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Including Branches to Kincardine and Owen Sound. Leagth of i-'iret Section, from Torocto to the Garali-axa Road, -"-^mm'- — TOTAL CAPITAL, $3,000,000, / Capital required for the First Section, $1,060,000 Bonuses aiready voted by Munici alities for First Section of the Main Line, $425,000. As follows :-Oity of Toronto, $260,000; Albion, $40,000; Caledon, $45,000; Mcao, $45,000; Orangeville, $15,000; Amaranth, $30,000. Boniaes 3ret to be obtained for the First Section, $77,000. BraraueB required and obfcamable to extend First Section, from Arthur to Mount Forest, $138,000. FmST ISSUE OF STOCK IN $100 SHARES, $325,000. Upon which Bonds will be issued for $300,000. 'he arrangemeBte for the extension to Mount For?«»t, now in progress, when completed, wiU involve the farther issue of Sto( k and Bonds to the extent of $125,000. PRESIDENT. JOHN GORDON, I5«Q. VIOEPRE8H3ENT. A. R. McMASTKit. Esg. HON M C CAMERON, l^rovuuiul .1. E. SMITH, Esq., CoUectar oj CiiAtoiuti, H 8 HOWLANiJ. Esq., . Fioe-iVrnV/. , / - 1 GE0H(5E LAIDLAW. Esq. JOHN CRAWFORD, Esq., M.P. -j THOMAS I.AIJ-EY, Esq. TH08. SWINARTON, Esq., M.P.P. R. A. ('. .1. CAMPBELL, Esq. HARRI8i>N, J!>i«„ Bnrrvaei::.U.\' ^.^^^ADAM CROO': H, Esaj« ^■}krHrr\'\i'tT • TROSTEES' OF BOflOSeS. A. W. LAUDER, '^.P.P..— Oovkknmknt TiursTKK. LEWIS XmUAX I4mJ pJHifMMAuaba^'ursTKK. ■^■^oo,^ COUNSEL fN m SOLICITOR. W. ILBEXTfY, EkQ. ■ a/'''' -ili'idi bft-!ti»p*^'i iivtiqaO 00NSULT1NQ|NQIN|ER8. SIR CHMM^iMi# SONS. BANIflERS, RANK OF TORONTO, S.ATOT fci?r :i ■ 1 ^hBUiii^i>Mj.i^-- y<^' hf^tiv \i?m'ii^sm!mif& .. ,.> ■ Bl^tKte A ALEXANDER. ...,,. ,-,»«; ^m SECRETARY. W. S. TAYLOR HX..iti^\Pl tEMpbftArtV brFl6E8 46 front STREETrTORONm ^--^H©^**-* ^ «1 ^ PROSPECTUS. r-!^ ■r ' i jC ;i'i:uauai^uoJ)aij imjtp'f^- ;:;p4!'i;> TiiK Provisional I Mrcctors of the Ton>iito, Orev and Bi-uw Railway Oomoany, flnding that further pwgreos iii the buihliiig of 15road (-ougi; Railways in Canada, witli'!';ii-:ij|_^||[^|^'iu< no loiifjcr finom iidl^ [micticablo or oxiiDiliont for lines of Railway prtyccted for I'jcal tmffic, and hiivjug i nio cognizant of the «iic(;i'««ful working for a number of viiiira of liailwayB built on the thnw feptHix giHit;c, in tin- Kiiiiidonig of Norway and Sweden, in the colonies of (Queensland in India ana claewhcre, and that tliese Itailways wi,. eapubh? of necommodating a tmlhi; of aliout a uiillioii, or a million aiid ; and that tUts^ per annum : have therefore resolved to eonstnict the T. i..iit(j, 'iroy njid Uriifo Rail^oy on thoihruo feet six inch gauge in the n.oHt econonucal ijija%teent «i«ri»*»^aiV4ffel'«H>trtf 'l|i5^^;^<,lS^^ i-TvV noq i .'- The liiivdoiH have idwi noted Ciii it. Tyh'r'H (noi^' \ii(.-I'rc8identGn»nd Trunk liailway) report on the Festiniog Rail- way, two IV.l g:iUj,'c, in Meridiiethsliire, Wide* the frei^lit iiud psisaenger tndlie of which aj)pTOxiuuite.s ehisely to that of the i>(orthern Railway of CiiMudu, an<l with tliv v--v. i, ,.