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Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds 6 des taux de reduction diff6rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est filmd d partir de r^ngle supdrieur gauche, de gauche 6 droite, et de haut en bas. en prenant le nonibre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. n 32 X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ind< This Ritti Watered aci THE RITUAL. OF THE — Jyidependent Order of Foresters FOR SUBORDINATE COURTS. This Ritual supersedes all former editions and becomes the only authorized Official Ritual of the Order. Watered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand mght hundred and ninety-four, by Oronhyatekiia, S.ipreme Chief Sang^er, at the Department of Agriculture. Hunter, Rose Co., Limited, Printers* 1899. ^)"^ DIAGRAM OF COURT ROOM. P.CR'.. DISTIHCUISHEO VISITOR. C. R. C. D. H. C. S. J. c. PHY8. R. S. ss F. S. TREAS. S PEDESTAL J-W. S-B. J. B. y- c. R. sw. ANTE-ROOM COMMITTEE ROOM JC. i TREAS. J GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Pres.d,ng Of™™._I„ the absence of the C.R., the Junior P.C.R. shall preside ; .f the Junior P.C.R. be absent, then the •f'.K C""" ""' '"'"' '■^"""y ">= C.R. shall preside ; .f there be no P.C. R. present who has occupied the C. R.'s chair the Senior Honorary P.C.R., as defined in Section ,5a of the Constitution and Laws of the Order, shall preside ; if no P C R be present, then the V.C.R. shall preside ; and if the V C r' Shan M ,f"°^*''''°"'"''<"^ "-' highest in rank shall preside. If „o officer of the Court be present, then any member may call the Court to order, and a Chief Ranger J, /m be chosen, who shall preside u.til an officer of the Court Z P J 3 '""""^ '" " '"^«"&"i»hed visitor of rank, the Presiding Officer may invite him to preside. Absent OPF,cERs.-In the case of officers being absent the Presiding Officer shall fill the chairs by p^ ,e,n. fppoln.me from the members of the Court or visiting n,embers present. Whenever a regular officer arrives he shall take his chair Voting. -The Presiding Officer shall not be entitled to vof when the vote ,s by si^n vote or by yea and nay vote, but sha.i give the casung vote on such occasions in the event of a lie. When the vote is by written ballot or bnll ballot the Presiding Officer shall cast h s ballot the same as the other members, and shall no. be entitled to give the casting vote in the event of a of ; t TTJ ?''"^'' ^"''"^ "' ^■^■' h"- "o vote, and in case of a tie shall declare the motion lost because it has not received the requisite majority of votes. Balloting for CANDiDATEs.-When a candidate is to be baloted for, the C.R. will instruct the S.W. .0 preparl the ballot-box He will then announce to the Court that, "we are about to ballot on the application of Mr for memberhrn white balls elect, blackballsreject." TheS.W willTh"'; (3) GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. the ballot-box to the V.C.R.. who will inspect it to see that there are no balls in the compartment into which the ballots are to be cast; It will then be presented to the C.R., who will also inspect It, and closmg the box, will cast his ballot ; the S.W. will then place the ballot-box on the pedestal, cast his ballot and return to his station. The C. R. will then direct the members to vote one at a time. When all have voted who wish, the C. R. will T* , "^?.^" """'^"^ ^^° ^'^'^^ 'f ^°' I declare the ballot vT'p . ^'' ^•'^- "'" *'^" P^^^^"^ ^he ballot-box to the ; r^ Vn '"'P^'^''^"' ^^^^' ^hich he will present the ballot-box !°v7. o V ^^° "^'^ ^''° '"'P^'^ '*• ^^^ C.R. will then say, V.C.R., how do you find the ballot?" And the V.C R will answer -favorable," or -unfavorable," as the case may be. ihe L.K. will then announce to the Court the result of the ballot, saying: "I also find the ballot favorable; and dodare Mr. duly elected to membership in this Court." (or " I also find the ballot unfavorable ; and declare Mr. duly rejected ") A number of candidates can be voted for at one time, provided however, after the vote is taken, should three or more black balls appear, the C.R. shall order a separate ballot to be taken for each candidate. Should a candidate be rejected, rnd the Court has reason to believe it was done to serve personal ends. It must proceed in accordance with Section 1 19 (6) of the Con' stitution and Laws of the Order. The black disks, "•" indicate the number of raps of the Gavel to be given by the Officers for calling up, seating, or call- ing the Court to order. In the Initiation Ceremony, when there is more than one candidate, the words printed in z^ahcs must be transposed into the PLURAL NUMBER. For instance. •« candidate " must be changed to CANDIDATES, and *' he has" must be changed to "THEY HAVE," etc. ^ RITUAL OF Subordinate Courts. OPENING CEREMONY. respective stations.) ^ *» ' ' "'*- °'^'^'^" ^.11 then take their _ • C R.- The Court will please come to order All who are not members of the Order will please retire etc^^"~' '"''P"'"' ^'° ^'^ ^'■^ l^'n., ■ C. R.— The Woodwards will see that all nressnf are worthy Foresters. present of whom they ha.f any doX n the clene S S'p't-"'"'"''"" t" P''"^'"'' Dais, for whom the C.R. is hild r»«,v,nTihil aV •; ""^Pl those on the Woodwards will report toihe V CR'Th^; J^'"" ^^f examination, the are worthy F„resto?s, win repo'^Uo'^he^c". ■Ct'Swro' """ "" ^"^°' FoTes^r?*"^'""'^ '^''"^"■' ''" P''"'^"' ="•« ^^""V I '-•^•— ^■'"'"■^"'''''1 present being- worthy Foresters tHrt:;n^tt[or;f ^^ -^'^Wo^:t^. (The C.R. will then beein with No 2 of ♦»,« r» j r « . proceed with the same as laS down in the'" Ordt ^/B^sinls •)'"'" "' (S) Order of Business. 1. Opening ceremony. 2. Calling- roll of officers. 3. Reading, correcting and confirming the minutes. 4- rropositions for membership. 5' Reports of committees on character 6. o-"--' /- .. . 6. Balloting for candidates. 7- Initiation of candidates. 8. Appointment ofthe Special Auditing Committee. 9. 1 he financial Secretary will state when and how He sent the monthly remittance to The Supreme Court for the present month. /"The R.S. will note the date given bv"i < r.S., and record whether by P. O. or }■ (If th^ V c u I Express Money Orderor Bank Draft./ month hi h -J'^u "°* *®."* *^« '■^PO'^ and remittance for the present S^rectVto SecTl ffir'T ;^^r^'° ''° ^° ^°'-''^^'*''- Special aUeJtion i cle^rlVlhowf rhaHt s nof nt^es^^sSr/or'^hr; Order which send the tnonthlv remittanrrt^ ThlV V^ ^° ^^'^ ^or an order to \>e drawn at the ntT m r ^^f Supreme Court, but that the order may sent ) ''^ '"^^""i»' "'^^'^'^ ^"""-t after the remittance has been 10. The Recording Secretary will draw an order on the rreasurer for the amount of the present month s remittance to The Supreme Court. 11. The duplicate of the monthly report for the present month will now be filed as the property of the Court ; and the Special Auditing Com- mittee will carefully examine it, and report on Its correctness. 12. The Recording Secretary will read the names of those suspended members for whom notices of reinstatement have been received from the Supreme Secretary since the last meeting-, and enter the names in the minutes. 13. Intermission. /during which payments are to be\ V made to the Financial Secretary./ (6) ORDER OP BUSINESS. 14. 20. 21. 22. 24. 25 Has the Recording Secretary the receipt for the remittances for the present month? ^' '°' '""^ rece.pt for the n^onthlyremittS'^L^rsTottl^^^^^^^^^^ ^^y '^- ''' "mun!c:tio''n^sr^"^ ^^^^"^^^ an/other com- 16. Is any Brother out of employment ? • II' r.'m^P^'''" °^ 8"^"^^^^ communications. i». tJiJIs or accounts. '\^1^Z^^ ""^ standing committees. IC'^.ck. (*)F,„ance^,.)Arbi.ration. if charges have been referred to it 1 reports Of special committees. | Unfinished business. i<*) other committee..; General business. ( Reports of officers. < Election of officers. L^°^'«=*"''f°"'y-tthetimeofth, ^ ( Installation of officers. I "'*""'" ""'''"»'*''*''°" «'«>«««. 26. Good and welfare. 27. Closing ceremony. 147 and 346. See Sections 147 (4) and aic as to Anf.f oil ^ ' ' " ' '^ "'^ "^^ Court. See SecUona hu ^i '? ^^^ *«*"»*» of the officers anTmemLfr^ i "'' i'"*""^ »hall be made. ''*'="''"' from ««•"*"*/ at the right time and fn thT r^fTt llv ff T "'*■' "'e. Financial Secretary does wfcr*'"^,^ Sections •'^Us&L^t/'^nd'."^^ '" *^hich he should bere^ov^' S:;; ^t'F^-*"*^^^^^^ "S"- -- examined by the ^"".;?S/o"n No 59. for beneficiary niciXrohmT"^"f*"''^^'^°'"'"e"dedbv him to the ..}■ Closing Ceremony. C. R— Brethren, assist me to close the Court. C R— Financial Secretary, give the name of each member who has paid you since last report, and the amount paid by each ; also give the name of each suspended member applying for reinstatement on t^orm No. 15, and the amount of arrears deposited by each. ^ F. S. (RUing) — Chief Ranger, they are as follows: (The F.S. will here hand a sig-ned memorandum to the R.S., containine- the amounts paid to the F.S. since last report and by whom paSraf "? brother L^'^'h''^'^ ^"'^ '^'^ *° '^\^T' '^^ '"'^"''•'^^ '" ^^•'-'' "^"''"^ each brother and the amounts paiu ; the R.S. will check from the memorandum handed to h.m by the F.S., and afterwards enter the same in the minu"e^' It js the duty of both the CD. and :he C.R. to see that the R.S enters the names and amounts in the minutes.) ciuers me CR.-The Recording Secretary will see that the proper entries are made in the Records, of the names and amounts as just given by the Financial Secretary. Brother Finain ial Secretary, you will now hand over to the Treasurer the whole amount you have re- ceived since the time he gave his last receipt in your Cash Book, and he will receipt for the same in vour Cash Book. • • • C. R.— Brethren, the business of the Court having been concluded, I have to thank you for your presence and attention this evening, and to impress upon your minds the importance of being present upon all occa- sions of our assembling, not only to watch over the mterests of the Order, but to take part in the busi- ness of the Court. I trust you will all be able to be present at our next meeting'. I now declare the Court duly and legally closed. (8) Initiation Ceremony. dates waiting to be initiated L^^-f '"'^ '^^"'"■ names in full to tl!;!. Com, ' "''' '^ ^°''-^P°» 'heir ". Jlt::.'.;;v:,f '.i';r/&.r" ""-" ^- -">• '- •—■ ^^ ».i,. „,»„ «„„,„,. ,.^„ membersh;'p1"„'^o;;r o'X ?"'' "^"'^■■'>' '^'^"^'' '"^ R. S.— /A- //"""°" ^"'^ ^^^^' estate wlKth. r rccommcndcJ o i Form K , , P Q 7-7/ '^;r''"^^-^^'°'^'^«P"^J by the Medical Board I K. 5.-//^^j, Chief Ranger. tion to a"t-an i date b 'forr. 'b "r'"'^ '■'^■""^' ■''^ ^^^^^^^^^'r^X^^^r^^- '"'""V^"' ' ''-' authorized ova n nin.' I hv i !" ''■'*'' ,'"-"^"" e.vaniinol bv tho Cm r Ph. • ""*"-"'''' "'" Oblifja- Ifanfb7oTheThara"nvt°rd"H''^'^°^'""--^'^--'-y- deciare it. '° ""^ ^°""' '" him now (9) lO INITIATION CEREMONY. once! with^;t'SLTe.tr^^^^ ^¥ Court must decide at objection be held va!ki??hen th^e InUiSo; "^rJ^'^K '* '" ^^"^ °' "«*• I^ the jection duly considered at tLslme or at fhT'^ ^^ postponed, and the ob- SeSefarTlilt f^rJlotL^''?^'' """ *^ P'"^""^' .. ,< . '^^tire to the ante-room and «?f»f» that- oil (Th.PX.Rwmseetha.«,eca„did,..a„,„...hefolte.i„„„es«c„,=) Urder, and you cannot be admitted.) ^ INITIATION CEREMONY. II decide at ot. If the nd the ob- the objec- on will be tiancial that all Laws, mplied uestions:) 3U cer- 3 I as- ofthe tution religi- nbers. >Iitical enter I each m for 3ns, I u will statiaar\ itiou. / ation ;o in- cur of the nufac- l^o:;.?;;,*'''"'"'""''"^ """"-' "•"•" be ad„,i„ed ,„ membership in Candidate, — I am not. Ph?si«i Lfc^""' ^°" '" S'°°'"' ^"""'l "cental and Candidate,-— I am. A/,^ig^'t?G^d7°° ^°" '''"'^^ '" ">^ ^''i-tenceof Candidate.— I do. and Usages J'^^::^^:r^^^^^^ Candidate.— I do. ceiw a^anvTime ^^U ''^'^''' I" '^^ «^«"' °f your goodslndLl-rdefin^d'^rtb^''''^-^^^^'-'''- Laws of the Order that all vl • ^°""f""°" a"^ to, or interest in a'nv 1 y°»'^pght, title or claim benefits of thi "c^Z To'f ^h'"".'' ^"^"^^^^ °'- shall thereby terminafP ^L K ^''P'^^'"^ Court, and void ? ^ '^™'"=»^ and become absolutely null Candidate.— I do. 12 INITIATION CEREMONY. and conditions, and upon the conditions contained in the Application for Membership and the Medical lixamination Paper of the Order ? Candidate. — I am. othe^Ftel] after "wS t'hI'Two'offi "'""'"; '' ""y* ''''''^ ^"'*-«on and report :) ^° "^""^"^ '■^*"''" *« the Court Room and ^*9*^~,^^\f Ranger, the Candidate has answered satisfactorily all the questions. Mr. o-ives his occupation as _ and I informed him^that he would be rated in the . Class ; (or Mr T^^lZ ^-^^"Pation as , and I inform'ed him that that occupation is proscribed and he cannot be admitted to membership in the Order.) and ^Ie\°Tsrn?„r/r„-^^^^^^^^^^ ^e reported, proscribed it must be so reported to the Co::.T:^l7^^.^\:Tr:^Z^^ req^uV^ed~fS!'^ ^^"^"*' '^' ^^""^^"'^ ^^"^ P^'^ '^^ T ^- ^;;;r'^5^"^ , >''"' t>rothers. The Senior and Junior Woodwards will now repair to the ante-room and introduce the Candidate for Initiation. ' Brother Senior Beadle, you will admit the Wood- wards and the Ca^didat^ when the proper alarm is \JI^l^::t:Z^i::^^' '"' "'^" ^^^^-^ '^^ ^--^^ • -•" ^-e three loud s. w.— • • • INITIATION CEREMONY. -3 »ntained Medical ;iation and Room and iswered ves his :hat he id him not be reported, jpation is 2 minutes lid the >r and ■room, A^ood- irm is iree loud vill con- ,!/?• ^•~ ^u'^^ Ranger, I beg to present to you Ord^' "' " " '■'""^'^'''' fo"- admission to the ■,.'^^l~^'': 'y"""" membership in this Order .therefore It is my duty to inquire: Are you at the present fme under medical treatment of any kind or taking medicine for any disease or ailment? Candidate* — I am not. .k5* ^*~T^^" ^''''' ^^ understand that you are at heakhT" '" ^'''''^' """""^ ""^"^^^ ^"^ physical Candidate.— I am. for iny dtease" o^aMnl'e'nt^l'i.'n^.f ""'^ °' ^"^ '^'"^' ^-^ ''^ '^'''^"^ "medicine and physical he^Uh, the c^^l^^^S^^^lJ^^li;^ 1^^^^^ C R— Brethren, assist me to confer the Oblio-ation upon the Candidate who has been found worthy of fellowship with us in our noble Order. • • • (l.R.—The (or ''Each'') Candidate will say ''I " pronounce his own name in full, and repeat after me THE OBLIGATION. I Ynameinfull) \ of my own free will and accord, i ^H^i"'"'"^. l^^'^T^^, ^"^ sincerely I promise and 3 declare, | that will never reveal any word, si^n 4 grip or token, | or any private work of the Inde^ 5 pendent Order of Foresters, | which shall now, | bor may hereafter, | be communicated to me, | to 7 any one m the world, | unless it be | to a member '4 INITIATION CEREMONY. 8 in good standing in this Order. I I will not receat 9 outs.de of the Court Room I any transS .o whatsoever | which may take pl'ace "ihS f Z- n less I am duly authorized so to do I by the con- l',thitf •n"'°""''°^"^^°^''^^- I lalsoVomise" 13 that I will not wrong a fellow member.l nor see 4 one wronged, | if in my power to prevent it, I and I 7uV° ^" i '=^" '° alleviate the needs, I protect 6 the ho I and advance the welfare of 'a mWber 7ofth.sOrder. | I will bear true allegiance I to The 8 Supreme Court, | and be loyal thereto, as the 19 supreme authority of the whole Order; I and II I'-' '"^^Constitution, Laws, Rules, and Dsages, I T. ^il I'l/"!^ ^"^'' "?■■ ^"'^''"^'^ I fr°m time to 23 time. I I further promise and agree, | that, should 24 I, from any cause, cease to be a member of the I Order, | my obligation of secrecy | shall remain 26 brnding and in full force. | For the fiithfui o~ 2lsa"cTed°hol:!"^" ™^^^ I ' ''-"y P'^'^^^-'y i I ^S^^r'^''^-'^'^'''^^^ y'''' ^'" nowconc^uct the Can- ttinn th ^'"^"'»^^^ Secretary, who will enter /^ts n^^e on the membership roll of this Court; after which you will present kim to me for further instrul oKr* YT^^'^^?^"^^^' ^ P^^^^"^ t« you the newly obligated Candidate, who has been duly enrolled as a member of this Court. INITIATION CFP.EMONY. »s you*b^"[i;f''terr' A '"" r^ authorized to address you oy tnat term, and in the name of Liberty, Benevolei.^e and Concord, I bid you welcome into our noble Order V^, u bound yoursef to us by a tie which Iruprltt me" therefZ frnm tK P""'«hment. It becomes you, ci;ij''^^ :;°rtere"d^t"ie"of'^^^^^^ whose 1° '^'^T'y ="'' stability of an Order tith nowfdemTer ^^ P^^P^^'y y°ur own interests are "ow wentihed. I present you a tfq!>j- of the Constitution and Laws of the Order. Study well their provisions, for you will f5nd that nnf only your duties to the BrotherhoodXt your riX and^pr,v.Ieges m the Order are th;reinXrb^se? OrdeT!" "°"''"^'^"" yo" in the private work of the FIRST SECTION. giv^n'th^us'j; ''^" " ^^"^^ "'^ Entersion and is The Countersign, or answer to it, is given thus* The Sea Sign or Sign op Distress is given thus « The Countersign, or answer to it, is given thus * The Words of Distress are as follows* i6 INITIATION CEREMONY. The Travelling Sign or Sign of Recognition is given thusjsj The Countersign, or answer to it, is given thus « The Warning Sign and Danger Signal are g-iven thusjij The Voting Sign is given thus ^ The Grip is given in this manner « The Gavel in the hands of the Officers conveys a certain meaning to the Court. In the hands of the Chief Ranger, three raps call up the whole Court ; two raps seat the Court ; one rap calls to order. In the hands of the Vice Chief Ranger one rap calls to order ; two raps, in answer to the alarm at the inner door, IS an order to the Senior Beadle to attend to the alarm, SECOND SECTION. To enter a Court Room while a Court is in ses- sion, proceed as follows : At the outer door give any usual alarm, such as knocking or ringing the bell, the same as at the door of a neighbor. If required by the officer in charge, give the Permanent Password, or letter it with him as he may wish. The Permanent Password is . This will admit you to the ante-room. There clothe yourself in proper regalia. At the inner door give - and to the officer in charge give the current bemi-Annual Password, which is . This will admit you to the Court Room. Advance to the cen- tre of the room, below the pedestal, and facing the INITIATION CEREMONY. ITION IS 1 thus « e given iveys a ; of the Court ; er. In calls to e inner tend to in ses- uch as le door harge, him as s — —. clothe r give :urrent is will le cen- ig the Chief Ranger, give the Entersign, at the same tim*. eS the'^c'' ""r^"'-" "^ "^" ansVer/ou by four feat ^^""'^^^'§^"' "P^" ^^ich you will take If not in order for you to be admitted at the mo- nntL f ^"^ '^^ ^^^'"^ ^' '^^ i""er door and ^Ts not in order for you to be admitted during the Ooen B^adfJ^'-n^' ^^ '"^'^"'^^y Ceremonies)^ the E; Beadle will answer your alarm by giving on the door, in which case it will be your duty to wait ";,nH as soon as the Ceremony for ^hich you are thu^ d" St'theT'^'^'S^.