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Laa diagrammea auivanta illuatrent la mAthode. |y errata Id to le peiure. kon A 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 0^y^'^': 'tiff a m.4 I« 0^^- JMJ* .TttfWi ""^nP^^ JmriF^Ja '^imm: ^'^" '^:!^^^^^^^ 4.^iiik .^ nmm mnmk mmm '*4iM.. 1 4''^ ^ 1 ' • .ivB 'W k Golden Number * 3 Epact( Moon's age Jan'y 1) iit2 Solar Cycle ... 6 FARMER'S ALMANACK. 1845. EXPLANATION OF CHARACTERS AND ABBREVIATIOWS USED IN THIS ALMANACK. Sun Moon Mercury Venus The Earth Mars Ceres Pallas Vesta Jupiter Juno Saturn TheGeorgian Quadrature ^ Conjunction g Opposition Q Ascending node ^ Descending node N. North. E. East S. South. W. West ° Degrees Minutes of Arc. Seconds of Arc. Hours Minutes of time Seconds of time m. Morning a. Afternoon. SIONS or THE ZODIAC. ^ Aries governs the face& ^ Taurus - neck. D Qemini - 5S Cancer - St Leo - - Iti^ Virgo £^ Libra TH. Scorpio - t Sagittarius "^ Capricornus XT Aquarius K Pisces - - [hQad - arms - breast • heart bowels - reins secrets - thighs knees legs - - feet COMMON NOTES FOR 1845. Dominical Letter £ Roman Indiction Julian Period 65l .<►- FIXED AND MOVEABLE FEASTS, ANNIVERSARIES, kd Epiphany Jan. 6 Stptuagesima Sunday 19 K. Charles I. Martyrdom — 30 Shrove Sunday Feb. 2 Ash Wednesday — - 5 \si Sunday in Lent. . . . -— 9 St. David March 1 Ptdm Sunday 16 St. Patrick 17 Oood Friday 21 Easier Sunday 23 Lady Day—An. B. V, M. — 25 St. George April 23 Princess Alice, b. 1843 25 Rogation Sundiay 27 Jlscenaion Day May 1 Pentecost-^ Whit Sun. 11 Trinity Sunday 18 Corpus Christtt Fete Dieu^ 22 Birth of |Q. Vict. J 819, May 24| Rest. K. Chas. II — '" Accession Q. Victoria June ! Proclamation (1837) 31| St. John Baptist-Mid- ? j_ summer day S Coronation Q> Victori| i St. Peter & St. Paul — ' Q,. Adelaide, h. 1792, Aug. IS Prince Albert 6. 1819 — St. Michael-Michael- ) e^ . , mas day J P All Saint's Day Nov. 1 Gunpowder Plot .... — Prince of Wales, b. *41 — Princess Royal, b. '40 21 St. Andrew 7 _ _ Ist Sun. in Advent. J ' Christmas Day — V 1845. FARMER'S ALMANACK. MORNING AND EVENING PLANETS. Vends, will be morning star until May 18, after which it will he the evening star until the close of the year. Mercury, will be evening star until May 8, thence the morn ing star until the end of the year. Mars, will be the evening star until Aug. 9, after which it will be the morning stur. Saturn, will be the eveni/ig star until Feb'y 2. after which it will be the morning star. Jupiter, will be the evening star until April 4, after which It nrill be the morning star. EQUINOXES AND SOI^STICES. Vernal Equinox, Mnrch 20. Summer Solstice, June 21. Autumnal Equinox, September 23. Winter Solstice, December 21, Characters and names of the Planets, with their Diameters, t Distances, Revolutions, and Proportional Bulks. Characters and Names. Diam- eters. Milef!. Mean dist. from 0. Miles. Ilev.rounci ©• Days. Proport. bulk, the Earth beinsr 1.' © The Sun 5 Mercury 9 Venus © The Earth J Mars '" Jupiter Tel Saturn 9 Herschel }) The Moon 892163 2999 3fi,84l,3a7 87,97 7660 68,841,768 224,70 7964 95,173,127 365,25 4118 145,014,532 686,98 92572 495,164,461 4,:332,59 75304 907,834,568 10,758,32 34585 1825,735,123 30,688,71 2174 same as 0. 27,32 In round numbers the Earth is equal in bulk to 50 Moons, Ju- 'piter, to 77 thousands, and the sun to 69 millions. 1,405,851, ,0534 ,8897 1, ,1382 1,570,51 845,4 81,9 ,0203 ECLIPSES IN 1845. There will be four Eclipses this year, two of the Sus, and jiwo of the Moon ; and a Transit of the Planet Mercury. I. May 5, an Annular eelipse of the Sun, inviaible in North Lmerioa, but may be seen by the greater part of the Inhabitants pf Europe and Asia. II. May 8, a transit of the Planet Mercury across the south- rn limb of the Sun, visible in all parts of North America: — First contact of limbs llh 36rn 198. A. M. 1 , ^„„ ,. ^ „. Least distance of centres 3h Im 15?. P. M. ^ '"*"" *'"'° ^^ Last contact of limbs. 6h 7m P. M. Halifax. !«RV 1845. JANUARY begins on Wednesday. Last Quarter, lit d. llh< 7ni. Morning. New Moon, 8th d. 2h. 58in. Morning. First Quarter, 1,5th d. 4h. 36ni. Morning. Full Moon, 23rd d. lOh. 6m. Morning. Last Quarter, SOth d. 9b. 41ni. Afternoon. The following extract from the preface of a quaint old Almanack in the " Harleian Collection," answers so well, thai the publisher gives it as an introduction to the Farmers Caleirl dar : — " To aU who buy Almanacks. Gentlemen ; a good ijieiil (Year to ye : and I believe you wish the like to us too, for thatii jbut .manners; but this is not all I have to say to ye. Do yo think these sheets were printed for nothing? No: the booN seller swears that if he thought you would not have bought un he would never have published um t and he swears further, thi m» JANUARY 31 Days. Winter. D M T 2 3 4 £ f) 7 8 9 10 rll B 13 14 Sundays, Weather, Anniveriaries, die. High Water, msan tithe, at Halifax. N. 8. Anna- poli«. Charlotte Town, P. E I. Windier, St. John Circumcision ^ Stat. Vtry cold with some ^ (^ ]>. snoto. 2nd. Sun. aft. Christmas. Old Christ, day. Epiphany [2 (^ C* tvinds. A 53 2 38 3 4 5 37 56 47 Sirius sets llh.Gm. Snow let Sun. aft. Epiph. 21 ^' ¥ c^ C [C. . - 9 6 C • ^'P^' ^«*1^ <^olU. 15'Low tides, 16 Clear Jine 17 1 sky, 18|C apogee. E Septuagesima S. (^ent.:»r •20 Appearance 21 of snow. 22 23 High tides. 24 High winds. 25Conv.ofSt. Paul. E Scxagesima Sun. more 27 [Aldebaran8ets7h.54in. 28' $ rises 2h. 54in. snow. 29hi 6 O- 30 K. Chas. I. Martyr. Clear 311 Low tides. weather. 6 47 7 35 8 15 9 53 9 33 10 13 10 49 11 49 morn. 28 41 7 3 2 48 30 7 41 8 14 8 47 9 19 9 54 10 37 11 24 A I 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 3 33 4 23 5 38 7 7 8 36 9 17 10 17 11 4 11 45 morn. 1 3 1 43 2 19 3 19 3 35 3 58 5 11 6 37 7 33 8 32 9 18 10 10 37 11 11 11 41 A 49 1 24 2 7 2 54 3 50 3 3 3 53 5 8 6 37 7 56 8 47 9 47 10 34 11 15 11 52 morn. 4 5 I 1 2 3 3 4 6 7 8 13 49 49 28 41 7 3 2 ati 93 G 38 8 7 9 36 10 17 11 17 morn. 45 8 48 9 30 10 7 10 41 11 14 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 43 10 10 35 58 11 A 47 19 54 1 2 3 37 24 6 11 7 37 8 33 9 33 10 18 11 II 37 A 1 1 41 1 49 24 7 54 50 2 3 3 4 ifyou dont buy um novr, he will never print urn again. Thus you see, 'tis in your power either to vex or please him. Del which you will, and so farewell.'* ' Order and system, is of as much importance to the farmer ai to other individuals, and a well arranged plan of operations it essential to continued success. '* A place for every things and everything in itsplace,*^ is a first'truth ; a truth that proves itself, land of which the single enunciation is sufficient. The farmer then should have his farm divided according to system ,* his crops hould follow each other in regular order ; the influence of these |governing principles should be felt in every department of his bu iness ; it should be seen in the feeding and management of hii lock, in his fences and gates, and in his houses and barns. I 1845. FEBRUARY begins on Saturday. Nhw Moon, Gih d. ilii. 91m. Afternoon. First QuMrter, 14th d. Oh. 45in. Morning. Full Moon, 32nd d. 9li. Dim. Morning. D D W iimb rioeH. I setH. n uj R « ISaT 3,Su,7 3M 4iTo .5]W 6,Tu 7P 8Sa 9Su lOM Tv VV 13 13 |14 15 16 17 18 1\i F Sa Su M Tv 191 W 31 2-2 F Sa 23 Su 24 25 26 27 28 M Td W Tk F 20 19 18 15 5 8 5 9 5 11 512 1515 14 14 5 15 13 5 17 9 48 13 9 50 14 9 5314 9 55 14 9 59 14 10 10 1215 18 10 10 10 5 II) 9 5 21 10 12 7 5 22 10 15 6 523 10 17 5 5 25^1020 3 5 27,1024 2 5 28,10 26 15 30,10 29 59,5 31 10 32 .'58 5 32 10 34 57 5 33 10 3t) 55 5 35 10 40 14 53; 5 3(5, 51 49 4S 46 5 38 5 39 5 40 5 42 44 5 43 435 44 41546 10 43 10 47 10 50 10 52 10 56 10 59 11 1 11 5 Qslw. of clock. 55 3 9 15 20 24 27 30 32 33 33 32 31 29 26 22 18 13 7 53 45 37 28 18 8 67 46 deo. &, 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 10 4!i 10 27 16 10 15 51 15 33 15 14 14 53 14 36 14 17 13 57 13 37 13 17 12 57 12 36 12 15 11 51 11 33 II 12 10 no 10 20 10 7 9 45 9 23 9 I 8 33 8 Id 7 53 C rifOf. pi, C south' ing. morn. 12 1 1 2 1 5 1 7 1 11 1 13 1 IG 1 18 1 31 1 24 27 29 32 3G 38 41 44 46 48 m 1 5 1 5 2 2 2 2 2 Trees may be pruned this Month ; and iCOrchnrda are subjectedl to this operation, as they ^hould be, the fruit will be greatlyl improved. It is wrong to suffer years to elnpio without prariT lag; since when it is then done, the cutting out of branches ofl many years growth, makes large woundx and injures the tree] It will do cattle and sheep goo(i to have the privilege of browsing the prunings as they fall from the trees. A little labour expended on the Orchard every year, will be better than heavy and closel pruniiigs at once. In pruning, the great object is to no thih thi| branches that the sun and air «nn penetrate every part. If ^oa kave young fruit trees, around which the iitow is lying, it is i good plan to tread it firmly around them to keep the neld mice from gnawing the bark, and killing the trees. Often as we havd alluded to the subject of the improvement of fruit, we canno l Sundays, Weather, Anniveriariei, &c. FEBRUARY 28 Day*. High Water. Winter. Halifax. N. B. Anna- polia. mean time, at Whdior, Charlotte Town, P.E. I. k St. John. y 7 1 Ji dup E Quinq. or Shrove Sun. 3 C perigee. [Purif. B V M. 4 9 in ^' 971010 about 5' Ash Wedneailay. h A C- 6 High Tidea. Tldij^. this time. Very cold I at Sun. in Lent, nighla. 10 Q. Victoria m. '40. 1^ <$ !l2 44 4 14 It is an important point in commencing work in the spring, thai '•very implement necessary should be at hand, and in first rat^ jconditiijn when wanted — a good farmer has a house for his farn Implements, as well as for himself or his stock, and is careful ,that nil shall be put in their place, as fast as (he season throv .them out of use — in winter, all are carefully examined, and ihi necessary repairs made. It would be well if every farmer would in arranging his business for the year, determine every season (J .make one or more experiments in some branch of husbandrjl that wmiM lead to some important result ; either in determininf Sundayf, Weather, Anniveriariea, Sie. MARCH 81 Dtyi. Spring^ High Water, mtin time, at Halifax, N 8. Anna- poli*. Charlotte Town, P. E. I. Windaor,! h St. John. IE n St. David. Sd^- 4tfe Sun. in Lent. ^ in Q. C perigee. Very cold 21 lets 7h. 53m. winda, 9 dC Some now 9 ($ C. and hail. 7± let 7h. 36m. 5th Sun. in Lent. V^C> 9 in aphelion. i gr. hel. lat. S. 9 riiei 5h. 4(lm. Blustering. Commencement (^ apo{;ee. of a Palm Sun. Low tidea. St. Patrick. thaw. $ rifes 2h. IJm. A tioUnt (^ ent. <^. 9 <$ h- atorm Good Friday. totd to a certain and definite «nd. 1845. APRIL begini on Tubidat. New Moon, 6th d. 3h. 36m. Afternoon. First Quarter, 14th d. 5h. Om. AAernoon. Full Moon, 22nd d. 2h. .58m. Morninff. Last Quarter, 28th d. 7h. 5m. Evening. D M D W (2)'supper limb. 2W 3TVi rises. I sets. WtM of clock. dec. N. 3) riiei. J^ 10 8 41 4 13 4 46 leti 7 45 8 55 9 40 10 43 11 30 morn. 15 67 35 59 33 59 30 58 4 37 rliei 8 43 9 54 10 56 11 58 morn. 33 1 13 1 46 C pi. louth- ing. ^8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 F Sa Su M lb 40 6 28, 12 48 39 6 29 37 6 30 35 5 33 5 31 6 31 6 33 6 34 30 6 35 28 6 36 W,5266 38 12 50 12 53 12 56 13 lb F 5 24 6 39 5 226 40 Sa5 216 41 Su M To W TVi F 19 Sa 30 Su 21 M 22 23 24 25 26 27 38 39 30 lb W Ta F Sa Su M Tu W 196 17 6 15 43 44 14 12 10 9 7 5 4 2 4 59!6 4 5716 4 567 6 45 6 47 6 48 6 49 4 54 4 53 4 51 50 51 6 52 6 54 6 55 6 56 58 59 1 2 7 7 7 3 13 13 13 8 13 12 13 15 13 18 13 20 13 24 13 27 13-30 13 33 13 36 13 39 13 41 13 44 13 47 13 50 13 53 13 56 13 59 14 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 53 34 16 58 41 23 6 49 33 15 14 14 14 14 4 7 9 12 59 43 28 si. 12 fa. 3 17 31 45 58 1 11 2 24 36 48 59 10 20 2 "'^ 4 39 2 48 2 56 4* 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 13 18 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 59 33 45 7 30 BS 15 38 (I 83 44 6 37 40 10 31 53 13 34 54 14 34 54 14 33 53 11 30 48 7 36 8 39 9 19 10 7 10 55 11 43 A. 39 6 51 7 37 8 38 9 8 D 66 10 46 11 38 M.34 1 34 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 34 4 37 4 8 12 15 17 20 30 32 36 39 42 45 48 51 63 66 69 2 5 8 11 14 16 19 6 21 6 24 The Kitchen garden will require much attention this month; as all plants which are not liable to suffer from spring frosts should now be set out or sown, by beginning in season, we may secure two or three crops of many valutible vegetables in a single season, even where no hot or forcing bedf are employed. Salads, radishes, cabbages, potatoes, peas, &c., may now be planted or sown, the earliest varieties of^each should of course be selected for the first planting— asparagus and strawberry beds should be cleaned off, dug over, and manured — none but compost manures of the best kind should be used for such purposes. A snug well kept kitchen garden is a sure proof of thrift— 'When teen near a farm house, it is a pretty certain indication of comfort and good Sundays, Weather, Anniversaries, &c. Fool's 0ayl High windsj accompanied ^ iuperihel. with oeeaaional 3d Sun aft Easter. High [tides, shotoera of rain. Days become C runs high, warmer^ C apogee. 3d Sun. aft Easter, but the 14 Low tides. night 15 « continue cold. Changeable, 5 gr. elong. Pleasant and "■'^ ^- showery f 4th Sun. aft. Easter. enters \^, APRIL 30 Days. Spring. High . Watei', mean lime, at 1 2 3 4 5 E 7 8 9 10 11 Vi E 16 17 18 19 £ 121 124 125 26 IE 128 |29 30 High tides. St. George. C perigee. St. Mark. becomes warmer. Rogation Sun. Low tides. h 6 <^- More settled. Clouds up for rain Halifax. N. S. ~3~3~ 4 5 5 56 5 52 6 32 7 8 7 44 8 17 8 61 924 10 7 10 48 11 36 morn. 31 1 40 2 50 3 58 4 55 5 44 6 24 7 6 7 48 8 31 9 14 10 1 10 51 11 54 A. 2 22 Annapo- lis. Charlotte To'.vn, P. E. I. Windsor, St. John. 6 33 6 3 7 35 7 5 8 36 8 4 9 22 8 52 10 2 9 32 10 38 10 8 11 14 10 44 morn. 11 17 21 11 51 54 morn. 1 17 1 7 2 18 1 48 3 6 2 36 3 30 3 4 1 3 31 5 10 4 40 6 20 5 50 7 28 6 58 8 25 . 7 55 9 14 8 44 V 54 9 24 10 36 10 6 11 18 10 48 A. 11 31 44 A. 1 31 1 1 2 21 . 1 51 3 24 2 54 4 4 5 52 5 22 "T"33 8 35 9 36 10 22 11 2 11 38 morn. 21 54 17 3 18 4 6 4 5 30 1 6 10 7 20 8 28 9 25 10 14 10 54 11 36 A. 1 1 2 3 4 6 44 31 21 24 6 52 ■sense. The farmer will find it to his advantage to put in his Ispring grains, such as wheat, barley, oats. &c., as early as the noil can be fitted for their reception — the grain from early crops, [when properly put in, is always more valuable than from later )nes; being better filled, heavier, and of a finer quality in other aspects— it suffers less, also, from the injurious efTecld of our Iry summers, by which the later sown is prematurely ripened lanures may now be drawn upon the fiells for the crops to ifhich they should be given— there should be corn, potatoea, and Bther roots ; all of which will bear hi^h manuring; while if the lanure is applied to the grains directly, the product is very apt |o be more straw than berry! Make gates and hang them — re Bang old gates ; nail up loose boards on old barns, and old fences ; repair all tools, lay up fallen rails and tumbling walls and totter- ing fences ; put door yard, and out-houses in " apple-pie-order." IT 1845. MAY begins on Thursday. New Moon, 6|th d. 6h. 43m. morning. First Quarter, 14th d. 9h. 54m. morning. Full Moon, 21st d. llh. 