| tln' IuiuImt trafli';, largely exceeds that carried on the lind^y'aml'Purt Hjope, or on the .London atid IVh! !. \ li«uiwaYn.^..^;.^^. ,,;..., , ,, , , ,,■ i '''•*t'AMlt^Ai5ri^'lijajnirt;'A|>?>''rtionTiH'ntof Iher; '; MrntaV to (MpffftHiVestecl in ii>uh^.{y in'ft.imdii, it wa« also' res6tve(i to iwfctho I|lui»V'i|>4Mlio*i.iu<)*ife^' ^; I ' ll*fit«d'^af•th»> rrnw^llttlintt^lhjj'JiWljivav. iotal oaet by way of bonus or gift. Thi.-". proportion If ;!ie.j'oat hjw already Tarn vntiil fur the ihinl or ih, ^. V"-""I AC.UlM.lllii t, payable in 'JO years -.securities which Jire unex small stini.s yet obtainable,) in delieiiliui's liiaring sijlHi i^v-t eeptionable anil will sell at or near par. j Of the ri'iiKiiniug eajtital, it is pr<)pogod -loWj t ijffur $323,000 to lie Hubarribisd in sloek. If that or a lai-ger ^;....::i;! i- ::..'. ■^■. -::!:i^ rUiiM; !;;:;::!:; w'!' \u\ iH2!l;'i! for U: !;:l!;i:;r:: iS u!^!::i. *3fii) fMM). Local capital U> ihi-- extent of )»o;v fhitn iyto-ihh'. .if :fli<j ciAt <.f the liailway, will Ih' security to holders of the boiiils of this ("omiuiny. •lAnI iO.OOft per mile. The interest and dividend liearing eapitil Will up' The Diroctoni, altho\igh anxious, and having i'*' the terminus of the first section, are unwillingly i»*tt4i in the Townsliiji ol' Arthur. ity under their •liiirlir to make the village of Mount Korest f (<)' JHiliiiit. >*n eligible point, im'.uit. ni the < JanilV Ijoad, a ■•T» ««^ Tliw 4eci»i(in may Ihj nltercil, uml Mount For<»t iiiadt' tho t( iininiw of Uw ftmt Motion, l)y the Municipalitifv-' nn cprnm vntmg'tko Mnounts ofltonust's, nH reqrtiiwi by th« Crthfmny. ' In oithor tmt! the enpitiil ilotivaWf i'r<im honuues will lio nKnit th« •Bra* pw mile. Awihgfinftiis ttj rmiipletH the reiUBiiiing ieetiom (if tla Railway thro.fgli Uia (JountiM of Uruco una Gwy, will I).- p«iB«^iM with imrenuttiiiK vigour, iw «oon iw tho hwtBufllion i» fairly iiml'^r construction. I'hc Oamfmxa Koad, tho great hishway from t)wBn Hoiui.l, UiriiuKh the ('(luntiutt of Cmy and W.<llin«Um tn iiiiripft ; ftwithe othef^it higfiwsy, thf Ktem att4 Haa},-een Ki^iJ, from Bontl*»4ito% thaH^ On. i'lmatie- «f Unu:*. awl VVullingthn, tiltimatoly imitiiig with thi« liumfmxa Hoad, /«<«' ■< itithin /rum 5 to » mik» o/ Uw imtXHml teniunrnM' ^A<'./(fr(»/' wrt/ft«nf th^Kailway, toconneet with which a gr»v*l i.m'l will be liuilt ; while tho Toninto and Hydeiihnni gravelliMl road, iWnv Uhatoiworth, ititersw.titig tho Durham and ( allingwood wad,, rcauhw U> within twi.lwi or WW.ii iiiile« cif the Orftugeville station, iiml wiien completed, together with the citlicw, -motmv/i to.the Toronto, v.'ri'y lui'l Bruce kiiilway th« tmfflti of tliv whole liwirt of the North-western peninsula. Tho biilk of the prwluetH of the great Counlief of Hnice mid We»t Grey in nhippwi % w«t«r, on ocoount of tha .liHtanee frofu the (inind Tnmk Railway, only a (lart being moved in the autUTun, the prineijwl portitw iM'ing niiirkoted mid, »lorcd, during winter, at the [wrts on tho shores of Lake Huron and the Goorgian liay. At four of thoiio points thrr,. ■.,„■ „ow stored a qnartor of a million buHlieU. while th.