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 mm" ^ 
 OF THE > 
 07 THE 
 Diocese of f^upei't'? Land, 
 APRIL 7, 1886. 
 1 886. 
 Meeting of the Executive Com- 
 mittee of the Synotl of 
 the Diocese. 
 Interesting Reports Respecting 
 the Missionary 
 A meeting of the executive co.Tiniittco of 
 the Bvnod o? the diocese of Rupevta Land 
 was held in the treasurcr'a otllco on Wednes- 
 day, April 7, 188(3, at :\M0 p.m. ^ 
 The members present were : iho Mob'w 
 Rev. the Metropolitan of Rupert's Laud (in 
 the chair), the Very Rev. Dean Grisdale, 
 Ven. Archdeacon Cowley, \en. Archdeacon 
 Pinkham (secretary). Revs. Canon O'Meara, 
 Canon Matheson, 0. Fortin, E. S. W. Fen- 
 treath, and H. H. Barber, W. Winram, Laq , 
 M.P.r., A. H. Witcher, Esq., and H. Is. 
 Grotty, Esq. 
 Tbe meeting was opened with prayer. 
 The minutes of the last meeting were read 
 and confirmed. . 
 The secretary presented ihe lollowmg 
 account of the different missionary meetings 
 I eoently held in the diocese : 
 " During the past few months a number of 
 missionary meetings have been held in aif- 
 erent parts of the diocese. The chief ob- 
 ject in view in holding them was to explain 
 as fully as possible the financial position 
 of the diecese and to encourage church peo- 
 ple to increase their contributions in orcier 
 that the work now in operation might be 
 continued and that means might be found 
 for extending that work to all parts of the 
 diocese. , 
 A meeting was held in St. Paul's Pirish 
 on the second of February. It was well at- 
 tended. Canon Matherson presided and the 
 speakers were, Rev. A. E, Cowley, Mr. J. 
 W. H. Wilson and Archdeacon Pinkham, 
 The first meetine; was held on 1st of Jan. 
 at Heaclingly, where a new church has bee 
 built free of debt, dr.ring the past summer. 
 The deputation nonsistod of Arch- 
 deacon I'inkhaui and Rev. H. II. Barber. 
 The Rev. A. E, Cowley occupied the chair, 
 and the attendance was fairly good. 
 The next meeting took place 14ih Janu- 
 ary, at St. luMies, whoso pariah church is 
 within the city limits. The meeting which 
 was a good one, was presided over by the 
 rector, Rev. A. E. Cowley, and the deputa- 
 tion consisted of the Rural Dean (Rev. O. 
 Fortin,) and Mr. H. M. Howell, Q. C. 
 On January 19th and '20th meetings wore 
 held at Springfield an.l Sunnyside re- 
 spectively. The first of the two meetingi 
 was addressed by the Very Rev. the Dean 
 of Ruperts Land and Rev. H. II. Barber, 
 the second by these two seutlemen and 
 Messrs. C. J. Brydges ana H. M. Howell. 
 The leather was very cold and members of 
 the deputation aulfered from it, but the at- 
 tendance at the meetings and the interest 
 shown fully made up for any personal in- 
 On lOlh February, Canon O Meara and 
 Mr. T. Gilroy addressed a good meeting at 
 Cook's Creek. The chairman at all three 
 meetiups was the missionary in charge Rev. 
 G. H. Hooper, whose earnpsl and constant 
 labors since his appointmeixt more than two 
 years ago are highly esteemed. It may be 
 nieationed that as an inducement to hold 
 these meetings Mr. Hooper on behtlf of his 
 people guaranteed ^.30 and all expenses cf 
 the deputations, and it will bo seen that the 
 three collections aggregated more than the 
 8um promised. Considering the number of 
 church people in the mission there is proba- 
 bly liO mission in the diocese contributing as 
 larj-e a sum annually for churchwork as 
 this mission. The last harvest thanksgiving 
 collection amounted to $47.00. ^ 
 On .3rd of March a meeting was held in 
 St. George's church, Winnipeg, the incum- 
 bent. Canon O'Meara, occupied the chair 
 and the meeting was addressed by Arch- 
 dpa')on Pinkham, Canon Matheson and 
 ]SIessrs. Howell and Wilson. There was a 
 fair attendance and a good deal of interest 
 was awakenad. , ,, . 
 On March 31st a n ting was held in 
 Trinity Hall in connection with the parish 
 of Holy Trinity. The Dean of Rupertslaud 
 occupied the chair, and the speakers were 
 Mr. Gilroy, Archdeacon Pinkham, Mr. 
 Wrigloy, Mr. Mulook and Cftnon O'Meara. 
 Thure wuh u good attundatioo. 
 On 10th .lauuarv Archduacun I'iukhum, 
 and Rev. K. S. W. I'ontroatli loft home to 
 hold u series of meetiuKS in this iJeanory. 
 At Miuuedoaa thoy were joined by Rev. 
 Mark Jukca who has since been appointed 
 rural dean. The hrst meeting was held at 
 Beulah, one of the nilHaion ctntrcss of llev. 
