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Las diagrammes suivants iliuatrant la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■y- rf ms Is Voters' List 1898. Municipality of Waterford. SCHEDULE OF r^POST ©FFieES. 1 Waterford. 2 Bloomsbiirg. 3 Brantford. 4 Buffalo, N.Y. 5 Boston. 6 Detroit, Mich. 7 Drummondville. 8 Hamilton. London. 10 Mobawk. 11 Nanticoko. 12 Oakland. 13 Oil Springs. 14 Port Dover. 15 Round Plains. 16 Simcoe. 17 St. Williams. 18 Toronto. 19 Townsend Centre. 20 Tilsonburg. 21 Windham Centre. Voters' List, 1898. nUNICIPALfTY OF WATERFORD. Part I. — List of persons entitled to vote at both Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assembly. POLLING SUB-DIVI8ION NO. I. Comprising all that part of the Village of Waterford lying North of a lino commenc- ing on the westerly limit of the said Village at its intersection with the prohmyation of the centre line of Nichol street, thence running in an easterly direction along the said prolongation and along the centre line of Nichol street across Block B to the centre line of Sylvia street, and thence along the centre line of Sylvia street to the easterly limit of the said Village of VVaterford. No. no 1 Roll u •-5 NAME. Block. Street. Address. • 6 23 40 J 42 42 J 44 J 46 46 J 48 49 50 J 56 Ammorman, John laborer D Butler, John brick maker Barber, A. M .furniture dealer Boughner, Robert W. jntleman Bowlby, Arthur canner Butler, Joseph engineer Beam, Nelson blacksmith Bentley, Ira pumpmaker Brazier, Wm carpenter Beemer, Charles .laborer Beemcr, Leamon laborer Bowlby, Russell canner OMF 7 A 10 1 OM F OMF A 19 3 10-11-12 &ap OMF OMF 7 2 12-19 7 TMF OMF 19 21 16-16 5 OMF OMF 16 16 18 1 2 and p OMF OMF 26 10 TMF 81 Chambers, U. J dentist 83 Clouse, Charles blacksmith 84 J Cook, Merril H merchant 85 J Church, James J . harnessmaker 24 21 6 and o p 1 OMF OMF Post Office Block IMF A i2, 7-8 and op OMF 1 1 1 1 w — 4— . o S5 c •-9 NAME. Block. 86 J Conlin, Matthew roadmaster 87 Chart, Henry cooper 89 Collins, Samuel laborer 103 Dean, Leonard blacksmith 10« DochHtftder, H. restaurant keeper 107 Buncombe, CO miller 108 J Duncombe, T. D.tjrain merchant 111 Dueling, Wm laborer 113 Duncombe, A. C M, D 114 Dueling, Isaac laborer 128 Fleming, Wni gentleman 129 Foster, Daniel R gentleman 143 J Goold, Arthur J physician 146 J Gable, Ezra S farmer 146 Grace, Edward gentleman 148 Glover, Edward teamster 149 J Green, Isaac blacksmith 150 (Jarvey, John gentleman 151 152 156 176 176 178 179 181 260 J J J J Howey, VVni lalwrer Howey, David laborer Henry, James A miller Holston, John H laborer Henry, Thos lumberman Henry, Judson baker Hamlin, John W baker Hopkins, Wm laborer Harp, M. L shoemaker Street. A.3 e A 2 6 1 and o p TMF OMF 1 1 .87 188 5 3 OMF 1 A C 6 17-18 OMF OMF 1 I 198 J 199 J 200 J 13 26 N p8 7-18 and o p OMF OMF 1 1 5 D 12 18 and o p TMF OMF 1 1 223 224 15 •sw p 12 OMF 1 225 J 22(i 7 A 2-5 N P 4 OMF M F 1 1 227 229 230 232 B 6 7-p8 4 TMF TMF 1 1 23r> 236 J 238 7 4 20-24 1-4 OMF OMF J 3 19 7 and o p 17-26 OMF M F 1 1 259 J 261 262 J 2(53 16 21 3 5- part 6 3-4 1 24-25-26 OMF OMF TMF TMF 1 1 1 1 165 268 J 269 270 24 26 2-3-5-7 and o 8-19 p OMF OMF 1 1 273 275 B 21 3 2 TMF OMF 1 1 276 277 J B Ni8 TMF 278 -5- . '/ og . -v F 1 F 1 e 2i t 3 •-5 NAME. Block. 