^, ..■^,.. «*.'*s IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) i.O I.I 11.25 ■^ 2.2 i:- m U IIIIII.6 V] /: % ^^V > 5> '/ /A Hiotographic Sciences Coiporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. U5S0 (716) 872-4503 •N? \ iV \ \ Cv 6^ . required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, 11 est filmd A partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^1. I « t* Ltitllii)' AA«i>4*4A.ik »«,U«Jil 3 1 i > 1 TirE TIfirJY-FIRST PiKPORT ^VA <^^ OF THE I N C U P R A T E 1) CHUllCH SOCIETY of \\^ lliofpsp of <^upkr, FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st DECEMBER 18T2. QUEBEC: PUINTED AT THE "DAILY MERCURY" OFFICE. 1873. yp rf ANGIJCAN CHURCH Of CANADA cn^"^ ,-^'i «> « I • Jl> i * 1 >\^ ^\. • ( • , • ■-»>• t THE THIRTY-FIRST REPORT or THE INCORPORATED CHURCH SOCIETY of l$r ^mm of <^urbn, roR THE YEAR ENDING 31st DECEMBER 1872. % ) ZlMtA-bllMlxedL 'Ztlx O'-uly, X84S8. ..•s,-«.-,-^-v---v-v^"w,--. • ( QUEBEC : PRINTED AT THE "DAILY MERCUUV" OFFICK. 1873. f M \ CLERGY OF THE DIOCESE OF QUEBEC, 1873. RiGUT BivERRND J. W. WILLIAMS, D.D., Lono Bisuop or QcBBic. Allnatt, Ror. F. J.B •• Drummondville. Badgley, Rov. Chas., M.A.. ... ••.. Uootor of Grammar SchooW Len- Balfour, Rev. A„ Rural Doan Valoartier. [ noZTiUe. Balfour, Rev. A. J., B.A Hatley. Bali, T. L. Unper Ireland. Boydoll, Rev. James, B.A Bury. Buylo, Rov . F., B. A East Frampton. Barrage, Rev. II. O., M.A. (retired) Chapman, Rev T. S., M.A. Dudswell. Corvan, Rev. J. H., M.A. Coaticooko. Debbago, Rov. J. B Bourg Louis. De Mouilpied, Rev. J Nicolot. Dinsoy, Rov. J Compton. Fortin, Rev. A., B.A Indian Village, St. Francis, Fotbergill, Rev. M. M , Seo. of Church Sooiety, St. Peter's, Quebec. Fostfar, Rov. J, MA., Reotor Three Rivers. Hamilton, Rev. C, M.A., Bishop's Chaplain.. .St. Matthew's, Quebec. Hepburn, Rev. J., B.A Labrador. Honaman, Rev. O. V., M.A., Rector Quebec. Jenkins, Rev. J. U., B.A West Frampton. Kemp, Rev. J., B.I) ..•••...•••• Leeds. Ker, Rev. M .Sandy Beach. King, Rev. W: St. Sylvester. King, Rev. E. A; W., B.A ...Durham. Lyster, Rov. W. Q., B.A.* . Cape Cove. Mathers, Rev. R Malbaie, f}asp£. Mt^rriok, Rev. W. C., M. A Rividre du Loup (ea haut.) Milne, Rev. O:, M.A., Rural Dean New Carlisle. Blitchell, Rev. R St. Paul's, Quebec. NicoUs, Rev J. H., D.D., Rural Dean, PrinoipalBishop's College, Lennoxrllle. Parker, Rev. Q. R • Kingsey. Parkin, Rev. E. C Cookshire, Eaton. Petry, Rev. H. J., B.A Danville. Rawson, Rev. C. W.. M.A Cathedral, Quebec. Reid, Rev. C. P., M.A Sherbrooke. Richmond, Rev. J. P.«,« Oasp6 Basin. Richardson, Rev. T New Liverpool. Riopel, Rev. S., B.A ••• .... Magdalen Islands Roe, Rev. II., B.A. , Examining Chaplain. . .Melbourne. Ross, Rov. £. a. W. (retired) Rividre du Loup (ea ba%) Scarth, Rev. A. C, M.A Lennoxville. Sewell, Rev. E. W., M.A. Chapel of the Holy Trinity, Quebeo Short, Rev. R Montmorenci. Smith, Rev. F. A » ~ .Qeorgeville. Stuart, Rev. H, C, B.A .Hoperown, Sykes, Rev. J. S., Port Chaplain • .Quebec. Sykes, J. S.,junr Levis. Tambs, Rev. R. C, M.A • Bishop's College, Lennoxville: Thompson, Rev.I Melbourne-. Vial, Rev. W. S - - .Beauport. VonlfBand, Rev. A.A.,M.A.,Sec.Diooe8an Board St. Michael's, Quebeo. Walters, Rev. J. m .. m •• .. *• • •• ..• ••..»• .Magog. Washer, Rev. 0. B. . •. ... •..••.•.■..•••• ..Stoneham. Woolryohe, Rev. A. J. m m n .. .. h .Stanstead. Wurtele, Rev. L. C, B.A Aotonvale. PRAYERS, TO BK USED AT ALL MEBTINOS OP TUB SOCIETY AND Of ITS SEVERAL ASSOCIATIONS. Prevent us, O Loi-d, in all our doings, with Thy rnosV gracious favour, and further us with Thy continual help ; that in all our works, begun, continued and ended in Thoc, we may glorify Thy Holy Name ; and finally, by Thy mercy, obtain everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O Merciful God, Who hast made all men, and hatost nothing that Thou hast made, nor wouldest the death of a sinner, but rather that he should be converted and live ; have mercy upon all Jews, Turks, Infidels and Heretics, and take from them all ignorance, hardness of heart, and contempt of Thy Word, arid so fetch them home, blessed Lord, to Thy flock, that they may be saved among the remnant of the true Israelites, and be made one fold under one Shepherd. Prosper, Lord, the labours of those societies of the Church in the land of our Fathers, which Thou hast deigned to use in the promotion of this object, and which have nourished the Church in the colonies; and bless in like manner with Thy Holy Spirit and Providential succour the Society in whoso cause we are now met, and the undertakings which we have now in hand. " Prosper Thou the work of our hands upon us ; O prosper Thou our handy work," for the sake and through the merits of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord, Who liveth and roignoth with Theo and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen Our Father, which Jiri, in heaven, llaiiowed bo Tliy iiamt?, Thy Kingdom eonio ; Thy will be done in earth, Afs it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And ibrgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not, into temptation; But deliver us from evil; For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory. For ever and ever. Amot. J • ^■■T THE CHURCH SOCIETY OK TUB DIOCKSIO OF QUKHKC. P A T U N . Hl8 EXCRLLKXCY ThI QOVBIIXOR OlNEniL. PliESIDENT. TiiB RiuHT Rkvkrend tub Lord Biniioi* ok Wukbkc. VICE-PRE Hon. Chief JiiHtlco Mereditli, D.C.L., lion. Edward Hale, D.O.L., Uev. Geo. Mockic, D.D., Rev. the Principal of BiHliop's Col- lege, D.D., The Right Rev. the Lord Rishop of Huron, R. Hamilton, Esq., H. S. Scott, Esq., Rev. E. W. Sowcll, M.A., Rcr. A. W. Mcuntjiin, M.A., H. N. Jones, Esq., Hon. 0. Irvine, SIDENTS. M .SheppanI, Esq., Rev. O. Milne, M.A., Rural Dean, Rev. C. P. Reid, M.A., Rev. W. King, Rev. O. V. Housman, M.A., W. G. Wurtelo, Esq., R. H. Smith, Esq., C. N. Montizambert, Esq., R. W, Hencker, Esq., Rev. C. Hamilton, M.A., Rev. H. Roe, B.A., Capt. Ashe, R. N., G. 0. Stuart, Esq., Q.C., CENTRAL ROARD. Tiuj President, the Vlco-Prosidents, and all other Oftiocri? of the Society, ;iil Clergymen licensed within the Diocese, and the Wardens of every Church or Chapel, being members of the Corporation, and C. P. Champion, Esq., G. Hall, Esq., W. Hunt, Esq., C. Judge, Esq., W. A. Holwell, Es.],, 1''. J. Price, Esq., F. Montizambert, M.D., J. Patton, junior, Esq., W. C. Scott, Esq., P. A. Shaw, Esq., H. \V. Welch, jr., Es(i., A. F. A. Knight, Esq., C. Henry, Esq., R. R. Dobell, Esq., W. G. Ross, Esq., J. G, Colston, Esq., Jas. Hamilton, Esq. HONORARY COUNSEL. Hon. G. Irvine, M.P. | G. 0. Stuart, Esq. Q.C. AUDITORS. H. W. Welch, jr., Esq. | C. Judge, E.sq. TREASURER. George Veasey, Esq. SECRETARY. Rev. M. M. Fothcigill. 6 COMMITTEES. I, DEPOSITORY COMMITTEE. The Lord Bishop, Chairman. Rov. O. V. Honsman, Rev. T. Richardson, Rev. 0. Hamilton, Rev. C. W. Rawson, W. A. Holwcll, Esq., 0. N. Montizombcrt, Enq., H. J. Prattcn, Esq., Dr. Montizambcrt, 0. Judge. Esq., Capt. Asho, R. N., Jas. Hamilton, Esq., Geo. Vcasoy, Esq. The Secretary. Rev. C. W. Rawson, Rev. C. Hamilton, H. W. Welch, jr., Esq., Capt. Ashe, U. N., W. A. Holwcll, Esq., C, N. Montizambcrt, Esq., FINANCE COMMITTEE. Rev. Ci. V. Housman, Chairman. W. O. Wurtclo, Esq., P. A. Shaw, Esq , R. H. Smith, Esq., O. Hall Esq., Jas. I»atton, jr., Esq. Geo. Vcasey, Esq. The Secretary. EDUCATION COMMITTEE Rev. G. V. Housman, Chairman. Rev. C. Hamilton, Rev. C. Rawson, Rev. T. Richardson, Rev. A. A. Von Iffland, Geo. Veasey, Esq., Capt. Ashe, R. N., Dr. Montizambcrt, H. 8. Scott, Esq., H. J. Pratten, Esq The Secretary. P. A. Shaw, Esq., LAND COMMITTEE. iW, A. Holwcll, Esq., Chairman. I H. W. Welch, jr, Esq. The Secretary. The Treasurer. INVESTMENT COMMITTEE. The Treasurer. R. HaxniltcD, Esq., | W. G. Wnrtele, Esq. i DIOCESAN BOARD. THE LORD BISHOP, PUESIDKNT. (EUcted by Synod.) Rov. C. Hamilton, M.A., Rev, J. Foster, M. A., Rer. J. H. NicollB, D.D., H. 8. Scott, Esq., R. W. Hencker, ^Isq., W. O. Wurtelo, Es.]., I {Elected by Church Society,) Rov.H. Roo.'B.A., Rev. O. V. Houeman, M.A., Rev. A. A. Von Iffland, M.A., R. Hamilton, Esq., Capt. Ashe, R.N., Goo. Hall, Esq. {Ex-ofjir.io Membert.) The Clerical Secretary ot Hynod, I The Treasurer of Synod. The Secretary of Church Society, | The Treasurer of Church Society. SECRET AKir. Rev. A. A. Von Iffland, M.A. CLERGY TRUST COMMITTEE. THE LORD BISHOP, CHAIRMAN. Rev. W. King, Rev, G. V. Housman, Rev, C. P. Reid, Sev. C. Hamilton, Rev. li. M. Fothergill, R. Hamilton, Esq., W. O. Wurtele, Esq., C. Judge, Esq., Geo. Veasey, Esq., P. A. Shaw, Esq, TREASURER. W. G. Wurtele, Esq. SECRETARY. Reverend M. M. Fothergill. •v STATED MEETINGS. ANNUAL MEBTINQ OP THE SOCIETr. Wednesday .....1874 28th January* CENTRAL BOARD. Thursday 1873 20th February. Thursday 20th March. [ ' .' "Wednesday 23rd April. Wednesday 4th June. Wednesday 10th September. Wednesday — 12th JSTovember. Wednesday 10th December. Wednesday 1874 14th January. Thursday 29th January. DEPOSITORY COMxMITTEE. Monday 1873 3rd March. Monday 2nd June. ',. Monday : '. 8th September^ Monday Ist December. DIOCESAN BOARD. Thursday 1873 24th April. Wednesday 2nd July. Wednesday 1st October. Wednesday 1874 3i-d February. i\ .^ > 4 • • « « ♦ t 8 « •«\ > ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1872. t I n * ^ 8 « In submitting the thirty-first Annual Report of the Society for the information of the members of the Church ; it is perhaps sufficient to refer to the chief objects which have occupied the attention of the Society during the year. From the following comparative statement of voluntary contributions for 1871 and 1872, it will be seen that, though there is a decrease in some of the Funds of the Society, yot the total receipts shew an increase. This is so far satisfactory, but it must be borne in mind that, as last year, the increase is mainly due to several munificent anony- mous contributions for mission work. It is much to be regretted tliat there is a deficiency in the receipts of the General Fund, in comparison with last year, while the claims upon that Fund have considerably increased, in consequence of the Block-grant of tho Venerable Society for Promoting Christian knowledge, for special purposes, having been ex- hausted. Unless a deeper interest is taken in raising subscriptions for the General Fund, during the ensuing year, many very excellent objects, especially that of education in the ])oorer Missions, must remain in abeyance. The attention of the Clergy in the Districts of Gaspo and Megantic is drawn to the absolute necessity of transmitting their annual contributions from their missions to the Trea- surer, before the 31st of December. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT. 1871. 1872. Increase. Decrease. General Fund $1559.26 $1279.75 $270 51 Mission Fund 2718.09 3698.30 $980.23 W. and O. Fund 913.99 720.94 193.05 Pension Fund 395.41 539.04 143.63 Labrador Mission F'd 13.33 23.13 9.80 Total increase $670.10 MISSION FUNI>. In referring tho Society to the Reports of tho Diocesan Board and Clergy for an account of Mission work, it is very gratifying to learn that there has been an increase of $980.23 10 in the receipts over last year, which is, however, to be attri- buted to the before-mentioned large anonymous contributions received during the summer. Still the amount is very far from adequate to enable the Society to extend its Missionary operations into the newly opening settlements. Earnest appeals for aid are constantly being made to the Diocesan Board of Missions ; in some instances the Board has been enabled to extend a helping hand, in too many cases it has been found impossible to occupy new ground. The church in this Diocese is in the truest sense of the term " a mission- ary church." In the Eastern Townships, opportunity after opportunity offers itself for advancing the interests of the church. Our Missionaries there are doing their utmost, though labouring under the diflSculties arising from inadequate sti- pends. It is to be hoped, therefore, that better provision will be made for those who go forth to do their Master's work. The Society is justified in calling upon the members of our fold throughout the Diocese at large to strengthen the hands of the Diocesan Board in this respect. There seems to be, however, a worse evil falling upon us than the mere want of money. Earnest heroic men will labour for next to nothing through good report and evil report for Christ Jesus sake, but we have now to deplore the absolute want of men for the Mission Field. Yes, the Church at large and the Church of this Diocese want men. It is perhaps a good sign, in one respect, as it shews that the Church is very rapidly taking up new ground and fulfilling the injunction of Her Divine Head of carrying the Gospel into all lands ; but it should also stir up the members of the Church amongst us to dedicate to the Sacred Ministry the best gifted and wisest of their sons. The harvest truly is plenteous, let us humbly trust that the Lord of the harvest will give heed to the earnest supplications of His Church throughout the world on the Day of Intercession for an increase of the Ministry, and that '* He will send forth more Labourers into His Harvest." It is gratifying to notice that the call for direct assistance to Heathen Missions has been responded to during the year by several of our congregations, a pledge that the Diocese will do its part in support of the work in the new Indian See of Algoma. A column will be re-opened in the next report for subscriptions of this character, in order that all moneys may pass through the hands of the Treasurer. widows' and OaPUANS' FUND. It is much to be regretted that there is a decrease in the voluntary contributions to this fund for the year, but 11 ^ t I fortunately the claims have not equalled the amount of voluntaiy contributions, while the annual interest arising from the capital reaches, according to the present statement, $1,680.70. In consequence of the opinion of the eminent Actuary, A. G. Ramsay, Esq., the pensions have been increased fifty per cent. The Treasurer reports that the following Clergymen have qualified, during the past year, as participants in the benefits of the fund, viz. : Reverend Messrs. Merrick, Smith, Plees, Kemp, Fothergill, Vial, Ross, King, W., Vonlflaand, Burrage, Thompson, Kerr, Lyster, Short, Washer, Richardson, Debbage, Woolrycho, Mathers, Riopel, Foster, Roe, Jenkins, and Boydell. PENSION FUND. The order for a special sermon (not having been obeyed in several congregations) has not very materially increased the amount of this fund. Churchmen must again be reminded that this is the only source from which help can be drawn for those who have worn themselves out in the Ministry. A Missionary Church needs active men, but wo cannot release our aged clergy from their missions unless we can oifer them some means of support. ENDOWMENT FUND. A list of the Rural Endowment Funds, to which, we regret to state, no addition has been made during the year, will be found in the Clergy Trust Account, with the exception of that for Nicolet, which appears in the accounts of the Treasurer of the Society. DEPOSITORY COMMITTEE. Comparative statement of sales, 1871 and 1872. 1871. 63 Bibles $ 46.33 68 Testaments 11.11 433 Prayer-Books. 155.14 *1034 Miscellaneous Publications... 289.35 Tracts 25.57 Total $527.50 1872. 88 Bibles $ 98.12 25 Testaments 6.37 510 Prayer-Books... 173.30 f780 Miscellaneous Publications.. 212.52 Tracts 12.81 Total $503.12 • Includes 10 of the S. P. C. K. Selected Libraries for Sunday and other Schools, of 40 volumes each, or 400 volumes in all. t Includes 4 of above, or 160 volumes. 12 It is to bo regretted that there is a steady decrease in the Bftlos of Miscellaneous Publications. The Board are much indebted to the Secretary-Treasurer, 0. Judge, Esq., for his Yftlaable services during the year. . I . EDUCATION. During the year aid has been extended to an additional ftchool at East Frampton. From the annexed tabular statement it will be seen that four schools have been vacant, and four others in operation only part of the year, in consequence of the difficulty in securing suitable Teachers. The schools of the Society are under the Inspectorship of the Eev. M. M. Fothergill. SCHOOLS AIDED BY THE ClIUECH SOCIETY. SCHOOLS. Boorg Louis, No, 1 . . " ** 2 . . «• " 3 . . Coaticook West Frampton Cranbourne East Framptor,No. 1. «« St. Malachie, No. 2 Port Neuf No I. » No. 2. '« »o.3 Lake Beauport Stoaebam Tingwick No. 4. 8t. Giles New Armagh Parkburst No. 3. St. Margaret's St. Patrick's St. Catberine's 4> bc a NAMES OF TEACHERS. S o (S CO o 33 20 33 22 30 27 25 15 U t 24 12 10 21 10 32 16 t t t E Sturton* Kate logbam M. C.F.Reynolds. Alice Charlton . . . , Hugh Dickson Wm. Humt* , Ann Hill J. Stickley J. DH!ey Wm Mortimer. . . Rev. W. S. Vial*. Janette Thomson Caroline Hall*.., J. J. Proctor E. E. Craig E. Bate* $40 00 30 00 30 00 50 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 CO 30 CO 40 00 40 00 27 60 27 50 27 60 27 50 $120 00 140 00 120 00 240 00 140 00 110 00 112 00 120 00 1.60 00 200. 00 300 00 160 00 150 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 * In operation part of the year, t Vacant dnring the whole year. ! . ¥. t i •■ 13 1 ■♦■ GRANT OF LAND. It is with much pleasure the Central Board bogs to announce that E. H. Taylor, Eaq., has very generously presented n valuable lot of land to the Church at Cumber- land Mills, in the County of Boauce. SECRETARY. The Eevcrend A. J. Woolrycho resigned the office of Secretary of the Church Society in the month of March, in consequence of his leaving the Mission of Levis for that of Stanstead in the Eastern Townships. The following resolution was unanimously adopted : " That the Central Board, in accepting the resignation of the Eoverend A. J. Woolryche as Secretary of the Church Society, desire to assure him of their regret at his departure from the neighborhood of Quebec, and their high sense of his talents and of the character which he has maintained during the seventeen years of his service in the diocese." The Eeverend M. M. Fothergill was unanimously elected Secretary of the Society, in the room of the Eev. A. J. Woolryche,' resigned. LOSSES. The Board regret to place on record the loss which the Society has sustained, during the year, in the removal by death of the Eev. E. Gr. Plees, Incumbent of St. Paul's, who was ever a zealous supporter of the Society, having for twelve years • discharged the duties of Honorary Secretary of the Clergy Trust Committee, and was also, for many years, Inspector of the Schools aided by the Society; also, of William Potry, Esquire, a Vice-President, and who formerly filled the important office of Treasurer, and to the day of his (loath was a liberal supporter of the Church in the Diocese. J. W. Quebec, President. .M. Monkiio'Se Fothergill, Secretary. January 8tli, 1873. 14 ABSTEACT OF PEOCEEDINGS OF CENTJRAL BOARD • , DURING THE YEAR 1872. January.— Names of subscribers of one dollar and upwards to be printed in the Annual Report ; subscriptions of a less amount to bo entered as " small sums.'' Treasurer's state- ment. The Annual Report adopted. Appointment of Com- mittees. Rev. M. M. Fothergill appointed Assistant Secre- tary. One hundred dollars granted to the Rev. E. C. Parkin, for mission services at Ditton. One thousand dollars granted out of the General Fund, to the Diocesan Board, for the purpose of distributing a bonus to Clergy serving under the Board. Annual sermon and collection ordered for the Pension Fund. Scale of Pensions to Widows' and Orphans' increased. Mrs. Torrance and Mrs. Dalziel permitted to participate in the Widows' and Orphans' Fund to the extent of one-half the amount paid to subscribers. Resolution of condolence to the Rev. A. J. Woolryche. Resolution on keeping minutes. FEBRUARY.— Rev. M. M. Fothergill appointed School Inspector in the room of the Rev. R. G. Plees resigned. Tho Rev. J. B. Debbage and Rev. I. Thompson were allowed to qualify for participation in the benefits of the Widows' and Orphans' Fund. Opinion of Honorary Counsel asked for on Investments. March. — Letter from tho Rev. A. J. Woolryche conveying his resignation of the office of Secretary of the Church Society ; Resolution thereon. The usual allowance granted to the Chaplain at Grosse Isle. Committee appointed upon tho duties and salary of Secretary of Church Society, and Secretary of Diocesan Board. April. — Report of Committee on Secretaries, received and adopted, recommending $200 per annum as the salary of tho Secretary of the Church Society, with an addition of $100 in the event of his being required, under Art. 13, Sect. D., to act as Secretary of the Diocesan Board. G. Okill Stuart, Esq., Q.C., appointed Honorary Counsel. Rev. M. M. Fothergill, appointed Secretary of Church Society. Correspondence on Cfoaticook and Barford Endowment Fund— referred to Com- mittee. Treasurer's Statement. Opinion of Honorary Counsel asked for on Melbourne Parsonage. * tfi ! 