'Mm. morning. Last Quarter, 28th d. 2h. Ilm. morning. D M D W fj)'* upper limb, ri^es. jsets. 00 ja '^fast of clock. dec. N. rises ^ south- pli insr. •21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Th P Sa 5U 4 48 4 47 Su 4 46 M Tb W Ta F Sa Su M TVj W Th P Sa Su 19 M 20 Tu W 22'IVi 23 F 24 S A 125 Su 26 27 28 29 30 31 M TL- .W Th F. Sa 44 43 41 40 39 38 36 35 34 33 32 31 307 14 14 14 9,14 10jl4 11 1 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 12 13 14 15 17 18 16 18 20 23 26 28i3 3i!3 33 35 19,14 2014 21 14 22 14 28 27 26 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 20 19 18 18 24 25 26 14 14 14 2715 2815 29 30 31 32 33 34 34 35 36 37 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 37 41 43 45 47 49 51 54 57 59 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 14 16 18 19 5| 10 17 23 28 33 38 42 45 48 50 52 53 58 53 52 51 50 47 16" 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 45 20 4i;20 37,20 33,20 2Si20 23 17 10 3 56 48 40 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 /' 28 42 17 34 51 7 23 39 55 10 25 39 54 8 21 34 47 12 24 36 47 58 9 19 29 38 47 56 '4 14 2 40 3 11 4 41 sets. 7 35 8 32 9 21 10 12 10 53 11 28 11 59 morn. 32 59 1 26 2 5 2 30 3 3 3 39 rises 8 41 9 42 •10 28 11 15 11 50 morn. 16 50 1 16 1 45 m t t D n a SI 1^ 5 8 51 9 38 10 24 11 11 11 59 A. 47 1 2 3 4 4 5 36 25 13 46 3D 6 15 7 7 45 8 33 9 23 10 17 11 16 M. 17 1 20 2 23 3 23 4 20 5 13 6 2 6 50 7 36 8 22 5 27 5 30 32 35 36 40 43! 45 47 49| 53 55 57 59 1 3 6 9 6 11 6 13 6 14 6 16 6 18 6 20 6 23 6 24 6 26 6 26 6 28 6 30 6 31 Fanners are generally too negligent as to the kind of cows they keep — there are many cows which do not pay to the owner the expense of keeping; ihcni, xnd occasions an annual loss — it costs no more to keep a cow that will average 9 or 10 quarts a day, than one that will average only 6 or 7 ; and the difference in amount would in the course of a year be a handsome profit. II you wish to raise calves, you may do it without keeping theih on new milk — diminish gradually the quantity of new milk luckedj by them, or fed to them, and suiistitute skimmed milk with little meal stirred in — treated in this way, very good calves ma; i <^ south- I ing. (8 o Q c 8 5 8 61 9 38 10 24 11 11 11 59 A. 47 1 2 3 4 4 5 36 25 13 46 3D 6 15 7 7 45 8 33 9 23 17 16 g M. 17 10 11 20 23 3 23 4 5 6 20 13 2 6 50 7 36 8 22 o 27 5 30 32 35 36 40 43! 45 47 49 53 55 57 59 1 6 1] 13 14 16 6 20 6 231 6 241 6 26 6 26 6 28 6 30 6 31 kind of cowsl r to the owner I innual lost — it I )r 10 quarts a[ the difference I some profit, ieping theih on| V iniik suckedl id milk with ood calves mayl I 6 7 8 !J 10 E 12 13 14 16 16 17 E' 19 20 21 22 28 24 E 26 27 28 2D 30 31 Vis Wh MAY 31 Days. Spring. D M 1 2 3 E 6 6 7 8 \) 10 E 12 13 14 16 16 17 E 19 20 21 22 23 24 E 26 27 28 29 30 31 Sundayi, Weather, Anniveriariei, &c. StTlPhiiip Hnd St. James. [Ascension Day. H (^ C • Moderate^ Sun. aft. Aicension. hut (3) eel. invis. winds St. John, Evan. rathtr [High tides. Viiiblfl transit of ^ . l2V0' with high hd^' wind. Low tides. K. Chas. II., rest. 1660. Rather dull. rises. Pl ]) south- ing. Su M Tu W Ta F Sa Su M Tv W Th F Sa So M IV W l9i'I\i 201 F ^IISa tesu 6 7 8 9 10 h 12 P3 14 15 (16 17 "18 23 24 25 26 37 88 M TV W Ta F Sa 39|Sd 30lM 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 17 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 147 147 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 17 17 17 18 38 39 39 40 41 42 42 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 15 21{2 15 23,2 15 23 2 15 24{2 15 261 15 27 15 27 15 28 15 29 15 30 15 31 15 31 15 32 15 32 15 33 15 33 15 34 15 34 15 34 15 34 15 35 15 34 15 34 15 34 15 34 15 33 15 33 15 32 15 32 7 49115 31 1 1 I 1 si. 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Q 3 3 31 22 12 2 52 41 30 19 7 56 44 32 19 7 3 17 30 43 56 9 22 35 47 13 25 38 50 2 14 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 4 12 20 27 34 40 46 52 57 2 6 10 13 17 19 22 23 25 26 27 27 27 26 25 24 22 20 17 14 11 2 13 3 48 5 27 sets. 8 "5 8 44 9 25 10 10 30 10 58 11 26 11 56 morn. 25 55 1 30 2 12 3 5 rises. 8 17 9 4 9 43 10 16 10 50 11 20 11 50 morn. 20 50 1 30 A, 20 9 56 10 59 8 41 6 35 6 35 6 36 6 38 6 39 6 39 6 40 6 41 6 42 6 43 6 43 6 44 6 44 6 45 6 45 6 46 6 46 6 46 6 46 6 47 deer The diligent farmer who personally superintends his business — who rises before the sunt sees that his labourers are at their appointed business, that his farm stock are in condition, his im plements and fences in order, and his work timely and properly done, is pretty certain of enjoying a round of good luck in all his farming operations. He will have good cattle, good crops, and good profits — and if he takes care to bring up his sons in the ways of their father, he will have good luck with his family. On the other hand, look at the man who gossips away a portion of his time at public houses, at political clubs, and among his neigh hours— and who trusts the management of his affairs to the 3) 5.« south- ing. 9 9 6^3 9 56 6 35 10 43 6 35 11 32 6 36 'a, 20 6 38 1 9 6 39 1 56 6 39 2 42 6 40 3 27 6 41 4 11 6 42 4 55 6 43 5 39 6 43 6 24 6 44 7 12 6 44 8 3 6 45 8 58 6 45 9 56 6 46 10 59 6 46 S 6 46 M. 3 6 46 1 6 6 47 2 6 deer 3 3 1 3 56 1 4 46 1 5 S4 9 6 20 2 7 7 3 7 54 3 8 41 4 1 his bus inesp are at their ition, hi s im- tnd pro perlj uck in a Uhis i crops, andi sons ii 1 the family . On a porti on of ng his n eigh- fairs to > the n a M i EiJnd 2:j^¥ 3Hisl 49 ii 596 6C a 7l 35 4 37 7 34 29 Tu .50 W 31 Th 4 38 4 40 4 4} 4 42 4 43 is 3 13 15 293 15 28 3 15 28'4 15 26 15 26 30 29 4 44 17 29 4 45 7 28 15 15 14 5916 14 57i6 14 55 '6 33 32 31il4 50 14 48 () 14 46 6 14 45 14 43 We hope uur fair friends will not. at tliii seaison, overlook tlie delightful employment of cuItivatinR flowers. Every one may! have a few, and the taste once acquired, will not readily be! I relinquished. A woman destitute of a love for ilowere, seems a mistake of nature. The delicate, the fragile, and the beautiful should have sympathies with uli in nature that possesses tiiej same qualities. The time spent on their cultivation is, in no sense of the word, wasted; they contribute to our plea-sures ; they add to our knowledge of nature; thfy unfold to us the, mysteries of the beautiful, and tend to hiimunizu and elevate thej , south j U" 29 V 10 17 r 11 6 C 11 53 - A. 40 1 Ut] 2 10 2 64 3 37 4 21 3 7 5 5 ' (5 4G 7 41 8 40 i) 42 10 45 11 47 g M. 46 1 42 2 35 3 26 4 15 5 2 5 50 (J 38 7 26 8 14 l» 2 9 50 9 9 10 13 12 14 15 !0 17 18 20 22 24 25 27 28, 30 32 34 36 38 40 43 45 47 49 50 52 overlook the ery one may! I readily be' Br«, seems a he beautiful; ossenses Ihej ion 18, in no pleasures ; li to us thej olevaie thej 1 JULY 31 Daj 1 Water, mean time Summer. ,at D Sundays, Weather, Higl Charlotte Windsor,!! M Anniversaries, &c. Halifaz, N 8. Anna- polia. Town, P. E. I. St. John. T Heavy 5 17 8 47 8 17 9 47 2 Vis: B.V. Mary, thunder 6 I 9 31 9 1 10 31 . 3 south- rUeH.| HetH. P 5 clock. rises. ' pi. 93 ing. To 37" 54 i F^ 4 4(i7 27 14 Uti 18- 0' 3 2i 2;sa 4 47 7 25,14 38 5 56 17 45 4 19 SI 11 23 57 asu 4 4^7 23114 35 5 52 17 30 > sets A. 9 1 4M 4 50 7 2214 32 5 47 17 14 6 41 g> 53 1 3 5TV 4 51 7 20 14 29 5 41 16 58 7 50 n I 37 1 6 ejw 4 52 7 19 14 27 5 35 16 41 8 30 n 2 21 1 8^ TiTVi 4 53 7 17 14 24 5 28 16 34 9 2 £V 3 6 1 11 s'p 4 5'l|7 IG 14 22 5 21 16 7 9 35 ■TV. 3 52 1 13 9Sa 4 55 7 15 14 20 5 13 15 50 10 8 m 4 41 1 15 10 Su 4 56,7 13 14 17;5 515 33 10 49 ^ 5 33 1 18 11 M 4 58i7 11 14 13 4 55 15 15 11 37 ^ 6 29 1 22 VZTu 4 59,7 10 14 11 4 46 14 57 morn. t 7 27 1 24 13 W 5 07 8 14 8 4 35 14 39 32 t 8 28 1 27 14;Th 5 1 7 7 14 6 4 25 14 21 1 37 VJ 9 29 1 29 15 F 5 2 7 5 14 3 4 13 14 2 2 49 VJ 10 28 1 32 lf» Sa 5 4 7 4 14 4 1 13 43 4 2 ^9" 11 26 1 35 17 Su 5 5 7 2 13 57 S 49 13 24 5 8 «r i 1 38 18 M 5 Q'7 Oll.J 54 3 36 13 5 rises K M. 21 1 41 19 T\j 5 7,(5 51) l.i 52 3 22 12 45 7 9 K 1 13 I 43 ^0 W [5 8 6 57 13 49 3 8 12 25 8 21 T 2 4 1 46 21 Th 5 9,6 55 13 4(i 2 54 12 6 8 57 r 2 54 1 49 22 F 5 ll;6 54 13 43 2 3i) 11 45 9 28 8 3 42 1 52 23 Sa 5 120 52 13 40 2 24 11 25 10 9 8 4 31 1 55 24 Su5 13 6 50 13 37 2 8 11 5 10 49 a 5 20 I 58 25 M 15 14 6 4y'l3 34 1 52 10 44 11 36 D 6 9 2 1 2« Ta5 15 6 47 13 32 1 36 10 23 morn. n () 57 2 3 27 VV 5 16'0 45 13 29 1 19 10 2 25 25 7 46 2 6 28 T.i5 18;6 4313 25! I 1 9 41 1 20 <16 8 33 2 10 29 F 15 19,6 42 13 23,0 44 9 20 2 15 SI 9 19 2 12 30 Sa5 20 6 40 13 20;0 26i 8 58 3 12 SI 10 5 2 15 31 Su5 2l 6 3813 17,0 8i 8 37 4 12 Sl^ 10 50 2 J8 The great trouble with a clay soil, i*) its ten acity — tho com-l pactness of its particles, 1 ceeps, in wet weather, too much water! ton the surface, and in dry weather it bnke«, and becomes sol nard that it absorbs but little moisture, and cannot he penetrated | py the roots of plants. Thus, « nn clay soils, vegetation is very^I likely to suffer in turns, both from an excess, and a deficiency! 9f moisture. To guard against these difficulties, the first object 1 should be to break this obstinate tenacity by a thorough loosening.|| To keep the vegetable matters near the surface, where, espe- ! cially on such soils, they are most effective in aiding the growtbH pf plants, turn a rather th n furro \r with the common plough, andl! 10 O 4 :U 1) I) tho com nuch water] >ecomes so penetrated lion is very] deficiency first object ) looseningJ ■lere, «spe- the growth )lough, and AUGUST 31 Days. SuiTiifier. Sundays, Weather, Anniversaries, &c. High Water, mean time, at Halifax. N. S. Anna- polis. Charlotte Town, RE I. Windsor, & St. John jLanimas Day. Very 21 DQ' warm llthSun. aft. Trin. High [tides. 9 <5 C and sultry. Transfiguration. - Showers. Clear and min Sun. aft. Trin. l.ovv [tides. C runs low. fine. Q. Adelaide 6. 1792. i^ in aph. Showers Ass. B. V. Mary. wilk C perigee. 1.3ih Sun. aft. Trin. '[Duchess Kent b. 1786. thunder and f' ■ lightning may be expected. ^216C. ©ent. Ttjj. E14th Sun. aft. Trin. St. 25 [Bartholomew, 26 Prince Albert 6. '19. (C 27 <[ apogee. [runs high. 28 Pt. Augustine. vmrm 29 St. John Bapt. beheaded, 30 breezes. [^ stat E 15th Sun. aPt. Trin. 1 2 B 4 5 6 7 8 9 E 11 12 13 14 15 16 E 18 19 20 21 22 6 IS 6 54 7 7 7 59 8 22 9 3 9 36 10 13 10 57 11 51 morn. 9 43 10 24 10 35 11 29 11 52 morn. 13 35 10 16 10 6 58 53 14 9 18 9 48 10 5 10 48 11 38 A. 1 49 3 8 4 13 5 <; 6 1 6 29 6 43 27 3 23 4 1 43 5 40 8 46 9 40 iO 20 11 23 A. 48 1 1 2 4 6 7 18 35 18 8 30 19 6 88 7 43 8 36 9 31 9 59 9 io 9 54 10 7 10 59 11 22 n)orn. 36 I 1 o 3 4 13 57 53 13 5 35 7 8 9 10 16 10 9 56 10 53 11 A. 14 48 1 5 1 48 9 38 3 4 49 6 8 7 13 8 6 9 1 9 29 10 43 \l 24 11 35 morn. 52 1 2 2 6 43 3 27 4 23 5 1 5 43 7 5 8 40 9 46 10 40 11 26 A. 44 58 18 35 3 18 4 8 4 30 19 7 38 8 43 9 36 10 31 11 .59 follow with a sub-soil plough, running it as deep as t*ie implement and the strength of the team will permit— this would allow the surplus water to pass readily into the earth, the roots of plants! would easily find their way in search of food, while, in time of drouth, the exhalation of moisture from below, as well as its absorption from the atmosphere would be facilitated, and the growing crop would thus be protected from the evils of too much moisture at one time, and too little at another It is proper to observe,' that if draining should be necessary, that should be the first object of attention ; the loosening of the soil as above mentioned, will operate as a considerable drainage ; but actual observation only can determine whether it will be sufficient.) Continue to drive your haying and harvesting— rake stubble! with a horse rake and save the scattered ^rain. { 1845. D M SEPTEMBER begins on Monday. New Moon, 1st. (I. 5h. 20in. Afternoon. First Quarter, 9th. d. Ih. lOin. Morning. Full Moon, 15th. d. 5h. 59m. Afternoon. Last Quarter, 23(i. d. 7h. llm. Morning. D W ©'supper limb. rises. Het8. 91 JS ©fast o( clock. dec. N. 3> sets. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 M U w Th F Sa Su M lb W Ta F Sa So M 17 W 18 Ih 19F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Sa Su M lb W Ta F Sa Su 22 24 25 2G 27 2816 29 31 32 m 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 43 44 45'6 46|5 4715 48 5 6 6 6 6 () 6 6 6 6 rt 6 6 16 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 31 29 27 25 23 22 20 18 16 14 7 5 3 1 59 57 55 53 51 49 36 13 14 34113 10 3313 8 12 5 13 « 12 59 12 56 12 52 12 50 12 49 12 44 1241 12 38 12.12 34 10;i2 3l 812 28 12 26 12 22 12 19 12 16 12 13 12 10 12 7 12 3 12 11 57 48,11 55 46,1152 44 42 11 49 1145 10 29 48 1 7 27 46 6 27 47 8 3 29 3 50 11 32 53 14 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 8- J5'* 7 53 7 31 7 9 6 47 6 44 6 2 5 39 5 17 4 54 4 31 4 8 3 45 3 22 2 59 sets 6 35 7 4 7 35 8 10 8 49 9 33 10 26 yv 11 M 25 32 43 55 I 7 35 56 6 18 6 39 21 41 2 8 23 8 43 9 3 9 23 9 42 10 2 2 36 2 13 7 7 7 8 1 1 I 49 26 3 39 J6 S. 6 30 53 1 17 1 40 2 3 1 2 4 5 rises 7 2 7 8 30 8 8 41 9 25 10 15 2 2 27 50 11 M 1 2 2 3 4 4 6 3 4 57 56 59 M.42 9 29 10 13 10 59 3 Guano. — This Article is now making a considerable noise in the world, and attracting the attention of Agriculturists in Europe and America. Baron Humboldt first introduced it to the notice of Europe, he considered it the excrement of sea-fowl that has accumulated on the shores of certain islands on the Coasts of Peru and Western Africa — it is found upon analysis that about one third of the whole mass of guano is salts,' of which ammonia is the base ; one-fifth is phosphoric salt, and one-fifth a salt of which lime is the base ; and that all the otirer ins^redients, (potash, soda, &c.) are considered highly valuable and even ne cessary ingredients of good soils — but the ammonia of which so south- ing. 5." 5^ 11 34 12 21 A. 19 2 S5 1 % 227 151 ^l»30 10 11 2 39 3 31» 4 24 5 21 6 191 7 18 8 16 9 13 7 . 6\ 11 51 8 M.42 1 33 2 21 3 II 4 1 4 50 5 39 6 27 7 13 7 59 8 44 9 29 10 13 10 59 2 33 2 36 2 39 2 43 2 45 2 46 2 51 2 54 2 57 3 1 3 4 3 7 3 9 3 13 3 16 3 19 322 3 25 13 28 3 32 3 35 3 38 3 40 3 43 3 46 3 50 able noise in iculturists in roduced it to t of sea-fowl lands on the upon analysis alts,' of which and one-fiflh r ingredients and even ne- i of which to D M T 2 3 Hi ? E'lnth SjNat. 9 Low 10 11 12 13 E 15 110 17 IS c ru in 17th I Higli St. L 7* li ^ ita I8(hg (^ent C apo 19 30 E 2.\ 34 35 30 «7 « gr. E>l9th 39|St.Mic 30|St. Jei a p( llnutritioui jaffbi'df, publiihe( lliie opini lEngfland, [Charcoal, Igenerally llgypium, or coal B( |l)ave yioli "Parley, n destroy in Remain w lildew. SEPTEMBER 30 Days. Autumn. D M T 3 3 4 5 6 Sundayi, Weather, Anniversaries, &.c. High Water, mean time, at Halifax. N. S. Anna- polis, Charlotte, Windsor, Town, k P. E. I. ' St. John. Hiij;li tides. |S.10h57m. Poggy dxM mornings. lp)ayB end. Some rain. E'inthSun. aft. Trin. 8jNat. B.V. Mary. 9 Low tides. Fair and 10 C runs low. pkasant. n tf in inf. dO- 12 C perigee. 13 Qiiitefine. E 17th Sun. aft. Trin. 15 liigh tides. 10 Clouds up 17 St. Lambert. dull 18 7^ rise 8h. 16m. , 19 J/ ^ C • « severe '20 ^ stat. storm of E 18th Sun. aft. Trin. St. 32 )i in St' [Matthew. 