- aggf^tB at (ill tlie points arooimtB to abotil ftOO.OflO bnBhoU. ,; The Idfjaof interest on tln^ .^n|iitid tluw inve8t;ed, together with the prppoHionately lower priee* paid for pMdur,. ^luring winter in tluwe remt)te di.slrieU, ai-e Hcrious drawbacka to tlieii proeperity. Tim distoiKe deprives ju-wluocrs of Ui« faeilitie* afionled b.v tho Oran,! Tn,uk li,nhm,i, and ///.' M<,ni, •!t,;,m- ^hi,> Irm: for mwiug, in winter, i)ro<luco to nuwkets, an well as of tho very grmt advantage of Railway comniu,.K-*Uon to th? flourishing city of Toronto, (Uie bo«t distributing point, either in w.uter or smiiuner,) and now the .apitai of Ontario. the t»t<il' area fetween the (trand Trunk and the Nurthern Kiilwav of C.imuk i-- <i,«<>0 K.piare mika, of tho richegt and moat fgrtile land in Canada. The Toronto, (Jrey and Bruce Railway will intwreeet thi*i diatriet. bImjuI mid- way IjotwMn the two other Railways, and when eompletetl will o-mfer immente Umeflts on the people in that district, while it is quite evi.lent that tho geheral Inwiness wliieli Ml h,- hifnif/httothe >^itv »> 7V„<,„/„, (e.x<-hwivv of throi^h trattio) wiil eqrjil ftiait lirought t<) it by all the other Railwaya. The l'aront*>, drey and Rruce Railway will obtain a much Ufgor paaiengW, grain, oattlo,and fir»t-eli(U(8 gotj^ls traHic tKau ihe Northern Kailway ; while the sawn pine, which uuiKt h- I'lninn-ffif to supply the atwence i)f that hulWiug mat*-- rial, and the export of wiuaro hardwood timber, sawn oak, elm, cherry, &e , staves, Iwrk. fencing, and cordwood (fuel), will aftbnl a very large and remunerative busiiiess to the T6ront»), (Jrey and P>VHce Railway. The FreesUifie and other stone U80<1 for bu'ildirg material in Toronto are now imported from Cleveland or King- ston. On the route of the T. G. & R. R- thont arc, near <)rangrville, extensive qn«krriea of the verj- best uoft and hiin! bn)Wttand,wU-M) froestoue, which wiR Iw in groai. retiuost for export; an<rgoner8l city buihling purposes. The advttfltaget. tt> tjhe Railway, and this city, of these* quamca, are not yet generally apiir^tiatoil. ' ' ' Ti>e snbjoineil tables of the traffii^ of the Northern Railway will servo to illustrate the IrtCal bttftnfiss of «;>«riIvA4y 95 miles long', through an average country in Caiiada. xxo- x«ei. Tlio Loci\l Traffic of the Northern liailway of Canoda amounted to Through I , I'attsengepj , < Local Receipts 1362,1507 Through 48,432 R uuning expoiues 1 , K.X0C88 of earnings over running expenses on local trofTic. 5115,982 .. . ,, Do. on Through Traffic ir.,498 Local earnings equal to 8J per cent, on a cost of $15,000 per uiile. Or 12J on 110,000 j^er mile. Ixicjil Traffic Through Traific ■• Piwsengers Local Rocei.its |t452,382 Tbiougb •■ 14,884 l.'uiming expenses •••,• Kxccss of earnings over running expenses on local traffic... '.'ITjH.I ho. on through traffic 7,144 Local earnings eipial to 1,5 2-5 jn'v cent, on n cost of |ir),0()() a mile Or 2,3f',i per cent, on iSlO.OOO per mik . laae. si nud Through Traffic t*a«»engerR , 1,,-cal Receipts $537,380 Through •• 12.G90 RinininK exiH'iisprt ■ • ■ ■ Excess of uaminga over lunniug>< n local ti*tuc..