1.87 Jarnea, Edward F merchant B 188 .lolniHon, (leorge laborer 16 Lot. II 10 O M F OMF O 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 198 J Kitchen, David, sr. . blacksmith 13 4-5 199 J Kitchen, David, jr .hIackHmith 7 26 200 J Kinnear, Lewis teacher 6 5 223 Letler, Lemuel laborer 15 224 Lundy. Edward H. .. .merchant 3 225 J Lundy, W. C merchant 3 22<> Lefler, Isaac laborer 20 227 Lester, Wm laborer 3 229 Lefler, .lolui P labcuer 2 230 Lefler, Isaiah laborer 19 232 Ladd, Henry lalxjrer 1 23.) Lester, David laborer 21 236 J Lefler, James laborer 16 238 Lefler, Cliarles laborer 15 12 259 J MacKay, Robert B ... merchant 261 McDonald, Charles barber 262 J Marlatt, Albert D.. .liveryman 263 Martin, Henry laborer 165 Marlatt, F. S painter 268 J Murray, Charles carpenter 269 Munce, Solomon laborer 270 Maddiford, John machinist 273 Moblo, Nelson farmer 275 Mace, Wm laborer 276 Matthews, Lewis cooper 277 J Miles, John painter 278 Merritt, Wm. A carpenter 16 M F TMF 1 MF 1 1 w V 19 16-17 OMF OMF w A 16-17 1-2 OMF TMF 6 3 TMF OMF 23 22 OMF TMF 1 1 1 and o p OMF O M F OMF B 26 B ^ 8 and o p23 P OMF OMF B B 6 and o p w p 7 OMF T MF 13 20 8p8 K P 5 TMF TMF 20 4 w p 6 3 TMF O MF D 5 7 1 TMF <) MF 18 19 17-18 19-20 and o P OMF OMF 7 N p6 OMF — «— 228 J Ogg, H. n hf.ttilkoopor 1-2 TM F '3 ST. 21>:i J Poarco, P. Ooo printer :iOO Perkins, Wm Rhoeumker 802 Porniey, 'VcHloy carpenter 30.'{ P(!ttit! Fv Hewurth liihoror 2« 7 ;j 16 2 22 11-1 2 ;{-4 (> M F () M F 1 1 11 M F () M V I 1 391 317 J Robins, JfinieH K bihorer D r 18 318 KoliiiiH, Albert A .laborer 1!) 18 319 KobinHon, llirani kborer 3 13 321 .J Rock, Alexander poHtmaster 20 3 and o p T M F OM F M F O M F 41 Spencer, Morrison laborer Slaglit, Aaron uiinistor Smith, Win laborer Siiuire, Samuel L merchant Snider, Fred. S MI). Slight, Lewis H . . . . account mt Shrigloy, W. C). R carter Speivjer, Edward Uborer Silverthorne, (lustavus. laborer Smith, John W gentleman Sovereign, A nthony moulder Sinithett, C. E. B agent Sovereign, L.L farmer Schooley, Aaron kborer Sharp, Theodore laborer Smith, Wm laborer Strohm, Abram carpenter Series, Henry grocer 377 Terry, John carpenter 384 Tobin, Martin butcher 88 342 345 354 J 36() 357 J J 358 35i) 360 302 3(53 304 J 365 3H0 J 360 371 374 «376 .) 1 A 11 and o p T M F 1 () M F 1 27 25 1 N V 1 () M F 1 T M F 1 20 2 8-10 4-5 and o p (> M F 1 M F 1 2 3 13 and o p 8 M F 1 T M F 1 3 3 p3-4 ¥ 2 .''. and o p T M F 1 () M F 1 2 7 8 16-23 () M F 1 () M F 1 20 D 2-4-5 10 () M F 1 OMF 1 5 18 2 13-14 OMF 1 TMF 1 19 D 24 16-10 OMF 1 OMF 1 2 13 14 6-7 :'.nd up OMF 1 OMF 1 I I OS w ops 3 112 280 144 110 123 861 -7- t 3 NAME. Block. 