33 ent. ^ Low tides. C 34 C. apogee. [runs high. 35 rain may be 30 expected about 1137 ^ gr. elong. this E I9th Sun. alt. Trin. |39|St.Michael. Michaelmas D. ;30|St. Jerome. time. 7 7 8 3« 8 8 42 9 18 9 55 10 43 11 39 morn. 55 2 26 3 50 5 5 51 6 36 7 15 7 51 8 26 9 20 9 40 10 21 11 5 10 30 11 6 11 38 morn. 48 1 2 3 3 4 5 7 A. I 2 3 4 5 5 3 17 28 29 17 57 6 36 25 12 9 30 25 56 20 8 30 9 21 10 6 10 45 11 21 11 56 A. 50 1 10 1 51 2 35 30 33 47 6 58 7 59 8 47 9 27 10 6 10 10 36 11 11 M. 8 42 55 3 4 5 42 39 55 26 6 50 8 8 51 9 36 10 15 10 51 11 30 M. 38 I 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 48 25 12 9 30 25 56 8 20 9 30 10 21 11 6 11 26 56 A. 1 50 41 2 10 ] 21 2 51 2 5 3 35 3 4 30 4 3 5 33 5 17 6 47 6 28 7 58 7 29 8 59 8 17 9 47 8 57 10 27 9 36 11 6 11 A. 45 large a portion of guano consists, is the most important of all nutritious salts, on account of the large amount of Nitrogen it affords. As to the value of Guano as a manure, all who have published the results of their experiments in England, concur in the opinion that it is very great. The manner of applying it in England, appears to be various— some mix it with pulverized charcoiil, some with wood ashes, gypsum, &c. The quantity pnerally applied to an acre, was 2 cwt. of guano and 2cwt. of ppium, or 2 cwt. guano and 3 times its bulk of wood, charcoal, r coal ashes, but some considered that a larger quantity would ave yielded more profitably. As a top dressing for Wheat, arley, and Oats, it will it is' said prevent the wire worm from estroying the roots, and all insects, and rats and mice will not emain where it is used, and in many instances have' prevented ildew. 1845. OCTOBER begins on Wednesday. New Moon, lit. d. 6h. d6m. Morning. First Quarter, 8tli. d. 7h. 17ni. Morning. Full Moon, 15th. d. 5h. 42ni. Morning. Last Quarter, 29d. d. 4h. Om. Morning. New Moon, dOth d. 7h. 27m. Afternoon. (^'s upper limb rises. I sets. 09 "S ©fast of clock. dec. S. sets. 12Su 13 M 14 jib 15W 19 5 :6Su 6 11 42 10 21 3<' 13' 11 39 10 40 3 37 11 37 10 58 4 11 33 11 16 4 23 11 30 1134 4 46 11 27 1152 5 10 11 23 12 9 5 33 n 20 12 25 5 56 11 18 12 42 6 18 11 15 12 58 6 41 11 12 I^IS 7 4 11 8 13 28 7 27 11 6 13 42 7 49 11 4 13 56 8 11 11 1 14 10 8 34 10 57 14 22 8 56 10 54 14 35 9 18 10 51 14 46 9 40 10 47 14 57 10 2 10 45 15 8 JO 23 10 42 15 17 10 45 10 38 15 26 11 6 10 35 15 35 11 27 10 33 15 42 11 48 10 30 i5 49 12 9 10 27 15 55 12 30 10 25 16 1 12 50 10 21 16 5 13 10 10 19 16 9 13 30 10 15 16 12 13 50 10 13 16 15 14 10 sets 6 10 6 49 7 35 8 25 9 21 10 23 11 M 32 U 42 1 3 4 5 51 5 7 19 rises 5 58 638 7 8 21 12 8 59 9 54 10 52 11 47 M 43 1 2 3 4 47 48 51 56 sets 5 29 U 46 A. 34 1 26 2 20 3 16 It is frequently the case that animals are neglected in the fall the cold weather conies on, the ground freezes, and the snoi falls, still the sheep or cattle are allowed to run at large, shiveij ing in the open air, and gleaning as they best can from ohe froze earth, something to satisfy their hunger. All animals, and ma himself, feels the necessity of protection more on the. first attac of frost, than after the system is accustomed to its action; an there is no* time in the year when care and attention to the stoc| Es better rewarded than in the first setting in of winter — providiii mo 13 A. 34 3 1 26 3 2 20 4 3 16 l4 4 14 4 5 13 |4 18 6 10 |4 IS 7 6 4 17 8 4 :i 8 51 4 }\ 9 42 4 C 10 31 14 P 11 12 4 •'m.ii U ited in the fall and the snof .t large, shivefl Vom the froze^ imals, and ma the. first aUad its action ; an jontothestocj \ter— pro\""" 2 3 4 fi 6 7 9 10 14 15 16 17 18 E SO 21 •22 23 24 25 £33r^ 28 29 30 31 SB OCTOBER 31 Days. Autumn. Sundays, Weather, Anniveisarief, &c. High Water, mean time, at Cbarioite WlmlHor, Halifax N. S. Anna- polis, Town, P.E. I. k St. John. High tides. ^ S. 8h 54in. 9<5 pi. t fouth* ing. 5| 1 Sa 6 'iH 4 48 10 10,10 10 14 29 jT " 1 r 5 85 2Su5 5 3 5^ t; Tn'ii 4;-) 4 42 9 57 16 12 16 3 11 40 » 5 50 5 38 7 F a 46A 41 1 9 65 10 9 10 20 morn. » 48 6 4(; e Sa 6 48:4 39| 9 51 10 4 10 37 55 H 7 38 5 44 9 Su 49 4 38 9 49 15 59 10 55 2 3 X 8 27 5 46 IO|M 6 51 4 37 9 40 15 54 17 12 3 111 9 15 5 49 11 Ti'6 52 W 6 5;J 4 361 9 44 15 47 17 28 4 15 Of 10 3 5 51 12 4 35 9 42 15 40 17 45 5 10 tl 53 5 53 13 'fti^O 55 4 34, 9 39,15 31 18 I 27 11 42 5 56 14 F ,fi 56 4 33 9 37 15 22 18 17 rite* U i 5 58 15 Sa 6 57 4 32 9 35 15 12 18 32 13 U M.32 6 fi 16 Su 59 4 31 9 32 15 1 18 45 51 n 1 33 3 17 M 7 4 30 9 30 14 50 19 2 7 4'1 ss 3 12 6 5 18 1^7 1 4 29 9 28 14 37 19 10 8 38 ss 3 6 7 lU W7 3 4 28 9 25 14 23 19 30 9 37 a 3 46 10 ,20 U 7 4 4 28 9 24 14 10 19 44 10 33 s^ 4 81 6 11 2rF 7 5 4 27 9 22 13 551 19 68 11 34 !i 3 15 6 13 ii'^BA 7 7 4 20 9 19 13 34120 n morn. n 5 58 6 16 ,238u 7 8 4 25 9 17 13 22' 20 23 31 m 6 43 6 18 ,24 M 7 9 4 25 9 16,13 5 20 35 1 33 ^ 7 20 6 19 25 Tu; 2e;w 7 10 4 24 9 14 12 40 20 47 3 37 £L 8 13 6 21 7 11 4 24 9 13 12 27 20 59 3 42 ^ 1 6 22 ;27 Th 7 13 4 23 9 10 12 8 21 10 4 50 iti 9 54 6 25 ;28F 7 14 4 23 9 9 11 47 21 21 5 59 ^ 10 50 6 26 129 Sa 7 15 4 22; 9 711 20 21 31 leti f 11 50 6 28 30Su7 15 4 22 9 6H 4 21 41 6 2 t A. 51 6 29 Lay ilk full IVed lor all your an mall, that the; y may have a full supply Ihroui;)) the l(>n{j;htin^i-y season of l|)rifl)l;'- -whbIo no f{ )dder j — provide racks and ieeding troii ghs, that (Millh } may not tread their food under feet — shelter nil animalii, it wil 1 iBve food and .flesh — see that cattle have water and iiilt at a 11 times— Ic >t all stables be well liitered— a dirty animiil cnnnot thnve—a dirty hide will wn.'-te n cow's flesh ftister thnn food w\ 11 add to it. Chop 'up with a straw cutter all your corn fodder— tin reih grain ( Jarly, 'and thus cheat the rats, the only kind of fntud admissible with honest farmers. S^•e that cows ore rnllked vei'ji clean ; mo re 80 than most boys and hired men can be cottxod or compelled to do NOVEMBER 30 Days. Autumn. D M Sundays, Weather, Anniversaries, &c. Haliiax, N.S. Ili xh Water, mean time, at CtiarlotieiWliuJiior, Town, I fc P.E.I. St. John AnAafio- liii. iiAll Saints. E|24th Sun.aft.Trin.AHSouIs. 3 C perigee. Dull and 4 unpleasant. 5 Gunpowder plot, ItiOS. 6 Low tides. 7 1 Appearance 8,efl I 8etB. %' X' of "^ ^ clock dec. S. C sets. 1^ M T.I W IVi Sa M 9,Tu 10 W Jl 13 13 14 15 16To|7 17,W7 Th F Sa Su M;7 18 1!) F ^0,Sa 21 So T.i7 7 7 2*2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3) i, • M lb W Th F Sa Su M Tu|7 WI7 17 18 20 21 22 2;i 24 25 2(> 27 27 28 2M 30 31 31 32 83 4 33 4 34 4 34 4 35 35 3(i 3b'*4 37|4 37 4 37 37 37 37 21 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 '26 27 27 28 20 29 9 4 9 3 9 1 !) 8 59 8 57 8 50 8 55 8 54 8 5.3 8 53 8 52 8 51 10 42 10 19 9 5 9 30 9 6 8 40 8 14 7 48 7 21 6 54 (i 2i» 5 58 5 30 21 21 22 22 50 59 8 16 22 24 VJ2 31 22 .'{S 22 45 22 51 22 56 23 1 7 29 8 21 9 33 10 46 11 5 morn. 58 8 50 5 1 8 49 4 32 8 49 8 49 8 48 8 48 8 48 8 48 i8 48 4 3 3 34 3 4 2 35 2 5 1 35 1 5 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 6 10 14 17 20 22 24 2(j 26 27 |8 48| 35 !8 49 81. 5 23 27 23 26 2 3 4 5 5 12 12 13 « 10 rises 5 35 6 31 7 28 8 25 9 25 10 2:T 11 20 morn. 15 8 49 8 49 8 50 8 50 8 51 8 52 24 54 1 24 1 54 2 23 2 52 8 52| 8 21 23 23 23 23 23 23 2J 23 25 24 22 20 17 13 10 5 25 .30 37 41 51 sets 5 58 7 16 8 26 I 2 3 4 5 pi eyo i n n south- ln>r._ i 53 2 53 3 50 4 44 5 36 6 25 7 13 8 I S 49 9 37 10 27 11 16 S M 6 54 t 41 2 27 3 11 vi^ 3 55 T1JJ 4 37 m .r\. t f 20 6 4 6 50 7 40 8 32 9 29 10 30 11 32 A. 35 1 36 2 33 -C 03 53 6 31 6 32 31 6 35 6 36 6 38 (» 30 6 40 6 41 6 42 6 4:) 6 44 6 45 6 Ki 6 4C 6 46 6 47 6 47 6 47 6 47 6 47 6 47 6 47 incr. 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 There is a prevnilin? idea that the farmer has nothing to do In Winter — this is a great mistake, — if he has improved his time well; if he has every thing right, he will have his time during the winter more at command than otherwise. The improvetnent of the body and the mind will furnish ample occupatiun ; and (he attention bestowed will not lose its reward. Are all your farm mplemenls taken care of, and secured ugninst the weather for further use 1 Is every loose board on your barns and sheds secured] Have you no broken panes in your windows! Look about und see— if you have any of the first, take your hammer 5:j 53 50 44 m la I 49 8 16 6 41 27 II A 55 4 a7 5 20 f) 4 6 50 7 40 8 3-2 9 ^9 10 30 1 1 3-2 lA. 35 1 3t) 2 33 6 31 (i 32 34 6 35 ;6 36 6 38 l({ 3i) 6 40 G 41 6 42 4-i (> 44 <> 45 G K) 6 4G G 46 6 47 6 47 6 47 G 47 6 47 (i 47 6 47 incr. 1 1 2 othing to do wed his time time during mprovement ion ; and the 1 your farm] weather for ; and sheds )\vs 1 Look our hammer DECEMBER 31 Da^. Winter. Sundays, Weather, Anniveriarics, &c. D M 1 2 3 4 5 G E 8 9 10 11 12 13 R 15 IG' 5 apogee. 17 very cold. 18 Rathtr 19 20 E High Water, metn Unit, at 9' lotg 7h. 3Tin. 9 <5 C . yery cold weather. Low tides. Snow about St. Nicholas. this ind Sun. in Advent. Con. B.V.Mary. lime. jy (J C • Look out for a High tides. C runs hi;|h. 3d Sun. in Advent, ittrm. Clear and ^ \n^ dull. 4thSun. itiAd. !!>t.Tlios 22 Low Tides, [dhortestdny. •23 ^ in perh. A heavy Christmns day St. Stephen. anow Si. John. stoim. 1st. Sun. aft. Christmas. In- C perigee [noceius. High tides. nifrh at hand. 34 25 ■26 27 G •29 31 Hulifox, N.S. "b 50 9 27 10 II 11 3 morn. 5G 1 1 2 17 3 21 4 36 5 25 6 6 6 46 7 26 7 45 8 33 9 10 9 42 10 16 10 53 11 38 A. 31 50 2 4 5 52 12 17 6 13 7 7 7 24 45 8 30 Anna- polint. morn. .57 1 41 a r52 3 :jO 4 26 4 31 5 57 6 51 8 6 8 55 9 36 10 16 10 56 11 15 A. 50 1 12 1 46 2 23 3 8 4 1 4 20 (i 23 7 42 8 47 9 43 10 30 10 54 11 15 morn. Cbarlotie Town, P^E. I. 11 sOT niorn. 1 2 3 WindMr k St. John. II 2 3 56 4 I 17 2! 30 2r, 5 6 7 8 9 € 9 4G 10 26 10 45 11 33 A. 42 1 16 1 51 2 38 3 31 1 1 2 3 4 u 57 41 32 30 5 26 5 31 6 47 7 51 9 6 9 55 10 36 11 16 11 A. 1 1 2 2 4 5 7 8 10 52 12 17 9 13 10 10 24 10 45 11 30 5t5 40 12 46 3 23 4 8 5 1 5 20 7 22 8 42 9 47 10 43 11 30 111 54 ■morn. I 1 nnd nails, and make all ruvo at once; — if the latter, use some glass and putty forthwith — a broken pane of glass will cost you half a cord of wood at least, during the winter, and give you as many colds as you can desire. Are your children at school? and whal have you done to provide for them, and for yourself, the means of acquiring that knowledge so essentia! to success in lifel Winter is the season in which works of charity and kindness are frequently required, and which the farmer ought not to ne- glect — there will always bej.those who are unfortunate and poor, and for such, good may always be done. Creditors aressnper- Jtitious sort of people, great observers of set times ^inddays; nd it would be well if those who are in debt would always lear this fact in mind. C2 I ' Iri ml. 11 30 farmer's almanack. 1845. PROVINCE OF NOVA'SCOTIA. The Right Honorable LUCIUS BENTINCK, Viscount FALKLAND, Knight Grand Cto%% of the Guelphic Or- der, and Member of Her Majesty'^ Most Honourable Privy Council, Lieutenant-Governor, and Commander-in-Chief, in and over Her Majesty's Province of Nova-Scotia, and its Dependencies, &c. &c. &c. Private Secretary. Rev. Henry John Torre. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Hon. Simon Bradatreet Robie» M. L. C. Hon. Sir Rupert Dennis George, Baronet, Hon. James William Johnston, My. Gen. M. P. P. Hon. Edmund Murray Dodd, Sol. Oen. M. P. P. Hon. Alexander Stewart, M. L. C. Hon. Mather By las Almon, M. L. C. Retired Members of Council retaining their rank, by gpecial permission of Her Mcfjttty, Hon. Thomas Nickleson Jeffery. Hon. Charles Ramage Prescott. Hon. Enos Collins, Hon. Samuel Cunard. Hon. Henry Hezekiah Cogiwell. \ ;i845. FARMER'S ALMANACK. SI THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Hon. and Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Nova-Scotia. Hon. Simon Bradstreet Robie, President, M. E. C Hon. Peter McNab. Hon. Norman Fitzgerald Uniacke. Hon. William Lavvson. Hon. Alexander Stewart, ^^. E. C. Hon. William Rudolf. Hon. Robert Mollison Cutler. Hon. Alexander Campbell. Hon. Michael Tobin. Hon. James Bond. Hon. Daniel McFarlane. Hon. John Morton. Hon. Hugh Bell. Hon. Stayley Brown. Hon. Alexander McDougall. - - Hon. Peter Hail Clarke. Hon. Mather Byles Almon, M. E. C. Hon. Edward Kenny. Chaplain, Rev. Archdeacon Willis, D. D. Clerk, John C. Halliburton, Esq. Law Clerk, John W. Ritchie, Esq. Gentleman Ussher of the Black Rod, J. J. Sawyer, Esq. Messenger, Mr. Joseph Skallish. WiWw»«IWWgWBPBI'WII'^*''''».'!W W ipw»>.' oung,. Esq. Elkanah Y * Mayhew Beckwith,' Esq. Perez M. Benjamin, Esq. * Stephen S. Thome, Esq. Alfred Whitman, Esq. * Charles Budd, Esq. * Anselm F. Coinmo, Esq. ♦Reuben Clements, Esq. r -; • u: * John Ryder, Esq. . •; \ • * Peter Spearwater, Esq. Paul Crowell. Esq. <^ , * William B. Taylor, Esq. ' * John Heckman, Esq. *Iion. Edmund M. Dodd, Sol. Gen. M. E. "€.{ * Henry MartelJ, Esq. Officers. — Clerk, John Whidden, Esq. Asat. Clerk, Joseph Whidden, F'isq. iScrg-eawiaf ^rws, Geo. R. Grassie, Esq. AssLi Sergt. at Anns, Mr. John Jennings. Messenger, Mr. Jnu. Gibbs * Members of the former Hou9«. )45. I'ARJiIBaV ALMANACK. 33 lOLL OF BARRISTERS AND JTTORNIES. eman, Esqrs. )wen, Esqrs. 1| )\ver. Esqrs- irshall, Esqrs*J i. Clerk, JosepW sie, Esq. Asstt Mr.Jno.Gibbsf RESIURNT IN NOVA-SCO'«'I A , Names. Admitted Attornies. Admitted Barriiiters Residence. H. H. CogHwell •■ Is. Clarke ne» S Morse Nutting, knThosHiIl Sterns )mas Dickson \}i.J W Johnston A.G. in Creigbton .••«.... i D. Ste-.vart luel P Fairbanks .... Q. Savvers W.White >rge T Solomon • . . • |athan Marsters •••• In Whidden . . • . . • . • Edm M DoddS.G FDe^Barres Imish Murdoch ...... ^t. Alexander Stewart iris M Wi.kins, jr. .. |x Primrose .D. Roach I Scott Tremairi . . .. |es B. IJniacke ries Twining James Sawyer . • • . jry Blackadar jrge R Grassie • ••• |es F. Gray •.«• C Hall ' Alex. McDougali Int. Fleiger \tA S. Clarke Young Iries B. Owen • ■ les A. Dt:nni!:!Oi) pert B. Dickbon lies S:ewart • <•• H.Harris •••• |isH. IVIoise •••• H. Winniett ^gh Har' shorn e •< net) Turnbiill • • • • Iw. H. Harrington lOOctr. 1798 lOOctr. 1798IHalifax. liiOctr I8i2jl2 0ctr. 180'2 Ditto |1 Octr. 181 Oil Octr. 1810 Amherst. 23 0ctr. 1810 23 Octr. iSlO Halilax. •28 Octr. I8I0I23 Octr. I8IO Amigonish. 14 April 1813 14 April 1814 Liverpool. 14 April 18JS 14 April l3!4jPictou. 230ctr. I8l3 230ctr. ISulHalifax. 18 April 18151 18 April I8I6 18 April 1815 18 April I8I6 Lunenburg. Newport. i5 April 1817|!5 April 18 18 Liverpool 22 Oct 1817,22 Oct. 1817 16 April I8l8 19 April 1821 '^5 Julv 1821 25 July lt21 K) April 1818 19 April 1820 25 July 1820 '25 July 182(1 *15 Jany. 1821115 Jany. 1S22 j 17 April 1821 17 April lfc2r' 14 July 1821 14 July 182" 14 July 1821 14 July 1822 I 9 July lfc22l 9 July 182^ 1822' 10 July 1823 1822i 9 Octr. 1SV3 1822 18 Octr. 1 "'23 Halifax ; 10 July I 9 Octr. 18 Octr. 6 April 182S 5 April 1823 Halifax. Ditto Lunenburg. Truro. Halifax. Sjdney, C.B Gtivsboro'. Halifax. Ditto Windsor. Halifax. •* mherst. 5 April I8i;'3j Ditto 5 April 1?23 Ditto 28 Jany. 1824 28 Jany. 1825| Ditto 13 April 1824:13 April 1'325 Pictou. 13 April 1824il3 April |P25|AnnapoIin. 20July l824'5SOJuly l825;Halifax; 19 Jniy. 1825|24 Jany. 182C Kentville. 19 Jany. I825f24 Jany 1826 Anlijjonish. April 1825ll8 April 1826 Arichat •••••• 23 Octr. 1825 24 Octr. 1826 !25 Octr. IS25I24 Octr. 1826 24 Jany. 1826 23 Jany. 1827 24 Octr 1826 23 Octr. 1827 !24 0ctr 1826 23 Octr. 1827 '24 Octr. 1826 23 Octr. 1827 Halifax. |23 Jany. 1827 23 Jany. 1827 1 owerHorton 23 April 1827,27 Jany. 1829 , Amherst. Halifax. Ditto Lunenburg. Dighy Truro. '24 July 1827 r. Bridgetown. 