 J. J. Morton, niisaionary at Hirtle who ao- 
 oompani'jd the deputation. Although the 
 weathev was intensely nold there was a good 
 attendance and great interest was ttliown in 
 the caude. VVhiie at IJculah the deputation 
 ap well as Mr. Morton wore entertained by 
 Mr. George Rowsweil, who drove them the 
 next morning while Uiey called 
 on the church families in the 
 ■ettlement and iiefore they set 
 out on their return to birtlo presented tht 
 Archdeacon with Slf)."), §100 ior the Home 
 Misaiou fund and $5.5 for Uio St. Joiiu's 
 College endowment fund, 
 Tho evening of the 2l8t January was 
 spent at ]iirtle, wheie there was a uood 
 meeting, After it was over tho deputation 
 drove to Solsgirth, in order to take ti.e train 
 for MinnedoHa the next morning; and on ar- 
 riving at their destination between twelve 
 and one o'clock they learnt that all 
 the beds in the only hotel in the town, 
 which had been erected since Xmas, were 
 oooupied, but they were encuuragtd by the 
 proprietor to make themBclvea as comfort- 
 able as possible in tho sitting room. This 
 . they did, two of them wrapping themBelvee 
 in their fur coata and lying on the floor, one 
 with a log and tho other, with a chair turned 
 up in true weastern style, for his pillow, 
 while the third kept the fire coing ana being 
 unable to sleep spent the weary hours us 
 best he could. Before daylight the *raiu 
 started and arrived at ^Minnedosa between 
 8 and 9 o'clock. After breakfast the Arch- 
 deacon and Mr. Pentreath, who had spent 
 Monday night on the train owing to the 
 breakdown of the engine, and were 
 now very tired, were glad to get 
 a little rest. The afti rnoon was spent 
 in calling, with Mr. Jukes on the members 
 of 'lis congregation in Minnedosa. In the 
 evening tho missionary meeting was held. 
 Mr. Jukes occupied the chair. The next; 
 afternoon the deputation drovf foNeepawa, 
 where services arc taken by Mr. Jukes. 
 The attendance at the meeting at Nee 
 pawa was small. After the mission 
 ary moot uf/ there was an Informal meeting 
 of tho church ptoplo, when the oroo- 
 tion of a chutcli iintl the ({uestion of 
 olitawdtig a resident clergyman were con 
 sidtTed. Horvicrt in at present comlujtcd in 
 tho town hall. Mr. Pentreath gav^^ 
 valuable information reapecting the pur- 
 chase of an organ which it was thi n and 
 there decided should be at once procured. 
 Assurances wen- ollV-ri^il th;it tho tiistric*. 
 would raise .^400 towards the support of u 
 lesident clergyman. It was stated that 
 there were 83 church faadlits in tho coun- 
 ty, and tho archdeacon pronuscd to do 
 his boat to obtain a grant and 
 have a clergyman placed at Neepawa as 
 soon as possible. 
 On Murch 9th a misHionary service was 
 held in St. Mutliew's Chunth, Brandon. 
 The prayers were said by tho Rev. K. 1'. 
 FloHellmg, tho rector The lessons were 
 read by Rev. F. F. Davis, curate at VirdcD, 
 and addresBes were made by Rev. C. T. 
 Weatherly, of Ah xander. Rov. \V. A. liur- 
 man, Rural Dean, and Archdeacon Pink- 
 ham. There w.'iB a fair attendance. 
 It was inrcndtd to liold a meeting at 
 Virden, and tlie Archdeacon visited the 
 town 1< r this purpuho on the 8th March, bui 
 owing to delay in receiving tho notice s of 
 meeting, it wbs not hold. 
 Meetings were held at Poplar Point and 
 High Blutl on February 9th and 10th res- 
 pectively. At each meeting the incumbent 
 (Rfiv. A. W. Goulding) occupied the chair, 
 and the mcerings were uddresstd by Arch- 
 deacon Pinkham and Ruv. W. J. Garton, of 
 the Diocese of McKenzio River, who is tem- 
 porarily in charge of Gladstone. Tho meet- 
 ing at Poplar Point was one of the best 
 attended and most enthusiastic meetings 
 that have takon place. 
 On February 11 th there was a meeting at 
 St. Mary's, Portage la Prairie. On this 
 occasion Archdeacon Pinkham, as curate in 
 charge, occupied ihe chair, and ohc deputa- 
 tion consisted of Rev. H. H. Barber, Rev. 
 W. J. Garton and Mr. C. J. Brydges. 
 A mission service was held at Westbourne 
 en '24th March. The prayers were said by 
 Rev. Thomas Cook, incumbent of tho 
 parish; the lessons were read by Archdea- 
 con Pinkhum, and addresses made by the 
 Archdeacon and Revs. T, Cook and A. W. 
 Gouldiug. Rev. W. J. Garton was un- 
 avoidably nbgcnt. The little church wM 
 full of poraotiii who llBtoued with rapt at- 
 tention to all th-it waa laid. 
 On inih March tho Archdt-acon and Mr. 
