and enacted by the said Council, and the said Council doth hereby ordain and make the following BY-LAW Tb amerul the By-Law made, and crdained by this Council on the twenty-second day of May, now last past, intituled^ **' A By- Law to provide funds to meet the expenses of the City. " 1. — Whereas it is expedient lu amend the By-Law made and ordained by this Council on the twenty-second of May now last past, intiiuled, '' A By-Law to provide funds to meet the expenses of the City of Quebec ;" Be it therefore ordained and enacted, and this Council doth hereby ordain and enact, that the third clausti of the said By-Law made and ordained on the twenty-second day of May, now last past, imposing a rate or tax on persons occupying, either as proprietor ar tenant, any house, building, ground, lots of ground, wharves or other real property situate within the limits of the City of Quebec, be and the same is hereby lepealed. ^ 2. — That there be imposed and levied over and above any rate or duty miposed by the said By-Law made and ordained on the twenty-second of May now last past, on each and every person occupying as proprietor any house, building, ground, lot of ground, wharf or other real property situate within the limits of the City of Quebec, a rate or tax of five pence cur- rency in the pound, on the assessed annual value of such pro- perty. "... 3. — That there be imposed and levied over and above the rate or duty imposed by the said By-Law made and ordained on the twenty-second of May now last past, on each and every person occupying as tenant any house, bui'ding, ground, lot of ground, wharf, or other real property or part thereof, situate within the limits of the City of Quebec, a late or tax of five pence currency in the poundj on the amount of the rent payable annually by such tenant. 4.— That there be imposed and levied over and above the QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 2S rate or duty imposed by the said By-Law made and ordained on the twenty-second of May now last past, on each and every person occupying as proprietor any part of a house, building-, ground, lot of ground, wharf, or other real property situate within the limits of the City of Quebec, a rate or tax of five pence currency in the pound, on the amount which should be paid annually for the use and occupation of the premises if oc- cupied by a tenant. 5. — That the rates and duties which by the sairl B^-Law of the twenty-second day of May now last past, are ordered to be paid to the Road Treasurer of this City, shall be paid to the Treasurer of the City of Quebec. 6. — That in addition to the duties heretofore imposed on As- sessors, it shall be the duty of Assessors to ascertain and insert in the Book furnished to them by the City Council, the amount which should be paid annually, as rent, for the use and occu- pation of premises occupied in whole or in part by the proprie- tor or proprietors thereof. A BY-LAW 7b prevent Fires, passed I9th June, 1845. 1. — Whereas it is necessary to prevent by all possible means the extension of Fire, and whereas one of the most efhcient to obtain that end is to limit the use of Wood in the construction of the Buildings of this City : Be it therefore ordained and enacted that, from the date of the passing of the present By- Law, no Wooden House or other Building for any other pur- poses whatsoever shall be constructed within the limits of St. Lewis', Palace and'St .Peters Wards, and in that part of Cham- plain Ward extending from St. Peter's Ward to tlie Mariners' Chapel, save and except Out houses which it will be lawful to build hereafter on the Wharves, which are or may henceforth be constructed in that part of Charnplain Ward lying and being on the South and South-West of the House of the Widow Robert Martin, bearing actually the No. 293 of the said Street ; and that if any person do build or cause to be built any Wooden House or other Building within the limits of the said Wards or portions of Wards, such person shall incur and pay a Penalty of Five Pounds currency, for each and every offence. 24 qUEBEC DIRECTORY. 2. — That any person who shall employ or use any Wooden Beam, Lintel, Post or Supporter to permanently sustain or support any Brick or Stone Wail or part of a Wall of any House or other Buildinji: within the limits of the said Wards or portions of Wards ; or shall mix externally in the construction of the face or gable end Wall of any House or other Building, any wooden jamb (jambe etricre) frame in use here, and em- ployed as well externally as internally to form the Lintels, Jambes and Basement (appui) of the windows and doors, such person shall pay and incur a Penalty of Five Pounds currency, with costs, for each and every offence. 3. — That from the day of the passing of the present By-Law, ]io roof, clap-boarding or water spout of any house or other building situated within the limits of the said wards or portion of ward, shall be made of wood or other combustiole matter ; of if such wooden roof, clapboarding or water spout is already made, such roof, clap-boarding or water spout shall not be re- newed ; and any person contravening this clause shall pay and incur a penalty of Five Pounds currency, with costs, for each and every offence. 4. — That at the expiration of Ten Years from the day of the passing of the present Bye-Law, all and every wooden roof, clap-boarding, or \vater spout of any house or other building now standing and situated wit' in the limits of the said wards, or portions of wards, shall be taken off and replaced by others made of incombustible matter; and any person contravening this clause shall incur and pay a penalty of Five Pounds currency, with costs, per day, and for each day that such person skull neglect or refuse to comply with the present By- Law. 5. — That all buildings containing Steam Engines shall be built of Stone or Brick and covered with incombustible matter ; and the Boilers or Furnaces of any Steam Engines used in Manufactories, Breweries, Tanneries, Founderies, Distilleries, Factories, and Shops of all kinds without exception, now exis- ting or which may hereafter exist within the limits of the said City, shall from the day of the passing of the present By-Law, QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 2^ be placed in separate rooms, the walls of which shall be built of Stone or Brick ; and in the construction of which rooms no wood of any kind shall be used or employed, except foi the doors and windows, the fixtures of which shall however be made of incombustible matter as prescribed for the houses or other buildings in the second section of the present By-Law, and except also for the ceilings which it will be lawful to make of wood ; but in such case, such ceilings shall be cover- ed with metal or lathed and plastered ; which said plastering shall be an inch thick ; and any person contravening this clause shall incur and pay a penalty of Five Pounds currency for each and every offence. 6. — That from the date of the passing of the present By- Law, nothing but Coal shall be used and burnt in the furnaces of Steam Engines, used as aforesaid within the limits of this city 5 and any person contravening this clause shall incur and pay a penalty of Five Pounds currency for each and every offence, with costs. 7. — That a fine of Five Pounds currency be imposed upon any such person contravening, per day, and for each day that such person shall neglect or refuse to comply with the present By-Lavr. l¥HITl]lVASHIIVO, Sec, BY-LAW PASSED 11th JUNE, 1845. 1. — That all the outside parts or portions of any house or other building in this City, and fences which shall be made of wood, shall be covered with a solution of Lime and Salt every year from the Tenth of May to the Tenth of June, or painted with two coats of good Oil Colours, once every five years, 2. — That all and every proprietor of any house or other building not white-washed or painted in conformity wifh the above regulation, shall incur and pay apenahy of ten shillings currency per day, and for every day that such house or other building or fence shall remain not white-washed or not painted after the time above mentioned. 2 'M 26 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. The Great Fires of 8tli May & 28th June^ 1845. A BY-LAW PASSED 4th JULY, 1845, To provide for the construction of dwellings in such way as to diminish the danger of Fire. Whereas, on the Twenty-eighth day of May last, more than two-thirds of St. Roch's Suburb of this City were destroyed by Fire, and on the Twenty-eighth day of the month of Jmie following, nearly the whole of St. John's Suburb, and a por- tion of the Suburb of St. Lewis fell also a prey to the flames, and in the first Fire more than thirteen hundred houses, and in the second about fifteen hundred houses, were reduced to ashes, and nearly twenty thousand individuals thereby ren- dered houseless by the disasters ; and, whereas, in the one and the other of these calamities it was found impossible to arrest the progress of the flames owing to a high wind which at these times prevailed from the quarter in which the Fire on both occasions originated, following a drought of seveial days pre- vious, which aided in spreading the fire with irresistible vio- lence among the wooden dwellings and buildings of which these two suburbs were for the greater part composed ; and, ■whereas, if these large and important portions of the City were rebuilt of materiak^ similar to those of which they were heretofore constructed, it would be impossible to prevent, un- der like circumstances, which might from time to time arise, their future destruction by Fire, a calamity which might in- volve the other portions of the City, wherefore it becomes im- perative to prohibit the use of like inflammable materials in the reconstruction of the said suburbs. Be it therefore ordained and enacted — L-^That, hereafter, it shall not be lawful to build any house, dwelling, or building for habitation, or in which it is intended to make or introduce fire ; or to erect chimneys, ovens, fur- naces, stoves or other receptacles, or machinery intended to recei^'e lire or in which fire may be placed or kindled, unless the four walls of such house, dwelling, or building be con- etructed of stone or brick, or of other incombustible mi^ten&ls ;] QUEBEC DIRECTORY. and unless the covering be entirely composed or ve-covered with tile, tin, sheet iron, or other uninflamable materials. 2. — That in all buildings, covered with metal, the lower surface of that part of the wooden roof which projects beyond the walls and the exterior surface of the wall-plate (saUitrc)^ (if constructed of wood) shall be also covered with metal ; and that all spouts and gutters shall be made of incombustiblo materials. 3. — That all gables or division walls which separate buii- diriijs shall be raised at least two feet above the level of the roof of the highest iicuse or edifice, with consolles in front and rear, v/hich shall project at least nine inches beyond the walls of the building. 4. — All hangars outhouses, stables, workshops, or other buildings, the highest part of which exceeds fifteen feet, shall be constructed in strict conformity with the present By-Law ; all similar buildings, of at least fifteen feet in height, shall nevertheless be covered with incombustible materials between this date and the first day of September, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven (1847,) without inferring from the preceding clause, that it shall be lawful to construct edifices of wood in those wards in which such buildings are forbidden by a By-Law of the 19th June last, intituled, "By-Law to prevent accidents by fire." 5. — It shall not be lawful to construct chimneys, ovens or furnaces, or to place stoves or other receptacles for fire, or to use fire in the yards or streets in the vicinity of any building, or in the interior of any building, which shall not have been constructed in conformity with the above first three clauses. 6. — That all houses or other buildings of wood within the limits of the city shall be lathed and phistered at least one inch iii thickness, on that side which is next to the street, between this date and the first day of September, one thousand night hundred and forty-seven (1847), and all buildings which Khali be hereafter constructed of wood in those wards in which the use of that material is permitted by law, shall be lathed and plastered in the manner above mentioned. 28 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 7.— The present By-Law shall have full force and effect from the date of its adoption throughout the whole extent of the City, with the exception of that part of St. Roch's ward which is situated to the west of Crown Street, in which the sixth article shall be nevertheless observed. 8. — The present By-law is not intended to prevent such per- sons as have suffered the loss of their property by the late fires in. St. Roch's and St. John's Suburbs from constructing tem- porary places of refuge in wooden buildings of only one storyj but all buildings which are not found to be constructed in con- formity to the present By-law shall be demolished and remov- ed between this date and the first day of September, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven (1847.) 9. — That part of this By-law, which regards the covering of buildings, shall be held in suspence until the first day of Sep- tember, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven (1847) with regard to such buildings as are at present in process oi construction. 10. — Any person who shall refuse or neglect to conform to the different clauses of the present By-law, shall incur a fine of five pounds currency (£5,) for each day that such offence ehall continue. 11. — All undertakers, masons, carpenters, or workmen who shall construct any part of a house or other building, otherwise than ui conformity to the present By-law, shall incur a penal- ty of five pounds currency (£5) for each day that such infrac- tion of the Bv-law shall subsist. MARKET REGULATIONS, Passed 2Gth April and 26th June, 1845. To Regulate; Beaches, Wliarfage St. Paul's Market, Duties of Clerks of Markets, Bjtchers' Stalls and Slaughter Houses. A BY-LAW To amend a By-Law mtituhd, A By-Law to regulate the Markets of the City of Quebec. Whereas it n necessary to amend the By-Laws and Regu- lations for the government of the Markets of this City ; I. Be it ( any person Straw, on within the penalty not money for e II. That said Markt before the weighed by at the same own name i if he shall n III. That within the s and that wl there shall t avoir-du-poi when sold I number of t pounds, and du-poids; a weigjied in specified, ai Sixteen poui for each bun IV. That, Straw, the sc the delivery ket for the such Hay or Clerk of the that duty ; ai or of a less w tionate addit made in the lor such Hay QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 29 I. Be it ordained and enacted, that it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to expose or offer for sale any Hay or Straw, on any Street, Square, Lane, or other public place within the said City, except on St. Paul's Market, under a penalty not exceeding the sum of twenty shillings of current money for each offence. II. That any person who shall bring Hay or Straw to the said Market for Sale, shall be, and he is hereby required, before the sale thereof, to cause such Hay or Straw to be weighed by the Clerk of the said Market, or his deputy, and at the same time to state to the said Clerk, or his deputy, his own name and that of the proprietor of the said Hay or Straw, if he shall not himself be the proprietor thereof. III. That all Hay or Straw which shall be sold or delivered within the said City, shall be considered as sold by weight, and that when such Hay or Straw shall be sold by the ton, there shall be delivered for each ton, twenty hundred weight, avoir-du-poids, and so in proportion for any part of a ton, and when sold by the hundred bimdles, or any larger or smaller number of bundles, each bundle of Hay shah weigh Sixteen pounds, and each bundle of Straw Thirteen, pounds, also avoir- du-poids ; and each load of Hay or Straw which shall be weighed in bulk, shall be calculated at the rates hereinbefore specified, and the number of bundles fixed, at the rate of Sixteen pounds for each bundle of Hay, and Thirteen pounds for each bundle of Straw, and paid for proportionately. IV. That, if so required by the purchaser of such Hay or Straw, the seller of the same shall proceed immediately after the delivery of such Hay or Straw, to the said St. Paul's Mar- ket for the purpose of having the Cart or V-^hicle in which such Hay or Straw shall have been carried, weighed by the Clerk of the Market, by whom no charge shall be made for that duty ; and if such Cart or Vehicle is found to be of a greater or of a less weight than that stamped on the same, such propor- tionate addition or deduction as the case may require, shall be made in the price to be paid by the purchaser to the vendor for such Hay or Straw. 30 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. V. That the proprietor or owner of each Vehicle whatsoever, in which Hay or Straw shall be sold on the said Market, shall cause every such Vehicle to be weighed and stamped by the Clerk of the said Market, in the manner hereinafter provided, namely : the weight of each Cart or other Summer vehicle shall be legibly stamped on the outside of each side of the said Cart or vehicle, and also on the fillies of the wheels thereof ; and the w^eight of each Sleigh, or other Winter vehi- cle of that description, shall be legibly stamped on the outside thereof; and when any unstamped or unweighed Vehicle shall be brought to the said Market, the owner thereof, or the person in charq-e oi it, shall deposit with the said Clerk the amount of the charge for the weighing and stamping of such Vehicle, and shall as soon as the said Vehicle is unloaded, cause the same to be weighed and stamped as hereby re- quired. VI. That any person or persons who shall take, or cause to be taken, any vehicle whatsoever, loaded with hay or straw, to the said market, without having the same duly weighed and stamped, as directed by the present By-Law, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding Twenty Shillings for each offence. VII. That the said Clerk shall deliver to every person or persons, having a load of Hay or Straw weighed in the said market, a certificate of the weight of the same, specified by him in the following manner : " ST. Paul's market, Quebec, (place the date here) Load of Hay {or Straw, as the case may be.) — — lbs. gross weight. lbs. weight of the vehicle. ——lbs. net weight. Equal to — bundles of 16 lbs. (or 13 lbs.) each." VJII. That there shall be imposed on each and every person exercising or following the trade or calling of a Butcher, sel- ling in or keeping a private Stall within the limhs of this City, an annual tax or duty of Two Pounds Ten Shillings currency, payable on the first day oi May in each year, or when the license issues. ■ . QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 81 IX. That there shall be imposed on each and every person exercising or following the trade or calling of a Huckster in this City, an annual tax or duty x)f Five Pounds currency, payable on the said first day of May in each year, or when the license issues. X. That there shall be imposed on each and every vendor of Biscuits or Fruits in small quantities in this City, an annual tax or duty of Twelve Shillings and six pence currency, pay- able on the first day of May in each year, or when the license issues. XI. And be it further ordained and enacted, that so much of the By-Laws or Regulations now in force in this City, which are in any way contrary or repugnant to the present By-Law, be and the same are hereby repealed. At a Special Meeting of the Council of the City of Quebec, held at the City Hall, in the said City, on the Twenty-sixth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six — It is ordained and enacted by the said Council, and the said Council doth hereby ordain ani make the following BY-LAW Furtlier to regulate the Markets of the City of Quebec, I. Be it ordained and enacted, that any person guilty of any infringement or violation of any part of the By-Law of this Council, intituled, " A By-Law to amend a By-Law intituled, * A By-Law to regulate the Markets of the City of Quebec,' " and passed at a Special Meeting of this Council held at the City Hall on the twenty -fourth of April now last past, and ad- journed from that day to the twenty-ninth day of the same month of April also last past, for which infringement or vio- lation no penalty has heretofore been imposed, shall incur and be liable to pay a fine or penalty not exceeding twenty .shil- lings currency. II. Be it ordained and enacted, That an annual tax or duty of twenty shillings currency shall be levied on hucksters sel- ling vegetables only on the markets of this City, in lieu of the tax or duty imposed by the By-Law above cited. 32 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. III. Be it ordained and enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Clerks of each of the Markets of this City to remove or cause to be removed from the said Markets all Hucksters sel- ling or offering for sale thereon any goods, wares, merchan- dizes, effects, meat, provisions or vegetablco without having previously obtained the license required by law or by a By- Law of this Council, and altc- all persons, animals, goods or efiiscts, which may be placed or allowed to remain upon the said markets contrary to any By-Law, rules or regulations of the Council. CLERKS OF MARKETS. The Corporation shall name the Market Clerk for each of the Markets of this City, as often as they shall think fit, and shall also dismiss and replace them when they may deem proper. The said Clerks of Markets shall fulfill all their duties by themselves and not employ any Deputy or Assistant, without the special permission of the City Council. Each Clerk of the Market shall be charged with the govern- ment of the Market for which he shall be named ; he shall see that all the Market and Police Regulations be strictly executed within the limits of his Market ; he shall institute without de- lay all proceedings against persons violating any of them ; he shall inspect from me to time, without fee or reward, all mea- sures, weights and scales, or other weighing instruments used by any person on his Market," also the provisions and articles for sale, and shall ascertain that no person sells by false weight or measure and institute proceedings against all so doing. He shall see that the Butchers close their stalls at the hour fixed for the closing of the Markets, and shall also close the Market House of the said Market. He shall as far as possible settle all difliculties which may arise between buyers and sellers ; and lastly shall follow all the instructions and fulfill all the duties which shall be given to, or imposed upon him by the Corpo- ration or Markets' Committee. No Clerk of Market shall directly or indirectly buy or sell any provisions or any articles upon the said Markets, nor buy for any other persona than his own lamily. QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 33 It shall be the duty of the Clerks of the Markets to weigh or measure immediately, as often as they shall be required to do so, all things that shall be presented to them. That the said Clerks of the Markets shall be authorized to demand and receive the following fees, and no more for each and every weighing or measuring of different articles, viz : — 1. — For each weighing not exceeding a quarter of a hun- dred weight, one penny currency, 2. — For each weighing exceeding a quarter of a hundred weight, but not exceeding half a hundred weight, two penca currency. 3. — For each weighing exceeding half a hundred weight but not exceeding one hundred weight, three pence currency. 4. — For each weighing exceeding one but not exceeding two hundred weight, four pence currency. 5. — For each weighing above two hundred weight, four pence currency, and a further sum of one penny currency for every additional hundred weight ov part of a hundred weight. 6. — For each load of Hay or Straw, six pence currency. 7. — For weighing and stamping any Vehicle, nine pence currency. 8. — For measuring every pint, quart, bottle, gallon, or minot, or bushel, one penny currency. 9. — For every lineal measuring not exceeding ten yards, one penny, and a further penny for each additional quantity not exceeding ten yards. Each of the Market Clerks shall affix a copy of this Scale of Fees, printed in both languages, in a conspicuous part of the weigh-house. Each of the Cierks of the Markets shall keep an exact account of the revenue arising from the said weighing or measuring, and shall transmit a copy thereof to the City Treasurer as often as the Corporation shall require him so to do. The Corporation shall be at liberty to dispose of the produce of the said weighing as they shall think fit ; and the said Clerks of the Markets shall be bound to pay the produce of 2* 34 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. the said weighing or measuring to whomsoever they may be required to do so by the orders or resolutions of the City Council. butchers' stalls. The Corporation shall from time to time erect upon the dif- ferent Markets of this City, all such Stalls as they shall think fit for the use of the Butchers. The Corporation may also from time to time allow any lisen- sed Butcher to exercise his trade or calling in private stalls in, such places within the limits of the City as the Corporation shall think fit. No permission to keep private Stalls as provided by the preceding section, shall be granted to any person who shall not previously have obtained a Special License for that p^r- pose. The Letting of the public Stalls of the different Markets of this City, shall be by public auction to the highest bidder on each stall, on the second Friday in the month of Marcii in each year, and possession given on the Fjriday following. In case the lessee of any Stall shall cease to occupy it during one month, or shall neglect to pay the rent thereof, thirty days after it shall become due, then it shall be lawful for the Cor- poration to take possession of such Stall and to dispose of the same as if it had not been let. No Butcher shall be allowed to place, hang, or put any meat, animals, fowls, or any other thing whatsoever outside his Stall or elsewhere on the Market, except however, that in Market houses which have projecting roofs, it shall be lawful for the Butchers to hang meat thereto, on the day before, and six days after Easter, extending however, only to one row, and ranged so as to leave a free and uninterrupted communication around the Stalls, under the .^aid projecting roofs. Every lessee of a Stall sh •''1 be bound to lime-white the in- side of the same once a year m ihe first week of the month of May. No fire or smoking will be allowed in any of the j •'id Stalls. But a light will be allowed therein when open during the night. QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 35 Every lessee of a Stall shall be bound to properly cleanse the same, as well as the space of ground in front of such stall, and extending ten feet from the front of the same every day after market hours. No lessee of a Stall shall be allowed to leave therein any live animal, skins of animals, or any thing diflusing an offen- sive smell. No Stalls shall be kept open after market hours. Every Butcher shall be bound to furnish himself with scales and weights or other weighing instruments which shall be truly adjusted so as to give lawful weight to purchasers. Butchers shall be bound to allow their weights and scales or other instruments to be examined by the Clerk of the Mar- ket in which their Stalls shall be situated, or by such other person as shall be named by the Corporation for that purpose, as often as the Corporation shall think fit. The occupiers of private Stalls which may hereafter be allowed by the Corporation shall be subject and liable to all the regulations contained in this By-Law. SLAUGHTER HOUSES. That no Butcher or other person shall be allowed to esta- blish or keep a slaughter house, or shall kill or prepare any animal to be sold or exposed for sale in the Markets, at any other place than on the banks of the River St. Lawrence, or of the River St. Charles, and in such place only where the filth and dirt proceeding from the said slaughter house can ba carried off by each reflux of the tide. Should any filth or dirt remain on the banks, which the tide shall not have carried away, the proprietor or occupier of such slaughter house shall be bound to take them away immediately and throw them into the water. The proprietors or occupiers of the said slaughter houses shall at all times be bound to keep them in a clean and proper condition, and shall not leave therein any filth or dirt, or any thing diffusing an offensive smell, and shall be hound to lime- white them, inside and ouside, once a year during the lirat week in May. 36 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. At a Special Meeting of the Council of the City of Quebec, held at the City Hall, in the said City, on the twenty-sixth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six — It is Ordained and enacted by the said Council, and the said Council doth hereby ordain and make the following BY-LAW To regulate the Beaches and Landing Places. 1. That any person who shall encumber or obstruct any street, lane, slip or public place adjoining the river St. Charles or the river St. Lawrence, with any rafts of timber or wood of any kind, or with timber, boards, deals, logs, masts, spars, bricks, stone, refuse, filth, rubbish or things of any kind what- soever, shall incur and pay a penalty not exceeding forty shil- lings currency. IL That any person after having been required by the Inspector of Beaches, or some body in his name, who shall neglect or refuse to remove any raft of timber or wood of any kind, or any timber, boards, deals, logs, masts, spars, bricks, stone, refuse, tilth, rubbish or things of any kind encumbering or obstructing any street, lane, slips, or public places adjoining the river St. Charles or the river St. Lawrence, shall incur and pay a penalty not exceeding forty shillings currency. IIL That no raft of fire wood or any boat or vessel laden with lire wood shall henceforth be allowed to go to the landing place in front of the Lower Town Market of Quebec nor to unload there, and the proprietor as well as the person in charge of such raft, boat or vessel which shall be so taken to the said landing place in contravention to the present section, shall incur and pay a penalty not exceeding forty shillings currency* IV. That no sloop, boat or vessel laden in whole or in pait with hay or straw shall be allowed to go elsewhere than into the Palace harbor in the river St. Charles to dispose of their loads, under a penalty of forty shillings currency, payable by the master or owner, or by any other person in charge of such boat or vessel. V. That no master or owner of any horse or steam ferryboat, and no master or owner of any boat or other craft, Bhall remain at or con Market ( obtained during th permissit Quebec, owner of city of Qi master or Treasurer such mas said city ' and each i or each ar shall lemi Town of license or of two pou that he sh, VI. Th£ his resider pose by th permissior owner or o boat on th( of not lesj owners, m outer side long; and horse boat ply with tl and pay a VII. Th shall have stop at the or shall rej landing pU QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 37 at or come to the landing place in front of the Lower Town Market of Quebec unless such master or owner shall have obtained before the first day of August of the present year, and during the month of May of every year hereafter, a license or permission for so doing, from the Corporation of the City of Quebec, for which said license or permission such master or owner of any steam ferry boat shall pay to the Treasurer of the city of Quebec the sum of fifteen pounds currency ; and such master or owner of any horse ferry boat shall pay to the said Treasurer the sum of seven pounds ten shillings currency ; and such master or owner of any boat (chaloupe) shall pay to the said city Treasurer the sum of twenty-five shillings currency ; and each and every master or owner of any steam or horse boat, or each and every master or owner of any boat (chaloupe) who shall remain at or come to the said landing place in the Lower Town of Quebec, "without having taken and obtained such license or permission as aforesaid, shall incur and pay a penalty of two pounds ten shillings currency for each and every time that he shall remain at or come to the said landing place. VI. That the name of such master or owner and the place of his residence shall be registered in a register kept for that pur- pose by the City Clerk, who shall give and put a number on the permission or license, which number shall be painted by the owner or owners, master or masters of any steam or horse ferry boat on the wheel boxes or sides of such boats in large figures of not less than twelve inches long ; and by the owner or owners, master or masters of any other boat (chaloupe) on the outer side of the same in figures of not less than nine inches long ; and all and every such master or owner of any steam or horse boat or other boat as aforesaid, who shall neglect to com- ply with the present By-Law or any part thereof shall incur and pay a penalty of forty shillings currency for each offence* VIL That no steam or horse ferry boat the owner of which shall have obtained a licerfse as required by this By-Law, shall stop at the said landing place in the Lower Town of Quebec, or shall remain near any of the wharves or slips of the said landing place more than half an hour at any one time, under a -■ r. 5S QUEBEC DIRECTORY, penalty of forty si I 111 in ::^s currency, payable by the master or owner of any such steum or horse ferry boat : Provided that the present section do not apply to steam boats paying license plying regularly within a diftiance of more than six miles between the said landing place and the place of departure of the said steam boats. VIII. That each and every master or owner of any boat (chaloupe) moniioned in the fifth section of the present By-Law shall, under a penahy of foity shillings currency, be bound and obliged to procure from the Inspector of beaches a certificate that his boat is, in every respect, good, strongly built and pro- vided with all her necessary apparel and furniture before such master or owner can obtain the license or permission which he is required by the said fifth section of the present By-Law to take out. IX. That henceforth no stones shall be thrown or deposited in the river St. Charles, or on the beaches of the same, under a penalty of forty shillings currency for eachoiTence, unless it be within the following limits, viz : — between an extension of the lines of St. Fran9ois Street, King Street and St. Joseph Street, and between the wharves of St. Eoch's Street, and a line running pa;allel to the said wharves at the distance of one hundred feet from them. X. That it shall be the duty of the Inspector of beaches to see to the execution of the present By-Law. TARIFF OF WHARFAGE. At a Special Meeting of the Council of the City of Quebec, held at the City Hall, in the said City, on the Seventh day of INIay, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven— It is ordained and enacted by the said Council, and the said Council do and make the following By-Law, viz : A BY-LAW Commiing tJw St. PauVs Market WJiarfage, and the Cattle offered for Sale on the said Market. I.