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I'UBLJSHED BY THE ONTAEIO DEPARTMENT OF AUEIOULTURE, TORONTO. ToBo.Nro. Ont., Jcnk, 1902. 11 1 5. II .2? If P". il IS [2] I BULLETIN. 122. jUNE. 1902. Ontario Agricultural College and Experimental Farm. SPRAY CALENDAR DIRECTIONS FOR TREATMENT OF INSECT PESTS AND PLANT DISEASES. Mv I'KOK. U'\l. L*t the liordenox to find out ivhfthei- suffieient mill of limp hns been added This is most easily done by means of the ferrocvanide test. A .saturated solution of this substance can be purcha.sed at any druggists for a few cents. In testing, place some of the Bordeau.x, which has been thoroughly stirred, into a saucer, and add a few dnjps ot the ferrocyanide. If sufficient lime has been used, no di.scoioration will appear, but if insufficient, u deep dark brown color will be pro- duced. ' [3J . ll :-.t il 4 4. Atwaya strain tlw milk of lime to pr.'v..nt \jritty Mrticlea from 5. V^^ „jin.' nozzle . do not wwk or (In-ncli the tree. 6. r/y v/or^- ^o/it^on- Hill h,,,, h„t the Honleaux mixture he- CoiiitfB UHeieHN after Htamiinj; for a »luy or two. 2. The Combination' Bokdkalx \ni) Pakis (Irekn MixtrRK. (ForFiingouM DiseuHOH and Leaf • iitin^r Inm;ct«). This inixtnre is r-reparivl like the Jior.l.>,iux. but 4ounce8 of Paris green are mhl.^l and thoroujjhly utirrod l)ef.)r<' Mpruyiui,'. Cer carbonate j ounce Strong amnuinia sutticient t«i diMolve the c< Vrciir- bonato, usually more than i „;„* Water tl^» 10 galluni. This solution is not much used, an.l is recommended only in cases where the fruit is so far atlvanced that it would be .lisfife'ured by usinjr the liordeaux nnxture. J "¥> 5. Potassium Sulphide (Liver of Sulphur). (Used to control Gooseberry Mildew.) Dissolve 4 oz. in 8 gallon.s of water. 6. Paris Green Mixture. (Liquid.) (For Leaf-eating Insects.) P»ris green i . . Water {.J; I^""^- T ;„,„ loO gallons. , ^""*' 2 lb. freshly slacked. Or, S'.t/'"''" 1 teaspoonful (level). n..:!t. r I pail (2 gallons). Q"'*''' >"»" 1 teaslpoonful (level). i 5 Paria Orten Mixiurt, (Dry.) P»ri« gretn , . ri..ur"rdu«t.... .. . ini "'""1 lOO IHIUIIOM. 7. Pois-.N Hait. (Knr CawonuH. Wir-wornm »n.I (JrH«.h»,,pi.rM in ^'anlfiiH hihI I'nrnHrldn.) MolM^H („,y kind) , . . . . BO,N,ui.dH. phh- Kn,«n (,.,..1 «r.M :..:;::;:::::::;:;:: \'pz. * "^ (•■'""UKh ti. mukuft thick mwh.) ll«n """«'^'- jj S tfnlloiiii. Pyrcthrum P.iwdtr , , ,.„ Flour (che«|,) '"""'-••'• ' ' ' 11 iiuncea. Mix thoroughly allow to stan.l over »,i;rht in a eios...! Ik.x, then dustmen plants through chee^e.eloth.-Rec.n.u.eudi.l for green oai.hage 10. Kerosene Emulsion (for Bark-lice and Plant Mce). Ijiird mMk|i ^ ix.und. or Moft »oai> 1 niiart H...yater(«oft) I ,^ 2 gallons. After diswjlving the soap in the water. ad,l the coal oil and stir well for 5 to 10 nnnutes Wh.-n properly n.ixed. it will H.ere to glass without oilmoss A syringe or pump will ai.I mu galloiiH. Boil the mixture for :^0 minutes or more, until a dark hrown tea-colore.l solution 18 obtained. Keep it covered until col. It mav thtn be used un.liluted for spraying infested plants.. 12. Whale Oil Soap. lor Plant Lice. 1 lb. in 7 gallons hot water. For San Jo8e Scale in winter. 2 lbs. in 1 gal. hot water applied as the buds are swellini/ '^^ 2»— 122 18. 8<>AP 8 l.lfTION. For Mniit Lict^ on lioiifu- pUnU • Acc^k^ of Mtnp in 4 khIn. wnU-r 14. Cki'DE PmtoMciiM. (For .".imi J.W. Sc«I.. in »Ar\y HpriiiK ) A fO p«r wnt. iii*>clianical fiiniUioii l,v n (•uinhitiutioti emulHion pump U* inftwt..! tn-.