16 May.— The Committee reported against any change in the existing arrangements as regards the Ooaticook and Barford Endowment. Opinion of Honorary Counsel received and adopted, permitting the transfer of the Melbourne Parsonage, from the Church Society, to the Incumbent and Wardens of the Mission. Opinion of Honorary Counsel received on Investments. One hundred dollars granted to the Eev. A. Rowland, on his being obliged to resign the Mission of Upper Ireland in consequence of the loss of his voice. Application made to the S. P. C. K. for aid to Three Elvers and Bury, for building purposes. Rev. T. Richardson and Rev. C. B. Washer, permitted to qualify for participation in the benefits of the W. & O. Fund. Letter from the Secretary of the S. P. C. K., intimating a discontinuance of a block sum for ppecial purposes, but offering to deal with individual cases. September.— Letter from Rev. A. J. Balfour, relative to the Waterville property. The President authorized to sign the transfer deed of the Melbourne and Richmond Parsonage. Investments approved of $10,000, Sherbrooke Stock, and $2,000, City of Belleville. Paid grant of $200 (made Nov. 9th, 1870,) to Trinity Church, Durham. Foui- hundred dollars placed at the disposal of the Education Committee. Alteration in Rule V., Appendix. Application to S. P. C. K. for a grant of £100 stg., for Educational purposes in the poorer Missions of the Diocese. Treasurer's Statement. November. — Forty dollars granted to Rev. S. Riopel, for school-house at Grosse Isle, Magdalene Islands. Rev. A. Fortin ordered to be placed on the list of Clergy receiving a gratuity for 1871. Rev. M. M. Fothergill's nomination as a member of the Clergy Trust Committee concurred in, in the room of the Rev. R. G. Plees, deceased. Letter from Col. Fletcher intimating that His Excellency the Governor- General would be happy to aid the Society. Annual sermon and collection ordered for the Algoma Bishopric Fund. December.— Provisional grant of $1,100 out of the General Fond to the Diocesan Board. Committee appointed to make suitable arrangements for the Anniversary Meeting. REPORT OF TIIK ST. FEANCIS DISTRICT ASSOCIATION OP THE INCOllPOllATED CHURCH SOCIETY OF THE DIOCESE 01' ' QUEBEC, For the year ending December, 1872. The Reports of the Clergy furnish the most trustworthy ovidonce of the growth or decline of the Church within tho District. It is to them we must look for information upon the various subjects of Church interest, and if, in some instances, we find drawbacks and hindrances and discourage- ments, and in others brightness and success, let us still be thankful, remembering that the Great Disposer of all events is watching over the most adverse circumstances, and in His own good time will bless the work of His own appointment. On reference to the Clerical Reports, for the closing year, we find a record of two Church consecrations. BROMPTON AND ULVERTON. Christ Church, Brompton, is the first and only Protestant place of worship in the Township. It is a plain, but well proportioned, and very attractive wooden building, 50 ft. x 25 ft. inside, with porch and bell turret, and having sittings provided for 120 persons, ULVERTON. It cannot but be a mutter for congrjitulation to the District of St. Francis that among a people, hitherto strangers to the Church of England, more than ordinary interest has been taken in the erection of this Church, and it is with feelings of satisfaction your Committee arc informed that the people of Sherbrooke and Lennoxvillo aiu clashed among the generous contributors to this object. It was set apart to God's, services, in consecration, by the Lord Bishop on All Saints Day. 17 ) Tlio noxt subjoct ul" intorost to wliit-li our uticntion is (Irawji by tho Re])orts is tho opening and dedication of a now Cliureh at Upper Durham, and a like dedication of a new Church at South Durham, on Thanksgiving Day ; and tho enlargement of a Church, by tho addition of a chancel and Ktaincd windows, in the village of JJoblnson. Cratifying as It mu.st bo to every member of this Associa- tion to hoar that those zealous oll'orts to afford additional Church accommodation have been crowned with success, wo should receive tho intelligence with some degree of humilia- tion when wo learn that two Missions have boon deprived of resident Pastors, while thcro still remains open ground for occupation whore congregations of zealous worshi])pers could bo built up, and this not only from want of means but want of men. it is a melancholy fact that tho Clergy of the Diocese are not e(|ual to its wants, nor tho moans at tho Church's command equal to tho requirements of tho Diocoso ; and on this account the District of St. Francis has to deplore the vacancies of ilereford and Coaticoolc, and tho sparse ministrations attbrded to now settlements. May these sad realities awaken in us faith and prayer, and increased zeal for the prosperity of our Zlon. [f wo may be permitted to regard our Sunday-schools as the nurseries of our future Church members, it will bo pleasing to learn that reference is made to their utility and |«rospority in several of tho Ileports. Tho Piov. n. Eoo speaks of 29 teachers in our five Sunday- schools who deserve every commendation for their unwearied labours. Tho Eev. If. J. Potry mentions a flourishing Sunday-school with a capital library. Tho Ecv. E. A. King, five Sunday-schools. Eev. A. J. Balfour, Ilatley, two Sunday-schools. Eev. Cr. II. Parker, Kingsey, three Sunday-schools, and a very good library. Eev. F. A. Smith, Georgoville, one Sunday-school. Eev. J. lEopburn, Drummondvillo, two Sunday-schools. Those are tho onl}' Sunday-schools mentioned in the Eeports, and your Committee has made allusion to them only because they havo been referred to as doing a good work ; but we are not to suppose any Church in tho District is wanting in Sundaj'-schools. 2 IS Ono^inoro Hiibjoct ap])cars to claim our attention,— it is the comparatively now featuro of adding to the Church'H fmuU by Missionary 13oxcs. In Shorbrooko tlio sum of $18 was collected for tlio Society by Missionary lioxcf, oiitriistod to Sunday-scbool cliildren. In Durliam, the sum of 846.00 was collected, in amounts varying from SI (o $15, by Missionary J5oxcs, kindly made and presented by Mr. Arniino NicoUs. Edward Cui.len Paiikin. Secretary St. Francis District Association. ANNUAL JIKPOIJT or TIIK D I C E S A N 15 A K D TO Til 10 ClIIJlKMr SOCIKTV, FOU 1872. In present iiii^ its iloport for the year 1872, the Diocesaa Board has much pleasure in stating that, whereas at the close of 1871 the Revenue Account exhibited a debtor balance of $341.94, the close of the past year leaves it in possession of a surplus of S900. This agreeable fact may, at first siglit, seem to conflict very strongly with the estimate of its Eevcnuo Account for 1872, submitted by your Board in the last Report, by which a deficit of $8G9.98 was shown. But this discrepancy is seen at onco to bo merely ai)parent, when it is known that the Diocesan Board has received from the Mission Fund of your Society no less a sum than $4,2.58.13, being 81,44G in excess of the amount received in 1871, and $2,27G, or more than double the amount subscribed in 1870 ; whilst it is also to be borne in mind tliut funds have also accumulated from vacancies in a numljor of Missions. Indeed, had it not been for these two causes the estimate referred to would have lain open to the charge of bearing too favourable an aspect, and in reality a much greater deticieney than was anticipated would have been announced. This will bo made clear from the following abstract of the Iiovcnue Account for the past year : so Vr. Cr.. Htipi'iulrt i)fti(l $i8470 81 1 ItyftHHi'MsnifntH received . Scnoi 11 nfiiuiH I'.ir 1871 10G(J 50 j S. 1'. (J. (I rant 0077 77 I'eiiiiioiiH i'liid 1217 21 '
  • fur Pensions. lo to report u surplus, instead of n dolicil, is a most gratifying rollcetion, since it t'xhil»its a growing intert'.-l in the 3Iissioii- ary operations of the Ciiureli, and proves tho strong desire felt by many that no ^Mission in (he Dioceso shall be com- pelled, for the want of means, to forego (he ministrations hitlierto extended to it. Ami tho gratilicalion felt by your iJoard docs not end licro, inasmuch as thoy havo found themselves in a i)Osi(ion, for tho first time since their creation, to appro])riato the largo sum of $800 towards increasing the incomes (jf the Clergy. This amount •will bo at once jtaid to tho Clci'gy in accordance with a scheme of distribution similar to that adopted in past years. But while your Board would venture to express the hope that none of those who havo recently come to its assistance, and so liberally given of their substance, for the cause ot' Christ and His Church, will make an}' reduction in their subscriptions for tho future ; and while, on the conti'ary, it is earnestly to bo wished tliat tho example may bear fruit far and wide ; yet, from a practical point of view, tho convic- tion cannot be avoided that it wotikl bo extremely liazardous to count upon a continuance of aid from this source to the same degree. It must be borne in mind that tho greater part of the subscri2)tions to the Mission Fund during the past year have been of a special nature — given to meet a special want — and in many cases from special and personal circum- stances. »' . -; i. o 21 I f 111 1S71 lliiTo woro .'J2 Missions receiving; aid iVoiii Iho J)i()C'osan Itonnl. TIkm-o aro now o(l, iMclljoui'iio" having bocomo Hol.-siistainiiii^ sinco January Ist, ISTli, ami (Joory^c- villo not i'(>([nirin,ii" aid so loni^ as (lio Mission lotains itn prosi'iit Clurn-yinnn. .DiiriiiLj ihu past year Staiisload lias i)i'iMi av^ain plai-od on tliu listijf A[issions aided hy llio Uoanl, ami tliu old .Mission of Levis and Now Liverpool has been dividetl into two separate eliar;L,'e.s ; the c'on<,'ivgation of Trinity (-liurcli, Levis, under- talciiii,' tlie niai ntenance of their Cter L « 23 t 111 tlio month of Januiiiy, the Ecv. A. J. Jjalfour to the Mission of Ilatloy and Watcrvillo. In the month of jMarch, the Eov. A. J. Woolryclio to tho Mission of Stanstcad. In tho month of May, tho Kov. T. liicliardson to the Mission of ISTew Liverpool. In tho month of July, tho IJev. T. L. Ball to tho Mission of New Ireland ; and tho Rev. J. B. Debbage to tho ^Mission of Boiirg Louis and Portncuf. In the month of September, tho Eev, C. Thorp to tho Jlission of Ilopetown, (This gentleman has since declined the appointment.) In the month of October, the Eev. R. Mathers to tho Mission of Peninsula and Crrande Grevc, in conjunctionVith Mai bale . SapfiSa In the month of December, the Rov. C. B, "Washer to^ tho Mission of Stoneham and Lake Beauport. "^^i^ The Reports of the Clergy serving under tho Boardfare hereunto annexed, from which much full and interesting information as to the special work in their respective Missions may be gathered, and to which your Society is respectfully referred for more particular details J. "W. Quebec. Chairman. A. A. VonIfpland, Secretary. 24 J::XTRACTS FEOM IIEPOETS OV MISSION AIJIP:S. SIIIITON AND TINQWtCK. Tliis is tho seventh year of my work in tliis interestinof Mission. I thankfully record it, that I liavc been pcrmittecl to see some fruits of my ministry. In Shipton, tho Congre- gation attending St. Augustine's Church has trebled in numbers ; there is also a flourishing Sunday-school, possess- ing a capital Library of interesting books. It must be remembered that the growth of tho Church in a district like this cannot be very rapid, though it be sure. It is, at present, the little leaven which, in time, I hope maj- leaven the whole lump. The wonder is that tho Church ever found a foothold in this place at all, and a still greater wonder that she kept it. In this little village, whoso corjioration limits are a mile square, we have seven denominations. The majority of our members do not live in Danville; in fact, within the corporation limits, we have not half a dozen bo?id fide church families; tho congregation is principally made up of farmer's families who live miles away. Most of our men of substance and property are members of other christian bodies ; our people, on the whole, arc not well off. In the Tingwick settlement there is but one place of worship, namely, our own; the congregation, of course, is twice that of Danville; in fact, Tingwick, with the borders of Warwick and Artha- baska, should form a distinct Mission; there are more Church families in this section than are comprised in two or three other missions which I could name, put together. The work L^re is growing too much for one man, — every year I feel the deepening necessity either for a regular sub-division of this overgrown mission, or for the aid of a coadjutor. Shipton alone is c^uite enough to give plenty of employment to any one man, and I hope tho day is not far distant when Tingwick will have its own resident Clergyman. Since my last report the services have been uninterrupt- edly rendered in each mission. During the spring, for fivo consecutive Sundays tho roads were so bad, that rather than run tho risk of breaking the legs of my venerable and faithful mare, I hired a carter to drive me out to Tingwick Church, eight miles distant. During the summer months, and until tho roads broke up. I held a School-house mission service every fortnight, on a Friday evening, seven miles away, on the Felkirk road. Always after service a confirmation lecture was given to t * 25 • ^ I s •-< ■' t candidiitcs for that apostolic rite ; ^vo expect tlic Bishop tliis winter, and are consequently busy with our young people. In most cases I. have to visit the candidates at their own houses; they live at such distances f'-om Danville, and so isolated from each other, that it becomes necessary to see them separately, or not see them at all. With regard to domiciliary visiting, one of the most impor- tant features in a Pastor's work, — of course, the aged, the sick, and the intirm have the first claims upon my time, — but I aim, in addition, to make the grand rounds of the mission, (in area 400 square miles) four times a year; once a quarter. With regard to cases of sickness, I am anxious to impress upon my people the necessity as well as the justice of personally letting mo know, instead of, as is generally the case, taking it for granted that some how or other I will hear of it. 1 have rejieatcdly informed my flock that I am ready and willing, by night or by day, to attend to cases of emergency if only they will take the trouble, as they are jjassing my door for the Doctor, to stop a moment and let mo know. I presume that in most parishes matters in this particular respect are the same. I am glad to say that my people are going to bestir them- selves earnestly in the matter of a Parsonage, which is sadly needed. The cottage in which we have resided for the j^ast seven years, and which has received no repairs for the last twenty years, is beginning to show signs of general demora- lization, and as its numerous proprietors decline to sjiend anything on the "old thing," as they call it, it becomes imperatively necessary to take steps for the erection of a Parsonage. The two Missions will be thoi'oughly canvassed first, and then our friends outside will be modestly solicited to aid us. Many are surprised we continue to live in a house which, in addition to its increasing delapidation, is daily becoming more unpleasant, if not unwholesome, from defective drainage and bad smells ; during the spring the cellar is simply a swamp ; but avc cannot help ourselves ; there are no houses to let, and we must do our best in the hope of being bettered before long. I have to thank Messrs. Wm. Kobcrtson and David Thurber, of Tingwick, as also Messrs. Charles Thurber and Simeon Glidden, of Shipton, for their truly valuable services as Wardens. My Eegisters for the year ending November 30th, 1872, exhibit the following statistics :— 26 Tingwick : Burials 2 Baptisms 19 Marriages. 3 Danville : Burials 2 B;ii)tisms K' ^Marriages. Henry James Petry, B. A., Missionary in charge. kingsj:y. In sending the report for this Mission for the year which is drawing to a close, there are two things of special interest and satisfaction to ourselves. One, the possessing a tolerably fair Sunday-school and Parish Library, or Libraries, as they are quite distinct from each other — and another, the having obtained a Harmonium for the Church, especially as both the Library and Instrument were much needed. Early in the present year we had a very successful Parish gathering, when the idea of having a Library was suggested, certainly with some doubts as to whether it were not too visionary, which doubts were soon removed, as the idea was at once taken up and quickly carried out. Two of the people took the matter in hand and in a few days got together between tifty and sixty dollars amongst themselves. A Sunday- school Library was at once purchased, and a number of books were ordered from England for the Adult Library, and in the month of August were placed in the Church for the use of the people. There are in all, in the Adult Library, some sixty volumes, and judging from the eager way in which they are sought after and read, arc not a little appreciated. The Harmonium, so much needed, we owe to the exertions of the Misses Cox, who took it in hand from the first and have succeeded in securing one. It was purchased in Quebec at a cost of S140, of which between twenty and thirty dollars remain yet to bo made up. It is to oe placed in the Church for Christmas Day, Outwardly and materially there is cause for satisfaction and thankfulness. Of the inw\ard life, the spiritual state, one can only hope. The Congregations have been much as in former years, usually firm and attentive, and one can only •» ! I • 27 hope that the teaching, weak though it bo, will not bo altogether without fruit. By the Ivlrul assistance of some ladies in the Mission, I have boon enabled to carry on three small Sunday-schools in ditferent parts of the Mission through the summer, and hope to continue them jiartially through the Aviiitcr. Tho statistical account of the Mission has been forwarded to tho Secretary, of which a copy is given here : Diocesan Board assessment $300 00 Offertory 85 02 Missionary Meeting 15 00 Bishop's College../. 4 30 Bishop Patteson's Fund G 75 MissionFund 5 30 Widows' and Orphans' 4 70 For Harmonium 100 00 For Libraries 54 75 Church Insurance 5 70 Parsonage Insurance 3 25 $584 77 G. II. Parker, Missionary of Kingsoy. DURILVM. This has been an eventful year for Durham. In last report tho debt on the Mission, with sum required for completing one of the Churches, was stated as at least $2700, and tho belief was expressed that the end of the present Christian year would testify to much having been done. In redemption, therefore, of that pledge, made in behalf of the Mission, it must bo stated that the Church at L'Avcnir has been restor- ed and consecrated. Tho new brick Church at Upper Durham has been finished and dedicated. The debt upon it (assumed by tho people) has boon much reduced by additional subscriptions — $300 coming in equal sums from but six families. By what are termed "socials" and other entertain- ments were realized $260 for cabinet-organ and Building Fund. At South Durham a tliird Church, similar to tho one at Upper Durham, and, like it, costing about $2500, was formally opened on Thanksgiving Day. The funds for completing it had been obtained by most generous contributions from 28 abroad, us follows ; Quebec, $215 ; Sliorbrooke, $50 ; JJich- mond and Melbourne, $40 ; Drummondvillc, $25 ; Bishop's College, $10 ; Messrs. Gardner Stevens, $20; AVm. Mountain, $5; Thos. McFadden, $2; with additional subscriptions and work from the people themselves. Promises have also been maJo in reference to the still remaininij;' debt of about $800. The seats in all three Churches are free and unappropriated. On Dominion Day preparations were made to i^ive a parochial welcome to the Ucv. Mr. Carr (on a visit to his former parish), and also to give holiday-pleasure to the English lads from Industrial Schools ; but, unfortunately, were rendered almost fruitless by unpropitious weather. Dec. 1, r^71, to Dec. 1, 1872. Services Average attendance.., Holy Communion ad- ministered , Do. to the sick.. Confirmed Upper South L'Ave- School Durh'm. Durh'm. 11 ir. houses 40 C3 52 5G 110 80 90 45 5 3 4 2 4 2 IG 18 Total. 