^^"^"^ ^'^^'^ -» -pen the picket , then you will advance and give the orooer Password, and will be admitted to thrCourt Cm' rCi^a;yTn^h:te^^^^ '^y- ^--n^' y-r^ If you desire to address the Court, rise in vonr ing, Chief Ranger " ; and, when you have received one sidT?o tL }^K ""? y°" "°"^ 'he room from f^LT: ^ °"'^''' ""'^«s you are an officer en- titled to a seat on the dais, cross below the Tdesta^ and when in front of the Chief Ranged urn towards him and give simply the Entersign. If you desire to retire, before the Court has recularl v Selr^a'nl'tr ''f -'"^\P-"t-J-t bTj'th^ pedestal-and turn towards the Chief Ranger and i8 INITIATION CKRKMONY. I i give the Entersign, and say, " Chief Ranger, permit me to retire." The Chief Rancrer, if it is proper for you to retire then, wiJl answer you with the Counter- sign, at the same time saying, ''Brother Senior beadle, permit the brother to retire," upon which you will retire without further ceremony. THIRD SECTION. The Honors to visitors of rank are given as follows, the Court in each case being called \ip : To Chief Rangers and Past Chief Raxgers. bach member will give the Old Sign of Recoo-njtion, thus » * ' To Deputies of the Supreme Chief Ranger and OF a High Chief Ranger. Each member will as- sume the attitude of Initiation, thus ?^ To Officers of a High Court. The Old Sion of Recognition and the Entersign are given too-ether thus * o & > To an Officer of the Supreme Court, other than the Supreme Chief Ranger. Each member will give The Supreme Court Salutation, thus ^ To the Supreme Chief Ranger. Each member will give the Royal Salute, thus ^ You have now received the whole of the private work of this Degree, and have thus been invested with all the rights and privileges of a member of our beloved Order. \ INITIATION CEREMONY. r, permit roper for Counter- r Senior hich you Foresters Brefhr!" Y '"dependent Order of in extend n-rcordTal'irl!?""''/^ '°J°''" ^'"^ >"<= <>^oM^^. " ' S^^^'ng- to our newly initiated ?iven as up : 1.ANGERS. >gnition, GER AND will as- )ld Sign 3gether, r, other iber will i member private n vested ■ of our H I : Installation Ceremony. (The officers who are entitled to install are the S.C.R., the other F* ecutive and Past Executive officers of The Supreme Court a H C R. tS other Executive and Past Executive officers of a High CourY- and the Deput.es ofthe SCR and of a H.C.R. The officer conducting the Cere- mony of Installat.on sha^l at all times during the ceremony be\ddressed fn^n'trr: V,"f- ^' ^•^•?- ?'^-^-' D.S.C.R., etc., as the case may be In public Instalations, employ four raps for calling up and three for seating the Court. All bemg ready, the Installing Officer will proceed as follows 7) S.CR.— Chief Ranger, your officers having- been constitutionally elected, the necessary returns duly executed and delivered, and this Court having paid all premiums, dues, taxes and other demands, it is my pleasure that the Installation of the officers-elect be proceeded with, for which purpose you will direct the present officers to vacate their respective stations. r^u^o""^^'^®^^ °^ ^°"''* » No.—, by command ot the Supreme Chief Ranger, I direct you to relin- quish your stations to your successors, when they shall have been installed. S.CR.— Chief Ranger, in recognition of your eminent services, it is my desire that, on this occa- sion, you occupy the post of honor upon my right, as Junior Past Chief Ranger of the Court. theiu,(iIll.%^^^R^%^^'? re-elected, then the above will be addressed to HSoi M u ,'^'a Jhe Installmg Officer will then appoint a Supreme or High Marshal and Conductor, as the case may be.) S. C. R.— The Recording Secretary will call the roll of officers to be installed, and the Supreme Mar- shal will arrange them at the pedestal for receivine" the Obligation. ^ (30) ti a in 1 m ins gal noi INSTALLATION CEREMONY. 21 tie other Ex- H.C.R., the irt ; and the ing the Cere- >e addressed ;:ase may be. e for seating^ i as follows :) 'ing been rns duly ing paid ;, it is my -elect be iirect the tions. ommand to relin- len they of your lis occa- \y right, ddressed to Supreme or call the ne Mar- sceiving *u ,1P*?-^- ^'" arrange theC.D.,C.R..VC R R <5 F <: t the Phys. in a circle around the oedeLtal • th« , '• • ' ^^m Treas. and a second circle around the princrDal offiil remammg officers will form inner circle, as under •) ^ ^^^ °^''^"'' «"^ ^»^""t two feet from the ,-n.^*i^*^~^"P'T^ ^^'^^ ^^"8'^''' the officers to be • • • S.CR--Each of the officers will say *« I," oro- nounce his name in full, and repeat after me the if la 'MTAILAIION CISRSMONr. OBr.IGATION OF OFFIC*. that I will rth^ t^i S'ncere y promise and declar^ honestly and faithfunvn?"^ knowledge and ability, to whii I hat teteteT ^I'n"" "''^i^^f^'^ impartiality i„ all matters con necT" with mv %"'' ^bst:: tt Sit^^- "h^ J''"?-' ' '=°'"« solely for the benefit of ♦^ 7'^^"'' "^^ '^e same Foresters; and that at tLn ^"''^P^"''^'" Order of I will safdy trI':L'y„''rdlrer't'i;rrto m"''^^' cessor in office or nf o„ j. ^^ ^'^^^ ^o my sue- the Supreme Ch'iefRan^e? tTw "P"" ^^"^^"^ ^^ anyone whom hi mf^^^ ^ ^"^ ^'"^ personally, or to For theTaiZ,^oSa'nT^/' '^'^'^'"^ ^^^ «^'-- several points nled 'I.^'^ ^^'^ ^"^ ^" «^ these Points, i pledge my most sacred honor. |;nd the l^.'S ^ele^t';he?^;'o ;" V^!^ j^^^^ ^'^"'^ below the pedestal, ing order :) ^ '^--K. for ,nv»stiture, in tlie follow- INSTALLATION CKREMONY itnesses, I declare ability, he office ;h strict y office, I will ill obey be gov- by the >vations i to my eration furthei id pre niture, Court, / come same der of office, y suc- nd of , or to same, these BEADLES. o. M.— Supreme Chief Rnno-**^ r the Senior and junior Be. Xff'^ 'P'"'""' '^ ^^^ their bad|.es of oilice investiture with enlo. the Cotu't^ R^^^^ Chief Ran^,e"lleiTsri^;;t/r'^^^^^^ ^' ^'^ words ; and in all thlno-c . • ^ "® proper pass- fare and harmoij^ of yfu/crt'" P""''"*^ '"^ "^'- will escortyou to Tour rllnl !• "P"'""'^ Conductor Win at onc/enterVpr tKraVe°:?Vot7utr c Ti;r o 'WOODWARDS. 5. M. -Supreme Chief Ranp-er the Wr»^^ j before you for investiture with^th'eir b^°:f„roffi:r It wilf b^V-frXt^^l"'"? ^1" J-- Woodward : ing of the^Co^urttrrrth/'^P;^^^^^^^^^ PPf"" sick, and attend to their wpnt« . ♦ ? J '° ^'^" ">« carefully keep all ?he p o^ertv Lf th! r"""^" °^ ="'' the end of your term oKXceLnd tL^"""' ^""^ ^' your successors in office -^nH t ""^ "^^i" t° lawful duties as may bf ordered brthfrh-'^/^ °'^'' or bv the Cni.rf t "'"^^ea by the Chief Rane-er disdfa^ge a^rof ;our du"lirs"''"f''''' '.''^' y°" ^"^«o confidence of your Court """' ^ '"" ''""h^r yo« lad^^rsT/oEndlher '"^^-^^^^ -''^ will escorf you to ^^uVsu'tion: i^T:c:urt?"'""°'- INSTALLATION CEREMONY. |i : I: ORATOR AND SUPT. OF JUVENILE COURT. to^^r^r.^'^r^'?.^ ^^'^^ ?^"^^"» ' ^^^« the honor to present the Orator and the Superintendent of Juvenile Court for investiture with the badg-es of their respective offices. ^ flii^^^u^*""^!"?*^^^ Orator, you have been chosen to till an honorable position in this Court, I trust you will always strive to spread the principles of our Urder, and to advise the members of this Court in conformity with our laws, rules and usages, so as to insure the increasing prosperity of our Order. Brother Superintendent of Juvenile Court, the de- partment assigned you is deserving of your best ener- gies. If there be at present no Juvenile Court under >our charge, I trust ere the expiration of your term of office we shall have a flourishing one established under your care and superintendency. •rVl^uP?""^ Marshal will now invest each of you with the badge of your office, and the Supreme Con- ductor will escort you to your stations in the Court. TREASURER. FINANCIAL SECRETARY. V0?V5!V ^""P'^""^ ^Y'^J^ ^^"^^"» ^ ^^S to present to you the Treasurer and the Financial Secretary for in- vestiture with the badges of their respective offices. S. C. R. — Brother Treasurer, vour dufiVc q.-^ «,^ especially to safely keep the fundus of this Court an| Hdf tP' "'■''''? '''■^^" "P°" y°" 0"t of 'such funds. The great .mportance and responsibility of INSTALLATION CEREMONY. *S URT. J honor lent of ges of 3sen to St you of our 3urt in as to he de- t ener- under r term lished 3f you ! Con- Dourt. entto "or in- ices. more , and such ty of the office you have assumed will always admonish you to hold untarnished the honoryou have just now pledged to your Court. Brother Financial Secretary, it will be your duty to keep an accurate account of the financial standing of each member of your Court, and at each meeting of the Court pay over to the Trfeasurer all funds then in your hands, taking- his receipt for the same ; to issue all notices required by the Constitution and Laws, Rules and Usages of the Order, or that may be ordered by the Court ; to send true and correct returns and make proper remittances to The Supreme Court and to the High Court. I am persuaded that you fully appreciate the importance of the duties ap- pertaining to your office, and that the pledges just given by you will be faithfully redeemed. Supreme Marshal, invest these worthy brothers with the badges oftheir respective offices, after which the Supreme Conductor will escort them to their sta- tions m the Court to enter upon the discharge oftheir duties as soon as they shall have given the bonds re- quired by the Constitution and Laws of the Order RECORDING SECRETARY. ORGANIST. S, M,— Supreme Chief Ranger, I now have plea- sure m presenting the Recording Secretary and the Organist for investiture with the badges of their re- spective offices. S. €♦ R— Brother Recording Secretary, you will keep accurate minutes of all meetings of this Court ; 36 INSTALLATION CEREMONY. pay all moneys coming- into your hands to the Fi- nancial Secretary ; you will not take part, directly or indirectly, in any illegal transaction, nor suffer other members to do so, if in your power to prevent It ; make true and correct returns to The Supreme Court, and to the High Court ; conduct all the cor- respondence of the Court ; place promptly before the Court all correspondence received from The Supreme Court or the High Court ; sign all orders voted by the Court and none other, unless otherwise provided for m the Constitution and Laws of the Order; and perform such other lawful duties as may be ordered by the Chief Ranger, oi- by the Court. Brother Organist, you are to superintend and con- duct the musical services of the Court, and perform such other lawful duties as may be assigned to you by the Constitution, Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Order or by the Court. Yours is an import- ant position in the Court, for by the proper perform- ance of the functions of your office you can add ma- terially to the effectiveness of the ceremonies and the mterest and pleasure of the meetings. I have no doubt you will always strive to do so. Supreme Marshal, invest these worthy brethren with the badges of their offices, after which the Su- preme Conductor will escort them to their posts. VICE CHIEF RANGER. S. M. — Supreme Chief Ranger, I have pleasure in presenting to you the Vice Chief Ranger for investi- ture with the badge of his office. INSTALLATION CEREMONY. 27 S. C R.— Brother Vice Chief Ranger, it will be your duty to aid in preserving order, and in the ab- sence of the Chief Ranger and the Past Chief Rang- ers of your Court, to perform to the best of your ability, the duties of presiding officer, and to strive by all lawful means to advance the welfare of the Court. You will not take part, directly nor indirect- ly, in any illegal transaction, nor suffer others to do so, if in your power to prevent it; and perform such other 'awful duties as may be required of you by the Constitution and Laws of the Order, or by the Court. The Supreme Marshal will now invest you with the badge of your office, and the Supreme Conductor will escort you to your station in the Court to enter upon the discharge of your duties. PAST CHIEF RANGER. S. M.— Supreme Chief Ranger, I now present the Past Chief Ranger. S. C R»— Brother Junior Past Chief Ranger, it affords me much pleasure to have the privilege of decorating you with this badge of honor. May this Court, and the Order, long enjoy the benefits of your wise counsel and ripe experience. You will now be escorted by the Supreme Conductor to your post. CHIEF RANGER. S. M. — Supreme Chief Ranger, I have now the honor to present to you Brother , the Chief Ranger of this Court, for investiture with the badge of his office. 38 INSTALLATION CEREMONY. .u l^*i?*~ ?^^®*'"" ' y°" ^^ve been elected to the highest position in the gift of your brethren. As Chief Ranger of the Court, your duties will be multi- tarious, and at times very onerous, requiring- from you great patience and tact. As chief executive offi- cer, you should hold the interests of the Court, and ot its members, of paramount importance. Ever strive to promote harmony among your members ; rule with kindness ; reprove in brotherly love ; and above all, set an example of promptness and reg-u- larity in attending the meetings of the Court, and of loyal obedience to the Constitution and LawL of the ^^ ' J, "^^,/" vest you with the badge of your office, in the full confidence that it will be handed to your successor in office as unsullied as you now re- honnr ^' T J Zu^'T^ ^^^^ ^P >'^"' P^'^ ^^ trust and honor Take the Constitution and Laws and the Kitual of the Order as yourguide and instructors I commit to your keeping the Charter of this Court • may you ever cherish and defend it as the "Magna Chartao^ your Forestric liberties and privileges: and may Goq protect you in health, and give you wisdom to govern this Court with honor to yourself and pros- perity to our beloved Order. I have great pleasure in seating you in your official chair, and I proclaim you the Chief Ranger of this Court ; I now surreT- der to you this gavel, the emblem of your authoritv • the CouT ^^"^^^^'•§'e of yo^r duties by seating PHYSICIAN. S. M.-Supreme Chief Ranger, I have the honor INSTALLATION CEREMONY. 29 to present the Physician of this Court for investiture with the badge of his office. S. CR.— Brother, you have been elected for ap- pointment to one of the most important and respons- ible positions in the Order. To your skill, diligence and integrity are to be committed, in a great mea- sure, not only the lives of the members of the Court, but also the very life of the Order. Upon the care- tul medical selection of our membership, as well as upon their moral worth, rests the success and perpet- uity of our noble Order. Do you accept the high and honorable position to which you have been ap- pointed, with a full appreciation of all its duties and responsibilities ? Physician.— I do. S. C R And do you promise to act with strict justice and impartiality in all cases, and according to your best judgment ? Physician. — I do. S,C, R.— Do you further promise to make a thor- ough and careful examination as to the physical fit- ness of all applicants for admission to this Court and recommend for membership only those who are, in your judgment, sound in mind and body? Physician.— I do. '^u 9*1.^*""^"'^ lastly, do you promise to attend, with diligence and fidelity, all members of the Court who may require your professional services ? Physician. — I do. 30 INSTALLATION CEREMONY. . 3 li officf You wm a once ^w"'" 'r' '^"^^ "' y^"' Commission as C^urt PhvTcian'^S'''"" ^°"- y""-" receive the same you wiirenternnnn. K^%'?°"u =^ y°" your duties with t^he f" con c ousness thn'r''"'"§'\°^ fidelit}', inteeritv nnH inH™ ? f '"'" "P"" the form your dm/es reli t^^"' ^''^- ^^''^ J""" P^^- Orderf ^"' "'^ prosperity of our noble yoJr':tfZTthe Cotr "'" "°^- ^°"''"" y- '° COURT DEPUTY hon^f^t^prSnTtotou^fo"^"' ' ^^^ "^ '"e badge of SisXe" Cher '"""IT T^"'^ fleeted to he commiLione^t^ Court' D^putJ^of t^ S.C R. — Brother vr.ii u^ l mended to the most hono;aWe posftL fn ?h r'""" It .s your duty to exercise a g-eneral ^ni • ? ^°""- the -,vork of the Court • totkt rf • ?"P^™sion over law when appealed to 'and^n . f"'""" °" ?"'"*« °f ence to the requirem;nts of thl°T ^ ?'"« ^'"'er- Laws, Rules and Kations of ^hTAT'°" ^""^ stall the officers of this CourT ;„ 1 2"^^'' '° '"" perior officers ; and to perform « ^^ ^^=«"<^^ of su- INSTALLATION CEREMONY. 3» of your or your as you larg-e of pon the ou per- * noble you to )w the ;h the » been )f this please take your seat of honor on the left of the Chief Ranger. S. C. R. -Supreme Marshal, it is my pleasure that you proclaim the officers of Court , No. , duly and legally installed. (The S. M. will stand immediately in front of tlie Chair, face the Court and make proclamation as follows :) S» M.— By Command of the Supreme Chief Ranger, I proclaim the officers of Court , No. --, of the Independent Order of Foresters, duly and legally installed ; and may peace, harmony and goodwill ever reign within these walls. ecom- ^ourt. 1 over nts of idher- and to in- )f su- es as and 'rder. 2 the fice A CEREMONY OF INSTITUTING A NEW COURT. SupSe ?h?erRT/e "t'" ftS ab" "'"''V'^'' be conducted by the present. When ever?th ne Is "ad v and thTd' ^^ '^^ """' ^'S^^'^ officer the Instituting Officer shalf, f there are JthiZ' ^7^^'^^ '^'^^ ^^ ^^^"'•ed, acting Secretary and a Marshal To aTsfsMn ^h *''^''' P""^**^"*' ^PP°'"t an the Instituting Officer will proceed as Sn^ws:) ceremony. After which . Instituting Officcn-Gentlemen, we are about tn of so doing, they have the opportunity now ask f'^L'l'rn^'^^^^^^ Officer will not Foresters, to withdraw, after which the ^r.l ^^"^flT^^^d who are with as follows :) *"* ceremony will be proceeded and pay the required fees. The Secretary wfll ente^ the amounts paid opposite each apph'can^'s name fn the proper columns of the Application for a Ste" The fees payable by Charter members are as follows : [i] The Charter Fee, which must be not less than «, „« than $5 per member. *"*" *' "<"• more 12} Each applicant pays for Certificate of Membership $,. [3] The Registration Fee, which is /?/?