24 July 1827 24 July 1827lHalifa.T. I Arichat, C.B. 23 Octr. 1827 28 Octr. 1828|Antigonish. *t s farmer's almanack. 1845. jStephen H. Moore Law. O'C. Doyle Martin I. Wilkins John C. Halliburton ••*> Wm. Bowman Wm. H. Keating Wm. Sutherland Harry King, D C L •••• Eldw. Roach Snow P. Freeman WmEdw Smith Thos. B. AjiinH John W. Ritchie Henry Pryor Silas L. Morse Nepean Clarke ••• Arch. McQueen Cha^. Hill Wallace .... Roliert B. Dickey Donald N. McQueen >. George R. Young ...... George S. Milledge .••• Daniel Owen James R. Smith Andrew M. Uniacke.... James L Dewolf Henry H Grantham . . . . Henry B. Webster .... Stewart Campbell Perez M Cunningham. • • . Thos N Jeffery jr 22 Jany, 22 Jany, 22 Jany. 22 July 2 80ctr. 2 aOclr. 28 Octr. 27 Jany. 6 May 28 July 3 Nov. 4 May 26 Jany. 25 Jany. 3 May INov. 24 July 30 Octr. 22 Jany. 22 Jany. 22 Jany. 22 Jany. 80 April 23 April 29 Octr. 29 Oct. 29 Octr. 29 April 22 July 25 July 3 Mar. LD Morton f 3 Mar. Thos V B Bingay . . . Wm M Hoffman .... Elias Tapper John D Kinnear Jno. McGregor Jonathan McCulley >• Eben. F. Munro •••■ Chas, I. Halliburton . • Chas. F. Harrington . Wm C. Whidden.... David Matheson • • • • Peter Lynch, jr. w . . . Gustaviis Haiiburton*' Henry P. Hill Samuel Gray • • James Fogo - Fredk. W. Grantham DanI . Dickson > James McKeagney •• Adiimtk G. Archibald" Stephen Roggs • 3 Mar. 6 May 23 July 26 July 3 Nov. 14 Jan. 14 Jan. 14 Jan 1 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 18 Jan. 18 Jan. 2 May 2 May 26 July 31 Oct. 16 Jan. 16 Jan. 828 828 828 828 828 8ii8 828 829 829 829 829 830 P31 831 831 831 832 832 833 833 8.33 833 833 833 833 833 833 834 834 835 836 835 835 835l 836' 833 835 836 836 836 836 836 836 FS6 S36 837 837 837 1 837 887 837 883 888 1829 1829 27 Jany 27 Jany 22 Jany. 28 July 3 Nov 3 Nov. 1829 3 Nov. 1829 27 Jany. 1829 I 4 May 1830 27 July 1830 1 Nov. 1830 3 May 1831 24 Jany 15 Jany, 1 May SO Octr. 23 July 30 Octr. 21 Jany Kentville. Halifax. ]828|Pictou. 1829 1 Halifax. 1828 Windsor. Halifax. Ditto Windsor. Pictou. Liverpool. Sydney. Halifax. Ditto Ditto Bridgetown. Halifax. PortHoodCB Halifax. 1832 1831 1832 1832 1833 1832 ^ 1834 'Amherst. 21 Jany. 1834 Sydney, C.B, 22 July 1834'Halifax. 21 Jany. 1834 AnnapollB. 29 April 1834 Lunenburg. 23 July 1833 Bridgetown. 1833 Halifax. 29 Octr 4 Nov 4 Nov 5 May 25 July 25 July lb34 1834 1835 1836 1836 14 Jan. 183 6 1 Halifax 14 J m. 1836 'Kentville. WindNor. Yarmouth. Kentville. Antigonish. Windiior. lS3fc I83f) 14 Jan. 3 May 26 July 1836 26July 1 Nov j 6 Jan. 16 Jan. 14 Yarmouth. Halifax . Corriwallii, 1836 Amherst. 18361 Halifax. 1837 1837 Amherst. Truro. Jan. 1836 Amherst. Oct. 1837jArich«t,C.B. 1837CornwalIU 1 837 Pictou Oct. 1837 Halifax Nov. lb.36,Shelburne 1688 PortHood, C.B. Oct. Oct. 31 31 31 31 1 16 Jan 16 Jan. I8fl8 1 May 183- 1 May IR38 24 July 1888 Halifax Pictou Yarmouth Pictou 80 Oct. Ih88 Sydney, C.B. 16 Jan. 1839 Truro 16 Jan. 1888iHnliiax 1845. VARMER S ALMANACK. 35 Jm. J. Ritchie Hen. C. D. Twining. Edward A. Pyke ... Geo. A. Blaneliard * S. Leonard Shannon JaM. D Fraaer Jaa. Bobt. Prescott • Wm. Howe CharleH MorHe JohnC. Wade Alexander Fraser . . . Gilbert Seely William A. Henry . William H. Troop... James Murray, jr. . • • Thoa. Wm. Hunt... oHeph Whidden ... Hiram Blanchnrd ••. IJaniea C Cogawell »• A F. Hallburton ... Peter S. Archibald • > . iKobt. McCuliey ... no. D. .McNuit ... 'Iinnthy D Rugglen > homaa W Harris . . . olin John at on lex. McFarlane ••• win J. IWonlc lex. Jumea lias Jaa Stewart • . . . w Parry Nutting • • no. Cunningham • • • • Mip C.Hill iehael Wallace... • an. Hall Thorn e . . > < m R, Cutler no. McKinlsy > bti Edw Chandler > < 16 1 24 ao 16 30 30 28 29 28 3 3 3 19 27 24 24 30 19 19 19 19 29 18 25 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 23 23 23 23 3 Jan. May July Oct. Jan. April April July Oct, July Nov. Nov. Nov. Jan. April July July Nov. April April April April April April July Dec. Dec. Dec. May May May May May July July July July Dec. 1838 1888 188S 1883 16 Jan. 80 April 28 July 29 Oct. 1889|16 Jan. 18S9| 6 May 11:39 30 April 1839 23 July ]t39 3 Nov. 1840 24 July 1840 80 Nov. 1840 80 Nov. 1540 30 Nov. 1841 19 April 1541 26 July 1841 26 July 1841 26 July 1841 lis April 1842' 19 April 1842 18 April 1842 18 April 1842; 18 April 1842! 7 May 1843 7 May 16431 7 May 1838 Annapolis 1839 Halifax 1839,CornwalliB 1839;Antigoni8h 1839 Halifax 1840' Windsor 1839 Cornwallia l839|Halifax 1840 Liverpool 1841 Digby 1841 Picfou 1841 Liverpool 1841 AntigoniHh 1842 Bridgerown 1842 Yarmouth 1842 Halifax 1842 Ditto 1643 Guysboro* 1642 Halifax 1643 PortHood, C.B 1843 Halifax 1843' Amherst 1843 1843 1843 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 3 Dec. 3 Dec. 8 Dec. 184 Ji 1844 I844 1844 1844 7 May July 23, Truro Bridgetown Kentville Halifax Amherst ]844'Halifax Ditto Amherst Halifax Windsor 1844|Halifax ...I Ditto 1 844 Bridgetown Guysboro' Pictou Amherst N'ova Scotia Banisters Society. Patron— The Chancellor and The Chief Justice. Honorary |[em6er», The Judges of the Supreme Court. Committee^ Jas )tt Tremnini (Chairman), James Stewart and Jno. W. Ritchie, inqri. tSee^aneiLtVanan, J. W. Nutting, Esq. S\»h'Lihrarian, ir. Twining. 136 farmer's almanack. 1845. Roads to the principal Towns in the Province. Halifax to Digby. Edward'H Valley 2)^ Birch Cove 2^ Thomson's 3^ jFuIiz'a 3 Hamilton's 2 JHiltz's 8 iFitzmaurice's 2 jPentz'B 2^ jLakelands 6 Sweet's 2 Westcott's, Newport Road (35) 3 Edwards' 3 Windsor (45) 7 Dimock'g Lower H or ton Wolfville Kentville (6S) Sheffield's Gibbon's Lawrence Town Bridgetown Annapolis Spinney's, Argyle 9 Mrs. Manning's Petite Larkin'H, Pubnico 8| Kendrick's, Barring- ton 12| Nickerson's, Beaver Dam Mcintosh's, Shel burne Riviere Teals, Broad Cove Mack'H, Mill Village Liverpool (13S) 12 Port Mouton Port Jolly 10 Sable River {Jordan River IBOl'Shelburne , T 4 9 10 6 lo! To via. Ditmar'd Winchester's Digby 11 4 7 17 12 11 15 (128) 15 8 Cumberland Windsor. Windsor 45 Parrsboro' by v/ater 30 FuUerton's Jenk's Macan River Pugsley's, Nappan Bent's, Amherst 'Fort Cumberland 178 Hx. to Cumberland via Dartmouth' \ 11 Across the Ferry 2Sh»ltz'8 CilWoodward's • 9 Pollock's 9 Truro (65i) 7 Gourley's Onslow -: Ye u- ill's \\ 118 Foot of Cobq. Mnts 148 Phillip Stewart's ' Amherst Fort Cumberland Halifax to Yarmouth and Shelburne. Annapolis 128 iRuggies', Digby 20 Seely's St. Mary's Bay 7 'Everett's, Weymouth road 5 Ijones', Scissiboo 6 Terrean's, Billevous Cove Molonson's, Clare Tucker's, Montagan Cove Phillips', Bear river 15 Parry's, Yarmouth Lakes 7 Richan's, Yarmouth 6 Porter's, Eel Brook 13| Halifax to LHnenburg\l^'^y''\ *°P .^^ *^° jJverpool and Shet]^^:^^'^^^;^'' «'^'^' burne via Windsor. Windsor 45 Gildert's 20 Church's Hill 6jb Webber's Hill* , 5 Middle River Bridge 4 Barkhouse's 7 Ernst's 6 Zwicker's, Mahone Bay 2 Lunenburg (101^) 6 Jno Pernelte's Ferry at LaHave River Across the Ferry Halifax to Middk Musquodoboit. Across the Ferry Ij '^Shultz's H ^.Keys's M •Miller's Gay's River l Colbeck's U i * A little beyond, Webber's the road turns' Halifax to Pictou. oflF to the right, avoiding To Truro 651 Chester ; at Middle Ri- Archibald's, Salmon ver Bridge the rojid a-j River 1< gain meets that leading Irving's, Mount Tom I ifrom Chester Town. — From Webber's Hill to Chester Town is 6 miles. Pictou 1051 kMBMH farmer's almanack. 37 Halifax to JIntigonith. Blanchard's, West River, Pictou 88 Chisholm's, New Glasgow 10 Copeland'a, Mcri- gomish 12 Murray's 5 McDonald's, Arisaig 12 Harrington's, Anti- gonish 17 144 ■The road over the Anti Igonish mountains short- lens the above distance ■about 11 miles. _ . Guysboro* iir fA.-. *^ n.....i.^^^> Crow Harbour \Hahfax to Guysboro' ^jin^Q^ Anderiron's Miller's 10 12 178 Halifax to Sherbrooke St. Mary's. Antigoniah liochaber Lake A rchibald 'b— forks Sherbrooke 179 lAntigonjsh Ifioyle's . 144 12 Halifax to Wilmotf Cape Canso. 178 16 15 209 Can$o to Antigonish. Guysboro' 30 Boyle's 22 Antigonish 1 2 64 Hx. to Shubenacadie. Westcott'a Cochran's Murphy's, Rawdon Church Henry Blois' Cove Douglas Kennetcook bridge Mouth of the Shube nacadie river 35 4 8i 11 4 16j| 79 STAOS COACHZ8S «C STEABUIRS. The RoTAL Western Stage Coaches (carrying H. M. fails), run three times in the week between Halifax and Anna- polis, leaving at each place on the mornings of Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday— and three times in the week between Halifax ind Windsor, leaving Halifax on the mornings of Monday, Wed lesday and Friday, and Windsor on the mornings of Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. The RoTAii Eastern Stage CoacAes (carrying H. M. Mails,) ^uring the Summer season, run three times in the week between lalifax and Pictou, leaving Halifax on the mornings of Tues ^ay, Thursday and Saturday, and Pictou on the mornings of londay, Wednesday and Friday; and during the Winter twice In the week, leaving Halifax on the mornings of Tuesday and Saturday, and Pictou on the mornings of Monday and Friday. The Parrsboro* Packet runs between Windsor, Horton and Parrsboro', from the 1st of April till Christmas ; leaving Lower lorton at, or after 8 o'clock, on Monday for Parrsboro' and bm thence to Windsor on Tuesday; leaving the latter place itx Parrsboro' the first high water at, or after 10 o'clock on Mnesday ; and leaving Parrsboro' for Horton on Friday. The British and North American Royal Maii. Steam Ships ave Liverpool G. B. on the 4th and 19ih of every month, for lalifax and Boston, except in Deer. Jan'y. Feb'y. and March, D I 38 FARMBR^S ALMANACK. 1845. when but one that of the 4th io despatched. Returning leave Boston on the 1st and 16th, and Halifax on the 3d and 18th of every month except in Deer. Jan'y. Fcb'y. and March, when but one, that of the 3rd from Halifax is despatched. The Steam Ship Unicorn, Capt. Douglas, runs between Pic tou and Quebec, (during the Summer months,) in connexion with the above Steamers, carrying Passengers and H. M. Mails to and from Quebec and Pictou. The Steamer St. George, (carrying H. M. Mails) during the Summer months, runs between Pictou and Charlotte Town, and George Town, P. E. Island. During the Summer a Steamer runs between Windsor and St. John, N. B. and Boston — and also another Steamer between Annapolis and St. John, N. B. PUBLIC OFFICE MS, CONSULS, ^c. Hon. Sir R. D. George, fit Chas W. Wallace, Esq. Secretary of the Province - Registrar of Deeds - - - Treasurer Casual Revenue Treasurer of the Province Auditor of Public Accounts Surveyor-General of Lands, > john'Spry Morris, Esq. Commissioner ol Crown Lands ^ * •' ' ^ Postmaster General, Arthur Woodgate, Esq. f Joseph Howe, Esq. . ! Hon. E. M. Dodd, J for Commissioners for Indian Affairs \ H. W. Crawley, Esq. \ C.B. I Rt Rev. Bishop Eraser, for [the Counties of Sydney, Guysboro and Pictou. Agents for the General Mining > Hon. Saml.Cunard, Halifax. Association, London, ^ Hichd Brown, Esq. Sydney. Pru8sii*n Consul Stephen Binney, Esq. Halifax. ) T. B. Livingston, Esq. Halifax. United States Consuls, .... > Jas. Primrose, Esq. Pictou. i C.H.Delavan,Esq.fSydney,C.B. Brazillian Vice-Consul, Hon. Michael Tobin, Halifax. Spanish Vice-Consul, J. G- A. Creighton, Esq. Halifax. Quccu's Printer Jno. H. Crosskill, Esq. Sfii Court of Chancery. Held before the Master of the Rolls, every Tuesday through,-! out the yeai", except ^uring vacation. Chancellor, His Excellency The Right Honble. Lucius Ben^ TiNCK, Viscount Falkland, Lieut. Governor of Nova Scotia Master of the Rolls, and Responsible Judge in Chancery, thd Honble. S. G. W. Archibald, L. L. D. Attorney General, th^ Honble. James W. Johnston. Solicitor General, 18*5. farmer's almanack. 39 Advocates and Solicitors, tiio Barristers and At- toruies of the Supreme Court. Regiiitrar, N. W. White, Esq. I'AMt. Regr. Jno. McGregor, Esq. Senior Examiner, Nat. W. White, Esq. Junior Examiner, Jno. McGre<:^or, Esq. Com- missioner ot Escheats, Jas. VV. Nutting, Esq. Accountant Geno- I'ral, Sergeant at Arms, Jno. Jns Sawyer, Esq. Cryer and Messenger, Mr. Thos. Pyke. Officers for serving 'process, the Sheriffs throughout the Province. j I Masters in Chancery.— Lewis M Wilkins, Jas W Nutting, Jno VVhidden, and Beamish Murdoch, Esqrs. Supreme Court of Judicature. Chief Justice, the Hon. Brenton Halliburton. Assistant Judges, Lewis M Wilkins, William Hill, William Blowers Bliss, and Thomas C. Haliburton, Esqrs. Attorney- General, Hon. Jas VV. Johnston. Solicitor-General, j Queen's Counsel, Clerk of the Crown and Prothonotary, James VV. Nutting, Esq. Court oj Error. The Lieut. Governor and the Members of Her Majesty's Exe- cutive Council. Court of Marriage and Divorce. The Lieut. Governor, (President), the Hon. the Chief Justice, (Vice President), and the Members of Her Majesty's Executive ;Council. Advocates and Proctors — The Barristers and Attornies of the Supreme Court. Court of Vice Jidmiraltyy Halifax. Vice-Admiral, Rt. Hon. Sir Chas. T. Metcalf, Bt. G. C. B. Judge and Commissary, The Hon. S. G. W. Archibald, L. L. D. Surrogates, Halifax, J. W. Nutting, John Whidden, and Bea mish Murdoch, Esqrs. Sydney, C. B. Hon. E, M. Dodd. An :TiG0.M8ii, Hon. Alex. McDougall. Gutsboro', W. F. Des ibarres. Pictou, Thos. Dickson. Lunrnburo, John Cruigh ton. Liverpool, Saml. P, Fairbanks) Esqrs. Receiver of the Droits, Alex. Callandai, Esq. Deputy for Nova Scotia, Geo. R. Young, Esq. Registrar, Jas. Scott Tremain, Esq. Marshall,! S. VV. Debiois, Esq. Messenger and Cryer, Mr. Jas. Graham Advocate General, Hon. J. W\ Johnston. Solicitor General, Advocates and Proctors, The Barristers nd Attoinies of the Supreme Court. The Couit of Vice Admiralty sits at Halifax, on the Jiral and ird Monday in every month. 40 FARMER'S ALMANACK. 184.5. COLLEGES, ACADEMIES, AND CLERGY. King'g College Windior, Patron, His Grace the Lord Arcliblihop of Canterbury. Visitor, the Lord JMahop of Nova Bcotia. Oovernors— His Excellency the Lt. Governor of Nova-Scotia ; the Hon. and Rt. Rev. the Lord Biihop of Nova*Scotia ; the Chief Justice ; the Judge of tho Vice Adinlrally Court ; the Speaker of the House of Aesemblv; the Bocretary of the Province;, the Attorney General : the Solicitor General ; The President of the College ; and the Hon. T. N. JelTery. President, and Professor ofDivinity nnd Hebrew, Rev. Geo. McCawley, D. D.; Vice-President and Professor of Mathema- tics, Natural Philosophy and Astronomy, Rev. John Stevenson, A. yh\ Bursar and Librarian, Rev. J.Stevenson, A. M.j Professor of Modern Languages, Federico Marilovani, D. C. L. ; Sec'y. and Treasurer, J. C. Halliburton, Eso,; Principal of the Collegiate Academy, Rev. W. B. King, A. M. Terms.