 C.J. Brvd^Hs \M-iit uut to Si)uthi:ra Mani- 
 toba. That tvcuinK they adtlrcsaod a meet- 
 ing at Mordcn, nresidc'd over hy Rev T. 
 in. Wilion, kho ln>>utnhcnt and Ritral 
 Dean. The rooplo of Mordcn, tho larRO 
 majority of whom wtirfj r.«il('aig at Ntlaona 
 Uttlu more than a year u^'d, have not not 
 only removed their houii.:M from Nelson to 
 Mordcn, but they have moved their church 
 also, a»i'l no one who sees it reorected at 
 the latter place would imaj?ine it had been 
 in <:xi8tence eUewiieio. Tho deputation 
 mi'.do a Htrong appeal for self upport, and 
 ai of wOe opmion that thip misBion '» I'^cly 
 •■ rur..l niiBfif.n to atiain that 
 ion: not that its people ore 
 i- pic 
 •1 a.'' .aion, but ■ 
 -• \' ' ;.■■ . h'.ir. ''.r 
 r.uRiu-' .",.• ', intu.e 
 ir ca others, but that 
 ,^'lent .'iu>t among thcni. 
 'ng wf.iiH t?ivc Mr. VVil«on 
 \ an.', his labors, not only in 
 ' Sou+rnc.ii Ma itoha 
 so.. V.' he was 
 him to this distinc- 
 tion, ur the Ivif'J Me»-'.i thoro was a mis- 
 8ionr»ry meeting at Aiai»»tou, and one at 
 Pembina Cro8Hin<^ the ne:.^ evening. On 
 each occasion the Rev. H. E. Jephaon, the 
 missionary in charge, occupied the chair. 
 The rural dean also spoke. 
 ing at Clearwater.wbere Rev. C. N. Jefl'ery 
 resides, on ^1lvch 18th, and afterwards 
 drove back to .uanitou— 35 milea— in order 
 to catch the train tor Winnipeg the next 
 morning, the team having been most kindly 
 furnished by Mr. R. Rogers. 
 A meeting was held at St. Andrew's on 
 30th March. The speakers at this meeting 
 were Archdeacon Pinkham, Canon O'Meara, 
 Revs. 0. Fortin and K. S. W. Peutreuth and 
 Mr. James Taylor. There was a very good 
 attendance. The Rev. A. L. t'ortin, imsurr.- 
 bent of the parish and rural dean of Lisgar, 
 A meeting took place 
 April 1st. Neorly all the 
 had promised to attend as 
 from various causes unable „ - , 
 and at some inconvenience Canon Coombes 
 kindly aaranged at the last moment to ac- 
 company ArchdeacoE Pinkham; Archdeacon 
 at Selkirk on 
 gentlemen v.ho 
 speakers were 
 to bo present, 
 Cowley, who Oftme ai a hearer, wa» alio pre 
 vailid upon to Hpeak. The chair waa ably 
 ttllod by the incumbent. Rev. N. C. Martin. 
 This 'ompletea for the prewent our mia- 
 alonary meetings. The accompanying atate- 
 n>ent shows the amount (d)tained at each 
 meeting. Those aumo, although imporUnt 
 in the prcecnt Hnanjial position of the dio 
 ceso, arc of tritiing value in compariaon with 
 the information that haa been given, and 
 the interest in our work and wants that has 
 been created. At the cloao of a meeting, 
 epoakora have been told by aome who had 
 been listening to them, that they never 
 before liad heard ho much about the history 
 end condition of the work in thla dioceae; 
 that they would bo glad if such meetinga 
 could bo hehl once u month, and ao on. 
 The hands of the clergy, whose parishes and 
 mlBsiona wore visited, have been strength- 
 ened and their hearts cheered, and a strong 
 imnotuH has been given to the all-important 
 duty of Helf support, since it haa been clearly 
 shown that the sums already withdrawn by 
 English sQCJoties indicate further withdraw- 
 als at no distant date, and that if the Church 
 of England is to hold her own in Manitoba 
 and the Northwest, she mu«t rise as rapidly 
 as poKsible to the duty of supplying her own 
 wunta withgut depending upon external 
 It ia hoped that the existing arrange- 
 ment ot deaneries and their better organiz- 
 ation will facilitate the holding of such 
 mcetinjjs annually, and, as far as possible, 
 throughout the Diocese." 
 StRtement ot collections at missionary 
 meetings: — 
 St. Pauls « 7 10 
 Hcartlngiy « W 
 St, James •• g w 
 Hpvinglleld 8 00 
 Sunuvslde \oht\ 
 Cook's Creek iiy^ 
 St. George's, Winnipeg 25 76 
 IIolyTrinity, " 37 M 
 Uailah - 18^ 
 turtle 12 38 
 Minnedosa ig g" 
 Neopuwa g jg 
 Brandon Ig «• 
 Poplar I'oint » Jo 
 IliKh tUuff 8 V2 
 PortdKP la Pruirio \A 
 Westbourne ,2 Sj 
 Mordcn 1" §0 
 Manitou • f" 
 Pembina Crossing » *" 
 Clearwater ■«2 XX 
 St. Andrews' ° "i" 
 SelUirk " ^ 
 Total ?29C13 
 On motion oi Mr. WJnram, Mconrtod Ity 
 Mr. Whltchor, it wan roiolv. 'I, that a cor- 
 dial vote of thiutkH bo given to tliOHu gentlv' 
 iiiuti who hfive bvon spcakorc at thcKc mil- 
 ■iouftry nuu tingH. 
 All uiiplicitK u from H«v. H. E, Jephson 
 for a gruufc troni tho S. I'. C. Iv. blocU t;runt 
 towards thu cobI of a ihurcli at Mu«»»'lhor- 
 ough, wan considered, and en motion of Mr. 