301 40r» .1 Wymer. UlmrloH fiiriUDr 408 VVyiitt, John. . . . wagt^oii lutvker 40S> J WilkiiiHon, VV. B lunistor 410 J Wilson. VV. F grocer 41 VVhito, vVni . . inHHoii 27 C 8tr«et. 385 J Tootcr, Honry F . .hotolkeeper 25 8 nnd <> p 388 J Tmioh(1;iIo, Win travollor 7 17-24 U[>fcogri»vo. MarHhall. . . laborer 18 N J' I 2 3 4-5 26 »-10 Union Block 19 N h iO-21 lot ^:? {) M F () M F O MF M F () M r OMF 1 1 MF 1 M F 1 1 I I 4l<) J Y(»rk, I. Edward druyglKt 25 417 YiNjtnian, Wni .carriage buildor 21 ] and o p 1 OMF 1 OMF 1 I ■/■>■/•« /"v^"w'W«M■'^••#*«/"hy■v^^%tf^^rfr^■/^./^^#■v. r.xKT 11, — Liht of persons eiuitlod to vote, at Municipal Elec- tions only. o ps 5^; •-5 NAi\]E. Block. 289 Beuiuer, Lewis faruiur J, 144 Collver, Augusta S widow B 1 10 Dale, Su.sftu, widow 2 123 Elsitfer, Mary widow 2 361 Easton, Jamos \V . . . . electrician 3 Street. 3 Allen, Charity widow 3 5 112 Anthony, Joseph farmer 5 12 r 8 11 10 p3-4 O O 1-2 and o p O O O o 1 1 8 1 9 -8— 127 Fleming, James farmer 2 P 12-15 130 Foster, Fr^nk R morchiiiit 21 5-10 147 (Gilbert, Mary widow 2 2 (3 O () 1 19 Part §== u c , o u OC^ s ^ •-5 41 272 180 HcvhneH, R -painter B 3 14 90 186 Joyce, Herbert druggist A 201 -I^Unni, Anna widow 6 231 Lofier, Alfred farmer 1 234 Ladd, Thomas laborer 1 237 Letier, Mrs. Joel widow 18 228 Matthews, David laborer 3 264 Mcsseoar. Walker farmer A 10 2-3 8-9-10 22 6 p2 O O o o 6 1 15 1 115 290 202 223 239 266 267 271 McMichael. George M.D. McMichael, Emily C widow McMichael, Sarah widow o 5 D 4 and op 4 and o [> 9 O T () 4 1 3i»l 386 314 315 31(5 320 274 367 368 270 40 Rammage, Wm. H druggist Rammage, Catharine. . . . widow Rohinson, Mrs. Ezra widow Robinson, Mary spinster Slaght, Chfvrles machinist Schooley, Alice 8 spinster Slaght, Cemantha widow Stickles, Elizabeth widow Wo(xl, Lizzie widow 26 26 4-5 4-5 26 3 16 13 D D 7 10 D 19 12 13-14 27 4-5 O O o I) o o o 4 -1 1 ,346 13 372 1 373 8 375 1 1 1 403 418 — 9— O^ 1 19 14 6 1 15 1 1 1 4 1 Part III. — List of persons entitled to vote at Elections to the Lerer 3 TMF Murtlan.l, J. Wesley. . . .laborer Murtland, John laborer Millard, David laborer Merritt, Thos. D. .. .gentleman McMichael, Oscar farmer Martin, Henry gentleman McDougall, Albert D. trainman Misner, Henry agent Murdoch, Andrew minister McDrmald, John mason McCiuire, Wm. M dentist McMichael, A. E farmer i84 J Martin, John .... cheesemaker 240 241 243 244 J 24 () 247 J J 249 251 J J 252 254 255 283 J J K K U 11 OMF 1 TMF 1 K S 26 3-16-17 & o P OMF I OMF I P P 3, p 8-9 14 a md (J P OMF 1 OMF 1 14 T 9 7 TMF 1 TMF 1 M 31 11 OMF 1 OMF 1 29 F 4 10-24 and o P O M F 1 OMF 1 N 15-16 and o p OMF 286 O'Brien, Peter foreman TMF -14— c ^ r' u o u 3 NAME. 291 Pringle, Wm laborer 292 J Pearce, P. J merchant 294 Pottit, Edward .teamster 29B J Pratten, J. H. .carriage bnilder 394 J Pursel, N. W merchant 24"= .1 Robertson, A. W agent 306 Robins, .lames sr laborer 307 Robins, John D .laborer 315 Robinson, Frederick. gentleman 339 J Somers. R. J .gentleman 349 Stickles, Robert laborer 350 Stickles, George piunper 353 Sutclifte, James .... watchman Block. 