« «„/, r^. ^ u ^ Mortuary Benefit taken. '^'^ " ^°'^ ^^^^ ^Soo or C4J Each one must pay his own Medical Examination Fee INSTITUTING A NEW COURT 33 (The Medical Examination Fee is $1.50 for $500 or $1,000 of Mortuary Benefit, for $2,000 or $3,000 the Fee is $2.00, and for $4,000 or $':,ooo of Mortuary Benefit the Fee is $3.00.) (5) Each applicant applying to be enrolled in The Supreme Court Sick and Funeral Benefits, must pay in addition an Enrolment Fee of $1.00 and a Registration Fee of $1.00. (After all the Fees are collected, the Ceremony will be proceeded with as follows :) I. O. — The next duty, gentlemen, is to select the name of the Court. (If the name has not already been selected, it will then be done, care being taken not to select the name of a living person, nor the name of an existing Court. It is always advisable to select an alternative name.) I. O. — The Marshal will now present the Charter Applicants for obligation. (The M. having presented the Charter Applicants in a semi-circle be- low the pedestal, the Ceremony will be procr^ded with as follows :) " (The Instituting Officer must here, and to the end of the Ceremony, be addressed by his correct title as S.C.R., H.C.R., D.S.C.R., etc., as the case may be. ) M. — (1. 0.)t I beg to present these gentlemen, who have duly signed the Application for a Charter, to take upon themselves the Obligation of the Order. L O. — Each of you will say *'r," pronounce your own name in full, and repeat after me THE OBLIGATION. 1 I, (name in full) \ of my own free will and accord, | 2 do most solemnly and sincerely | promise and 3 declare, | that I will never reveal | any word, sign, 4 grip or token, | or any private work of the Inde- 5 pendent Order of Foresters, | which shall now, | 6 or may hereafter, | be communicated to me, | to 7 any one in the world, | unless it be | to a member 3 I 34 INSTITITING A NKW COirRT. 8 m good standing ,n this Order. | I will not repeat 9 outside of the Court Room | any transaction o whatsoever which may take place therein, I un- 1 1 less I am duly authorized so to do I by the con- J^'h'r'i''^MV'^^"'^"'^^'^"^^^^^- I I also promise I 13 that I will not wrong a fellow member, | nor see It w"n 7^"^ f ' I ^{^" my power to prevent it, I and 15 will do all can | to alleviate the needs, I protect i1 of thiro'n ' '?^T ^^-r '" '^' ^^'^^'•^ of 'a'member 17 of this Order. | I will bear true allegiance I to The 1 8 Supreme Court, | and be loyal thereto, as the 19 supreme authoritv | of the whole Order; I and 20 will at all times J submit to, | and be govirned 21 by, I the Constitution, Laws, Rules, and Usages. I 22 vyhich It may enact or establish I from time to 23 time. I I further promise and agree, | that, should 24 1, from any cause, | cease to be a member of the I ^n^-'' ' ""? P^%^}^^^ Of secrecy | shall remain 26 binding and in full force. | Forthe faithful observ- II s^ed Llr'"^ ^^^"^'^^^ I ' ^^^^^^ P^^^^^ -y tl,I*5i~^.^"^^^?^"' il^'^^"^ ^^^^" "P«" yourselves the obligation of our Order, and having paid the fees required of you, I will now instruct % in the private work of the Order. y ^ ^n rne FIRST SECTION. givTn'th^uS "^" '" ''"'"^ '^' Entersign and is The Countersign, or answer to it, is given thus m The Sea Sign or Sign of Distress is given thus m INsTITlTrNG A NEW COIRT. ^5 t repeat saction 1, I un- le con- )mise I lor see '■y I and protect lember to The as the ; I and verned ages, I me to should of the emain bserv- >"e my selves e fees 1 the id i is [lUS^ lUS* The Countersign, or answer to it, is given thus jc* The Words of Distress are as follows ^ The Travelling Sign or Sign of Recognition is given thusjK The Countersign, or answer to it, is given thus .>< The Warning Sign and Danger Signal are p-iven thus* ^ The VoTJNG Sign is given thus % The Grip is given in this manner ^ The Gavel in the hands of the Officers conveys a certain meaning to the Court. In the hands of the Chief Ranger, three raps call up the whole Court ; two raps seat the Court ; one rap calls to order. In the hands of the Vice Chief Ranger one rap calls to order ; two raps, in answer to the alarm at the inner door, is an order to the Senior Beadle to attend to the alarm, SECOND SECTION. To enter a Court Room while a Court is in ses- sion, proceed as follows : At the outer door give any usual alarm, such as knockmg or ringing the bell, the same as at the door of a neighbor. If required by the officer in charge, give the Permanent Password, or letter it with him as he may wish. The Permanent Password is . This will admit you to the ante-room. There clothe yourself in proper regalia. At the inner door give and to the officer in charge give the current INSTITl-TING A NEW COITRT. Semi-Annual Paf vord, which is This will Chi^f R --oom below the pedestal, and facinj. the ?ay^L "fu^ fV "'^ I^.r'ersijfn, at the sameSimc saying, ''Chief Ranger." He will answer you hv you'"feat Countersign, upon which you will take ™J/,"f' '!'°"^^r ^"'; y^" to be admitted at the mo- ment of giving the alarm at the inner door (and it is not in order for you to be admitted during the Open! rEh^ "-'n^' °' 5"''i«t°'-y Ceremonies),^the Senior Beadle will answer your alarm by giving on the door, m which case it will be your duty to wait: and as soon as the Ceremony for which you are thus Je- tamed is completed, the Senior Beadle will open the wicket i then you will advance and give the prooer Password, and will be admitted to the Court C' If you are visiting a sister Court, at the inner door nZ'J",^'^'^""'" *°i''" Semi-Annual Password' your nanie, the name and number of your Court and vour rank, if any, in the Order. ^ r,,}L^°Y''-^'"^ u° ^'^'^"^^^ the Court, rise in your place and give the Entersign. at the same time say- h?r„ .' •^"Z*'' ' ^"^' ^hen you have received vou^remS'^" S^ '^^ ^^'^^ Ra/ger, proceed with your remarks. Whenever you cross the room from one side to the other, unless you are an officer en- ^nH it, ^ -^^f °" "l^ ^^'^' "°^^ ''elow the pedestal, him Id"-!" ^'■"' f'^^ g'^'^f ^^"?«'' t"rn toward him and give simply the Entersign. t V INSTITfTINO A NEW COURT. 37 his will the cen- :in^ the ne time you by ill take the mo- nd it is Open- Senior on the it; and lus de- en the proper Room. r door I, your i your your e say- :eived i with from ir en- estal, yards If you desire to retire, before the Court has reirularly closed, proceed to the saluting- point -just below the pedestal- and turn towards the Chief Ranirer and give the Entersign, and say, *' Chief Ranger, permit me to retire." The Chief Rang-er, if it is proper for you to retire then, will answer you with the Counter- sign at the same time saying, ''Brother Senior Beadle, permit the brother to retire," upon which you will retire without further ceremony. THIRD SECTION. The Honors to visitors of rank are given as follows, the Court in each case being called up : To Chief Rangers and Past Chief Rangers. bach member will give the Old Sign of Recognition thus » To Deputies of the Supreme Chief Ranger and OF A High Chief Ranger. Each member will as- sume the attitude of Initiation, thus ^ To Officers of a High Court. The Old Sign of Recognition and the Entersign are given together, thus » * To an Officer of the Supreme Court, other than the Supreme Chief Ranger. Each member will give The Supreme Court Salutation, thus % To the Supreme Chief Ranger. Each member will give the Royal Salute, thus K You have now received the whole of the private work of this Degree, and have thus been invested ^({ w 38 INSTITUTING A NEW COURT. ill !; ' '!i Mov:" Ordet" ^ ^"^ P"^"^^^-^ °^ ™«'"''- of our •you by^tl"t!e™ ' i • " r" ^""'°"-'' t° -"dress ^"u uy tnat term, and m the name of L'BERTY, Benevolence and Concord therrfoT^'^o^r r^^^^^^^^^ L'roT p^r°„"' c.ples by an unblemished course of l^fe hZ^^\^' '^n'rXt"' T."' ^«-- uprigh^nlsf^he°eb^you Tn" add to tht H- "P.?" y°r °^" characters as Ven! fir* - E^rrtet ■ss;'.'S dut ef ?.'"tr%'^"''/°" ^'" fi"" that not only your P vneges jn the Order are therein clearly set forth in • •• LO, I will now appoint Brothers<'N.*"""»t''e\ _ ^^^ mittee to recommend a staff of oSs ^ ^^^^^^'t'^;^^^^^^ and if the selection Executive Coundl, appoint them the fi£ 2 ff / ^^ '^'"' '" behalf of the install them.) ^^ ^"^ ^^^ ^""^ staflFof officers, and proceed to INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS INSTITUTING A NEW C'OIRT. our 30 officers of this Court, the Brethren whose n-mes have been reported by the committee. , '•^*~'^i^® ^®^^^^^^y will please call the names of the staff of officers selected by the committee, com- mencmg with that of the Court Deputy, and in the order of their rank ; and the Marshal will please arrange them in a semi-circle below the pedestal, the Court Deputy on the right of the semi-circle, and the others on his left, according to rank. - M. — (I.O.), the officers to be installed are at the pedestal ready to take the Obligation of office. '• ^ ~Ff,^^ o^ yo" will say "I," pronounce your name m full, and repeat after me the OBLIGATION OF OFFICE. I, (name in full), in the presence of these witnesses do most solemnly and sincerely promise and declare that I will, to the best of my knowledge and ability honestly and faithfully perform the duties of the office to which I have been selected. I will act with strict impartiality in all matters connected with my office and see that every brother has his just dues. I will observe the Constitution and Laws, and will obey the Rules and Regulations of the Order, and be gov- erned by the same. I will defend and abide by the Ritual of the Order, and will suffer no innovations therein. I will pay due respect and obedience to my superiors, and treat with kindness and consideration those who are my subordinates in office. I further promise and declare that I will safely keep and pre- 40 INSTITUTING A NEW COURT. i I will suklytrZffJ.n^AT°^'^y^^'"'°^°^<=^' cesser in office or .f "^' ^^^"^ *° "^ «"'=- the SupremeChi.? R ^"^ "T "P°" '■^'n^nd °f anyo„rXom hi L T'-'' '° ^'"^ Personally, or to For the faiZul nh^ ^^'^"^'^ '° ''^'^^'^e the same. several points luZT'' °^ '^"^ ^"^ «" °f '^ese points, 1 pledge my most sacred honor. (The offlcer, j„,. „Wig,,ed „iu s.iu ren,.™ standing., • •h.'^'~^"e Marshal will now Dre<:<"nf n,^ „«: m front of this daie .^ k • P'^esent the officers, Present first the tw^ R .i,^ 'nducted into office with the Chii? RTn«/°Rr' ?°' "c" =''"J""«ion Treasurer, will bf K;„3lrortf is^C^r ^"^ (M. present, tKen,, and the others in their order.) TRUSTEES. M.— (I-O.), I present the Trustees. mitte°-i;;f :^fc„ ^J"} ,P^'-«"-ded that the com- position ofWes V„''"/''"'"^y°" '■"■•the Sections ,42 and ..-fZr""^? ^""^ ''^'^"^d i" of the Order Whife the rf.^°"""*'°" ^"^ ^^^^ they are responsible V ""^? ^""^ "°' arduous, welLstotheCourt tol,"} °T 'j.'" ^"rselves, as reposed in you Yo ° T °"''^ discharge the trusts n you. You may now resume your seats INSTITUTING A NEW COURT. 4» BEADLES. Be^JlTi^*^*^' ^ P'"'""' '^ ^°" '^^ S^"'^'- ^nd Junior ferl»n'^ 1 "?'"^=' ^'"^« t° promote the wel- fare and harmony of your Court. .nI^^ ^^'■*''^' ,"'"' """^ '=°"duct you to your re rhTr^r^^po^r'-S." ^"' ^' -- -- "P"" '"e WOODWARDS. M^( I . O. ), the Woodwards are before you If r-nr^'''''^f^ ^^"'^^ a"d Junior Woodwards It will be your dutv to sp^^ if ^n « . vvuoawaras, I'nrr . f ^u r^ ^ ^ " ^'^ present at the ooen- ing of the Court are worthy Foresters- to v\Jl tL sick, and attend to their wants • tTk^rL r ^! carefully keep the regalia and other ^^^^^^^^^ ^t-sti]rJl,r^^^^^ -^i! A? . ^"^ confidence of your Court, in Ihe'couTt ' "'" "°" ^^'^°" y°" '° y--- ^^ations ORATOR AND SUPT OF JUVENILE COURT. M.-—(I.O.), I now present the Orator nn^l fk^ Supenntendent of Juvenile Court ^''^ II P: i: 42 INPTITUTING A NEW COURT. rii O-— ^^othf^ Orator, you have been chosen to lill an honorable position in this Court, I trust vou will always strive to spread the principles of our urder, and to advise the members of this Court in conformity with our laws, rules and usages, so as to insure the increasing prosperity of our Order. Brother Superintendent of Juvenile Court, the de- partment assigned you is deserving of your best ener- gies. 1 trust ere the expiration of your term of ottice we shall have a flourishing Juvenile Court under your care and superintendency. The Marshal will now escort you to your stations in the Court. TREASURER. FINANCIAL SECRETARY. M,— (I.O.), I now present the Treasurer and the rinancial Secretary. LO.- Brother Treasurer, your duties are more especially to sately keep the funds of this Court, and S ^P ""'^^'.^ '^'^^^ "P°" y^" °"t of such funds The great importance and responsibility of the office you have assumed will always admonish you to hold untarnished the honor you have iust now pledged to your Court. *' Brother Financial Secretary, it will be your duty to keep an accurate account of the financial standing of each member of yonr Court, and at each meeting ot the Court pay over to the Treasurer all funds then in your hands, taking his receipt for the same : to issue all notices required by the Constitution knd INSTrTlTTrNO A NKVV COIRT. 43 Laws, Rules and Usag-es of the Order r^r fk ^ be ordered by the Court • to send trL a '^^^' returns and make proper em uanees to Th?^ '''''''' Court and to the Hi jh Co.Vrf T ^^^ Supreme diately. ' should be done imme- RECORDING SECRETARY. ORGANIST. CnuH-o ^^ ^''",'^' ^'^" ^" orders voted bv the 44 INSTITUTING A NEW COURT. Brother Organist, you are to superintend and con- duct the musical services of the Court, and perform such other lawful duties as may be assigned to you Jl ^^^"'^'^''V''"' ^^^^' R"^es and Regulations of the Order or by the Court. Yours is an important position in the Court, for by the proper performance of the functions of your office you can add materially to the effectiveness of the ceremonies and the interest and pleasure of the meetings. I have no doubt you will always strive to do so. The Marshal will conduct you to your stations in the Court, where you will immediately enter upon the discharge of your duties. ^ VICE CHIEF RANGER. .u^V~'^^^?:^'. I present to you Brother the Vice Chief Ranger. ' c^.L^'r^J""'^^' ^^'^ .^^'"^ ^^"^^^' it ^i" be your tfV rV^/i preserving order, and in the absence of the Chief Ranger and the Past Chief Rangers of your Court, to perform to the best of your abilitv he duties of presiding officer, and to strive by aU lawful means to advance the welfare of the Court • you will not take part, directly nor indirectly, in anV illegal transaction, nor suffer others to do so, if in your power to prevent it ; and perform such other lawful duties as may be required of you by the Con- stitution and Laws of the Order, or by the Court? in ^ft r ^''.^^^ "^"^ """^ ^"^°^t y°" t^ yo^r station m Jhe Court, to enter upon the discharge of your INSTITUTING A NEW COURT. 45 nd con- perform 1 to you jlations portant rmance terially interest jbt you :ions in r upon »e your bsence rers of ibility, by all ]^ourt ; in any , if in other 5 Con- urt. tation ■ your PAST CHIEF RANGER. M.-(I O.), I now present the Past Chief Ran<>-er *♦ ^* — orother Past ChiVf Ro«^ side at the meetings of thfs Co "f-; \T ""i^ '° P'"' the Chief Rane-er anH IV u • " ^^^ ^^^^"^ Jf his dutieUnd^th^i he"a1n!rv 'T^^"™ «" given to the Chief rLv, .^dmonition that wil be fo you , Tou ar^ also tfrss's in^h''"•''•? ^P^'''^''''"'-' ynony and to perform such oth-/ l""'^'"''^ ''^''- reauirpH h.r fui^ov i . otlier duties as may be ofThe oX f '. ' ""■ *''« Constitution and L^aws neverh^vfcauie 'to Sl^'e dti ""'• ^T^ ""' that is now bestowed upfn you ''"""^'"'^hed honor of ToLf "''' "'" "°^^ -"""" you to your post CHIEF RANGER. toS;:lro?Hlv i:r ,l;^^,L^^ ^Z7f ^'--""^ • • • high^TposTtioriiT^L Tourt" As^h-^^"!^" *° "''' the Couf^t. your du^^ wi be muwttu^'a^;; °f v-uurc. 1 ake the Constitution and 46 INSTITUTING A NEW COITRT. lour offl.?=:r I ^ "? ^^^^' pleasure in seating you in J1T» .? Ir*""' .'"^'^^ ^"" confidence that you will the XI °^^'S^"°"' you have assumed, and tha ' the office will be surrendered to your successor with pre" din°roffi "'^'■"'''T'',/"'' T"^ impartiality: a post'of f onor ""'=''^"^"fi^^''- Welcome to^our (The C.R. is conducted by the I.O. to his proper station. ) PHYSICIAN. M.-(I.O ) I have the honor to present Brother ^■^ > 'fie Physician of this Court. fnthl^A "'°«' '"Portant and responsible positions Ire to ^I • ^» ^°".'' "•''"• ''"«^"=« «"d '"tegrity fh! r ,'=°""n'«ed in a great measure, not only lerv Hfe°nf th' "J^";''^'-^ °/ tfie Court, b^t also the ^uJ / ^^^ ^'■^^'■- Upon the careful medical selection of our membership, as well as upon their Tw n°A^' '^11^ '^^ ""^^^^^ ^"^ perpetuity of our able nni";^- '• .^° y?" ^==ept the high and honor- ti h Ffu" '° .^^'^'^ /°" "^^^^ fi^en appointed, wihies ? ^PP""^"^""" °f ^" "« duties and responsil Physician. — I do. rJ^^T^"^^ do you promise to act with strict ius- yo:r\ttTuC:nt^? '" ^" "^^^' ^"^ ^^'=°^<^'"^ '° Physician. — I do. Jide and ^ you in you will ind that 3or with lity as a to your Brother osen to )sitions itegrity )t only Iso the nedical n their of our honor- Dinted, »ponsi- :t jus- ling to INSTITUTING A NKW COURT. 47 ou^h ;^^ ^r r ^"'^^'' P'°"^^^^ t« "^^ke a thor- nes^s of^l^ "r ^^^"^'P^^ion as to the physical fit- ness of all applicants for admission to this Court and recomniend for membership only those who are in your judgment, sound in mind and body? ' Physician.- I do. ^'v O.—And lastly, do you promise to attend with diligence and fidelity, all members of the Court who may require your professional services ? Physician. — I do. missi^rvLn^^y^^ T ""^"^^ application for a com- mission you should do so at once, and when vou receive your Commission as Court Physidan vou 7u IT "^^" '^' "^''^^'^^ ^^y^"^ dudes tvkh^the full consciousness that upon the fidelity, inte^ritv and judgment with which you perform you" S Ts^cVurrpTer^ ^'•^^ Your du" Ls nf fh^r *^^y^^'^!^" are clearly defined in Section i^i ■JL^Co^nKot:!!. "°" '°"'"'^' ^°" to your place COURT DEPUTY. „„^S~*fi:°"^' ' ^^"^ """^ tJie honor to oresent fo you Brother--, who has been selected to be com missioned as Court Deputy of this Court. 48 INSTITUTING A NEW COURT. !• O.— Brother , you have been chosen fo the most honorable position in the Court. It is your duty to exercise a general supervision over the work of the Court ; to give decisions on points of law when appealed to, and to enforce a strict adher- ence to the requirements of the Constitution and Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Order: to mstall the officers of this Court in the absence of superior officers ; and to perform such other duties as may be required of you by the Constitution and Laws, or by the constituted authorities of the Order. You should, therefore, carefully read tht "Instructions to Deputies, and post yourself thoroughly on the Constitution and Laws of the Order, and be in at- tendance at every meeting of the Court. Eve- strive to discharge the duties of your office faithfully and efficiently. You will now please take your seat of honor on the left of the Chief Ranger. I 0.