— That every person who shall make use of the said Wharves, Piers, Landing place, or any part thereof, or of any QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 39 part of the said St. Paul's Market, whether by mooring or making fast to the said Wharves, any vessel, craft or water conveyance whatever, or by placing the same in any manner along the said wharves, so as to make use of them, shall pay to the Collector of the St. Paul's Market wharf-dues, or to the Clerk of the said Market, or to any other person appointed to receive the same, the following rates, to wit : For every vessel, craft or water conveyance whatever, of less than thirty tons buithen, one shilling and six pence currency for the first day, or part of the first day ; for every vessel, craft or water conveyance whatever, of thirty and under one hundred tons, two shillings and six pence currency for the first day, or part of the first day ; for every vessel, &c., as above, of one hundred tons and upwards, five shillings currency for the first day, or part of the first day, and one half of the same rates for every succeeding- day, or part of a day ; the said » les to be paid in advance. II. — That there shall be further paid by the owner or person in charge of any vessel, craft, &c., who shall use the said wharves, or any part thereof, to load or unload his vessel, the following rates, for and during every day or part of a day that any goods landed from, or to be put on board, such vessel, craft, &c., shall remain on the said wharves : for every hundred Boards, two pence ; for every hundred Deals, one inch and a half thick, three pence ; for every hundred Deals, two inches thick, four pence ; for every hundred Deals, three inches thick, six pence ; for every cord of Fire-wood, two pence, and for all other bulky commodities brought or landed on the said wharves or landing place, not included in the above rates, six pence for every ton of twenty hundred w^eight, or forty feet cubic measure, and so on in the same proportion ; and all goods landed on the said wharves, or phiced thereon to be put on board, may remain on the said wharves the space of twelve hours on payment of the above rates, and after the expiration of twelve hours, shall pay one half of the said rates for every day, or part of a day, they may remain on the said wharves j for every thousand shingles, one penny currency for QUEBEC DIRECTORY. the first day, or part of the fir'^t day, and one half cf the said rate for every succeeding day, or part of a day ; for every live or dead animal, intended to be bought or resold, landed or pla- ed on the said wharves, two pence currency for the first day, or part of a day, and one half of the same rate for every succeeding day, or part of a day. The said rates to be paid in advance by the o\ ners or persons in possess ion of such goods or cattle, or by the owners or persons in charge of the vessels or craft bringing the same, if brought by water. HI— That it shall be the duty of the Collector of the St. PauPs Market wharves, of the clerk of the St. PauPs Market, or of any person employed by the Corporation for that pur- pose, to remove or cause to be removed from the said St. PauPs Market Wharves, any person or persons, bulky commodities or goods, vessels or craft, wood or cattle, which might l placed or remain thereon without having paid the rates or dues im- posed by the present By-Law, or in violation of any other By- Law of this Corporation. IV. — That any person or persons, before selling or offer- ing for sale, on the St. PauPs Market, any of the animals hereaiic;r mentioned, shall pay to the clerk of the said market, as follows, to wit : For every head or horned cattle, three pence currency ; for every pig, calf, sheep, lamb or goat, one penny currency, and for every horse, six pence currency ; and it shall be the duty of the clerk of the said St. PauPs Market to keep a regular account of the number and description of all animals brought to the said Market and offered for sale thereon. V. — That any person guilty of any infraction or violation of any part of the present By-Law, shall be subject to a fine not exceeding forty shillings cuirency, or to be imprisoned for a time not exceeding ten days. VI. — And be it enacted, that anything incompatible with the present By-Law, contained in the By-Laws or regulations now in force in this city, and especially a By-Law of this Corporation, intituled, " A By-Law to fix the Tariff of Whar- fage at St. PauPs Market," passed the seventeenth day of QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 41 May, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, are hereby repealed. G. OKILL STUART, Mayor. 7th May, 1847. BY-LAW Fixing the Stands for Carriages, Cabs, CalecheSy and othei'Vehicles. UPPER TOWN. Two single rows on the Upper Town Market, both beginning on the north side of Buade Street, opposite the House occupied by Gingras, and continuing easterly till they meet the south line of Fabrique Street ; a clear passage of six feet wide to be left between the two rows, and the Vehicles to be placed transversely with their backs to the said passage : providep liowever that no carter shall be allowed to place himself or any horse or vehicle on any part of the said Market which may be occupied by habit ans or others vending on the same. Five vehicles placed longitudinally, on the south side of St. Ann Street, along the chain and posts between the two turn- stiles of the enclosvu'e of the Place d'Armes, opposite Payne's Hotel. A row of vehicles placed longitudinally in the centre of Palace Street, extending from the north side of St. John Street to the south line of St. Helen Street, leaving an unoccupied space of ten feet between each vehicle. Three vehicles at the west end of the House occnpied by Pierre Boisseau, Esquire, the backs of the vehicles along the north line of Fabrique Street, the heads of the horses turned towards St. Joseph Street. Five vehicles in St. Stanislas Street, in the Upper Town, on the east side, opposite the Gaol, from St. Ann Street to the first Gate of the Manse, being distant thirty-four feet from the corner of the said St. Ann Street ; the vehi'iles placed close to the foot-path with their backs thereto. Fifteen vehicles placed longitudinally close to the foot-path on the north side of Port Dauphin Street. Both sides of d'Aiguillon Street in St. Johns ward ; one row of vehicles placed longitudinally along and close to the foot- path, on each side of the street. 42 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. LOWER TOWN. In that part of St. Paul Street which extends from the west line of St. Thomas Street, to the termination of said St. Paul Street, at its junction with St. Roch Street, one row of vehicles placed longitudinally along and close to the foot-path on the north side of said street. The enclosed space on the north part of the wharves in the Cul-de-Sac, between the Engine House and the fence, near the property of George Pozer, Esquire, The space of ground in front of the Custom House, which extends in length from Provisions' Store Lane, to the end of the said ground at the point where the said Cul-de-Sac Street unites with Champlain Street, at the southern extremity of the said ground, and in breadth from Cul-de-Sac Street to Champlain Street. That part of Leadenhall Street wh. ;L extends from the east side of St. Peter Street to the west side of the prolongation of J. B. F. Lane. One row of vehicles placed longitudinally in the centre of Dalhousie Street, in St. Peter's ward. One row of vehicles placed longitudinally on the east side of St. James Street, along- the foot-path between St. Peter and Sault-au-Matelot Streets. A row of vehicles placed longitudinally on the easterly side of Sault-au-Matelot Street, along the foot-path from St. James Street to St. Paul Street. And lastly a row of vehicles placed longitudinally along and close to the foot-path on the easterly side of Sault-au-Matelot Street in St. Peter's ward, from the north side of St. Autoine Street to the south side of St. James Street : provided how- ever that this stand shall not be allowed to carters, during the summer, but only from the first of December to first of May in each year. And it is further hereby ordained and enacted, that no carters or others shall be allowed to place or leave any vehicle or horse, on any of the stands hereby established opposite the end or the point of *i. , 19. The Commissioner of Crown Lands. / 20. The Collectors of Customs. 21. The Comptrollers of Customs. 22. The Surveyor-General j 23. Clerk of the Executive Council. 24. Clerk of the Legislative Council. 25. Clerk of the House of Assembly, &c. &c. &c. o M Ol <1> V a bDM O o 46 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 26. In Courts for the trial of piracy, the members to take rank according to the order in which they are designated in Her Majesty's Commissions ; except in case of the naval Com- mander-in-Chief (when there is one), to whom, as matter of courtesy, the chair on the right of the President of the Court is assigned. Governors of Colonies. — The same as the present Lord- Lieutenants of counties hi England, only in blue with silver embroidery and scarlet collar and cuffs. Superior Civil Officers.— The same silver embroiedery as the English Deputy-Liculenants of counties, only blue coats with scarlet culls and collars, single breasted, cut the same as a Minister's Coat, white Kersimere linings and no turnbacks, buttons under the flaps, nine holes in front no epaulets. The superior Civil OlRcers entitled cx-officio to wear the uniform are : Members of the Executive Council, Members of the Court of Policy in British Guiana, Speaker of Houses of Assembly, Members of Legislative Councils, And Colonial Secretaries, who may not be members of Executive Councils. All other superior civil servants must obtain Her Majesty's special permission tvj entitle them to wear the uniform. Governors and Administrators of the Government of Canada, ' - SINCE THE erection OF THE ROVAL GOVERNMENT IN 1663. SieurdeMesy May 1, 1663 Sieur de Conrcelles Sept. 23, 1665 Sieur de Frontenac Sept. 12, 1672 Sieur de la T3ane Oct. 9, 1682 Sieur Marquis de Rouville Aug. 3, 1685 Sieur de Frontenac Nov. 28, 1689 Sieur Chevallier de Callieres Sept. 14, 1699 Marquis de Vaudrcuil Sept. 17, 1705 Marquis de Beauliarnois Sept. 2, 1726 • V QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 47 Sieiir Compte de la Galissoniere Sieur de la Jonquiere Marquis du Quesne de Menneville Sieur de Vaudieuil de Cavagnal James Murray Paulus Emilius Irving, President Guy Carleton, Lt. Gov. and Com. in Chief. . . . Hector T. Cramahe, President Guy Carleton, Lt. Gov. and Com. in Chief. . . . Henry Hamilton, Lt. Gov. and Com, in Chief. Henry Hope, Lt. Gov. and Com. in Chief . . . . Lord Dorchester, Governor General Frederick Haldimand Alured Clarke, Lt. Gov. and Com. in Chief. . . Lord Dorchester Robert Prescott Sir Robert Shore Miines, Bart. Lt. Governor. , Honorable Thomas Dunn, President Sir James Henry Craig, K. B. Gov. General . . Honorable Thomas Dunn, President Sir George Provost, Bart. Governor General . . Sir G. Drummond, K. C. B. Admin, in Chief. John Wilson, Administrator Sir J. C. Sherbrooke, G. C. B. Gov. General. . Duke of Richmond, G. C. B. Gov. General. . Honorable James Monk, President Sir Peregrine Maitland Earl of Dalhousie, G. C. B. Governor General. Sir Francis Nathaniel Burton, Lt. Governor. . . Earl of Dalhousie, G. C. B. (xovernor General. Sir James Kempt, G. C. B. Administrator. . . . Lord Aylmer, G. C. B. Governcr General Eajj of Gosford, Governor General Sir John Colborne, Administrator Earl of Durham, Governor General Sir John Colborne, Administrator Do do Governor General Chas. Poulett Thompson, Governor General. . . UNITED CANADA. Lord Sydenham, Governor General Sir R. D. Jackson, Administrator Sir Charles Bagot, Governor General Lord Metcalfe, do Lord Cathcart, Administrator Do do Governor General £arl of Elgin, do Sept. 25, Aug. 16, Aug. 7, July 10, Nov. 21, June 30, Sept. 24, Aug. 9j Oct. 11, Sept. 24, July 31 July 31 Oct. 24 June 19 Sept. 14 April 4 May 22 July 12 July 30 Sept. 20 June 18 June 7 Sept. 25 Sept. 8 Oct. 20 Aug. 24 Feb. 27 May 29 Nov. 1 Jan. Oct. 1747 1749 1752 1755 1763 1766 1766 1770 1774 1784 1785 1786 178S 1791 1793 1796 1799 1805 1807 1311 1811 1815 1816 ISlb 1818 1819 1820 1820 1824 1825 1828 1830 1835 1838 183S 1838 1839 1839 Mar. 8, 1841 Sept. 25, 1841 Jan. 12, 1842 Mar. 30, 1843 Nov. 26, 1845 April 24, 1846 Jan. 30, 1847 48 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. Britisl) QTolonial JJosscssions. Canada. .(United 1840). ... Capitulation Nova Scotia, ") New Brunswick | Settlement soon after Cape Breton, }■ Prince Edward Island, j Discovery I Newfoundland,, J WINDWARD ISLANDS. Barbadoks, Settlement 1605 Grenada, Ceded by France 1763 St. Vincent, .., do 1763 Tobago, do 1763 St. Lucia, Capitulation 1803 Trinidad, do 1797 LEWARD ISLANDS. Antiguay, Settlement Montcerat, do Nevis, Settlement St. Kitts, do .... ToRTOLA, do Anguilla, do Dominica, Ceded by France . _ Jamaica, Capitulation Holigoland, do Honduras Treaty r Demerara, Essequibo "1 British Guiana, } with Berbice, > . . . . ( Capitulation j BoiiAMAs, Settlement Bermudas, do Cape of Good Hope, Capitulation CuLON, ' do Gibraltar, do Hong Cong, Treaty Malta and Goza, Capitulation Mauritius, do Norfolk Island, Settlement New South Wales, do ( Do. the East India St. Helena, } Company vested ( in the Crown Gambia, Settlement SieraLeoNj.. do i 1632 1632 1628 1628 1666 J 666 1763 1655 1807 1670 1803 1629 ]609 1806 1795 1704 1843 1800 1810 1787 1833 1631 1787 : ^ I xi, iS'i' I ifyi 'MJf^A!\i-V <^U£B£C DIRECTORY. 49 Van Diemens Land, Settlement 1S03 Australia, North, Do. South, Do. West, New Zealand, Falkland Island, do do do do do 1836 1829 1841 1841 GOVERNOR GENERAL. AND STAFF. His Excellency the Right Honorable James, Earl of Elgin & Kincardine, Captain General and Governor- in-Chief of Her Majesty's Provinces of Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, and of the Island of Prince Edward, and Governor General of all Her Majesty's Provinces on the Continent of North America, and of the Island of Prince Edward. Thomas Edmund Campbell, Esquire, Civil Secretary. Lieut. Col. the Hon. Robert Bruce, Grenadier Guards, Military Secretary and Principal Aide-de-Camp. Captain Lorcl Alexander George Russell, Rifle Brigade, and Captain Lord Mark Kerr, Aides-de-Camp. The Hon. Egremont Lascelles, Grenadier Guards, and Lieut, the Hon. Arthur Egerton, Grenadier Guards, Extra Aides- de-Camp. Lieut. Col. Edmund Antrobus, Provincial Aide-de-Camp. Lieut. Col. DeSalaberry, Extra Prov. Aide-de-Camp. u (^%cmiwc Counni\ . . Hon. Wm. Morris, President, Dominick Daly, Provincial Secretary, William H. Draper, Attorney General (West), W. Badgley, Attorney General, (East) Denis B. Papineau, Commissioner Crown Lands, William Cayley, Inspector General, John A. Macdonald, Receiver General. OFFICERS. John Joseph, Clerk, William H. Lee, Assistant Clerk, Samuel Boies Smith, First Clerk, Flavien Vallerand, Second Clerk, William A. Himsworth, Third Clerk. Olivier Cote, Fourth Clerk, Michael Naughten, Messenger, , David Ryan, Doorkeeper. E. Parent and E. A. Meredith, Assistant Secretaries. 3 50 OUBEEO DIRECTORY. Mcmhcrs, Residence. Date of Summons. R. E. Caron, Speaker Cluebec, 9th June, 1841, Roberts. Jameson... Toronto, do P. B. de Blaquiere Kingston, do reterM'Gill Montreal, do Robert B. Sullivan Toronto, do William Morris Montreal, do George" Pember ton Q,uebcc, (absent) do Alexander Frascr Frascrfield, do Barth^lemy JoUiette Village Industry, do James Crooks Flamboro' West, do Adam Fer[|U3on Flamboro' East, do John Macnulay . . Kingston, do John Hamilton Kingstvon, do Francois P. Eruneau Montreal, do John McDonald Gananoque, do Adam Ferrie Montreal, do Jean Baptl^te Tache Kamouraska, do Paul H. Knoulton Brome, do Thomus McKay New Edinburgh, do Gabriel F^oy St. Laurent, 14th June, 1841 , Pbillip II. Moore St. Armand, 7th September, 1841, Robert Dick&on Niagara, 19th August, 1842, Araable Dionno Kamouraska, do Joseph Dionne St. Pierre, do George .T. Gopdhue , .... London, do licvius P. Sherwood Toronto, do W'illiam Walker Q,uebec. do Christopher Widmer c. . . Toronto, 15th August, 1843. J. iEmilius Irving Newmarket, 4th September, 1.843, Louis Massue Gluebec, do P. B. de Bouchorville Boucherville, 27th September, 1843, John Neilson Cluebec, 30th November, 1844, James Morris Brocktille, do James Gordon . ., Aniherstburgh, 3d November, 1845. PERMANENT OFFICERS. Clerk, Charles DeLery, ) Assistant Clerks, and^Masters John F. Taylor, Senior, 5 in Chancery. E. L. Montizambert, Law Clerk. John F. Taylor, Junior, Additional Clerk Assistant, Rev. W. A. Adamson, Chaplain and Librarian, Robert Lernoine, French Translator, W. A. Maingy and E. Doucet, Junior Clerks, F. S. Jarvis, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, James Adamson, Assistant Librarian, .. , ,,,I./ Olivier Vallerand, Serjeant-at-Arms, ' \'; ,^'^ ;•':■, qUXBJSC PIREOYORY. H SIR ALLAN NAPIER McNAB, Speaker. Constituencies. Members. Beauharnois Eden Colvile Bellechasse Hon. Augustin N. Morin, Berthier David M . Armstrong, Bonaventure John LeBoutiliier, Brockville George Sherwood, Bytown WilUam Stewart, Carleton G. Lyons, Chambly Louis Lacoste, Champlain Louis Guillet, Cornwall J. H. Cameron, Dorchester Drummond Robert Nugent Watts, Dundas George Macdonell, Durham John Tucker Williarae, Essex John Prince, Frontenac Henry Smith, Gaspe Robert Christie, Glengarry John S. Macdonald, Grenvil'e Hamilton D. Jessop, Haldimand David Thompson, Halton, fEast Riding) George Chalmers, Halton, (West Riding) James Webster, Hamilton Sir Allan N. MacNab, Hastings Edmund Murney, Huntingdon Benjamin H. Lemoine, Huron William Cayley, Kamouraska Amable Berthelet, Kent Joseph Woods, Kingston John A. Macdonald, Lanark Malcolm Cameron, Leeds Ogle Robert Gowan, Leinster Jacob De Witt, Lenox and Addington Benjamin Seymour, Lincoln, f N. Riding) William H. Merritt, Lincoln, (S. Riding) James Cummings, L'Islet C. F. Fournier, London Hon. William Draper, Lotbini^re Joseph Laurin, Megantic Hon. Dominic Daly, Middlesex Edward Ermatinger, Missisquoi Montmorency Joseph Cauchon, ^»'"^. («w \ g^S; g"c^s.Sw. Montreal, (County) Andre Jobin, Niagara Walter H. Dickson, l^^icojet ....... .f,,,f ,..,., .^ AAtoineP* M^thot} ' 62 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. Norfolk . . . ,', Israel Wood Powell, Northumberland, N. R George Barker Hall, Northumberland, S, R Adam Henry JVIftyers, Ottawa Hon. Denis B. Papineau, Oxford Robert Riddell, ; . Portneuf Lewis T. Druramond, - ,.," Prescott Neil Stewart, • - Prince Edward R. B. Conger, .'.;>. ;. / <^ebec, (City) l?er„- SIX" ''■''''"'"' i Quebec (County) Pierre J. O. Chauveau, Richelieu Wolfred Nelson, Rimouski Louis Bertrand, .1. i i< « Rouville Timothee Franch^re, < Russell Archibald Petrie, "' . '; Saguenay Hon. P. de Salles Laterri^re, Shefford Stephen Se well Foster, Sherbrooke, (Town) Edward Hale, Sherbrooke, (County) Samuel Brooks, " . .. • Simcoe William B. Robinson, . . Stanstead John McConnoIl, Stormont Donald JE. McDonell, . :;• a- :'■ Saint Hyacinthe Thomas Boutillier. . - Saint Maurice Fran9ois Desaulniers, ' 1. . Terrebonne Hon. L. H. Lafontaine, , v/ v^ Three-Rivers Hon. D. B. Viger, , i ^ ' ^ 'T -» i. /r«'i \ S Hon. Henry Sherwood, ....•.,, Toronto (City) J William H. Boulton, ' _^.,..,,: Two Mountains William Henry Scott, , i:^ '■ i Vaudreuil Jacques P. Lantier, . .;.!;,;' Vercheres James Leslie, . i • Wentworth Hermannus Smith, Yamaska Leon Rousseau, ... York, f First Riding) James Hervey Price ..:,.= ...,. York, (Second Ridmg) George Duggan, ... - York, (Third Riding) George Munro, _ .•• .- York, (Fourth Riding) Hon. Robert Baldwin. . f> j'i -. *: >> PERMANENT OFFICERS. , ;' W. B. Lindsay, Cleik, ...... . . ; . G. B. Faribault, Assistant Clerk, m * G. W. Wicksteed, Law Clerk and English Translator, •••'' W. P. Patrick, Chief Office Clerk, W. Ross, Chief Clerk of Committees, ^"* '^• Henri Voyer, French Translator, ' \ P. E. Gagnon, Clerk of French Journals, . ' G. M. Muir, Clerk of English Journals, • '^"'' ' ' - "^ '' Alfred Patrick, Clerk of Committees, Thomas Vaux, Second Office Clerk and Accountant, nr- Alfred Todd, Clerk of Committees, .,^v,v,, wa?. W. B. Tr; G. Levi D. P. A J. Husti Williar Alpheui George J. B. M W. Jun A. L. C Robert I John Ca John 0^( Comman Asst. Ad Deputy J Town M Chaplain Assistant Assistant Ordnance Principal Barrack Re R 93 A( Df Qi QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 53 W. B. Lindsay, Junior, Assistant Law Clerk and English Translator, G. Levesque, Assistant French Translator, D. P. Myrand, do. do. J. Huston, do. 'd6. William Winder, Librarian, '" ' • Alpheus Todd, Assistant Librarian, *' " •-/' George K. Chisholm, Serjeant-at-Arms, J. B. Morand, Thaddeus Patrick, Henry Hartney, K. Barton, W. H. Lemoine, W. Spink, L. Berthelot, and H. B. Stuart, Junior Clerks, ■ * r- <•. A. L. Cardinal, Chief Messenger, ' .*■ Robert Defries, Post Master, . - • •■ John Cameron, Assistant Messenger, _ - John O^Connor, Doorkeeper. %abs of iHUitarji ?3lepartment0 in Quebec. Commandant, Major General , Asst. Adjt. General, Lieut. Colonel Deputy Asst. Quarter-Mtr. Gen. Capt. Ingall, unattached. Town Major, Capt. A. Knight, unattached. Chaplain to the Forces, Rev. George Cowell. Assistant Commissary General Rae, Account Branch. Assistant Com. Gen. Cox worthy. Garrison Duties. Ordnance Store Keeper, Richard Penn, Esq. Principal Medical Officer, Staff" Surgeon Melvin, M.D. Barrack Master, Thomas Trigge, Esq.* - . REGIMENTS IN QUEBEC, MAY 1847. . . ; ^ . - Royal Artillery, Lieut. Colonel Walker. Reserve Battalion Rifle Brigade, Lt. Col, Beckwith. 93d Highlanders, Lieut. Colonel Spark. > - iHilitifl Staff. '^ * ' Adjutant Geneial, Col. Plomer Young, >T- i: • Deputy Adjutant General, Lt. Col. J. P. Tache. '%' '>'>•} ^^y^) » Deputy Q, Master General, Lt. Col. Irvine. .> " *' - i-'-i .UO- ^'^ •■••' ;••?. "n- <^?tt/" .?;•:)':„, wi',^ fy;/'. :>-.':''■'>■ K ;■-;*>■ li-UHJ .;- tI; ,-,^'■^/■ " '•■ .y'ril^ •i.&r'H 'f - "^4' 'v'- :<■.••:■ ' ^i ■ 4 '1 64 QVfifiS^ 30IRECT0RT. CIVIL AND CRIMINAL TERMS OF COUltT$, COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH, ' DISTRICT OF QUEBEC. Honorable Sir James Stuart, Bart. Chief Justice of the Province. Honorable Edward Bowen, Puisne Judge. Honorable Philippe Panet, ditto. Honorable Elzear Bedard, ditto. William S. Sewell, Sheriff; Edward Burroughs and Louis Fiset, Prothonotary ; James Green, Clerk of the Crown ; B. A. Panet, Coroner ; J. A. Panet, Jun. Assistant Coroner ; Wm. Downes, High Constable ; James Maclaren, Jailer. VICE ADMIRALTY COURT. .rudge—The Honorable Henry Black. Registrar—Jame.i P. Bradley. Marshal — Jno. B. Parkin. The Court sits from day to day. The regular Court days are Tuesday and Friday. COURT OF BANKRUPTCY. Judges — The Honorable William Power and Jewi Ca$imir Bruneau, Circuit Judges. The' Circuit Judges are also ex officio Chairmen of the Quarter Sessions. The Court of Bankruptcy sits daily, as business requires. Statutes Regulating the Judiciary of Lower Canada^ in virtue of an Act passed in the 1th Victoria, Caps. 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20, December 9, 1843, intituled, COURT OF APPEALS FOR LOWER CANADA. The said Courts to consist of all the Justices of the several Courts of Queen's Bench in Lower Canada Tei'ms of the Courts of Appeals to be ahernately in the Cities of Quebec and Montreal, from the 1st to the 10th day of each of the months of March, July, and November, both days inclusive ; and the first term of the said Court shall be held in the City of Quebec. Joseph G. Barlh, Clerk. John Von Exter, Dy. Clerk. QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 65 ■ : ■:■'■- CRIMINAL Terms of the Court of Queen's Bench to be holden in the Distri'^t of Quebec, at tne City of Quebec, from the 1st to the 10th day of each] of the months of February and August, both days inclusive. "* CIVIL. Superior Term — From the 15th to the 29th of each of the months of January and July ; from the 17th to the 31st day of each of the months of March and Mar; and from the 16th to the 30th day of each of the months of September and Novem- ber, both days in every case inclusive, MONTREAL. Criminal Court — From the 1st to the 15th day of each of th© months of February and August, both days inclusive. CIVIL. Superior Term — From the 15th to the 29th day of each of the months of January and July ; from the 17th to the 31st day of each of the months of March and May ; and from the 16th to the 30th day of each of the months of September and Novem- ber, both days in every case inclusive. THREE RIVERS. Criminal Term — and for actions of a Civil nature — From the 12th to the 26th day of the month of February, and from the 14th to the 28th day of Octobci, both days in each case inclusive ; and for suits and actions (not criminal) from the 19th to the 31st day of June, both days inclusive. ST. FRANCIS. Criminal Term — and for actions of a Civil nature — From the 7th to the 18th day of January, and from the 19th to the 31st day of August, both days inclusive. ., ,, _ DISTRICT OF GASP^. Court of Queen^s Bench — To have cognizance of Civil and Criminal cases at Perce, from the 21st to the 30th day of August, both days inclusive ; at New Carlisle, from the 4th to the 13th day of September, both dayn inclugive, Sundays and Holidays always excepted. - , ■ T^r- T, 66 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. Inferior Terms— for Actions from ^5 0, and not exceeding £20 Currency— From the 17th to the 23rd day of February ; from the 24th to the 30th day of April; from the 21st to the 27 -^ day of each of the months of June, August, and October, ana from the 1st to the 7th day of December, both days in every case inclusive. THREE RIVERS. By the Resident Judge— F^om the 1st to the 7th of each of the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December, both days in every case inclusive. ST. FRANCIS. By the Provincial Judge — From the 1st to the 7th of each of the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December, both days in every case inclusive. Courts to be established on petition to the Governor of the Province, of one hundred proprietors, to be held, except in the Cities and Parishes of Quebec and Montreal, on the first Monday of every month, not being a Holiday. In the Cities and Parishes of Quebec and Montreal respectively, the Court shall be held weekly on every Monday not being a Holiday. CIRCUIT COURTS. DISTRICT OF QUEBEC. Tlie Rimouski Circuit — In the Parish of St. Germain, from the 1st to the 7fh day of each of the months of February, June, and October, in all cases both days inclusive. 27te Kamouraska Circuit — In the Parish of St. Louis de Ka- mouraska, from the 10th to the IClh day of each of the months of February, June, and October. Tlie St. Thomas Circuit— In the Parish of St. Thomas, from the 19th to the 25th day of each of the months of February, June, and October. Tlie Beauce Circuit— In the Parish of Ste. Marie Nouvelle Eeauce, from the 13th to the 19th day of each of the months of February, June, and October. QI^EBEC DIRECTORY. The Leeds Circuit — In the Township of Leeds, from the 7th to the 13th day of each of the months of January, May, and September. llie Lotbiniere Circuit — In the Parish of St. Croix, from the 7th to the 13th day of each of the months of January, May, and September. The Portneuf Circuit — In the Parish of Cap Sante, from the 7th to the 13th day of each of the months of January, May, and September. The Saguenay Circuit — In the Parish of Les Eboulemens, from the 1st to the 7th day of each of the months of March, July, and November. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL. The Berthier Circuit — In the Parish of Berthier, from the 1st to the 7th day of each of the months of March, July, and November, in all cases both days inclusive. The VAssomption Circuit — In the Parish of St. Pierre de PAs- somption, from the 9th to the 15th day of each of the months of March, July, and November. The Terrebonne Circuit — In the Parish of St. Louis de Terrebonne, from the 7th to the 13th day of each of the months of January, May, and September. The Two Mountains Circuit — In the Parish of St. Benoit, from the 17th to the 23rd day of each of the months of February, June, and October. The Ottawa Circuit — At the village of Aylmer, from the 7th to the 13th day of each of the months of January, May, and September. . The VaudreuU Circuit — In the Parish'of St. Michel '^■^ Vau- dreuil, from the 10th to the 16th aay of each of the months of February, June, and October. Vie Bcauharnois Circuit — In the Parish of St. Clement de Beauharrois, from the 17th to the 23rd day of each of the months of February, June, and October. St, John''s Circuit — In the Parish of St. John the Evangelist, from the 1st to the 7th day ot each of the months of February, June, and October. . -, i f . ; 3* 58 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. The Shefford Circuit— -Jn the Township of k!hefFord, from the 9th to the 15th day of each of the months of March, July, and November. The St. Hyacinthe Circuit— At the village of St. Hyacinthe, from, the 10th to the 16th day of each of the months of Febru- ary, June, and October. Tlie Richelieu Circuit — in the Parish of St. Ours, from the 7th to the 13th day of each of the months of January, May, and September. The Yamaska Circuit — In the Parish of St. Antoine de la Baie du Febvre, from the 23rd to the 29th day, of each of the months of Jarmary, May, a.nd September. ' •' Tfie Gentilly Circuit — In the Parish of Gent illy, from the 15th to the 21st day of each of the months of March and July, and from the 23rd to the 29tli day of the month of November. District of st. francis. Tlie Richmond Circuit — At the village of Richmond, from the 23rd to the 29th day.of each- of the months of January and July, in all cases both days inclusive. TTie Eaton Circuit — In the Township of Eaton, from the 16tli to the 22nd day, of each of the months of March and September. The Stanstead Circuit — At Stanstead Plain, from the 16th io the 22d day of the months of May and December, | in all cases both days inclusive. DISTRICT OF GASPE. *'' TJie Perce Circuit— From the 1st to the 10th of each of the months of March and November, in all cases both days inclusive. TJic Basin Circuit — From the 15th to the 24th day of each of the months of March and November. The Grand River Circuit — From the 1st to the 10th day of each of the months of April and December. The Magdalen Islands Circuit — At Amherst Harbour, from the 1st to the 10th day of July. The New Carlisle Circmt—FTom the 15th to the 24th day ot each of the months of May and December. The Carleton Circuit — From the 15th to the 24th day of each of the months of January and July. The RistigoucJie Circuit — From the 27th day of January to the 5th day of February, and from the 27lh day of July to the 5th day of August, both days alwr-ys iricluaive. QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 59 ImiitcQ of tlje ^caU For the District of Quebec, who are resident within the City and Banheue of Quebec, according to the order in which they stand in the General Commission of the Peace now in force, (bearing date the 6th day of October, 1845, and Associate Commissions since issued,) from the 4th day of January, to the 31st da) of December, 1847. N A M F, S. Hon. Thos. C. Aylwin, Q. C, William King McCord, Inspr. and Suprt. Police, Noah Freer, William Phillips, James McKenzie, Joseph Morrin, Henry LeMesjirier, Hammond Gowen, Ebenezer Baird, George BlacJi, Edward Glackemeyer, Joseph Legare, Antoine Archange Parent, Francois Xavier Farad is, Robert Symes, Jean G. Tourangeau, Christian Hoffrnan, William Ware, J. Zephirin Nault, Joseph Painchaud, George Holmes Parke, John McLeod, Joseph Robitaille, John Racy, Fraderick Petry, Edouard Rousseau, William Hedley Anderson, Joseph Laurin, William O'Brien, Josiah Hunt, Edouard Dugal, Osborne L. Richardson, Thomas Conrad Lee^ Robert Jellard, William H. A. Davis, William Petry, Richard I. Alley n, Paul Lepper, John M. Muckle, Daniel McCallum, Fran9ois Buteau, Charles M. DeFoy, Julien Chouinard, Michel Tessier, John Doran, Rene Gabriel Beileau, Frangois Joseph Parent, Jean Bte. Trudelle, Jean Bte. Hardy, George Henderson, John Bonner, • Ant. Ambroise Parent, Abraham Joseph. !:abt)ocat^0, \B^7. 5. 1805 George Vanfelsqp, (Doyen) April .. Bernard Antoine Panet George Bnrth. Faribault December 14, 1810 Josepli Fran9ois ferrault A;"ril 7, 1817 Edouard Bacquet January... 18, 1818 Hon. Andrew William Cochran October . , 7, do Hon. Henry Black May 30, 1830 6a QUSBPC mBECTORY* Edward Burroughs January.. 6, Hon. Francis W. Primrose April 2, Narcisse Jacques Amiot May 4, Charles Pr.r.ct.. May 7, Jean Francois Duval July 2l, Louis Flavien Dufresne January. . . 10, Charles Eusebe Casgrain May 21, Edouard O. Desbarats June 2, Charles Deguise April 2, Joseph Lagucux November 4, Hon. Rene Edouard Caron January . . 26, Joseph Francois Deblois April 1, Hon. Thomas Gushing Aylwin December 12, Andre Joseph Taschereau , February 23, William King McCord February John Urquhart Ahem May 7, George Okill Stuart May 25, Simeon Lelievre December 7, Elz. H. J. Duchesnay January . . 10, Antoine J. Duchesnay January . . 10, David Roy. . . , August ... 9, Narcisse Fort. Belleau September 26, William McTavish January ..11, Felix. Odilon Gauthier March .... 6, John Helgo Von Exter May 21, Edward L. Montizambert June 5, Joseph NoSl Bosse June 27, James G. Baird A ugust ... 