33 R 14 F F S L L M 313 J Robinsim, A. E l»arber J 323 J Smith, Frank farmer 325 J Smith, Wm. A. section foreman 327 Slaght, Israel gentleman 328 J Series, (^eo. VV grocer 331 Saltzberry, A. Fl builder 333 J Sewell, John G gentleman 335 Smith, Eli ... gentleman 330 .) Smale, H. R tailor Lot. O t N P 1 34 T M F OMF 12 OMF 7-8-9 and op OMF 12, Fl3-2(), (.p O M F 7-8-9 (i 4 5 T M F OMF M F OMF O M F K S 10 2 T M F T M F L 31 2-3 3 O M F O M F P R s h 12 iT i) M F O M F 34 T 2 MF F X 13-14 8 T M F r M F X V 8 1-2 T M F OMF . o 389 390 39.3 «t>4 395 413 414 =!« 11 12 24 27 142 101 106 159 Thomjison, W. C gentleman 250 Tivender, Thomas laborer 378 J Tobin, A. M clerk of court 379 J Tench, Wm builder 382 J Tench, Walter ...manufacturer X 2<» J 2 3 P 8 5-0 and o p 4 OMF T M F 1 1 O M F T M F 1 1 4-5-6-7 and o p OMF 58 60 65 70 —16— Ph3 . o c c2 3 NAME. Block. .'{8!) I'ptegrove, Tsfiac. . . .blackKtnith .SH 390 Uptegrove, Hudson ... .teamster 11 Lot. ci ■a \V P 1 () M F 1 1 OMF 1 3{>3 VivnSickUi, Arthur liiboror S !• 10 TMF 694 VVliitesoll. Frank kljoror K 1--' 3U5 VVfilker, Henry H. .. .carpenter K 5-({ 397 J Webster. Win. E operator L B .i 21 399 J VValker, James E car{)entor R 1748-19 407 J VVilliams, John H. .hotolkeoper V 4-5 T M F TMF 1 1 TMF TMF 1 1 OMF 1 1 1 1 413 Young, Charles L laborer R 414 Yocom, .lohn painter 29 22 OMF 1 O M F 1 Part II. — List of person.s entitled to vote at .Municipal Elec- tions only. i« 3 7 11 12 24 27 142 161 1H5 58 60 66 70 NAME. Block. Lot. Beam, Mary widow Boughner, Louise widow Barr, Margaret widow Bartlett, widow Brophey. Thos. A . . . . gentleman Brown, Geo. F painter Bezzo, Sarah widow Blackly, David .... gentleman CoUver. J. Seymour. . . .farmer Clark, Rachel widow Chapin, Elam .... farmer Collver, Kani farmer J 13-14 18 1 1 s 14 20 10 T O 1 1 T 8 12, p 13 6 U 18 10 S T 16 10 1 1 L 35 25 2 2 1 P 39 N A4 3 T 1 1 —16- ai=5 . o = 33 71 73 91 165 »6 117 IJMi 380 306 10 135 136 140 167 260 340 78 192 203 324 213 216 o NAME. Cfirpentor, Win. S ffinner Clark, J)iH. VV. () fftrmcr Clement, Benj minister Couk, Mrs widow Duncoujhe, Nuncy wuU)W Emerick, Mary widow Erwin, Mary widow Foiiger, Hinini .laborer Forse, vVm. S farmer Green, James tinsmith (ireen, C. K engineer (ireen, C. LeRoy M.D. Cxammon, Oeorge . gentleman Hammond, (ieo. H shipper Hodges, A. K agent Heath, Ansley farmer Kellum, Eliza spinster Kitchen, Burton E farmer Kitchen, Harriet widow Kenny, Nathan B farmer Lewis, Nancy spinster Lundy, Edna spinster Block. E 11 35 L K K N N 9 Lot. Ei 6 11 and o p 8-9 N I' 1 p 13-14 7, Pi 3 4 5-6 12 0-7 rtnd o p 12-13 4-6 () O () t) O o o o o () o o 6\ 16 1 1 12 1 8 8 19 4 8 4 3 I 218 17 242 248 257 258 218 282 287 400 38 285 99 298 IceH 14 .use, M.C.H. 9 1 4 121 190 F 13-14 O 2 309 311 H 36 11 2 1 1 134 F K 11 and o p 10 17 1 171 312 329 P T 7-8-15 8-9 1 7 332 337 17- •2 CU5 «« 3 NAME. Block. Lot. \6i 16 1 1 12 17 242 1 248 257 1 258 218 8 282 287 400 8 19 38 285 4 8 4 99 298 1 4 1 1 17 1 1 7 218 Lefler, Murgnrot spinster McMichfiol, Walter farmer Millard, Anna widow Markle, Rosannah wid O ifi i« 1 e •it. o ^ -^5 o u a 102 119 8 183 2 13 381 16 lo4 216 327 401 402 4m ThotnpHon, John Try Her, D'Arcy Y. Tegart. E. W . . . . . electrician gontlernan M.D. WilHon. Richai-d ,. . . fanner Waltnsloy, Samuel B . . . . farmer Wewtbrook, Abram. gentleman WcKxlley, J. W widow Walker, Cornelia widow Woodley, Walter farmer WeHtorn, Clarissa widow T S K 1, h2 20 f3-4 31 K 1 24 R S 6 2 G 9 30 and o p 1-2 () () () () () (> o () () 29 18 6 3 1 1 12 1ft 1 10 1 194 205 ilO 263 279 I 295 306 ■^-/^»*■k/•w'w'^-'^-'W*/-w-ws-/\.»'