— Brother Marshal, you will now proclaim he officers of this Court duly and legally installed. (The M. will stand immediately in front of the Chair, face the Court and make proclamation as follows :) M.— By command of the (I. O.), I proclaim the officers of Court , (No. ~, if known), of the Independent Order of Foresters, duly and legally installed ; and may peace, harmony and good-will ever reign within these walls. . !• O.— Brethren, your officers having been duly installed, I congratulate you on the successful per- formance of a most important ceremony— the insti- tution of a new Court in this place. It is by such INSTITITINO A NEW COIRT. 49 Jend^r,?"""'/' •"''' "'^ °"' "°ble Order will ex- tend its ramifications throughout the lenwl -.m) folhfre'iS t^e':"^ '"^ bfessin.s o/sUltL^^ • •• And now, by the authority vested in me bv .f,» dent Order of Foresters is dulv ^n^'l ^e Indepen- for the objects and S^Lltcogn ^'e^^'&'r C^^' stitutmn and Laws of Ae Order fowin force or t^i may hereafter be enacted ; and I dec"are each and every one of you entitled to all the rio^hK -fnH „ ^ • leges guaranteed to all wor hy FofesLs bv the" Constitution^nd Laws, Rules Ld Usfges of he S^m 'erroMhf oVd^r*" th7 \"''r' °^ ^^'^ ' |5j3^^h^]nS^--S'"Si examining physician, on Form No <;q as fir<.t .tJ Constitution Laws of the Ord examininr"h"'-° '''''^"°' ^''" ^^''"^'"-'^ b/the examining physician and recommended by him for so INSTITt TINC A NKU' COl KT. Temporary Beneficiary membership on Form No thL^'' u ^r^^"''^ ""^ ^"^^ recommendation! those whose medical examinations have not been accepted by the Medical Board are Social members Social members are required to pay Court dues but they not entitled to any of The monetary «; other material benefits of the Order. You there- fore gain nothing by delaying to be examined; and unless you are examined within three months you V..11 for eit all the fees and dues you will have paid and will cease to be members of the Order. thfT^u ^^K ^^"^^''' y^" ^''^ "«^ enter upon the discharge of your duties by seating the Court. on Form No. :commendation, have not been Social members, ly Court dues, e monetary or r. You, there- examined; and ee months you will have paid 3rder. ow enter upon ing the Court. Reception Ceremony FOR AN OFFICERm THE ORDER. J.B.- O n (^'"^fstheS.B. thename\ ""- visitor. / 5. B.~ Chief Ranker, I hav, th t nouncing that Brother ^L 1 ^"^ Pleasure of an- room for the purpose of visuin,^oTr~douri:;'^''"'" H'uished~is,Wwi"th Aetrr,l '°/'^V^^ the distin- Honors due to a Z'.eranT>T '' • ^ '"' '''"^- The Vou must assume h-itTrf/^f ^T" ^^ ''°"°^s : « called upas the vLitor ente «th ''^" '^^ Court is at "the salute- till he L selted I ''"'"■'.^"t^emain to act as an escort tn th. V • "PP."'"' ^i-others Cf 'He visi,„. ,-. . , ''" '''^""g'"i-hed brother. rule, „e ,„„ p,,,,., „,„ , Wand |H-^.wo „e„.e (sO s» RECEPTION CEREMONY. rltl^^ -I? i"'?u*''^l^° V'« anteroom and act as an escort to the visitor. They will forthwith retire to the anteroom and when ready the J.B. will give three loud knocks on the door.) ^ " J.o. wui J. B.— • • • S R ( Throws wide open the Door and \ *•'* '-'* \ the Escort and Visitor enter. / (After the escort and visitor have ffiven the Entersign, and received Uie response, the Senior Escort, who should be on the rifhi of the vSr will make the presentation, as follows :— visiior, Senior Escort.— Chief Ranger, I have the honor or presenting to you Brother , the . C R /Addressing the Viwtor\ r>_^«.U^- . . - J S by his Rank. ) orothcr , We are indced honored by this visit, and it gives us pleasure to ex- tend to you a most hearty fraternal greeting. You will now be conducted to the ** post of honor." (The escort will then conduct the visitor to the " post of honor ' where slated therSn'^Tt'^CR" ''■^\^''^ ^'''\^ hearty'^handlshX wTll\" sTm^1heir%rpecL'e%^;L."'" ''^" ''^' *'^ ^^"'•^- ^''^ escort will re- C R.— I have now the great pleasure of introduc- ing to you our distinguished visitor, Brother the . ' (Members applause). J.B.- FOR A DEPUTY, C. R. OR P. C P.. II /G i ves the S. B. the name\ " \ and rank of the visitor. / S. R— Chief Ranger, I have the pleasure of an- nouncing that Brother , (^^^of) -^ j„ ^^^ anteroom for the purpose of visiting our Court. RECEPTION CEREMONY. 'S3 ! visitor. J.B. will eceived visitor, lor or ideed :o ex- You where will be will re- Who ^T^pl'tT' ^''^r''' ''''''^' '^'^ visitor, IS („:..._.. ...1 With the honors due to his rank ThTH "^ J '^''" ^"® Honors due to his lows'. J Vo^''"°''/"" '° ^ (--) ^'^ ^'ven as fol- cZfr't ;c n 5 """^^ ^^^""'^ ^^^t attitude when the Court IS called up as the visitor enters the door and remain at "the salute" till he is seaterl R .1 Senior Beadle, permit the visulng^^ef ;o em^r'^^ ••• wni^;i^^S^!^|i^;;^-'-^in U.e usual wa, the C.K. r.f^J^^^''^^^^'' ' ^ ^"^ g'^ad to have the privilege l^rf^ ^T ^ '°^^^^* ^^J^«"^« to our Cour f e -oostofT*" to approach the dais and occupy the post of honor upon my right. "^ aduc- f an- n the THE ALTERNATIVE RITUAL OF Subordinatte' Courts. OPENING CEREMONY. respective stations.) ^ ' ^ oncers will then take their 5" ^""^li^ Court will please come to order All who are not members of the Order will please retite /.ir.eJcT' ""' 'P''""' ^'" ■/'-'' are^^oSiiy ForS"'"*' "'" ^^^ '"''' ^" P^-"' and SSnl:;' Xeti'X™rioft°o?.1,'^-^^^ '!"•' ^"'."'' «•'*•'■•«'•, of whom they have any d„"SL,h,°urr' fS f ''^'S,''""'"^ »" ?'«»«"' Dais for «him the C.R.?s h^W relponsTble Aft;^;!,'""""'""?"" "" Woodwards will report to the V C R wh„ . i, ^•"'/ e«»n""ation, the are worthy Foresters, wii, r';%''ri^„'5i,'e"c°;R.rI';;X';'"o'' """ "" "'■'"'"• FoTester^*"*^'"^'^ ^^"^^'' ^" P""^^^"' ^''^ "'""hy ers^'l^wm^h"''^"' ''" P""^"^"' '"='"8- «'°'-*y Forest- ers, I will thank you to assist me to open the Court • • • I £t?;7y'''^- ^}''^^ ^^"g^r, officers and members, I beg to remind you that it is necessary that you give your undivided attention and best judgment to adonof thV may be submitted for the?ons"der! ation of the Court. Ever keep in mind that we are (54) OPENING CEREMONY. u assembled, not only to promote our own interests, ^^1 .advance the welfare of the Order. Let all our ?nH^^ "^^ ^ characterized by justice, moderation oC? " ?w;. V^^' r. ""f^y ^}^^P retire, from this ?hL >Z- ^T/' '""^ued with the sentiment that _ It IS good for brethren to dwell together in The brethren will sing opening ode, No.— (o'™"""-) (Theode may be omitted at the discretion of the C.R.) ^°- '• OPENING ODE. [tr«mDoE. i^g^ , ev - 'ry hour, We would invoke Th« «,-„ ^ ev - 'ry heav'n-ly cte St^S.r"?'^ '"^^^^ ^^y P™« - ence here Cheer. Strength give us to per -form Thy will. , ^ - —J" x.ijr will, To And guide our thoughts, our ev - 'ry du - ty '^^im^ hearts to I to cheer. ful . fii. S6 OPENING CEREMONY. No. 2. [Coronation. ^ OPENING ODE. ': Ac-cept the DraLse wn ««• «,tv._ /-. . JT . "C?" • 4 T?.S'oV™oV^rcr:j.-£,",^|\'"fSr conclave , . bide. r ltTav{iiB4>«MA A— .1.1. 4 ... I Mayjustice. truth, audpur-posc high In our con -clave a. bide, es-chew. less day. .™-^._.„5^«.u=.„wue lo realms of end - less day i r' Grace^~^''* '^'''^°'^ ^'" ^'''"'■^^^ ""^ throne of OPENING PRAYER. ^S'^U.'T^'T ^"'^ Merciful God, we once more assemble together m Thy holy name, and invoke Thy blessing upon this Court. We pray Thw to DONATION. m ind Guide; I true, 's way -^si bide. chew. day. 1 m-'- m OPENING CEREMONY. 57 impart wisdom and strength to all members present- guide us all in the paths of peace, virtue and m^oralUy I teach us love and affection for each other; to be wise moderate and just in all our actions; courteous and forgiving to one another and lenient in condemnation of an erring member. Teach us truth and justice Th^ tlf T'^ '""f ' ""'^ '""^ ^" «"^ actsiend to Amef ^ ^'*^'^^' "'''^ ^""^ ^°'* evermore. ^«S:^T^ now declare the Court duly and legally opened for the transaction of business. ^ (The C.R. will then beein with No ? of fho c\^a c t, ■ proceed with the same as lail down inVhe^' Order ^/B^sineso""" "' I - bide, s-chew. ss day. )ne of more ivoke lee to Order of Business. 1. Opening ceremony. 2. Calling roll of officers. 3. Reading, correcting and confirming the minutes. 4. ^Propositions for membership. 5. Reports of committees on character. 6. Balloting for candidates. ;• Initiation of candidates. 8. Appointment of the Special Auditing Committee. 9. [he I^inancial Secretary will state when and how he sent the monthly remittance to The Supreme Court for the present month. /"The R.S. will note the date given by"k ■j fa., and record whether by P, O, or J- Hf M,« I? C u . . V Express Money Orderor Bank Draft./ 10. The Recording Secretary will draw an order on the Ireasurer for the amount of the present month s remittance to The Supreme Court. 1 he duplicate of the monthly report for the present month will now be filed as the property of the Court; and the Special Auditing Com- mittee will carefully examine it, and report on Its correctness. 12. The Recording Secretary will read the names of the suspended members for whom notices of reinstatement have been received from the Supreme Secretary since the last meetino-, and enter the names in the m.inutes. ^ 13. Intermission. /^Ouringr which payments are to bc\ ** V made to the Fmancial Secretary./ (58) II. ORDER OF BUSINESS. 59 iinutes. mittee. nd how upreme } ! given by ly P. O. or ank Draft, e present tention is er, which order to »rder may has been der on Present irt. br the operty Com- ort on nes of ces of n the ^, and 14. Has the Recording Secretary the receipt for the remittances for the present month''' receipt for the monthly remiUar-'e h^.slt^L'rforwa^dS""'"'"^' '"'' "^ Has the Recor ling Secretary any other com- munications? Is any Brother out of employment ^ Reception of general communications. Dills or accounts. 'u S^P^Mp'^ ^^ Standing committees. [(«^.ck. (4)F.na„ce^,.)Arbitration. if charges hav. been referred to i, J 20. Reports of special committees. ||??;'^>''^'ai Auditing. > Unfinished business. t(*) other co.„,ittels.f General business. ( Reports of officers. < Election of officers. ' Installation of officers. Good and welfare. Closing ceremony. 15- 16. 'T- IS. 19 To be called only at the time of the election and installation o» officers. 21. 22. 23- 24. 20. 27. the |5X°of'L'"Sh^;VeT£rn t°"fl'^^^ '/ the Financial Secretary before should be written in duplicate ; the d,Xate'*^hn%f h„ */k "■< ^^''i'/'^ i° ^e-"'*- All reports .ner .n each month, and should be careS efaSed b v^'Jhi' S^'^-^'j^^^^':' ='J*« «■•«' '"eeU to Its correctness, and then filed with tl e Lor^^L" 1 * "'^ ^P^*^'?' Auditing Committee, as 147 and 246. See Sections ,47 (4) and "T, asToZf.f ..l ^ property of the Court. See Sections ^. It IS the business of the officers and m^m^-^ remittances shall be made, his whdeduty at the right time and fn thT rSt ^av 'S^' "'t-^u'"u^"r' Secretary does '"' wf.':f;\'^""'^?V See Sections ..2V5) and Aru^and ^?^ '" "'^"'' ^^ ^^'^^^'^ be removed wLT \- ^'t '^'''' •="^'-"'^"8 ii2(ic)and i4r(2 and ^r — ..- ^..^uiu uc rcmovea attaches to the members as weiraXefnstXnen'l 1^ ^ T' '^e penalty of suspension ed as provided in Section 248. reinstatement of Court and members can only be effect- ^rP-^^^'eVt^^^^^ month, all assessments. r'^ATears-etil^^^^^^^^ and be reinstated u-FfVn),JZ T/'lPftlTZ Zl^l^f'^' ^°' ■•ein-tatement on^orm^No "1 h'^> Secretary, you will now hand o\er to the Treasurer the whole amount you have re- ceived since the time he gave his last receipt in your Cash Book' '^""^'^^ ^'''' ^^^ ^^"^^ '" y"""' • • • C R—Brethren, the business of the Court having- been concluded I have to thank you for your presence and attention this evening, and to impress upon your minds the importance of being present upon all occa- sions of our assembling, not only to watch over the n erests of the Court, but to share in its duties and responsibilities. Let each remember, that '* Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is tl^s: to visit the fatherless and widows in their a^ffliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the (60) )urt. J of each and the of each ment on eposited ws : folio , containing paid, after iming' each morandum, le minutes, enters the that the e names cretary. w hand lave re- in your in your having resence )n your II occa- ver the ies and ''Pure ither is 1 their )m the CLOSING CEREMONY. 6i The members will join in singing closing ode, No.— - (The ode may be omitted at the discretion of the C.R.) No. 3. CLOSING ODE. [Missionary Hymn. 1. in i-ionr^A ^...l_ U _i • 1^' ."^. .■•'" I. In peace our la-bors clo-sing, Ere. brethen, we de-part.^ a. O bless our lov-ing breth-ren Wher-ev-erthey are found, i An'i''^''°'*r-'5''^'° sing-ing One song be-fore we part; And may their deeds m vir - tue Thy praise and glo-ry sound. One song ofjoy-ous glad-ness, To Him who rules our day^ And when our life is ov - er. And we have ceased to be, irrg-q 't rtnJz u An/1 D/>«M4t«MH A..^ . t _ - _i «-^^ ■ 1 And soothes our ev'-ry sad - ness B^ love's con-gen-ial rays Re-ceiveus in Thy king . dom To be at rest with Thee^ i *=s^ i ^- I 62 CLOSING CEREMONY. No. 4. CLOSING ODE. tAu.D l.ko svnh. f«r no dar. nor threarnC.to?^' t'o" cCT ourpasJ'!''inrd.;. "^ = Then here's a hand wRh ho„^' *.' **"*• JS^ °»' ''a • ter - nal . nana, wjth heart sin - cere, We ask a hand of thine, in love we g!Ve the T? ."'L"nTere For da'^? of '^auld K^ntl- Ken nere, tor days of "auld lang syne." C R— The Orator will invoke the Divine blessing. .ANG Syne. e bound; Let 1 hi': Ti) 'cai, We'll ? -^ found. 3 - iiy : lay. _^j er • nal er • nal Id Of • nil u» • syne," syne." : Byne." C1.0SINO CEREMONY. <3 11 CLOSING PRAYER. Oraton-Almighty Father, we bow again in humble submission before Thy Throne of Grace. We implore Thy direction and blessing upon all our efforts to advance thij principles of our Order ; and we earnestly beseech Thee to grant to all Foresters, but especial y to all members of this Court, wisdom and strength to walk in the paths of peace, virtue and morality ; to be courteous and forgiving, and lenient in condemnation of an erring member. Guide our footsteps in safety to our homes; through the J^"*'".^^ of life ever lead us ; and finally, through Thy mfinite mercy, bring us to Thy Heavenly Court above ; and to Thy holy name be all the glory and praise, now and for evermore. Amen. \,yuu'^'~^^t^ ^^^^""^ ^^^ ^°"^t has now ended Its labors in Liberty, benevolence and Concord. . 1 ^* ?*~'^^®" ^ declare the Court duly and legally ssing. FIRST I^aTIATION Ceremony. be ulfraT.hi',;L:,'„^fr^i„";;:5''°" '^-.^on^, r„„„d on page 8;, „„,. f-^^il^*""^'''"''^'' Senior Woodward, vou will r^fir- to the anteroom and ascertain if there be pn'r^- dates waiting to be initiated 1 if ^ ^'"'P'*'- names in full to .he Court ' ' ^ "°' '"'P"" '^"' declare it '"^"^ '^'' ^°"'"^' ^^^ him now objection be held val d^Kn the Inftll? j^' ''^'^f '^ '" ^^"^ ^^ "°t. If the ection duly considered at the same or L^^^^ ''f P°«tPO"ed, and the ob! t.on beheld not valid, or if no o^fecti J^ t n^.*' T.f"^- • .^^'^^ °bjec. immediately proceeded with.) ° ?^''*"'" •"- ^'^^'^ed, the Initiation will be theS^;7ch;.rR^ objection having been declared, will retire to th..^^^''^"'^ '^^ ^^"^"^^^^ Secretary will retire to the anteroom and see that all fh« ^ "^ d-t.ons are duly complied with b/thtcL'U^Z.'""- certain- J;e.ii!!i'n-a;7^'3elon'; ^t fclLl/""/ PnlTf;..! D 1^*?" "^^ ^^^^^ t^ y«» and your church (64) UMI JNITIATIOK CEREMONV. H afford each other mutual aid and relief, as well as question" • ' """^^^ y"" '° ''— ^he following plia'ie d;.S-r.?;7tTulf; " ^°'"' °""P""°" ^ ^°" -"' Gmdidate (;fc^:irr„rr^'4J.Ss«iv;i;S') P r* D T U -" "-'"^""'"'"P'oynient or occupation. ; ti'°" ^'■" be ^overnTd anH and UsaL^of trrT'°" r'' h^^'' '^""^Is, Rules ana UMges of the Independent Order of Foresters? 66 FIRST INITIATION CEREMONY. Candidate— I do. (6^ P» C. R — Do you agree, in the event of your ceasing- at any time to be a member of the Order, in g-ood standing," as defined in the Constitution and Laws of the Order, that all your right, title or claim to, or interest in, any property, funds, privileges or benefits of this Court, or of The Supreme Court, shall thereby terminate and become absolutely null and void ? Candidate.— I do. (7) P. C. R— Are you still willing to become a member of the Order upon the aforementioned terms and conditions, and upon the conditions contained in the Application for Membership and the Medical Examination Paper of the Order ? Candidate. — I am. (The F. S. will then collect the balance, if any, of the Initiation and other Fees ; after which the two officers return to the Court Room and report :) P.C.R. — Chief Ranger, the Candidate has answered satisfactorily all the questions. Mr. gives his occupation as , and I informed him that he would be rated in the Class ; (or Mr. gives his occupation as and I informed him that that occupation is proscribed and he cannot be admitted to membership in the Order.) (The occupation of each Candidate, if more than one, must be reported, and the Class named in which each will be rated, ir, if the occupation is proscribed it must be so reported to the Court, and entered in the minutes by the R.S.) Y, S.— Chief Ranger, the Candidate has paid the required fees. FIRST INITIATION CEREMONY. 67 of ycjur rder, *'in tion and or claim ileges or s Court, tely null lecome a led terms contained Medical nitiation and rt Room and answered gfives his I that he [r. — med him annot be : be reported, occupation is I the minutes paid the T • ^.*;^^^"^ , y^^* brothers. The Senior and Junior Woodwards will now repair to the ante-room, prepare the Candidate for Initiation, and when ready give the proper alarm at the inner door. (The Woodwards retire and blindfold tho C^^axa^^^ *j l- j . . wrists together behind his back. and"whin ^tdy'^t'h"e's't^^^ll'.iv"?hre: loud knocks at the inner door.) ^ \.m&q s. w.— • • • S.B.— • o • (fc) Brother Senior Woodward, what IS the cause of this alarm ? S» W.