 Wlnram, seconded by I'lsv. K. S. \V. Ten- 
 trcatii, it wa» resolved that u grnnt of i'.'W 
 bo made for thij j)iu|iodo. Tho 
 church will etot ahout I'iO and will cost 
 about i^HOO. It is to l)u erected at once, and 
 will, it is said, be free of debt. 
 A letter was read from liusr. \\ Owen 
 .Fones, rector of St. Cieorgo's church, Oltasva, 
 enclosing 5?1'2— the lirst inontlily payment of 
 tho sum the l)orcaH society (i the congrogu- 
 tioD has decided to tend w a, «iant ior the 
 missionary at Kounthwaite and Millford; 
 and on motion of ArclKkucon Pinltham, 
 seconded by Dean Gricdule, it ua« unani- 
 mously resolved : 
 That tho Executive Committee of tlie 
 Synod of the Dioceao of KupcrkL I^and, 
 hereby oilers its most grateful thanks to the 
 rector and congregation of St. (ieorgc's 
 Church, Ottawvi, tor theirgreat kindness 'n 
 supplying the grant tovvunlH the .lupport cf 
 the miHsiouary at Kounthwaite and Millford- 
 one of the ten vacant mihsions for whose 
 needs the conimitteo recently issued an ap- 
 peal — and would exprefs its earncat hope 
 that in this time of great need for tho dio- 
 cese, other oongrogations iu Kastoru Canada 
 may be prevailed upon to do likewise. 
 Letters, or portions of letters, from Revs. 
 Dr. Mockridge, \V. C. Ikadshaw, A. G. 
 Pinkham, M. Jukes, T. C. Coggs, VV. A. 
 Burman, W. J. Garton, and Mr. R. T. 
 Rokeby were then read. 
 Rev. W. Burman drew attention to tho 
 receipt by him of ft;r)7.00 from tho congrega 
 tion of St. James' Cliurch, Goderich, Ont., 
 through Mr. John Middlcton, for tho build- 
 ing fund of a new church for the Sioux 
 The following stalomenlH were then pre- 
 sented : — 
 Sums actually collected by Von Arch- 
 deacon i'inkham during his recent visit to 
 Eastern Canada. 
 A, H. CampcU ■ 25 CO 
 Perkins, luce & Co 10 OG 
 M-s. K. U. Uttlton 10 00 
 Fred. K. Perfeins 10 00 
 Henry Cuuthra.,, .,„...„... '^ 00 
 J. \V.U.VVhlin»f.. a-} 00 
 U U.(NliT '-'»"W 
 11. H. Hothuiio ., '"(OtW 
 U. ({ood.rhfim 'i-> <w 
 ». H Dixon WOO 
 .liU'phl'auilim f> "JJ 
 .Mrn. J. i'tiuMrA,,. ............. ..••>..•> lo 00 
 .Shcrlir JarvU J'" 0' 
 A fritm!...? low 
 Mr. HiouRh..... ;00 
 Mr. MrUonnld ^ W 
 Afrin..! 'f 0^ 
 Afriencl .- .30 
 Joliii futio -^ 
 I'.oweMiiaciiutcldiJsou.. ' oj* 
 Ahuiv ;.., i\*i 
 Mis balton ;f « 
 Mrs VVII'on ^ ^0 
 John iliiKUo •' "0 
 T. Tilt . -• '0 
 H.U Wood -100 
 J. A. Worrell ; 00 
 !\lri. IMordau •' {-O 
 J OIllcHpio •;'0}{ 
 Abidy ■•• ^^ 
 'I honwis HodK'na •/ "J" 
 O HolniHteaU 2 00 
 (-•. II. Tcul '.^00 
 .1 . Sloan and F. VV . Mas* n 'f W 
 Mr... .Miller •. ' W 
 Allan MacDuUKvll •' h.0 
 H &('.Hla<:hfor(l 5 00 
 Mrs. Eilnuind Haiilv In •' 00 
 Chief .Jufitlrc HaK^nrty •} 00 
 Mrs, W.A JtaUlwin 500 
 Col.;Gzow8kl (sent to the Jiiahop) .w CO 
 Total $10r0O 
 llev. V. Clement i 5 00 
 .1. A, Hnniniond 5 00 
 liobert .M.aTOW 10 00 
 ^. P. Pouscttc 5 00 
 Dr. Uuuchor 5 00 
 T. J. Halliday 5 00 
 D. Lllyott 500 
 Mr. Vernon 5 00 
 F.J. Tokcr a 00 
 Mr. Hherwood 1 00 
 Mr. Uuddy 50 
 Total $»8 50 
 ALady 10 00 
 H. J. Nccl 10 CO 
 t4. W. Wickstuad 5 00 
 W. H. WrJKht 5 00 
 T. If. Perloy ■''' 00 
 W. H. Howlcy 6 00 
 G. A. Motherwell 5 00 
 Mr.Wickstead 5 1.'0 
 lion. J. Carlln^; 5 00 
 ])r. H. P. WriKhr 5 00 
 Dr.Hill 1 00 
 Mrs.IiOwis •> 00 
 Messrs. F. & J. Gra<jt 2 00 
 Mrs. Macdouerall 5 00 
 Miss t'hesley 2 00 
 Mrn. Itowan Leyg 2 00 
 J.E.Parker 1 CO 
 Mr<. O'Mcim..... '•: <i<) 
 A l.iMly I ™> 
 ('. II. f'lnher I W) 
 A Krlma JW 
 Mitrtli 11. 1U>V, F, OWBD JotMl it 00 
 Mr«. FMllor lA CO 
 V.H. Fuller U»00 
 C. Hiu-tkU a '0 
 W. K. Httiiford a 00 
 K. VV. OiUiH lOi 
 Mr». OUellly 2 
 A riionit ....«.>•>.<•>..' •<'^ 
 K. llrown (ubcquot. >..»•.••••....>.>• ••• 1^ UO 
 Total ...IflOM 
 Toronto «.07 00 
 Futurburo •.....•..m........ 48 AO 
 t)tt.wu 131 00 
 Huiiillton . fl»-3 
 OnuKl Total 8616 74 
 Bums pvon iflcd In otliiwii : H«v. 1'. Owen 
 JontH, «l'.' por inonlli for ltr»ti:.thwiiito ami 
 Mill ford, t'Hilnmted for 11 iiionlhh SdlW : Colh-c- 
 lion iiu-ttlriK«f VVo'nin'H fUjxiliiatv, *J.;. 