211 325 12 8 34 Services on the Lord's Day, 178 ; on chief festivals, kc, 33. The total (211) shews an average of four services a week, in reference to which 1 must here thankfully acknowledge, on behalf of myself and parishioners, the occasional visits of brother Clergymen in Priests' Orders, and of the Lay-Readers, Mr. Emberson and Mr. Albert Stevens. Baptisms. — Two adults and 22 infants, publicly ; 3 infants privately. — Total 27. Marriages 5. Burials 10. Recorded parochial visits, 719. Delegates to the Synod.— Messrs. Richard Lystor, J Armstrong and George Atkinson. It! D. Chants and Donations.- -From. S. P. C. K., through tho Bishop of Quebec, a set of Service Books to each of the three Churches ; also, some Sunday-school books for the Mission from the same source, with others, through Mr. Roe, from the Library of Richmond and Melbourne. To Upper Durham. — From Diocesan Church Society, $200 ; Mrs. AVilliams, an Altar-cloth ; Mrs.' Carr, Altar-vessels ; Rev. and Mrs. Parker, Altar-linen ; Wardens of Drummondvillc, a temporary font ; Mr. Henekor, improvements about tho chancel ; Mrs. S. G. Wood, a Bible-marker ; Mr. Thomaa *. i v « ' i 20 iiurrill, u stove ; .Airs. Toujk>, a eurpct fo- cliaiiccl ; from Bub- scnptions, a .stained ehancol-wimlow (by Sporico) as a memorial to the late Jlov. S. 8. AVood, M. A., one-half tlio cost ^r ~ V. by ol from several shop-keepers a discount on i,'oods bought. To jyAi-cnh'.—From Mr. George Atkinson, a debt of 6G7 (forgiven) ; Wardens of ICingsey Church, a font of wood. ' To Black Jlivrr.—Fi'om L'Avenir, a Bible and portable lent ; Eev. Dr. Nicolls, a Book of Common Praj'or. To Vasey School-House.— Fvom U])])er Durham, a Bible and Book of Common Prayer, used by the late Pev. Mr. Wood. Amounts raised for all church purposes : old settlers ; the late Wm. Stevens, and Christopher children of St. AEatthew's for an alms-basin ; Mrs. W. Stevens, Altar-linen ; font : j\rr. J. C. Spence, a Dec. 1, 1871 to Dec. 1, 1872. General Fund Mission " Widows' & 0. Fund. Assessment (annual) Ofiortory Expenses of Synod . Foreign Mifsions, .. Bishop's College.... Deaf-Mute Institu'n Missions iu England Easter Offering Presents to Organists Building Fund(lot'l) Socials, Concertfti, ic Toward.s u^w Font . For Library Upper I South Durh'm Durh'm i? cts. •> '50 80 40 S cts. 1 25 150 00 42 57 1 00 7 OG 3 00 2 00 00 03 2 00 25 62 300 00 2G0 60 *20 25 tJ5 26 75 00 26 20 1 00 3 00 1 50 75 5 00 27 I'Ave- nir. Black lliver. 100 00 180 29 S cts. 1 00 1 70 72 100 00 29 97 1 00 23 00 1 50 1 25 4 00 41 14 00 100 00 $ cts. 75 40 45 Vasey Sch. il. cts. 50 30 40 To'al, $ $335 96 $398 29 $278 58 $15 82 7 00 GO 62 G 00 1 10 40 3:1 3 00, 6 325 £8 cts. 6 00 5 20 OO 00 74 3 00 42 06 7 00 5 00 12 00 8 71 39 G2 >00 00 '40 4D 20 25 15 26 ♦ Collected by Miss Wray. t Collected by Mr J. Hall, Jr. $6 08i$1534 73 30 Missionary boxes niiulo and given by Mr. Arniino Nicolls have brought in 8i2.UG in amoiints ranging from $1 to 615. MISSIONARY IJOXES. Mrs. Artliur Mountain $ 15.00 Miss White 8.00 Miss Lester 0.00 Miss Creation 2.75 Eddy Stevens • 2.25 Eliza Jiurrill 1.80 KllaHurrill 1.10 Miss Porter 1.10 Miss Middleton 1.00 Miss Armstrong 1.00 George Elsey..^ 1.00 Wm.^'Chimpet 1.00 8 42.00 To be devoted liaif to Mission Fund of the Diocese, $21.03, and other half to Heathen Missions, §21. 03, at the discretion of his Lordship. For concerts, thanlcs are due chiefly to amateurs of Acton. Upton, Itichmond, Melbourne and Lennoxville. That the Church is growing in the aflbctions of the people, and taking deeper root in the land, is evinced by the erection of handsome edifices for divine worship, and by the willing and hearty co-operation of the laity with the clergyman in all good works. Hero allusion is in particular made to those who act as organists for the various congregations, and also to all those who are unwearied in hospitality and kindness towards the Incumbent. Ernest Aua. W. King. ■ i • DRUJIMONDVILLE. As I have only been labouring in thi . ])arish for four months a full report cannot be expected. Upon the departure of Mr. Allnatt to Labrador, i was appointed to fill his place for the time, and on August 2nd 1 b \gan lay duties. It is with great pleasure that I testify to the great affection of every member of the church for my predecessor. His p.uwearied labours amongst them arc highly ap])reciated by all, and his godly life and conversation have left an impres- sion upon many which time will not efface. His plan of 01 " I • working the parish coinmendcd itaolf to nic, aud I am cndcuvouring to carry on Avhat ho began so succossfully, fooling assured that I cannot improve upon it. Services arc held at the Parisli Cliurch Sunday morning and evening, chief holidays, and during Advent and Lent on week days. There are two Sunday-Bchools, respectively six and four miles distant from the I'arish Church, which I take charge of on aUcrnnte Sundays, one of which, in my absence, is ])residcd over by Mr. Donald Sutherland ; but the other, from Avant of teachers, is vacant. At these stations catechetical instruction is given, in addition to the usual afternoon services, and old as well as young attend them. Throe other schools arc kindly provided for each week by Mrs. (iill. Miss Watts and Miss "Millar. All the scholars from the diilcront schools are brought together to the Parish Church ^on the last Sunday in tho month, to be publicly calechized at a special service held at 2.15 p.m. Holy Communion is administered on the first Sunday in each month, Christmas, Easter and Whit-Sunday. Baptisms during the year 8 Marriages 4 Burials ;' Diocesan assessment $250.00 Insurance G . G 5 Sexton's pay 20.00 Church expenses 15.20 Sermons for Church Society. 10.00 Synod expenses 4.00 Other purposes G3.70 $3G9.55 Considering the resources of the people of Drummondville, the above figures speak well in their favor. It is with great regret that I record tho death of one of the oldest and staunchest supporters of tho Church in this parish, Miss Jane Marler, "When I came to enter npon my work I found her confined to her room, and after a short but very severe illness of twelve days she breathed her Inst. Tho season has been unusually unhealthy, and much tho greater part of my time thus far has been taiccn wj) in attend- ing to the sick. Freedom from dissent is one bright feature of this ^fission, which makes the work of the Clergyman much easier for him and more profitable for the jieople. James IIepbuux. S8 ACTON. In prosontin/,' tlio report for this year, I Imvo nothing ex- traordinary to rohito, except it bo the movement among- the French Canadians. To mo it ajjpears wonderful to yeo liow the Avord of God is ojicning their minds to the ])erccj>!.ion of the truth as it is in Jesus. Where Iho soil to all nppt aranco was but an arid plain, without any pro luclivc posvoi', wo find plants of Heavenly growth. Hut the child of iaith need not lind it strange, for is not " tho word of Cod quick "and powerful, and Hliari,er (han any two-edged sword, •■ piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and .spirit antl '•' of the joints and marrow, and a discoverer of tho thoughts and itents of t])0 heart T' This autumn T resumed the weekly mc^ tings at the didor- ent French Protestant houses in the com^ssions, and great interest Avas shown. It was said of tho .Tows in Jkreu that they were moro noble than tjiose in Thessalonica, in that they received the woi'd with all readiness of mint!, and searched the scriptures tlail}' whether those things spoken of by the A])ostles were so, and really it is a noble sight to see at our meetings the ^;criptures searched diligently. In this way the hearts of our French brethren are warmed and their faith confirmed — and they are ready always to give an answer to every man that askcth them a reason of tho liope that is in them with meekness and fear. And as they are zealous, in what to them is the noAV way, opportunities arc not Avanting for them to infuse some of the good leaven into the minds of their neighbours. In any case, duties arc ours and the conscfpiences belong to Cod ; and to try and (jucll this movement towards the light Avould bo lighting against (iod. If it is necessary to show more tangible proofs of the progj'css of the work of the Cospol, I rejoice in being able to state that I hiixo now ten rctrular communicants of French O extractioji. Last summer, as our mclodeon in tho Church had been injured in various wa^'s, it Avas decided to make an exchange, and Ave have now one of Estey's make, Avorth over $400. I am thankf'al to say that tlio attendance at tho Church services is gradually becoming greater, and the prospects are that it Avill continue to improvx^ as the GlasgoAV company that purchased the mines in the vicinity of tho village lia\'0 commenced Avorking them, though it bo on a very small scale. The Avinter AA^as coming on Avhcn the purchase Avas efTocted, and it could not be expected that much could bo done before next spring. (f i I 88 It m a subject of satisfaction that the moneys raised for Church purposes have kept up tho usual average. At the last assossmont our amount was increased 640. We have boon enabled to forward regularly our quota to tho Treasurer of tho Board. With respect to tho offertory collections, I am happy to be enabled to show a marked improvement, this year they average $2.10. Tho following are tho receipts and disbursements during tho year : — RECEIPTS. Ealanco on hand $ 16.80 Offertory coUoclions 135.30 Contributions 233.45 Donations of late Mrs. L. B. Fowlo and children 100.00 Proceeds of Concert 86.00 $571.55 DISBURSEMENTS. Assessments to Board $190.00 Insurance on Church and Parsonage 5.50 Instalment and interest on Parsonage debt... 71.12 Payment on Church debt 36.00 Payment on Organ 120.00 Three annual collections for Church Society. 8.00 Quarterly collections for Clergyman 19.75 Collections for Bishop's College 10.00 Collections at Missionary Meeting 7.50 Incidental expenses 43.40 On hand 60.28 $571.55 With thankfulness I look forward to tho future, knowing that God will take care of his own and cause to prosper the work of our hands if wo serve Him faithfully. Louis G. Wurteli. dudswell. The attendance during the past year at St. Paul's, Marble ton and all out stations, of which I have four in my Mission, has been fair, except South Ham. This station I will cease 3 34 to visit ro^uhirly l>y-aii.V whou owe or two iiioiv (^lniroh families loiivo, the ('on<;r('ii;:it ions are no .siiinll. Soiilh Ham huH now Ji {''rciich t'luiirli ami mnv Court House, and is tho chiif-lini ol" tlio County, and will shortly bo a i)uroly l-Vcnch Hottlomont. The littl'o HoKk'nuMit in J^toko I have visiled but a low liinoH duriii;,' lliu yoar. in consi'iiucnco of poor hoallli and (lio very bad eondidon ol' tlio road. 'I'lii-i part of ]ny mission I once had some hope of, but it is not declined to como tomueh, in eonseiiuenco of Kreneh eoloni/.alion. Inslead of Stoke, I opened in j\u,;,'usl last, lliron,i,'li tlu" very kind asfiintanee of Mr. (i. N. JJoehe, Divinity Student of Hislioj)'.s College, a new Hcrvieo at tho JJiver Sehool-house, Mhieh has. HO fur, been vi'ry well attended. This ])Iaee is the centre of ])opulation, is oidy six miU's oil', and will have one of tho Lwo railway stations in this Townshijt. With tho exception of tho timo wlicn 1 was suflei'lni;" from ft very sovcro attack of congestion of the lungs, last winter, and a minor attack of the same at tho sotting in of tlio present one, I liavo maintained (-hurcli eorvices in tho Mission with regularity. These two illnowscs laid mo aside from all labour lor ten weeks. Wo liad three Missionary meetings last February, attended by tho IJev. 3Ir. I?oo and Mr. Sykos. Tho Kpecchos were full of interest, but tho attendance, except at Marbleton, was small, in consoqucnco of tho vcr>' bad weather and roads. Those meetings miglit be made nnudi more successful if they wore generally held about tho New Veui-, before the roads became too much blocked by snow. Our new Church Model Scliool has been doing good service since its opening in November, 1871. Tho scholastic year is forty-four weeks. Tho programme of studies is fair for a country village. In addition to tho lu-anclic^; taughl in Rlomcntary School.-; we have addeil I'lnglish ;ind Canadian Histor}', Algebra, lOnglish Composition and French. Wo expect to open classes shortly in An'iculturo, Chemistry, Book-keeping and (ieometry. Iksides a ]>air of CJlobes, wo have a comjilcto sot of maps, illustrating all periods of Scripture History, also sots for Ancient and J\rodern llistory, and another for JMiysical Ceogrnphy ; also a largo number of Educational diag-rams illustrating the laws of forces, (ho mechanical powers, Iniman anatomj', &c. I have endeavoured to do something in tlio way of Sunday- schools by purchasing and partly distril)uting 100 copies of tho^ Calvary Catechism and 75 copies of '• Tiio Child's Scripture Question ISook." I must not omit to thank the 8ft Society in aiilin,!^ my olVorts by a ^M-aiU of hooks for iiso in Surwliiy schools. Wo luivo in prospect a (Mirlstnias 1'reo and a re|>asL for the children. If we wore not so isolaleil in this Afission, and could ohlain tho assistance of friends from outside occasionally, to address (he «diildren, io amuse (hem widi (he niMj^ic lantern, tk<'., it woidd assist iu»t a little in keeping up an interest in Sunday-school instruction. Tho foUowin;^ is my tlnaneial statement : — ('ontribution,! (o tlio (Ion, I'und of Society. ..$ 20.(jri Missionary Meetini^s 10. ()4 Missionary Ho>:es 4.25 Synod assessment 2.00 iJiocesan .Hoard assessment 120.00 Imu* salary and hoard of Afodid School Teacher 178.00 CXfortory proceeds 18.00 Proceeds of sermons JJ . 15 l"\)i' additional maps for school — 12.00 Church and Parsonage Insurance 4.08 Kor Sunday-school hooUs 15.75 Total for Church purposes 6^)88.52 Tiio.s. L. Chapman. IIATLKY ANb WATKIlVll-f.E. Ijittlo moi'e than nine months have elapsed since my appointment to this Mission : this report will thcreforo extend over but that ])criod. ThocoMgreaptisins, 9 ; Burials, 13 ; Parochial Yisits, 4S2. FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF MONEYS RAISED. Assessment to Diocesan Bd.. Mission Fund "Widows' and Orphans' Fund. Bishop's Coll.,Lennoxville... Church Society Offertory Church repairs Church Society Ilatley. Waterville. Total. $200.00 675.00 ^275.00 4.78 1.G8 6.46 85 44 1.29 4.00 2.60 6.60 5.50 5.50 62.36 25.00 87.36 218.00 218.00 2.00 2.00 6497.49 6104.72 $602.21 A. J. Balfour. STANSTEAD. The Mission of Stanstead was re-opened in May last. The members of the Church of England constitute a very small community. I notice, however, an increase, as well in number as" regularity, of attendance at our Sunday services. The members of our choir are meritoriously unremitting in the discharge of their voluntary duties. I desire to record that I have received nothing but uniform kindness and thoughtful consideration since my appointment to this charge. In addition to acts of substantial kindness to myself, the congregation have recently raised $100 towards furnish- ing the chancel, besides making alterations within the Church, which it is hoped will conduce to the due and orderly performance of Divine "Worship. I deem it a duty to state that it is impossible for a clergy- man with a family to secure hero the necessaries of life on the allowance made by the Diocesan Board, viz., $600 per annum. 38 Amounts raised for CJiurch purposes in llie Mission of Stanstcad, for 1872. Mission Fund $ 0.00 "TVidoAVs' and Orphans' Fund 9.00 Offertory, from May to Dee. ;jl -iO.OO Chureli Insurance G . 25 Diocesan Board assessment iJOO.OO Bishop's College COO Towards furnishing Chancel, A:c 100.00 $407.25 A. J. WOOLIIYCIIE, Incumbent. GEOIIGEVILLE. in endeavouring to comply with tlie Society's rule, and at the close of the year to send you a report of the state and prospects of the Church in this Mission, 1 cannot speak of any extraordinary ])rogress which has been made, or very striking events which have occurred, to vary the sanicnes's of Clerical duty in a quiet and secluded country place. I may mention, however, as something worthy of being recorded, that during the month of Juno we were favoured with a visit from the Bishop. The pr'^.sencc of his Lordship was quite a remarkable occurrence in the quaint and rather sleepy little village of Georgcvillc, and in the evening a number were attracted to the Church to witness the solemn rite of Confirmation and to hear the Bishop's .address upon the work of the Church in her foreign Missions. At the close of the meeting a tolerable collection was taken up and after- Avards remitted to the Treasurer of the S. P. G. to aid the work in the South Sea Islands, with which the lionoured name of Bishop Patteson will bo ever associated. One of those upon whom his Lordship laid hands wan an elderly and respectable member of our community who, like so many in these townships, had lived for years unbaptized. He was, however, admitted to the Church by Holy Baptism during the incumbency of my predecessor, and together Avith his wife, who had previously been a Congregationalist, came forwai'd for confirmation On the first opportunity they joined. I am glad to say, the number of our communicants. A little later in the season, much to our gratification, the Bishop of New Hampshire preached for us on tiie Lord's Day a sermon not soon to be forgotten. Our Church edifice is still, I grieve to say, in debt and unfinished, although owing chiefly to the kindness and 39 liberality of friends of llio good ciiuso in Quebec, Montreal and Toronto, I have rodnccd tlio del)t from 01000 to $800. Our ladies are now busily ut work with a view to a bazaar at Christmas time still further to lessen that formidable debt. The number of summer visitors attracted by the beauty of our scenery has been larger this year than previously, and ■vviii 1st they were amongst us our 'congregation was visibly increased. Our Sunday-school is better attended th;in formorly, and a pic-nic at the base of the romantic Owl's Head j\[oantain, was a great gratification lo the children attending it. Of ditiiculties and discouragements we have, I believe, our full share. The abounding irreligion, indeed, I may sav heathenism, is truly disheartening'. Yet tlioro are a few at least to whom Christ is precious and who love His Church and her ministrations; thus wo venture to hope for better and brighter days. i^emittcd to Ireasurer : Proceeds of sermon for Mi;-^ion Fund $ 5.00 Collected on Thanksgiving Day for Widows' and Orphans' Fund l.QO $6.00 Frederick A. Smith. MAGOG. In Bending my report to the Socictj-, of Church work in this Mission I feel very thankful to Almighty God, the giver of all good gifts, that I am able to speak of progress made (material and spiritual) since last year. The people of Magog as c. class are unable to boast of wealth, nearly all here have as mi^ch as they can do to make a decent living and so make both ends meet. Nor does our village at present, althouo-h possessing a first class water power, resound with the clang of busy industry, which goes to make other towns and Mis- sions prosperous, and which further helps men not a little to point to well built and well filled Churches, the results of a short period of labour. But what we as a Church have in Magog we owe partly to the generosity of able and noble, minded Churchmen living in our larger towns and cities, and partly to the gifts of the villagers, who have given to the best of their ability out of their poverty; our's is the fruit of faith, prayer, patience and perseverance Three years ago 1 came to Magog, it was then, comparatively 40 I ^ p. speuking, a new Mission. There was then no Church building hero, and but few representatives of our cause, the groat majority of the people wore then, and are still, dissent- ers. For eighteen months, through two cold winters, we carried on our work in the dclapidatcd and very uncomfort- able school-house of the village, where I had actually to stuif the holes in the floor with rags in order to keep oiit the cold winds. In this way we conducted our services and so kept our own Church jjcople together and steadily added recruits to our numbers from the people of the place, and by degrees we felt our way to begin the erection of a suit- able house of God, in which to worship him more decently and in better order. In my last rcjiort I sjjoke of our little Church being in an •unfinished condition, unplastcrcd and unpaintcd. This year the people set to work to com])lete the building, some gave money, others materials and their labour, with which we built a neat porch to our front door, and a snug little vestry on to