16, Thorn R. Smith, September 2, Thomas William Lloyd January. . .23, Jean Chabot February ..27, Andrew Stuart May 7, Hamby F. Cairns May 12, Robert Chambers June 14, John Maguire September 20, Dunbar Ross February 2, Jacques Cremazie , . , February 4, John P. Bradley February 25, Jean Thomas Taschereau July 12, Jean Antoine Panet August ... 1 3, Louis Gonz. Baillairge October. . . 12, Horatio Smith Anderson January Antoine A. Vanfelson January . John B. Parkin February Jean G. Tourangeau June .... Fran9oi8 Real Angers October Pierre Antoine Doucet March . . . . 3. 4, 3, 6' Lawrence Amb. Cannon March.. ..26, Rrhpxf. Ch«v, D'Estimauville May 5, Cyrille Delagrave : .. August ..8, Edouard Joseph Deblois,,,.., August ,.25, 1822 do do do 1823 1824 do do 1825 do 1826 do 1827 1828 1829 do 1830 1831 1832 do do do 1833 do do do do do do 1834 do do do do do 1835 do do 1836 do do 1837 do do do do 1838 do do do do Francoii 7osepn I Joseph Ulrick J James JV James G Jacques Charlp« Francis Louis PI Pierre J. Prosper Auguste John J. ( Thomas Narcisse Fredericl Francois William Franfois Pierre Li Joseph C Richard ( Zephirin Charles ( Charles I Franfois J. B. R. John Da Henry Guillaurr Telesphoj Magloire Aurele Napoleo QUEB1CC DIRECTOBY. 61 Francois Lemieux April 7oseph Eugene Doucet April .... 13, Joseph Lesperance May 1, Ulrick Joseph Tessier June 22, James M jtz June 22, James Green December 19, Jacques Rheaume July .... Charles A 'eyn. October. Francis W . Austin May J , Louis Plamondon May 6, Pierre J. O. Chauveau July 30, Prosper Bender October . .28, Auguste Soulard June John J. C. Pentland June Thomas Casault July 2, Narcissc Const. Faucher July 4, Frederick Auguste Thickle September 10, Francois Magloire Derome October. . .24, William Fanning December 4, Francois Xavier Langevin December 20, Pierre L6gare September 27, Joseph Cauchon. . . , October. . . 1 , Richard Charlton May . . . Z^phirin Perrault May . . . Charles G. Holt July Charles Secrctan. March . Fran9ois Evanturelle '. . September 26, J. B. R. Dufrosne September 26, John Daly. December 4, Henry Aylmn December 29, Guillauina Talbot July 4, Telesphore Fournier July 4, Magloire J. Hudon October. ..17, Aurele Plamondon October... 2J, Napoleon Casault Notaries ^nblir, 1847. 1, 1839 do do do do do 28, 1840 8, do 1841 do do do 27, 1842 28, do do do do do do do 1843 do 2, 1844 25, do 1844 1845 do 9, 19, do do do 1846 do do do 1847 Roger Lelievre, Michel Sauvageau, Arch. Campbell, H. M. N. Antoine Arch. Parent, Edouard Glackemeyer, L. T. McPherson, Frs. Xavier Vaillancourt, L'Hon. Louis Panet, Michel Tessier, Chs. Maxime Defoy, ' ' Errol Boyd Lindsay, Ren6 Gabriel Belleau, Al. B. Sirois Duplessis, ^ Edouard Tessier, John Childs, Etienne Legar6, Louis Prevost, Pre. Hyp, Faucher, Pre. Lion Gauvreau, William Bignell, Joseph Gyr. Cr^mazie, John Grieves Claphara, Jean-Bte. Trudel, Joseph Laurin, Pierre Alex. Gagnon, I Alexandre Lemoine, 't\ ■y.f-n 6S QUEBEC DIRECTORY. Fabien Ouellet, Germain Guay, Jean Tourangeau, Fra. Xav. Garneau, Josiah Hunt, Joseph Peticlerc, John birch, Edward George Cannon, Sr'Ton Ca. pbcU, 0;.i¥*er ..jpeau, 3. »-!; . P; meau, JoL'.; Jfifevu'onj CharlM Cinq-Mar», Wilbrod Larue, Antoine Amb. Parent, William Young, J. Hossaek, C. H. Austin, Daniel McPherton, Fortunat Martineau, Nar. Fager, Aiiiable B61anger, ^ J. B. A. Chartier, Dugal, Lefevre. t' ' ASSOCIATION. Roger Leli&vre President, C. M Defoy, Treasurer, Wilbrod Larue, Secretary, ♦ Joseph Laurin, Trustee. MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT. ■^.^ Michel Tessier, A. A. Parent, Se7ir., ' E. B. Lindsay, AUDITORS. Joseph Petitclerc and Germain Guay. Edward Gla«kemeyer, L. T. Macpherson. TABIuE OF FEES In the Inferior Terms of the Courts of Queen^s Benchy and in the Circuit Courts f 1th Victoria, Cap, XVI. TO THE ATTORNEY. On all proceedings in actions settled before return (except tnose on which additional fees are hereinafter allowed) to the Plaintiff's Attorney On all proceedings (except as aforesaid) on Actions settled after return, and before con- testation, or in which judgment shall be given on confession or by default, or ex parte without ewfuete (that is to say, without the examin party)— And to th On the sa fault, Plaintil And to th On the sa testatioi And to th On the sa after coj And to th In all Hyi Actions as in Isi On all op conserve when C( saisie-m tions m the orig be inci( In all inc allowed ^1 O ADDITION)! *-l rl V. to ^ C Class undc ove £ !2 «^ i^iJ 1 Class or unde On each d'annnl ,.5-3 ^ s-s contestj CO 1— t <4 On each ( On a sais\ no cont £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. On suing revendu ment, o 1 50 34 by the For each ration, Por each ' . includii QX7EBEC DIRECTORY. 63 m O to «H Wi a> (A t3 «s C n o »« •X) o \A CO TO THE ATTORNEY. examination in Court of any witness or party) — to the PlaintilTs Attorney And to the Defendant's Attorney On the same if the judgment be given by de- fault, or ex parte but with enquelc — to the Plaintiff's Attorney And to the Defendant's Attorney On the same in actions discontinued after con testation — to the Plaintiff's Attorney And to the Defendant's Attorney On the same when judgment shall be given after contestation to the Plaintiff's Attorney. And to the Defendant's Attorney In all Hypothecary Actions, mixed Actions, n. Actions for personal wrongs, the same feet as in 1st class actions. On all oppositions (except oppositiors ojin de con&erver) interventions and requetes civlles, when contested, and also on contestations of ftaisie-arret, after judgment, or of declara- tions made by garnishees, the same fees as in the original actions to which the same shall be incident. In all incidental cross demands, half the fees allowed in original actions for a like sum. ADDITIONAL FEES ON CERTAIN PROCEEDINGS. On each opposition, oJin de distraire or afm d^annnler, intervention or requete civile, not contested On each opposition afm dc comerver On a saisie-arret after judgment, when there is no contestation On suin^ out any writ of saisie-gagerie, saisie- revendicaiion, or saisie-arret, before judg- ment, or on any special declaration required by the Court For each copy, more than one, of any decla- ration, petition or intervention, or opposition. Por each plea in writing ordered by trie Court, including copy C9 ^ 2^ ^-"o ^■^^ !-l Ml ►" to eS -; QJ -^ C V o^% '^^% UXi _< M.a ^ O CS ^ O rt in Q 1—1 01 £ s d je 8 d 1 5 76 10 5 1 10 10 ore 50 ? C 10 o! \ 10 0;0 00 1 1 10 7 6 2 6 12 10 T3 O CO £ 10 10 5 5 2 26 OjO s d 5 2 6 7 G 2 6 5 5 7 6 5 5 5 2 6 2C 1 3 ^^k n.^', 64 qUJCBEC DULECTOET* TO THE ATTORNEYS On each rule to take up the instance or to de- clare a judgment executory, or for contrainte par corps, or other rule of a like nature when declared absolute — to the Attorney prose- cuting the same And when over-ruled to the Attorney resisting the application On a commission rogatoire, and all proceedings relative thereto — to the Attorney suing out the same And to the Attorney of the opposite party .... To the Attorney employed by either party to attend to the execution of such commission. For every copy of a rule or order of Court .... For suing out any writ of execution For bill of costs and attendance at taxation. . . TO THE CLERK. For every writ of sommons or attachment, (^saisie-arret, saisie-gagciie, 'saisie-rcvendi- cation, or capias) filing the prcecipe, and fur- nishing a copy of such writ For every original subpcena On the entry of any cause, or the filing of any intervention, requite civile, opposition or in cidental demande On the contestation of the same — to be paid by the party contesting it For each commission rogatovre, and the pro- ceedings relative thereto For each rule for fails et articles, serment deci soire, reprise dHnstance, or other rule of like nature For each copy of a subpcena or riile, and for each copy more than one of any writ For an office copy of any document, includmg the certificate, per hundred words For each appeal bond, and on each evocation, including attendance and the making up and transmission of the record For each writ of execution , £ s d 15 10 10 5 10 1 36 26 3 1 50 50 3 6 1 6 6 10 20 jC s d 10 5 5 2 6 10 (A t? eg a •^ o 2 1 26 26 26 1 06 6 10 i 6 £ sd 5 26 0^6" 10 1 06 13 1 3 i 3 06 03 06 10 1 qUEBEC DIRECTORY. 65 f '■- TO THE ATTORNEY. For each bill of costs and certificate, if deman- ded On the execution of a commission rogatoire from any other Court On the examination and cross examination (if any) of each witness under such commission rogatoire . For a copy of any judgment, whether interlo- cutor^r final, if demanded On eaSJIsippointment of a Tutor or Curator {acU ae tutellc on de curatelle) or other ap- pojitment of a like nature, and one copy thereof, in every case, 4s. On the closiiigof an inventory, and certificate of the sam", in every case, 3s. On any insiiutatioity in every case. Is. And for each one hundred words of the docu- ment registered, in every case, Gd. Drawing report of distribution o ■4-» 'J «^ .a 2 (4 "2 CO a o o a > o rS o -a C o* TO THE CRIER. On every action, opposition or intervention returned into Court V .--,).,-, TO THE TIPSTAFF. On every action, opposition or intervention returned into Coiftrt, in every case, 6d. TO THE SHERIFF OR BAILIFFS. Mileage on the service or execution of a writ or of process of any kind, at the rate of six pence per mile — without any further charge for mileage on any other process to be served on the same party then in the hands of the Sheriff or Bailiff, and which shall be or might have been served at the same time (whether such process shall have been sued out by the same party or by any other) and without any charge for mileage in returning, rs o £ ,1 8 d 1 £ 2 2 2 10 1 6 1 6 7 6 1 3 I s d 1 340 3 40 34 20 I 5 1 66 QVEBXC DIRECTOHT. TO THE ATTORNEY. but exclusive of sums paid at toll gates, fer- ries or bridcros. For the service, certificate or return, of such writ or procesa For the seizure of goods and chattels, and all incidental trouble, but exclusive of mileage.. For his recors For the sale of goods and chattels, exclusive of mileage For publishing I he notices of the sale For the service of any notice, and the certifi- cate and return If the writ be returnable into the duecn's Bench in Superior Term, the fees to the Sheriff will be the same as if it had issued out of the said Court in Superior Term. QDflGcets of tlie Olngtoms, (Stnebec, 1847, Henry Jessopp, Collector, Charles G. Stewart, Landing Surveyor, John Bruce, First Clerk and Warehouse Keeper, James Prendergast, Second do. Charles Secretan, Third ds), Francis Thompson, Fourth do. Richard Charlton, Clerk of Ships Articles and Marintrs Re gister Tickets, Nathaniel N. Ross, Extra Clerk, ^ ' ; '' ;;;*'^ Edward Bartlett, Clerk to Landing Surveyor, '"" ,J John Fletcher, Landing Waiter and Searcher, John P. Mera, do. do. Charles E. Allen, do. do. John Fife, Tide Surveyor, Thomas Lambert, and James Carmichael, Tidesman, D. McLean Stewart, Check Ofhcer on Foreign Rafts, A. D. McConnell, Sub. Collector, Gaspe (Acting), Henry Kavanah, do, New Carlisle, Jean C. Belleau, do. Magdalen Islands, ' ' "" Pierre Gauvereau; Coast Officer, Father Point, George Barnston, do. Saguenay, Edward Mann, do. Carleton, Edmond Flynn, do. Perce. qUXBEC DIRECTORY. m Annual General Meeting of the Quebec Board of Tradi. held 5th April, 1847, the following Gentlemen were elected Officers for the ensuing Season : — COUNCIL. Hon. W. Walker, President, James Dean, Vice President, H. J. Noad, Treasurer J P. Langlois, Junior, J. Tibbets, A. Gillespie, W. Stevenson, H. LeMesurier, A. Lawrie, J. B. Forsyth, C. Wurtele, G. H, Parke, H. W. Welsh. John Bonner, W. Stevenson, J. Gillespie, Jas. Gibb, A. Lawrie, VV. Petry, BOARD OF ARBITRATION. J. Dean, H. J. Noad, W. Walker, Junior, P. Langlois, Junior, H. LeMesurier, G. H. Parke. WHBN NO AGREEMENT EXISTS TO THE CONTRARY. COMMISSION AND AGENCY. For selling Consignments, from ports or places out of tnc^ Canadas, without guarantee, , 5 per cent. For selling Consignments, from ports or places in the Canadas, without guarantee, 2^ do. For delcredere or guarantee of Debts, 2| do. For purchasing, shipping and forwarding mer- chandize to ports or places out of the Canadas, 5 do. For purchasing, shipping and forwarding mer- chandize to ports or places in the Canadas, when in funds, 2^ do. Otherwise, 5 do. For purchasing Bills of Exchange, Stocks, or Specie, with funds in hand, . ^ do. For purchasing Bills of Exchange, Stocks, or Specie, taking reimbursements by Bills or ^ Drafts, li do. For endorsing Bills of Exchange, , 2^ do. 68 QUEBEC DIRECTORT. For collecting Debts and remitting the proceeds without endorsement of Bills. 5 do. For receiving and remitting Bank Dividends,. . . 1 do. For selling or purchasing vessels, 5 do. For chartering ships, 2^ do. For collecting or procuring freight and on ships' disbursements, 5 do. For effecting insurance against loss by fire on amount of premium, 5 do. For adjusting losses generally with Insurance Companies, on amount recovered, 2i^ do. For receiving and paying monies, from which no other commission is derived, 1 do. For receiving and forwarding goods from abroad, ' according to the bulk of each package, and the trouble attending it, per package, 6d. at 2s. 6d. And on the amount of the responsibilities incur- red by such agency, 2^ per cent. On sale by Auction for the benefit of the Under- • .writers^ exclusive of the Auctioneer's charge, 5 do. N. B. — The above commissions to be exclusive of storage, brokerage and every other charge actually incurred or dis- bursed. The risk of loss by fire, unless insurance be ordered, and of robbery, theft, and other unavoidable occurrences, if the usual care be taken to secure the property, is in all cases to be borne by the proprietor of the goods. On all consignments withdrawn, 2 J per cent, commission to be charged. STORAGE On W heat, Barley, Peas, Oats and Corn, ' . First month, storage, receiving and delivering, 2d. per minot, Succeeding months, storage, Id. do. Cribbling, each time, ^d. do. Passing wheat, &c., through a screen, each time, ;Jd. do. Turning to prevent heating, each time, 6d. per 100 do. On Flaxseed. Subject to the same charges as grain, except cribbhng, each time, 1 J per minot. Flour and Meal in Barrels. First month, including receiving and deliver- ing, 4d. per barrel. Succeeding months, 3d. do. ^JL^ » V • QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 69 Porkf Beef J Butter^ and Lard in Barrels. First month, including receiving and deliver- ing, 6d. do. Succeeding months, 4d. do. Hogshead of 1 100 cwt. gross weight and upwards, of Sugar, Tobacco and heavy Goods, First month, including receiving and deli- vering, 3s. 6d. per hhd. Succeeding months, Is. 6d. do. And if weighed, additional, Is. 3d. do. Tierces of Sugar, Rice, ^r. First month, including receiving and deliver- * ing, 2s. 2d. per tr. Succeeding months, 8d. do. And if weighed, additional, ., 9d. do. Barrels of Sugar, Cof[ne, Sfc. First month, 6d. per barrel. Succeeding months, 4d. do. And if weighed, additional, 3d. do. Puncheons and Pipes of Liquors. First month, including receiving, delivering and guaging, 3s. 3d. each Succeeding months, Is. do. Hogsheads of Liquors. First month, including receiving, delivering and gauging, 2s. 2d. do. Succeeding months, 8d. do. Quarter Casks of Liquors. First month, including receiving, delivering and gauging, Is. Id. each. Succeeding months, 4d. do. Teas arid. Chests. First month, including receiving and deliver- ing, 4d. do. Succeeding months, 2d. do. Cordage. First month, including receiving and deliver- ing, 10s. per ton. Succeding months, 2s. 6d, do. Iron and Copper. First month, including receiving, weiging and delivering, , . . 7s. 6d. per ton, Succeding months, 2s. 6d. do. •70 QUXBSG DIBB€TORY. Salt. First month, including receiving and delivering, 2d. per minot. Succeeding months, -^d. do. And for the use of Bags, 4s. 2d. per TOO mta. Cod Fish. First month, including receiving, weighing and delivering, .6d. per quintal Succeeding months, 2d. do. Bales, Cases, Crates, ^c. . To be charged in proportion to casks of their respective dimen- sions. Coals, Ground rent, first month, Is. 6d. per uhdn. Sucaeeding months, 6d. do. N. B. — Every package stored will be liable to one month's storage. CHARGES ON LUMBER. TO BE PAID BY THE SELLER. Receiving. White Pine, 2d. per ton. Red Pine and other Timber, 3d. " Masts, Spars and Bowsprits, as Timber. Deals, 2s. 6d. per stand, hund. Standard Staves, 7s. 6d. per m. West India do 3s. Barrel do 2s. 6d. Lathwood, Is. per cord. Oars and Hand8}»ikes, 2s. 3d. per 100 ps. Landing. . PUir^. Standard Staves, 10s. per m , . . 10s, per m . West India do 3s. 4d. " 3a. 4a. ** Barrel do. 2s. 6d. <* 2s. Hd. '< Deals, 2s. 6d. per stand, lid. 2s. bd. per stand, hd. Lathwood, 2s. per cord 2s. per cord. Oars and Handspikes, 3s. 9d. per 100 ps . . . .38. 9d. per 100 p». TO BE PAID BY THE BUYKR. Delivering. Oak and all hardwood from the bank,. . . .2s. 2d. per ton. — From Cribs, Is. 9d. per ton. Red Pine, Is. lOd Is. 6d. White Pine, .... Is 5d i«. 2d. Deals, 7s. 3d. per stand, hutid.. .... 60. per ltd. hi Standard West Inc Barrel Laihwoo< Oars and Timber 1 Standard West Ind Barrel Deals, . . Latbwooc Oars and All gro ble on Isi be made lowing. When Staves ar to pay th( In cui] parator}' Culler. Timbel been •hi}( to pay for FROM Orleans Dinninf^'gl /iOwndcB, [ Anderson] Henry's, Boisseau' Lambly'sJ Marmettef Gordon's, ON Aaderfionl a. w. jol ■wmUi\^ QUEBEC DIRECTORY 71 Standard Staves, 22s. 6d. per m 17s. 6d. per m. Wrist India do. 7s. 6d. • • • • 63. do. Barrel do. 6s 53. do. Laihwood, 3s. 6d. per cord. Oars and Handspikes 10s. per 100 ps. GROUND RENT. Timber hauled up, . . 6d. per piece. Wintering within Booms, Is. per piece. Standard Staves, .... 10s. per m do . . 10s. per m. West India do 3s. 4d. " do. . 3s. 4d. <* Barrel do 2s. 6d. " do..2s. 6d. ^^ Deals, 2s. .do. .2s. 6d. pr. std. hd. Lath wood, 2s. per cord Oars and Handspikes. 2s. 6d. per 100 ps. All ground rents and wintering shall become due and paya- ble on 1st December in each year, and no further charge shall be made for ground rent or wintering until 1st December fol- lowing. When Red and White Oak, Standard and West India Staves are mixed together in the same Crib, the Lumberman to pay the expence occasioned thereby. In cuiliug Staves the Lumberman to lay tl em in cord pre- paratory to culling, and to provide a man to hand them to the Culler. Timber returned to pay the hauling down and up if it has been shipped from, the bank, and Staves and Deals returned to pay for delivering and repiling. FROM ST. Paul's market to fres-de-ville turnpike. Orleans Wharf, St. Paul's Market, Raccy a Wharf. Dinninjf'i, do. Gibbs, do. JiOwndes, do. Parent's, do. Anderson's, do, Tremain'e, do. Henry's, do. Morrison's, do. Boie«eau'», do. McDouaid'*, do. Lambly's, do. Noad's, do. Marmette'is, do. Langloia, do. Gordon's, do. ON THE BEAUPORT SIDE OF THE RIVER ST. CHARLES. Anderson >«.nd Parwlia Wh-r^ Wolker'a, Wharf. H* I^. Joneii do. 72 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. ON THE RIVER ST. LAWRENCE. .■\i St. Lawrence late Irvines, Wharf, Reynar's, do. Tweddelle's, do. St. Charles, do. India, do. Bell's, do. Levey's, do. Atkinson's, do. Gibb's, do. Steam Boat, do. St. Andrew's, do. Finlay Place, do. Napoleon, do. Arnold's, do. Cul-de-SaCj do. King's, ;' '<■■ Wharn Jones', do. Munn's, do. Govt. Gun Boat Wharf, do. , Martin's, do. Molson's, do. O'Brien's, , do. , Bain's, do. Priests', do. Atkinson, Usborn & Co. do. Lampson's, do. Blais Booms, do. Black's Ship YaifJ ,Wharf & Booms, Hall's Wharf & Booms. Cape Rouge, Ross' Cove, Ring's End Cove, Victoria Cove, Union Cove, H. Lerresurier, jr. Cove, Sharpies & Co. Cove, Pemberton Brothers Cove, Pointe a Pizeau Cove, St. Michaels d.iej Woodfield Harboni-^ Spencer Cove, Wolfes' Cove, L'Ance des Meres Cape Cove, Dalkin's Cove, Diamond Harbourj Pres-de-Ville, Dorchester Beach, TIMBER COVES. T. C. Lee's 0. v<., Beauport Cova, JNew Waterfoivi 'Jove, John Milan's C'»vi , Montmoren! y Cove, . .. Indian Pm.ii: Cove, Point Lfver ove, „. ' Tiblif •., C0V;>, Clark vS6 MciCenzie Cove, ' Henry's Cove, ' Patton's Cove, Dawson's Cove, Ross, Shu' &• Co. Cove, Etchemin Cove, ., ;. • Hibernia Cove, New Liverpool, Price & Co, New London, Benson, New Liverpool, H. & Lowe, St. Nicholas Cove. ...'f^ . MANAGING COMMMITTE, 1847. Henry Pemberton, Chairman, Hon. W. Walker, Hon. J. M. Fraser, W. H. Anderson, J. B. Forsylh, Treasurer, Chas. Poston, Secretary, • ' i> t-'it. ■.(i |f-. «»y QUEBEC DIRECTORY. Sitii ^ttimls from Bca in the JJort of (Eltteber. 73 May 9th, 1760— H. M. S. LeostofF, Capt. Deane. <' 16th^ 1765 — Snow, Apthorp F. Bushia, from Glasgow and Belfast. " 29th, 1766— Sloop Elizabeth, G. Snow, from Boston. " 6th, 1767— Sloop Fanny and Jenny, Capt. Cobb, from Boston. « 12th, 1771— Brig Pitt, Capt. Palmer, 6 weeks from London. <« 13th, 1772— Brigantine Canadian, Abbott, from London. " 20th, 1773— Ship Canadian, Abbott, from I ondon. " 5th, 1777 — Transport Ship Genl. Conway, from New- foundland. *' 20th, 1778— Snow Jason, Sloper, 7 weeks from Cadiz. *< 7th, 1781 — Harriet, Bacon, from London. " 14th, 1786— Ship Integrity, from the Downs. " nth, 1787— H. M. S. thistle, Capt. Coffin, 11 days from Halifax. " 14th, 1789— Ship Achilles, Pile, from Liverpool. June 2nd, 1795 — Brig Caroline, Jenkins, 17 days from Tnnky Bay. May 20th, 1796— Brig Jessies, Patercon, 3rd April, from Greenock. " 15th, 1797 — Schooner Susan, Craigie, Macintyre, 5o dajM from St. Domingo. « nth, 1798— Schooner Swift, Robson, and March froa: Jamaica. « 8th, 1799— Brig Nymph, Pryor, 4th Mai from St. Vin-- cent, &c. " 17th, 1800— Ketch, Firm, Dutramel, 19 , )S from Halifax. April 25th, 1801— Ship Nancy, Bain, 27th IVIarch from. Liver- pool. May 12th, 1802— Brig Mary, Sartus, lltb ATarch from New- castle. " 4th, 1803 — Brig Antelope, Boucher, 49 days from Ja- maica. April 25th, 1804— Ship Jane, Perkins, 16th March from Li- verpool. May 5th, 1805— Ship Quebec, Bailey, 19th March from Lon- don. " 9th, 1806 — Brig Caledonia, Wilson, 2l days from Ayr. April 28th, 1807— Brig Henrietta, Losh, 22 days from Liver- pool, '^ 19th, 1808— Brig Triton, Wright, 15 days from Hull, m QU£B£C DIKECTOHY. May 4th, ISOO—Sliip Ocean, Tracey, 52 days from Portji- mouth. " 3rd, 1810— Ship Prospect, Wake, 33 days irom New- castle. April 26th, 1811 — Ship Hero, Stephenson, 30 days from Lon- don. May 2nd, 1812 — Ship Christopher, Coward, 38 days from London. " 5th. 1813— H. M. S. Woolwich, five weeks from Ports- mouth. " 8th, 1814— Schooner Priam, Pye, 27th April from Ha- lifax. " 10th, 1815 — Ship Hope, Banner, 45 days from Alicant, " 12th, 181(5— Ship Glory, Shand, 42 days from. Liverpool. ♦< 13th, 1817— Ship Fame, Mimet, 25th March from Hull. " 7th, 1818— Biig Patriot, Anderson, 32 days from Aber- deen. <' 1st, 1819— Do do do do 35 days do. «< 9th, 1820— Brig Roval Charlotte, Hobson, 50 days from Alicant. " 8th, 1821— B:^ Southampton, White, 30 days from Grenada. April 27th, 1822— Brig Mary, Murphy, 20th March from St. Vincent. May 9th, 1823 -Brig Hugh, Greig, 27th March from Belfast. « 1st, 1824— Bark Europe, Willis, 25th March from Lon- don. April 24lh, 1825 — Ship Perseverance, Egg, 29th March from Plymouth. " 25th, 1826— Ship Walrus, Wright, 18th March from Lon- don. " 30th, 1827~Ship Quebec Packet, Anderson, 2nd April from Aberdeen. May 8th, 1828 — Ship Gaspe, Bonnyman, 4th April from Gi- braltar. <' 2nd, 1829— Brig Ann Eliza and Jane, Reid, 23rd March from Bristol. April 26th, 1830— Ship Unicorn, Troup, 31st March from Li- verpool. " 16th, 1831— Brig Nemesis, Roallins, 24lh March from Poole. May 4th, 1832 — Ship Canada, Allan, 2nd April from Gree- nock. << 10th, 1833— Brig Favourite, Allan, 27 days from Gree- nock. May 6tl " 2n( " nth Aim] 29ii May 3r( " 8th, Aoril 25tl "'' 29th, May 2nd, April 18th May 3rd, « 1st April 24th May 8th iFit Since Firs 1812, No^ 1813, Ma 1814, Ma 1815, Api 1816, Ma 1817, Ma 1818, Ap] 1819, Ma 1820, Ap, 1821, Ma 1822, Ap, 1823, Ap, 1824, a 1825, « 1826, *' 1827 qU$:B£C DIRECTORT. W Ports- New- n Loll- ys iroiii n Ports- roni Ha- licanl. avtirpool. >m Hull. m Aber- i do. lays from iys from I from St. m Belfast, from Lon- [arch from from Lon- I 2nd April il from Gi- !3rd March ti from Li- ^arch from from Greo- from Gree- May 6th, 1834— Bark Ottawa, Douglas, 31st March from London. " 2nd, 1835— Brig William. Ash, ^ndall, 20th March from Bordeaux. << nth, 1836--Ship Canada, Allan, 2nd April from Gree- nock. April 29th, 1837 — Bark Great Britain, Swinbum, — days from London. May 3rd, 1838—Brig Procris, Arnold, 27th March from Poole. " 8th, 1839— Ship Rainbow, Arnold, 31st March from Poole. .\Drii 25th, 1840— Ship Vere, Webb, 25 days from Poole. '" 29th, 1841— Ship Vere, Mills, 2nd April from Poole. May 2nd, 1842 — Baik Kingston, Robson, 50 days from Gi- braltar. April 18th, 1843— Bark Great Britain, Swinburn, from London. May 3rd, 1844 — Bark Great Britain, Swinburn, Londpn 1,9th March. <* 1st, 1845— do do do do 13th March. April 24th, 1846— Ship Albion, Allen, ^'asgow, 28th March. May 8th, 1847— Ship St. Andrew, Lorby, 28th March. iFirst ^rtitJals of Steam jBoats in (Etttebec, Since First Steam Communication between Quebec and Montreal, 1812, Nov. 22nd — Steam Boat Swiltsure. 1813, May 2nd- 1814, Mav 5th - 1815, April 27th- 1816, Mav 1st- 1817, May 7th- 1818, April 27th- 1819, May 2nd- 1820, April 24th- 1821, May 3rd- 1822, April 29th- 1823, April 27th- 1824, <' 21st- 1825, *< 17th- 1826, 1827. 22nd- 16th- (I a il *l ii il il U u ii ii il ii il ii il ii Malsham. ii il Telegraph. Lady Sherbrooke. Quebec, Telegraph and Swift- sure. Lady Sherbrooke, Car of Com- merce and Lauzon. Quebec. Swiftsure. Laprairie and Swiftsure? Laprairie. Waterloo. 76 182S, April 1829, " 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, a it a (C tc 1835, May 1836, " 1837, " 1838, April 1839, " 1840, « 1841, May 1842, April 1843, May 1844, April 1845, " 1846, " 1847, May 12th- 20th- 17th- 21st- 29th- 18th- 17th- 18th- 4th- 11th- 1st- 2Sth- 21st- 19th- 1st- 21st- 5th- 23rd- 25th- 17th- 8th- QUEBEC mRECTORY. ■Steam Boat Chambly.' « Lady of the Lake. ic • , ' '' ^ n Ci .,i £ fc - • < u to S i>» o •«« > • p^ c f^ i: •- CO <1 rl s» 5 s "^ rs o V4 .£ ^4 (±1 < T-t <« R o ^ r3 *\ >► C • K- 1 < « K -< fc <3 c ^ bcl CM CO § 1 4a — * 00 cj r a. >> C 3 >> S or 3 «I1 Ul • • k • • . _ CJ , -H • ?-: s? ; Tt< CO •H CM CI ^ 55 r3 • .5 00 • XT) CM CM CM 00 (M (M CO «8 00 • =8 eg 2 < 3 t? C -^ >» s 3 "3 bJD 3 ^" CO 1 CJ CO • CJ ^ Q o > a ^ • • C' CM • • +- CM* (M <^ Ci in • CM* < rH O aj o >-< o. c 3 "—1 bD 3 C^ • ■<>> in > Cl CJ 1 ^ 1 'C • ^ 1 h-J til ^ A 00 (M — H ^ ■^ ^ •^ in CO 2 1 *^ 1-^ •s <1 ^ ^ c 3 "3 •So 3 < CO • « 12; Q rrived •— 00 • • O O • • • • • • »— 1 CM • O C>J I— 1 »f5 1-H <^ • bO 3 <1 in IH CO >^ CO ;:: 1 « r3 •c <1 • • • 1-5 ti( • • o (?) (?J 1—4 'C cu < • o CM • 1-1 o 3 • (M "3 c5 in fci) 3 d CJ CO CJ eg • in CO Cl c5 eg <^ .-TS C^ 1 ^ 12; Q S : • hi ^ Q Arrived d .a s to ai • • l-H . — ^ • • • © r-i • • kn 1— t fl 3 • • • "3 •-> • • • -b 3 3 be 3 < Cl. 05 rH Monthly and Semi Monthly Mails from England in « • • • • • • • • ^. < s • • 3 bi) 3 <1 • 0) 1 02 • • • *4 V -§ • • ■i 1 1 i 1 fl o bD3 ® ^ o ffi in « *» 'T' > CD 00 cJ'H _£J PCO ■<-> >4 5 o iS >H »j fi * tSl 3 (0 V a ns S 2 .ifi — t3 ll 18 QVEBSC DIRSCTORY. SUPERVISOR OF CULLERS OFFICE. QUEBEC. NOTRE-DAME STREET. Supervisor — Jno. Sharpies, Esquire. NAMES OF LICENSED CULLERS William Bee, Thomas Conolly, Jno. S. Watersoii, Jean Thomas, Louis Doiron, Louis My rand, Edward Clark, Jean Bte. Jarnac, Charles Cazeau, James Scott, Joseph Lockquell, Michel Power, Jean Bte. Vachon, Alexis Dorval, Patrick O'Brien, Narcisse Valin, Maurice Malone, Stephen Connolly, Denis Duggan, Joseph Laporte, Junior, Pierre Jeunest, Louis Cloutier, Louis Du Bois, Louis Vidal, ilichard Jeffery, John Frederick, . Robert Boyte, Michael Gibbons, James Kelly, Nicholas Fortune, Peter McNeil, Junior, Huffh O'Callagan, William H. Hoogs, Stephen Lambert, Michael Murphy, John O'Sullivan, Patrick Malone, Joseph Larose, William French, William Teedon, UP TO 1st APRIL, 1847. Fereol Couture, Barthelemi Chartier, Jerome Couture, Michel Robitaille, Wm. O'Brien, R. McGillis, Jean Laroclielle, Alexandre Couture, James McPhee, Jean Bte. Philbert, Robert Clark, Jean Couture, Michel Renaud, Gilbert Downes, Michel Hamel, James Lambert, Denis Cantillon, Peter Gelly, John Miller, David J. Geivais, James Bowen, George Larochelie, John Cameron, Edward Verrault, James Uownes, William Richardson, Joseph Langlois, John Leek, F. X. Thompson, Etienne Robitaille, Thoma3 Redmond, Olivier Gaboury, Thomas Malone, Reuben Steers, John Tilley, James Kerr, James Lynch, Thomas Clark, John Curtin, Peter McNeil, Senior, ( -.I QtrUfiBC DIRECTOR! 79 J. Pierre Boure, Junior, Bernard Daly, John Quinn, Germain Savard, Cornelius O'Learj', Louis Demers, Chas. Correan, Xavier Masson, Thomas Murphy^ John Pierce Robinson, Olivier Gauvreau, Supervisor's Repmi of Robert Downes, Francois X. Beland, Edward J. Gauvreau, Michael Lynch, Alexander Chisholra, Jean Bornais, Pierre M. Paquet, Jolm Clark, Pierre Plamondon, Thomas Egan. Timber measured in 1845 and 1846 : 184G. 1845. 1844. White Pine, feet, 24,705,287 Red Pine,. .' 5,270,600 Oak, 2,756,754 Elm, 3,472;303 Ash, '260,432 Basswood 82,913 Butternut, 20,853 Tamarac, 593,584 Birch and Maple, 241.683 19,141,455 12,067,426 4,444,515 4,191,654 1,834,446 681,820 1,567?951 670,176 412,096 136,490 37,086 8,357 9,664 2,320 200,766 18,660 101,115 73,988 *" ^^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V // 5 Cto m./ 1.0 I.I 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 -* 6" — ► V] <^ A- A o cr^l ■c^l ? v>* '/ M Photographic Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 80 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. ifi s 0) 9^ 0^ - %^. H o H W u M e a< « W .a mri H 89 P5 •M -< Pi >4 s « o >fi o puis 9[q«dii{g sapn{oai ajq^x ^Aoqii aqx-~^'^°W uo9qounj •OH i-J 1-^ CO -H o M CM od CO ©J "«*< >-; iTJ Ci ** CO 05 O oscccr • " ! 1— 03 C30 Ci 1~~ Ob •saA'Bjg uoaqounj •O'AV — 00 O CiCOCQ CO '—•'—''—< CO "—I iri T}5 cj ^£5 o CO* CO 00 r^ t~^ — < to 00 CO C> 00 CQ to O 54 CO CO CiCO rSOA'B^g pj'BpUlS^g ■^ CO '^ O J> Tji c^ -^ i-j T-j ,-i ci CQ (^1 p ^ CQ CO d CQ CQ CO CO T-^ i-c r^ O — TO ^ 00 'f O? to CO' r-i -H COOO OJ ooco Ci -Ti QO o — o •igqiuij. ■^QOOOCO lO <— 1 -^ CO lO -H CO 00 CO Ci r^ C Ci Ci C3 C-S Ci Tj* CO CN C* fM C* CO -^ .-H •joquifx to Oi Tt< C^ Oi »0 o 00 O) i^ in 'N i^ to C3 Tj^ TT< in to OiCvJOJ — o 00 cTs in in in rti t~- in in CO •— I •— t CO -^ CN rM t^ Tf< •jaquiij. in-<*i :'?' in 00 ^H 00 00 CO Maqmix pooMsseg to to in in •jaqraix qojig •jaqaiij, qsv "2! in ci to t'- CN >n to 00 in t- in Oi Jr ,t ?S go in fo •>!^ Oi T- in O Ol O 00 to Ci ;:? *5 <^ 1^ "^ « ^ iO Tf< CO "^ 03 QO t^ I^ — 1 00 03 OJ C^ l^ 1> "Sh to •jaqurix uaqrajx 31130 c^oo — CO CO 00 — m c^ c to' 00 in t^03 01 Oj to 03 TJH 03 "<* to QOQO osr- ino in 1—1 5^00 t^ r-. into 00 CO O} to C5 — in CO to 00 -H to <* 1> r- 4 1—1 o to c^j in CO — " — CO CO Tt* 02 to tn' ICO (N -- ' ^T ^?t^ ^J^ I 00 00 00 'sjadaa|g CO iv- •SJ'Bdg •s;.jp\f 00 00 •spaoQ pooMq^-eq H«Hei to. 53 00 ci -* to tOOODOlC?l> 00 O t-ipO Oi(M •sa3[ids -pa^ja i> i-^ to 03 in 'SO -^ 5^ 00 CO ^ to l-^ O GO to O (N CM o in CM 00 to CM CO CM C'J CO •siuQ m^Y — < CO ro o C3 o in GO '03 — ' o — < CO 00 ^ CO -H to to O to tJi to Ci i-H r-4 1— I F« CM qoujs^fX 00 «!*< "^ in c?5 CO Tf* CO O!. r- »n i-( "^CMgOCMMCO (M CM 00 -^ CI to rl l> 1-1 CM i-< •piUpUB^g SIBaQ aonjdg r- ^oocMtp CC CO O 00 •^ t^ 0» to — ( CO CO I'- Oi t^ cm' GO CO »>i eococoooo T}4 CM C^ ■^ i-H •pi'Bpu\j;g --jOOOCOQ GOr-" C4 tbcocotb ?2 •saA'B^g CCM 1-1 CO l^ It* i-l 1— t -H CM r-1 •H o o o o iOC0 CDOiOOOT-HQOOOO •X;n(i utd.i spoo^ JO onysj^ • (MOOCOCOr-HOCNJiOi-l T- I-' GO 05 t^ CM O '-I OJ •^FS co(Miooooooor>- Q0y3(MGvjCC)OC0CQ 00 Tt< iQ C5 1^ T-H m CO lo TOBACCO. •pojni OBjniIB]/\[ • o S '-«OOir^vO(MCMCO^ CO »0 00 kO 00 OO W fM OD 'F-^1. • THOCVfCOOOOtMQOO Ciooai-«^'-Ha3cv)»-i(M t^r-HCOTj^I^GOOGMOJ OOvOlOrHt-CVJ-irt^TtOi r- "^ "* t^ o CO i> T-l t-H CO 1-H 1 ■ • '•.rs t^ CO >o CO r>- -rj* o -H '-ia>u:)icocoi^i>io Ci/^iC-^COCOr-Ort t-i»-Hcor>iinooi>u:30 ''tr^covor^i'^coojco 1—1 T-H r~1 i 'saj^oD CiCOrHCOCOOiOOOiO COCV}rt*COOCOO"^vO '-ir^t-oiooo'-'-hcOvOCOtHQ0 SUGARS. •pjeiSBa pUB OpB/V -oosni\[ CO cor-ir^osokO-^ooT-H COO'— ''-<'^CO00'«3»QO 00^:100— 'a>iocoi>o ^O'-00t--t^C0i0rt< t^co-'^'iooocTJinoo I— 1 •pougoy; 1 'Cl<f0»-O'^00 CvJCOQ01>CO'-tCO00(M OiiOi-COO'-iCOOOOiO c01>'t}i1>i— il">-'-Hr}. l^cOI>00O:>CMCO^*O> T— 1 1— i '^ Ol i-H T— 1 r-( 1 1 t^OOii-HCOOCOOt^ iO(Mt--C5COrt-CO GV1O5C0COO5iO00OiiO O (M CO OD r^ l^ OJ <>} Ci00cOCOit^n i> 0OGV}l>O0t>.'— Cnt>iVO ,s,l>^Q0Q0^l^.-HCO (M.-H»00}rH05C<}OJCO COOCOOOCMrr-^Tj^C^* C0COvO(MCM'-«C0(M<-t • 3 coo0'-'i^co(>3t^cr)co COO'J(MQ0'*'-(Q01>tH t^too-^coi^coooi> CMOJCncOCM'-HCOt^'.^ OOiOVOOvOCOCJC^CO CD '"' •— • T— < rH •sauiAV • Cir^CO'-HOICO'-'COCO r—OivOGVlCO— <(M'- QJCOkOCOOCOOOvOr** CC0OC»-^G.\Jr-i(Ml> OC0CVJO»'*-^: •rt'coonjtcoosco ^^ r-1kO(M>--i 00 CO CM — 'IBQvayp.Q CMOoor^-^t^-iooo CMiOOCOiO(MfMt^C»J vn ou:)!>coj>i005 CO ""tji (X) «::> CO r-t lo •jnoij[ OCMrHi— (05>OCD Cl -?t< CM CO .0 lOSOOvncOTtiOiiOCMvO Pa |lfj'^'-H»0030r-lT:^»0 ^ ' CO CO CQ CM rji "«* in •XapBa; CO -c CO pq cooor* CO cO.oinr-( co-rt'coo;'— 'Ooi^o kn(Mr^'!tiOOJ00'^i> OWCOt— i(Mt^O(MCO COt^O-HTj^t-COT-OO •^ CM vn CO -^ 1-1 1^ •saqsy CO 'tHOC/DCM'-hcOCOCO-h -rtf-rt^rfiOCOOSI^CTiO oivn-^cMi^Tjiooco CMCMCMOlCMCOCOtOCQ •SHVaA - I OOC:OT-■• i" •p?s CO CO O !> 01 !;• . O I^ «S O 00 o «D C: (M CM CO T*i o CO 2 0000 t^ "^ " O CO t>. 00 10 00 < < < (M o o s » CO tH CM O 00 ■<* (M T-1 in 10 r-l T-1 <»'■ 000 CM T*< 00 co^o «c co'cd'cm' C5 O 'tl* 00 CM I^ 0000 CM CO 00 r^ C0^03 00 o> "co"orri^ a» 00 ""^ !> r-< rH ^ m «— 1 r-( -" £3 M ' C9 at ••-' .» »» — fC QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 85 Qiabk of CDnti^s on imports into €anaba. Compiled conformable to the Revenue Laws in force from the 6th April, 1847. Note. — Articles from Foreign Countries pay the rates opposite to them in both columns. Articles the Produce or Manufacture of the United Kingdom, or British Possessions; pay ♦he Provincial Duty only. All Foreign articles admissible into the United King- dom Pree of Duty, or which have there paid the duties of consump- tion, and imported from thence without drawback, are admitted free of Imperial Duty. Foreign articles (except Sugar and Tea) from the Warehouse in the Urited Kingdom, pay three- fourths of the Imperial Duty, and the Provincial Duty in full, British Goods imported from a Foreign Country are deemed Foreign. ARTICLES. Ale and Beer Ditto in Bottles Almonds Almonds, Bitter Ammunition, Arms, &c. Foreign Do. do. British Anatomical Preparations Anchovies, in Oil Apples, Fresh Apples, Dried Arrow Root Articles, all, not enumerated or included under any head Ashes Bacon Baggage of Travellers Bark Baney, Beans, Bear, or Bigg Buckwheat Bees Wax Berries, Nuts, and Vegetables, used in dyeing. Biscuit Blackmg . . Blacklead Pencils Bolting Cloth — according to materials Bone and Ivory, Articles of Boots and Shoes, Women's, of Leather Boots and Shoes, Women's, Stuff, Jean, Kid or Morocco ; Ditto of Silk or Satin Ditto Girls, of and under 7 inches, of Leather Ditto, ditto, of Jean, Stuff, Morocco or Kid . . Ditto, ditto, of Silk or Satin Boots, Men's, Lieather Imperial. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. Free. Prohib. Free. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. Free. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. '4 per ct. Free. 3s. cwt. Free. per ct. 'ree. per ct. 4 per ct. Free. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. 7 per ct. 7 per ct. 15 per ct. 7 per ct. 7 per ct. 15 per ct. 7 per ct. Provincial, I 4 F 4 3d gallon* Is gallon* Id per lb Id per lb Prohibited 5 per cent Free 10 percent 6d bushel Is bushel 5 per cent 5 per cent 1 per cent 5s cwt Free . 1 percent 3s. quarter 5 per cent 1 p«r cent 10 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 38 dozent 5s dozent 5s dozent 2s dozent 28 dozent , 2s dozent 2s pairt 86 qUEBEC biRECtOHY. ARTICLES Men's Shoes, Leather Boots, Boys', under 8 inches, of Leather . . . Boys' Shoes, of Leather, under 8 inches . . . Boots and Shoes of India Rubber, all Bran or Shorts l^ricks Bristles Books Books, reprints of British works the copyrights of which are in force Brooms Brushes Burr Blocks Butter , Ckmphine Cailales, Sperm Wax Other Canes Carriages, all kinds Cassiia and Cinnamon , Castings — [See Hardware]. Castor Oil Cement , Cheese Chocolate Cider , Clay Clocks Clothing — according to materials Cloves , Coals ^ , Cochineal , Cocoa Coffee, Green Roasted Ground , Coin, Base Coin and Bullion Cottibs, Metal Combs, other. Copper, — [See Hardware.] Cordage Cordials , . . Coi-ks C6rk Cotton Wool Pr&vincml 7 per ct. 7 per ct. 7 per ct. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. 7 per ct. Prohib. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. 8s. ewt. 4 per ct. 15 per ct. 7 per ct, 7 per ct. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. Free. 4 per ct. 5s. cwt. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. 7 per ct. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. Is. cwt. 5s. cwt. 5s. cwt. 5s. cwt. Prohib. Free. 7 per ct. 4 per ct. 7 per ct. Is. gall. 7 per ct. 4 per ct. Free. 6d pairt 9d pairt 4d pairt 6d pair 3d cwt, 5 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent Prohibited 5 per Cent 5 per cent 1 per cent 2s cwt 5 per cent 2d per lb 2d per lb Id per lb* 5 per cent 10 per cent 2d per lb 10 per cent 5 per cent 2a 6d cwt 2d per lb 1 gallon* 5 per cent 10 per cent 2d per lb 1 per cent 5 per cent id per lb id per lb 2d per lb 4d per lb Prohibited Free 5 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 2b gallon 5 per cent 5 per cent I per cent QUEBEC DIRECTORY. l7 vo'vincml pairt pairt pairt pair cwt. per cent per cent per cent rohibitecl per cent per cent per cent cwt per cent I per lb i per lb I per lb* per cent ) per cent i per lb } per cent per cent 3 6(1 cwt J per lb gallon* per cent [) per cent [1 per lb ' per cent per cent d per lb d per lb (1 per lb (1 per lb 'rohibited Vee per cent per cent per cent B gallon per cent per cent percent ARTICLES Wadding , Imferial Cotton Batts and Cotton Manufactures Crackers and Biscuit Currants Diamonds Drugs Dye Woods Earthenware Eggs Engravings Extracts and Essences, (such as are Drugs,), Ditto (not classed as Drugs,) Feathers Flour, of Wheat Flour and Meal, other Figs Fig Blue Pins and Skins of Sea Animals Fire Crackers Fish, Eresh .' Fish, Dried or Salted Fish, Pickled Fruit, Fresh, unenumerated Fruit, Dried unenumerated Furs Skins or Peltries undressed Furs, dressed or manufactured Furniture Ginger , Glass and Glassware Glue......» Gold Leaf— as Hardware Grass, Articles made of '4 per ct. Grindstones 4 per ct. Gums and Resins i Fnie. Hair, and articles made of |4 per ct. Efams 3s. cwt. Harness 7 per ct. Hardware, with all art. manufactured of metal. 7 per ct. Hats — all Fur 4 per ct. Hats, Leather, Wool, or Cotton 7 per ct. Hats, of Silk 15perct. Hats, — Palm Leaf, Chip, &c 4 per ct. Hay Free Hemp, Flax and Tow Free Hides, Raw Free Honey 14 per ct. Hops . . . .' , |4 per ct. 7 per ct. 7 per ct. Free. 4 per ct. Free. Free. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. 7 per ct. Free. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. 2s. bbl. Free 4 per ct. 4 per ct. 15 per ct. 7 per ct Free. 2s. cwt. 4s. bbl. Free. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. 4 per ct, 4 per ct. 4 per ct. 15 per ct. 4 per ct. Provincial 5 per cent 5 percent 10 per cent 5s per cwt 5 per cent 5 per cent 1 per cent 5 per cent 10 per cent 5 per cent 10 per cent 10 per cent 5 per cent 6a. per brl 2s 196 lb. 5s. per cwt 5 percent 5 per cent 4 per cent Free 1 per cent 1 per cent 10 per cent 10 per cent 1 percent 5 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 5 percent 5 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 5s per cwt 5 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 6s per ton 1 per cent 1 per cent 5 per cent C 3(1 per lb 88 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. ARTICLES I : ! i'liC iii Horses and Carriages of travellers, or engaged in carrying merchandize Household Goods and Tools, belonging to Set- tlers, and not for sale Indian Corn India Rubber (except Boots and Shoes) Indigo Ink Iron Ivory, and articles made of Jewellery Lampblack Lamps, Glass Lamps, other Lard Lead Leather, viz : Goat Skins Lamb or Sheep Skins Calfskins Kip Skins Harness, Upper and Sole Leather Leather, cut into shapes Leather, not enumerated Leather Manufactures, not enumerated Lemons and Oranges, Fresh Lemon Peel Linen Manufactures Live Stock, viz ; Calves Cows and Heifers Goats and Kids Hogs and Swine Horses — all ages Lambs Oxen, Bulls and Steers Pigs (sucking) Sheep Maccaroni and Vermicelli Mace Machinery Machinery, chiefly of wood Maader, Roots Madder, Ground Manures of all kinds Maps and Charts Mftible,.. Imperial Free Free Free 4 per ci 4 per c 4 per ci 4 per c! 4 per c 4 per ci 4 per CI 15 per ct 7 per CI 4 per ci 4 per c' per c per c per c per c per c per c per c per c Free 4 per c 7 per c Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free 4 per ct 4 per ct 4 per ct 4 per ct Free 4 per ct Free 7 per ct 4 per ct Provincial Free Free 38 480 lb. 5 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 1 per cent 5 per cent 5s per dozj 2s 6d do t 4d per Ibt 2d per Iht 1 Jd per \H 4d per lb; 5 per cent 5 per cent 10 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 5s each 20s each * 2s 6d each 5s each ' 30s each ^ Is each '' 30s each « 6d each 2s each Id per lb 3d per lb 10 per cent 10 per cent 1 per cent 1 per cent Free 5 per cent 5 per cent Packa Paints, Paintii Paper Peas . , Pears , Peppei Perfut Pig Ir Pimen Picklei Pipes, Pitch. Plaste: Playir Pork, QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 89 ARTICLES Imperial 4 per ct 4 per ct Free 3s cwt Free 4 per ct 4 per ct 7 per ct 4 per ct 4 per ct 4 3s Matches Matting Meal Meat, Cured Meat, Fresh , Medicines , Mills, Fanning , Mills, Bark Mill Stones , Mineral Water Models of Machinery, and of inventions in the Arts Molasses and Treacle Musical Instruments Mustard Nut Galls Nuts Nutmegs Oakum Oats Oil, Olive in casks Ditto in jars or bottles Lard Linseed Fish, all Palm Oils — Vegetable, Volatile, Chemical and Es sential Oil Cloth |7perct Oysters, Lobsters, and Turtle, Fresh jFree perct cwt 4 per ct' 4 per ct 4 per ct 4 per ct 4 per ct 7 per ct Free 4 per ct 4 per ct 4 per ct 4 per ct 15 per ct 4 per ct 4 per ct T-i* Ditto ditto Pickled Packages in which goods are imported Paints, not enumerated Paintings Paper Manufactures <. Peas Pears Pepper Perfumery Pig Iron Pimento Pickles and Sauces Pipes, Smoking Pitch Plaster Casts Playing Cards Pork, Salted 4 per ct Free 4 per ct 4 per ct 7 per ct Free Free 4 per ct 4 per ct per ct per ct per ct per ct per ct per ct 7 per ct 3s cwt Provincial 5 per cent 5 per cent 2s 196 lbs 2s per cwt 4s per cwt 5 per cent 10 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent Free Is cwt 5 per cent "^ per cent per cent ' per lb ... per lb Free quarter per gal per gal I i 4d 2s 4d Is^ 4d per gal 2d per gal 1 per cent 1 per cent 10 per cent 5 per cent 1 per eent 1 per cent Free 5 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 3s quarter Is bushel ^d per lb 10 per cent 1 per cent ^dper lb 10 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 10 per cent 3s per cwt 90 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. ARTICLES Imperial Proviiuial Pork, Fresh Free Potatoes Free Poultry and Game 4 per ct Preserves 4 per ct Prunes 4 per ct Putty 4 per ct Ctuills 4 per ct Kaisins, in boxes 4 per ct Raisins, in kegs, &c 4 per ct Rice Free Rosin Free Rum, notO.P. by Sykcs' Hydr, and to increase) in proportion as the strength exceeds proof. . 6d gallon Rye Free Saleratus 4 per ct Salt, by inland importation Free Salt, imported by Sea Free Sardines, in Oil 4 per ct Sausages 4 per ct Saw Logs Free Seeds not enumerated 4 per ct Selves, Wire 7 per ct Selves, Hair 4 per ct Segars 7 per ct Shingles Free Shoes — (see Boots) Silk Manufactures 15 per ct Skins, Raw, Calf, Sheep, &c 4 per ct Slates 4 per ct Snuff 7 per ct Soap 7 per ct Soda, Ash 4 per ct Spelter — (See Hardware). Spirits, all, except Rum, at Hydrometer Proof, and in proportion when strength exceeds proof Sponge Starch Straw Straw Goods Sugar Candy Sugar, Foreign, refined, in bond in the United Kingdom and imported direct Sugar, Refined •. . Sugar, Raw, or Muscovado Sugar, Bastard, and all others ,..,.. Sumach Syrups Tallow Tar .. Is gallon Free 4 per ct Free 4 per ct 20 per ct 10 per ct 20 per ct 5s cwt 5s cwt 4 per ct 4 per ct Free 4 per ct 4s per cwt 3d bushel 10 per cent 5 per cent 1 d per lb 5 per cent 5 per cent Id per lb id per lb 5 per cent 5 per cent 6d per gal 3s quarter 5 per cent 2s M bbl Is per ton 10 per cent 10 per cent 1 per cent 10 per cent 5 per cent 5 per cent 2s })er lb 5 per cent 5 per cent 1 per cent 5 per cent 4d per lb 5 per cent 1 per cent Is 3d gal 5 per cent 5 per cint 3s per ton 5 per cent 2d per lb 2d per lb 2d per lb 7s bd cwt 7s 6d cwt 1 per cent 9a per gal 1 per cent 5 per cent QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 91 * RTICLES ■■fT-i > .■ Imperial "Tea, from Foreign (yountrif s Id per lb Tea, direct from China, tlie U. Kingdom or British Possessions Free Tobacco, unmanufactured 4 per ct Tobacco, manufactured 7 per ct Tortoise SheM Free Toys, according to materials Trees, Shrubs, Plants, Bulbs and Roots 4 per ct Turpentine 4 per ct Types — as Hardware Varnish 4 per ct Vegetables ^^ree Veneers Free Vinegar 4 per ct Wafers 4 per ct Watches 7 per ct AVhcat Free Whetstone 4 per ct Whips 7 per ct Wicker Work 4 per ct Wine, all kinds 7 per ct Wood, viz. — Timber — White Pine Free Red Pine Free > Oak Free Birch Free J Other Woods Free Staves — Standard, pr. Std. M Free Puncheon or W. I, White Oak Free Ditto, Red Oak Free i;^ , Ditto, Ash — barrel staves Free Deals— Pine, per Cluebec Standard 100 Free Spruce pei; ditto Free Handspikes Free Oars Free Sawed Luml^er, board measure Free Wood, all manufactures of 4 per ct Wood, Mahogany and Hard Wood f r Furniture Free Woollen Manufactures 7 per ct Wool 4 per ct Yeast .... 4 per ct Provincial Id per lb Id per lb Id per lb Id per cent 5 per cent Free 5 per cent ^ V 5 per cent 10 percent 1 percent 3(1 gallon* 5 per cent 10 per cent 3s per quar 5 percent 5 [)er cent 5 per cent 10 perct & 8d per gal 25s 1000 ft 353 do 55s do 50s do 25s do 25s per M 10s do 7s 6d do 4s do 158 per 100 7s fnl 100 3d per doz 3d per pair 7s 6d M f 5 per cent 1 per cent 5 per ceni 5 per cent 5 per cent *The Provincial Duty on all goods marked (*) in the Table is 5 per cent, when imported by Seai t 5 per cent, when imported by Sea or Inland from any British Pos- i^ession in North America. t 5 percent, when imported hjSea or IrUdiidTtom any British Pd*- session in North America. 92 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 'ti H^H mi EXEMPTIONS. The following exemptions refer to the Provincial duty only : — I.—Copies of the Holy Scriptures, printed in the United Kingdom. II.— Donations of Books or Clothing, specially imported for the use of, or to be distributed gratuitously by any Chaiitable Society in the Pi»>vince. III.-— Philosophical Apparatus, Instruments, Books, Maps, Statuary, Busts and Casts of Marble, Bronze, Alabaster or Plaster of Paris, Paintings, Drawings, Engravings Etchings, Specimens, of Sculptures, Cabinets of Coins, Medals, Gems, and all other collections of antiquities, — provided the same be specially imported in good faith for the use of any Society in- corporated or established for philosophical or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for the use or by the order of any University, College, Academy, School or Seminary of learning within this Province. IV. — Arms or Clothing which any Contractor or Contrac- tors, Commissary or Commissaries, shall import or bring into the Province, for the use of Her Majesty's Army or Navy, or for the use oi the Indian Nations in this Province : provided the duty otherwise payable would be defrayed or borne by the Treasury of the United Kingdom or of this Province. V. — Specimens in Natural History, Mineralogy, and Botany. VI. — Seeds of all kinds, farming utensils and Implements of husbandry, animals for the improvement of slock, — when specially imported in good faith by ai / Society incorporated or established for the encouragement of agriculture. REMARKS. I. — The specific Duties are levied according to the Imperial Weights and Measures, and in Sterling money, 20s. stg.-248. 4d. cy. or $4 87. The Imperial Quarter of Grain is equal to to 8^ of our Winchester Bushel. II. — In calculating the advalorem Duties under the Imperial Act, cne-ienth is first added to the amount of the invoice. QTTEBEC DIRECTORY, 93 *rovincial duty in the United ly imported for any Chaiitable Books, Maps, Alabaster or dngs Etchings, Medals, Gems, ed the same be any Society in- erary purposes, )r the use or by emy, School or 3tor or Contrac- ort or bring into •my or Navy, or ince : provided or borne by the nnce. gy, and Botany, nd Implements )f stock, — when )ty incorporated ture. to the Imperial f, 208. stg.-248. rain is equal to er the Imperial i invoice. III. — When the Tares cannot be ascertained from the In- voice, the following are allowed : — On Coffee, in bags, 3 per cent. ; Coffee in casks, 12 per cent. ; Raw Sugar and Molasses, 12 per cent. ; Loaf Sugar in casks or boxes, 15 per cent. ; Leaf Tobacco in casks, 12 per cent, IV. — Bonds, satisfactory to the Collector, will be taken for the Provincial Duties (except the Provincial Duties on Live Stock, Grain, Meal, Provisions, and other agricultural Produce,) when the same shall exceed £50 currency, at 6 months ; but, all dated from 1 st September till 1st April, are due on the 1st April. All other duties are payable in cash. V. — Goods imported, whether by sea or inland, may be en- tered for warehousing, and exported from the warehouse with- out payment of duty. American products may descend the St. Lawrence in Bond, and be exported into the United States by way of Laprairie and St. Johns. United States Drawback Bill. — The following two clau- ses of this Bill bear upon the trade with this Province : Sec. 7. — And be it further enacted, That any imported mer- chandize which has been entered and the duties paid or secured according to law, for drawback, may be exported to the Bri- tish North American Provinces adjoining the United States; and the ports of Plattsburgh, in the district of Champlain ; Burlington, in the district of Vermont ; Sackett's Harbor, Os- wego and Ogdensburgh, in the district of Oswegatchie ; Ro- chester, in the district of Genesee ; Buffalo and Erie, in the district of Presqu'isle ; Cleveland, in the district of Cuyahoga ; Sandusky and Detroit, together with such ports on the sea board, from which Merchandise may now be exported for the benefit of drawback, are hereby declared ports from whence foreign goods, wares and merchandise on which the import duty has been paid, or secured to be paid may be exported to ports in the adjoining British Provinces, and to which ports fore'gn goods, wares and merchandise may be transported in- land, or by water, from the port of original importation, under exist'ug provisions of law, to bo thence exported for benefit of drawback : Provided, That such other ports situated on the 94 QUKBEC DIF.KCTORY. m m frontiers of the United £,w js, adjoining the Biitiarh North American Provinces, as niay hereafter be fou d expedient, may have extended to them the like privileges, on the re- commendation of the Secretary of the Tn asury, and procla- mation duly made by the President of the United States, specially designating the ports to M^hich the aforesaid privi- leges are to be extended. Sec. 8. — And be it further enacted, That all laws now in force in relation to the allowance- of drawback of duties on goods imported into the United States, and exported there- from, and in relation to the conditions and evidence on which such drawback is to be paid, shall be applicable to the draw- back allowed by this act. And, in addition to existing provi- sions on the subject, to entitle exporters of goods to the draw- back allowed by this act, they shall produce to the collector of the port from which such goods, wares and merchandise were exported, the certiticate, under seal of the collector or other cliief revenue officer of the port to which said goods, wares, and merchandise were exported in the said adjoining Provinces ; which certificate shaU be endorsed upon a dupli- cate or certified copy of the manifest granted at the time of such exportation, and shall state that the same identical goods contained in the same manifest had been landed at such foreign port, and duly entered at the custom house there, and that the duties imposed by the laws in force at such port upon the said goods had been paid, or secured to be paid, in full, and the said exporters shrill also produce the affidavit of the master of the vessel in which the said goods were exported, that the same identical goods specified in the manifest granted at tiie time of such exportation had been carried to the port named in the clearance of manifest antl had been landed and entered at the custom house, and that the duties imposed thereon at the said foreign port had been paid, or secured to be paid ; and that the goods referred to in the certificate of the collector or chief revenue officer of such foreign port herein mentioned, Avere the same identical goods described in the manifest afr"-esaid, and in the said affidavit. ,. •- Sec. 1 cent, of 1 Each exportati three shi Each of Maiz< shillings Muscc Sugars r six penc Dye-^ Leath from an; ad valor Upon or inlam Goat; dozen, Laml per doz Calf four pel Kip two pel Ham one pel Leat Won pairs, Wor Stuffs, Girlf inches Girl Kid or Mei Me] Boy pence Boy pence qyJB^SC I^XEJESCTORY. 95 fitish Nprth expedient, on the re- I and proclg.- tted States, [esaid privi- I'dws now ill l>f duties on )rted tli^ere- 38 on which the draw- Lsting provi- the draw- ' collector of nerchandise collector or L said goods, id adjoining pen a dupli- the time of ntical goods led at such B there, and h port upon )aid, in full, davit of the 3 exported, fest granted to the port landed and !s imposed cured to be cate of the port herein ibed in the Sec. 10. — Provides, that in ^ ^ jflg the drawback, 2J per cent, of the duties be retained. SCHEDULE A. Each Imperial quarter of Foreign Wheat, not intended for exportation, or to be ground into flour and the flour exported, three shillings. Each quarter (of four hundred and eighty pounds weight) of Maize or Indian Corn, not intended for exportation, three shillings, SCHEDULE B. Muscovado and Clayed Sugar, Bastard Sugar, and all other Sugars not refined, per hundred weight, seven shillings and six pence. Dye woods of all kinds, one per centum ad valorem. Leather, or Leather Manufactures imported by sea, or inland from any British Possession in North America, five per centwn ad valorem. Upon the following articles imported otherwise than by sea, or inland from any British Possession in North America : — Goat Skins, tanned, tawed or in any other way dressed, per dozen, five shillings. Lamb or Sheep Skins, tanned, tawed or in any way dressed per dozen, two shillings and six pence. Calf Skins, tanned, tawed or in any way dressed, per lb, four pence. Kip Skins, tanned, tawed, or in any way dressed, per lb, two pence. Harness Leather, Upper Leather, and Sole Leather, per lb one penny and one half penny. . ^ . Leather cut into Shapes, per lb, four pence, LEATHER MANUFACTURES. Women's Boots, Shoes and Calashes of Leather, per dozen pairs, five shillings. Women's Boots and Shoes, of Silk, Satin, Jean, or other Stuffs, Kid or Morocco, per dozen pairs, five shillings. Girls' Boots, Shoes and Calashes of Leather, under seven inchcB in length, per dozen pairs, two shillings. Girls' Boots and Shoes, of Silk, Satin, Jean or other Stuffs, Kid or Morocco, per dozen pairs, two shillings. Men's Boots, per pair, two shillings. Men's Shoes, per pair, six pence. Boys' 'Boots, under eight inches in length, per pair, nine pence. * '' Boys' Shoes, under eight inches in length, per pair, four pence, ^ . ... . .., „,... n 1(111 ■^^~m 9Q QUEb2C DIRECTORY. LEGAL TENDERS OF COINS. By the Currency Act, 4th and 5th Victoria, chap. XCIII, it is provided, that the British sovereign of full weight, and the American eagle of eleven dwts. six gr. troy, coined before July, 1834, and all their multiples and subdivisions, shall be legal tender, the former at £1 4s. 4d., the latter at £2 10s. ; and if not more than two grains less than full weight, each coin shall continue to be by tale to any amount, at a deduction of ^d. currency, for each quarter grain. Provided that, legal tenders if the payment exceed £50 currency, either party may insist of such coins being weighed in a lump, and to be legal tender at the rate, the British of 94s. lOd. currency per oz. troy, and the United States coins at that of 93s. currency. In like manner the , old coin of France of forty francs with its divisions and multiples, at 93s. Id. currency, per oz. troy ; the old doubloon of Spain, or quadruple pistole, the Mexican and Chilian doubloon, at 89s 7d currency, per oz. troy ; the gold coins of La Plata and Columbia at 89s 5d currency, per oz. troy ; the gold coins of Portugal and Brazil at 94s 6d cur- rency, per oz. troy ; — all these if coined before Sept. 1, 1841, are legal tender for sums above £50, weighed out at the an- nexed rates. The following silver coins are legal tender : The silver dollar of Spain, the United States, of Peru Chili, Central America, the States of South America, and of Mexi- co, if coined before the year 1841, and weighing seventeen dwts. four grs. troy, at 5s Id currency ; and half-a-doUar of the same coinages and proportionate weight, at 2s 6^d ; to any extent, by tale. Their subdivisions — the one-fourth dollar for Is 3d cur- rency ; the one-eighth for 7^d currency ; the one-sixteenth for 3^d ; are legal tender to the extent of £2 10s at one time, by tale, if they have not lost more than one-twenty-fifth of their weight. The French five-franc coined before 1841, in tale for any amount at 4s 8d. ii!|| qUEBEC DIRECTORY. &jI The British crown at 6s kl currency; which, and other descriptions of British coin lawfully current in Great Britain and Ireland, of proportionate weight, and for proportionate sums to the amount of £2 10s currency, and no more. The Grovernor General can by proclamation include among legal tenders the more recent coinages of those nations of the values specified, having verified their pureness by assay. £100 sterling Is equal to £121 13s 4d currency, and is deemed par of exchange, from which rate exchange seldom fluctuates more than one per cent. To bring sterling into currency, add l-5th to the sterling amount and l-12th to the l-5th ; and to reduce currency into sterling, multiply by 60 and divide by 73. The basis of the currency is the imperial gold standard, differing from sterling money in the different nominal value of the pound and its constituents. The pound sterling is by law fixed at Twenty-Four shillings and Four-Pence currency. At this rate all large transactions are settled, and remittances, with the correction of the day for exchange, are calculated. One pound currency, contains four dollars. One dollar do do five shillings. One shilling do do two sixpences. One sixpence do do six pennies. One penny do .... do two coppers. The value in sterling of the pound currency is rather over 16s 5^d. The dollar currency rather over 4s l^d. " shilling do rather over 9|d. " sixpence do rather under 5d. But in retail transactions an approximation is made to the value of the coins current in Britain and the United States, and in small purchases the following are the rates at which such coins are usually paid away. J BRITISH. The sovereign .£1 4s 6d. The crown 6s Id. Half crown 3s 0|d. Shilling, called Trente-Sous Is 3d. Sixpence " Quinze-Sous 7^d. I m m\\ QUEBEC DIRECTORY. AMERICAN. i:^ Eade .'....£2 10s. Dollar 5s Id. Half dollar ,23 6^d. '' Dime, or ten cents 6d. Real, or York Shilling 7^d. A shilling sterling and a quarter of a dollar are taken in the stores as equal. The exchangeable value of the dollar, of course, varies with the course of exchange between the Pro- vinces and the United States, which is principally ruled by that between New York and London- In general, its value is about OS Id currency, or 4s 2d sterling. The Shilling currency is subdivided into twenty-four cop- per coins, called Coppers. Coins of this metal, of Colonial, British and American origin, and of very various denomina- tions, are common, and each is pretty generally taken as the equivalent of a copper, without much reference to its intrinsic value. Thf^ English Penny, Half-penny, and Farthing, of not less than five-sixths of the weight of currency, is a legal tender to the amount of 12d. .irV-. ,,,... ^ The following coins are also usually taken at the rates spe- cified :- • ^ '"'' ''''"' French crown 5s 6d. *^ half crown 2s 6d. Pistorine lOd. Five-franc piece. 4s 8d. '•:;'?.. fl-ui^i^'f] QUEBEC DIRECTORY. DISCOUNT TABLE. m Os. ^^'3*^v 2^ per Cent is Os 6d in the £ 12^ per Cent is 2s 6d in the <£ s Id. 'M^ 3 do 5 do 7^ 1 do do 15 17i do do 3 3 6 do do » 6^d. 6 do 1 2^ do 20 do 4 do 6d. 7^ do 1 6 do 25 do 5 do 7^d. taken in the 10 do INTE 2 do 30 do 6 do :rest table at six per cent. 16 clallai-, ot 1 1 1 1 jen the Pro- lly ruled by , its value is ,: tWeek. 1. Month. 3 Months. 6 Months. 1 Year. s. d. q- s. d. q- s. d. q- s. d. q- s. d. q- ■ At % m^ w ^^f *i ^^ ^^ ^ *-^ 1 1 3 2 1 3 1 2 ty-four cop- . 3 2 1 2 of Colonial, S 4 2 1 1 2 3 s denomina- 3 ^ 1 3 1 3 3 2 taken as the :^ 6 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 4 5 1 ) its intrinsic Farthing, of " 8 2 1 1 2 3 5 2 9 2 1 2 3 6 J, is a legal 10 1 2 1 3 3 2 7 2 "'- ■ 1 1 3 2 7 1 2 he rates spe- 2 2 2 1 7 1 2 2 4 3 3 3 2 10 3 1 9 2 3 7 5s 6d. ^ 4 1 4 3 1 2 1 2 4 2 4 7 2s 6d. •4 ^^ 1 g 5 I 2 6 1 6 3 6 i 6 1 3 7 1 9 2 3 7 7 2 lOd. 2 7 2 8 1 2 1 4 2 8 4 4s 8d. 8 2 1 9 2 2 4 3 4 9 2 9 7 9 2 2 10 3 2 S 1 5 4 2 10 9 9 ,''■".■- 10 20 3 1 3 6 12 6 2 6 12 1 4 ^ 1 ; ^30 9 3 9 18 1 16 §40 1 4 12 1 4 2 8 o50 1 3 5 15 1 10 3 ^60 1 6 6 18 1 16 3 12 ^ I 070 1 9 7 1 1 2 2 4 4 §80 2 8 1 4 2 8 4 16 ^90 2 3 9 1 7 2 14 5 8 100 2 6 10 1 10 3 6 t 1000 1 5 5 15 30 60 Q 100 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. ;: 1 TIME TABLE. §• 'Q ^ • a • • • ^^ < ^ S • •-5 • < • S-4 a, QJ O ■*-' o o > o • O 1 1 32 61 92 122 153 183 214 s. 275 306 s. 2 2 33 62 93 123 s. 184 213" 246 276 307 337 3 3 34 s. 94 124 155 185 216 247 277 s. 338 4 4 s. 64 95 125 156 186 s. 248 278 309 339 5 5 36 65 96 s. 157 iS7 218 249 279 310 340 6 6 37 66 97 127 158 188 219 250 \ 311 341 7 s. 38 67 s. 128 159 s. 220 251 281 312 342 8 8 39 68 99 129 160 190 221 s. 282 313 s. 9 9 40 69 100 130 s. 191 222 253 283 314 344 10 10 41 s. 101 131 162 192 223 254 284 s. 345 11 11 s. 71 102 132 163 193 s. 255 ^85 316 346 12 12 43 72 103 s. 164 194 225 256 286 317 347 13 13 44 73 104 134 165 195 226 257 s. 318 348 14 s. 45 74 s. 135 166 s. 227 258 288 319 349 15 15 46 75 106 136 167 197 228 s. 289 320 s. 16 16 47 76 107 137 s. 198 229 260 290 321 351 17 17 48 s. 108 138 169 199 230 261 291 s. 352 18 18 s. 78 109 139 170 200 s. 262 292 323 353 19 19 50 79 110 s. 171 201 232 263 293 324 354 20 20 51 80 111 141 172 202 233 264 s. 325 355 21 s. 52 81 s. 142 173 s. 234 265 295 326 356 22 22 53 82 113 143 174 204 235 s. 296 327 s. 23 23 54 83 114 144 s. 205 236 267 297 328 358 24 24 55 s. 115 145 176 206 237 268 298 s. 359 25 25 s. 85 116 146 177 207 s. 269 299 330 360 26 26 57 86 117 g. 178 208 239 270 300 331 301 27 27 58 87 118 148 179 209 240 271 s. 332 362 28 s. 59 88 s. 149 ISO s. 241 272 302 333 363 29 29 60 89 120 150 181 211 242 s. 303 334 s. 30 30 * m 90 121 151 s. 212 243 274 304 335 365 31 31 m • s. • • »• 152 « • - 213 244 • • « 305 • > ■ 365 This Table is convenient for finding the maturity of Notes. A note of 60 days, dated Feby. 2, being the 23rd day of the year, as is seen in the Feby. column on a line with 2 in the Index, the addition of 60 (including 3 days grace) shows that the note falls due on the 9th day of the year, which will be found, on reference to the month and the index, to be Friday, the 5th day of April. • > o 12; • o Q 306 s. 307 337 s. 338 309 339 310 340 311 341 312 342 313 s. 314 344 s. 345 316 346 317 347 318 348 319 349 320 s. 321 351 s. 352 323 353 324 354 325 355 326 356 327 s. 328 358 s. 359 330 360 331 361 332 362 333 363 334 s. 335 365 365 ^ of Notes. day of the th 2 in the shows that ch will be be Friday, QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 101 } ; £\ Sterling equal to £1 4s 4d Currency. PENCE. %-■ d. 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7.. 8.. 9.. 10.. 11.,. 12.. . . Cury s. d. .0 u • 2^ .0 3| .0 5 .0 64- .0 8 .0 9 .0 10 .0 l\\ .1 0^ .1 1^ .1 3 POUNDS. SIIILINGS. s. s. d. f;i 1... 1 2j -» •-< CD CI- o CD i-f- c P 1=1 pounds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 u c o O £ 1 2 B. 4 8 3 13 4 17 1 6 6 7 8 10 9 14 10 19 12 3 13 7 14 ]2 15 16 17 18 5 19 9 20 13 21 18 23 2 24 6 36 10 48 13 60 16 73 85 3 97 6 109 10 121 13 243 6 365 486 13 608 6 730 851 13 973 6 1095 1216 13 d. 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 en <0 d c3 Silv Doll a a $ cts. 4 79 9 57 14 36 19 15 23 93 28 72 33 51 38 30 43 08 47 87 52 66 57 44 62 23 67 02 71 80 76 59 81 38 86 16 90 95 95 74 143 61 191 47 239 34 287 21 335 08 382 95 430 82 478 69 957 38 1436 07 1914 75 2393 44 2872 13 3350 82 3829 51 4308 20 4786 89 To change Stlg. into Cy. at the above rate, add }^. mey with rling, and ^ 2 • Esquires, Wardens. Wm. Stevenson, 3 Edward Boxer, Esquire, C. B. Harbor Master and Captain of the Port. Robert Youngs BiSquire, Superintendent of Pilots. Robert Julyan, Esquire, Assistant Harbor Master. S.LJMoiit"'' I Enquires, Clerk aad Registrar. E. B. Lindsay, Esqinre, Treasurer. B. Simon olius Lalieur, Water Bailiff. • Frangois Rodrigue, Messenger. Branch Pilots, 184T For and belo\v the Harbour of Quebec, according to Seniority, with the number prefixed to each, which they are obliged by Law, to have painted on the Fore and Main Sails, and on the Bow and Stern of their respective Boats, under a pe- nalty of £10 Currency, with their places of residence. 1 — G. Lachance, 1st, Orleans, 3 — L. Tr'emblay, 1st, Ciuebec. 3 — B. Lachance, Orleans, 5 — C. Duinag, 1st, Green Island. G — Michel Forbes, Orleans. 7 — A . Lavoie, Ist, leather Point. 8 — Geo. St, Amand, St. Denis, River Chambly. 9— Chas. Fortin, St, Michel. U — P. Toussaint, Orleans. 13— J. A. Dick, Do. 13 — J. Fournier; St. Thomas. 14 — Zacharie Cote, Rimouski. 15 — Frs. Baquet, St. Michel. 16 — Frs, Audet dit Lapointe, 1st, Orleans. 17— Ls. Asselin, 1st, St, Michel, 13— Chas, Pion, Do, 19— P. Pepin dit Lachance, Or- leans. 20— P. Pa(iuet, Do. 21 — Joseph Genest. Do. 22— Charles Brown, St. Giles. 23— J. S, D'Amour, Trois- Pistoles. 25— F. J. iludet, Orleans. 26 — A. Peltier, Green Island: 27 — N. Paradis, Cluebec. 28— R. Benvile, Father Point. 29 — Ant. Frozier, Cluebec. 30 — E, Petitgrew, Green Island. 31 — Malcolm Smith, Point Levy. 32 — Jean Lavoie, Rimouski^ 33 — Jos. Peltier, River du Loup. 34 — F. Levesque, Green Island. 35 — Pierre Langlois, Gluebec. 36— J, Bte, Ross, Rimouski, QUEBEC DIKECTORY. 105 t 37— Xavier Menard, St. Vallier. 38 — Jos. Marie Plante, Cluebec. 39 — Frs. Rioux, Trois Pistoles. 40 — Germain Peltier, Rimouski. 41 — P. Gourdeau, 1st, Cluebec. 4iJ— Frs. St. Miirc, Do. 43 — Wm. Amiot, St. Gervais. 44— Chas. Boisseil, Do. 45 — David Petitgrew, Green Is- land. I 4&—J. B. Laroche, St. Antoine. 47 — Fran9ois Aubue, Orleans. 50 — Michel Morin, Beaumont. • 51— J. Bte. Asselin, St. Michel. 52 — Ant. Michaud, Kamouraska. 53 — Firmin Couillard, L'lslet. 54 — Charles Vesina, Orleans. 5.5 — .los. Langlois, Do. 56— H. Gauthier, St. Vallier. 57 — Jean Bte. Dion, Gluebec. .58 — Abraham Roycr, Orleans. 59— Araable Genest, St. Michel. 60— Thos. Boutin, St. Vallier. 61 — Michel Fournier, Beaumont. 6'2 — Alexis Deliile, Orleans. 63 — Chas. Chouinard, Rimouski. 64 — Joseph Pepin, Cluobec. 65 — Paul Blouin, 1st, Do. 66 — Isaac Forbes, Do. 67 — Ant. Labreque, Orleans. 68 — Jean Bourgette, St. Michel, 69 — Jos. Raymond, Orleans, 70 — Ignace Adam, Cluebec. 71 — Frs. Jos. Pouliot, Rimouski. 72 — P. Gedcon Audet, Cluebec. 73 — Frederick Bernier, Do. 74 — Joseph Lapointe, Orleans. 76 — Frs. Baquet dit Lamontagne, St. Michel. 77 — Jos. Mercier, Point Levy. 78 — Chas. Nollet, Beaumont. 79 — 01, Vesina, Crane Island. 80— F, M. Bouchard, St. Paul's Bay. 81 — Ls. LemieuXj Crane Island. 83— Jean Gobeil, Orleans. 83 — Ed. Vaillancourt, Kakouna. 84 — Fereol Bourget, Beaumont, 85 — Ives Silvestre, Cluebec. 86— M. Caron, Kamouraska. 87 — Ls. Jos. Lavoie, Rimouski. 88 — Joseph Derosier, Do. 89 — Louis Asselin, 2d, Orleans. 90— Chas. Jos. Adam, L'lslet. 91— T. Couillard Dcspres, St. Michel. 92 — J(is. St. Laurent, Trois Pis- toles 93 — Paul Pouliot, Orleans. 94— Gabriel Plante, Cluebec. 95 — Jacques Plante, Cluebec. 96— Blil. Couillard, Cap St. Ig- nace. 97 — Pierre Charrest, Kakouna. 98 — Isaac Gourdeau, Orleans. 99— Vital Chamberland, St. Mi- chel. 100 — Pierre Laprise, Cluebec. 10 1— P. Bouchard, Riv. du Loup, 102— P. Goudreau, 2d, Orleans. 103 — Frs. Goudreau, Cluebec. 