$20!)..')78 Do. on Through Trofflc 4.^1) 120,0(1(1 tons ii.^,0(tO •■ 100,618 »4] 0,9.19 08 p^r cent. 180,700 t«n«. 8,344 •• 104,3 l(i |467,2(Ui .'■>•.' per V, lit. 194,583 tons. 138,965, ToUd |5r)(),07(l 111 per ci'Ut. Ov equal to 14J [Hsr cent, on ijllfl.OOO a nu Or 22ii ]u!r cent, on 110.000 i>er niil^ (l(M>id eiirniiigs.) Kuiiuing Kxpimx* Per csnt. .Local 1 Through 18(11.. m 12rt,000! 25,000 ISCtl, ]8(W Average .. in fit toi»,/tn, ■ Oio-it, Totiil Tuns. I'tuMeii- gers. 145,000 I 10fl,«l« 194!5S3' 138i(»85 Receipts. Gross, $362,507 52»,H«!> o it", HUH •2W llfl,B43 »l,.^V2,2(ii' 450,7.11 Through lilKoijltS. Gross. Total Bi-c,<i])ta. 1 Grosa, $4S,482 $41(»,03a tat ana 12[b»0 S7ii,006 650i070 •1,428,276 i7o,(m 2.1,385 tjoral K*cei|)tH. Nctt. Through Keiriots. Nclt. |11&,9g2 2!? 1i?. aosi.'iTS $15,498 ,»49 UiviiitsiitliUiviilenii on <i« $15,000 j $15,000 t. miU\ ! a mile. ittHuU. Tkiuiut/h :l $542,703 ; $27,691 LSO.DOl 0,1 Sir 1 s a R M 7-8 12 S-(l 12 5-U 1 110 2-8 I l''ro»i ibi' iiiHive data it will Ihat ilic Northern I, lilway larvicd an iiverage fur thiwe three ycai-s .il' 1 rd.L'd',) liitiH i)( fiinght, ttnd 116,ft4.1 pMMMngsn; the ^\■\< traftii' wert) #180,901, i'«(iml to nn nnnuiti iUvhUikI ! It i« ferimrkablfl niul ut' Brtsumiueiiep Wi intinln thrtnigh traffic for the same ymt* '>^>»^r»fit!ii $'.t l'.> tlS.fMH) jMsr mill", 'fhta fant elflftrty f»«»v«(i Uw v»lii' Thd grain, c:^^!!, p'>rlj, jf«)«»<tf( .ftn*l {ma**tn vr i Uiiilway, will t'qxwl, it • <!, for tin' name 1 'iu.!i The following 11, 1 1 t t.Htttc ♦Voin the I.. <':iJ<'uUti«u oil (iio TetumH •in^lvf thu- Maiiieipuliii i»iii««.n:'.rs — 140,000 (lOO.ftOO ImshelH.... ■o,(IO« »l« . Ooiiewl fctoixto — 5ft,OO0 t »n» Sfiuaw Tiinlw -l,(MM»,paft c\\\m foet Stavtw, liiiutM«r, Imtk, mwts, Sie. Conlwwjil" 2",00(t Vi'mU Mailit ttnd'«fltt>.^«»H ^loi^ PM!oi|iU lK-iii« $45(l,7.'>(i, w|iil«» the nott rocnipU fwm 1<jo«I i:<| ,|>t)r Wiiit. oil II voHof 115,000 p«n' luilo. tttbi^ber)) for iitouk. et' tko T. 0, & IkK,, tliM th«»iwt^,|W<M|>t< for !« »»ttiiiii, .M|ti«l tt> >» lUvHlond of § «)f oao pair «»pt. op §,<j?»l^,qf I kjwil iu« KKniiiMt through trattii^ > , ; • ,f r Hit triliutiuy to tlui fir«t si'i^liou of ll»»< Tun>nl»i, Ofwy jusd Rtnci* , ■ I liiM!, thti liH'rtl tmihfj o?wyr otUor raflway in Omiiultt. iictiiHiiir lliti Torottto, (%rt7«04t Uruco |{«jl!»'fy. h^w 'w"*"' "l"'" ii'l itn iutinrnto luaiiiwatinu u with tiuiijr ti^i an4 |W9uru«»:-- t • 1 4ft,<K)« 10O,C00 15,000 150,000 3<),0(M» 10,1)00 2S,000 .i.;j-.. Tiitnl •400.000 Alk>wiiig 60 pc-r (Hint, for i»iunii)|;,«Kp«lt»el, tin uatwruiiiKu would aiiiimmt to $19C,I! ■<•, cqijal to u ilivido^J of IM |wr cent, on n (!0«t ot $1(1,000 |K>r loiK • Allowing ttMKMinhlu margin for inuroavml coat or l«|)i traihc (tlie i;io(kni*4> ostiwatc »i which will ho undUputed), thiJr renwtns tha *^'«!