— While the Junior Woodward and myself were in the outskirts of our Forest, we came upon a stranger whom we forthwith captured ; and he zn- forms us that he desires to become a member of our Order. S. B. — Brother Senior Woodward, you did well • stay, till I make due report. ' repoi-Ts'Lfclfow'r" '"™' '° ^'^^ ""' ^^ ^^"^'"^ '""^ door wide open, and ^!i^*;r^^*®^ Ranger, the Senior and Junior Wood- wards have a Stranger whom they captured in our Forest, who is desirous of becoming a member of our Order. C. R— Brother Senior Beadle, permit the Wood- wards to bring the captive Stranger within our Court. S. B.— Brothers Senior and Junior Woodwards, by command of the Chief Ranger, the captive stranger IS permitted to enter our Court. 68 FIRST INITIATION CEREMONY. (The Woodwards then conduct the Candidate to a point immediately in front of the chair of the Junior Woodward, and then halt facing the Chief Rangier.) V.C. R, — Chief Ranger, in obedience to your com- mand, the captive stranger has been permitted to enter our Court, and now stands before you awaiting your further pleasure. C R. — Thank you, Vice Chief Ranger. Captive stranger^ what is your purpose in seeking admission to this Court of the Independent Order of Foresters ? S. W.— (^Tandl!at'**1~Chief Raugcr, this captive stranger has heard of the noble deeds of the Inde- pendent Order of Foresters, and comes before you humbly asking to h^ve his name inscribed upon its Honor Roll. €♦ R» — Brother Senior Woodward, the captive stranger asks a great privilege at our hands, and one which cannot be lightly granted. His fidelity of purpose must be demonstrated, and the brethren must be satisfied of his fitness and worthiness to be- come a member of our great Order. For this pur- pose let the captive stranger pass in review before the entire Court. (The Candidate will be conducted ..owly around the room, wheeling to the left, past the V.C.R., P.C.R., C.R. and Drator, hack to the starting point, when he is again halted facing the C.R. While marching around the room one of the following odes will be sung :) FIRST INITIATION CEREMONY. 69 No. 5 INITIATION G JE. [NSTTLETON. FINE. Simple rule an/l e..r„_i .,. -'-I 2. Siniple rule and safest guiding Inward peace and shining n|ht Star npon our path abiding ^ ' "TrustinGodanddotherighf Courage, stranger, do not waver 1 hou art coming to theS Onward ever, failing never •Trust in God anddo the right." r/ 70 FIRST INITIATION CEREMONY. No. 6. INITIATION ODE. [Walk in the Light. Walk in the light the Loilhath giver To guide thy steps a-right His y tt'''*~9 g|^~r^ 9t~9~ :g: Ho-ly Spir - it sent from heaven, Can cheer the dark-est night. .0L,.^ -m-'^ -^'-m- -fs^^ ^ J I I > P^:p^£E*±pE*-25:JiiE£^EF5EgEi.^iz3zi±S; CHORUS. tS^ Walk in ^* the light. =^g=^ «=r: =?=s Walk in the light , in the beau - H - __-(■«.__ :t*==ti? ^: ful light of God. — ^-T^^^:^^^ ^'-*-F^ ^q-g---— -g-g^^-3 Walk. in thelight Walk, !!=g±gzsbzg±!?!ir.t=i|:: in the Walkia thejight.in the beautiful light of God, Walk in the light, in the light Walk in the lifeht, thelight of God. beau-ti-ful light of God Walk in the light, the light of God. THE Light. nqzizr •right His •_-g-t==p:q St night. 4^ =^-- t=- of God. in the lelight, intbe t of God. t of God. FIRST INITIATION . REMONY. you awaiting your farther pSrr' " "^"" "^'"'^ ,« j~^''*"'' y""' Vice Chief Ranker I will .ta„|';"S?h"e»ht fnli/rS'fhT^utJnf j- '"^ '^""^ -" "^ -" "« P'-e and regain R. S.—He has, Chief Ranger. PlS.f^-—'^''"'/^ ^^^" ^"^y examined by the Court Physician and recommended by him to the Court have vrr^"- ^?' ^ be-ficia^ry melership, and Dy the Medical Board, and kas he complied with all Rul//.^Tn'"'' ^^ '^^ Constitution^nd Laws Kules and Usages of the Order ? ' (State whetherreco^^endedF^^^^ No. 5. or ac< ^ by the Medical Board., K. ^.—He has, Chief Ranger. SL"il P'SS'a'n*! "r^o*;S^m"eS'"bf hiS ^Ch^^'^r^r °' ??''" ^1"'^ -"'o-ed memhership and that Form has been rece^veTbvth^ §« ""u?"'"'" i^''" 59 for beneficiary fefRan^i:? *"'' P*"l^ ""y "^« Medical KltLcR-^;.^[i''%"'^'''^l' examination has Chief Kaneer. or any officer or member acting' as Ch^fP , Postpone the initiation. 1 he authoS,!,'^*"'''^*.** »^*«'« he has been ex^am'ned bv^hll^r'" '^^'L^'''"''?'^'^^'' '''^ Obhga- f«,ii"*?*- ***"""••»? Physfcian and^ommSd hv K- ^""u' '^'^Js-can or other duly Me..ca, ^,d. asthe case may be.ThtAtert^and'tL^Sf^^^^^^^^ "^^ '^« n.V. • ~"^^P^'^® ^^^^^^^z-, your membership in this f h^r^Ll" T •'"^^"^."P''" y°"' ^^'"S- in perfect health : n™ .-'^ '' "7 ^"'y '^ '"^"'^^ '' Are you at the present time under medical treatment of any kind or taking medicine for any disease or ailment ? lit 7« FIRST INITIATION CBRBMONV. Candidate. — I am not. C R. — Then I am to understand that you are at the present time in good, sound mv^ntal and physical health? "^ Candidate. — I am. (If the Candidate be under treatment of any kind, or is taking- medicine tor any disease or ailment, or is otherwise not in perfeC health it the time of the initiation, the ceremony must be postponed and aU the fact. :< ported to the Secretary of the Medical Board ; but if he be in good, sound mentf»l and physical health, the ceremony will be proceeded with as follows -.) C. R. — Thank you. The record being found clear, the Woodwards may urioose the captive stranger's bonds. (The J.W. will then unloose the Candidate's bonds.) C R. — Captive stramrer, f^'-ive heed to the solemn words about to be pronounced by our Orator. • • • Orator. — "And God spake all these words, saying, I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the iand of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. I. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. II. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth : thou shalt not bow down thyselx" to them, nor serve them ; for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me ; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments . i FIRST INITIATION CEREMONY. 7.1 )u are at physical ng medicine I at the time ct.'! i (ported 3und ment;*! (IIOW-J '.) nd clear, ■rang-ers ! solemn saying, 3-ht thee ondage, ne. graven heaven at is in wdown ord thy r of the I fourth >• mercy eep my 1 r ^i^-* ^^°" Shalt not take the name of the Lord thy I let WVul^''' ^^' ^°'^ ^^" "°^ h°^^ him guiltless i thai taketh his name in vain. IV. Remember the Sabbath-day to keep it holy. Six days Shalt thou labor, and do all thy work ; bu the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God • m It thou Shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son' nor thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor thyS servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is wi h- 'o thy gates : for in six days the Lo?d made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested Sabbfr^ ^^>:v^herefore the Lord blessed the i5abbath-day, and hallowed it. V. Honor thy father and thy mother ; that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. ^ VL Thou shalt not kill. VI L Thou shalt not commit adultery. VI I L Thou shalt not steal. n,^* I''?" ^''^'' "°* ''"^^t thy neig-hbor's house thou Shalt not covet thy neighbor's^wife, nor his man-servant, nor his maid-se?vant, nor his ox no his ass, nor anything that is thy neig-hbor's! All the Members.— Amen ! Amen ! Amen ' toThiVrJrK^f"^''"''"'''^.*'" P""^"^"' "le Can^tWaie to the Vice Chief Rang-er for instruction. 74 FIRST INITIATION CEREMONY. . ..^ , r Woodwards will then conduct the Candidate around, wheeline to the left, past the P.C.R., and halt between the C.R. and the pedestal.' lacing the V.C.R., having the pedestal between them and the V.C.R.) S. W.— Vice Chief Ranger, by command of the Chief Ranger, I present this Candidate before you for instruction. V. C. R» — It is my duty to inform you that the Independent Order of Foresters has its chief corner stone resting upon the eternal principle of the "Fatherhood of God ;" and therefore it is but meet and right that at the very threshold you should have had repeated, in your hearing, the solemn words of the Commandments, given to mankind by God himself, to be a light and guide to all the peoples of the earth, till time shall be no more. In becoming a Forester, you will be expected to live in harmony with these Commandments ; to be ever patient in adversity, persistent in rectitude of action, and to **do to others as ye would they should do unto you." Thus assured as to the foundation principle of our Order, are you still willing to proceed ? Candidate* — I am. V.C.R. — Woodwards, conduct the Candidate to the pedestal for Obligation. /P®^^*"**'^***; ,^'" **'®" ^® conducted around, wheeline to the left past the Orator, and halted at the pedestal, facing the C.R.) V. C. R.— Chief Ranger, at the pedestal stands Mr, > ^ Candidate for the privileges and honors of our noble Order. He has travelled the circuit of our Court for the second time. He comes well and worthily recommended and awaits your further pleasure. FIRST INITIATION CEREMONY. 75 nwl ^•—^''^^hren, assist me to confer the solemn wnr^^ T/,?""" t^ C««^.V^/. who /^as been found worthy of fellowship with us in our noble Order • • • U R.—Let the *^ Circle of Concord" be formed The "circX'of ron.« H'^-^r^'"*" ^PP" *^« °ther side, within the circle fToSt oFhrmtel'^thnlt arm r.^h'e^'A'^' 'T*'^'" ^•'•--"^ "is ar^ in brother on either side ofhU^^T^ H^^h^jtu^^^^^^^^^^ °^ ^'^^^ .Orator.— In the beginning the world was void and without ,ght Darkness rested upon the face of the i'P- r"u ?^^ '^^^> L^^ there be light; and there was light. ' ^ R.— Let the Candidate be brought to light. (The Woodwards will then remove the hoodwink.) n J^;^*~P' (or j;^^.>^") Candidate will place his right hand over his heart, raise his left hLd, say after ^^""''""''^ ^'^ °^" "^"^^ i" fu", and repeat THE OBLIGATION. 1 I, (name in full) \ of my own free will and accord, I 2 do most solemnly and sincerely I promise and 3 declare, | that I will never reveal | any "sign, \ f ^/^^?. !,"' ' ?';^"y P"^^t^ ^°^k of the Indel 5 pendent Order of Foresters, | which shall now, I 6 or may hereafter, | be communicated to me, I to 8 ^7JIZ '? '^' "^^r^"^' I »"]ess it be I to a member 8 in good standing in this Order. J I will not repeat 9 outside of the Court Room | any transaction ':! I'J 76 FIRST INITIATION CEREMONY. 10 whatsoever | which may take place therein, I un- 1 1 less I am duly authorized so to do I by the conl 12 stituted authorities of the Orc'cr. j Lx.so promise I 13 that I will not wrong a fc ow aicinber, I nor see 14 one wronged, | if in my power to prevent it, I and 15 will do all I can | to alleviate the needs, I protect 16 the honor | and advance the welfareof a member i7ofthisOrdier. | I will bear true allegian<-f I lo . he 18 Supreme Court, | and be loyal thereto, as the 19 supreme authority | of the whole Order; I and 21 by I the Constitutun, Laws, Rules, and Usages, I 22 which It may enact or establish | from time io 23 tinie. I 1 further promise and agree, | that, should 24 1^ from any cause, | cease to be a member of the 25 Order, | my obligation of secrecy | shall remain 26 binding and in full force. | Forthe faithfu!observ- ' 2I L"c?ed Lin "^ '^°"^^^^ ' ' '^^^'> ^'^'^^-y ^* R.--The Orator will make the invocation, Orator^~0 Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omni- present Father, deign to bless the light we low en- kindle in the aear^ of this Thy . .t.««? so tl t virtue fl rl,,^%^"'^ T}" ^^^ ^^^^"^ ^'■^'^t of tmth, and that the flame of love for our Order may ever burn with unquenchable brightness within his breast: and to 1 hee, O Sovereign Ruler of the Universe, we will ascribe all might, majesty and power, r / knd for- evermore, Amen. r , u iw FIRST INITIATION CEREMONY. 77 n, I un- tie con- Dmise I nor see t, I and protect nember i'j * he as the ; I and verned lages, I me to should of the •emain >bserv- ge my Omni- )w en- virtue id ^ts I) and • burn / and ^ewill d for- AII the members. — Glory be to Thee, O Lord ! g Glory be to Thy name ! Glory be to Thy great works ! ''syi^^£:^lTtU,u:n^ "'^'^ sentences the P.C.R. will flash .he Oraton—Glory be to God on High, and on earth peace, good-will toward men. to t.ie rast L ef Ranger to receive further light. left. lSrS'^:ii:':^': "'iS^SlS;;^!^?^:'^'"?' ^^^f"-^ *° ^^^ tal, facing the P.C.R.) ^ between the Orator and the pedes- rh^:f^*~^^'^ ^^''^ ^^"^^"' ^y command of the Chief Ranger, we present the newly obligated Candt date that he may receive further light. c^i^* ^* ^7;.^^V"§' ^.^*^en upon your^^^ our most solemn Obligation, it gives me%leasure to s?l further advance you on your way. You have ah-eadv been mformed that the foundation princ^le of the 7« FIRST INITIATION CEREMONY. S^^!^ Fatherhood of God." As a Forester. there£b«fc you w>Il be expected ever to walk uprightly as ,f m the presence of your Heavenly Father Le It be your constant ajm, day by day, to become better and better to the end that those who may have "he privilege of associating with you may be enlightened n m,nd and elevated in character. Ever remSr that you are made in the image of the CreatoToTthe Universe, m whom alone "we live, and move and have our be ng " Your duty to your..//and toyour fellow-men lo of a threefold character, symbol zed bv greeted'' ' °^"^''* ^'"' ^^''^ ^ou have been Fo^Kf ^•■.~^''^' ?°" "^y S^°"^y your Heavenly Jour own " ^°"' '^ '° constantly /trive to achiev^ LIBERTY from the slavery of ignorance and vice, and to oro- mote virtue and morality. And I give it to you Tn the strongest terms of commendation, to diligent v seek after the Light which is from on High ^ S to live after the Commandments of your^e^tor iS that at the latter day you may be prepared fo°C welcome which shall be given to alf those who prove (Mi to the end when it shall be said unto you rXr owx minJfv* ^^"^ *'''"8rs' ' ^"' "^ke thee S Lord " ^ ^"^^ ' '"'^" "'°" '"'° '■'^ J°v of FIMT tNITIATIOIf CEKXMONV. 'orester^ rightly, r. Let e better ave the fhtened nember r of the ve, and to your ized by e been savenly ichieve o pro- ►^ou in gently Aim :or, so r that prove ► you, \ hast i thee ioy of an! foT'T? Vi^ ^^'^ ^^"^' ^^^'^^^ the distressed and to bury the dead, ,s a duty which is not only im- Father"^. • ' ^^ • "'. '-'^^^'^"^ ^°' ^"^ "eavenTy ^ather, but is enjoined .in the Word of God and ' 'Pur^^^^^^^ !? "'i \r'^ ^- ^^ - -^^«- that ^ure religion and undefiled before God and the Father IS this: to visit the fatherless and widows in hrwoHd ''^^'h'^ '" '^:'^.}t''''' unspotted from consdtu f; .K K- T ^^' Fatherhood of God " constitutes the chief corner-stone, so the **Brother- HOOD^OF Man " forms the keysto'ne to the beauteous '' BENEVOL.rhir.TT which, like the rainbow, is the token of the covenant that binds us together in our Fraternity. *"^"* thJlv!w~'^u ^"''.«P«" B=^T^^. the tie our Fa our mu I I I that binds Our hearts ?n Chris - tian love, ther's throne We pour our ar - dent prayers, ■ tual woes, Our tnu - tual bur - dens bear, I 1— ^=-:- fel - low ship of kin ■ dred minds Is like fears, our hopes, our aims are one, Our com-forts and our cares. of - ten for each oth ■ er flows The sym - pa - thiz - ing tear. The Our And ^F»q-i ::^-^3-^-&i«!^£^ f-^ VOL'- :t±p=:Nlit= ^-r©'. i^EEtlp^'^ r of the nscribed Order of d to the wheeling' to be enrolled i conducted , one of the [Dennis. i^J tian love, snt prayers, iens bear, IS 3^SI t a-bove. i our cares. - ing tear. riRST INITIATION CEREMONY. No. 8. ODE. [Love One Anotheb. -p — I— _ r—--—~L. •" "•'" ■5' rt s best imnul.^R *i«^^ r- it with him^a Thic ^11 ^ • ^^^ Permanent Password is . 1 his will admit you to the ante-room. There clothe '"°""aid"; P^IP^' l3S-y'-- At the inner dTor g ve S^i Ann,°.r P °^''S'" l'?"''^'^ S-'y^ 'he cuifent Semi-Annual Password, which is ^ -. This will admit you to the Court Room. Advance to the cen Chief R. '■°°'"' •''"'°r 't^ P"''^"^'- «"''. feeing the savhi. '^hiVf^R ' '^' Entersign, at the same time ^tv nf\h. r R^".?^--- He will answer you by four feat '^"""'^''^'S'"' "P°" "hich you will take JL"^f '" P"^^'J°'y°» to be admitted at the mo- ment of giving the alarm at the inner door ^-.nd his not m order for you to be admitted during the Opln! Be^adl °wilf;n°' '"""'°^y, Ceremonies), ^the s7n or Beadle will answer your alarm by givinc- or, thp door, in which case it will be you^lut^ t? wait and as soon as the ceremony for which you are thus de- S.t '\'rP^''^<^' .the Senior Bead^le will open the wicket ; then you will advance and give the prooer Password, and will be admitted to thf Court Cm' If you are visiting a sister Court, at the inner door g.ve, in addition to theSemi-Annual Password' your 84 FIRST INITIATION CEREMONY. name, the name and number of your Court and your rank, if any, in the Order. If you desire to address the Court, rise in your pla^e and give the Entersign, at the same time say- ing, ** Chief Ranger;" and when you have received the Countersign from the Chief Ranger, proceed with your remarks. Whenever you cross the room from one side to the other, unless you are an officer entitled to a seat on the dais, cross below the pedestal, and when in front of the Chief Ranger, turn towards him and give simply the Entersign. If you desire to retire before the Court has regularly closed, proceed to the saluting point— just below the pedestal — and turn ; towards the Chief Ranger and give the Entersign, and say, *' Chief Ranger, permit me to retire." The Chief Ranger, if it is proper for you to retire then, will answer you with the Counter- sign, at the same time saying, '< Brother Senior Beadle, permit the brother to retire," upon* which you will retire without further ceremonv. THIRD SECTION. The Honors to visitors of rank are given as follows, the Court in each case being called up : To Chief Rangers and Past Chief Rangers. Each member will give the Old Sign of Recognition, thus ^ To Deputies of the Supreme Chief Ranger and OF A High Chief Ranger. Each member will as- sume the attitude of Initiation, thus ^ To Officers of a High Court. The Old Sign FIRST INITIATION CEREMONY." t and your le in your i time say- e received oceed with oom from :er entitled lestal, and wards him ; regularly ; below the anger and fer, permit proper for 2 Counter- er Senior )on* which 8s given as 1 up : Rangers. :ognition, lNger and er will as- Old Sign S°^"'"°" '"'' '^' ="'«^^'^" -^« given together, th.T° ,1" Officer of the Supreme Court, other tinJveTl"/^'"' ^''j?^ ^^"S"'- Each member will give The Supreme Court Salutation, thus » To the Supreme Chief Ranger. Each member will give the Royal Salute, thus » *' woy°"of'?h7s Deye"'"" ''^ ''"'■'' "' "'^ P"-'^ fo^tufCJl'cVeZX'! "^^ ^-''^•'^'^'-othe'pedestal Brethren, let the " Circle of Concord " be formed. • • • (The Candidate, Woodwards C R v> n v> j ^ same positions they occupied duriiie^'th;' .