105— Laut. Tremblay, 2d, Orleans. 106— Ed. Ouellet, Ste. Anne La Pocalierc. 107 — J. B. Caron, Beauport. 108 — Frs. Peltier, Kamouraska. 109— John Smith, Cluebec. 110 — Dom. Girard, Green Island. 113 — Ed. Marcoux, Orleans. 114— Charles Pouliot, Do. 115— Celestin St. Pierre, St. Anne La Pocaticre. 116 — Frs. Curodeau, Orleans. 117— F. X. Corriveau, St. Valier. 120— Ed. Chevalier, Green Island. 121 — Thomas Simard, Cluebec. 132 — J. B. Turgeon, Beaumont. 123 — Cy. Langlois, Crane Island. 124 — Zeph. Chasse, Kamouraska. 125 — Jean Audet dit Lapointe, St. Michel. 126 — Ant. Roussel, Orleans. 127— Ed. Antil dit St. Jean, St. Jean. 128 — Jean Ruel, Orleans. 129 — P. Dutremble, Rimouski. 130 — Wm. Irvine, Green Island. 131 — Geo. Santerre, St. Michel. 132 — Alex. Chamberland, Do. 133— Anselme C6te, Rimouski. 5* 106 QUEBEC DIRECTORY, 134__L. Larochellej St. Michel. 135 — F. X. Pepin dit Lachance, Orleans. 136 — F. Audet dit Lapointe, 2d, Ctuebec. 137 — Robt. Demers, Point Levy 138 — P. Gautron dit Larochelle, St. Michel. 139 — C. Bernier, Cap St, Ignace. 140 — J. Evarice Adam, St. Jean Port Joli. 141 — A. Lavoie, 2d, Ctuebec. 142 — Ls. Marie Lavoie, Riraouski. 143 — Regis Menard, St. Valier. 144 — John Itzweire, Kakouna. 145 — Geo. Laplante, Ctuebec. 146 — Paschal Dick, River Quelle. 147 — Jean Dufresne, Orleans. 148 — A. St. Laurent, Rimouski. 149— Fred. Couillard, Cap St. Ig- nace. 150 — Jean Pouliot, Orleans. 151 — Frs. Vezina, Crane Island. 152— Heli Normand, Do. 153 — Frs. Boissinot, Orleans. 154 — M. Vezina, Crane Island. 155 — J. Bte. Gaulin, Orleans. 156 — Ed. Lavoie, Trois Pistoles. 157— A. Vaillancourt, St. Michel. 158— Pierre Normand, L'Islet. 159 — H. Raymond, Kamouraska. 160 — J. Frs. Lamarre, St. Vallier. 161 — Gull. Fournier, Beaumont. 162 — Hilari Jovin, Kamouraska. 163 — Jas. Campbell, Rimouski. 164 — Hy. Verrault, St. Jean Port Joli. 165 — Jean Bto. Bernier, L'lslct. 166 — Pierre Peltier, Kamouraska. 167 — Fred. Simpson, Point Levy. 168 — Frs. Thibicrge, Crane Island. 169 — Jean Leon Roy, St. Michel. 170 — Jos. Pouliot, Orleans. 171 — Marcel LeBel, Kamouraska, 172 — Edwd. Demers, Point Levy. 173 — J, Bte. Raymond, Kamou- raskii,, 474 — Alexis Roy, Cluebec. 175 — Jacques Dandurand, Do. 17G— Cyrile Larivee, Trois-Pis- toles. 177 — Jac. Tremblay, Orleans. 178 Jean Dugas, Ctuebec. 179 — Henry Lavoie, Rimouski. 180 — C.Raymond, Kamouraska. 181 — A. Phaucas alias Raymond, Kamouraska. 182— Germain Belanger, L'Islet. 183 — Jean Blouin, Orleans. 184— Louis St. Marc, Do. 185 — Germain Caron, Ctuebec. 186 — D. Boulanger, St. Thomas. 187— Wm. Russell, Ctuebec. 188 — Ls. Laprise, Orleans. 189 — Pierre Pepin, do 190 — Chas. Dumas, 2d, Green Is- land. 191— Ls, Cottin Dugal, St. Michel. 192— David Piehet, Orleans. 193 — Edouard Genest, do 194— J. Bte. Paquet, Ste. Anne dii Nord. 195 — Felix Caron, Ctuebec. 196 — Jean Pelletier, Rimouski. 197 — Germain St. Pierre, Green Island. 198— Vital Charrest, Kakouna. 199 — Hp. Bouchard, Riv.du Loup. 200 — Frs. Nadeau, Green Island. 201 — Benj. Blouin, Orleans. 202 — Pierre Lapierre, Point Levy. 203 — Benoni Normand, L'Islet, 204 — Frs. Cote, Orleans. 205 — Valentine Goudreau, L'Islet. 206— Alex. Ouellet, Ste. Anne La Pocatiere. 207— Neil McNeil, auebec. 209 — Anselme Marmon, Ctuebec. 210— Mag. Delisle, Green Island. 211— J. B. Talbot, Berthier. 212— Frs. X. Delisle, Orleans. 213 — Joseph Dick, do 214— Frs. Noel, do 215— Jean Marcoux, do 216 — Paul Langlois, do 217— Thos. McNeil, auebec. 218— Marcel Cote, Green Island. 219 — Pierre Descomb, Orleans. 220— Geo. Audet dit Lapointe, St, j Michel. 221— Ls. N. Morency, Ctuebec. 232— Gab. Lachance, 2d, OrleaiiH. QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 107 Orleans, lebec. ilimouski. amouraska. IS Raymond, get, L'Islet. rieans. Do. ^ Q,uebec. St. Thomas. Gtuebec. leans, do 2d, Green Is- TaljS'i. Michel. Orleans. st, do , Ste.Annedu 3,uebec. , Rimouski. Pierre, Green t, Kakouna. 1, lliv.duLoup. Green Island. , Orleans, re, Point Levy, land, L'Islet. leans. udreau, L'Islet. t, Ste. Anne La , Cluebec. rmon, Gluebec. !, Green Island. Berthier. sle, Orleans. . do do IX, do )is, do eil, Clueboc. '. Green Island. )'mb, Orleans. dit Lapointe, St. ency, Cluebec. ince, 3d, OrleanH, 2-23— David Ballantyne, L'Islet. 224 — Frs. X. Lrpointe, Orleans. 2'2.5 — Magloire Turcot, do 226 — Isaie Marticotte, Cluebec. 237— Hy. Marticotte, do 228— Guil. Morency, L'Islet. \ 229 — G. Bcrnier, Cap St. Ignace. 230— Paul Blouin, 2a, Orleans. 231 — Frs. Daliaire, do 232 — Fabien Lemieux, L'Islet. 233 — Lt. Godbout, Orleans. 234 — Pierre Roy, Gluebec. 235 — C. Ed. Turgeon, Beaumont. 236— Clovis Antil, Si, Jean Port Joli. 237 — J. Langlois, Crane Island. 238— Narcissc Clavet, St. Michel. 239 — David Cinq-Marc, Orleans. 240 — Job. Morency, Point Levy. 241— P. Ruelland, St. Michel. 242 — Hubert Dumas, Kakouna. 243 — Damas Babin, St. Jean Port Joli, 244 — Fab. Langelier, Point Levi. 245 — Jos.Beau cher dit Morency, Berthier. 24tj — M. Pepin dit Lachance, Clue- bec. 247— Thos. Brownlee, Cluebec. 248 — Pierre Garneau, Rimouski. 249 — David Bouflard, Orleans. 2.'}0 — Pierre Curodeau, do 251 — Ed. Labreque, do 252 — Bart. Lachancc, do 253 — Ant. Lapointe, do 251 — Jean Chassee, Ste. Marie Nouvelle Beauce. 25.5 — Jean B. Patoinc, Cluebec. 257 — Jos. Lapointe, do 25b — Narcisse Forgues, St. Michel. 259 — Magloire Cote, Green Island, 260 — Franybis Dumas, do 26! — Peter Chiperon, Cluebec. 262— Dom. Verrault, St. Jean Port Joli. 263 — Thos. Dunford, Cluebec. 264 — Louis Crepeau, Orleans. 265— Thos. Theberge, do 266 — Bernard France, St. Denis. 267 — Joseph Dupille, Orleans. 268— Michel Guenard, Point Levi. 269 — Rene Simard, River du Loup. 270— Fabien Caron, L'Islet. 271 — lean Dion, Cluebec. 272— Denis Glynn, do 273— Henri Noel, Orleans. 274 — Jean Coulombe, do 275 — Thos. Connell, Cluebec. 276— Chas. Fred. Ka3nig, L'Islet. 277 — Eugcr Bernier, do •278— Alexis Vezina, Crane Island, 279— Gilbert Baillargeon, Orleans- 280 — John Normand, Crane Is- land. 281 — John Simpson, Point Levi. 282— Thos. Dick, Orleans. 283 — Ovide Lachance, do. 284— L. D. Blanchet, St. Pierre. 285 — Jean Giroux, Point Levi. 286 — Joseph Simpson, L'Islet. 287 — Aniable Fournier, Beaumont, 288 — Euscbc Thivierge, Orleans. 289— Paul Pouliot. ' do * Rates of Pilotage. FROM BIG TO QUEBEC, viz :— Per Foot. Fmm 1st May to the 10th November inclusive, . .£0 18 From the 11th November to the ISth inclusive.. . . 13 From the 19th Nov. to the 1st March inclusive ... 1 80 From the 2iid March to the 30th April inclusive . . I 6 y- 108 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. FROM QUEBEC TO BIC. From the 1st May to the 10th Nov. inclusive. . . £0 15 9 From the lith November to the 18th inclusive. . . 1 9 From the 19th Nov. to the 1st March inclusive. . .1 5 9 From the 2nd March to the 30th April inclusive. . 18 3 From the Brandy Pots to Quebec — only two-thirds of the rate above mentioned. ' - From the Point of St. Roch to Quebec — only one- . >.: -.., third of the above rate. <-:'r -: From the West End of Crane Island and below St, Patrick's Hole to Quebec — one-fourth part of the above rates. From St. Patrick's Hole to Quebec '....'.. 1 3 4 FROM QUEBEC TO PORTNEUF. , ABOVE QUEBEC. Any vessel not exceeding 200 tons measurement j£4 Down again 2 10 From 201 to 250 tons, upwards 5 I^ownwards , 3 10 From 251 tons and more, upwards , 6 Downwards 4 Prom Quebec to TitREE-RivERs, or any place ,^ above PoRXNEur. ' ' * For a vessel of 200 tons and under, upwards £6 Downwards 4 • Of 201 and to 250 tons, upwards , 7 Downwards 4 Above 250 tons, upwards 8 Downwards 5 10 From Quebec to Montreal, and any place above Three-Rivers. For a vessel of 200 tons and under, upwards. . . £11 Downwards * 7 10 Of 201 and to 250 tons, upwards •. 13 ' ' I Downwards » . . . * 8 15 9 Of 250 tons and upwards, upwards 16 Downwards 10 15 Ml QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 109 15 9 9 5 9 18 3 3 4 £4 . 2 10 . 5 . 3 10 . 6 . 4 e ■ ', £6 . 4 . 7 . 4 . 8 .. 5 re 10 £11 .. 7 10 ..13 .. 8 15 9 ..16 ..xo 15 Liglit Houses. Light House on the South Pillar, shews a Revolving Light, Keeper — Mr. Charles Julyan. On Green Island, a Fixed Light, Keeper— Mr. R. N. Lindsay. The Lantern of the Light-House on Green Island shews a Light every Evening, from Sunset to Sunrise the next morn- ing, from the fifteenth day of April to the tenth day of Decem- ber inclusive ; and the following are the Bearings of it, by Compass, from the respective places here under mentioned, viz: . t^" Red Island White Island - Brandy Pots Apple Island - Basque Island - E. S. E. ^ S. E. N. E. ^E. N. E.byE. |E. w. s. w. w. s. w. i w. The Shoal at the N. E. end of Green Island, S. W. -^ S. The Shoal at the West end of Green Island, N. E. | E. Floating Light in the Traverse. Commander — J. Richardson. Light House on Pointe des Monts. Keeper — Joel Bedard. Will shew a light every evening from smiset to sunrise, be- tween the first of April and the thirty-first of December in- clusive. The folloAving notice was published by the Trinity House, relating to this Light-House. NOTICE TO MARINERS. That a Light-House (a Fixed Light) has been erected on PoiNTE DES Monts, (or Cape Monts Peles) on the north side of the River St. Lawrenco, nearly opposite to Cap Chat, the lantern standing one hundred feet above the water. The Light-House lays with the outermost part of Caribou Point N. 52 ® . East and South 52 ® . West, by the Compass, and it can be seen over that point and to the Eastward of it. Ships approaching the light from the Eastward, as they draw towards Caribou Point must bring it to bear W. by S. ; they will then be in a good fair way, and if necessary, they can near the land by the lead. 110 QUEBEC DIRECTOEY. i|s .■ \ After passincr Caribou Point, and as they draw towards the Light-House, ihey must come no nearer than twelve fathoms water to avoid two ledges of rocks, one of which lays E. S. E. from the Light, with only 12 ft. of water on it ; the other lays S. W. from the Light, and E. S. E. from the Western extre- mity of Pointe des Monts, with 16 feet water on it ; but these rocks do not lay farther from the shore than half a mile at low water. The Light-House lays with the western extremity of Pointe des Monts N. 64 ° . East and South 64 ® . West, and distant about one mile ; and when ships are to the Westward of the Point, the Light-House is in one with the outermost rocks off the Point ; and in day time it forms a bold distinct Land Mark, and on this line of be. .ing ships are in the best possible fair way for the general purposes of Navigation, whether bound up or down. . . For any particular purposes of Navigation, ships may eafely stand to the Northward, until the Light bears E. by N. ; they will then be drawing near the North land : and when it bears E. ^ N. it is time to tack ; for when it bears East it will shut in with the High Land, and cannot be seen to the Southward of East, and then they will be only one mile from the land, and if they are off Goclbout River, Pointe des Monts will bear from them E. by S. two leagues distant. . . • When ships are off Saint Nicolas Harbour, and the light bearing E. by N. they are in a good fair way from the North Land. The S. E. spit of Manicouagan great Shoal, the ship and the Light-House are then all in one line of bearing. _ tu .. Light House on S. W* Point ofAnticosti, Keeper — RIr. E. Popb. A Light-House having been erected on the South West Point of the Island of Anticosti, notice is hereby given that a grand Revolving Light, on the Argand prir ciple, was shewn thereon for the first time, on the 25th of August, 1831, and that the said light will continue to be shewn every night from sun- set to sunrise, from the 1st April to the 15th December, in each year inclusive. qUEBEC DIRECTORY. Ill - When ships are to the Eastward of the Light-House, they may safely stand towards the Island until it bear N. N. W. by Compass — they will then be in a good fair way ; and if they wish to make more free with the land, they can do so by their lead. The land trends from the Light-House S. E. by S. or nearly so. When ships are to the Westward of the Light-House, they may safely stand towards the Island until the light bears S. S. E. ^ E. they will then be in a good fair way from the land, and as before mentioned, they can make more free by their lead. Nearly East and West with the Light-House, and about three-fourths of a mile from it, is the outermost part of a P^ef of Rocks which joins the S. W. Point. These are dry at low water and are the only dangers near the Light-House ; there- fore a berth of a mile from the Point, is a good fair way. Sixteen leagues to the Eastward of the Light-House, at Shallop Creek, and sixteen leagues to the Westward of the Light-House, at Grand Bay, and at the Light-House itself, are Depots of provisions for the use of Mariners in distress, or other shipwrecked persons. Light House on Biqud Islaiid, Revolving Light. Keeper — Mr. S. E. Hammond. The two Lights at Portneuf, and the one at Ste. Croix, above the Harbour of Quebec, are also under the superintendence of the Trinity House of Quebec. A Light-House has been built on Heath Point at the East end of the Island of Anticosti, but has not been put in opera- tion for want of sufficient funds vested in the Corporation of the Trinity House. ProTision Depots for Sliip^riecked Mariners, One at the Light-House on Pointe des Monts, under the charge of the Keeper. West Bay, Anticosti, L. O. Gamache, Keeper. S, W. Point, do under charge of the Light- House Keeper. 112 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. '4 '■■ «' :^tiil One at the Shallop Creek, Anticosti, about 40 miles Eastward of the Light-House, Ant. Hamel, Keeper. '' " East End of Anticosti, under charge of the Keeper of the Tower, B. Bradley. Variations of the Compass established by Captain Bayfield, R. N.J in the surveying schooner Gulnare ; those laid down >!•?. on the Charts being erroneous. Brandy Pots 16A degrees west. Island of Bic 17 J v^ap L/nat .............. «^1 Bay of the Seven Islands, 23 West end of Anticosti . . . 23^ East end of ditto 24| do do do do do do do do do do ■tf. NAVAL SURVEYING SERVICE IN THE GULF OF . , - ST. LAWRENCE. Henry W. Bayfield, Captain and Surveyor. J. Orlebar, Lieutenant and Assistant Surveyor. ,(, » G. A. Bedford, Lieutenant and Assistant Surveyor. ' ■"' " William Kelly, M. D., Surgeon. '. : '^ ' TIDES. ,,. ..., . 3 I o'clock, full and change Days on shore. WK:* ■^ At Bic Island At Green Island. . . . At the Traverse .... At Crane Island At Quebec 6;^ J And the stream continues to run one ho\ir after high water nearly Tide and Quarter Tide, in all places above mentioned. 04 NUMBER OF SHIPS LAUNCHED, MAY, 1847. Yard. Ships. Jno. Munn's 3 Gilmour & Co's 4 G. H. Parke & Co's... 2 Jas. Jeff erv's 2 John Jetfery's 3 J. J. Nesbltt's 3 J. C. Lee's 3 Yard. . „;a Ships. Oliver's 5 Cottingham's 1 R. Jeffery's 1 Geo. Black's 1 Dubord's 2 Tibbett's 2 Russell's 1 W.Henry's 2 Total number of Ships 35, with an average Tonnage of about 750. . QUE9EC DIRECTORY. 113 POST OFFICE. ^rritjal axtb W^patinu of t\)c iUails at OHueber. ■vir,i.v»i. NAMES OF PLACES. Montreal, Canada West, and the United States, Halifax, N. S. New Brunswick, Cape Breton, Prince Edward's Island, Newfoundland and Ber- muda. • ? ' Offices South side of St. Lawrence to River du Loup, inclusive. Green Lsland, Kakouna, Trois- Pistoles, Rimouski, St. Luce and Metis. Bay des Chaleurs and Gaspe, La Baie St. Paul, les Eboule- rnents and Malbaie. La Beauce and Frampton. • ARRIVE Leeds, Invemees, St. Sylvestre, Ireland, Dudswell and Sher brooke. Every Morn, at 8 o'clock except Mon- day in Sum- mer. Wednesday and Saturday 8 A.M. Wednesday and Saturday 8 A. M. Saturday 8 A. M. Saturday 8 A. M. Friday 8 A.M. Tuesday and Friday 8 A M. Thursday 8 A. M. DEPART. " .. Offices on the South above Que- bec to Nicolet, inclusive. Tuesday 8 A. M. Every day at 4 P. M. in Winter and 5 P.M. in Sum- mer. Monday and Friday 3. P. M. Monday and Friday 3 P. M. Monday 3 P. M. Monday 3 P. M. . .,., Saturday, at noon. Tuesday and Friday 2 P. M. Friday 10a.m. Saturday 4P. M. via Three Rivers and Sherbrooke. Wednesday at noon. 114 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. » ■~. lii NAMES OF PLACES. Eastern Townships via Three Ri vers in Winter and via Port St. Francis in Summer. Sorel. Three Rivers. Nicolet and Port St. Francis, per Steam Boats. Offices on the North side as far as Montreal in Summer. ARRIVE. Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday in Winter, and Sunday, Wed iiesday &Fri day in Sum- mer, Every day 8 A.M. except Monday, in Summer. Do. do. Do. do. Monday Trsd. and Saturday 8 A.M. DEPART. TuesdayTrsd. and Saturday 4 P.M. Every day 5 P. M. except Sunday, in Summer and 4 P. M. in Winter. Do. do. do. >»f ;"■»•. i "'H' V' Do. do. do. TuesdayTrsd. andSaturday 5. P. M. REGULATIONS AND RATES. « . 1. — All letters sent by post in Canada and other Provinces of British North America, are charged by weight. 2. — The scale of weight for charging postage is the same as that by which the letters to and from the United Kingdom are charged, viz : , _ ,.,, For a letcer not exceeding ^ oz 1 Rate j - . Ditto ditto 1 oz 2 Rates ' , Ditto ditto 2 oz 4 Rates Ditto ditto 3oz 6 Rates And so on, adding two rates for every additional ounce. After QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 115 the first ounce, fractional parts are not noticed ; thus if a letter exceed one ounce, it becomes liable to four rates, and if it exceed 2 oz six rates. 3. — The Rates of Postage on letters are — For a Letter not exceeding half an ounce, (without regard to the number of pieces of which it is composed) s. d» Conveyed 60 miles or under, 4^ cy. Do 60 " to :100 miles, 7 Do '100 " to 200 " 9 Do 200 " to 300 " 11^ Do 300 " to 400 " 1 l| Do 400 " to 500 " 14 4. — Letters to and from the United Kingdom are subject to an uniform charge of Is. 4d. currency per half ounce ; and on letters via the United States, the provincial charge is an uniform rate of 2^d from any part of Canada to the frontier line, and 2^d. for every additional half junce. This charge must be pre-paid, as also the American postage to the Atlantic port, — Boston or New York. * " NEWSPAPERS. Colonial Newspapers, not exceeding 2oz., to or from any part of the British N, American Provinces, pay one half penny, pre-paid or not, at the option of the sender. ' ' If sent to any British Colony beyond sea, (not intended to pass through the United Kingdom,) or to any foreign country, except the United States, one halfpenny to be p7'e-paid. If sent to any part of the United States — one penny— to be PRE-PAID. Newspapeis from the United States pay, on delivery. Id. Provincial, in addition to the United States Postage. ". • ^ Colonial Newspapers sent to the United Kingdom, or to any British Colony by way of England, and Biitish newspapers from the United King-dom to any part of Canada, are subject to a duty of a half penny each, to be paid on delivery. With exception of these last, (which are not limited as to weight,) a newspaper to pass under the foregoing regulations, Kf: 116 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. must not exceed 2 oz., otherwise it will be liable to phamplet postage, i. e. one penny per oz. British Newspapers can be re-posted in Canada, subject to one half penny postage. ; i ; Supplements charged as distinct Newspapers. VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS IN PARLIAMENT. If sent to the United Kingdom by packet, or to any part of British North America or British West Indies, one penny for every four ounces. If intended to be sent to the United Kingdom by private ship, — double the above rates. No packet or cover containing votes or Legislative proceed- ings, permittted to be sent through the Post, if exceeding six pounds weight. . . , ' PAMPHLETS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS. . ',•; If printed in the United Kingdom, British North America, or British West Indies, may be sent to any place in British North America, the United States, or British West Indies, at the reduced inland rate of one penny per ounce, in addition to sea postage, provided they do not exceed 16 ounces. ■ *- if printed and mailed in the United States, they are liable on delivery in this province to the same rate, of one penny per ounce ; but if reposted in Canada, they are charged with full letter postage. . ., ,,.- ;^,., Newspapers, Pamphlets, Publications, and Parliamentary proceedings, must be sent without covers, or with covers open at the ends. If this is not done, or if there be any marks or writing on them besides the address, full letter postage will be charged. , , ,. _ , , FRANKING. ,>V/-j Post Master and other Officers of the Post Office Department, not to re^^eive or send Letters, &c., " /ree." • . v.f '> j < f ..•-'. ■' 'J-.: ,-i i.'j!7 ■ * . . ;i' .A: % --■: , , I ^ -■? .,,■ . '*■■( 1 -- u ■ ' ' 1 .' . nui: I ; ; 4^ '',.'■ t-.- , ■• ■,">- 1 < - \ ■tr-^t,"-: ^" ?r . ■-'. ''' . :.. J ■y^f r^viitrW ; .i „, •%■■: - ''■'■ii i ■ ■ ■ : . Vi •^:i -'. .ff^ U /* V ■' yt f''-'t\.* ':)',.-• ■ 4'- QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 117 POPULATION OF CANADA ACCORDING TO ITS ORIGIN. French Canadians. English , Irish Scotch English Canadians.. Continent of Europe , United States Totals, Lower Canada, Census of 1.844. 518565 11886 44012 13341 85075 2353 11943 Upper Canada, Census of 1842. 13969 40684 78255 39781 247665 6581 32838 687175 459773 POPULATION ACCORDING TO ITS RELIGIOUS DENOMINATION. ( Lower Canada, Census of 1844. Upper Canada, Census of 1842. Totals. Catholic Church 571714 43274 26725 10814 3010 711 1318 5281 3890 4064 • - 96 44 2 10 154 7099 65203 107791 77869 23342 72313 20125 7141 18220 4253 15411 4524 5200 1778 946 1105 19470 636917 Eno-lish Church 151065 Scotch Church 104594 English Wesleyan Metho- dists 34156 Canadian Methodists Episcopal Methodists Other Methodists 75323 20836 8459 Presbvterians 23501 Congregationalists Baptists and Anabaptists. . . Lutherans Quakers. . . „ Moravians and Tunkers . . . Reformed Church of Hol- land 8143 19475 4620 5244 1780 956 Jews 1259 Other denominations 26569 Totals... 678259 405691 1083950 jN H' 118 qUEBKC DIRECTORY. EDUCATION. Colleges Elementay Schools . . . c V 1 i Males. . . Scholars .. J p^^^l^,^ Lower Canada, Census of 1844. Totals. 63 1566 25432 25146 Upper Canada. Census o 1842. 56578 927 1684 13476 5032] ®I Le dio cornpreni France. 1844. Mo Monsci REGISTRARS OF THE DISTRICTS OF QUEBEC AN GASPE. County of Quebec, (chief place, Quebec.) — Chs. Montizarr bert. — E. L. Montizambert, Deputy. Rimouski, (chief place, Rimouski.) — A. G. Rue J. Heath, Deputy. Kamouraska, (chief place, Kamouraska.) — Th Hon. J. B. Tache. — Dumais, Deputy. (( a Rev. MM C. F. Edi ic u Ce Sg jXIV,en Islet, (chiet place, St. Thomas.) — The Hon. A. ( ,on/>ir t»i. CouilLud.— Deputy. u.Zl^. Bellechasse, (chief place, St. Gervais.) — P. Foi gues. — Larue, Deputy. ** Dorchester,_ (chief place, Ste. Marie.) — R. A. Foliecessair de miner Rev. MU 4i •••) U it *i t( ti it tier. — J. B. Bonneville, Deputy. Megantic, (chief p. _ s, Leeds.)— C. R. Lambly.- J. Planche, Deputy. Lotbiniere, (chief place, Lotbiniere.) — S. Noel.- Thos. Bedard, Deputy. Portneuf, (chief place, Cap Sante.) — R. Lelievr Deputy. Montmorency, (chief place, Chateau-Richer.) — ; C. Le Fran9ois. — F. Gaudry, Deputy. : Orleans, (chief place, St. Laurent.) — P. Gosselii J. Chabot, Deputy. Saguenay, (chief place, Ebouiements.)--E. Treir • blay. ) — C. Duberger, Deputy. ^ Gaspe, (chief place, Perce.)— P. Winter.— V. M ; gnauh, Deputy. [ Bonaventure, (chief place, New-Carlisle.)— R. Fi' i* .. . ton—.- Deputy. of 33 56 32 46 Upper Canada. Census o 1842. 78 92 1684 1347e| 50321 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 119 DU DIOCESE DE QUEBEC. Le diocese de Qufebec Tut erige le ler Octobre, 1674. 11 cornprenait alors tout le pays connu sous le nom de Nouvelle France. Ce siege fut erige en archev6che le 12 Juillet, i< 1844. iUEBEC AN !hs. Montizarr puty. )— A. G. Rue iraska.) — Tli eputy. Monseigneur Joseph Signay, Archcveque de duebec. Monseigneur P. F. Turgeon, Evcque de Sidyme, Coadjuteur. Vicaires Generaux. Rev. MM. A. Mailloux, " M. Chauvin, " C. Gauvin. C. F. Cazeau, Secretaire du Diocese, F. H. Belle-isle, Assistant-Secretaire, Edm. C. H. Langevin, Sous-Secretaire. ' Rev. MM. J. Demers, " Th. Maguire, i* Th. Cooke, SEMINAIRE DE aUEBEC. Ce Seminaire fut erige par Lettres-patentes de Louis _ P^IV, en 1663, et fut fonde par Mgr. de Laval de Montmo- "on. A. I [.gncy, premier Eveque de Q,uebec. II possede une biblio- vais \ p^ Pq] theque de plus de 15,000 volumes, et un cabinet de physique t^ui a coute plus de £2,000, un laboratoire et des appareils eO — R. A. Fo lecessaires pour un cours de chimie, et la plus belle collection de mineraux qu'il y ait en Canada. Rev. MM. A. Parant, superieur, ., J. Demers, professeur de theologioj J. Aubry, professeur d'ecriture sainte, J. Holmes, prefet des etudes, Ls. Gingras, procureur, Leon Gingras, directeur du grand seminaire et pro- fesseur de theologie, L.J. Casaull, directeur du petit seminaire et \X0' fesseur de physique et de chimie, . Elz. Alex. Taschereau, directeur de philosophie intellectuelle et morale, r_ E. J. Horan, directeur d'histoire naturelle et d'An- \' glais, ■; . Jean Langevin, directeur de mathematiques, i ■ J. Tasse, directeur de rhetorique, . R. Lambly. e.)— S. Noel. ) — R. Lelievri lU-Richer.)-— I )eputy. ) — P. Gosselii its.)--E. Trent /"inter.— V. Mi ,rlisle.)— R.Fi' i^ 120 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. '■ ■' i< ' C. Tmdel, directeur de seconde, •';. F. Buteau, directeur de troisieme, E. Methote, directeur de quatrieme. T. Drolet, directeur de cinquieme, L. Lahaie, directeur de sixieme, J. F. Baillarge, directeur de septieme, ■'.' A. Ladriere, directeur de huitieme, J. Sasseville, directeur de neuvieme, E. J. Horan, ^ H. McGuirk, > professeurs d'Anglais. W. Thorn, ) Etudiants en theologie 25 Ecoliers pensionnaires 124 Ecoliers externes 212 SEMINAIRE DE NICOLET. : Ce Seminaire fut fonde en 1800, et fut incorpore par Lettres- Patentes de Sa Majeste George IV, le 10 Deeembre, 1821. Professeurs, Rev. MM. Chs. Harper, procureur, " ' '" ' ' ' ' J. P. A. Farland, directeur, professeur de theologie et prefet des etudes, •• > : ; fw T. Caron, astoistant-directeur et professeur de theo- logie, CO. Caron, professeur de rhetorique, ■ ' ' F. Lesieur Desaulniers, M. A. professeur de philo- sophic et de mathematiqiies, ' '■ <" .'• R. Bellemare, ^ - - > i .A .Mf»V,V§^' B. Robin, P. A. B. Godbout, J. Pnradis, L. Gill, ; ■ P. Clarke, N. J. Gingras, J. Bernier, Eleves pensionnaires 1 . . V. . . 124 Externes 40 ^ Eleves de Pecole prirnaire 85 COLLEGE DE STE. ANNE LAPOCATIERE. Ce College fut fonde en 1827, et incorpore par un acte du Parlement Provincial (4e Guil. IV, eh. 34). Les etudes qu'on ■:.} J^llegents des humanites, QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 121 ;ur de theo- y enseigne se divisent en deux cours. Le premier embrasse toutes les branches' d'une education fran9aise, anglaise, pra- tique et commerciale. Le second cours renferme toutes les sciences qui constituent une education classique. Rev. MM. A. Mailloux, superieur, F. Pilote, directeur et procureur, T. B. Pelletier, prefet des etudes, C. Gauvreau, professeur de theologie, E. Richard, assistant-directeur, T. Tremblay, professeur de philosophie, P. H. Bouchy, professeur de rhetorique, J. C. Cloutier, professeur de belles lettres, H. Potvin, A. Blanchet, F. X. Begin, A. Pelletier, N. Pelletier, C. Roy, E. Lapointe, T. O'Farrell, Fensionnaires ..110 Externes 50 > Regents des humanites, MAISONS DES FRfiRES DE LA DOCTRINE CHRfi- TIENNE. Cet etablissement fut fonde a Quebec en 1842. II est sous les soins de Freres qui enseignent a enfants. Frere Zozime, directeur. hOtel-dieu. Fonde par Madame la duchesse d'Aiguillon en 1637, pour les pauvres malades. La Reverende Mere St. Antoine, superieure. Religieuses 48 Medecins — Docteurs J. Morin, J. Parant, J. Z. Naud, et J, A. Sewell. "' ' '^" •"• - ■ " ' ^ ; ■' ^' • ' «... 1 12% QUEBEC DIRECTORY. URSULINES. Cette maison fut fondee par Madame de la Peltrie en 1630, pour I'instruction des petites filles. La Reverende Mere St. Andre, superieure. Religieuses 59 Eleves pensionnaires 66 Demi-Pensiorinaires 68 Externes 300 h6pital general. Fonde par Mgr. de St. Vaiier, second Eveque de Quebec, en 1693, pour les pauvres invalides et pour Pinstruction des jeunes filies. La Reverende Mere St. Roch, superieure. Religieuses 70 Eleves pensionnaires 82 Pauvres a la charge de la communaute . . 33 Pauvres a la charge de la Province 28 COUVENT DE LA CONGREGATION DE NOTRE-DAME, A ST. ROCH. Cette maison a ouvert ses classes en 1844. La Reverende Mere Ste. Elizabeth, superieure. Eleves pensionnaires 112 Eleves externes , 860 Outre la p. roisse de St. Roch, les paroisses suivantes pos- sedent des ecoles dirigees par des religieuses de cet institut : — la Riviere Quelle ; St. Fran9ois, Riviere du Sud ; Ste. Marie de la Beauce ; Ste. Famille, He d'Orleans ; et la Pointe-aux- Trembles. MM. PAROISSES ET MISSIONS. ' DISTRICT DE QUEBEC. C.F. Baillargeon, Ctir6 de Cluebec, P. McMahon, E. G. Plante, D. Marti neau, W. W. Moylan, B. McGauran, P.T.Sax, J i ►Vicaires. Isle d? Orleans. '< Jos. I'ardif. St. Pierre, J. Naud, St. Laurent, A. Gaussclin, St. Jean, S. Belleau, St. Francois, A. Beaudry, Ste, Famille. QUEBEC DIRECTORY, 123 'RE-DAME, MM. Z. Charestj Cure de St. Roch, J. Auclair, ^ N. Baubien, Ivicaires L.Roy, j^Vicaues. F.E.N.Kerouack,J L. T. Bedard, Hopital-General, F. G. Loranger, Hotel-Dieu, L. J. Desjardins, Do. T. Maguire. Ursulines, P. McMahon, St. Patrice, C. F, Cazeau, Congregation, J. Laberge, Ancienne Lorette, F. Boucher, St. Ambroit-e, P. Roy, Charlesbourg et Saint Dunstan, M.Griffith, Valcartier et Stoneham, G. L. Lemoine, Beauport et Laval, J. Asselin, Ange-Gardien, E. E. Parant, Chateau Richer, F. Desrochers, Ste. Anne et Saint Fereol, C. Beaumond, Vicaire, G. H. Besserer, St. Joachim, J. D. Delisle, Petite-Riviere, M. Chauvin, Baic St. Paul, P. Clement, St, Urbain, M. L. Noel, Eboulemens, .T. B. Pellctier, Isle aux Coudres, C. Pouliot, St. Ir6nee, L. A. Bourret, Malbaie, A, Racine, Vicaire, God. Tremblay, St. Agn6s, J. L. Marceau, L'ance-a-1'eau, Ta- doussac, &c. RR. PP. Oblats, Saguenay, &c. J. B. Gagnon, Chicoutimi. Cole du Sud. Al. Leclerc, St. Jean Deschaillons, E. Faucher, Lotbiniere, M. Tardif, Vicaire, - J. B. Potvin, Ste. Croix et St. Fla- vian, N. Belanger, Vicaire, L. Proulx, St. Antoine, Et. Baillargeon, St. Nicholas, L. A. Dupuis,St Giles,Halifax,&c. F. McDonell, Vicaire, J. NeUigan,St, SyIvestrc,Leeds,6cc. Cote du Nord. J. N. Guertin, Grondines, C. E. Poire, Deschambault, J.P.Lefran9ois, CapSante, E. Chabot, Vicaire, J. Gaboury, Ecureuils, L.E. Parent, Pointe-aux- Tremblcs, C. Tanguay, St. Raymond et St. Basile, A. LefranfoiSjSt Augustin H. Pai3ley,Ste. Catherine, P. Huot, Ste. Foye, L. E. Bois, St. Francois, N. Leclair, Vicaire, A. Campeau, St. Georges, W. Dunn, Frampton, P. Gariepy, Ste. Claire, E. Payment, Ste. Maiguerite, L. A. Montminy, St. Gervais et St. Lazare, !-d. Montminy, Assistant, P. Villeneuve, St. Charles, J. B. Perras, ancien Cure, M. Lemieux, Beaumont, N. C. Fortier, St. Michel, J. B. Perras, junr. DeL:>eivant, St. Valier, Jos. Bonenfant, Berthier, L. L. Belle-isle, St. Francois, Z. Sirois, St. Pierre, Riv. du Sud, J. L. Beaubien, St. Thomas, H. Robson, Vicaire, F Caron, Isle aux Grues, J. E. Cecil, Cap. St. Ignace, F. X. Delage, Islet et St. Cyrille, F.E. Maure, Vicaire, L. Parent, St Jean Port Joli. F. Boissonneault, ancien Cure, D. H. Tetu, St. Roch des Aulnets, AI. Mailloux, Ste. Anne, Y,. Richard, Vicaire, C. Begin, Rivi6reOuelle, E. Cluertier, St. Denis, J. H. Routier, Kamouraska, N. T. Hebert, St. Paschal, F. O. Hebert, Vicaire, P. Pouliot, St. Andre et Ste. H6« l(ine, E, Hale, Vicaire, '[' ^ 124 QtJEBCC MfeECTG^aY. MM. P. Beaumont, St. Jean-Chrysos- tome, J. D. Deziel, Pointe-L6vi, H. Jean, Vicaire, J, Lacasse, St. Henry, C. Z. Rousseau, Vicaire, L. Poulin, St, Isidore, J. Couture, ancien Cur6, J. B. Bernier, St. Anselnic, M. Forgues, Ste Marie, L. Provencher, Vicaire, Ls. H. Grenier, St Elzear, A. A. Marcoux, St. Bernard, F. Morin, St. Joseph, L. A. Proulx, RiviSrc du Lotip, J. Ben. Grenier, Kakouna, F. S. Bardy, Vicaire, Is Doucet, Isle-verte, L. S. JVIalo, Trois- Pistoles, G. S. Marceau, St. Simon et St. Fabien, T. F. Destroismaisons, Rimousky et Ste. Cecile, A. Lebel, Vicaire, G. Nadeau, Ste. Luce et Ste. Fla- vie, J. Br. C6t6, Matahe, &c. DIbxPJCT DES TROIS RIVIERES. T.Cooke, Cure des Trois- Rivieres J. Bailey, 1 yicaires L. H.Dostie, J ^i<^^ifes, B. Fortin, Chap, des Ursulines. Cote du Noid, A. Millette, Desser'i. MaakinongS, L. Marcoux, ) Anciens D. M. Marcoux, J Cures, J. Lebourdais, Riviere du Loup, J. H. liOttinvilie, Vicaire, S. Jt N. Dumoulin, Yamachiche, M. Duguay, Vicaire, J. B. Chartre, Ste. Ursub, L. Aubry, St. L6on, J E. Sirois, St. Barnabe, ). Pnradis, Pointe du Lac, L. Tourigny, Cap de la Magde- leine et St. Maurice, F. X. Leduc, Champlain, W Frechette, Batiscan, F. X. C6te, Ste. Genevieve, P. Patry, St. Stanislas, T. M. Brien, Ste. Anne et St. Casimir, T. ALarouche, Vicaire, Cote du Sud. B. O. Reilly, Sherbrooke, &c. P. Boucher, Vicaire, P. J. Bedard, Kingsey, &c. J. H. Dorion, Drummondville, &c. J. Boucher, St. David L. O. Desilet, St. Guil. d'Upton, C. L Lebrun, St. Michel d'Ya- maska, P. Beland, St, Francois, J. Maurault, Vicaire, M. Carrier. Baie du Febvre, C. Tardif, Vicaire, J. A. Mayrand, St. Zephirin, L. T. Fortier, Nicolet et Ste. Monique, L. Trahan, Vicaire, J. Harper, St. Gregoire, ; J. C. Marquis, Vicaire, C. Dion, Bccancourt et Ste. Ger- trude, J. A. Desjardins, Vicaire, O. Larue, Gentilly, E. Dufour, Somerset, &c. C. Gagnon, Arthabaska, &c. G. S. Derorae, S. Pierre Lesbec- quets. DISTRICT DE GaSPE. N. Doucet, Perc6, &c. M. Dowling, Doug] ass town, &c, J. L. Alain, Bouaventure, &c. F. X. Tessier, Pa«pcbiac, &c. J. B. N. Olscamps, Ri8tigouche,&c, F. Desruissaax, Carieton, do. QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 125 IN THE DIOCESE OF QUEBEC. LORD BISHOP OF MONTREAL : The Right Rev, George J. Mountain, D. D., (Administer- ing the Diocese.) ARCHDEACON OF QUEBEC : — The Same. bishop's OFFICIAL AND ECCLESIASTICAL COMMISSARY : Rev George Mackie, A. B. DISTRICT OF QUEBEC. PARISH OF QUEBEC. Right Rev George J. Mountain, D D Rector. Rev George Covs^ell, M A, Chaplain to the Forces. E W Sewell, Minister of the Chapel of the Holy Trinity and Assistant Minister of the Parish. George Mackie, A B, Curate of the Parish, Chaplain to the Lord Bishop. William Chaderton, Minister of the Chapelry of St Peter. J E F Simpson, Minister of the Chapelry of St Paul. E. J. Senkler, M. A, Rector of the High School. C L F Haensel, Editor of the Bureau. Vakartier, fyc Rev E C Parkin, Aubignyy fyc R R Burrage, PMneuf. C Morris, MA. Frampton R Knight. Leeds... J Flana:Tan. Ireland R Anderson, A B. Riviere 4u Loup (en bas). . E G W Ross. St. Giles, fyc... P G Maning. Travelling Missionary of the Church Society G Rollit. DISTRICT OF THREE-RIVERS. Three-Rivers Rev S S Wood, M A, Rector, Chap- lain to the Lord Bishop. Nicolet: . . /. .'