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Superintendent. Experimental Farm. Brandon. Man. There are many reasons why nlfalfa ohould bo jrrown more (fonrrnllr in Manitnl.a. ( h...f nmoHK then. nr... its onri.-hi.m' eff.vt n„ tho land, its hiwh vL-ldiii^ imwr and Its jfront value as a fs mi UmikIoii Kx|ifiiin«• "f ""-'"- -d 7« II wen araineu. (}o.«l wh.-at Intid in Uiih prov ii,,. U amiully ir„„d alfnlf.. \.„A a Al/u I -^ i "' *"'' '" Manitoba and conwquently do not have this troul. . MBU^r^u.l \ ! •• " ^'^"^°^ I'a^l-Pan near the surface; through which the PBEPASAnON OP LAHD. bc-fort'ft U iHr k doJ" ZT'^ ""„'""' *''"* •"" '•"•" the year kept fr«, frl weeds'M " "'! °" ""'" °' P"'"*'' '-"' '^ ♦>"" ''"■'l »""' ^""' NeitheHhodd it L .r , J* f"'!'""! ^«'«d''. ""''h a8 thirties or couoh gra^H. la^d that ha"tln„aT'fo?« ::»■'''' " '^^'^f'' "^ ">"-*-«• Thi, n,oan'that ever, a Kooj eWrir^rfilu f/ , ^f" "r"«"-V ■">* '" suitable condition. How- videilthr^i. enough It Jre Sod' U^ '^- T ''- L°' '"•" '''"•"' '"' "'^»'^"- ''- bn.ken earlv i,, fK» ™°"'«"'*- Sod "and may be used to sow a falfa on if it is lalyl 'oi „lHhr«r"' AH /r^^rMf*" ':■ "•" *""""- 'r»"« method lil «. they are lik% to crowdTout ''""" "°* '*' '"'"" '^^"^ ^'"' »"-- '-"-'• a layti'S'd;'"„"!thtr'trs:^:t '^'''''.^''""^T "I '""^'^ ''^ '^^"'^ »" '^ »- ^-'V Fan^iou£;rb'.;:;tt ™7prs;T.l:;^ "'""*' *- *'"'^»•"'^• moisture coming within an inch of the surface and the soil sM be fit, "' ' "' nrociriATioH. tion co»njo„ly used. The fim is t^'lLt 'eTh C^" n fi rdXTSTs ^cr;'"- and spread it over and work it into the new land where iti7tnLJ « «"cceedi..K pounds of earth per acre should be used, and if ilt^eh L r t'lt" it tl '^r T field If a larger quantity is used. The other method is to obtain the bacteria L If U hke culture and inoculate the seed. This culture mar be r.Kf.!n!^ bacteria in a jelly- ure method requires much less work than spreading the soil D^rc" ' , f f' ing the culture come with it. When soil is used, it should be harrowed into th/ ""' ""^ trb^Ha"^""^ *° "'-'' •'^'"^ -''' -^-- ^ sunHghl^hTrtf 'Sct^^rkm «858li88 Orimm'* ia the liardieot alfalfa ol.tuinnblo in Weatcrn runndn. How- ever, it iH M yet Very waree uiul the need i* very ex|vniiive. It iH reeoiiinHiiih-d f.)r location* with • »ovcrc climiite h:» cheaper varieties will do a* well in fuvonrul.le lo«utions. Baltic ii< a name appl.ed to a strain very Hiniilar to (irimm's iind iHrlinpi' idcntieul with it. Turkestan alfahii ha>> proven itnelf Imnly and pMdu.tlve at the Experimentnl Farm at Hriindon. Common alfalfa, when the He*-*! i» jrrc.v n in u fnirly northerly state, has aim done nuitc well here, but for the wmjtern farmer Cnnadian- Krown need of any voriety can be re<-omroended in prefer-nce V> ,.1' tin Kiinn' variety grown outside of Canada. It is iint>i>rtHiit in l.uyin:^ need to get the bc*t grade, in order tn get high vitality and freedom from weed leodt. SEEOINO. Alfalfa succeeds best in this climate when sown fairly early. Any time duriiin May gives good results, and even the firut week in June is usually satisfaetory. After that date the chances of success are not s« good. Recent experiments have ^hown that 12 to 15 poundc of seed per acre give as good a stand as the Inrifer amounts thol used to be considered necessary. If the land is at all dry or lumpy, more seed is needed as it will not germinate well under these conditions. Alfalfa does best when sown without any nurse crop. On land that has an abundant store of moisture, it may sometimes bo sown sueeissfnlly with a nvrs,. crop, (•>pe<'ially if the season turns out to be not too dry. I'nder average prairie conditions, howerer, it is decidedly better to sow alone. The ordinary grain drill may be used to sow alfalfa, but in order to get the seed on thinly enou^li it must be mixed with some coarser material. At the Exi)erimcntal Farm we use cracked wheot for this purpose. The wheat is run through the crusher and ground as coarsely as possible. The floury particles ore screened from this, and the coarse pieces are used to mix with the alfalfa. They will run through the drill at about the same rate as grains of wheat. The alfalfa can then be mixed in and the drill set to put on the onioiint wanted, for instance, 18 pounds of alfalfa mixed with *5 pounds of cracked whent and the drill sowing one bushel per acre will mean 15 pounds of alfalfa sown per acre. TBEATHENT OF ALFALFA FIELD. Once a good catch of alfalfa is obtained, there is very little subsequent treatment .oquired. The chief consideration is to prevent ill-treatment. It shiuld not be pas- tured closely, and the first year should not be pastured at all. It should never be cut late in the fall in our climate, but should go into winter with enough crop standing to catch the drifting snow. The first year no crop should be expected ; the alfalfa should W clipped off with the mowing machine as soon as any weeds among it come in flower, to prevent them going to seed. The clippings may be left on the ground as they fall. A second clip- ping is often advisable in order to prevent weeds from seeding. Cutting will not harm the alfalfa provided it is done not later than September 1. A top dressing of well-rotted manure is of great benefit to an alfalfa field. It should be spread on thinly and uniformly. Cut straw for bedding is the best, as it will not rake up with the hay as long straw will. Some soils get very hard and cracked when the alfalfa has beeu growing a few years. A good discing will establish a surface mulch again, and if the disc is not set at too great an angle, it will not damage the alfalfa. MAXIirO HAT. Alfalfii muiit he out for hay a* icKin m tiie bloMomii hcffin to (ih«iw. Aiiothfr and betttn for tli«> >m«mii<) irop Ih-kjh to irrow. The tlr«t rrop xhould U' out lM>fori> thew (fet Ioiik eiiouith to be cut off. other- wise they will h«' Ml lm' same day as <• it if Hi.' weather is hot and briirht, or the next diiy if it is cloudy and eo