— Michaelmas Term commene0i lit. Septr. and ends on the 15th Deer. Hilary Term commences l.'Sth Jan. and end« on the Saturday preceding Palm Sunday. EaiterTerm commencei on the Monday after Easter Monday, and endi Saturday son'night before Whit Sunday. Trinity Term commoncet on the morroMr of Trinity Sunday, and ends on the 1st of July. Dalhouaie College, Haiyax, Govemorsj The Rt. Honble. Viscount Falkland, Hon. Alex Stewart, Wm. Stairs, Hon. Hugh Bell, Chai. W. Wallace, Jno. Whidden, Jno. E. Fairbanks, Wm. Grigor, m. b. Hon. M. B. Al- mon, Chas. Twining, Wm. Lawson, Jr. Jai. F. Gray, Rufus S. Black, M. D. Jno. Edw. Starr, Alex. F. Sawyers, m. v. Jno. Mc Donald, h. d. nnd Gilbert Frith, Eiqrs. Presidentf and Professor of Logic, Moral Philosoj)hy and Rhetoric, Profesfor of Modern Languages, Monsieur J. A. Deloutte. Profeiior of Mathematics Natural Philosophy, and the Classics, Secretary, Hugh Hartshorne, Esq. One term commencing on the Slst October, and ending on tho 31et May. Acadia College, fVolJville, Governors, Hon. J. W. Johnston, Hon. Chas. R. PrescottJ T. A. S. Dewolf, Hon. Edm. M, Dodd, Rev. E. A. Crawley, Rev. Wra. Chipman, Rev. Jno. Pryor, Rev. Chai. Tupper, Rev. J. E. Bill, Rev. Wm. Burton, Rev. Caleb R.Bill } Jaf. W. Nutting, W. Johnson, Simon Fitch, W. A. Chipman, Saml. Chipman, Her bert Huntington and Chas. W. H. Harris, Esqrs. Professor of Classical Languages, Rev. John Pryor. A. MJ professor of Moral Philosophy, Logic and Rhetoric, Rev, £. A. Crawley, A. M. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philo- sophy, Mr. Isaac L. Chipman, A. M. 't*apital $l,()00,()0()). Acrentfor Nova Scotia, P. E. fslan.), and New Brunswick, J. Leander Starr, Esq. Office 36 Bedford Row . Ha lifax. National Loan Fund Life Jlsaurance ani Deferred Annuity Society of Uornhill, London— (Capital £500,000 Sterling). Board of Management at Halifax, N. S. for the Branch] including Nova-Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. Local Directors, J. Leander Starr, (Mann^i^er and A vent) ; Gen P. Lawson, Thos. K. Grassie, and Jno. Edw. Starr, Esqrs. Physician, Wm. J. Almon, Esq. m. d. Standing Counsel, Hon. J. W. Johnston. SolicHor, Jno. C. Halliburton, Esq. — OfFizt, 36, Bedford Row. Agents for Lloyds. — Halifax, Messrs. J. & M. Tohin. F'ictou,| James Dawson, Esq. Cape Breton, Hon. P. H. Clarke* Yar mouth, E. W. B. Moody, Esq. Agents for Underwriters Rooms, Liverpool, G. B. Messrs. Yeomans and Fraser, Halifax. iSb" farmer's almanack. Si rm: Halifax anp Dartmouth Stram Boat Gompanv — PreA sident, Hon S. Canard. Vice Prt»t., Thon. Boffgf , Eiq, Sec*y\ Law. Hartshorne, Esq. Treasurer, Hon, M. B. Alinoit. w^ent and Manager^ B. H. Lowe, Esq. Direetorif Law. Ilurtihoi'ne,' W A Black, E Cunard and W Staira, Eiqri. ^IMES OF STARTING FOR THE 3TBA1IK80AT8 BETWEEN HALIFAX AND DARTMOUTH. ordnance timr. On Sundays after leaving Hnlifax, ut U o'clock, they do not start again until '^0 minutes after one, from Dartmouth. From DartmoQth. | From Halifax. Six o'clock, morning, from QlstSO miniitei paMt fix, from Slst March to 31st Octr. 'iO minutes before 7, from 21st Feb'y to 30th Novr. QO minutes past 7 8 o'clock 20 minutes before 9 10 minutes past 9 10 o'clock 20 minutes before before 11 10 minutes past II 12 o'clock ■?0 minutes before I '^0 minutes past 1 9 o'clock 20 minutes before .3 20 minutes past 3 4 o'clock 20 minules before 5 20 minutes past 5 6 o'clock 20 minutes before 7 20 minutes past?, from 1st June to 31st Octr. 8 o'clock, from 1st May to 3l8t August Extra trips at uiglit. FROM DARTMOUTH. March (o Slit Octr. 7 o'clock, from 91ft Peb'y to 30lh Novr. 20 minutes before 8 20 minutei pait 8 9 o'clock 20 minutei before 10 20 minutoi pait JO 1 1 o'clock 20 mlnutsf before 13 20 ininntei pnit 12 1 o'clock 20 minutei before 3 20 ininiitoi pait 3 3 o'clock 20 minutee before 4 20 minutei pnit 4 .5 o'clock 20 minutei before 20 minutei pait U 7 o'clock 20 minuteii before 8, lit June to 31 s( Octr. 20 minutei pait 8, from lit May to31itAu0t. XSxtra tripf at night. rnoM iiALir'AX. Jan'y,. Feb'y, March, 8 o'clock' Jan'y, Feb'y, March, half pait 8 April and May, 9 " (April and May, " 9 June. July, August, half past 9 June, July, Auguit, 10 o'clock Septr. and Octr. " 8 Septr. and Oclr. " Novr. and Deer. 8 o'clock. Novr. and Deer. half past 8 1845. FABMER't ALMANACK. 50 SOCIETIES^, &e. NovA-ScOTiA PhiiiANTBRopic Societt. — PrMtdmf, William Caldwell, Esq. Vice Preatj Jas. C. Ilume, iM.D., Esq. Mst. Vice Prests., Messrs. J. Robinson and Wm.MaPVin. Dreaaurer^ Mr. Saml. Caldwell. Sec*yt Mr. R. A. Bigby. Committee of Charityt Messrs. M. Lownds, W. Pyke, Wm. Evans, J. Stephen son, and J, WeIU\ Messenger, Mr. Angus. Steward, Mr. T. Donavon. • Youth's Nova-Scotia Philanthropic Society. — Prest., Master Jos W Keefler. Vice Preats., Masters Robt W Lee, Al- bert G Starr. Asst. do Master Hugh D Barrett. Stc^y, Master Biliopp R Keefler. Marshall, Master Jno W Richardson. St. George's Societt. — Prest., Hon. T. N. Jeffery. Vice Prest., S. W. Deblois, Esq. ^sst. Vice Presta., Jas. A. Moren and Jas. Bossom, Esqrs. Sec*y, Edw. Duckett, Esq. Treasurer) Geo. Lowes, Esq. Standard Bearers, Messrs. Benj. Smithers and Thomas Skinner. Ensign Bearers, Wm. Caldwell and J. M. Chamberlain, Esqrs. Chaplain, Rev. Robt. Wills, D. D. Messenger, Mr. J. Williams. Irish Society.— Pre«u/en<, Law. O'C. Doyle, Esq. Vice Prest., Mr. Thos. Ring. J3sst. Vice Presta., Messrs. ThoEi. C. James and Geo. Tobin. Treasurer, Mr. James Waliace. Sec% Mr. Patk. Walsh, ^sst. Sec'y, Mr. Wm. Doy'e. Highland Society of Nova-Scotia. — Prest., Jno. William son, Esq. Vice Prests., The Rt. Rev. the Bishop of Halifax, Archibald McDonald, Saml. Gray, Jno. McLean, Robt Noble, Jno. Holmes and J. A. Sievewright, Esqrs. Directors, C. W Wallace, Alex. Primrose, Angus Fraser, Thos. Williamson, Wm. Young, Jno. McB. McDonald, J. McDougall, and John Mc, Grigor, Esqrs. Treasurer, C. W. Wallace, Esq. Sec*'ja, Jno. Cormick and W. Murray, Jr., Esqrs. Chaplain, Rev. Jno. Martin. Messenger, Mr. Jas. Fraser. North British Society. — Prest., John McGregor Esq. Vice Prests., Messrs. Jno. McDougall Si Jno. Richardson . Treasurer, Mr. Jno. Watt. Sec'^y, Mr Jas. Scott. Asst. Friday Monday Monday & Friday Friday Mon, Wed, Frid* Monday Monday & Friday Do. Mon(|ay Monday & Friday Mon & Wedns'y t Monday & Friday Do. HAIL DUE* Monday & Friday Mon & Wedsday* Monday Monday & Friday Do. Wednesday Do. Friday Do. Mon & Wedsday * Monday &. Friday Do. Do. Wednesday Do. Mon & Wednsd * Do. * Friday Do. Mon 8f Wedasdy * Monday Do. Mon,Wed,&Fri* Mon & Wedsday * Friday- Mon & Wedsday • Wednesday Mon,Wed&Fri* Friday Monday & Friday Do. Friday^ Wednsy & Friday Wedns & Friday t Monday & Friday Do. 5 ^ 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 7 6 6 6 7 7 6 7 7 7 7 ».• 7 7 7 G 7 7 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 * Monday and Friday, in Winter— j On Monday, only in "Winter. ss OC^ The Mail for England is primarily closed at 9, P.M., on iha i2d and 17th of the month. Late Letters will be received on payment of Sixpence each, from the time of the arrival of the Steamer from Boston until the final closing of the Mail, which will be two hours previous to the time fixed for her departure. Should the Steamer not have arrived by 9, A.M., on the 3d and 18th, Letters for England may be posted i0t•■••••• ^S do A flag of any colour, 10 or more do Explanation of Signals made on the Ship Staff at Cita del Hill Halifax, when FesseU are seen from the Citadel or reported from an Out Post. One ball close up, one square rigged^ A Peadant under a ball* • •• • »6 dot One ball half hoisted- • .i.«>*«2 do Two bails close •>•••• • 8 do Two balls separated 4 do A. Pendant of any ooloar 5 do A Cylinder close iip at the iuDisr hsuiyard, a Steamer. A Cylindei half hoisted do do two or more do. The above BalL &c.t are hoisted at the east or west yard arm, aeeord ing to the quarter the vessel first^appears in. When vessels are reported from an Oat post, the following signals are shewn under the Yard Arm as repeats For a square rigged vessel, two balls of a size, one at the outer the other at the inner haulyard, close up. A Ship or Barque, a large ball at the end of the yardj with a small one at the inner haulyard. A Brig, a small ball at the end of the yard, and a large one at the inner haulyard. A Brigantine, a cross close up at the outer haulyard. Two or more do. a cross half hoisted. A Schooner, a cross close up at the inner haulyard. Two or more do. a cross half hoisted do do. A Steam Ship or Barque, a large ball at the outer, and a cylindsr at the inner haulyajrd close up. A Brig, Brigantine, or Schooner rigged Steam Vessel, a small ball at the outer, and a cylinder at the inner haulyard close up. When the description of vessel in sight is ascertained from the Citadel, the following descriptive^ colours will be hoisted at the utast head. A Union Jack, a Flag Ship. Do. with a red pendant over it, a two deeken. Do. with a blue pendant over it, a Frigate. Do; with a blue and white pendant over rt, a Ship or Barque rigged Sloop of War. Do. with a vhite pendant over it, a brig rigged sloop of war. Do. with a red and white peddant oyer it, a Schr, or Cutter of War. A white pendant with two blue crosses, a Transport, Or a vessel with troops on board — ir a man-of-rwar the Union under. A white pendant, with a blue ball, a Steamer— if a Man-uf. War, tbi Union under. 1845, FARMER 8 ALMANACK. 63 A r«d flag pierced white, Royal Mail Steam Packet from England. A blae and red flag crossed white. Royal Mail Steam Packet from Boston. A white and blue pendant, do—from St. Johns Newfoundland. A while and red pendant, Bermuda Mail Boat. A blue pendant, a Ship. A blue and white pendant, a Barque. A red pendant, a Brig. A red and white pendant a Brigantine. A white pendant, a Sloop or Schooner. A blue and white flag, horizontally divided, a Foreign or neutral Fleet. A white and blue flag vertically divided, a Foreign or Neutral Man* of-War. A blue flag, a Foreign or Neutral Merchantman. Explanation of Signals— M^ide on the Ensign Staff, to denote the port from whence Vessels are arriving from. A red Flag, from GreauBritain. A red and white flag vertically divided, red next the mast, the Me- diterranean^ A red pendant, the Continent of Europe. A white and red pendant. Madeira, Canary or Western Jslet, A '~*ne flag, the West Indies. A blue pendant, Bermudas, fiahamas, or Turk's Island. A blue and white Flag vertically divided, blue next the mast, the United States of America. A white flag, Newfoundland. A red and white flag, horizontally divided, Quebec, or Gulf of St. Lawrence. A blue and white Flag, horizontally divided. New Brunswick, or Bay |ofFundy. A white Pendant, coasts of Nova Scotia or Cape Breton. MerchanVs Private Signals — Port of Halifax, R E P-^Jno Edw Starr, a Red Flag crossed white. crossed white diagonally. centre a white square. centre a white N centre a white diamond. centre a white stur. crossed blue diagonally. W.Saltus & Wain Wright, a red, white, and blue do. red and white |aext the mast ; red uppermost, blue at the end Yeomans & Frader, a red and white do. red uppermost. Robt M Brown, a red burgee, centre a white B. D Cronan, a red, white and red do. Groig & Co., a red pendant, crossed white. VV H I T E—J & T Williamson, a White Flag. Wm Stairs & Sons, do centre a blue square. James A Moren, do with a red border. James McNab & Son, do cros'ed blue. Peter McNnb, jr do centre a red square. H Fay A Son, do centre a thistle. John W Barss Jo centre a blue ball. J, k M. Tobin, do Creighton & Grassie, - do Debloii & Merkel. do Robert Noble, - . do Wm Roche, do W, H, 8. Neol, - - do F. LeCain do m M FARMER'S ALMANACK. 1845. E. Lawson, do centre a bloe square, and bordeted red. T C Kinnear & Co do centre a red sUr, bordered red at top It bottom R H Skimmings, do centre a red star, and bordered red. John U Ross, do centre a blue Maltese cross, with a blue border. Peter Furlong, - - » do bordered red at top and bottom, with « Shamrock in the centre. Jno Strachan, a white, red and white do white nest themasl. J A Baner, a white and red do divided diagonally. Jos Fairbanka, a white and blae do the bine meeting in the centre atj a point from the four corners. I G.R. Frith, & Co. a blue and white do. white next the mast, erosi ■t edin the white. I Lyie & Wiswall, a white and red do. white next the mast, a red on the white, and a white L on the red. Bauld & Gibson, a white and red eheqnered do. T. Pier^, a blae and white do., blue indented from the talMr edge George H. Starr, a white Bargee. Geo. C. Whidden & Co, a white, red and white do. J. Chambers, a white do. crossed bine. B L U E — Hon. S. Cunard, a bine Flag centre a white star. Stephen Binney. do. crossed white. Wm. Story, do. centre a white square. Wm. Pryor & Sons, a bine and white do. blae uppermost. M. Richardson, a blae and red do. blue next the mast. W. B. Hamilton, a blue, white and blue do. hori^ntally divided. Hon. M. B Almon, a blue and red do. crossed white, blue next th« mast. Wm. Lawson, jr. a blue, white, and blue do. blue next the mast, Alex. A. Black, a blae, white and red, do. blae next the mast. Fairbanks & Allisons, a blue^Burgee. N. L. & J. T. West, do. centre a white star. G & J Mitchell, a blue and white do horizontally divided. Wm. Full, a blue and white do. blue next the roast. W Catlip & Co. a blue do crossed white. Oxley ^ Co. a blue and red do. blue appermost. County of Colchefirter. High Sheriff, Chas Blanchard, Esq. Coroner$y John Waddell, Chas Creed, and Silas H. Crane, Esqrs. Supreme Court sits at Truro, 2d Tues. of June, and 2d Tues. of October. Dep ProWy. George Dill, Esq. Comtn'rs. for taking Bail in the Sup. Courts Geo Dill, Wm Campbell, and Wm CreeLi.n, Esqrs. General Sessions of the Peace, held at Truro, on tho 3rd Tues. of January. Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relating to Insolvent Debtors, and all other Acts which Judges of the late Inierior Court were formerly empowered to perform out of Court :— Edwd S filanchard, Saml Archibald, David B Lynds, Jos Dickson, Jno Wier, Wm Rutherford, Wm Campbell, Silas Crane, Fras R Parker, and Jno Mahon Esqrs. i 1545. PARMKa's ALMANACK. 65 Justices of the Peace, Jno Dickion, {Cu$to$)f Thos I Brown, Edw S Blanchard, Dav V Crowe, Jno Wier, Wm Rutherford, Hon. Alex Campbell^ Saml Archibald, 3rd., Silas H Crane, Duncan Black, Alex Kent, .Jas Moore, Jos Fulton, David B Lynds, Wm Cutten, jr., Chas D McCurdy, Isaac Kayne, Fras R Parker, Jno Bonnyman, Jas M Spencer, Wm Campbell, Joseph M Dickson, Wm Byers, jr., Don Ross, Robt Murray, Dav Fulton, jr., Robt Fletcher, Eliakim Tupper, 4th., Saml Creel jman, 3rd. Wm Gammell, Jas Pollock, Isaac McCurdy, Jno King, Ijas Vuill, Jas D Blair, J Fulmor, A L Archibald, Jas Dickson, Wm 'Cutten Smith, and Don McDonald, Esqrs. Clerk of the Peaces iThos Brown, Esq. I Court of Probate, Judge, Jonathan Marsters ; Reg'r. Adams :G. Archibald, £sqrs. Dep. Reg'r. of Deeds, Geo. Dill, Esq. Dep. Postmasters, Gay's River, S Moore ; Economy, Silas H Crane ; Truro, Jno Ross, Esqrs. Coll'rs. of Colonial & Light Du- ties, A D Morrison ; Tatamagouche, Jas Campbell, Esqrs. Seiz- ing Officer, Jno Wier, Esq. Comm'rs of Schools for the County, with the. exception of the Township of Sterling. Rev. Jno Brown, Rev. Jno Baxter, RevDWC Dimock, Rev. Jas Smith, Rev. T C Leaver, Edw Blanchard, Alex D Morrison and Silas HCrane ; District and Township of Sterling, Jno Bonnyman, Robt. Byers, Wm MoKay, and John Lockerby, Esqrs. Trustees of the Aca- demy— Rev T C Leaver, Adams G Archibald, D B Lynds, Saml 'Creelman, Jno King, T M Crow, and Jos Crow, Esqrs. Trustees 'of School Lands, Township of Onslow, Jno King, Jos M Dickson, 'and Isaac McCurdy ; Township of Truro, Alex Kent and David jPage, Esqrs. Board of Land Commr's-, Hon Alex Campbell, jChas. Blanchard, Isaac Logan and Alex Miller, Esqrs. Dep. iLand Surveyor, Alex Miller, Esq. Comm'rs of Sewers, Thoi Davison, jr., Alex D Morris, and Jno. Spencer, Esqrs. Agricultural Society Truro— Pres. Alex Kent; Sec'y. Thos I Brown, Esqrs. Stirling — Prest. Hon Alex Campbell ; Sec'y. Jno Bonnyman, Esq. Londonderry — Prest. David V Crow Sec'y. G AV McLellan, Esqrs. Stewiackb — Prest. Wm Gam nell ; Sec'y. Samuel Creelman, Esqrs. County of Plcton. High Sheriffs John W Harris, Esq. Coroners, David Matheion, fno McKay, Wm Anderson, M. D. Esqrs. Supreme Court sits at Pictou 1st Tues. of June and 3d Tues. »f October. Dep. Proth^y. and Clerk of the Peaces Jas Skinner, lEsq. Commr^sfor taking Bail in the Supreme Court, Jas Skinner, iGeo. Smith, Abram Patterson, and D Crichton, Esqrs. General Sessions of the Pe^ace, held at Pictou on the 1st 'ues. of February and first Tues. of July. Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relating to Insolvent )ebtors, and all other Acts which Judges of the late Inferior 2ontt were formerly empowered to perform out of Court ; — David F3 66 rARMER'l ALMAMAOK. 1845. i Crichtod, Geo Campbell, Danl Hockin, Edw Smith, Jae Fraier, Robt Murray, Geo Smith, and Robt McKay, Esqrs. Justices of the Peace, Geo. Smith, (Gustos), Jno Fraaer, Abraham Patterson, Wm Matthewson, Robt McKay, Jas Car- michae], Jno Olding, Henry Hatton, David Crichton, Jno Holmes, Ken McLean, Jas Fraser, Robt Murray, Edw Smith, Geo Camp- bell, Peter Ross, Alex McKenzie, Danl Hockin, Jno McKay, Geo McLeod, Dun McDonald, Wm Fraser, Adam McKenzie, Jas. Skinner, Wm Gordon, Peter Crerar, Jas D B gFraser, Jas Primrose, Jas Purves, Hugh Fraser, Don McGregor, Jas Crerar Angus McDonald, Angus Sutherland, Hugh H Ross, Alexij Fraser, Neil McKay, Bernard L. Kirkpatrick, Anthony Smith, Jno Grant, Neil Gunn, and Hugh McLeod, Esqrs. Court of Probate, Judge, Geo Smith; Registrar, Thos. Dickson, Esqrs. Reg'r of Deeds, Peter Crerar, Esq. Dep. Post master, Alex P Ross, Esq. CoU'r of Customs, Wm Robertson, Esq. Warehouse Keeper, Jno H Lane, Esq. Coll'r of Colonial Duties, Thos Dickson, Esq. Seizing Officer, Alex. G McKay, Esq, CoU'r of Light Duty, Wm Corbett, Esq. Harbour Master, Mr Jno McKay. Light House Keeper, Mr Dav Louden. Comrois* siontirs for Examining Pilots, Geo Campbell, Danl Hockin, Jaa Skinner, Jas Crichton and Jno Ives Esqrs. Pilots, Wm Adamson, Angus McDonald, Jno Puwel, Wm Pewel, Robt Powel, Wm Powel, jr. Thos Powel, Allan McDonald, H McDonald, Jno McDonald, David McDougald, Chas Cook, Alex McD^i^ld and IGeo Powel. County Treasurer, Mr. Matt Patterson. C©m«i jm'rs. of Streets, Pic/ou, Jno Taylor, Peter Crerar, Rodk MeKen jzie, Don Ferguson, and Adam D Gordon : New Glasgow, Jno Fraser, Bernard L. Kirkpatrick, and George McKay, Esqrs. Fire Engine Comp'y. Wm Corbett, Capt; Adam D Gordon, jlst Lt; Wra Murdoch, 2d Lt.; Fire Axe Company, Capt. J DB Fraser. Comm'rs of Schools, Rev Jno McKin'lay, Rev Chat Elliott, Geo Smith, Jas Crichton, and Alex Forrest, M.D., Esqrs Trustees of Public Property, Jas Crichton, Jno Iforston, and Thos G Taylor, Esqrs. U S Consul, Piciov,, Jas Primrose, Esq Agent for Lloyds, Jas Dawson, Esq. Clerk of License, WnJ Harris, Esqr. Board of Land Commissioners, Jno Holmes, Jno W Harris and Edw Smith, Esqrs. Dep Land Surveyors, Pe'ter Crerar and Jno Holmes, Esqrs. Board of Health, Geo Smith, Henry Hatton, Abr Patterson , Jas D B Fraser, David Crichton, & Henry Blacka dar, Esqrs. — Doctors Forrest, Johnston, Anderson, and McMil- Jan. Health Officers, Doctors Johnston, and Anderson. Piciou Auxiliary Bible Society, Preti. Geo Smith, Esq. Treaaurer, Mr Jno Patterson. Sec*y. Jas Dawson, Esq. Bank of Nova-Scotid -Pictou Agency. — Agent, Jas Primrose, Esq. Office hours from 10 to 4 o'clock. Piciou Literary and Scientific Society,— President, Jas D B Fraser j Sec'y. and Treasurer, Geo. Patter !«on, Esqrs. Vm 1845. rARMBR'S ALMAMACB. Bi Agricultural Societies, Pictod. — Pre$identf Jno W Harris See'y. Geo. Pntterion, Esqrs. New Glasoow— Pretf. B Li Kirkpatrick, Eiq« S«e*y. Rev Jno Htewart. Rivbb Jubv--) Prat. Ken McLean ; Stc'y. Wra Langille, Eaqrt. County of Sydney. High Sheriff', Edward H. Harrington, Esq. Coronm', Wm Irish, Esq, Supreme Court sits at Antigonish on the 4th Tues. of June, and 4th Tubs, of Oct r. Dep. ProWy. ; Alex. McDonald, Esn. Comm'rs.for taking Bail in the Supreme Court, Alex McDonala, M D., Jno Cunningham and Robt N Henry, Esqrs. General Sessions of the Peace, held at Dorchester on thf lit Tues. of January. Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relating to Insolvent Debtors, and all other Acts which Judges of the late Inferior Court were formerly empowered to perform out of Court ;— Alex McDonald, Root N Henry, Hugh McDonald, Jas Randall, Geo Brennan, Rich'd J Forrestall, Angus Gillies, and Wm C| Hierlihy, Esqrs. Justices of the Peace — Jno Cunningham, (Custos), Alex M« Donald, Robt N Henry, Jas Randall, Hugh McDonald, Jos Sy mends, Wm C Hierlihy. Geo Brennan, Rich'd J Forreetall, Augustus N Ogden, Robt McDonald, Angus Gillies, AUen Cameron, Angus McDonald, Dougald Cameron, Jas Rosi, Da- vid Power, Kobt Trotter, Duncan Grant, Wm Brown, Alex Mc- Donald, Arch McGillivray, and Jno McKenzie, Esqrs. Clerk o/ the Peace, Robt N Henry, Esq. Court of Probate ; Judge, Alex McDonald M D. ; Registrar, R J Forrestall, Esqrs. Dep. Regr. Deeds, Jno Cunningham, Esq. Coll. of Customs, Dun. McColl, Esq. Coll. of Colonial and Light Duties,^ Allan McDonnell ; Seizin); Officer, J G Hierlihy, Esqrs. Dep. Postmasters, Antigonish, Robert N Henry ; Tracadie, Dominick Dorley, Esqrs. Trustees of tht Academy, Alex McDonald, M. D., Geo A Blanchard, Wm C {Hierlihy, and Geo. Brennan, Esqrs. Comm*rs of Schools. Rtv. Thos Trotter, Rev Colin McKinnon, Alex McDonald, Hugh &(cDonald, Geo Brennan, and Richd J Forestall, Esqrs. Com- tnr's of Streets, Jno W Irish, Jno R Power, and Aaron D Har rington, Esqrs. Board of Land Commissioners, R J Forres tall, E H Harrington and. Alex Thompson, Esqrs, Dep. Land purveyor, Alex Thompson, Esq. Agricultural Societies, Stdicbt, Central— Pre^f. Geo Brennan ; l5«c'y. W. A. Henry, Esqrs. Arisaig Branch — Prest. Pettr McNiel ; Sec*y. Edm Corbet, Esqrs. Tracadie Branch— P^s•^ Jas Randall; Sec^y. Mich Pottey, Esqrs. St. Andrew's Branch —Preet, Angus McDonald ; See^y. Don McDonnell, Esqrs. 66 m mm rAHMBR'l ALMAMACMi 1845; Conntir of Gnytliorongli. High Slurif, M. McLean, Eiq. Corontr, Btowart Camp bell, Esq. Supreme Court situ at Guysboro' on llio Hd Tiiea. of June) and 3rd Tues. of October. Dop. Proth'y, Wontworth Taylor, Esq. Comm'rs for takingf Bail in the Supreme Court, Went. Taylor, Don Sinclair, Chas Arcbibald and liobt llartiliorne, CsqrH. General Sessions of the Peace, held at'Ouyiiboro*, on the Ist Tues. of January and lut Tuei. of Muy; and at Bl. Mary's on the Jst Tues.of July. Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relntinif to InHolvent Debtors, and all other Acts which Judjp;es of the Uto Inferior Court were formerly empowered to perform out of Cnwrt j — Joi Marshall, Hon. R M Cutler, Went. Tfl/lor, Robt Hartohorne, Frai Cook, Abner Atwater, Edw J Cfunning'hant, Hu};h Mc- Donald, Thos Glencross, Wm McKeen, Wm Bent« Jno Q Mar- shall, Wm Hart, Jno Kirk, and Alex Manson, Esqri. Justices of the Peace, Jos Marshall, (Cuitoi), Hon 11 M Cutler, Wontworth Taylor, Chas Archibald, llobt Hartshorue, Chas Brodie, Francis Cook, Abner Atwater, Joi G Hndiey, Wm q Heffernan, David Dobson, Edw Irish Cunningham, Edmund 11 Frenchville, Abraham N Whitman, Jno Connor, Jns B Hadley,| Wm BIgelow and Simeon Gilfen ; Dig. of 8t, Mary's, Hugh Me Donald, (Gustos), Wm McKeen, Thos Glencross, Jno 8milh, •■d Wm Bent, Esqra. Cltrk of th» Peace, Wm O Heffernan, Esq. Court of Probate, Dis. ofOuyaboro*-^J\u\ge§, W F DesBarres ; Dig. oj St. Mary's. Hugh McDonald. Registrar, Wentworlh Taylor, Esqrs. Dep. Registrar's of Deeds, Guysboro^ Robt [Hartshorne; St- Mary's^ Hugh McDonald, Ei^qrs. Coll r of iCustoms, and of Colonial Duties, Duncan McColl, Esq. Coll'rs of Light Duty, Guysboro^ Duncan McColl ; LittU Canio, Wm Bigelow ; Gut of CansOf Jno Jas B Hadley, Eiqri. Dep. Post- master, Hon \i M Cutler. Comm'rs, of Streets, Jno Jost, Wm jWalsh, Jno Edw Irish, Aug Cunningham, and W J Scott, Esqrs. Clerk of Licence, Stewart Campbell, Eiq^ Board of Land Com- jmr's. H McDonald, Went Taylor, Wm Beat and Wm McKeen, |Esqrs. Dep. Land Surreyor, R Hartshorne, Esq. Comm're. of jSchools, District of Guysboro*, Hon R M Cutler, Rev. Chas J Shreve, Rev. Rich'd Mihan, Robt Hartfhorne, Went Taylor, Duncan McColl, and Stewart Campbell, Eiqri. District of St. Mary's, Rev. Campbell, Hugh McDonald, Thos Glencross, Wm McKeen, and Wm Bent, Esqrs. Trustees of the Academy, iHon R M Cutler, Wm F DesBarres, and Wm Hart, Esqrs. Health Officers, Doctors Jno Pike and Alex Mitchell. 1845. 9=9BS9B9BBBBBBB9a FABMin't iLMAMAOI. "■4 Countjr •r Cnmberland. High Sherif, Joihu«^ Chandler, Eiq. Deputy at Parraboro*J Mr J W Smith. Coroner*, John Iforee, Ohai Scalea, W W Bentj [and Lewis Jenks, Eaqrs. Supreme Court sita at Amh»rit on the 8rd. Tuet of Jun«, and) 111 Tues. of October. Dep. Proth^y, Silai H. Morse, Esq. Comm'rs for taking Bail in the Sup. Court, Silas H Morse, and f^has D. Roach, Esqrs. General Sessions of the Peaoe, held at Amherst oa tk* 1st [Tuesday of January. Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relating to IsoWenl Debtors, and all other Acts which Jadgea of the late Inferioi Court were formerly empowered to perform out of Court : — Hon, Danl McFarlana, Robt McO Dickey, Mich Gordon, Wm W Bent, and Wm Fowler, Esqrs. Comm'rs for taking affidavits to be read in the Sup Court, Silas H. Morse, Hon D McFarlane. {and Jaa Ratchford, Esqrs. Justices of the Peace, Hon Danl McParlane, (Custos). Gaiua Lewis, Jno Morse, Geo Bergman, Jas McNab, R McG Dickey. Jno Johnston, Wm Smith, Mich Gordon, Luther Luiby, Wm Fowler, Josh Huestis, H G Pineo, Jacob G Purdy, C Baker, Jno Bent, Amos Black, Jos N B Kerr, WW Bent, Wm Waugh, Petei Tidd, Jas FuUerton, Jas Ratchford, Eben Kerr, Jesse Lewis, Jno Roach, Jas B Datidson. Ames S Blenkkora, Jos Oxley, Nat Angus, Jas Kirkpatrick, Thos Swallow, latft Bliss, Randelf Morris, Jas Page, Stephen iTultoa, Jno Bliakkom, Thos Reed, Henry Harrison, Jaa W Delaner, Asher Black, Jao W Oxley, Elisha Cutten, and Timothy Wetherby, Esqrs. Clark of tks| Peace, Silas C Morse, Esq. Court of Probate, /ucfge, C Inglis Halliburton; Registrar, Robt B Dickey, Eaqn. Dep. RegVs. of Deeds— P(irr«6oro', Jas Ratchford ; Amhent, Gilbert Purdy, Esqrs. Coll're. of Cus- toms — Amherst, Mich. Gordon 3 Wallace, Jas. Hill; Parrs- boro*, T D Dickson, Esqrs. Coll'rs. Colonial and Light [Duties.— i^arrsfroro', Jno W Smith; Amherst, Joshua Chandler; tVallace tf Pugwashj Jas McNab, Esqrs. Dep. Postmastera— Parrshoro\ Jas Ratchford ; Amhtrst, Jno Smith ; Pugioos/b, Geo Bergman, Esqrs. Comm'rs. of Schools, Re?. G Townahend, Rev. Wm Wilson, Rer. Chas Tupper, Jas S Morse, Hon. Danl McFarlane, R McG Di«key, Jos Oxley, Jas Kirkpatrick, and Thos Logan, Esqrs. Trustees of the Academy.ReT. Chaa Tup- par, Jas S Morse, Stephen Fulton, and Robt B Dickey, Esqrs Board of Land Comm'rs., Joshua Chandler, W P Mo£fat, Thoaj Logan, Jesse Lewis, Jos N B Kerr and Jno W Baker, Esqrsj pep. Land Surveyors, And N Stevens, Jas McNab, Gaius LawisJ and Thos Logan, Esqrs. Health Officer, Joseph Bell, m d, EsqJ Agricultural Societies — Ritkr Philip — Prest. Sec'y. Amos Black, Esq. Wallacb— Prest. Hon. i m i •!■ 70 rARmtR't ALMANACK. 1845. D McFarlano. Sec'y. Danl B Munro, Esq. Parriboro'— Preit. T D Dickion; Sec>. Jdo W Smith, Eiqri. Countjr of Hants. High Sherif Charles J Wilkini, Esq. Corontri^ Nathaniel Jenkins, J. Smith and Isaac Smith, ^*V^' Supreme Court sits at Windsor, last Tues. of April ; and 3rd Tues. of October. Dcp. Proth'y. and Clerk of the Peace, E F Harding, Esq. M D. Comm'rs. for taking Bail in the 8up. Court.— E. F. Harding, M. D., and Asa Torrey, Esqrs. General Sessions of the Peace, held at Windsor, on the 1st Tuo». of October. Justices of the Peace ta execute all Acts relating to InsoWent Debtors, and all other Acts which Judges of the late Inferior Court were formerly empowered to perform out of Court :- Jes. Sang8ter, Jno O King, Asa Torrey, Rich'd. A. McHefley, Jno. Cochran, R. Smith, Jacob Withrow, Elkanah Young, Benjm Curry, Jon M Smith, and Chas Ingles, Esqrs. Justices of the Peace— W. H. Shey, (Gustos), Benj Dewolf, Jos Sentell, Jno Dimoek, Rich Smith, Danl Wier, Wm O'Brien, Joe Allison, Thos King, Benjm Smith, Jno Cochran, Saml Dennison, Jno Otis King, Rich A. McHeffey, Fras. Parker, Wm Mumford, Jno N Grant, Asa Torrey, Nat Jenkins, Saml Palmer, Jas Sangster, Jno Smith, Thos Moxon, Arthur Mc Nutt Cochran, Wm. Sanders, Geo McKay, Ichabod Dimoek, Jab Allison, Wm Salter, Edvv Murphy, Jos J Blackburn, Benj Densmore, Alex McPhee. Wm Blois, Geo Armstrong, Jas Salter and Jacob Withiow, Esqrs. Court of Probate, Judge, Lewis M Wilkins, Jr. ; Registrar, P.M. Cunningham, Esqrs. D*»p. Reg'r of Deeds, Asa Torrey, Esq. Collr. of Customs, and of Colonial and Light Duties, Rejofinald B. Porter, Esq. Dep.Postmasters, Windsor, Jas L Dewolf; Petite^ F Parker] Hawdon J Withrow, Esqrs, Commr's. of Streets, Wind- $or^ Asa Torrey, P M Cunningham, Chas Smith, and Jas Shand ;' Falmouth, N Davidson, E. "Payzant, C. Wilson, Jno. Arm- strong, Thos Curry, Mich Baker and P Walker; Village of Mail- i'^»(i, Rich'd Smith, Adam Dickie, and Alex Nelson, Esqrs. Commr's of Schools, Rev W C King, Lewis M Wilkins, Jr., W H Shey, E F Hnrding , m- d and Jno. Allison, Esqrs. U. S. ConjBuiar Agent, L M. Wilkins Jr. Esq. Avon Bridge Company, Directors, Thos C Haliburton, Pries. ; Benjm Dewolf, WH Shey, and Lewis M Wilkins, Jr, Esqrs. Sec'y and Treasurer, Harry King, Esq. Clerk of Licence, Mr Jno Stark. Health Officer, F C Pike, M a Esq. Board of Land Commr's., Benjm Smith, Chas J Wilkins and W O'Brien, Esqrs. Deputy Land Survey ors, Wm O'Brien, Jacob Withrow, and Andw Harvey, Esqrs. Bonfeo/jVova-Sco/ia— Windsor Agency — Agents, Harry King & Jas D Fraser, Esqrs. 1845 FAKMIli'f ALMANACK. 7J Agricultural Societies, WmosoR^-Preet. R. A. McHeffeT;| Sec'y. SaidI Palmer, Eaqrt. Eait Hants—Prest. Rich'd Smitn ; Sec'y. Wm Bloii, Eaqri. Newport, Preat Ichabod Dimock J Sec'y. Jaa W Allison, Eaqra. iyind»or JFVitr— Held at Windsor, on the Fair Ground ann«»l nually, on the first Tuesday and Wednesday of Oct. for the Ex bibilion and Sale of Horses, Horned Cattle, Swine and Sheep. Farming Utensils, Seeds and Agricultural Produce. County r>f Kings. High Sherifft W C Canii>bell, Esq. Coroner$, Wm C Moort, U» Allison, Abr VanBuskirk, Jno Fisher, and Jpo E Forsyth, \m d Esqrs. Supreme Court sits at Kentville, 1st Tues of May, and 2d Tues jofOctr. Dep. Proth'y.y and Clerk of the Peaces Wm H Chip- man, Esq. Comm'rs. for taking Daii in the Sup. Court; Wm JH Icbipman, Caleb H Rand, Jat Harris and T B Campbell, Esqrt . General Sessions of the Peace, held at Kentville on the iMt ^ues of October. Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relating to Insolrent Debtors, and all other Acts which Judges of the late Inferior Court were formerly empowered to perform out of Court :—Wm A Chipraan, Jas D Harris, Caleb H Rand, Jno F Hutchinson, Harris Harrington, Elisha Dewolf, Jas Harris, Hugh L Dickey, Caleb R Bill, Rich'd Starr, Edw Palmer, Henry Magee, Seth Burgess, Mayhew Beckwith, and Jno Wells, Esqrs. Justices ofthe Peace, Wm A Chipnian, (Cuotos), Jno Wells, Shearman Dennison, Jas D Harris, Jas N Crane, Harris Har- rington, Caleb H Rand, Hon Jno Morton, Elisha DewoH, Wm C Campbell, Saml Chipman, Jas Harris, Simon Fitch, Hugh L Dickey, Seth Burgess, Caleb R Bill, Henry Magee, Jon Crane, Jno Patterson, QeoD Pineo, Edw Palmer, Nathan Davison, Ge(^ Lockwood, Rich'd Starr, Jno F Hutchinson, Wm Johnson, May bew Beckwif h, Jno Lyons, Nathan Parker, Alex Patterson, 3rd. Wm Miller, ChasH Brown, Thos Lovett, Samul Sharp, Fairfield Smith, Nathan Lockhart, Edw P Borden, Jas Levi Lockhart, Abr Gesner. M D., Jas Wm Harris, and Thos Tupper, Esqrs. Court of Probate, Judge, Jno C Hall ; Registrar, Wm H Chip- man Esqrd. Dep. Reg'r of Deeds, Thos B Campbell^ Esq. Coll'r f Customs, and of Colonial and Light Duties, David Whiddan, sq. Seizing Officers, Messrs W H Lovett, Jno Givan, and Wm tarr. Dep. Postmasters, Kentvilkt Jno F Hutchinson, WolJviUe, Dewolf ; XyUsfurdy J Van BUskirk, Esqrs. Comm'rs of chools, Caleb, HiRand, Elisha Dewolf, Wm H Chipman, Hugh Dickey, Nathan >ILupper, Wm Miller, and Caleb R Bill, Esqrs. oard of Land Comm'rs., Hon Jn» Morton, W C Campbell, and ~m Johnson, Esqrs. Dep. Land Surveyors, Wm Johnson, C atterson, and A Armstrong, Esqrs. u B r ARMpR'f ALNAWACff* 104S AgncuUural SocietiM^ Howrpirr^FMfi T. A. S. Dtwolf j \t*ju i%a, llarrii» tnd f!h|« Wj H Hftrrit, Kiqii. Crrnwallla.— raiC Hugh I4 Dickjij ; &|««'y, C C Htmillon, Biqrf . Wei. ^rn liranch. Prest. Silaa Bithop s B§9,*J, Jno Ljront. Ko Barsf, Jas Barts, Wm B Taylor* Nath Saitn, Jnr Campbell, pJTru .man Tupper, Whitman Freeman, Caleb %9r,ff Jno L Dar< low, Aadw Cowi«,.Ephraim Mack, Henry Fader, Colin McVicarJ llaa F Moore, Zoheth^ Freeman, Rioh'd Carder, and Smith Free Samuel PI w»»wi*u&B, juiR'^io. ^vii *. vt vuvkWMi* * miu v< wviwuiai and Light Duties,' Joshua Newton, Esq. Act!' ^ Doyle, Rev Wm Duti'. Rev Jos Dimock, Geo Ernst, and Jno Heckirum, Esqrs. U S ConsuUu' Ai'^ent, C B Owen, Esq. Board of Land Ctmm'rs, Jno Creigliton, Henry Kaulbaek, Jos P Miller, iuul W 8 Morris, Esqrs. Dep. {.and Surveyors, W S Morris, and T IJolliind, Esqr?. Trustees of La Have Common, Messrs Jno llimmelman, and Martin Sperry. Agricultural Societies, Chfster. — Prest Edw Zwiekor, Esq. Sec'y Jas S Wells, Esq. Mahone Buy.— Prciit Benj Zwicker, Esq. Sec'y Jno A Jost, Es:]. •, ril , !•■.!■'. •:. / ■' ' ^i\"- '•,\. • • Coamly of* AKiiiapofiis. Hioh Sheriff. Edw H Cutler, Esq. Coroners, Peter Bonnett [Jno Saunders, G F Ditniars, Jn.o Koss, Walter Willett. Sti>hen Cros.scu!), Asa Foster, J B Bonaett, Jno Kennedy,, and iMorrison lOdkes. Esqrs. Supienio Court sits at Annapolis 2d Tuesdny of Miiy, an'l Tst iTuesday of Oct r. D'p. Prot'liy. and Clerk of the Peace, Siiml FARMER'S ALMANACK. 1845. Co\vlini?l»y i High Sheriffjacoh Roop. Ksq. Coronerj,Thos White, Tjjos Rug- 'gles, Chns Jones, Snmi Doucelte, Jno Ward) & Edw J Btuld, Esqrs, I Supreme Court sits at Digby '.id Tues of May ; and last Tues X>f Sept. Dep. Proth'y and Clerk of the Peace, Henry SrewartJ 1845. rARMKR's ALMANACK. 75 Esqr. Comm'rs for taking Bail in the Supreme Court, Henry Stewart and Tlios Smatle, Esqrs. I General Sessions of the Peace, held at Digby on the IstTuen jof July, and •')d Tues of December. Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relating tolnsolvent Debtors, and alt other Acts which Judges of the late Inferior Court were Ibrmerly empowered to perform out of Court. — Elk Morton, Cereno U Jones, Chas Jones, Jno Robinson and Chas Budd, Esqrs. Justices of the Peace, Eikanah Morton, (Gustos), Chas Budd,' Jno Robinson, Cereno U Jones, Saml Campbell, Colin Camp-! bell, Elisha Payson, Jno M Segoigne, Saml Doucett, Benj Pot-j Iter, Chas McCarthy, Jno Ward, Jno McNeil, Fredk A Robichau, Ijas Harris, Edw Hegan, Jas Holdsworth, Anselm F Comm'o, Jas H Fitz Randolph, Stephen Payson, Edw A Jones, Wm Niehole, Robt Journey, Jones Morehouse, Jno Oliver Vail, Thos Smnlle, Thos Ruggles, Chalton Sabaen, and Thos O'Brien, Esqrs. Court of Probate, Judge, Lemuel D Murton, ; Registrar, Chas Budd, Esqrs. Dep. Reg'r of Deeds, Guy C Jones, Esq. Coli'rs of Customs, X)ig'&T/, Jas Annand; JVew Edinburgh, SamI Camp- bell, Esqrs. Surveyor of Shippping, New Edinburgh, Jno Hood, Esq. Coll'rsof Colonial Duties, Digby, Eikanah Morton; Ifey- nouth, H D Ruggles ; Brier Island, Elisha Payson, Esqrs. jColl'rs of Light Duty, Digby, Jas Annand; JVtymouth, H D Ruggles ; Brier Island, Elisha Payson, Esqrs. Seizing Officers, New Edinburgh, Jno Hood ; Weymouth, G C Jones, Esqrs, D«;p PoBtraast»^r, Henry Stewart, Esq. Comm'rs of Schools, Z>t>. q/ Digby, including the township of Digby, Hillsburg, and Wty- mouth. Rev Wm Bullock, Cereno U Jones, Chas Budd, Jas Fitz Randolph and Jno Robinson ; Dis. and Township of ClarSi Rev Z L'Kveque, Chas M'Carthy, Fras Bourneuf, and Benjm Belliveaii, Esqrs. Trustees of Digby Aca- demy, Rev Wm Bullock, Jas A Dennison, Wm L Bent, and Colin Campliell, Esqrs. County Treasurer, Chas Budd, Esq. Com- m'is of Streets, Jno Robinson and Wm Farnliara, Esqrs- Board i)f Land Comm'rs, Jas Holdsworth, and Alpheus Jones, Esqrs. I)ep. Land Surveyors, Thos Smallc, Thos Ruggles, Alpheus Jones and Jacob Roop, Esqrs. Agricultural Societies. - Claiik — Prest. Frai* Bourneuf, Esq. Sec'y. Mark Doucett, Esq. Weymouth — Prest. Colin Campbell lEsq. Sec'y. G C Jones, Esq. County of* IShelburne. High Sheriff, Cornelius While^ Esq. Coroners, T J Crowell, [«nd Israel K Wilson, m d Ksqrs. Supreme Court sits at Shelburne, on the Tues. next after the 14th Tues. of April ; and on the 1st Tues. of October. Dep. iProth'y.; Clerk of the Peace; and Clerk of Licence, Isaac G lEnslow, Esq. 76 rARMEK'S ALMANACK. 1845 Comm'rs for taking Bail in the Sup Court ; Isaac G Enilow, Cornelius Wliite and D B McKenna Esqrs. General Sessions of the Peace, held at Shelbiirne, on the lit Tuep. of May, and Ist Tues. of October. ' Justices ol the Peace to execute all Acts relating to Insolveni Debtors, and all other Acts which Judges of the late Inferior Court were tbrnierly empowered toperlorm out of Court. — Thoi Crowell, G H Deiitstadt, W Sargent, Josiah Coffin and Hobi Cuirie, Esqrs. Jusilices of the Peace, Thos Crowell, (Custos) Robt Currie, Cornelius White, Jas Geddes, Win B Sargent, Thos Johnstohj iGeo H Deinatadi, Obadiah Wilson, Wintlirop Sargent, Josiahj Coffin, Saml Reynolds, Sainl O Doane, Wm Sargent, Jas Siniih ijr. Jno SaigeiU, Peter Spearwaier, Matt Diipps, McKennu^ Wm J Bell, Jno Lyie, Thos Dane, Andw Barclay, Wm MuirJ Gilbert McKenna, and Jno Locke, Esqrs. j Court of Probate, Judge. Gusiavus P Haliburton; Registrar^ Cornelius While, Esqrs. Dhj). Reg'r. of Deeds, Cornelius White,! Esq. Dep. Postmaster, R S Thompson, Esq. Coll'rs of C'lih-j toms and Seizing Officers, Shelburne, Anthony F Forbe«; Barriugton, Jno Crews, Esqrs. Coll'rs. of Colonial and Light Duties, Shelburne, Cornelius Wliite; Bairington, Jniij Crews, Esqrs. Commissoners of Schools, Eustt^rn Dislrici. Rev 'J'hos fl White, Josh Snow, Robt Currie, Eiios Churchill; JVcslern District, Win Ruhertson, Thos O Geddes, Jno W Ilornerj O Wilson, jr. and Winlhrop Sargent, Fi>qrs. Trustees of liiel Acndemy, Jno Robertson, Cornelius Wltife, Matt D McKenrwi Winthrop, Sargent and Enos Churchill, Esqrs. U S Consulaij Agent, Jno Robertson, Esq. Board of Land Comm'rs, Jno Kar-l gent, Cornelius White, Jas Hamilton. Alex Hurnilton, Joshua Snow, Geo H Deinstadt, and Geo Snyder, M 1). Eqra. iJep, Land Surveyors, A D Harrinirton, and Jas Hamilton. Esqrr*. ' Agricultural Societies — Sable River — Prest. Peter S}tearvvat(»r,' Esq. Sec'y. Robert Cuirie, Esq. Barrinoton — Prest. Oba- [diah Wilson, Esij. Sec'y. Jos Wickens, Esq. Conint.v of ¥ari»oiith. High Sheriff, John Bingay^ Esq. Comners, Geo Bingay, nnd Matt Jeffery, Esqrs. |i Supreme Court held at Tusket Village, on the Tups ncKlI but one after the 4fh Tues of April; and at Yarmouth on t^ last Tues. ofSeptr. Dep Protli'y Herbert IJuntington, Esq,! Comm'rs for taking Kail in the Supreme Court, Herbert! Huntington, Henry G Parish, and Abr Lent, Esqrs. I General Sessions of the Pence, held at Tusket Village, oni| the last Tues of April, an at Yarmouth, on the 8rd Tuesof Se|}lJ Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relating to Insolvcnf Debtors, and all other Acts which Judges of the late Inferioi Court were formerly empowered to perlbrm out of Court. — Hearyi G Parish, Abraham Lent and Benj, Bingay Esqrs, 10 Bingay, nndl 1845. FAaMKRS ALMANACK. 77 JuBticei of the Peace, Henry G Fariuh, (Cu^tos), Uabriel B Van Nordon, Benj Bmgay, Hon. Jas Bond, Reuben Clements, Amot Baker, Jno Bingay, Jno McKinnon, David Van Norden,! Abr Lent, Jno Ryder, Simon l)'Entremont, Thos Killam, Jnoj flinders, Caleb Cook, jr. Matt Jeflery, Hon. Slayley Brown, Jno^ Murray. Israel Harding, Nathan Hilton, & Elisha VV B Moody. Eiqrit. Clerk of the Peace and Clerk of License, Jno Tooker, Esq. Court of Probate. — Judge, Thos V B Bingay; Reg'r. Henry A Grantham. Esqr."*. D-p. Reg'rs. of Deeds, and Postmaster, ilenrv (1 Farish, Esq. Collector!) of Customs, Yarmouth, Ar Ihur While ; Argyle, Jno McKinnon, Esqrs. Wareliouse Keep- er, landing Waiter and Searcher, Yarmouth, Alex J Babington, Eiq. Snrveycr of Navigation, and Broker, Benjm Barnard, Esq. Guuger, Jos BBond, Esq. Coll'r of Colonial Duties, HG ^arish, Esq. Seizing Officer, Jno Phillips, Esq. Coli'rs of Light Duly,i Yarmouth, Jos B Bond; Ar^yle, D Van Norden, fisqru. Coin-j in'rs of Schools, Dis. and Township of Yarmouth, H G t "^rish,' Jno BingHy, Jno Murray, Hon. Stayley Brown and Wm Harris ;' Dis. and Township of ^rg7//e,Jas Lent, Jno Burke, Jno Ryder,j Dominiqiie Boudreau and Israel Harding, jr. E^qrs. Comm'rsofj the Public Cemetery, Hon. Stayley Brown, Eben Porter, and; VVm H Townshend, Esqrs, U S Consular Agent, H'y A Gran-j Iham, Esq. Agent for Lloyds, E W B Moody, Esq. Board of| i^nnd Comm'rs, H Huntington, Jno Bingay and Abr Lent, Esqrs Dtip. Land Surveyors, H Huntington and Abr Lent, E3qrs. liftiik of Nova Scotia— Yarmouth Agency — Agents, Hon Stay-j |ley Brown, and Hon Jas Bond. I Agricultural Societies. — Yarmouth, Piest. Hon. Jas Bond, Sec'y.Jos B Bond. Esq. — Akgvll. Prest. Malt Jeflery ; Sec'y.i 'J»< Bingay, Esqrs. . r M County ofl^apci-BretoB]. ' t Hitrh Sheriff, Joshua W Weeks, Esq. Coroners, Jno L Hill, jand .Alfred Haliburton. Esqrs. i j Supreme Court sits at Sydney on tlie last Tuos. of iday ; and ,on the Idrtt Tues of Sept. Dep. Prolh'y., Chas E Leonard, jr.,j jiE!»((. Comm'rs for taking Bail in the Supreme Court, Chas E jLfonard, Chas R Ward, and Wm Ouseley, Esqrs. ; j (ienerni Sessions of the Peace, held at Sydney, on the first ,T(iei. of March. | 1 Juiticci of tlie Peace to e.xecute all Acts relating to Ineolvent; Doblors, and all other Acts which Judges of the late Inferior' Court were f)rmcrly empowered to perform out of Court: — Chas^ |E J^eonard, Hon Peter H Clarke, Chas R Ward, Ciia McAlpinoJ jKeii McLood and Jno Bourinot, Esqrs. Coir.mlasionors Court held at Sydney on ti»e 1st Mopd;iv of! Jan. March, Mav, July, Sept. Nov. Commissioners, Chas E it:: pMHoaa Ma«n;:ii3ttty or i as vermes*. }Vs!:h Sheriff, Geo C Lawrence, Esq. Coro.ier, Duusier Tre-; main, Esq. } Sup>f>mo Court, held at Port Hood, on the 2d Tues. of June;ll and '2d I'ue.-j. of Uctr. Dep. Prolh'ji. and Clerk of the Peace, Jno! L Trenirtin. Esq. Comtn'rs for taking Bail in the Sup. Court,j Jno L Treinain, Tlios de St. Croix, aiul Nat Clouoh, Esqrs. General Sessions of the Peace, held at Port Hood on the Ist; Tues. of March, and 1st Tues; of Octr. i ■ Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relating to Insolventj Debtors, and all other Acta which Judsj;e3 of the h'.te Inferior Court were formerly emnowered to perform out of Court: — Andw McDonald, Jno L Trernain, Jno D Tremain, Henry Tay-; lor, Wni McKeen, and Nat Cioiigh, Esqrs. ii ..' Aa^awi « KiaMmium\\\Jimmmi il I f\ h I ^ I t is 1» III 80 FARMKR H ALMANACK. 1845. Coinmissionerf Court held at Port Hood, on the lit Mondny of Jan. March, May, July, Sept. and Nov. CommiisionerR. Jno L Tretnain, Jno Catnpbeli, Irad Hart, Matt Hawley, and Henry Taylor, Esqrs. I .1 unices of the Peace, Wm. McKeen, (CuKtos), Jno L Tre- main, Irad Hart, Nat Clough, Hu^h Skinner, Henry Taylor^ JMatt Hawley, Ken Chiiholm, Jno CampbelU Fredk Bown, Wra' JBuck, Peter J Bronard, Don McLean, Geo C Lawrence, DonI Cameron, Paik Dclany, Jas Hawley, Jno CHinpbell. Thog Ethe ridge jr., Jno McLeod. Jno D Tretnain. Jno McLennan, Angug^ McLennan, Jno Smith, Don Gray, Jas G Mc Keen, Peter Smyth,* Don McDonald, Jno McLean, Wm McDonald, Alex McLean.j lAlian McDonald, Thos de St. Croix, Don Beaton, Hugh Camp- ;bell, Lauchlin McDonald, and Martin MePherson, Esqrs. i Court of Priibate. Judge, Jno L Tremain ; Registrar, Hiram jBlanchard, Eaqra. Dep. Reg'r of Deeds; Coll'r of Customs; and of Colonial and Light Duties, Jno L Tremain, E.'^q. Dep.; iPost-rnastern, Port Hood, Dunsier Tremnin ; Lnke «4tnsh'e, An-: giis McLellan ; Judique, ; Plaisttr Cove, Natj Clough ; Mabou River, Wm McEeen, Esqrf. Comm'ra of Schools; Rev Alex McDonald, Rev Patrick McKeagncy, Rev Peter. McLean, Wm Watts, J L Tremain. Wm McKeen, and Nal Clough, Esqrs. Board of Land Comnrts., Geo C Lawrence, Jaa' Hawley, Don Cameron and W Revell, Esqrs. Dep. Land Sur-j veyors, Wm Revell and Jas McKenzie, Esqrs. Trustees of Port Kood Academy, Rev Alex McDonald, Rev Pat'k McKeagney, llev Peter McLean, Rev Miller, Peter Smyth, and Jno L' Tremain. Eisqrs. Comrn'rs for encouraging the Seal Fishery^ Henry Taylor, Patrick Delaney, ai)d Peter O'Quin, Esqrs. j Agriculhiral S()cietieg--Por/ Hood.— Ptsst. Wm McKeen, Esq.' #|t,Sec'y. Hiram Blanchard, Esq. Broad Core—Prest. Neil WcLel-i liin, Esq. Sec'y. Martin MePherson, Esq. -Marj^arae — Preifjj Miles McDonuld, E«q. Sec'y. Jno Munro, Esq. i ■•*2 F. I Asst. MililHry Sec'y— Capt. C. Fred. Gibson, 70 F. [I Dep. Quarter Master Gen.— Lt. Col. Jno. Biizalg. tie, unatt, Major of Brigade, —Mjijor Sand. Tryon, uiialt. StnflF Paymaster.— A. G. Blair, Hsq. Dep. Com'y General. — VVu). Henry Robinson, Esq. Asst. Com. General — Thos. C. Weir, fisq. Dep. Asst. Cont. GenerHl'a— Ale\. Kdwartla H. VYm. VV. Klauti and Edward Monk .Icniiin^t^fs Ksqrs. ! Surgeon to the Forces. — VValt»:r Meiiry F'sq., P. M. O. | Asst. Surireons toilit; Forced.— Thos. Alexaiuler, Jno.D.Gjnnt, and Robert, Cof^per, EsqrH. Apothecary to tl»e Force.'*. — .lim. Cartnr, F-sq. Commandant. — Ijt. (-ol. P. D. (y,»lder, R E. Town Adjutant. — S< dney, (J. B., Lt. li- Siitiicrlatid, li, p. ! Barrack Masters. — Hajihux, Capt. W. J. Chttwynd. Annapo- polis, Joseph Nonrian, ; ISydney, C. B., !S. Rij^l^y, F.s(jrs.| Chaplains. — Halifax, Rev. Jiio. Tfios. Twining, I). i>.; Aniiu-, polls, Rev. E. (iilpin ; SydiK-y, C. B.,.Uev. Ciias. Lj^rlea ' Town Sergeant. — Halifax, VVm^Cahiil. OaurtANCK Dll'AKT.MENT. Storekeeper, Henry luce, Eui. Dep. Storekeeper, C, H. File, Esqr. Clerl;3, Jas. Forrester, W. H Tapp, l.siac Righy, nod J,!i Read, Es(ps.; Assistant Clerks, Win. M mlord, and G. Dupiiy.