. ........,• H Burges, A B. UrummondviUe G M Ross, Rector. JiiviQreduLou'p{enhaut), N Gueroui. » . 126 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL. PARISH OF MONTREAL, .....,, ^;; ^. , Rev J Bethune, D D, Rector. ^'^ ' '' ' ^^ ^' W Agar Adamson, A B, Assistant Minister. D Robertson, Acting Chaplain to the Forcefc^ and Mis- sionary at St Martin's. J Ramsay, M A, Chaplain to the Troops at St Helen's Island. M. Willoughby, Minister of Trinity Chapel. JD. B. Parnther, Assistant dito. C Bancroft, M A, Minister of St. Thomas's Chapel. W T Leach, M A, Minister of St. George's do. D Falloon, Minister of St Anne's Free do ^ J F Simpson, M A, Rector of the High School. F J Lundy, D C L. " Rawdon, fyc Rev R H Bourne. Mascouche, ^x J Torrance. Lachine W B Bond. Coteau du Lac J Leeds. . ■ VaudreuU Jas. Pyke - ' ■ St. Andrews W Abbott, Rector. ■ Gore W McMaster. /,„ .,j V Jos Abbott, MA.' Grenville, Sfc ^ j, ^ button, Assistant Minister Hullf Sfc J Johnston. • ■ • - ^ Clarendon, ^x F S Neve. WUliaw. Henry W Anderson, Rector, and Mis- sionary at Berthier. Abhotsford, fyc T Johnson. -• Shefford, W. S,' E A Balfour. • / > ' • Brome Jos Scott, M A. .-^^ Dunham CC Cotton, A B. St. Armand East Jas Reid. St. Armand West R Whitwell. - ' ,' o. 7 -J ( Jas Jones (absent in England). Si^^^'^S' I W Jones, Assistant Minister. Caldwell 4' Christie Manors M Townsend, Rector. Granbv G Slack. ' 'f St. John?s W Dawes, Rector, and Acting Chaplain to the Forces. VAcadie AT Whitten. . Chiistieville W Thompson. ^1 , ; C J Braithwaite, A B, Rector. ^^^^^''V I IP White, Assistant Minister. jLaprairie Fred. Broome. ,nt Minister QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 127 LacoUe C Morice, Missionary-, and Act- ing Chaplain to the Forces. Sherrington^ fyc H Hazard. St. Remi G. Flees. Ormstown ^* Chateaugiiay W Brethour, A B. Huntingdon W Morris. DISTRICT OF ST. FRANCIS. . Kingsey, Sfc Rev J Butler. Tingvnck, fyc R Lonsdell. Shipton, Melbourne f Sfc... . C B Fleming. Lennoxville L Doolittle. Sherbrooke WW Wait. Eaton, N.^' S J Taylor. Robinson, Hfc W King. Compton C P Reid. Charleston^ Hatley, ^c. ... C Jackson. DISTRICT OF GASPE. Gaspe Bay Rev W Arnold. Perce R Short. Bay of Chaleurs G. Milne, M A. bishop's COLLEGE, LENNOXVILLE. PRINCIPAL AND PROFESSOR OF DIVINITY. Rev J H NicoLLS, A M, Michel Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford, and Chaplain to the Lord Bishop. PARISH OF QUEBEC. The Annual Meeting of Parishioners as a Vestrj^ was held in the Vestry Room of the Cathedral Church on Easter Monday. The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Montreal, Rector, in the Chair. Henry Jessopf, Esq, was re-appointed Church-warden, on nomination of the Rector, and A J Maxham, Esq, by the vote of the Vestry. The following Gentlemen were chosen Members of the Select Vestry, for the ensuing year: — C NMohtizambert, ;' W Wurtele, N Freer, •• ' R Wainwright, / ", W H A Davies, Esqrs, Jas Bolton, Hon A W Cochran, Weston Hunt, ^ J B Forsyth, '■ J Bonner, Esqrs. '■['"' H J Noad, Esqrs, Hon W Walker. '^ ^ ''^''' 128 qy^EC piBECTpBy* • IN CONNEXION WITH THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND, St, Ann street. Reverend John Cook, D D. ST. Andrew's school. '^ P Crear, I Teachers MissUsB0RNEj^®^^.^®5?- iSaint Jol)n'3 ®l)ttvrl) OF THE FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND, IN CONNEXION WITH THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA, St. Flavien Street. The Reverend John Clugston, Minister. (dongngational €\}nxt\) Palace Street. The Reverend J. Drum MpND, Pastor. iUiJslegan iWetljobiat Sorietg. Ministers, Superintendent Rev E Evans, Assistant H Cox. Trustees. Messrs P Langlois, Messrs W S Henderson, M Ray, J Campbell, G Henderson, ^ W Hunt, ., T Levallee, Jos Bowles, Joseph Louis, W Booth, , . ;^.; Dr Jas Douglas, r W Wilhall, /. ■ , .; Jas Tibbits, J Dinning. Superintendents of Sunday Sohools. . . - School in St Ann^s Street Wm Blight, in St Lewis Suburbs . . . . R Middielon, • I ^ in St Roches do .... Mathewson. .;•;_. Connected with this Body and tio^ Places of Worship. One in St. Anne's Street, called 'he <* St. Anne's Street Chapel," the other in St. Lewis Subu... , called the " Cente- nary Chapel. Also Three Sunday Schools* One in St. Anne's Street, one in St. Lewis Suburbs, and one in St. Roch's Suburbs. ^'^ QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 129 •^*.,^j ?rf*M%. t^. Ai >.^ *J^.. ^ \ ^ ION WITH 1M1¥®I.11T IMSTITWTMMS. ^./ >v..;r COMMITTEE: » •' Messrs. E. Baird W. Blight D. Burnet ' ■ R. Cairns ' ■ .ru D. Cameron W. H. A. Davies W. Henry W. Hossack ' ' J. W. Leaycraft D. Logie Mr. J. McLeod. . .Treasurer, J. Hale ...... Secretaiy, Messrs. Danl. McCcillura R. Middleton ^. J. Musson Asst. Com. Gen, Ray R. Peniston W. S. Sewell H. W. Welch W.White C. Wurtele. Mr. D. Wilkie. . . Asst.Sec'y. G. Stanley . . . Depository, Quebec fiabies' ©ible Association. COMMITTEE: Mrs. Forsyth Miss Gore Mrs. Haddan ' Logie ■' '^^ Lambly ^ Mrs. Clugston, Secretary and Treasurer. Miss McCallum Mrs. Puffer , ;; Ross Miss Wilkie Whitaker. MiS* ■^■i,. »>;:;' I i: f- Aiir Society. -OFFICERS: -^-^ Mrs. Shaw President | Miss Burton Secretary Temple V. Presdt. | Mrs. R. Wurtele* . .Treasurer. , 'fmt^* COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT : Mrs. S. Newton Penney C. McCallum Gates Mrs. Worth J. A. Sewell J. Ross Miss Tremain. ■; A' 6* 130 QUEBEC DIBECTORY. British anb (Eiandtnan Qt\\oo[ Sorittg. Dr. Parant Aset. Com. Gen. Rae . . I Vice Presidents. COMMITTEE : Mr. J. Musson Mr. A. Haddan J. McLeod ' W. H. A. Daviea G. Henderson J. Munn E. L. Montizambert R. Peniston W. G, Wurtele J. Clearihue. P. Langlois — Treasurer, C. Wurtele—Secretary. ladies' COMMITTEE : Mrs. Ross Mrs. Gibb Haddan Lambly McLeod Henderson ' T. Gibb Miss. R. McCallum Miss White Harrower Wurtele A. Harrower Wilkie Fletcher. «. . .1 Cltteber National £irl)ooi Qotktn. Boys* Department. COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT : Ld. Bishop of Montreal, Rector Revd. -A. W. Mountain Rev. OfH. XvIackie,A.B.Curate Geo. Irvine Henry Jessopp, Treasurer C. N. Montizambert, Sec'y. ^, Andrews, Master* Girls' Department, Lady Stuart Mrs. Mountain Caldwell Montizambert Mrs. Freer Ord Gillespie Buchanan Walker Ash worth ' • ' ' ' Taylor Miss Pyke N : . ■ .N f .;;c. - ^ " Mrs. Purcell; Matron. .ij^.^.'J-'r-p^ t. ■ * A - » ^-^ qUEBEC DIRECTORY. 131 COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT *. Lady Caldwell Mrs. Montizambert C. N. Montizambert Ashworth Forsyth Davies Mrs. McAllister and Mrs. Burnet, Matrons. - J ■ — Mrs. Mountain, Treasurer Miss Freer, »Secretary George Tavlor Pyke - . JTemalc ^rpl)an ^sBlum. COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT : Lady Stuart Mrs. Montizambert Freer, -Treasurer Walker Gillespie Miss Pyke ■ : Lady Caldwell Mrs. Ord Buchanan Ashworth Mountain Miss Taylor, Secretary Miss Good, Matron. Qoeiete' CTIjaritable bes iUame© Catl)olif|tjes be Quebec, Incorporee par Acie du Parlement. Mdme. Massue, Presidente. Mdms. Vanfelson 1 Painchaud ! Vice-Pre- Gingras >: sidentes. J. Drolet J Mdms. Bedard Baillargeon Chauveau Clouet Chabot ,. Caeault Cannon Deblois Evantuvelle ^Qr%^ Gauthier . Huot i. . Horan V. Hamel Lemieux ■^** Langevin Mdme. A. R, Hamel, Tresoridre. Dlle. S. Vanfelson, Secretaire. Comite. \ Mdms. McCord Nauh Nesbitt E. Prendergast J. Prendergast Perrault F. Roy T.Roy Rousseau Sirois Tessier Woolsey Dlles. Legare Turgeon, 132 QUEBEC DIRECTORY* 00ciete' b'(EbttcaUon bn Distcicl be CDneber. J. Duval, §cuyer, president Revds. C. F. i3aillargeon,v.p. P. McMahon, v. p. C. Delagrave, 6cr. secretaire. F. Evanturelle, 6cr. asst. sec. J. Petitclerc, 6cuyer, trfesorier. Comite de Regie, Revds. A. Parent C. F. Cazeau L. Casault F. H. Belle-Isle MM. J. Legare J. O'JVleara U. J. Tessier Ab Ham el Jas. Cremazie P. 0. Chauveau Honbls. R. E. Caron L. Massue MM. P. Gauvreau C. Z. I^ault A. B. Sirois V. Tetu J. Chabot L. G. Baillarg6 J. Maguire R. Jellard. ■ (£incbec iHarine anb Q^migrant hospital. Institution supported by a tax of one penny a ton, levied on each vessel arriving at this port from Sea. COMMISSIONEHS OF FINANCE. Jos. Morrin, M. D— Jos. Paiant, M. D,— H. Gowan. Jos. Paine haud, Junior, House Surgeon, Patrick Whelan, Steward, Mrs. Whelan, Mifron. j^s^ .. j ffttttatic ^^sjjlum, BcanpotU COMMISSIONERS, 1847. Hon. Louis Massue, Hon. John Neilson, James Gibb, H. Joseph, ' J P. Langlois, Junior, * George Irvine. Jos Painchaud, ■■' "''r A. Lemoine. !v ' PHYSICIANS. Jas. Douglas, M.D. Jos. Morrin, M. i'. C. Fremont, M. D. Dr.. Von Iffland, Res, Phy. George Wakeham, Warden, The Commissioners of the Lunatic Asylum at Beauport hereby give Public Notice, that confonnably to instructions QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 133 (dated the 3l3t June, 1846) from His Excellency the Governor General, Patients will be admitted from all parts of Lower Ca- nada indifferently, but to obtain admission, the following infor- mation will be required : ' 1st. A certificate of the name, age and residence of the applicant, signed by some clergyman, magistrate, public offi- cer or person in the neighbourhood generally known — that the applicant is dt^stitute of the means of support, and that he or she has no relations able and bound by law to provide for him or her. 2nd. A certificate of insanity signed by one or more medical men in the neighbourhood, and stating whether it is thought there is danger from the applicant being at large. - •> 3rd. A judgment of interdiction by a competent legal autho- rity. 4th. When relations are able to pay, tiiey will be required to contribute the whole or ^)art of the expenses as may be agreed on. . i ^ .-: . ^ • All applications and information relating thereto to be ad- dressed to the undersigned Secretary to the Commission. - A. LEMOINE. .-ftti-ii. Medical Practitioners, 1847. Joseph Painchaud Jean Blanchet James Douglas Joseph Morrin C. J. Fremont .., Joseph Parant Frs. J. Seguin G.M. Douglas John Racey Jas. A. Sewell Henry H. Russell Vu W. Stansfeld John Watt < .vi»- P. D. Moflfatt ifi P. M, Bardy !■ r *''%>*' J. Z. Nault ••• A. Jackson 0. Robitaille Jean Landry Jno. L. Hall Jas. F. Wolfe Pierre Baillargeon Jos. Lesperance Russell Ed. Rousseau Louis Roy Ferdin. Rinfrette J. Fitzpatrick J. Bte. Blais. I'd tS4 qUSBEC DIRECTOmr. ,*^ ,n "•■■■■m --^ -. '^/r /fii ■ * ; --,/-,,' -ryfi '" .i, ili^l^ No. 17, ON THE REOISTER OF ENGLAND, £o(^« Room, Payne's Hotel, 2nd Friday evening in the month. OFFICERS 1847. Brother Charles Phillips, W- M. Brs. Wm. Eadon, S. W. J. A. Coall, J. W. S. Payne, S. I) T. Andrews, J. D. Brs. Jas. G. Scott, L G. McGowan, Tyler, — Treasurer, G. G. Ardouin, Secretary. No. 214, ON THE REGISTER OF ENGLAND, Lodge Room. Hendenon^s Buildings, St. Louis Street, Second Wednesday evening in the month, OFFICERS 1844. '--''f- Brother J. L. Hall, W. M. ■ if Brs. F. W. Alport, S. W. F. W. G. Austin, J. W. C. Brock) S. D. A. Mc Cowan, J. D. Brs. Willis Russell, I. G. T. Birch, Tyler, J. Gibb, Jun. Treasurer, - D. Harrower Secretary. . /^ No. 531, ON THE REGISTER OF ENGLAND, '^^ <--*'> 'A Lodge Room at Brother ScotVs, Garden Street, Second . .i„ ' ' ' Tuesday in the month, ^/.^ ,0 OFFICERS 1847. J. Murray, W. M. ■ '^ ^'ni 0'. ;-*■ Brs. G. Potts, P. M. W. Clark, S. W. W. Hay, J. W. F. Millar, S. D. Brs. W. Chapman, J. D. * John Davidson, Tyler, W. Kalley, Treasurer, W. Scott, Secretary. s.-^^ \9 he month. ,G. asnrer, Secretary. ""'1. .■•i Street, *^-^ , I. G. ., easurer, cretary. ■ ■ ) Second .i? ', ;^ .' 0*. .J. D. n, Tyler, easurer, retary. qUEBSC DIBECTORY, 139 ^^^^Q)W^1^ ®Q)@£a^£S®ck fi**. St. Ceorge's Somts, ^n^ebw. (FOUNDED 1835.) OFFICERS FOR 1847. .• /' > t.>' William Hadlev Anderson, President, Peter Sheppard, > vice-President H. J. Naud, S ^resment, Samuel Newton, Secretary, Robert Symes, Treasurer, Reverend OtRcial Mackie, > r\,^Y^u'na Reverend A. Mountain, J ^^^apiams. ,.. PPYSICIANS. John Racy, M. D. James A. Sewell. COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT. Xi< W. B. Meyer, B.Cole, C. Poston, J. R. Eckart, W. Kimlin, A. Joseph, Wm. Bennett, John Musson, J. C. Fisher, J. Musson, J. R. Eckart, Chs. Poston, W, B. Meyer, W. J. Newton, ^ibraham Joseph, Henry Jessop, W. D. Dupont, ' T.W.Lloyd, - ' John Shaw, W.J.Newton, J. C. Fisher, Robert Roberts. CHARITABLE COMMITTEE. The Secretai-y, Treasurer. ; Chaplains and Physicians. COMMITTEE OF ACCOUNTS. Wm. Bennett, .-it-' J \ ^tff\' .0t. ^ttbreuj'fi fiorietg, (£incbcc,' OFFICERS FOR 1847. " Honorable John Nelson, President, James Dean, Esquire, first Vice-President, James Gillespie, Esquire, second Vice-President, Duncan McPherson, Esquire, Treasurer, Thomas M. Clark, Esquire, Secretary, Alexander Gordon, Esquire, Asst. do. .•<. I i \ 136 I^UfiBEC l}XRECtORir. ■i' > ^**.*.^^.*«..^«s.«^..^, MANAGERS. John Thomson, Robert Shaw, J. P. Anderson, -^j John Gihnour, John Fife, Hon. F. W. Primrose, . •kkilT! OMW rAtl tVf |a Andrew H. Young", • Thomas Gibb, •T,.*, James M. Miller, Adam Burns, Alexander Gillespie. Reverend Dr. Cook, James Douglass, CHAPLAINS. Reverend Mr. Clugston PHYSICIANS. Joseph Morrin. COMMITTEE OF INSTALMENT. James Denholm, James Gibb. ,-■ ^ COMMITTEE Or ACCOUNTS. " ^''. Charles Stuart, W. McLimont, Henry S. Scott, ,7.-7. .; W, K. Baird. .?,,:, Wm. Walker, jr, CHARITABLE COMMITTEE. Robert Shaw, John P. Anderson, Alexander Gillespie, • " James M. Miller. t -U, '- M 0t. ipatrick's ^omi^, (flitt^ba. OFFICERS FOR 1847. John P. Bradley, President. VICE-PRESIDENTS. i Paul Lepper, — Thaddeus Kelley. MANAGING COMMITTEE. Hon. A. W. Cochran, H. Murphy, " W. Power, Sir H. J. Caldwell, Bart. .'^•'.ftS^iWM M :< »■ ■ *;' f PHYSICIANS. Drs. Russell, and Moffatt, George Hall, Treasurer, H. O'Connor, Secretary, J. Coall, Assistant Secretary. QUEBEC DXRECTOIIY. 137 0ockte' St. 3can Bctptistc be ^ueber. OFFICIERS GENERAUX, 1847. President — L'honorable R. E. Caron, i - President Adjoint — L'honorable Louis Panet, Tresorier General — L'honorable Louis Massue, Tresorier Adjoint — Vital 'I'etu, CoMMissAiREs Ordonnateur — L. G. Baillarge, Secretaire Archiviste — Ulric J. Tessier, Secretaire Adjoint — Jo.«c^->h Cauchon, M. P. P. , OFFICIERS SECTIONNAIRES. Icre Section, VICE PRESIDENTS. Julien Chouinard, ' Joseph Legare, fils, SOUS-TRESORIER — F. X. Mcthot. C. Delagrave, Olivier Fiset, SOUS-SECRETAIRES. A. Plamondon. SOUS-COMMISSAIRES. J. Bte. Frechette, fils. PERCEPTEURS, Pierre Gingras, junior, Louis Bilodeau. Abraham Hamel, ^ - „ AUDITEURS. Eugene Chime, J. O. Grenier. COMITE DE REGIE. S. Tanswell, Ang. Gauthier, Fran9ois Parant, G. Larouche. Severe Marchildon, , 2€ Section. VICE PRESIDENTS. Joseph Hamel, Olivier Robitaille. Sous-TRESORIER — A. Durand. y. F. Hamel, Jos. Savard, Jos. Barbeau, J. Darveau, Paul Frechette, B. Marcoux, N, Robitaille, T. Gingras, SOUS-SECRETAIRES. p. Gauvreau. SOUS-CJMIVIISS AIRES. ' F. Vezina. PERCEPTEURS. E. Trudel. AUDITEURS. j^. T. Langlois. COMITE DE REGIE. M. Tessier, ^ P. G. Tourangeau. » ■; \r:: .'H _i >v 138 qUEBEC DIRECTORY. 3eme Section. .L. VICE PRESIDENTS. F. X. Paradis, J. P. Rheaume, SOUS-TRESORIERR — P. Huot. ^ SOUS-SECRETAIRES. Charles Dion. SOUS-COMMISSAIRES. Edouard Thivierge. PERCEPTEURS. C. Chamberland. AUDITEURS. ' E. Blais. Louis Prevost, Olivier Vallee, ^ T. Lemieux, J. Pretaboire, p. M. Paquet, COMITE DE REGIE. J. G. Tourangeau, Senr., Joseph Laurin, M. P. P., P. Gagnon, P. Guenette. J. B. Blais. ' (Dbi i5ellotD0* fiobgea, iMancljester Hnitg. Albion Lodge, B, N, A. v Mercantile Lodge, B, N, A, ENCAMPMENTS. Stadacona, No. 2, — St, Louis, No, 4. ALBERT LODGE OF FREE GARDNERS, Held at the Old Freemasons^ Hall every other Friday ecening at eight o'' clock. " '' Wm. Clarke, R. W. G. M. K. C. Todd, P. M. Millar, S.W. W. Aehworth, J. W. G. Potts, Chaplain, J.Johnston, f Rp^ Bearp„ McFoule, 5 ^^y iiearers, Anderson and } ,^ ■,■ Kenedy, ^ (guardians B. ThompHon, Secretary, P. Sinclair, Treasurer. <^UEBEC DIRECTORY. (©mbec Citerarg anli fjistorical gorictg. OFFICERS FOR 1847. PRESIDENT, Honorable William Sheppard. VICE-PRESIDENTS. Hon A W Cochran, D C L, J C Fisher, LL D, G B Faribault, Esq, Rev D Wilkie, LL D. secretaries. Recording S Wright, Esq, Corresponding Jas Turnbull, Esq, Council C W Jones, Esq. Treasurer R Symes, Esq. Librarian L Sleeper, Esq. curators. Of Museum W H A Davies, Esq. Of Apparatus R C Geggie, Esq. committee on historical documents. Hon Wm Sheppard, Presidenty } jp ^^ ■ Jas Turnbull, Esq, Cor. Secretary, \^^ ^^"^' G B Faribault, Esq, J C Fisher, LL D, Rev D Wilkie, LL D, W H A Davies, Esq. Hon A W Cochran, D C J, CHAIRMEN AND DEPUTY CHAIRMEN OF CLASSJGS. Literature. Chairman. .. .\ J C Fisher, LL D, r Hon A W Cochran, D C L, Deputy CJiairmen. . - • ) Rev D Wilkie, LL D, J G B Faribault, Esq, C L Sleeper, Esq. Natural History. Chairman Hon Wm Sheppard, •' W H A Davies, Esq, Deputy Chairmen J R Symes, Esq, J Turnbull, Esq, D Roy, Esq. 139 14Q QUEBEC DIREQI^ORr* Science. Chairman Rev D Wilkie, LL D. ( D Wilkie, Esq, "' .-> , Deputy Chairmen. ...IRC Geggie, Esq, ." " ' ' ' i C W Jones. Esq, ' M Sheppard, Esq. Arts. Chairman S Wright, Esq, •• i^ • r J Hayes, Esq, Deputy Chairmen 1 H W Gibsone, Esq, i John Jones, Esq, . .^^f \ Jos Hamel, Esq. ' \ Fine Arts. ' - • ' Chairman A Campbell, Esq. C Hon Wm Sheppard, Deputy Chairmen.... 1 S Wright, Esq, j W McTavish, Esq, *-*^^^- ' C J Tumbull, Esq. -' • s _ ■ ■ - " -*■ ,, , -. OFFICERS FOR 1847. John C. Fisher, LL. D. President. /.. j ,„ " r. ...... ^. ._ .. ^.^,,^y VICE-PRESIDENTS. James Dean, Revd. J. Cook,, D. D* Hon. L. Massue, Henry S. Scott. ,' '■' C. G. Holt, Secretary— J. Dyke, Treasioier. ' 1 BOARD OF DIRECTORS. . 'William Bennet, Chairman. ''Vy'.^ ,• P. Cingras, junr. . E. Poston, >; D. Wilkie, G.Hall, . ■ /^ms' A. Joseph, R. Gavins, .LMusson, junr. ' The President, P. J. 0. Chauveau, M. P. P. Vice-President, / . * P. Sheppard,- Secretary, J. Creraazie^. Treasurer. R. Shaw, . \ -a, ry 'J Hy Legge, Accountant. Jf Meikiejohn, Paying Teller. Porter, Receiving Teller* ^ Lesueur, Discount Clerk. W W Martin, Messenger* The HonouraiDle F W Primrose, Solicitor, L T McPherson, Notary Public. Days of Discount, Tuesdays and Fridays. IfEONTRSAI^ CITY BANK. QUEBEC BRANCH. - Office, St. Peter Street. • ' C GethingSj Esquire, Cashier. R Coles, Teller. Geo Holt, Discount Clerk. Days of Discount, Every Day during Bank hours. i-H' Bank of Britiih Tfortli America. "? ^ INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Office, St. Peter Street. LOCAL BOARD. "'':.:'.*■:> James Dean, Hon J M Fraser, Henry Burstall, • James Gillespie. *j ''' Robert Cassels, Manager. J as F. Bradshaw, Accountant. S H Ayersj First Teller. Henry Murrell, Secmd Teller. R B Clerk, ) d^rks ■ William Robinson, Messenger. A C Hooper, ( * Robert Ferguson, Porter. This Bank draws on London and all the principal Towns in Ireland and Scotland. Days of Discount, Wednesdays and Satur^^ays. QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 14S Quebec Saving§ Bank. Office^ Quebec Fire Office Buildings. At a meeting of the Trustees of thii? institution held at the Quebec Bank, on the 10th instant, a statement of the affairs made up to the 1st instant, was submitted and approved, and the following resolutions adopted: Resolved — That hereafter the bank be opened for business two days in each week, viz : Tuesdays and Saturdays, from the hour of Eleven to One o'clock. Resolved — That from this date, the deposit in one person's name be extended to the sum of £150, and interest to be allowed, on sums not exceeding £50, at the rate of 4^ per cent, and if exceeding £50, 4 per cent per annum. The following Gentlemen were elected Trustees for the ensuing year : , Noah Freer, Esq, President. Hy Lemesurier, 1st Vice-President. James Gibb, 2nd Vice-President. William Phillips, F X Paradis, . Paul Lepper, G H Parke, J B Frechette, junr, Esquires. Archibald Campbell, Hammond Gowen, Hy Jno Noad, Julien Chouinard, Welton Hunt, W H Anderson. .^,..:.i-fy:r ;>■>*_■ Quebec Provident and Savings Bank. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. r%'; [Open Daily.] Hon L Massue, Jeffery Hale, W Petry, John Bomier, A Laurie, ,. vj. H S Scott, A Joseph, P Langlois, senior, Robert Shaw, P Langlois, junior, W G Wurtele, Office, next door to the Post Office, MEMBERS. ,v :• '.f •>,, HW Welch, F X Paradis, ;.^.-.ur'' .. Julien Chouinard, James Douglas, M D, , W Price, , H J Noad, T H Oliver, Charles Langevin, T W Lloyd, Peter Patterson, ^ ^ G B Faribault, f;^. xu QUKBEC rin ECTOR V. WSCewell, . Joseph Morrin, M D, C Wurtele, Angus Macdonald, M Connolly, W rJ A Davies, Hon R E Caron, John Munn, Alex Gillespie, "W Henry, J A Sewell, M D, J G Tourangeau, P G Tourangeau, Joseph Robitaille, John Sharpies, G B Symes, F X Methot, N F Belleau, James Dean, F J Parent. F Methot, John Bonner, H S Scott, W Petry, P Lduglois, junior, ' * C H Gates, Cashier . TRUSTEES. Jeffery Hale, President. Ch Langevin, 1st Vice-President. C Wurtele, 2nd Vice-Pre^iident, A Laurie, Hon L Masrtue, M Connolly, H W Welch, Ab Joseph, Campeau, Messenger. QUEBEC RACES -1817. To take place on Tuesday, August 31st and following days. OFFICERS. Edward Ryan, Esquire, President. G. B. Syrmes, Esquire, Vice-President. J. C, Fisher, Esquire, Secretary. C. Gethings, Esquire, Treasurer. STEWARDS. IG.H. Parke. • '-' Hon. R. E. Caron, H. Pemberton, J. Motz, E. Burstall, G. W. Usborne, A. D.Bell, . •,, ..,.: J. C. Fisher, Hon. Secretary. Quebec Gas Company* DIRECTORS. Mr. Robert Cassels, Hon. Wm. Walker, -, ' Messrs. Wfi). Petry, H. Pemberton, James McKenzie, Wm. S. Sewell, ' Archd. Laurie, J. Greaves Clapham, Secretary, pro. tern. QUEBEC DIRECTORY* 145 ^^W^^'^^^ ^^^%'l^m%.^« ssenger. wing days. nt. n. Secretary. 5ewell, aurie, 33 Clapham, ary, pro* tern. Office, St. Peler S^^ied, BOARD OF DIRECTORS, 1847. Honorable William Walker, President. Noah Freer, Vice-President. James Gibb, Treasurer. T. W. Lloyd, Vital Tetu, Peter Langlois, Junior, W. Stevenson, S. Wright, Secretary, Pierre Faucher, P. C. Hon. H. Black, Counsel, A. Campbell, Notary. (Eagle &\k ^srsttvancc (Jomfant] of ConlJon. Office, St. Peter Street. Agent — W. C, Henderson. I3ritannia Cife iTlasttraiice. Office, India Wharf, Agent — R. Penis ton. (©lobe ^Issurance (lompanu of Conlron. Officers! St. Peter Street, Agent — Ryan Brothers. iJlontaal £m ^Issurance dompan^. Office, Parliament Buildings, Quebec Jgmt— George Irving. . ' '' (Stuci £\Xf: ^Issurance (ITompanji. Office, Hunfs Wharf. " Agent — Daniel McGie. ■ ' J' _ __ -. ^rotedion fnt (Jlasuvance (JTompanrj. . t Off.ce, Hunt's Wharf ^ Agent — Daniel McGie. 7 ■ ;.----.■■ 14$ QUEBEC DIRECTORY. ^\)mvc Jfire Stasurance Compang of Conion. Agents — Gillespie & Co. IJallaiiitim Clfe '^sarxtanct Conipaiig. Office, 26 St. Peter Street. Agent— 3, M. Clark. Qiie1>cc Bar A§sociatioii.— 1S41'. Honorable Henry Black, President. L. G. Baillarge, Treasurer. C. Delagrave, Secretary. Jas. Green, Assistant Se '^etary. Hon. T. C. Aylwin, Andw. Stuart, J. Duval, J. P. Bradloy, ^ F. R. Angers, BOARD OF EXAMINERS'. Dunbar Ross, S. Lelievre. BOARD OF AUDIT. J. Cremazie, C. Delagrave, Secretary. Quebec Agricultural Society.— 184T. Honorable John Neilson, President. Wm. Sheppard, Vice-President. J. C. Fisher, Secretary. W. H. Anderson, Treasurer. James Gibb, H. Atkinson, Revd. M. A. Parent, J. Lane, E. Prendergast, COMMITTEE. ' Hon. Ls. Panet, lis. Massue, J, Lano, J. B. Bedard, ; J. B. Frechette. QUEBEC TURNPIKE ROADS. Hon. W. Sheppard, James Gibb, L.T. MePherson, TRUSTEES. Jas. Douglas, M. D. John Porter, Secretav^ ^ Office Sault-au-Matei-iiSt. QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 147 SrilisbNottl) ^mmcan €lectric Sclcgrapl) "^^oso^ iation For the establishment of Telegraphic communication between Quebec and Halifax. {Founded 9th January, 1847.) DIRECTORS. G. Okill Stuart, President. P. Langlois, Junior, Hon. R. E. Caron, H. J. Noad, C. W. Wurtele, Capt. Boxer, C. B. R. N. J. Jones, J. Tibbils, A. Gillespie, C. Gethings, Treasurer. W. Kimlin, M. D. Secretary. Quebec Boartl of Healths COMMITTEE : W. S. Sewell, Chairman, Dr. Sewell, Captain Boxer, Dr. Jackson, Dr. Baillargeon, Sirois, F. Glackemeyer, Secretary. QUEBEC AND CAP ROUGE OMNIBUS, BY THE ST. LOUIS ROAD OVER THE PLAINS OF ABRAHAM. From Paynch Hotel. At 10, A M ; at 2, P M ; and at half-past 5, P M. From Cap Rouge. At 8, A M ; at Noon ; and at half-past 3, P M. Fare throughout, Is 3d ; intermediate places, 7|d. Samuel and Charles Hough, Proprietors. (Simbtc Jormarting doinpang. Office and Stores, Gibb^s Wharf. Freight of all kinds transpoited from Quebec to the Upper Lakes, and from the Upper Lakes to Quebec without trans- shipment, or detention at Montreal. COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT, 1847. James Dean, Chairman of Committee. James Gibb, H. J. Noad, James Gillespie. Henry LeMesurier, W. Stevenson, John Thompson. J. Morton Millar, Secretary. J I 14S tiUBBEC BIRECTORY. STEAiyiBOAT ARRANGEMENTS— 1847. Steamers Quebec Capt. A M Rudolph. John Munn ■ Lockhait. Rowland Hill John Rodd. Alliance Chas Rose, R N. Princess L H Dunlop. f Barges Harmony Capt. Bonille. Union DuheaiUt. Concord Dassereau. Louisa Signeau. Ste. Marie Agents at Quebec John Wilson. Office, Napoleon Wharf. Montreal R J Morgan. Three Rivers John McDougall. JPort St. Francis Smith I^eith. Sorel R H Kitson. ■'* - " ■ *." ' Montreal and Quebec Steamboat Company. Steamers Montreal Capt. Jesse D Armstrong. Queen CL Armstrong. St George Thos Boyd. Canada LaFreniere. Barges Omphale, Megara, Industry, Hebe, Hope, Perseverance and Croesus, Agents at Quebec H S Scott. Office, Gibb's Wharf. " Montreal John Torrance & Co. Sorel R Harrower. Port St Francis ,., . S Leith. - . '•- '"'"'■'•■ Three-Rivers H F Hughes. Lady Colborne Capt Tait. ,. .,, . Cliarlevoix J B Ryan. ^ ... , . , ,. Office, Napoleon Wharf. ; Sydenham. - -1847. E, N. Wharf. ipany. trong. crseverancr. Wharf, ). Wharf, QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 149 PLYING IN AND TO THE HARBOUR OF QUEBEC, North America, Capt Lumber Merchant Capt D Vivian. Point Levi J Geiidron. Barges.— Rochelaga, Stadacona, W. Wilberforce, Scotland and England. Agent, J. McKenxiej Office, St. Peter Street, C. Gilmour, St. Sacrament Street, Montreal Bytown Capt Britannia Green. Neptune and St. Louis Raftsman... Capt Montgomery. Champ] ain and Ste I^awreiice Rail Road, SPRING ARRANGEMENT. STEAMER PRINCE ALBERT. From Montreal. S o'clock, AM, 12 do A M, U S Mail and Passengers. 5 do PxM. ^ From Laprairie. 5% o'clock, A M. 91 do AM. 2} do PM. RAIL ROAD CARS. From St. Johns. 83: o'clock, A M. 1 do P M. From Laprairie. 9-i O'clock, A M. 1 do PM, US Mail and Passengers. G do do. ON SUNDAYS. PRINCE AtBERT. From Montreal. 3 o'clock, P M. RAIL-ROAD CARS. From St. Johns. 8 o'clock, A M, or on the ar- rival of the Lake Cham- plain Boats. Fares— First Class Pnssengers, 5s ; ditto, over and back same day, 5s, (provided they state theii intentions on taking their Tickets.) Second Class Passengers, 2s 6d ; ditto^ over and back same day, 3s 9d, (provided they state their inten- tions on taking their Tickets.) Office, Commmmer ^treetj Mmtreal 150 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. .:. - .<' L'-, 1^ ' ' . *■ ^3bW» "% PAYNE'S HOTEL, Thomas Payne, Place (PArmes, ALBION HOTEL, Willis Russel, Palace Street, VANNOVOUS'S HOTEL, Garden Street, BLANCHARD'S HOTEL, Market* Place, Lower Town, ASILE CHAMPETRE HOTEL, Jacques Blanchard, St. Louis Heights. McLEAN'S LONDON COFFEE HOUSE, Alex. McLean, Cul-de-Sac^ ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL, Mrs. Proudley, St. Peter Street, GLOBE HOTEL, Mrs. Millar, St. Peter Street, NEPTUNE INN, Mrs. Hammond, Foot of Mountain Street, GLOBE HOTEL, E. Melrose, Champlain Street, EXCHANGE COFFEE HOUSE, Mrs. Hobrough. BYTOWN HOTEL, John Lill, Spencer Cove, , , \ ■ MERIAM'S HOTEL, Richard Merum, St, MicheVs Cove, QUEBEC DIRECTORY, 151 m, Those Names marked thus * see Advertisement. . LACEy Igkts. USE, lUDLEY, UM, Archbishop of Quebec, His Grace the R C Seminaire Aird, G C St Marguerite street St Roch Aube, Jean, Sexton, Hope street Austin, F W G Advocate, St Peter street (Old Convent) Austin, H C Notary do do Austin, GF Surveyor, do do Austin, F City Treasurer, 25, St Angele street Aubin, M N Canadien Office res : Crown street Ashworth, Mrs. Des Carrieres street Audette, J B & Son, Leather Merchants, 7, St Peter street Auld, J Saddler and Harness Maker, 23, Fabrique street Audette, J L Leatner Merchant, 11, St Peter street Audette, Shoemaker, St Peter street Aylwin, T C Advocate, Haldimand street Aylwin, Henry, Advocate, Haldimand street Ayers, S H, B N A Bank, St Peter street Ahem, Jno U Advocate, No 5, St Anne street * Albion Hotel, Palace street, Willis Russell Alcorn, S Crockery and Glass Store, 13, Palace street AUeyn, R J Commander R N, St Louis street Alleyn, Chs Advocate do Alexander, Geo Slower, Champlain street Allard, Pierre Biscuit Baker, King street, St Roch Allard, F X Mariner, Champlain street Allard, Jos Grocer, G2, St Paul street Alain, M Coach-maker, St John street without Alford, George, St John street Allen, Chas E Custom House Alport & Glass, Provision Merchants, St Peter street Allen, E Boot and Shoemaker, St John street without Amiot, Mrs Dry Goods, St John street Amiot, Mrs St George street Amiot, Abm Carpenter, D'Aiguillon street Amireaux, T Tavern, St Paul street Amiot, Aug Merchant, Lower Town Market Place 152 qUBBEC DIRECTORY. Anderson, Hedley Merchant, No 1, Des Carrieres street Anderson, T Merchant, St Peter street Anderson & Paradis, Merchants, Commercial Chambers Andrews, T Tin and Copper Smith, 13, Buade street Andrews, F H Teacher ^National School and Tuner of the Piano, D'Auteuil street Anderson, Mrs John, 21, St Ann street Anderson, H S Advocate, Parloir street Andrews, W Blacksmith, St Angele street Angers, F R Advocate, Haldimand street Anger, Anselm, Tavern, Buade street Antoine, P Tailor, St Fran9ois street Anglis, Jno 16, St George's street Andrews, David Turner, St V^allier street Anderson, J W Auctioneer, 12 Mountain street Andrews, F Advocate, Court House Angers, S M Grocer, St. John street without Anderson, P R St Peter street * Ardouin, M & Son, Jewellers and Watch Makers, 60 St John street * Ardouin, G G Quebec Dispensary, Corner of Hope street Arnold, G Commission Warehouse & Wharf, Sous-le-Fort street Arguin, Pierre, Butcher, St Andrew's Wharf Arthur & Co Importers of Dry Goods, St John street Ariel, S Tavern, Finlay Place Archer, Jas Builder, 1, D'Aiguillon street Armand, Jean Tanner, St Vallier street Armand, Jacques, Bridge Builder, Richardson street Armstrong, W M Ship Smith, Champlain street Armstrong, J Ship Smith, Bell's Lane, near the Exchange . Archer, N Painter, Nouvelle street, St John suburbs Asile des Orphelins Catholiques, D'Aiguillon street * Ashworth, W H & Co Hat and Fur Warehouse, 22 Fabriqne street Atkinson & Usborne, Merchants, St James street Atkinson, Henry Spenser Wood Atkinson, W Merchant, Carouge . Atkinson, Thos Tavern, St Charles street Atkins, T Clerk Upper Town Market, St An^^^^jl street B . . ^ ::■;;:, Bacquette, J B Ed Advocate, St Anne street, Baird J G Advocate, 64, St Louis street. ' ' ' Baird, E Merchant, 15, d'Auteuil street. ^ '>' . ^ ^ QUEBEC niRECTOKY. 153 street ambers eet uner of the kers, 60 St ope street fc>ous-le-Fort et change 2 Fabriqne jet Baird W K Merchant, Office St Peter street. Back, R Biscuit Baker & Confectioner, St Peter street. Baillargeon, Pierre Dr 9, St Joseph street. Bardy, P M Dr St Vailier street. Bambrich, Robt Tavern St Anne street. * Balzaretti, Napoleon Auctioneer, 14, Palace street. Baillarge, T F Asst Road Surveyor, Piace D'Armes Baillarge, F A Carver, 2, St Francois street. « Baillarge, Thomas Architect, St Famille street. Baillarge, Louis. Advocate, 6, St Famille street. Baker, W Locksmith and Bell-hanger, Cul-'ie-sac. Barrack Office, St Anne street. Bartholomew, — Cooper, 11, Sault-au-Matelot street Baths, Hot & Cold, St Paul street Babineau & Gaudry, Ship Chandlers, 64, ^t Peter street Barclay, Jno Stower, Champlain street Barclay, R. Engineer, Champlain street Bardy, Mathevir, Ste Famille street Baxter, W Watch-Maker, St John street Bankier, Captain James, Haldimand street Banfield, W Grocery Store, 81, Champlain street Back, R Senr 22, Hope street Baby, Frs 25, St Famille street Bancroft, Revd C La Chevrotiere street Bannan, Misses, Dress Makers, Dauphine street Berlhelot, Amable, 19, Ste Kainille street Belleau, N F Advocate, St Louis street Belleau, R G Notary, 11 St Anne street Bean, Mrs Dry Goods, Palace street Bedard, E Honble Justice, D'Auteuil street Beaulieu, Jno Tavern, 9, St Peter street ^ Bender, Albert, Advocate, St Lonis Hood Beaulieu, R Cabinet and Chair Maker, 6, Sault-au-Matelot st Bethel, Jno Boot and Shoemaker, St Joseph street Belle-Isle, Revd Mr Seminaire Bews, David Watchmaker and Goldsmith, Mountain street * Bickel, T. China and & Glass Warehouse, St John street Birch, J Notary, 24, Mountain street Bigaouette, Jean-Bte Thomas, Carriage Builder, St Vailier st Bishop of Sydime, the R (Catholic, Seminaire Bilodean, Louis Dry Good Merchant, 1 and 2, St John street Bosse, N F Advocate, St Louis street Bowles, Joseph Medical Hall, Fabrique street Botterill, J Carpenter, 13, St Louis street • ' ' j Bois, Fabien Grocer, &c St Peter street , * .-y'-' - "* > 154 QU£S£C I>](R£CTpRY. Boxer, R N Captain C B 29, St Anne street Boisseau, P Dry Goods Merchant, 8, Fabrique street Boisvert, F Dry Goods, 16, Fabrique street Bourre, Widow P Tavern, Upper Town Market Boyd, Ino Tavern, Brock-vale Cottage Booth, W Painter and Glazier, 12, D'Auteuil street Bonner, Jno Merchant, Rose-Mount Boomer, Mrs Bearding House, 26, Mountain street Bowen, Hon Mr Justice, St Ann street Boyes, Geo Stevadore, Champlahi street Cap Blanc Bonnally, Jno Grocer, Boure, Pierre Joiner, Rampart street Burraije, Revd R R St Louis Road ••to'^j Burroughs, Ed Prothonotary, Court House Buchanan, A C Government Chief Emigration Agent, Office Sault-au-Maielot street. Residence 6, St Denis street Burnet, David Merchant, St Anne street. Office BelPs Lane Burslall, H & E Merchants, Gibb's Wharf, residence St Louis Heights Burnet, Jas Turner, & Carver, 56, St John street Burns, M Shoemaker, Champlain street Bureau, Saddler, St Georges street Blumharl, George Merchant, INotre-Dame street. Blumhart, Lucius, Painter, Sault-au-Matelot street Blanchette, Dr 6, Palace street Black, George, 20, St Anne street Black, Geo Junr Ship-Builder, Pres-de-Ville Black, James Merchant, St Anne street Black, John St Anne street Black, Henry Advocate. Fort street • Blenkin, G A & Co Merchants, Lower Town British North American Bank, St Paul street. Bradshaw, J F (B N A Bank) Brocklesby, C Ship Chandler, Wine and Provision Merchant, 61, St Peter street. .