^w^ M(«rtH* fof nnticipatliijf a ilivjileud of 10 por (out. jKjr annum. BythoAct of IncoriHiratiiiii, Um' ("omi-iny is r<|)eciall;' Iiouml to carry conlwootl, tti^d to afToni BVOi^ iMweMMy faeility for go il^ii^^t tji« f^tiqilii'd rwtu ujf 3 wntn j.'r <}«i|rd p«i mil»< for dry wood, for uU digtiiufoi^ tinder iiljtt imI<», ami 2^ (»iitH per (ford jiBT »il« for all djifttajiccw over ^'lO niilea— a. kU** which luia hoen found «iti»f«ictory, ,hy th« test of mutual e«p«rir.pc«, on tho GovorniiMait liftilwaya in iS'rw llnwhwii'k. ,^ TliiH I'onditiiin will ouliatico th^ ('oitof fuul to ili« ,Cpmpaiiy; hut tlio increamid traffic and uroap^my'c^nwaqubjit' upoiv^his t^^^^«, it i fully lM'li"vwl wiH luorcthw wiiui«!ii«8t« for tho t'xtni i!08t of fuel. , ■' , Th» Keittluiuou who huve proiiiotctl anij iKinic ilip .prjaliiuioary cxjwnsea tfi' this onlarprigo, and who ilimm to »w! it ill Kood fivWi ou (lound «i>funiaio|al iiriu<'i|ii<:9, arn regulved, in so far iw their iufliienco in eiiiial to the task, fti Iwny contrnllnl ii\ llie most i«)3p«jetahl(> tnjiitftl^ of this city ami tho country on tho loutf of the r|ii( ?(iA ;e stnnk in it; tn i:ou?«i!$!,tlM}ir own gfcuritipfl and pay canh to contractors, und not to mirrcnder control or- to co'itractow or l)oud holdem ; to let thr contracts in a incnnor caloidutml to ensure tlie healthiest coinpeti- Won',1, to ham. fulue for th" mowy /iihh Hie fuming o/thejirnl gad tn tie tityimj of /he hid rdfl. untry on the ro.'.to of the first section, with flle'iixfn^tioii of a .ihort diatanco in Ciiledon, Ib one of the easiest iTiirfntcti^ in Canada, cRpecially tho 22 or 2tf niiloa from OranRoville to the (!ajif*ixit Seiidi • e Towa«hj{(_ of Oaiedon — tho country u liilly and rjlliug. This (lonion of the rtinte wiw carefully and 4frifotely <,i\r7«yiMl ami crosK-sBojAwiiied undor tlic siuapicw ami !-.y tho <HrtM5tiona of Mtft'.T. K. Woyd, M.I.O.IS., and fCnptt w for 'he Uo,v;<Tiun^it of Iftjw, jtrunawiok, Imfor'' tho Coravnnv olitaiued their charter, and, hh nnticijiated, no real JifficidtieB Wfi'.' siicountsred ; the hifhest grade, with nu'dora'n o«tting«, Iming fin foot to tlio mile. Mr. Charles Doufjlan Fox exaiiiineil, for Lhe Company,, tj^ fig^iw and the pnMilfi, i.nd, together with Mr. Boyd, gave their witteu opinion timt the rawt of this portion, jmr mile, for earth works, would not exceed $15,000. There are no rojk cuttings. Italliist, ties, timber for hridgo.s, and lumber ft* fcncos, are convenient and iivailahle at the lowest coat in Oanaila along the whole route of the llrst soctioiu Every other consider.ition in the first instance will l>e sulxirdiiiiited to tin- lonstriictioii of a first-chws iK<nnanent way, tho best of timb«5 bridges; <leop and good luillastin):. iSfifs to weij;li 40 lbs. to the yard, and to ho scloctcHl of tho best quality. ArrungiiUients are in progess wlii.U will scciuv to >lic ( 'otupmiy ir.c right of way, through the city, and egress, if dcsinni, for a few miles out of the city, on tht! line of