 In Toioiito: H. }». H uke. i'lo; V. J. tluiopbcll 
 tiii- N. VV. Hoyli'H. ^iO. 
 In Ihunillun : Mrt:. llun.iltun, :?3. 
 Toliil m900 
 Hutnn acliially colleoted by Kuv. Canon 
 O'Mcara <lurinK hia viuit to Nova Sootiu. 
 If (ill /'a a; 
 T.A.Brown .'WOO 
 Archdeacon Gilpin 10 00 
 Ur. llounott 10 00 
 f.T. Strong ." 10 00 
 T. A. Kilcluo 30 00 
 Muleni HrOH 10 CO 
 1{. J. Wilbou SOU 
 H. Taylor 5 00 
 W.C.Silvor 'i 00 
 P.Lvnoh 5 00 
 Mr. Dunbar •'J CO 
 Mr. Payant •"> 00 
 A. fchortt 5 00 
 O. H. iShortt .') 00 
 II. L'niucho 5 00 
 MrH. Gilpin 6 00 
 Rev. Mr. and MissCriap 5 00 
 J. Treniaino o 00 
 Mr.Bhrovo 5 00 
 Mr. Bland 5 00 
 Mr. Franklin 5 00 
 JudgcUitchlo 5 fO 
 W. N.Silvor 3 00 
 Mr«. Morrowi 3 1 
 Ilov. Dr. I'atridKO 2 00 
 8. H. Shrovo 2 00 
 A.J.JoncB 2 00 
 .r. Mintfor 2 00 
 Mrs., iferr'lom 2 CO 
 Mr. Blackader 2 00 
 W. B. .Slayter 2 00 
 B.A.Smith 2 CO 
 Mr. l)avld-»on.. 
 W. Kiuii 
 J. hortinti.. 
 Mr Vl7/iir.t... 
 .Mr K... 
 li. II. \\ uiiiuiifl 
 I). H. \Vldi4toti 
 Dr. I'rior ... 
 C. W. Honni-Irt 
 • *••*••* ••»>• > * 
 MfH. Adnilril Uu^luld 
 T. H^ Caudal ......... 
 C'. Fnlnio .. 
 P. I'otin ......^ ......»»..-..»».»..... . 
 VV. II. Mntt 
 Mri F J. Nowburj 
 J K. Hrant ...>.••.. 
 J. InRi'H 
 ■Ii:il(<u HouBlcy 
 Mr<. T. L. Hi>nznrd ......... 
 I'. ('. Hnadd: n 
 Mra. A. HiO\vn 
 Mrs. W. F. Maxwell 
 Mr.^. h. H. Daviou 
 M HH Ir.tfofl ■ 
 Mrn. L. It. Dnvics.. ■• 
 Mi^. J. Lnii^'worth • ...• 
 11. M. llooj.»-r 
 a. \V. IVako 
 » r. FitzKcrald 
 .1. Ball 
 G. VV.lUBloU 
 I ). HloKK.ett 
 L)r. Uobins 
 I IX) 
 I mi 
 1 00 
 t M) 
 1 UO 
 W'f.^i 00 
 ....9 80 00 
 10 00 
 a 00 
 .5 00 
 3 00 
 .1. B.Gray '. 2 00 
 Mrs. r. L. Vocdic 
 Mrij. r. li. Mood o 
 Mrs. Htunli-y Br- wn 
 J. VV. 11. Howloy 
 Mr. Viols 
 K. M. Vlcts 
 J. W. Moodie 
 Mi.s3 y. F. MoodUi 
 A. Murray 
 II. S. Alnion 
 Miss Moody 
 T. HiUton 
 Mra. Sutton 
 Mlas J. K. Millor . 
 Mist) A. G. Multar 
 MIkb C J,awi-on... 
 AIlss E. Grey 
 2 00 
 2 00 
 2 00 
 2 00 
 2 no 
 1 00 
 1 Oil 
 1 00 
 1 (0 
 1 00 
 1 00 
 Tottti $ 11 00 
 Halifax $2.'?0 00 
 riiarlottetown m ro 
 Yarmouth 44 00 
 Grand totfil ^3(«i PO 
 The majority of these are cubRcriptious 
 for three years. 