- vou *hv*;^f 7'''^"''' \ ^"^ "°^ authorized to address you by that term, and in the name of Liberty, Benevolence and Concord I bid you welcome into our noble Order. You have bound your..^to us by a tie which all uprr/h" men a'r^itVv^'^P'^^' ""^ ^ ^^^^^^-" of^Xch w 11 he Lre f om'.hr" P""'^^,"^^"^' ^t becomes you ineretore, tiom the present ho-r, to honor our nrir Will 1^;;.^^:^-;;^'— ;::^:^:%g:^-=^^ 86 FIRST INITIATION CEREMONY. at,d add to the dignity and stability of an Order witli are''now''idTnTfi /"^P^°^P«rity yLr own inter" ^ are now identified. I present you a copy of the Constitution and Laws of the Order. Study well their provisions, for you will find that ri^h^, ^^°"- •f""^^'°"'« Brotherhood but your sef forth '"■'^^ ^^'' '" *''" ^'^^' ^'' "'«■•«'" ^l^ariy fl,5^^T•'^"^ """^ ^y "'*' authority vested in me bv f„H ?•! "i'*'°"u^",^ ^^^^' ' Proclaim you «^<,^,%7 ^?ven bv^'th: ')' h"" P"?''"'"^" ^"^ ^" the benefit R^f^ ^T '"dependent Order of Foresters Brethren, I request you to join with me in extending a cordial greeting to our newly initiated IS. "^ '.V \V. Second Initiation Ceremony. <-«^^~;^''°*®'' ^^""°'" Woodward, you will retire Sates 4wrrh"^ ?''='^^'" '^ "'^^^ "« -y Can". If ^' ^r"T'^^"^ y°^> Brother Senior WoodwarH sfon"ft^'^^ '^^ any valid objection toThelZ 1 once?lrtL&1re.trrntior^tr/otrt^^^^ ^'^•^ Court must decide at objection be held val d then fl,^^ T ^. w- ' '^'^^^her it is valid or not. If the jec'tion duly conside ed It th^ same "r rthT'' ""f P°«tPoned. and the ob! tion be held not valid or if nn ,,Tf *• u "J^*- "meeting. If the objec- immediately proceeded with.) •'^''*"'" be offered, the Initiation will' be theS^;7chierR^. objection having been declared, will retire to fL/T' ^""^ '^" Financial Secretar^ win retire to the ante-room and see fhai- all fk^ ^^ ^ d.t,o„s are duly complied withlrthe aS.r""' certain- preli^-a^T^estlont ^u^t fc^oj i^I PoH rl?- A^' ?'?" ^^'««ve to you and your ch.irrh tVentel- o„r rn'^''^"p'''''="'''°"^ '""^ never allowed to enter our Court Rooms. Our aim is simply to (87) SECOND INITIATION CEREMONY. m ' afford each other mutual aid and relief, as well as pro ection for our loved ones. Having made these explanations, I request you to answer the following^ questions : » «iP^ ?* ^* ?*"T^^?^ »s your occupation ? You will please describe it fully. Candidate — (^theexacllfafur^'!,'/ ^'"f full particulars. sUtingX V tne exact nature of employment or occupation. ) tS' ^i?T ^^^^ }° '"*°™ y°" 'hat this occupa- tion will place you in the Class ; (or, I hfye to inform you that this occupation is proscribed by our Order, and you cannot be admitted.) {2) p. C. R— Are you at the present time under medical treatment of any Icind, or taking medicine for any disease or ailment ? 'wicine Candidate. — I am not. ph?iicd hefur?'^" ^°" '" ^°°^' ^°""'' '"^"'^ «"" Candidate. — I am. Candidate.— -I do. nrJviff * C. R—Do you agree to keep inviolate any ca Id trj ""^ '^' 2'"^'' ^^''^ "^^y b^ communi- cated to you, and that you will be g-overned and bound by the Constitution and Laws. IS R,t,"e anu u.sages of the Independent Order of Foresters ? SECOND INITIATION CEREMONY.^ Candidate— I do. private work of thi n J ^ passwords or other bv anot^Pr if -i- ^''^^^' """^ P^'*"^^^ it to be done by another if w,thin your power to prevent it ? Candidate— I do. ceiliZ^Pt^^'l^'' ^''l? ^^'^^' i" the event of your Candidate— I do. Examination Paper of the Order? Medical Candidate— I am. gives his occupatTon'as-^Z:^ r.^ V ^--'';;- 77- that that occupation is proscribed ar,H V'"""'"^'' ^i'™ admitted to membership^rthe Ord^r ) I'^JJ n 90 SECOND INITIATION CERFMONY. 'i i^ 'li ^•.^•T;^^'^^ Ranger, the Candidate has paid the required fees. T ^' ^1^^^^"*^ >''^"' brothers. The Senior and Junior Woodwards will now repair to the ante-room, and introduce the Candidate. in silelf file'^'^h'.Tw^lfll^' •'"'" '"'II^'^' *^" Candidates to follow him in single nie ; the J.W. will bring- up the rear. When evervthino- ;« ;« readiness the S.W. will give three loud raps at the inner doorT S. B.-(O^H"e;tSs^"'') Chief Ranger, the Woodwards accompanied by the Candidate, desire admission to our Court Room. C R— Admit them. (The S. B. wiil open wide the door.) r-i^*^^r"^^°^^f ^ Woodwards, by command of the ^hiet Ranger, the CandidaU is permitted to enter our Court Room. RooL^ whSintTn''?h.T'll ''°"tl' '^^ Candidates once around the Court ivoom, Wheeling to the left, past the stations of the V C R P r R re and Orator n the order named, finally stopp ng in fro^f of The VC R^^ riihf°ofTK* -"^ ° A^r '■'^''■'='^' *^^« S.W. at tLlfrand the J W auhe voice of ^the Orator '"wh""':?' ""^ t" P'^^^^* ^°-' - - not t ^'^wn Ee reVe:tt^ild°sr;ii:r^:hS^^^^^^^ and distinctly Orator. -(i) J^ For we are born at all adventure ; and we shall be hereafter as though we had never been ; for the breath in our nostrils is a smoke, and a little spark m the moving of our heart ; Which being extinguished, our bodv shall be turned to ashes, and our spirit shall vanish 'as the soft air. SECOND INITIATION CEREMONY. ft anffff?" ^'""^ '} ? '^^'*>^ ^^^^^'-^ that passeth away • sealed s^t^^^^^^ '^''' '' "" ^-^-'^S ', for it is Zl sealed, so that no man cometh ag-ain. (2) I myself am a mortal man, like to all ;jnrl th^ offspnng of him that was first mkde ofl^he eartli • an^?eilT,no" \u^' ^T' ^ ^^^^ ^" ^he common nir, and fell upon the earth, which is of like natu md oLfrl!'"'' ^''"' ' ""-" -- ^^> .-an JeZ^' nursed in swaddling-clothes, and that with of Wrth.''"'' '' "° ^'"^ "'"' ^^'^ ^"y "'her beginning likrgofngou" ''''' °"' '"'^''"'^'^ '"''^"f^' -"'•'he evir} feTseTwrh"'';, 't,"lPr''"^f ^'^-'h, fashioneth every vessel w th much labour for our service • vm serve'fo?'^,!. "'"^ ''^ ""'^"'^ ''°"' '^e vessels Lt serve for clean uses, and likewise also all such as serve to the contrary : but what is the use of .^ther sort, the potter himself is the judge And employing his labors lewdly, he makefh =. yam god of the same clay, even he which Tltl? k * ■at For they counted all the idols of the heathen to h» gods ; wh.ch neither have the use of eyes to see nor noses to draw breath, nor ears to hear,Tor fingers "f ^. ■X. ^,v ^r^^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) I {./ i< 4^ it 'M. 11.25 Mm ■50 Its |2£ 125 U 1 1.6 Photographic _,Sciences Lorporation 23 WIST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MSSO (716) 872-4503 4s 8ICOND INITIATION CBRBMONT. i) I! :. hands to handle ; and as for their feet they are slow to go. For man made them, and he that borrowed his own spirit fashioned them : but no man can make a g'od like unto himself. S. W. — Vice Chief Ranger, I present to you the Candtclale. V. C. R. — My Friend^ passages from sacred writ- ings of antiquity have been repeated in your hearing for the purpose of impressing upon you the fact that no artificial distinctions of sect, nationality or race are recognized in this Order. While all peoples have sprung from a common an- cestry, there are recognized distinctions in them arising from accident of birth, mental attainments or social environments. Some, alas ! have fallen so low in the scale of humanity, and their depravity is so great, it is not expedient that we associate with them ; this does not prevent us from extending to them a helping hand, but should rather prompt us so to do that we may raise them up and make them better, if possible. Only those, however, that are regarded as meet associates are admitted to member- ship in this Order, and once admitted, all stand upon one common level, and are alike entitled to equal consideration and regard. We take as the standard of our actions the Golden Rule — ^* Do unto others as ye would that they should do unto you." The lessons of this Order are ethical, not religious, and are aimed at helping us to conduct ourselves honor- ably, prudently and industriously through life. SECOND INITIATION CEREMONY. 93 re slow I'^ed his Tiake a 'ou the ;d writ- learing* ict that or race ion an- i them ents or len so ivity is te with ling to mpt us i them lat are ember- d upon ' equal andard others The is, and honor- You will now be conducted to the Pedestal there to take -von j,ourse// the obligation of the Order right and the /w. at th^ left ofthil'n. 'S*' .''''' '^■^■' ">« ^.W. at the low, so as not to drown the vor/e of th^N ^. ''""' u"""'^'' "^y ^^ P's^d will repeat or ,oad T^ly an^distinct y J^™7^r aM^Vl"""^,^^ >ages, making: a short pause b^Uveen S^asLage ') '""^ ""'""""^ P*^" Orator.— (i) " Laugh no man to scorn in the bit- terness of h.s soul : neither do the like to thyfriend. the'^likt toTy^frtr "' ''^ '■•°"'^'- = "^"•'- '° theVe^onf not Jold."' "'""" °' "^ = '""^ ^^^ '^"^'''- nekherTfo1^h/l^K'"l ^°''. ^"^ &°''''' ''X "« ">eans ; neither a faithful broth, ;r for the gold of Ophir. ing%TeterK."' ""° '""^ '°''^' '"^^^ '"^^ ""- wifhiLrtratt:;:,'! ''^^ ^•'^^ -^^p- ^-^^ — the^e'to" beloTeir ""* ''' ^''^'^ '' '°' *''^' ^''«" -^^e (2) Forsake not an old friend ; for the new !« nr.^ whenT-P'^M 'I''' '•r ' ^ "^- fri-d Is as nTw wine when It ,s old thou shalt drink it with pleasure ' A friend cannot be known in prosperity ; and an enemy cannot be hid in adversity. 'if 94 SFCOND INITIATION CEREMONY. ' (i ,11 f lii (3) He that can rule his tongue shall live without strife J and he that hateth babbling shall have less evil. Rehearse not unto another that which is told unto thee, and thou shalt fare never the worse. Whether it be to a friend or foe, talk not of other men's lives; and if thou canst without offence, reveal them not. If thou hast heard a word, let it die with thee; and be bold, it will not burst thee. (4) Admonish a friend, it may be he hath not done it ; and if he have done it, that he do it no more. Admonish thy friend, it may be he hath not said it ; and if he have, that he speak it not again. Admonish a friend ; for many times it is a slander, and believe not every tale. Admonish thy neighbor before thou threaten 1 ; and be not angry, give place to the law of the iviost High. The knowledge of the commandments of the Lord is the doctrine of life ; and they that do things that please Him shall receive the fruit of the tree of im- mortality. ' S. W.— Chief Ranger, the Candidate is at the Pedestal to take the obligation. • i (C. R. advances to the pedestal.) CR.~My Friend, membership in this Order is entirely voluntary. Its foundation principles are : A SECOND INITIATION' CKRKMONY. 95 without ive less ►Id unto ►f other , reveal ie; and 3t done )re. ot said lander, 1 i; 5 iVlOSt e Lord fs that of im- at the •der is ire : A belief in God, the Creator of us all • to chen.;h .n.^ protect each other in every laudable purpose an3 under aking; to care for the sick and needv^ to visit the widows and orphans in their auction ' Lnd to constram no one's political or religious crvictlons Thus you see the Fatherhood of Cxod and the OrS^a^dV/^ T/'.^ foundations ^"fol actions. '" ^"^" '^ '^^ ^^^"^^^d of our Before proceeding further you will be required to take upon^.^^W/a solemn and binding obSon such as all members of the Jndepende^nt Order "^ principles ot the Order, and to keep inviolat«» th^ ?-hrohr;- ^H^*^ -"^y ■'^ communicated to you The obligation, I am free to inform you conta?n^ you owe to God, yo-ir country, your neifi-hbor or Z those near and dear to you. "eignbor, or to r. ^■'V'^'^ assurance, if you are willing- to proceed K l^a "tor" P'r y""r "ght han^d'ov^j^t; neart, as a token of your sincerity, raise vour Uft ha„d,^pronounce your own name in^'full, an^pS THE OBLIGATION. I I, (nam>, in full) \ of my own freewill and accord I 3 Icl^r I tST "i^, ^"'^ ^'"'^^^^'y ' promise anL 3 aeclare, | that I will never revea I any word sic-n 5 pendent Order of Foresters, | which shall now, 96 SECOND INITIATION CEREMONY. ! f I I 6 or may hereafter, | be communicated to me, | to 7 any one in the world, | unless it be | to a member 8 in good standing in this Order. | I will not repeat 9 outside of the Court Room | any transaction 10 whatsoever | which may take place therein, | un- 1 1 less I am duly authorized so to do | by the con- 12 stituted authorities of the Order. | I also promise | 13 that I will not wrong a fellow member, | nor see 14 one wronged, | if in my power to preve..t it, | and 15 will do all I can | to alleviate the needs, | protect 16 the honor, | and advance the welfare of a member 17 of this Order. | I will bear true allegiance | to The 18 Supreme Court, | and be loyal thereto, | as the 19 supreme authoritv | of the whole Order; ( and 20 will at all times f submit to, | and be governed 21 by, I the Constitution, T iws, Rules, and Usages, | 22 which it may enact or establish | from time to 23 time I I further promise and agree, | that, should 24 I, from any cause, cease to be a member of the 25 Order, | my obligation of secrecy | shall remain 26 binding and in full force. | For the faithful observ- 27 ance of all these promises | I hereby pledge my 28 sacred honor. I ' C R — The Woodwards will conduct the Initiate to the Past Chief Ranger, who will further instruct him in the principles of the Order. Brethren, we will sing initiatory ode number nine. (During- the singing- the Candidates will be conducted around, wheeling- to the left, past the P.C.R. and C.R., and halted in a line between the Orator's station and the pedestal facing the P.C.R.) si \ ■< ne, I to nember : repeat saction I, I un- le con- >mlse I lor see , I and protect lember to The as the ; I and verned SECOND INITIATION CEREMONY. 97 ages, me to should of the •emain •bserv- ge my nitiate istruct nme. wheelingr veen the No. 9. ITAIIAVHTIOI. U,U,^ INITIATION ODE. ^ft^P^^^^^^ S^ Our Friend, you've nougrht to fear, Vov Honor's Court is here- True Brotherhood. Here in good faith we meet ; Here friends and strangrers g^reet, And in communion sweet The hours enjoy. Our Friend, amid a band, Of Brothers now you stand True Foresters. Here honor's power is shown ; Here love and truth are known, And here within their home We welcome you. u ^* 9 ?r~'^y Frknd, having- pledeed vourself to fhat ?h.t' ° • ^°T"'' '" 'f ""y '^"'y to inform '^ou that tliese principles have been embodied in three words, which constitutes the motto of the Order! These symbohc words which all Foresters hiffhlv prize are 'S"V LIBERTY, BENEVOLENCE AND CONCORD. LIBERTY, ^K^'^'if d'^°''u °\^^^ ""'"<'' symbolizes to all Foresters M OrdeT" Th-°' °' ""'?'" "•'''='' '^ inculcaTedt tnis Order. This principle constrains us to do to others as we would have them do to us, and teaches us to accord to our Brethren the rights ^nd priv'wes we desire for ourselves. This word, therefore, Sd remind us that if our brother holds views differS from ours, he is not to be discredited on that account^ 98 SECOND INITIATION CEREMONY. I .. because by so doing we should be denying to him the Liberty we claim for ourselves, thereby dishonoring ourselves in the eyes of those who love justice and equity in all things. BENEVOLENCE, the second word of the motto, represents one of the attributes of God Himself. This virtue constrains us to desire the well-beingand happiness of our fellow- men ; teaches us to love our b; -thren as ourselves • brings to our remembrance that there are other beings as dear to the Creator as ourselves, and impels us to seek no gratification that has the remotest tendency to prove injurious or detrimental to others. The very thought of doing good is heaven-born ; its practice ennobles our natures, and its name, Benevolence, forms a fitting keystone to our motto. CONCORD, the third and last word appropriately completes our triune motto, and makes it perfect in all its parts, l^or to love our Heavenly Father with all our hearts, and our neighbors as ourselves, and -to do unto others as we would they should do unto us, is the fulfilment ot the Law. The observance of this law will beget peace and harmony in our intercourse; secure Con- cord in our purposes and actions ; insure helpfulness and happiness in our lives and the ultimate triumph ot the principles of our Order throughout the world. You will now be conducted to the Chief Rang-er tor hnal instructions. ^ SECONn INITIATION CEREMONY. 99 him the Dnoring- ice and of the istrains fellow- selves ; being's s us to ndency he very >ractice olence, es our parts, hearts, others filment beget e Con- fulness iumph world. danger nt of the S. W.— Chief Ranger, the Candidate is before vou awaiting your further pleasure. on5*i?T7u-^io^'"''^^''"^ ""^^"^ ^^^^ Chief Ranger and Past Chief Ranger, and the lessons contained in the passages of sacred writings which have been read * in your hearing are worthy of your earnest consider- ation, and should be interwoven with your every-dav life. From the attention you have given to our cere- n.ony, I doubt not that your obligation will ever be held sacred by you, and that the principles of the Order as expressed in our motto. Liberty, Benevolence and Concord, will always form the mainspring- of all your acts. ^ ^ is ni/to*!!^^^/ '1 *° ^^ applied, continue the ceremony as follows • If Jt ;haTon%a|e"ro1:/'^" °'"' ^^^^^'^'"^ '^^^^^^ ^'^ ^-'^ '""e ^eT^w and ^(^ Z\^ "^^\f "trust you with the ^* trial pass," ^h:t\ ^l , r^^o^'" accompany the Woodwards o the desk of the Recording Secretary, to wn.m you will furnish the proper information required to have your nanie inscribed upon the pages of our Honor Roll. (Gives the ' ' trial pass,'') (The "trial pass " is any word selected bv C R af fh*» f ;«,^ j . be griven only when the test is intended to be applied!)* ' C R.— Woodwards, conduct the Initiate f^r the sTcretar """^ ''''^^ ^"^ ^^^ ^^^^ ""^ ^^^ Recording S- W.--Brother Recording Secretary, by com- mand of the Chief Ranger, 1 present to you this Initiate who is prepared to prove his worthiness to too SECOND INITIATION CKREMONY. i fl i: ii W his name inscribed upon the pages of our Honor .u^* ^'"T^^ ^'^^ ^^^® ^^ g'^^^t pleasure to certify to he worthiness of the Initiate. For which purpose • 1 will ask him to properly till in this form. ^* ?-^^,^'^^ Ranger, it gives me pleasure to re- port that ^^ts Initiate has proved hintself worthy to ^ave his name inscribed on the pages of our Honor C.R.