• Brook6,^C Merchant, Sault-au-Matelot street • ,; Bradley, Joseph P Advocate, 60, St Louis street Brown, S & J Ship Chandlers, St Peter street •. • Brown, E H Teacher of languages, St Joseph street • '\^*- * Brown, C T Clothing Store, Buade street •• ' ^ Bruce, Colin Custom House Broker, St Peter street, . '-' Bruce, John St Foy Road . ^' Bradford, John Grocer, St Louis street ^ Britannia Life Assurance Company, Office India "Wharf Brimeau, Judge, Hope street QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 165 Blais, Dr St Roch Blais, J Champlain street Byrne, Joseph Diamond Harbour Brown, D Shipwright, Cape Cove Bracken, W Tavern, Chaiiiplain street Broderick, M Tavein, Champlain street Blagdon, E Tavern, Henderson street Butler, T Tavern, Craig street Blanchard, Jacqut • Tavern, Lower Town Market Place Besse, Chas A Dry Goods, 61, St John street Bowles, Robt Grocer, 44, St John street Bacquet, Madame 9, Laval street Boisvert, Felix, Dry Goods, St John street Burn, Ed Tailor, St Fran9ois street Busher, Misses Dress Makers, 17, Couilkrd street Blanc, A Tavern, 2, St Anne street Belony, J Shop-keeper, 27, St John street Baldwin, Henry Mast, Pump & Block Maker, Champlain st Benson, W I C Merchant, St Peter street, residence Mount Carmel street Bailey, Jos Carver and Gilder, St Ann street Bates, R Tailor, Mountain street Barnes, John Painter, St Helene street Barbeau, Ignace Painter, 52, St Joachim street Barbeau, Jos Shoemaker, St John street without Belleau, Antoine Baker. St John street do Bertran J, H Blacksmith, St John street do Bowles, Thos. Piano-forte Manufacturer, St Stanislaus street Bourre, Henry 3, Rampart street . . Bourn, M Grocer, St John street without Boomer, John Cabin'et Maker, St George street do Barrett, R P Quebec Bank, residence De Salaberry street Beland, F Carpenter, 26, Artillery street Brown, P Carpenter, , St John street without Blight, John Ord Department, 5, Coteau St Genevieve Bailes, John Shop Keeper, 8, Canoterie Boswell, John Brewer, St Paul street, residence 20 Canoterie Blagdon, E Grocer, 5, Henderson street Bedard, J B Spruce Beer Manufacturer, St Paul street Bennett, W Ste Genevieve street . . . .. Belanger. J Tinsmith, 4, St Nicholas street Birch, John Notary, Mountain street Bell, R C Merchant, St Peter street, Bouchard, Chas 12, Mountain street Blais, Louis Blacksmith, gl, Mountain Street ■^^■1 166 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. Bouchard, P V Dry Good Merchant, 17, Sous-le-Fort street Bedard, Ed Spruce Brewer, St Frangois street, St Roch Belaiiger, Andre Cartwright, St Francois street, St Roch JJelanger, Andre, Mason, St Fran9ois street, St Roch ) Boiv n, Jean Baker, St Francois street, St Roch Blumster, Fred Messenger, St Fran9ois street, St Roch Barrington, Jas Milkman, St Araable street Benjamin, W & Co Merchant Tailors, St Joseph street Beswick, Mitchel & Co Merchants, 3, St Peter street Bennett & F msc* do Arthur street ,- Buchanan, i-;,>tt . . v ; Belanger, J F Printer, 6, Mountain street Blanchard, Jacques Hotel Aisle de Champ^tre, St Louis heights Benson, John Ordinance Department, St Roch Bligh, John Ordinance Department, Cote d'Abraham. Bureau, Saddler, St George street, St John Sub Blacklock, Surveyor, St Angele street QUEBEC DIRECTORV. 157 C Caldwell, Sir H Bart Commercial Chambers, St Peter street residence Ste Genevieve street Capa . ; . : » Caron, Hon R £ Advocate St Louis street Caron & Baillarge, Advocates, St Louis street " Campeau Antoine, Baker, Cazerne street Cameron, D Merchant Tailor, Sous-le-Fort street Carr, Ed Tavern, St Joachim street Carwell, Mrs Dry Goods Merchant, 21, Fabrique street Campbell, Chs H Merchant, Sillery Cove Carrier, E Tavern, St Paul street Carrier, Ls Joiner, Ste Marguerte St Roch Campbell, A Notary, 26, St Peter street, residence 19, Mount Carmel street Carson, T Tavern, Champlain street * Cary, Thos & Co Stationers & Printers, 17 & 18, BuacV, bV 3t Gazeau, C Fienchand English Teacher, 6, Couiilarc .trei Cairns, Hamby F Advocate, No 3 Si Lous street Cairns, R Merchant Tailor, 2, St Louis street Carrier, Jos Merchant St Peter street * Caledonia Springs, Quebec Agent, Martin Ray , Carracher, Mrs Tavern, Sault-au-Matelot street Cannon, E G Notary, 62, St Louis street Cannon, L A Advocate, St Louis street Cassells, Robt B N A Bank St Peter street Campbell, David, teacher, 7 St Stanislas street Cadotte, Jos Leather Store St Peter street . Cinq-Mars, G Notary, 7, Fabrique street City Hall, St Louis street City Bank, Montreal, Quebec Branch, St Peter street Codville, Hilary, Grocer, 8, St Joseph street Codville, John, Grocer, St John s>treet, without Colford, Jno Diamond Harbour x Commissariat Office, St Louis street ; i Commissariat Bakery, St Anne street Connolly, M Ship Chandler, Cul-de-Sac ' ^. Connolly, T Tavern, Cul-de-Sac, Corriveau, B Dry Goods, Fabrique street - Courtney, Peter, Tavern, Craig street - ■ ' Congregational Church Palace street > v> Cooper & Co, A Merchant Tailors, John street t. - ^ Cother, T Tavern, Gul-de-Sac . ■'■ ,:.aM' i Cote, Augt & Co Printers, Glouet's Buildings Cowan T Boot & Shoe- Maker, Buade street J Couture, P Watch-Maker, Mountuiri street 168 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. Cowell. Revd J St Lewis Road Cornell, Chs Saddler & Harness Maker, 29 St John street Corriveau, J B Hatter, 9 Buade street Cornell, Samuel, Carriage, House & Sign Painter, 3, Si . Ursule street — Cornell Chas do do do Cochrau, Hon A W Advocate, St Anne street Cochrane. Geo Cabinet-Maker, St John street Cochrane, Miss, Dress-Maker, St John street Cook, Revd Dr, Manse, St Anne street Cornelius, Mrs, Straw Bonnet Maker, 28, St. Ursule street Cowan & Son, Printing & Stationary. Mountain street Colley, F P, Commercial Chambers Cole, Benj Auctioneer, Palace street Cooper, R T Architect, 1 St Donis street Cullen, M Tavern, Craig street Curry, Thos Merchant, "Commercial Chambers res. St Louis Road • . ' , . uj -. Chabot, J. M P P, Advocate, 15, Mount-Camel street Chauveau, P J 0, M P P, Advocate, Treasure street Chartre, Z Tin-Smith, St John street, without Chambers, Robt Advocate, Garden street Chambers, William, Tavern, Ch;implain street Chateauvert, Chs Blacksmith, St George street, St John's sub. Chinic, Madame, 7, Laval street Chretien, F Dry Goods, 14, Fabrique street Christie, Robt MPP 19, St Joseph street Chambers Robt, Dry Goods, 54 St John street Clarke, Robt Wine Cooper, St Paul street Clerihue, J Si Valier street * Clark, Wm Stower, Champlain street Clarke, W Tailor, 37, St John street Clapham, J Greaves, Notary, Office, St Antoine street Clapham, J G Clapham Teirace, Saint Louis Heights Clugston, Revd Montcalm House ^ ^ Croker & Son, Butchers, St Andrew's Wharf Craig, Robt Shoe-Maker, do ' Craig, Robt Tavern, St Antoine street ' Cran, Chas Tailor, 36, St Anne street ' Cremazie, Jas Collector, Ste FamlUe street Cremazie, J Advocate do ' ' ' ' ^ Cremazie, J G Notary, St Joseph street • ' ' Cremazie, J & Booksellers, Ste Famille street , ♦. > Creig, D Biscuit Baker, St Joseph street Callum, C & D Merchants, 47 St Peter street Carrier, Chs Dry Goods, 4 Notre-Dame street qUEBEC DIRECTORY. 159 street BT, 3, St . do I street it St Louis 3t t ohn's sub. !et ts Campeau, P Dry Goods, St John's street Cartwright, Joseph, Cabinet Maker, &. John street without Cauchon Joseph, M P P, Avocate, 87 St John street '' ■ " Cantin, Louis, Spruce Beer, 8t Francois street. St Roch Cadotte, Joseph, Harness Maker, St Paul street Caulfield, T Cape Cove Cauzeau, Chas Builder, St Vallier street Campbell, A Junr Advocate, 28 St Peter street Casault, Narss Advocate, Clouets Buildings Cauzeau, Mdme, Hope street Carletou & Co Daguerotype Artists, St John street Cazeau, C J Pte Seminaire Campbell, D Teacher, St Stanislas street Campeau, P Messenger, P S Bank * Casey, Thos Dry Goods Merchant, Fabrique street Couture, P Wartch maker, 25 Mountain street Corbin, F, Joiner, 9 ^St Jacques street Connolley, P Blacksmith, 20 D'artigny street Cornell, Caleb, Shoe Maker, St John street, without Cosgrove, M Dress Maker, 13 St Ann street Contin, Joseph, Baker, Richardson street Cottenham Ship Builder, St Roch Cornell, John, Boot & Shoe Maker, St Ann street Cogan, "Bryan, Merchant, Mountain street Colvin, John, Livery Stables, 17 St Louis street Codman, S Organist, St Ursule street Collier, B Teacher, St Stanislas street Courtney J Clasical Teacher, St John street Cornell, S Painter, D'Aiguillon street Craig & Foley, Cabinet Makers, St John street, without Curamings, B Grocer, St John street, without Cullen, Mich Tavern, St Augustin street, St Roch Chateauvert, H Trader, St John street, without Chateauvert, P Masson 16 St Joachim street Christmas, D S Watch Maker and Jeweller, 3, Fabrique street Charlton, Richd Advocate, 38 St John street Charlton, P Hadlow Cove > ' Chinic, Methot & Co Hardware Merchants, St Peter street Chambers, G Dry Goods, St John street Chateauvert, Chas Blacksmith, St Georges street Chouinard & Poir, Dry Goods ^Vferchants, Notre Dame street Chartier, J B A Notary, Old Convent, St Peter street Clint, J H & Co Merchants, St Paul street Clerihue & Frew, Bakers St Valier street Cliff; John R £1 Dept P'artigny street ;^ 160 QUEBEC DIRECTOR'T. Clark & McKenzie, Steam Boat Office, St Peter street Cran, Wm Tailor, i)auphine street D Date, Mrs Dry Goods, St John street Dastou, B Provision Store, St Peter street * Dawson, W Merchant and Agent, Sunderland Association and Surveyor of Shiping, St Peter street, res Palaoe street Daly, Bernard Culler, Champlain street Daly, P Dealer, 17, St Famille street Dastou, Bazile Tavern, St Paul street Davidson, A Tavern, Cul-de-Sac Day, J R Merchant, old Convent, St Peter st, res. St Helen st Daly, John Advocate, 29, Buade street Dalimore, Samuel DesGrisson street. Cape Dalkin, H S Merchant, St James street, res. St Louis road Davies, W H Merchant, Parloir street Darveau, G Printer. D'Aiguillon street Darveau, Greg Painter, D'Aiguillon street Darveau, Jacques Grocer, St Olivier street Daly, Mrs Grocer, 90, Champlain street Daikers, B residence St John street Deguise, Charles Advocate, St Louis street * DeLery, Charles, Clerk Leg Council, Ste Famille street Derome, F M Advocate, 29 Buade street Dean, Roger & Co Merchants, 31, Sault-au-Matelot .street & St Peter street Dean, Jas residence Cote an Coton Defoy, Chas M Notary, No 11, St Joseph street De Blois, F J Advocate. Haldimand street De Blois, P A Dry Goods, Si John street De Blois, E J Advocate, St Joseph street De Philippe, J Ship Chandler, 9, Cul-de-Sac De Lagrave, Cyril, Advocate, Haldimand street Denholm, Jas Merchant, 1, Laporte street, Cape Desbarats, E Advocate, Little River De Gaspe, P A Battery, near Hope Gate Delorbaez, Jac 9, St Fran9ois street Detoy. Frs Merchant, 5, St Peter street Delanaudiere, Dlle Marg 20, St Louis street Denis, Dlle Victorine, Dry Goods, St John street without Denechaud, Mme 44, St Ursule street Degaris. Dry Goods, St John street v ^^ Dinning, James 50, St Paul street ,; .-. •;; '; Dion, Jos Dry Goods, 8, Mountain street QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 161 Bet iciation and jQ street St Helen st Louis road • street lot street & vithont f* ■ V r Dionne, F Dry Goods, 7, Mountain street ^ Dion, F W Tiader, St John street without Dion, Germain Carpenter, Richardson street Dinning, J & W Butchers, Lower Town Market Douglas, Dr G M 5, St Genevieve street Douglas, Dr James, Surgeon, 4, St Louis street i Dodd, John Merchant Tailor, Fabrique street Dorion, P Hardware Merchant, St Peter street Dorion & Gingras, Ironmongers 6, St Peter street - Douglas, John St Dominique street Douglas, James St Roch's Downes, Wm High Constable, Hope street Dobbin, W Tavern, St Lewis street Donoghue, J Shoe Maker, Champlain street ^3 Dorothy, John, Music Master, St Valier street Dorney, Mrs Lacroix street Dorval, Alex Culler, St Amable street Dowling, T Boot and Shoe Maker, St John street ' Dompierre, Frs Caulker, Richardson street ,* Dompierre, Joseph do do Dompierre, Eustache do do Dorney, J F Livery Stables, St Ann street - Doucet, P H Clerk of the Peace, Court House Dood, D 'Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, Sous-le-Fort Doucet, J F Advocate, Mountain street ' * Duval, Hon J F Advocate, 54, St Louis street ' .* • a Dupont & Co, Auctioneers, 38, St Peter street " • Dubuc, Chas Hardware Merchant. 6, Notre Dame street Dunn, Calvin ^^ Co, Merchants, St Peter street *!^ Lupont, Mrs F 17, Couillard street ' ■■ " -^ Dunn, V/ Turner, 23, Couillard street Duchesnay, Elzear 2, Haldimand street ,, ^ - Dussault, F Shoe Maker, St John street without ■ '■" ' J Duplessis, Miss 11, St Stanislas street ;..> Duval, Jno Jac St George street, St John suburbs ' Dubeau, Jas Grocer, St Georges street, St John suburbs Durand, Abm 'i ader, St John street ^ Dumontier, Jos Collector, 36, St Ann street ' : ^ ' "J i Dufresne, Pierre Snwyer, Richardson street * f Dussault, J B Carpenter, Richardson street ' /r DufFett, J S Grocer, St John street without Dumlin, L B Shipwright and Mast -maker, Champlain street Dupy, P Crockery and Glass, Mountain street Dugal, DeValois F Notary, Creig street, St Roch * Dunlevey, G G Surveyor, St Ann street 162 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. vli Dugal, E Furrier, 58, St John straet Drysdale, Thos Watch Maker, Buade street Drouin, Chas Carpenter, St Olivier street Drysdale, Mrs Ladies School, 13, Hope street Drolet, P Blacksmith, St Georges street Drolet, Perer, Dry Goods, St Georges street, St John suburbs Droletj Jos Blacksmith, do do do Drolet, Tinsmith, do do do Drapeau, Stanislas Printer, Garden street Drolet, P Tavern Keeper, St Jofjeph street Drum, W Chair, Cabinet and Varnish Manufacturer, 55, St Paul street Duggan, E. Mei chant Tailor, Champlain street Dyke, Mrs Joseph 17, George street Eagle Life Assurance Company of London, St James street Eadon. Wm Tool Warehouse, St Nicholas street Eaton, H D Pastry Cook &c, Buade street * East India Floating Dock, St Charles wharf Eckart, Isaac Merchant, St Peter st residence Mount Plea=:rint Emond, Aug Carpenter, Richardson street Emigration Office, Sauii-au-Matelot street Enright, M Shop-keeper, Mountain street English, Mrs Boarding House, 5, Angele street ' EvantureUe, Frs St Louis street Evanturelle, F junr Ad vocate, St Louis stieet Evart, R Dorchester Bridge Evans, Teacher Des Grisons street, Cape .Evans, J Teacher, D'Aiguillon street F Fagui & Cj, Livery Stable, 11, St Anne street Faribault, G B Advocate, 4, Des Carrieres street Falconbridge, Mrs Register office for Servants, and Straw Bonnet Maker, 4, Palace street Fargues, Dr Mount Carmel street Fanning, W Advocate, Buade street Fassio, Signer, Italian Artist and Teacher of di'awing, 18 St George street Faucher, Dry Goods, 11, St. John street , Fafard, Ambroise Dry Goods, Notre Dame street Farquhar, Alex Auctioneer, St George's street St John's sub Fawcett, Geo Cabinet Maker, St Eustache street Falconbridge Mrs Dry Goods Palace street ^ . , , Fergus, Mrs Tavern, St Joseph street :li hn suburbs do do jturer, 55, St ^arnes street t ount Pleasant 3t 3, and Straw awing, 18 St t 3t John's sub It QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 163 Felton, Mrs, 22, Ste Genevieve street Fisher, Dr J C, LL D, Ste Genevieve street Finch, S Victuallar, Lower Town Market Fife, John, St Peter street Fisher, Mrs, 14, Mount Carrnel street Fitzgerald, Rob Tavern, Carleton street Fiset, Olivier Shop-keeper, 13, Ste Farnille street Feilders, W Carpenter and Joiner, 11, D'Artigny street Fielders, Jos Joiner, 13, D'Artigny street Fiset, Olivier Dry Goods, 1, Buade street Firman, G A Sail Maker, Lower Town, Market Place Finn, R Boot & Shoe Maker, 13, Champlain street Fiset, Lcuis Protonotary, St Louis street Finch S St Stanislas street Fiset Merchant D'Aiguillon street Fiset Antoine, Merchant, D'Aiguillon street Fitch, Miss Shaw, Bonnet maker. Cote d' Abraham Fountain, Jno Printer, D'Aijzuillon street Fortier, F Advocate, 10 Haldimand street Forsyth & Bell, Merchants Commercial Chambers Fournier, A Tavern, 4, Henderson street Fortier, Louis, 47, St Anne street Forsyth, J B Cataraqui Cottage, St Louis Road Forsyth & Stevenson, Merchants, Cap Rouge Fournier, T Advocate, 16, Mountain street Forrestall, Thos Quebec Distillery & Bottling Vaults, Sault au Matelol street Foster, J Junr, Ironmonger, 12, St John street Forsyth H G Mrs Des Grisons street, Cape Fortier, M Dry Goods, St John street Fortin, Joseph Boards k Planks, St Paul Market Fullerlon, Isaac Tavern, St John street without Furgy, J D L, Wolf's Cove Fiichs Jacques Tailor, St John street Flanagan, Christopher Printer, Garden street Fletclier, John, St Foi Road Freeman, Richard, Tanner and Leather Merchant India'il Lorette Freemasons Hall, 3, Buade street Fremont, Dr, 10, St Ursule street Fraser, Alexander Grocer, 1, St Nicholas street Fraser, Donald Merchant, India Wharf Frechette, Paul & Edouard Printers, Canadian Office, 13, Mountain street Frost, Thos & Co, Merchants, St Peter street 164 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. Fraser, Honble John, 47, St Louis street Frechet, Leandre, Dry Goods, 4 Notre Dame street Frizzle, Thomas Cooper, 15, Sault au Matelot street Freer, N, St Louis Heights Fry, J (Glover & Fry) 15, Fabrique street Fraser, Archibald Contractor, St Louis street Frechette, Cyrille Bateau Bulkier, Richmond street Fraser, J M Merchant, Wellington Wharf Fraser, Arch Contractor, St Louis street Fraser, Alex, St Francois street, Cape G Garrison Library and Heading Room, Jesuits Brirracks Gagne, Miss Dress-maker, 5, St Flavien street Gagnon, Madame Miliner, 21, Couillard street Gauvin, M Livery Stables, 20, Couillard street Gates, Chas Provident and Savings Bank, Buade street Galbraith, J H Brass Founder, 56, St Paul street Gagnon, P & J Dry Good.s, St Nicholas street Gagnon, P A Notary, St Peter street, residence 6, Couillard street Gauthier, Aug City Clerk, residence St Valier street Gauthier, F Advocate, 26, St John street Garant, F Furrier, 8, St John street Gallaghei, M Bulijher, St Anelrew.s Whan' Gaineau, F X Notary. St Angel street Garneau, D B Dry ^ioods, 10, Mountain street Gauvreau, P Leon, Notary, Des Fosses street Gaboury, Jos Trader, St John street without Garneau, F X Tailor, St John street without Gaboury, E Carpenter, St Olivier street Garneau, Alexis Carter, St Francois street, St Rooh Garneau, Jean Carpenter, St Frungois street, St Roch Gagn6, Frs Milkman, St Francjois street, St Roch Gauvreau, P Architect, d'Aiguillon street without Gauvreau, P Carter, D'Aiguillon street, St John's sub Gaudry, Andw Merchant, St Paul street Gethinsrs, Chas City Bank, St Peter's street Germain, D St Flavien street Geggie, R C St Andrews School, St Ann slreet Grenier, Cooper, Sault-au-Matelot s\reet Gendron, II Grocer, St Gabriel street % Gibb, Thos 49, St Louis street Gingras, Jos Joiner, 3, Si Joachim street Gingras, J M Carpenter, 4, Couillard street QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 165 Giiique, F Shopkeeper, 19, Ste Famille street ' Gillard, W Boarding House, 13, St Ann street Gibsone, G & H Auctioneers, &c, Carrifour, Notre Damo street Gillis, W Boot & Shoe Mciker, 88, St Peter street Ginger, W Seedsman, St Ursule laae ^ Gillespie, Jas Battery - . . Gibsone, Hy St Ann street Gibb & Ross, Merchants, Commercial Chambers Gibb, Jas Merchant, Commercial Chambers, residence St Foy road Gingras, Ed Coach-maker, 36, St Ursule street Gibb & Lane, Grocers and Wine Merchants, St Peter street Gilmour & Coulson, Merchants, St Peter street Gingras, junr, P Clothing and Dry Goods, 342, Champlain street Gillespie, Greenshields & Co Merchants, Gillespie's wharf Gilmour & Co Merchants, Wolfe's Cove, Town Office, Que- bec Bank Buildings (Jilraour, John Merchant, residence St Louis road (iingras, F X & Co Tobacconists, Buade street Gingras, J B Baker, 21, La Chevrotiere street Gingras, J Bte Trader, St John street without ^ Gingras, Pierre Trader, 4, St John strett Gillespie, Jas Tavern, Buade street Giroux, Olivier M D, Druggist, 24, St John street Gibb, Jas junr Merchant, St Paul street Gingras Isaac Grain aiid Boards, St (Jeorges street, without (Todbout, Olivier, Cooper, Sault-au-Matelot street Gowen, Hammond 4, St Denis street Gordon. Wm 12, d'Auteuil street "m;! GoilIou, Jno Merchant, St Paul street Peter street, idence 13, St Gordon, Alex Merchant, St Genevieve street. Cape Oirouy, Pierre, Blacksmith, Valller street Gordoii, Jas Sail-maker, 60, St Joachim street Gore, Miss St J^ouis street Gordon & Nicol, Merchants, St Peter street Guay, Germain Notary, Craig street, St Roch Guiliot, Antoine Mason, St Francois street, St Roch )urt Houso Groiidin, Jos Storekeeper; 0, St. Peter street 16G QUEBEC DIRECTOKY. * Grace, John Confectioner, 57, St Jolm street Grant, Alex Grocer, 32, Champlain street Green, B Boarding House, Mount Pleasant Grant, Abm Butcher, Tibbets Cove Grainger, Ed Merchant, 2, Sault-au-Matelot street Grenier, Jos Tavern, Buade street H Hardy, A Dry Goods, 9 Notre Dame street Hartigan, Ed Painter, Carrifour Notre Dame street Haimah, Mrs 15 St George street Hamel, Leon, Baker, 18 St Charles street Hacket, F Chair Maker, Ancien Chantier street Hamilton, Thos Auctioneer, St Peter street Hadden, Alex. Cabinet Maker, St John street Hayes, Jos Inspector of Ashes, Athur street Hayes, Hannah Confectioner, 28 Buade street Hale, Jeffrey, 2 Des Carriers street Harding, Miss Stay Maker. Parloir street Hamel, Madame, St Anne street Hatnel, Victor, 15 Georges street Hart, J C Merchant Napoleon Whan" Hall, Geo Grocer 71 St John street Hawkins, Alfred, Mount Pleasant Hawkins, Ed St Joachim, street, St John suburus Hall, T G Surgeon, 36 Champlain street Hall & Jackson, Timber L;> r^ hants, Cape (Jove Hamel, Jos City Surveyor, ciV\ ,-''i''^n street Hamel, C F Fancy F - nch Goods st« e, 40 St John .street Hammond, W Boot & Shoe MiokLf. bt John street Hamman, Mrs Neptune Inn, Mountain street Harrison, P Leather Store, 60 St Peter street * Henderson, W S & Co Hat & Fur Warehouse, 12 Buade st Henderson, Alex Cabinet Maker, 12 St Stanislas street Henderson, Geo Grocer, St Louis street Henderson, W C Merchant and Eagle Assurance Agent, St James street Hennessy, W Butcher, Finly Market Hennessy, Teacher, 18 Ste Famillc street iJetherington. Jas Temperance Grocery, 39 St John street Henr> , W Merchant, St Peter street, residence Clai)ham Tcr- nce Hickma':, W Hai Dresser & Perfumer, 26 Mountain street .iLgginbuiham, H Boot & Shoe Maker, 17 Buade street qUEBEC DIRECTORY. w !t m .st'eet 12 Buade st street ) Agent, St lin street )lai)ham Tcr- itaiD street street .... Hianveux, H Binder, 3 Laval street Higg-enbotham, W Teacher, 10 St Nicholas street Higginbotham. Miss, Teacher of Music. Buade street Hickson, Richd Merchant St Peter street Hill Miss, Teacher of Music, 6 Fabrique street Hough, Saml Livery Stables, 8 St Ann street Hough, S & J do do Howard, Mrs Tavern, Fabrique street Hossack, Jos Confectioner &c 5 Notre Dame street Hossack, J S Notary, 39 St Peter stieet Hossack, W Grocer, Champ lain street Holt, C A Grain & Provision dealer, St Peter street, residence No 11 Garden street Holehouse, W Plumber Glazier, &c 36 St Ann street Howard Wm Black & White smith 7 Fabrique street Horan & CuUen, Dry Goods 17 Fabrique street Hobrough, J Merchant Tailor Exchange Buildings Hobrough, Mrs Merchants Coffee Room, Ex'ihange Holgate, John, Boarding House, Mansion House, St George st. Hooper, J G Mount Pleasant Horteau, F Gardener, C6teau Ste Genevieve Holt, Peter, Grocer & Dealer in Ame.iican Wooden Wars Palace street Howard, J Tavern, 15 St Joseph street Houghton, John Blacksmith, St Joachim street Hull, Edwin, Clock & Watch maker, 19 St Peter street Hunt, Mrs 9 St Denis street, cape Hunt, Wm Sail Maker, 47 St Peter street Hunt, Weston & Co Merchants, Hunts Wharf residence St Denis street Hunt, Josiah, Notary Sault au Matelot street Hunt, Josiah, residence 12 St Genevieve rte, M Tavern, Notre-Damc street Lamort, N Butcher St Andrew's Wharf Leclaire, A Butcher, St Andrews Wharf Lampson, W. Merchant, St Louis Road, Oflice, St Peter street Laniestry, A Grocer &c 17 St Peter street Lapointe, P Joiner. St Francois street , ' - ' * r .. fianibly, John St Paul street ^ ' ' . Lane, W Supt Quebec Exchange ' " ; •'' * '>'' Lanoj Mrs Boarding House St Ursulo street "' ^ ^''^ '^'' ' '.. i r flice J ■I u.-e 1 », llgS fosses street itreet : le River street , :reet John streets reet Peter street QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 171 i Lamonta^ne, A Poirite Levi Hotel Lefran90is, Charles, Printer, 2 St Monique street Lagueux, £ Butcher Tibbets Cove Lafleur, F Cabinet Maker. Cote d'Abraliam Laurin, Jos Notary St Francois street St Roch Legare, Jos Artiste, 21 St Angel street Legare, Jos Dry Goods, 35 St John street Legare, J B do Le Mesurier, H Merchant, 26 Ste Anne street Le Mesurier, H Junr Merchant Sillery Cove Le Mesurier Tilstone & Co Merchants Comrnercial Chambers Lemoine, Louis, Gun Smith & Armourer, 40 St John street Lemoine, Benj. Inspector (District) St Peter street Lelievre, S Advocate, Haldimand street Lelievre & Ang^ers, Advocates, 7 do Lelievre, Roger, Notary St Anne street Lecheminant, W Grocer 4 Fabrique street Leaycraft, J W Jnnr Merchant, J B F Lane Leaycraft, Jer Merchant Exchange Wharf Lecronier, J G St John street without Levy, S China, Plate and Glass Warehouse St John street Levy, Charles, E & Co Merchants, St James street Levy Charles E residence Esplanade J^eek, Charles, Trader, Pres-de-Nillo Lewis, Thos Tavein Champlain street Lesperance, J Advocate, St Joseph street Levesque, Baker, 26, St Famille street Lepper, Paul, St Charles street, brewery Lamontagne, M Watch Maker, St John street Larue, J B, 19, Ste Anne street Laflamme, M Tailor, 15, Palace street L'Hotel-Dieu, Palace street Leg-go, W A Copper-plate printer, St Auiie street Leggo, Alex Shop-Keeper, 59, St John street Lemieux, L Book-Binder, 2, Cazerne street Lortie, Jean Shoe-Maker, 15, St Flavien street Lefebv re, Jos, Craig street, St Koch Lee, T C Merchant, Wellington Wharf, r(3sidence Colborn- ville. Hare-point Lemieux, Frs Advocate, 29, Buade street Leslie, Wm Tavern, St Antome street Lionais, Olivier Musical Instrument Maker, Des Prairie street Lilliot, J Turner, Baker, St Francois street Lindsay & Lemoine, Notaries, 46, St Peter street Lindsay, E B Haldimand street m QUEBEC DlRlflCTOBY. Lisons, L J, 44, St Anne street Lilly, John Talor, St Anne street Lill, John, Bytown Hotel, Spencer Cove ^ ' Loughran, Thomas Tavern, Sous-le-Fort street Logie, D Post Office Department, Des Crisson street^ Capo Louis, Jos Boot and Shoe Maker, 17, St John street Long, John Tavern and Stevedore, Champlain street Lloyd, T W, 28, St Stanislas street Lloyd & Lepper, Brewers, St Charles street Brewery , - Lynch, M Tavern, St Paul street Laing, Mrs, 9, Des Grisyons street / ,• Laird, John Barrack dept, St Joachim street • Larose, Jos Masson, D'Artigny street Lepine, Madame Jos, St Ursule street L6pine, Madame Jean, 34, St Ursule street Leliancois, Madame shop-keeper, 10, Laval street Laing, John Teacher, St John street without Lanfesty, H & T Grocers, St John street without Laberge, F. Trader, St John street without Lortie, Alexis Coach maker, St John street without Lacroix, Louis, St John street without Larocffie, F Carpenter, St John street without Le Lacheur, John Grocer, St John street without Lepine, Olivier Grocer, 18, St Michael street Lafieur, Frs Upholsterer, Cote d 'Abraham Lecourt, J P M & Co Architects, 29, Buade street Law, T K Dentist, 73, St John Street Lassesary, C H Teacher, 13, St Fran9ois street Landry, Jean Surgeon, 44, St Ursule street Louis, Jacob Cartwright, St Fran9oi3 street, St Roch Lapointe, Joseph Joiner, St Frangois street, St Roch Lapointe, Gabriel Joiner, St Fran9ois street, St Roch Lapointe, Regis Joiner, St Fran9ois street, St Roch Langlois, Ed Joiner, St Frangois street, St Roch Lapointe, Antoine Joiner, Richardson street Laberge, Nar Grocer, Richardson street Lajeunesse, Jacques Grocer, Richardson street Lachance, Joseph Caulker, Richardsont street Lacosse, Jacques Carpenter, Richardson street Larochelle, Jean Culler, Richardson street Leclerc, Et Carpenter, Richardson street '" Letourneau, Magloire Caulker, Richardson street Larochelle, Jean Caulker, Richardson street Larochelle, Geor:;e Caulker, Richardson street . . , Laviolette, M A Tavern, Lower Town Market . ■/ ' ' Mj ' Ml * Ml J Ms " y M.i Mi t Mj Mj *J M '.' Mi M t M kU M H. M ^^J. M itj Cape jet 7 . / It ich icli ti ■ r* QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 173 L'Ev^que de Sidyme, Seminaire Le Seminaire de Quebec, Lebrie, F X Hardware Merchant, 1. Fabrique street Laviolette, Pierre Cabinet Maker & Undertaker, 13^ Champ- lain street Lenny, Mrs Millenary & Dress Maker, 4, D'Auteuil street Leblanc, H Tavern, St Anne street Lortie, G Clerk Latulippe, Louis Carter, Richardson street Leslie, H A, St Peter street Lesperance, J J, M D, Point Levi . • Labee, Jos Grocer, St George stieet Leitch, P Butcher, St Paul street Lortie, Jean Boot & Shoe Maker, St Flavien street Laparon, X Boarding Hoiis^e; St John street Lockwood, M Artist, Palace street Levie, Mrs Confectioner, St Louis street Lane, Elisha Merchant, 50, St Peter street Lefran5ois, Madame Bookseller, Lavalie street M , ■ Massue, Hon Louis, Place d'Armes Maitland, R F Merchant Spencer Cove Malouin, L B Furrier and Fancy bark work, 70 St John street, Malouin, F X Master Mason, Marble and Stone Cutter, 8 King street, St Rocli's Maguire, Widow, Tavern, 15 Garden street Maguire, John, Advocate, 61 St. Louis street Matte, A S Grocer &c. St Peter street Maxham, A J Auctioneer &c. St Peter street, residence 10 Rampart street Maxwell, Robt. St Vallier street Mathers, Jno Saddler, 7 St Nicholas street Macnider, A May, W E Gjirdener, Grande Allee, St Louis road * Martyn, John junr, Chronometer and Watch Maker and Na- turalist, 60 St Peter street Mailloux, Louis, Milkman, St. John street without Malone, Miss, Teacher 4 Cazerne street Malouin, Re mi, Mason, D'Aiguillon street Matte E Mason, D'Aiguillon street Matte A Mason, D'Aiguillon street, - Matte, Gregoire, Dry Goods, St John street without Marticottt, H Pilot, St. John street, without IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) i.^, <^j r/j 1.0 I.I IM M 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 < 6" - ► Va <^ /} ^1 VI cm f^^ ^^ V /A Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 4fj- ,'f... ■•i-:J QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 175 ntain street Mountain, Jos Tailor, St John street without Moore, F Joiner, 2 Dauphine street Morrin. Dr 3 St George's street >/( organ, Mrs Tavern, 20 St Joseph street Morkill & Blight, Hardware merchants, 20 Fabriqiic street Moore, Grainger &. Co merchants, 3 Sanlt-au-Matelot street Montreal Fire Assurance Oflice, Old Parliament Buildnig?*, J G Irvine, Agent Montreal Bank, (Quebec Bianch) Arthur street Morgan, David, Tailor, St George's street, Moody. M Importer of Dry Goods, 26 St John street MotZj J Esplanade " ' Molt, J Music master, St Angele street Murray, Hugh, Provision merchant, St Peter street, residence Mountain street Murray, Uenis, Clerk Lower Town Market, residence 2 Buad(? street Murphy, Thos Plasterer, 23 S; Stanislas street Murray, Miss, Dress maker, 6 St Flavien street Munro, Walter, Tavern, Mount Pleasant Munn, Geo Butcher, Upper Town Miarket place and 22 St Michael street Munro, W Lumber merchant, New London Cove Musson, John & Co Chemist and Druggist, 4 Buade street Moffet, Thos Butcher, St John street, without Munn, John, Ship Builder, Grant street, St Roch Muckle, J M St Peter street Mure, J Writer, Prothonotary's Office Conrt House McAuarns, Hugh, Confectioner, St John sireet without McGarvey, P Grocer, St Eustache street • ; " Melrose, £ Ship Chandler. Champlain street Mclnnelly, Messenger, 62 St Louis street McNeil, Mrs 15 Ste Famille street .».. - McGie, Dan Merchant, Hunts Wharf , •. McMahon, Revd Mr 4 St Stanislas street r • ^ ' . McCaw, T Merchant St Peter street McGrath, W. Horse dealer, 2 St Fran9ois street Cape 4 McMaster, W Clock and Watch maker, 46 St John street ■ McKay, W & J house, sign and decorative Painters, St John street without ,. ; ,, , .• - McLeod, Donald, Grocer, J Canoterie ;. . r. McDonald, Jas Grocer, 15 Canoterie ;. • McDonald, Geo Grocer, 23 St Paul street McDonald, Alex. Boot & Shoe maker, 38 St Jolm street Macmahon, P Grocer, 247 Champlain street ,..• . 176 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. i^ McDonald, R McKenzie, Jas Cabinet maker, St Joachim street ' r McLaughlin, Thos Teacher, 9 Couillard street McDonald, C Painter & Glazier, 13 St Louis street McLimont, R Merchant, St Peter street, res. 2 St Anne st McKenzie, Jas Steamboat Office, St Peter street McPhee, Jos. Culler, St Michael's Cove McKee, J Dentist, 44 St Ann street McCallum, Danl Esplanade McGlory, D Tavern, 17 Garden street McLeod, John, Grocer &c, 18 Fabrique street McDonald & Logans, Paper makers St Paul street McConkey, E Baker. Prince Edward street McTavish W Advocate, 4 Haldimand street McGillis, Roderick, Culler, 38 Artillery street McCallum Duncan, St Roch's Brewery, residence near Mont- • calm Battery McLean, Alex. London Coffee House, Cul de Sac McGobrick, Jos Butcher, Champlain street McQ,uilkan & Henry, Brass and Iron Founders 44 Champlain street McCord, Mr Justice, Palace street * '^ McMaugh, Arch Blacksmith, Champlain street ',.. McNally, Miss, Dress maker, 62 St Louis street McGregor, Mrs Mary, Palace street , Montreuiile, Ed Junior, Richardson street ^ ' Marois, Louis, Grocer, Richardson street ' • );' ' Monies, Jos Pork Butcher, Richardson street ' " Montminy & Roy, Dry Goods merchants, 62 St John street Middleton & St. Michel, Printers, Mountain street , . Montizambert, Mrs Esplanade ' '. - Moss, P Dry Goods and Tailor, 12 Sous le' Fort street ' " • " Mechan, Dry Good Merchant, St John street ' * " Mountain J Tailor. St John street Metivier, F X Dry Goods & Clothiers, Store, Sous le Fort street Marcotte, Chs Boarding house, 15 Couillard street Mangan, Jas. Boot & Shoe maker, 6 Champlain street ' ' " . Marie, Antoine, Joiner, St Ursule street, * '" ' " Made, Chs Joiner, St Ursule street ' • Marcheldon, Severe, Dry Goods, Sous le Fort street McGillis, Jas Cornwall McPherson, Duncan, residence St Genevieve street, Capo McGuire, Denis, Ship Chandler, 51 St Peter street ' McKay & Cassels, Merchants, NapolcDn Wharf ; " Madden, Jer St Denis street, Cape - 'f' : QtrEBtlC DIRECTORY. 177 t ^nne st near Mont- Champlain y)J. J ^■^ 1 street I ►■..., Fort street ^. • .