 The following reports were then rend : — 
 (a) From Kev. G. PI. Hooper, Springfield, 
•' I ■end in a report of my -rnrk. I think 1 
 oan •Ut»i •oriio progrt-M. H.vflral ohangrt 
 have t»k«n pl»o«(luriDK I'.uniut year. Horn* 
 o< our famlU«'» hiw. none t*,« otht«r plao««, 
 Hwriomly w«akkonliig one •tation in uomlwrt 
 anil tiiiiinolal ■upport. U*t year I com 
 menou«l a Mrvico in three Btitiorw ov«ry 
 Snn«Uy. Tho roiult haii b««n very nMin- 
 factory; a more reuulur attontlttQoo hM boon 
 oht»lh«(l. I ti»<l it diflicult to oarry on 
 theao •orviet'*, but with the exception of 
 the tini.) when diphtheria wa« in my family 
 antl one Sunday that I wim «iok in bud, I 
 have not mi»ied a Sunday iiinco I commeco- 
 •d. I l)egin tho lit nervioe at \0:'M a. m., 
 the '2nd at 2 p. m., tin third at 4:30 p. in. 
 I cannot have a aorvioe any later. The 
 poopl" have lar^o sttookn to look after and 
 wish to 1)0 home on time to attend them. 
 The round journey for me ih '22 miloa. I 
 have had 10 baptisms, 4 funeralH, 2 wed- 
 dings and 3 continued. I believe I am do 
 Ing 08 much on Sunday as I can, but there 
 is so much more to hf done, that I ncom at 
 time* to 1)0 doing nothlnK at all. There 
 are k many places round whoro scattered 
 memb'irB of our church are living and whore 
 service ought to be hold thut 1 frefjueatly 
 get discouraged at tho small amount 
 of worn done. I have oflorod several times 
 to go to thoBo places ou week days and hold 
 service, but thi» doos not neem to bo what is 
 required. Few people like to go fir over 
 tho prairio at night. A Sunday seivico is 
 the only way to reach them, and I cannot 
 ftlve it just now. I hope shortly to get a 
 ay reader, and if I do, we can between us 
 take up two or throe other townahips and 
 give at least a fortaightly service, I going 
 once a month and tho lay reader once a 
 month. I do not see any other way at pre 
 ■ent of giving t! ese scattered ones the 
 means of grace. 
 •»1 think the people ol this mission have 
 ■hown that they appreciate the work car- 
 ried on amongst them. In tpite of the de- 
 pression of trade and failure of crops, the 
 church wardens have sent to tho mission 
 fund $82.00 since Thanksgiving Day. This 
 speaks more than words of mine. For my 
 own part, I must say I have received the 
 utmost kindness and good-will since my ap 
 pointment. One great want in this mission 
 18 a parsonage. It is a serious inroad on a 
 small salary to have to pay $12 a year rent 
 for a house. We cannot as yet see our way 
 clear to do anything towards building. We 
 would be very glad indeed if some steps 
 wnU Iw l*fc«B to inpnly this want. If 
 our cro|)8 an- good this yt-ar, I 
 think a BUrt cou!d possibly be 
 made, but it will bo some 
 time, even with |i{ood orof^B, before wo can 
 bi ild a house without assistance. 
 "Our jMsoplo, as you know, are not like 
 Mottlurs in Kastern 
 only commenced a 
 aUrtud, in many 
 nothlnK, and who 
 'Canada. Most o' them 
 llttlo whil" ago. They 
 cases, with litt!« or 
 crops failed they had 
 nothing to fall back upon. Htill I do not 
 think thcro are many mUsions In any place, 
 as weak in numbers as wo are, which can 
 show a bettor record 
 ••My work for tho year may ho stated 
 briefly thus: Throe strvioes SundayH; holy 
 ciommunion once a month; parcjhial visits 
 during tho wonk as frequent as possible. 
 This, I suppose, is something, but how much 
 remains undone 1 I'lympton, Milbrook, 
 Kichland, Caledcnia, Koscdulj, Clear 
 Springs, Woodri'lge and other townships are 
 sadly in need of a clergyman's so' vices on 
 Sunday. Where is ho to comt from ? With 
 a lay roadeii's help I think I oan take three 
 of thom, but I cannot alone. The people 
 are so scattered that I cannot reach n)Ore 
 than throe places on Sundays, and it is very 
 hard to do that when tho roa<ls uro bail. 
 I'eople in the tast do not ui.c'erstand the 
 difiorence in our roads and theirs. I have 
 fivquentlv had thrto services ia 
 Ontario, 'and driven thirty three miles, 
 and not had sur-h hurd work for my- 
 self or horse as 2*2 .nilei gives here. I feel 
 3^ great reluctance to send any report. When- 
 over I sit down to write of what I am Jo* 
 ing, whftt I am not doing and what ought 
 to loe done gets uppermost in my mind. A 
 report of that kind would be the easiest 
 written. Wo had a visit from the Bishop 
 last summer, the only break in the mono- 
 tony of country life HJnce I have been here. 
 We were all very much pleased to see his 
 Lordship and I should think the interest 
 shown by the people wculd bo gratifying to 
 him. Wo hope to see him again soon." 