^.'^k/■w/■w-^*»^*'^-^*-'*.'-^'■*/-^''^-' \#'\*'%-/*»''^»/"<./*»>*'V*^*./*«''fc*"**»^*'^''*' rf/^..» •♦■*•. ^■v^"\^'%*'V,^'» ■*'»*■ s''<>i''V*''>*'^-'*-''*''' Part III.— List of per.sons entitled to vote at Elections to the Legislative Assembly only. o ^ o ope; s NAME. Block. Lot. Ah2 1 330 ' 334 348 am 222 16 Barnes, David laborer 83 Barber, Wm gentleman 63 Cunningham, John laborer 7*6 Cunningham, Colin J. . druggist 210 Clapp, Chas. R teacher P .S4 H y \ MF 1 8 3-4 MF 1 338 29 F 6 16 M F MF 1 1 The serve as 3-4-10 MF atjSJjhlWl j W i MWIHW— M ffl 'J gj - 19- 16 16 1 If 9 18 5 3 1 1 12 16 1 10 s to the F F Ah3 1 1 0=3 '4 O /^ NAME. Block. Lot. '^^^ ^ 1102 DoHU, Alonzo B . .helper 1 19 Eviins, Eftrnost laborer I 8 Hoiulors»n, AHhor engiiieur ;5 183 Holcumbe, D. W Inborer K J 30 194 Kiilrtr, Hfirvoy agent P 10 N p3 13-14 1-2-8 N V 10 f 205 Leach, David painter '^ no Little, Frederick student 253 Murdoch, John agent 279 M(»rri8, Wui. H tailor 295 Pettit, .lames laborer 306 Pur-sel, Thonias merchant 330 Saltzberry, Fred printer 334 Sewell, Geo. D farmer 348 Sayles, Frank farmer 351 Stickles, Wm laborer 222 Tabor, Benjamin laborer Y 338 Walters, John .laborer E 3 w p 6 MF MF MF M F M F K P 23 3-4-10 MF MF G Church 31 H Block M F MF 14 F 12 12-13-24 MF MF P R N p13 11 MF MF X 10 8 4 M F MF MF MF F F 1 1 The aggregate number of names of persons upon the foregoing list qualified to serve as Jurors, is 102. "See Jurors Act, 1893." F ONeertificate. T S. Cunningham, Clork .>f the Municipality of Watorford iii the Cutty of Norfolk, .o hereby certify that parts one and three of the wi hm list constitute a rrrec lU f<.r the year 1898, of all perHoiiH appearing by the ast revised assess^ reTro 1 of the slS'Inunicipality to !.'« entitled to vote at Election *- menibers o^ the LoL'islative Assembly, and that parts one and two constitute a correct list for said year f ail persons 'appearing b/ said roll to be entitled to vote at Mumcipa ZctCs in said immicipaUty ; and I hereby call upon al electors <' «f^|«;;;« -^^^ list and if any oniissioiis or other errors are perceived therein, to tivke inunediato proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated at Waterford, this 14th, day of July, 1898 S. CUNNINGHAM, Cl.KHK OK WaTEKFORIi, !>W,jW#«f'W-ig '^ Etasjs hm ' "^ i NOTICE ! ! The Sheriff shsll, iramediately upon the receipt of his copies, cause one jf them to be posted up in a conspicuous place in the Court House \^^^ Clerk of the Peace, upon receipt of his copies, shall cause one of them to be posted in a conspicu- ous place in bis office ; every Public or Separate School Head Master or Mistress, shall, in like manner, post one of his or her copies on the door of the School House ; and every Postmaster shall put up one of his copies in his Po Office. Chap. 9, Sec, 6, R. S. O. I