one side of the chancel ; this work cost us 8130. We have painted the Church outside a light stone colour. Inside the walls are nicely plastered ; our open roof, which is ceiled and paneled with well seasoned spruce boards, and all the other wood work of the Church has been nicely stained and varnished. The plastering and painting cost us a sum of $220. So that we have had to raise $350. To make this sum up we were compelled to borrow $100 for 6 months at 8 per cent per annum, which leaves us with a finished Church and a hundred dollar debt. "We hope to be able to clear off this debt sometime during this winter, for we have nearly one half of the sum promised. I am very eager to present the Church to the Bishop as soon as possible for consecration. ISText year we hope to be able to build a tower and sjDire ; a member of the Church who has lately made a little money by the invention of a crushing mill has promised to give us a good bell whenever we are ready with a place to hang it in. In the month of June last the Bishop, with Mrs. Williams, paid a visit to our Mission, and a most interesting time it waa for the people. Mrs. Williams in visiting the people at their homes has left behind her many good impressions, and the people now speak of "the kindly manner of the Bishop's lady." On the Sunday of the Bishop's visit we held services in our Church. In the morning the Bishop received into the Ark of Christ's Church through the waters of Baptism, three infants and three Sunday-school scholars, the latter » » » * » • » » • • « t • • 41 some of the fruits of a three years Mission. There were nine candidates for Confirmation, eight of tliem remained to the Holy Communion. The whole service was very impressive, our crowded Church, the Bishop's earnest manner, his soul- stirring and simple sermon and address to the Candidates, Avill not soon be forgotten by the people of this part of the great harvest field of Our Lord. Since our Church has been finished there is a marked increase in the size of our Congregations, and a greater interest displayed in our work by all parties. The people have now a confortable Church to worship in, a Church whose seats are free to all comers, for my own idea is that the house of God should be free. Wo have a collec- tion made after each service on Sundays and week days. I am pleased to say that the people are beginning to value the opportunity thus aflbrded them for helping on the work of God. Our Sunday-school, still the only one in the village, is well attended, and the children are great helpers in all Church work. I have the promise of three stained glass windows for the Chancel whenever our Church is thoroughly completed and out of debt. It is needless, perhaps, to saj-- that the future success of this Mission will depend entirely upon the ability of the society to give these people regular and frequent services. At present we hold morning and evening service in the village, with Sunday-school in the afternoon, and a service on Saints-days in the evening, and a service every Wednesday evening, with a choir practice afterwards. The following amounts have been collected in the Mission since advent Sunday, 1871. It will be seen that as yet we have been unable to do anything towards objects outside the Mission, this arises not from unwillingness, but from sheer inability; however, perhaps next year will see us in a more flourishing condition. Collected for Church building $250.00 Nino months' Assessment 107.50 For Bishop's College 5.75 Synod Assessment 2.00 Offertory used for Church purposes 17.00 Rent of Harmonium 35.00 Total S417.25 John Walters, Incumbent. 42 BUllY AND LINCWICK. I am Ihanlvful to bo nblo to communiciitc to youi- Society that tho year of 1S72 has been marked by many outward tokens of a growing- interest in tlio ^vork of the Churcli. Tho Church attendance at tlic various stations in this Mission has been reguKar, and in respect of numbers good. On tlio 30th of Juno hist the Lord Eisliop of tlio Dioccso hekl a confirmation in the vilhigo Church of St. Paul's, when tliirty-one candidates -were confirmed, three adult persons having been previously baptized. The preparation of tlicse candidates for this Apostolic rilo afforded mo great pleasure, manifesting as they did an eager desire to understand, and readiness to converse about tlio things Avhich concern their peace. I liavo endeavoured to supplement these meetings by tho Bible Class, wliich still continues (to some extent 1 trust) to be a source of profit and pleasure to both Pastor and people. With regard to the temporal interests of tho Church in this Mission, I am happy to bo able to state that there is an increasing desire and corresponding effort upon the part of tho various congregations "gladly to give of that littlo " which, as a rule, thoy possess. The accompanying statement is perhaps the best cvulenco that I can adduce in support of this, tho sum of §755.50 having been raised in tho whole Mission since January 1st, 1872. A chancel has been erected, and is now ncarl}- complete, to satisfy tho increasing demands for church room. Tho *' lovers of tho beautiful " among tho congregation of St. Paul have subscribed tho sum of $50 to buy stained windows for the chancel. Those windows have just arrived, and wo hope shortly to see them adding to tho beauty of tho House of God. But while thero aro not w^anting many pleasing evidences of progress and interest, there is still much to engage tho heart and mind of every lover of the Church. Nor must wo lose sight of the fact that wo fall very far short of attaining to the measure which tho pious Israelite of old considered the least which ho could offer as a fitting tribute of love and thanksgiving to his God. Adjoined is a uvbular statement of all moneys raised in tho ]N[ission, by the respective congregations, from January 1st, 1872, to December Ist, 1872. • ishop's College, special 2.00 Easter offering for cliancel 4.07 S200.67 A. Balfouu. EAST FILVMPTON. As there arc two distinct congregations in this Mission, Standon and Ilem^son, I will treat of them separately. Stan- don being the more distant (some forty-four miles) from Quebec, will bo noticed first. Hero were I to consult merely my own feelings, silence would be my motto, for where there is not much of an encouraging nature to write about, I would rather bo mute ; but this mode would not have the effect of meeting what is required of mo, so I will go on. First, then, the Church of the Epiphany, Standon, is steadily being depopulated of church members. Since I came here, now a little over three years, no fewer than six families of our better-to-do farmers and pew-holders have left the country altogether. At this present moment there are five more farms, owned by pew-holders, offered for sale, which as soon as effected they leave the ooyntr}^ also. Moreover, since I was placed in charge of this Mission, I have married some three or four couple at this station, but they have all, with the exception of one couple, as soon as married left the place to seek their fortunes in other climes. Enough has been stated to show that the prospects of this congregation are anything but flattering. In fact, if that moving propensity n the inhabitants of Standon is not soon checked, and I see ■ : 40 il no reason why it siiould bo checked, the future of this part of my chnrf^o is too ihirk for mo to pro^ijiioHtieato. If, under existiut;- circumKtancos, (Ikm-o is not womo mil ligation on the part oi the Diocesan Jioard (and it is not I'ur mc lo say whetlicr there should bo or not) willi i'o<;ai'd (o i(s require- ments from tlii.s com^'i-c^'ation — ciUiei- tliat or ihvy v/ill have to be amali^amakHl witli some other congro^-ation. One of these two altornative?^, in my liunible opinion, must bo etl'ected, or their ilite is sealcil. Standon .Sunday collections amount to S20.o(). \Ve now leave iStandon, wilh ali its j'loomy ])i'uspecls, and turn our thoughts to 8t. Paul's Church, llemison, which may be considered the head-riuai-ters of this Missit)n. Here I rejoice to say that thouii;li the present and future ])rospect.s of the last place described wore tlark and unpromisin/j;, tJie ver}'' reverse may bo said of the llemison con tinu! to ( oiiic. We liivvo IJO on tho lifit, with nil av('rii.i(t) ntloinlaiK'O (^ruli-Mil :'.\). Wo .stidl}' wfuit ;i lomlini;- lihnuy lor tho chiMroii, and I liojio, by ii(;xt year wo /nay Ik* ablo to roi)ui't our. W't} liavo two soi'vicos overy .Siituln}' in fhiii'c'i, and very ^ood oon,ii;iT^-alif)iis in the siiiinner, not wo '-mny of conrso in (ho winter. \ov I lion ^ii\ri'!il oi' dur pari.s'.ionoi'H go to town. VVo liavo a ^(ood harnioiiiiini and a y.oalons ohoir, and our fiorvicoM in ('hiu'cdi arc, i\h they ishould bo, bi-i'A'hL and hearty, joined in with spirit and nndorstandino- by nearly all jirosont. Wo want a Ibnt very badl>'. at )»reh('nt -wo iiavo wlnit 1. BUj)l)oso wo nniy call an (u-nainonled basin on a ])odostal of chalU, |)ainted so as (o n.-semblo bla(l< niarblo, and this liodestal, by tlici way, is in a droadrully diliipidatod condition. Should any wealthy, •generous Churchnian bo disposed to jnuko UH a j)rosont oi' a l"\)n(, 1 know it would bo most thaidilidly rcecivcd, and ho will l)0 doini-' tho Church a Ljrcat service. An(;thoi' want in the Parish, wliich 1 am in hopes will soon bo remedied, is tliat of a Tarsona^^o. Of course, having been united hitherto with Levis, (lie J*arsonage has been thoro, towards which the New liivorpool people, I think, contributed very nearly $800, that being tho head-qnarters of the united MisHiona, Now tiiat tho Missions are separated, wo have to commence afresh ; but I have no doubt, Avlth our own exertions, supplemented, as wo liopo they will be, witli those of tho bulk of our neighbors at Levis, and our friends in (iuobee, when I present my next report I shall bo able to announc^o tho i'act that the l*arsonago at Now Liverpool is I'uirly in hand, if not fully com])lcted. As to tho spii'itual condition of those comnutted to my charge ; this is. of course, a subject ■which every Clergyman mentions with diflidencc, being more or less open to the charge of egotism and ])resump(iun on the one hand, and despondency and consoriousnoss on the other ; all 1 can say is, my ])eo]de, one and all, expressed their delight at having a resident Clergyman among them, and have very generally availed themselves of every opportr.nity of public Avorshlp, and though 1 could wish that tho attendance at tho Holy Communion was greater than it is, yet I suppose that oven in this res]ject we must hope for tho best, and pray, that with patience and faithful teaching, ••line upon lino, and 50 ])rccept upon in'occpt," our Jleavonly Father will bo pleased to bloss our endeavors, cause the seed Kown in IJis name to prosper, and increase the number of the faithful amongst us. A meeting of the Itural Deanerj- of Quebec Avas held in our Church last August, preceded by a celebration of the Holy Communion ; and a .Missionary Meeting was held in the evenhig, when addresses were gi\cn by the Eural i>ean, (the Jiov. A. Iklfour), the IJev. J. 'll. Jenkins, T. Ball, .!. Kemp and myself, on Ihe work of our Church at home aii^! abroad. For linancial matters I beg to reler you to the Mibjoined report of the Church-wardens, which, consi'Jering thr jnucity oJ'our numhei's, is, I think, very creditable. Financial Stater.ienI, i'or Mission of New Liverpool, l./r the year 1S72. Mi.-sion Fiiiid $ 2i'.00 \Vidow>' and (»rj)liaiis' i' imd l*,'»(i Pension Fund 4.00 Assessment for months IJ00.41 Endowment Fund 18.00 Synod expenses H.50 Kinlay Asylum 25.00 Christmas oftering to Incumbent 20.00 Insurance 15.00 Eepairs and improvements 53.30 Other purposes, .Sexton's salary-, &c 166. o4 $697.55 Thomas Kiciiardson, Incumbent. IIOURG-LOUIS. I have been in this Mission only a little over two month?. I left my former Mission in the Gulf last September, and came here at the commencement of October. Several months before I was removed I expressed a wish to that ctfcct to the Bishop ; yet no Clergyman could be found ready to take up the work I was leaving. I believe the Mission is still vacant. No doubt this is one case amongst many. It is, nevertheless, sad that a Mission, like that of Ilopetown and Port Daniel, should be left vacant, and tlic people without those ministra- tions of religion which they s^^iuch value. The present Mission is a double one. It comprises both Bourg-Louis and Portneuf, which were formerly two distinct 51 Missions. Each hiis a Church, which arc nineteen or twenty miles apart. In addition to the services in the Churches I have services in a school-house at Portneuf, also in a private house at the Eed Bridge. In summer there has been service in both Churches every Sunday. But it is impossible to have services in both Churches on one day in winter with only one Clergyman. So I am obliged to have service in the Church and in the school-house at Portncuf one Sunday, and on the other Sunday morning service in the Church at Bourg- Louis and evening service at the Red Bridge. As regards financial affairs, Portncuf pays its assessment, kc, rcg"ularly, but Bourg-Louis is heavily in arrears. I do not yet know what is to" be done. The people do not seem inclined to malce up what is deficient. They appear to think that the amount might be, as they expressed it, " wiped off." But I have endeavored to make them understand that this system could not bo followed, so I hope they will try to make up what is duo fi'om them. My knowledge of the character and habits of the people, as well as of the resources of the country around hero, is too limited and uncertain, as yet, to enable me to form any very dofinito ideas as to the future of this Mission. But there are many grounds to hope that, if money matters can be put right, other things will work well. The people appear to value instruction "and the ministrations of religion. James B. Debbage. ST. SYLVESTER. Your Missionary must make some remarks on the labours of the past year, though nothing worthy of note has taken place. Your ^[issionary has striven to hold three services during each Lord's day, and occasionally four, when time and distance enabled him to do so. The service for Thanksgiving Day was held at each place in the Mission, but not on the same day. The same may bo said of the great day of intercession, but the weather was very bad. Few, indeed, were the people at any one place. The greatest number were at St. George, a distance of 60 miles from the Parsonage. Your Missionary had hoped and prayed for suitable weather, and prssable roads, and the full attend- ance of his little flocks throughout the Mission. But, alas, it waR quite the reverse ! 5^5 Our day-schools both at St. Margaret and St. Catharine arc given up, the few parents not being able to pay a teacher, though your Society aided them by $W j'early. The children are numerous enough, I fear also that this will bo the lot of St. Giles' school. Hero for Home four or five years a most efficient teacher has had charge of the school. The nutiibers could be kept up - ^'y by some of the children coming five or six miles to the school. This is a very long distance in some of our storms, and roads tilled with snow. 1 visited this school the day ])revious to the appointed day of Fast, and was well pleased svith the improvement of the scholars ; prayers arc said morning and evening, the Scrijitures reguhirly read, and the catechism duly taught, are all very satisCactory to the Clergyman. Nor is there any lack of attention or encouragement in the school at New Armagh ; this school I visited the week previous. Sunday-schools have been hold in Cumberhmd by two young ladies from Quebec, the Misses Taylor ; in St, Sylvester, by a kind matron, Mrs. Waters, assisted by a Miss Wilson, teacher of the District school. The other at St. Catharine by a very worthy member of our little flock, very little indeed now, as his family is the only one belong- ing to the Ciiurch. At St. Giles the school was attended to by myself. Here a little attention Avas paid to singing, and the result was most pleasing. A pic-nic was got up for the children of this Sunday-school. Some of the parents attended, and it was truly ])leasing to soo what interest was created by it. As often as Divine Service is held in this part of the Mission the ofl'ortory is taken up ; but at the other part of it only when a ])ublic collection is appointed. The attenilatice on ])ublic service has nol been as g-ood as I could have wished, nor as regular as it ought to have been at this place and St. Patrick's. We have to regret the very unsettled state of mind throughout the length and breadth of the Mission. This a])])lies as much to the ])arents as to tho children. A large family, Irom the Township of .laser, left this fall, one from Cumberland j\Iills, one from St. (iiles, one from St. Catharine, one from this ])lace and one fi'om St. Mary These, all told, would number above 50 souls. Others are talking of going in tJio spring. Baptisms for tho year past, 18. Marriages none. Deaths 4; two of these were truly attached to the Church, and never lacking in their duty to their Clergyman ; but their end "was peace. Mrs. llarbottle was the much esteemed wife 53 of Mr. l^M. irarbottlo, who began the Churcli in Cumberland, and gave a hirge glebe also. Slio was a mother in Israel. The other was a true lover of her Church, and able to value the servants of the Lord, ever ready to show them all kind- ness and to encourage divine service amongst her neighbours and in lier own house. Something has been done in tlio wa}^ of fencing, though not half enough ; and an outer door to the Church here is much rcf[uired, and one of the parishioners has most willing- ly allowed mo to call on her for the amount so soon as linished. A truly kind friend in Quebec obtained well nigh enough to tar the roof of the Church, which required it much. Another friend in Quebec, who is well-known as a most beneficent person towards the Church generally, has promised to double the amount that I. may obtain to paint the Church at Cumberland. Nor will this 'be the first great kindness he has shown both to this people and your Missionary. In consequence of the fomilies leaving the Mission, there is, of necessity, a falling otF in our annual subscriptions. The offertory of the three Churches in this part of the Mission ^18. 00 Foreign Missions 7.38 Thanksgi vi ng Day 8 . 24 The fencing at St. Sylvester Church 11.00 " Parsonage of do 40.00 . Outer door of Church 8.00 Annual subscriptions of the whole of the Mission 126.25 The Depository , 2.00 IMucation *1 .^0 The Widows' and Orphans' Fund 9.80 The Missionary Board 13.60 General purposes of Church Society 12 . 72 Madagascar Mission 7.40 Collection for Lennoxville College 9.25 $281.14 AV. Kino. LEEDS. This is a Mission in which the Church is not likely to increase rapidly, either in numbers or in strength of material resources. I could not, with a clear conscience, cncourago 54 immigration, lor it is Ji hard country to get u living from ; and 1 have boon informed that tlioro has been no influx of settlers from tJie old country for more tlian twenty years, and from av hat I have seen 1 am sure that a number who are located here Avould leave if they could only sell. Wc have, by removal, lost four families, comprising twenty souls, all belonging to the congregation of Leeds village, within the past year, and more Church people are going in the spring. The result is that the Church, instead of increasing, becomes more feeble in numbers and in resources, for all who liavo left, and who are to leave in the spring, were among the paying portion. The prospects of this Mission, therefore, are not very encouraging. Still, as a Mission of the Church in which her own children arc found askinir for bread and gladly receiving it from the Church's hands, it is a very important field. The congregations throughout the Mission have been good, the jieople very attentive and reverent; and the oflferings on the w'hole, have been as good as could be expected from people with resources as limited as theirs. There are seven places in this Mission in which services are held, with [attendance of from 120 to 10, a good deal depending on the weather and roads, especially in winter. SERVICES. St. James' Church. — Every Sunday ; largest congregation, 100 ; smallest, 12. St. Mark's Church. — Every Sunday, except Droughton Sunday ; largest congregation, 120 ; smallest, 20. Broughton. — Once in six weeks ; congregations, about GO ; sometimes over 70. Mines. — The afternoon of the Broughton Sunday ; largest congregation, 40 ; generally 20. Bcattic's. — In summer, occasionally on a Sunday; winter on week days ; congregation from 20 to 80. FrizzcU School-house.