 (b) From Rav. W. Langham Cheney, 
 •'The following is a report of my work 
 during the past month in tho district of 
 Millford and Rounthwaite ; 
 •'Millford is a pla<ie started in prospect of 
 a railroad which has not yet been con- 
 "Rounthwaite is a beautitul country dis- 
 trict about 17 miles south of Brandon, with 
ft Ttty da* ohorch buiU by KiiRllah Mttloni 
 L«tw««ii thre« and four yean ftifo, but thrre 
 y«»r« of bad uropa, wiU ■oma \ ail tu do 
 lurmera leavinK to t«k« up icoond liom" 
 ■tMda, a d«bt r«in*iua on the uhuroh tu lh« 
 Mnoant of |800. 
 "TheM dUtrlot* are about 14 inll«a apart 
 •od h»v« u turvlua ovoty Sunday. At tiitt 
 Itwai, Mlllford II «.ro., aiid Hounthwalto 
 3..'M)p.m. Thti people In tho laat named 
 nd« on ar. very muoh icutturod, ■oiiis hav 
 Ing a tlrivf of 10 milei, thu av«rsg« from 3 
 to 4 in ilea. 
 "To auit the people aouth of Miliford w. 
 have alter d the aervioca. Now Miliford 
 •nd ilouoth\.'uit« tails it in turna, and have 
 rt'Tvioe in the moinlng one iiunday, and 
 afturuoon the other, with voiy fair attend 
 "Aa K^ter thia year cornea about aoediqg 
 time, wo have oiuled a meutiug and ip 
 pointed oflioora for thu comina year. 
 ArrMigemebta wore ulao made to l)ulld a 
 ahed for the onnjfort of huiauH driven from a 
 diatanoo, and alreiidy B«woral membcra have 
 been onurgetiu in supplying material. 
 "Aa thia part o» the country ia new to 
 mo, and the roada in a very bad atato, I 
 havo not been able to .iait more than 20 
 fanilioa, but hope by tho end of the month 
 to be huttdr ac<{uaint(-d with our pooplo." 
 (o) A rojiort waa r«ati from Kev. (J. T. VVea- 
 therley, who hud no regular wo'k, but ia 
 taking strvioes in e fow placoa cot inoluded 
 in any exiatiog miaaiou. 
 Moved by Doan (Jriadalc, aecondnd by 
 Canon Mathoaon and resolved: 
 That the cordial thanks of the executive 
 committee of the aynod of the diocese of 
 Rupert's Land bo hereby oH'ered to Mr. T. 
 A. Uanbury, who haa very effectively and 
 Buoceaafully taken SuncJoy services at Morris 
 for more than a year paot. 
 ^ Moved by Rev. 0. toitin, seconded by 
 Canon O'Meara, and resolved : 
 That the regular quarterly meeting of the 
 executive commiitee take place on the sue- 
 ond Wednesday in April (after thia year), 
 July, October and January, instead of the 
 present dates of m;)eting. 
 Archdeacon I'inkham submitted the fol 
 lowing notes of districts where the need of 
 a resident clergyman is most pressing and 
 in every one of which the people may be 
 expected to give from $300 tc $400 per an- 
 num towards his stipend. 
 1. NOUi^UAT. 
 The mission of which Norquay is the chief 
 fitaoe embraoea the townahipe of Rwaa Lake 
 Uiacon»H«lil, .Sofnor«et, etc. elc, in the 
 Munidpalitv of I/mtu, in the Deanery of 
 Dudorin. ft will be vacant at Kaater. 
 There ia an cicellent paraonagu at Norquay 
 oifiiiilv built .'rout cuutrilmtiooa re 
 oeivad In fortnir yeara fron' 81. 
 Jamoa' Cathedral, Toronto, and a miaaion 
 church at Hwan I akr ; aud pit-parationa 
 have been mode for the t-reotiou of a church 
 ftt fieaouuaHeld. ••'our yeara a"o St. Jamea' 
 Cathe«'.ral, Toronto, promiaod tne grant for 
 thia miaaion, but f<. ■ thu [HUt two yeara the 
 total amount aent haa been $lU7.0t) only, re- 
 ciivftd laat ytar. 
 ■ .rietone iaavillagn on the Manitoba 
 ttt.d N'orthweatern Hallway, between .'JO and 
 40 ir'ilea from Portage la I'rairie, in thu 
 Deanery of Manjaette. The miaaion em- 
 urd'«!a towuahipa 1.1 to IS in rai-.g»;i 11 p»"1 
 I*; There ia a parsonage, on which there ia 
 a debt of nearly |!)00. There ia no chnrji, 
 It w'll bj vacant after Kaeter. 
 3. NEEHA VA. 
 Noepawa ia a thriving village on the Man- 
 itolMi and North wcatern railway HI milea 
 from Portage la Pruirie and 117 miles from 
 Winnipeg, in the Deanery of Minnodoaa. 
 It ia the county town of the county of Beau 
 tiful Plains, one of tho fineat agrioi-'tural 
 uiatricts in Manitoba. The country about 
 the town ia well aettlnd. Ther«< are between 
 80 and 90 church familiea in the county. 