th. (iniiid Tnipk, by mennj ot a third rail ; iind tho disposition of tho proprietore, and other circninatanccs along the line ar.' so favourable, that the whole right of way will bo obtaii^ed for an amount not exceeding |5'2,000. Station gnjunds and dockage will l)e had in this lity cither free, or for a ;ionrinal rental. It is tho desin- of the Provisional Diructors to 'have their Chief iiigineer »pi»inted, with the concurjoncc, and subject to tho approval of the Company's Conaulting Ehgim rrs, Sir Charles Fox <fe Sons, who will be hold nwijoiwihlo for the excellence oi" the works, economy of constructiim, and the ,<ucceAd Ivmi of the Bystora of nanwv gauge railways, of which they have large exjHirience elsewhere, and with the initiation uf which in .',is country they art' honourably identified. ( )u the.-ic premises the I'r-ivisional Dii-ectors .ippo^l lor sfoc!. subscriptions to the citizens of Toronto to tho muni- cipalities, and to the business men and proprietors of la4'l idong the route of the railway, ami to capitalist* elsov/liere, believing that the irjost cauli(,us and prudent investtiro wjll Hud the stock of tho Toronto, Grey and Hrnce Kuilwuv worthy of their attention. ; The stock books will 1)0 opened at tho Compaq's nfticea. Front Stn^'t, on tli<> ^Ist April, at 10 o'clock, am. Forms of application for shares can Iw had on applicattiiii lium tho secretary and from tJlu r<«ves and clerks of tlw several raunicipalitios on the route of the railway, and jf^'m Messrs. (Jampbell & Casstds, and from MessiB. Blaikio & Aleximder, Toronto, and from McDoiigall <Sr Daviilson, Moimval. ^conjunction with tho Toronto an.l Nipissing fiiilway Company, it is agreed tliat a inendMir of the «rm of Sir iuvitifil li.T,. imm'eiliuti'ly by Udegraph. -.vhcn .tctivc Charles Fox''»V S(ms, Considtiiig KngiiiciTs. will In coiimieiKwd. )|H>rati OIK will bo I nik, tliat till) n0t^,rw<M|>t< for [i^ i**^ **^^ •' " i^r ^ ' 'TTT^^^r^fjT r j rurnn^, 0|»y wiil Bruce ly iu Ottiiiultt. ji , ;, « ' lOO.CIMI 15,0(tO 150,00(1 S<),«(M» l«,000 2S,0«0 ( i 9400.000 !q\(«l to ii ilividoaJ of 1 '•*■ hich will \» undUpuie^), to afford ovefy ii<weM|«^ neon ondpt J^jB 'inil»)8, and jtinftotoiy, by tbw t«<it of nd |i)iMpi|HiT''c^i)ii«qubjif oj ftnd who dwiirb to »w ;o w e^iial to tlie task, ni tho lonte of the r^i( ?aA it to nurrendw control or- I ilw h<«lthieai coinpeti- Ohe hut rdlt. (don, is one of tlii! I'usitwt route WM Carefully ond K.«oyd, M.I.O.TS., mkI d, a« niituiipated, no real Mr. Clinrles Doiiglao leir witton opinioji that cuttingB. 1' lowest cost in Oana<la, if a li-st-cUwa iHinnniient 111! I to bo 8elw:tod of the » the city, and egrogfi, if ; and tho dispooition of T»ay will bo obtoiued for ith thu ooucurrtincc, and ! hold n>,a|)onsiblt) for tho tango railways, of which V. honourably iduntified. r Toronto, to tho muni- « capitalist* elsov/hcn', 1 liriict; Kuilwuv worthy pril, at 10 o'clock, ani. jviw and clerks of tlie from Messrs. Blaikio & lulHjr of thu tirni of Sir clivB o]i(imli WH will In- I