-* jiwt Ufon. the l.uiN nUrt. (To In. •lono by an fX|)«ri«Mci'ii |M!iH«)n.) 14(a). Ciii'in.; I'KTiuu.KirH^ Oii. How KwifLsiuv. (Rir. Ijlnuri thnrouKhly fnr 5 mii.utrs or i„„iv. uii.l n,l\ wHt.'r (o iiiiil make a thick panit. tlu>n a.l.l I pint cru.l.' cui In.lic aci.l, an.fA poiui.l Parw gn-vti to 10 gnU. of wash. * ' To Ik) appliiMl to th« tiimkH of appl.< an<) niapl.> Hha.l<> triTs in early Junu. . IK. Lim: WA.SI1. (For OyHtor ahull Bark liice. etc. ) Slake IJ Ihs. fresh liino in I gallon of wati-r. Strain the wash iKjfore smayuiK. I « be applio.l .luring winter to trees infeHte.1 with oyHter-Mhell hark lice. 17. FoilMAMV. (a) For Potuto Smh. 8 oz or J pint in l.', ^thIs v*,iter Soak seed potatoes in this Holution for two houiH (6) For S,au/inOats „ nd \M„;,t. S „:, or J pint in T, jfals. water Sprinkle thor.uighly the we.l with this solution. 18. CaHIION HiSlLI'HinK. For weevils in pe»w and jjrain. 1 Ih. or I pint for every i(»0 bushels of },M-ain, or l.OllO cuhic feet ot .space. Liquid placed in shallow dishes on top of ^nain or pe.w. TRKATMENT. Al'l'l.n AM» VyjuH Tri'Mhiifnt. 1, i'lkriH un>«ii ii. 4rikiiriiiiit.) 2. ltAiix iiii\liiri< ititil I'ltrtR Kt'itfii. (Kortiiiilit 2.) Wh«'ii III >i|>riiy. l'|||||^l||l>l|, •liwt MR U'Hf ImkU urv IIikI moth. o»m.. Ii.i«r. ip.. f\|Niiuliiiu. .\l«Mit n wifk l«»i'r . H> "Hi iiiNtf li.iiiiTs, niiikiT * iH, lent i'iietT|iilUiH. j ' ' ■!.'> I'lif aiHtt liiid iiiil(li(, I'tf. 4. Hiii^^Iwuu nml I'arU | .liinf after **. ns f;UI. C.Hllin,^. „i.,il,. auk,; m,r..iN. Hi'hIi nml Intf »\» I. ((■'■iriiiiilii 'J.) (liii|Hirt«iit.) Ton .Uyi nr fw.. wu.-kN ('..flli„,,.mnt/,H ctiniio -ilwayn I..- contn.lh-.I l)y Hpmylii" .Mnrciallv in tlh" siMilli-wi^tern «ih i cf ( Milariu, wIuto » s..»(m.r'l,r.K>.| aii- pourM later iii tin- d»a.son. ' InaiMitioi. to sri.iyin;,'. in this .listiict. n.s.. }),.s aroij,„| the tioc'8. Make il.tin tVoiii f.nir to six incM.s wi.l.. (l,m. or four in-; >s thick, l' any kin.l <.f cloth. 0|,| l,„^,,s, sack's canH'tN coarse i -•♦ rial of ay kin.l will .Jo. ,,1 straw nn.l n.w h,.v..' been .wed with H-mi.. sutre,ss. Diirin;; the Hrst week in .Inn.. Iijn.l one around each tree three or four feet from thr j,'ronn.i ; .s.k-ui.. it .ith.-r with cord or small nails; take it otf every twelve -lays, an.I carefully examine for codlintj cocmhis. These may he readily .lestroye.l hy crushmj,'. Replace the han.'.s as lieTore. -^ J Tent-nihrpillorH are controlle.l I,v hurnin^r rh,. \vt,h.s or in May; by collecting,' an.I d.stroyin;; the clusters of e.rjr.s i,i fall and winter ; by banding th.- tree.s ; and by spraying the y.^ung caterrillai-H with Pan.s green. Cavker-worw may he larg.'ly controlle.1 by banding t..e troe.s in autumn and early spring ; an.I by spraying with Paris green when the worms appear. 8 B. Against Sucking Iniecte, .uch as Plant-lice and Scale Iniocts. and aminit Pear Leaf Ulister-mitea. Treatment. When to spray. 1. Keroaene emulsion (Formula l()),(li)art in 10 {>arts water). 2. Keroaene emulsion solution (1 part emulsion to 10 parts water). Or whale-oil soap solution (Formula 12), (1 lb. to 7 gals, water). 3. Kerosene emulsion ( Formula 10), whale- oil soap as before. 4. Kerosene emulsion (Formula 10), or whale-oil sonp as before. Or lime wash (No. 16). Before buds start in spring. As leaves are unfolding. Insects controlled. Pear-leiif blister-mite. Pear psylla and aphids. Ten days later About end of May or tirst of June. During winter. Psylla and aphids. Oyster-shell bark -lice. V. Treatment for destroying Ixmrit : (rt) Dig out the borers whenever possible. (6) Apply the soap-soda wash (Formula 15) in early June. Plum and Cherry. A. Against Curculio, Krown Rot, Shot-hole Fungus, and Leaf-eating Insects. Treatment. 