— Once a month, week days ; congre- gation 15 to 40. Gumming School-house. — Occasionally on a week day ; congregation 15 to 30, From this it will be seen that though there is little of a startling or even of an interesting nature to report, there is plenty of work, which will not be lessoned when the roads are taken into the account, for to attend to the places that I jiave named involves no small amount of travel, not always 56 the most agreeable. Snow in winter, inwd in >nnun('r, or rather in Rprin<:j and full. Thus the yaw passes by with little to say about it except the simple i-ound of ordinary work, unnoticed by the world, but yet not unimportant in itself, Tior I trust without fruit to God. .ToiiN .1VEM1», Missionaiy. NEW JRELAM). 1 liavo been only six months in this Parish, and cannot Kpoak definitely as regards its present standing or future prospects. There is a large number of nominal Church members, but the congregations at either church are small. For three years Mr. Wood, of Woodside, has been engaged procuring the funds for a bell and bell-tower for Trinity Church, in which he has been successful. Apart from the time and labour, he has also expended a large sum, which I fear the congregation will find it difficult to refund, as the current expenses are quite as much as they can meet at present. With the assistance of other members of his family, he has also had the interior of the Church painted. Other repairs, both to the Church and Parsonage, are much needed. The Sunday-school is kept by F. H. Wood, Lay Reader, and has been quite a success. A festival with Christmas tree was held at the Parsonage on the 23rd December. Both teachers and scholars, with many of the parents, seemed to enjoy the evening, and expressed the wish that this their first Christmas tree would not be the last. The congregation of Christ's Church have sadly neglected necessary repairs to their Church, but the Wardens have promised to attend to it as soon as spring opens. Annexed is the amount raised in the Parish for six months. Assessment $142.50 Church Society 14.25 Offertory 30.00 $186.75 T. L. Ball, Missionary. CAPE COVE. At the close of another year l send you. according to custom, a short account of the condition of this Mission. 5G I n I I I vcgvot to say lliat llic coiigrogiitiou has beoji weakened lately by the {le|)artiu'e of about twciily of il.s members for Upper Canada, Avhero remunerative employment can be found in Avinter, wliicli, at present, i,s not easily obtained ]\oro. This of course leaves a lieavi ^r burden on the shoulders of those who romjiin, but for the most pai-t they bear it chocrfull}'. Last winter we made an attempt to i-csuscitiito our failini^ library at Cape Cove, and to form a small library at I'erce, and wo succeeded very Avell, as £11 Avere contributed hero, and £5 at Perce, for the purposes nauKHl. The collectors as well as the contributors aL both phuos deserve all credit. I. must not fori>-ct to mention the Isindnchs of ouri'requeni benefactor, Mr. T. Savai^'c, Avho, last summer, presented to our library books to the value of £5. Wo had the happiness of wclcomiiii;' our IJishop here in July, Avhen his Lordship conlirined tliirty-eight 3X)un<;' persons within the ]\Iission. The people wore much cheered and editiod by nis Lordship's stirring- addresses, and derived no small encouragement from the direct reference Avhich his Lordship made in the kindest manner to their good report; as united and liberal congregations. Our building committee, appointed last Lastcr, held their first meeting to-day, when it w-as resolved that boards should be collected this winter for a now church at Capo Covo ; and that with a view to meeting the expenses in a satisfactory manner, when the time for erecting the building shall have arrived, a building fund should at once be created. Mr. Savage headed the list with $60 a year for three years ; Mr. James Baker followed with a promise of $25 a year for the same period ; and the liberal example was not lost upon others, so that, though only a few members of the vestry wore present, the sum of $144 per annum for three j'oars was at onco subscribed. Thus it will bo seen wo have made a good beginning at all events, and wo have every reason to hope that with God's blessing wo shall succeed in our under- taking. I gladly and gratefully notice the continued generosity of my people. Their offerings both hero and at Perce last Eastei' wore very liberal, and since then I have been over and over again the recipient of tokens of kindness and good-will . Wjlliam Gore Lyster. * t ' ft « V < >• t t 57 * « '' i « b OASPfi BASIN I liavo no clian;^o of i. . • '.anco ^) note during llic past year. Jt is very seldom t. ..i ne^v settlers arrive to increase our nanil»crs, but Jiardly a year passes without sonic persons ieavi?!;:^- the i\tissinn for otlier parts of Canada. This year wc liavc to record the dejiartnro of one family, and to look forward to the probable loss to us of others. 'J'ho Churelics in my ]\Iission liavc })een i-egulai-ly served and the congi'cgations have maintained their usual numbers witli ]"cspect to residents, but many of our young men arc away i'roni liome at Avorlc on the Intercolonial Iiailway, and I must also note a largo increase in the congregation at St. Paul's, owing to l!;e great number of summer visitors during the ])ast season. St. Paul's Church numbers verj^ fo^Y families, and the Church is past ]'C]>airing and rapidly going to decay. Steps will be taken during the winter to collect material for a new building. A small amount of Church accommodation is required during the winter months, but duriiig the summer-time provision must be made for the vessels in the harbour, and for those who frequent Gaspe as a place of summer resort. I subjoin a statement from the Churcli-AVardens of the financial condition of St. Paul's: General Fund $ 83 Widows' and Orphans' Fund 1.30 Lennoxville 1.50 Synod 1.00 Societ}' for the Propagation of the Gospel.... 3.00 Easter Offering 14.61 Sunda}^ collections 82.30 Diocesan Board, to Sept. 30 93.75 'New Church Fund : Quebec Bank $100.00 Church- Wardens 26.50 Messrs. Loundes 14.84 Mr. G. Dumaresq 11.35 Vestry General Fund, Dr. Now Church Fund . 54 . 00 The Sunday collections, S82.30, are used for general purposes, and include Church Society collections. St. James' Church. — This congregation contains about 55 families, and is three miles distant from St. Paul's. The services have been held regularly. I subjoin the Church- Warden's statement : 58 Sunday collections, Kaslor, 18T2, to Doc $ 27. 7S Spocial collection 1.75 Widows' and Orphans' Fund 1.00 Work, deals and (.'liurch lifid^^e r).50 11.00 G.n5 l.fiS i.no :j..50 ;u.oo 112,50 Portion of Sexton .s wai:;es Organist Church llo^isler Insurance Incidental Expenses Special collection for Church repairs. Assessment, '3 (j^narters The Sunday-schools at both Churches are progressing. The day schools have not increased in numher since my last report. The great diiliculty is to obtain teacliers. The Commissioners, aided by me, did all they could to obtain a teacher, before the close of navigation, for the South-West school, without avail. If the (Jhurch Society could keep a register of Church of England teachers who have passed the Normal school examinations, it would be a great boon to us and others in our position who cannot find teachers and yet feel that there are many who might be found who would gladly accept our offer and strengthen oui* hands. John P. Ricilmond. SANDY BEACH. In giving our usual statement of the progi'Css of the Mission, I would remind the Board that in a long settled district like this it cannot reasonably be cx])ecled that incidents will arise to make an ordinary periodical report striking or interesting. I have but to say that the year has passed scarcely noted, save by the unfailing blessings of our Lord. The most memorable event was the presence amongst us of our Eisliop, on his periodical tour for conlirmalion in this portion of the Diocese. I am thankful to bo able to say that there was a most promising class of young disciples to receive the holy rite, nearly all of whom Jiave since become constant communicants. The usual collections and subscriptions for the Church Society, for the working of the Mission, and for charitable purposes, have been taken up, and the amount obtained has been about an average compared with other years, allowing for our diminished numbers, arising fi-om the separation of Peninsula from Sandy IJeach. k 59 Tho Ijulicis of llio eoiig-rcgatioii inailu .slrcnuoius efforts to rai«o and collect liindH for repairing and perfecting our Church, and when wo were visited by our Jii.sliop every thing relating to it wan "decent and in order." Wo have been unable to increase our Endowment Fund with new capital. Hlowly it in advancing from tho accumula- tion of interest, and will in time, perhaps, answer the purpose of sustaining tho Mission ; but it is long to look forward to, and in the meantime tho aid from tho Society for tho Propagation of the (iospel, on which the Mission has heretofore principally existed, is being gradually Avithdrawn. Soon wo shall have no source of support, save our own efforts and what you can do for us. Tho place is jioor, and we are a small flock in the wilderness, girt in on every side ^by the thousands that adhere to the Church of Eome. All tho usual services have been held and Avell attended, and a blessing has not failed to accompany them. Wo now have a monthly celebration of the Holy Communion, and it is blessed to our souls. On the whole our progress has been satisfactory, (all things considered,) and our prospects if not lu-illiant, aro not discouraging. So that on looking back over tho year now traversed, wo may say with thanksgiving and praise, "Hitherto tho Lord hath helped us." There has been raised in tho Mission for all 2)urpose8, $429.69. Baptisms, 21 ; Marriages, 3 ; Biii'ials, (J. Matthew Ker, ]\Iissionarv. MALBAIE. In presenting the usual annual re])ort 1 would record, with much gratitude to Our Ifeavonly Father, continued personal health, freedom from epidemics, peace amongst ourselves, and the hojieful aspect of tho future. During the year the Mission of Malbaie has been temporarily united with the new one of Peninsula, such arrangement to cease when a Clergyman can be found for the latter. It will be necessary to speak of each separately. At Malbaie the increased assessment has boon cheerfully met, and a movement sot on foot towards an Endowment Fund, the necessity for which seems at last to be recognized. I trust my next report will sec it well advanced. 60 A .slfoplo, Nvliieli is :i ^ro.'il iinprovoincnt, lias boon uililcd lo tlio Cluu'cli lit fi cost of $1(»S, oxcliiHivo of iimlorhil /^nven by the coii^-i'c,i;:i(ioii. In lliis has hcoii ))l{iced jv sleol boll, ■vvoi^Hiiii^'liOO Ib.-i., i)ur(;liii.so(l in Knghmd, ; t a co.st of 35:], the froi;,'bt of wliich was kindly jj^ivcu by one of our nicrchantH, John Fnurel, l'h([. It ivmainH now but to !o-i)OW tho Church, add a cdmiiccl and foiil. and layout the cdaurh-yard, which lias ahvaj'H boon in a disgraceful sttito. At tho corner of tho beach Iho new i)uildinu; has beer, floored and rendered available for service, although )U)t yet finished. Tho subscriptions to outside objects arc not a^ large this 3''Cnr, owing chiefly to the i'ailure of tho I'ali iisheiy. Slatcnient of amounts raised for all Church purposes within the Atission during tho year ; Offertory $ 21.00 . Easter Offering (5.20 Pew Eents....': 154.40 Assessment 137.50 Kndowmen t l-'u nd 82.50 Firewood I'or Parsonage 50.00 Wood for Steeple GO. 00 Building at Corner of Beach GO. 00 Offertory Corner of Beach 8. GO Widows' and Orphans' Fund 14.75 Mission Fund G.IO Heathen Mission G.GO Education Fund 50 Total 3G08.80 T must hero tender my best thanks to Messrs. Dawson Bros., Montreal, tho Canada Sunday-school Xinion, and other friends, for presents of books, tracts, and illuminated cards, tly^'ough the kindness of Miss Davics. We hope to hold a bazaar during tho ensuing summer in aid of our Endowment Fund, towards which our old and valued Quebec friends have kindly volunteered assistance. PENINSULA. This new* Mission, which I supply alternately with Malbaic, consists of two congregations on the North side of Gaspo Bay, distant from each other 10 miles, and distinguished as Peninsula and Little Caspe. The majority of Church families reside at the Peninsula, or upper end, and formed originally 4 4 I 61 part of Suiuiy ]Joacli JMiHsion. Ifcrc, somo years n,i>;n, a Bito wftH givoii (or ;i Chuveli, on \vl)ich ii .stout Irnnic, '1-5 i'oot by 28, lliiH just boon orcctctl by tbo coiigrci^iiLioii, and Avhicli, it IB hoped, will bo boarded in next lull. 'I'lio Indies (here as elsewhei'o uii iiidis])Oiisuble auxiliary) are workiii";' iudeliuigaldy iur a ba/aar to be held next fall. Altogether things Ionic jjroniislng. notwithstanding a poor •summer's lishing, yet if the " Lord build" with us, success is ij..iirantcod. r.iTTLE oAsrf:. Hero a line new Church waits completion to replace an older and humbler one at its side. The Church ]ieo})le^ though lew in number, have amongst them some indomitable spirits who, working in faith, are in u fair way of tinishing their beautiful edifice. They have met with many, discourage- ments, some having failed to give them the subscribed assistance, and one good friend has left, yet they labour on. Below is a statement of how Church matters stand iu .each place : Peninsula. Half year's Assessment S 25.00 )Subscriptions for Building Church , IG.OO Proceeds of Bazaar for same purpose U4. GO Offertory 5.C3 Widows' and Orphans' Fund 2.50 Mission Fund 1.50 Heathen Mission 1.90 $140.53 Little Gaspe. Half year's Assessment $ 25.00 Proceeds of Tea for Church Building 3G.70 Subscriptions for Church Buihling 94.70 Widows' and Orphans' Fund ." 4.00 Mission Fund 1.50 IlealluMi Missions 1.05 $1G3.55 In conclusion, it gives me much pleasure to testify to the kindness of all, andthc devotion of many, which materially lightens labour and cheers isolation. EiciiARD Mathers. 68 MAUD.M.EN ISLANDS. This MiH.slon (luring; tho jmst year 1ms boon (at loa.t in a]»iH>ar;uu'o) improviiii;-. Our mimhors Iiuvo increased, our seiitlar ooneoriis o-powii, ami the inoruU ol" llio [tooplo soem t<» bocoino more and moro christiatii/.ed. Oul of (he shipwreelvS ol' hisl iall, four Protestants of tli(» tiurvivors settled on tho Ishmds. Two I'oman Calhcjlies liavo joined our C'hureh. Tho Ile^isters ^ivo 2 (K'atlis, 7 niarria<^cp, and 12 baptisms. lInlos.s an enii,i;*ration or some fatal plat^'uo ha])|)ens, not many years heneo Avill find our nuinberH doubled. True, those iniiabors do not ])ri){)ortlonately inereaso our material wealth ; but tho houIh of (ho poor are souls still and add as muoh to tho i^'lory of the Chureli. Last year (ho (Jriiulstono Ohureh ))eo|)k! bi'i;an to eontrihuto to tlio Church Society, this year tho p and II. S. Scott, Esq. Tho Jhurch at Grosso Islo is still in its unliiiished condition, but^^lcreis a brighter prospect for it in the coming year. His Lordship is securing for us a grant that will meet the expcnsoB for tho completion of this Church. Then this .Mission will bo fully supplied (at least for some year.s) with tho requisite churches and schools. The struggles for the • ' (j.i • • * l)0(l.>' will no loii/^'or iiitiTlorc with lln; ntru;4'^Jo.s for llio soul. I'\)r thin oiitwani |'i'Os?, I regret to say, for the present ceased its opemtions. I hope, however, to see (his most useful Society, to which the parish is much indebted for important services, again revived. Since its organization more than $1200 liave been collected in tlie [;arisji through its agency, and expended in painting and decorating the Church after its enlargement, in the purchase of a solid silver communion service, and in contributing largely to the fund raised for the purchase of the fine organ that is now jdaced in the Church, and leaving an unexpended balance of u})wanls of $100 to bo hereafter applied to the building of a new fence to enclose the cemetery. The quiet, unostentatious way in "which this large sum of money was raised b}- the ladies, in small monthly contributions, for such useful church purposes. •3| A and tlio faitliful, zealous dos'()li(ju of llio collcc((nv-i merits a public expression of my warm approval. I do not know that I have anythins^- further (o report than what belongs to the ordinary routine of every day pai-ochial life. But, as I liavc lately resigned the pastoral charge of this parish, in which a largo portion of my life has been past, I trust that T may bo permitted to express the hope that my successor will enjoy the same comfort in his work that it has been my great ha]:»pincss to see fall to my lot. He will have a large tield of usefulness open to him, and a ])Cople to receive him whose intercour>ant nature. And what is hardly less ncc'-osary to a Pastor's contentment, lie will lind a Church that is second to norio in the Diocese for the orderly and strictly rubrical manner in which the services are conducted, and the care expended on it to make it worthy of being called the House of (lod. C. P. Eeid. \ * \ \ I T tl I RICHMOND AND MELBOURNE. The most noteworthy event in the history of this Parish during the past year is tlie completion of a new Chnrch for the Mission of Erompton, which still continues affiliated to us. The corner stone was laid on Dominion Day, and the consecration took place on All Saints' Day. That day was one to us of unusual interest. Every consecration of a now Church is an important event, representing, as it does, much work done and decided progress made, much effort and self- denial and love for Christ and His Kingdom. But whore new ground is broken by the Church andlier bamer set up among a people hitherto strangers to her system, the building of a Church with the hearty goodwill and "by the earnest self- denying eilbrts of the people themselves, is an event of no ordinary importance. It is but the simple truth to say that the interest manifested by the good people of Brompton in the building of their Church has been warm and hearty, and their contributions to it in most cases liberal, in many instances generous and self-denying. I may be permitted hero to make special mention of the efficient aid 1 have received from the two zealous Church- Wardens, J\rr. Edward ^yebb and ilr. W. Eiches, and of the ready advice and more than generous help of my dear and kind friend, Mr. W. G. Mack. 68 Christ Church, Brompton, (the first and only Protestant place of worship in the township), is a plain but well- proportioned and very attractive wooden building, fifty feet by twenty-five inside measure, with porch and bell turret, and having sittings provided for 120 persons. Quebec, Shorbrooke and Lcnnoxville contributed nu)st gene- rously to the wor]<. Among many special gifts were a service of plate for tlie Holy Communion from the Revd. C. Hamilton, a very beautiful Altar-cloth from Mrs. AVilliams, and exquisitely fine Communion Linen i'rom Mrs. J I ill. A font is still wanting. On the day of Consecralion the liishop baptized an aged woman, one of the first settlers, and after- wards confirmed her and admitted her to the llol}' Com- munion. Seven otiici-s were confirmed on the some occasion, all of them, I lielieve. sincerely \u earnest iti their dedication of themselves to Cln-ist. The Bromptcm Sunday-school still continues under the charge of Mr. Mack, and makes fair progress. The Church-AVai'dens never sufi'er their assessment to be in arrear. On the whole the Mission of ]kom])ton is in a healthy condition. The services in Brompton and Windsor, once in each ovorj'' Sundny, are kept up with unfailing regularity by my colleague, the Eevd. Isaac Thompson, I relieving him once eveiy four weeks. Of AVindsor we cannot speak so cheei-fully. The return for much laboui" is dis;ippointing. Nevertheless, we labour on in hope, remembering that -'they who sow in tears shall reap in joj'." In each of the three congregations of the Parish of Eichmond and Melbourne quiet and solid progress may bo reported. The strain of the first year of self-su]iport has been well borne. Our excellent Warden, Mr. AVray, kee])3 the finances of St. Ann's in a healthy condition. Through his efibrts, aided by Mr. Foster, the inside of the Church has been painted. St. Ann's now only wants a new bell-turret and spire to be quite a respectable building. On the 28th June the Bishop made his annual visitation of the Parish and confirmed 2(i persons in St. Ann's Church (of whom 12 M'cre from the Silver School-House congregation) and 12 in St. John's, 88 in all. Of those so confirmed, his Lordship ]n-eviously bapti/.ed two in St. Ann's and one in St. John's. On the same occasion 25 of them partook of the Hoi}' Communion. On the whole I never presented a class for confirmation unth greater comfort. Our system of annual confirmations made it easy for me to keep back for another year 12 whom I considered insufficiently pre])ared. A new feature in the working of this l*arish is the instilu- \ C9 \ tion in connexion with St. Ann's and St. Jolin's of fortnightly meetings of such devout persons as may choose to conic together for prayer, religious conference, and study of the scriptures. The meeting for St. Anr's is held in a fixed place, a public room ; that for St. John's from house to house among the congregation. This venture is only in its infancy ; so far it promises well. Our Sunday-school Christmas festivals were this year as successful as ever, and three admirably conducted Sunday- school pic-nics, for St. A nn's, St. John's and Brompton, not only gave us three days of real and pure enjoyment, but did a great deal of good in bringing our people into kind brotherly intercourse with one another. Our band of twenty-nine teachers in our five Sundaj^-schools deserve every commendation, and have my heartfelt thanks for their un- wearied labours. I append the usual statistics. Communicants : St. Ann's, 140 ; Silver's, 16 ; St. John's, 35; Christ Church, Brompton, 3.