— Thank you, Recording Secretary. Wood- wards, conduct the Initiate to the Financial Secretary so that >^^^ name may be inscribed upon our Honor Kol, after which you will present him before me for tinal instructions. of ^h^v ^''o *'^'' Financial Secretary, by command ot the Chief Ranger I present this Initiate who has proved >^2m^^ worthy to have his name inscribed on the pages of our Honor Roll. of Mlm^ltriTf"f^^r^'''"f*^7r'^'" *''^" enter the name or names in the Roll or members of the Court. If any candidate should fail in oas^in'^^^ t hf -r V he will be immediately reported as follows :) ^ ^ ^^^ ^^^' S*W.— Chief Ranger, the Candidate has violated his promise by attempting to write the password, and, no doubt, would have written it in full had I not prevented him. {(Or if the S, W. wrote, the J. W. should report as follows :) Chief Ranger, the Candidate has violated SECOND INITIATION C EREMONY. lOI • Honor Ttify to purpose them to fill one passes sted till all i follows :) 2 to re- •rthy to Honor Wood- cretary Honor me for nmand ho has bed on the Roll the Test olated iword, had I ^ort as 3lated his promise by permitting the Senior Woodward to write the password.] C ^.—(Sternly) Woodwards, bring- the offender betore me. statii^r^'"'"'"^' "''''" *''^' Candidate and lead him rou^^hly to .he C.R.s C R— Sir ! I am amazed that you should so soon nave forgotten your solemn promise, given in the - nn^T^ '^ ^"' l''"' P^^^ ^^^"^^^^' "^^^ y^" ^vould not wri e nor indite the passwords or other private work of the Order, nor permit it to be done by an- otnerit within your power to prevent it," and vet inside an hour you have apparently wholly forgotten this solemn undertaking with us. You will be seated while the Court determines your case. (To the Court.) h.f '.l^*"'^" • What shall be done with this man who has thus proved himself unworthy to be called a r orester ^ ^•^♦"-The Woodwards will present Mr. before me. S. W.—Chief Ranger, Mr. is again before you awaiting your further pleasure. C R— Mr. , you have been subjected to the 1 est, not that we had any doubt as to your integrity and discretion but to impress upon your mind and upon the minds of all present, the paramount impor- tance of ever keeping a watchful guard upon your actions, and to emphasize the fact that a Forester's I02 i I ! ^ If SRCONn INITIATION CFRKMONV, r/.n""''"",'',''''^''^" ''^^■" 8'°°'' «^ ^'^ bond, and once snould be fulfilled to the letter. a/^t^^J^ Woodwards wrll now conduct the /«///- tt-iJ ^"T"''^ Secretary to have Jiis name in- scribed upon the pa«-es of our Honor Roll, after which they w,ll present Atm before me for final instrucdons nuSb?;Ten "''""■ "r "'" ""^ '"'''"*°'-^ O'"^' No. 10. INITIATORY ODE. [Bel.eve. C. M. J t/ -«- • *— j — •— «* — ^— 5 -L?=L_z_rz: 1. . Blestbetheman whosesoffning heart Feels all an-oth -er's pain- 2. lo lum pro-tec-tioa shall be shown. And mei-cy from a . Sove * Towhomthesirp.pij.cat-ingeye js nev^r raised'in vain De-scendsonhimwhothusful-fils The gold^nlaw of love! I III l'^' ■~J "-I — j — ^ F — CE_1 % SECOND INirtATION CKRKMi>.\V, "M nd once Ltters, it le Initi' ame in- r which ictions. inji". The r Ode, !. C. M. \ s pain: • bove S. W.--Chief Rang-er, the Candidate is atrain be- fore you for further instruction. ,S^'^*'~y^y ^^^^"^^^ you will please pay strict at- the Ordrr '"'^'"''^ ^""^ ^" '^' ^''^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ (The C.R. then instructs the Candidate in the private work.) FIRST SECTION. The First sign is called the Entersign and is given thus ^ The Countersign, or answer to it, is given thus ^ The Sea Sign or Sign of Distress is given thus « The Countersign, or answer to it, is given thus ^ The Words of Distress are as follows ^ The Travelling Sign or Sign of Recognition is given thus* ' The Countersign, or a.vswer to it, is given thus * 1 he Warning Sign and Danger Signal are g-iven The Voting Sign is g-iven thus % The Grip is given in this manner jk The Gavel in the hands of the Officers conveys a certain meaning to the Court. In the hands of the Chief Ranger, three raps call up the whole Court : two raps seat the Court ; one rap calls to order. In the hands of the Vice Chief Ranger one rap calls to order ; two raps, m answer to the alarm at the inner door is an order to the Senior Beadle to attend to the alarm. K 104 ; : III I SECOND INITIATION CEREMONY. SECOND SECTION. ^ and "jy^P^ffi ^'''>- ^' t*^^ inner door gve —-and to the officer in charg-e give the curfZl Semi-Annual Password, which Is — . Th'swH adm.t you to the Court Room. Advance to fhe cin tre of the room, below the Dedpst=>r o^^ r ■ . Chief Rang-er, give the Ente^sfgt aj th^lZ7tit 7Xnf'H^r'^ ^""•^^'■•" "e'^wilf answerTou by' fZfeal!' ^""""''''^Sn, upon which you wi^l ta£ R£'^f -n^' °' ^"'t'atory Ceremonies),%he Senior Beadle will answer your alarm by P-ivine-- ontZ door, in wh ch pa«f. ;<■ -nriii i,„ ^ S'ving on the as soon Zfh^r . y°"'* ''"'y to wait ; and as soon as the Ceremony for which you are thus de tamed ,s completed, the Senior Beadle wHl open the" SECOND INITIATION CEREMONY. »OS in ses- uch as le door harge, him as s- •. clothe r give urrent s will e cen- g the : time 5u by take 2 mo- 1 it is )pen- enior n the ; and s de- i the oper )om. door ^our name, the name and number of your Court and your rank, if any, in the Order. If you desire to address the Court, rise in your place and give the Entersign, at the same time say- ing. Chief Ranger ;" and, when you have received the Countersign from the Chief Ranger, proceed with your remarks. Whenever you cross the room from one side to the other, unless you are an officer entitled to a seat on the dais, cro^s below the pedestal, and when in front of the Chie. .danger, turn towards him and give simply the Entersign. If you desire to retire, before the Court has regularly closed, proceed to the saluting point— just below the pedestal--and turn towards the Chief Ranger and give the Entersign, and say, ** Chief Ranger, permit me to retire." The Chief Ranger, if it is propW for you to retire then, will answer you with the Counter- sign at the same time saying, ** Brother Senior Beadle, permit the brother to retire," upon which you will retire without further ceremony. THIRD SECTION. The Honors to visitors of rank are given as follows, the Court in each case being called up : To Chief Rangers and Past Chief Rangers. Each member will give the Old Sign of Recop-nition thus » OS "> To Deputies of the Supreme Chief Ranger and OF A High Chief Ranger. Each member will as- sume the attitude of Initiation, thus « ^l . V \\ . to6 SECOND INITIATION CEREMONY. 11 To Officers of a High Court. The Old Sip-n o^f Re^cognU.on and the Entersign are given togethf " .J"" l"" ^^^^""^^ ^^ "^"^ Supreme Court other ^ive^Tte ^"^""' Chief Ranger. Each member win give The Supreme Court Salutation, thus ^ • • • and i^tle^^r of '"''' '"' ""'"°">' °' '"'*-'-". Liberty, Benevolence and Concord I bid you welcome into our noble Order. You have bound yourW/ to us by a tie which all upright persons reverence and respect, and a violation'^Twhfch wHl carry with It its own punishment. It becomes vou dpTef bv' Irun^'f " -T"; ''°"^' '"^ ho„rr pC: deanL .n-1 " • "" •''^'' course of life, honorable wmZ%'J^ conscenfous uprightness, wherebv you and add to the dign.ty and stability of an Order wtth nowTdeSd" %"'* P^^^P*^^''^ y°"^ ''-" interests are now Identified. I present you a copy of the Constitution and Laws of the Order. Study well their provisions, for you will find thlt n«t only your duties to the Bro'therhoodrbutylr rights and privileges m the Order are therein'clearly set forth! •COND INITIATION CEREMONY. 107 Id Sig-n 'gether, , other 5er will lember private I am now authorized to address you by the term Brother; and by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and Laws of the Order, I proclaim you a Forester, and entitled to the full protection and all the benefits given by the Independent Order of Foresters. Brethren, I ask you to join with me in extending a cordial greeting to our newly initiated ation, I have irsons h will 5 you, prin- )rable ^you mauy with tsare tnot ghts 3rth, ;f Dedication Ceremony. opened i,rdre73,^anV?heVu?re^^^^^ ^^^ ^°^'^ ^vill be the regular honors'; if a pubrDTdicatVof fh^"^'"' ^•'" ^^ ''^'-'*''^^d ^i^h cal ed to order, when the officers Sak J7h • ^ "".^^^'"Sr will be simply c-n tied. The Supreme or High Xe^s in .?'" '*^''°"'' .-^'^^ ^°"°'-« ^ein^ in tne ante-room/and when feadyZsuT^'^^^^'!^; ^i" assembl? alarm.) *=* "^ ^"® =»• M. or H. M. will give the usual doo;.^'~^'''^'' ^^"^^'' '^^'^ '^ ^" ^'^™ at the in ner re- follows :) (The S.B. opens the wicket, ascerta ins the cause, and reports as S^'77'^'''"" i^^ disting-uished breth me ot Libertv. RAn<»„r,l»r.™ — j .-. _ name ren in the iberty, Benevolence and Concord. Bcn;?^rcHS^^^^^ ^'^ "^"^ ^^ Liberty, • • • sta„S--^;r:^:-lf!;--rsw^^^^ omcers ot c he Supreme Court, in behalf of the (io8) f 3 c t t DEDICATION CEREMONY. lOQ Durt will be L-eived with be simply •nors being- II assemble e the usual »e inner md re- eports as at the mand- er and in the berty, om and ) and ' the brotherhood, I welcome you to our Forest Home and request that you will occupy the places of honor m the Court. the pedes al, and take a seat on the left of the chair^The S C R or H.aR will then appoint four brothers, recommended by the CRa^ S or H Heralds. The S. or H. Heralds will wear blue sashes -and Inl take their stations, the S.H. of the East about eieht feet in front of ThL cha r' and fh^k H Jft%'^' .'u^'"'"'^ ^'^-'^""^ ''^ ^'°"' °f ^he Orato 's rh« r' A. ifu /i^^ ^J'"*^ ^^^ ^^""^ distance in front of the P.CR 's wm iVchMh .?^ ^u^v^ '^ ^^°:." t° "?akethe Proclamation of Dedication hi Sihfn ^^ ^"'^fu ^'^"^^ "S:ht" [made of salt, profusely sprinkled with tl^^L^ ""^^r .*t^P^d^«^^l i" f'-ont of each Herald.^ The pedesTrb are to be covered with blue cloth). peue-iiais C R.~Supreme Chief Ranger, we have met you here to announce that this Temple of Charity is fin- ished, and that it is the request of the brotherhood that It be set apart and dedicated to the purposes and uses of Forestry. I place in your hands the keys of our Forest Home. SX.R.— Chief Ranger, officers and brethren of Court , No. — , I accept this hall for dedication to the purposes and uses of Forestry. I cong-ratu- late you and the members of our Order upon havino- so comfortable a Forest Home. Here you are tS meet to perform those sacred duties incumbent upon all worthy Foresters ; to seek to elevate each other in all the virtues of true manhood by cultivating triendship, social feeling and benevolence. Here you will inculcate upon all the grand principles of our noble Order, that they may go hence better fitted to carry them out, by visiting the sick, relieving the distressed, burying the dead, protecting the w no REDICATION CEREMONY. I !■ I; widows and educating tlie orplians. May tlie God Cndertak^n^ ^h'' cliarity aid you in this laudable undertaking, and may this Temple of Liberty ofTorrtSr£°"'=°^'''''"^"^"'^ asa monumeJ:i Brethren. — So mote it be. ,..S«C.R— Supreme Marshal, it is my pleasure that this Forest Home shall now be dedicated to Indepen- the samT"^' ^"^ '^"' ^^^ -""^^ proclamatio^n Cf I b3~\''°'^"^^'\^. °^ **>« Supreme Chief Rang-er test H*^ '^/i" •' '!^^^'" ^"'l P'^^-e that tf Is forest Home be now dedicated to the hig-h and noble purposes of Independent Forestry. ^ • • • S.CR.— The Supreme Orator will invoke the Divine favor on what we are about to do. PRAYER. S. Orator.— Great and Merciful Father, direct us in and en'dld^t' -fif * '" "" °"^ ^^^^ ^eguA, condnueS Grant that thilT"' "^^ '»/y.§'«'-ify Thy holy name, urant that this Temple of Liberty, Benevolence and Concord, about to be dedicated to the iurpolesof mlTmenrof'^^r ^^' T^ '•^'"^'" ^ aSK ng S^lnd JJ/y goodness and mercy, and that wins 'in KlF 1 ""^'^f ""^y S° 0"t fro™ its sacred walls to bless humanity, and magnify Thv holv name, now and for evermore. ^ ^ ^ Brethren. — Amen. DEDICATION CEREMONY. iir the God laudable Liberty, ►nument are that idepen- ition of Rang-er at this 1 noble ce the t us in tinued name. :e and •ses of luring- I that acred holy S. V. C R.- When constant Faith and sacred Hope shall die, One lost in certainty, and one in joy, Then thou, more happy power, fair Charity ! Triumphant sister, greatest of the three, Thy office and thy nature still the same, Lasting thy lamp and unconsumed thy flame. Shall stand before the host of heaven confessed, Forever blessing, and forever blessed. Lord, to Thee we dedicate this sacred Hall, And humbly ask upon us blessings all. S. C R— By the authority of the Supreme Court and m the name of the Independent Order of For- esters, I hereby dedicate this Temple to the principles of Liberty, Benevolence and Concord, and to works of charity ; may peace, harmony and g-ood-will to- v/ards men ever reign within these walls. Brethren. — So mote it be. S.CR.— Supreme Marshal, you have my com- mand to make due proclamation of the Dedication of this Hall. (The S.M. will stand in front of the Chair, facing the S. V. C. R and make due proclamation). ® v.v.. n.., ana S. M.— Hear ye, all men ! By command of the Supreme Chief Ranger, I proclaim this Temple duly and legally dedicated to Independent Forestry. In the name of Liberty, Benevolence and Concord, let this proclamation be repeated in the East and in the West, in the North and in the South. S. H. of the East. — Hear ye, all men I By com- mand of the Supreme Chief Ranger, I proclaim this 1 emple of Charity duly and legally dedicated. Ill 113 DEDICATION CEREMONY. Forest HoLXTn^^'tf^^^-Jj-^^^^^ 'His S. H. of the North.— Hear ve all m^n i n mand of the Siinrpm^ ru- e 6 ' ™®" ' % corn- Temple of Libertv b2. .'^^"^'"'■'.^ P^'"=l^n» this and Wy dedicated "''°''"'=^ '"" ^"^-'^ '""'X ma^„d"ffhf L^prSrc'^.vTR^^' ^" '"^" ' By com- of Independent Forestry • and to^^P^TK ^"^, "^^^ glory an'd praise no "aTj^v'lre. ^"^ ^' ^" '''' Brethren. — So mote it be. PRAYER. Go^d;tesiJl%X&feha I'^^' ° ^-^'f"' dedicated to the pr ndfLs of ForLtrr ^T™^^"^ and all of us with a competency of Vhln^'^'^ ^^^^ dom, that throue-h th^ Z:l"7 /.^ ^'^'"^ wis- by Thine aS wel;^1,f beTtS^ It^^^^^ ?" virtue, charity and j-olines^ T. «.l u '' '" ^'^play of Thy name^ Amen ' *''" ^°"°' ^"'^ &'°ry LV DEDICATION CEREMC>TY. "3 ►y com- lim this y com- im this rd duly r com- 2 name oclaim iberty, d uses ill the Cou'rt^* ^--Chief Ranger, officers and brethren of ,. . ^^" ""^ ^" >^^"^ ^^^ks^ of Brethren.— So mote it be. (The S.C.R. then returns the keys of the hall to the C.R.)^ e the rciful lestly each ■ wis- I and splay riory 8 If r Anniversary Service. n„,i ^^r *i° ""^^"Jl?^ °^t^e Supreme or High Officers, the C.R. will presic's The C R ^'ir"^'"-' °!: P"^^'! ^" '^^ ""^'^^'•^ ^"' *>« i" f'^i'- proper Vaces Ihe C.R. will appoint a good reader as Herald.) i^ F !» CR.— My jrethren, we have assembled on this auspicious occasion to commemorate the founding- of our noble Order. On the 17th of June, A.D. 1874, in the city of Newark, New Jersey, at a convention ot the Ancient Foresters there assembled, the Inde- pendent Order of Foresters was brought into exist- ence. The foundation then laid, though crude indeed, was destined to be developed into a grand and noble structure. On the ict of July, A.D. 1881, in the city of Ottawa, Canada, was reared the present Temple, symmetrical and perfect in all its parts, and which will continue to bless humanity to the remotest time. Already thousands of our fellowmen have been bene- fitted by the Independent Order of Foresters, and we have just reason to hope that generations yet unborn will sing the praises of our noble Order and its grand principles. C R.— The Orator will invoke the favor of Heaven upon our present assembly. (ti4) ANNIVKRSARY CERKMONY. "5 11 preslf' 3, er places. >n this iing- of . 1874, 'ention ; Inde- exist- ndeed, noble le city imple, which ttime. bene- nd we nborn grand eaven PRAYER. ass^mlleTi^Th^' T t ^'"'^^"^ ^^^^ ^' ^"^^ ^^'^ The? fZ ^ ^""l^; "^."'^ ^° ^ff^^ "P thanks to iTnnn M "l^"! ^lessings Thou hast showered upon our noble Order. Thou hast been our ^uide lea^^aftor ""'""J^ ^?,' "P^" Thee ha^ve we leaned, and not in vain, for all our prosperity. Thou hast favored us in all our undertakings, and our ex- pectations have been more than realized. Prosper and direct us still in the cause of Liberty, Benevo- ence and Concord, and to Thee, O Father, be a^l the praise and glory now and for evermore. Brethren. — Amen. CR.— The brethren will sing the anniversary ode. No. II. ANNIVERSARY ODE. [St. Michael. ^^^^^^^^^^ o* S/,^«?if° /i"' P°^ u*? ■ ^*y ^'^ ^°" ■ stant mer - cy bSs 2. His arm the strength im - parts Our dai - ly toil to bear* 3. God of the vvid-ow. hear! Our work of mer . cy bless'; "^HisVrace ^^'^ it^f^- "' • °" ^^'u^^^^' ^"^ ^'■^"ted us sac • cess. God ^ of ♦?« f.t '"■^P'/««°">-»»earts Each other's load to share God of the fath - er - less, be near, And grant us good sue - cess ii6 Anniversary ckkEMom ^*R*—'^^^^Qriild wiJl read the proclamation of the Supreme ror High) Chief Ranker. (The Herald will il„ n read the Proclamation.) .f ^K ^r^Y'''^ Chief Ranger, what are the principles of the Independent Order of Foresters ? (The officers will rise as they respond.) Ord;r^'h^*^'"''^P^u''^I" Forestry is a benevolent ^H fn'n f I "P°".the broadest principles of mutual aid and fraternal intercourse in all the social and business relations of life. Its grand object is to unite in one true brotherhood all good men, without regard 1 ,^f ^tarian creeds political dogmas, or conditions ; to provide for relief in sickness or disabilitv rM.Vf^f '^^ "P°"*'J^ ""V"^' "^'^ P'^"' a fund for the relief of widows and orphans of deceased members ; to foster a spirit of co-operation in all departments of labor and commerce ; to assist the unfortunate and relieve the distressed; to encourage and protect the professional man, laborer, artisan, tradesman, farmer, and all engaged in industrial pursuits. C. R-— Past Chief Ranger, what do the principles of our Order teach us? ^ v => r. ^'^V^T^t ^""^ '"'"^^''t ^y the principles of the Order to be sober, upright and conscientious, willino- to help, ready to relieve, and obedient to the laws of our country. In i r domestic relations we are taught as husbands, to : -iflFc.tionate and trustful ; as fathers, regardfuS < , t,,e mo,.! and material well- being of our children and dependents; as sons, to be dutiful and exemplary; as friends, to be steadfast and ANNIVKRSARV rERKMONY. "7 true. Every Court, from tho very nature of our Con- stitution and Laws, and by reason of the objects duties and responsibilities which they impose upon the membership, should promote the moral, social and intellectual welfare of those connected with the ui^^V^ T^ ^^\7 "^""^ "'^^^ efficiently tl.e aims of our noble Order, all good men are invited to unite to- gether as brethren in the Independent Order of r oresters. Orator.