| Esqrs. Master Carpenter, xVlr. C. N. Fife.. Master Aniio(irer| Mr. Wm. Boyd. Gate Porter, Mr. W. Old. Storehoiiseirien.] .J. Cormack, A. Beecher and C. Grant. Messengers, J. Devlin, and J. Todd. *? !;.!» '" Enginerr Departmknt. Commandinsr Officer, Lieut Col. P. D. CaMer. Capt. St. A. jMolesworlh. Lieuts. Chas. Sim, Wm. M. lo'^lis, Jas. Roll, Mann, .1. W. Lovell, and C. R. Rinney. Clerk of Works, Rich'd jHawkln, Esq. Clerks, Thos. Goudge, Geo. J. Creed anjl Al- fred Jenkins. Esqra. Foreman of VVorks, Mr. Thos. Hounslow, Foreman of Carpenters, Mr. Jno. McKenzie.. Master Smith, |Vlr. Wm Gossip. Foreman of Labourers. Mr. G. HaDiillon. [Office Keeper and Messenger, Mr. Wra. Pickles. r9*>. '>■, '^ gs" farmer's almanack. 1845. OFFICERS OF THE ARMY IN NOVA-SCOTIA. Commandant, Lieut.-Col. Caldcii, R. E. ! Royal J,rtilUry> The Royal Arms and Supporters, with a Cannon, over the Gun and Quo fas et Gloria ilucunt below it. " Waterloo" Lt. Col. H G Jackson Majors W E Locke U W Freer -. Capt. iF Wodehouse Lis. I'R S Allen, q m JF WSStW.adjt {Chat. T Franklin Ia C Pigon i 2nd Lt. F H Chmcellor Adjt F W S Neil, n Q. M. R S Allen It. Sur^. T M Fogo, M. D. jBlue — facings red. ■ r' ;■ I Hi Jas Robt Mann J W Lorell 2nd Lt. C R Binney Scarlet — facings blue velvet. 74th Hegt. The Elephant. " Seringapatam." ♦• AHsaye." •• Bunaco." "Fuentesd'Onor" ••CiiidadRodrigo "Badajoz" < 'Salamanca" •' Viltoria" "Pyrent^B" •'Nivelle" •'Orihe*" ♦•Touloune" "Peninaula" Col. Sir P lliall, K C H. gen. Lt Col. Eyre J Crabbe, k:h Majors. \y W Crawley J Fordyce Capts C A Campbell, m. A Fra An»ell Hon T O'Grady E Clarges Ansell J Campbell \Rnyal Engineers *rhe Royal Arms I and Supporters j a Cannon, I •' Ubique." over the Gun, and Quo fas efjAnnesley Eyre I Gloria dueunt]^ F de Saumerez below it. Lt. Cot. Pat D Calder Capt. Pi A Moiesw.irth Ut Lit. iChaa Sim tWn» Masonlnglis G Tlio Evans P W L Hawker Alex Seton Lieuti. ICdw C Munns G W Fordyce 3 Cardew, dp m O MonkJAnd, l in Chiefs ir, Duke of\ nUtnn.KG I k G C H '. m. I \mmandant L Gilmour, : B It g$n 4. Col rd Irton Majon 3nllivan K Henderson Capti J Capel Pre lEgerton Lawrence >lt Glegg £i»ten eckwith H Frankland Bradford E G Monck- , Melllsh I Beresford Waddington tt Lieuts. Warren Dawson lacdonell J Ramsay Elrington.ocn ymaster, r b.|| (/, A G Russell Pollen I M Aiichison | I R Charterii II Lord Kil- larnock A Hammond et adj r.b. lieckwith ert de Latour' 1845. FARMER't ALMANACK. 83 2nd Lieut$. SirHTytY/hiuBt W R C Spencer Herculei Walker Geo P Evelyn ENeviigate, act qua ma$ r b Lionel Siandikh C P Pennington C E B Baldwin Rich Henvitide Arth Lowther Wm Jan CoUille Wm D M Best P.V J New bury/I jii/jr J Wilkinson, Iff U. QM Ed Flattery Sg M Whit«,m \ i t m farmer's almanack. 1845. ,Ch«» Clarke. Adj H Pr.Yor, ept \Pay Hen Boggs Iq AfCKeefler \Swrg Chan Cogs- I 'W«]l, M. D. Ai$ 8 I Scarkl — facings blue — lace silver 3rf. Hx. Regt. Lt. Col. Edw Cunard I Majors .Daniel Starr,. I ! CaptM C H Belcher, adj R D Clarke Jno Leslie Adam Reid E DucUett, P M Thos Kenny Fredk R Starr J A Findlay C J Doyle Arch Harshaw Wm Scott 1st Lts. Martin Niforth Robt Gruber Chas H Ri^by A H Taylor B Wier, Q M Jno H Crosskill J J E DeMolitor W H Knowlan i 2d Lts. [J S Belclrer II S Planckley Saml Story, jr. Jno Anderi^on ■Geo Rollings Adjt. C H Bel- ! cher, Capt P M E Duckett, i capt \Qm B Wier, It. j-ternran Geo G Whidden, Sur A F Sawersj p m Green — facings Jas B M Chipmaa, black adjt. 6th Hx Begt. LtCol H A Gladwin Mofor Thos R Grassie Capts . Peter Ogilvie Saml Braden Jno Parker Jas Brown Robt A Logan q m Alex Keith \st Lts Alex McDougall Jno Schultz WG Archibald David Archibald Wm Dow ling How Blades 2d Lts jW Gladwin, a Inspector \ Chaplain • • Pay master } Sf Purser 5 JVav Instnic Jist ^ttrg • • • • 'Additional • ChaH H lieddoev R S Hewlett E P B Von Donop Wm H Kennedy G B Rutherford ThoH Sibbald Jus E Katon, F L Jno H Siiairp H G St J Mildmaj Jno O Johnson .Hugh Flvans P H Fellowes Chas F Menzies • Chart Pupe Wm Lindsay, M d . Rev Tho» W Barnett Wm Thompson Alfred W Lane, A m 'Jno Page Hurke C T S Kevern Walter Traill Jas C Walsh Win H Bent Geo H Ryan Jas A J Addison 2d Master .1 . I MAUN. 72. Recv. Ship. Jamaica. Commodore Alex R Sharpe, C B Commander Henry M E Allen Lieuts Chns Seaver H L Griffiihs Master ....Geo Biddlecombe Surg . , ***.AIex Cross Chaplain Rev Hen W Taylor Paymaster ) • ... ^ Purser. I Wm Bailey Ast Surg . . . . ^ ^ ■ , , , Additional . .^.^ „if'},%»iVjv 2d Master . . INCONSTANT, SC. Chaplain Rev Jos W Dickson JVav Instruc Fras W Fowler Surg .... Jail ii^mith Paymaster > ,, Sf Purser ) Wm Bowden Asl .Vitr;? •• "Edw Groves 2nd Master H McAusland LARK. 2. Schooner. Surveying VeRScl. Lt Com •••• Geo B Lawrence AstSnr^' ••• 2d Master Tho- Earl Clerk Jno Hay ward PICKLF:, 2. Schooner, Lt Com .."Jos A. Bainbridge Ast Surg"" 2d Master ..NJLoane • ••Jas Bhambier' Hon Montague Slop^ fold Jno Macdougall Kdw H Kennelt Kichard R Western Horace M Baker Will R Searle G B Pnddicombe Geo FiJmer Rtv Wm NSnowe iu, Cnpt Lieut a |l.«f Lt Mar i2nd Lt Mar [Master . • » ■ Chas H Freemantle Thos S Hill Geo Blane Henry Ch (dwell Wm H Rushbrooke Alex C Gordon C J Hadtield W B HaberfieW Geo C Dowers Clerk PIQUE, S(), Capl Lieuts • • • • 1st Lt Mar 2d Lt Mar Master •.• Captain • • Surg Wm Folds Paymaster > ^ Purser ) Jas Gile^ . J\''av Inst rue Geo Foster Ast Surg • • • • Robt Bernard 2d Master • • PYRAMUS, 4'^. Becv. Ship. Halijax ROMNEY, 30. Recv. Ship. Havnnnah. Lt Com .•••Robt LeM McCM Surg Juo Findlay Ast St&g* - •'. 2d Master •• Clerk Geo G Nelson ROSE,. 18. Sloof Commander Henry R Sturt Lieuts • • • • W H Dobbje Percy Parkhurst Jno Palmer Master •••• David N Welch Surg Robt Stevenson •4«*i 1645. farmer's almanack. 8d Paymafter !f Purser Jst Surg • • • ISCYLLA, Commaudtr Lieuti •••• Master ••• Surg Paymaster :^ Purser \M Surg . • 5 Robt Ijoney .Jno Jeffcott 1<). Sloop Robt Sharpe, Kt. of Tower and Stvord VVm C CoffiQ Arch D Jolly • Wm Woodyer • AuguetUK Slight 5 John Tweedie • •ChasG Campbell SPARTAN, afi. Capt LietUs Hon C G J B Elliot Edw Tathatn Koss M Floud Jno Dunsterville Thoa H Lj^vagbt J H Mercer Rich'd G VVUli Harry Goldney Ut LI Mar Master • • • • Surg Paymaster ) Sf Purser ) Jno H Greaves JV*av Instrue Jait Stephen JJst Surg • • • 'Thos Wallace ADVERTISEMENTS. riSHINTG AND TiiC^LI^E. ■\- C. H. BELCHER Mas on 8nle, the most complete outfit for a Fly Fisher, con sisting of KELLY'S Salmon and Trout Rods ; | th-ee OLfidfour piece (London) Trout and General RoDSjj 'with spare top, partition bag, &c., complete j very superior! patent *iZ/r and /jair .,, -rv^'t^ •>:;» ;Wv»r^--i'.r \ I Trout and Salmon f Jnes, j 'diffsrent lengths from 20 to 100 yards each ; platted silk lines j; |2 and 3 yard Casting Lines; 2 12 yard treble gut Salmoa iCasting Lines; Salmon Gaffs; Gut in hanks ; Silver and Goldj iThread, different widths ; Trout Baskets, various sizes ; Baitj iKettles ; Landing Nets and Handles; tloop Nets; Drinkingi Flai^ks : Sportsmen's Knives ; Weighing Machine and Measur-| ing Tapes, a very large, varied, and most complete assort'S jnient of ! Salmon and Trout Flies ! ! Bait Hooks ; Kill Devils ; Leather, Lace, and Glass Minnowj' fTrout Spinning Tackle; Disgorgers; FLY BOOKS; China[ Twist ; plain and multiplying REELS ; Clearing Rings ancJf prags; Angler's Defence; Angler's Friend; Rings and Keepters;' "wiveis ; Salmon & Trout Hooks, assorted sizes, &.G. ALSO — Eley's patent Wire Cartridges, water-proof percuiF«| [jaion caps ; and chemically prepared Felt Wodding. 112 90 farmer's almanack. 1845. THE PENiNY CYCLOPEDIA or the Society for the DUTusion of UseAil Knowledge, COMPLETED. Forming Twonty-seven Volumes, extending to 14,000* Pages. COMPLETE. FIRST SEllIES OF TIIK I'EXNV MAG.AZINE Of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. In Nine Volumes contniniiigf 4,500 puges of letter press, andj 1800 Engravings. Volume Xn., being tlie Third Volume of the New Series. The two previous volumes of the Series are profusely illudlra- ted ; and •luriii" each yoar .sevt^ral series of connected papers ;are gixeii. so as to form a continuous subject of entertainnicnl rtjid instruction. ©Jje ^fctorfal J^tt.sicum of ^nfmatctJ TCaturc, WITH. FIVE THOUSAND WOOD CUTS. [To be completed in 'F'wenty-five Monthly Parts, Forming Two handsome Folio Volumes. COM PLET E. ^>*^ *^^ ^*^ *'"' The FEctorsnl Blif$toi\v of Dnj^Saaid, Being a History of the People as well as a History oj th» Kin^donu i:*M^I • t^^.." ' 5.»»' /: M.I.USTRATM) WITM MANY IIU.VnRED WOODCUTS iOf Monuiixnitid Uecords; Coins; Civil atid Military Costume; jU.omestic Building's, Furniture, Ornaments ; Calhedralri ami; 'other Works of Aiehitecturu ; Spoils and other Illustrations of^ !M-«niie;s ; Mechanical Inventions ; Portraits of Eminent Persons;^ and Hemurkable Historical Scenes. By GEORGIA L. CRAIK a.nd CHARLES MacFARLANE, ASS!ri;TFI» BY OTHKIl CONTRI BL'TOKS. ' '; ;' / ,- In Four Volumes super-royal 8vo. ?'. ' %." Under the Suptrinlcndnnce of the Society for the Diffusion ' of Useful Knowledge. This Worli contains Portr.iita and Memoirs of tlie most lUns-j trions Persons of ail Countries. The Portraits have beenexecu- led by eminent artists from the most authentic onjrinals ; and the Memoirs have been drawn up with the greatest care and impartiality. The Seven Volumes of which the Work consists c6litain JG8 Portraits. /-.^ .» smV* jjieijsn s^eni' For Sals by C. H. Belrher. Halifax. _ 1845. FARMER'S ALMAMAOK. 91 HjHipis msmmjL'ssc^mi ,,i iih'A .Urn'A (« I'tii.'fl The National Loan Fund Life Af»nrftB«a tooUtf* OP LONDON. «\ Capital je500,000 Sterling. CONTINUE to e£fect Insurnnce on Livoi, Joint Liven. SurviTor- ships, &c. &c. (approved ot by the locul Boni'd, tit Iirtli(nx,)ot'{ persons residing in Nova Scoti», New Brntiiwick, Prini'« Kdwurd Island, iind Newfoundland. Terms as niudui'tile af tliuMt of any' other respectable Company in London, and uvcry fiicilKy and intbrniation will be afforded to l!.(»se who are deslroiiV to avail themselves of this wise and beniHuunl liKiliiution which both provides for the wants of the AHKUrod, wkUt living, and secures at his Denihfa comfortable indepunduni;^ to the berenved| wife and family, and thus mitigates the tniti&ry and denclalion; which too often follow that awful, but sure e\eni, which must. happen to all." Apply to the Matkaging Director and A)fenlJ nt Halifax, or to either of the Sub-Ageuti, from whom 9\ory in- formation may be obtained. LOCAL BOARD AND OFFICERS, Local Diroiitors. Or THK Halifax Brancb. G. P. Lawsou, Esq. T. K. Grassir, Esq. J. E. Stark, Esq. •F. R. Starr, Esq. (Manager and Ag»»nt. ) T'»e Hon. tiie Attorney General, Standing C(>uniet. J. C. Halliburton, Esq., Solicitor. \V. J. Almon. m.o. Esq. Physician and Medlc;^ i^'xaminAr. Two thirds of all premiums paid on Life Policial loanitd to (he Policy holder when required. Leave to travel, includintr sea risk— extenilve and llbflral. A person may effect Insurance on the life of a party indebted to him : or he may insure the life of A. and B., payabttf at the (lenlh of either. Fkmales— insured at the rate applying to om ytar Utt than iheir actual age. , . .,, v,-!,,,.,, ^j,ii->.;?.„u :.HU(^-r/i«a.(ki' , ^at. Blanks of all kinds furnishea gratit on application to> ^.,,^ ^ yi ■a.r-*r<»jvfe . -.ii //-^^i r^- 'l ■; Halifax, Nova Scotia. FREDERICK R. STARR, U3 fARNRa'i AI.MAMACK. 1845. SInUrti Bingtiom HiU Ussiitance Comvanff. 8, WATKHLOO PLACRi PALL MALL, LOKUON. HO^OHAIiY PUKflMKNTS. Earl of Errol, Earl ol' Couriown, EnrI Leven and Melville, Earl olNorbiiry, EHrlnt'Stnir, EnrI 9< men, Viscount Falkland^ LiOid E^I()btniiloii«, Lord Bolhitven mid Stenlon. DlliK*« who during hiw life have been dependant on him, or who at hie death would be rendered deMiiute or in want. j In caHe of perHonH Innuring for the whole term of Life by the Table of! Rate* which allowt* a participation tn the extent of iteo thirds ofthe\ projits, in preference to that of the reduced ratett, their share of profiti! will be added to the amount of their texpective Policies, or deducted from! their future Preroium^t at period* of not lens than live and not exceedingj eeven years. I The liigh opinion entertained of thi« office from the rommenrement ofj itsbuHineas, March IH84, and it» progressive prosperity and stability waul manife-it at the first General Meeting of the Proprietors of this Company,' held at their Ofiicf, London, 1st July, 1841, William Plasket, Esq. inj he Chair, the persons assured under the participating Rates withpro^ [fits, had two per eent. per annum appropriated to them from thsi Hates of their Policies, applicable nt their option either as an increase to the amounts due on their Policies when they became exigible, or in dimi- nutiq^n of the annual premiums paid on them. j Blanks, and any information requircd« will be furnished at the Office of Halifax, Nova ^cotia^ YEOMANS & ERASER, i ms. rARMUR'S ALMANAUK. i»u .ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, ov HERTFORD, CONNECTICUT, •' ;. CAPIT^IL 200,000 A^OIiLARS, WITH LIUCKTr TO INCREASi: THE SAME TO UaLK A MILLION OF DOLLARS. Offer to Irviure every speiies of Insural)le personal Property •M gainst Lonu or t^amage by Fire, The ^Etna Insurance Company was incorporated in 18 19, anil the reputation it has acquired for promptness and 'liberality in the adjnstmeiit, arid payment of Losses, requires no additional pledge to entitle it tu A, liberal share of public patra inage. Efery information alTorded on application to ARCHIBALD SCOTT, , - L . ,,- - . AoKNT for Noi'a Scolia, Prince Edxoard Islandj and Newjuundland, Standing Counsel, 6. Mukooch, Esq. Solicitor,. ....... S. L Shannon, Esq. Halifax, 1st .January, 1845. Or to the following gentlemen Sub-Agents, viz. : — Pidou, Henry Hhi('kH »»,, Ppst.Offic?, Halifax ' ' n Roids and Distances Stage Coaches, Steamers, &c.3^ St. Mary's College, Halifax' 41 .Temperance Sy. 59 ..........& St. Patrick's do 59 Saving's Bank - i - - 56 Scottish Amicable Ins. Cy. 57 St. George's Society , ; 7, Societies - Signals at Citadel HilL Philanthropic Sy.50 Youth's Society 59 Staff of the Army in N. S.' Marine I nS. Cy. 57 jVIilitja pfNovaScotia - SS il^atipnal Loan Fund and Life Assurance Society New Yeirk Ins. Company North British Society N«vy, The OlBcers Masonic Lodges - H. M. Customs, Hx. 57 57 59 87 Militia i^t, ^. S. Sun Fire Company • ^^ - Star. .do - i Yo-y:i5 Steam Boat company .j«|j^|fjj",,^ Time - - -' / i Universali»t Church, Hfx. 4 Union JViarine Ins. Coinpy, 5 48 United Kingdom Life Assur- 54' ance Company - -. . ^^ of Colonial Revenue 55 Wes-leyan Missioncries - 48 Engineer Departments I Miss. Society -4 Ordnance D«partmt. 8l'Warreu Ins. Company ■ •,\.*' 5! .;»^|i. t..(, '1 ' > i <-.t^i,i iiiio"^ AtvM ... . ',#J?;ni}| ...... •T '*ii)i)' :'«tf».K|' I ■MtaJdMSMKBkiiB iiWiiii 1845. illory 8S - 85 m • '.8t m ■ * 3 1 n(^i( 3^ - ;>J(1^: «q - P-. ,4^ pan(7 - 5(1 , I r!fA^ •:57^ ny ■' .'" 53 M 61 9 • ti& iners, &.C.37 Halifax' 4l ince Sy. 59 iricl I '8 do 591 - - 56 Ins. ex.; 57l y i t ,«,r .5^ » 59 nil • ca iN. s; 81 pf N. S. 89 .- • KM _ J ;!mi to-V ^1 ny. j'Kifn- Coinpy. 5! •ife Assur- -■;-_; 57 iries - 49 ciety - 4 iny : - 5? ' t I • • • a ,^