— Total 194. Baptisms ; adults, 4 ; infants, 27.— Total 31. Marriages, 7. Burials, 20. Sunday-schools, 5. Scholars in Sunday-schools : St. iVnn's, 111 ; St. John's, 80 ; Silver'^, 32 ; Brompton, 50 ; AYindsor, 30.— Total 309. Teachers in Sunday-schools: St. Ann's, 11 ; St. John's, 10; Silv er s 4 ; J brompton, 5 ; Windsor, 1. — Total 31. Pastoral visits during tlic year 631. Confirmed : St. Ann's, 14 ; St. John's, 12 ; Silver's, 12 Christ Church, l^-ompton, 8.— Total 46. Contributions for Church purposes : St. Ann's.— Por Parish purposes 61184 . 59 Church Society 193.00 Bishop's College 23.00 llcathon Missions 12.00 Deaf and Dumb 20.00 61438.59 Silver's.— Cliurch Society $ 8.55 Gift to Clergyman ". 41.00 $ 49.55 70 St. Jolm's.— Church Society S 33. G2 Assessment, Diocesan Board 100.00 General expenditure 125.00 $ 258.62 13roniT)ton.— Christ Church.— For new C^hiirch about e 500.00 For Church Society 5.3-1 For assessment, Diocesan Board 100.00 General expenditure 20.00 Z 025.34 Windsor.— Church Society $ 0.12 $ 9.12 Total contributions during' year.. $2381.22 IIenrv Koe. lennoxville. The following is the financial report of St. George's Church, Lennoxville, for the years 1871-72 : Annual subscription for General Fund of the Church Society .'. $ 04.25 Subscription for Mission Fund 1.00 Thanksgiving collection for Widows' and Orphans' Fund 10.00 The Sunday offerings to defray the ordinary expenses of the parish, from Dec. 10th, 1871, to Dec. 8th, 1872 , 64G. OS Christmas collection for the poor 23.02 Collection for Bishop's College 41.67 Synod Assessment 8.00 Total amount raised for ordinary church purposes $894 . ( i'- A. Campbell Scartii, Incumbent. V 1 I 4 M 71 . ^ V 1 TIIIIKK UlVEltS. In November, 1871, I entered on tlie regular duties of this Parish. On my arrival I found that part of the Eectory "Occupied by the late Hector altogether too large for my family. 1 therefore requested the congregation to renovate that part of it adjoining the Church, and lit it up as a residence for me. They at once acted on my suggestion, and came forward witli subscriptions to the amount of $800 towards that object. The unoccu])icd part of the Rectoiy was completely gutted and fitted up as a most comfortable and substantial residence, at a cost of about SIOOO. I'he part of the Poctory occn])ied by the late Hector has been rented for §200 per annum. Divine Service has been regularly kept up on Sundays and holidays. The attendance at those services is fair ; but there are «till many in the I'arisli ^\ bo ought to attend, who, I regret to say, do not. The Sunday school is in a flourishing condition, and is very well atteiided by all the Church children of the Parish. In August last I received a grant of $50 worth of books and maps fj'om the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, for the use of the Sunday-school. A new and handsome fence has been placed round the turying-ground at a cost of $120, which was collected by ;^ealous members of the congregation. The old windows in the Church have been replaced by six handsome memorial windows of stained glass. Preparations arc being nmde for the complete renovation of the Church in the spring, and for adding a chancel and memorial windows to the first three liectors of the Parish. These improve- ments have taxed the liberality of the congregation to the very utmost, especially as we have been refused aid in renovating the Church, both by tlio Church Society and the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. I deeply regret that the congregation is unable, this year, to contribute to the funds of the Church Society. The ladies of the congregation have organized a sewing society, in order to increase the small fund which is already on hand towards renovating the Church. The following arc the sums raised in the Parish for Chuich purposes since January Isl, 1872 : 72 Towards repairs of Eectory S 262.00 " " Church 10.00 « Burying-ground fence 120.00 " Eoctor's salary 400.00 " Bish ^p'8 College 10.00 « PensioiiFund 5.00 " Sunday-school 45.00 « Offering to Rector 30.00 " Lighting, heating, insurance, &c... 250.00 " Stained glass windows 150.00 • - • $1282.00 John Foster. ST. FRANCIS. The Abenakis Indian Mission, on the banks of the beautiful St. Francis River, is the only one in the Province of Quebec which may be called a Church Indian Mission. Some years ago it was, at dilFerent periods, under the care of various dissenting bodies. The Indians getting tired of constant changes, mul of the very unsatisfactory state of their religious training, called a council of braves, and after liaving prayed God to guide them, petitioned the head of the Church in Canada to care for them in their unsettletl condition. Such a pressing request coining from the Indians, unsolicited by any one, nor biassed by any other motives but that of a strong desire to better their religious standing, could not be disregarded. At once a colporteur was sent, who established a school, and as soon as a missinnary was found he was sent to build up a congregation. In a few weclcs the room where the service was held became too small antl many bad to luru away unable to obtain admission. Another Council Avas held and the building of a Church was suggested by the Jlissionary. A subscription list was produced and n\any names were ])ut dow^n, some giving as high as $10, and as a proof of their earnestness they all paid what they subscribed. The balance required was collected in various parts of Canada, and the Church was built. The next year a Parsonage was erected, and soon a font, harmonium, and communion service were all obtained ; and now the Indian Church comj^ares most favourably with any in the Diocese. Many of the Abenakis youths have been educated at Sabrevois College ; one taught there is now teaching in an academy at Berthier, and at the same time jDreparing himself > A 73 > .♦ for the sacrod ministry. Another was making great progrcs.s in liis BtudioH when his health gave way, and for a time lie has had to lie by, but wo earnestly hope for his recovery. Services are hold twice every Sunday, as well as on Thurs- day evenings. There is also a Sunday-school in good work- ing order. The congregations are larger in winter than in summer. In the hot weather the Indians leave the village for places of resort, such as Saratoga, Long Branch, the White Mountains, to sell their baskets and various other articles Avhich the women manufacture during the winter season. ■ The Indians still vif5 For painting Church, from the Indians =i'-21.()0 Collected at' Saratoga for same object =-'a00.00 Offertory •'^•''•f^ . Mrs. Moig's Hubscription 15.00 Concert at .Sorcl l''>-00 Total $188.35 A. L. ['"OIITIN, Missionary. • United States mrrouoy. ANNUAL rvioroJiT OF THE c L ]-: u c; Y T jru s t c o ^r m i t t i-: k , Presontod to the Church Society at the Annual Meoung, .lanuary 22nd, 1873. The Clergy Trust Coniinittco bog leave to report that the Interest on tlie several investments has been regularly paid. The following donation has been received from the Con- gregation of New Liverpool : For the New Liverpool Endowment Fund $18.00 The following debentures have been jiaid off: On account of Bisliojiric Endowment Fund : , Montreal Harbour Debentures , I-IOOO.OO On account of Clei'gy Trust and liural Endow- ments : Oovernment ])ebenlures 2400.00 Montreal Harbour Jlonds 5000.00 The following investments liavc been made : On account of liishopric Endowment Fund : Montreal Harbour Bonds G^ p. c 4000.00 Sherbrooke Town of .Belleville T Montreal Corporation Stock 7 On acconnt of the Clergy Trust Fund and Jvui-al Kndowments : Montreal Corporation Stock 7 Montreal Harbour Bonds G-J, City of Toronto G Town of Sherbrooke G City of London G C overnmen t of Canada G Montreal J larbour Bonds Gl " " 5000.00 " 5000.00 " 500.00 " 1900.00 - 1000.00 " 1000.00 " 5000.00 '•' 400.00 '' 400.00 1000.00 Montreal Corporation Stock. n " 1200.00 re Tho only addition to any of tho Loc;ul Kiidownients, apart from tho accrued interest during' the year, in tho Muni of $18 from tlio MisHion of New Livcri)Ool. Your Committee would remind the mombors of the fMiurch generally of the inducemontH which are still held out to encourage Missions to create ondowments. A grant of $150 is paid by tho Church Society, and a sum oi'$20() is added by a member of tho Church in Quebec to any Mission which raises 8200 towards the creation of an Endowment. A comparatively slight etl'ort by somo of tho Missions would raise their Endowments to $3000, when Iho revenue of $200 would bo available as an addition to the present stipend of their respective Clergy. Tho management of these Endowments is committed to tho Church Society under a Trust Deed, executed by tho Congregation, or Mission, and the Bishop as I'resident of tlio Society. Your Committee beg to express their deep sense of the less sustained by the death of tho Jicverend K. (1. IMces, Incumbent of St. Paul's, one of the Clergy who commuted his claim u]ion tho Clergy liescrvcs, and who for twelve years acted as ITonorary Secretary of tho Connnittee. Tho Lord Bisho]) nominated, according to Art. 12 of the Uy-Jjaws, the Itcvercnd M. M. Fothcrgill to 1111 tho vacancy in tho Committee, who has subsef|uently been apjiointed HoMorary Secretary. J. \y. (Quebec, Chairman of Clergy Trust Committee. M. MON'KIIOUSJJ FoTlIEROIfiL, Secretarv. 7T LIST OF INVK^TMENTH, 1871]. Cloi'gy Trust Fund : Canadii (iovornmciit 624-181 01 City orilamilton 8380 00 County of Middlesex 4800 00 City of London 20400 00 Munifipality of IJcrlin 3000 00 Monti-enl Utirboui- 9500 00 J\ron(ri':il Corjun-atlon 8025 00 City of Toronto 3000 00 Town of Sliorbi'ooivo 5500 00 $04280 01 (Jueboc Clmpcd Endowment : City ofKumilton 81380 00 County of .Middlesex 400 00 MonLival Jlurhour 2000 00 City of Montreal 2000 00 City ofToronto 1000 00 Three Rivers Jicetory J]nd(jwnient : City of lltimilton Munioi]iality of Berlin City of Montreal Government of Canada Town of Sherbrooko $1380 00 400 00 1875 00 400 00 500 00 $0780 on §4555 00 Franipton Mission Endowment : Munieipality of Eorlin $1200 00 Montrealllarbour 1000 00 Citv of Montreal 1800 00 84000 00 Coaticook anil Barford Endowment : Mon treal Harbour $500 00 City of Montreal 1400 00 $1000 00 fj e • u a r c r V t t ( ^ e J I 3 1 t ( .78 Drummondvillo Endowment : City of Toronto $1000 00 Town of Sherbrooko 1000 00 City ofMontroal 400 00 Montreal Karboiir 500 00 $2900 00 Now Carlisle and Paspobiac Endowment: Montreal Harbour $1000 00 City of Montreal G50 00 City of Toronto 400 00 2050 00 Capo Cove and Perec : City of Montreal $1300 00 City of Toronto $400 00 $1700 00 St. Sylvester Endowment : Seigniorial Claim $G97 84 City of Montreal 750 00 $1447 84 Charleston Rectory Endowment : City of Montreal $1550 QO North Inverness Endowment: City of Montreal $G00 00 City of Toronto 400 00 1000 00 Ireland and South Inverness Endowment : City of Montreal §800 00 Now Liverpool Endowment : City of Montreal $550 00 Levis Endowment : City of Montreal $450 00 < M 9 .» •^ -i » w*- i 4f t i» .1 «■? t <' M 9 .» I 79 )Sandy Beach Endowment : City of Montreal 1050 00 Gaspo I3asiu Endowment: City of Montreal $1000 00 Chigouac Endowment: City of Montreal 6-100 00 City of Toronto 400 00 $800 00 S126818 85 E. & 0. E. Wm. G. Wurtele, Treasurer Clergy Trust Fund. Quebec, 31st December, 1872. •^ ;> » ^\*- 4f t in «l 80 Dr. CLEHGY TKUST FUND m 1872, Doc. 31 To Amount invested Clergy Trust Fund Quebec Chapel Endowment Three Rivers Rectory Framjjton Mission Drummondvllle New Carlisle and Pas ebiac., Coaficook and Barford Cape Cove and Per: e Charleston Rectory St. Sylvester Sandy Beach North Inverness , Gasp6 Basin Chigouao Ireland and South Inverness.. New Liverpool Levis Q P. and Savings' Bank \, Revenue account $ cts, 6780 00 4555 00 4000 00 2900 00 2050 00 1900 00 1700 00 1550 00 1447 84 1050 00 1000 00 1000 00 800 00 800 00 550 00 4j0 00 94286 01 32532 84 28*5 86 134 44 To amount brought over j $127240 15 ACCOUNT WITH TEEASUEER. €r. 1872, Dec. 31 1872, Dec. 31 December 31 By Amount at Credit of Clergy Trust. By Discount on Investmeuts By Amount from Revenue Account. . Eevknue Account Clergy Trost. By Revenue to date $ cts. 915GI 01 325 00 2400 00 $ Cts. 94286 01 5419 94 63 69 ■.j4 44 By Interest Quebec P, & B. Bank.... By Temporary Loan Less — Annual Allowance to 7 Clergymen S2323 86 5618 07 5618 07 Amount to Clergy Trust Account 2400 00 Loan last year returned.. 61 39 Premium on Investments. 424 00 Back Interest 83 13 General Charges ... 335 69 Quebec Cu^ctl Fi xiOV/MEKr By Amount at cred'f oi Fund 'ist December "],, ,,,,.. By Revenue to aate 6773 82 449 9C Less — Am't paid St. Peter's Chapel $125 00 " <' St. Paul'- « .. 225 00 " " St.Matthfcw's " .. 50 00 7223 78 400 00 G323 78 Threb Rivers Rectory Endo-vv ,.vt. By Amount at credit of Fund, Slst December, 1871 , . , . By Revenue to date . 4553 65 24'?. 41 Less- Amount paid Rector , 479G 09 200 00 4505 oa Drummondvillb Endowment, By Amount at credit, olst Dec. 1871. By Revenue to date * 2769 G5 174 12 2943 11 By amount brought over $108649 65 Dr 18' 82 J)r. 1872, Dec. 31 CLEltGY TEUST To amount brought forward I ^^~~^l ^~^' '"• 127240 15 I T -^ t r ' I.* To am )UDt brought ow't '27210 J 5 I « • t . - -"-.IMMtJSdt^*^ J TST Ct8. ) 15 AX:COryT.-(Contlnued.) (^ 1872, Dec. 31 t "^ r t 9 By amount brought forward, $ Ctfi I New Carlisle and Paspebiac Esdow- MBNT. I By Amount at credit of Fund, Jlst December, 1871 By Revenue to date COATICOOK AND BaBKORD ENDOWMENT. By Amount at credit of Fund, Slst December, 1871 By Revenue to date Cape Cove and Pkuc£ Endov.ment. By Amount atcroditof Fund. Slst December, 1871 .' By Revenue to date , Frampitji Mission Endowment. By Amouai at credit of Fund, Slst December, 1871 By Revenue to date « Less — Amount paid Rev. J. II. Jenkins .... Charleston Rectory Endowment. By Amount at credit of Fund, Slst December, 1871 By Revenue to date , St. Sylvester Endowment. By .Amount at credit, Slst December, i37l By .lie venue to date j Sandy Beach Endowment. By Amount at credit, Slst December, 1871 By Revenue to date 1925 34 124 00 1784 90 109 00 1615 22 98 00 3919 81 277 63 4197 44 200 00 1486 95 88 00 $ cts. 108G49 65 1370 95 78 86 By amount brought over . . 906 93 66 50 2053 34 1893 99 1713 22 3997 44 1574 95 1449 81 1063 43 $122395 74 84 Dr. CLEEGY TRUST "We, the undersigned, have examined the accounts >nd vouchers of tho above fund, and have also verified the securities, and found the whsie correct. C. Judge, > Auditors. Henry W. Welch, Jr., 5 ; Quebec, l7fh January, lb 73. • \ * 85 I ACCOV^^T,— (Continued.) Cr 1872, Dec. 31 By amount brought forward .... $ cts. $ cts. 122395 74 North iNVEnNBSs Endowment. By Amount at credit, 3l8t Dec, 1871. By Revenue to date 994 56 54 00 1048 50 Gasp/; Basin Endowment. By Amount at credit, 3ist Dec, 1871. By Revenue to date 963 00 r> ^> .^' y ^ /A Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. HS80 (716)872-4503 \ •s? N> .V 6^ "^^ #5" 6^ > ^ 90 Dr. THE AVIDOWS' AND ORPIEAXS' FUND iN ACCOUNT AVITK 1872, Dec. 31. To paid following aanuities, viz : " Widow and two children of the late Revd. S. 8. Wood <' Widow of the late Revd. J. Simpson « Children of the late Revd. Dr. Falloon Widow and three children of the late Revd.R. G. Ward Widow of the late Revd. J Dalziel Widow of the late Revd. J Torrance It To amount invested during the year. . . . To balance to next year $ cts. 148 1 50 137 50 50 00 222 00 75 00 75 00 1 1 tts. 703 00 8255 70 1053 19 $10016 80 We, the undersigned, have examined the accounts and vouchers of the above fund, atd found the same correct. Quebec, 21st January, 1873. C, JCDGE, Uenry W. Welch, Jr., Auditors. Dr. THE DEPOSITORY FUND of the DIOCESAN 1872. Dec. 31. To remitted the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge for publications " Paid Dawson Bros,, for Books " '• Freight and Duty OB Books.... «* '' Miss Wood, 12 month's salary to 31st December , " Balance carried to new account . . . $ ct8.{ $ cts. 317 21 10 6& 10 90 80 00 116 77 $535 77 We, the undersigned, have examined the accounts and vouchers of the above fund, and found the same correct. Quebec, ilst January, 1873. C. JODHR, 1 Henut W. Wrlch, Jb ., \ AutJitors, 01 OF THE DIOCESAN CllUrvCn SOCIETY THE TllEASUliEIl. 1872. Jan. 1 Dec. 31 By Balance from last account •' Collections and Subscriptions in Quebec " Collections and Subscriptions in Rural Missions " Annual Subscriptions of Clergymen.. " Investment matured and paid « Interest on investments during year.. $ cts. Cr. S cts. 6051 75 349 51 243 28 128 15 1563 50 1630 70 $10016 89 1872, Dec. 31.— By Balance $1053 19 " Amount invested , 30186 66 K. & 0. E. Quebec, 31st, December, 1872. Gko. Veasey, Treasurer, D. C. S. CIIIJRCII SOCIETY IN Account with the Treasurer. Cr. 1872. Jany. 1. Dec. 31, By Balance from last year . . «' Sales of books, tracts, &c , <* Subscriptions $ cts. $ cts. 30 65 503 12 2 00 $535 77 1872 Dec. 31.— By Balance brought down |11C 77 E. * 0. E. Gko. Veasey, Treasurer, D. C. S. Quebec, 3l3t December, 1872. 92 J)r. MISSION FUND OF THE DIOCESAN CIIUIICII 1872 Dec. ol. To Paid R. H Smith, Es^q., Treasurer of the Diocesan Board S eta, $ Ct8« 4258 13 $4258 13 We the undersigned, have examined the accounts and vouchers of the abore fund, and found tlic same correct. Quebec, 2 1st January, 18 73, V; •^^■'^^;^' ... , \ Auditors. liENRV W. Wei.cu, Jr., $ Dr. SUSTENTATJON FUND .a-' the DIOCESAN CI I rPvCII 1872 Dec. 31. To Amount invested during year. " Balance to next year $ cts.l S cts. SfiGG 30 514 85 S4081 15 We, the undersigned, have examined the accounts and vouchers of the above fund, and found the same correct. Quebec, 2lBt January, 1873. & "^'"""uV w T \ Auditors. Hksry W. Welch, Jr., j 93 SOCIETY IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASURER. Cr. 1872 Jany. 1. • By Balance from last account , $ CtB $ Ctfi. 559 83 700 00 675 46 5 00 1074 35 70S eo 25 00 7 55 1 75 " Received from H. W, Welch, jr., Esq., Treasurer of Cathedral District Agso- ciation, the foUowinj,' donations, viz; At offertory on Sunday morn- ing, 4th February $500 00 Do. do. do., Mtli April... 100 00 Du. do. do., 12th May.... 100 00 «' Received from H. S. Scott, Esq., am'nt collected at Cacouna after sermon on 28th July ; including a special con- tribution of $500.00 • " Received from Miss Gibbon, England, per Airs. Williams , .... " Collections and subscriptions in Que- bec " Collections and eubscriptions in Rural Missions " Proceeds of articles .sold by Mrs. Wil- liam h •" " Mrr. Williams' Missionary Box " Mr.?, llousmun's do. do * $4253 13 E. & 0. E, Geo. Yeasev, Treasurer, D. C. S. Quebec, iVist DecombiM-, 1872. SOCl ET Y IN ACCO UNT WITH TH 1-: TRE AS U REE. Cr. • 1872 Jany. 1. Dec. 31. By Balance from last year " Subscriptions in Quebec " Investments matured and priid " Interest on investments during year. S cts, S ( :t8. 24:56 50 155 00 718 05 771 GO 840 8 1 15 1872, Dec. 31.— By Balance | )14 85 " Amount invested 13638 19 E. & 0. E. Quebec, 31st December, 1872. Geo. Veaset, Treasurer, D. C. S. Dr. 94 THE EDUCATION FUND of the DIOCESAN $ cts. 1872. Dec. 31. (To Paid Grants to the following schools during the year, viz ; — Coa«icook Wo. J Frampton Cranbourue ... Lalte Beauport Stoneham Portneuf, No 3 " No. 2 Tingwick East Frampton St. Malachie Frampton St, Giles New Armagh Park hurst Bourg Louis, No. i *' No. 2 " No. 3 " Paid travelling expenses, &c., of school Inspector " Balance to next year $475 16 We, the undersignt'd, have examined the accounts and vouchers of the above fund, ;ind found thu samo correct. C. Jcnr.K, Quebec, 2lBt January, 1572. IIsNiiY W. Wki.ch, Jii , Auditors. T>r. THE BISH( )? 