— God speed the heavenlv mission of our noble Order ; onward be its progress, unti i misfor- tune has ceased to exist and there shall be lo more want to relieve, and ** sorrow and sighing snail flee Brethren. — So mote it be. C. R.— Brethren, let us all emulate the heroes of humanity who have gone before us ; and by self- denying devotion to our Order, by conscien ious uprightness in all our dealings, and by ever keeping- in mind that - Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit the father ess and widows in their affliction, and to keep him elf unspotted from the world," strive to promote the honor and prosperity of our noble Order— the Inde pendent Order of Foresters. • Brethren. — So mote it be. deteJItS^:;^::;'^t.f;^ -:f ""''- ^-^^-^ ^^ ^'- ^-- --y have L^» Is. VA'G will n^-vi»T y-.^.-, ^1.. ,1 _ x1_ • \ • . tT" • . '"" ''"^'"^ '-v/m.iuuc iiiis Anniversary ser- vice by singing the Foresters' Anthem. I ilvi !i i ii8 ANNIVERSARY CEREMONY. No. 12. FORESTERS' ANTHEM. [Red, White and Blue. if L*xcL», WHITE AND Bl , /"T^.- 6 ^ . - ! ^ u rf I fi pledge it our warm-est de - vo-tion To pledge ,t our warm-est de . vo-tion.' WH f. - *"-6o„ our warm-est de - vo-tion, We'll p- i ANNIVERSARY CEREMONY. 119 T=i :?5iqr^.*z4= 1 tKn rally round one an-oth-er. wftin^ hands to relieve sore distress ready to reheveaneedy member. 'Neath our gloriousred white and blue. ThreecheersfOT the redwhiteand blue, Thr«cheersfo?ther«iwhitel^ ^^ :U=k=t= i^-esj :t:2l a"ul;2'^»?lE?l=fi^^^^^^^^^ diai ^*~"'^^^ Orator will now close with the Bene- BENEDICTION. Orator.— To God, the Supreme Ruler of the Uni- verse, be ascribed all the glory, might, majesty and dommion; and may the blessing of Godf our Heavenly Father, be with us all now and evermore. Burial Service theiSrnreThe'offi^^^^^^^^^ present they shall officiate, and in the ceremony as acTinrsSpr^e office"? ""^£ ^'^^hest in rank shall conduc" and Orator appointed bv the senior offl ^""^ ^^^" ^^ ^ ^^ief Marshal by the C.R. of^each of tVe So'rts t£^^^ ""f ^^"■^*""* ^^-^^^'« each Court. The Court Reealia or ^^w P^"^^"""® Assistant Marshal for shall be worn, except whe?the%eXr ^'V^'^P^u^ ^^ ^'^P^> which case the brethren win ^Z7hf i ""favorable, or likely to be, in by a narrow piece of whi^e crane or rthh """^^^ ^'^r/* '^^ '^^ ^'""^ ^^^tened crape, into which a sprig o^evere^^^^^^^ V ^^^i' ^?^ °^ ^'^^^^ ^"^ ^^'te regalia, or when the regflia ilnof used then^hl^K'^' '" *° l^ ^°''" °" ^he eft breast ; the Supreme or H^h Marshal "^^^^^ ^^ "^^"^ °" ''^^ to that which each Lmber weafs, Swear fsasf^^^^^^ about four inches wide when ioJr.lH-^*^'''^^''*"'' white crape, shall carry a white baton Jri'mmed' S'"Jh-7^" '5^.1"^* ^^°"'^«'-' ^"^ Assistant Marshals shall wear sTshes of bL.lT^ ^"1 ^^^'^'^ *="^P^ '* 'he shoulder, and shall carry rwhfteba?onfr- "T °."lV'«° over the left pall-bearers shalt wear he^avy whl era " slX«1 ^''^ ^^"':^ ""'^P^ ' '^^ b^ck grloves ; the officers an^dThfrneXr^shaU w'ilT^?-^''*', ^^^''^' *"d officers and members will form in procession two .K "^^^^ S^^^^s. The observe that there is from six to ten f^^f «? ^^reast, being- careful to the next two in front,Tnrwin Lave the F^^/^^^^^ house in the following order:) ''°°'^ *° proceed to the THE PROCESSION. (1) The Supreme, or High, or Chief Marshal, six to ten feet in advance. (2) The officiating- Orator and Court Physician. (3) The members of the Order. (4) The officers of Courts according to rank. (5) The officers ot the mournmg Court. (120) I te, and in ill conduct f Marshal Marshals irshal for ith crape, to be, in 1 fastened md white rn on the rn on the 1 addition ite crape, der, and ipe; the r the left »pe; the ack, and !s. The ireful to Ives and id to the SIX to BURIAL SERVICE. 121 (6) The Supreme or High officers, according to rank, the highest rank being in the rear. (On arriving- at the house they will halt, open out and reverse.) Ceremony at the House. I S. Orator. — Let us pray. PRAYER. Great and Merciful Sovereign of the Universe in whom we hve and move and have our being ^.^S before whom all must hereafter appear and render an account of the deeds done in the body, we earnestly beseech Thee to deeply impress upon our minds the solemnity of th.s hour. And, O Merciful God, Thou who art the father of the widow and the orphans, we beseech Thee to look down in pity and love upon the stnc-^^en mourners ; sustain and comfort thenTin this the hour of their sore affliction ; and finally, by Thv infinite mercy, gather them all home into Thy ever- lasting kingdom. ^ The Members. — Amen. (Tho followinB ode may ll.en be sun;- .,, i!,e discretion of the S.C.R.) 122 I BURIAL SERVICE. ^ _ IRes^ Mear^ Ibeart. I -c»- -9-9- ~ -es- :^ Rest, weary heart. ( ^'°™ a" thy silent \ /xk.. » c.i '^ griefs and J se-cretpain, (Thy profitless regrets\ Rest, weary head r^'^^own to slumberN ,. /r «„»,*<■ u ' ^ in the ) P^ace - ful tomb, (Light from above hasN 3. Rest, spirit free, ( In the green s. ,, /wu^^^,^^ ^ N pastures Of the J heav'nly shore, (Where sin and sorrows ■Pv :--^« ^ canap. J wm^m —t9 rr- te I — iHil -& I long -lags vain; Wis - dom and lova have of H-ll^ ,. .u thro' Its eloom-Here .'o ,y,^ i . or - dered all the past. i^i^ffliei^iifegii :fcH»^»:=:?Vgb=re-.-«- cares child with that have so long op. pressed. Rest, sweet -ly up -on its mo - ther's breast. Rest, sweet- ly thy God and Sa-viour blest. Rest sweet- ly 'ST rest, rest, rest. ess regretsN above has\ ken ) ind sorrowN mi past, r lay, •d fed. WA StS" \ tired ev -er F -•J «»- !St, !St. »St. I il BURIAL SERVICE. 123 A^^ w~r "'^'I"'^"' '" ""* ™''^^t "f "fe we are in death. We live but to see those we love pass away into the silent tomb. ' hAS''K*?-'~"J-^'".l'''"'^^"''''^'^''°"' and the life: he that beheveth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. P» S^ C R— Glory be to Thee, O Lord ! The Members. — Amen. S. C R;— '* What man is he that liveth, and shall not see death ? shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave ? Man walketh in a vain shadow ; he heapeth up riches, and cannot tell who shall P-ather them. Man dieth, and wasteth away : yea? man giveth up the ghost, and where is he ?" S. Orator.— ** Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil • for thou art with me ; Thy rod and Thy staff thev comfort me. ^ P. S. C. R.— <* The Lord gave, and the Lord taketh away ; blessed be the name of the Lord." The Members. — Amen. S.C.R.—'* Behold, Thou hast made my days as It were a span long : and my age is even as nothing- in respect of Thee ; and verily every man living- is altogether vanity." ^ u I''' f ■ t il' e- "4 BURIAL SERVICE. unfoS^* W^" l^^^'^ ^ voice from Heaven, saying who dTe'in^hf T ^T •'^"^^forth blessed are the dead R S* C R— Glory be to Thee, O Lord ! S. CR--**Thou hast set our misdeeds hpf^.o S^ t^fd!'"^"^ °- ^--° — ? S^rjefeTtaL^ shall not all sleep, but we shall all be chanired in I ny sung- . u grave, where is thy victory V' aA t Se?s';i';Ltirrf^h:t'?d.-^''^'' """"^ The Members.— -Amen. (The following ode may be sung at the discretion of the S.C.R.) saying* he dead rit ; for before ' coun- lys are ! a tale . We i, in a le last 2 dead nged. hat is leath, ory !" aketh BURIAL SERVICE. "5 No. .* «earet, mv (S*, to tCbee. I. Near-er, myGod. toThee.NMr.of. ♦« vko«. t?.^-. *u ui^ o' ?uTf;'"?^°^'*°Thee,Near.er to Thee;.. *• 4,Jo.\>kethewander-er, The sun gone down... I' mK ""^ -f J"y "^^y, ^PP^^' Steps un - to heaven. 4. -Lnen.with my waking tho'tsBrightwithThy praise ' -^- ^ I L-J- :r|z: ( — •- E'en though it Darkness comes All that Thou Out of my i f ^- r *? M ^'^ I 1 ^ fie I I ■^. C^ ■fir— -i-f^ _^-Fs,__l_^i be acrossThatraisethme... o-ver me, My rest a stone, send-est me, In mercy given, ston-y griefs Bethel I'll raise. 1 — T T ■0—&i. :^.i.-Jst—t Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer, my An - gels to beck-on me Nearer, my So by my woes to be Nearer, my r^- S°^' 1° I?®®' i?®*"^ ■ ^■'' ™y God' to Thee, Near - er to S j' 1° J!?®®' i^®*"^ " ®''' °^y God» to Thee, Near - er to God, to Thee, Near - er, my God, to Thee, Near • er to God, to Thee, Near - er, my God, to Thee, Near - er to Thee. Thee. Thee. Thee. ia6 BURIAL SERVICE. I i: m Ceremony at the Qrave. beJ?h"et^t^ordtt"wVe^ P^^^^^^^^^ -^n. and wil, the P S c"R"on hi.'rr? °Vk'" ^:""^ ""^ ^^^ ^- Orator on 4^r^rt' and iHc 1-. a. \^. K. on his left within the r rrlf> Aft«.. +1,^ .. t i- • " monies are performed, the S. C. R or actlnir S C R u "^^l^'T ^^?" head of the grave, will proceed as follows ""^ ^' ^' ^^ ^^° ^^^"''^ ^' ^^e S. C R— We are assembled upon this solemn and mournful occasion, in obedience to the dictates of duty, and m conformity to the expressed wishes of our deceased brother, to perform the last sad rites which the hvmg- may render to the dead, by deposit- ing the mortal remains of our late brother in their hnal restmg place, where all ranks are levelled, and all distmctions swept away, w.n "\^^- *'^' .'" J?^?'^^ "! "who doeth all things well havmg, m His infinite wisdom, summoned our brother from the cares and anxieties of this life, we desire humbly to bow in submission, and pray for gracetosay * ^ Thy will be done." F y i^r No more shall we gaze on the genial smile of our worthy brother, nor clasp his hand of welcome ; no more respond to his fraternal signal, nor behold him in th^ happy circle formed in Liberty, Benevolence and Concord. The throbbing heart that beat respon- sive to the claims of humanity, the noble impulses that inspired his energies, and the earnest tones that pleaded so fervently for the principles of our noble Urder, all are hushed and silent for ever n, and will he gate of 8, allowing- which the frave, the rig-ht and ious cere- nds at the nn and ates of shes of d rites sposit- 1 their d, and things ed our e, we ay for )f our e ; no d him )lence spon- >ulses 5 that noble BURIAL SERVICE. 137 May these mortal remains remind us of our own approaching end, and serve to stimulate us to greater works of charity and brotherly love. May we have strength from on High to so regulate our conduct, that, guided by the dictates of unerring wisdom, we may enjoy in the latter period of our earthly existence, that tranquillity which flows from an unsullied con- science, even **the peace of God which passeth all understanding." Brethren. — So mote it be. S. C R.— This evergreen is symbolical of the im- mortality of the soul, and teaches us not to mourn for the dead as they who are without hope. (As the above words are pronounced, the S.C.R. or Acting S.C.R., will drop the evergreen into the grave, and lead in procession around the grave, going to his right and then wheeling to the left outside of the circle. The brother standing immediately to the left of the S.C.R. will follow, and the rest passing around after the others, and as each passes the head of the fu^^u u °^P°^'** ^'S sprig of evergreen and passes on around the grave till aU have dropped the evergreen into the grave, then each resumes his place m the circle around the grave ; this done, the brethren will form the Circle of Concord," which is done by each crossing his arms in front and linking his right hand with his left neighbor's left hand, and his left hand with his right neighbor's right hand, then elevating the hands so linked three times ; after which the procession will be reformed in the same order as when leaving the Court Room.) S. C R— Let the ** Circle of Concord '' be formed. ^n^ i The Ceremony OF Laying a Corner Stone. (The Corner Stone whenever practicable should be laid in the north- east angle of the building-. The masonry should be built up to the level on which the Corner Stone is to be laid. A cavity should be made in the stone which is intended to be placed immediately under the Corner Stone, say about 6 inches by 12 inches, by 6 inches deep, and a tin box made to fit into such cavity. The coins of the country, previously placed in a small bottle and hermetically sealed, together with ^he records nnd documents intended to be placed under the Corner Stone, should be ij'aced in the tin box by the architect or superintendent of works, as they are enumerated by the Supreme Secretary from the Tablet. After which the tin box is likewise hermetically sealed, and then handed to the Supreme Secretary, who places the same in the cavity of the stone, after which the ceremony proceeds as laid down in the Ritual. The Supreme Chief Ranger or the officer present who is next highest in rank, shall perform the ceremony of laying the Corner Stone. The Supreme Chief Ranger or ranking officer may, however, delegate his authority to some Distinguished Personage selected for that purpose. The brethren shall assemble at the Court Room, or some other place convenient to the proposed new building, and march in procession, headed by the officers and members of the Court under whose auspices the ceremony is to be performed ; next, the members ; next, the officers ac- cording to rank, the seniors being in the rear ; then the Supreme Chief Ranger and the associate Supreme Officers. The procession, upon reach- ing the place where the Corner Stone is to be laid, will halt, open ranks and reverse. The ceremony will then proceed as under :) S. C. R. — The Supreme Secretary will read the Tablet, and see that the Archives are properly placed within the foundation of the to be erected upon these grounds. (The Supreme Secretary will then read from a manuscript called "Tablet," such descriptions of the building as may have been prepared, together with an enumeration of the articles called "Archives" as may have been determined to place within the foundation of the building. (128) I.AVINd A rORNKR STONK. i«9 d in the north- to the level ou de in the stone jer Stone, say ox made to fit ced in a small ind documents aced in the tin enumerated by box is likewise .ry, who places ly proceeds as officer present ' of laying the may, however, ilected for that or some other in procession, se auspices the he officers ac- Supreme Chief n, upon reach- ,lt, open ranks read the ^rly placed ;cted upon luscript called Deen prepared, [lives " as may ■ the building. \Vhen the Supreme Secretary begins to enumerate the "Archives," he will give the Architect time to place each article in the box. The Architect will repeat the name of each article after the Supreme Secretary and place it within the box. The Architect will then have the box securely soldered and then hand it to the Supreme Secretary, who then places it in the proper place in the foundation wall, and reports as follows :) S. S.— Supreme Chief Ranger, the Archives have been properly placed within the foundations of the to be erected upon these grounds. S, C R. — Before we proceed to lay the Corner Stone let us invoke the blessing of Heaven upon what we are about to do. S. Orator.— Protect us, O Lord, in all our doings with Thy most gracious favor, and further us with Thy continual help, that in all our works begun, continued and ended in Thee we may Glorify Thy Holy Name. Grant, O Merciful Father, that this to be erected upon these grounds may remain as an enduring monument of Thy goodness and mercy to mankind, and that chanty and good-will may go out from its walls to bless humanity and magnify Thy Holy name, now and evermore. Amen. Officers and Members.— So mote it be. S. Orator.— Our Father who art in Heaven, Hal- lowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. Officers and Members. — So mote it be. 9 '30 LAVING A CORNER STONE. !l I i' S. C R— Let the Clerk of the Works attend to the mortar to the end that the Corner Stone may be properly laid. ^ Who .in tH^;° •^ir.t^e Jp^s .^ifh ^1!;:::'^^'^:^ rsa,^r - S. C. R-~In the name of the Independent Order of I^oresters, I hereby lay the Corner Stone of the . to thl^S*/r''p ^^''V'"' Superintendent of Works will then hand the Square IV^L^ '^V "^.^^ '^''iJl^y '^^ ^°'-"e'- Stone with it, and then the ArchT tect or Superintendent of Works will receive from the P ^CUilfiP and hand to him the Level, who wiU^'c: k 1'' he LWr'sto^^^^^^ ?heT*rr^^^"^J' ^^^^ to the Architect or SuperinteXt of Works the P S C^ R °'* ?"P«''.',f t"d^".^ °f Works will next hand the Plummet to ttLhUe^tl^and'tn'siy'^r^^ '"^ ^'^ ^'^^^ ^'^^^ '^ -^ -*-" ^t Jo" ^ ?*?*.^*?*~^ proclaim this Corner Stone well and Ih-uly laid by (giving titit in full). ti,. i'^ * Distinguished Personage has been chosen to lay the Corner Stone r.::siTj.^'ii 't^- S's:uTr^" "•" '• ■=• "" -^^^^^^ S. C, R—In the name of the Independent Order of Foresters, I ask that will do us the honor of performmg the ceremony of laying the Corner otone. wi,«^I?n fil^^'^l^.*" ^^^" ^^"'^ '^® Trowel to the Distinguished Personaee tT« S^ hl^T^K'^i^T *^^ '^"•^^'"^ *°"^hes to the mo?tar ; so also whe^ lamffo the"nU-^ Mallet to the S.C.R., that officer will likewise pasHhe upon the Corner sfo""''-** Personage, who will give the required three taps upon the Corner Stone, immediately after saying as follows :) LAYING A CORNKR STONK. »n to the lay be ar on the who will itone will ay:) der of 5 Square le Archi- 5 Square ne for a Works, tnmet to irn it to ^3^^^^"^^^^^ Pcrsonaj?:e.-In the name of the In- SneoTth?^!l!L "'' ' hereby lay the Corner Le^vel and Plummet "he wm^^^^^^^^^ ST'" ^.^^^ T'^^ ^^e Square, proclamation, as follows T) ^ ^'^'^' "^^^ ^'" •''«" •"*>«« »»>« neJ'*c:^:.n*^*T.^''PT^"'^i^!'^?^^^"S-er, I find the Cor- ner btone well and truly laid. S. CR— I proclaim the Corner Stone of the . well and truly laid by — . whicfc^r^^^^^ is"rer;e"d?:\^5"ik^^^^^^^^^^ •- music from the band. cneers tor the Order, followed by 1 and ' Stone, ves the ierof lonor 3rner onage, > when ss the '■e taps m ii INDEX. ^3^*^^<^^t^^ ^* ¥\ k 51 tl ^AGR Anniversary Service - - - - - - -114 Burial " ...---- 120 Closing Ceremony ' - - - -» - - . - 8 Closing " (Alternative Ritual) . - - 60 Dedication " - - 108 Diagram of Court Room ------ 2 General Instructions 3 Initiation Ceremony 9 *• " First, (Alternative Ritual) - - 64 «« •• Second, ** '' - - 87 Installation " - 20 Instituting •* - - -- - -- 32 Laying of a Corner Stone Ceremony - - - 1 28 Opening Ceremony 5 «< " (Alternative Ritual) - - - - 54 Order of Business - 6 ** '♦ (Alternative Ritual) - - - - 58 Reception Ceremony — for a Supreme or High officer - 51 « " for a Deputy C.R. or P.C.R. - 52 i\ fli^ ficer b^< M\., ^AQK 114 120 8 60 1 08 2 3 9 64 87 20 « 32 128 5 54 6 58 51 52