1. Bordeau.< and Paris green. (Formula 2.) 2. Bordeaux and Paris green. (Formula 2.) 3. Bordeaux and Paris green. (Formula 2.) 4. Ammonia-copper car- bonate solution. (Formula 4.) When to spray. Insects and diseases controlled. When leaf buds are opening. When fruit is formed. . Two weeks later When fruit is large. . . . Brown rot, shot-hole fungus. Curculio, green fruit worms, brown rot, etc. Brown rot, curculio, etc. Brown rot, etc. The (7i»c. «//„,, are nwnt readily controlled h andci,;' -'=- '"^ • when enough to jir, iWt in ;Vk u ™"""y controlled l.y arring the tree, in early n.ornina h to i'r • <""'''"»«'l f«'«- three weeks. Thrice a week Ih „Ln /i. A|[,'ain8t Plant-lice and Scale Insects Treatment. When to spray. Insects controlled. ^'s )rin"*^' ""^ """"'^ ^'"'" '"^'*'''' ^''" •'"'"■ ^*'''"*'*'' •-'^''• 1. Kerosene emulsion (Fonnula 10), (l part to 4 parts water.) Or whale-oil soap, (2 j Ihs. to 1 khI. hot I water. ) Or petroleum soap ' emulsion. (Form- ula 14<(.) 2. Kerosene emulsion , As soon as lice appear Plant-Ia-e. (Formula 10), (1 ! on young leaves part to 10 parts water. ) Or whale-oil soap so- lution. (Formula 12). Uh. to 7 gals. water. ) Or tobacco solution (Formula 11.) Peach. A. Against Peach-leaf Curl, Brown Rot. Curculio. Hud-moth. Treatment. When to spray. ; Insects and diseases c.mtroUed. '- '''teT TpLrmut «"'"-«-- '-»-!-' Hud-„.oth and peach leaf curl. ^ VI ..iiuuia ^ brown rot. ~'' ! ! ^ v» iiiiuia , moth and curculio. :i Bordeaux and Paris Two weeks later green. (Formula 2.) 4. Ammonia-coppercar- When fruit is well- bonate. ^Formula formed. ■*■) ! Brown rot, etc. Brown rot, etc. 10 B. Againtt Aphii, and Scale Insect*. 1. Kerosene emulsion (Formula 10), (1 part in 10 parts ) Or whale-oil soap (Formula 12), (1 lb. in 7 gals, water. Whale-oil soap, (2 lbs. in 1 garts formed. ^ i'opper. water. 11 CCCI'MBEK AXO SqJASH. which .„„eet„„d„ chip, a,,;Crpui:'j ntfcjj'' ■"°"""« Bordfrtifi;r:'cSitr;^t«.e„^r.\r' "."' ^'"■'^ -""• with niDslin or chee^iln h^!. ?• * • ° '"" ■ f""^ y<"^ »iiie» cabbage worm" X^' „LT ' 'T ' Jr ' P°""^" "»>' «-'-■"» '»' nn.,, followed by a IZg^nhHe."" ^ """""•' 'P"°''''«' "■• Asparagus, regulS'euti'ntof !K„£"" """ """"■« »-» -«■ P-' S'"- ^ /V»- i?MS^ Cut and burn all plants in fall. Cabbage. .li;^>eten I„ .he cenVJlTSe * gf wShX Ef 'tr"'"" '" cabbage „ place.) on transplanting. Ca?,l lieT«at onTrllf" """"^ STHiWBEBHV. The Ru,l or leaf-Uighl fr„it,^;;;;trc"onS"s tr' ' "XplTt" i^"V"';"""«"™^' "■« weeks on new bed, afcr thrWgfntVaUtret"' '""■ ''■■ ''"'^ Toaiato. Rot and Blight Spray with Bordeaux .nixture, as soon as rot or Lliirl.t „nr, three tunes, if necessary, at irtervals of 10 to 15 days ^ ^^ '"' Potato. Scab, Blight, and Beetles. For the Scab : Soak the " seed " nntat,. . i r . in a solution of for„,alin ,8 o^sta ,3 ^ fo wat ^ '°'' '"" "o"'" For Btighl und Beeltea. Vmt snravin^ • P.V|. the Wtle, appear (one poumi to loTgEsof wlT" "^ ""° " are sftTneheTSr ^ ""■'"""' '"""'"••' »"•' P"™ *•->"" "h™ ?'«".«™l'fi/ne«Lr''"''^ '""'""■^ ""^'"" " '"''•"»'" of the^rri?drroSi?o?ih'e"rrr"' ''"^■™' •"- ''"^-"-^ -^ 12 Raspberry. Anthracnoae, Leaf -blight and Saw-jly Larvce. First: Bordeaux mixture and Paris green just before growth begins. Second : Bordeaux mixture and Paris green about when tin