31 T .\ TAJ X L A li I J A 1 )0 1 { .M 1 .SSION IN ACCOUNT WITH 1872. Dec. 31 To Amount invested during yoar " Bitla^ico to next yerii S cts. $ cts. 74 05 41 11 $115 16 We, the undersigned, have ex imined tho accounts and vouchers of the above fund, and found the same correct. Quebec, 2l8t January, 1373. C. ■Ii-noE. ) , ... liENiiY W. Wklch, Ju., \ ^^"^^'tors. ^r '^ I -4f ^:^ 05 CHUECn SOCIETY in Account with the Treasurer. Cr. 1872. Jany. 1. By Balance from last year Sept. 12. " Transfer from General Fund Dec 31. " Collections and subscriptions $ Ct8« C2 66 400 00 12 50 1872, Uco. 31— By Balance £. &0. E. $475 16 $72 22 Geo. Veaset, Treasurer D. C.S. Quebec, 31st December, 1872. FUND OF TIIK ;i)TOCE>SAN ClIUEGir SOCIETY Cr. THE Tr^EASUEKR. ^ 1872. ^'any 1 •' 29. By Bulancc fr»-)m last yoar • '! Donation from "Anonymous/ per Wm.G. Wurtele, Kf^q " Subscription from Miss. Taylor Dec. 31.1 '• ColIoLtions at St. Micbael's Chapel... ' luvestmeut matured and paid « Intort-st on Investments during year. $ cia. $ cts. CI 6T 15 00 5 00 3 13 14 70 15 66 115 16 1872, Due. 31.— By Balance Amount invested E. & 0. B. Quebec, 3l6t December, 1872. ,$41 11 .279 95 Geo. Vkasbt, Treasurer, D. C. S. 96 Br. THE PENSION FUND of the DIOCES.VN CIIUKCE 1872 Dec. 31. To Amonnt invested during year « Bslauce to next year $ cts.l $ Ct8. 1S57 00 107 40 We, tlio undersigned, have examined the accounts and vouchers of the above fund, and found the same correct. C. JinnK 1 Auditor?. IIenuv W. W Ki.rn, Tr.. j Quebec, 21st Jannary, 1S73. 97 SOCIETY fX ACCOUNT WITJI TJII-: TI^EASURER. Vr. 187U Jiiny. 1, Dec. 31 Bj Rblnnco from last ncconut <' Kocoived from II. W. Welch, jr. Esq., Treasurt-T of Cathedral District Asso- ciation, tho following donations, viz : At offortory at Cathedral on Sunday morning, 12th May, 1872 $ 50 00 From "Friends,"on 18th June, 1872,perH. H.Scott, Esq..... 250 00 " 12 months dividend on $100.00 share in Massawippi liailway " Collections and subscriptions in Que- bec ; " Collections and subscriptions ia Rural Missions " Investments matured and paid " Interest on investments during year.. $ cts. $ eta. 11G2 83 300 00 18G 05 52 09 153 25 104 G5 $2«25 OG 1872, Dec. 31.— By Balance % 1G7 4G «' Amount invested 4007 52 E. & 0. E. Quebec, 31st December, 1872. Geo. Vkasky, Treasurer, D. C. S. Dr. BALANCE SHEET OF LEDGER 1872 Deo. 31. Montreal Harbor 8 per cent Bonds,... Do. do. 7 do. do Do. do. 6 J do. do Mori< real Corporation 6 do Debentures Montreal 7 per cent P«rnianent Sto(kB.. Toronto Corporation 6 per cent Deben- tures • Oovernmont 5 per cent Debentures .... United Mtates 5 per cent Bonds MuBPawippi Knilway Htockfl Waterville Qlt be Loan Hamilton Debenturis Sherbrooko do Belleville do Cash in Quebec and Union Banks at iuterest •.•• $ CtB. 4000 00 ■^000 00 6000 00 6000 00 8000 00 18200 00 800 00 200 00 100 00 425 00 4900 00 10000 0( 2000 00 f CtB. 62G25 00 3064 15 $ti56ti0 15 We, the undersigned, have examined this statement and found it correct, and verified the securities connected therewith. r. JCDOE, ? Uknuy VV. Welch, Jr., ) Auditors. Quebec, 21st January, 1873, I 99 ON 3l8T DECEMBER, 1872. Gr. 1872 Dec. 31. General Fond EdncatloD Fund Widowg' and Orphans' Fund PonBion Fund OepoBitory Fund Nicolot Endowment Fund Labrador MiMsion Fund Uustentation Fund Labrador MiHsion investment General Fund inveatment Nicolet Endowment investmont Fund.. Pension Fund inveBtment WidowR' and Orpbans' Fund inveHtment. Sustentalion Fund invtstmcnt Premium and discount on investments. $ CtH, t Ctl. 899 67 72 22 1053 19 167 46 116 7T 198 88 41 11 514 8B 279 95 6735 84 5002 84 4007 52 30186 G6 13638 19 2774 00 $65089 IS K. & 0. E. Geo. VEiBEr, Treasurer, D. G. S. Quebec, Slet December, 1872. I Dr. 100 irKVKNri': ac'(M)itnt diocmsan ijoakd in 18712 Jany. 1 . To Balanco brought from last account Dec. 31. " Aniouut of Stipouds paid during the past year, including augnu>ntntion. . " Amount still duo, orders not yet prc- Kuuted Dec. 31. Dec. 31. " Amount of Pensions paid during the past year " Amount still dne, orders not yet pre seated , •' Amount reserved to augment Stipends " Amount of General Expenses $ cts, IC230 G'2 3297 fJD 8D5 82 321 30 Amount carried forward . $ cts. 315 94 19537 31 1217 21 900 00 132 12 $ 22132 53 • \ ' 101 ACCOUNT WITH ]{. II. 8MIT1I, Treasureu. • I t f!t. CO et u B !H72, By APscBsments roccivcvj from MiHBionB " Mlasiou of Druminondvir .« " Mission of Diidsweli " Lcodfl— Miflsion of LoedH. . . " Liimbiu's Mills do " liroiiKhton do " MJHsiou of Eaton a id CO '-O m lO ? Cts. $ ctH 50 00 (1 II • . • 10 00 $ cts. 00 00 00 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 50 00 00 00 00 50 2 00 00 00 25 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 2 00 4 00 1 00 10 00 2 00 4 00 5 00 2 00 108 Names. General Fund. S cts, Hamilton, Mr HarbefiOD, Mrs Harbeson, Miss Healey, Miss Highfield, Mr Highfield, Mrs Houeman, the Rov. G.V, Housman, Mrs Hunt, Mrs. Weston Jamieson, Mrs Jones, Mrs Kane, Mrs Leger, Mrs Lloyd, Mrs. (donation.) Machin, Mrs Maxham, Mrs McLaren, Mrs McPiierson, Wis Meredith, Mrs Miles, Mrs Montizauibert, Mr.s ... Moutizambert, I\Irt'.. E . Montizambert, Mrs, C. E. Morgan, Mr. R j Mountain, Miss j Nairne, Mrs Pemberton, Mrs Phillips, Mrs Poston, Mrs. C Poston, Mrs. E , Poston, Mrs. W Price, Honorable David Price, the Misses Eacey, Mrs Rawson, Mrs Reeves, Mrs Richardson, 51 r Ross, Mrs. Wm Russel, Mrs Scott, Mrs. E Scott, Mrs. W. W SewelJ, MrH Sewell, Mrs. A Sewell, Mrs. H Sewell, Mrs. J , Sewell, Mrs. W Shaw, Mrs , Mission Fund. $ ctH 400 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 2 00 2 00 w.&o. Fund. 4 00 1 00 4 00 1 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 4 00 2 00 10 00 3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 Pension Fund. $ cts. 5 00 $ cts. Total. $ cts. 400 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 5 00 00 2 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 2 2 4 1 4 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 3 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 00 00 00 00 3 50 1 00 1 00 00 00 00 00 109 Names. General Fund. Mission Fund. W. &0. Fund. Pension Fund. Total . Shaw. Mrs. P, A $ cts. $ cts. 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 20 00 1 00 4 00 50 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 5 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 20 00 50 ] 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 7 55 1 75 25 00 § cts. $ cts. $ cts. 2 00 Stevenson, Mrs 1 00 Strang, Mrs 1 00 Strange, Mrs 1 CO Stuart, Mrs. G. Okill .... 2 00 Swift. Mrs 1 00 Taylor, Miss 5 00 5 00 5 00 35 00 Temnle. Mrs 1 00 Temple. Mrs, C V. M . . . 4 00 Thompson, Mr 50 Thorpe, Mrs 1 00 Torre, Mrs I 00 TurnbuU, Mrs 2 00 Von Iffland, Mrs 2 00 Walker, Mrs 5 00 Walker, Miss 5 00 White, Mrs 1 00 White, Mrs. G. R 1 00 Williams, Mrs 20 00 Withycomb, Miss 50 Woodhouse, Mrs 1 00 Wurtele, Mr*. R 1 00 Wurtele, Mrs. W 1 00 A Friend 5 00 A Friend 1 00 Mrs. Williamb' Mission- ary Box 7 55 Mrs. Housman's Mission- ary Box 1 75 Proceeds of Articles sold by Mrs William ; 25 00 Total 5 00 681 80 15 00 15 00 716 80 t'c! GENTLEMEN S COMMITTEE. Collected Inj 11. W. Welch, Jr., Treasurer of the Cathedral District Association. Lord Bishop of Quebec. Ahern, William Ashe, Captain Beckett, T Bew, J. J Boswell, Dr Campbell, W. D . Champion, C. P . Gary, G. T., 1871 40 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 4 00 5 00 1 00, 2 00 10 00 5 00 1 00 5 00 5 00 40 00 2 00 10 00 15 00 5 00 6 00 5 00 10 00 G 00 110 Namks. Dobell, B. R Dunbar, James .., Dunscomb, J. W . Eppes, B Pry, J.8 Hall, G. B Hamilton, Robert Heniy, Charles... Hunt, Weston.... Janiie'^on, Mrs. .. . Joly, H. G J )i)e8, Edwin .... Knight, A. F. A.. LomaH, R General Fund. $ cts, 10 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 20 00 40 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 Mission Fund. 10 00 W. 4 0. Fund. % C vD • 20 00 00 Leggatt, H. P Lebueur, R Meredith (-'hief Justice. . Miles, Dr. H. H Norris, T Paul, Heury Pavue, G Pemberton, Ji. H Petry, Wm , (the late).. Petry W. G Price. Hon. D E Rae, Wm Roberts, Joseph Scott, W. W., the late, (187 ) Scott, W. W., the late, (1872) 00 00 2 50 00 00 00 00 Scott, H. S, Scott, W. C. Scott, E. G. . Sfott, J. G.. Sheppard W. G . ., Smith. R. H Smith, Mrs R H.. Turner, H Von Extei, J Von Iffluid I)r ..., Weldi H. W Welc, H W., Junr. Wliire, William ..., W.iite, G. H V.hite,A. H 20 00 2 00 10 00 60 00 10 00 00 n 00 20 00 5 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 5 00 3 00 I 00 40 00 00 00 10 CO 3 00 10 00 00 3 00 10 00 10 00 Pension Fund. 1 00 2 00 20 00 00 5 0>! 2 oo' 10 00 5 00 $ CtB 10 00 2 00 5 00 3 00 10 00 20 00 10 00 Total. 'I 20 00: 2 00 4 00 20 00 5 00 $ cts. 10 00 10 00 6 00 6 5 00 00 CO 00 40 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 10 00 2 50 4 00 5 00 2 00 5 00 40 00 10 00 30 00 100 00 40 00 5 00 5 00 40 00 10 00 5 00 00 6 00 5 00 60 00 20 00 2 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 2 00 25 00 5 00 3 00 Ill Nahbs. Qeneral Fund. Mission Fund. w.&o. Fund. Peniion Fund. Total. WnrtAlp W O $ cts. 5 00 2 00 $ cts. $ cts. $ cts. $ eta. 6 00 Wurtolp R H 2 00 Wnrtelp PC 3 00 3 00 Anonymous DouAtions : nfTHrtnrv 4th Pi^b 1872 660 00 100 00 100 00 500 00 rin 14th Anril. 1872. 100 00 rfft 1 ith Mav 1872 100 00 do 12th Mav, 1872. 50 00 250 00 50 00 Donation from "Friends" Per H. S. Scott, 18th June 1872 250 00 Interest from Savings Bank 3 82 3 82 Sums under one Dollar. . 1 00 1 00 ■ " 1 Offortory 3G6 32 109 32 5 00 865 00 193 2*^ t8» 80 107 00 124 49 15 00 421 00 '"is 00 1914 32 427 07 Ladies' List 716 80 Total 480 04 1740 OG 246 49 435 00 3058 19 SUSTENTATION FuND. Drum, W. (second dona- tion l Sno GO 50 00 Hall, Geo. (second dona- tion'i S'iO 00 50 00 Veasoy, Geo. (Life mem- bfrBhin"* S50 00 50 00 Vrtaijpv Cronrfff*. ift.^i 00 5 00 Total for Cathedral... $3213 09 QUEBEC— ST. MATTHEW'S CHAPEL. Collected hy Mrs. Monti- zambcrt. riov. C. Hamilton 30 00 40 00 40 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 Mrs Hfiniilton Miss FTamilton ........ W H Carter Mrs. Carter 5 00 Mrs Coiiltlinrst 5 00 5 00 5 00 MiflR Giierout Hon ft. Irvine C. Judge 2 00 3 00 50 00 40 00 40 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 1 112 Nambs. Oenpral Fund. Ml-. Williams. Mrs. Vttuglian , $ cts, Collected b>/ 3Iis.'! K Wheeler. Mr. W. Dunlovio Mro.C. Judge... Morrow, F Mrs.Straker Mrs. Sewoll Mr. Poverley Wheeler, Mrs .... Mission Fuud. \V. 4 0, Fund, Pension Fund. 2 00 Colled by Miss Fever lei/. Barrow, Mrs . . . Hayes, Mrs . . . . Knowles, Mrs , . Kennedy, Mrs. . Newton, W.J,. Peverly, Miss B Kickaby, Mrs . . . Taylor, Miss S. , Collected by Miss Fulvoye. 2 00 2 00 Campbell, Mr Drum, Mrs. S. W. Foote, S. B Forrest, M'ijor. ... Futvoye, Miss . . . . Galep, Mrs . Hammond, Mth. . . Henry, W Morgan, Mis. J.,. Newton, Mrs, W . . LeMesurier, Ed . , Pope, Mrs. A Pope, Mrs. E Bomeril, Geo , .. . Bogers, Mr Walker, Mr Webster, Mr S cts 8 no 2 00 1 00 2 50 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 I 00 1 50 r)0 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 $ cts 2 00 1 00 ?i et-i, 5 00 2 00 i'oo 25 Total. eta, 8 00 2 00 00 50 1 50 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 I 00 00 00 00 eo 00 00 1 50 60 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 25 1 00 1 00 1 00 113 Naues. Ofinoral Fund. Dr. Montiziirri'tp'. t .... Mrs. F. Mot'tiziiiibvMt. }I. J. Piiitt.in MiH. (i. A. L. Woo.l. ,. Mrs. WilKoii W. Hi. kmau Mr. Bruct! Colkckd hi/ M,s. liar- bcHon. Mrs. Cox 11 rs. Hu hortoti . Hi -8 H Ml bisoii . MiHH O'Coiiuor . H. Smith Mrs. H. Kmitli .. Mrs. Wuoibury Collected hii Miss. E. E, iyi/kes. Clarkp, T...., Fletcher, H. '1' Mahony, T... Kelly, Jas... . OrUti.y, J.T. Mrs. Rusk . . . Miss tiykus. .. Collected by Miss liar- bction. Burlinp, John. .. , , MiK < I'X MiH. C Iston Foolc, J. .J Mii-'s Uioen liathcrlv, J. I Mr.-!. Hiitlii-ily K II 1 Kiihiiiig . . . . Mins Ibirliesoii . , . Mrs. I'Mtttn Miss A. .M( Robiti. Bniiih, D Mrs. David Smith $ ttH. 1 (HI I 01) Fund W. 4 Futifl. PonBlon Fund. on 00 CO 00 1 80 ■ 8 . 00 1 00 1 UO :•< 00 10 00 $ ct\l ijp Cth. $ cts ) ') 00 ' ;> 00 1 5 00| 20 tO uo 2 00, 1 5 50 1 00 3 00! 1 OOi 2 CO vi) Oir 4 ')0i 2 ('Oj 3 CO 50 1 00' 1 col O'l , Total. $ ctn. 10 00 5 00 5 00 20 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 CO 00 00 00 80 80 00 1 50 5 00 1 00 2 00 2 50 CO 1 00 3 00 I 00 2 00 5 00 20 00 ii 00 10 00 4 00 2 00 3 00 50 I 00 1 00 8 114 Names. General Fund. MiHgton Fund. W. kO. Fund. Penidon Fund. ToTAt. CoVitd by Miss Gillespie. TlnHViln Mm $ cts. $ eta 1 BO 2 00 10 00 2 00 5 00 5 00 2 00 1 00 $ CtB. $ CtH $ Ct8. 1 50 TPfLlf^k .T- ........ 2 00 DftviHtinn \Tr 10 00 OilliiHtiiH Mi^i 2 00 HHrriHoii 11 M 5 00 FlArriKon Mtk .. . 5 00 Hera riiiiiir Mih 2 00 Johnson. Hiws 1 00 McAdiiiUH, MinR, A 3 00 3 00 CKfCiin. P 2 00 2 00 1 00 • 1 00 2 00 Prttton. M TH U. G 2 00 Scoupii II, M 1 8 f • * • • • • • 1 00 Ortic, Mih I 00 Capt. SometHtt, hitio Hii- gado, for Life nietuber- ship 50 OC 50 00 Donation 19 20 I'J 20 Interest fioui Suvinj-'s Biiik 3 17 3 00 2 tU) 3 17 Mrs. 0. A. L. Wood, Mi-Jfiionary Box * 3 00 Suuduv School oifoiiut;. . 2 GO Offertory fcS GO 60 85 315 27 112 2? 34 25 42 82 3J 20 470 32 215 89 Total for St. Mathew's. 14:t 45 4i7 49 77 07 32 20 08G 21 ST. PETEJl'S CJIAnOL Fotbeipill, Rev. M. M .. 5 00 4 00 9 00 Jones, H. N 10 00 2 00 3 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 10 09 Collected by Mrs. J. Ila- milloiii. Hamilton, Mrs. James .. .. 2 CO Morffau, Mrs. U. E 3 00 Richardson, J. H 1 00 Ruthman, Robt 2 00 1 00 Stewait, Misa 115 Najiis. CoUeckdhy Mins r. Butt. Andrews K, A ..,, AudrewB, F. W Biitt, Mrs MoBservy, W. O Col' ltd by Miss Borland. Borlnrui, Uobt Borland, LIzziu Barry, 'I'lioH Barry, Miss J Dt^ntiHri, 1* Ellioft, Mrs Elliott, Kroilcrii.k I'ldin, Ali'x Tozor. VV.A General Fund. $ ctt<. 4 00 4 00 CvlV led l»j Mis^ B.Martin Battis, Mrs BiK'ncM, Mrs Dalzicl, Mrs llartm, W. VV. Junr. (1871-1 .SV2), Martin, RirH. (1871-1872.). I'arke, James Parke, Win Tayne, Mrs Wallace, II. F CoUecled hi/ Mixs M. Brown. Brown, J Brown, (J. Senr Smalley, Mrs Stamford, Jos A. Cvlkcli'd b>i Miss McLaiichlan. Jones, Miss. J Morton, John Mortim, Joseph McLauchlan, Joseph... Paxman, Joseph Mirtsionary Box, No. 29. Otfortory Total for St. Fetor's. 1 00 10 50 Mission Fund. $ Ctli. 1 00 I 00 1 Oil I 00 00 10 10 10 oo 25 10 10 1 00 20 1 00 00 00 00 00 10 oo 2 00 50 25 25 1 00 50 50 50 W. 4 Fund. 19 50 9 00 9 20 63 50 $ eta, 8 30 Pension Fund. $ vis. Total. $ Ct8. 6 00 6 00 1 00 2 00 00 10 10 10 50 2S 10 10 26 00 20 00 1 00 2 75 13 301 7 75 00 00 00 00 10 00 2 00 50 25 25 1 00 50 50 50 1 00 9 00 31 75 104 05 116 QUEBEC— ST. MICHAEL'S CHAPEL. Names. Gi^neral Fund. Mission Fund. W. & 0. Fund. Pension Fund. Total. Mountain, Rev. A W... $ els. S cts. 30 00 5 00 4 00 u 00 2 CO 1 00 $ct.s. $ cts. § cts. 30 00 Ro( he. A. it 5 oO Woodl ury, Mrs 5 00 5 00 4 00 Collected by Miss Price. Price, E I(Edutatio!:.)55 Nf'lsoii Jiinii H 5 00 25 00 2 CO Chapman, J 1 00 Gould, G»'orge 50 ' "so 2 00 50 Gould, Mis 50 1 00 Piice, Miss 3 oo' 5 00 Biiie, Mrs 4 00 25 1 00 5 00 4 00 Todd, Lizzif 25 PeacncI^, George 1 00 Vunlfflind, MrP 5 00 Argue, James 50 15 00 50 1 50 4 00 4 00 10 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 CO 5( 1 00 .Butstail, Mr. J 15 00 Bampste, Charlotte 50 50 1 00 CbarleRon, Miss 2 00 Rhodes, Col 4 00 Ehodes, Col. for 1871 . .. 4 00 Collected hy Mrs. J. Bell Forsyth. Levey, Mrs 10 00 Herring, Mis 3 00 Morgan, M-'-a , 1 00 Cnrrol, Mrs 1 00 Lang, Mrs GO '' children 16 Copenaftn, Mvs 1 00 1 00 Craip', J'rs 1 00 no 50 25 1 00 Mag p, Mra 50 Boom'-r, Mrs 50 Freer, Mrs 25 Gniddun, Mrs for ISVl., 1 00 50 2 00 1 00 50 10 ■2 (0 ?5 2 00 3 00 1 CO Gruddon. Mi n 50 Munro, M ss 2 00 To'.ing, M;.«.«! • 1 00 Dunbiir, Miss ... 50 Jn, Mrs 1 10 ChHil'^RoD, MIks 2 00 Kennedy, Mrs 25 B'isweli, Mrs 2 00 Poisyth, Mi«s .'.' 3 00 .... 117 Names. General Fund. Mission Fund. VV. &0. Furid. Pension Fund. TOTAI.. Forsyth, J. M $ cts. $ Ct3. 1 00 2 00 5 00 4 00 $ cts. f cts. $ cts. 1 00 Forsyth, J Boll 2 00 Forsyth, Mrs. J, Bull 5 00 Bowen, Jas 4 00 Collected by Miss Ellen Coyan. Carswell, G . . , . 50 SO Cogan, Mrs 75 50 CoKan, Mifls 60 Mahoney, Mrs 25 50 50 2J5 Walker, Mrs. J 50 Bayliss, Mrs 60 Graddon,,MrK. C 1 00 • • • • • • • • 131 75 8 45 1 00 VoalflU.ul, Uev. A. A... 5 00 5 00 Offertory, L. M. F..S:? 13 Education Fuud.. $5 00 5 00 1 b7 12 25 10 40 9 00 163 00 23 85 Total for St. Mi< hael's 6 87 140 20 22 65 9 00 186 85 QUEBEC— ST. TAUL'S CIIAPPTL Gandle, Mr. and Mrs.... 2 00 1 00 2 00 6 00 6 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 5 00 6 00 2 00 Gandle, David 1 00 Hammond, Miss 2 00 Kennedy, 0. (3 Tears) ,. 6 00 Magee, R. (3 years) :::::::: 6 00 Magee, J. W 2 00 Matjef, Miss • ••• •••• 1 00 G'Neil, Miss 2 00 Peverley, Mt s. J, jr .... 2 00 Tavlor, E. H 6 00 Ta\ lor, J. B., (3 years) . . 6 00 Plees, liev. R. G. (late,) .. 5 00 5 00 2 00 12 00 Offertory 5 00 10 34 35 00 8 90 5 00 2 00 47 06 19 24 Total for St. Paul's . . . 15 34 43 90 5 00 2 00 66 24 118 TBLREB RIVEES DISTEICT ASSOCIATION. NAms. General Fund. Mission Fund. W. 4 0. Fund. Pension Fund. TOTAI.. Thru Bivkrs. Foster. Rev. J $ cts. $ cts. $ cts. 5 00 $ Ctd. ""s'oo $ eta. 5 00 Offertory 5 00 Total 5 00 5 00 10 00 BlTIBBK DU LO0P(BN HACT ) Merrick. Fev. W. C 5 00 4 00 5 00 Offertory •••• 8 00 J 2 00 Total 8 00 9 00 17 00 St. Fbakcib. Allamkaseett, J. B 25 50 50 50 25 25 60 50 25 50 50 50 50 50 1 00 25 Benedict, s.(GraDd Chief) Fortin, Bev. A. L 50 60 Fortin, Mrs fiO Fortin, Minnie 26 Fortin, Maude 25 Hurflt, Wm 60 Kemp, Mrs 50 Msadokous, xhomas .... 25 Msadokous, Mrs 60 Msadokous, Isreal 50 OSuDkerhine, Louis 50 Paqnecte, Mrs 50 Paquette, Miss 60 Wiitso, t>amuel 1 00 Watso, Mrs * * • ••«.. . 25 25 Total 7 35 7 35 KlCOLBT. McCnffry, Mrs. C 1 00 I 00 119 ST. FEANCIS DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. Namis. Qeneral Fund Mission Fund. W. ft 0. Fund. Pension Fund. Total. AOTON. Vipsionary meeting .... $ cts. $ cts. 7 50 2 25 $ cts. $ cts $ cts. 7 50 8 00 Offertory 3 60 2 25 Total 3 50 9 75 2 25 15 50 Bishops Colleqb. Offertory 5 00 6 00 Total 5 00 5 00 Bdrt.— Robinson "Village. (Per Mr. Molver, Trea- surer.) Missionary meeting 6 25 6 25 5 00 3 19 4 50 1 12 1 50 2 50 2 50 1 50 1 19 4 27 Offertory 5 00 Brookbury, (per Mr. Saunders, Treasurer.) Missionary Meeting 3 19 4 50 1 12 1 50 2 50 2 60 1 50 1 19 4 27 Collected by Miss Saun- ders Collected by Miss Roe, $1.05 cash .07 St. Johns', Missionary meeting Miss Bompas do do (Foreign mission) St. Paul's Missionary meeting Sunday School Missio- nary Box Lingwick Offortory •• Total 6 00 28 5; 33 52 COATICOOK Col' ted by Miss Thompson, Austin, Berj 2 00 2 00 25 Berbeck, Mrs 25 120 NbME3- General Fund. Mission Fund. W. & 0. Fund. Pension Fund. Total. PiitHnc H $ cts. 4 00 1 00 2 00 1 50 Si els S ctP. $ cts. $ cte. 4 00 1 00 Pj cts. $ els. 1 00 1 00 2 11 00 Of 00 0^ 00 00 $ CtH, 10 00 29 93. 20 20 16 00 Total. $ cts. 1 00 1 00 50 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 'i5 00 00 00 00 00 1 60 00 00 00 00 1 00 2 00 50 78 2: 2 75 P8 65 38 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 125 Nahrs. Ooncral MiHsion VV, A 0, Fuud. ' Fund. I Fund. Brookp, Mrs. E.T Botfom, (it'O Clink. E Cldik, Mrs. E Edg-ll, S E(i«t'll, MrF. S Elkins II. A ElUns, MiB. H. A Feltofi, E, P Fjiiw(!ll, \Vm. jr Gilliurt, Dr Hall, R. N Hftitker, R. VV Hallowell, Mra J Hale, Hon. Ed Hile , F inny Hale, Mary HaJp, Kdviard E Hale, W. A HnpUurn, H. S. Mrs Iv»8 W. B Law ford, J. B Lonias, Alex O Morri-;, J. E ; Morkill, K. D Morkill, R, D. jr Morkill, Jas. F Beid, It, V. C. P Whitch r,(\\V "Whitclicr, Aitliur Woodward, A. G Wooilward, Jan. U "Winter, Alex Sund-iy School Mis-iioni Boxes I S cts, Total., Stanstead. Offertory "Woolly the, ivcv. A. J, G'l S it- 2 00' 1 00 1 3 00 2 00 1 00 1 Ool 1 on ool 00 1 00 1 00 50 00 00, 00 ool ool ool go' 00' 1 00 1 Ou 1 00 1 00 2 GO 2 00 I Go 25 GO 1 15 1 1 ] 1 2 GO GO 1 00 1 00 2 00 18 00 103 9.3 $ cts. Pension Fund. Total. ■ij 8 Uoo Eollfi Hoe Carrie Uoo Kdwnnl Jiituntaiix . . Lt. Gdlonol rmadv .. Mrs. W.bli .'. .. MisH. Morris H. W Gibsono R. Sloano ,, J ChvIs A. Wiicockfi Mr. Ptnfold V. Colcloueli H. Golden. A. MoGafT.*y J. Quick A. Swanboroiiff h Mrs, Swanhorotigb ., Mrs. Kobins Mias C'artjr J. Lee Edith Lee H. ifarr ." ' iBaic Hodcp Margaret Hutchinson, Total Colledcd hi/ Misa Jioe and Miss A. Fowler. Kev. I. Thompson. .. D. Pavi'lRon CharieH Pye Alox. Fruscr Mary June Fraser. ... John White John Orr llans Farley Mrs. tt\ Armsitrons... Hon. Mrs. H. Aylm. r Dr. Vi.ot Mrs. Fowler..." . . % ct< W. ft Fuiid. 