• i-iv'^' Capo Moffatt, P t) Dr 3 Mountain street Monier, Henry, Carriage builder, St Georges street McNeil, Jno Mason, 5St Georges street Malouin, Remi, Mason, D'Aiguillon street Murphy, Thos Saddler, 43 St Ann street Montizambert, Deputy Registrar, Parliament Buildings McCallam, Colin, merchant, St Peter street McGuire, J. Advocate, 61 St Louis street McKenzie, Js Hudson Bay Company, St Paul street, residence 10 Esplanade McCowan, Arch Grocer, Garden Street Murphy, J M Dry Goods McGee, Ed Clerk, Palace Street McCallum, D St Joseph street Murry, M Blacksmith, Dauphine Street Moore, Thomas, Joiner. Dauphine street Maclaren, J Governor of the jail Nettle, Academy, 1, D'Aiguillon street Newton, John Bricklayer, St Helen street Naval Office, Custom House, St Peter street Naval Officer, Nast, Fred, Prince of Wales Hotel— and Po;k butcher St John street Nash, John Trader, St John street without Nault, J Z Dr7, St Fran9ois street Newton, Wm J, Mount Pleasant Newton, W J Customs and Ship Agent, St Peter street Newton, S Quebec Bank, residence Mount Pleasant Neilson, John Hon : 24, St Stanislas street Neilson, John Junr do Neilson, W Quebec Gazette, (established 1764) 19, Mountain street Neilson, W Printer, Bookseller and Stationer do Noad, H J Merchant, Mount Pleasant Noad, Mrs Mount Pleasant . > Noad, H J & Co Merchants, St Paul street ■■ . ^ / Nolan, John Butcher, St Andrews Wharf *• Nadeau, Frs Patent Window Maker, 41, Latoureile stieet ;•«. :V»- o fJT- O'Brien, Wm 84, Champlain street Overhill, J Dry Goods, St John street O'SuUivan, T Temperance Beer Brewer, Mount Pleasant 8* 178 qUEBEC DIRECTORY. Ogde*i, Geo Parish, Cap Rouge -. '-'• * O'Connor, H Grocer, 30, St John street and 15, St Paul street O'Connell, Jos Lumber Shipper, Woodfield Harbour O'Doud, D Auctioneer, Sous-le-Fort street * Oliver, T|H Ship Builder > Office St Charles Floating Dock, Oliver, E & J E \ near the Exchange Orkney, J H St John street without , O'Leary, John Tailor, Palace street Oliver, T Ship Builder, Molson's Wharf, Champlain street Orkney, R & Co 30, St Peter street O'Brien, Hugh Tavern. 18, Lacroix street O'Meara, J P 2, St Stanislas street ! Orel, C Butcher, St Andrew's Wharf / • . f Orel, L Butcher, do , • Ouellet, Fabien Notary, St Nicholas street '. • ' O'Brien, W Cooper, &c. Pres-de-Ville ' . O'Connoi, John Carter, D'Artigny street " PuUen, H Contractor, St Roch • Provan & Anderson, Merchants, St Peter street ' " , " : Peters, Simon Builder, St Vallier street ' . Plaroondon, A Advocate, Garden street Panet, Chas Advocate, St Louis street Panet, Bernard Coroner, Esplanade Paquet, J Tailor, Mountain street Panet, Junr Dy Coroner, Esplanade ' Patry, Michl Architect, St Joseph street, St Roch Patton, Duncan Lumber Broker and Commission Merchant, Arthur street Perrault, Z Advocate, Garden street , ^ ' ;^ Peachy, John Tailor, D' A iguillon street " • Pownden, J W Commission Merchant, Bell's Lane, residence St Louis Heights Pennant, Miss Dress Maker, Dauphine street Pierce G St Helen street ^ ' '''' Provident and Savings Bank, Buade street " ' •[' .' Paradis, F X Merchant, 21, Craig street, St Roch / " Patterson, Andw Merchant, Haldimand street ' Patterson, Young & Co Merchants, Des ScBurs street Patterson, Peter Merchant, St James street and Montmorency Falls Patterson, W Grocer, 12, Notre Dame atreet ■ . , ■ Parant, F J Merchant, St Valier street " ♦ Parrott, A Braes Founder, 14, Sault-au-Matelot 8tre<)t QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 179 : Paul street )ur la., f )ating Dock, lange lin street ;^'-^ Merchant, ;, residence et ''''_'":y >ntmorency B<)t Patterson, J & Son Grocers, St Nicholas street Power, Judge 13, St Joseph street Patton, H N Merchant, Patton's Cove, Point Levi PainchaiKJ, Dr Palace street Parant, Revd A Superior Seminiry Parant, Dr J 5, St Geoiii;e street Parent, Ant Arch Notary, St Joseph street * . Parent, Ant Amb Notary, do Parkhill, J Painter, St Helen street Pare, Huoert Dry Goods, 14, Sous-le-Fort street Parkin, J B Advocate, St Louis street Parnel, Mrs Straw Bonnet maker, St Joachim street Panet, Hon Mr Justice, Little River Payne, Thos Hotel, Place d'Armes Parke, G H & Co Merchants, India Wharf, residence Ring- field Parke, Andw Merchant, Riverdale Cottigo Pageau, C Dry Goods, 66, St. John street Painguet, M 5, Ste Famille street Pageau, F Carpenter, St Oliver street Parent, Jos Trader, 42, St Joseph street Patry, Jean Joiner, 4, Rampart street Parant, Jos Trader, St John street without Pacquet, Andw Sculptor, 13, Couillard street Paquet. Pierre Martin, Culler, St Joseph street, St Roch • Papps, Mrs Midw^ii'e, 18, Couillard street Pelletier, A Grocer, 57, St Paul street Pickersgill, Tibbets & Co Merchants, Dalhousie street Pearcy, Robt Hatter, 4, Aiguillon street Petite I air, Jas Tailor, St John street without Pelletier & Frechette, Dry Goods, Sous-le-Fort street J^(3mberton, Brothers, Merchants, St Peter street Pemberton, Hy Merchant, Siilery Cove Petry, Wm Merchant, L'Ance des Meres, residence St Foi Road Petry, F 1 1, Couillard street ', Perrault, F X 20, Mount Carmel street . . , , , Perrault, J E Advocate, 7, Haldimand street Pentland, J J C Advocate, Garden street . ' ,, : Penlland, Wm Belvidere Road • ,: Pellison, O Pastry Cook, St Joseph street i Penn, Richd Mount Pleasant Petitclaire, Jos Notary, 65, St John street Peverley, John Tallow Chandler, Pres-de-Vill« , , jr; Pelletier, Madame St George's street / ,:l 180 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. "I'l Penney, Wm Book Keeper, 6, Ste Famille street Picard, Miss, Tailoress, 2, St Paul street Pirrie J C & Co Merchants, Arthur street '' . Pirrie, J C Merchant, St Genevieve street Pierce, M Portrait Painter, St Helen street Pichette, F X Carriage Maker, D'Aiguillon street Pitt, Chas Cabinet Maker, St John street Pozer, Geo St John street ^ ' Poncy, Miss Boarding House, Lower Town Market Place ' *^"'' Provengal, Jean Shop Keeper, St John street ; Plante, M 14, St Joseph street Price, W & Co Merchants, St Peter street Price, Wm residence St Louis Road Prendergast, E St Foy Road ■ Police Station Houses, St Peter street ; Castle of St Louis Cham plain street ; House of Assembly Proulx, F Shop Keeper, 5, St Flavien street Prendergast, Jas St Angele street * Pratt Chas & Brother, St Peter street • Pratt, Chas, residence St Stanislas street ''■'' Poston, Chas & Son Coal Merchants, Office Arthur street, re- sidence. Rampart street Poston, E & VV Grocer &c, Notre-Dame street \ Poston, Thos Grocer &c, 25, Buade street ♦ ■ ^ Poston, Wm B Grocer, Hope street ' ^ Porter, John Secty Turnpike trust, Office Sault-au-Matelot street Porter, John Medowbank, Carouge Road ■• Pouilliot, B Pilot, 3, Couillard street ... "' ' ^ ' Podd, Thos, 9, St George street " ' ' ' .; ■•- Porter, Thos Shoe-maker, 252, Champlain street " "^ ' Powell, Denis Tailor, 11, Sous-le-Fort street ' ' ' Pope, Thos, 18, Ste Genevieve street • ' '^' ^ Porter, Jas Blacksmith, 28, St George street Poole, Jas Issuer, 38, Ste Anne street Protestant Chapel (J Hale), St Joachim street ' " ' Porter, Jos Bell hanger, St Nicholas street ' '- = J Post Office, Buade street Pye, John Brass Founder, 21, St Ursule street Pye, Misses Milliners & Dress makers, St John street Phillips, Chas Plumbe'- &c, 11, Garden street Phillips, Wm Flour Inspector, Rue des ScBurs, residence La: Chevrotiere street Plamondon, Antoine Artist, St Louis street Plai»iondon, L Junr Advocate, Garden street -.» QUEBEC DIRECTORT. 181 t Place St Louis street, re- m-Matelot f ■f- ■*■ ' ■ ' ?: T -. , ' . \;, . .:-i- '. I ■' '■'•■^ eet . .^i lence La; PJamondon, L Dry Goods, St John street Plamondon, P Bailiff, 11, St Ann street Proudley, Mrs St Lawrence Hotel, St Peter street Pro van, John Confectioner, 3, St Ann street Primrose, Hon F W Advocate, 3, Des Carrieres street Provost, Louis, Notary, St Roch Potts & Wright, Saddlers, 41, St Louis street Peniston, Richard, St Ursule street Peniston, R Merchant, Indian Wharf Pelletier, Amable, Grocer, St Paul street Quebec Morning Chronicle, Office Mountain street Quebec Mining Company, Office 38, St Peter street Quebec Fire Assurance Office, Bank Buildings St Peter street Quebec Bank, St Peter street Quebec Forwarding Company, Office, Gibb's Wharf Quebec Mechanics Institute, Parliament Buildings Quebec Board of Trade, Exchange Buildings Quebec Exchange, Arthur street Quebec Literary and Historical Society and Museum, Parlia- ment House Quebec Library Association, Parliament House Quebec Bar Association, Chambers, Court House Quebec Turnpike Trust, Office Sault-au-Matelot street Quebec High School, St Denis street Quebec Gazette (Neilson's) Office, Mountain street Quebec Official Gazette, Office Mountain street Quebec Mercury Office, Cary & Co Buade street Quebec Canadien Office, Mountain street Quebec Journal Office, Clouet's Buildings Quebec Berean Office, Stanley's St Ann street Quebec Freeman's Journal, Office Garden street Quirouet, F Distiller, St Paul street . Quin, John Tailor, Mountain street Quin, Phillip Collector, Ancien Chantier street Quin, Peter, Tavern, St Eustache street R Racey, Dr, St Louis street Rae, Danl Plasterer, St Angel street Rae, Asst. Commissary General, St Louis street Racey, John Beauport > ■? Ray, Hy Shoe-maker, 17, St John street ,; , ,, : Racey's Brewery, St Paul street Ray, Martin Tobaconist & Grocer, 342, Champlain street m 182 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. il ■ .i V>. •rH H Ramsay, W Coope- Bell's Lane '. > . , ' tu?^ Robitaille, Alexis rinsmith &c, Garden street Robitaille, J Hardware Stoie, St John street without Robitaille, Edwin Tinsmhh, 10, D'Aiguillon street Robitaille, F Baker, St Georf^e street Robitaille, Jos Dry Goods, St John street without Robitaille, F X Trader, St John street without Routier, P Baker, St John street without Roberston, Mrs Boarding House, 4, D'Auteuil street Roy, M Tavern, St John street without Roy, Madame, 46, St ^nne street Roy, T Dry Goods, 13, St John street Robeson, Mrs Milliner, 24, Palace street v Rowbottom, John, Sault-au-Malelot street Roberge, Germain Dry Goods, St John street " Rogers, Robt Mason, D'Aiguillon street • .' Russell, W G Ship Builder, Point Levi Routier, Charles Watch-maker, 10, Mountain street Rheaume, F X Dry Goods, 3, Notre Dame street Rheaume, P Dry Goods, 9, St Peter street .:, * .r^i Roberts, R Merchant, St Peter street, residence, 7, St Anne street - . Rousseau, Dr Ed, St Fran9ols street, St Roch ;< - ^ i-i * Russell, Willis Albion Hotel, Palace street • ':>hkl Russell, R H Chief of Police, 1, Mountain street ■ fi.i Russell, Drs R H & J P, 1, Mountain street , . ^ ^^ Ruthven, W Bookbinder, 4, St Ursule street Rusk, W Tailor, St Fiavien street Ryan Brothers, & Chapman Merchants, 38, St Peter street Ryan, John Agent Steamer Charlevoix, Napoleon Wharf, residence. Mountain street ;•, ■ ^ ' Remi, Phillip Baker, St John street without Reynar, Geo Shoe-maker, St John street without Rae, T Asst Corny Genl, Clapham Terrace Read, Mrs Dry Goods, 8, Palace street , -• Read, Thos Cabinet maker, 52, St John street Rees, Evan, Rope maker, 6, Henderson street Reid, Mrs, 3, d'Auteuil street Rennie, J Engraver, 3, Fort street Renfit, P N Furrier, St John street without ' ' • - "^ Reynar, James Reynar's Buildings, 35; Champlain street Registry Office for the District of Quebec, Parliament House Richardson, Mrs, 12, D'Auteuil street Richardson, Rob Boot & Shoe maker, 33, St John street Richard, H C Trader, 5, Mountain street .*■ ^l ^J'^S ^jr .,■•41 7, St Anne • t ■l er street on Wharf, •i^ "?. street nent House reet qUEBEC DIRECTORY. 183 Richardson, Osborne Leather Merchant, St Peter street Rich, A, Ord Dept Rheaume, Jacques Advocate, 29 Buade street Robeson, D & Son Sail-maker, St Peter street Robertson, Alexr Grocer, 19, St John street Roullard, Chas Butcher St Andrews Wharf Roy, Vital Blacksmith, St Valier street Roy, B Dry Goods, Fabrique street Roy, S D.iy Goods, Fabrique street Rowley, Dr, 16, Palace street Ross, John Grocer, 7, Ste Famille street Ross Shuter & Co, Merchants Commercial Chambers, St Peter street Ross, John residence Ste Genevieve street, Cape Ross, David Advocate, St Olivier street Ross, Mrs, 25, Palace street Ross, Mrs, 1.8, Rampart street Robitaille, Dr, St John street without Rolland, Joseph baker, Richardson street Robertson, D Grocer, Buade street Robitaille & I^efevbre, Tin-smiths, Garden street Ross, Clark, St Genevieve street Robinson, Widow Dyer & Bonnet Cleaner, Palace street Rickaby, Jas Grocer, 56, St John street Roy, W H Merchant, Napoleon Wharf, residence, St George street * Saurin, J J Carriage maker, 41, St Anne street Saurin, F Carriage maker, 20, St John street Sausville, Fran9ois Gold & Silver smith, Moimtain street Sauvageau, M Notary, Bas Biiou Sauvageau, C Professor of music St John street Savings Bank, Quebec Bank buildings, St Peter street Savard, Jos Carriage maker, Richelieu street , _ , • , , Sax, Mrs, 22, St Stanislas street . _^ Savard, Jos Barber, St John street without Sewell, John, 1, St Helen street Sewell, Revd E St Ursule street ^ \ , .^, Sewell, Revd H, St Louis street ,\ / Sewell, Wm Sheriff, 8, D'Auteuil street . ' ' : Sewell, Dr, Ste Anne street ,ti- , * ';4 Sewell, Mrs, St Louis street -t ' ' r; Seguin, Dr, St John street without Secretan, Chas, Mount Pleasant 184 qUEBEC DIRECTORY. Secretan, Chas Junr, 8, Couillard street Sewell, Mont.igue, St Louis street Senkler, Revd. E J, St Fran9ois street Cape Sirois, A B Notary, 2, Couillard street "JL Symes, Robt, Palace street " ^ Symes, G B & Co Merchants, St Peter street, residence Mount Carmel street * ■ ; ^ | Schouten, P, St Nicholas street ' Scott, Geo Confectioner, 54, St John street • ' Scott, Jas Culler, D'Artigny street . ' Scott, H S Hardware Merchant, 24, Fabrique street • -' Scott, Wm Hotel, Garden street Scott, H E Steam -Boat Agent, Gibbs Wharf, residence Rampart street Scott, Michl Flour Dealer, Henderson street, St Paul Market Scott, R Teacher, 1, Aiguillon street Shaw, R Grocer, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Notre-Dame street Shaw, R, 8, Des Carrieres street ' ' Sheppard, Honble W, Woodfield ■ , ! Sheppard, Charles Merchant, Woodfield j Sheppard, Maxfield &l Co Merchant, St Paul street * ' Sheppard, Peter Auctioneer, 16, Mount Carmel street ' • Shea, P Tailor, Notre-Dame street Sharpies, Charles, 32, St Anne street ' * Sharpies H Supervisor of Cullers. Notre-Dame street Skillin, Andrw Cellarman, 6, Cannotterie Sharpies, Wainwright & Co Merchts, near St Andrew Wharf Steuart, David R Mercht, 25, Sault-au-Matelot street, resi- dence, 16, St Ursule street Stuart, Geo Advocate, St Anne street ' "- * , . , Stuart, Bart Sir James, St Ursule street , '.. Stuart, Andrew Advocate, Office Sault-au-Matelot street, resi- dence, Cape Rouge . ,. , .■■■,.■- Stewart, Honble John « ' ' . , ■ Stewart, Charles Merchant, Wellington Wharf , ... ' > Stewart, Charles G, St Anne street „ j Steveneon, W Merchant, 38, St Peter street, residence 23 St Genevieve street Stevenson, Michel Merchant, Union Cove, residence Esplanade Stanley, Gilbert Stationer & Printer, St Anne street and St John street > .. , Stanley, W Stationer, St John street Strang, Mrs, St Ursule street St Pierre, Charles Carpenter, St John street without • W4 V A 1^ 'jy- ■ QUEBEC DIRECTOBY. 185 3nce 23 St '' Pierre, Ed Trader, St John street without l^toppleben, Jos Tavern, Buade street Stansfield, Dr R, Hope street Stillman, JR Boot k Shoe maker, 4, Mountain street St Laurent, J B Cabinet maker, Cote d'Abram. Smith, Chas Senr, River St Charles Smith, J R Advocate, 1, St Louis street SmUh, D S Grocer, St Famille street Smith, Alex Boot & Shoe maker, Champlain street Smith, John Butcher, St Andrew's Whaif Smith, Honble W St Louis street Smith, Geo Cabinet maker, St John street w^itliout Smith, Wm, Mason, La Porte street Smeaton, Alex Tailor Couillard street Sutherland, John, 4, Rampart street St Laurent, Jean B, Upholsterer, Richelieu street St John Suburbs Sharp, Jos Plasterer, 9, St Frangois street, St Roch Soucy, Fabien Grocer, St Fran9ois street, St Roch Sanfa9on, Joseph Carter, St Fran9ois street, St Roch Smith, W M Classical Teacher, High School Sevey, — Daguerreotype Artist, Mountain street Staveley, Ed Architect & Civil Engineer, 6, Parloir street St Michel, Printer, Mountain street Squire, Revd Mr. St Anne street Shee, Pat Tailor, Notre-Dame street St Pierre, X Dry Goods, St John street without Soulard, Louis Grocer Richardson street Soulard, Aug Advocate, 9, Haldimand street Shaw, Jeffrey & Co Merchants, Pointe Levi, Office behind the Exchange Stewart, J Wm Butcher, Lower Town Market Sharpies, — Merchant, residence Parloir street Smith, Wm Mason, La Port street Smith, John Merchant, Pointe Levi . ' . , Stride, Robt Ship Chandler, 53, St Peter streei Shefford, Grocer & Ship Chandler Convent Buildings, St Petei street Scott, Robt Tailor, St Ursule street Sinclair, P Book-seller k, Stationer, 11, Fabrique street . . Shaw, Richd Hard-ware Merchant, St John street Shaw, Sam Hard-ware, Sous-le-Frort street . Sleeper, Lewis High School, St Denis street . '' * Spiers, A Butcher, Upper Town Market, and St Vallier Street Supervisor of Cullers Office, Notre-Dame street 186 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. ' 1. ; ■» Tuzo, Capt Des Grissons street, Cape Tessier, F Dealer in Grain, St Georges street Thomas, A F Ordnance Department, Olivier street Taylor, E & J Grocers, Cap Blanc Torrance, Andrew, Hope street M j- Teasdale, Thos Boot and Shoe Maker, Buade street - , Tetu, L & C Importers of Dry Goods, 11, St John street ' ! Tilly, Jno Tailor, 13, St Ann strret Talbot, G Advocate, 6 Angele street , ' Tourangeau, Peter Grocer, St Georges street Taylor, G S Saddler, St John street , Trigge, Thos. Esplanade Tozer, Samuel Butcher, Upper Town market and Little River Thorn, Pierre Carpenter, Kichmond street Trudel, F Carriage Builder, St John street without Taylor, Geo Patent Slip, Point Levi Tanswell, S J, 3 Dauphine street Taschereau, J J Advocate, 66, St Louis street Taschereau, J A Advocate, St Louis street Tan^uay, Mdme Tailoress, 6, St Georges street ' ■ Tessier, V Hair Dresser, St Ann street Tetu, Vital Merchant, Sous-le-Fort street, residence La Porte street, Cape Tessier, Ulric Jos. Advocate, 58 St Louis street ' •' Temple, Major 15, St Ursuie street Tibbets, Jas Merchant, St Louis street Tims, W 13, St Francois Street Todd, R C Herald, Sign and Ornamental Painter, St Ann street Tourangeau, Jean G Advocate, St Nicholas street Trudeau, E Overseer of Chimnies, 10, St Flavien street < - Tremain, Benj St Louis Heights /■.•'' Tremain, J E Merchant. St Paul street Trudelle, J E Notary, 6, Parloir street •; Trudelle, M Watch-maker, 19, St John street ; ' Trinity House, 46, St Peter street Trepannier, P Builder, d'Aiguillon street Thielkie, A F Advocate, St Francois street, Cape Thielkie, H D Artist, St i^rangois street. Cape Thompson, John Merchant, Commercial Chambers, residence St Foy road Thompson, F C B Merchant, St Paul street, residence St Vallier street Tweddell, Thos Quebec Iron Foundry, Champlain street t?^ ;^J^^ if QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 187 ce La Porte Thorn, Wm Teacher, 6, St Angele street Thorn, Jas Teacher, 6, St Angele street TurnbuU, Jos 1, Palace street Todd, M rs Dress-maker, Des Carrier street Trampleasure, Jos Teacher. 8, Angel street Trudelle, Amb Notary, 27 St Anne street Tanguay, H Agent, St John street Tessier, M Notary, D'Aiguillon street Thomas, David SatUiler, 13, Garden street Torrance, Mrs St Foy road Torrance, Andrew, Hope street Turcot, Nar Watch-maker, 14, Mountain street Tremain, Winkworth, Merchant, 25, St Paul street Tremain, J E Merchant, 25, St Paul street Tessier, M Issuer, Wood Yard, St Nicholas street Thiberge, Andre 44, St Peter street Tremblay, Jas Dry Goods, 21, Mountain street Talbot, G Advocate, 6, St Angel street U Usborne, G W Merchant, St James street, residence St Louis road Urquhart, Miss Dress-maker, 1, D'Aiguillon street Union Temperance House, 1, St Angele street Urquhartj Robert Grocer, St Georges street St John sub Valleau, W B Merchant Tailor, 11, Buade street Valliere, J O Cabinet, Chair and Varnish manufacturer, St Valier street Vanderheyden, John St Paul street Vanfelson, Geo Advocate, St Louis street Vaillancour, F X Notary, Couillard slree.. Von Exter, John H Advocate, St Ann street Vohl, Benj Optician, 7, St John Street Vocelle, Augt St Nicholas street Vannovous, Mrs Hotel Upper-Town Market Place Vandry, Z Tin-Smith, D'Aiguillon street '' ' ' Voyer, Louis Coach-builder, St John street M'ithout Villeneuve, J Bte Grocer, St John street without V6zina, Jacques Carpenter, 42, D'Aiguillon street • • •• -{ Vezina, Thos Painter, St John street without ' '■ i [[ Verret, A Coach-maker. St Georges street . :> i Vermette, Paul Joiner, St Georges street Verret, Aug Baker, St Georges street m QUEBEC DIRECTORY. r'^f Verret, T Trader, St Joachim street Verret, Pierre Carpenter, Richards )n street Verret, Abm Wheelwright, St Georges street Vivian, R Carpenter, St Fian;ois street w - Wadman, W Tavern Keeper .*,' Wait, Revd W La Chevrotiere street , ;' Wainwright, Richard Siilery cove Wagner, Phillip Cabinet Maker, St John street . V Walker, H & T Grocers, St Peter street Walker, Arch Tavern, 1 Henderson street Walker, — 14, St Genevieve street Walker, Wm Merchant, India Wharf, residence St Ursule street Walton, J Bricklayer ' ^ , '; Walsh, Miss Bonnet Maker, St Vallier street ' "' Walt, John Dr St Ann strret Watt, John Agent, 4, Laporte street, Cape Watts, Jas Engineer Department, 48, Artillery street Watters, J Dry Goods Merchant, 30, Baude street Ware, Wm Surveyor, Little River Wells, Dr 23, Hope street Wells, N Carpenter, 23, Hope street ' Welch & Davies, Merchants, St James street ' " •••^ Welch, Henry Walmsley, Merchant, St James's street Welch, A D Culler's Office ^ Weipert, F Dry Goods, 68, St John street ■* ' ' ' ■* -^t: West, David Watch-maker, St John street ■"' ■' \ ■■ f^p!'^!' Wilkie, Revd Dr Garden street ' * '■ *'- * Wilkie, junr David Teacher, Dalhousie Place Woolsey, J W Merchant, St Foy road and St Lawrence Wharf Wood, J B Tailor, St John street without Wolff, Dr Champlain street Whitham, P Surgical Instrument maker and Cutler, 36, St Ann street White, M Boot and Shoe-maker, Buade street •* {■' White, W St Valier street »-r **M t White, Mrs St Ursule street -'.. ''^. Wilton, Miss, Dress Maker, St Ursule street - '' : White, Douglass & Co Merchants, St Peter street White, Mrs India Rubber Shoes, &c, Palace street Wilson, J T Quebec Bank, residence Garden street Wright, Chas Palace street Wilson, John Tavern and Shipping Office, 8, St Peter street '^J QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 189 Wilton, Misses Dress-maker, 20, St, Ursule street Williams, Ship Chandler, Champlain street Wyse, F 11, Palace street Wyse, S F & Co Importers of Jewellery and MubiCal Instru- ments, 11, Palace street Wyse & Co, Stationers, Foot of Mountain street Wesleyan Centenary Chapel, Artillery street Wurtele, C & W & Co Merchants, St Paul street Wurtele, C St Valier street Wurtele, J St Ursule street Whittaker, Miss Teacher, Berthelot street Worthiiigton, John Shoemaker, St John street without W^illiams, Olivier Messenger Richardson street White, David Grocer, St Peter street, St Johns sub Woolrich, Mrs Millinary do Dress Maker 4, d'Autueuil street Wilson, John St Louis street Wright & Potts, Saddlers, St Louis street Wood, J B & Co Tailors, 18, Sous-le-Fort street Wilson, A Boot & Shoe Maker. St John street Winks, Jno Cabinet Maker, St John street without Wray, Geo Boot & Shoe Maker, 2, Fabrique str^eet Wilson, T Merchant, Office Wellington wharf Wilson, M J Merchant, Dalhousie street Wilson, C W Ship Chandler, St Peter street Wilson, Jno Steam Boat Office, Napoleon wharf White, David Grocer, St Peter street St John sub Wright, S Q,uebec Fire Assurance Office Wright, David Post Office Wright, Tailor, Garden street Wright, Samuel Shoemaker, 1 1, St John street without Woods, Wm Champlain street residence Lachevro- Young, J M Agent, Arthur street Youn^, R A Notary, Arthur street, tiere street Young, T A St Louis Heights Young, Robert Superiiitendait of Pilots, 37, St Paul street Young, Andrew residence St Genevieve street Young, T Student St Ursule street i*:^«'«.-. m. ■t'^' :!{>■ -■/('■■■'I: %. .^'^ ,'?-'=f r'i; ^' ^A .? *, ■vi "♦',;¥■ •'♦J^;. -S^.f^jr^ if '"I, *^ l-.t i» '..( ■ J' f,i#4^^' f' »/-'?'» ^ f.' ' ^.»to' V#^'; ,^S*/J 1 . At ■. 4 •:»?■,' . r ftw^ -'■•'I* ;#. \ ■)'•■*!>' ^4' ;''i -•./^'■■f*. il-- ^ > ■ "^ M qUESEC DIRECTORY. 191 ... :T''JV' " 'r-K'' MONTREAL, '^ ^leitcioaj ^/foaenb Cot vptawni ow tfle ^ovcvw/mcut OR OTHERS. Letters to be addressed to him, post paid, Public Offices, Montreal. II GOLDSMITHS, JEWELLERS, mm IVo. 60, St. John Street, UPPER TOWN, (JUttcbcc. ALWAYS ON HAND, %U i i,W OW (roid and S'iZ'ycr Plate, Watches, fyc. Bought, or Taken in Exchange, m ji M! 1Q2 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. iS Hi Ml eEORBE GERMAIN ARDOUIN, (successor to the late J. J. SIMS,) %^mi$t mh tntip$t^ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, IMPORTER OF «*^ PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, COMBS, ©oilrf anir Jancg Stjatfmg goapj, •i ;■,>;* ;\. ■: ,,;••:., ^ ^C. ^r. ^c. BEST BERMUDA ARROW ROOT, MONTREAL HONEY. Srfyu ana ^^amuu ^ ^e^c^(^iccna ACCURATELY DISPENSED. ^; G. G. A. has also always on hand a Choice Selection of GARDEN, FLOWER, AND FIELD SEEDS. V.U 'V }^ Comer of Hope Street and the Seminary. 1 lUIN, 9 P$t, MBS, - 'ii )0T, # . « \czmlicnd election of SEEDS. Icminiiry. (^U£B£C DIRECTORr. 193 if u I \ 14« Palace Street) Qncl>ec« ' ALWAYS ON HAND i -' > FANCY AND STAPLE ', DRY GOODS, Household Furniture^ Booksy Engravings^ Stationary y Paper Hangings^ ,^ WINES AND LIQUORS, ifc. Sfc. Sfc\ ri fl it- ? '"sfiT ! '? THOMAS BICKELL I IMPORTER OF Begs to return thanks for past favors, and will always have on hand a complete assortment of Goods in the above line, and recommends to the public an inspection of his Brtakfast ani (Sea 0cmcc0, Qlotkt Stts, :^. .\ ■> Rich €nt aud Plain Criaiiware. nHi ALSO Garden Pots, Butter Crocks, Milk Pans, fyc. Sfc. CORNER OF ST. JOHN AND STANISLAS STREETS, UPPER TOWN, QUEBEC. ""'^ ^i\^ Has QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 195 ' I CI, #«, LE gravmgs, ?'' , ^ Inllli lAlliOli .Comer of Buade and Fort Streets. FASHIONABLE AND CHEAP ClOi'HIPiG STORi In every variety, to suit from the Labourer to the Gentleman, Amd will also make iip Clothes warranted the same as Customers^ ivork, aiid fully ONE THIRD IN CASH BELOW THE TRADE PRICE ^= FOR SIMILAR ARTICLES. I ! LL ^HuatC; ways have on ibove line, n of his et M% ire. "I STREETS, GT' ■0 ,*, WORKER. u iWj aw ^ S^R^et (J'i tOfI/ ..V. Mk f, J' NO. 5, FABRIQUE STREET, Has constantly on hand, a large assortment of every article in the above line of His Own and of English Manvfacture, which are olfered for sale on very moderate terms. DOUBLE AND SINGLE STOVES FOR SALE OR TO HIRE. ECONOMICAL COOKING STOVES OF THE MOi^T APPROVED PATTERN, 1 ! I f n .: t 196 qUEBEC DIRECTORY. THOMAS GARY & C». ^ ' N00. 1 9 anb 20, J3ttabe 0tuct, ' / :; MARKETPLACE, UPPER TOWN, ^•> \ 1 WILLIAM DAWSON, fe^i AND .!«'•- -f ■' ' '^ ST. PETER STREET, ^ ' ., QITEBSIC. 1/ \ >f .;^. • "^1. i .^V"v:'- ■',^' ■J- »■.,» f j i T'J': 'V-,!' •/■•«*.^lf.-1 #.'*'•«*.•. » V OFFICE, 4..<*i«-, ^'^ >. i? JV^^..^^4^^#^rV.i|.,.; UPPER TOWN, qUEBEC DIRECTORY, m KR TOWN, N, . EM©, IT, - -^ •'-■ EBEC )WN, Wa c^^aja'i* 9 .. , MANUFACTURES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE Newest and Most Fashionable Selections _. OP . SILKEN, WOOllEN, AND COTTON GOODS, "" IRISH MANUFACTURED LINENS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, With every other aiticle connected with the The rule of «« Quick Sales and Small Profits'* is strictly adhered to ; and as all Goods are Purchased FOR CASHj by Experienced Agents, both in the Old and New World, they will consequently be sold cheap. * FVERY ARTICLE SOLD FOR WHAT IT REALLY IS. Fabriqne Street, Quebec, NEAR THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CATHEDFAt. 198 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. IB, ST. mWE ST js: .■^ >, s H^~4 ^% PROPRIETOR OF THE ABOVE ESTABLISHMENT. ' ll - ^ ■ f$m Eeiiirns his giafeful Ihaiih for the support he has received siDce he commenced bnsiness, and begs to inform his Friends, and the Visitors to this renowned City, '■" that in connection with his . • HE HAS OPENED A . , r- - Which, for Elegance and Comfort, is not surpassed in ■ - - AM CITY IN AMERICA. • :: J. G. is constantly prepared to execute orelers for furnishing DINNERS, SUPPERS, & PICK-NICKS, At the shortest notice and on moderate terms. m^. ' liEMOX AND ALL OTHER SYRUPS. ■1 . . -^'i a-'tvis*-. '■*>r FROM NEW YORK EVERY WEEK. G/ ^ 200 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. HOUSE Al n PAiWG, GILDING, GLAZING, ^^ 31, St. John Street, Upper Town, Respectfully informs his Friends and the Public generally, that he is at all times prepared to undertake any of the above branches, which will be executed with neatness and despatch. ALWAYS ON HAND, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ALSO, A SELECT ASSORTMENT OF Mixed Paints ready for those wishing to do their own Painting. fX^ Glass Cut to any Size. THl li®lTllAl5 Fill, IiIFl, •■• ^-^ ■'•■ i - .AND •'' "' '■ ■'■' '■- INLAND NAVIGATION COMPANY. ^ Capital £200,000. J ,*', • • r ■•"-■# The above Company Insure Property against Fire, at very IVJoderate rates of Premium, at their Office, in the, Old Parliament Buildings. ' ■?■"■•;? - -"j^ . ^ ^' -^ Head Office, Great St. Janus Sired ^ '"■•■'■ '; jnoittrcal. t .,« > AGENT AT QtJEBEC, J. G. IRVIIVE Office Parliament BuiUVn^if. .J -HS'*' * *f Tifi, OWUf >lic generally, f of the above and despatch. ^U2^ T OF ■©So own Painting. MP ANY. 5t Fire, at very !, in the Old I. Janus Street^ lotttrcfll. J^- QUEBEC DIRECTORY. 201 Merchant tailor. (FROM JONES'S, ^REGENT STREET, LONDON,) *.^' OPPPOSITE THE ALBION HOTEL, QUEBEC. CHRONOMETER DEPOT. JOHN MAETYN, CHRONOMETER WATCH & CLOCK MAKER, , Ji. ■ ! ■/'' 45 St, Peter Street, xlkhotydo ^Pimyec uicMw^j otSou>et> cJoivw/. CHRONONETERS RATED BY TRANSIT OBSERVATIONS. Ctonoineters, Leveis, Duplex and all others Watches repaired and Cleaned at the Depot; also, Seitanls, (Jaadrants and Conipases. IPMf (DSlAIPIEinS (Dl 31DA©¥EIEiaMM ,f >( PORTRAITS. /■':fs Those Likenesses are taken at the Clironometer Depot, St. Peter Street, in any state of tho weather, including all the Improvements that have been made in the Art, some of which are peculiar to this Establishment. The Portraits are rendered perfect to endure any change of climate or time by a new Process of Gold Enamelling, and coloured after nature. 202 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. EAST INDIA FLOATING DOCK, J^^ (f'i']m' /i\ ivi J ^i^' Is placed alongside the St. Charles Wharf, near the Quebec Exchange, where Vessels can ^i\',r■ be taken in drawing 12 to 15 feet. .. | THIS DOCK IS CONSTRUCTED TO ADMIT "" ®F W9 FIST W ILMCTH, Has a Bulkhead (partition) a*^ the end of 130 feet, for the accommodation of shorter vessels. Any orders for Repairs or Materials will be thankfully received, and faithfully attended to. THOS. H- OLIVER .1 \.iti. ■9i^^,A.r^fi C. F. PRATT & BROTHER, ST. PETER STREET, oi ^^imt6' ^LOiat^j oZ^cit^et Oa\>n>* .. IMPORTERS OF I HAVANA, ST. JAGO DE CUBA, PRINCIPS CIGARS. - J,. . , ■ - ■ ■ r-. AND ■ ■' '•'n' ALSO '--■' ■" - V' '^'V/'-H.:" •' S6& rijiuj^ ^ngCi^S an J ^tnijirim^^atj^r' THE P acknc received, The H improven those wh general c private fa The Pr on his est m his em for the H< British N boats for Hotel free \ CAI .$'\-i . ■? .-'f'- I OP HAS a Bril Tilburysj Sleio] \ Seats : p OR OCK, Bar the (IMM' DMIT • ?et, for the thankfully ER) ) \.li i. Mv '^■:-:; \% ^^ikS,%^X* (QUEBEC DIKECTORY. 203 ^Si^ PALACE STREET, THE Proprietor of this establishment begs to offer his sincere acknowledgements for the distinguished patronage he has received, during his four years residence in the Hotel. The House has undergone considerable alteriitions and improvements, and is calculated to secure the- enjoyment of those who may honor him with their support both in the general department, and in those appartments required by private family parties. The Proprietor assures those who will confer their support on his establishment that every exertion of himself and those m his employ shall be devoted to their comfort and to secure for the Hotel its established character as one of the first rate in British North America. WILMS RUSSELL., Proprietor. |I5" Carriages will be in attendance on the arrival of the boats for the conveyance of passengers and baggage to the Hotel free of charge. ; Oa\>n>* ?* tst ^Airmiw* ^Mm AMME swisra 3. OPPOSITE THE ENGLISH CATHEDRAL. HAS always on hand a variety of Fashionable Carriages, Brhzkas, Cabriolets, Cabs and Pony Pheatons, Curricles, Tilburys, Stanhopes, light Waggons, Pleasure Carts, &c. &c, Sleighs of every description, Single, Double and Treble Seats : prices varying from $20 to £75. ORDIS RffiifED IND FIINCmLy ATTENDED TO. ■ 204 QUEBEC DIRECTORY. No. U, Fabrique Street, NEXT DOOR TO GLOVER & FRY, • •J;,i*-M.i ^**'^pifflWiiil5iP™''"™' THE Subscriber, in expressing his obligation for the very liberal patronage he received during the preceding summer, begs to inform the Public that " THE CANADA HOUSE*' is again OPENED by him, for the reception of Visitors ; and he most respectfully solicits a continuance of their patronage. He assures them that he will spare no pains to add to their comfort, health, and recreation. Since the close of the last season, the house and grounds have undergone many important alterations and improvements, which, it is hoped, will add to the comfort and convenience ol Visitors. The Dining-room has been considerably enlarged, and the Bar removed from the house. The Subscriber is happy to state that Miss Muriiay, whose attention to visitors is so well known, will still remain at the Springs. The Caledonia Springs present the great advantage of a variety of Medicinal W: rs, acknowledged by the most eminent of the Faculty to be, each of their kind, unrivalled in their efficacy for the cure of diseases, and invigorating qualities. The Salt and Sulphur Baths are in full operation, from the use of which the most extraordinaiy benefits have been derived. The Stages will leave Montreal every Morning, Sunday's excepted, and arrive at the Springs in the Evening. The charges at Canada House are the same as last year, viz : Bythe Month £6 By the Week 115 . By the Day 7 6 H. CtilFTOIV. * ! ^kkf^ fEY, for the very e preceding 3 CANADA reception of intinuance of mre no pains and g^ojunds [iprovements, invenience o( )ly enlarged, jRiiAY, whose emain at the vantage of a by the most unrivalled in invigorating I, from the use sen derived, ng, Sunday's ing. st year, viz ; 5 . 7 6 WTOTX.