 Fortnightly services h-ive been hel<; for 
 some time at Neepawa and at Olandale, a 
 Battlement about thirteen miles S W 
 of Neepawa, by th.T clergyman who reiidea 
 at Minnodoaa, but there are other sefMe 
 moots nearer Minuedoaa requiring his atten 
 tion as soon at, arrangements can be made 
 for a resident cler£;yman at Noepawa. The 
 clergyman to be stationed at Neepawa 
 would have for the present to mini8'.or to all 
 tho church people in the county. Trepara 
 fiooB are being made Tor the erection of 
 churches at Neepawa and (HendaK<. ^00 
 will be contributed towards the support of 
 a resident clergyman. There is no church 
 or parsonage. 
 4. OAK LAKE, 
 Oak Lake is a growing village on the 
 Canadian Pacific Railway, 35 milea west of 
 Brandon. It is the centre of a niost excel- 
 lent agricultural district. The propoaeil 
 mission of Oak Lake would adjoin the Vir- 
 den mission on the west, and embrace the 
 Tillage of Oriawold, eight miles oast; the 
 Blair school district, about eight or nine 
 miles northwest of Oak Lake village; the 
 oettlera arouud the lake itaelf, some ten 
 miles south of the village, and a sottlcment 
 on the Pipestone Creek, about tifteon miles 
 distant. There is no church or parsonage 
 in the district. The people are taking steps 
 to raise half the atipond required. Arch- 
 deacon I'inkham held a meeting for organi- 
 zation and services in the district recently. 
 The oervices were hearty and there was a 
 large attendance. Oak Like is in the 
 Dianery of Brandon. 
 5— Russell. 
 The municipality of Russell is an import- 
 ant district in the county of the same name, 
 in the deanery of Minnedosa, There are 
 thre small villages in the municipality, 
 viz., Russell, Shellmouth and Aasissjppi. 
 A. clergyman had charge of the district for 
 some time. He resigned las'j autumn. There 
 is no church or parsonage in the district. 
 Carberry is a village on the main line of 
 the Canadian Pacific Railway, between Por- 
 tage la Prairie and Brandon, in the DtiPnery 
 ')f Brandon. There are a number of church 
 families in Carberry and the vicinity, and 
 the large district ot which the village is the 
 centre ought to be occupied at once. _ At 
 the present time no services are held m the 
 whole district. 
 The Municipality of Turtle Mountain 
 ought to have a resident clergyman at once. 
 At the present time monthly services are 
 taken at Wakopa and Killarney by the mis- 
 sionary at Clearwater. Killarney is m 
 the Deanery of Bufferin. 
 There are other large districts which 
 should have regular services." 
 His LordHhip then pronounced the bene- 
 diction and the meetiuR was adjourned. 
 8T. MABY'S, portage LA PRAIRIE, 
 The members of St. Mary's congregation. 
 Portage la Prairie, have recently petitionecl 
 the Bishop to appoint the Rev. C. JN. 1^. 
 Jeffery, B.A., B.D,, to be th^'ir pastor, and 
 have guaranteed $900 of stipend for the farst 
 year, with the hope of an increase there- 
 This parish was for years a C. M. S. mu. 
 sion. Church work was begun in the 
 year 1855 by the late Archdeacon Cochran, 
 who died there ten years afterwards and was 
 succeeded by his sonin-iaw, the late Rev. 
 Yi. (Jei)rgo, who was incumbent of the par- 
 ish at the time of his death in 1881. He 
 was succeeded by Rev. A. L. Fortin, now 
 incumbent of St, Andrew's. Towards Mr. 
 Fortin's stipend the Church Missionary 
 Society gave till the end of 1884 ClOO 
 sterling per annum. During the portion 
 of laat year that Mr. Fortin was in 
 charge a grant was given from the Home 
 Mission Fund. Since Mr. Fortin's resigna- 
 tion services have been taken every Sunday 
 chiefly by the cathedral clergy and Rev. H. 
 T. Leslie. For some months the Dean of 
 Rupert's Loud was curate in charge, but on 
 Aich.leacon Pinkham's return from England 
 the dean resigned that position to him. 
 The otliciating clergyman has usually speub 
 as muoh of each Sa\-urday and Monday as 
 was available in parochial visitation. 
 The new rector, who is to enter upon his 
 duties on F.aater Day, is a graduate in arts 
 and theology of the University of Manitoba, 
 and au alunmus of St. John's College, in 
 this city. Since his ordination, not quite 
 two years ago, he has had charge of the 
 mission of Clearwater, in Southern Mani- 
 St. Marys is the fifth congregation in the 
 diocese, whose rector is entirely supported 
 by the congregation without any aid from 
 endowm«»nts, the others baing Holy Trinity, 
 Christ Cuurch, and All Saints', Winnipeg; 
 and St. Matthew's, Brandon. 
 The Rev. A. W. Goulding, B. D.. has re- 
 rigned the incumbency of Poplar Point and 
 High Blutt", and has been placed by the Bis- 
 hop in charge of Stonewall and Victoria. 
 Mr. Goulding has also received the appoint- 
 ment of Protestant Chaplain of the Mani- 
 toba Penitentiary. He will reside at the 
 Stony Mountain. 
 A. G. Pinkham, missionary at Nor- 
 quay, etc., in Southern Manitoba, has 
 resigned his position in the diocese, and has 
 accepted a charge in the ^liocese of North 
 Dakota. He leaves after Easter. 
a the 
 18 re- 
 t and 
 e Bis- 
 it the 
 L, has 
 id has 