1 oo| .'•.() i no I 1 00 n 00 1 00' 1 00 1 r.r.l 1 00! 25l no 2r) 25 25 1 00 1 00 1 oo; 501 501 25I fio' 25 50 1 .1. 16 55! 00 00 50 25 1 00 •.■5 35' 25 1 00 v5' 50| $ itt 5 00 6 00 PenHlon Fund. S cts •J 00 2 0(1 2 00 IG 00 Total. $ cts. 5 00 5 00 1 00 50 50 1 00 b 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 55 I 00 25 50 25 25 25 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 CO 25 50 25 CO 32 55 2 00 1 00 25 50 25 1 00 25 35 9S ] 00 25 50 120 Najjes. Ofinoral Fund. MIsHlOn Fund. W. h Fund, Pension Fund. TOVAI. Mi.1. Gavillir S Ctfl. $ (tH. 1 00 75 50 25 I 00 25 1 00 50 1 00 % ctH. $ CtH $ CtB. 1 00 75 50 26 1 00 '^5 1 00 50 1 00 Alfred Poplor Mrs. Gouin MrH. W. Miller Mrs. IliuiiiUon Nfithl. Wolli! • ••••.. 1 Mr. Fry Mrs. ArtuHtroi!!,' • • • • • • • A Friond Total 11 85 5 00 16 85 ColUdcd (>y Miss Malilda Taylor. Philip Lyfltcr 25 25 2P 25 20 25 26 25 25 15 26 25 2<"i 26 20 25 2a 26 25 15 Wm. Taylor R. McLnu'^'blin Jns. McLiiuj,'hlin Mrs. Ilo>,'uo flenry Hall Henry Barker Kicliard lioast Jabez Taylor Herbert Taylor 1 Total 23 05 3 36 VoUccUd hy Mrs. Wm. Cumuuj. Sarah Aslett 25 25 20 20 1 00 25 25 2 40 1 35 26 20 20 1 00 25 25 Henry Norris ..... Mrs. D.iy Ilichaid Miitth<'\v lit Col. Maytisirtl Austin Healcy **'* •*•• Heber Maynard 1 Total 1 2 40 ! sn7i:u sciiooi, house.' Offertorv 97 07 130 Names. General Fund. Mission Fund. W. & Fund. Pension Fund. Tot At,, Collected by Miss Adams and Mitis J3arlorr, § cts. S ct... 5:3 3 cts. $ cts. $ Cto, 53 Fairburn 50 50 25 55 25 25 25 55 25 25 75 50 E E Clcove 50 J. W. Dcuison .... 25 E. Silver and familv 55 Mips Silver 25 Mrs. Byra 25 L. Barlow 25 G. Adams and family,. * 55 Eleonor Moore 25 Job. Adams 25 Mrs. A'listin ana family. . * * •75 , , Total 4 88 4 88 ; Collected by Miss Sarah Ada Ward. Rob, Budd 2r, 25 25 50 35 Fred. Gongh 25 Rob. Grev 25 Isaac Ward 50 Jonathan Ward 25 25 25 Joseph Ward 25 Three Friends 85 10 85 Rob, Hodge 10 Total 2 70 •u 70 . . . ST. JOHN'S PAROCHIAL AX.jO- CIATION. Offertory 1 00 1 07 2 10 I 20 2 ou ..«• ••*. 5 OCf Missionary Meeting 2 10 Missionary Boxes. Eliza Anno Alien I 20 Eunice E Gallup 2 70 2 ro 2 70 Hester Gallup 2 60 Fredk. Montpomery .,.. 82 2 11 82 Eunice S. Gallup 2 4! 1 Total 1 00 I'i 40 2 0:! n 52 I 131 Names. General Fund. Missioix \V. &0. Fund. Fund. Pension Fund. Total. Vollccled 1)1/ Miss Montdlh and ilit-is Weed, 1? \Ti-*^'» f(»i hli % cts. $ ct^. 1 00 25 25 25 10 50 25 25 25 25 25 $ Ct!-'. $ cts S; cts. L o& 25 25 Henry Fleming 25 10 .Tncipnlt Gr illun «... 50 TWrc! M WncH 25 1 25 "WillinfYj VVil'ifin 25 25 T>avid Diivis . . .... 25 4 fTrif'Tid 50 50 Total 4 10 4 10 Voided by Mrs. I). Parke and Mm Gailvj). Dfivid Parke 50 50 25 50 25 50 25 25 50 25 50 25 25 5& Charles Hitll 50 Miris G(i,lliin 25 John Qui liin 50 Lorintr Gullup ■John Montpoii^erv^ 25 50 Oha'l .s Smith 25 Jamis L. Allen 25 Robi rt Allon 50 .Tared A rmstrong 25 Kobt;rt Burt 50 Gideon Lcavitt 25 Dudley Leavitt 25 Mr, Nixoa 25 1 25 1 Total 1 3 00 I 5 00 1 , 1 Colk'tcd 01/ Miss I'nua and Miss liooncy. Bobort Fra/,i r 1 1 OC ) 1 00 Jol.i: Newell . . , 2C . . 1 .. . 25 Sfimucl R loiiey •It 2; 1 ) 1 25 Larico et Julmstou ) 25 Jehu Woir 5( ) 50 Mrs .D, Sliinner 2 2 3 ..,.,,,, 25 Geo. NewoU 5 25 132 Names. General Furid. Mission Fuud. W. & 0. Fund. Pension Fund. $ CtP. Total. 1 "■ } Thnmas Tafe $ cts. $ cts. 1 00 25 25 $ cts. $ ct^. 1 00 \ Ti'ivifl MhIsjiiii 25 25 [ Ri)V)ert Newell .. .... i Total . , • • < • • 1 4 25 •1 25 Col'd f)i/ Misti L. I'leminj. Wm McKee • 25 50 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 „. JumtiS M( Kee 50 John McKee 25 ' Hamuel McKe'' 25 1 Thomas Johnstou •25 Gideou Johii.-'ton 25 Maith"w Fli ttiirig 50 JameH Fleck , , 25 Wuj. Flock Total 2 75 2 75 CHllST OHI'IiCH, — BROMl'TOB (. fferto y 5 34 5 12 5 31 Wjkdsor. Oflfertory 4 00 9 12 Total for whole pariwh. 23 86 169 26 68 26 251 88 XoTK — Rtv. J. Thonip«oi)cn p. 128, should 1 RECAPI' e $3 00 for " rULATIO^ ^V. & O. I''., instead of $2 00 for M.r. Acton 3 50 9 75 5 00 2d 52 2 25 15 50 Bishop'd College 5 00 Burv 5 00 27 25 32 00 3 00 3 15 3 ',Q 6 00 16 75 33 52 Coaticook , !*".... •'7 35 Compton .... 32 00 Danville 20 ^-7 35 5 J 20 31 53 26 6 53 5 00 11 96 20 30 1 00 2 75 193 93 6 00 169 'in 12 2-* 36 15 ^ Duilswell 38 69 Drummondvillc Durham G 00 1 96 25 97 70 26 1 Eaton 23 28 Georgeviile 1 00 1 28 4 76 10 00 G 00 Hatley 2 00 • • • • • • 1 15 24 Kingaey 25 06 Lennoxville ' C4 25 to 52 75 2a Rural Deanery CLapter. . ' Sherhrooke 2 75 20 20 290 Co Stanntead . . . 9 00 58 76 16 00 15 00 Rithmoud & Mtlbonme'. ' Total .i3 fiC 251 88 2,V> 98 594 '.)A 12:-. 53 17 f>6 989 4ft mi MEG ANTIC DISTPJCT ASSOC! ATiOX. Namks . General Fund. Mission Fuiid. 1 W. & 0.! Pension Fund, Fund. ToiVVL. Lkkim. Korap llcv. J Collected /»/ Mi.ss hahcUa Jlall. Hall, Alex. 1 00 2 00 1 00 55 1 00 1 00 1 00 3 85 2 05 2 55 2 00 2 95 1 GO 2 85 1 GO 1 $ ct;,. 1 CO i S ct-. 5 00 S ct--i. S cts 7 09 2 00 Syines, Wni. jiiki Jciinos. . 1 I 00 Renebart, J. ivid A 1 ' 55 Wilson, Wm 1 00 Collccicd hy Mmcs Oraig and Boomer. Church, Wm ] OA Jiggins, H. N .... ..... 1 I 00 Sums under Ouo Dollar.. 3 85 St. Jamb's church BrouKhtoa Miues and Bentties 1 65 3 10 1 25 .•.•:.:.: 6 80 3 80 2 00 Lambie's Mills. Collected by Mies Duffett, McAuley, Miss 2 95 MoVitey, Miss E 1 60 Watkins, Miss E I 85 St. Mark's Church 1 30 2 22 5 12 Total 27 00 ■'! 95 11 57 41 S2 Ibklamd. Trinity cburr h Christ church 5 25 1 50 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 C 75 1 SO Ball, Rev T. L 2 00 1 00 Cross, H. jr Lord, Miss 1 CO Thoni, Mrs 1 00 Wilson, .las 1 1 00 I 00 1 Total 12 75| 1 50^ 14 25 134 l^AMKS. OT, Stlvestbh. Allieon Mark, Dopository Fund $2 00, Lducatioii Fund $3 50 Bridget, Mr. and Mrs. J,. fienen, Mr. and Mrg. N. . Craig, Miss Cinnamon, Mr. and Mrs.. Evans, Mr. and Mn^.Th. FalooD, Mr. and Mis . . . . Fitzpatrick, Thos Gallagher, Ed Kins', Rev. Mr King, Dr Sing, Mr. and Mrs McDonald, J Macfaiil, J. jam Machill, J. senr Nntbrown, Mr. and Mrs.. Nelson, Ttios Ncal, Mr. and Mrs Neal, Robt Neal, Samuel Neal, Martha. Neal,' Annie BosPj'Mr. and Mrs .. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs Wilson, Mr Walker, Thos Waters, Mrs .. Missionary Box Offertory St. Giles. Brenen, N. (Education |4) Cox, Jos CoXjWm. Cox, Thos ... Cox, Jano... Fraser, Mrs Fraser, Jas. and Kcbt. . . Haslett, Geo Lefebvre, Mr. and Mis... Lefebvre, The Misses . . . Lowden, John General Fund. i? ct?. 00 00 00 J 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 Mission. Fund. $ cts, 3 08 1 5 00 4 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 75 75 75 75 2 on 2 00 1 00 4 00 1 00 3 00 4 25 00 00 00 1 00 1 00 50 I 00 1 ooi 2 00| I 00 1 00 W. A Fund. $ cts. 2 50 3 09 1 06 5 00 Pension Fund. $ cts. Total. $ cts. 4 04 1 20 IG 2 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 75 75 75 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 38 8 26 1 00 I 00 1 00 00 50 00 1 1 00 2 1 00 00 1 00 135 Namuk. Procter, J. G Spoars, Mr, sind Mrs , , Spears, Jas Smith, Jas Smith, Ed Offertory St, Patrick's. Gallagher, Mid. & family Goreham, Mr. and Mrs. . Lowrey, Sergt Rosp, Dr, (Montie il,).. . . Robinson, Mrs. & family Sutherland, Mies Smith, Maria Offertory BT. ilAEGARET'?. fiaycraft, Mr. and Mrs . . Steveni^on, Mr. and Mrs General Fund. Rob Stevenson, Mr. and Mis. Jas Stevensor, Mr. and Mrs Thos . Offertory Sv. Catherines. Suiter, David Suiter, Wm . . Offertory St. FnANCirj. Chapman, Geo Cha. man, Margaret. Offertory St. GnoiuiE, Goslinc, Mr. and Mrs, an.l family Pozer , Mrs. (Sen) 1 00 2 50 75 1 00 1 GO 1 CO Mission Fund. W. &0, Fund. 1 00 2 00 1 00 5 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 40 1 50 1 50 2 50 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 50 1 00 I 00 40 4 00 1 35 1 35 50 50 1 00 1 00 70 1 87 1 00 1 00 Pension Fund. 1 00 1 GO 2 50 Total. 00 50 1 00 1 00 3 50 25 00 00 00 50 00 00 2 00 2 50 2 00 2 00 60 3 1 1 00 50 00 1 00 1 00 1 10 8 12 4 00 136 Nambs. j General Fantl, $ Ctfi. 4 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 no Mission Fund. W. & 0. Fund. Ponsion Fund. Totiil. Pozpr The MisscB $ cts. $ cts. § cts. $ cts. 4 00 Pnzur. Win 2 00 PoKfir J no • 2 00 Pozer. Divvid 2 00 OfFertorv 1 88 1 '10 5 V8 CUUBBULAND MU-LS. Lawreyson, John , Oflortoi'V 2 12 1 12 2 i2 2 10 2 22 Kbnnebbc. Samnle. Mrs 2 00 1 00 2 00 Tliomson, Joa ..... .... I 00 St. Mary. Lilleott. Mra 2 00 2 50 1 00 2 00 Pozer. Mrs 2 50 Offertory. 1 00 2 00 Jersey, (Offertory,) S JoBooh 2 05 50 2 55 80 iKTBOtiHaS. Aaetin, P. W. G 2 00 2 00 A nonvmons GO I 00 60 Carroll. Jas I 00 Clarke. Hv 1 00 25 • ••««•• 1 00 Cochrane. Hv 25 Friend. A I 00 1 00 Glass. Mrs I 00 1 00 Hnnter. Cant Too 1 00 Hnnter, John 25 25 Jackson. Mrs 1 00 1 00 Johnson. Miss I 00 1 00 Kennedy's, 9. H 1 43 Too 1 43 £incr. Ohas 40 00 10 00 25 no 00 Lahey, N 25 Leadbetter, Joa 1 00 McCutcheon, Jas 50 50 Mclntyre, John jimr.... 1 00 1 00 MoNey, Ellon 50 50 MoNey, Eliza 25 2 5 McNey, James 50 r.o • .♦ • • « • 137 * ■* "^ r « • Names . General Fund. Misaion Fund. W. &0. Fund. Pension Fund. Total. McNcy, Janet $ cts. $ cts 9 cts. 25 $ cts $ cts. McNcy, Joseph 50 50 2fi Patterson, Mrs. Ed 25 Patterson, Wm. Jus 50 1 50 Patterson, Jlrs. Robt 50 CO 1 00 50 50 Ready, Jas 1 00 Rickahy, Mrn. J 50 50 Rifkaby, J. W Rickaby, W. li. A 25 Sims, [Robt 5(1 50 25 25 1 00 25 1 00 14 00 50 8 78 Smyth, Saml 25 Smyth, Wm junr 25 Smyth, Wm. J ^. 1 00 • • • • • • ■ Thompson, Mrs "25 Walsh, Thoa 1 00 2 00 50 2 70 Washer. C 13 1 00 1 00 10 00 Watts, Thos '. Offertory 1 OS 1 2& 3 12 Total 6 m 49 63 27 87 12 13 9G 31 Whst Frampton. Barthlomew, W. J 1 50 1 00 1 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 I 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 G 30 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 60 Barthlomew, A. W Bradley, Hugh • • «•••••( Bradley, Wm Uickeon, Hugh Hurler II Junr Jenkins, Rev J. H 5 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Jenkins, Mis. J H Jenkins, Mrs. W Sermons Cbanbournb. Baylfy, Isaac 4 30 2 00 Matson, Samuel McClintick, James Wilson, William Sermons 1 GO 1 Total 4 30 8 10 7 00 G 00 2 J 40 East Fkampton. Bagnall, Mrs. S 1 00 1 00 2 00 Boyle, Revd. F 2 00 H \ 138 Names. Boyle, Mrs Dawson, Thon Dillon, Jtihn Dillon, Mrs. J Henderson, Wm Hendoison, Mrs. Wm,. Hender.son, Miby Henderson, E Henderson, Mrs. E . . . . Hill, Miss A Kingston, Mrs, T Wilson Mrs. J Wilson, Henry Hemison, Ollcrtory.. . . General Fund. ^ ct.s. 1 00 Mission Fund. W. k 0. Fiuid, Pension Funti. $ ct^ 1 00 1 00 Standon, Offertory . Total , Do. New Livbki'Ool. Atkinson, Henry Hipginson, Wm Pattoc, J.16. J Richardson, Rev. T Ross, Mr. G Proceeds of meeting iield by Chapter of thoi Deanery Offertory Total .... Levis Offertory MONTMOr.EKCY. Offertory Viul, R<)v. W. S. Total . . Valoartieu. Bill four, R.jv. A. Offertory Total , 1 00 1 75 1 75 1 00 1 00 1 00 $ ctfi I $ ctK. 1 45 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 80 1 50 00 10 no 12 25 9 75 2i 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 5 70 1 00 9 70 33 50 6 75 40 25 75 75 1 00 1 00 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 4 00 5 00 5 00 Total. $ cts. 1 45 1 00 1 00 25 00 00 00 1 1 1 1 00 00 00 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 1 80 20 50 2 00 2 00 2 00 5 70 2 00 12 2S 9 75 35 70 1 CO 33 50 6 75 40 25 5 00 2 50 1 SO 139 Nkmes. General Fund. Mission Fund. W. & 0. Fund. Putiibutio:i . . . . ' 500 1 01 1 1 575 4G 1 Total., 575 4(1 — - -. - - . . . J C; ASPIC DLSTIUC'T ASSOOJ ATION. GaspA Babin. Short, IJev. K 5 00 1 50 I 00 1 Offertory, St. [ftui's 5 00 yt. Jam(;'8, . . . 1 I 50 ....... I CO Total 7 50 7 50 Capb Covk. Lyster, Rev. W. G 5 00 CoIIectious 30 52 5 00 30 53 ■ • • • - f • Total .^0 52 5 00 35 52 PiBOR. Collections 1 i G 71 5 00 1 11 o cin\ ■ •••■* ■ • , 1 Sahdy Bkacu. Ker, Rev. W 1 i 1 1 U il Collected hy Miss Emma Thompson. MIhs Emma Thompson, Miss Miller •1, 3 8rii 5 00 2 22 ivcv. M. Ker ^ °^J\ o ou; 1 50 ' 1 r;ri' 7 72 ^ ''^ : i 50 J 00 141 Namks. OLarlcs Voit,... N. Bailey Offertory ToU\] Maliuii;. [.f Jl 03 r..;»'iv(»l afUfC nc- couulH ( loscd, list will appear in n»;xt, report] CijieouAc. Offoitory PoiiT Danibl. Offertory New Caulislk a Pasi-ebiac Collortion New Carlisle, Do. I'iispebiac. . , General Fund. S etn. 2 50 50 4 GO Tot'il, K! ;)7 I 00 1 00 Mission Fund. W. & 0. Fund. $ cts. $ Ch!. 2 50 50 4 50 pension Fund. 18 07 I 2 71 5 li 2 72 5 13 7 83 7 85 $ eta I • • • I • T0T\L. 5 00 1 00 9 00 32 94 1 00 1 00 6 43 10 25 16 68 RECAIVITULATION. Ga6p6 Basin 7 .^0 5 00 6 71 10 97 7 CO 35 52 G 71 32 •}4 Capi Cove 30 52 Perto Sandy Loach Malh.iio 13 97 Chif,'oiiae 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Port l.'onlel N<-w Carlialo and Paxpe- l)i.:u' 7 83 7 85 15 68 Tofal 15 97 38 35 40 03 100 35 112 ■, I ("ontrihudons for (%urch Purposes throi«jhout the J)iocc6'' of Quihtw, (/urinij 1872. The followiiii;- I'ofurns Imvo booiuniKlo to tlu- lJisli()p,:ind uro piiMisIic'd in (lie .Socioty's I'opoi't hy liis iidi-clNhip'H voquoHt. No rotunis liavo bocn received from i)lue(!s imirUod^^ ; nor from those marlcedf. In tiio former eascb the amount is that Soeicty: in tho latter tlic amount cond'ilxitci^ to the Society and to llie DioccHfin Board. Qiielec, Cathcdinl $i:v.lO i' 81 t Portncuf 103 f Stonelmiii 75 f Luk(! Ueauiioii 54 VaK'iirticr 20(; \ Invornesh 213 Lci'ds -IDG Iicland , 18G St. Sylvcslci- Kiii.M-y Danville Tin^wick MolhoiiriH' it l!itlini(»iil DriDiiiiiondviHt' Acton Vali; Durham Sherbroolic LfjnnoxvilW; 57 OH 35 00 70 00 U) 25 1)5 80 50 00 25 50 67 L'Sl U 581 77 202 .I'J 1.^5 Sri 2340 22 437 47 571 55 15:^4 73 2402 70 8a4 4i Com i.tup 850 OCt C«»atli;ooU 7o3 77 Eaton 208 23 lUivy 755 50 Dii.lswoll 388 52 MHKOg 417 '^r> CKor«ovill(; 217 U Jiatley 627 21 Stsiribtcnd U;7 00 Tiir.!o Uivcre 1-82 00 • Nicolct I 00 Kivit-ro (ill Loup, etibaut 87 00 Inriiaii Vilbigo, St. rraii(r:.s 188 35 ' liivicTodu Loup.cu btiB 11 25 ■ Cm ouna 575 4C Capo Cov« ami Perec. CIO 23 Sf.ndy IJt'ftch 427 C5 (lasji: IJa.sin 857 4G Malb:'ii) G08 80 New CarliHlo 020 85 I Hopo Towu, Chi- K'>"f.c &c :8P CO i M isdalenii Lslandri... 20 00 Labrador (tor Bookn). 73 071 Tot:iI $41,H4l O.^i p • 143 ConlrihutioM touanis Foreign Missions during 1872. Qncbfo, Cnth.'flrnl $176 41 St, M'lttlicwis 4;{ 49 St. 1'i-1i-i'h 10 25 St. IMilllllrl'rl 22 00 St. P.iul'ri ID 85 Wint Fmnipton .• y 50 !^lclbo»iiiu & l\i( IjhioikI IJ 00 St. HylvoHtcr 7 ;i3 LuoriH n 90 Giorgovillo G 00 Durham .i> 06 Malliaio CO CooUnIiIio Kdtm 3 70 GiiHpi:', M. I'aiiriii 3 00 Totul §J61 15 MKMIilsJiS 01'^ Tin: C^OPtPOJiATiOX. llovorends JL C. .StuaiM. T. JJicluirdhOti, 11. MiLcLoU. Messrs. .las. Hamilton, A. II. Iloacli, AV. A. Kohvoll, F. C. Wurtclo, U. Advinson, AVni. llii^gcn.soii. FOKMS 01^^ liJCQUESTS AND DMVJSICS PY WIIiL. I J. A Bequest of a .sum >f money, or r.f aharcs of Stock, or Public JJcbcntvrt s, for the (jencral j^wposes of the Sm'iety. I givo iind bcqitcalh lo 'Hho Churcli .Society of the DiocoaO of (^iiobec," incorporated by a iStatuto of the Province of Canada, I )as.-K;d i?i tlio i'ourtconlh and tif'tcenth .years of the lleigu of llor Majesty (^ueen VicroiuA, ch:i})(er 171, tlie sura of (or Shares of Stock in the JJank of .standini,' in iny name in the Books of the said Jiank, or of Dehcnlui-es, de.-eribo them briefly.) upon trust to be by the naid Church Society applied to and for the uses and purposes of the said Society, as specified in the said Act of Incorporation and none other. 144 II. A Bequest of a sum of money, or of Shares of Stock or Deben- tures for one or inore of the specified purposes of the Society. (Same as foregoing, only inHtcad of the words in Italics <^ay) towards the augmentation of the Fund formed for tliopur{)Ose of providing for the future suj-^port of the Clergy of the Diocese, called the Sustentation Fund. Orf Towards the sujjpurt of missionaries and clergymen of the United Chureh of JOngland and Ireland in the Diocese of Quebec. Or, Towards the augmentation of the Fund formed to make provision for those of the clergy of the United Church of England and Ireland, in the Diocese of Quebec, who may be incapacitated by age or infirmity, called the Pension Fund. Or, Towards the augmentation of the Fund formed to make provision for the widows and orphans of the clergy of the United Church of England and Ireland, in the Diocese of Quebec, called the Widows' and Orphans' Fund. Towards the augmentation of the Fund for endowing the cliurch in the mission of (or at ) held by the said Church Society, subject to the conditions of a Deed of Trust passed between the said Church Society and the incumbent and church-wardens of the church in the said mission, (or at ) Or, As the commencement of an endowment for the church of St. in the mission of (or at ) and to provide for the future maintenance of divine worship in conformity with the ]irinciples of the United C' urch of England and ircland. Or, F r and towards a l''und for assisting persons preparing for th^ Ministry of the (Jospel in the United Churcli of England a .d Ircland within the said Diocese of Quebec. -s ^ I <* « (» nif %> I 145 Or, Por and towards a Fiuid for circulating in tlic said Diocese of Quebec, the Iloh- tSeriptures, tlic Eook of Common Pi-ayer of llie United Church of Eng'hmd and Ireland, and tlie ]5ool Sii/tddij nearest to J/icJiachnas. For the Widows' and Orphans' Find, on such othei- Sun- dcu/s as ma}' bo found most convenient. For the Pension Fund, on one of the Sundays in Advent- Tlie attention of ajjplicants for grants is ])articuhir]y directed to the loUowing rules. 1. That no grant be made for any chureh. ]iarsonage glehe, or other property, wliieh shall not have l»een duly vested in the authorities of the Chureh. 2. That grants be payable when the amount shall lie sufficient to free the property from debt ; oi- that the debt be a mortgage for an amount not exceeding twenty-five ])er cent of the value of the property or building, when finished. 8. That the Treasurer, when transmitting the amount of any grant of money, made by this Society, to any parish or mission in the diocese, shall require a reeeipt, signed Jointly ])y the Incumbent of such parish or mission, and one or both of the church-wardens. *) C^ V i^ 147 -Jr. That ill all cases where grants of mono}* (otlier than personal) are made by the Church Society, it" shall bo the dut}'^ of the person to whom such grant shall bo paid to furnish, within three moiitlis afterwards, regular vouchers of the cxpcndituro of such sums, lo be submitted to the Board. 5. That when the conditions on which any sum is voted arc not complied Avith, and the money applied for Avithin one year from, the time it is voted, such grant shall bo struck otF the list. G. That no grant slial! be made towards the erection of any church or parsonage, unless the plans and site have boon Approved of by the Bishop. ". That no grant sliall be made to any parish, mission, or ation, in wiiich at least one sermon shall not have boon preached, and from which the subscription sliall ]iot have been seat in, during ihe year. ^ 8. That all applications for aid reach the haiids of the Secretary at least a fi)rtnight before the next mooting of the Central Board. 0. That no application for aiil in repairing either churches or parsonages be entertained for the future"; as the Central Board conceive it to bo the duty of congregations to keep all their church property in good repair. 10. Clergymen desirous of partici]iating in the benefits of the Widows' and Orphans' Fund are rerpiired to pay, their annual contributions bofoi-e the tirst of May in each year. CONTENTS. •• > Page. Abstract of Proceedings of Central Board 14 Accounts. ' Clergy Trust Fund ' 80 13ishopric Endowment Fund 86 General Fund ,. 8^ Nicolet Endowment Fund 88 WidoAvs' and Orphans' Fund 90 Depository Fund 90 Mission Fund 92 Sustentation Fund 92 Education Fund 94 Bisliop Mountain Labrador Mission Fund .' 91 Pension Fund , 96 Balance Sheet of Ledger on 31st December, 1872 98 Diocesan Board Revenue Account 100 Do. do. Supplementary Account 104 Clergy of the Diocese 3 Clergy Trust Committee 7 Committees 6 Conditions of applications for Grants 146 Contributions for Church purposes 142 Contributions for Foreign Missions 143 Diocesan Poard 7 Diocesan Contributors and Testators lOG Forms of Bequests 143 Lands belonging to the Society 1 46 Life Members 105 greetings of Central Board, Diocesan Board, &c 8 Missionary Picports 24 New Members 143 Officers, Central Board, &c 5 Prayers 4 Report for 1872 9 Report of the Diocesan Board 19 Report of tlic St. Francis District Association 16 Report of Clergy Trust Committee, 7.") Statements of Amounts raised in the Diocese 107